Unaccompanied Minor, Book Two, Chapter 12

  • Posted on June 21, 2021 at 1:59 pm

By Amanda Lynn

The remaining few days of her time with Monica, Gwen, and her father had gone by in a flash. If Trish and Monica weren’t home keeping busy, they were at the mall or the pool. The evenings were reserved for family time. Jason, now done with the night shift, would take them all out to dinner, then a movie, or a trip to the bowling alley. One rainy evening they just stayed home and played board games. Trish and Monica had saved their lovemaking for the nighttime, though they did get in an afternoon threesome with Gwen.

They were quiet on the way to the airport, holding hands instead of speaking, in fear one of them would start to cry, though the tears did come as they hugged and said their farewells at security. When Trish and her dad passed through the metal detector she turned and waved to Monica and Gwen. Her heart ached, and she wanted to rush back to Monica and hold her and never let go. She couldn’t do that, though, and she knew it.

She would miss Monica, and Monica would miss her. But soon enough, she would be home with her mom, and she would see Cindy too. Besides, it wasn’t like she would never see Monica again. They would be together again during the Christmas holidays, and they could video chat on their computers in the meantime. Feeling just a tad bit better, she took her dad’s hand and headed to her gate.


The flight was uneventful, and it landed at Toronto’s Pearson International on time. Suitcase in hand, Trish and the flight attendant assigned to her made their way from the baggage carousel to where her mother would be waiting to greet her. Trish’s smile grew when she spotted Stacey and she hurried over, wrapping her arms around her mother.

With the release forms signed and ID shown, the flight attendant wished them a good afternoon and left. A dozen or so minutes later, Trish and her mom were in the car and heading for home. They talked all the way there, Trish recounting the adventures she had with Monica in the city and at camp—well, the G-rated ones, anyway—and the family outings with her dad and Gwen.

“Sounds like you had an exciting time,” Stacey said as she steered the car into their driveway.

“Yeah, but I wish they lived closer, though.”

Stacey smiled warmly and rested a hand on Trish’s knee. “You and Monica have become good friends, huh?”

Trish nodded then glanced at her knee. Her mother’s hand was still there, and she felt a little pull in her belly. Looking back up, she caught Stacey’s eyes and held them for a long beat.

“Well then,” Stacey said, pulling her gaze and hand away, “Let’s get inside. Are you hungry? I thought I’d order Chinese.” Her mother hurriedly exited the car before Trish could utter a word. What the hell was that about? Trish wondered.

Trish was in her room and was taking her clothes from her suitcase when her mom appeared at her bedroom door. “The food will be here in about 30 minutes,” Stacey said, leaning against the door jamb and folding her arms across her chest.

“Okay,” Trish replied then went back to her unpacking. After a few moments, she realized Stacey was still standing there, a curious grin on her face.

“Mom?” Trish cocked her head slightly. “Are you okay?”

“Hmm? Yes, of course. I’m happy you’re home. I missed you, that’s all,” Stacey said and crossed the short distance to pull Trish into a hug.

Trish returned the hug and it felt nice. Nice enough to send a familiar tingle through her body when her mother’s hand gently caressed her back. Don’t be silly, she scolded herself. It’s just a hug, nothing more. Stacey gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before retreating from the room, leaving Trish slightly confused.

After the contents of her suitcase were put back where they belonged, and the suitcase itself stowed in the closet, Trish made her way downstairs just as the doorbell sounded. She retrieved plates and utensils from the kitchen and set the table while Stacey paid the delivery guy.

Trish squeezed plum sauce from a small plastic packet, drizzling it over her egg rolls. She took a bite of one. “Mmmm,” she said as she chewed, “these are so good.”

“Did you leave your manners in Edmonton?” Stacey teased.

Trish made a face, scrunching up her nose at her mother, then took another bite.

“Have you called Cindy to let her know you’re home?” Stacey asked.

Trish shook her head. “Not yet.” She ate a couple of forkfuls of rice. “Do you think it would be okay if she stayed the night tomorrow?”

