by kinkys_sis
Chapter One: The Cruise Ship
The Jade Princess was two days out from the Seychelles, bound for Cape Town. The weather in the Indian Ocean was glorious, and I was looking forward to seeing Table Mountain again.
I hadn’t really wanted to go on a cruise, nor had I wanted to be away from my sister, but Mum had insisted I accompany her. “It’ll get you off that bloody laptop for a bit,” she’d said. “Goodness knows what you find to do on there for so long. Do us both good to mix with people for a change.”
So I really didn’t have much choice. But I went along, and soon found myself more or less on my own. Mum settled in with a circle of ladies and didn’t pay much attention to what I did or where I went. I suppose she figured there wasn’t anywhere on board I could get into trouble.
I’d thought it would be all old fogies and dead boring for a girl of thirteen – especially one like me, who totally prefers girls to boys – and I wasn’t far wrong. Okay, there were a few passengers around my age, but no one I felt like getting to know.
There was one geeky girl who’d spoken to me a few times, prattling on about the rich history of the area, something that didn’t interest me at all. I soon found myself avoiding her.
Then there was one other girl, maybe a year older than me. She was dead sexy, but turned out to be one stuck-up bitch who looked down at the likes of us not-so-rich mortals.
I had to admit the ship itself was impressive, with every creature comfort one could ask for. The problem was it just wasn’t for me. The only place I had any fun was the games arcade. It had the usual slot machines and so on, but it also had some brilliant simulators, like a motorbike racer that was thrilling and a space excursion module – God knows how many times I crashed-landed on Mars. Then there was the jet fighter that flew simulated attack missions, which was very realistic. I shot down a whole bunch of Russian MiGs.
But my favourite was the AI-powered, boots-on-the-ground army combat simulation. It took a little while, but eventually I was rated as an ace shot, no longer getting myself killed over and over. The machine ultimately promoted me to Squad Leader.
A crew member stopped to watch me on one occasion. “Hey, you’re pretty good,” he said. “Have you been down to the shooting range yet?”
“I didn’t know there was one.” I answered, “but, wow, I’d love to have a go with a real gun.”
“Well, they’re only .22s, but they’re real enough. It’s on B deck, opens at two in the afternoon.”
I was stretched out on a deck chair getting some sun when a loudspeaker screeched at me from a few feet away. “This is your captain speaking. I’m sorry to announce a change of course. An extreme storm has developed off the eastern coast of South Africa, and is expected to build into a category-four cyclone. Whilst this is not in itself dangerous to a ship of this size, it would be uncomfortable for a few days. We will, instead, sail northwest and call at Mombasa before sailing up to Djibouti at the entrance to the Red Sea. I will then reassess the situation and decide on our next course. I do hope this has not disrupted anyone’s plans too severely. Thank you for your understanding.”
Anna, the girl at the bar, didn’t do much to hide the way her eyes made a quick check of my bikini-clad body. “Hello, gorgeous. What can I get you today?”
We liked to flirt and share a joke but sadly, that was as far as it went between us. “I’ll have a Coke and a large cabernet for Mum please. Oh, and a flash of your tits when you bend down.”
She grinned back at me. “If only you weren’t so young, I’d love to get…” She caught herself in mid-sentence, then added, “I think you know exactly what I mean. And don’t try and fool me with the Coke thing, I know the wine’s for you.” But she laughed, then unfastened one button of her top before bending to reach into the fridge.
I leaned towards her for an eyeful of her gorgeous tits and whispered, “I could rub my pussy while I look at them, but there’s too many people about.” It was the most forward thing I’d said to her yet.
She looked startled for a moment, then grinned again. “Fuck, girl, you could get a woman in trouble.” She studied my face. “You’re really asking for it, aren’t you? You’re not just playing games with me?”
Ice-cold drops fell from my glass down between my breasts. Anna followed the trickle with her eyes. “You wanna maybe wipe that off for me?” I said. “And I don’t play games.”
My nipples stood up beneath their scant covering in response to our little flirtation. Anna quickly made sure no one was watching before reaching over the bar, a tea towel in her hand. She made a small play at wiping the liquid away but then took my nipple between two fingers, giving it a little twist and a tug before hastily withdrawing her hand.
