Sweet Poppy, Chapter 21

  • Posted on October 7, 2022 at 3:08 pm

Go here for a guide to the women and girls who populate “Sweet Poppy.” To get a thumbnail summary of the plot, please check out the Chapter Links.

by Joe Dornish

The sex party was still in full swing when I came to. Mia, bless her, was still cradling my head in her lap.

“How long was I out?” I asked her, giving my body a good stretch.

“Not long. Ten minutes maybe. How do you feel?”

“Mmmm, I’m good, really good. My pussy is still tingling!”

Mia laughed at that. “I’m not surprised… your mum fucked the arse off you. What was it like?”

“Tremendous, just great. Honestly, I think I could feel her hitting my cervix, and with Lilly licking my clit as well… oh, Mia, it was the absolute best!”

“Not today, but, um… could we maybe try that?”

That knocked me for a loop. “You want me to fuck you with the strap-on?”

“Yeah, you made it look like fun. You’ll have to take it easy, though – I’m not used to big things inside me. I’d like to try using it on you, too.”

Sitting up, I kissed my beautiful lover on the mouth – a nice, slow, lingering kiss.

When we parted, I told her, “There’s lots and lots of things we can try, you know. Stuff we’ve never even heard of. We can learn together, Mia. Mmmm, I love you so much. I feel so lucky to have you.”

“I love you, too. I can’t remember what life was like before we got to be girlfriends. What on earth did I do all day? Study? Play kids’ games?”

“Gosh, I know what you mean. This time last year, it was all dolls and the Disney channel. Now it’s all sex and seduction.”

Just then Mum approached us, kneeling by the sofa where we both sat. “Hey girls… how we doing?”

“Good, thank you,” said Mia, politely as ever.

Mum gave Mia a certain look that I was very familiar with. “Have I told you how sexy you look, Mia? Good enough to eat.”

Mia squealed with delight, clapping her hands. “You can eat me any time if you like!”

I thought that’s what Mum was getting at, so I started to get up – but she put a hand on my leg to stop me.

“Oh don’t worry, Mia,” Mum said. “You’re next on my list, but right now we need both you girls to help us with something special. Poppy, remember how I told you we were going to give Henri a little treat?”

“Oooh, yeah, I’d forgotten about that. Do you need us to keep an eye on the girls, then?”

“Yes please, sweetie. Celeste will stay out here, too. Mia, why don’t you round up the girls. Maybe you can think of a sexy little game to play while we grownups are with Henri.” Mum turned to me. “Poppy, Henri told me you were interested in what we’re about to do. She said you could watch if you like.”

So this was really going to happen. Henri and most of the grownups were going to play a pretending game where she was a wicked child who had to be punished, so someone would be spanking her. Maybe all the women did – I wasn’t sure about that bit.

I was curious about the whole thing, couldn’t help it. I knew Mum didn’t want me directly involved, though, and I trusted her on that point. It didn’t sound like anything I’d be into. I mean, who likes being hurt? No one, I’d always thought, but Kiki told Mum that when Henri got spanked, she sometimes came so hard that she passed out.

“Okay, Mum – I’ll come along and watch,” I said. When all’s said and done, I was eager to learn all there was to know about lesbian sex, even if some of it made me uncomfortable.

Mia went over to talk to Celeste and I followed Mum through the house until we arrived at one of the spare bedrooms. We entered, and Mum quietly said, “Stay here by the door, sweetie. When you’ve seen as much as you want to, leave quietly and shut the door behind you. Okay?” I nodded. “Good girl. Remember: first, it’s just make-believe. Second: Henri loves every minute of it.”

“Okay, Mum.”

My mother went over to join Kiki, Lottie and Christina, who were all naked and lined up along the wall. Henri was dressed in her school uniform – white shirt, short black pleated skirt and white ankle socks. No shoes, and her blonde hair was in a ponytail. She stood at the end of the bed facing the others, her head bowed, looking down at the floor.

It was an odd setup, I thought: Henri done up like a schoolgirl, all the women naked and no one speaking.

Then the missing piece of the puzzle emerged from the bathroom. Nicole and Emma came out wearing very official-looking outfits with short skirts. Emma had glasses, and Nicole was carrying a thin cane. Then it struck me – they were supposed to be teachers, and had dressed for the part.

Emma’s expression was stern as she spoke. “Well, Henrietta… what have you got to say for yourself?”

Henri was looking at her feet as she said in a meek, tiny voice, “I’ve been a naughty girl, Miss.”

