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  • Posted on October 31, 2024 at 3:34 pm

by Jacqueline Jillinghoff

Original illustrations by Bruno Traven

The girl stood in the rain, not ten feet from me. Her face and arms were raised to heaven. Her eyes were closed, her wide mouth drawn back in a self-satisfied grin.

Watching from behind the latticed classroom window, I envied her joy but was appalled at her recklessness. Sure, it was fun to walk through a downpour on school grounds. It was madness to do it naked.

She was beautiful, though, even if she was crazy. Her body was compact and athletic, with short, muscular legs and round tits that would have fit neatly in the palm of my hand. The spattering raindrops raised the nipples to sharp brown points, then rolled down her stomach to be soaked up by the sponge-like spot of hair below.

Her china-doll skin had just one disturbing blemish – a chain of green and purple bruises across her throat. The sisters never tired of telling us that every baby, pure as it might seem, is born with the stain of original sin on its soul. This girl could have been the avatar of that cruel doctrine.

I didn’t recognize her. I was new to Calvary Academy, and I didn’t know the girls in the upper classes. She had the same round face as me, the same short, dark hair and thick brows. (I’d always hated mine, but on her, they seemed proud and expressive.) We could have been sisters, which made it all the more puzzling I didn’t know her. You’d think somebody would have pointed out the resemblance.

But why was she nude? I could guess, certainly. Tearing off her uniform was an act of defiance in the oppressive atmosphere at Calvary, a sprawling, faux-Tudor monastery in the mountains of central Pennsylvania where, every morning, we prayed to the plaster Jesus crucified over the blackboard. The classrooms were dark with oak beams and mahogany desks and smelled perpetually of oil soap. The only bright colors I remember belonged to the Savior on the cross, whose wounds were dabbed with scarlet, and the little flags mounted in the corners to either side of Him – on the left, the red, white, and blue of the greatest country in the world; on the right, the yellow and white of the one true faith.

So, to stand outside in the nude, exposed to the elements on a warm November day – I could only imagine how liberating that felt. But why? Why take the risk? If the nuns saw her, they’d kick her out of school. If the girls did, they’d never let her live it down.

I pounded on the glass. “Hey!” I called. “Stop that! Hey! Get inside!” She must have heard me, but it made no difference. If anything, she sank further into herself, hugging her shoulders, then massaging the rainwater into her boobs, and finally, reaching down to touch herself there.

I tried to open the window. The latch came up, but the casement wouldn’t budge. It was swollen shut. I pounded one last time. “Hey! Hey!”

“Who are you yelling at?”

“Nobody!” I spun around, and the word was out of my mouth before I realized how ridiculous it sounded.

“It doesn’t sound like nobody to me,” said Sister Margaret Paul. She stepped calmly through the doorway and across the room.

Sister Margaret was the youngest member of the faculty, and the most sweet-tempered. She overlooked a lot of silliness and misbehavior, but even she would have to report an act of public nudity. The girl outside was dead.

Sister brushed past me and looked out the window, first to one side, then to the other. Her expression didn’t change.

“Well, you weren’t lying,” she said. “There’s no one out there.”

I turned to the window again. The quad was empty. Somehow, the naked girl had managed to duck into the cloisters that enclosed it on three sides. But it was a long run in any direction. To disappear so fast, she must’ve run like the wind.

“She was standing right there,” I said.

“Who was?”

“A girl. She didn’t have any … raincoat on. I was worried she’d catch cold.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure,” I insisted, more to prove I wasn’t hallucinating than to get the girl in trouble. “Right there –”

“That’s the Blessed Mother,” Sister said.

I felt like a fool. In the spot where the girl had been standing was the old porcelain statue of Mary, blessing a birdbath with outstretched arms. She hardly looked human anymore. Years of exposure had worn her face to a ghostly blur.

“Are you all right?” Sister Margaret asked.

“I’m fine.”

“You’re shaking,” she said. “Come here.”

She took my hand, gently, and drew me into her arms. It was a soft, comforting gesture, but it only dredged up the sense of isolation I’d been trying to keep buried. I was so lonely I could have cried. I would have, too, if Sister hadn’t spoken first.

“I know it’s hard at a new school,” she said. “Especially being away from home. It’s my first year here, too.”

“Didn’t you go here?” I asked.

“I meant my first year as a teacher. It’s strange. I was taught by most of the other sisters here, and I still can’t think of myself as their equal. I always get the feeling they’re judging me.”

I raised my head and looked at her closely. She had a thin face, light blue eyes and clear, pale skin that seemed to glow in the dull light from the windows. In those days, the church reforms were just getting into gear, and sisters’ habits were no longer the mobile prisons they’d been when I was small. The midi-skirt revealed a bit of leg, the pleated front accented the swell of her bosom, and the veil provided a glimpse of hair above the ears.

Sister Margaret was a straw-blonde. I’d always thought she was pretty, but now she seemed beautiful. Maybe it was the way the light fell, or maybe her open, sympathetic gaze.

She smiled when she caught me staring.

“So we’re in the same boat,” she said. She kissed me, chastely, on the forehead. “Feel better?”

“Yes, Sister.”

“You can call me Margaret when we’re alone.”

“I like Sister better,” I said. “It makes me feel … I don’t know …”


“Yes, Sister.”


“Yes, Sister.”

She kissed me again, unchastely, on the mouth. The soft touch, barely perceptible, froze me to the spot. My neck and shoulders stiffened, as they might if I were lying beneath a dentist’s drill. At the same time, how I wanted it! And the awareness I had always wanted it, or something like it — her attention, her affection, any comfort she had to give — came over me in a flash. She must have known long before I did, sensed it from the beginning. But when she pulled back, scanning my face for consent, all she saw was bewilderment and maybe a glimmer of hope. I was a child. What answer could I give to such a frank admission of desire?  

Still, I hadn’t objected. That was all the encouragement she needed.  

Her next kiss broke through my senses entirely. I gave myself over to it, pressing against her as her tongue slipped through my open lips. Her hand went up the back of my thigh, through the leg-hole of my panties, and took a firm hold of my ass.  

I tipped my head back, offering myself. Sister feasted on my neck, licking and gnawing from the collar to the jawbone. The shock of pleasure took my breath away, and soon another unfamiliar sensation, warm and liquid, seeped into the one place it was a sin even to think about.  

I had only the vaguest notions about kissing and touching, and none at all about the love that was possible between a woman and a girl. Sister’s mouth and fingers sparked the first glimmer of understanding. I wanted to know more. To know everything.

“Yes, there, oh!” I said, trying to sound grown up.

She circled my ear with her tongue, raising gooseflesh down to my waist, but after a few delirious moments, she got hold of herself. She let go of my ass, stepped back, straightened my blazer.

“We should get to the hall before we’re missed,” she said.

“Not yet.” I jammed my lips on hers and rolled my tongue into her mouth.

Other girls talked about kissing boys like this, but I couldn’t imagine it would ever be so good with a boy. Sister was stunned, I think, at my eagerness, but my feelings were suddenly fuller and more urgent than the little schoolgirl crush I’d been dragging around like a toy duck on a string.

I was thinking about the girl on the quad, how free and fearless she was, and how much I wanted to be like her for Sister Margaret, when the wind kicked up outside. Three violent gusts battered the windows, and suddenly, a cold spray stung my face. Sister and I sprang apart.

The casement I’d been pulling on had blown open on its own. The rain was pouring in.

“Well!” Sister said lightly. “Someone evidently disapproves.”

She handed me a tissue from her sleeve and, while I wiped off, went to shut the window.

“Oh no,” she said.



I came and stood behind her. Outside, on the grass, the Blessed Virgin lay broken into pieces.

After fifty years, I remember every moment of joy and terror that followed those first kisses.

It began with a dream. I was standing in a church, wearing nothing but my blue blazer and knee socks. I clutched at the lapels, pulled the hem down, trying to cover my nakedness and thinking, they can’t see me like this, but the vent in the back wouldn’t close, and I could feel a cold draft on my butt.

Then I was standing at the altar. Sister was next to me in a silver wedding gown. The naked girl was in front of us, except she wasn’t naked. She was wearing a golden chasuble and a glittery silver stole. I thought she looked pregnant under the vestments, and the bruises on her neck were black and knotted.

I asked, “Can a girl be a priest?” She only made the sign of the cross, blessing Sister and me.

Sister kissed my neck, the way she had in the classroom. The girl-priest took my jacket off and held it up in front of a crowd that suddenly filled the pews. “Holy family,” she said. I remembered the verse, For my garments they cast lots, and I thought, I’m the sacrifice.

Sister began to massage my breasts while somebody, somewhere, repeated I will never betray you. My heart was racing, and it went on racing when I opened my eyes and felt the presence on top of me.

Before I could make a sound, a hand was clamped over my mouth.

“Shh,” a voice said. “It’s only me. Shh.”

I could hear my heartbeat now, and it nearly drowned out the inner voice telling me I was in the dorm, in my bed, and the shadow above me belonged to Sister Margaret. When I was sufficiently calm, Sister took her hand away and kissed me for real. I didn’t object. I didn’t question. I merely returned the kiss, willingly, as she rubbed my body through my nightgown.

“Darling, I couldn’t stay away,” she whispered after a while. “I wanted you so badly. Don’t be afraid.”

“I’m not,” I said.

“I want to suck your tits and lick your asshole and eat your baby pussy. God, I want to make you come so fucking hard …”

She murmured her obscenities directly into my ear. I’d never heard anyone talk such filth, let alone a quiet young nun charged with my Christian upbringing.

“You’re so bad!” I said.

“And I’ll never betray you.”

Those words froze my blood, but Sister went on kissing and touching me until I’d half-forgotten them. In the dim light from the window, I saw a kerchief on her head – a sleep substitute for her veil, I guessed – and her shoulders felt smooth and solid through a thin cotton robe. The kerchief stayed in place, but the robe quickly disappeared. I ran my hands greedily down her bare back and over the smooth, full globes of her ass. My heart was racing again, but no longer with fear.

Sister reached under my gown. What she found amused her no end.

“Wearing panties to bed?” she teased me. “You’re such a baby.” With a chuckle she pulled them down and off. A moment later, she’d hiked up my gown. A sudden, clammy wind blew across my bare breasts, even though the window was closed. I crossed my arms over them.

“No, don’t be shy,” Sister said, pulling at my wrists. She worked my gown out from under my back and over my face, cast it away, then pulled the covers over us and took me in her arms.

“God has given us no greater gift than our own bodies,” she said. “One flesh. Can you feel it?”


“Touch my breasts.”

We kissed, long and deeply, as our hands roved. The warm, liquid feeling returned. I threw a leg over hers, clamping myself on her thigh.

“Oh, is that what you want?” Sister said. She rolled me away and plunged two fingers into my cunt.

“Little whore,” she said. “Your pussy’s so wet. You want me to fuck your little pussy? Hm? Is that what you want?”

I grunted in response.

“What was that? Tell me. Beg me to fuck your little pussy.”

But with her fingers pumping my cunt, and her foul words pouring into my ear, all I could manage was a spluttering eff sound.

“You like it when I fuck your pussy? Does it feel good?” Sister said. “Come for me. Let me hear you come.”

She stretched my nipple between her lips, then drew my breast fully into her mouth, and that sent me over. It was a true baptism – my initiation into the love of women and the power of orgasm. A flood of grace burst from heaven, filling my heart and leaving an indelible imprint on my soul.

The image of the naked girl in the rain flashed through my mind. At that moment, Sister stilled her hand.

“What was that?” she said.

“Aw, don’t stop!”


I heard it then – a girl’s tittering laugh, followed by an explosion of footsteps that raced past my bedroom door.

“Who’s running around at this hour?” Sister said.

I expected a commotion. The sisters slept downstairs. I was sure Mother Adalbert would hear the noise and launch a raid, dragging us all into the corridor and demanding we give up the culprit.

If that happened, we both knew, we were ruined. Sister would be discovered in my room, in the middle of the night, for no reason we could explain. We lay there on edge, our eyes on the door, Sister with her fingers motionless in my cunt. I squeezed down on them. I was frightened, yes, but it still felt good.

The girl laughed again, except it wasn’t a laugh. It was an ecstatic cry I wouldn’t have recognized before Sister snuck into my room. Now, after my second baptism, I knew it at once. The girl was orgasming, every bit as hard as I had.

“No,” Sister said. “Don’t.”

“It’s all right,” I said. “They’ll find her, not us.”

“No,” she said. “She can’t… It’s not…”


The cries drew closer, as though the girl was masturbating as she strode along the corridor. Finally, mercifully, they stopped, just as they reached my door. Sister and I lay still, like statues on a tomb, waiting in agony for the next sound, which, I hoped, would be the footsteps going away.

The silence was broken by a soft moaning. I could make out a few words, like “little whore” and “fuck your little pussy” – the same words Sister had said to me. They were muffled by the door at first, but gradually grew more and more distinct. In time, they seemed to be coming from inside the room itself.

The faint, milky patch of light on the door condensed before our eyes, acquiring dimension, and, at last, a human shape. It was the girl from the quad, still naked, still hideously bruised, shining softly, as though lit from within, and fingering her pussy.

“I’m coming!” she wailed, clear as a bell. “Fucking God, I’m coming so hard!”

“No!” Sister wailed in return. “Leave her alone! She’s innocent!”

“Shh!” I said, trying to silence them both. The girl – oh, hell, I might as well call her the ghost – emitted an orgasmic shriek before dissolving into the woodwork.

“Paula,” Sister said, as though I wasn’t there.

“You saw her too, right?” I said. “Who was it? Sister?”

“Oh, my Paula, I’m so sorry.”

She covered her face and wept.

Seven years ago, when I was your age (the story came out, haltingly, as we held each other in the dark), she was two years ahead of me, and we fell in love. I didn’t call it love, not that kind of love, not then. I didn’t know the word for it, that there was a word for it. I just wanted to be with her, everywhere, all the time. Then one night, we were alone in the library. She was tutoring me with math. It was so silly, so innocent. I was looking down at the problem – I can still see the equation, x cubed, y squared, plus – she said, “You’ll get it,” and she kissed me on the head. And I kissed her on the cheek. And she kissed me on the mouth. We never did solve the problem. 

That night, she came to my room. We undressed each other and gave ourselves. Her fingers inside me. Her tongue on my clitoris. I loved coming. I loved making her come, when she taught me how. It wasn’t sin. I didn’t think of it even as sex, because there was no boy. It was a gift from the Lord that made us happy but kept us pure. 

We couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Stealing kisses, feeling each other up under our skirts, squeezing each other under our bras. Then every night in my room, or in hers … this very room, your room. The sweetest of all was the night we made love on the quad, naked, on the grass, in the moonlight, under the gaze of the Blessed Mother. She looked down at us. She loved us. 

We thought we were careful, but how could we be? Always together, always touching, giggling furtively. Someone told, or Mother Adalbert overheard the gossip, or she saw something. We could feel her watching us. She was there, always, in the corridors, in the dining hall, in the dorms, narrowing her eyes, looking for proof. And we gave it to her. 

In the library, again, back among the books, Paula put her hand down the front of my panties. Just a quick feel. “We should stop,” Paula said. And I said no. It felt too good, and I was so close, and Mother Adalbert came around the corner. “What is going on?” she said, but she already knew. She marched us to her office and demanded to know everything. She called us unnatural. She called us perverts. The interrogation went on and on. We were going to be expelled, our parents would be called, and she would have to tell them why, unless we renounced our sin. 

And I betrayed the girl I loved. She made me, I said. I was crying. I said I never wanted to. I told her to stop, but she wouldn’t. 

So, is she the pervert? Mother Adalbert said. 

And I said yes, she’s the pervert. I looked Paula right in the eye, and I said, you make me sick. But she never said a word. 

Mother Adalbert passed judgment. Paula would have to leave school. I could stay, but I would be watched, carefully, until I proved to Mother’s satisfaction I hadn’t been infected. 

They locked her in her room, away from the good girls, until her parents could come and get her. And that night, she tied her blanket to the leg of her bed, and a sheet to the blanket, and she hanged herself out this very window. We all saw her, early in the morning, dangling one floor above the ground. And she was naked. It was like a message. This is who I am. This is who we all are.

When I saw you, you looked so much like her I thought she’d come back. I had another chance. I could love again, and if we were caught, I would take the blame for you. The way she took it for me. But this … vision … she’s telling me no. I can never love anyone else …

“Sister, it’s all right,” I whispered.

“I was a coward.”

“You were a kid. You were scared. And you don’t know why she did it. She might have anyway.”

“But if I had stood with her–”


“If I had stood up and said Yes, I love her. It’s not perverted. It’s beautiful. Judge not!


I held her damp face to my breasts. She went on murmuring, begging forgiveness, as everything – her voice, the drumming of the rain, my own breathing – got fainter and farther away.

I was awakened by a pounding on my door and the rattling of keys. It was a gray dawn, and I found myself alone, but I scarcely had time to thank God for it, to think how wise of Sister Margaret to steal away during the night, before Mother Adalbert burst into the room and tore the coverlet from my body.

“Come on, Miss,” she said. “I need you to get outside.”

Startled and confused, I made no move to get up.

Now,” she said. She pulled me out of bed by my hair.

“Where are your clothes?” she said. “Never mind. Wear this for now.” She slapped the coverlet against my chest. Girls in their night things had gathered outside my doorway, and they watched me wrap myself in chenille while Mother Adalbert, gripping the top of my head, kept me facing in their direction. When I was minimally decent, with only my bare legs showing, she shoved me into their midst.

“Clear a path!” a voice commanded. We scattered just as two big men in blue jackets hurried past us into my room. They were carrying satchels and wheeling along a stretcher on a gleaming metal frame.

We never saw men at Calvary, and for the moment, the girls were more interested in them than the fact I’d been hauled out of bed with nothing on.

The men didn’t notice me, either. They went straight to my window, keeping their backs to us. The girls craned their necks, or stood on tiptoe, hoping for a glimpse of what they were up to, but Mother Adalbert interposed herself.

“All of you, get back in your rooms,” she said. She tried to sound threatening, but she was much too shaken to speak with her usual authority. “Keep your doors closed. I don’t want to see hide nor hair of any one of you until these men have done their job.”

She stepped back and shut the door. Seconds later, she reappeared.

“You,” she said. “Put this on.”

She tossed a gray bundle at me. To catch it, I had to let the coverlet fall from my shoulders.

Mother Adalbert gave me her most practiced what’s-this-world-coming-to? headshake before she shut the door again. With the men out of sight for good, my nudity now became the center of attention. The other girls crowded around me.

“Did she do anything to you?”

“Were you asleep the whole time?”

“I don’t know,” I said.

“What do you mean?”

What I meant, though I couldn’t say it, was that I didn’t know anything. I had no idea what anyone was doing or what they were talking about.

“We better go,” somebody said. The girls began to drift away, and no one offered to let me stay with them in their room. I couldn’t blame them. In the middle of all this upset, no one was thinking clearly.

I unraveled the gray bundle and held it in front of me. It was a soft flannel robe. Thoughtful of Mother Adalbert to pick it up and give it to me. I opened it and was turning it about, searching for the sleeve openings, when all at once I understood who the men were and what they were doing at my window.

Because the robe wasn’t mine.

“No,” I said, too quietly to bother the other girls. My second “no” was much louder.

Then I was on the cold floor, curled into a ball on my elbows and knees, sobbing convulsively and holding the precious robe to my face.

The rain had stopped.

From the red-leather chair in Mother Adalbert’s office, I could see through the cloisters and across the quad to the toppled statue of the Virgin. Not far beyond stood the ugly, yellow-brick dormitory annex, presenting, in the upper corner, my own window, from which two young women had chosen to end their mortal lives. The sight meant nothing to me. I’d felt nothing, thought of nothing, since the girls had picked me up and led me away from my door.

A slit appeared in the clouds, and a weak, whitish light settled over the grounds like a benediction. Mother Adalbert came in with my suitcase, which she set at my feet.

“How are you feeling, dear?” she said, for once not playing the stern disciplinarian. “Still don’t feel like talking? That’s understandable. We’ve all had a terrible shock. And you haven’t eaten. Can I bring you something? No? Not even some juice?”

She took my chin between her fingers.

“I doubt you’ll be returning to us,” she said, “so it’s no longer our concern, but I’m wondering what Sister Margaret was doing in your room, and why you were both in the altogether. When you get over this, I suggest you examine your conscience.”

I jerked my face away. Numb as I was, I could still feel hatred, and I hated this woman.

“Your parents will be here this afternoon,” she went on. “You may wait here, away from the other girls. If you need anything … well, if you do–”

And she left. I kept my face turned to the window for I don’t know how long. I didn’t care if I ever spoke, or moved, or thought of anything ever again. That’s how grief works: the little things we do to keep ourselves going – eating, grooming, tidying our rooms – lose all meaning. Indeed, they become a source of guilt. Someone I loved was gone, and here I was adjusting my clothes, as though it made a difference how I looked. I couldn’t remember how I came to be wearing my school uniform that morning. Someone must have dressed me.

I began to wonder, vaguely, if I would ever laugh again, like the girl I heard laughing outside. Wait, I thought. Who’s laughing? Who could think of laughing on a terrible day like this? I must have been hearing things. I listened more intently: there came a giggle, followed by a full-throated laugh and a squeal of joy. There were two voices now. They seemed to be coming from everywhere.

Bitches, I thought.

“Hey!” shouted one of the voices. “Wait up!”

“Can’t catch me!” said the other, closer than the first. Then I saw her. She ran past the window, spun around, and leaned back against the pillar of an archway – dark-haired, thick-browed, and naked. She was shaking with laughter, holding her hands up in a playful show of defending herself, when a young woman swept into her arms.

“Darling!” the girl gasped as the woman devoured her neck. She was naked, too, but for a kerchief atop her straw-blonde hair. I couldn’t see her face, or the bruises on her throat, but I didn’t need to.

They clung fast to one another. Their lips met, and their tongues shimmered in the colorless sunlight. Sister Margaret – or her essence – sank to her knees, kissing Paula’s breasts and belly as she descended. At last, she planted herself where she wanted to be, where she had longed to be for seven years. Her mouth vanished into the spectral wedge of hair.

Paula’s eyes took on the same wild, out-of-body expression I’d seen during the night. She turned her gaze toward me through the diamond-shaped windowpanes. Her lips began to move.

“Oh, God,” they said, silently. “Oh … fuck.

I couldn’t help but smile.

The End


The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 9

  • Posted on October 26, 2024 at 3:32 pm

by JetBoy and BlueJean

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Orphaned at the age of eight, sixteen-year-old Doris Sloane has spent half her life in a Catholic orphanage, where she was trained to care for young children. Our story begins when she is taken into service at the home of Victoria Shaw, a widow with three daughters: Melinda (ten), Sophia (eleven) and Becky (fourteen). Doris is thoroughly satisfied with this new life, but her orderly world takes an odd turn one night when she is seduced by Mrs. Shaw. Surprising herself, Doris responds eagerly, fully returning the pleasure she has been given.

In the days that follow, Doris and Victoria couple frequently, and Doris becomes skilled in the art of lesbian lovemaking under the tutelage of her mistress. She is deliriously happy, but her joy is tainted by the fact that she is only engaged to serve in the Shaw household until Melinda, the youngest, turns twelve. To complicate things even further, Doris has fallen madly, passionately in love with Victoria, and lacks the courage to tell her so.

One of Doris’ duties as nanny is to give Melinda and Sophia a bath every other day. The girls often invite Doris to join them in the large Japanese-style tub, but she always refuses, believing it isn’t proper. When she mentions this to Mrs. Shaw after a bout of lovemaking, Victoria suggests that Doris do what her youngest daughters want: get naked and bathe with them. Furthermore, she encourages Doris to pay closer attention to the girls’ nudity, to notice how beautiful they are in the altogether.

Doris finds this a bit strange… but that evening, while giving Sophia and Melinda their bath, she takes the time to study them more closely, and is startled to find herself feeling somewhat aroused.  The girls notice her interest, and on subsequent evenings, eleven-year-old Sophia begins to tease Doris by flaunting her nakedness. This only fuels this budding desire Doris feels… and very soon, she is masturbating to lewd fantasies of Victoria’s daughters.

One afternoon around this time, while the girls are at school, Doris in asked to join Victoria for a light luncheon in the back yard. There, Victoria offers the girl a permanent home as a member of the family, then tells her, “I love you.”

Doris is overwhelmed by emotion at first… but she joyfully accepts, and they celebrate by undressing and making love. 

Then next day, Victoria tells Doris how she first became attracted to women. It began at the age of sixteen, when she was given the service of a personal maid, a lively Irish girl named Nora, who would quickly become young Victoria’s faithful friend and companion. They would become lovers, but it ended disastrously when they were caught in the act. Nora was sent away, and Victoria was left devastated. More than twenty years later, she still mourns the loss of her friend.

Doris does what she can to console Victoria, then goes to bed hoping Nora managed to find happiness, wherever she might have gone.

The next day, Victoria tells of what happened after losing Nora. She was quickly married off to a man named William Shaw, who proved to be a bully and a drunkard. She managed to endure her marriage, gave birth to her three daughters, and ended up taking over her husband’s business as his drinking spiraled out of control. He died a couple of years later, and Victoria was free.

Back in the here and now, Victoria presents Doris with a startling proposition. Wanting her daughters to experience the delights of Sapphic love before they develop romantic attachments to boys, she gets Doris to admit her attraction to the girls, then asks her to pleasure Melinda and Sophia in the bath. Doris is shocked, but also quite eager to do as Victoria wants.

The story resumes here. Do enjoy.


I found myself counting down the minutes until our evening bath. I had helped bathe the girls so many times now, it had become just another part of my routine, but Victoria’s sudden – and quite frankly, shocking – suggestion that I introduce her two youngest daughters to sex had left me reeling. But more than that, it had opened my eyes to a new possibility, one that was surely forbidden, and one I had never considered Victoria would actually allow, let alone suggest. And undoubtedly, her request held a curious and powerful allure because of all those reasons. Sometimes the things we want the most are the ones we’re not permitted to have – those ever-enticing apples of Eden. But now my mistress was offering these forbidden fruits willingly.

I headed to the bathroom a little earlier than usual – the sunken bath was so big it took a good ten minutes to fill, and now my anticipation and excitement were getting the better of me. The taps above the bath were two intertwined ornamental carp cast in brass. I turned the valve and water gushed from their fishy mouths. A thin cloud of steam blanketed the room.

I called upstairs to Melinda and Sophia. “Girls, your bath is ready. Hurry now, before the water turns cold.”

It wasn’t long before the two of them were scampering into the bathroom, bright eyed and gigglesome. They began taking off their school uniforms while I stood waiting, my arms held out so they could pass me each discarded item. I carefully folded each one, then piled them neatly on the vanity chair. Knickers and socks went into the linen basket.

Soon they were frolicking in the water like a pair of mermaids, nattering away happily about the day’s events and giving each other the occasional playful splash. Most times I would roll up my sleeves and kneel beside the bath, making sure they did a thorough job of washing themselves while I lathered their hair with shampoo. That night, though, following Victoria’s instructions, I took a deep breath and stepped out of my clothes before I had time to consider whether this was a good idea or not.

Wide eyes peered up at me from the steamy water. Mouths hung open to comic effect. I had to stop myself from laughing as I realised the girls didn’t look so different from the two brass fish whose job it was to spew an endless supply of steamy hot water into the tub below.

Now as naked as my two young charges, I stepped up to the edge of the bath. “Room for one more?” I asked the stunned innocents, a shot of wicked excitement pulsing through me when I saw the way they stared at my bare body.

“Doris is going to bathe with us!” Melinda trilled in amazement.

“Spiffy!” Sophia squealed, splashing water about as she edged along the bath to make room for me.

I stretched a leg over the side of the bath and stepped in slowly, breath bated as I realised how exposed I was in that brief moment. Then I was sliding into the lovely hot water, sighing with delight as it enveloped me with its warm embrace, only my head and breasts breaking the surface.

“Isn’t this nice?” I asked the girls, and they both nodded their approval.

“You should wash us!” Melinda declared with a splash. Sophia put a hand to her mouth and tittered at that.

“Would that be all right?” I asked her, aware that at eleven she might be a little more conscious of having her body touched than her younger sister. Now that we were all in the bath together, everything seemed so much more… intimate. I needn’t have worried on that score, though.

“I don’t mind,” Sophia shrugged.

I reached out to stroke their smooth, wet skin with soapy hands, delighting in the firmness of their young bodies and the way the water made them glisten and glow. They giggled as I caressed them, their shiny-eyed smiles betraying some scintilla of awareness hidden amongst the innocence of childhood. 

Are they old enough to understand? I wondered. Do they see the path I’m laying out before them? If they didn’t, they soon would – such was their mother’s decree.

Sophia’s little breasts were delicate buds on the verge of bloom. She seemed almost ethereal to me, a fine china doll rendered in exquisite detail. When I began to tease her nipples, they stiffened slightly to the touch.

“Sophia is growing titties!” Melinda giggled, as Sophia peered down at her own chest, blushing away madly.

“You will too, one day soon,” I told the ten-year-old.

She glanced again at her older sister’s nakedness, then at my more mature breasts. “Do you think ours will be as big as yours?”

“Oh, mine aren’t particularly large. But I’m sure yours will be beautiful, however they develop.” I reached for my breasts, fondling them with lathery hands. They were quick to respond, the nipples swelling almost immediately. A familiar, delicious thrum began to smoulder in my chest.

“Do they feel soft?” Sophia asked as she watched me kneading myself.

I smiled and took her hand, pressing it to my breast, encouraging her to explore freely. When I took my hand away, she continued to fondle me. She seemed enraptured, and I found myself sighing with delight when she began playfully flicking my nipple with her fingers, giggling as only a child can when they’ve discovered a fine new game.

“Can I touch them too?” Melinda asked in a quiet voice as she watched her sister play.

I brought her hand to my chest. “Gently,” I urged breathlessly as she began to trace her fingers along the smooth curve of my other breast. “Mmm, that’s it,” I murmured, encouraging them both. “It feels ever so nice to have them played with.”

As Melinda got up onto her knees to stroke my breast, the pink slit of her childish sex and the little clitty that crowned it came into view just beneath the water line, a tantalising pearl waiting to be plucked from its shell. I reached out to stroke Melinda’s back, then let my hand slide down to cup her peachy bottom, giving the tight cheeks a playful squeeze. That roused a smile from the squirming ten-year-old.

“Have you washed yourself down below yet?” I asked her.

“I’m not sure where you mean,” she replied with an impish smile that told me she knew exactly where I meant.

“Here,” I told her, sliding my hand up under her bottom, a finger extended to press into the hairless cleft of her vagina.

She went wide-eyed, then nibbled her bottom lip, stiffening briefly against my touch. I gently slid my fingertip back and forth across the entrance to her cunny.

“Do you mind me touching you this way?” I murmured, then realised they were the same words her mother had spoken to me that day I’d been in bed sick. It seemed so long ago now. So much had passed since that life-changing afternoon.

Melinda shook her head in response, eyes fixed on mine as my finger teased and toyed.

What way?” Sophia asked, observing us curiously. “What are you doing to Melly?”

“Shall I show you?” I said, and when she gave a tentative nod, I told her to sit up and spread her knees apart. She followed my instructions, allowing me to snake my free hand down, fingers unfurling to stroke lightly across her mound. The pink seam that bisected her sex was poised just above the water, so I could watch myself fondle and probe the child, and see the pleasure it brought her.

