Idol II, Part One

  • Posted on May 28, 2021 at 2:50 pm

Note from JetBoy: It’s always a joy to receive a new story from site friend No One… especially when it follows on from a previous gem of his. If you have yet to read the original “Idol” please pay that excellent story a visit before delving into this sequel.


By No One

“Then on the week of March 2, there’s Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis…” Matthew was rattling off upcoming tour dates.

Shana was only halfway paying attention. It didn’t matter much to her where she played, as long as she was in front of an enthusiastic crowd. She’d gone from being the opening act in small clubs to filling stadiums all over the world, and as long as she felt that connection between herself and the audience, Shana was happy. That said, of course, having a huge crowd chanting her name beat the hell out of scattered applause at open mic nights.

“…Minneapolis, Fargo, and then we have an off day. I believe you requested that specifically,” her assistant finished.

“Yeah. After two weeks of non-stop shows every day, it’ll be good to have a little break.” Of course, she had a much better reason for wanting time off in Zoe’s hometown, but that was none of Matthew’s business.

There was a knock at the door, and Matthew went to get it, saying, “That would be Mr. Roberts with the contract.”

Indeed, as soon as he opened the door, the lawyer walked in as if he owned the place. “Shana! How you doin’, superstar?” he said in his thick New York accent.

“Pretty good, Jim. How are you?”

“Yeah, yeah, never better. Got that record contract with PDR for you right here.” He patted his briefcase.

“Good. Everything in order, then?”

“Sure, sure. No problem at all with the text. Just, um…” he hesitated.


“Well, you sure you wanna stick with these guys? I know you’re sick of hearin’ me say it, but  you could get a helluva better deal with one of the bigger labels.”

Shana chuckled. “Oh, probably. But they’ve been good to me over the years, I’m fine with sharing the success with them. I don’t need all the money in the world.”

Roberts scoffed at that and gave her a look as if she was crazy, but finally shrugged.

Lawyers, Shana thought. “And anyway, you can’t get a much cooler label name than Pink Dragon Records.”

As she signed the numerous pages that needed her approval, she asked, “Anything else for today, Matthew?”

“There’s the matter of the Wilkinson Children’s Hospital, whose renovation fund you largely contributed to last year, if you recall…?”

“Oh, yeah. What happened with that, anyway?”

“The work is under way, but it seems that, due to some unforeseen expenses, there is a shortfall in the finances of around”—Matthew consulted his notes—”$60,000. They apologize profusely, but ask if you could perhaps—”

“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Shana waved the details away. “Give ‘em what they need. Make it, like, 75K to be sure.”

“Very well.”

Shana finished signing the last page, and handed the stack of papers to Roberts. “There. All done.”

“Great, great,” the lawyer said. “Now, second order of business: this lawsuit from your mother. I think we reached a pretty good agreement there. Settlement of 100K, then boom, all done. You never have to hear her name again.”

Shana turned an icy stare on the man. “That’s not what I asked you to do. You need to tell her to fuck off. In legal terms. There is no settlement, I’m not giving her a dime.”

Roberts winced. “Shana, c’mon, you’re killing me here. This is a good deal. And her claim has some merit. She did help to launch your career, representing you and such, all without official remuneration. And… this is peanuts to you. I literally just watched you give over nearly as much like it was nothing.”

“That was for charity.” Shana took a deep breath. “ ’Helped launch my career.’ Let me tell you about her so-called help.

“This is back when I’d recorded my first demo, such as it was, on an old-ass boombox, right? One day, Mom comes up to me and says, ‘I’ve got you a record deal!’ I’m all excited, of course, and we go to this producer’s office. Shitty-looking place. Before I go in, she tells me, ‘Now, you do everything this man tells you to do, and we’ll be set. Think about the career you’ll have, the money we’ll make. That’s worth sucking a cock or two, right?’ That’s what her ‘help’ is like. Trying to whore me out. I was 16.”

“Jesus,” Roberts said simply.

“Yeah. So I walked in, and it really didn’t take long for that pig to drop his pants. And… I considered it, I really did. A music career. All I’ve ever wanted. Here was my chance. But I thought… Nah. Fuck that—and not in the way he wants. I don’t need this kind of chance, I’ll make my own. And I gave him the finger, and walked out.

