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Sister Lickin’ Good

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 10:13 am

By JetBoy

My name is Kim Rutledge, and this is the story of the sexual experience that changed my life.

It was my third week back home from college after my freshman year. I was three months away from being nineteen and liked being grown up. My mom was cool; she’d given up on trying to treat me like her little girl, the way she had in my senior year of high school, so we got along really well nowadays. Even better, my asshole dad was out of the picture. He’d left Mom for this widow with tons of money, and all we ever saw of him was his support checks.

All in all, it could have been a great summer but for one problem: my thirteen-year-old baby sister Cindy had grown into an obnoxious, whiny brat.

She’d been a pretty sweet kid growing up, but something about hitting puberty had driven her nuts. To begin with, she was so goddamn needy – always demanding attention, then having hissy fits when she didn’t get it. It was absurdly easy to piss her off, too. She took offense at anything and everything, always convinced the world was out to rain on her parade. I’d been a bit of a handful in my teen years, sure, but nothing like the drama queen Cindy had evolved into.

Even when she wasn’t in a tizzy about something, Cindy was always hanging around, expecting me to keep her amused — and I no longer had any way to escape her, except in the bathroom. See, my mom had always been into making jewelry, a skill she’d picked up from her dad back when she was a teenager, and while I was away at college she decided to try selling it to bring in extra income. So she started a mail-order business that she installed in Cindy’s old room, and my sister moved into mine. Now that I was home, she and I had to share our personal space — and being her roommate sucked, to say the least.

Worst of all, Cindy’s constant presence put a real damper on my sex life.

I’d thought of myself as bisexual by the time I graduated high school, but a few months of college convinced me that I was a lesbian — and a hot, sexy-as-hell lesbian at that! At my college there were a lot more girls than guys, and most of the females were at least open to the idea of experimenting. I was the proverbial kid in the candy store, fucking one girl after another. I never slept alone in my dorm room if I could help it, and if one of my lovers didn’t want to spend the night, my roommate — a math nerd, but kinda cute — was nearly always happy to get naked and share my bed.

I’d counted on being able to sneak girls into the house late at night, but having to share a room with Cindy put the kibosh on that but good. I could always go out and meet a girl somewhere else, but it was tricky — we only had one car, and Mom needed it too much of the time. Even when I was able to go out, Cindy made a big fat deal about me having fun without her, hitting me with all kinds of nosy questions about what I was up to. It was exhausting, coming up with cover stories about why I needed the car and why Cindy couldn’t tag along. I wanted to keep my sexuality a secret for the time being, and my sister was making that a lot more difficult.

Hell, with Cindy constantly underfoot, it was hard for me to get enough privacy to masturbate! And on top of that I had to deal with her bitchy, irritating demeanor all the time. It was too much, damn it. Something had to give.

So I ran the problem around and around in my mind for a few days…and suddenly, out of the blue, I came up with the greatest idea ever — a plan that, if successful, would not only fix Cindy’s obnoxious behavior, but make my summer a hell of a lot more exciting!

The next morning, I put on one of my casually slutty outfits — a pair of denim shorts cut off just under my pussy and a tank top I’d made out of one of my old gym t-shirts from 8th grade by cutting the sleeves off and the collar out. I added a gold ankle bracelet my mom gave me a year or so ago. Dressed like that, I knew I could have at least a few girls looking twice as I sauntered past.

That day, though, it wasn’t about heading over to the mall to shop and flirt with the cute girls there, much as I enjoyed that. No, this was the first phase of Operation Adjust Cindy’s Attitude.

Phase Two began with me tracking down my baby sister. Not that it was hard to find her — Cindy was in our room, sprawled in the middle of her bed in skimpy panties and an old faded t-shirt that was about four sizes too big for her. It was, in fact, my dad’s old t-shirt, one that I’d worn for a nightie all through high school and that had mysteriously disappeared right before I packed my stuff to go to college. She was thumbing through some stupid teen magazine with that bored pout of hers that never failed to rankle me.

For the moment, however, my plan was to make nice.

“I’m going to the mall,” I told her. “You can come if you want, but be ready to go in five minutes.”

Her eyes narrowed, wondering why I was inviting her to join me when I usually used any excuse I could to ditch her. I knew, though, that she’d want to tag along too much to ask questions.

“Sure!” she exclaimed. She tossed the magazine into the wall with a page-fluttering thud and scrambled to her feet, giving me a quick flash of her bare legs and panty-covered butt.

Annoying as my little sister was, I had to admit that she was already totally cute, sure to grow up into an absolute sex bomb.

I drank a Coke in the living room while counting off five minutes, then strolled into the garage. God, Cindy was already there.

“Are we goinnnng?” she shrilled, shifting from one sneakered foot to the other as she stood impatiently by the car.

“Yes, yes, yessssss!” I snapped at her, pretending to be annoyed, pulse quickening at the thought of the fun I planned to have soon when I turned the tables on my bratty sister… my bratty, sexy little sister.

As soon as we got in the car, Cindy reached for the radio, which was set to the college station I like. I slapped her hand hard — a sharp little CRACK sound echoing in the garage — and said, “Put your seatbelt on.” Cindy pouted, but sullenly tugged the shoulder harness down and fastened it across her waist. I buckled myself in and started the car.

Three blocks away from the house, Cindy made a face at the Sonic Youth track that was playing. “This sucks,” she declared, and reached for the radio again.

This time I slapped her face with a deft backhand that left a red mark on her cheek. The CRACK was louder this time.

Cindy was stunned. Neither of my parents had ever hit us, not even spankings when we were little. She sat frozen, gaping at me, mouth wide open. I’d just wheeled the car onto the main drag when she finally got her voice back.

“YOU CAN’T HIT ME!” she screamed, in that fire alarm voice that always set my jaw on edge. “Y-you — I’M TELLIN’ MOM YOU DID THAT AN’ YOU’RE GONNA GET — mmmmppphh!”

That last came because I’d leaned over a few inches, which my lap belt allowed me to do because I’d fastened it loosely, and clapped my hand hard over Cindy’s mouth. At that point, I executed a quick right hand turn, wrenching the car into the Jiffy Lube parking lot. Switching off the ignition, I shoved her away from me. At that point, she was too startled to make a peep.

“Now, listen up, you little shit,” I told Cindy, keeping my voice low and even, “I got you out of the house so we could have a little chat about your behavior. You’ve been an absolute bitch to me and Mom, and you’re driving us both nuts. I’m not gonna tolerate this bullshit from you for one more day. Maybe Mom won’t discipline you like you deserve, but I’ll take a goddamn belt to your ass if you don’t shape up. You hear me?”

Cindy gave me a wounded look, her lower lip jutting out. “That’s not fair,” she whined. “You and Mom are always ganging up on me. You don’t even try to understand how I feel about…”

“There you go again!” I snapped, cutting her off. “Nobody’s ganging up on you, damn it. See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. You carry on like the whole world revolves around Cindy Rutledge. If you don’t get every single thing you want, exactly when you want it, you complain and whine and whine and complain until everyone around you is totally miserable — especially Mom. Listen, I’ve had enough of your bratty behavior. Enough!” I smacked the back of her headrest, hard.

Cindy was gaping at me, eyes huge. “What… what is it you want m-me to do?” she whispered, now looking seriously scared — which was at least part of what I wanted. Now I had to calm her down before she started sniveling.

“Listen,” I said, gently brushing her hair out of her eyes with the back of my hand. She flinched at first, then submitted, closing her eyes and pouting. “I’m not gonna be mean to you if you don’t make me. I love you, even though you’ve been an utter pain in the ass ever since I got home.” While I spoke, I started up the car again, exiting the parking lot. “I swear, sometimes you make me wish I was still back at school instead of on vacation.”

That really struck home. Cindy sank down in her seat, looking miserable. “I’m — I’m sorry if I’ve been so awful to you and Mom… I didn’t know I was, really. W-what can I do to be better?”

I took a deep breath. Here goes. “I’ll make a deal with you. We can be close again, you and me, just like we used to. But there’s gotta be some serious attitude adjustment on your part. No more temper tantrums, and a lot less griping and getting all bent out of shape about every little thing. If you get yourself together and try to act like a civilized human being, then we can be friends, you and me. Just like we used to be, okay? But if you keep being a little bitch, then I promise you this: I’ll make your life a living hell. So… what’s it gonna be?” By then, I’d reached the entrance of the mall.

Cindy sniffled a few times, nibbled at her lower lip in a way that made her look eight years old, then finally said, softly, “I want us to be f-friends again.”

“Good,” I said, pulling into a dark corner of the mall’s left-hand parking garage, where you could get a couple of hours of privacy if you wanted. I’d used it for a make-out and drinking spot back in my high school days, because nearly everyone else parked on the right-hand side. I switched off the ignition and turned back to my sister. “If you really mean that, then yeah, we can be tight again. I’ll help you, the way big sisters are supposed to, and teach you about grownup stuff you need to know… things you can’t go to Mom about. Understand?”

Cindy stared at me, then sniffled and blinked. “Teach me what? You mean, you want to teach me about, um, sex?” She was toying with her hair nervously. “Y-you think I’m ready for that…?”

I smiled, casually placing a hand on her bare thigh. “Baby, you’re ready to have sex with anyone you want. You are old enough now — and it’s the greatest!” Then I paused, my next remark very calculated. “Well… I don’t know, maybe you think sex is kinda gross…”

“Um, no, no,” Cindy said, hastily, blushing a little and looking away. “I mean, I’m not a baby, I know about this stuff. It’s just…” She looked up at me shyly. “I haven’t done anything — I mean, not much.” She hesitated, then smiled. “So… will you show me how to, to be sexy?”

I grinned, but only inwardly. I had her in the palm of my hand now…

“Hmmm,” I said thoughtfully. “Well, I’ll try, I guess.” I gazed at her, tapping my teeth with my fingernail like I was thinking about what I might teach her first. Of course, I knew exactly what I wanted. “Let’s see. Do you know how to kiss?”

“Well… kinda.”

I reclined my car seat back as far as it would go. “Okay, sis… come share my seat and show me how good you are at it.”

Her eyes grew wide. “You want me to kiss you?”

I shrugged and tried to look exasperated. “If you don’t want to…”

“It… it just seems a little weird,” she mumbled, blushing hotly, though her eyes told me that she found the idea of kissing her big sister an intriguing one.

I started toying with her hair. “You don’t have to only have sex with boys, you know,” I whispered. “Fooling around with other girls can be even better.”

She stared at me in disbelief. “Have you, um, had s-sex with other girls?”

I nodded, a wicked smile on my lips. “I have,” I murmured, “and I loved it.”

She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, then giggled. “Okay!” she squealed, squeezing into my seat next to me.

It was a tight fit, but that only heightened the mood. I placed a hand on Cindy’s cheek and drew her face to mine, my lips parting…

Two minutes later, Cindy broke away and sat back. “How was that? I mean, I’ve only practice kissed with Jane, but she thinks I’m pretty good.”

My heart was pounding like a jackhammer, my nipples were hard as bullets and my pussy a swamp, but I kept my voice cool. Damn, my little sister had one hot little mouth!

“That was… pretty nice,” I said. “You are a good kisser, babe — but you could be even better.” I opened my door. “Come on, let’s get in the back, there’s a little more room to stretch out. I want to show you some other stuff.”

Cindy got into the back without any protest. In fact, she seemed downright eager. I lay back on the seat and pulled my little sister down on top of me with a growl of lust.

She came to me eagerly, her lips meeting mine again and her tongue immediately darting into my mouth.

We both moaned as our kiss grew deep and passionate. I was on fire, more aroused than I’d been in weeks. So far, this crazy plan of mine had succeeded beyond my wildest hopes. I’d figured it would be about a week or so before Cindy would let me make out with her, much less take the initiative herself! I slid my hands up under the oversized t-shirt she was wearing and undid her small bra. We continued to French kiss as my hands found her apple-sized breasts and fondled them. Her nipples quickly stiffened to the touch.

Cindy broke away, panting, then clumsily shrugged out of her t-shirt and bra. The car windows were tinted and there was no one parked anywhere near us, so I wasn’t worried about being seen. Without a word I drew my sister back down to me, taking her left nipple into my mouth. Cindy moaned in surprised delight as I nibbled and sucked at the tip of one breast, then the other.

To my surprise, I felt her hands moving clumsily about the waistband of my denim cutoffs, seeking the button. I squirmed around to give her better access, and she had them unsnapped and halfway down my legs in a flash.

“I wanna see your pussy,” she gasped, her voice loud in the close confines of the car.

“You can have my pussy any time you want it, babe,” I told her breathlessly, running my fingers through her hair, then letting her kiss them as I trailed them over her lips. “You and your friend Jane did a little more than kissing together, didn’t you?”

“No, we didn’t,” Cindy insisted, licking over my palm to kiss my wrist, then trailing her tongue in a tantalizing way down the underside of my arm, “but I’ve seen lots of pictures of girls doing it with each other on the internet, and I always wanted to try it.” She shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe I’m getting to do it with you, though! Pretty wild, huh?”

“Yeah,” I purred, moving in to claim Cindy’s mouth in a brief but hungry kiss, “pretty fuckin’ wild.”

She tugged my tank top up and stared at my bare breasts, moved in to lick my left nipple, then took it between her lips and sucked gently. “You’re so pretty,” Cindy breathed as she switched to my other erect nipple. She suckled me for another few seconds, then raised her face, her eyes burning into mine. “So… have you done this with a lot of other girls?”

“Oh, a few,” I admitted, running my fingers through her soft hair. “But this is extra special, sis, because I love you so much.”

It was true, too — the idea of committing incest with my sister had me nearly trembling with excitement. I couldn’t believe I’d never thought of making a move on her before. After all, I’d wanted to make love to my mom for a least a year, ever since I had a dirty dream about her after realizing I liked girls. She still looked really good at thirty-eight, and hadn’t been with anyone since Dad bailed on us. I knew that I could rock her world in bed.

Now I’d made a hot little discovery — a sexy little lover who’d been sleeping in the bed just across the room from mine for two weeks! And to think that just a couple of days ago, I’d all but given this summer up as a lost cause…

“I love you too,” Cindy purred. She kissed me again, urgently, her tongue eagerly exploring my mouth. “Can I really make out with you any time I want?” she asked breathlessly, between kisses.

“Baby,” I told her, touched by her enthusiasm, “we’re gonna be sleeping in the same room until September. We can fuck all night, every night… and anytime Mom’s at work, we can fuck on the couch downstairs, too.”

“Oh yeahhhh,” Cindy said, sounding very pleased at that prospect. Then she blushed a little bit, looking down at her hands. “So, um… can Jane maybe come over an’ play with us? She might be kinda weird about it at first, but I know she’d like it.” Her eyes were alight with excitement.

God, could this be the same irksome little bitch who I’d fantasized about boiling in oil that very morning? This scheme of mine was going better than I could ever have imagined! “Sure, we can do that,” I told Cindy with a kiss, “and I’d love to help you seduce your friend, sweetie.”

“Cool!” she squealed.

We kissed again, and then that went on for a while, and eventually I panted, “I want to take your cherry, babe. How about it… wanna get fucked by your big sister?”

“Oh, wow…” Cindy said, pausing to think about that. “Well… yeah! Sure, you can fuck me. How are you gonna do it, Kim?”

I hugged her to me tightly, licked around her ear, and whispered “With a dildo, silly. I’ve got more than one, though. Let me ask you this — d’ya want me to use my strap-on cock on you, or the one I hold in my hand?”

“Oooh, strap it on and do me like a boy,” Cindy grinned wickedly. “I can’t believe you’re gonna be my first, Kimmie. It’s like I’m your girlfriend now, huh?”

“Mmmm… you’re my best little girlfriend, sugardoll,” I whispered in Cindy’s ear as I slipped her shorts down and began to finger her pussy. “We can make love for awhile right here, but then we’ll go back home and get together tonight after Mom goes to sleep. You deserve to be in a nice warm bed for your first fuck.”

“Oh God, that sounds amazing,” Cindy breathed. Then she looked at me with adoring eyes, bashfully nibbling her lip. “Kimmie, can I lick your pussy now? I’d like to…”

My reply was to part my legs, letting my little sister see everything. “Be my guest.”

I sighed happily as she kissed down my neck and to my nipple, taking it into her hot mouth and gently sucking. “Oh, yeah, Cindy-girl… make me feel good.”

She made her wicked way down my body, tantalizing me with her lips and tongue, finally kneeling between my thighs. I reached down to open my cunt with two fingers, offering myself to Cindy. She slowly dipped her head to plant a soft kiss on my pussy.