They both pressed themselves against my fingers, Sophia with an urgency that suggested she was beginning to understand what her adolescent body was capable of. Perhaps she had already discovered such delights on her own, tucked beneath the covers of her bed in the dark of night.

The usual bath time cacophony of giggling girls and splashing water, gave way to an uncustomary quiet, the only remaining sounds that of Sophia and Melinda’s heightened breathing and the drip drip drip of the tap.

Melinda regarded me with heavy eyes. “I feel funny…” Then turned to her sister. “Do you feel funny too, Sophia?”

“Mmm.” Sophia was barely listening, her eyes fixed on my hand as it went about its wicked business between her legs.

It dawned on me, with some amazement, that my two young charges were fast approaching orgasm. Until then, I hadn’t believed that girls so young could be capable of reaching such heights of pleasure, but Victoria had known better.

And oh, how sweetly they came together, eyes so wide and full of surprise, shakes and tremors and gasps of astonished delight.

“Wh-what happened?” Melinda murmured once she’d caught her breath.

“That felt… lovely!” Sophia declared.

“Do it again, Doris!”

Sophia clasped her hands together, as if praying. “Will you, please?”

Leaning back against the edge of the bath, I gave them a sly grin. “I think that’s enough for tonight. But if you’re good girls, and do a little something for me, we can play the game again next time bath night comes around. If you perform the task to my satisfaction, that is.”

“We will!” they chorused, beaming away happily, their bodies flushed pink from the water and the pleasure I had teased from them.

“Let’s see how well you do, then.” I rose from the water to sit on the wide tiled rim of the bath, my back against the wall. I slowly inched my legs apart, the air cool against my wet skin, dewy droplets of water sparkling in the short curls around my slit. The girls stared openly between my thighs, leaving me tingling in anticipation.

“Who wants to touch me first?”

They peered at my lightly downed sex, then offered each other a flabbergasted look.

“Does… does Mummy know we’re doing this?” Melinda asked timidly.

“If you don’t want to…” I shrugged, then made as if to close my legs.

“I didn’t say that!” she quickly amended, her eyes darting back between my spread thighs.

“I’ll do it, Doris,” Sophia said in a faraway voice, already moving towards me. “I’ll touch you.”

“Just like I did to you, all right?” I murmured as she bobbed between my legs.

She reached out to me – hesitant at first, as if unsure what to do. She stroked the inside of my thighs, then moved up to my belly to tease my navel. “Tickle tickle!”

Taking hold of Sophia’s hand, I guided it back between my legs, making an effort to be patient with her. “This is where it feels the best. Remember how good it was for you?”

I watched her expression as she carefully peeled back the petals of my labia, teasing experimentally at my sex, wide-eyed and fascinated. It felt lovely, but what I needed right then was the firm caress of an assured lover.

“Touch a little harder,” I instructed the child, heart thumping in my chest as her fingers pressed into me. Relaxing against the wall, I let her explore. Sophia stroked and kneaded my sex, clumsy and childlike in her efforts, but exquisite all the same – and in my highly aroused state, more than adequate to bring me to orgasm. I spread my labia apart with finger and thumb, groaning when the eleven-year-old introduced a finger to the sensitive flesh there, teasing at the hole, then brushing across the swell of my clitoris.

Oh, her touch was divine. I trembled and sobbed, my pleasure swelling quickly when Sophia began to crudely rub her palm up and down my throbbing cunt.

“Harder!” I cried, and her touches became more assured. I felt the growing welter of ecstasy unfurl within me, my legs quivering like mad. “Keep going!” I urged Sophia breathlessly. “Go on, go on, go… ohhhhh!”

It burst to the surface, flooding me with wave after wave of pleasure, the convulsions racking my body. Sophia was frozen in place, her hand still poised near my twitching cunny. Melinda’s eyes were wide with amazement, her mouth slack.

Finally I roused myself. “Thank you, my angel,” I told Sophia, then leaned down to gently kiss her on the mouth. She seemed more shocked at that than she had at making me come.

“Can I do it to you next time?” Melinda asked with a shy determination.

I reached across to wrap my arms around her pale naked body, then kissed her too. “Of course you can. Now let’s dry ourselves off and get you into your night things.”

I stepped out of the bath, and when the two girls followed I had soft towels ready for them.


A while later, after the girls had joined their mother and older sister for cocoa in the lounge, I had Sophia tucked up in bed, then padded next door to Melinda’s room. The ten-year-old was sitting against a fat pillow, reading one of her old storybooks. “Will you be bathing with us all the time?” she asked, putting the book aside.

“If you’d like me to,” I told her. “Would you?”

She nodded keenly, her cheeks glowing pink. “Don’t forget – you promised to make us feel good again.”

Remembering how she and her sister had pressed themselves against my fingers and how I’d brought them both to orgasm sent a warm flush through my lower body. I looked back at the door to make sure I’d closed it properly, then turned my attention to the little angel tucked up in bed.

“I think we agreed that was for next time,” I said, then slipped the quilt down to reveal her body. “But if we keep it a secret, perhaps I can give you a special treat now.”

“I won’t tell!” Melinda whispered.

As I pulled the child’s nightie up around her waist, she lifted her bottom to help me, her breath coming in short, excited rasps. Now that we were out of the bath, I could see every part of her sex in breathtaking detail – the puffiness of her hairless mound, the firm lips, the neat pink seam and the small sheath of clitoral hood at its apex.

“What a darling little puss you have,” I sighed, tracing its smooth curves with the tip of a finger. I adored the way the little girl’s labia formed a shallow crease against her inner thighs.

Raising her knees, then parting her legs, Melinda gave me a saucy grin as she spread the gossamer lips to show me the pink flesh inside. The opening was moist; inviting, the tip of her clitty peeking out like a glint of precious stone.

I pressed her knees back until they almost reached her flat chest. “Hold your legs there,” I said, and she gripped the backs of her thighs with a giggle. Putting a finger to my lips, I added, “Try to be quiet.”

Kneeling before the child, I ran my hands over her smooth bottom, to and fro across each cheek, my fingers just shy of her vulva.

“Stop teasing, Doris!” Melinda pouted. “Touch it. Please.”

Smiling wickedly, my finger skimmed back and forth through the crease of her sex, a thin patina of lubricant accumulating between skin and skin.

When the faint scent of her excitement perfumed the air, a subtle, tart spice that had not been evident earlier in the bathroom, I knew I had to taste her.

Lowering my head between the child’s legs, I placed lingering kisses on her smooth pubis. She twitched at the sudden contact, giving a small, “Oh!” of surprise. I snaked my tongue down through the open slit, savouring both the tart flavour and the little gasps of pleasure I elicited from her. When I pressed deeper still, penetrating the entrance to her vagina, she raised her hips to meet me.

I purred into her sex, lapping at the sweet confection, and when her breath came in urgent gulps, I quickly began to lick at her tender clit, just as her mother had taught me. I knew it would drive Melinda over the edge, and sure enough, a short moment later she stiffened and keened, her legs dropping down across my shoulders before a series of small tremors shook her body.

Allowing myself just one more taste of that exquisite cunny, I pulled the quilt back up to cover Melinda’s half-naked body, then kissed her soft mouth, my tongue emerging to tease her lower lip. Her eyes shone back at me with an adoration that warmed my heart. I left one last gentle kiss upon her cheek and then poised a finger to my lips again. “Shhh…” I quietly retreated from her room.

Certain that Melinda would tell her sister about our little encounter, it occurred to me that I ought to return to Sophia and pleasure her in the same way, but when I peeked inside, she was fast asleep. I settled for placing a feather-light kiss on her cheek, then made a quiet exit.

Downstairs in the drawing room, Victoria was sitting by the fire reading a book, taking sips from a glass of red wine. Becky sat on the rug at her mother’s feet, listening to the wireless.

My mistress peered at me over the bridge of her reading glasses, raising a questioning eyebrow. I answered with a nod. Becky looked curiously from me to her mother, clearly suspicious that something was afoot but discreet enough to keep her silence.

“Will you sit with us awhile?” Victoria asked me.

“I’m feeling very tired,” I replied. “I think I’ll make myself some Ovaltine and then retire to bed. But thank you.”

She offered a knowing smile. “Goodnight, Doris.”

“‘Night, Doris,” Becky said, the shadow of a frown creasing her brow.



The following morning the three Shaw girls and I were waiting at the entrance to Shadowglen for the school bus to make its daily stop. Sophia and Melinda were playing pat-a-cake on the grass verge by the gate. Becky hugged herself against the morning chill, her usual shy side-glances leaving me a little exasperated. One minute she was friendly towards me, the next she was inexplicably aloof.

“Your hair looks nice this morning,” I told her, trying to break the ice somewhat.

Becky touched her locks self-consciously, a faint smile teasing the corners of her mouth.

Sophia and Melinda kept stealing glances at me, their whispered words accompanied by giggles and dancing eyes.

“Would you like to share the joke, imps?”

“Melinda says she can’t wait for our next bath!” Sophia offered with a smirk, before the two of them resumed their clapping game.

Becky sidled up to me and said in a low voice, “What do they mean?”

“They don’t mean anything, they’re just being silly.”

“I know you’re doing something in there with them. I can hear things, you know.”

“We’re just bathing, Becky. It’s not a crime to enjoy yourself in the bath, is it?” I retorted, sounding a little more defensive than I’d intended.

That seemed to fluster her. “I… I’ll tell Mother!” she almost hissed.

I looked at her coolly. “What makes you think your mother doesn’t already know?”

The Leyland bus came chugging round the corner and rolled to a stop by the gate, cutting our conversation short. I didn’t want to end on a sour note, so I surprised Becky by planting a kiss on her cheek. “You’re always welcome to join us, you know. The more the merrier.”

Becky’s face flushed with colour, and I realised she was feeling put out – whatever she thought we were up to in the bath, I think she longed to be part of it, but was too proud to say so. Needless to say, I liked the idea of her joining us very much. If only for the chance to finally see her naked, I mused.

But I also wanted to share pleasure with Becky, to indulge in the same forbidden delights I’d enjoyed with her younger sisters.

I ushered the girls onto the bus, then made my way back to the house.

Mrs. Broomfield passed me on the way, riding down the thoroughfare on her bicycle. “Someone’s got a spring in ‘er step this mornin’,” she called out.

“Bye, Mrs. Broomfield,” I replied, waving to the old cook. “Enjoy the rest of the day!”

My next port of call was usually the kitchen for tea and breakfast, but that day I took the initiative and headed straight to Victoria’s study. Marching up to the door, I gave it a brisk knock.

“Come in, Doris.”

I turned the knob and lingered in the doorway, leaning against the architrave. I’m sure my employer would’ve corrected me for slouching like that just a few weeks ago, but the notion of what was acceptable and what wasn’t had shifted considerably since then.

Victoria was standing by the large sash window, blonde hair tied back into a neat bun, her tall, willowy frame exquisitely limned by the morning light.

“How did you know it was me?” I asked.

She had her back turned to me, but I thought I could see the suggestion of a smile in her cheekbones. “There’s no one left in the house but the two of us, silly girl. I saw you come up the drive. You seemed to be in quite the hurry.”

I felt very warm all of a sudden. “I did as you asked last night. I made Sophia and Melinda…” I couldn’t quite bring myself to use the word come, “…feel nice.”

My mistress simply stood there peering out the window, hands clasped behind her back.

Suddenly I was forced to consider a horrifying possibility: Had I made a catastrophic miscalculation in seducing Sophia and Melinda? Had my lust-driven impulses somehow led me to twist their mother’s intention, to misinterpret her words? Was I really so consumed by selfish desire that I could make such a terrible, delusional error? I felt dizzy, short of breath, my heart thumping furiously.

Victoria slowly turned to face me, her face innocent of emotion. Reaching behind, she unfastened her house dress with a sharp tug, then let it fall to her feet. My mistress wore absolutely nothing underneath. A hot surge of lust raced through me at both the sight itself and the thought of her going without knickers at the breakfast table while the children were present.

There was a large, deep-pile Berber rug spread out before the fireplace. Victoria sauntered over to where it lay and stretched herself out upon its soft weave, her legs thrown wide in invitation. “Come over here and fuck me, Doris,” she said, her voice low and sensuous. “I need your cunt against mine.”

I all but ran into the room, clumsily stripping myself naked along the way. Falling to my knees, I arranged my body to fit Victoria’s, pressing myself between her thighs, crying out the moment our pussies kissed. She grasped my arse cheeks and pulled me in tighter, and all at once we were grinding, grinding, grinding.

“What did you do, bad girl?” Victoria breathed in my ear. “Tell me what you did to my daughters.”

“I – I touched them,” I groaned. “I touched their beautiful bodies. They let me. They wanted me to.”

“What about between their legs? Did you – ohhhhh – did you touch them there, too?”

“Yes. I made them… made them come. They’re j-just little girls, but I brought them off with my fingers!”

Victoria slung her legs round my waist, gripping me tightly. “And you’ll do it again, do you hear? Whenever they want you to. Because you’re their nanny, and you have a duty to care for them.”

“Sophia, she – she brought me to orgasm,” I continued breathlessly as we forced our pussies together, striking fire with every thrust. “Such a clever girl, isn’t she? So curious, ready to try new things.”

“Doris… you’re going to m-make me come…”

“Wait! There’s more to tell. After their bath… I went to visit Melinda in her room.”

“Quickly! Tell me!”

“I put my mouth on her vagina, Victoria. I… I tasted her sweet child cunt!”

My orgasm shuddered through me, almost painful in its intensity, like hot lava melting me from the inside out. My mistress came, too, her mouth claiming mine in an urgent exchange of lips and tongues.

I collapsed onto Victoria, utterly spent. She peppered my ears with kisses, her fingers combing through my hair.

“We never came that quickly before,” I murmured.

“Sometimes those are the best kind, sweetheart,” Victoria mused. “But the rest of the morning is ours. I suggest we make the most of it.”

And we did. Oh, how we did.

On to Chapter Ten!


A Space Nymphet, Chapter 4

  • Posted on October 22, 2024 at 8:41 pm

by kinkys_sis

Even though it was Tannixt’s decision to accompany us on our trip to the complex, her skin turned an unpleasant yellow once more when the engines caused the shuttle to vibrate slightly. Her tail wrapped around my arm, holding me tightly as I urged her to remain calm.

Raya had left the windows uncovered so Tan could see every move the shuttle made as we travelled, in hope that the view would steady her nerves, but a tiny whimper still escaped Tan’s lips as we went into a very slow lift-off.

The shuttle headed toward the sea, flying over the beach before banking left near the river’s mouth. Tan leaned forward, her fears momentarily forgotten as she stared down at the unfolding landscape. “So far… I can see so far,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The shuttle maintained a low speed as Raya took us along the forest edge. Tan suddenly pointed to the place where I’d first seen her, emerging from the trees. “My home, it is inside there,” she murmured, then turned to stare at the mountain, growing larger as we approached it. “Am I really going there? I could never have imagined such a thing, yet…” Her words trailed off, and she shivered. I twined an arm around Tan’s waist, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

The huge doors of the mountain citadel slowly opened as the shuttle drew close, then Rotan’s voice came over the speakers. “It is good to see you back, Zelda. Welcome, Tannixt.” His voice was softer and gentler than I remembered, no doubt for Tan’s benefit.

There was a grim but determined look on Tan’s face as we drifted through the entrance, then touched down. “Will you keep the doors open please, Rotan?” I said. “At least until Tan has become accustomed to this place.”

“I will,” Rotan replied. “There is no need for concern, Tannixt. You are welcome here.”

I took Tan’s hand in mine as Raya opened the hatchway and lowered the ramp. Tan peered outward to see Rotan, standing motionless next to one of the floating vehicles. Raya and I made our way down the ramp to the hangar floor with Tan between us.

She paused to stare at Rotan, and we waited until she finally spoke. “Your people must have looked much like mine, yet my people only remember them with fear in their hearts. No one knows why… it is just that way.”

Rotan extended a hand to her. “There is no cause for you to be afraid. My people are long gone. I know not where, or even if they still exist, but it no longer matters. Allow me to offer this facility for the use of Zelda and yourself… even your people, if it is your wish. I will do nothing unless I am instructed to.”

Tan visibly relaxed after his words, her skin gradually returning to its natural hue. She turned to me. “This is an adventure, then. One that we travel together.”

I spied a hint of yellow in Tannixt’s cheeks when we climbed into the floating car, but otherwise she was rock-steady, determined to see this through. Rotan had only switched on a few of the hangar lights, probably so Tan wouldn’t be daunted by the vastness of the interior. When the lights finally did come up after we settled into our seats, she gasped, “So big!”

Rotan took the car more slowly than he had on my previous visit, keeping up a running dialogue as we travelled through the passageways. He was obviously aware of the turmoil Tan was experiencing, and sought to keep her mind occupied.

The last time I had been in the control room, there had been more than a dozen androids present. Now there was only one aside from Rotan, working at a desk. “We have been busy perfecting a language transfer protocol,” Rotan told us. “The translator you are already using enables you to understand what each other says, but this program goes much further. Once implemented, Zelda, you will speak Tannixt’s native tongue fluently, and she will be equally well-versed in yours. Will you allow me to run the transfer?”

Some of his words meant nothing to Tan, but her expression conveyed a mixture of apprehension and excitement. Turning to her, I explained Rotan’s proposal as best I could.

Rotan added. “We can do two things at once. I will run a scan of both of your bodies while the transfer is in progress.” He turned to Tan. “This should not give you cause for concern. It is a very straightforward process, but it will require you to lie inside a medi-chamber for a short while.”

I caught a glimpse of fear on Tan’s face at the sight of the chambers. But she was determined to be brave for my sake. “If you do this, Zelda, then I must also,” she said.

Rotan guided me into the chamber, a half-cylinder standing upright with a cushioned interior that adjusted to my body when I rested against it. Once I was in position, the tube gently rotated backwards until I was on my back. I watched as Tan hesitantly followed my lead. She turned her head toward me as the cylinder tilted back, her eyes locked with mine. I saw Tan experience a brief moment of panic when Rotan closed the lid to my tube, then hers, but my smile of reassurance seemed to calm her somewhat. Taking a deep breath, my friend managed to relax.

Rotan pressed a switch, and the process began. Nothing happened that I could see at first, then I detected the presence of a thin mist in the chamber. When I caught the scent of it, a feeling of utter calm came over me. I was only vaguely conscious of a band of light travelling backwards and forwards over my body.

By the time the machine set me upright once more, it felt like only minutes had passed. In fact, we had been inside the chambers for nearly two hours.

My first thought was for Tan. Then I saw her looking at me. “That wasn’t so difficult, was it?” I asked her.

Her eyes widened in astonishment. “I can hear your words in my language!” Then she effortlessly switched to Terran. “And I can speak your tongue just as well as my own! I… I can even think in your words, as if we were the same race.”

“And I can do the same, my love.” I told her, then turned to Rotan. “What did the scan tell you about us?”

“I have found out much, and am able to surmise even more. First, allow me to provide you and Tannixt with food and drink, then I will share what I know.”


It must have been centuries since the facility’s food generators had seen use, but the meal they served us was very good. Mind you, I was too absorbed in Rotan’s findings to pay attention to what I ate.

First Rotan explained that Tan and I were indeed related. In fact, his race had shared a similar link with ours. He couldn’t put a specific time to it, but was certain that the three races we knew of had come from the same ancestors. Two of these, Tan’s race and that of Rotan’s makers, had evolved on this planet, whereas mine had not. He couldn’t explain how this happened, just that it had.

Their two races diverged many millennia ago. Both were intelligent species, but each took a very different path in their development, as did ours.

“Your genes, Zelda, are not unlike those of Tannixt. There are major physical differences that have evolved over time, but the similarities are what matters most.”

To me, he said, “You, Zelda, are entirely female. Tan is not. Given the right circumstances, she can become pregnant, or impregnate her partner. You could carry her child if you wished to… but of course, Tan could never carry yours, nor can you give her one.” He rose from his seat at the table. “I could tell you more, but I believe you already have enough to think about for now. I have passed what information I have along to Raya, so she will be able to answer any other questions you may have.”


Tannixt had never travelled very far outside her forest, so there was a big beautiful world beyond the life she knew. Just as I had been, Tan was entranced by the views unfolding on the shuttle’s display screen – enticing, unknown places that had always been there within her grasp. I wanted to give my new lover the opportunity to see these wonders for herself.

“Raya can take us to see these places, Tan. We could explore your world.” I paused as the true meaning of these words dawned on me. “It’s my world, too, and I want to see as much of it as I can. Will you come with me?”

“Yes, Zelda, we will travel together. But first, I want to show you my home. Would you like to see it?”

I took Tan’s hand, gave it a squeeze. “I’d love to.”


Rotan and Raya insisted that I carry a weapon. I was given a small gun that was strapped to my waist and a larger one to carry, then Raya briefly lectured me on their use. Tan didn’t approve of guns, but she conceded that a bow and arrows weren’t suitable for a girl my age, especially since I had no idea what they were. Tan could make a small mark on a tree, then pierce it with an arrow from fifty paces, but I couldn’t even draw the bow back.

It would have been quicker and easier for Raya to take us in the shuttle, but I wanted to walk and Tan agreed. I wanted to get the feel of my new home; to run through the tall grass, romp and splash in the creeks, then stretch out naked on a sun-warmed stone to dry. I still struggled with the concept that Earth had once been very like this planet. How could my people have destroyed such a beautiful world so carelessly?

There was no need to carry provisions. Tannixt was a skilled hunter-gatherer, and Rotan assured me that I would find anything Tan could eat to be perfectly edible. “You might find the taste of some things will not be to your liking,” he told me. “Nevertheless, it will sustain you.”

We didn’t need to bring any means of communication, either. Raya could monitor my implant at all times. If you need me, just call my name,” she said. “I will be there immediately.”

Before we set out on foot, Raya took me aside and quietly said, “Take care, little one. I will be concerned for your safety, but Tan has sworn to protect you with her life.”

Perhaps it seemed odd to give a robot a hug, but I needed to. Raya had given me the strength to cope in ways that were beyond my years, and I loved her very much.

She spoke quietly in my ear as I held her, “You need not worry if you and Tan choose to couple. She has been given a blocker, and cannot get you with child… for now, at least. I explained the need for this precaution, and she agreed completely.”

I figured Tan knew what Raya was telling me. it showed in the way her face shimmered when I glanced her way.

Once she and I were ready to depart, Rotan directed us to a small exit. Making our way through the narrow tunnel, we emerged at the base of the cliff. After it closed behind us, I couldn’t find any sign of the doorway. Nothing remained but the unbroken face of the rock.

After a lengthy descent, we were back down in the grasslands and heading in the direction of the forest. Now that we were travelling side by side on level ground, Tan had her tail wrapped about my waist. Before long, I could feel her ‘fingers’ wandering into my pants.

It made me laugh, but I put on a stern face and said, “Tan, behave yourself. Raya or Rotan might be watching us!”

She laughed. “But Zelda, they are only machines. Does it really matter what they see?”

I suppose that by then, I’d grown used to thinking of Raya and Rotan as my friends, not just pieces of equipment. Still, why should I mind if they saw us make love? Raya might even enjoy it, I told myself.

“You’re right,” I admitted. “Besides, it does feel nice. Carry on, if you really want to.” Then I gasped as she found her way beneath the waistband of my panties and went straight to my pussy.

“You see, my tail has many advantages, but getting to fuck you while we walk is especially satisfying.” She laughed again. “I like this language of yours… it is very expressive. My people do not have the word ‘fuck,’ in their vocabulary.”

I couldn’t see myself walking for very much longer, not with what Tan was doing to me. There was a deep throbbing between my legs, and I was getting increasingly light-headed. “You’d better touch me later, Tan. My legs won’t be able to carry me any farther.”

When we reached the forest’s edge, I hesitated for a moment. I’d never been among that many trees in my life, and it looked so dark and forbidding beneath the thick canopy that I shivered. But as I soon realised, it wasn’t as dense as I’d thought. Drawing closer, I saw their trunks were spaced well apart. Most of the trees were immensely tall, so much that I couldn’t even begin to imagine how high they reached.

Tannixt assured me there was nothing to fear. Only deeper in the forest’s interior could one encounter the sort of large, vicious creatures that were best avoided. But even these, she explained, could be dispatched with a well-aimed shaft from her bow.

I followed Tan as she led the way. The ground gradually sloped upward until we arrived at a rocky outcrop that suggested a small mountain, hidden among the trees. Set into the rock was a stout timber wall that clearly covered the entrance to a cave.

Tan fiddled with a catch set into the doorway before pushing it open, then stepped inside, beckoning for me to follow. For a few heartbeats I saw nothing but darkness, then a flame flared from some kind of tool Tan held. This she used to light a lamp.

I was astonished at what the light revealed. It was quite unlike anything I had expected to find in a cave. In fact, it was a real home. Flat walls with shelves and cupboards, a table and chairs, even decorations on the walls… everything I imagined might be in a typical Earth home, only with one crucial difference: there were metal tools and utensils in sight, but nothing that required technology or external power.

I could hear the gentle trickle of running water. It came from a small stream that, I would later learn, both supplied fresh water for drinking and facilitated Tan’s sanitation system.

She led me into her bedroom. It appeared to be purely functional, not at all feminine. The bed, though, was larger than I would have expected, and when I sat, I found it to be quite comfortable.

Needless to say, being on Tan’s bed triggered some very strong feelings. Glancing at Tan, I was thrilled to see her looking intently at me, her colours already beginning to fluctuate.

I smiled. “You feel it too, Tan, don’t you? Will you join me? I want to love you again.”

Her colours grew brighter and bolder as she watched me remove my clothes. Once I was naked, I lay back down, waiting for her. Tan’s eyes were roaming my body, her tail swishing back and forth, the hues of her skin beginning to race.

I saw her clitoris protruding, growing firm and proud. Reaching down between my spread legs, I teased myself, feeding the hunger I felt for Tan. My arousal mounted when she used the fingers of her tail to touch herself the same way. With her free hands, she began to fondle her breasts.

She was ready, and so was I. All I could think of was how I ached to be fucked for the first time, to feel Tannixt’s erect clitoris inside me. “Do it now,” I whispered.

Suddenly Tan hesitated, a look of doubt appearing on her face. I knew what she wanted to do, but she was afraid of causing me an injury. But by then, I was frantic with need. “Tan, please don’t worry. I want this, I want you to fuck me.” I extended a hand to her.

She still seemed uncertain. “Are you sure, little one? You truly want this? I must know.”

I spread my thighs even further apart, putting my sex on display. “Surer than anything. I’m ready for you, my love.”

She took the two or three paces to the bedside, already reaching for my body. The fingers of her tail wandered everywhere, stroking and teasing me. She caressed my face, massaged my breasts, pausing to tug at my nipples, one after the other. I was trembling inside as her fingers wandered even lower.

Even though I was straining with anticipation, I gasped when she eased her way into my pussy, gripping her arse as she teased around the vaginal entrance. I wanted to touch it. Reaching between my legs to wrap my fingers around Tan’s erection, I felt it throb. Her clit was now more like a large sex organ; not huge like what I’d seen in images of human males, but something more feminine. It made me think of the tendril of a beautiful flower, just beginning to unfurl.

Colours surged across my lover’s body… bright, almost violent colours. To me, they were utterly beautiful; a testament to how much she wanted me. Well, I wanted her just as much. Opening my arms, I whispered, “Tan, please let me hold you.”

I welcomed her into my embrace as she lowered herself onto me, the wonderful weight of Tan’s body stealing my breath away. Her breasts pressed against mine, our lips joined in a passionate kiss. I could feel her clit pressing at my pussy. God, I wanted it inside me! I wiggled my hips and lifted my legs, hugging her to me as tightly as I could. Do it now, I silently pleaded. Do it now!

I felt my slit open to her pressing member. Her face lifted away from mine and she looked deep into my eyes. It was the last confirmation she sought.

Smiling up at Tan through joyful tears, I thrust my pelvis upward. Ohhh! A quick flash of hurt, then there it was, the glorious feeling of my lover inside my cunt. She crushed her lips to mine as her tail slipped beneath my arse to lift me against her writhing body. Once more, I marvelled at the raging colours of Tan’s face before my eyes drifted shut and we began to fuck.

My body was alive like never before. Waves of pleasure surged through me as I clung to Tan for dear life. I was vaguely aware of the bed rocking and shaking beneath me. We were locked tightly together when her probing clit began to throb and pulse. She was about to come, I knew that somehow – and Tan’s grip tightened, as did my own in response to our approaching climax.

My world exploded. Lights flashed. Muscles strained. I heard a scream when Tan tilted her head back, then she shuddered above me. I knew how she felt. This orgasm was more intense than anything I had yet to experience in my twelve years… and I could feel another, fast approaching. The first explosion was followed by another, then a third, then everything went away for a little while.

Eventually my eyes fluttered open to see Tan gazing down at me. Her colours still swirled and danced, but in softer hues. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Reaching out with trembling hands, I took hold of her face and drew her down for a kiss. This time it was gentle, a soft and loving caress from my mouth to hers.

We lay wrapped together for a long, long time. We didn’t speak… what use were mere words at a moment like this. Never had I been so completely happy, wearing a silly smile as I drifted off into sleep.


Later we awakened, both ravenously hungry. I watched as Tan prepared a meal for us. There were strange-looking things she placed in pots and set over flames. “To cook ready for eating,” she explained in answer to my puzzled expression.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when Tan brought a very large pot over to the table, along with two bowls. It did smell good, though, so I tucked in without hesitation when she filled one of the bowls and set it before me.

It was delicious, a very thick soup with all kinds of different things in it, including some kind of meat and what appeared to be vegetables. I didn’t recognize any of them, not that it mattered. I ate every bite, then she filled my bowl again.       .

When our meal was done we went back to Tan’s bed, where we lay in each other’s arms.

It was time to make plans, I decided. “Tan, tomorrow we will join Raya and explore this world. There are lands far from here, places you’ve never seen. Who knows what we might find there?” I hesitated a moment, then continued “You’ve told me yours is a solitary race, one that doesn’t form fixed relationships. How do you feel, then, about being my travelling companion… and my lover? I want you to understand that I won’t try and hold you to any commitment. We can stay together for a while; see how it works out.”

Tan smiled. “You are wise for your age, my little one. I already know the answer. It’s not something I have experienced before, but I feel something different inside for you. I want us to be together.”

Later I lay awake in the dark as Tan slept. I felt I should be mourning the possible loss of my race… yet, I shed no tears. I was happy with my new world. I had a task; a purpose. I would seek a way of achieving a balance between the technology that Raya and Rotan had to offer and Tan’s people’s mistrust of such things.

My new lover and I had much to do.


The water in Tan’s bathing area was chilly, but bearable when she was there with me. Her tail fingers seemed to keep wandering between my legs as I tried to wash myself. Finally, I folded my arms and gave Tan a stern look. “Honestly, Tan… didn’t you get enough of me already?”

Catching the teasing tone in my voice, she placed a hand on my arm. “Zelda, you have a strange effect on me. We, I mean our race, rarely meet, and even more rarely do we couple. We do not remain together, but live on our own. Now I am experiencing something quite different. A possessiveness, a dread of losing you. I have learned that your people call this love. It is not something I fully understand, but I know it’s what I feel for you.”

