Author’s Note:
My inspiration for this story came about when I happened across an advert online for a holiday home. Based on that kernel of an idea, I was going to write a single-chapter story, but it grew into a happy little five-chapter romp. It’s complete, so rest assured there is an ending, and you’ll not be left hanging.
Our tale is set in the picturesque English countryside of The Cotswolds. Although some of the villages and towns mentioned are real places, the name of Grafton lodge and the location are entirely fictional and not to be linked or confused with any places/venues of a similar or the same name.
As always, I owe a huge debt of thanks to Jetboy for his superb editing skills and sage advice. It’s always a pleasure working with him, and I always learn a lot.
I hope you enjoy spending time with the Grafton Lodge Girls.Joe
by Joe Dornish
Chapter One
England, Summer 2023
“No, we’re not there yet.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to ask that.”
“Good, because we’ve only just left the house. It’ll be at least another two hours before we arrive.”
“Okay, sure… but can you finally tell me where we’re going?”
“I told you, sweetie… we’re going on a little holiday.”
“Mu-um! That’s not what I’m asking, and you know it! Anyhow, if we’re going on holiday, why isn’t Hanna coming? And what about Aunt Beth? She always comes on holiday with us.”
“This is a special holiday, just for you and me. And don’t worry about your sister… or your aunt, for that matter. They’re both sorted; having their own fun.”
That got my attention. “Huh? Wait, wait – what are Hanna and Aunt Beth doing, then?” This so-called holiday was getting stranger and stranger. I’m the kind of kid who gets frustrated if I don’t understand what’s going on. Mum knew that perfectly well, and her teasing was making me crazy.
“Oh, they’re going on holiday, too. Hang on a tick – we need to fill up,” Mum said, turning into a petrol garage she’d just spotted. “Wait here, pumpkin.” Switching off the ignition, she got out of the car, closing the door with a thunk.
I was ready to scream with frustration. None of this made any sense. We’ve never gone on holiday without my little sister Hanna… or Aunt Beth, Mum’s younger sister. As long as I can remember, it’s always been us four. Every birthday, Christmas and bank holiday, it’s me, Mum, Hanna and Aunt Beth.
Mum loves surprises. I mean, she LOVES them. But then she thinks keeping the details secret for what feels like forever makes her surprises even better. I’d known about this holiday for more than a week, and having no bloody idea what it was about was doing my head in.
Maybe it had to do with our special secret, the one I can’t tell anyone about, but Mum made it clear we can only do those things at home when it’s just the two of us there, so it can’t be that. I was scratching my head trying to figure it all out when Mum opened the car door and reached inside her handbag for her purse. “I feel like an orange juice,” she murmured. “Anything to drink for you, love?”
“I’m fine,” I replied with a shake of the head.
“I’ll just be one sec, then,” she said and went off to pay for the petrol.
I watched her as she walked across the forecourt. Mum was wearing a light brown summer dress with a pretty flowery pattern, her long brown hair swept back with an Alice band. I loved the way her bottom moved as she walked – I hope mine looks that good when I’m older! But honestly, everything about my mum is beautiful. Just looking at her makes me feel trembly inside… especially when she’s naked, or not wearing much.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I jumped when Mum’s phone, which she’d left in her handbag, buzzed with a WhatsApp message. We’ve got one of those fancy screen things in the car that links to your phone via Bluetooth, so when you get a message the first line of it pops up on the screen over the top of the SatNav map.
I studied the screen. The name of the sender was Claire, and she was messaging in a group called The Grafton Lodge Girls. The message read, Can we tell the girls yet? Izzy is driving me crazy asking where we’re going.
Then a couple of other messages popped up.
Charlotte: PLEASE, can we tell them? Emily is desperate to know!
Fiona: Sorry, ladies… I’ve already told Lily. She kept giving me these reproachful looks, and I finally gave in.
Staring at the words on the screen, I tried to make sense of it all. I’d heard Claire’s name around the house before, she’s a friend of Mum’s. I’m pretty sure she’s mentioned Fiona, too. Charlotte… that could be Lottie, Mum’s other friend. I’d heard the names, but I’d never met any of them. Were they heading to the same place as us? Could that be the surprise? There had to be more to it than that!
Okay, now I was in possession of important information that Mum clearly didn’t expect me to have. Now I needed to use it to coax the truth from her, just like detectives do on TV.
When she got back in the car and closed the door, I was ready for her. “One last time, Mum. Will you please tell me where we’re going and what we’re doing?”
Mum began to give me the same exact answer I’d already heard dozens of times. “I’ve told you, sweetie. We’re going on holiday…”
By then, I was so aggravated with Mum that I just blurted everything out. “But Fiona told Lily, and now Claire and Charlotte are gonna tell Izzy and Emily… so I’ll be the only one who doesn’t know, and that’s not fair! And by the way, who are the Grafton Lodge Girls?”
Okay, that didn’t quite go as planned, I’m not sure I have what it takes to be a detective when I grow up.
