Original story by kinkychic, rehashed by kinkys_sis
It was my birthday. Eighteen at last and out for a pub crawl with my college friends. Just a girlie thing, no guys along, which suited me fine, though none of my friends knew I was only into girls. I hadn’t yet dared to tell anyone.
The wine flowed freely, then we moved on to shots. God knows how many I’d had, but I was feeling every one of them. I told myself I needed to slow down, or it wouldn’t be long before I was well out of it.
Trish smacked my arm. “Carole, do you mind?”
I looked at her blankly through half-focused eyes. “What do I mind?” I said.
She leaned closer and said quietly, “You’ve got your hand on my leg. It’s getting a bit touchy-feely.”
I glanced down. Oh, hey, she was right. I took my hand away. “Sorry. Hadn’t noticed.”
“Well, if that’s what you do when you don’t notice, what exactly might you do if you do notice?”
She sounded just as drunk as I was. Before I could think up a clever comeback, she’d already turned the other way to answer something Babs had said.
The room was spinning. This wasn’t good. I breathed deep, hoping it would stop, but it only got worse.
“I need some air,” I said.
Nobody seemed to hear, and no one seemed to notice as I weaved away from the table. I pushed the door and carried on walking. Then bang! Fuck, that hurt. Or it would have if I’d been able to feel pain. What was wrong with the bloody door? I’d walked straight into it.
I staggered back, still clutching the handle, and of course, the door followed me. The stupid thing opened inward!
I could hear the waves on the beach. That and the light breeze made me feel better. I crossed the promenade, grimly took hold of the handrail, and somehow got down the steps.
The dizziness came back with a rush, and I almost fell. I needed to lie down, and fast.
There was a bench a short way away. I fell onto it and rolled onto my back. High above me, two blurry images were laughing, presumably at me.
I closed my eyes, only vaguely conscious, just wanting to sleep. I wasn’t sure, but the laughter turned into voices, which seemed to be coming nearer.
“Look, do you think she’s alright?”
“Yeh, she’s okay. She just had too much to drink.”
I heard giggling. I couldn’t seem to open my eyes, but I knew it was two girls. They sounded very young.
“Do you think she looks sexy like that?”
I told myself I had one leg along the bench and the other hanging off the side. I tried to lift it up, but it didn’t want to move.
“Fucking hot, I’d say,” was the answer.
“Hey, look from here. You can see her knickers.”
“Yeh, but not much. Think she’ll notice if I lift her skirt up?”
“Nah, she’s out of it. Go on, do it.”
I barely felt it, but I knew my skirt was moving. I fought to resist, but only in my head. My body wasn’t responding to the signals. Panic was rising in my chest. Or was I about to spew?
“Oh, fuck. Nice panties.”
“Her legs’re bloody gorgeous.”
Somehow, just for a second, I got an eye open. Through the haze, I saw two young girls. I mean like eleven or twelve. My eye closed again.
“Well, you can look at her legs. I like her pussy.”
How the fuck could two kids be talking about me that way? But then, it was pretty exciting. If they wanted to look, fine. Whatever turned them on. Not that I could put up a struggle anyhow.
“C’mon, Luce, let’s get a proper look.”
“You’re a dirty little sod. You getting horny?”
“Yeh. What about you?”
There was no answer, but I felt fingers at the front of my panties, then a cool breeze, and I knew she’d uncovered me.
“Oh, wow! Look at her pussy lips, Luce. Touch ’em, I dare you.”
The finger grazed me. “Ooh, she feels hot.”
“Let me feel.”
Another finger pressed a little harder than the first one, then it moved, tracing along my lips. I clearly felt the tingle in my pussy.
“Whad’ya think?”
“She’s not just hot. She’s wet, too.”
“Either she’s been naughty already, or she likes us touching. Think I can open her pussy, Sam?”
“Yeh, put your finger in.”
“No, we gotta go slow or she might wake up. I’ll just open it.”
“Gawd, I can see her clit. Look how big it is!”
“Hey, Sam, maybe you shouldn’t…”
“Why the fuck not? What’s the point otherwise?” Then I felt the finger tickling my clit.
My hips twitched. I couldn’t help it. Suddenly my body had decided it could move – though of its own accord, not because I wanted it to.
“Shit, look! She likes it. She moves just like you do.”
