The Grafton Lodge Girls, Chapter 2

  • Posted on January 6, 2025 at 4:15 pm

The story thus far: Kimberly Harcourt-Brown is a ten-year-old lesbian who has only ever had sex with her mother Arabella. As the story begins, she is being taken on a mystery getaway by her mum. Not long before their arrival, Kimmy finally gets the details of their trip. It seems that back when Arabella was at university, she and her four roommates/lovers made a vow of sorts: they would all strive to have daughters at around the same time, then teach them the ways of lesbian love when they were still little girls. And just before the girls entered their teen years, the four mothers would bring them to Grafton Lodge, a luxurious house they owned jointly, for a weekend of sexual abandon. Kimmy hasn’t seen any of her mum’s mates since she was too young to recall them, but she is still beside herself with delight.

Cast of Characters:

Arabella (Bell) and daughter Kimberly (Kimmy) (10): Brunettes
Fiona (Fi) and daughter Lily (9): Redheads
Claire and daughter Izzy (11): Brunettes
Charlotte (Lottie) and daughter Emily (10) : Blondes

by Joe Dornish

Once we’d exchanged hellos, Claire announced that she’d laid out lunch in the dining area. There was ham, turkey and several kinds of cheese, loaves of French bread, along with cream cakes for afters. We all took seats and eagerly tucked in.

I was sitting opposite Fiona, and my eyes kept getting drawn to her breasts while we ate. She caught me looking a few times, and I felt embarrassed at first, but she just smiled, as if giving me permission to stare.

As we ate, the kids began to relax a bit, and before long, we were joining in the discussion. It was mainly about what films and TV shows we liked to watch. Strictly Come Dancing was very popular at the table, as was the new Barbie movie.

Izzy was the most chatty of us girls. I was a bit wary of her at first, maybe because she is a bit older than the rest of us. At my school, the older girls can be really mean and rude to the younger ones. Izzy wasn’t at all like that, though, so I found myself warming to her right away. Lily was chatty, too, but she was at the far end of the table from me, so I couldn’t really talk to her. Emily was the quiet one. She was seated next to Mum and didn’t say much.

The first item on the afternoon’s agenda was for everyone to unpack, then Claire and Lottie would drive to the local supermarket, where they would stock up on groceries for the house. Meanwhile, the rest of us had a swim. Me and Mum only brought one big suitcase with us, but I still helped her unpack so we could get down to the pool right away

“I really like this house, Mum. Still can’t believe we own it,” I said, putting my toothbrush in the en-suite bathroom.

“We only own part of it… but yes, I agree. It turned out even better than we had hoped.”


“Here we go…” she said with a grin, putting some folded clothes in a drawer.

“What does that mean?” I asked with a frown.

“It means I know what you’re about to ask me.”

“Okay then, what am I going to ask?”

“Yes, she does fancy you.”

“Who does?”


I was absolutely floored. “How did you know?”

“Sweetie, you’ve been staring at her non-stop ever since we got here.”

“Oh my gosh, was I that obvious?” I said, my face getting hot.

“Yes, but it’s okay. I think we were all staring at someone that way.”

“Like the way you were staring at Emily?”

Now it was Mum’s turn to blush. “You noticed that?”


“Well, I guess I wasn’t as subtle as I thought, either.”

“She sure didn’t say much at lunchtime. Is she really shy?”

“Trust me, Emily isn’t shy. She may not have said very much, but her hands were very busy under the table.”

“What do you mean? Oh, wow, was she…?”

“Spot on. While the rest of you were chatting about Strictly, Emily had her hand under my dress.”

“No way! Are you serious?”


“How far did she get?”

“Let’s just say that she knows I’m not wearing knickers.”

“Holy crap!”

“Kimmy, language.”

“Sorry. But heck, I would never have guessed.”

“It’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for.”

“I’m beginning to see that. So um, about Fiona.”

“What about her?”

“So if I like her, and she likes me…um…”

“Is there a question in there somewhere?”

“Mum, stop it! You know what I’m trying to say.”

“Actually, I don’t. Are you asking for permission to have sex with her?”

“No. Well, yes, but I’m not really sure how to make it happen.”

“First, you have my permission to have sex with Fiona and anyone else here this weekend. That’s why we’re here, after all. And secondly, you already know how. You’re very good at sex.”

