The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 11

  • Posted on December 4, 2024 at 6:22 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Orphaned at the age of eight, sixteen-year-old Doris Sloane has spent half her life in a Catholic orphanage, where she was trained to care for young children. Our story begins when she is taken into service at the home of Victoria Shaw, a widow with three daughters: Melinda (ten), Sophia (eleven) and Becky (fourteen). Doris is thoroughly satisfied with this new life, but her orderly world takes an odd turn one night when she is seduced by Mrs. Shaw. Surprising herself, Doris responds eagerly, fully returning the pleasure she has been given.

In the days that follow, Doris and Victoria couple frequently, and Doris becomes skilled in the art of lesbian lovemaking under the tutelage of her mistress. She is deliriously happy, but her joy is tainted by the fact that she is only engaged to serve in the Shaw household until Melinda, the youngest, turns twelve. To complicate things even further, Doris has fallen madly, passionately in love with Victoria, and lacks the courage to tell her so.

One of Doris’ duties as nanny is to give Melinda and Sophia a bath every other day. The girls often invite Doris to join them in the large Japanese-style tub, but she always refuses, believing it isn’t proper. When she mentions this to Mrs. Shaw after a bout of lovemaking, Victoria suggests that Doris do what her youngest daughters want: get naked and bathe with them. Furthermore, she encourages Doris to pay closer attention to the girls’ nudity, to notice how beautiful they are in the altogether.

Doris finds this a bit strange… but that evening, while giving Sophia and Melinda their bath, she takes the time to study them more closely, and is startled to find herself feeling somewhat aroused.  The girls notice her interest, and on subsequent evenings, eleven-year-old Sophia begins to tease Doris by flaunting her nakedness. This only fuels this budding desire Doris feels… and very soon, she is masturbating to lewd fantasies of Victoria’s daughters.

One afternoon around this time, while the girls are at school, Doris in asked to join Victoria for a light luncheon in the back yard. There, Victoria offers the girl a permanent home as a member of the family, then tells her, “I love you.”

Doris is overwhelmed by emotion at first… but she joyfully accepts, and they celebrate by undressing and making love. 

Then next day, Victoria tells Doris how she first became attracted to women. It began at the age of sixteen, when she was given the service of a personal maid, a lively Irish girl named Nora, who would quickly become young Victoria’s faithful friend and companion. They would become lovers, but it ended disastrously when they were caught in the act. Nora was sent away, and Victoria was left devastated. More than twenty years later, she still mourns the loss of her friend. Doris does what she can to console Victoria.

The next day, Victoria tells of what happened after losing Nora. She was quickly married off to a man named William Shaw, who proved to be a bully and a drunkard. She managed to endure her marriage, gave birth to her three daughters, and ended up taking over her husband’s business as his drinking spiraled out of control. He died a couple of years later, and Victoria was free.

Back in the here and now, Victoria presents Doris with a startling proposition. Wanting her daughters to experience the delights of Sapphic love before they develop romantic attachments to boys, she gets Doris to admit her attraction to the girls, then asks her to pleasure Melinda and Sophia in the bath. Doris is shocked, but also quite eager to do as Victoria wants.

The following night, Doris undresses and joins the two youngest in the tub for the first time, where she caresses both Sophia and Melinda to orgasm, then allows Sophia to fondle her in the same way. Later that night, Doris visits Melinda’s room, where she licks the ten-year-old to another climax. When Victoria is informed the next day, she is well pleased. But her eldest daughter Becky, who isn’t yet privy to her mum’s seductive scheme, is growing suspicious.

Two nights later, Doris and the girls bathe again. This time, though, they agree to postpone their pleasurable games until later, meeting in Sophia’s room for a sleepover. There, Doris teaches her charges the ways of lesbian love.

The story resumes here. Do enjoy.

by JetBoy and BlueJean


I’d come to like the small parish church down in the village very much. I realise that may seem at odds with everything I’ve told you about myself – the grim Catholic institution where I spent the last years of my childhood, my distrust of the joyless morality foisted upon me, and the rather unchristian behaviour I now freely enjoyed with Victoria and two of her daughters.

But there was truly something calming about that old mediaeval building, something that had less to do with any belief in God than it did a kind of indefinable spiritual yearning; a nourishment of the soul, if you will.

Often, when the girls were at school and Victoria was away in the city, I would slip out of the house and make my way to the village green where the old church stood vigil. It was a place of quiet contemplation for me, one where I could get my thoughts in order. More often than not, I was the only person present – apart from the vicar, of course, who thankfully had the good grace to respect his parishioner’s desire for solitude. The last thing I wanted or needed was spiritual advice. I’d had enough of that to last me a lifetime.

So I would sit there and bask in the still tranquillity; not praying exactly, but simply allowing my mind to wander. I thought of Victoria and the girls. I thought of my mother and father. I thought of Jesus on the cross, and wondered if our carpenter turned messiah would think it had all been worth it in the end, considering so many of us seemed to have completely missed the point he’d been at such pains to make. Be kind, he’d said. Be tolerant; love one another, or words to that effect. The nuns at the orphanage hadn’t exactly taken his words to heart. Indeed, theirs was a catastrophic misinterpretation. I felt the poor man had deserved better somehow. I’d deserved better, too.

On Sundays – day of rest though it may have been – there wasn’t much opportunity for that kind of quiet reflection. Sunday was the church service, and all parishioners were expected to attend. As the family nanny, that included me.

