Unaccompanied Minor, Book Two, Chapter 3

  • Posted on April 19, 2021 at 2:00 pm

By Amanda Lynn

With her morning orgasm a pleasant memory, Trish sat up and rested her back against the headboard. The cool air touched her bare chest and tickled her nipples back to attention. Trish glanced down at her naked torso and grinned at the tiny mounds that were developing into boobs. She couldn’t wait to show Monica.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day. She would be flying to Edmonton for a four-week visit at her dad and stepmom’s place. But best of all, tomorrow night, Monica would be teasing and playing with Trish’s tiny boobs with her mouth. Trish groaned at the thought as a flash of pleasure shot from her core. She had stuff she needed to get done today, and she should be getting up…  But instead, Trish slipped a hand under the sheet and touched herself again. Another little jolt. Yeah, she had time to rub out one more come.

Trish played with herself, and the pressure grew. She thought about seeing Monica tomorrow. About touching her naked body, sucking her nipples, and licking that beautiful pussy. She was close. So close, in fact, that when there came a knock on the door, its meaning didn’t register. And then everything seemed to move in slow motion. Trish turned her head and watched the door open, as her mother stepped inside.

For the longest moment, her thoughts jumbled. The endorphin levels in her brain were in control, and they didn’t care about a spectator this close to orgasm. Fortunately—or not—the endorphins were countered by a sudden rush of adrenaline, replacing her desire to orgasm with a desire to hide.

Trish grabbed the sheet that she had pushed down to her knees and yanked it up to her chin. She felt a warm flush on her cheeks, but it was now from embarrassment rather than arousal. She stared, horrified, at her mother, who stood like a statue, eyes wide and mouth hanging open, still gripping the doorknob.

Neither of them spoke. Trish’s heart pounded in her chest as she sat there, her knees pulled to her chest. When her lip started to quiver and tears rolled down her cheek, her mother’s expression softened. The shocked surprise changed to caring and understanding.

Stacey moved quickly to the bed and sat beside Trish, pulling her into a warm hug. “Oh, sweetie. Don’t cry.”

Her mother’s voice was soft, and her embrace comforting. They stayed like that for a few moments, her mother gently rocking them back and forth. Then Stacey pulled back, and Trish looked up and saw the smile on her face. It made her feel better.

“Are you okay?” Stacey asked.

Trish nodded then looked away. “I… I’m sorry,” she said.

Her mother’s fingers gently lifted her chin back up, and Trish met her eyes. “You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart. I’m the one who’s sorry. I shouldn’t have just walked in like that. I knocked, but I should have waited for you to say it was okay. I didn’t mean to embarrass you like I did.”

“You’re…you’re not mad?” Trish sniffed.

“No, my sweet girl. I’m not mad. You did nothing wrong.”

Stacey shifted on the bed and took a breath then slowly released it. Something moved across her face that Trish couldn’t read. She watched her mother intently as she glanced from her to the window and back.

“Mom. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, baby.” She sighed again. “I’ve wanted to have a talk with you about something, and now seems like as good a time as any.”

“About what, Mom?”

“About sex, Trish.”

The heat rose to her face again, and she wanted to pull the sheet up over her head and hide. Her mother’s soft chuckle and a reassuring hand on her knee helped her relax.

“I’ll try not to embarrass you too much, sweetheart, but it is important.” Stacey gave her a playful wink then continued. “You know how babies are made, right? Penis and vagina, sperm, and eggs?”

“Moooom!” She may have been naive when it came to sex, but she did understand the basic mechanics of it.

“Okay, okay.” Stacey held a hand up. “I had to be sure.”

Trish listened as her mother talked about masturbation, explained about birth control, and discussed the risks inherent in unprotected sex.

“Do you have any questions so far, honey?” her mother asked.

She had been a little uncomfortable at first, listening to her mother talk about masturbation. But when Stacey had explained that she had started masturbating when she was younger than Trish was now and that she still did it, Trish relaxed. The rest of the information she found interesting, though a bit scary.

“No. I don’t think so,” Trish replied honestly.