“What is it this time?” said Nicole, tapping the cane upon her palm menacingly.

“I was touching my vagina in class, Miss.”

“Well, that won’t do. It simply won’t do,” said Nicole.

“Can’t help it, Miss,” Henri protested, a hint of pink in her cheeks. “So many pretty girls at this school… it makes me all fluttery inside.”

“Disgusting,” Nicole replied, pursing her lips. “No self-control whatsoever.” Reaching out, she abruptly tilted Henri’s chin upward, forcing the girl to make eye contact. “You know, we have to look at desirable young girls all day long! Seeing their bare legs, watching their bodies blooming, taking shape. Picturing them naked. But you see, Emma and I are able to restrain our appetites.”

“Know how we treat dirty little sluts like you in this school?” said Emma.

I’d always thought of Emma as sweet, but right then she looked fierce and really scary. So did Nicole, even more so. I was glad not to be in Henri’s place right then.

Henri was shivering, and I suspected it wasn’t because she was scared. “No, Miss, I d-don’t.”

“They get punished and fucked. First, the punishment… then these lovely ladies will give you a fucking you’ll not soon forget,” Emma said, gesturing at the line of nude women.

“Now, girl… turn around and bend over,” said Nicole.

Henri turned around and bent over the bed, then Emma lifted her skirt up and over her back. I was expecting Henri to be wearing some sort of sexy knickers, but these were just plain white panties. Like what she’d really be wearing at school, I realised.

Emma pulled those knickers down around Henri’s knees. “You will count each stroke and say ‘thank you’,” Nicole murmured. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Miss Nicole.”

Nicole brought her hand down on Henri’s bum so hard it made a loud noise.

Henri yelped, “One! Thank you, Miss.”

Another stroke. “Two! Th-thank you, Miss.”

They continued – Nicole walloping Henri’s bum, Henri counting the strokes. She had to be hurting, but I could also see how wet her cunt was… practically dripping!

The whole thing still made me uncomfortable, though. Deciding I’d seen enough, I slipped out of the room and carefully shut the door behind me.

When I got back to the living room all the others – Mia, Celeste, the twins Lola and Lexi, Lilly, Evie and Beth – were seated all around on the various sofas, chairs, cushions and bean bags, enjoying a nice chat. By then, we were all naked.

Beth had her legs open and everyone was looking at her pussy. “Yeah, so I just thought I’d let it grow a bit,” she was saying. I’d noticed earlier that her bright orange bush looked a little fuller.

“Ah, here she is,” said Celeste in a smokey French accent when she saw me approach.

“I was just saying that I decided to let my pubes grow out,” Beth said.

“I love your bush!” I told her. “Seriously, you and your mum have made me totally hot for redheads.”

Beth actually blushed. “Aw, thanks. D’you think you’ll let yours grow?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve waited so long for it to grow, it seems a shame to shave it all off.”

“Well, I think having hair down there is dead sexy,” Mia said. “So if you shave, don’t do it to make me happy!”

I wrapped my arms around Mia, gave her a juicy kiss. “I’ll do my pussy any way you like, lover.”

She shivered. “God, I love it when you call me that!”

“Hey – what are the grownups doing in there?” Lilly asked.

Now that put me in an awkward position. It didn’t seem fair for me to discuss Henri’s unusual tastes without her okay. Also, hearing about the kinky game she was playing might be a bit much for the younger girls. Spanking for fun? How on earth could I explain that?

“Oh, it’s just some adult thing,” I replied, trying to seem as disinterested as possible. “Honestly, it didn’t look like much fun to me.” Well, it was the truth.

As the girls digested that, I tried to think of some way for all of us to enjoy ourselves. At first I was going to suggest we play Monsters. Then I realised that wouldn’t work – we were already nude, and let’s face it, getting undressed was half the fun of the game. Besides, if we ran about trying to hide, somebody was bound to burst into the bedroom where Henri and the others were. No, we needed to have fun without actually going anywhere.

Then I had an idea. “Um, why don’t we see if we can all come at the same time?”

The little ones seemed to like that idea. Mia was grinning eagerly as she said, “That sounds fun… how do we do it?”

“Um, we could all sit in a circle and touch our pussies together,” I suggested.

“This seems fun… but perhaps there is another way?” Celeste spoke, pronouncing it ‘annuzzer way’. I thought that sounded so fucking sexy.

“What way is that?” said Mia.

