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Stranger in the Family, Chapter 9

  • Posted on August 28, 2024 at 3:09 pm

A summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the previous chapters, please see Stranger in the Family Chapter Links)

Disaster befalls the Luna family of four when lightning strikes Walt, the father, and Kelly, the oldest child at eleven. Walt is killed outright, while Kelly is left in a coma that lasts for weeks. She finally emerges, to the overwhelming joy of her mother Linda and nine-year-old sister Gabby – but with no memory of her family or her life, and an altogether different personality. Kelly now speaks fluent Spanish, no longer eats meat and, most crucially, has a serious attraction to women and girls, despite never having had sex of any kind.

At first, Kelly openly flirts with every female in her presence – including her mother, her little sister, her Aunt Jan, and the neighbors: divorced mother Cheryl (Linda’s best friend) and her daughters – sixteen-year-old Ali, and nine-year-old Pam (Gabby’s best friend). But soon Kelly realizes that this direct approach is more apt to make others uncomfortable than entice them into bed, so she tones it down.

However, two members of Kelly’s family are fascinated by the eleven-year-old’s sexual vibe. The first is Gabby, who has already been playing masturbation games with her friend Pam, so Kelly is easily able to begin the seduction of her younger sister. The second is Aunt Jan, who is openly gay but secretly into underage girls, with a hidden library of illegal DVDs to prove it. And while Kelly’s mother Linda is thus far immune to her daughter’s sexual charms, she is thinking quite a lot about lesbian sex after the death of her husband. In fact, we learn that Linda and her sister Jan were lovers back in their teen years… and Jan is hinting she’d like to pick things up where they left off.

Around this time, one night while her mother and little sister are asleep, Kelly slips out of bed and quietly makes her way to Cheryl’s home. There, she ends up in a sizzling threesome with Cheryl and her daughter Ali who, as it happens, are already lovers.

The next day, Kelly offers Cheryl an opportunity to spy through an outside window as she performs oral on Gabby and Pam. Cheryl very much wants to bring her younger daughter into the sexual relationship she has with Ali, so she jumps at the chance. Needless to say, Kelly and the girls have a wonderful time, and Cheryl sees the whole thing without being noticed. 

The next day, Linda takes Kelly and Gabby to stay with their Aunt Jan for the weekend, so she can spend that time at a spa.  While she’s there, Linda confesses to her sister Jan that she’s been thinking about the two of them becoming lovers again.

Once Linda leaves, Kelly commences her own seduction of Jan. Her aunt resists, but Kelly is determined to get what she wants… and that night, she does.

The next morning, Kelly makes love to Gabby on the dining table, putting on a show for Aunt Jan who, unbeknownst to Gabby, is watching from the hallway. After Gabby comes, she offers to lick her big sister’s pussy for the first time, and Kelly is quick to accept.

And that brings us to this chapter. Please enjoy.

by Purple Les & JetBoy

“Morning, Gabby.” Jan called out from the living room entrance.

“Hiya, Aunt Jan!” Gabby replied from the family room couch. She was seated with her feet propped up on the coffee table, watching a cartoon on TV.

A dazed Jan paused to study the girl. Even though she’d seen her nine-year-old niece naked and having lesbian sex with her big sister mere moments ago, nothing about Gabby made her seem like anything but an innocent child.

It’s because the things she’s doing with Kelly don’t seem dirty to her, Jan decided. To her, sex is more like a fun game… a game you play with people you love. So she really is innocent, God, I hope she manages to hold onto that way of thinking when she grows up. 

The freshly scrubbed girl was dressed in pink sweatpants, a too-large green t-shirt and heavy gray socks. The overcast sky from earlier in the morning had darkened, bringing on a burst of heavy rain in its wake. Jan had closed the windows on her way downstairs, so the house was quiet and comfortable.

When Jan entered the kitchen, Kelly poured a hot cup of coffee for her. Gabby’s big sister also looked fresh and clean. She wore a dark blue sundress that went down to her ankles and appeared to be a little big on her.

