Stranger in the Family, Chapter 13

  • Posted on November 9, 2024 at 4:58 pm

A summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the previous chapters, please see Stranger in the Family Chapter Links)

Disaster befalls the Luna family of four when lightning strikes Walt, the father, and Kelly, the oldest child at eleven. Walt is killed outright, while Kelly is left in a coma that lasts for weeks. She finally emerges, to the overwhelming joy of her mother Linda and nine-year-old sister Gabby – but with no memory of her family or her life, and an altogether different personality. Kelly now speaks fluent Spanish, no longer eats meat and, most crucially, has a serious attraction to women and girls, despite never having had sex of any kind.

At first, Kelly openly flirts with every female in her presence – including her mother, her little sister, her Aunt Jan, and the neighbors: divorced mother Cheryl (Linda’s best friend) and her daughters – sixteen-year-old Ali, and nine-year-old Pam (Gabby’s best friend). But soon Kelly realizes that this direct approach is more apt to make others uncomfortable than entice them into bed, so she tones it down.

However, two members of Kelly’s family are fascinated by the eleven-year-old’s sexual vibe. The first is Gabby, who has already been playing masturbation games with her friend Pam, so Kelly is easily able to begin the seduction of her younger sister. The second is Aunt Jan, who is openly gay but secretly into underage girls, with a hidden library of illegal DVDs to prove it. And while Kelly’s mother Linda is thus far immune to her daughter’s sexual charms, she is thinking quite a lot about lesbian sex after the death of her husband. Linda and her sister Jan were lovers back in their teen years… and Jan is hinting she’d like to pick things up where they left off.

Around this time, one night while her mother and little sister are asleep, Kelly slips out of bed and quietly makes her way to Cheryl’s home. There, she ends up in a sizzling threesome with Cheryl and her daughter Ali who, as it happens, are already lovers.

The next day, Kelly offers Cheryl an opportunity to spy through an outside window as she performs oral on Gabby and Pam. Cheryl very much wants to bring her younger daughter into the sexual relationship she has with Ali, so she jumps at the chance. Needless to say, Kelly and the girls have a wonderful time, and Cheryl sees the whole thing without being noticed. 

The next day, Linda takes Kelly and Gabby to stay with their Aunt Jan for the weekend, so she can spend that time at a spa.  While she’s there, Linda confesses to her sister Jan that she’s been thinking about the two of them becoming lovers again.

Once Linda leaves, Kelly commences her own seduction of Jan. Her aunt resists, but Kelly is determined to get what she wants… and that night, she does.

The next morning, Kelly makes love to Gabby on the dining table, putting on a show for Aunt Jan who, unbeknownst to Gabby, is watching from the hallway. After Gabby comes, she offers to lick her big sister’s pussy for the first time, and Kelly is quick to accept.

That evening, Kelly, Gabby and Jan all come together in a threesome for the first time… but probably not the last!

The next day, Linda picks her daughters up for the drive back home. By then, she feels certain her daughters are having sex with each other, and is perplexed to find herself aroused by the thought of it.

Later, she pays a visit to Gabby in her room, intent on having a chat with her youngest daughter about sex. Deciding to be honest with her mom, Gabby tells Linda everything she and Kelly have been up to, including their weekend with Aunt Jan. Linda is so turned on by Gabby’s revelations that she impulsively offers to touch her nine-year-old until she comes. Gabby is quick to accept. Afterward, Linda promises that they can make love again… and Kelly can join them. She asks Gabby to keep what they’ve just done a secret for the moment.

The next day, Linda takes both her daughters to the town’s Fourth of July celebration, as does Cheryl. There, Pam invites Gabby to a sleepover, where they’ll be hanging out with her big sister Ali. Pam goes on to share a surprise with Gabby: she and Ali had sex the night before, and they both want to let Gabby in on the action. Gabby asks if Kelly can come, too. Of course, Pam loves than idea.

However, the fireworks display frightens Kelly so badly that Linda is obliged to take her home. She has to pass on the sleepover, but Ali, Pam and Gabby are determined to have fun anyway.

What the younger girls don’t know is that Ali has come up with a scheme to find out if either of them is interested in sex with her mother. At an agreed-upon time that evening, Cheryl undresses and lies on her bed masturbating with the bedroom door slightly ajar, then Ali leads Pam and Gabby to that open door, intent on doing a little spying. They watch for a bit, then return to Ali’s room to have fun.

Gabby watches as Pam and Ali begin to make love, then gets an idea. She slips out of the room while the other two aren’t looking and makes her way to Cheryl’s room, where she invites Ali and Pam’s mother to join the ongoing sex party. Of course, Cheryl is delighted to oblige, and follows Gabby back to Ali’s room, where she makes love to Pam and Gabby for the first time.

Meanwhile, Kelly wakes in Linda’s bed the morning after her panic attack. Mother and daughter converse, and each admits wanting to make love to the other. So they do just that. As they lie together afterwards, Gabby comes home from the sleepover. She immediately undresses and joins her mother and big sister.

That afternoon, Aunt Jan comes by to pick up Kelly and Gabby for a night at her place. The girls want their mother to come so they can all four have sex, but Linda isn’t quite ready. She wants to have a long discussion with her sister about the two of them becoming intimate again, and it still working out what to say.

Kelly and Gabby return to Aunt Jan’s home, where things immediately get hot between the three of them.

…and that brings us to this chapter. Please enjoy.

by Purple Les & JetBoy

Linda was taking the opportunity to get some housework done while her daughters were off visiting their Aunt Jan. It was quieter than usual without the girls around, and she did miss the hubbub, but there was plenty to keep her busy.

Once the laundry was done, she took a long, hot bath. It was lovely, letting her body relax completely in the steaming water. Sex with my girls in the morning, doing what needs doing in the afternoon. It’s been a full day. A good day.

Finally emerging from the tub, her skin a freshly scrubbed pink, Linda slipped into a terry cloth bathrobe and wandered down to the kitchen where she prepared herself a light meal of salad and iced tea.

She couldn’t stop thinking about her daughters, wondering what they were up to with Jan. She pictured her sister up on all fours, getting serviced by Kelly and Gabby at the same time, and shook her head in awe. I’ve had lesbian sex with my own children, she told herself. Not for the last time, either. Hopefully, it won’t be long before my sister and I can be lovers again. God, how I’ve missed what the two of us used to have!

Linda felt a strong urge to masturbate, but decided to wait until she was tucked up in bed.

Something occurred to her as she put her salad bowl and cutlery in the sink. I’d better get that DVD Kelly mentioned before I completely forget about it.

Climbing the stairs, Linda made her way to Kelly’s room. Now that she and the girls had been intimate, going into her daughter’s underwear drawer was a different, more sensual experience. She felt a delicious erotic charge as she fondled Kelly’s cotton panties. Burying her face in a pair, she inhaled deeply, but as she suspected, the scent of her daughter was nowhere to be found.

When Linda located the DVD, she was confused. Why the hell would she borrow this from Jan? Linda wondered, studying the Sound of Music case. It’s not her kind of movie at all.