Now the finger was sliding inside me. My vagina clamped down on it, and I let out a whimper.
“We better go, Sam. She might wake up.”
“Bollocks. She likes it, I can see.”
The finger slowly began to fuck my pussy. Fuck, it did feel good, even if it was just two kids having fun. Then it hit me – I was being molested by little girls!
The girl fingering me said, “Pull my knickers down, Luce. Play with my pussy.”
“What, here? You nuts or something?”
“Nobody can see. I need fucking.”
A leg brushed against my arm, which was hanging down from the bench. I wanted to touch it, but was frightened of scaring the girls away.
I heard a sigh. “Yeh, that’s better. Fuck me good, Luce.”
The finger in my pussy moved faster. My body was responding, my hips meeting the thrust of her fingers. I loved hearing these youngsters talking dirty.
“She likes it, Sam. D’ya think she’ll come?”
“Yeh, course she will. So will I, pretty soon. Don’t stop.”
“Sam! What the fuck are you doing?”
I felt hair tickle my thighs, then a hot puff of breath. Would she? Her lips encircled my clit and sucked. My body jerked, but it didn’t scare her off.
This girl’s ministrations seemed to be reviving me. My hand felt for the girl’s leg. It must be Luce, I figured. I curled my fingers around her shin and then started to slide upwards.
“Luce, why’d you stop touching me?”
“Oh my God, she’s awake. She’s holding my leg.”
“Well, good for her.” Sam went back to nursing my clit.
My hand continued up to the front of Luce’s panties. I was between her legs, rubbing the crotch, feeling how wet she was. I pulled the panties aside and my fingers went straight into her slit. She was so wet, my finger just slipped inside while my thumb searched for her clit.
I clearly heard Luce groan when I rubbed her, and she turned herself towards me. Hooking my finger inside her, I pulled the girl even closer.
Sam’s face lifted up. “You like us fucking you, sister? Hey, what’s your name?”
“Carole,” I managed to groan.
“Well, Carole, are you ready to come yet? I sure am!”
My dizziness had gone, and I was on cloud nine. A little girl was about to make me come, and I had my finger up another girl’s pussy. What the fuck am I doing? I thought. Well, who fucking cares? This is my birthday present from heaven.
Luce’s legs were trembling, her slender hips banging against my thrusting hand. She was leaking so much I felt the tickle of it running down my forearm. She was going to come first, I could tell.
In a rather shaky voice, I said, “She’s coming, Sam.”
Sam nodded, but didn’t stop what she was doing. Luce’s pussy gripped my finger, and she started shaking. A warm spurt of fluid ran down my arm, and I heard a little shriek.
It was too much, and it tipped me over the edge. I had just enough time to gasp, “Now, Sam. Fuck me harder!” before the orgasm took hold of me. Oh, how I loved this little girl!
Obviously, Luce had forgotten what she was supposed to be doing to Sam, so I knew she hadn’t climaxed yet. I pulled her up. “Turn around and sit on my face.”
“Yeh, way to go.” Her leg swung over me and her pussy came down hard on my open mouth.
I went straight for her clit with my tongue, one hand at her pussy and the other caressing her arse. She pushed back when I tickled her rosebud, so I knew she’d had it there before. My finger easily pushed past the little resistance, and I was buried deep in her hot arsehole.
She bent over and went back to my clit. I wasn’t sure that I could come again, but was happy to try. I saw Luce move away before I felt another hand pushing under me. Somehow I managed to lift a leg, and she held it up as she groped, searching for my cunt, then plunged her fingers into me, driving them in and out. Now, I knew I was going to come again.
I felt Sam tightening, pressing down harder, taking me deeper. Then it was her turn to shake. Such a sexy little bugger.
It wasn’t long before they both brought me to my second orgasm, one of the most powerful I could remember having.
I lay back, gasping for breath and cuddling Sam’s arse.
Lucie said, “Sam, we have to go, it’s late.”
Slowly, Sam climbed off, and I struggled to sit up. Things only spun a little. My vision cleared and I got my first proper look at my two girls. My hand flew to my mouth. They were so young, so beautiful.
Sam put a hand to mine. “Don’t be mad with us, now. Can’t say you didn’t enjoy that.”
