Pages From a Diary, Chapter 17

  • Posted on July 14, 2024 at 3:27 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )

Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.

Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really beginning to founder Mallory finds herself increasingly disgusted with them both, but doesn’t let it show. By then, she and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa joins in. 

Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex.

Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.

Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, and gets flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t just go away, either.

The next day, Mal and Julie pay a visit to Megan, where they enjoy a lengthy afternoon of sexual abandon.

And now we rejoin our story, which is currently in progress. Do enjoy!


by Rachael Yukey

November 6, 2006

Once again, I didn’t write about everything I wanted to last night—it just got so late, and I needed to get some sleep. When I started keeping a diary, I never guessed I’d have so much to say!

It turns out this was something I needed in my life. And it turns out that writing about real stuff is improving my schoolwork more than my A.L. creative writing class ever did. I got a major compliment from Mrs. Linebarger on the paper I turned in last week. But anyway…

When we got back to Julie’s house from Megan’s place, Jason called my mom and told her I was ready to be picked up.

“Your mom said she’s a little rushed,” he said after he hung up, “so she’s not coming in. She wants you to be ready to go when she pulls up out front.” He looked at his watch. “Which should be soon.”

I sighed and put my coat back on. Even though Mom and I are getting along better than we have in ages, this situation between her and Dad has me wanting to spend as little time at home as possible. Heck, I’d rather be at school!

“Rats,” Julie was saying. “I wanted to show you the PA system Dad and I set up in the garage yesterday. It’s so cool, Mallory! I’m gonna mix sound for that student concert Dad’s putting on with Mr. Larson in the spring. Oh, yeah… I told you about that, didn’t I?”

I smiled a little. I was still sad about having to go home so soon, but when Julie gets excited about something it’s impossible to be grouchy in her presence. She looked like she was going to launch right through the ceiling at any second.

“Twice,” I said with a giggle, “and I already knew the first time, cause I heard him ask if you wanted to do it.”

Julie blushed and giggled. “Oops!”

God, I wanted to kiss her right then. Instead, I smiled and put a hand on her arm. “How about a quick peek now,” I said, “and you can show me for real later.”

Julie squealed, “Yeah!” and seized my hand, leading me through the house to the garage. “Check it out,” she said, switching the light on.

The first thing I saw was small black speakers set up on stands at the far end of the room. There were larger black boxes on either side on the floor… a different kind of speaker, maybe? There was a control panel with a ton of knobs on it set up on a table in the middle of the floor, facing towards the speakers.

Words tumbled from Julie’s mouth. “Those speakers up high, those are the mains,” she was saying. “Just little ones… Dad calls it a PA on a stick. The bigger ones on the floor are subwoofers; they’re for the bass. When you turn ‘em up loud, the whole room shakes! And over there…” she was pointing to the control panel… “is the front-of-house mixing console. That’s where I’ll be! It’s gonna be SO cool, Mal…”

Then a grinning Jason was there, drawing us back into the house. “Don’t worry, kiddo,” he said. “She’ll get the grand tour soon enough. No time for it now. Say, Mal—want to play keys for one of the groups? With your ear, it won’t be hard… you’ll be amazed how easy most popular music is to play. We’re starting rehearsals in January if you’re interested.”

“It sounds fun,” I said, “but I’ll have to see if my parents will let me. It’s weird… they worry more about what music I hear than what shows I watch.”

“There’s a reason for that,” said Jason, “and they probably don’t even realize it themselves. It’s so ingrained in traditional Christian upbringing that the response is just automatic. But think about it: what was Lucifer’s job before God gave him the boot?”

I had to think about it for a second. Then it came to me. “Wasn’t he in charge of the angels that sang…? Oh, wait. I get it!”

Jason was nodding. “Actually, the Bible never says that directly… just gives hints that he was involved with music. But ever since the early Catholic period, that sort of inference has been drawn. So, the assumption is that Satan was a musician, and in the Bible stories you probably heard in Sunday school when you were younger it’s been framed as absolute truth. And it follows from there that music is his favorite medium for getting inside your head and stealing your soul.”

“So wait… it never actually says that?” I was surprised.

“Nope,” said Jason, as I watched Mom’s Explorer pull up out front. “And here’s another fun one for you. Re-read Genesis and tell me where it actually says that the snake Adam and Eve tangled with was Satan in disguise.”

Mom honked her horn. My head in a whirl, I hugged Julie and kissed her cheek. For a crazy moment I almost forgot myself and planted that kiss on her mouth, but caught myself in time. I hate having to hide! Jason is a great guy, but Lisa and Megan are the only people we can really be us around. I hugged Jason, then grudgingly stepped outside.

