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A Space Nymphet, Chapter 2

  • Posted on September 18, 2024 at 3:13 pm

by kinkys_sis

Raya had finished running all of the tests she could from outside the planet’s atmosphere. The data indicated that it appeared to be remarkably Earth-like… in fact, it might be an even healthier world than Earth, though further tests would have to be conducted once we reached the surface. At any rate, Raya concluded that it was safe enough for us to land.

Once again, I was strapped in as we began our descent. It was a much smoother ride than I’d anticipated, as the planet’s atmosphere was far less volatile than that of Earth.

While I’d been sleeping, Raya had analysed various sites on the surface, in search of the best place for our shuttle to make landfall. She finally opted for one that was several thousand miles away from any volcanic activity, near a river that flowed into the sea. There were large areas of open scrub next to what appeared to be dense forest disappearing into the distance.

I heard the hum of machinery when the shuttle deployed its wings. Now we were on a gentle powered glide downward. Raya opened the screens that covered the control room windows. She didn’t need them open to operate the craft, but figured that I would want to see everything. Up until that moment, I hadn’t even thought to ask if they opened.

I saw a glint far away to our left… what could it be? Raya had assured me that she’d seen no signs of civilization, nothing structural at all.

So I spoke up. “Raya, I see something shining. It’s over in the mountains, and it’s not liquid.”

“Yes, I have just picked up faint traces of a power source, coming from that direction. I was certain there was nothing here, but now I am not so sure.”

We banked to the left as Raya took us higher. The speed increased as we headed in the direction I had indicated, approaching a huge mountain. As we drew nearer, I saw the glint several more times.

“That big cliff is artificial,” Raya said, “and it was clearly made by some intelligent race. The flash of light you saw was from a massive doorway; you will see it better when I turn. I sense there is a shield in place, but haven’t yet been able to ascertain where it begins. This is the power source I detected.”

The shuttle had slowed until we were barely moving, but the lights on the ship’s control panels were flashing at a breakneck pace. Raya was clearly working hard.

“I am receiving a signal, but I do not yet recognise the language. I am working to translate it, but it does appear to be a warning of some kind. I am going to land the shuttle on that flat area to the right. Do you concur?”

“Just do whatever you think best, Raya. I trust you to make the right call.”

The shuttle settled lower. “Please remain strapped in, Zelda. I detect that weapons have been deployed and are currently pointed at us, so it may be necessary to make an emergency departure. In the meantime, our defence systems and weapons are fully activated.”

That surprised me. I’d assumed the shuttle was only an escape or exploratory craft, but it had offensive capabilities as well.

After a moment, Raya spoke. “I have translated the message. It is asking us to identify ourselves, and has warned us not to come any closer. It is a strange tongue, not related to any language in my database. The message appears to be computer-generated. I will ask to speak to someone in authority.”

The lights continued to flash until suddenly, a machine-voice came over the speaker system. Raya was relaying a translation to me. “You are ordered to stand down your weapons. Failure to do so will result in your elimination. You must comply immediately.”

Raya said, “I will try to convince that machine that we are not a threat. They are attempting to probe my systems, but I am able to block them.”

As Raya finished speaking, there was a brief flare. The defence screen Raya had raised glimmered; they had just fired on us. I felt a small vibration, but nothing more. They had failed to penetrate our force field.

“That was an unnecessary attack, and it was also futile. We mean you no harm. We are not here in any offensive capacity,” Raya transmitted.

Again our screen flared, several times over, but it held firm. We remained unharmed.

“I recommend that we take out that weapon, but nothing more just yet,” Raya said. A moment’s silence, then she added, “I need permission to take any form of aggressive action, Zelda.”

That caught me off guard. “Oh, um, yes. Go ahead, Raya. Teach them a lesson.”

“Disabling their force field… about to fire.” Raya intoned.

I saw a brief shimmer that covered the whole front of the cliff. Then the shuttle shook slightly, I saw a section of the cliff collapse. Our screen flared once more, another weapon had fired at us. Raya returned fire and a different section of the cliff exploded.

I held my breath and waited. Nothing else happened for a few moments. Until lights began to blink again, and the computer-like voice spoke. “We will not fire again. Identify your intentions. Why are you here?”

There followed a series of interchanges. Raya pointed out how easy it had been to take down their force field and counter their weapons. Then she explained how we came to be there and where we were from.

