Stranger in the Family, Chapter 7

  • Posted on July 18, 2024 at 3:29 pm

by Purple Les and JetBoy

A summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the previous chapters, please see Stranger in the Family Chapter Links)

Disaster befalls the Luna family of four when lightning strikes Walt, the father, and Kelly, the oldest child at eleven. Walt is killed outright, while Kelly is left in a coma that lasts for weeks. She finally emerges, to the overwhelming joy of her mother Linda and nine-year-old sister Gabby – but with no memory of her family or her life, and an altogether different personality. Kelly now speaks fluent Spanish, no longer eats meat and, most crucially, has a serious attraction to women and girls, despite never having had sex of any kind.

At first, Kelly openly flirts with every female in her presence – including her mother, her little sister, her Aunt Jan, and the neighbors: divorced mother Cheryl (Linda’s best friend) and her daughters – sixteen-year-old Ali, and nine-year-old Pam (Gabby’s best friend). But soon Kelly realizes that this direct approach is more apt to make others uncomfortable than entice them into bed, so she tones it down.

However, two members of Kelly’s family are fascinated by the eleven-year-old’s sexual vibe. The first is Gabby, who has already been playing masturbation games with her friend Pam, so Kelly is easily able to begin the seduction of her younger sister. The second is Aunt Jan, who is openly gay but secretly into underage girls, with a hidden library of illegal DVDs to prove it. And while Kelly’s mother Linda is thus far immune to her daughter’s sexual charms, she is thinking quite a lot about lesbian sex after the death of her husband. In fact, we learn that Linda and her sister Jan were lovers back in their teen years… and Jan is hinting she’d like to pick things up where they left off.

Around this time, Kelly visits neighbor Cheryl’s home for the first time since the accident. There, she is unable to restrain herself from coming on to Cheryl’s teen daughter Ali, then Cheryl herself. Kelly comes very close to scoring with Ali, but they get interrupted before it can happen.

Later, when her mother and little sister are asleep, Kelly slips out of bed and quietly makes her way to Cheryl’s home. There, she ends up in a sizzling threesome with Cheryl and Ali who, as it happens, are already lovers.

The next day, Kelly offers Cheryl the opportunity to watch through an outside window as she goes down on Gabby and Pam. Cheryl very much wants to bring her younger daughter into the sexual relationship she has with Ali, and jumps at the chance. Needless to say, Kelly and the girls have a wonderful time, and Cheryl sees the whole thing without being noticed. 

And that brings us to this chapter. Please enjoy.

Linda and her daughters were in the family car, on their way to the home of Linda’s older sister Jan for the weekend. Kelly and Gabby rode in the back seat together.

“Is this something we do a lot?” Kelly asked, taking in the passing scenery.

“Sure is,” Gabby answered as she studied her sister’s tanned legs. “We spend time with Aunt Jan, like, every summer. Don’t we, Mom?”

“Yep, that’s right, sweetie,.” Linda said, her eyes on the road. They’d already stopped for lunch on the way. Now it was mid-afternoon, and they were about thirty minutes from Jan’s home.

“We started this when you girls were little,” Linda explained, meeting Kelly’s eyes in the rear view mirror. “Aunt Jan would take you for a while in the summer, so your dad and I could have some time to ourselves. You always like going there, Jan loves having you… and I really need a few days to unwind.”

A few minutes later, Linda pulled into a gas station. She got out and fueled the car while the sisters watched her from the back seat.

Kelly had a few questions to ask while their mother was out of earshot. “Do we share a room at Aunt Jan’s?”

“Nope.” Gabby answered. “We each have our own room. Aunt Jan’s place is huge. She’s got a pool and a hot tub, and she lets us stay up late as we want and sleep in the next morning. You’ll love it, Kelly. It’s the best vacation ever. We don’t have to do chores or nothing – just have fun. We can play as much as we want, or be as lazy as we want.”

Kelly eyed her sister. “I’ll still be able to lick your pussy, though… right?”

Gabby grinned. “Oh, yeah. We can sneak into each other’s rooms, once Aunt Jan goes to bed. Heck, we can even do it during the day. She’s not nosy or anything.”

“I can’t wait,” Kelly murmured, moistening her lips. “I’ll probably come to see you later tonight.”

“Cool,” Gabby whispered, feeling tingly all over.

Just then Linda got into the car. Kelly slipped a hand between Gabby’s thighs, briefly rubbing the girl through the front of her shorts, then snatching her hand back as their mother switched on the ignition, put the vehicle into gear and turned back onto the road.

Gabby scowled at her sister, then giggled when she saw the perfectly innocent expression on Kelly’s face.


As they finally approached Aunt Jan’s home, Kelly was impressed by the size of the houses, each located in a spacious yard with a rolling green lawn.

