Ripples, Chapter 41

  • Posted on January 28, 2025 at 5:20 pm

A lengthy chapter… so please pace yourself as you read. Worth the wait, we hope. — JetBoy

A (formerly) brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the story, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this saga, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)

Divorced mother Jessica has found a new identity as a lesbian, becoming the lover of her friend Rachel, as well as her three daughters Alice (12), Katie (9), and Poppy (7). At the same time, Rachel has found sexual intimacy with her own girls Bella (12) and Cindy (10), and they have all elected to come together as one big incestuous family.

Not long after that, Jessica’s younger sister Laura pays an unexpected visit and catches them all in the midst of their first family orgy. Despite her shock at what she saw, Laura was seduced later that night by the three youngest daughters, and eventually ends up joining in the family festivities.

Jess has an openly gay friend named Stella. She has twin daughters named Sienna and Lacey (both fourteen) who have flirted shamelessly with Jessica and her oldest daughter Alice. Alice suspects that the twins are sexually involved with their mother Stella, who she is very much attracted to herself.

As it transpires, Stella and her daughters are members of a secret society of local women who enjoy lesbian sex — especially with younger girls, including their daughters. Now that Jess has officially come out in her relationship with Rachel, Stella is looking to bring her, Rachel and both their families into the Society.

Stella lays her cards on the table: she suspects Jess and Rachel of having incestuous relations with one or more of their girls, and proposes bringing their combined families together for a sex party (though she has yet to tell Jess anything about the Society just yet). Jess is open to the idea, and tentative plans are made.

In the meantime, Jess and Laura’s mother Ann has just returned from a lengthy sea cruise. Laura informs her sister of a secret their mum told her: that she herself has recently explored lesbian sex with a much younger woman. This gets Jess thinking about the possibility of getting Ann to join in their incestuous relationship. She, Laura and Rachel discuss the idea, where they are overheard by Jessica’s seven-year-old daughter Poppy, who is intrigued by the possibility of sex with her grandmother.

When Ann arrives, Jess informs her mother that she is in a committed relationship with Rachel, and now considers herself gay. Ann is delighted for her daughter, especially since she already knows and likes Rachel. Later that night, Ann tells Jess about her night of passion with Gina, a woman in her twenties who she met online by accidentally visiting the Woman Seeking Woman page at on online dating site.

Later, when she is tucked up in bed, Ann masturbates while remembering her sexual encounter with Gina. But we soon learn that she later had a second sexual encounter with a woman, one she has yet to speak of to her daughters, with a French woman named Colette who she’d met on her ocean cruise.

Ann recalls one very special encounter with Colette. They were in bed and making love when Ann glanced up to see her partner’s eleven-year-old daughter Coralie standing in the entrance, watching them fuck. Colette didn’t notice the girl’s presence, but Ann was mesmerized — and turned on, in spite of herself.

The next day, Ann was approached by Coralie, who briefly exposed herself, then admitted that she was attracted to women, especially her own mother. Ann was shocked, but promised to keep the girl’s secret. Later, Ann brings herself to orgasm remembering that time with Colette – and Coralie.

The next morning, Ann is awakened by her granddaughter Poppy, who she will be looking after that day while Jess takes Alice and Katie to the dentist. After awhile, Ann notices the seven-year-old behaving in a very strange way. First, while reading, she notices that the child is naked beneath her skirt and surreptitiously rubbing her bare slit. Taken aback, she decides to take a bath, which is interrupted by Poppy, who insists on sharing the tub with her grandmother and soaping her breasts.

When Jess returns with the older girls, she has a stern chat with Poppy after Ann mentions having bathed with her. But when Poppy asks for a kiss, Jess can’t resist the chance to go down on her little girl.

Later that night, Jess phones her sister Laura, asking her to keep an eye on Poppy the next day. Laura will be looking after the girls while Jess and Rachel are on a one-night trip to London. The sisters end up having a very stimulating round of phone sex before turning in for the night.

The London trip is a rousing success for Rachel and Jess. During their stay in a posh hotel, they end up having a sex party with Dominique, an Asian friend of Rachel’s who runs a sex shop and loves to demonstrate the toys she sells, and Valentina, a Slovenian immigrant who works as a maid in the hotel. She delivers a bottle of champagne to the room and is subsequently enticed into her first lesbian experience. Meanwhile, back home, Ann and her daughter Laura are having a frank discussion about sex.

And that, dear readers, is where this installment kicks off. Read on…

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Laura and Ann were relaxing on Jessica’s cozy sofa, wine glasses in hand, a half-emptied bottle on the table before them. That, coupled with the provocative nature of their conversation, had both mother and daughter feeling warm and tingly.

Actually, Laura had gone from tingling to throbbing. She was restless with arousal and trying not to let it show, her knickers positively sodden. After all, she was about to share intimate details of her sex life with Ann, hoping to get her mum hot and bothered.

Taking a sip of the Cabernet she’d selected from Jess’ wine rack, Laura began. “So, Mum, you’ve heard of swingers, right?”

Ann pursed her lips. “Honestly, dear… I’ve not had many sexual experiences outside marriage, that’s true, but I wasn’t born yesterday. Yes, I know what swinging is.” Then she smiled. “Remember the Mannions, the couple who built the mock Tudor four doors down?”

Laura nodded. “Still the ugliest house in the district, I swear. What about them?”

“Well, they were into that sort of thing. You see,” Ann’s cheeks reddened a bit, “they invited your father and me to… join them. Of course, we refused.”

Laura’s jaw had gone slack. “The Mannions? Those two?” She gave her head a brisk shake. “Bloody hell, I can’t let myself think about that. All right then, you understand what I’m talking about.

“For those who participate, there are some pretty big events dedicated to swinging, but most of them take place in suburban homes with just a few invited guests – maybe just two couples. I’ve written about this scene a few times. But there’s a big difference between swingers and the assignment I’m on now. See, swinging is generally for couples and single women… and most of the women are bisexual, or at least curious.”

Ann appeared to have a question, so Laura paused. “Hmmm?”

”So, since there are men at these events, I suppose you don’t… get involved?”

“Well, I don’t normally participate when I’m doing a story, and yeah, I’m not about having it off with men. There was this one time when I got pulled into a big ladies-only orgy while the men watched.”

Ann seemed to be picturing that scene in her head, and Laura felt a twinge of excitement as she saw a tensing in her mum’s thighs, as if she was squeezing them together. Good – you keep doing that, Mum.

“Now the parties I investigated for this assignment are a completely different kettle of fish. These little get-togethers are for women only. You pay a membership fee, anywhere from £50-£200 a month, plus a signing-on fee to cover background checks and set-up; membership cards, apps, email address, that sort of thing. Some of the more exclusive events cost hundreds of pounds a ticket, and they’re almost always held in large private residences and country houses. The venues are strictly secret – you have to sign an NDA, and photos or filming are almost never permitted. Many of the members are wealthy, famous or both, so discretion is an absolute must.”

Setting her wine glass on the coffee table, Ann adjusted her sitting position. “What kind of women go to these parties?”

“Hmm. Some of them are married, but aren’t getting what they want in the bedroom. Some are single, maybe divorced, and some are business women who don’t have time for proper relationships, especially with men. But they need a release, or just a good old fuck, and these parties offer a safe environment to explore their desires. They might already be lesbians, or just curious, and these parties cater for all levels of experience. Some of the women like getting it on with first-timers, some are looking for familiar faces… but even if you don’t manage to hook up on your own, they have escort agency girls around to make sure everyone is satisfied. Believe me, Mum – you would have no problem finding someone to join you in bed.”

As Laura spoke, she saw Ann rest a hand in her lap – perhaps an attempt to suppress a growing heat? She continued. “The last event I attended was in a mansion on the outskirts of Paris with about thirty or so women. This time, I was allowed to get some photos and a little video before the party proper started, as long as no one could be identified. All the guests were advised beforehand, and I had to submit everything for review.”

Laura paused to sip from her glass before resuming the story. “Now I’m supposed to be reporting, not cruising for sex myself… but there was one woman who caught my eye, and I could tell she was checking me out, too. She was somewhere close to forty, attractive, and clearly new to the whole scene.

“Before long, some of the women were down to their lingerie… and a few were stark naked, having sex on the sofas and in the chairs. Mostly couples, but there was some group action happening. The main event was taking place in the middle of the room, where this cute young thing with a crew cut who was done up exactly like Grace Jones was pounding an older woman with a massive strap-on cock. They were putting on quite a show!”

“Grace who?” Ann asked, her brow slightly furrowed. “Someone you know?”

“Lord, I wish! No, Mum. She’s a singer with style for weeks. I’ll have to play you a few of her records… or take you to a bar where we can dance to her. If you’re going to be gay, it’s de rigueur to know about Grace. Anyway, while those two were fucking, this woman kept looking over at me. I finally gave her a smile, and she smiled back, drifting toward the exit that led to the bedrooms. It was obvious she wanted me to follow… so that’s what I did.

“Once we were both in the corridor, she reached for my hand, then blushed, not sure what happened next. ‘Do we just pick one of the rooms?’ she asked me.

“Now, I’d had the grand tour earlier that day when I was still wearing my journalist hat, so I told her, ‘Come,’ and led the woman to one of the better rooms, where they had a small jacuzzi.

“Mildred was her name. I was right; it was her first time at a sex party, though she’d been with women before. She was very eager and had a great body. We shared a few hot kisses, then stripped off and got to it.” Laura sat back, idly stroking her thighs. “Oh, Mum, it was incredible. For over two hours, Mildred and I fucked like animals. She was carrying a strap-on in her handbag, and we took turns using it on each other. I went down on her, she did the same to me, then she nearly got her whole hand inside my vagina.”

“My goodness,” Ann breathed.

“I’ve been with quite a few women, as well as the odd group encounter, but that night was something else. When we finally fell asleep, I was utterly exhausted. Mildred gave me her card the next morning.”

“Have you contacted her since?”

“Not yet. I’ve been occupied… er, putting the final touches on the article. Also, I’m wrapped up in research for my next assignment. My boss wants me to do a piece on lesbian escorts. We’re talking about high-class women who charge hundreds of euros for an evening.”

Ann raised an eyebrow. “That’s a thing, is it?”

“Oh, yes. Some of these girls get taken all over the world in private jets, all expenses paid, given free use of credit cards for shopping…” Laura gave her mother a wry smile. “Why do you ask, Mum? Thinking of using your retirement cash to splash out on some teenage hotties?”

“Don’t be silly, Laura,” Ann protested, a hint of colour in her cheeks. “It’s just that… I’ve never even heard of escorts for lesbians!”

“The world has changed since your dating days, Mum. More and more women are questioning their sexuality, and a lot of young girls are experimenting with one another as an alternative to boys.”

Ann slowly nodded. “I can see why. I mean, just look at your sister. She only had eyes for men, and look how that worked out! Rachel is exactly what she needed. It’s been good for the girls, too.”

