The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 9

  • Posted on October 26, 2024 at 3:32 pm

by JetBoy and BlueJean

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Orphaned at the age of eight, sixteen-year-old Doris Sloane has spent half her life in a Catholic orphanage, where she was trained to care for young children. Our story begins when she is taken into service at the home of Victoria Shaw, a widow with three daughters: Melinda (ten), Sophia (eleven) and Becky (fourteen). Doris is thoroughly satisfied with this new life, but her orderly world takes an odd turn one night when she is seduced by Mrs. Shaw. Surprising herself, Doris responds eagerly, fully returning the pleasure she has been given.

In the days that follow, Doris and Victoria couple frequently, and Doris becomes skilled in the art of lesbian lovemaking under the tutelage of her mistress. She is deliriously happy, but her joy is tainted by the fact that she is only engaged to serve in the Shaw household until Melinda, the youngest, turns twelve. To complicate things even further, Doris has fallen madly, passionately in love with Victoria, and lacks the courage to tell her so.

One of Doris’ duties as nanny is to give Melinda and Sophia a bath every other day. The girls often invite Doris to join them in the large Japanese-style tub, but she always refuses, believing it isn’t proper. When she mentions this to Mrs. Shaw after a bout of lovemaking, Victoria suggests that Doris do what her youngest daughters want: get naked and bathe with them. Furthermore, she encourages Doris to pay closer attention to the girls’ nudity, to notice how beautiful they are in the altogether.

Doris finds this a bit strange… but that evening, while giving Sophia and Melinda their bath, she takes the time to study them more closely, and is startled to find herself feeling somewhat aroused.  The girls notice her interest, and on subsequent evenings, eleven-year-old Sophia begins to tease Doris by flaunting her nakedness. This only fuels this budding desire Doris feels… and very soon, she is masturbating to lewd fantasies of Victoria’s daughters.

One afternoon around this time, while the girls are at school, Doris in asked to join Victoria for a light luncheon in the back yard. There, Victoria offers the girl a permanent home as a member of the family, then tells her, “I love you.”

Doris is overwhelmed by emotion at first… but she joyfully accepts, and they celebrate by undressing and making love. 

Then next day, Victoria tells Doris how she first became attracted to women. It began at the age of sixteen, when she was given the service of a personal maid, a lively Irish girl named Nora, who would quickly become young Victoria’s faithful friend and companion. They would become lovers, but it ended disastrously when they were caught in the act. Nora was sent away, and Victoria was left devastated. More than twenty years later, she still mourns the loss of her friend.

Doris does what she can to console Victoria, then goes to bed hoping Nora managed to find happiness, wherever she might have gone.

The next day, Victoria tells of what happened after losing Nora. She was quickly married off to a man named William Shaw, who proved to be a bully and a drunkard. She managed to endure her marriage, gave birth to her three daughters, and ended up taking over her husband’s business as his drinking spiraled out of control. He died a couple of years later, and Victoria was free.

Back in the here and now, Victoria presents Doris with a startling proposition. Wanting her daughters to experience the delights of Sapphic love before they develop romantic attachments to boys, she gets Doris to admit her attraction to the girls, then asks her to pleasure Melinda and Sophia in the bath. Doris is shocked, but also quite eager to do as Victoria wants.

The story resumes here. Do enjoy.


I found myself counting down the minutes until our evening bath. I had helped bathe the girls so many times now, it had become just another part of my routine, but Victoria’s sudden – and quite frankly, shocking – suggestion that I introduce her two youngest daughters to sex had left me reeling. But more than that, it had opened my eyes to a new possibility, one that was surely forbidden, and one I had never considered Victoria would actually allow, let alone suggest. And undoubtedly, her request held a curious and powerful allure because of all those reasons. Sometimes the things we want the most are the ones we’re not permitted to have – those ever-enticing apples of Eden. But now my mistress was offering these forbidden fruits willingly.

