My Weekend Awakening (And What it Led To), Part One

  • Posted on February 1, 2024 at 4:56 pm

Introduction from JetBoy: Over the last couple of years, our site has been graced by an amazing bunch of stories from a delightful pair of sibling authors I like to call The Sisters Kinky, who write under the names kinkychic and kinkys_sis. They’re both quite prolific, but kinkys_sis has shifted into warp speed of late, knocking out stories like John Henry hammering steel. At present, I have in my possession over twenty of her works of erotic fiction, awaiting the proofreader’s touch. But kinkychic can still turn out a real cracker of a yarn, as the story below proves conclusively.

In the case of the story you are about to read, the end result turned out a bit differently than usual. As I began to edit, I kept catching myself wanting to expand on the original text, fleshing out kinkychic’s ideas and adding a few of my own. Both sisters have always given me free reign as an editor, so I went with my instincts, then nervously sent her the finished first chapter. Lucky for me, she was satisfied with the result, and I worked my way through the rest. Nonetheless, the original plot, characters and story belong to kinkychic, so the lion’s share of credit should go to her as well. 

On the other hand, if you don’t like it, I take full responsibility. Thanks for reading.


Originally written about four years ago, but now re-edited, expanded, and brought up to date with an additional chapter.

Parts of this story are based on actual events, but it is still a fantasy. Naturally, all the names have been changed. There is a minor character named Toni’s whose first language is not English… thus, expect a few stilted remarks from her.


by kinkychic, with additions from kinkys_sis and JetBoy


All the salesmen were busy, so I wandered around the bike shop, nothing much grabbing my attention. I idly picked up a leaflet to peruse while I waited.

Some guy’s voice broke into my reverie. “You thinking of going?”

“Going? Where?” I asked.

He pointed to the leaflet. “The bike rally. Ever been before?”

I studied the flyer more closely. “Oh, er… no, I haven’t. Is it any good?”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh, man, it’s so much more than good. Great bikes, great music…. You should give it a try, I never miss it.” He gave me a smile, sidling a little closer. “You could keep me company if you’d like. We’d have an amazing time.”

Shit, this guy was hitting on me. Quickly returning the leaflet to the stack, I said, “No, that’s okay, thanks. I doubt if I could make it anyhow.”

The guy shrugged. “Whatever. Your loss.” He turned and wandered away, acting as if he was the one giving me the brush-off.

Fuck you, too, I thought.

With him gone, I took back the leaflet, folded it up and slipped it into my pocket. A bike rally, eh? Sounds interesting.

Back home, I looked up the bike show on Google. It actually did look like something I’d be into. Maybe I’ll give it a go, I decided.


Come the day of the bike rally, I got dressed, then realised I had no idea what to take along. Fucking hell, I thought, making a face. It was a two-day event, but I didn’t own anything suitable for sleeping rough – not a tent, not even a sleeping bag. Sod it, I told myself. I’ll just go for the day.

Bikes were pouring into the field when I arrived, more than I’d ever seen in one place. Every model imaginable, all kinds of shapes and sizes. I even spied a Vincent Black Shadow! Wow, I thought, this is so awesome!

I parked up, removed my helmet and gave my long hair a shake-out.

The first priority was to polish the road dust off of my bike. I was buffing away when this long-haired bearded guy came up. “Heyyyy… nice bike, doll. Triumph 900cc T100, am I right?”

Now, if there’s one thing I hate, it’s being called doll, chick, girlie and such like. “I’m not a doll,” I replied, trying to keep my voice low and even. The temptation was there to tell him Fuck off, twat face, but I didn’t want to walk into an ugly situation after I’d only just got there.

He held a hand up. “Hey man, sorry. No offence intended. So… what do I call you?”

“Bluntly? You don’t, and I’m busy.”

Okay, he clearly didn’t appreciate that. The wanker was about to speak up yet again, then a female voice came from behind me. “What’s the bother, babe?”

Now, I don’t much like getting called babe, either, but when I turned to face this woman, the retort died in my mouth. This tall, impressive Amazon of a woman was looking at the guy with a scowl on her face.

I was struck speechless for a moment, but managed to recover in time to reply, “No bother, really. I was about to tell this tosser to beat it.”

She turned back to the guy, fixing him with a glare intense enough to strip paint. “You heard the lady, fuckface. Get lost.”

He clearly wanted to say something especially nasty, but when my defender casually flexed her muscles, he thought better of it. “Okay, okay, I get the message.” He turned and stalked away, but I heard his parting shot. “Fucking dykes.”

Amazon took a step after him, but a pretty girl standing alongside grabbed her arm. “Leave him, Fire. The arsehole ain’t worth it.”

“Yeh, I reckon you’re right,” the woman replied, but then she called out, “Pencil dick!” to the guy, then let loose with a loud cackle of laughter.