I don’t think Victoria was any more inclined toward religious piety than I was, but as an important and well respected member of polite society, she was nevertheless compelled to keep up appearances – the service was, after all, as much about mingling with one’s neighbours as it was worship.

The girls were never exactly enthusiastic about attending, either. Sophia and Melinda, in particular, would much rather have spent Sunday mornings running about in the garden or listening to the wireless, I’m sure.

But there we were, the Shaw family and I – lined up like tin soldiers on a pew at the back of the church while the vicar droned on endlessly, punctuated now and then by yet another awful hymn. God in heaven, how I hated the hymns.

Seated near the open doors of the church, the morning chill swirled around my legs, causing me to shiver. I reached behind and pulled my coat from the back of the pew, spreading it across my knees. Victoria turned to me and smiled, then glanced down. When she fixed me with her gaze again, I knew immediately what was on her mind.

Her hand slipped beneath the coat to rest in my lap. She leaned towards me and whispered in my ear. “Pull up your dress.”

By then, I was well familiar with Victoria’s boldness, but this felt reckless to the point of insanity. I trapped my bottom lip between my teeth and gave my head a tiny shake.

“Pull it up, Doris. For me.”

“Not here. Someone will see!” I whispered, barely moving my lips.

“They won’t. Do it.”

It was a huge risk, I knew that. The girls were seated on the opposite side of their mother, their view of me obscured, but there was still an entire congregation in front of us. I didn’t know exactly what Victoria had planned, but I had a very good idea. In spite of myself, the thought of it was making me throb in anticipation. And though the possibility of being caught at it filled me with fear, I couldn’t deny that misbehaving in such a public place – and a holy one at that – gave me an irresistible thrill.

I glanced across to the rows of pews on the opposite side of the hall, and when I was sure the people there were focused intently on the vicar’s sermon, I reached beneath my coat and hiked my dress up around my waist. Victoria’s palm crept slowly across my thighs until it was resting on the front of my knickers. I tried to keep my face as passive as possible while she moved her fingers back and forth, the cotton of my underwear causing a pleasant friction as it rubbed against my clitoris.

When Victoria’s hand tried to slide into the leg opening of my knickers, I found myself moving my knees apart to accommodate her. Then she was there, filling me with her fingers, pumping them back and forth while the heel of her hand rubbed against my clit. My breathing took on a more laboured note, and it was all I could do not to close my eyes and moan out loud.

The vicar spoke of sensuality and debauchery while each thrust of my lover’s fingers took me closer and closer to an earthly paradise. The Good Man wept on his cross above the pulpit, but his tears weren’t for me, no – I had found my place in the world. He had died for his sins. I would live for mine.

“Come for me,” Victoria breathed in my ear. “Come for Jesus.”

And I did. I came over my lady’s fingers in that place of worship, while the congregation stood and sang Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty. Yes, indeed.

As I stiffened against Victoria’s touch, Becky peered round to glance down at me, no doubt wondering why her mother and I were the only ones still seated. She furrowed her brow suspiciously before moving back out of sight. I hastily pushed my dress down, then fumbled for my hymn sheet, quickly standing to join the final chorus. I wondered if mutual masturbation at the Sunday church service was to be a regular event from then on. It was one way to boost attendance numbers, I suppose.

When the service had finished, we all filed out of the church into the warmth of the morning sunshine. While Sophia and Melinda scampered off to chat with some of their school chums, Becky sidled over, looking from her mother to me. “Why were you both sitting for the last hymn?” she asked, making me feel like a naughty child who’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t.

“Oh, I was woolgathering… thinking about something I read last night,” I told the fourteen-year-old, pretending to be embarrassed. “Before I knew it, everyone was up and singing. I hope no one else noticed.”

Of course, that didn’t account for why her mother had remained seated as well, but Victoria didn’t seem in the slightest bit concerned about such trivialities, and I doubted she felt the need to explain herself.

Hiding our illicit behaviour from Becky was becoming quite the chore. She knew something of what was going on, I’m sure. How long could we keep tiptoeing around her? And indeed, why should we even need to? It was maddening.

Victoria reached out to stroke her oldest daughter’s cheek with fingers that had been between my legs not long before. “Always so inquisitive, Rebecca dear! We shall have to do something about that, I think…”

Later that night, it would all finally come to a head.


That evening at dinner, I reflected on how much I had changed. From an awkward orphan with barely a stitch to her name to a happy, confident young woman, and all in the space of a few months.

I’d also developed a voracious sexual appetite along the way, and that had taken a trajectory of its own. Overcoming the unique breed of sexual guilt the Catholic faith was so adept at cultivating had leant me a kind of inner resilience. The Church, indeed society, would condemn me as wicked, if not downright evil, for the pleasures I’d indulged in, but I had taken that notion of wickedness and found a way to wield it as both weapon and shield, if only in secret. Each kiss, each touch, each taste of forbidden desire was an exquisite act of defiance. I was who I was, I took what I wanted, and felt no need to apologise for it, in confession or anywhere else.

As the Shaw family and I sat up to the dining table that early summer evening, I considered each of them in turn.

Beautiful Victoria – my lover, my friend; my mentor in so many things. Her strong will had in turn given me strength, and now knowing what she had endured to reach this place in her life, I felt privileged to be a part of it. My admiration for her was now tempered by a sense of familiarity, and our relationship was all the richer for that.