“Okay.” Stacey paused for a moment. “Do you know what homosexuality is?”

Trish eyed her mother for a second. “Yes. Isn’t that when a girl likes having sex with other girls, or a boy likes having sex with other boys?”

“Well, there is more to it than that, but you’re close enough for now. When two girls like each other that way, they typically identify as lesbian. When it’s two boys, they are said to be gay, even though that word can refer to both sexes.” Stacey waved a hand as she seemed to realize she was straying from the point she wanted to make. “Anyway, I want to make sure that you understand that it’s perfectly normal and natural to want to be with someone of the same sex.”

“Yes, Mom. I knew that already.” Trish replied, wondering what her mother was getting at.

“And I will love you no matter who you choose to be with. Okay?”

“Okay…” Trish was starting to freak a bit. Where was this coming from?

“Trish, I know about you and Cindy.”

Her heart leaped into her throat, and a wave of panic washed through her. “What do you mean? What do you know about?” Trish squeaked.

“Relax, Trish. It’s alright. I know you two had sex, and it’s okay.” Her mother gave her another reassuring smile.

“How…How do you know?” Trish’s stomach turned.

“It was an accident. I overheard you two the morning after your birthday.” Stacey shrugged and explained about being in the garden at the time.

“Oh man,” Trish groaned. “I’m sorry. But, really, you’re not mad?”

Stacey held her eyes for a moment. “I should be. And had it been a boy, I probably would have gone nuclear on him.” She chuckled and shook her head. “But… and this stays between you and me… I was a bit younger than you when I had lesbian sex for the first time.”

What? What was her mother saying? Was she telling Trish that she was a lesbian, or, what was that other term? Bi? Trish found this mind-blowing. Wow! She shook her head and looked at her mother. “Really? You like girls? But you married dad, had me.”

“That’s a story for another day. Getting back to you and Cindy, though. I’m not mad because I was young once, just like you, and had a girlfriend, too. Also, you’ve known Cindy for a long time. She’s a good girl, and I like her. I’m not worried about you getting yourself into any trouble… medically speaking.” Stacey winked at her.

Wow. This was so not how Trish had expected her morning to go. It was nuts. Her mother had given her permission to have sex with her best friend. Wow.

A thought occurred to her then. “Should I tell Cindy that you know about us?”

Her mother blushed. “No need. She already knows.”

“What! Really? How? Why didn’t she tell me?” Trish sputtered.

Trish listened as her mom explained about walking in on a naked Cindy, much like she had just done with Trish. How Stacey had talked with her and told her she knew and asked Cindy not to tell Trish before Stacey had a chance to.

“She was lying naked on the bed the whole time you talked?” Trish asked in disbelief.

Stacey nodded. “I think she was too scared to move.”

“You could have left the room,” Trish said incredulously. Strangely, though, the thought of her mother sitting there with a naked Cindy was a turn on. She couldn’t help but wonder if her mother had looked at Cindy’s body or maybe even touched her while they talked. A little jolt shot from her core. Trish would most definitely be talking to Cindy about this.

Stacey shrugged. “Yes, maybe I should have. She looked so worried. I had to let her know it was okay. And there was something else about it…”

“Something else?” Trish cocked her head, not understanding.

“Mmm.” Stacey nodded and looked away for a moment. “Cindy looked so cute lying there. It reminded me of when I was that age. Of the fun, I had with other girls.” She sighed. “I know it was wrong of me, but I couldn’t help myself.”

Her mother looked at her sheepishly, her cheeks turning scarlet. Trish felt her arousal grow as she pictured the scene. “Did you… want to have sex with her?” she asked in a soft voice, trying her best not to sound accusing.

Stacey paused for a moment. “If I had been 12-years-old. Maybe.”

Trish swallowed. She looked at her mother, letting her eyes wander. The tank top Stacey was wearing hugged her body and accentuated her breasts. It dipped low in the front, exposing a small hint of cleavage. Trish thought back to when she had walked in on Gwen, naked in the bathroom, and Gwen had let her touch her breasts. She wondered what her mother’s, slightly smaller ones, would feel like.