I headed to the bathroom a little earlier than usual – the sunken bath was so big it took a good ten minutes to fill, and now my anticipation and excitement were getting the better of me. The taps above the bath were two intertwined ornamental carp cast in brass. I turned the valve and water gushed from their fishy mouths. A thin cloud of steam blanketed the room.

I called upstairs to Melinda and Sophia. “Girls, your bath is ready. Hurry now, before the water turns cold.”

It wasn’t long before the two of them were scampering into the bathroom, bright eyed and gigglesome. They began taking off their school uniforms while I stood waiting, my arms held out so they could pass me each discarded item. I carefully folded each one, then piled them neatly on the vanity chair. Knickers and socks went into the linen basket.

Soon they were frolicking in the water like a pair of mermaids, nattering away happily about the day’s events and giving each other the occasional playful splash. Most times I would roll up my sleeves and kneel beside the bath, making sure they did a thorough job of washing themselves while I lathered their hair with shampoo. That night, though, following Victoria’s instructions, I took a deep breath and stepped out of my clothes before I had time to consider whether this was a good idea or not.

Wide eyes peered up at me from the steamy water. Mouths hung open to comic effect. I had to stop myself from laughing as I realised the girls didn’t look so different from the two brass fish whose job it was to spew an endless supply of steamy hot water into the tub below.

Now as naked as my two young charges, I stepped up to the edge of the bath. “Room for one more?” I asked the stunned innocents, a shot of wicked excitement pulsing through me when I saw the way they stared at my bare body.

“Doris is going to bathe with us!” Melinda trilled in amazement.

“Spiffy!” Sophia squealed, splashing water about as she edged along the bath to make room for me.

I stretched a leg over the side of the bath and stepped in slowly, breath bated as I realised how exposed I was in that brief moment. Then I was sliding into the lovely hot water, sighing with delight as it enveloped me with its warm embrace, only my head and breasts breaking the surface.

“Isn’t this nice?” I asked the girls, and they both nodded their approval.

“You should wash us!” Melinda declared with a splash. Sophia put a hand to her mouth and tittered at that.

“Would that be all right?” I asked her, aware that at eleven she might be a little more conscious of having her body touched than her younger sister. Now that we were all in the bath together, everything seemed so much more… intimate. I needn’t have worried on that score, though.

“I don’t mind,” Sophia shrugged.

I reached out to stroke their smooth, wet skin with soapy hands, delighting in the firmness of their young bodies and the way the water made them glisten and glow. They giggled as I caressed them, their shiny-eyed smiles betraying some scintilla of awareness hidden amongst the innocence of childhood. 

Are they old enough to understand? I wondered. Do they see the path I’m laying out before them? If they didn’t, they soon would – such was their mother’s decree.

Sophia’s little breasts were delicate buds on the verge of bloom. She seemed almost ethereal to me, a fine china doll rendered in exquisite detail. When I began to tease her nipples, they stiffened slightly to the touch.

“Sophia is growing titties!” Melinda giggled, as Sophia peered down at her own chest, blushing away madly.

“You will too, one day soon,” I told the ten-year-old.

She glanced again at her older sister’s nakedness, then at my more mature breasts. “Do you think ours will be as big as yours?”

“Oh, mine aren’t particularly large. But I’m sure yours will be beautiful, however they develop.” I reached for my breasts, fondling them with lathery hands. They were quick to respond, the nipples swelling almost immediately. A familiar, delicious thrum began to smoulder in my chest.

“Do they feel soft?” Sophia asked as she watched me kneading myself.

I smiled and took her hand, pressing it to my breast, encouraging her to explore freely. When I took my hand away, she continued to fondle me. She seemed enraptured, and I found myself sighing with delight when she began playfully flicking my nipple with her fingers, giggling as only a child can when they’ve discovered a fine new game.

“Can I touch them too?” Melinda asked in a quiet voice as she watched her sister play.

I brought her hand to my chest. “Gently,” I urged breathlessly as she began to trace her fingers along the smooth curve of my other breast. “Mmm, that’s it,” I murmured, encouraging them both. “It feels ever so nice to have them played with.”

