The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 13

  • Posted on January 10, 2025 at 3:39 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Orphaned at the age of eight, sixteen-year-old Doris Sloane has spent half her life in a Catholic orphanage, where she was trained to care for young children. Our story begins when she is taken into service at the home of Victoria Shaw, a widow with three daughters: Melinda (ten), Sophia (eleven) and Becky (fourteen). Doris is thoroughly satisfied with this new life, but her orderly world takes an odd turn one night when she is seduced by Mrs. Shaw. Surprising herself, Doris responds eagerly, fully returning the pleasure she has been given.

In the days that follow, Doris and Victoria couple frequently, and Doris becomes skilled in the art of lesbian lovemaking under the tutelage of her mistress. She is deliriously happy, but her joy is tainted by the fact that she is only engaged to serve in the Shaw household until Melinda, the youngest, turns twelve. To complicate things even further, Doris has fallen madly, passionately in love with Victoria, and lacks the courage to tell her so.

One of Doris’ duties as nanny is to give Melinda and Sophia a bath every other day. The girls often invite Doris to join them in the large Japanese-style tub, but she always refuses, believing it isn’t proper. When she mentions this to Mrs. Shaw after a bout of lovemaking, Victoria suggests that Doris do what her youngest daughters want: get naked and bathe with them. Furthermore, she encourages Doris to pay closer attention to the girls’ nudity, to notice how beautiful they are in the altogether.

Doris finds this a bit strange… but that evening, while giving Sophia and Melinda their bath, she takes the time to study them more closely, and is startled to find herself feeling somewhat aroused.  The girls notice her interest, and on subsequent evenings, eleven-year-old Sophia begins to tease Doris by flaunting her nakedness. This only fuels this budding desire Doris feels… and very soon, she is masturbating to lewd fantasies of Victoria’s daughters.

One afternoon around this time, while the girls are at school, Doris in asked to join Victoria for a light luncheon in the back yard. There, Victoria offers the girl a permanent home as a member of the family, then tells her, “I love you.”

Doris is overwhelmed by emotion at first… but she joyfully accepts, and they celebrate by undressing and making love. 

Then next day, Victoria tells Doris how she first became attracted to women. It began at the age of sixteen, when she was given the service of a personal maid, a lively Irish girl named Nora, who would quickly become young Victoria’s faithful friend and companion. They would become lovers, but it ended disastrously when they were caught in the act. Nora was sent away, and Victoria was left devastated. More than twenty years later, she still mourns the loss of her friend. Doris does what she can to console Victoria.

The next day, Victoria tells of what happened after losing Nora. She was quickly married off to a man named William Shaw, who proved to be a bully and a drunkard. She managed to endure her marriage, gave birth to her three daughters, and ended up taking over her husband’s business as his drinking spiraled out of control. He died a couple of years later, and Victoria was free.

Back in the here and now, Victoria presents Doris with a startling proposition. Wanting her daughters to experience the delights of Sapphic love before they develop romantic attachments to boys, she gets Doris to admit her attraction to the girls, then asks her to pleasure Melinda and Sophia in the bath. Doris is shocked, but also quite eager to do as Victoria wants.

The following night, Doris undresses and joins the two youngest in the tub for the first time, where she caresses both Sophia and Melinda to orgasm, then allows Sophia to fondle her in the same way. Later that night, Doris visits Melinda’s room, where she licks the ten-year-old to another climax. When Victoria is informed the next day, she is well pleased. But her eldest daughter Becky, who isn’t yet privy to her mum’s seductive scheme, is growing suspicious.

Two nights later, Doris and the girls bathe again. This time, though, they agree to postpone their pleasurable games until later, meeting in Sophia’s room for a sleepover. There, Doris teaches her charges the ways of lesbian love. Melinda and Sophia are thrilled with all of it… and in the days after, seem to be spending quite a lot of private time together.

Soon thereafter, the situation with Becky comes to a head, when Victoria’s eldest explodes in anger at the dinner table, accusing Doris of getting up to “vile, wicked things” with her younger sisters in the bath. Victoria and Doris manage to calm her down, finally suggesting Becky join Melinda and Sophia in the tub that very night. Becky hesitantly agrees and, once naked with the others, proves quite willing to let herself be seduced. First Doris pleasures the two youngest, then brings Becky to orgasm in the bath while they watch Sophia and Melinda make love.

Later, when Doris turns in, Becky slips into the room, quickly undresses and gets into bed with her. She confesses her love for Doris, then they frantically bring each other off. While relaxing together in the afterglow, Victoria peeks in and, with an approving nod, wishes Becky and Doris a good night.