“Mom was furious. ‘After all, I’ve done for you’ and blah blah blah. Slapped the shit out of me. And you know what? The next fucking day, I get a call from Pink Dragon—who you want me to drop, right?—saying they were interested in my demo. My demo that I had sent them myself—I think I even paid the postage. They wanted to try recording a more professional demo and see what we could do together. No cocksucking involved. And that was the beginning of ‘Shana Belle.’

“So no, that fucking bitch didn’t help me with shit. At best, she paid for some music lessons, and she already got that money back a thousandfold when I was stupid enough to let her leech off me for a while after that. And she used that time to try to keep a good chunk of my earnings for herself. So please, go back and tell her to fuck off with her settlement. Prostitution of minors is still a crime, right? Maybe remind her of that story.”

The lawyer slowly nodded. “Yeah. That’s… that could be some good leverage. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you.”

Roberts took his leave, and Shana let out a long sigh, rubbing her temples. “Are we done?” she asked Matthew.

The man looked at his notes, though Shana was pretty sure he knew every point of order by heart, and took a moment to clear his throat. “Well, there is one more… delicate matter.”

Shana grimaced. “Matthew, I don’t like it when you hesitate. That’s never a good sign.”  Her assistant was a very straightforward person, if a bit wordy. He only became tentative when he knew some news would piss her off.

“Yes, well, a certain”—he glanced at his clipboard—“Sandra Elmer has been trying to contact you. At first, I thought she was simply an obsessive fan and tried to turn her away, but I’m given to understand that you do know her…?”

Shana frowned in concentration. The name did sound familiar. Then an image popped in her mind: blonde girl, maybe 20, but could pass for younger with her petite, flat figure. Definitely Shana’s type.

“Oh. Right. Girl I met last year in… uh… Tampa?” Unfortunately, the girl had been utterly boring in bed. One of those who likes the idea of sleeping with a celebrity, but probably isn’t even all that into girls.

“Atlanta, I’m told.”

“I was pretty close. What about her?”

Again, there was a slight, foreboding hesitation. “Well, it seems that the young lady has fallen on hard times since then, and is strongly considering selling the story of your encounter to tabloids, unless you’d be inclined to provide her with some financial incentive.”

Shana stared as the words sank in. “She’s fucking blackmailing me?”

“That would appear to be the short of it.”

“What the fuck? Where does she get the nerve?” Shana bounced to her feet and began stomping back and forth in the living room. “The hell is she gonna tell them? That she was a celeb chaser who turned out to be a pathetically disappointing fuck? Wow, what a juicy story. What’s that garbage worth?”

Matthew consulted his notes. “The figure of $120,000 was mentioned.”

Shana came to an abrupt stop in front of the coffee table and gaped at Matthew incredulously. “One hundred and twenty fucking thousand? Where does she get off? That’s not ‘I’m broke, please help’ money, she’s looking for a fucking payday!” Shana eyed the glass table balefully, very tempted to flip it over, but trashing her apartment was not going to help matters. “She can fuck right off!”

Matthew nodded. “Shall I convey those feelings, then?”

Shana took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Truth was, it wasn’t that much money to her, of course. She wouldn’t even notice it was gone. And it would easily avoid spreading rumors about her private life, her sexuality. But the manner in which Sandra was trying to force her hand made her livid. And who was to say the girl wouldn’t ask for more later on?

Gritting her teeth, Shana said, “Let me think about it.”

“Very well.”

She flopped down onto the sofa, laid her head against the back cushion, and closed her eyes. “Now, is there anything else?”

“No. That concludes today’s business.”

Shana sighed. The day had taken a very irritating turn. After a few seconds, she opened one eye, noticed that Matthew hadn’t moved an inch, and raised an eyebrow at him.

