The story thus far: Kimberly Harcourt-Brown is a ten-year-old lesbian who has only ever had sex with her mother Arabella. As the story begins, she is being taken on a mystery getaway by her mum. Not long before their arrival, Kimmy finally gets the details of their trip. It seems that back when Arabella was at university, she and her four roommates/lovers made a vow of sorts: they would all strive to have daughters at around the same time, then teach them the ways of lesbian love when they were still little girls. And just before the girls entered their teen years, the four mothers would bring them to Grafton Lodge, a luxurious house they owned jointly, for a weekend of sexual abandon. Kimmy hasn’t seen any of her mum’s mates since she was too young to recall them, but she is still beside herself with delight.
Upon their arrival, the girls spend time getting to know their mothers’ friends, as well as each other, before meeting at the swimming pool. As the day passes, they learn which mums are attracted to which daughters, and who will share whose bed. It works out quite nicely, and no one is left without a partner. Kimmy is smitten by Lily’s mum Fiona, while Arabella has eyes for Lottie’s little girl Emily. Much flirting takes place.
That evening, after supper, a wicked game of hide and seek is proposed, one in which the ultimate objective is to pair each woman and girl with the bed partner they want most. The game results in tons of fun, the kind that churns up a lot of teasing, arousal and outright lust. Eventually, everyone is paired off, but did Kimmy get the lover she hoped for?
Cast of Characters:
Arabella (Bell) and daughter Kimberly (Kimmy) (10): BrunettesFiona (Fi) and daughter Lily (9): RedheadsClaire and daughter Izzy (11): BrunettesCharlotte (Lottie) and daughter Emily (10) : Blondes
by Joe Dornish
A loud crashing noise rudely wrenched me out of my slumber.
I immediately sat up. “What, where…!”
A pair of soft arms twined around me. “Shhhh…it’s okay, my sweet. You’re in bed with me, remember?”
Fiona’s soft words and tender kisses quickly eased the shock. I nestled back into her bare body, once more blissfully content. “What was that noise?”
“A door banging, I think. Some of the others have gone downstairs.”
I gave a long, satisfying yawn. “Mmm. What time is it?”
“Half past ten. You slept for about half an hour.”
“Is that all? It felt like longer. Did you sleep?”
“No, sweetie, I was watching you sleep. It’s a lovely sight.”
“I need to wee,” I said. Fiona let me go, then I got up and padded into the bathroom.
While washing my hands, I heard Mum’s voice. I came out to find her standing in the doorway, wearing a fluffy white robe, probably naked underneath. She was chatting to Fiona who was still in bed.
When Mum saw me, she smiled. “Hey, honey… did you have a nice time?”
I went over and hugged her, “Yeah, it was brilliant.”
“Fiona told me you wore her out,” she said, tucking an errant strand of hair behind my ear.
“She did the same to me. My legs feel like jelly,” I said, then yawned again.
Mum laughed. “Oh, I’m tired too, believe me. Emily had so much energy I could hardly keep up with her.”
“Oh, gosh, I forgot about you and Emily. How was it?”
“Marvelous fun. She’s adorable… and a very good lover. I was just telling Fiona that we’re going to make hot chocolate before we go to bed. You can join us or stay here, whichever you’d prefer.”
I looked across at Fiona, “Shall we have some?”
“Who could possibly say no to hot chocolate?” she said with a broad grin.
“Not me! Okay, Mum, we’ll be down in a sec.”
Mum kissed me on the forehead, then left, making her way downstairs. I plonked myself in Fiona’s lap and wrapped both arms around her. “I really, really enjoyed myself,” I said.
Fiona hugged me and stroked my hair, “Me too, Kimmy, me too.”
“Do you think when this weekend is over, we could see each other again? Maybe you could come down to our house and visit?”
“I’d love to… and you are welcome to come and visit me and Lily anytime you wish.”
“Ooooh, yes! I’d like that a lot.”
“Right, then. Shall we go get some hot chocolate before it’s all gone?”
“Yes, definitely.”
In the bathroom there were two robes, one adult-sized and one child-sized. We put them on and went downstairs. The chattering of voices drew us to the kitchen, where we were the last to arrive.
Lily came running up to her mother and gave her a big hug. “I had sex with Claire, Mum! It was totally awesome, too,” she declared with a big grin.