“Of course, sweetie. I’m sure Cindy is anxious to see you too.” Stacey grinned at her knowingly, clearly thinking she knew what Trish and Cindy would get up to. And Stacey would be right, of course.

After supper, Trish helped with the clean up before heading to her room to call Cindy. Her friend was excited to hear from Trish and eagerly agreed to the sleepover. They chatted for a bit, but each of them had stories to tell that were best saved for when they could speak face to face. They said goodnight with a promise to see each other early the next afternoon.

The rest of the evening was spent on the sofa with her mom watching TV. Trish noticed during the evening that Stacey seemed to be more touchy-feely than normal, placing a hand on Trish’s leg or arm when she spoke and such. It wasn’t unpleasant or anything, it just wasn’t typical mom behavior.

“I’m gonna go to bed now,” Trish said when the movie they were watching ended. It was closing in on 10 PM, which made it 8 PM in Edmonton, and she wondered if Monica might be online.

“Okay, honey,” Stacey said. She gave Trish a warm hug, caressing her back, then a soft kiss on the cheek. “Sleep well.”

“Night, Mom.” Trish returned the hug and headed upstairs. She made a quick stop in the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth, then continued to her room, where she stripped to her panties and pulled on a nightshirt. Finding a comfortable spot on her bed, she opened her laptop. A few clicks later, Monica was smiling back at her from the screen.

“Hey there. Home safe and sound, I see,” Monica said.

“Yeah. I miss you already but it’s good to be home, too.”

“I miss you, too. I bet your mom was happy to have you home.”

“Yeah, she was.” Trish paused for a moment. “Ya know, she seems… I don’t know how to explain it. More hands-on happy to see me. Does that make any sense?”

“No,” Monica said. “You’re gonna have to explain that.”

“Well, ever since I got off the plane, she’s been giving me hugs. I mean, I expected one at the airport, but she’s given me a bunch more since then. And then she touched my arm or leg while we sat and talked like a hundred times.”

“Maybe she’s just really happy to see you?” Monica said, drawing out the word really.

Trish chuckled. “She’s never acted like that before when I’ve come home from your place.”

She watched Monica make her thinking face, eyes looking skyward and a finger tapping her chin. “Do you think maybe what happened in your bedroom that morning has gotten to her?”

It was Trish who made a face now. “What do you mean?”

“Maybe she’s been stewing on it the whole time you were with me and she’s decided to do something about it but isn’t sure how to tell you.”

“Do you think so?”

Monica shrugged. “Maybe.”

“How do I find out for sure? I mean, I can’t just come out and ask her if she wants to have sex.”

“Yeah, that would be awkward if she doesn’t want it,” Monica said with a chuckle. “Maybe you could just flirt a little. You know, touch her arm or leg like she does to you, or maybe wear something a bit sexy.” Monica waggled her eyebrows at her.

“Sexy? What do I have that’s sexy? It’s not like I own anything from a Victoria’s Secret catalog.”

“No, I guess not. You could wear that crop top and shorts you had on the other day, let her see some skin. Or,” Monica held up a finger as inspiration struck, “you could wear that short nightshirt—you know, the one with the wolf on it—and nothing underneath.”

Trish frowned at her stepsister. “Okay, then what?”

“Then do things around your mom that look innocent but that gives her a glimpse of your cute butt and pussy.” Monica grinned at her mischievously.

“I should flash my mother. Is that what you mean?” Trish had to admit, the idea excited her. More than that, it was turning her on. Without thought, she slipped a hand into her panties.

“No, I said innocent things. Like bending over to pick up something you dropped, or sit cross-legged on the sofa. Stuff like that.”

“You have a naughty mind. Of course, I already knew that,” Trish said.

“Speaking of naughty, are you playing with yourself?”

“Huh?” Trish glanced down, realizing just then what she had been doing. She grinned sheepishly at the monitor, then giggled. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

“Hang on a sec,” Monica said, then disappeared from the field of view. A moment later, the image on the screen shook and bounced around before settling once again. Monica was now naked, sitting on her bed, legs spread wide. The laptop was positioned in such a way that Trish had a perfect view of all of Monica’s body, especially the naughty bits.

