Your Thoughts, Please!

  • Posted on October 19, 2024 at 4:09 pm

by JetBoy

(I put a version of this blog post up every year, more or less… but unfortunately, it’s still very much relevant today, hence its appearance yet again. It’s not a story, or indeed, even erotic. Nonetheless its message is very heartfelt, and it only runs for a few paragraphs, so please indulge us and read on.)

I’d like to bring up a subject that is very near and dear to us folks who run Juicy Secrets: your comments and feedback, and how crucially important it is to us — and this site.

First, a few words about what goes into making Juicy Secrets what it is.

Without even asking, I can speak for all the staff members of the site, past and present, in saying that what we have here is a genuine labor of love. Read our first-year anniversary blog post to get an inkling of the satisfaction and outright joy Naughty Mommy, Cheryl Taggert and me, your Boy Pornographer derived from planning Juicy Secrets, bringing it to life and watching it grow.

But when you click onto our link and navigate around the site, exploring its nooks and crannies, what you’re seeing is the result of work. A lot of work. Adding new posts and stories (which often includes considerable reformatting from the original source), hunting for thrilling images to accompany them, making necessary changes to the site pages to present and catalog these posts, editing and proofreading work for our guest authors, composing critiques, both positive and critical, for submitted stories (including the ones that don’t make the cut), dealing with technical requirements and issues, etc.

Not to mention writing our own stories, which requires a heaping helping of time in itself.

Needless to say, we don’t make a cent doing this. Actually, it’s not even possible to make a living by offering the kind of fiction that we do. I’d estimate that ninety-eight percent of our content consists of stories that no publisher (actual or virtual) would touch with a ten-foot pole — and the lion’s share of them wouldn’t be accepted by any of the big erotica sites, either.

Which brings us to the million-dollar question: why do we do this? Well, there’s the pride we feel at having created Juicy Secrets, and the security of having a safe space for our work. But there’s also the enormous pleasure of having that work noticed and acknowledged, particularly in the words of praise and the thoughtful comments that some of you are kind enough to leave after you read.

It’s hard to describe just how good it feels, that giddy surge of delight that we experience when a reader compliments our writing. It’s a friendly pat on the back, an assuring smile, a hug of encouragement that tells us our work has value — and all the time, effort and yes, occasional frustration that went into it was worthwhile. The warm regard of an audience is a better high than any drug, no question.

On the other hand, it’s a major downer to pay a visit to a recently posted story, one that you put your heart and soul into, and find no more than a handful of comments, even after it’s been on our home page for weeks. And frankly, that’s been happening a lot these days. I’ve known authors of erotic stories — good erotic stories — who’ve simply abandoned their craft in defeat, convinced that barely anyone gives a damn about their work.

Don’t misunderstand, dear readers — your Boy Author is not throwing a woe-unto-us pity party here. My cohorts and I derive a great deal of satisfaction from doing what we do. But your comments add so much to that satisfaction that I’m willing to put aside my pride — indeed, even my dignity! — to plead with you good people: spare a thought for the writers and their efforts when you especially enjoy reading a Juicy Secrets story, and leave a comment.

It’s not just the praise that sustains us, mind you… we also appreciate criticism, when you feel it’s warranted, and it’s always helpful when you let us know about mistakes you catch in our work. We’re always striving to do our work a little better, and your careful scrutiny makes that possible.

It should be added here that, much as we who toil here crave your praise, it’s even more important that you leave comments for our newer authors when they post stories. Doing so will increase the likelihood that they’ll continue to write — a winning situation for both Juicy Secrets and its readers!

One final point: we are not — emphatically not — asking anyone to offer praise for our work if we haven’t earned it. As comedian Flip Wilson once said, “If you didn’t intend to applaud, don’t applaud. Keep your damn hands to yourself!” On the other hand, if the story moved your soul, got you feeling warm and tingly all over, or spurred you into a “happy ending” of your own… why not take sixty seconds out of your life to tell us so? Thirty seconds, even. Hell, you can type “Great story!” in less than ten. And honestly, it does mean the world to our authors.

Thanks for indulging my shameless pandering, and for being a part of this site’s extended family. (You must be, if you’ve read this far.) May the road always rise with you.