“Miss Belle, if I may…” he began, very uncharacteristically. He almost never offered personal opinions unless directly asked. “If you don’t wish to surrender to this blackmail, I’m fairly certain that this story wouldn’t impact your career in any significant way. One’s sexual orientation is a personal matter which has generally gained widespread acceptance. There will unfortunately always be bigots, but I dare say that no one who really matters will condemn you for the gender of your partners. It may even increase your popularity, because somehow people care about such personal details. In fact, you could be an example for—”

“I know!” Shana snapped, more forcefully than she’d intended, and immediately felt bad about it. “Sorry. You’re probably right. I just… My private life is just that. Private.” That was one reason, anyway. And it was true, she very much valued her privacy, but on a related tangent, she really didn’t want anyone to start scrutinizing her interactions with young fans based on her sexuality.

“That is also completely understandable,” Matthew said.

“Thank you, though. For caring.”

“Of course.” Matthew nodded. “Have a good evening, Miss Belle.”

“You too, Matthew. See you tomorrow.”

As her assistant walked out, she made a mental note to give him a raise. His advice hadn’t been entirely welcome, but she was touched that he’d tried. And Matthew was entirely indispensable to her business. She loved making music, but had no interest in all the details beyond the creative process. She’d go crazy if she didn’t have someone to whom she could say “make it happen,” and be assured that it would get done.

Shana sighed again and let herself fall sideways, stretching out on the couch. Talking about her mother always put her in a foul mood, and now this blackmail shit. Everyone wanted her money, her status. Rationally, she knew that she was living an extremely privileged life, but damn, sometimes it was lonely at the top. She’d liked to think that sharing intimacy with someone was a reprieve from that, but now it seemed it was just another way to get stabbed in the back.

She supposed she should count herself lucky that this was coming from someone as ordinary as Sandra. There might be some sensationalist headlines, but no one would really bat an eye at Shana sleeping with a woman just a few years younger than herself.

She had, of course, indulged herself with much more scandalous partners.

Shana had been about 10 when she realized she was a lesbian. She’d had a big crush on one of her classmates, obsessing over the girl for most of the school year. She never worked up the courage to do anything about it, but she sure loved the days when P.E. class was at the pool and she could admire the girl in her tight one-piece swimsuit—and while there were no curves or figure to speak of, Shana didn’t mind that at all.

As she matured into a teenager, though she was also attracted to other teen girls—and fooled around with a few—somehow her interest in the undeveloped bodies of younger girls never went away. She didn’t think about it much at the time. Sure, there were some little cuties out there, but she was content with the occasional glance, focusing her attention on girls her own age.

That all changed when she was 17, at a pool party a friend had organized. Now, that friend had a 12-year-old little sister who was very proud to show off her new bikini, one that was a tad skimpy for her age. Shana was immediately captivated by this skinny blonde girl just on the cusp of puberty, with a pert little ass and barely a hint of breasts. She tried to avoid staring, mindful of the other people around, but couldn’t keep her eyes off this vision of beauty. And the girl knew it, somehow, reveling in the attention from an older girl—even going so far as to brazenly brush up against Shana while in the pool, which drove her wild with desire.

As time went on, the crowd dwindled, until even Shana’s friend, the one who was supposed to be hosting the party, had left to go fool around with her boyfriend. She’d probably been told to watch over her little sister while her parents were away for the weekend—but then again, this was obviously a party that wasn’t supposed to be happening in the first place.

Whatever the reason, Shana found herself alone with the little vixen. She hadn’t really intended to do anything, but surely just a bit of flirting wouldn’t hurt. Little did she know how eager this girl was to explore her sexuality. Soon, they were making out, then the swimsuits flew off, and then it was far too late to stop. Teaching this sweet little thing about the joys of lesbian sex was at the time the most profoundly thrilling experience Shana had ever known, and she was instantly hooked.

As her career took off and her fan base grew, it became clear that there would be no end to the number of young female admirers who might be open to seduction. Shana tried to resist, she really did, and most of the time she succeeded. But sometimes, the temptation was simply too much to refuse. Some flawless young teen would give her that special tell-tale look… and just like that, Shana was lost. She wasn’t especially proud of the fact that there had been a number of these girls over the years, though each encounter had been exquisite.

Now any of them could end her career—hell, her life—with a word. Yes, she was damn lucky that it was only Sandra threatening her.