I moaned as my baby sister pressed her mouth to my cunt and began to eat me, her hot tongue lashing my vulva until she found my clit. I gasped as she nuzzled it, then began to lick.

“Mmmyummmm!” Cindy purred as she lapped at me, clearly digging her first taste of cunt.

“Oh, baby,” I groaned, arching my back and grinding my pudenda into her face. “Ohhh you hot little bitch mmm sweet lover oh my GOD you are so good at that oh jesus FUCK I’m coming…!”

I went off like a hand grenade, coming in my little sister’s face as she continued to pleasure me. Finally my pussy got tender and I couldn’t take any more, so I squeezed her shoulder to get her attention. “Hold on for a second, sis.”

She drew back, her mouth and chin shining with wetness. I brought my knees up to my breasts, parting my buttocks for her. “Okay, Cindy — now lick my asshole.”

“Uh, wow,” Cindy said as she lifted her eyes up to mine, “I never thought of doing that before.”

“No,” I said, “I bet not… but trust me, it’s so fucking good. You’ll see, when I do it to you.”

Cindy blinked at me a few times without speaking, then put her face back between my legs and worked her way a little lower. I felt her licking a path through my ass crack. “Yum,” she purred, and then I felt her tongue start to swirl around my rosebud.

I love to get my ass licked, especially just after I’ve just come. “Oh yeah baby, that’s good,” I crooned as I felt my baby sister’s wet tongue bathe my anus.

Cindy ate my ass out for a few minutes while I fondled my tits… and it felt wonderful. Finally I slid my legs off her shoulders and sat up. “Okay, baby sister,” I said, “it’s your turn.”

She smiled at me and I kissed her deeply, tasting my sticky self on her mouth. I maneuvered us around so I had my knees on the floor of the car and she was on the seat, her legs over my shoulders. Taking a deep breath, I lowered my face to her lightly downed pussy.

I used my fingers to play with Cindy’s moistened labia while I tongued and nibbled her clit, then ran my tongue up and down her cunt for a long while before taking her clit between my lips and sucking at the tiny pink nubbin. I slowly wriggled a finger deep into her rectum and began sliding it in and out while I ate her. Cindy was going out of her mind with pleasure within minutes, finally gasping for me to stop.

“Slut,” I told her good-naturedly, kissing my way up her body and plunging my tongue into her eager mouth. As she sucked at it, I pushed her back and turned her so she was lying lengthwise on the seat, then got on top of Cindy, settled my cunt against hers and began to grind myself against her in a hot lesbian fuck. My sister moaned and squirmed beneath me, which only added to the friction we were generating.

After a few minutes of crazily pumping our bodies together, I found myself going off again. A few seconds later Cindy panted crazily as she came, too.

“That’s pretty good sex for a seventh grade virgin,” I told her, running my tongue up her neck to her ear and nibbling at the lobe. “Now let’s get dressed. I have to buy you some hot new clothes before I take you home and fuck you for real.”

“Okay,” Cindy said agreeably, turning her face to kiss me. “I love you, Kimmie.”

“Love you too, my sweet fuck toy,” I told her. I tossed Cindy her shorts and she squirmed into them while I put on mine.

Once in the mall, I took my sister to Burdine’s to find a couple of outfits for her — a couple of sleeveless blouses, very tight, with some V-shaped necklines that buttoned up the front, and some short skirts that hugged her ass tightly. Cindy was positively in a daze by the time we left the shopping area and were walking back to the car. My arm was around her shoulders, and hers circled my waist as she snuggled her head into the side of my right breast.

“People’r gonna think we’re weird if they see us, I bet,” Cindy murmured to me as we walked, and indeed, some people were staring out of the corners of their eyes at the sight of two hot teenage girls walking along embracing like lovers in the mall. “I don’t even care, though.”

“Me neither — let ‘em stare,” I said. “Do you love me, sis?”

“Course,” she sighed, snuggling into me a little more as we walked. “I’m your girlfriend, you said so,” Cindy responded dreamily. “You’re gonna fuck me too, and I can’t wait!”

We exited through the doors that led out into the parking garage. I stopped, bringing Cindy to a halt, and glanced around. Seeing no one in the vicinity, I shoved her over behind a kiosk that juts out of the left wall, showing a map of the mall on its front side for people who are lost.

“I wanna lick you again,” I growled, pushing her up against the wall, running my hand down Cindy’s stomach and into her shorts to cup her sweet little cunt in my hand and caress it…while crushing my mouth to hers in a ravenous kiss that left my head spinning like a yo-yo.

“Aaaaaanything,” Cindy moaned, panting, as I kissed my way down her neck, nuzzling the hollow of her throat, “you can do what you like to me, sis, an’ I’ll do anything you say, I’m yours, oh Kimmie that’s so gooood…”

“Turn around,” I told her, “and play with your pussy. I’m gonna lick you from behind.”

She obeyed immediately, and I yanked her shorts down to her knees, knelt behind her, parted those soft cheeks and began to lick her sweet little asshole.

I sensed, more than felt, my sister masturbating while I ate her ass. Both my hands held her bottom open, and my face was buried in the dark cleft as I swirled my tongue around Cindy’s sweet back channel, enjoying the taste and texture of my thirteen-year-old sister’s virgin anus.

I have no idea how long it took; I wasn’t aware of anything but her rosebud pulsing around my tongue as I licked at her, until I finally heard “Ohhh GOD Kim I’m commminggggg!” and felt Cindy tremble in ecstasy as she went off for the third time in an hour.

As her pleasure crested and ebbed, I lovingly planted a few soft kisses on Cindy’s cheeks, pulled her shorts back up, and got to my feet again. As for my sister, she was sagging against the wall with what I’d have to call a well-fucked expression on her face. I picked up our shopping bags with one hand and gave her perky little butt a pat with the other.

“Come on, sugardoll,” I told her, “Time to go home.”

Cindy sighed happily, then threw her arms around my neck, startling me with a tight, very warm hug. “Mmmm Kimmie, you’re the best!” She drew back a little, gazing adoringly up at me. “Thank you for showing me how to kiss and eat pussy, and for making me feel so good and letting me be your girlfriend!”

“Pleasure’s mine, sweetie,” I said. At that moment I couldn’t resist; she was looking up at me all big-eyed, so adorable and hot, so I brought my mouth to hers and we kissed tenderly. Cindy moaned and opened her mouth wide to receive my tongue.

We stood in front of the car, tenderly kissing for a long while. God… was I falling in love with my baby sister?

“I am gonna fuck you so good tonight, girl,” I whispered, nibbling her earlobe.


That night was incredible, too. I remember climbing on top of Cindy, my lubricated cock fastened about my waist, her thighs parted for me. We kissed hungrily as I placed the tip at the entrance of her cunt, whispered, “I love you, baby,” and fed the length of it into her until I reached Cindy’s hymen.

She gasped in pain when I broke her, a few tears rolling down her cheeks — but she wouldn’t let me pull out, clutching me to her as she adjusted to being filled so completely. Finally she said, “Okay, I… I th-think you can fuck me now.”

I began to work my cock back and forth, going slowly at first. “Oh, Kimmie,” she moaned, “that f-feels amazing…

Within minutes Cindy had both legs wrapped round me as I plowed her. When my sister came, she bucked so hard that I was nearly thrown off the bed. I’d never seen anyone get off so intensely before.

Once she recovered, my sweet little sister got me up on all fours and ate my pussy and asshole until I exploded in her mouth.

We snuggled together, kissing and making out for a long while, then drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

Two years later, Cindy and I are still lovers. We occasionally fool around with other girls, but our main interest is in each other. She and I are both scheming about how we might get our mother into bed with us, so who knows — there might be more to this story one day!

The End (?)


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 13

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 9:57 am

By Naughty Mommy

I was greeted with a surprise the next morning when I got up to go to the toilet and then looked in the bathroom mirror. There was a small purplish bruise on the side of my neck, right where Melissa had been kissing me the night before.

I knew what it was. I’d heard kids at school talk about ‘hickeys’, although I’d never seen one up close. It made me feel conflicted. Partly I was annoyed at Melissa for disfiguring me that way, but mostly I felt proud and happy that I carried what I thought of as an adult mark of active sexuality.

But now I had a dilemma. Should I let anyone else see this? What if Kate or Molly saw it? Would they know what it was? I doubted that Molly would, although she might be curious enough to ask me what had happened. Kate could very well be old enough to realize what it meant, and if so, she certainly would insist on knowing how I got it.

I rummaged through my drawers until I found an old turtleneck. I didn’t wear it very often, and the weather outside was still pretty warm, too warm really for that shirt. But I tried it on anyway, looking at myself in the mirror. The mark on my neck was only partially covered, still noticeable enough to attract attention. When I adjusted the collar high enough to conceal it completely, it made me look ridiculous.

Sighing, I took off the turtleneck and put it back in my drawer. I would just have to let people see the hickey and figure out how to explain it. I didn’t think my mom would be bothered too much by it — after all, it was at the orgy she’d organized that I received it — but still I felt uneasy as I made my way downstairs for breakfast that morning.

My mother was at the stove fixing scrambled eggs. My nose told me she’d also cooked bacon. That delicious smell made me extra hungry.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” said my mom.

“Hi, Mommy.”

When she looked over at me, she did a classic double-take, immediately noticing the mark on my neck. But she didn’t say anything about it then. She just gave me a knowing smile.

Molly was sitting at the table with a glass of orange juice. Kate was still up in her room.

I sat down next to Molly. She was looking at a Sesame Street magazine while she drank her juice. I kissed her cheek. “What are you reading?” I asked.

“About Bert and Ernie not knowing if they should put coats on when they go outside. It’s funny,” she grinned, turning toward me. If she noticed my bruise at all, she didn’t seem to care about it. Perhaps I was worrying too much about things, as I often did.

“Do you want some eggs, baby?” asked my mom.

“Sure, that sounds good.”

“And bacon?”


We ate our breakfast and talked about plans for the day. My mother said she wanted me and Kate to help her clean out the flowerbeds in the backyard and plant some new rose bushes she’d ordered.

“I can help too,” offered Molly.

“Of course you can,” said my mom with a smile, “in fact, you’ll be my number one helper. I have so many things I need you to do for me out there today.”

My sister beamed happily. Like my mother, she was a natural blonde with pretty blue eyes. Her hair was curly and framed her sweet little face. Kate and I both had brown hair and brown eyes, inherited from our father.

I helped my mother clean up the dishes. Just as we finished, Kate finally came downstairs. She was normally the last to rise in our family. When Kate saw the mark on my neck, she frowned at me and I quickly looked away, but she didn’t say anything about it.

In the afternoon we all worked in the yard together. It was fun, and it was a nice feeling to see the results when we were done.

“Well,” remarked my mother, dusting off her hands, “that makes a big difference. Thank you, girls, for all your hard work out here.”

“How soon will the roses bloom, Mommy?” I asked.

“They should start late next spring, maybe around May, if all goes well.”

She looked at the three of us, smiling happily. I noticed that her glance finished on my neck. “Okay, but we’re all pretty dirty now. Kate, will you take Molly inside and get her in the bathtub? I have one more thing that Julie can help me with in the garage.”

Kate and Molly went into the house, and I followed my mom to the garage, carrying the gardening tools we’d used. We cleaned them and put them away.

“Honey,” she began, “how do you feel about that mark on your neck?”

I felt myself turning red, embarrassed to talk about it. Strange, though, that I could see my mother naked, could watch her having hot lesbian sex, and that didn’t make me feel awkward at all. But when she asked me about a hickey, I got flustered. Human psychology is weird.

“I don’t know,” I stalled.

She came up to me, putting her hands on my shoulders. Moving closer to the light, she turned my head so she could get a better look.

“It’s a good one,” she said. “That damn Melissa, I should spank her for doing this to you.”

“It’s not her fault,” I protested, “she was just, you know, kissing me.” Then I grinned, “But it might be fun to watch you spanking her.”

That made my mother smile. “I know,” she sighed, “these things are going to happen. But I just wish she’d been more careful.”

“I don’t mind. I kind of like it.”

“Hm. Have you decided how you’re going to explain to the kids at school if they ask about it?”

“No,” I turned away. “Not yet.”

“Well, if you want to talk about it some more, you just come to me. Okay?”

I nodded.

She patted my shoulder. “Come on, let’s go inside and get cleaned up.”

* * *

The next day at school was interesting.

I was surprised that no one really said anything to me about the mark on my neck, even though a lot of people seemed to notice it. It had faded slightly by then, but was still plainly visible. A few of the older girls seemed to look at me with a newfound respect, as if I’d gained stature in their eyes.

I wasn’t especially popular at school then, being sort of bookish and shy. I had plenty of acquaintances, but not too many close friends. I had one good friend, Amy, an Asian girl who wore thick glasses. We’d been friends since second grade. She was smart, like me, and also studious.

Amy and I did homework or school projects together sometimes, and I’d gone to her house for a sleepover once. She wasn’t that cute to look at, though, and I wasn’t really interested in her sexually. Not the way I was in some of the other girls, and in some of the female teachers too.

There was only one time that day when I thought I might have to explain the hickey. It was during lunch in the cafeteria. I was sitting by Amy when two girls from our class came over and set their trays down near us. One of them, Paige, asked, “So, Julie, what did you do this weekend? Anything fun?”

I immediately blushed and looked down, but didn’t give a response.

I glanced at Amy. She was acting like she hadn’t heard the question. The other two girls giggled a lot but neither of them said anything else about it, and I was relieved.

My sisters and I were attending a private school with limited enrollment. It covered grades K through eight, with small class sizes, no more than twenty students in a room. I was in seventh grade, Kate was in fifth, and Molly in third.

Molly, who was really bright, had skipped second grade. She’d adjusted very well to moving ahead, fitting in right away, and had lots of friends. Occasionally she would have some of them over at our house, and I liked playing with them and being around them. Little girls that age are fun.

Kate was also quite popular. She was much more outgoing than I was, involved in sports, playing school soccer and softball and on the swim team too. Most of her friends, though, seemed to be sort of on the surface. That is, she didn’t seem particularly close to any of them. When her activities were done, she usually liked to come home and be with us.

That’s how I was too, preferring to spend most of my time at home with my mom and my sisters. They really were my best friends.

* * *

Within a few days, my hickey had completely faded away. I actually started to wish I could get another one, to show off some more how cool and grownup I was. But my mom was really busy at work around that time, lugging home briefcases full of papers every night that she had to read, so for several weeks she didn’t go out at all, not even on Saturday nights. She stayed home, and we didn’t play our ‘game’.

That didn’t stop me from masturbating, of course. Every night in bed after I turned out the lights, I thought about the things I’d seen and done with Melissa and Tracy and Danni and the others, and about things I’d like to do with them. I gave myself many wonderful orgasms that way.

Sometimes I fantasized about girls I knew at school. Not Amy, but other girls. Especially Madison. She was an eighth-grader, tall and well-developed for her age. She had the best figure in the school. Madison was pretty and popular, but she also seemed really nice. I didn’t know her very well, but whenever I saw her, she would smile at me. That always gave me goose bumps.

At night I would pretend I was with Madison and I was taking off her clothes, looking at those glorious big breasts, touching her nipples, putting my hand inside her panties. I could come very easily when I fantasized about her.

I remember one evening when I was thinking about Madison, and then for some reason I started to picture her being with my mother, as if my mom had brought her home to play the game I liked so much where I would watch and masturbate while she seduced her guest. In my mind, I could see them down in the family room, my mother pulling Madison’s shirt over her head, taking off her bra, kissing her nipples, and Madison looking up at me and smiling the way she did.

It was very exciting to imagine my mother being with a girl that age, about my age — and then a new thought occurred to me. What if Madison, or one of the other girls I liked at school, could see me with my mom, could see us naked together, touching and kissing? What would they think about that? It was such a deliciously naughty thought that it instantly made me come.

After that splendid orgasm, I spent several nights conjuring up fantasies about other girls at school watching me and my mom together. Sometimes I pictured a whole crowd of girls around us, masturbating while they stared at the sight of a beautiful woman kissing and caressing her 12-year-old daughter. That got me really hot.

And then another new thought came into my mind: how would my teachers react if they saw us that way?

Most of them, I was sure, would disapprove, but probably not all of them. There were a few of my female teachers (I didn’t even consider the men) whom I suspected would enjoy watching us, and who might even want to join in.

I could tell by the way those teachers looked at some of their prettier students, when they didn’t think anyone was watching, that they were having lustful thoughts about them. Although they weren’t openly lesbian (none of our teachers were), it seemed pretty obvious to me what they were interested in.

At the start of that year, a new teacher had come to our school. She taught fifth grade, and Kate was in her class. Her name was Ms. Reynolds. I had learned that her first name was Sandra, although the students never called her that, of course.