Fiona kissed her and said, “When we go to bed you can tell me all about it. Maybe even show me some of the things you did.”
Like everyone else, Lily was in one of those fluffy white robes. Mum and Claire were at the island in the kitchen pouring out the hot chocolate, while everyone else stood around and waited patiently. They all seemed to have an after-sex glow about them, with messy hair, pink cheeks, silly grins and the occasional yawn. We were each handed a cup of lovely hot chocolate and went through to the lounge to drink it, although we were given stern warnings not to spill any.
I sat on a two-seater sofa and Izzy, who hadn’t bothered to tie her robe shut, plonked down next to me. Of course, she wasn’t wearing a stitch underneath. I was beginning to wonder if she just liked to have people see her naked.
“So how was it with Fiona?” she asked, quite matter-of-factly.
“Soooo good… It was brilliant! I didn’t manage to see what happened with anyone else. Did you get to be with Lottie?”
“Yeah, we had loads of fun. She’s bloody amazing.”
There was an awkward silence for a minute and then I said, “Can I ask you something?”
“Have you, er, started your period yet?”
“No, not yet. You?”
“No. There’s a girl in my class called Ashanta, she’s got hers already.”
“I can’t wait to get mine,” said Izzy.
“Really? I’m dreading mine. Ashanta says she always feels total crap. Why are you so keen to get yours?”
“Because Mum says that a year after I get my period, I can go on the pill.”
“The pill?”
“You know, the birth control pill.”
“Why would you need the birth control pill?”
“So I can have proper sex with my brother James. Like mum does.”
There was so much to unpack with that statement. I didn’t know where to begin.
“Wait, your mum has sex with James?”
“Uh-huh, she’s bisexual, and so am I. Right now Mum will only let me and James have oral sex, which is fun and stuff… but I really want to do a proper fuck with him.”
I was stunned; didn’t know what to say. Maybe it’s because I don’t fancy boys in that way, but I never imagined that a mum might have sex with her son.
Izzy studied me thoughtfully. “Does that shock you?”
“Yeah, a bit. But not in a bad way. I mean, it’s fine, you’re having fun and stuff.”
She giggled. “Yeah, we have lots of fun. He’s always horny, though.”
“What, is he, like, hard all the time?”
Izzy laughed, “No, not all the time. But a lot.”
“Oh, I see, sorry. I haven’t got a brother, I wouldn’t know.”
“Do you like boys?”
“Not that way. What’s it like?”
“What’s what like?”
“Being with a boy.”
“I’ve not had proper sex with him yet, we just do oral. But it’s fun, he comes loads.”
“Ooughh, it sounds icky.”
“It is a bit messy, but I like it. And Mum loves it when he comes inside her, she says it feels–”
“Kimmy? Izzy?” said Claire from across the room, “What do you two think?”
We hadn’t a clue what she was talking about, Izzy and I were too engrossed in our own conversation.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear… what was the question?” I asked.
Mum answered. “We’re talking about what to do tomorrow, sweetie. There are a few nice little villages near here, and one of them has a market on this weekend. We could spend the day looking around them and doing a bit of shopping, or we could hang around here and just laze by the pool.”
“Shopping sounds good to me,” I said.
“Me too,” said Izzy.
“Then it’s unanimous… we’re going shopping!” said Claire.
I wanted to carry on talking to Izzy about her brother, but instead we got pulled into a conversation with Emily and Lily about Taylor Swift. Apparently Emily and her mum Lottie were both huge fans, and were going to America to see her in concert.
As we finished our hot chocolate there were lots of yawns and stretches around the room, so it was agreed that we should turn in for the night. Hugs and kisses were exchanged all round, then we made our way upstairs.
Back in our room, I told Mum about the conversation I’d had with Izzy. “Did you know that Izzy and her mum have sex with her brother James?”
“I did know that, yes.”
“Izzy told me about it tonight. She can’t wait to have proper sex with him. Her mum only lets them do oral, she said.”
“They need to be very careful. Claire is right to make them wait, you know. It would be a catastrophe if she fell pregnant.”
“Yeah, that would be bad. But Izzy says the stuff they can do right now is fun.”
“Is that something you’d like to do?”
“What, with a boy? Urghh, no thanks!”
“Kimmy, it’s okay if you do, it’s perfectly natural.”