Since they were out of Gabby’s view, Kelly went up on tiptoe to give her aunt a hot, juicy kiss. Their tongues met and mingled briefly, then Kelly gently broke away. “I love you, Aunt Jan,” she whispered.

“I love you too,” Jan said, feeling a rush of lightheadedness as she took a seat at the table, reaching for her cup. After a lovely hot shower, she’d dressed in comfortable jeans and a white long-sleeved t-shirt. Underneath, she wore a sexy red bra and matching panties, assuming that Kelly, at least, would see them later. Maybe Gabby, too, she thought, shivering inside at the idea of making love to both her nieces. Kelly swore she would make that happen.

“You look good, Aunt Jan,” Kelly said. “Those jeans really show your ass off.” She covered Jan’s hand with hers. “How do you feel?”

Jan set her mug down smiling. “I feel marvelous. Last night was the best sex I’ve had in ages… and this morning was the icing on the cake.”

“I loved it too,” Kelly said. “And we’re not done yet. The day’s just getting started.” With a knowing wink, she left the kitchen.

Taking a sip of coffee, Jan reflected on this turn of events.

It’s so odd. I fucked Kelly, and it almost seems like a dream. But this morning, I watched her go down on her sister right here where I’m sitting, then Gabby returned the favor. The whole damn scenario is crazy… Why, then, does it seem perfectly normal to the girls?

It’s Kelly, Jan thought, answering her own question. She’s drawing all of us into her world – this magical place where sex with young girls is perfectly fine, even if they’re part of your family. She recruited her little sister, then she brought me into it… Next thing, she’ll be going after Linda. Can Kelly get her own mother into bed? I sure as hell wouldn’t bet against her! 

Jan made herself buttered toast, had a second cup of coffee, then went upstairs to brush her teeth. When she came back down, Kelly was washing the dishes.

“You don’t have to do that,” Jan told her niece. “You’re on vacation here.”

“Thanks, Aunt Jan.” Kelly replied. “That doesn’t mean I can’t show my gratitude.” Putting the last dish away, she came over to her aunt for a hug.

As they embraced, the girl murmured, “Know what I really want to do to thank you, Aunt Jan? Make you come again.”

“M-maybe later.” Jan said, once more struggling to keep her cool. “Let’s check up on your sister.”

Gabby had turned off the TV. Now she was lying on the couch, glumly staring out at the rain.

Jan gave her nine-year-old niece a peck on the cheek “What would you like to do today, kiddo?”

Gabby sighed. “I dunno. Guess we won’t be swimming, anyhow.”

“No. But if you girls want to go to a movie or shopping or whatever, we could.”

“Aw, I feel lazy,” Gabby said. “Can we just hang out here?”

“Sure. How about you, Kelly?”

Kelly nodded. “That’s fine with me.”

They indulged in idle chat for a while, then Jan dug some old board games out of the hallway closet. Their  energy seemed to renew itself when Kelly and Gabby got into a round of Twister, with Jan spinning the wheel and telling them where to place their hands and feet.

Jan was becoming aroused all over again as she watched her nieces twist and turn, stretch and fall over. Gabby’s t-shirt was much too large for her, so every time she bent down in Jan’s direction, her bare chest could easily be seen… and when she bent the other way, the child’s bottom was clearly outlined through her snug sweats.

Is Gabby even wearing panties? Jan wondered.

Meanwhile, Kelly’s sundress displayed her legs to impressive effect, leading Jan to wonder if she’d also chosen to go bare underneath.

After one last game of Twister the girls collapsed on each other, laughing and out of breath. Jan’s pulse was racing – when Kelly fell, her skirt had flipped up just enough to briefly expose her bare slit.

God, I already want her again, Jan thought. What would Gabby do if I laid Kelly down right there on the floor, pulled up that cute skirt and started licking her cunt? She pictured the nine-year-old squirming out of her t-shirt and sweats, then gleefully straddling her big sister’s face.

“One more game.” Gabby begged.

“No. I’m done,” Kelly said. “Aunt Jan, why don’t you take my place?”