“Oh! It’s going to be that kind of video chat, I see,” Trish said with a giggle. She followed Monica’s lead and soon she too was naked with the laptop positioned strategically between her legs.

They chatted some more as they watched each other masturbate. As pleasure grew, their conversation ceased, giving place to soft moans and quick breaths. Trish’s eyes were glued to the screen. Monica looked so hot with her fingers moving faster and faster over her pussy. But Trish kept pace, and soon each of them was rocked by a strong orgasm.

After a time, Trish straightened and focused once more on her laptop screen. Monica was adjusting her position on her bed as well, grinning at the camera.

“That was fun,” Monica said with a chuckle. “We’ve never done that before.”

Trish smiled. “I hope it’s not the last time.”

“Oh, for sure, it won’t be!”


Stacey hadn’t planned on eavesdropping. It wasn’t her fault that the sounds of pleasure coming from her daughter’s room had caught her attention as she passed by. She had intended to pause just for a second, to confirm that she had indeed heard what she thought she’d heard. Then she would head back downstairs to her TV show, leaving Trish in peace to continue what she was doing.

That was what she had intended to do. But the moans coming from Trish’s room had seemed so erotic. There were other moans as well, but they sounded different, as if coming through a pair of speakers. Was her little girl watching porn now? When she put her ear against the door to listen—just for a second, she thought, just to be sure—it was the unmistakable sound of fingers moving rapidly over and through a wet pussy that made it impossible for Stacey to pull away.

Stacey had thought a lot about Trish while her daughter was away. Of course, that was to be expected from a caring mother. But Stacey’s thoughts had been focused more on what had happened in Trish’s room just before she left for Edmonton. Stacey had wanted to, had tried to put it out of her mind…

Then Cindy happened. She’d had sex with Cindy. With a 12-year-old girl. Not just once, but several times over the weeks. She’d lost count, it had been so often.

Each time she’d been with Cindy—touching her, kissing her, licking her—she would think of Trish, wondering what it would be like to do these things to her daughter. At first, she’d been ashamed of herself. How could you want to fuck your own child? she had thought. But with each delicious orgasm she gave Cindy, the desire to pleasure her daughter consumed her more, and by the time she’d picked Trish up at the airport, her mind had been made up. Now, she only needed to find the best way to let Trish know.

When she figured that Trish had come, Stacey turned to leave, but hesitated when she heard Trish speak. Her daughter was alone in the room, she knew that. Maybe the other moans hadn’t come from a video, but another person online. Cindy, most likely. But the other voice she heard didn’t sound like Cindy. It wasn’t until Trish called Monica by name that Stacey knew who the mystery girl was.

“Oh my God,” Stacey whispered to herself, “she’s having cybersex with Monica.” Imagining what those two might have been up to during the past four weeks, the kernel of an idea formed in her mind. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she hurried downstairs.


Trish rolled onto her side and reached out for Monica, wanting to snuggle close, but her hand found only empty space. Her eyes fluttered open and she breathed a disappointed sigh, realizing that she was in her own room as the fog of sleep lifted. She had become used to waking up beside Monica and she missed it.

A knock on her door drew her from the sad thoughts.

“Come in,” Trish said.

The door opened and Stacey poked her head in. “Morning, sweetheart. I’m not disturbing you, am I?”

“No. I was just getting up.” Trish stretched and yawned then pushed herself into a sitting position.

“Good. I didn’t want to interrupt if you were… well, you know.” Stacey flashed her a wicked grin.

“Mom!” Trish covered her face, hiding the blush that she felt burning her cheeks.

“I’m just teasing you. No need to get embarrassed, you know my thoughts on the subject.” Stacey crossed the room and sat beside her.

Trish peeked between her fingers at her mother. “I know. It just feels weird.”

“I understand. It can feel awkward to talk to an adult about sex and stuff, especially with your mother.” Stacey smiled and rested a hand on Trish’s thigh.