It transpired that there was no one in charge, and it really was a computer that was speaking with us, the only remaining guardian of this outpost. Their time reference was different from ours, but by our calculations, it had been aeons since there were living beings at the facility.

Identifying itself as Rotan, the computer then spoke to me. “Zelda, you are the sentient being on your vessel. Please converse with me, so that I may better understand. I have no experience in dealing with a situation like this one. There are life forms on this planet, but they do not come anywhere near here and cannot be seen as a threat. I am not programmed for a situation such as this, and have no guidelines for what to do next.”

What could I say? I really had no idea. But I knew I had to lend what assistance I could. “Rotan, I am a child, not a grown being. Do you understand? I am, as Raya says, the only survivor from my ship. We were not travelling here but to another world far away. Our being here now is more of an accident than anything.”

I paused to think, and an idea began to take shape. “From what you say, the civilisation that built you is long gone, and you now have no reason to exist. Perhaps I can give you a purpose once more?”

Raya interrupted. “Zelda speaks great sense, Rotan. I suggest you consider what she says.”

Rotan told us again how difficult this was for him. He needed time to assimilate his thoughts. Finally he said, “Give me one revolution of this planet’s sun to consider what you have said. I will give you an answer then.”


Raya had been carrying out further atmospheric tests while all this was going on. It still amazed me how she was able to perform so many unrelated tasks at the same time.

“The air of this planet is ideal for humans, Zelda. Furthermore, I cannot detect any pathogens that might prove to be harmful to you. I am able to detect a few small lifeforms, but so far, nothing of significance. This place seems to be ideal for our purpose. If you wish to descend to the surface, I will be ready to open the hatchway in two hours.”

Shit – two hours! By then, I was impatient to explore this new world. Still, I couldn’t fault Raya for being cautious. I’d find some way to pass the time.

For a while, I used the viewer to take in our surroundings. The forest edge was about a mile away, somewhat downhill from where we’d landed. I could see sunlight sparkling on the waters of a distant sea. A small river cut through the valley, no doubt ending at the sea’s edge. After a few minutes, I’d seen all there was to see from my vantage point.

Raya must have sensed my boredom, because all of a sudden the screen flashed up and there she was, giving me a warm smile. “Hi, Zelda. We have another hour to fill before the hatchway opens. Might I interest you in some ‘fun’?” The viewer joystick vibrated in my hand.

For a moment, all I could do was stare. Raya looked even sexier than she had the day before. Clearly, she’d been busy in more ways than I thought. I watched in awe as she stripped her clothes off, her movements slow and sensual. Wow, it was so erotic. She was doing her best to arouse me, and was it ever working!

Once she was naked, Raya folded her arms as she studied me. “Are you not going to undress for me, Zelda? I like to look at your young body. It makes me feel good inside. Would you like to see my pussy? I want to show you.”

My jaw dropped. Raya had gone from her usual kind self to being intensely sexual. I wondered where she’d looked in her database to learn how to move like that. Taking off my own clothes, I noticed that her pussy was a mirror image of my own. I guess mine was what she was most familiar with.

The joystick buzzed, reminding me it was there. Now naked, I pulled it between my thighs as I saw Raya’s fingers spread her pussy lips apart. She held them open, then began to rub her clit. My toy gave me an urgent summons.

“Put me to your clit, Zelda,” Raya said. “Let me love you.”

I took up the same position as last time, fully exposing myself to her. The view screen split into two halves – one of Raya, the other a tight close-up on my pussy. My bumhole was on display as well.

I pressed the joystick to me. Raya gave a joyous laugh as I squirmed against it, then she set it to vibrating even faster. It felt marvellous. I was incredibly wet in no time, so much that the joystick and my fingers were dripping with it.

On the screen, Raya was rubbing her clit between two fingers, her body hunched forward, knees bent. She never took her eyes from me. I saw naked desire in her expression, like she wanted me more than anything in the universe. That’s when I knew Raya had become much more than the shuttle computer – now, she was my lover.

I felt a tickly sensation at my arse and realised my juices were seeping down into the crack of my bum. The tickling was something new, but it felt lovely, so I raised my hips so the vibrating stick would touch me even lower down.

