A Girl in the Night

  • Posted on January 18, 2024 at 3:47 pm

This is not my usual kind of story. Something on the news about a lost refugee girl piqued my interest. The more I thought about the trauma that many suffer, the more I wanted to write something.

There is no in-depth story, just a coming together of a lost soul and a caring person.


By kinkys_sis

The nights were drawing in, now that November was here. The darkness came early, making my preferred running routes a bit dangerous. I’m referring to the terrain, not any lurking unpleasant characters. The last thing I needed was a twisted ankle, or worse. I didn’t want to miss any soccer matches because of a self-inflicted injury.

The past few nights, I’d tried the local park. It had a fairly long and winding paved pathway. and it was never that busy after dark. Three or four circuits, two or three nights a week, were enough to meet my quota.

Tonight, I was on my second lap when I passed a girl sitting on a park bench. If it weren’t for the feeling that I’d seen her somewhere before, I likely wouldn’t have noticed her. She had an air of sadness about her. But these days, the world’s full of unhappy people, or so it seemed to me. I ran on.

On my next lap, I was vaguely aware that she’d gone. I didn’t give it much thought.

I arrived at the main gate, a good spot to pause and take a swig from my water bottle. Then I saw her again. She was outside the park by the main road. What was she doing? Fuck! She was trying to look sexy for the passing cars. But … it was a kind of half-hearted and very amateurish attempt.

I watched as a car drew to a stop. I saw the window wind down and a guy lean his head out and speak, though I couldn’t hear what he was saying. The girl took a couple of steps towards the car, then stopped. Suddenly, she turned and ran back into the park. I saw the tears glistening on her face as she passed me and disappeared into the darkness. The noise of the car speeding away drew my attention for a second before I turned to look for the girl again. She was nowhere to be seen.

I thought of searching for her, but why? It wasn’t wise to get mixed up with the goings-on of prostitutes, for that was what I decided the girl must be. I tucked my water bottle away and took up another lap.

I heard her before I saw her. She was back on the same bench as before. But now, she was sobbing pitifully.

I dithered, slowing my pace. It was a shock to see how young she was. I’m thirteen, and she was just about my age – a year or two older at most.

I came to a stop, barely a few yards away from her, uncertain whether I should poke my nose into someone else’s problems. She turned her head and lifted her face towards me.

For a moment she stared, then she said, “Fuck off. Leave me alone.” Her English was good enough, but she had a heavy accent. Eastern European, I guessed.

“Okay, then, if you’re sure,” I said. “I was only checking to see if you’re all right.”

“Sorry, that was rude. Shit!”

She bent forward on her seat, crying into her hands. I couldn’t just run away and leave her like that. She didn’t look up when I sat next to her. Now, I was sort of lost. What do I do, or say, for that matter? I sat quietly. I’d let her speak if she wanted to.

Eventually, her sobbing subsided. She gave me a quick glance, then turned away again. Her voice quivered when she repeated the “sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said. “If you want to talk, you can. If you don’t, that’s fine, too. Maybe I’ll sit with you for a while. Or you can tell me to fuck off again.”

That brought a momentary smile to her face. “I won’t. It was kind of you to stop, though I’m not sure why you would. I mean, you don’t know me.”

I thought she was about to burst into tears again. Cautiously, I placed a hand over hers. She began to pull away from the touch, then seemed to change her mind. Her hand turned and her fingers clutched at mine.

I saw the streaks on her face from the tears that had mingled with her mascara. Yet I could still see how pretty she was underneath the mess.

I searched for something to say, then settled for introducing myself. “My name’s Sonya. You want to tell me yours?”

In little more than a whisper, she answered, “Evhenyia.” She realised that I may not have heard her. “Evhenyia,” she repeated in a stronger voice, “but here I go by Erica. It’s easier.”

“Where are you from?”

This time, she spoke firmly and with no hesitation. “Ukraine. I’m a refugee from the war, I suppose is what you would say.”

