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Ripples, Chapter 41

  • Posted on January 28, 2025 at 5:20 pm

A lengthy chapter… so please pace yourself as you read. Worth the wait, we hope. — JetBoy

A (formerly) brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the story, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this saga, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)

Divorced mother Jessica has found a new identity as a lesbian, becoming the lover of her friend Rachel, as well as her three daughters Alice (12), Katie (9), and Poppy (7). At the same time, Rachel has found sexual intimacy with her own girls Bella (12) and Cindy (10), and they have all elected to come together as one big incestuous family.

Not long after that, Jessica’s younger sister Laura pays an unexpected visit and catches them all in the midst of their first family orgy. Despite her shock at what she saw, Laura was seduced later that night by the three youngest daughters, and eventually ends up joining in the family festivities.

Jess has an openly gay friend named Stella. She has twin daughters named Sienna and Lacey (both fourteen) who have flirted shamelessly with Jessica and her oldest daughter Alice. Alice suspects that the twins are sexually involved with their mother Stella, who she is very much attracted to herself.

As it transpires, Stella and her daughters are members of a secret society of local women who enjoy lesbian sex — especially with younger girls, including their daughters. Now that Jess has officially come out in her relationship with Rachel, Stella is looking to bring her, Rachel and both their families into the Society.

Stella lays her cards on the table: she suspects Jess and Rachel of having incestuous relations with one or more of their girls, and proposes bringing their combined families together for a sex party (though she has yet to tell Jess anything about the Society just yet). Jess is open to the idea, and tentative plans are made.

In the meantime, Jess and Laura’s mother Ann has just returned from a lengthy sea cruise. Laura informs her sister of a secret their mum told her: that she herself has recently explored lesbian sex with a much younger woman. This gets Jess thinking about the possibility of getting Ann to join in their incestuous relationship. She, Laura and Rachel discuss the idea, where they are overheard by Jessica’s seven-year-old daughter Poppy, who is intrigued by the possibility of sex with her grandmother.

When Ann arrives, Jess informs her mother that she is in a committed relationship with Rachel, and now considers herself gay. Ann is delighted for her daughter, especially since she already knows and likes Rachel. Later that night, Ann tells Jess about her night of passion with Gina, a woman in her twenties who she met online by accidentally visiting the Woman Seeking Woman page at on online dating site.

Later, when she is tucked up in bed, Ann masturbates while remembering her sexual encounter with Gina. But we soon learn that she later had a second sexual encounter with a woman, one she has yet to speak of to her daughters, with a French woman named Colette who she’d met on her ocean cruise.

Ann recalls one very special encounter with Colette. They were in bed and making love when Ann glanced up to see her partner’s eleven-year-old daughter Coralie standing in the entrance, watching them fuck. Colette didn’t notice the girl’s presence, but Ann was mesmerized — and turned on, in spite of herself.

The next day, Ann was approached by Coralie, who briefly exposed herself, then admitted that she was attracted to women, especially her own mother. Ann was shocked, but promised to keep the girl’s secret. Later, Ann brings herself to orgasm remembering that time with Colette – and Coralie.

The next morning, Ann is awakened by her granddaughter Poppy, who she will be looking after that day while Jess takes Alice and Katie to the dentist. After awhile, Ann notices the seven-year-old behaving in a very strange way. First, while reading, she notices that the child is naked beneath her skirt and surreptitiously rubbing her bare slit. Taken aback, she decides to take a bath, which is interrupted by Poppy, who insists on sharing the tub with her grandmother and soaping her breasts.

When Jess returns with the older girls, she has a stern chat with Poppy after Ann mentions having bathed with her. But when Poppy asks for a kiss, Jess can’t resist the chance to go down on her little girl.

Later that night, Jess phones her sister Laura, asking her to keep an eye on Poppy the next day. Laura will be looking after the girls while Jess and Rachel are on a one-night trip to London. The sisters end up having a very stimulating round of phone sex before turning in for the night.

The London trip is a rousing success for Rachel and Jess. During their stay in a posh hotel, they end up having a sex party with Dominique, an Asian friend of Rachel’s who runs a sex shop and loves to demonstrate the toys she sells, and Valentina, a Slovenian immigrant who works as a maid in the hotel. She delivers a bottle of champagne to the room and is subsequently enticed into her first lesbian experience. Meanwhile, back home, Ann and her daughter Laura are having a frank discussion about sex.

And that, dear readers, is where this installment kicks off. Read on…

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Laura and Ann were relaxing on Jessica’s cozy sofa, wine glasses in hand, a half-emptied bottle on the table before them. That, coupled with the provocative nature of their conversation, had both mother and daughter feeling warm and tingly.

Actually, Laura had gone from tingling to throbbing. She was restless with arousal and trying not to let it show, her knickers positively sodden. After all, she was about to share intimate details of her sex life with Ann, hoping to get her mum hot and bothered.

Taking a sip of the Cabernet she’d selected from Jess’ wine rack, Laura began. “So, Mum, you’ve heard of swingers, right?”

Ann pursed her lips. “Honestly, dear… I’ve not had many sexual experiences outside marriage, that’s true, but I wasn’t born yesterday. Yes, I know what swinging is.” Then she smiled. “Remember the Mannions, the couple who built the mock Tudor four doors down?”

Laura nodded. “Still the ugliest house in the district, I swear. What about them?”

“Well, they were into that sort of thing. You see,” Ann’s cheeks reddened a bit, “they invited your father and me to… join them. Of course, we refused.”

Laura’s jaw had gone slack. “The Mannions? Those two?” She gave her head a brisk shake. “Bloody hell, I can’t let myself think about that. All right then, you understand what I’m talking about.

“For those who participate, there are some pretty big events dedicated to swinging, but most of them take place in suburban homes with just a few invited guests – maybe just two couples. I’ve written about this scene a few times. But there’s a big difference between swingers and the assignment I’m on now. See, swinging is generally for couples and single women… and most of the women are bisexual, or at least curious.”

Ann appeared to have a question, so Laura paused. “Hmmm?”

”So, since there are men at these events, I suppose you don’t… get involved?”

“Well, I don’t normally participate when I’m doing a story, and yeah, I’m not about having it off with men. There was this one time when I got pulled into a big ladies-only orgy while the men watched.”

Ann seemed to be picturing that scene in her head, and Laura felt a twinge of excitement as she saw a tensing in her mum’s thighs, as if she was squeezing them together. Good – you keep doing that, Mum.

“Now the parties I investigated for this assignment are a completely different kettle of fish. These little get-togethers are for women only. You pay a membership fee, anywhere from £50-£200 a month, plus a signing-on fee to cover background checks and set-up; membership cards, apps, email address, that sort of thing. Some of the more exclusive events cost hundreds of pounds a ticket, and they’re almost always held in large private residences and country houses. The venues are strictly secret – you have to sign an NDA, and photos or filming are almost never permitted. Many of the members are wealthy, famous or both, so discretion is an absolute must.”

Setting her wine glass on the coffee table, Ann adjusted her sitting position. “What kind of women go to these parties?”

“Hmm. Some of them are married, but aren’t getting what they want in the bedroom. Some are single, maybe divorced, and some are business women who don’t have time for proper relationships, especially with men. But they need a release, or just a good old fuck, and these parties offer a safe environment to explore their desires. They might already be lesbians, or just curious, and these parties cater for all levels of experience. Some of the women like getting it on with first-timers, some are looking for familiar faces… but even if you don’t manage to hook up on your own, they have escort agency girls around to make sure everyone is satisfied. Believe me, Mum – you would have no problem finding someone to join you in bed.”

As Laura spoke, she saw Ann rest a hand in her lap – perhaps an attempt to suppress a growing heat? She continued. “The last event I attended was in a mansion on the outskirts of Paris with about thirty or so women. This time, I was allowed to get some photos and a little video before the party proper started, as long as no one could be identified. All the guests were advised beforehand, and I had to submit everything for review.”

Laura paused to sip from her glass before resuming the story. “Now I’m supposed to be reporting, not cruising for sex myself… but there was one woman who caught my eye, and I could tell she was checking me out, too. She was somewhere close to forty, attractive, and clearly new to the whole scene.

“Before long, some of the women were down to their lingerie… and a few were stark naked, having sex on the sofas and in the chairs. Mostly couples, but there was some group action happening. The main event was taking place in the middle of the room, where this cute young thing with a crew cut who was done up exactly like Grace Jones was pounding an older woman with a massive strap-on cock. They were putting on quite a show!”

“Grace who?” Ann asked, her brow slightly furrowed. “Someone you know?”

“Lord, I wish! No, Mum. She’s a singer with style for weeks. I’ll have to play you a few of her records… or take you to a bar where we can dance to her. If you’re going to be gay, it’s de rigueur to know about Grace. Anyway, while those two were fucking, this woman kept looking over at me. I finally gave her a smile, and she smiled back, drifting toward the exit that led to the bedrooms. It was obvious she wanted me to follow… so that’s what I did.

“Once we were both in the corridor, she reached for my hand, then blushed, not sure what happened next. ‘Do we just pick one of the rooms?’ she asked me.

“Now, I’d had the grand tour earlier that day when I was still wearing my journalist hat, so I told her, ‘Come,’ and led the woman to one of the better rooms, where they had a small jacuzzi.

“Mildred was her name. I was right; it was her first time at a sex party, though she’d been with women before. She was very eager and had a great body. We shared a few hot kisses, then stripped off and got to it.” Laura sat back, idly stroking her thighs. “Oh, Mum, it was incredible. For over two hours, Mildred and I fucked like animals. She was carrying a strap-on in her handbag, and we took turns using it on each other. I went down on her, she did the same to me, then she nearly got her whole hand inside my vagina.”

“My goodness,” Ann breathed.

“I’ve been with quite a few women, as well as the odd group encounter, but that night was something else. When we finally fell asleep, I was utterly exhausted. Mildred gave me her card the next morning.”

“Have you contacted her since?”

“Not yet. I’ve been occupied… er, putting the final touches on the article. Also, I’m wrapped up in research for my next assignment. My boss wants me to do a piece on lesbian escorts. We’re talking about high-class women who charge hundreds of euros for an evening.”

Ann raised an eyebrow. “That’s a thing, is it?”

“Oh, yes. Some of these girls get taken all over the world in private jets, all expenses paid, given free use of credit cards for shopping…” Laura gave her mother a wry smile. “Why do you ask, Mum? Thinking of using your retirement cash to splash out on some teenage hotties?”

“Don’t be silly, Laura,” Ann protested, a hint of colour in her cheeks. “It’s just that… I’ve never even heard of escorts for lesbians!”

“The world has changed since your dating days, Mum. More and more women are questioning their sexuality, and a lot of young girls are experimenting with one another as an alternative to boys.”

Ann slowly nodded. “I can see why. I mean, just look at your sister. She only had eyes for men, and look how that worked out! Rachel is exactly what she needed. It’s been good for the girls, too.”

Laura had to smile. If you only knew how good, Mum. Clearing her throat, she said, “So, Mum – are you planning on taking things any further with that girl you slept with… Gina, wasn’t it?”

“Well, while I was on holiday I… thought about that. I’d like to see Gina again, perhaps spend another night with her, but I don’t think we’d work out in a real relationship. It’s fine for me to play the field for a bit, but at some point I’ll want to settle down.”

“Hmm. You’ve put some serious thought into exploring the lesbian life, haven’t you?”

A moment’s hesitation, then Ann said, “Yes. Yes, I have. Heaven knows, it’s not something I expected to happen, or was looking for… but at this point in my life, I think being with a woman is – I don’t know, it just feels right for me.”

“Preaching to the choir, Mum,” said Laura, taking her mother’s hand. “What type of women would you look for?”

“I don’t really know, sweetie. Remember, I’m new at this.”

“What sort of age, then? Same as you? My age? Maybe even younger.” Laura studied her mum closely, trying to discern any flicker of arousal. Is she holding something back? Maybe she’s already called Gina, or she’s trawling dating sites for someone else. But why would she keep that a secret?

“I don’t know,” Ann sighed. “I’m only just coming to terms with the idea of… of being gay. I’ve still got to work out what kind of women I like.”

“That’s usually how you know you’re gay in the first place, Mum – realising you’re attracted to certain kinds of women.” Laura hesitated, then said, “How about porn?”

Ann arched an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Lesbian porn. Sampled any yet?”

“Not really. Oh, I did have a quick peek online after that night with Gina, but just that one time. It was only a couple of days before the cruise, and I had a million things to do.”

“So… what did you think?”

“I didn’t really know what to look for, so I just searched for lesbians. I found a website right away, actually; can’t recall the name. Goodness, I couldn’t believe how much there was of… that sort of thing! I did look at a couple of videos that seemed a bit, well, not realistic, if you know what I mean. Like the women were acting instead of making love.”

“Yeh, there’s a lot of that,” Laura said. “Made for blokes to toss off to, basically. Was there anything you did enjoy?”

“There was this one video,” Ann replied with a shy smile. “It featured these two women – about Jessica’s age, I’d say. One blonde, one brunette. They were standing in a hallway, chatting… then the brunette pressed the blonde against the wall and kissed her.”

“I like where this is going,” Laura murmured. “Did they move the party into bed?”

“No, they began undressing each other right there in the hall. The brunette lifted the blonde’s skirt, slid her panties down, then started licking her.” Ann drew in a shaky breath. “My God, it was so erotic! They ended up, um, fucking right there on the floor.”

“Sounds positively delicious. Did you masturbate?”

Laura!” Ann gasped. “That’s… personal!”

“Mum, seriously?” Laura fired back, rolling her eyes. “This entire conversation is meant to be personal! If I can admit to licking the cunt of a stranger, you can be honest about getting yourself off.” She hesitated, then added, “I ate her arsehole, too.”

Ann stared at her daughter in disbelief, then began to laugh. “Oh, my,” she said a moment later, still chuckling, “I’m beginning to wonder if I’m too old-fashioned to be a lesbian.”

“Don’t you believe it, Mum,” Laura said, moving to wrap both arms round her mother, “There’s a dirty, dirty girl lurking beneath that restrained exterior, and I’m going to help her break free.”

“Well, you’re right – I did touch myself, watching that video,” Ann murmured, holding Laura close. “First time in, oh, goodness, I can’t recall how long. I’d forgotten how good it felt, giving yourself an orgasm. Maybe you could recommend some other videos I could check out.” She laughed again. “My goodness. Am I really asking my own daughter to help me find dirty movies?”

“Anything for you, Mum,” purred Laura, her lips lightly brushing Ann’s ear. “You know, the best lesbian clips are the ones shot by women. I’ll email you some links of my faves – a pick-n-mix selection of girly fun!”

“I – I look forward to it,” Ann said, enjoying the warmth of Laura’s body against hers. Is she wearing scent, or is that just her? It’s lovely.

Laura kissed her mum’s cheek, gently withdrawing from their embrace, then slid back to the end of the sofa, reaching for her wine glass. Taking the last swallow, she parted her legs, giving Ann another full-on view of the red panties she wore. She’d already flashed her mother several times, and Ann never failed to look. By this time, Laura’s knickers were quite damp. Wonder if Mum can tell. 

Looking away, Ann noticed the clock. “Gracious, it’s nearly midnight. We should go to bed.”

“Suppose so,” Laura replied. After taking their glasses and what was left of the wine to the kitchen, mother and daughter shared a goodnight hug, then went to their respective sleeping quarters – Laura to Jessica’s bed, Ann to the guest room.

Fifteen minutes later, Laura crept along the hallway, peeking into each of the three girls’ rooms to make sure they weren’t up to any shenanigans. Satisfied they were out for the count, she slipped quietly down to the room at the end of the landing, pausing to listen before tapping quietly on the door, then opening it a little to peek through the gap.

The bedside lamp was on. Ann was sitting up in bed, wearing a satin nightie. She was idly thumbing through a magazine. “Laura?”

She whispered back, “Can I come in, Mum?”

“Of course. Is anything the matter?”

“No, no. I just wanted to talk to you about something.” Carefully closing the door behind her, Laura padded over to the bed. “Mind if I get in with you?”

“Um, all right. I don’t think we’ve shared a bed since you were six.”

Pulling the belt at her waist, Laura shrugged off the short satin robe, letting it fall to the carpet. As she stood naked before her mother, she ran both hands through her hair. Noting the look of surprise on Ann’s face, she said, “I never wear anything to bed. That’s okay, isn’t it? It’s just us girls together… or do you want me to find something to put on?”

“No, that’s fine, dear,” Ann replied. But the sight of Laura’s nudity had her feeling oddly restless. Must be all that talk of sex with women. Actually, she’d been toying with the notion of masturbating after turning out the light – but that clearly wasn’t going to happen now.

Laura pulled back the quilt and slipped in beside her mother, leaving herself covered up to the waist.

Not wanting to stare at her daughter’s breasts, Ann gazed into Laura’s eyes instead. “What did you want to talk about, sweetheart?”

Turning toward her mum, Laura raised herself on one elbow, her smallish and firm breasts remaining taut. “I’m going to suggest something to you, Mum… but I want you to really give it some thought before making a decision. Fair enough?”

Ann nodded. “All right.”

“Good. Okay, here’s what I’m thinking. I’d like to get you into a sex party. The women-only kind.” Before her mother could reply, she continued. “I have the details of the party organisers, and I could ask them to give you an invite to their next event as a favour. They’d be happy to, given their membership will surely get a boost once my article gets out there. It would certainly be safer than a dating site, and I guarantee you’ll have a great time. There’s no pressure to have sex with anyone, especially if you’re new to it… but once you get a glimpse of the action, you’ll want to indulge, believe me.”

“I don’t know, Laura. I’m not sure if I could go looking for a, a sex partner with dozens of people looking on.”

“They’re all there for the same reason, Mum, and you wouldn’t be the only first-timer.”

“Strictly speaking, I’m not a first-timer anymore.”

“I know, but you’ve only been with one woman so far.” Laura was watching her mother closely as she said those words, and felt a twinge of surprise when Ann averted her eyes.

What’s this, then? Okay, now I’m convinced. Mum’s had it off with someone else.

Lying back, hands behind her head, Laura said, “Well, the offer stands, so just let me know.”

“I’ll think about it,” Ann replied with a brief nod.

Both women remained silent for a few moments, then Laura spoke again. “There’s something else I want to ask you.”

Turning back to Laura, Ann couldn’t prevent herself from looking down at her daughter’s breasts, taking in the view just long enough to notice how lovely they were. Then, averting her eyes, she glanced lower, to where Laura’s hand was resting on her hip beneath the quilt. The blanket had dragged down a little further, enough to reveal a hint of her daughter’s shaved vulva.

Ann closed her eyes, feeling more awkward than ever. “What’s that, dear?”

“Jess told me you gave her the full Monty about what you got up to with Gina… but to be brutally honest, we both think you’re holding something back; you’ve not told us everything. Just now, when I said you’ve only been with one woman, you looked away.”

Laura studied Ann’s face, then pressed on. “Mum, when I first came out, I always went to you for advice. I told you everything because I knew you wouldn’t judge me. It’s time for you to trust me in the same way. I think you’ve got more lesbian experience than you say. Was it Gina, or someone else?”

Ann looked down at her hands, suddenly ashamed for not having been honest. My foolish fears, she told herself. Taking a calming breath, she raised her head to meet Laura’s gaze.

“You’re right, dear,” she murmured. “I have been with someone else… but it wasn’t Gina, it was a woman I met on the cruise.”

Laura touched her mother’s shoulder. “Tell me about her, Mum. Tell me everything.”

“The last couple of weeks of the trip, I met a French woman on holiday with her daughter, the one in the photos. Her name is Colette, she’s forty-five and owns a publishing house in Paris; her husband died last year. She took the trip so as to spend time with her daughter Coralie. She’s eleven, and such a sweet, polite child. Anyway, we got talking about our similar situations and became friends, going on day trips together and fending off the men looking for one-night stands; there were a few of those.

“One night after dinner we were drinking wine in her stateroom, and she asked how I managed on my own, now that my husband was gone. I could have told her about Gina, but I didn’t feel ready to share that with anyone else – besides you, of course. So I said that I didn’t want to rush into a new relationship just yet. That was more or less the truth, anyway.

“Then Colette told me that she and her husband sometimes shared women between them. She was very open about it; apparently she’d only been with women since university and considered herself a lesbian until she met her husband. He was responsive to her needs, though, and was open to Colette having female lovers. And if the woman was bisexual, sometimes she’d be invited to join Colette and her husband in bed. Once he died, she chose to live as a lesbian again.

“She asked if I’d ever been with a woman, and this time I told her about Gina. I didn’t plan to go into detail, but Colette managed to winkle it all out of me. I admitted that yes, it had been lovely, enough that I was questioning my sexuality.”

Laura thought it best to keep both hands in view, but she was pressing her thighs together to ease the low throb she felt in her groin. “Sounds like a pretty personal conversation with someone you’d just met.”

“I’d known Colette for a week and a half by then, so we were well past the casual acquaintance stage.”

So… did she come on to you?”

“In a manner of speaking. She offered to show me how good it was to be with a woman. You have to understand, the offer was made in the spirit of friendship, to help me decide if I wanted to go that way. Of course, she was also honest about how much she wanted it herself!”

“And you accepted her offer?” Laura had a sudden thought that piqued her curiosity. “Hold on – you said Colette had a daughter with her. Where was she?”

“Coralie had her own room, and she’d turned in for the night. I was concerned about waking her up, but Colette assured me her daughter was a very sound sleeper. Anyhow, we went into Colette’s room.”

“And then…?”

“Oh… we kissed, and undressed each other. Then we made love.”

“Hmm. Since it’s so bloody late, I’ll let you off the hook for now, but let’s get one thing straight, Mum: at some point, you are going to tell me this entire story in explicit detail. I expect to have one very soaked pair of knickers once you’ve finished, too.”

“Laura, honestly,” Ann replied, her cheeks flushed.

“So… how was it?”

“Sex with Colette? I can’t find the words to describe it. I mean, with Gina, she did all the work, and it was over in less than a half hour. That wasn’t her fault; I was too nervous and shy to return the favour. I did enjoy what she did, but it was all a bit sudden for me.

“Colette was patient and gentle; she taught me things about my body I’d never known, and gave me feelings I didn’t think were possible. Much as I loved your father, he never satisfied me like that. I can’t remember how many times I, you know, climaxed. I actually lost track of how long we were at it – a couple of hours, at least.” Wanting to avoid awkward questions, Ann decided to leave out the part where Colette’s little girl Coralie spied on them while touching herself. How on earth could I explain something like that?

Laura listened with a steadily building arousal, her mind buzzing. She pictured her mum naked, enjoying a hot, sweaty fuck with the sexy French woman from her vacation snaps. Laura’s nipples were achingly erect, her cunt pulsing hard and deep, enough that she had to fight an urge to ease a finger into the folds of her vagina. More than that, she longed to unbutton her mother’s satin nightie and slip her hand inside to cup a full, creamy breast. Rolling Mum’s nipple between finger and thumb, feeling it stiffen…

Thankfully, her restraint won. Drawing in a calming breath, Laura said, “Well, Mother, from that glowing review of Colette’s talents, I’m guessing that you’re more or less converted to the lesbian sisterhood. Do you plan to see her again?”

“She returned to Paris, but we exchanged email and phone numbers. I told her about you, Jess and the girls. and she and Coralie want to meet the whole family on their next trip. They’re doing quite a lot of travelling these days, so that might be soon.”

“We’d love to meet them. I’m sure Jess will be thrilled to get acquainted with the woman who turned you. So what’s next, Mum?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you going to wait to have sex until you get back together with your new friend, or are you going to play the field? My offer of the party invite still stands… or maybe I can give you a hand negotiating dating sites. If you’re interested in taking a lover, casual or otherwise, I’ll do all I can to help.”

“Let’s not get carried away, Laura. I need to think about this a bit more. Even if Colette was open to a relationship, she lives in Paris and has a business to run. I’d like to find a local woman who is discreet, not inclined to rush things. Someone willing to keep our relationship private, at least for now. I’m not quite ready to be out and proud.”

“Well, don’t spend too long thinking, Mum – take a chance! If you decide to try one of the parties, I’m game to assist.”

“Thank you, darling,” Ann murmured, patting her daughter’s hand. “Look, it’s late, and I really do need to get some rest.”

Laura gave Ann a bashful smile, one she often used to entice potential lovers into her bed. “Um… can I sleep with you, Mum?”

After an instant of hesitation, Ann said, “Er, all right, if you like.”

“Thanks, Mum.”

Ann reached out to switch off the bedside lamp, then scooted down into bed. Laura moved in to kiss her mum on the cheek, then surprised Ann by snuggling up close, resting a hand just beneath her breasts.

At first Ann was taken aback – but then she smiled, remembering long-ago cuddle-ups with her girls. It’s been too long since I’ve done this, she mused. Pressing a kiss into Laura’s hair, she whispered, “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

“Night, Mum.”

Bolstered by the late hour, the best part of a bottle of wine, and their separate thoughts, mother and daughter relaxed, their bodies nestled together. Laura drifted off right away, but Ann had too much to think about.

She mulled over how things had changed for her since that evening with Gina, when she first discovered the appeal of sex with a woman, moving quickly to that momentous night of lesbian lovemaking with Colette. The memory of little Coralie lifting her skirt to reveal her childish slit briefly made itself known, but Ann thrust that image away. Don’t go there, she admonished herself.

From there, her thoughts turned to her new heightened awareness of the female form. It hadn’t escaped Ann’s notice that since returning from holiday, she’d begun to look more closely at women and girls she encountered in everyday life, enthralled by their beauty. Even Laura’s casual nudity made Ann feel fluttery inside. It’s just because she’s a lovely woman, she told herself. Nothing to do with her being my daughter.

Even the sight of young girls seemed to stir her in ways it never had before. Once again, her thoughts returned to Coralie’s wanton display of her sex; the way she shyly asked, Do you think I am pretty, Ann? Then whispering, If you want to touch me, you can. I would like that very much.

Ann shook her head. I didn’t touch her. I wouldn’t have, not that way. She’s just a child. So why does that memory continue to nag at me?

From there, her thoughts drifted to Poppy; the bath they’d shared earlier that day. The incident itself had been odd enough, but the more Ann mused on it, the more it seemed as if Poppy had been flirting with her.

The very idea seemed ridiculous, and yet…

Poppy did seem to be putting her body on display in the tub, Ann mused. Showing herself off, almost. And the way she was touching herself earlier while she watched TV, stretched out on her tummy in that little skirt with nothing on underneath… Did she know I was watching? Did she want me to watch?

And the way she fondled my breasts in the bath; practically feeling me up! Perhaps it was just childish curiosity, but the more I think about it… No, that’s silly. Why on earth would a child come on to her own grandmother?

On the other hand, Poppy’s mum and big sister recently came out as gay, so she’s probably at least wondered if she liked girls herself. Lord knows, I had precious little use for boys at her age! But that doesn’t explain why she’d want to experiment with an old woman like me, instead of one of her little friends.

Enough. You’re being daft. She’s only seven, and you’re making a mountain of a bloody molehill. Go to sleep.

Ann expected to need a few minutes before she could drift off, but those glasses of wine were still making themselves felt. Settling in, she focused on relaxing her body: legs and arms, neck and shoulders, chest, belly, jaw. It was the best method she knew to entice herself into slumber – and sure enough, within a few minutes, Ann was dozing soundly.

As for Laura, she wanted to stay awake, to savour the pleasure of snuggling with her mother while nude. Wish Mum slept naked, too. She thought about ‘accidentally’ allowing her hand to drift upward until it rested on her mum’s ample breast, or slide down to lightly cup her mons, but couldn’t summon up the nerve to take that bold step. Finally, she also succumbed to sleep.


An unfamiliar sound nudged Ann into semi-consciousness. Feeling a numbness in her arm, she tried to move, but something held it down. That strange sound pierced the night again, and she realised it was an owl. Turning her head to the right, she blinked a few times to focus her eyes. The moon was shining through the window, spilling liquid silver onto the bed.

Ann realised her arm was pinned beneath Laura’s neck. She reached over with her free hand and gently withdrew it – without waking Laura, thankfully. Ann had to smile. Always a sound sleeper, that one. Take a cannon blast to wake her.

She flexed her fingers until she felt the blood return, then laid it on her belly, glancing over at the glowing numbers of the radio alarm clock. Less than two hours had passed since she switched off the lamp. Suddenly feeling a bit restless, Ann turned onto her side, eyes widening when she saw that Laura had pushed the quilt away, leaving her bare body limned in the moon’s glow.

Now that she was able to take a good long look without feeling awkward about it, Ann studied her daughter’s trim, athletic frame. Laura’s breasts weren’t large, though ideal for her build. And as Ann suspected from the brief glimpse she’d had earlier, her daughter’s sex was shaved smooth.

She felt a reckless, crazy urge to reach out and trace the curves of Laura’s body, but quickly dismissed it. Instead, she allowed that restless hand to drift down to her own sex, pressing against the front of her nightgown.

In the mellow moonlight, Laura was a work of art waiting to be captured by the painter’s brush. She lay with her right leg bent at the knee, ever so slightly opening the flower of her sex. Ann felt a surge of warmth, a mixture of arousal at the sight of the beautiful naked woman lying next to her, and shame that this particular woman happened to be her own daughter.

In an effort to shake off that twinge of guilt, Ann looked away. Closing her eyes, she tried to pretend Laura was someone else. Inevitably, her thoughts went to Colette Fournier.

Unfortunately, that only served to increase the arousal she felt. Her need for release had been steadily simmering throughout the conversation with Laura; now it had mounted into a frantic hunger that had Ann trembling inside, an increasingly damp patch soaking the front of her panties.

