A Space Nymphet, Chapter 4

  • Posted on October 22, 2024 at 8:41 pm

by kinkys_sis

Even though it was Tannixt’s decision to accompany us on our trip to the complex, her skin turned an unpleasant yellow once more when the engines caused the shuttle to vibrate slightly. Her tail wrapped around my arm, holding me tightly as I urged her to remain calm.

Raya had left the windows uncovered so Tan could see every move the shuttle made as we travelled, in hope that the view would steady her nerves, but a tiny whimper still escaped Tan’s lips as we went into a very slow lift-off.

The shuttle headed toward the sea, flying over the beach before banking left near the river’s mouth. Tan leaned forward, her fears momentarily forgotten as she stared down at the unfolding landscape. “So far… I can see so far,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The shuttle maintained a low speed as Raya took us along the forest edge. Tan suddenly pointed to the place where I’d first seen her, emerging from the trees. “My home, it is inside there,” she murmured, then turned to stare at the mountain, growing larger as we approached it. “Am I really going there? I could never have imagined such a thing, yet…” Her words trailed off, and she shivered. I twined an arm around Tan’s waist, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

The huge doors of the mountain citadel slowly opened as the shuttle drew close, then Rotan’s voice came over the speakers. “It is good to see you back, Zelda. Welcome, Tannixt.” His voice was softer and gentler than I remembered, no doubt for Tan’s benefit.

There was a grim but determined look on Tan’s face as we drifted through the entrance, then touched down. “Will you keep the doors open please, Rotan?” I said. “At least until Tan has become accustomed to this place.”

“I will,” Rotan replied. “There is no need for concern, Tannixt. You are welcome here.”

I took Tan’s hand in mine as Raya opened the hatchway and lowered the ramp. Tan peered outward to see Rotan, standing motionless next to one of the floating vehicles. Raya and I made our way down the ramp to the hangar floor with Tan between us.

She paused to stare at Rotan, and we waited until she finally spoke. “Your people must have looked much like mine, yet my people only remember them with fear in their hearts. No one knows why… it is just that way.”

Rotan extended a hand to her. “There is no cause for you to be afraid. My people are long gone. I know not where, or even if they still exist, but it no longer matters. Allow me to offer this facility for the use of Zelda and yourself… even your people, if it is your wish. I will do nothing unless I am instructed to.”

Tan visibly relaxed after his words, her skin gradually returning to its natural hue. She turned to me. “This is an adventure, then. One that we travel together.”

I spied a hint of yellow in Tannixt’s cheeks when we climbed into the floating car, but otherwise she was rock-steady, determined to see this through. Rotan had only switched on a few of the hangar lights, probably so Tan wouldn’t be daunted by the vastness of the interior. When the lights finally did come up after we settled into our seats, she gasped, “So big!”

Rotan took the car more slowly than he had on my previous visit, keeping up a running dialogue as we travelled through the passageways. He was obviously aware of the turmoil Tan was experiencing, and sought to keep her mind occupied.

The last time I had been in the control room, there had been more than a dozen androids present. Now there was only one aside from Rotan, working at a desk. “We have been busy perfecting a language transfer protocol,” Rotan told us. “The translator you are already using enables you to understand what each other says, but this program goes much further. Once implemented, Zelda, you will speak Tannixt’s native tongue fluently, and she will be equally well-versed in yours. Will you allow me to run the transfer?”

Some of his words meant nothing to Tan, but her expression conveyed a mixture of apprehension and excitement. Turning to her, I explained Rotan’s proposal as best I could.

Rotan added. “We can do two things at once. I will run a scan of both of your bodies while the transfer is in progress.” He turned to Tan. “This should not give you cause for concern. It is a very straightforward process, but it will require you to lie inside a medi-chamber for a short while.”

I caught a glimpse of fear on Tan’s face at the sight of the chambers. But she was determined to be brave for my sake. “If you do this, Zelda, then I must also,” she said.

Rotan guided me into the chamber, a half-cylinder standing upright with a cushioned interior that adjusted to my body when I rested against it. Once I was in position, the tube gently rotated backwards until I was on my back. I watched as Tan hesitantly followed my lead. She turned her head toward me as the cylinder tilted back, her eyes locked with mine. I saw Tan experience a brief moment of panic when Rotan closed the lid to my tube, then hers, but my smile of reassurance seemed to calm her somewhat. Taking a deep breath, my friend managed to relax.

Rotan pressed a switch, and the process began. Nothing happened that I could see at first, then I detected the presence of a thin mist in the chamber. When I caught the scent of it, a feeling of utter calm came over me. I was only vaguely conscious of a band of light travelling backwards and forwards over my body.

By the time the machine set me upright once more, it felt like only minutes had passed. In fact, we had been inside the chambers for nearly two hours.

My first thought was for Tan. Then I saw her looking at me. “That wasn’t so difficult, was it?” I asked her.

Her eyes widened in astonishment. “I can hear your words in my language!” Then she effortlessly switched to Terran. “And I can speak your tongue just as well as my own! I… I can even think in your words, as if we were the same race.”

“And I can do the same, my love.” I told her, then turned to Rotan. “What did the scan tell you about us?”

“I have found out much, and am able to surmise even more. First, allow me to provide you and Tannixt with food and drink, then I will share what I know.”


It must have been centuries since the facility’s food generators had seen use, but the meal they served us was very good. Mind you, I was too absorbed in Rotan’s findings to pay attention to what I ate.

First Rotan explained that Tan and I were indeed related. In fact, his race had shared a similar link with ours. He couldn’t put a specific time to it, but was certain that the three races we knew of had come from the same ancestors. Two of these, Tan’s race and that of Rotan’s makers, had evolved on this planet, whereas mine had not. He couldn’t explain how this happened, just that it had.

Their two races diverged many millennia ago. Both were intelligent species, but each took a very different path in their development, as did ours.