When I got into the Explorer, I could see why Mom hadn’t wanted to come in… she looked awful. Her face looked pinched and pale, and her eyes were red. I was pretty sure she’d been crying.

As she pulled away from the curb, I fought a quick war with myself. Is it better to pretend I don’t see it, or do I say something? In the end, Mom looked so sad that I couldn’t let it go.

“Mom,” I said carefully, “are you all right?”

“Oh, sure, honey. Why, do you…” Then the words seemed to freeze in her mouth.

“No,” she said, so softly I had to strain to hear it, “I’m not doing that anymore.” She glanced over at me, then back at the road. “I had a talk with your father,” she said, “and it didn’t go so well.”

“Did you fight again?” My heart sank. Nothing was ever going to change.

“Not like before,” she said. “I explained to him that I have needs that aren’t being met. I told him some ways we could solve that problem. And he was very calm about it, I’ll give him that… Want to know what he did then? Sat down on the couch and read scripture to me. All the parts that lay out the biblical duties of a wife and mother.”

She sighed. “He’s right, Mallory, I know he is… we’re Christians, and the Bible really does say all those things. And so… all the conversation did was make me feel like… like…” Her chin was trembling.

“Like shit?” I offered.

“Mallory!” she looked shocked.

“I thought we were being honest with each other now, Mom. That’s what you really feel like—right?”

We were less than a mile from home, but suddenly Mom jerked the wheel to the right, gravel crunching under the tires as she pulled off into a field approach. She carefully put the Explorer in park, laid her head on the steering wheel, and sobbed.

“I feel like shit all the time,” she mumbled, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Listening to the pastor going on about biblical commandments makes me feel like shit.” She slowly straightened, staring blankly through the windshield. “The other women at church talking about their perfect little lives make me feel like shit. Your dad telling me what a Christian woman’s wifely duties are and reading it to me right out of the f… f… the fucking Bible… that REALLY makes me feel like shit!”

I’d never seen my mother like this. Not ever. Her voice had risen; she was almost yelling now. Her fist beat the dashboard in time with her words. “I’m. Tired. Of. Feeling. Like. SHIT!”

Then Mom slumped forward until her head was resting on the wheel again. She was crying even louder, her body racked with sobs.

I wasn’t sure what to do. I’ve seen Mom cry before, but the intensity of this caught me completely off guard. I couldn’t believe I’d just heard her cursing the Bible! Is Mom losing her faith? I know what that’s like… the confusion; the fear. I’m still learning how to deal with it. I always kind of thought that stuff would be easier for an adult, though. It’s depressing to think that maybe it’s not. Another question for Jason or Lisa, maybe?

It’s impossible to hug somebody in the front of a vehicle with two bucket seats unless that person is leaning toward you, and Mom was bent straight forward. I settled for reaching over and awkwardly putting a hand on her shoulder. I cast around desperately for something useful to say, but came up blank. After a little while, her sobs began to taper off.

“What did you tell Dad you wanted to do?” I asked.

Mom sniffled and sat up. She wiped her face with both hands, but it didn’t help much. “I…” she was struggling to find her voice. “I was thinking about getting a part-time job,” she said. “I’m not qualified for anything, so it wouldn’t be a very good one, but that way we could start putting some money away again. And then…” Her voice caught again. She drew in a steadying breath.

“There’s a program,” she said at last. “It’s something Lutheran Social Services has for women in rural communities. Uneducated farm wives, like me. I’d be able to go to school without moving away from home. These days lots of colleges let you take classes over the internet, and LSS will work with you to find the right online course for what you want to study. And they have a grant program to help pay for it—plus they think I’ll probably qualify for financial aid.”

“They think—does that mean you’ve already talked to them?”

Mom rolled her eyes and sighed. She put the Explorer in reverse, looked over her shoulder, and backed out onto the gravel road.

“You weren’t supposed to know about that,” she said as we pulled away. “I keep forgetting how smart you are—stuff like that doesn’t get by you, I guess. I haven’t told your dad that I called them. But I have an appointment to go talk to them tomorrow at the New York Mills office.”

“Are you actually going to do it? Go back to school, I mean?”

We crested the hill that comes right before our driveway.“I don’t know,” she said. “I have to decide what courses I want to take, for one thing. It has to be something that I could get a job doing locally… I figure I could commute to Perham or Wadena, maybe to Fergus or Alex if the pay was good. But that would just about be the limit.”