They turned back to me, and the pretty one spoke. “Hi, I’m Trace. My mate here is called Fire. You might guess why.”

I could. The woman packed an obvious attitude, and had the looks to go with it. One side of her head was shaved clean, whilst the other sported long purple and black hair. She was wearing a sleeveless leather jacket which showed her muscles off to some effect. Her arms and neck were covered in tattoos. I remember thinking she’d be a real stunner if she wasn’t quite so butch.

Suddenly it struck me that I was staring. “Um, sorry, I’m being rude. I’m Katia. Oh, and thanks for stepping in there.”

“No problem,” Fire murmured. She and Trace were studying my bike, which came in a gorgeous sapphire blue. “Nice colour… yeah, I like that colour,” Fire continued, stepping back to get a better look. You cleanin’ it for your fella?”

I was taken aback. Did she think I was some biker boy’s piece? “No, I’m not here with a fella, the bike’s mine. It’s the 2004 limited edition, the only year it came in this colour. Just so happens that it matches my eyes.”

Fire and Trace both leaned forward to check my eyes. Trace said, “Nice. And no offence meant. It’s great to see more women bikers at these rallies.”

Fire studied me for a moment. “So, you’re alone here, then. Not good.” She glanced at Trace, “Yeh? What d’ya think?”

Trace nodded. “You wanna stick with us, Katia? You shouldn’t be on your own. Too many rough blokes about.”

I didn’t need time to think. They were right – this was no place for a young girl to fly solo. Anyhow, I already felt an enormous liking for these two. “Oh, sure, if you don’t mind, I’d love the company.”

“Then bring your machine and come with us!” Fire said, grinning hugely.

At their campsite, Fire and Trace had a tie-up separate tent they used to stow their bike. I was struggling a bit manoeuvring my Triumph on the grass. It’s an awesome bike, but heavier than it looks. Taking pity on me, Fire took over and, as if it were weightless, she soon had it stowed.

“So, it’s early yet. Music starts in an hour or so. We usually grab ourselves beers and have a look round,” Fire said.

“You want to come too, right?” Trace asked me. I hesitated, then gave her a shy nod. She laughed and exclaimed “Great!“ She grabbed my hand, gave it a squeeze. “Oh, Kat, we’re gonna have a great time!”

That’s another nickname I don’t like, but I thought, Hey, so what? It sounds good the way she says it.

A couple of beers later, we’d checked out hundreds of bikes and the music was just getting started. The leaflet had said there would mostly be heavy rock bands and rockabilly groups. I’ve never been that much into heavy rock, but I love rockabilly. I got that from my dad who’d been an old fashioned rocker before he had died.

I was having a great time, enjoying the company of my new friends as the day flew by. I had more beers than I usually allowed myself and was feeling a bit lightheaded, and the music was deafening, but I was in a marvellous mood.


Eventually, it began getting dark. “So, where’s your gear?” Fire asked me. “You did bring a tent, right?”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t own a tent, so I wasn’t gonna stay the night.”

“No, no, girl. You’ve drunk way too much to ride home tonight. You don’t wanna end up wiped out in a ditch, do ya?”

She was right, but what else could I do? It had got too damp and cold for me to sleep in the open.

Fire glanced at Trace, who gave a little nod. “Kat, the best thing is for you to stay with us in our tent. We got plenty of room. Then you can catch the rest of the rockabilly bands tomorrow. The Lonely Blue Boys are playin’, and they’re absolutely ace.”

I didn’t need time to think. It was the ideal solution. “If you’re sure it’s okay… then yeah, count me in! I think it’s a great idea.”

“In that case, we can down a few more beers. We’ve also got a jug of wine back at the tent,” said Fire.

“I brought something, too.” Going back to my bike, I fetched out a family-size bag of crisps and some cheesy biscuits.

Trace broke into a huge grin when I returned. “Fuckin’ hell, that’ll hit the spot. There y’go, Fire. I told you she weren’t a free-loader.”

An hour or so and a few more beers later, I knew it was time to stop drinking. I was feeling kinda fuzzy. It was a bit of a tighter fit in the tent than I’d imagined, but still warm and comfy. Trace was lying shoulder to shoulder on one side of me. Fire, the other side but her head was by my feet.

“Y’know, Kat, you got nice legs.” I felt Fire’s fingers on my leg, lazily tracing their way up and down. It felt quite nice, I decided, so I let her touch me.

Trace propped herself up on an elbow and took a handful of my hair. “And your hair is totally gorgeous.” She leaned closer and buried her face in it. “Smells nice, too.” Then I felt her lips touch my ear.

Fuck! Did she just kiss me? Then her tongue traced the edge of my ear. I wanted to protest but again, it felt quite nice really. At the same time, I realised Fire’s hand was moving upward, now just above my knee, and her touch seemed a lot more like a caress.