As Melinda got up onto her knees to stroke my breast, the pink slit of her childish sex and the little clitty that crowned it came into view just beneath the water line, a tantalising pearl waiting to be plucked from its shell. I reached out to stroke Melinda’s back, then let my hand slide down to cup her peachy bottom, giving the tight cheeks a playful squeeze. That roused a smile from the squirming ten-year-old.

“Have you washed yourself down below yet?” I asked her.

“I’m not sure where you mean,” she replied with an impish smile that told me she knew exactly where I meant.

“Here,” I told her, sliding my hand up under her bottom, a finger extended to press into the hairless cleft of her vagina.

She went wide-eyed, then nibbled her bottom lip, stiffening briefly against my touch. I gently slid my fingertip back and forth across the entrance to her cunny.

“Do you mind me touching you this way?” I murmured, then realised they were the same words her mother had spoken to me that day I’d been in bed sick. It seemed so long ago now. So much had passed since that life-changing afternoon.

Melinda shook her head in response, eyes fixed on mine as my finger teased and toyed.

What way?” Sophia asked, observing us curiously. “What are you doing to Melly?”

“Shall I show you?” I said, and when she gave a tentative nod, I told her to sit up and spread her knees apart. She followed my instructions, allowing me to snake my free hand down, fingers unfurling to stroke lightly across her mound. The pink seam that bisected her sex was poised just above the water, so I could watch myself fondle and probe the child, and see the pleasure it brought her.

They both pressed themselves against my fingers, Sophia with an urgency that suggested she was beginning to understand what her adolescent body was capable of. Perhaps she had already discovered such delights on her own, tucked beneath the covers of her bed in the dark of night.

The usual bath time cacophony of giggling girls and splashing water, gave way to an uncustomary quiet, the only remaining sounds that of Sophia and Melinda’s heightened breathing and the drip drip drip of the tap.

Melinda regarded me with heavy eyes. “I feel funny…” Then turned to her sister. “Do you feel funny too, Sophia?”

“Mmm.” Sophia was barely listening, her eyes fixed on my hand as it went about its wicked business between her legs.

It dawned on me, with some amazement, that my two young charges were fast approaching orgasm. Until then, I hadn’t believed that girls so young could be capable of reaching such heights of pleasure, but Victoria had known better.

And oh, how sweetly they came together, eyes so wide and full of surprise, shakes and tremors and gasps of astonished delight.

“Wh-what happened?” Melinda murmured once she’d caught her breath.

“That felt… lovely!” Sophia declared.

“Do it again, Doris!”

Sophia clasped her hands together, as if praying. “Will you, please?”

Leaning back against the edge of the bath, I gave them a sly grin. “I think that’s enough for tonight. But if you’re good girls, and do a little something for me, we can play the game again next time bath night comes around. If you perform the task to my satisfaction, that is.”

“We will!” they chorused, beaming away happily, their bodies flushed pink from the water and the pleasure I had teased from them.

“Let’s see how well you do, then.” I rose from the water to sit on the wide tiled rim of the bath, my back against the wall. I slowly inched my legs apart, the air cool against my wet skin, dewy droplets of water sparkling in the short curls around my slit. The girls stared openly between my thighs, leaving me tingling in anticipation.

“Who wants to touch me first?”

They peered at my lightly downed sex, then offered each other a flabbergasted look.

“Does… does Mummy know we’re doing this?” Melinda asked timidly.

“If you don’t want to…” I shrugged, then made as if to close my legs.

“I didn’t say that!” she quickly amended, her eyes darting back between my spread thighs.

“I’ll do it, Doris,” Sophia said in a faraway voice, already moving towards me. “I’ll touch you.”

“Just like I did to you, all right?” I murmured as she bobbed between my legs.

She reached out to me – hesitant at first, as if unsure what to do. She stroked the inside of my thighs, then moved up to my belly to tease my navel. “Tickle tickle!”

Taking hold of Sophia’s hand, I guided it back between my legs, making an effort to be patient with her. “This is where it feels the best. Remember how good it was for you?”