Okay, so maybe I now understood a little. But what on earth had she been doing outside the park? It didn’t make sense. “But, that man in the car –?”

I saw she obviously didn’t want to answer, so I let it ride. “Okay you don’t want to say. So the next question is, what are you doing here?”

“I have nowhere else to go. I have no money left. I’m thirsty and I’m hungry. I thought…” There she stopped.

“So you thought you could get some money… from men? But you couldn’t do it, that’s why you ran from the guy that stopped.”


I remembered my water and dug out the bottle and the one banana I always carried for energy. I never saw anyone eat and drink so fast.

“Erica, how long is it since you last ate anything?”

“I don’t know. Maybe like three days I guess.”

This whole thing defied my imagination. I thought the Ukrainian refugees were all housed and looked after. Why was this girl alone and starving?

Bit by bit, she told me her story. I saw how difficult it was for her, but at least she wasn’t crying anymore.

Her father was fighting with the army. She had no idea where he was, nor even if he was alive. She had got separated from her mother during an air raid. She had searched for her for days but without success. The Russians had been advancing towards Kyiv when a charity had bundled her onto a train heading west. She had no say in the matter, however much she pleaded. That was at the beginning of the war. She’d spent some time in a camp in Poland before she got sent on to England.

She was kept with some other kids until an English family had taken her in. At first it seemed fine. They even found a place in school for her. She had lived just waiting for news of her mother and father. None had come.

Then one night, when the wife was out for the evening with friends, the man came home drunk. He went after Erica, grabbing her breasts and putting his hand up her skirt. He’d just managed to rip her panties off when she got hold of a lamp and hit him over the head. He went down, bleeding badly but still moving. Erica knew where they kept a little money in a drawer. It was only about fifty pounds, but she stuffed that and a few of her things in a bag and ran. The man had managed to get up, and he almost caught her again, but she got away. That was maybe over a week ago. She wasn’t sure exactly how long. The money had paid for a train ticket to the city, some food and things, but now it was all gone.

“Why didn’t you go to the police?” I asked her. “They would have helped you.”

“I thought they might believe him and not me if he claimed I attacked him to steal their money,” Erica said. “I didn’t want to end up in prison or whatever. I didn’t know what to do.”

“And tonight you needed money and you thought you could get it by offering sex on the street. Which isn’t that much different than what you ran away from.”

She just nodded, and I saw the saddest, loneliest girl.

“How old are you?” I asked.


I was almost certain my mum would agree with me that there was only one thing I could do. “Where’s your things? You wanna grab them? You’re coming with me.”

“But where to? I told you, I’m not going to the police.”

“No police. You’re coming home with me. Oh, and I don’t have a father that you need worry about.”

She led me towards some bushes where she pulled out a small bag. She dug inside the bag and found a small packet of tissue wipes. She handed one to me. “Will you clean my face for me please? I must look like shit.”

It was quite dark, but I was again struck by how pretty she was. I finished cleaning her up as best as I could. “That’ll do until we get you in the shower. I guess you’d like that.”

She put her fingers to my face. “I was right. You are kind, Sonya. Thank you.” She leaned and kissed my cheek.

“Come on, it’s not far,” I told her.


Mum was busy in the kitchen when I shut the front door behind us. “Good run, love?” she called out. “You’ve been a long time tonight.” Then she came out of the kitchen to find us still taking our shoes off in the hallway. “Oh, you’ve got a friend with you. I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“Mum, this is Erica. It’s a bit of a story. Is it okay if I show her the bathroom and I’ll tell you all about her?”

“Of course it is, love. Dinner will be an hour yet.”

I showed Erica my bedroom and where my jeans and jumpers were. “After your shower, you can come back in here and find something to wear, whatever you need. Then we can have some dinner.”

I thought for a moment she was about to begin crying again. Her lips trembled, but she managed a smile. “Sonya, can I have a hug for a minute? I’ve been so frightened and alone. I can’t believe you’re real.”

