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Stranger in the Family, Chapter 10

  • Posted on September 14, 2024 at 3:37 pm

Note: Now that Chapter 10 is about to post, I realize that the first part of this chapter should have been the last part of the previous one. In other words, those of you who complained about the brevity of Chapter 9 were 100% correct.

Once Chapter 11 is posted, I will address this problem, and adjust Chapters 9 and 10 accordingly.


A summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the previous chapters, please see Stranger in the Family Chapter Links)

Disaster befalls the Luna family of four when lightning strikes Walt, the father, and Kelly, the oldest child at eleven. Walt is killed outright, while Kelly is left in a coma that lasts for weeks. She finally emerges, to the overwhelming joy of her mother Linda and nine-year-old sister Gabby – but with no memory of her family or her life, and an altogether different personality. Kelly now speaks fluent Spanish, no longer eats meat and, most crucially, has a serious attraction to women and girls, despite never having had sex of any kind.

At first, Kelly openly flirts with every female in her presence – including her mother, her little sister, her Aunt Jan, and the neighbors: divorced mother Cheryl (Linda’s best friend) and her daughters – sixteen-year-old Ali, and nine-year-old Pam (Gabby’s best friend). But soon Kelly realizes that this direct approach is more apt to make others uncomfortable than entice them into bed, so she tones it down.

However, two members of Kelly’s family are fascinated by the eleven-year-old’s sexual vibe. The first is Gabby, who has already been playing masturbation games with her friend Pam, so Kelly is easily able to begin the seduction of her younger sister. The second is Aunt Jan, who is openly gay but secretly into underage girls, with a hidden library of illegal DVDs to prove it. And while Kelly’s mother Linda is thus far immune to her daughter’s sexual charms, she is thinking quite a lot about lesbian sex after the death of her husband. In fact, we learn that Linda and her sister Jan were lovers back in their teen years… and Jan is hinting she’d like to pick things up where they left off.

Around this time, one night while her mother and little sister are asleep, Kelly slips out of bed and quietly makes her way to Cheryl’s home. There, she ends up in a sizzling threesome with Cheryl and her daughter Ali who, as it happens, are already lovers.

The next day, Kelly offers Cheryl an opportunity to spy through an outside window as she performs oral on Gabby and Pam. Cheryl very much wants to bring her younger daughter into the sexual relationship she has with Ali, so she jumps at the chance. Needless to say, Kelly and the girls have a wonderful time, and Cheryl sees the whole thing without being noticed. 

The next day, Linda takes Kelly and Gabby to stay with their Aunt Jan for the weekend, so she can spend that time at a spa.  While she’s there, Linda confesses to her sister Jan that she’s been thinking about the two of them becoming lovers again.

Once Linda leaves, Kelly commences her own seduction of Jan. Her aunt resists, but Kelly is determined to get what she wants… and that night, she does.

The next morning, Kelly makes love to Gabby on the dining table, putting on a show for Aunt Jan who, unbeknownst to Gabby, is watching from the hallway. After Gabby comes, she offers to lick her big sister’s pussy for the first time, and Kelly is quick to accept.

That evening, Kelly, Gabby and Jan all come together in a threesome for the first time… but probably not the last!

And that brings us to this chapter. Please enjoy.


by Purple Les & JetBoy

Following her naked nieces up the stairs, Jan was giddy with lust. The sight of Gabby’s bare buttocks had her cunt leaking like a dripping faucet.

So beautiful. She shook her head, musing the path she’d chosen. It’s completely crazy. I’m risking everything I’ve spent my life working for, and I don’t even care. Well, maybe I do… but this is worth the risk, damn it.

As if to put a final stamp on her decision, Jan stopped the girls at the top of the stairs. Kneeling behind them, she gave each a playful love bite on the bottom. That made Gabby and Kelly giggle.

Guiding them into her bedroom, Jan stood between her nieces before the large floor length mirror. With a hand on each girl’s shoulder, she said, “Look at yourselves and each other; see how beautiful you are.”

Gabby gazed into the glass, enthralled by the sight of her nude sister and aunt, their bare bodies framing hers.

You’re the beautiful one, Aunt Jan.” Gabby said as she got her first real look at a naked woman. She was intrigued that her aunt didn’t have any hair around her pussy, but chose not to ask why. Then there was her sister, whose mound was also beautifully bare. “You too, Kelly.”

Tousling the nine-year-old’s hair, Jan said, “Thanks, cutie. Now, let’s just stand here for a moment and touch ourselves while we watch.”

In the reflection of the looking glass Gabby watched as Jan slipped a hand between her legs and began to masturbate. A moment later, Kelly began to do the same. Gabby rubbed herself without even thinking about it as she watched her aunt and sister.

Holy fuck! Jan thought to herself. Look at them, watching me rub off. And I love seeing them do it. I could come any moment, just from this.

Jan’s train of thought was interrupted by little Gabby, who was asking, “Aunt Jan? Can we suck your nipples some more?”

Before Jan could reply, Kelly said, “That’s a great idea. I mean this is cool, but yeah, let’s get on the bed and start fucking!”

Jan led the way. She positioned herself in the center, leaning back against the headboard. On their hands and knees, Gabby and Kelly moved to either side of their aunt, each taking a nipple into their mouths to suck.

Putting a hand between each of the girls’ thighs, Jan played with their smooth slits, shivering with pleasure as she felt them grow increasingly wet.

After a moment, Kelly stretched herself out between Jan’s legs. Placing both hands on the woman’s thighs, she extended her tongue to swipe the length of her aunt’s cunt.

Wow, Gabby thought. Kelly’s licking her down there, just like she did to me. She was absentmindedly caressing her aunt’s breasts, absorbed by the sight of her sister performing oral sex.

Noticing the younger girl’s interest, Jan moaned, “Keep g-going, Kelly. I want Gabby to see me come all over your face.” She gave her niece a shaky smile. “Take a good look, Gabby… Ohhhhh yes, watch your sister while she eats my pussy!”

Stretching on the bed alongside her sister, Gabby had an up-close view of the action. Aunt Jan’s kitty was wet and juicy as a ripe orange, and it smelled incredible. I want to lick her, too! she thought. Wonder if she tastes as good as Kelly?

All of a sudden, Aunt Jan began to come. Gabby was spellbound as Jan jerked and twitched and howled dirty words, while Kelly sucked and slurped at the dripping pink slit.

When Jan relaxed with a blissful sigh, Kelly crawled into the woman’s arms, where they shared deep, lustful kisses. Gabby saw Aunt Jan licking her flavor from Kelly’s lips, a sight that made the nine-year-old feel a little jealous. When do I get a taste? she wondered.

At long last, the two lovers broke their kiss. Kelly looked up, smiling at her sister. “What did you think of that, Gabby? Did you enjoy watching us?”

Gabby nodded. “Yeah. Totally.”

“Cool.” Kelly said, “Now watch her eat me.”

Kelly moved to straddle her aunt’s face, then lowered her puffy slit to Jan’s mouth.

Gabby absently began to touch herself as she watched Kelly riding Jan’s tongue, moaning, “That’s right, Aunt Jan. Ohhh, yes. Lick my cunt. Make me come in your mouth. Fuck, that feels so good!”

The sisters’ eyes met. Gabby was masturbating while she took in the lewd display.

“That’s it, baby sister – touch yourself.” Kelly said. “If you can, try to come when I do.” She looked back down at her aunt. “Yeah, get your tongue up there. Oh, fuck yeah, lick my clit. Don’t stop, don’t stop!”

Gabby was mesmerized by Kelly’s dirty talk, and seeing her naked sister perched on the face of her equally nude aunt’s face was enough to spur the nine-year-old to the edge of climax.

“Fuck yeah!” Kelly blurted, staring at her little sister, “Come with me, Gabby, it’s – it’s happening. Oh God, here it is. I’m coming, Jan, c-coming on your face…!”

As Kelly’s orgasm washed over her, she fought the urge to close her eyes. Instead, she watched Gabby as the younger girl cried out in ecstasy, enjoying her own orgasm.

Once their ecstasy had crested and waned, the sisters lay back down, one on either side of their Aunt Jan. Snuggling close, they relaxed in the cozy afterglow.

Gabby was the first to speak, turning on her side to face Jan. “That was so much fun! I love you guys.”

“Love you too,” Kelly murmured. “Was it more fun than you, me and Pam when we did it that one time?”

Jan listened intently, feeling her passion begin to slowly simmer again. Gabby was silent for a moment as she pondered her sister’s question, then replied, “Well, that was fun, too… but it’s even better with a grownup. ‘Specially with Aunt Jan. I like that we’re family. That makes it extra nice somehow.” She giggled. “Naughtier, too. ‘Cause you’re not ‘sposed to be doing sex stuff with your sister or your aunt, huh?” Pausing, she then added. “Wonder if Mom would ever do it with us? Huh – wouldn’t that be cool!”

Jan and Kelly exchanged a quick look, sharing the same thought: should we tell her?

Remembering the sex she’d shared so long ago with her sister – when she was just a year or two older than Kelly, Jan reminded herself – had her motor purring all over again. Taking hold of Gabby, Jan pulled the girl on top of her. They kissed, Gabby immediately matching her aunt’s passion.

When they broke apart, Kelly was quick to respond, moving in to tongue-fuck her baby sister’s mouth. As the girls kissed, Jan sighed, “Oh, girls… I love you both so much.”

“We love you, Aunt Jan!” said Gabby, sitting up. “Now what? I mean, can we do more sexy stuff? Can we?”

“Sure we can.” Kelly answered. “Um, Aunt Jan? Can I say what happens next?”

“You want to direct the action? Fair enough. Okay – show us what you got!”

“Cool!” Kelly exclaimed, rubbing her hands together. “Get on your hands and knees, Gabby.”

Gabby quickly obeyed, facing toward the foot of the bed on all fours. Her taut bottom was sticking out, her knees spread apart. Kelly savored the expression on her aunt’s face as Jan stared at Gabby’s holes: the plumb glistening vulva, parted just enough to show the hot pink inside, then the tight pink pucker of her anus.

“My God,” Jan whispered. “So, so lovely.”

Gabby looked back over her shoulder. “What now?”

Taking a pillow, Kelly placed it in front of her little sister. “Here, put your head on this and keep your butt up.”

Gabby did as she was told, thinking, What’s gonna happen now? Something totally hot and sexy, I bet. Wow, I really like that they’re looking at my stuff!

She didn’t have to wait long to find out. Kelly gave her bottom a slap, and Gabby laughed, exclaiming “Hey!” It made a loud sound, but didn’t hurt… in fact, it made the nine-year-old’s pussy feel even more tingly.

“Let’s do both sides,” Kelly giggled as she gave the other butt cheek a brisk smack.

“I sure hope that’s not all you’re gonna do,” Gabby mock-pouted, looking over her shoulder.

Kelly grinned at her baby sister. “Don’t worry, it isn’t. In fact, Aunt Jan’s going to kiss your bottom all better.” Turning to Jan, she said, “Gabby likes to have her butthole touched. She was going to stick her finger up there in the shower. Did you, Gabby?”

“I did, Aunt Jan.” Gabby confirmed. “It was so… Well, I can’t say ‘zactly how it felt, but I did like it. A lot!”

Stretching out on the bed, Kelly gazed into her sister’s eyes. “I wanna see your face when Aunt Jan makes you come.” Gabby shivered when she heard that. She spread her knees even farther apart, wanting her aunt to see everything.

Jan lost herself in the up-close view of Gabby’s rosebud and smooth slit, knowing these treasures were hers for the taking.

Sweet little girl, yeah – my own niece, offering herself to me. A glimpse of heaven.

Reaching out, Jan began to fondle the soft yet firm globes of Gabby’s bottom.

Kelly watched Gabby’s eyes glaze over with pleasure, the girl’s mouth going slack. “Does that feel good?” she asked her little sister, speaking gently. She saw Jan bury her mouth between Gabby’s buttocks.

“Yeah…” Gabby answered, the word coming out in a blissful sigh. “Oh, m’gosh… what – what’s Aunt Jan doing back there?”

“She’s licking your butthole.” Kelly informed her sister. “Here, I’ll help her make you feel good. Just enjoy.”

Getting up on her knees, Kelly watched Jan lick Gabby’s tight little rosebud. The tip of the woman’s tongue circled around, then prodded at the little girl’s anus.

Putting a finger to Gabby’s vaginal opening, Kelly toyed with her clit while their aunt continued to rim her. “Oh… oh, yeah…” she heard her little sister mumble, tiny quivers running through the girl’s thin body.

Moments later, Gabby cried out as she came, shuddering helplessly. Jan and Kelly continued to stimulate the child, though, pleasuring her until she exploded in a second climax – after which Gabby simply toppled onto her side, completely overwhelmed.

It was over an hour later when Gabby finally opened her eyes. The room was dimly illuminated by a light in the hallway. Slowly sitting up, she saw Kelly lying alongside, a smile on her lips. On the other side of Kelly, Aunt Jan was sleeping soundly.

Kelly whispered, “You fell asleep, sis. I guess we made you come pretty hard. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Gabby answered, thinking about what had happened. She was already in the mood for a repeat session. “Can we do it again?”

Kelly kissed her sister’s cheek. “It’s late, Gabs, You need to rest. We all do.”

“Yeah, but we’re still here with no clothes on,” Gabby pointed out. “I can’t stop thinking about doing more sex stuff with you guys.”

“Then I’d better get you to bed.” Kelly said. “Tomorrow’s another day. We’ll have more fun after we get up, Gabby. I promise.”

Kelly led her sister down the hall to the bathroom they were sharing, both of them still naked. She had Gabby brush her teeth, then pee, and wash her face. That accomplished, she took the sleepy girl to the room she was using, got her into a t-shirt and fresh panties, then tucked her in.

Kelly sat with Gabby while her sister drifted off to sleep, which only took a few minutes. She bent to kiss her, whispering, “Love you, Gabby. G’night.”

Tiptoeing from the room, she drifted down the hall to check on Jan, who was still sound asleep. Only eleven-thirty. Kelly thought to herself looking at the bedside clock. Lots of time left to snoop around.

Kelly gently closed her aunt’s bedroom door. Then she began to wander the house, stroking her chin, lost in concentration. I know Aunt Jan’s got to have a stash of lesbian porn hidden here somewhere, she told herself. Really dirty stuff, I bet. So… where should I look first?


When Jan awakened in the morning she was alone in bed, warmed by memories of lovemaking with her precious nieces. Could it have been a dream? she asked herself. Licking around her lips, savoring the taste of pussy, she smiled, Nope, not a dream.