She paused, perhaps waiting for a response. I was about to answer her when she continued. “I will learn to accept your technology if you wish it; you and Raya can teach me. All I want to know is… whether you could love me.”

She was surprised when I laughed, but smiled as I reached for her. “This water’s too cold for making love, Tan. Can we go back to bed? Whatever it was that you did to me, I want it again, and again, and most likely again. Forever, if it’s what you want.” I took her in my arms; held her close. “I certainly can love you, Tannixt… and I do.”


Raya brought the shuttle lower until we were flying just feet above the ground. We were many miles from home, exploring the land mass that was only just visible from our own continent. The coastal mountains had quickly given way to a seemingly endless plain with a few small rivers intersecting the landscape.

It was between two such rivers that we saw the first signs of life, when several large herds of four-legged animals eyed our approach with idle curiosity. They showed no fear of our craft and soon lost any interest as they grazed. “They are not like anything in my database,” Raya told us, “It would seem the species is unique to this planet.”

Tan told us there were similar creatures not too far from her home, but smaller. “We leave them alone,” she told us. “Their meat is too tough and stringy to be eaten, and the hides do not cure very well.”

I had my viewfinder on long-range when something caught my eye. There appeared to be a long dark line in the distance. Raya swung the craft onto a course that would intersect the line. It soon became clear the line was burned grass, and it continued for some distance.

Then we came to what remained of a vehicle of some kind. Raya identified it immediately. “This is an escape module from the mothership, Zelda. Do you recall how my data indicated that another craft might have escaped the explosion?” She paused, analysing the wreckage. “This must be it. Most likely the module was already burning when it made landfall.”

We circled briefly. “Should we investigate it?” I asked. “Could there be survivors?” It seemed doubtful, but  I had to address the possibility.

“No, Zelda,” Raya replied. “Nothing could have lived through that crash. I am sorry.”

It was a final confirmation that I was most likely the only survivor from the ship. Perhaps it should have shaken me. Maybe it would have, had I been alone… but now I had Tan. Her hand returned my squeeze.

The sight of the wreckage awakened thoughts that left me feeling puzzled. Why did I have no memories of family, no knowledge of a mother and father, brothers or sisters?

I decided to put the question to Raya. With her command of data, she was perfectly capable of answering any question in a nano-second, but this time she paused before speaking.

“Everyone on the voyage went through a thorough selection process, Zelda – especially the young crew members, such as yourself. Essentially, they felt it necessary to remove ties to the past, to leave nothing that might cause you mental trauma. In the process, all memories of family and home were wiped from your mind.”

I understood the reasoning behind such a decision, but it still felt like a betrayal of some sort. Still, none of it mattered any more. My future was here on this planet, with Tan.

One question remained. “What happened to the mothership, Raya? How did it come to be destroyed?”

Raya replied. “I have no knowledge of what occurred, as my program was not activated until the explosion, when the evacuation process began. I can only theorise on the various possibilities. The most likely scenarios are sabotage, a technical malfunction or a meteor strike. The first and last are less probable, which leaves a malfunction of some sort. That would be my hypothesis. A more pressing question is why only so few hibernation units managed to open. It is most probable that none were intentionally activated, but yours was jarred open by the force of the explosions. If so, you are lucky to be here, Zelda.”

I didn’t know how to respond. Glancing from Raya to Tan then back again, I gave a thoughtful nod.

We continued deeper into the interior. Close to a second range of mountains, we came across what I would call a small, but clearly long abandoned town that fronted what appeared to be a complex similar to Rotan’s, but even larger.

Her voice calm as ever, Raya said, “Strap into your seats. There may be a hostile response.” We were quick to comply.

Sure enough, our shield flared seconds later as we came under attack. The shuttle slewed sideways as Raya struggled for control. Tan gripped my arm but stayed silent as we shuddered from repeated hits to our shield.

Though perfectly still, I knew Raya was working furiously. She even managed to give a running commentary of events. She told us this complex was far better armed than Rotan’s, but our defences should be strong enough to hold. In the meantime, she was rapidly eliminating their firing positions.

Suddenly the shuttle juddered violently, then the nose dropped. I knew we were losing height. Shit! We’re going to crash! I thought.

It was then that I saw several small but extremely fast-moving fighter ships swooping towards us before they attacked. Each time they fired at us, the shimmer of their expanding rays, like growing circles of light, could be seen before they hit our glowing shield.

Raya remained completely motionless, her face set in a neutral expression. But I knew her entire capability was in use right then, as she fought to counter this aerial attack without crashing the ship.

Our own weapons were firing non-stop. Several of the alien craft were blown to pieces, but more came to replace them, while the main complex kept up a relentless barrage of rays. I wondered how much longer our heat shield could withstand this onslaught. It was glowing brighter than ever, as if the shuttle was engulfed in flames.

An especially intense blast shook us violently. Now Raya spoke for the first time in several minutes. “We cannot sustain this level of attack,” she said. “I must take evasive action. Hold on tightly – our acceleration will be especially intense.”

We were smashed back in our seats. Tan gripped my hand as Raya turned us away in a tight curve.

Out of nowhere, hundreds of ships appeared. “There’s more of them coming!” I shouted, “Oh God, so many!”

For the first time in a while, Raya’s voice betrayed emotion. “They’re not the enemy, Zelda. It’s Rotan’s fighters, coming to our aid.”

Our rate of acceleration had slowed, so I grabbed the viewer to watch the ensuing dogfight. Many of the small ships exploded, and others fell from the sky to crash below. I couldn’t tell the difference between Rotan’s and those of our attackers. But our side clearly could.

As abruptly as the assault on us had begun, so it suddenly ceased. The remaining fighter craft formed into hovering lines, and there they waited… for instructions, I assumed. I had no idea who might issue them.

Then Rotan’s voice came over our speakers. “It is over. They will not fire again.” Even as he spoke, I saw giant doors opening just below the main complex. The fighters that had attacked us turned and accelerated away to disappear behind the mountain that we faced. There was clearly more than one way into this fortress.

”I was not aware that this centre existed,” Rotan explained. “Nor were they aware of us. I have learned that this was the main command centre, while ours is a secondary facility. Perhaps this explains why they had superior firepower. This centre was left exactly as we were, with no instructions for the future, no task to perform other than to protect itself.

“They acted just as I did when first encountering your spacecraft. You were assumed to be an alien carrying out an assault on the centre, so it responded accordingly.”

A different voice spoke, “We apologise for the attack, Zelda. It was our programmed response. Rotan, as you refer to him, has explained all. We registered two small ships penetrating our atmosphere, then one of them suddenly disappeared. We presumed it had landed somewhere. Now we know it crashed and that you, Zelda, are the only survivor. As with Rotan, we are now at your service, and our facilities are yours to use as you see fit.” The voice paused. “You seem to like having names by which to address us, Zelda. Is this so?”

“Um, yes,” I replied. “Have you got a name, then?”

“I do not… but the basic program my creators used to build me was called Jubil. Would that suit you?”

My tension had been slowly draining away. Now, I felt positively almost overwhelmed with relief. It was with a shaky laugh that I answered, “Jubil is fine.”

“Very well. I have already shared data with your program, the one you address as Raya. And I am told your travelling companion is named Tannixt, but that you refer to her as Tan. Greetings, Tan.”

Turning to Tan, I was shocked to see the horror that still showed on her face. Taking my hand, she asked me, “Is it really over? I feared a return to the suffering that is still whispered of in the legends of my people. Tell me, Zelda. Please tell me it’s over.”

I touched her cheek. “Yes, my sweet, it is truly over. You have nothing to fear.”

Rotan, Jubil and Raya had already set up communication links between the two complexes and ourselves. From that moment on, their knowledge would be shared.


Normally, I would have wanted to explore the command centre, but Tan’s nerves were still raw, and I saw no reason to unsettle her even more. So we continued on our way, exploring the many valleys and lakes in the area, mostly nestled between huge mountain ranges. Occasionally we chanced upon ruins of Rotan’s long-lost civilisation, mostly the remnants of villages and outposts. Most of these were small, too far gone to tell us much about the occupants. After landing the shuttle to wander through a few of these, we began to pass them by without stopping to investigate.

While Tan’s people lived in the forests of her continent, this part of the planet appeared to have no forested areas at all. If there were any inhabitants, we saw no trace of them.

Eventually, a consensus was reached that we’d seen enough. Tan was longing for home, and the endless evidence of civilisation’s collapse left me feeling melancholy. At any rate, we had a lifetime to explore this world whenever the mood took us.

Raya used a different route to take us home. For much of the way, Tan remained glued to the viewfinder. Her idea of the world had been transformed completely, and she was eager to learn more. After a while, I decided that she really needed to unwind a bit.

Turning to Raya, I said, “You should introduce Tan to the pleasures of the joystick. I’m sure she’d love it… and we’d have fun watching her!”

“I like this idea,” Raya replied. “I will move slowly, though, so Tan isn’t startled.”

Tan was so wrapped up in the spectacular view that she didn’t notice the machine inch slowly between her legs. I was sure I could just see the small vibrations begin when she looked down, then back at Raya and me, her eyes wide open in surprise. “What – what is happening?”

“We’re making you feel good, my love,” I told her. “Just relax and enjoy it.”

The first sign of Tan’s pleasure was a faint rippling of colour in her skin… hues of red, green, yellow, violet and more. My pussy began to tingle as I imagined what she was feeling. I saw the smile on Raya’s face as she glanced at me. She’d noticed the rise in my pulse rate.

I saw Tan press her hips forward as the vibration of the joystick grew more intense. She was still clutching the viewfinder with one hand, her knuckles turning white as the rest of her colouring became increasingly  vivid, flowing over her body like ocean waves. It was the first time I’d been able to properly observe the phenomenon at a distance, and its sheer beauty left me speechless.

Tan was gripping the joystick with both thighs, her hips rolling as she thrust herself against the throbbing device, just as I had when Raya first used it on me.

I couldn’t sit still for one more second. Unzipping my jumpsuit down to the waist, I pushed it down to my knees, then thrust a hand into my panties, seeking and finding my clit. That wasn’t enough to satisfy me,  so I used the other hand to fuck myself, driving two fingers into my pussy.

That was when I realised Raya was naked, touching herself between the legs with one hand while groping her breasts with the other.

Suddenly letting go of the viewfinder, Tan sank back into the seat with a whimper, her legs raised and spread. By then, the joystick was moving in and out of her cunt, each stroke controlled by Raya. By the way Tan’s body jerked, I could tell the pulse had been turned up all the way.

Raya continued to rub her pussy as she fucked my beautiful alien lover. I was doing the same, pausing for a moment to kick my jumpsuit and shoes away, then wriggle out of my panties.

Wanting a better view, I moved to Tan’s side. Sensing my nearness, she reached out to me. Her hand found my arm, then followed it down to my hand, the one I was using to fuck myself. She twisted her head round to stare at me and what I was doing, her eyes widening at the sight. “Oh… oh, Zelda,” she whispered.

I didn’t reply; just pointed towards Raya, who had also drawn closer. Tan gasped when she saw the now naked android, who was openly caressing her slit.

Tan’s tail snaked out and pulled Raya to her, then her tail fingers eased Raya’s hand aside and pressed into her cunt. I felt her enter me at the same time. Now she was masturbating us both while Raya fucked her with the joystick.

There was a hint of nervousness in Tan’s expression as Raya slowly bent towards her, but she closed her eyes, allowing herself to be kissed. Their mouths slid together for a moment, then Tan reached up to pull Raya into an embrace as their kiss grew heated and passionate.

I rejoiced at the sight. Raya had always taken great care to treat Tan with the utmost kindness, but the fear Tan and her people had for technology was so ingrained in their consciousness that she never felt at ease in Raya’s presence. It simply wasn’t in her nature to fully trust an android.

Now, it seemed, that emotional barrier had been toppled, and the two beings who meant the most to me were free to become lovers. And I would share that love with them…

Tan was fast approaching release. She sat upright, lifted up on both elbows, her hips frantically moving to meet the thrusts of the device that had impaled her cunt. Her colouring went wild as she shivered and moaned.

Raya was murmuring in Tan’s ear, her voice low and sexy in a way I’d never heard before. “There is a bond between the three of us. We are joined in these good feelings. Come for me, Tan, come while I fuck you.”

Tan stared at Raya with disbelieving eyes, then down at the glistening joystick, still sliding in and out of her. “Y-you… you are making this happen to me?”

Raya smiled. “I am, my beautiful Tan. This spacecraft is an extension of me, did you not know that? I am fucking you, just as you are fucking the two of us. I feel my own orgasm drawing close, and Zelda’s vital readings tell me she is also ready to climax.” She glanced up at me. “Shall we all come together?”

That was all it took. I wasn’t able to speak, or think, or anything right then but lean against Tan’s seat as waves of ecstasy battered me this way and that. Later, I would marvel at how Raya had progressed even further in her quest to become more human-like. The way she used her words to fuel our arousal, and spoke them in that sexy voice… More than that, Raya had developed an ability to conjure orgasms out of thin air. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that the rapture she’d just experienced was real. And that made me very, very happy.

As soon as I caught my breath, I joined Tan where she sat, perching on her thigh… and she guided Raya into her lap as well, so we were all snuggling together. A human, an alien and an android – a lovely, naked android, that is. We were there for a long while, our bare bodies lovingly entwined.


Raya set the craft down at the same place where we’d landed on our first visit. The grass had mostly grown back in, but the impression the shuttle had left was still faintly visible.

This time, we didn’t bother with clothes, emerging from the shuttle naked. Hand in hand, we three walked through the soft grass until we reached the river bank.

After we’d bathed in the cool water, Tan taught me the basics of swimming. Raya didn’t need teaching – since she didn’t breathe, it was possible for her to walk underwater for as long and far as she wanted. And when she chose to, Raya could move through the water faster than any fish.

Once I’d mastered a few simple strokes, I stretched out on the grass with Tan beside me, drying ourselves in the sun’s warmth. Raya stood nearby, gazing down at us. “Two beautiful beings,” her eyes wandering up and down our bare bodies. “When looking at you, I find myself having feelings that arouse me. I was never programmed for this, yet what I am experiencing is very real. There are pleasant sensations taking place between my legs, and they leave me wanting to touch you both.”

Tan and I laughed. “You don’t have to analyse everything, Raya,” I said. “Sometimes you should just listen to those feelings, then do what they say.”

Still grinning, Tan said, “Zelda speaks the truth. You could touch me, Raya, if you want it so much.”

Focusing her attention on Tan’s cunt, Raya nodded. “Yes. I want to see and feel what is different about your pussy, Tan. Then I will know how best to give you pleasure.”

By then, Tan seemed to have forgotten that Raya was a machine… or more likely, it simply didn’t matter to her, not any more. Spreading her legs apart without hesitation, she murmured, “Do anything you like to me, Raya. It would make me happy to get these good feelings from you.” Turning to me, she shyly added, “Zelda… may we kiss again?”

It was an invitation I wasn’t about to refuse. I gave Tan a long, passionate kiss, then sat back to watch as Raya knelt between Tan’s legs, her fingers prising open the lips of our alien lover’s cunt. Tan’s clit was showing, although not fully erect just yet. Raya bent down to take it between her lips.

Once again, Tan’s colours began to ripple across the surface of her body… and as always, I found myself entranced. Raya was using her mouth and fingers in all kinds of different ways to stimulate Tan, learning as she went. Whatever she tried seemed to work, because those colours began to deepen, growing more vivid and intense than I’d ever seen them.

Tan was trembling from head to toe, breathing in harsh gasps, and her clitoris had become fully erect. I knew what she needed.

Moving closer, I touched Raya’s shoulder. She looked up at me, holding Tan’s clit between two fingers. “Raya,” I said, “will you let Tan fuck you?”

She turned back to Tan. “Is this what you want?” Tan was too overwhelmed to do more than nod. “Then yes, you can fuck me.”

Tan didn’t hesitate. Sitting up, she gave Raya a fierce, hungry kiss before laying her down in the grass. She got on top, lining her erection up with Raya’s cunt, then pressed forward, entering her. Raya wrapped both legs around Tan’s waist, and their bodies began to move.

Tan’s colours no longer surprised me, however beautiful I found them. What did astonish me was the tears I saw on Raya’s cheeks, the blissful smile on her lips. She had truly transcended her existence as a mere machine, and was just as capable of love and passion as any human.

I knew then that I loved Raya every bit as much as Tan. The three of us were meant to be together for as long as fate allowed.

By then, I couldn’t just lie there and watch Tan and Raya fuck. There was a warmth between my legs that demanded attention. Lying back, I plunged two fingers into my pussy, driving them in and out for all I was worth. Soon my moans and cries mingled with those of my lovers.

I was just about to come when a question occurred to me: did this planet have sex pheromones in its atmosphere? I mean, we did seem to want to fuck an awful lot. Mind you, I wasn’t about to complain.

The end.

But… who knows what the universe holds in the future? Zelda found life in Juicy Secrets, and she might want to continue her adventures here rather than elsewhere.


Your Thoughts, Please!

  • Posted on October 19, 2024 at 4:09 pm

by JetBoy

(I put a version of this blog post up every year, more or less… but unfortunately, it’s still very much relevant today, hence its appearance yet again. It’s not a story, or indeed, even erotic. Nonetheless its message is very heartfelt, and it only runs for a few paragraphs, so please indulge us and read on.)

I’d like to bring up a subject that is very near and dear to us folks who run Juicy Secrets: your comments and feedback, and how crucially important it is to us — and this site.

First, a few words about what goes into making Juicy Secrets what it is.

Without even asking, I can speak for all the staff members of the site, past and present, in saying that what we have here is a genuine labor of love. Read our first-year anniversary blog post to get an inkling of the satisfaction and outright joy Naughty Mommy, Cheryl Taggert and me, your Boy Pornographer derived from planning Juicy Secrets, bringing it to life and watching it grow.

But when you click onto our link and navigate around the site, exploring its nooks and crannies, what you’re seeing is the result of work. A lot of work. Adding new posts and stories (which often includes considerable reformatting from the original source), hunting for thrilling images to accompany them, making necessary changes to the site pages to present and catalog these posts, editing and proofreading work for our guest authors, composing critiques, both positive and critical, for submitted stories (including the ones that don’t make the cut), dealing with technical requirements and issues, etc.

Not to mention writing our own stories, which requires a heaping helping of time in itself.

Needless to say, we don’t make a cent doing this. Actually, it’s not even possible to make a living by offering the kind of fiction that we do. I’d estimate that ninety-eight percent of our content consists of stories that no publisher (actual or virtual) would touch with a ten-foot pole — and the lion’s share of them wouldn’t be accepted by any of the big erotica sites, either.

Which brings us to the million-dollar question: why do we do this? Well, there’s the pride we feel at having created Juicy Secrets, and the security of having a safe space for our work. But there’s also the enormous pleasure of having that work noticed and acknowledged, particularly in the words of praise and the thoughtful comments that some of you are kind enough to leave after you read.

It’s hard to describe just how good it feels, that giddy surge of delight that we experience when a reader compliments our writing. It’s a friendly pat on the back, an assuring smile, a hug of encouragement that tells us our work has value — and all the time, effort and yes, occasional frustration that went into it was worthwhile. The warm regard of an audience is a better high than any drug, no question.

On the other hand, it’s a major downer to pay a visit to a recently posted story, one that you put your heart and soul into, and find no more than a handful of comments, even after it’s been on our home page for weeks. And frankly, that’s been happening a lot these days. I’ve known authors of erotic stories — good erotic stories — who’ve simply abandoned their craft in defeat, convinced that barely anyone gives a damn about their work.

Don’t misunderstand, dear readers — your Boy Author is not throwing a woe-unto-us pity party here. My cohorts and I derive a great deal of satisfaction from doing what we do. But your comments add so much to that satisfaction that I’m willing to put aside my pride — indeed, even my dignity! — to plead with you good people: spare a thought for the writers and their efforts when you especially enjoy reading a Juicy Secrets story, and leave a comment.

It’s not just the praise that sustains us, mind you… we also appreciate criticism, when you feel it’s warranted, and it’s always helpful when you let us know about mistakes you catch in our work. We’re always striving to do our work a little better, and your careful scrutiny makes that possible.

It should be added here that, much as we who toil here crave your praise, it’s even more important that you leave comments for our newer authors when they post stories. Doing so will increase the likelihood that they’ll continue to write — a winning situation for both Juicy Secrets and its readers!

One final point: we are not — emphatically not — asking anyone to offer praise for our work if we haven’t earned it. As comedian Flip Wilson once said, “If you didn’t intend to applaud, don’t applaud. Keep your damn hands to yourself!” On the other hand, if the story moved your soul, got you feeling warm and tingly all over, or spurred you into a “happy ending” of your own… why not take sixty seconds out of your life to tell us so? Thirty seconds, even. Hell, you can type “Great story!” in less than ten. And honestly, it does mean the world to our authors.

Thanks for indulging my shameless pandering, and for being a part of this site’s extended family. (You must be, if you’ve read this far.) May the road always rise with you.

Love always, JetBoy


Stranger in the Family, Chapter 12

  • Posted on October 17, 2024 at 3:14 pm

A summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the previous chapters, please see Stranger in the Family Chapter Links)

Disaster befalls the Luna family of four when lightning strikes Walt, the father, and Kelly, the oldest child at eleven. Walt is killed outright, while Kelly is left in a coma that lasts for weeks. She finally emerges, to the overwhelming joy of her mother Linda and nine-year-old sister Gabby – but with no memory of her family or her life, and an altogether different personality. Kelly now speaks fluent Spanish, no longer eats meat and, most crucially, has a serious attraction to women and girls, despite never having had sex of any kind.

At first, Kelly openly flirts with every female in her presence – including her mother, her little sister, her Aunt Jan, and the neighbors: divorced mother Cheryl (Linda’s best friend) and her daughters – sixteen-year-old Ali, and nine-year-old Pam (Gabby’s best friend). But soon Kelly realizes that this direct approach is more apt to make others uncomfortable than entice them into bed, so she tones it down.

However, two members of Kelly’s family are fascinated by the eleven-year-old’s sexual vibe. The first is Gabby, who has already been playing masturbation games with her friend Pam, so Kelly is easily able to begin the seduction of her younger sister. The second is Aunt Jan, who is openly gay but secretly into underage girls, with a hidden library of illegal DVDs to prove it. And while Kelly’s mother Linda is thus far immune to her daughter’s sexual charms, she is thinking quite a lot about lesbian sex after the death of her husband. Linda and her sister Jan were lovers back in their teen years… and Jan is hinting she’d like to pick things up where they left off.

Around this time, one night while her mother and little sister are asleep, Kelly slips out of bed and quietly makes her way to Cheryl’s home. There, she ends up in a sizzling threesome with Cheryl and her daughter Ali who, as it happens, are already lovers.

The next day, Kelly offers Cheryl an opportunity to spy through an outside window as she performs oral on Gabby and Pam. Cheryl very much wants to bring her younger daughter into the sexual relationship she has with Ali, so she jumps at the chance. Needless to say, Kelly and the girls have a wonderful time, and Cheryl sees the whole thing without being noticed. 

The next day, Linda takes Kelly and Gabby to stay with their Aunt Jan for the weekend, so she can spend that time at a spa.  While she’s there, Linda confesses to her sister Jan that she’s been thinking about the two of them becoming lovers again.

Once Linda leaves, Kelly commences her own seduction of Jan. Her aunt resists, but Kelly is determined to get what she wants… and that night, she does.

The next morning, Kelly makes love to Gabby on the dining table, putting on a show for Aunt Jan who, unbeknownst to Gabby, is watching from the hallway. After Gabby comes, she offers to lick her big sister’s pussy for the first time, and Kelly is quick to accept.

That evening, Kelly, Gabby and Jan all come together in a threesome for the first time… but probably not the last!

The next day, Linda picks her daughters up for the drive back home. By then, she feels certain her daughters are having sex with each other, and is perplexed to find herself aroused by the thought of it.

Later, she pays a visit to Gabby in her room, intent on having a chat with her youngest daughter about sex. Deciding to be honest with her mom, Gabby tells Linda everything she and Kelly have been up to, including their weekend with Aunt Jan. Linda is so turned on by Gabby’s revelations that she impulsively offers to touch her nine-year-old until she comes. Gabby is quick to accept. Afterward, Linda promises that they can make love again… and Kelly can join them. She asks Gabby to keep what they’ve just done a secret for the moment.

The next day, Linda takes both her daughters to the town’s Fourth of July celebration, as does Cheryl. There, Pam invites Gabby to a sleepover, where they’ll be hanging out with her big sister Ali. Pam goes on to share a surprise with Gabby: she and Ali had sex the night before, and they both want to let Gabby in on the action. Gabby asks if Kelly can come, too. Of course, Pam loves than idea.

However, the fireworks display frightens Kelly so badly that Linda is obliged to take her home. She has to pass on the sleepover, but Ali, Pam and Gabby are determined to have fun anyway.

What the younger girls don’t know is that Ali has come up with a scheme to find out if either of them is interested in sex with her mother. At an agreed-upon time that evening, Cheryl undresses and lies on her bed masturbating with the bedroom door slightly ajar, then Ali leads Pam and Gabby to that open door, intent on doing a little spying. As the chapter ends, the three of them are tiptoeing naked down the hall toward Cheryl’s room.

And that brings us to this chapter. Please enjoy.

by Purple Les & JetBoy

Gabby’s heart was racing like mad as she, her best friend Pam and Pam’s big sister Alicia approached the bedroom door, all of them naked.

This might not have been the craziest thing she’d done in the last few weeks, but it was surely in the top three. Ali was taking them down to peek into her mother Cheryl’s bedroom. There, they would get a good look at Cheryl completely nude, spread out on her bed and masturbating. “She does it every night about this time,” the teen told them.

Alicia took the hands of the two nine-year-old girls, and together they slipped into the dark hallway.

This is so wild, Gabby told herself. Moments earlier, she was admiring the sight of Pam and Ali’s mom in her nightie, when Cheryl had popped in to tell the girls she was turning in for the night.

The sight of her friend’s scantily-clad mother had turned Gabby on something fierce, and now she’d been offered the chance to see Cheryl bare naked. No way was she going to pass up an opportunity like that!

They advanced down the corridor, lit only by a sliver of light issuing from Cheryl’s bedroom. The door was slightly ajar. As they drew close, Ali put a finger to her lips, cautioning the youngsters to be quiet.


Glancing at the clock, Cheryl registered the time. 12:25 PM. Close enough, she decided.

Discarding her nightie, then slipping out of her thong, she spread herself out naked on the bed and began to caress her bare body. She’d already worked out which lighting looked best and what position to take so that anyone peeking through the door would see her pussy and ass. The thought of the girls seeing her like this already had her wet.

Cheryl took a deep breath, bracing herself. You got this, girl. Put on a good show and you could be fucking your little girl tonight. Oh, Pam, I love you so, and I’ve wanted you for so long…

And Gabby. Ever since I saw that child out of her clothes, I can’t stop picturing her, legs spread out, waiting to be licked. Bet her pussy is sweet as candy.

Moistening two fingers in her mouth, Cheryl reached between her thighs and began to stroke herself, all the while listening for movement in the house.


Ali peered through the gap in her mother’s open door, pleased to see that Cheryl was already naked and masturbating. Turning to Pam and Gabby, she gave a thumbs-up, then stood back, allowing the younger girls to draw closer.

Pam gasped, though she quickly stifled it, and Gabby’s mouth dropped. As for Ali, she wasn’t looking into her mother’s room, but at the two girls, silently rejoicing to see Gabby and Pam absently touching their smooth slits.

Now Ali looked in again to see what her mother was up to. By then, Cheryl was on her knees, face sideways on the pillow as she fucked herself from behind. The woman’s legs were spread wide enough that the hot, juicy flesh of her cunt could easily be seen, as well as the darker cleft of her butthole.

“Oh… oh God, yes,” Cheryl moaned, thrusting into her vagina with such force that it made a squishing sound. “Lick me, lick my cunt! Ohhhhhh!”

When laying plans for this little performance, Ali and Cheryl decided it would be best to keep it short and very intense – just enough to imprint the image in the youngsters’ minds; get them to see Cheryl in a sexual context.

Ali signaled to the girls, letting them know it was time to go. They reluctantly followed, wistfully glancing back at Cheryl’s door.

Once in Ali’s room with the door closed, Gabby and Pam were beside themselves with excitement.

“That was awesome!” Pam exclaimed. “I never knew Mom was so, so hot!”

“She always has been,” Ali smugly replied. “Took you long enough to notice.”

“Why couldn’t we watch longer?” Gabby asked, pouting a bit.

Ali shook her head. “We can’t take a chance on getting caught. If that happens, not only would we get in humongous trouble, Mom will start closing her door when she herself gets off, and then we won’t get to see anything. Besides,” and she broke into a huge grin, “that got me so worked up that I had to bring you guys back here right away. Now, c’mon – let’s fuck each other silly!”

Pam and Gabby shared a wide-eyed glance, then jumped on the bed together, laughing and bouncing with abandon like the little girls they still were.

“Well, I already thought your mom was sexy,” said Gabby. “When she came in to tell us goodnight… oh my gosh, that nightie she wore! I’d LOVE to do sexy stuff with her.”

“Huh,” Pam murmured, pondering Gabby’s remark. “I never even thought about doing it with Mom… but heck, why not?” She giggled. “If I can fuck my sister, I can fuck my mother!”

Yes, yes, YES! Ali thought. “Makes sense to me,” she said.

“Now I wish we could’ve gone right into Mom’s bedroom, ‘stead of just watching,” Pam mused.

Gabby frowned. “Wouldn’t she get mad at us?”

“Ha! If she did, I’d do this, and I bet she wouldn’t be mad for long!” Pam flopped down on her tummy between Ali’s legs and began to lick her big sister’s pussy.

“What the fuck…” Ali was caught by surprise, but quickly recovered. She stared at her little sister for a moment, then closed her eyes as she lay back, moaning, “Oh, yeah… who could get mad at that? Don’t stop, Pam!”

Gabby watched her best friend lick her big sister’s pussy for a moment, then began to masturbate. Wow, this is so, SO cool! Too bad their mom’s not here to see this…

Then she had an interesting thought, one that stopped her in mid-stroke. She pondered it, slowly nodding as it played out in her head.

Yeah… I totally have to do this.

Getting to her feet, Gabby made her way to the door, slipping out into the hall. Ali was lying back, eyes closed while Pam ate her pussy, and didn’t notice her sister’s friend leaving the room.

A few seconds later, sensing something was off, Ali looked up. “Um… Gabby?”

Pam raised her head. “Huh? Wait – where’d she go?”

“Dunno,” Ali murmured, glancing over at the bathroom door. “She had to pee, I guess.”

“Mmm, okay.” Pam got back to work, thrusting her tongue into her big sister’s cunt.

Meanwhile, Gabby tiptoed down the hallway to Cheryl’s door, which was still slightly ajar. Peeking inside to assure herself that yes, the woman was still masturbating, she gently knocked.

Cheryl was sitting on the edge of her bed, legs spread, two fingers plunging in and out of her dripping pussy. She’d been edging herself for nearly half an hour, and was drawing steadily nearer to release. Hearing the knock at her door, she looked up, startled. “Who – who’s there?” she stammered.

“It’s me,” Gabby answered, then slowly pushed the door open and moved into the room.

