Pages From a Diary, Chapter 23

  • Posted on November 5, 2024 at 4:42 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )

Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.

Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really starting to founder. By then, Mallory and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa gets involved. 

Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex. In the weeks to come, they will get together again every now and then for more of the same.

Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.

Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, and gets flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t go away, either.

Sharon soon gets a job at a senior center, and is making plans to go back to school. Needless to say, Mal’s father is most unhappy with this development. On the other hand, Mallory is quite pleased for her mom, and takes the opportunity to get in her lap and give her playful, but subtly flirtatious kisses. More then ever, she suspects that her mother is secretly gay.

Mal is gradually becoming more popular at school. One result is that she and Julie are invited to a sleepover with Emma and Cindy, a couple of Julie’s friends. Once the parents are asleep, the girls get into a discussion concerning masturbation, which leads to everyone getting naked and engaging in mutual touching. Emma and Cindy love it, and the four of them get together for more fun a couple of weeks later.

Mallory finds a new student project: playing keyboards in a rock band of high school students supervised by Jason, who has also been teaching his daughter Julie how to do mixing work. Mal is much younger than the other members, but her skills soon win the others over. One of the band members is a sweet hippie girl named Jamie, and Mal is immediately attracted to her.

An ugly scene occurs at the home of Mal’s grandmother, where her mother Sharon is staying until she finds her own place. When Sharon makes a disparaging comment about lesbians, Mal loses her temper in a big way. In her anger, she comes out there and then, venting until her mother breaks down and cries. Mal quickly becomes remorseful, but the damage is done.

A couple of unhappy developments occur. First, Mallory’s parents make it official: they are to divorce. Mal is utterly disgusted with them both. Second, two of Julie’s cousins have vanished without explanation, eleven-year-old twin girls named Anna and Nettie. A search is underway, but without success thus far. Mallory has never met these girls, but she prays as best she can for their safe return.

A few days later, the twins are found and their kidnapper arrested, but not before he murdered Anna. Nettie is still alive, but devastated, and the girls’ parents go completely to pieces, turning on each other in their grief. Obviously, they are unable to take care of Nettie, so after a family discussion in which Mal is asked to participate, Jason, Lisa and Julie decide to bring Nettie into their home for the time being. Mal vows to do everything she can to help Jason’s niece to recover from her emotional trauma.

Mal and Julie pay Jamie a visit. The girls admit to being lovers, then tempt Jamie into masturbating with them. This quickly leads to much more.

Mallory gets to meet Nettie soon after that, when Jason brings her home. Sure enough, she is in bad shape: unable or unwilling to do or say much, often screaming herself awake from nightmares.

And now we rejoin our story, which is currently in progress. Do enjoy!

by Rachael Yukey

February 1st, 2007

Mom started moving into her new apartment this week, and that’s both good news and bad news. The good news is that it’s just a few blocks from Julie’s house. The bad news is… well, it’s kind of a pit.

Getting the furniture and stuff in got pushed back to this coming weekend, because Mom’s school schedule is starting to eat up more of her time. So I expect to be pretty busy Saturday and Sunday. Of course, she just HAD to schedule the move for my weekend with her! It’s gonna be freezing cold, too. It’s been 30-40 below zero since Monday morning, and that’s not supposed to get better for at least another week.

I think Mom is getting suspicious of my relationship with Julie, now that I’ve told her that I like girls. She hasn’t said anything specific, but she’s made a few comments about how close we are, and how we always hug when we meet or part.

I see this going one of three ways.

Option one: I just leave it alone and don’t say anything, but that might make things worse. If it starts to eat at her, she might try to keep me from seeing Julie as much or, God forbid, even say something to Dad.

Option two: I downplay it, talk as if Julie is just a good friend. It would probably work, and things would keep sailing along as they have been. Mom has some incentive to believe me on this; she and Dad have both come to rely on the Hansons when they’re busy and I need someplace to go. I don’t even think they realize that, but it’s true.

Option three: I could use this as a springboard. I’m convinced at this point that she’s gay and in denial. If I can get her thinking about the stuff I might be doing with other girls in a sexy way, those wheels turning in her head could give me the opening I need. I have other ideas, too. My bedroom in the apartment is right next to hers… and I don’t intend to be quiet when I masturbate.