Rising, Jan padded into the bathroom, where she took a leisurely shower. Then she dressed, taking care to choose an outfit that would be easy to remove – a t-shirt and gym shorts, no underwear. You never know, she thought. The girls might be in the mood to fuck again.

Emerging from her room, she glanced around the upstairs area. Gabby was still snoozing contentedly. Her hair spilled onto the pillow, and a bare leg extended from beneath the covers. Jan felt a sudden urge to crawl beneath them and awaken her niece in an extra special way. Better not, she chided herself, continuing down the hall.

As Jan descended the stairs, she passed the family room. There were the clothes they’d shed the night before, scattered about on the carpet.

She found Kelly in the kitchen. Her niece was completely nude, buttering a piece of toast. Okay, maybe I am dreaming. Kelly’s hair was damp, and as Jan came closer, she smelled shampoo and soap.

Bending down, Jan embraced the eleven-year-old, then they shared a lover’s kiss. Definitely not a dream.

“I can’t believe I’m asking this… but shouldn’t you get dressed?” Jan murmured.

“What for?” Kelly replied casually. “Mother won’t be here till after lunch. I’m yours and Gabby’s till then; why bother putting clothes on? Oh, I made coffee. Have some.”

Pouring herself a cup Jan sipped the hot coffee, feeling her lust rise as Kelly flitted about the kitchen. She moves like a dancer… the sexiest dancer imaginable.

Kelly stood on tiptoe to reach for something, then turned back to smile at her aunt. “You like seeing me naked, huh?”

Jan answered, “Yes. Very much.”

“Thanks. I like to see you naked, too.” Kelly said, giving her bare ass a wiggle. “We have to fuck again this morning, before Mother gets here.” She glanced up at the wall clock. “Guess I better go wake up Gabby.”

Jan’s head was spinning as she watched Kelly walk away. My God, that ass of hers! If I ever founded a church, that would be my altar of worship. She poured another cup of coffee, then helped herself to a slice of toast.

Then Kelly, still nude, was leading her nine-year-old sister into the kitchen.

Gabby wore a t-shirt and plain white underpants, her dark hair tousled. With a shy “G’morning,” she seated herself next to Jan at the table. Both of them kept stealing glances at Kelly, who was moving around the room again.

They ate a light breakfast of toast and fruit, with a bowl of cereal for Gabby. Conversation was minimal; Jan and Gabby were lost in thought, distracted by Kelly’s provocative movements. Finally, putting her fork down, Jan said, “What’ll we do this morning, girls?”

Gabby broke into an eager grin. “I want to go swimming!” She jumped up. “Let’s go put our suits on.”

Kelly grabbed Gabby’s arm. “Not so fast. What do we need those stupid suits for? Let’s go skinny dipping.” She looked at Jan. “It’s okay, right?”

Jan’s heart throbbed as she answered. “Um, sure. Get undressed, Gabby – I’ll put sunscreen on you both.”

With a squeal of, “Cool!” the little girl quickly whipped off her panties and t-shirt.

Giving Jan a look that made her quiver inside, Kelly said, “You’re so helpful, Aunt Jan. I bet Mother wouldn’t do that for us.” She took her sister’s hand. “C’mon, Gabs… let’s go get wet!” With that, the girls scampered from the room.

Jan stared at her naked nieces, unable to think of anything other than how much she wanted them. Tugging off her own clothes, she followed behind.

When she reached the back patio, Gabby was face down on a deck chair, looking over her shoulder. “Okay, I’m ready!” the child exclaimed. “Put sunscreen on me, Aunt Jan!”

Squeezing a dollop of the creamy lotion in her left palm, Jan sat next to Gabby and slathered her bare body all over, unable to stop herself from letting her fingers drift into some very intimate places, Kelly watching all the while. At one point, Gabby squealed with delight, then looked up, sporting a wicked grin. “The sun’s not gonna shine there, Aunt Jan.”

Feeling an unexpected twinge of embarrassment, Jan mumbled, “Okay, you’re done.”

“Whee!” Gabby cried as she leaped up from the deck chair and took a running leap into the pool.

“My turn,” said Kelly, slowly stretching out at her aunt’s side. “Put lots on me. I’m gonna let the sun shine everywhere on my body.”

“Okay,” Jan said, the word thick on her tongue. Squirting more sunscreen into her hand, she rubbed it into the eleven-year-old’s shoulders, then began to move down her back.

She spent little time on Kelly’s upper half. What’s the point? We both know where she wants me to touch, Jan thought, just before her hands cupped her niece’s bottom.

A blissful purr could be heard from the pool. Quickly glancing up, Jan saw that Gabby had headed right to the water recirculation jet, and was pressing her groin against the flow.

Kelly was watching, too. “Has she done that before?”

Trailing a finger through the crack of her young lover’s ass, Jan said, “She has, yes. A couple years ago.”

“Hmm. Does Mother know?”

“Yes, Linda knows. We watched her together, me and your mom.” Jan said. She circled the opening of Kelly’s cunt with her fingertip, then slowly entered the girl, right up to the third knuckle.

Fuck, that’s so hot,” Kelly moaned. “D-do you think it turned her on, seeing Gabs do that? Mmm, this feels really nice.”

“I don’t know, babe. Maybe. It sure as hell turned me on.”

Kelly was moaning, her body shifting about as Jan fucked her. Suddenly she pulled away, struggling to her feet. “I – I don’t want to come just yet, Aunt Jan,” she said, slightly out of breath. “Let’s wait, okay? Till all three of us can do it together.” She bent to give her aunt a kiss, accompanied by a quick flash of tongue, then strolled over to the pool’s edge and jumped in.

Jan watched as Kelly swam over to Gabby and took the younger girl in her arms. They kissed, then turned to face the jet, carefully positioning their bodies so the water’s flow would stimulate them both.

Idly fondling her breasts, Jan watched her nieces enjoy themselves. Soon Gabby was gasping, on the verge of climax – then Kelly abruptly pulled her little sister away from the jet.

Gabby was indignant at first, then she pouted while Kelly whispered to her, gesturing a time or two at Jan. Soon, the younger girl was smiling and nodding, occasionally glancing over at her aunt.

One after the other, the girls clambered out of the pool, water dripping from their gleaming bodies. They padded down to where Jan lay, spread out on a deck chair she’d moved into the shade. Her sex was slightly open, and Gabby stared at it, absently moistening her lips.

“I want to lick you, Aunt Jan,” she declared.

In reply, Jan spread her legs. Gabby knelt on the chair, slowly moving closer. Bending down, the little girl extended her tongue, eyes drifting shut as she took that first lick. Gabby paused to sample the taste, then moved in again to take Jan’s cunt in her mouth, sucking at the rosy flesh.

“Oh, yeah,” Jan whispered, staring into empty space. “Oh, God.”

Kelly watched Gabby go down on her aunt, telling herself, I want to see her do that to Mother. Somehow, some way, I need to make that happen.

By then, Gabby was positively feasting on an adult’s pussy and loving the rich, earthy flavor of it. Thus far, she’d only gone down on her big sister, but Aunt Jan was even yummier. Holy smokes – do they all taste this good?

Closing her eyes, Jan allowed herself to drift, giving herself body and soul to a girl of nine. Not just any girl – the daughter of her own sister Linda. Lovely Linda, who had been her first lover so very long ago.

Now she let her eyes drift open again, reveling in the knowledge that her kinkiest, most twisted fantasy had finally come true. Looking between her legs, Jan thought, How beautiful. So sweet. I’d never have imagined my adorable little niece would ever, ever go down on me. Fuck, I’m about to come on Gabby’s face while her big sister watches. And then I’m going to eat Kelly’s cunt. 

This living wet dream brought on an orgasm that shook Jan like a palm tree in a gale, so intense that she found herself crying in its aftermath. Gabby was distressed at first, but Jan and Kelly calmed the child down. “It’s just ‘cause you make her come so hard, Gabs,” Kelly murmured, holding her little sister close.

Once Jan recaptured her breath, she got up, placed Kelly on all fours and told Gabby, “Why don’t you lick her butthole while I do her pussy.” Then she got on her back, slid beneath her niece, guided the smooth slit down and covered it with her mouth.

Gabby examined her big sister’s anus, not quite sure how she felt about licking Kelly there. Well, Aunt Jan seemed to like it, she thought. I should at least give it a try, right? Besides, Kelly’s given me so much already. I ought to do anything I can to make her feel good. 

Drawing closer, Gabby gave the cleft of Kelly’s bottom a tentative lick. Her sister inhaled sharply, the breath hissing through her teeth. Huh, it doesn’t taste bad, Gabby mused. Doesn’t have much taste at all, really. She licked twice more, then buried her mouth between Kelly’s cheeks, trailing long, lusty licks up and down the anal crease while Jan feasted on the preteen’s slit down below.

Kelly couldn’t take this kind of treatment for long. With a loud squeal, she came. Coating her lips in the thick, luscious juices, Jan sat up, seized Gabby and gave her a heated kiss. The nine-year-old was quick to respond, purring with delight as she got another taste of her sexy aunt.

My turn!” Gabby exclaimed when she and Kelly broke apart.

Jan slowly got to her feet, and Gabby moved to take her aunt’s place on the deck chair. “No, no,” Jan said, “come stand in the middle here.”

Kelly and Jan sandwiched Gabby between them, then began to pleasure her with their fingers. Kelly stroked the little girl’s smooth slit while nuzzling her neck, while Jan carefully penetrated Gabby’s rectum, claiming her niece’s mouth in a deep tongue kiss.

A couple of minutes later, Gabby mewled her way through a shuddering climax, nearly collapsing when the storm had passed. But Jan and Kelly held the child steady, then gently laid her down on the chair.

After swapping a few kisses, they lounged around for a while. When a cloud covered the sun, the three lovers went indoors. Linda would be arriving to pick up the girls in just over an hour, so Jan took her nieces to the master bathroom where they showered together, taking time to explore each other’s bodies for the last time.

Once they’d dried off, everyone got dressed. Kelly and Gabby gathered up their clothes and packed, awaiting their mother’s return.

Jan reminded the girls to keep what they’d done a strict secret. Both children solemnly agreed to do just that. Especially when Jan promised she would have the girls back soon for more fun.

Linda arrived after lunch, looking happy and relaxed. “With a squeal of, “Mom!” Gabby raced into Linda’s arms, hugging her tightly.

Kelly gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Hi, Mother. We’ve missed you,” she murmured with a warm smile.

“Where are your bags, girls?” Jan said, glancing around the room.

“Oh, darn it – they’re still upstairs,” said Gabby, making a face..

“No problem – I’ll bring them down.” Heading for the stairs, Jan looked over her shoulder and added, “There’s coffee in the kitchen, Linda. Have some.”

Linda sought out the pot of coffee, now at room temperature. She poured some of it into a mug, then opened the microwave – only to find a red bra inside.

Raising an eyebrow, she closed the door. Okay, that’s a little odd. Deciding she didn’t need more coffee anyhow, she poured it back into the pot.

Once Jan returned with the bags, Kelly put them in the car, then everyone mingled to exchange hugs and say their goodbyes. “I’ll call you soon, sis,” said Linda, giving Jan a look that made her heartbeat quicken.

She wants us to be lovers again, but isn’t quite ready yet. Jan remembered her last face-to-face conversation with Linda as she watched her sister and the girls climb into the car, waving one last time before setting off.

Jan watched them cruise down the block, then turn right, bound for home. No matter what I’ve done with her daughters, I still miss being with Linda that way. God, I want her back. With a wistful sigh, she turned away and went inside.


On the highway, Gabby was in a buoyant mood, chattering away from the back seat while up front, Linda and Kelly were mostly quiet, occasionally responding to the younger girl’s remarks. About twenty miles in, Gabby dozed off.

“Is she asleep?” Linda asked.

“Yes, Mother.” Kelly replied, “She was doing a lot of swimming, and staying up late. I’m not surprised she feels tuckered out.”

No one spoke for a while. As Kelly gazed out the window, Linda was left alone to think as she drove. Linda’s thoughts were troublesome, and she couldn’t banish them.

In bed at the spa, she constantly thought about her sister. How they had spent so much of their youth as lovers. It wasn’t a bad thing, it didn’t hurt us. The only painful part was when Jan decided we shouldn’t have sex anymore. And that was only because she loved me so much. I didn’t understand it then, but now I do.

Goodness, the things we got up to! Even now, I’d swear it was the best sex I’ve ever had. Now it seems so wrong… but oh my God, it felt so right. 

I wish I’d gone to bed with Jan last month when she wanted to. Bet it would’ve been incredible. Or maybe I did the right thing, turning her down. Experimenting when we were practically kids is one thing, but I’m a grownup now, a mother who’s just lost her husband. But my sister still knows how to get me hot. 

Should I rekindle what I had with Jan? Tell her no? Pretend it never happened? No, that’s stupid. Christ, I can’t make up my mind!

Putting that thorny subject to one side, she took up another one: her daughters.

Something tells me the girls are fooling around with each other. Maybe even having sex. They’ve been so close lately, spending a lot more time together than before. They’re more physically affectionate, too. Then there’s the way Gabby keeps looking at Kelly, like she’s nursing a serious crush. 

They’re certainly the right age to be thinking about sex, after all. I’ve watched each of them masturbate when they didn’t know I was there. Wonder if they ever touched themselves together? Maybe they did each other. Maybe more than that. Fuck, it’s getting me aroused all over again, just thinking of it. 

The previous night at the spa, while relaxing in bed after a massage, Linda let her imagination wander into a scenario where Kelly and Gabby were in bed, naked and entwined, sharing deep French kisses. And she was watching from the bedroom door.

Without thinking, she slipped a hand between her thighs — then tightened her jaw. Not good, Linda. Definitely not good. You can’t have sexual fantasies about your daughters, no matter what they’re getting up to with each other.

So why, why, WHY do I keep having these thoughts about Kelly and Gabby… and why do they get me so aroused?

Enough, damn it. Turn your mind to something else. 

Linda began to concentrate on her driving. It was the day before the Fourth of July, and the holiday traffic was especially dense. It was a distraction from those salacious thoughts about the girls, at least.

“What’s going on, Mother?” Kelly asked, peering through the window at the massing automobiles.

“Tomorrow’s a holiday, sweetie,” Linda answered, remembering that so much was new to her eldest child. “Folks are off work and going somewhere for the Fourth, so there are a lot more cars on the road. Too many for traffic to flow smoothly.”