After that evening, Becky is at peace with the new family arrangement. It enables her to make love often with Doris, who is now enjoying sexual intimacy with the entire family. But Victoria wants more. She intends to accompany Doris the following night, the two of them paying nocturnal visits to the girls so Victoria can see for herself, “what you get up to with my daughters.”

A sad note: Mrs. Broomfield suffers a heart attack, and is obliged to leave her post as the family cook.

The story resumes here. Do enjoy.

by JetBoy and BlueJean


The next morning, the family and I attended the Sunday church service as usual. This time, however, no hands found their way beneath skirts. Victoria and I agreed that, yes, allowing her to finger me to orgasm in the midst of the sermon had been a most thrilling indulgence, but no, it wouldn’t do to tempt fate like that again.

When the service had concluded, the congregation filed out of the church, leaving the Shaws and me to chat with Mrs. Broomfield and her husband Elias. Retirement seemed to have worked wonders for the woman’s physical wellbeing, though clearly it had not improved her disposition much.

“What sorta life is it, sittin’ at home twiddlin’ me thumbs?” she asked no one in particular. “I weren’t made to be idle. Says in the Good Book we’re s’posed to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow. No, it don’t sit right with me. Not at all.”

“Don’t be daft,” Mr. Broomfield chuckled, an arm around his wife’s waist. “You spend most o’ the day in yer own kitchen bakin’ and whatnot, anyway.”

“Why don’t you take up knitting, Mrs. Broomfield?” Sophia asked.

Mrs. Broomfield waved the notion away. “I ain’t got the patience for knittin’, girl. Need to be on me feet an’ on the move, I do.” She heaved a sigh. “Hard to break the ‘abit of a lifetime.”

“I’m going to be a gardener when I leave school,” Melinda declared.

“A gardener?!” a horrified Mrs. Broomfield cried, pulling the child towards her for a rough hug. “You’re s’posed to be a lady, little miss. Gardening ain’t for the likes of you.”

“Mr. Farnsworth says I can apprentice with him,” Melinda insisted.

“What you fillin’ her ‘ead with nonsense like that for?” Mrs. Broomfield demanded of the old gardener, who stood a comfortable distance away, puffing on his pipe.

“Nothin’ wrong with it,” was all Mr. Farnsworth would say on the matter. I don’t think I’d heard him utter more than a handful of words since I’d met him at the train station all those months ago.

I scanned the ever dwindling congregation for Victoria, and found her deep in polite conversation with another well-to-do family, the Benedicts. Oh, how audacious it would be of me to stroll over there, bold as you please, and introduce myself as Mrs. Shaw’s lover, perhaps even kiss her full on the mouth. Then I could watch my life unravel in spectacular fashion, along with Victoria’s. Perhaps someday things would be different for women like us. What harm, to allow myself that sweet daydream?

The only member of the Shaw clan unaccounted for was Becky. Wandering away from the others, I finally found her in the church cemetery, kneeling by one of the more upmarket looking gravestones, an extravagant black granite monolith that stood vigil a short distance away from the chapel. Upon reading the inscription, it became clear who was buried there:

At Rest
William Erskine Shaw III
Loving Husband & Father
1890 – 1929

Loving husband and father? Bully, Drunkard, and Brute seemed a more apt epitaph from what Victoria had told me of the man.

“Would you like some company?” I asked Becky.

She gave a little start at the sound of my voice. “Oh, I didn’t hear you. I don’t mind, if you want to stay.”

I took a place next to her. “Do you miss him?”

Becky thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. “I don’t know, perhaps a bit. He wasn’t a very nice man. Especially to Mother. She’s happier without him, I know that much.”

“She told me a little about him. It must have been very difficult for her… for you and your sisters.”

“She won’t come near his grave. Mother, I mean. Or speak of him. Not to me, at least. Melly and Sophie… well, they’re too young to remember, really.” Becky gave me a sorrowful look. “I keep trying to recall the nice things about him – the bedtime stories, the little rides in the car when Father would pretend he was flying an aeroplane and I was his copilot.

“I tell myself if I just remember the good things, then that’s who he was,” Becky said, regarding me with stricken eyes. “But it’s a lie, isn’t it? How do you accept that your own father was a bad person, Doris? How can you love someone who… who might not deserve to be loved?”

