Pages From a Diary, Chapter 28

  • Posted on February 11, 2025 at 4:41 pm

A brief summary (well, it USED to be brief…) of what has transpired thus far. (To get a additional breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )

Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.

Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really starting to founder. By then, Mallory and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa gets involved. 

Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex. In the weeks to come, they will get together again every now and then for more of the same.

Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.

Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, which leave her feeling flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t go away, either.

Sharon soon gets a job at a senior center, and is making plans to go back to school. Needless to say, Mal’s father is most unhappy with this development. On the other hand, Mallory is quite pleased for her mom, and takes the opportunity to get in her lap and give her playful, but subtly flirtatious kisses. More then ever, she suspects that her mother is secretly gay.

Mal is gradually becoming more popular at school. One result is that she and Julie are invited to a sleepover with Emma and Cindy, a couple of Julie’s friends. Once the parents are asleep, the girls get into a discussion concerning masturbation, which leads to everyone getting naked and engaging in mutual touching. Emma and Cindy love it, and the four of them get together for more fun a couple of weeks later.

Mallory finds a new student project: playing keyboards in a rock band of high school students supervised by Jason, who has also been teaching his daughter Julie how to do mixing work. Mal is much younger than the other members, but her skills soon win the others over. One of the band members is a sweet hippie girl named Jamie, and Mal is immediately attracted to her.

An ugly scene occurs at the home of Mal’s grandmother, where her mother Sharon is staying until she finds her own place. When Sharon makes a disparaging comment about lesbians, Mal loses her temper in a big way. In her anger, she comes out there and then, venting until her mother breaks down and cries. Mal quickly becomes remorseful, but the damage is done.

A couple of unhappy developments occur. First, Mallory’s parents make it official: they are to divorce. Mal is utterly disgusted with them both. Second, two of Julie’s cousins have vanished without explanation, eleven-year-old twin girls named Anna and Nettie. A search is underway, but without success thus far. Mallory has never met these girls, but she prays as best she can for their safe return.

A few days later, the twins are found and their kidnapper arrested, but not before he murdered Anna. Nettie is still alive, but devastated, and the girls’ parents go completely to pieces, turning on each other in their grief. Obviously, they are unable to take care of Nettie, so after a family discussion in which Mal is asked to participate, Jason, Lisa and Julie decide to bring Nettie into their home for the time being. Mal vows to do everything she can to help Jason’s niece to recover from her emotional trauma.

Mal and Julie pay Jamie a visit. The girls admit to being lovers, then tempt Jamie into masturbating with them. This quickly leads to much more.

Mallory gets to meet Nettie soon after that, when Jason brings her home. Sure enough, she is in bad shape: unable or unwilling to do or say much, often screaming herself awake from nightmares.

Mal’s band is making serious progress, which gets her and Julie a sleepover at Jamie’s place. Needless to say, music isn’t the only item on the agenda that night.

The next day, while practicing her keyboard part on a Black Sabbath cover, Mal puts the album on, only to get a positive response from Nettie, who asks to hear more. It’s the first time she’s shown interest in anything since her twin’s sister’s death. Mal, Julie, Lisa and Jason are is thrilled. Could their tormented guest be on the mend?

In the days that follow, Nettie seems to be emerging from her torpor. In addition to her burgeoning interest in heavy metal, she becomes absorbed by Jason’s medical textbooks.

At band rehearsal, Mal’s and her fellow group members toy with a concept: focus on Eighties pop. At the same rehearsal, they also make plans to perform live, and even manage to work up a cool original song. The entire band is thrilled.

Mallory has a frank discussion with her mother Sharon about sexuality and desire. She admits to listening to her masturbate herself through the wall, then gets Sharon to confess that she has overheard Mallory touching herself as well… and it arouses her. Somehow, Mal persuades Sharon to stay in her room instead, then mother and daughter masturbate together.

The next morning, Sharon is feeling guilty and uneasy, even though she admits to wanting what she and Mallory did the night before. Mal manages to ease her mother’s conscience a bit before they both leave for school.

Mal and her friends run into trouble at school when a lout named Floyd teases Nettie about her sister’s death until she cries. An enraged Julie attacks him, then Mal, Cindy and Emma join in the brawl to keep the much larger Floyd from hurting their friend. Luckily, the principal breaks up the fight, then goes on to suspend Floyd for bullying.

Later at home, Mallory joins Sharon on the couch. They snuggle, then end up grinding their bodies together until they both climax, still in their clothes. This time, mother and daughter share their first passionate kiss.

A concept is discussed and agreed on for the band’s presentation, one that draws on the Eighties film Back to the Future. They continue to make preparations for their upcoming gig.