Ann glanced over her shoulder to make sure Laura was still asleep, then slowly hoisted her nightdress up. Taking hold of the waistband of her panties, she carefully slipped them down and off, sliding them under the pillow so Laura wouldn’t see them on the floor when she awakened.

Surprised by her own boldness, Ann slipped a hand down to cup the rise of her vulva, then pressed the middle finger inward until it nestled easily between her labia. Moving slowly at first, she trailed that finger up and down, occasionally dipping inside, then focused on her swelling clitoris, lightly circling the fleshy nub.

A ripple of pleasure made itself known, then began to build as her breathing grew deeper. Checking once more to make certain Laura was still peacefully dozing, Ann continued her subtle caresses, alternating between penetrating her cunt and quick, teasing flicks to the clitoris. Almost without conscious thought,  she brought a second finger into play and began to pivot them both in and out, fighting to keep her movements under control. You mustn’t shake the bed, she told herself.

Immersed in the throes of her approaching orgasm, Ann suddenly felt a hand on top of hers. It startled her so badly that she nearly cried out loud. Twisting to the right, she saw Laura’s face over her shoulder. She was about to yank her hand away, but her daughter held it firmly in place, pressing Ann’s fingers into the dripping flesh.

“Laura! What on earth are you doing!?”

Laura responded in a low, sultry whisper, her lips grazing Ann’s ear. “It’s okay, Mum. You need this… don’t deny yourself.”


“Shhh! Just let it happen.” With that, Laura probed between her mother’s fingers, curving the index digit into Ann’s vagina.

Shocked, Ann tried to pull away, but couldn’t escape her daughter’s firm grip. Their bodies were pressed snugly together, and Ann was all too conscious that only a single layer of gauzy material lay between Laura’s nakedness and hers.

“We – we can’t do this, sweetheart,” she protested, trying to sound calm and failing completely.

Ann’s hand was trapped in her daughter’s, and Laura was using it like a teacher guiding a child through signing his name, writing on her mum’s clitoris in letters of fire. Once more, Ann attempted to free herself, stammering, “Laura, please–”

But before Ann could continue, Laura leaned over and claimed her mother’s mouth in a kiss.

The words died on Ann’s lips, Laura’s tongue silencing her objections. She was too startled to respond at first… and her daughter seized the moment, kissing her mum with a fervour that stole Ann’s breath away. She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to look – but that only triggered memories of Colette, how delicious her kisses were. Surprising herself, Ann relaxed for a moment, allowing Laura to have her way.

By then, Laura had moved her mum’s hand to one side, her fingers wriggling and twisting round inside Ann’s vagina, playing hell with the older woman’s concentration. She’s going to make me come, Ann told herself.

In some crazy way, it actually made sense. The darkness masked the identity of the owner of the mouth and hand guiding her so skilfully towards climax, and her rational mind blocked out the reality of the situation, focusing instead on her rising pleasure. As if on automatic pilot, her body responded as nature intended, Ann’s tensed muscles easing as the warmth spread up from below and down from her mouth to meet in her core.

A sharp twinge of conscience jolted her. I have to stop this, she thought. I have to stop this!

But it was already too late. Ann clutched handfuls of the quilt, moaning into her daughter’s mouth as the storm rose and broke, unleashing a torrent of ecstasy that shook her like dice in a cup. Tearing her mouth away from Laura’s, she gave a loud, ragged cry that trailed off into a moan.

Laura’s pulse raced as Ann’s body trembled and stiffened to her touch. She’d dreamed of making love to her strong, beautiful mother since discovering her true sexuality as a teen, but assumed her fantasy would always remain just that. Now her fingers were buried and busy in Mum’s cunt, driving the older woman through a rager of an orgasm. Fucking hell, Jess may well fling the dummy when I tell her, Laura mused, unable to restrain a triumphant grin.

Ann was still coming, but she’d hit her peak, her climax gradually waning. She shuddered a few times, then went limp, motionless but for the rise and fall of her chest. Laura slowed, then ceased the thrusting of her fingers, carefully withdrawing them before lying down beside her dazed mother.

Her eyes still closed, Ann struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Should she just get up and flee the room, pretend none of this had happened? Oh, don’t be bloody stupid, she told herself. This is the real world, and you’ve got to deal with it.

She slowly turned to see Laura still at her side, their faces inches apart. My God, what are you playing at, Laura? I’m your mother! That shouldn’t have happened.”

“You needed it, Mum. You’re struggling against yourself, fighting your desires. You’re worried what others will think instead of going for what you want.” She weighed her options, then added, “Besides, I’ve wanted to do that to you for years.”

“Wait, you – you have? With me?”

“Oh, Mum,” Laura sighed. “Why do you think I’ve always preferred older women? I had a crush on you before I was twelve, before I even knew I liked girls. Once I got older, I looked for someone like you. I found some incredible lovers along the way, but no one ever filled that space.”

Ann gave her head a slow shake, as if trying to clear it. “Goodness me! I… well, I don’t know what to say to that.”

“Then don’t say anything,” Laura murmured, drawing close. “Just let me love you the way you deserve to be loved.”

Looking up, Ann met her daughter’s eyes, saw the hunger in them. A tiny gasp escaped her, but before she could respond, Laura’s mouth covered hers again.

This time, despite her protests, Ann found her daughter’s kiss harder to resist. But I have to, she thought. I need to make her stop. Oh, my God… why does she have to be so damned GOOD at this!?

Laura’s hand had been lightly resting on her mons, but now Ann felt those fingers begin to move, commencing a slow circle around her clitoris. Ripples of pleasure surged through her, awakening feelings of hunger, of need. She’d experienced orgasm a minute or two earlier; now she ached for release all over again.

Laura continued to kiss her mother, making it as intense and lustful as she could, hoping against hope to get an encouraging response. True, Mum had yet to return the kiss… but she was no longer trying to escape, either.

Time to up the stakes, Laura thought. Let’s see how far I can take this. 

Trailing her tongue down Ann’s chin, Laura nuzzled her mum’s neck, then travelled round to the ear – first using the tip to trace around the edge, then taking the earlobe between her lips, giving it a gentle bite.

“Ohhh!” Ann gasped, beside herself with arousal. This was wrong, so utterly and completely wrong, but she couldn’t break away. No one had ever given her pleasure like this; not even Colette. Ann sensed her daughter’s love in each caress, every touch of her lips. How could she say no to feelings of such intensity?

Abruptly pulling away, Laura reached for the straps of Ann’s nightdress, pulling the silken material down to uncover the breasts that had fed her as a baby. She continued to tug at the nightie, intent on stripping her mother completely naked – but would Mum allow it? Only one way to find out. 

Laura rolled the blue nightdress down to Ann’s hips, far as she could get it without assistance, then gave it a brief tug to let her mum know what she wanted. She waited, holding her breath… feeling a white-hot jolt of exhilaration when Ann slowly raised her pelvis. YES! she silently rejoiced, stripping her mother’s last piece of apparel away with a single deft motion, then casting the nightie to one side.

Laura took a moment to savour the view of her mum’s bare body, then returned to gently fondling the older woman’s slit. Bending down, she left a trail of kisses down Ann’s neck, then down further to capture a swollen nipple between her lips. She lavished the tip of her mother’s breast with every trick she used to thrill a lover – rapidly flicking it with the tongue, circling it, teasing it with quick playful bites, finally engulfing the nipple with her lips and sucking in as much of the breast as her mouth could take.

In the meantime, it hadn’t escaped Laura’s attention that Mum’s hands were now resting on her back instead of pushing her away. Almost there, she thought.

Laura continued her two-finger assault on her mother’s cunt, but now brought her thumb into play, applying the right kind of pressure to the clitoris. She gave Mum’s nipple one last bite, harder this time. Ann gasped in mixed shock and delight, then Laura made her next move, licking a pathway downward, pausing to flick her tongue in the woman’s navel.

“Laura… oh, my lord, Laura!” Ann cried, no longer knowing whether she was begging her daughter to stop or cheering her on. The temptation to simply submit and allow herself to be taken was overwhelming, but her conscience wouldn’t be silenced… and it wasn’t as if Laura was giving her the chance to think.

Maybe I could let her do this once, just not again. Would that be so terrible?

It was wrong, Ann knew that much, but her daughter’s mouth and fingers were telling the sweetest lies, entreating her to give in to the forbidden pleasures of incest.

Laura was now lying between Ann’s thighs, studying her neatly groomed vulva in the silvery moonlight. “Lovely,” she whispered, then inhaled deeply, breathing in her mum’s thick, rich scent. God, I love the smell of cunt, she mused.

Using both hands, Laura pushed her mum’s legs apart until the object of her deepest desire was fully exposed. I came from here, she thought, then dipped down for a taste, dragging the tip of her tongue through the juicy opening.

“Oh!” gasped Ann.

The heady mix of the aroma, the flavour and the very idea of going down on her own mum drove Laura wild with lust, almost causing her to climax then and there. Before that could happen, she buried her mouth in the rosy flesh of Ann’s cunt, thrusting her tongue inside.

Still struggling with her jumbled emotions, Ann raised her head to stare at Laura. Their eyes met, and an ecstatic shiver ran through the older woman’s body when she saw the hunger in her daughter’s gaze. My God… she really does want me that much.

Laura’s response was to shift her attention to Ann’s clit, clamping her lips around the swollen nubbin. When she saw Mum’s head slam back down on the pillow and her hands desperately gripping the sheets, Laura silently rejoiced. Her mother was caught up in the moment, powerless to say or do anything to stop this from happening. Time to finish her off, Laura decided. She threw herself into the task, using all her sexual skills to keep Mum on the boil until she was ready to erupt.

Within a couple of minutes, Ann began to tremble. A cry broke from her throat, one that surely would have awakened the household, had she not managed to cover her mouth with both hands. Her mind raced, struggling in vain to make sense of this. Oh God so good, so good. 

Laura guided Ann through the roller coaster ride of orgasm, bathing her vaginal opening with long, messy licks until she felt certain her mum couldn’t take much more. Bidding farewell with a few gentle kisses, Laura crawled upward to flop down beside the panting woman, grinning in triumph. I did it. I fucking did it.  She moved in to nuzzle Ann’s ear, then moved in for a kiss – a tender one, but smouldering with passion. Mum didn’t exactly return the kiss, but she didn’t resist it, either.

Finally breaking away, Laura smiled at her mum and whispered, “I love you.”

Ann’s expression changed from dazed to bewildered. “I… I can’t believe that just happened. What were you thinking, Laura? I’m your mother!”

“That’s why, Mum. Because you’re my mother. I wanted to show how much you mean to me.”

“Laura… we can’t do this.”

“But we just did, Mum… and it was wonderful. Don’t you dare tell me otherwise.”

Ann started to reply, but couldn’t find the words. Laura was right… sex with her had been incredible. Even Colette, wonderful though she’d been, hadn’t satisfied her like this. Which only made the confusion she felt that much more acute.

She turned to the ceiling and closed her eyes, trying to reason through what had just happened. Laura remained silent for the moment, allowing her mum time to think.

A few moments later, Ann turned back toward her. “Fine. It was wonderful; I won’t deny that. So… what happens now?”

“Well, now I’ve tasted you, I think it’s only fair that you do the same for me.”

“What? No… no, I can’t.”

“I don’t believe that, Mum,” Laura murmured. “You want to lick me. I see it in your eyes.”

“It doesn’t matter what I want!” Ann retorted, growing increasingly flustered. “You’re talking about incest, for God’s sake!”

“Come on, Mum… that’s just a word,” Laura calmly replied. “It only means what society says it means. Why is it wrong for us to make each other feel good?”

“I – look, it’s not as simple as that, Laura, and well you know it.”

“But it is simple. I love you, Mum… and you love me. That’s enough. We’re only celebrating our feelings for one another in a very special, very intimate way.” Once more, she twined both arms round her mum’s bare body. “This doesn’t even have to be the end of it, y’know. Imagine if you and I could do this any time we wanted!”

Ann gawped at her daughter in disbelief. “W-what are you suggesting – that we become lovers?”

“Well, think about it before you dismiss the whole idea, okay? Maybe you’re hoping to find a woman to partner with in a serious relationship… but until that happens, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone you can come to for a good hot fuck when you felt the urge? Sure, you can play the field, maybe check out one of those sex parties, meet someone else at a chat site, even get together with your friend Colette again some day… but in the meantime, you’ll always have me.” Placing a hand on the rise of Ann’s vulva, Laura added, “And you can have me, Mum – any time you want.”

Ann fought to keep her voice down. “But mothers aren’t supposed to – to make love to their daughters!”

Gently tracing her mum’s cleft with a fingertip, Laura purred, “I know they aren’t… and that’s what makes this so fucking hot.” Her voice had fallen to a whisper. “C’mon, Mum – wouldn’t you like to go down on me? At least once?”

Ann tried to formulate an argument, but found herself coming up empty. Even though she’d come twice in the last few minutes, Laura’s finger was stirring the pot all over again, reviving her appetite. And she’s right, Ann thought. She’s my daughter, my own flesh and blood… and I want to fuck her. 

What if I went along with this, gave in to these insane cravings? Just this one time?

Sensing Mum might actually be on the verge of surrender, Laura drew in to place a gentle kiss on her lips. After a moment, she pulled away, gazing into her mother’s eyes. Seeing no signs of resistance, she resumed the kiss – allowing her tongue to explore, coaxing Ann’s tongue to join the dance.

Between Laura’s hungry kisses and that teasing finger, still gliding up and down her slit, Ann felt the last stirrings of resistance melt away. Tentatively winding both arms round the younger woman’s back, she began to respond to Laura’s passion, their tongues mingling. Before two minutes had passed, Ann was kissing her daughter like an ardent lover, groping Laura’s arse as their nude bodies ground together in a lusty tangle.

Satisfied that her mum had fully succumbed to desire, Laura broke their kiss, raising her body until her small yet firm breast was inches away from Ann’s mouth.

By then, Ann was frantic with the need to fondle, to taste, to love the body of another woman. Now that it was happening again, it seemed like she’d been hungering for something like this ever since her last night with Colette. Incest or not, the temptation was too strong to resist. Ann flicked a tongue at the offered nipple, then took it into her mouth to suck, switching to the other breast when Laura presented it.

After a minute or so of attention paid to her nipples, Laura broke away, raising herself until she was kneeling above her mum’s belly. She very pointedly placed a hand over her mound, giving Ann a questioning look. As they locked eyes, Laura saw her mother nod, then she shuffled forward until her cunt was inches from Ann’s face.

Thanks to those nights of lustful abandon with Colette on her ocean cruise, Ann had come to love the taste of pussy. Since then, she’d felt the occasional longing to go down on a woman again, but tried not to dwell on that. Now the opportunity had presented itself, only this time, she would be orally servicing her own daughter. And now Ann knew the truth: right or wrong, she longed for this to happen.

Out of the blue, Ann remembered Colette’s eleven-year-old daughter Coralie, how the girl had confessed to feeling sexual desire for her mother. Time and again, that memory had intruded on her thoughts. The idea of a woman taking her daughter as a lover… Of course, it was wrong. A violation of the relationship between parent and child. Yet at the time, she had done nothing to dissuade Coralie from her longing to commit incest.

Now she was facing that same moral dilemma all over again… only this time, she’d been presented with the opportunity to couple with her own daughter. And she was going to give in, to succumb to temptation.

Enthralled, Ann stared at the smooth cleft of Laura’s sex, so near her face that she could feel its warmth. The moon provided just enough illumination to highlight its beauty, and Laura was taking the time to give her mum a good look.

It’s lovely, Ann thought. My daughter has a lovely cunt. I have to taste it. Meeting Laura’s gaze, she nodded again, more emphatically this time.

Smiling down at her mum, Laura slowly lowered her shaved, dripping slit to Ann’s waiting mouth.

The warm, juicy flesh touched Ann’s lips, the thick scent filling her head. Her pulse raced with the enormity of what she was about to do. Incest? Well, yes, it was, but that no longer mattered. I love Laura, she told herself. That’s enough.

She pressed a kiss upon the vaginal opening, then slid her tongue inside to explore. The rich, thick flavour of cunt, so familiar yet intriguingly different, nearly brought tears to her eyes. She reached around with both hands to take a firm hold of Laura’s arse, fondling it as she licked deeper. Warm, thick fluids soon coated her lips and chin.

Laura clutched at her breasts, scissoring the nipples between her fingers. She was fighting to keep her eyes open no matter how good it felt, determined not to miss a second of her teenage fantasy made real. Finally, she rejoiced. Finally! Mum wasn’t holding back, either, eating her cunt as if she’d wanted to all along.

A brief but potent surge of ecstasy swept through Laura as Ann lightly nibbled her labia. Fucking hell, Mum knows her way around a pussy. If I ever get to meet her friend Colette, I’ll have to stand her a few pints. Then Mum shifted to her clitoris, and Laura forgot to think as a massive orgasm seized her in its convulsive grasp.

“Fuck, Mum,” hissed the younger woman. “F-f-fuck!” She was rocking on her mum’s face, head whipping forward and back as she rode her climax to its unimaginable peak.

By then, Ann was completely caught up in the act of loving her daughter. Laura had an amazingly juicy cunt, luscious as a ripe mango, and Ann did her best to capture every drop, licking, sucking and slurping until Laura clumsily dismounted her face and collapsed on the bed.

Ann lay quietly in the moonlight’s icy caress, her pulse racing with the sheer enormity of what she’d just done. I made my daughter come, for God’s sake. I used my mouth on her!

She was troubled by the act, aware that she shouldn’t have given in to Laura’s forbidden longings… and yet, to be honest, those rumblings of guilt seemed far less potent than they ought to.

That was good. Very good. Laura’s even better in bed than Colette, and that’s a damned high bar to clear. We really have to keep this a one-time thing, but – Oh, God, she’s so beautiful, and I love her so much…

Dangerously close to shedding tears, Ann reached out for her daughter, and Laura crawled into her mum’s embrace. They shared a deep, ardent kiss, Laura purring contentedly as she tasted herself on Ann’s lips. After a long, blissful moment, their mouths drifted apart, but they were still nestled together.

“Laura, I… my goodness.”

“I know, Mum.”

“What we just did… it was wonderful, and I loved it, but we really shouldn’t let it happen again.”

“I get that you think it’s wrong, Mum… but to me, this is too special to give up. We’re good together.”

“That’s not the point, Laura! What if – what if Jess found out? How would we explain ourselves?”

A smile rose to Laura’s lips, but she kept it to herself. “Don’t think about that now, Mum. Let’s get some sleep. You and I can discuss this in the morning.”

“After what we just did? I’m too keyed up to sleep.”

Are you, then? Well, I can help wind you down.” With that, Laura slid a hand back down to Ann’s cunt, dragging a finger through her labia before teasing the clitoris with a light flick. When her mother took in a deep breath before protesting, Laura was ready, claiming the older woman’s mouth in a lustful tongue kiss. Ann stiffened for a heartbeat, but found herself unable to resist her daughter’s passion.

Just then, they heard a noise. Quickly moving apart, both women turned to face the bedroom door as it slowly opened and a shadowy figure entered.

Although the moonlight was diminished, enough came through the window for Ann and Laura to easily identify who had just slipped into the room and turned to quietly close the door.

Laura sat up. “Poppy Matthews, what are you doing up at this hour?”

The figure swivelled round quickly, startled by the sound of her aunt’s voice. Peering over at the bed, Poppy saw the form of someone raised up, and a second lying down. As her eyes took a moment to adjust, she saw Auntie Laura on the bed with Gran lying next to her. They were both naked.

“Auntie Laura? I heard a noise and came in to make sure Nonna was okay. Why are you in Nonna’s bed? And how come you’re not wearing anything?” The child drew closer. “Are you having sex?”

Poppy!” Ann gasped. “What are you saying? Why on earth would you think–”

Laura cut her off. “Mum, you should tell her the truth.” She turned to her niece. “Yes, Pops, we just did. Now go back to bed.”

Ann gaped at her daughter in horror. She stammered, “Wh-what–” then fell silent, at a complete loss.

“Yay!” Poppy squealed. Taking hold of the hem of the large t-shirt she liked to sleep in, the child pulled it up over her head and let it fall to the carpet, leaving her completely naked. “Can I join in? Can I, can I?”

“Keep your voice down, Pops,” Laura hissed. “You’ll wake the whole house up!”

Her eyes widening, the child clapped both hands to her mouth. “Oops! Sorry.”

Ann reached over to the bedside table and switched on the lamp, drawing the sheet up to conceal her nudity. She stared at Laura, her jaw tightening. “What is Poppy talking about?”

Blinking as she adjusted to the light, Laura sighed. “Well, Mum, while you were away there were a few… developments. A change in the family dynamic, you might say.”

Poppy hopped onto the bed, causing a momentary distraction before Ann swivelled back to Laura, an icy tone in her voice as she said, “Please explain.”

“There’s a lot to tell, but I’ll give you the condensed version. It all began when Jess and Rachel were on the verge of becoming lovers. It seems that Alice caught them kissing… then a few nights later, she came to Jess and admitted to liking girls herself. Alice asked Jess to show her how to kiss, they got carried away and ended up, well, making love.”

“I… that can’t be true,” Ann insisted. “Jessica and Alice having sex? Is this some kind of joke? If so, it’s in extremely poor taste.”

“Not a joke, Mum,” said Laura, “and it’s only the start. Alice only did it the once with her mum – at first, that is. Then she enticed Katie and Poppy into bed, and Jess ended up joining them.”

“B-but they’re her daughters!”

“That’s right. And I’m your daughter.”


“Wait; there’s more. Jess told Rachel what she’d done with Alice. Now Rachel had already taught Bella, her oldest, how to masturbate… and after finding out about Alice, she decided to take the same tack with her own girls. With the result that, a couple of months ago when my most recent assignment was done, I paid Jess and the girls a surprise visit… and stumbled onto a two-family lesbian orgy.”

Ann shook her head as if trying to clear it, but with little to no success. “You’re saying that Jessica, Rachel and all their daughters were having a, a sex party? I just – it’s so difficult to believe.”

“That’s how I felt,” Laura said. “There I was, suitcase in hand, staring at two women and five little girls, every one of them stark naked, doing the kinds of things–”

“Don’t tell me,” Ann quickly said. “I’m not sure my heart can take it. What did you do, then?”

“Stood there staring like a total pillock, actually. But I did finally manage to speak up and ask what in God’s name was going on. That broke the party up soon enough.

“I’m sure you can imagine how shocked I was. I’ve got up to some wild things, but incest with children?” She shook her head. “That was a line I’d never crossed. Jess and Rachel did their best to explain, and I could see the girls weren’t doing these things unwillingly… so we agreed to table the discussion until the next morning.”

“I see,” Ann murmured, slowly nodding. “How did you get involved in this yourself, then?”

Laura’s cheeks flushed slightly, but soldiered on to say. “Um, well, that night, Poppy, Katie and Cindy… they seduced me.”

“We set a trap for her!” Poppy chirped, bouncing slightly in her excitement. “It was Katie’s idea. We started doing sex with the door open so Auntie Laura would hear, and waited for her to come watch us. And when she did, Katie brought her into the room, then we took all her clothes off!”

“And there you have it,” Laura said with a shrug. “The next morning I was still uneasy about the whole thing, and I didn’t come round for a couple of weeks. But I finally dropped by when the girls were out, and it was just me and Jess.” She paused. “I’ve wanted her for years, Mum… almost as long as I’ve wanted you. That night, we made love for hours. The next morning, the girls got back, and they joined us in bed. After that, I knew I had to be part of this. I’ve never had cause to regret that decision, either.”

“No regrets? None?” Ann exclaimed. “You’re having sexual relations with children, for God’s sake! I mean, Poppy is only seven years old!”

Poppy scooted forward, placing a hand on her grandmother’s arm. “I’m nearly eight, Nonna. But it’s not a bad thing… really, it’s not! Everyone says you’re not s’posed to have sex if you’re a little girl, but we love doing it, all of us! We call it the Family Fuck Club.”

Ann was staggered to hear such language from her granddaughter, but managed to maintain a certain measure of calm as she spoke to Poppy. “So you and your sisters have sex with your mother, your aunt and each other, and you’re also doing it with Rachel and her daughters? And this… this makes you happy?”

The child’s smile was positively beatific. “It does, Nonna… and now you can join the club too!”

Ann turned to her daughter. “Is she saying what I think she is?”

“Yes, Mum,” Laura replied with a brief nod. “The girls wanted to get you on board straight away. Especially this one,” she added, giving Poppy a nudge. “But Jess and I thought we ought to wait; give you time to sort out your feelings. After all, you might’ve decided that one time with a woman was enough. Of course, we didn’t know yet that you’d already had a second dip in the pot with your friend Colette…”

Poppy’s eyes widened. “Nonna! You did it with that lady in the pictures? Did you have sex with her daughter, too? She’s so pretty!”

“What? No, of course not!” Ann looked away, her face getting hot as she remembered what had happened with Coralie, the twelve-year-old’s confession about the desire she felt for her mother.

Laura continued. “Anyway, now that you seem to have a genuine interest in being with women, I decided to see if you’d let me share your bed tonight… then I’d look for a chance to, well, make my move.”

“On me, you mean?” Ann narrowed her eyes. “Laura, did you and Jessica plan all this?”

“No, Mum… well, not what happened with us just now. We were going to wait until you’d made a decision about dating women, and then… honestly, we just wanted to get you involved. I only decided to come on to you after you told me about Colette. Jess and Rachel will be thrilled when they find out, though.”

Rachel is in on this?” Ann’s head was swimming.

“She knows, yes.” Laura placed a hand on Ann’s thigh. “I know what we’re doing seems perverted and wrong, Mum. But it’s not. What we have is beautiful, loving – and the most amazing sex you’ll ever experience. The only thing that could make it better is if you were to join us.”

“It’s true, Nonna!” Poppy exclaimed. “We’re having such a good time. You can, too!”

Ann stared down at her hands, her mind in a dizzying whirl. “I don’t… I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to this. It’s too much for me to take in at once. The girls… they’re not even teens, they’re children! I should be furious with you and Jessica, but…”

“But some part of you is turned on.”


“Mum, be honest. It didn’t take much for me to seduce you.”

A sudden revelation hit Ann, and she looked up at her beaming granddaughter. “Poppy, when you were… touching yourself on the floor yesterday, then getting in the bath with me, was that… was that part of what’s what’s happening here?”

Laura spoke up first. “No, Mum, it wasn’t.” She turned to her niece, frowning. “At least, it wasn’t supposed to be. Poppy, what did your mother tell you? You were supposed to leave this to the grownups.”

“Sorry, Auntie Laura,” the seven-year-old replied. “I heard you and Mum talking in the kitchen about Nonna wanting to be a lesbian. I only wanted to help!”

“Be that as it may, I think your mother will be having a long talk with you about rules, young lady.” Laura turned back to her mother. “So Mum, putting Poppy’s behaviour to one side for the moment, how do you feel about all this?”

“I’m not sure. You seem to be happy, yes. But you have to understand. This… this flies in the face of everything I’ve been taught.”

“I realise it means putting aside some fundamental questions of right and wrong, Mum. I had to do the same thing myself, after all. I don’t regret it for a moment, though. What we have here with the girls is beyond anything I’ve experienced. Our family is closer than ever… and I’ll say it again: the sex is incredible. My God, Mum, the love in this house… it’s more than most people experience in a lifetime!”

“What you’re suggesting… I can’t, Laura. I did enjoy having sex with you, God help me, but even that was going too far. Now you’re asking me to make love to my granddaughters? I’m sorry, but…” She trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

”But what if we want you to make love to us, Nonna?” piped Poppy, her mouth set in a mournful pout.

“Oh, sweetheart,” Ann murmured, somewhat unnerved by her granddaughter’s sorrow. “There’s lots of ways I have to show my love to you without – without us having sex.”

“But it’s such a nice way to show love!” Poppy insisted. “What if you tried it, Nonna? You might like it a lot! I’d try really, really hard to give you all the good feelings. Would that be okay?”

“Shhhh, now,” Laura said. “If Nonna doesn’t want to make love, you shouldn’t push her.” Then she broke into a thoughtful smile.

Ann felt herself quiver inside. Oh, my Lord, what’s she up to now?

“Tell you what, Pops,” Laura murmured. “I think what we ought to do is show your grandmother what she’s missing.” Sitting back against the headboard, she spread her legs wide apart. In spite of herself, Ann couldn’t help but look at her daughter’s still-moist cunt.

Laura reached out for her niece. “C’mere, cutie.”

Poppy needed no prompting. She quickly moved into Laura’s embrace, straddling her aunt’s thighs. Their bare bodies pressed snugly together, the child and the woman came together in a lust-filled kiss.

Shocked, Ann watched as Poppy kissed her aunt with a fervor one wouldn’t expect to see from a girl of seven, plunging her tongue into Laura’s mouth. Laura matched her niece’s passion, sliding both hands down Poppy’s back to cup and fondle her pert little buttocks, then slipping a finger between them to tickle the child’s anus. Still kissing her aunt, Poppy mewled her approval.

It was immoral, forbidden and utterly illegal… but Ann couldn’t tear her eyes away from the two lovers. Poppy slid a hand between their bodies to grope her aunt’s breasts, while Laura’s wandering finger journeyed lower, lightly stroking Poppy’s slit. And all the while they shared ravenous kisses, their tongues flickering back and forth like twinned flames.

Poppy suddenly broke away, shifting down to rub her face into Laura’s titties, cooing with delight. Then she took a nipple into her mouth, and Laura cradled the child’s head to her chest.

“So good, Pops,” she moaned. “So fucking good. Oh, my sweet little lover.”

Briefly raising her face, Poppy blurted, “Love you too, Auntie Laura!” then switched to the other nipple.