We’re keeping the piano at Dad’s place for now, and my new keyboard will go to Mom’s. So no matter where I’m at, I can practice. The Chopin piece is getting there; the band stuff I’m pretty comfortable with. Except now, there’s more of it.

Let me explain. I just got back from rehearsal. Julie isn’t attending band practices for all the groups anymore; that would mean doing rehearsal every night of the week! But she always comes to ours. I ride over to the old fire hall with Jason and Julie on Thursday evenings, and we go a few minutes early so we can power up the PA.

When Jamie arrived, she pulled Julie and me into a group hug. My face was mashed into her left boob, and is there any finer place to be?

“We’ve got to get together again soon,” Jamie whispered before she let us go. As I made my way to the keyboard, feeling a little lightheaded, it occurred to me that she might enjoy meeting Megan Frost.

The band warmed up by burning through the cover songs, and by burning I mean we SCORCHED. For the first time, Katie carried us all the way through “Destruction Preventer” without dragging the tempo, and when it was over, she stood up behind the drum kit, held her sticks in the air, and let out a whoop.

Carried by the moment, I went to her and gave her a hug. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jamie put her guitar down, and she joined us a moment later. Then Ralph and Roger were there, making for a big complicated group hug with Katie at the center. Jason was clapping.

“That’s pro-level shit there, if you’ll pardon the expression,” he said. “I’ve toured the world with drummers who couldn’t have played that.”

We spent the next half hour tightening up our original song, “Ear in the Wall.” Roger remarked at one point on the instrumental harmonies Jamie and I worked out at her house. “Wicked,” was the term he used. I’m very proud of the song. Jason’s right; it’s good!

We polished it off to everyone’s satisfaction with lots of time to spare, and Jason sat us down for a band meeting.

“I start paramedic school next week,” he said. “Class is in four-hour sessions, two nights a week. Thursday is one of those nights.”

“Well, that bites,” said Ralph.

“It does,” Jason agreed. “Here’s the deal. I’m getting Mr. Benson to cover the Tuesday band. I could probably talk him into taking this one as well, but I don’t think you guys really need the supervision. Julie knows how to run the PA, and she’s agreed to be here every Thursday and handle that. But if you want Mr. Benson here, I’ll ask him. Up to you.”

“We don’t need him,” Roger said, folding his arms. “I’ve been in his concert band since 6th grade, and I think this group is kinda over his head.”

“I’m with Roger on that one,” said Katie.

“We’ll miss you, though,” Jamie said to Jason.

“Tell you what I’ll do,” said Jason. “If you guys would like to come down here maybe one Saturday a month up till the show and have me hear what you’re doing, I’ll be there. But you really don’t need your hands held on a weekly basis the way the other groups do.

“In the meantime,” he went on, “I think you should learn some more songs. Most of the other bands will barely have four songs ready to perform by showtime, but you guys could go onstage tomorrow. You could just spend the next few months practicing the same four numbers over and over, or you could get more out of this and learn some extras. My suggestion is that each of you pick a song, then spend the next few weeks learning ‘em.”

So we sat down to pick songs, and I immediately knew what I wanted to do. “What’s that long, slow Deep Purple song that we listened to at your house?” I asked Jamie. Of course, I meant the one we’d finger-fucked each other to!

Jamie blushed crimson, but didn’t look away. “‘Child in Time’,” she said.

“Oh, I know that one!” said Ralph. “It’s a cool song.”

“Kick-ass,” Roger chimed in. I wasn’t surprised. Ralph and Roger are big classic rock nuts.

“You do get it’s like a ten-minute song,” Jamie pointed out.

“So what?” said Roger. “We maybe can’t do it for the spring concert, but it’ll be massive fun to play.”

Ralph wanted to do “Hungry Like the Wolf” by Duran Duran, and played it for us with his iPod. Roger had a few ideas but couldn’t make up his mind, so he threw out half a dozen song titles and told the rest of us to pick one. We spot-listened through them, and I immediately fixated on the third one we checked out.

“That one! I vote that one,” I said.