Oh, my fuck! The throbbing against my arsehole had my entire body tingling. I never knew that part of my body could give me such pleasure, but I guess Raya did. I began to rub my clit while she continued to tickle my arse.

“I have just learned something, Zelda. You get great pleasure when I stimulate your anus.” The vibrations went up another notch.

“Oooohh! Is that the name for it? I call it my arsehole… and fuck yes, it feels good. Er… Raya, can you turn round and show me yours?”

Her image paused for a few seconds. I realised Raya hadn’t configured this situation, but I figured she  was working on it. After a moment, she came out of pause mode, turned away from me and bent forward at the waist. Her arsehole came into view. I wondered if it was a copy of mine.

Then she reached around to spread her cheeks wide for me. “There you are, Zelda. Is this what you want?”

This whole thing was completely new to me, but hey, it was as sexy as fuck. “Play with your arse for me, Raya. Let me see you touch it.”

I watched Raya’s fingers circle around her tight little bumhole, pressing the joystick against my own bits. By then, the vibrations were going mad. I could feel them deep inside, pulsing all the way through to my clit.

Raya spoke up. “May I fuck your cunt now, Zelda? I want to get inside you. I want to make you come.”

Gently prising my labia open, I pushed the bulbous head of the joystick into the opening. My hips surged forwards, taking it inch by inch until it completely filled my cunt. I stared at the screen, enthralled by the sight. She’s fucking me, I told myself. Raya is my lover, and she’s fucking me. On one half of the screen, she’d zoomed in on my image, so close that I could see my pussy lips vibrate.

The other half of the screen was Raya’s image. I looked over at her, she smiled at me. A finger beckoned, and she spun around again, zooming in on her arse. Once more, she pressed the tip of a finger against her arsehole… then I gasped in astonishment when Raya wriggled it deep into her bum.

I never thought of doing that before, I told myself. How did she get the idea? Raya was obviously poring through her database – learning everything she could about sex, then showing it to me.

My orgasm was fast approaching. It was going to be massive, I could tell. “D-does that feel good, Raya, fucking your arse?” I managed to gasp.

Raya’s half of the screen switched back to her smiling face. “Why don’t you try it?” she said. “Then you’ll know for yourself.” The shot returned to her arse, and I spent a moment watching her finger moving in and out of that tight hole.

The way I was seated, it was a bit of a struggle to get a finger between my bum cheeks, but somehow I managed. I found my anus was all slippery and wet, probably from the juices I’d leaked. Anyway, it only needed a hint of pressure before that finger slid into my arse.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I got this quivery sensation in my tummy that made my head swim. Of course, the sheer naughtiness of what I was doing made it all the more exciting  – and better!

I was fucking my arsehole with one hand and working the joystick around in my pussy with the other, seeing it up close on the left side of the terminal screen. And there was Raya on the right side, putting on this incredible sex show for me.

By then, she was adept at reading my body language. “It is time, my little lover,” she murmured in that sexy voice she’d learned for moments like this. “Come for me. Come for your Raya.”

The joystick was vibrating harder than ever, and I’d managed to get most of its length into my pussy. Its powerful buzzing had me trembling from head to toe. Oh, God, so close…!

On Raya’s half of the computer screen, she’d turned back to face me, openly stroking her bare slit. “Oh, Zelda, I’m coming now… watch me come for you!”

I couldn’t believe it – she was coming! The look on her face was one of pure joy as she fucked herself, little jolts of pleasure shaking her slender frame. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her, even when my own orgasm raged through me. I finally had to shout for her to stop.

The buzzing of the joystick was instantly reduced to a tiny pulse. Slowly dismounting the device, I slumped back in my seat, utterly drained. No question, it was the most intense climax I’d ever had.

Raya cooed, “My beautiful lover. You came so well for me.” She paused for a moment, then continued, “I now have the strangest feelings, Zelda. I could detect your pleasure, and also my own. In addition, there is a sense of what I can only refer to as… happiness. For one brief moment, I seemed to be experiencing a genuine orgasm. I have consulted my database, and can find nothing to account for this phenomenon. How can such a thing be possible?”

I gazed at her image. “I think… I think you’re falling in love with me, Raya. Don’t ask me how, because I haven’t a clue. But it’s there in your eyes, and I can hear it when you speak to me.” Reaching out to touch the screen, I whispered, “I love you, too.”