It was too tempting an offer for Jan to refuse, so she joined Gabby on the floor while Kelly took over on the spinner. It was lovely, being in such close proximity with her nine-year-old niece. Just the scent of Gabby’s skin made her lightheaded.

As they played, Jan began to wonder if Kelly was reading the correct moves when she spun the wheel. She couldn’t help but notice that they kept ending up in positions where her face was inches away from Gabby’s groin or bottom.

Finally, Jan ended up in a pose where she tottered for a moment, then fell over. Immediately leaping to her feet, Gabby yelled, “I’m the Twister champion!”

“Okay, champ,” Jan said, “What do you want for lunch?”

“Can we order Chinese again?” Gabby asked.

“I was going to say that, too,” Kelly chimed in.

Jan nodded. “I’ll get the menu.”

After everyone made their selections, Jan wandered off as she phoned the order in.

Once they were alone, Kelly turned to her sister. “Did you stick your finger in your butt when you took your shower?”

“Yeah,” Gabby replied, blushing a bit. “I got my finger all soapy and pushed it in there, just like you told me. It felt weird… but cool, too. That’s a sex thing, huh?”

“Sure is. We haven’t done butt sex yet.” Making sure Jan was out of earshot, she added, “Just wait till I put a finger in your butt while I lick your pussy. It’ll make you come so hard, you’ll pee yourself!”

Kelly gave her sister a fast peck on the lips just before Jan returned to the room to announce, “The food will be here in twenty minutes. You girls wash up while I set the table.”

As she lay out the plates and cutlery, Jan felt a stirring inside that made her pussy throb. Her panties were damp, her bra annoyingly confining.

Well, I can do something about that. Reaching into her top, Jan deftly unhooked and removed her bra. She heard the girls coming, glanced around, and hastily opened the microwave. Thrusting the bra inside, she closed the door an instant before Kelly and Gabby entered.

It only took a few seconds before Kelly noticed Jan’s breasts bouncing beneath her top. Tapping her sister’s shoulder, she nodded toward their aunt, mouthing Look! Gabby glanced Jan’s way, breaking into a huge grin at the sight.

Just then the doorbell rang. Jan had entrusted Gabby with the money, and she raced to the front door to pay the delivery girl, then fetch the food to the dining room.

All three of them ate their fill, and after cleaning up afterwards they moved to the family room. By then, Jan’s nipples were visibly erect, and the girls couldn’t help but steal glances at their aunt’s chest.

Finally, Kelly pointed at Jan’s breasts. “Hey, Aunt Jan… how about turning off the high beams on those headlights?” That made Gabby giggle.

Jan said, “Sorry, girls… they’re stuck on high.” She was laughing too.

Suddenly Kelly asked, “Can we touch them, Aunt Jan?”

Kelly!” Gabby gasped, horrified that her sister would say something like that to an adult.

But Jan merely smiled. “I guess you can… long as it’s just between us.”

The girls exchanged a quick glance, Gabby’s eyes wide in astonishment. “Okay,” said Kelly, turning back to her aunt. “We won’t tell anybody.” She took a step toward Jan.

“But wait… what do I get in return?” Jan asked, teasingly folding both arms over her chest..

“You can watch us kiss,” Gabby blurted.

Kelly was delighted with her sister’s suggestion, while Gabby seemed surprised to have made it in the first place.

Jan nodded. “That seems fair.” The girls approached, but she said, “No, you two kiss first… then you can touch me.”

The sisters turned to face one another. “I love you, Gabs,” Kelly breathed.

“I… I love you, Kel,” said Gabby. They slowly moved together until their lips met in a lingering kiss. Then Kelly’s tongue emerged to tease her sibling’s lower lip, and Gabby was quick to respond.

Now Jan was watching her nieces kiss like passionate lovers. A moan escaped her throat as she saw Kelly reach down to grasp her little sister’s bottom, tenderly cupping the soft globes through Gabby’s sweatpants.

Jan began to wonder if the girls had forgotten her as the kiss went on and on, their tongues flickering back and forth. Not that she minded. The sight of two underage sisters making out was thrilling enough to sustain her.