I put an arm around the girl’s shoulders and drew her against me. “I’m not sure I have any answers for you, Becky. I know you can’t change the past, though. I used to try and make sense of my parents’ death the same way. What if I’d begged them not to go to the ball that night, what if I’d pretended to be ill so they stayed at home, what if I’d been there to get them out before the fire took hold? What if, what if, what if… But it’s no use. Nothing can change what happened. So all we can do is move on.”

Becky’s eyes were brimming with tears. “What helped you move on?”

I hadn’t thought about it until that moment. It struck me that my nightmares of Mama and Papa had petered out somewhere along the way, that the fits of depression I’d been beset by for years had diminished to the point that I could no longer remember the last one. It was quite the revelation.

“I… I think it was moving to Shadowglen,” I said, amazed. “It was starting a new life with you, your mother and your sisters.” I laughed at the simplicity of it. “How bizarre that I never even noticed until just now!”

“Then I shall follow your example, dear Doris,” Becky declared, brushing her tears away. She threaded her arm through mine. “I’ll immerse myself in this new, joyful passion we have.”

When the fourteen-year-old leaned across to kiss my neck, I had to gently discourage her. “Now, now. Not in a place of worship.” But I was already wondering if it would be possible to spirit Becky away when we returned to Shadowglen, the two of us adjourning to her bedroom for a bout of ardent lovemaking.


That evening in the bath, Melinda and Sophia must have sensed some change in my demeanour. They watched me carefully as I went about washing myself, their usual mischievous behaviour traded for curious looks and murmured words.

Becky joined us in the bath some nights, but more often than not she preferred to have me to herself, and I would find her waiting for me in my room later on. This evening, it was just myself and the two younger girls.

“Are we going to play?” Melinda asked, a hand reaching out to stroke one of my breasts. I pushed it gently away.

“We are, but not here. When we’re done in the bath I’d like you both to go back to your rooms and wait for me there.”

“But why?” Sophia said.

“Because I have a surprise for you both.”

Having dried off the two eager little nymphs, I gently swatted their bums and ushered them out into the corridor. While they scampered off to their rooms, I found Victoria in hers, just as she said she’d be.

Nervousness and anticipation warred in my body, but my lady seemed unflustered. She stood poised in front of her long mirror, hands running through her blonde hair.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

She turned to me with a smile, and I couldn’t help but notice the wild look in her eye. “Almost,” she told me, then slipped both hands beneath her silken dressing gown to grasp the waistband of her knickers. She pulled them down her stocking-clad legs and threw them on the bed. I couldn’t help but notice the damp spot upon the crotch. “I don’t think I’ll be needing those.”

And with that, we made our way down the hall to Sophia’s bedroom.


When I turned the knob and pushed open the door, Sophia was sitting on her bed with an eager look. Then, having seen who I’d brought with me, her eyes widened.

“M-Mummy?” she stammered as Victoria and I filed into the room.

Victoria’s smile was warm and motherly, but her eyes betrayed something that was decidedly less maternal. She drifted towards her daughter and bent to kiss her on the brow. “It’s all right, darling. Mummy just wants to see the lovely games her baby gets up to with Doris.”

Seating myself on the bed, I stroked the twelve-year-old’s hair. “Would that be all right, Sophia? If she stayed and watched us for a while?”

Sophia shrugged. “I don’t mind.” Then to me with a whisper: “Will we just kiss and cuddle, then?”

“Oh, no,” I replied. “I think your mother would like to see everything we do.”

“I insist on it,” Victoria cooed as she moved Sophia’s small vanity chair closer to the bed and sank down into it. She pulled the top of her gown open to bare her breasts, cupping them in both hands and brushing the nipples with her thumbs. She smiled at her wide-eyed daughter. “There’s no need to hide anything from me, sweetheart. It’s a wonderful thing when girls can love each other that way.”

I began teasing open the buttons of Sophia’s pyjama top. “Let’s take this off, shall we?”

With her attention centred on Victoria – I’m sure she’d never seen her mother fondle herself like that – I slipped the garment from Sophia’s shoulders and away, pausing to give Victoria a good long look at her daughter’s bare chest.

I began to caress the twelve-year-old, touching every inch of her exposed upper half. When I trapped the girl’s budding peaks between my fingers, scissoring them back and forth, her regard instantly returned to me. Making sure Victoria still had a clear view, I gently nudged Sophia back onto the bed, then bent to take a nipple between my lips, swirling my tongue round the stiffening bud.

“Ooh, yes,” Victoria breathed, squeezing her thighs together. “So lovely.”

I dipped back and forth between nipples, teasing each one with flicks of the tongue. Sophia tried to grasp my hair, as she so often did when I used my mouth this way, but I paused to whisper, “Keep those hands down by your sides, angel. Your mummy wants to see how we make love.”