“Mum, seriously. NO. THANK. YOU.”
“Okay, you’ve made your point. But remember, you’re still very young, you may change your mind as you grow older. Take Fiona, for instance. She’s pretty much a lesbian, but not completely, because every now and then she sees a man she really fancies. She doesn’t fight against it or try to hide it, she just accepts that’s who she is. As you go through puberty, you may find yourself open to new and different things. Embrace who you are, don’t try to fit yourself into a box. Boxes are for products, not people.”
“Okay, I promise to keep an open mind, but honestly, I can’t see myself liking boys anytime soon. Not that way, at least.”
“Knowing exactly who you are and what you want can be a good thing, too. But whoever you grow up to be, I’ll always love you.”
“I love you too, Mum,” I said and we hugged, then I did a big yawn. “Can we go to sleep now? I’m really tired.”
“Yes, sweetie. I’m tired too.”
I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
The sound of running water woke me up, I rubbed my eyes and yawned, then I heard the toilet flush in the en-suite bathroom. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was ten to nine, which for me was a lay-in. My alarm normally went off at seven.
Mum came out of the bathroom in all her glory. Okay, glory might not be the right word, she had messy bed hair and sleepy eyes. She looked glorious to me, though.
“Morning sweetie, did you sleep well?”
“Morning, yeah, I slept very well. Are the others awake yet?” I said, sitting up in bed.
“I heard noises downstairs, so somebody’s up,” she said, climbing back into bed next to me.
I stretched again, then noticed a certain warmth in Mum’s gaze. It was a look I recognised right away. Deciding to tease her a bit, I began to get to my feet. “Think I’ll just go downstairs,” I said, knowing full well what Mum wanted.
Before I got two steps, Mum seized my arm. “Oh, no you don’t, young lady! You and I have unfinished business.”
“Why, whatever do you mean, Mother?” I could barely hold back my giggles.
“You know exactly what I mean, girl.”
“Hmmm,” I said, frowning, “Unfinished business? Nope, I can’t think of anything at all.”
“Then let me lay it out for you, darling daughter. You are not getting out of this bed until you’ve given your mum a screaming orgasm.”
“A screamer, eh? I’m not sure I’m up to that. Would a soft whimper do?”
“Oh, you little minx!” she said and went straight for my ticklish spot.
I was instantly reduced to a shrieking wreck, incapable of doing anything other than curl up and beg for mercy as we thrashed about on the bed.
“OKAY! I give in!”
The duvet cover had fallen off the bed, and now Mum was straddling me, her pussy enticingly close to mine. She moved down an inch or so, rubbing her body against mine as she moved in for a kiss. And just like that, we’d gone from a playful tussle to a carnal embrace.
As our hips ground together, I could feel her wetness on my mons as our tongues engaged in a sexy dance, then she broke away, gasping, “I need to come, baby, make Mummy come.”
It made me crazy hot when Mum talked to me like I was still a very little girl, the age I was when we first became lovers. I was on fire with lust, ready to fuck her until she screamed. I was about to wriggle out from under Mum so I could roll her over, get between her legs and put my tongue to her pussy, but Mum had other ideas. She got onto her knees, then inched up the bed until she was straddling my face. Okay, I could work with that.
Mum didn’t waste any time. She lowered herself to my mouth, and I began to lick her wet folds, sliding both hands around to fondle her bum. But she tilted her hips slightly, presenting her clit to me. Like me, it seemed she wasn’t in the mood for a teasing build-up.
When Mum spoke, I could hear her fierce need for release. Her voice quivered with it. “Oh yes, baby, that’s it, j-just there. Fuck me, baby girl, fuck your mummy…!”
Wow, okay, Mum was swearing. That was new. Not that I minded… quite the opposite, actually; it turned me on even more than I already was. I couldn’t easily reach between my legs, though, so my own orgasm would have to wait.
The shock of my quite proper mum using such rude words threw me off my stride for a moment, but I quickly got back to the job in hand, taking her clit between my lips to suck as I groped her arse. She was moving her hips back and forth, making it difficult for me to stay on target, but I managed it well enough. Her juices were flowing into my mouth and coating my lips and chin, which I love. Mum’s pussy always tastes SO good!
