A quick recap of the Story Thus Far: Rural paramedic Nettie Hastings finds herself in the middle of a flurry of unexplained overdose calls and, with the help of her best friend and former lover, Terry Wilder, has begun putting clues together linking the source to her own hometown. Some suspect Terry’s involvement, including police chief George Fronse, as Terry’s ex-wife is a convicted drug trafficker. A DEA agent named Bridgette Ramscone is brought in to work the case, and she takes a special interest in Nettie who, in the meantime, has entered into a clandestine affair with Terry’s preteen daughter. As Chapter 14 ends, Nettie and Terry rescue a car crash victim who Terry somehow seems to know.
For a more detailed breakdown of this story’s chapters, please consult the Chapter Links.
by Rachael Yukey
There’s nothing like twilight to throw decay into sharp relief. As Terry and I cruised back into Bronning, the ambulance decelerating smoothly as county highway transitioned into the main drag, I was struck by how old most of downtown was… and how poorly maintained.
The red brick of Tion’s drugstore was cracked and weathered; the rock-wall facade of the pub missing large chunks. As Terry turned the corner onto Marshall Avenue towards the ambulance garage, my eyes roamed the rust and ruin of Thomas’s service station, long since shuttered. They stopped pumping gas and changing oil before I was even born, and no one has bothered to repurpose the building.
By the time we’d dropped Darren Sanders off at the Melville hospital, he was hanging on by a thread. His level of consciousness had deteriorated markedly after that one moment of semi-lucidity, to the point at which he was no longer able to protect his airway. I’d ended up intubating him less than ten minutes out from the hospital.
Brian Severson, who had driven the ambulance during transport, didn’t come back to Bronning with us. His wife was a nurse in Melville, and he decided to hang around town until she got off shift. I had only Terry for company on the thirty-minute drive home, and he’d been stonily uncommunicative, responding to my attempts to draw him out with one or two word sentences. Eventually I gave up and set about finishing my report.
“Oh, look,” Terry said suddenly. “Special Agent Perky Tits wants to talk to us.”
I looked ahead and sure enough… the black DEA Suburban was nosed up to the sidewalk in front of the station, and I could make out Bridgett in the driver’s seat. Terry swung the rig onto the concrete apron, thumbing the garage door opener clipped to the visor as he did so. The driver’s door of the Suburban popped open, and Bridgett gracefully swung her legs onto the pavement.
She was standing in the garage next to the conference room door as I exited the ambulance, the face sheet, ECG printout, and laptop tucked under my arm. “Let’s talk,” she said simply.
As the garage door trundled down, I punched in the key code to access the conference room. Terry brushed past me and flung himself into a chair, his expression hard as flint. Bridgett and I followed at a more sedate pace. I eased into the chair to Terry’s left, placing my hand on his forearm and squeezing. Bridgett sat on the opposite side of the table, facing us.
“I just got off the phone with the hospital,” she said, “so I already know what the medical situation is. Did he say anything before you intubated him?”
“He was lucid for a couple of minutes when we were maybe halfway there,” I replied. “Not really oriented, but alert, if you understand the distinction. Kept asking us to tell Kathy, whatever that means. When I asked him what we should tell her, he couldn’t answer. We did get a name… Darren Sanders.”
“You don’t have to cover for me, Nettie,” Terry broke in, his voice savage. “I remembered his name, and he confirmed it.”
Bridgett looked down at the table, lacing her hands in front of her. It was only a moment before she looked up again. “Then I’m sure you’re already aware of his association with your ex-wife. Mr. Sanders was a point of contact between buyers and sellers in some very high-profile narcotics smuggling operations, and was arrested at the same time as Ms. Wilder. Like her, he was able to have his sentence reduced to mandatory minimum by pointing some fingers. They were very highly placed in a very large organization, but there were even bigger fish to be caught. If not for that, they’d still be rotting in prison.”
“Any idea what he might have been doing out there?” Terry wanted to know. “Or are you not telling?”