When Linda pulled into a wide driveway and parked the car, Gabby cried, “Yay! We’re here!” jumped out of the car and raced toward the front door. She rang the bell four or five times, and when a laughing Jan opened the door, threw both arms around her aunt’s waist.

Someone’s happy to be here,” Linda said, but with a smile. “Kelly, can you bring Gabby’s overnight bag along with yours?”

“Sure, Mother.” They made their way to the entrance, where Jan was still hugging Gabby.

“Hiya, big sister!” Linda exclaimed. She kissed Jan’s cheek.

“Hiya yourself,” Jan replied. Her gaze shifted to Kelly, who was holding a bag in each hand. “Good to see you, Kelly.”

“Hi, Aunt Jan.” Kelly said, remembering how she came on to her aunt the last couple of times they met. She let the woman see her naked, masturbated in her presence, even taken her panties off and gave them to Jan.

She looks even better than I remember, Kelly decided. The impulse was there to let her feelings show, to give her aunt one of those lustful looks that always seemed to unnerve women at the grocery store or the mall.

Instead, she tried to seem a bit bashful. Make her think you’ve changed, and you aren’t having dirty thoughts about her anymore. Then, once Mom is gone…

“Say, Gabby,” Aunt Jan said, turning to the nine-year-old, “can you show Kelly where to put the bags? After that, you should give her a tour of the place. I need to talk with your mom for a minute.”

“Sure.” Gabby said as she took her bag. “C’mon, Kel!” She led her sister from the room.

“You’re gonna love the spa, Linda,” Jan said. “I’m glad you’re doing this. To be honest, you look like you really need a break.”

“Oh, I do, I do,” Linda admitted, “I don’t know, though – it feels wrong, just leaving the girls with you while I pamper myself. I… I’m still worried about Kelly.”

“So she hasn’t recovered any of her memory?”

Linda shook her head. “Not a bit.”

“Hmmm. What about her… other unusual behavior? Is she still making those comments about wanting to see other women naked, or any other references to lesbian sex?” Jan kept her voice neutral, but her heart was throbbing. After her last trip to visit Linda and the girls, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about how blatantly eleven-year-old Kelly had come on to her. Much as Jan loved her nieces, she suspected that Kelly was going to be a handful while Linda was away.

“She isn’t saying outrageous things anymore, no,” said Linda. “On the other hand….” She sighed. “Kelly is spending a lot of time with Gabby these days. Way more than she ever did before. As for Gabby – well, she always loved her big sister, but now she practically worships her.” She paused. “It’s just a gut feeling of mine… but I think the girls just might be having sex. With each other.”

Jan fought to conceal her excitement, an immediate rush of heat surging between her thighs. She was torn between hoping her sister’s suspicions were true, and praying they weren’t. “I don’t know, Linda,” she said, still maintaining her even tone. “That’s one hell of a reach.”

“I know, I know!” Linda exclaimed. “But if they are… what on earth should I do about it?”

“Have you spoken to them?”

Linda sighed again. “How the hell do I start that conversation? ‘Say, I was just wondering… are you girls fucking each other?’ Honestly, I don’t have the nerve.”

Jan sat quietly for a moment, weighing her words. Finally she spoke. “Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but… would it honestly be so bad if Kelly and Gabby were to – to explore sex with one another? It didn’t do us any harm.”

There was a long silence, only broken by the murmur of the girls’ voices from upstairs.

“Maybe you’re right,” Linda finally said, looking down at her hands. “I mean, it wasn’t easy when we gave it up… but in the end, yeah, what you and I had was good.” She gave a shaky laugh. “Brought us closer together.”

Closer than close,” Jan added.

Linda looked up at her sister. “There’s something I want to ask you, Jan. If I told you that I wanted us to make love again, how would you feel about that?”

Jan placed her hand on Linda’s knee. “I’d like to. Very much.”

“Good,” said Linda. “I’m glad to know that someone still wants me.” Bringing Jan’s hand to her lips, she gave it a tender kiss. “I’m still dealing with losing Walt, so I’m not ready to be intimate with anyone just yet. But once I’ve healed up a little more, I’d like to be… close to you again. Like we used to be.”

Jan stared at Linda, her heart thumping wildly. For years, she’d dreamed of this, ached for the possibility of being her sister’s lover once more.  “Just say the word. When you need me, I’ll be there.”

Gazing into Jan’s eyes, Linda felt as if she’d been stripped naked on the spot. A familiar warmth began to pulse and throb between her legs. “You know… maybe I ought to pass on this silly spa weekend and stay here.”

For an instant, Jan was on the verge of agreeing – but then she shook her head. “No, no. Let’s not rush this. You need that healing time, kiddo. Besides,” she lowered her voice, “when we do take up where we left off, I plan to fuck you in every room of the house, the garage, the back yard and the swimming pool. We don’t want the girls around for that, do we?”

“I – I guess not,” Linda stammered.