Lowering her hands, Trish nodded. “Yeah, a bit. But I know I can talk to you if I need to.” Even through a blanket and sheet, her mother’s touch made her tingle.

“Good,” Stacey said. After a pause, she said, “Your dad tells me that you and Monica have become quite close.”

Trish froze and looked at her mother wide-eyed. What did she know? For that matter, what did her father know? “What do you mean?”

Stacey rubbed her thigh. “He said you two seemed to be more like real sisters than just good friends.”

Trish beamed at the statement. “Really, he said that?”

“Uh-huh. But I can’t help but wonder if maybe you two are even closer than that.”

Just as she was beginning to relax, Trish stopped and stared again, her heart skipping a beat. Maybe her mom did know something, after all. She tilted her head to the side, trying to look like she had no idea what Stacey was talking about. “What… do you mean?” Trish asked again, more slowly.

Stacey hesitated, then glanced from Trish to the laptop that rested on her dresser and back again. “I heard you last night, while you were online with Monica, and it sounded very much like you two were…having cybersex.”

Trish’s eyes widened in shocked surprise. Had her mother listened in on her? Trish wasn’t sure if the heat on her face was more from embarrassment or anger. “Were you spying on me?” Her voice raised in pitch and volume.

“No! Well, sort of. Crap!” Stacey sputtered. She took a breath and let it out. “Let me explain. It wasn’t my intention to listen in on you. I was on my way from the bathroom to the living room when I heard you and another girl making sounds that were… let’s just say telling. And you have to admit you were a bit loud.” Stacey chuckled, but Trish didn’t. “Anyway, the second voice caught me off guard because I knew you were alone. I trust you, and I knew you wouldn’t be doing things like that with strangers, so I thought it might have been Cindy, but then you used Monica’s name.”

Trish shifted nervously. Had their online antics the night before just caused a major problem for them? Her mother didn’t seem upset about it. Or, if she was, she didn’t show it.

“I must admit it didn’t surprise me as much as you might think,” Stacey continued. “Considering how close your dad says you two are, and then what happened with Cindy, well…” Stacey shrugged and took Trish’s hand. “I apologize for making you feel like I was spying, sweetheart. I remember what I told you about exploring your sexuality alone or with another girl, and that still stands. But you’re only 12 years old, and I’m still your mother…”

Trish bowed her head as a blush warmed her cheeks. “I know,” she said softly.

“Good,” Stacey said as she kissed Trish’s forehead. “Now, go get in the shower and I’ll get breakfast started.”

Trish watched as Stacey stood and crossed the room. She wasn’t upset with her mother anymore, and she was very relieved that Stacey wasn’t mad at her. Thinking back, Trish had been a bit loud the previous night as she and Monica masturbated.

When Stacey reached the door, she paused and looked back at Trish. “I still want to have a chat sometime, about you and Monica.” She grinned at Trish and left the room.

“Great,” Trish groaned to the empty room.


Trish was just finishing up in the bathroom when the doorbell rang. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror and hurriedly washed her hands before rushing downstairs to meet Cindy. It had been a month since she’d seen her bestie and she was excited to catch up.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, Trish saw that her mother had already answered it. She arrived just in time to see them finishing an embrace. It seemed a little weird that her mother would do that, but Trish didn’t dwell on it, figuring that it had been just as long since her mother had seen Cindy, and Stacey was happy to see the girl as well.

“Hey, long time no see,” Trish said. She greeted her friend with a big smile and a hug of her own.

“Felt like forever.” Cindy wrapped her arms around Trish. “I’ve got a story to tell you later,” she whispered in Trish’s ear.

“Oh, yeah?”

Cindy nodded, flashing a naughty grin.

“Listen, I’m going to have to go home for a bit this afternoon,” Cindy said.

“How come?” Trish asked, closing the front door.

“My grandparents will be in the city today for a specialist appointment and are going to visit us after. Mom said she will call me when they arrive so I can say hi and stuff. I shouldn’t be gone too long.”

Trish smiled at her friend. “That’s okay, just hurry back.”

“Don’t worry, I will.”