“Thanks, but that’s not what I meant. It’s different with you and me, we do it loads. But how do I start things off with Fiona?”

“Ah, okay, you’re talking about the art of seduction. Well, that’s very different. You may not know it, but you’re halfway there already. All those looks you’ve been giving her have not gone unnoticed, believe me. She knows you fancy her.”

“Okay, so she knows. Where do I go from here?”

“In this situation, given that she’s the adult and you’re the child, I’d let her make the first move.”

“But what if she doesn’t make the first move?”

“She will, don’t worry about that. Just stay close to her and an opportunity will arise. Now, what shall we wear in the pool? I’ve brought our all-in-one swimsuits, but I think bikinis would be more appropriate, don’t you?”

“Definitely,” I said, picking up the blue and white tie-dyed bikini Mum had left on the bed, which I totally love. Mum bought it for me for our summer holiday in Greece last year. It’s a stringy one, with ties at the sides of the bottoms and the neck of the top. Although in Greece we all went topless on the beach, most of the time. Mum always said she had a hard time keeping her hands off me when I wore it.

“Do you think I should wear the top?”

“It’s up to you, I’m going to wear mine. Depending on how things go with Emily, maybe I’ll ditch it later.”

“Okay, I’ll do the same.”

I quickly stripped off and was about to put my bikini on when I looked at Mum, who was now naked. I love her body so much. She’s slim with a slight hint of a tummy and has a lovely bum and great legs. But it’s her boobs I love the most. They’re the type of breasts I want when I grow up. Not too big, not too small and as Mum says, ‘still pretty perky, all things considered’. God, just looking at her made me feel warm all over.

I moved close to her. “Mum…?”


“Oh please, Mum. Pretty please?”

“Stop it, Kimmy, you little temptress,” she said as I placed a hand between my legs.

“But you said we could have loads of sex when we got here!”

Mum came over and hugged me, pressing her naked body against mine, then she leaned down to kiss me. Not a mother-daughter kiss; a lover’s kiss.

“You know I can’t resist you,” she said, our noses almost touching, “but you shouldn’t be having sex with me right now.”

“Why?” I said, unable to think of a single reason not to have sex with my mother.

“You know the way food tastes much better when you are very hungry?”


“Come on, Kimmy, think about the analogy. Why did I say that?”

This was Mum all over. She rarely just outright told me stuff, but made me work it out for myself. I thought about it for a second and then it came to me.

“Oh, I know! You mean that if we don’t have sex now, then when we have sex later it’ll feel a lot better?”

“Yes, exactly. Although it doesn’t necessarily have to be you and me having sex.”

“Ah, okay. You’re saying that I should save myself for Fiona, then when I have sex with her, it’ll feel a lot better.”


“Oh, cra…I mean oh, heck, what a choice. I can have sex with you now or save myself for Fiona.”

“It’s a dilemma, for sure.”

Teasing Mum, I put on a big pout. “Okay, you win. I’ll save myself.”

“Hey, that’s not fair; don’t put this on me, I want to have sex with you. I was merely pointing out another possible course of action. The choice is yours.” And with that she sat down on the bed and opened her legs.

Now who’s being unfair?” I protested. “Now that I’ve decided to hold off, you start teasing me!”

“Life’s rough, my love. So… what’ll it be?” she murmured, slowly running a finger up and down her slit.

By way of an answer, I knelt between Mum’s legs, pushed her hand out of the way, then lightly kissed her mons, just where the landing strip is.

“Good choice,” she said and laid back on the bed.

I love the way my mother smells, it’s a deep, musky scent that draws me into her and makes me want more. Pushing her legs open even further, I ran my tongue from her opening to her clit, giving it a little tickle with my tongue. Mum rewarded me with a long, low moan. I slipped a finger inside while nuzzling Mum’s thighs, then gave her clit another tickle before letting my tongue explore her folds again. When she started moving her hips about I knew she wanted me to pick up the pace, so I added another finger and began to work them in and out as my tongue drew circles on her clit.

“Mmmm, yes, that’s it. Ohhhhh Kimmy, my good girl…!”

Suddenly I stopped, stood up and said, “You know, I think you’re right. It’ll be better if I wait.”