I felt an answering tingle between my legs. “Shit! Now my pussy really does need a rub. And know what? It’s starting to drip, too. How’s yours, Anna? Getting a bit wet?”
She mumbled something in her native Spanish, but too softly for me to catch. A customer stepping up to the bar curtailed any further conversation, but I managed a quick, “See ya, sexy.”
Before leaving, I made a note of the one window that looked in at the far end of the bar. Back outside, I located the same window along a walkway on the upper deck. A couple of chairs were placed in front of it, facing out to sea. I turned one around towards the window while the tingling in my pussy got worse.
Anna was alone, wiping down the bar. I tapped on the window, and she perked right up when she saw me. I sat down facing her, spread my towel across the arms of the chair and tucked it in place. Anna could see underneath, but anyone approaching along the walkway wouldn’t notice a thing.
She gave me a smile, then glanced down in time to see me spread my legs. I pulled the front of my bikini bottom aside and held open my pussy lips with one hand. With the other, I reached for my clit, which was hot and slippery-wet.
Anna put a hand to her mouth as she watched me rub up and down on either side of my tiny but oh-so-sensitive clitty. I can make myself come very quickly when I want to, and now was one such time. After all, she might get another customer at any moment.
Her longing was obvious as she watched me rub faster. I felt my orgasm rushing at me, so I quickly stuffed three fingers inside my cunt and fucked myself as fast as I could. Then I was coming, squirting on my hand with each thrust as I let a wonderful climax wash over me.
After a few moments to recover my senses, I raised my wet hand, which glistened in the sunlight. Slowly I lifted it to my mouth, sucking one finger, then the second. The third I pointed in Anna’s direction. There was no hesitation this time. She stuck out her tongue in a licking motion. Then she pointed down at my dripping pussy and mimed a second lick.
I nodded at her and mouthed the words “Any time.”
Anna nodded in reply, and I knew I had her. The only question left was where and when. She turned to look over her shoulder, then gave me a quick wave before she disappeared.
Some sixth sense made me glance sideways. “What the fuck?” I exclaimed. There, standing only a short distance away with her mouth hanging open was Little Miss Geeky.
She gave a startled jump and mumbled, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t spying … I … but I was looking for you. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I had to watch. You looked s-so beautiful when you were … well, you know.”
At first I felt cross, but then noticed an unusual glow in her cheeks. “My, my …” I said, “so you got all hot watching me fuck myself?”
She crimsoned even more as she stammered, “No… no, it’s not like that. I said I was sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
I crooked a finger at her. “Come here.”
She cautiously advanced. When she was standing in front of me, I seized her wrist with my right hand, then thrust the other hand beneath her short skirt. She almost shrieked and tried to pull away from me. But my fingers were pressing the front of her panties. They were as wet as my bikini bottom had been.
“So, that turned you on, did it?” I managed to keep her in place as my fingers found their way into the girl’s knickers. She tried to pull away, but it was a rather half-hearted effort.
I slid a finger between her tight lips, into the wetness of her cunt. She suddenly gave a violent shake of her head, enough to send her glasses flying. “No, what are you doing? You mustn’t, it’s not right.” But she was no longer making an effort to get away.
My thumb searched for, then found her little button. I slowly circled it. Her hands, tightly clenched, dropped to her sides.
“Sure you want me to stop?” I said. “Just say so and I will. Then again, maybe I won’t. Your pussy does feel nice. The real question is this: you wanna go off somewhere and play with yourself, or will you let me take care of it?”
With her glasses gone and her hair falling loosely about her face, I realised she was rather sweet-looking.
“I’m fucking you, and I don’t even know your name,” I said. How cool is that?”
With some effort, she managed to say, “Someone might see us … and m-my name’s Jessica.”
“I’m Holly. Nice to meet you. So what you’re saying is you only want me to stop in case somebody catches us at it?”
Her confusion was obvious. I knew though, that she was mine if I wanted her. Her unexpected prettiness had startled me. Maybe I should have looked beyond her incessant chatter.
“It’s okay,” I said. “I get it. You wanna come to my cabin?”
I could see her inner struggle. She wanted to, but perhaps it was a step too far for her.
“I always wanted to be your friend, Holly, but you didn’t seem to like having me around,” she said. “I guess if letting you do things to me makes us friends, then it’s okay.”