And of course, her craziest, most reckless lapse of good judgment—though easily the most thrilling—had been the day she’d spent sharing pleasure with little Zoe.

Shana smiled at the thought of the girl. She wished Zoe was with her right now. Maybe not even for sex. In her current melancholy mood, she’d love to just cuddle with the girl. Maybe rest her head in Zoe’s lap, instead of on a couch cushion.

She sighed heavily. How pathetic was it to long for comfort from a child?

Still, she reached out for her phone and took a look at her private communication app. Zoe wasn’t online. Maybe not home from school yet, though it was probably getting on to late afternoon where she was.

Shana sighed once more. In the absence of her underage lover—both physical and virtual—she closed her eyes and let her memories take over.

Even a year later, it hardly seemed real that she’d had sex with a 10-year-old. No, not even; Zoe had been only 9 at the time. Shana hadn’t really planned to try anything—though that seemed to be her perpetual excuse every time this crazy lust got the better of her. At the time, it had seemed like a fun idea, spending the day with a cute little girl, the winner of a contest from some magazine.

It had started off well enough, too, though the girl’s mom seemed like a boring housewife type, so Shana found an excuse to get rid of her. Then there was the impromptu moment when she blurted out an offer to go skinny-dipping, and that was when things started to get out of control.

Seeing the little girl naked inflamed Shana’s desire like nothing else, and Zoe herself was clearly not indifferent to the charms of an adult woman’s body, even if she might not have fully realized it. Shana found herself pushing the limits little by little, until finally… it happened.

God, what an experience that had been. Making love to this innocent little beauty had been such an unbelievable thrill, up there with the best concert of her life. Even now, Shana was getting wet thinking about it.

She normally made it clear to the young girls she fooled around with: this could only be a one-time thing. But with Zoe, she just couldn’t bear the thought of giving her up completely. So they’d made plans to stay in contact, and for the past year had been communicating regularly, with things getting heated on webcam quite a few times when Zoe had the privacy she needed.

Imagining the little girl touching herself, Shana found that her dark frame of mind had abated, leaving her in a mood for a bit of self-exploration. Maybe a long, hot bath with one of her waterproof sex toys was what she needed to feel better.

Making her way to the bathroom, she paused at the door for a last glance at her phone, and was delighted to see that Zoe had just come online.

Immediately changing plans, she quickly sent a message to the girl. Free to talk?

The swift reply came just a few seconds later: a kissy face emoji.

Shana grinned. Young Zoe had ripened into quite a naughty little thing. There was certainly something to be said for wide-eyed innocent girls, but the wicked ones could be lots of fun, too. It was difficult to decide which type she preferred, especially since one could so easily be transformed into the other.

Hastening to her bedroom, Shana pulled out her laptop. Their chat—and whatever it might lead to—demanded a bigger screen than her phone. She sent a video request, and soon Zoe appeared on the screen, sitting in a desk chair, looking as gorgeous as ever. It seemed as if the girl had just come out of the shower, because she was wearing a white bathrobe and her short strawberry-blond hair was still damp.

“Heeey, baby,” Shana said. “Nice to see you.”

Zoe’s grin was positively contagious. “You too! Missed you!”

“Missed you, too. How was your day?” It wasn’t the foremost thing on Shana’s mind at the moment, but she did make a point to take a genuine interest in Zoe’s life. She didn’t want to simply use the girl for her own perverse pleasure. Besides, Zoe was a fun kid even with her clothes on.

Still, Shana made no attempt to conceal her interest in that bathrobe, open just a smidge more than modesty would allow. Judging by Zoe’s knowing smile, the girl knew all too well how to tantalize Shana.

“Not bad,” Zoe said. “Kind of a boring day, I guess. Oh, we had P.E. as the last class, and I scored a point in basketball!”

“Nice! I was always terrible at that.”

Zoe smiled, then shrugged. “It was mostly luck, really. And then I was all sweaty, so I took a shower when I got home.”

“Yeah, I can see that. I like what you’re wearing.”

“I thought you would,” Zoe said, looking pretty pleased with herself.

So the little minx had worn the robe on purpose, huh? Shana liked where things were going. “And what’cha wearing under there?”