I felt a surge of panic. God, they were seducing me! I tried to sit up, but Trace’s arm held me in place. “It’s okay, baby… relax,” she murmured.

My mind was in turmoil. I’d never had sex with anyone before… in fact, I hadn’t even been kissed! And I wasn’t into other girls, right? But at the same time, there was a mysterious warmth building inside me, and my pussy was tingling.

Trace nuzzled my cheek. Wow… it felt really nice, but my nerves were still jangling, and I felt uneasy about doing lesbian stuff. I tried to turn away, but something I saw in Trace’s eyes stopped me. For the first time, I saw how utterly beautiful she was, especially her smile. She smelled incredible, too – sort of like cinnamon.

As I stared at her, not knowing whether I was coming or going, Trace whispered, “I know you want me to kiss you, sweet Kat.”

Did I want that? Right then, I wasn’t sure. She kissed me again, on the corner of my mouth. I liked how soft her lips were. Still, this was moving a little too fast for me. I began to speak, but then I found Trace’s lips brushing mine. Oh God, I did like it!

What the hell, I decided. I’ve got to find out what kissing is like some time. Why not with someone I like?

I made myself relax, she moved in and, just like that, I had my first kiss – and it was amazing. Suddenly, the fact that I was doing this with another girl didn’t matter one bit!. In fact, it felt totally right. Before I knew it, I was kissing her back.

I hadn’t been paying as much attention to what Fire was up to… but suddenly I noticed her hand slipping up into the leg of my shorts, the woman’s fingers dancing over my skin until she was only a couple of inches from my pussy.

By then my lips were parted, and Trace’s tongue was slipping between them. I hadn’t realised that my arms had encircled her, pulling her closer to me as I began to return the kiss, my tongue shyly greeting hers.

Someone’s hand was at my waist, sliding under the top I wore, making its way to my boobs. I could feel Fire caress the front of my knickers, touching my slit through the material. I realised Trace was the one touching under my t-shirt when she softly said, “Let’s get this out of the way,” and unhooked my bra. Then she was pinching and tugging at my nipples, switching from one to the other.

At that point, I was lost. The sensations my new friends were giving me were so intense, so lovely. I wanted more. So I didn’t put up any kind of resistance when Trace and Fire began to undress me. My shorts and panties were sliding down, while my top was being pulled up to my shoulders. I raised my arms so Trace could slip it off of me.

I was naked between the two women, and how about that – I wasn’t embarrassed, not at all! In fact, I felt a surge of mixed excitement and pride when Trace said, “Fuck, baby, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous.” Then she took one of my nipples into the warmth of her mouth.

Fire countered with, “You should see her down here, Trace. This one’s got one of the prettiest pussies I’ve ever seen. Hmm… wonder if she tastes as good as she looks.” As Fire spoke, she was raising my knees, then spreading my legs wide apart. Oh, my God, I thought. Is she really about to…

Her mouth was on my pussy. She kissed me there several times; then, for the first time in my life, I felt a tongue dip into my slit. Oh fuck, it felt divine. I actually lifted my hips for her, pressing my pussy into Fire’s face. She licked me even deeper.

Turning to Trace, I begged, “Kiss me some more… please?”

“Happy to,” she purred, then got to it. She didn’t just kiss me, she feasted on my mouth, all the while plucking at my nipples.

Fire had opened me up with her fingers while her tongue teased my clit. One moment she flicked, the next she sucked. At the same time, she had two fingers carefully sliding into my vagina.

When Trace broke our kiss, I opened my eyes, startled. She was smiling at me. “I knew you’d enjoy this, babe,” she said. “I can always tell when a girl likes other girls.”

I wanted to ask how she knew before I did, but that was when my climax kicked in. I’d been touching  myself since turning twelve, but these feelings of pleasure were so much more intense than anything I’d ever experienced.

I screwed my eyes shut as my body went iron-rigid. “That’s it, lover… come for us,” said Trace.

Fire was still fingering me, her tongue teasing at my clit… and Trace picked that moment to lightly bite my ear. That was it – the dam burst and I nearly screamed as my orgasm took hold. I was riding a wave that seemed to go on forever. I’ve no idea how many times I came.

Slowly, I drifted down from the stratosphere and back to reality. Trace was kissing my neck, Fire was licking my nipples. I reached down and pulled her up until I could gaze into her eyes. I was thinking about when we met, how I’d found Fire more striking than beautiful. But now, I saw a wild loveliness in her that stole my heart away.

Suddenly feeling shy, I asked her, “Would you kiss me? I’d really like that.”

I tasted my pussy on her lips. When we kissed, Fire wasn’t at all gentle like Trace had been. She crushed her lips to mine, her tongue plunging into my mouth. It was a bruising, wild kiss that shocked me but at that moment, I loved her. So I did my best to give as good as I got.