Love always, JetBoy


66 Comments on Your Thoughts, Please!

  1. Michael V. says:

    Dear JetBoy

    I am glad that you felt the need to remind me, as well as the rest of the JS patrons, that honest heartfelt commentary is the main motivation desired by authors. As you pointed out, works submitted to JS will not result in monetary compensation from the fruits of the labor expended.

    In fact, the lack of feedback will instead cause feelings of dispare. This lack of positive encouragement may resulte in the abandonment of the further expressions of the delightful titillation that we have enjoyed thus far.

    Moving forward, I will endeavor to better demonstrate my appreciation for the talented wordsmiths that grace this website.

    Thank you,
    Michael V.

    • Power or 246 says:

      I agree with you, Mike, and from my heart the word is spelled ‘dispair’. Wouldn’t want you looking any less smart than you really are.

  2. BlueJean says:

    I have noticed a sudden drop in comments lately. I sometimes wonder if it’s because the stories have shifted to a more literary nature recently, instead of the more down and dirty offerings Juicy Secrets is typically known for. Do readers want the more story-orientated stuff, or do they just want to get off? No idea. That said, there doesn’t seem to be a noticeable change in the amount of votes.

    I think we also need to consider the fact that some readers are just too scared to comment. I know when I first starting frequenting these sites, there was a sense that I probably shouldn’t be there, and that leaving a footprint was not a particularly good idea. Lest we forget, this fiction is about as taboo as it comes, no matter how tastefully depicted, and the legality of sites like this are a little sketchy in some countries.

    But yes, 50 votes *could* equate to 50 comments, if readers were willing to step outside their comfort zone and reach out. And wouldn’t that be a fine thing?

    • kinkys_sis says:

      I have also noticed that people who comment often don’t leave a vote as well.

      I tend to want to see the vote figure going up rather than worry about the comments. I know that many readers never comment (which is a shame), I also know that our hardcore of readers mostly do comment, and I love them for that.

      There are some comments – typically from a certain type of male that I’d rather not see. But that said, I’d be nieve to think that a site like ours is not going to attract the more base type of male reader. So, if that’s all you’ve got to say, then fine – but don’t forget to vote.

      I believe that we have some mature writers who ignore the comments of the peasantry (no slight intended). They write for the more discerning reader and don’t over worry if the comments etc are not exuberant. Indeed, we have at least one gifted writer where the stories go over the heads of many readers. But we are the better off for having such writers. Long may they continue to reward us with their efforts.

      I am still immature enough to crave comment and votes. I do get a bit despondent when both seem on the low side. But… I am slowly learning to not worry. I do know that I shouldn’t let it bother me.

      BlueJean could well have a point. Our current batch of main writers do not generally write ‘wank fodder’. I applaud our writers for that. But… there’s the big but, ‘wank fodder’ gets votes. But just maybe not from those readers that I personally want to appeal to.

      I have a small apology to make. Most of you know that on principle, we do not read, vote or comment on stories that feature really young children. We draw the line at puberty. This precludes us from reading the stories of some fine writers and no doubt we miss out on some otherwise excellent stories, at least from our perspective.

      I do clearly notice that multi chapter stories tend to see a drop-off in votes and comments as the chapters progress. To us authors who like to write these longer stories, I don’t see that as a problem. To me it’s like settling into a ‘norm’. Take out the ‘wank fodder’ readers followed by those who didn’t notice there was a new chapter, and then watch the votes slowly climb. You get to a 60, 70 or 80 count and all’s good.

      You, the site that is, needs a headline notice. Read it – like it – then vote or comment.

      • kinkys_sis says:

        That was supposed to be a ‘thread’ comment, not an answer to BlueJean. Oh well, at least I made the effort.

        • Charles Rosenberg says:

          As a man, I don’t generally comment on the stories. As someone who tried hias hand at writing, I had to comment on your current story from the perspective of my attempt at writing. One thing that I realized quickly is that I’m not terribly good at writing from a completely blank slate. I need at least some background information to create a story (technical details etc).
          IF I know the basic parameters of how things work, I can write. Even at that, I’m weak on dialogue. I can write log or journal entries fine, but I’m not as good when it comes to characters talking to each other.

