When Fourteen is Eight, Part One

  • Posted on April 17, 2023 at 2:16 pm

Note from JetBoy: This story is pure fantasy — not just in its portrayal of mother-daughter sex, but in its depiction of of a severe head injury. In nearly every case, an accident of this severity would have complications and consequences beyond those described here. It’s not meant to be true to life, and should not be interpreted as such. I like to think of it as an erotic fable, one about a disabled girl’s quest for love and happiness.

by Karin Halle

When Jolie was eight years old, she was badly injured in a vehicular accident. Two cars collided; one left the road and crashed into a bus shelter where Jolie was seated. The shelter collapsed, trapping the girl inside. It took three hours for firefighters to extricate her from the debris.

As a result, Jolie was in a medically induced coma for four days. And though most of her physical injuries did gradually heal, she’d sustained a blow to the head that turned out to be a far more serious matter. Once she became conscious, subsequent tests would reveal that her intellectual development had been stunted by the accident. For the remainder of her life, Jolie would possess the mental capacity of a child of eight.

Otherwise, Jolie was a healthy and happy girl. Her mother Dana was the one who was obliged to cope with their new reality. There had been a substantial compensation claim for Jolie’s benefit, and Dana had been entitled to a claim of her own. These ensured that mother and daughter could live comfortably without Dana having to work. This meant that she could educate Jolie herself, rather than send the girl to a special school.

It wasn’t easy, but Dana obtained the materials she needed to teach a child of Jolie’s age, and a year beyond that. She threw herself into the task, and within a month mother and daughter were settled into a regular homeschooling routine. Before her accident, Jolie had been a bright child… and thankfully, she still was, even though she would never develop much further than that.


When Jolie was fourteen years old, a new complication arose. One day, Dana was organising some papers when her daughter entered the room, a frown marring her pretty face. She said, “Mummy, I feel funny.”

As all mothers do, Dana asked her child what the trouble was, but Jolie wasn’t able to put the right words to her experience. Again, she said, “It feels funny.”

Patiently putting her papers into two stacks, one for sorted and one for unsorted, Dana asked, “Well, where do you feel funny, pumpkin?”

Jolie told her, “My kitty,” placing a hand between her legs for emphasis.

Dana had known for years that an issue of this type was sure to arise. Her daughter knew where babies came from, and that sex was a pleasurable activity for grownups to enjoy… but Dana hadn’t taken the conversation any further, had never explained to Jolie that she would develop sexual feelings of her own. That, she had decided, can wait until another day.

Apparently, that day had arrived.

She tried to start the discussion with a feeling Jolie could relate to. “You know how when you’re hungry and you have something to eat, you aren’t hungry anymore?”

The girl nodded.

“And when you’re thirsty, you have a drink, and the thirst goes away.”

“Yes, Mummy.”

“And if you have an itch, you scratch it, and that usually makes it better.”

Jolie’s expression was somewhat doubtful, as if she suspected that Mummy wasn’t answering her question at all. Dana soldiered on.

“What you’re feeling inside has to do with sex, pumpkin.”

That really perplexed her. “But why, Mummy? Does that mean I’m going to have a baby? Sex makes babies happen, right?”

“No, no,” Dana hastened to say. “Well, it does, but not this time. Don’t forget, sex is for other things besides making babies. It also feels good. Well, people get hungry for that good feeling, and it makes them want to have sex. And now that you’re growing up, you’ll be getting hungry in the same way. That’s what’s happening to you now.”

“And that means… I need to have sex?”

Suddenly Dana felt as if she had two heads, and that they were banging against each other. No matter; she needed to find some way to explain this. “Not exactly. I mean, you may be feeling that hunger… but there are lots of times in life where you just aren’t able to have sex. What if no one else is there? What would you do then?”

Jolie thought about it. “Um, I dunno. What?”

So innocent, Dana thought. “You touch your kitty, and make the good feeling happen for yourself.”

Frowning, Jolie said, “Touch my kitty? Why? The feeling isn’t there, Mummy. It’s inside.”

“Just try it, honey… when you do, you’ll understand.”

“But… how, Mummy?” Jolie was becoming upset. “I don’t know what to do!”

Dana had no idea how to respond. How do I get her to understand this? She couldn’t even think straight – this situation was beyond anything she’d encountered. Can a girl with a mental age of eight be taught to give herself orgasms? What words do you use to convey the idea of sexual release?

