A Very Naughty Weekend

  • Posted on July 30, 2024 at 2:16 pm

Originally written for a special online friend. Of course it never happened, but I often wonder… what if?


by kinkys_sis

At last, it was the bank holiday weekend – no school until Tuesday. I was almost bubbling over with excitement as I took my seat on the train. After months of careful planning, here I was, going to see my special lady. God, I was just so thrilled. I felt delirious with happiness. It was the first time Mother had allowed me to travel by myself. Of course, now being twelve years old, I thought it was about time.

Kate and I had known each other online for more than a year, but had never actually met. I was aware that the image I’d built in my mind could easily turn out to be very different in real life, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me.

When I suggested we meet, she’d been against the idea, you know, crossing that boundary. In the end, she gave in.

“Just a visit, then,” she’d said. “And with your own room.”

Yeah, okay, I thought, giggling to myself.

Looking at my watch, I knew I was nearly there. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a ghastly thought occurred. What if Kate didn’t like me? What if I just seemed like a silly little school kid to her?

Oh, God! What have I done? I shouldn’t have come.

She loved me online, but this was different. Had I ruined everything by insisting we meet? I felt myself start to shake. I felt sick, and then worse – I thought I was going to wet myself.

Shit, I’m here. It’s the station.

I sat frozen as the doors opened, unable to move. There was a hiss, and the doors shook. I jumped up from my seat and dived through the gap before they closed. My foot almost got stuck, and suddenly I was falling to the platform, arms flailing wildly. The wind knocked out of me, all I could do was lie there groaning.

Then hands took hold of me and helped me up, my eyes still squeezed shut as I fought back pain and tears.

“Sue? It is Sue, isn’t it?” someone said.

It was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard, the actual words barely registering. I’d never heard her voice before, but somehow I knew exactly who it belonged to.

She reached out to lift my chin. “Speak to me, are you hurt? That was a terrible fall.”

I opened my eyes and looked up into her face. It was her – my Kate. “I’m okay, I think. Just feel a bit stupid.”

“Oh, my sweet baby, you’re not stupid. It was an accident.” Kate couldn’t seem to stop staring at me. “Goodness, you’re so much prettier than your pics.”

God, she thinks I’m pretty.

A weight seemed to lift from my heart, and I found myself smiling up at her.

One hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, that smile. You’re an angel.” She pulled me towards her. “Let me hug you.”

Then my face was suddenly pressed against her boobs. I felt her kiss the top of my head, and tentatively put my arms around her.

“That’s right, hold me, baby,” I heard her whisper. She stepped back to look at me for a moment, then took my hand. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

We made our way to Kate’s car, where she held the passenger door open for me. Well, that was a first – no one had ever done that for me before. Then she was next to me in the driver’s seat, just kind of staring at me with this little smile on her face.

I was feeling sort of awkward, but then, after a quick glance around the car park, Kate leaned over and kissed me on the lips very softly, the gentlest of lingering touches. Instantly, I knew she was just as unsure as me.

I’d been kissed by my sister Jodie hundreds of times, as well as her girlfriend Tess. After all, they were the ones who introduced me to girl-girl sex. But I’d never had a kiss hit me like this. It was heaven. Feelings welled up in my heart. I clenched my legs together, trying to ignore the tingling that threatened to overwhelm me.

Kate must have sensed my unease, but misinterpreted it. “I’m sorry. I… I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Why ever not? It’s what I’ve been dreaming about – our first kiss.” My confidence was returning. “I wish you’d do it again.”

She sort of sobbed with relief, then cupped my cheek as she kissed me again, not as gently this time – a kiss filled with yearning and passion.

She broke away to take a furtive look around. “Thank God no one saw that.” With a last touch of my face, she gave a big sigh, then started the car.

The journey wasn’t a long one, and we filled the time with idle chit-chat: How are Jodie and Tess? How was the train ride? and so on and so forth. Kate was rambling a bit, to be honest, and I could tell she was nervous.

God knows where it came from, but I told her, “Kate, relax. It’s all fine. I’m so happy to be here, okay?”

She took a quick glance at me and saw my reassuring smile, and that must have helped her get hold of herself. “Yes, it is fine, isn’t it?” She still didn’t sound too sure, but after a moment she said, “Of course it is. My angel’s here with me.” Her smile was warm and radiant.

I was beginning to return to my usual perky self. All my fears and doubts had evaporated, and I was excited beyond words.