I smiled at her. “Oh, I’m going to do things, but you’re going to play with me as well.”
“I am? But I don’t want to do that with a girl.”
This time, I laughed. “Yeah, you do.”
As I got to my feet, I saw Anna’s face through the window. Her grin told me she’d seen everything. She pointed at Jessica and threw me another mimed lick. I nodded and held up the hand I’d put under Jessica’s skirt. Jessica gasped as I stuck my fingers in my mouth, my eyes still burning into Anna’s. This cruise had suddenly become a whole lot less boring.
Jessica saw my exchange with Anna and turned even redder than before. “Oh my God, she was watching us! I told you we shouldn’t do those things.”
“You’re way off, Jessica. We’re going to get her in bed with us, wait and see.”
“We are?” It was a somewhat strangled reply.
“Oh, yes.” I took her hand. “Come on, let’s you and me go and get a drink. We can fuck later. I’ve got some teaching to do. And don’t forget your glasses.”
It was Sod’s Law that parents intervene with their stupid plans. Sure enough, Jessica and I were unable to meet again that day. I didn’t let it bother me too much. There was plenty of time. I did manage a quick chat with Anna.
“So, did my little game with Jessica turn you on?” I asked her.
“Actually, I preferred it when you were playing with your own pussy. That did turn me on. All I want to know now is when I get to play with it.”
“You and me first, then maybe later, if you want, we could have Jessica join us. She’s shy, but willing.”
“God, what am I getting myself into here? I can trust you, but Jessica? I’m not so sure. You do understand that I have to be careful?”
“No need to worry about Jessica. I’ve got her wrapped around my little finger – or her cunt is, anyway.”
“Holly!” she blurted. “How the fuck did you get to be like this at your age?”
“Fucking my older sister and her friends … and one or two of mine as well.”
She stared at me as I sipped my drink.
“And I had you pegged as a kid having her first flirt with an older girl,” she said. “Shows how wrong you can be.” She glanced down at my chest. “I want to get hold of those tits more than ever now. Shit! Here I was worrying about seducing a child, then she bloody seduces me.”
“I was pretty sure I had you right, Anna,” I said. “I noticed how you looked at me. Listen I’ve been trying to find a woman to fuck, but there’s a problem… I forgot to pack any of my toys. And I don’t mean stuffed bears and things.”
Anna pretended to be shocked, but she really wasn’t, not any more. “They sell a few in the shop on E deck, but they’re not on display. Ask for Julie and tell her I sent you. She won’t mind. Julie and I get together sometimes, if you know what I mean.”
I asked Anna what time she’d be off duty, mentioning that I had my own cabin with a sea-view balcony. We made a date for eight that evening, then I took myself off to find the E deck shop.
Julie turned out to be just as pretty as Anna. I guess the cruise line made a point of having sexy girls working for them. I was still wearing my very skimpy bikini when I entered the shop, which seemed to mostly carry perfumes and lotions for the ladies.
“Yes, I’m Julie,” she replied when I asked. “What can I do for you?”
“Anna told me I could get a toy or two in here.”
She took a closer look at me. “I think you’ve got the wrong shop. The one you want is on C deck.”
I let my gaze move up and down Julie’s figure, lingering at her ample breasts. The light blush that came to her cheeks was utterly adorable. “What I want,” I said, “is something to sort my itch out, if you get what I mean.”
Julie glanced cautiously at the doorway. “Come over here, er, Miss.”
“Call me Holly.”
She pulled a deep drawer open to reveal a small selection of sex toys. Most were plain vibrators with only cheap twist speed controls.
“May I?” I asked.
I leaned over to rummage about, and a nipple, which had only just been hidden by my skimpy top, popped into view. Without checking, I knew she’d be looking. “Oops, sorry,” I said. But I did nothing to cover myself. Knowing she was staring made the nipple harder.
Raising my head, I gave Julie a big smile. “See, that’s what happens when you just look at it,” I said. “I wonder what it would do if you gave it a touch?”
It seemed an age before she answered. “You say Anna sent you. Does she know what you’re like?” But then I felt her hand come to rest on my back.
“And more,” was all I said.