Ms. Reynolds was a petite, slender blonde, with freckles. She was probably in her late twenties, cute and very flirty. I wasn’t sure if she was a lesbian, because she would make eyes at the male teachers and students as much as she did at the female teachers and students. She was just that way with everyone.

But still it seemed to me that she was especially drawn to girls. Or at least that’s the way I liked to think of her.

And because she was so cute and so sexy, I became highly aroused when I imagined Ms. Reynolds — Sandra — watching me kiss my mom. I pictured Sandra sitting in a chair in our family room, her short skirt pulled up, her legs open, her panties off, touching herself as she saw what I was doing.

In my fantasy, I was naked and I was crawling all over my mother, who was on the couch, also naked. I rubbed my body against my mom’s body, always looking over at Sandra to see how she would react. I kissed my mother, wetly, using my tongue, and I fondled her nipples, and I rubbed my pussy on her leg. In my imagination, I even allowed myself to reach between my mother’s legs and touch her sex. That made the fantasy Sandra get really excited, and my mom too. Pretty soon I was making my mother come with my fingers and then Sandra came in the chair while she watched us — and then I came in my bed as I visualized it.

The next night I went so far in the same fantasy as to get down on my knees in front of my mother and spread her legs and then look over at Sandra to make sure she was watching closely as I put my mouth on my mother’s pussy and shoved my tongue inside her cunt. I fucked my mother with my tongue and I imagined Sandra leaving her chair and getting down on the floor behind me and using her fingers to open my labia and licking me. God I came so hard as I pictured myself actually having sex with my mom and my sister’s hot teacher.

Night after night I would entertain myself that way. My erotic imagination was active and creative, and my fingers were kept very busy between my legs. I actually wondered if I was setting some kind of new record for orgasms for a 12-year-old girl. But later I would find out that lots of little girls my age, and younger ones too, were playing with themselves and coming as often as I was. Girls just naturally love sex.

Continue on to Chapter 14


Comforting Polly, Part Two

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 9:54 am

By JetBoy

Suddenly Polly pulled away, peering up at the older girl. “Hey, Beth,” she chirped, “can we do some more sex things now? I want to play with your butt!”

“My butt?” Beth replied, startled.

“Well… yeah!” Polly answered, now blushing. “I… I think that ladies’ b-bottoms are the beautifullest things in the whole world! An’ I bet yours is ‘specially beautiful.” She gazed pleadingly at the teen, biting her lower lip. “Please, Beth, can I? Pretty please?”

Beth smiled, touching her young lover’s cheek. “Of course you can, sweetheart,” she crooned. “but first, I just have to do this.” She claimed Polly’s mouth in a tender kiss, teasing the girl’s lips with the tip of her tongue.

With a tiny but impassioned moan Polly immediately responded, her own tongue meeting and mingling with Beth’s. They kissed for a long while, savoring the soft liquid sounds their mouths made.

Finally Beth broke away, transfixing little Polly with a smoldering glance. “Okay then, Pollybelle…” she murmured, raising herself to a sitting position, then sliding onto her tummy, making her movements as sultry and sensual as she could. “Here’s my butt, all warm and ready for you.” Thrusting her ass up, she gave her hips a slow grind, thrilled at the awed look on Polly’s face.

All but hypnotized by the sight of those firm, shapely globes, the child absently moistened her lips. “Wow,” she whispered.

“Like what you see, lover?” Beth purred, spreading her thighs further apart, wanting Polly to get a good look.

“Gosh, yes…” the girl breathed, hesitantly reaching out to touch the pale rump. “It’s so pretty.”

“Mmmmmm, that feels nice,” sighed Beth.

“C-can I kiss your bottom, Beth?” Polly shyly inquired, her hand resting on the older girl’s buttock.

Beth’s eyes flashed eagerly. “Oooh yeah, babe… I’d love you to!”

Polly slowly approached, nervously moistening her lips before placing a gentle kiss upon Beth’s left cheek.

“Ohhhhhhhh,” the teen moaned. “Keep doing that, Polly… don’t stop!”

Emboldened, little Polly drew even closer — grasping Beth’s hips, pressing her face into the smooth flesh as she gave her babysitter’s bottom one kiss after another, deepening those kisses as her excitement grew.

“Fuck!” Beth gasped, heartbeat thundering in her ears, overwhelmed by the eight-year-old’s instinct for sex play. Polly was practically making love to her ass, showering it with open-mouthed kisses.

Then she felt two little hands spreading her cheeks apart, sensed Polly’s warm breath caressing the crack of her ass. She tensed, her mouth hanging open. No fucking way, Beth told herself. She wouldn’t do that, not yet.

Polly stared hungrily at the treasures nestled between Beth’s parted legs. The pussy she already knew, and seeing how wet it was made the sight even more thrilling. Then there was another opening, the tight pink cleft just above Beth’s sex. That’s her butthole, Polly realized. She breathed deeply, taking in the thick, musky perfume of her older lover’s anus.

The impulse was there to kiss that puckered hole — maybe even lick it a little bit. Bet that’s something only bad girls do, she thought. Then again, she’d licked Beth’s pussy, and that had been the best!

Besides, Polly was coming to realize how much she liked being bad…

Unable to resist, the child pried Beth’s bottom open, even further than before, and plunged her face between the pale globes, pressing her lips firmly against the tender rosebud.

“Oh, jeez, Polly!” Beth cried, her breath coming in excited gasps.

Polly drew back to lick her lips, brow furrowed in concentration as she weighed the taste of the older girl’s bottom, deciding it was pretty good — not gross at all! The flavor was mostly like Beth’s pussy, but also sort of different.

Wanting another taste, the little girl bent to take an experimental lick, trailing her tongue through the teen’s butt crack, delighted to see how that made Beth shiver.

“God, Polly,” Beth moaned. “You… have… no idea how g-great that feels.”

Eager to bring pleasure to her new girlfriend, Polly pried Beth’s cheeks even further apart, burrowing between them to lick deeper, harder.

Beth pressed her face into the pillow’s squashy softness, her head reeling. For all the wild lesbian fantasies she’d indulged in since deciding her sexuality, this moment easily topped them all — getting her asshole licked by a beautiful little girl of eight.

That sweet fire was stoked and glowing between her legs once more, and Beth hastened to feed the blaze, thrusting a hand beneath her belly to masturbate. Polly’s enthused sucking had left the teen’s clitoris incredibly tender, so Beth just lightly teased it with the tip of a finger — gentle, barely-there touches that had her seeing stars.

Polly was really getting into rimming her babysitter, adorning Beth’s anus with passionate tongue kisses as if her butthole was a sexy mouth. It was a cooler game than any she’d ever played before.

Gosh, Polly thought, she really loves getting her bottom licked. Wonder if she’d do that to me?

Meanwhile, Beth’s brow was furrowed in concentration as she grasped for her pleasure, summoned it forth, felt it build — the throbbing of her sex made stronger by the backdoor oral action she was getting from Polly. The little girl was trailing her wet, warm tongue up and down Beth’s crack, and it felt utterly divine.

“Oh, yeah!” Beth blurted, feeling sweet release drawing nearer. “Oh, fuck — fuck!” It was close now, very close; all but breathing down the teen’s neck…

Then Beth’s body jerked violently, head rearing back as a hard jolt of an orgasm shook her slender frame. “Ohhhhhggggod Polly YES!” she screamed, pushing her ass back into the child’s face. “Don’tstopdon’tstopdon’tSTOP!”

Hanging on as best she could, Polly kept her face buried between Beth’s buttocks, determined to do all she could to make her new girlfriend feel wonderful.

Now Beth was beyond words. Great waves of pleasure crashed through the girl as if her body was a gong being hammered, stroke after exquisite stroke. The universe was reduced to fingers and clit; tongue and anus.

Hand busy between her legs, Beth drove herself further and higher until there was a sudden breaking through, leaving her floating in a gauzy void of glowing warmth. Her limp upper half collapsed onto the bed, face hitting the cool pillow with a smack.

Undaunted, Polly continued to rim the older girl, licking her hole until Beth pulled away. Rolling onto her back, the older girl extended her arms, gasping, “C’mere, babe.”

Polly crawled into the teen’s arms, where Beth rewarded her with a deep, hungry kiss. Tilting her head, the child met and matched her lover’s passion, meeting Beth’s thrusting tongue with her own. Finally, their lust sated, they gently broke apart.

“Oh, Pollybelle,” Beth whispered, reaching to brush the little girl’s bangs from her damp forehead, “that was incredible. I had no idea you were going to — to lick my bottom like that.”

“I… I didn’t know I was gonna do it!” a dazed Polly replied. “It just s-sorta happened.”

“Well, I’m glad it did. You made me feel great, sweetie… fantastic!” Beth cradled the child, nuzzling her face. “I adore you, Polly…”

“Um, so… can we maybe do this again sometime?”

Beth grinned wickedly. “Ohhhhh, yeah. You’re my girlfriend now, remember?” She left a line of soft kisses along Polly’s jawline, then licked around the edge of her ear, making Polly whimper. “I’m gonna do everything with you, my sexy little cutie… I’ll show you all the ways that two girls can fuck.”

“You used that word before!” gasped Polly, amused. “That’s a bad thing to say, too — isn’t it?”

Beth gave the girl a wry grin. “Yeah, it is, Pollybelle… but it’s also what we just did, you and me. We fucked.” Dipping her head, she traced the child’s lips with her tongue, then met her eyes again. “Say it for me, babe… tell me how you love to fuck me.”

Blushing furiously, Polly whispered the words Beth wanted to hear. “I love to f-fuck you, Beth…” then burst into gleeful giggles, thrilled by her boldness. “I do, I really, really do!” She cuddled into her babysitter. “Okay, say it to me some more!”

Beth drew away, transfixing her young lover with a smoldering stare. “Polly, I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than fuck you. I’d lick that sweet pussy of yours until you almost faint, it feels so good. Then I’d lick your ass, the same way you did to me.” As she spoke, Beth’s hand slid down Polly’s tummy to curl around her smooth pubis.

“Know what, sweetie?” she cooed. “I can’t wait. I’m gonna fuck you again — right now!”

Polly relaxed completely in Beth’s embrace, her head lolling on the teen’s shoulder as she gazed, dreamy-eyed, at the ceiling. “Oh. Ooooh, Beth… that’s soooooo nice!” she gasped, a sweet shudder coursing through her willowy frame as nimble fingers grazed her clitoris.

Beth’s lust had renewed itself as if by magic. With her right hand she masturbated the eight-year-old, while the left caressed Polly’s flat chest, brushing her tiny nipples to stiffness, whispering a litany of lust and desire into the child’s ear while pleasuring her. “My sexy little lover… God, it gets me so fucking hot to touch you like this, Pollybelle. I just wanna kiss you, taste you… make love to every inch of your beautiful, beautiful body. Oh, Polly, I love your pussy — so warm and wet and slippery.” She paused to nip playfully at Polly’s earlobe, and the girl mewed with delight. “Y’know what I’d like to do now, babe? Put my finger inside you… Would you let me do that, Polly? Can I slip my finger into that juicy little pussy of yours? I promise I’ll be gentle — and you’ll love how it feels. Can I, Polly? Pretty please?”

“Uh… uh-huh!” and a quick nod was all Polly could manage, out of breath as she was.

With that, Beth began to trace the little girl’s vaginal cleft with a finger, allowing the tip to slowly work its way inside. Polly’s slit was moist enough to allow for smooth penetration, and the child’s blue eyes widened in mixed pleasure and astonishment as the probing digit entered her, a millimeter at a time.

“Does this feel good?” Beth cooed, cradling the nude nymph.

“Y-y-yes!” gasped a shivering Polly.

Beth’s finger was now touching the thin membrane of her lover’s hymen. She dared not permit herself to take the child’s virginity, not just yet — but there were other ways to give her pleasure. Beth began to move her finger about in tiny circles, stimulating the walls of Polly’s vagina, then commenced to work it in and out, in and out.

“Oh, Beth… oh my gosh, Beth!”

Grinning wickedly, the teen allowed her other hand to glide down the little girl’s baby-soft tummy to between her thighs, seeking out the nubbin of Polly’s clitoris. Locating the tiny bump, Beth lightly tweaked it between two fingers.

A hoarse cry erupted from Polly’s throat, her thin frame seizing up as she exploded into orgasm. Beth held on tightly to the twitching girl, concentrating on pumping her finger in and out of Polly’s cunt without breaking the hymen.

The child’s rapture quickly mounted to an unimaginable height, punctuated by a tiny shriek. Beth continued to masturbate her until Polly lay limp and trembling in her older lover’s embrace.

Beth cradled the flushed girl, showering her with soft kisses and whispering, “Sweet little girl… my precious baby, I love you…”

Sighing contentedly, Polly curled up like a kitten, letting Beth cuddle her. “Love you, too,” she whispered.

They lay together for a long while; finally, Beth roused herself. “C’mon, Pollybelle… we’ve got to get ourselves cleaned up before your mom gets home.”

Yawning, Polly slowly sat up. “Mmmmm… okay.” Then she grinned. “Wanna take a bath with me?”

Beth tousled the child’s now mussed hair. “I like the way you think, cutie-pie. Let’s go!”

Minutes later Polly and Beth were in the tub, happily washing one another. It took far longer to get clean than it ordinarily might have because the girls were having such a lovely time at it, pausing again and again to exchange kisses.

Finally they emerged from their bath, bodies gleaming wetly. Grabbing a towel, Beth began to rub down the giggling girl — then she stopped herself as an idea made itself felt.

“Hey, Polly?” she murmured, “I wanna try something. Put your hands on the edge of the bathtub and bend over.”

“Okay,” piped Polly, who happily obliged. Beth feasted her eyes once more on her new lover’s bare bottom, now glistening from their bath. Kneeling behind the child, she moved in to place a tender kiss upon the left buttock, then the right.

A tiny squeak of delight escaped Polly’s lips when Beth pressed her face into the softness of the little girl’s rump, adorning the warm, still damp flesh with open-mouthed kisses.

“Oh, gosh,” moaned Polly. “Ooooooohh… oh, Beth!”

The teen’s heart thumped crazily as she made love to the eight-year-old’s pert little ass. Then she carefully pried the smooth globes apart, absently moistening her lips as she stared at her ultimate prize — the jewel of Polly’s anus.

Closing her eyes, Beth ran her tongue through the dark pink cleft, licking lustily at the child’s rosebud.

Polly responded with a giggle that trailed off into a blissful sigh… then as Beth’s tongue traced circles around the anal pucker, the little girl began to whimper with delight. “Oh, wow… that, that f-feels wonderful…”

Almost absently, Polly placed a hand upon her mound and began to touch herself.

Beth’s very soul was aglow with happiness. To be on her knees before this beautiful child and licking at her butthole seemed like a glimpse of heaven. No matter what happens, she thought, even if we get caught, I swear it’s worth it for this.

Then she realized with a start that Polly was masturbating.

Jesus, the teen marveled. Can she actually come a third time? Beth had no idea if such a thing was even possible — but she quickly realized that the child was doing her level best to make it happen!

What the hell, Beth decided. Let’s go for the gold.

She began to fondle Polly, exploring as much of the eight-year-old’s body as she could reach while continuing to rim her. Pressing even deeper into Polly’s crack, she gave the young girl’s anus a wet French kiss, her lips sucking and slurping at the tiny opening.

Polly was quivering now, her breath coming in quick bursts as if she were running. Beth’s hot mouth was doing wonderful things to her butthole — and there were lovely hands gliding everywhere, touching her legs, tummy, arms, bottom. She rubbed eagerly at her slit, very much wanting to make those big, wonderful feelings happen again. By this time she was thrusting her ass back into Beth’s face, eager for more of her teenage lover’s oral attention.

As Beth gave the child what she wanted, her hands were busy caressing Polly’s flat chest. Finding a tiny nipple, she teased it, then took the bud between finger and thumb to give it a pinch.

That was enough to send Polly into orgasm, her choked cry ringing out in the humid bathroom.

Beth clutched the little girl as she came, her tongue still busy between those pert cheeks. Finally, the teen raised her head as she felt Polly sway. Taking hold of the eight-year-old’s waist, she carefully lowered the child to the floor, resting her against the bathtub in a seated position.

Reaching up to touch the flushed girl’s cheek, Beth grinned. “You okay, kiddo?”

Bangs plastered wetly to her forehead, her chest rising and falling with every deep breath, Polly slowly nodded. “Okay… yeah, I’m okay.” She gave Beth a dazed smile. “Oh, Beth… y-you’re so good to me. I love you.” Seizing the older girl’s hand, she clumsily kissed it once, twice, three times.