In any case, Victoria was eager for us to move on to bolder activities. “Why don’t you let Doris take your pyjama bottoms off, sweetheart?” she said. “I want to see your beautiful body in all its glory.”

Sophia flushed with excitement. Perhaps it wasn’t yet fully clear to her why Victoria had joined us that evening, but she seemed accepting of her mother’s presence. “All right, Mummy,” she murmured, raising her bum for me.

Grasping the waistband, I drew Sophia’s pyjamas down her legs, leaving her completely naked. Since we’d begun these nocturnal excursions, she’d come to forego wearing knickers at bedtime, knowing full well they’d be surplus to requirements once I or her younger sister paid her a visit.

Giving Victoria my most innocent smile, I licked a finger, then ploughed it between her daughter’s vaginal lips, sliding it back and forth.

Victoria drew open the sides of her silvery gown to display herself fully, thigh-high black stockings ushering in a dusky thatch of hair and a flat, pale belly. First she parted her legs, then the lips of her sex, drawn apart with fingers to reveal the glistening, rosy flesh beneath.

Sophia propped herself up on her elbows to see what her mother was doing. I prised her lightly-downed cunt open in much the same way. “Spread your legs nice and wide,” I told her. “Let’s show Mummy the best bit.”

The twelve-year-old splayed her legs out across the bed, leaving her sex starkly exposed. Then my mouth was there, head tilted in such a way that when my tongue slithered through Sophia’s cleft, it moved from side to side, rather than up and down. A quick glance at Victoria told me she approved wholeheartedly. She had two fingers buried deep inside her own vagina, her other hand roughly kneading a breast.

Sophia watched her mother masturbate with a dreamy sort of fascination as I flicked my tongue over her clitoris. She shivered, then peered down at me, her face slack with pleasure. “It… it’s going to happen soon, Doris. J-just lick a little faster, would you, please…?”

“That’s it, let it happen, my darling,” Victoria was murmuring while she frigged herself. “Come for us.”

As if Mummy’s approval was all she needed, Sophia arched her body up from the bed. This time there was no restraining her when she clutched handfuls of my hair and humped furiously against me. “Don’t… stop just yet! Keep… d-don’t… Ohhhhhhh!”

When I turned to Victoria, my lips smeared with her daughter’s essence, she withdrew glistening fingers from between her legs. Now she thrust both hands away from herself, as if forcing herself to refrain from any further contact. It was clear she had taken herself to the very edge, then chosen to pull back at the last moment.

“Shall I do it to you now, Doris?” Sophia was asking, out of breath but still quite eager to return the favour. “You haven’t even taken your clothes off yet.”

Rising from the chair, Victoria sat on the bed next to Sophia, making no effort to tie her gown closed. She ran her fingers through her daughter’s hair, and knowing where those fingers had been only moments before sent a thrill through me. “I’m afraid Doris will have to wait her turn for now, my sweet. We’ve a rather long night ahead of us.”

“Are you going to Melinda’s room now?” Sophia asked, her weariness forgotten in an instant. “Shall I come with you?”

Victoria bent to kiss her daughter on the lips, lingering just long enough that it threatened to stray from the realms of the maternal into something else entirely. “Not tonight, sweetheart. Soon, though. I promise.”

Then she kissed Sophia again… and this time, I saw Victoria trace the twelve-year-old’s lower lip with her tongue. The startled child froze for an instant, then melted into her mother’s arms, her own tongue emerging to play.

My head swam, my heart throbbed at the impossible yet wondrously real sight of a mother and daughter kissing like ardent lovers. For a moment, I wondered if Victoria was about to give into her desire and couple with Sophia then and there… but then she broke the kiss, cradling her daughter close instead.

A blissful Sophia rested her cheek on Victoria’s bare breast. “I love you, Mummy,” she whispered.

“I love you, my precious child,” Victoria replied. “You’ve made me very, very happy.”

I was near enough to touch them both, to join in their embrace – but chose not to. This was their moment. Instead, I waited, basking in the warmth of their mutual adoration until Victoria tenderly lay Sophia down, drawing the blanket up to cover her daughter’s nakedness.

We each gave her a parting kiss and a whispered “nighty-night,” then made a quiet exit, carefully closing the door behind us before padding across the hall to Melinda’s room.


Before I even had the chance to turn the door handle, Victoria had me against the wall, kissing me fiercely, her tongue darting into my mouth. I tried to snake a hand into the folds of her gown but she batted it away, shaking her head. “Don’t. Anything could set me off right now. And I want to prolong this feeling for as long as I can.” She gestured towards the door. “After you.”