Laura had to smile. If you only knew how good, Mum. Clearing her throat, she said, “So, Mum – are you planning on taking things any further with that girl you slept with… Gina, wasn’t it?”

“Well, while I was on holiday I… thought about that. I’d like to see Gina again, perhaps spend another night with her, but I don’t think we’d work out in a real relationship. It’s fine for me to play the field for a bit, but at some point I’ll want to settle down.”

“Hmm. You’ve put some serious thought into exploring the lesbian life, haven’t you?”

A moment’s hesitation, then Ann said, “Yes. Yes, I have. Heaven knows, it’s not something I expected to happen, or was looking for… but at this point in my life, I think being with a woman is – I don’t know, it just feels right for me.”

“Preaching to the choir, Mum,” said Laura, taking her mother’s hand. “What type of women would you look for?”

“I don’t really know, sweetie. Remember, I’m new at this.”

“What sort of age, then? Same as you? My age? Maybe even younger.” Laura studied her mum closely, trying to discern any flicker of arousal. Is she holding something back? Maybe she’s already called Gina, or she’s trawling dating sites for someone else. But why would she keep that a secret?

“I don’t know,” Ann sighed. “I’m only just coming to terms with the idea of… of being gay. I’ve still got to work out what kind of women I like.”

“That’s usually how you know you’re gay in the first place, Mum – realising you’re attracted to certain kinds of women.” Laura hesitated, then said, “How about porn?”

Ann arched an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Lesbian porn. Sampled any yet?”

“Not really. Oh, I did have a quick peek online after that night with Gina, but just that one time. It was only a couple of days before the cruise, and I had a million things to do.”

“So… what did you think?”

“I didn’t really know what to look for, so I just searched for lesbians. I found a website right away, actually; can’t recall the name. Goodness, I couldn’t believe how much there was of… that sort of thing! I did look at a couple of videos that seemed a bit, well, not realistic, if you know what I mean. Like the women were acting instead of making love.”

“Yeh, there’s a lot of that,” Laura said. “Made for blokes to toss off to, basically. Was there anything you did enjoy?”

“There was this one video,” Ann replied with a shy smile. “It featured these two women – about Jessica’s age, I’d say. One blonde, one brunette. They were standing in a hallway, chatting… then the brunette pressed the blonde against the wall and kissed her.”

“I like where this is going,” Laura murmured. “Did they move the party into bed?”

“No, they began undressing each other right there in the hall. The brunette lifted the blonde’s skirt, slid her panties down, then started licking her.” Ann drew in a shaky breath. “My God, it was so erotic! They ended up, um, fucking right there on the floor.”

“Sounds positively delicious. Did you masturbate?”

Laura!” Ann gasped. “That’s… personal!”

“Mum, seriously?” Laura fired back, rolling her eyes. “This entire conversation is meant to be personal! If I can admit to licking the cunt of a stranger, you can be honest about getting yourself off.” She hesitated, then added, “I ate her arsehole, too.”

Ann stared at her daughter in disbelief, then began to laugh. “Oh, my,” she said a moment later, still chuckling, “I’m beginning to wonder if I’m too old-fashioned to be a lesbian.”

“Don’t you believe it, Mum,” Laura said, moving to wrap both arms round her mother, “There’s a dirty, dirty girl lurking beneath that restrained exterior, and I’m going to help her break free.”

“Well, you’re right – I did touch myself, watching that video,” Ann murmured, holding Laura close. “First time in, oh, goodness, I can’t recall how long. I’d forgotten how good it felt, giving yourself an orgasm. Maybe you could recommend some other videos I could check out.” She laughed again. “My goodness. Am I really asking my own daughter to help me find dirty movies?”

“Anything for you, Mum,” purred Laura, her lips lightly brushing Ann’s ear. “You know, the best lesbian clips are the ones shot by women. I’ll email you some links of my faves – a pick-n-mix selection of girly fun!”

“I – I look forward to it,” Ann said, enjoying the warmth of Laura’s body against hers. Is she wearing scent, or is that just her? It’s lovely.

Laura kissed her mum’s cheek, gently withdrawing from their embrace, then slid back to the end of the sofa, reaching for her wine glass. Taking the last swallow, she parted her legs, giving Ann another full-on view of the red panties she wore. She’d already flashed her mother several times, and Ann never failed to look. By this time, Laura’s knickers were quite damp. Wonder if Mum can tell. 

Looking away, Ann noticed the clock. “Gracious, it’s nearly midnight. We should go to bed.”

“Suppose so,” Laura replied. After taking their glasses and what was left of the wine to the kitchen, mother and daughter shared a goodnight hug, then went to their respective sleeping quarters – Laura to Jessica’s bed, Ann to the guest room.

Fifteen minutes later, Laura crept along the hallway, peeking into each of the three girls’ rooms to make sure they weren’t up to any shenanigans. Satisfied they were out for the count, she slipped quietly down to the room at the end of the landing, pausing to listen before tapping quietly on the door, then opening it a little to peek through the gap.

The bedside lamp was on. Ann was sitting up in bed, wearing a satin nightie. She was idly thumbing through a magazine. “Laura?”

She whispered back, “Can I come in, Mum?”

“Of course. Is anything the matter?”

“No, no. I just wanted to talk to you about something.” Carefully closing the door behind her, Laura padded over to the bed. “Mind if I get in with you?”

“Um, all right. I don’t think we’ve shared a bed since you were six.”

Pulling the belt at her waist, Laura shrugged off the short satin robe, letting it fall to the carpet. As she stood naked before her mother, she ran both hands through her hair. Noting the look of surprise on Ann’s face, she said, “I never wear anything to bed. That’s okay, isn’t it? It’s just us girls together… or do you want me to find something to put on?”

“No, that’s fine, dear,” Ann replied. But the sight of Laura’s nudity had her feeling oddly restless. Must be all that talk of sex with women. Actually, she’d been toying with the notion of masturbating after turning out the light – but that clearly wasn’t going to happen now.

Laura pulled back the quilt and slipped in beside her mother, leaving herself covered up to the waist.

Not wanting to stare at her daughter’s breasts, Ann gazed into Laura’s eyes instead. “What did you want to talk about, sweetheart?”

Turning toward her mum, Laura raised herself on one elbow, her smallish and firm breasts remaining taut. “I’m going to suggest something to you, Mum… but I want you to really give it some thought before making a decision. Fair enough?”

Ann nodded. “All right.”

“Good. Okay, here’s what I’m thinking. I’d like to get you into a sex party. The women-only kind.” Before her mother could reply, she continued. “I have the details of the party organisers, and I could ask them to give you an invite to their next event as a favour. They’d be happy to, given their membership will surely get a boost once my article gets out there. It would certainly be safer than a dating site, and I guarantee you’ll have a great time. There’s no pressure to have sex with anyone, especially if you’re new to it… but once you get a glimpse of the action, you’ll want to indulge, believe me.”

“I don’t know, Laura. I’m not sure if I could go looking for a, a sex partner with dozens of people looking on.”

“They’re all there for the same reason, Mum, and you wouldn’t be the only first-timer.”

“Strictly speaking, I’m not a first-timer anymore.”

“I know, but you’ve only been with one woman so far.” Laura was watching her mother closely as she said those words, and felt a twinge of surprise when Ann averted her eyes.

What’s this, then? Okay, now I’m convinced. Mum’s had it off with someone else.

Lying back, hands behind her head, Laura said, “Well, the offer stands, so just let me know.”

“I’ll think about it,” Ann replied with a brief nod.

Both women remained silent for a few moments, then Laura spoke again. “There’s something else I want to ask you.”

Turning back to Laura, Ann couldn’t prevent herself from looking down at her daughter’s breasts, taking in the view just long enough to notice how lovely they were. Then, averting her eyes, she glanced lower, to where Laura’s hand was resting on her hip beneath the quilt. The blanket had dragged down a little further, enough to reveal a hint of her daughter’s shaved vulva.

Ann closed her eyes, feeling more awkward than ever. “What’s that, dear?”

“Jess told me you gave her the full Monty about what you got up to with Gina… but to be brutally honest, we both think you’re holding something back; you’ve not told us everything. Just now, when I said you’ve only been with one woman, you looked away.”

Laura studied Ann’s face, then pressed on. “Mum, when I first came out, I always went to you for advice. I told you everything because I knew you wouldn’t judge me. It’s time for you to trust me in the same way. I think you’ve got more lesbian experience than you say. Was it Gina, or someone else?”

Ann looked down at her hands, suddenly ashamed for not having been honest. My foolish fears, she told herself. Taking a calming breath, she raised her head to meet Laura’s gaze.

“You’re right, dear,” she murmured. “I have been with someone else… but it wasn’t Gina, it was a woman I met on the cruise.”

Laura touched her mother’s shoulder. “Tell me about her, Mum. Tell me everything.”

“The last couple of weeks of the trip, I met a French woman on holiday with her daughter, the one in the photos. Her name is Colette, she’s forty-five and owns a publishing house in Paris; her husband died last year. She took the trip so as to spend time with her daughter Coralie. She’s eleven, and such a sweet, polite child. Anyway, we got talking about our similar situations and became friends, going on day trips together and fending off the men looking for one-night stands; there were a few of those.

“One night after dinner we were drinking wine in her stateroom, and she asked how I managed on my own, now that my husband was gone. I could have told her about Gina, but I didn’t feel ready to share that with anyone else – besides you, of course. So I said that I didn’t want to rush into a new relationship just yet. That was more or less the truth, anyway.

“Then Colette told me that she and her husband sometimes shared women between them. She was very open about it; apparently she’d only been with women since university and considered herself a lesbian until she met her husband. He was responsive to her needs, though, and was open to Colette having female lovers. And if the woman was bisexual, sometimes she’d be invited to join Colette and her husband in bed. Once he died, she chose to live as a lesbian again.

“She asked if I’d ever been with a woman, and this time I told her about Gina. I didn’t plan to go into detail, but Colette managed to winkle it all out of me. I admitted that yes, it had been lovely, enough that I was questioning my sexuality.”

Laura thought it best to keep both hands in view, but she was pressing her thighs together to ease the low throb she felt in her groin. “Sounds like a pretty personal conversation with someone you’d just met.”

“I’d known Colette for a week and a half by then, so we were well past the casual acquaintance stage.”

So… did she come on to you?”

“In a manner of speaking. She offered to show me how good it was to be with a woman. You have to understand, the offer was made in the spirit of friendship, to help me decide if I wanted to go that way. Of course, she was also honest about how much she wanted it herself!”

“And you accepted her offer?” Laura had a sudden thought that piqued her curiosity. “Hold on – you said Colette had a daughter with her. Where was she?”

“Coralie had her own room, and she’d turned in for the night. I was concerned about waking her up, but Colette assured me her daughter was a very sound sleeper. Anyhow, we went into Colette’s room.”