While visiting her new lesbian friends Katerina and Tracy, Mal’s mom Sharon is stranded there overnight due to snow flurries. Upon returning home, she tells Mallory that her friends both had their first gay sexual experiences as young girls, and thinking about that excites her. This leads to Sharon asking her daughter if she’s had sex. Mal’s reply is yes, she’s quite experienced with girls, but won’t name anyone she’s been with other than Julie. Sharon admits she’s beginning to think of herself as a lesbian, and Mallory picks that moment to come on to her mother. They share a heated kiss, but Sharon isn’t ready to have sex with her daughter just yet. Instead, they strip naked and masturbate together.

And now we rejoin our story, which is currently in progress. Do enjoy!

by Rachael Yukey

March 11th, 2007 (continued)

Saturday morning I got Dad to drive me into town… wait, let me back up here. I should mention that Dad and I are spending more time together now, mostly in the evenings. Just talking, or playing cards. I’m starting to realize that Mom and Dad are better people apart than they are together.

Anyway, Dad dropped me off at Jamie’s place. Julie met us there about half an hour later, and we got a look at the old turntable Jamie had told us about. She’d already cleaned it up and taken the bottom cover off. Julie fooled around inside of it with a multimeter, and seemed satisfied with what she found.

We plugged it in, and it seemed to spin okay. So Jamie installed the new cartridge she had for it, then got out some tools for measuring angles and weights and a bunch of other stuff to make it play records properly. Finally she set it on a bench next to her stereo, wired it up, and then used a level to make sure it was sitting right.

“If your cartridge is dragging left or right because your turntable isn’t level, it can really screw up your records,” she said.

Even after all that careful testing, she started out with an old, scratched up record from her grandpa’s collection, this guy named Johnny Burnette. Jamie lowered the tonearm to the vinyl, we all waited with anticipation… and we only got sound from one speaker.

“Shit,” said Jamie.

It took Julie all of ten minutes to find the problem. “The wire that feeds your left-channel signal from the cartridge is bad,” she declared.

Jamie flopped backwards onto her bed, exasperated. “This is going to be such a pain in the ass,” she groaned.

She wasn’t wrong about that! We had to take the cartridge back off, remove the tonearm, pull out the offending wire… and none of that was even the worst part. What drove us crazy was feeding a new wire up through the arm. It took us almost half an hour, all of us taking turns trying different ways of shoving the wire up in there, with lots of profanity flying back and forth in the process. Much too late, Julie realized that what we should have done was use the old wire to pull the new one through. Duh!

Once we had it all put back together, Jamie had to repeat the entire setup procedure. Finally, thoroughly annoyed and pissed off, we plugged it all back in, leveled it again, and tried the same record. Success! The vinyl was scratchy and tired, but we had clear sound from both channels. We were now free to turn our attention to other things.

Mind you, when we planned this get-together, I had a lot more in mind than just getting a turntable working for Nettie’s party! After bolting down some grilled cheese sandwiches Jamie’s mom made for us, I called up Megan Frost. “We’re ready for you,” I told her.

Megan has her own fairly lavish mini-apartment in her mom’s basement, but she still thought Jamie’s attic sanctuary was pretty damn cool. All the same… well, Megan is Megan, and she didn’t waste a whole lot of time admiring the scenery.

She took Jamie’s hand, led her to the love seat, and they sat. “So,” she said, “are we all on the same page about why we’re here?”

Less than thirty seconds later, she and Jamie were locked in a passionate embrace, their mouths crushed together in a hungry kiss. Julie and I sat on the edge of the bed, watching and sharing excited grins as we waited for our cue to join the fun. Megan slipped a hand under Jamie’s shirt while trailing kisses down to her chin and lower.

Watching the action on the love seat was setting my body on fire! I fought the urge to launch myself onto Julie, tear her clothes off and ravage her right there. Our plan had been to let Megan get Jamie started, then join in, so I took a deep breath, squeezed my legs together and stayed as still as I could. As Megan nuzzled her way across Jamie’s neck, nibbling and kissing, we could see her hand under the back of Jamie’s shirt, deftly unclasping her bra. Lifting her head, she looked across the room to Julie and me. She flashed a wicked grin, then beckoned us to her with a finger.

Still holding hands, we rose and crossed the room together. I settled into Jamie’s lap, and Julie nestled into Megan’s. I began kissing Jamie’s collarbone and neck. Her Hendrix t-shirt was getting in the way of places I wanted to go, so I tugged on the hem. Jamie leaned forward, allowing me to get rid of the offending garment. Her bra, already unfastened by Megan, fell into her lap.

Julie, to my left, was divesting Megan of her sweater, followed almost immediately by the bra. Moments later we were both showering affection on the breasts of the older girls, who had gone back to swapping tongues. Jamie’s whole body was trembling beneath mine. I dropped to the floor between her legs, and undid her jeans with clumsy fingers. Jamie raised her hips, feverishly working to help me get them off, her panties coming along for the ride.

She dropped back to the couch, legs wide. God, she has such a beautiful pussy… I had to take a moment to admire it. Julie was reaching up under Megan’s skirt, pulling her panties down and off, then her head disappeared underneath.