“I probably wouldn’t be able to tell you if I did know, but the honest truth is, I don’t,” she said flatly. “The tire tracks indicate he was entering Merlin Creek Drive, not exiting, and they weren’t fresh. My expert estimates he’d probably been lying there for eight to ten hours.”
“It’s lucky he got found when he did,” I said. “Another hour at most, he’d have been dead. Partly exposure, partly acidosis. The ph they got at the hospital was 6.8; that’s the lowest I’ve ever seen in a living person. Who found him, anyway?”
“A twelve-year-old kid walking out to Merlin Creek with a fishing pole and a tacklebox,” she replied.
Terry was nodding slowly. “I never got close enough to the meat locker itself to see much,” he said, “but according to the fuzz, there was an ATV trail going back into the woods behind the building. If the geography in my mental map is right, Merlin Creek Drive would skirt the edge of the valley on that side. Is that perhaps the route they’ve been using to get in and out?”
“There’s a passable trail through private land that connects to Merlin Creek Drive on the back end,” said Bridgett. “The owners of the property live out of state, and use it as fall hunting ground. That’s how the perps were passing back and forth unnoticed. We’ve got it completely cordoned off right now, but we can’t do that with Merlin Creek Drive proper, because there are residences on it.”
Terry inhaled deeply, then blew his breath out through pursed lips. His shoulders were rigid with tension, and he seemed on the verge of flipping the table over. I’d never seen him like this before.
“Something, Mr. Wilder?” Bridgett asked.
“Kathy,” he said. “I remembered his name when he said that. Because Sanders is the only person I ever met who referred to Kathryn as Kathy.”
Terry’s hands were trembling. “If I find out that she has anything whatsoever to do with this,” he said in the darkest tones I’d ever heard from him, “I swear to fucking Dionysus, I will personally strangle her with my bare hands.”
Bridgette’s eyes narrowed, “That would be a very bad idea, Mr. Wilder. If you learn anything at all, the way to approach it is to call me.”
“Sure,” he said bitterly. “call you. I remind you that you represent the system under which Kathryn was able to plead her sentence to practically nothing by fingering a few extra crooks. I further remind you that you represent the organization that I know damn well is still keeping tabs on me, because you believe me to have some level of culpability in my ex-wife’s former business activities. I want you to catch whomever is behind this, but you’ll have to forgive me for not having a whole lot of faith in the agency that has already as much as found me guilty by association.”
Bridgett was gazing back at him, her eyes never wavering. “We do the best we can with what we have,” she told him. “And I remind you that you lived with the de facto leader of an international drug cartel for ten years, and you either never picked up on it, ignored it, or were involved. Which one was it?”
Terry let out a short bark of laughter, then visibly relaxed. “So I’m an idiot, an accessory, or an accomplice. Pick your poison.” He leaned back, lacing both hands behind his head. “I think I’d almost prefer one of the latter, but I’m forced to confess here to the crime of idiocy. As I was telling Nettie earlier, looking back on my years with Kathryn, I understand your suspicions. I really do. Because the warning signs were numerous, and I utterly failed to see them for what they were. I could blame my career, the kids, or a thousand other factors, but honestly I don’t think any of them were the reason. I was just blindly smitten with her. I was like the dumb jackass who knows deep down his wife is fucking his best friend, but can’t admit it – even to himself.” He dropped his hands back into his lap. “I assume Kathryn’s still on probation. Where is she living at the moment?”
Bridgett looked down at her own hands, seeming to consider. Then she met his eyes. “Actually, no,” she said. “Her probation’s been over for almost a year. And… I’m skating on thin ice by telling you this, Mr. Wilder, but we don’t know where she is now. We were keeping an eye on her, but she left California about six months ago, and we don’t know where she ended up. We have a flag out, and we’ll find her the moment she uses her social security number, or her California driver’s license. So far, she hasn’t.”
Terry rolled his eyes. “Jesus Christ. And I don’t suppose you have much hope of interviewing Sanders anytime soon.”
Bridgett opened her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it. “No chance,” I said. “They’re going to keep him under for days, at least. This kind of acidosis fucks up everything, and they’re not going to bring him out of it until they feel like they have some control. That’s if he ever wakes up… he might not. He’s a sick man.”