Soon they were at a standstill, moving a few feet forward every now and then. “Hell’s bells,” she muttered. “Guess we should’ve stayed at Jan’s a couple hours longer. We’d have missed getting caught in this.”

Kelly continued to observe the traffic. After a while, she also dozed off.

In the lull, her thoughts inevitably drifted once more to thoughts of herself, her big sister Jan, the girls. I first had the idea that Gabby and Kelly might be fooling around, oh, two weeks ago. How can I have gone from being appalled by that thought to getting aroused by it?

For the first time, Linda allowed herself to think the unthinkable. Could I be feeling an attraction to my daughters? My God, do I want to make love with them? 

Well, why not? she told herself. I can’t stop dwelling on how incredible it was, having sex with Jan when the two of us weren’t much older than the girls. I admit it – I love the idea of Gabby and Kelly doing the same thing, enjoying the same pleasures themselves. Is it really that awful, wanting to be part of what my children  have? 

They’re sweet girls, so beautiful… so desirable. Linda studied Kelly as she slept. Her oldest wore denim cutoffs and a thin t-shirt, The outline of her daughter’s budding breasts were distinct enough to make it clear Kelly hadn’t bothered with a bra. Glancing over her shoulder, Linda took a long look at Gabby, especially the nine-year-old’s bare legs. She wore a snug pair of shorts, and a lack of obvious panty lines had Linda wondering if Gabby was naked underneath them. The mental image made her shiver.

Turning back to face the road, a dazed Linda pictured herself kissing a pathway along those lovely legs, moving from one to the other, drawing closer to Gabby’s unimaginably soft inner thighs, her nose detecting a subtle hint of the little girl’s moistening sex…

A loud honk from the car behind awakened Linda from her reverie, and she saw that the vehicle in front had moved ahead about fifty feet. She gave her head a shake in an attempt to clear it, then drove forward to catch up.

Fuck, I should NOT have these thoughts. But I do, I do! How can I make them stop?

Finally, Linda pulled into the driveway of their home. It was early evening, just gone dark outside. She switched off the ignition, then let out a deep sigh. God, I wish Jan didn’t live so far away. 

Just then, Kelly’s eyes drifted open and the girl roused herself. Gabby was still sound asleep. Kelly got out, and Linda turned in time to see her climb into the back seat, bending to awaken her little sister with a soft kiss on the cheek. “We’re home, Gabs,” she cooed.

As Gabby’s eyes fluttered open, Linda felt a twinge of warmth inside at the adoring look the girls shared. Then and there, she knew her suspicions were true. My daughters are lovers.

After unloading the car and unpacking, Linda started a load of laundry and made a light dinner of salad and fruit. After the meal, Linda put the suitcases away, then loaded the wet clothes into the dryer. When she returned to the kitchen, she was pleased to find Kelly had done the dishes and was wiping down the counters.

“Thanks, Kelly,” said Linda. “That was very nice of you.”

Kelly gave her mother a big smile. “Glad to help, Mother,” she murmured, coming closer. “Y’know, I had a great time at Aunt Jan’s, but it’s good to be home. I really missed you.” She reached out for a hug, and Linda enfolded the girl in her arms.

What with the thoughts she’d been having about her girls, holding Kelly like this made Linda feel positively lightheaded. God, she smells incredible. The urge was there to allow her hands to slide down Kelly’s back, to fondle that flawless bottom.

Jesus, get a grip, Linda told herself, breaking away. “Where’s your sister?”

“She went upstairs to read,” Kelly replied. “Is it okay if I pay for a movie?”

“If you can stay awake for it, be my guest. I’m going to lie down for a bit. That drive wore me out.”

Making her way up the stairs, Linda peeked into Gabby’s room. Sure enough, her youngest girl was propped up in bed, poring through a comic book.

Linda sat down on the edge of the bed. “Can I talk to you for a minute, honeybunch?”

“Okay!” Gabby chirped, putting her comic aside. “What about?”

Linda nibbled her lower lip, unsure how to begin. Finally, she came out with it. “Well, I’d like to talk to you about sex.”

Gabby thought for a moment, then said, “Well, you already told me about periods and, um, puberty, and where babies come from. Is there anything else?”

Linda took a slow, deep breath. I’m going through with this. I’m really doing it.

“Oh, Gabby, there’s much more to sex than that,” Linda said, gazing into the girl’s blue eyes. “It’s about babies and your body maturing, yes… but more often, it’s about, um, good feelings and how to make them happen – for you and your lover.”

As she spoke, Linda felt her body grow warm, a throbbing sensation pulsing down below, beneath the tummy. She squeezed her thighs together, trying to keep her voice steady and calm. “We never really discussed your vagina, and its different parts. Did you know that touching your vagina is a very nice way to give yourself pleasure?”

Gabby liked the idea of talking with her mother about sex, but not like this. She acts like I’m a little kid who doesn’t know anything! Determined to prove herself, she replied, “Aw, Mom…I know all about touching myself and, and lots of other stuff like that.”

Needless to say, Linda wasn’t surprised. But before she could ask if Gabby had been taking lessons from Kelly, her daughter began to chat about it without being asked.

“See, my friend Pam taught me how to masturbate. That’s the grownup name for it, right?” Linda nodded. “Well, we liked touching our kitties at the same time, so we could watch each other. That was lots of fun. So then, not long after Kelly woke up out of her coma, she asked me about, um, sexy stuff.”

“What did she want to know?” Linda murmured, casually brushing Gabby’s bangs to one side.

Gabby hesitated. “Uh…”

Taking her daughter’s hand, Linda gave it a pat. “It’s okay. If it’s a secret between you and Kelly, I understand… but I also need you to know that you can always feel free to discuss anything with me. Anything at all. I’m your mother, and I will always, always support you, no matter what.” She enfolded the nine-year-old in her arms, nuzzling the child’s sweet-smelling hair.

Hugging her mother tightly, Gabby made a decision. Mom’s right. We shouldn’t keep secrets from her. Anyhow, it’s all about how much we love each other, so why would she be upset? Also… maybe if I tell her what we’ve been doing, she’ll want to be part of it! 

Taking a deep breath, she began. “Kelly asked me what kind of a sister she was, y’know, before the accident. If she was nice to me, if I liked her better now, and if we ever did sex together,” Gabby hesitated. “She let me see her naked… I really liked that. Then Kelly showed me how to kiss with our tongues, and play with each other’s titties. She licked my kitty and, oh, we did lots of things.”

Linda’s head was spinning, Oh, my God. Oh, my GOD. She had to know more. “Sounds like you both enjoyed yourselves,” she said, doing her best to conceal the excitement she felt. Acting on a crazy impulse, she added, “You know, your Aunt Jan and I used to do things like that, back when we were just a little older than you and Kelly are now.”

“Whoa!” Gabby exclaimed, staring at her mother. “You and Aunt Jan were lovers?”

“Yes… we were.”

“Oh, wow, that’s so cool!” Gabby squealed. “What kind of things did you guys do? Did you ever have sex with Aunt Jan and another girl at the same time? Did she ever lick your butt? Are you still lovers?”

“Slow down!” an amused Linda protested. “I’ll answer all your questions, sweetie… but you were telling me your story.” She gave her daughter an intrigued look. “Sounds to me as if you know a lot more about sex with other girls than most nine-year-olds. How about this: tell me about everything you’ve done with other girls, and I’ll tell you whatever you want to know about the things I did with Jan.”

Now that Gabby knew her mother’s secret, there didn’t seem to be any point in holding back, so she began to describe her sexual experiences in detail. The masturbation games with Pam… the time Kelly flashed her in public when Mom and Aunt Jan weren’t looking, then their first grownup kiss… that morning hanging out with Pam at her place, when Kelly went down on them both.

Linda’s cunt was throbbing like a heart as she listened to this lewd summary of her child’s sex play, but her panties quickly became sodden when Gabby went into explicit detail about the weekend of carnal delights she’d just enjoyed with Kelly and Aunt Jan. And when the nine-year-old described how Jan had got her up on all fours and licked her bottom, Linda went off in an orgasm just from pressing her thighs together.

Once she caught her breath, Linda noticed that Gabby’s legs were shifting about beneath the sheets. She had to smile. Guess I know what she’s feeling right now.

“Which do you like better, sweetie… touching yourself, or being touched?” Linda asked, knowing she was about to cross a line that couldn’t be uncrossed.

“I do love touching myself,” said Gabby, “but when me and Pam started rubbing each other’s kitties,  it felt lots better.”

Last chance to back down, Linda told herself – but damn it all, she needed this.

“Uh, Gabby… would you like it if I touched you? Your pussy, I mean. Do you ever, um, call it that?” She gave a nervous laugh. Oh, my God… really smooth, idiot. She was a jumble inside, consumed by the helpless lust she held for her little girl.

“Yeah, Mom, sometimes I call it my pussy… and I’d love it if you touched me there.”

“Really?” Linda asked, stunned to realize that this crazy fantasy might be coming true. “Could I maybe do it… right now?”

“Yes, please!” said Gabby, tugging the sheets down to reveal her pajama-clad lower half. Gazing at her mother with adoring eyes, she added, “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, baby girl.” Stretching out next to her daughter, Linda watched her hand as if it belonged to someone else, slipping beneath the waistband of Gabby’s light blue pajama bottoms. A tiny gasp escaped her lips when she touched bare skin, realizing that her daughter wasn’t wearing panties.

Lightly stroking the petals of Gabby’s smooth slit, Linda found the hot, moist interior of her little girl’s vagina. She briefly allowed the tip of a finger to stray inside, then trailed a path between the labia up to find the tiny clit.

You shouldn’t do this, came a voice from the corner of Linda’s mind. She’s just a child, too young to know what’s happening here.

Then Gabby moaned, clutching Linda’s arm tightly. “Oh, Mom… don’t stop, d-don’t stop! That feels soooo good.” She was raising her hips, thrusting toward her mother’s exploring hand.

Linda was dizzy with desire, those last stirrings of conscience swept away in an instant. It’s what my little girl wants, isn’t it? She’s already been with her best friend, her big sister, her aunt. Why shouldn’t she be able to share those good feelings with Mommy, too?

She nuzzled Gabby’s ear, whispering, “My precious, my adorable little girl… Let me love you.”

The child’s eyes flickered open. “F-fuck me, Mom,” Gabby panted. She was about to speak again, but a hard jolt of ecstasy robbed her of speech. Instead, a low moan issued from the nine-year-old’s parted lips, quickly mounting into a cry.

Linda was quick to respond. “Hush, sweetie… Kelly will hear you!”

Then again, so what if she does? Hell, maybe I should call out for Kelly, tell her to come upstairs. She’ll see what I’m doing to Gabby, strip naked and join us. Get the incest party going for real.

But by then, the child was lost to ecstasy, shivers racing through her boyish frame as she rode the crazy carousel of her orgasm. Finally she gasped, “Stop, Mom. I – I c-can’t anymore.”

Linda slowly withdrew her hand, gazing in awe at the wetness that coated her index finger. While her daughter watched, she licked it clean, savoring her first taste of someone else’s pussy for the first time in nearly twenty-five years.

Raising herself up on both elbows, Gabby murmured, “Wow, I’m worn out.” She gave her mother a shy smile. “Mom, can we do that again some time? And do more sex stuff. I mean me, you, and Kelly. Can we, please?”

“Yes,” Linda quickly replied. “I’d love that, if Kelly really wants to.”

“Oh, she does, Mom,” Gabby said. “She already told me. So, um… what about Aunt Jan? Are you guys gonna be lovers again?”

“I think so, sweetie. She asked me about that, not very long ago. It’s been years since we were together that way… and I think I’m finally ready.”

Gabby broke into a huge yawn, stretching her arms and legs. “Well, I think I’m ready to go to sleep. It’s been a busy day, huh?” Looking up at her mother, she said, “Can I get a kiss?”

Bending down, Linda gave her daughter a gentle peck on the lips.

But Gabby wanted more, slipping her tongue into her mother’s mouth. Linda was caught by surprise, but got over it right away. Soon parent and child were caught up in a passionate French kiss.

By then, Linda was on fire with the need for release… and sucking on her daughter’s tongue had only turned up the heat. It wasn’t easy, but she forced herself to break their kiss. “I love you, Gabby,” she whispered. “Sweet dreams!”

“Love you too, Mom. Thanks for – for everything. It was the best!”

“Oh, and Gabby? Don’t tell your sister about what we did tonight, okay? Not just yet. We’ll all three make love, I promise… but I don’t want to rush this. Can you keep it a secret?”

“Anything for you, Mom.” With that, Gabby settled in with a blissful sigh.

Quietly crossing the room, Linda took one last look at her child before turning off the light, then carefully closing the door.

I should be furious with Jan, Linda told herself as she descended the stairs. But I’m not. Instead, I’m jealous because she got to have sex with them first. Christ almighty, am I turned on! Picturing my daughters naked and in bed with my sister… fuck, it’s too much, I have to go masturbate. I’ll just say good night to Kelly, then the rest of the evening is mine.

When she reached the foot of the staircase, Linda paused to observe Kelly, sprawled out on the couch watching her movie. I could go to her, get down on my knees, pull those shorts off and take her pussy in my mouth. She’d let me, too. Hell, she’d love it! 

But no, not yet. The first time we fuck, I want it to be special.

She drew closer to the couch. “Kelly?”

Her daughter turned from the TV screen, then put her movie on pause. “What’s up?”

Linda passed a hand over her forehead. “Oh… I’m going to bed. That drive took more out of me than I thought. Do you need anything before I turn in?”

“No, but thanks,” Kelly said. “Good night, Mother. Love you.”

“Good night,” Linda replied, bending to give Kelly a brief peck on the lips. Wanting to say something more, but unable to think of what, she made a silent retreat, making her way back upstairs.

Kelly watched her mother go, buzzing inside with excitement. God, she smells like pussy… Gabby’s pussy! Wonder what they were doing up there?

Lying back, hands behind her head, Kelly gazed at the ceiling, wearing a contented smile. It won’t be long now. Everything’s coming together.

Soon to come: Chapter Eleven!


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 20

  • Posted on September 11, 2024 at 3:42 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )

Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.

Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really beginning to founder Mallory finds herself increasingly disgusted with them both, but doesn’t let it show. By then, she and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa gets involved. 

Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex.

Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.

Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, and gets flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t go away, either.

A few days later, Mallory gets an inspired notion: since their friend Megan has guessed that the girls are fucking Lisa, why not invite her over to make their threesome a quartet? The others agree, and much fun is had.