          I also understand why you initially had an ending for your story and why you decided to continue after an idea came to you. My own story had a planned ending point, but with the potential to write additional stories in the overall setting. One reason I stopped writing was that I was playing in a noted Sci Fi author’s sandbox and after meeting the author we mutually agreed that I wouldn’t tread into the timeframe of already published works, even if I was using my own characters.

    • JetBoy says:

      An excellent point. Let me assure everyone of this: even though you must put in an email address to leave a comment, that information is kept strictly confidential. (Though honestly, everyone should have an extra email account, one to use whenever sharing it might result in an avalanche of spam.)

      If our beloved Kinky Sisters (whose vigilance in protecting themselves online is worthy of a CIA asset in the field) can post comments with us on a frequent basis, surely you can too.

      • kinkys_sis says:

        What… CIA! MI5 if you please. OO7 is retiring and this sister is about to kick arse (ass if you prefer) – now there’s the potential for a story. Minus the ‘big stick’ of course. Bountiful Bee (I wish) is coming for you. I didn’t mean any innuendo there but on second thoughts… whyever not?

        In case you were wondering about my effervescent mood this evening – yes, we shared a bottle of wine and sampled a couple of other weird bottles of stuff left over from last Christmas.

    • Joe Dornish says:

      Never fear BlueJean, I’ve got a more down and dirty story on Jetboy’s to do pile! I enjoy the more literary tales we’ve been blessed with but I have to stick to what I’m good at when it comes to penning my own stories.

    • sensualserene says:

      One of the most captivating aspects of reading stories by female authors is the rich emotional depth they bring to their writing. However, when it comes to this particular genre of purely fictional and imaginative stories, I often find myself questioning the authenticity of the emotions and nuances presented. While I can’t speak for others, this leaves me with a certain disconnection, as if the emotions don’t quite resonate. Some might suggest that, as a male reader, I naturally gravitate more toward action than emotion. Yet in other, less niche categories of erotica, I find that a balanced blend of emotion and action is what truly draws me in. That said, as I mentioned in my previous comment, my conversations with a close female friend have given me valuable insight into how this genre appeals to the female psyche. I’ve been fortunate in this regard, as women, in my view, rarely express such preferences openly, especially to men. But because of the mentor-mentee bond we share, she’s felt comfortable opening up, which has helped us both navigate the feelings of guilt still arise from time to time. I hope I’m making sense—perhaps I should stop here.

      • Scooby1287 says:

        A lot of great points in this post. I’ve said it a few times, a good sex story is great but a great story with sex is even better. The storyline is what keeps me going back for more and the sex is a welcome bonus. I’m nearing the end of, “I was the daughter of a pornstar”, by Cheryl. First, it was amazing watching her mature as a writer over the course of the novel. It is a testimony to the work Jetboy does as editor and mentor. It breaks my heart that I never got to know Cheryl. Our outlook on societal opinions about sex and how it’s basically the root of all evil are identical. Having said all that I’m actually having trouble finishing it. The section on Cindy’s rescue was riveting and I couldn’t put it down. Currently it’s a little more about the sex. She promised that more intrigue is coming, which I’m excited for but I’m struggling to get to that part. 🤔🙄🙂 It’s the ADHD thing again. I just realized that I’ve been commenting from the bottom up, the “ADHD thing AGAIN” won’t make much sense, sorry.😱🤣

    • Duaine says:

      BlueJean, I always rate a story and occasionally comment – I am not very confident and take a ‘who am I to pass judgement’ view. While short stories have their place I have to admit that I prefer longer, multi-part works that allow me to engage with characters and follow their erotic journey (the adventures of Doris Sloane being a particular favourite).

      I have done some writing, but have yet to pluck up the courage to submit. Maybe one day…

      My profound thanks to all contributors – more power to your keyboard.

  3. Lakeshia says:

    To all of the authors here at JS, thank you for the opportunity to read some really wonderful erotica published by very talented writers. In the future I will do my utmost best to make sure that I leave comments for the authors here at Juicy Secrets!

    Thank you Jet Boy



  4. Brother Bethor says:

    I’m not commenting anymore as sometime ago someone made me (a man) feel here very unwelcomed. So I don’t bother anymore.