Ann continued to watch her daughter and granddaughter share pleasure, helplessly enthralled. Memories of Coralie made themselves known yet again. She recalled how the eleven-year-old child had lifted the dress she wore to display her bare slit to Ann, then softly said, There is one woman I would like to do sex with more than anyone… it is my mother.

Since then, Ann’s thoughts had often returned to Coralie, wondering if her lover Colette would ever learn of her daughter’s incestuous desires. And if so, would she act on them?

In spite of herself, she’d felt a measure of arousal at the possibility of Colette and Coralie making love, but never allowed those stirrings to linger, much less summoned up that particular image when masturbating.

Now that very scenario, or close enough to it, was playing out before Ann’s eyes. Poppy was nuzzling a downward path to Laura’s belly and lower, the child’s ultimate goal plain to see. My goodness – she’s really going to…

Sure enough, Poppy clumsily flopped down between her aunt’s parted legs, straightened two fingers and pushed them into Laura’s opening, then dipped down to lap at the juicy cleft Ann herself had sampled minutes earlier.

“Oh… yes!” Laura gasped, clutching her breasts. “That’s it, Pops. Lick my cunt.” Then she trailed off into a whimper as the seven-year-old increased the tempo of her finger thrusts, accompanied by the noisy sucking of Laura’s clitoris.

Ann knew what she ought to do: get up, gather her nightwear and leave this madness. Descend the stairs and make her bed on the sofa, waiting for Jessica and Rachel to return. And upon their arrival, gather the adults together and read them the riot act for allowing their home to descend into this dark pit of perversion.

In fact, she did no such thing. The sight of Poppy making love to an adult woman was disturbing, yes… but at the same time, there was a strange beauty to it. Ann was struck by how happy the child looked to be licking her aunt, as if enjoying a long awaited treat.

She’s certainly not being molested or abused. In fact, Poppy’s enjoying herself completely. So… why IS this such a bad thing, exactly? Because the law of civilized society says adults shouldn’t have sex with children – and mothers mustn’t make love to their daughters. It’s wrong, and that’s that.

But what made it wrong?

Ann knew there were reasons; solid, logical reasons. But right then, she couldn’t think of one. She was studying Poppy’s childish body, imagining her as a sexual creature for the first time. Poppy did have a flawless little bottom, that much was true. Her thighs were parted, giving Ann a full-on view of the little girl’s nether holes – the puffy line of her slit, the pink star of her anus.

Poppy was still licking Laura, fingers plunging in and out of her aunt’s vagina. From what Ann could see, her granddaughter’s entire hand was glistening with wetness. As for Laura, she was slumped against the headboard hugging herself, dreamy-eyed with pleasure.

Peering over at Ann, Laura instantly became alert when she noticed something very interesting: her mother was absently cupping her mound as she watched her granddaughter going down.

Ann had no conscious memory of reaching down to touch her pulsing sex, so she was alarmed to catch herself doing just that. She tensed, an instant away from snatching her hand back… but before she could, Laura was clutching her arm, holding it in place.

Gaping at her daughter, Ann stammered, “Wh-what are you…?”

“Don’t stop, Mum,” Laura said, somewhat out of breath. “Touch yourself. We want you to… to be part of this. Watch Poppy make love to me. It’s beautiful.”

As their eyes met, Laura saw conflict etched on her mother’s face, even as her own reflected the pleasure she was deriving from Poppy’s eager mouth. Stroking Ann’s arm, she whispered, “Let it go. Join us.”

Her face pale, Ann mumbled, “I… I can’t.”

Poppy raised her head, licking her lips as she glanced from one woman to the other.

“Yes, you can, Mum,” Laura said, a new firmness in her tone. “You can.” Reaching down to take Ann’s hand, she firmly pressed it between her mum’s thighs. “Touch yourself.”

Ann parted her lips to protest, but didn’t speak. Instead, she meekly began to fondle her cunt.

Glancing down at Poppy, Laura murmured, “As you were, then,” with a wink. The grinning seven-year-old got back to work on her aunt’s vulva, burying her mouth in the rosy flesh.

The child’s tongue was soon teasing an especially sweet spot, and Laura shivered, removing her hand from Ann’s wrist to gently rest it on Poppy’s head, urging the girl on.

Now Ann was openly masturbating, working two fingers in and out of her vagina with quick, sharp thrusts.  Laura settled into the rhythm of her niece’s licking, pleased to see Mum giving in to arousal instead of pushing it aside.

Then Poppy’s teeth grazed her clitoris, ever so lightly… and Laura forgot about everything as an orgasm pounded through her like a runaway train. She clamped a shaking hand over her mouth, dimly aware of the need for quiet despite a longing to scream her head off. It was an intense climax that came and went quickly, so Laura was soon able to focus on what her mother was up to.

Ann was still watching, still fingering her cunt, dreamy-eyed with pleasure and lost in the spectacle of her daughter and granddaughter making love. They shouldn’t be doing this… but Laura is right – they are beautiful together. She moved her fingers in a tight circle, massaging the walls of her vagina.

Again, Ann’s thoughts strayed to Colette and Coralie. If I watched Coralie lick her mother this way, would it excite me? Would I… would I want to join them? A hot twinge of ecstasy shot through her. “Ohhh,” she moaned.

Poppy was adorning her aunt’s vulva with feather-light kisses when Ann’s voice caught her attention. She looked up, then paused to watch her grandmother masturbate, absently licking her lips. The child glanced up at Laura, who gave a tiny nod in her mum’s direction.

Immediately getting Laura’s hint, Poppy climbed over her aunt’s left leg to sprawl between Ann’s thighs, the seven-year-old’s nose almost touching her grandmother’s busy fingers.

Taking hold of Ann’s hand, Poppy exclaimed, “Let me help you, Nonna!”

Ann froze, gaping at her grandchild in utter shock. “What? No! I mean… you shouldn’t…

The child gazed at her longingly. “Oh, please, Nonna? I really, really want to!”

“I…” The words wouldn’t come.

She’d never had an easy time when it came to refusing her granddaughters anything they wanted. The girls were well aware of that, of course, but seldom took unfair advantage of Ann’s willingness to make her little ones happy. Now this.

Ann struggled with the crazy-quilt jumble of her feelings, her desires, her notions of right and wrong. It would be so easy to give in, to let Poppy do what she wanted… to allow herself to be seduced by a girl of seven. Instead of masturbating, Ann was shielding her vulva while working out what she ought to do. Trying to work it out, at least.

Laura’s voice broke into her thoughts. “Mum, let her. You’ve just seen what an amazing lover she is.”

Pretty please?” whispered Poppy, her hands clasped as if in prayer.

It was too much for Ann. She withdrew her hand, letting it drop to the side. Her body wanted this, no matter how desperately she fought to deny it. You want it, too, she told herself. No more lies.

Poppy studied her gran’s cunt for a moment, then reached out to touch the hot, juicy flesh. Ann took in a short, sharp breath, then gave a choked cry as Poppy got to work – pushing two, then three fingers into her Nonna’s vagina, dipping her head to take the woman’s clitoris between her lips.

Somehow, Ann’s surrender made it possible for her to brush aside the qualms of conscience, at least for the moment. I’ll feel guilty tomorrow, she decided. If I’m leaping into the abyss, the least I can do is hit the bottom with grace.

Laura was right: Poppy did possess an amazingly skilled mouth for her age. Ann was unable to tear her eyes from the child, fascinated by how joyful she was; the pure delight Poppy took in going down on her gran. The sight was so compelling, Ann momentarily forgot Laura was there – at least until she felt a warm mouth against hers, followed by a probing tongue.

She briefly hesitated, then returned Laura’s kiss, her own tongue flashing to life. No point in showing restraint now, is there? she mused. Might as well enjoy this for all it’s worth. She could feel Laura’s hands cupping and fondling her breasts, and blindly reached out to touch her daughter the same way.

Ann’s thoughts were beginning to regain some sense of clarity, but the sudden unexpected intrusion of a finger into her rectum sent everything spinning again. It abruptly brought back memories of her explorations with Colette, how the French woman had taught Ann the very real delights of anal sex.

When that finger began to roll around inside her arse, Ann moaned, a shudder running through her frame. Without thinking, she bent her knees, opening herself even further.

Breaking their kiss, Laura peered down at her niece, grinning when she realised what had happened. She looked at her gasping mum. “Oh, I forgot to tell you that Poppy has a serious thing for bums.” Her lips brushing Ann’s ear, she said, “Wait until she licks you back there – it’s heavenly.”

Ann’s climax was fast approaching. With Poppy plowing her cunt and anus, Laura’s hands on her tits… and, she had to admit it, the sheer wickedness of what they were doing had her excitement at fever pitch.  She’d already come twice in the last half hour, but sensed this orgasm would be the biggest yet.

Laura was driving two fingers in and out of her vagina as she groped Ann, over the moon about how beautifully her seduction had come off, considering she’d . Got to hand it to Poppy, though. It was a daft move of hers, to practically interrupt us in the act… but in the end, she helped speed things along. Maybe we should let the little minx off the hook for disobeying her mum.

When she felt Ann’s body tremble, then shake against hers, Laura knew her mum was about to come, and it was going to be a real wall-shaker. Concerned the noise might awaken the other girls, she withdrew the dripping fingers from her cunt and deftly slipped them into Ann’s mouth.

Ann was startled but recovered quickly, recognising the flavour of her daughter’s essence. Her cunt, she told herself, causing a tiny twinge of illicit excitement that set off her orgasm.

Sucking on Laura’s fingers as if her life depended on it, Ann clutched at the sheets with white-knuckled hands, riding out the storm that raged and roared inside until her rapture reached its apex.

Dazed and concussed, Ann slumped back against the headboard, her head lolling to one side. She barely registered Laura’s lips brushing her cheek, accompanied by a whispered “Love you, Mum.”

For Ann, the easy choice would be to simply allow sleep to claim her there and then. Let what had just happened drift away until tomorrow, maybe forget it ever took place.

But that’s not my way, she thought. If there are consequences, it’s best to face them now. Allowing her eyes to drift open, Ann was confronted by a beaming Laura and Poppy.

“Thanks, Nonna,” Poppy chirped. “That was nice. I love how your pussy tastes!”

Laura placed a hand on her mother’s thigh. “Well, Mum… you’ve just had a sample of what you could get all the time, if you joined us. In fact, I’m sure Poppy would love it if you returned the favour to her.”

Ann didn’t think she was capable of further shock, but Laura’s suggestion left her gobsmacked. “What? No, I couldn’t, not…”

“Not yet? Maybe it’s too soon. This must be a bit overwhelming to you; it certainly was for me.”

“It’s okay, Nonna,” said Poppy. Drawing close to her grandmother, she draped both arms around Ann’s neck. “I got to lick you, and that’s what I really wanted.”

“Oh… Poppy, my angel,” Ann murmured, feeling an unexpected twinge of guilt.

The child raised her head, giving Ann a dazzling smile. “There is one thing I want, Nonna. Can you give me a kiss? A real one, like you just did with Auntie Laura.”

Should I refuse? Ann dismissed the question the instant it occurred to her. No. Surely I’m capable of this much. 

“Yes, little one,” she said, taking her grandchild’s hand. “I’d be happy to kiss you.”

With a tiny cry of delight, Poppy scooted up the bed to kneel at her gran’s side.

Ann studied the seven-year-old’s face, marvelling at what she saw. Of course, she’d always thought of Poppy as a beautiful little girl, but looking at her now – completely naked, her lips wet with womanly essence, eyes shining with desire… Ann actually found herself longing to kiss her granddaughter, to taste that childish mouth. But before she could make a move, Poppy drew in to kiss her first.

It was the most tender kiss she’d ever experienced, the child’s lips soft as a prayer. Then Poppy shyly introduced her tongue, slipping it into Ann’s mouth, kissing her Nonna like a lover.

Overwhelmed with love for her grandchild, Ann was helpless to do anything other than what she then did: meet and match Poppy’s enthusiasm. Allowing her tongue to join the dance without a second thought, she enfolded the little girl in both arms, hugging Poppy close as she savoured the taste of her cunt in their kiss.

After a long, blissful while, Poppy gently broke away, all smiles. “Thanks, Nonna. I love you.” she whispered.

“Do I get one of those?” asked Laura, gazing expectantly at her niece.

“Sure!” Poppy chirped, leaning over to share a brief but extremely heated kiss with Auntie Laura, who then turned to Ann. “How about one more for me, Mum?”

Ann closed her eyes, welcoming the lustful caress of her daughter’s kiss. Their mouths slid together, their tongues engaged.

When they parted, Ann held up a hand. “Girls, I can’t say this wasn’t a lovely experience… though I might not feel the same about that in the morning. But it’s late, and I’ve got to get some sleep, else I’ll be walking into walls all day tomorrow.”

“Can I please stay here?” Poppy entreated. “I don’t want to go back to my bed. It’s lonely there.”

“All right, then,” said Laura, giving the girl a stern look as she lay down, covering her nakedness with the blanket. “But I’m not letting you off the hook, young lady. You got your way, but I’m still telling your mum how you disobeyed her.”

With a resigned shrug, Poppy crawled between her gran and Laura, deftly tucking herself in between the grownups.

Their lovemaking finished for the evening, Ann found herself assailed by unwanted feelings… confusion, most of all. What just happened? How did I get caught up in it? And… will I do it again? With my entire family, no less? Good gracious, I’ve opened Pandora’s box!

She turned to face Laura. “What we just did, it was… honestly, I don’t know what to think about it.”

“Oh, Mum, it was wonderful,” Laura replied. She reached for her mother’s hand, gave it an affectionate squeeze. “It’s like I told you – this has brought our family closer together than it’s ever been. That’s why we want to make you part of it, Mum. We all do.”

“It’s true, Nonna,” Poppy said, her head resting on Ann’s shoulder.

Ann slowly nodded, mulling it over. “So… what happens now?”

Glancing past her mother, Laura noted the glowing red 02:15 on the alarm clock. “We can talk about it properly in the morning, but for now, let’s get some sleep. I’ve a feeling tomorrow will be a busy day.” With that, she leaned over to give her mum a chaste kiss, then briefly buried her lips in Poppy’s hair before settling down.

Poppy lightly kissed her gran on the cheek and whispered, “Nighty-night,” snuggling into her.

Ann stared at the ceiling, unable to focus on a single aspect of what had just taken place. It seemed like a blur of life-altering revelations, difficult questions and kinky sex. As the quiet set in and she heard only the steady breathing of her daughter and granddaughter, Ann began to dwell on images of Poppy, her first glimpses of the child as a sexual being.

Inevitably, Ann’s thoughts hearkened back to the cruise, and memories of twelve-year-old Coralie, spying on her and Colette when they made love. As she pictured the French girl’s face, it morphed into Katie, then Alice… then Jess.

There had been hints of the incest taking place between Jess and Rachel’s new extended family, Ann now realised… but of course, she hadn’t managed to catch their true significance. She recalled a moment where Katie and Alice were exchanging a hug, and Katie’s hand was resting on her big sister’s bottom.

Even after what she’d just done with Laura and Poppy, the scenario seemed far-fetched. An entire family of women and underage girls, carrying on as lesbian lovers?

Ann gave her head a hard shake. Enough damned thinking, for Christ’s sake. Leave it for tomorrow. Jess will be home, and then we’ll have it out.

Setting her thoughts aside as best she could, Ann began to run through her body-relaxing routine. One part at a time, that’s it… legs and arms, neck and shoulders, chest, belly, jaw… 

As Ann approached the temporary escape of slumber, one last moment emerged from the ether: that first night after her arrival, seeing Rachel and her daughters off for the evening. Alice and Bella were snogging passionately by the front door, and Ann was giving Rachel an affectionate hug, musing on how much she liked her daughter’s new lover.

Rachel had given her a tender kiss, then when their eyes met again, murmured, I look forward to getting to know you better.

A moment later Ann’s thoughts once again lost focus, and sleep finally claimed her.

On its way — eventually, at least: Chapter Forty-Two!


The Grafton Lodge Girls, Chapter 3

  • Posted on January 24, 2025 at 5:18 pm

The story thus far: Kimberly Harcourt-Brown is a ten-year-old lesbian who has only ever had sex with her mother Arabella. As the story begins, she is being taken on a mystery getaway by her mum. Not long before their arrival, Kimmy finally gets the details of their trip. It seems that back when Arabella was at university, she and her four roommates/lovers made a vow of sorts: they would all strive to have daughters at around the same time, then teach them the ways of lesbian love when they were still little girls. And just before the girls entered their teen years, the four mothers would bring them to Grafton Lodge, a luxurious house they owned jointly, for a weekend of sexual abandon. Kimmy hasn’t seen any of her mum’s mates since she was too young to recall them, but she is still beside herself with delight.

Upon their arrival, the girls spend time getting to know their mothers’ friends, as well as each other, before meeting at the swimming pool. As the day passes, they learn which mums are attracted to which daughters, and who will share whose bed. It works out quite nicely, and no one is left without a partner. Kimmy is smitten by Lily’s mum Fiona, while Arabella has eyes for Lottie’s little girl Emily. Much flirting takes place.

Cast of Characters:

Arabella (Bell) and daughter Kimberly (Kimmy) (10): Brunettes
Fiona (Fi) and daughter Lily (9): Redheads
Claire and daughter Izzy (11): Brunettes
Charlotte (Lottie) and daughter Emily (10) : Blondes

by Joe Dornish

Around six o’clock, Claire announced that dinner would be served in an hour, and all of us went upstairs to get dressed, returning to our rooms.

Something I really enjoy is watching Mum prepare for a night out. Okay, technically we were staying in, but it felt like a night out because we weren’t at home. We’d both had a shower – not together, I’m sorry to say – and I was using the hair dryer and watching Mum as she sat at the vanity in her bra and knickers doing her make-up. I was wearing just my knickers, lilac-coloured bikini-style briefs with lace trimming. They were the sexiest pants I owned, and I hoped to get the chance to show them off before bedtime..

“So how did it go with Fiona today? It looked like you got on well with her,” Mum said when I turned the hair dryer off.

“Good, but… um, we were a bit naughty in the pool,” I confessed, running a brush through my hair.

“I thought you might have been. What did you get up to, my wicked girl?”

“I sucked on her nipples while she fingered my kitty.”

Mum coughed and spluttered, then turned to me with a shocked look on her face. For a second I thought I’d done something wrong.

“Blimey, Kimmy!” she finally said, “I thought you were just going to say you two kissed or something.”

“Did we go too far? Was that wrong of us?”

“What? No, baby, there’s nothing wrong, I was just surprised, that’s all.” Pausing to think, she added, “I’m proud of you, actually.”

“You are?”

“I’m always proud of you, sweetie. But especially so today. Fiona is very sweet and kind, but she’s also an adult and it’s not easy for someone as young as you to be so natural and mature the way you were today.”

“Did she tell you that?”

“Yup. Fiona also said you were very mature for your age, and you’re just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. She also told me she’s looking forward to getting to know you better this weekend.”

I couldn’t keep myself from grinning. “When she says getting to know me better, does she mean the two of us having sex?”

“I would presume so, yes. Is that something you want?”

“Yes. A lot.”

“If you’re lucky, you’ll get your chance tonight.”

“Why? What’s happening tonight?”

“My lips are sealed. I’m not saying a word.”

Again with the teasing! Honestly, sometimes my mum’s love of surprises could be downright aggravating. “Oh, Mum! Come on, tell me.”

“Nope, I’ve been sworn to secrecy.”

“Can you give me a clue, maybe?”

“Um, I suppose I can tell you that we’ve got a little game we’re going to play after dinner.” Getting up from her stool, she padded over to sit next to me on the bed. “There was something else I wanted to talk to you about. Ever since we became lovers, you’ve always had me to yourself. Do you think you’ll be okay if I have sex with someone else?”

“Yeah, of course. Why do you think I would mind?”

She shrugged. “I was concerned that you might get a bit jealous.”

“I could ask you the same question, Mum. I mean, if I have sex with Fiona, would that make you jealous?”

“No sweetie, quite the opposite. It would turn me on.”

I wrapped an arm round her waist. “Same here. I’d love to see you having sex with Emily. Or any of the others, actually.”

“Likewise with you and Fiona. Hmmm… maybe that can be arranged, we’ll have to see. One step at a time, though.”

“Okay, one step at a time.”

“How did you get on with the other kids today?”

“Good. I like them, they’re lots of fun. Did you know Izzy is allowed to swear?”

“I did… but she only gets to in certain situations, like when she’s having sex with Claire.”

“When Fiona was playing with my kitty today, she said a few naughty words too.”

“Did you like that?”


“Hmm. I suppose you and I could relax the rules a bit, when it comes to situations like that.”

“Really? You mean it, I can use those words too?”

“Hold on a minute, my girl! I don’t want you turning into a potty mouth. But we’ll agree that in future, when you’re having sex, or sharing a sexy moment… then yes, you can swear.”

“Oh my GOD, thank you, Mum!” I said and threw my arms around her.

“My goodness! I had no idea this meant so much to you. I mean it, though – no needless swearing. Use those words wisely and sparingly.”

“I will, I promise. Um, Mom…?”

Her lips brushed my cheek. “What, sweetie?”

“I just wanted to tell you… I love it when we fuck.”

Kimberly!” Mum gasped. Then she broke into laughter. “Oh, my… you are a naughty one.”

“Sorry, Mum. I couldn’t resist.”

“It’s all right, dear. To tell the truth, dear… it got me excited, hearing you say that. Why don’t you say it again before we turn in tonight? You might get a nice surprise!”

As you might imagine, I liked that idea a lot. “Okay, I will!”

“Right. Come on then, let’s get dressed and go down to dinner.”


The adults were going to take turns cooking while we were there. That evening, Claire and Lottie made lasagne with garlic bread and tossed salad. We had no plans to go out, but everyone dressed as though we were. Our mums did their hair and made themselves up beautifully, and they all wore lovely dresses with heels. There was much less make-up and no heels among us kids, but we were also looking nice in pretty dresses of our own.

We ate at the table in the kitchen near the large open doors to the garden. It was a lovely meal and everyone was chatty – even Emily and Lily, who seemed to have gotten over their shyness. Everyone was in a great mood, and I noticed a lot of flirtatious looks being exchanged. That very much included Fiona and me, a delicious shiver going through my body whenever our eyes met.

I think all that splashing about in the pool must have made us extra hungry, as we devoured our meal in next to no time. We all pitched in to help with the cleanup, then went into the main living room to relax.

Around eight o’clock Fiona stood up and clapped her hands to get our attention. “Good evening, ladies,” she began. “Firstly, thank you to Claire and Lottie for a wonderful dinner.” Everyone cheered and applauded. “Now then, who would like to play a game?”

Everyone’s hand shot up in the air, even the adults, and there were shouts of ‘Me!’ and ‘I’ll play’. Most telling of all was Claire, who seemed to know what was going to happen. She was sitting next to me and I heard her whisper to my mum, “I’m definitely playing this game.”

“We’re going to play hide and seek,” said Fiona.

“YAY, I love hide and seek!” Emily exclaimed.

“Well, I bet you’ve never played this version before,” Fiona said, then winked at her. “You see, I’ve taken the liberty of changing the rules a bit. The kids are going to be the hiders and the adults are going to be the seekers, but each of them will be looking for a specific child. Before we go any further, I want the mums to choose their target, and as this is my game I’m shamefully putting myself up first. I pick… Kimmy. Bell, you’re next.”

My heart did a little dance in my chest. For a minute there, I thought she might pick someone else. Mum looked about as if trying to decide, but I knew who she was going to choose.

“Um… I pick… Emily!” she said.

Lottie went next and chose Izzy, then Claire chose Lily. Each adult had chosen their target exactly in line with who us kids said we fancied earlier this afternoon. It was a hell of a coincidence, either that or excellent planning. Probably a bit of both, I figured.

“So now that we’ve picked our targets,” said Fiona, “This is how it’s going to work. The seekers will be searching for their target only. If they happen to find someone who’s not their target, they have to pay a penalty, which will be to remove an item of clothing. The person they found hiding gets to pick which item of clothing they lose. Then the seeker closes her eyes and counts to twenty so the target can go hide again.

“However, if they find the right target, it’s the seeker who gets to choose which item of clothing the target has to take off. Then they count to twenty again, and the target runs off to find another place to hide. The game ends when the target has no more clothes to take off. At this point, when our gorgeous little targets are completely naked they get whisked off to our bedrooms, where we devour them. Questions, anyone?”

Whisked off to be devoured… it didn’t take a lot of imagination to work out what that meant! My knickers were getting wet at the very thought of it.

Izzy put her hand up. “I have a question. Is there anywhere we’re not allowed to hide? And where will you guys be while we’re finding our hiding places?”

“Good questions, Izzy. I think the garden and the pool house should be out of bounds; let’s stick to the main house or we may never find you. To begin with, the seekers will wait in the garden with our backs to the house so we can’t see which way you go. We’ll give you a couple of minutes and shout out when we’re coming to find you. Any other questions?” She said, looking about. “Before we start, I should point out that you don’t have to take your clothes off… or do anything else you don’t want. Honestly, it’s fine if you’d rather just play normal hide and seek. Just let your seeker know when they catch you.”

Looking around the room, I couldn’t imagine anybody there NOT wanting to play the naughty, naked version of the game, but it was nice of Fiona to let us know we didn’t have to if we didn’t want to.

“Right, then. All seekers, out to the garden. Targets, you have two minutes, starting… NOW!”

Me and the other kids were screaming gleefully as we scrambled out of the room. The others all ran upstairs, so I raced towards the dining room. There weren’t any obvious hiding places I could see, so I kept going until I was in the games room. On the floor by the sofa, there was a huge bean bag chair. I sat on the floor, leaning back against the sofa, then covered myself with the bean bag.

The question in my mind as I waited for the seekers was this: did I want to be found or not? There were definite advantages to being found, after all. I could make the wrong seeker take off a piece of clothing, or get a step closer to having sex with Fiona if she found me. But I really hate losing at any kind of game, and my competitive side wouldn’t let me give in too easily, so I made sure I was properly tucked in under the bean bag, and my feet or arms weren’t sticking out.

When you’re playing hide and seek, a few minutes can feel like forever, but soon enough I heard the clip-clop of heels on the hard wooden floor of the games room. Whoever it was didn’t stay for long before she walked back out.

I could hear laughter and screams from upstairs. From the sound of it, someone had been caught, but of course, although I had no idea who. Someone was losing bits of their clothing, I knew that much.

I heard more footsteps coming my way, then voices. “One of them must be in here,” said Mum.

Then I heard a door creak, “No one’s in the cupboard,” said Lottie.

“They’re better at hiding than I gave them credit for. Hmmm, think I’ll go look upstairs,” said Mum. I heard her leave the room.

A moment later the bean bag was pulled aside, and there was Lottie. “Ha! Got you… oh, botherations, it’s the wrong target. I suppose I have a penalty to pay now, don’t I?”

“Yup, you certainly do,” I said, grinning from ear to ear.

“Okay then, what’ll it be?”

Lottie was a real stunner. I loved her long blonde hair and her bright blue eyes. Her figure was a touch slimmer than I like, but I still thought she was dead sexy. What I really didn’t care for was the way her body was hidden by a loose-fitting maxi dress. Not for long, though.

“That’s an easy choice. You have to take your dress off!”

“Somehow I just knew you’d say that,” she said, slipping the thin straps over her shoulders and letting the dress fall to the floor. Lottie was left wearing some strappy heels with a light beige bra and knicker set that was lacy and very skimpy.

Covering her eyes, she said, “Okay, I’m going to count to twenty, you’d better get hiding. ONE… TWO…”

Half of me wanted to stay there and let Lottie find me again so I could get those knickers off her, but the impulse to run and hide was too strong. I dashed from the games room to the kitchen, where I bumped into Mum. She was wearing her bra and nothing else.

She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders when she saw me. “I’m not very good at this game.”

I giggled. “How many times did you find the wrong person?”

“Just twice. That’ll teach me for going without knickers.”

I laughed again, then ran upstairs. On the landing I saw Lily darting out of a bedroom minus her dress, so I figured Claire had just caught her. We giggled when we saw each other, then she went flying downstairs, while I went into the nearest bedroom and hid under the bed. I was there for less than a minute when the door opened and a pair of feet that looked like Claire’s came in.

The first place she looked was under the bed. “Oh, hello, Kimmy.” She shook her head. “I should have known Lily wouldn’t hide under a bed twice in a row.”

Squirming out from under the bed, I saw that Claire had already lost her dress and was wearing sexy black undies.

“Please child, have pity. Let me take these bloody shoes off,” she said, both hands clasped in a gesture of helplessness. “They’re doing my feet in.”

I laughed, “Nope. Lose those knickers.”

“Oh well, those are the rules, I suppose,” she said with a sigh. Claire slipped the black knickers off and kicked them across the room, then stood still and let me have a good long look at her. She had a nice patch of dark pubic hair, shaped in a thin triangle – a bit like my mum’s landing strip, but slightly larger. I thought it looked very sexy.

Placing both hands on her thighs, she presented her kitty to me. “Like what you see?”

I nodded, “Yes, very much.” Glancing up at Claire. I gave her a shy smile. ”Actually, I’d like to see even more of it.”

Claire smiled back. “If I have anything to say about it, you definitely will.”

Then she leaned in and kissed me, I wasn’t expecting that, but it was nice so I kissed her back. We used our tongues; it was very hot.

When she finally broke away. her cheeks were flushed. “My, that was lovely. Maybe we’ll be able to finish this another time, but right now I’ve got a little girl to find. Okay, go hide. ONE…”

This time I didn’t hang about. I flew out of the room and straight into the next bedroom, where I got in the wardrobe. A moment later, I heard the bedroom door open and quickly close, but there were no other sounds. A minute or so later I heard the door again, but this time there were footsteps, then a voice said, “Gotcha!… Oh, heck, wrong target.”