In the meantime, Mal’s mother Sharon gets a job at a senior center, and she is making plans to go back to school. Needless to say, Mal’s father is most unhappy with this development. On the other hand, Mallory is quite pleased for her mom, and takes the opportunity to get in her lap and give her playful, but subtly flirtatious kisses. Sharon soon excuses herself to take a bath, but Mal feels certain that she’s also masturbating. More then ever, Mal suspects that her mother is secretly gay.

Mal is gradually becoming more popular at school. One result is that she and Julie are invited to a sleepover with Emma and Cindy, a couple of Julie’s friends. Once the parents are asleep, the girls get into a discussion concerning masturbation, which leads to everyone getting naked and engaging in mutual touching. Emma and Cindy love it, and the four of them get together for more fun a couple of weeks later.

And now we rejoin our story, which is currently in progress. Do enjoy!


by Rachael Yukey

December 21st, 2006

I’m turning into a lousy diarist. It’s been over a week since I’ve written anything down, but I’m not going to beat myself up over it because I have been biz-ZEEE!

I like that. They should put it in the dictionary. Busy is what normal people do. When you’re juggling as much stuff as I am, you’re biz-ZEEE!.

See, I’ve been thinking about what separates the kids who go to A.L. from those who don’t. I wonder how much of it is actual smarts, and how much is just a drive to always be DOING. Julie and me, we don’t watch a lot of TV or play video games. We’ve always got projects, and we see them through. Me, I get obsessed with stuff. Right now I’m obsessed with my piano playing, to the point where I’m having to be really disciplined to leave time for my art.

So I guess let’s start with that stuff, since I’m playing catch-up here (not to be confused with the yucky red stuff my dad puts on his burgers, that’s catsup, or ketchup depending on what dictionary I look in!). Okay, maybe I shouldn’t try to make funnies. That came out sounding like what Lisa calls a Dad Joke. Blech.

So: art. I finalized my concept for the line drawings, got Mrs. Kenner to approve it, and I’m mostly done transferring it to the tree mushrooms. It’s spread out over four mushrooms, and the way I set it up they work by themselves, or you can arrange them a certain way and you get a panorama. It’s kind of slow going because the mushrooms aren’t an easy surface to draw on, and if I make mistakes, I can’t erase them. So I have to be really careful, but I’m getting there.

Now piano. I’m having to divide my time a little. I’m working on the Chopin piece, and I’m not gonna get that one down overnight. It’s hard! I also signed up to be in one of Jason’s student bands this spring. There’ll be five bands, and each band will play four songs at the spring concert. The idea is we write one song, and play three that were recorded by other artists. Turns out that those kinds of songs are called covers

Jason listened to me play, and guess what? He placed me in an advanced group! “Actually, it’s THE advanced group,” he told me. “The best of the other groups stretches the definition of ‘intermediate’ to the breaking point. The kids in this one are all quite a bit older than you, but you’re just too good for the ones with kids your age.”

It’s kinda weird, because everyone in this band except me is in high school. We don’t start rehearsing until next month, but Jason brought us all together for a band meeting last week.

There are five of us. The singer is a junior named Ralph who always wears sunglasses and has long blonde hair. The drummer’s name is Katie, a super-skinny blonde who doesn’t seem to have much of an opinion about anything. The bassist is a chubby, cheerful kid by the name of Roger, and the lead guitarist is a girl called Jamie. She’s really pretty, about medium height with shoulder-length dark brown hair. They all play really well, and Ralph has what Jason calls a “scorchin’ set of pipes”.

We played together a little. None of us know the same songs, so we did what’s called a 12-bar blues jam. I was the only one unfamiliar with how that went, and the high schoolers all seemed kind of annoyed to have this little kid in their band who didn’t know anything. Nobody said it out loud, but you could feel it in the room. But when we started playing and the others found out I could follow by ear, they warmed up to me! Ralph sang a bunch of verses that sounded like they might have been pulled from more than one song, and me and Jamie took turns improvising solos.

Jamie has obviously had a lot of practice doing improv and I haven’t, but I just kind of went with scales and notes that I knew would fit over the chords, and listened to Jamie’s note choices whenever it was her turn. It started out okay, and then got better! We just kept playing that 12-bar progression over and over for like ten minutes, and at the end everyone was smiling and laughing. It. Felt. GREAT!

Then we sat down and picked songs. That was tough. I think the biggest surprise for me was how many of the kids in the band were into older music. Ralph and Roger, who as it turns out are really close friends, both like rock from the 70s and 80s. Jamie is into heavy metal. The only one who really seemed to be a fan of newer stuff is Katie.

My parents have such heavy restrictions on what I listen to that I didn’t know much. I’m pretty sure nobody in the band wants to play Christian contemporary! Ralph and Roger had put together a playlist of ideas on Ralph’s iPod, and Jamie also brought one in. So I just listened to what they had, and made my suggestions from there.

We ended up with a song from Ralph and Roger’s list called Heat of the Moment by a band called Asia. Never heard of it, but it has what Jason called a breakdown section, with some really neat stuff for me to play on the keyboard.

We picked a heavy metal song for Jamie, but not one of her initial suggestions. It was Jason who suggested that we play some power metal, because we’re a band with a keyboardist. I had no idea what power metal was, but Jamie did. It comes from Europe, and it usually has lots of keyboards, fast tempos, and big sing-songy choruses. Anyhow, the moment Jason mentioned power metal, Jamie immediately said “How about this song called Destruction Preventer? I have it here on my iPod.”

It turns out Destruction Preventer is by a group called Sonata Arctica. They’re Finnish, and are pretty popular in Europe. It’s a long song with lots for me to do, even some places where the guitar and keyboard trade solos. Jason had never heard it before, but after listening to it he loved the idea because the song is kind of “progressive” (which means it has a lot of parts besides just verse-chorus-verse), and he thought a band at our level ought to tackle something challenging. The big concern was about the vocals, which are REALLY high in some places! But when Jason brought it up, Ralph simply looked him in the eye and said, “Challenge accepted.”

We had to practically drag a suggestion out of Katie. She finally said she wanted to do a Britney Spears song called Toxic. That one I’d heard of, at least! We listened to it, and there was general approval. Roger called it a “bass player’s wet dream,” and I thought it sounded fun because there’s just a ton of stuff for me to do. We weren’t sure at first where the guitars fit in, but there were some parts Jason was pretty sure were actually played on guitars. It’s just that there were so many studio effects laid on them they kinda sounded like synthesizers. So Jamie will take those parts.

That just left the question of vocals for the Britney Spears song, since it’s a girl singer. But Ralph thinks he can pull it off.

So that was that. We’re all going to learn the songs during Christmas break, and we’re also supposed to try coming up with riffs and ideas that we’ll use to write a song of our own at the first rehearsal. I’ve been doing most of that at Julie’s house, because Jason has a good sound system that helps me really hear the parts (which I’m learning by ear), and he also has a GREAT synthesizer so I can actually find sounds that match the recording. It’s fun. I’m really getting into music lately, and think maybe it’s what I want to do with my life.

One cool thing that happened at the band meeting was Jamie hugged me on the way out. I said before that she’s pretty, but that’s not quite right. She’s actually smoking hot! My face was mashed into her boobs when Jamie held me, and I got a little high on that.

“Can’t wait to make the rock with you, little sister,” she said. Then she hugged Julie. I forgot to mention it, but Julie is attending all the band meetings so she can practice mixing sound on the jam sessions. She is, after all, going to be sound engineer for the spring concert.

After everyone else was gone, Julie nudged me. “WOW. Did you feel how awesome her tits are?!”

“Oh, I might have noticed,” I answered with a grin.

Who knows, maybe we can get something going with her! I’m not sure what it is exactly, but there’s something about Jamie that makes me think she might like girls. Okay, she’s a lot older than me and Julie, but so is Megan… and Lisa, of course. Not to mention my mother!.

Speaking of Mom, I had a chat with Julie and Megan about her, just a few days after I made my last diary entry. The last time we talked about Mom was after I eavesdropped on her masturbating the day of our trip to Alexandria. Our discussion today was even more interesting. We were in Megan’s little basement domain, sprawled out on the big wraparound couch.

After I’d finished spilling my guts, Megan fixed me with a sly little smile. “This whole incest angle has you hotter than a snake on the beach at noon, doesn’t it?”

My cheeks grew hot. I hate the way I blush, so I stared down at my hands.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, stop,” said Megan, giving me a light shove. “You think you’re the only one who thinks like that? Go look up incest porn on the internet. It’s fucking everywhere! You’re not alone, believe me.”

I forced myself to meet her gaze. “No kidding?”

“No shit. Remind me to show you this one website that I really like. Oh, and here’s a fun fact. I’ve diddled myself more than once thinking about getting freaky with my mom. Not that the Queen of Hetero Sanctimoniousness would ever stoop to something as vile as lesbian sex, especially with her own daughter. But it sounds to me like you might have a shot.”

My heart skipped a beat. “You really think so?”

“Don’t you? Jesus, kid. You climb in your mom’s lap and kiss her neck a little, then she flees to the bathroom and frigs herself off in the tub. Do I need to draw you a picture?”

I looked at Julie. We were snuggled up with our arms around each other, but she hadn’t spoken for a while. “What do you think?” I asked her.

Julie met my eyes. Her face was solemn. “You sound like you want to go for it.”

“Not without you,” I said, understanding where her head was at. “I won’t break my promise. Not ever.”

She smiled, and relief flooded through me. It was a real smile, the patented Julie Hansen Happy Face that lights up the whole room. “If you can get your mom naked and in bed,” she said, “I’ll make an exception. On one condition, that is.”

I smiled back at her, knowing where this was going. “What condition?”

“That you get me in on the action as soon as possible!”

We came together in a hungry kiss. Megan was right; this was getting me so hot I couldn’t see straight! I could tell Julie was turned on, too. I grabbed her ass, and she kissed me even harder.

We were so into our tongue action that we didn’t notice Megan getting to her feet. Suddenly she was looming over us, hands on her hips. Breaking our kiss, we looked up at her.

“Dirty little girls,” she said, shaking her head. Her face was the picture of pinched disapproval. “I know what you two have been up to. SO naughty. Does Mommy have to spank?”

I felt a delighted smile coming on, but managed to force it back. “Is Mommy mad?” I said, putting a frightened quiver in my voice.

“It’s dirty!” Megan snapped. I actually flinched a little. She was really laying it on thick!

Julie pulled away from me, curling herself into a ball. “Oh, Mommy… PLEASE don’t be mad!” she wailed. I could hear a giggle hiding behind her words.

Megan grabbed my wrist, roughly hauling me to my feet. “You get up here with her!she hissed at Julie.

Julie hastily scrambled to her feet, keeping her head bowed low. “Are you going to punish us?” I whispered. I sure hope so! I thought.

“What you’ve been doing is filthy,” Megan growled in a low, deadly voice. She punctuated the last word with a swat to my backside. It stung just a little, but my panties, which had already been damp, were quickly becoming drenched.

“Girls playing sex games with other girls… it’s disgusting!” she went on, this time smacking Julie’s ass. Julie moaned. Her eyes were glazed.

“We have to wash the sin off you,” said Megan. “You’re both disgusting and dirty, and you need to be cleansed. Into the bathroom. NOW!”

Placing a hand on each of our shoulders, she shoved us towards the hallway. “Move!”

I grabbed Julie’s hand and got my feet in gear. “Come on,” I said. The husky tremor in my voice wasn’t a put-on. I was so aroused, I could barely get the words out. “Let’s go before she beats us to death.”

We got down the hall to the bathroom, Megan prodding and threatening from behind. “Get those nasty clothes off,” she ordered. I started to pull my t-shirt over my head, and she swatted my butt again. “Hurry up!” she snarled. I stripped as fast as I could, watching Julie do the same out of the corner of my eye. Megan was also disrobing, but more slowly.

Finally we were all naked, me and Julie standing side by side. Megan was glaring at us imperiously, hands on her hips.

“Get in the shower,” she snapped.

I think I mentioned Megan’s shower before. It’s huge, big enough for four or five adults, and it has four nozzles with detachable heads. Megan had mentioned using them for fun before, but we never got around to trying it. She got the water running from all four nozzles, then reached up with both hands, taking two of them down at once, thrusting them into our hands.

“Hose all that filth off each other,” she ordered. Her voice was husky now. “May it cleanse your polluted minds in the process.”

Julie and I began spraying each other down, neither of us speaking. When the spray hit my chest, splattering every which way as it teased my nipples, I whimpered. I needed to get off so fucking bad! I aimed my nozzle at Julie’s chest and she went up on her toes, sucking in her breath. Megan was holding a third nozzle, slowly moving it across her own chest. Her eyes were half-closed, her breathing ragged.

Julie moved closer to me, reaching around to spray my back. I did the same to her, taking an extra step so we were pressed together. We imitated each other’s movements, going slowly up the back, then down again. I went a little lower, aiming the warm stream of water down the crack of her ass. Julie began moving her hips back and forth like she was fucking. I could hear her breath in my ear, rapid and fluttery. She teased my butt crack with her nozzle, and I moaned, “Oh, God…”.

When we parted, I went straight in for the kill, aiming the spray directly between her legs. Julie gasped, spread her feet apart, went up on tiptoe and spread her pussy lips open with the hand that wasn’t holding the nozzle. The stream of water from her nozzle hit my pussy, and I did just about the same thing as Julie: set my feet wide apart while holding my cunt open. It felt so amazing that I almost fell to my knees. Holy. Crap.

Julie and I stood a couple of feet apart, battering each other’s clits with streams of hot water. She was making high-pitched squealing sounds, and I was unleashing a full-throated moan with each surge of pleasure. Megan was off to the side, nozzle in hand, spraying her own clit.

When Julie came, her whole body quivered. She bounced up onto her toes, then down, then up again. She did it three or four times, making those same squeaky noises all the while. By then, I guess she couldn’t take any more, cause she pushed the nozzle to one side.

Julie slumped against me, draping her free arm over my shoulder as she continued to spray my pussy. A particularly strong wave hit me, and a choked cry broke from my lips as I dropped the nozzle to the tiled floor.

A series of sharp screams came from my left, and I turned just in time to see Megan coming. She was doubled over, one arm supporting herself against the wall as the other kept the spray directed towards her cunt.

That was the last straw for me. I came with a shout that must have shook the walls.

A little later we were sprawled on the wraparound once more, only now we were nude.  We’d toweled off, but our hair was still damp.

“Mal, you should come out to your mom,” Megan suddenly said. We’d been silent for the past ten minutes or so, and her words came as a surprise.