Mum gave me a very stern glare. “Kimberly Harcourt-Brown… have you been reading the messages on my phone?”
She only ever used my full name when I was in serious trouble, but I didn’t let it get to me this time. Instead, I pointed to the screen, my face a portrait of perfect innocence. “No, Mum, they showed up right there.”
As if to prove my point, another message popped up right then. Claire: Just told Izzy, OMG, she’s so excited!
Digging the phone from her bag, Mum quickly scrolled through the messages, then shook her head. “I suppose it was optimistic to hope we’d get there before you worked the truth out of me.”
I couldn’t stop grinning. “Yeah, very optimistic. So… you can tell me now?”
Mum fastened her seatbelt, then switched the engine on. “Yes, okay. I’ll tell you.”
Mum waited until we were back on the road again before she said, “Do you know who Claire, Fiona and Lottie are, by any chance?”
“Um, they’re friends of yours, right? I’ve heard their names before. Have I met any of them?”
“You did, yes… but you were quite little then, so you probably wouldn’t remember. The four of us met at sixth-form college, and after that we all went to the same university.”
“Cambridge, right?”
“Uh-huh, Cambridge. I’ve just had a thought, sweetheart. Rather than me just telling you, why don’t we play the courtroom game?”
Mum is a barrister, one of those special types of lawyers we have in the UK who go into court and wear those funny wigs and black gowns. I used to play this make-believe game that I was a barrister like her. I’d make a pretend courtroom and use my stuffies to play-act what I thought would happen at a trial. Anyway, Mum was amused by that, and eventually she turned it into this cool game where if there’s something I want to know, I have to ask lots of clever questions to get her to tell me. She’s always honest with her answers, but never gives up any information unless I ask the right question. When I think I have the complete answer, I say ‘court adjourned,’ then Mum tells me if I’ve missed anything important. If I mostly have it right, I get a treat – but if I miss stuff, I have to do a forfeit, usually some kind of chore.
“Okay,” I said, “But what do we use for treats? You haven’t got any chocolate in your bag, right? And what can I do if it’s a forfeit?”
“Oh, I’ve already worked that out,” said Mum, with a smile that made me warm all over. “How about this: for a treat, I’ll lift my dress up so you can see my pussy for the rest of the trip.”
“Deal!” I exclaimed. “And I’m guessing the forfeit will be…?”
“Spot on. You have to lift your dress up so I can see your sweet little kitty.”
By then I was so thrilled that I could have bounced up and down in my seat like a little kid. Instead, I kept it cool, putting on my imaginary barrister’s wig. “Okay, I accept those terms. Are you ready?”
I cleared my throat and started the game as we always do. “Your honour,” I said in my posh courtroom voice, “I call Miss Arabella Harcourt-Brown to the stand. Miss Harcourt-Brown, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”
“I do.”
“Erm…okay, right then, first question. Where are we going?”
“We are going to a place called Grafton Lodge, which is a house in a small village called Oakley, in Gloucestershire, close to Cheltenham and The Cotswolds.”
“When did you plan this trip?”
“Good question. The idea came up many years ago, it’s only recently that we’ve been able to put it into action.”
“Who is this we you mention?” I said, using my fingers to set the word we in quotation marks.
“My friends Claire, Fiona and Charlotte.”
“Who are Emily, Lily and Izzy, then?”
“Emily is Charlotte’s daughter; she’s ten years old. Lily is Fiona’s daughter; she’s nine. Izzy – or Isobel, to use her full name, is Claire’s daughter. She’s eleven.”
“Um… what is Grafton Lodge, exactly?”
“It’s a house that Claire, Fiona, Charlotte and I bought two years ago. We’ve had it renovated into a holiday home that we will let out to guests.”
That caught me by surprise, and I snapped out of character for an instant. “Wait, we own this place?”
“Yes. Well, one-quarter of it. We’re going to be the first people to stay there since the work was completed.”
“Why aren’t Hanna and Aunt Beth coming with us?”
“Mainly because of… the nature of the holiday.”
“And what is that?”
Mom was silent for a moment, then came out with, “The nature of the holiday is sexual.”
I nearly choked when I heard that answer. “Did you say sexual?”
“Can you expand on your answer, please?” ‘Expand on your answer’ was one of the things Mum taught me to ask, it’s a good way of getting her talking.
“Of course. To date, my gorgeous little temptress of a daughter and I have only been able to make love when her younger sister Hanna has a sleepover somewhere, which is not that often, or in brief snatches of time when it’s just the two of us. At Grafton Lodge, my little girl and I will spend four glorious days having all the sex we want.”
I was lost for words. There were so many questions bubbling about in my head that I couldn’t pick one. I couldn’t even chide Mum for referring to me as a ‘little girl,’ which I dislike. After I’d been silent for a while, Mum asked, “Are you adjourning?”
“No!” I blurted. “Totally not! I’m just thinking. Erm, okay. Won’t it be risky, us having sex with your friends and their daughters there?”