“Ohhhh, shit!” Megan exclaimed, arching her back.

Jamie stared down at me, eyes glazed. “Come on, Mal… PLEASE.”

She didn’t have to ask me twice! Starting at the knee, I ran my tongue up the inside of her thigh. “Oh, my God,” she moaned. Just before I reached Jamie’s glistening slit, I saw Megan bend down to kiss her again.

I thrust my tongue between her labia, licked my way up to her clit, and began to apply the feather-light circular motions that always seem to drive her wild. Sure enough, Jamie responded immediately, grinding herself into my face.

I slid a finger into her dripping cunt, then a second, and started moving them in and out. I fucked Jamie hard and fast but eased up on her clit, not wanting her to come right away. It wouldn’t take much longer, though. She was writhing and shuddering, riding my jaw with such force that it was hard to keep licking.

I was as deep into Jamie’s cunt as I could go with two fingers, so I decided to try a third. I wriggled it in with the others, then heard a scream of pleasure from above. Casting my eyes upward, I saw Jamie and Megan making out like crazy, kissing each other everywhere their lips could land.

Megan came first, screaming and arching her back like a cat, finally blurting, “No more, no more, for fuck’s sake!” Julie emerged from under Megan’s skirt, a big grin plastered on her gooey lips.

Though out of breath, Megan was quick to recover, peppering Jamie’s neck with kisses and love bites. Moments later, Jamie was coming, her cunt pulsing rhythmically, bathing my face in warm, thick fluids.

Julie and I exchanged a look, then we both stripped naked in record time before climbing into the older girls’ laps. We pressed our mouths to theirs, letting Jamie and Megan taste their own pussies. I was sort of rubbing myself against Jamie’s belly, needing to come so bad that my cunt actually ached.

She reached between my legs, but I stopped her hand before it reached its destination. “Want me to show you something really fun?” I said.

Moments later Jamie and I were on her bed, heads at opposite ends, our pussies mashed together. I was half-crazed by this time, grinding against her for all I was worth, crying out with every surge of pleasure. Jamie was going “huh, huh, huh, huh,” her hips thrusting in almost perfect time with mine. Julie was still in Megan’s lap, squirming as the older girl’s finger circled furiously on her clit. Her mouth was working soundlessly, her body bathed in sweat.

My orgasm hit me like a freight train, but I kept up the pace, hoping Jamie would come a second time if I kept going. Suddenly she was howling, ramming her cunt into mine, and that tipped me over the edge once more. I screamed, I thrashed, I think I actually cried a little bit. Then I blacked out.

When I came to, I was stretched out on the love seat, cradled in Julie’s arms. Sounds of pleasure were coming from somewhere close by. My eyes focused, and across the room I could see Jamie and Megan on the bed, licking each other’s sweet pussies. I had to sit up and watch them, though I was still holding onto Julie.

Jamie’s ass was facing us, so we got this AMAZING view of Megan putting her tongue to work. It was like seeing a master painter with her brush! Jamie is still kind of new to sex with girls, but I guess her instincts were good, cause Megan seemed to be totally getting off on what she was doing.

They managed to come together, and THAT was an amazing thing to watch. Megan and Jamie were squirming around, shaking the bed, their voices muffled as they moaned into each other’s cunts. Jamie went limp first, then Megan did the same. They lay together quietly for a moment, then Jamie spun around, falling into Megan’s arms, and they met in a juicy kiss, swapping the flavor of their pussies and loving it.

Julie squeezed me tightly. “God, that’s so fucking hot.” Turning my face to hers, she kissed me, her tongue darting between my lips.

I was all turned on again and ready for more, but a glance at the clock on Jamie’s nightstand told me it was time to go home. Julie also needed to get going, but Megan wanted to hang out with Jamie, so they didn’t bother getting dressed. Me and Julie used the bathroom to get ourselves cleaned up some before I phoned Dad to come pick us up.

Not much more to tell. This morning Dad and I went to church, and now here I sit. It’s okay being here at Home One, but I miss Mom something fierce. I can’t stop thinking about our last time together, when we got naked and shared that sexy kiss. I must have made myself come half a dozen times since that night, remembering how her mouth felt against mine.

It’s a good thing I got to have sex with my friends yesterday, cause that helped take the edge off. Still, I keep wishing I was with Mom at Home Two right now.

Time to think about something else. Okay, I still have most of the afternoon to kill, and the guitar I borrowed from Jamie is sitting next to me on the bed.

I wonder: if I spend the rest of the day practicing that lick from the INXS song, will I be able to master it before bedtime? There’s only one way to find out!


March 13, 2007

Ouch. That’ll teach me to spend seven straight hours practicing guitar before my calluses form. I did indeed nail that INXS lick on Sunday… but oh my God, the price tag! I haven’t even touched the guitar for two days, and my fingertips are still raw as hell. Still, I’m proud of myself for getting that part down, what with being a complete guitar noob. It’s not that much, just three notes, but it’s a bit of a stretch for the left hand, and my timing has to be super tight and precise. I’m hoping my fingers will heal up enough that I can practice tomorrow. I haven’t even STARTED on the Poison song yet!