Mum’s eyes were huge. “What? You can’t stop now!”

I giggled. “Now you know how I feel.”

“Why you little…”

Mum flew off the bed and chased me around the room. By the time she caught me I was already in fits of laughter. She tickled my ribs until I couldn’t take any more and was begging her to stop.

“Enough! I give in! I’m sorry!”

She gave me a stern look. “Next time you do that, I’ll tickle you until you bloody well faint!”

“Okay, okay…you win!”

Then she gave me a big kiss and a hug, a proper mummy hug. “I love you, Kimmy.”

“I love you too, Mummy.”

“Good, that’s sorted. Now let’s get into our suits.”


We were the first down to the pool. It was a lovely hot day with the sun shining through the open sides of the pool house. In a cupboard in the far corner I found a whole bunch of fun stuff for the pool. I threw the foam floats and rings in the water while Mum used a fancy machine to blow up four inflatable beds. I helped to blow up the beach ball, which we had to do with our mouths because the nozzle thingy didn’t fit on the machine. We still had a few things left to inflate when I heard voices behind us.

It was Izzy and Emily, closely followed by the two redheads, Lily and her mum Fiona.

Emily was wearing just a pair of red bikini bottoms and was topless, although like me she didn’t have any boobs yet. She had her blonde hair tied up in a bun, she looked dead cute and I caught Mum staring at her. While Mum’s eyes were firmly fixed on Emily, I didn’t quite know where to look.

Izzy was completely naked! I can’t believe she didn’t even bother with bikini bottoms. I loved her boldness, and thought she was wonderful for being so brave. And she was dead sexy, too. I was right about her boobs – they had just started growing, but were definitely there, which made me a bit envious. As she got closer, I could see she also had a tiny faint patch of dark hair on her mons. If I looked like that in a year’s time I’d be very happy.

I think it says a lot that although Izzy was naked, she only briefly held my attention. It was Fiona I couldn’t stop staring at. She and Lily both had matching emerald green bikinis. Lily was super cute and sexy, but her mum… oh my God, my jaw dropped at the sight.

Since I started having sex with my mum, I’ve learned a lot about women’s bodies and find myself paying more attention to women and girls around me. It was during a conversation with Mum one afternoon after sex that we discussed women’s body shapes. Mum showed me lots of photos, and it turns out I’m drawn to the classic hourglass figure. The photos of glamorous women from the nineteen fifties were my favourite. I’d love to have been alive back then; the style was so elegant and sensual.

The dress Fiona wore earlier had hidden much of her figure, which was now on full display… and what a sight she was. Her bikini was little more than tiny triangles of green material held together by thin bits of string. I thought Mum’s small thong was daring, but Fiona’s bottoms didn’t even have a thong, just a piece of string completely gobbled up by her fleshy bottom. She had long slender legs topped with curvy hips, a narrow waist and generous boobs. Her green eyes seemed to sparkle, and I nearly melted when she looked right at me, winked, then flicked her long red hair about. The butterflies in my tummy were going berserk.

“Have Claire and Lottie left for the supermarket?” Mum called, seemingly unfazed by the sight before us.

“Yes, they’ve just left,” Fiona, then bent to pick up a towel, giving us a glimpse of her bum that had the blood rushing to my head.

“Steady on, Kimmy,” Mum whispered, “You’re in danger of fainting.”

“Can you blame me?” I hissed back.

“Not a bit. Come on, let’s go say hello,” she said and we made our way towards the others.

Emily and Lily sat on the edge of the pool, briefly dangling their feet for a moment before they carefully slid into the water, but Izzy took a run up and dive-bombed straight in, making a huge splash.

When we got to where Fiona stood, she smiled and said, “Gosh, you two look great, I love your bikinis.”

“Thanks. I love yours; that colour goes so nicely with your hair,” said Mum.

“It’s lovely,” I said.

Fiona gave us a dazzling smile. “Why, thank you! Green has always been my colour, I probably wear too much of it if I’m being honest… but hey, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.”

“Too true. Listen, Fi, I need to get the rest of the stuff out for the pool. Can you look after Kimmy, please? She gets bit nervous in the water.”

“Of course I can! Come on Kimmy, we’ll get in together,” said Fiona, taking my hand in hers.