When we reached Kate’s house and exited the car, I noticed her hand trembling slightly as she unlocked the front door. Then she was ushering me inside. She turned to face me, and we stood gazing into each other’s eyes.

Finally, I broke the silence. “Kate, I can’t stand it any longer. Please hold me. Kiss me again.”

With a groan, she reached for me, and all at once my lips were pressed to hers. She pulled me tightly against her, almost crushing me. For the briefest moment, our kiss was hard and urgent, but then we relaxed and kissed more sensually. And what a kiss! I could have died with pleasure, right there and then.

Eventually, our lips drifted apart. Kate drew my head to her bosom, and I heard her whisper, “God, what am I doing?”

“You’re just loving me, that’s all,” I told her.

I peered up and saw the fear in her eyes; felt the tremors as her body shook. I knew it wasn’t me she was scared of, but rather the situation itself – this dangerous, alluring place we had reached.

Being wise beyond my years, I understood the dilemma Kate faced well enough, the conflicting emotions she must be feeling. What started out as an online fantasy had now become a reality. I was the one who had wanted this, forcing her into a place she was reluctant to tread.

I suddenly felt very guilty. This hadn’t been fair on Kate at all.

I reached for her hand and brought it to my face, lightly kissing her fingers. “Kate, I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to put you into this position. I meant what I said before – I’m just happy to be here. We don’t have to do anything… you know? We can just be friends, if you want.”

Kate looked somewhat surprised at my words. “Oh my, such a clever one. You do understand, don’t you?”

I followed her into the kitchen, and she asked me if I’d like a drink. “I have Coke, orange cordial, or filtered water, if you’d prefer. What would you like?”

I noticed two bottles of white wine on the worktop. “Well, if I’m allowed, I’d really like a small glass of wine.”

She raised a wry eyebrow, then smiled knowingly. “Okay. I’ve got Chablis or a Chardonnay. What’s your preference, I wonder?”

Without hesitation, I answered, “Chablis, please.”

“Oh, don’t tell me you’re a wine expert, as well?”

I smiled back at her, feeling a little self-conscious. “Not really, but I am part Italian, so I’ve always been around wine. I don’t get to drink it very often, but I know Chablis is a dry wine, and that’s what I prefer. It’s what Mum and Sis drink when they have white.”

Kate paused when the glass was half full, then shrugged and filled it to the top. She poured one for herself before handing a drink to me. “Here’s to us meeting at last,” she said, clinking her glass against mine. Our eyes never left one another as we raised our glasses and drank.

“Mmm, nice,” I said, then gave her a wink. “The wine’s not bad, either.”

Kate seemed lost for words for a moment. “Sue, don’t tease! I’m having enough trouble trying to get my head round this as it is.”

I held my hands up in a conciliatory gesture. “Sorry, I sorta can’t help it. It’s the way we’ve always spoken online. I’ll try to behave, honest!”

We sat and chatted, enjoying the wine. It was nice to get to know each other properly, instead of just indulging in naughty online chat. I could see Kate was relaxing again, and told myself to be careful what I said. The last thing I wanted was to scare her off.

She was everything I imagined – clever, funny, easy to talk to. Very soon, it was as if we’d been friends for years. I was quite surprised when she refilled our glasses without so much as a second thought.

The time seemed to fly by until eventually Kate glanced down at her watch. “Goodness, it’s later than I thought. You must be starving, and I haven’t even considered dinner yet. I’ll go and see what I can find.” She was halfway to the fridge when she turned and asked, “Would you like a shower before we eat?”

“I’d love one, actually. Hey, should we get a takeaway delivered?”

“That’s a great idea. What do you like? Chinese, Indian, Pizza?”

“Ooh, pizza, please.”

She grinned at my enthusiastic response. “There’re menus on the top, next to the kettle. Go and choose what you’d like.”

I liked the way she was trying to make me feel at home. When I was done placing the order, Kate showed me where I’d be staying, then the bathroom. “You’ve got time for a shower, if you hurry,” she told me.

I didn’t hang around in the shower, and was soon finished. It was only when I’d turned off the water and was standing there dripping wet, that I realised there wasn’t anything to dry myself off with. “Hey Kate, can you bring me a towel?” I hollered.

“Just a sec,” Kate answered. She walked in and froze, unable to draw her eyes away from my nakedness. I could see the conflict on her face. “Uh… sorry,” she muttered before thrusting the towel at me and rushing out.