I hadn’t been making love to Mum for more than a minute or two when her orgasm came crashing down. “Oh, fuck yeah, ohhh Kimmy, yes…ah…ah…AHH…!”
At one point I thought I was going to drown, or suffocate, or both. But I managed to draw enough breath to carry on pleasuring Mum as her juices made a mess of my face. She was gripping the headboard for support and bellowing so loudly that I was sure anyone in the other bedrooms could hear her. I was picturing the others listening to us fuck, and it thrilled me to bits.
As Mum’s moaning died down, so did the urgency of her grinding. Finally she went limp and rolled off me, collapsing on the bed in a panting, sweaty mess.
I immediately sat up. “My turn!” I announced.
“Just give me a minute to…”
Before she could get another word out, I’d swung up and over and was straddling her face, just as she’d done to me. Pressing my kitty to Mum’s mouth stifled any more of her protests.
Then I had a thought that made me grin. Copying her words, I said, “I need to come, Mummy, make me come,” in my best little-girl voice, Feeling brave, I added, “Fuck me, Mummy… fuck me!”
“Mmmmmm,” was her only reply. Granted, she did have a mouthful of my pussy right then…
Mum’s arms are longer than mine, of course, which means she can reach around me easily. Her hands were clutching at my arse, holding me in place as she flicked and circled my clit with her tongue. Like always, it felt glorious. But I wanted more… and on the previous night, Fiona had opened my eyes to a new pleasure.
Grabbing the headboard for support, I said, “Put your finger in my bottom, Mummy,”
At first I didn’t think Mum heard me properly. She reached right around between my legs and started playing with my kitty from behind, slipping a finger inside me. I was about to tell her what I wanted again, but then I felt her withdraw, then that finger found its way to my rosebud. Then I understood – Mum was just getting it wet first. My eyes drifted shut, and I did my best to keep still as Mum’s tongue danced on my clit and her finger gently probed at my bum hole, then slipped inside. God, it felt wonderful.
At that point, an image of Fiona popped into my head. I drifted into a fantasy where she was behind me with her finger in my bum while I rode Mum’s face, both of them making love to me at the same time. It was such a deliciously hot idea that it took me racing over the edge.
I lost control, letting my weight fall on Mum’s face as my body shook and I whimpered in ecstasy. The wave tore through me, pushed on by my mother’s merciless tongue and probing finger. The feeling was so intense it went beyond bliss to something approaching pain, but I was still loving every second. Soon, though, I couldn’t take any more and with a final whimper, I went limp as a wet flannel on top of Mum.
I was in a perfect daze, but I could feel her cuddle me while my face was buried in the pillow next to her head. It took me a moment to realise that Mum’s other hand was still on my bum, her finger still buried inside me. As she slowly eased it I out, had the very unexpected sensation of a little mini climax, like an aftershock following an earthquake.
“You okay there?” she asked.
“Yes, j-just so – so intense… I… I…”
“Shhh, sweetie, don’t talk, just relax.”
It took a few minutes but I recovered quickly. Mum and I cuddled and kissed for a few more minutes, which was lovely as always. I could have stayed there with her for hours. but my tummy was rumbling. So we got up, exchanged a few more passionate kisses, got into our fluffy white robes and went downstairs to the kitchen.
Breakfast was really nice, we had toast and cereal and yoghurt and fruit, and as it was already very warm we ate out in the garden. Claire and Izzy were the only ones dressed.
“This is so nice,” said Lottie, “Imagine eating breakfast al fresco every day.”
“That would be lovely,” said Mum.
“Eating with Al Fresco?” asked Lilly. “Who’s that?” I was glad she asked, as I didn’t know either.
I think her mum was about to answer, but it was little Emily who spoke up first. She brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face and said, “It means to eat outdoors. Fresco is Italian for fresh, so it’s something like, um, eating in the fresh air.”
“Well I’ve learned something today,” said Claire, “I knew it meant to eat outdoors, but I never knew that fresco meant fresh.”
“So if fresco means fresh, I wonder how that relates to a fresco painting?” asked Mum.
To everyone’s astonishment, Emily answered again. “Frescos are wall paintings. They always get painted on fresh plaster that’s just been put up, and they call that ‘fresco plaster’.”
“Very clever, Emily,” said Mum. “Where did you learn so much about frescos? At school?”
“No, in Italy.”