“I’m mad, yes, but not with you two. Actually, I’ve gone mad. And I’m in love with you both.”
It was then I heard a voice in the distance, shouting, “Carole? Carole, are you out here?”
I saw my purse, God knows how I hadn’t lost it. Digging around inside, I took out a card and handed it to Sam. “Give me a ring anytime.”
The voice shouted my name again. It was getting closer. Sam leaned over, gave me a quick kiss, and told Luce, “You kiss her, too,” and she did.
They went to go, but Sam turned back again. “I’ll call. That’s a promise.” Then they ran.
An instant later, Trish came around the corner.
“Oh my God, Carole, there you are,” she said. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” She sat down beside me and took my hand, moving it to her leg. “You still want to feel? I decided I liked the idea. Consider it a bonus present.”
Fuck, what a birthday!
It was late afternoon two days later when Sam called. I didn’t recognise the number that came up on my phone, but the moment she spoke, I knew it was her.
“Hi, sexy Carole,” she began, “it’s Sam from the other night. Or maybe you don’t want to talk to a kid, now you’re not drunk as fuck. You can tell me to get lost.”
“No, I’m glad you called, though I probably shouldn’t be,” I said. “I mean, you’re only like – what? – eleven or twelve, maybe? You seemed to know what you were doing for somebody so young.”
She had a sparkly laugh. “It’s twelve, actually… and Luce and me’ve been fucking each other for like a year. So, yeh, I think I know what I’m doing. But I wanted to ask. Who was that girl who came looking for you? Is that your girlfriend? I’m sorry, but … no, I’m not sorry at all! I saw you play with her pussy, so I kinda wondered … but I don’t know. You didn’t really seem that close.”
It was my turn to laugh. “No, Trish isn’t my girlfriend. She said letting me touch her up was my birthday present, that’s all. I don’t have a girlfriend. Why do you ask? You’re not jealous?”
“No!” she said, a little too quickly. “But I was sort of hoping you’d want to see me again. You did fuck Luce’s pussy, and you got your tongue in mine … I thought we might properly fuck together, now that you’re not drunk.”
“You want my fingers in your cunt? And both of us naked? Tell me.”
There was laughter in her voice. “You wouldn’t be asking me if there wasn’t a chance, huh? So yeah, I’m asking. I would like for us to be naked together. Somewhere nice and comfy like, not on the beach in the dark where we can’t properly see each other. Where we can really fuck.” Before I could answer, she carried on. “Or are you just teasing me because I’m a kid?”
“Not at all. I haven’t stopped thinking about how your lips and tongue felt the other night, and I want to feel that again. And I want to see you lying in front of me without any clothes on. Happy now?”
“Fuck! You really mean it. I seriously thought you were gonna tell me to piss off when I called.”
By then, I was squeezing my thighs together. “I’ve got my own place in the town centre. So the only question is when.”
“Huh. I thought you’d still be living at home.”
“It’s only a small flat near my college. My dad pays the rent.”
“That’s seriously cool. What if I grab a quick shower and dinner, then come over? I could be there by seven. I only live five, maybe ten minutes away from you.”
I gave Sam the address and told her, “I’ll be waiting.” She giggled – the first sign of how young she really was, but I loved the sound of it.
“Are you as turned on as I am, Sam? Listen, you need to go before I start playing with myself. I’ll see you later.”
She laughed again. “Yeah, it’s better we wait. Bye, my sexy Carole.”
I held the phone, watching it shake in my hand. I hoped I wasn’t letting myself in for a whole load of grief. Somehow, I didn’t think so. I had the feeling I could trust her.
For at least the tenth time, I glanced nervously at the clock. It was now eight minutes past seven. Maybe she hadn’t been able to get away after all. I almost jumped out of my skin at the sudden sound of the bell.
I opened the door, and there she was, standing before me. I hadn’t given it much thought, but clearly Sam had – she was wearing a hooded jacket that covered her head. No one seeing her arrive would know how young she was.
I smelled her shower freshness as she passed me. She didn’t turn around until she’d removed the jacket, then I stopped her from coming closer. “Let me look at you a moment.”
She was gorgeous, much more so than I’d thought from our first encounter. Half of her light brown hair hung to her shoulders. The other half was clipped behind her head. She liked the semi-wild look. It was sexy as hell.