I stepped out of the shower and quickly dried myself off, then headed for my room. Before I reached it,  I could hear sobbing coming from one of the other rooms.

I inched open a door and found Kate sitting on her bed, face buried in her hands. I rushed over and wrapped my arms about her neck. “Kate, don’t cry! It’s my fault, I should have asked you to leave the towel outside the bathroom.”

Kate put her arms around me, and we both just sat there holding each other. On impulse, I leaned into her and kissed away her tears. “Don’t cry, okay? You’re making me cry now.”

She held me tight, fighting hard to control her tears.

“Maybe I should go,” I murmured. “I shouldn’t have come.”

But suddenly, I found myself kissing her neck. Kate tensed but didn’t push me away. I pressed my lips there again, letting them linger this time.

I could barely hear her when she whispered, “Sue, don’t… I can’t…

I peppered more kisses on her chin, and when my lips found hers, her mouth was tight and unyielding, unwilling to surrender. I traced my tongue along her trembling lower lip, then kissed her again.

Finally, Kate relented, responding to my kiss with reckless abandon. A groan welled up from inside her. She pulled me roughly against her, tongue eagerly exploring my mouth. It was a kiss like I’d never experienced – so very passionate and loving.

I felt her hands roam over my back, then clutch the cheeks of my arse. Everything welled up inside me – my pent up longing for this woman, the weeks of anticipation, my craving for release. She didn’t resist as I pushed her back on the bed. My towel fell away as I moved to lie naked on top of her. She was touching me everywhere, exploring my body while she frantically kissed my face all over.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. We both froze for a moment, before I gave Kate a quick kiss on the lips. “I’m starving,” I told her. “Wanna get that while I dress?”

Kate burst out laughing, the tension now gone from her face. “Little minx!”

The pizza was delicious, and our meal was accompanied by another small glass of wine. My, but I was enjoying myself!

Kate and I sat side by side on the couch, our hips barely touching. We were now totally relaxed in each other’s company, though there was a definite charge in the air. Kate seemed to touch me at the slightest excuse, and I found myself tingling with pleasure every time I felt her fingers brush an arm or a leg.

When we’d finished eating, we spent some time sipping our wine and chatting. Kate lazily stroked my leg, and I remembered the words that Tess had spoken to Jodie all that time ago on the bus, when my sister had been too frightened to make that first move. I placed a hand atop Kate’s, just above my knee, and murmured those very same words. “You can if you want, you know.” If that wasn’t encouragement enough, I moved her hand slowly up my leg. Her eyes were fixed on our hands as they inched upwards. Then I put an arm around her shoulder and guided her mouth to mine.

The timing was perfect. Our lips met just as our hands reached my pussy. On an impish whim, I’d not bothered putting my knickers back on after I’d showered, and now Kate’s fingers were pressing into me, firm and warm on my bare sex. When I lifted my hand away, her fingers remained. She slowly started to probe along my slit, gently caressing the opening.

I got a fright when she drew away, thinking she was going to put a stop to our fun. But instead, she told me, “Well, if you’re trying to seduce me, you’ve bloody well succeeded.” She crushed her lips to mine, her fingers easing my labia open until one wormed its way inside. I shuddered, pushing my hips against her hand.

Kate purred into my mouth as I touched one of her breasts through the thin material of her blouse. I could feel her stiff nipple; pinched it between my fingers. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I climaxed, but I didn’t care, not this first time. I needed my lover to make me come right now, before she came to her senses and made us stop.

I needn’t have worried. Kate’s fingers worked eagerly inside me, exploring my wetness while her thumb teased my clit. I felt my body tense, reaching and aching for release. My eyes were squeezed tightly shut as the climax neared.

Suddenly, she was kneeling between my thighs, pushing them wide apart. Lifting my feet from the floor, I draped my legs over her shoulders just as her mouth found my clit.

“Let go, little one,” I heard her say. “Come for me.”

No sooner had she spoken than the dam burst. I shrieked as the waves rolled over me, my body bucking wildly, pussy twitching uncontrollably. It seemed to go on and on forever, massive highs that subsided to exquisite lows, only to surge once more. I’d never experienced an orgasm quite like that.

I felt myself slowly relax as I flopped back onto the couch. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw Kate gazing at me in astonishment. “What?” I said. “What’d I do? I didn’t pee, did I?”

Kate gave a low chuckle. “No, you didn’t, but that was quite an orgasm. I knew you were a horny little bugger, but I honestly didn’t expect my little angel to come like that.”