“So, how was your trip, Cindy?” Stacey asked as they moved into the living room.

“It was great. We did a lot of stuff in Vancouver. We were hardly ever at the motel, it felt like,” Cindy replied as she followed Trish into the living room. They sat and Cindy told them of her adventures in the city with her parents, aunt, and cousins.

“Sounds like you had an exciting time,” Stacey said when Cindy had finished.

“Yeah, sounds pretty cool,” Trish agreed.

“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have some things to take care of,” Stacey said as she stood. “Pizza okay for supper?”

“Sure, Mom.”

“Sounds good,” Cindy replied.

Cindy grabbed her overnight bag from the front entryway as they headed to Trish’s room. Once in the bedroom, Trish closed the door and Cindy dropped her bag at the foot of the bed. The girl then turned toward Trish, a wicked smile on her face. She quickly closed the short distance between them and pulled Trish into her arms then kissed her.

Trish was only slightly surprised by the suddenness of her friend’s passion and responded quickly, accepting Cindy’s probing tongue. The kiss was brief but hot, igniting Trish’s desire.

When Cindy pulled back, she was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “I missed you,” she said.

“Really? I couldn’t tell,” Trish replied playfully. They laughed and plopped down on the bed.

“So, what’s this story you wanted to tell me?” Trish asked.

“Well,” Cindy said, taking her phone from her pocket, “that story I told you and your mom about my vacation with my cousins…”

Trish cocked her head and watched the cute redhead as she swiped through her phone in search of something. “What about it?”

Cindy held up a finger. “Just a sec,” she said, then said then continued to swipe. A couple of moments later, she handed Trish the phone. “The story I told was the G-rated version.”

“Oh?” Trish said, looking down at the phone. On the screen were three bikini-clad pre-teen girls, two of whom were twins. They looked identical except for their hair, for one was a blonde and the other’s hair was raven black. The third girl, who stood slightly shorter than the twins, had long brown hair. The trio was standing on a beach, side by side, each with an arm around the waist of the girl next to her.

“That’s Holly and Ivy,” Cindy said, pointing to the twins, “I told you about them before.”

“I remember. Which is which?”

“Holly is the blonde.”

“Which makes the other one Ivy. So, who’s the third girl?”

Cindy grinned. “That… is Charlie. And she’s the reason why the story needs an X-rating.”

Trish looked at her friend. “Yeah? Funny name for a girl.”

“I thought so too, at first. Her name is Charlene, but Charlie for short.”

Trish looked at the girls in the photo once again. They were sexy, and it didn’t take much to imagine what could have happened to make it an X-rated story. “So, spill, girlfriend,” Trish said, handing back the phone. “I need details.”

“Like I told you and your mom earlier, we stayed at a motel and visited my aunt and cousins pretty much on the daily. Charlie’s mom and my aunt are good friends, so Charlie hung out with us a lot, too. Anyway, about a week into the trip, me, my cousins, and Charlie had a sleepover at their place.”

“And this is when the naughtiness happened?”

Nodding, Cindy continued. “We were down in the family room, which is where we would crash for the night. We were just chilling and stuff when Charlie asked if I had a boyfriend. I, of course, said no. Then she asked me if I had ever kissed a girl.”

“Really? Just… out of the blue?”

“Yup. I wasn’t sure what to say. You know… in case they were homophobes or something stupid like that.”

“Right? So, what did you say?”

“Well, before I could reply, Charlie told me that they, meaning her and twins, kissed a lot. Then she leaned over and kissed me. It was just a quick kiss at first, but when I didn’t freak out, she did it again… and that time there was tongue.” Cindy waggled her eyebrows.

“Wow. And… I bet you returned the kiss?” Trish asked. She was anxious to hear where this was going.

“Uh-huh. We kissed for a while, until the twins interrupted us because they wanted a turn kissing me. Ivy kissed me first, while Holly made out with Charlie. Then me and Charlie switched twins, hah! We kept on kissing, switching back and forth. At some point, my hands started to wander and… I kinda found myself playing with Charlie’s boobs.”