Ralph shot me a teasing grin. “Because of the keyboard intro, right? It’s all about you now?”

I threw the grin right back at him. “Well, not yet, but I’m working on it.” That got a good laugh out of everybody, and “The Final Countdown” was added to our list.

Jamie wanted to do a Black Sabbath song called “Computer God,’ that none of us had ever heard, but she had it on her iPod. It’s really heavy and brutal, and it goes from a wicked mid-tempo grind to a fast and frenzied end section. We all agreed it’d be loads of fun, and put it on the list. I wondered what my parents would think of me learning a song by a band called Black Sabbath, then decided what they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them.

Katie was last up, and she hesitantly suggested a song from the new Pink album called U Plus Ur Hand. Jamie had heard it, and burst into gales of laughter. “I don’t know if we should go there!” she exclaimed.

Jason looked confused. Ralph and Roger both pleaded ignorance. So Jason went hunting on his laptop, which was connected to the city’s internet, and found the music video.  We all gathered round to watch.

When it was over, Jason’s eyebrows were buried in his hair. “That’s… brazen,” was his only comment.

“I’ll deny I ever said this about anything by Pink,” Ralph was saying, “but I’m kind of in love with that.”

“Too late, buddy, I heard it,” said Roger, elbowing Ralph in the ribs, “but it’s not your typical Pink song either. That’s pure punk rock right there. I like it, too.”

“But lyrically…” Jamie began, then glanced at Katie, who looked confused. “Oh, sister,” she said. “Don’t you get it?”

“I’ll bet Mallory doesn’t either,” said Roger.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, please. You… and… your… hand.” I made a crude jerking motion, like I’d seen boys do.

Katie buried her face in her hands, laughing. “Oh God, I’m an idiot!”

“Let’s learn it,” said Roger.

“You do realize,” said Jason, “that under no circumstances can you play it at the spring concert.”

“So what?” said Ralph. “It’ll be a trip.”

Jamie poked him in the belly. “That’s a way weird lyric for a big tough guy like you to sing, brother!”

Ralph shrugged. “That just makes it even more punk rock, right?”

So that settled it. Jamie and I are getting together tomorrow evening to work on the new songs. Saturday would be better, but I’ll be helping Mom move. Julie is seeing if she can come over to Jamie’s house with me. If yes, some extra fun things might happen. If no, I have a promise to keep.

I haven’t been to Julie’s house this week, so the last time I saw Nettie was Sunday. They’re giving her a week to settle in before starting her in school. The school will be on a trial basis; if it doesn’t go well, Lisa says she’ll just get the stuff she needs to home school her, so the poor kid doesn’t get any more behind than she already is.

Julie tells me nothing has gotten better with Nettie. She eats what’s put on her plate, goes to the bathroom when she needs to go, and otherwise mostly sits staring off into space. She’ll answer questions if asked, but in as few words as possible. Night terrors are her biggest problem at this point. I don’t think Nettie knows this, but Jason put a baby monitor in the room so they can hear if she wakes up crying or something, but so far it’s been superfluous (another cool word from my thesaurus!). When Nettie wakes up in the middle of the night, she screams so loud it wakes the whole house.

In other news, the art exhibition where my tree mushrooms will be judged is weekend after next. It’s in Minneapolis, and it also happens to be my birthday that day, so we’re trying to figure out how it’s all going to work. Funny, but I’m kind of indifferent. I mean sure, I want to go, but I don’t really care about the competition results. I’m just glad people will be seeing my work.

February 3rd, 2007

Our visit to Jamie’s house yesterday afternoon got upgraded to a sleepover! That might seem odd because she’s so much older, but we sold it to our folks by telling them we had a lot of music to work through, and it might run late into the evening. If my mom had suspicions, she kept them to herself. As for Julie, I think Jason and Lisa were glad to send her someplace where she doesn’t have to wake up to Nettie screaming, even if it’s just for one night.

You know, it just now occurred to me to wonder how much Jason knows, or at least suspects about what Julie and I have been up to. He’s pretty smart, and this has been going on for months. If he does harbor suspicions, I guess it must not bug him, because he’s not exactly keeping Julie on a short leash.