“And then…?”

“Oh… we kissed, and undressed each other. Then we made love.”

“Hmm. Since it’s so bloody late, I’ll let you off the hook for now, but let’s get one thing straight, Mum: at some point, you are going to tell me this entire story in explicit detail. I expect to have one very soaked pair of knickers once you’ve finished, too.”

“Laura, honestly,” Ann replied, her cheeks flushed.

“So… how was it?”

“Sex with Colette? I can’t find the words to describe it. I mean, with Gina, she did all the work, and it was over in less than a half hour. That wasn’t her fault; I was too nervous and shy to return the favour. I did enjoy what she did, but it was all a bit sudden for me.

“Colette was patient and gentle; she taught me things about my body I’d never known, and gave me feelings I didn’t think were possible. Much as I loved your father, he never satisfied me like that. I can’t remember how many times I, you know, climaxed. I actually lost track of how long we were at it – a couple of hours, at least.” Wanting to avoid awkward questions, Ann decided to leave out the part where Colette’s little girl Coralie spied on them while touching herself. How on earth could I explain something like that?

Laura listened with a steadily building arousal, her mind buzzing. She pictured her mum naked, enjoying a hot, sweaty fuck with the sexy French woman from her vacation snaps. Laura’s nipples were achingly erect, her cunt pulsing hard and deep, enough that she had to fight an urge to ease a finger into the folds of her vagina. More than that, she longed to unbutton her mother’s satin nightie and slip her hand inside to cup a full, creamy breast. Rolling Mum’s nipple between finger and thumb, feeling it stiffen…

Thankfully, her restraint won. Drawing in a calming breath, Laura said, “Well, Mother, from that glowing review of Colette’s talents, I’m guessing that you’re more or less converted to the lesbian sisterhood. Do you plan to see her again?”

“She returned to Paris, but we exchanged email and phone numbers. I told her about you, Jess and the girls. and she and Coralie want to meet the whole family on their next trip. They’re doing quite a lot of travelling these days, so that might be soon.”

“We’d love to meet them. I’m sure Jess will be thrilled to get acquainted with the woman who turned you. So what’s next, Mum?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you going to wait to have sex until you get back together with your new friend, or are you going to play the field? My offer of the party invite still stands… or maybe I can give you a hand negotiating dating sites. If you’re interested in taking a lover, casual or otherwise, I’ll do all I can to help.”

“Let’s not get carried away, Laura. I need to think about this a bit more. Even if Colette was open to a relationship, she lives in Paris and has a business to run. I’d like to find a local woman who is discreet, not inclined to rush things. Someone willing to keep our relationship private, at least for now. I’m not quite ready to be out and proud.”

“Well, don’t spend too long thinking, Mum – take a chance! If you decide to try one of the parties, I’m game to assist.”

“Thank you, darling,” Ann murmured, patting her daughter’s hand. “Look, it’s late, and I really do need to get some rest.”

Laura gave Ann a bashful smile, one she often used to entice potential lovers into her bed. “Um… can I sleep with you, Mum?”

After an instant of hesitation, Ann said, “Er, all right, if you like.”

“Thanks, Mum.”

Ann reached out to switch off the bedside lamp, then scooted down into bed. Laura moved in to kiss her mum on the cheek, then surprised Ann by snuggling up close, resting a hand just beneath her breasts.

At first Ann was taken aback – but then she smiled, remembering long-ago cuddle-ups with her girls. It’s been too long since I’ve done this, she mused. Pressing a kiss into Laura’s hair, she whispered, “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

“Night, Mum.”

Bolstered by the late hour, the best part of a bottle of wine, and their separate thoughts, mother and daughter relaxed, their bodies nestled together. Laura drifted off right away, but Ann had too much to think about.

She mulled over how things had changed for her since that evening with Gina, when she first discovered the appeal of sex with a woman, moving quickly to that momentous night of lesbian lovemaking with Colette. The memory of little Coralie lifting her skirt to reveal her childish slit briefly made itself known, but Ann thrust that image away. Don’t go there, she admonished herself.

From there, her thoughts turned to her new heightened awareness of the female form. It hadn’t escaped Ann’s notice that since returning from holiday, she’d begun to look more closely at women and girls she encountered in everyday life, enthralled by their beauty. Even Laura’s casual nudity made Ann feel fluttery inside. It’s just because she’s a lovely woman, she told herself. Nothing to do with her being my daughter.

Even the sight of young girls seemed to stir her in ways it never had before. Once again, her thoughts returned to Coralie’s wanton display of her sex; the way she shyly asked, Do you think I am pretty, Ann? Then whispering, If you want to touch me, you can. I would like that very much.

Ann shook her head. I didn’t touch her. I wouldn’t have, not that way. She’s just a child. So why does that memory continue to nag at me?

From there, her thoughts drifted to Poppy; the bath they’d shared earlier that day. The incident itself had been odd enough, but the more Ann mused on it, the more it seemed as if Poppy had been flirting with her.

The very idea seemed ridiculous, and yet…

Poppy did seem to be putting her body on display in the tub, Ann mused. Showing herself off, almost. And the way she was touching herself earlier while she watched TV, stretched out on her tummy in that little skirt with nothing on underneath… Did she know I was watching? Did she want me to watch?

And the way she fondled my breasts in the bath; practically feeling me up! Perhaps it was just childish curiosity, but the more I think about it… No, that’s silly. Why on earth would a child come on to her own grandmother?

On the other hand, Poppy’s mum and big sister recently came out as gay, so she’s probably at least wondered if she liked girls herself. Lord knows, I had precious little use for boys at her age! But that doesn’t explain why she’d want to experiment with an old woman like me, instead of one of her little friends.

Enough. You’re being daft. She’s only seven, and you’re making a mountain of a bloody molehill. Go to sleep.

Ann expected to need a few minutes before she could drift off, but those glasses of wine were still making themselves felt. Settling in, she focused on relaxing her body: legs and arms, neck and shoulders, chest, belly, jaw. It was the best method she knew to entice herself into slumber – and sure enough, within a few minutes, Ann was dozing soundly.

As for Laura, she wanted to stay awake, to savour the pleasure of snuggling with her mother while nude. Wish Mum slept naked, too. She thought about ‘accidentally’ allowing her hand to drift upward until it rested on her mum’s ample breast, or slide down to lightly cup her mons, but couldn’t summon up the nerve to take that bold step. Finally, she also succumbed to sleep.


An unfamiliar sound nudged Ann into semi-consciousness. Feeling a numbness in her arm, she tried to move, but something held it down. That strange sound pierced the night again, and she realised it was an owl. Turning her head to the right, she blinked a few times to focus her eyes. The moon was shining through the window, spilling liquid silver onto the bed.

Ann realised her arm was pinned beneath Laura’s neck. She reached over with her free hand and gently withdrew it – without waking Laura, thankfully. Ann had to smile. Always a sound sleeper, that one. Take a cannon blast to wake her.

She flexed her fingers until she felt the blood return, then laid it on her belly, glancing over at the glowing numbers of the radio alarm clock. Less than two hours had passed since she switched off the lamp. Suddenly feeling a bit restless, Ann turned onto her side, eyes widening when she saw that Laura had pushed the quilt away, leaving her bare body limned in the moon’s glow.

Now that she was able to take a good long look without feeling awkward about it, Ann studied her daughter’s trim, athletic frame. Laura’s breasts weren’t large, though ideal for her build. And as Ann suspected from the brief glimpse she’d had earlier, her daughter’s sex was shaved smooth.

She felt a reckless, crazy urge to reach out and trace the curves of Laura’s body, but quickly dismissed it. Instead, she allowed that restless hand to drift down to her own sex, pressing against the front of her nightgown.

In the mellow moonlight, Laura was a work of art waiting to be captured by the painter’s brush. She lay with her right leg bent at the knee, ever so slightly opening the flower of her sex. Ann felt a surge of warmth, a mixture of arousal at the sight of the beautiful naked woman lying next to her, and shame that this particular woman happened to be her own daughter.

In an effort to shake off that twinge of guilt, Ann looked away. Closing her eyes, she tried to pretend Laura was someone else. Inevitably, her thoughts went to Colette Fournier.

Unfortunately, that only served to increase the arousal she felt. Her need for release had been steadily simmering throughout the conversation with Laura; now it had mounted into a frantic hunger that had Ann trembling inside, an increasingly damp patch soaking the front of her panties.

Ann glanced over her shoulder to make sure Laura was still asleep, then slowly hoisted her nightdress up. Taking hold of the waistband of her panties, she carefully slipped them down and off, sliding them under the pillow so Laura wouldn’t see them on the floor when she awakened.

Surprised by her own boldness, Ann slipped a hand down to cup the rise of her vulva, then pressed the middle finger inward until it nestled easily between her labia. Moving slowly at first, she trailed that finger up and down, occasionally dipping inside, then focused on her swelling clitoris, lightly circling the fleshy nub.

A ripple of pleasure made itself known, then began to build as her breathing grew deeper. Checking once more to make certain Laura was still peacefully dozing, Ann continued her subtle caresses, alternating between penetrating her cunt and quick, teasing flicks to the clitoris. Almost without conscious thought,  she brought a second finger into play and began to pivot them both in and out, fighting to keep her movements under control. You mustn’t shake the bed, she told herself.

Immersed in the throes of her approaching orgasm, Ann suddenly felt a hand on top of hers. It startled her so badly that she nearly cried out loud. Twisting to the right, she saw Laura’s face over her shoulder. She was about to yank her hand away, but her daughter held it firmly in place, pressing Ann’s fingers into the dripping flesh.

“Laura! What on earth are you doing!?”

Laura responded in a low, sultry whisper, her lips grazing Ann’s ear. “It’s okay, Mum. You need this… don’t deny yourself.”


“Shhh! Just let it happen.” With that, Laura probed between her mother’s fingers, curving the index digit into Ann’s vagina.

Shocked, Ann tried to pull away, but couldn’t escape her daughter’s firm grip. Their bodies were pressed snugly together, and Ann was all too conscious that only a single layer of gauzy material lay between Laura’s nakedness and hers.

“We – we can’t do this, sweetheart,” she protested, trying to sound calm and failing completely.

Ann’s hand was trapped in her daughter’s, and Laura was using it like a teacher guiding a child through signing his name, writing on her mum’s clitoris in letters of fire. Once more, Ann attempted to free herself, stammering, “Laura, please–”

But before Ann could continue, Laura leaned over and claimed her mother’s mouth in a kiss.

The words died on Ann’s lips, Laura’s tongue silencing her objections. She was too startled to respond at first… and her daughter seized the moment, kissing her mum with a fervour that stole Ann’s breath away. She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to look – but that only triggered memories of Colette, how delicious her kisses were. Surprising herself, Ann relaxed for a moment, allowing Laura to have her way.