I reached for her other hand and placed it on my tit. She made a token effort to pull away, but I held her firmly in place. I waited for the squeeze I was sure would come while I continued digging through the drawer. The hand on my back was very slowly easing down towards my bum.
At last, I found a decent-sized dildo. It seemed to have different speeds and a variable program – just what I was looking for.
I didn’t get up. Instead, I bent a little more. Her hand had now reached the top of my bum but had stopped moving. “Why don’t you measure me for size?” I said. “I’m pretty sure this one will do me but it’s best to be sure don’t you think?” I gave my arse a wiggle and spread my legs a little wider apart.
“Are you asking me to check out your pussy?”
“Oh, I just thought it would make sense. And besides, I’m sure you’d like to, no?”
She fidgeted around a bit. Where she stood, there was a clear view of the doorway, and I was more or less hidden by the end of the counter, so we were safe for the moment. I felt my bikini being pulled aside. A second later, Julie’s fingers were rubbing along my pussy lips.
“God, you’re soaked!” she exclaimed.
“I’ve been touching up other girls,” I told her, ”but nobody’s helped me out yet, and I’ve got a bit desperate. That’s why I need the toy.”
She eased me open and slipped two fingers inside.
“You need to do more than that, Julie, just to make sure this dildo’s not too big for me,” I said. I already knew it wasn’t, but it felt lovely to have her check.
She gave the tit in her hand a hard squeeze whilst adding another finger to my pussy. Her breathing had got a bit ragged, and so had mine.
“What you reckon, Julie?” I said. “Too tight?”
“Okay, girl, you asked for it.” She began to fuck my cunt, hard and fast, plunging three fingers in and out. Letting go of my tit, she slid her other hand down and into my bikini bottoms, where she used two fingers to rub on either side of my clit. She wasn’t gentle and I was loving it. My grownup lovers always treat me like a child at first, but Julie was fucking me just the way I liked.
“Oh, that’s good!” I panted. “Do it faster, before someone catches us. I need to come.”
I’d no sooner spoken when my orgasm hit me in a rush. I grabbed the drawer and held on while I shook, making the contents rattle. Julie kept fucking me until I went limp.
She’d taken her fingers out and was wiping her hand with a cloth when I straightened up and asked, “Well, did you decide?”
“Decide what?” she asked.
“Is this one gonna fit me or not?” I asked her, holding up the boxed dildo.
“I’m sure it will,” she said. “I wouldn’t have thought so when you first came in. But now, yes, I’m certain.” She studied my face again. “I’m not sure I really want to know, but the curiosity is killing me. Just exactly how old are you, Holly?”
“Kinda like, um, thirteen. Does that bother you?”
She considered a moment. “It should, but no, it doesn’t. You’re not some innocent kid, are you?”
“Not bloody likely.” I gave her a little shove so she was more hidden by the counter and reached under her skirt. “You want me to fuck you now?” My fingers pressed into the front of her lacy knickers.
Julie glanced towards the door. “Shit! There’s someone coming.” Putting the dildo in a bag and handing the bag to me, she struggled to pull herself together before calling out, “Be with you in a second!”
She was about to charge the bill to my cabin, but I told her no, I’d be back with the cash. I didn’t want my mum to know what I was buying.
“I close at four, then open again at seven. Don’t worry, pop in whenever you want.”
That brought another laugh. “Want what? How about I come by at five minutes to four? You could lock me in for a while if you wanted.”
“Goodness, girl… haven’t you had enough for today?”
“I never get enough. Anyway, I think your next customer wants some help, just a different kind.”
She leaned closer and whispered, “Why the fuck didn’t you come along sooner, girl? And am I in some kind of competition with Anna?”
“Not competing, no. I’ve got plenty of time for both of you. And you haven’t met Jessica yet. She’s the same age as me. Jessica’s not done that much, but she’s ready to learn.”
I grinned at Julie’s astonishment as I turned and left the shop with my new purchase.
Yep, this cruise really was improving. It often surprises me how suddenly everything can change.
On to Chapter Two!
Now that was one hot fast action chapter. Can’t wait to read chapter two!!!💓
This story has a small chunk of plot that is over in a flash, making room with lightning speed for the action. Which is normally something I don’t like in a story. Yet here I have no objection at all and I’ve been trying to work out why.