She turned into the driveway, parked the Explorer, then turned to me..“There’s other things,” she said. “Your dad doesn’t want me to, and the Word says wives are supposed to submit to their husbands. So that’s the end of the argument, far as he’s concerned.” She gave a heavy sigh. “Also, I need to have enough time to be your mom, which I haven’t done the greatest job of lately, let’s face it. So… I don’t know what I should do.”With that, she opened her door and climbed out.

I followed her into the house, Dad was nowhere to be seen, so I figured he must be out in his shop. Mom went straight to the kitchen and looked inside of the crockpot, then plopped into a chair. I sat down across from her.

“I think you should do it,” I said.

“You mean… go to school?”

“Yeah. I mean… nothing is going to get better if things don’t change, right? You know what I think, Mom? Everybody has to live for themselves a little bit. If you don’t have what you need from life, how can you have anything to give to anyone else?”

Mom just stared at me for, I swear, at least two minutes. Finally, she found her voice.

“Wow,” she said. “That’s an observation I’d never have been able to make at your age.” She sighed. “But… what about the Word of God? Your father doesn’t want me to go to school, and the Bible makes him the head of this family.”

I thought about that one for a moment… how far did I dare go?

“I don’t know,” I said at last. “Except that… I’m not sure I believe in the same things you and Dad do anymore.” There… I’d said it.

There was another long silence. Finally, Mom rose from the chair and began to take dinner plates out of the cupboard.

“You’d better run out to the shop and tell your dad that dinner’s ready,” was all she said.


November 11, 2006

Jason is away on tour. He’ll be gone for a little over two weeks. Yesterday was Friday, and Julie took the day off of school so she could ride down to Minneapolis with Lisa and drop him off at the airport.

I hated not having her there at school, especially since I haven’t seen her anyplace else since Sunday—but something really cool happened to make up for it. Cindy Moen and Emma Fronning came over and sat with me at lunch, and then we hung out on the playground along with a couple of other girls. Cindy invited me to her birthday party next weekend. How about that – they aren’t just hanging around me because of Julie! That’s awesome.

I wish I knew what the deal is with Mom. I tried to ask how her appointment went, the one last Monday where she looked into going back to school, but she changed the subject.

Dad got the combine into the field Monday and has been going pretty hard, so we barely see him. He’s got two local guys he hires to help him out when he’s combining the corn, and they’ve been roaring in and out with the big grain truck. I know what that means: prices are down, so Dad is storing the corn at home in his big aluminum tanks, waiting for the market to be better. I hope he has room; I think most of last year’s crop is still in there.

One thing nice this week is that I’ve had lots of time to practice piano, and work on my A.L. art project. But it’s not all rosy; the teacher rejected my concept for the drawings. I showed her the rough sketches on paper and one of the mushrooms I planned to transfer them to. I was doing pastoral woodland scenes because I thought they fit the medium, and Mrs. Kenner loved the basic idea, but told me I should draw something else.

“Woodland scenes?” she said, shaking her head. “It’s a cliché, and it’s not you, Mallory. Find something that fits the medium AND your personality.” Yeah… okay. Great. Back to square one.

A couple days ago, Julie asked if I could come over Friday after school and have a girl’s night with her and Lisa since Jason would be out of town. Mom gave me permission, so yesterday instead of getting on the bus after school, I crossed the street to the parking lot where Julie and Lisa were waiting for me in Lisa’s Honda.

Lisa was her usual self, but Julie seemed a lot quieter than usual, not saying much at all. When we got to her house, she took me out to the garage and showed me around the PA system she and her dad put in. She turned it on and played some music through it.

“But that’s easy,” she said. “What’s going to be hard is having a bunch of live instruments and voices feeding in all at once and making them sound good together. Dad gave me a couple of books to read while he’s gone, and we’ll really get to work when he gets back.”

When we came back in, Lisa was in the kitchen, checking a roast she’d left in the oven.

“Dinner in about an hour,” she said with a smile. “Anything you ladies want to do in the meantime?” Julie just shrugged and looked at her feet. What the hell? She’d perked up some when we were in the garage, but now she’d closed herself off again.

Julie and I took Benjie for a walk. I tried to get a conversation going with her, but I was doing practically all the talking. By the time we got back in, I’d had enough.

“What’s eating you?” I asked as we took off our coats.

“Huh?” said Julie.

“You seem depressed. Maybe I can help, if I know what’s wrong.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.” Lisa’s voice. Our heads craned around, and she was watching us from the kitchen, drying her hands with a paper towel. “You’ve been mopey since we dropped your dad at the airport,” she went on. “Wanna talk about it?”

Julie hung her coat up, brushed past Lisa, and plopped down on the couch. “It’s stupid,” she said.