“We could have a, erm… you call it a daisy chain.”

“YES! A daisy chain!” I exclaimed, clapping my hands.

“What’s a daisy chain?” asked Lilly.

“We all lie in a circle… on your side is best. Each person has their head between the legs of the next person, and we all lick each other at the same time.”

Lilly frowned. “I… I’m not sure I get it.”

I reached out, gave her nipple a little tweak, “I’ll show you.”

We arranged ourselves in a circle, I had my head between Mia’s legs, then in front of Mia was Lola, then Beth, Lexi, Celeste and Lilly. Evie completed the circle with her cute little face resting on my inner thigh.

When we were all in place, Lilly giggled and announced, “Okay, I get it now!”

“Good,” I said. “Remember, now, we’re trying to come at the same time!”

Mia said, “How about this: if you’re about to come, say, ‘close’, but try to hold off until we’re all ready.”

“Sounds good,” I said. “Okay, let’s start. Nice and slow to begin with.”

With that, we were off and running. Evie ignored the slow start completely, going straight for my clit. By then, we’d had loads of sex, and she knew the tricks it took to drive me wild. Shit, I’m in trouble, I thought. Evie’s gonna have me coming right away.

Rather than try to stifle my own orgasm, I decided to hurry Mia’s along. I certainly knew how to pleasure her, after all. I was rewarded with a moan, and Mia began to shiver. That jolt of excitement seemed to spread around the circle like a wave, accompanied by soft sounds of pleasure that soon grew louder.

“Close!” Lilly gasped. I wasn’t surprised; she had Celeste licking her. I knew from earlier that she was good at giving oral. Maybe that’s why it’s called French kissing, because they’re so talented with their mouths.

“I n-need more time,” said Beth.

“It’s okay, I go slower with Lilly,” Celeste replied, amused by our little game.

Good luck with that, I thought. I know my sister; once you take Lilly to a certain point, her clit is on a hair-trigger. Sure enough, a minute later I heard her going, “Oh, oh, oh, oh!” like Lilly always does just before she comes.

Then Beth, who needed more time just a moment ago, blurted, “Coming!” and off she went. Bugger, it wasn’t working out like I’d hoped. Well, nothing else for it but to get into that headlong sprint for the finish line.

“Right, go for it, everyone!” I exclaimed.

It was fucking hilarious, those liquid sucking and slurping noises suddenly getting louder as we ate pussy as if our lives depended on it. And soon enough, the sounds of ecstasy were added to the mix.

I was the last to come. Lilly brought Evie off in a big way, and the child’s orgasm left her all but helpless, unable to give me the mouth action I needed. In the end, I reached down and brought myself off. I didn’t blame her at all, the poor little thing was wiped out.

Anyhow, by the time I came, most of the others were finished. Undeterred, we decided to switch direction and try again. What fun we had, trying to time it right. Someone would shout “Close!” then all hell broke loose as the rest of us played catch-up. I think that’s the first time I had a laughing fit while climaxing. It was a head rush, like being on a rollercoaster. Once again, we failed to come at the same time, but it was a lot of fun trying.

Afterwards, hunger drove us to the kitchen, where Kiki had left out a nice spread of finger food, cold cuts and sweet treats we could snack on as we liked. I was munching on seasoned chicken wings while sitting at the kitchen island with Beth and Evie. The others were wandering around or relaxing in the living room. For the moment, at least, we were all pretty well fucked out.

Some of the adults rejoined the party shortly thereafter, heading straight for the kitchen where they all tucked into the buffet. Lottie told me, “Henri’s still in the bedroom, Poppy… she wants to talk to you.”

The bedroom door was closed, so I knocked. “Come in,” Kiki said.

Henri was laying on the bed in between Mum and Kiki. They were all naked.

“Hey, Pops,” Henri said in a sleepy voice. “How are you?” Her eyes were puffy and her makeup was a mess,

“I’m good. Um… have you been crying?”

“Yeah. Happy tears, though. Here, don’t be shocked. I’m so proud… I took everything they had to give.”

I gasped and closed my eyes as soon as Henri turned her bum to me, then peeked through my fingers. Her bum looked so sore! Eventually, I was able to take my hands away and look more closely. Mum had some sweet-smelling lotion on her hands that she was rubbing into Henri’s cheeks.

“Does it hurt?”

Henri smiled. “Yeah, but It’s good pain, not bad pain.”

“It’s okay, sweetie, come and sit with us.” Mum’s smile was sweet and calming.

