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Space Nymphet, Chapter 3

  • Posted on October 3, 2024 at 4:25 pm

by kinkys_sis

Things were different on the shuttle, and for the better. For one thing, it was now “our shuttle.” And instead of flying solo with Raya the computer, I was seated alongside Raya, my friend and lover.

I was blissfully content to watch her as she flew the craft along the line of the valley we’d seen from the mountains. Of course, I knew that the physical manifestation of Raya wasn’t really piloting us, but I found it reassuring to have her there at the controls.

The shuttle slowed to the point where it was almost hovering a few hundred feet from the planet’s surface, then Raya spoke. “I am sorry, Zelda. It was not my intention to ignore you. I have been considering options for landing the shuttle.” With that, we came to a complete halt. “I suggest we land on that slightly raised area approximately two hundred and twenty feet ahead of us.”

Not for the first time, I smiled at Raya’s insistence on absolute precision. “Looks good to me, but you’re the boss. Whatever you say.”

“No, Zelda. I am not the boss, as you put it. You are in command. I am here to assist and advise. Your well-being is all that matters to me.”

“In that case, I suggest we land on that raised area.”

There was a pause before Raya replied, “That is what I already suggested, is it not?”

I laughed, “Of course it is. I’m joking, Raya.”

“Ah, joking. A human concept of frivolous amusement. I understand. I wouldn’t have done before, but I am beginning to comprehend these things.”

The shuttle moved towards the small clearing. We hovered for a few more seconds, then slowly descended lower. I barely felt the landing, then a few moments later the power drive went silent.

Raya initiated the viewer and it dropped down in front of me. “You may take a look outside, Zelda. Use the buttons to scan through 360 degrees, or to zoom in on any area where you might want a closer look. My senses tell me that there are only very small life-forms present at this time.”

I spent the next hour scanning all around. We had landed in a beautiful area. We were surrounded by what looked just like tall grass back on Earth, though it did seem rather sparse. The viewer had amazing capabilities. I could bring the forest and even the mountains into sharp close-up focus.

I studied the river, reasoning that any insects or birds would be found there. Maybe the arrival of a strange craft into their world had driven them into hiding because I saw nothing.

Raya interrupted my viewing. “You should take a break and have something to eat, Zelda. I will be ready to open the hatches in a while.” I could have spent at least another hour studying the wonders of this new world, but Raya was correct – it was time to prepare myself for exploring the planet’s surface. Reluctantly releasing the viewer, I did as she said.


Raya’s analysis concluded that conditions on the outside were ideal for me. However, she did advise that we confined ourselves to a thirty-foot radius for the moment.

Upon emerging from the shuttle, I felt warmth from the sun and a gentle breeze against my face. Taking a long, deep breath, I held it in. This was something I hadn’t experienced in ages – real air, flavoured with the scents of our surroundings. I heard the rustle of the swaying grass. I felt as though I could smell everything around me… even the distant forest, even the sea. We walked around the shuttle. There didn’t appear to be anything to cause us concern.

Then in her calm voice, Raya said. “We should return to the craft immediately, Zelda. There is movement at the edge of the forest.”

We hastened back. Once inside, I dashed over to the viewer. “What do you see, Raya?”

“A life-form has emerged from the trees, less than a mile away. It is not moving, just looking towards us.”

I scanned rapidly along the front of the trees. There! I saw it. I zoomed in as closely as I could – enough to spy a two-legged upright creature. I couldn’t make out any precise details, though..

For Raya, it was different. “It is warm-blooded and humanoid in appearance… quite similar to Rotan’s androids, actually. It carries a primitive weapon. It is most likely wondering who we are and what its response should be.”

Then the creature began to move, slowly advancing towards us. Details became clearer as it drew closer. It was clearly human-like, quite tall and slender. Gradually, I made out more. It moved with a smooth gracefulness, obviously at home in its surroundings.

Less than half a mile away, the being paused. No doubt it had never seen anything like our shuttle. It seemed to come to a decision, and hesitantly came nearer. It carried a bow, and there was a quiver of arrows at its back. The creature had an arrow notched and ready, but held loosely, pointing at the ground.

Raya said, “I shall put up a protective screen, then lower the hatch. You may wish to stand in the entrance for it to see you.”

The being came to an abrupt halt when the hatch began to move. Still, the bow remained lowered. It didn’t appear to be frightened, just wary.