“That’s what the hospital told me,” said Bridgett. “At best, I won’t get any answers from that quarter for awhile, and by the time they let me near him he’ll probably be lucid enough to lawyer up.”
She studied Terry’s face intently. “It’s my gut feeling, sitting here talking to you, that you’re telling the truth,” she said to him. “But you understand that you’re still of interest.”
Terry spread his hands. “From the moment the investigation into Kathryn’s activities began, I’ve been of interest. Don’t think I’m unaware.”
Bridgett nodded to him and stood. “Then we’re done here. If either of you thinks of anything that might help us, please come to me.”
The three of us parted ways outside the station, Terry and I turning towards his Equinox, and Bridgett sliding behind the wheel of the black Suburban. Before she closed the door, Terry turned suddenly towards her.
“Agent Ramscone.” She turned to meet his eyes.
“I know you probably can’t answer this,” he said, “but I have to ask. Aside from the very circumstantial things we’ve already covered, do you have any reason to suspect Kathryn’s involvement?”
I turned towards him, startled at his tone. There was a note of pleading there. It was, by a long shot, the most vulnerable I’d ever seen him.
“No,” said Bridgett, her gaze never wavering. “Just the fact that two of her former henchmen are in the area, and the name Kathy. Nothing else. And you’re right, I shouldn’t be answering that question. Good night, Mr. Wilder. Ms. Hastings.” She closed the car door and started the engine.
I placed a hand on Terry’s arm, and he turned his head towards me. Sorrow was etched into every line of his face, and I died a little at the sight of it.
“Come on,” I said gently. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
Halee and Naomi were just clearing the dinner table when we returned. There was still plenty of chili in the crock pot, so Terry and I helped ourselves to steaming bowls. Chelsey was still there, not having heard back yet from her mother or aunt.
“Doesn’t your mom want you home for school tomorrow?” I inquired.
Chelsey rolled her eyes. “Like she cares,” she said bitterly, then brightened. “Anyway, it’s a five-day weekend. No school until Thursday.”
Halee padded back into the living room. “Do you need company tonight, Nettie? I can stay up as late as I want.”
“So can I, actually,” said Naomi. “Maybe we could have a girl’s night right here in the living room!”
I had to suppress a groan.
“In my living room?” Terry said in mock horror. He was back to his usual impenetrable self, and I was glad to see it.
I thought fast. Maybe we could salvage something of the evening after all. “My place would be better,” I said. “We don’t have to be quiet.”
“Nettie,” said Terry in long-suffering tones. “Perhaps this has escaped your attention, but you live in an apartment building.”
“I mean my new place,” I said. “I’ve decided; I’m moving into Dad’s house. We could try it out for size tonight.”
Terry cocked an eyebrow. “I figured that’s what you’d end up doing. Why you’d want to let this pair of heathen barbarians into your house is beyond me, but you can take ‘em along if you want.”
“What about me?” Dawn piped up.
“And me!” chorused Maya.
I opened my mouth and closed it without speaking, trying to decide how I was supposed to handle this one, when Terry came to my rescue.
“Maya,” he said, “your friend Gina is being dropped off first thing in the morning, so you need to be here. Dawn, I forbade you to go to anyone’s house until you cleaned your room, a task I know without looking that you have utterly failed to accomplish. Besides, neither one of you is cleared yet to stay up as late as they’re likely to. It’s a big girl party. Your day will come.”
Maya just shrugged and resumed building with her mega-bloks. Dawn took the admonition with somewhat less grace, flinging herself down upon the couch. Chelsey sighed.
“I guess I should probably give my mom a call,” she said, sounding a little woebegone. She pulled out her phone, selected a number from her contacts, and brought it to her ear.
“Hi, Mom,” she said. There was a moment’s pause. “Yeah,” she said, “it’s about time for me to go home.” Another hesitation. “I could ask them, I guess.” She took the phone away from her face. “Mom was wondering if one of you would drop me off at home. They’re not going to be back till late. I’ll manage all right on my own until they show up.”