It was Fiona’s voice, and then I heard Izzy declare, “Ha! You have to lose something else.”

“There’s not much left for me to lose. Shoes or bra?”

“Duh… bra, of course.”

“Of course.”

There was a moment of silence, then Izzy said. “Wow… you’ve got a smashin’ pair of bristols. Wouldn’t mind gettin’ my hands on those.”

I felt a twinge of jealousy. Silly, I know, but I was already thinking of Fiona as mine.

But Fiona replied, “Maybe you’ll get the chance later, love… but right now, I’ve got a certain young girl to find. And you need to get yourself hidden.”

“Yeh, guess you’re right.”

“Right, go on then, go hide. ONE…TWO…” Izzy’s feet thudded on the floor as she beat a hasty exit.

I decided it was high time I let myself be caught. Just as Fiona was about to say ‘twenty,’ I bumped the door of the wardrobe so she would know someone was in there.

The door opened and a naked Fiona stood there smiling at me. “Ahh… I’ve found you at last.”

My gaze drifted from her eyes to her boobs, then down to her kitty, which was adorned with a thick tuft of bright orange hair. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.


“Sorry, what did you say?”

“I said, ‘you have to take your dress off’.”

“Oh, yeah, sure.”

It was just a simple cotton summer dress that easily slipped over my head. I hadn’t been wearing any shoes or a vest, so I was just standing there in my knickers.

The hunger I saw in Fiona’s eyes made me lightheaded. “My word, you’re so beautiful,” she whispered. Meeting my eyes, she said, “Now run and hide so I can get those sexy knickers off you.”

YES! She thought my knickers were sexy. I was dead chuffed.

I left Fiona counting and was about to go downstairs when I saw my mum and Emily. They were both naked, and Mum was holding Emily’s hand, leading her down the landing towards our bedroom. Meanwhile, I could hear laughter and giggles from the bedroom opposite of where I stood. It sounded like Claire and Lily, but I couldn’t be sure.

That tore it. To heck with this hiding stuff! I told myself. Moving into the next room, I wriggled under the bed, only this time I let my foot stick out just enough to be seen. I could still hear Fiona counting. When she went silent, I thought for a moment that she’d gone downstairs, then I saw her feet and heard the door close. Here we go, I thought, my heart beating like crazy.

Fiona knelt down and looked under the bed, smiling when she saw me. “Come on, out you come,” she said, her eyes dancing as I emerged into the light. “That’s not the best hiding spot, you know. And I could see your foot! Honestly, one might think you wanted to be caught.”

Putting on an expression of perfect innocence, I said, “Oh no, I was hiding as best I could. Really and truly!”

She laughed. “I don’t believe a word. Not that I’m complaining, mind you.”

Fiona was still on her knees, and I was standing before her. “I believe these need to be taken off now. May I?” she said, slipping her fingers into the waistband of my knickers.

I nodded. “Uh-huh.”

She slowly pulled them down my legs and then gathered them up when I stepped out. “Mmm, there’s a little wet patch here!” she exclaimed. Bringing my still-warm panties to her face, she took a deep breath and purred with pleasure before glancing around. “And isn’t this lucky? We’re already in my bedroom. I guess I get to… devour you now.” Then she hesitated. “If you want me to, that is.”

I wanted to say something cool and seductive, but I’d gone all awkward. This would be the first time I would make love to someone besides my mum, and knowing that made me feel shy. I gave Fiona a quick nod.

She climbed onto the bed, lying on her side, then she patted the covers. “Come on sweetie, join me.”

I’d been longing for this all day, and now I was frozen stiff. Crawling over to where Fiona lay, I stretched out next to her, feeling like a complete idiot.

She touched my arm. “Ooh, sweetie, you’re all tense. Sure you’re okay with this?”

“Sorry, yes, I’m fine, honest. Just a bit nervous.”

“That’s understandable. After all, you’ve only ever been with your mother, so this must feel a bit weird. Just relax. I’ll be gentle.”

That really got to me, and not in a good way. I didn’t want Fiona treating me like a little kid!  “No, please. I want this, I really, really want this. Don’t be gentle. Well, be gentle if you want, what I mean is, um, I’m okay with…”

“Shhhhh,” she said, turning my face to hers.

She kissed me, a beautiful, long, lingering smooch that made my shyness melt away, enough that I was able to return Fiona’s kiss, pushing my tongue into her mouth.

As our kiss got deeper, my body relaxed, and I spread my legs far apart, inviting Fiona to touch me where I wanted it most. Instead, she caressed my thigh, then trailed her hand upward until her fingers were lightly brushing my nipples, teasing them to aching stiffness. Her breasts were within easy reach, and I couldn’t resist an impulse to feel her up. “Sweet child,” she whispered, and her lips found mine again. This time I was ready, kissing Fiona with every ounce of passion I had.

Now that we’d broken the ice, everything we did felt completely natural. Our hands wandered wherever we liked, our kisses grew increasingly heated, and our bodies began to move together like we were doing a dirty dance. Fiona broke our kiss, and I was unhappy about that until her lips found their way down my neck. Oh, wow, that felt good!

As she slid a hand down my tummy and between my legs, Fiona gazed into my eyes, watching for my reaction when her fingers slid through my tender folds. Looking right back at her, I took one of her nipples into my mouth to suck, then gave it a playful little bite.

“Oooh!” Fiona squealed, then she pulled away, placing a hand on my chest and pushing me flat onto my back. “Not that I don’t love what you’re doing to me, child… but I want to focus on what I’m doing to you. I’ve been waiting years for this. You can have me any way you like in a few minutes, I promise.”

With a nod I relaxed into the soft covers, letting my new lover take control – sighing when she kissed my nipples, shivering as she teased my kitty with the softest of touches.

“Such an exquisite little girl… such a beautiful little body,” she whispered, nuzzling my tummy.

Her kisses were lovely, but Fiona was moving so, so slowly! I wanted her tongue between my legs, so much it made me ache inside. As if to placate me, her touches grew more focused and deliberate, finally seeking out my clit. As she stroked me there, her eyes met mine, studying my reaction.

Taking in a deep breath, I whimpered as Fiona’s fingers worked in circles, taking me from dreamy bliss to electric ecstasy as if by the flick of a switch. She began kissing me again, this time just below my belly button, then lower. But her fingers didn’t stop. In fact, they moved faster and faster, in stark contrast with the soft, slow caress of her lips.

I was teetering on the edge and ready to burst when she quite abruptly stopped. Raising my head, I gawped at Fiona. “What?”

“It’s okay. I’m just moving into a more comfortable spot,” she said.

Kneeling on the bed, Fiona positioned herself between my legs, taking a scrunchie from her wrist and tying her hair back before she spread my thighs further apart. Then she laid flat on her belly with her mouth just where I needed it.

I felt her warm breath, then a tender kiss on my clit. The touch of her lips in the right spot worked its magic, and I moaned, “Mmmm, more…”

Fiona’s reply was to give me what I asked for, more feather-light kisses. At the same time, I felt her finger exploring my delicate folds. Soon she was nudging at my entrance, but far too cautiously. I figured she was worried about hurting me, but honestly, there was no need. Mum had put her fingers all the way inside me months earlier. It’s the only thing I wanted for Christmas that year.

Now here with Fiona, I wanted more, much more. I couldn’t take another minute of this teasing. I decided to drive the point home, using my newly acquired permission to swear.

“Please make me come, Fiona. Fuck me. I need you to fuck me.” It felt absolutely delicious, speaking those words.

She smiled. “As you wish.” She slid her finger inside me, then bent to take my clit between her lips.

I went from painful longing to a blissful mess in an instant. Her tongue massaged my clit as her finger wriggled in and out of my kitty. Mum does it to me just like that, and it always gives me a huge orgasm… which is exactly what happened.

I kind of lose control when I come hard. I don’t go insane or anything, just tense up and squeeze my eyes shut and sort of whimper and moan while my body shivers. Fiona expertly pushed me along the wave, keeping me at the pinnacle until she knew I’d had enough.

My chest was heaving up and down as I fought for breath, but I still wasn’t quite conscious enough to understand what she was doing, not at first. Fiona had placed her hands under my knees and lifted me up enough to expose my bum hole. I was startled to realise she was licking me there, her tongue trailing up and down the crack of my arse. Mum had never done that to me before, and it felt lovely. By then her red hair had come a bit loose, spilling over my legs and tummy.

What Fiona was doing to my bum with her tongue was quite pleasant, but the position I held was uncomfortable. Really, I just wanted to lie flat. But she was clearly enjoying herself, and I didn’t want to spoil that. Then I got an idea.

“One sec,” I said, then quickly spun onto my front and laid my head on the big soft pillows. Giving my bottom a wiggle, I said, “Okay, it’s all yours.”

I heard Fiona give a blissful sigh. “There is a god… and she must love me very much, giving me such a beautiful bum to play with,” she said.

I’d noticed during the course of the day that while I was sneaking peeks at everyone’s boobs, Fiona seemed to focus on their arses. I had no idea just how into girls’ bottoms she actually was, but soon found out. She feasted on my bum hole like it was the yummiest snack in the world, spreading my cheeks open with both hands so she could get her tongue even deeper. After a while she slipped a finger inside which, as it turned out, I liked a lot.

Mum and I sometimes touched each other’s bums when we had sex; no more than that, really. But Fiona was so into it, licking my arse so passionately that I couldn’t help but get caught up in it. When she slipped her free hand beneath me to massage my clit, I had an orgasm almost immediately, as unexpected as it was enjoyable.

Still, all good things must come to an end, and when grew too sensitive for any more of Fiona’s touches, she stretched out next to me and we had a lovely cuddle.

We lay in silence, swapping kisses for a while. My hand rested on her breast, hers on my bum.

I spoke first. “So, um, you like my bottom, then?”

“God, yes, SO much.”

“I could tell.”

“Oh no, I didn’t go too far with you, did I? Did I hurt you?”

“Of course not! I’d have said something if it hurt. No, it felt nice. I came, didn’t I?”

Fiona broke into a grin. “Yes, you did. Several times, in fact.”

“Okay, then. You can play with my bum as much as you like. Do you like when that gets done to you?”

“Oh, absolutely. So, was everything else okay? Were you… satisfied?”

It was so sweet, the way Fiona wanted to be certain she’d made me happy. “I enjoyed every minute of it. Honestly, it was perfect. I even swore, for the first time ever!”

“Oh, yes, that’s right, you did. Well, that’ll be our little secret, and I won’t tell your mum.”

“It’s okay. We talked about it earlier, and she said I can swear. At least, I can when I’m doing sex.”

“Can you, now? Well, she never told me that.”

“Wait – what did Mum tell you?”

“Oh… I might have quizzed her about what you like and don’t like.”

I gave her a pretend scowl. “That’s not fair, you had a cheat sheet!”

“Busted. I suppose you’ll just have to have fun working out for yourself what gets me going.”

“Hmm,” I said, untangling myself from her, “Let me think about this for a second.”

As I said that I knelt up on the bed and turned my back so my bum was by her face. She reached up to touch it, but I batted her hand away. “No touching, you’ll distract me.”

“Ooh, you little tease.”

I giggled. “Guilty as charged.”

I bent forward and rested on my elbows, giving her an even better view of my bum… and placing me within touching distance of her kitty. No, I thought. I’ve got a kitty. Fiona is a grownup, she has a pussy. I ran my fingers through her bright orange pubes and wiggled my bum a bit, just to get her even more worked up.

I could see Fiona’s hand move towards me once more but stop short of actually touching . “No, not yet,” I said, stifling a laugh.

“Humph,” she replied in a comical grunt of displeasure.

I copied what Fiona had done to me earlier and kissed her tummy, slowly moving south. But I didn’t have her patience and found myself touching her pussy right away. She was dripping wet, her pinkish-red lips glistening in the dim light. As much as I enjoyed teasing her with the close-up view of my bum, I needed to be in a better position, so I swivelled round and got down on my belly between her legs.

The feeling was both familiar and strange at the same time. I was well used to seeing my mother like this, stretched out before her, licking my lips at the sight of her pussy. Now, for the first time, I was looking at another woman in the same way.

I found myself enjoying the subtle differences between Mum’s and Fiona’s naughty bits. Fiona’s skin tone was paler and her scent was different, though still very nice. Mum’s pussy had light brown inner labia that I adored nibbling on, while Fiona had plump outer lips with thin pink folds nestled between them, framed by her bright orange curls. And as I found out when I took my first lick, she tasted different, but just as good as Mum.

“Mmmm, that’s lovely, Kimmy,” Fiona said as I put my tongue inside her, swirling it around a bit. I was blissfully happy, enjoying this new and exciting experience.

I took my time with it, exploring her pussy every which way. Sometimes I teased her clit, but mainly I just licked and kissed Fiona’s opening. It was heaven. She was getting wetter and wetter and her body was starting to shiver.

I finally slipped a finger inside her and she cried out, “Yes!” so I allowed another finger to join in.

“Ah… God, yes, Kimmy. Such a good girl. Fuck me, please.”

It was easy to see she’d had enough teasing, so I got down to business and started working my fingers in and out, sucking her clit like it was a tiny nipple. To say this had the desired effect would be a huge understatement. Fiona was huffing and puffing like she’d just run a four-minute mile, thrusting her pussy into my face, twisting her head from side to side and moaning so loudly that whoever was in the bedroom next door must have been able to hear her.

I was having the time of my life. Making my mother come excited me like nothing else, and this was no different. In fact, in some ways, it was even better. A good mum always thinks her kids are wonderful, and she’s always proud of them, no matter what. That’s a big part of what a mother’s love is. But when someone else tells you how beautiful you are or how proud they are of you, it helps you to believe what your mum has been saying all along.

Mum had always said I was a good lover, but part of me wondered if she was just saying that because I was her daughter. Now I was giving genuine pleasure to Fiona, and it validated all of Mum’s praise for me. Wow, I reflected, I really am good at this!

That made me want to go totally wild on Fiona, to show her what I was capable of. While licking her clit, I withdrew from her vagina, then penetrated her with the middle finger of my left hand. I searched for and quickly found that little patch of rough skin inside her, gently tickling it. At the same time, I eased the index finger of my right hand inside her bum.

A hard jolt shook her body. “Oh Jesus Christ, yes, fuck yes… oh m-my God…” Her voice rose to a hoarse cry, and she began to thrash about. For a moment there, I thought she might throw me off the bed!

I loved how Fiona responded when she came. Mum is always very cautious to be as quiet as possible when we have sex, although she was a little more vocal when my sister Hanna was out of the house. On the other hand, Fiona was wild and free and completely unrestrained. It turned me on like you wouldn’t believe, leaving me with a powerful need for another orgasm of my own.

As I released Fiona from my grasp, she gave a high-pitched sigh of relief. “Oh thank God,” she said, gasping for breath as I got up on my knees, “I think m-my heart was about to give out.”

“Well, I need to come again,” I said, lifting her leg onto my shoulder and inching closer to her.

“What are you – oh, please, have mercy on me, child.” Fiona touched the back of her hand to the forehead, pretending to swoon.

Snickering at her comic overacting, I shook my head. “Nope, not yet.”

“I’ve learned a lesson today, missy,” she said. “Be careful what you wish for.”

It might’ve seemed like Fiona wanted me to stop, but her body was telling a very different story. She knew what I wanted, moving down the bed towards me, tilting her bum upwards. I swung my leg over, then let hers slip off my shoulder and scooched down on my side. We slowly drew close together until her pussy was pressing against mine. We were both very juicy and our warm folds met in a deliciously slippery mess. I started moving up and down, trying to find a rhythm as Fiona did the same. But we had a hard time getting the angle right.

“Stay still, okay? Let me do the moving,” I said, the words coming out a little more bossy than I intended.

Luckily, she wasn’t bothered. “Yes, Miss,” she said with a bad-girl grin.

Doing all the work made it a lot better, our pussies mingling in a long, heated kiss. Fiona hadn’t quite come down from her last orgasm, so she quickly worked herself back into a state, moaning and clutching at the sheets with both hands as her climax returned for a second go-round. My gosh, her pussy was so wet when she came! We more or less wrecked the bedding.

I held off as long as I could, but my orgasm soon hit me like a freight train. I clung fast to Fiona’s leg as it howled and roared through me. My hips churned hard and fast, our pussies generating a delicious friction, milking every last drop of that wonderful feeling until I was completely spent.

I used what energy I had left to crawl up the bed and flop down next to Fiona, then snuggle into her, my head on her shoulder and our legs lovingly tangled. I reached for her breast, the one closest to me, and held it to me like some sort of comfort blanket.

Fiona’s lips brushed my cheek. “Rest, sweetheart,” she whispered. The last thing I remember was her throwing the covers over us, then I drifted off to sleep.

On to Chapter Four!


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 27

  • Posted on January 20, 2025 at 4:08 pm

A brief summary (well, it USED to be brief…) of what has transpired thus far. (To get a additional breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )

Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.

Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really starting to founder. By then, Mallory and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa gets involved. 

Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex. In the weeks to come, they will get together again every now and then for more of the same.

Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.

Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, which leave her feeling flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t go away, either.

Sharon soon gets a job at a senior center, and is making plans to go back to school. Needless to say, Mal’s father is most unhappy with this development. On the other hand, Mallory is quite pleased for her mom, and takes the opportunity to get in her lap and give her playful, but subtly flirtatious kisses. More then ever, she suspects that her mother is secretly gay.

Mal is gradually becoming more popular at school. One result is that she and Julie are invited to a sleepover with Emma and Cindy, a couple of Julie’s friends. Once the parents are asleep, the girls get into a discussion concerning masturbation, which leads to everyone getting naked and engaging in mutual touching. Emma and Cindy love it, and the four of them get together for more fun a couple of weeks later.

Mallory finds a new student project: playing keyboards in a rock band of high school students supervised by Jason, who has also been teaching his daughter Julie how to do mixing work. Mal is much younger than the other members, but her skills soon win the others over. One of the band members is a sweet hippie girl named Jamie, and Mal is immediately attracted to her.

An ugly scene occurs at the home of Mal’s grandmother, where her mother Sharon is staying until she finds her own place. When Sharon makes a disparaging comment about lesbians, Mal loses her temper in a big way. In her anger, she comes out there and then, venting until her mother breaks down and cries. Mal quickly becomes remorseful, but the damage is done.

A couple of unhappy developments occur. First, Mallory’s parents make it official: they are to divorce. Mal is utterly disgusted with them both. Second, two of Julie’s cousins have vanished without explanation, eleven-year-old twin girls named Anna and Nettie. A search is underway, but without success thus far. Mallory has never met these girls, but she prays as best she can for their safe return.

A few days later, the twins are found and their kidnapper arrested, but not before he murdered Anna. Nettie is still alive, but devastated, and the girls’ parents go completely to pieces, turning on each other in their grief. Obviously, they are unable to take care of Nettie, so after a family discussion in which Mal is asked to participate, Jason, Lisa and Julie decide to bring Nettie into their home for the time being. Mal vows to do everything she can to help Jason’s niece to recover from her emotional trauma.

Mal and Julie pay Jamie a visit. The girls admit to being lovers, then tempt Jamie into masturbating with them. This quickly leads to much more.

Mallory gets to meet Nettie soon after that, when Jason brings her home. Sure enough, she is in bad shape: unable or unwilling to do or say much, often screaming herself awake from nightmares.

Mal’s band is making serious progress, which gets her and Julie a sleepover at Jamie’s place. Needless to say, music isn’t the only item on the agenda that night.

The next day, while practicing her keyboard part on a Black Sabbath cover, Mal puts the album on, only to get a positive response from Nettie, who asks to hear more. It’s the first time she’s shown interest in anything since her twin’s sister’s death. Mal, Julie, Lisa and Jason are is thrilled. Could their tormented guest be on the mend?

In the days that follow, Nettie seems to be emerging from her torpor. In addition to her burgeoning interest in heavy metal, she becomes absorbed by Jason’s medical textbooks.

At band rehearsal, Mal’s and her fellow group members toy with a concept: focus on Eighties pop. At the same rehearsal, they also make plans to perform live, and even manage to work up a cool original song. The entire band is thrilled.

Mallory has a frank discussion with her mother Sharon about sexuality and desire. She admits to listening to her masturbate herself through the wall, then gets Sharon to confess that she has overheard Mallory touching herself as well… and it arouses her. Somehow, Mal persuades Sharon to stay in her room instead, then mother and daughter masturbate together.

The next morning, Sharon is feeling guilty and uneasy, even though she admits to wanting what she and Mallory did the night before. Mal manages to ease her mother’s conscience a bit before they both leave for school.

Mal and her friends run into trouble at school when a lout named Floyd teases Nettie about her sister’s death until she cries. An enraged Julie attacks him, then Mal, Cindy and Emma join in the brawl to keep the much larger Floyd from hurting their friend. Luckily, the principal breaks up the fight, then goes on to suspend Floyd for bullying.

Later at home, Mallory joins Sharon on the couch. They snuggle, then end up grinding their bodies together until they both climax, still in their clothes. This time, mother and daughter share their first passionate kiss.

And now we rejoin our story, which is currently in progress. Do enjoy!

by Rachael Yukey

March 4th, 2007

God, I’m tired. It’s late, I have school in the morning, and my body craves sleep. But if I don’t keep my diary current, what’s the point? You’ll notice that I’ve stepped up the pace a little bit… this is my third entry this week! I don’t promise to keep it up at that rate.

Tackling Floyd Peterson bought my circle a whole new level of respect. It’s all around school: don’t mess with Julie Hanson, her cousin, or her friends! We’ve privately taken to calling ourselves the Pussy Posse, which you might recall from the last entry was my idea.

Floyd’s reputation, on the other hand, isn’t doing so hot. Nobody wants to be the guy who got taken down by girls! I was half-expecting he’d pick a few fights to regain some respect, but that hasn’t happened either. He’s been sullen and quiet… my guess is that he got in a lot of trouble at home.

Oh, and Floyd’s friend Tom isn’t his friend anymore. In fact, Tom apologized to Nettie for not stepping up when Floyd made fun of her. “I kinda already knew he was a jerk,” Tom said, “but the way he treated you really sucked. I want better friends than that.” Nettie actually gave him a hug! He really is a good guy, deep down.

We had an unexpected series of snow flurries Friday afternoon, bad enough that school let out an hour early. It ALSO meant that Mom got stuck in Wadena. She didn’t know we were being let out early, and barely phoned the school office in time to catch me. She’d already spoken to Lisa, making arrangements for me to go to Julie’s house for the night. Ms. Jordan from the district office literally caught up with me as I was boarding the bus.

Lisa met us at the door, and handed me a scrap of paper with a phone number on it. “Your mom wants you to call her at this number,” she said.

I placed the call. “Hello?” said a female voice I didn’t recognize. That voice had a firm, no-nonsense edge to it.

“Uh… hi,” I said. “My name’s Mallory. Um, I’m trying to reach Sharon Kalvornek?”

“Oh, hi there, Mallory,” the voice boomed, suddenly jovial. “I’m Katerina! Your mom has told me SO much about you. Hang on a second.”

My heart was instantly racing. Mom was at Katerina’s house! There was a thunk as the phone was set down, then another as it was picked up again.

“Hi, sweetie.” Mom’s voice.

“Hi, Mom. I guess you’re not going to be home tonight?”

“I’m afraid not. I tried the highway, and didn’t make it half a mile before I had to turn around. I’m sorry. You’ll be staying at the Hansons tonight.”

I had to smile at that. She didn’t need to apologize for sending me to Julie’s house! “That’s okay, Mom. I’ll be fine. Are you staying with Katerina, then?”

“Mmm-hmm. Katerina and her partner were kind enough to offer me their couch.”

All kinds of crazy thoughts were running through my mind. Would Mom hear them having sex? Would she maybe be invited to join in? Sure, I knew neither of those things was likely, but the images  in my head were immediate, graphic, and powerful. There were also mixed emotions. Part of me was hoping something would happen with Mom and her friends, but there was a little jealousy there as well… I wanted Mom’s first real, bare naked lesbian sex to be with me.

I’m pretty much certain by now that it’s going to happen, Mom and me going all the way. I’m very close to reaching the goal… but let’s not get ahead of ourselves! Mixed emotions aside, knowing where Mom was and imagining what might happen rocketed me instantly to a  state of intense arousal… I felt like the tiniest bit of pressure applied to my clit would be enough  to make me come.

“That’s great, Mom,” I managed, carefully keeping my voice steady. “Have a good time with your friends tonight. That’s what I’m going to do.”

“All right, sweetheart. If you need anything, call.”

I assured her that I would, and got off the phone before she could hear that my breathing was becoming a bit unsteady. I haven’t met Katerina, but I have a fairly fixed image of her in my imagination, and the mental picture of her, my mom and her lover in bed together was getting me just about as hot as I’ve ever been without anyone touching me.

Then again, I’ve been having episodes where I get intensely aroused for what seems like no reason at all, and I feel like there’s some kind of cycle to it. I wonder if I’m close to getting my period.

I replaced the phone in its cradle and turned to face the room. Lisa was reading a magazine, and Julie was on her dad’s computer looking at something or other. Nettie was nowhere to be seen, probably in her bedroom. Jason was out on an ambulance call.

Julie glanced up at me, and her eyebrows lifted. “You okay, Mal? You’re like… all flushed.”

“Mom’s staying with her gay friend and her partner tonight.” I got out.

Julie snickered. “And you’ve got all kinds of naughty thoughts racing around in your noggin.”

I nodded helplessly.

“Have you made any more progress with her?” Lisa asked. “You know… what we were talking about the other day.”

“Yeah,” I breathed. “We kinda… got off by rubbing against each other. We had our clothes on, but we both came.”

I was squeezing my thighs together, which left me totally lightheaded. My panties were so wet that I could feel them squish whenever I moved.

Julie knew exactly what was needed. “Oh, you poor thing,” she said, laughing. “Come on.” Seizing my hand, she guided me through the kitchen to the back bathroom, which was on the opposite end of the house from Nettie’s room. She yanked my pants and panties off, then I spread my legs wide apart. Knees on the throw rug, Julie buried her mouth in my pussy, her tongue attacking my clit with gusto. Closing my eyes, I felt two fingers enter me, fucking me hard and fast. It took less than a minute to come.


Nettie seems to be coming out of her shell again. She didn’t talk much that evening, but she did sit in the living room with us, reading one of Jason’s paramedic texts. She’s on Volume 2, which is impressive. Like Julie, I made one brief attempt to read the first volume, and my head was spinning halfway through the first chapter. I wonder how much of it she understands.


The bad weather continued through yesterday morning, which meant Mom wasn’t able to drive home till pretty late. But that was okay; I had plans for the afternoon anyway. The whole band and our Official Front of House Engineer Julie got together at Roger’s house to watch Back to the Future. Roger wasn’t kidding… his folks have a REALLY cool home theater with surround sound and a giant flatscreen TV. We made popcorn, turned the lights off, and got comfy.

It was a pretty fun movie. This teenage kid who plays guitar has a nutty old scientist friend who invents a time machine using a sports car called a Delorean. You can go backwards or forwards through time by turning on a device called the flux capacitor and getting the car up to eighty-eight miles an hour. Of course, things go wrong, and the kid goes back in time and almost stops his parents from getting together.

The happy ending… honestly, it bugged me a little. The kid in the movie starts a chain of events that change his father’s personality, and when he returns it turns out that his family has a way better life as a result. But what does that really mean for the main character? His family has a couple decades of shared history that he doesn’t remember. How’s that going to go?

I mentioned that to Julie later on. She just giggled, elbowed me in the ribs and told me I think too much. I suppose she isn’t wrong.

After the movie was over and the lights on, Ralph addressed us all. “So here’s what I was thinking,” he said. “We make a tape that we play at the beginning of the show. We have the lights down, except for one pointing at a backdrop with our logo. In the tape, we’re having a conversation as we’re driving along in our Delorean. We’re arguing about what radio station to listen to. We decide that every station sucks, so we’re gonna go back in time to when the music on the radio was good.

“Fire up the flux capacitor! Find a long flat stretch of highway so we can get her up to eighty-eight miles an hour! Then we land in whatever year our first song was recorded in, and we make the whole rest of the set an 80s radio show. Roger does a really great radio DJ impersonation. Show ‘em, Rog.”

“Aaaaand coming up next on WKX92,” Roger said in a booming, exaggerated voice, “the latest single from Def Leppard, ‘Photograph,’ right after this important message from our sponsors…”

We all cracked up. “That’s actually pretty good,” said Jamie.

“I like what’s on the radio today,” said Katie, “but I still dig the concept. It’ll give us a really strong theme.”

“I didn’t just pull it out of the air,” Ralph admitted. “The Who did an album back in the sixties called “The Who Sell Out,” where they stuck a bunch of cool fake radio ads and stuff in between the real songs. That’s where I got the idea.”

“Oooh… I’m pretty sure I have a vinyl copy of that one,” said Jamie. “I have all my Dad and Grandpa’s old rock records. That’s one of the ones I never got around to checking out, though.”

“You should,” said Roger. “It’s a cool record. But I think we should do this. I’m gonna talk to Jason and see if he knows what we need to record that intro tape and make it sound good, because I’d actually like to unveil it at the student concert. It’s wacky, it’s cheesy… but hey, so were the eighties. So why the hell not?”

Jamie, Julie and I went to Jamie’s house after the movie. Jamie has even more records than I knew about… there’s a whole closet full of them!  Most of it is stuff she got from her dad and her grandpa. We found an old copy of “The Who Sell Out.” We listened to the record, and even though the radio ad bits were completely bonkers, I could see the appeal of the unifying theme. The songs on the album were mostly pretty cool, too.