I stepped through the hatch, moving into open view. We were still a good few hundred yards apart. I raised my arms in what I hoped would convey that I meant no harm. My gesture must have worked, because the creature began to move forward once more.

As it drew closer, I could see a generous headful of golden hair. Wait a minute…

My God, it was a female, and she was stark naked! Intrigued, I stepped onto the raised ramp to give her a clearer view. She continued to advance.

Raya spoke. “Do not move any further, Zelda. The protective screen is at the edge of the ramp. It won’t harm you if you touch it, but it will hurt. Nothing can penetrate it from the other side, though.”

The female stopped at no more than thirty paces. She bore obvious similarities to a human being, but the differences were striking. Her pink skin seemed to shimmer although it didn’t seem to be covered by anything. Her face was somewhat angular with well-defined bones, and she was much taller than most human women. The overall effect was actually quite beautiful.

I heard her speak in a language that sounded similar to Rotan’s. I wasn’t sure what to answer; what could I say? I tried, anyway. “Hello, I’m Zelda, and it’s nice to meet you.” Speaking those words made me feel stupid. Whatever I said, she wasn’t going to understand.

I could try to teach her my name, at least. Pointing at myself, I repeated, “Zelda.”

She stared, then said, “Zel-da.” She thought it over for a moment, then raised a hand and pointed at me. “Zel-da.” She pointed up at the sky, then down at the shuttle, “Zel-da…?”

I answered with a nod, watching her. She thought for a moment, then raised her bow. I tensed, even though I knew her arrows couldn’t penetrate the screen. But she was letting go of the draw-string. Her eyes meeting mine, she spoke again. The words were still meaningless to me.

“I believe she is asking if you are armed, Zelda.”

I raised both hands to show they were empty, then slowly turned all the way around. Of course, she had no way of knowing that two energy beam projectors were pointed at her. She seemed satisfied with my response and lowered her weapon, returning the arrow to the quiver. She began to come forward once more.

I made a decision. “Raya, drop the screen and lower the ramp.”

“Is that wise, Zelda?”

“Just do it, please.” Hoping Raya would follow my order, I stepped forward as the ramp touched the ground. I saw the creature stiffen slightly, but her weapon stayed down as I approached.

We stared at each other for a moment, then I extended my hand. She didn’t hesitate, just reached out until her hand joined mine. A faint smile touched her face, and I smiled back.

Pointing to herself, she said a word. I tried to sound it out. “Tanx?”

She shook her head. “Tan-nixt.”

Her grin broadened when I tried it again. “Tannixt.” Close enough, I figured.

I turned back towards the shuttle, still holding her hand. She didn’t resist but followed behind as I led her to the ramp, then encouraged her to sit next to me. Then I got a real shock. Tannixt did two things at once. First, she touched my lower back, then reached around herself and took hold of a tail, which she displayed to me. There was a puzzled look on her face.

She seemed to be offering her tail to me, so I carefully took hold of it. The end opened into four ‘fingers’ and they folded around my hand. Gently rubbing my back, Tannixt spoke in her strange language.

Raya translated her speech for me. “She asks why you do not have a tail of your own. I can understand much of what she says, although her tongue is a little different to Rotan’s.”

Tannixt looked around, startled by the voice. The ‘fingers’ of her tail gripped my hand in sudden alarm.

Raya spoke again, but this time it was in Tannixt’s language. Slowly, her grip relaxed as she listened. She glanced at me, then at the shuttle, then reached up to touch my cheek with her hand. I saw tears in her eyes. She spoke to me in a soft voice.

I was puzzled. Had I somehow made her unhappy? “What did you tell her? What’s she saying?”

“I gave her a brief version of what you have been through. She is sad for you.”

A lengthy interchange took place between them, I could only sit, impatiently waiting to hear more. Finally, I could wait no longer. “Raya, what you two are talking about?” I demanded. “And why don’t you come out here?”

Raya must have explained what she was, because Tannixt turned to look apprehensively into the shuttle. When Raya appeared, she was also naked. I guessed she was trying not to unnerve our new friend. She sat down beside me.

Tannixt was clearly uncomfortable around Raya. When she spoke, I knew she was asking Raya a question. She seemed to get even more nervous as Raya answered her.

“I have told her that you are a real human, but I am not. She is frightened of me.”

I took Tannixt’s hand in mine. “Please don’t be scared. Raya is my friend. She will not harm you in any way, I promise.” I turned to Raya. “Will you tell her what I said?”