The hug lasted an age. Then she leaned back. “Thank you. Now you can show me the shower.” I got another quick peck. The only difference was, this time it was on my lips. I remembered it’s what these foreigners did. They always seemed to be kissing each other when they said hello or goodbye. But still, it was the first time I’d ever been kissed on the lips, even if I did barely feel it.

I found her a towel and showed her how the shower worked. I got myself a bit wet in the process, and it was the first time that I’d heard her laugh. It was a nice laugh. I liked this girl.

Mum was very nearly in tears herself as I told her Erica’s story. “She must stay here until we decide what to do,” she said. “The poor girl must be terrified out of her wits. And starving, never mind needing a good night’s sleep in a proper bed.”

I was relieved. I’d felt sure Mum would see it the same way I had. But you never knew with grownups, not for sure anyway.

“Now, you go up and see how she’s getting on,” Mum said. “She might be too shy to come downstairs.”

The bathroom light was off, so I knew she’d be in my room. I knocked first and waited before I heard her say to come in. She was sitting on my bed with a towel still wrapped around her, looking lost.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“I don’t have clean underwear, and I didn’t like to take things without asking. So I waited for you.”

“Hey, I told you, help yourself. Whatever you need, it’s fine, honestly.”

She went to my panties drawer and put a hand inside to feel around. “So many and so nice,” she said, before she picked out a pair of what I think of as my pretty but naughty ones – open white lace you can see straight through. I wasn’t even sure why I had bought them. I never wore stuff like that. I wouldn’t dare. I guess it was just the thrill of buying something I thought of as sexy.

Then I got my first big shock. She untucked the towel and let it drop to the floor. She didn’t do it for my benefit. It just seemed to be her way. I’ve seen plenty of girls in the soccer room showers but never a naked girl in my bedroom. It was different, somehow.

The panties were about a size too small for her. They fit very snuggly. Unself-consciously, she turned to face me. “Bit tight maybe? What do you think?”

She only meant for me to check the fit, but I found my eyes fixed on the patch of hair behind the lace.

Erica laughed for the second time. “What’s the matter? You’ve gone a bit red in the face. You never saw a girl in panties before?” She bent down to look at them as she spoke. “Oh, I see. They make my bits stand out. Maybe we find a better fit.”

With that, she wiggled her hips and pushed the panties down. Now my eyes were fixed on her pussy lips. I was looking to see what had caused the panties to take on the shape they had. Her slit had much puffier lips than mine.

She turned away to rummage in the drawer. Now I was staring at her arse. I shook my head. What the fuck was the matter with me? I mean, I don’t look at girls. I don’t even look at boys. That’s when the thought hit me. I don’t look, period! Now, I was. But why?

Erica soon had the second pair pulled up. They were more modest, and they fit her better. I heard Mum calling, “Dinner in five.”

Erica found a jumper and a pair of track-suit bottoms that fit her just fine. I quickly teased her hair out with a dryer and brush. She looked in the mirror. “Hello you, welcome back,” she said and laughed.

I noticed Mum had cut our portions down. I guess she thought that Erica shouldn’t eat too much just yet. But she did the same for all of us so as not to make it look too obvious. I saw Erica’s surprise when we each got a glass of wine.

“We’re sort of part Italian. We always have wine,” Mum said. “Is it okay for you? We’ve got others if you don’t like it.”

I thought Erica was going to burst into tears again. But instead, she smiled. “It’s wonderful. Everything is wonderful. And you, Sonya, and your mum. I don’t know what to say.”

Mum beat me to it. “There’s no need to say anything at all. Sonya did the right thing in bringing you here. You’re welcome here, as long as is needed. Now, I’ll hear no more about it.”


After dinner we sat and watched TV for a while, but I soon noticed Erica nodding off. I gave her a nudge. “What?” she asked.

“I think it’s time you were in bed,” I said. “And I’ve got soccer in the morning, so an early night won’t hurt me either.”