“You’re already booked for the spa – go, enjoy.” The spell now broken, Jan rose to her feet. “Will you stay for lunch?”

What Linda really wanted right then was to excuse herself, toddle off to the bathroom, and bring herself off two or three times. Instead, she said, “Well, if I’m really going, I’d better go. I’ll say goodbye to the girls.” She stood, moved in the direction of the stairs. “Kelly? Gabby? I’m leaving now.”

Seconds later, the girls came bounding down the stairs. Gabby raced into her mother’s arms. “Bye, Mom,” she said. “Have a good time and get some rest, okay?”

Linda enfolded her youngest in a warm hug. “Be a good girl for Aunt Jan,” she murmured, trying to sound stern; failing to pull it off. Finally releasing Gabby, she reached out for Kelly, drawing the girl into a loving embrace.

“Kelly,” Linda said, gazing into the warm eyes of her beautiful child, “Just… just do what Aunt Jan says. And look after your sister. Okay?” She impulsively gave the girl a brief but tender kiss.

“We’ll be fine, Mother.” Kelly replied. “Don’t worry about us.”

Linda felt reassured, somehow. She hugged her daughters once more apiece, did the same to Jan, then made her exit.

Jan, Kelly and Gabby watched the car go down the street from a window, then there was a brief silence between the three of them.

Jan spoke first. “Gabby, why don’t you help Kelly unpack… then we can talk about what you girls want to do while you’re here. Do you want to have dinner delivered, or should we go out to a restaurant?”

“I know what I want to do.” Gabby announced. “First, I’d like to go for a swim in the pool. Then, I want to go to that place where they have the sundae bar. Yum!”

“Okay,” said Jan. “But shouldn’t we hear what Kelly wants to do?”

“Aw, Aunt Jan… Kelly can’t even remember what she likes.”

Jan frowned at that, and was about to reply when Kelly spoke up, “It’s okay, Aunt Jan, she’s right. I don’t know what I’d like. I’ve forgotten all that stuff. Whatever Gabby wants to do, that’s fine with me.”

“Well, Kelly,” Jan said, “You used to love when we had Chinese delivered.”

“Mmmm, yeah! I like that, too!” Gabby piped up. “Maybe we can have it tomorrow?”

Kelly shrugged. “Cualquier cosa que quieras comer, me parece bien,” she said.

Gabby rolled her eyes. “You’re speakin’ Spanish again, Kel.”

“Oops, sorry,” Kelly said, making a face. “What I said was that I’m fine with whatever you guys want.”

“Do you catch yourself going into Spanish very often?” asked Jan.

“I never notice at all,” Kelly replied. “Not till someone tells me I’m doing it.”

By then, Gabby was practically bouncing in place. “Come on, Kel – let’s go unpack now, so we can go for a swim!” she exclaimed, seizing her big sister’s hand.

“Okay, okay!” Kelly laughed.

As the girls hastened upstairs. Kelly couldn’t help but check out Gabby’s bottom, which looked really great in the snug shorts she wore. She was very much looking forward to watching her little sister undress.

Jan called out, “I’ll fix some snacks!” then retired to the kitchen.

Upstairs, Gabby unzipped Kelly’s bag and began to take things out, telling her sister which drawer to put each item in.

Kelly held up her swimsuit. “What drawer for this?”

Gabby rolled her eyes. “Don’t put that away, goofball! We’re going swimming, remember?”

“Um… do I even swim?”

Sure you do. Heck, you taught me how!” Gabby replied. “Now put your suit on while I go unpack and change.”

“Hey, Gabby… don’t you want to watch me get undressed?” Kelly asked, a teasing tone in her voice.

Gabby was caught off guard by the question. “What about Aunt Jan?” she asked, glancing toward the open door.

“Oh, you want her to watch me change?”

Now blushing, Gabby impatiently stamped her foot, “No, silly! I mean we might get caught.”

“You’re the silly one,” Kelly reasoned. “We’re just getting changed into our bathing suits! Why would she care if we undress in the same room?”

“Guess you’re right. And we get to see each other bare naked again, like this morning!”

“We sure do,” Kelly said, putting her suit on the bed. “That was fun, wasn’t it? Me, you and Pam, with all our clothes off.”

Drifting over to where her sister stood, Kelly gave her little sister an ardent kiss. As their tongues gently mingled, Kelly allowed her hands to drift down until they were cupping Gabby’s bottom.

They finally parted. “I love kissing you,” Gabby said. “And when you lick me… wow, that’s the best!” She giggled. “It was so cool seeing you do that to Pam. I never saw her come like that!”

“C’mere,” Kelly said. She dragged the desk chair into the center of the room, then patted the seat. “Sit down.”

Enthralled by the hunger she saw in her big sister’s eyes, Gabby quickly obeyed, heart racing as she watched Kelly kick off her sneakers, then bend down to remove her socks.