I had come to love Sophia and Melinda every bit as much as I did Victoria, my desire for them an inextricable part of that love. That I could guide them as their mother had guided me, in the art of lovemaking as well as more conventional pursuits, gave me a real sense of purpose.

Becky, though. Becky was a conundrum. She and I had never fallen out as such, but our relationship had waxed and waned ever since I’d come to Shadowglen. Just when I thought she’d begun to open up to me, an inexplicable distance had grown between us, and I didn’t seem to be making any progress bridging it. I wanted so much to be friends with her – I’d not met anyone close to my age since leaving the orphanage – and felt sure we must have more in common than not. Perhaps she simply doesn’t like me, I mused. If that’s the case, what’s to be done?

As we ate our supper, Becky’s eyes kept flitting back and forth between Victoria and me, as if she were seeking something there. When I met her gaze, she held it for a short moment before looking away. She seemed angry. I couldn’t help wondering if it were merely her age that brought on all this strange behaviour. I didn’t remember being that stroppy at fourteen, but then I don’t suppose an institutionalised orphan has the luxury of stroppiness.

“Girls,” Victoria said, drawing me back to the here and now. “You ought to know that I’m putting an advertisement in the paper for a housekeeper.”

“A housekeeper?” Sophia replied, a piece of skewered potato hovering near her mouth. “But Doris does that, doesn’t she?”

“Well, yes… but I’m worried we’re running poor Doris into the ground. Being a nanny is work enough, let alone all the housework, too. We’ll get someone to come in for an hour or two a day.”

“It is rather exhausting, having to look after such a big house on my own,” I admitted. “Some nights I practically fall into bed.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” Victoria chuckled, placing a hand on mine. “We can’t have you being too tired at bedtime, can we?”

I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. “No, I suppose not.”

“As long as Doris still gets to help us bathe and read us bedtime stories, we don’t mind, do we, Sophie?” Melinda chimed, that all too familiar twinkle in her eye.

Sophia giggled at that. “We don’t mind, not at all!”

“Stop it…”

We all turned towards Becky, who was glaring at her plate.

“Did you say something, Rebecca?” Victoria asked.

“I said, stop it. Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!” The fourteen-year-old threw her fork across the room, then sprang to her feet, fists bunched at her sides. “I know what you’re all up to!”

“What on earth’s gotten into you?” Victoria demanded, a stern edge to an otherwise calm voice. While she encouraged openness from her girls, emotional outbursts were simply not the done thing in the Shaw household. “Sit down, please.”

Sophia and Melinda stared at their older sister, their mouths hung open.

I held my hands up in a reconciliatory gesture, struggling to seem calmer than I was. “Let’s just… Look, I’m sure we can talk this through.”

But Becky would not be soothed. “I’m not fooled, you know!” she shouted, glaring at us. “You’re doing awful, wicked things! You think you’re so clever, trying to hide it from me… but I’ve got eyes, you know. I can see!”

“Rebecca Shaw! Sit down this instant!”

At her mother’s uncompromising tone, Becky went silent, then sank back into her chair with a face like thunder.

Victoria reached for her wine glass and took a careful sip, then drew in and slowly released a deep breath. She regarded her eldest daughter somberly. “Honestly, I’ve never known such a carry on. Entirely uncalled for.”

Becky was still upset, but her mother’s admonishment had taken the wind right out of her sails. “Yes, Mother,” she whispered, hanging her head.

I felt genuinely sorry for Becky, seeing the hurt she was experiencing – enough to make the girl lash out at her loved ones. Instead of arousing her curiosity, as we hoped to do, she’d been made to feel excluded.

This state of affairs could not stand. I would try to make things right.

“What do you think we’re hiding from you?” I gently asked the sullen girl.

She glanced up, a spark of defiance still lingering in her eyes. “Whatever you’re up to in the bath with – with Sophie and Melly. I know it’s not just washing. There’s more going on than that!”

The two younger sisters were frozen in place, their eyes wide with alarm.

Becky turned to Victoria and said in a quieter, more restrained tone, “I think you and Doris are doing something, too…”

“I don’t want you to feel left out, Becky,” I said, before Victoria had time to respond. “I invited you to bathe with us, but you didn’t seem much inclined.”

A hint of pink coloured her cheeks. “I… I didn’t think you really m-meant it,” she mumbled, staring down at the table again.

“But I did,” I told her. “I’m always looking for ways to be friends with you, but nothing ever seems to come of it. Sometimes I have to wonder if you even like me.”

By then, Becky seemed more than a little embarrassed at her outburst, perhaps wondering what she’d got herself into. “I do like you,” she said, her voice barely audible.

Something in Becky’s tone made me tremble inside. But before I could form a response, Victoria reached across the table to touch her daughter’s hand. “Do you truly think us wicked, dear? Is one woman finding comfort in the arms of another such a terrible thing?”

“Well… perhaps not, if it’s you and Doris. But…” Becky cast a cursory glance at her sisters.

By then, Melinda was looking decidedly pale. “We haven’t…” she began. “We didn’t—”

Sophia cut her off with a hiss and a hard shake of the head. “Shush, Melly! Don’t say anything!”

Even in the midst of this little drama, Victoria had to chuckle. “I’m quite aware of the fun you’ve been having with Doris, my little pixies. So is your older sister, it seems.”

The two astonished girls didn’t have much to say to that.