Not knowing what else to do, Dana took her daughter’s hand. “Come with me,” she said, then led Jolie to her bedroom, where they sat down together at the foot of the bed.

“Take your shorts and underpants off for me, okay?”

Jolie was still confused, but she did understand that Mommy was doing her best to help. She stood up and slipped out of her shorts, pushing her panties down at the same time. Now nude from the waist down, she stood before her mother.

Taking a deep breath, Dana began. “You remember how I told you about your vagina, right? The inside of your kitty?”

Jolie furrowed her brow. “I – I’m not sure…”

“It’s that opening down there, pumpkin – the hole where you pee from, and where blood comes out when you have your period!”

“Oh, yeah, now I remember!”

“Very good. Well, if you touch down there, I bet you’ll find that you’re wet.”

“I haven’t wet myself, Mummy,” Jolie indignantly replied. “Really, I haven’t!”

But when she actually did touch between her thighs, there was wetness… then she recalled having felt that same wetness in her underpants.

“No, no!” Jolie began to cry. “I’m sorry, Mummy,” she whimpered, lowering her head in shame. She’d peed herself, just like a little kid! “I d-didn’t mean to…”

Dana was becoming frantic. Struggling to maintain her calm, she assured her daughter, “No, no, Jolie. That isn’t what happened. Listen to me.” She took Jolie in her arms, guiding the girl into her lap.

“Pumpkin, you didn’t wet yourself,” she said, resting her hand on Jolie’s tummy. Without giving it too much thought, Dana lightly touched her daughter’s vulva. Sure enough, it was moist. “It’s not wee. It’s… it’s a special liquid that comes from you when that hunger comes. You use it to make yourself feel good when… here, I’ll show you.”

Coating a finger with dew, she slowly ran the tip of it up through the girl’s slit. Jolie immediately stopped sobbing and sat bolt upright. Her eyes slowly drifted shut, and she gave a blissful sigh.

Part of Dana was reminding her that a special place in hell was reserved for mothers who sexually molested their daughters. But another part was saying, Mummies make their daughters’ hurts go away. Your child needs this. It’s compassionate, not sexual.

Dana dipped her finger into Jolie again for more of her honey. It wasn’t really necessary, but for some reason she did it anyway. My God, she really is aroused. Did I get this wet when I was her age? She used her index finger to retrace the path through the cleft of Jolie’s pussy, noting how her daughter shivered deliciously with each stroke.

“See, this is all you have to do. Okay, you try it now.”

Jolie gave her head an emphatic shake. “No, Mummy. You. It feels good. It feels really, really, really good!”

With a silent prayer of God forgive me, Dana began to masturbate her daughter for real. She was no longer simply teaching the girl, but giving her relief.

There was something else, too.

Dana had divorced Jolie’s father when the girl was five, fed up with his numerous infidelities. The split had been an ugly one, leaving her fed up with men in general. After that, she had little interest in getting into another relationship, and then came Jolie’s accident.

From that day on, her time had been consumed with caring for her daughter. The amount of effort required was intense. Dana dedicated herself to looking after her precious Jolie, and chose to do it on her own. The girl’s situation left her unable to interact well with kids her own age – to them she was a child in every way but physically. On the other hand, kids of the same intellectual age were often uncomfortable around a girl who was so much older than they were.

And during all that time, nobody had been there to look after Dana. Except for Jolie, she was on her own at thirty-six. Her parents were both gone; her only sibling was a brother who had succumbed to a heroin overdose. As for Jolie’s father, she wanted nothing more to do with him.

All Dana and Jolie had in this world was each other. And usually, it was all they needed.

Most evenings, Dana simply collapsed into bed after settling Jolie down for the night. Tending to the child wasn’t physically demanding, but the emotional effort was often considerable.

Now, as she masturbated her daughter, Dana tried to recall the last time she’d done that for herself, and realised that she had no idea.

Dana felt an unexpected but incredibly powerful urge. Taking her hand away from Jolie’s sex, she gazed at the half-naked girl, seeing her daughter in a whole new way.

Jolie reacted at once, sitting up. “Aw, Mummy… why’d you stop? Please don’t – touch me more!”

Dana began to open her blouse. “Get undressed, pumpkin. Everything off.”