I watched her expression as she carefully peeled back the petals of my labia, teasing experimentally at my sex, wide-eyed and fascinated. It felt lovely, but what I needed right then was the firm caress of an assured lover.

“Touch a little harder,” I instructed the child, heart thumping in my chest as her fingers pressed into me. Relaxing against the wall, I let her explore. Sophia stroked and kneaded my sex, clumsy and childlike in her efforts, but exquisite all the same – and in my highly aroused state, more than adequate to bring me to orgasm. I spread my labia apart with finger and thumb, groaning when the eleven-year-old introduced a finger to the sensitive flesh there, teasing at the hole, then brushing across the swell of my clitoris.

Oh, her touch was divine. I trembled and sobbed, my pleasure swelling quickly when Sophia began to crudely rub her palm up and down my throbbing cunt.

“Harder!” I cried, and her touches became more assured. I felt the growing welter of ecstasy unfurl within me, my legs quivering like mad. “Keep going!” I urged Sophia breathlessly. “Go on, go on, go… ohhhhh!”

It burst to the surface, flooding me with wave after wave of pleasure, the convulsions racking my body. Sophia was frozen in place, her hand still poised near my twitching cunny. Melinda’s eyes were wide with amazement, her mouth slack.

Finally I roused myself. “Thank you, my angel,” I told Sophia, then leaned down to gently kiss her on the mouth. She seemed more shocked at that than she had at making me come.

“Can I do it to you next time?” Melinda asked with a shy determination.

I reached across to wrap my arms around her pale naked body, then kissed her too. “Of course you can. Now let’s dry ourselves off and get you into your night things.”

I stepped out of the bath, and when the two girls followed I had soft towels ready for them.


A while later, after the girls had joined their mother and older sister for cocoa in the lounge, I had Sophia tucked up in bed, then padded next door to Melinda’s room. The ten-year-old was sitting against a fat pillow, reading one of her old storybooks. “Will you be bathing with us all the time?” she asked, putting the book aside.

“If you’d like me to,” I told her. “Would you?”

She nodded keenly, her cheeks glowing pink. “Don’t forget – you promised to make us feel good again.”

Remembering how she and her sister had pressed themselves against my fingers and how I’d brought them both to orgasm sent a warm flush through my lower body. I looked back at the door to make sure I’d closed it properly, then turned my attention to the little angel tucked up in bed.

“I think we agreed that was for next time,” I said, then slipped the quilt down to reveal her body. “But if we keep it a secret, perhaps I can give you a special treat now.”

“I won’t tell!” Melinda whispered.

As I pulled the child’s nightie up around her waist, she lifted her bottom to help me, her breath coming in short, excited rasps. Now that we were out of the bath, I could see every part of her sex in breathtaking detail – the puffiness of her hairless mound, the firm lips, the neat pink seam and the small sheath of clitoral hood at its apex.

“What a darling little puss you have,” I sighed, tracing its smooth curves with the tip of a finger. I adored the way the little girl’s labia formed a shallow crease against her inner thighs.

Raising her knees, then parting her legs, Melinda gave me a saucy grin as she spread the gossamer lips to show me the pink flesh inside. The opening was moist; inviting, the tip of her clitty peeking out like a glint of precious stone.

I pressed her knees back until they almost reached her flat chest. “Hold your legs there,” I said, and she gripped the backs of her thighs with a giggle. Putting a finger to my lips, I added, “Try to be quiet.”

Kneeling before the child, I ran my hands over her smooth bottom, to and fro across each cheek, my fingers just shy of her vulva.

“Stop teasing, Doris!” Melinda pouted. “Touch it. Please.”

Smiling wickedly, my finger skimmed back and forth through the crease of her sex, a thin patina of lubricant accumulating between skin and skin.

When the faint scent of her excitement perfumed the air, a subtle, tart spice that had not been evident earlier in the bathroom, I knew I had to taste her.