“Why don’t you bathe with your sisters tonight, Rebecca?” Victoria suggested. “See for yourself what’s been going on.”

“There won’t be enough room,” Melinda complained, but I quickly hushed her.

“Will you, Becky?” I said. “Please say yes. I’d really like it if you joined us.”

“Come on, Becky,” Sophia chipped in. “It’s been ages since we all bathed together!”

Becky blushed prettily. Looking up at me, she gave a small nod. “All right.”


While the girls cleared the plates away, I set about drawing the bath – large as the sunken tub was, it took considerable time to fill. When I returned, the Shaws were listening to the wireless in the drawing room, the earlier drama seemingly forgotten.

Lingering near the doorway, I scarcely heard the music or the words, my mind already awhirl with anticipation for what was to come. Soon I would get my first glimpse of Becky in the nude, and who knew what might happen then?

Once the radio orchestra did their big finish and was rewarded with a hearty round of applause, I roused myself and announced, “Girls, your bath awaits.” My eyes met Victoria’s, and she offered me a knowing smile.

With a squeal of delight, Sophia leapt to her feet and hastened to the bathroom, Melinda in hot pursuit. That left their older sister, who quietly rose from her seat and followed in the girls’ wake.

Becky and I entered the bathroom to find Melinda and Sophia shedding their clothes. Closing the door behind me, I shut off the taps, then busied myself laying out towels and folding the girls’ things as they cast them off. As for Becky, she stood to one side, staring at her sisters while they undressed. I wondered when she’d last seen them naked.

“Are you joining us?” I asked the fourteen-year-old.

Becky turned around, peering over her shoulder at me. “Undo me, please,” she said, doing her best to maintain a veneer of calm. A slight tremor in her voice told me she was anything but.

I unhooked the buttons of her frock, pushing it off her shoulders to let it fall around her feet. While she reached behind and unhooked her brassiere, I knelt before her. This vision of Becky in nothing but knickers was truly sublime. I was close enough to feel the heat from her body, to breathe in her feminine scent.

My voice, when it emerged, was husky and tinged with arousal. “Step out of your dress, so I can fold it up.”

She gazed down at me, smiling wanly as she lifted each foot from her dress. If she was nervous, I didn’t think it had much to do with getting naked, at least. I remembered how easily she’d undressed before me in the clothes shop that day. When she turned towards us, she swept her blonde hair back. Her breasts were small, perky, and utterly exquisite.

“Crikey, you have titties now!” Melinda gasped, clearly as enthralled by her sister’s beauty as I was.

“You’ve a lovely figure, Becks,” Sophia murmured.

With an unexpected surge of pride, I realised the two of them were doing their best to put their older sister at ease. Well done, girls, I thought.

When Becky bent to slip her knickers down, I made a concerted effort not to stare, so as not to make her feel uncomfortable. That said, it was nigh on impossible not to admire her shapely hips and firm arse.

Taking her still-warm underwear, I folded and added them to the rest of the girls’ things, then clapped my hands. “All right, in with you!”

Sophia and Melinda eagerly immersed themselves in the hot water. Becky entered with a little more grace, and as she lifted a leg to climb in, I was treated to a fleeting glimpse of her sex beneath a sparse thatch of chestnut-hued curls.

Melinda peered up at me, her eyes dancing. “Don’t even think about not getting in, Doris!” she piped. “There’s plenty of room!”

‘Plenty of room’ was definitely an overstatement, but I certainly had no intention of watching from the sidelines. I cast off my clothes piece by piece, the recently liberated exhibitionist in me enjoying the way the girls’ eyes roved over my body. I’d expected Becky to be more discreet, but she stared openly too. I didn’t mind in the least.

I climbed into the water and gave myself over to its warm embrace. “Well, isn’t this cosy?” I murmured. True, we were a bit crowded, but that just made it all the more intimate, our legs and feet mingling in a most enticing way.

Clearly in no mood to take things slowly, Melinda sidled over and eased herself into my lap. I reached round and took her hands in mine. “Shall we…?” the ten-year-old began, glancing over at Becky, “You know.”

“The truth is,” I told Becky, “we like to enjoy ourselves in the bath.” I began to casually stroke Melinda’s chest, brushing her small nipples with the tips of my fingers. Becky’s eyes widened as her baby sister settled into my embrace with a blissful mew. “But if you’re not comfortable with that, we can just bathe normally.”

Becky’s cheeks were flushed pink, and I wondered how much of that was embarrassment and how much was anticipation of things to come. “I’ve been hearing odd noises coming from the bathroom for a while now,” she said, then narrowed her eyes. “Does Mother really know what you’ve been getting up to with Melly and Sophie?”

I didn’t feel it was the time or place to be going into detail about who knew what; that was Victoria’s prerogative, not mine. On the other hand, she had confirmed earlier that she knew of my liaisons with her youngest daughters, so at least there was no need to be coy about that. “Your mother is aware of what we do, yes.”

“Cripes, I thought we were done for at dinner!” Sophia exclaimed.

Melinda nodded her head gravely. “But Mummy is quite modern. Perhaps that’s why she doesn’t seem to mind.”

I made some effort to steer the conversation back on track. “So, yes, Becky, we have our own special way of bathing. But if you prefer, we can just—”

“I think I should see, actually, ” Becky said, her finger tracing a path around the fish-shaped taps.

“Hmm? So you’d like to…?”