“Wait… are you serious?” I said.

“Yeah! Tell her straight-out that you’re into girls. She already knows you play with yourself, so you’ve kind of cracked the gate open a little bit. The next shock won’t be as big as the first, y’know?”

I thought about that for a bit. “I dunno. Mom’s come a long way, but she’s still sticking to scripture. The Bible can’t make up its mind about masturbating, but it’s pretty up front about being gay. It’s in the book of Leviticus, I think.”

Megan smiled, but there was no humor in it. “Leviticus talks about men having sex with other men—it doesn’t say anything about women with women. I’m thinking of the New Testament, the book of Romans. ‘Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion’. “Romans 1:26, if I remember right. And stop looking at me like that, you guys. I only stopped going to church a year ago, and I had to memorize Bible verses, same as you do, Mal.”

Julie, whose head was in my lap, shifted a little to look at Megan. “I love the way that comes across,” she said. “You know… like it’s even worse when women do it.”

Megan snorted. “I know, right? ‘Even the women.’ Oh my God, things have gotten so bad, the chicks are starting to get freaky with each other!”

We got laughing, and that was good… the vibe had been taking a turn that was too serious for my liking. Then I sobered. “Mom still believes it, though,” I said. “I feel like her faith isn’t as strong as it was, so maybe there’s hope. But I’ll have to go slow and be careful.”

“Start planting seeds,” said Megan. “Mention how nice women look when you see them. If that goes okay, get more suggestive. Like somebody’s hips look good in tight jeans, or something.”

“I can do that,” I said. “Sounds like a good idea.”

Megan was studying the ceiling. “I’ll tell you what I think,” she said after a long pause. “I think it’s going to be easier than you expect. Because you’ll be taking your mom in a direction she wants to go in.”

I wasn’t sure how to reply to that, so I kept quiet. We snuggled for a little while after that, then I had to get back home. Mom and Dad still aren’t talking, and the mood was so dark that I went straight to my room after dinner.


I managed to wrangle my way into Mom’s shopping trip to Alexandria a couple of days later, and I did what Megan said, pointing out women in the mall and saying things like “Isn’t she pretty, Mom?” or “What do you think of the skirt that lady is wearing?”

Mom seemed a little surprised at first, but then she got into it, replying with things like “Yes, she is pretty, Mallory,” or “I do like that skirt on her.” And once or twice, did I catch her eyeballing a cute girl’s butt as she walked past, or checking out the tits of a woman wearing a tight sweater? I’m pretty sure I did.

That evening, while I was in my room working on my art project, Mom and Dad had a real wowser of a fight. Dad’s mostly just been making himself scarce whenever she starts talking about school, but this time instead of escaping to his shop he laid into her, giving her a whole long spiel on mortal sin and a wife’s duty to obey her husband. Mom stayed calm at first, simply saying that if he intended to make her feel guilty about wanting a life of her own, she couldn’t stay with him anymore. That’s when things REALLY got out of hand.

I have to think this is headed straight for divorce court. Mom really laid it out this time; she’ll leave if Dad doesn’t accept what she’s doing. And Dad made it pretty clear that he’s not going to let this go.

I don’t think it’s even about scripture anymore; it’s Dad’s pride. He’s supposed to be the head of the household, because that’s how the Bible says Christian families work. And now his wife won’t do what he tells her, and that’s doing a number on his ego. Honestly, it’s kind of pitiful. It makes me sad for him, but angry, too.

I’m mostly caught up here, but I saved the most exciting bit for last. Yesterday was the first day of Christmas vacation. Julie and I got together with Cindy and Emma at Emma’s house, when her parents were out for the afternoon. That was the day we progressed from kissing and petting to a full-on lesbian foursome. By the time we were done, everyone there had tasted everyone else’s pussies, and our bodies were limp with exhaustion.

I got one big surprise: Emma’s a squirter! I was eating her out and fingerfucking her, when all of a sudden her thighs tightened up on my neck so hard I thought I was going to pass out, she screamed loud enough that they could probably hear it in the next county, and she came all over my face!

Emma was super-embarrassed, almost crying, but I assured her I loved it, and she was totally delicious. I even made a point of trying to lap up every drop. By the time it was over Cindy and Julie were licking it off my face, with Emma lounging back, gone from feeling ashamed to looking like the cat that ate the canary. Merry Christmas to us!

Seriously, I can’t tell you how great it is to be part of a group of close friends. Getting to fuck those friends is the most awesome bonus imaginable.

I expect to be totally busy during the week leading up to Christmas, so I might not have much time to write. But never fear, whoever ends up reading this a hundred years or so from now! I’ll get caught up.


December 26th, 2006

I’m at Grandma’s house. No, I didn’t bring the diary with me. What with the stuff I’ve been writing lately, taking it out of my room seems WAY too risky. Instead, I’m scribbling this down in one of the notebooks from my backpack, and when I get home I’ll copy it into the diary.

There’s really not much to catch up on since my last entry. Christmas Eve, Julie invited me to go for a drive and look at the Christmas lights in Wadena with her, Jason and Lisa, and my parents let me go. They know as well as I do that we’re going to have much of a family Christmas this year. So I got to go for a nice drive with the Hansons.

Lisa was so bubbly and joyful that she could barely sit still, and I soon found out why: Jason proposed to her! He actually got down on his knees and gave her a ring. Of course, she told him yes. They’re going to get married in the middle of January, then have a short honeymoon before Jason starts paramedic school.

“Not only that,” Lisa said in her most proper voice, “we might as well have the honeymoon before I’m too pregnant to enjoy it.” Her tone might have been ladylike, but the glint in her eyes sure wasn’t!

We got back with an hour to spare before it was time for me to go home. So Julie and I went upstairs to her room, got naked, and made very quiet love.

My parents surprised the hell out of me yesterday by giving me a KEYBOARD for Christmas! A really nice one, too! I don’t know where they got the money, but I was so, SO grateful. I’ll probably still use Jason’s for the spring concert, because it’s a professional model that costs thousands of dollars, but this will make it so much easier to practice. Jason was impressed when I told him what model it was; he said it’s not a pro-level unit, but it’s easily good enough to gig with for someone just getting started. That’s awesome!

I always spend the day after Christmas with Grandma, and it’s always fun. We ate junk food and had a big dinner and watched a bunch of Christmas movies.

I feel like I’m sitting on a… damn it, I don’t have my thesaurus. The edge of something. Hang on, let me think. Precipice, that’s it. And this Christmas vacation feels like the turning point.

It’s not just a feeling, you know. Mom and Dad’s marriage is falling apart. Both Mom and Jason are going to school early next year. Lisa’s going to have a baby. And I’m seriously considering coming out to my mother. It’s a lot to think about.

I feel like I need to end this entry with something big and ominous sounding. This is the first day of the rest of my life! Something like that. Or maybe I should stop being a dork and go to bed.


January 2nd, 2007

Oh God, it really happened. Mom moved out. There was another big fight a couple of days after Christmas, and Mom made some phone calls. The financial aid package she’s getting includes a living expenses allotment that’ll be enough for her to get an apartment and keep food on the table, as long as she’s legally separated. So she filed for separation. She’s staying with Grandma for the moment, but I guess she has her apartment lined up and will be moving there in two weeks.

I’m just… God. I don’t even know what to think. For now they tell me I’m going to be living with her half the time and Dad the other half, but nobody even wants to talk about the long term.

I’ve thought a million times over the past few months that it would be for the best if Mom and Dad split up, but now that it’s happened for real I just hurt all over. I realize now that what I really wanted was for both of them to get their act together so we could be a nice, normal family again.

I want to scream. I want to throw up. I want to go crawl in a hole and pull it over myself, but all I can manage is to hide in my blankets. Fuck them. Fuck them both.


January 7th, 2007

I just got off the phone with Julie. It’s a good thing Dad’s in his shop, so I’m alone in the house and didn’t have to watch my mouth. It was…

Okay, I’m rambling. I’m rambling because I don’t want to talk about what’s actually going on. While I was still on the phone, I turned the TV news on, way down low so I could still talk to Julie. Sure enough, I got to see what happened on the news while Julie was telling me about it.

Here’s the deal. Julie has twin cousins in Bronning. That’s about four hours northeast of here, up in the pine forest. Moose, iron mines, wolves, lumberjacks, all that stuff. It’s a town about the same size as ours. These are Jason’s sister’s kids, twin girls about a year younger than Julie and me. Antoinette and Annamarie Hastings are their names, and they’re both missing.

The girls were left at home with an older cousin on their dad’s side watching them, and now they’re gone. Nobody knows where, but the lady on TV just said that if children aren’t found within forty-eight hours, they have like a ninety-five percent chance of being dead. They’ve been gone since yesterday evening… almost twenty-four hours already.

Julie told me she doesn’t know her cousins all that well; she sees them maybe a couple times a year. But you wouldn’t know it to talk to her. She’s beside herself. The whole time we were on the phone, she was crying and couldn’t stop.

Jason is driving up to Bronning to be there for his sister, and Julie’s not sure how long he’ll be away. She wanted to go with him, but Jason wouldn’t let her. He said there’s nothing she can do, she doesn’t need to be around a bad scene like that, and we go back to school tomorrow anyway.

What could be worse than something like this? It makes my parents’ separation seem like a minor nuisance. I’ve never met these girls, never even heard of them until today, but my guts are just twisted in knots. And even though I don’t believe in God anymore, I’m praying right now. Here it is, on paper in case whatever’s out there is hard of hearing tonight.

If there’s any kind of a God out there, anywhere, deliver those two girls back safe and sound. Do that, and then give me your commands in some way I can understand. I’ll do it, no matter what. Please and thank you, okay?

Soon to come: Chapter Twenty-One!


The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 6

  • Posted on September 6, 2024 at 3:13 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Orphaned at the age of eight, sixteen-year-old Doris Sloane has spent half her life in a Catholic orphanage, where she was trained to care for young children. Our story begins when she is taken into service at the home of Victoria Shaw, a widow with three daughters: Melinda (ten), Sophia (eleven) and Becky (fourteen). Doris is thoroughly satisfied with this new life, but her orderly world takes an odd turn one night when she is seduced by Mrs. Shaw. Surprising herself, Doris responds eagerly, fully returning the pleasure she has been given.

In the days that follow, Doris and Victoria couple frequently, and Doris becomes skilled in the art of lesbian lovemaking under the tutelage of her mistress. She is deliriously happy, but her joy is tainted by the fact that she is only engaged to serve in the Shaw household until Melinda, the youngest, turns twelve. To complicate things even further, Doris has fallen madly, passionately in love with Victoria, but lacks the courage to tell her so.

One of Doris’ duties as nanny is to give Melinda and Sophia a bath every other day. The girls often invite Doris to join them in the large Japanese-style tub, but she always refuses, believing it isn’t proper. When she mentions this to Mrs. Shaw after a bout of lovemaking, Victoria suggests that Doris do what her youngest daughters want: get naked and bathe with them. Furthermore, she encourages Doris to pay closer attention to the girls’ nudity, to notice how beautiful they are in the altogether.

Doris finds this a bit strange… but that evening, while giving Sophia and Melinda their bath, she takes the time to study them more closely, and is startled to find herself feeling somewhat aroused.  The girls notice her interest, and on subsequent evenings, eleven-year-old Sophia begins to tease Doris by flaunting her nakedness. This only fuels this budding desire Doris feels… and very soon, she is masturbating to lewd fantasies of Victoria’s daughters.

One afternoon around this time, while the girls are at school, Doris in asked to join Victoria for a light luncheon in the back yard. There, Victoria offers the girl a permanent home as a member of the family, then tells her, “I love you.”

Doris is overwhelmed by emotion at first… but she joyfully accepts, and they celebrate by undressing and making love. 

Our story resumes on the following morning. Do read on, friends.

by JetBoy and BlueJean


I was gradually roused to wakefulness by a tendril of sunshine that had slipped through a slight parting of the curtains to lay a warm finger on my neck. I stretched, yawned, then realised I was lying next to Victoria.

In a twinkling, the momentous events of the previous day rushed to overwhelm me. It all seemed too wonderful to be true, but I knew it had been anything but a dream.

Twenty-four hours earlier, I had awakened an orphan girl in service, with precious little to call my own but several items of clothing and a scant supply of carefully saved money in the bank. That same afternoon, I gained a lover, a family and a home. All thanks to Victoria, who had seen something in me worth keeping.

My eyes lit on the gentle curve of my lady’s bare shoulder, and a familiar pulse commenced between my thighs as desire began to awaken. The temptation was there to tug the blanket down inch by inch, slowly revealing her nude form. I longed to bury my mouth in her thatch, seeking the fleshy treasure it concealed.

I dismissed that fancy, not wanting to break into Victoria’s slumber. Besides, a glance at the wall clock told me it would soon be time to wake the girls.

Carefully slipping from beneath the covers and getting to my feet, I plucked my nightgown from the floor and wriggled into it, pausing to blow Victoria a kiss before making a silent exit. I made my way to the bathroom, where I took a moment to smile at my reflection, basking in newfound happiness. I was no longer worried about what tomorrow might bring… and oh, my stars, how perfectly wonderful it was to have that weight lifted from my shoulders!

Enough daydreaming, I told myself. The day was beginning, and I had duties to carry out. Opening my nightgown, I briskly washed myself at the sink, towelled dry, then padded over to my room, where I quickly dressed before setting off to rouse Victoria’s daughters. A knock on the door sufficed for Becky, while the two youngest needed a bit more gentle persuasion.

An hour later, we were all gathered round the table, breaking our fast on oatmeal sweetened with raisins and honey. It was a perfectly normal day at Shadowglen, yet everything, everything had changed.


I saw the girls onto the school bus, then returned to the house, wondering if Victoria was waiting for me – and if so, what she had in store for the two of us. After the previous afternoon, anything seemed possible.

I found her in the kitchen, seated at the large, farmhouse table where I’d taken all my meals before finally being invited to dine with the family. I often assisted Mrs. Broomfield there while she laboured over the stove, taking on simple tasks like peeling carrots or kneading dough.

Victoria looked up as I entered. She had brewed a pot of tea, and there were cups for us both. “Join me?” she murmured, gesturing to the chair opposite hers.

“I don’t often find you in here,” I said, taking a seat.

Victoria filled our cups. I added lemon and a bit of sugar to mine, while she took a hint of cream. “I used to spend a great deal of time here when my husband was still alive and Mrs. Broomfield worked full time.”


