Pages From a Diary, Chapter 12

  • Posted on April 17, 2024 at 1:56 pm

by Rachael Yukey

I stood there in the front yard, shivering in the cold as I watched the flashing light of the ambulance vanish into the distance, taking my father away. Officer Felter slipped an arm around my shoulder and guided me back into the house. I was dimly aware of the sheriff’s deputy following along behind. Officer Felter sat me down on the couch, gently wrapped the throw blanket around me, then sat down and pulled me close. I wanted to explode into sobs, but for some reason I couldn’t cry.

She seemed to understand. “It’s the adrenaline letdown,” she told me. “In scary situations, your body dumps chemicals into your bloodstream to make you faster and more alert, but when it’s over and the chemicals disappear you get the shakes. It’ll pass.”

She looked up at the deputy, who was taking pictures of the overturned iron sunflower and the ruined coffee table with a digital camera. “Brad, would you mind emailing copies of those to our office?”

“Sure, no sweat,” he replied. “Are you getting a statement from the girl?”

“Yeah, and I’ll make sure you get a copy. You can clear the scene as soon as you get your pics. I’ll get Mallory here taken care of. Thanks for coming out.”

“Perfect,” said Brad the Deputy. He tucked his camera into a pocket, and stopped to ruffle my hair as he passed. “Way to keep your cool in a hot spot, kid.” He left.

I looked up at Officer Felter. “Statement?”

“It’s not a big deal,” she said. “I don’t need a ton of detail on something like this, just your description of what you heard, saw, and did. For my report. We can do this while I’m driving you into town. Why don’t you run up to your room and pack a bag for tomorrow? It’s fine if you just stay in your pajamas. While you’re doing that, I’ll call Lisa and tell her you’re coming.”

I trudged up the stairs, feeling like a robot. I pulled out my overnight bag and threw some school clothes into it, grabbed my backpack, and headed back down.

Officer Felter was standing near the entryway. “I called Lisa,” she said. “Ready to lock and load?”

“Sure,” I said. It came out flat and dull. I got into my coat and shoes, and we were out of there.

Once we’d pulled out onto the highway, Officer Felter asked me to describe everything that happened up until the time she arrived. I told her the story and was just finishing when we pulled up in front of Julie’s house. The porch light was on. The curtain was pulled aside, and I saw Julie’s face framed in the window. My Julie. What did I ever do without her?

“Thank you, Mallory,” Officer Felter was saying. “That should be everything I need. I’ll be in touch when they find your mother. She may want to leave you here and head straight to the hospital. are you okay?”

I gave her a small smile. “I think so.”

She leaned across the center console to hug me. I hugged her back, and realized my face was practically mashed against her enormous boobs. I wondered what they would look like without a shirt to cover them up, and felt myself getting all tingly. My God, I told myself, how on earth can I be thinking about a thing like that at a time like this?

Officer Felter let go of me. “So—your mom is staying with your grandma Paulette, right?”


“Okay. I’m going to head out there right now. You did everything just right, Mallory. Try to get some sleep tonight.”

Sleep? I was about as wide awake as it gets. I glanced at the clock on the dashboard—12:43. Was it really almost one in the morning?

“Thank you,” I told her. “Thank you for everything.” I got myself and my bags out of the car and climbed the steps to the porch. The door opened, and Julie and Lisa were there. They took my bags and drew me in.

Suddenly I was crying. I hadn’t been able to before, but now it all came out in a flood. Gentle hands guided me to the couch. Arms enfolded me. I don’t know how long I sat there sobbing, but Lisa and Julie just held me and let me do it till I was done.

Finally my tears ran out, and I began to talk, first slowly and then with the words all coming out in a rush. I told them about seeing Dad stagger through the living room and realizing he’d been drinking a few nights before, and then about the whole scary mess that I’d just been through.

“I wonder if he’s even still alive,” I said finally.

“He probably is,” said Lisa. “I’m not an EMT, but I’m the person who processes all the reports and insurance paperwork for the city, so I know how these things usually go. From what Sandy Felter told me on the phone, they were breathing for him and he still had a good pulse when they got him into the ambulance, and Jason called for an intercept.”

“What’s an intercept?” Julie wanted to know.