Jolie had no idea what this new game was, but she was happy to continue. She shrugged out of her t-shirt, then sat down and slipped off her socks. Now she was completely nude.

Her top and jeans now on the floor, Dana took off her bra and panties, then took a moment to appraise the lovely fourteen-year-old in front of her.

It had been a while since she’d last seen Jolie naked, and even then she’d never looked at her like this – as a lovely, desirable young woman.

Her daughter had ripened deliciously. She was tall for her age, with curves that most girls of that age could only wish for. Her breasts were upright and shapely, capped with pert, rosy nipples. She had long, slender legs and a flat belly. Her mound was adorned with a light patch of wheat-hued pubes, sparse enough for the crease of her slit to show.

Why didn’t I notice before? I knew she was pretty as a picture, but somehow she became sexy, too. “Oh, pumpkin… you’re so beautiful,” she whispered.

Jolie blushed, hotly, but was clearly pleased. “You are too, Mummy,” she said, looking Dana up and down.

Dana was still in good shape. She wasn’t carrying much excess weight, her tits were still where they were supposed to be, and her legs were firm and nicely contoured.

Her heart thudded as she studied Jolie’s face, losing herself in the warm brown of those adoring eyes.

All we have in this world is each other, Dana reminded herself. Would it be such an awful thing if I were to make love to her, just this once? After all, I want Jolie’s first orgasm to be one she remembers forever.

She weighed the idea, let it unfold in her mind. Maybe I could pretend she’s my lover for a few minutes – my underage lover. Okay, that’s sort of weird, but also… wilder, more exciting. 

Still gazing at her daughter, Dana made a decision.

“Lie down with your legs spread apart for me,” she said, her voice low and sensual.

Jolie happily obeyed, the girl’s eyes wide open as she watched her mum. She was curious as to what was going to happen, while also hoping for more of those lovely touches.

Dana stretched out next to her daughter. “I think you’re going to like this.” Reaching between Jolie’s legs, she began tracing the vaginal opening, her finger sliding through the girl’s moist labia.

“That’s good, Mummy,” Jolie cooed. “I like it!”

“Oh, my,” Dana said to herself. This was even more of a thrill than she expected. She was breaking the law of motherly conduct in a big way, yet it felt strangely right, somehow. It had been ages since she’d had sex with someone who truly, honestly loved her… and who she adored every bit as much.

Wanting to take Jolie even further, Dana allowed a finger to graze her daughter’s clit. “Oh,” she moaned. “Oh.”

Jolie’s clitoris was tiny – just a button, really. But she certainly responds when you touch it, Dana thought, then realised that she had no real basis for comparison. She’d played kissing games with other girls when she was in high school, but had never experienced lesbian sex. In a way, we’re both virgins, she thought with a smile.

Suddenly she realised that Jolie was bucking up and down on the bed, crying, “Mummy, oh, Mummy! Don’t stop – p-please don’t!”

Centering her attention on the task at hand, Dana carefully toyed with Jolie’s bud. She gave it a gentle flick, and her daughter squealed with delight.

Whatever doubts Dana had about what she was doing had vanished into thin air. Her child was caught up in the purest ecstasy, and she was making it happen. Whether it was right or wrong, Dana’s sole objective was to make Jolie feel good.

By then, her daughter’s labia was flushed a bright pink, her clit was noticeably erect, and a trickle of juice was oozing from her slit.

Jolie gasped. “Ooooh, Mummy, that f-funny feeling, it’s getting big…!”

Dana’s lips were barely touching her child’s ear. “Don’t you worry,” she whispered. “You’ll know all about it in a moment.” As if to fulfil a prophecy, Dana gave the girl’s clit a light pinch.

Jolie’s body began to shudder and she moaned. “It’s… it’s… ohhhhhh!”

As an orgasm ran through Jolie, Dana continued to masturbate her daughter. That climax began to subside, but another one came crashing down, and Jolie screamed.

Dana didn’t want to overdo it on the child’s first sexual experience. Her fourteen-year-old body could surely take it, but she wasn’t as certain about her daughter’s mind. She withdrew her hand, and Jolie went limp.

Even after her rapture had ebbed, Jolie needed a few minutes to recover. Dana held the girl close, gently rocking her to and fro.

Jolie’s eyes fluttered open. “What happened, Mummy? What was that? What did you do to me?’ Her eyes shone with awe.