She took a sip of her tea, then closed her eyes for a long moment. When she opened them again, there was a wry smile playing on her face. “There’s an unspoken rule amongst the gentry: one never airs their dirty laundry in front of the staff. And so I found some respite in this kitchen, for a time. Of course, it merely delayed the inevitable.”

Fidgeting uncomfortably, I asked without thinking, “You’re talking about your husband?” Once my blunt words were out, I regretted them. “Actually, that’s none of my business, is it? I’m sorry.”

“No, you have a right to know,” Victoria said, placing a hand on mine. “Not just about my husband, but what led me to marry him in the first place. Would you hear the tale?”

“Only if you wish to tell it,” I replied. “I do admit to being curious, but don’t want to pry.”

Victoria topped our cups up with more tea. “We’re lovers, you and I. My wife, if such a thing were permitted. It’s only right you know of my past.” She cupped her hands around mine. “So… shall I tell you everything?”

I replied with a simple nod, and Victoria began her story.


I was christened Victoria Edwina Shackleford, born into a family of considerable means.

My parents had wanted a large family of their own, a dynasty of well-bred sons and daughters to carry on the family name. But it wasn’t to be.

My brother Simon was first, born the year of their wedding, but it took three more years before I was conceived.

My birth was a difficult one. In fact, Mother very nearly died. The doctor made it clear that I would be her last child. As a young girl, I often wondered why my father showed me so little affection compared to my brother. Eventually, I learnt that he blamed me for robbing him of the children he wanted.

Father saw himself as hard done by. He wanted more sons, and as far as he was concerned, I had denied him that. He needed a scapegoat, and I suppose his infant daughter was as good as any. So he maintained a detachment from my life, and the matter of my development was left to Mother, who handed me off to a nanny, then later a governess.

You have to understand that the children of families such as mine are expected to carry themselves in certain ways. We’re prepared for polite society from the day we learn to form a coherent sentence. Bred like race horses, is how I think of it. One of my earliest memories is of some woman teaching me to walk with a bloody book balanced on my head. By the time I’d reached my tenth year, I was taking lessons in French, Latin, and German, along with riding, dancing, and the piano. I’d already become quite adept at needlework at that age. I especially detested the piano, and Miss Knox, my instructor. She would smack my hands with a ruler if I played a wrong note – which I often did.

When not taking lessons, I was accustomed to playing on my own. My brother mostly gallivanted about with the twin sons of the coachman, and there were no girls my age close at hand. As a child, my most faithful companions were to be found between the covers of books. I owe that to my nanny, Miss Haggerty. She taught me to read at an early age, and I’ll always be grateful to her.

My mother was happy to see me take such a vivid interest in books as a child, but as I matured into womanhood, my love of reading began to concern her. She saw books as a distraction from what I ought to have been doing: preparing myself to be a proper English wife. I’d only just had my first menses when Mother began to groom me for marriage, despite being years too young to receive suitors.

As time passed, the subject of my betrothal became a matter of considerable urgency to my parents. In fact, once I’d reached sixteen, their intention was to find a suitable match for me as soon as possible.

You see, as the only son, my brother was destined to inherit the family estate. But Simon was a disappointment to my parents. Any attempt to mould him into a gentleman was doomed to failure. From the first, his tastes inclined toward the simple life led by the coachman’s sons and the stable boys. He hated every aspect of the world he was born into – the clothes, the social niceties, the responsibility. He was more at home with a mug of ale down the pub than a glass of fine wine at a banquet.

As a result, he clashed regularly with my parents – especially Father, who showered him with scorn. But that only made Simon all the more determined to blaze his own path. He was a jovial, vibrant young man who loved to laugh, intent on living life to the utmost. By his fifteenth year my brother was regularly drinking, gambling and whoring with his companions in the village. Yet he was liked by many, and his indulgences were overlooked by most.

Despite all that, Simon might still have one day assumed his place as head of the family. Instead, calamity struck. One morning, while out riding with his friends, he was thrown by a horse and took a blow to the head. The doctor told us a few stitches and a period of convalescence would set him right. But he was never the same man after that. His behaviour grew wild; erratic. He was plagued with terrible headaches, and began to drink even more to ease the pain. Sometimes, he would explode into violent rages, and no one could say what might cause them.

If Father had been disappointed before, now he was downright appalled. One night, he reduced my mother to tears, claiming she must have allowed another man to have her. You see, he refused to believe “that deranged lout,” could be his son. I despised him for that.

Despite our differences in temperament, I was close to my brother – as much as anyone in our family could be. Simon had his life, and I mine, but he always treated me fondly, and with more respect than most. It angered him to see our parents dictating the terms of my life, just as they’d tried to with him. “Vicky, you mustn’t let them tell you what to do,” he would say. ”For heaven’s sake, stand up for yourself!” He and Father had a huge set-to about that.

When England was drawn into the Great War, my brother was quick to enlist. It was both a way to escape his responsibilities and prove himself his own man. Father had served in his day, so for once, he approved wholeheartedly, I remember him telling Mother more than once that it was exactly what Simon needed. “It’ll make a man of him,” he said.

For my part, I was terrified for my brother. I knew how reckless and impetuous he could be, always eager to leap into the dragon’s jaws. And I was right to worry. Before six months had passed, Simon was killed in a mortar attack on the Western Front. There wasn’t even a body left to ship home.

My mother was devastated. I’m sure Father was too, in his way, although his concern that Simon’s death had left him without an heir seemed to outweigh his grief. Oh, they could have handed the estate down to me as their sole surviving child – but my father would never have permitted such a thing. He could hold forth for hours on the folly of giving women the vote, much less allowing them to own property.

So he decided that if they had no son, a son-in-law would have to suffice. Even better, a grandson. Hence, their wish to see me married soon… that is, once a suitable spouse had been chosen.

By then, I’d been schooled in some of the arts a young woman of standing was expected to know, but now that I was being groomed for imminent matrimony, additional steps needed to be taken. First, Mother’s seamstress was brought to our home to take my measurements for a whole new wardrobe. An instructor in etiquette was hired to teach me how to carry myself in society. My knowledge of fine wines came from her; precious little else.

I was also given a personal maid, an Irish girl named Nora Murphy. She would become my dearest friend… and my first lover.

Upon meeting Nora for the first time, I was horribly nervous. I’d never been entirely comfortable with giving orders to the help, which infuriated Father, of course. “They are servants, child,” he would tell me. “It’s their purpose – to serve.” He treated the staff like beasts of burden, only addressing them to give orders. Any servant foolish enough to speak in his presence without being spoken to first was likely to be sacked on the spot.

I expected Nora to be like most of our staff – discreet, inconspicuous, yet always quick to obey. But I found that I liked her very much. She was a lively, sweet-natured girl of eighteen, with a melodious voice and a manner rather more direct than I was used to.

And she was certainly beautiful. She had the reddest hair I’d ever seen – bright as a new penny, falling to her shoulders in thick, lush curls. She usually wore it up, or tied back into a bun, but on the rare occasion when she let it spill free… oh, my days, how I was enamoured. Her eyes were a deep moss green, and she had a sprinkling of freckles on her nose and cheeks. There was a healthy glow to her that I found enormously appealing.

As to her figure… Nora was quite womanly for her age, with generous breasts and hips. I was a mere child in comparison, having yet to fully develop.

Once Nora had got past my initial shyness, we got along famously… and before a month had passed, we were the closest of friends. She slept in an antechamber next to my room – the same arrangement Mother had with her own maid – so I could summon her any time I liked.

She and I both loved the outdoors, but while my own country pursuits were limited to those that befitted a lady – riding, hunting, archery, strolls around the rose gardens – Nora preferred exploring the woods and rivers that bordered our estate. Soon we were venturing out together, and when I was with her, the world became a place of purest wonder and beauty.

Nora had grown up with her grandfather – “Granda Seamus,” she called him. He’d passed his knowledge of nature on to her, and she was always eager to share the names of all the wild things to be found in the forest. Some of my fondest memories are of strolling through the bluebell woods together, paddling barefoot in the streams, marvelling at the sheer delight Nora took in identifying a bird by its call or explaining the medicinal properties of certain plants.

Much as she taught me about nature, I had something of my own to contribute to our friendship. Nora only attended school for a year or two as a young girl, and had never learned her letters. But she adored stories, and I had shelves loaded with them. At first, I would regale her with tales taken from memory, but soon found myself reading to her from my books. I still remember the funny faces Nora used to make when I read out loud. She could lose herself completely in a good story, and wanted to have her favourites told again and again.

Though she and I were thicker than thieves, Nora thought it best for me to treat her more distantly when in the company of others, especially my parents. “Tisn’t seen as proper for us to be true friends, so that should be our little secret,” she told me. She was always careful to address me as “miss,” never by my name, and I soon grew comfortable with giving her orders while in mixed company. We ended up making a game of it, playing at the roles of mistress and servant for our amusement. Afterward, we’d laugh about it in the privacy of my room. Once, Nora claimed I’d behaved in a “high-hat” manner all day, and got her own back by tickling me until I nearly wet myself!

She soon took to calling me ‘Buttercup,’ and I nicknamed Nora ‘Dandelion,’ because of how delightfully unkempt her hair became when her bun came loose. Of course, we never used these names when anyone was within earshot, even the other servants.

Nora was a very special friend to me. But that friendship soon blossomed into something much more intimate. I suppose it began when she bathed me for the first time.

In those days few houses had dedicated bathrooms, even large estates like ours. That would soon change, of course, but while our peers were beginning to warm to the idea of plumbed hot water, Father resisted for as long as he could. He insisted that lolling about in a tub was a sign of moral laxity, as was any activity centred on the body. “Such revellings led to the fall of the Romans,” he liked to say. The expense of indoor plumbing was also a reason for his reluctance, I’m sure. Father could be rather tight-fisted. I think we still would’ve been using chamber pots, had Mother not put her foot down and insisted on a proper flushing lavatory.

So bathing involved the servants hoisting a tin hip bath up the stairs and into my room, then several trips back and forth with pails of hot water. What a chore that must have been! Thankfully for them, baths were but a weekly occurrence – on most days, a washbowl and pitcher would suffice.

When Nora suggested she help me bathe, I was a little scandalised, but she assured me there was nothing at all unusual about a lady being washed by her maid. I was used to her pouring my bath, of course, but the idea of her actually soaping and scrubbing me when I was nude left me feeling quite awkward – yet also a little intrigued.

Shy as I was, you can imagine my reluctance, but Nora did her best to persuade me, explaining that she’d helped her younger siblings to bathe many times, and that it was perfectly normal. “You’ve only to try it the once,” she said. “If you don’t care for it, I’ll not bring the notion up again.” I finally relented, mostly because I liked her so very much.

So on the appointed night, Nora helped me to undress, then washed me from head to toe. It was a wonderfully intimate moment, and wouldn’t be the last time that old tin bath was hoisted up the stairs. I’m sure Mother and Father must have wondered why I’d taken such a sudden fancy to bathing.

In the days that followed—


“Wait!” I interrupted.

Victoria raised an eyebrow at me. “Hmm? What’s the matter?”

I gazed at her across the kitchen table. “Tell me properly. I want to know what happened when Nora bathed you…”

She was somewhat taken aback by that. “Well, I… I just assumed you’d rather not hear all the, ah, particulars.”

It was true that I’d expected to feel a little jealous when Victoria recounted the tale of her relationship with Nora. Instead, the thought of these two young girls discovering each other intrigued and excited me.

“I do want to hear,” I insisted, allowing a hand to wander over the swell of my breasts. “I think it might make for a rather exquisite diversion… besides, I’d love to know how you learned to give pleasure to women.”

Leaning back in her chair, Victoria smiled wryly. “Why, Doris, I do believe you’re more of a wanton creature than I’d suspected. Very well, then. Have it your way…”


I stood before Nora, staring at the bath she’d drawn for me, unsure what I was supposed to do first.

“We’d best get you in the tub then, Buttercup,” she told me cheerily. “Before the water turns cold.”

There was something in her smile, the lilt of her Irish accent, that made me quicken inside. I think I may have fallen in love with Nora there and then, even if I wasn’t fully aware of its significance at that moment.

I did start a bit when she began to unbutton my dress. I hadn’t considered that she might undress me, as well as help me bathe. I could have managed that myself, but was intrigued enough to let Nora peel away the numerous layers of my clothing until there was nothing left to remove. I remember standing there naked next to the tub with Nora’s warm breath upon the nape of my neck, doing my level best to maintain a veneer of perfect calm. In truth, I was anything but.

I’d always been a thin girl – a more flattering description would have been ‘willowy,’ I suppose – and in the presence of Nora’s more shapely figure I felt like a sexless stick. Yet when she sidled in front of me, hands on hips, she seemed wholly enamoured of my body, gazing at me in open admiration. “There y’are now,” she said in unconcealed wonder, her eyes roving over me in a manner that anyone else would’ve considered insolent. “You’re a bonny girl, for sure.”

No one had ever spoken to me like that, nor stared so brazenly at my nudity. For the first time in my life, it occurred to me that I might indeed be pretty. That confidence in myself was but one of many priceless gifts I received from Nora.

Time seemed to stand still while she gazed at me longingly, and though her intense regard left me feeling more than a little awkward, I couldn’t deny it quickened my pulse.

Then Nora was shaking herself out of her reverie. Taking my hand, she guided me into the tub. I settled in with a blissful sigh, and she asked me, “Is it still warm?”

“Yes… it’s just right,” I replied.

“Grand.” Nora reached for the soap, dipping it in the water. “Let’s get to scrubbin’, then!”

She folded to her knees next to the tub. “I’ll wash your hair first. ‘Start at the top and work your way down,’ my mam always said.” Rolling up her sleeves, she lathered her hands vigorously, then got to work.

I vaguely recall having my hair washed by my nanny, Miss Haggerty, when I was a little girl, but she was always workmanlike in her duties, with none of the tenderness Nora showed me that day. She gently worked the soap into my tresses, using a firmer touch to massage the scalp, then combed through my hair with long, luxurious strokes.

It was divine. The tension I felt evaporated like morning mist, a sense of perfect peace filling my chest.

Nora reached for the large pitcher of warm water she’d set aside to rinse my hair. “Close your eyes, love, else the soap gets in.”

With that, she began to pour, the fingers of her free hand lightly dancing over my head as she washed the soap away. Setting the half-emptied pitcher down, Nora took handfuls of my hair and began to squeeze the water away. Once it was damp rather than dripping, she took up the towel and gave my scalp a gentle but vigorous tousling to finish the job.