“The volunteer service in town is just EMTs,” said Lisa. “The ambulance service in the town they’re headed for is staffed with professionals, and they have paramedics. A paramedic can do a lot more stuff than an EMT. So if someone is in big trouble, they get an intercept coming, and a paramedic will jump on with them. So If anything else goes wrong, your dad is right next to all of the equipment they need to do something about it, and with a medic to help him. The important thing is, there was an ambulance there before he stopped breathing entirely or his heart stopped. Because of you, Mallory. I think that makes you a hero.”

I didn’t feel very heroic, and suddenly I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. I laid my head against the back of the couch.

The phone rang. Lisa got up to answer it. “Mallory,” she said, “it’s Officer Felter. She wants to talk to you.”

Suddenly there was a huge knot in my stomach. Feeling like somebody else was controlling my legs, I got up and took the phone from her. Despite the positive spin Lisa put on things, I was sure Officer Felter was going to tell me my father was dead. “H… hello?” I got out.

“Hi, Mallory,” she said. “It’s Sandy. Your mom isn’t where we expected her to be. Your grandma thought she was going home tonight, and has no idea where she is. I’ve called both her brothers, and they haven’t heard from her. Can you think of anywhere else she might be?”

My jaw moved a couple of times, but no words came out. Lisa and Julie were both staring at me with concern in their eyes. I gave myself a mental kick. Get it together, you idiot.

“I… I don’t know,” I said. “She dropped me off at home this evening, got a change of clothes, and drove away. I thought she was going back to Grandma’s.”

“Okay,” Sandy said. “I’ll let you know as soon as we find her. Bye now.” I hung up the phone. Lisa and Julie were looking at me expectantly. Was this night never going to end?

“Mom’s not at Grandma’s,” I said. “They don’t know where she is.”

“She’s probably just staying someplace else,” said Lisa, trying a little too hard to sound reassuring. “They’ll find her. Hey… there’s some chocolate mousse in the fridge. Who wants some?”

“Uh—shouldn’t we be getting to bed?” said Julie. “School and all that?”

“Neither of you is getting up at seven,” said Lisa. “So you get a day off from school. Besides, Mallory probably won’t sleep a wink till we hear some news. We might as well sit up till Jason gets back.”

That seemed to settle it. We ate chocolate mousse and watched some TV. I realized it was the first time I had ever seen that TV turned on. In my house, it’s on practically all the time.

Finally we heard Jason’s pickup pull up outside, and Lisa snapped the TV off. I watched Jason anxiously as he came through the door, already unzipping his bulky coat. I couldn’t talk.

“I’m not going to lie and tell you he’s in great shape, Mallory,” he said as he hung his coat on the hook. “But I think he has a good chance. He’s been intubated, and they’re flying him to Minneapolis. You saved his life by calling 911 as quickly as you did. Another five minutes might have been too late.”

“And that’s because he drank too much?” asked Julie.

“Correct,” said Jason, plopping into the recliner. “It’s called alcohol poisoning, kiddo. Near as we can figure, he put away most of a bottle of Jack Daniels in just a few hours. That’d be rough on a seasoned alcoholic, and I get the idea that Dan Kalvornek is not a habitual drinker.”

His eyes met mine. “I take it your mom is leaving you here while she goes to the hospital?”

“Actually, that’s another little problem,” Lisa piped in. “Sandy called awhile ago. Sharon’s not with her mom. Nobody knows where she is.”

Jason’s brow furrowed. He got up and went for the phone.

“Jason,” said Lisa, “do you know something?”

“I suspect something,” he said. “Gimme a minute.” His finger traced a list of numbers on the wall, then he dialed. He waited a long time, and then spoke. “Yo, Brian,” he said. “It’s Jason Hanson, and it’s urgent. Pick up the phone, man.”

Another long minute went by, then he spoke again. “Hey, man, sorry to wake you up,” he said. “And for horning in on your business, but we have an emergency here. Is Sharon Kalvornek with you?”

Now I could hear the other man’s voice, and it didn’t sound happy. Jason cut him off. “Okay—that’s a yes. Put her on the phone. If she says no, tell her I’ll send Sandy Felter out there, then it’ll be on a police report tomorrow and by Wednesday the whole damn town will know. If she does it my way, you have my word no one will hear it from me. Now come on, man… I wasn’t kidding when I said it was an emergency.”