I sat down next to her and put a hand on her arm. “Tell us anyway.”

Julie sighed. “Dad won’t admit it, but he misses the road,” she said. “He gave it up to take care of me. But what happens when he’s out there for a couple weeks and remembers how much he loves it? What then?”

I put my arm around her. Lisa knelt in front of her and took her hand. “Then he comes home,” she said. “He’s talked to me about this, you know. You’re right, he loves playing, and he misses being out there with a show to play every night. But he loves you more, Julie. Look how hard he’s worked to settle in here and build a place for you both in the community. This is his home now, and as soon as he’s done playing these shows he’ll be here, teaching in the back room of the Salvation Army and taking ambulance calls. Oh, he’ll probably tour again… you know, a few weeks out filling in for someone… but it won’t be a full-time thing.”

“You really think so?”

“I know so. You’ll see. I’ll tell you something Jason said to me the other night. He said he’s lived his childhood dream, and done things only a handful of people get to experience. And if it’s all over, with nothing left but memories, well, that’s enough. So if he gets a little taste of his old life once in a while, like he’s doing now—it’s icing on the cake. I think he’s at peace with where he’s at in life. Not many people can say that, you know?”

Julie didn’t say anything, just reached out for Lisa, and they shared a long hug.

The mood was a lot more cheerful after that. I talked Julie into doing the weekend homework assignment with me while we waited for the roast to finish cooking. She puts it off till the last minute a lot of the time, but I like to get my schoolwork done early so I don’t have to think about it anymore. We ate in the living room so we could watch a movie. Lisa sat at one end of the sofa and Julie on the other, with me in the middle.

I finished eating first, and by then I was having a hard time keeping my mind on the movie. I had Julie and Lisa to myself for the whole evening and all of the next day! No WAY were we just going to watch movies and do crafts or talk or whatever. I tried to push those thoughts aside for the moment, but no use. I realized I was getting wet.

After what seemed like an eternity but was really just a couple more minutes, Julie ate her last bite, pushed her plate in towards the center of the coffee table, and leaned back with a happy sigh. I slid my right hand up her thigh, caressing her through her jeans. She shifted over until she was pressed against me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lisa smiling. She knew what I was up to.

By the time Lisa put her fork down, I was stroking Julie’s inner thigh, her legs were spread wide, and she was winding and twisting her fingers through my hair. Now Lisa shifted closer so that her leg was touching mine, and I began to idly play with her skirt. Her eyes encouraged me to continue, so I let my hand slip under the edge of her blouse’ drifting across the smooth, warm skin of Lisa’s belly. Her hand found its way to my leg.

By the time the movie credits began to roll I was on Lisa’s lap, with Julie pressed in close. We had our hands all over each other, and there was a lot of heavy breathing going on. Lisa leaned forward to pick up the remote, which she pointed at the TV.

As the screen went dark, I turned to Julie and captured her mouth with mine. She met me with fire and enthusiasm, our tongues twisting and dancing together. Lisa leaned in and peppered the sides of our faces with little kisses, her arms encircling us both. I broke off the kiss with Julie and turned to Lisa… and then my tongue was in her mouth. Julie began to nuzzle my neck.

Lisa broke off our kiss with me and brushed my bangs to one side.“My room?” she said.

I slid out of Lisa’s lap, took her hand in one of mine and Julie’s in the other, and tugged. They both rose from the couch, and followed me as I turned and practically dashed for the stairs.

I didn’t want to wait anymore. I’d spent the first half of the movie getting all worked up thinking about the things I wanted to do when it was over, and the other half being fondled and teased by Lisa and Julie. I needed sex, and I needed it right then!

I pulled my shirt over my head as I climbed the stairs, dropping it on the floor when I reached the top. I had my jeans undone by the time I entered Lisa’s bedroom, and I shoved them to the floor along with my sodden panties. I was in way too much of a hurry to bother with the socks, so I just left them on. I kicked my jeans out of the way, then sat down on the edge of the bed with both legs spread wide apart, my cunt on full display.

Julie was right behind me, taking off her own clothes, and Lisa was unbuttoning her blouse as she came through the door. I lay back on the bed, my feet dangling.

The corners of Lisa’s mouth quirked up. “You guys in a hurry?” she said… but for all her amusement, I heard a tremor in her voice.

Letting her blouse drop to the floor, she knelt on the floor in front of me and leaned in. Her nails traced the insides of my thighs, and I moaned with a delicious sense of longing as she kissed my belly.