“No, it won’t,” she said with a wide grin, “because they already know about us.”
“I said it won’t, because…”
“I heard what you said, I’m just flabbergasted,” I love that word, flabbergasted. I probably use it too much, though.
“Then take a deep breath, my little barrister. Calm yourself, then ask the next question.”
“Okay, okay… erm, wow. This is news, like big news. How did they find out?”
“Oh, they’ve known from the start. Just like I knew about them and their daughters.”
“Knew about their daughters? Wait a tick – are you saying that…?”
“Exactly. My friends all make love with their daughters. Just as I do with you.”
“Holy crap!”
“Kimmy, language.”
“Sorry. Wow, um, so let me get this straight. All your friends are – are doing this with their kids?”
Mum shook her head. “Not all my friends… just Claire, Fiona and Lottie.”
The excitement I felt had me trembling. I was already imagining what it would be like, hanging out with three other mums and daughters who were just like us was wonderful. For once, Mum and I wouldn’t have to hide our special secret!
“So does that mean – like, will there be… I mean, will they…”
Mum giggled. “It’s okay, sweetie, just ask the question. You’ll like the answer, I promise.”
“Do you think we might get to, you know, see them having sex?”
“Yes, and more.”
“You mean…”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”
“Holy cra…” I began, then stopped myself. “Okay, I adjourn.”
Mum was wearing this big silly grin. “Are you excited?”
“Excited doesn’t begin to cover it. This is better than Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one! Okay, so how did I do? Did I get everything?”
“Almost. There were a couple of details that you missed. First, I said we planned this years ago, don’t you want to know how that came about?”
“Oh, heck. Yeah, I should have spotted that! Okay, then… how did it happen?”
“When I was at Uni, the four of us shared a flat. Lottie already knew she was gay, and the rest of us – well, I guess we were curious. Anyhow, Claire ended up in bed with Lottie… and before long, we were all having it off with each other. Sometimes, we’d all strip down and have a full-on sex party.”
“Whoa,” I whispered. I’d always known Mum was gay, at least since I was old enough to understand what a lesbian was, but it surprised me to learn she’d been so wild in her younger days.
“Not long after that, Claire’s sister Gemma came to visit. She was fourteen at the time; we were twenty. Long story short, Gemma figured out what we were up to with one another, and she wanted in. That week, we all ended up having sex with her… even Claire. She was uneasy at first about making love to her own sister, but Gemma totally wanted it. Turns out she’d been crushing on Claire for ages.” Mum smiled. “They were incredible together, too.
“Anyway, once Gemma went home, my roommates and I had a long conversation about what we’d done. I was surprised at how much I’d enjoyed being with a girl as young as that, and told them so. Lottie told us she’d always been attracted to little girls. In fact, that’s what first convinced her she was a lesbian – when she was fifteen, Lottie fell in love with a nine-year-old girl who lived next door.
“The point I’m getting at is this: we soon discovered that all four of us had a sexual attraction to young girls.”
“All of you? That’s, um, quite a coincidence,” I said. Another word I love to use: coincidence.
“What are the odds, right?” Mum replied. “But Claire took it even further. She was blown away by how good it had been to make love with her sister. ‘God, I already want her again,’ she said. Then she asked me if I’d ever thought of my sister that way.”
“Aunt Beth? Wow. So, erm… what did you say?”
“Well, I had to think about it at first. But the more I turned the idea over, the more sense it made. Beth was a very cute sixteen then, and I loved her to bits. It had been a few years since I’d seen her naked, and I started to imagine what she looked like with nothing on… and that got me excited. So I told my friends I’d never done anything like that with Beth, but after what happened with Gemma, I sort of wanted to.”
By then, the front of my knickers was soaked. “And did you?”
She laughed. “Oh, I’ll get to that. We started talking about incest, and what it would be like to do sexual things to a woman or a girl you were related to. Pretty soon, we all had to masturbate… and that led to the four of us getting naked and going wild on the living room floor.
“That was as far as the discussion went that day, but it really got us thinking. Fiona was the one of us who was really into porn, and she knew these websites that had stories about women having sex with girls. We used to read them to each other to get in the mood. She also found clips from adult movies about mums making love to their daughters… or sisters with sisters. I’d never seen anything like that before. God, it turned me on!
“Then one day, Claire had a crazy fantasy that she had to share with us. She imagined that years from then, if the four of us had daughters, we could raise them to be our lovers… and when the girls were old enough, we could meet up for some fun as a group.
“Of course, we never thought of it as anything other than a silly dream, but as time passed, it started to seem like a real possibility. Claire was the first of us to have a daughter… and a couple of years later, we all had baby girls. It took awhile, but eventually the four of you had gone to bed with your mummies, where we taught you how to make love to a woman. That’s when we started laying plans to make our fantasy come true. Grafton Lodge is the result.”
“That’s soooo cool! So you were literally planning to have sex with me since before I was born.”