I showed up at Home Two yesterday after a week at Home One with Dad, excited to see Mom again, but also feeling kinda anxious. Of course, I was eager to pick things up where we left off, but a little worried about her having a whole week to dwell on what we’d already done. What if her conscience got the better of her, and she decided to put the brakes on taking things any further? I didn’t even want to think about it.

I always get home well ahead of Mom on Mondays, so I had a nice dinner ready when she arrived. As usual, we got each other caught up on our week as we ate, but didn’t say anything at all about You Know What. As usual, Mom looked really good in a pretty dress that showed off her legs, and I kept picturing myself helping her take it off.

By the time we were done with dinner, I was shaking inside with these hot, crazy feelings. There was only one thing  to do: take the bull by the horns and go for what I wanted. So as soon as Mom settled into her big easy chair in the living room, I made my play. Plopping right into her lap, I twisted myself around and went straight for a kiss.

This time, there was no hesitation on her part. Our mouths came together, our tongues engaged. Her hand came to rest lightly on the back of my head. I cupped her face in both hands, deepening the kiss.

Mom suddenly pulled away, cheeks flushed and out of breath .“Hold on, Mallory… I can’t do anything tonight.”

Cold disappointment washed over me, but I did notice that she specified “tonight”. Did that mean another night was an option?

I was way disappointed, but tried not to let it show. “How come?”

She made a face. “I have my period.”

“Oh.” I thought for a moment. “For how long?”

“It just started today, I’m afraid. If we’re lucky, it’ll be gone by Friday night.”

I grinned, noting well that she’d said if we’re lucky. “And then, maybe…?”

“And then we’ll see. Fair enough?”

“Fair enough.”

She kissed my cheek. “Wanna help me with the dishes?”

“Sure,” I replied.

Mom washed, I dried. We worked in silence for a moment, then she said. “There’s something I need to tell you, Mallory.” She paused for a moment, then said, “I’m leaving the church.”

My mouth dropped. I did NOT see that coming.

Mom continued. “I — I tried to keep my faith going after splitting with your father, but the feeling just… well, it isn’t there anymore.” She sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, I do still believe in God, but not the version of God they’re selling at that church.” Handing me the last dish, she turned off the faucet. “I’d like for us to attend one more service, and that’ll be my last.”

“Okay,” I replied, then made a face. “Guess I still have to go when I’m staying with Dad, huh?”

Mom nodded. “Maybe it’s time for you to tell him your beliefs have changed. He’ll have to find out at some point. Probably best to get it over with.”

Putting that last dish away, I went to Mom and gave her a hug. “Thanks for telling me,” I said. “It isn’t easy, losing your faith like that.”

She held me close. “You know what really did it for me? Getting to know Katerina. She’s not a Christian, and she’s one of the best people I know. But I tried to keep my distance from her at first, just because she’s gay.” I heard a tremor in her voice. “I d-don’t want to be like that.”

I pulled away before she could break into tears. “You aren’t like that, Mom. You’re trying to be the best version of yourself that you can. Heck, lots of grownups don’t even bother.” Hugging her even closer, I added, “It’s probably not something I should say, Mom… but I think you’ve come a long way over the last few months. I feel like we’re friends now.” And maybe more than friends, I thought.

“Thanks, sweetie. That means a lot to me,” she said. We held each other for another minute or so, then Mom broke away. “I’d better get started on my homework.”

She spread her school stuff out on the dining table and started reading while I practiced on my keyboard. Even hitting the keys with my raw left-hand fingers hurt, but I was able to get through it. I didn’t even try the guitar. And here I sit twenty-four hours later, in pretty much the same boat.


March 17th, 2007

Saturday morning, early. It’s going to be a busy day, what with Nettie’s birthday party. Not that I’m overwhelmed, mind you. Today, I feel like I could grab the world by the tail and swing it over my shoulder.

I’ll get to that part later. First, the other stuff that’s happened. Saving the best for last…

I played guitar at rehearsal for the first time Thursday night. The worst of the soreness in my fingers was gone by then, and I’d spent a little time Wednesday evening practicing the motif I have to play throughout the INXS song. Thursday in rehearsal, I nailed it. Great!

But we ended up adding yet ANOTHER song with Ralph vocals that we need two guitars for, and I haven’t even started on “Fallen Angel” yet! The new one is called “Authority Song.” But Jamie says it’s easier than “Fallen Angel,” and it uses some of the same chord shapes. So we’re going to work on “Authority Song” first, which seems like the easiest way to learn them both.