Placing a kiss on the tip of her daughter’s nose, Dana jokingly said, “I think I made my baby girl feel good. Is that what I did, pumpkin?”

“You did, Mummy! It was… it was the bestest feeling ever!”

“And we can do it again, too. Lots and lots of times!” Dana was astonished to hear those words leave her mouth. Wasn’t this supposed to be a one-time thing? she asked herself.

“I’d like that, Mummy!”

But I don’t want to stop, she answered. It was lovely, the most fulfilling sex I’ve had in ages… and it’s brought me even closer to my daughter. No, I can’t give this up.

Dana gazed into Jolie’s enchanting blue eyes, a question rising to her lips, one she desperately longed to voice. Can I ask this of my own child? she wondered, torn between her conscience and the fierce need that pulsed through her body.

Making a decision, she spoke. “Jolie… do you think, maybe, you could do something like that for me? Make Mummy feel nice?”

Jolie all but sprang into a kneeling position. “I will! I love you soooo much, Mummy. You should get to have the good feeling, too!”

Bringing Jolie’s hand to her lips, Dana kissed it. “Thank you, my love.” She drew the girl’s bare body to hers. “That’s what you are, Jolie. My love. I’d do anything for you.”

“Me too, Mummy!” Jolie exclaimed. “So, um… can I give you the feeling now?”

Dana had to laugh. “Impatient, are we? Fair enough.” Stretching out on her back, she parted her legs, putting her vulva on display.

Nibbling her lower lip, Jolie studied her mother’s sex. “I… I just touch you here, huh?” Her index finger grazed Dana’s labia.

It felt divine. Shouldn’t take much to make me come, Dana thought. I’m at least halfway there. “Just like that, pumpkin.” She felt Jolie caress her open slit. “Oh, yes… that’s very nice.”

Jolie began to masturbate her mummy, the girl’s brow furrowed as she concentrated on the task at hand, determined to do her best. Dana had to ask her daughter a couple of times to be more gentle, but they quickly established a steady rhythm. Jolie didn’t know how to stimulate the clitoris, but that didn’t really matter to Dana – the girl’s finger continued to trace a pathway through her cunt, going a little deeper with every pass, pushing Dana to the brink of a climax she’d needed for years without knowing it.

Dana hadn’t made love since her divorce nearly eight years earlier… and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d pleasured herself. So when Jolie brought her to orgasm, it was like coming home.

In its aftermath, Dana felt herself glowing with pleasure – and love. Hugging her daughter tightly, she found herself crying.

Jolie’s eyes grew wide with concern. “M-Mummy?” she whimpered. Her lower lip began to quiver.

“I’m okay, pumpkin,” Dana hastened to say, taking a steadying breath. The last thing she wanted right then was to make Jolie cry. “These are happy tears, because I – I love you so much.”

Satisfied with the explanation, glad to have made her mother feel good, Jolie was content to nestle in Dana’s arms and have her face showered with kisses,

Without quite understanding why, Jolie felt a sudden urge to kiss her mother. So when Dana’s lips wandered near hers, she puckered up and gave Mummy a firm kiss on the mouth, the way men and ladies did it on TV.

Taken by surprise, Dana was first to break away. She stared at her daughter, whispering, “Oh, baby girl…”

I’m in love with her, she realised. God in heaven, I’m in love with my own child. 

Closing her eyes, Dana gave Jolie a feather-light kiss. Then another… and another.

“That’s nice,” Jolie said. “I like kissing you, Mummy.”

It was an opportunity Dana couldn’t allow to pass. “Do you? Well, then… how would you like to learn how grownups kiss? Then you and I could be lovers.”

Tilting her head, Jolie gave her mum a curious look. “We could? You mean, like you and me are girlfriends?”

Dana’s heart was racing, and she felt tingly and warm all over. “That’s right, pumpkin. If you want, we can be girlfriends.” She chuckled. “I like being lovers even more, though.”

Jolie giggled. “But that’s silly! How can you be my lover and my mum?”

Bending to kiss her daughter’s cheek, Dana nuzzled her way down to Jolie’s neck, touching her lips to the soft skin. “Let me show you how,” she murmured, rolling onto her back, carrying Jolie along so the girl was now on top of her.

“Ooooohh,” Jolie sighed, a shiver racing through her slender frame. “Okay, Mummy.”