“Yes. Well, just to see what it is you… so I can… then I’ll know if… No, I don’t mind if you show me. If you want to, that is.” Becky held up a cautionary finger. “But if I don’t like it, you’ll stop, won’t you? Promise?”

“Yes, of course,” I assured her, concealing my own delight. Despite Becky’s facade of reluctance, it was plain to see that she was burning with curiosity, eager to see what her sisters and I got up to behind closed doors.

Melinda gazed up at me with an air of impatience. “So… can we?”

Like so many times in the last couple of weeks, I lost myself in those bright sapphire eyes. “Yes, we can,” I told her, then added, “You look beautiful tonight, Melly.”

Her smile could have turned the night sky into noon. “I love you, Doris,” she cooed.

By then, my desire was honed to a razor-keen edge, and I was eager to give and receive pleasure. With Melinda still nestled in my lap, I raised my hips enough to lift her bare body above the water. After soaping my hands, I slipped one between the ten-year-old’s legs, trailing a finger through her smooth slit. She made a noise somewhere between a gasp and a giggle, then began to pinch and tug at her nipples.

Becky watched in silence, bottom lip trapped between her teeth as her youngest sister planted both feet on my legs and raised her pelvis to meet my caresses. I smiled at Becky, but she was utterly transfixed by the movement of my finger as it glided back and forth through Melinda’s pussy.

Soon my little poppet was very close to coming, so I did something Melinda especially loved: slid the tip of my index finger into her bumhole while I brushed her clitoris with the thumb. She climaxed in my arms with a rapturous moan, her hips jerking spasmodically, then finally coming to a rest. Spent, she slumped back and sought my lips with hers, a gentle kiss that soon became anything but. I nearly swooned when my ten-year-old sweetheart plunged her tongue into my mouth, just as I’d taught her.

If Becky seemed surprised to see me fondle her little sister, she was positively flabbergasted to see us kiss like passionate lovers. Yet there was no mistaking the telltale signs of arousal on her face – cheeks flushed, eyes heavy, nipples standing erect and proud. Her chest rose and fell with each breath.

Once she’d regained her breath, Melinda spun round and pushed herself away from me with a gleeful splash, calling, “Thanks, Doris!”

Then Sophia was rising from the water to stand before me, her young body gleaming in the light. I knew she was eager for my tongue. Ever since I’d tasted her sex for the first time, the eleven-year-old seemed to take every opportunity to offer herself to me. She brought a leg up to rest on the side of the bath, then used two fingers to spread her silken vulva open.

“Well, that’s most unladylike,” I heard Becky mumble under her breath.

Drifting closer and reaching round to cup those exquisite buttocks, I applied my tongue to Sophia’s cunt. First I teased the folds with feather-light licks, then allowed myself to probe the tart flesh inside, delving as deep as I was able.

Sidling up to her stunned eldest sister, Melinda wrapped both arms about Becky’s waist in a loving hug. “Doesn’t that look nice, Becks? Would you like it if Doris did that to you?”

Though mainly focused on pleasing Sophia at that moment, I couldn’t help but notice the conflict in Becky’s eyes. Conflict, yes; but also longing.

“I… I’m not sure that’s entirely sanitary,” the fourteen-year-old offered, then conceded with a shrug, “But I suppose it must feel good.”

I could see that Becky was enthralled by our wicked games, but chose to pretend otherwise. Well, I would have to do something about that.

“You have such a pretty pussy,” I told Sophia, then dipped my head between her thighs again. This time I began with her clitty, swirling my tongue round the inflamed nub while easing a finger partway into the girl’s vagina, gently penetrating her. I knew it wouldn’t be long before it drove her over the edge.

“I… I want m-my truffle to look like yours when I’m older,” Sophia told me in a faraway voice, her breath beginning to quicken.

I angled my face slightly in Becky’s direction, wanting her to see how my tongue teased at her younger sister’s clit while I slid a finger in and out of her cunt. Sophia whimpered and mewled, brow furrowed intensely, her legs trembling as she watched me work my magic.

“Harder! Quicker!” she squealed, and I was all too willing to oblige.

She suddenly seized my head and held me fast, thrusting against my face with a near-animal ferocity. “Ooh, yes! It’s happening! It’s… yes, YES!” Her fingernails bit into my scalp, but I ignored the pain, licking and probing the girl until her cries echoed through the bathroom. The girls and I had always tried to keep our voices down when we indulged in such pleasures, but Sophie had apparently decided such restraint was no longer needed.

Dazed and out of breath, she felt her way back to the edge of the tub, where she carefully settled herself on the tiled rim.

Melinda joined her sister, taking the girl’s hand and bringing it to her lips for a kiss. “That was a good one, Sophie.”

“Mm,” Sophia murmured with a sleepy nod.

Ever the attentive sister, Melinda reached for the bar of soap, then turned back to Sophia. “Let’s wash each other!”

That brought a smile to the eleven-year-old’s lips. Sliding back into the warm water, she reached for her baby sister. The two of them set about their happy task, passing the soap back and forth as they explored each other’s bodies with a kind of innocent reverence. When their mouths drifted together in a loving kiss, tongues dancing playfully, it seemed an inevitable consummation.