Sam was staring down at the floor. Gone was the confidence and aggression from two nights ago. With her hair framing her face, only her lips really showed.. and they were oh, so kissable. I wanted to grab her right away. Instead, I let my eyes travel downwards. The girl’s nipples, obviously aroused under my gaze, stood erect through her t-shirt. The small swells of her breasts were just visible. The very short skirt she wore revealed a pair of slim, coltish legs.
“Sam, look at me, please,” I said.
What I was thinking must have shown on my face, because her doubtful look changed to a smile. We took a step towards each other, reaching out until we drew into an embrace. I kept my eyes fastened on hers as our bodies met.
“My God, you’re beautiful,” I whispered, lowering my lips to hers.
She reached up, touching my lips with a finger to hold me back. “So are you, but I already knew that.” Taking her finger away, she drew closer. “Now you can kiss me.”
I’ve read writers who’ve used the expression “a kiss to die for”. I’d never quite understood what it meant, but I did now. This girl knew how to kiss. Tenderness, then passion, then abandon. Her sensuality caused my pulse to surge. I let myself drown in the feeling.
I was aware of her searching hands – one pulling my top free from my skirt, followed by fingers on my bare back, the other squeezing a breast. I knew then, young as she was, Sam would be the one to lead the way.
I hadn’t given much thought to my own inexperience, taking it for granted it would be me, the older one, who would take things forwards. Now I knew I’d been mistaken. Once Sam recognised my approval and desire, she assumed control. Her tender age had lost all meaning… and I could live with that.
I began to lift her t-shirt, but she broke our kiss, staying my hand. “Let’s go to bed. Take me there. I want to show you what I can do — what we can do.” Her voice was a husky growl.
I took her hand, my lips still only a sliver away from hers. “It’s all I want,” I told her.
“I know,” she said, then gave me a quick peck. “C’mon.”
Sam barely gave my bedroom a glance before turning back to me. “We undress each other – together.” She reached for the uppermost of the three buttons that fastened my top. I began to raise her t-shirt, but paused when she drew a nail down the valley between my breasts. I gave an involuntary shudder at this new experience.
Then she raised her arms high, and I pulled her t-shirt off. My eyes fastened on her small but perfect breasts as they came into view. Looking up, I half-expected to see her seeking my approval. On the contrary: I was met with a knowing look and a sly grin. She knew I liked what I saw.
I took a moment to study Sam’s breasts and her jutting nipples, almost trembling at the sight. This girl wasn’t far from perfection.
Her fingers were back at my buttons, unfastening the remaining two. She pushed my top past my shoulders, then cupped my bare breasts. I barely heard her utter, “Shit! I knew they’d be exactly what I wanted.”
My top fell to the floor, and she reached for the fastener of my skirt. I followed suit, although my eyes were still fixed on her tits.
Both our skirts fell at the same time. I had on my sexiest pair of knickers, which I was wearing for the first time. I’d been saving them for a special occasion I knew would come someday. Now it had.
I wasn’t sure what I expected her to be wearing, but nothing hadn’t occurred to me. She laughed gleefully at my astonishment.
“I took them off before I rang your doorbell,” she said. “They’re in my skirt pocket if you want them, but they’re probably still wet.”
She pushed me towards the bed. “Lie down, and I’ll take your knickers off.”
I eased myself back onto the bed, and we stared at each other for a moment. I already knew what I thought of this beauty standing naked in front of me, and I could see the pleasure in her eyes and face as she studied my body.
She pushed my legs apart and lay down in between them. Her hair, hanging around her face, tickled my thighs as she kissed them. She worked slowly upward, going from one leg to the other until she reached my mound. Her lips pressed into my centre while her fingers gently explored me through my knickers, her breath hot through the thin material. Then she took hold of the elastic and slowly eased them down.
I tensed, waiting for Sam’s touch, yet still gasped when her lips kissed my exposed pussy. I had to lift my arse for her to pull my knickers free. Her mouth never left my cunt, yet she somehow managed to finish undressing me.
The hot breath on my flesh travelled higher, moving through my neatly trimmed bush until she was kissing my tummy. I ran my fingers through her hair, wondering what she would do next.
It was a surprise when Sam got on top of me, the girl’s hair almost concealing her face. She reached for my breasts with both hands, taking hold of each nipple and pulling quite hard, enough to make me squeal. Then she kissed them, one after the other.