Beth drew nearer to the girl, straddling her outstretched legs. “I love you too, Pollybelle.” Tilting her head, she claimed Polly’s mouth in a tender kiss. The child responded immediately, her tongue darting between Beth’s parted lips.

As they kissed passionately, Beth’s head swam. My God, it’s true. I’m in love for the first time in my life, and it’s with a girl who’s still in second grade. What a crazy situation!

Gently breaking away, Beth sighed happily. “Well, come on, babe… we need to get dried off and into some clothes.” She stood, then extended a hand to Polly, helping the little girl to her feet. “Actually, I guess it’s time for you to put on your pajamas, huh?”

“Yeah,” replied Polly, raising both arms as Beth resumed the task of drying her.

Minutes later, the girls were back in Polly’s room, getting dressed.

“Listen, sweetheart,” Beth began, slipping into her jeans, “I feel really great that you’re my girlfriend and all, but you know we have to keep this a secret, right?”

“Mmmm. Yeah, I guess so,” murmured Polly, wriggling her arms through the sleeves of a flowery pajama top.

Beth knelt before the child, placing both hands on her shoulders. “Seriously, Pollybelle. You can’t tell anyone about us. Not even your best friend, and definitely not your mom. If people find out, we’ll never be able to make love again, not ever. Understand?”

Struck by the sober expression on Beth’s face, Polly whispered, “I won’t tell, Beth. I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.”

“Good,” the teen nodded, her smile returned. “Now go brush your teeth, and let’s get you into bed. I’ll read you a nice story.”

“Okay,” chirped Polly, padding into the bathroom. “But… can we maybe kiss some more, too?”

Beth laughed. “Oh, we’ll kiss, all right. Just try to keep me away from those yummy lips, cutie!”

Soon, Polly was tucked snugly into bed with Beth stretched out next to her, holding an open storybook and reading. “After the feast, the Laziest Man fell into his bed like a log. But a strange thing happened to him. Though his eyes closed, he did not really sleep.”

Polly poked Beth’s shoulder. “Another kiss, please…” she giggled.

Marking her place with a finger, Beth closed the book, then leaned into the happy child. Their mouths met, and the two lovers shared a soft, sweet and very romantic kiss, tongues playfully engaging.

After a moment, Beth broke away with a smile for her childish lover, found her place, and took up the thread of the story once more. “Though his eyes closed, he did not really sleep. In his mind he kept hearing peals of silvery laughter. Limply — for he never moved fast — he pulled the blanket over his head, but the laughter continued in his brain. And for the first time in his lazy life, he became awake.”

“Another kiss,” Polly sighed dreamily, again nudging her babysitter.

“You forgot to say ‘please’,” retorted Beth as she dipped down to swap another sensuous French kiss with Polly. This time when they parted, the little girl found herself yawning hugely.

“Hey!” Beth mock-pouted. “Are my kisses boring you? Maybe I shouldn’t give you any more!”

“Noooooo!” protested Polly. “M’sorry, Beth… I don’t wanna be sleepy, but — I kinda am anyhow.” She yawned again. “Ooooh… damn it!”

Beth laughed. “Don’t cuss like that around your mom! She’ll think I taught you how.” She tousled the child’s hair. “It’s okay, sweet stuff. You’ve been through a lot tonight. Getting in trouble, getting spanked… learning how to make love, then a nice hot bath… you came three times, y’know! That’s a lot for a little girl.”

Puzzled, the drowsy child peered at Beth. “I… came?”

“You did,” Beth cooed, drawing Polly into her arms. “Remember that great big intense feeling you got when we were doing sex stuff? They call that ‘coming’. It’s also called an orgasm. Ever hear that word before?”

Polly shook her head. “Uh-uh. So if you’re coming… where are you coming from?”

“It doesn’t work that way,” Beth chuckled. “You just come. That’s all.” Polly yawned again. “Oh, my… I know a little girl who need to get some rest.”

“Guess so,” mumbled Polly. “Can you kiss me one more time, then keep reading ’till I’m asleep? I like to hear you talk.”

“Sure thing, babe.” Her lips found Polly’s, and the girls kissed lovingly, tongues mingling. Parting, Beth whispered. “I love you, sweet Pollybelle. Sweet dreams.”

“Love you, Beth,” Polly breathed. “G’night.”

Opening her book, Beth again resumed the story. “And for the first time in his lazy life, he became awake. As the hours passed, he became more and more awake. In fact, the Laziest Man did not sleep a wink that night.”

She read on for a few more paragraphs, then paused to glance down at Polly, smiling when she saw that the child, unlike the Laziest Man in the World, was fast asleep.

Carefully rising from the bed, Beth bent to touch her lips to Polly’s forehead. She studied the peaceful face of the little girl, then turned off the bedside lamp before quietly exiting the room, turning back for one last glance. The child’s face was positively angelic, lit by the faint illumination from her night light.


About two hours later, Judy Ryan entered the silent house, keys in hand. She peered into the living room. Beth, seated on the sofa, glanced up from her history textbook.

“Hi, Mrs. Ryan,” the teen murmured, putting down her pencil and stretching. “Did you enjoy the show?”

“Oh, it was wonderful!” Judy replied. “We really felt the spirit. How’s Polly? She behaved herself, I hope.”

“Like an angel. I put her to bed a couple of hours ago. Last time I checked, she was fast asleep.”

“Good,” Judy nodded, setting her purse down on the coffee table. “Listen, Beth. I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier tonight… you know, that you didn’t understand about morals. I wasn’t saying that you were a bad person — you’re just young, and haven’t seen what a… destructive place the world can be.” She paused. “I was pretty upset about Polly, what I caught her doing. I’m sorry if I took it out on you.”

“Oh, that’s all right,” Beth mildly replied. “My feelings weren’t hurt.”

Judy seated herself in the easy chair. “It’s so hard, raising a child in this day and age. Especially a little girl.” She sighed. “So many wicked influences, everywhere you look. It’s the biggest trial of being a parent, you see — protecting your young one from corruption.” She gave a weary smile. “I’m luckier than most, I guess. Lord knows Polly makes mistakes, but she’s still a good girl at heart.”

“She’s a great kid, Mrs. Ryan,” Beth nodded. “Of all the children I babysit, she’s my favorite.”

“Well… that’s really sweet of you to say,” Judy replied.

Beth leaned forward. “Say, Mrs. Ryan… I know you have to work late all through the week, so Polly has to be alone for awhile after school–”

Judy’s gaze hardened slightly. “There’s nothing I can do about that. It’s my shift; there’s no way for me to get home any earlier.” She folded her arms, frowning at the teenage girl. “Why do you mention it?”

“Well… since Polly and I get out at the same time, and Green Springs Elementary is only a couple of blocks away from the high school, I thought that I could maybe, y’know, meet her after school and bring her home, maybe even stay with her for a little while.”

Judy’s mouth opened, then closed. Finally, she spoke, narrowing her eyes slightly. “I don’t understand. Are you looking for more babysitting work? Do you need to earn extra cash for something?”

Beth shook her head. “No, no… you don’t have to pay me, Mrs. Ryan.” Careful, now. Don’t make her suspicious. “It’s just that… I pass Polly’s school on my way home, and you live so close by anyhow…” She pointed at her history textbook. “If it’s okay with you, I’d just study in here until you get home. To be honest, your house is way quieter than mine. My brothers…” She rolled her eyes. “They’re always kicking up a huge racket. I’d get a lot more of my schoolwork done here.”

Absently stroking her chin, Judy considered the teen’s proposal, finally nodding. “That does sound good. I’ve never liked Polly having to be at home by herself.” She leaned forward. “You have to let me give you something for your trouble, though. How about ten dollars a week?”

“Well… I could use the money,” Beth admitted, trying to conceal her growing excitement. “Okay, Mrs. Ryan. It’s a deal.”

“So — you’ll be here this Monday, then.”

“Sure,” Beth replied, gathering her things and rising. “I really should get going. It’s past my bedtime.”

“All right,” murmured Judy, reaching for her purse and fishing inside for her wallet. She extracted a few bills, paused, added another, then handed the money to Beth. “Thanks again for staying so late — and for everything else.”

The teen gave Judy a sunny smile. “My pleasure, Mrs. Ryan.” They moved toward the front door. “Oh, and if it’s okay with you, don’t tell Polly yet about me coming home with her. I’d like to surprise her on Monday.” A ripple of sexual heat wafted through Beth as she pictured the child’s ecstatic response to the news.

“I won’t,” Judy nodded as she opened the door. “I’m sure she’ll be happy about it. Polly thinks the world of you.”

“Oh, the feeling’s mutual. Like I said — she’s my favorite. Good night!” With a brief wave, Beth set off for home.

Judy gazed thoughtfully at the lithe, attractive teen as she vanished into the night. Well, well, she reflected, how about that? I found myself someone to look after Polly in the afternoons — and for a heck of a lot less than I’d usually have to pay.

She nodded, pleased with herself. She’s a decent enough girl, I guess… bet she’s not a virgin, though. Young women these days — they just don’t believe in purity anymore.

She wandered back inside, closing the door behind her. Hope she attends a decent church, at least. I’ll have to find some way to bring the subject up.


Beth sauntered down the street toward her home, its porch light visible in the distance. Her eyes were dancing with thrilled delight, a wicked smile on her lips.

My, my, my, she told herself. Isn’t that something? Goody-two-shoes Judy Ryan, paying me ten bucks a week to fuck her little girl.

The End


This story is an adaptation and major expansion of “Comforting Molly,” a very brief vignette by Leslita writer Tom. I loved this story, immediately feeling an urge to play with it. Originally, it was going to be a short piece I expected to have finished in two weeks tops; instead it grew and grew into what you see here. My sincere thanks to Tom — first, for inspiring me to create with his words; second, for generously permitting me to share the result with you.


Comforting Polly, Part One

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 9:53 am

By JetBoy

Seventeen-year-old Beth Gosford was sprawled out on her bed and idly doodling on a notepad when she received a phone call from Judy Ryan, a thirtyish divorced mother who she did babysitting work for every now and then. Beth was smart, dependable and usually got along well with the kids she looked after, so her sitting services were much in demand.

“Hi, Beth,” came the voice over the line. “Judy Ryan here. I know this is really short notice, but my sister just called — she got a pair of tickets to the Gaither Family Homecoming show. I’ve been dying to go, and the show is tonight. Could you babysit Polly for me…?”

“Sure, Mrs. Ryan. I wasn’t doing anything tonight, anyhow,” Beth replied. “I’d be happy to look after her.”

She meant it, too. Polly was one of her favorite kids to sit for, a bright, adorable girl of eight.

“Oh, thank you so much. I’ll expect you around seven,” Judy said cheerfully before she hung up.

Beth took a quick shower, had dinner with her family, then grabbed her history notes and textbook before walking over to the Ryan house, a few houses up the street.

When Beth rang the bell Mrs. Ryan opened the front door, mouth set in a deep scowl, and led Beth into the kitchen without a word.

As she entered, the teen stopped dead in her tracks. There was little Polly standing with her face in the corner, naked from the waist down. The child was crying and her bottom was bright pink from what was clearly a recently administered spanking.

“Sit down, Beth,” Judy said. “I told Polly that as an added punishment, you’d get to see what a bad little girl she is.”

Beth was aghast. “Wh-what on earth did she do?” she asked.

Judy folded her arms grimly. “I walked into the bathroom half an hour ago and found this little brat with the handle of her toothbrush up inside her bottom, touching herself between the legs. I asked her what on earth she thought she was doing, and do you know what her excuse was? She told me ‘It feels good’.” She shook her head in disbelief. “Well, I threw that toothbrush straight in the trash, put her over my lap and spanked her behind, right there and then.” She glanced over at her shivering daughter. “Now she gets to stand in the corner with no pants on until I say otherwise.”

“B-but, Mrs. Ryan… surely she didn’t do anything that bad,” Beth protested. “She may be pretty young, but it’s perfectly normal for girls to — to experiment with touching themselves. Don’t you think you might be, well, overreacting a little?”

Judy’s eyes narrowed slightly. “It’s a filthy habit,” she declared. “Even if she were older, it’s still self-abuse, it’s wrong… and I won’t tolerate such behavior in my home.” She shook her head. “You just don’t understand the importance of good morals, most girls your age don’t… but mark my words, young lady, you’ll change your tune fast when you have children of your own.” She gazed sternly at the uncomfortable teen, then with a weary sigh, her features softened slightly. Turning to her daughter, she said, “Okay, Polly, that’s enough for now, I suppose. Come on, let’s go upstairs and lay down.”

Judy took little Polly’s arm and escorted the miserable, half-naked little girl up the stairs, leaving Beth fuming in the kitchen.

God, what a bitch! the teen thought, clenching her fists in angry frustration. I knew she was a narrow-minded Bible-beater, but not as bad as that! Jeez, poor Polly…

Just then the doorbell rang. Beth hesitated, then moved to answer it, but Judy hustled downstairs, coat draped over an arm, clutching a purse. “That’s my sister. I’m off… I’ll probably be back late, all right?”

Beth took a deep, calming breath. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay with Polly as long as you need me to.”

“Good,” Judy replied with a tight-lipped smile that made Beth’s anger surge again. “Oh, and no television for her tonight. I let her out of the corner early, but she’s still being punished. Understand?” The teen nodded. “Good. See you later.” With that, she was gone.

The teen huffed angrily as she sourly contemplated the closed door. How could she treat such a sweet little girl like that? God, it’s no wonder Mr. Ryan dumped her for his secretary. Bet she’s a fucking ice cube in bed.

She imagined how ashamed Polly must feel at that moment. Then another thought drifted through Beth’s mind. How flawless, how perfect Polly’s bare bottom had been, even when reddened by her mother’s punishing hand.

Beth had known for at least two years that she preferred girls to boys, and had just recently resolved all the questions she had about her sexuality with her one and only girl/girl experience, stolen during a visit to her Aunt Madge in Tupelo while her parents had gone on a week-long couples retreat. She’d been permitted to go out on her own one night for a hamburger and a movie; instead, Beth had caught a cab and instructed the driver to take her to a lesbian bar, one she’d searched out on Madge’s computer in the middle of the night while her aunt was asleep.

There she had quickly hooked up with a cute baby dyke named Patti, a petite, playful girl with a crewcut who was only a couple of years older than she was. Patti had escorted Beth back to her cramped apartment, where the girls spent two hours indulging in hot, sweaty lovemaking.

Beth was eager to learn, and Patti was all too happy to assume the role of teacher. They began with kissing, progressed to fondling, then advanced to naked exploration in Patti’s bed, culminating in juicy oral sex. Beth was incredibly nervous when she went down on her new friend for the first time, but quickly got into it, deciding that she loved the taste of pussy as she used her mouth and tongue to bring Patti to a shuddering climax.

Once she’d caught her breath, Patti reached into her night table and, with a dramatic flourish, produced a vibrator that she switched on and applied to Beth’s vulva, teasing the girl’s clitoris until she was panting through her third orgasm of the night. Finally, Patti had positioned herself on all fours and had Beth fuck her from behind with the still-sticky toy.

By the time Beth emerged from Patti’s car two blocks away from Aunt Madge’s house, bidding the older girl goodbye with a parting kiss, there were no more doubts in her mind — she was a confirmed lesbian.

Since then, she’d only revealed this secret to her best friend Samantha, simply because she had to tell someone — and Sam was the only person in the whole world Beth could trust with the truth about herself.

But knowing the truth only made Beth’s life more difficult, at least for the time being.

If the word got out about her liking girls, she knew her life would be ruined. It was far too risky to be openly gay in the conservative Mississippi town where she lived. She hadn’t even been able to tell her parents. She planned to come out to them when she started college in the fall, more than a thousand miles from home — and if Mom and Dad couldn’t handle it, that was their damn problem. It wasn’t as if she had any intention of moving back to this hellhole after she graduated, after all.

But Beth had another, more dangerous secret, one she dared not reveal to anyone, even Samantha. Not long after first discovering her attraction to other females, she began to catch herself staring at underage girls, sometimes even children — sensing a strange hunger that had perplexed her at first, until she recognized those feelings as sexual desire.

One night, Beth decided to let her imagination run wild, to give in just once to her deepest, darkest cravings. As she lay naked in bed, Beth caressed her arms and thighs while picturing herself cuddling little girls, kissing their faces, their mouths. She dreamed of slowly undressing a cute prepubescent moppet, baring her childish body until she was nude.

As she pressed a hand tightly between her thighs, fingering herself in a lustful frenzy, the panting teen saw herself licking at the girl’s smooth slit, giving her the precious gift of sexual pleasure. Making her feel wonderful, unimaginable things.