“Pretty much, yes. Now then, would you like to know the other thing you missed?”
“Yes, please.”
“When you asked why Hanna and Aunt Beth aren’t coming with us, I said it was mainly because of the nature of the holiday.”
I thought for a second and then it hit me. “Oh, heck, mainly. There’s another reason?”
“MUM! We’re not playing courtroom anymore. Please, just tell me.”
“Okay, okay, calm down. It’s something I wanted you to know anyway. A few minutes ago you asked if I’d ever had sex with your Aunt Beth. Well, the answer is ‘Yes.’ That winter, when I returned home for the holiday break, I told her everything I’d done. I admitted to being a lesbian, and how I wanted the two of us to be lovers. Oh, Kimmy, she actually cried… Beth asked me to kiss her, and I did. We kissed for a long time, then took our clothes off, slipped into bed and made love. It was a beautiful thing.“ Mum smiled. “In fact, it still is.”
I’m not sure why, but that surprised me. “You still have sex with her?”
“Whenever we get the chance. Does that bother you?”
“Bother me? No, I think it’s hot.”
“Good. Because, you see, your sister is going to have a very special weekend with Aunt Beth.”
“You mean…”
“Yes, I do. To use your aunt’s rather crass term, she wants ‘the first bite of the cherry’ with Hanna.”
“I think I just came in my knickers!”
Mum laughed. “I understand. It’s exciting, isn’t it, picturing them together?” She paused, then said, “Do you fancy your aunt?”
“Yes, and Hanna, too. Seems like I’m always seeing her naked, or in nothing but panties. Maybe she’s doing it on purpose. All I know is I really want to lick her kitty.”
“Very good. When we get home, if you want to, and if Hanna is willing, then maybe we can have sex with your sister and your aunt. Would you like that?”
“Can I masturbate, please?”
Mum laughed. “Yes, sweetie, you can. But as you lost the courtroom game, you’ve got to hike your dress up anyway. So I get to watch.”
“Hey, I don’t think I lost,” I protested. “I mean, I got all the information about Grafton Lodge. didn’t I?”
“True enough. Let’s call it a draw, then. We can both do the forfeit.”
“Ooh, I like that idea.”
I took the hem of my short white cotton dress and rolled it up and under itself, then quickly slipped my knickers off, leaving me fully exposed from the waist down. It was deliciously naughty, showing off in public like this. I’d never done anything like that before, and it felt brilliant. Especially when we pulled up at a set of traffic lights and Mum did the same as me, rolling her dress up and tucking it under her bum.
The sight left me breathless. “Mum! You’re not wearing knickers!”
“How very observant of you,” she purred, spreading her legs for me.
I put the front passenger seat back so I was lying flat, then slipped a hand between my legs and started rubbing my clit. I was looking across at Mummy’s kitty with that neatly trimmed landing strip I love so much, working my fingers faster and faster. Images of Hanna and Aunt Beth were flashing in my mind. I pictured them naked and in each other’s arms, swapping juicy kisses.
I felt Mum pull the car over, then switch it off. Opening my eyes, I saw we were parked in a layby with cars whizzing past us. Nothing else there except fields and cows.
I paused my fingering. “Why are we stopping?”
Mum pushed her own seat back, said, “Mummy needs to come too, sweetie,” and thrust a hand between her legs.
This was so cool, me and Mum masturbating in the car together! While I worked my clit with two fingers, I watched Mum slip her middle finger inside her kitty, then use the thumb to stroke her own button.
Of all the sexy things we do together, watching Mum touch herself is one of my favourites. Maybe that’s because it was the first sexy thing we did together. It was just after my eighth birthday when she caught me playing with myself. Instead of telling me off or ordering me to stop, she just slipped her knickers off, lay down alongside and showed me how to do it properly. Visions of that wonderful day came flooding back to me, quickly bringing my climax to a head.
“Mummy, I’m c-coming, Mummy, I’m – ah, ah, ah…” Those little involuntary whimpers were a telltale sign that I was about to come, that and the way my body was trembling.
“Me too, baby. Mummy’s coming, baby, I’m coming too…”
Mum bit her bottom lip and tensed up – those are her telltale signs. I think the anticipation of the weekend to come and the sight of each other half naked in the car was why we both came so quickly. Oh, and the sheer wickedness of making ourselves come while parked on the side of the road.
When we were finished, me and Mum put our seats back up. but left our dresses where they were so our kitties were still exposed. Mum leaned across to give me a hot, juicy tongue kiss, then brought my hand to her mouth to suck my fingers clean. I did the same to her, then she got some wet wipes out of her handbag so we could tidy up a bit.
Before we set off again, Mum got her phone out, pressed a few buttons and handed it to me. “Here,” she said, “This is the house. You can have a look at the webpage we set up to advertise it.” She put the car into gear, pulled onto the road, and we were on our way again. “Right, then. Next stop, Grafton Lodge!”