Suddenly Rotan’s voice broke in, startling me so badly that I nearly fell out of my seat.  “I have monitored the waves coming from your craft,” he said. “There is only goodness, with no cause for concern. I have decided to trust your intentions.”

“Thank you, Rotan,” I said. “Does this mean we’re allowed to leave the shuttle?”

“Affirmative. I am preparing the facility before opening the gateway for you to enter. When you do, I must ask that you touch nothing, at least for now. It might be dangerous,”

Leaping from my seat, I did a little victory dance. “Yay, Raya! We’re going in.”


Raya didn’t waste time while we waited. I used the viewer to watch the drone she sent out. It swooped down several times to collect samples of water and various portions of the wild fauna. When the drone disappeared over the forest, Raya switched my visual to the onboard camera.

Now I saw a wilderness of giant trees. It was said they had existed on Earth in the past, but I had never seen the like. A few flying creatures were about, but these could not be clearly seen through the dense canopy. We had no idea what might exist below. Only once, as the drone returned to us through the grasslands, did I catch the movement of something large at the very edge of the forest. Raya had also seen it, but by the time she brought the drone in for a closer look, it was gone.

Raya ran her tests, then announced “The water is very pure, Zelda; you will not go thirsty. Try a taste. It will almost certainly be the first fresh water you ever had.”

She filled a beaker for me, and I took a cautious sip. My God, it was amazing. Pure water, crisp and clear, that hadn’t been recycled a million times.

I’d just drunk down the last of it when Raya announced, “The gateway is moving, Zelda.”

I watched it separate into two halves that slid slowly aside. The interior was brightly lit, but from our position, we were unable to see inside.

I assumed we would be exiting the shuttle and walking to the gate, but Rotan told us, “Raya, there is ample room for you to bring your vessel inside. You will enter a large hangar.”

Raya began a cautious approach. There wasn’t a great amount of wind, but there could be updrafts closer into the cliff face that might throw us off course. At any rate, our craft drifted in without any issues.

I gasped upon entering, my senses reeling at the sight. The place was enormous. There were a number of strange-looking craft lined along one side that appeared to be attack planes of some sort. Various vehicles of many different sizes could also be seen.

We settled lower, Raya turned the shuttle around to face the entrance before she touched down, then cut the drive.

Rotan spoke. “Welcome, Raya and Zelda. I must close the gateway, but it will be opened any time you wish.”

Our hatch opened and a ramp slid to the floor. “You may exit, Zelda,” Raya said. “I will be watching.”

I descended the ramp until my feet touched solid ground for the first time in years. The enormity of the occasion and the vast scope of my surroundings nearly overwhelmed me. I felt dizzy and almost fell.

“Zelda, breathe deeply but slowly, and focus on the floor for now. Let yourself adjust gradually. You will be fine.” It was Raya’s voice more than anything else that calmed me.

I heard the whir of a motor, then a small vehicle drifted towards me driven by a person… or so I thought. It slowed to a stop in front of me, and the driver spoke with Rotan’s voice. “Please climb on board and strap yourself in.” Of course, Rotan had our language programmed in his database by then.

The driver wasn’t a person, but what I would call an android, although it looked remarkably humanoid in a strange way. Its face was tall and thin with very strongly defined features, more unusual than unpleasant.

I made sure the view-cam strapped to my head was secure, then clambered on board. The vehicle rocked very slightly as it adjusted to my weight.

“I will take you to the Command Centre. It is the best place for us to converse. It will not take long to get there. Please let me know if we move too fast for you.”

Fast? Shit! We flew through passageways. Quite literally, for this thing had no wheels. Still, the driver seemed to be in complete control, so the speed never bothered me. We went up several levels by steep ramps, once in an elevator. I hoped it wouldn’t be necessary for me to find my own way out, because I would have been utterly lost.

Finally, a door opened ahead of us. I would have known it was a control centre without being told. There were banks on banks of screens, desks and chairs filling the space. These things were different from how I remembered them, clearly designed for the beings who had occupied this place.

I noticed several androids moving about. The android that had driven me there said, “They are waking up the systems and ensuring that our equipment is still in working order.”

“Where is Rotan?” I asked. “That’s who I was speaking to before.”