I think it might be because this all seems pretty feasible, which is a big thing for me. Okay, so some of the characters might have balked at Holly being 13 but I think we’re all happy to let that slide. Otherwise there’d be no stories here to read at all!
So many stories infantalise the characters in them. A person might be 13 but they’ll act and talk like a 9-10 year old. Which is understandable but oftentimes annoying. Holly, in the story, is a sexually active 13 year old girl and…actually behaves like a sexually active 13 year old girl. kinkys_sis (sorry, not sure if that should be capitalised or not) has the knack of writing characters that can be dropped practically straight into sexual shenanigans without it seeming unbelievable.
And that’s a very rare knack indeed.
I have just re-read what you wrote. When my first stories were posted here, I was a twelve-years-old. I got comments that said my young characters spoke in too adult a way. Yet to me, they spoke as I would have, so I didn’t understand.
Slowly, I did understand, As far as writing and sexuality is concerned I was so far ahead of my peers. I was finding it very hard to be realistic in a way that my readers would accept where I was coming from.
In short, I was too experienced and too adult in my ways for my readers to grasp that I was a youngster writing in an adult world. My own sexuality didn’t fit with their conceived ideas. I can look back at some of the comments on my earlier posted stories and I realise that I spoke too adult for the character that I was trying to portray. That was where I got it wrong.
I learned to adapt. My stories became more acceptable. Yet, to me, nothing changed. Well maybe it did, just a little. I just chose my words more carefully. JetBoy and Jacqueline accepted me for what I was… and without question. That’s why I love them both. Not forgetting my other editor, BlueJean. He just takes whatever I write as is and simply corrects my grammar etc. (Well, almost.)
Now, I am a bit older and yet I have an advantage. I’m not too old to remember how to write as a thirteen-year-old… how a youngster really spoke.
Going back to your original point. I don’t ‘underspeak’ a youngster. But I do love an over confident one … it’s what I was and never a regret. Perhaps I’ve been lucky. Some may have had nothing but trauma in a similar circumstance, but not me. I couldn’t be happier with my life and the way things have turned out.
I have a true love in my life. She shares my passion for JS, perhaps not quite as much as I do, yet she’s happy to be here with me.
So I keep writing and hoping you all take pleasure from what I write.
My only message is – look at yourself. Accept what you are and embrace it. We have but one life and what better than to enjoy it. Seek someone like yourself. There are more out there than you may realise. And, these days, it is becoming easier. I’m talking to the ladies here of course.
Fuck me! I’m becoming a … shit! I can’t think of the word. Sis’s fault, she let me drink too much. (You might have guessed).
Hey … it’s bed time!
Happy New Year.
In vino veritas, for sure.
(insert Great Gatsby glass raising gif here)
This little essay could serve as The Kinkys_sis Manifesto. I must confess I’ve also been taken aback by how sexually precocious and even aggressive her characters are. On occasion I’ve told her her 13-year-olds don’t talk or act like 13-year-olds, and I’m not looking for babytalk. (I think Mystery Mouse would agree my own teens don’t sound like nine-year-olds.) What I miss is the sense of discovery and risk, because at that age, unlike Kinkys_sis, I was still learning what my body was capable of, and there was no one to confide in about it. I should have realized we all develop at different rates, and in future I won’t be so quick to question her choices.
I think you’re right. It might be time to reassess kinkys_sis’ characters, or at least try to understand where she’s coming from.
I suppose most of us are reading/writing from the adult side of the equation. We want the younger players to be clearly defined as adolescent, because, well, that’s the fantasy. Kinkys_sis is mostly writing from the other side of that fantasy. Her protagonists are versions of herself, which is a common trait amongst writers (how many stories has Stephen King wrote where the main protagonist is a writer?). If she was mature for her age, then that’s going to get projected onto the characters.
It’s still kind of jarring to hear those characters talking like adults, but with kids these days growing up with the internet, maybe the age of The Innocent Childhood is a thing of the past. That said, there were a few unusually mature girls back when I was a kid. One of my earliest friends (first girlfriend, I suppose), was a kind of Queen Bee type figure. Other girls would naturally flock around her. Nature tends to produce the occasional ‘Alpha’, both male and female.
There’s some in-depth analysis going on there, both from JJ and BJ. Allow me to add a little more to the equation.