Nervous in the water? What was Mum talking about? I love the water. I can swim like a fish! And I wasn’t nervous, either. Well, I was, but not about getting into the pool!

As Mum padded away, Fiona bent over to run her hand through the water. Of course, my eyes were fixed on her bum. The material barely covered her kitty, which was beautifully outlined against the fabric. “It’s nice and warm,” she said.

Then, to my absolute horror, she looked over her shoulder and caught me red-handed staring at her bum. Oh, God, so awkward!

I stood there speechless for a moment, then cleared my throat and said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”

But Fiona couldn’t have been nicer about it. She said, “It’s okay, Kimmy. If you like what you see, then you can stare all you like.”

“I, um, I think you’re really, really beautiful,” I said, going an even deeper shade of crimson.

“Aw, aren’t you just the sweetest thing. Can I tell you a little secret?”

“Of course,” I said, nodding furiously.

“I’ve been staring at you as well. I think you’re the sexiest girl I’ve ever seen.”

I didn’t know what to say, I just stood there staring at her like an idiot until she smiled and said, “Right then, shall we get in the pool?”

“Yes, but um, I’m not really nervous in the water, I don’t know why Mum said that.”

She chuckled and said, “It’s okay, sweetie, I know why she said it.”


The pool was great fun. We splashed about and chased each other and threw the beach ball about. It was a total blast. Claire and Lottie quickly returned from the shops, and as soon as the groceries were put away, they got into their swimsuits and joined us in the pool. Of course, that gave me the opportunity to look them over.

They both wore bikinis – more like my mum’s thong one than the stringy one Fiona was wearing, more’s the pity. Being a boob girl, that’s what I took the most notice of. Claire had a figure much like my mum, she was in good shape with medium-sized boobs, maybe a C or D cup. Lottie was slim and toned, she obviously worked out a lot and had the smallest boobs of the adults, which I was pretty sure were a B cup. They looked great though, in fact everyone did, and by great I mean sexy. Sure, I was developing a bit of a thing for Fiona, but I was otherwise spoilt for choice. There wasn’t a person here I didn’t fancy, adult or girl.

I’d done my best to take Mum’s advice and was sticking close to Fiona, although it was difficult when we were all splashing about and playing games. But as we grew tired people started to chill out a bit more which made it easier for me to stay near her. Lottie and Claire had just got out of the pool and were heading to the garden to sunbathe. Mum was playing with Emily, while Izzy and Lily had some kind of game going with the beach ball on the other side of the pool. I was lying on one of the inflatable loungers and Fiona was gently pushing me around, which was great because her breasts were right in my face.

I couldn’t help staring at her erect nipples as they poked at the fabric. It was mesmerising. To be fair, though, she did say I could stare at her. Besides, she was doing a lot of staring herself. From what I could tell, she seemed to really like my bum. We were talking about clothes shops we liked but I wasn’t paying much attention to the conversation, I was just happily staring at Fiona’s boobs and imagining how lovely it would be to suck them when I noticed her look over her shoulder towards the garden, her interest captured by something.

A few years ago, there was this day when I was out shopping with Mum and Hanna, and I had a massive craving for a fresh cream chocolate éclair. We turned a corner in the street and there just happened to be a bakery right there and Mum said, ‘Who fancies a cream cake?’ What happened next was a bit like that.

Fiona’s attention had been caught by Claire and Lottie, who’d removed their bikini tops to sunbathe, then she looked across the other way, where my mum was taking her top off too.

“Hmmm, the others are taking their tops off. What do you think; shall we be brave and do the same?” said Fiona.

“God, yes. Please.”

Fiona burst out laughing, “I thought you might say that.”

I gave her a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I’m dying to see your boobs.”

She smiled and said, “Here you go, then,” Unfastening her bikini top, she threw it across to the side of the pool.

Her top hadn’t been covering much, but to finally see her titties for real was amazing. She had the most perfect pink nipples ever, like gumdrops. I ached to take them into my mouth.

“Your turn now,” she said.


Fiona laughed again, “I said, ‘Your turn now’.”

“Oh yeah, sorry,” I said and quickly whipped my top off, launching it over to the side of the pool.

“Oh, my… you’re even lovelier than I thought,” she said, looking me up and down. Placing both hands on her hips, she added, “What about me, then? See anything you like?”