There was another long minute of silence. My head was spinning; I felt like I was losing my mind. What was going on?

Finally Jason spoke again. “Hello, Sharon,” he said. “Look, I just gave Dan an ambulance ride to Lake Region, and he’s on a helicopter bound for Hennepin County as we speak. Alcohol poisoning. He…” he paused as if he had been cut off.

“Well, he sure did tonight, sister. Nearly a fifth of Jack Daniels in just a few hours. He’s lucky, if you want the truth. He made enough noise going down that Mallory heard it from upstairs, and she had the brains to check it out and to call 911 right away when she couldn’t wake him up. Otherwise you’d be receiving a phone call from the county coroner, not your friendly neighborhood EMT. Now look… I don’t care who’s doing what to whom, and nobody is going to hear any of this from me. You’re going to have to square this with Mallory yourself; she knows you weren’t where you said you were going to be, and where you were tracked down to. Just FYI. She’s at my house right now. But you’re probably going to want to get in your car and haul ass for Hennepin County. Mal can stay here for as long as necessary.”

There was a long pause; Mom must have been talking.

“That’d be ridiculous, Sharon. What’s a kid going to do… twiddle her thumbs in the waiting room? And how much school would she miss? Dan’s likely to be there for at least the next few days. Mallory’s no trouble, and we’re happy to have her. Now, I would advise you to move. If I’ve noticed you slipping your vehicle around the back of Brian’s cabin a time or two you can bet I’m not the only one, and the cops are hunting you up as we speak. Sooner or later either Sandy or Jeff is gonna talk to somebody else who can point them in the right direction, and the whole town is going to know where you were found in a day or two. It’s no skin off my ass, but the last thing Mallory needs is all the kids at school finding out that her mom spent Sunday evening with the gym teacher while her dad damn near drank himself to death. So go now, and I’ll get in touch with the cops and let them know that I found you. I won’t tell them where.”

Another pause. “Okay, no problem. Keep us informed, all right? Bye.”

He hung up the phone. Lisa started to speak, but he held up his hand. He plucked the radio from his belt and changed the channel. “EMS to law enforcement,” he said.

“Go for law enforcement.” Chief Moen’s voice.

“Sandy, you copying?” said Jason.

“Copy.” Officer Felter.

“You can call off the hounds; I found our missing person. She’ll be heading out for Hennepin County directly.”

“Copy that,” said the chief’s voice. “Where was she?”

“I promised not to say,” said Jason. “Doesn’t matter. She’s been informed. Their daughter will be staying at our place for the moment. Go home and get some sleep, guys… donut shop is closed at this hour.”

“My investigation of the donut shop is very serious business, and we shouldn’t be discussing it even on the local channel.” There was a hint of laughter in the chief’s voice. “Get some rest yourself, Jason. You did good work tonight.”

“I do try. Night, Chief.” He hooked the radio back on his belt.

“Brian Belgarde?” said Lisa incredulously.

Jason settled into his chair. “Yup,” he said. “I’m surprised Jeff didn’t know about it. There’s not much around here that gets by him.”

He looked towards me. My brain was finally coming to grips with what I’d just heard, and what it meant. “Maybe I should have sent you out of the room before I made that call, Mallory. But I can’t say that I’m sorry… I think after everything that’s happened tonight, you have a right to know the truth.”

There was a long silence. “How’d Tina do?” Lisa finally asked.

“All right,” said Jason. “Crappy one to have for your first call as a full crew member. She stayed calm and did what I told her… best you could hope for under the circumstances.” He turned towards Julie and me. “You two should probably crash,” he said. “To hell with school tomorrow; just get up when you feel like it. I’ll be here all day.”

Just then his pager went off, blaring something about a 62-year-old female vomiting and requesting transport to the hospital. An address was rattled off, and as Jason got up to get his coat I saw Lisa roll her eyes. “That’s Eileen Spencer’s place,” she said.

“Yeah,” said Jason as he shrugged into his coat. “I lose the rest of my sleep tonight ‘cause the old broad ate too much spicy again. I’ll let Tina take this one… something nice and non-urgent for her first time alone in the back. Later.”