Lowering my head between the child’s legs, I placed lingering kisses on her smooth pubis. She twitched at the sudden contact, giving a small, “Oh!” of surprise. I snaked my tongue down through the open slit, savouring both the tart flavour and the little gasps of pleasure I elicited from her. When I pressed deeper still, penetrating the entrance to her vagina, she raised her hips to meet me.

I purred into her sex, lapping at the sweet confection, and when her breath came in urgent gulps, I quickly began to lick at her tender clit, just as her mother had taught me. I knew it would drive Melinda over the edge, and sure enough, a short moment later she stiffened and keened, her legs dropping down across my shoulders before a series of small tremors shook her body.

Allowing myself just one more taste of that exquisite cunny, I pulled the quilt back up to cover Melinda’s half-naked body, then kissed her soft mouth, my tongue emerging to tease her lower lip. Her eyes shone back at me with an adoration that warmed my heart. I left one last gentle kiss upon her cheek and then poised a finger to my lips again. “Shhh…” I quietly retreated from her room.

Certain that Melinda would tell her sister about our little encounter, it occurred to me that I ought to return to Sophia and pleasure her in the same way, but when I peeked inside, she was fast asleep. I settled for placing a feather-light kiss on her cheek, then made a quiet exit.

Downstairs in the drawing room, Victoria was sitting by the fire reading a book, taking sips from a glass of red wine. Becky sat on the rug at her mother’s feet, listening to the wireless.

My mistress peered at me over the bridge of her reading glasses, raising a questioning eyebrow. I answered with a nod. Becky looked curiously from me to her mother, clearly suspicious that something was afoot but discreet enough to keep her silence.

“Will you sit with us awhile?” Victoria asked me.

“I’m feeling very tired,” I replied. “I think I’ll make myself some Ovaltine and then retire to bed. But thank you.”

She offered a knowing smile. “Goodnight, Doris.”

“‘Night, Doris,” Becky said, the shadow of a frown creasing her brow.



The following morning the three Shaw girls and I were waiting at the entrance to Shadowglen for the school bus to make its daily stop. Sophia and Melinda were playing pat-a-cake on the grass verge by the gate. Becky hugged herself against the morning chill, her usual shy side-glances leaving me a little exasperated. One minute she was friendly towards me, the next she was inexplicably aloof.

“Your hair looks nice this morning,” I told her, trying to break the ice somewhat.

Becky touched her locks self-consciously, a faint smile teasing the corners of her mouth.

Sophia and Melinda kept stealing glances at me, their whispered words accompanied by giggles and dancing eyes.

“Would you like to share the joke, imps?”

“Melinda says she can’t wait for our next bath!” Sophia offered with a smirk, before the two of them resumed their clapping game.

Becky sidled up to me and said in a low voice, “What do they mean?”

“They don’t mean anything, they’re just being silly.”

“I know you’re doing something in there with them. I can hear things, you know.”

“We’re just bathing, Becky. It’s not a crime to enjoy yourself in the bath, is it?” I retorted, sounding a little more defensive than I’d intended.

That seemed to fluster her. “I… I’ll tell Mother!” she almost hissed.

I looked at her coolly. “What makes you think your mother doesn’t already know?”

The Leyland bus came chugging round the corner and rolled to a stop by the gate, cutting our conversation short. I didn’t want to end on a sour note, so I surprised Becky by planting a kiss on her cheek. “You’re always welcome to join us, you know. The more the merrier.”

Becky’s face flushed with colour, and I realised she was feeling put out – whatever she thought we were up to in the bath, I think she longed to be part of it, but was too proud to say so. Needless to say, I liked the idea of her joining us very much. If only for the chance to finally see her naked, I mused.

But I also wanted to share pleasure with Becky, to indulge in the same forbidden delights I’d enjoyed with her younger sisters.

I ushered the girls onto the bus, then made my way back to the house.

Mrs. Broomfield passed me on the way, riding down the thoroughfare on her bicycle. “Someone’s got a spring in ‘er step this mornin’,” she called out.