“Yeah, you’re totally sexy. Like, just amazing.”

Then Fiona glanced around the pool, although at what I wasn’t quite sure. She gently waded across the pool, pushing me along on the floating lounger, then turned us around so we were in the far corner and her back was to everyone else.

“We – the adults, I mean – promised each other we wouldn’t do anything sexual until tonight, but um, I suppose a little treat wouldn’t hurt.”

“A little treat…?” I began, unsure what she was getting at until I saw her looking around again, then I realised she was making sure nobody was watching.

Then she turned to me and said, “Would you like to suck my nipples?”

“God, yes.”

She bent forward slightly so her boob was nearly touching my face and I quickly latched on. I would have been content to stay there like that for hours, but Fiona had other ideas.

“Kimmy, can I… can I touch you?”

Without releasing my grip on her nipple I nodded and kind of mumbled ‘Mm-hum’.

From the corner of my eye I saw Fiona thrust one hand under the water and between her legs while the other hand slid right into my bikini bottoms. I opened my legs a little, and she started stroking my clit as I suckled on her gorgeous titties. I was in heaven.

And by the sound of it, so was Fiona. Whatever she was doing to her kitty under the water must have been pretty intense, because she was biting her lip and her eyes were closed from the effects of what was obviously a fast-approaching orgasm. I wasn’t far behind her. Those slender fingers of hers were working wonders in my bikini bottoms.

“Ah shit, yes, that’s it, Kimmy! Suck my nipples, baby. Oh fuck yes, that’s good!”

I was shocked. Mum NEVER swears like that in front of me, even when we’re having sex. Hearing Fiona say such naughty things blew my mind and sent me straight over the edge. I shivered and whimpered and had a short but lovely orgasm. And unless I was very much mistaken, so did Fiona. Her face screwed up and her hand was now definitely moving under the water. She kind of tensed up a bit, moaned under her breath and then relaxed and opened her eyes.

Removing her hand from my bottoms, she leaned in and we kissed, using our tongues and everything. It was totally awesome, but we kept it brief so no one would notice.

“More of that later,” she whispered, her lips caressing my ear. “Much more.”

“Yes, please,” I whispered back.

Fiona turned us around and began to steer the lounger back towards the middle of the pool, but then we both saw Mum looking straight at us. She must have known what we were up to, but instead of frowning, she winked. Fiona mouthed the words, Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, and shrugged.

Mum laughed and nodded towards Emily, who was standing beside her. Me neither, her lips formed, and I had to laugh. Seems that Emily and Mum had also been having a little secret fun in the pool!

Fiona draped an arm over my shoulders. “I love your mother.”

“Yeah, I do, too,” I said, “She’s a pretty cool mum.” And an incredible lover, I wanted to add, but didn’t.

“Right, then! I don’t know about you, but we’ve been in here so long my skin is starting to wrinkle. How about we get out, stroll around and perv on everyone’s boobs?”

“Love to!” I exclaimed, already hoisting myself out of the water.

And that’s exactly what we did. Fiona and I went to the garden, where we spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the sun and eyeing everyone up. It was lots of fun! I had a great time with Fiona, who made me feel very special. Not just because she seemed to fancy me as much as I did her, but because she spoke to me like I was an adult, even though I’m not one yet. Funny, it never occurred to me that the first friend I’d make at Grafton Lodge would be a grown-up.

Late in the afternoon, Fiona and I were back in the pool and sharing a sun lounger when Izzy, still very naked, came running in from the house.

“Kimmy, we need you inside. We want to play table tennis, but it takes four of us to do it properly.”

I’d never played table tennis before. To be honest, I wanted to keep hanging out with Fiona. But Mum said, “Aw… that’s nice of you to invite her to play,” which I knew was her subtle way of telling me it would be rude to say no.

I was still trying to think how I could get out of it when Fiona whispered in my ear, “You lucky thing, you get to pass the time with three half-naked girls while I’m stuck here with the grownups.”

I’d never thought of it that way! Giving Izzy a big smile, I said, “I’d love to play, but I don’t know how.”

“Oh that’s okay! Neither do we, really… we’re just hitting the ball about.”