In bed Julie and I held each other close. She asked me if I was okay, and I told her I was. She told me she loved me, and then I really was okay. How could I not be if Julie loves me? Suddenly realizing how tired I was, I fell asleep in her arms.


I woke up alone in Julie’s bed. Her clock said it was just after eleven in the morning. It took me a minute to get my brain in gear and remember what I was doing there. Oh, dear God, it really happened.

As I shuffled down the stairs I could hear someone playing an electric guitar, and not very well. Couldn’t be Jason, then. The door at the foot of the stairs was hanging open, and when I reached the bottom and poked my head around the corner I could see Julie and Jason sitting on opposite ends of the couch, each holding an electric guitar. Julie, still wearing her PJs, was playing something I sort of recognized, but she was mangling it enough that I couldn’t place it. The noise had obviously muffled my footsteps on the stairs; neither of them saw me there. I had to pee but didn’t want to disturb them, so I decided to hold it in for a few more minutes and watch.

Julie finished what she was playing and looked up at Jason, a little embarrassed. “That was pretty bad, huh?”

“Somebody clearly has not been doing her homework,” Jason said with a smirk. “Or paying attention to the rules laid out by her long-suffering teacher. Watch my left hand.”

He played the same thing, but much better than Julie had. I still couldn’t put a name to it. I don’t know very much about that kind of music, but my Uncle Louie listens to nothing but old rock albums from the 60s and 70s and now I recognized it as something I had heard at his house.

“See?” said Jason. “Finger positioning has to vary a little bit here. When I want an adjacent string to sound, I keep the fingers very arched. When I want to damp a string I lay them down a little. You need to work through this very slowly until your fingers just automatically do what you want.”

Julie sighed. “I know, Daddy,” she said. “I haven’t been very good about practicing lately. I like playing, but—honestly, I think I’m having more fun with the electronics projects. I wanna do music, but maybe with something a little more… I don’t know…”

“Technical?” said Jason.


“Tell you what,” he said. “Mr. Larson and I are going to put my guitar students and his drum students into little bands and get them onstage this spring. I was going to ask if you wanted to be in one of the bands, but how would you like to be sound engineer for the event instead? You have the ear for it, and it would make the whole thing that much more of a student project.”

“Dad, that would totally rule!”

“Okay,” he said. “I’ve been meaning to get the small PA set up in the garage, and this weekend you’ll do it with me. We need to start training now if you’re going to be ready to mix by May.”

He looked up, and his eyes fell on me. “Morning, Mallory.”

Julie squealed, carefully laid the guitar on the couch, then bounced to her feet and hit me at a dead run. She squeezed me tightly.

I hugged her back, squeezing hard too. But only for a second. “Julie,” I protested, “you’re gonna squeeze the pee right out of me!”

We both started laughing like idiots, and she let me go. I ran into the bathroom. When I came out the guitars had been put away, and Jason was in his recliner. Julie was nowhere to be seen.

“Julie went to the kitchen to make you an omelet,” said Jason. “Sit down.” I sat.

“I talked to your mom on the phone this morning,” he continued. “They’re pulling the tube out of your dad’s throat later today. They think he’s going to be okay. He’ll probably be in the hospital for a few days. That much booze that fast can do stuff that isn’t immediately apparent, so they’re gonna want to keep an eye on him for awhile. Your mom is planning to stay in the Twin Cities for the duration. You’ll stay here.” His eyes flicked to the ceiling, then beach to me. “Mallory, I can’t stress enough how much ass you kicked last night. If you hadn’t acted fast your mom would be arranging a funeral, not sitting next to a hospital bed.”

“All I did was make a phone call.”

“Sure, but you did it right away, when you saw something was seriously wrong. You also stayed calm, followed instructions to the letter, and didn’t get in the way. It’s a bigger deal than you think. I’ve been on scenes that were much less critical, with grown men and women completely losing their cookies and making our job a lot harder. You were nothing but calm and helpful. I was impressed as hell, and so was everyone else who was there.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, except, “Um, thanks.”

That’s when Julie came into the room, carrying a plate with a thick, delicious-looking omelet garnished with parsley and green onions.

“Breakfast is served!” she proclaimed. “One heavenly, tasty tomato-cheese-onion-pepper omelet for table five!” She set it down on the coffee table, ran back into the kitchen, then returned with a glass of juice.