Dana placed a line of kisses along the teen’s throat, then up to her chin. From there, it was the briefest of journeys to Jolie’s mouth. “I adore you, my darling child,” Dana whispered. She kissed her again, this time allowing it to linger. After a moment, she parted her lips, teasing her daughter’s mouth with a brief flick of the tongue.

Jolie responded by letting her own lips drift open… and when Dana’s tongue emerged again, the teen met it with hers, as if joining in Mummy’s game. Dana wasn’t sure what the girl’s response signified, but wanted to encourage her, so she engaged Jolie’s tongue in a sort of dance.

Soon her daughter was eagerly participating, and their tongues flickered back and forth. At that point, Dana began to make the kiss deep and sensuous – letting their mouths slide together, gently nibbling at the girl’s lower lip, purring with pleasure. It seemed to work, too. Jolie’s response suggested she understood that this was more than just casual play.

Finally, Dana put her hands to Jolie’s shoulders and pushed upwards, so the teen was looking down at her.

“You like kissing, do you?” she asked. “My baby likes to kiss?”

Too dazed to reply, Jolie stared at Dana, as if waiting for something more.

Dana rolled Jolie onto her back and kissed her again. This was firm and passionate, and her daughter hesitated before joining in – but she did, soon matching her mother’s ardour.

It’s time, Dana told herself.

Scooting down to the end of the bed, she grasped her daughter’s knees and pushed them apart. She glanced up to see Jolie’s face – the girl’s expression was one of eager curiosity, of expectation. Perhaps Jolie didn’t know what her mother was about to do, but she was keen to find out.

Dana studied Jolie’s sex as if for the first time. It was a deep pink, adorned by a sprinkling of soft pubes. The labia were slightly parted, a hint of wetness visible.

Still, Dana hesitated, well aware of never having done anything like this before. It was crossing a dangerous line, she knew that, but it no longer mattered. My poor damaged child… she’s got a mother who adores her, but she deserves more. A lover. Someone to worship her body as well as her soul. Who is society to tell me I can’t give Jolie that?

There and then, she made her decision. Damn whatever the rules say – I was meant for this.

Moving closer, she gave her daughter’s pussy a long, slow lick. She heard Jolie make a squeaking sound of surprise, perhaps even delight, but after that she was so caught up in the act of going down on her daughter that she couldn’t concentrate on anything else.

It wasn’t long before Jolie was coming again, her hands clenched to fists, crying, “Mummy, Mummy, oooohh M-Mummy I love you!”

Dana was giddy with joy, gulping down her daughter’s honey as it flowed from Jolie’s slit, then licking inside for more. Probing further, the tip of her tongue touched the membrane that guarded the girl’s virginity. She pushed against it, but was unable to go any deeper.

Only later would she have misgivings, or even give it much consideration. But at that moment, it seemed the only logical move.

Gazing at her dreamy-eyed girl, Dana crooned, “Do you trust Mummy, pumpkin?”

Jolie was too far gone to do much more than mumble, “Uh-huh.”

Dana reached for a pillow and slipped it beneath Jolie’s pelvis, then gently spread her daughter’s legs apart, feeling a delicious shiver when the vaginal cleft parted ever so slightly, exposing its bright pink interior. Placing her finger at the entrance, Dana slipped it inside, savouring the warmth and wetness of Jolie’s cunt.

When the tip of her finger rested against her daughter’s hymen, Dana took a deep breath to steady her nerves, then spoke. “I’m going to open you up inside, so we can play even more lovely games together. This might hurt, pumpkin… but only for a moment. Okay?”

“Okay, Mummy. I’ll t-try to be brave…”

Dana slipped her finger into the gap where Jolie’s monthly flow could get past, then pushed it inside with a single steady stroke.

“Ooooh!” the girl gasped, more in surprise than pain.

“Are you okay? Did that hurt very much?” A bit late now for that to be a concern, she admonished herself.

“No, Mummy. It wasn’t bad.”

Dana whispered, “Thank God.” She withdrew her finger until only the tip remained, then slid it back inside. Moving very slowly, she began to pump in and out, gradually increasing the pace.

“S-so full, Mummy!” Jolie exclaimed. “I… I like this!”

I’m fucking my daughter, Dana told herself.