It was a vision that made the seventeen-year-old come like nothing else ever had — and the guilt she felt afterward wasn’t enough to purge her of those forbidden cravings. Eventually Beth learned to accept her lustful feelings for little girls, all the while wishing there was some way to make her fantasy come true, just once.

Even little Polly had sometimes been a participant in Beth’s fantasies. But then again, Polly was an especially beautiful child, with lustrous blond hair, bright blue eyes and a sweet nature that made looking after her a delight.

Now Polly was in bed upstairs, miserable and in need of comfort. Did she put her panties back on? Beth wondered, or is she still half naked? That image was enough to propel her into action, and she quickly mounted the stairs, already formulating a plan.

First, Beth went into the bathroom and rifled through the cabinets until she located a bottle of hand lotion. Then she knelt down by the wastebasket, poking about inside until she found the pink child’s toothbrush. She took it to the sink and carefully cleaned the handle, slipping it into her pocket before she entered the girl’s bedroom.

Polly was lying on her tummy, softly crying into the pillow. And yes, her bottom was still bare. Beth felt a flash of arousal that made her lightheaded.

She sat down on the bed, next to Polly. “Poor baby,” she murmured sorrowfully, “your mom really went to town on you, didn’t she?” Unable to resist, she bent down and gently kissed each reddened cheek of the child’s buttocks.

“I didn’t m-mean to be b-bad,” Polly stammered through her tears.

“Shhhhh, sweetie… don’t cry. I’ll make your bottom feel all better,” Beth soothed.

Polly sighed and quieted herself, sniffling every now and then.

Beth squirted some lotion on her palm, rubbed it briskly into her other hand, then placed them both on the warm, soft globes and moved them about, gently working the soothing cream into Polly’s buttocks.

“Oh, that does feels better,” the little girl sniffled after a few seconds. “Th-thank you, Beth.”

“I’m happy to do it,” the teen cooed, rubbing the child’s bottom more firmly now. “And you’re not bad, Polly… no matter what your mom says. There’s nothing wrong with touching yourself that way.”

“Really? There isn’t?”

Beth smiled. “No, sweetie — it’s just a part of growing up, and learning all about your body. Tell me, have you done that before, with the toothbrush? Or was today the first time?”

“No, not today,” the child mumbled. “Most times, I play with the toothbrush after school, when Mommy’s not home from work yet.” She paused, sniffled. “I use’ta just d-do stuff to my tinkle… but then I found out I liked to play with, um, my bottom, too.”

“I see,” Beth replied, a certain warmth growing beneath her belly. “So you put a finger in your butthole, huh?”

Polly giggled at her babysitter’s crudity. “Yeah! It felt really good. Then… I dunno, I just sort of got the idea to use the long part of my toothbrush.” Her punishment suddenly forgotten, the little girl warmed to her subject. “First I took all my clothes off, then I p-put it in my… my butthole!” She laughed, then drifted into a wistful sigh. “Guess I shouldn’ta done that when Mommy was here, huh?”

Beth paused in her rubbing of Polly’s buttocks. “Listen to me, sweetheart. Your mother was wrong to get angry at you like she did. You were just making yourself feel good, that’s all.”

She felt the child tremble. “B-but Mommy says that God g-gets mad if you touch down there…” Polly whimpered.

Beth seethed inside, striving mightily not to lose her cool. “Don’t listen to her, Polly — not about that. She’s wrong. God wouldn’t have given you a part of your body that feels good if he didn’t want you to use it for that, would he? That would be a totally mean thing for him to do. Like… like giving a kid a big beautiful toy and telling him ‘You can’t play with that toy. All you can do is sit and look at it’.” Bending down, she placed a tiny kiss on Polly’s tear-streaked face. “God’s not mean, though, is he? God wants you to be happy.”

“I… I guess so.”

“It’s true, sweetie. You shouldn’t stop touching your — your pussy. If your mother doesn’t like it, just be careful not to let her catch you.”

God, I can’t believe I’m telling her this, she marveled. But I don’t care — Mrs. Ryan’s being a total cunt. Imagine teaching a little girl to be ashamed of masturbation!

“Is that what you call it?” the girl hesitantly asked, “Your p-pussy?”

“That’s the word big girls use,” Beth murmured. “Don’t ever say it around your mom, though — she’ll get mad.”

“Okay,” Polly replied. “Um, so… do you ever touch your, um, pussy?”

Her lotion-slicked hands gliding all over the little girl’s bare bottom, Beth leaned down until her lips were brushing Polly’s ear. “I sure do, honeybunch,” she whispered. “Pretty much every day. And it’s a lovely, beautiful thing.” Straightening herself, the aroused teen began to massage the child more boldly, her fingers traveling between Polly’s buttocks and inner thighs, almost but not quite touching her intimate places.

Polly sighed blissfully. “Mmmm, that feels really good.” She lay quietly for a moment, then softly said, “Beth?”


“C-could I maybe… touch my pussy right now? Would that be okay?”

Beth’s lust soared at the thought of this half-naked child masturbating while she watched. “Of course you can, sweetie,” she cooed, trying not to give away how excited she was.

Polly slid a hand under her belly and between her legs, cupping her bare slit… and as Beth stared in happy disbelief, began to fondle herself — tentatively at first. Gasping in surprised pleasure, she breathed, “Oh, golly… it feels even better now!”

Beth was alive with sexual heat, her own sex practically dripping. Polly’s bottom was so warm and soft under her fingers, and all Beth could think about was what else she’d like to do besides just rub it…

Knowing she was crossing a line but unable to restrain herself, Beth reached for the lotion bottle and drizzled some of the creamy liquid on her finger. She used her left hand to gently spread the girl’s buttocks apart. The pink pucker of Polly’s anus came into view and winked hotly at her — almost as if it were blowing a kiss.

“I’ll bet you’re a little sore here too, honey,” she said. “You ought to put lotion on your bottom hole before you stick anything into it. Promise me you’ll do that next time?”

“O-okay,” moaned Polly, her body moving restlessly about on the bed as she rubbed at her slit.

“I saved your toothbrush, Polly,” Beth continued, taking it from her pocket. “I even washed it off for you. Now I’m going to show you the right way to play with it.”

Beth applied the lotion to the little girl’s anus with her fingertip, spreading it all over the puckered opening.

“Oh, Beth… that feels so funny!” Polly squeaked. “But k-kind of nice, too.”

Beth continued to gently massage the child’s rosebud until it was coated with lotion, then took the toothbrush from her pocket and quickly lubricated the handle. Placing the tip against the tiny hole, she slowly pushed her way into the girl’s rectum.

Polly gasped, then whimpered, too dazed with pleasure to speak.

“See, baby — it feels so much better when it’s all nice and slippery, don’t you think?” Beth purred.

“Oh yeahhhh… that feels w-wonderful!” Polly moaned. “It’s like what Mommy does when I get sick, an’ she takes my temper’ture… b-but way better!”

Beth grinned wickedly. So, goody-two-shoes Mrs. Ryan is the one who got her little girl into ass play without even knowing it, huh? The irony of it delighted her. Meanwhile, the sight of Polly responding to her anal probing turned the lesbian teen on something fierce. The child’s rectum had now taken nearly all of the pink toothbrush handle.

Taking a quick glance at Polly’s busy fingers while they rubbed at her slit, Beth was delighted to see they were visibly moist — further proof, if she needed it, that the child was turned on and ready for anything. And Beth knew exactly what pleasure she wanted to share next with her underage friend…

Carefully extracting the toothbrush handle from Polly’s butthole, Beth put it to one side and rolled the excited little girl over onto her back. Polly paused in her self-exploration, unsure of what was going to happen.

Leaning in, Beth gently moved the girl’s hand to one side and examined her bare sex. “Hmmm… you seem to be a little sore here, too, angel,” she crooned, lightly grazing the smooth cleft with a fingertip, making the child shiver.

Heart pounding, Beth bent down to plant a kiss on the little girl’s sex. Startled, Polly gave a nervous giggle, then her voice trailed off into a moan as Beth kissed it again, more firmly this time.

The lust-filled teen had never imagined that she’d ever get the chance to do such a thing to a little girl — but here she was, nuzzling Polly’s pussy, feeling its moisture against her parted lips.

Throwing caution to the winds, she took a lick at the child’s vagina. Then another.

“Oh, wow!” Polly cried, her fingers tangling in the teen’s flowing auburn hair while Beth bathed the quivering eight-year-old’s vulva with her tongue, going down on her like a lover would.

Yeah, she told herself, that’s it… I’m gonna be her lover.

“Beth… omigosh, Beth, that’s so — so…” Polly panted, squeezing the older girl’s face between her thighs.

Beth savored the warm honey of the little girl’s cunt, loving the tart flavor. Sex candy, she thought with a smile.

But Polly’s pleasure was growing too intense for Beth’s comfort. True, she wanted to make her little lover come, if it was possible to — only without frightening her.

Beth raised her head. “I’m going to make you feel really nice, Polly — better then you ever have when you touch yourself. Just don’t be scared, okay? I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

“It’s okay!” blurted the wide-eyed child. “I’m — I’m n-not scared.”

Beth moved once more between Polly’s trembling thighs. Bringing two fingers into play, she sought out the tiny tip of the child’s clitoris, then covered it with her mouth.

There was silence for a brief moment — then a choked cry burst from Polly’s throat as the older girl suckled at her clit. The cry rose to a wail, the wail to a scream.

Now Polly was snatching frantically at the sheets, head thrown back, eyes squeezed tightly shut. Beth couldn’t remember ever having been so excited in her entire life. I’m making her come! she silently shouted. I can’t fucking believe it, I’m making her come!

She took the mewling child to ecstasy’s peak, then drew back, resisting the impulse to bring her off a second time. Instead, Beth soothed the little girl’s sex with tender kisses as Polly drifted down from her climax.

Finally, the girl lay quietly, motionless but for the rise and fall of her chest.

Beth let Polly rest, rising to her feet and tugging the t-shirt she wore over her head and off. Stripping off the rest of her clothes, the now naked teen joined Polly in bed, drawing the flushed moppet into her arms.

“Mmmmm, Beth,” Polly sighed, hugging the older girl tightly. “I love you…”

“I love you too, sweetie,” the babysitter cooed.

Suddenly Polly’s eyes popped open in astonishment. “Beth?” she gasped. “Omigosh — y-you don’t have any clothes on!”

“That’s right,” Beth replied, “I took ’em off. You know why, Pollybelle? ‘Cause I want to be naked with you.”

“Uh… how come?” asked the girl, her brow furrowed slightly.

“How come?” echoed Beth. “Because it feels nice, silly!” She began to move her body against Polly’s, touching as much of the child as she could. “Don’t you like how this feels?” Her thigh was gently pressing into the girl’s warm vulva.

Polly’s expression slowly changed from puzzled to awed. “Mmmmyeah… I see what you mean.”

Beth extended her tongue to lick at the edge of Polly’s ear, then whispered, “Why don’t you take off your top, babe? Then we won’t have any clothes on at all! Won’t that be fun?”

“Okay!” chirped the girl, who sat up and struggled out of her Bugs Bunny t-shirt, then defiantly hurled it across the room. “Oooh, look at me now!” she cried gleefully, spreading her arms wide to present herself. “Yaaaay — I’m naked!”

“Good for you-hoooo!” Beth giggled, applauding. “Now c’mere, cutie” — she gave Polly a sexy come-hither look — “lie back down with me, and we’ll cuddle some more.”

Polly happily nestled into her babysitter’s arms, resting her cheek against the older girl’s bare breast. They lay together quietly for a moment, then the child lifted her head. “Beth?”


“Could I, uhhh… can I do something to make you feel good now? Like you did to me.”

Beth turned her head to gaze at Polly. The child was smiling sweetly, so eager to please. “Sure you can,” the teen replied, “but how ’bout I teach you something first? Something really nice!”

“Okay… what is it?”

Beth nuzzled the little girl’s face. “How to kiss.”

Polly gave a brief snort of laughter. “Duh… I already know how! I kiss Mommy every night when she tucks me in.”

“Not like that, Polly,” Beth retorted. “I mean a real kiss — y’know, like they do in movies, and on TV.”

“But… girls don’t kiss girls like that, do they?” asked Polly, a quizzical look on her face.

“They do if they love each other, babe… and I love you. Let me show you what it’s like.”

She lightly pressed her mouth to Polly’s in a barely-there kiss, then another. She parted her lips slightly, allowing them to linger for a moment, then drew away for a few seconds before kissing the child a third time. Her tongue emerged to flick playfully at Polly’s lower lip, and the startled little girl inhaled sharply.

Beth broke away, giving Polly a soothing smile. “Relax, sweetheart. Just let it happen.”

“Sorry, Beth,” the girl mumbled, giving her babysitter an sheepish smile. “G-guess I’m a little scared.”

Wrapping both arms around the naked child, Beth gave her a hug, patting her bare back. “It’s okay, Polly… I’m kinda nervous too. Know why?” Relaxing her embrace, she gazed at Polly, heart racing as she confessed her deepest desire. “It’s because I want to make love to you.”

The little girl’s eyes widened in astonishment. “Really?”

“Yeah, really!” Beth laughed. “Actually, I’ve been making love to you all along, sweetie. When I touched your butthole, and pushed the toothbrush in for you… and when I, y’know, licked your pussy, that’s what I was doing.”

“Making love…” Polly breathed. “So — that’s why you wanna s-show me how to kiss, huh?”

“Yep. I want us to be girlfriends, Pollybelle. Would you like that?”

Slowly, the child nodded, a dreamy look in her eyes. “Uh-huh… I would, Beth. I — I’d love to be your girlfriend.”

“Well, then, I’ve only got one thing to say…” Beth placed a hand on Polly’s boyish chest and began gently stroking her.

Polly shivered as the teen’s fingertips brushed her nipples. “Wh-what’s that?”

Beth gave her young companion a bad-girl grin. “Less talking… more kissing,” she purred, moving in to claim Polly’s mouth with hers. The child stiffened for an instant, then melted into Beth’s embrace.

When Polly relaxed, her lips parted slightly — and Beth seized the opportunity, circling the opening with the tip of her tongue. This time the little girl responded, whimpering as she gave herself up to this new pleasure, allowing herself to be kissed like a lover.

When Polly’s tongue began to timidly engage with hers, Beth coaxed it forth, encouraging the child. Soon the babysitter and her young charge were sharing passionate kisses, Polly’s arms twined lovingly around Beth’s neck.

After a few minutes Beth gently drew away, giving the little girl an enormous smile. “Jeez, Polly,” she cooed, “you’re really good at this.”

“Am I?” Polly replied happily.

“Oh, yeah… Now I think you’re ready to make love to me for real. Just like I did to you.” Slipping out of their embrace, Beth rolled onto her back, gazing expectantly at the child.

Polly sat up, nibbling her lip as she stared down at the naked teenager. “Uh… can I kiss your b-boobs?”

“You don’t need to ask, babe,” Beth replied. “We’re girlfriends now, remember? So you get to kiss me, touch me — anywhere you want!” Reaching for Polly’s hand, she gently drew the child closer. “Why don’t you lie down next to me, and I’ll help you get started.”

Polly dutifully stretched out beside Beth, who drew the little girl on top of her in a hug, rocking to and fro for a moment before letting her go. “Here, Pollybelle,” Beth murmured, offering her young lover a breast. Polly’s eyes drifted shut as she parted her lips to accept the taut nipple, then began to timidly suck.

Beth allowed her legs to drift apart, and Polly’s thigh slipped between them, the girl pressing into her teen lover as if by reflex. Feeling the warm wetness of Beth’s sex against her skin, a surprised Polly lifted her head.

“Uh… did you just pee?” she asked.

“No, silly,” Beth giggled, pausing to kiss the tip of Polly’s pert nose. “I’m just excited, ’cause you’re sucking my nipple and it feels so good. That’s what happens to women when they make love, y’know — their pussies get wet.”

“Oh, okay. I get a little wet down there when I touch it. But not nearly as much as you!”

Beth laughed. “You will baby, when you’re older.” Taking the child’s hand, pausing to kiss Polly’s fingertips, Beth guided it between her legs, watching her prepubescent lover’s eyes widen as she touched a woman’s sex for the first time.

“Gosh,” Polly whispered in awe, “it feels so, so — hot down there!” She grinned bashfully. “Um. C-can I take a look at your p-pussy?”

“Oh, honey,” Beth replied chidingly. “of course you can. Like I said — we’re lovers, you don’t have to ask those kinds of things!”

Polly blushed. “Well… Mommy says it’s rude to stare, so…”

Beth touched the child’s lips with a fingertip, shushing her. “Forget what she says, Pollybelle. When it’s just you and me together, and we have all our clothes off — we get to make our own rules, okay?”