“You play in a soccer team? I saw the trophies and thought they were someone else’s. Are they yours?”

“Some are my dad’s. Some are my sister’s – she’s away at the moment – but some are mine. You can come and watch tomorrow. Or you can stay in bed to catch up on your sleep. Whatever you want.”

I took Erica to sis’s room. “You’re sleeping in my sister’s bed for tonight. We’ll get things sorted better tomorrow.”

She showed no shyness as she shrugged out of her clothes, but I thought she watched for my reaction as I couldn’t help glancing at her boobs. Then she climbed into bed.

“No, no, no,” she said as I turned away. “Come and say goodnight with a hug please, Sonya.”

I felt strangely nervous as I bent down to her. She reached up and pulled me down, right down, until I more or less lay on top of her. She hugged me tight for a minute or more. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable when she pushed me up just a little way.

“Thank you again,” she said. “I know I am very lucky today. You stop for a stranger and then … all of this. I think you’re a very special person.”

Then she kissed me. I mean like, a proper kiss. I almost panicked. This was something new to me. But then, she broke the kiss and just smiled up at me. “Sorry, but I wanted to do that to say thank you. I hope you don’t mind too much?”

I must have looked puzzled when she let go of me and I sat up. “Don’t look so shocked, please. I won’t do it again if you don’t want me to.”

I mumbled a goodnight. She switched off the bedside light as I left the room. Her words hung in my mind. I won’t do it again if you don’t want me to. To me, that seemed to say that she would do it again if I wanted. All I knew was I felt odd. I don’t know how else to describe it.

The last thing I remembered, as I drifted off to sleep, was how beautiful her boobs and pussy were.


Erica was still asleep when I left for soccer. I was surprised at how disappointed I felt. I’d really wanted her along to watch me play.

The match hadn’t long got underway when I saw her give me a wave from the touchline. From a distance, it almost looked like me standing there. My jumper, my jeans, my coat. My heart kind of flipped. “She’s here.”

The match was something of a walkover for us. Our opponents were half a mile down the table from us and we hammered the poor sods. I got a hat-trick, two headers and a rocket from my boot into the top corner. It ended up seven to nil. I felt so much more elated than normal, though, because I’d seen Erica jumping and clapping when I scored.

In the dressing room, Jane asked, “Who’s the new girlfriend then, Sonya? Haven’t seen you with a girl before.”

“I don’t have a girlfriend. It’s someone staying with us, that’s all.”

Jane laughed. “Yeah, okay, whatever you say. But go tell her, coz she thinks you’re her girlfriend. Believe me, I know these things.” She looked me up and down. “I forget you’re one of the youngest on the team. Just how old are you now?”

The team was for sixteen and under. Jane was one of the older ones. “Thirteen, but so what?”

She laughed again. “You’re so tough out there on the field, it’s easy to forget you’re still a kid. Maybe you haven’t got to thinking about these things yet, but let me tell you, that girl wants to get in your pants.” She pointedly looked at my body. “Come to think of it, I wouldn’t mind myself.” But she said that with another laugh.

I did know Jane was only into girls, but what the fuck did she mean about Erica? I was deep in thought as I dressed. The showers were bust so it would have to wait until I got home. But still, that kiss last night. And what she’d said after. Did she like me – I mean, that way? Shit! Was she a lesbian?

This was way out of my experience. Yet … it didn’t make me nearly as uncomfortable as I thought it would.

She saw me coming and ran to meet me. She actually lifted me off my feet and swung me around as she held me tightly. “Wow, Sonya, you’re a star! I never much liked football, but now. Well, I could watch you play all day.” Then she forgot what she had said the day before, because she kissed me again. Only a brief kiss, but a kiss. “Oh, sorry, I forgot,” she said. “But I had to kiss my hero.”

Holding hands was fairly common among my school friends. I mean like, buddies held hands. It didn’t make you girlfriends. But I was acutely aware of the way my hand felt in hers. This whole thing was baffling.