I picked up the fork and took a bite. It was delicious—I hadn’t realized how hungry I was. I dug in. After I finished Julie and I decided to take a shower together. We used the shower stall in the new bathroom, and once we were standing under the spray we collapsed into each other’s arms.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” she said into my ear.

“I think so,” I said. “It’s just a lot to deal with, you know? I watched my dad almost stop breathing right in front of me, and it turned out my mom was in bed with Mr. Belgarde when she said she was gonna be at Grandma’s. And what happens when Dad finds out about that? Will he find out? Should I tell him? God, Julie—I don’t know.” I slumped back against the shower wall.

Julie started shampooing her hair, never taking her eyes off of me. “Are you really thinking about telling him?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I feel like I should be mad at her about it, but really I’m not. They’re always being mean to each other anyway, so this is just one more thing. I mean, it’s not even as bad as the way they talk to each other sometimes. Except according to the Bible, this is the worst thing married people can do to each other, but I’ll tell you something else, Julie. Right now I really don’t give a damn what the Bible says about anything.”

I hadn’t meant to say the “D” word; it just popped out. I realized that the more I talked the madder I was getting, and I didn’t even know who I was mad at. I shut up. I squirted some shampoo into my hand and attacked my hair.

Julie’s gentle hands closed over my wrists, pulling my arms down to my sides. She let go and began massaging the shampoo into my scalp. “Let me,” she said. “You look like you’re gonna rip your hair right out.”

I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “Thanks.”

Julie’s hands running through my hair soothed me. I opened my eyes and looked into hers. She smiled at me. Reaching above my head, she pulled loose the detachable showerhead Jason had installed. She tilted my chin back, and I closed my eyes again.

As the wonderful spray of hot water massaged my scalp, I had a wicked thought. “Hey,” I said in a half whisper, “remember what Megan said about how much fun showerheads are? Do you think she meant what I think she meant?”

“Oh, I’ve been thinking about that,” Julie whispered back. My eyes were still closed, but I could hear a smile in her voice. “But I sure ain’t gonna try it with Dad on the other side of this wall!” We both burst out laughing.


Jason napped for most of the afternoon, because he didn’t get much sleep the night before. Julie and I lazed around the house, ate snacks, and chatted about this and that. We read to each other out of our fantasy books for a while. Later, we fixed dinner together. Julie is a way better cook than me, but I’m learning.

Lisa came home a few minutes after five, hugged us both, and gave Jason a juicy kiss. Dinner was ready ten minutes later, so the four of us gathered at the table and loaded our plates. Julie and I had made lasagna, and it turned out really well.

Just as we were close to finishing, the phone rang. Lisa got it, and called me into the living room. “It’s your mother,” she whispered.

I took the phone with trembling hands. “Hello?”

“Hi, sweetheart.” Mom sounded beyond tired.

“Hi, Mom. How’s Dad doing?”

“They’re going to keep him under observation for a couple of days,” she said. “We don’t know exactly how long yet. They think he’ll probably be okay. Mallory, you told the police you’d seen him drunk before. Why didn’t you say anything to me?”

“It was just a couple of days ago,” I said, “and I wasn’t completely sure. I didn’t see him drink, it was just that he looked and smelled like Uncle Louie did at Grandpa’s visitation. And I didn’t tell you because you were off hiding at Grandma’s house. Or maybe not even at Grandma’s house.”

I didn’t mean to say that last part… it just slipped out, and even to me the words sounded pretty harsh when I said them. At that moment I realized how angry I was with her. Not for whatever she’d done with Mr. Belgarde, but for acting like I didn’t exist and for running away and hiding every time things got awkward at home. Still, I’d never talked to her that way before, and after getting the last word out I snapped my mouth shut and waited for the explosion.

It didn’t come. It took her so long to say anything that I was starting to think we’d been cut off. When she finally spoke, her voice sounded very strained.

“We need to talk about all of that, Mallory,” she said softly. “and about other things… but now’s not the time. I’m going to stay in Minneapolis until your father is ready to come home. Are you okay staying with the Hansons?”

“Yeah, I’m good here.”

“Okay. Remember to be respectful and do what Mr. Hanson says. I’ll let you know how things are going. Bye, sweetie.”