“I bet that was hot,” Trish said. She was getting turned on by the story. As she sat on the bed, listening to Cindy, she began caressing her friend’s leg while squeezing her own together.

“Oh yeah! But Charlie stopped kissing me when I touched her boobs. She asked me straight out if I’d ever had sex with a girl before. I said I had. Didn’t even hesitate with the answer. The three of them then bombarded me with questions, like: With who? What did you do? Stuff like that.”

“So, you told them about us?”

Cindy nodded. “I hope that was okay.”

“Yeah. Sure. Not a big deal.” Trish gave her friend a reassuring smile. “What happened then?”

“Well, Holly and Ivy, one on either side of me, took off their t-shirts and then helped me out of mine. Then they pulled me down onto the bed and played with my boobs.” She gave Trish a sly grin.

“And Charlie?”

“She pulled off my panties and went down on me.”

“Man, she didn’t waste any time.”

Cindy laughed. “Not one bit!”

“That’s wild. You got to return the favor, I hope.”

“Uh-huh. By the time we were done, we’d all done each other more than once. Got into some interesting positions, too,” Cindy said with a smirk.

“Sounds like you had a lot of fun. But… um… you said you all did each other. Does that mean that Holly and Ivy…?”

“Yeah. I was surprised at first. I mean, doing your own sister, that’s a bit… well, whatever. I dunno, I might do the same thing if I had a hot sister, haha.” Cindy looked down at the photo on her phone again. “But what’s even more freaky is that they’re twins. It would be kinda like having sex with yourself. Don’t ya think?”

Trish shrugged. “I guess, but… honestly, sounds like it would be super-hot, if you ask me,” she admitted, grinning at the kinky thought.

Cindy flopped back on the bed and put her hands behind her head. “Okay, your turn. Tell me about your trip. Any hot sex happen for you?”

Snorting, Trish lay back as well next to Cindy. “You could say that.”

Trish went on to fill Cindy in on all the juicy details of her time in Edmonton, leaving out only the part about Gwen, since that was a rather delicate situation with her daughter involved as well.

“I have so many questions!” Cindy said. “You did it with a camp counselor? And a boy? And a bunch of other girls? I thought my vacation had been wild…” There was no doubt that she had become very aroused by Trish’s tale. She rolled onto her side, reaching out to cup Trish’s breast, then glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “But you’ve got me so fucking horny, I can’t think straight right now. I think we have time before supper, if you want to…”

Trish rolled over to face her friend and grinned as she shoved a hand down the front of Cindy’s pants. “Mmm,” she cooed, “you’re soaked.”

Cindy sucked in a breath and moaned approvingly, spreading her legs as Trish’s fingers dipped inside her. She began moving her hips eagerly in rhythm with Trish’s thrusts, then let out a pitiful whine when Trish withdrew her hand.

“Just a sec. Got other plans,” Trish teased. She licked the juices from her fingers as she stood, then with a saucy grin, she yanked the redhead’s pants off and dropped them to the floor before removing her own.

Kneeling on the edge of the bed, Trish lowered her face to the glistening pussy before her. She paused to inhale the intoxicating scent then pushed her tongue through her best friend’s slick folds. Cindy moaned, pushing her pelvis skyward. Trish felt fingers tangling in her hair, holding her in place. She sucked on Cindy’s clit, and the girl twitched, grinding herself against Trish’s face.

Trish lapped Cindy’s pussy hungrily as her own clit throbbed with need. She pulled free of her friend’s grip and pivoted her body clockwise until her pussy was within easy reach of Cindy’s mouth. The girl didn’t need any prompting and stuffed two fingers into Trish’s vagina, immediately fucking her with rapid thrusts.

“Fuck yeah,” Trish grunted and once more set to work on Cindy’s sodden cunt.

Soon the two of them were rocking back and forth, tongues and fingers busily pleasuring each other. Bodies thrumming with lust and minds lost in a haze of desire, the world around them ceased to exist.

