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Jewels of Africa, Chapter 3

  • Posted on February 6, 2025 at 4:16 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far: Holly, an experienced lesbian at age thirteen, is vacationing with her mum on an ocean liner, the Jade Princess. The trip is boring at first, but quickly livens up when Holly gets acquainted with two gay crew members – Anna, a barmaid, and Julie, a cashier in one of the ship’s gift shops — as well as a girl her own age: shy, geeky Jessica. Holly flirts with or fucks all three at various points, with the promise of more to come. Suddenly, what promised to be a dull vacation has become a most enjoyable experience.

The next day, Holly leaves the ship with Jessica to visit a quiet beach with a few other tourists. There, the two girls slip away to couple for the first time, but soon afterward, the area is invaded by Somalian pirates. Jessica makes her way back to the jeep, but cannot persuade the driver to wait for Holly, who is left behind. 

Holly manages to get hold of a gun and defends herself as best she can, but to no avail — she is taken, transported to the pirates’ camp, and thrown into a cage. One other prisoner is already there, a beautiful young black woman named Makeda who, as it transpires,  is the direct descendant of the Queen of Sheba and successor to the throne. They are immediately attracted to one another, and make love on the spot before falling asleep.

The story resumes here. Do enjoy.

by kinkys_sis

Chapter Three: The African Queen

Makeda and I slept in one another’s arms, locked in our little cage. Neither of us was aware of the slowly moving shadows creeping into the pirates’ camp.

I awakened with a start when a strange hand clamped over my mouth. At once, I knew it was the queen’s rescuers. Her dark form stood above me, a short stabbing-spear in her hand. Makeda signalled at a black shape and pointed at me, speaking briefly in a strange language. An indistinct figure reached out and smeared mud on my face. I could just make out the painted lines on his.

A spear was passed to me as we crawled through the open cage door. A spear! What the fuck did they expect me to do with a spear? I’d been useless at javelin throwing in school.

Shadows flitted from one blanket mound to the next. I didn’t want to think of what was happening to all the sleeping forms.

Then came the report of a rifle. We’d been discovered. Frantic voices shouted, guns roared, and screams rent the air. It was chaos. I had no idea what was happening. I saw a spear strike and bury itself in a chest – one of the pirates, hopefully.

I peered through the darkness, but couldn’t find Makeda. I wasn’t scared for myself, but my new lover – where the fuck was she? I lurched forwards, holding my spear before me with both hands. The flickering flames of the dying fires barely showed me what was happening.

Then I saw her. She was facing the giant leader of the pirates, her short stabbing-spear pointed towards the rifle he held loosely at his side.

He sneered at her when she threw the spear, and the barrel of his rifle beat it out of the air. Then he turned the gun back towards her with a laugh borne of madness, and just as the long, thin shadow formed a right angle to his body, I threw my spear as hard as I could.

“Die, you bastard!” I screamed.

The spear took him in the throat. He managed to turn and look at me, his shining eyes wide in the darkness, then fell so hard the ground shook. His rifle went off when it landed, and a stream of bullets zipped wildly by us.

Silence descended, save for a few groans from the dying men.

I felt myself trembling. This was something beyond anything I could ever have imagined. I could smell the blood all around. Then arms took hold of me, held me, and Makeda was whispering, “Calm yourself, young one. Hold onto me, feel my strength. We have won.”


Our trek lasted several days, Makeda and me on horseback, the rest trotting along on foot. The queen’s warriors led the way higher into the mountains, scouting far and wide to ensure we were safe from an unexpected attack. From whom, I had no idea. But these warriors, clearly devoted to their queen, helped me regain my composure. I felt safe.

Makeda lay with me every night. We made love many times, less frantically than we had at first. We explored each other, learning what the other needed. Our lovemaking became something special.

Eventually, we arrived at a village of thatched huts with pointed roofs. The place was far larger than I’d expected. Hundreds of warriors gathered to greet us.

Makeda walked ahead of our small column as a complete silence descended. All were kneeling with heads to the ground. All but one.