Stroking Emily’s hair, Lottie said, “We go to Italy every year on holiday. This friend of mine has a villa in Tuscany. We do quite a bit of sightseeing, but I try to make it educational too. Emily has picked up quite a bit of Italian along the way.”
“Oh, that’s right, I remember seeing the photos on Facebook,” said Fiona.
“Right then, ladies. If everyone’s finished eating, shall we get ourselves ready to leave?” said Mum.
Everyone nodded their agreement and began to get up but Claire said, “Before you all disappear, I’ve got a small request. Could everyone please wear a dress or skirt today? I’ll explain why later.”
I couldn’t think why she would want us to do that, but I was planning on wearing a dress anyway so it was no big deal. I had a shower and put on a lightweight summer dress, it was quite short and had a blue and yellow flowery pattern. I wore it with sandals and left my hair down to protect my neck from the sun but Mum insisted on applying sun cream there anyway.
We gathered in the kitchen when we were ready to go. Everyone had complied with Claire’s request. I thought Fiona looked especially good in a denim mini with a white vest top that was quite tight, so it showed off her boobs nicely.
“Okay, ladies,” said Claire, clapping her hands to get everyone’s attention. “I thought we could have a little bit of fun while we’re out today. Now, you kids might not know this, but back in our university days, our beloved Arabella had a nickname.”
Mum went bright red and said, “Oh, heck. I think I know where this is going.”
Claire winked at Mum and carried on speaking, “We used to call her the Commando Queen. In case you don’t know, going commando means not wearing any underwear, which Bell was particularly fond of doing. Bell, my darling, I’m willing to bet you’ve gone commando today. Am I right?”
“Here we go,” said Mum, her face now a bright crimson colour, “Yes, I have.”
“I’d like to believe you, but I’m afraid we’re going to need proof. Come on, then, give us a flash.”
Mum lifted her dress and sure enough, she’d not worn any knickers, her pussy on full display for all of us to see.
“Bravo, Bell. I knew you wouldn’t let us down!” exclaimed Claire, “I thought that in honour of our Commando Queen, we should all go commando today. So come on, everyone… knickers off, please!”
Oh my God, were we going to go out not wearing anything under our skirts? I found myself wishing I’d worn a longer dress. I hesitated, but everyone else was reaching under their dresses and skirts and taking their knickers off, so I did too. It was very funny though, we were laughing and giggling as underwear began flying all over the room.
Fiona said, “My skirt is a bit too short for this sort of thing. I’ll be amazed if I get through the day without flashing anyone.”
“This is brilliant!” said Lily excitedly, her face a picture of joy. No doubt she was hoping for the opportunity to see everyone’s pussy that day. It’s definitely what I wanted!
I’d never gone commando before and, like Fiona, I was a bit worried that I might flash someone without meaning to. But I also have to admit that possibility was exciting and sexy. What if some beautiful woman got a good look up my dress, and it turned her on? I pictured my imaginary lady tucked up in bed later that night, touching herself to the remembered glimpse of my naughty bits. I had to make myself stop thinking about that, putting it aside for the next time I masturbated.
Everyone was strutting around and giggling, getting used to being starkers under their skirts, except for Mum, who was having a great time watching us be silly. Once the hilarity died down, we gathered our things and headed out to the cars on the drive.
We’d barely stepped foot outside the house when a gust of wind blew through and lifted Lottie’s dress up so we all saw her bare bum! She yelped as the rest of us burst into fits of laughter.
“This is all your fault!” Lottie yelled at my mum in mock anger.
“Dear Lord, what have I done?” said Mum, pretending to be remorseful.
Mum and Claire had elected to drive. When we piled into the cars, Fiona and Lily wanted to come with us and Lily wanted to sit in the front, so I was very happy to be in the back with Fiona. And she was right about her very short denim mini. As she got in the car it rode up and I got a quick flash of the bright orange bush between her legs.
“I just saw your pussy!” I said, giggling.
“Oh, heck, really? Well, I suppose it won’t be the last time today.”
“I hope not!” I said.
It was a half-hour drive to the village of Stowington, and Fiona and I held hands all the way there. Holding hands doesn’t sound like much, but it put me in a very dreamy mood. I imagined that Fiona and I were a real couple, walking around a town hand in hand and stopping for a romantic kiss under the shade of a tree that was bursting with pink blossoms. We could do stuff couples do, like go shopping together and bump into some friends and introduce each other as my girlfriend.