Mum was at work until late afternoon. I dumped my gear in the laundry room. “Help yourself if you want anything. I gotta go get a shower. I won’t be long.”

But then she followed me up the stairs. She answered my questioning look with a smile. “I keep you company. Don’t mind me.”

Well, I did mind. I wasn’t used to someone watching me get undressed or showering at home. But then I thought, yeah, I did get some weird pleasure myself watching her get undressed the day before. Besides, it seemed sorta crass to tell her no.

I couldn’t help thinking about what Jane had said, and it worried me. Erica sat herself on the loo, watching me. Her eyes glanced from one place to another as I undressed. I ditched my panties and dived into the shower. I knew she could still see me through the glass door, but I felt better with some partition between us. Or did I? I suddenly had the awful thought that I wanted her to see me and what I was doing. It was the strangest thought I could have had, and it shook me.

I’d never before had any thoughts in that direction. So why now all of a sudden?

I still tried to make a show of modesty when I washed my private parts. It was the sponge that made me aware that my pussy was tingling. Fuck! What was the matter with me? It was the first time in my life I actually thought about being turned on.

I switched off the water, realising that in my haste to get into the shower, I’d forgotten the towel. When I opened the screen, Erica was holding it out, spread wide. Naturally, I thought she’d just drape it over me and then let go. But she didn’t. Instead, she wrapped it around me and began to rub me down.

I was too startled to object or even know how to object. I just stood there dumb as she rubbed the towel over me. She did my back, then my neck and arms. She turned me to face her and without a pause, she rubbed at my boobs. The towel had opened in the process and that’s when I saw how stiff my nipples were.

She had seen my glance. She smiled at me. “They like me drying them for you,” she said “I bet it feels nice.”

I could feel the flush that came to my cheeks. Her words, as well as the reaction of my tits, had me confused. But she’d already moved on, rubbing the towel over my tummy before kneeling and drying my feet.

Her face was right in front of my pussy but she wasn’t looking there. Maybe I was wrong after all. Maybe she was just being nice.

Her hands worked their way up my legs. First one, then the other. My apprehension built. What would she do next? Surely, she wouldn’t touch me there … but she did. She slipped the towel between my legs and she pressed up. I felt myself jump and my panic welling up as I squeezed my hands into tight fists.

But then she pulled away, turned me around and went to work on my bum. She gave my back a little push as her knees pressed my legs a little wider. Oh, God, she was sliding the towel between my cheeks until it pressed to my arsehole. The tingle in my pussy had gone mad. I desperately wanted to touch myself like I would have done had I been alone. Instead, I clenched my hands even tighter.

“There, you relax now. All done,” she said. Then she lightly smacked one cheek of my arse and… fuck! She kissed the other.

The reflection in the shower glass showed her getting to her feet behind me. She lifted the towel and wrapped it around my hair. I felt her move closer before her arms came around and hugged me. She seemed to like doing it, but it was embarrassing, being naked with her pressed against me like that.

Or was it? I found myself leaning back into her. Her grip tightened. Her head rested on my shoulder and her warm breath caressed my neck. I wondered if she realised just where her hands were as they pressed beneath my boobs.

I got the answer when her fingers spread wide and slowly moved up until they cupped me. It hit me then: I liked the feel of it, and how she was making me feel. But still, I kept telling myself this shouldn’t be happening.

I reached up, intending to pull her hands away, but at that moment, her lips nuzzled my neck. My hands reached hers, but they didn’t do anything else. Her lips pressed harder.

I couldn’t suppress the groan that escaped my lips. Then I was holding her hands over my tits. They moved, feeling and squeezing. My hands just held hers and followed. The kisses on my neck moved upward. When her lips touched my ear, she whispered, “Sonya.”

Almost in a trance, I began to turn. Then I stopped. What the fuck was I doing? Her hands moved to my shoulders, one pushing, the other pulling, gently.

“Sonya, you know you feel it. Don’t fight. Please.”