    • kinkys_sis says:

      That’s a shame. For what it’s worth, and in my opinion, do not let the views of one person get you down. There will always be troll-type idiots. It’s really not worth worrying about them. Life can get to a bad place if you let those types get under your skin.

      If you’ve got something to say, and if you consider it worth saying – then say it.

      • Scooby1287 says:

        When the assholes in life push us to change the things we think and feel, they win. Bullies do their thing because they are powerless in a significant part of their life and hurting others is a way to take back their power. I actually feel more sorry for them than anger. The best way to stop their behavior is to ignore them and keep being yourself. You’ll do more good by commenting than that person does harm by being an asshole. Now, having said all that, your feelings are valid and ok. Please don’t take what I’ve said as more criticism. If you still don’t feel good making comments then don’t and above all else, don’t feel bad for not doing so. ✌️🤟👍

  5. steve says:

    i must admit that i’m guilty of not commenting sometimes. it’s so easy to just finish a story and not commit and i for one will endeavor to do better in the future.

  6. Emiliano says:

    As a fan writer myself and One that Is about to get in erotica soon, I can confirm how much we thirst for comments

  7. Chuck says:

    90% of the stories posted these days are chapters of very long serialized sagas, and the same 4 or 5 that have been going for months. I think it’s as simple as that. I’m confident that if there were more new individual standalone stories submitted/published the commenting situation would improve.

    It seems somewhat dubious to me to distinguish the current ongoing efforts from others in the past on the basis of the latter being “wank fodder”. I certainly don’t think the newer stuff is any more noteworthy from a “literary” perspective than most any shorter story you could pull from years past.

    None of this is meant to disparage any writer in any way. Pound for pound, this site still represents the finest collection of erotic writing online that I know.

    • BlueJean says:

      You’re quite right. I wrote “literary” when I should have written “story driven”, meaning those stories that place a much larger emphasis on the narrative, sometimes to the point where any given chapter may not even have any sex in it.

      Your point about the same four or five stories running for months is an excellent one. If the current batch of stories don’t resonate for half the readership, presumably they’ll stop reading and commenting.

      How about this for a solution: instead of four multi-chapter stories running concurrently, perhaps two multi-chapter stories and a steady trickle of one-shots would work more to reader’s favour. That way, there’s always something brand new on the bulletin board.

  8. Sensualserene says:

    Guilty as charged. I do make it a point to vote for stories I enjoy, but when it comes to commenting, I often find myself at a loss for words. I’m not one to be content with just writing “Good story” or “Nice story”—it feels insufficient. It may sound amusing, but it’s the truth. And if you ask what holds me back from writing comments, I honestly don’t have a clear answer. Sometimes I try to fully grasp a story, but struggle to connect with it. While they’re enjoyable to read, the niche themes make it hard for me to relate on a personal level, and when that happens, words of praise tend to elude me.

    As someone who visualizes stories unfolding in my mind, it can feel uncomfortably guilty to imagine certain scenes. Interestingly, I recently discovered, quite by accident, that a close female friend shares similar imaginative interests, and we’ve been navigating these emotions together. I will certainly make an effort to comment more moving forward, hoping I’ll find the words to do so.

    • Scooby1287 says:

      Dear Sensualserene and friend, please read my post to Monasissy. There is EXTREMELY little that I don’t find at least fascinating let alone erotically stimulating. I spent many years feeling like a sick, twisted monster. There’s 8 billion people on the planet so I at least understood I wasn’t alone. I have come to realize that there is NOTHING that we think or feel that is “bad”. What we do with those thoughts and feelings could be considered “bad”. (For a lot of psychological reasons I don’t believe we have as much control over decisions made at critical times as we’d like to think so an action being bad doesn’t necessarily make the persin evil). I’m so happy for you both to have found one another. It is hard going through life alone with our particular brand of “differences”. (This community isn’t really different from the rest of society. We just have the courage, albeit because of anonymity, to admit it). Please spend less time together “dealing” with guilty feelings and more time enjoying having someone to share pleasureable fantasies and feelings with. Good luck. ✌️🤟🤗

  9. monasissy says:

    Thank you so much for reminding again and again. After every reminder, I have this resolution to do better and leave a comment, but after a time i keep second guessing and have this feeling that, as Brother Bethor mentioned, that I probably am not welcome to comment. Because I am a sissy and my name reflects that.
    I have read all the stories in this site some more mutiple times and eagerly await new installations and always vote. I wonder if you knew who voted.
    I appriciate and thank all the authors for their wonderful work and JS for the oppotunity to let us read them. I would do better in appriciating your hard work by leaving a comment. I also wish the authors themselves aknowledged the comments, i am sure it would matter to those who comment too. Thank you.