She opened it, arching an eyebrow at the sight of the disc itself, which was homemade. What’s really on this, then? Guess I’ll have to find out…

Then she noticed something else: a rolled joint, tucked inside with the DVD. She brought it to her nose and took a sniff. Yep, that’s pot, all right. Did Kelly know this was in here? I’ll be having a little chat with her about this when she gets back home. In the meantime, though…

The DVD case in one hand and the joint in the other, Linda went downstairs to the living room.


Gabby was asleep on the couch, having dozed off after her fourth orgasm. She was nude, and so were Kelly and Jan. Kelly draped a light quilt over her baby sister, then seated herself in a chair directly across from  Aunt Jan. Their legs spread, they gazed at each other, eyes sparkling with lust.

“I love reading your journals from when you were fucking Mom,” Kelly casually said as she eased a finger into her pussy, “The way you describe your feelings for her… it gets me so hot I want to scream.”

“So Linda kept them,” Jan asked as she gently toyed with her clitoris. “I never suspected.”

“She did, Aunt Jan. I think Mom lied to you about burning them so she could hold on to the memory of when you were lovers.”

Jan nodded. “I think you’re very close to the truth, Kelly. I was too young to know what I was doing when I broke up with Linda.”

“But it worked out, right?” Kelly insisted. “If you hadn’t done that, Mom wouldn’t have got married, then me and Gabby would never have been born.”

“Ooohhh… well, that’s true,” Jan said, With her free hand, she used two fingers to circle the opening of her vagina. “Still, I left a mess behind when I ended things with Linda… and it’s high time I put things right. Damn, that f-feels good.”

“You guys totally should get back together,” said Kelly. “I bet that’s what Mom wants.”

In fact, Linda had been quite frank about wanting to be lovers with her sister again, but she’d also asked Kelly and Gabby to keep what they’d done with her a secret from Aunt Jan for the time being. “I’ll tell her myself, when the time is right,” Linda had said.

“Ohhh!” Jan cried, throwing her head back as she came. Her fingers squished loudly as she thrust them in and out, thick juices flowing into the towel she’d spread over the seat of her chair. Kelly drank in the sight of her aunt getting off, still masturbating.

Finally, Jan went limp, slouching down in the chair. She relaxed for a moment, then opened one eye. Kelly was staring at her aunt’s cunt while fondling her own.

“Let me help you with that,” Jan said. Rising to her feet, she went down upon her knees before Kelly and began to lick the eleven year old’s sweet bare pussy.


Popping the mystery disc into the player, Linda seated herself on the couch. Using a saucer for an ashtray she lit the joint with an old disposable lighter she’d unearthed in the junk drawer.

Linda had smoked pot now and then when she was in college, and a few times with Walt after they married. She took a cautious hit, slowly drawing the smoke in so she wouldn’t cough, holding it in as long as she could before exhaling. Pointing the remote at the TV, she thumbed the PLAY button.

She stared at the menu that popped up on the screen. It read ‘play all’ or ‘chapters’ and all the chapters were marked with combinations of the letter “F.” The first chapter read, ff F. Other chapters read ff fff Ff Fff f.

Linda took another hit, then realized what those letters meant. It’s those symbols they use for sex stories. Holy shit, is this porn? Little girl lesbian porn?

She was thrilled and afraid at the same time. It’s a crime. But that just makes watching it more exciting. 

Linda was about to take another toke from the joint, but it had gone out. Fine, I’m buzzed enough. She set it in the saucer, used the remote to start the DVD, then sat back.

Two girls appeared on the screen, seated on the edge of a bed. One looked to be about ten or so, the other a couple of years younger. They were both nude.

Off screen, a woman’s voice was heard. “Why don’t you kiss your sister, Sally? Show her how much you love her.”

The older girl beamed. “Okay, Mommy,” she said. Turning to the younger girl, Sally wrapped both arms around her, and the two siblings came together in a kiss that quickly grew hot and eager.

Linda stared at the screen, her cunt throbbing as the little girls proceeded to make love – swapping French kisses, sucking tiny nipples, licking bare slits. These underage girls weren’t just performing for the camera, they were having grownup sex and loving it. She shivered with arousal when the younger of the sisters, who was addressed as Karen by their unseen mother, got the older girl up on all fours and lovingly rimmed her asshole.

The scenes that followed were all in a similar vein, ranging from what appeared to be the early 1970’s to the current day. Some of the girls were preteens. Others featured teenage girls. A few had adult women with underage girls, some of them kindergarten age. All the vignettes were loving, erotic and very explicit. Some of them, like the first clip, involved incest.

At some point, Linda opened her robe to fondle her breasts, then began to masturbate.

A soft moan escaped her lips as she watched a woman undress in front of a girl, and then tenderly strip the child naked. The girl was perhaps ten, the woman in her late twenties or early thirties. They looked very much as if they could be mother and daughter.

Circling her clit with a fingertip as she watched the woman go down on the girl, Linda pondered that notion. I wonder… are there very many moms out there who do this kind of thing with their daughters? Surely I can’t be the only one.

Suddenly Linda realized the doorbell was ringing. If she hadn’t been so buzzed she would have instantly leapt to her feet. She stopped the DVD, got to her feet and did up her robe, then made her way to the front door. Squinting through the peephole, she saw it was her neighbor Cheryl.

With a sigh of relief, she opened the door, greeting her friend with a hug and a smile. “Come in, come in,” she said. “I was just kicking back.” Noticing Cheryl seemed slightly tense, she added, “Is everything okay?”

“Um, yeah… but I need to talk to you about something,” Cheryl answered. “Are the girls here?”

“No, they’re spending the night at my sister’s place.” She led the way to the family room.

Cheryl could detect the aroma of pot, and realized that Linda was stoned. Then she caught a whiff of something else. Is that… pussy? Christ, was she masturbating in here?

“Have a seat,” Linda said, pointing at the sofa. “Care for a drink?”

“Uh, water’s fine,” Cheryl replied.

“No problem.” Padding into the kitchen, Linda took a jug of water from the fridge and filled two glasses. She brought one to Cheryl, then seated herself a couple of feet away from her friend.

Struggling with how to begin her confession to Linda, Cheryl noticed the half-smoked joint in the saucer.

Linda saw her looking at it. “Want some?” she asked, “I hadn’t had any since college. It’s good stuff.”

“Um… maybe we should talk another time,” Cheryl offered.

“Or maybe you should catch a buzz with me.” Linda picked up the joint, relit it and took a hit before offering it to Cheryl.

Fuck, why not? Cheryl thought. Maybe it will make what I have to tell her a little easier.

Cheryl took it and inhaled tentatively, held the smoke in and exhaled, then had a bigger hit. She offered it back to Linda who waved it off, so Cheryl took another pull.

“Wow, this is good stuff,” Cheryl said with a nod, then put out the butt in the saucer. “I’d better stop there, before I get completely blazed.” Taking a deep breath, she gazed sorrowfully at her friend. “Listen, Linda… I need to confess something to you. Something I did that… that most people would condemn me for.”

“Surely it’s not that bad,” Linda murmured, touching her friend’s shoulder.

Cheryl stared down at her hands. “I’ll let you be the judge of that.” God, how do I say this? Just come out with it. “Linda… I’ve had sex with my daughters.”

Linda could only stare, her heart suddenly racing. “You’re kidding me.”

Looking up, Cheryl slowly shook her head. “No. I’m not. Ali and I have been lovers for three years, and I just recently did it with Pam for the first time.”