Frozen to the spot, Cheryl stared in mixed disbelief and awe at the naked nine-year-old. My God, so lovely. And the way she’s looking at me, like a sweet treat she’s been waiting forever to taste.

“Cheryl?” Gabby shyly began. “Um, me, Ali and Pam did something kinda naughty… we spied on you while you were t-touching yourself. See, Ali said she watches you doing it all the time, so me and Pam… well, we asked her to let us watch, too.”

“It’s okay, Gabby. I’m not upset,” Cheryl said, looking the nude child up and down and licking her lips. “Did you enjoy it?”

“Oh, lots and lots… but that’s not why I’m here. What I came to tell you is that we’re having a lot of fun in Ali’s room with all our clothes off. Like, when I left, Pam was licking Ali’s pussy.”

Cheryl’s eyes widened. “Oh, my.

“Anyhow,” the child continued, “I just thought that maybe instead of being alone, you could come join us. Pam wants to lick you too, she said so!” Gabby gave Cheryl an angelic smile, bashfully scuffing the carpet with her big toe. “Wanna come and play?”

It was what Cheryl had wanted for years. My secret desire… and now it’s within reach.

“Okay, sure. I’ll come with you.” Getting to her feet, she reached for the little girl’s hand, and they padded into the dimly lit hallway, making their way to Ali’s door.

As Gabby slowly eased the door open, Cheryl took a deep breath, then peered into Ali’s room.

What she saw made her head spin. There was Ali, spread out on the bed, clutching handfuls of the sheets, her face a vision of perfect ecstasy. Between her legs lay Pam.

Cheryl almost came on the spot at the sight of her youngest daughter’s bare bottom, jiggling slightly as she licked and sucked Ali’s cunt. Pam’s legs were spread apart, her twin holes on full display.

Ali moaned, her eyes briefly drifting open – then they widened in astonishment at the sight of her naked mother, side by side with Gabby. A delicious shiver raced through the teen’s slender frame. “Oh, yeah,” she whispered.

Sensing something had happened, Pam raised her face from Ali’s pussy and glanced over her shoulder, warm cunt honey glistening on her lips. There was Mommy, hand in hand with her best friend and gloriously nude.

Cheryl released Gabby’s hand as she drew close to her girls. Climbing on the bed, she crawled to Pam, who turned to face her mother.

“Precious child,” Cheryl murmured, on the verge of joyful tears. “My pretty Pammy. Can I… can I kiss you?” She caressed the girl’s cheek. “A kiss from Mommy, yes?”

Gazing up at her mother, a dreamy-eyed Pam slowly nodded. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, please.”

Taking her time, Cheryl bent to her daughter, parting her lips. Then, just before their mouths touched, Pam extended her tongue to meet Mommy’s kiss. Cheryl moaned in mixed surprise and excitement, wrapping both arms around Pam as their kiss deepened, grew heated and passionate.

“God,” Ali breathed, frantically masturbating as she watched this beautiful, forbidden scene play out. Still standing at the foot of the bed, Gabby began to stroke her own slit.

When their kiss broke, Cheryl gathered Pam up in her arms, cradling her child like a baby. With a bashful smile, she said, “That was wonderful, pumpkin. Now, I want to make love to you.”

The child’s face positively glowed with happiness. “I… I’d like that.”

Cheryl gently lay Pam down on her back, then kissed the girl again. Their tongues briefly mingled, then the woman set off on a journey of exploration, nuzzling a pathway down her daughter’s body.

Pam whimpered when Mommy took a tiny nipple between her lips to suck, then cried out loud when she gave it a playful bite. Cheryl pleasured the other breast the same way, then continued downward to kiss the nine-year-old’s tummy, burying her face in its softness before darting the tip of her tongue into Pam’s belly button, which elicited a squeal of laughter.

But Cheryl had another destination in mind, and a trembling little girl watched as her own mother placed a soft kiss on the rise of her mons, then moved in to lick.

“Oh… oh, yes, Mommy.”

Gabby’s heart throbbed as she watched her friend get licked by her own mother – like Mom promised to do to me soon, she reminded herself. Then her attention shifted to Cheryl’s nice round bottom. She was on her knees on the bed, her backside sticking up and thrust out enough to show her lady parts. Oh wow, she looks soooo yummy!

She couldn’t just stand there and look, not any more. Licking her lips, Gabby climbed onto the bed and knelt behind Cheryl, grasping the woman’s shapely buttocks with both hands.

Cheryl felt little hands spreading her ass open, then a warm, wet tongue trailing through her crack. Ali was still leaning against the headboard and fingering her cunt, so it had to be Gabby who was licking her anus.

Omigod, she marveled. How did a girl that young learn to rim? She’s damn good at it, too.

Then Gabby brought her other hand into play, cupping Cheryl’s pussy while continuing to pleasure the older woman’s asshole, then working two fingers into the juicy opening. Cheryl’s warm thick fluids oozed down her inner thighs and all over Gabby’s hand.

Cheryl began to come, her muffled moans stimulating Pam’s clit. This caused the child to seize her mother’s head and hang on to it for dear life as her own orgasm came crashing down.

Watching her sister and mother come was enough to bring on Ali’s moment of release, her hips bucking as she blurted, “Oh, fuck. FUCK!”

The room was awash in the thick aroma of cunt as the four lovers snuggled together, resting from their pleasures. Gentle touches were exchanged, words of affection whispered, at least until Cheryl sat up to exclaim, “Hell’s bells, Gabby – no one’s made you come yet!”

With that, a grinning Pam and Ali pounced on the nine-year-old. They got her up on all fours, and just like that, the sex party began again.

Cheryl was quick to position herself behind Gabby. “Your ass is mine, young lady,” she said, then buried her mouth in the cleft of the little girl’s flawless bottom. Ali scooted beneath Gabby to feast on her slit. As for Pam, she rested her head in Ali’s lap, then gave Gabby upside-down kisses while caressing her friend’s flat chest.

With all this attention, there was no way Gabby could hold out for very long. Sure enough, before three minutes had passed, she was panting her way through a shuddering climax.

By that time, Cheryl and her daughters were aroused again and ready for more – as was Gabby, once she’d caught her breath. Before long, all four of them were caught up in a full-on orgy, trying any and every idea their wicked minds could summon up.

They spent nearly two hours making love, reveling in the taboo delights of lesbian incest until everyone was exhausted, sated, and very, very happy. Exchanging sleepy kisses, they all crawled beneath the sheets of Ali’s king-size bed and quickly fell asleep.

Gabby drifted off last, her mind buzzing with possibilities. I’ve GOT to get Mom and Kelly in on this! she told herself. Aunt Jan, too. I’m the only one who’s done sex with all of them, so maybe it’s up to me to try and make it happen. Better talk to Kelly about it first, though.

Placing a feather-light kiss on a dozing Pam’s cheek, Gabby nestled into her friend and relaxed with a happy sigh. Within moments, she was sound asleep.


Jan spent the Fourth of July at a party thrown by one of her colleagues and had a lovely time. There was good food, fine wine, stimulating company and pleasant chat – exactly what she needed to relax.

The host and hostess had a swimming pool, so some of the couples brought their children along. Jan spent a good portion of the daylight time lying on a deck chair by the water’s edge with her sunglasses on, which made it easy for her to look at the young girls in their bathing suits without being noticed.

There were four girls who looked to be from eight to twelve, and a boy of about ten or so. Jan was smitten by the girls, all but the youngest in skimpy two-piece suits. Their ripening bodies, wet and shiny as they climbed from the pool. Suit bottoms riding up their pert bottoms, revealing pale above their tan lines. The way they casually slipped their fingers beneath the soaked material to pull it back in place.

Jan was in the right place at the right time, the only adult nearby and out of view when she saw two of the little girls approach the one boy, one of them quietly saying, “We’re going in to get changed now.”’

The boy shrugged. “So?”

The other girl said, “So… you can watch us if you want… but you gotta let us see you, too.”

Jan’s pulse raced as she watched the boy think for a moment, then smile, giving the girls a hasty nod. The three of them went indoors together.

Ten minutes later, they were still in the house when the youngest girl appeared. Running up to Jan, she asked, “Did you see where the other kids went?”

“Um, they went indoors to change,” she replied.

The girl broke into a huge grin. “Thanks!” she chirped, then raced inside to join her friends.

Jan didn’t see the children return until nearly an hour later, and her mind ran wild thinking of what they might have gotten up to behind closed doors. God, I wish they’d invited me, she thought.

Near dusk, she made her goodbyes and headed for home. By the time she’d arrived and gone inside, Jan was feeling restless. The time spent observing and thinking about the children had her throbbing with lust.

Just a couple of days earlier, she’d engaged in sex with her two preteen nieces. Memories of that incredible weekend, coupled with the antics of the kids at the party, had Jan aching to masturbate. She headed to the basement to unearth her secret stash of pot and porn. Jan already knew the DVD she wanted – the one she kept in the case of an old Sound of Music case.

Opening the shoe box, Jan peered inside. Her heart fluttered, then pounded frantically. The disc was missing!

She found a folded piece of paper, one that wasn’t there before. Puzzled, she opened the note.

I borrowed this DVD and a marijuana cigarette. You’ll get them back. Love, Kelly. The O in love was a little heart.

It felt like a block of ice was resting in Jan’s stomach. How could Kelly know, how could she have found my hiding place? she wondered. She sat there a long time, feeling sick. No longer in the mood to touch herself, she went to bed and worried until sleep finally came. It was a restless slumber, plagued by unsettling dreams she couldn’t quite remember.

She rose early in the morning, head aching, wondering what to do. Should I put all my DVDs in the trash? she asked herself, wondering how Linda would react if she caught Kelly with that disc. It was filled with scenes of women making love to little girls, and she’d paid a Danish collector five hundred dollars for it. There were eight other DVDs in the shoebox with more of the same.

In the end, she decided not to throw away her collection. Linda wouldn’t turn me in. She might never speak to me again, I might never get to spend any more time with Kelly or Gabby… but surely she wouldn’t put her own sister behind bars.

Jan finished her coffee, showered and waited until a decent hour of the morning to phone Linda.


Linda woke up early, surprised at first to see Kelly sleeping next to her, then recalled the previous evening and how she’d comforted her distressed daughter.

Letting the girl snooze, Linda got up, made her way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. She returned nude and, feeling sleepy again, slipped under the covers, where she snuggled close to Kelly, quickly dozing off.

Waking up about an hour later, Linda opened her eyes to find a misty-eyed Kelly looking at her..

“Wh-what’s wrong?” Linda asked, startled.

“Nothing’s wrong, Mother,” Kelly said, her voice trembling slightly. “I’m just so, so happy that you love me as much as you do. I didn’t know you until we met in the hospital a few months ago, but you’ve known me all my life. Not as I am, but how I was before this happened.” Kelly sighed, briefly closing her eyes. “Before my past got taken away.” She looked up at Linda. “And even though I’m not the same girl, you never let that matter. You were a real mother to me last night. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’ve been that the whole time! And I just want to tell you how much I appreciate that… and to say that I love you.” A tear ran down her cheek, then another.

“Oh, Kelly,” Linda whispered, taking the girl into her arms. “It took a little time to get used to the change, but I never stopped loving you.” She drew back to meet her daughter’s gaze. “There’s one thing you can do that would make me happy, though.”

“Wh-what’s that?” asked Kelly.

Please stop calling me ‘Mother,’ okay?” Linda replied, carefully wiping the girl’s tears away with a tissue. “You never did before the accident, and I still can’t get used to you saying it.”

“Kelly slowly nodded. “All right, then… Mom.”

“Thanks, sweetie.” Linda kissed the tip of her child’s nose, hesitated, then finally said, “Kelly… you like girls, don’t you? More than boys, I mean.”

Glancing away, Kelly murmured, “Yeah. I’m not sure if, y’know, the old me was gay, but I am. Are you, er, okay with that?”

“Of course I am, sweetie. You are who you are, and I’ll be there for you no matter what.”

Kelly smiled. “That means a lot to me, Mom. Thanks.”

Linda hesitated, trying to work up the nerve to say what she wanted to. Finally, she simply came out with it. “Sweetheart, I know you and Gabby are having sex. I… I also know that the two of you did it with your Aunt Jan. Gabby told me everything on the night you came home.”

Kelly didn’t apologize, nor did she deny it. Instead, she quietly said, “Are you mad at us?”

Looking into the deep, calm eyes of her daughter, Linda trembled inside. “I might have been, a few weeks ago,” she said, struggling to keep her cool, “but now… I’m not sure what to think.” She took Kelly’s hand. Just tell me this. Do you love your sister? Truly love her?”

“Of course, Mom!” Kelly replied. “I adore Gabby. I’d never do anything to hurt her. We… we’re sort of in love.”

“And Jan?”

“Oh, Mom, she’s the best aunt ever! I had to work really hard to get her into bed, though. She kept fighting it, but I wore her down. So you totally shouldn’t be angry at her, ‘kay?”

“Fair enough,” Linda said. “So, um… those feelings you have for Gabby, and your aunt… do you ever think that way about me?”

There was a long silence as the eleven-year-old weighed her mother’s words, then answered, “I wouldn’t be in trouble if I said ‘yes,’ right?”

Linda’s heart was pounding so hard that it seemed to echo through her body. “No, Kelly… you wouldn’t.”

“Then the answer is yes, Mom,” said Kelly. “You’re beautiful and sweet and sexy, and I’d give anything to make love to you, even if it’s just once.”

Now Linda was the one on the verge of tears. My God, she really loves me that much.

Taking a deep breath, she said, “I have to tell you something, Kelly. The other night, I – I made your sister come. I touched Gabby until she had an orgasm.”

Kelly responded with a dazzling smile. “That’s awesome, Mom! Did she do anything to you?”

Linda shook her head. “I think she wanted to… but I wasn’t quite ready for that. Um, we did share a very sexy kiss, though. I was just going to give her, you know, a peck on the lips, but Gabby put her tongue in my mouth. We kissed like that for a long time.”

“Oh, Mom, that’s great. I’m… actually, I’m kind of jealous.”

“Don’t be,” Linda replied, placing a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “If it’s really what you want, I’d be happy to make love to you, Kelly.”

Kelly frowned slightly. “But is that what you want? If you did it just to make me feel better, I’d – I’d rather not.”

“No, that’s not it, sweetie. I… I need you. To touch your body; kiss you all over. To taste your mouth. I can’t stop thinking about it!” Seizing the girl’s hand, she brought it to her lips, then said, “Let me love you, Kelly. Please?”

The girl’s eyes burned into hers. “Say the words, Mom. Tell me what you really want.”

Linda understood. “I want to fuck you, Kelly,” she said, her voice gone hoarse. Taking hold of the sheet, she slowly tugged it down to reveal her bare body.

“Oooohh, Mom,” Kelly cooed. “I love what you’re not wearing.” Scooting onto her knees, she drew closer. “Can we kiss?”

Closing her eyes, Linda kissed her daughter, tentatively at first. But it soon grew into a heated lover’s kiss that soon had them both panting, lightheaded with desire.

Gently breaking away, Linda began to unbutton Kelly’s pajama top, opening it to reveal the girl’s budding breasts. She caressed them, teasing the swelling nipples with her fingertips before bending to take one in her mouth.

“Yes, Mom,” Kelly moaned. “Oh, yes. That feels so nice, d-don’t stop…!”

Switching from one breast to the other, then back again, Linda lavished attention on her eleven-year-old’s pert buds, teasing them with lightning-fast flicks of the tongue, then began to nuzzle her way downward. She buried her face in the softness of her child’s tummy and breathed in the delicate yet heady aroma, flavored with an enticing hint of Kelly’s sex.

The scent was a beckoning finger, urging Linda further down until she was lying between Kelly’s legs, gazing at a damp patch on the crotch of her daughter’s pajama bottoms. Taking hold of the waistband, she said, “Raise up, sweetie. Let’s take these off.”

Kelly obligingly lifted her hips, and Linda removed the girl’s very last piece of clothing, gazing lovingly at her bare slit. My God, it’s beautiful. She began to stroke the pink cleft with the tip of her index finger, watching her child’s eyes glaze over with pleasure.

“Ooooh, Mom… I love you. I love you,” Kelly moaned, spreading her thighs even wider.

Lying down between her daughter’s legs, Linda placed a tender kiss upon the rosy opening, then extended her tongue for her first taste of pussy in more than fifteen years.

It was even better than she remembered. Moaning, she covered Kelly’s slit with her mouth, easing her tongue inside to get more of the girl’s tart essence.

“Yes, Mom,” Kelly whimpered. “Lick my pussy, make me come. Oh, I need it so b-bad…!”

Linda was thrilled by how familiar it still felt to pleasure a girl with her mouth. Some things you never forget, I guess. God… how could I ever have given this up? She tongue-fucked Kelly for a while, then sought out the pink pearl of her daughter’s clitoris, taking it between her lips.

Years ago, Linda’s big sister Jan had taught her the best way to stimulate the clitoris: gently suck at the tender bud while flicking it with the tip of the tongue. Intent on making her child’s orgasm one she’d never forget, Linda applied this technique to Kelly.

“Oh, shit… oh, Mom, yes, d-don’t stop doing that, yes, keep – ohhhhhh!”  Kelly clutched her mother’s head, twitching fingers tangling in Linda’s hair. Kelly spread her legs as far apart as she could, her cunt opening even further to reveal the juicy interior. Thick, warm fluids were oozing down the crack of the eleven-year-old’s ass and dripping onto the sheets.

Kelly threw her head back, a hoarse scream torn from her body as she came. Her body shuddered and shook, making the bed frame squeak as she rode her climax to its dizzying peak. Finally the girl’s motions slowed, her hands gently losing their grip on Linda’s head.

Her heart swelling with love for Kelly, Linda gently nuzzled a pathway up the length of her daughter’s slender frame. Their lips met in a tender kiss, then they lay together, nestling in each other’s arms.

“That was beautiful, sweetheart,” Linda whispered. “Nearly everyone would say it was wrong, that moms and their little girls shouldn’t make love… but I’m glad we did it.”

“Me too, Mom. So… you don’t really mind that I’m having sex with Gabby?”

“How can I?” Linda replied. “I did the same thing with her, except I only used my fingers. But I promised her we could do it again… and next time, I’m sure I’ll want to go down on her.” She gazed adoringly at Kelly. “No, I’m fine with the two of you being intimate. Just don’t ever stop loving your sister, okay?”

“I never will, Mom. Promise.” Kelly hesitated, then said, “You and Aunt Jan… you used to do this with her, huh?”

Linda nodded. “She told you, then. Yeah, we were lovers, and it was incredible. It started when we weren’t much older than you and Gabby.” She gave a melancholy sigh. “I loved what we did. I loved her. But Jan ended things when she went off to college. Oh, she meant well. She was afraid I’d never move on and find a real life partner of my own if we were still a couple.

“She was right, of course. I’d have never met your father or had you and Gabby if she hadn’t been strong enough to set me free. But still… it broke my heart. I guess it broke hers, too.”

“Do you want to have sex with her again?”

“I do,” said Linda. “You know, when Jan stayed here with us, when you’d just got out of the hospital… one night, she offered to sleep with me. And I turned her down.” Her mouth tightened. “I’ve regretted that ever since. After that, I decided that the next time I see her, I’m going to ask if we can be lovers again. Mind you, that was before I got involved with you girls.”

“Aunt Jan totally wants you, Mom.” Kelly placed a few soft kisses on her mother’s neck. “She told me so.”

“I’ve missed her so much… the love, the closeness.”

Kelly was fondling her mother’s breasts. “She loves you lots, but she also has a big thing for girls. Young ones… even little girls, like Gabby. They get her hot. Did you already know that?”

“Not until Gabby told me what happened between the three of you,” Linda replied, shrugging. “But then, I like girls, too. It’s just that I didn’t know it until recently.” She gave a shaky laugh. “I have you to thank for that, sweetheart. Once I figured out you were making love with your sister, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Then one night, I realized something. It turned me on.” She smiled at Kelly. “You turn me on… your sister, too. Both my girls…”

“You know,” Kelly mused, “if I hadn’t been struck by lightning and got changed to the way I am now, probably none of this would have ever happened, huh?”

“No, I suppose not. And it was a real tragedy. I miss your father. We all do.”

“I guess so,” Kelly sighed. “Wish I remembered him.”

“I know you do, sweetie. But since this is the way things are… well, we should make the best of it. Enjoy ourselves. Don’t you think so?”

“I do, Mom.” With that, Kelly climbed on top of Linda, her thigh resting against the woman’s vulva. They shared a gentle kiss that quickly became much more. Linda sucked her daughter’s tongue while caressing Kelly’s bare bottom, letting her fingers wander up and down the warm cleft in between.

“Mmm, yeah, Mom, touch my butthole. I love that. Hey, wanna hear something else sexy that I did?”

“There’s more? God, yes. Tell me everything!”

“Last week, I fucked Gabby and her little friend Pam. Y’know, those two were fooling around with each other before my accident. Not really sex, just watching each other masturbate. But I ate their pussies, and got them to kiss and make out with each other. Oh, wow, it was soooo fucking hot, Mom. A preteen threesome. Does that make your pussy wet?” She slipped a hand between her mother’s legs. “Oh, yeah. It totally does.”

As Kelly slid three fingers into her mom’s wet, welcoming cunt, Linda carefully eased one into her daughter’s snug vagina. “Tell me about it, sweetheart,” she pleaded. “How it happened. What you did to the girls. What they did to you…”

So while working her fingers in and out, in and out of Mom’s pussy, Kelly told the story about her sexual encounter with Gabby and Pam, carefully leaving out the part where Pam’s mother Cheryl watched the whole thing. Better keep that secret for now, she decided.

When Kelly got to the part where she went down on her nine-year-old sister, Linda began to come. Determined to make this an experience her mother would never forget, Kelly kept going, pumping her arm hard and fast until Linda stammered, “O-okay, Kelly. That – that’s enough. My heart’s about to g-give out!”

Kelly carefully withdrew her fingers, then brought them to her lips to taste. “Mmmm,” she purred, “your cunt is delicious, Mom.”

Staring up at her daughter, Linda mumbled, “Oh, fuck, you’re incredible. Lie back, sweetie – I want to go down on you again.”

“Um, Mom… can we do something else first? I’d like us to watch each other masturbate while we talk about sex. Is that okay?”

Linda smiled. “Long as I get to lick your fingers when we’re done.”

“It’s a deal,” Kelly replied with a giggle. They arranged themselves across from one another. “Mom, tell me about when you were my age and fucking Aunt Jan. I want to hear about sisters making love.”


Meanwhile, in the house across the way, Cheryl awakened between her daughters – teenage Ali on the left, nine-year old Pam on the right. Next to Pam, her neighbor’s little girl Gabby dozed peacefully. Beneath the covers, they were all nude… and picturing that had Cheryl’s desire humming to life all over again.

Cheryl studied each girl in turn. This didn’t play out like it was supposed to… but I certainly can’t complain! Gabby changed everything, bless her. She wanted to include me in the fun and games. Now I’ve finally made love to both my girls, with Gabby as a bonus.

Wait… that means I’ve had sex with both Linda’s daughters! No way out of it – I’ll have to tell her about this. She’ll be angry. Perhaps not as angry as if she found out from one of the girls.

Will she turn me in to the police? Christ, who knows? Surely she’d talk to her daughters first, and they’d tell Linda the truth about what happened. After all, it was Kelly who put the moves on me… and Gabby practically gave me an engraved invitation to fuck her! Not that it would make a bit of difference to the authorities.

I’ll just have to confess everything to Linda and hope for the best. And I ought to discuss this with Gabby when she wakes up.


Linda and Kelly lay face to face on Linda’s king-size bed, each with a finger in the other’s pussy. As they masturbated one another, mother and daughter traded stories about sex with their sisters.

“We used to play games,” Linda recalled. “Jan would be an evil scientist, and I was a secret agent who had just captured her. I’d hold my hand like a gun and force her to strip, then search every inch of her body. She loved it when I went into her asshole. Anyhow, we’d get so turned on that we ended up fucking, and afterward Jan would say she loved me, then she’d promise to give up her evil scientific ways.” She laughed. “God, we were silly. The sex was incredible, though.”

“Yeah, Jan still loves butt sex. So does Gabby,” Kelly said. “When you lick her bottom, she goes nuts.”

They both heard the bedroom door open, then looked up to see a very surprised Gabby staring at them.

Kelly said, “Well, well… speak of the devil.”

Gabby was quick to get her bearings. Clapping her hands in glee, she exclaimed, “All right! Finally, we all get to do it together.” She kicked off both shoes, then jumped from foot to foot as she tugged each sock off in turn.

Reaching for the hem of her t-shirt, Gabby began to pull it up, but paused when Kelly said, “Slow down there, Gabs. Let me take your clothes off!”

Withdrawing from Linda’s cunt, Kelly quickly got to her feet and approached her younger sister, offering the nine-year-old her glistening fingers. Gabby took them into her mouth, humming happily as she sucked them clean of Linda’s essence. Then the two sisters kissed passionately, sharing the taste of their mother.

When they heard a soft moan, both girls broke their kiss to glance over at Linda, who was frantically masturbating to the sight of her daughters making out. “Oh wow, that’s so cool,” Gabby whispered.

Kelly motioned for Gabby to raise her arms, then tugged the younger girl’s t-shirt up and off to bare her chest. Tossing the shirt aside, she claimed Gabby’s mouth in another tender kiss. Meanwhile, Gabby was exploring Kelly’s naked body, her hands finally coming to rest on her big sister’s ass.

“My God,” Linda said through trembling lips. “Just hearing about you two making love got me hotter than a pistol, but actually seeing you together…? Here, see how wet I am!” Sure enough, her fingers were dripping with fluids, and there was a damp patch on the bed just below her juicy sex.

“Mmmm… doesn’t she look yummy?” Kelly murmured. “What do you think, Gabs – want some of that?”

“Oh, yeah,” the little girl said, now dreamy-eyed with desire. “Can I lick you, Mommy?”

Linda slowly nodded. “Yes, sweetie… I’d love you to.”

“Hold on, hold on,” Kelly protested. “Someone’s overdressed for this.” Getting on her knees, she undid Gabby’s shorts and yanked them down, along with her panties, until they ringed the nine-year-old’s ankles. Kelly helped her sister step out, leaving Gabby as bare as the others. Plucking the child’s sodden underpants from the discarded shorts, she threw them to her mother.

Linda brought Gabby’s panties to her face and inhaled deeply, then winked at her little girl. “Well, what are you waiting for?” she cooed, spreading her legs even wider. “Come taste Mommy’s cunt.”

As if on automatic pilot, Gabby crawled onto the bed, stretched out between her mother’s thighs and buried her mouth in the woman’s dark blonde bush.

Linda gasped as the girl’s tongue plunged into her hungry vagina, then began to flicker inside like a warm pink flame. I can’t believe this is happening, and yet it is. Look at her, my precious child of nine, making love to her mommy like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Now Kelly was kneeling next to Linda, fondling her breasts. “Isn’t Gabby amazing, Mom? Me and Aunt Jan taught her everything about eating pussy.” Linda’s head swam as Kelly gave her a brief but heated French kiss, then added, “I licked her butt first, though.”

Linda could feel her orgasm approach, sensed it rising inside, growing, filling her… “Ohhh yes, Gabby sweetie, oh fuck I’m g-gonna come, I’m gonna – OHHHH!” Her voice rose to a wild cry, hands tightening into fists as the storm swept in, wrenching her this way and that. It was glorious.

Gabby continued to feast on her mother’s pussy, refusing to let up until Linda clumsily pushed the little girl’s head away, mumbling, “No more, baby. I’m done, please, n-no more.”

Meanwhile, Kelly was leaning back against the headboard, fingering herself as she stared at her mother and little sister. Gabby and Linda watched her climax, then a dazed Kelly stretched out next to them.

Blissfully content, Linda nestled between her daughters. They lay quietly for a while, but before long, the tactile sensation of skin on skin had them all feeling tingly and in the mood for more.

Kelly was first to speak. “Mom? I think you should go down on Gabby now.”

Thinking about it, Linda decided, She’s right. It’s exactly what I want to do. She turned to her youngest. “Like to go for a ride on my face, little girl?”

Gabby’s smile could have illuminated the sky. “I‘d love to, Mommy.”

“Come on, then. I’m ready.”

Getting up and onto her knees, Gabby carefully straddled her mother. Looking down at Linda, the child slowly lowered her smooth slit to the woman’s open mouth.

Linda met her daughter’s gaze, dizzy with happiness at the love she saw in her little girl’s eyes. Her lips were grazing Gabby’s bare slit. She took one lick, then another. My God, she tastes so good… almost like Jan did. Linda reached down to touch her cunt, pleased to find it dripping with nectar. She began to masturbate, plunging two fingers into herself.

Kelly wanted in on this action. Spreading Gabby’s bottom open, pausing to admire the dark pucker, she bent down to rim her little sister.

“Oh, yeah – lick my butt, Kel!” Gabby exclaimed. “Mommy, I love what you’re doing. Don’t – don’t stop, okay? Ooohhhh!”

The quivering of Gabby’s thighs signaled to Linda that her daughter was about to come. Seeking out the girl’s tiny clit, she strummed it with her tongue.

“Ohh… oh, yes, yes…” Gabby mumbled, now trembling harder.

Once her little sister’s butthole was nice and moist, Kelly drew back, placing her thumb against the tight opening. With one smooth, steady stroke, she pushed it deep into Gabby’s rectum.

The nine-year-old seized up, and her body began to shake helplessly. She was panting, “Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh!” bent forward, bobbing her head, eyes squeezed tightly shut, mouth slack. Suddenly Gabby sat up straight, frozen stone-rigid for a long moment, finally relaxing with a deep groan before slumping to one side. Kelly just managed to grab her sister’s arm before she toppled from the bed.

Gently placing the limp girl next to her mother, Kelly turned to Linda, who was still mauling her pussy. “Here, Mom. Let me help you with that.” She swept her hair to one side, then bent down to suckle Linda’s clit. Before a minute passed, Kelly’s mother was mewling through another orgasm.

Afterward, the three lovers snuggled together again, exchanging whispered words of love before relaxing into a contented half-slumber.

It was on the fourth ring that Linda lazily reached over Kelly to pick her phone up from the nightstand. She glanced at the screen to see who was calling… Jan.

“Hey, sis,” Linda said, “what’s up?” She paused to listen, then replied, “Well, let me see what they think; hang on a sec. Girls? Would you like to stay at Aunt Jan’s tonight? She’ll pick you up in a couple of hours if you want to go.”

“It’s up to you, Gabs,” Kelly said.

“Will you come too, Mommy?” Gabby whispered. “Then we could all make love!”

Linda shook her head. “Not just yet, sweetie,” she said, keeping her voice low. “I want us all to be together, but I’d like to plan things out a bit more, discuss it with Jan. Okay? But if you girls want to go there tonight, that’s perfectly fine.”

Gabby thought about it. It would be nice to make love more with Mommy. But now I can do that any time. I don’t get to see Aunt Jan whenever I like. Also, if me and Kelly aren’t here, it’ll give Cheryl a chance to tell Mommy she did sex with me, like she told me she wanted to.

“Okay, let’s go to Aunt Jan’s,” Gabby answered at last, deciding to give Cheryl a quick phone call before they left.