By then, Laura had moved her mum’s hand to one side, her fingers wriggling and twisting round inside Ann’s vagina, playing hell with the older woman’s concentration. She’s going to make me come, Ann told herself.

In some crazy way, it actually made sense. The darkness masked the identity of the owner of the mouth and hand guiding her so skilfully towards climax, and her rational mind blocked out the reality of the situation, focusing instead on her rising pleasure. As if on automatic pilot, her body responded as nature intended, Ann’s tensed muscles easing as the warmth spread up from below and down from her mouth to meet in her core.

A sharp twinge of conscience jolted her. I have to stop this, she thought. I have to stop this!

But it was already too late. Ann clutched handfuls of the quilt, moaning into her daughter’s mouth as the storm rose and broke, unleashing a torrent of ecstasy that shook her like dice in a cup. Tearing her mouth away from Laura’s, she gave a loud, ragged cry that trailed off into a moan.

Laura’s pulse raced as Ann’s body trembled and stiffened to her touch. She’d dreamed of making love to her strong, beautiful mother since discovering her true sexuality as a teen, but assumed her fantasy would always remain just that. Now her fingers were buried and busy in Mum’s cunt, driving the older woman through a rager of an orgasm. Fucking hell, Jess may well fling the dummy when I tell her, Laura mused, unable to restrain a triumphant grin.

Ann was still coming, but she’d hit her peak, her climax gradually waning. She shuddered a few times, then went limp, motionless but for the rise and fall of her chest. Laura slowed, then ceased the thrusting of her fingers, carefully withdrawing them before lying down beside her dazed mother.

Her eyes still closed, Ann struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Should she just get up and flee the room, pretend none of this had happened? Oh, don’t be bloody stupid, she told herself. This is the real world, and you’ve got to deal with it.

She slowly turned to see Laura still at her side, their faces inches apart. My God, what are you playing at, Laura? I’m your mother! That shouldn’t have happened.”

“You needed it, Mum. You’re struggling against yourself, fighting your desires. You’re worried what others will think instead of going for what you want.” She weighed her options, then added, “Besides, I’ve wanted to do that to you for years.”

“Wait, you – you have? With me?”

“Oh, Mum,” Laura sighed. “Why do you think I’ve always preferred older women? I had a crush on you before I was twelve, before I even knew I liked girls. Once I got older, I looked for someone like you. I found some incredible lovers along the way, but no one ever filled that space.”

Ann gave her head a slow shake, as if trying to clear it. “Goodness me! I… well, I don’t know what to say to that.”

“Then don’t say anything,” Laura murmured, drawing close. “Just let me love you the way you deserve to be loved.”

Looking up, Ann met her daughter’s eyes, saw the hunger in them. A tiny gasp escaped her, but before she could respond, Laura’s mouth covered hers again.

This time, despite her protests, Ann found her daughter’s kiss harder to resist. But I have to, she thought. I need to make her stop. Oh, my God… why does she have to be so damned GOOD at this!?

Laura’s hand had been lightly resting on her mons, but now Ann felt those fingers begin to move, commencing a slow circle around her clitoris. Ripples of pleasure surged through her, awakening feelings of hunger, of need. She’d experienced orgasm a minute or two earlier; now she ached for release all over again.

Laura continued to kiss her mother, making it as intense and lustful as she could, hoping against hope to get an encouraging response. True, Mum had yet to return the kiss… but she was no longer trying to escape, either.

Time to up the stakes, Laura thought. Let’s see how far I can take this. 

Trailing her tongue down Ann’s chin, Laura nuzzled her mum’s neck, then travelled round to the ear – first using the tip to trace around the edge, then taking the earlobe between her lips, giving it a gentle bite.

“Ohhh!” Ann gasped, beside herself with arousal. This was wrong, so utterly and completely wrong, but she couldn’t break away. No one had ever given her pleasure like this; not even Colette. Ann sensed her daughter’s love in each caress, every touch of her lips. How could she say no to feelings of such intensity?

Abruptly pulling away, Laura reached for the straps of Ann’s nightdress, pulling the silken material down to uncover the breasts that had fed her as a baby. She continued to tug at the nightie, intent on stripping her mother completely naked – but would Mum allow it? Only one way to find out. 

Laura rolled the blue nightdress down to Ann’s hips, far as she could get it without assistance, then gave it a brief tug to let her mum know what she wanted. She waited, holding her breath… feeling a white-hot jolt of exhilaration when Ann slowly raised her pelvis. YES! she silently rejoiced, stripping her mother’s last piece of apparel away with a single deft motion, then casting the nightie to one side.

Laura took a moment to savour the view of her mum’s bare body, then returned to gently fondling the older woman’s slit. Bending down, she left a trail of kisses down Ann’s neck, then down further to capture a swollen nipple between her lips. She lavished the tip of her mother’s breast with every trick she used to thrill a lover – rapidly flicking it with the tongue, circling it, teasing it with quick playful bites, finally engulfing the nipple with her lips and sucking in as much of the breast as her mouth could take.

In the meantime, it hadn’t escaped Laura’s attention that Mum’s hands were now resting on her back instead of pushing her away. Almost there, she thought.

Laura continued her two-finger assault on her mother’s cunt, but now brought her thumb into play, applying the right kind of pressure to the clitoris. She gave Mum’s nipple one last bite, harder this time. Ann gasped in mixed shock and delight, then Laura made her next move, licking a pathway downward, pausing to flick her tongue in the woman’s navel.

“Laura… oh, my lord, Laura!” Ann cried, no longer knowing whether she was begging her daughter to stop or cheering her on. The temptation to simply submit and allow herself to be taken was overwhelming, but her conscience wouldn’t be silenced… and it wasn’t as if Laura was giving her the chance to think.

Maybe I could let her do this once, just not again. Would that be so terrible?

It was wrong, Ann knew that much, but her daughter’s mouth and fingers were telling the sweetest lies, entreating her to give in to the forbidden pleasures of incest.

Laura was now lying between Ann’s thighs, studying her neatly groomed vulva in the silvery moonlight. “Lovely,” she whispered, then inhaled deeply, breathing in her mum’s thick, rich scent. God, I love the smell of cunt, she mused.

Using both hands, Laura pushed her mum’s legs apart until the object of her deepest desire was fully exposed. I came from here, she thought, then dipped down for a taste, dragging the tip of her tongue through the juicy opening.

“Oh!” gasped Ann.

The heady mix of the aroma, the flavour and the very idea of going down on her own mum drove Laura wild with lust, almost causing her to climax then and there. Before that could happen, she buried her mouth in the rosy flesh of Ann’s cunt, thrusting her tongue inside.

Still struggling with her jumbled emotions, Ann raised her head to stare at Laura. Their eyes met, and an ecstatic shiver ran through the older woman’s body when she saw the hunger in her daughter’s gaze. My God… she really does want me that much.

Laura’s response was to shift her attention to Ann’s clit, clamping her lips around the swollen nubbin. When she saw Mum’s head slam back down on the pillow and her hands desperately gripping the sheets, Laura silently rejoiced. Her mother was caught up in the moment, powerless to say or do anything to stop this from happening. Time to finish her off, Laura decided. She threw herself into the task, using all her sexual skills to keep Mum on the boil until she was ready to erupt.

Within a couple of minutes, Ann began to tremble. A cry broke from her throat, one that surely would have awakened the household, had she not managed to cover her mouth with both hands. Her mind raced, struggling in vain to make sense of this. Oh God so good, so good. 

Laura guided Ann through the roller coaster ride of orgasm, bathing her vaginal opening with long, messy licks until she felt certain her mum couldn’t take much more. Bidding farewell with a few gentle kisses, Laura crawled upward to flop down beside the panting woman, grinning in triumph. I did it. I fucking did it.  She moved in to nuzzle Ann’s ear, then moved in for a kiss – a tender one, but smouldering with passion. Mum didn’t exactly return the kiss, but she didn’t resist it, either.

Finally breaking away, Laura smiled at her mum and whispered, “I love you.”

Ann’s expression changed from dazed to bewildered. “I… I can’t believe that just happened. What were you thinking, Laura? I’m your mother!”

“That’s why, Mum. Because you’re my mother. I wanted to show how much you mean to me.”

“Laura… we can’t do this.”

“But we just did, Mum… and it was wonderful. Don’t you dare tell me otherwise.”

Ann started to reply, but couldn’t find the words. Laura was right… sex with her had been incredible. Even Colette, wonderful though she’d been, hadn’t satisfied her like this. Which only made the confusion she felt that much more acute.

She turned to the ceiling and closed her eyes, trying to reason through what had just happened. Laura remained silent for the moment, allowing her mum time to think.

A few moments later, Ann turned back toward her. “Fine. It was wonderful; I won’t deny that. So… what happens now?”

“Well, now I’ve tasted you, I think it’s only fair that you do the same for me.”

“What? No… no, I can’t.”

“I don’t believe that, Mum,” Laura murmured. “You want to lick me. I see it in your eyes.”

“It doesn’t matter what I want!” Ann retorted, growing increasingly flustered. “You’re talking about incest, for God’s sake!”

“Come on, Mum… that’s just a word,” Laura calmly replied. “It only means what society says it means. Why is it wrong for us to make each other feel good?”

“I – look, it’s not as simple as that, Laura, and well you know it.”

“But it is simple. I love you, Mum… and you love me. That’s enough. We’re only celebrating our feelings for one another in a very special, very intimate way.” Once more, she twined both arms round her mum’s bare body. “This doesn’t even have to be the end of it, y’know. Imagine if you and I could do this any time we wanted!”

Ann gawped at her daughter in disbelief. “W-what are you suggesting – that we become lovers?”

“Well, think about it before you dismiss the whole idea, okay? Maybe you’re hoping to find a woman to partner with in a serious relationship… but until that happens, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone you can come to for a good hot fuck when you felt the urge? Sure, you can play the field, maybe check out one of those sex parties, meet someone else at a chat site, even get together with your friend Colette again some day… but in the meantime, you’ll always have me.” Placing a hand on the rise of Ann’s vulva, Laura added, “And you can have me, Mum – any time you want.”

Ann fought to keep her voice down. “But mothers aren’t supposed to – to make love to their daughters!”

Gently tracing her mum’s cleft with a fingertip, Laura purred, “I know they aren’t… and that’s what makes this so fucking hot.” Her voice had fallen to a whisper. “C’mon, Mum – wouldn’t you like to go down on me? At least once?”

Ann tried to formulate an argument, but found herself coming up empty. Even though she’d come twice in the last few minutes, Laura’s finger was stirring the pot all over again, reviving her appetite. And she’s right, Ann thought. She’s my daughter, my own flesh and blood… and I want to fuck her. 

What if I went along with this, gave in to these insane cravings? Just this one time?