He was an old man who had stepped from a hut. He could have been a thousand years old as far as I knew – so wrinkled and so bent he could barely hold his head up to look at us as he leaned on a crooked stick. Suddenly he screeched in a weedy voice and raised his staff towards me.

I tried to hide, but instead got pushed forwards. Again, the old man screeched. Hands took hold of me, lifting me high. I cried out, but no one seemed to listen as I was passed from hand to hand high above the crowd.

I was lowered onto a beautifully patterned carpet in front of a raised dais. A hush descended. There wasn’t so much as a whisper as the gathering of warriors waited.

Makeda came forth, now resplendent in her royal regalia. The jewels in her crown sparkled in the bright sunshine. She was every inch the queen. A huge and magnificent black-maned lion ambled at her side.

She spoke briefly, pointing at the old man. For the first time, there was a hardness in her voice. He tried to stand tall as he croaked in reply. There was a growl from some of the warriors. The old man turned and screamed at them. Makeda clapped her hands and spoke harshly. I understood nothing, but whatever she said brought immediate quiet.

She spoke only a few more words. The old man turned and shuffled away.

Makeda again addressed the gathering. The responses echoed from the surrounding mountains. And so it went, over and over, until finally, she pointed at me with a few short words. This time the roar was deafening. Spears beat on shields for what seemed an age. Makeda stood looking down at me, until she raised her arms. All was hushed again, and she addressed me in English.

“I told them, this girl, this magnificent warrior, came amongst us and saved the life of their queen. She is to be granted anything she wishes. We are hers to command.” She extended a hand, inviting me to join her.

In something of a daze, I climbed the steps and stood beside her. I was frightened of the lion, whose yellowy eyes gazed at me with what I was sure was hunger. Makeda bent and whispered to him, then told me, “Give him your hand, let him know you as I do.”

The lion sniffed me. He grunted once, then licked my fingers.

“Anything,” Makeda repeated. “Whatever you wish, it is yours.”

I was totally bemused. What did I want? What should I say? There was one thing I needed most of all. “My mother. She needs to know I’m safe. My phone is useless. There’s never been a signal.”

The queen looked intently at me. “We offer you anything in our kingdom, yet you think first of your mother. You could have wealth beyond your dreams. You could rule a kingdom with me. Yet you think only of others. You are truly blessed and worthy.”

I took her hand. “Makeda, I love you, really, and I’d love to stay with you. But I don’t belong here, and I have a family far away – a sister whom I love, my mother and many more. You understand, I’m sure.”

“Yes, my beautiful white girl, I do understand. We shall send messages to both Djibouti and Mogadishu. We’ll advise them you are alive and well. If it is your wish, we will see you safely delivered to wherever they say. It is not what I wish. I want you here with me. You could be the queen of a queen.”

My heart ached within me, and I hung my head. Makeda knew my answer. She called out to her warriors, and then repeated in English, “You will honour this white woman. She will be forever in our history. A true warrior, equal to any of us.”


“Do you truly wish for nothing? If I cannot keep you here with me, then what reward can I give to you?” Makeda asked me after we entered her spacious hut.

“My love, there’s nothing I need. I don’t want for anything – only my family, and to kiss you.” Suddenly, a silly thought hit me, and I laughed. “Perhaps you could tell me where King Solomon’s Mines are?” I saw her stiffen. “Hey, I was only joking. It’s like the stuff of movies, a legend. No one really believes it.”

“You wish to see the mines of Solomon? It is not one mine. As the words suggest, there are several. It is not a legend. It is a fact. Did you not see the many jewels in my crown? But it is a fact we keep secret. There is wealth beyond imagination. We could crash the jewel and gold markets of the world if we revealed our mines. Diamonds, sapphires, more jewels than the world has ever seen. But we choose not to. We have no wish to have the rest of the world fighting over our hidden wealth.” She gripped my face. “But you, if it is your wish, we will show you when you have promised me that you will never reveal our secret.”

Oh my sweet holy fuck! I didn’t need that kind of responsibility. As much as I would have loved to see them, I thought it best to refuse. “Makeda, whatever I think today is not what I might think in twenty or thirty years’ time. I can only honour your trust by saying no now.”