“Bye, Mrs. Broomfield,” I replied, waving to the old cook. “Enjoy the rest of the day!”

My next port of call was usually the kitchen for tea and breakfast, but that day I took the initiative and headed straight to Victoria’s study. Marching up to the door, I gave it a brisk knock.

“Come in, Doris.”

I turned the knob and lingered in the doorway, leaning against the architrave. I’m sure my employer would’ve corrected me for slouching like that just a few weeks ago, but the notion of what was acceptable and what wasn’t had shifted considerably since then.

Victoria was standing by the large sash window, blonde hair tied back into a neat bun, her tall, willowy frame exquisitely limned by the morning light.

“How did you know it was me?” I asked.

She had her back turned to me, but I thought I could see the suggestion of a smile in her cheekbones. “There’s no one left in the house but the two of us, silly girl. I saw you come up the drive. You seemed to be in quite the hurry.”

I felt very warm all of a sudden. “I did as you asked last night. I made Sophia and Melinda…” I couldn’t quite bring myself to use the word come, “…feel nice.”

My mistress simply stood there peering out the window, hands clasped behind her back.

Suddenly I was forced to consider a horrifying possibility: Had I made a catastrophic miscalculation in seducing Sophia and Melinda? Had my lust-driven impulses somehow led me to twist their mother’s intention, to misinterpret her words? Was I really so consumed by selfish desire that I could make such a terrible, delusional error? I felt dizzy, short of breath, my heart thumping furiously.

Victoria slowly turned to face me, her face innocent of emotion. Reaching behind, she unfastened her house dress with a sharp tug, then let it fall to her feet. My mistress wore absolutely nothing underneath. A hot surge of lust raced through me at both the sight itself and the thought of her going without knickers at the breakfast table while the children were present.

There was a large, deep-pile Berber rug spread out before the fireplace. Victoria sauntered over to where it lay and stretched herself out upon its soft weave, her legs thrown wide in invitation. “Come over here and fuck me, Doris,” she said, her voice low and sensuous. “I need your cunt against mine.”

I all but ran into the room, clumsily stripping myself naked along the way. Falling to my knees, I arranged my body to fit Victoria’s, pressing myself between her thighs, crying out the moment our pussies kissed. She grasped my arse cheeks and pulled me in tighter, and all at once we were grinding, grinding, grinding.

“What did you do, bad girl?” Victoria breathed in my ear. “Tell me what you did to my daughters.”

“I – I touched them,” I groaned. “I touched their beautiful bodies. They let me. They wanted me to.”

“What about between their legs? Did you – ohhhhh – did you touch them there, too?”

“Yes. I made them… made them come. They’re j-just little girls, but I brought them off with my fingers!”

Victoria slung her legs round my waist, gripping me tightly. “And you’ll do it again, do you hear? Whenever they want you to. Because you’re their nanny, and you have a duty to care for them.”

“Sophia, she – she brought me to orgasm,” I continued breathlessly as we forced our pussies together, striking fire with every thrust. “Such a clever girl, isn’t she? So curious, ready to try new things.”

“Doris… you’re going to m-make me come…”

“Wait! There’s more to tell. After their bath… I went to visit Melinda in her room.”

“Quickly! Tell me!”

“I put my mouth on her vagina, Victoria. I… I tasted her sweet child cunt!”

My orgasm shuddered through me, almost painful in its intensity, like hot lava melting me from the inside out. My mistress came, too, her mouth claiming mine in an urgent exchange of lips and tongues.

I collapsed onto Victoria, utterly spent. She peppered my ears with kisses, her fingers combing through my hair.

“We never came that quickly before,” I murmured.

“Sometimes those are the best kind, sweetheart,” Victoria mused. “But the rest of the morning is ours. I suggest we make the most of it.”

And we did. Oh, how we did.

On to Chapter Ten!


40 Comments on The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 9

  1. Kim & Sue says:

    The hottest chapter yet? It’s hard for us to make up our minds as there are so many wonderful chapters. Yes, Doris. Tell Victoria every thing you did with her daughters. Yes, we came also.