Sensing Mum might actually be on the verge of surrender, Laura drew in to place a gentle kiss on her lips. After a moment, she pulled away, gazing into her mother’s eyes. Seeing no signs of resistance, she resumed the kiss – allowing her tongue to explore, coaxing Ann’s tongue to join the dance.

Between Laura’s hungry kisses and that teasing finger, still gliding up and down her slit, Ann felt the last stirrings of resistance melt away. Tentatively winding both arms round the younger woman’s back, she began to respond to Laura’s passion, their tongues mingling. Before two minutes had passed, Ann was kissing her daughter like an ardent lover, groping Laura’s arse as their nude bodies ground together in a lusty tangle.

Satisfied that her mum had fully succumbed to desire, Laura broke their kiss, raising her body until her small yet firm breast was inches away from Ann’s mouth.

By then, Ann was frantic with the need to fondle, to taste, to love the body of another woman. Now that it was happening again, it seemed like she’d been hungering for something like this ever since her last night with Colette. Incest or not, the temptation was too strong to resist. Ann flicked a tongue at the offered nipple, then took it into her mouth to suck, switching to the other breast when Laura presented it.

After a minute or so of attention paid to her nipples, Laura broke away, raising herself until she was kneeling above her mum’s belly. She very pointedly placed a hand over her mound, giving Ann a questioning look. As they locked eyes, Laura saw her mother nod, then she shuffled forward until her cunt was inches from Ann’s face.

Thanks to those nights of lustful abandon with Colette on her ocean cruise, Ann had come to love the taste of pussy. Since then, she’d felt the occasional longing to go down on a woman again, but tried not to dwell on that. Now the opportunity had presented itself, only this time, she would be orally servicing her own daughter. And now Ann knew the truth: right or wrong, she longed for this to happen.

Out of the blue, Ann remembered Colette’s eleven-year-old daughter Coralie, how the girl had confessed to feeling sexual desire for her mother. Time and again, that memory had intruded on her thoughts. The idea of a woman taking her daughter as a lover… Of course, it was wrong. A violation of the relationship between parent and child. Yet at the time, she had done nothing to dissuade Coralie from her longing to commit incest.

Now she was facing that same moral dilemma all over again… only this time, she’d been presented with the opportunity to couple with her own daughter. And she was going to give in, to succumb to temptation.

Enthralled, Ann stared at the smooth cleft of Laura’s sex, so near her face that she could feel its warmth. The moon provided just enough illumination to highlight its beauty, and Laura was taking the time to give her mum a good look.

It’s lovely, Ann thought. My daughter has a lovely cunt. I have to taste it. Meeting Laura’s gaze, she nodded again, more emphatically this time.

Smiling down at her mum, Laura slowly lowered her shaved, dripping slit to Ann’s waiting mouth.

The warm, juicy flesh touched Ann’s lips, the thick scent filling her head. Her pulse raced with the enormity of what she was about to do. Incest? Well, yes, it was, but that no longer mattered. I love Laura, she told herself. That’s enough.

She pressed a kiss upon the vaginal opening, then slid her tongue inside to explore. The rich, thick flavour of cunt, so familiar yet intriguingly different, nearly brought tears to her eyes. She reached around with both hands to take a firm hold of Laura’s arse, fondling it as she licked deeper. Warm, thick fluids soon coated her lips and chin.

Laura clutched at her breasts, scissoring the nipples between her fingers. She was fighting to keep her eyes open no matter how good it felt, determined not to miss a second of her teenage fantasy made real. Finally, she rejoiced. Finally! Mum wasn’t holding back, either, eating her cunt as if she’d wanted to all along.

A brief but potent surge of ecstasy swept through Laura as Ann lightly nibbled her labia. Fucking hell, Mum knows her way around a pussy. If I ever get to meet her friend Colette, I’ll have to stand her a few pints. Then Mum shifted to her clitoris, and Laura forgot to think as a massive orgasm seized her in its convulsive grasp.

“Fuck, Mum,” hissed the younger woman. “F-f-fuck!” She was rocking on her mum’s face, head whipping forward and back as she rode her climax to its unimaginable peak.

By then, Ann was completely caught up in the act of loving her daughter. Laura had an amazingly juicy cunt, luscious as a ripe mango, and Ann did her best to capture every drop, licking, sucking and slurping until Laura clumsily dismounted her face and collapsed on the bed.

Ann lay quietly in the moonlight’s icy caress, her pulse racing with the sheer enormity of what she’d just done. I made my daughter come, for God’s sake. I used my mouth on her!

She was troubled by the act, aware that she shouldn’t have given in to Laura’s forbidden longings… and yet, to be honest, those rumblings of guilt seemed far less potent than they ought to.

That was good. Very good. Laura’s even better in bed than Colette, and that’s a damned high bar to clear. We really have to keep this a one-time thing, but – Oh, God, she’s so beautiful, and I love her so much…

Dangerously close to shedding tears, Ann reached out for her daughter, and Laura crawled into her mum’s embrace. They shared a deep, ardent kiss, Laura purring contentedly as she tasted herself on Ann’s lips. After a long, blissful moment, their mouths drifted apart, but they were still nestled together.

“Laura, I… my goodness.”

“I know, Mum.”

“What we just did… it was wonderful, and I loved it, but we really shouldn’t let it happen again.”

“I get that you think it’s wrong, Mum… but to me, this is too special to give up. We’re good together.”

“That’s not the point, Laura! What if – what if Jess found out? How would we explain ourselves?”

A smile rose to Laura’s lips, but she kept it to herself. “Don’t think about that now, Mum. Let’s get some sleep. You and I can discuss this in the morning.”

“After what we just did? I’m too keyed up to sleep.”

Are you, then? Well, I can help wind you down.” With that, Laura slid a hand back down to Ann’s cunt, dragging a finger through her labia before teasing the clitoris with a light flick. When her mother took in a deep breath before protesting, Laura was ready, claiming the older woman’s mouth in a lustful tongue kiss. Ann stiffened for a heartbeat, but found herself unable to resist her daughter’s passion.

Just then, they heard a noise. Quickly moving apart, both women turned to face the bedroom door as it slowly opened and a shadowy figure entered.

Although the moonlight was diminished, enough came through the window for Ann and Laura to easily identify who had just slipped into the room and turned to quietly close the door.

Laura sat up. “Poppy Matthews, what are you doing up at this hour?”

The figure swivelled round quickly, startled by the sound of her aunt’s voice. Peering over at the bed, Poppy saw the form of someone raised up, and a second lying down. As her eyes took a moment to adjust, she saw Auntie Laura on the bed with Gran lying next to her. They were both naked.

“Auntie Laura? I heard a noise and came in to make sure Nonna was okay. Why are you in Nonna’s bed? And how come you’re not wearing anything?” The child drew closer. “Are you having sex?”

Poppy!” Ann gasped. “What are you saying? Why on earth would you think–”

Laura cut her off. “Mum, you should tell her the truth.” She turned to her niece. “Yes, Pops, we just did. Now go back to bed.”

Ann gaped at her daughter in horror. She stammered, “Wh-what–” then fell silent, at a complete loss.

“Yay!” Poppy squealed. Taking hold of the hem of the large t-shirt she liked to sleep in, the child pulled it up over her head and let it fall to the carpet, leaving her completely naked. “Can I join in? Can I, can I?”

“Keep your voice down, Pops,” Laura hissed. “You’ll wake the whole house up!”

Her eyes widening, the child clapped both hands to her mouth. “Oops! Sorry.”

Ann reached over to the bedside table and switched on the lamp, drawing the sheet up to conceal her nudity. She stared at Laura, her jaw tightening. “What is Poppy talking about?”

Blinking as she adjusted to the light, Laura sighed. “Well, Mum, while you were away there were a few… developments. A change in the family dynamic, you might say.”

Poppy hopped onto the bed, causing a momentary distraction before Ann swivelled back to Laura, an icy tone in her voice as she said, “Please explain.”

“There’s a lot to tell, but I’ll give you the condensed version. It all began when Jess and Rachel were on the verge of becoming lovers. It seems that Alice caught them kissing… then a few nights later, she came to Jess and admitted to liking girls herself. Alice asked Jess to show her how to kiss, they got carried away and ended up, well, making love.”

“I… that can’t be true,” Ann insisted. “Jessica and Alice having sex? Is this some kind of joke? If so, it’s in extremely poor taste.”

“Not a joke, Mum,” said Laura, “and it’s only the start. Alice only did it the once with her mum – at first, that is. Then she enticed Katie and Poppy into bed, and Jess ended up joining them.”

“B-but they’re her daughters!”

“That’s right. And I’m your daughter.”


“Wait; there’s more. Jess told Rachel what she’d done with Alice. Now Rachel had already taught Bella, her oldest, how to masturbate… and after finding out about Alice, she decided to take the same tack with her own girls. With the result that, a couple of months ago when my most recent assignment was done, I paid Jess and the girls a surprise visit… and stumbled onto a two-family lesbian orgy.”

Ann shook her head as if trying to clear it, but with little to no success. “You’re saying that Jessica, Rachel and all their daughters were having a, a sex party? I just – it’s so difficult to believe.”

“That’s how I felt,” Laura said. “There I was, suitcase in hand, staring at two women and five little girls, every one of them stark naked, doing the kinds of things–”

“Don’t tell me,” Ann quickly said. “I’m not sure my heart can take it. What did you do, then?”

“Stood there staring like a total pillock, actually. But I did finally manage to speak up and ask what in God’s name was going on. That broke the party up soon enough.

“I’m sure you can imagine how shocked I was. I’ve got up to some wild things, but incest with children?” She shook her head. “That was a line I’d never crossed. Jess and Rachel did their best to explain, and I could see the girls weren’t doing these things unwillingly… so we agreed to table the discussion until the next morning.”

“I see,” Ann murmured, slowly nodding. “How did you get involved in this yourself, then?”

Laura’s cheeks flushed slightly, but soldiered on to say. “Um, well, that night, Poppy, Katie and Cindy… they seduced me.”

“We set a trap for her!” Poppy chirped, bouncing slightly in her excitement. “It was Katie’s idea. We started doing sex with the door open so Auntie Laura would hear, and waited for her to come watch us. And when she did, Katie brought her into the room, then we took all her clothes off!”

“And there you have it,” Laura said with a shrug. “The next morning I was still uneasy about the whole thing, and I didn’t come round for a couple of weeks. But I finally dropped by when the girls were out, and it was just me and Jess.” She paused. “I’ve wanted her for years, Mum… almost as long as I’ve wanted you. That night, we made love for hours. The next morning, the girls got back, and they joined us in bed. After that, I knew I had to be part of this. I’ve never had cause to regret that decision, either.”

“No regrets? None?” Ann exclaimed. “You’re having sexual relations with children, for God’s sake! I mean, Poppy is only seven years old!”