Jamie’s mom insisted on feeding us supper, after which we once again adjourned to Jamie’s room. We stripped naked and got into a tight circle, listening to Led Zeppelin with our mouths buried between each other’s legs.


I thought I might end up sleeping at Julie’s house again last night, but Mom showed up around eight. The highways hadn’t been great, she said, but they’re okay to drive on if you’re careful. We returned to the apartment, and Mom went straight to bed.

“We stayed up way too late,” she informed me with a rueful smile. “Katerina’s partner, Tracy, is really nice. We played cards until after midnight.” Part of me wondered for a moment if more than that had happened, but I know Mom. It would be written all over her face.

This morning, of course, we went to church. During the sermon I amused myself by fantasizing about a three-way between Mom, Katerina, and Tracy, but forced my mind to other matters once I realized that I was soaking my panties. The last thing I needed was a dark wet spot on the back of my dress!

I spent a lot of the afternoon catching up on homework; the price I paid for having spent most of the weekend goofing off. Mom was working on her laptop, also doing school stuff. I made supper that night.  Julie’s lessons in the kitchen have turned me into a better cook than Mom.

After we ate, Mom led me over to the couch. She sat on the opposite end, but I wasn’t having any of that. I slid over and snuggled up. Mom put an arm around me, though she seemed a bit awkward doing it.

“Mallory, I… I need to ask you something,” she said hesitantly.

“Sure. What is it?”

“Well… I spent a lot of time talking to Katerina and Tracy this weekend,” she said. “They told me about their journeys… you know, when they found out they were gay, and when they first acted on it. They were both, well… incredibly young. Tracy says she was twelve the first time she had sex with a girl, and Katerina was ten. Ten! Can you believe it?”

Now I knew what Mom was about to ask, and my stomach tightened a little. But I realized something else, too… she already knew the answer. There was no point in trying to hide the truth. All the same, I picked my words carefully.

“Sure,” I said. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I think if someone feels ready, that’s when they’re ready. It’s not for anyone else to decide.”

“Mallory… have you… done anything with anybody yet?”

“You know I have,” I said. “I’ve done things with you.”

I felt her tense. “That’s not what I meant… but… oh God.” Her voice broke.

I gripped her hand, squeezed, and turned my face up to hers. She wasn’t crying, not yet, but tears were forming around the corners of her eyes.

“Don’t be upset, Mom,” I said. “I know what I am and what I want. I’m not ashamed. You shouldn’t be, either. It’s not like you get to choose. Can I ask you something now?” She nodded. “When Katerina and Tracy were telling you those things… how did it make you feel? Did you get excited?”

A single tear tracked down her cheek. She nodded again. “Yeah… I… yes, I did. Very excited. I was wishing I’d had experiences like theirs. Can you imagine? Me, having sex with another girl when I was ten.” She paused. “I even knew which girl I would want to, to be with. My best friend Mona… Mona Schmidt. I loved her. Maybe more than I thought at the time…”

“Mom… do you think maybe you’re a lesbian, too?” It felt like the right time to ask.

She squeezed my hand tightly. When she spoke, her voice was steadier. “I think it’s possible that yes, I’m attracted to women. Oh, Mallory, after Katerina and Tracy went into their bedroom Friday night, if you could just imagine the thoughts that were running through my head…”

I giggled. “Remember who you’re talking to, Mom! I can imagine, all right. When you told me you were staying over, I got all horny thinking about you getting into a threesome with them.”

Mom stared at me for a moment, a stern expression on her face. Just as I was starting to worry about what was coming next, she burst out laughing.

“Oh… oh, Mallory!” she exclaimed. The arm around my shoulders squeezed. Then her face went serious again. “What scares me the most isn’t that,” she said. “It’s the fact that I got so excited picturing Katerina and Tracy having their first lesbian experiences as children.”

“Or the stuff with me?” I asked. “Does that scare you?”

“Yes, that too. Even more, because I’m your mother.”

I shrugged. “So what? It’s not like we can get each other pregnant!”

We both got to laughing at that, and it felt good. But it wasn’t long before Mom was looking at me again with that sober expression. “You never did answer my question, sweetheart.”

I sighed. “Yes, Mom. I’ve been having lesbian sex for six months.”

She closed her eyes. “I figured. I was thinking about the things you did when we… you know…”

“Are you angry?”

“No. How can I be, after what I’ve already let happen between us? And…” she hesitated. “I talked to Katerina and Tracy about it. I didn’t tell them what we did, just that you identify as a lesbian, or maybe bisexual, and that you were probably doing things with other girls. They were just like… good for her! Hope she’s having fun. They were so relaxed about it, I guess it made me rethink things even more than I already have.”

“I’d love to meet Katerina and Tracy, Mom. I think they’d be great people for me to talk to.”

“I think I can arrange that,” said Mom. “Mallory, if you’re honest with me, I promise I won’t be mad. You and Julie Hanson…?”

“She’s my girlfriend,” I said. “We have a deal where we can do things with other people, too, as long as we’re both there. But we’re a couple.”

Mom frowned. “But you’ve been doing things with me,” she said, “and she wasn’t here.”

I smiled. Time to go all in. “I’ll tell you the whole truth, Mom. I realized you were into women months ago… maybe girls, too. I don’t even think you even knew it yourself. And you’re SO beautiful… well, it kind of made me think about doing stuff with you. I told Julie about it, because we tell each other everything. She  knows she can’t be here for anything you and I do, but if it happens, you get to be the one exception.” I paused, wondering if I should tell Mom everything, then decided to go for it. “Julie’s attracted to you, too, by the way.”

Mom was holding her breath. She let it all out in an explosion of air. “So… you’ve planned all this?”

I nodded, grinning. “I didn’t really expect anything to happen between you and me… but I’ve sure been trying for it,” I said.

Mom laughed. “A seductress at age twelve. God help us.”

“Well… it’s kind of been working, right?”

Mom nodded slowly. “I guess it has.” Then she frowned. “How much does Julie know about, um, what you and I have done?”

“Relax, Mom,” I said. “Julie and I have a lot of secrets. There’s things we’ve done with other people that you don’t know about, stuff I’m not gonna tell. Julie knows everything, but she’s not going to blab. Everyone involved has too much to lose.” I ran my fingertips up her thigh. Mom closed her eyes and sighed.



“Does talking about this stuff get you… excited? I’m really turned on right now.”

Mom let out a shuddery sigh. “Y… yeah… yes, it does. I’m turned on, too.”

I got up on my knees, which put my face at about the same level as hers. Cupping her chin, I turned her head to face me, then moved in until our lips met.

She responded almost instinctively. Our open mouths teased and toyed. Finally I slipped my tongue forward, lightly tracing the insides of her lips. She seemed to freeze for a second, then her tongue met mine.

We shared a long, tender kiss, then she pulled away. “M… Mallory… I don’t…”

Her ragged breathing told me everything I needed to know. “I’ve already walked this road, Mom,” I whispered, lightly caressing the back and sides of her neck. “I can teach you everything. Let me teach you…”

“Not… n-not tonight,” she gasped. “Have to… I have to think about this a little more.”

I was disappointed, but knew better than to push any further. “Can I at least sleep with you tonight?” I asked.

“Um… okay,” Mom whispered, then got up. She took my hand, tugging me gently from the couch. “Let’s get ready for bed.” It was still early, but I wasn’t about to argue!

Fifteen minutes later we were snuggled up in Mom’s bed, she in a nightgown, me in a fuzzy two-piece. Mom was still slightly dazed, and I could feel the arousal coming off of her like a glow. “Mom?” I said after a few minutes.


“Are you still excited?”

A dry chuckle. “Oh, yes.”

“Me, too. I have to do something about it. Should I go back to my own bed, or can I…?”

There was a long silence. “I think here would be fine,” she whispered.

“Are you going to do it, too?”

“Yeah… probably.”

“I’m going to get naked to do it,” I said. “If that’s okay. And I’d love it if you got naked, too. Even if I can’t touch you yet, I want to see all of you.”

“I… I guess that would be all right.”

I reached across her to switch on the bedside table lamp. It’s not super-bright, but it cast just the right amount of light across the bed. I tugged my PJ top over my head, tossed it to the floor, then stripped off the bottoms. I wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

Moving slowly, as if in a trance, Mom got to her feet, pulled the nightgown over her head and off, then lay back down. She was still for a long moment, then raised her knees up and shimmied out of her panties.

I spent a minute or two looking her up and down. I can’t recall ever seeing Mom naked, and she was flat-out stunning. Her small, perfectly formed tits with dark brown areolas, her smooth, taut skin, the sparse tuft of hair between her legs, framing the rosy slit that I was just aching to caress.

Finally, I lay down next to her. “I want to hold your hand while I touch myself, Mom. Is that okay?” She nodded.

Taking her hand with my left, I trailed the right downward to lightly cup my pussy. The whole slit was dripping with wetness, and I took some on my fingers, rubbing it all around my pussy lips and the upper part of my thighs. The smell of sex hung delicately in the air. I heard a gasp from beside me, and felt Mom’s body shudder. Looking to my right, I could see that her free hand was busy between her legs.

I slipped a finger inside, curling my hand so It was grinding against my clit. “Ohhhhh!” I groaned. Then I got brave. “Oh, Mom, I’m fucking myself…”

I wasn’t sure how she’d respond to that kind of talk, so I felt a delicious shiver when Mom raised her head and looked down at my hand, watching me finger my cunt. God, what a thrill that was! I guess Mom felt that way too, because she moaned out loud, and moved her own hand even faster. I could actually hear her pussy squish!

Mom dropped her head to the pillow, her face turned towards mine. Our eyes met, and it was only a matter of inches for my mouth to reach hers. She met me full-on, her lips parted, and just like that, my mother and I were kissing like lovers. We kissed frantically, hungrily, our tongues darting and dancing. I felt my orgasm bearing down on me with the force of a runaway locomotive, and I backed off the pace of my fingering for a moment, wanting to come at the same time as Mom.

I didn’t quite make it. She suddenly tore her lips from mine, her wild cry filling the room. I began to work my fingers furiously, grinding with my palm, but Mom’s orgasm had already taken hold. Her body tensed, her back arched, and she spent herself with another loud wail.

She went limp, and I crushed my mouth to hers again. She accepted and returned my passion, and I came a moment later, shaking and moaning in Mom’s arms.

We snuggled together, catching our breath. It felt so good to be holding my mother like this, both of us naked. Like I’d been waiting my whole life to be that close to her, but didn’t know it until right then.

“I love you, Mallory,” she whispered.

“I love you too, Mom.”

I was kind of afraid that Mom would want to talk about what we’d just done, but she just smiled, closed her eyes and settled in, her body touching mine.

Mom fell asleep right away, but I found myself surprisingly restless. So I got up, and poured all of this onto paper. It is now entirely too late, and I’m going to be worn out as an old pair of pants tomorrow. Hey, it is what it is.

March 11th, 2007

I wrote last time about how I wasn’t sure I could keep up two or three entries a week. Now look! It’s Sunday, I’m just finishing up my week at Home One, and I haven’t done a new entry in what feels like ages. Let’s see… what happened this week that’s worth writing about?

Well, for one thing, me and Julie are in the heavy planning stages for Nettie’s birthday party. Her birthday is next Saturday, which is convenient… school’s out, so we can have the party on the actual day. Her parents won’t be coming; they’re both still in institutions. Her mom, you’ll remember, had a full-on psychotic break, and every time her dad gets cut loose from rehab, he ODs on booze, drugs or both at once.

Jason and Lisa have been doing what they can to take Nettie to visit her parents on weekends, but it’s hard. Her mom is in Prairie St Johns in Fargo, and her dad’s in Alina in the twin cities. Either way is a considerable drive, and they’re in exact opposite directions. Jason tells me that with psychiatric holds, it usually comes down to wherever they can find a bed.

We’re going to play heavy metal and have a big cake for the party. Nettie has just a couple of people from her class she wants to invite, and that’s okay. Even if she didn’t keep to herself so much, she hasn’t been here long enough to make many friends. I was glad that she asked if Cindy, Emma, and Megan could come. I guess she hasn’t forgotten when we tackled that jackass who was picking on her! She also invited Jamie.

Speaking of which, Jason had a wacky idea to set something up to play records for the party, since Nettie has taken such an interest in Jamie’s vinyl rig. He has this old thing in the garage called a console stereo… it’s this massive piece of furniture that has a radio, a turntable, speakers, the whole works all built in. It’s like five feet long and just looks like a big cabinet with the top closed.

Tuesday afternoon after school, he had Jamie over to check it out while Julie and I looked on.

“What do you think?” he asked her. “It powers up, and the turntable spins. I can see it’s missing the cartridge, but I’m not sure what else. I was hoping you could tell me what I need to make this thing work, and if I can get it in just under two weeks.”

“It’s really cool and retro,” said Jamie, “but you’d be better off turning it into a bar than playing your records on it.”

“Oh? Why is that?” Jason wanted to know.

“Because these tonearms are junk, and there’s no way to retrofit a better one. You can’t adjust the tracking force, the azimuth… anything, really. The cartridges that’ll fit these… you can still get them, but the styli aren’t anything you want touching your vinyl, even if you could fix all those other problems. It’d be all right for scratchy old garage sale records, but I wouldn’t let my good vinyl be in the same room with this. I’m really sorry, big brother, but I gotta call it like I see it.”

“Damn,” said Jason. “Any suggestions?”

“You have a preamp or receiver with a phono stage built in?”

“Uh… I doubt it.”

Jamie thought for a moment. “Tell you what,” she said. “I’m not about to move my main turntable… it’s all leveled and everything. But I have an old Technics I’ve been meaning to fix up. I already have a cartridge and stuff, but it needs gone through and I’ve been waiting till I have time to learn how.”

She turned to Julie. “You know a lot about electronics, right?” Julie grinned and nodded. “So if I could borrow Julie this weekend, we could go through it, clean things up, fix anything that’s wrong, and I could do a setup. Then I could bring it over along with an extra phono preamp I have lying around. We’ll plug the whole works into your stereo, then you can rock the house for Nettie’s party. I’ll bring some records she’ll like.”

In other news, I’m learning to play guitar! There are a few songs we’re doing that have two very prominent guitar parts and little to no keyboards. Ralph is going to play guitar sometimes when Jamie’s doing lead vocals, but he’s REALLY bad at singing and playing at the same time. Maybe it’s something he can fix over time, but until then we’d like to have a second guitar on some of the things he sings lead on.

There are two problem songs at the moment. One is called “I Need You Tonight” by Inxs. There’s this sexy little single-note line that pretty much runs throughout, but Jamie can’t play it along with the other guitar stuff. I tried it on the keys, but we just weren’t happy with the way it sounded. There’s a certain articulation you get with a plucked instrument that a keyboard doesn’t capture.

The song that pushed us over the edge, however, is by a band called Poison. We’re mostly avoiding hard rock, but we do want to throw a hint of it in there, and Jamie suggested a song called “Fallen Angel.” We absolutely hated the way it sounded every time she stopped playing rhythm to jump into a lead! With most songs it’s not a big deal, but in this one, it simply Did. Not. Work.

Poison is a one-guitar band, so we checked out a live recording to see how they handled it without the guitar overdubs. To be honest, we thought it sucked. So I’m learning to play guitar. Jamie  has a lot of electric guitars lying around, so she loaned me one, and she and Jason are both helping me learn. So now I’m spending even MORE time practicing music, which is fine by me… it’s the most fun you can have with your panties on!

We’re also getting a backdrop! Roger’s dad owns a printing company, and he’s going to make us a big cloth backdrop with our logo on it. We should have it well before the spring concert. Along the same lines, Jason is going to arrange for us to get into a studio and record that intro tape. He also suggested that we record excerpts from some of the songs we’re doing, and create a radio spot that we can give to the venues we’re going to play. That way if they want to advertise the gig, they’ll have something they can use.

There’s so much that goes into all of this I didn’t know about! I figured you just got a few friends together, practiced some songs, and then went and got gigs. But even at the local level, there’s a lot of business involved. Fortunately Roger seems to have a real knack for it, and we also have Jason to guide us.

On to Chapter Twenty-Eight!


Jewels of Africa, Chapter 2

  • Posted on January 15, 2025 at 2:32 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far: Holly, an experienced lesbian at age thirteen, is vacationing with her mum on an ocean liner, the Jade Princess. The trip is boring at first, but quickly livens up when Holly gets acquainted with two gay crew members – Anna, a barmaid, and Julie, a cashier in one of the ship’s gift shops — as well as a girl her own age: shy, geeky Jessica. Holly flirts with or fucks all three at various points, with the promise of more to come. Suddenly, what promised to be a dull vacation has become a most enjoyable experience.

The story resumes here. Do enjoy.

by kinkys_sis 

Chapter Two: Pirate Attack

Anna and Julie were now my lovers and good friends, but I never had the opportunity to get anything going with Jessica. It wasn’t her fault. It was simply that her parents kept a sharp eye on her, always wanting to know where she was and what she was up to.

On the other hand, I got to hide underneath Anna’s bar counter one morning and make her come with my mouth. I only wish I could have seen her face when she was serving someone and I was licking her pussy. I was able to do something like that for Julie a time or two – station myself behind the shop counter and give her a good fingering. No one seemed to think a thirteen-year-old was capable of such wicked behaviour. Well, would you?

The ship had called at Mombasa, a place that didn’t impress me much. Our arrival hadn’t been anticipated, and it wasn’t a regular port of call for large cruise ships, so no organised outings were laid on. There was also some sort of civil unrest going down. Most passengers decided not to go ashore and settled instead for the view, which was in itself quite spectacular. Fort Jesus, built in the sixteenth century by the Portuguese, overlooked the harbour. It was an imposing structure, but it had been built for the slave trade, and I had no interest in touring the site of an atrocity. I was glad when we finally set sail again, heading north towards the Red Sea.

I continued to have sexy fun with Anna and Julie when their work schedule allowed, and whenever I could get away from Mum and her crowd.


One day the ship had slowed considerably, and no one seemed to know why. My first thought was of Somalian pirates, but after I rushed up on deck, a look around told me the surrounding ocean was empty of other vessels. All I could see was a smudge of land on the horizon to our west.

Then the captain’s voice came over the Tannoy system.

“We have a minor engine room problem that is being investigated as I speak. It may slow us for a while, but we should soon be on our way. I will, of course, keep you informed of further developments.”

I took myself up to the bar to tease Anna for a bit, but there were loads of customers, so she was too busy to spend more than a moment with me. I was able to let my bikini top slip briefly, so she got a nice peek at my nipples. She seemed distracted as she served her next customer, which gave me a laugh.

An hour later, the captain spoke to us once more. “Our technical problems are a bit worse than we first thought. We’ll be detouring to Mogadishu in Somalia, where spare parts will be air-freighted to us. It will mean a two-day stopover. The cruise reps will be available to advise you on possible sightseeing excursions. Updates will follow as information becomes available.”

Mogadishu was even less inviting than Mombasa. I was feeling fed up with the whole cruise until a rep told me about a jeep trip to somewhere called Warsheikh. She said it wasn’t too far, and they had a spectacular beach that hardly anyone knew about, ideal for swimming and snorkelling. There was also a fish restaurant and bar in a picturesque old shack. By then, anything seemed better than being stuck on board that broken-down tub, so I put my name down for a couple of seats on the jeep.

Neither Anna nor Julie could get off work to join me, but I got a nice surprise when Jessica’s parents gave her permission to go – that is, after her mum was assured there would be proper adult supervision. Little did Jessica’s mother know that the first chance I got, I planned to spirit her precious daughter far away from the grownups!

The jeep was larger than I expected, quite spacious and comfortable for what turned out to be six passengers, along with a local security guard and our driver. Aside from Jessica, I didn’t know anyone.

Jessica’s cheeks took on a beautiful glow when I whispered to her, “We can get to touch each other’s pussies when we’re swimming in the ocean. It’s time you touched mine.”

“It is? Oh, goodness,” she said. Jessica had a habit of questioning nearly everything I said.

After spending hours on target practice on the ship’s gun range, I was fascinated by the guard’s rifle. When I asked for a closer look, he took a childish delight in demonstrating how it worked, although he did take care to slide the magazine out before allowing me to hold it.

It didn’t take long to cover thirty or so miles on a pretty good coastal road before we arrived at our destination. Everyone was astonished by the beauty of the place. A pure white sandy beach stretched into the distance. Gentle waves cascaded onto the sand or swirled around large rocks.

A car park was at the rear of the beach restaurant, which held the bar. The place was like something you’d see in an old movie. All manner of things were hanging on the bar-front – large shells, oddly shaped bottles by the dozen, many years’ worth of old postcards – and just outside, several octopuses were stretched on wooden frames to dry in the sun.

The African guy behind the bar was delighted to see us. His English was difficult to understand, but I was able to gather that he didn’t see many customers during the daytime.

There was a machine on the bar that extracted the juice from fresh oranges. Jessica and I wanted to see it in operation, so we had one apiece. The bartender laughed when I asked what else he’d added to our drinks, a clear liquid he’d poured from a bottle with a picture of dates on it. A dab of my finger to the top of the bottle told me it was some sort of powerful liqueur; it made the orange juice taste delicious.

I asked him if there were any parts of the beach that were especially good for swimming. He told us, “No, anywhere is good.” He pointed at our glasses, “But you want go far, I put drink in clean bottles with this.” He held up a straw.

“That’s great, thanks,” I answered.

The others from the ship decided they were going to have lunch — grilled fish, of course. But Jessica and I wanted to take ourselves up the beach.

“Not a lot far, okay,” the guard said in halting English. “I must be seeing you.”

But we didn’t stop until we were quite a long way off. Okay, we were still in sight, but not near enough for anyone to see what we were up to.

We dumped our bags on the sand, shrugged out of our clothes and spread out our towels. My eyes fastened on Jessica’s backside when she bent down. “You’ve got a lovely arse, Jess.”

She blushed as always. “I have?” Again with the questions!

“You do. And I want to feel it. You gonna touch my bum? I’d really like that.”

“You would?” she asked, and I couldn’t help but laugh. Her eyes locked on mine. “I think maybe… um, that I’d like to… feel it, yeah.” She paused. “No, I know I want to. Are we going to play naughty games?”

Taking hold of her hand, I pulled Jessica with me down onto the spread towels. “Not games, Jess. Sex.” I put a finger over her lips before she could utter the obvious question. “Come here, cutie.”

She didn’t hesitate. just rolled into my arms, her body nestling snugly against mine. I cupped her arse and gave a squeeze, then she did the same to me. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but… your bum feels nice, Holly,” she said.

I couldn’t resist. “It does?”

“Don’t take the mickey.” But she was grinning. “Are you going to kiss me now?”

“Fucking right I am.”

Holly! Oh, my goodness, such language!”

“Nothing wrong with my language,” I answered as I pushed Jessica’s bikini bottom down as far as I could reach. Then I crushed my mouth to hers.

That was when Jessica surprised me in a big way. The shy, unsure little girl was transformed into a lustful teen. She clutched at me, groping the cheeks of my arse. Her kiss was desperate, her tongue engaging mine in a fierce dance.

I hadn’t expected such urgency, but there it was. She wanted to touch me. She wanted to be fucked.

Oh, wow. My heart was throbbing like the massive engines of the ship.

Jessica tore at my bikini until the side ties came free. As she cupped my arse with one hand, she forced the other one between us, going straight for my pussy. Her fingers pushed into me, curving to go deeper. Her body was pressing mine until she was writhing against the back of her hand, using it to rub herself off.

My fingers pushed into the cleft of her arse, finding her star as I helped Jess rock on her hand. She lifted one leg over my hip as her fucking got more frantic. Even as she kissed me fiercely, her eyes remained open. I could see the need, the sheer hunger that had been released, and wondered how long she’d been bottling it up.

Jessica never faltered, nor did she offer any resistance as my probing finger eased into her arsehole. She simply jerked faster against her hand and worked the fingers in my pussy even harder.

I could feel my climax nearing, even though this wasn’t the ideal way for me to be fucked. Her helpless passion was infectious, beautiful, and so intense.

My ability to think shut down completely as an orgasm hit me. I was only vaguely aware Jess had stopped rocking. She abruptly pulled away, breaking the kiss. “Oh, G-god!” she exclaimed. I knew she was coming along with me.

We clutched one another tightly, riding our ecstasy to the limit and beyond. Soon, her movements eased, yet she continued to stare into my eyes.

“What is it, lover?” I finally asked.

A smile lit her face. “I made you come,” she said. She sort of tested the word before saying, “Fuck.” Then her mouth found mine for the softest and most loving of kisses.

We slowly drew apart, pausing to take huge gulps from our bottles of the potent orange drink. Then we lay together quietly, holding hands.

After a while, Jessica turned to face me. “From the first moment I saw you, I wanted you to kiss me,” she began. “I wanted it so badly. I didn’t even know you liked girls! But I’ve never been kissed before. I’ve never really looked at girls that way. But I wanted you to be my friend – my special friend. It shocked me at first. I was fighting my feelings, but I just couldn’t keep away from you. All I knew was I wanted you – a girl – and I didn’t care. I was unhappy when you started avoiding me. I knew you were, but I kept trying.

“I was so jealous when I saw you playing with yourself while that other girl was watching you. But then you called me over and stuck your hand up my skirt. You were the first to ever touch me there. I wanted you to, but I was afraid you’d just mess me about, then send me away. I’m so glad you didn’t.” She hardly paused for breath as the words tumbled out.

I finally touched a finger to her lips. “Jess, stop. I’m here, aren’t I?”

She stared at me for a moment. “You are.” This time it was a statement, not a question.

This conversation was getting a bit too deep for me. “Hey, let’s go try the water,” I said, springing to my feet.

“We’re still naked!” Jessica squealed.

“Who gives a fuck? They can’t tell from way over where they are.”

Jess thought about it, then nodded. “Okay. Let’s go.”

But we’d barely got halfway down the beach when we heard a crackling sound somewhere in the near distance.

“Do you think they’re setting off fireworks for us?” Jess said, skipping ahead.

For a moment I laughed along with her, then grabbed her arm. “That’s not fireworks. Those are guns. Someone’s shooting.” The sound suddenly erupted into a crescendo. “Oh, fuck. Get back to the jeep while I grab our stuff.”

“I can’t leave you, Holly. I’ll wait.”

The gunshots got a lot louder.

“No, go now!” I shouted. “I’ll be right behind. Fucking run!” Jessica hesitated, until I turned to hurry towards our stuff. Then she flew over the sand towards the beach bar. She seemed to be oblivious to her nakedness.

I hastily gathered our things, then turned to follow. Racing along the beach, I saw the driver yelling at everyone to get in the jeep. As the engine fired up, Jess was pointing my way, screaming at the driver to wait. He wasn’t listening. The wheels of the jeep spun, spraying sand and gravel that momentarily blocked my view. The next thing I knew, the jeep was roaring down the road. Shit! They’d left without me!

As I got closer, I saw the guard standing at the corner of the bar, peering anxiously into the distance. He spun around, his rifle raised as I arrived. Needless to say, he was not happy to see me.

“Why you here, missy? Not on jeep?” he shouted. “No good, no good. Terrorists, pirates, bad peoples – they come now.”

We both spun around when we heard a clatter. The barman had tripped and fallen at the side door of the bar in his haste to flee. His rifle had skittered away from him, but he didn’t bother picking it up – just got back to his feet and ran away as fast as his legs would carry him.

“No good run, missy,” the guard said. “You hide bar. I try take them away.”

I thought, At least we’ve got one brave man here, not like that fucking driver. And in the heat of the moment, he paid no attention to my nudity.

I went inside, looking for somewhere to hide. There wasn’t any good place to conceal myself. However, I did spy a large sweat-stained shirt hanging on a hook. It was easier to put on than trying to tie my bikini.

I almost fell when my foot snagged on something. Looking down, I saw the rifle the barman had left behind in his haste to escape.

Did I dare? Could I actually shoot someone? This was a very different thing from firing at a paper target. I was surprised, though, that my hands weren’t shaking when I picked up the weapon. But would I know how to use it? Was it even loaded?

I didn’t have the faintest idea what type of rifle it was, but I was surprised at how easy it was to handle. I checked and found the magazine was full. God knows how many bullets it held. I thought about the movies I liked to watch – check for spare ammo was the rule. I did a quick search of the drawers and found two more full magazines.

Now what the fuck was I supposed to do?

I peeked out the side window when I heard another crackle of gunfire, much closer this time. I caught sight of the guard firing his rifle towards some low shrubs that bordered the parking area. Several guns returned fire. I couldn’t stop my scream when the guard was almost tossed into the air before he crashed to the ground. He didn’t move again.

There was a clatter behind me, I swung around to see the barrel of a gun come through the widening door gap. I hadn’t really meant to fire, but somehow the rifle bucked in my hands and a whole load of holes appeared in the door, almost slamming it shut. Only the gun lying in the doorway had kept it from closing.

I looked through the gap and almost puked when I saw the blood-splattered body lying just outside. God, I’d just killed someone!

The sound of running feet could be heard just outside. I’m not sure how I found the courage to do it, but I pulled the trigger and swept the rifle back and forth above the counter. I heard several screams before the gun was empty. I jammed in a fresh magazine, then crouched down while I listened. I heard nothing except whimpering.

Raising my head, I peered over the bar, but I saw no one. A bit higher, and there they were – three big black guys lying on the ground. Two weren’t moving at all. The third was writhing in pain. It was then that the shakes hit me, and my guts churned. I fought for control. You’re okay, I told myself.

I took my mobile phone out of my bag, gingerly pulled the door open and stepped outside. There was no one there – only dead bodies. Even the wounded man had stopped moving.