“Your genes, Zelda, are not unlike those of Tannixt. There are major physical differences that have evolved over time, but the similarities are what matters most.”

To me, he said, “You, Zelda, are entirely female. Tan is not. Given the right circumstances, she can become pregnant, or impregnate her partner. You could carry her child if you wished to… but of course, Tan could never carry yours, nor can you give her one.” He rose from his seat at the table. “I could tell you more, but I believe you already have enough to think about for now. I have passed what information I have along to Raya, so she will be able to answer any other questions you may have.”


Tannixt had never travelled very far outside her forest, so there was a big beautiful world beyond the life she knew. Just as I had been, Tan was entranced by the views unfolding on the shuttle’s display screen – enticing, unknown places that had always been there within her grasp. I wanted to give my new lover the opportunity to see these wonders for herself.

“Raya can take us to see these places, Tan. We could explore your world.” I paused as the true meaning of these words dawned on me. “It’s my world, too, and I want to see as much of it as I can. Will you come with me?”

“Yes, Zelda, we will travel together. But first, I want to show you my home. Would you like to see it?”

I took Tan’s hand, gave it a squeeze. “I’d love to.”


Rotan and Raya insisted that I carry a weapon. I was given a small gun that was strapped to my waist and a larger one to carry, then Raya briefly lectured me on their use. Tan didn’t approve of guns, but she conceded that a bow and arrows weren’t suitable for a girl my age, especially since I had no idea what they were. Tan could make a small mark on a tree, then pierce it with an arrow from fifty paces, but I couldn’t even draw the bow back.

It would have been quicker and easier for Raya to take us in the shuttle, but I wanted to walk and Tan agreed. I wanted to get the feel of my new home; to run through the tall grass, romp and splash in the creeks, then stretch out naked on a sun-warmed stone to dry. I still struggled with the concept that Earth had once been very like this planet. How could my people have destroyed such a beautiful world so carelessly?

There was no need to carry provisions. Tannixt was a skilled hunter-gatherer, and Rotan assured me that I would find anything Tan could eat to be perfectly edible. “You might find the taste of some things will not be to your liking,” he told me. “Nevertheless, it will sustain you.”

We didn’t need to bring any means of communication, either. Raya could monitor my implant at all times. If you need me, just call my name,” she said. “I will be there immediately.”

Before we set out on foot, Raya took me aside and quietly said, “Take care, little one. I will be concerned for your safety, but Tan has sworn to protect you with her life.”

Perhaps it seemed odd to give a robot a hug, but I needed to. Raya had given me the strength to cope in ways that were beyond my years, and I loved her very much.

She spoke quietly in my ear as I held her, “You need not worry if you and Tan choose to couple. She has been given a blocker, and cannot get you with child… for now, at least. I explained the need for this precaution, and she agreed completely.”

I figured Tan knew what Raya was telling me. it showed in the way her face shimmered when I glanced her way.

Once she and I were ready to depart, Rotan directed us to a small exit. Making our way through the narrow tunnel, we emerged at the base of the cliff. After it closed behind us, I couldn’t find any sign of the doorway. Nothing remained but the unbroken face of the rock.

After a lengthy descent, we were back down in the grasslands and heading in the direction of the forest. Now that we were travelling side by side on level ground, Tan had her tail wrapped about my waist. Before long, I could feel her ‘fingers’ wandering into my pants.

It made me laugh, but I put on a stern face and said, “Tan, behave yourself. Raya or Rotan might be watching us!”

She laughed. “But Zelda, they are only machines. Does it really matter what they see?”

I suppose that by then, I’d grown used to thinking of Raya and Rotan as my friends, not just pieces of equipment. Still, why should I mind if they saw us make love? Raya might even enjoy it, I told myself.

“You’re right,” I admitted. “Besides, it does feel nice. Carry on, if you really want to.” Then I gasped as she found her way beneath the waistband of my panties and went straight to my pussy.

“You see, my tail has many advantages, but getting to fuck you while we walk is especially satisfying.” She laughed again. “I like this language of yours… it is very expressive. My people do not have the word ‘fuck,’ in their vocabulary.”

I couldn’t see myself walking for very much longer, not with what Tan was doing to me. There was a deep throbbing between my legs, and I was getting increasingly light-headed. “You’d better touch me later, Tan. My legs won’t be able to carry me any farther.”

When we reached the forest’s edge, I hesitated for a moment. I’d never been among that many trees in my life, and it looked so dark and forbidding beneath the thick canopy that I shivered. But as I soon realised, it wasn’t as dense as I’d thought. Drawing closer, I saw their trunks were spaced well apart. Most of the trees were immensely tall, so much that I couldn’t even begin to imagine how high they reached.

Tannixt assured me there was nothing to fear. Only deeper in the forest’s interior could one encounter the sort of large, vicious creatures that were best avoided. But even these, she explained, could be dispatched with a well-aimed shaft from her bow.

I followed Tan as she led the way. The ground gradually sloped upward until we arrived at a rocky outcrop that suggested a small mountain, hidden among the trees. Set into the rock was a stout timber wall that clearly covered the entrance to a cave.

Tan fiddled with a catch set into the doorway before pushing it open, then stepped inside, beckoning for me to follow. For a few heartbeats I saw nothing but darkness, then a flame flared from some kind of tool Tan held. This she used to light a lamp.

I was astonished at what the light revealed. It was quite unlike anything I had expected to find in a cave. In fact, it was a real home. Flat walls with shelves and cupboards, a table and chairs, even decorations on the walls… everything I imagined might be in a typical Earth home, only with one crucial difference: there were metal tools and utensils in sight, but nothing that required technology or external power.

I could hear the gentle trickle of running water. It came from a small stream that, I would later learn, both supplied fresh water for drinking and facilitated Tan’s sanitation system.