    • Scooby1287 says:

      Please don’t do to yourself what society already cruely does to everyone that is different, especially those of us with different sexual perspectives. I have found that people that are more sexually diverse, especially those that would be considered ‘sick’ by societies standards, are the most understanding and non-judgemental people in the world. JS and, if you’re looking for a very active and open forum community, are safe places where you can be yourself and not be condemed. ✌️🤟🤗

  10. JCunning says:

    Love all that you and your staff are doing Jetboy!! Please keep up the good work.

  11. Mike says:

    I always Vote & leave a comment, albeit usually a short one, the writers are incredible on juicy secrets & deserve to know their work is appreciated

  12. Shelfish says:

    Hello jb and friends,
    You are right of course though, sadly, we live in a world of take,take without accompanying gratitude.
    Your work is much appreciated -some more than others but that is more a reflection of individual faste rather than of the writers per se……..
    May I, as a shared member of the silent community, thank you all for your commitment and hard work past, present and, hopefully future…….
    Kindest regards

  13. BlueJean says:

    Here’s another thought:

    Do commenters feel much the same as authors, that if their comments are not being responded to, there’s little point in writing one? Should we as writers be replying to each comment we receive? Is there a feeling that if no one is replying directly to feedback, then that feedback might not have been seen? I seem to remember someone on the last blog like this saying something to that effect, and that it was the reason why they stopped commenting.

    Recently, I’ve just been giving general thanks for any praise that comes my way, maybe some accompanying thoughts regarding the story, or a few tidbits from the next chapter. But I’m happy to respond to each and every comment, if there’s a desire for that. I do like to see a discussion generated, even if it veers off topic into ferret-based territory. In a sense, we’re all like blind people in the same room. If no one speaks, we might very well assume we’re alone.

  14. Mo says:

    Great to see this discussion regarding comments & voting & I’ve certainly commented more since last request.

    I do appreciate readers commenting on old series/stories so I can read new stories for me.

    In terns of stories v happy with a mixture of quick & dirty sex & longer stories. JS has best quality erotic fiction so keep them coming.

  15. Scooby1287 says:

    Dear Jetboy and everyone that makes JS such an amazing site, I’ll do my best. I have a bad case of ADHD and many times I think, “This was awesome, I need to say something”, ten seconds later my heads moved on to 20 different things. It goes, comment, comment, comment…(Head twitches 90° in a different direction), SQUIRREL. You also mentioned how important comments are to new authors. I’ve spent most of my time reading past works, in a sense, trying to catch up on older works before movingon to newer ones. That’s another neurodivergent thing. I’m going to switch gears and focus on new material first. Thank you all again for your passion, dedication and hard work.

  16. Scooby1287 says:

    Just read Bluejean’s post about comments not being replied to. It is definitely not the reason I don’t comment like I should but it is an issue I have dealt with. I have posted on several occasions and not received a reply and it does feel frustrating sometimes. I think it’s ridiculous to expect the authors to respond to EVERY comment, especially if it’s just, “great story”. However, when the comments are heartfelt and important enough for the reader to take the time to compose, a thanks would be nice 🙂

  17. Scooby1287 says:

    Ok Jetboy, now you’ve created a monster. I’ve posted about a half dozen replies on this thread alone. I hope I haven’t gotten too annoying or preachy. 🤔😱🤣 Thanks again to you, all the staff and especially the writers for the joy that is Juicy Secrets. Also, for anyone that might read this, is a free, 100% anonymous and untracked email service. It’s perfect for this type of website and also comes with one free VPN connection. Obviously you can pay for more but hey, one is better than none. 🥰✌️🤟🤗

  18. 3FingersNeat says:

    Lots to unpack in the comments above. I’m going to give my thoughts on three of the topics.