Melinda was propped up against a pillow, one hand balancing a book on her chest, the other grasping a ginger biscuit she’d clearly pilfered from the pantry. “Oh, hello, Doris,” she piped when I stuck my head round the door. “Will you read me the rest of this chapter? It’s getting rather exciting—” The ten-year-old craned her neck to peer behind me. “Who’ve you got with you there…?

Victoria gave me a gentle push into the room, following closely behind. Melinda quickly hid the biscuit under the pillow, all innocent smiles. “Um, hello, Mummy!”

But her mother wasn’t fooled. Perching on the edge of the bed, she reached into the ten-year-old’s hiding place to retrieve the nefarious snack. “What have we said about eating in bed? Doris might let you get away with this sort of mischief, but you won’t butter me up so easily!” With that, she set her fingers into the child’s ribs and gave her a quick tickle.

“Mummy, stop!” Melinda giggled. “Have you come to read me a bedtime story, then?”

Victoria gently pulled the book from Melinda’s grasp, folded it closed, then placed it on the nightstand next to the bed. “Why don’t we make up our own story instead?”

Melinda gave her mother a puzzled look. “What kind of story?”

Taking a place behind my young charge, I slowly drew the blankets away from her body.

Victoria stroked her daughter’s cheek. “Well… how about the story of the pretty little pixie who got up to some very naughty games with her nanny at bedtime?”

Melinda gave her mother a dazzling smile. “Oh, I like that story. Are you here to play naughty games too, Mummy?”

“Your mother wants to watch us play, Melinda,” I told the girl. “How does that sound?”

In response, Melinda had her pyjama bottoms and knickers off before another word was spoken. She spread her legs apart, folded her arms, then gave her mother and me a saucy look.

“I suppose we’ve just had that question answered,” Victoria chuckled.

“You watch from over here, Mummy,” Melinda said, indicating a spot to one side of the bed. “There’s not enough room for all three of us. Take your dressing gown off, if you like.” She glanced up at me. “You too, Doris.”

“Oh, thank you very much,” Victoria said, and the two of us shared an amused look. Of all the Shaw daughters, Melinda was the sweetest, but she could also be quite precocious when the mood took her, and so charming about it that one always seemed to end up doing exactly what she wanted. Certainly there was no denying the thrill of having a ten-year-old girl directing her mother and me in matters of sex.

Victoria slipped the silvery gown from her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Clad in naught but stockings, she teased her inner thighs, fingers tracing the curls of her bush but not allowing herself to venture any closer to her sex, at least not for the moment.

I cast away my own nightshirt with a single motion, glad to be rid of it.

Melinda gazed approvingly at her mother’s nudity. “You’re beautiful, Mummy,” she cooed. “I like how you look with no clothes on.”

A shiver rippled through Victoria’s elegant form. I suspected she might come at any moment, without even touching herself. “Th-thank you, my darling,” she said, a slight tremor in her voice. “Why don’t you and Doris play your special game now? I’d like to watch.”

Melinda turned to me, her eyes sparkling. “Go on then, Doris,” she told me, spreading her thighs even further apart. “Show Mummy what we do.”

Crawling onto the bed to lie between my little lover’s legs, I brushed Melinda’s sex with a feather-light kiss, then slowly drew my tongue up through her smooth slit. My eyes locked with those of Victoria as she perched on the edge of the bed, so close to us that I could smell her arousal. Now she was fondling her sex, sliding a finger through the folds while she watched us.

“This is what Doris does to me after we’ve had our bath, Mummy,” Melinda explained, as if describing what she’d got up to that day at school. “Can you see everything?”

Victoria’s eyes took on a dreamy cast as she pleasured herself. “Yes, baby girl, oh, yes… I can see. I’m so glad you and Doris can enjoy these lovely feelings together.”

“Sometimes I like to do this to my truffle,” the child continued, prising her petal-like labia apart to reveal the pink interior. “It feels really nice when Doris licks all around the inside. Show Mummy how you do that, Doris.”

Determined not to disappoint mother or child, I swirled my tongue round and round the juicy flesh of Melinda’s vagina while she held herself open for me – spiralling towards the opening of her sex, then back out to the boundaries of her labia. Victoria would recognise the technique; after all, it was she who had taught it to me.

As she ground her sex into my mouth, Melinda beamed at her mother, clearly thrilled to show off her favourite bedtime activity.