“All right, Jan,” Linda said into the phone, “You’ve got house guests coming over. See you this afternoon. Hmm? Sure, you can talk to Kelly.” Handing the phone to her oldest, she told Gabby, “C’mon, you… let’s take a shower.”

Kelly watched her mother lead her sister from the room, then brought the phone to her ear. “Hi, Aunt Jan.”

“Kelly, listen very closely to me,” Jan said in a firm tone, “I want you to bring that DVD and marijuana cigarette back to me. You shouldn’t have taken them.”

“I’m sorry, Aunt Jan,” Kelly replied, “Don’t worry, I didn’t smoke the joint or watch the DVD. I’ll bring them back, promise. Please don’t be mad at me.”

“Oh, Kelly… I wasn’t mad, just concerned. We’ll talk more about this when you get here. Bye now, honey.”

“Bye, Aunt Jan,” Kelly said sweetly, then ended the phone call. Rubbing her hands together, she thought, Everything’s working just the way I hoped. Fuck, this is gonna be so much fun! 

Hearing the sound of the shower from upstairs, she padded in that direction. And speaking of fun…


A few hours later, Gabby and Kelly were carrying their overnight bags into Jan’s house. Once inside, Jan asked, “What do you two want to do first?”

Gabby exclaimed, “I want to go for a swim!” She quickly stripped naked, then sprinted out the back door to do a running jump into the pool.

“Can I have my things now?” Jan said to Kelly as they watched Gabby splashing happily.

Kelly grimaced. “Ay, caramba! Mierda. I’m sorry, Aunt Jan – I forgot to put them in my bag.”

Folding her arms, Jan glared at her niece. “Kelly! I’m not kidding around.”

“Honest, it just slipped my mind. When you take us home, I’ll give them to you then. It’ll be okay.”

“Hmm, I guess,” Jan said, “Shall we join your sister in the pool?”

“Oh, for sure! You go ahead. I’ll just give Mom a quick call so she knows we’re here.”

“Okay, then. I’ll see you out there,” Jan said, unbuttoning her jeans.

Kelly watched her aunt undress, then once a nude Jan exited onto the patio, she phoned home.

“Hi, Mom, we’re here. What are you up to? Are you missing me and Gabby?”

“Oh, deciding what I’m having for dinner. And yes, I am missing you… but you’ll both be back tomorrow.”

“Mom? I forgot something I borrowed from Aunt Jan. Could you have it ready for me to give back to her when we get home?”

“Sure, what is it? And where did you leave it?”

“It’s a DVD, in my underwear drawer.”

“Okay, I’ll have it ready. Anything else?”

“Nope, just have a nice night. Oh, and get some rest, Mom… cause me and Gabby are going to fuck you silly when we get home. Bye now, love you.”

“Love you too, sweetie. Remember what we talked about, okay? Don’t tell your aunt that I made love to you and your sister. I’ll discuss that with her myself.”

“Don’t worry, Mom. I won’t forget. I’ll remind Gabby, too. Bye.”

“Bye, sweetheart.”

With a happy sigh, Kelly stripped off her clothes and made her way out back to join the others in the pool. Drawing closer, she saw her little sister and Aunt Jan sharing a very heated kiss.

“Hey, you guys!” she called. “Got room for one more?”

On to Chapter Thirteen!


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 22

  • Posted on October 13, 2024 at 3:11 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )

Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.

Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really starting to founder. By then, Mallory and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa gets involved. 

Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex. In the weeks to come, they will get together again every now and then for more of the same.

Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.

Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, and gets flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t go away, either.

Sharon soon gets a job at a senior center, and is making plans to go back to school. Needless to say, Mal’s father is most unhappy with this development. On the other hand, Mallory is quite pleased for her mom, and takes the opportunity to get in her lap and give her playful, but subtly flirtatious kisses. More then ever, she suspects that her mother is secretly gay.

Mal is gradually becoming more popular at school. One result is that she and Julie are invited to a sleepover with Emma and Cindy, a couple of Julie’s friends. Once the parents are asleep, the girls get into a discussion concerning masturbation, which leads to everyone getting naked and engaging in mutual touching. Emma and Cindy love it, and the four of them get together for more fun a couple of weeks later.

Mallory finds a new student project: playing keyboards in a rock band of high school students supervised by Jason, who has also been teaching his daughter Julie how to do mixing work. Mal is much younger than the other members, but her skills soon win the others over. One of the band members is a sweet hippie girl named Jamie, and Mal is immediately attracted to her.

A couple of unhappy developments occur. First, Mallory’s parents make it official: they are to divorce. Mal is utterly disgusted with them both. Second, two of Julie’s cousins have vanished without explanation, eleven-year-old twin girls named Anna and Nettie. A search is underway, but without success thus far. Mallory has never met these girls, but she prays as best she can for their safe return.

A few days later, the twins are found and their kidnapper arrested, but not before he murdered Anna. Nettie is still alive, but devastated, and the girls’ parents go completely to pieces, turning on each other in their grief. Obviously, they are unable to take care of Nettie, so after a family discussion in which Mal is asked to participate, Jason, Lisa and Julie decide to bring Nettie into their home for the time being. Mal vows to do everything she can to help Jason’s niece to recover from her emotional trauma.

An ugly scene occurs at the home of Mal’s grandmother, where her mother Sharon is staying until she finds her own place. When Sharon makes a disparaging comment about lesbians, Mal loses her temper in a big way. In her anger, she comes out there and then, venting until her mother breaks down and cries. Mal quickly becomes remorseful, but the damage is done.

And now we rejoin our story, which is currently in progress. Do enjoy!

by Rachael Yukey

January 28th, 2006

A novel I read not long ago described someone walking around in a daze, with a zombie-like expression. I tried to picture that, and couldn’t. Now I know what it looks like.

Let me back up a little. I’m getting ahead of myself again.

Jason left for Bronning yesterday morning to pick up his niece Nettie. Seriously, he HAS to be getting tired of those long car trips! Hopefully this will be the last one for awhile.

Lisa, Julie, and I spent the morning getting the place ready for Nettie’s arrival. There’s a room downstairs that isn’t being used for anything yet; Jason has plans to turn it into an office after he renovates it, but I guess that idea is going on hold for now. The walls are old plaster, but it’s on the ground floor and has a couple of nice, big windows that let in a lot of light. It wasn’t too bad once we got it cleaned up.

There was a beat-up dresser in the garage, and an old-fashioned steel bedframe. We also found a very decent end table out there to use for a nightstand. After we got all that stuff inside and set it up, Julie and I went up to her room and dug in what she calls her art deco box. It’s this crazy mishmash of posters, hangings, and other weird junk that Julie likes to hang on her walls. There’s too much of it, so she kind of rotates it out. When she gets bored with something, she takes it down and puts something else up.

We picked some of the nicer pieces… a couple of decent framed paintings, a woven Native American pattern that Jason brought back from some tour or another, things like that. Then we hung them on the walls of Nettie’s new room. Once they were up, the three of us stood in the center of the room looking around critically.

“What about a mattress?” Julie wanted to know.

“After lunch I’ll take Jason’s pickup to town,” Lisa said. “I need to do some shopping, and while I’m at it I’ll get a mattress, box spring, and  maybe a bookshelf to put in here. It’ll be enough for starters. I don’t know how much they’ll be bringing back. Hopefully as much of her toys and clothes as Jason can fit into the Honda.”

“Can you handle all that stuff yourself?” I asked.

“The people at the furniture store will load it for me,” Lisa replied with a smile, “and I went to high school with half the fire squad. When I get back to town, I can find a few big strong men to help me get it all in the house.”

After lunch I gave Jamie a call to make sure we were still on for that afternoon, and Lisa dropped Julie and me off at her house on the way out of town.

Jamie greeted us at the door by gathering one of us in each arm, pulling us into a three-way hug, and boisterously crowing: “Welcome, little sisters!” She was ravishing in a blue off-the-shoulder peasant blouse with baggy sleeves, and a green skirt that went down past her knees. Her feet were bare, her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. I found myself wondering what color panties she was wearing underneath… or if she was wearing undies at all.

Jamie’s house is a crazy old rat’s nest. It’s one of the oldest homes in town, and that’s saying something. There are three stories, plus an attic. But I guess they need that much space, cause Jamie is the middle child of seven kids. Fortunately it was just us that day. Two of Jamie’s older siblings are in college, her brother Carl had taken his girlfriend to Wadena for bowling and a movie, and her parents had the younger ones out shopping for the day.

Jamie gave us a quick tour. The most interesting thing is this weird space on the third floor, on the northwest corner of the building. There are two bedrooms that come together kitty-cornered, leaving a bedroom-sized space on that corner without any access point.

“Nobody has any idea what’s in there,” Jamie told us. “We’ve been trying to talk Dad into cutting a hole in one of the walls ever since we moved in, but he won’t do it. The people who lived here before us didn’t know, either.”

“That’s really weird,” said Julie. “I mean, that none of the adults have been curious enough to bust a hole in there. If it was my house, I’d have a hammer and crowbar in my hands right this minute!”

Jamie has the whole attic to herself. “I got kicked up here because I’m noisy,” she said with a grin. “My dad packed the joists with egg cartons, and I can play guitar as loud as I want without bothering anybody. It’s crusty up here, but it’s big and it’s all mine.”

You have to climb a ladder to get into Jamie’s room, and looking around I had to wonder how they got all her stuff up here. Guitar amps, a small PA system, a nice stereo, a keyboard, and a twin bed in one corner. The walls and ceiling are unfinished plaster, the floor is 2×6 planks, the ceiling is low, and the walls are sloped inward. Not much natural light up there, either, with only two tiny windows. That sweet, smoky smell I’d sometimes noticed around Jamie seemed to hang in the air.

I could see the appeal. There’s a creepy old tower feel to the place, and Jamie had it all done up with purple and red lighting,  wall hangings with weird symbols on them, and posters of guitar players. The biggest one was of a skinny black man with a white fringed shirt, blue pants, and a red bandana. He was playing a white guitar, only upside down and left-handed. I was studying the poster, feeling like I should recognize him.

Jamie came up beside me, seeming to sense my uncertainty. “Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock,” she said. I nodded, doing my best to look well-informed. I’d heard of him, but couldn’t have picked one of his songs out in a lineup.

“I’m mostly into heavier music,” she went on, “but if you play rock guitar, you gotta love Hendrix.”

She motioned us over to a threadbare old loveseat that might once have been maroon, and I wondered again how they’d got this stuff into the attic. Julie and I sat. Her hand was resting on the cushion between us, and I automatically took it, interlacing our fingers.

“Look at you two,” said Jamie, smiling. “You’re such good friends.”

Right then I saw my opening. “Actually, Julie’s my GIRLfriend.” I turned towards Julie, leaning in. She met me halfway, and we kissed. Not much tongue, but with open mouths.

When I looked back at Jamie, her mouth was hanging open, and I could see even in the dim lighting that her cheeks were flushed. “Whoa,” she said after a long pause. “I did not see that coming.”

“Does it bother you?” I asked.

Jamie shook her head and smiled. “Do your thing, little sister.” She was standing by a big shelf full of… were those actual records?

She selected one of the thin cardboard sleeves, then slid a black disc out. I really liked watching her. There was a misty sort of romanticism to this whole setup, and that dark platter full of undiscovered music completed the picture.

“I thought before we jammed we could listen to some music and chill,” she was saying as she set the record onto her record player. “We don’t have much time to get to know each other in rehearsal,” she said as she sprayed the platter with some kind of mist, then wiped it with a cloth. She looked back, catching us both watching the process in fascination.

“I know,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “It’s old-fashioned. But I love it. And I think vinyl is going to make a big comeback; just you watch.”

“What are we listening to?” Julie piped up.

Jamie held up the record jacket. “Dokken,” she said. “This was my Dad’s favorite band in high school. And George Lynch, the guitar player… he’s the guy that made me want to start playing myself.”

She started the record, then made her way to an overstuffed chair that I thought might have been a match to the loveseat when it was new and plunked herself down. The music started with a sizzling riff, and I could see right away why Jamie liked this guitarist. It occurred to me that I was going to learn more about rock, this would be a good place to hang out!

While the record played we talked about this and that, just getting to know each other like Jamie said. There was a swirly purple lamp on the end table next to Julie, and it cast weird patterns around the room in the dim light.

When Jamie got up to turn over the record I asked her where you even got a record player these days, and she gave me a little smile, as if letting me in on a great secret.

“It’s not a record player,” she said. “You’re thinking of one of those all-in-one units that has built-in speakers. When you have a component system like mine with separate amps and speakers, you call it a turntable. This is an old one from the seventies that my uncle restored.”

By this time, Julie and I were smushed together. Her arm was around me, my fingertips drawing lazy patterns on the thigh of her jeans. We listened to the music for a while, but Jamie seemed as if her mind was elsewhere. Turns out it was.

“I… I gotta ask,” Jamie said, blushing a little. “I know it’s none of my business, but,well… I remember my first boyfriend, when I was eleven. It was… you know, pretty awkward, and we didn’t do much… just a little hand holding and smooching. But you two… I know you’re really mature for your age. Heck, I can talk to you just like people I go to high school with. Still, it’s like you’re so touchy-feely, and so comfortable together, and you kiss like you actually know how. I guess I was just wondering…” She seemed unable to go on. Her face had gone from pink to bright red.

“I’m sorry,” she stammered. “I’m not even sure where I’m going with this. I’ll shut up.”

“Are you asking if we have sex?” I said, trying to make it sound like no big deal.

Jamie covered her face with her hands. “Oh, jeez… forget it. I’m not sure how I’d feel if you started asking questions about my sex life.”

“It’s okay,” said Julie in her brightest, most cheery tone. “We’re not embarrassed about it. The answer is yes. Hell, yes!” She rested her head on my shoulder.  “We’re lovers.”

“Now tell us about your sex life,” I said. We all cracked up.

“There’s not much to tell at the moment,” Jamie said, still grinning. “I broke up with my last boyfriend in October. Not that he was much good in the sack, anyway. Dude couldn’t tell a clitoris from a thesaurus.” We burst into laughter again.

“Have you ever done it with a girl?” I asked her, putting on a smile that I hoped was alluring.

Jamie shook her head. “Nope. Not really what I’m into.” Then she cocked her head, gazing up at the ceiling. “Okay, maybe not true. I guess I’ve been curious. But not enough to go looking for it, know what I mean?”

“What if it found you? Would you try it then?” Julie asked.

Jamie blushed again. “I don’t know. Guess it would depend on the girl.”

Talk turned to other things for awhile, and when the record ended, Jamie stood. “Wanna jam, little sister?”

Taking up a guitar, she plugged it into an ancient-looking amplifier. It was different gear from what she uses in rehearsal, and I asked her where her other equipment was.

“Oh, I leave my gigging rig in the garage,” she said. “It’s too much trouble to get stuff in and out of here.”

We spent a little while just messing around, taking turns backing each other up, then playing solos. I’m getting more confident with my improvisation now. Jamie’s keyboard is a really old electronic piano that she called a Wurlitzer, and it has a unique, kind of jangly sound.

Then we turned our attention to the spring concert material. Jamie had some cool ideas for spicing up the parts we were going to harmonize together, and we worked those out so we’d be ready to knock everyone’s socks off in rehearsal. Julie just listened in, though she never seemed to be bored.

Finally Jamie put her guitar aside. “That was great,” she said. “You guys wanna hear another record, or do you have someplace to be?”

We ended up putting on a Jimi Hendrix album. I liked it. His singing was only okay, but there was a vibe to the music that felt like it was going way back to the roots of rock music, only with all kinds of modern ideas, and the guitar playing was very original and interesting. I ended up wandering around a little as we spoke, looking at some of the odd items that Jamie had scattered hither and yon. On a stand next to the turntable was a weird cylindrical object that looked like a cross between a genie’s lamp and a flower vase. There was a glass tube sticking up from the base off to one side.

“What’s this?” I wanted to know.

“It’s… oh, lord.” Jamie put a hand over her eyes. “I should have put that in a drawer or something. It’s a bong.”

I still didn’t understand, not until Julie squeaked, “You smoke pot?”

“Yeah,” said Jamie, sounding embarrassed. “Not very often, just kind of as a treat sometimes. My parents know about it, if you’re wondering. They smoke a little themselves. If you disapprove, I guess I understand.”

Julie shrugged. “My dad was around stuff like this all the time on the road. He’s down on hard drugs like heroin, but he says weed is no worse than alcohol. I’m pretty sure he smokes it sometimes when he’s out with friends.”

I was having a harder time wrapping my head around it. I grew up in the church, so I think the drugs-bad reaction is kinda automatic. I had to remind myself I wasn’t a Christian anymore. Live and let live, I told myself. Don’t lose a new friend by being judgy.

I’m not sure how long it took that train of thought to run through my head, but I realized Jamie and Julie were both watching me.

“You look worried, little sister,” said Jamie, sounding a little worried herself.

“I’m sorry,” I told her, deciding to be honest. “I know marijuana isn’t really that scary, and it might even be legal soon. It’s just the way my parents taught me. I’m learning to not let it affect me, but sometimes it takes me a little while to process stuff like that. I like you Jamie, and I don’t care if you smoke weed.”

Jamie gave me a big, radiant smile. “I’m glad,” she said. “I like you, too. It’s just a little weed once in awhile, or shrooms. I don’t mess around with the hard stuff, and I don’t even like alcohol.”

I wasn’t sure what a shroom was, but decided to just let the whole thing go. I settled back onto the couch with Julie, letting my fingertip trail up the inside of her thigh. She opened her legs slightly to give me a bit more access. This wasn’t lost on Jamie, who raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

I spoke up instead. “Can I ask you something personal?”

“Well… yeah, sure.”

“The guy you broke up with in October…”

“Yeah, what about him?”

“Was he the first guy you had sex with? Is it okay to ask that? I know lots about lesbian sex, but the only thing I know about straight sex is how it’s done. I hear lots of guys aren’t very good at it.”

Jamie was blushing again, but she answered. “No, he was my third. My first was a senior when I was still in eighth grade. He was really good in bed, but he graduated and moved away. Then, during my freshman year of high school, I dated a guy in my own grade for awhile. I was his first, and it started out awkward, but he really wanted to please me and he got a lot better at it. But we broke up anyway, cause the rest of our relationship wasn’t working out. This last guy I just started dating over the summer. He seemed really cool at first, but he turned out to be a jerk, and like I said… he never really cared if I enjoyed the sex.”

She broke off, seeming at a loss for words. Then she said: “What about you guys? I mean, you’re so young. I don’t even know if girls your age can have orgasms, I guess.”

“Didn’t you?” I said.

Jamie laughed. “Not when I was twelve!”

“Did you try?” I pressed.

Jamie’s blush deepened. “You mean, did I…”

“Everybody masturbates, right?” Julie said, wearing a huge grin.

Jamie covered her face with both hands again, but this time I could see she was laughing. “I cannot believe we’re talking about orgasms and mastur…” She shook her head. “What a whacked out, crazy conversation,” she said. “Okay, fine. I didn’t start touching myself until I was almost thirteen. And it was only about six months later that I actually had sex.”

“How old are you now?” Julie asked.


“And you haven’t had sex since October?” I said, trying to seem shocked.

Jamie gave me a rueful smile. “I know, right?”

“Sounds lonely,” said Julie.

Jamie rolled her eyes. “It can be,” she said. “My last boyfriend, Greg… he wasn’t really hot stuff between the sheets. Lots of times I had to finish it myself after he left. But it was another human in bed with you, y’know? Sometimes you need that.”

“You should try it with a girl,” I said.

Jamie smirked. “Are you planning to try it with a guy?”

I shrugged. “Maybe when I’m older,” I said. “Seems like I ought to try it at least once.”

“Not me,” Julie put in. “I only like girls. And this one’s my favorite.” We didn’t have to speak; we just knew. Our mouths met, our tongues danced. Out of the corner of my eye I could see color rising in Jamie’s cheeks again… and this time it wasn’t a blush. When we parted, I had to take a moment to catch my breath. Julie put every ounce of her energy into that kiss… and that girl is pure energy from head to toe.

“Whoa,” said Jamie. “You two look like you just wanna eat each other up.”

“You have no idea!” Julie exclaimed. “When we get back to my house, I’m gonna eat her like an ice cream cone.”

I fixed my gaze on Jamie. She stared back at me, her eyes widening as she realized exactly what was being offered.

Then she looked away. “Um… I suppose you’ll want to get home and take care of that, then,” she said.

Even a month earlier, I might have taken that as a refusal, but not now. Jamie wanted what we were offering, but she was scared. I felt like I could salvage this. But maybe it was time to be direct.

“Jamie,” I said, picking my words carefully, “you said that if the right girl came to you, you’d be up for trying something new. What if it’s two girls?”

She met my eyes again. “It’d be tempting,” she said, “but with some girls I’d be worried about the age difference. I don’t want to do the wrong thing, even if it feels good.”

I was ready for that one! “Did that senior you slept with do the wrong thing? He was a lot older than you.”

Jamie was shaking her head slowly, her ponytail swishing. “No,” she said. “I loved everything he did. I wanted it.”

I got up, tugging my hand free of Julie’s, and crossed the room. From behind her chair I let my fingers slip beneath Jamie’s ponytail, lightly massaging her neck. I felt a slight shudder, and heard the hiss of her drawing in a quick breath.

“Well this is the same,” I said in a low voice. “We want you, Jamie. Anything that happens here, we’re choosing it.”

She reached back, capturing my hand in hers.

“I want the same thing,” she said. It dawned on me that Jamie seemed unsure of herself for the first time since I’d met her. “But I don’t know what I’m ready for. I didn’t wake up thinking ‘Well gee whiz, maybe I’ll try lesbian sex today’, y’know?”

“We can start small,” I said. “What if we all just get naked together and hang out on the bed?”

Thinking it over, Jamie pursed her lips, then smiled. “I could go for that.”

She got up, crossed to the turntable, and flipped the record over. By the time she turned around, Julie and I were standing stark naked, our arms wrapped around each other’s waists.

“Little sisters!” Jamie exclaimed, but I couldn’t help noticing how her eyes raced up and down our nude forms. She gave her head a quick shake, ponytail flying. “You’re not playing around, are you?”

Moving slowly, she gripped the hem of her blouse and pulled it over her head. Her hands were trembling. A big part of me wanted to cross the room and help her undress, but I sensed very strongly that this would be a mistake. If Jamie was going to fool around with us, it had to be her decision. She tossed the blouse aside, reaching back to unclasp her bra in the same smooth motion. Her breasts were ripe, firm, and full. The nipples stuck straight out.

She undid her skirt and let it fall, then pushed her plain white cotton panties to the floor. Her legs were lithe and shapely, terminating in a dark, thick tuft of pubic hair. I feasted my eyes on her body, and I knew Julie was doing the exact same thing. I could practically feel her glowing with arousal at my side.

We arranged some pillows and blankets against the wall so we had something to lean against, then lounged on the bed, our feet dangling over the side. Without discussing it, Julie and I placed Jamie between us, making for one yummy girl sandwich. We didn’t talk much. The Hendrix album (I learned before we left that it’s called “Electric Ladyland”) was playing a really long, kind of dreamy track. None of us said anything; we just relaxed, taking it in. I was holding one of Jamie’s hands, Julie had the other.

Finally Jamie broke the silence. “This feels good,” she said in a voice just barely above a whisper. “Just being together like this, listening to Jimi.”

Letting go of her hand, I let my fingertips drift all the way up her thigh, starting at the knee. I stayed at the top of the thigh, not wanting to take this too fast, but her breathing told me I was moving in the right direction.

“Can I kiss you?” I asked her.

She didn’t answer, just turned her head towards me and leaned in. Our open mouths met – slowly, cautiously, exploring at first. Then she slipped her tongue between my lips, and I met it with mine. We kissed gently, sensuously, taking our time.

When we parted, I heard a gasp from Jamie’s other side. Jamie and I turned our heads in unison and were treated to the sight of Julie touching between her legs, moving slowly but with purpose.

“Sorry,” she said, with a grin that didn’t look one bit sorry. “That was so fucking hot I couldn’t wait any more.” Her fingers never stopped moving.

The record ended, and Jamie extricated herself, padding across the room to put on another. She pulled an album from the shelf, then held it up for us to see: a well-worn blue cover with a caricature of Mt. Rushmore on it, showing five heads that I could only assume were the band members.

“Deep Purple,” she said, her voice unsteady. Switching the records out, she put the needle on the new one, then returned to the bed, slipping in between us once more.

“Is it my turn for a kiss?” Julie asked us as the brutal, pounding first track began.

The kiss they shared was very different from the one I’d just enjoyed; wild abandon instead of careful sensuality. It was equally hot in its way, and I felt the desire rising in me like a tidal wave just from watching. I was caressing the inside of Jamie’s thigh now, working myself ever closer to her core.

Julie threw her head back and moaned aloud, her body spasming violently. Then she went limp and slumped against Jamie, who bent to nuzzle her neck. My hand was only inches away from Jamie’s pussy, and I was about to get even closer… but then her fingers circled my wrist.

“Next song, little sister,” she whispered, her voice ragged. “Then you can touch me. Um, can I touch you, too?”

“Oh, you better!” I breathed into her ear.

Then we were kissing again. This time it was a desperate, hungry kiss, like the one she’d just shared with Julie. The first song ended while our mouths were still joined, and as the slow, ominous chords of the next song began, I slid my hand the rest of the way up her thigh, slipping between her pussy lips to find the wetness there. Then her hand was between my legs, seeking and finding my clit.

“Slow,” she whispered in my ear. “With the beat.”

In this case, “with the beat,” meant really, really slow! The song was ponderous, brooding, the guitar just playing chords with a heavy organ motif carrying the melody until the vocals came in. I moved my finger in slow circles, timed to that stately, graceful sound, and Jamie matched my movements. The waves of pleasure, when they came, were spaced far apart, but my God, they were intense! Every time one washed over me, I moaned. Jamie was raising her hips up from the bed and shuddering every few beats or so.

Julie slid off the bed and went over to Jamie’s overstuffed chair, turning it so she was facing us. Settling in, she spread her legs and slid a finger into her pussy. Soon she was fucking herself in time with our movements. Julie’s lips were slightly parted, her color high.

By then, the song’s vocal consists only of these haunting, drawn-out ‘ooh’ syllables, with the drums coming in to tighten up the relentlessly slow groove. “Double time, little sister,” Jamie panted in my ear, her circular motions on my clit shifting into a brisker tempo. I moaned, my speed accelerating to match hers. Those waves were coming faster now.

The singer went up an octave, trading the ‘oohs’ for high-pitched, screaming ‘aahs.’ Acting on pure impulse, I moved lower, sliding two fingers deep into Jamie’s dripping cunt while pressing my palm against her clit.

“Oh m-my GOD,” Jamie wailed. Her own finger moved downward, testing the entrance to my hole, hesitant. Unable to wait another second, I thrust my hips forward, impaling myself on the length of it. She was startled at first, but recovered soon enough. Within moments Jamie was matching the same technique I’d used on her, pressing her palm against my aching clit.

“Another finger,” I moaned, and she gave it to me. “ooOOOOHHHH!” is probably a pretty good approximation of what came out of my mouth right then. Now we were finger-fucking each other, grinding against each other’s clits, still moving in time to the music. Then the song itself exploded into double-time, a powerful, fast, driving beat underscoring the guitar solo.

I don’t know which of us started it, but suddenly we were plunging our fingers in and out of each other with wild abandon, snatching messy kisses between quick gulps of breath, totally transported by the moment and the music.

The powerful feelings emanating from my center suddenly intensified, and I felt that point of no return coming hard and fast. “I’m coming!” I screamed. “Oh God, oh fuck, I’m COMING!”

“Me too, little sister!” Jamie practically howled, and as my orgasm consumed me, I felt her pussy clench against my finger in wild, rhythmic spasms. We climaxed along with the guitar solo, the song dying back into that slow, ponderous intro motif as we collapsed into each other’s arms.

Hearing a long, drawn-out cry, I looked up just in time to see Julie spasm in the throes of her second climax, then wilt into a puddle on the chair.

After a minute or two, Julie dragged herself out of the chair, flopped down on the bed and snuggled up against Jamie. As for me and Jamie, we weren’t moving at all… in fact, our fingers were still buried in one another’s pussies.

I finally managed to rouse myself, lifting my head from Jamie’s arm.

“So how was your first time with another girl?” I asked her. “Didn’t suck too bad, huh?”

“Oh, I nearly came!” Jamie replied with a giggle, withdrawing her fingers from my cunt. “Seriously though, little sister… that was so amazing, I’m already getting worked up again just reliving it in my head.”

Julie wore a bad-girl grin as she traced a finger across Jamie’s still-hard nipple. “There’s lots more we can do,” she said.

I decided to get in on the fun, and took the other nipple in my mouth. Jamie let out a soft moan. “Unfortunately,” she said, her voice unsteady, “I’m expecting people back home in about twenty minutes. I definitely want to do more… but it’ll have to wait for another day.”

We reluctantly got back into our clothes. “God, I’m still turned on,” Jamie complained as she shrugged her blouse down over her head.

“Will you be thinking about us tonight when you touch yourself?” Julie asked.

Jamie laughed out loud. “You’d better believe it, little sister!”

Julie and I went back to her place, where we got dinner ready before Lisa made it home. After dinner had been eaten and the table cleared, we took Lisa upstairs and undressed her. I told her the story of what had happened that afternoon, whispering all the details into her ear and playing with her tits while Julie ate her pussy.

After Lisa came with an ear-splitting shriek, I went down on Julie while Lisa finger-fucked her from behind. Finally they ganged up on me, Lisa eating me out and rubbing my cunt while Julie and I kissed like our lives depended on it.

As I climaxed, I was picturing Jamie lying in her bed, listening to that Deep Purple song and masturbating while fantasizing about Julie and me. I came so hard I blacked out.


Jason turned up just before lunch this morning, a smaller copy of Julie trailing uncertainly in his wake. I say smaller, but Nettie Hastings is still tall for her age… taller than me by a couple of inches. Julie hugged her, and Nettie kind of looped her arms around Julie’s shoulders, then stepped away.

Jason introduced me, and Nettie just waved halfheartedly and mumbled “Hi,” never once making eye contact. She didn’t sit down for a long time, just wandered around the living room in a daze. That’s when I had that weird thought I mentioned earlier, the one about what zombies look like. Nettie was totally acting that way.

Jason had stuffed Lisa’s Honda with all Nettie’s clothes, and her favorite toys. We helped her get settled, unpacking her stuff and getting it into the closet and bureau. Nettie helped, putting things wherever we suggested and answering almost entirely in words of one syllable. Never once did she smile, but she did utter a flat, dull “Thank you” once everything was put away.

Mom came to pick me up around three, and Julie went outside with me despite the cold.

“Was she that bad when you were in Bronning for the funeral?” I asked.

“No, this is way worse,” said Julie.

I hugged her, as intimately as I could with Mom watching from inside of her Explorer.

“I sure hope we can help her,” I said.

“Yeah, me too,” Julie agreed. We let go of each other. God, I wanted so bad to kiss her, but didn’t dare. Instead, I got in the Explorer and rode back to Grandma’s place with Mom. She asked me about how my day was, but I didn’t much feel like talking, so we mostly rode in silence

Meeting Nettie really shook me up. It’s about midnight now, and I haven’t been able to sleep, so I’m writing this instead. Julie and I had such a wonderful day, and something about it seems almost wrong when her cousin is hurting so much. I know that line of thinking is stupid; I have my own life to live. I can agonize all day long, and it won’t make Nettie’s pain any less.