  2. Leriquet says:

    This is exactly what I expected. It’s getting hotter and hotter, and I’m looking forward to what’s next.

  3. Curiousaussiemum says:

    What a wonderfully written story. Full of everything I fantasise about – growing curiosity and sexuality with the perfect amount of pleasure and exploration. Oh to be Doris or Victoria

  4. Chuck says:

    Loved the story. Best chapter yet.

  5. monasissy says:

    As expected and more

    I have been fantasaizing about Becky’s seduction to be one-on-one with Doris, but which ever way it happens, i am sure its going to make every one “feel nice”

  6. Brother Bethor says:

    Wow! The chapter was so hot. I can’t wait to see Becky join the fun.

  7. kinkys_sis says:

    You all know by now that neither of us is very good at commenting, suffice it to say, we found this chapter to be very… 𝘳𝘦𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨

  8. Quinlan says:

    Fantastic. I wonder if that tub is big enough for everyone?

    • Gary W. says:

      Such a very stimulating chapter. Sophia and Melinda being so young and innocent yet so curious with Doris got me aroused. Then as Doris told Victoria all about it and seeing how turned on it made her was very hot. Looking forward to finding out what will happen with Becky. Such good story heating up more and more with each chapter.

  9. Roe says:

    Another wonderful chapter in a long list of wonderful chapters in this story with more to come I have a feeling.

  10. Birdie says:

    What a lovely chapter, very hot with the thrill of those first touches with young girls, yet full of promise for naughty touches still to come. Very enjoyable!

  11. BlueJean says:

    Kim & Sue ~ Ah, always first on the scene. You can set your watch by you two. *Maybe* the hottest chapter yet, but it’ll get hotter, I’m sure.

    Leriquet ~ I’m pleased we could meet your expectations. Stick around for the rest.

    Curiousaussiemum ~ G’day. Thanks for praising the writing. We worked hard at the prose. Glad we’ve managed to tap into your fantasies, too.

    Chuck ~ Many thanks for the thumbs up, Chuck.

    monasissy ~ Thanks so much. Doris is very much in demand in the Shaw household (poor girl must be exhausted), but I’m sure Becky will manage to get her all to herself, at least for a while.

    Brother Bethor ~ Good to see you haven’t been deterred from commenting. Another one rooting for Becky. Oh yes, she has her own little story arc.

    Kinkys_sis ~ Your comments are always welcome. When you say “We found it rewarding”, I’m assuming you mean you and your sister and not the Royal “We”. 😉

    Quinlan ~ We came to the conclusion early on that a regular sized tub just wasn’t going to cut it, so we decided to turn it into a Japanese style bath big enough to accommodate everyone. Well, it’s just about big enough for four people as it turns out.

    Gary W ~ Thanks, Gary. Nice to know it pushed all the right buttons.

    Roe ~ Your intuition serves you well. There are more twists and turns and erotic shenanigans to come.

    Birdie ~ Yes, Doris finally gets to act out her masturbatory fantasies. Mrs Shaw has planted the seed. Now we shall reap the harvest.

    • curiousaussiemum says:

      Yes G’day….saying hello from down under may be misconstrued around here!
      Tap into my fantasies you definitely have, my orgasms thank you deeply

  12. Phil says:

    Another beautiful erotic well written story. Can’t wait for the next installment

  13. JetBoy says:

    Let me add a hearty “thank ya” of my own to all of you BlueJean mentioned, plus Dondo and Phil. Your kind words complete us.

    It gets even hotter in the subsequent chapters. Brace yourselves…

  14. MusicMan says:

    Hot Hot Hot. Wonderfully written and capturing the heat and abandon of the forbidden accepted so very well.

  15. Erocritique says:

    Perfection!!! Supremely erotic and taboo. There’s a certain magic to this story. I enjoy being under its spell. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  16. raido973 says:

    So fucking hot. 🥵 a truly beautiful chapter

  17. bird0772 says:

    Super hot chapter. Love the innocent play in the tub leading to first orgasms. Can’t wait till Becky is included with her sisters. Nothing more erotic than lesbian incest.