I can now look back at when I first began to take my sporting abilities more seriously. A number of the girls, between say twelve and sixteen, I now see as having had lesbian tendencies. Perhaps some of them were at that – am I, aren’t I stage, kind of undecided.
Now I am with professional players and it surprises me how many are open lesbians. It’s not just in soccer but any physical sport; boxing is perhaps the best example. I now know why I was a boxer with a big punch for a girl. Unfortunately, nature forgot to give me the skills to go with it… so, I never progressed beyond schools champion.
It doesn’t take much research to discover that a considerable number of well known international female soccer players are in lesbian relationships.
And again, almost all of the younger ones are far more mature than other non-sporting youngsters of their age, both mentally and physically.
It used to be said that sports women didn’t have the same physical strength as the men. Maybe they don’t, but it’s not far off these days.
I used to think that being a lesbian was a matter of choice. I was so wrong! I have since learned a lot more about chromosomes (the x & y thing) and genes and how nature doesn’t keep the balance ‘correct’ (I didn’t much like the use of that word, but couldn’t think of another). It’s partly this imbalance that produces the stronger female athletes and the larger percentage of lesbians among them. Although there is far more to it than that simple statement.
I am lucky in so far as I am entirely feminine to look at and yet, I am far stronger than most girls of my age.
BJ’s point about projecting one’s self into our writing is spot on. We probably almost all use our own experiences to draw upon. I do find though that I am slowly becoming able to move away from that.
I’ve said before. JB has over twenty of our stories stockpiled, some of which were written some years ago. I’m becoming concerned that a number of them could most likely do with a re-think before being published. Alternatively, it needs stating when they were written to keep them in perspective. The naivety of a few might grate on some readers, yet be charming to others. I really don’t know.
Very good story – really got me going 🙂
Wow, that was like walking round a corner and getting sucker-punched!
I don’t think I need say any more.
I didn’t expect very much to happen here over the christmas holiday but I thought I’d take a quick peek. And I find a new Kinkys_sis story just posted.
It has everything I dream about. Sexy young girls having fun and on a cruise ship, which is another of my dreams. Then of course, the way the sex is portrayed as Kinkys_sis always manages — hot and wet.
You have talked before of the research you put into your stories and I suppose this is an example of that. The places you mention here all make sense and are in the right place, you are really a very clever young woman. Besides having a very naughty mind. I wish I knew you, for real I mean.
Been away from here for a while, but what a great story to welcome me back.
Thanks kinkys_sis, your stories never ever disappoint, just like your sister
Roll on chapter 2, it can’t come (double meaning intentional!) soo enough!!!
Fast and right to it – a different flavor of story, but also perfectly fit my mood. Well done!
Whew!!! That was off and running in short order!!!! Still, there is a lot to build on for future chapters. Holly and Jessica are an odd couple, which makes them an interesting pairing. I look forward to more of those two together. One small niggle. I did notice that Julie turned into Jane at the very end of the chapter. A minor oversight in editing, but it does warrant a quick fixing. Overall, an exciting and stimulating opening chapter from k_sis. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Good catch. I’m sure the Jane-for-Julie screw-up is my fault, because it always is. Sigh. Anyhow, I fixed it. Thanks to all for the lovely comments!
I like it, but it’s a bit abrupt. Anna appeared literally out of nowhere. Evidently Anna and Holly know each other, but how? Would a cruise ship let a 13-year-old kid into a bar? And how did we know her Mum was a drinker?
As a glasses-wearer myself, I’d be PISSED OFF if someone caused my glasses to fly off. I HOPE Jessica retrieved hers with no trouble. Frankly, anyone who touched my groin without permission would wind up in the brig, although Jessica evidently is made of nicer stuff. I am guessing the “dead sexy bitch” will be back in a later chapter,royally cut down to size. I wonder who else?
I had thought the ship was going really far out of its way, but I had mistaken the Seychelles for other island nations farther south. But from Mombasa to Djibouti is traveling all the way around Somalia, which seems quite a long journey and kind of a dangerous one. Sis, you appear very knowledgeable about Africa; have you lived there?
I am wondering if the shooting lessons (did Holly take one already? and the virtual reality simulators will play into the plot later on?