I had no idea what to do. Should I run down the road, the way the jeep had gone, or would it be better to head for the distant houses? I reasoned that was the direction the pirates had come from, and there might be more of them. Better to head down the road. I snatched up a couple more ammo magazines the first guy I killed had dropped – they looked the same as the one I had left – and ran like fuck across the car park.

I hadn’t got very far when the sound of a roaring engine came chasing after me. I was in deep shit.

There was a low wall next to the road. I pivoted and dove over it. That was a mistake. This big black guy was sitting on a rock, his gun aimed at me, a huge grin on his face.

He waved the gun a little and shouted at me. I didn’t have a clue what he said, but I didn’t see what else I could do. I dropped my rifle and lay on the ground looking up at him.

I heard the truck brake to a stop before several more men piled over the wall. I was trapped.

They bent and peered intently at me. One spoke to me, trying what I guessed were different languages. The last was in a kind of English. All I understood was… “Ship… English?”

My voice croaked when I tried to answer. One of them tossed a bottle of water at me. I took a slug, then managed, in a weak voice, “Yes, I’m English and from the cruise ship.”

They jabbered among themselves. Some shouted, there was a lot of arm waving. The guy still sitting in front of me suddenly roared and they all went quiet.

The one who had spoken to me before now said, “You come, not you troubles – you okay. People pay us, then you go back.”

The big guy shouted again. My interpreter pointed towards the truck. “You go up, we go.”

Not one of them seemed to care that I’d just killed four of them. Their dead were simply forgotten.

We drove inland, mile after mile, climbing gradually higher. At last, we arrived at a forested area, and shortly after turned off the road and continued down a bumpy dirt track. It was several miles before we pulled into a clearing surrounded by small huts. There were even more armed men sitting or just lying about. Most of them got up to come over and see the white girl they had brought in.

The big guy spoke once more. Hands grabbed hold of me. and I was dragged towards a wooden cage affair. One opened the door and pushed me inside. I stumbled and fell to the ground as the door was slammed shut and chained.

Another pair of hands clutched at me and hauled me up. I jerked away, but then saw the black girl who was helping me stand. She was beautiful, proud and poised-looking, but who was she?

Her voice, when she spoke, was calm, with no trace of fear. “I hear them say you are English. How did they get you?”

I told her my story. She didn’t interrupt, only raised an eyebrow when I told her about the four men I had killed. When I had finished, she looked at me closely, then said, “But you are so young. You must be very brave to fight these people … and kill them, yet you suffer no shock. It means I can rely on you. When the time comes, we will fight together.”

Her English was almost perfect, just with a slight accent. “How is it that you speak my language so well? None of the others can. Who are you?”

“I was raised Orthodox Christian, taught by an old priest who lives in the mountains. There are many priests there, where churches are carved into the mountainsides, some of the oldest Christian churches in the world.” She hesitated. I guessed she was considering whether or not to tell me more. “You have heard of Sheba, the Queen of Sheba? She, Makeda, was my ancestor.” She paused, waiting for my response.

“Yes, I know who the Queen of Sheba was.” It was true. Jessica had actually given me a lecture on the subject, and that time, I was paying attention. “But I thought she came from somewhere near the Red Sea.”

She solemnly nodded. “That is indeed what many believe. It is even mentioned in both the Bible and the Quran, although only briefly. They are all wrong. Our version of the Bible makes far more accurate references. Sheba was in Ethiopia, in my land. I am the present Queen of Sheba. I am believed to be the first monarch since her time who is not a man. My name is Makeda.”

“Um, I’m Holly.” It was the weirdest coincidence, to have been talking about the Queen of Sheba one day and then actually meet her – or her descendant, at least – on the next. “But you’re so light-skinned, and your face… the shape, I mean. Is so different from most of the natives I’ve seen.”

“I am of the Habesha people. We are not of the black African tribes. My ancestors came from southern Arabia, they moved here, mostly into the mountain areas. That was several thousand years ago. Over the centuries, my people have inter-mixed with the other tribes of Ethiopia. So now, we are neither Arabian nor true black African.”

“You said something about us fighting together. How can we fight when we’re stuck in this cage?”

“You will see, but you must be ready. My warriors will come for me. When they do, do not get separated from me or you will surely be killed. Once we make good our escape, you will stay with my people. Is there still more fight in you?”

I nodded. “Believe me, staying in this bloody cage is not on my agenda. I’m with you, Makeda.”

She nodded. “Together we do battle, together we win.”

The moon shone brightly, enough for me to take a closer look at my new friend. “You called me young, Makeda, but you are not much older yourself.”

“True, I am only sixteen, but I have trained to be a queen and a warrior. You have not. I do not understand how you even know how to use a gun.”

“My younger years were spent in Uganda, where my father worked. That’s where I learned to shoot. I was also taught to box. I’ve never been one to frighten easily, or back away from a scrap. It can get me in trouble sometimes, but that’s just the way I am.”

“Yes, I see it in you,” she said. “You are like me. I did not expect to see this in a young white woman. We are well met. We will survive this ordeal.” She took my hand in hers. “I see something else in your eyes. I see how you look at me. You called me beautiful. But you said it as men do when they look at me. Perhaps your pulse quickened?”

Shit! Was I that obvious?

“Did I offend you? That was not my intention. Your beauty, your stature and poise, even a certain wildness I see in you… these things excite me. Again, it’s the way I am.”

She came a step closer. “You have experiences with other girls? Very good, yes … but perhaps you have not kissed a queen before. Myself, I have never kissed a white girl. Shall we find out what else we have in common?”

Even with our difference in ages, Makeda was no taller than I was. We were a perfect match when our arms circled one another.

Her fuller lips were a delight against mine, and the urgency of her kiss suggested someone in need. Oh my God, I was going to make it with an honest-to-God queen, and a beautiful one.

My hand found her smooth, naked sex beneath her skirt. She was shaved clean. My fingers moved along the length of her pussy lips, which were still quite dry. I pressed, without seeking, the spot where her clit was hidden. Gently, but moving quickly, I rubbed her. Makeda responded, her hips gyrating to my actions. She kissed me harder, more urgently.

I slid my fingers back down to her opening. The moisture was there now. I eased her lips open before pushing between, slipping slowly into her. The groan, deep in her throat, was like the growl of a lioness. Her pelvis began to push and pull, back and forth on my probing fingers.

She wasn’t as gentle as I was when her hand found its way beneath my shirt. Smiling when she realised I was naked underneath, Makeda plunged two fingers into me and instantly began to fuck my cunt, making that growly noise again when I pulled a breast free with my other hand, then gave her engorged nipple a hard squeeze. Her response was to fuck me harder.

Using her other hand, she gripped my arse cheek, giving it a sharp squeeze. This girl liked it rough. Or maybe she was just starved for sex.

She broke the kiss with a firm bite of my lower lip. “I want to see your face when I make you… I do not know the words for what you call it. The priest did not teach me that.”

“I’m sure he didn’t,” I said, trying not to smile. Imagine a priest telling a young girl how an orgasm worked! “The word is come. When you make me come… that’s when you want to watch me. Are you ready, then?… I am! Please, fuck me faster.”

“Yes, we go faster. Then we can … come together.”

I sensed she was about to cry out loud and clamped my lips on hers, stifling the noise. It wouldn’t do to get caught by one of these guerillas! Her body went rigid as she pulled me hard against her. She kept her fingers moving inside me, trying to make me climax at the same time she did.

By now you must know this about me: I can come almost on demand. I reached out, urging my orgasm to burst forth. And it did. Oh, fuck! It was like a raging storm. Makeda was coming, too. We were as one, riding a tsunami of lust and need.

Afterward, she held me tight, her head resting on my shoulder. “You have much experience,” she said quietly. “You are soft when it is needed, then hard when it is time. You know much of making love to a woman. So young, so clever, so brave… and you fucked me so good. You will take the time to teach me these things.” Then she drew me down to lie with her on the one straw mat.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face. My last thought was that King Solomon might have fucked the first Queen of Sheba, but little Holly had just fucked the current one. How cool was that?

On to Chapter Three!


The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 13

  • Posted on January 10, 2025 at 3:39 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Orphaned at the age of eight, sixteen-year-old Doris Sloane has spent half her life in a Catholic orphanage, where she was trained to care for young children. Our story begins when she is taken into service at the home of Victoria Shaw, a widow with three daughters: Melinda (ten), Sophia (eleven) and Becky (fourteen). Doris is thoroughly satisfied with this new life, but her orderly world takes an odd turn one night when she is seduced by Mrs. Shaw. Surprising herself, Doris responds eagerly, fully returning the pleasure she has been given.

In the days that follow, Doris and Victoria couple frequently, and Doris becomes skilled in the art of lesbian lovemaking under the tutelage of her mistress. She is deliriously happy, but her joy is tainted by the fact that she is only engaged to serve in the Shaw household until Melinda, the youngest, turns twelve. To complicate things even further, Doris has fallen madly, passionately in love with Victoria, and lacks the courage to tell her so.

One of Doris’ duties as nanny is to give Melinda and Sophia a bath every other day. The girls often invite Doris to join them in the large Japanese-style tub, but she always refuses, believing it isn’t proper. When she mentions this to Mrs. Shaw after a bout of lovemaking, Victoria suggests that Doris do what her youngest daughters want: get naked and bathe with them. Furthermore, she encourages Doris to pay closer attention to the girls’ nudity, to notice how beautiful they are in the altogether.

Doris finds this a bit strange… but that evening, while giving Sophia and Melinda their bath, she takes the time to study them more closely, and is startled to find herself feeling somewhat aroused.  The girls notice her interest, and on subsequent evenings, eleven-year-old Sophia begins to tease Doris by flaunting her nakedness. This only fuels this budding desire Doris feels… and very soon, she is masturbating to lewd fantasies of Victoria’s daughters.

One afternoon around this time, while the girls are at school, Doris in asked to join Victoria for a light luncheon in the back yard. There, Victoria offers the girl a permanent home as a member of the family, then tells her, “I love you.”

Doris is overwhelmed by emotion at first… but she joyfully accepts, and they celebrate by undressing and making love. 

Then next day, Victoria tells Doris how she first became attracted to women. It began at the age of sixteen, when she was given the service of a personal maid, a lively Irish girl named Nora, who would quickly become young Victoria’s faithful friend and companion. They would become lovers, but it ended disastrously when they were caught in the act. Nora was sent away, and Victoria was left devastated. More than twenty years later, she still mourns the loss of her friend. Doris does what she can to console Victoria.

The next day, Victoria tells of what happened after losing Nora. She was quickly married off to a man named William Shaw, who proved to be a bully and a drunkard. She managed to endure her marriage, gave birth to her three daughters, and ended up taking over her husband’s business as his drinking spiraled out of control. He died a couple of years later, and Victoria was free.

Back in the here and now, Victoria presents Doris with a startling proposition. Wanting her daughters to experience the delights of Sapphic love before they develop romantic attachments to boys, she gets Doris to admit her attraction to the girls, then asks her to pleasure Melinda and Sophia in the bath. Doris is shocked, but also quite eager to do as Victoria wants.

The following night, Doris undresses and joins the two youngest in the tub for the first time, where she caresses both Sophia and Melinda to orgasm, then allows Sophia to fondle her in the same way. Later that night, Doris visits Melinda’s room, where she licks the ten-year-old to another climax. When Victoria is informed the next day, she is well pleased. But her eldest daughter Becky, who isn’t yet privy to her mum’s seductive scheme, is growing suspicious.

Two nights later, Doris and the girls bathe again. This time, though, they agree to postpone their pleasurable games until later, meeting in Sophia’s room for a sleepover. There, Doris teaches her charges the ways of lesbian love. Melinda and Sophia are thrilled with all of it… and in the days after, seem to be spending quite a lot of private time together.

Soon thereafter, the situation with Becky comes to a head, when Victoria’s eldest explodes in anger at the dinner table, accusing Doris of getting up to “vile, wicked things” with her younger sisters in the bath. Victoria and Doris manage to calm her down, finally suggesting Becky join Melinda and Sophia in the tub that very night. Becky hesitantly agrees and, once naked with the others, proves quite willing to let herself be seduced. First Doris pleasures the two youngest, then brings Becky to orgasm in the bath while they watch Sophia and Melinda make love.

Later, when Doris turns in, Becky slips into the room, quickly undresses and gets into bed with her. She confesses her love for Doris, then they frantically bring each other off. While relaxing together in the afterglow, Victoria peeks in and, with an approving nod, wishes Becky and Doris a good night.

After that evening, Becky is at peace with the new family arrangement. It enables her to make love often with Doris, who is now enjoying sexual intimacy with the entire family. But Victoria wants more. She intends to accompany Doris the following night, the two of them paying nocturnal visits to the girls so Victoria can see for herself, “what you get up to with my daughters.”

A sad note: Mrs. Broomfield suffers a heart attack, and is obliged to leave her post as the family cook.

The story resumes here. Do enjoy.

by JetBoy and BlueJean


The next morning, the family and I attended the Sunday church service as usual. This time, however, no hands found their way beneath skirts. Victoria and I agreed that, yes, allowing her to finger me to orgasm in the midst of the sermon had been a most thrilling indulgence, but no, it wouldn’t do to tempt fate like that again.

When the service had concluded, the congregation filed out of the church, leaving the Shaws and me to chat with Mrs. Broomfield and her husband Elias. Retirement seemed to have worked wonders for the woman’s physical wellbeing, though clearly it had not improved her disposition much.

“What sorta life is it, sittin’ at home twiddlin’ me thumbs?” she asked no one in particular. “I weren’t made to be idle. Says in the Good Book we’re s’posed to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow. No, it don’t sit right with me. Not at all.”

“Don’t be daft,” Mr. Broomfield chuckled, an arm around his wife’s waist. “You spend most o’ the day in yer own kitchen bakin’ and whatnot, anyway.”

“Why don’t you take up knitting, Mrs. Broomfield?” Sophia asked.

Mrs. Broomfield waved the notion away. “I ain’t got the patience for knittin’, girl. Need to be on me feet an’ on the move, I do.” She heaved a sigh. “Hard to break the ‘abit of a lifetime.”

“I’m going to be a gardener when I leave school,” Melinda declared.

“A gardener?!” a horrified Mrs. Broomfield cried, pulling the child towards her for a rough hug. “You’re s’posed to be a lady, little miss. Gardening ain’t for the likes of you.”

“Mr. Farnsworth says I can apprentice with him,” Melinda insisted.

“What you fillin’ her ‘ead with nonsense like that for?” Mrs. Broomfield demanded of the old gardener, who stood a comfortable distance away, puffing on his pipe.

“Nothin’ wrong with it,” was all Mr. Farnsworth would say on the matter. I don’t think I’d heard him utter more than a handful of words since I’d met him at the train station all those months ago.

I scanned the ever dwindling congregation for Victoria, and found her deep in polite conversation with another well-to-do family, the Benedicts. Oh, how audacious it would be of me to stroll over there, bold as you please, and introduce myself as Mrs. Shaw’s lover, perhaps even kiss her full on the mouth. Then I could watch my life unravel in spectacular fashion, along with Victoria’s. Perhaps someday things would be different for women like us. What harm, to allow myself that sweet daydream?

The only member of the Shaw clan unaccounted for was Becky. Wandering away from the others, I finally found her in the church cemetery, kneeling by one of the more upmarket looking gravestones, an extravagant black granite monolith that stood vigil a short distance away from the chapel. Upon reading the inscription, it became clear who was buried there:

At Rest
William Erskine Shaw III
Loving Husband & Father
1890 – 1929

Loving husband and father? Bully, Drunkard, and Brute seemed a more apt epitaph from what Victoria had told me of the man.

“Would you like some company?” I asked Becky.

She gave a little start at the sound of my voice. “Oh, I didn’t hear you. I don’t mind, if you want to stay.”

I took a place next to her. “Do you miss him?”

Becky thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. “I don’t know, perhaps a bit. He wasn’t a very nice man. Especially to Mother. She’s happier without him, I know that much.”

“She told me a little about him. It must have been very difficult for her… for you and your sisters.”

“She won’t come near his grave. Mother, I mean. Or speak of him. Not to me, at least. Melly and Sophie… well, they’re too young to remember, really.” Becky gave me a sorrowful look. “I keep trying to recall the nice things about him – the bedtime stories, the little rides in the car when Father would pretend he was flying an aeroplane and I was his copilot.

“I tell myself if I just remember the good things, then that’s who he was,” Becky said, regarding me with stricken eyes. “But it’s a lie, isn’t it? How do you accept that your own father was a bad person, Doris? How can you love someone who… who might not deserve to be loved?”

I put an arm around the girl’s shoulders and drew her against me. “I’m not sure I have any answers for you, Becky. I know you can’t change the past, though. I used to try and make sense of my parents’ death the same way. What if I’d begged them not to go to the ball that night, what if I’d pretended to be ill so they stayed at home, what if I’d been there to get them out before the fire took hold? What if, what if, what if… But it’s no use. Nothing can change what happened. So all we can do is move on.”

Becky’s eyes were brimming with tears. “What helped you move on?”

I hadn’t thought about it until that moment. It struck me that my nightmares of Mama and Papa had petered out somewhere along the way, that the fits of depression I’d been beset by for years had diminished to the point that I could no longer remember the last one. It was quite the revelation.

“I… I think it was moving to Shadowglen,” I said, amazed. “It was starting a new life with you, your mother and your sisters.” I laughed at the simplicity of it. “How bizarre that I never even noticed until just now!”

“Then I shall follow your example, dear Doris,” Becky declared, brushing her tears away. She threaded her arm through mine. “I’ll immerse myself in this new, joyful passion we have.”

When the fourteen-year-old leaned across to kiss my neck, I had to gently discourage her. “Now, now. Not in a place of worship.” But I was already wondering if it would be possible to spirit Becky away when we returned to Shadowglen, the two of us adjourning to her bedroom for a bout of ardent lovemaking.


That evening in the bath, Melinda and Sophia must have sensed some change in my demeanour. They watched me carefully as I went about washing myself, their usual mischievous behaviour traded for curious looks and murmured words.

Becky joined us in the bath some nights, but more often than not she preferred to have me to herself, and I would find her waiting for me in my room later on. This evening, it was just myself and the two younger girls.

“Are we going to play?” Melinda asked, a hand reaching out to stroke one of my breasts. I pushed it gently away.

“We are, but not here. When we’re done in the bath I’d like you both to go back to your rooms and wait for me there.”

“But why?” Sophia said.

“Because I have a surprise for you both.”

Having dried off the two eager little nymphs, I gently swatted their bums and ushered them out into the corridor. While they scampered off to their rooms, I found Victoria in hers, just as she said she’d be.

Nervousness and anticipation warred in my body, but my lady seemed unflustered. She stood poised in front of her long mirror, hands running through her blonde hair.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

She turned to me with a smile, and I couldn’t help but notice the wild look in her eye. “Almost,” she told me, then slipped both hands beneath her silken dressing gown to grasp the waistband of her knickers. She pulled them down her stocking-clad legs and threw them on the bed. I couldn’t help but notice the damp spot upon the crotch. “I don’t think I’ll be needing those.”

And with that, we made our way down the hall to Sophia’s bedroom.


When I turned the knob and pushed open the door, Sophia was sitting on her bed with an eager look. Then, having seen who I’d brought with me, her eyes widened.

“M-Mummy?” she stammered as Victoria and I filed into the room.

Victoria’s smile was warm and motherly, but her eyes betrayed something that was decidedly less maternal. She drifted towards her daughter and bent to kiss her on the brow. “It’s all right, darling. Mummy just wants to see the lovely games her baby gets up to with Doris.”

Seating myself on the bed, I stroked the twelve-year-old’s hair. “Would that be all right, Sophia? If she stayed and watched us for a while?”

Sophia shrugged. “I don’t mind.” Then to me with a whisper: “Will we just kiss and cuddle, then?”

“Oh, no,” I replied. “I think your mother would like to see everything we do.”

“I insist on it,” Victoria cooed as she moved Sophia’s small vanity chair closer to the bed and sank down into it. She pulled the top of her gown open to bare her breasts, cupping them in both hands and brushing the nipples with her thumbs. She smiled at her wide-eyed daughter. “There’s no need to hide anything from me, sweetheart. It’s a wonderful thing when girls can love each other that way.”

I began teasing open the buttons of Sophia’s pyjama top. “Let’s take this off, shall we?”

With her attention centred on Victoria – I’m sure she’d never seen her mother fondle herself like that – I slipped the garment from Sophia’s shoulders and away, pausing to give Victoria a good long look at her daughter’s bare chest.

I began to caress the twelve-year-old, touching every inch of her exposed upper half. When I trapped the girl’s budding peaks between my fingers, scissoring them back and forth, her regard instantly returned to me. Making sure Victoria still had a clear view, I gently nudged Sophia back onto the bed, then bent to take a nipple between my lips, swirling my tongue round the stiffening bud.

“Ooh, yes,” Victoria breathed, squeezing her thighs together. “So lovely.”

I dipped back and forth between nipples, teasing each one with flicks of the tongue. Sophia tried to grasp my hair, as she so often did when I used my mouth this way, but I paused to whisper, “Keep those hands down by your sides, angel. Your mummy wants to see how we make love.”

In any case, Victoria was eager for us to move on to bolder activities. “Why don’t you let Doris take your pyjama bottoms off, sweetheart?” she said. “I want to see your beautiful body in all its glory.”

Sophia flushed with excitement. Perhaps it wasn’t yet fully clear to her why Victoria had joined us that evening, but she seemed accepting of her mother’s presence. “All right, Mummy,” she murmured, raising her bum for me.

Grasping the waistband, I drew Sophia’s pyjamas down her legs, leaving her completely naked. Since we’d begun these nocturnal excursions, she’d come to forego wearing knickers at bedtime, knowing full well they’d be surplus to requirements once I or her younger sister paid her a visit.

Giving Victoria my most innocent smile, I licked a finger, then ploughed it between her daughter’s vaginal lips, sliding it back and forth.

Victoria drew open the sides of her silvery gown to display herself fully, thigh-high black stockings ushering in a dusky thatch of hair and a flat, pale belly. First she parted her legs, then the lips of her sex, drawn apart with fingers to reveal the glistening, rosy flesh beneath.

Sophia propped herself up on her elbows to see what her mother was doing. I prised her lightly-downed cunt open in much the same way. “Spread your legs nice and wide,” I told her. “Let’s show Mummy the best bit.”

The twelve-year-old splayed her legs out across the bed, leaving her sex starkly exposed. Then my mouth was there, head tilted in such a way that when my tongue slithered through Sophia’s cleft, it moved from side to side, rather than up and down. A quick glance at Victoria told me she approved wholeheartedly. She had two fingers buried deep inside her own vagina, her other hand roughly kneading a breast.

Sophia watched her mother masturbate with a dreamy sort of fascination as I flicked my tongue over her clitoris. She shivered, then peered down at me, her face slack with pleasure. “It… it’s going to happen soon, Doris. J-just lick a little faster, would you, please…?”

“That’s it, let it happen, my darling,” Victoria was murmuring while she frigged herself. “Come for us.”

As if Mummy’s approval was all she needed, Sophia arched her body up from the bed. This time there was no restraining her when she clutched handfuls of my hair and humped furiously against me. “Don’t… stop just yet! Keep… d-don’t… Ohhhhhhh!”

When I turned to Victoria, my lips smeared with her daughter’s essence, she withdrew glistening fingers from between her legs. Now she thrust both hands away from herself, as if forcing herself to refrain from any further contact. It was clear she had taken herself to the very edge, then chosen to pull back at the last moment.

“Shall I do it to you now, Doris?” Sophia was asking, out of breath but still quite eager to return the favour. “You haven’t even taken your clothes off yet.”

Rising from the chair, Victoria sat on the bed next to Sophia, making no effort to tie her gown closed. She ran her fingers through her daughter’s hair, and knowing where those fingers had been only moments before sent a thrill through me. “I’m afraid Doris will have to wait her turn for now, my sweet. We’ve a rather long night ahead of us.”

“Are you going to Melinda’s room now?” Sophia asked, her weariness forgotten in an instant. “Shall I come with you?”

Victoria bent to kiss her daughter on the lips, lingering just long enough that it threatened to stray from the realms of the maternal into something else entirely. “Not tonight, sweetheart. Soon, though. I promise.”

Then she kissed Sophia again… and this time, I saw Victoria trace the twelve-year-old’s lower lip with her tongue. The startled child froze for an instant, then melted into her mother’s arms, her own tongue emerging to play.

My head swam, my heart throbbed at the impossible yet wondrously real sight of a mother and daughter kissing like ardent lovers. For a moment, I wondered if Victoria was about to give into her desire and couple with Sophia then and there… but then she broke the kiss, cradling her daughter close instead.

A blissful Sophia rested her cheek on Victoria’s bare breast. “I love you, Mummy,” she whispered.

“I love you, my precious child,” Victoria replied. “You’ve made me very, very happy.”

I was near enough to touch them both, to join in their embrace – but chose not to. This was their moment. Instead, I waited, basking in the warmth of their mutual adoration until Victoria tenderly lay Sophia down, drawing the blanket up to cover her daughter’s nakedness.

We each gave her a parting kiss and a whispered “nighty-night,” then made a quiet exit, carefully closing the door behind us before padding across the hall to Melinda’s room.


Before I even had the chance to turn the door handle, Victoria had me against the wall, kissing me fiercely, her tongue darting into my mouth. I tried to snake a hand into the folds of her gown but she batted it away, shaking her head. “Don’t. Anything could set me off right now. And I want to prolong this feeling for as long as I can.” She gestured towards the door. “After you.”

Melinda was propped up against a pillow, one hand balancing a book on her chest, the other grasping a ginger biscuit she’d clearly pilfered from the pantry. “Oh, hello, Doris,” she piped when I stuck my head round the door. “Will you read me the rest of this chapter? It’s getting rather exciting—” The ten-year-old craned her neck to peer behind me. “Who’ve you got with you there…?

Victoria gave me a gentle push into the room, following closely behind. Melinda quickly hid the biscuit under the pillow, all innocent smiles. “Um, hello, Mummy!”

But her mother wasn’t fooled. Perching on the edge of the bed, she reached into the ten-year-old’s hiding place to retrieve the nefarious snack. “What have we said about eating in bed? Doris might let you get away with this sort of mischief, but you won’t butter me up so easily!” With that, she set her fingers into the child’s ribs and gave her a quick tickle.

“Mummy, stop!” Melinda giggled. “Have you come to read me a bedtime story, then?”

Victoria gently pulled the book from Melinda’s grasp, folded it closed, then placed it on the nightstand next to the bed. “Why don’t we make up our own story instead?”

Melinda gave her mother a puzzled look. “What kind of story?”

Taking a place behind my young charge, I slowly drew the blankets away from her body.

Victoria stroked her daughter’s cheek. “Well… how about the story of the pretty little pixie who got up to some very naughty games with her nanny at bedtime?”

Melinda gave her mother a dazzling smile. “Oh, I like that story. Are you here to play naughty games too, Mummy?”

“Your mother wants to watch us play, Melinda,” I told the girl. “How does that sound?”

In response, Melinda had her pyjama bottoms and knickers off before another word was spoken. She spread her legs apart, folded her arms, then gave her mother and me a saucy look.

“I suppose we’ve just had that question answered,” Victoria chuckled.

“You watch from over here, Mummy,” Melinda said, indicating a spot to one side of the bed. “There’s not enough room for all three of us. Take your dressing gown off, if you like.” She glanced up at me. “You too, Doris.”

“Oh, thank you very much,” Victoria said, and the two of us shared an amused look. Of all the Shaw daughters, Melinda was the sweetest, but she could also be quite precocious when the mood took her, and so charming about it that one always seemed to end up doing exactly what she wanted. Certainly there was no denying the thrill of having a ten-year-old girl directing her mother and me in matters of sex.

Victoria slipped the silvery gown from her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Clad in naught but stockings, she teased her inner thighs, fingers tracing the curls of her bush but not allowing herself to venture any closer to her sex, at least not for the moment.

I cast away my own nightshirt with a single motion, glad to be rid of it.

Melinda gazed approvingly at her mother’s nudity. “You’re beautiful, Mummy,” she cooed. “I like how you look with no clothes on.”

A shiver rippled through Victoria’s elegant form. I suspected she might come at any moment, without even touching herself. “Th-thank you, my darling,” she said, a slight tremor in her voice. “Why don’t you and Doris play your special game now? I’d like to watch.”

Melinda turned to me, her eyes sparkling. “Go on then, Doris,” she told me, spreading her thighs even further apart. “Show Mummy what we do.”

Crawling onto the bed to lie between my little lover’s legs, I brushed Melinda’s sex with a feather-light kiss, then slowly drew my tongue up through her smooth slit. My eyes locked with those of Victoria as she perched on the edge of the bed, so close to us that I could smell her arousal. Now she was fondling her sex, sliding a finger through the folds while she watched us.

“This is what Doris does to me after we’ve had our bath, Mummy,” Melinda explained, as if describing what she’d got up to that day at school. “Can you see everything?”

Victoria’s eyes took on a dreamy cast as she pleasured herself. “Yes, baby girl, oh, yes… I can see. I’m so glad you and Doris can enjoy these lovely feelings together.”

“Sometimes I like to do this to my truffle,” the child continued, prising her petal-like labia apart to reveal the pink interior. “It feels really nice when Doris licks all around the inside. Show Mummy how you do that, Doris.”

Determined not to disappoint mother or child, I swirled my tongue round and round the juicy flesh of Melinda’s vagina while she held herself open for me – spiralling towards the opening of her sex, then back out to the boundaries of her labia. Victoria would recognise the technique; after all, it was she who had taught it to me.

As she ground her sex into my mouth, Melinda beamed at her mother, clearly thrilled to show off her favourite bedtime activity.