Linda’s head swam. “Oh, my God, Cheryl…” she blurted, “I’ve had sex with my daughters!”

Snapping to attention, Cheryl gaped at her friend. “You what?”

“I… I didn’t mean to tell you that,” Linda said, feeling her face grow hot. “But it’s true. So we – we’ve both fucked our own kids?”

Seizing Linda’s hand, Cheryl said, “Tell me something. Did it happen because of Kelly? Did she… seduce you and Gabby?”

“Well… it never would have happened without her, that’s true,” a dazed Linda replied. “I mean, I’m not really blaming Kelly, you understand.” Puzzled, she studied her friend. “H-how did you know to ask me that, Cheryl? Did Kelly ever…”

“Hell, she told me she wanted to fuck you!” Cheryl exclaimed. “And yeah, that’s exactly how she said it.”

Linda’s eyes widened. “Kelly – told you that? Why would she…” Her voice trailed off. “I don’t understand.”

Cheryl slumped back into the sofa. “This is not how I expected this to go,” she muttered, then looked up at her friend and neighbor. “Look, Linda, there’s something else I have to confess. I came over to tell you that I had sex with Kelly… and Gabby, too. I’m so sorry, but I had to tell you the truth. I… I only hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.” Trembling inside, she waited for Linda’s reaction.

Looking at Cheryl, turning recent events over in her mind… Linda finally began to laugh. “Well, sure… why should I be upset with you? Listen, my sister Jan made love with my girls too. Before I did, actually. In fact, they’re probably all fucking right now. So I don’t blame you, Cheryl, not one bit. I’m just happy to have finally gotten in on the action.”

Cheryl was on the verge of tears. “Oh. Linda… thank you, thank you for understanding. I was so sure you’d h-hate me for what I’d done…” Her lower lip trembled.

Opening her arms, Linda drew the woman into an embrace. They snuggled together for a long while.

Finally, Linda broke away. “Now, tell me all about how you ended up in bed with Kelly and Gabby. And how you first made love to your kids. Don’t leave anything out – I want details!”

Cheryl opened up, explaining how she and Alicia first became intimate. Then she told Linda about how Kelly had crept over to her home in the middle of night, parked herself on the sofa wearing but an oversized t-shirt without panties, turned on the TV, found a channel featuring lesbian porn and began to masturbate. When Cheryl and Ali crept downstairs to investigate. Kelly bluntly asked them to fuck her.

“That scheming little brat,” Linda murmured, shaking her head. “If she wasn’t such an incredible lover, I’d turn her over my knee and spank that sexy little bottom of hers.”

“I don’t know… Kelly might enjoy it!” a grinning Cheryl replied. “Anyhow, if you think that’s wild behavior, let me tell you about what she cooked up the next day.”

She went on to describe how Kelly had persuaded her to wait outside the window of the study, then she put on a sex show in that same room with her sister Gabby, along with Cheryl’s youngest daughter Pam. Peeking through an opening Kelly had carefully arranged through the curtains, Cheryl watched the younger girls undress, kiss one another, and allow Kelly to lick their pussies.

“Good gravy,” Linda mumbled. “Kelly told me about doing that… only she didn’t say anything about letting you watch. I wonder why? Didn’t want to get you in trouble, I suppose.”

Now it was her turn to share details. Linda told Cheryl how Kelly had seduced Gabby, then managed to entice her Aunt Jan into bed. “Then the three of them did it together,” Linda said. “They were staying with Jan that weekend… and from what Gabby told me, they spent most of it fucking.”

Gabby told you?” said Cheryl, arching an eyebrow. “So that’s how you found out about all this.”

“Well, I already suspected that Kelly and Gabby were fooling around… though not how far they’d actually gone,” Linda replied with a shrug. “What happened was, the first night after I brought the girls home from Jan’s, I decided to have a mother’s chat with Gabby about sex… and she ended up telling me everything they’d done. In graphic detail.”

“My goodness… bet you didn’t see that coming. How did it make you feel?”

“My God, Cheryl, I was on fire. It was all I could do to keep from masturbating, right there in front of Gabby. I should tell you this, by the way: my sister Jan and I used to be lovers, back when I was just a kid.”

Cheryl stared in disbelief. “You were?”

“Yeah,” Linda replied. “Jan broke things off with me when she started college, and that was my last lesbian experience until, well, two nights ago. I married Walt, who was the only man I ever loved… and since he died, I started wanting to explore my queer side again. And all the thinking I’ve been doing about Kelly and Gabby having sex… it got to me in a big way.”

“I understand,” Cheryl murmured.

Taking a deep breath, Linda gazed defiantly at her friend. “Want to know what I really felt when Gabby told me what she’d been up to with her sister… and my sister?” She paused.  “Jealous. wrong as it is, I wanted to be part of what they’ve got. So I took the first step toward making that happen.”

“Which was…?”

“After that discussion I had with Gabby, I asked her if she’d like me to make her come.”

“Huh. Well, that’s a bold move,” said Cheryl. “I’m assuming she said yes.”

“She loved the idea. So I masturbated her until she came.”

By then, Cheryl’s hand had strayed between her thighs. “Jesus, Linda. That really turns me on. Did Gabby do anything to get you off?”

Linda shook her head. “She wanted to, but… well, I wasn’t quite ready for that. We did kiss, though – and she used her tongue first. God, what a soft, sweet mouth she has…”

“Gabby is a very good kisser,” Cheryl agreed. “So when did you two do the deed for real?”

“I’m getting to that. Remember how freaked out Kelly was the other day, when they started the fireworks at the street fair? I had to take her home.”

“Sure. I’d never seen her like that.”

“She slept with me that night. Just slept, mind you!” Linda was quick to add. “The next morning, we talked. I told Kelly I knew what she’d been up to with Gabby and Jan… and that I’d be into making love with her, if that’s what she wanted.”

“Bet she did.”

“Oh, my, yes!” Linda replied. “But I wanted it just as much. I got Kelly out of her pajamas and went down on her right there and then. It was the first time I’d eaten pussy in over fifteen years… but I guess there are some things you never really forget. She came like a wildcat.”

Cheryl now had a hand in her unfastened pants. “Then she returned the favor, I’m guessing…?”

“We chatted for a while first. I had a lot of questions, after all. But we both got all worked up again, and – well, she finally shoved me onto my back, plunged three fingers into my cunt and fucked me till I begged her to stop.”

“Insatiable, that one,” Cheryl said. “How many times did she make you come?”

“Oh… it was either one massive orgasm, or millions of little ones. I sure as hell wasn’t counting. After that, Kelly and I cuddled and shared sexy secrets, then Gabby came home from your place and caught us in bed together.”

“Which she didn’t mind at all, I’m guessing…”

“Ha! She couldn’t get naked fast enough. Kelly made her stop, though, so she could undress Gabby herself. Then the family sex party really got going. And that pretty much brings us up to date.”

Reaching out, Cheryl took her friend’s hand. “Thanks for sharing that with me, Linda. I’ve come to accept the feelings I have for my daughters, but there are still times when I, I feel like a bad person.” Her voice quivered slightly. “Now I know I’m not alone… and you can’t imagine how happy that m-makes me.” A tear rolled down her cheek.