Jamie’s mom insisted we have dinner there since we were spending the night, so we went over right after school. Dinner was a big, noisy affair… after all, Jamie’s got four siblings still living at home! They have a ginormous dining room table. Some of the kids I already kind of know; her sister Amy is a grade above Julie and me, and her sister Theresa is a grade lower. I guess Theresa and Nettie will be in the same class.

After dinner we escaped to Jamie’s attic bedroom.  “Let’s listen to music first,” she suggested.

We’d only listened to music on vinyl when I’d been here before, but this time Jamie popped in a CD, then showed us the case. It was a Black Sabbath album called Dehumanizer. The cover featured a robotic grim reaper about to kill a guy with a scythe, and the first song is the one we’re going to be learning, “Computer God.” It‘s a six minute track, and by the time it ended we were all topless. Jamie and I were locked in a passionate kiss, and Julie was sucking and licking Jamie’s nipples.

When our mouths drifted apart, I went to work on Jamie’s neck and jawline. “Ohhhhh… oh, little sister,” she moaned. When I got to her ear, I gave the lobe a delicate lick and whispered, “Do you like having your pussy eaten?” Jamie nodded eagerly, letting out a surprised squeal in response to something Julie did down below.

Moments later, Jamie’s jeans and panties had joined the pile of discarded clothes. My face was buried in her pubes, tongue grinding her clit, fingers pumping furiously in and out.

Julie was working my pants and underwear off, then trying to guide me onto my knees. Once she had me in position,  I felt her head move between my legs. Then her tongue was on my clit and her fingers buried in my pussy, and that pushed me to fuck Jamie even harder.

Her body gave a hard jerk, and then Jamie was coming. She had a hand clamped over her mouth, but it wasn’t enough to keep her quiet. Then she started pumping her hips in this wild fucking motion, and that was enough to push me to the edge and over. The last thing I did before it hit was yank my fingers from Jamie’s cunt and cover it with my mouth, sticking my tongue into her dripping hole. But she pushed me away after about thirty seconds, gasping, “Stop, stop!”

Then Julie scooched up to the head of the mattress, squeezing in beside Jamie and plunking her head down on the pillow. At some point she’d gotten completely naked. She’s starting to grow some hair down there, I noticed; just a dark little tuft. “My turn,” she firmly announced.

“You’ve never eaten pussy, have you?” I asked Jamie. She shook her head. Placing a hand on Julie’s thigh, I nudged her legs even further apart. “Wanna try it?”

Jamie thought about it for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I kinda do.” She bent to place a gentle kiss on Julie’s belly, then buried her face in it, nuzzling the soft skin. “You smell really good,” she said.

“Lick me,” Julie moaned. “I’m way past ready.”

Jamie got to work, hesitantly at first, then with growing enthusiasm. Julie gave a happy sigh, settling back into the damp sheets. I took her in my arms and began brushing her face with quick little kisses, finally capturing her mouth.

There’s nothing like kissing Julie. Sexy kissing is always great, but with her it’s totally special. We kissed until she had to break it off, throwing her arms around me and squeezing tightly, moaning, “Oh, fuck YES!” She came with her cheek pressed to mine, panting into my ear.

Afterwards the three of us lay snuggled up in a hot, sweaty tangle on the cramped little bed.

“So how was your first time eating pussy?” I asked Jamie.

“I was nervous at first,” she said, “but once I got into it, I had a GREAT time!” She gave me a sly look. “Do I get to taste you sometime soon, little sister?”

I placed a hand between my legs. “Think of this as an open invitation,” I said, trying to make my voice all low and sexy, but then I cracked up. That set Julie and Jamie off, and we shared a good laugh.

Something occurred to me. “Um, wow, it got really loud in here when we came,” I said. “You’re sure no one heard us, right?”

Jamie shook her head. “The joists are all stuffed with egg cartons, remember? That’s so I can play my guitars pretty loud up here and not disturb anybody. They wouldn’t have heard us over the stereo, anyway.”

She was looking back and forth between the two of us, her brow furrowed. “So let me get this straight,” she finally said. “You’re girlfriends. Like, an actual, for-real couple. But not exclusive, I guess.”