She led me into her bedroom. It appeared to be purely functional, not at all feminine. The bed, though, was larger than I would have expected, and when I sat, I found it to be quite comfortable.

Needless to say, being on Tan’s bed triggered some very strong feelings. Glancing at Tan, I was thrilled to see her looking intently at me, her colours already beginning to fluctuate.

I smiled. “You feel it too, Tan, don’t you? Will you join me? I want to love you again.”

Her colours grew brighter and bolder as she watched me remove my clothes. Once I was naked, I lay back down, waiting for her. Tan’s eyes were roaming my body, her tail swishing back and forth, the hues of her skin beginning to race.

I saw her clitoris protruding, growing firm and proud. Reaching down between my spread legs, I teased myself, feeding the hunger I felt for Tan. My arousal mounted when she used the fingers of her tail to touch herself the same way. With her free hands, she began to fondle her breasts.

She was ready, and so was I. All I could think of was how I ached to be fucked for the first time, to feel Tannixt’s erect clitoris inside me. “Do it now,” I whispered.

Suddenly Tan hesitated, a look of doubt appearing on her face. I knew what she wanted to do, but she was afraid of causing me an injury. But by then, I was frantic with need. “Tan, please don’t worry. I want this, I want you to fuck me.” I extended a hand to her.

She still seemed uncertain. “Are you sure, little one? You truly want this? I must know.”

I spread my thighs even further apart, putting my sex on display. “Surer than anything. I’m ready for you, my love.”

She took the two or three paces to the bedside, already reaching for my body. The fingers of her tail wandered everywhere, stroking and teasing me. She caressed my face, massaged my breasts, pausing to tug at my nipples, one after the other. I was trembling inside as her fingers wandered even lower.

Even though I was straining with anticipation, I gasped when she eased her way into my pussy, gripping her arse as she teased around the vaginal entrance. I wanted to touch it. Reaching between my legs to wrap my fingers around Tan’s erection, I felt it throb. Her clit was now more like a large sex organ; not huge like what I’d seen in images of human males, but something more feminine. It made me think of the tendril of a beautiful flower, just beginning to unfurl.

Colours surged across my lover’s body… bright, almost violent colours. To me, they were utterly beautiful; a testament to how much she wanted me. Well, I wanted her just as much. Opening my arms, I whispered, “Tan, please let me hold you.”

I welcomed her into my embrace as she lowered herself onto me, the wonderful weight of Tan’s body stealing my breath away. Her breasts pressed against mine, our lips joined in a passionate kiss. I could feel her clit pressing at my pussy. God, I wanted it inside me! I wiggled my hips and lifted my legs, hugging her to me as tightly as I could. Do it now, I silently pleaded. Do it now!

I felt my slit open to her pressing member. Her face lifted away from mine and she looked deep into my eyes. It was the last confirmation she sought.

Smiling up at Tan through joyful tears, I thrust my pelvis upward. Ohhh! A quick flash of hurt, then there it was, the glorious feeling of my lover inside my cunt. She crushed her lips to mine as her tail slipped beneath my arse to lift me against her writhing body. Once more, I marvelled at the raging colours of Tan’s face before my eyes drifted shut and we began to fuck.

My body was alive like never before. Waves of pleasure surged through me as I clung to Tan for dear life. I was vaguely aware of the bed rocking and shaking beneath me. We were locked tightly together when her probing clit began to throb and pulse. She was about to come, I knew that somehow – and Tan’s grip tightened, as did my own in response to our approaching climax.

My world exploded. Lights flashed. Muscles strained. I heard a scream when Tan tilted her head back, then she shuddered above me. I knew how she felt. This orgasm was more intense than anything I had yet to experience in my twelve years… and I could feel another, fast approaching. The first explosion was followed by another, then a third, then everything went away for a little while.

Eventually my eyes fluttered open to see Tan gazing down at me. Her colours still swirled and danced, but in softer hues. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Reaching out with trembling hands, I took hold of her face and drew her down for a kiss. This time it was gentle, a soft and loving caress from my mouth to hers.

We lay wrapped together for a long, long time. We didn’t speak… what use were mere words at a moment like this. Never had I been so completely happy, wearing a silly smile as I drifted off into sleep.


Later we awakened, both ravenously hungry. I watched as Tan prepared a meal for us. There were strange-looking things she placed in pots and set over flames. “To cook ready for eating,” she explained in answer to my puzzled expression.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when Tan brought a very large pot over to the table, along with two bowls. It did smell good, though, so I tucked in without hesitation when she filled one of the bowls and set it before me.

It was delicious, a very thick soup with all kinds of different things in it, including some kind of meat and what appeared to be vegetables. I didn’t recognize any of them, not that it mattered. I ate every bite, then she filled my bowl again.       .

When our meal was done we went back to Tan’s bed, where we lay in each other’s arms.

It was time to make plans, I decided. “Tan, tomorrow we will join Raya and explore this world. There are lands far from here, places you’ve never seen. Who knows what we might find there?” I hesitated a moment, then continued “You’ve told me yours is a solitary race, one that doesn’t form fixed relationships. How do you feel, then, about being my travelling companion… and my lover? I want you to understand that I won’t try and hold you to any commitment. We can stay together for a while; see how it works out.”

Tan smiled. “You are wise for your age, my little one. I already know the answer. It’s not something I have experienced before, but I feel something different inside for you. I want us to be together.”

Later I lay awake in the dark as Tan slept. I felt I should be mourning the possible loss of my race… yet, I shed no tears. I was happy with my new world. I had a task; a purpose. I would seek a way of achieving a balance between the technology that Raya and Rotan had to offer and Tan’s people’s mistrust of such things.

My new lover and I had much to do.


The water in Tan’s bathing area was chilly, but bearable when she was there with me. Her tail fingers seemed to keep wandering between my legs as I tried to wash myself. Finally, I folded my arms and gave Tan a stern look. “Honestly, Tan… didn’t you get enough of me already?”