The guitar is SO different from a piano. It takes both hands working together precisely to play a single satisfactory note. On the piano it just takes one finger, and while I can play a wrong note on the piano, it’s pretty hard to play a bad one. I mean, every time you hit a key, you get the same thing. On the other hand, there’s a million ways to make a note sound bad on the guitar, and by now I think I’ve been guilty of all of them. You can bend it out of tune, or muffle it by not pressing down hard enough, and that’s just for starters.  Let’s just say that I have a LOT more respect now for people like Jamie or Jason who can play guitar at a virtuoso level.

Okay, that’s the other stuff that happened. Here’s my huge, massive, ENORMOUS news. I’m still excited, so much that I can barely sit still to set the words down.

For the first half of this week I was waiting for Mom’s period to end, wanting to get back to the sexy things we’ve been doing… but I’m still not sure how far she’s willing to go. The last time we discussed it, she said “we’ll see.” Coming from a parent, that could mean anything.

So a few days ago, I’d decided to back off and let Mom have some breathing space. I was really hoping that next time, she’d make the first move. Problem was, we’d made it to Friday night, NOTHING had happened, and I was wondering if giving her time to think had been a mistake. I managed to hold up my end of the conversation at dinner, even though Mom was wearing a tight sweater that had to be a size too small.

Once we’d washed, dried and put away the dishes, Mom bent to kiss the top of my head. “I’m going to take a shower, sweetheart. Be right back,” she said.

By then I was so frustrated I wanted to scream. It didn’t help that my head was instantly filled with images of Mom naked beneath the steaming water, rubbing soap all over her body. Seriously, I was on the verge of taking everything off, slipping into the bathroom and getting in that tiny shower cubicle with her… but I couldn’t work up the nerve. If I pushed her too hard, it could ruin everything.

Wandering over to the sofa, I plunked myself down with a heavy sigh. The situation wasn’t hopeless, though it now seemed pretty obvious that I’d have to make that first move myself. But what if she was having second thoughts, and didn’t want to have sex with me anymore? This was how Mom dealt with a lot of her problems back when she and Dad were still together – she simply pretended the problem didn’t exist. I hated the idea of her falling back into these old evasions, especially considering she’d been so honest with me since the divorce.

My train of thought was interrupted by footsteps behind me. Twisting my head around, I saw Mom padding toward me wearing a bathrobe. A short one. Jesus.

“Mallory,” she said, “Did you have anything you wanted to do together before bedtime? Play a game or something? Otherwise I’m just going to lie down and read for awhile or something.”

Okay, I decided, enough is enough. It was time to find out where this was going… if anywhere. “Can I come snuggle with you while you read?” I asked her.

She hesitated for the briefest instant, then said, “Sure, if you want,” and left the room. Thinking back on it now, I think she knew exactly where this was going.

As I entered her bedroom, Mom was settling in, propped against the headboard with some pillows for padding. I nestled in by her side, getting cozy. She was still warm from the shower. I reached out to touch her cheek, then caressed it.

She closed her eyes, wearing a sleepy smile. “You know,” she murmured, “I’m not going to get much reading done if you keep doing that.”

“Works for me,” I whispered into her ear.

Her eyes popped open, and she turned to me. “Mallory… what did you really have in mind when you said you wanted to cuddle?”

Instead of a reply, I brushed a thumb across her lips, and they parted slightly. Then she pulled away, frowning. “We – we’re in dangerous territory here,” she said. “I’m almost to a point where I don’t even care if this is right or wrong.”

I reached out to touch Mom’s face again, caressing her chin. “Do you want me to stop?” Like before, I trailed my thumb across her lip.

Mom shivered. “No,” she whispered. “No, damn it. I don’t want you to stop.” Then she took the tip of my thumb into her mouth, lightly nibbling it.

This was insanely erotic. I was on fire, my body tingling with the wanting of it, but I knew better than to rush things. I trailed my fingers down over her chin and onto her neck, to the top of her robe and further. Down, down I went, moving ever so slowly between her heaving breasts, then to her belly. Finally, my hand rested on the slipknot holding her robe shut. I tugged at one end, gradually easing the knot loose.

As my hand slipped inside, I brought my lips to within millimeters of her ear. Extending my tongue, I delicately flicked her earlobe. Mom shivered.

I was caressing her tummy with my fingertips, causing the robe to fall open. I wanted to take a good look, but first I moved in a little closer, catching her earlobe between my teeth, giving it a playful nip. Mom inhaled sharply, then whispered, “Oh… oh, Mallory…”

Wrapping an arm around her, I let my fingertips flicker up and down Mom’s side, trailing my lips across her cheek. Mom turned to me, meeting my mouth with hers.

As we kissed, slowly and tenderly at first but with a rising intensity, I let that roving hand of mine come up to cup her breast. Gently running my finger across the stiffening nipple, I finally bought my thumb and index finger up to give it a tweak. Mom gasped into my mouth and began kissing me wildly and without restraint, thrusting her tongue between my parted lips. I was quick to match her passion.

She tore her mouth away, then kissed her way down to my neck, nuzzling and biting. I was gasping for air, excitement leaving me breathless.