“You are as wise as you are brave, my beautiful white girl. Is there no way I can convince you to stay with me?”

I was tempted. I really did want to stay. I was in love with this beautiful black girl, and her love for me was so clear to see. It was breaking my heart, the thought that I might break hers.

I had one other question: what had occurred between her and the old fellow? Now that we were alone, it seemed safe to ask..

“He is a wise old man, and we usually listen to what he says,” Makeda replied. “Today though, he openly defied me. He was right, of course, but I couldn’t accept what he said. He told me that I had wronged our people by taking a female lover before I had a husband. He didn’t want me to commit my future to you. Our royal line stretches back almost three thousand years. He said I was not fit to be queen if I was prepared to break that line. I fear he spoke the truth.”

“Well,” I said, “it’s not a problem now. I won’t be staying.”

For the first time, I saw Makeda’s inner strength let her down. Her lips trembled, and the hands that held mine shook. In a quiet, faltering voice she told me, “I thought I had everything as queen, until you came to me. My world was made complete and I knew what true happiness was. Now it is to be snatched away. I shall not mourn your going. Instead, I shall celebrate what you have given me. That way, my heart will mend.”

I tried to stop my tears but failed. “I’m so sorry, Makeda. Perhaps I should go as soon as possible.”

She smiled now. “It will be at least three days before it can be arranged. You and I will make love one last time … if it is what you wish.”

“Oh, fuck, yes.”

There was a tap on the door, and a young girl entered. There was a brief exchange. “They have our bath ready for us,” Makeda said. “It has been days since you last washed, yes? Longer for me. You will share it with me?”

I touched her cheek. “I would share anything with you. For three days, at least.”

I was still only wearing that long shirt, torn and hopelessly soiled, but two native girls removed it in the most ceremonious manner. Then they took off Makeda’s finery, piece by piece, with the same solemn air, and when we were both settled in the bath, they withdrew with a humble bow.

I could feel the warm water softening my skin and lifting the dirt away. There were loofahs there for us, and Makeda and I soaped and sponged one another until we glowed.

The girls reappeared, as if by instinct, carrying thick towels elaborately patterned in green and gold. They waited with lowered eyes while we dried each other. Makeda spoke quietly to them and, taking the towels, they went away giggling.

I feasted my eyes on her beauty. I had, by now, seen any number of beautiful, naked girls. Yet none could equal the regal beauty of this African queen. I saw the smile in her own eyes and the pride she took in my obvious desire for her.

“Come to me. Love me.” Her nipples hardened before my eyes in anticipation of what was to come.

I heard the oddest sound as I stepped forwards. Nasi, the lion, was purring where he lay in the corner, his eyes, somewhat disconcertingly, following my every movement. Yet, I sensed approval as I reached out to his queen who seemed so much more mature than I, but who, really, was still a girl.

We made the most beautiful and gentle love. She caressed me everywhere. I had thought I knew everything there was to know about pleasuring a girl, yet somehow she took me places I never imagined existed. Perhaps it was because of the love I felt for her. We embarked on an orgy of climaxes, one after another.

In the early hours, we lay together, utterly spent. I was painfully aware of the time. A tear rolled down my cheek. She leaned down to me and kissed the wetness. “I will never forget you,” she whispered. “There will forever be a place here for you, should you ever return.”

I said nothing as she rose from our bed. She turned to look at me, and I saw her tears. Then she was gone, Nasi loyally following along. He also turned to look at me one last time. I swear I saw a sad look on his face. Then he, too, was gone.

She had made the break. Makeda didn’t come to me again. I was hurt by the suddenness, yet I understood. I knew it was hurting her even more than me.


After some time, I rose from our love nest and washed my face with clean water from a large clay bowl. I looked around for something to cover myself, and found clothes laid out neatly at the foot of our cot. They were made of a soft and richly coloured material, not unlike those Makeda had worn. I had no idea how to wrap myself in them. I did the best I could, but with every step I took, they threatened to unravel and fall to the ground.

A little nervously I inched from the inner room, only to be greeted by giggles from one of Makeda’s girls. She came and rewrapped me until she was satisfied with her efforts.