Catching the teasing tone in my voice, she placed a hand on my arm. “Zelda, you have a strange effect on me. We, I mean our race, rarely meet, and even more rarely do we couple. We do not remain together, but live on our own. Now I am experiencing something quite different. A possessiveness, a dread of losing you. I have learned that your people call this love. It is not something I fully understand, but I know it’s what I feel for you.”

She paused, perhaps waiting for a response. I was about to answer her when she continued. “I will learn to accept your technology if you wish it; you and Raya can teach me. All I want to know is… whether you could love me.”

She was surprised when I laughed, but smiled as I reached for her. “This water’s too cold for making love, Tan. Can we go back to bed? Whatever it was that you did to me, I want it again, and again, and most likely again. Forever, if it’s what you want.” I took her in my arms; held her close. “I certainly can love you, Tannixt… and I do.”


Raya brought the shuttle lower until we were flying just feet above the ground. We were many miles from home, exploring the land mass that was only just visible from our own continent. The coastal mountains had quickly given way to a seemingly endless plain with a few small rivers intersecting the landscape.

It was between two such rivers that we saw the first signs of life, when several large herds of four-legged animals eyed our approach with idle curiosity. They showed no fear of our craft and soon lost any interest as they grazed. “They are not like anything in my database,” Raya told us, “It would seem the species is unique to this planet.”

Tan told us there were similar creatures not too far from her home, but smaller. “We leave them alone,” she told us. “Their meat is too tough and stringy to be eaten, and the hides do not cure very well.”

I had my viewfinder on long-range when something caught my eye. There appeared to be a long dark line in the distance. Raya swung the craft onto a course that would intersect the line. It soon became clear the line was burned grass, and it continued for some distance.

Then we came to what remained of a vehicle of some kind. Raya identified it immediately. “This is an escape module from the mothership, Zelda. Do you recall how my data indicated that another craft might have escaped the explosion?” She paused, analysing the wreckage. “This must be it. Most likely the module was already burning when it made landfall.”

We circled briefly. “Should we investigate it?” I asked. “Could there be survivors?” It seemed doubtful, but  I had to address the possibility.

“No, Zelda,” Raya replied. “Nothing could have lived through that crash. I am sorry.”

It was a final confirmation that I was most likely the only survivor from the ship. Perhaps it should have shaken me. Maybe it would have, had I been alone… but now I had Tan. Her hand returned my squeeze.

The sight of the wreckage awakened thoughts that left me feeling puzzled. Why did I have no memories of family, no knowledge of a mother and father, brothers or sisters?

I decided to put the question to Raya. With her command of data, she was perfectly capable of answering any question in a nano-second, but this time she paused before speaking.

“Everyone on the voyage went through a thorough selection process, Zelda – especially the young crew members, such as yourself. Essentially, they felt it necessary to remove ties to the past, to leave nothing that might cause you mental trauma. In the process, all memories of family and home were wiped from your mind.”

I understood the reasoning behind such a decision, but it still felt like a betrayal of some sort. Still, none of it mattered any more. My future was here on this planet, with Tan.

One question remained. “What happened to the mothership, Raya? How did it come to be destroyed?”

Raya replied. “I have no knowledge of what occurred, as my program was not activated until the explosion, when the evacuation process began. I can only theorise on the various possibilities. The most likely scenarios are sabotage, a technical malfunction or a meteor strike. The first and last are less probable, which leaves a malfunction of some sort. That would be my hypothesis. A more pressing question is why only so few hibernation units managed to open. It is most probable that none were intentionally activated, but yours was jarred open by the force of the explosions. If so, you are lucky to be here, Zelda.”

I didn’t know how to respond. Glancing from Raya to Tan then back again, I gave a thoughtful nod.

We continued deeper into the interior. Close to a second range of mountains, we came across what I would call a small, but clearly long abandoned town that fronted what appeared to be a complex similar to Rotan’s, but even larger.

Her voice calm as ever, Raya said, “Strap into your seats. There may be a hostile response.” We were quick to comply.

Sure enough, our shield flared seconds later as we came under attack. The shuttle slewed sideways as Raya struggled for control. Tan gripped my arm but stayed silent as we shuddered from repeated hits to our shield.

Though perfectly still, I knew Raya was working furiously. She even managed to give a running commentary of events. She told us this complex was far better armed than Rotan’s, but our defences should be strong enough to hold. In the meantime, she was rapidly eliminating their firing positions.

Suddenly the shuttle juddered violently, then the nose dropped. I knew we were losing height. Shit! We’re going to crash! I thought.

It was then that I saw several small but extremely fast-moving fighter ships swooping towards us before they attacked. Each time they fired at us, the shimmer of their expanding rays, like growing circles of light, could be seen before they hit our glowing shield.

Raya remained completely motionless, her face set in a neutral expression. But I knew her entire capability was in use right then, as she fought to counter this aerial attack without crashing the ship.

Our own weapons were firing non-stop. Several of the alien craft were blown to pieces, but more came to replace them, while the main complex kept up a relentless barrage of rays. I wondered how much longer our heat shield could withstand this onslaught. It was glowing brighter than ever, as if the shuttle was engulfed in flames.

An especially intense blast shook us violently. Now Raya spoke for the first time in several minutes. “We cannot sustain this level of attack,” she said. “I must take evasive action. Hold on tightly – our acceleration will be especially intense.”

We were smashed back in our seats. Tan gripped my hand as Raya turned us away in a tight curve.

Out of nowhere, hundreds of ships appeared. “There’s more of them coming!” I shouted, “Oh God, so many!”

For the first time in a while, Raya’s voice betrayed emotion. “They’re not the enemy, Zelda. It’s Rotan’s fighters, coming to our aid.”