“I will be Rotan for you. This way, you have an entity to speak to instead of a disembodied voice. Your Raya is in communication with me at all times, and we are sharing data about our two races. I have established to our satisfaction that you are friendly, so you may ask me whatever you like. There is no need for us to conceal anything.”

I had a million questions, but struggled to ask even one. It was all too much for me to take in. Luckily, Raya recognized my dilemma. “Zelda, do not worry. I will learn what is important for now. All you need do is be curious, as a child should be.”

Rotan spoke again. “Soon, I will have a surprise for you both. I think you will be pleased. Until then, I will show you how to use this desk to take a tour of the planet.” Moving over to one of the desks, he flipped a switch, and a hologram appeared above.

I lost track of time, completely absorbed in what I saw. This world had eight distinct continents. There were also two large polar ice caps, like the ones we had on Earth thousands of years ago, before the yellow star Sol melted them away. Except for the whiteness of the ice and snow and the blue of the seas, everywhere else was green. I knew now that I’d been extraordinarily lucky to have landed on this planet.

And yet… I was alone. No, not quite, I had Raya, but she was still a machine, however hard she tried to be more than that.

I turned away from the screen, tears filling my eyes. I may well have stumbled on paradise, but what good was it if there was no one real to share it with me?

I felt a hand gently lift my chin. Raya was standing before me.

My knees went weak and I felt myself falling. Strong arms took hold of me and pulled me close. She whispered in my ear, “Zelda, it is me. Relax, let me hold you.”

When I had recovered, I touched her face. “How? It’s not possible, you can’t be here.”

“But here I am. Rotan’s people were experts in their work with artificial beings. I am as near to human as is possible without actually being flesh and blood. Rotan has been analysing you since we arrived. I gave Rotan full access to the knowledge I have built up about you.”

Struggling to take it all in, I pulled Raya close once more and I simply clung to her while I cried.

Rotan hesitantly approached us. “Perhaps it is best if you take Zelda back to your craft. Or if you wish it, we also have accommodation you may use. She has had enough today for one so young.”

“Zelda?” Raya asked me.

“I want to go back to the shuttle.”

I was surprised yet again when I felt the warmth from Raya’s hand when she took hold of mine. I still couldn’t quite believe this was happening. But there she was. So real… so very real.


Back on board, I realised I was ravenously hungry. After all, it had been hours since I had last eaten. As I went to the rations cupboard, Raya stopped me. “Will you let me prepare your meal? I am happy to have this opportunity to do things for you.”

I watched as she assembled the ingredients for a pot of soup. Now I had a proper chance to see how beautiful she was. Watching the graceful way she moved, there didn’t seem to be anything artificial about her.

Suddenly I didn’t feel quite as hungry. “Raya, leave that a minute. Will you come here?”

She turned to face me, and I knew right away that she’d been waiting for this moment. It’s also when I got my first indication that Raya was not genuinely human: the eyes were different. Perhaps it was the manufactured lenses.

Whatever it was, it didn’t matter – and I didn’t care. Raya was no longer an image on a screen, but something physical. She was warm, soft, incredibly lovely… and I wanted her so badly it made me ache inside.

We drifted together, our mouths met, I experienced my first lover’s kiss. It was amazing, and I immediately wanted more. I was eager to explore every imaginable pleasure with Raya, but at that moment, just kissing her was enough.

Finally, I drew away, giving her an adoring smile. “Raya, you can make love to me now, I mean, properly make love to me. You can touch me. We can learn together.”

“I would like that very much, Zelda,” she replied, then began to undo the clasps on my jumpsuit.

Soon I was standing naked before her. “Now you,” I said.

Nude, she was utterly flawless. Every detail was as I remembered from the images she’d created on the computer screen. Taking her hand, I said, “Take me to bed, Raya. I want to love you.”

She lay down alongside me in my cot. It was a snug fit, but that only brought us closer. I felt her warmth as our bodies nestled together, and had to kiss her again.

Exploring Raya’s body was a revelation, especially since I’d never had the chance to make love before. I was astonished, yet overjoyed when her nipples responded to my teasing fingers, swelling visibly. She slipped a hand between my thighs, her fingers gentle as she fondled me.

I yearned to feel her inside, and then she was carefully sliding a finger into my vagina. I braced myself for pain, but there was none. Only pleasure. With a happy sigh, I embraced the moment.