Izzy was right: NONE of us were any good at table tennis. It’s a lot harder than it looks. It didn’t help that no one knew the rules, so we just made them up as we went along. Plus, I was very distracted by Izzy’s nakedness. It was fun though. After a while we wandered into the kitchen and got some juice then piled onto the sofa in the games room.

“What’s Tintin?” asked Lily, staring at the framed poster on the wall.

“I’ve never heard of it before,” said Emily.

“Me neither,” I said, “It looks like some sort of old school comic book.”

“That’s what it is,” said Izzy, “We have a few Tintin comics in my school library, but they’re all in French.” She was sitting back with her legs spread wide open with her kitty on full display. I felt certain she was doing that deliberately and wanted us to look. I sure was!

“It’s really cool that our mums bought this house,” Lily said. “I hope we come here lots and lots.”

I was taking a real shine to Lily. Maybe it’s because she was younger than the rest of us, or because she was Fiona’s daughter, but she had a very sweet way about her like a little ginger kitten. And who knows, maybe I would get to have sex with her and her mum together. That would be SO amazing!

“I hope we all keep coming here at the same time,” said Emily, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “I like your moms a lot… and you guys, too.”

“Um, Emily, can I tell you something?” said Izzy.


“You have to promise not to say anything, though.” That got our attention right away.

“Okay, I promise.”

Izzy was actually blushing! “I… I’ve got the massive hots for your mum.”

“I think she likes you too,” Emily replied with a grin. “She keeps staring at you.”

Maybe that’s because she’s been running about stark naked all day, I thought.

“Oooh, yes!” Izzy squealed, bouncing up and down where she sat. “God, I hope she does like me that way. I really want to fuck her.”

I nearly choked at her use of that word. Lily’s eyes were huge. As for Emily, she went bright red and said, “Wow, does your mum know you swear?”

“Yeah, of course. I mean, I can’t just use those words anywhere, but if it’s just Mum, or we’re having sex, I can say anything I want. Even swears.”

“Wow!” I said. “Your mum’s pretty wild, huh?”

Izzy frowned. “Doesn’t your mum let you use dirty words when you’re having sex?”

“No!” I exclaimed. Emily and Lily shook their heads as well.

“Blimey,” said Izzy, “I thought everyone did.” Maybe she felt a bit self-conscious or something, because she closed her legs and sat forward.

“I hope you get to have sex with Mummy. I reckon she’d really like that,” said Emily.

“Do you fancy anyone’s mum, then?” Izzy asked her.

Emily went red-faced again as she looked at me. “I like Kimmy’s mum. She’s lovely.”

I grinned at her, “She likes you a lot. In fact, she thinks you’re dead sexy.”

“REALLY?” Emily cried. “Oh, wow, oh, wow!”

“Uh-huh,” I said and decided to use Mum’s advice, “Stay close to her this evening and maybe you’ll get an opportunity to be alone with her…you never know.”

“Okay, I will,” she said, grinning widely, “Thanks.”

“Since we’re talking about this, I don’t mind admitting that I fancy Lily’s mum,” I said.

“I think we kind of guessed that,” said Izzy.

“Oh crap, is it that obvious?”

“Yeah, I mean, you’ve been with her practically all day, but hey, it’s fine, it’s good to have a crush.”

I wanted to tell them that I’d already sucked on her boobs while she masturbated me in the pool but somehow I thought it best to keep that a secret.

“What about you Lily, is there anyone you fancy?”

She went red-faced and stared at her feet.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell if you don’t want to,” said Emily.

“N-no, it’s okay. Um, I like Izzy’s mum,” Lily stammered, then hid her face.

“I’m pretty sure she likes you too,” said Izzy.

Lily nearly jumped out of her seat. “Really? Does she?”

“Oh, sure. I mean, she’s not told me or anything, but I know my mum… and I’m practically positive she’s crushing on you. I can ask her if you like!”

“WHAT? Oh, please no, don’t do that, really, it’s fine.”

“Suit yourself,” said Izzy, slumping back into the sofa and opening her legs again.

“Isn’t that funny?” said Emily. “Each of us likes a different mum!”

“That is rather lucky,” I said.

Emily’s comment started me thinking. There was definitely an element of luck involved, I mean, nobody could have predicted how much I’d fancy Fiona, or that each of us kids would have a thing for someone else’s mother… or could they?