She did… and that seemed to calm Tannixt somewhat. She and Raya got into a conversation, and soon it appeared that our new acquaintance was relating her own story. I was impatient to know more, but this time I made myself wait for her to finish.

After a while, Raya turned to me. “Her people speak of other beings who come from the stars. It is told in their history. There are places on this planet that were created by these beings, but they are long since abandoned – perhaps for thousands of years. There are not many of her people left; they are scattered far and wide, and their numbers are few. She says they are content with this state of affairs. The past is thought of with dread, although they are not sure why. She told me that you are welcome here, that no one will object to your presence… but at the same time, she hopes it doesn’t mean more will come. I have assured her that is extremely unlikely, as you were the only survivor from the mothership.”

Tannixt extended her arms, and her tail gently pulled at me. I realised that she was offering me a hug, so I leaned into her embrace. She hummed soothingly, rocking me in her arms, stroking my cheek with. the fingers of her tail. While she held me, I saw her skin briefly change its hue.

Tannixt spoke again, and I waited for Raya to translate. “You were at the forbidden mountain, I saw you. Yet they let you leave unharmed. I do not understand.”

I knew then that she was the one I’d seen moving at the forest edge when we first explored the planet’s terrain in the shuttle.

Raya rose to her feet. “Excuse me, Zelda. Do not worry, I will return right away. There is a device on the shuttle that will be of use to you.” She padded back up the ramp and inside, returning a moment later with a small box. This she placed in my hand.

I frowned at the object. “What’s this–” I began, and nearly dropped the box when it started flashing. Then it spoke my words in Tannixt’s language. She was as startled as I was. “A translator!” I exclaimed. “Well done, Raya.”

Between Raya and myself, we told Tannixt that there were no living beings at the mountain, just ancient machines. She looked doubtful, but gave a small shrug.

I turned to Raya. “Is it safe for us to travel on foot? I want to see the river.”

When Tannixt got the translation, she jumped to her feet, delighted by the prospect of showing me around. “It is safe, yes,” Raya replied, “but you will need to take supplies. Come inside, and I will outfit you for your excursion.”

Back inside the shuttle, Raya said. “There is something I must tell you. You may object, but it is important that you hear me out. I have communicated with Rotan, and we have both concluded that the people of Earth and this planet are related. The physical similarities between you and Tannixt are beyond mere coincidence. Rotan’s people were also related, but they were a vastly different race to Tannixt’s kind. She is closer to you than they were to her. But there is one crucial difference between you and Tannixt: her species has no males. I am not yet aware of how they reproduce.”

I wasn’t used to Raya hesitating, but now she did for a moment, finally saying. “Zelda, you and I have experienced much together. I have discovered feelings and emotions I didn’t think possible for an artificial intelligence. But I have found limitations as well, beyond which I cannot go.”

“Raya, I don’t understand. You’re worrying me.”

She shook her head. “There is no cause for you to worry, Zelda. What I need you to understand is that I am still only a machine. You are flesh and blood, while I am billions of tiny circuits. You have a heart that pumps blood around your body. I have, to put it simply, plus or minus voltages.”

She let her words sink in before she continued. “I am your guardian. I can also be your companion. The one thing I can never truly be is your true love.” I was about to protest, but she raised a hand to silence me. “Zelda, your race will die with you if nothing is done to prevent it. You have every right to choose that path. I am suggesting you keep an open mind to other possibilities, although I am not quite sure what they are.” She took my hand in hers. “Remember, child, you cannot break my heart. I do not have one.”

“I see what you are saying, Raya… but why are you telling me this now? Does it have something to do with Tannixt?”

“It does. You see, she released a pheromone when you were in her arms. This was most unexpected. Earth humans cannot do this, and they should not be able to detect it. But your pulse rate began to increase when it happened. Tannixt quickly suppressed the pheromone, but before she did, I was able to detect and analyse it.”

Something occurred to me. “Wait, wait. I know you can get a reading on me by using the sensors in my chair… but how are you able to do that when I’m outside the shuttle?”

“Were you not aware that you carry a tiny implant, Zelda? Everyone on the mothership had one planted in their arm. That is how I can monitor you.”

Fuck! I didn’t know. I was angered at first by this violation of my privacy. But as I thought about it, I decided it had been done for our protection… and after all, it really was best to have Raya keeping tabs on me.