When we broke apart, she stared at me. “Fuck, girl… you’re good at this!”

Trace laughed, “See why she’s called Fire? It’s not just her temper.”

“Could you tell that was my first time?” I asked them both. “Um… so, did I do okay?”

Fire gave a snort of laughter. “Shit! I owe you a fiver, Trace.” She turned back to me, “She said it would be your first time. Me? I said ‘bollocks.’ So we made the bet. It’s still hard to believe you’ve not fucked one of your friends, at least.” She took my hand; gave it a squeeze. “You’re some hot bitch, Kat.”

I didn’t know whether I ought to be cross at the fact that they’d more or less set out to have their way with me from the start. Then again, why bother? I’d enjoyed it, after all.

“Well, in that case, thank you both. So, do I get to see you two naked?”

“Way to go, baby! Sure you can… but let’s have a drink first,” said Fire. Then she produced the red wine.

It must have been well into the early hours before we slept. I have vague memories of being in a jumble of arms and legs, pussies and arseholes. They taught me how to trib, and what they told me was called a sixty-nine. Then for the grand finale, we got into a pussy circle. Oh my God, we all ended up well and truly fucked to a standstill.

I was awakened by Trace giving me a nudge with her foot. Once I could focus my eyes, I saw she was holding a tray of coffees and slices of toast. That was the best, most needed coffee of my life.

“So, Kat, how old are you?” asked Fire.

“Seventeen,” I replied.

She frowned. “There’s a problem with that, y’know. How come you’re ridin’ a 900? Ain’t legal till you’re twenty-one.”

I broke into a grin. “Oh, that’s easy! See, the bike’s in my mum’s name but it’s mine. I’ve also got a small, way crappier bike that’s in my name. That way I get the time needed to qualify for the higher licence.”

“Cool. Yeah, I like that. See, Trace, we got a clever ‘un here!” Fire responded.

We didn’t drink that day – not alcohol, anyway, just loads of coffee. The rockabilly band Fire liked was really good. I even bought their CD, though it didn’t sound quite so good at home as they were live.

Before I hit the road for home, we swapped numbers, hugs and kisses, and promised to keep in touch. I held their hands one last time and said, “Thanks, guys. Y’know what? I fuckin’ enjoyed that.”

On to Part Two!


17 Comments on My Weekend Awakening (And What it Led To), Part One

  1. Lakeisha says:

    That was HOT💞💞💞

  2. Kim & Sue says:

    We fuckin’ enjoyed this first chapter.

  3. ClitLicker says:

    Well, that was different. But well up to the standard we’ve come to expect. I must say, motorbikes, rock music and outlandish hairstyles aren’t usually my thing at all but your reputation and the prospect of hot girlie fucking kept me reading. Glad I did.

    Couple of small points near the start need fixing: JB – in your intro you say ‘free reign’ rather than ‘free rein’, a rather different metaphor. And, kinkychic – in the last sentence of your intro, I’m guessing the character referred to is going to be called Toni, not Toni’s.

    Looking forward to the next chapter 😊

  4. Erocritique says:

    Yeah, I agree with Kim & Sue – that chapter was fuckin’ Fire!!! I would be hard pressed to tell where JB inserted some alterations / additions to kinkychic’s original content – so definitely a subtle and deft bit of editing / collaboration. The premise was really believable, and Katia is a compelling lead character. Fire and Trace were perfect in their supporting roles as guides to Katia’s sapphic initiation. I can’t wait to see where this story goes from here. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. kinkychic says:

    Thanks, guys and gals. And, of course, JB and Sis for their excellent contributions.

    The Toni’s thing came about because of an edit (adding ‘whose’) and then forgetting to remove the apostrophe.

    The bike, the rally and rockabilly music are things I’m into … not the hairstyle or tattoos though.

  6. Powertenor246 says:

    This story ROCKS!! The only thing I might change is Kat could be a smidge younger, but all else is just right. I don’t know anyone whose first experience was a threesome. I would have killed for it to have been me. But, alas it wasn’t. Looking forward to chapter two!

  7. Mike says:

    Very nice, I’m really looking forward to chapter two

  8. Scooby99 says:

    Before the story begins you mention that some of it is based on real events. I have a love hate relationship with that type of thing. I love to imagine which parts are real and hate not actually knowing.🤔🤪😁. Thank you for an amazing story.

    • kinkychic says:

      Under UK law all of the characters in this first chapter are above the age of consent. So, I can tell you that the events are totally true, only some of the dialogue is guesswork – I cannot remember exactly what was said.

  9. Andrea says:

    I wonder when my Story will begin, or has it? Just not living it.
    At least I can fantasize.

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