    Comments serve to instruct an author how to write better. My story had some very good comments in the early chapters and then there was a bit of a fireball in the final chapter’s comments. All ended up helping me. The good and bad are necessary.

    My preference is shorter, 1 to 3 chapter, stories that detail a short period of time or the buildup to and results of a single event. I’m drawn to stories in which the author seeks to explain their singular attraction to or need for a partner.

    Finally, should men write lesbian erotica? If they do, they need to be very good. Humbly, I submit that it is a rare man that can understand the emotions that form the foundation of lesbian erotica. The stories I read over and over have been written by women. Perhaps, the confession aspect of those stories drive my desire for them. I have 3 stories currently in the works I haven’t sent to JB for consideration because I just don’t think they’re up to the standard for this site. I believe they miss a female’s touch.

    This is a fantastic site and everyone involved should be applauded.


    • sensualserene says:

      “Humbly, I submit that it is a rare man that can understand the emotions that form the foundation of lesbian erotica.”

      As a man, I completely agree with your observation. Women have much more emotional complexities in matters of erotic desire. And for the sort of stories in this site, it becomes even more complex. Dare I say, I attempted to write one, only to realise how awfully short I am in portraying the emotional aspect of it. For the matter, even attempting to write a lolita story is challenging because I have no idea of what would go on in the mind of the other ‘person’.

      At least for me, I will sit back and enjoy all the stories that keep coming.


  19. kinkys_sis says:

    Well, this thread certainly managed to clog the ‘latest comments’ column up. The latest story comments didn’t stand a chance.

  20. Birdie says:

    My sincere thanks to everyone who contributes to this site, either as a writer, commenter, or technical support. JS is an amazing oasis in a desert of erotic literature. I will commit to commenting more often. Bless you, and please keep the stories coming. You are doing what no one else has managed to do.

  21. MusicMan says:

    For a long time I didn’t comment exactly because I was scared to. I’m overcoming that and in the middle of accepting certain parts of my sexuality. I comment sometimes now. I very much appreciate that JS is here and I love the literary nature of many of the recent stories

  22. Charles Rosenberg says:

    I don’t mind a longer story if it engages me and the plot progresses over time. There are stories that I’ve read on other sites where the chapters repeat essentially the same scene with only minor details changed. That gets boring rather fast. NM wrote a number of longer and often interconnected stories that were quite engaging. What really makes this site shine though is the editing done by JB and others. I realize that there are plenty of authors out there who aren’t Native English Speakers, but at times on other sites the basic spelling is subpar. For a new author, I can tolerate mistakes. When it’s an author who has been writing erotica for well over a decade on various sites, it can become a negative.

    Another aspect is the age of the author. Young adults are closer in age to some on the characters in this genre. That helps make those characters believable. For me at least, a tween exploring their body and sexuality is more believable than a younger child. I can see an 8-9 year old question mom about their body (especially if they’re starting to enter puberty), but with younger kids it can get uncomfortable at times for myself as a reader.

  23. LucyFoxes says:

    I’ve been a lurker on this site for a few months now, trying to sort out a maelstrom of shameful feelings and desires, and I haven’t actively engaged much in that time. Part of that is shyness, but I also feel like a lousy commenter in general. I have a bad habit of overthinking my words, rewriting them again and again until they’re just unintelligible sludge in an effort to not be the person who comments nothing but “mmm so hot cumed tons msg me pls” on every story they read. I’ve been involved in fandoms and online writing spaces since my teens, so I understand how comments and engagement can be so important and motivating for writers. As a writer myself, there’s no other feeling like having even just one person who really shows excitement and interest in what you’re posting. Sometimes it’s the thing that pushes you to finish a new installment when you can’t seem to find motivation anywhere else.

    Over the past week or so, I read through the entirety of Cheryl Taggert’s “Daughter Of A Porn Star” While I certainly had my issues with the story, I kept coming back and reading chapter after chapter because of the comments and exchanges between reader and author. I did feel…somewhat voyeuristic reading through the preserved messages of a woman who has since passed on, like it’s something I shouldn’t be seeing, but I still felt compelled to read through each chapter to see the excitement everyone had when their favorite story was updated. The love and support that’s shown by readers, and the clear love that surrounded Cheryl and her characters, even as just another reader it was moving to me. I tried composing a comment on the story itself, but found myself at a loss for words. Had the story existed without the added context of the comments, I doubt I would’ve read more than 5 chapters.