I didn’t let her turn me around. Nothing made sense. Something inside was urging me to turn, and yet I rebelled against it.

Her hands went back to holding me. They weren’t forcing me. I could have pulled away from her if I really wanted, but I couldn’t seem to move.

Her fingers caressed my tummy. “So strong,” she whispered in my ear. “Your muscles are beautiful, Sonya darling.” Her other hand was back over my breast, but this time her fingers twirled the nipple. It was hard beneath her touch. So busy was I thinking about that nipple, I barely noticed the other hand dropping lower. Until a finger pressed softly and slowly into the front of my pussy.

My clit felt the light caress, the little circle her finger made as it teased me. I found myself pushing back against her once more. The finger became more insistent. My legs trembled and I knew I should push her away. I reached down to… oh shit, it felt so good. My hand covered hers and then pressed her to me. Now there were two fingers, one on either side of my clit, pinching it.

I wondered what she was up to when the hand left my tit and pushed instead behind my back. She seemed to fumble for a moment, then she took hold of the hand I had dangling at my side, drawing it back between us. I knew then what she wanted. I wasn’t sure it was what I wanted, but with her fingers squeezing my clit, I wasn’t thinking too clearly. I found my hand being pushed down the front of her open jeans.

All I could think of was how wet she was. Her panties, her pussy lips – she was soaking. So much more than I had ever been when I played with myself.

My body shook, jerking on her fingers. I had lost the ability to reason. I just wanted to come. And fuck! I wanted to feel her pussy.

My fingers curled between the hot, dripping lips and found her clit. It was the first time I had felt one other than my own. Erica rubbed me faster in response.

“Oh God, Sonya. Fuck me, yes? Please.”

I knew I was ready to come. My shaking became more violent. My body went out of control as I felt the most wonderful climax wash over me. I hunched forwards. Only her hands kept me from falling as her fingers pushed into my cunt. I had never frigged myself as fast as she did. I jerked on her hand as I came.

She turned me around and held me in her arms. My eyes were still screwed shut when her lips touched mine. This time, I didn’t want to fight it. Her lips were full and sensuous. Her tongue forced my lips apart. I found it strange, but it was the most intimate thing I’d ever experienced.

Her hips moved against mine as she humped the hand that I had forgotten was still down her – my – panties. I pushed my fingers into her and let her fuck herself on them as I lost myself in our kiss.

Her hands gripped my arse, urging me against her writhing body, then suddenly dropped to her sides as she began to tremble. For the strangest reason I wanted to see. I fell to my knees and watched my pumping fingers and the dribbles that ran down my wrist. She shouted, “Fuck!” And then she was coming.

I pulled her close and rested my face against her tummy. I could smell the giddy aroma of sex as I held her tight. Tremors still shook her as her fingers entwined in my hair.

I was overcome with an urge to take my head lower, I wanted to kiss her pussy. The jeans and panties easily slipped down until my lips could reach. Just a quick thank-you for what we’d shared. That’s all I intended. But she grabbed my hair and held me fast, grinding her pussy lips over my mouth.

Memories of odd conversations amongst the girls at school filled my mind and I knew what she was expecting from me. She must have felt my resistance, because she lifted me to my feet. “Just kiss me,” she said. “That’s all I need.”

Finally, we broke the kiss and cuddled together for a while. “I didn’t upset you? Please tell me no,” she said. “I wanted you so badly and I was frightened you’d say no if I asked. So I guess, I need to say I’m sorry. I’d hate it if I’ve spoiled things between us.”

I leaned over and gave her another quick kiss. “You’re right, I would have said no. But now… well now I’m glad you didn’t ask.”

I saw the relief on her face. I wasn’t finished, though, not yet. “I think you’ve felt every single inch of me. But me, I only got to feel your pussy. You think we might go to my room… coz I… I wanna rip your clothes off. Well, my clothes, actually.”

“Yes? You want it?” She grabbed my hand. “What are we waiting for?”