The pictures on the web page looked amazing. Grafton Lodge had nine bedrooms, a huge indoor swimming pool, a games and cinema room and a dining room with one wall painted bright pink! I couldn’t wait to see it for real.
We had plenty of time before our arrival, so I asked Mum to tell me more about her friends.
Since they were all at university together, they were close to the same age. Lottie was thirty-five, Mum and the others were thirty-six. Claire, who is bisexual, got married when she was twenty-two (she’s divorced now), and has a thirteen-year-old son called James, as well as Izzy who is eleven. Hearing that, I was worried that there would be a boy there for the weekend, but Mum said it’s only going to be the four mums with one daughter each. Apparently, when Claire planned to have Izzy, my mum, Fiona and Lottie all decided to get pregnant as well so they would have kids around the same age. Lucky for everyone, all the babies turned out to be girls.
Emily, who has blonde hair and blue eyes like her mother, Lottie, was born using IVF treatment, just like I was. That’s why we’re almost exactly the same age, our mums did the treatment together. The way I heard it, they made love, then impregnated each other with turkey basters.
Mum said that Fiona had Lily the old-fashioned way, having sex with her cousin until she fell pregnant. It took a few tries, which is why Lily is the youngest at nine. I asked Mum how Fiona could have sex with a man if she really is gay. Mum said Fiona was bisexual but leaned heavily towards the lesbian side. Since Lily was born, she’s only been with women.
I was totally gobsmacked (another word I really love). It’s like Mum had this whole other life that I knew nothing about. It’s silly of me to be surprised, though. If you think about it, all parents have lives of their own before they have kids. But what’s really wild about Mum and her friends is the way they laid these plans such a long time ago, stayed in close contact and arranged their lives to make those plans happen. Getting pregnant, giving birth, raising little girls, making love to their daughters for the first time, teaching them how to be lesbians, then getting everyone together at Grafton Lodge. For this. Wow!
Then and there, I promised myself that I’d do whatever it took to make this weekend special for Mum… and Mum’s friends, too! They deserved it.
That got me thinking. “Hey, Mum? How come I’ve not met any of your friends before?”
She smiled. “You have met them, sweetie… but it was so long ago, you probably don’t remember.”
Mum told me the last time I encountered one of her friends was when Lottie and Fiona paid us a visit, back when I was only three. Mum said that we’d not seen them recently because life just got in the way. You see, all four of them live in different parts of the country, and they’re constantly busy with work and relationships. Which makes sense. Sometimes I hardly get to see Mum when she’s on a big case.
Here’s the thing, though: even though Mum and her friends seldom get to meet face to face, they keep in touch on the phone. In fact, Mum told me she even has phone sex with them! Hearing that had me picturing her sprawled out naked on the bed, fingering her pussy as she got into dirty talk with one of her mates. Then I imagined Mum talking about having sex with me – and just like that, I was hot and bothered all over again. There wasn’t time to do anything about it, though, so I settled back and pressed my thighs together, trying not to squirm around too much. Me and Mum chatted about this and that, which made the time pass quickly, at least.
Finally we arrived at Grafton Lodge, which is at the end of a small lane off of a bendy country road. Mum said it was super private, which meant no other cars were allowed up there without permission, and there are no neighbours anywhere in the vicinity. There’s an electric gate on the lane that leads to the house, which is at the end of a long-ish driveway. It was a beautiful white building with flower beds and a rosebush at the front, and a nice garden wrapped around one side.
Lovely as the house was, it was the woman and child standing by the big brown front door who caught my attention. They both had bright red hair that practically glowed in the sun. “That’s Fiona and Lily,” Mum said as she parked the car.
Fiona was wearing a green mini-dress with a white flower pattern that showed off her legs, and a plunging neckline that displayed her breasts to impressive effect. Mum told me once that a girl should either show her legs or her cleavage, but never both at the same time. Evidently Fiona never got that memo – not that I was complaining, mind you! As for Lily, she was cute as a button in dark blue shorts, a white vest top and the same kind of black sandals her mum wore. They were standing close and holding hands as we got out of the car.
“Hello, Fi!” said Mum, hugging her friend. Then she turned to Lily. “Wow, you’ve got so big since I last saw you.”
“So has Kimmy,” said Fiona, staring at me with lovely bright green eyes, “And she’s even more beautiful than I remember. Do you remember me, Kimmy?”
I shook my head, “Sorry, I don’t, Mum says we met… but I was very little,” I said, noticing how her dark red lipstick matched her long fingernails. Wow, she was dead sexy.
“You were four, I think, and Lily was three when we last met up.”
A memory shook itself loose. “Actually, I think I do remember,” I said. “Were we at a park with a big slide and swings?”
“Spot on! That’s right, we were.”
“It was very hot that day, we had ice cream,” I said.
“That’s right. It was lovely weather, just like today.”
“How long have you lot been here?” asked Mum.
“About half an hour, Claire and Lottie will arrive soon. Lily, sweetie, why don’t you show Kimmy about while I help Bell with her cases?”