Then I felt those soft lips sucking a nipple into the warmth of her mouth. My cunt clenched in response. My senses were already going mad with need. She laughed as she crawled further up my body, pausing as she looked down into my eyes.
We kissed – those wonderful, sensual lips again – as she pressed herself between my thighs. Her pussy came hard against mine and, more from instinct than awareness, I spread my legs further apart to strengthen the contact.
Her hips undulated against me, and I did my best to follow the movement. She had one elbow beside my chest to prop herself up, using her hand to massage my breast. I felt the other hand snaking down to slip beneath my arse. Taking a firm grip, she pulled me up hard to crush her pussy into mine.
I clutched her with both hands, and so we fucked – the glorious rhythm of our grinding cunts, lubricated by our combined juices.
I began to gasp for breath. My chest tightened. My toes curled. My fingers dug into her arse as I tried to pull her inside my pulsing cunt.
I wasn’t aware of her breaking our kiss until I heard her pant, “A-are you ready?”
I couldn’t answer – I was straining too hard, pushing towards climax. Then I heard my shriek as my body convulsed.
Our pussies seemed to vibrate together. I could hear myself moan and Sam laugh as we forced our bodies together, prolonging our shared orgasm as long as we could. With one last shudder, she collapsed into my waiting arms.
Playing with Sam’s hair, I trailed a hand up and down her back as she nuzzled and kissed my neck.
Then she jerked her head up. “So… sexy Carole, what did you think? Did we fuck good?”
I carefully brushed Sam’s hair away from her face. “I don’t think you need to ask. I never felt so … well, I just never.”
Her face took on a slightly more serious look. “I gotta go soon. Can I come back? How about Saturday? We can fuck all day.”
“You can come anytime you want. But what about Luce? Isn’t she your girlfriend?”
“No, we just like to fuck.” She grinned. “You want us to be girlfriends? Or is it stupid for you to have one as young as me?”
I gave her a quick kiss. “No, Sam. It’s not stupid.”
Besides, there was nothing about this girl that would lead anyone to suspect she was only twelve. I was the novice in this relationship, and I was more than happy to have her as my teacher … and my girlfriend.
The End
Coastal towns in the UK are full of feral youths. They’ll either stab you to death or molest you. Carole got lucky.
Not the most compelling story from our favourite kinky sisters, but as a sketched out fantasy, it works just fine. Not every erotic story has to have the scope of Captain Bren, after all.
Well, it was hot. I think we liked it more than BlueJean. Although we thought it could have been just a little bit longer. With maybe Luce coming along on the visit to Carole, if not the first time then on a second visit. But other wise at least for us a nice little warm up story. We gave five stars. There were things like Carole being so drunk, though described well, it seemed too lucid for someone so loaded to recall so clearly. Mh, feral youths, sounds like a rock band. We wondered about the lack of consent from Carole while she lay drunk on the bench being molested by two young girls. But you can’t really rape the willing.
That was really HOT! Reached for my slit soon after Carole was found by Sam & Luce but had to slow down so as not to explode too early on in the story. Would love to see a second episode with Sam & Carole!
Really nice, quick story. It can stand on its own or could become a small series. Whichever way the sisters want to take it
Excellent premise, and the scene on the beach was incredibly hot (I have a real thing for younger girls controlling older girls / women). I actually thought the story could have ended there, but the additional scene didn’t disappoint. Will there be more from this group??? Maybe get Trish involved??? I would love to see a scene where Sam and Luce control the action with Carole and Trish. Great little story as it is. Thanks to The Sisters Kinky and all at JS who brought us this stimulating story. ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I’d liken this little tale to a double espresso, a quick shot to get your juices pumping. I’m with Erocritique on pretty much everything. I’d also love to see maybe one more part, keeping it nice and simple, where maybe Sam does suggest bringing Luce next time and Carole forgets Trish is coming round who breezes in as Carole answers the door, wondering why she’s naked under a robe and hears the girls. She gets a little jealous as she was hoping to get it on with her friend, but is persuaded to stay and watch what the girls can do.
Sorry, my mind is wandering on this.
Love it!
This was very hot. Please do more with these characters. It is a story that can stand on its own, but there’s enough here to intrigue and make the reader want more.