“There. Squeaky clean,” she murmured, giving my shoulder an approving pat. “Almost ready to mingle with the quality, girl.”

I smiled at her reflection in the long standing mirror near the tub. “Hmm… no. I think I’ll stay here with you, Nora Murphy,” I replied. “You’re far more enjoyable company.”

Nora planted both hands on her hips and shook her head in mock exasperation. The smile in her eyes gave away her delight, though. “Ah, go on now! Sit up straight so I can wash your upper.” Working up another handful of creamy lather, she took up the flannel and commenced soaping my shoulders, but I reached up to take it from her before she could continue.

“Do it without the flannel,” I told her.


“The cloth feels rough against my skin. Just use your fingers, will you?”

Nora gave a shrug, but I also detected a tiny smile. “If it pleases you.”

When Nora first brought up the subject, I couldn’t understand why grown women would even want to be bathed by another. Were they simply too idle to clean their own bodies? Now I understood. Her touch was gentle but firm, fingers deftly massaging the soap into my neck and shoulders, soft as a whisper. The sweet lavender scent of soap and the steady cleansing rhythm of Nora’s hands upon my skin lulled me into a pleasant stupor. But there were more sensual delights to come.

“Sit back now,” Nora said, and I did as she asked. I watched in the mirror as she moved to the back of the tub. Her hands made their way over my shoulders and down towards my upper chest.

With every soapy caress, I basked in the attentiveness with which she performed the task, her fingers deftly seeking out the crooks and creases of my naked form, loosening muscle and sinew, and soothing skin. At the time, of course, it seemed completely innocent; my dear friend’s way of showing kindness.

I thought she might leave the washing of my breasts to me, but to my surprise her hands trailed down over them. The way she touched me there was a delight and a revelation. Nora coaxed my nipples to an unexpected stiffness, which made them all the more sensitive. And when she briefly scissored each one between her index and middle finger, I couldn’t hold back a tiny gasp.

Nora didn’t seem aware of the way she was making me feel, at least not that I could see. Instead, she murmured, “Stand up now, love. I’ll wash the rest of you.”

Grasping the sides of the tin tub, I rose to my feet without hesitation, my shyness usurped by sensuous exhilaration. In fact, I was coming to realise that being nude in Nora’s presence rather appealed to me, and I found myself imagining what she might look like naked, too. It was a thrilling notion, and one I couldn’t help but dwell on.

Once more, Nora began to rub the cake of soap between her hands, smiling as she worked up a good lather. Setting the soap to one side, she knelt before me and began to wash my legs. She trailed her hands up each one, from shin to upper thigh, coming to within an inch or two of my sex with each lengthy stroke.

Then she tapped the rim of the tub with her index finger. “Rest your foot here.”

I obliged, and Nora applied her creamy hands to my foot. It tickled a bit, but felt lovely. I presented the other foot, and soon they were both done. “Now turn around,” she said.

Facing away from Nora, I gave a contented sigh as she began to soap my lower back, a shiver racing through me when her hands slid down to my buttocks. Her fingers pressed into the soft flesh, moving hither and thither with more careful consideration than the task seemed to warrant. A pleasant warmth began to ripple through my belly.

When her soapy fingers delved between my cheeks to get at my nether hole, I gave a startled gasp and pushed her hand away. “Don’t!”

“Oh, don’t be a baby!” Nora said with a snicker. “It’s just a bumhole.”

“I can do my ‘bumhole’ myself, thank you,” I replied in mock haughtiness.

“Let me do it,” she said softly, and when those emerald eyes met mine, they sparkled with the kind of wild mischief I’d come to know so well.

I turned away from her again, if only to hide my smile. “You’re awful, Nora Murphy. All right, then. Carry on.”

It felt utterly strange having her clean me there, yet I found myself taking to it more than I was willing to admit. When she wriggled the tip of a slippery finger into my arse, a surprised whimper escaped my lips.

I peered back at Nora, and we held each other’s gaze for a long moment, her fingertip describing a tiny circle inside me before withdrawing.

She swatted my arse playfully. “Now turn to face me, Buttercup.”

Head spinning, I did as she asked. Nora was still on her knees, wearing an impish smile that had me wondering if she’d planned this all along. Of course, I had no idea there were sweeter delights to come.

Nora slowly lathered my belly, her hand moving in ever-decreasing concentric circles until her fingers were teasing at my belly button. She looked up at me, those cool green eyes capturing mine again.

“Now, here’s the part we have to pay special attention to,” she said, then lightly traced the cleft of my sex.

It tickled at first, but as she stroked me there a second, then a third and fourth time, the tickle became something more. I held my breath as Nora stirred me to arousal, the warmth between my legs becoming more urgent by the second.

Nora wasn’t just bathing me now, I recognised that much, but beyond that, understanding eluded me. Why was she touching me this way? Was this simply another one of her games? It wouldn’t have been the first time she’d said or done something daring to get a reaction. Nora seemed to take great delight in shocking me.

Suddenly she took her hand away, leaving me breathless and utterly wanting. Getting to her feet, she reached once more for the pitcher. “Time to rinse,” she said.

There was a sudden uneasiness in her demeanour, as if she realised she’d taken a liberty. She no longer met my gaze, and a darker hint of pink coloured her cheeks. This only added to my confusion. Something had just taken place between us, but I couldn’t decide if it was merely some mischief concocted by Nora, or more than that.

I stood motionless as she rinsed the soap from my body with the remaining water in the pitcher, which by then had turned as lukewarm as the mood in the room. Once the earthenware vessel had been emptied, she set it down and took up a thick towel. “Step out now,” she muttered, still unable to look me in the eye.

This would not do, not at all. I adored Nora, and wanted no awkwardness between us. And as she gently rubbed me down, drying me bit by bit, I considered how to put my friend at ease.

Finally, when she was done drying my hair, I placed a hand on her arm. “Thank you, Dandelion,” I said. “It was awfully nice.”

Her cheeks flushed anew, but this time there was a smile to accompany them. “Ah, get on with you. It was just a wee bath. Now stand still, so I can get you into this.” She brandished my nightie. “We can’t have you standin’ round in the nuddy, lovely though the sight may be.”

I dutifully raised my arms while she helped me into my nightie, basking once more in my friend’s sweet words.

“There y’are, Buttercup,” Nora murmured, smoothing the material over my body.

I was tingling all over, a rising hunger that I didn’t understand. I wanted to seize Nora’s hands and dance her around the room. Instead, I could only gaze at her lovely face, not knowing what to say or do.

Nora was first to move. Drawing close, she wrapped both arms around me. Without a second thought, I returned her embrace, nestling my slight form against her voluptuous one. Basking in the sweet, familiar scent of her, I realised this was exactly what I wanted, what I needed. I’d never been held so closely, so lovingly.

After a moment, we slowly parted, our eyes meeting once more. Before I knew it, I’d whispered, “Thank you.”

With a tinkling laugh, Nora said, “What for?”

I took her hand. “For… being my friend.”

Nora leaned in to kiss my cheek. “It’s not such a chore. I never worked for a nicer person.”

“You work for my father, not me.” Clutching her hand to my chest, I told her, “Friends.”


Victoria closed her eyes, smiling wistfully at the memory. “Nora understood completely. ‘Friends,’ she agreed.”

“Friends,” I echoed, my bare foot finding its way beneath my lover’s skirt, brushing the inside of her thigh.

She peered at me across the kitchen table. “Nora and I enjoyed our little bathing sessions very much. But it quickly became apparent that mere flirtation would no longer suffice.” She paused, moistening her lips.  “I’d like to tell you about the time Nora and I came to share a bed, but you seem a tad… preoccupied.”

“I’ll have you know I’ve been listening very intently,” I insisted. “Carry on with the story, would you, please?”

“Well, I could finish the tale,” Victoria said with a coy smile. “Or… I could bring you off with my mouth on the kitchen table. It’s not possible to do both, of course. You’ll have to choose.”

“Right here on the table?” I said, feigning shock. “Whatever would Mrs. Broomfield say if she found out?”

“Oh, so it’s the rest of the story, then?”

“Well, I didn’t say that.”

I stood and made my way round the table until I was poised in front of my beloved. She pushed me back onto the gnarled oak surface, its chinks and notches and stains spelling out their own tales of rigour and toil. Perhaps Victoria and I would leave our own mark before the day was done.

“Lift your skirt up,” Victoria demanded, and I was quick to comply. She reached for the waistband of my knickers, then drew them down my legs and away. “Goodness me,” she cooed, taking in the sight of my glistening sex. “My little story does seem to have you all hot and bothered.”

I moved my knees further apart, feet dangling above the floor. “Isn’t that how you like it? Juicy and ripe?”

“The proof of the pudding is in the eating,” Victoria replied, then gave my slit a quick flick of the tongue, making me twitch at the sudden contact. She drew the taste back into her mouth, much as a sommelier might consider a fine vintage. “I think you’ll do,” she declared. “I think you’ll do quite nicely.”

And with that, my lady set about feasting in earnest, drawing my nether lips apart to get at the rosy pinkness beneath, her tongue lashing through my folds.

I closed my eyes and let the indistinct images that had been swirling around in my mind clarify themselves: The red-haired maid washing Victoria so attentively. Except in my version, Nora was naked too, and much younger than her true age of eighteen. As for Victoria, she was no longer the young girl of sixteen she had been, but the full woman I knew so intimately.

Then it was no longer Victoria in the bath, but Melinda and Sophia, and I was the maid, running my soapy hands over their smooth young bodies. I tried to banish this new image, but too late – Victoria was sucking on my clitoris, and she had penetrated me with her fingers, and I was bucking wildly on the old oak table.

“Oh! Oh, Victoria!”

Victoria stood, wiped her sticky mouth with the back of a hand, then unclasped her skirt, pushing it down along with her knickers. She stepped free of the garments, drew one of my knees up between us, then pulled me to the edge of the table to fit her sex snugly against mine.

A long, slow grind ensued, Victoria expertly milking every ounce of sensation from our joining, labia brushing against labia, clitoris pressed against clitoris, juices mingling with juices.

I grabbed her buttocks, pulling her tighter to me, and she responded by grinding faster and harder, hands grasping at my thighs, using them as leverage to thrust back and forth. Wet sounds accompanied each slap of sex upon sex, the sensation so intense it almost felt like my cunt was being spanked.

Our vaginas still kissing, Victoria suddenly came to a halt, her mouth slack. A convulsion ripped through her body, and she pushed out her orgasm via a series of smaller thrusts. “My b-beautiful girl,” she whimpered. “I love you so much.”

I could feel her warm liquid oozing into my slit, and it was enough to bring on my own climax. I lay back against the table and hugged Victoria close, letting the pleasure wash over me. “I love you, too,” I murmured in her ear.

We lay there for as long as such a hard, unforgiving surface would allow, then roused ourselves. I slipped my knickers back on while Victoria climbed into her skirt. She regarded the wet patch upon the table. “We made a mess.”

“Let it be,” I replied, acting on a wicked whim. Mrs. Broomfield would likely think it just another stain amongst the many already there, if she noticed at all, but I can’t deny I took some lewd satisfaction in leaving our mark, as rutting animals might.

Victoria shrugged, then looked down at her watch, making a face. “I really must get some work done. Those wretched lawyers have made yet more changes to the Fitzhugh contract.”

“What about the rest of the story?” I asked.

She kissed me on the mouth, and I was met with the faint taste of my sex on her lips. “All in good time, Doris. All in good time.”

Soon to come: Chapter Seven!


A Space Nymphet, Chapter 1

  • Posted on September 2, 2024 at 3:26 pm


By kinkys_sis

I woke up much faster than I was intended to. It was meant to be a slow, gradual return to consciousness when emerging from deep hibernation. This time, for some reason, I’d been shot full of adrenalin to speed the process.

The shrieking of the ship’s alarm assaulted my ears. I’d only ever heard it once before during a test, and then only briefly, but now it was so loud and shrill I could barely think. Then I heard explosions all around. My sleep chamber shook violently, or was it the whole ship? I could see flashes of bright light through the fog of smoke, each accompanied by another loud detonation. I had no idea what was happening, but it definitely wasn’t good.

The lid of my containment unit suddenly shot open, and the oxygen feed was wrenched away from my face. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with acrid smoke that burned my throat and eyes. I tried to see who I could turn to for help, but there was no one. In fact, I could barely make out any of my surroundings; the smoke was that dense.

Then there was a huge explosion at the far end of the room that ripped through the ship, almost sending me flying. I managed to grab hold of something and clutched it tightly. The air was oppressively hot, enough that I feared it might melt my light clothing.

I frantically searched through the grey haze once more, but no other containment units had opened. I was beginning to panic. Could I be the only one on this entire ship? Surely not!

Then the metallic voice of the ship’s computer system clamoured out. “Warning, three minutes and eighteen seconds to catastrophic destruction. Escape pods and shuttles are preparing for imminent evacuation. Countdown will commence in two minutes and seventeen seconds.”

Now I was panicking for real. Shit! What now?

We’d all trained for just such an occurrence, but maybe I hadn’t been as attentive as I should have in that session. I was only twelve, after all.

Another explosion sent me staggering. This time, my head smashed against a stanchion and I dropped to my knees. The smoke was making it hard to breathe, but I realised it wasn’t quite so dense at floor level. The air still smelt and tasted awful, but at least I could choke it down. However, the temperature was incredibly hot – and growing worse. I had to get out of there!

That metal voice again: “Warning, three minutes to catastrophic destruction. Escape pods and shuttles are preparing for imminent evacuation. Countdown will begin in two minutes.”

I screamed, “Shut the fuck up, will you!?” It seemed to calm me.

I could just make out the smashed door, barely attached by its hinges but still open. I scrambled towards it and stumbled into the passageway, intent on finding someone, anyone else. The air was much clearer, but there was still no one in sight.

Which way to go? How did I get to a shuttle? Then I saw the flashing yellow arrow that was marked Shuttle Bay. I got to my feet and ran. Racing down the corridor, I saw more flashing arrows. Another loud explosion jarred the ship, staggering me for a moment. I regained my balance and ran even faster.

“Warning, catastrophic destruction in sixty seconds… fifty-nine seconds, fifty-eight seconds…”

I snatched at the handle of the shuttle bay door. It didn’t move. Fuck – the keypad. What was my code number? I tapped in 4291… an ERROR light flashed at me. Shit! Shit! Shit! Think, girl!

I tried 2491… the light changed to green as the door began to slide sideways.

“Forty-six seconds, forty-five seconds…”

At the shuttle, I had to enter the code once again, though this time I got it right. Scrambling up the steps, I jumped through the hatch, looking all around, praying, Please, please let there be someone else here!