My cunt was crying out for attention, a hotbed of warm fluid and overstimulated nerve endings. It was becoming difficult to ignore, and I knew the matter would have to be addressed before very long. Perhaps Victoria would encourage Melinda to put her tongue to me before we tucked the little one away for the night.

But for now, I intended to give my lover the full show. Drawing my mouth away from the child’s sticky little honeypot, I murmured, “Turn round and kneel on the bed, Melinda… let’s show your mother the other thing we like to do.”

Melinda flipped round, positioning herself on all fours with the agility only a child could muster. Victoria rested a knee upon the bed and reached beneath her little one to unbutton her pyjama top and gently tug it off, leaving Melinda as naked as her mother and I. That done, she began stroking the child’s bare back while I took my tongue to the little arse before me.

Sophia had never quite taken to this way of making love, but Melinda adored it. She peered back at me with a blissful smile. “Lick both places, Doris,” she told me. “You know how much I like it when you do that!”

And so I trailed my tongue through the entire length of her crack, from her clitoris all the way up to her rosebud, then back down again.

Victoria bent to kiss and nuzzle her youngest at the small of her back, tantalisingly close to those firm little buttocks. I nearly gasped in astonishment.

Even after weeks of my lady’s schemes to broker a sexual bond between her daughters and me, I’d never stopped to consider whether there might be some incestuous motive on her part. Now I strongly suspected that Victoria was entertaining the notion of making love with her children. The thought was exquisite in its debauchery, sending a surge of renewed lust sweeping through me.

When Melinda’s legs began to tremor, I knew she was close to coming. Easing the tip of a finger into her arsehole, I flicked my tongue over her clit until she began clenching and unclenching her buttocks. With one slow, steady stroke I penetrated the ten-year-old’s rectum, right up to the third knuckle. I’d gone into her arse before, but never that deep.

“Doris!” Melinda cried, a shudder rocking her boyish frame. She pushed her bottom back as if attempting to take even more of my probing finger. “Oh… oh my, yes…”

“Good girl,” Victoria crooned, reaching round to gently pinch the child’s tiny nipples. “There’s my good girl. Are you enjoying yourself?”

“It… f-f-feels… so n-nice, M-mummy,” Melinda whimpered, shivering the way she always did just before orgasm.

Sure enough, the little girl went iron-rigid, making a low keening sound that rose to a high-pitched squeak. After a moment of small tremors she simply collapsed onto the bed, smiling and out of breath.

Victoria and I tucked her in, pulling the blanket up to cover the little one’s nakedness. My lady leaned across to kiss me full on the mouth, her tongue darting between my lips. Was it the thought of tasting her daughter on me that prompted such urgency? Had that been why she’d also kissed me outside Sophia’s room?

Having finished with me, she bent to kiss Melinda. Again, the exchange lingered just long enough to leave me wondering. A motherly kiss goodnight… or something more?

It was Melinda who resolved that question for me, her lips parting to deepen their kiss. I could only stare in awe as the child’s tongue darted into her mummy’s mouth. Victoria was quick to respond, meeting and matching her daughter’s passion, while Melinda twined both arms round her neck.

Just when I thought Victoria wouldn’t be able to tear herself away from this increasingly heated embrace, she broke their kiss. With an adoring smile, she briefly touched her lips to Melinda’s button nose, whispered, “My little angel,” then stood, bending to the floor to retrieve her gown.

“That was very nice, Mummy,” Melinda declared, then turned her gaze my way. “Thank you, Doris.”

Bending to hug my precious ten-year-old sprite, I kissed her cheek, cooing, “Sweet dreams, Melly.”

By then, Victoria had slipped back into her gown. She reached down to pluck the forbidden biscuit from the nightstand, took a small bite, then put it into Melinda’s hands. Holding a finger to her lips, she whispered, “Shhhh… our little secret,” before we alighted from the room.

Out in the hall, I reached out for Victoria. “I need to come, my love. I’m gasping for it. I know you are, too. Why don’t we leave Becky for another night? Let’s go back to your room and see to our needs.”

Victoria shook her head. “We mustn’t leave Rebecca out. Her feelings would be hurt.” Then she twined both arms around my waist, holding me close. “Don’t worry, my love. You’ll not be left wanting.”

I nodded in agreement, and we set off together for Becky’s room. But before we’d taken more than a couple of steps, it was Victoria’s turn to stop me.

Taking my hand, a knowing smile on her lips, she said, “You know, Rebecca’s a big girl, grown up enough to know what she wants. Whatever happens in her room tonight, let’s follow our desires.”

I wasn’t exactly sure what Victoria was driving at. But all would soon be revealed.