Julie came in behind Lisa and unhooked her bra, then got onto the bed and straddled me on all fours. We kissed again as Lisa found my swollen pussy lips, her fingers caressing and teasing. She gently spread them open, her eyes riveted. She ran a finger around my opening in a little circle, and I could feel wetness trickle down into my butt crack. I moaned, my hips rising and falling.

“So beautiful,” Lisa whispered.

“Eat it now, and I’ll let you look at it all you want later,” I said, and all three of us cracked up a little.

Lisa leaned in and ran her tongue up one side of my pussy, then the other. I felt her finger teasing my entrance. I shoved my hips upwards at her, trying to take that finger deeper.

When she let her tongue slip between my folds, I went rigid at the intense wave of pleasure that coursed through me as it brushed my clit, then began to move in slow little circles.

The sensations were amazing, and so was a feeling of triumph. It was finally happening – Lisa was eating my pussy! I’d been dreaming of her doing that to me ever since I borrowed her sexy lesbian novel.

“Put your finger inside. Fuck me,” I said. It came out almost as a whisper.

If Lisa was surprised at the request, she didn’t show it, just slowly eased a finger inside. It was easier this time; the same feeling of fullness as before, but without the discomfort. She began to move it in and out, and the sensations from that alone made me shudder and gasp. When her tongue got back to work, I was in heaven.

Julie was bent over me, kissing my chest and licking my nipples. I tugged on her arm until she looked up at me, then I kissed her fiercely. Reaching down between her legs, I began rubbing her pussy lips. Moisture oozed out of her slit, coating the tips of my fingers. Julie was moving rhythmically against my hand.

A few seconds later, I was coming, and a particularly strong wave of ecstasy made me throw my head back and cry out, breaking our kiss. Julie understood, though. She laid her head on my chest and held me close. I squeezed her back with my free arm, pressing our upper halves together as I came, crying out and pumping my hips into Lisa’s face.

I kind of went limp for a few moments after, but I did manage to keep rubbing Julie’s pussy. She was on her knees and bent double, her face pressed against my chest and her ass in the air, trembling from head to toe.

Lisa was still kneeling on the floor, but then she climbed onto the bed, got behind Julie and started caressing her ass with both hands. I slipped a finger between my best friend’s smooth, silky, and oh, so slippery pussy lips. She moaned a little as I brushed her clit, then gasped as I hooked my middle finger and slid it into her pussy.

With my finger in up to the third knuckle and my palm pressed hard against her mound, I began to move in a quick, steady rhythm.

Julie was moaning with almost every breath now, and Lisa was bent over her raining kisses and love bites all over her ass. Julie began thrusting her hips back and forth so hard that I stopped moving my hand and simply applied pressure; she was doing all the work! Her moans became cries that rose in intensity.

“Oh, God,” she cried. Then she was screaming over and over, pumping hard against my hand, her pussy muscles gripping my finger in rhythmic pulses. Suddenly she tore my hand away, let her legs splay out, and lay collapsed and panting across my chest. I wrapped both arms around her, while Lisa embraced her from behind.

I noticed Lisa was still half dressed, and it occurred to me that she was the only one of us who hadn’t come yet. Someone had to get her off, and I decided it was going to be me.

Breaking away from Julie with a kiss and a pat on the butt, I squirmed out from beneath her and stationed myself behind Lisa. I showered her bare back with kisses and little bites, putting my hand under the skirt she wore to grope her ass . Her breath became increasingly ragged, and her hips were rocking back and forth.

Tugging on her arm, I guided Lisa onto her back and got on top of her, then we came together in a kiss. She slipped her tongue into my mouth and our kiss got hot and hungry. I could have made out with Lisa for a long time, but I was on fire with the need to fuck her right then. So I moved downward, blazing kisses across her neck, and then down even more, fondling her luscious tits with both hands as my mouth closed over one nipple, sucking greedily before switching to the other one.

Julie came around me, lay down on Lisa’s other side, and licked at the nape of Lisa’s neck.

Leaving Lisa’s tits behind for the moment, I nuzzled my way downwards, taking a moment to bury my face in the softness of her tummy. When I got to her skirt, I undid the button on the side and tugged. Lisa lifted her butt, and I took off the skirt, along with her panties.

Kneeling between Lisa’s thighs, I got an interesting idea. I bent to touch my lips to the top of her foot, then began to kiss my way upward, slowly advancing toward her pussy. I kept switching from one leg to the other, kissing and licking as I went.

I didn’t make it all the way. By the time I got just above Lisa’s knees, she was squirming around like crazy..Suddenly she grabbed me under the arms and yanked hard. Then my face was about two inches away from her pussy.