“Sure,” piped Polly, nodding her head. “That sounds pretty good.”

Grinning, the teen lay back down, parting her thighs. “You can still check out my pussy, if you want. Go ahead — lie down and take a really close look.”

Getting up on all fours, Polly crawled into the space between Beth’s spread legs and lay down, her nose only a few inches from the teen’s vulva. She gazed wide-eyed, enthralled by the sight. Beth had chestnut-hued pubes, neatly trimmed into a thin triangle framing the glistening pink flesh of her vagina. Polly’s nose detected the thick, musky scent and she inhaled deeply, savoring the aroma as she would that of an exotic flower.

“Beth?” whispered the little girl, “I think… I think it’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” She reached out, hesitantly touching the dark curls, then probed within, her fingertips exploring the warm wetness of her older lover.

“Mmmmmmyeah, that’s really good, Polly,” Beth purred, spreading her thighs even wider.

Growing bolder, Polly allowed her fingers to roam, gliding up and down the rosy cleft. The child absently nibbled at her lower lip as she caressed Beth’s cunt, growing more and more excited as the teen began to moan.

“Oh yeah, honeybunch,” Beth panted, encouraging her young lover. “I love that. Uh, Polly… can I ask you to do something else for me? Something that’ll make me feel even better?”

“Sure!” blurted Polly, thrilled to be playing such sexy games with her favorite babysitter.

Raising herself onto both elbows, Beth gazed adoringly at the nude child. “Would you kiss my pussy, Pollybelle — like I did for you? I know it seems kinda gross, but it’s not, really it isn’t.”

Polly peered thoughtfully at the older girl’s glistening sex, then nodded her head. “Okay.”

Every atom of Beth was pulsing in anticipation as she watched Polly slowly draw closer. She felt blond hair tickle her inner thighs, sensed the warmth of the girl’s breath.

Then angel-soft lips were brushing the teen’s slit as little Polly placed a brief, cautious peck there. The child paused, pondered, and moved in to kiss Beth there once more, this time allowing it to linger.

“I love you, Polly,” Beth whispered, clutching her breasts.

Polly didn’t reply, caught up as she was in the rich scent and flavor of pussy. It tasted different, that was for sure — but kind of nice, like some strange, yummy vegetable she’d never had before. She nuzzled the juicy flesh, Beth’s fluids coating her lips.

This is so fucking incredible, Beth marveled, placing a trembling hand on either side of the girl’s head to encourage her — not that she needed any. Polly was now sucking at her older lover’s vagina, practically nursing at it.

An image of the eight-year-old nymph innocently taking nourishment from a woman’s cunt flashed through Beth’s mind. If I was her mother, I could have raised her to do this, she thought. First baby nurses from my breasts, then from my pussy. Wow, what a freaky idea!

She shivered, imagining it: her very own daughter Polly as a toddler, naked and lying on her belly between Mama’s legs, burbling happily at the sight of Beth’s juicy cunt. In her mind she saw herself, gently guiding the baby’s face into the glistening pinkness.

It was at that very instant that Polly’s tongue brushed the tip of the teen’s clitoris, and Beth cried out in mixed surprise and rapture.

Quickly taking a deep breath, she gasped, “Oh yeah, Pollybelle, yeah! K-keep doing that, right there.” With trembling fingers, Beth indicated where she needed to be pleasured most.

Polly was quick to obey, taking the tiny spear of her babysitter’s clit between her lips to suckle. She slurped happily at Beth’s pussy, heart swelling with pride at how grown-up this made her feel. How cool was that? She could do sex stuff now, just like a big girl!

Mouth slack, staring at the ceiling, Beth sensed the onrush of her orgasm, welcomed it.

Beginning as a prickle of warmth in her belly, it quickly mounted into a rush of raw heat that swept heedlessly through Beth’s slender form like wildfire — raging, roaring, out of control. She was trembling violently, making tight fists with both hands, fingernails biting into her palms. “Oh, God!” she gasped. “Oh, Polly… yes! Ooooooohhhhhhh! F-fuck yes, baby — mmmm, suck m-my pussy… ohh! Uhh! OHHHH!” Her shaking hands moved to cup the little girl’s head, cradling Polly’s face to her sex.

As for Polly, she was in love with making love. Everything about this was awesome — the heat and wetness of Beth’s pussy, its rich and mysterious flavor, the older girl’s sobs and cries of pleasure and, best of all, the knowledge that she, eight-year-old Polly, a little kid still in first grade, was the one making her beloved babysitter feel so good.

And now… now we’re girlfriends! Polly reflected, the very idea giving her a delicious shiver.

She suddenly imagined herself and Beth on Valentine’s Day, nestled together on the living room couch, exchanging cards reading I LOVE YOU, making that vow real with a hug and a sexy kiss.

Then she saw herself in church, standing next to Beth before a smiling Reverend Sloane, both girls in white wedding gowns of taffeta and lace, holding hands as the minister joined them in marriage.

Thinking about it made her heart thump wildly. Right then, nothing seemed more magical than the possibility of becoming Beth’s wife, of loving her forever and ever. Though kissing her pussy is pretty great, too, Polly admitted, still nursing at the older girl’s clitoris.

Her romantic reverie was interrupted by Beth’s hand, giving her shoulder a tight squeeze. “Th-that’s enough, babe,” gasped the teen. “I’m kinda s-sensitive down there now.”

Lifting her face from Beth’s sex, Polly raised herself into a kneeling position, giving Beth a quizzical look through her mussed hair. “Umm, did I — did I do okay?”

Beth couldn’t help but emit a joyful laugh at the sight of the prepubescent girl, her lips and chin glistening with wetness, wondering if she’d made a decent job of her first attempt at oral sex.

Polly’s expression went from dazed to hurt in an instant — and Beth hastened to reassure the child, reaching out to take her hand. “You did better than okay, babe. In fact, you were fantastic!” she cooed, tugging gently at Polly’s arm to draw the naked nymph into her embrace.

Polly, all smiles again, snuggled into her babysitter’s arms. “I love you, Beth,” she sighed, gazing at the older girl with adoring eyes. “I really, really, really love you!”

Beth’s heart thumped wildly as the realization struck her: she now had a lesbian lover of her very own, and it was a little girl of eight! She didn’t know whether to feel exuberant or terrified. Right now, I’ll settle for happy, she told herself, hugging Polly’s closer, burying her nose in the child’s sweetly scented hair. “I love you too, angel,” she whispered.

Continue on to Part Two


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 12

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 9:50 am

By Naughty Mommy

“Would you put your finger in, and let my little girl taste you?”

I could not believe my mother had said that! Or that she was actually going to let me have a taste of another girl’s pussy! I could not believe it!

“Gladly,” smiled Danni. She pressed her middle finger inside herself, deeply, as far as it would go. She wriggled it around a little bit, groaning as she enjoyed the feeling. Then she pulled the finger slowly out and raised it to my lips.

I was in a daze. I hardly knew what to do. Was this really happening? I almost turned to my mother to ask if it was all right to taste this girl’s pussy, but I didn’t want to do anything to break the spell. So I just closed my eyes and opened my mouth, and let Danni slide her finger between my lips.

“Taste my pussy, you hot sexy little girl,” she purred.

I closed my mouth and sucked on her finger, tasting her. I bathed the finger with my tongue, trying to get every last bit of her juices from it.

She tasted different than I did. It was a stronger flavor, not as sweet, but kind of spicy. I liked it a lot.

I wanted more. I badly wanted more. I wanted to get down on the floor and put my face between Danni’s legs and lick her and taste her and make her come in my mouth. But I was almost sure my mom wouldn’t allow that.

Finally, I relaxed the grip my mouth had on Danni’s finger and let her remove it.

“Did you like the taste?” asked my mother.

“Yeah, I loved it.”

“Fuckin’ hot,” exclaimed Tracy.

“Do you want to taste Tracy next?”

“Can I??”

This was turning out to be the most unbelievable adventure we’d yet had.

“Sure,” said my mom, “if she’ll let you.”

In answer, Tracy simply got to her feet and stood close in front of me. She arched her pelvis, aiming her crotch at my face, spread her pussy lips apart with her left hand, and slid the two middle fingers of her right hand deep inside herself. Tracy fucked her cunt with her fingers, moving them fast, in and out, making a wet, sucking sound.

On the floor, Danni started coming.

Tracy fucked herself a moment longer, and then, with a deep groan, she pulled the two fingers out of her pussy and held them in front of me. They were dripping wet, covered with her sticky fluids.

I opened my mouth and accepted her fingers. There was a lot of wetness on them. I sucked at her fingers and swallowed, licking them, licking between them, wanting to get all of her. The taste, again, was different. Not as pungent as Danni’s, not as sweet as my own, but kind of nutty and oily.

I loved it so much. I wanted her to slide her fingers back inside her cunt and give me more of her juices to taste.

But that was all. She knelt again on the floor and she did put her fingers back inside herself, but not to give me another taste. Only to resume fucking herself. I could see that she was going to come very quickly as she pumped her fingers in and out, faster and faster.

“How about that, sweetie?” asked my mom. “Does Tracy taste good?”

“Yeah, really good,” I answered. “I wish I could have some more.”

As she heard that, Tracy did start coming. And then, a few seconds later, Danni was climaxing again.

My mother kissed me again on the neck. “Would you like to taste Melissa now?”

“Oh, yeah, I really, really would.”

Melissa smiled up at me. During the previous taste tests, she’d been watching us and rubbing herself, but had not yet reached orgasm.

She stood and came to my side. She was taller than the other girls, so tall that her pussy was almost at the level of my face. She raised one long leg and laid it along the back of the padded chair. She took kind of a little hop forward, leaning in, and now her vulva, her smooth, shaved vulva, was no more than an inch away from my mouth.

Sliding two fingers between the folds of her labia, Melissa carefully opened her vagina to my view. She was very wet inside.

I wanted to grab her and pull her pussy to my face and start licking her. But I knew my mom would not permit that.

Instead I watched as Melissa tenderly dipped two fingers inside the opening of her vagina, withdrew some fluid, and spread it around her pink center, paying special attention to her erect clit. She moaned and trembled slightly as the sensations began to overwhelm her.

She held herself open wide, very wide, shifting her weight to get her pussy as close to my mouth as she possibly could.

I could smell her. Not just her sweet perfume, but the scent of her sex. I felt my mouth watering.

Melissa held herself there, just in front of my face, a moment longer. Then she carefully dipped the end of her middle finger inside her cunt, and without moving back at all, she extended the tip of the finger across the inch or so that separated my lips from her vagina.

I stuck out my tongue and licked her finger. She tasted like heaven. Then, quickly, Melissa dipped the finger back inside her pussy again, and just as quickly pulled it out and placed it back in my mouth.

This time I closed my lips around her finger, sucking on it. I wanted to savor the taste, but after only a few seconds, Melissa slipped the finger out of my mouth and back inside her vagina. She pressed it in more deeply this time, groaning a little bit, then withdrew the wet finger and held it once more to my lips.

“A 12-year-old girl,” I heard Danni murmuring, “a little 12-year-old girl…” And then she was climaxing yet again.

I sucked on Melissa’s finger harder, trying to will it to stay in my mouth. I could hear myself making soft sounds, like a baby at her mother’s breast. I felt a surge of warmth between my legs and I reached down to caress myself.

I wanted to come. I wanted to rub my clit and make myself come while I was sucking on Melissa’s finger, tasting her pussy juice. More than that, I wanted to lick not just Melissa’s finger, but her vagina. I wanted to put my tongue inside her, fuck her with my tongue, and make her come in my mouth.

As she pulled her finger out again, I tried to follow it with my mouth, with my lips. I extended my tongue, seeking the finger, and almost — almost! — lapped at Melissa’s cunt with my probing tongue.

My mother took my shoulders and pulled me back. “Okay, that’s good, sweetie. That’s enough.”

It wasn’t enough, of course. I wanted more, much more. But I was composed enough to realize that I should be very happy with all that I’d been given so far. After all, how many girls my age got to do the things I was doing? And I was happy, very happy.

I nestled back down against my mother, cushioning myself between her breasts. It felt warm and comforting.

Melissa had remained standing beside us, her leg still extended at a right angle over the back of the chair. She kept rubbing her clit and her vagina with her wet fingers, and soon she was climaxing.

As I watched her, my mouth watered again, and I felt a renewed stirring of warm wetness between my legs. I turned my head to look at my mother. “Mommy, can I — can I come now?”

“Of course you can, my beautiful girl.” She kissed the top of my head. “Of course you can.”

Melissa was finishing her climax, and as she did, she slipped away from the chair, sprawling on the floor next to Danni. Pausing only briefly to catch her breath, she opened her long legs once more to us and began rubbing her pussy again, apparently intent on another orgasm.

Danni looked down at Melissa, and then up at me.

My mom and I both had our legs spread wide. I was rubbing myself. My mother was reaching down between my legs, and I could feel that she was fucking herself with her fingers. As her hand moved in and out, her arm pressed against my hand, making my fingers press more deeply into my sex. It was almost, in a way, as if she was fucking me!

Staring at us, Danni whispered, “Little girl, sexy little girl…” and then she started coming again, for what seemed like the hundredth time.

Tracy was sitting cross-legged, looking down at her pussy as she slid two fingers slowly in and out of herself.

My mom’s hand was moving faster and faster. I could hear the squishy sound of her fingers pumping inside her vagina. Her thighs beneath mine were very warm and wet with perspiration. Her breasts were sliding against my back. I could feel her breath, hot on my neck.

I started to come, making little whimpers. When my mother heard that, and when she sensed the spasms jolting my young body, she started coming too.

Tracy looked up at us. “So fucking hot,” she breathed, then she jammed her fingers deep inside her cunt, as far as they could go, and she began to climax.

Melissa was laying on the floor, her long legs pulled all the way up, close to her shoulders, her slender fingers moving rapidly between her thighs. She was coming again.

Danni was coming, too, of course, in what must have been a nearly constant set of orgasms for her.

My body was shaking, shuddering, as I climaxed.

I could feel my mother’s body tensing and relaxing, tensing and relaxing, and I heard her groan loudly with each new wave of her orgasm.

When I was finally settling down, I started to lift my hand toward my mouth to taste myself, but then I felt my mom’s hand cover mine, pressing it into my wet crotch.

“Did you come, baby?” she whispered in my ear. “Was it nice?”


Her hand was gripping mine, sliding my fingers back and forth through my folds. Again, it seemed almost as if she was rubbing me directly, touching my sex. It made me want to come again.

Then she asked, “Did you get very, very wet, my little girl?”

“Yeah, I did,” I answered, knowing full well that she could feel just how wet I was.

“Will you let me taste you?”

“What? I — what?”

“I want to taste you, honey, like you tasted the other girls. And then, if you want, I’ll let you taste me too.”

My head was spinning. So many new things in one night!

“Okay…” I tried to get myself under control, so I could really experience and remember all that was happening. “Okay.”

I didn’t really have to do anything. My mother lifted my right hand, the one she was holding, from my pussy to her mouth. She looked at my wet fingers for a moment, smelled them, and then rubbed my pussy juice all over her face — not only on her lips, but all over, on her nose, her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, her chin. She rubbed my wet hand all over her face, and then she started licking my fingers.

“Oh my fucking god,” said Tracy, as she sat at my mother’s knee and watched.

My mom moved my hand back down to my pussy and rubbed it around there again. I tried to help, dipping the tips of my fingers into my vagina to get them as wet as possible. Then my mother lifted my hand to her face again, this time taking the fingers directly into her mouth.

She sucked on my fingers, licking them, licking between them, sucking them eagerly. I wondered if I tasted as sweet to her as I thought I did.

“It’s like she’s eating her daughter’s pussy,” sighed Tracy.

And it was like that! That’s how it felt to me, anyway.

I turned my head, looking at my mom as she sucked on my fingers, tasting my pussy juice. “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy…” I whispered, deeply in love with her.

My left hand was moving between my legs. Almost unconsciously, I’d started to masturbate again.

Finally my mother let my hand leave her mouth. “Mmm, you taste good, baby.” She leaned down and kissed me on the lips. “Do you want to taste me now?”

“Yeah, I do,” I nodded.

“Holy fucking Christ,” said Tracy.

My mom shifted me around on her lap, until I was sitting sideways, facing mostly toward her. She reached between my thighs and her thighs, groaning as she pressed two fingers deep inside herself. Then she slowly withdrew her fingers and lifted her hand to my mouth.

As I was about to extend my tongue for a taste, my mom said, “Kiss me first.”