Poppy scooted forward, placing a hand on her grandmother’s arm. “I’m nearly eight, Nonna. But it’s not a bad thing… really, it’s not! Everyone says you’re not s’posed to have sex if you’re a little girl, but we love doing it, all of us! We call it the Family Fuck Club.”

Ann was staggered to hear such language from her granddaughter, but managed to maintain a certain measure of calm as she spoke to Poppy. “So you and your sisters have sex with your mother, your aunt and each other, and you’re also doing it with Rachel and her daughters? And this… this makes you happy?”

The child’s smile was positively beatific. “It does, Nonna… and now you can join the club too!”

Ann turned to her daughter. “Is she saying what I think she is?”

“Yes, Mum,” Laura replied with a brief nod. “The girls wanted to get you on board straight away. Especially this one,” she added, giving Poppy a nudge. “But Jess and I thought we ought to wait; give you time to sort out your feelings. After all, you might’ve decided that one time with a woman was enough. Of course, we didn’t know yet that you’d already had a second dip in the pot with your friend Colette…”

Poppy’s eyes widened. “Nonna! You did it with that lady in the pictures? Did you have sex with her daughter, too? She’s so pretty!”

“What? No, of course not!” Ann looked away, her face getting hot as she remembered what had happened with Coralie, the twelve-year-old’s confession about the desire she felt for her mother.

Laura continued. “Anyway, now that you seem to have a genuine interest in being with women, I decided to see if you’d let me share your bed tonight… then I’d look for a chance to, well, make my move.”

“On me, you mean?” Ann narrowed her eyes. “Laura, did you and Jessica plan all this?”

“No, Mum… well, not what happened with us just now. We were going to wait until you’d made a decision about dating women, and then… honestly, we just wanted to get you involved. I only decided to come on to you after you told me about Colette. Jess and Rachel will be thrilled when they find out, though.”

Rachel is in on this?” Ann’s head was swimming.

“She knows, yes.” Laura placed a hand on Ann’s thigh. “I know what we’re doing seems perverted and wrong, Mum. But it’s not. What we have is beautiful, loving – and the most amazing sex you’ll ever experience. The only thing that could make it better is if you were to join us.”

“It’s true, Nonna!” Poppy exclaimed. “We’re having such a good time. You can, too!”

Ann stared down at her hands, her mind in a dizzying whirl. “I don’t… I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to this. It’s too much for me to take in at once. The girls… they’re not even teens, they’re children! I should be furious with you and Jessica, but…”

“But some part of you is turned on.”


“Mum, be honest. It didn’t take much for me to seduce you.”

A sudden revelation hit Ann, and she looked up at her beaming granddaughter. “Poppy, when you were… touching yourself on the floor yesterday, then getting in the bath with me, was that… was that part of what’s what’s happening here?”

Laura spoke up first. “No, Mum, it wasn’t.” She turned to her niece, frowning. “At least, it wasn’t supposed to be. Poppy, what did your mother tell you? You were supposed to leave this to the grownups.”

“Sorry, Auntie Laura,” the seven-year-old replied. “I heard you and Mum talking in the kitchen about Nonna wanting to be a lesbian. I only wanted to help!”

“Be that as it may, I think your mother will be having a long talk with you about rules, young lady.” Laura turned back to her mother. “So Mum, putting Poppy’s behaviour to one side for the moment, how do you feel about all this?”

“I’m not sure. You seem to be happy, yes. But you have to understand. This… this flies in the face of everything I’ve been taught.”

“I realise it means putting aside some fundamental questions of right and wrong, Mum. I had to do the same thing myself, after all. I don’t regret it for a moment, though. What we have here with the girls is beyond anything I’ve experienced. Our family is closer than ever… and I’ll say it again: the sex is incredible. My God, Mum, the love in this house… it’s more than most people experience in a lifetime!”

“What you’re suggesting… I can’t, Laura. I did enjoy having sex with you, God help me, but even that was going too far. Now you’re asking me to make love to my granddaughters? I’m sorry, but…” She trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

”But what if we want you to make love to us, Nonna?” piped Poppy, her mouth set in a mournful pout.

“Oh, sweetheart,” Ann murmured, somewhat unnerved by her granddaughter’s sorrow. “There’s lots of ways I have to show my love to you without – without us having sex.”

“But it’s such a nice way to show love!” Poppy insisted. “What if you tried it, Nonna? You might like it a lot! I’d try really, really hard to give you all the good feelings. Would that be okay?”

“Shhhh, now,” Laura said. “If Nonna doesn’t want to make love, you shouldn’t push her.” Then she broke into a thoughtful smile.

Ann felt herself quiver inside. Oh, my Lord, what’s she up to now?

“Tell you what, Pops,” Laura murmured. “I think what we ought to do is show your grandmother what she’s missing.” Sitting back against the headboard, she spread her legs wide apart. In spite of herself, Ann couldn’t help but look at her daughter’s still-moist cunt.

Laura reached out for her niece. “C’mere, cutie.”

Poppy needed no prompting. She quickly moved into Laura’s embrace, straddling her aunt’s thighs. Their bare bodies pressed snugly together, the child and the woman came together in a lust-filled kiss.

Shocked, Ann watched as Poppy kissed her aunt with a fervor one wouldn’t expect to see from a girl of seven, plunging her tongue into Laura’s mouth. Laura matched her niece’s passion, sliding both hands down Poppy’s back to cup and fondle her pert little buttocks, then slipping a finger between them to tickle the child’s anus. Still kissing her aunt, Poppy mewled her approval.

It was immoral, forbidden and utterly illegal… but Ann couldn’t tear her eyes away from the two lovers. Poppy slid a hand between their bodies to grope her aunt’s breasts, while Laura’s wandering finger journeyed lower, lightly stroking Poppy’s slit. And all the while they shared ravenous kisses, their tongues flickering back and forth like twinned flames.

Poppy suddenly broke away, shifting down to rub her face into Laura’s titties, cooing with delight. Then she took a nipple into her mouth, and Laura cradled the child’s head to her chest.

“So good, Pops,” she moaned. “So fucking good. Oh, my sweet little lover.”

Briefly raising her face, Poppy blurted, “Love you too, Auntie Laura!” then switched to the other nipple.

Ann continued to watch her daughter and granddaughter share pleasure, helplessly enthralled. Memories of Coralie made themselves known yet again. She recalled how the eleven-year-old child had lifted the dress she wore to display her bare slit to Ann, then softly said, There is one woman I would like to do sex with more than anyone… it is my mother.

Since then, Ann’s thoughts had often returned to Coralie, wondering if her lover Colette would ever learn of her daughter’s incestuous desires. And if so, would she act on them?

In spite of herself, she’d felt a measure of arousal at the possibility of Colette and Coralie making love, but never allowed those stirrings to linger, much less summoned up that particular image when masturbating.

Now that very scenario, or close enough to it, was playing out before Ann’s eyes. Poppy was nuzzling a downward path to Laura’s belly and lower, the child’s ultimate goal plain to see. My goodness – she’s really going to…

Sure enough, Poppy clumsily flopped down between her aunt’s parted legs, straightened two fingers and pushed them into Laura’s opening, then dipped down to lap at the juicy cleft Ann herself had sampled minutes earlier.

“Oh… yes!” Laura gasped, clutching her breasts. “That’s it, Pops. Lick my cunt.” Then she trailed off into a whimper as the seven-year-old increased the tempo of her finger thrusts, accompanied by the noisy sucking of Laura’s clitoris.

Ann knew what she ought to do: get up, gather her nightwear and leave this madness. Descend the stairs and make her bed on the sofa, waiting for Jessica and Rachel to return. And upon their arrival, gather the adults together and read them the riot act for allowing their home to descend into this dark pit of perversion.

In fact, she did no such thing. The sight of Poppy making love to an adult woman was disturbing, yes… but at the same time, there was a strange beauty to it. Ann was struck by how happy the child looked to be licking her aunt, as if enjoying a long awaited treat.

She’s certainly not being molested or abused. In fact, Poppy’s enjoying herself completely. So… why IS this such a bad thing, exactly? Because the law of civilized society says adults shouldn’t have sex with children – and mothers mustn’t make love to their daughters. It’s wrong, and that’s that.

But what made it wrong?

Ann knew there were reasons; solid, logical reasons. But right then, she couldn’t think of one. She was studying Poppy’s childish body, imagining her as a sexual creature for the first time. Poppy did have a flawless little bottom, that much was true. Her thighs were parted, giving Ann a full-on view of the little girl’s nether holes – the puffy line of her slit, the pink star of her anus.

Poppy was still licking Laura, fingers plunging in and out of her aunt’s vagina. From what Ann could see, her granddaughter’s entire hand was glistening with wetness. As for Laura, she was slumped against the headboard hugging herself, dreamy-eyed with pleasure.

Peering over at Ann, Laura instantly became alert when she noticed something very interesting: her mother was absently cupping her mound as she watched her granddaughter going down.

Ann had no conscious memory of reaching down to touch her pulsing sex, so she was alarmed to catch herself doing just that. She tensed, an instant away from snatching her hand back… but before she could, Laura was clutching her arm, holding it in place.

Gaping at her daughter, Ann stammered, “Wh-what are you…?”

“Don’t stop, Mum,” Laura said, somewhat out of breath. “Touch yourself. We want you to… to be part of this. Watch Poppy make love to me. It’s beautiful.”

As their eyes met, Laura saw conflict etched on her mother’s face, even as her own reflected the pleasure she was deriving from Poppy’s eager mouth. Stroking Ann’s arm, she whispered, “Let it go. Join us.”

Her face pale, Ann mumbled, “I… I can’t.”

Poppy raised her head, licking her lips as she glanced from one woman to the other.

“Yes, you can, Mum,” Laura said, a new firmness in her tone. “You can.” Reaching down to take Ann’s hand, she firmly pressed it between her mum’s thighs. “Touch yourself.”

Ann parted her lips to protest, but didn’t speak. Instead, she meekly began to fondle her cunt.

Glancing down at Poppy, Laura murmured, “As you were, then,” with a wink. The grinning seven-year-old got back to work on her aunt’s vulva, burying her mouth in the rosy flesh.

The child’s tongue was soon teasing an especially sweet spot, and Laura shivered, removing her hand from Ann’s wrist to gently rest it on Poppy’s head, urging the girl on.

Now Ann was openly masturbating, working two fingers in and out of her vagina with quick, sharp thrusts.  Laura settled into the rhythm of her niece’s licking, pleased to see Mum giving in to arousal instead of pushing it aside.

Then Poppy’s teeth grazed her clitoris, ever so lightly… and Laura forgot about everything as an orgasm pounded through her like a runaway train. She clamped a shaking hand over her mouth, dimly aware of the need for quiet despite a longing to scream her head off. It was an intense climax that came and went quickly, so Laura was soon able to focus on what her mother was up to.