“Nor did I, actually. Guess I’ve been saving it for you.” We both grinned at each other. “Do you think I could have a drop more wine, please? My mouth’s sorta dry after that.”

“I don’t see why not. I think we could both use another glass.”

Kate poured us more wine. I sipped at mine while I thought about what might happen next. “Kate, you’re not going to send me to bed all alone, are you? Promise you’re not. Not now, not after that.”

Once more I saw the turmoil, and knew she was still struggling to come to terms with what had just happened. I reached down and took her hand in mine. “Kate, you want me. And God, I want you. It’s already gone past the point for you to turn me away. Give in to your feelings and make love to me. Let me make love to you. I so want to show you how good I can make you feel. It… well, it means the world to me. I think I’d die if you said no.”

She sat there looking at me for a long moment before whispering, “I can’t say no, can I? God forgive me, but I definitely can’t say no. Will you come to bed with me, my darling?”

My heart gave a huge leap. My fantasy was going to come true. Kate was offering to share her bed with me. I was in familiar territory now, and knew exactly how to drive her crazy. My sister and her girlfriend had taught me everything about how to please a woman. I’d make sure this would be a night to remember.

Kate started chuckling as she peered down at my pussy, “You’re leaking all over my sofa.”

Then she was licking me again. For a few seconds, I watched her, the familiar sensations building once more. But then I reached down and gave her shoulder a firm squeeze. “Not again… not just yet, Kate.”

She looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“I’m still waiting to see you naked. Are you going to keep me waiting forever? Undress for me, please.”

Kate laughed at my eagerness as she got up from between my legs. “Here, or in the bedroom, my love?”

Jodie, Tess and I would usually just strip out of our clothes without any fuss, but I wanted to watch Kate undress for me, hoping she’d make it into a little show. “Right here.”

Kate moved to turn on the two table lamps before switching the main light off. I saw her reasoning – there was still plenty of light to watch, but it was more sensual this way.

She stood there, hands on hips. I realised how tall she was compared to me – slim and beautiful. My eyes roamed over her. She lifted one hand to slowly undo her top button, then turned her body slightly to the side, her face still angled towards mine. Her breasts weren’t particularly big, but they had a nice profile.

My pulse was racing. Part of me wanted her to go quicker, but another part wanted her to keep teasing.

The third button was now undone. Kate turned back towards me to give a tantalising glimpse of her lacy bra. She smiled when I began to fondle my pussy.

The fourth button popped free, then the last. Kate slowly pulled her top out from the skirt, exposing the rest of her chest. She turned her back to me, then slipped the top from her shoulders, letting it hang from her elbows. Dropping one arm, she let the garment slide off her wrist and, as she spun to face me, threw it in my direction. I giggled as I caught it, instantly regretting my immature reaction. Don’t act like a little kid, stupid! Just smile and be cool!

Kate reached behind herself for a second or two. Then she cupped her breasts in both hands and slowly lowered her bra. I heard myself gasp as they came into view. They were so beautiful. I so wanted to reach out for them, but instead, I rubbed my little clitty a bit harder.

She slid her skirt around her body, and after undoing the single button, began to lower the zip. My hand stopped moving as the anticipation built. Kate wriggled her hips and let the skirt fall around her feet.

Her fingers were at her waist now, and I jumped when she pulled out the elastic of her knickers, then let it spring back with a loud snap. My eyes were glued to her crotch, desperate to see. Gradually, she slowly inched them down, a little on one side; a little on the other, until they fell around her ankles.

“Fuck…” I heard myself mutter.

I could see it. Her pussy. It was adorable; divine. And oh, so lickable.

Kate stood quite still as I gawped at her. “Well, am I what you expected?”

I didn’t answer right away. I couldn’t, not at that moment. Instead, I got to my feet and shrugged out of my own clothes. We both moved together at the same time, then I was in her arms. We clung to each other, our bodies pressed tightly together.

“Kate,” I managed to whisper, “you’re just… so beautiful.”

Somehow, we managed to make it into her bedroom. Earlier I’d seen some eyeshades by her bed. Now I reached and grabbed them. Kate didn’t try to stop me as I pushed them over her head.

“What are you doing, little miss?” she asked.

“Shhhhh,” I answered, then turned her around, slowly pushing her back towards the bed. I pressed down on her shoulders and she sat. I lifted her legs onto the bed, then turned her body until she was lying flat.