I raised my face to my mother’s, and her lips met mine. She kissed me wetly, using a lot of tongue. I could hear the other girls exclaiming as they watched us. Then my mother drew her mouth away from mine and replaced it with her fingers.

I tasted her. Her pussy juice was sweet, like mine, but had a stronger flavor, almost like maple syrup.

No sooner was I starting to suck on her fingers, though, than I felt her lips on mine again. She was kissing me while her fingers were still in my mouth! She was licking my mouth and licking her fingers and sucking on my tongue all at once.

And she was talking to me too. “Taste Mommy’s pussy, baby. Lick Mommy’s fingers, taste Mommy’s pussy.”

She kept kissing me and talking to me and licking my mouth all at the same time. It was unbelievably exciting. My hand on my pussy was moving faster and I was getting close to another orgasm.

My mom pulled her fingers from my mouth, then, and put them down between her legs. She must have just quickly plunged them into her wet cunt and removed them, because a moment later her fingers were back in my mouth, and I could taste her, taste more of her.

The two of us, my mother and I, licked and sucked her dripping fingers. We kept kissing and she was saying things like, “Taste Mommy’s pussy, little girl, taste Mommy’s pussy.”

This went on for another several minutes, with my mom sometimes dipping her fingers down below, then bringing them back to my hungry mouth. I could hear Danni climaxing once again, and I thought that maybe I could hear Tracy and Melissa coming too, but they weren’t quite as loud and obvious.

My mother was breathing faster. I could tell she was getting very excited, just like I was. After another frenzied round of reaching down to her pussy, then bringing her juices up to my mouth, and licking and sucking and kissing, she stopped and said, “I want to come again, Julie.”

“So do I, Mommy.”

“That’s good, baby. You come for Mommy. You come for Mommy while I’m kissing you, and I’ll come too. Okay?”

I smiled at her and took her face in my hands, nuzzling her nose. She was flushed all over, her skin shiny.

“I love you so much, Mommy,” I said. Then I kissed her deeply, thrusting my tongue into her mouth. She kissed me back, grabbing my face with her wet hands and pressing her mouth hard against mine, her lips spread wide apart.

It felt almost like a desperate kiss, like she was trying to fuse us together somehow, the same way it had seemed when she was fucking Melissa, like she wanted to push herself inside Melissa’s pussy. And now it was like my mom wanted to take my mouth inside hers. She sucked at me, and I felt her hands on my breasts, pinching my nipples.

Finally she pulled away. My lips were tingling and a little bit sore, she’d kissed me so hard. My mother shook her head, as if to clear it.

“Sorry, honey,” she said with a guilty smile. “I — I kind of lost control there.”

“It’s okay, Mom. I love kissing you.”

“I love kissing you too, baby, but now I need to come, real bad.”

She lifted her leg and my leg over the arm of the chair, giving me a clear view of her pussy. I looked down at her and watched her slide two fingers, then three, inside her wet cunt.

I put both hands between my legs and rubbed myself. I knew I could come very quickly this time. I’d become so excited by the way my mom was kissing me and licking my mouth and talking sexy to me, I’d been close to orgasm already, just from barely touching myself.

My mom was fucking herself fast and hard.

Tracy was hovering over my mother’s pussy, watching her masturbate. I think she was fucking herself too, although I couldn’t see.

Danni was still on the floor, but she was laying on her stomach now, humping her hand, and coming again and again.

Melissa had crawled over next to me. She was sitting by the chair, masturbating, but she was also caressing my leg, sometimes kissing my thigh.

I started coming first. As soon as I did, my mom grabbed the back of my neck with her free hand and covered my mouth with hers. As we kissed and I climaxed, my mother started coming too. Tracy’s orgasm followed almost immediately, and then Melissa’s.

Then my mother did one more thing that surprised me.

While still in the middle of her orgasm, and while still kissing me, she pulled her fingers out of her cunt and lifted them to my mouth. She shoved them inside and I tasted her hot juices, fresh from her climax.

I sucked her fingers for a moment, then my mom put her hand back down between her legs and started fucking herself again. Within seconds, she was having another orgasm, and once more, before she even finished, she pulled her hand out and brought it to my mouth.

This was so exciting, so erotic, so forbidden. I was tasting my mother’s pussy while she was climaxing! I started coming again as I licked her fingers and kissed her and rubbed my own pussy.

Tracy came again, saying, “Fucking hot! Fucking hot!”

Melissa wrapped one arm around my leg, pressed her face against my thigh, and climaxed again.

My mother repeated her rapid finger-fucking once again, but this time she let herself complete her orgasm. When at last she was sated, she slid off the chair, onto the floor, and I slid down with her.

We became a tangle of naked sweaty female limbs… legs, arms, breasts, torsos, faces… and all of us were spent, finally, for the last time that night.

Melissa was on my left, hugging me. My mother was on my right, half under me, and Tracy was half under my mom. Danni had crawled over and sprawled across our legs, her head resting on Melissa’s thigh. Her eyes were open, and she was looking at my pussy as she gently rubbed herself.

We panted and rested and perspired. The room was drowsy and warm, filled with the heady aroma of feminine sex. Everything was perfect.



I was almost asleep when my mother gently nudged me. “Time for bed,” she whispered.

“Okay,” I yawned and stretched.

The other three girls gradually, groggily, got themselves together, finding their clothes and slipping into them. My mother offered to let them stay the night if they wanted to. But they all declined, saying they had to work the next day, or in Danni’s case, get started on a paper for one of her college classes.

My mom and I walked them sleepily to the door, both of us still naked. Before leaving, the girls paused to give us each a big kiss. Then they were gone, and it was just me and my mom (plus my sisters asleep in their rooms).

My mother walked me upstairs and helped me into bed. She was yawning and I was too. She tucked me in, kissed me softly, then left the room.

I fell quickly to sleep and dreamed of sex. Hot wet sex with beautiful young girls and with blonde women who looked just like my mom.

Continue on to Chapter 13


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 11

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 9:43 am

By Naughty Mommy

A few minutes later, we were on our way home, my mother and I in our car, the other two following us in Melissa’s car.

My mom got out her cell phone and asked me to punch in our home number. I handed her the phone and heard her talking briefly with Danni, telling her she was bringing home a couple of girls for some “extra fun.”

From the sound of it, Danni must have been more than willing, and I was excited that soon I would get to see her naked.

As we drove, I visualized Danni waiting for us at home. I thought about her trim little body and the way she had looked in those tiny short-shorts.

I imagined Danni pulling up her top so I could see her tits. Sitting next to my mom in the front seat of the car, I raised the hem of my new sundress and started touching myself. I wasn’t wearing any panties, of course, since we had left those at home.

“What are you doing?” asked my mom, softly, as she glanced down at me.

“I’m thinking about Danni…about what she’ll look like naked.”

I spread my legs wider apart and felt the warm, sticky wetness in my center. Raising my hand to my mouth, I briefly tasted myself. I wondered for a moment if Danni would like the way I tasted. Then I wondered what her pussy would taste like, or Melissa’s, or Tracy’s.

I imagined Danni opening her pussy lips for me to look at her. I imagined her touching herself, playing with her clit, then sliding a finger inside her cunt. I imagined her fucking herself for me, then slowly drawing out her wet finger and holding it for me so I could taste her.

Driving down the dark roads, I closed my eyes and visualized Danni’s pink pussy as I stimulated myself. I felt my mother place her warm hand on my thigh, and she gently stroked me there.

I didn’t think I would reach another climax right away, and I wasn’t really trying to, but it just felt so nice, fondling myself as I pictured Danni naked, and feeling my mother softly caressing me.

As soon as we pulled into our driveway, before the car reached a complete stop, I flung myself out the door and ran toward the house.

The front door was unlocked and I stepped inside. I went to the family room, and there I found Danni, sitting in a chair, waiting for us.

Just as I had hoped, she was completely naked, except for her little sandals. She grinned at me as I looked down at her, and opened her legs wider apart.

“I was thinking about you on the way home in the car,” I told her, feeling bold.

I pulled up my dress so Danni could see my bare pussy. “I was touching myself while I thought about you.”

“Were you? That’s hot. You know, I’ve been thinking about you too, you and your sisters, while I sat here and played with myself.”

My mom came into the room then, followed by Melissa and Tracy.

“Ooh, Danni,” said my mother, admiring the girl, “I can’t wait to get a taste of that.”

“Any time you want, it’s here for you,” answered Danni with a saucy smile.

As Tracy and Melissa gathered around for a look at the naked teen, Danni lifted her legs over the arms of the chair, and used her fingers to part her pussy lips, almost exactly the way I’d visualized while we were driving.

“Okay, who’s first?” she purred.

“Well, I think we’ll all get our turns,” said my mom with a wink, “but before that, would anyone like something to drink? How about some white wine? A Coke? Maybe a vodka tonic?”

“Vodka sounds good to me,” replied Tracy.

“I think I’ll have some wine, if that’s okay,” said Melissa.

“Of course it’s okay. Danni, how about you?”

“Sure, wine would be nice.”

“Um, can I have some wine too, Mommy?” I asked.

She turned to me, took me by the chin and kissed me on the mouth. “Okay, but only a little bit. Half a glass.”

My mother went into the kitchen to fix the drinks.

Danni began playing with herself, caressing her labia and massaging her clit. But all the time she kept staring at me. I quickly pulled off my dress so she could see my naked body. She licked her lips as she studied me, then slipped a finger inside herself.

Looking at Danni, and then at me, Tracy suddenly gripped the bottom of her dress and whipped it off over her head. After kicking away her shoes and stepping out of her thong, she too was naked.

Melissa turned to me. “Would you like to take my clothes off again?”

“Would I!” I answered eagerly.

Melissa giggled and took me by the hand. After taking off her shoes, she sat on the couch and let me remove her top.

She smelled even more delicious than before. I wondered if she had put on some additional perfume in the car. I leaned in to give her a kiss, while also reaching out my hand to touch her breasts.

My mom came back into the room, carrying a tray with four glasses of wine (one only half full), and a vodka tonic with ice.

She saw me kissing and fondling Melissa, and she saw Tracy standing naked in front of Danni, masturbating as she watched the other girl fucking herself.

“Well, I guess everyone’s getting acquainted,” quipped my mother, and we all laughed. She handed out the drinks, and the sexual tension eased for a few minutes as we sipped.

Tracy sat down on the floor with her vodka tonic, her back against Danni’s chair. Danni hooked one leg over Tracy’s shoulder. Tracy caressed the slender, shapely leg, then raised it up for a moment, admiring it, and kissed the inside of the girl’s knee. That made Danni giggle.

I sat next to Melissa on the couch, and she laid one long leg across my lap. She was still wearing the maroon leggings. I rubbed her calf and then her thigh as I took a drink of the wine. It tasted sort of good, but kind of sour. I wanted to drink it all, though, so I could pretend I was really grown up, like the others. And I thought maybe I could even get a little drunk and see what that was like.

My mother stood in the middle of the room, drinking her wine, and looking around. Then she said, “Julie, would you mind checking on the girls? I just want to make sure they’re all right.”

“Okay, Mommy.” I set my wine glass on the side table, and got up from under Melissa’s leg. I grabbed my dress and pulled it back on so I wouldn’t be naked when I went into their bedrooms.

“Girls?” asked Tracy. “You mean there are more girls here?”

My mom smiled, “My other two daughters. They’re 7 and 10 years old.”

“Oh, I see. Hmm….”

As I trotted up the stairs, I saw Danni lean over and whisper something in Tracy’s ear. They both giggled, and after Tracy whispered something back to Danni, they shared a quick kiss. I wondered what they might be talking about, but then they were out of my view.

Kate and Molly were both fast asleep. I wasn’t surprised, since it was now past midnight. In fact, I was feeling a little sleepy myself, but I certainly was not going to allow myself to miss any of what would happen next.

I was a little concerned, though, that when I came back down to the family room, my mom would motion for me to go upstairs and I would have to watch from the railing, as I had always done before. That would be fine, of course, but I was really hoping for more.

My mother was seated on the sofa now, next to Melissa. Her wine was almost gone. Melissa’s glass was still mostly full, as was Danni’s. But Tracy had drained her vodka tonic.

“Julie, honey, you sit there,” said my mom, pointing to the only empty chair in the room.

So I would get to stay close to them and watch! Hurray! Before sitting down, I retrieved my wine glass from where I’d left it and took another sip. I still didn’t like the taste very much, but I wanted to drink as much of it as I could.

My mother had Melissa stand up, and she pealed off the leggings. She ran her hands up and down the girl’s long body, feeling the gentle curve of her narrow hips, her tight waist, her barely visible breasts.

She moved Melissa to a kneeling position on the couch, facing away from her, stretched her legs apart, spread her thighs open with her hands, and bent her face to lick her pussy from behind. Melissa pressed the top of her body against the couch, arching her back to open herself for my mother’s exploring tongue. She closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure.

Over in the other chair, Danni had scooted down, bringing her pussy closer to Tracy, who had turned and was kneeling between the girl’s legs, licking her.

I sat up and pulled my dress off again. Now everyone in the room was naked, except for my mother, who was still wearing her little black dress — but no shoes, no jewelry, and, I knew, no underwear.

My mom had inserted a finger into Melissa’s vagina and was sliding it slowly in and out as she stared at her opening. She added a second finger, and I could see that her thumb was now also massaging Melissa’s clit. The girl panted and moaned, and it seemed to me that she was getting close to a climax.

Tracy had her arms wrapped tightly around Danni’s thighs, and her mouth was glued to her pussy. It looked as if she was fucking her with her tongue. That thought made me very excited. I wondered again what Danni’s pussy tasted like.

I lifted my feet up onto the chair, spread my own pussy lips apart, scooped up some of my abundant moisture, and tasted myself. I really wanted to taste Danni, and Tracy, and Melissa too — and maybe even my mom?

Danni was coming. She squealed, her face in a grimace, her hands grabbing at Tracy’s hair, pulling the licking tongue deeper inside her.

Melissa was coming too. She groaned “Ohh!” with each spasm as my mother fucked her harder and faster with her fingers.

When Danni finished climaxing, she got down on the floor with Tracy, laying on her back, and the girls moved into a ‘69’ position. Danni started licking Tracy’s cunt, and Tracy slipped one finger, then two, inside the slender teen’s pussy. She kissed and licked Tracy’s clit as she fucked the girl with her fingers.

On the couch, Melissa had turned onto her back. After my mother finally removed her dress, she mounted Melissa, the way we had seen Tracy do inside the store, in sort of a scissors position. She positioned her pussy directly over Melissa’s and began fucking her.

As she moved against the girl, rubbing their cunts together, my mom looked at me, looked down at my pussy, and licked her lips.

I turned a little so I was directly facing her, opened my legs wide, and spread my pussy lips apart with my fingers. I wanted my mom to see me, to see my sex. I wanted her to be as excited by me as I was by her and by these other hot girls.

She responded by moving faster against Melissa, fucking her harder. But she kept her eyes on my pussy. I rubbed my wet vagina for her, trying to make myself come as she watched.

On the floor, Danni was coming again. It seemed that she could have multiple orgasms easily and quickly. She cried out as Tracy fucked her with her fingers. Then when she was done, she grabbed Tracy’s ass, and pulled her cunt back down to her mouth, licking her and tonguing her, making hungry, ravenous noises as she devoured the girl’s pussy.

Melissa was starting to climax beneath my mother. She pinched her nipples, whimpering softly, and then I could see her spasms begin.

Still staring at my vagina, my mom slowed her movements against Melissa but also increased their force. She thrust herself hard against the girl, as though trying to push herself inside Melissa’s cunt. Then she began to climax too. She shuddered and groaned, holding Melissa’s slim leg upright in her arms, pressing their pussies together.

Tracy was finally coming in Danni’s mouth. She held Danni’s thighs and rested her cheek against the brunette’s pussy as her face reflected her orgasmic ecstasy.

I came as well. I tried to keep my thighs open, so my mom could see me if she wanted to, but the tension was just too much. I gave in and let my thighs clamp together around my hands, closing my eyes. As my thighs squeezed, and my fingers pressed into the folds of my hot, wet labia, I climaxed again and again.

We were all completely spent for a few minutes after that, just being still, panting and breathing. I was seated in the chair, my hands wet between my legs. My mom was on top of Melissa on the couch, and on the floor, Tracy had rolled off Danni. The two girls were laying side by side, holding hands, catching their breath.
After a brief rest, my mother sat up on the couch. “Whew!” she exclaimed, smiling, wiping the sweat from her face, pushing back her dampened blonde hair. The other girls chuckled and agreed with the sentiment of exhausted satiation.

But not too exhausted.