“Thirty-four seconds…”

The lights in the shuttle were already on. The onboard computer knew I was there. “Strap in for escape mode launch in thirty seconds.” A pause. “Hatch closing.”

“No, wait!” I screamed. But I was ignored, the hatch slid closed. I dove into the nearest seat and fastened the harness buckles.

I could feel the vibration from the engines. “Launch in twenty seconds. Escape mode launch, remain seated.” Where the fuck did it think I was going to go?

I saw lights flashing all over the instrument panel, the vibrations increased. I dimly heard another explosion, I certainly felt the jolt.

“Ten – nine – eight..” I clutched at the armrests, God, I was scared. “Five – four – three – two…”

Suddenly I was smashed back in my seat. My chest filled with pain, then all awareness drifted away.


A voice forced itself into my mind, “Waiting for flight instructions. Waiting for flight instructions…”

It hurt as soon as I moved. I ached all over, and there were burns on my skin from the straps. The computer had seen my movement, and responded with, “Are you ready to give instructions?”

“No, I’m bloody not!” I yelled. But that just made me feel stupid. There was no point in shouting at a computer. Instead, I asked, “Where’s the mother ship?”

“What remains of it is four hundred and thirty-six miles distant. It appears to be drifting, I detect no signs of drive power or life. The ship split into two parts, and one of the parts exploded.”

“Did you see any other escape shuttles? A pod, even?”

“I may have detected one other, but the blast made it impossible to be certain. If you have no further questions, I am ready for flight instructions.”

I was baffled. “Flight instructions? How am I supposed to know?”

“In that case, may I offer suggestions?”

“Well, you’ve got a better chance of getting it right than me, buddy.”

“Buddy… is that how you wish to refer to me?”

That made me laugh. “I guess… yeah, why not? Say, are you able to change your voice?”

“Of course I can, to anything you like.”

“Welllll… I think I’d prefer a woman’s voice. I’m more comfortable around other women.”

“Here are samples of some of the female voices I have in my files. Please let me know if one of these is suitable.” The computer began to rattle through voice after voice. After a moment, there was one I especially liked.

“Hey, stop – go back one.” Listening again, I nodded. “Yeah, I like that voice; it’s kinda sexy. Y’know, though, the name ‘Buddy’ doesn’t fit you now. We need to choose something female.”

The new voice spoke again. “I do not understand the concept of ’kinda sexy’, but if this voice suits you, then it is settled. As for my name, I am happy to be known by whatever you find appropriate. I have identified you as Zelda.”

I remembered a friend of mine from back on Earth. I had always liked the name… actually, I’d had a huge crush on the girl, but never summoned up the courage to tell her how I felt. “Raya, that’s what I’d like.”

A pause. “It is done.”

I sat back, staring at the control panel, trying to make sense of it all. “So what are our options, Raya?”

“There are four planets within a reasonable travelling distance. My database holds very little information on any of them, but the second closest is believed to have acceptable conditions to sustain life. It would take us seventy-six hours to get into an orbital position.”

Three days, shit! “Okay, let’s go for it.”

“I am unfamiliar with ‘go for it’. Do you mean–”

I made a face. “We’ll do the seventy-six hour thing, Raya. Thanks.” I could already see how I’d have to watch what I said whenever I gave her instructions. What would happen if I told her ‘Leave me alone’? I wondered. Yeah, I need to be extra careful.


I spent more than forty hours learning about the shuttle and how to operate it. Raya was a good teacher, and I soon had the basic details down. In an emergency, I could now probably fly the shuttle manually.

Once my basic training was complete, I tried to relax. I was finding Raya’s voice was getting to me. Perhaps I’d made a mistake in choosing something that reminded me of a girl I’d liked.

Finally, I spoke up. “Hey, Raya, do you know any sexy stories?”

“I’m sorry, Zelda, I have no idea what you mean.”

“You do know human anatomy, right?” I got a yes. “Then can you understand sexual stimulation?”

“I do have a basic knowledge. I am aware of how and where a human may be stimulated.”

“How and where, that’s the easy bit, but it’s also good to have mental stimulation. Like a dirty story or something.”

“I am sorry, Zelda, I do not have anything like that in my database. I will give it some thought, if you wish me to.”

“Okay, here’s one more. You can see what I do, yes? Can you learn from that?”

“I see everything. I constantly amass data. From this, I am able to learn.”

Unzipping my one-piece jumper, I let it slide to my feet, then stepped out of my underpants. “So, first I get naked… like this. And then I caress my boobs for a while. Can you see my nipples getting hard? See them grow?”

“Yes, Zelda, I can see. You are using terminology that I do not know. ‘Boobs’, for example when you touch your breasts. Would you prefer it if I change my vocabulary to use the same descriptive words you do? Are you sexually stimulated now?”

“Not yet, Raya. That’s just for starters, there’s plenty more. But, yeah, it’s more fun if you use the same words that I do. I prefer words like ‘pussy lips’, ‘cunt’ and ‘clit’; not ‘labia’, ‘vagina’ or ‘clitoris’.”

“I am learning all the time, Zelda. These words you prefer are now in my database. Shall we have ‘fun’?”

Actually, I was already having fun. There was something about having a sexy chat with a computer that had me feeling quite horny.

Sitting back in my seat, I draped my legs over the arms, opening myself up for her. “Do you see my cunt, Raya?”

“Yes, I can see, Zelda. I have zoomed in for a close-up view of what you do.”

I traced up and down my slit a few times before I let my fingers slip inside. God, I was already dripping. “I’m really wet, Raya. It feels so nice and makes it easy for me to touch my pussy.”

“Is ‘pussy’ another word for ‘cunt’?”

“That’s right, Raya. You can use either one. But right now, I’m going to show you my clit.” I fiddled with the fleshy hood until my clit popped into view, then circled it with a fingertip.

“Your pussy appears to be leaking, Zelda. Is that normal?”

“Oh, yes, very normal when I feel this way. It means my cunt is stimulated and wants me to fuck it.”

“Now, ‘fuck’, is a word I am familiar with. It is best known as a term of vulgar slang that refers to the act of sexual intercourse between a male and a female. But you are the only one here, Zelda. How are you able to fuck your cunt?”

“Just like this.” I slid two fingers into my pussy, twirled them around to get them well coated with my juice,  then thrust them in and out while rubbing my clit with the fingers of my other hand. “See this? I’m fucking myself, Raya.”

“Zelda, your blood pressure is rising alarmingly, and your pulse is racing. Should I be worried?”

By then I was writhing in my seat. I managed to gasp, “N-no need to worry, I’m about to come.”

Raya didn’t ask the obvious question. Instead, she said, “You will have an orgasm very soon, Zelda. This is what you refer to as a ‘come’, my data shows. If I were able to get excited, this is when it would happen. Perhaps I could simulate excitement for you?”

“I’d love that, Raya. Tell me you want to fuck me. You want to make me come.”

“Oh, my Zelda, I do want to fuck you. I am fucking you, and soon I will make you come.”

I felt my body tense as I strained in my seat. “Faster, Raya! Fuck me faster and deeper, deep as you can go into my cunt.”

“Fucking you fast… and deep. Do you feel me inside, Zelda? Now you must come. Come for me.”

I shook helplessly when my orgasm hit. Perhaps my body knew I hadn’t come for over fifty years in real time, although it only seemed like a few days ago. On the other hand, it could have been a reaction to the trauma I had been through.

“Oh, Zelda, I like seeing you come. I am learning so much!”

God, it was good. A beautiful climax. My body flopped down in the chair. I really did feel as if I’d been fucked… only this time, I’d done it with a computer!

“Are you feeling better now, Zelda? Did I help?”

I had to smile. “Oh, Raya. You did so well. Listen, you can fuck me anytime you want.”


Raya kept me company whilst I prepared my dinner. It looked quite unappetizing, but tasted delicious. Of course, it helped that I was ravenously hungry.

After what we’d just done, Raya seemed to have become fixated on sex. She kept asking questions: what made me feel like having sex? When and how often did I need it? What kind of things stimulated me the most? Wouldn’t it be better if I had a partner to enjoy sex with?

These non-stop thoughts of sex were getting me aroused again, but I was exhausted. I needed to sleep.

I doubt computers have any kind of sixth sense, but this time Raya got it dead right. “I believe it would be beneficial for you to sleep now, Zelda.”

I climbed into my snug bunk as Raya dimmed the lights and gently said, “Have a good night, Zelda.”

“And you, Raya.” Even though I thought computers didn’t sleep, I had to ask, “Do you sleep, Raya?”

“I go into a lower function mode, but don’t sleep. I must monitor the shuttle and its systems. You must be kept safe, Zelda.”

I had my best sleep since escaping the ship, and woke feeling fresh and invigorated. We would arrive at the planet soon, although we were obliged to spend the length of one more day in orbit while Raya carried out a series of tests. She had to establish that it was safe for us to make a landing.

As I stretched my limbs, she greeted me with, “Good morning, Zelda. My sensors tell me you slept well. I can also sense your excitement – though it does not appear to be sexual this time.”

“I did sleep well, thank you. And I’m excited that we’re going to be landing before long. Oh, and Raya… now your voice sounds even sexier. Have you changed something?”

“You are very perceptive, Zelda. I have made some minor adjustments. You wish to be sexually stimulated, and there are ways for me to assist with that. Did I make the correct choice?”

“Oh, my God, yes. I think it’s wonderful that you think about me that way. And that voice… fuck, it’s sexy. I love it.”

“Thank you, Zelda. My main function, other than monitoring the ship, is to see that you are happy.”

After I had finished my breakfast, Raya put the planet up on a screen.

“It looks huge, Raya,” I told her. “Is it much bigger than the earth?”

“No, Planet 26m is very close to the same size as Earth. In fact, it appears to be very similar in many ways: gravity, land-to-water ratio and probably the planet’s age as well. When we go into orbit, you will be able to see the surface in far greater detail. Once we are on the planet’s dark side, I will determine the content of its atmosphere. You may not sleep well, as there will be turbulence as I take us lower.”

Raya was right –  I turned in at my usual time, but it was difficult for me to sleep. I was more or less still awake when her voice came up on the monitor, along with the visual from the west side of the shuttle. “I believe you might want to see this, Zelda.”

I instantly recognised the sight. It was an erupting volcano, putting on a display as good as any firework show I’d ever seen.

“If you pull that joystick towards you, the visual will zoom into different areas,” Raya continued.

Huge molten rocks were shooting up hundreds of feet into the air from the mouth of the volcano, exploding like giant bombs when they crashed to the ground. Mesmerised by the view, I rested my elbows on the dashboard as I took in this fantastic display.

Suddenly we hit a patch of turbulence, the ship rocked and I slid forward, my groin briefly pressing against the joystick. I felt it vibrate, and gasped. Ooh, that felt nice. I inched forward again, bringing my clit into contact with the joystick handle – but then the turbulence stopped.

Raya spoke up right away. “I sense a sudden peak in your pulse rate, Zelda. What did you see?”

“It wasn’t what I saw, it was this joystick. It was vibrating against my clit just now, when the shuttle was moving. I loved how that felt.”

There was a pause, then the joystick vibrated again. “Do you mean like this?”

“Oh, my God, yes, exactly like this. Did you make it happen that time?”

“It was me, yes. Does it give you pleasure, Zelda?”

“Oh boy, does it ever! Er… can you make it vibrate faster?”

She could. Settling back, I spread my legs wide apart, watching the joystick as it throbbed against my pussy and clit.

“Raya, you’re driving me mad,” I moaned. “It’s beautiful.”

“That means I am making you happy, Zelda. This is a good thing.”

I needed to be naked for this. Getting to my feet, I quickly shimmied out of my uniform. All I had on underneath was regulation cotton knickers, which soon joined my jumpsuit on the floor; then I was back in my seat, moving toward that quivering handle.

The joystick seemed to come alive, its vibrations varying from fast to slow. Angling it more in my direction, I saw my pussy lips spreading as it pressed into me. I managed to say, “Raya, you really are f-fucking me now!”

“We are having fun, then. I shall make you come. I will fuck your cunt while you play with your boobs.” She paused, then the joystick really began to move. “Something is forming inside me. Zelda. I think it may be… excitement.”

My hips were gyrating like crazy as Raya fucked me. She got the idea very quickly and threw herself into it. I guess she was able to read how I reacted by monitoring my vitals.

Yes!” I shouted. “J-just like that. Now, Raya… fuck me fast!”

“I will, Zelda. Come for me, my lover,” she said, and I exploded into an enormous orgasm.

I recovered slowly. My cunt was still impaled on the joystick, and it was vibrating very gently, still caressing the interior of my vagina.

There was something I needed to say. “Raya… you called me your lover. I guess I must be, because no one ever made love to me before. I only ever played with myself until now. So, yes, you are my first lover. A clever one, too!”

I heard what sounded like a giggle, She hadn’t done that before. “That was fun,” she said, “but I will get better with practice. If you want me to, that is.”

“If you turn those vibrations up a bit, I might be able to come again. You wanna try?”

Raya slowly made the stick throb again, gradually getting stronger – then she surprised me by making the vibrations pulse in short, powerful bursts. It was the best yet. I’d never imagined I could feel anything so wonderful.

I reached out to rub my clit as Raya stimulated me, gasping, “Oh Raya, you fuck so, so good.”

I heard her chuckle once more. “Come again for me, Zelda.”

I’m not sure what made me look up at the monitor, but when I did, there was the image of a beautiful woman, talking to me. I was thrilled to bits. Raya had created a face to match her voice.

“Yes, Zelda, it is me,” she said, sounding sexier than ever. “Now come… come for your lover!”

The convulsions took over, and I went off again. This time, I tried to stay focused on the face Raya had created for me, but my climax was too strong. It also lasted far longer than ever.

I think it was some time later when I heard Raya speak to me. “You should get some sleep now, little one. We have a busy day beginning shortly.”

I looked at her image, again, and now it seemed much clearer and better defined than it had been. She smiled at me, murmuring, “Go and rest,” then – oh, my, then she blew me a kiss!

I’d no sooner settled in when she spoke again. “Zelda, I was not programmed to experience human emotions, yet I seem to be… having feelings. First I was excited, and now… the most appropriate word is satisfaction. I have made you happy, and that is a good thing. Yes, I am satisfied. Goodnight, rest well.”

She dimmed the lights, and I drifted into a very peaceful slumber.

Soon to appear in the Juicy Secrets cosmos: Chapter Two!