Huh… interesting. She called my mum ‘Bell’! I’ve never heard anyone use that nickname before. Aunt Beth and everyone else we know calls Mum ‘Arabella’.
Lily seemed a bit shy, so her mother gently pushed her forward. I decided to be extra friendly, so as to put her at ease. “Is there a pool here?” I asked her.
She nodded. “Uh-huh. Shall I show you where it is?”
“Yes, please.”
As we walked off around the side of the house I heard Fiona whisper something to my mum, but couldn’t hear what she said. I looked over my shoulder and saw her watching us, I think she was checking me out! But maybe that was just wishful thinking because I thought she was so beautiful.
As we walked through the pretty garden I got a sense of the size of the house. From the front it doesn’t look too big, but it extends back quite a bit, with the single-story pool house off to one side of the garden. It had lots of those big bi-fold doors that open all the way up, one for each room on the back of the house. The whole side of the pool was open, too. It was as if there were no walls on the ground floor, which I thought looked really cool.
“My mum says we’re not allowed in the pool unless an adult is with us. Can you swim?” asked Lily.
“Yeah, I got my fifty metre badge.”
“Me too. Maybe mum will take us swimming later.”
“I hope so,” I said, imagining Fiona in a bikini.
We spent a few more minutes in the garden, then explored the house. It was a lovely place, it’s got a really cool games room with a pool table, table tennis and loads of board games and stuff. The room had pictures on the walls of some cartoon character named Tintin that I’d never heard of. It’s a huge room, so the other half doubles up as a cinema area with the biggest TV I’ve ever seen mounted on the wall. There’s a huge sofa, bean bag chairs and giant cushions for everyone to sit on while they watch films. The nine bedrooms were all huge and beautifully done out, each with its own private bathroom.
I really wanted to ask Lily about making love to her mum. You know, how it happened with her and Fiona the first time, what it was like, the things they enjoy doing in bed… what her pussy tastes like! But I was too shy, and Lily never brought up the subject of sex at all.
We’d just about finished exploring the house when I heard the noise of a car. Lily and I hurried to see who had arrived.
It turned out to be two cars, because Lottie and Claire had arrived at the same time! The mums all greeted each other with hugs and kisses while the kids stood off to the side – we were all feeling a bit nervous, waiting for something to happen.
Lottie and her daughter Emily caught my eye first. Lottie was tall and slim with long blonde hair and she wore white cropped jeans with a tight-fitting baby pink t-shirt and white pumps. Emily was dressed in the same colours, but with white denim shorts and a cute pink vest. She caught me checking her out and gave me a big smile, so I gave her one right back.
Standing close was Izzy, who was slightly taller than the rest of us girls. She had dark brown, almost black shoulder-length hair tied back in a ponytail, striking blue eyes and pale skin. Wow, she was pretty. I liked her outfit, too – a simple black summer dress with a ditsy design. Something else I appreciated a lot was that her titties were starting to grow in, though it also made me slightly envious. Her mum Claire, had the same blue eyes and long dark dark hair, also tied back. She wore a light blue mini dress with white trainers and was the first of the new arrivals to say hi to me and Lily.
“Wow, you’ve grown so much,” she said to me.
I had no idea what to say to that, so I just stood there looking bashful. Claire’s remark seemed to turn their conversation towards us kids, and we drew lots of comments about how beautiful and adorable we all were. It wasn’t very different to what I saw at the school gates each day, mums chatting away with each other while the kids hung about.
But it was different, very much so. All these mums and daughters shared the same secret as Mum and me. Each one of these women had made love to their little girl. And that had me seeing things in a whole new way. I noticed the way my mum gravitated towards Emily, running her fingers through the girl’s blonde hair. And Fiona kept looking towards me, something in her sparkling green eyes that gave me the most delicious shivers. Then there was Izzy, who was quite blatantly checking everyone out, the women and the girls.
At the school gates, no one would have noticed. But here at Grafton Lodge, it felt like the beginning of something very exciting. And I couldn’t wait to get started.
On to Chapter Two!
So far so wonderful. Eagerly waiting for the next chapter. Thank you.
Nice start. Lots of potential. I look forward to the coming chapters.
Thank you!
I enjoy the way this story is progressing. I can’t wait for the next chapter. There are so many ways this story can go, that I’m sure to find very satisfying.
Cute and hot beginning, curious to see more
I’m really pleased that you found it cute, that’s kind of what I was aiming for, thank you!
Loving this so far. The quality of the writing really stands out and seems quite natural. I expected the start to lead into the holiday being where mum would seduce Kimmy, so it was a bit of a surprise to discover they were already having sex. At first I wasn’t sure if I liked/missed that, as it’s what most stories do, but actually it was a nice change that what normally takes up a significant part of the early stage of stories (to make it more believeable) was already out of the way, so I decided I liked that concept and could now look forward to the inevitable adventures.