Flashing a saucy smile, Zoe ran a hand down the front of her bathrobe, opening it far enough to reveal that, at the very least, she wasn’t wearing a top.

Shana bit her lip, staring at what she could see of that delicious flat chest. Zoe had opened the robe just shy of showing her nipples. Damn, she was getting good at being a tease. “Mmmm. You’re so sexy,” Shana purred.

Zoe giggled, breaking the illusion of seductiveness. God, Shana loved that mix of innocence and naughtiness. “Why? I don’t even have any boobs to see.”

“Hey, I like that just fine.”

Zoe smirked. “Perv.”

Perv, huh? That was new. Was Zoe realizing more fully that Shana’s tastes were rather… unusual? She didn’t seem to mind, at least, judging by her expression.

“Who, me?” Shana pointed at herself in mock surprise, then shrugged. “Well, maybe a bit. Is that bad?”

Zoe grinned and shook her head.

“So…” Shana continued, “You all alone over there, baby?”

“Uh-huh. Mom went grocery shopping.”

“So there’d be nothing stopping you from taking that bathrobe off, huh?”

Another grin. Zoe reached for the collar of her bathrobe and it looked like she was about to do just what Shana wanted, but then she hesitated, her smile fading. “Um… I…” She trailed off, then took a deep breath. “I need to tell you something first.”

“What is it, sweetie?” This sudden change of mood worried Shana.

“Well, it’s… um…” Zoe bit her lip anxiously. “Promise you won’t be mad?”

Terror gripped Shana’s heart. No, no. Please. Not you too, Zoe. “Did you… tell someone? About us?”

The girl’s eyes widened. “Oh, no! No no no. I wouldn’t do that. I promised.”

Shana slowly let out the breath she’d been holding, absolute relief replacing near panic. “Oh, good. What is it, then? I won’t be mad.”

“Um… well, I kinda… fooled around with another girl.” Zoe stared into the camera, looking very nervous.

Shana blinked. That wasn’t anywhere close to what she’d expected. “Oh! Really? Okay, that’s… Well, that’s fine, sweetie. It’s normal to want to experiment,” she said as calmly as she could. Her head was spinning a little with the revelation. Zoe had pursued sex on her own. She wasn’t sure whether to be jealous or aroused. At least it wasn’t with a boy, she told herself.

“Really? You’re not mad?”

“No, baby. You don’t owe me… well, anything, really. It’s cool with me if you want to, um, explore on your own.”

They’d never discussed the boundaries of their relationship, such as it was. Shana herself certainly hadn’t been celibate for the past year. If Zoe wanted to experiment with new partners as well, that seemed healthy, even if Shana couldn’t quite suppress a teensy hint of jealousy. She knew that was unfair, though. If she could have had a normal relationship with Zoe, things might be different, but of course that was impossible. Best that the girl didn’t get too attached to her.

Shana was growing curious to know the details of this ‘fooling around’ Zoe had done. “So… who was it, then? Did you get Jen into bed?” she asked with a wink. Jen was Zoe’s best friend.

Zoe laughed and shook her head. “No, not Jen. I don’t think she’s… into that. No, her name is Stacy.”

Shana racked her brain for the name, but came up short. “Hmm, Stacy. Is that one of your friends? I don’t remember you mentioning her before.”

“No, she’s new at school. Just moved here last month.”

“Oooh, getting your hands on the new girl, huh?”

Zoe giggled. “Well, I didn’t mean to, not really.”

“Yeah? How’d it happen?”

“Well, we had a team assignment at school and she was all alone, so I asked if she wanted to partner up…”

Shana smiled. “That’s sweet of you.”

“It’s okay, too, ‘cause Jen can always team up with Nancy. Anyway, so I went to her house to work on the thing, right? And so like, we were sitting side by side on her bed and I kinda looked at her and thought that… well, she was really cute, y’know? And she looked at me, too, and… I dunno… it was like we both knew what the other was thinking. And then we… kinda kissed.”

Shana raised her eyebrows. “Wow. Kinda kissed, huh? Just like that?” It certainly wasn’t uncommon for women who were interested in each other to pass wordless signals between them like that. But two little girls? “So, wait… had she done stuff like that before?”