“You’re welcome to stay here,” said Terry. He turned towards his elder daughters, who were standing together by the couch. “Under the circumstances, ladies, perhaps I could prevail upon you to keep the party at our house for your friend’s sake.”
“Or,” I put in quickly, “if her mother doesn’t mind, she’s welcome to join us at my place.”
Chelsey’s face split wide into a grin.
“Mom,” she said excitedly, bringing the phone back to her face, “Halee and Naomi are having a girl’s night at Nettie Hastings’ house, and I just got invited. Can I go, Mom? Please?”
It was Halee who suggested the game of Truth or Dare. It surprised me; I don’t remember playing it until I was well into my teens, and always thought of it as an adult game of sorts. Later, I wondered if Halee and Chelsey had put their heads together and planned the whole thing at some point between her mom saying yes and the four of us sprawling out on my dad’s luxurious living room furniture.
Before we’d left Terry’s house, I’d gotten him aside and asked if he needed me to stay. His earlier consternation hadn’t been lost on me, and I wanted to be there for him if I could. He’d just flashed me that disarming grin, informed me that he had a little company lined up for after Dawn was in bed, and thanked me for asking.
“Truth,” said Naomi.
“Have you ever been kissed?” Chelsey asked without hesitation. “I mean a real kiss; not like from your parents.”
“No!” Naomi replied with giggling vehemence.
“How sad for you,” Halee said.
“Well, have you?” Naomi demanded to know.
Halee smiled sweetly. “I’m not the one under scrutiny here, now am I?” I couldn’t help but reflect on how much her speech patterns were starting to resemble those of her father.
Naomi rolled her eyes at her sister and turned towards me. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” I said.
Naomi hesitated. “What I want to ask is, um, kinda personal,” she said.
“It’s supposed to be personal,” I replied. “Go ahead and ask.”
“Well, remember what you told us about yourself at dinner last week?” She cast a nervous glance towards Chelsey, as if just then remembering that she hadn’t been there.
“You mean that I’m bisexual?”
Naomi looked relieved. “Yeah, that. I was just wondering: have you ever had an actual girlfriend?”
“Several,” I replied. I turned towards Halee. “Truth or dare.”
I got bold. “Do you like to French kiss?”
“Love it.”
Naomi’s eyes popped. “And just who have you been kissing?!”
Again, that sardonically sweet smile. “That wasn’t the question, now was it?”
Halee directed her attention towards Chelsey, with whom she was sharing the love seat. Chelsey’s bum leg was stretched out before her on a plush footrest.
“What’ll it be?” she said.
In retrospect, I think it must have been premeditated on their part. The seating, the order of play… it was just too perfect.
“Dare,” said Chelsey.
“Kiss me,” said Halee.
My heart caught in my throat. Chelsey leaned towards Halee. Halee placed a hand on the girl’s cheek, and their mouths met, open. They kissed tenderly but firmly, a kiss that was clearly not their first. I was thoroughly surprised… and equally aroused.
The kiss lasted a good fifteen seconds or so, and then they parted. Naomi was leaning forward, elbows on her knees, her jaw slack. I realized my own mouth was hanging open, and closed it with a snap.
The two girls on the love seat were looking at us now. Halee’s expression was one of triumph. Chelsey looked nervous. Naomi found her voice first.
“What the heck?!”
“That’s hell, sis,” Halee said, her familiar sarcasm firmly in place. “Heck is nowhere near scary enough.”
Over my initial shock, I was smiling now. “Okay, spill,” I said. “What’s going on with you two?”
Seeing it was okay, Chelsey smiled back. “Halee taught me to kiss last night.”
Naomi goggled at them. “When?”
“When you were snoring like an overworked chainsaw,” Halee put in. Naomi stuck her tongue out at her sister.
“She did say that kissing girls sounded like fun,” Halee went on with a shrug. “I just thought she should have a chance to find out. Now, are we playing a game, or what?”
Chelsey turned towards Naomi, who was seated in the very recliner in which I’d eaten out Bridgett Ramscone the day before.
“Truth or dare.”