For the second time that day, Gabby watched her sibling undress. She placed a hand on her vulva, clamping it tightly between the thighs to afford herself a measure of relief while Kelly took off her t-shirt, then her shorts, tossing them on the bed.

Kelly stood before Gabby in her white training bra and flowered cotton panties, basking in her little sister’s adoration for a little while.

Gabby waited for Kelly to continue, then finally said, “What about the rest? C’mon, Kelly… let me see all of you. Please?”

God, this makes me crazy hot! Kelly marveled. I love being naked for Gabby. And Pam. Cheryl and Ali. Aunt Jan. Their eyes on me, wanting me, wanting to fuck. And maybe… maybe one day Mom will look at me like that. She shivered.

But that was something to think about later. Right then, Gabby was there, waiting to see everything.

Shrugging out of her bra, Kelly laid it on the bed next to her clothes, then did the same with her panties. Facing her sister, she spread both arms slightly, as if presenting her nudity to the dazed nine-year-old.

“You’re so beautiful, Kelly,” Gabby whispered. “I – I’d do anything to be as pretty as you.”

That made Kelly smile. “Don’t sell yourself short, little sister. You’re gonna be a knockout in a few years… but I already think you’re hella sexy.” She drew close, then bent down to claim Gabby’s mouth in a heated, forceful kiss that left the little girl gasping when Kelly abruptly broke away.

Idly picking up her swimsuit, Kelly said, “Come on, then… let’s get you unpacked now.”

Gabby rose on trembling legs. “Aren’t you gonna… put your suit on?”

“Oh, I’m in no hurry.” Draping the one-piece suit over her shoulder. Kelly padded into the hallway. Staring longingly at her sister’s bare bottom, Gabby hastened to follow.

Kelly perched on the edge of the bed in Gabby’s room, her legs spread apart. “Go on, put your stuff away,” she said.

Unpacking took Gabby longer than it normally would, mostly because she couldn’t stop stealing glances at her naked sister – especially the rosy cleft of Kelly’s sex, which seemed to get prettier every time Gabby saw it. For the first time, she wondered what it would taste like.

Once she’d stored the last bit of clothing in the old oak dresser, Gabby turned to her sister, took a deep breath and began to undress, very conscious of Kelly’s gaze. With every item she removed, she grew more and more excited, giggling with delight as she pushed her panties down and stood completely nude before her big sister.

Standing up, slowly advancing closer, Kelly suddenly scooped the girl up and tossed her onto the bed. A surprised Gabby squealed – then fell silent, eyes widening at the feral expression on her sister’s face as Kelly crawled between her outstretched legs.

“Omigosh,” Gabby mumbled when Kelly bent down to nuzzle her smooth slit. When she felt the caress of her sister’s tongue, the ecstatic nine-year-old surrendered to ecstasy.

She was so keyed up that it only took a few licks to make her come. Gabby’s thin body arched up from the bed as her pleasure reached a peak, then she sank back with a blissful sigh.

Sitting next to the panting child, Kelly gave Gabby a moment to rest. She was sorely tempted to finger herself to orgasm, but decided to hold off. If this day goes the way I want, It’ll be Aunt Jan who’s making me come, she thought.

Kelly bent to kiss her sister’s mouth, then murmured, “Okay, Gabs… let’s put our suits on.” She gently eased the younger girl into a seated position. “C’mon, it’s time to swim!”

“Whoa, now I need a nap,” Gabby said, but she obligingly rose, stretching herself. “I love you, Kelly.”

“Love you too, sis.” Kelly was wriggling into her swimsuit. “Wow, this is tight.”

“Yeah – mine too!” Gabby said as she climbed into hers. “They’re from last summer. I guess we’re growing up fast, huh?”

The thin material of Gabby’s one-piece gave the child a very distinct camel toe. As for Kelly’s suit, it rode up high in the back, putting quite a lot of her bottom on display.

When the girls came downstairs, Jan got a good look, then tried not to stare. Fuck, they may as well be naked, she thought – well aware that Kelly, at least, might choose to skinny-dip at any moment.

“Whee!” Gabby cried. “Let’s go!” Racing onto the patio, she did a cannonball into the pool. Kelly followed, but paused to watch her little sister swim, giving Jan an amazing view of her ass.

Jesus, I don’t know how I’m going to survive these next few days, Jan thought, setting a platter of various snacks and a pitcher of iced tea on the bistro table. Beneath a light blue dressing gown, she was wearing her skimpiest bikini – a mistake, probably, but the urge to impress her nieces had been too tempting to resist.

“Aren’t you guys coming in?” Gabby cried.

“Sure, we’ll be right in.” Jan said, then paused in mid-motion. “Gabby!” she called. “Come back out for a minute. You need sunscreen.” She turned to Kelly. “You too, young lady,” she added, fetching the tube of Neutrogena from a nearby shelf. “Your mom will skin me alive if I let you girls get burnt.”