“Oh, Cheryl!” Linda sobbed, opening her arms.

Embracing, they had a brief but satisfying cry together. Finally they drew apart, exchanging embarrassed smiles. “Um, I need to wash my face,” said Cheryl.

“Me too,” Linda said. “Go ahead and take the bathroom… I’ll use the kitchen sink.”

Moments later, they both returned to the family room. Plucking the half-smoked joint from the saucer, Linda lit it again, and they each had a couple more hits, refreshing their buzz. They talked about girls, what turned them on, when they started to feel desire for their daughters. That was when Cheryl saw the DVD box for The Sound of Music on the table.

This was my favorite movie when I was a kid,” Cheryl said, picking it up.

“Bet you’ve never seen this version,” Linda said. Reaching for the remote, she hit PLAY.

An image appeared on the screen – a teenage girl and two much younger ones, completely naked and sitting on a bed. Her mouth hanging open, Cheryl muttered, “You’re right, Linda… this isn’t The Sound of Music I remember.”

As they watched the three girls kiss, then have sex, Linda opened her robe and began to finger her pussy. It seemed like an ideal way to pass the time, watching lesbian child porn with her best friend who, as it turned out, also liked young girls.

Getting to her feet, Cheryl quickly undressed. She carefully placed her blouse on the sofa cushion, sat down and began to fondle her own dripping slit.

Soon they had switched to masturbating each other, their bodies touching as one illicit sex scene after another played out on the TV screen.

When a little girl who couldn’t have been more than eight began to tenderly lick a grown woman’s anus, Linda turned to her friend. “I… I want to eat your pussy, Cheryl.”

“Let’s do it!” Cheryl panted. “Should we go upstairs?”

“I can’t wait – let’s fuck right here.”

Before another minute had passed, both women were down on the carpet, caught up in a heated sixty-nine with Cheryl on top, slurping and sucking on each other’s juicy cunts.

They were already so turned on that it didn’t take long for them both to come. In fact, the two lovers reached climax at almost the same instant, moaning as they rode their ecstasy to its blinding finish.

Lying entwined in the aftermath, Linda murmured, “So… do I taste anything like my daughters?”

Cheryl thought about it. “Hmm… not sure. I’d have to line all three of you up and do a comparison.”

They shared a laugh, then Linda led Cheryl up and onto the sofa, where they relaxed together for a long time in silence. After a while, it began to get dark outside. Linda finally got up and put on a light. She considered getting dressed, then decided not to.

“There’s about an inch of this joint left,” said Linda, pointing at the saucer. “Want to finish it off?”

“No, thanks,” Cheryl replied. “Listen, Linda… Pam and Ali are at home right now. Want to come over and have some more fun? I mean, I’ve had your girls, so you should get to be with mine. I bet they’d love a romp in the sheets with you.”

Linda kissed Cheryl long and deep. Breaking away, she shyly said, “Maybe you could, um… find out if they really want to be with me? If they do, well, I’d be delighted to make love to your daughters. In fact, what if we had a sex party with all the girls? Jan too, if she’s into it… of course, she will be.”

Cheryl said, “Sounds amazing. I’ll run it past the girls, but there’s no way those two would miss out on something like that.”

“Let’s make it happen, then,” Linda said. She watched Cheryl slowly dress, then walked her friend to the door, giving her one last hungry kiss in the open doorway before they exchanged whispered goodbyes.

Wandering back to the family room, Linda smoked the last of the joint, then she watched another hour of Jan’s DVD, edging herself all the while. Finally, she had an intense orgasm thinking of Cheryl, what they’d done together… and what she hoped to do with her neighbor’s daughters.

She switched off the television and settled down on the couch, draping a throw over her bare body before dozing off. She spent the whole night there, sleeping peacefully.


Linda woke to the ringing of her phone, which she’d left on the coffee table. Picking it up, she managed a groggy, “Hello?”

“It’s me, kiddo!” said a very cheerful Jan, “Did I wake you? It’s not that early.”

Linda glanced at the time: 10:40. “Hmm. Guess I overslept.”

Not a problem,” Jan said. “Just wanted you to know we’ll be leaving soon, be there in a couple hours. No need to fix lunch – We’ll stop somewhere on the way. Bye!”

“Bye,” Linda mumbled, but Jan had already ended the call.

Linda sighed, then stood and stretched. The room had a lingering scent of pot and pussy.

Her first stop was the bathroom. Then she opened most of the downstairs windows, put the DVD back in its case and stashed it in the side table, then washed the saucer she’d used for her ashtray. Once the family room was back to normal, Linda showered, dressed and made breakfast.

As she slowly ate scrambled eggs and toast and sipped coffee, Linda wondered how best to confront her big sister with what she knew. She wasn’t angry at Jan, but it was crucial to have a serious discussion about what they’d both done with the girls.

Linda was still working out what to say when she heard the doors of Jan’s car closing in the driveway. Hastening to the door, she hugged and kissed Kelly and Gabby as they raced into the house, tossing their overnight bags on the floor.

“Don’t leave your things there, girls,” Linda told her daughters. “Take them upstairs, please. Once you’ve unpacked, come back down for a piece of apple strudel. I made it just yesterday.”

“Yum!” Gabby exclaimed, then nudged Kelly. “C’mon, slowpoke!”

They raced up the stairs, and Linda turned to face her sister, who had quietly entered the room. “Hello, Jan,” she murmured.

“Hey, Lin,” Jan replied, and they came together in a lingering hug.

Holding her sister, breathing in Jan’s familiar scent, Linda sighed. Even if I was angry with her, I couldn’t stay that way. Jan’s a part of me. And if things work out like I hope, we’ll get back that special closeness we used to have. 

God, I hope she still finds me desirable.

They finally drew apart, and Linda noticed her sister’s cheeks were slightly flushed. The sight thrilled her. She feels it, too. That old familiar hunger. Oh, Jan… you have no idea how much I want to fuck you.

“Did you and the girls do anything fun?” Linda asked.

“Oh, it’s always a good time with those two around,” Jan said. “We mostly…”

But before she could finish, Kelly and Gabby were thundering back down the stairs. “Alllll done!” Gabby announced. “Where’s our apple strudel?”

Linda had to laugh. “All right, come on,” she said, leading the way to the kitchen. “Want a slice, Jan?”

“Oh, I’ll have a morsel for strength. Is it Mom’s recipe?”

Mostly hers. I refined it a bit,” said Linda. Taking her large knife from the block, she deftly cut four slices from the large pastry, depositing each one on a small plate, then adding a fork before handing them around. “I make mine with a hint of clove. See what you think.”

Everyone tucked in. “Mmmm… this is marvelous,” Jan said with an approving nod.

“Yeah, it’s yummy!” Gabby chimed in.

Looking up from her plate, a smiling Kelly began to praise the dessert in Spanish.

Linda said, “Kelly, honey, stop. You’re speaking in Spanish again. We can’t understand.”

Kelly put a hand over her mouth, embarrassed. “Sorry. I don’t know why… it just comes out that way sometimes.”

The last bites of strudel were eaten in silence. As she deposited the plates in the sink, Linda turned to the girls. “I need you two to do a small chore for me while I have a chat with your aunt. Can you pick up all the twigs and branches in the backyard that blew down during the rain storm the other night? Just stack them all in a big pile… we’ll have a bonfire later.”