“We kinda are, actually… see, we only have sex with other people if both of us are there,” said Julie. “Maybe it’s a weird way to do things, but we’re still just kids, and this gives us room to explore. Maybe someday we’ll be exclusive.”

“So no hanky-panky if it’s just one of you?”

“Right,” I said. “If I’d come alone tonight, you and I would have just been jamming and hanging out.”

Jamie was nodding slowly, lost in thought. Then she sat up, rubbing her hands together. “Speaking of jamming…”

We got our clothes back on. I thought we’d be starting from scratch, but Jamie had been busy. She’d put all five of the new songs on her computer, ready to go. Even better, she had this really cool program that would slow stuff down without changing the pitch, or put a small section of a song in a loop.

“This is so cool,” said Julie. “I should see if my dad will put something like this on our computer.”

We spent the next couple of hours learning the new songs. Even Julie! She strapped on one of Jamie’s guitars and played along. Her ear is really good, so she was picking stuff up just as fast as we were. But she doesn’t have anything even approaching Jamie’s technique.

The Pink song took almost no time; it’s really simple, with very clear parts. The Black Sabbath took longer because it’s more complex, and because there’s almost no keyboards on it, I had to come up with my own stuff.

“Hungry Like the Wolf” wasn’t hard, and it had lots of weird, cool synth things for me to play. Same thing with “The Final Countdown,” although Jamie wasn’t quite happy with the guitar solo, saying she’d work on it later. “Child in Time” took us just a couple runthroughs. As we played it, my mind kept drifting back to what Jamie and I had been doing the first time I’d heard the song, and found myself heating up again. Heck, I’m getting that feeling right now. Control yourself, Mallory-girl!

Once we were satisfied with our work (and ready to blow everyone’s mind at rehearsal, having learned all five songs!) Jamie put on a record by a band called Rainbow. “Remember Deep Purple?” she said. “Same guitar player. But this also has Ronnie James Dio on it, the guy that sings on ‘Computer God.’ He’s been in a few different bands.”

She put it on, then she turned to me with a sly smile. “Oh, and by the way… is that invitation still open?”

It certainly was! We took our clothes back off as Mister Ronnie James Dio proclaimed himself to be the Man on the Silver Mountain. We got down to business with the darker, moodier second song (I checked the album sleeve later on and it’s called “Self Portrait”) providing the perfect backdrop. Jamie got to taste my aching pussy, and while she was going down on me, Julie started licking her. So I got Julie to shift around so I could get to her cunt, which I gobbled like it was the world’s tastiest sandwich. And then we slept.


We had to leave Jamie’s place around nine this morning, because I was supposed to help Mom move. But it actually turned out to be a pretty good day. Jason had gotten wind of the move and asked Mom if she’d like some help, and Lisa got a couple of guys from the fire department to come out and assist with the heavy lifting. We ended up with Jason and a couple of other men actually hauling the boxes and furniture, with Lisa, Nettie, Julie, Grandma, and me helping Mom unpack and get things organized.

I was worried about how the personalities were going to mix. My grandma is already kind of friends with the Hansons, but Mom not so much. It couldn’t have gone better! When Lisa mentioned she was pregnant I was just waiting for Mom to make a rude comment about conception out of wedlock, but instead she hugged Lisa and said she was happy for her. I should have known Julie would be okay; she’s always polite with adults, and she’s just so ridiculously cheerful that you have to love her a little.

Unfortunately I’ve finally met the one person even Julie can’t cheer up. Nettie did the things she was asked; helped unpack boxes, handed people things, carried stuff from one room to the next. But she barely spoke a word. At one point she went to the bathroom for what felt like fifteen minutes or so, and when I walked past I thought I heard sniffling.

“Are you all right in there, Nettie?” I asked through the door.

“I’m fine!” she called back, but I’m pretty sure she wasn’t. My heart ached a little for her. I think maybe it’s good for her to cry; better that than wandering around with a blank zombie face. But I also think it’s not so good for her to hide from the rest of the world when she cries.