I climbed onto the bed and positioned myself by her feet. With two hands, I traced up her legs. My eyes were fixed on the lips of her pussy, though with her legs held together, there wasn’t much to see yet. Kate reached out to touch me, but I smacked her hand away. “Just lie still, my love.”

Shuffling forwards a bit, I leaned closer. My fingers came together just above her pussy lips. I heard her moan softly, and she tried to open her legs, but my knees held her fast. I gazed in awe at the beauty of her labia. I always imagined her lips would be larger, but they were small and perfectly formed. I wanted to dive in and kiss them so badly. Instead, I let my fingers just barely caress them for the briefest of moments.

Then I was exploring her tummy, slowly moving my way up to her chest, my body now pressed down against hers. My hands lovingly cupped her breasts. I’m actually playing with her tits, I thought.

My fingers found her nipples, which were already coming to life as I pinched them, growing stiff and rubbery.

Kate’s pussy ground upwards and brushed against mine. Without a conscious thought, I pressed back and heard her groan, “Yes!”

I let myself fall forwards, searching for her lips. Kate’s was a kiss filled with desire. Mine, not so much – I was concentrating on driving her wild and didn’t want to fully commit yet. Hands still caressing her breasts, I moved my knee between her legs. I could feel her furiously rubbing her pussy against the sudden contact.

She bit my lip, not hard enough to really hurt, but enough to make me wince a little. I didn’t care, though – she was out of control and I was the cause. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest.

I broke the kiss, sliding back down her body, lips and tongue teasing everywhere as I moved lower and lower. Where her pubes would normally be, there was nothing but lovely smooth skin. I pressed my lips there, giving her urgent kisses. Now her scent reached my nostrils, and I breathed her in as I reached her sex. I gave her labia a long passionate kiss, and just as I would if I were kissing her mouth, I eased my tongue between her lips to French kiss her pussy.

I gently pulled her open and found her clit, enclosing it between my lips. Kate cried out as I sucked down hard, her hand grabbing a fistful of my hair to press me into her. I glanced up to see the mask was gone, her eyes screwed tightly shut with a look of pure ecstasy on her face. Her free hand had hold of one of her nipples, pulling and twisting at it.

Easing my fingers into the wetness of her cunt, I slowly began to fuck them in and out. Kate’s hips jerked in perfect rhythm with my thrusts.

I wanted so badly to touch her arsehole but didn’t know whether she would like that or not. Seeing how far gone she was, though, I decided to try, hoping she wouldn’t object. Tracing a wet slippery finger down, tickling as I went, I pushed between her bum cheeks until I felt the tight opening. Her knees bent as she lifted her legs, and I knew she wanted me to touch her there.

I pressed my finger against her hole, and without much resistance, it slid into her. I felt her lose the rhythm as she arched her hips, forcing me deeper and deeper.

It was clear she was going to reach her climax at any moment. She’d begun to tremble, and her hand clutched at my head. I heard her moaning, almost wailing, as I sucked on her clit and fucked both her holes.

Kate’s body suddenly stiffened. She came hard against me, calling out my name as warm liquid covered my lips and chin. I swapped tongue and fingers, strumming her clit while I glued my mouth to her pussy. A huge spray filled my mouth, and I did my best to swallow it down before I could choke. Oh my God, she was squirting like crazy and I was literally drinking from her. As she continued to climax, I couldn’t help but feel so very proud of myself.

Slowly, Kate’s body relaxed and her legs fell away. For a while, we lay panting together. Then she whispered, “Sue, let me kiss you.”

“Can I have my finger back first, please?” I asked.

She laughed as she lifted her hips. Then I was in her arms and she was squeezing me tightly against her. We kissed the kiss of true lovers.

Finally, we broke apart and I nuzzled my head into her neck. I opened my mouth to speak but she stopped me. “Don’t say anything, my love. It was wonderful. I love you so much.”

My heart swelled and tears pricked my eyes. I raised my head and gazed lovingly at her, our noses almost rubbing together. She saw my tears and kissed me gently on each eye. I’m sure she knew they weren’t tears of sadness, but ones of total happiness.

We stayed as we were for an age, neither quite knowing what to say next.

A giggle escaped me. “So, am I still staying in the spare room?”

Kate laughed. “Do you know what? I actually forgot to make the bed up. Should we go and do it?”

What?” I screeched, and Kate laughed even harder. I gave her a playful dig in the ribs. “You’re wicked!”

“Shall we go and grab another glass of wine?” she asked. “And then I think we should take a shower. You definitely need another one, your hair’s all wet.”