“Do I remind you of those other girls?” Trish asked hesitantly, then instantly wished she hadn’t.

Stacey didn’t say anything for a long while as she sat and picked at a fingernail. Finally, she looked up and caught Trish’s eyes. “Probably? I haven’t seen you naked since you started bathing on your own, and then just a few minutes ago…” Stacey gestured to the door. “When I walked in on you, I was surprised, and you moved so fast that I didn’t get a good look.”

“Oh.” Trish sounded disappointed. She was still sitting against the headboard, knees, and bedsheet at her chin.

“Scoot down and lay flat,” Stacey instructed.

Trish raised an eyebrow in question but complied with the request. She lay with her head on her pillow and her arms at her side. Butterflies were having a field day in her belly, and she felt the wetness well up between her legs. She swallowed again and watched her mother intently as she pinched the top of the sheet and gently pulled it down Trish’s body. Her skin prickled at the cool air of the room. Her shoulders, her collarbones came into view, then her tiny boobs with nipples that were already stiff. She felt her mother’s eyes on them and saw the grin that formed on her face.

Trish was nervous and excited. She didn’t know what her mother was going to do. Look at her, of course… but what else? She felt a little pang of disappointment when Stacey let the sheet rest just below her belly button, keeping the rest of Trish’s body hidden from view.

Stacey didn’t say anything, just smiled and brushed a few strands of hair from Trish’s face. Her finger traced a line over her forehead, across a cheekbone, and down to her lips. She drew a breath, not realizing she had been holding it when Stacey’s finger moved gently over her bottom lip.

“You are beautiful, sweetheart,” Stacey said. She leaned in and softly kissed Trish’s forehead, nose, then her lips. It wasn’t a sensual or sexual kiss—just a soft, gentle one. Still, Trish’s heart pounded in her chest. Her mother continued, tracing her finger down her neck, across her collarbone, then down her sternum. Stacey stopped and studied the small mounds on her chest for a painfully long moment.

“You’re becoming a young woman, Trish.” To Trish’s surprise, she caressed a nipple with her thumb. Trish twitched and unwittingly let out a soft moan. Stacey stopped and looked up at her. “They’re sensitive, aren’t they?”

Trish could only nod. Her voice failed her. What was happening? She was finding it harder to breathe. Her mother was touching her boobs, and it felt weird but also wonderful. Trish wondered—no, she hoped her mother wouldn’t stop her exploration. Hoped she would continue downward.

Trish soon realized she wouldn’t be disappointed when Stacey leaned in once again, only this time she didn’t kiss Trish on the lips, but instead on her nipple. Trish groaned again. Oh God. The pressure building between her legs was becoming unbearable. She balled her fists and gave a silent thank you when her mom pulled the rest of the sheet from her body. Stacey’s fingers moved across her belly to the nest of fine hair on her mons. She studied it for a moment and ran her fingers to her inner thigh. Trish felt her mother’s hand press against the opposite leg, and obediently she spread them open.

She watched her mother lick her lips at the same moment as she felt the gentle touch of a finger brush her folds. Stacey withdrew her hand, studied the wetness on it, and looked back at Trish. “You’re so wet,” Stacey said as if it was a surprise.

Trish nodded. “Please, Mom. Don’t stop. I’m gonna come.” Trish wasn’t sure where the bravery to confess her need to her mother had come from. Her plea seemed to startle Stacey, who suddenly had a confused look on her face, as if coming out of a trance. She looked at her sticky finger, down to her daughter’s sopping pussy, then up to Trish’s face.

“I can’t, sweetheart. It’s not right. I shouldn’t…”

“But, Mom. It feels so good. Please…” Trish whined. She was confused and a bit hurt.

“No, baby. I can’t.” Trish let her mother take her hand and place it on Trish’s throbbing clit. “You’ll have to finish yourself,” she said with a quiver in her voice.

“Mom?” she croaked.

“It’s okay, baby. Go ahead.”

If Trish had been confused before, she was even more so now. Her pussy still needed attention despite the turn of events. Trish began to rub, and the pressure built and peaked at once. The orgasm flashed through her body like a wildfire. She arched her back and cried out, twitching with each aftershock. When she could breathe again, she opened her eyes. Her mother was still there, a hand on her thigh.