“Please,” she growled, “no more teasing!”

I buried my face in her cunt, breathing in deeply through my nose and taking in the glorious scent. As my tongue went to work, I slid two fingers inside her. Her breath hitched and tore.

Glancing up from my work, I saw Lisa pull Julie into a passionate kiss. It didn’t last long, though. Lisa broke their kiss, moaning, “Oh, God, yes.” clutching Julie tightly, their cheeks pressed together. She was grinding her ass into the mattress as she came, her warm juices coating my fingers.

We lay together in a blissful, sweaty tangle for a while. Julie and I were on either side of Lisa, resting our heads on her chest, and she had an arm around each of us. After a bit I leaned in and kissed Julie’s soft, beautiful lips. She was quick to respond, and our tongues met. As we shared a tender kiss, Lisa rested a hand on my head and on Julie’s, weaving her fingers into our hair.

“So what exactly is the deal with you two?” Lisa said after Julie and I drifted apart.

“Huh?” I said.

“Well, I mean… are you still thinking of each other as friends with something a little extra, or is it more than that? Or haven’t you talked about it yet? You don’t have to tell me if you’d rather not.”

I looked at Julie, a question in my eyes. She shrugged and nodded.

“We did talk about it, a little,” I said, speaking slowly. “It was right after that first time at Megan’s house. I don’t know if we know what to call it, but there is more than us just being friends. Something special. And we promised not to do… you know, this… with anyone else unless we were both there.”

Lisa giggled. “So that’s why you didn’t take me up on those hints I was dropping when your dad was on that call the other day,” she said to Julie. She turned to me. “Sorry, Mallory. Julie looked so cute in her pajamas that I couldn’t resist. She behaved herself, though.”

I had to,” said Julie. “Me and Mal promised we’d save it for when we’re together.”

“God, that’s sweet,” said Lisa. “And I totally respect that. I won’t try it again.”

“Lisa,” I said, “can I ask you something?”

“Of course, hon.”

“That first time I was over here, I felt like… I don’t know. Like there was something different about the way you looked at me. I didn’t know what to think of it at the time, but now I kinda wonder if you were, um, hot for me, even back then. Was it… I mean, did you really want to…?” I ran out of words. By then, I was starting to wish I’d kept my mouth shut.

Lisa seemed to be distressed. “Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to creep you out, or…”

“You didn’t,” I broke in. “It’s okay. I’m just asking if, well, something like this was already on your mind.”

With a deep sigh, Lisa put a hand over her eyes. “Yes and no,” she said. “Look… I’ve known since I was a freshman in high school that I liked girls that were, well… a little younger than me. Okay, a lot younger. I like my men older, but with girls it was the opposite. Don’t get me wrong, I like grown women too… but there’s a certain something about girls around your age that gets me excited like nothing else. Once I got involved with a girl just a couple of years older than you guys, back when I was sixteen.

“It was good, and when her parents moved, we parted as friends. I still hear from her once in a while. I haven’t been with a girl that young since… but I still have fantasies. And…”

“Wait,” Julie broke in. “Megan told us there were rumors about you and another girl when you were in high school. Was that…?”

“Oh, God, no,” said Lisa with a laugh. “I had a girlfriend my own age. We didn’t exactly get caught… but we were found under, shall we say, suspicious circumstances. Enough to get people wondering about us. We were more careful after that. I was openly dating a guy, and the rumors tapered off. Not completely, I guess, if Megan knows about it.”

She sighed again. “Anyway… yeah. When you first visited, I could see a dynamic between you and Julie even then. You probably didn’t even notice it yourselves. And before I knew it, I got caught up in this wild fantasy of watching you girls make love. Then I pictured myself, well, getting naked and joining in.” She gave a shaky laugh. “I get carried away like that sometimes… it’s no surprise that you noticed. Pretty perverted of me, I guess…”

Lisa was looking somewhat troubled, so I kissed her cheek and gave her a squeeze. “I’m glad you did,” I said. “If you hadn’t, I bet we wouldn’t be here right now.”

That perked her up, and she broke into a smile. “Oh, I think you two would have found your way, though,” she said. “And of course, you also got a helping hand from Megan. You girls HAVE to tell me what goes on over there one of these days!”

“Why don’t we invite her to come over and show you?” I blurted. “Then you can see for yourself.”

Lisa went very still. “Ummm… you girls do understand that anyone else finding out about this is a terrible idea, right?”

“Megan knows,” I said. “We didn’t tell her anything… she figured it out. She doesn’t know any details, but she knows we’ve been doing stuff with you. And she’s cool with it… actually I think she’s a little jealous of us. Megan thinks you’re seriously hot.”