Making a face, Gabby swam over to the nearby ladder and climbed out of the pool, water dripping from her glistening body. “Can you put it on for me, Aunt Jan?”

“Me too!” Kelly echoed.

Great, Jan told herself. Exactly what I should NOT be doing right now: touching the girls while they’re in these too-tight suits. But it would seem weird if I said no. Besides, I don’t want to! 

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Jan squirted a dollop of sunblock into her hand, then began to apply the creamy liquid to Gabby’s shoulders and arms. Kelly watched with great interest, enjoying the sight of Aunt Jan touching her little sister’s body.

Now Jan was down on her knees, rubbing sunblock on her niece’s legs, telling herself, She’s only nine. She’s only nine. My God, she’s exquisite.

“There, all done,” she finally said, resisting an impulse to give the girl’s bottom a playful slap.

Gabby instantly leapt back into the pool, and Kelly drew closer. “My turn, huh?” Giving her aunt a dazzling smile, she presented her back.

“I guess so,” Jan mumbled, squirting more sunblock into her hand. She slathered it onto Kelly’s upper back, moved to her shoulders, then rubbed some into each arm in turn.

“Put a lot on my legs, Aunt Jan,” Kelly purred. “I always get sunburned there.”

Damn it all… she’s playing me like a cheap fiddle. Hunkering down, Jan coated her hands with the cool lotion and applied it to those luscious legs. Up and down, pausing to anoint the girl’s feet, then gliding up to her thighs. She worked the sunblock into the amazingly soft skin, then sat back. “Okay, you’re done.”

“Wait,” Kelly protested. “What about the rest of me?” She placed both hands on her buttocks, left partially exposed by her too-snug swimsuit.

“Um… wouldn’t you rather do that part yourself?” Jan replied, realizing the foolishness of those words as they passed her lips.

Kelly peered over her shoulder, giving her aunt a look that positively smoldered with lust. “I’d rather it be you, Aunt Jan.”

Staring at her niece’s flawless ass, Jan resigned herself to the inevitable. Fine, then, she decided. We both know what’s going on here. And if I’m doing this, I’ll goddamn well enjoy it.

Touching Kelly’s hip, Jan said, “Turn to face me.”

The girl seemed puzzled, but obeyed, then Jan reached round to cup Kelly’s bottom in both hands, slipping her fingers beneath the material of the swimsuit.

“Ohhhh,” Kelly moaned, letting her head loll back as Aunt Jan fondled her ass. She waited to feel a finger tease her cunt, or maybe slide into her butthole.

It didn’t happen, though. Those lovely hands were gliding all over and around Kelly’s buttocks, but they never went where the girl most longed for them to go. Guess she’s still too nervous.

In fact, much as Jan longed to fuck her niece, she was still determined not to. Which didn’t mean she couldn’t have a bit of fun with the girl, paying her back for all the head games she’d been playing of late. Time for Little Miss Cunt Tease to get a dose of her own medicine.

Once she’d thoroughly groped Kelly’s ass, Jan casually withdrew her hands. “Okay, now you’re done.”

Kelly was wearing a pout when Jan got to her feet, but then something in the distance caught her attention. “Oh, wow,” she said. “That looks like fun.”

Jan turned to look, breaking into a grin at what she saw. Gabby was clinging to the edge of the pool, her groin pressed against the water jet down below.

“Aunt Jan?” Kelly said, her voice gone quiet. “Has Gabby ever done that before?”

“Oh, yes. She first did it the summer before last, I think.” Shrugging out of her dressing down, she draped it over a nearby chair.

“Um… did I do it too?”

Picking up the tube of sunscreen, Jan squeezed some into her palm. “Try it out. See if it feels familiar.” With a wink, she began to apply the lotion to her own body.

Pausing to watch, Kelly admired her aunt’s nicely toned body, showcased to impressive effect by the skimpy bikini Jan wore. She’s even sexier than I remembered. God, that bathing suit is so tiny! Now if I can just figure out some way to get her out of it… 

Tossing the sunscreen onto the bistro table, Jan sauntered over to the deep end of the pool. Kelly couldn’t help but notice the way her aunt’s ass jiggled as she moved.

Stepping onto the diving board, Jan executed a flawless dive, then swam underwater to the shallow end. She lifted her head above the surface, then cast off the excess water with a single graceful sweep of the head.

Kelly was all but hypnotized by her aunt’s beauty, so it startled her when Gabby yelled, “Hey! Watch this!” She glanced back in time to see Gabby do a graceful swan dive.

As Jan swam back to the deep end, Kelly made her way over to the shallow part and seated herself on the top stair, the water up to her knees.