“Are you okay, baby?” Stacey asked in a motherly tone.

“Yeah.” Trish smiled at her. Her mother may not have made her come, but she was there, and her touch had led to a great orgasm.

“Baby, I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me.” Stacey did look remorseful, and it made Trish sad. “I shouldn’t have done that. Touched you like that, it was wrong.”

Trish sat up and hugged her mother. “Why is it wrong if it feels so good, and it’s something we both want? If you’re worried about someone finding out, I won’t tell. You can trust me.”

They sat quietly for a few moments, holding each other. Stacey slowly rubbed her back, and Trish loved the feel of her mother’s hands caressing her skin. Stacey pulled back after a moment and smiled at Trish.

Stacey’s eyes were soft, and her voice gentle. “Sweetheart, I do trust you, but that’s not it, and it’s not because you’re so young. It’s because you’re my daughter. Even if you were an adult, it wouldn’t be right. Please understand that.”

“Okay, Mom. I’m sorry.”

“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, baby.” Stacey pulled her into another hug and kissed her forehead. “Now, I am going to make breakfast. You go hop in the shower.”

“Pancakes?” Trish asked. She was still feeling disappointed and a bit confused but happy that her mother wasn’t angry with her for the whole sex-with-Cindy thing. Trish gave her mother a bright smile when she agreed to her choice of breakfast.

Once her mother had left and shut the door behind her, Trish looked down at her naked body. Her nipples were still erect, and the wetness of her pussy had left a visible spot on the sheet under her. Trish giggled, and she wondered what Monica would think about all this. Then another naughty thought occurred to her: What would have happened if Gwen had been the one to walk in on her, rather than her mother? As a pleasant warmth grew between her legs, she grabbed her robe and headed for the bathroom.


It was early afternoon when the doorbell rang. Trish jumped up from the sofa and rushed to the door, anxiously opening it. Cindy stood there, a small overnight bag in her hand. She wore a sleeveless light blue crop top, striped shorts, and a pair of sandals. Her smile was as big and bright as the one Trish knew she wore. Today would be the last time they’d see one another for the next four weeks. It would also be the last chance they would have to have sex, so they planned on spending the day—and night!—together. Tomorrow, Stacey would be taking Trish to the airport, and Cindy would tag along to say goodbye.

“Hey,” Trish said, holding the door open for Cindy as she let her eyes roam her best friend’s body.

“Hi, ya!” Cindy moved close and glanced around. Not seeing Stacey, she leaned in and kissed Trish square on the lips. “I can’t wait to get you naked tonight.” Cindy flashed her a mischievous grin.

Trish chuckled. “We have a few minutes. Mom just ran to the store to get something she forgot.” She grabbed Cindy’s hand and pulled her to the bedroom. Once there, Trish closed the door then led Cindy to the bed, pushing her onto her back and following her down. She quickly found Cindy’s mouth and kissed her, slowly at first, then more heatedly when Cindy’s thigh pressed between her legs.

Moaning against her friend’s mouth, Trish felt her excitement shoot up in a hurry. She wanted to keep things going at least a little longer, so she broke the kiss and moved down Cindy’s body, stopping for just a second to play with her tongue around her friend’s belly button.

Cindy giggled and panted. “Trish… that… tickles.”

Trish knelt on the floor, and with one quick movement, she pulled Cindy’s shorts and panties down and off. Cindy gasped, pushing herself up onto her elbows to watch what was about to happen. Trish smiled up at her wickedly as she pushed apart her friend’s legs—something she’d been thinking about since the talk with her mother. She knew their time was short before Stacey returned, so foreplay was not a possibility. She pushed a finger into Cindy and took her clit into her mouth. Cindy bucked in return, crying out. Trish sucked and licked, swirling her tongue around the sensitive bud.

Her tongue moved down through the folds, playing with and caressing the now wet flesh. Trish pulled her finger out and at once replaced it with her tongue. God, Cindy tasted good. Trish swirled and dipped her tongue as Cindy pushed her hips against her, pleading.