Hot abd adorable
I think that Bluejean is wrong, great story Kinky Chic & Sis. loved it. Ha d some nice excitement. I do agree with Kim & Sue, could have been a little longer
Other than to thank those that have commented, I’m going to leave it to my sister to reply to the comments.
I wrote the original several years ago. Sis more recently reworked it before it was passed to Jacqueline for editing. Sis is more responsible for it appearing here than I am.
Hot, and liked it. Hope there is more, seduce Trish, and more of the group.
Agree with Kim & Sue about recalling the scene
Super hot. But confused about the title. Should it be “on the bench” not beach. 🏖️. Did not stop me from taking care of myself while reading.
That’s a whole load of nice comments on the story’s first day.
But fist off, a big thanks to Jacqueline Jillinghoff for her editing of this story.
@ BlueJean – Thank you as always. This was never intended to be anything like our longer stories. In fact, I think it was written in the days when we’d only done short stories.
@ Kim & Sue – I understood the consent thing. It was a part that I rewrote to make sure it would be acceptable. You raise the same point as Sapphmore (and others), it would be quite easy to write a follow-up.
@ Lakeisha – Pleased you enjoyed it. (ps – did you ever look in ‘Guest Authors’ where we have loads more stories?)
@ Ty – Tks for the read and comment.
@ Erocritique – I think you, Sapphmore and a couple of others have almost written a follow-up chapter already. Appreciate your comment as always.
@ Sapphmore – I love a double espresso. As I’ve said above, you’ve all out-lined an easily written follow-up. I might do that, but there’s other stories to be progressed first.
@ Chuck – Okay … I get it. So many comments want the follow-up. It would be quite a while before I could get to it though.
@ merendinoemiliano – I had to copy & paste that name, no way could I remember how to spell it. Thank you.
@ Craw2591 – Thanks for the nice comment.
@ monasissy – Thank you. I’m thinking about more.
@ radio973 – Thanks. Trish does take the steps down to the beach… where there just happens to be a bench.
Loved this. I understand others apprehension on the molestation of a near passed out person but in the grand scheme of things, is a child molesting an unconscious adult any worse than a conscious adult engaging in sex with a minor? (Tomato – tomato) It was pretty easy for me to get passed given the type of material we all gravitate to. I wonder if that was a subliminal point to the story. Carol is the inexperienced one seemingly very immature in her sexuality. Philosophically, who is actually molesting whom? Thank you ladies for a great quick read. I also agree with those that suggest a continuation would be great.
It’s funny I’m sure I read somewhere readers preferred shorter stories over longer? I enjoy a mixture of both & this story certainly delivered.
Anyway I certainly enjoyed the story with the very erotic encounter on the beach to how confident and passionate Sam is.
I loved it! I do adore a passionate hump/grind, albeit brief, it was quite erotic. Hope there’s a sequel, I do love a great love story too.
Loved the story! The two young girls ravishing Carole was very erotic. Loved how they all enjoyed each other, love to read more stories like this, multiple young girls ravishing older girls, women, moms, and grannies.
Perfect. A short, hot romantic fantasy, like a daydream. I found this one very hot.
@ Scooby1287 – Thanks for the in-depth comment.
@ Mo – I think the vote for long vs short was about evenly split. We enjoy doing both. It depends on whether the body of the story warrants a longer story.
@ Lacy – Glad you enjoyed.
@ Bill – Thanks. There are plenty of stories here that can fulfill your needs.
@ MusicMan – Thank you.
Exactly as a short story should be. Well defined characters, enough of a storyline and some good sex. I loved it.
I admit to having been in a similar state to Carole, and also alone and helpless. But, I wasn’t lucky enough to be molested by two lovely young girls.
When I was their age I would have loved to have found you like that.
As always, thank you.
I’m so glad I saved this for a Sunday. It gave me time to saviour every little hot detail; and was it hot? Oh boy, yes. It certainly got me boiling.
The question has been raised … should there be more? It doesn’t need more! But I wouldn’t object if there were.
We’d much rather you savour every little detail. We’re way beyond a saviour doing any good… lol.
So pleased you enjoyed.
My goodness, what a perfect little lunchtime read, a much needed fix to lift the day. Loved every word and action xx