Gabby was swimming toward her. “Hey, what the heck? Are you just gonna sit there? C’mon – get all the way in, swim with me!”

When her little sister was close, Kelly reached down to pull the crotch of her suit to one side, exposing herself.

Now Gabby was staring at her older sister’s pussy, absently licking her lips.

“Kiss it,” Kelly said.

Slowly moving closer, the blushing nine-year-old pulled herself up far enough to plant a brief peck on Kelly’s sex, then lowered herself back into the pool and swam away while Kelly adjusted her suit.

Moments later, Jan splashed up next to Gabby. “Having fun?”

“Um, yeah!” Gabby replied. “I’m a little tired, though. Think I’m gonna get a snack and rest for a minute.”

Jan and Kelly were watching Gabby as the dripping girl emerged from the pool, both of them paying special attention to her cute little bottom. She grabbed a towel and draped it over her shoulders, then padded over to the table, where she sampled tidbits from the snack tray.

Moving over to where Kelly was still sitting, Jan said, “I saw that, you know.”

“Saw what?” Kelly asked innocently.

Jan replied, “What you got your sister to do.”

“Oh, you mean this,” Kelly said, and she tugged her suit crotch aside to reveal her bare sex. “I told Gabby to kiss it. So she did.” She looked up at her aunt. “Will you kiss it, too?”

It was hard to tell which of the two of them was more surprised by what happened next. Burying her face between her niece’s thighs, Jan ran her tongue up and Kelly’s slit a few times, then dropped back into the water, her heart racing like mad.

Gaping at her aunt in a mixture of astonishment and arousal, Kelly put her suit back in place and dove into the pool, swimming toward the water jet. Her body was on fire, aching for release.

When Kelly reached her destination, she grasped the pool’s edge, then pressed her groin against the rushing water.

Jan was perched on the pool ladder, watching the girl pleasure herself. Before a full minute had passed, she saw Kelly tremble, her niece’s eyes squeezed tightly shut as she came. Glancing over her shoulder, Jan noticed that Gabby was also watching from one of the deck chairs.

Jan decided to give Kelly some space, so she climbed out of the pool, dried off, then sat down in the deck chair next to Gabby’s. Kelly joined them a few minutes later. Nibbling on the snacks, they made idle chat, deliberately saying nothing about what had just happened.

After a while, Jan asked the girls if they wanted to use the hot tub. Gabby liked the idea, while Kelly said, “I’m gonna shower and put some clothes on. Do we need to dress up for the restaurant, or can I wear what I had on?”

“What you had on will be fine,” Jan answered.

“Cool! Well, I’ll see you guys later,” Kelly said. Both Gabby and Jan watched Kelly as she walked away, admiring her body in the tight one-piece.

“Well. come on, kiddo,” said Jan. patting Gabby’s arm. “Let’s hit the hot tub.”

Moments later, they were blissfully relaxing in the steaming water.

Jan finally spoke. “Gabby? How are things with Kelly?” Seeing the questioning look on Gabby’s face, she added, “Since she came out of her coma, I mean. Is it harder for you to get along with her? Is she good to you, or does she ever make you feel uncomfortable?”

“I think she’s great,” Gabby said. “I mean, it’s weird how she can’t remember how things were, and she can’t remember all the people she used to know. But I… I kinda like that now, Kelly needs me more. She’s nicer to me, too – not so bossy. And we spend lots more time together than we used to.”

“Hmmm… that sounds like a good thing. Have you done things together that you hadn’t before?”

“Um, I don’t know,” Gabby said, suddenly unable to meet Jan’s steady gaze. “Uh, like what?”

Jan studied the nine-year-old, observing her reaction. “Oh, I don’t know,” she said, trying to seem casual about asking. “Any new experiences that you two are sharing. I’m just curious about how things might have changed between you and Kelly.”

Gabby appeared to be very interested in the bubbling water. “Well, you know she started speaking Spanish, right? She’s been teaching me a little of it. I haven’t learned much, though.”

“Well, it sounds as if you’ve still got a good relationship going with Kelly. That’s what really matters.” She’s not ready to talk about it, Jan decided. It seems like she wants to, though. Maybe tomorrow.

They sat quietly for a while. Then Jan noticed Gabby’s shoulder moving slightly. Oho! she thought. The little minx is touching herself. This could get interesting

“Aunt Jan?” Gabby timidly began, then seemed to think better of it. “Um… never mind.”

“Did you need to talk to me about something, Gabby?” Jan paused for a moment, then added, “Don’t be scared, sweetheart. I’m here for you; I always will be.”

Gabby nodded, but didn’t speak. Jan simply waited. Whatever it is, she wants to tell me.

The girl’s barely perceptible movements and the slight tremor in her breath told Jan that her niece was still masturbating. Sure enough, Gabby tensed just enough to make it clear that she’d climaxed.

My God, Jan told herself. What an incredible sight.