Naomi gave her head a little shake. “Truth.”
“Did watching us kiss make you feel tingly inside?”
“Ummm… a little.” Naomi was studying her hands; avoiding everyone’s gaze.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I told her in a gentle voice.
Naomi looked at me, her lip twisted. “But she’s my sister. Besides, I don’t like girls that way!”
“Maybe you do and you didn’t know it,” I said. “I was just a little older than you when I realized I did. I wouldn’t worry about it. Let’s play.”
Naomi nodded, her cheeks still flushed. “Truth or dare,” she said to me.
“Did it make you feel tingly?”
My mind churned. The smart play here was of course to ignore the rules of the game and lie. Halee would know, but she’d also understand. But then I decided To hell with that.
“You girls do remember the rules,” I said. “Anything said in Truth or Dare stays in this room.”
“Yeah,” said Naomi.
“Of course,” said Chelsey.
“I’m more than tingly,” I said. “I’m very sexually aroused right now.”
“I know what that means,” said Chelsey. “It’s how I feel after Halee and I kiss, and other times too. You get this tingly feeling, and you get all achy and warm in your…” she gestured downward towards the fork of her thighs.
“Your pussy,” Halee suggested.
“Halee!” Naomi blurted.
“That’s what I usually call it,” I said. “Or sometimes my twat, or my cunt. If I’m at work I use medical terms like vulva… but that’s not very sexy, y’know?”
“Vulva sounds like a Korean car,” said Chelsey.
Halee laughed. “I get great mileage from my vulva!” she proclaimed.
Chelsey and Naomi broke out in a fit of giggles, and I found myself smiling. Despite the sensitive topic, the atmosphere in the room was comfortable.
“Truth or dare, Halee.” I said.
“Truth,” she said.
“What do you think about Naomi feeling tingly when she watched you and Chelsey kiss?”
“I think it’s hot,” she said, looking directly across the room and into her sister’s eyes. “I think you’re really sexy, sis. I think all the rules about who is supposed to feel what about whom are dumb. I think all the rules about who can do what with whom are dumb. If it wasn’t for those stupid rules, I’d kiss you right now.”
I stared across the room at my little lover, practically glowing with pride – and lust. Then I glanced at Naomi, who was staring at her sister, mouth agape.
Halee turned towards Chelsey with eyebrows raised. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” said Chelsey.
“Do you want to kiss Naomi?”
“Oh, yes,” said Chelsey, a dreamy expression on her face. “Truth or dare?” she said to Naomi.
“D-dare,” said Naomi, her voice tremulous yet hopeful. She was gazing directly at Chelsey.
“Come over here and kiss me on the mouth,” said Chelsey.
Naomi stood, very slowly. She crossed the room on trembling legs, and leaned down to Chelsey, just out of reach. Halee reached up and tenderly brushed the bangs from her sister’s face. That simple gesture is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever witnessed, and also one of the hottest. I squeezed my thighs together, and the wave of pleasure was so intense I thought for a moment I might come on the spot. The three girls seemed frozen in time.
“If you want to pass,” Chelsey said in a voice that was almost a whisper, “I won’t be mad.”
Naomi leaned in a little further, pressing her lips to Chelsey’s. Chelsey wrapped a hand around the back of her friend’s head, but made no other move. Naomi let the kiss linger for a couple of seconds, then pulled away and straightened, looking a little dazed.
She turned towards me. “You – you’re okay with this?”
“I think it’s beautiful,” I said. Naomi nodded once and returned to her chair, then looked back at Chelsey. “That was nice,” she said. Chelsey beamed.
Naomi turned to me. “Truth or dare.” Naomi said to me.
“Truth.” By then, I was sorely tempted to ask for a dare. But as the sole adult in the room, it seemed best to restrain myself, let the girls take the lead.
“Have you ever done sex stuff with other women?”
I smiled. “Yes. Many times. Truth or dare, Halee.”
“Have you ever gone further than kissing?” It really wasn’t a fair question because I knew the answer, but I trusted Halee to know what I was up to.