“Oh, ya. She had a friend where she came from, and they did dirty stuff all the time, she said.”

“Really? Damn…” Kids these days, Shana thought, growing increasingly aroused. “And she’s your age?”

“Ya… well, I think she’s 11,” said Zoe, who had a few months to go to reach that age. “Um, she has boobs,” she added.

Shana laughed. “Oh? Big ones?”

“Nah. Not like you. Just like… I dunno, half apples? But um… they’re pretty nice.” It was hard to tell through the video feed, but it looked like Zoe might be blushing.

“Mmm, I bet they are.” Shana imagined Zoe fondling the little girl’s budding breasts, feeling herself getting wetter. “What does she look like, other than her boobs?”

“Hmm, I guess she’s about my height, maybe a little taller. And… well, she’s Asian. And she has black hair, like…” Zoe gestured at around shoulder level, a little longer than her own locks. “She’s… well, she’s real pretty. I mean, not as much as you! But…”

Shana smiled. “It’s okay, sweetie. She does sound pretty hot. So… you two kissed, and you got to look at her tits?” she asked, assuming there was more to the story. Somehow, one of her hands had made its way between her legs as she pictured the scene.

“Oh, I did more than just look,” Zoe said slyly.

“Oooh. Do go on.”

“Um, I felt her up… and kissed her boobs, too.”

“Mmm-hmm. She like that?”

“Oh, ya. And then she did it to me, too.”

“Very nice. What else did you do, you dirty girls?” Shana asked, her voice thick with arousal.

Zoe gave her a look. “Us, dirty? What are you doing down there now?” She craned her neck as if that would change the angle of the camera and give her a better view.

“Guilty as charged. What can I say? You got me hot,” Shana said, pressing on the front of her jeans with her fingers.

“Let me see.”

Now who’s being a perv?” Shana teased. “But, yeah, fair enough.”

Getting on her knees, she began to undo her pants, making sure to remain in the frame of the camera. She considered making a show out of stripping, but decided she was too eager to hear the rest of Zoe’s story, and simply got rid of all her clothes in the quickest way possible. Now naked, she lay on her side with her legs spread, putting her cunt in full view.

Gently stroking her sodden pussy, Shana purred at the jolt of pleasure she felt. “Mmmm. You’re right, much better this way.”

Zoe grinned, eyes fixed on Shana’s bare body.

“Now you’re the one wearing too much,” Shana pointed out.

Without hesitation, Zoe shrugged out of her bathrobe, confirming that she wasn’t wearing a stitch underneath. She quickly angled her camera downward a little bit to give Shana the full view, then lay back in her chair and spread her legs. This was far from the first time they’d gotten frisky like this, and Zoe had long since got past any shyness she felt about exposing herself.

Shana drank in the sight, slipping a finger into her pussy. The little girl’s angelic face; her undeveloped chest, still completely flat yet so alluring; her hairless sex, looking pure and chaste, now lewdly displayed… Shana was amazed all over again by how sexy Zoe was, how the little girl’s body seemed perfectly tailored to turn her on.

“Go on, then. You were about to tell me about the fun you had with Stacy,” Shana prompted.

“Yeah. Well, we got naked, and… we rubbed each other, and… Oh! She didn’t know about the tongue thing, though. You know… um, licking down there. Her pussy.”

“Oh, really? Did you teach her, then?”

“Uh-huh. She thought it was really weird… at first.” Zoe giggled.

Imagining the scene, Shana smiled, recalling how shocked Zoe herself had been when Shana went down on her for the first time. “And I bet you changed her mind, huh?”

“Oh, ya. She loved it once I started licking her. Even pushed her pussy in my face.”

“Mmmm. Yeah, I bet you blew her mind, didn’t you?” Shana was fingering herself furiously now, overwhelmed by visions of two little girls fucking each other. Her excitement only mounted when Zoe began playing with herself on screen.

“She came a lot,” Zoe said proudly. “Then she wanted to try it, too… and hey, she did pretty good! Not as good as you, but, y’know, not bad for a beginner.”