Of course I knew it could never actually happen. There’s no way a grownup could ever be the real-life girlfriend of a little girl like me. But dreams and fantasies aren’t confined by the realities of life, so for a short time in that car, Fiona and I were an honest-to-goodness couple. I was so wrapped up in my fantasy that I wasn’t expecting it when we arrived at the village.
“Are you okay, Kimmy?” Fiona asked me as we got out of the car.
“Yeah, fine, just daydreaming.”
“Anything nice?”
“Yeah, it was very nice. Um, would it be okay if I held your hand for a bit longer?”
“Of course, I’d like that very much. And you can help me by making sure I don’t flash anyone.”
“Okay, I can do that,” I chirped, caught up in a great mood.
Mum smiled at the sight of me holding hands with Fiona. I often see her doing that, staring at me and smiling when I’m doing normal stuff like brushing my hair or reading a book in the garden when the weather is nice. It must be a mummy thing, because the day before, I saw Lottie looking at Emily in much the same way.
We’d got out in the car park at the end of the village, and as we walked down the road I could see why we’d come there. Stowington was a beautiful place. All the buildings were small, tightly packed and very old-looking, their ancient wooden beams on display. They were built from the local yellow sandstone that everything around there seemed to be made of. It reminded me of Diagon Alley, that place in Harry Potter where the wizards go to do their shopping.
We strolled down a street that was busy with other tourists and looked at the shops. I held Fiona’s hand as long as I could, but with all the people bustling about it was quite difficult, especially as the pavements were so narrow. And then Izzy got very excited when she found a toy shop. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, yelling, ‘Come on!’ It was a nice shop with lots of old-fashioned toys made from wood. They weren’t really my thing, but I did see a very nice diary that had a dark red leather cover and a little lock and key. I persuaded Mum to buy it for me.
We carried on walking about and I noticed that even though there was no wind Lottie was still walking with her hands by her side so she could keep her dress from blowing up again. More’s the pity. She has a lovely bum, and I was picturing it when Claire came sidling up behind me.
Putting an arm around my shoulder, she said, “Ooh, Kimmy, look at this dress, isn’t it lovely?” guiding me towards a shop window.
There was something odd about the way she was acting, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. The dress was horrible, like something a religious education teacher might wear. As we got close to the window, she was standing right behind me, sort of bending over my shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt her hand go under my dress and start feeling up my bum. Okay, now I know what she really wanted!
Holding myself completely still, I said, “Oooh, yes… that is very nice.”
“I thought you might like that,” she said, then slipped a finger between my legs and stroked my bare slit.
If you’d have told me a few days ago that I’d be standing in the street with no knickers on while a woman I hardly knew was touching my kitty, I’d have assumed you were stark raving mad. But here I was, doing just that and loving it.
With her hand still fondling me she said, “Tag, you’re it.”
I frowned. “We’re playing tag?”
I’d not played tag for ages, or it as some kids call it. It’s the game where you run about and the person who is it touches someone and shouts ‘you’re it’ and runs off before they can get tagged back. It seemed like a strange place to play this game. Especially while she was touching me up.
“Yes, we are playing tag, but it’s a very naughty version. You can only pass on the tag by either flashing someone or having a feel of them like I am with you right now. Your mum started the game… she flashed Lottie,” she said and took her hand from under my skirt.
I turned to face Claire, “Wait, this was Mum’s idea?”
“Uh-huh. She’s quite the exhibitionist you know. I think she must have been a stripper in a previous life.”
“Huh, well… you think you know someone and then, bosh! They go and invent a game like this,” I said in a faux posh accent.
Claire started laughing. “Oh, you are funny.” she said. “Anyway, your mum flashed Lottie, Lottie had a feel of Izzy, and Izzy got me just now. So it’s your turn. You can tag anyone you like, even those that have been tagged before. But if it’s someone new, then be sure to tell them the rules. Okay?”
“Okay, I got it.”
“Oh, and be very careful, don’t let anyone not in our group see you doing any of this.”
“I’ll be careful, I promise.”
So this whole thing was Mum’s idea? I’ll admit it, hearing that shocked me. She’s normally very sensible and careful about doing anything even close to sexy or daring in public. I wasn’t complaining though, far from it, I was already looking for who I could tag.