Mom’s arm was around me now, her hand fumbling for the bottom of my shirt. I got to my knees, yanking the shirt over my head and hurling it across the room. Mom pulled me down so my chest was positioned over her face, then found a nipple. She delicately flicked it back and forth with her tongue, then took it into the warmth of her mouth. “Oh… fuck!” I moaned. She didn’t pause to scold me, either.

Freeing myself from Mom’s grasp, I wriggled my way downward, tearing her bathrobe open with a sweep of the hand to reveal her tits.

I buried my face in her chest, planting open-mouthed kisses across every square inch of one boob while stroking the other one. Then I switched sides. Mom’s breath came in ragged hitches and tears, her hips pumping up and down. Finally I sucked her right nipple into my mouth, teasing the left with my finger and thumb. After a minute or so, I switched sides again.

She cradled my face to her breasts, whispering, “Oh, m-my baby girl… that, that feels so good.”

Then I was going lower, kissing and loving every inch of Mom’s body until I was nuzzling her belly, my  tongue swirling in her navel. Mom’s hands entwined themselves in my hair. “Mallory… oh God, Mallory,” she groaned.

I kissed lower, down to the top of her left thigh, shifted to the right, then moved in between. I trailed my tongue along the softness of her inner thigh, eliciting another moan. The scent of Mom’s cunt was thick and strong, and I took a moment to breathe it in.

Just as I was a bare inch or two from licking her, Mom’s hand was on my head, halting my progress. “M-M- Mallory… what’re you doing?”

She knew perfectly well what was about to happen, but I guess she needed to hear me say the words. So I lifted my head, gazed straight into her eyes and murmured, “I’m gonna eat your pussy, Mom. Just lay back and relax.”

I could see a rapid play of emotions on her face; fear battling it out with desire. Then her head fell back to the pillow, and she relaxed her grip, her fingers gently ruffling my hair. That’s when I knew for absolute certain that she was mine.

I was about to bury my tongue in her, but paused, wanting to take a good long look at my mother’s cunt, so close that I could feel its warmth on my face. The heavenly aroma of arousal tickled my nostrils. Mom has innie lips, just like me, and all I could see were her smooth labia, pressed tightly together despite the spread of her legs. I could see a trace of moisture where they met.

I had to see inside. With a trembling hand, I let my fingers trail across those sweet pussy lips for the first time. Mom gasped, pressing her hips forward. I ended my caress by gently prying her open.

It was a glorious sight. I took it all in; her distended clitoral hood, her dark pubes, now matted with juice, her dripping hole. I ran my thumb through the opening, coating it with her fluids. Mom shivered. I came out of that vagina, I thought, and that was enough to hike my arousal up another couple of notches.

Taking a slow, deep breath, I moved in the last few millimeters to bury my face in the pussy that gave me birth. Mom gasped and shivered.

First I took a moment to explore, licking the inside of her lips, slipping my tongue into her hole, then thrusting it in and out. Little whimpers and mewls of desire were floating down from above, so finally I took pity on her and flicked my tongue across her clit.

I licked gently, then faster and with greater force, feeling her out, learning what she responded to. Soon I settled into a rhythm, my tongue darting back and forth, rapidly but with a feather-light touch. Mom was moving slowly and rhythmically, raising her hips high, then grinding her ass deep into the mattress. I could hear her breath, hissing through gritted teeth.

Wanting to drive her completely crazy, I began to tease Mom’s hole with my fingers, then slipped two of them inside. I worked them in and out, in time with her movements, while my tongue continued its light, fast assault. With the hand that wasn’t fucking her cunt, I grabbed an ass cheek and squeezed, fingers extended deep into the crack and rubbing her there.

My legs were clamped tightly together, causing tiny jolts of pleasure to dance through my midsection. I began squeezing and flexing my thighs, feeding that fire between my legs, making it rage.

Suddenly Mom started howling, the motion of her hips going from slow and steady to fast, wild and totally uncontrolled. I went with her, my fingers flying in and out, slamming them home with every thrust.

“Oh God, Mallory,” Mom wailed. “Oh God, oh heavens, you’re making me come, Mommy’s g-going to… Aaaaahhhhh!”

Her orgasm was a brute force, her pussy clenching my fingers, Mom pummeling my face with her violent hip movements. Suddenly she froze, went completely silent and motionless for about ten seconds, then finally collapsed.

Me, I was still frantically squeezing my legs together, gasping with each flex of my thigh muscles. I raised my face from Mom’s dripping pussy. Our eyes met, and she knew right away what was happening.

I guess Mom forgot about being out of breath, cause she sat right up and raised me from between her legs and flipped me over on my back, depositing my head on the pillow. She scrambled to her knees, pulled off my leggings, then let her trembling fingers do a slow glide down my belly. “Oh, yes…” I breathed.

Mom hesitated for a moment when she got to my panties. Then instead of taking them off, she lightly brushed the front. When she drew her fingers across the saturated fabric concealing my pussy, I almost lost it.