I had more questions, but Raya shook her head “Enough, Zelda! Go with Tannixt and explore. I have work to do and will remain here.”

Tannixt jumped to her feet when I appeared, looking relieved. I suppose she was worried we might abandon her. She touched the hat I now wore and nodded, “It is wise. You are very pale and might be burnt by the sun.” I don’t think she actually used the words, ‘the sun’, because the translator stumbled at that point. But I got the idea, and we both burst out laughing.

Her eyes met mine, and the intensity of her glance threw me for a second. I remembered what Raya had told me about pheromones and such. Tannixt was clearly drawn to me. Was that something I wanted? I wasn’t sure.


It felt strange to wade through the long grass hand in hand with Tannixt, her tail wrapped snugly around my waist like she was hugging me. I was concerned with what kinds of creatures might be lurking in the grass and if any of them were dangerous, but Tannixt assured me that we were perfectly safe. On the other hand, there were hazards to be found in the forest and by the sea, though she would do her best to protect me from these.

Using the translator, I haltingly told Tannixt that her world seemed remarkably similar to how I believed Earth had been a long time ago. But our mother planet was now a polluted, almost unlivable place where the few remaining survivors scratched out a miserable existence.

According to Tannixt, her people believed the same thing had happened to them. Their race had nearly been wiped out, but a hardy few had endured. The planet had gradually recovered over time, a long time. Tannixt’s people had no wish to return to the days of old. The lesson had been learned; the world restored to its natural splendour.

She led me to the river, and it was there that I saw the first living creatures I’d encountered since our arrival – other than Tannixt, of course. The water teemed with fish of different sizes, shapes and colours. Tannixt told me they were all edible, although most of them weren’t to her liking. The best fish were to be had closer to the sea, where the fresh water and the salt water met. She promised to show me how to catch them when we reached the coast.

We continued along the river’s bank, following the flow of water to the sea until its vastness stretched into the distance. I saw a vague outline of other lands far away. But it was the smell coming from the sea that impressed me most, the freshest I’d ever experienced.

The beach seemed to go for miles on either side of the river. The sand was a dazzling white; the ocean a sapphire blue. I was completely dumbstruck at the sheer beauty of this planet. There was real life here. Clean water to drink, air fit to breathe and miles of lush foliage behind us.

Wanting a moment to pause and take it all in, I persuaded Tannixt to sit with me on a grassy mound just above the beach.

I’d been vaguely conscious of her tail stroking my back, but hadn’t given it any real thought. Then I became aware that my pulse was racing, my face especially warm. Turning to Tannixt, I found her staring intently at me, and felt a crazy urge to kiss her. Instead, I stared, lost in this enchanting creature’s gaze.

Tannixt broke the silence between us. “Do you like me?” she said. Her eyes seemed to be pleading with me. I was confused, my emotions in turmoil… but there was also a rising sense of desire.

“Yes,” I told her. “Yes, I do.”

Tannixt’s tail had found its way inside the back of my tunic. She used it to caress my bare skin while gently guiding me towards her. I fought the urge to fall into her arms, at least until I saw the colour of her skin ripple. Small waves of changing hue moved over her body. My resistance melted away and I found myself leaning into her.

Before I knew what was what, her lips were on mine.

It was the first time I’d ever been kissed by a living person, but I wasn’t thinking about that when her tail snaked around my neck and guided me into her arms. Instead, I thought of spreading Tannixt out on the soft grass and getting on top of her. My pussy was throbbing in time with the frantic pounding of my heart.

I craved her. I wanted her to love me. I needed her to fuck me.

Two hands and a tail adorned with deft fingers were undressing me. Once Tannixt had stripped away my last article of clothing, she nudged me onto my back. I marvelled at my not feeling self-conscious in the heat of her gaze. Perhaps it was the awe I saw in her look as she studied my bare body.

Then her tail came up and its fingers began to gently massage my upper half. She made a sort of clucking sound as my nipples responded to her touch. Then she rested a hand on my belly, teasing here and there with her fingertips.

She gazed into my eyes. “Your skin does not colour like mine, yet I can sense you feel excitement. No tail and no colours… that is sad, but you are beautiful in many other ways.”

Even as Tannixt spoke, she touched between my legs, her fingers tracing through the light covering of pubic down. She didn’t pause there, but continued downward until she was cupping my sex. As she found the wetness lurking there, Tannixt’s skin colours began to fluctuate even faster, flowing through her body in constantly changing hues. As I watched the dazzling display, I noticed that her nipples had grown, and her chest was heaving as the pace of her breathing increased.