“Sure, Mom,” Kelly answered. “Come on, Gabs.” The two girls headed outdoors.

Turning to her sister,  Linda said, “I still don’t understand. How is it possible for Kelly to speak a language she never knew?”

Jan shrugged.  “It happens. There are various theories as to why, but nothing like a definitive answer.”

“Why Spanish?”

“You know,” Jan said, “It could just have easily been French or Greek or Chinese. Sometimes the patient even loses their ability to speak their native tongue altogether. So consider yourself lucky Kelly can still comprehend English.”

“Guess you’re right.” Turning away from the view of her daughters gathering pieces of wood, Linda went over to the side table to retrieve Jan’s DVD.

“I have this disc for you – the one that Kelly borrowed,” Linda said, handing the case to Jan. “Now we need to talk about you having sex with my daughters.”

Jan’s face turned deathly pale and she collapsed on the sofa, trembling.

“I’m not angry with you, Jan,” Linda continued, still perfectly calm. “Kelly seduced you, I’m guessing. She kept after you, showing you her body, pushing for sex… and after a while, you weren’t able to tell her no. Is that how it happened?”

“Oh, Linda,” Jan was sobbing, tears flowing down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry. I’m a terrible person. You shouldn’t blame this on Kelly, I should have been in c-control of myself! I’m s-so ashamed. And then there’s this DVD,” she added, staring at the case. “I didn’t lend it to her, Linda, I swear! She found it, God knows how, and borrowed it without asking. Oh, shit – she stole a joint from me, too!  Please tell me she didn’t actually smoke it.”

“Don’t worry,” Linda said. “I smoked it myself last night, while I watched your DVD.”

Jan stared at Linda, then put her head in her hands, “Oh, hell. H-how much of it did you see?”

“Oh, the whole thing. It’s incredibly hot. I made myself come three times. How did you get it?”

“I had a patient with a – a thing for young girls,” Jan mumbled. “He’d never done anything inappropriate, mind you… but he wanted to stop having those feelings. He told me about having a collection of films with underage girls in them, and he couldn’t bring himself to destroy them, much as he longed to. I offered to dispose of the collection for him, and he agreed. The next day, he brought a cardboard box of homemade DVDs.

“Once I’d brought the box home, I ended up watching one out of curiosity. It was a film of a teenage girl making love to a child, one who might have been her ten-year-old sister. Maybe as young as eight.” Raising her head, she met her sister’s steady gaze. “That made me think of you, Linda. What we had, and how crazy in love with you I was. I ended up fingering myself until I came.” She gave a deep sigh. “It turned me on… and as it happened, so did some of the others. I compiled DVDs of the films I liked. Just the lesbian ones, of course. I destroyed all the rest.”

“You’ll have to copy some of them for me,” said Linda. “Especially that one,” she added, pointing at the DVD case in Jan’s hands.

Jan’s eyes narrowed as she studied her sister. “What’s going on here, Lin?”

Linda’s expression was a portrait of innocence. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Why are you so – so composed? I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but you should be ready to throttle me. I fucked your daughters, for God’s sake! Okay, maybe Kelly started it all, but that didn’t mean I had to give in, much less get Gabby involved. And now you’re getting into underage lesbian porn? I don’t understand. Wh-why aren’t you furious with me, damn it?”

Slowly advancing to the sofa, Linda sat beside Jan, reaching over to take her sister’s hand. “Oh, Jan. How could I think badly of you? I made love to the girls, too.”

Jan could only stare, fumbling for words. Finally, she whispered, “You… you had sex w-with Gabby and Kelly?”

Nodding, Linda said, “Yes, I did. You taught them well, big sister. They’re wonderful lovers.”

“I… I don’t know what to say. How did it happen?”

Linda smiled. “It started when Gabby told me about all the things she’d done with her little friend Pam. Then with Kelly. Then with you.”

“And you – you weren’t upset?”

“No, indeed… I’ll tell you why.” She shifted her hand to Jan’s thigh. “In the first place, I miss what you and I had all those years ago. God, how I’ve missed it. Oh, I was happy with Walt. He was a good man, a wonderful father. But you were the great love of my life, Jan – and I didn’t realize it until he was gone.”

Fuck, Linda,” Jan breathed, her eyes misting over.

“And once I began to suspect my daughters had become lovers, just the same as we did… It felt like I should be upset, but I wasn’t. Then I began to – to like the idea. I’d already been having sexual thoughts about you, just like before – and knowing what Kelly and Gabby were up to only made me want you more. I was even taking out your old journals and masturbating while I read about the things we used to do in bed.”

“Kelly told me you still have those. She read them, you know,”

“Can’t say I’m surprised,” Linda said with a shrug. “By the way, I’m sorry I didn’t throw your journals away when you asked me to. When push came to shove, I couldn’t give them up. The things you wrote about our times together…reading them made me feel alive again.

“And with all the sexual fantasies I was having about you, it was only a hop, skip and jump to feeling the same way about my girls… wanting to love them like we loved each other.”

“And so you did,” Jan said, still awed. ”You’ll have to give me all the graphic details when we have time.”

Linda moved to kneel on the carpet before her sibling, resting both hands on her knees. “It’s been too long, Jan. I want us to be lovers again… and this time the girls will be part of it.”

Jan began to cry. “Oh, Linda… I w-want that too!” She opened her arms, Linda moved into them, and they held each other tightly.

When they finally drifted apart, Jan wiped her eyes, then said, “Well… what happens now?”

Peering through the window, Linda looked for Gabby and Kelly. She spied them far back in the backyard, carefully assembling a stack of twigs and tree limbs. Turning to her sister, Linda said, “You kiss me, big sister… that’s what happens.”

Jan felt her face flush, her heart race. It’s happening, at long last. I’ve dreamed of this moment for years… and now that dream is coming true.

The two sisters slowly drew closer until their lips met in a brief but lingering kiss. Gently parting, they gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment, communicating without words. Yes, this is good, this is right.  Another kiss set their passion blazing as tongues met and mingled. They began to explore each other’s bodies, hands gliding over shoulders, arms, thighs, bellies, breasts.

“I love you, Linda!” Jan gasped.

“Love you too, Jan,” Linda murmured, nibbling her sister’s ear.


Outside, Kelly and Gabby had built an impressive woodpile from the storm’s debris. They stood side by side, appraising their work.

“Looks great!” exclaimed Gabby. “We’re done, huh? C’mon, let’s go back inside.”

“Not just yet,” Kelly replied, glancing at the house. “Let’s stay out here a little longer.”

“What for? I was gonna watch cartoons.”

Kelly grinned. “If we sit tight for a few minutes, you might get something a lot more fun than vegging out in front of the TV.”

Gabby thought for a moment, then perked right up. “You mean… oh, wow. Are Mom and Aunt Jan gonna fuck?”

“Maybe,” Kelly answered. “I mean, they both want to, right? I bet Mom sent us out here to clean up the yard so she can let Aunt Jan know she had sex with us. Once they start discussing that, they won’t be able to keep their hands off each other.”

“So… how long do we wait?”

“Um, another five minutes? They should at least be making out by then.”

Cool,” Gabby sighed, then gave their woodpile a critical glance. “Hmm… y’know, this looks okay, but if we worked on it for, oh, five more minutes, it would be even better, huh?”