Mum was way overexcited when she got home. She thrust a newspaper at us. “Front page and then on page three. Read it.”

The search was on for a missing girl. A man had been arrested on unspecified but serious charges related to her disappearance. The police feared for her safety and asked the public to report any sighting of her. Erica’s photo was a bit dated, but it was definitely her. There was a whole load more, but it was clear that Erica wasn’t in any trouble.

The next morning Mum answered a knock at the door. The guy said he was from the Daily Express and asked if he could have a word with Erica. It seemed they had received a tip from an anonymous source as to Erica’s whereabouts. He assured Mum that nothing would be revealed or printed without Erica’s say-so.

The upshot was that the newspaper would pay Erica two thousand pounds for an exclusive story. Perhaps more at a later stage if they were able to follow up with a story about locating her mother and father.

“You could find my mum and dad?” she asked him.

He told her that would likely be quite easy. He also gave her some advice. She needed to get her status with us official before we got into trouble with social services. She should go to the police right away. He also told us that taking in a Ukrainian refugee was straightforward and there shouldn’t be any problems with Erica staying with us. The Daily Express would help in any way they could.


 A short while later, Erica had official residency status with us. Her stuff had been fetched. Of course, my sister needed her room back, but we were able to squeeze another bed into my room. It was a tight fit – which suited us just fine.

The man’s wife told her she had known the dangers from her husband and she was sorry for ever having let him get near her.

The newspaper kept its promise. Erica’s father was tracked down to a hospital where he was recovering from wounds he suffered on the front line. Her mother had only been able to make a short visit to England for a tearful reunion with Erica before she had to return to work.

“For the government, but I can’t say more,” she had said. “Although it’s not dangerous.”


Jane had the final word.

“You see, I did tell you? It’s plain a mile away that you two are fuckin’. Am I right?”

“Oh, yes,” I answered with the broadest grin. “We weren’t then, but we are now.”

“Way to go, girlie,” she shot back. “You’ve joined the sisterhood.”

“Oh, by the way, Jane, did you get any money from the Express? You were the one who called them, am I right?”

“How’d you guess?”

“Who else? Actually, you did us a big favour in the end!”

The End


27 Comments on A Girl in the Night

  1. Captain Midnight says:

    Sis, such heart to the story! Best wishes to them both.

  2. 3FingersNeat says:

    I loved it. Well done.

  3. Jacqueline Jillinghoff says:

    Great attention to character, in addition to being erotic. This story may well be your “Eroica”.

    • kinkys_sis says:

      I had to look that up. I get it now.

      It sort of creates a problem with some of my older stuff that’s waiting to be published here. I thought of rewriting some but I find it’s much harder to rewrite a story than it is to produce a new one.

  4. kinkychic says:

    I happen to know that Sis wrote this story in only one day. No pre-planning, no thinking time, no consultation with me, nothing! Just something sparked an idea and away she went.

    I thought it might be somewhat ‘bitty’, but it’s not, it’s perfect. I love it.

  5. Kim & Sue says:

    We thought it was going to be a very common story, but it was very well done instead and a great read. It didn’t go like we thought it would and enjoyed it a lot. Good job.

  6. Powertenor246 says:

    I have only one thing to say about this excellent and very well crafted story. I want an invitation to the wedding. PM me, and I’ll give you the address where you can send it.


  7. Clitlicker says:

    Brilliantly conceived and written, as we’ve come to expect from you, kinkys sis. I had tears in my eyes and …er..other feelings elsewhere, later on. It built at just the right speed and I loved imagining Sonya’s tight young body responding to Erica’s touch.
    What a great, topical short story!

  8. kinkys_sis says:

    With a regard for saving space – thanks to all the above eight of you for your lovely comments.

    And please don’t forget JJ for the wonderful edits and suggestions she brings to my stories.