Our rate of acceleration had slowed, so I grabbed the viewer to watch the ensuing dogfight. Many of the small ships exploded, and others fell from the sky to crash below. I couldn’t tell the difference between Rotan’s and those of our attackers. But our side clearly could.

As abruptly as the assault on us had begun, so it suddenly ceased. The remaining fighter craft formed into hovering lines, and there they waited… for instructions, I assumed. I had no idea who might issue them.

Then Rotan’s voice came over our speakers. “It is over. They will not fire again.” Even as he spoke, I saw giant doors opening just below the main complex. The fighters that had attacked us turned and accelerated away to disappear behind the mountain that we faced. There was clearly more than one way into this fortress.

”I was not aware that this centre existed,” Rotan explained. “Nor were they aware of us. I have learned that this was the main command centre, while ours is a secondary facility. Perhaps this explains why they had superior firepower. This centre was left exactly as we were, with no instructions for the future, no task to perform other than to protect itself.

“They acted just as I did when first encountering your spacecraft. You were assumed to be an alien carrying out an assault on the centre, so it responded accordingly.”

A different voice spoke, “We apologise for the attack, Zelda. It was our programmed response. Rotan, as you refer to him, has explained all. We registered two small ships penetrating our atmosphere, then one of them suddenly disappeared. We presumed it had landed somewhere. Now we know it crashed and that you, Zelda, are the only survivor. As with Rotan, we are now at your service, and our facilities are yours to use as you see fit.” The voice paused. “You seem to like having names by which to address us, Zelda. Is this so?”

“Um, yes,” I replied. “Have you got a name, then?”

“I do not… but the basic program my creators used to build me was called Jubil. Would that suit you?”

My tension had been slowly draining away. Now, I felt positively almost overwhelmed with relief. It was with a shaky laugh that I answered, “Jubil is fine.”

“Very well. I have already shared data with your program, the one you address as Raya. And I am told your travelling companion is named Tannixt, but that you refer to her as Tan. Greetings, Tan.”

Turning to Tan, I was shocked to see the horror that still showed on her face. Taking my hand, she asked me, “Is it really over? I feared a return to the suffering that is still whispered of in the legends of my people. Tell me, Zelda. Please tell me it’s over.”

I touched her cheek. “Yes, my sweet, it is truly over. You have nothing to fear.”

Rotan, Jubil and Raya had already set up communication links between the two complexes and ourselves. From that moment on, their knowledge would be shared.


Normally, I would have wanted to explore the command centre, but Tan’s nerves were still raw, and I saw no reason to unsettle her even more. So we continued on our way, exploring the many valleys and lakes in the area, mostly nestled between huge mountain ranges. Occasionally we chanced upon ruins of Rotan’s long-lost civilisation, mostly the remnants of villages and outposts. Most of these were small, too far gone to tell us much about the occupants. After landing the shuttle to wander through a few of these, we began to pass them by without stopping to investigate.

While Tan’s people lived in the forests of her continent, this part of the planet appeared to have no forested areas at all. If there were any inhabitants, we saw no trace of them.

Eventually, a consensus was reached that we’d seen enough. Tan was longing for home, and the endless evidence of civilisation’s collapse left me feeling melancholy. At any rate, we had a lifetime to explore this world whenever the mood took us.

Raya used a different route to take us home. For much of the way, Tan remained glued to the viewfinder. Her idea of the world had been transformed completely, and she was eager to learn more. After a while, I decided that she really needed to unwind a bit.

Turning to Raya, I said, “You should introduce Tan to the pleasures of the joystick. I’m sure she’d love it… and we’d have fun watching her!”

“I like this idea,” Raya replied. “I will move slowly, though, so Tan isn’t startled.”

Tan was so wrapped up in the spectacular view that she didn’t notice the machine inch slowly between her legs. I was sure I could just see the small vibrations begin when she looked down, then back at Raya and me, her eyes wide open in surprise. “What – what is happening?”

“We’re making you feel good, my love,” I told her. “Just relax and enjoy it.”

The first sign of Tan’s pleasure was a faint rippling of colour in her skin… hues of red, green, yellow, violet and more. My pussy began to tingle as I imagined what she was feeling. I saw the smile on Raya’s face as she glanced at me. She’d noticed the rise in my pulse rate.

I saw Tan press her hips forward as the vibration of the joystick grew more intense. She was still clutching the viewfinder with one hand, her knuckles turning white as the rest of her colouring became increasingly  vivid, flowing over her body like ocean waves. It was the first time I’d been able to properly observe the phenomenon at a distance, and its sheer beauty left me speechless.

Tan was gripping the joystick with both thighs, her hips rolling as she thrust herself against the throbbing device, just as I had when Raya first used it on me.

I couldn’t sit still for one more second. Unzipping my jumpsuit down to the waist, I pushed it down to my knees, then thrust a hand into my panties, seeking and finding my clit. That wasn’t enough to satisfy me,  so I used the other hand to fuck myself, driving two fingers into my pussy.

That was when I realised Raya was naked, touching herself between the legs with one hand while groping her breasts with the other.

Suddenly letting go of the viewfinder, Tan sank back into the seat with a whimper, her legs raised and spread. By then, the joystick was moving in and out of her cunt, each stroke controlled by Raya. By the way Tan’s body jerked, I could tell the pulse had been turned up all the way.

Raya continued to rub her pussy as she fucked my beautiful alien lover. I was doing the same, pausing for a moment to kick my jumpsuit and shoes away, then wriggle out of my panties.

Wanting a better view, I moved to Tan’s side. Sensing my nearness, she reached out to me. Her hand found my arm, then followed it down to my hand, the one I was using to fuck myself. She twisted her head round to stare at me and what I was doing, her eyes widening at the sight. “Oh… oh, Zelda,” she whispered.

I didn’t reply; just pointed towards Raya, who had also drawn closer. Tan gasped when she saw the now naked android, who was openly caressing her slit.