A mere day earlier, she would have been horrified by the very thought. Now she was beside herself with happiness, astonished by how utterly right this felt.

Getting an idea, Dana turned herself around, bending over Jolie’s tummy. Now she could pleasure the girl’s cunt with her finger while sucking her clit.

A shivery moan escaped the teen’s lips, and her limbs began to tremble.

In very little time Dana’s efforts were rewarded – her daughter was climaxing again. She took Jolie through the rise and fall of ecstasy, then blessed her with a kiss.

“I adore you, my darling, darling child,” Dana whispered. “Now you’re Mummy’s little lover… and I’m going to make you the happiest girl in the world.”

“Love you, Mummy,“ Jolie sighed, barely able to get the words out before she fell asleep.

Dana lay quietly for a while, gazing at her daughter – her beautiful unique girl, so childlike, so perfect. After a while, she too drifted off.


When Dana awakened, there was still a hint of daylight outside – but the light wasn’t what had roused her.

She quickly realised that her legs were apart, and Jolie was lying between them, licking her pussy!

When she saw her mother was awake, Jolie raised her head. With a grin, she said, “You wanted me to do those things to you, Mummy… but I didn’t get to do this yet!”

Falling back on the bed, Dana gave herself over to Jolie’s love. The child was planting little kisses all over her vulva. There was no pattern, no way to guess where the girl’s lips or tongue would touch next – her mound, her clit, the cleft between her labia, the entrance to her cunt, even her perineum.

It was lovely, but too unfocused to get Dana where she needed to be. And by then, her need was acute.

“Lick me, pumpkin,” she gasped. “Like it’s a lollipop!”

Jolie’s kisses turned to licks, and the teen fell into a pattern – her tongue travelled from Dana’s hole through her labia, ending with her clit. Then Jolie licked again.

Without meaning to, Dana exclaimed, “Oh, fuck!”

Jolie’s face popped up. “You shouldn’t say that, Mummy,” she scolded. “That’s a naughty word!”

Dana looked at Jolie, fighting an impulse to laugh. “It’s okay when you’re making love, pumpkin. That’s what the word is for in the first place. You shouldn’t say it at school, or around grownups… but when we’re doing things like this, it’s okay.” Reaching out, she caressed her child’s face. “You say it, pumpkin. Say that word.”

Jolie stared at her mother, not certain what to think. “You want me to say that?”

“Just for me, honey. Please?”

Jolie shrugged, as if to say, These crazy grownups – what’ll they think of next? She whispered the word. “Fuck.”

“That’s it, darling. Say it again!”

She did, louder this time. “Fuck.”


Louder, now with a touch of confidence. “Fuck!”

“See, isn’t that fun?” Dana said. “Sometimes you should enjoy being naughty.”

“I guess.” Jolie decided to try it again. “Fuck!” she exclaimed, then burst into giggles.

“Okay, now let’s try something a bit different. Go back to licking me… but this time, say the word every time you take a lick.”

Jolie mulled the idea over. “And then you’ll get the good feeling again?”

“Oh, yes. I very much will.”

“Cool!” Delving back between her mother’s legs, Jolie took a deep breath. “Fuck,” she announced, then took a lick.

“Oh, God,” Dana moaned. “Oh, yes.

“Fuck!” This time the teen said the wicked word right into her mum’s kitty, so she could give her a lick straight away.

“Fuck!” Lick.

“Fuck!” Lick.

That was enough to set Dana off. She exploded in an orgasm, one powerful enough to cause her to gush into Jolie’s face.

Oh, hell, she thought, expecting to hear a howl of protest from her daughter. Instead, she got a giggle.

“You wet yourself, Mummy. But it’s not wee, you said so!”

“That’s right, it isn’t,” said Dana. Sitting up, she drew her daughter close, claiming the girl’s mouth in a tender kiss. Jolie responded immediately, her tongue darting between Mummy’s lips, and their kiss went from gentle to passionate.

When they finally drifted apart, the starry-eyed girl whispered, “Am I really your little lover now? And we get to be girlfriends? Really and truly?”

“Yes, Jolie,” Dana murmured. “If that’s what you want… then so do I. More than anything.”

Suddenly animated, Jolie was all but bouncing in her mother’s arms. “I do want, Mummy!” she squealed. “I do!”

Dana touched her lips to the teen’s cheek. “Then that’s how it is, pumpkin. Forever and always.”