Finally, though, the girls did break apart. They turned their heads to gaze at their aunt, giving Jan a look that turned her into a hot mess inside. Oh, God, this is really happening, she told herself. I’m going to fuck them both.

Hand in hand, the sisters made their way over to Jan’s chair. Without a word, Kelly perched on the arm of the chair, while Gabby climbed into Jan’s lap.

Kelly placed a hand on her aunt’s left breast, feeling it like she was checking a melon at the market. Her fingers found the stiff nipple and gave it a playful tweak.

Following her sister’s lead, Gabby began to caress Jan’s other breast, enthralled by its roundness and heft.

Jan was melting inside, overwhelmed by the attention lavished on her. For ages, she’d indulged in sexual fantasies of young girls. Now she was on the verge of realizing this hidden desire with her own nieces, which made the scenario even more exciting. I’m such a fucking pervert, she told herself. But right now, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Then Jan’s phone rang.

They all jumped – then shared a sheepish laugh as Jan plucked her phone from the end table. Glancing at the caller ID, Jan took a deep breath to compose herself before she answered.

“Hi, Linda.” Jan said. “How’s the spa life treating you?”

The girls watched Jan nod as she spoke to their mother, mostly saying ‘yes’, ‘sure’, and ‘that’s great’.

“Yes, they’re right here – hang on.” Jan said into the phone, then told the girls, “Your Mom wants to say hello.”

Taking the phone first, Gabby chatted with Linda, telling her about swimming the day before, going out for dinner, what she’d eaten, the weather that day, and playing Twister. Eventually, she said, “Okay, then. Bye, Mom – love you!” and passed the phone along to Kelly.

“Hello, Mother.” Kelly said. “Yes, I’m behaving.” Kelly listened, then said, “I miss you too. Yes, Mother, I’ll do what Aunt Jan tells me to. Okay, hang on.” She handed the phone back to her aunt.

As Jan chatted with her younger sister, Kelly took Gabby back to the couch. Stretching out with her sister on top, Kelly kissed Gabby with a fervor that had Jan stumbling over her words as she struggled to hold up her end of the conversation with Linda. It wasn’t easy, though… and Kelly wasn’t helping by sliding both hands into Gabby’s sweatpants, groping her little sister’s bare bottom.

Impatient to get back to their fun and games, she tried to wrap up the call. “I’m glad you’re having a great time, Linda, I said you would. Okay, we’ll see you tomorrow. Bye now, love you too,” Jan said, then ended the call. “Now,” she murmured, “where were we?”

“Hey, Aunt Jan,” Gabby said, a sparkle of mischief in her eyes, “Mom said we have to do whatever you tell us to, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Jan replied, wondering what was on the nine-year-old’s mind.

“Okay, then… tell Kelly to take her dress off.”

“You little rat!” Kelly retorted, pretending to be upset at her sister. Of course, she was anything but. “Aunt Jan wouldn’t make me do that… would you?”

Outside, the rain had begun to pour again. I’ve had sex with Kelly twice now, Jan thought. I’ve seen Gabby and Kelly fuck. They’ll be gone tomorrow. They want this as much as I do. This moment seems right.

Jan gave her niece a stern look, “Kelly… stand up and take off your dress. Right now.”

Gabby was beside herself with excitement. Maybe Kelly will take off everything, not just her dress. Maybe I’ll get to touch Aunt Jan’s boobies some more. Wow, this is totally, totally awesome!

Kelly stood up, saying, “Aw, do I have to?”

Jan played along, “Yes, young lady. You told your mother you’d obey me. Now… off with that dress!”

The room fell silent as Kelly nudged one strap off her shoulder, then the other. She gave a little shrug and the dress skimmed down her body to pool around her ankles. She stepped out of it and stood nude before her aunt and sister.

For a moment, the woman and the child savored their view of the eleven-year-old girl, even though they’d both seen her nude before. Kelly was exquisite. Her hazel eyes and long sandy hair, the just budding breasts, the smooth cleft of her slit, her pert little bottom and long legs.

