You are currently browsing the archives for 12 May 2020.

Happy Birthday To Us!

  • Posted on May 12, 2020 at 2:21 pm


by JetBoy

Once again, your Boy Reporter glanced at the calendar and realized with a jolt that yet another year has passed, making it five since Naughty Mommy, Cheryl Taggert and I opened Juicy Secrets for curious eyes. A lot of water has flowed ‘neath the bridge since then, yet our humble site is still chugging along, and we happy few who run it on a day-to-day basis are doing our level best to provide the erotic thrills you crave… and in these times of uncertainty, there’s a hell of a lot to be said for the sweet distraction of dirty stories.

This year wasn’t quite as tempestuous as the previous one; still, there have been changes of note. First, site founder Naughty Mommy elected to retire from writing for Juicy Secrets. Since having to leave her previous homeland, she has been making a new life for herself and her family and wanted to move on to other things. Needless to say, we wish her all the best and then some. If you take any pleasure from visiting this site, please extend your sincerest gratitude to Naughty Mommy — she was the catalyst who made it all happen. By the way, she still visits now and again to reply to comments left for her stories, so be sure to leave them when you read her works. (And if you haven’t read them yet, what are you waiting for!?)

One very unfortunate development was the disappearance of PoppaBear, who we took on a couple of years ago as an editor. We’ve not heard a word from him for over ten months. PoppaBear was an invaluable asset to the site — for his enthusiasm and cheerful spirits as much as the assistance he gave. We miss him and fervently hope that he is doing well.

At the moment, the everyday Juicy Secrets staff consists of two: Amanda Lynn, who runs the joint and keeps it humming merrily along, and yours truly, JetBoy, provider and seeker of content. We also have Sapphmore, our archive story scout, and No One, who lends us invaluable assistance with occasional nuts-and-bolts issues.

So there you have it — another year of Juicy Secrets. Admittedly, we’re not maintaining the pace we once were, but our objective remains the same: to be the best lesbian fiction site out there. I’d like to extend the heartiest of thank-yous to No One, Sapphmore, and especially Amanda Lynn, who does an incredible amount of work behind the scenes to keep JS looking great.

Finally, I want to thank you, readers, for the joy you take from our little site, and the encouragement you give us in your comments. We love you all.

Your friend, JetBoy