It was my turn to touch her, so I reached out and fondled Tannixt’s breast, cooing with delight as I felt her nipple stiffen against my palm.

I saw the ripples of Tannixt’s colours intensify, becoming more distinct; shades of red changed to pink, pale blues and greens, a sudden splash of bright orange. I’d seen something like it once in a vid clip of exotic fish, the kind that used to exist on Earth. Now I witnessed the unimaginable beauty of it in person, rolling like a wave over Tannixt’s body.

The longing I felt for her had me quivering inside. Without another thought, the words came to my lips. “Tan, please… make love to me.”

I felt her tail at my back once more, where it drifted down to my bum, giving it a squeeze before slipping between my thighs. Tan parted my slit with her long, thin fingers, then worked one of them inside. It was twice as long as a normal finger, and she used it to probe deep into my cunt.

Tan’s colours were running wild as she drew me even further into her embrace, her hands and tail touching me everywhere – caressing and teasing, pinching and pulling. “So beautiful,” she said before she bent to nuzzle my neck.

She drove me wild with playful kisses, nibbles and bites. Her mouth descended to my chest, where she flicked at my nipples with her tongue, then lower, down to my tummy.

I’d felt a measure of shock when I first saw Tannixt’s tail. Now, she surprised me all over again. She withdrew the tail from my pussy, immediately replacing it with her mouth. Her tongue pushed in, going deeper and deeper, impossibly deep. Yet even as she probed me, her lips found my clit.

God, I was in heaven. My cunt was explored and caressed, my clit assaulted… deliciously assaulted. Her hands played my body like a musical instrument, coaxing out the loveliest melodies imaginable.

I was screaming even before my orgasm came. Oh, my, what a wondrous feeling it was. My whole being seemed to radiate joy as Tannixt took me higher and higher with her amazing mouth.

Soon I lay spent and motionless, arm in arm with Tannixt. I tried to speak, but she gently silenced me, touching her tail to my lips. “No words are needed, little one,” she said. “I have been long without a friend to love. If you will have me for at least a while, then perhaps I have found one.”

I responded by taking her in my arms, eager to give her the pleasure she’d given me.

I marvelled at Tannixt’s rippling colours as I trailed my fingers over her body, quickly noticing how they undulated faster when my fingers teased her pussy. She pulled me close when I teased her clit.

We rolled about in the soft grass as I learned how to fuck her. I was going completely by instinct, but if her response was any indication, what I did seemed to work. Tannixt’s colours were flowing faster than ever, her body trembling beneath mine.

There was an explosion of colour when she came. Never had I seen anything so beautiful. Her tail wrapped round my back, holding me tightly. The box wasn’t able to translate what Tan said, but it didn’t matter.

Once again, we lay together, our bodies entangled. My thoughts were in a whirl, but I mostly felt happy to be on this amazing world. What more could I possibly want?

After a while, Tannixt got to her feet. She told me I should get dressed while the sun was still strong. She wanted to show me something.

We walked towards the point where the river joined the sea. She said, “Wait here, Zelda,” then waded out into the water. After a short search, she dipped a hand beneath the water and took hold of what looked like a rope, which she pulled at until a basket-like object came into view. I realised right away that it was a trap. She reached right inside and tugged out a large wriggling creature. With a joyful shout, she dropped the trap back into the water and returned to the beach.

What Tannixt held was a monstrous thing: a lumpy purple blob with vicious snapping claws that she carefully avoided. “What is that, Tan? Surely you can’t eat it!”

She laughed. “Oh, my lovely, it’s delicious. But first I have to let Raya make sure it’s safe for you to eat.”

I had never been into open water before, and seeing how at ease Tan was in the sea made me want to experience it for myself. “Can I go in the water, Tan? Is it safe?”

She nodded. “Yes, you can. It is completely safe here in the shallow waters. Only in the deep are there dangers, although not many.”

Tannixt fastened the hideous creature to an arrow she stuck in the sand to secure it. Taking my hand, she guided me towards the water’s edge, even though I was fully clothed. There was only a gentle swell; very small waves lapping at the beach’s edge. With some trepidation, I put a foot into the water. The first thing I noticed was how warm it was. I hesitantly moved deeper, the shifting sands tickling my toes with each step.