When Raya found my clit, she touched it in a way I’d never felt before, and I gasped in astonishment. Her lips found mine, and she kissed me with unbridled passion, her tongue probing my mouth. I could feel my orgasm approaching, a spot of warmth that rapidly mounted into a raging fire.

Needing to breathe, I broke our kiss, and Raya began to nibble my ear. “Zelda,” she whispered. Then I was coming. She held me tightly as my body went out of control. I shook, I convulsed, I screamed, “Raya, fuck me!” And she did, working her finger in and out of my cunt until I saw stars.

It was the best orgasm I’d ever had. All I could do for a few minutes was lie motionless while my lover held me. Eventually, I was able to sit up and say, “It’s my turn to make love to you, Raya. But first, just lie there for me, okay? I want to look at your gorgeous body.”

Of course, it wasn’t long before I had to do more than look. I began to touch her all over as she watched me. Using two fingers, I eased her pussy lips apart, amazed at what I saw. “Raya, you… you’re wet. How can that be?” I dipped a finger inside her, then observed how it glistened. I held it to my nose and sniffed. It smelled just like I did! Raya’s body had reacted exactly the same as mine did when she touched me.

I hadn’t the faintest idea why, but I bent and kissed her clit. Her hands came down to caress my head as I kissed it a few more times, then took the tiny nubbin between my lips. I could feel Raya’s hips move as I began to suck.

I learned as I went – when to suck, when to lick or tease with my tongue. Raya began to moan, so I must have been doing something right.

Then she was coming, really coming. I kept going, working on her cunt until she gasped, “Please stop, Zelda. I think I am about to shut down.”

I stretched out next to Raya, taking her in my arms. When she opened her eyes, her expression was one of surprise. “Now I am beginning to understand what you feel, Zelda,” she said. “Rotan has done more than give me a body… he has also enhanced my physical senses. But more, he has given me the ability to experience feelings; emotions. Perhaps not to the degree that you do, but nonetheless, I experience something well beyond what my programming can comprehend. And I feel… happy!”

“That’s wonderful, Raya,” I told her.

“But there is more,” she continued, her eyes capturing mine. “I now truly understand what it means to feel love. That is also an emotion I am feeling now.” She drew closer, until our noses were nearly touching. “I am in love with you, Zelda.”

No one had ever spoken those words to me. “I… I love you, Raya!” I blurted, then began to cry.

She spoke not a word… just took me in her arms, holding me as I sobbed my heart out. After a few minutes my tears were all shed, and I was content to lie in my lover’s embrace. Somehow, I fell asleep.


Later, I ate my meal while Raya was occupied carrying out tests on herself, trying to determine the extent of her new range of emotions. After a while, she returned to sit with me.

“What have you discovered?” I asked.

She nodded. “Quite a bit, actually. Rotan’s people must have been extremely advanced in some areas of technology, yet backwards in others. Their defences were very weak and easy for me to overcome. Perhaps this was an era of peace, and they simply didn’t need anything more.

“One thing I have yet to determine is what happened to the people of this world. There is no information in his database – it seems to have been wiped. They must have abandoned the planet, like the people of Earth, but where did they go from here? We may never know.”

I understood everything she said, but wasn’t too concerned with what we did or didn’t know. There was a big beautiful world stretched out before us, and I wanted to see more of it. “So what happens now?” I asked Raya. “Should we remain here, or go out and explore?”

Raya smiled. “I believe I know what your choice would be.”

“Well, yes. I’d love to get a better look at this world. I keep wondering about that forest, for one thing. We did see something moving at the woods’ edge. Maybe Rotan has some idea of what we might meet there?”

Raya went quiet for a moment. I knew she was receiving data from Rotan. A moment later, she said, “He has informed me that there are forms of intelligent life here. They are small in numbers, and seldom come anywhere near here. I agree with you – we should explore the planet’s surface. Let me inform Rotan of our decision.”

This time Raya relayed the message out loud, so I could hear too. She let Rotan know we would be away for a while, then asked if we might be allowed to return later.

Rotan spoke. “This facility is here for Zelda to use. Her presence on our world has given us a purpose again. Please stay in touch, Raya, and take care of our little one.”

I turned to Raya, still feeling giddy with excitement. “We set out first thing in the morning.”

On to Chapter Three!