On another note, I can also attest to the delights of the Cotswolds (Ellen DeGeneres has just bought a house nearby) and I looked at some houses in this very area of Grafton House when I moved to the Cotswolds from the Dorset beaches, and the setting for Ripples is the West Oxfordshire Cotswolds, although I have made slight spelling changes to some villages and houses.
You’ve no idea how glad I am you like the fact they were already intimate, it was something I struggled with when writing this.
You may remember that quite some time ago now, there was a debate here on JS on the preference between a single chapter story or a long multi chapter story. It was around that time I wrote this and I deliberately set out to write something shorter, eventually settling on around 4 or 5 chapters as my target length. The initial seduction had to go to keep the length of the story down. But once I’d made that choice I quite liked it too, as you say, it makes a nice change.
And I didn’t know Ellen had moved to the Cotswolds, I’m half tempted to give her a cameo appearance!
Love it. Very hot and characters and idea are both very enjoyable. I find myself liking this group of characters quite a lot even tho I barely know most of them so far. This story feels like a cozy holiday with lovable people plus the added bonus of serious hotness. There is already a romantic ness to it that I really like. I love the TinTin reference. By coincidence I just watched the two very good live action French made TinTin movies.
It’s always a huge compliment when someone praises characters you’ve created, it’s one of the key things authors strive for, especially so when they connect so early on. And that cozy holiday feeling was something I was trying to achieve, so again that has really made me happy that you’ve felt that from this chapter already.
And as for Tin Tin…I remember him from my school days, but Like Kimmy I couldn’t read it because they were all in French! Tin Tin was in the photos on the holiday home that I found online, they have a playroom as described here with a huge picture of Tin Tin.
I read multiple Tintin stories in a magazine called Children’s Digest when I was a boy. The complete stories were imported and translated, and one of them would run over a year, split into 10 parts, one per issue. I don’t know how many stories the magazine published, but I read 9 or 10 of them over the years before they were discontinued. (I tracked several of them down in a university library.)
Steven Spielberg put out a motion-capture Tintin movie in 2011. Did you see it? (I didn’t.) The creator of Tintin greatly admired Spielberg’s films (he lived long enough to see Raiders of the Lost Ark and E.T.), and had endorsed Spielberg as a Tintin director.
Very good introduction … I’m eagerly looking forward to part 2
It’s a nice surprise to get a new story from our Joe. This first chapter sets things up quite nicely, and I thought having Kimmy and Arabella’s sexual relationship already established was a good way to go. The characters are strong, and the dialogue is sharp.
I have to say, though, that was an exhausting amount of exposition. I get that we need to know some of the background details, but there comes a point when it becomes too on-the-nose and self-conscious. The bit about them all getting pregnant so they could have sex with their daughters was particularly clunky. I suppose *most* of the scenarios we write about are fantastical by their very nature, but the trick is to make them seem like they aren’t. Sometimes you say more when you say less, although I’m admittedly guilty of being *too* ambiguous in my writing sometimes.
I hope this doesn’t come across as overly negative. I always feel like a bit of an arsehole being this critical, but as a fellow author, I know I can engage more with this kind of feedback than any glowing praise that comes my way. For what it’s worth, I find myself more inclined to nitpick the better written stories, and I definitely enjoyed the opening chapter of this one, enough that I’m keen to pay another visit to Grafton Lodge soon.
To add to the comment on the “exposition”, as well as the fantasizing about getting pregnant and having daughters they could raise to be their lovers, I found it to be too much information, and too much like grooming. This is a tricky genre, where I feel one should always err on the side of caution when setting up the backstory to avoid any creepy vibes. It may just be me, but I definitely prefer a story in this genre where the younger of the participants initiates the sexual action. It works better for multiple reasons, imho. Spontaneous mutual engagement in sexual activities between an older and younger participant works too. JMTCW.
I very much enjoyed this first chapter and look forward to more. I also liked that we already have an established relationship between mother and daughter.
I did have to scroll up a few times to check on who was who and ages but I felt it was done rather neatly as far as introductions and back stories. Well, young women who are so into something and plan ahead for it, even having babies around the same time, and all girls, why not? After all that’s what puts them all here in this story. If it had gone differently we wouldn’t have this wonderful new story.
Very much enjoyed the mother daughter interaction in the beginning and middle of the chapter as well. As for first time fun I’m hoping aunt and younger daughter will provide that joy for us.
And at least it seems the Cotswolds aren’t inhabited by giant ferrets like other parts of the UK were back in the 1930’s
I see what you did there.
At least BlueJean didn’t notice. I forgot to mention I loved Tintin even though I didn’t have a clue about it. Just loved looking at it for some reason.
I must say that I enjoyed this first chapter. Look forward to more.
Suggestion re answering comments. Answer them in one block comment and not individually. Between yourself and Rachael, you have half filled the Recent Comments section. It drives comments on other stories out of the listing. JetBoy did suggest this a while back.