I remember Mum telling me that for the most part, you make your own luck in life. She explained to me that if you worked hard, planned properly and considered all the options, then you’d be more likely to succeed in your goals, rather than just relying on luck.

Mum knows I’ve got a thing for women with Fiona’s body shape, and I wouldn’t put it past her to organise things so Fiona was the first of the mothers I saw when we arrived. Then in the pool, Fiona mentioned that the adults had ‘promised each other they wouldn’t do anything sexy until tonight’. I hadn’t given those words much thought at the time, mainly because I was so focused on Fiona’s gorgeous boobs, but it was clear that there had been some advance planning going on here that we didn’t know about. Maybe our mums had worked out a way to guide us kids into fancying the mum they wanted them to fancy. It was certainly possible, I figured.

Not that it mattered. I trusted my mum and if she was guiding me into Fiona’s arms… well, I certainly wasn’t going to complain. And if this little vacation hadn’t been planned out to the smallest detail,  then events had worked out pretty well on their own.

Either way, I was dead excited about that night… and whatever other surprises awaited me over the rest of the weekend.

On to Chapter Three!


28 Comments on The Grafton Lodge Girls, Chapter 2

  1. Felicia says:

    I’m loving the story can’t wait for chapter 3

  2. BlueJean says:

    After the big setup last chapter, and all that backstory, we can now let out a big breath and relax as the naughty hijinks unfold. I liked the pace of this chapter much more, and the teasing nature of everyone getting to know each other before their elusive evening plans worked well. What *have* they got planned for the evening, I wonder. I’m very curious to know how the next chapter pans out.

    I did have to go back to the first chapter to remind myself who was who, but that’s not Joe’s fault, just a side effect of the longish wait between chapters.

    Bravo, Joe!

  3. Bryan says:

    Can hardly wait for the next

  4. J.D. says:

    this chapter is as good as i was hoping for, thank you so very much

  5. Kim & Sue says:

    Funny that we had just reread the last quarter of chapter one when chapter 2 came up. We feel we know the women and girls better, and must admit we also reached climax along with Kimberly in the pool. It was especially nice as we cuddled indoors while looking out at the blowing snow, and read about warm pleasant days in the pool and garden with women and girls, barely dressed or in one case completely nude.

    Also liked that instead of jumping in to a full blown orgy, everyone is getting to know each other, and some are already beginning to reap the benefits of a plan put in motion so long ago.

    And we haven’t forgotten Kimberly’s aunt and sister that we must know about before the story ends. Great erotic and wet story.

    • Chuck says:

      Yes! This summer story is a nice contrast to the current winter, and I also enjoyed the pacing and smaller vignettes.

  6. Girl4Girls says:

    Such a nice chapter. Love that there’s a special setup of girls with moms; I feel like the moms have been sharing pictures of the girls and choosing the one they want most since they bought the house. Looking forward to the next chapter and even more lovely sex.

  7. Joe Dornish says:

    Felicia, Bryan, JD, Chuck…Thank you so much for the kind words, I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter.

    BlueJean: I agree re the pacing, this is chapter is more what I was aiming for overall. I described this story as a happy little romp, and I think this chapter sends us in that direction.

    Kim & Sue: I’m sure you are aware that with JetBoy’s editing queue the way it is, stories arrive at very random times of the year. I wrote this in the hot sun of the summer and I was a little worried it might feel a bit off reading it in the winter so I was glad it warmed up a little! And being the sharp eyed readers that you are, you’ve remembered the mum and aunt. No spoilers I’m afraid so I’ll just have to let you wait and see on that front. Thanks for the always lovely comment.

    Girl4Girls: I love that you are thinking about the characters actions outside of the story, it’s always a good sign when that happens. Thanks again for your lovely comment.

  8. kinkys_sis says:

    A bit late in commenting on this one. I’ve been busy writing rather than reading. Written two stories in the last week although I’m not sure why as we’ve already got too many stockpiled.

    I enjoyed this bit of fun. No in-depth story as such, just the single premise of the house. I had guessed it would all be a bit predictable and, in a way, it was. But it’s saved by being well written.

    I do find the overall concept somewhat unlikey. Four mums all having sex with their respective daughters and then somehow getting together; and they’re all willing to share… oh well, that’s fantasy I guess.