Tan gave my hand a tug. “Come, Zelda. You have nothing to fear, I promise.”

My fear seemed to evaporate as we ventured deeper into the sea. Soon, Tan and I were playfully splashing each other. I had a brief moment of panic when I fell and my head disappeared beneath the water, but Tan pulled me up, laughing at my spluttering.

She suddenly took me in her arms. She spoke to me in an affectionate tone, but I’d left the translator behind in the grass, so I couldn’t understand what she said.

Instead, I marvelled at the beauty of this creature, this enchanting alien who had come into my life. “Kiss me, Tan,” I whispered. Of course, my words meant nothing to her, but my pursed lips told Tannixt what I wanted.

As her mouth drew close to mine, I watched for the signs of Tan’s colour changing. It thrilled me more than I can say, seeing the many hues of her skin. Before she kissed me, I reached out to give her breast a squeeze, then lightly tweaked the nipple. Tan gasped, then her body began to pulse in a bright red. Sliding my leg between hers, I ground my thigh into her pussy. Those pulses deepened, then became ripples.

We stared at each other as I rubbed myself against her, then Tan moved in to kiss me again as her tail gripped my ass, drawing me even closer. I felt the appendages of her tail slip between the cheeks of my bum to tease at the taut pucker of my star. All I could think of was how badly I wanted her to love me.

My heart raced frantically as Tan scooped me up into her arms and carried me back to the shore. We didn’t break our kiss as she waded through the water, and her tail finger continued to press against my anus.

My few clothes were gone, cast aside before Tan lowered me to the soft grass. She knelt between my legs, her eyes locked with mine as she used her tail to pleasure both my openings. Two fingers slid between my pussy lips, and a third pushed at my arse until it popped through the tight ring. Just like that, Tannixt began to fuck me.

She began to fondle herself. One hand dropped down to toy with her nether lips, the other caressed her breasts. It was an amazing sight, one that drove my arousal even higher. The finger at my bum hole eased its way deeper, then began to move in and out. I’d never been fucked that way, and couldn’t believe how good it felt.

Then I noticed Tan’s clit, surprised to see how much bigger it was. Within seconds, it was impossibly large. The surging colours raged over her body. Still, her clit continued to grow. I couldn’t tear my eyes from it. What was happening to her?

I saw her inching forwards, her eyes now fixed on my pussy. Her colours went crazy as her growing clit got nearer. Suddenly, I realised what she wanted. That clit, if that’s what it was, was going to penetrate me. I felt her tail finger pull out of my cunt just as she pressed herself between my legs. I felt her nudging into me. “Tan, what…?”

She froze, her eyes snapping back to meet mine, then slowly moved away from me, those lovely colours now gone. Tan’s expression grew sorrowful, and her tears began to fall.

“I am sorry, Zelda,” she said, looking away. “I lost control. I wanted to love you my way, but didn’t ask first. That was wrong of me, very wrong. I don’t even know if it is safe for you!”

Determined to comfort my new lover, I drew Tannixt down into my arms and held her close. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, Tan. I’m so pleased that you feel that way about me. I want us to make love every way we can. Perhaps we could ask Raya if it will work.”

We lay together for a long time. Finally we got up, and I dressed while Tan retrieved the ugly snapping creature from where she’d tethered it, then we made our way back to the shuttle.

As we approached, Raya came out to meet us. Eying the creature, she reached out to take it from Tan, who quickly stepped back. “Be careful… it is dangerous. Those claws can easily snip a finger off.”

Raya laughed. It still amazed me that she was able to do that. “It cannot hurt me,” she said, carefully taking hold of the writhing thing. Examining it closely, she added, “This appears to be very similar to the lobsters that used to exist on Earth. I shall run a test to determine whether it is safe for you to eat, Zelda.”

She turned toward the shuttle, but I said, “Wait, Raya. I need to ask you about something.”

Not without some hesitation, I explained what had happened at the beach.

Once again, Raya laughed. I had no idea why she thought our situation was amusing, but then she explained. “I have been busy discussing many things with Rotan. What you describe was one of them. It is possible to ascertain whether or not some sort of sexual compatibility exists between yourself and Tannixt’s people, but that would require running a series of tests. It would be necessary for her to come to the complex for these tests to be carried out.”

I saw Tan tense. Taking her hand, I could feel it tremble. “I cannot go there,” she told us. “It is a place of evil. It is forbidden!”