With all that help, we got the move done today instead of it taking up the whole weekend. Mom ordered pizza from the pub (no, we don’t have an actual pizza place in Dickson), Jason went and picked it up (no, the pub doesn’t deliver), and we had a little party.

So now I’m sitting in my new bedroom in Mom’s new apartment, finishing this up and thinking dirty thoughts. In my mind me, Julie, Megan, Jamie, Lisa, and my mom are lying on an impossibly large bed, in such an amazing tangle of arms and legs that nobody can tell who’s doing what to whom… but moans, sighs, squeals, and gasps of ecstasy are coming from every mouth in the room.

I can feel myself getting nice and wet, and I’m just waiting to hear Mom come to bed. Then I’m going to drive myself to an amazing orgasm with this juicy fantasy, and I’m going to moan extra loud when I come, enough so she’ll hear me. See you on the other side.

February 4th, 2007

Mom went to bed just a few minutes after I finished writing last night. As soon as I heard her settle in I got started, first fingering myself lightly, then stuffing a pillow between my legs and humping it. I didn’t have to exaggerate my moans of pleasure; the idea of putting on a show for Mom made me crazy hot! This time, instead of burying my face in my pillow to muffle the noise, I threw my head back and let my orgasm ring out.

I got my breathing under control as quick as I could; I wanted to hear what was going on in the next room! Sure enough, I could hear ragged, hitchy breathing that accelerated after awhile. The bedsprings creaked, and was that a muffled moan I heard?!

It was so hot, I had to masturbate again. This time I finger-fucked myself with my palm grinding my clit, and once again I made no attempt to be quiet. I listened carefully when I was done, but didn’t hear anything.

Mom kind of avoided my eyes at breakfast, and didn’t talk much. I gave her a hug before we left for church, deliberately pressing my face in between her tits. She held me close for almost a full minute before pulling away.

After church, Mom dropped me off at Julie’s house so she could go to work at the senior center; they’re having some kind of dinner and activities night there. Once I got Julie alone in her room, I told her what had happened, and her eyes gleamed. Then we went downstairs, and I powered up Jason’s synth so I could practice the new songs. I started out with the Duran Duran song, which is my favorite of the new batch.

At some point while I was working on it, Nettie came into the living room. I said hi, but she just looked away and settled onto the couch.

I wanted to practice the Black Sabbath song next. When I reached over to put it on, I noticed Nettie was watching me intently. I gave her a smile, and she quickly looked down at her hands. But as soon as I turned away, I could see her look back up.

“Computer God” starts with a simple drum intro followed by a heavy riff, and the moment that brutal-sounding distorted guitar pounded through the speakers, I could see Nettie sit forward a bit. I avoided looking directly at her, but was watching her out of the corner of my eye as I burned through the song.

I was satisfied with it on the first go, and was about to start the next tune when Nettie suddenly spoke up. “Are you putting a different song on now?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Can… can I hear that one again first?”

“Sure!” I said, “we can listen to the whole album if you want.” I thought I detected motion from the kitchen entrance, and glanced to the left. Sure enough, just out of Nettie’s line of sight I saw Lisa peering into the living room, an anxious Julie at her side. Lisa gave me a big smile and a thumbs-up.

I started the song over, playing along again and watching Nettie absently bob her head back and forth to the beat as it played. As promised, I just let the album play after that, kind of absentmindedly following along on the keyboard, but keeping it turned low. We listened to the album at Jamie’s house, but after all, we’d been kind of preoccupied while it was on! Now that I was paying attention, it really was a pretty good album.

Nettie seemed absolutely entranced throughout; she just sat through the whole forty-five minute or so runtime, sometimes bobbing her head, sometimes just listening.

When it was done, she got off the couch and came over to where I sat. “That was really different,” she said. “I liked it.”

“It’s called heavy metal,” I told her. “If you want to hear more, I have a friend who’s really into it. I’ll bet she’d let you come over and listen to her collection sometime.”

“That would be good,” said Nettie. Her face was expressionless, but there was more animation in her voice than I’d heard since we’d met. “Thanks for playing it for me.” She wandered off in the direction of her bedroom.

I hurried to join Lisa and Julie in the kitchen. “Did you guys SEE that?” I squealed.