“Look at you, a pussy-licking expert now, huh?” Shana laughed, though it came out more as a wheeze due to her breath growing ragged. “Did she make you come?”

“Uh-huh.” Zoe was breathing harder now, too.

“That’s awesome, baby. Are you two gonna fuck again?”

“I think so… if that’s okay.”

“Sure, sure. People won’t even suspect you sweet little things of being such dirty girls. Y-you should fuck all the time!” Shana panted, her little bout of jealousy swept away by raw lust.

Zoe only nodded, eyes half-closed. Her fingers were moving rapidly, tracing little circles over her clit.

Shana was teasing her own bud with one hand and plunging two fingers into her vagina with the other, eyes riveted to Zoe’s smooth sex. “Mmmm. God, I-I wish I was with you right now.”

“Me too!”

Shana fingered herself even harder. “What—oh, God—would you want me to do to you?”

“Lick me!” Zoe was really going at it, the 10-year-old’s hand a blur between her legs.

“Lick what, baby?”

“Lick my… my c-cunt!”

Zoe had grown into quite the lewd little girl, but she still sometimes hesitated to say dirty words, which was both adorable and sexy as hell. She’d certainly learned the power these words had to drive Shana wild, though.

Right on cue, a powerful orgasm ripped through Shana’s body, leaving her moaning wordlessly. She fought to keep her eyes open as, a few seconds later, Zoe hit her own climax, the girl’s small body shaking all over as she closed her thighs around her hand.

Though still riding the wave of her own ecstasy, Shauna could only stare in awe. Is there a more beautiful sight than a little girl coming? I sure can’t imagine it.

Finally spent, the two of them slowly relaxed and caught their breaths, exchanging dazed smiles. “I can’t wait to see you again, baby. Just a month to go,” Shana said, wistfully imagining how much better it would be to do these things in real life.

“Oh! That’s right, I forgot to tell you, my parents said it’s okay for me to spend the day with you when you’ll be in town.”

Shana immediately sat up straight. “Yes! You should have told me that right away, sweetie! That’s awesome news.” A delicious shiver spread through Shana’s body as she thought of all the hot, sweaty fun they’d have.

“I meant to, but… I got distracted.” Zoe eyed Shana as if that was her fault, even though she’d been the one who answered the video call half-naked. “Oh, and… I kinda told Stacy I could get her a front row ticket…”

Shana laughed. “Trying to impress the new girl, huh? And I assume I’m supposed to help with that?”

“Pleeeease?” Zoe made puppy eyes, the kind guaranteed to get her anything she wanted.

“Okay, okay, I’ll make it happen, don’t worry. So, she’s a fan too, huh?”

“Oh, ya. Well, not as much as me,” Zoe was quick to point out. “But sure, she likes your music a lot. And she said you’re really pretty, hah. That was kinda funny. I had to try hard to keep a straight face.”

“Hmm, interesting…” Shana said slowly, gears turning in her head as a very dangerous idea occurred to her. A terrible idea, really. One she should most definitely keep only as a fantasy.

And yet… could she pass up this chance? These impulses would get her in serious trouble one day, but she had to ask. “Say, do you think your new friend might be into… having some fun with me, too?”

Zoe’s smile vanished. “What? You… you want to have sex with her?”

Shana immediately wished she could take back the question. This distraught look was not the reaction she’d been hoping for. She raised her hands appeasingly. “Only if you’re okay with it! I just thought… you like doing it with her, you like doing it with me, so y’know, maybe the three of us could fool around a bit… but if you don’t like the idea, that’s cool!”

Zoe’s expression turned thoughtful. “O-oh! You meant, like, all three of us together?”

Shana had to laugh. Did the girl think she was being ditched? “Of course! You know you’re my number one girl. I wouldn’t leave you out.”

“I didn’t know people did… that.”

“Seriously, it’s a thing. It’s called a threesome. Not necessarily super common, but it does happen,” explained Shana, who’d had her share of threesomes over the years. She decided not to blow the kid’s mind with the revelation that people sometimes did it in even bigger groups.

Zoe tapped a finger against her chin. “Hmm, well, that sounds like… it could be fun,” she finally said, a sly smile appearing on her lips.