Maybe the big lesson here is to get as much out of life as you can, because lots of times you don’t know when something or someone you love will be taken away, and everything you thought you knew changes. That’s what I think I have to do. I’m going to enjoy every minute of my life that I can, and do my best to help Nettie learn to enjoy hers again. I can’t suffer for her, but maybe I can help do something about that suffering. With that thought in my noggin, and my writing hand getting stiff and sore, maybe now I can get some sleep.

On to Chapter 23!


The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 8

  • Posted on October 8, 2024 at 9:53 pm

by JetBoy and BlueJean

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Orphaned at the age of eight, sixteen-year-old Doris Sloane has spent half her life in a Catholic orphanage, where she was trained to care for young children. Our story begins when she is taken into service at the home of Victoria Shaw, a widow with three daughters: Melinda (ten), Sophia (eleven) and Becky (fourteen). Doris is thoroughly satisfied with this new life, but her orderly world takes an odd turn one night when she is seduced by Mrs. Shaw. Surprising herself, Doris responds eagerly, fully returning the pleasure she has been given.

In the days that follow, Doris and Victoria couple frequently, and Doris becomes skilled in the art of lesbian lovemaking under the tutelage of her mistress. She is deliriously happy, but her joy is tainted by the fact that she is only engaged to serve in the Shaw household until Melinda, the youngest, turns twelve. To complicate things even further, Doris has fallen madly, passionately in love with Victoria, and lacks the courage to tell her so.

One of Doris’ duties as nanny is to give Melinda and Sophia a bath every other day. The girls often invite Doris to join them in the large Japanese-style tub, but she always refuses, believing it isn’t proper. When she mentions this to Mrs. Shaw after a bout of lovemaking, Victoria suggests that Doris do what her youngest daughters want: get naked and bathe with them. Furthermore, she encourages Doris to pay closer attention to the girls’ nudity, to notice how beautiful they are in the altogether.

Doris finds this a bit strange… but that evening, while giving Sophia and Melinda their bath, she takes the time to study them more closely, and is startled to find herself feeling somewhat aroused.  The girls notice her interest, and on subsequent evenings, eleven-year-old Sophia begins to tease Doris by flaunting her nakedness. This only fuels this budding desire Doris feels… and very soon, she is masturbating to lewd fantasies of Victoria’s daughters.

One afternoon around this time, while the girls are at school, Doris in asked to join Victoria for a light luncheon in the back yard. There, Victoria offers the girl a permanent home as a member of the family, then tells her, “I love you.”

Doris is overwhelmed by emotion at first… but she joyfully accepts, and they celebrate by undressing and making love. 

Then next day, Victoria tells Doris how she first became attracted to women. It began at the age of sixteen, when she was given the service of a personal maid, a lively Irish girl named Nora, who would quickly become young Victoria’s faithful friend and companion. They would become lovers, but it ended disastrously when they were caught in the act. Nora was sent away, and Victoria was left devastated. More than twenty years later, she still mourns the loss of her friend.

Doris does what she can to console Victoria, then goes to bed hoping Nora managed to find happiness, wherever she might have gone.

The story resumes here. Do enjoy.


After shipping the girls off to school the next day, I made my way along the thoroughfare back to the house.

Mr. Farnsworth was busy mowing the lawn, clay pipe fixed firmly between his teeth, his push mower carving out neat lines through the grass.

I paused by one of the rose bushes that lined the long driveway, the splayed pink petals and darker pink interior of its blooms invoking something of the gynaecological. “Can I pick one?” I called out to the old gardener, gesturing to one of the larger flowers.

Mr. Farnsworth clattered to a halt with his mower. “Eh?”

“The roses. May I take one?”

He looked ponderously off into the distance, taking a long, leisurely puff of his pipe, as if he was contemplating the meaning of life itself. “Please y’self,” he finally said. Taking up the mower once more, he resumed his steady trek across the lawn.

Careful to avoid the nasty-looking thorns, I snapped the rose off at the stem, bringing it to my face to breathe in its delicate scent.

I found Victoria sequestered in her study, rotary telephone in her hand. She paced back and forth in front of her desk, moving only as far as the cable would allow.

I quickly made to leave, not wanting to interrupt, but she waved me inside.

“No, Mr. Jefferson, it’s not the transaction itself that’s the issue. It’s the fact that I did not authorise it. As far as I’m aware, I’m still the managing director of Shaw Mercantile, and you’re still the director of operations, am I correct in that assumption? Yes? Oh, that is a relief. Well, now that we’ve established the company hierarchy, may I very strongly suggest you don’t try cutting me out of the decision-making process again? Good. Yes. Yes, that’s very reassuring to hear. How are Susan and the children, by the way? Excellent. Send them my love. Goodbye, Mr. Jefferson. Thank you.”

Victoria replaced the receiver in its cradle, then offered me a weary smile. “Is that for me?” she asked, noticing the rose.

I peered down at the bloom in my hand, now wondering if my gesture of affection might seem childish. “Oh. Yes. I can come back later, if you’re busy.”

“I’m never too busy for you, my love. Come and have a seat.”

I sat in the chair opposite her desk while Victoria emptied a fluted vase previously filled with wildflowers that Melinda had given her, now shrivelled and dry. She reached out for the rose. “What a nice thought,” she said, then furrowed her brow in mock concern. “Or… am I presuming too much in thinking it’s for me?”

“Oh, stop teasing,” I told her with a grin, handing her the offering. “Of course it’s for you. I picked it on a whim. Was it silly of me?”

Victoria slipped the rose into the vase, then set it down upon her desk. “No, not at all. I’d like to think I have enough of the romantic in me to appreciate such a gesture.” She slowly traced a petal with the tip of her finger. “My late husband once compared me to a rose, you know. It might’ve been mistaken for a rare compliment, at least until he clarified his meaning: that I was beautiful but full of thorns.”

“I don’t think that’s true.”

She raised a brow at me. “That I’m beautiful, or thorny?”

I gave her a playful scowl. “You know exactly what I mean.”

“Well, he was right as it turned out. I do have thorns. Poor old William learnt that in a most unpleasant way.”

“Oh, dear. That sounds… ominous.”

Victoria had bent her head to partake of the rose’s sweet perfume. When she glanced up at me once again, there was resolve in her eyes. “I owe you the remainder of my story, don’t I?”

I shook my head. “You don’t have to tell it. I wouldn’t want to see you upset again.”

“Nevertheless, you shall hear it. And this one has a happier ending. Well… for me, at least.”


Losing Nora left me utterly devastated, a shadow of the bright, joyful girl I’d once been. In the midst of this grief, my parents, panic-stricken by the potential scandal my dalliance might cause, decided to marry me off as soon as possible.

William Shaw had briefly been considered a potential match, but later disregarded due to his age – I was sixteen, he was twenty-nine – and because he was rumoured to have dissolute ways. Now, though, with so many possible suitors promised to others or killed in the Great War, Mother and Father were unwilling to spend time searching for a more suitable candidate. So William was brought back into the fold, and I was unceremoniously given to him as a wife.

Needless to say, I wanted no part of this arrangement. What little I’d seen of William Shaw was more than enough for me. But Father would not permit a word of objection, not after the way I’d ‘disgraced myself’. He made it clear in no uncertain terms that I would be driven from our home and disowned if I refused this marriage.

What else could I do? I had no money, no resources to call my own. If I went to any of my relatives for help, Father would tell them about Nora. “No one in our family will take you in – no one,” he told me. “I’ll see to that.” I believe now that he was bluffing, and would never have dared to cast me out for real… but his stratagem worked, and I married a stranger out of fear.

The wedding itself was a quiet one, thank goodness. I might well have fainted in the presence of a large crowd. As it was, I barely recall it, too occupied by the struggle to conceal my despair. Somehow, we got through the ceremony, then I was seated next to William in the back of his car, being chauffeured to what was to be my new life.

That evening, my new husband was all too eager to consummate our marriage. He was not an attentive man in the bedchamber, satisfying his base needs without any regard for the frightened young woman beneath him. That first time was quite horrific, painful and humiliating in equal measure. After that, it just became one more thing to endure.

I thought marriage might become easier for me, given time, once William and I grew to know each other better. But something soon became quite apparent to me: William Shaw was a bully.

There are two kinds of bullies: those who know they’re tougher and meaner than everyone else, and have every intention of proving it. Then there are the bullies who are weak and insecure, preferring victims who are smaller and weaker than themselves. William Shaw was of the latter. And who would serve better for this purpose than a new bride barely out of her childhood years?

There were hints about his true nature from the start, but it was six months after our wedding, once all pretence of civility had been put aside, that the brutality began in earnest. Soon enough, I was doing all I could to avoid straying into William’s path. Mrs. Broomfield and Miss Haggerty made some effort to protect me, but there was little either of them could do that wouldn’t have resulted in immediate dismissal, and that would have made my situation even worse. The kitchen was as much a sanctuary as I could hope for, given that men like William prefer to dole out punishment without witnesses.

With Nora still very much in my thoughts, utterly alone and constantly under siege from a drunk, abusive husband, I saw only one means of escape. I came very close to taking my own life several times during that first year of marriage. Ultimately, it was becoming a mother that saved me.

I was eighteen when I gave birth to Rebecca, and she was the most beautiful, amazing thing I’d ever seen. I doted on her, poured all my love into this small, helpless bundle of joy that had been granted to me. She gave me purpose, a reason to carry on.

Even William, who mostly saw babies as a source of annoyance, seemed to soften in the presence of his first child. The abuse ceased for a while, but nature had intended him to be a bully, and soon enough he returned to form. I bore it with a new resolve, for I was no longer the only one who needed to be protected.

My husband had always been an enthusiastic drinker, but after the birth of Rebecca he began to lose himself in the bottle more frequently. Often, I would pass his office only to find him slumped against the desk, a glass of whisky clutched protectively in his hands. I was glad of those occasions, if only because they rendered him incapable of further cruelty.

It was commonplace to have our butler Brenton help my wreck of a husband upstairs to bed while I cleared up his papers. I’d always had a good head for numbers, so I soon found myself organising documents, or signing off on transactions that William had been too drunk to finalise. It became clear that I had a real aptitude for business, and I gradually took a larger role in the day-to-day affairs of the firm. Without a doubt, Shaw Mercantile would have gone under if it were not for my intervention. As the years went by, I took more and more control of my husband’s shipping company, if only because I knew we would lose everything otherwise.

When I was twenty-one, Sophia was born, and Melinda arrived a year and a half later. By then, William was so ravaged by drink that he was barely able to function. He didn’t take to his younger daughters in the same way he had with Rebecca. In fact, he barely seemed aware of their existence. For the most part, I was able to avoid his wrath, taking the children out on day trips with Miss Haggerty, and busying myself with the upkeep of Shaw Mercantile. William was either unaware I was running his business or pretended to be, I was never quite sure which.

My children, the upkeep of Shadowglen, and the maintenance of my husband’s business had forced responsibility upon me, giving purpose to my life. But despite having found and nurtured that inner strength, I still found myself on the receiving end of my husband’s cowardly rages from time to time. He blacked my eye one night, enraged by a “high and mighty” look he accused me of giving him while he fumbled through unlacing his shoes. I was obliged to explain it away by claiming to have walked into a low-hanging tree branch whilst strolling the grounds.

Then came the fateful day when William discovered that his pretty English rose was quite capable of drawing blood.

Melinda was barely a year old. I remember she was cradled in my arms while William and I were having a particularly nasty row about something or other. By that point, I could give as good as I got – in the verbal department, at least.

Brute though he was, I never dreamed William would dare to strike me with a babe in my arms, so when he took a swing and almost brained Melinda instead, I was dumbfounded, then livid with rage.

I managed to keep a calm demeanour, but later that evening I found William drunk in the bath, trying to shave himself with no success. By then, his hands seemed to have developed a permanent tremor.

“For God’s sake, help me with this – this bloody thing!” he growled. “I keep cutting myself!”

Calmly taking the straight razor from his shaking hands, I set about scraping away the stubble from his wretched face.

You know where this is going, don’t you? Of course you do.

Once my husband was impeccably shaved, the razor slowly made its way down to press against his jugular vein. Alarmed, William made to snatch at my wrist, but I stopped him in mid-motion with a single word. “Don’t.”

“Y-you… you wouldn’t dare, you mad bitch,” he squeaked, his face a deathly pallor.

My voice was cool and steady, which must have alarmed him even more. “Oh, I would, though. I’d like nothing more than to draw this blade across your throat and watch the life drain out of you.”

His eyes were frantically rolling, but he made no further attempts to move. “What the hell’s got into you, woman?!”

The razor still firmly resting against William’s quivering throat, I spoke low and clear into his ear. “If you ever lay a finger on me or my children again, I will kill you without hesitation, do you hear? You’ll never even know it happened. One evening you’ll pass out in your cups and never wake up again. If you have any sense left in that whisky-soaked brain of yours, you’ll mark me well, husband.”

With that, I pushed the straight razor back into his hand and closed his fingers around it. Perhaps that was foolhardy of me, but my message was clear enough: I’m not afraid of you anymore.

I left William in his tepid bathwater, eyes filled with terror.

That was the day I finally saw my husband for what he was: a cowardly, pathetic little man. It was also the day he saw me for who I was: a woman who had reached her limit. He never raised his hand to me again.

After that evening, William’s presence at Shadowglen was akin to that of a ghost. He occasionally spent time with Rebecca, but barely acknowledged the rest of us. His only real refuge was in a whisky glass, and he spent the remainder of his life in an alcoholic stupor.

Four years later, he was dead. As his spouse, and in the absence of an official will, everything he owned went to me – the house, the company, the money. I was set for life. And more importantly, I was free.


“Goodness me,” I said, as Victoria leaned back into the soft leather of her Chesterfield, lacing her hands together. “Remind me never to get on your wrong side.”

“Oh, I’m quite certain you could never invoke my wrath, Doris dear,” she told me with a smile. “But if you’re not over here in my lap with your skirt up around your waist in the next few seconds, who can say?”

And so I did as my lady wished. She hadn’t told me to slip my knickers down and off, but I took that extra liberty anyway. Parking myself on Victoria’s lap, I was rewarded with a finger plunging in and out of my cunt.

“You’re so wet,” she hissed in my ear. “So warm and wet.”

“I’m always wet for you,” I murmured back, a series of small orgasms going off inside me like firecrackers, one after the other. Often it happened this way – a prelude to a much greater detonation, which was quick to follow.

Once I’d caught my breath, Victoria pushed me away, then hiked her own skirt up, shifting forward to the edge of the chair and drawing her legs apart. She pulled the gusset of her knickers to one side, but not before I could notice the large damp patch at the crotch. “Eat my cunt,” she commanded.

I was down on my hands and knees in a moment, trailing my tongue through her musky folds. She smelled wonderful, a rich, earthy aroma every bit as enticing as the perfume of the rose upon her desk. She prised herself open for me, unsheathing the swollen nub of her clitoris. I took it into my mouth to suck, then flicked it back and forth with the tip of the tongue. Seeking and finding her arsehole, I wriggled a finger inside, fucking her bum while I attacked her cunt with my mouth. Soon enough, I had provoked Victoria to climax, her hands clutching handfuls of my hair while she cried out my name.

After discarding the rest of our clothes, Victoria had me sit on the edge of the desk while she drew one of my legs up and slotted her cunt against mine. Grinding against one another, we came several more times that morning, my thorny rose and I.


With Victoria away on one of her forays into the city the next day and Shadowglen all to myself, I had ample time to consider her many revelations.

So much made sense to me now – the nature of her relationship with the brute of a man she’d had no choice but to call husband, her true desire forced into the shadows of an unhappy marriage, like so many others during that era of unbending convention. And the estrangement of her mother and father, who had engineered that terrible union. Now I knew why the girls rarely spoke of their grandparents. I don’t think they had much contact with them, if at all. There had been no visit from them since I had come to Shadowglen, that much I knew, nor from their paternal grandparents, for that matter.

And yet, that sham marriage had given her three beautiful daughters. I wondered if her bond with the girls had carried her through those years, a beacon of light in an otherwise dark world. Would she have succumbed to despair without them at her side?

And then there was us. Victoria and I.

If the revelations concerning her relationship with the housemaid and the marriage she’d subsequently been forced into weren’t enough, Victoria had left me reeling with her offer of Shadowglen as my permanent home, where I would live as her partner and lover.

Of course I was over the moon and eager to accept, but I also wondered how a relationship like ours could endure under the circumstances. 1935 was really no more tolerant or enlightened than 1919, when Victoria had been caught with her friend Nora, as far as romantic love between women was concerned. Which meant we would have no choice but to conceal our true feelings behind the walls of Shadowglen. We would be living a lie.

But then, wasn’t society fed and fueled by lies? In the orphanage alone, I’d been exposed to hundreds of them… and a glance through any newspaper might unearth dozens more. Lies told to the world, lies we told to ourselves. Did it really matter if Victoria and I added a few more to the grand tally?

Then there were the girls to consider. Would we have to keep our love, our passion a secret from them, too? Was such a thing even possible with the five of us living under the same roof? I didn’t know if Becky, Sophia or Melinda were even remotely aware of their mother’s penchant for other women.

I thought about all this as I dusted and polished and ironed. I thought long and hard. But honestly, I’d already accepted my situation. I loved Victoria, I loved the girls. And come what may, Shadowglen was my home now. After everything Victoria had told me, I no longer wanted to wring my hands over things I couldn’t control. This was the hand life had dealt me, and considering my humble circumstances, it was more than I had any right to expect. Perhaps it would work out, perhaps not, but regardless I would take each day as it arrived, and allow myself to be happy.

I didn’t have long to dwell on such things in the coming days, anyway. You see, Victoria wasn’t quite done surprising me.


Evenings at Shadowglen followed a familiar routine: The girls would return from school and spend an hour playing in the garden (or up in their rooms if the weather was wet) while Mrs. Broomfield and I prepared dinner, and Victoria finished off work in her study. After we’d eaten, and the dining room table cleared, I would spend a while helping the girls with their homework until bath time beckoned, or if it wasn’t bath night, simply let them scamper off to do as they pleased. Later, clad in dressing gowns and nighties, they would come down to the living room for mugs of cocoa before bedtime.

But I’m getting a little ahead of myself. Let us return to homework at the dining room table.

It was still early evening, but the last of the summer daylight had been all but blotted out by dark, angry clouds and sheets of monsoon-like rain. The thunderstorm seemed to charge the air around us, invoking a kind of tense, unspoken exhilaration.

It was hot and humid. Sophia and Melinda were particularly giggly that evening, their eyes sparkling with a scintilla of mischief. Victoria – who had recently been spending more time with us whilst the girls worked on their homework assignments – cooled herself with a small Oriental fan, the first couple of buttons of her blouse popped free. Becky, so keen to emulate her mother, had partially unbuttoned her school shirt as well.

Victoria kept peering across at me, giving me smiles I couldn’t help but return. I’m sure Becky must have recognised them as more than just friendly exchanges. She kept stealing glances at me herself, almost as if she were vying with her mother for my attention. It seemed there was another kind of tension in the air that night – the one inside Shadowglen feeding off the other percolating outside.

I wasn’t immune to the charged atmosphere in the room. My nipples were inexplicably stiff and sensitive beneath my cotton shirt, and a dull, pleasant thrum stirred between my legs, leaving me aching for the attention that only a lover or a restless hand can offer.

I rolled up my sleeves, and tried to concentrate on the task at hand, placing a finger upon the textbook lying open before me on the table. “So, if Queen Elizabeth I reigned between 1558 and 1603, how many years was she queen?”

The question was directed at Sophia and Melinda. As the eldest sister, Becky scribbled away on her own separate assignment, occasionally peering up to ask me or her mother a question.

“Stop kicking me, Sophie!” Melinda groused as she counted away on her fingers. She was sitting between me and Victoria on one side of the table, with Becky and Sophia on the other.

“How do you know it’s me?” Sophia returned with a smirk. “It might be Becky or Doris kicking you. Or even Mummy!”

“I know it’s you because I can see your head bobbing up and down,” a grinning Melinda replied, and bounced up and down in her chair to illustrate the point.

“Keep your feet to yourselves and concentrate on your homework, both of you,” Victoria told them, and Sophia gave a little pout.

Melinda slid her chair back from the table. “There. You can’t get me now, Sophie, can you?”

It was very hard not to notice that the ten-year-old’s plaid skirt had ridden up to her waist. Harder still to ignore the sight of her white knickers as she crossed and uncrossed her legs. Victoria had encouraged me to admire the beauty of her two youngest daughters as they bathed, but I had done more than that, much more. I had allowed myself to see them through a lens of sexuality; even summoned up images of them while I masturbated. Surely that hadn’t been Victoria’s intention. Would she be cross with me if she knew? It seemed likely.

But still, those knickers… tantalising flashes of white against the pale, smooth flesh of Melinda’s inner thighs. The child seemed oblivious to my furtive peeks as her legs scissored to and fro, and God knows I tried not to look. But isn’t it always the way that when you do your best not to look at something, you just end up doing it all the more?

I managed to drag my eyes away from between Melinda’s legs for the umpteenth time, then glanced up to find Victoria peering back at me. Good God, had she noticed where I’d been looking? She didn’t appear to be angry, or even annoyed – on the contrary, she regarded me with an amused smile.

Perhaps she hadn’t seen what I was up to. Or she simply read nothing untoward in it. After all, it was Victoria who had insisted there was no shame in looking. She could hardly blame me for taking her advice to heart, I reasoned. Nevertheless, I felt my face turn warm under her gaze.

“Forty-five years!” Sophia cried out, making me jump.

“Hmm?” I murmured.

She scowled at me. “Elizabeth I was queen for forty-five years. Pay attention, Doris!”

“Why was she called the Virgin Queen?” Melinda enquired, her legs now thankfully closed.

Becky gave a little snort, but didn’t look up from her textbook.

I did my best to compose myself. “Well… she never took a husband or had children.”

“Why not? Didn’t she need children to take over when she died?”

“Yes, ideally she would’ve produced heirs, but… honestly, no one’s really sure why.”

“Perhaps Elizabeth decided no man was up to the task of prince consort,” Victoria said cooly, her eyes probing mine. “Who knows? She might’ve preferred a queen consort instead.”

“Mother!” Becky admonished, then gave me a brief furtive glance, colour tinging her cheeks.

The younger girls seemed puzzled. “How can a queen have a queen?” asked Melinda.

“I think your mother is making a little joke,” I mumbled. “So, er… yes, forty-five years was the correct answer, Sophia. The next question…” I scanned the textbook in front of me, glad to have something other than Victoria’s unyielding gaze to command my attention. “What was the name of the theatre where Shakespeare’s plays were staged?”

“The Globe!” Melinda proudly announced.

“Very good.” I replied.

And all the while thunder rumbled outside like the laughter of gods. The rain hadn’t let up a jot, the air still humid and clingy; charged with possibility.


Come morning, the rain and thunder had given way to clear skies and sunshine. A fine day for hanging out washing, which was just as well, as it was laundry day.

Having done my fair share of scrubbing clothes by hand in the orphanage scullery, Victoria’s top of the range Savage electric washing machine was a gift sent by heaven. Initially I was terrified of the noisy thing, and tried without success to convince Victoria that washing clothes the old fashioned way would get them cleaner. But I soon came to relish feeding sheets and garments of clothing into the drum, then watching with a peculiar species of hypnotic awe as they went round and round.

I never got used to the spin cycle, though. Even with the lid firmly attached, I would stand well clear of the big vibrating behemoth, convinced it would suddenly explode and destroy half the house, or worse – suck me into its whirring maw and swallow me whole, leaving nothing but a pair of vacant shoes to prove I was ever there.

I was pouring detergent into the revolving drum, happily humming away to myself when I felt hands around my waist; warm lips teasing the nape of my neck. I gasped in pleasure, pushing back against Victoria’s body, eager to give my lover whatever she wanted.

One of her hands appeared in front of me, delving into the unwashed pile of clothing on the counter to snatch up a pair of white knickers, the same ones Melinda had worn the previous evening. I’d rubbed myself to a splendid climax later that night, pretending she’d been letting me look up her dress on purpose.

Victoria held her daughter’s underpants before me for a moment, then brought them to my face.

“Wh-what are you doing?” I mumbled through the soft cotton. It held a light, musky scent, and I felt a twinge of excitement in the midst of my confusion, knowing it was the aroma of Melinda’s sex.

When I tried to pull the knickers away, Victoria batted my hand aside. “Shhh… Isn’t this what you want, Doris? I saw you last night, peeking at my little girl’s smalls. Or is it what’s underneath that interests you?”

“I d-don’t know what you mean,” I protested, squirming inside and out.

“Oh, I think you do,” Victoria insisted. “There’s no need to deny it. In fact, I was rather hoping you felt that way.”

What on earth did she mean by that? Goodness knows, Victoria was no shrinking violet when it came to sex – I’d seen her do things that would make a sailor blush – but this was something new, and it unnerved me a little.

Drawing Melinda’s knickers away, Victoria let them drop into the pile of clothing, then pulled the whole lot onto the floor, along with the unwashed sheets and towels. “I need to ask you something very important, Doris,” she crooned. “But first, I’m going to fuck you.”

With our own clothes stripped away and added to the pile on the floor, we lay down and made love hard and fast amongst the dirty laundry. Victoria ground herself against my sex with an urgency that thrilled me. I twisted my hips and pressed into her, seeking that sweet spot where cunt aligns perfectly with cunt. We came against one another that way, our union brief but no less exquisite for that.

Our clothes given up for lost amongst the jumble of dirty laundry, we scampered naked up the stairs and retreated into Victoria’s room, laughing like giddy schoolgirls. We lay stretched out on the bed.

I remembered Victoria’s earlier words. “What was the important thing you wanted to ask me?

Victoria gazed at me for a long moment, as if she was weighing her options. Finally, she spoke. “You know, Doris… I often wonder how my life might have been different.”

“What do you mean?”

“If Nora and I had been allowed to be together, to live as lovers. If society had permitted such a thing.”

“But then you wouldn’t have had the girls,” I pointed out.

“No. And I have no regrets… except for not knowing what became of poor Nora, of course. Still, I wonder how things would’ve turned out if we’d been able to pursue our love. She and I never had a chance. But if I want to give the girls the choice I never had, I must do so before they get much older and society manages to sink its damned hooks in.”

I wasn’t sure what she was getting at, and my confusion must have shown.

“I believe most women and girls have sapphic tendencies, Doris,” Victoria opined. “I don’t know what purpose that might serve from nature’s point of view, and I don’t think the same can be said of men and boys – at least, not to the same extent – but there’s always been a certain intimacy between women that’s hard to define.

“My daughters might grow up to marry men and have children of their own, and I have no objection to that, if it’s what they choose. But I want to show them there’s another way. It might be too late for Rebecca – she’s old enough to know her own mind, and just as stubborn as I was at that age, but I believe Melinda and Sophia are still young enough to be receptive to new possibilities.”

I propped myself up on an elbow, carefully regarding my lady. “I don’t quite understand. You think the girls need some kind of… education in how women make love to other women?”

Victoria ran the tips of her fingers down the contours of my body, across the swell of my breast and rib cage, then over my hips and thighs. “I’ve seen how you look at my daughters, Doris. All three of them. You’re not very good at hiding your true feelings, my sweet. And wasn’t it me who encouraged you to pay close attention to Melinda and Sophia when they were naked? Would you be shocked if I told you my intentions weren’t altogether innocent?”

I opened my mouth to speak, realised I had no words, then shut it again.

“And surely you’ve not failed to notice the way the two of them act around you. I certainly haven’t. The way their eyes sparkle, how they get silly and giggly. They’re especially animated when they come down for cocoa after their bath.”

“I… I began looking at them, just like you said I should,” I told her. “They noticed straight away – I suppose you’re right, I’m not very good at hiding things. But they seemed to like it. Now it’s as if they want me to look at them whenever their clothes are off. Maybe it’s just a fun game to them, or maybe—”

Victoria intercepted my fumbling attempt to explain with a new question. “Are you attracted to my daughters, Doris? Tell me truthfully, and know that I have no objections either way. None at all. But you must be honest.”

I stared at her, unsure how to proceed. Once the words were out, there would be no taking them back. Of course I was attracted to the girls. Hadn’t I masturbated to thoughts of them? Wasn’t I seizing every opportunity to ogle Melinda and Sophia’s bare bodies in the bath? Didn’t I long to see Becky strip down to her underthings in front of me again, just as she’d done that day in the shop changing booth?

Victoria demanded the truth. How could I give her anything less?

“I think they’re beautiful, Victoria. Yes, I find them attractive. And I… I think about them that way, yes.”

She reached across to kiss me full on the lips, lingering for a long moment before pulling away and fixing me with an intense look. “Do you love me, Doris?”

“You know I do.”

“And how far would you go to please me?”

I took her hand and kissed the palm, the gesture almost as much an act of fealty as it was affection. “I’d do anything for you,” I murmured.

“Would you?” she asked. “I wonder.”

She seemed to consider her next words carefully. “Tonight you’ll bathe with Sophia and Melinda. You will wash them, and let them wash you. You’ll touch them intimately, show them how girls may pleasure each other. And if you can, Doris, you will bring them to climax. Do you understand?”

I slowly nodded my assent, trying to absorb the full meaning of her words. Victoria was instructing me to seduce her two youngest daughters. There was no room for misinterpretation.

There were questions, though. Whys and Hows and What-Ifs. But I was very aware of not rocking the boat at that particular moment. I had dreamt of being intimate with the girls, had fantasised about it, and now, against all my wildest expectations, Victoria was actually giving me permission to do just that. Devious though it might have been, I didn’t want to give her an opportunity to change her mind.

So I reduced my questions down to just one. “Aren’t they too young to feel that kind of pleasure?”

Victoria pulled me on top of her. “Girls are able to become aroused at a very young age. Even as babies, in fact.”

I didn’t ask her how she could know that, nor did it seem important at that moment. With my mind filled with illicit thoughts of her children, and all the wild possibilities that bath time might bring, Victoria Shaw and I fucked the afternoon away like two rutting animals.

On to Chapter Nine!


Space Nymphet, Chapter 3

  • Posted on October 3, 2024 at 4:25 pm

by kinkys_sis

Things were different on the shuttle, and for the better. For one thing, it was now “our shuttle.” And instead of flying solo with Raya the computer, I was seated alongside Raya, my friend and lover.

I was blissfully content to watch her as she flew the craft along the line of the valley we’d seen from the mountains. Of course, I knew that the physical manifestation of Raya wasn’t really piloting us, but I found it reassuring to have her there at the controls.

The shuttle slowed to the point where it was almost hovering a few hundred feet from the planet’s surface, then Raya spoke. “I am sorry, Zelda. It was not my intention to ignore you. I have been considering options for landing the shuttle.” With that, we came to a complete halt. “I suggest we land on that slightly raised area approximately two hundred and twenty feet ahead of us.”

Not for the first time, I smiled at Raya’s insistence on absolute precision. “Looks good to me, but you’re the boss. Whatever you say.”

“No, Zelda. I am not the boss, as you put it. You are in command. I am here to assist and advise. Your well-being is all that matters to me.”

“In that case, I suggest we land on that raised area.”