“Please, Trish. Don’t stop.” Cindy was breathing hard, whining for release.

Cindy’s fingers tangled in her hair, directing her back to her clit. Trish obliged, fingering Cindy’s vagina rapidly while taking her clit into her mouth once again. The result was nearly immediate. Cindy cried out. Her body stiffened for a moment then she collapsed. Trish stayed with her, removing her fingers but continuing to lick her tenderly until Cindy pulled her away.

She crawled up Cindy’s body and lay beside her, watching her friend as she pushed the hair from her face.

“Holy fuck,” Cindy whispered.

Trish smiled at her. “I’m glad you liked it.”

“Can I do you now?”

Trish unbuttoned her jeans then took Cindy’s hand, pushing it into her pants. She knew she wouldn’t last long, as turned on as she was, and once Cindy’s fingers found her throbbing clit, her orgasm built quickly. It only took Cindy slipping a finger inside for her to come hard. Trish squeezed her eyes shut and clamped Cindy’s hand between her legs as she rode out the waves of pleasure that tore through her.

They rested for a few moments afterward, as Trish caught her breath and recovered from the powerful orgasm. “Mom and I talked this morning,” she said casually after a minute or two. “She told me about hearing us the morning after my birthday.” Trish smiled when Cindy’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “And she told me that you already knew.”

“I… um…” Cindy stammered.

Trish chuckled “It’s okay. I know she asked you not to say anything.”

“Oh, okay. You’re not mad at me then?”

“Not at all,” Trish said as she buttoned up her pants. She stood and gathered Cindy’s shorts, handing them to her. “Did it feel weird, laying there naked while mom talked to you?”

Cindy blushed deeper. “Kinda,” she said, pulling on her shorts. “It was also… kind of a turn-on. I know, that sounds crazy.”

I bet it was, Trish thought. “She wants to have sex with you, ya know,” she said matter-of-factly, then laughed at the shocked look on Cindy’s face. “Okay, maybe that’s not entirely true. The 12-year-old her wants to screw you.”

“You’ll need to explain that,” Cindy croaked, looking very confused now.

Trish sat back on the bed and explained what her mother had said about Cindy being naked and reminding her of her youth, and that had she been 12 again, she would have fucked Cindy.

Cindy sat quietly beside her, listening, a smile climbing her face. “Wow,” she said when Trish finished. “Can I tell you something? But you have to promise not to get mad.”

Trish raised an eyebrow. “Okay.”

Cindy hesitated, biting her bottom lip. “Well, when your mom was talking to me, her hand was on my leg, rubbing it…”

“And…” Trish prompted.

Cindy swallowed. “When she stood to leave… I don’t know if it was an accident or not, but when she stood to leave, her hand brushed against my pussy.” Cindy’s face flushed red as she looked up at Trish then away. “It made me come.”

Trish stared at her for a moment, thinking about what had happened between herself and her mother that morning. Her mother had made her come too. Not directly, but she did, nonetheless. “Are you okay with it, Cindy? Are you mad at my mom?”

Cindy shook her head. “No. It was kinda exciting. I never felt uncomfortable or in any danger. It was a bit weird, I guess, but weird in a good way. You know what I mean?”

Oh yeah, she knew, she wondered if she should tell Cindy about what happened between her and her mother. No, she wasn’t ready to go there yet. Trish smiled instead. “Yeah, I think I do.” She took Cindy’s chin, turning her head, then kissed her. “And no, I’m not mad.”

Cindy smiled and kissed her back. Trish pulled her in close, and their tongues met, but before it had a chance to become heated, they heard the front door open. Pulling apart, they looked at each other and giggled.

“We should head downstairs,” Trish said.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.”

On to Chapter Four



10 Comments on Unaccompanied Minor, Book Two, Chapter 3

  1. John says:

    Thank you Amanda Lynn. I can feel another great story building. I hope to see many more chapters.