When their orgasm took them, Trish collapsed and rolled off Cindy. They lay there panting for a while, and Trish wished that she had taken the time to remove her shirt, now stuck to her sweaty body. She was taking her time catching her breath, eyes closed, her cheek resting on Cindy’s bony shin, when she felt her friend jerk and gasp in what sounded like surprise.

Trish’s eyes flew open in response and she looked up, following Cindy’s gaze. A bolt of fear shot through her, then it was quickly replaced by confusion. Her mother was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame as if in need of its support. Trish could tell that she had been there for a while, watching them eat each other out. Stacey’s face was flushed red and her breathing was ragged. Her blouse was unbuttoned, and her bra had been pushed up, exposing her breasts. Her pants had been undone and pushed down to her thighs. The pink panties she wore were still on her hips, covering the hand that moved slowly inside.

Catching Trish’s gaze, Stacey straightened, stepped out of her pants, and walked toward the bed.

On to Chapter 13!


9 Comments on Unaccompanied Minor, Book Two, Chapter 12

  1. NC BRIGHT says:

    I enjoyed it. It did seem like this chapter was rushed. Very little detail and everything happened so fast. Maybe it is just me.

    • Blackthorn says:

      No, Bright, it definitely was a bit fast and rushed. It wasn’t as… lets say, careful as the other chapters have been. I like Cindy, and I love Trish and Trish’s mom, but I do think it went a bit TOO fast in this one.

  2. David says:

    I loved it Amanda,it was short but I don’t think it was rushed. I liked the conversations between them and it doesn’t have to be all sex to make the story work. Loved how you left us hanging with Stacy walking to Trish’s bed. Looking forward to the next chapter.

  3. Erocritique says:

    I have some ideas about this chapter being a bridge between all the summers goings on, and as a vehicle to integrate characters from other stories into the narrative. Will there someday be a massive mother daughter orgy featuring ALL the ladies and girls that have been included in this chapter??? (This is JS, so the odds are pretty good). I don’t know if this chapter was so much rushed, as it was overloaded with competing and converging storylines. I imagine things will be tidied up in subsequent chapters, starting with the next one.The focus is obviously going to be on Stacey, Trish, and Cindy, and I’m really ooking forward to that after the way this chapter ended. That was a wicked tease Amanda Lynn.

  4. kim says:

    Enjoyed this chapter as much as the rest of them. We didn’t feel it rushed. It felt to us like a very hot buildup.

    The way Stacey seemed to her daughter Trish, Stacey giving off that sexy vibe. Cindy’s sweet confession of how she’d spent time with her cousins.

    The hot love making of Trish and Cindy, and both girls hot from hearing about each others sex experiences.

    And now, we hope, that Trish and her mother Stacey are going to have sex. Wondering how many times Cindy and Stacey have had sex, and how much they’ve talked about Trish doing it with them.

    Another wonderful chapter as far as we’re concerned, Amanda Lynn, and worth the excellent rating we gave it. Very much looking forward to more.

    Kim & Sue

  5. Quinlan says:

    *Imitates Heath Ledger* “Here we go!”

  6. Euphrosyne, Thalia & Aglaia says:

    Mmm!…I like this chapter, a lot!
    I don’t feel it was as rushed as some have commented, because, to me, the explaining of what each character needed to tell other characters was necessary to meld the multiple events together for the story, and of course, preteen girls whom have been exploring myriad sexual experiences would be quite willing to share with their closest friends/lovers.
    I also agree with Kim, David and Erocritique, on all their salient points concerning Trish, Cindy, and most excitingly, Mom Stacey…My mind is a buzz with the (almost) unimaginable delicious sex that awaits in the upcoming chapter(s)

    Really great writing, Amanda!


  7. Tim and Litka says:

    We both loved it, and gave it 5 stars.
    Needless to say it also gave us much mutual enjoyment as we read it together.
    Another great chapter thanks Amanda

  8. Craw2519 says:

    I have really enjoyed the whole series of Unaccompanied Minor. Amanada it would be really great if there were way to continue this story. I know it’s been awhile since the last chapter, but I hope you can find your way to write more.

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