Lisa stared at the ceiling for a few seconds, then nodded. “Well, I am pretty sexy,” she said with a giggle.

“Fucking sexy!” I clarified. We all laughed.

There was a phone book on the nightstand. I picked it up and thumbed through the pages to find Megan’s number.

“Uh… Mal? What are you doing?” Julie wanted to know.

I put a finger to her lips as I picked up the phone next to the bed and dialed the number.

Megan’s mom answered. “Frost residence.”

“Hi, Mrs. Frost,” I said. “It’s Mallory Kalvornek. Is Megan there?”

“Sure. Just a moment,” she said. I heard a clunk as the phone was set down, then another a minute later as it was picked up.


“Hi, Megan,” I said. “I’m gonna be hanging out with Julie and Lisa at their house tomorrow while Jason is out of town. We were wondering if you wanted to come and… you know… help me and Julie out with some A.L. stuff.”

“Whoa… uh… okay. Yeah! I think I can make that work. What time?”

Lisa was tapping my arm. “Tell her to come for lunch,” she said. “Say, 11:30 or so.”

“I heard that,” said Megan. “Oh, wow… I’ll totally be there!”

We said our goodbyes, and I hung up. Lisa was smiling. “It’s still early,” she said. “Let’s watch another movie! Only this time we’ll do it up here, in bed. Who wants popcorn?”

Julie and I looked at each other, both wearing huge grins. The evening was young.

On to Chapter Eighteen!


20 Comments on Pages From a Diary, Chapter 17

  1. Kim & Sue says:

    We loved the first part of this chapter. Mal and her Mom really talking and seeing where Mal’s mom is at. Then finding out what was bothering Julie.

    To be honest we were almost disappointed when the chapter switched over to the sex part, but not for very long as it was hotter than L.A. this month.

    It seems such a long wait between chapters, but this was very worth the wait. Well done. And next chapter? a foursome? more of this hot threesome, and what about the other parts of Mals’ life. Her parents, friends and lover? Really starting to think we should start just binging stories when they are done as the wait between chapters is becoming unbearable.

    • JetBoy says:

      Apologies for the occasional delay between chapters. I’ll have to take the blame here, as I’ve got less time to edit chapters these days. I’m currently caught up in a massive, unexpected and obligatory move from our home of twenty years, and it’s gobbling up hours and hours of each day. No excuses, ma’am, just the facts.

  2. Captain Midnight says:

    Rachael writes LOVE stories. They are complex love stories, heavily invested in sex and drama, but they show women and girls in love with each other and investing their hearts.

    With new chapters about to begin, now I am wondering what will happen when Megan comes over to see Mallory, Julie and now Lisa.

    I am still sure Lisa is deeply in love with Jason, especially when she says he confided in her about raising Julie. The most attractive part of these novels has been in showing sympathetic dads who show their intelligence and provide so much wisdom to their daughters, while dearly loving the women who are their daughters’ caretakers and lovers.

    I really wonder if Sharon will fall in love with a woman who hasn’t been introduced yet. Megan us the only other one who isn’t in a relationship, so in theory they could be together, but it doesn’t seem plausible.

    Given how fragile Mallory’s dad is–thank you for showing his concerns and worries are what motivates his bad actions–I hope he doesn’t come to a bad fate. The man needs honest-to-goodness help before he hurts himself or someone else.

    And a completely unanswered question is about Mallory’s mom. I don’t know if she will have sex with

    • Captain Midnight says:

      Cut myself off. Or rather, put a paragraph at the bottom and couldn’t edit it.

      I think the submission-to-husband thing us a ceutch Dad relies on to cover his fear that he will be seen as much less of a man, or even much less THAN a man–if he can’t be the head of the household and provide everything for his wife and daughter. He simply doesn’t seem to know that his wife can be his equal and that he can thrive from it. He only knows the farm life and the clearly defined roles for the farm family. He doesn’t understand true love.

      I kind of don’t want Mallory to have sex with her mother. Maybe Llsa could do “it” with Sharon.

      • Captain Midnight says:

        You haven’t done a story where a birth mother and daughter become lovers. Lisa isn’t even Mallory’s stepmother yet. The girls are great and love each other (in both novels), but to me the adults and kids are in very different places in life than children conceived, given birth to, and of the same human genome matches as Jilie, Lisa and Megan.