It hadn’t escaped my notice, this growing closeness between my two charges. I recalled the night I’d made love to the girls in Sophia’s bed, how they came together in a tender kiss in the midst of pleasuring me. Could that have been a turning point in their relationship? Since then, Melly and Sophie seemed to spend more time together than before, often hand in hand… and sometimes they would spirit themselves away, only to return with cheeks a tiny bit pinker than before. I wasn’t quite ready to question them on the subject, but I felt certain they were indulging in their own naughty games.

But that was something to dwell on later. Now, it was Becky’s time. I drifted towards her, close enough that our shoulders touched, my breast nearly brushing against hers. “So… now you know,” I said. “How do you feel about it?”

She seemed unable to look away from her kissing sisters. “All this…” she said, clearly awed. “I never could’ve imagined.” A momentary pause. “Isn’t – isn’t it wrong, though?”

Did I detect a pleading note in her voice? “We don’t think so,” I murmured, “and neither does your mother.” Lightly touching her arm, I asked, “Would you like me to wash you now?”

Finally, Becky was able to meet my eyes. She hesitated for a few heartbeats, then gave a barely perceptible nod.

Reaching for another bar of soap, I lathered my hands and began to slide them over her shoulders and arms, then descended to her upper chest, painting it with the creamy lather. When she didn’t object, I snaked a soapy hand down to a breast and traced its pleasant swell, cupping the weight of it in my palm. I squeezed it slightly, and Becky let out a tremulous sigh. I might have lingered; instead I switched to the other breast, giving it the same attention.

For a moment she didn’t move, her lower lip caught between her teeth, nibbling it nervously. When my hand travelled further down to her belly, she shivered, her soft breath stirring the thin haze of steam that lingered in the air. Her eyes met mine, and there was no mistaking their intent: Carry on. Don’t stop.

All pretences pushed aside, I slipped a hand beneath the water and between Becky’s thighs, my fingers toying with the sparse patch of hair there. Her legs clamped shut – whether from a sense of vulnerability or the need to press my fingers more firmly against her sex, I couldn’t tell.

“No, spread your legs, Becky,” I insisted, cupping the girl’s vulva.

She dutifully moved her knees apart, allowing me to fondle freely. When she let out a sharp intake of breath, I thought she must be responding to the finger I’d slipped inside her. But following Becky’s line of sight, I realised it could have just as easily been the sight of her younger sisters with their hands tucked between one another’s legs, still engaged in a deep, deep kiss.

Becky’s chest was rising and falling now, her breath coming in short, urgent bursts. She would spend soon, I knew.

“Do you like this?” I whispered, nuzzling Becky’s ear while my finger spun a relentless revolution inside her cunt.

“Y-yes!” Becky gasped. She was watching Melly and Sophie, I could see that clearly now. They were still embraced, their tongues playfully sparring.

“Look at your sisters kissing,” I told Becky. “Isn’t it a beautiful sight? They love each other so much.”

She could only give a brief nod in response, too far gone for words. It was time.

I joined a second finger to the one already inside her, plunging them in and out while I brushed her clitoris with my thumb. Giving her earlobe a gentle nip, I hissed, “Come for me, Becky!”

She trapped my hand between her thighs again, only this time there was no doubt as to why – to hold me steadfast through her orgasm. When she cried out in ecstasy, Melinda and Sophia broke their kiss to watch, but still continued to fiddle with each other’s slits.

When Becky finally released my hand, I bent to cup water in my palm, then set about rinsing the soap from her breasts. “There, wasn’t that nice?” I cooed, stroking her hair with my other hand.

“Yes… yes, it was. Thank you,” she murmured shyly.

I claimed Becky’s mouth, teasing her lips with my tongue. She sighed, relaxing into our kiss.

The two younger girls cooed approvingly. “Will you come to our rooms later, Doris?” Sophia asked hopefully. “Then Becky can see what other things we like to do.”

There was nothing I wanted more than to pay a visit to the girls as they lay in their beds, especially seeing as my own needs had not yet been met. With the added incentive of Becky watching us, perhaps even participating, I was tempted to go along with their little scheme, but thought it might be better to call an end to tonight’s fun. Poor Becky looked as if she’d just about reached her emotional limit for one evening, and I didn’t want to overwhelm her.

“Perhaps not tonight, girls,” I told the two naked nymphs. “It’s been a very eventful evening, and I think we could all use a bit of quiet time.” I glanced round at the three girls, giving them an affectionate smile. “Let’s have an early night and reflect on everything that’s happened. Tomorrow, perhaps, we’ll pick up where we left off.”

Melinda pouted, but Sophia reached out to take her baby sister’s hand, giving it a squeeze. Their eyes met, and as if by magic, Melinda was all smiles again. I suspected one of their beds was destined to remain vacant for most of the evening.

I understood completely. In fact, I intended to do more than my fair share of ‘reflecting’ once I’d retreated beneath the covers of my own bed.


Once the younger girls were tucked up in bed, and I’d resisted their last ditch efforts at enticing me into more shenanigans, I returned to my own room, the need to touch myself dazzling in its urgency. I switched on the bedside lamp, then pulled my nightie over my head, discarding it carelessly where I stood before climbing into bed.

No sooner had I placed a trembling hand between my thighs, than the door quietly opened and a figure slipped inside. Becky leaned back against the door, her face flushed.

Before I could even sit up, she stepped forward, slipped out of her nightdress, then climbed under the covers. She positioned herself between my legs, her sex seeking purchase with mine. I reached out to stroke her hair but she seized my hand and brought it to her mouth, turning it to kiss my palm. “Please, Doris. Let me love you.”