Tan’s tail snaked out and pulled Raya to her, then her tail fingers eased Raya’s hand aside and pressed into her cunt. I felt her enter me at the same time. Now she was masturbating us both while Raya fucked her with the joystick.

There was a hint of nervousness in Tan’s expression as Raya slowly bent towards her, but she closed her eyes, allowing herself to be kissed. Their mouths slid together for a moment, then Tan reached up to pull Raya into an embrace as their kiss grew heated and passionate.

I rejoiced at the sight. Raya had always taken great care to treat Tan with the utmost kindness, but the fear Tan and her people had for technology was so ingrained in their consciousness that she never felt at ease in Raya’s presence. It simply wasn’t in her nature to fully trust an android.

Now, it seemed, that emotional barrier had been toppled, and the two beings who meant the most to me were free to become lovers. And I would share that love with them…

Tan was fast approaching release. She sat upright, lifted up on both elbows, her hips frantically moving to meet the thrusts of the device that had impaled her cunt. Her colouring went wild as she shivered and moaned.

Raya was murmuring in Tan’s ear, her voice low and sexy in a way I’d never heard before. “There is a bond between the three of us. We are joined in these good feelings. Come for me, Tan, come while I fuck you.”

Tan stared at Raya with disbelieving eyes, then down at the glistening joystick, still sliding in and out of her. “Y-you… you are making this happen to me?”

Raya smiled. “I am, my beautiful Tan. This spacecraft is an extension of me, did you not know that? I am fucking you, just as you are fucking the two of us. I feel my own orgasm drawing close, and Zelda’s vital readings tell me she is also ready to climax.” She glanced up at me. “Shall we all come together?”

That was all it took. I wasn’t able to speak, or think, or anything right then but lean against Tan’s seat as waves of ecstasy battered me this way and that. Later, I would marvel at how Raya had progressed even further in her quest to become more human-like. The way she used her words to fuel our arousal, and spoke them in that sexy voice… More than that, Raya had developed an ability to conjure orgasms out of thin air. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that the rapture she’d just experienced was real. And that made me very, very happy.

As soon as I caught my breath, I joined Tan where she sat, perching on her thigh… and she guided Raya into her lap as well, so we were all snuggling together. A human, an alien and an android – a lovely, naked android, that is. We were there for a long while, our bare bodies lovingly entwined.


Raya set the craft down at the same place where we’d landed on our first visit. The grass had mostly grown back in, but the impression the shuttle had left was still faintly visible.

This time, we didn’t bother with clothes, emerging from the shuttle naked. Hand in hand, we three walked through the soft grass until we reached the river bank.

After we’d bathed in the cool water, Tan taught me the basics of swimming. Raya didn’t need teaching – since she didn’t breathe, it was possible for her to walk underwater for as long and far as she wanted. And when she chose to, Raya could move through the water faster than any fish.

Once I’d mastered a few simple strokes, I stretched out on the grass with Tan beside me, drying ourselves in the sun’s warmth. Raya stood nearby, gazing down at us. “Two beautiful beings,” her eyes wandering up and down our bare bodies. “When looking at you, I find myself having feelings that arouse me. I was never programmed for this, yet what I am experiencing is very real. There are pleasant sensations taking place between my legs, and they leave me wanting to touch you both.”

Tan and I laughed. “You don’t have to analyse everything, Raya,” I said. “Sometimes you should just listen to those feelings, then do what they say.”

Still grinning, Tan said, “Zelda speaks the truth. You could touch me, Raya, if you want it so much.”

Focusing her attention on Tan’s cunt, Raya nodded. “Yes. I want to see and feel what is different about your pussy, Tan. Then I will know how best to give you pleasure.”

By then, Tan seemed to have forgotten that Raya was a machine… or more likely, it simply didn’t matter to her, not any more. Spreading her legs apart without hesitation, she murmured, “Do anything you like to me, Raya. It would make me happy to get these good feelings from you.” Turning to me, she shyly added, “Zelda… may we kiss again?”

It was an invitation I wasn’t about to refuse. I gave Tan a long, passionate kiss, then sat back to watch as Raya knelt between Tan’s legs, her fingers prising open the lips of our alien lover’s cunt. Tan’s clit was showing, although not fully erect just yet. Raya bent down to take it between her lips.

Once again, Tan’s colours began to ripple across the surface of her body… and as always, I found myself entranced. Raya was using her mouth and fingers in all kinds of different ways to stimulate Tan, learning as she went. Whatever she tried seemed to work, because those colours began to deepen, growing more vivid and intense than I’d ever seen them.

Tan was trembling from head to toe, breathing in harsh gasps, and her clitoris had become fully erect. I knew what she needed.

Moving closer, I touched Raya’s shoulder. She looked up at me, holding Tan’s clit between two fingers. “Raya,” I said, “will you let Tan fuck you?”

She turned back to Tan. “Is this what you want?” Tan was too overwhelmed to do more than nod. “Then yes, you can fuck me.”

Tan didn’t hesitate. Sitting up, she gave Raya a fierce, hungry kiss before laying her down in the grass. She got on top, lining her erection up with Raya’s cunt, then pressed forward, entering her. Raya wrapped both legs around Tan’s waist, and their bodies began to move.

Tan’s colours no longer surprised me, however beautiful I found them. What did astonish me was the tears I saw on Raya’s cheeks, the blissful smile on her lips. She had truly transcended her existence as a mere machine, and was just as capable of love and passion as any human.

I knew then that I loved Raya every bit as much as Tan. The three of us were meant to be together for as long as fate allowed.

By then, I couldn’t just lie there and watch Tan and Raya fuck. There was a warmth between my legs that demanded attention. Lying back, I plunged two fingers into my pussy, driving them in and out for all I was worth. Soon my moans and cries mingled with those of my lovers.