On to Chapter Fourteen!


24 Comments on The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 13

  1. Ty says:

    So nicely written. It’s almost as if you can feel the level of passion they are all experiencing. Sad that there are only few more installments to come.

  2. radio973 says:

    So beautiful. Thank you for your wonderful words. So exciting, hot, sexy, smart and amazingly sweet.

  3. MusicMan says:

    Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Steamy, romantic, you can feel the passion pouring through. Fantastic mix of culmination and buildup.

  4. Kim & Sue says:

    The start at church was nicely done. Sometimes we feel as if we’re watching some classy British show on PBS rather then reading a ‘dirty’ story. The depth of setting and characters is that well done.

    We’d almost forgotten Victoria’s promise of accompanying Doris as she made the rounds of the girls for sex. We were happily aroused as it came back to us. Getting through the trysts with Mellie and Sophia was absolutely draining and we are glad that Becky has been saved for the next chapter.

    This story is a real gem.

  5. Quinlan says:

    Loving this tale. Following the steps, one by one, towards the inevitable conclusion has been a delight.

  6. Chuck says:

    Each chapter is better than the last! Seriously one of my favorite stories. I always get excited when I see a new story here, but these are superb.

  7. Joe Dornish says:

    I promised myself I’d wait for the final chapter to drop before I started this but I just couldn’t help myself. And as predicted, here I am desperately waiting for more!

    The quality of the writing here has blown me away, it is up there with many a published novel I’ve read, indeed, better than a lot of them. I bought into the characters from day one and felt completely immersed in the happenings at Shadowglen.

    At times I felt the story drifted into an earlier era, late Victorian or Edwardian perhaps, but that could just be me and the way my mind wonders off the page sometimes, which is a compliment as it means you’ve captivated my imagination.

    The bar has already been set very high for stories here, and this one raises it even higher. Well done indeed, I can’t wait for more.

  8. Erocritique says:

    Right up there with the best stories to ever grace this site. An erotic taboo masterpiece. This collaboration between two of JuicySecrets’ top contributors is not disappointing. No surprise there. The opening of the chapter at the church set the contrast for the kinky taboo erotic fun that was to follow. The Scene with Sophia was a nice start to the kinky taboo erotic fun. The scene with Melinda built on the kinky taboo erotic fun. And now we are left to anticipate what kinky taboo heights of erotic fun will be reached when Doris and Victoria arrive at Rebecca’s room. A very nice cliffhanger ending. Bravo!!! to BJ & JB. Amazing stuff. And thanks to all at JS. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. kinkys_sis says:

    Forty-two ‘Excellents’ so far and utterly deserved.

  10. JetBoy says:

    What can I say? Your love, your praise, your kindness… truly, we are left humbled in the face of such graciousness. In other words, “Thanks ever so!”

  11. Bryan says:

    So good

  12. Helen says:

    I am about to set a dangerous precedent by stating my favourite JS stories. Dangerous only because I’m bound to have missed some that deserved to be there.

    This story is easily among my all-time favourites. Here it is; in no particular order.

    JetBoy & BlueJean – The Loves And Labours Of Doris Sloane.

    BluJean – The Beekeeper’s Daughter.

    Sunnybunny – A Young Desert Rose.

    No One – Unexpected Delights.

    Kinkychic & kinkys_sis – A Bordello In New Orleans, A Teacher’s Forbidden Love, A Space Nymphet, The Queen Of Pirates, Adventure In The Bush. (I could really add one or two more here, but there’s enough there.)

    Kinkys_sis & Shy Mom – Beautifil Evelyn, Beautiful Bee.

    Jacqueline Jillinghoff – Esther And The Enchanted Egg.

    I would have included some of Eloquent Delinquent’s work but for the fact, they were unfinished.

  13. BlueJean says:

    Ty ~ That’s all we can hope for as writers – to draw you inside the story. Thanks so much.

    radio973 ~ I’m not sure we deserve all those wonderful superlatives, but I’ll take them all and thank you kindly.

    MusicMan ~ Thank you. Interestingly, your comment would work equally as well if we’d made you a cappuccino.

    Kim & Sue ~ Welcome back, you two. Hey, do you still read the stories out loud to each other? I like to imagine you doing the British accents. You do the British accents, right? Tell me you do.

    Quinlan ~ Thanks, it’s been nice having you tag along.