Sorry! it only happens when I’ve been drinking…
You’re likely a bit older than me. I don’t drink that much, not that often. But I do understand, shit happens at times. I just got to that age when it seems fun to get pissed (an English expression for too much to drink as opposed to the American – got angry), it’s not a good time to be commenting. But, hey, let’s all have fun. It’s kinda like why we’re here – fun and … enough said!
I love it so far! A very well written intro, and such a cute plot, there’s so much room to expand from here. I’ll be on edge waiting for the next chapter.
kinkys sis: My bad, I should have known better, thanks for the heads up and nice comment.
Likewise, Nikki and Lacy, thank you for you comments, and yup, chapter 2 will be along shortly I’m sure.
BlueJean: I’m always happy to have such helpful feedback, and on reflection I think you have a point. Where I’ve edited this rather ruthlessly to keep it short, I had the inadvertent benefit of a different beginning with the relationship already established between mother and daughter. But, I’ve had a downside as well where I’ve then tried to squeeze a lot of back story into a smaller space than originally intended, which has come out a bit clunky. Lesson learned there for the future. But thanks for the comment and feedback, I really do appreciate it.
Purple Les: I can say with certainty that there no ferrets in this story!
In my previous story I had a a lot more characters so I put up a character list. I thought that with four mums and daughters I might get away with not having one here but I’ll chat with JetBoy and see if he thinks it’s needed. But thanks for the lovely comment, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story just as much.
Joe, I know I’ll enjoy each and every chapter of this story. I like when I can’t tell just how an author is going to tackle a story. This is off to a wonderful start. If there are not a lot of other characters added, I don’t think there is a need for a list. We’ve meet them all now, and will get to know them better in the upcoming chapters.
Nice beginning, waiting in an anxious anticipation for chapter 2
Excellent beginning, looking forward to the next chapter
OMG this is going to be a great story series based on what I’ve read so far…..I love mother daughter lovers stories, especially starting at a really young age.
Just more of what the others have said. LOVE this first chapter.
Great start to the story. Looking forward to the next!
Many thanks to all who commented and voted. It’s been a while since Joe’s last offering (“Sweet Poppy,” go read it if you haven’t yet)… but by God, he put the time to good use. Thanks to him, too.
As time ticked on, I came to realise that the main thing I looked for in these sort of stories was authenticity. The more unlikely something is, the more I’m likely have my immersion broken and my interest lost.
This story has a delicious concept which, in the hands of less capable authors, could skirt dangerously close to that line. But Joe has delivered a first chapter that seems realistic enough to keep my attention and pique my intrigue. I will be waiting for the next chapter with very much bated breath.
One thing I might say though… With eight characters, some with detailed physical descriptions, there’s a good chance I’m liable to forget who’s who and who’s related to who by the time the next chapter rolls around. I’m not a fan of massive ‘Dramatis Personae’ lists at the beginning of a story, but a short guide could be useful.
Oh, and the protagonist doesn’t know who Tintin is?! That’s so depressing – I grew up on those books!
I know this is all about moms & daughters, but I do have a thing about moms & sons as well. When you mentioned James I thought of him being 14 or 15 & well endowed for his age, and being a very lucky boy!!!
Sorry, but I consider that an inappropriate comment on this site.
Juicy Secrets is devoted to girl/girl only, I’m afraid. You won’t find that sort of content here.
Might I suggest you look at Nifty Archives? It’s nowhere near as good a site, and doesn’t have the same level of care that makes this place so wonderful, but it does have a wider range of content.
Oh my gosh,I already love this story! It’s so hot and I can’t wait until things really get going. I hope there’s also a check in at some point on Hanna and Aunt Beth. This is so good, very well written.
Wow, what a fantastic start to what promises to be an incredibly sexy saga. Can’t wait for chapter two…..if I’m a very good girl do you think Santa will bring it xxxx
Thanks to everyone for the very kind comments and feedback, this is what fuels me as a writer and keeps me hammering away at the keyboard. I’m chuffed to bits with the positive response and just hope that you all enjoy the remaining chapters just as much.
Mystery Mouse: A character list is available, I’ll speak to JetBoy about getting one up for the next chapter.
I’m going to enjoy the hell out of this 1
Very good start. Really loving the slow buildup.
Wow such a turn on,can’t wait to read next chapter. Brilliantly written.Getting excited thinking about this normal or just me.
Great job. I really look forward to seeing where the story goes.
A second reading of this first chapter has given us a greater appreciation of it’s superb story telling. Yes very well done, realistic, premise. Many things we were too fast reading the first time in, now are seen as very clear and believable.
Bryan, Tackysum, Matty, Radio973 : Thank you so much for the kind words, I’m so pleased you enjoyed the first chapter, and rest assured, chapter 2 will be along soon.
Kim & Sue: I love that you found more from this on a second reading, as an author that makes my heart sing. As always, your comment is kind, thoughtful and wonderfully encouraging, thank you.
Very nice start! I like the idea of this story… a big, single Lodge without neighborhood. A good place to play wild, sexy games
Thank you!