Gabby’s eyes slowly opened. “Aunt Jan,” she said, “it’s not wrong for girls to – to do stuff together, is it?”

It was exactly what Jan had hoped to hear. “What kind of stuff?” she asked, loving the bashful look on Gabby’s face.

“Uh, stuff like kissing… or maybe looking at each other with no clothes on.”

“No, it’s not at all wrong to do those things,” Jan answered. “In fact, it’s very common for girls to kiss one another… or to want to see other girls naked.”

“What if they’re sisters?” Gabby asked, looking away again.

“As long as it’s what they both want, there’s nothing bad about it.” Jan said gently. “Do you know girls like that, or is it something you were just wondering about?”

“Oh, I just sort of wondered.”

Jan waited to hear more, but Gabby seemed to be done with the subject. So she said, “Let’s get out and dry ourselves off. Kelly must be done in the shower, so we can get cleaned up and dressed before we go out to eat.”’

Gabby’s face lit up. “Yay! Sundae bar!” Clambering out of the tub, the child seized a towel and began to vigorously dry herself.

“Slow down, Turbo Queen! That ice cream isn’t going anywhere.” Jan climbed out, then took Gabby’s towel. “Let me do that for you, sweetheart.” Kneeling behind her niece, she gently ran the soft terry cloth over the girl’s body.

“That feels nice, Aunt Jan,” Gabby declared, then added with a giggle, “I want you to dry me off all the time!”

“Oh, I’d love that!” She tousled the girl’s hair, then began to dry herself.

It didn’t escape Jan’s attention that Gabby kept sneaking peeks at her while she dried off. Is she thinking about kissing me? she wondered. Or seeing me naked? She was still wondering if it had been wise to have chosen such a sexy bikini. How would she respond if I took it off, right here and now? 

She ran the towel between her thighs, still very conscious of her niece’s interest. Looks like Linda was right – Kelly’s been teaching her little sister about sex. But how much does Gabby know? Christ, if Kelly has her way, I might end up in bed with them both!

She sighed. It’s going to be hard to keep myself out of trouble until Linda gets back. I’ve got to be good, though. Maybe I should have a moment with the vibrator before we leave.

Tossing the sodden towel to one side, Jan began to gather up the leftovers from their afternoon snack, putting everything on the large tray.

“Aunt Jan?” Gabby suddenly said. “If I tell you a secret, will you promise not to tell Mom?”

Reaching for a nearby deck chair, Jan seated herself. “Come here, sweetie.” She patted her thighs, and Gabby crawled into Jan’s lap, nestling into her aunt.

Cradling the child to her, Jan murmured, “I will always, always keep your secrets, Gabby. You can tell me anything.”

Gabby gazed up at her aunt. “My friend Pam and me, we like to kiss. Sexy kisses. We touch each other’s, um, privates, too.”

“Well, that sounds like fun.” Jan said, trying to keep her voice steady. It wasn’t easy. “How old is Pam?”

“She’s nine, like me – and yeah, it’s way fun.” Gabby was relaxed now, satisfied that her aunt was okay with this. “So Pam’s big sister taught her how to ma-masturbate… then me and Pam figured out how to do that to one another! Cool, huh?”

“Very cool. Tell me – what else have you little devils been up to?”

“Well… Sometimes, Pam gets naked with her big sister Ali. I think sometimes they still do masturbating together. She’s sixteen, and totally hot. Pam said she’d ask Ali if I could see her naked, too. That’s okay, right?”

“Sure, why not? If Pam’s sister is okay with it, then go right ahead. No one’s getting hurt.”

“Good,” the girl replied with a nod.

“Let me ask you this,” Jan said. “Do you think your mother would be upset if she knew you liked girls?”

Pursing her lips, Gabby thought about it for a moment. “Well, um… I don’t know. Maybe. What do you think?”

Jan gently kissed the nine-year-old’s cheek. “She might think you’re a little young to be kissing or touching anyone, really… but your mom wouldn’t mind if you were gay. Not even a little bit.”

“Huh… yeah, I s’pose I am gay,” Gabby murmured. She glanced up at her aunt, her brow slightly furrowed. “Aunt Jan, how do you know Mom would be okay with me and Pam?”

Jan touched the tip of the child’s nose with the tip of her finger. “Ah… I can’t tell you that, sweetie. I’d be giving away a secret – and I always keep secrets, remember?” That should give her something to think about, Jan mused.

Sure enough, Gabby’s brow furrowed as she processed her aunt’s words. Before she could ask another question, Jan placed the girl on her feet, then patted her bottom. “All right, munchkin… it’s time for us to go inside, shower off and get dressed. We’ll be leaving in about half an hour.”

“Uh… thanks for talking with me about this stuff, Aunt Jan,” said Gabby. “It really helped.” With one last bashful smile, she turned away and quietly made her way indoors.