The wine was more than welcome. The shower wasn’t bad either – There’s something about having my pussy and arse licked under warm running water that hits the spot quite nicely.

We dried each other off with towels, snatching kisses here and there. I felt a little giddy, I realised, and Kate must’ve noticed the look on my face. “I do believe my little one has had a drop too much wine. I think it’s bedtime for you.”

I giggled again. “Me? Bedtime? I think you mean us, don’t you?”

All I remember is her pulling the bedclothes over us and cuddling me close. What an amazing weekend, was my last thought.


I awoke from a wonderful dream – Kate’s arms were wrapped around me, holding me close. I felt safe, loved. Then, I reached out a hand and realised I was alone. With a start, I sat up in bed. I could smell her scent. So it wasn’t a dream, after all, it was real. But where was Kate?

Hastily, I climbed from the bed and took a dressing gown from the hook on the door, slipping it across my shoulders. Making my way downstairs, I could smell breakfast cooking. God, I was starving.

I shuffled into the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks, stunned at what I saw. There was Kate, busy cooking eggs and bacon totally naked. She hissed an “Ow!” every time she got splattered by a spitting egg.

She must have sensed my presence, because she turned and smiled at me. “Hey, there you are. Hungry?”

For a moment I was caught speechless. “I’m so hungry.” I stared at her body, then blurted, “I wouldn’t mind something to eat either.”

With a smile, Kate’s eyes fixed on mine. “My goodness, naughty with it already.”

I moved towards her and reached up with puckered lips, and we settled into a blissful good morning kiss. We were a tangled mess of arms and hands as we groped and pawed at each other. The next minute we were on our knees, exploring, kissing; touching. Then Kate was pushing me down onto the cold floor, her body looming over me as we became lost in one another.

Kate’s hand slid down between my legs, her fingers pressing into me while she ground her pussy on my thigh. Her lips devoured mine with such intensity. I was so suddenly out of control, my nails digging into her back as I clutched her body to mine.

“Oh, Kate, fuck me!” I implored. “I thought it was all a dream. Show me it wasn’t.”

She made love to me for what seemed like hours, taking me to peaks of passion, then holding back at the last moment. I shrieked in blissful agony, but still she kept me in limbo, somewhere between release and a desperate need for more.

One second I was striving towards my climax, the next I was writhing in pleasure. There were sensations wracking my body that I didn’t want to ever end. My body couldn’t take any more. “Kate, I have to come. Please,” I gasped between clenched teeth.

I felt her lips enclose my pussy and I thrust up to meet them. My clit exploded with pleasure as her tongue flicked hard against it. I felt her fingers probing deep inside and then, at last, release.

For a while, I knew nothing other than the feelings taking over my body. I tossed back and forth, oblivious to anything else. I rode the roller coaster until it gradually came to a stop.

Kate’s voice filtered through to my fuzzed brain. “Sue, speak to me. Are you okay?”

Funny, she’d asked me that at the station. Were we still there? Had all this been an incredible dream brought on by a nasty concussion?

Then I became aware of the tingling in my body. God, I felt so alive, so… so bloody sexy!

I opened my eyes to see a concerned look on Kate’s face. “Kate, I think you just took me to heaven and back,” I told her. I reached out and held her, and then, God knows why, I was crying again.

She helped me to stand on unsteady feet. “I think breakfast got spoiled. Now what do we do?”

“A cup of coffee, then back to bed seems good to me,” I answered.

“I knew before you came here that you were a horny little bugger, but I didn’t begin to imagine quite how much. You just can’t stop, can you?”

My eyes moved up and down her body. “Why would I want to when you’re here with me?”

Turning and walking towards the bedroom, I reached behind me and pulled my arse cheeks apart. “You want it or what?” I asked Kate, my arsehole winking at her.

The End


30 Comments on A Very Naughty Weekend

  1. Mystery Mouse says:

    A very long time ago, back when we thought having a separate phone line for dial-up internet was posh, I read a story somewhere online about somebody meeting a young girl they’d been flirting with online.

    It was crude, rough, and nasty. Neither character seemed real and the action was, despite between two females, disturbingly masculine in tone.

    This here finally purges my memory of that awful, awful story. If anything it left me lost in thought, contemplating my own personal ‘what if’ moments.

    Sue and Kate both seem real to me. In particular I love Sue having her accident on the train. I mean, I’m glad she wasn’t badly hurt, but it was a clever moment that helped ground the two characters. You don’t often get bits like that in most amateur erotica.