Halee squared her shoulders. “I’ve had lesbian sex,” she said proudly. Naomi gaped.
“Whoa,” said Chelsey. “I know you’ve done some stuff, but I didn’t know you’d gone all the way!” Halee just smiled, then leaned in and kissed Chelsey again. This time this kiss was deep and passionate. The girls seemed a bit breathless when they parted, and I was feeling a little breathless myself.
“You don’t seem surprised, Nettie,” Naomi said suddenly, eyeing me intently.
“Oh, I’m not.”
Naomi’s eyes widened; the look of someone slowly putting all the pieces together. But she said nothing.
“Truth or dare,” Halee said to Chelsey.
“Have you ever masturbated?”
Chelsey blushed furiously. “Um, well…”
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” I put in quickly. “Everyone does it.”
“I do it,” Halee added.
Chelsey visibly relaxed. “Yes, I have,” she said. “Truth or dare, Naomi.”
“What about you? Have you masturbated?”
Naomi shook her head. “Uh-uh,” she said. “I wouldn’t even know how.” She looked in my direction. “Truth or dare.”
“You said you were… um… sexually aroused. Does that mean girls our age make you feel that way?”
I leaned back in my chair. I’d suspected the question would come, but hadn’t given much thought to how I should navigate those dangerous waters.
“Yes,” I said at last. “It’s something I used to be ashamed of… in fact, I used to hate myself for it. I don’t any more though. You don’t choose who you’re attracted to. You don’t choose who you love. Halee’s right; the rules are dumb.”
Chelsey was eyeing me speculatively. “So you think it would be okay if someone your age, y’know, did sex stuff with someone our age?”
“I don’t think it would be morally wrong,” I said carefully. “You’re old enough to know what you want. The problem is, it’s illegal. The adult in that situation could go to jail if anyone found out.”
“That stinks,” said Chelsey, with an air of decision.
“Totally stinks,” Naomi agreed. I simply smiled.
“Truth or dare,” I said to Halee.
“Do you have a regular sex partner?”
“Funny you should ask,” she said, “because it kind of goes with what we’re talking about. I do, but it’s someone I have to sneak around with because of the stupid fucking rules.”
The two younger girls stared at her. I’m not sure what surprised them more; the admission, or her use of the f-word.
“Truth or dare,” she said to Chelsey, a new intensity in her voice.
“When we were kissing last night, did you want to do more than just kiss?”
Chelsey seemed emboldened by Halee’s honesty. “Yep,” she said. “Truth or dare, Naomi.”
“Do you think your sister is sexy? She thinks you are.”
Naomi looked Halee up and down. “She is,” she said softly. Then she looked up at me, a sudden challenge in her eyes. “Truth or dare.”
I couldn’t tear myself away from that penetrating gaze. “Truth.”
“Is something going on with you and my sister?”
The room went deathly silent as every eye turned towards me. I cast frantically around for the best course of action, finally electing to tread cautiously.
“There’s a pretty deep attraction between us, for sure,” I said.
“Wait a minute, then,” said Naomi. “If you’re all into her, how come you’re okay with her kissing Chelsey?”
I chuckled. The question drew the tension down a notch, at least for me. “I know what you mean,” I said. “I remember how at your age everything I knew about romance came from the movies, and it was all ‘I only have eyes for you’ and everybody had to be exclusive forever. But real life isn’t always like that. Some of the women I hook up with have husbands, Naomi. Sometimes…”
“Some of the women Dad hooks up with have husbands,” Halee broke in with a snort of laughter.
“That’s true,” I said. “The point is, it’s possible to be interested in somebody, or even in love with somebody, and still be sexually attracted to other people. And let’s be honest. Do you think it’s possible for me and Halee to be in an exclusive sexual relationship right now?”
“Is it possible for you to be in one at all?” Chelsey wanted to know.
“Oh, it’s possible,” I replied. “Just illegal.”
“You’ve done stuff, though,” said Naomi. It wasn’t a question.
I looked at Halee. She gave me the barest hint of a nod.
“Yes, we have,” I said, “but if it ever comes to light, we’ll both deny it.”