“Yeah, holy crap!” said Julie.

“That’s the most response I’ve seen out of her so far,” said Lisa, “and you handled it just right, Mallory. Great job!”

Jason came home a bit later, and after being filled in on what had happened, he pulled out a CD by a band called Judas Priest (another band name I reckon my parents would just love) and turned it up so we could hear it in the dining room while we ate. Like before, Nettie bobbed her head in time to the music, her eyes constantly shifting towards the stereo in the living room. Then she asked for a second helping, something I’d NEVER seen her do.

I’m not sure what it is about heavy metal that’s getting through to Nettie when nothing else has so far, but we all see it as a positive sign. Me, I’m not sure that kind of music is quite my thing. I thought the album “Computer God” is on is good, but what that means is I can hear the quality of the writing and performances, not that it’ll ever be my first choice of something to listen to. My favorite of this new batch of songs is “Hungry Like the Wolf,” so I guess I’m more into what Jamie calls commercial rock. But if Nettie is actually responding in a positive way to heavy metal, I’ve GOT TO get her over to Jamie’s house to hear more of it.

I’m back at Mom’s apartment now, and you know what? I’m already tired of writing “Mom’s apartment” every time I mention the place. From now on, Dad’s place is Home One, and Mom’s is Home Two. So I’m in my bed at Home Two, writing this.

I was hoping for a repeat of what happened with Mom last night, but she turned in super-early because she has a class first thing in the morning, and I haven’t heard a peep out of her. That’s okay; I’m not feeling all that horny anyway. No surprise; there’s been a lot of orgasms packed into the last few days! I think I’m just gonna put my pen down and go to sleep.

On to Chapter Twenty-Four!


22 Comments on Pages From a Diary, Chapter 23

  1. Mumbledore says:

    This series is so so good – thank you Rachel! The sex is great and this one has so much more besides. I’m really enjoying the music angle – as an evolution for Mallory and now, apparently, as therapy for poor Nettie. It really does have that power. Black Sabbath grinding into my brain this very moment!

  2. Kim & Sue says:

    We were so happy to see Nettie making some progress by the end of the chapter. And very happy with the progress of Sharon as well. Mal is seeming to be very interested in her Mom as well. And yet another great time with Jamie and her ‘little sisters’ that was hot and very real. Many’s the time we had sex first with other girls before getting to our homework.

    Lot’s of other good moments and we still enjoy Mal’s thoughts as she writes them down.

  3. Erocritique says:

    Jamie and Megan Frost??? Yes please!!! And Mal’s plan to seduce mom seems to be on track, but who knows. It was wonderful to see Nettie respond positively to heavy metal – and the fact that it has opened the possibility of her meeting Jamie and hanging around with the girls in Jamie’s room can only be a good thing. Such amazing characters inhabiting what some would consider a boring backwater location. That juxtaposition is quite pleasing to this reader. Another excellent chapter in the series. Thank you, Rachel, and all at JS. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. Stu Relton says:

    I eagerly await the next step, this is one of the best stories I have ever read on here and pleased to see it filling in slot of blanks left by the first half of the story before it stopped.

  5. Dondo says:

    Too short! I was enjoying where this was going and was wanting it to continue. Looking forward to the next chapter. I love these characters and their evolution. Thanks Rachael – more please.. hopefully not too long before the next installment. Cheers

  6. Drege says:

    Damn, Mal’s stepping on the gas. Love it!

  7. radio973 says:

    I love this story. I’m sorry that this is my first comment. It is super hot and a great story. Can’t wait for the next chapter

  8. Brother Bethor says:

    Yay! My favourite story is back with a new chapter and what a treat it is. Thank you Rachel! I was wondering which ‘Priest album Jason has played. I think ‘Painkiller’ will blow Nettie’s mind when she’ll hear it.

    • Birdie says:

      Great chapter, Rachel. I love how the story stays very interesting as well as hot. The tension and possibilities between Mallory and her mom is enticing. Love how you’ve integrated Jamie into the mix. While I’ve never been a metal head, I like how it seems to be helping Nettie. It’s a great subplot. Thank you again. This is such a wonderful story.