    • Joe Dornish says:

      Two stories in a week! I wish I was that productive.

      Your feedback is very accurate. I was writing something else for JS, and for reasons I won’t bore you with I shelved it for a while. I wanted something short and easy to occupy myself in the mean time so I started this, with the deliberate intention of having no plot to speak of. I just wanted to have a little fun and see where it went.

      At the time when I’d finished this, there were (as there now) some very well written stories on JS, the quality just seems to get better and better. The bar is now set very high indeed. Looking at this story I thought it not good enough and asked JetBoy to withdraw it from the editing queue. But he politely told me to stop worrying and told me to go ahead and publish it. I’m glad I took his advice, it’s the happy little romp I set out to write and I pleased as punch people are enjoying it.

  9. Sapphmore says:

    “I do find the overall concept somewhat unlikey”? I thought it was very likey! (just kidding kinkys_sis – couldn’t resist the opportunity the tiny spelling error presented)

    But really, I fully understand what kinkys_sis means. The premiss might be unlikely/unrealistic, but don’t we all just wish it wasn’t? I mean, that’s what we do here.

    • Sapphmore says:

      And you guys do it so well!

    • JetBoy says:

      “The premiss might be unlikely”? Well, the POSTmiss says otherwise. (As ye tweak, so shall ye be tweaked.)

      Understandable, though… everyone males spelling mistakes!

      • Sapphmore says:

        You know, I actually wasn’t sure which spelling was correct, premise or premiss, so I looked it up beforehand and it says premiss is the British spelling, but then we are rather particular about such minor things in this sceptered isle. Nevertheless, I am so tweaked. (I should have stuck to concept!).

        • kinkys_sis says:

          Being a Brit, it’s strange that I spelt it the American way. It must be catching from spending too much time here… who said, there’s no such thing?

          • BlueJean says:

            I suspect we tend to use the American variants more than we think here in the UK. I was mildly surprised to discover ‘pyjama’ is the British version of ‘pajama’, although clearly the word has its origins somewhere else. It was also pointed out to me that ‘gipsie’ is the British variant of ‘gypsy’, but I’ve only ever seen the latter being used over here.

            I suppose language constantly evolves, though. And invariably, it’s young people that change language.

      • cherryco says:

        “Everyone MALES spelling mistakes”? I see what you did there, JB.

  10. Mystery Mouse says:

    The interesting thing about this is that it’s not really a seduction tale as such. There are mothers who have sex with their daughters, but that already started prior to the beginning to the story.

    So we’re spared the details of how people overcame taboos, of how they took their first step in a brave new world. Those details can be great, of course, but sometimes it’s just nice to see people who’ve already put the awkward and fumbling moments behind them, and who are just having fun.

    This is a story of a group of people hanging out together and enjoying each other on a weekend break…and that’s absolutely lovely.

    I’m sorry to echo a previous comment, though, and say that I had lost track of who was who. I had the previous instalment when it was published but my old mouse memory isn’t that fantastic. With a large ensemble like this, maybe a quick guide in the precis would be useful?

    And I did giggle in a very immature fashion at Kimmy being told off for swearing by her mother. Since the two do all sorts of rude things together, it’s a lovely and amusing contrast. I wonder if that carries on in future installments.

    Overall, a fun and light-hearted story. Thank you.

  11. kinkychic says:

    I’ve been doing a bit of ‘comment’ catching up.

    I read this a few nights ago but it was too late for me to give thought to any comment.

    I’m finding it easy reading fun and that’s good enough for a change.

    • Joe Dornish says:

      That makes me very happy as that was what I was aiming for when I wrote this. It’s nice to know that (so far at least) I’ve hit the target I set myself. Thank you!

  12. Joe Dornish says:

    For those that asked for it, a short character list has now been added to the start of this chapter and will appear in future chapters to. You asked…we listened!

    Thanks for all the support everyone, it is very much appreciated.

  13. Debbie L says:

    Utterly wonderful, …I couldn’t resist giving myself a treat while Kimmy and Fiona had theirs. Oh for a private house and a group of close friends. Just delicious. D xx

  14. Lance says:

    Loving the story, can’t wait for the naughty fun to really start. Please cum out with the next chapter soon.

  15. Rachel says:

    I’m liking this even though I usually prefer a more substantial story.

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