I was just about to come when a question occurred to me: did this planet have sex pheromones in its atmosphere? I mean, we did seem to want to fuck an awful lot. Mind you, I wasn’t about to complain.

The end.

But… who knows what the universe holds in the future? Zelda found life in Juicy Secrets, and she might want to continue her adventures here rather than elsewhere.


27 Comments on A Space Nymphet, Chapter 4

  1. Lakeisha says:

    Beautiful kinky_sis!

    I hope Zelda’s adventures continue to evolve into a series in Juicy Secrets!

  2. Lakeisha says:

    Kinky_sis, I love your Sci Fi genre! It’s really interesting reading. I would love to read more if you have any lying about that you might share with all of us Sci Fi junkies on Juicy Secrets.

    Thank you in advance:)

    • Charles Rosenberg says:

      This has been an amazing story. I can’t wait to see where it may go from here although I do understand why you may have had a reluctance to continue at first. So far it’s been a budding romance first with Raya and now with Tan. The problem though is that with the revelation that Zelda and Tan are biologically compatible there could be things that could become a touchy subject for many. Even though Tan and Raya have feelings for each other, Raya can’t provide Tan with a child, should Tan have that desire down the road and Zelda is only 12 at this point.

      I’m waiting to see how this develops down the road, but I understand that not everyone here may like where things may lead especially given that Tan isn’t entirely female (although we don’t know exactly how Tan’s people reproduce (rather than merely have sex). Where this goes is your decision and no matter what direction you decide to go, know that this has become a story that I won’t forget.

  3. Dondo says:

    I love the stories on this site. You had me hooked from the beginning. A nice change of pace with lots of my favourite kinds of bits as well. Thanks kinkys_sis

  4. J Cunning says:

    Wow! Just amazing work kinky sis! Can’t wait to see what else you have to offer!! Please don’t delay! Hope this does continue! Thank U!

  5. Emiliano says:


  6. Jacqueline Jillinghoff says:

    I know it’s a cliche to say “write more!” at the end of these things, but, hey, write more. It feels like we’ve been left dangling.

  7. Phil says:

    Fantastic story, well written, the sex scenes were very erotic and had me hard and playing with my self. Keep up the good work. We need more

  8. BlueJean says:

    I’ve enjoyed the pulp serial vibe of this story. Still a few mysteries to get to the bottom of – The destruction of the mothership, Rotan’s creators, the connection between the three species. Maybe the planned follow-up will address some of that.

    The clitoral penetration was very, er… phallic? Quite an inventive take on lesbian erotica, all in all. I don’t know if I missed this, but what exactly was Zelda’s role on the original mothership? Was she some kind of colonist? It seems strange that she was separated from her family and then had her memory of them wiped. Another mystery to add to the tally, I guess.

  9. Charles Rosenberg says:

    One thing that’s keeping me hooked is that this story has a distinct Star Trek vibe based on the connections between Zelda, Tan and Rotan’s creators. The TNG Season 6 episode “The Chase” has a similar yet non erotic premise (that there was a single progenitor species for much of the Humanoid lifeforms in at least the Alpha Quadrant”. Perhaps at some point down the line, Zelda, Raya and Tan use the information provided by Rotan to seek out other related species.

    Even if not, I like that this has been a story of exploration. Zelda as a 12 year old exploring her sexuality, Raya (as both the computer and Android) exploring Humanity and feelings/emotions (similar to the Doctor and Seven of Nine from Voyager) and Tan learning to trust brings who aren’t of her species.

    The clitoral penetration scene didn’t bother me as I’ve read multiple stories over the years involving tribbing where one partner is able to use her clit to penetrate at least the labia of the other (although obviously not as deeply as what Tan is capable of).

  10. Kim & Sue says:

    Well that was a true sy-fy ride. Entertaining for sure. We don’t have much to add except we pretty much agree with most of the other comments.

  11. Roe says:

    While Sci Fi stories are not my favorite genre on Juicy Secrets, I did find this story very shall I say “interesting” and am looking forward to reading more if kinkys_sis decides to continue this story line or has others she would like to share.

  12. MoonLily says:

    A very enjoyable read! I love me a happy ending and all three of them being together is as happy as it can get. Imagine having a whole world to explore with your girlfriends. Just enough tech to keep them out of harms way, but still enough nature to enjoy. I did find it sad when they came across that burning ship. Guess Zelda truly is the last of her kind on this planet. I was secretly hoping she would encounter a few other human girls.

    I think your descriptions are very good, especially regarding how stuff looks and feels. Though if I had to pick something you could improve, it would be that I felt that quite a bit of background info was told rather then showed. Partly this makes sense given the kind of story. But I still felt that it could have been handled a little different in some of the cases. It’s a minor point though and I can’t wait for other stories you might write.
    Thanks for sharing this lovely story

  13. Nikki says:

    A wonderfully sexy story … Zelda should return sometime in the future perhaps after carrying Tans and her child

  14. kinkys_sis says:

    So many questions and points that need an answer. Where to start?

    As a starter, it’s worth pointing out that the site has a ‘Guest Authors’ tab. Some of the comments lead me to believe that not everyone looks there. All of my stories (and those of other authors) are listed there.

    @ Lakeisha – This is my first venture into sci-fi. I don’t presently have any others. I’m glad that you have enjoyed it so far. There will be more to this tale.

    @ Charles Rosenberg – I don’t think that I’ve ever seen more than one episode of Star Trek. Thanks for taking the trouble to comment so thoroughly. It’s good to have you on board.

    @ Dondo – Thanks, and watch out for something new. (See ‘Guest Authors’.)

    @ J Cunning – Thank you. (See ‘Guest Authors’.)

    @ Emiliano – Thank you.

    @ Jacqueline Jillinghoff – I agree and I am. xx

    @ Phil – Thanks.