    Chuck ~ It’s pretty thrilling to know this is a reader favourite. You lot can be hard to please sometimes. 😉

    Joe Dornish ~ Such nice praise from a fellow author. In my impromptu interview with co-author JetBoy in the comment feed from a previous chapter, he mentions the story was originally set even earlier than the 1930s, so it’s quite possible that some of that residue remains. The bawdy tale of the British servant seducing the entire family is very much an Edwardian speciality, isn’t it?

    Erocritique ~ Thank for your continued support. It’s interesting to note that between yourself and Kim & Sue, you’ve surely contributed more text to Juicy Secrets than many of the authors here. It’s very generous of you to comment on more or less every post that crops up.

    kinkys_sis ~ 61 ‘excellents’ and an ‘average’ as of writing. We’re not exactly book critics, are we? But we sure know what we like. For any interested, I’ve just finished editing a new three-parter by The Sisters Kinky called A Fast Girl, which I imagine will crop up shortly after Jewels of Africa has run its course.

    Bryan ~ *flips a salute*

    Helen ~ I’m thrilled I got *two* mentions. One and a half, maybe? Stay tuned for the Beekeeper sequel.

    Damn, these replies take more time than entire chapters, but you guys are worth it.

    • Kim & Sue says:

      Yes, we do still read aloud to each other. Sorry we can’t go into detail here. Site rules you know. And we aren’t going to set up AI to have the story read to us in a girls voice.

      British accent? Well yes we try sometimes. Sadly it’s most often more hilarious than erotic. I’m awful at it. However Sue can be very convincing at times with an British accent, especially in a young girl voice with ensuing intense orgasm on my part due to the wonderful dialogue of the story.

  14. Rimmingfun says:

    Genuine quality writing, the fact it is so wonderfully erotic just enhances the pleasure xxx like everyone the anticipation of becky, doris and mummy all exploring each other has me tingling xx the gorgeous arse play in this chapter was my personal highlight here xxx

    • BlueJean says:

      I wonder if rimming was even a thing before the advent of video pornography. Perhaps it’s naïve to assume our ancestors weren’t every bit as perverted as we are.

      • Rimmingfun says:

        You’d like to think our victorian cousins enjoyed the thrill of arsehole licking as much as we do…was always a fascination of mine long before the great and air brushed porno stars made it de rigeur…long may it continue, at my happiest between a pair of soft cheeks x

        • Mystery Mouse says:

          The word ‘analingus’ was coined in the 1890’s by Kraft-Ebing in his list of ‘perversions’. He’s the same guy who gave us the word ‘sadomasochism’, just in case anybody needed a bit of quiz night trivia knowledge.

          People discovered that sex can be fun a lot longer ago than we perhaps realise.

          Now, if they could just be a little less uptight about it, we’d be in a much better place.

  15. Mystery Mouse says:

    So, where to begin?

    Where to begin and what to say?

    As I’m writing, this latest installment has been rated ‘Excellent’ seventy-three times, ‘Average’ once, and…nothing else. That’s a frankly astonishing result and one definitely well deserved. My choice can be for nothing but ‘Excellent’ as well. This has been a consistently well-written and well-designed story, and a true pleasure to read.

    I think it’s fair to say that we all knew that there was a fair chance that there was going to be incest in this. The foreshadowing was heavy, the characters support it, and this IS Juicy Secrets – we’re not exactly opposed to family fun here, are we?

    But this is a perfect example of a slow-burn story that really works. We’re thirteen chapters in but no real familial sexual interaction has yet to occur, giving the characters enough time to properly develop. When things do finally happen, it will be natural, unforced, and as devoid of abuse or manipulation as it could possibly be.

    (Of course, there’s always the possibility that there actually won’t be ANY incest in the story, the characters being content with a dynamic in which only Doris plays with both generations. BlueJean is clearly an author capable of subverting our expectations like that while STILL delivering an exceptional story that more than satisfies us.)

    I could go on, but I’m aware that my comments tend towards the overlong as it is, so I’ll refrain. Except to say that this story is a true masterpiece of the genre and I am deeply jealous of the skill shown in its writing.

    Also…those are some seriously hot sex scenes. Just sayin’.

    • BlueJean says:

      For me, once that incestuous line has been fully crossed in a story, the law of diminishing returns sets in. This is why it’s been so hard to write the sex scenes for the Beekeeper sequel – the sex was already established in the first installment, so it was hard to keep each new erotic encounter fresh and unique. Otherwise there’s a danger that it’s just more of the same over and over again. In that regard, I’d like to think ‘Doris’ is a tightly-knit yarn that doesn’t outstay its welcome.

  16. kinkychic says:

    This one continues to be among my favourites for quite a number of reasons — thank you.

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