  2. lofftie50 says:

    thanks indeed Amanda Lynn…loving the story

  3. Jay Denton says:

    Really enjoying this story. Isn’t Stacey a naughty mummy. I love it

  4. Euphrosyne, Thalia & Aglaia says:

    Holy Cannoli! what an awesome chapter.
    That was the best mother/daughter talk ever! so detailed, realistic and so excellently written.

    If I closed my eyes I could see Stacy sitting on the bed, hugging her naked daughter, Trish, and softly saying “Oh, sweetie. Don’t cry.”…trying to give comfort and reassurance to her totally embarrassed child. And then, as Stacy’s memories of her preteen self began to overwhelm her present reality, and she began to lovingly kiss and caress Trish’s young desirous body…well, that was so exciting, even MY cheeks were red!…whew!
    Then, as the chapter progressed, and Cindy appeared, the pent up sexual anticipation of Trish was pulse poundingly terrific! and the “quickie” sex the two enthusiastic girls enjoyed was a pure pleasure to read!

    Thanks, Amanda, for this delightful and exciting episode. am wondering what new adventures await Trish in Alberta and what will her mom Stacy be doing in her absence…maybe Cindy will drop by to say “hi”?


  5. sue says:

    thank you Amanda Lynn, for a super soak-er of a chapter. Yes, Stacy walking in on Trish, was very real and very hot.

    Stacy telling her daughter she knew about her and Cindy having sex and what Stacy revealed to Trish was wonderful as was Trish’s reaction. This paragraph had us well on the way to our first come as we read together,

    Trish raised an eyebrow in question but complied with the request. She lay with her head on her pillow and her arms at her side. Butterflies were having a field day in her belly, and she felt the wetness well up between her legs. She swallowed again and watched her mother intently as she pinched the top of the sheet and gently pulled it down Trish’s body. Her skin prickled at the cool air of the room. Her shoulders, her collarbones came into view, then her tiny boobs with nipples that were already stiff. She felt her mother’s eyes on them and saw the grin that formed on her face.

    What followed with Mother and Daughter was fantastic and we wonder what awaits them together.

    And Cindy and Trish was delicious. Not only their hot lets get to it attitude but their chat about Stacy.

    Will we see more of that in the next chapter or be swept away to Alberta? Like E,T& A wondered,we also wonder if we’ll see some more of Stacy and Cindy.

    Looking forward to whatever the next chapter brings, as we’re sure it will bring lot’s of nice comes for the characters and these two fans.

    Kim & Sue

    • Euphrosyne, Thalia & Aglaia says:


      Yes, Amanda has us all salivating for more adventures of Trish, Cindy and her Mom as well as what might occur out there in Alberta…
      loved that passage : ‘Her skin prickled at the cool air of the room. Her shoulders, her collar bones came into view. then her tiny boobs with nipples that were all ready stiff…’when you’re reading it,you can almost feel it happening to your own!..like when you’re looking at someone yawn and you just have yawn,too… brrr!,should put a tee shirt on…better close that window…


  6. Erocritique says:

    Ooohhh, Stacey is soooo close to crossing completely over the line with Trish. I’m hoping that while Trish is away , furthering her sexual education with Monica, her BFFWB Cindy helps Stacey break through her reluctance to indulge her desires for mommy daughter sex. I’m also anticipating all the kinky things Trish is going to experience over the next four weeks. So much to look forward to. One of my favorite series just keeps getting better and better.

    Kudos Amanda.

  7. David says:

    Well not to sound repetitive but I have to agree with everyone else, it was a hot chapter and when Stacy was touching Trish’s body while telling her about her experiences, I just about lost it. So hot when she kissed her nipple and touched her wetness between her legs, I did lose it. Hope that is not TMI, but I love your writing and detail. Looking forward to the future chapters and who all gets with whom! Thanks Amanda for a great story!

  8. Captain Midnight says:

    My guess is that the next chapter will take place tonight after supper. And that it will be BIG. (In this series, they all are.)

    But I am wondering what awaits Trish when she gets to Edmonton? A lot of girls and young women are up there and would very much like to spend more quality time with her!

  9. Tim says:

    Loving this story, but then I have always loved every one of Amanda’s tales sow hy should this be any different.
    Can’t wait for chapter 4!

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