There was a pause before Raya replied, “That is what I already suggested, is it not?”

I laughed, “Of course it is. I’m joking, Raya.”

“Ah, joking. A human concept of frivolous amusement. I understand. I wouldn’t have done before, but I am beginning to comprehend these things.”

The shuttle moved towards the small clearing. We hovered for a few more seconds, then slowly descended lower. I barely felt the landing, then a few moments later the power drive went silent.

Raya initiated the viewer and it dropped down in front of me. “You may take a look outside, Zelda. Use the buttons to scan through 360 degrees, or to zoom in on any area where you might want a closer look. My senses tell me that there are only very small life-forms present at this time.”

I spent the next hour scanning all around. We had landed in a beautiful area. We were surrounded by what looked just like tall grass back on Earth, though it did seem rather sparse. The viewer had amazing capabilities. I could bring the forest and even the mountains into sharp close-up focus.

I studied the river, reasoning that any insects or birds would be found there. Maybe the arrival of a strange craft into their world had driven them into hiding because I saw nothing.

Raya interrupted my viewing. “You should take a break and have something to eat, Zelda. I will be ready to open the hatches in a while.” I could have spent at least another hour studying the wonders of this new world, but Raya was correct – it was time to prepare myself for exploring the planet’s surface. Reluctantly releasing the viewer, I did as she said.


Raya’s analysis concluded that conditions on the outside were ideal for me. However, she did advise that we confined ourselves to a thirty-foot radius for the moment.

Upon emerging from the shuttle, I felt warmth from the sun and a gentle breeze against my face. Taking a long, deep breath, I held it in. This was something I hadn’t experienced in ages – real air, flavoured with the scents of our surroundings. I heard the rustle of the swaying grass. I felt as though I could smell everything around me… even the distant forest, even the sea. We walked around the shuttle. There didn’t appear to be anything to cause us concern.

Then in her calm voice, Raya said. “We should return to the craft immediately, Zelda. There is movement at the edge of the forest.”

We hastened back. Once inside, I dashed over to the viewer. “What do you see, Raya?”

“A life-form has emerged from the trees, less than a mile away. It is not moving, just looking towards us.”

I scanned rapidly along the front of the trees. There! I saw it. I zoomed in as closely as I could – enough to spy a two-legged upright creature. I couldn’t make out any precise details, though..

For Raya, it was different. “It is warm-blooded and humanoid in appearance… quite similar to Rotan’s androids, actually. It carries a primitive weapon. It is most likely wondering who we are and what its response should be.”

Then the creature began to move, slowly advancing towards us. Details became clearer as it drew closer. It was clearly human-like, quite tall and slender. Gradually, I made out more. It moved with a smooth gracefulness, obviously at home in its surroundings.

Less than half a mile away, the being paused. No doubt it had never seen anything like our shuttle. It seemed to come to a decision, and hesitantly came nearer. It carried a bow, and there was a quiver of arrows at its back. The creature had an arrow notched and ready, but held loosely, pointing at the ground.

Raya said, “I shall put up a protective screen, then lower the hatch. You may wish to stand in the entrance for it to see you.”

The being came to an abrupt halt when the hatch began to move. Still, the bow remained lowered. It didn’t appear to be frightened, just wary.

I stepped through the hatch, moving into open view. We were still a good few hundred yards apart. I raised my arms in what I hoped would convey that I meant no harm. My gesture must have worked, because the creature began to move forward once more.

As it drew closer, I could see a generous headful of golden hair. Wait a minute…

My God, it was a female, and she was stark naked! Intrigued, I stepped onto the raised ramp to give her a clearer view. She continued to advance.

Raya spoke. “Do not move any further, Zelda. The protective screen is at the edge of the ramp. It won’t harm you if you touch it, but it will hurt. Nothing can penetrate it from the other side, though.”

The female stopped at no more than thirty paces. She bore obvious similarities to a human being, but the differences were striking. Her pink skin seemed to shimmer although it didn’t seem to be covered by anything. Her face was somewhat angular with well-defined bones, and she was much taller than most human women. The overall effect was actually quite beautiful.

I heard her speak in a language that sounded similar to Rotan’s. I wasn’t sure what to answer; what could I say? I tried, anyway. “Hello, I’m Zelda, and it’s nice to meet you.” Speaking those words made me feel stupid. Whatever I said, she wasn’t going to understand.

I could try to teach her my name, at least. Pointing at myself, I repeated, “Zelda.”

She stared, then said, “Zel-da.” She thought it over for a moment, then raised a hand and pointed at me. “Zel-da.” She pointed up at the sky, then down at the shuttle, “Zel-da…?”

I answered with a nod, watching her. She thought for a moment, then raised her bow. I tensed, even though I knew her arrows couldn’t penetrate the screen. But she was letting go of the draw-string. Her eyes meeting mine, she spoke again. The words were still meaningless to me.

“I believe she is asking if you are armed, Zelda.”

I raised both hands to show they were empty, then slowly turned all the way around. Of course, she had no way of knowing that two energy beam projectors were pointed at her. She seemed satisfied with my response and lowered her weapon, returning the arrow to the quiver. She began to come forward once more.

I made a decision. “Raya, drop the screen and lower the ramp.”

“Is that wise, Zelda?”

“Just do it, please.” Hoping Raya would follow my order, I stepped forward as the ramp touched the ground. I saw the creature stiffen slightly, but her weapon stayed down as I approached.

We stared at each other for a moment, then I extended my hand. She didn’t hesitate, just reached out until her hand joined mine. A faint smile touched her face, and I smiled back.

Pointing to herself, she said a word. I tried to sound it out. “Tanx?”

She shook her head. “Tan-nixt.”

Her grin broadened when I tried it again. “Tannixt.” Close enough, I figured.

I turned back towards the shuttle, still holding her hand. She didn’t resist but followed behind as I led her to the ramp, then encouraged her to sit next to me. Then I got a real shock. Tannixt did two things at once. First, she touched my lower back, then reached around herself and took hold of a tail, which she displayed to me. There was a puzzled look on her face.

She seemed to be offering her tail to me, so I carefully took hold of it. The end opened into four ‘fingers’ and they folded around my hand. Gently rubbing my back, Tannixt spoke in her strange language.

Raya translated her speech for me. “She asks why you do not have a tail of your own. I can understand much of what she says, although her tongue is a little different to Rotan’s.”

Tannixt looked around, startled by the voice. The ‘fingers’ of her tail gripped my hand in sudden alarm.

Raya spoke again, but this time it was in Tannixt’s language. Slowly, her grip relaxed as she listened. She glanced at me, then at the shuttle, then reached up to touch my cheek with her hand. I saw tears in her eyes. She spoke to me in a soft voice.

I was puzzled. Had I somehow made her unhappy? “What did you tell her? What’s she saying?”

“I gave her a brief version of what you have been through. She is sad for you.”

A lengthy interchange took place between them, I could only sit, impatiently waiting to hear more. Finally, I could wait no longer. “Raya, what you two are talking about?” I demanded. “And why don’t you come out here?”

Raya must have explained what she was, because Tannixt turned to look apprehensively into the shuttle. When Raya appeared, she was also naked. I guessed she was trying not to unnerve our new friend. She sat down beside me.

Tannixt was clearly uncomfortable around Raya. When she spoke, I knew she was asking Raya a question. She seemed to get even more nervous as Raya answered her.

“I have told her that you are a real human, but I am not. She is frightened of me.”

I took Tannixt’s hand in mine. “Please don’t be scared. Raya is my friend. She will not harm you in any way, I promise.” I turned to Raya. “Will you tell her what I said?”

She did… and that seemed to calm Tannixt somewhat. She and Raya got into a conversation, and soon it appeared that our new acquaintance was relating her own story. I was impatient to know more, but this time I made myself wait for her to finish.

After a while, Raya turned to me. “Her people speak of other beings who come from the stars. It is told in their history. There are places on this planet that were created by these beings, but they are long since abandoned – perhaps for thousands of years. There are not many of her people left; they are scattered far and wide, and their numbers are few. She says they are content with this state of affairs. The past is thought of with dread, although they are not sure why. She told me that you are welcome here, that no one will object to your presence… but at the same time, she hopes it doesn’t mean more will come. I have assured her that is extremely unlikely, as you were the only survivor from the mothership.”

Tannixt extended her arms, and her tail gently pulled at me. I realised that she was offering me a hug, so I leaned into her embrace. She hummed soothingly, rocking me in her arms, stroking my cheek with. the fingers of her tail. While she held me, I saw her skin briefly change its hue.

Tannixt spoke again, and I waited for Raya to translate. “You were at the forbidden mountain, I saw you. Yet they let you leave unharmed. I do not understand.”

I knew then that she was the one I’d seen moving at the forest edge when we first explored the planet’s terrain in the shuttle.

Raya rose to her feet. “Excuse me, Zelda. Do not worry, I will return right away. There is a device on the shuttle that will be of use to you.” She padded back up the ramp and inside, returning a moment later with a small box. This she placed in my hand.

I frowned at the object. “What’s this–” I began, and nearly dropped the box when it started flashing. Then it spoke my words in Tannixt’s language. She was as startled as I was. “A translator!” I exclaimed. “Well done, Raya.”

Between Raya and myself, we told Tannixt that there were no living beings at the mountain, just ancient machines. She looked doubtful, but gave a small shrug.

I turned to Raya. “Is it safe for us to travel on foot? I want to see the river.”

When Tannixt got the translation, she jumped to her feet, delighted by the prospect of showing me around. “It is safe, yes,” Raya replied, “but you will need to take supplies. Come inside, and I will outfit you for your excursion.”

Back inside the shuttle, Raya said. “There is something I must tell you. You may object, but it is important that you hear me out. I have communicated with Rotan, and we have both concluded that the people of Earth and this planet are related. The physical similarities between you and Tannixt are beyond mere coincidence. Rotan’s people were also related, but they were a vastly different race to Tannixt’s kind. She is closer to you than they were to her. But there is one crucial difference between you and Tannixt: her species has no males. I am not yet aware of how they reproduce.”

I wasn’t used to Raya hesitating, but now she did for a moment, finally saying. “Zelda, you and I have experienced much together. I have discovered feelings and emotions I didn’t think possible for an artificial intelligence. But I have found limitations as well, beyond which I cannot go.”

“Raya, I don’t understand. You’re worrying me.”

She shook her head. “There is no cause for you to worry, Zelda. What I need you to understand is that I am still only a machine. You are flesh and blood, while I am billions of tiny circuits. You have a heart that pumps blood around your body. I have, to put it simply, plus or minus voltages.”

She let her words sink in before she continued. “I am your guardian. I can also be your companion. The one thing I can never truly be is your true love.” I was about to protest, but she raised a hand to silence me. “Zelda, your race will die with you if nothing is done to prevent it. You have every right to choose that path. I am suggesting you keep an open mind to other possibilities, although I am not quite sure what they are.” She took my hand in hers. “Remember, child, you cannot break my heart. I do not have one.”

“I see what you are saying, Raya… but why are you telling me this now? Does it have something to do with Tannixt?”

“It does. You see, she released a pheromone when you were in her arms. This was most unexpected. Earth humans cannot do this, and they should not be able to detect it. But your pulse rate began to increase when it happened. Tannixt quickly suppressed the pheromone, but before she did, I was able to detect and analyse it.”

Something occurred to me. “Wait, wait. I know you can get a reading on me by using the sensors in my chair… but how are you able to do that when I’m outside the shuttle?”

“Were you not aware that you carry a tiny implant, Zelda? Everyone on the mothership had one planted in their arm. That is how I can monitor you.”

Fuck! I didn’t know. I was angered at first by this violation of my privacy. But as I thought about it, I decided it had been done for our protection… and after all, it really was best to have Raya keeping tabs on me.

I had more questions, but Raya shook her head “Enough, Zelda! Go with Tannixt and explore. I have work to do and will remain here.”

Tannixt jumped to her feet when I appeared, looking relieved. I suppose she was worried we might abandon her. She touched the hat I now wore and nodded, “It is wise. You are very pale and might be burnt by the sun.” I don’t think she actually used the words, ‘the sun’, because the translator stumbled at that point. But I got the idea, and we both burst out laughing.

Her eyes met mine, and the intensity of her glance threw me for a second. I remembered what Raya had told me about pheromones and such. Tannixt was clearly drawn to me. Was that something I wanted? I wasn’t sure.


It felt strange to wade through the long grass hand in hand with Tannixt, her tail wrapped snugly around my waist like she was hugging me. I was concerned with what kinds of creatures might be lurking in the grass and if any of them were dangerous, but Tannixt assured me that we were perfectly safe. On the other hand, there were hazards to be found in the forest and by the sea, though she would do her best to protect me from these.

Using the translator, I haltingly told Tannixt that her world seemed remarkably similar to how I believed Earth had been a long time ago. But our mother planet was now a polluted, almost unlivable place where the few remaining survivors scratched out a miserable existence.

According to Tannixt, her people believed the same thing had happened to them. Their race had nearly been wiped out, but a hardy few had endured. The planet had gradually recovered over time, a long time. Tannixt’s people had no wish to return to the days of old. The lesson had been learned; the world restored to its natural splendour.

She led me to the river, and it was there that I saw the first living creatures I’d encountered since our arrival – other than Tannixt, of course. The water teemed with fish of different sizes, shapes and colours. Tannixt told me they were all edible, although most of them weren’t to her liking. The best fish were to be had closer to the sea, where the fresh water and the salt water met. She promised to show me how to catch them when we reached the coast.

We continued along the river’s bank, following the flow of water to the sea until its vastness stretched into the distance. I saw a vague outline of other lands far away. But it was the smell coming from the sea that impressed me most, the freshest I’d ever experienced.

The beach seemed to go for miles on either side of the river. The sand was a dazzling white; the ocean a sapphire blue. I was completely dumbstruck at the sheer beauty of this planet. There was real life here. Clean water to drink, air fit to breathe and miles of lush foliage behind us.

Wanting a moment to pause and take it all in, I persuaded Tannixt to sit with me on a grassy mound just above the beach.

I’d been vaguely conscious of her tail stroking my back, but hadn’t given it any real thought. Then I became aware that my pulse was racing, my face especially warm. Turning to Tannixt, I found her staring intently at me, and felt a crazy urge to kiss her. Instead, I stared, lost in this enchanting creature’s gaze.

Tannixt broke the silence between us. “Do you like me?” she said. Her eyes seemed to be pleading with me. I was confused, my emotions in turmoil… but there was also a rising sense of desire.

“Yes,” I told her. “Yes, I do.”

Tannixt’s tail had found its way inside the back of my tunic. She used it to caress my bare skin while gently guiding me towards her. I fought the urge to fall into her arms, at least until I saw the colour of her skin ripple. Small waves of changing hue moved over her body. My resistance melted away and I found myself leaning into her.

Before I knew what was what, her lips were on mine.

It was the first time I’d ever been kissed by a living person, but I wasn’t thinking about that when her tail snaked around my neck and guided me into her arms. Instead, I thought of spreading Tannixt out on the soft grass and getting on top of her. My pussy was throbbing in time with the frantic pounding of my heart.

I craved her. I wanted her to love me. I needed her to fuck me.

Two hands and a tail adorned with deft fingers were undressing me. Once Tannixt had stripped away my last article of clothing, she nudged me onto my back. I marvelled at my not feeling self-conscious in the heat of her gaze. Perhaps it was the awe I saw in her look as she studied my bare body.

Then her tail came up and its fingers began to gently massage my upper half. She made a sort of clucking sound as my nipples responded to her touch. Then she rested a hand on my belly, teasing here and there with her fingertips.

She gazed into my eyes. “Your skin does not colour like mine, yet I can sense you feel excitement. No tail and no colours… that is sad, but you are beautiful in many other ways.”

Even as Tannixt spoke, she touched between my legs, her fingers tracing through the light covering of pubic down. She didn’t pause there, but continued downward until she was cupping my sex. As she found the wetness lurking there, Tannixt’s skin colours began to fluctuate even faster, flowing through her body in constantly changing hues. As I watched the dazzling display, I noticed that her nipples had grown, and her chest was heaving as the pace of her breathing increased.

It was my turn to touch her, so I reached out and fondled Tannixt’s breast, cooing with delight as I felt her nipple stiffen against my palm.

I saw the ripples of Tannixt’s colours intensify, becoming more distinct; shades of red changed to pink, pale blues and greens, a sudden splash of bright orange. I’d seen something like it once in a vid clip of exotic fish, the kind that used to exist on Earth. Now I witnessed the unimaginable beauty of it in person, rolling like a wave over Tannixt’s body.

The longing I felt for her had me quivering inside. Without another thought, the words came to my lips. “Tan, please… make love to me.”

I felt her tail at my back once more, where it drifted down to my bum, giving it a squeeze before slipping between my thighs. Tan parted my slit with her long, thin fingers, then worked one of them inside. It was twice as long as a normal finger, and she used it to probe deep into my cunt.

Tan’s colours were running wild as she drew me even further into her embrace, her hands and tail touching me everywhere – caressing and teasing, pinching and pulling. “So beautiful,” she said before she bent to nuzzle my neck.

She drove me wild with playful kisses, nibbles and bites. Her mouth descended to my chest, where she flicked at my nipples with her tongue, then lower, down to my tummy.

I’d felt a measure of shock when I first saw Tannixt’s tail. Now, she surprised me all over again. She withdrew the tail from my pussy, immediately replacing it with her mouth. Her tongue pushed in, going deeper and deeper, impossibly deep. Yet even as she probed me, her lips found my clit.

God, I was in heaven. My cunt was explored and caressed, my clit assaulted… deliciously assaulted. Her hands played my body like a musical instrument, coaxing out the loveliest melodies imaginable.

I was screaming even before my orgasm came. Oh, my, what a wondrous feeling it was. My whole being seemed to radiate joy as Tannixt took me higher and higher with her amazing mouth.

Soon I lay spent and motionless, arm in arm with Tannixt. I tried to speak, but she gently silenced me, touching her tail to my lips. “No words are needed, little one,” she said. “I have been long without a friend to love. If you will have me for at least a while, then perhaps I have found one.”

I responded by taking her in my arms, eager to give her the pleasure she’d given me.

I marvelled at Tannixt’s rippling colours as I trailed my fingers over her body, quickly noticing how they undulated faster when my fingers teased her pussy. She pulled me close when I teased her clit.

We rolled about in the soft grass as I learned how to fuck her. I was going completely by instinct, but if her response was any indication, what I did seemed to work. Tannixt’s colours were flowing faster than ever, her body trembling beneath mine.

There was an explosion of colour when she came. Never had I seen anything so beautiful. Her tail wrapped round my back, holding me tightly. The box wasn’t able to translate what Tan said, but it didn’t matter.

Once again, we lay together, our bodies entangled. My thoughts were in a whirl, but I mostly felt happy to be on this amazing world. What more could I possibly want?

After a while, Tannixt got to her feet. She told me I should get dressed while the sun was still strong. She wanted to show me something.

We walked towards the point where the river joined the sea. She said, “Wait here, Zelda,” then waded out into the water. After a short search, she dipped a hand beneath the water and took hold of what looked like a rope, which she pulled at until a basket-like object came into view. I realised right away that it was a trap. She reached right inside and tugged out a large wriggling creature. With a joyful shout, she dropped the trap back into the water and returned to the beach.

What Tannixt held was a monstrous thing: a lumpy purple blob with vicious snapping claws that she carefully avoided. “What is that, Tan? Surely you can’t eat it!”

She laughed. “Oh, my lovely, it’s delicious. But first I have to let Raya make sure it’s safe for you to eat.”

I had never been into open water before, and seeing how at ease Tan was in the sea made me want to experience it for myself. “Can I go in the water, Tan? Is it safe?”

She nodded. “Yes, you can. It is completely safe here in the shallow waters. Only in the deep are there dangers, although not many.”

Tannixt fastened the hideous creature to an arrow she stuck in the sand to secure it. Taking my hand, she guided me towards the water’s edge, even though I was fully clothed. There was only a gentle swell; very small waves lapping at the beach’s edge. With some trepidation, I put a foot into the water. The first thing I noticed was how warm it was. I hesitantly moved deeper, the shifting sands tickling my toes with each step.

Tan gave my hand a tug. “Come, Zelda. You have nothing to fear, I promise.”

My fear seemed to evaporate as we ventured deeper into the sea. Soon, Tan and I were playfully splashing each other. I had a brief moment of panic when I fell and my head disappeared beneath the water, but Tan pulled me up, laughing at my spluttering.

She suddenly took me in her arms. She spoke to me in an affectionate tone, but I’d left the translator behind in the grass, so I couldn’t understand what she said.

Instead, I marvelled at the beauty of this creature, this enchanting alien who had come into my life. “Kiss me, Tan,” I whispered. Of course, my words meant nothing to her, but my pursed lips told Tannixt what I wanted.

As her mouth drew close to mine, I watched for the signs of Tan’s colour changing. It thrilled me more than I can say, seeing the many hues of her skin. Before she kissed me, I reached out to give her breast a squeeze, then lightly tweaked the nipple. Tan gasped, then her body began to pulse in a bright red. Sliding my leg between hers, I ground my thigh into her pussy. Those pulses deepened, then became ripples.

We stared at each other as I rubbed myself against her, then Tan moved in to kiss me again as her tail gripped my ass, drawing me even closer. I felt the appendages of her tail slip between the cheeks of my bum to tease at the taut pucker of my star. All I could think of was how badly I wanted her to love me.

My heart raced frantically as Tan scooped me up into her arms and carried me back to the shore. We didn’t break our kiss as she waded through the water, and her tail finger continued to press against my anus.

My few clothes were gone, cast aside before Tan lowered me to the soft grass. She knelt between my legs, her eyes locked with mine as she used her tail to pleasure both my openings. Two fingers slid between my pussy lips, and a third pushed at my arse until it popped through the tight ring. Just like that, Tannixt began to fuck me.

She began to fondle herself. One hand dropped down to toy with her nether lips, the other caressed her breasts. It was an amazing sight, one that drove my arousal even higher. The finger at my bum hole eased its way deeper, then began to move in and out. I’d never been fucked that way, and couldn’t believe how good it felt.

Then I noticed Tan’s clit, surprised to see how much bigger it was. Within seconds, it was impossibly large. The surging colours raged over her body. Still, her clit continued to grow. I couldn’t tear my eyes from it. What was happening to her?

I saw her inching forwards, her eyes now fixed on my pussy. Her colours went crazy as her growing clit got nearer. Suddenly, I realised what she wanted. That clit, if that’s what it was, was going to penetrate me. I felt her tail finger pull out of my cunt just as she pressed herself between my legs. I felt her nudging into me. “Tan, what…?”

She froze, her eyes snapping back to meet mine, then slowly moved away from me, those lovely colours now gone. Tan’s expression grew sorrowful, and her tears began to fall.

“I am sorry, Zelda,” she said, looking away. “I lost control. I wanted to love you my way, but didn’t ask first. That was wrong of me, very wrong. I don’t even know if it is safe for you!”

Determined to comfort my new lover, I drew Tannixt down into my arms and held her close. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, Tan. I’m so pleased that you feel that way about me. I want us to make love every way we can. Perhaps we could ask Raya if it will work.”

We lay together for a long time. Finally we got up, and I dressed while Tan retrieved the ugly snapping creature from where she’d tethered it, then we made our way back to the shuttle.

As we approached, Raya came out to meet us. Eying the creature, she reached out to take it from Tan, who quickly stepped back. “Be careful… it is dangerous. Those claws can easily snip a finger off.”

Raya laughed. It still amazed me that she was able to do that. “It cannot hurt me,” she said, carefully taking hold of the writhing thing. Examining it closely, she added, “This appears to be very similar to the lobsters that used to exist on Earth. I shall run a test to determine whether it is safe for you to eat, Zelda.”

She turned toward the shuttle, but I said, “Wait, Raya. I need to ask you about something.”

Not without some hesitation, I explained what had happened at the beach.

Once again, Raya laughed. I had no idea why she thought our situation was amusing, but then she explained. “I have been busy discussing many things with Rotan. What you describe was one of them. It is possible to ascertain whether or not some sort of sexual compatibility exists between yourself and Tannixt’s people, but that would require running a series of tests. It would be necessary for her to come to the complex for these tests to be carried out.”

I saw Tan tense. Taking her hand, I could feel it tremble. “I cannot go there,” she told us. “It is a place of evil. It is forbidden!”

Raya reached out to our clasped hands. “Do you still fear me, Tannixt? Truly, there is no need. My purpose is to keep Zelda safe… and if the two of you are friends, that protection applies to you as well. I would never allow you to come to harm.”

Despite Raya’s assurances, Tan was still frightened. I knew she needed me to convince her. “Tan, you haven’t seen inside the shuttle yet. Will you let me show it to you? I want you to see that there’s nothing to be scared of. It’s just like you taking me into the sea… a barrier to be crossed, that’s all.”

Tan’s normally pink skin had turned a sickly yellow as she struggled with her emotions. Gazing into her eyes, I said, “Tan, we have shared our bodies… and our souls. Surely you know that I could never do anything that might hurt you.”

With a tiny nod, she whispered, “I do know, but I can’t help but feel afraid. This technology… it goes against everything we believe.”

In a firm tone, I told her, “I know, but I want you to trust me. Will you?”

Tan’s grip was almost painful as she clutched my hand. Moving very slowly, we followed Raya inside the shuttle. I stopped just inside the entrance, letting her take in the strange surroundings. I pointed to what I hoped were more familiar things – the seats, the small table and the windows where she could see outside. The view seemed to help Tannixt relax a little.

Raya turned to face her, gesturing toward a panel filled with flashing lights. “That is the real me. The figure now speaking to you is a mechanical extension of who I am. Rotan, the being who lives in the complex, created me in order to give Zelda a physical being to interact with. It is more pleasant than talking to the disembodied voice of a machine.”

I gently guided Tan toward the chairs. “Sit with me while Raya tests your, er… lobster, or whatever it might be.”

Gradually, Tan relaxed as Raya busied herself with the sea creature. I expected some questions from her, but the first one surprised me. In a whisper, not realising that Raya could hear everything, she asked me. “Between Raya’s legs, does she have…?”

“A vagina? Yes, she has, and it works.”

Her eyes flew open. “Are you saying – you and her…?”

It was my turn to laugh. “Oh yes, and she’s very good at it. Raya was my first lover. Maybe you should try sometime… or perhaps all three of us could fuck.”

I’m not sure if the translator worked on that last word, but Tannixt’s fears seemed forgotten as she considered the implications of what I’d told her. I even saw a tiny ripple of colour… and that awful yellow pallor was gone, her skin returned to a healthy pink.

Raya announced that the sea creature was indeed very nearly identical to the lobster, despite being three times the size. It was perfectly edible and safe for human consumption.

I was still doubtful that this revolting thing could be good to eat, but I gave Raya instructions to prepare it for our meal.

When she brought it to the table, I was astonished at its changed colour, its purple hue now a bright red. “We need certain tools to… open it,” Tan said.

Raya laughed, “No, you don’t.” And she proceeded to break the creature’s hard shell apart very easily.

It was with utter amazement that I took my first taste of the best food that had ever passed my lips. It was utterly delicious. I was used to processed and synthetic meals, some of which I had come to enjoy very much. But this was exquisite. “Tan, it’s wonderful. You did say I’d like this, and you were right.”

When we had finished our meal, I urged Tan over to the viewer. I showed her how to work the controls. Her reactions showed her delight at what she saw and how she could zoom in to see things up close.

“You see, there is good technology as well as bad,” I told her.

She gave a solemn nod. “There is truth in what you say, Zelda… but it is hard for us to dismiss these feelings. We have lived with them for many, many years.”

I was thinking how to answer, but Raya spoke first. “Yes, Tannixt, it is true: I am a piece of technology. But I am here for Zelda, and will not interfere in your world. I will only offer what help you ask of me. Rotan and I will help you to speak each other’s language, but beyond that, I will maintain a respectful distance. When you are both ready, you may tell me to sleep. I can sleep for an eternity, and only Zelda has the power to wake me.”

“So, Tan. Will you come with us to the complex?” With an impish grin on my face, I added, “We’ll be able to enjoy ourselves again. And this time when you love me, there will be no need to stop!”

She was still fighting to control her fears, but she also wanted to trust us, I could tell. “You promise it is safe? They will not do evil things to me?”

I took her hand in mine, “Tan, it is as safe for you as it is for me, I promise. You have to understand… in this place, there is no they. Only machines that answer to me.”

Tannixt slowly nodded. “Then we go!” she announced, giving my hand a firm squeeze.

On to Chapter Four!


Stranger in the Family, Chapter 11

  • Posted on October 1, 2024 at 3:32 pm


A summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the previous chapters, please see Stranger in the Family Chapter Links)

Disaster befalls the Luna family of four when lightning strikes Walt, the father, and Kelly, the oldest child at eleven. Walt is killed outright, while Kelly is left in a coma that lasts for weeks. She finally emerges, to the overwhelming joy of her mother Linda and nine-year-old sister Gabby – but with no memory of her family or her life, and an altogether different personality. Kelly now speaks fluent Spanish, no longer eats meat and, most crucially, has a serious attraction to women and girls, despite never having had sex of any kind.

At first, Kelly openly flirts with every female in her presence – including her mother, her little sister, her Aunt Jan, and the neighbors: divorced mother Cheryl (Linda’s best friend) and her daughters – sixteen-year-old Ali, and nine-year-old Pam (Gabby’s best friend). But soon Kelly realizes that this direct approach is more apt to make others uncomfortable than entice them into bed, so she tones it down.

However, two members of Kelly’s family are fascinated by the eleven-year-old’s sexual vibe. The first is Gabby, who has already been playing masturbation games with her friend Pam, so Kelly is easily able to begin the seduction of her younger sister. The second is Aunt Jan, who is openly gay but secretly into underage girls, with a hidden library of illegal DVDs to prove it. And while Kelly’s mother Linda is thus far immune to her daughter’s sexual charms, she is thinking quite a lot about lesbian sex after the death of her husband. In fact, we learn that Linda and her sister Jan were lovers back in their teen years… and Jan is hinting she’d like to pick things up where they left off.

Around this time, one night while her mother and little sister are asleep, Kelly slips out of bed and quietly makes her way to Cheryl’s home. There, she ends up in a sizzling threesome with Cheryl and her daughter Ali who, as it happens, are already lovers.

The next day, Kelly offers Cheryl an opportunity to spy through an outside window as she performs oral on Gabby and Pam. Cheryl very much wants to bring her younger daughter into the sexual relationship she has with Ali, so she jumps at the chance. Needless to say, Kelly and the girls have a wonderful time, and Cheryl sees the whole thing without being noticed. 

The next day, Linda takes Kelly and Gabby to stay with their Aunt Jan for the weekend, so she can spend that time at a spa.  While she’s there, Linda confesses to her sister Jan that she’s been thinking about the two of them becoming lovers again.

Once Linda leaves, Kelly commences her own seduction of Jan. Her aunt resists, but Kelly is determined to get what she wants… and that night, she does.

The next morning, Kelly makes love to Gabby on the dining table, putting on a show for Aunt Jan who, unbeknownst to Gabby, is watching from the hallway. After Gabby comes, she offers to lick her big sister’s pussy for the first time, and Kelly is quick to accept.

That evening, Kelly, Gabby and Jan all come together in a threesome for the first time… but probably not the last!