My cunt was crying out for attention, a hotbed of warm fluid and overstimulated nerve endings. It was becoming difficult to ignore, and I knew the matter would have to be addressed before very long. Perhaps Victoria would encourage Melinda to put her tongue to me before we tucked the little one away for the night.

But for now, I intended to give my lover the full show. Drawing my mouth away from the child’s sticky little honeypot, I murmured, “Turn round and kneel on the bed, Melinda… let’s show your mother the other thing we like to do.”

Melinda flipped round, positioning herself on all fours with the agility only a child could muster. Victoria rested a knee upon the bed and reached beneath her little one to unbutton her pyjama top and gently tug it off, leaving Melinda as naked as her mother and I. That done, she began stroking the child’s bare back while I took my tongue to the little arse before me.

Sophia had never quite taken to this way of making love, but Melinda adored it. She peered back at me with a blissful smile. “Lick both places, Doris,” she told me. “You know how much I like it when you do that!”

And so I trailed my tongue through the entire length of her crack, from her clitoris all the way up to her rosebud, then back down again.

Victoria bent to kiss and nuzzle her youngest at the small of her back, tantalisingly close to those firm little buttocks. I nearly gasped in astonishment.

Even after weeks of my lady’s schemes to broker a sexual bond between her daughters and me, I’d never stopped to consider whether there might be some incestuous motive on her part. Now I strongly suspected that Victoria was entertaining the notion of making love with her children. The thought was exquisite in its debauchery, sending a surge of renewed lust sweeping through me.

When Melinda’s legs began to tremor, I knew she was close to coming. Easing the tip of a finger into her arsehole, I flicked my tongue over her clit until she began clenching and unclenching her buttocks. With one slow, steady stroke I penetrated the ten-year-old’s rectum, right up to the third knuckle. I’d gone into her arse before, but never that deep.

“Doris!” Melinda cried, a shudder rocking her boyish frame. She pushed her bottom back as if attempting to take even more of my probing finger. “Oh… oh my, yes…”

“Good girl,” Victoria crooned, reaching round to gently pinch the child’s tiny nipples. “There’s my good girl. Are you enjoying yourself?”

“It… f-f-feels… so n-nice, M-mummy,” Melinda whimpered, shivering the way she always did just before orgasm.

Sure enough, the little girl went iron-rigid, making a low keening sound that rose to a high-pitched squeak. After a moment of small tremors she simply collapsed onto the bed, smiling and out of breath.

Victoria and I tucked her in, pulling the blanket up to cover the little one’s nakedness. My lady leaned across to kiss me full on the mouth, her tongue darting between my lips. Was it the thought of tasting her daughter on me that prompted such urgency? Had that been why she’d also kissed me outside Sophia’s room?

Having finished with me, she bent to kiss Melinda. Again, the exchange lingered just long enough to leave me wondering. A motherly kiss goodnight… or something more?

It was Melinda who resolved that question for me, her lips parting to deepen their kiss. I could only stare in awe as the child’s tongue darted into her mummy’s mouth. Victoria was quick to respond, meeting and matching her daughter’s passion, while Melinda twined both arms round her neck.

Just when I thought Victoria wouldn’t be able to tear herself away from this increasingly heated embrace, she broke their kiss. With an adoring smile, she briefly touched her lips to Melinda’s button nose, whispered, “My little angel,” then stood, bending to the floor to retrieve her gown.

“That was very nice, Mummy,” Melinda declared, then turned her gaze my way. “Thank you, Doris.”

Bending to hug my precious ten-year-old sprite, I kissed her cheek, cooing, “Sweet dreams, Melly.”

By then, Victoria had slipped back into her gown. She reached down to pluck the forbidden biscuit from the nightstand, took a small bite, then put it into Melinda’s hands. Holding a finger to her lips, she whispered, “Shhhh… our little secret,” before we alighted from the room.

Out in the hall, I reached out for Victoria. “I need to come, my love. I’m gasping for it. I know you are, too. Why don’t we leave Becky for another night? Let’s go back to your room and see to our needs.”

Victoria shook her head. “We mustn’t leave Rebecca out. Her feelings would be hurt.” Then she twined both arms around my waist, holding me close. “Don’t worry, my love. You’ll not be left wanting.”

I nodded in agreement, and we set off together for Becky’s room. But before we’d taken more than a couple of steps, it was Victoria’s turn to stop me.

Taking my hand, a knowing smile on her lips, she said, “You know, Rebecca’s a big girl, grown up enough to know what she wants. Whatever happens in her room tonight, let’s follow our desires.”

I wasn’t exactly sure what Victoria was driving at. But all would soon be revealed.

On to Chapter Fourteen!


The Grafton Lodge Girls, Chapter 2

  • Posted on January 6, 2025 at 4:15 pm

The story thus far: Kimberly Harcourt-Brown is a ten-year-old lesbian who has only ever had sex with her mother Arabella. As the story begins, she is being taken on a mystery getaway by her mum. Not long before their arrival, Kimmy finally gets the details of their trip. It seems that back when Arabella was at university, she and her four roommates/lovers made a vow of sorts: they would all strive to have daughters at around the same time, then teach them the ways of lesbian love when they were still little girls. And just before the girls entered their teen years, the four mothers would bring them to Grafton Lodge, a luxurious house they owned jointly, for a weekend of sexual abandon. Kimmy hasn’t seen any of her mum’s mates since she was too young to recall them, but she is still beside herself with delight.

Cast of Characters:

Arabella (Bell) and daughter Kimberly (Kimmy) (10): Brunettes
Fiona (Fi) and daughter Lily (9): Redheads
Claire and daughter Izzy (11): Brunettes
Charlotte (Lottie) and daughter Emily (10) : Blondes

by Joe Dornish

Once we’d exchanged hellos, Claire announced that she’d laid out lunch in the dining area. There was ham, turkey and several kinds of cheese, loaves of French bread, along with cream cakes for afters. We all took seats and eagerly tucked in.

I was sitting opposite Fiona, and my eyes kept getting drawn to her breasts while we ate. She caught me looking a few times, and I felt embarrassed at first, but she just smiled, as if giving me permission to stare.

As we ate, the kids began to relax a bit, and before long, we were joining in the discussion. It was mainly about what films and TV shows we liked to watch. Strictly Come Dancing was very popular at the table, as was the new Barbie movie.

Izzy was the most chatty of us girls. I was a bit wary of her at first, maybe because she is a bit older than the rest of us. At my school, the older girls can be really mean and rude to the younger ones. Izzy wasn’t at all like that, though, so I found myself warming to her right away. Lily was chatty, too, but she was at the far end of the table from me, so I couldn’t really talk to her. Emily was the quiet one. She was seated next to Mum and didn’t say much.

The first item on the afternoon’s agenda was for everyone to unpack, then Claire and Lottie would drive to the local supermarket, where they would stock up on groceries for the house. Meanwhile, the rest of us had a swim. Me and Mum only brought one big suitcase with us, but I still helped her unpack so we could get down to the pool right away

“I really like this house, Mum. Still can’t believe we own it,” I said, putting my toothbrush in the en-suite bathroom.

“We only own part of it… but yes, I agree. It turned out even better than we had hoped.”


“Here we go…” she said with a grin, putting some folded clothes in a drawer.

“What does that mean?” I asked with a frown.

“It means I know what you’re about to ask me.”

“Okay then, what am I going to ask?”

“Yes, she does fancy you.”

“Who does?”


I was absolutely floored. “How did you know?”

“Sweetie, you’ve been staring at her non-stop ever since we got here.”

“Oh my gosh, was I that obvious?” I said, my face getting hot.

“Yes, but it’s okay. I think we were all staring at someone that way.”

“Like the way you were staring at Emily?”

Now it was Mum’s turn to blush. “You noticed that?”


“Well, I guess I wasn’t as subtle as I thought, either.”

“She sure didn’t say much at lunchtime. Is she really shy?”

“Trust me, Emily isn’t shy. She may not have said very much, but her hands were very busy under the table.”

“What do you mean? Oh, wow, was she…?”

“Spot on. While the rest of you were chatting about Strictly, Emily had her hand under my dress.”

“No way! Are you serious?”


“How far did she get?”

“Let’s just say that she knows I’m not wearing knickers.”

“Holy crap!”

“Kimmy, language.”

“Sorry. But heck, I would never have guessed.”

“It’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for.”

“I’m beginning to see that. So um, about Fiona.”

“What about her?”

“So if I like her, and she likes me…um…”

“Is there a question in there somewhere?”

“Mum, stop it! You know what I’m trying to say.”

“Actually, I don’t. Are you asking for permission to have sex with her?”

“No. Well, yes, but I’m not really sure how to make it happen.”

“First, you have my permission to have sex with Fiona and anyone else here this weekend. That’s why we’re here, after all. And secondly, you already know how. You’re very good at sex.”

“Thanks, but that’s not what I meant. It’s different with you and me, we do it loads. But how do I start things off with Fiona?”

“Ah, okay, you’re talking about the art of seduction. Well, that’s very different. You may not know it, but you’re halfway there already. All those looks you’ve been giving her have not gone unnoticed, believe me. She knows you fancy her.”

“Okay, so she knows. Where do I go from here?”

“In this situation, given that she’s the adult and you’re the child, I’d let her make the first move.”

“But what if she doesn’t make the first move?”

“She will, don’t worry about that. Just stay close to her and an opportunity will arise. Now, what shall we wear in the pool? I’ve brought our all-in-one swimsuits, but I think bikinis would be more appropriate, don’t you?”

“Definitely,” I said, picking up the blue and white tie-dyed bikini Mum had left on the bed, which I totally love. Mum bought it for me for our summer holiday in Greece last year. It’s a stringy one, with ties at the sides of the bottoms and the neck of the top. Although in Greece we all went topless on the beach, most of the time. Mum always said she had a hard time keeping her hands off me when I wore it.

“Do you think I should wear the top?”

“It’s up to you, I’m going to wear mine. Depending on how things go with Emily, maybe I’ll ditch it later.”

“Okay, I’ll do the same.”

I quickly stripped off and was about to put my bikini on when I looked at Mum, who was now naked. I love her body so much. She’s slim with a slight hint of a tummy and has a lovely bum and great legs. But it’s her boobs I love the most. They’re the type of breasts I want when I grow up. Not too big, not too small and as Mum says, ‘still pretty perky, all things considered’. God, just looking at her made me feel warm all over.

I moved close to her. “Mum…?”


“Oh please, Mum. Pretty please?”

“Stop it, Kimmy, you little temptress,” she said as I placed a hand between my legs.

“But you said we could have loads of sex when we got here!”

Mum came over and hugged me, pressing her naked body against mine, then she leaned down to kiss me. Not a mother-daughter kiss; a lover’s kiss.

“You know I can’t resist you,” she said, our noses almost touching, “but you shouldn’t be having sex with me right now.”

“Why?” I said, unable to think of a single reason not to have sex with my mother.

“You know the way food tastes much better when you are very hungry?”


“Come on, Kimmy, think about the analogy. Why did I say that?”

This was Mum all over. She rarely just outright told me stuff, but made me work it out for myself. I thought about it for a second and then it came to me.

“Oh, I know! You mean that if we don’t have sex now, then when we have sex later it’ll feel a lot better?”

“Yes, exactly. Although it doesn’t necessarily have to be you and me having sex.”

“Ah, okay. You’re saying that I should save myself for Fiona, then when I have sex with her, it’ll feel a lot better.”


“Oh, cra…I mean oh, heck, what a choice. I can have sex with you now or save myself for Fiona.”

“It’s a dilemma, for sure.”

Teasing Mum, I put on a big pout. “Okay, you win. I’ll save myself.”

“Hey, that’s not fair; don’t put this on me, I want to have sex with you. I was merely pointing out another possible course of action. The choice is yours.” And with that she sat down on the bed and opened her legs.

Now who’s being unfair?” I protested. “Now that I’ve decided to hold off, you start teasing me!”

“Life’s rough, my love. So… what’ll it be?” she murmured, slowly running a finger up and down her slit.

By way of an answer, I knelt between Mum’s legs, pushed her hand out of the way, then lightly kissed her mons, just where the landing strip is.

“Good choice,” she said and laid back on the bed.

I love the way my mother smells, it’s a deep, musky scent that draws me into her and makes me want more. Pushing her legs open even further, I ran my tongue from her opening to her clit, giving it a little tickle with my tongue. Mum rewarded me with a long, low moan. I slipped a finger inside while nuzzling Mum’s thighs, then gave her clit another tickle before letting my tongue explore her folds again. When she started moving her hips about I knew she wanted me to pick up the pace, so I added another finger and began to work them in and out as my tongue drew circles on her clit.

“Mmmm, yes, that’s it. Ohhhhh Kimmy, my good girl…!”

Suddenly I stopped, stood up and said, “You know, I think you’re right. It’ll be better if I wait.”

Mum’s eyes were huge. “What? You can’t stop now!”

I giggled. “Now you know how I feel.”

“Why you little…”

Mum flew off the bed and chased me around the room. By the time she caught me I was already in fits of laughter. She tickled my ribs until I couldn’t take any more and was begging her to stop.

“Enough! I give in! I’m sorry!”

She gave me a stern look. “Next time you do that, I’ll tickle you until you bloody well faint!”

“Okay, okay…you win!”

Then she gave me a big kiss and a hug, a proper mummy hug. “I love you, Kimmy.”

“I love you too, Mummy.”

“Good, that’s sorted. Now let’s get into our suits.”


We were the first down to the pool. It was a lovely hot day with the sun shining through the open sides of the pool house. In a cupboard in the far corner I found a whole bunch of fun stuff for the pool. I threw the foam floats and rings in the water while Mum used a fancy machine to blow up four inflatable beds. I helped to blow up the beach ball, which we had to do with our mouths because the nozzle thingy didn’t fit on the machine. We still had a few things left to inflate when I heard voices behind us.

It was Izzy and Emily, closely followed by the two redheads, Lily and her mum Fiona.

Emily was wearing just a pair of red bikini bottoms and was topless, although like me she didn’t have any boobs yet. She had her blonde hair tied up in a bun, she looked dead cute and I caught Mum staring at her. While Mum’s eyes were firmly fixed on Emily, I didn’t quite know where to look.

Izzy was completely naked! I can’t believe she didn’t even bother with bikini bottoms. I loved her boldness, and thought she was wonderful for being so brave. And she was dead sexy, too. I was right about her boobs – they had just started growing, but were definitely there, which made me a bit envious. As she got closer, I could see she also had a tiny faint patch of dark hair on her mons. If I looked like that in a year’s time I’d be very happy.

I think it says a lot that although Izzy was naked, she only briefly held my attention. It was Fiona I couldn’t stop staring at. She and Lily both had matching emerald green bikinis. Lily was super cute and sexy, but her mum… oh my God, my jaw dropped at the sight.

Since I started having sex with my mum, I’ve learned a lot about women’s bodies and find myself paying more attention to women and girls around me. It was during a conversation with Mum one afternoon after sex that we discussed women’s body shapes. Mum showed me lots of photos, and it turns out I’m drawn to the classic hourglass figure. The photos of glamorous women from the nineteen fifties were my favourite. I’d love to have been alive back then; the style was so elegant and sensual.

The dress Fiona wore earlier had hidden much of her figure, which was now on full display… and what a sight she was. Her bikini was little more than tiny triangles of green material held together by thin bits of string. I thought Mum’s small thong was daring, but Fiona’s bottoms didn’t even have a thong, just a piece of string completely gobbled up by her fleshy bottom. She had long slender legs topped with curvy hips, a narrow waist and generous boobs. Her green eyes seemed to sparkle, and I nearly melted when she looked right at me, winked, then flicked her long red hair about. The butterflies in my tummy were going berserk.

“Have Claire and Lottie left for the supermarket?” Mum called, seemingly unfazed by the sight before us.

“Yes, they’ve just left,” Fiona, then bent to pick up a towel, giving us a glimpse of her bum that had the blood rushing to my head.

“Steady on, Kimmy,” Mum whispered, “You’re in danger of fainting.”

“Can you blame me?” I hissed back.

“Not a bit. Come on, let’s go say hello,” she said and we made our way towards the others.

Emily and Lily sat on the edge of the pool, briefly dangling their feet for a moment before they carefully slid into the water, but Izzy took a run up and dive-bombed straight in, making a huge splash.

When we got to where Fiona stood, she smiled and said, “Gosh, you two look great, I love your bikinis.”

“Thanks. I love yours; that colour goes so nicely with your hair,” said Mum.

“It’s lovely,” I said.

Fiona gave us a dazzling smile. “Why, thank you! Green has always been my colour, I probably wear too much of it if I’m being honest… but hey, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.”

“Too true. Listen, Fi, I need to get the rest of the stuff out for the pool. Can you look after Kimmy, please? She gets bit nervous in the water.”

“Of course I can! Come on Kimmy, we’ll get in together,” said Fiona, taking my hand in hers.

Nervous in the water? What was Mum talking about? I love the water. I can swim like a fish! And I wasn’t nervous, either. Well, I was, but not about getting into the pool!

As Mum padded away, Fiona bent over to run her hand through the water. Of course, my eyes were fixed on her bum. The material barely covered her kitty, which was beautifully outlined against the fabric. “It’s nice and warm,” she said.

Then, to my absolute horror, she looked over her shoulder and caught me red-handed staring at her bum. Oh, God, so awkward!

I stood there speechless for a moment, then cleared my throat and said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”

But Fiona couldn’t have been nicer about it. She said, “It’s okay, Kimmy. If you like what you see, then you can stare all you like.”

“I, um, I think you’re really, really beautiful,” I said, going an even deeper shade of crimson.

“Aw, aren’t you just the sweetest thing. Can I tell you a little secret?”

“Of course,” I said, nodding furiously.

“I’ve been staring at you as well. I think you’re the sexiest girl I’ve ever seen.”

I didn’t know what to say, I just stood there staring at her like an idiot until she smiled and said, “Right then, shall we get in the pool?”

“Yes, but um, I’m not really nervous in the water, I don’t know why Mum said that.”

She chuckled and said, “It’s okay, sweetie, I know why she said it.”


The pool was great fun. We splashed about and chased each other and threw the beach ball about. It was a total blast. Claire and Lottie quickly returned from the shops, and as soon as the groceries were put away, they got into their swimsuits and joined us in the pool. Of course, that gave me the opportunity to look them over.

They both wore bikinis – more like my mum’s thong one than the stringy one Fiona was wearing, more’s the pity. Being a boob girl, that’s what I took the most notice of. Claire had a figure much like my mum, she was in good shape with medium-sized boobs, maybe a C or D cup. Lottie was slim and toned, she obviously worked out a lot and had the smallest boobs of the adults, which I was pretty sure were a B cup. They looked great though, in fact everyone did, and by great I mean sexy. Sure, I was developing a bit of a thing for Fiona, but I was otherwise spoilt for choice. There wasn’t a person here I didn’t fancy, adult or girl.

I’d done my best to take Mum’s advice and was sticking close to Fiona, although it was difficult when we were all splashing about and playing games. But as we grew tired people started to chill out a bit more which made it easier for me to stay near her. Lottie and Claire had just got out of the pool and were heading to the garden to sunbathe. Mum was playing with Emily, while Izzy and Lily had some kind of game going with the beach ball on the other side of the pool. I was lying on one of the inflatable loungers and Fiona was gently pushing me around, which was great because her breasts were right in my face.

I couldn’t help staring at her erect nipples as they poked at the fabric. It was mesmerising. To be fair, though, she did say I could stare at her. Besides, she was doing a lot of staring herself. From what I could tell, she seemed to really like my bum. We were talking about clothes shops we liked but I wasn’t paying much attention to the conversation, I was just happily staring at Fiona’s boobs and imagining how lovely it would be to suck them when I noticed her look over her shoulder towards the garden, her interest captured by something.

A few years ago, there was this day when I was out shopping with Mum and Hanna, and I had a massive craving for a fresh cream chocolate éclair. We turned a corner in the street and there just happened to be a bakery right there and Mum said, ‘Who fancies a cream cake?’ What happened next was a bit like that.

Fiona’s attention had been caught by Claire and Lottie, who’d removed their bikini tops to sunbathe, then she looked across the other way, where my mum was taking her top off too.

“Hmmm, the others are taking their tops off. What do you think; shall we be brave and do the same?” said Fiona.

“God, yes. Please.”

Fiona burst out laughing, “I thought you might say that.”

I gave her a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I’m dying to see your boobs.”

She smiled and said, “Here you go, then,” Unfastening her bikini top, she threw it across to the side of the pool.

Her top hadn’t been covering much, but to finally see her titties for real was amazing. She had the most perfect pink nipples ever, like gumdrops. I ached to take them into my mouth.

“Your turn now,” she said.


Fiona laughed again, “I said, ‘Your turn now’.”

“Oh yeah, sorry,” I said and quickly whipped my top off, launching it over to the side of the pool.

“Oh, my… you’re even lovelier than I thought,” she said, looking me up and down. Placing both hands on her hips, she added, “What about me, then? See anything you like?”

“Yeah, you’re totally sexy. Like, just amazing.”

Then Fiona glanced around the pool, although at what I wasn’t quite sure. She gently waded across the pool, pushing me along on the floating lounger, then turned us around so we were in the far corner and her back was to everyone else.

“We – the adults, I mean – promised each other we wouldn’t do anything sexual until tonight, but um, I suppose a little treat wouldn’t hurt.”

“A little treat…?” I began, unsure what she was getting at until I saw her looking around again, then I realised she was making sure nobody was watching.

Then she turned to me and said, “Would you like to suck my nipples?”

“God, yes.”

She bent forward slightly so her boob was nearly touching my face and I quickly latched on. I would have been content to stay there like that for hours, but Fiona had other ideas.

“Kimmy, can I… can I touch you?”

Without releasing my grip on her nipple I nodded and kind of mumbled ‘Mm-hum’.

From the corner of my eye I saw Fiona thrust one hand under the water and between her legs while the other hand slid right into my bikini bottoms. I opened my legs a little, and she started stroking my clit as I suckled on her gorgeous titties. I was in heaven.

And by the sound of it, so was Fiona. Whatever she was doing to her kitty under the water must have been pretty intense, because she was biting her lip and her eyes were closed from the effects of what was obviously a fast-approaching orgasm. I wasn’t far behind her. Those slender fingers of hers were working wonders in my bikini bottoms.

“Ah shit, yes, that’s it, Kimmy! Suck my nipples, baby. Oh fuck yes, that’s good!”

I was shocked. Mum NEVER swears like that in front of me, even when we’re having sex. Hearing Fiona say such naughty things blew my mind and sent me straight over the edge. I shivered and whimpered and had a short but lovely orgasm. And unless I was very much mistaken, so did Fiona. Her face screwed up and her hand was now definitely moving under the water. She kind of tensed up a bit, moaned under her breath and then relaxed and opened her eyes.

Removing her hand from my bottoms, she leaned in and we kissed, using our tongues and everything. It was totally awesome, but we kept it brief so no one would notice.

“More of that later,” she whispered, her lips caressing my ear. “Much more.”

“Yes, please,” I whispered back.

Fiona turned us around and began to steer the lounger back towards the middle of the pool, but then we both saw Mum looking straight at us. She must have known what we were up to, but instead of frowning, she winked. Fiona mouthed the words, Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, and shrugged.

Mum laughed and nodded towards Emily, who was standing beside her. Me neither, her lips formed, and I had to laugh. Seems that Emily and Mum had also been having a little secret fun in the pool!

Fiona draped an arm over my shoulders. “I love your mother.”

“Yeah, I do, too,” I said, “She’s a pretty cool mum.” And an incredible lover, I wanted to add, but didn’t.

“Right, then! I don’t know about you, but we’ve been in here so long my skin is starting to wrinkle. How about we get out, stroll around and perv on everyone’s boobs?”

“Love to!” I exclaimed, already hoisting myself out of the water.

And that’s exactly what we did. Fiona and I went to the garden, where we spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the sun and eyeing everyone up. It was lots of fun! I had a great time with Fiona, who made me feel very special. Not just because she seemed to fancy me as much as I did her, but because she spoke to me like I was an adult, even though I’m not one yet. Funny, it never occurred to me that the first friend I’d make at Grafton Lodge would be a grown-up.

Late in the afternoon, Fiona and I were back in the pool and sharing a sun lounger when Izzy, still very naked, came running in from the house.

“Kimmy, we need you inside. We want to play table tennis, but it takes four of us to do it properly.”

I’d never played table tennis before. To be honest, I wanted to keep hanging out with Fiona. But Mum said, “Aw… that’s nice of you to invite her to play,” which I knew was her subtle way of telling me it would be rude to say no.

I was still trying to think how I could get out of it when Fiona whispered in my ear, “You lucky thing, you get to pass the time with three half-naked girls while I’m stuck here with the grownups.”

I’d never thought of it that way! Giving Izzy a big smile, I said, “I’d love to play, but I don’t know how.”

“Oh that’s okay! Neither do we, really… we’re just hitting the ball about.”

Izzy was right: NONE of us were any good at table tennis. It’s a lot harder than it looks. It didn’t help that no one knew the rules, so we just made them up as we went along. Plus, I was very distracted by Izzy’s nakedness. It was fun though. After a while we wandered into the kitchen and got some juice then piled onto the sofa in the games room.

“What’s Tintin?” asked Lily, staring at the framed poster on the wall.

“I’ve never heard of it before,” said Emily.

“Me neither,” I said, “It looks like some sort of old school comic book.”

“That’s what it is,” said Izzy, “We have a few Tintin comics in my school library, but they’re all in French.” She was sitting back with her legs spread wide open with her kitty on full display. I felt certain she was doing that deliberately and wanted us to look. I sure was!

“It’s really cool that our mums bought this house,” Lily said. “I hope we come here lots and lots.”

I was taking a real shine to Lily. Maybe it’s because she was younger than the rest of us, or because she was Fiona’s daughter, but she had a very sweet way about her like a little ginger kitten. And who knows, maybe I would get to have sex with her and her mum together. That would be SO amazing!

“I hope we all keep coming here at the same time,” said Emily, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “I like your moms a lot… and you guys, too.”

“Um, Emily, can I tell you something?” said Izzy.


“You have to promise not to say anything, though.” That got our attention right away.

“Okay, I promise.”

Izzy was actually blushing! “I… I’ve got the massive hots for your mum.”

“I think she likes you too,” Emily replied with a grin. “She keeps staring at you.”

Maybe that’s because she’s been running about stark naked all day, I thought.

“Oooh, yes!” Izzy squealed, bouncing up and down where she sat. “God, I hope she does like me that way. I really want to fuck her.”

I nearly choked at her use of that word. Lily’s eyes were huge. As for Emily, she went bright red and said, “Wow, does your mum know you swear?”

“Yeah, of course. I mean, I can’t just use those words anywhere, but if it’s just Mum, or we’re having sex, I can say anything I want. Even swears.”

“Wow!” I said. “Your mum’s pretty wild, huh?”

Izzy frowned. “Doesn’t your mum let you use dirty words when you’re having sex?”

“No!” I exclaimed. Emily and Lily shook their heads as well.

“Blimey,” said Izzy, “I thought everyone did.” Maybe she felt a bit self-conscious or something, because she closed her legs and sat forward.

“I hope you get to have sex with Mummy. I reckon she’d really like that,” said Emily.

“Do you fancy anyone’s mum, then?” Izzy asked her.

Emily went red-faced again as she looked at me. “I like Kimmy’s mum. She’s lovely.”

I grinned at her, “She likes you a lot. In fact, she thinks you’re dead sexy.”

“REALLY?” Emily cried. “Oh, wow, oh, wow!”

“Uh-huh,” I said and decided to use Mum’s advice, “Stay close to her this evening and maybe you’ll get an opportunity to be alone with her…you never know.”

“Okay, I will,” she said, grinning widely, “Thanks.”

“Since we’re talking about this, I don’t mind admitting that I fancy Lily’s mum,” I said.

“I think we kind of guessed that,” said Izzy.

“Oh crap, is it that obvious?”

“Yeah, I mean, you’ve been with her practically all day, but hey, it’s fine, it’s good to have a crush.”

I wanted to tell them that I’d already sucked on her boobs while she masturbated me in the pool but somehow I thought it best to keep that a secret.

“What about you Lily, is there anyone you fancy?”

She went red-faced and stared at her feet.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell if you don’t want to,” said Emily.

“N-no, it’s okay. Um, I like Izzy’s mum,” Lily stammered, then hid her face.

“I’m pretty sure she likes you too,” said Izzy.

Lily nearly jumped out of her seat. “Really? Does she?”

“Oh, sure. I mean, she’s not told me or anything, but I know my mum… and I’m practically positive she’s crushing on you. I can ask her if you like!”

“WHAT? Oh, please no, don’t do that, really, it’s fine.”

“Suit yourself,” said Izzy, slumping back into the sofa and opening her legs again.

“Isn’t that funny?” said Emily. “Each of us likes a different mum!”

“That is rather lucky,” I said.

Emily’s comment started me thinking. There was definitely an element of luck involved, I mean, nobody could have predicted how much I’d fancy Fiona, or that each of us kids would have a thing for someone else’s mother… or could they?

I remember Mum telling me that for the most part, you make your own luck in life. She explained to me that if you worked hard, planned properly and considered all the options, then you’d be more likely to succeed in your goals, rather than just relying on luck.

Mum knows I’ve got a thing for women with Fiona’s body shape, and I wouldn’t put it past her to organise things so Fiona was the first of the mothers I saw when we arrived. Then in the pool, Fiona mentioned that the adults had ‘promised each other they wouldn’t do anything sexy until tonight’. I hadn’t given those words much thought at the time, mainly because I was so focused on Fiona’s gorgeous boobs, but it was clear that there had been some advance planning going on here that we didn’t know about. Maybe our mums had worked out a way to guide us kids into fancying the mum they wanted them to fancy. It was certainly possible, I figured.