I climbed up on the bed, still feeling a bit confused. “Good pain?”

Kiki spoke. “Have you ever done a lot of exercise, then felt kind of sore afterwards?”

“Sure,” I nodded.

“You hurt, but it sort of felt… satisfying, right? You pushed yourself past what your body was capable of.”

“I guess so.”

“Well, that’s a sort of pain that you might think of as good. A bad pain… well that’s like injuring yourself when you don’t mean to – stepping on a nail, let’s say.”

I looked at Henri again. She was smiling and clearly very happy. I knew her post-orgasm face well and that was it. Her bum cheeks were bright red all over, and in the middle they were a darker red. From the back of her knees all the way up her bum in neat parallel lines, I could see the marks of the cane. Mum’s hands gently worked the soothing lotion into Henri’s skin.

“Pops, it’s not often I get a chance like this,” Henri said. “It’s a fantasy come true, and I milked it for all I could. Thank you for helping make this happen… it meant the world to me.”

Leaning in, I gave her a tender kiss. “You’re welcome. I’m always happy to help, you’ve done so much for me. I am sort of wondering what the little ones would think about all this. They were asking me about what was going on in here, but I wasn’t sure what to say.”

“The other kids’ mums are speaking to them now. When you go out, they’ll bring the girls in to show them Henri is okay,” Mummy said.

I had to laugh. “Cool! After that, just lick their cunts, then give them some cake…  That’ll get everyone in a party mood!”


Later on, after the younger kids had spoken to Henri, we were all gathered on and around the sofas, basking in the warmth of the fireplace. Most of us had eaten, everyone had rested, and the time was right for more sexy fun.

One of the twins whispered in her mother’s ear, then Chrissie said, “Kiki, it’s the twins’ turn to draw a name from the bag. Can they do it now?”

“What a lovely way to get the festivities underway again,” Kiki purred. “Henrietta, my love… have you got the bag?”

Henri produced the bag, then held it open, and the two naked little angels each drew a name. Lola picked out Kiki, and Lexi came up with Evie. They scampered over to the sofa where I was sitting and perched themselves next to me, the two of them side by side, then Kiki and Evie came over and knelt between their legs.

It was like someone flipped a switch – everyone started getting sexy with whoever was close at hand. Well, everyone but me. The twins were swapping deep tongue kisses while Evie and Kiki went down on them, and I didn’t think it was appropriate for me to butt in.

Emma was sitting opposite me with Beth sat next to her. They were kissing and cuddling, but not getting too heated just yet. Catching my eye, Emma beckoned me over. I carefully stepped over the cushions and bean bags on the floor in front of me, where Mia was just starting to have sex with Lilly and Lottie.

“You looked a little lonely over there, Poppy,” Emma said. “Care to have some fun with Beth and me?”

“I’d love to!” I answered.

I have a little crush on Emma, so a little mum-and-daughter threesome with these two stunning redheads felt like just the thing for me. I straddled Emma, facing her, and we kissed. Beth’s hands went straight between my legs – one fondling my bum, the other fingering my pussy.

Meanwhile, sex was going on all around us. Nicole and Chrissie were kissing nearby, each masturbating the other. Mum was half hanging off the sofa with Celeste licking her pussy, while Henri had climbed onto the sofa and was squatting over my mother’s face. What a show!

After we’d swapped a few juicy kisses, Emma and Beth had me down on my back. Emma was kneeling just above my mouth. I raised my head to lick her, but she pinned my shoulder to the carpet.

“No, not yet,” Emma said. “First, I want you to look at my cunt. Smell it. Feel the warmth of it, think about how much you want to lick me. Do that first, then I’ll give you a taste.”

Okay, that was different. But I figured, Why not? Think of it as a new experience. Anyhow, Emma did have a beautiful cunt, and it smelled divine. So I relaxed and enjoyed the view, just like I was studying a work of art.

In the meantime, I could feel Beth between my legs, preparing me for what seemed to be a tribbing session. She raised my leg up high, giving it to her mum to hold. I couldn’t see what Beth was doing, but knew tribbing was even better when you spread your pussy lips open to expose the clit. So I reached down and did just that before I felt Beth’s hairy cunt push into mine.

It’s funny – tribbing was really hard for me to do when I first tried it. There’s a certain knack to rubbing pussies. Getting the angle right and working out a mutual rhythm, to name two. For me, it was far easier licking pussy to achieve the same result. But as I got more and more used to doing it, my love for tribbing increased. It’s a very intimate way of having sex with a woman, especially useful when you want to climax at the same time as your lover. Mia and I had it down to a fine art.