I mumbled a goodbye, hung up, then trudged back into the kitchen.

“What news?” said Jason.

“Dad’s still pretty out of it, I guess.” Their eyes were all on me. There’s no door between the kitchen and living room, and I knew perfectly well they’d heard what I’d said to Mom.

“You okay?” Lisa asked gently.

“Yeah,” I said, plopping down in my chair. There were a couple of bites of food left on my plate, and I shoveled them into my mouth, one forkful after the other, just to show everyone how okay I was.

A little while after dinner the phone rang again, but this time it was for Jason. Julie and I were looking up some stuff for school on the internet so I wasn’t really paying attention, but I caught the last thing he said.

“All right, sure… I might come down for a bit. Let me see what’s going down here first. Talk to you later.”

“What was all that about?” Lisa wanted to know after Jason hung up.

“Oh, that was Sean. Some guys are going down to the fire hall to play a few hands of rummy and he invited me to come.”

“And you’re not already out the door and on your way?”

“Well, you and I were…”

“Jason,” she said with a laugh. “don’t be a knucklehead! You know how long it takes people in a place like this to warm up to the new guy. If they’re inviting you out for stuff, go! I’ll still be up when you get home, no worries.”

Jason shrugged, then crossed the room and opened a high cabinet above the mantel, then pulled out what looked a lot like a bottle of whiskey. I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach.

He must have seen something on my face, because he walked over to me and put a big, strong hand on my shoulder. “Relax, kiddo,” he said. “I like a nightcap every once in a while, but I haven’t been honest-to-Christ drunk since I was a young, dumb rookie guitar player on my first tour. Which was approximately five lifetimes ago. I’m not going to drink myself into a stupor, I promise.”

“Okay,” I said, feeling a little embarrassed. “It’s none of my business, really.”

“Not a problem,” he replied. “Only reason I’m bringing it out at all is the guys usually drink beer when they play cards. I’ve never liked beer to begin with, and the cheap stuff they have is actually bottled cat piss pretending to be a beverage. This way I can have a drink with the guys and not have every cat in the neighborhood snickering at me behind their paws.”

I tried to hold in my laughter, but it just spewed out. Julie started giggling too. Jason gave us each a squeeze, kissed Lisa, grabbed his coat, and headed out.

“What did you and Dad have planned, anyhow?” Julie asked Lisa.

Lisa grinned. “Wellll… we were going to set you girls up down here with a movie, then go up to the bedroom, stretch out on the bed, maybe watch some more adult-themed entertainment, and…”

“Okay, okay!” Julie squealed, holding up her hands. “I know where THIS is going, thank you very much!”

“Yeah, I think we get it,” I said, giggling a little.

“Oh, I’m sure you do! I don’t know the details of what happened at Megan’s house yesterday, but I have a hunch you girls did a lot more than just talk.”

Instantly my face was burning… but I was getting excited too. We’d already seen Lisa masturbate, and she’d watched as I brought Julie to her first orgasm, then had one of my own. Would she be up for more? I had a strong feeling she might.

“Maybe a teensy bit more,” I said, giving her what I hoped was a secretive smile.

“Oh, stop that, girl!” Lisa said, laughing. “I don’t want to think about sexy things right now! I was already hot and bothered, and now Jason is going to be out for a couple of hours. Poor me…” She put on a pretend pouty face, and we all laughed.

“Wellll,” I said slowly, “there are things you can do about that, you know. Or maybe… we could help you out?”

Lisa’s eyes were boring into me now, serious and intense. “What kind of help are we talking about here?”

“YOU know!” Julie piped up. “Like Mallory helped me that day in your bedroom!”

“I know what you mean, girls,” Lisa said softly. She looked from me to Julie, then back again. “And I never told you the whole truth about my sister and me. We didn’t always just watch each other masturbate. We used to… touch one another, too. A few times, we did even more. But that was different; we were both kids. What I did with you girls the other day… that was crossing a line. What you’re talking about now, well, that’s crossing another line. A bigger one. I don’t know that it would be a very good idea.”

I thought fast. That feeling was back again. I knew what I wanted, I knew Lisa wanted it too, and I knew it could happen if I played my cards right.