“Please, Mom,” I moaned.

“You’re so wet,” she whispered. “I can feel it right through your panties.” Her fingers were moving back and forth across my pussy lips, but too gently to give me the release I craved.

“Mom!” I couldn’t believe this. Was she actually teasing me?

She let out a shaky laugh, then tugged my underwear down and off. She carefully spread my legs, then paused to take a good long look at my pussy. I bet she hadn’t seen it up close since I was a toddler.

“So beautiful,” she whispered. I was trying to keep still, but it wasn’t easy. Finally, she looked up, her eyes meeting mine. “Do you want me to…”

“Just do something, Mom!” I shrieked.

Her indecision seemed to evaporate in an instant. She dropped to her belly, parted her lips, and began teasing my thighs with her tongue. I was moaning and thrashing, half mad with desire, so close to coming but still not quite there. I thought I might actually burst into tears.

She hesitated just before she reached my cleft. She looked up, a hint of that old uncertainty back in her eyes. “You know I’ve never…”

“You don’t have to,” I gasped. “You could use your hand, or I can, just please, I really need…” Okay, that’s what I said at the time, but if Mom really had decided not to lick me, I might have strangled her.

Lucky her, it never came to that. Her tongue found my thigh again, and she slowly traced that last inch or so up to my dripping, aching, needy cunt.

She licked the outside of my pussy lips, delicately tracing, trying it out. Yeah, she was totally teasing me… but I made myself remember the first time I ate pussy and held onto my patience with both hands. It wasn’t easy, though.

Finally she split me open with her fingers, much as I had done to her. “Oh, my,” she breathed. “You’re incredibly sexy, sweetheart. Why did it take me so long to notice?” Shaking her head, Mom let her fingers trace my hole, then slipped one inside.

“Ohhhh God, yes!” I blurted. “P-put another one in, Mom, please…”

“Are you sure?” she said, furrowing her brow. “I don’t want to hurt you…”

“You won’t! I can take it, Mom, I swear I can…” By then I was practically raving, saying anything I could think of to get my mother to fuck me the way I wanted.

A tiny moan escaped my throat as I felt that second finger enter me, and yet again, I almost came. Once she had both fingers inside, she began to slide them in and out, moving slowly at first. I bucked against her hand, trying to bump my clit against it.

Finally… finally! Mom pressed her tongue against my clit, flicking it as she plunged her fingers as far into me as they could go. That was it for good ol’ Mallory. I came howling, my pussy clenching her hand until I passed out from the sheer bliss of it.

The next thing I remember was Mom shaking me frantically. “Mallory? Mallory! Oh, my God, …”

Opening my eyes, I gave her a weary smile, and she went limp with relief. “Oh, Lord, I’m not sure what happened! You… you fainted, I suppose.”

I giggled. “Yeah, that happens sometimes when I come really hard. There’s even an expression for it… the little death. I’m fine, Mom.”

“Oh… okay. I’ve heard of it, but never really thought it was real.”

We lay there snuggled together, talking about this and that. It’s funny; we didn’t say anything about what had just happened. Not sure why… just didn’t feel the need, I guess. After a little while the silences grew longer and longer. And soon after that, Mom was asleep. I wasn’t too far behind.


March 18th, 2007

At least Nettie’s party went well while it lasted. She had two people from her class over, and Emma, Cindy, Megan, and Jamie were also in attendance. Jamie came a little early and got the turntable hooked up and level, then put on a record by a band called Mercyful Fate. Not really my thing, but Nettie perked right up.

We did all the usual birthday stuff… cake, presents, and some games. Mom and I had gone shopping a couple of days before, and got Nettie a couple of Monster High dolls, which seem to be her current favorite toy. She appeared to have fun.

It wasn’t until all the guests had left but me that things went south. Nettie settled onto the couch, sat quietly for a moment, then burst into tears accompanied by long, loud, heartbreaking sobs.

“Oh, sweetie,” said Lisa, crossing the room quickly and taking the weeping girl into her arms, “what is it?”

“It’s Anna’s birthday, too!” Nettie wailed. “She doesn’t get any more… any more b-birthd…” She covered her face with her hands, dissolving into even bigger sobs. Julie and I looked on in dismay. Jason sat on the edge of his recliner, his brow furrowed. Finally Nettie’s sobs dried up, but not because she was done crying. She’d fallen asleep.

Lisa carried her to her bedroom, then returned. There were tears on her cheeks.

“We should have seen that coming,” said Jason.

Lisa collapsed into her chair, sniffled, then ripped a tissue from the box and blew her nose. “Yes, we should have.”

“Maybe we should have asked if she wanted to celebrate Annamarie’s birthday, too,” said Jason, “and I did think of it. But she hasn’t said a single word about her sister since she came here, not to my knowledge, anyway. I wasn’t sure it would be wise to bring it up.”