    I’m going to make an effort to comment and engage more here, even if it’s in my longwinded and rambling way (can’t help it, sorry), because I can tell that this place is special. It’s a little internet oasis where people come together over their shared love of something they can’t really share anywhere else, and that’s really fucking cool. But engagement is crucial for a space like this to flourish, especially for one so small and niche, with authors who are dealing with such a taboo in their works. I would hate to see it lost to internet decay.

    TL;DR Show some love to this place, to the staff and authors that make this place so great 🙂

    (And to add on to my own point about overthinking my own comments, this one took me nearly two hours to write, jesus)

    • BlueJean says:

      I know what you mean about overthinking comments. Maybe as writers we make the mistake of approaching our comments the same way we would our stories, trying to make them as meaningful and as perfect as we can, when something simple and to the point would suffice. The trouble is, once it’s out there, you can’t take it back, and I’ve posted some stupid comments before. I’m a very poor communicator, so commenting doesn’t come easily to me.

      Anyway, seeing as it took you so long to write, I thought I should mention your comment was greatly appreciated. 🙂

  24. Susie says:

    In my opinion is the stories themselves. Lately there’s too many stories based on fantasy (witches, half human/half animal characters) to my taste they are not appealing. Also, I would like to see more mom, daughter love than sister love in realistic settings. The creations Naughty Mommy and Cheryl Taggert did were awesome! We need more of those type of stories.

    • MoonLily says:

      Interesting, I have been more active because of all the stories written with magic and such as of late. Personally I really don’t care for realistic stories of this kind. Matter effect those more realistic stories tend to repel me.
      Each their own of course, as for me? Bring on the fairies and catgirls 😉

  25. Craw2519 says:

    I may be a culprit in the fact of not leaving many comments, but be rest assured I enjoy almost all of the stories published here at Juicy Secrets. You and all of compratriots do a super excellent job with the stories posted here and running a super site. I have not found one better than Juicy Secrets. Please keep up the great story telling and this site. It’s the best site ever for our kind erotic flavour.

  26. Scooby1287 says:

    Good morning all. For all those that are struggling with feelings of guilt or confusion about fantasies and thoughts that lead us to a site like JS, I have been there too, and many worse places than this. Please go back through this thread and read the posts I’ve made about that very subject. Maybe they might help. I don’t mean to come across as a no-it-all but like I said, I’ve been there. ✌️🤟🤗

  27. Craw2519 says:

    I just wanted to make one more comment. I wish and hope that all the great writers who contribute to this great site, take the amount of votes for your stories as a type of comment on your writing. I would guess there are a lot of readers of this site who prefer voting for how good a story is and not always want or can leave a comment. I think that a good or excellent vote could be just as good as a comment. How do you writiers feel about that? Keep up the great work, I would sorely miss this site if it were ever to disappear.

  28. Craw2519 says:

    Dear Jetboy,
    It would be nice, if possible, if the “Featured story of the week” was updated more than once a month

  29. Lisa Taggert says:

    First, JetBoy is absolutely right. I know that when Cheryl was alive, she would actually worry if one of her stories didn’t get many comments. Of course, because she’s been gone for a couple of years now, the comments on her stories don’t happen much, which is expected. I just say this to show that JetBoy is right. So even someone who helped found this site depended on getting comments. When she was alive, she would say the same things JetBoy says here. I can’t tell you how many times she would say things like, “Don’t they know we do this for the feedback?” Suzanne (my new girlfriend and lover) knows I still love Cheryl and always will. That’s one thing I love about Suz. And because of that, I feel warm inside when I see a rare new comment on a story or chapter Cheryl wrote. So yes, those comments matter.

  30. Amanda Lynn says:

    It happens to mainstream authors as well. I have sold over 1000 copies of my books yet only a few comments and/or ratings on Amazon.

  31. DJ says:

    Hello Jet Boy, I found this on Nifty’s site and was basically disappointed that you would reject such a story. I have read Unexpected Special Massage on Nifty and have no clue the thought process you had when you rejected this story. I have to agree with Nifty Sisters, you have a great site and some of the content is WAY more subject to scrutiny than toe sucking, foot play and a little tickling. Personally I love reading about foot play with girls and women. I find the female feet to be quite pretty when they are taken care of.