Shana grinned. She liked this reaction a lot more. “Right?”

“What about not telling anyone, though?”

Shana scratched the back of her head. “Well… yeah, it’s probably a bad idea, but…” Oh, it was. It was the worst idea. But fuck, even though she’d just come, she was turned on all over again just thinking about it. “Do you think she could keep the secret?”

Zoe shrugged. “I dunno. I guess so? Hmm, I could try asking her what she thinks about it all… Like, not directly, but kinda pretend it’s a joke, you know? Like, ‘what would you do if…?’ ”

“Sure. Making it a hypothetical scenario. That could work to gauge her interest…”

“Ya, that’s what—” Zoe suddenly froze, glancing over her shoulder. “Crap, my mom’s back.”

The girl quickly put her bathrobe back on, calling out, “Hi, Mom!”

Shana angled her laptop camera up to show only her face, just in case Zoe’s mom decided to come into her daughter’s room. “Great timing,” she said drily. “But I guess it could have been worse.”

Zoe snorted, then paused as if listening. “Uh, okay, hold on!” she shouted, then said, “I gotta go help her with the groceries. I’ll let you know about… the thing.”

“Okay. Bye, baby.” Shana kissed her fingertips, then brought them close to the camera. Zoe did the same, smiling, then the screen went black.

Shana lay back on the bed and sighed. “What are you getting yourself into now, you crazy girl?” she asked out loud.

But she didn’t really want to think about consequences right now. She shrugged to herself, then began to masturbate again, quickly bringing herself to another intense climax as images of two naked little girls danced in her mind.

Now appearing on stage: Part Two!


10 Comments on Idol II, Part One

  1. Captain Midnight says:

    Welcome back to Stand and Zoe! I really like Shana as a person, and how she is Zoe’s friend. Very nice background for her. Hope she and Zoe have a great reunion.

  2. Erocritique says:

    What a great start to this sequel. It’s hitting all the right notes. Sweet, sexy, and erotically taboo. Shana and Zoe and Stacy oh my!!!

  3. Tim says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Well written and nicely arousing. Looking forward to the three of them together. Just hope we don’t have to wait too long!!!

  4. Euphrosyne, Thalia & Aglaia says:

    YES!. loved this follow on chapter! and I agree with all the commenters so far, in that the opening part is a really well described slice of Shana’s superstar, sometimes hectic & tumultuous, daily life, and it gives the reader another reason to relate to her even more.
    And then, the vicarious sex Shana and her pubescent paramour, Zoe, shared over the modern method of electronic Ethernet interfacing, was sexy and satisfying for them both!,as this little passage explains, Shana was very pleased indeed:

    …Right on cue, a powerful orgasm ripped through Shana’s body, leaving her moaning wordlessly. she fought to keep her eyes open as, a few seconds later, Zoe hit her own climax, the girl’s small body shaking all over as she closed her thighs around her hand.

    Though still riding the wave of her own ecstasy, Shana could only stare in awe:
    “Is there a more beautiful sight than a little girl coming? I sure can’t imagine it”…

    Wow,that sure gets the juices flowing!
    Great chapter, No One,…hoping the next chapter will be (coming) along soon 🙂


  5. David says:

    Great chapter No One! It has been awhile but I love how this started and the build up to the on screen sex with Zoe. Well written and detailed and I am looking forward to the next chapter with Shana and Zoe and of course her new friend Stacy.

  6. No One says:

    Thank you very much, everyone. Your comments are very appreciated as always. I know many people had wanted a sequel to Idol, and it took a while, but here it is. Good to see you enjoying the direction the story is taking.

    Part 2 is already edited and ready (as usual, thanks to the ever-helpful JetBoy for his contributions), and should be posted soon (I assume in about a week, as per JS standards).

  7. sue says:

    Wow! Great continuation. So hot with Shana and Zoe’s on screen catch up. Great job as always, No One.

    Kim & Sue

  8. Quinlan says:

    Yes, it’s a terrible idea that Shana has. A terrible, awful, lovely idea!

    • No One says:

      Hehe! Yes, I’m sure Shana is thinking much the same. We’ll see how that works out for her. 😉

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