Now Beth was grinding up a storm between my legs. By then, Emma had taken mercy on me and lowered her cunt to my mouth, so I was eating her like nobody’s business. There wasn’t a lot I could do for Beth, just lie there while she fucked me. I had a lovely orgasm while gulping down Emma’s strong, savoury juices. We enjoyed a few cunt-flavoured kisses, then went our separate ways to seek out more fun.

As you can imagine, the twins were a huge hit. We weren’t sure when or even if they would come back to spend more time with the Mad Eleven, so everyone wanted to make sure they got some quality time with those adorable little redheads. Chrissie kept a close eye on them, but Lola and Lexi were in their element, having sex just like the rest of us were.

At one point there was a big pile of naked bodies entangled on the floor and sofas, tongues and fingers busy everywhere. I loved it when someone I couldn’t see was licking or fingering me. Occasionally I could work out who it was, especially if it was Mum, Lilly or Mia.

I had my clit licked over and over and was finger fucked like crazy, especially by the adults, I got kissed dozens of times, and at one point, Evie was eating my pussy while Lilly rimmed me. Of all the girls there, I was the youngest one in the room who liked being penetrated, and nearly everyone took advantage of that.

My bum got a lot of action, too. Emma loved slipping a finger in my arse whenever she had the chance to, but while we were all entangled in our massive orgy, it happened a few times, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t always her. It was a bit naughty of me, but I slid a finger in Lilly’s bum, and she definitely liked it.

Kiki and Henri left the party at one point, then came back with a vast array of sex toys. Even the little ones were allowed to use them, long as they didn’t involve putting anything into their vaginas. Lilly and Evie were in another world as they used bullet vibrators on themselves.

For Lola and Lexi, though, it was a new and thrilling experience. The two five-year-olds squealed and giggled as they dared each other to touch this strange new plaything to their clits. It was lovely to watch them having fun learning about their beautiful little bodies and how they worked.

I was gently easing a small dildo into Mia – just for my own amusement, because she’d climaxed moments earlier. Nicole was working a vibrator inside me and stroking my bumhole. On the sofa, Lottie and Henri were tribbing and Kiki was licking each of the twins in turn. Mum and Lilly were on the carpet near the fireplace, fucking Celeste. I came hard while all this was going on and passed out for a minute or two. I didn’t know what kind of vibrator Nicole was using on me, but I definitely wanted one!

Around one in the morning, the little ones started to wind down. Bless them, all four had been very active that night, receiving as many orgasms as they’d given, so it was no surprise they were all knackered. The grownups picked the girls up and carried them to Kiki’s room, which had the most spacious bed. It was the cutest thing in the world to see all four of them tucked in together, happily dozing.

We chatted and fucked, ate more food, then fucked some more. By three o’clock, my eyes were getting heavy, my pussy was sore, my jaw ached and I was utterly drained. Being the birthday girl, I wasn’t left idle for more than a moment or two.

Finally, I crawled over to Mia and collapsed into her lap.

“Are you tired?” she asked.

“I’m wiped out,” I mumbled back.

She gave a huge yawn. “Mmmm. Me too.”

We snuggled up next to the fire. Henri draped a blanket over us, and seconds later my little lover and I were snoozing away.

It was the most wonderful birthday a young lesbian could ever have. The presents and meal were lovely, but the good company was what made such an incredible night. My Mad Eleven sisters and the rest of our friends went all out to make sure it was special, and they certainly succeeded.

That was what made our little club so amazing. It was about giving, not receiving. Not just sex, but kindness and friendship as well. The bonds we forged ran deep and would never be broken.

We were there for each other, no matter what.

The End

Authors Note:

We’ve come to the end of Sweet Poppy. It’s been an absolute joy to write, and even more so to see the wonderful reactions and lovely comments. Above all else, that is why I write – for you, our fantastic readers. So, from the bottom of my heart… Thank you for all your support.

I can’t remember exactly when I first reached out to Jetboy with a story idea, but it was probably over two (maybe three?) years ago. During that time I’ve learned a lot about who I am as an author, I’ve grown and developed skills that were lacking. This is in no small measure down to JetBoy and his patient and tireless efforts to make my story the best it can be (as he does with every story he works on). That’s the best praise I can heap upon him, to attribute some small measure of my improvement as a writer to his helping hand. Thank you, my friend, for all you’ve done.