Raya reached out to our clasped hands. “Do you still fear me, Tannixt? Truly, there is no need. My purpose is to keep Zelda safe… and if the two of you are friends, that protection applies to you as well. I would never allow you to come to harm.”

Despite Raya’s assurances, Tan was still frightened. I knew she needed me to convince her. “Tan, you haven’t seen inside the shuttle yet. Will you let me show it to you? I want you to see that there’s nothing to be scared of. It’s just like you taking me into the sea… a barrier to be crossed, that’s all.”

Tan’s normally pink skin had turned a sickly yellow as she struggled with her emotions. Gazing into her eyes, I said, “Tan, we have shared our bodies… and our souls. Surely you know that I could never do anything that might hurt you.”

With a tiny nod, she whispered, “I do know, but I can’t help but feel afraid. This technology… it goes against everything we believe.”

In a firm tone, I told her, “I know, but I want you to trust me. Will you?”

Tan’s grip was almost painful as she clutched my hand. Moving very slowly, we followed Raya inside the shuttle. I stopped just inside the entrance, letting her take in the strange surroundings. I pointed to what I hoped were more familiar things – the seats, the small table and the windows where she could see outside. The view seemed to help Tannixt relax a little.

Raya turned to face her, gesturing toward a panel filled with flashing lights. “That is the real me. The figure now speaking to you is a mechanical extension of who I am. Rotan, the being who lives in the complex, created me in order to give Zelda a physical being to interact with. It is more pleasant than talking to the disembodied voice of a machine.”

I gently guided Tan toward the chairs. “Sit with me while Raya tests your, er… lobster, or whatever it might be.”

Gradually, Tan relaxed as Raya busied herself with the sea creature. I expected some questions from her, but the first one surprised me. In a whisper, not realising that Raya could hear everything, she asked me. “Between Raya’s legs, does she have…?”

“A vagina? Yes, she has, and it works.”

Her eyes flew open. “Are you saying – you and her…?”

It was my turn to laugh. “Oh yes, and she’s very good at it. Raya was my first lover. Maybe you should try sometime… or perhaps all three of us could fuck.”

I’m not sure if the translator worked on that last word, but Tannixt’s fears seemed forgotten as she considered the implications of what I’d told her. I even saw a tiny ripple of colour… and that awful yellow pallor was gone, her skin returned to a healthy pink.

Raya announced that the sea creature was indeed very nearly identical to the lobster, despite being three times the size. It was perfectly edible and safe for human consumption.

I was still doubtful that this revolting thing could be good to eat, but I gave Raya instructions to prepare it for our meal.

When she brought it to the table, I was astonished at its changed colour, its purple hue now a bright red. “We need certain tools to… open it,” Tan said.

Raya laughed, “No, you don’t.” And she proceeded to break the creature’s hard shell apart very easily.

It was with utter amazement that I took my first taste of the best food that had ever passed my lips. It was utterly delicious. I was used to processed and synthetic meals, some of which I had come to enjoy very much. But this was exquisite. “Tan, it’s wonderful. You did say I’d like this, and you were right.”

When we had finished our meal, I urged Tan over to the viewer. I showed her how to work the controls. Her reactions showed her delight at what she saw and how she could zoom in to see things up close.

“You see, there is good technology as well as bad,” I told her.

She gave a solemn nod. “There is truth in what you say, Zelda… but it is hard for us to dismiss these feelings. We have lived with them for many, many years.”

I was thinking how to answer, but Raya spoke first. “Yes, Tannixt, it is true: I am a piece of technology. But I am here for Zelda, and will not interfere in your world. I will only offer what help you ask of me. Rotan and I will help you to speak each other’s language, but beyond that, I will maintain a respectful distance. When you are both ready, you may tell me to sleep. I can sleep for an eternity, and only Zelda has the power to wake me.”

“So, Tan. Will you come with us to the complex?” With an impish grin on my face, I added, “We’ll be able to njoy ourselves again. And this time when you love me, there will be no need to stop!”

She was still fighting to control her fears, but she also wanted to trust us, I could tell. “You promise it is safe? They will not do evil things to me?”

I took her hand in mine, “Tan, it is as safe for you as it is for me, I promise. You have to understand… in this place, there is no they. Only machines that answer to me.”

Tannixt slowly nodded. “Then we go!” she announced, giving my hand a firm squeeze.

Soon to come, the thrilling conclusion: Chapter Four!