“You’re not wearing underpants!” Gabby gasped. That warm tingly feeling was back between her legs again as she stared at her big sister, now standing naked in front of her and Aunt Jan.

“Does that bother you…?” Kelly asked, clearly amused.

“Well, no,” Gabby admitted.

“What about you, young lady? Do you have anything on under those sweatpants?” Jan asked Gabby.

“Huh? Um, well, no.” Gabby’s cheeks were now a bright pink.

Jan wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass. “Then you have to take your clothes off.” Gabby hesitated, so Jan added, “If you girls want to play with my breasts again, you’ve both got to be naked.”

Gabby reached for the hem of her t-shirt, took hold of it… then hesitated. She really did want to get naked, but felt shy about her immature body.

“Let me help,” Kelly said. She briskly tugged her sister’s shirt up and off, tossing it on the sofa. Gabby was now topless, her tiny pink nipples already erect.

All the while, Kelly maintained eye contact with her aunt, as if asking, Is this what you want? This sweet little girl, eager to be kissed, touched, loved. Waiting for you, Aunt Jan. For you.

Deciding to kick things up a notch, Jan took off her own shirt, baring her upper half. She began to play with her tits, plucking at each nipple in turn. Gabby began to copy her aunt, fondling her own flat chest.

Kelly had other fish to fry. As her sister and aunt watched each other engage in breast play, she knelt next to Gabby, slipping her fingers in the waistband of the girl’s pink sweatpants, then slowly pulling them down.

When they ringed Gabby’s ankles, the nine-year-old put a hand on Kelly’s shoulder as she stepped out of them. Both girls turned to face Jan, who moaned, losing herself in the beauty of her naked nieces.

Jan marveled at Gabby’s body – so thin, yet so intensely erotic. Every part of her was lovely – the flat chest, candy-like nipples, firm tummy, long coltish legs, the baby-smooth vulva. The short dark hair, the bangs that weren’t quite long enough to conceal her eyelashes and big blue eyes.

“Come back over here, you two… let’s touch each other some more.” Jan managed to say. Her body was throbbing like a V-8 engine, her panties a steaming swamp.

The girls took their previous positions. From Jan’s lap. Gabby watched Kelly bend to take a nipple into her mouth. Jan offered the other breast to Gabby who, taking her sister’s lead, closed her lips around the swollen tip.

“You don’t have to be so gentle, Gabby,” Jan murmured. “Suck harder… you can even bite them if you like.”

The lavish attention her breasts were receiving soon had Jan squirming in her seat. It was lovely, but she needed more, much more. It’s time to make this little fantasy real.

Straightening in her chair, she said, “Let’s go up to my bedroom, girls. That is, if you want to.”

“I’m in!” Kelly exclaimed, jumping to her feet. “What about you, little sister?”

Totally!” Gabby squealed, climbing out of Jan’s lap. “But, um, Aunt Jan… can you do something first?”

“What’s that?”

“Take your pants off. I wanna see you bare naked, too.”

Jan slowly rose from her chair. Smiling at the girls, she undid her jeans and pushed them down, along with her red panties. Withdrawing one foot, then the other, she stood with hands on hips, legs slightly spread to display her shaved vulva.

Gabby gawked at her aunt. “Oh, wow,” she whispered.

She’s never seen a grown woman naked, Kelly realized. At least, not since she started fooling around with girls.

Jan extended a hand to each of the girls. “Let’s go.”

Leading Kelly and Gabby to the stairway, she noticed them staring at her bare ass. “You two go ahead,” she told them at the first step. “I want to see those yummy bottoms going up the stairs.”

As Jan watched the girls advance upward, she noticed them making their movements as sexy as possible, their bare butts jiggling and swaying with every step.

I don’t even care if I go to prison for this. It’s my dream come true, and all dreams worth having carry an element of risk. Even if it all goes to hell, I’ll have tasted paradise… and the pussies of my beautiful nieces. She smiled. If my sister isn’t ready for us to be lovers again, I’ll settle for fucking her daughters.

Impatient for the fun to begin, Jan made her way upstairs with a determined stride.

On to Chapter Ten!