  18. BlueJean says:

    Dondo ~ Omigod, you’re not supposed to eat it! Spit it out! Spit. It. Out!

    Phil ~ Your kind words are appreciated, Phil.

    MusicMan ~ We endeavour to hit all the right notes, MusicMan.

    Erocritique ~ Ah, here you are with your collection of hearts. Your feedback always encourages us to keep writing.

    raido973 ~ I suspect it might be ‘radio’, but regardless, thank you for the praise.

    bird0772 ~ Glad you enjoyed the rub-a-dub-dub in the tub. And Becky is… imminent.

  19. Mike says:

    Wow, beautifully written story, so hot, looking forward to the next chapter

  20. Foreversweet says:

    Wow, what a delicious story, so beautifully told. I was very aroused throughout – who wouldn’t be? Just have to hold back from my release!

  21. Craw2519 says:

    hhhmmmm good

  22. BlueJean says:

    Mike ~ Hey, thanks for the praise. It’s our currency.

    Foreversweet ~ Many thanks. Why hold back, though? Why not allow yourself the release you so richly deserve? Unless you’re reading in a coffee shop or on the bus, of course. Then, yes, by all means hold back.

    Craw2519 ~ Ahhhhhhh. Just so.

  23. Fertilegirl says:

    I read this twice and came twice.

  24. Ty says:

    This is my favorite story currently in the rotation. So hot, so much potential. I usually steer away from ‘period’ pieces, but I gave this one a chance, and so far it has not disappointed. Excellent writing and you really get drawn into the characters lives. Only bad thing is having to wait on the next chapter to pop up in the list.

  25. JetBoy says:

    My mate BlueJean is doing a right proper job spreading the thanks around, but do allow me to add my gratitude to his. Your love and appreciation are as manna from heaven. Blessed art thou, our dirty-minded friends.

  26. Ty says:

    My wicked little mind even thought it would be quite erotic for Doris and Vicky to be in a compromising position in the kitchen after the girls had left for school and Mrs. Broomfield arrives early to pick fruit from garden for a pie for some special event. Victoria explains the situation to the woman, who is somewhat surprised but confesses her knowledge of rumors concerning Victoria’s past. She expresses a bit of envy that the two of them, at least, have each other for physical affection, but because of her husbands lack of performance and propensity to drink has left her ignored for a number of years. Doris, being the kind soul she is, hugs the woman to comfort her as tears begin to fall. Victoria observes and then also embraces the woman, reassuring her and planting kisses on her cheek. This could easily develop and bring another member into the fold.

    Please tell me if I am out of line bringing up such ideas.

    • BlueJean says:

      Thanks for both of your comments. The story has been fully written, so any new ideas are surplus to requirements. Apart from that, Mrs. Broomfield has a dodgy ticker and probably shouldn’t be exerting herself.

    • JetBoy says:

      I would only add here that Mrs. Broomfield’s hubby is actually a pretty decent guy.

  27. Ty says:

    Lol, okay. I figured that it might be finished work. It will just have to be a side story in my own mind (where she has a healthy heart) that I play out when trying to sleep at night.

    Great story, and though I look forward to more chapters, I do not look forward to it ending…

  28. Bryan says:

    Love it

  29. Rachel says:

    This continues to be one of my favourite stories. Everyone seems so real to me.

    • BlueJean says:

      Thank you, Rachel. I think if you really understand who the characters are, and allow them to emerge naturally, they essentially become real people. In my original rewrite I turned Mrs. Shaw into a much more flamboyant character, and JetBoy quite rightly took me to task for it. He knew who she was, but I had not yet come to know her.

      • JetBoy says:

        It was more of a mild chiding, actually. When I take someone to task, they’ll be wearing the marks for years.

        • Mystery Mouse says:

          People still talk in hushed tones of the ‘Great Ferret Fiasco of May ’24’.

          The scars left on the Earth will never heal.

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