“Well,” I told her, “we could do what we did last time. You know, you watch us and we watch you. Don’t you want to see all the cool things we learned from Megan?”

The corners of her mouth turned up a little. “I’ll admit to a little curiosity,” she said.

I turned toward Julie. She was in Jason’s desk chair, and I’d pulled up a kitchen chair so we could both sit in front of the computer. I swiveled Julie around so she was facing me, placed my hands around her shoulders, pulled her close, and pressed my lips to hers. We kissed, and I let my tongue slip out to trace the outside of her soft, sweet mouth. Her lips parted, and our tongues met. We kissed slowly and lovingly, taking our time with it.

When we parted, Julie and I both turned towards Lisa. She was watching us with bright, hungry eyes. “That was beautiful, girls,” she breathed.

“Wanna see more?” I asked.

Julie didn’t wait for her to answer. Reaching out, she guided me out of the chair and into her lap,  then started nuzzling my neck. She moved slowly, from below my left ear and along my jawline, kissing and nibbling as she went. Within seconds I was trembling, my breath ragged and unsteady. Her mouth soon found mine, and this time when we kissed, it was furious and passionate..

Finally breaking away, I got to my feet, and pulled Julie up along with me. Tugging on her hand, I headed for the stairs. Pausing halfway across the room, I turned to look at Lisa. She was still sitting on the couch, staring at us with her mouth open.

“Coming?” I said. As if in a trance, Lisa slowly stood, then followed us up the stairs.

On to Chapter Thirteen!


9 Comments on Pages From a Diary, Chapter 12

  1. Kim & Sue says:

    Well once again we’d love to give Mal a big hug. A big comforting hug for the first 2/3 rds of the story, and a nice different kind of hug for the last third of the story.

    Well now we all know why her dad is drinking extra hard, a sad thing for sure. Beautiful as always, Rachel, and hope we see more of the fun this chapter ended with in the next chapter.

    Lots of very touching moments. Julie and Mal are good friends, besides being in love. And Julie’s dad is a great male character. and who can blame Lisa.

  2. Erocritique says:

    Mallory is really growing up fast. I want to pity her, but I can’t bring myself to do it because she is so strong and resilient: She also has a great support group that really loves and supports her (among other things *winks*). Another exception chapter in the diary. I can’t wait for the next one. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. kacey says:

    Read-through #2: Still want to hug Mallory to reassure her!! Julie REALLY is Mallory’s. Lisa and Jason are now her anchors and support.
    Another great chapter, Racheal 😊

  4. Captain Midnight says:

    I am trying to remember about the first run of this story. I didn’t remember that Sharon was having an adulterous affair (ouch!), nor whether Dan was drinking specifically because he knew about it. What a nightmarish situation!

    I wonder if Jason will ever learn about the three-way affair between Lisa and the girls? I hope that if he does, it won’t devastate him. (I am thinking of Strange Brew here.)

    So glad that Mallory is so smart and assertive.

    • JetBoy says:

      Any plot elements from the original story remain unchanged, and pretty much all the work I’ve done is cosmetic – touching it up, aiding the flow. Rachael is the creative genius here.

  5. Rachael Yukey says:

    Kim and Sue: if you find Mallory to be a huggable character, then I have achieved my goals.

    Erocritique: You’re right; Mallory doesn’t need anyone’s pity. She’s stronger than that.

    Kacey: See above. She can use lots of hugs, but doesn’t need pity! At the end of the day, she’s the kind of person who is always going to be okay.

    Captain Midnight: All the plot elements from the original are intact, including Sharon’s liaison with Mallory’s gym teacher. The only changes are some editing. As for the rest: all in good time!

    Jetboy: thank you for the kind words, but I feel like “genius” might just be a bridge too far…

    • Kim & Sue says:

      You’ve more then achieved your goals. You have a story that is touching, realistic in emotions and action, and hot, hot, hot.

    • JetBoy says:

      Well, I think you’re a genius in the field of taboo lesbian erotica. Admittedly, that makes you a big frog in a small pond, but the compliment stands.

  6. BlueJean says:

    So much to digest in these last couple of chapters. I’m still enthralled by the whole small-town America thing, the dialogue is robust and compelling, and it’s nice to see a sympathetic, three dimensional male character in Jason. Onwards!

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