    Oh, and Katie’s nervousness was very well done indeed. Obviously none of us here would ever condone this sort of behaviour in real life but, were it to do so, it only makes sense that Kate would be more than a little ill at ease. It’s one thing to see somebody on a screen, quite another to have them right in front of you.

    This is a very well put together story. High marks on the technical side but also well written when things get physical. I won’t go into details but I will be giving this the ol’ one-handed salute when I get home from work later.

    Two quality stories in one day AND a free ice-cream (I have a good boss)… Today has been a VERY good Tuesday!

  2. Fertilegirl says:

    Love the youthful leadership and the woman accepting the inevitable

  3. Rachel says:

    I agree with everything Mouse has to say, although I would point out, I’m pretty certain that they hadn’t seen each other on screen. Only in exchanged pics.

    As almost always with our kinkys_sis, I found it all perfectly believable. It even brought tears to my eyes with emotion. Something else kinys_sis often manages to do.

    I notice that this is not new work but something dug out of author’s library of writings. This tells me that our young writer has been setting a high standard for a long time.

  4. BlueJean says:

    Apologies to Bee for not sending the edited draft for approval. Danny and I assumed each other had done it. I, er, hope you like it. 😅

  5. Erocritique says:

    A veeeeeeery nice story and a veeeeeery nice bit of editing. The intensity of every scene (especially the first meeting, the first real kiss, and the first intimate moment) was breathtakingly wonderful. I felt connected to the characters from start to finish. A very special piece that deserved to be published here on JS. Thanks you k_s and all at JS. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Kim & Sue says:

    Oh, yes! We had to give five stars of course.

    We know from watching travel shows you should always ‘mind the gap’ Our first thought was of real life and poor Sue would be met by a 45 year old man.

    We were very much thinking story wise Kate would be someone near Sue’s age. Telling the story from the angle of the young girl meeting her older lover was refreshing and very well done. With Sue assuring Kate that she wanted this as much or more than her older friend.

    Wonderfully romantic and erotic, and downright hot. Great story. thanks. Will definitely be giving this a few re-reads for sure.

  7. kinkys_sis says:

    I must say that I both love and appreciate the comments. I’ve thanked you all many times before and as ever, I thank you now.

    I understand the small slip-up, BlueJean. I knew Jetboy had a lot going on. It doesn’t appear that you had to do too much by way of editing. My usual grammatical errors etc. Thank you as always for finding the time.

  8. Tim (yes, definitely a fan!!) says:

    So right Kim & Sue, romantic, hot and very erotic!
    Beautifully told as well, with the shared doubts of both Sue and Kate giving it added realism.
    You certainly have a gift for story telling, here’s hoping for many more to come!!!

  9. Katie says:

    A wonderful story, beautifully written of how it should have been. 🌹

  10. Debbie L says:

    Utterly..utterly perfect! What more can I say xxx

  11. Helen says:

    I first followed the sisters stories on another (now defunct) site.

    I knew of this site but had forgotten the link/address. Perhaps two years later and with a bit of searching, I have found my way here. And what do I discover – the sisters!

    I always loved their writing but now I find that kinkys_sis has become a serious writer. So mature, so clever, so creative. I have been reading but not commenting as I went along. Now, I feel guilty. It feels like I’ve known her for so long. We did communicate a few time in the past, so why was I not commenting? I suppose it’s because I’m not a commentor. There is no way for me to get in touch with her now, so instead I must comment.

    My favourite at the moment, is A Blue Pair Of Panties. Followed by, A Girl In The Night. And yet, maybe Captain Bren. Oh fuck – I don’t know.

    I’m just so happy that I’ve found you again.

    I do see that kinkys_sis’ old friend Kate (as featured in this story) is still here. They were made for each other but it wasn’t to happen. It never will. Kate will not recognise who I am but I was always a fan of Bee’s and supported her efforts to clean up their website. Unfortunately to no avail. The idiots did not listen to her. If they had, the site would likely still be there.

    I think I’ve drifted off the subject – her stories. She was the best writer on SS. Here, she’s up with the best. So many new stories which all work for me. I was about to delete that last statement for being so understated. They don’t just work, they’re brilliant.

    I don’t know Jacqueline Jillinghoff, but I get a feeling that her and little-sis work well together. Don’t get me wrong, the stories where Bee worked with Jetboy and BlueJean are top notch.