“Good,” Jolie cooed, then broke into a huge yawn.

“Oh, my… I know a certain girl who’s having an attack of the snoozies–” Then Dana was yawning herself.

“You too, Mummy!” Jolie gleefully replied. “We both got the snoozies!”

“Well, there’s only one thing to do about that.” Gathering up the scattered bedding as best she could, Dana covered their bodies. “C’mon, pumpkin. You’re staying with me tonight. Let’s get some sleep.”

“Okay.” Jolie nestled into her mother. “Night-night, Mummy. Love you.”

“Love you too, pumpkin.”

As her eyelids grew heavy, Dana was thinking about her special child. So innocent, an angel in the guise of a young girl. She hoped nothing had happened between them to spoil that innocence. Somehow, it seemed unlikely.

Her last thought before drifting off was I’ve got to be the luckiest mum in the world.

On to Part Two!


24 Comments on When Fourteen is Eight, Part One

  1. Brian says:

    Delicious..so naughty and erotic…can’t wait for part 2.

  2. Carol Anne says:

    Oh Karin, what a sensual story. A sad start, ending in very erotic love making with mom and daughter sharing one of the best, if not the best, feelings in the world. I so love mother/daughter sex. I think about my daughter all the time, but still haven’t made the move. I know it is wrong but at least I have the fantasy and the stories here to help me fill my desires. Thanks Karin, for this very erotic story and I look forward to Chapter 2.

  3. Karin Halle says:

    With every story published, my appreciation and admiration for the contributions made by the editors increases. In this case, JetBoy. I write the words, and then JetBoy gets them ready for presentation to the world.

    My continuing thanks to all readers as well, for feedback and encouragement.

  4. sue says:

    Sorry, just could not get turned on by this story, and I couldn’t feel any sympathy for the mother. Usually I like your different take on sex and sad circumstances, but this just struck me as abuse.

    I may have missed something and judged too harshly, like all stories here it’s well written but this angle to the story left me cold and I won’t read any more chapters. I gave two stars. And only comment because I felt I should let you know why I only gave two stars.

    • Erocritique says:

      I agree it was a risky premise, but it was as plausible as most, and not really approaching abuse imho. The mother was basically sexually loveless, and the daughter would likely never have an equal sexual or loving relationship with any partner. The mother attending to her child’s questions and needs was very likely much safer than the daughter finding answers on her own elsewhere. That is how I rationalized what is always an unequal relationship in every mother daughter story here. The premise is especially critical in this genre. This story’s premise actually made the sex between the mother and daughter “reasonably acceptable” imho.

      • Love's Sonnets Sway says:

        I do find it interesting how folks who enjoy *any* of the sweet, loving storied on this site (of which this was a fine example!) can start declaring that *some* of the woman/girl sex is “abuse” while other instances are just fine…

        If fictional sex between an 8yo and her mom is no problem for you, and fictional sex between a 14yo and her mom is also okay — then how does this story (which again, I absolutely loved and am looking forward to more of!) cross some sort of line which makes it unacceptable?

        Also worth pointing out that this is, of course, a work of fiction… and therefore by definition there cannot be any “abuse” because there are no actual people involved.

    • Ella says:

      I have to agree with you. Crosses a line into abuse for me.

      • JetBoy says:

        Considering that we have literally dozens and dozens of stories with girls eight years old or younger enjoying consensual sex, I don’t get why a story featuring a girl of fourteen with a mental age of eight should arouse such ire – especially since she is literally of an age to experience sexual desire.

        I suspect that if Jolie was an average girl of say, six or seven, these objections simply wouldn’t exist.

        • Ella says:

          Allow me to explain my position. The child in this story has experienced severe developmental issues as a result of serious physical trauma sustained in an accident.
          I have worked extensively over many years with both adults and children who have experienced such trauma and the issues arising from them. To work on the premise that the girls issue was simply to have stopped emotionally developing at 8 and that therefore her Mother is simply dealing with a normal 8 year old in a 14 year olds body is wildly simplistic at best.
          Brain injuries are incredibly complex and whilst she may ostensibly have simply stopped developing at 8, there will be a whole panoply of other issues going on. It’s likely, if this were a real case, that there would be regression in some areas and not others. Her ability to make the rational decisions even an 8 year old would make would likely be severely impaired and any mental health specialist or psychiatrist would certainly say that you can’t simply declare that this girl would simply be functioning as an 8 year old. They would be entirely reliant on a trusted adult for both their psychological and physical well-being.
          Even the Mother character states in the story:

          “Part of Dana was reminding her that a special place in hell was reserved for mothers who sexually molested their disabled daughters”

          Even on a site such as this, which pushes boundaries and covers fantasies that others wouldn’t, there are still lines.