I love it. The cruise ship is a perfect location. Pacing is perfect also. Everything is completely believable. The characters are very likable already. It’s hot and a lot of sex happens but it doesn’t feel overstuffed. It somehow feels teasing which is fantastic. More please! Soon!
Very hot story, really excited for many more chapters
As with all the stories from kinkys_sis, this is well written and hot as hell.
I tend to write slow burners, and often find myself looking for ways to shoe-horn a sex scene into the early chapters just to tick a box. But kinkys_sis has deftly taken us straight to the sexy bits, a skill I am yet to master. Is it a bit abrupt? Perhaps, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I quite enjoyed being catapulted into this young girls life.
It makes a nice change to be eager for more backstory to see what brought Holly to this point in her life, rather than waiting for the action that has been hinted at in the first chapter.
I thoroughly enjoyed this and will be keenly awaiting future chapters.
Crikey, it’s like an underage version of Carry On Cruising. 😲
When a story promises plot and doesn’t deliver, I’m going to call the author out for leading me on, but unless this one suddenly veers off into globe-trotting adventure/assassin nuns/secret treasure/marooned on a desert island territory, I’ll assume it’s intended to be a pure porn story. Subsequently, I can put away any concerns about the abrupt nature of a thirteen-year-old girl jumping anything with a pussy without much in the way of context and just enjoy the kinky fun. And may it get even kinkier.
Further notes:
Captain Midnight’s concern over the flying glasses made me giggle.
“Dead Sexy Bitches” would be a great title for a lesbian zombie epic.
Did everyone have a nice Xmas?
I need to write something.
So many comments and so soon.
Firstly, a big thanks to Jacqueline for her usual expert editing… much appreciated.
Secondly. A small point that might go someway to answering a point that a couple of you have raised with regard to story background. This story was originally written as a follow up to ‘Adventure In The Bush’. Remember Lucy? One or two back-references were made, so there was no need for too much background.
However, JB, quite rightly, pointed out that the story was very different to ‘Adventure’ and that I perhaps I might consider changing it into a completely new story. I did exactly that but perhaps then forgot about the background info.
@ Lakeisha – Thanks, glad you’re enjoying it.
@ Mystery Mouse – The note above maybe partly answers your point. And thanks for the rest.
@ Wix, Sapphmore, Tim, Karen and Mike – Thanks to you all.
@ Helen – Yes, I hate to be tripped up on a technicality. So, everything’s always researched. It just happens that I love Geography, so that part comes easy. As for your last bit … that’s a nice compliment but it would never happen.
@ Erocritique – As I answered to Mystery Mouse, see my second point above. You’re right, so many ways this could go. I bet I surprise you though.
@ Captain Midnight – Nice to see you commenting on one of mine again.
I don’t see any suggestion that Holly and Anna were already aquainted, other than by way of using the bar for some days. I don’t understand the querry regarding Mum.
I think ‘She was dead sexy, but turned out to be one stuck-up bitch’ is slightly different to ‘dead sexy bitch’. Or is it?
You could well have a valid point regarding the distance from Mombasa to Djibouti. I didn’t have too many options and didn’t think that anybody would look too closely. Djibouti is irrelevant to the story anyway. Huge cruise ships are generally not in any danger from Somali pirates.
My grandpa grew up in Africa. He loves to talk about his time there. I’m a good listener. Where he lived became my fantasy place to live, although I doubt I ever will.
I refered to ‘Adventure In The Bush’ above. Holly was originally Lucy, so she already knew how to shoot. I did have a refernce to previous shooting experience in this chapter. It seemed a bit irrelevant so I took it out.
@ MusicMan – That’s a very kind comment, thanks.
@ Joe Dornish – Again, see ‘Adventure In The Bush’. Perhaps an omission on my part to not notice that I needed to add more here when it became a story in its own right.
@ BlueJean – to quote – ‘globe-trotting adventure/assassin nuns/secret treasure/marooned on a desert island territory’. You know the way I think by now. So, somewhere along those lines. And yes, we had a great Christmas. Maybe a few too many people around. Kind of non-stop.
Phew. I hope I’ve managed to answer most of the points raised. The main thing though is thank you all for in taking the time to comment.
Sis, I really appreciate the detailed reply!