Not that it mattered. I trusted my mum and if she was guiding me into Fiona’s arms… well, I certainly wasn’t going to complain. And if this little vacation hadn’t been planned out to the smallest detail,  then events had worked out pretty well on their own.

Either way, I was dead excited about that night… and whatever other surprises awaited me over the rest of the weekend.

On to Chapter Three!


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 26

  • Posted on January 1, 2025 at 8:09 pm

A brief summary (well, it USED to be brief…) of what has transpired thus far. (To get a additional breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )

Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.

Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really starting to founder. By then, Mallory and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa gets involved. 

Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex. In the weeks to come, they will get together again every now and then for more of the same.

Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.

Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, which leave her feeling flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t go away, either.

Sharon soon gets a job at a senior center, and is making plans to go back to school. Needless to say, Mal’s father is most unhappy with this development. On the other hand, Mallory is quite pleased for her mom, and takes the opportunity to get in her lap and give her playful, but subtly flirtatious kisses. More then ever, she suspects that her mother is secretly gay.

Mal is gradually becoming more popular at school. One result is that she and Julie are invited to a sleepover with Emma and Cindy, a couple of Julie’s friends. Once the parents are asleep, the girls get into a discussion concerning masturbation, which leads to everyone getting naked and engaging in mutual touching. Emma and Cindy love it, and the four of them get together for more fun a couple of weeks later.

Mallory finds a new student project: playing keyboards in a rock band of high school students supervised by Jason, who has also been teaching his daughter Julie how to do mixing work. Mal is much younger than the other members, but her skills soon win the others over. One of the band members is a sweet hippie girl named Jamie, and Mal is immediately attracted to her.

An ugly scene occurs at the home of Mal’s grandmother, where her mother Sharon is staying until she finds her own place. When Sharon makes a disparaging comment about lesbians, Mal loses her temper in a big way. In her anger, she comes out there and then, venting until her mother breaks down and cries. Mal quickly becomes remorseful, but the damage is done.

A couple of unhappy developments occur. First, Mallory’s parents make it official: they are to divorce. Mal is utterly disgusted with them both. Second, two of Julie’s cousins have vanished without explanation, eleven-year-old twin girls named Anna and Nettie. A search is underway, but without success thus far. Mallory has never met these girls, but she prays as best she can for their safe return.

A few days later, the twins are found and their kidnapper arrested, but not before he murdered Anna. Nettie is still alive, but devastated, and the girls’ parents go completely to pieces, turning on each other in their grief. Obviously, they are unable to take care of Nettie, so after a family discussion in which Mal is asked to participate, Jason, Lisa and Julie decide to bring Nettie into their home for the time being. Mal vows to do everything she can to help Jason’s niece to recover from her emotional trauma.

Mal and Julie pay Jamie a visit. The girls admit to being lovers, then tempt Jamie into masturbating with them. This quickly leads to much more.

Mallory gets to meet Nettie soon after that, when Jason brings her home. Sure enough, she is in bad shape: unable or unwilling to do or say much, often screaming herself awake from nightmares.

Mal’s band is making serious progress, which gets her and Julie a sleepover at Jamie’s place. Needless to say, music isn’t the only item on the agenda that night.

The next day, while practicing her keyboard part on a Black Sabbath cover, Mal puts the album on, only to get a positive response from Nettie, who asks to hear more. It’s the first time she’s shown interest in anything since her twin’s sister’s death. Mal, Julie, Lisa and Jason are is thrilled. Could their tormented guest be on the mend?

In the days that follow, Nettie seems to be emerging from her torpor. In addition to her burgeoning interest in heavy metal, she becomes absorbed by Jason’s medical textbooks.

At band rehearsal, Mal’s and her fellow group members toy with a concept: focus on Eighties pop. At the same rehearsal, they also make plans to perform live, and even manage to work up a cool original song. The entire band is thrilled.

Mallory has a frank discussion with her mother Sharon about sexuality and desire. She admits to listening to her mom masturbate through the wall, then gets Sharon to confess that she has overheard Mallory touching herself as well… and it arouses her. Somehow, Mal persuades Sharon to stay in her room instead, then mother and daughter masturbate together.

And now we rejoin our story, which is currently in progress. Do enjoy!

by Rachael Yukey

March 1st, 2007

I just got home from rehearsal, and Mom is dozing on the couch. I think I’ll just leave her there; it’s late. We’re the last student band to rehearse on Thursday nights, so we’ve kind of taken to running overtime. Especially now that we’re planning to play some real gigs (and even have some booked!), we need to learn A LOT of music.

We want to write more too, but we’re putting that on hold until we have enough songs to make a full show. Club bands typically do either four forty-five minute sets or three one-hour sets, for which you need forty songs or so. We won’t be playing clubs, but Roger says that county fairs and stuff like that will expect the same thing, so we’re going to learn forty-five.

So far we’ve got four small-town summer festivals booked. We’ll be playing in Battle Lake, Henning, Vining, and right here in Dickson. We’re going to get SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS for the Battle Lake show! Roger says that’s peanuts, but it sure sounds like a lot to me! The other towns are going to pay us $400-$500. I don’t care if it’s peanuts… I’m actually going to get paid to play music!

I really need to back up here. I’m gushing out what’s on my mind right this minute, when I should be putting everything that’s happened since the last time I wrote in some kind of order. There’s a lot to tell!

When my alarm went off Tuesday morning I was still snuggled up with Mom. It seemed to take her a minute to realize where she was, and once she did, she got out of bed in a hurry and went straight for the bathroom. She took a shower, which wasn’t so great from my point of view… I had to pee!

I don’t normally get up quite that early. Mom usually makes me breakfast, and we have a few minutes together before she has to leave for school. But I was already awake, so I got myself out of bed and made my way to the kitchen, where I put some coffee on for Mom and made scrambled eggs with toast.

Finally she emerged from the bathroom, and I ran in to take care of my business. Mom was dressed when I came out, and wanted to go back in and do her hair. It felt like she was trying to get away from me, so I insisted she eat first while the food was still warm.

We mostly ate in awkward silence. Starting conversations is NOT something I’m very good at, and Mom was looking everywhere but in my direction. I knew what the problem was, of course, and sensed that letting her think too much about it would be a disaster.

The second she finished eating, Mom got up, carried her plate to the sink, and made a beeline for the bathroom. I followed her in, having decided that the only way to tackle this problem was head-on.

“Hey… Mom?” I said.

“What is it, sweetie?” she replied, attacking her hair with a brush.

“Are you upset about what happened last night? Please don’t be.”

“Let’s not talk about it,” she said, the words coming out in a jumbled rush. She was practically ripping her hair out.

“Why not?” I said. “It was beautiful and special, and I’m glad it happened. Come on, Mom. Is being together when we touch ourselves so much worse than listening to each other do it through the walls?”

Mom set the hairbrush down, rested both hands on the countertop, and lowered her head. “It was wrong,” she said. “The Word says it’s wrong. It’s probably even illegal. I was wrong to let it happen. I was weak.”

I put my hand over hers. “It didn’t feel wrong. Not to me, anyway.”

“Not to me, either,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “And that’s the problem. I was weak, and I let myself get carried away. The worst part is that it’s something I wanted.”

I wrapped my arms around her waist. “It’s okay, Mom,” I said, “Really, it is. We’re not bad people. I don’t see how anything that feels good and doesn’t hurt anybody could be wrong. Especially if it brings us closer.”

Mom twisted around in my arms until we were face-to-face, and hugged me back. “I wish I could believe that.”

“I believe it. Think it over before you let yourself be upset all day long, Mom. Okay?”

She nodded. “Okay. Okay, Mallory.” There was still a hint of worry in Mom’s voice, but she seemed a bit less fragile than she had a few minutes before. “Now… I really do have to get ready for school.”

I knew this was the best I was going to get, so I gave her one final squeeze, then went to get ready myself.


It got really warm that day; the temperatures were in the forties by the time school let out. If it wasn’t for the snowstorm last night, I’d be tempted to think spring was coming early! But I’m getting ahead of myself again, aren’t I? Stop it, Mallory-girl!

A bunch of us were milling around outside right after school. Mom was going to be staying late in the computer lab again, I’d been invited to dinner at Julie’s house, and we decided to hoof it instead of taking the bus. Of course, we brought Nettie along, and the three of us were standing in a loose sort of circle with Emma and Cindy when a couple of boys from our class walked past.

“Hi, Emma,” Floyd Peterson called out, tipping her a wink. “You’re looking pretty fine today. What’re you doing, mixing up with Crying Girl?” He thrust his chin at Nettie, snickering.

Nettie shuffled her feet, her face flushing bright red.

“Leave me alone, you creep,” Emma snarled.

Julie gave a glare that could peel paint. “And leave Nettie alone!”

Floyd stopped, his buddy Tom coming to a halt beside him. Tom looked uneasy.

“Who’s gonna make me, huh?” Floyd sneered. “It’s all she does all day, just sits around and cries. You should find someone more cheerful to hang around with… like me, maybe.”

“Shut up, you asshole!” Julie screamed. By then, tears were running down Nettie’s cheeks, and her hands were shaking.

“Make me,” Floyd repeated smugly.

“If she doesn’t, I might, you grungy little shit,” came a voice from behind me. A smile came to my lips as I recognized the voice of Megan Frost. “You might show a little compassion, fuckwad,” she went on. “You know as well as anyone else what she’s been through.”

“Oh, whine and moan,” he said, waving his hand dismissively. He turned back to Nettie. “What’s the matter, Crying Girl, can’t handle life? People die, it’s just what happens. Get over it.”

My blood was boiling. I took two steps toward him, fists balled at my sides, until we were only inches apart. “Shut. The fuck. UP!” I snapped. “Or I’ll kick you so hard your balls come flying out of your mouth.”

I honestly don’t know what I was thinking, the guy’s like twice my size. It’s not like I had a plan; I just wanted to make him stop picking on Nettie.

Floyd threw his head back, cackling with laughter. “Sure,” he choked out. “You and Julie’s lame-ass cousin are going to come over here and teach me a…”

With a banshee howl, Julie sprang forward, fists flying, almost knocking me over as she brushed past. Floyd stumbled backwards, throwing his hands up to protect his face. He almost went down, caught himself, then flailed around, trying to get hold of Julie’s wrists. All this happened in the space of maybe a second. I realized that given another second, Floyd was going to get hold of her, then use his superior strength to… I didn’t want to think about it.

I threw myself forward, slamming into Floyd from the side, my arms encircling his waist as I tried to take him down. Then Cindy and Emma were in there, pummeling him from the other side and behind, and I could see Megan moving in.

“No, Megan!” I yelled. “You’re older, you’ll get in trouble!”

Floyd stumbled and fell backwards into a snowbank, almost landing on Emma. She twisted out of the way just in time. I went down with him, scrambling to use all of my weight to pin down one of his arms. Julie and Cindy collapsed onto him, and in another second Emma was in there with us. Floyd kicked and thrashed, but didn’t manage to land any hard blows.

We were just really starting to get him under control when an authoritative male voice bellowed, “All right, that’s enough! Everybody off the ground and away from each other, right now!”

Everyone froze for a moment. I’m not sure who moved first, but suddenly we were all scrambling to our feet and moving apart. I realized I was all covered with snow, but I didn’t care. Principal Williams was standing there in a long overcoat with his arms folded, frowning severely.

“Now, what exactly is going on here?” he demanded.

“I didn’t do nothin’, Mr. Williams,” Floyd blurted. “They just jumped me, all of them! They…”

“You lying BASTARD!” Julie shrieked. She lunged at him, and I grabbed her by the back of the coat just in time.

“He… he was making fun of Nettie, Mr. Williams,” I stammered, fighting to get my breath back. “He was being mean, and making her cry. He…”

“I was not!” Floyd yelled, balling his fists. “They’re the liars, Mr. Williams, I swear…”

“I saw the whole thing, Mr. Williams,” said Megan, stepping in. “Mallory’s telling the truth. He kept calling Nettie ‘crying girl’ and was making fun of her for mourning her sister.”

Mr. Williams turned to look at Tom, who was shuffling his feet around and looking at the ground. “Is that true?”

“Um, well, Mr Williams, he didn’t really mean it, he was just…”

“Shut up, you stupid dipshit!” Floyd yelled.

“I see,” said Mr. Williams. “Tom, Megan, why don’t you get on your buses before they take off. The rest of you, in my office. Now.”


“I don’t believe it.” Floyd’s mother was standing in the principal’s office, her face red. “My boy wouldn’t…”

“There were several witnesses, Ms. Peterson,” said Mr. Williams. “Including his own friend, Tom. And you know very well that Floyd has served detention for bullying before.”

Ms. Peterson’s eyes narrowed, and she turned to glare at her son. Julie, Cindy, Emma, and I were standing against the back wall of the principal’s office, waiting our turn. Jason Hanson was there, as was Cindy’s mom. Thankfully, Lisa had come to the school and spirited Nettie home.

“Were you picking on that girl?” Ms. Peterson demanded in a severe tone.

Floyd looked down at his feet, scuffing the floor sullenly with his toe. “They’re all out to get me, Mom. They planned this. I’m going to beat the shit out of Tom next time I see him.”

“You watch your language, young man!” She turned back to the principal. “Maybe he did do something, but it doesn’t justify this… this assault by these girls. I trust you’ll see that they’re punished accordingly.”

“The girls will be dealt with, Ms. Peterson,” Mr. Williams said. “Meanwhile, Floyd will serve in-school detention this week, and receive a zero for any missed assignments during that time. Our bullying policy is…”

“But he’s already failing math!”

Julie snickered, and I couldn’t help but snort as well. Cindy and Emma also looked amused. Principal Williams flashed us a warning glance. “Girls,” he said, then turned his attention back to Ms. Peterson. “In that case, Ms. Peterson, I suggest you take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that your son’s abusive behavior ceases. This is not his first offense, and I assure you that the disciplinary action will only escalate from here. That’s all I have for you. Floyd, please report to detention in the library tomorrow morning.”

“Fine,” Ms. Peterson snapped, grabbing Floyd by the sleeve of his coat and practically dragging him out of the room.

Principal Williams sat down. “Okay, girls,” he said. “I’m not going to say I don’t understand. But violence as a solution to problems isn’t something we can tolerate here, any more than we can tolerate bullying. What did you expect to accomplish?”

Julie looked him straight in the eye. “Seems to me it worked pretty good,” she said. “If we complained to a teacher, they’d just tell him to stop it. Now he has detention.”

Principal Williams stared at her for a long moment, then let out a guffaw. “Fair point,” he admitted. “Still, it’s not something I can just let slide. This is a first offense for all of you, so… how does a one-page essay on alternatives to violence sound?”

“That sounds fair,” said Julie.

“Sure,” said Emma. Cindy and I both nodded.

“Mr. Hanson, Ms. Moen,” said the principal, “I trust you’ll be taking steps to see that the incident doesn’t recur? I’ll be asking the same question of Emma and Mallory’s parents, as soon as they can be reached.”

“Of course,” said Ms. Moen.

Jason shrugged. “For my part,” he said, “I think I’m going to treat my daughter to an ice cream at Stevie’s. Even better… ice cream for everyone who stood up for Nettie out there. What do you say, ladies?”

Jason had to go home for his wallet in order to take us all to Stevie’s Sweeties, so the four of us decided to walk downtown and meet him there. It’s only a few blocks. Megan was waiting for us outside of the school.

“I saw that little dickweed leave with his Mom,” she said. “She was practically dragging him by the hair! How bad did you guys make out?”

“We have to write essays on being peaceful,” Emma said cheerfully.

Megan laughed. “Good old Williams. He doesn’t really want to punish you, but he has to put on a show. Where are you four off to?”

“Jason’s going to meet us at Stevie’s and buy us ice cream,” I said.

“Nice!” said Megan. “I’ll walk down there with you. And by the way… that was badass. Julie’s cousin has a posse.”

A thought struck me as we made our way up the street. “The pussy posse,” I said, and we all dissolved into gales of laughter.

Jason bought us all big ice cream sundaes with anything we wanted on them, and insisted on treating Megan as well after hearing about the role she’d played. He left us in the sweet shop, eating ice cream on stools at the long counter, and went home to get ready for his Tuesday evening class.


By the time Julie and I got to her place, Jason had already left. He doesn’t eat at home on his school nights. Lisa met us at the door and swept us into a hug. “I heard you were very brave,” she said.

Nettie appeared a few minutes later, and gave both of us brief hugs. “Thanks for sticking up for me,” she murmured, then disappeared back into her room. Julie’s right… she’s not looking good. I think she’s losing weight.

Dinner was a rack of lamb, mashed potatoes, and creamed broccoli. Nettie finished less than half her plate, and Lisa hadn’t given her all that much to start with. After dinner she promptly vanished into her room again, and the three of us went upstairs to Lisa’s room where Nettie wouldn’t be able to hear us talking.

“Julie said she got worse again,” I said. “I didn’t realize how bad it was, though.”

“Jason’s been talking to the social services people and the therapist,” said Lisa. “He wanted to know if we’re doing anything wrong, or could be doing more, or if maybe she’d even be better off somewhere that she’s being watched over by professionals. They say no. We’re doing everything right, or at least as close as you’re going to get. We just have to give it time, give her love, and hope for the best.”

“How are you doing?” I asked. “With the baby and all?”

“Oh, it seems fine so far,” said Lisa. “I’ve had an upset stomach, but that seems to be passing now. I still have most of my energy. The worst thing is this ooky white discharge I get in my panties sometimes… nobody told me that was going to happen! But look.”

She lifted her blouse, exposing her bare belly. “I’m starting to show, just a little. See?” She ran a hand over her stomach, and I could see she was right: there was just a little bit of a bulge there.

“Neat!” I said. “Can I feel?” Lisa smiled and guided my hand to her belly. I ran my palm across the barely perceptible curvature.

“Wow,” I said. “There’s an actual baby in there.”

“That’s just so damn cool,” Julie enthused.

“Wanna hear something else that’s cool?” I said.

“Like what?” said Julie.

“Well, remember you said my mom could be an exception to our agreement if I can get her into bed?”

Lisa’s mouth fell open. “You’re sleeping with your mother? How did you manage that?”

I giggled. “Well, I haven’t yet, not really,” I said. “But we masturbated together in my bed last night. It’s a start. I think she wants to do more, but she’s scared. I have to go slow.”

“NICE!” said Julie.

“Something else,” I said. “I’m working on setting up a hangout with us, Megan and Jamie. Who knows what could happen?”

“Oh, I can think of a few things,” said Julie, her voice dreamy. She lay back on the bed and sighed.

“Sounds like you’re thinking of them now,” I teased.

“It’s not my fault you know all the right ways to make me wet,” she shot back.

“Are you? Wet, that is?”

Julie just smiled. I brushed my hand across her thigh, unbuttoned her jeans, and slipped inside. She was wet, all right, so I went straight to work. Moments later her hand was in my pants, returning the favor. Lisa shifted position on the bed, sitting up against the headboard and hiking her skirt above her waist. She slid her panties down and off, giving us a beautiful view of her lovely, glistening cunt. I could see a little sticky-looking white stuff around the edges. That must have been the discharge she was talking about, but it didn’t gross me out. She began rubbing her clit in slow circles.

We just lay there like that, Julie and me rubbing each other’s clits, our eyes fixed on Lisa’s finger as it teased her pussy closer to pleasure. When I realized I was getting close, I told Julie to slow down.

A minute or so later, Lisa’s fingers left her clit behind and eased into her sopping hole, working slowly in and out. “Tell us when you’re close, Julie,” she said.

It was only maybe thirty seconds later that Julie wailed: “Now!” Her fingers began grinding furiously on my clit; Lisa started rubbing hers with the hand she wasn’t using to fuck herself. Moments later, all three of us went off, crying out and bucking empty air.

As her breathing steadied, Julie fixed her eyes on Lisa, frowning slightly.

Lisa noticed. “Something wrong, sweetie?”

“I don’t know,” said Julie. “I’m not even sure how to ask this, but I’ve got to get it off my chest. I was just thinking… when you’re with us, do you feel like maybe you’re cheating on Dad? Or is it different because you’re not doing it with a guy?”

Lisa met Julie’s gaze. “It is different because of that,” she said. “Your dad knows I’m bi, and says he doesn’t care what I do with females. I even tell him stories about women I hook up with, because it turns him on. Even some of the ones who are younger.”

“Whoa,” said Julie, going pale. “He knows that we…”

“God, no! But I got it on with Tina Pinkot from your school just last month… she’s sixteen. He knows about that. Your dad is pretty open-minded. He thinks the legal age of consent is arbitrary and silly. That’s his words. Now, obviously I haven’t told him about this, but he doesn’t expect me to tell him every time, and neither of you has a penis, so no… I don’t think of it as cheating. ”

Julie’s frown smoothed into a smile. “Good enough for me.” Then her eyes widened. “Tina Pinkot? Isn’t she, like, one of the main cheerleaders?”

“That she is, sweetie,” Lisa purred. “That she is.”


By the time Mom picked me up from Julie’s house, it was almost bedtime. When she came to tuck me in, I reached out to take her hand. “Have you had time to think, Mom?”

Removing her hand from mine, she sat on the edge of the bed. “A little,” she said. “But not enough. I don’t feel as bad about it as I did this morning, but I’m not sure it would be a good idea for us to do it again. We’ll talk more about it another day.”

I wanted to smile, but kept it to myself. Talking about it another day was all the opening I needed. I’m pretty sure she knew it, too, but was trying to tell herself whatever it took to help deal with the confusion she felt.

I sat up, pulled Mom close, and planted a kiss right on her lips, letting it linger for a moment before pulling away. She didn’t resist.

“Night, Mom,” I said.

“G… goodnight, sweetheart.”

My plan was to listen through the wall when Mom went to bed, hoping to hear her masturbate… but I must have been a lot sleepier than I thought, because I barely remember her leaving the room.


Yesterday (Wednesday) was AL, with piano lessons after. Mom was still doing homework when I went to bed. I kissed her on the mouth again, and once more she didn’t pull away.

We were under a winter weather advisory that night, and woke up this morning to eight inches of fresh snow. Sometimes I wonder why my great-great grandparents came here in the first place. You read about people in other parts of the country starting gardens in early March, and we just got eight inches of snow.

Because of that, we got a day off from school. We haven’t really had any snow days this year; just days when school started late, even though it’s been really cold. Mom’s classes were canceled, too. But they’ve got this new setup where the teacher can give them assignments online, so she still had stuff to do.

She spent the morning working on her laptop, while I did some work on my term paper for English class and played my keyboard. Looking out the window a little after nine, I could see the city workers with their snowplows, working hard at clearing off the streets.

After lunch Mom stretched out on the couch, a magazine in her hand. I joined her, laying on her with my head resting on her tits. She put down the magazine and wrapped both arms around me.

We lay quietly for awhile, but I had to force myself to remain still. I was super aware of my mother… her warmth, the rise and fall of her chest, her breast against my cheek. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and I thought I could feel her stiffened nipple through the thin t-shirt she wore. That had me wondering if she was as aroused as I was, which only made me that much hotter.

I couldn’t restrain myself for one more minute. Raising my head, I looked into Mom’s eyes. She stared back at me, not moving, not blinking. Moving slowly as I was able, I shifted position until my left leg slipped between hers. Straining a little to reach, I kissed Mom on the chin. She remained motionless, eyes fixed on mine. I slid upwards a little until I was able to plant a gentle kiss on her lips. Now my crotch was pressing her hip, my thigh resting firmly against her mound. Even through our clothes, I’d swear I could feel the heat.

I let my kiss linger for a few seconds, and when I pulled away it was sideways, my lips lightly brushing her cheek.

Mom shivered. “What are you doing, Mallory?” she whispered.

“I’m loving you, Mom. I’m loving you the way you want me to.”

I kissed my mother again, giving her lower lip a tiny nibble. When she gasped in surprise, I pushed my thigh even further between Mom’s legs, resting it against her pussy.

She shivered again. “Mallory… I don’t know about this…”

“If you want me to stop, I will,” I murmured into her ear. I relaxed my leg, then pressed in again. Mom drew in a sharp breath, pushing back against my thigh. The movement created a delicious friction against my own pussy, and a wave of pleasure engulfed me. “But you have to tell me to, Mom. If you say you don’t want this, I’ll never try it again.”

“It… it feels really good,” she said, her voice unsteady, “but maybe we shouldn’t be…”

My need was urgent now, rumbling inside me like a thunderstorm. I thrust my pelvis against her hip, the pleasure tearing a shuddering gasp from my throat. Mom pushed upwards against my thigh, and the hitch of her breath was music to my ears. I moved again, so crazed with excitement that I wanted to scream.

It was really happening… my mother and I were fucking! Okay, we were still in our clothes, and on the couch instead of in bed, but any way you looked at it, this was lesbian sex. With Mom! Right then, I felt like Queen of the Entire World.

“Oh… oh, Mallory,” Mom whimpered, slipping her hand around the back of my head and pulling my face tightly against hers.

I was totally in the moment, frantically grinding my pussy into Mom. I could feel beads of sweat popping out on my forehead, and my panties were soaked. Mom was frantically humping my thigh, no longer even trying to hold back, panting, “Oh God, oh God, oh God…”

Seconds later I cried out, thrusting against Mom as my orgasm kicked in. It subsided quickly, though, and I kept right on grinding as my mother began to pick up her own pace, moaning loudly. Our cheeks were still pressed together, sticky with sweat and warm with love. I began working my thigh back and forth, rubbing Mom’s pussy hard as I could. I was mostly trying to please her, but the friction we generated suddenly and unexpectedly had me howling in the grip of a second orgasm, with Mom’s body going rigid a moment later. She let out a long low wail, went rigid, then collapsed.

There wasn’t any weirdness this time. We lay in each other’s arms on the couch, all sweaty and tangled up. Finally I lifted my head and kissed her slightly parted lips, my own mouth open. I didn’t go for tongue or anything like that, just let the kiss linger for a moment. Then Mom took the initiative for the first time, capturing my bottom lip between hers. We teased each other like that for a little while, then parted.

Finally Mom gently tapped my shoulder. “I need to use the bathroom, sweetie.” I let her up, and she made her way toward the hall. But before leaving the room, she turned to me and said, “Thank you, Mallory,” with a shy smile that made me feel warm all over.

We spent the afternoon playing board games, more relaxed together than we’d been in a long time. Nothing was said about what we’d just done… but somehow, it didn’t seem like we needed to talk about it, which I took as a good sign.

Jamie called me around four. “The streets are pretty much cleared,” she said. “I’m calling around and seeing who still wants to practice tonight. You game?”

To be honest, right at that moment, I kind of felt like staying home with Mom. That’s a new thing for me! On the other hand… we’ve got gigs. We need to practice.

Mom encouraged me to go. “It’s okay. Spend some time with your friends, sweetie. I’ve got some more reading I need to do, anyway.”

Before I left, we came together in a hug. We held each other for a long time, gently swaying from side to side. “Love you, Mallory,” she whispered.

God, I REALLY wanted to slide my hands down and touch her butt, but lost my nerve. “Love you too, Mom,” I said, then we broke apart. I shrugged into my overcoat, grabbed a muffler and pair of gloves, and set off.


We had an unexpected bonus: Jason was there. The roads in town were as good as they ever get in the winter, but the highways were still slippery, so his class for the evening had been canceled. It was the first time he’d heard our new song, “The Devil’s Own,” and Roger hadn’t been wrong about his reaction.

“You guys are writing great stuff,” he said. “And I love how it’s such a collaborative effort. You could record this music.”

By this time he knew all about our plans for summer gigging, and listened to us play through some of the new 80s repertoire we were learning. He had a few suggestions for how we could tighten things up, but in general Jason was delighted with the progress we’d made without him.

We had a short meeting after rehearsal, this time with Jason sitting in. Roger told us he was working on a couple more festival shows, and that he had an even more intriguing proposition. “I can get us the Douglas County Fair,” he said. “The promoter is really pumped  about our whole 80s concept, and is willing to take a chance on an unknown. This one pays real money, too… we’ll get $2000.”

A cacophony of voices went up. Two thousand dollars!

Roger raised his hands for quiet. “For that kind of fee we can rent a large PA and light system, and do it right,” he said. “I’m still working out what we’re going to do for sound at the festival shows. They’re outdoors, so you need something with some juice. PA rental isn’t really too bad so long as you don’t also need a sound tech to run it, but it’s still an awful lot when you’re only pulling in four or five hundred. I’ll figure something out.”

Jason broke in. “What if I told you I can take care of that issue?”

“Dude,” said Ralph, “you’ve already done so much…”

“Stuff it,” Jason said with a grin. “My daughter’s a part of this, so I can bend my neck a little. When’s the first show?”

“We’ll be in Dent on June 23rd,” said Roger.

“Say no more,” said Jason. “I’ll solve this problem for you. In the meantime, you should really think about  presentation, and costumes.”

“Costumes we’re already talking about,” said Roger. “Each of us is going to get a look and stick to it. As for presentation… I was just getting to that. Ralph has a totally wacky idea.”

“Any of you girls ever seen Back to the Future?” said Ralph. Jamie had, but Katie and I hadn’t.

“Tell you what,” said Roger. “Can you all make it to a band party at my house Saturday afternoon? My folks have a kick-ass home theater setup. We’ll make popcorn and watch the movie. THEN I’ll have Ralph tell you what he has in mind.”


All of which brings me back around to where I started. I just got home, Mom’s asleep on the couch, and there she stays till morning. She doesn’t have an alarm in the living room, so I’ll have to make sure she gets up in time for school tomorrow. Beddie-bye time for Mallory.

On to Chapter Twenty-Seven!