“I had the same thought.” Lisa’s voice was firmer now. “Maybe if we’d discussed it, we’d have come to a different conclusion.”

“I dunno,” said Jason. “The therapists told me we should let her bring Anna up when and if she’s ready… to not force the issue. But they didn’t warn me we might get a sneak-attack like that one.”

“I think we should talk to her about it tomorrow,” said Lisa, “now that she has brought it up. Ask her if she’d like to have a cake or something for her sister. To celebrate her life.”

Jason was stroking his chin thoughtfully. “That’s not the worst idea. We just have to be prepared for her to dissolve like that again.”

Lisa nodded. “Not every decision we make will be the right one,” she said. “I think there’s going to be times where the only way to know will be to try it and see. Poor girl.”

Julie and I went upstairs not long after that. We talked about Nettie for a little while, but eventually the conversation turned to less depressing topics, so I was ready to wow her with my big surprise. I hadn’t had a single opportunity all day to tell her what happened with Mom.

When I gave her the lowdown, Julie raised her clenched fists above her head and exclaimed “YES!”

I grinned. “I was hoping you’d feel that way. Now I have a question for you.” Julie simply raised her eyebrows.“You’re my girlfriend,” I said, “and we have an agreement about other people. You said my mom could be an exception. But for how long? Now that I’ve done it…”

“I get you,” Julie replied, “and I have a question for you. Can you get me in on it? I’d LOVE to hook up with your mom. She’s way hot!”

“I think it’s very possible,” I replied.

“Tell you what,” said Julie. “I’m okay with the two of you hooking up until you either get me into the picture, or figure out that it’s not gonna happen. Then we talk again.”

I kissed her passionately. “I love you so much, Julie.” A plan was already forming in my mind.

On to Chapter Twenty-Nine!


15 Comments on Pages From a Diary, Chapter 28

  1. Ty says:

    Loved it, just absolutely loved it. So nicely written. Perfect pacing.

  2. Brother_Bethor says:

    yes, yes! Yes! YES! FINALLY!! It was glorious! Thank You, Rachel!
    …poor Nettie, I want to hug her so much.

  3. Chuck says:

    Very nice continuation. I don’t really have anything negative to say. I continue to want Mal & Julie to have more separate encounters.

  4. Erocritique says:

    Consistently great writing. Each unique storyline was handled smartly, deftly and tastefully. The logical reaction from Nettie on her shared birthday with Anna was foreshadowed perfectly, and I knew why she was breaking down right before it happened. I thought to myself: “Oh my god, this would have been Anna’s birthday too” right before the penny dropped on the page. Brilliant setup and timing of the delivery. Powerful stuff. Bravo Rachel!!! Thank You JS!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. Gary W. says:

    Excellently written, every word. Makes me feel as if I’m right there in every scene

  6. Drege says:

    You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Nice fakeout with the unexpected ‘red light’. It was a long wait, but damn if it wasn’t worth it. Well done. ^_^

    Going back, I reread a few chapters and I wonder if the Flotsam & Jetsam album the girls listened to was CUATRO? Because if so, I can imagine Nettie gravitating to a couple of songs: “Wading Through The Darkness”, “Cradle Me Now”, “Never To Reveal”.

  7. Joe Dornish says:

    Loving this so much. When each chapter drops it’s like catching up with cherished friends.

  8. Mo says:

    Such a great chapter. This is usually great combination of superb story & hot sex action.

    As others have mentioned you are truly invested in the characters as Mal continues to grow.

    The scene with Mal & her Mum so perfectly written.

    Love it!

  9. MusicMan says:

    Completely wonderful. Sex was hot and exquisitely detailed and believable. Fantastic to see Mal and her mom together at last. The 4 way in the attic was great too. It continues to feel like you’re there with the characters in the room in their heads and bodies you feel their sensations and emotions. I think I’m in love with them all. Love the Mercyful Fate reference. It seems to me that Nettie crying like that specifically about Anna and talking about her, while painful, is actually a good thing. As always I want more.

  10. Kim & Sue says:

    As with the other chapters, interesting, loving, and so very hot. Things are moving along and we wonder how it will all turn out, though we sort of know somethings already from reading Strange Brew.

  11. Rachael Yukey says:

    Thank you so much, everyone. The love this story has received truly warms my heart, and as always I can’t get over how invested people are in the characters. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Drege: believe it or not, I was actually listening to Cuatro when I was writing that bit! So sure, that’s the album they were listening to.

  12. Mike says:

    Wow,loved the Amazingly hot sex between Mallory and her mum,It was superbly written, poor Nettie, I feel it’s going to be a long time before she comes to term with her sisters murder. This is such a fabulous story, can’t wait for the next chapter.

  13. Fuzzy says:

    I have just finished bingeing this story; which by the way had me hooked since chapter 1 ;and I have loved the character progression and also the relationship progression. Please keep writing this.

  14. Birdie says:

    Very nice chapter–sexy and sensitive, and it leaves me looking forward to the next.

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