Kelly had to laugh. Playfully mussing the younger girl’s hair, she said, “Yeah, I think it would.”


Linda had a hand between her sister’s thighs and was rubbing Jan through a pair of skimpy black panties, while Jan had unbuttoned Linda’s shirt to nuzzle and lick her bare breasts.

Taking a quick look through the window, Linda saw her daughters, still gathering wood. She turned to Jan. “I think the girls will be occupied for a while.” She stood, extending a hand to her sister. “Let’s go up to my room.”

Taking Linda’s hand, Jan rose to her feet, and without another word the two women made their way upstairs. Once in the master bedroom, they undressed, then stood before one another, completely bare.

“God, Linda,” Jan said, studying her sister. “You’re more beautiful than ever.”

“You’re the beautiful one,” Linda replied, reaching for her sister. They came together in an ardent kiss that quickly stoked their passion into a roaring inferno. Somehow, the two women made it to the bed.

After swapping kisses, they began to masturbate each other… and soon, as if in mutual agreement, found themselves in a heated sixty-nine position with Linda on top, the same way they’d always done it as underage lovers.

Linda and Jan were lost in the face of helpless desire. They’d gone without one another for much too long, and were now free once more to indulge in the delights of their forbidden love. The memory of those bygone times came rushing back hard and fast, and they instinctively remembered where to caress, how to lick, what made Jan sigh, what made Linda scream… and that wondrously familiar taste of a sister’s pussy.

Jan came first, but Linda’s orgasm hit seconds later, moaning into each other’s cunts, finally going limp. Linda managed to roll off Jan’s body and flop down next to her. The two lovers were glazed with sweat, their hair tousled and both of them out of breath. They shared a weary but tender kiss, purring with pleasure at the flavor of each other’s lips.

The moment was interrupted by the voice of a young girl. “Cool!” It was Gabby.

Jan and Linda looked up to see the girls. Kelly had already removed most of her clothes, and was stepping out of her panties, which left her completely nude. Gabby was still dressed, but the child’s tiny nipples were clearly visible through her faded T-shirt.

Without missing a beat, Linda began to play with Jan’s pussy as she said, “Hello, girls. Want to join us?”

“Yes!” Gabby cried, bouncing up and down where she stood.

“You’d like that too, wouldn’t you, Jan?” Linda asked, already knowing the answer.

“My God, yes,” Jan murmured. “But you’re overdressed for the occasion, Gabby.”

“Leave that to me,” Kelly announced. She stripped her little sister bare as their mother and aunt watched. Joining hands, Gabby and Kelly held hands as they approached the bed and climbed on to join the two women. And just like that, the sex party was underway.

Crawling between her aunt’s thighs, Gabby began to lick Jan’s dripping cunt, quickly bringing her to a convulsive orgasm.

Kelly sat on Linda’s face, swaying back and forth, moaning softly as Mom ate her pussy.

Once she’d caught her breath, Jan got Gabby up on all fours and applied her tongue to the little girl’s pretty pink anus. Meanwhile Linda found her nine-year-old’s slit and began to pleasure Gabby with a finger.

After that, Kelly and Gabby teamed up to go down on their mother. Jan watched as the girls feasted on Linda’s holes until she came, then she kissed them both, tasting her sister on their mouths.

So it went until mid-afternoon. Adults and children fucked in different combinations and positions until they were left weary but content in a blissful afterglow.

Once they were rested, the four lovers padded into Linda’s bathroom and enjoyed a shower together. It was a snug fit, but that only added to the fun. Cool water to refresh them, soapy hands roaming everywhere, thick towels to dry one another, mixed with playful kisses and declarations of love.

Once the damp towels were laid aside, they went downstairs, still nude and feeling hungry.

Linda made thick sandwiches, a pitcher of ice-cold lemonade to wash them down. Seating themselves at the table, they began to dine.

They all looked up when the doorbell rang. Without any idea who it could be, Kelly sprinted to the front door before anyone could stop her.

She opened it wide and said, “Hi, Cheryl! C’mon in.”

An astonished Cheryl stepped inside, staring at the nude child. Then, looking into the dining room, she saw the rest of the party, none of them with a stitch of clothing.

“Welcome,” Linda said, getting to her feet “Would you like something to eat or drink? You’ve met my sister Jan before.”

“Good to see you again, Cheryl,” Jan said as she too stood up.

Cheryl was aroused by the sight, though somewhat puzzled. “Um, hello.”

Kelly explained. “We just had a sex orgy! Two sets of sisters, naked and getting wild.” She reached out to cup Cheryl’s ass. “Sounds like fun, huh?”

Linda spoke up. “We were thinking of going back upstairs for another round. Care to join us?”

By then, Cheryl was blushing. “Um… well, I’d love to, but Ali and Pam will be home from the mall soon, and I have dinner in the oven. I just stopped by to, er, tell you that… Um, it’s what you and I were talking about yesterday, Linda…”.

“It’s okay – you can tell us all,” Linda replied. “We don’t have any more secrets here. Did you talk to Pam and Ali…?”

Taking a deep breath, Cheryl turned to the girls. “Okay, here’s what’s going on. Last night, your mother and I had sex.” Kelly and Gabby exchanged delighted glances. “I told her about what you two did with me and my girls, and she’s perfectly okay with it.”

“Yay, Mom!” Gabby exclaimed, going up on tiptoe to kiss Linda’s cheek.

“Then I told your mom that she deserved the chance to have sex with my daughters,” Cheryl continued. Looking at Linda, she added, “Anyhow, I came to tell you Ali and Pam are totally into that. In fact, we decided it would be best to have one big orgy with both our families.”

“Whoa… that sounds great,” Kelly said.

Cheryl gave Jan a shy smile. “Jan, the girls and I didn’t discuss it, but I know they’d want me to invite you, too.”

Everyone enthusiastically agreed to Cheryl’s proposal, and the adults decided to work out the ideal night to make it happen. Because of Jan’s work schedule, the party would have to take place on a weekend night, and Ali’s soccer team had a match the following Friday. At last they agreed on a Saturday evening, almost two weeks away.

The girls wanted to make out a little with their sexy neighbor before she headed home, but Cheryl begged off. “I wouldn’t be able to tear myself away,” she said, “and my beef stroganoff is ready in fifteen minutes.”

She settled for giving Kelly and Gabby affectionate hugs before making her exit.

Jan stayed the night. The adults ended up letting the girls watch the DVD with them, and they were up until well after midnight, trying out some of the more unusual sex acts they saw on the TV.

On to Chapter Fourteen!


38 Comments on Stranger in the Family, Chapter 13

  1. monasissy says:

    I am starting to wonder who this Spanish speaking Kelly is, who is instrumental in making everyone “feel so good” including me. I long for more girls and moms. Hope Kelly can help. Very beautiful and erotic, thank you.

  2. Dondo says:

    I’m happy to see another installment of this hot tale. I’m not sure how you manage to keep it feeling fresh, but I have been enjoying each chapter as the story evolves and progresses. Bring on chapter 14. Thanks.

  3. sue says:

    Sisters, mothers daughters, friends, and the mystery of Kelly. Hot, loving, weird. Good chapter, and very reminiscent of Cheryl Taggert, while still being original. Is the next chapter the climax, since the all out orgy has been hinted at the end of this chapter?