  9. Rachael Yukey says:

    Wow, so much commentary on this chapter! I’m flattened, truly.

    Mumbledore: there are days I feel like Black Sabbath has the power to heal most anything.

    Kim & Sue: it’s so much easier to do homework AFTER the need is fulfilled… don’t you think?

    Erocritique: I live in the boring backwater, and although I miss the nightlife and culture sometimes, it has it’s compensations.

    Stu Relton: always nice to chat with yet another who enjoyed Pages the first time aroound! I’m having a great time bringing it to a close with the mighty Jetboy at my side.

    Dondo: That you want it to be longer is just about the best compliment ever!

    Drege: Mal may be a shy talker, but sexually she’s pretty much the exact opposite of shy!

    radio973: no worries about not commenting before; most people don’t. Great to hear from you now!

    Brother Bethor: Painkiller would blow anyone’s mind, but I’m not feeling it as something Jason would put on during family mealtime. Mal didn’t know the album title so it deliberately wasn’t mentioned, but it’s Defenders of the Faith. That album comes to a lumbering, inept halt, but oh dear god that first side! And the first half of the second.

    • Kim & Sue says:

      Yes, so much easier to do homework or other tasks once your ‘head’ is cleared. And it’s very touching and interesting to see the start of where Nettie’s coming from. It’s great back round for Strange Brew.

      A story we recommend to any one here who hasn’t read it yet. A good read while you wait for the next chapter of Pages from a Diary.

    • Mumbledore says:

      “Bringing it to a close” – dreaded words indeed. But I suppose always best to leave them wanting more. (Completely agree with Kim & Sue about Strange Brew.)

      • JR Kain says:

        I don’t presume to speak for the extraordinarily talented Ms. Yukey, but she has said in a comment in earlier chapter that her hope is to have the Strange Brew sequel ready to go when Pages is complete. So we aren’t going to be starved for her brand of sapphic erotica anytime soon.

        • Rachael Yukey says:

          Quick word on that: I’m in the proofing stage on the SB sequel, and it’s led to some fairly extensive re-writes. I’m a little behind where I’d hoped to be at this point, and am not going to promise that it’ll be ready by the time we wrap up Pages. But it WILL come, and I think by taking a little extra time you’ll get a better story out of the deal.

    • Brother Bethor says:

      Ha, I wasn’t expecting Jason to play Painkiller during the mealtime but I’m pretty sure it will make Nettie a metalhead for life. It will shock the pants of her, maybe even literally 😉
      I’m not familiar with whole JP catalogue so I had to look this record up on YT. That’s a really good, headbangin’ album – thank you for the recommendation.
      Also you speak of wild & strange terms: sides? Oh my god, another vinyl snob 😉 Team CD for life!

      • Rachael Yukey says:

        Haha I do love my vinyl! For context, on Defenders of the Faith the first side of the vinyl or the cassette was the first four songs.

  10. Chuck says:

    I really like this series, and this chapter is good. I think from a story perspective, I’d like to see Mal and Julie experience some conflict and/or experiences apart from each other. Enjoyed as always!

  11. Mo says:

    Another great chapter to this superb series. Hearing Mal’s growing inner voice display confidence & passion whilst still exploring her life I’d superb.

    I love the nod to Nettie & music thinking back to the tracks she hammers out when she’s stressed in the future.


  12. Purple Les says:

    Enjoying these new chapters so much, and am so glad you continued this wonderful story.

  13. Mike says:

    Another brilliant chapter, love their taste in heavy metal, I’m glad Nettie may be slowly coming out of her shell

  14. MusicMan says:

    This may be my favorite chapter yet. Hot definitely. But also sweet, romantic, moving and involving. I def love the way music is a part of the story. Nettie at least partially being saved by heavy metal and then by a loving community brought tears to my eyes. In a good and needed way. Defenders of the Faith is the album that got me into Priest. And I was lucky enough to hear Dio perform during his final tour. It was my introduction to his stuff. These characters are all so real to me they feel like friends. I’d like to hang out with them. That’s probably why I like Pages and Strange Brew so much. The characters are great and I feel like I’m getting to share their lives in some way. I look forward to more with great anticipation.

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