Will there be a Part Two? Originally yes, there was one, but the process of writing and publishing Part One was so exhausting that I decided to leave it here. Having said that, I love these characters so much, and have come so far with them that I’ve begun to write Part Two after all, although it’s a long way from complete. Watch this space… I’m sure we’ll see more of our darling Sweet Poppy soon.

Thanks, everyone, you’re amazing!


17 Comments on Sweet Poppy, Chapter 21

  1. Kim & Sue says:

    Thank you Joe. and JetBoy. A great conclusion. Great comes in each chapter, and a well done story in general. I guess we’ll let Poppy say it for us.

    “I’m wiped out,” I mumbled back.

  2. Mona says:

    End of a beautiful chapter in their. Hoping for a new one with possibly more families involved. Thank you.

  3. JetBoy says:

    This story was a blast to work on, and Joe was a great writer to work with. A remarkable debut from an author with serious potential. Don’t know about you, but I’m eagerly awaiting whatever he turns out next!

    Thanks to all who stuck with and commented on the story.

    • Joe Dornish says:

      Thank you Jetboy, you really have taught me so much. I am honoured to have my work published here, and as you said, it’s been a blast.

  4. Aidanmoore24 says:

    Gentlemen, excellent writing and thank you for writing it

  5. David says:

    Great end to Part 1 I must say Joe. What a great way to end it too, with the most erotic birthday party Poppy could hope to have. Well written and detailed to bring us all in on the fun and orgasms. Thanks for your work with JetBoy to make this a great story. I will be waiting to see Sweet Poppy show up again, whenever that is.

  6. Christine says:

    Thanks to both Joe and Jetboy for such a beautiful story. Cannot wait to read about the next great adventure that our Sweet Poppy gets herself into along with her Mad Eleven sisters.

  7. Captain Midnight says:

    I am sorry this particular story is over, but I am glad you want to pick up Poppy’s story down the line.

    You know what I like, romance and loving relationships. I hope the girls and women develop as lovers and friends. I loved the ksweet moments between Poppy and Mia, and Kiki and Beth. I saw some more pairs in this chapter whom I hope develop into true-love relationships.

    The daisy-chain sequence was tremendous fun to read. I especially liked it when they flipped over and each giver was thanked by the girl she had just eaten out.

    It sounded very implausible that this orgy and others could go on for so and for so many orgasms. Can women tell me if it does work out?

    Poppy going to sleep cuddled with Mia is a wonderful way to wrap up this story.

  8. Joe Dornish says:

    Thank you everyone for such wonderful and kind comments, I appreciate it so much.

  9. Jack says:

    This has been an incredible tale! Loved every bit of it! Thank you for your efforts Joe & JetBoy! I will definitely look for another appearance of Sweet Poppy in the future when you’re ready for her to tantalize us again!

  10. Tim says:

    It’s all been said, so I won’t write at length, but just say it’s a great ending to a great story.
    Thanks Joe, and of course Jetboy, and I’ll look out with eager anticipation for part 2.

  11. Bryan says:

    Epic story on an epic scale. There was not 1 part i didn’t love

  12. Darkwolves says:

    Amazing work. I really hope to see more of your work in the future.

    • Joe Dornish says:

      Thanks for the kind words.

      I have written a part two, but for various reasons it hasn’t yet made it to a stage where it’s ready to publish.

      But…I have another story that’s complete and sitting in JBs editing pile, it should be published soon ish I think.

  13. Alyane says:

    Hi , im writing here since the chapter 1 only have old post but i just started this story. I havent read lots of erotic stories so far and my first in that taboo genre. OMG this is just sooooo arousing!!! I’m just at chapter 3 but can’t wait to read the rest (no enough time in my life). I’m open to reply cause i’m really curious to read more of that type. I like it when the sex part is not expected and happends because of a specific scenario or event.

  14. Debbie L says:

    Joe, upon completing my re-read of this epic, delicious tale, I can only say, thank you. I’ve loved every moment, the love, the romance, the intimacy….and oh god the sex!! Utterly wonderful. Thank you again.
    D xxx

    • Joe Dornish says:

      Thank you for all your lovely comments Debbie, these comments are what give me the drive to write more. I am writing something else right now and a few times I’ve been tempted to just shelve it, then I read your comments on here and get back to the keyboard, so thank you for spurring me on!

      I’ll see you in 12 months for the annual re-read!

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