          • cross says:

            Empty sophistry and nothing more. It makes no sense whatsoever to hold *this* particular sexual fantasy against the standards of polite society, medical science, and human psychology and not the others on this site. By doing so, you are implicitly asserting that any hypothetical *extremely underage* real-world analogs to JS protagonists are capable of understanding, and granting, consent to sexual activity with adults. I wonder what your precious “mental health specialists” would say about that.

            Give your head a shake. For real.

    • Esisi Kazi says:

      I won’t call it abuse, but the premise stopped me from continuing beyond the “explanation about sex” part.

      I know a child who has a stunted mental development, and while people say he “is mentally 6” despite being thirteen, it’s not that simple. There are far more development issues at play, one of which involving consent, which sounds weird for me to say as I enjoy the other stories. And yes, it’s fictional.

      But it just felt, icky, to me. Just like the story that was removed for involving a very young child, this is not the kind of story for me

  5. sue says:

    I guess I shouldn’t have used the word ‘abuse’ I did not mean to take the site down that rabbit hole. Let me just say that to me, the story’s premise has a decidedly ‘icky’ factor that I did not enjoy. Sadly incest stories with mom daughter sister turn me on. full disclosure, only the loving stories here excite me, actual sex with a child, or to have sex with my own mother at any point in my life disgust me.

    Thank you, Ella for putting my scattershot thoughts more clearly.

  6. Dom Inus says:

    Karin I think you are possibly the most daring of authors. It’s so interesting that sex with an 8 year old can be celebrated as beautiful in these stories, but the line is drawn for some because of a mental impairment. I suppose one could counter that in an age where we are being encouraged to treat the disabled as being like everyone else, and rightly so, helping them to relieve their needs should be part of that.

    I have a niece who is mentally diabled and I know the anguish that her other went through when she reached puberty and had to deal with those feelings. I’m sure her mother didn’t have sex with her, but she did have to help her cope and understand.

  7. Captain Midnight says:

    So, Jolie will remain age 8 for the rest of her life. That means she will have to have caregivers for the rest of her life. That means she will never truly understand what is happening to her. Mom can’t be her lover forever.

    I see some major problems down the line. They made this impossible for me to enjoy. I 1-bombed this.

  8. JetBoy says:

    Some very good and interesting points have been raised here… points I plan to address, but alas, time is short tonight.

    I do want to suggest, however, that everyone who commented here do the author the courtesy of reading the second and final chapter when it is posted. No spoilers, but in it we do see Jolie taking steps to become her own person, and in doing so achieve genuine happiness for herself (and others).

  9. Lacy says:

    I thought it was a beautiful story. Regardless of the mental capacity, the physical urges are real, they will happen, and her mother gave her a beautiful loving environment for that to happen.

  10. Joy says:

    I really hated this, and stopped reading a third of the way in.

  11. Russell says:

    First of all, this is FANTASY. Just like all other stories here. Secondly, I have news for those of you who think us handicapped people don’t know how to feel good, or don’t even want to feel good…… Guess what ?! .. WE DO.

    • JetBoy says:

      That’s kind of how I felt. Jolie has a disability, but she’s not a porcelain doll. She seems to me like a person who wouldn’t want others to dwell on her condition, but see her as a person first and foremost. She is damaged, but refuses to let it define her.

      I’ve known a couple of young people with Down’s Syndrome who remind me of Jolie in that way, and my respect and admiration for them is considerable.

  12. Natasha says:

    I found the story to be beautiful, caring, loving between a mother and her daughter

  13. Mark says:

    Hi, Karin. My name is Mark and I’m new here, at least as comments go. I so enjoyed your story. I found it to be both tender and highly erotic. The mother – daughter relationship, as well as Jolie’s physical/mental age, I find amazingly arousing. I have only read one other such story and that was mother – son (age 8-10). I’m so looking forward to part 2!

    Thank you! 🙂

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