    Just delighted to have found my favourite writer.

    I will make an effort to comment more but it is really not my thing. I just want to read and enjoy.

  12. Jacqueline Jillinghoff says:

    Finally, I got around to reading this, and I’m glad I did. You can tell right away it’s got the kinky_sis touch — that unique mixture of precociousness, anxiety, and desire. No one else could have written it. Two things, though: I’m not quite sure how old Kate is, and I kept wondering why Sue’s mom would let her go spend the weekend with a stranger she met online.

    • sue says:

      I think, because it’s a short story, sis leaves a lot to the imagination. but yes I wondered about that. I would have liked more about Sue’s big sis and her friend teaching her about sex with girls. And I wondered how Sue was so knowing about wine. Well we know Kate is an adult, maybe that’s enough. Fill in the age you like I guess. I picture her between 25 to 35 though, for no good reason except I find that hot with Sue’s age.

    • BlueJean says:

      To be fair, it doesn’t explicitly state that her mum knows exactly what Sue’s doing, just that she’s allowing her to travel alone. Maybe a brief paragraph telling us how Sue has given her mum some bullshit story about having a sleepover with a school friend might have gone some way to solve that.

      • sue says:

        Maybe Mum is away herself and is clueless. Perhaps big sister Jodie knows and said have a great time sis. Maybe it’s better to just leave some blanks in the story for readers to fill in themselves if they feel they need to. Personally, I’m okay with just leaving some things out, that really in the long run doesn’t matter. Or does it? To each their own I suppose.

    • Jacqueline Jillinghoff says:

      I forgot to mention liking the scene in which Kate is discovered making breakfast nude. As some of you know, I enjoy stories in which women do ordinary things with nothing on. I’d ask for more, but of course it wasn’t the point of this particular piece.

      I, wisely, rarely fry food…

  13. kinkys_sis says:

    I love it when a story kicks off a debate.

    So, for Jacqueline, BlueJean and Sue, (thank you for your thoughts) –

    As stated at the beginning, this was written for an online friend. She also knew my sister very well. I wasn’t thinking about readers when I wrote it, so certain things went unsaid. Perhaps I should have added a bit more for the JS version.

    Sue is of course me. The possibility of meeting Kate did arise. But one of my sister’s conditions for allowing me to join the mentioned website was that I remembered to never let the fantasy world mix with reality. She was of course right. To this day, Kate remains a friend but has never been anything more.

    Thanks to Tim, Debbie L, Katie and Helen for taking the time to comment.

    PS. I think I remember who Helen was on the old site. Thank you for your support back then, even though wasted.

    • Jacqueline Jillinghoff says:

      Did you ever show this story to your online friend? I’d be interested in her reaction.

      And all these old friends from other sites. I always feel like a latecomer.

      • kinkys_sis says:

        Yes, she read it back then and now here as well. She has always loved it. She does say.

        There are currently a number of readers here on JS who were members of the other mentioned site. So, are acquaintances or even fans, but not friends as such. I intentionally do not communicate with any of them these days. It’s nice to see though, when some of them comment.

        Consider, JJ … what is time? Friends are friends.

  14. kinkychic says:

    I find it hard to believe that Bee wrote this about four years ago. Yes, she has updated it a little and BlueJean’s editing skills have been applied. I must say, it’s nice to see this freshened up version. I always did like this story.

    We have always relied on the ‘file’ date. Now we realise the error in that. We had to buy a new laptop recently. After transferring all of our writing to an external drive, we noticed we had lost all of the original dates. It means that we’ve lost the order in which our stories were written.

  15. kinkys_sis says:

    Do I conclude from some comments that if I include cooking eggs and bacon (perhaps in the title), I will get more comments per story? It doesn’t seem to push the vote count up though!

    PS. Thanks, Sis xxx

    • sue says:

      Now I’m hungry for breakfast, and pussy. I now find myself salivating for a story called Bacon and Eggs.

  16. kinkys_sis says:

    JB thought that I hadn’t thanked BJ for his excellent editing work on this story. I have, but maybe it’s not obvious … so, thank you so much.

    Any writer of any merit soon learns that you’re nowhere without a good editor. I have three. Thank you all to bits.

    Wow. I’ve gone mad answering and commenting tonight. Now, I’ll disappear for a bit … shut up whoever said – good!

  17. peter says:

    I am loving the build-up, quite enjoyable. Love to read these stories a little at a time rather than all at once, adds to the anticipation.

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