    @ BlueJean – Pleased you’ve enjoyed it so far. I believe some of your points will be answered as this progresses. I’m close to closing out the first new chapter. There’s quite a twist.

    @ Kim & Sue – Thank you ladies xx

    @ Roe – Watch this space as they say. (See ‘Guest Authors’.)

    @ MoonLily – Love your first paragraph. Thanks. Thinking about the second one.

    @ Nikki – Thanks for the support.

    And that goes for all who have voted as well. I have to say I’ve enjoyed writing this story and I’m enjoying the new chapters even more.

    @ JetBoy – We love being here. We thank you for ever having allowed us the opportunity to present our stories to the site readers. I am doing my best to appeal to different tastes (within reason). Sis has hung up her pen, for the time being anyway, although JetBoy has a number of older stories from both of us sitting in the edit pile. It’s all down to time and fitting in with the other excellent writers besides ourselves.

    • Charles Rosenberg says:

      In response to MoonLily, in many Science Fiction stories, the protagonist has some sort of log or journal where they make periodic entries to describe their activities. Often, these log/journal entries are where you find background information. Those entries set the stage for the events that follow. In my own attempts at writing, I’ve found that I’m better at writing log/journal entries by my protagonist(s) telling what they have been or will be doing rather than showing those activities via character interactions and dialogue.

      I can think of a number of directions that this story could take. Some are positive while others are not a positive.

      Zelda,Tan and Raya are on a journey of exploration on multiple levels. It’s about their feelings and sexuality, the world around them as they explore it and potentially the Galaxy IF at some point they attempt to seek out other potentially related species.

      I can potentially see Zelda feeling a bit left out in some of their erotic activities. Tan, through their unusual anatomy and Raya through the joystick (what a wonderfully appropriate term/item) in the ship are capable of phallic pleasure of others. Zelda at this point isn’t. There are other limitations on what each character is capable of, and while I don’t see that being a negative for Raya, it may become one for Zelda and Tan as they continue to explore their feelings for each other.

      Again, as someone who has been a fan of Star Trek for over 50 years, I see the potential of a plot twist where Zelda and Raya were brought to the planet by a not so benevolent entity. Variations of this theme go back to the original Pilot episode of Star Trek (without spoiling the story, part of it it an Adam and Eve scenario). Even without the erotic content, this is shaping up to be a fantastic Science Fiction story.

    • JetBoy says:

      Thank you, Bee. I had a marvelous time working on this story. Having been quite the sci-fi buff in my younger days (I still dip into it every now and again), really helped me in the editing. Of course, having great material to work with didn’t hurt, either!

      It’s great to know that you intend to expand on Zelda’s tale. Upon reaching the end, it did seem to me that she had more to tell us of her adventures with Raya and Tan. I’m glad you chose to listen to her.

      As for Juicy Secrets, the pleasure is mine. Providing a place for writers to spin their erotic fantasies may not be an accomplishment on the level of composing a symphony or building a dam, but it’ll do nicely for me.

  15. Moldwarp says:

    Another truly excellent chapter. Personally I like it when stories end with lots of unanswered threads and leave plenty of questions as we can ‘fill it out’ in lots of different ways. You don’t always need to have a Poirot wrap-up as the ending and especially with a story like this.
    Part of me wants to agree with other comments here and ask for more chapters, but, another part of me says please leave it as it is so we never know how it is going to work out.
    Your story has given me a wonderful evening of entertainment and now I need to go off to bed to find a long tail with four long fingers … mmmm.

  16. MusicMan says:

    Wonderful story. The characters are lovable and they, as well as the world and setting feel imprinted and alive in my mind. The science fiction element works very well, complimenting the ideas of exploration, maturation and transformation beautifully. As a whole this story is elegant and simple enough to carry complexity without plodding or over seriousness. It’s also fantastically romantic. Besides being hot hot hot, it conveys fuzzy warm squishy feelings like the best kind of romantic daydream does.

  17. monasissy says:

    I am sure Zelda would be much loved in JS. Lovely tale. Thank you. ❤️

  18. Helen says:

    As usual, I’m a little late.

    I can’t remember what I’ve said on previous chapters – it’s a shame there isn’t a ‘back’ button. This chapter though I find thrilling, in more ways than one. If this is erotic sci-fi, then I’m in all the way.

    I’m so pleased to read that Kinkys_sis is working on new chapters. I can’t imagine where she’s going to take us but I’m sure it will continue to thrill.

  19. kinkys_sis says:

    There’s so many comments being posted being posted, and all marvelous. I don’t want to hog the comments section with too many replies. Suffice to say – thank you all. It’s so appreciated.

  20. Papa says:

    Too good to end!!!

    Sincerely hope you’re considering new chapters as sensual and exciting as these were.

    Excellent story!!

  21. Erocritique says:

    Raya gave Tan the “joystick treatment”!!! Nice!!! Overall, a very satisfying ending to this part of the story. A nice mix of tension and release: The scene where the shuttle was almost overwhelmed by the attacking fighters was downright harrowing, right until the threat of a hundred additional attackers was revealed to be “Rotan to the rescue”!!! Very well played, k_sis!!! There’s really a lot to like about the premise and the characters, so it would obviously be a shame if they didn’t reappear sometime in the future here on JS. Nice work k_sis, JB, and all at JS.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • kinkys_sis says:

      As ever, thank you for your support.

      Your last sentence will be answered in a while. I do not want to rush with it. I need to be sure that I maintain an interesting storyline and with good reasons for the erotic interludes to occur.

  22. Rachel says:

    I don’t know how I missed this chapter, it would have been tragic had I not noticed.

    What can I say, other than it thrilled me. I couldn’t have imagined that erotic science fiction would work. But my goodness … it does. I superb story that had me totally engrossed.

    And such exciting news that kinkys_sis is writing further chapters. I’m ready to strap in!

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