I needed this as much as she did, but didn’t want it to be over before it began. “Slow down,” I murmured as she frantically ground her hips against mine. “It’s better to take your time.”

Becky shook her head. “I don’t want to go slow, Doris. Not tonight. I need to do it this way. You understand, don’t you? I – I need to.”

I dragged the blanket away from our bare bodies, wanting to see Becky as she rode me, to smell the thick, heady perfume of her arousal as it mingled with mine.

Becky’s hair tumbled around our faces. “I love you, Doris,” she whimpered. “I’ve always loved you.”

“I love you too,” I cooed, wrapping a leg around her buttocks so our pussies slotted snugly together. I raised my hips from the bed and began to work them in a pumping motion, matching the urgency of her thrusts.

We came quickly and simultaneously, but Becky’s need was so great that even after climaxing she still wouldn’t stop rubbing against me. So in the aftermath of our shared orgasm, she continued to grind until a second wave of pleasure washed over her, crying out while I cupped her quivering bottom.

We lingered in one another’s arms for a long while. Perhaps tomorrow there would be words, but tonight there was no need. And there would be a time for more attentive lovemaking – slow, considerate, sensual. But tonight there was only this.

Some time later, my bedroom door opened once more. This time it was Victoria. Becky tensed briefly in my arms, lifting her head to peer at her mother.

Victoria smiled, then blew us a kiss. “Sleep well, girls,” she whispered, and drifted away.

On to Chapter Twelve!


28 Comments on The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 11

  1. Lacy says:

    All I can say is wow! I’ve been waiting for Becky to join in, and I was definitely not disappointed. This is such a sweet loving story, the tenderness is beautiful. I look forward to every installment.

  2. Brother Bethor says:

    I knew it would be worth the wait for Becky and I wasn’t disappointed. Thank you!

  3. kinkys_sis says:

    Bugger. I’ve been so busy writing a comment in another thread that I missed this being posted. Now it will have to wait until at least tomorrow.

  4. Jack says:

    Incredible chapter! This story has been absolutely exquisite as well as deeply and artful erotic. This one was one of those extra special chapters. Thank you to both of you!!

  5. Gary W. says:

    Incredible story chapter after chapter. It continues to draw me in to want more. Stimulating and arousing my thoughts, can’t wait for what’s to come.

  6. kinkys_sis says:

    If you’ve seen the comment I left on the Christmas story you will know that I let it spoil my birthday. Now that I’ve, or rather we’ve, read this chapter my day has considerably brightened.

    As others have already said, a wonderful chapter in so many ways; not least in what it can cause to happen to the reader.

  7. Ty says:

    Another great installment. Definitely worth the wait.

  8. Chuck says:

    I feel like each chapter is better than the last with this series. Thank you for this!

  9. Kim & Sue says:

    Another oey gooey chapter. What makes it so good though is the consistent character driven story and realistic portrayal of the sex and regular lives of said realistic characters.

    The addition of Becca to the fun at last has us looking forward to some more sister fun. The addition of Becca was done very well by the way.

    And now all the girls knowing their mother is wise to whats going on and okay with it must have them all thinking. And Victoria’s little night visit was perfect. Also we loved Becca’s bedtime visit to Doris, and it was so hot and well done.

    Well just another well done lads to the co-authors. This has now become a site classic.

  10. mona says:

    A wonderful chapter, Becky’s joining in as good as expected and then some.Thank you.

  11. Erocritique says:

    Crikey!!! What an intense chapter!!! “The Great Becky Tease” paid off quite spectacularly. The scene with Doris and Becky declaring their love for one another does lead to speculation about the future, however, (as does the budding romance between Sophia and Melinda), but I expect all will be revealed soon enough. The whole family being in on “the game” now lifts some of the tension, but there is still some unresolved tension with Victoria’s lost love and how the family’s relationships will change going forward. I obviously can’t wait for the next chapter of this erotic taboo masterpiece to drop. Amazing work, BJ and JB!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  12. Birdie says:

    Loved this chapter. Thank you so much. So happy to see Becky join in and get what she has craved for some time. And now she knows it’s alright. Looking forward to more.

  13. JetBoy says:

    Such lovely praise! Infinite gratitude to you all for the kind words and thoughts.

  14. BlueJean says:

    Lacy ~ Thank you. It’s been really surprising to see how much love Becky has been getting from readers over the last few chapters.

    Brother Bethor ~ It took Becky awhile to get there, didn’t it? She’s been ghosting in and out of the story since the beginning, initially mistrustful of Doris, then finding some common ground with her before becoming more aloof and distant again. That’s teenagers for you, I guess.

    Jack ~ Thanks. This is one of the better chapters, I think. I seem to remember the church scene was simply a desire to get them all out of the house for a change, but I was pleased with the way it turned out.

    Gary W ~ I’m glad we’ve been able to draw you in. We won’t let you go until it’s finished, though, okay?

    kinkys_sis ~ If we managed to cheer you up a bit, all for the good. I don’t know how things will pan out for you and your sister, but I hope things work out. I could muse on the difficulties a relationship like yours faces, but I guess this isn’t the place for it. Love ain’t easy. It’s hard work. Happy birthday, kid.

    Ty ~ Thank you for your continued praise and patience.

    Chuck ~ Maintaining readers’ interest is half the battle, especially considering how long you lovely people have to wait for the next installment. Thanks for sticking with it.