    Good job, Purple and JB.

  4. BlueJean says:

    An incredibly arousing chapter. Linda and Cheryl watching the naughty DVD together was a highlight, although I didn’t think the way Cheryl suddenly turned up to confess she’d had sex with Kelly and Gabby and her own daughters was handled particularly well. I think that would have been more plausible if Cheryl had a solid reason to believe Linda wouldn’t just call the cops right away. Maybe Kelly told Cheryl she’d been having sex with her mother and I just don’t remember. If so, disregard my complaint.

    I can’t really complain about the impending lesbian incest free-for-all, can I? That was established from the get go, but personally, I’m not a big fan of the inevitable orgies. Also, it seemed an odd decision to skim over the foursome between Linda, Jan and the girls. Should that not have been given more attention?

    I’ve sort of ripped into this chapter a bit, but despite my misgivings I think it was one of the better episodes. I guess I’ve just become invested in the story.

    • JetBoy says:

      For my two pence, Cheryl does have a solid reason to believe Linda wouldn’t just call the cops right away: they’re best friends who have been through a hell of a lot together. That counts for a lot. I think Cheryl would be more worried about their friendship cratering than getting ratted out to John Law.

  5. Mike says:

    Very Hot, it seems the whole street might end up as one big Orgy.. I wonder if the Guinness book of records would cover that event lol. Fabulous writing hope there’s many more chapters to come

    • Charles Rosenberg says:

      Mike, Kelly has some work to do if she wants to surpass Chapter 125 of The Joy of Looking by Naughty Mommy.

  6. Purple Les says:

    monasissy ; Thank you for the kind words, I think the next chapter is the last and your thoughts may or may not be answered.

    Dondo ; thank you too. Well, chap 14 will be along in it’s regular rotation.

    sue ; Thanks as always dear reader.

    Mike ; thank you. Well one more chapter to come I’m pretty sure. Maybe there needs to be an x rated Guinness record book.

    BlueJean ; thank you I took it as positive review, though you did bring up valid points that JetBoy addressed. I’ll add that we felt there was enough there for the foursome. I guess it could have been padded out more, yet I think there was enough there. After all we’ve seen the adult sisters together at last. And we’ve seen the young sisters with their mother and aunt before, and now all together. And it had all been hinted at happening. Didn’t you say sometimes less is more? Anyway I think your saying you’re invested in the story was a great compliment, thank you.

  7. Charles Rosenberg says:

    I’ve gotten invested in this story with the last couple of chapters and it’s really giving me strong Naughty Mommy vibes (and I loved her interconnected stories). It’s a shame that this story may be ending soon. I can easily see the potential of this story continuing (especially IF Kelly finds additional friends and moms to seduce).

  8. JetBoy says:

    It’s wonderful to have you among us, Suzanne! We love Lisa to bits, and anyone who puts a smile on her face deserves to be treated like royalty.

    Also, many, many thanks from Les and me for enjoying our story. Now that you’ve dropped by, don’t be a stranger! In fact, consider yourself welcome as a cool breeze on a hot day.

    (Oh, and next time you see Lisa, give her a big squeezy hug for me.)

    xoxoxo, Danny

  9. Lisa Taggert says:

    Hi, everyone. My gf Suzanne says she left a comment and that it was awaiting moderator approval. She was fine with that, but now it’s not there at all. She’s unhappy about that. She said she mentioned that she is my gf. Is there a problem? She wants to take part in the discussions.

    • Kinkychic says:

      That’s strange because I saw the post.

    • BlueJean says:

      Probably not my place to say, but the thought of you and Suzanne believing she’s not welcome here made me wince, so I’ll tell you what I think happened. I suspect it was just the mention of a video. Some effort has been made recently to be a bit more discreet when it comes to things like that, just so we’re not painting a target on our backs. I hope this puts your mind at ease until JetBoy responds with something far more articulate and eloquent.

      • Suzanne Freeman says:

        Gonna try by commenting here. All I said was that I really liked the story and the website. I didn’t mention anything like a movie. And it’s not in the list of comments on the right side of the screen and it’s been since Lisa commented on Cheryl’s story chapter 60 which is in the list. Lisa says they’re in order of being posted.

        I guess I’m just being sensitive about it. I have a history of being not included in stuff. Lisa said there’s probably a reason it disappeared that has nothing to do with being deleted by someone. She says the people running the website are real nice people. I believe her. I just wanted everyone to know that I am enjoying the stories here in addition to the stuff Cheryl wrote. I never knew her but if Lisa loved her, she must of been a sweet person.

        • Purple Les says:

          Thanks for liking my story and the site. I’m sorry your first posting was a bad experience, but Lisa is correct the folks who run the site are very nice. An A+ for Amanda Lynn.

          Any friend of Lisa’s is most welcome here, and thanks to you for helping her over a tough time and being extra special for her.

    • Ty says:

      I can say I also saw Suzanne’s comment posted.

    • JetBoy says:

      That’s on me, Lisa. On Monday night, I approved the post and left a glowing comment (because I was so thrilled to be getting a visit from your significant other), then found an email from No One, who saw Suzanne’s comment before I did and left it unposted, then wrote to let me know that the comment was a violation of site policy, as it mentioned watching certain videos. I didn’t catch that violation myself, but a second look confirmed No One’s decision. So I moved Suzanne’s comment and my response back into Pending status. My intention was to write you about this, but it was very late and I simply HAD to turn in, so I was going to send that email late Tuesday night when I got home from work.

      My apologies, Suzanne. What BlueJean says above is 100% true. We have to be very, VERY sensitive about content at this site, and that includes all comments. We’ve already had Juicy Secrets shut down twice, then lost our original email account, and now that the Republicans are taking over yet again (heaves enormous sigh), the religious right will be gunning for sites like ours.

      We would be genuinely delighted to have you join in the festivities along with Lisa, who we love to bits. Before you do, though, please go here to check out our comment guidelines. Again, sorry about the confusion. Honestly, we weren’t snubbing you in any way, shape or form.

    • Captain Midnight says:

      Lisa, anyone who helps a woman like you fall in love again after Cheryl is one of the best people around anywhere.

  10. Suzanne Freeman says:

    Sorry. I don’t remember saying anything about videos, but I must have. I won’t do it again.

    • JetBoy says:

      NOT a problem. Consider it all buried in the distant past. Now that’s out of the way, here’s the reply I wrote to your original comment:

      It’s wonderful to have you among us, Suzanne! Lisa means the world to us, and anyone who puts a smile on her face deserves to be treated like royalty.

      Also, many, many thanks from Les and me for enjoying our story. Now that you’ve dropped by, don’t be a stranger! In fact, consider yourself welcome as a cool breeze on a hot day.