I am a big geography buff, and have followed Africa in news magazines through my life. I actually did consider it unlikely that Somali pirates would attack a cruise ship, but I wasn’t sure that she didn’t have some heavy weaponry and might be able to attack if a ship put into a port and people got off. Americans are very concerned about narco-terrorists in Mmuch of Latin America, who are endangering the tourist trade. I think I was projecting that, and some old news stories about troubles in East Africa, onto this story.
I did wonder if some significant details had been shorn in the editing process.
Thanks for addressing all my concerns!
I actually HAD thought also that Lucy from Adventures in the Bush was narrating her own follow-up story.
I had a bit of ‘me-time’ due. Where better to spend it but at JS?
I should be starting with the other new posts but when I see Kinkys_sis, sorry, she wins every time. I will get back to the others.
I can’t say much that someone hasn’t already said. Some points I agree with, others not. I found one person’s comment very picky and unnecessarily so.
For me it was a joyful read and so very much the younger sister’s style. Oh to have been a passenger on that cruise liner with this precocious young girl on the prowl.
I’m trying to picture where this story is going next. It’s the title that I’m fixating on. It must give a clue. But what? I suppose it’s a wait and see.
OK. Finding out this was originally going to be a spin-off of “Adventure in the Bush”, but was changed to a unique story, is somewhat maddening, frustrating, and disappointing. When I first saw the title and the author, I immediately assumed it was going to be connected to “Adventure in the Bush”, but then the main character’s name was Holly instead of Lucy, and I had to recalibrate. And though this story’s opening is enjoyable enough, and there is plenty of opportunity for world / character building, I feel that a golden opportunity to advance the “Adventure in the Bush” storyline / universe
was missed. I have been waiting for a follow-up to “Adventure in the Bush”, and now I must go on waiting. (Will it ever happen???) I also must disagree with JB: This storyline wouldn’t have been a perfect vehicle for Lucy to continue her travels and sexual conquests.: “Adventure in the Bush” was about traveling (on a plane, etc), so sexual hijinks on a cruise ship would have been a natural / fitting progression., imho. JMTCW.
Ero, all I can tell you this early in the game without giving anything away is that these two stories are FAR more different than you think. The only overlap is that 1) both stories are partially set in Africa, and 2) the protagonist has had sex with her big sister. Otherwise, they have nothing in common. I’d also love to see a sequel to “Adventure in the Bush,” but trust me: this story wasn’t it. I suspect my perspective will make more sense after another chapter or two.
Building to the sex a bit too sudden for my liking, but not bad at all. Happy new year
Looking forward to see how this story develops. In general I prefer younger protagonists in these kinds of stories to be slightly more inexperienced. Holly seems like an extremely badass girl and I enjoy the writing style. Keep it up Kinkys_Sis.
@ Captain Midnight – I had so much enjoyed working with sis on ‘Adventure In The Bush’ that for once I wanted to write a follow up. I had long since thought that a certain legend (yet to be revealed) in north east Africa would make a good basis for a story. I did a whole lot of research and then suddenly realised that it fitted with Lucy.
@ Rachel – Oh my, thank you. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
@ Erocritique – Oops, sorry. I’m hoping you’ll change your mind as the story progresses.
@ merendinoemiliano – If you’ve read ‘Adventure In The Bush’, you would see why the sex was needed from almost the word go. And, a Happy New Year to you as well. Please keep reading.
@ Chuck – You’re so right, that’s exactly what she is. Thanks very much.
Fabulous story. I love seeing a teen pushing up to older women and down to younger girls. Why limit a growing sexual sense of pleasure to just one age group?
And that’s exactly how I have always thought. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Well, mostly in agreement with most of the other comments. And just to add we felt it a very fast moving hot first chapter.
Thank you ladies. It was absolutely intentional for the chapter not to get too involved in life on a cruise ship, but to just get on with it. There’s more of story to it from here on in.
Still trying to decide if im in the minority of just enjoying this sexy young girl getting exactly what she wants and plainly needs…thouroughly enjoyed the full on fun and cant wait to see what ladies get up to when jessica joins in xxx
Thanks, Keep reading. The next chapter should be up quite soon.
WOW< hot , sexy and fast. I loved it
Thank you, Jennifer.
Oh my god, that was fucking wonderful. I loved how it got into the nitty gritty so quickly!