Ann was still watching, still fingering her cunt, dreamy-eyed with pleasure and lost in the spectacle of her daughter and granddaughter making love. They shouldn’t be doing this… but Laura is right – they are beautiful together. She moved her fingers in a tight circle, massaging the walls of her vagina.

Again, Ann’s thoughts strayed to Colette and Coralie. If I watched Coralie lick her mother this way, would it excite me? Would I… would I want to join them? A hot twinge of ecstasy shot through her. “Ohhh,” she moaned.

Poppy was adorning her aunt’s vulva with feather-light kisses when Ann’s voice caught her attention. She looked up, then paused to watch her grandmother masturbate, absently licking her lips. The child glanced up at Laura, who gave a tiny nod in her mum’s direction.

Immediately getting Laura’s hint, Poppy climbed over her aunt’s left leg to sprawl between Ann’s thighs, the seven-year-old’s nose almost touching her grandmother’s busy fingers.

Taking hold of Ann’s hand, Poppy exclaimed, “Let me help you, Nonna!”

Ann froze, gaping at her grandchild in utter shock. “What? No! I mean… you shouldn’t…

The child gazed at her longingly. “Oh, please, Nonna? I really, really want to!”

“I…” The words wouldn’t come.

She’d never had an easy time when it came to refusing her granddaughters anything they wanted. The girls were well aware of that, of course, but seldom took unfair advantage of Ann’s willingness to make her little ones happy. Now this.

Ann struggled with the crazy-quilt jumble of her feelings, her desires, her notions of right and wrong. It would be so easy to give in, to let Poppy do what she wanted… to allow herself to be seduced by a girl of seven. Instead of masturbating, Ann was shielding her vulva while working out what she ought to do. Trying to work it out, at least.

Laura’s voice broke into her thoughts. “Mum, let her. You’ve just seen what an amazing lover she is.”

Pretty please?” whispered Poppy, her hands clasped as if in prayer.

It was too much for Ann. She withdrew her hand, letting it drop to the side. Her body wanted this, no matter how desperately she fought to deny it. You want it, too, she told herself. No more lies.

Poppy studied her gran’s cunt for a moment, then reached out to touch the hot, juicy flesh. Ann took in a short, sharp breath, then gave a choked cry as Poppy got to work – pushing two, then three fingers into her Nonna’s vagina, dipping her head to take the woman’s clitoris between her lips.

Somehow, Ann’s surrender made it possible for her to brush aside the qualms of conscience, at least for the moment. I’ll feel guilty tomorrow, she decided. If I’m leaping into the abyss, the least I can do is hit the bottom with grace.

Laura was right: Poppy did possess an amazingly skilled mouth for her age. Ann was unable to tear her eyes from the child, fascinated by how joyful she was; the pure delight Poppy took in going down on her gran. The sight was so compelling, Ann momentarily forgot Laura was there – at least until she felt a warm mouth against hers, followed by a probing tongue.

She briefly hesitated, then returned Laura’s kiss, her own tongue flashing to life. No point in showing restraint now, is there? she mused. Might as well enjoy this for all it’s worth. She could feel Laura’s hands cupping and fondling her breasts, and blindly reached out to touch her daughter the same way.

Ann’s thoughts were beginning to regain some sense of clarity, but the sudden unexpected intrusion of a finger into her rectum sent everything spinning again. It abruptly brought back memories of her explorations with Colette, how the French woman had taught Ann the very real delights of anal sex.

When that finger began to roll around inside her arse, Ann moaned, a shudder running through her frame. Without thinking, she bent her knees, opening herself even further.

Breaking their kiss, Laura peered down at her niece, grinning when she realised what had happened. She looked at her gasping mum. “Oh, I forgot to tell you that Poppy has a serious thing for bums.” Her lips brushing Ann’s ear, she said, “Wait until she licks you back there – it’s heavenly.”

Ann’s climax was fast approaching. With Poppy plowing her cunt and anus, Laura’s hands on her tits… and, she had to admit it, the sheer wickedness of what they were doing had her excitement at fever pitch.  She’d already come twice in the last half hour, but sensed this orgasm would be the biggest yet.

Laura was driving two fingers in and out of her vagina as she groped Ann, over the moon about how beautifully her seduction had come off, considering she’d improvised the whole thing.

Got to hand it to Poppy, though. It was a daft move of hers, to practically interrupt us in the act… but in the end, she helped speed things along. Maybe we should let the little minx off the hook for disobeying her mum.

When she felt Ann’s body tremble, then shake against hers, Laura knew her mum was about to come, and it was going to be a real wall-shaker. Concerned the noise might awaken the other girls, she withdrew the dripping fingers from her cunt and deftly slipped them into Ann’s mouth.

Ann was startled but recovered quickly, recognising the flavour of her daughter’s essence. Her cunt, she told herself, causing a tiny twinge of illicit excitement that set off her orgasm.

Sucking on Laura’s fingers as if her life depended on it, Ann clutched at the sheets with white-knuckled hands, riding out the storm that raged and roared inside until her rapture reached its apex.

Dazed and concussed, Ann slumped back against the headboard, her head lolling to one side. She barely registered Laura’s lips brushing her cheek, accompanied by a whispered “Love you, Mum.”

For Ann, the easy choice would be to simply allow sleep to claim her there and then. Let what had just happened drift away until tomorrow, maybe forget it ever took place.

But that’s not my way, she thought. If there are consequences, it’s best to face them now. Allowing her eyes to drift open, Ann was confronted by a beaming Laura and Poppy.

“Thanks, Nonna,” Poppy chirped. “That was nice. I love how your pussy tastes!”

Laura placed a hand on her mother’s thigh. “Well, Mum… you’ve just had a sample of what you could get all the time, if you joined us. In fact, I’m sure Poppy would love it if you returned the favour to her.”

Ann didn’t think she was capable of further shock, but Laura’s suggestion left her gobsmacked. “What? No, I couldn’t, not…”

“Not yet? Maybe it’s too soon. This must be a bit overwhelming to you; it certainly was for me.”

“It’s okay, Nonna,” said Poppy. Drawing close to her grandmother, she draped both arms around Ann’s neck. “I got to lick you, and that’s what I really wanted.”

“Oh… Poppy, my angel,” Ann murmured, feeling an unexpected twinge of guilt.

The child raised her head, giving Ann a dazzling smile. “There is one thing I want, Nonna. Can you give me a kiss? A real one, like you just did with Auntie Laura.”

Should I refuse? Ann dismissed the question the instant it occurred to her. No. Surely I’m capable of this much. 

“Yes, little one,” she said, taking her grandchild’s hand. “I’d be happy to kiss you.”

With a tiny cry of delight, Poppy scooted up the bed to kneel at her gran’s side.

Ann studied the seven-year-old’s face, marvelling at what she saw. Of course, she’d always thought of Poppy as a beautiful little girl, but looking at her now – completely naked, her lips wet with womanly essence, eyes shining with desire… Ann actually found herself longing to kiss her granddaughter, to taste that childish mouth. But before she could make a move, Poppy drew in to kiss her first.

It was the most tender kiss she’d ever experienced, the child’s lips soft as a prayer. Then Poppy shyly introduced her tongue, slipping it into Ann’s mouth, kissing her Nonna like a lover.

Overwhelmed with love for her grandchild, Ann was helpless to do anything other than what she then did: meet and match Poppy’s enthusiasm. Allowing her tongue to join the dance without a second thought, she enfolded the little girl in both arms, hugging Poppy close as she savoured the taste of her cunt in their kiss.

After a long, blissful while, Poppy gently broke away, all smiles. “Thanks, Nonna. I love you.” she whispered.

“Do I get one of those?” asked Laura, gazing expectantly at her niece.

“Sure!” Poppy chirped, leaning over to share a brief but extremely heated kiss with Auntie Laura, who then turned to Ann. “How about one more for me, Mum?”

Ann closed her eyes, welcoming the lustful caress of her daughter’s kiss. Their mouths slid together, their tongues engaged.

When they parted, Ann held up a hand. “Girls, I can’t say this wasn’t a lovely experience… though I might not feel the same about that in the morning. But it’s late, and I’ve got to get some sleep, else I’ll be walking into walls all day tomorrow.”

“Can I please stay here?” Poppy entreated. “I don’t want to go back to my bed. It’s lonely there.”

“All right, then,” said Laura, giving the girl a stern look as she lay down, covering her nakedness with the blanket. “But I’m not letting you off the hook, young lady. You got your way, but I’m still telling your mum how you disobeyed her.”

With a resigned shrug, Poppy crawled between her gran and Laura, deftly tucking herself in between the grownups.

Their lovemaking finished for the evening, Ann found herself assailed by unwanted feelings… confusion, most of all. What just happened? How did I get caught up in it? And… will I do it again? With my entire family, no less? Good gracious, I’ve opened Pandora’s box!

She turned to face Laura. “What we just did, it was… honestly, I don’t know what to think about it.”

“Oh, Mum, it was wonderful,” Laura replied. She reached for her mother’s hand, gave it an affectionate squeeze. “It’s like I told you – this has brought our family closer together than it’s ever been. That’s why we want to make you part of it, Mum. We all do.”

“It’s true, Nonna,” Poppy said, her head resting on Ann’s shoulder.

Ann slowly nodded, mulling it over. “So… what happens now?”

Glancing past her mother, Laura noted the glowing red 02:15 on the alarm clock. “We can talk about it properly in the morning, but for now, let’s get some sleep. I’ve a feeling tomorrow will be a busy day.” With that, she leaned over to give her mum a chaste kiss, then briefly buried her lips in Poppy’s hair before settling down.

Poppy lightly kissed her gran on the cheek and whispered, “Nighty-night,” snuggling into her.

Ann stared at the ceiling, unable to focus on a single aspect of what had just taken place. It seemed like a blur of life-altering revelations, difficult questions and kinky sex. As the quiet set in and she heard only the steady breathing of her daughter and granddaughter, Ann began to dwell on images of Poppy, her first glimpses of the child as a sexual being.

Inevitably, Ann’s thoughts hearkened back to the cruise, and memories of twelve-year-old Coralie, spying on her and Colette when they made love. As she pictured the French girl’s face, it morphed into Katie, then Alice… then Jess.

There had been hints of the incest taking place between Jess and Rachel’s new extended family, Ann now realised… but of course, she hadn’t managed to catch their true significance. She recalled a moment where Katie and Alice were exchanging a hug, and Katie’s hand was resting on her big sister’s bottom.

Even after what she’d just done with Laura and Poppy, the scenario seemed far-fetched. An entire family of women and underage girls, carrying on as lesbian lovers?

Ann gave her head a hard shake. Enough damned thinking, for Christ’s sake. Leave it for tomorrow. Jess will be home, and then we’ll have it out.