When I left the hut, I found there were only a few of Makeda’s followers about. Some glanced my way, but paid me little attention.

One of them pointed to a larger hut than the rest when I inquired after Makeda’s whereabouts. I heard a number of voices coming from within. It sounded as though they were engaged in some weighty tribal business.

While Makeda sat in conference, I took myself off for a look around. The trees ended after a short distance, and the ground rose steeply towards the towering sandstone cliffs. The old man was sitting on a large boulder with his legs tucked under him, staring up at the cliff.

I hadn’t meant to speak out loud, but without thinking, I mumbled to myself, “What he’s looking at?”

Still facing away, he spoke. “My home, child.” His shaking hand pointed up high.

I was taken aback. “You speak English.”

He turned his gaze on me. “I speak many languages when I choose to.” He pointed again. “My home is up there. I hadn’t been down for a long time and now, I don’t think I can get back up. The way is difficult, and I am too old. I will die soon. I wanted to spend my last days there to meditate in peace. You see that hole? That is my home.”

I couldn’t see how it was possible to get up there, but clearly there must be a way. “Perhaps I could help you.”

He turned his face back towards me. “You have reason to despise me, yet you would help. Makeda was right. She said there was goodness in your heart. I myself have not had the chance to express my gratitude for you saving my queen’s life. We owe you much.”

“The queen is being too kind. I can be very selfish sometimes. And saving her life – that was just a lucky throw.”

“Still, I am sorry for what had to be said. There are few guardians of the royal family left today. Our responsibility grows heavier in this modern world. Now child, come. Help an old man.”

Not only was the ascent difficult. It was long and winding. Narrow paths clung to the cliff face, with few handholds. I couldn’t imagine how the old man had managed on the way down.

The hole that formed the entrance to his home was considerably larger than it had appeared from way down below. The home itself turned out to be a small church adorned with vivid tapestries and wall-to-ceiling paintings. The altar held a huge book that smelled faintly of mould. The priest, for that was what he told me he was, said it was an ancient Bible, different from any we knew in the West, and much older.

There were many such churches carved into these mountains, he told me. Some were well-known, others still a secret from the outside world. Some guarded the way to the legendary mines. One path led deep into the earth, far below the sandstone levels where we were standing, he said.

I stopped him, lest he tell me more. “I told Makeda I did not wish to know where King Solomon’s Mines are. What I do not know, I can never reveal.”

He held my hand and touched my forehead. “Go child, with my blessing. Your future is bright. I can see it, but I am pleased you have realised it is not here.”


Makeda’s second in command, whose name, I learned, was Madinga, took my hands in his. His English was not as good as Makeda’s, but I understood him perfectly well. He told me I had brought great happiness to their queen. Not only had I saved her life, but I had given her love and pleasure, if only for a short time.

Then he surprised me. “The holy man said you will come to us again. He knew not when, but it will happen. Know you are always welcome. We will await your return, young warrior.”

He held out a spear. “This spear saved Makeda’s life. This spear you threw. Someday you bring it back.”

He stepped aside, but had one last thing to say. “You a true warrior, yet still a child. You go and enjoy your growing old. Do not let your mind dwell on the dark things you see here. Think only of the love of my queen, and perhaps … one day…”

The whole time he was speaking, Makeda remained in her hut.


Two days later, I gazed down at the fading landscape as the plane climbed higher. The roar of the engines sounded like a scream to me, like Makeda kneeling on her mat as she shouted out her anguish.

On to Chapter Four!

Note from JetBoy: Bee, known to our readers as kinkys_sis, mentioned this in an earlier comment, but I don’t think that many of our readers have seen it, so I am passing this along to the general populace of Juicy Secrets. Her sister Maria, who has contributed some lovely stories of her own under the moniker kinkychic, has been diagnosed with cancer. She is currently undergoing tests to find out how serious it is, but the preliminary results aren’t good. Please keep them in your thoughts.

Maria, Bee… please stay strong for us, and don’t give up hope. It ain’t over until it’s over. 

We love you both.