      • tonyt says:

        i hope mals mom meets someone thru lutheran social services
        another nice mom coming out of a difficult situation needing more than just moral support
        or a staff person offering another form of continuing education

        • Dragster234 says:

          Honestly, I think her way into her sapphic/lesbian nature is through Lisa and her experiences with her daughter’s relationship with her girlfriend. When she sees how they interact and the love they so easily show each other through the small and big things, those are the way she will be able to love a woman.

        • Dragster234 says:

          Add to that, Sharon is a babe and both Julie and Megan have said that with Mal agreeing on her own attraction to her mother. I think it is inevitable that they will somehow cross that threshold to more sexual interest.
          Remember, though, this is not a modern, contemporary story, but instead taking place between 2005-2007 in a very small town. Most likely, a very different time for girls and women who loved women. Took forever for some to finally be okay with loving another woman/girl.

  3. Michael V. says:

    Dear Rachael

    You have so much talent in expressing your imagination! I wholeheartedly agree with both Kim & Sue, as well as Captain Midnight; your stories are so full of Love ❤️ and not just because of the awesome screen-melting eroticism 🔥😈! The care you take in crafting the world around the characters is what makes your stories so believable.

    I want to thank you as a Male, it is refreshing to see that some of your male characters can be very sympathetic and not just the cause of problems for the main female characters. The stories would not be as rich if they were missing. Take Jason for example; he is shown in loving relationships with Lisa and Julie, as well as a great sounding board for Mallory with his sage advice to her many questions as she examines her faith.

    My point is to say how complete and satisfying your stories are, so much more than a ´stroké ´ story.
    I truly believe you have the talent as an author to succeed in writing mainstream literature but I’m just ecstatic you continue to favor us with the results of that naughty 👿 imagination!

    I do have to concur that it does seem so very long between chapters, that just proves we are blessed with an over abundance of the most talented Authors in Erotica.

    Well done Rachael!

    Your humble reader,
    Michael V.

    • tonyt says:

      if megan is so into lisa perhaps sparks fly and something serious comes out of the upcoming 4 sum

      • Dragster234 says:

        Yes, tonyt, maybe that will be a truth. Maybe a relationship, even if brief, with Lisa and Megan will spark a real truth with Sharon herself and allow her to have her own internal debate. However, she will have a more mature, adult-set mind to deal with her feelings different than Mal and even Megan who more naturally accepted their love for other women/girls. Lisa, maybe even Julie and her daughter.

  4. Erocritique says:

    I take some guilty pleasure in knowing that only those of us who frequent this site will ever get to enjoy this, and the other incredibly special erotic works from our talented authors. Am I a bad person??? I don’t think so!!! And now on to more guilty pleasure goodness in the next (and new) chapter. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. Kim & Sue says:

    Yes, strongly agree that Rachael’s stories are so well balanced with multi dimensional characters that they take the story much above just a sex story.

  6. Powertenor246 says:

    I agree most with what Mike V. said and some of what Capt. Midnight said. And almost all of what Kim and Sue said as well. I am becoming more patient with the amount of time between chapters because I know that quality takes time and effort takes time. Plus quality effort takes even more than we think it does. I know that Rachel and whomever is editing her will not accept anything of lesser from each other. I will wait patiently.

    An additional avid reader,

  7. JetBoy says:

    If you are impatiently awaiting a new chapter that has yet to appear, why not check out an older story from our massive library of same? I can’t believe there are very many of you good people out there who have read everything we have to offer. There are erotic treasures galore to be unearthed, waiting for a click of the mouse to reveal their juicy secrets.

  8. Rachael Yukey says:

    Everyone… I’m so bowled over by the positive response to the last few chapters, and especially that people are enjoying the story so much they’re disappointed when it switches to sex! I’m honored, truly.

    Big announcement: rerun time is over. The next chapter is previously unpublished material. Enjoy!

    • JetBoy says:

      I can only echo Rachael’s sentiments above: thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your support. If it weren’t for the loyal Juicy Secrets community and their encouragement, she might never have elected to pick up the thread of this story, and with such amazing results. Never doubt that your love, praise and positive energy mean the world to the good people who write for us.

      And as a privileged soul who has read “Pages From a Diary” to the end, I can assure you this: the best is yet to come.

    • Dragster234 says:

      Rachael Yukey, It’s been a long time coming for the new material to come to light finally. Whatever way you choose to take the story for Mal, Julie, Lisa, Megan, and even Mal’s mom and Jason, I just hope that it’s a HEA type of ending and there is no real tragedy. I hate tragedy endings for lesbian characters.
      I’m a man and I still get angry about endings of lesbian/Sapphic stories with sad and disappointing endings. I’m just like, “Come on, even if it is set in 2009, it can still have a happy ending.”
      It’s just so sad and… not real.

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