    Kim & Sue ~ Ooey Gooey? Yes. Yes, I’ll take that. As usual, your analysis is detailed and thoughtful, and I always look forward to reading your comments. Yes, the cat is out of the bag and everyone in Shadowglen knows what’s going on now. “Where now for Doris and the Shaws?” you might ask. Hmmm… well, there’s still a few twists and turns to come.

    Mona ~ I’m pleased we could meet your expectations. Thank you, kindly.

    Erocritique ~ I don’t think we’ve left any stone unturned in regards to tying all those threads up. Everything gets resolved eventually, or addressed, at least. There’s one very dramatic scene concerning an earlier plot point that I’m very much looking forward to people reading. It was a painstaking endeavour, and I seem to remember my co-author and I having a few heated discussions about that one.

    Birdie ~ Thanks! I get the feeling many of you have breathed a sigh of relief to know Becky is now firmly involved. It’s humbling to know readers are so invested in the characters.

    JetBoy ~ When I first got to see the story, it was called The Governess, and was set in the 1960s. The dialogue was very much of an earlier time, though, and I seem to recall you saying that it had originally been set even earlier than 1935. What was the inspiration behind the story, and why did you decide to set it in England? *Holds microphone out*.

    • JetBoy says:

      *accepts microphone* England seemed like the logical setting, really. The whole mistress/servant dynamic and the issues of class wouldn’t make nearly as much sense in an American home.

      The inspiration for the original story was a very old novel I read once, checked out from a university library, in which a governess ends up in sexual relationships with an entire family, the father, a son and other servants very much included. I liked that idea (and LOVED the lesbian bits of the novel), so I started my own version… trimming out all the males, of course. I hadn’t seen the original novel for at least fifteen years, but recalled the basic plotline.

      Once it was halfway done, I got the idea of moving the story to the Sixties… the Swinging London era, actually. I never got around to updating the dialogue, though. Anyhow, BlueJean (correctly) persuaded me to return the plot to a few decades earlier.

      I will take issue with BlueJean in one particular: we did have some disagreements pertaining to a certain part of the story (as yet unposted), but I maintain that things never got “heated” between us. To qualify, he and I would have to have slung around words like, “you cunt,” or “bloody wanker,” and we never got close to that level of rancor. (Readers: just so you know, he and I smoothed our disagreements over quite nicely in the editing process.)

      Working on “Doris,” with BlueJean was a lovely experience. I now have the sequel to his “Beekeeper” and “Selkie” sagas in my possession. Another reason to cling to existence in these troubled times.

  15. Purple Les says:

    Yes, so good still. And, what will this new housekeeper bring to the story if she’s every hired. Will she be like the cook, seen now and then or will she be young and hot and brought in to the games?

    • BlueJean says:

      I’m afraid to say we don’t even get to meet the housekeeper (I’m pretty sure we gave her a name, though), but if it’s any consolation, Mrs. Broomfield makes a spectacular comeback next episode with an oscar winning performance worthy of Meryl Streep. Thank you!

  16. steve says:


  17. Moldwarp says:

    Excellent pace, excellent interactions between the characters and a wonderful outcome. Well done!
    Hugely looking forward to the next chapter I am going to keep to myself my hopes for what is about to come.

  18. Rimmingfun says:

    Luved the image of Becky’s “quivering” bottom as she cums, beatiful thought of flawless young arse receiving richly deserved attention xxx

  19. Drege says:

    Can’t wait for Becky to get a taste (and be tasted) LOL.

  20. Kylie says:

    Love love love love love. Period. Thank you for everything you guys do.

  21. BlueJean says:

    Moldwarp ~ Thanks. I hope the rest of the story lives up to your expectations.

    Rimmingfun ~ Well, I never would have guessed you were a fan of bottoms.😉 Stay tuned for more bottoms.

    Drege ~ You won’t have to wait long. By sheer coincidence, we made some last minute additions to the opening of the next chapter that should satisfy quite nicely.

    Kylie ~ No, thank *you*. Love love love love love back at you.

  22. Mystery Mouse says:

    It’s been a tough old morning at work so I thought I’d take a few minutes out to read this series again from the beginning. I’ve missed a few so it seemed the best way to catch up.

    I have got to say that this is a heck of a good read. The period language is largely spot on, the characters are well-developed and realistic, the pacing is good, and the sex scenes…the sex scenes are absolutely sublime.

    Not to mention that the slow seduction of Becky is handled perfectly. We knew it was coming but the author cleverly makes us wait for it. Now that it’s happened I’m curious to see what the plot holds for us next.

    I’ve got to say – this is one of the stories on here that I could gladly pay for were it a book.

    • BlueJean says:

      I thought you’d given up on us. Nice to see you back. I’m glad you’ve had a chance to go back and read the available chapters again. My hope is that once the entire story is in the archive, readers will be able to appreciate it as a full body of work. I think that will give people a new perspective. Thanks for reading.

      • Mystery Mouse says:

        It’s been a rough year for this old mouse, but I’m still kicking. While the skilled denizens of Juicy Secrets continue to produce such high-quality literature then I will be sure to keep coming back.

        It’s the number one site on the Internet, after all!

  23. Moldwarp says:

    I am enjoying the pacing of this story it is so well crafted, and just so deliciously erotic!
    Apologies for not always commenting at the end of each chapter I get so “into” what the characters are doing that I just keep reading, sorry.

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