  9. Erocritique says:

    Definitely a timely and moving story. I found Erica’s somewhat aggressive initiation of the sexual activity with Sonya to be a bit surprising at first, but k_sis did a nice job of explaining her motivations – and Sonya obviously was interested in the same thing as Erica, though she didn’t know it herself. Side note: In the real world, I hope bastards like Putin, the Russian monsters, and monsters like the man who tried to exploit Erica’s desperate situation meet a just end. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  10. Lakeisha says:

    Very moving story! I Love it kinkys_sis💞

  11. Kate says:

    Another beautifully written gem from my favourite little sis.
    Sonya’s initiation into a delightfully naughty new world, her trepidation mixed with a wonderful sense of intrigue and desire xx

  12. monasissy says:

    Beautiful and moving. Thank you🧡🧡

  13. Mike says:

    Such a fabulous & heartwarming story, and such great sex, I hope you can write a sequel

  14. kinkys_sis says:

    And another five much-appreciated comments – thanks all.

    Erocritique – I agree.

    Kate – it is nice to hear from someone who has probably been reading my stories the longest out of anyone here – from way back before I came to JS. Six years I would guess.

    Mike – I seldom write sequels to my short stories. I feel that once a story is told, it’s better to leave it at that. Anything longer needs more of a theme and a plot, and not all stories lend themselves to that. This one doesn’t. Besides, I’m already working on the next story.

  15. Debbie L says:

    Absolutely wonderful little story. Short and oh so sweet. Thank you so very much xxxx

  16. Cassandrablue says:

    Well done. I was moved as well as aroused by this inspired story. Oh my god, though, I was dying to follow them from the bathroom to the bedroom and hear what happened when Sonya stripped Erica’s clothes off.

    One of the hottest sex scenes I’ve read in a very long time.

    Well done, Kinky Sis.


  17. kinkys_sis says:

    Clitlicker, Debbie L and Cassandrablue, thank you all. I love it when the spark of an idea suddenly produces something so well received.

  18. Jessica B. says:

    The writing is very strong here. It is so refreshing to not be told a girl’s perfect measurements in erotica right off the bat. Annoyingly, that kind of ham-fisted sexery comes from
    women authors just as quickly as from the phwomen and men. Here, I can relax(!) and enjoy my imagination. Thanks, Kinky-Sis(would that you were mine)

    • Kinkys_sis says:

      @ Jessica B. I agree, so many erotica writers seem to have this idea that the reader needs to be immediately told the character’s ages, and appearance, etc. etc, right from the off.

      Because I generally like at least the semblance of a plot, I prefer to get the story going first.

      As for your last comment, I’ve got enough on (in) my hands with one sister already. I mean that in a good way.

  19. Rachel says:

    We are told that Jacqueline did the edit work here once again. She says this could be the author’s Eroica, I can only agree with that sentiment. I see a masterpiece of erotic writing. It had everything. It tore at the heart, I had to wipe away the tears before I could continue. But very soon we are lifted and so beautifully. An absolute pearl of a story.

  20. Helen says:

    I first read this a little while ago, before I had plucked up the nerve to comment. Now, I read it again.

    I suspect that European and UK readers will feel closer to background theme of this story. The Ukrainian conflict may have dropped off our TV screens but the conflict still rages. We keep up to date with it via google everyday.

    I have some first-hand experience of Ukrainian refugees; perhaps the author does also. She manages to capture some of the heartache that so many are forced to endure. She then turns it into a wonderful story of sex and romance.

  21. kinkys_sis says:

    I failed to respond to Rachel’s comment, I have been kinda busy lately. Thank you, Rachel. You’re becoming one of my regulars.

    And Helen, you’ve been busy with my stories. I agree with you that Ukraine has dropped out of the news. Yet nothing has changed, the war still rages. I loved writing that story and I’m so pleased you liked it.

    That goes for all of you.

  22. Lakeisha says:

    Beautiful & very touching story kinky_sis!

    • kinkys_sis says:

      Nice to see you doing some catching up on my stories.

      I’m glad you liked this one, but equally, don’t forget to tell me if you find one you don’t like. It all helps.

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