The next day, Linda picks her daughters up for the drive back home. By then, she feels certain her daughters are having sex with each other, and is perplexed to find herself aroused by the thought of it.

Later, she pays a visit to Gabby in her room, intent on having a chat with her youngest daughter about sex. Deciding to be honest with her mom, Gabby tells Linda everything she and Kelly have been up to, including their weekend with Aunt Jan. Linda is so turned on by Gabby’s revelations that she impulsively offers to touch her nine-year-old until she comes. Gabby is quick to accept. Afterward, Linda promises that they can make love again… and Kelly can join them.

And that brings us to this chapter. Please enjoy.

by Purple Les & JetBoy

Ali and her mother Cheryl were nestled together in bed, unwinding from a vigorous fuck. They’d just tribbed each other to a glorious mutual orgasm.

“Is Pam a good kisser?” asked Cheryl, idly trailing two fingers through her oldest daughter’s anal cleft.

“Oh, sure,” Ali replied, then paused to take a long, luxurious yawn. “I knew she would be, what with all the practice she’s been getting with Gabby.”

“Mmmm, Gabby,” Cheryl purred. “God, do I ever want into that little girl’s pants.”

Propping herself up on one elbow, Ali studied her mother thoughtfully. “Do you want her more than Pam, then?”

Cheryl shrugged. “It’s not a contest.” Musing for a moment, she added, “Y’know, I’ve lusted after your sister since she was kindergarten age, at least. I think she was six, the first time I rubbed myself off while thinking about her. Every day, I see young girls who turn me on, but this… this need I have for Pam, it’s a part of me. Hard to compare that desire to anything else.” She reached out; took Alicia’s hand. “Well, except the way I feel for you, sweetheart. There’s nothing on earth like the love a mother has for her daughter. Never forget that.”

They came together in a tender kiss, then Ali chuckled. “Thinking about it now, it seems kinda weird… y’know, how you waited until I was thirteen to make a move on me?”

“Oh, it took me a long while to understand what I really wanted, you know that. The way I always felt lightheaded when I saw you undressed, or in a cute bathing suit… See, I thought that was just me being a proud mom.”

Placing a hand on her mother’s vulva, Ali gently cupped it. “When did you figure out how you really felt?”

Narrowing her eyes, Cheryl said, “This story again? Babe, you’ve heard it dozens of times.”

“It’s my favorite story,” said the grinning teen. “Gets me hot, every time you tell it.”

“Me too, actually,” Cheryl purred, placing a tiny kiss on her daughter’s nose. “You’d just finished taking a shower, and had a towel wrapped around your body. Well, I just meant to pop my head in and ask you to bring your backpack up from the living room, but you were facing away… and before I could say anything, you let the towel fall.”

“Oooh!” Ali squealed. “My, what a wicked little girl I was.”

By then, Cheryl was dreamy-eyed, caught up in her tale. “I hadn’t seen you naked in a couple of years… and omigod, it hit me like a, a tidal wave. Such a lovely sight…” She gave a blissful sigh. “That’s when I knew the truth. I felt desire, sexual desire for my thirteen-year-old daughter. I wanted you, sweetheart… and then, somehow, you figured out how I felt.”

Ali nodded. “I don’t know how I knew, but yeah, I did. I mean, I already figured out you were gay–”

“From snooping around on my laptop, you little minx,” Cheryl said.

“Whatever. And that was when I thought, Whoa, Mom likes ME that way? So… I wanted to show you that, if you really wanted to do stuff with me, I was way into that!”

Cheryl rolled her eyes. “Lord, I remember those days. Barely wearing clothes around the house, giving me peeks down your top, always dropping things in front of me so you’d have to bend over and pick them up… I don’t think I’ve ever masturbated so often in my life. Three times a day, at least!”

“Yeah, and I’d already figured out that I liked girls. So I was waiting for you to, y’know, do something. Maybe try and kiss me.”

“Oh, no, no. I’d never have been brave enough to make the first move,” said Cheryl.

“Yeah, and finally I couldn’t wait any more,” Ali replied with a shrug. “And I figured the worst that could happen was you’d just say no. So that one night, I took off all my clothes, snuck down to your room and got in bed with you.”

“That you did. And then… it happened,” Cheryl said, pausing to kiss her daughter’s brow. “Like something out of a dream. That was the happiest moment of my life, I swear.”

“Just wait until you make love to Pam,” Ali said. “She’s got the sweetest pussy I ever tasted.”

Cheryl sighed heavily. “Oh, I’m sure she does. It’s just… Pam’s only nine. Even if she likes girls, I’m not sure if she’s ready for sex with her mother.”

Ali thought for a moment, then said, “Look, Mom… I’ve got a really interesting idea. If it works out, you’ll get to fuck not only Pam, but Gabby as well. And me too, of course. A mini-orgy, right under our own roof. Wanna hear it?”

Cheryl studied her oldest daughter. “I’m listening…”

Ali sat up, the sheet falling to bare her breasts. “We tell Pam she ought to invite Gabby to stay the night. This Friday, say. Now, Gabby’s already said she wants to see me naked, and I guarantee she’s open to a lot more than that. Now, what if the three of us start fooling around, then I ask the girls if they’d like to see something really hot. And when they say ‘Sure’, guess where I take them?”

“Um, down to the living room, to watch lesbian porn…?”

“Nope!” Ali fired back. “We go down the hallway to peek through a certain door that just happens to be open. And there we’ll get a good long look at Pam and Ali’s mom, stark naked and rubbing her cunt.”

“Wait, wait!” Cheryl exclaimed, sitting upright. “You’re suggesting I put on a sex show?”

“Well, yeah. I mean, c’mon, Mom – tell me that doesn’t turn you on.”

“Actually, it does,” Cheryl agreed after a moment’s reflection. “But how do we get from there to the four of us in bed together?”

“Like this. We’ll peek into your room for a few minutes, and that’ll be plenty of time for me to figure out if the girls are into watching you… though I’m totally sure they will be. Then we’ll sneak back to my room, and I’ll leave the door slightly open, just like you will. You wait about ten minutes or so, until we’re having sex, then come in and ‘catch’ us. Don’t even bother to dress – come in naked. If that doesn’t turn into a fuck-fest, I give up.”

Cheryl pondered the idea, then slowly nodded. “I mean, they’re both into sex with girls, and Pam’s already doing incest with you… well, it might work. I guess the only question is if they’re willing to fool around with an older woman.”

“Oh, give me a break, Mom,” Ali sighed, rolling her eyes. “You’re a total sex bomb, and the girls are gonna be all over you like syrup on waffles.”

Reaching for her daughter’s hand, a smiling Cheryl drew Ali into her arms. “You always know the right thing to say, sweetheart,” she murmured, cradling the teen close. “Fine, then. We’ll give your idea a shot. First, we set up the sleepover, then we’ll take it from there.”

“Sounds like a plan. Now… can I have a kiss, Mom? A nice juicy one.”

“Oh, God,” Cheryl moaned, her body pulsing with reawakened desire. Her lips met Ali’s, then mother and daughter came together in a kiss that quickly grew deep and heated. She rolled onto her back, bringing Ali along, pressing her thigh between the girl’s legs.

“Yeah. Fuck me, Mom,” Ali whispered.


Pam loved her mother’s suggestion that they invite Gabby to come by for a sleepover after the Fourth of July celebration. Gabby had been out of town for a few days, visiting her aunt, and Pam was practically bursting with news to share with her best friend.

After weeks of wondering if it would ever happen, Pam finally got to have sex with her big sister Alicia. They’d played all the hot, naked games she’d explored with Gabby, along with some new things Pam had never done before, Best of all, Ali said they could do it again — anytime they felt like it!

Falling back on the bed, Pam gleefully hugged herself. Oh, man… Gabby is gonna flip OUT when I tell her!


On the morning of the Fourth, Gabby awakened, thrilled about the day ahead… and still awed by the amazing weekend she’d had. So much had happened to change her life, nearly all of it for the better. Well, losing Daddy and our dog to a bolt of lightning was awful, and Kelly ending up in a coma was pretty bad, too, even if she did wake up from it.

But when Kelly finally did emerge from her unconscious state, she wasn’t the same big sister as before. In fact, she was almost completely different. And that was when Gabby’s life – and the lives of her family and friends – entered uncharted territory.

Three months earlier, she’d seldom given much thought to sex. Then, not long before the tragedy that claimed her father’s life, Gabby’s best friend Pam had taught her to masturbate. Not knowing what to expect, Gabby was hooked from the first, and began to finger herself to climax nearly every night.

One afternoon, she and Pam decided to masturbate together, and they immediately agreed that it was way hotter when you got to watch someone else do it at the same time. After that, the two nine-year-olds got together as often as they could to pleasure themselves.

When Pam hesitantly suggested they try touching each other, Gabby loved the idea – in fact, she was annoyed with herself for not thinking of it first. Seating themselves side by side, the girls fondled one another to orgasm, agreeing afterwards that it felt lots better than doing it on your own.

That was the last time Gabby and Pam had to share those lovely feelings for a while. Two days later the violent thunderstorm came, the one that took the life of Gabby’s father and left her sister permanently unconscious in a hospital bed. A heartbroken Gabby spent all her spare time with Kelly, desperately wishing for her older sibling to awaken.

When Kelly finally did come to, Gabby and her mother Linda were beside themselves with joy – that is, they learned that the accident had robbed Kelly of her past, the girl’s memory completely wiped away. She couldn’t remember her mother or sister, she now spoke fluent Spanish, and she’d developed an obsession with seeing girls and women naked, especially her mother and younger sister.

As it turned out, Kelly wanted much more from Gabby than a glimpse of her in the nude. Soon, she’d taught her sister how lovers kiss; soon thereafter, they were exploring sex together. After the masturbation games she’d enjoyed with Pam, it didn’t seem so very odd to fool around with her beloved older sibling.

Their sexual activities only snowballed from there. Not long after Kelly licked Gabby’s pussy for the first time, the two girls introduced Pam to their fun and games. Gabby felt warm and tingly between her legs as she remembered how awesome it was, having sex with her big sister and Pam at the same time.

Then there was Aunt Jan, Mom’s sister. When the girls stayed with Jan for the weekend while Linda visited a spa, somehow Kelly had persuaded their aunt to join them in bed. They spent the rest of the weekend having sex.

Slipping a hand into her panties, Gabby began to touch herself, thinking about the things she’d done with her sister and her aunt. For one thing, Kelly taught her how to lick pussy, and Gabby got to make both Jan and Kelly come with her mouth. She felt a surge of pride, remembering it. Now I’m a lover for real.

As Gabby explored the interior of her moistening cunt with a finger, her thoughts drifted to the previous night, when Linda, her mom, touched her until she came. Then they kissed, with tongues and everything!

That was awesome, Gabby thought. Even better, Mom says we can do it again, only this time with Kelly!

As she pictured the three of them making love, Gabby reached a sudden, intense orgasm. She brought her finger to her nose, sniffed it, then slipped it into her mouth to suck clean. With a contented sigh, she pulled the sheet back up to her chin and settled in, soon falling asleep.


Later that afternoon, Kelly was standing next to her mother Linda at the fairground, where the Fourth of July celebration was in full swing. As Kelly munched the last of her cheesy fries, she couldn’t help but notice all the sexy girls in the vicinity. They all seemed to be similarly dressed, in short denim cut-offs and tank tops or snug t-shirts. That’s what Gabby and Pam were wearing. Kelly watched as the two friends wandered off together, holding hands.

This was the first time Kelly had been part of a large gathering since the accident – and it gave her an odd feeling, especially when accompanied by the sexual hunger that never seemed to leave her for very long. Whenever a girl looked at her, Kelly had to wonder if it was someone she knew.

At one point an especially cute teenage girl gave her a smile. What would she do if I went right up to her and gave her a kiss? Kelly wondered. Bet she’d like it. Mother would probably freak, though.

Glancing around at the other girls in their shorts, Kelly smiled. I’m glad I wore this nice blue and white sundress. It makes me seem a little different from all the other girls. Wonder what they would think if they knew I was totally naked underneath?


Pam and Gabby sat side by side in the shade of a large oak tree on the periphery of the fairground. Any passersby who happened to glance at the two nine-year-olds wouldn’t have noticed anything unusual. That is, unless they could hear what the girls were discussing.

“So… I had a sleepover with my sister last night.” said Pam.

Gabby shrugged. “Um, okay,” she replied, wondering why Pam had led her away from the crowd to chat.

“Remember how you wanted to see Ali naked? Well, I asked her about that.”

That got Gabby’s attention in a flash. “You did!? Omigosh, what did she say?”

“She said yeah, you totally can.”

Cool!” was Gabby’s immediate reply. She was poised to tell Pam all about what had happened at Aunt Jan’s house, how she’d not only had sex with Kelly, but also her aunt… and then with Mom, after they got back home. Then she thought better of it, since grownups were involved. I better ask Mom if it’s okay, she decided.

Pam continued. “Ali said we can have a sleepover with her tonight, after the fireworks are done. Want to?”

“Yeah, I’d love to!” Gabby answered, nodding eagerly. “Can Kelly come?”

“Oh, sure!” Pam affirmed, her eyes dancing with excitement.

Gabby could see that Pam was bursting with more news. She grinned, gently elbowing her friend. “What else? You’ve got more to say, I can tell!”

Taking a quick glance around to make sure no one could hear, Pam lowered her voice to a murmur. “Me and Ali fucked last night.”

It took a few seconds for Pam’s words to sink in, then Gabby gasped, “No way!”

Yes way,” Pam said, practically bouncing where she sat. “She licked my pussy, I licked hers… and all kinds of cool, sexy stuff. We did it, like, three times, and oh, Gabs, it was the best.”

Gabby’s mouth hung open a moment, her mind racing. “Does that mean when me and Kelly come over tonight… we’re all gonna have a big sex party?”

Pam smiled, slowly nodding. “Yep.”

Pumping a fist in the air, Gabby cried, “Yeah!”


Meanwhile, Pam’s mother Cheryl was hanging out with Linda, the two women sipping coffee they’d just purchased from a Brazilian food truck.

After some small talk, mostly about Linda’s time at the spa, Cheryl told her friend, “Pam and Ali are having a sleepover tonight, and they wanted to invite your girls to stay over.”

“Kelly too?” Linda asked. Okay, that’s odd. In all the time she and Cheryl had been neighbors, they’d never had a sleepover like that, one with all four of their daughters participating.

A low throb began to pulse between Linda’s thighs as the significance of this little ‘sleepover’ sank in. Bet there won’t be much sleeping going on tonight. And Ali’s going to be part of it, eh? Gabby didn’t mention her being part of their all-girl fuck club…

“Inviting Kelly was Ali’s idea, but Pam went right along with it. And hell, I figured you could use some time to yourself.”

“Yeah, I would be okay with some alone time,” Linda replied. “All that driving I did yesterday really took it out of me.” She smiled at her friend. “Thanks for offering to look after the girls for me, Cheryl. You’re a brave, brave soul. Four girls at a sleepover… you never know what kind of shenanigans they might get up to!”

“Nothing I can’t survive!” Cheryl said, then smiled to herself. Actually, I’m counting on the girls to get up to some VERY wicked shenanigans.


As dusk approached, both families waited together for the firework display. Linda and Cheryl chatted about this and that. Sixteen-year-old Ali rested a hand on her sister Pam’s shoulder. Standing behind the others, Kelly carefully reached out to fondle Gabby’s ass. The girl started – then relaxed, giving Kelly an adoring glance over her shoulder.

Gabby had breathlessly informed Kelly a few minutes earlier about the sleepover with Ali and Pam, so both girls were buzzing with anticipation for the fun and games to come.

As usual, a test firework was set off before the actual show began, and Kelly flinched when the big boom went off. No one seemed to notice but Linda, who was alarmed to see a look of horror on her daughter’s face.

“Come on girls,” Cheryl said, “Let’s find a good spot to watch from. The fireworks will be starting soon.”

As the others looked for an open place on the lawn, the first of the fireworks went off, exploding in a splash of bright blue across the evening sky. While the crowd oohed and aahed, Kelly seized her mother around the waist. She buried her face in Linda’s chest, sobbing in fear.

“What’s the matter, sweetie?” Linda murmured, holding her daughter close.

“I d-don’t like this, Mother,” Kelly whimpered. “Please, can we go now?”

“But… what about the sleepover at Cheryl’s?”

Kelly shook her head, now shivering from head to toe. “Please, let’s go. Please!”

Linda turned to Cheryl, “This is too much for Kelly. I’m going to take her home.”

“Oh, sure, go ahead,” Cheryl replied, her brow furrowed in concern. “Poor kid. You can leave Gabby with me – she can just come home with us afterwards. I’ll give her one of Pam’s nighties to sleep in.”

Hugging her big sister, Gabby said, “I’m sorry you feel bad, Kel. Maybe you can come join us later, okay?”

With quick goodbyes, Linda and Kelly took their leave, while Cheryl, her daughters and Gabby settled in to watch the fireworks.

Kelly’s fright was so intense that she raced ahead to the car. By the time Linda got there, her daughter was hunkered down on the side facing away from the fireworks, shaking harder now, both hands tightly clamped over her ears. When Linda unlocked the passenger door, Kelly scrambled inside, then covered her ears again. After a mile or two the sounds were out of range. Kelly managed to relax a bit, though she still seemed very unhappy.

Once Linda switched off the ignition and the garage door closed, Kelly exited the car without a word and trudged into the house. When Linda entered, she found her daughter slumped back on the sofa, looking miserable.

“It’s okay, Kelly,” Linda said, sitting next to her daughter.

“It’s not,” Kelly pouted, staring at her knees. “I acted like a great big baby in front of everyone.” She looked up at her mother. “Was I always that scared of fireworks?”

“No. You used to enjoy them.”

Kelly said nothing, just sighed heavily.

“Why don’t you lie down for a little while, sweetie?” said Linda. “Maybe take a nap. You’ll feel better.”

“I guess,” the eleven-year-old replied with a shrug.

Linda stood. “Come along… you can rest in my room,” she said, extending a hand to Kelly, who slowly rose to her feet.

Leading the girl upstairs, Linda told her, “Go wash up, honey. I’ll get you a pair of pajamas.”

Kelly went into the bathroom and washed her face. She was brushing her teeth when her mother returned, pajamas in hand. “Here you are,” Linda said, “Put these on when you’re done. I’ll be right back.”

When Linda came back a few minutes later, changed into sweatpants and a faded Neil Young t-shirt, Kelly was tucked up in bed in her yellow cotton pajamas. She still seemed glum.

Kneeling next to her daughter, Linda gave the girl a hug. “Don’t be unhappy, Kel. We’ve all got things we’re afraid of. Me, I’m scared of spiders, always have been.”

“It’s okay, Mother, ” Kelly sighed, “I’ve got a really bad headache, though. Can you turn the light off?”

“Oh, of course.” Linda got up and hit the switch, leaving the room lit from the hall. “I’ll get you a couple of aspirin.”

“Thanks,” Kelly replied.

Making her way to the kitchen, Linda had just taken the aspirin bottle from the cupboard when the phone rang. It was Gabby. “Hiya, Mom. We’re all back at Cheryl’s. So… is Kelly coming over?”

“No, honey. Kelly’s not feeling well. She’s going to stay home and get some rest.”

Gabby sighed. “Okay, I guess. Will you give her a hug for me, and tell her to get better soon?”

That made Linda smile. “Sure I will. Now, you be a good girl while you’re at Cheryl’s. Actually, can you put her on?”

“Sure.” Gabby said, then Linda heard her youngest call, “Hey, Cheryl. Mom wants to talk to you.” Then back into the phone, “Love you, Mom… goodnight!”

“Love you too, Gabby.” Linda said, but her daughter had already passed the phone along

“Hey, you,” Cheryl said. “Is Kelly okay?”

“She’s a little out of it. Those fireworks spooked her pretty bad, and now she’s got a nasty headache. A good night’s sleep should set her straight. By the way, thanks for letting Gabby stay over tonight.”

“No problem. Man, the girls are really wound up. Got a feeling they’ll be staying up late… and we’ll all be sleeping in. Is it okay if Gabby doesn’t make it back home in time for breakfast?”

“That’s fine. See you tomorrow. Goodnight, Cheryl.”


Linda hung up, then went back upstairs with two aspirin and a glass of water, only to find that Kelly had managed to doze off. “How about that,” she murmured.

Setting the glass and aspirins on the nightstand, she undressed, got into an extra-large t-shirt and slipped into bed alongside her daughter. She gently took Kelly in her arms, then buried her nose in the girl’s sweet-smelling hair.

God, I want her, Linda told herself. And if what Gabby told me is true, Kelly feels exactly the same. It feels so strange to hold my child, knowing that I’ll soon be making love to her. 

She felt an urge to masturbate, but decided against it. Stay hungry, she thought.

Linda grappled with sexual fantasies of her daughters for a few minutes, then fell asleep.


Standing in Alicia’s doorway, Cheryl was looking in on her daughters and their friend. She had changed into a gauzy blue nightie, one that barely concealed her generous breasts, with a black thong underneath. The girls were all in t-shirts and panties, and Cheryl had to be careful not to let her eyes wander.

“Okay, girls,” she said, “you can stay up late as you like, but keep the noise down, because I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” the three girls called out, and with a wink, Cheryl turned and left, closing the door behind her.

Wow, she’s sexy, Gabby mused. She’d never had thoughts like that about Pam’s mother before, but she sure was having them now! Wish Cheryl could stay and play with us. I’d totally love to see all of her.

Meanwhile, Ali was watching Gabby closely. Oh, yeah, she was for sure checking out Mom’s ass. Fuck, that’s hot. She had resisted the urge to finger her pussy for the entire day, and was itching to take off her skimpy nightwear and get down and dirty with the younger girls. But I need to wait a few minutes, until Mom’s been gone long enough that Pam and Gabby think she’s really asleep. It was all part of the plan she and her mother had worked out earlier.

There were a few minutes of idle chat about this and that as the girls got settled in. It was all completely innocent, but Ali wasn’t fooled. Her younger sister and Gabby were fired up with excitement, anticipating the sexual games they would soon be playing.

With a glance at the clock, Alicia decided to get things going. Smiling at her sister’s little friend, she said, “So, Gabby… Pam told you about how we like to fool around, right?”

“Yeah,” Gabby replied. “It sounds like lots of fun.”

“Oh, it is,” Alicia said. “Pam also told me that you guys do stuff, too. I think that’s great. She said you want to see me naked; is that right?”

Gabby had butterflies in her tummy. She felt shy, but also thrilled – so much that when she spoke, her voice was higher than usual. “I… I think you’re beautiful, Ali. And yeah, I’d love to see you with nothing on.”

Ali reached out to caress the nine-year-old’s cheek. “Let’s make that happen, then.” She turned to saunter into the bathroom, glancing over her shoulder to add, “I’ll be right back,” before she closed the door.

Pam took Gabby’s hand. “Let’s sit here,” she said, leading her friend to the edge of Ali’s bed, where they sat side by side, their bodies touching.

“I… I love you, Gabby,” Pam murmured shyly. “You’ve been my best friend for, omigosh, ages… and now we get to be girlfriends, too.” Suddenly the girl was grinning, her eyes dancing with excitement. “Are you looking forward to doing sex with Ali? You are, right?”

“Oh, I am!” Gabby squealed. “I think Ali is way hot. I love you too, Pam… and I’m totally cool with being your girlfriend. But, um, we can still fuck our sisters, right?”

“Well, yeah… we’re gonna be fucking my sister in a minute, y’know.” Pam paused to study her friend. “Gotta say, you look way cute right now.” She paused, moistened her lips. “Gabby? Can I kiss you?”

“Took you long enough!” Gabby replied, giggling as she reached for her friend.

When Ali returned a minute or so later, she was treated to the sight of the two nine-year-olds sharing deep tongue kisses.

While in the bathroom, the teen had quickly undressed and freshened herself up. Now she stood in the bedroom wearing a short white silk robe and nothing else. Watching the two preteen girls make out set Ali’s pulse to racing. Her nipples were swollen and lightly brushing against the fabric of the robe.

Advancing to the bed, Ali placed a hand on the shoulder of each girl. Pam and Gabby slowly drifted apart, as if waking from a blissful slumber.

Ali could feel warmth pulsing between her legs as she studied the flushed faces of the girls. Their mouths were wet from kissing, a dreamy cast to their eyes. They were short of breath, and Ali was fairly certain she could see a damp patch on the front of Pam’s underpants.

Gabby sat spellbound as Ali reached out to take her hand. The teen held it a moment, then guided it to her face, giving the young girl’s palm a long, slow lick.

“Oh, God,” Gabby whispered, a tiny shiver flickering through her boyish body.

Ali brought Gabby’s hand close to her belly, then wrapped the nine-year-old’s fingers around one end of the sash that held her robe closed. She smiled down at her sister’s little friend. “When you’re ready to see me, just pull this.”

A dazed Gabby stared in awe at the teen. She nearly pulled the sash right then, but paused to take a good look first. Feast my eyes – that’s what they say, huh? Well, I’m gonna do that right now. I want to remember this for the rest of my life. 

She began with a long look at Ali’s bare feet, taking in the bright pink polish that adorned her toenails, then allowed her gaze to travel up the older girl’s shapely legs. Ali’s robe hung just far enough above her knees to show off a generous portion of creamy thigh.

Now Gabby studied the shape of Ali’s body through the robe. The curvy hips, the breasts, the hint of erect nipples, the elegant line of Ali’s neck, her eyes and face, the long red hair spilling over the teen’s shoulders. She loved all of it.

Pam was watching this sexy scenario unfold, lightly pressing a hand against the front of her panties. By then, she was used to seeing Ali nude, yet it never failed to excite her.

Still clutching the sash, Gabby knew she was ready. She tightened her fingers, then slowly tugged, pulling an inch at a time until Ali’s robe fell open.

Gabby’s heart pounded at the sight. So sexy… yet at the same time, so beautiful that it made her want to cry. Ali’s nipples were still barely concealed, but Gabby had a tantalizing view of the teen’s breasts. She stared at the older girl’s firm tummy, the tiny cleft of her navel and, most exciting of all. a neatly trimmed triangle of curly auburn pubes framing juicy labia. Licking her lips, Gabby imagined how it would taste.

Shrugging out of the robe, Ali tossed it aside. Every move she made caused her breasts to sway slightly. They weren’t as big as they would be in a year or two, but to Gabby they were perfect, absolutely perfect.

“Holy cow, Ali,” Gabby finally managed to say, “You’re… you’re way hot. You could be in the movies.”

“Aww… aren’t you sweet,” Ali replied with a flirtatious grin.

In the meantime, Pam had removed her t-shirt and panties. Now naked, she moved to stand next to her big sister. “What about me, Gabby… could I be in a movie? A sexy one?”

“Prob’ly not. You’re still just a kid like me, so whoever made that movie would get in BIG trouble. Tell you what, though – if you were in a sexy movie, I’d go see it for sure!” Much as she liked seeing a girl naked, seeing two at the same time was even better, especially if they were just about to have sex. Even more when it’s sisters who are gonna fuck, she told herself. Or a mom and her little girl. Not sure why that kind of thing makes me feel all warm and tingly inside… but oh, wow, it totally does!

Pam took a step toward her friend, “Okay, Gabs. Your turn to get naked. Here… let me help you!” She extended a hand and Gabby took it, rising to her feet.

Kneeling, Pam pulled the long t-shirt Gabby was wearing up high enough to grasp the waistband of her panties, then slid them down to the carpet. By then, Ali had stretched out on the bed and was gently caressing her slit as she watched her sister strip their guest.

Watching Ali play with herself, Gabby absently allowed Pam to finish removing her panties, helping her step out of them. The task completed, Pam quickly stood. She was holding the damp undies to her face and taking deep breaths. “Mmm, you smell great,” she sighed, then tossed them to her big sister.

“Thanks, sis,” Ali said – then covered her nose and mouth with the sodden panties just as Pam had, humming with pleasure as she continued to masturbate. Gabby was a little surprised to see anyone interested in smelling her underwear. She’d never thought of doing anything like that before, but had to admit it was an awesomely sexy sight.

“C’mon – raise your arms, already!” Pam demanded, tugging impatiently at Gabby’s top.

“Oh, sorry!” Gabby exclaimed. She thrust her arms up, and Pam pulled the faded Taylor Swift shirt off, then tossed it over the back of Ali’s desk chair. Now they were all nude.

Ali was plunging a finger in and out of her vagina, gazing hungrily at the two naked girls. “I want to see you guys make out,” she said.

The nine-year-olds turned to face one another. “Hey, you,” Pam said, flashing a naughty grin.

“Hey, you,” Gabby echoed. They met in a tender kiss that heated up considerably when Pam brought her tongue into play. Soon the girls were hugging tightly, cupping each other’s bare bottoms, their bodies grinding together.

“Ohhh… oh, yeah!” Ali gasped as she brought herself to a quick orgasm. Gabby and Pam broke their kiss to watch, exchanging gleeful looks as the teen rode her ecstasy to its peak, finally going limp with a blissful sigh.

Gabby was first to speak. “That was a good one, huh?”

“Sure was,” Alicia said without moving. “God, you two are soooo fucking hot together.” The girls giggled, and she patted the bed. “Come join me.”

Climbing on the bed, the girls stretched out on either side of Ali. She kissed them each in turn, reaching down to briefly tease the smooth clefts of their pussies, then lay back. “Want to suck my nipples?”

“Sure!” Pam chirped, immediately latching on to her big sister’s breast. Gabby followed her lead, circling the taut nipple with her tongue, the way Kelly liked it

Nice titties, Gabby decided, Like Aunt Jan’s, but I like Ali’s even better. Wish Mom had got undressed last night, then I could’ve done this to her, too. 

“Yeah, that’s it,” Ali moaned. “You can bite them a little bit – I love how that feels. Oh, fuck!” she blurted as the girls followed her instructions.

Ali was on fire, ready to ravish these adorable nymphets – especially Gabby. She’d been lusting after her sister’s little friend for ages. Bet she tastes yummy. First, though, there’s business to take care of.

She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Oh, yeah, it’s time. Mom’s ready for us.

“Hey, you guys want to see something really awesome?” Ali asked.

Pam raised her head. “What’s that?” Gabby also looked up.

“How’d you like to see Mom finger her pussy?” Ali asked, hoping for the answer she and her mother Cheryl wanted to hear.

Both girls’ eyes widened in disbelief. “Really?” Pam gasped.

Fondling their bottoms, Ali explained. “Every night around this time, Mom gets naked and masturbates. I’ve watched her before. It’s one of the sexiest things you’ll ever see. She’s got a great body, but she’s a fucking knockout with all her clothes off!”

“Oh, yeah.” Gabby murmured. “Count me in!”

“But… we won’t get caught, right?” Pam wondered.

“Nope,” Ali answered, “Mom’s so caught up in it that the whole ceiling could collapse. and she wouldn’t miss a stroke. I’ve watched her lots of times. Don’t know why, but she never closes the door all the way, and I just peek through.” She pointed at her alarm clock. “It’s time now. We can go out in the hall, watch for a little bit, then come right back here and fuck each other silly. Want to?”

Both girls exchanged a brief glance, then nodded eagerly.

“Okay, then… let’s go!”

Moments later, the three girls slipped into the dark hallway, still naked, and crept through the darkness toward Cheryl’s bedroom.

On to Chapter Twelve!