    I have read a lot of story on JS some are fantastic, some great and a few good if you wish to categorize stories. I’ll apologize now for not leaving comments or rating stories, however I’ll try to do better in the future.

    I would like to see some foot play with stories though. Yes Jet boy there are all kinds of fetishes, but play, pee play, bondage etc… and found JS. Open your mind to other fetishes Jet Boy.

    Just below is the comment the Nifty Sisters left on the Nifty site after Jet Boy rejected their story.

    Little Sister Author’s Note: This chapter is lovingly dedicated to JetBoy
    from the JuicySecrets story site. One of our readers brought this site to
    our attention and suggested that we submit our story there, so we
    did. JetBoy was kind enough to reject it, essentially telling us that
    because there were some elements of feet and tickling here and there, no
    one would like it… despite the fact that one of their site’s supposedly
    beloved, now deceased female founders has a story posted entirely about
    tickling (“Michelle’s Tickling Game”) which has many positive comments and
    even includes a photo of a little girl having her feet tickled. There are
    plenty of other stories on their site including tickling like “Picture
    This” and several more unnamed ones in the archives. Also, lots of stories
    about urination and peeing (no judgement to anyone who likes that), but
    clearly that’s more “mainstream”, right? 😉 So thanks again JetBoy for your
    dutiful gatekeeping for your readers to always ensure that their tastes
    perfectly align with your own personal ones. You do know that there are
    special spots on soles that go straight to another part of a girl’s body,
    right? If you don’t, please feel free to take my personal word for it and
    consider giving it a try sometime. Much love, Emily <3
    Big Sister Author's Note: Little sister is quite the headstrong and feisty
    14-year-old, but in all seriousness, we harbor no ill feelings for the
    JuicySecrets site or JetBoy and wish him and his site well.

    BTW: Hopefully this will post properly since all the edit fields are not labled so screen reader software can enter data easier. If not well sorry. Shit happens.

    • JetBoy says:

      It took me awhile to figure out what story DJ was referring to, as he didn’t mention the title. In fact, it is called “Bratty Little Sister,” and what there is of the story thus far can be found here.

      Unfortunately, the rejection notice I sent must have gone through our old email account, which got shut down by the powers that be about a year ago. So I can’t produce what I wrote at the time, or how much of the story I got to read… though I’m fairly sure the first chapter was all I saw.

      I did reject this story, though not exclusively because it featured foot play. I’ll admit that’s not a particular fetish of mine, but I don’t have anything against it. (One of my stories has a scene of foot love in it, but I’m unable to recall which.) However, “Bratty Little Sister,” isn’t just about foot play, it’s about smelly, sweaty feet and dirty socks… and quite frankly, that grosses me out. You may now pillory your Boy Pornographer for his closed mind.

      Other than that, the story had merit, but even if the yucky-feet parts had been excised, the rest would have required more editing than I’m able to take on. In our salad days, I could tackle stories with great plots where the writing needed a lot of work (we have a few at the site, though I won’t name them). In the here and now, though, I’ve had to turn down works of erotic fiction because they needed more then I could give them. “Bratty Little Sister,” for me, was one of these.

      But even though I passed on the story, I’ve linked to it up above, so you good people can read it for yourselves. Let me also add that I’ll be happy to read anything else the Nifty Sisters care to submit in the future, and promise to keep my “dutiful gatekeeping,” down to a dull roar.

      Cheers, JetBoy

      • kinkychic says:

        I couldn’t get through much more than a few paragraphs. To me it’s typical of much of the badly written stuff on Nifty and simply put – not worth reading. IMHO.

  32. Scooby1287 says:

    Dear Lisa, I can’t tell you how sad it makes me that I never got to know Cheryl. I am finishing up “I was the daughter of a pornstar” and I think we thought very much alike as far as the prudish nature of our society being the root of many evils. She must have been an amazing person. I’m sure she is even happier for you than I am that you found Suzanne. It’s hard going through life without someone we can be totally open with. To find someone that understands and accepts our unconventional predilections is incredible .
    To find someone that shares and enjoys those same things is priceless. ✌️🤟

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