“Well, I’m not gonna tell anyone,” Naomi declared.
“Me, either,” said Chelsey. “I think it’s great.”
“So what happens now?” said Halee.
“I think we should teach Naomi to French kiss,” said Chelsey. “If you want to, I mean,” she said, turning her head towards Naomi’s recliner.
“That was so hot, watching her kiss you,” said Halee. She turned to her sister. “If you thought that kiss was nice, you should try it again, only with your mouth open. It’ll blow your mind.”
“You could teach her, Halee,” said Chelsey. “Like you taught me.”
Halee regarded her sister from across the room. “I’m game if you are, Naomi,” she said.
Naomi seemed to be frozen to the spot at first, then she slowly nodded, whispering, “Okay.”
Crossing the room, Halee squeezed herself into the recliner next to Naomi. The adult-sized chair took both girls comfortably. Halee took her sister gently by the chin, turning her head until they were gazing into each other’s eyes. Then she moved in, pressing her mouth to Naomi’s. They held the kiss for a moment, then Halee’s lips parted ever so slightly. Naomi, after a moment’s hesitation, parted hers.
Halee pressed her advantage at once, taking the ten-year-old’s bottom lip between hers, gently sucking it, then tracing it with the tip of her tongue. She teased Naomi’s lips, giving her sister time, letting her experience kissing in small steps.
Slowly, tentatively, Naomi began to imitate her sister’s movements. I was puffed up with pride watching Halee, who was fairly new to kissing herself, proving to be such a patient teacher.
Halee parted her lips even more, and Naomi followed suit. And although we couldn’t see it clearly, there was obviously some slow, careful tongue action beginning to happen. Then it became a lot less slow and careful, and the girls were kissing like lovers.
It struck me that despite the ill-founded judgment of society, nothing on earth seemed so right. Who better to teach you something as intimate as kissing than your big sister?
My pussy was positively throbbing at this point. Trying to be as surreptitious as possible, I crossed my legs, tightly squeezing my thighs together. The surge of pleasure was powerful and intense, the next contraction of my thighs almost involuntary. I sucked in a shuddering breath. Another squeeze, and I had to stifle a moan.
Then all at once I was coming, doubled over in my chair, a death grip on the armrests, my breath a sharp series of explosive gasps. As it subsided, I looked up. Three sets of eyes were staring at me, Chelsey and Naomi’s mouths hanging open. Halee, on the other hand, wore a grin that put me in mind of a hungry shark. She still had an arm draped around her sister’s shoulders.
“Did what I think just happened, happen?” she said. Still fighting for breath, I nodded.
“What did happen?” Naomi wanted to know.
“Nettie just had an orgasm.”
“Nettie sure did,” I said, my voice still unsteady.
“Whoa,” said Chelsey, “you mean without even touching your… uh…”
“I was squeezing my thighs together,” I explained. “If I’m really turned on, sometimes it’s enough. I wasn’t expecting it to hit like that, though.”
“That looked like it felt really good,” said Naomi thoughtfully.
“Oh, it does. Orgasms are the best!” Chelsey assured her.
I chewed on the inside of my cheek for a moment, wondering how far I dared to push this. But Halee was one step ahead of me.
“We could help you have one,” she said, caressing her sister’s cheek. “Do you want that?”
“Yeah. I want something. I’ve been getting funny feelings like this a lot lately, and I don’t know what to do about them. Um, how do we start?”
Halee thought about it for a moment. She turned towards the love seat. “Chelsey,” she said, “You’ve made yourself come, but nobody else ever has, right?”
“Right,” said Chelsey.
“I want to be the first to do that for you. Would you like that?”
“Yeah,” Chelsey replied, her voice a little breathy now. Her color was high.
“So here’s what we do, if everyone is cool with it,” said Halee. “I’m going to make love to Chelsey. Naomi can watch, and see what we do. Then we’ll help her get off.”
“If she hasn’t already,” Chelsey said, giggling.
“Where’s a good place for us to do this, Nettie?” Halee inquired.
Holy crap, I told myself, this is really happening.
On to Chapter Sixteen!