Deciding to go in herself, Jan took the tray and the untouched pitcher of tea inside, depositing them in the kitchen before heading upstairs to her bedroom suite.

On the way, she found Kelly standing in her office, studying the full book shelves.

From where Jan stood, Kelly’s damp hair smelled like the strawberry-scented shampoo she’d bought for the girls. Kelly was wearing a Bullwinkle t-shirt with cute blue shorts, looking every inch a clean, fresh, innocent preteen. Well, two out of three, anyhow, Jan told herself.

“You write books! That’s way cool,” Kelly said, hefting one of the volumes in her left hand.

“Well, I’m afraid they’re pretty academic. Not something you’d enjoy reading,” Jan said, trying not to notice the way Kelly was looking at her.

“What are all those books?” Kelly asked, pointing at the top shelf.

“My journals,” Jan replied. “I started keeping them when I was nine.”

Standing on tiptoe and tilting her head, Kelly read the spines. After thinking for a moment, she asked, “If you were doing journals that long ago, how come these start when you’re eighteen?”

“Well, I’d left all my old journals at our parents’ home when I went off to college, sealed up in a box. One day after they were both gone, your mother was cleaning up the house and found that box, which had been water-damaged. I think a pipe had burst. Anyhow, I asked Linda to throw them out.” She moved toward the door. “I’m going to take a shower and get dressed. We’ll be leaving in about half an hour.”

Jan turned and left the room. As she padded down the hall, that familiar desire pulsed deep inside, daring her to take Kelly, give the girl everything she wanted and more. As if she’d been stripped completely bare by her niece’s gaze – body and soul.

On to Chapter Eight!


13 Comments on Stranger in the Family, Chapter 7

  1. kinkys_sis says:

    The story is moving along nicely, although I thought the chapter seemed a little short? It sort of left me hanging.

    It could be the American vs British thing, but I found it a little twee at times. (Do you us that expression in the USA?)

    Don’t get me wrong, we are both enjoying the story.

  2. BlueJean says:

    I enjoy this story most when it takes a less-is-more approach. That’s not to say the inevitable full-blown sex isn’t satisfactory, it’s just the way the various players move around the board in earlier chapters stokes the imagination in some interesting ways. Perhaps that’s why reader numbers tend to gradually taper off in these stories – the sex can’t always live up to whatever your mind has conjured.

    This chapter dials things back a notch, and is all the better for it, at least for *this* reader.

    Kelly is speaking Spanish again – of course, my mind wanders to the spirit of the Spanish witch, even though I know it didn’t make the cut. A shame, because it’s a brilliant solution to the amnesia problem.

    Now the question remains, who seduces who? Kelly has been the dominant force so far, but I get the feeling Aunty Jan can give as good as she gets. Maybe it’ll be young Gabby who surprises us all.


  3. Purple Les says:

    Thank you both, Kinky and Blue.

    Sorry,’twee’ is not something you hear in the States, but I think I get the drift, and don’t disagree. This chapter was a paragraph or so longer originally. And perhaps JetBoy was wise to remove it.

    Though I think it would have rounded out the chapter better, it wouldn’t have left anyone to wonder who brings the sex on next chapter. Kelly, Jan, or Gabby.

    Now there is something to ponder. Thanks to my coauthor and editor. And thanks to the readers, voters and commenters.

    • BlueJean says:

      “Though I think it would have rounded out the chapter better, it wouldn’t have left anyone to wonder who brings the sex on next chapter. Kelly, Jan, or Gabby.”

      Leaving everyone wondering isn’t a failing, quite the opposite. It’s what keeps readers coming back for more. I’m having *fun* imagining who makes the next move.

      Keep doing what you’re doing, and thanks for sharing.

    • kinkychic says:

      Twee describes something that is overly sweet or cute. Most common in British speech but becoming more widely used in America … so my research tells me. I don’t believe Sis meant it as a criticism, more of an observation.

      That said, it is a great story.

  4. Lisa Taggert says:

    Suz and I are really enjoying this story. We reread chapter 6, taking turns reading out loud. We can’t WAIT for the next chapter! We want to see what happens with their Aunt Jan!!!! I think something BIG is going to happen in chapter 8!!!!

    • Purple Les says:

      Thanks so much. Glad to know you are both enjoying the story and no better compliment than a rereading of a chapter.

  5. Joe Mack says:

    Damn. 5 alarm story. Jo soaked the bed. Joe(me) lost it. So well written,,erotic,and just plain hot. Just first page,she(my wife Jo) was riding the express orgasm train. Im so glad she found this site.
    And major thanks to JB & PL. Awesome teamwork!

  6. Joe Mack says:

    My poor kitty. All the stories we’ve (me and hubby Joe) read so far have taken fantasy to the next level.
    Jetboy,Purple Les, keep it cummimg!

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