Of course, Fiona was the first person I thought of tagging, but almost straight away a different opportunity presented itself. While Claire and I had been looking through the window of the clothes shop, a few of the others had gone inside, so I followed them and saw Emily at the back of the shop looking at kids’ shoes. I went over to her as she was admiring a pair of white sandals.
“What do you think of these?” she asked.
I looked about to make sure nobody could see us, then said, “They’re nice… but um, what do you think of this?”
Then I lifted up my skirt, showing her my bare kitty. I went bright red in the face as Emily’s eyes went wide and she began giggling.
“Kimmy! Someone might see you!”
I dropped my dress back down then said, “Tag, you’re it!”
She was as confused as I’d been until I told her the rules, exactly as Claire had told them to me. She completely forgot all about the sandals, and dashed off to find someone to tag.
Mum was waiting outside the shop as I left. She grinned and said, “Having a nice time, then?”
I took her arm and snuggled close. “Yeah, especially with that dirty game you started.”
“Ooh, you’ve been tagged, eh? Who got you?”
“Claire,” I looked about to make sure nobody could hear us, then said, “She put her hand under my skirt while we were looking at that dress,” I said, pointing to the horrible frock in the window.
“I thought the way you two were standing there like that was a bit suspect. The way she did it was very good, though – I was looking straight at you and I didn’t see anything amiss.”
“I just got Emily. I flashed her in the shop, so she’s it now.”
“Oh, well done, Kimmy, nice work.”
“Thanks, Mum!”
Okay, this was weird, but good weird. My mum was pleased that I’d just flashed my kitty to another girl in public, having just been touched up by another adult right there in the street. I reckoned that all eight of us would be on fire with lust and dying to fuck by the time we got home.
With the busy hustle and bustle of all the people in the village, and with our group breaking off into smaller groups here and there, I lost track of Emily and who she tagged. I found myself walking behind Lottie and Fiona as we passed a shop that sold ‘smellies,’ as Mum calls them. You know, bath salts and body lotions and the like. Fiona whispered something to Lottie that I couldn’t hear, then turned to me.
“Shall we look in here, Kimmy?” she said.
I was happy to poke around in the shop, but something about the way Fiona asked gave me a feeling that she might be looking to tag someone, and if I was lucky it might be me. So I played along. “Sure, let’s have a look,” I said.
We browsed about, picked up different things and said stuff like, ‘Ooh, that’s nice’ and handed it to each other to have a whiff, the way you do in these types of shops. After a few minutes, we were in a quiet corner and Fiona very unsubtly winked at Lottie, who stood and blocked the aisle from the view of the rest of the shop. I guessed she was probably acting as a lookout.
Then, Fiona bent over as if to grab something from the bottom shelf. Her denim mini rode right up her bum, giving me a glorious view of her pussy which, if I wasn’t mistaken, was glistening slightly. Not content with just a quick flash, she reached between her legs, slid two fingers through her folds and parted them.
Oh my God, what a sight it was. I got so wet I was worried I’d start dribbling down my legs. I was desperate to touch myself, but didn’t dare for fear I might have an orgasm there and then.
In any case, the decision was taken out of my hands when Fiona stood up and quickly pulled her skirt back down. She leaned in and gave me a quick kiss, then whispered, “Tag, you’re it.”
“Thanks for that. I enjoyed the view,” I said.
As I turned around, Lottie looked over her shoulder and said, “Are you two finished back there?”
Seizing the moment, I said, “No. Don’t move.”
“Why, what are you…” Lottie said, then shivered when she felt my hand slide up her leg. “Kimmy, I… erm… oh, my goodness.”
Fiona put a hand to her mouth to muffle her laughter as I fondled Lottie, who could only gawp at me. She was completely helpless and knew it. If she moved or made a fuss, the nearby shoppers would know something was up. Lottie had to stand there and try to look as normal as possible – not an easy task, given what I was doing to her.
First I let my hand run over her bottom and gave it a good squeeze, then slipped my fingers between her legs to sample her wetness. I would have loved to tickle her clit, but couldn’t quite reach it from that angle. On the other hand, I was able to trace the entrance to her vagina. To my utter amazement, Lottie parted her legs and pushed her bum out, all but inviting me to enter. Unable to resist, I slipped my finger inside.