Setting her thoughts aside as best she could, Ann began to run through her body-relaxing routine. One part at a time, that’s it… legs and arms, neck and shoulders, chest, belly, jaw… 

As Ann approached the temporary escape of slumber, one last moment emerged from the ether: that first night after her arrival, seeing Rachel and her daughters off for the evening. Alice and Bella were snogging passionately by the front door, and Ann was giving Rachel an affectionate hug, musing on how much she liked her daughter’s new lover.

Rachel had given her a tender kiss, then when their eyes met again, murmured, I look forward to getting to know you better.

A moment later Ann’s thoughts once again lost focus, and sleep finally claimed her.

On its way — eventually, at least: Chapter Forty-Two!


28 Comments on Ripples, Chapter 41

  1. Zodakin says:

    Wow. Great chapter!
    You really made us wait for this, huh? The wait was totally worth it, though!

  2. Joe Dornish says:

    A new chapter of Ripples is always a delight, and this chapter didn’t disappoint. I was glad to see Ann finally getting involved and once again little Poppy seems to be leading the way, good for her!

    I would like to see the plot line with Stella and the secret society come back into focus now and I also feel a large family gathering is long over due to!

    Great work, I eagerly await the next chapter.

  3. Sapphmore says:

    Thanks Zodakin and to you Joe. You must have a crystal ball (or hacked into my laptop!!) JB already has the next two chapters in hand and there is plenty of family fun well on the way and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. As for Stella and our over-arching plot you’ll be glad to hear a lot more on that over the coming couple of chapters. I’m currently writing what will likely be the last couple of chapters so hopefully not long before all is revealed and we conclude our family saga.
    On another note Joe, if he hasn’t already, JB may be contacting you with a little proposal.

    • Joe Dornish says:

      You’ve definitely wet my appetite (even further) for more!

      JB hasn’t contacted me yet, but I’m now rather intrigued!

      • Sapphmore says:

        I decided to share something with JB. It is a document that contains nearly 300 story ideas, most of which are a paragraph or two, some just one line or one or two words, but quite a few contain quite extensive notes and even some dialogue that just came to me that I wanted to capture.
        With the best will in the world, and bearing in mind I’m retired, there’s no way I could ever get round to writing the vast majority. He has my next story that’s mostly completed bar a couple more chapters. So, I shared my story board document with JB with the consent to select any ideas he wanted to use himself and also to share any specific stories with other authors who he feels certain stories would interest. You were one of those he thought would be a good candidate.

        • Joe Dornish says:

          Oh wow, that’s very generous, thank you!

          I’m building something similar myself. I have lots of ideas that I make note in a similar way. Of those, a fraction get to the planning stage, and of those that do get planned, only a tiny few get written. I shall very much enjoy seeing the work you’ve done.

          And I eagerly await your next story!

  4. Phil says:

    Another fantastic and amazing chapter. So erotic so sexy. Can’t wait for more chapters

  5. MusicMan says:

    So good. Poppy and Ann. Yum on top of yum. Wonderful chapter, stuff we’ve been anticipating for awhile. Well written and believable. Laura and her mom was great and Laura with Poppy in front of Ann was delicious. All of it perfectly played out. Looking forward to more.

  6. Kim & Sue says:

    These last several chapters, and now this one especially, are extraordinary, as we’ve seen you truly progress as a writer, and perhaps you and JetBoy as a team.

    While the beginning of the story, yikes 2018!?! is very hot and enjoyable, the changes in writing to where we are now is just amazing.

    From Alice seducing first Katie and then getting Poppy to dance naked with Katie and Alice and then the sex between them, to where we are now is well done. Each chapter though so far apart never loses the thread of what came before.

    This chapter made the big leap at last and did it so very well. Now Ann is in it up to her neck, and her doubts and hesitancy, and her secret desire that even she wasn’t prepared to accept made the whole chapter very real.

    The slow build was wonderful because we thought, yes at last, but also, maybe Ann will be the one character to end up saying ‘fuck off’. Thankfully it went the way all us readers hoped it would.

    We’re actually sorry to know that this saga is going to wrapping in the next months or years, but if this writing keeps up it will be ending not with a whimper but a roaring bang.

    And yes we agree with other comments, Ann,Laura and Poppy were the perfect three generation threesome. The descriptions of feelings, atmosphere, and love and reluctance were beautifully done. Bravo.

    • JetBoy says:

      Thanks to all for their words of praise… especially yours, Kim & Sue. We worked hard on this chapter, and seeing that work pay off is a thrill like no other.

      The division of labor between Sapphmore and myself is unorthodox, I suppose, but we’re well pleased with the results.

      The story idea and the basic plot is his – which, far as I’m concerned, entitles him to top billing. He will lay out possibilities for as yet unwritten chapters, and I’ll suggest plot directions from time to time – which he is most amenable to working into the story, unless he has an idea that’s even better.

      For example, I really wanted to put Ann together with Poppy. Something about the oldest character getting seduced by the youngest really rang my chimes. Sapphmore, in his infinite wisdom, dug the idea, but made it better by having Laura carry out the seduction, after which Poppy joins in.

      Once Sapphmore gives me a new chapter, that’s where my work really begins. I plow my way through the text – shaping the prose, adding details and dialogue. I’m always looking for ways to make dirty stories dirtier, being the filthy-minded guy I am. Sometimes a chapter of his is twice as long when I’m done with it.

      Once my draft is complete, I send it back to Sapphmore, who sifts through it for errors. Believe you me, he always finds some. On the other hand, I can’t recall a single time he has ever rejected or opposed one of my changes to the story. Which means one of three things: either 1) he and I are on a remarkably similar wavelength, 2) I’m just amazingly good at this, or 3) Sapphmore is a genuinely easygoing bloke. I suspect the latter to be closest to the truth.

      Anyhow, once those ugly typos, missing punctuation marks and incorrect names (my personal Achilles’ heel) have been fixed, our new chapter is ready to be made public.

      And there you have it, friends – a thumbnail version of How We Create.

      • Sapphmore says:

        I’d say it’s a combination of all three, although my missus would totally disagree on #3. She’d say I’m more Victor Meldrew (for non-Brits, Victor Meldrew is a fictional character in the BBC One sitcom One Foot in the Grave, created by David Renwick and portrayed by Richard Wilson. The character epitomised the archetypal grumpy old man) but that’s just my disguise so she doesn’t discover my alter ego.

        My next story is mostly written as I mentioned above, and JB has edited the first couple of chapters (of 5 done, with 2 or 3 to go maybe). I started it 4 years ago but over the last couple have only dipped in now and then due to focusing on Ripples. His first review of that one was to highlight what I would now describe as ‘rambling detail’ but which he politely suggested was focusing on details that hinder the story telling, or something to that effect. I promptly re-did and submitted a much better version with the fluff culled that gave him a much better chance of working with it, and I don’t think since that time I’ve had to re-write a chapter, which I hope means I’ve learned something, although I did get just a smidgen carried away with descriptive elements in one scene of a chapter he’s working on now.
        To be honest regarding our partnership, I’m a bit worried that if I do submit a story where JB didn’t have equal input and decided not to add his name to the byline, I might be found out. I guess the truth will out one day.

      • Joe Dornish says:

        It’s interesting to see how you adjust your way of working with different authors, what a fascinating insight. I suppose you have to be very flexible, given the multitude of different ways people write.

        • JetBoy says:

          I might do a more detailed blog post on how I work with various Juicy Secrets authors, if the subject doesn’t seem too boring. BlueJean, Purple Les, Rachael Yukey, The Sisters Kinky, Jacqueline Jillinghoff, Joe Dornish, Baby Keiko, No One, Louisa May and our dearly departed Karin Halle… the stories of each calls for a different approach, but I’ve derived pleasure (and some amazing stories) from editing the work of each and every one of these good people.

  7. Sapphmore says:

    Thank you Phil and MusicMan, we’re glad you enjoyed it.

    Kim & Sue, I’m quite overwhelmed by your comments. To receive these plaudits from someone with such a history of good feedback, useful comments and a clear and deep appreciation of this site and all the contributors is beyond appreciated. Ripples was never intended to take, or be this long. I thought it might nudge double figure chapters, but once I partnered with Jetboy, I seemed to get additional inspiration, and as others who have collaborated with him would no doubt agree, his famed expertise in this niche rubs off on you, so I can’t take all the credit here, but this has made my day.

    Thank you profusely for your comments and I hope we can finish our tale on a high to leave you all satisfied enough to read it again from the start some day (although I suspect you’ve already done so by your references to our humble beginnings.

    • Kim & Sue says:

      To be honest we’d reread that chapter with Alice, Katie and Poppy so often it stuck in our minds even after all this time. Those first seductions are so sweet and hot.

      • JetBoy says:

        Dear ladies, thanks. I can’t recall whether Sapphmore or I came up with the whole “naked party” idea for the scenes with the sisters, but we both knew right away that it was pure erotic gold. Those remain my favorite parts of this story, so much gratitude for the mention!

  8. Gary W. says:

    I really love this story, even if I have to wait for each new chapter. Such an erotic story.

  9. Debbie L says:

    Jeeez, what can I say that hasn’t already been said, but wow, just….wow. Utterly incredible again!!!
    D x

  10. Sapphmore says:

    On Jetboy’s work with different authors, I’d assumed it was either a partnership/collaborative approach like with myself, or a more standard editing input (if there is such a thing). I’d also be interested in that blog post. It didn’t occur to me that each relationship would have a different approach, but that just goes to show what a great editor he is.

  11. Sylvimeraude says:

    What a lovely tender romance, so much feeling, giving me goosebumps…and juice. I love this gentle approach, the willing of sweet Poppy.

  12. Mike says:

    Wow such fabulous family fun, superbly written & intensely erotic. Lovely to see Ann lose her inhibitions regarding incest. Can’t wait for the next chapter

  13. Bryan says:

    Great now i have to wait another 3 months for another chapter 😪

    • Sapphmore says:

      Fear not, the next two chapters are written and in Jetboy’s trusty hands awaiting his creative input, although if he gets one of his brainstorms and decides to throw in mass subliminal suggestion causing all the women in town to switch sides it could be longer. Oh no, I wish I hadn’t put that idea in his head now!

    • JetBoy says:

      Bryan, that next chapter will be coming sooner than this one. I’m sawing away at it now.

  14. Scooby1287 says:

    Wow, what a great chapter. Ann finally learning about the family dynamic and actually being involved was a very satisfying event. Her trepidation brought a sense of realism to the situation unlike many stories where there’s a moments hesitation and then the characters just give in. I’m a bit sad to hear that the saga is nearing it’s conclusion but am very excited to have the secret society thread get it’s long awaited attention. Thank you both.

  15. Kim & Sue says:

    Ripples chapters are just so easily re-enjoyed over and over.

    • Sapphmore says:

      Thank you both sincerely. It’s very heartening to know that some enjoy the story so much that they can read it again. It gives such a tremendous boost to writers to know that so I hope Ripples isn’t a one-hit-wonder.

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