      (Oh, and next time you see Lisa, give her a big squeezy hug for me.)

      xoxoxo, Danny (JetBoy)

      • Suzanne Freeman says:

        Thanks JetBoy! That’s really sweet. Lisa said you were sorta like a big brother to Cheryl, and I noticed some of your comments sometimes refer to her as your little sister. I wish I’d known her. I sometimes imagine a threesome with her and Lisa and wish it had happened for real. I’m already not a stranger to the website. I visit almost every day though I don’t always get myself off when I do cuz I save it for Lisa if she’s at work, though sometimes I can’t help myself and rub a few out. Now we listen to it being read to us by Speechify and mess around while we listen. I used to read stuff like this at nifty but a lot of those stories aren’t written very well. After finding out I like these kinds of stories, Lisa showed me this site and told me Cheryl was a co-founder of it. That’s pretty cool! Lisa also says you guys actually reject some stories. That’s so cool that quality is important to you since like I said, a lot of sites will just put anything up just to have another story. Anyway, I don’t go to those websites anymore. I have found my erotic stories about older women with young girls home!

        Ok, Lisa wants me to tell you guys a little bit about me. I’m 25 and have always had a thing for women older than me. Lisa is 40 and since she likes younger women, we sorta match up well. My fantasy USUALLY isn’t being the older women in these stories when I read them but the younger one. I used to fantasize about grown women when I was younger. Like my high school English teacher. She was around 30 and I was 15. I use to fantasize about staying after school for some help and she would seduce me. Of course in my fantasy, I did some things to encourage that. Maybe there’s a story in there but I’m not a writer. I discovered my pussy when I was real young. I don’t remember how old I was. I just realized it felt good to wash myself there. When I was about 9 or 10, I learned about internet porn and enjoyed that through my teen years, mostly pornhub. I was 11 when I had my first cum. I remember cuz I was in 6th grade and my birthday is in the summer. It’s funny how everyone remembers that first one. I hadn’t had one yet and I was watching this vid on pornhub and was getting, like, real turned on by it and rubbing myself then BANG! I had my first. I didn’t tell anyone about it since I didn’t trust any of my friends not to blab about it. I was also touched by someone when I was just a kid. I was in 7th grade then, so I was 12. It was this girl who lived down the street. She was 16. She taught me alot! In fact, she is the first girl I licked. That took a lot of coaxing, but am I glad she talked me into trying it! She had already licked me to several orgasms and I decided to try it because she deserved payback. So when I read these stories, I sometimes fantasize about being the kid, not the adult or older girl. My favorite parts of I WAS THE DAUGHTER OF A PORN STAR were the parts when Cheryl was young and having sex with the adults, but I think my absolute favorite part was when Cheryl was the “companion” for the girl Erin. It reminds me of what happened in my life, and of course I pictured myself as Erin in those parts, not Cheryl. I also fantasize about young girls, though, wanting to teach them the way I was taught by Nicole, the older girl who lived down the street from me.

        Sorry to go on for so long. Lisa will tell you when I start talking, I won’t shut up. 🙂 I tell her that talking keeps the tongue exercised and ready for a bigger workout. LOL! She’s at work today. She has a manager for her restaurant, but sometimes she has to go in anyway. I’m the “wife” who stays at home and keeps everything nice here at home.

        Oh! I have an older brother and a younger sister. We all kinda fooled around some when we were kids but we don’t anymore. My brother is now married with two daughters, but my sister isn’t married. She is dating a guy though. My family is aware I’m a lesbian and they’re all fine with that. Lisa told me about Cheryl’s life growing up, and it makes me sad her parents were like that. When I told my parents, they were happy for me. When I told my sister, she was like, “So that’s why you always preferred messing around with me more than our brother.” I really blushed when she said that cuz we don’t talk about messing around with each other as kids anymore. It’s like this forbidden topic or something.

        Well, that’s all I have to say about me. I hope I didn’t break any rules by going on like this about myself.



        • No One says:

          Hey there, and welcome. It’s always nice to see new people commenting.

          You didn’t break any rules in this one, but I would say it’s very ill-advised to give so many personal details (like names and ages of your entire family) that could be used to identify you, on a site about this topic. I edited your last paragraph just a tad to make things more anonymous.

          Cheers, and I hope you’ll keep enjoying the site.

          • Suzanne Freeman says:

            I understand, but Freeman isn’t my last name. Lisa told me to make one up for that same reason. She isn’t Taggert either since Cheryl’s last name was also not Taggert. Thank you for caring enough to mention that, though!

            And I’m glad I didn’t break any rules this time. 🙂

            • Captain Midnight says:

              Suzanne, have any of your family members met Lisa? Do you think they would like her, and she them? And have you met any of Lisa’s family?

    • Captain Midnight says:

      Suzanne, there were a lot of problems with some sites out there, which went to extremes and often featured badly-written and rather gross-out stories. JS goes very far to present only the highest-quality, loving stories.

      My best friend was a JS member and there was a link to her site.

  11. Charles Rosenberg says:

    Granted, some of the stories (including this one) push the envelope somewhat, but to use a sports analogy, my general philosophy on what I like to read is that If there’s grass on the field (or should be depending on the season), the hole is in play.

  12. Captain Midnight says:

    I like very much hoe Kelly is adjusting to having a family all over again. In the early chapters, it looked like she was acting out in some way, trying to seduce anyone in a skirt just to be outrageous.. Now, she dearly loves Gabby, and I am thrilled about her growing love for her mom. She gets increasing pleasure from seeing her girlfriends truly enjoying sex.

    The scene where Kelly was terrified by the fireworks was especially moving. She became a little girl again, needing true love.

    • Purple Les says:

      Thank you, Captain Midnight, for your kindness to Lisa and Suzanne. And for your insightful comments on the story.

  13. Maddie says:

    Jetboy will attest that I’ve been a long-time fan of Juicysecrets. Stranger in the Family has found a place among my favorites.

  14. Sapphmore says:

    This story continues to be a favourite of mine and I look forward to each new chapter, and part of it is the very different and original catalyst for Kelly’s radical behavioural change and first foray into girl-sex. But, it’s also that the older characters fight (in vain) to hold back their desires, and the youngest girls especially have that wonder of exploring something new that usually only grown-ups get to do, but still maintain a sense of innocence.
    At the moment, it’s difficult to tell where this is going to end; will the full family orgy signal a happy ever after, or will there be some new event. Who knows? Until then, I’ll just enjoy each course.

    • Purple Les says:

      Thank you so much. I do hope you enjoy the next chapter. And just so you know, I’ve enjoyed, and got off to Ripples each and every chapter. So that’s a lot of pleasure you’ve given.

  15. Birdie says:

    Wonderful chapter. I’m guessing the initial scene when Cheryl comes over to confess to Linda was a challenge to write. You handled it well. Should be fun when the 2 happy families can all play together. Suzanne, please keep coming back. Jet Boy, thanks for doing what must be done to keep JS online.

    • Purple Les says:

      Thanks, Birdie. I don’t know about JetBoy, but it’s all a big challenge for me. It seems to come easy to JB, or at least it looks that way.

  16. Bryan says:

    Such a deliciously raunchy story i love it

    • Purple Les says:

      Thanks for letting us know. We appreciate it.

    • Captain Midnight says:

      I would actually thrill to a second series set in the fall, where the “new” Kelly returns to school. She might meet some of her old friends and rebuild relationships with them, and make new friends with her nw personality. She might be a real mentor and lover to girls her age who are just starting to feel sexual urges, and I’d like to see if she has become very smart and would be a popular kid because girls want to get to know her for her mind and later her lovemaking.

      I’m big on seeing how people’s lives grow and develop after they fall in love.

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