Oh my goodness, what a thrill that was. I was beaming with delight as I thrust my finger in and out of Lottie’s pussy. I’m fucking her, I told myself.
“I think that’s enough for now, Kimmy,” said Fiona.
She was right, of course. Taking my hand away, I said, “Tag, you’re it,” to Lottie.
Lottie scowled. “Fiona, you’re such a bloody spoilsport. I was enjoying that.” Bending down, she gave me a tender kiss, her tongue briefly flickering between my lips.
When she straightened, I sucked on my fingers and purred, “Mmmm, nice.”
With a wink, Lottie said, “Plenty more where that came from, love,” and made a quick exit from the shop, no doubt looking for someone to tag.
We kept our game going until lunchtime, when the village began to get more crowded. The adults then decided we should stop playing tag in case we got caught. How would you explain something like that to the police?
We had lunch in a pub, sitting in the beer garden under a large umbrella. I had chicken and chips; it was very good. After lunch, we drove to a town called Chippingford, which had a market we could wander through. Without the tag game, Chippingford wasn’t as exciting as Stowington. The market was fun, though. It was huge and had everything from antiques to farmer’s produce.
The best thing about the whole afternoon was that I got to hold hands with Fiona as we browsed around the market. Like before, I pretended we were a couple, strolling around and being in love on our day off.
We sought out things that caught our eye and showed them to each other. There was one stall that sold nothing but postcards, where Fiona and I spent some time laughing at the naughty ones. We spent a few minutes in a place that dealt in imported rugs, something Fiona knew quite a lot about… and she taught me a few things about fine rugs and how entire villages in India, Iran and Pakistan make them. My favourites were the Kazaks, each rug a symphony of beautiful colours.
On one antique jewellery stall, I saw a beautiful silver bracelet that looked like it was Victorian or something from that era. It was very delicate, with a small heart-shaped charm. I wanted to buy it, but couldn’t see Mum anywhere. Besides, it was seventy-five pounds… way too expensive. I spent so long admiring it that I briefly lost Fiona in the crowd, I found some of the others, though, and a few minutes later she caught up, so we continued to stroll around hand in hand.
Compared to the excitement of the morning, our group had a calm but lovely afternoon. Around six o’clock the adults decided that it would be nice if we had fish and chips for dinner. We got them to take away from a chipper stall and ate on these benches by a river that meandered slowly through the town. It was a beautiful end to a wonderful day in the Cotswolds.
On the way home, we rode in the same cars we used to get there, which meant I could share the back seat with Fiona again. We got in the cars, but before we set off for Grafton Lodge, Fiona reached into her handbag and got out a small paper parcel.
“Here,” she said with a broad smile, “this is for you.”
Mum and Emily, who were in the front seat, looked back to see what Fioba had given me. I wondered for a moment if she’d bought a gift for Emily as well.
As if reading my mind, Fiona said, “I got something for Emily, too… this adorable little necklace. She’s wearing it now.”
Glancing up at Emily, I saw a thin gold chain around her neck. I said, “Oh Emily, that’s gorgeous.”
Fiona smiled at me and said, “Go on now, open yours.”
I opened the little package, which contained a small black velvet pouch with a drawstring. I opened it up and poured the contents into my hand.
I couldn’t help myself when I saw what Fiona had given me – I burst into tears and started sobbing.
“What is it?” asked Mum.
I couldn’t speak, so Fiona said, “A bracelet with a heart charm that she liked. I crept back to the stall and bought it for her,” She turned to me. “Shall I put it on for you?”
I nodded, quickly wiping away my tears, fighting to regain my composure as I extended my wrist. It wasn’t easy; she’d caught me quite off guard.
“Oh Fiona, it’s beautiful. Thank you so much,” I exclaimed when she’d put it on me. Then I flung my arms around her and held her tightly.
“You’re very welcome, my little lover.”
My little lover! She actually called me that! The thrill that gave me was almost as good as getting the bracelet. I was so happy that I could have floated home on a cloud.
Glancing at her watch, Mum said, “We’d better get going. The others have already left, and we don’t want them starting without us.”
Mum’s hint at what the evening held in store was entirely lost on me. I was too busy staring at my new bracelet and daydreaming.
On to Chapter Five!