A moment later, my mother motioned for Danni to come to her. Melissa stood up and my mom laid down on the couch, on her back. Danni climbed onto her, positioning her pussy over my mother’s mouth. The sexy girl looked at me and blew me a kiss. My mother began licking her, slowly and tenderly at first, mixing soft kisses in with the exploring laps of her tongue.

Tracy got up from the floor and knelt on the other end of the couch, between my mother’s legs. She caressed my mother’s pussy with her finger for a few minutes, then gently parted her labia, and lowered her mouth to the open vagina.

Melissa came and stood behind the chair where I was sitting. She leaned over, wrapping her long arms around me, holding me close. She smelled wonderful.

“How are you doing, precious?” she whispered in my ear.

“Oh, fine,” I answered stupidly.

“Are you having a good time?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“Did you give yourself an orgasm?”


“Was it nice?”


Melissa’s hand found my small breast and she gently caressed my nipple. “Do you like watching your mommy have sex with these girls?”

“Yeah, I do.” I thought about my mother’s no-touching rule, but for some reason I figured it wouldn’t apply to Melissa.

“Did you like watching her fuck me, making me come?”

“Uh-huh, that was hot.”

“Yes, it was. I came really hard.” She pinched my nipple between her fingers, making me shiver in pleasure.

“Does it excite you to watch your mom licking Danni?”


“Do you want to see Danni come in your mom’s mouth?”


“Do you think you want to come again?” She squeezed my nipple again, this time both of them at the same time.

I squeaked, fluttering with sexual excitement. “What?”

“I said, do you want to come again, while you watch your mother licking Danni’s pussy?”

“Um, yeah.”

Melissa kissed my neck. It was hot, wet kiss, and I felt her sucking at my tender skin. It hurt a little, and I wondered if it would leave a mark. But it made me quiver with arousal.

“Play with yourself, sweetheart,” she whispered. “Touch your pussy while I’m hugging you. I want you to come while I’m kissing you and holding you in my arms.”


My hands were already between my legs. I started moving my fingers, caressing myself.

I looked at my mother, laying naked on the couch, her arms wrapped around Danni’s slim thighs, her mouth working between the girl’s legs. I saw Tracy nestled between my mother’s outstretched legs. She was sucking my mom’s clit, and moving her middle finger in and out of my mom’s pussy.

I felt Melissa’s hands warm on my body, touching me, caressing me, playing with my breasts. I felt her lips kissing, nibbling at my ears and my neck, her tongue licking my soft skin.

I knew I could come very easily. I heard Danni starting to climax in my mother’s mouth. I expected my mother’s orgasm would not be far behind.

I turned my face toward the tall girl who was holding me.



“Kiss me.”

And she did. Her lips met mine and we kissed deeply, wetly, our tongues teasing and exploring. She hugged me tighter, her hands squeezing my little breasts. I rubbed myself faster, loving how this felt, loving this girl, her touch, her kiss, her scent.

I heard my mother gasp and groan, apparently climaxing in Tracy’s mouth.

I was ready, fully ready to give in to my own powerful orgasm. But just before it began, I pulled away from the kiss, and whispered, “Melissa…”

“What, darling?”

“I’m going to come now.”

She took my face in her hands. “Oh, yes, baby, come for me! Come while I’m kissing you!”

And she kissed me again, even more deeply then before.

Then I came. This was a long, heavy, sweeping orgasm. I felt flushed, heated all over, as if waves of lava were surging within me. My juices flowed, spilling out between my fingers, soaking into the chair. I kept climaxing, again and again, as Melissa held my face and kissed me.

At last, it was over.

I sat, panting, my eyes closed, my face wet from Melissa’s kisses, my hands still clenched between my legs where my pussy continued to throb, my young body covered in a sheen of sweat.

Melissa was holding me, hugging me, gently rocking me. “Oh, my sweet girl, my sweet sexy girl,” I heard her whisper.

I opened my eyes eventually and looked at my mother. She was half sitting up on the couch, still coming, her hands gripping Tracy’s head, pulling her face into her sex. That must have been a really long orgasm, I thought, or maybe more like a long series of orgasms.

“Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!” I heard my mother groan, as each spasm rocked her body.

Danni was sitting on the floor, close to Tracy, watching. She was rubbing her own pussy, masturbating, and I saw her start to come again as my mother climaxed one last time in Tracy’s mouth.

Finally, my mom pushed Tracy away from her cunt and fell back on the couch, gasping for air.

Tracy turned toward Danni, who was still coming. Tracy’s face was shiny and slick, covered in my mom’s juices. “I want to fuck you,” I heard her tell Danni.

She pushed the girl back onto the floor and leaped on top of her, not even bothering to be careful about how she positioned their pussies together. She grabbed Danni’s face and kissed her, smearing my mother’s juice around on both their lips.

Tracy thrust her cunt hard against Danni’s, and Danni cried out “Yes!” raising her legs and wrapping them around Tracy’s ass.

“Fuck me! Fuck me!” urged Danni, and it seemed to me that she was climaxing yet again, almost instantly.

It took Tracy a few minutes longer. She held the girl, kissing her, grabbing at her breasts, humping their mounds together again and again until she suddenly went rigid, her face turning red, her body quaking — and then she gasped and collapsed on top of Danni, fully spent.

The room was quiet for several minutes. No sounds at all except for soft breathing, and an occasional deep, satisfied sigh.

Melissa was still holding me, warmly, and I felt her place a few more gentle kisses on my neck.

I was at peace, completely relaxed and happy. I closed my eyes and smiled to myself, thinking what a perfectly amazing life I was blessed with.
When I sensed that Melissa was standing up, I opened my eyes. My mother was in front of me. She held out her hand and I took it. I got to my feet, and my mother took my place in the chair, then pulled me gently down onto her lap.

She held me warmly, as Melissa had, only this time of course we were skin to skin, with no chair between us. My mother softly kissed my neck as she squeezed me. “Are you happy, darling?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I answered, “very happy. I love you, Mommy.”

“And I love you too, darling girl.” She kissed me again on the neck, then on the cheek. “Tell me what you did with Melissa.”

“I, um, I masturbated while she was… while she was hugging me.” I was afraid for a moment that my mom might be angry, but she wasn’t.

“That sounds nice. And did you come?”

“Uh-huh. I had a really, really long, um, you know, orgasm.”

“Mm-hmm.” My mother kissed my neck again.

I turned to look at her. “But you had a really long orgasm, too, even longer than mine, I think. It seemed like it would never end.”

“Yes, it was nice,” chuckled my mother. “That Tracy really does know how to eat pussy.”

Tracy smiled at us and licked her lips.

I realized then that the three girls had gathered in front us. They were sitting or kneeling on the floor, with Danni in the middle, Tracy on one side of her, and Melissa on the other.

My mom put her hands on the inside of my knees, opening my legs wide. She nibbled at my neck, and softly asked, “Do you want to show the girls how you touch yourself? How you masturbate? I think they’d all like to see it up close.”

“Fuck, yeah…” said Tracy.

“Really?” I began. “Um, I mean, okay.”

“Play with yourself for them, baby, and I’ll play with myself too.” My mom reached down between my legs to find her own pussy. She had to sit up a little straighter to do it, and I felt her breasts pressing into my back.

I was sitting in the middle of my mother’s lap, my slim legs spread apart, my thighs resting on her thighs. I was touching myself, and her arm rubbed against mine as she reached down to caress herself.

“Ooh, yeah, that is too hot,” sighed Tracy as she began to masturbate.

“Hot is right,” agreed Danni, now playing with herself too.

I looked at Melissa. She winked at me and blew me a little kiss, then leaned back on one hand, spreading her thighs apart, and began massaging her shaved pussy with the other hand.

“Tell us what you were thinking about, baby girl,” said my mom, “when you masturbated earlier. No, I know, tell us what you did in the car, while we were driving here.”

“Um, in the car, I was — I was touching myself while I thought about Danni. About seeing her when we got home.” I looked at Danni, and she smiled seductively at me.

“I was thinking I wanted to see her naked, and I was trying to, um, to imagine what she would look like. I mean, what her pussy would look like, and I was, well, I was thinking I wanted to know what she would taste like.”

“That is so fucking hot,” said Tracy.

“You wanted to know what I would taste like?” asked Danni, as she rubbed her clit faster.

I nodded as I played with myself, dipping my fingers into the opening of my vagina, bringing out some wetness to show them. I rubbed it all around, over my labia and my clit. It felt so smooth and hot and slick, like the feeling of sex itself.

“Mmm, god, you turn me on,” Danni exclaimed, rubbing herself faster and faster, apparently close to another orgasm. “I just love little girls.”

“Is your pussy wet, Danni?” asked my mother.

“Hell, yeah, it is.” She spread her lips apart with her fingers, letting us see her glistening pink center.

“Would you put your finger inside, and let my little girl taste you?”

Continue on to Chapter 12


Rhonda’s Delightful Daughter

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 7:41 am

By Cheryl Taggert

Rhonda Tucker knew her daughter, Cheryl, was beautiful. Nobody had to tell her that; she had eyes. In fact, she had been watching her little girl grow up with increased interest. Cheryl was filling out nicely. She had recently turned twelve, and Rhonda was acutely aware of her daughter’s effects on others, especially her own mother.

Rhonda was at their pool thinking about her daughter, daydreaming about the many things that had happened while Cheryl had been growing up–and out. Because her husband Stan worked long hours and frequently had to travel, much of Rhonda’s life had become centered around her little girl.

She remembered Cheryl when she had only been about four or five, riding her little rocking horse on springs, Shadow. The horse had belonged to Rhonda when she was a child, and later Rhonda handed it down to her own daughter. Cheryl had fallen in love with it immediately, riding it for great stretches of time. Of course, Rhonda knew what was happening. She herself had enjoyed the immature sexual feelings the rocking had produced, and she knew her own daughter was discovering her own feelings. This had become obvious when little Cheryl, not threatened by her feelings or her mother’s possible reaction to them, had come to Rhonda and asked about the feelings.

“Mommy, why does Shadow make my po-po feel tingly?” Po-po had been their pet name for pussy, Rhonda remembered. Of course, she wouldn’t have taught her child that more sexual term, and vagina had just seemed so formal. She enjoyed the cute name, as did Cheryl.

“Because you are discovering how certain touches and pressures make your po-po feel. It’s okay, honey. It won’t hurt you. In fact, you will one day find you really like that feeling a lot.”

Cheryl had smiled. “I like it already,” she’d said and dashed off to ride Shadow for another half hour or so.

Years later when Cheryl had been around nine, Rhonda had walked in on her in the tub. She found her little girl with her little pussy under the stream of the tub faucet. She had straightened up quickly, but Rhonda had assured her that what she was doing was okay.

“It’s okay, sweetie. Mommy’s sorry. I should have knocked first. You go ahead and I will leave. What you were doing is just fine. Mommy does it too, and it would be hypocritical for me to tell you not to.”

Her baby had just looked at her, wide-eyed, and smiled. A look of happiness had crossed her face. Rhonda would not describe it any other way. And later her nubile little nymphet had reinforced her feelings about that certainty.

That night, after her bath, she had come to Rhonda and sat beside her on the sofa. Rhonda, who had more or less forgotten the incident in the bathroom earlier, had looked at her quizzically, since Cheryl had had a most unusual look on her little face.

“What is it, baby?”



Then her little girl had leaned into her quickly and hugged her tightly. “Thank you.”

“For what, honey?” Even now she remembered the intoxicating scent of her wet hair, clean and fresh.

“For being a good mom.”

Rhonda eased her daughter back with gentle hands on her shoulders. “Okay. What did I do right now?” She laughed, as did Cheryl. It was telling of their relationship how often they asked that question instead of the usually more common one, “What did I do wrong now?” They had indeed been close since the child’s birth.

“Well — about the tub. What I was doing. Tina’s mom would have had a fit or something if she’d caught Tina doing that. You seemed like it was the most natural thing in the world.”

“It is, baby. It’s natural for me, and it’s natural for you. It’s probably natural for Tina, but her mommy thinks otherwise. That’s all.”

“I just feel really lucky to have a mommy like you. And that’s all.”

“Can Mommy ask you a personal question?”

Cheryl had started to get up from her spot next to her mother, but now hesitated. Her daughter looked into her eyes and Rhonda could see that her baby girl knew that it would be a really personal question, considering what the topic of discussion had been. Rhonda could almost see the decision to be honest and forthright with her mother enter Cheryl’s mind. It was almost certainly a by-product of their honesty with each other on everything in their lives to that point.

Cheryl nodded wordlessly.

“Do you know what an orgasm is?” Rhonda saw from her reaction that she had considered the question would be the one asked. She seemed to expect it.

Cheryl looked into Rhonda’s eyes and spoke. “Yes.”

“Have you ever had one?”

Again, that forthright stare. “Yes, Mommy.”

“How long have you been having them?”

“I don’t know. A long time — since Shadow.”

Rhonda wasn’t surprised by that at all. Finally, she asked, “Did you have one earlier in the tub?”

This time, Cheryl just nodded before asking, “That’s okay, isn’t it?”

It was Rhonda’s turn to hug her daughter. “Yes, baby. That’s more than okay. It’s fantastic. Enjoy them. Enjoy them all.”

That night Rhonda had sat and remembered her own upbringing. Her mother had been much more like Tina’s mother. As a result Rhonda had felt enormously guilty about her sexual feelings growing up. If her daughter was the result of honesty and parental permission for a child to explore and enjoy her budding sexuality, then she was doing this mother thing the right way. Cheryl was the most well-adjusted child she knew, filled with a strong sense of self and pride that did not alienate people at all. Quite the contrary, her self-esteem drew people to her the way a flower draws bees.

Now her daughter was twelve. A beautiful child-woman. At twelve, that usually awkward age between early puberty and adulthood, she was self-assured and filled with love for just about everyone she knew. She rarely had fights with other girls the way so many girls that age did. Nearly everybody liked her.

And now, sitting by the pool, Rhonda had to finally admit that she liked her too. Of course, she loved her. Cheryl was her daughter, after all. But Rhonda liked her daughter. And today, after last night’s events that were only now beginning to creep into her consciousness after being pushed away so many times since it had happened, she was admitting to herself finally that she desired her daughter Cheryl too. She desired to kiss her mouth wetly, fondle her body’s every inch, suckle the pert breasts, and lick and suck her maturing little pussy. Furthermore, she wanted her daughter to do these things to her as well. She wanted desperately to feel her own daughter’s lips, tongue, and mouth on her body’s most sensitive areas.

Of course she knew the taboos that were in play here. Incest. The UGLIEST of words in the modern culture. But why was that? She certainly had not set the rules. Could she help it if she found she desired her own daughter? And now, God help them, she was aware of her daughter’s desire for her as well.

It was that word, incest, that had kept last night’s episode from being replayed in her mind. The taboo nature of it made her mind shrink from remembering what had happened last night during the storm.

Rhonda looked up at the sunny day. It was hard to believe that last night it had been anything but wonderful weather. She forced her mind to go back to the events she didn’t want to face, for to see them meant she would act again on her and Cheryl’s desires for one another. And just as surely as the sun rose in the east and set in the west, she knew that would happen too, of course.

It had been stormy all day yesterday, and last night’s forecast called for more of the same. They had watched TV until the cable had gone out; then they’d played Monopoly until the power failed. There was nothing left to do but go to bed, so they had.

The thunder had grown increasingly worse, booming closer to their home with each passing minute. Cheryl had never been nervous in a storm before, but for some reason she was last night. Rhonda decided it was probably just being twelve.

They had retired to their rooms, and Rhonda had changed for bed when a timid knock had sounded at her bedroom door.

“Come in,” Rhonda said, wondering what Cheryl wanted.

When Cheryl opened the bedroom door, she looked sheepish in the candlelight that cast its romantic glow throughout the room.

“Mom? Can I sleep with you just for tonight?”

The suddenness of her nervous response to the storm surprised Rhonda.

“What’s the matter, honey?” she asked with concern.

“It’s the storm, that’s all. For some reason I’m sort of scared. Just a little,” she’d added quickly, lest her mother think she was a baby for being afraid of a storm.

Rhonda could sense her anxiety over being afraid and appeased it as best she could by admitting to fear herself. “I’m a little nervous too, honey. I’m glad you came in here. I might have ended up slipping into your bed tonight myself.”

Cheryl giggled at that, and the momentary tension was over as far as admitting to fear of the storm went.

“So I can stay with you tonight?”

“Sure, hon. We’ll make it a camp-out of sorts.”

Cheryl placed the candle on the bedside table and leaped on the bed, landing amid the covers. Rhonda noticed she was wearing a baby blue pajama shirt and almost sheer bikini panties of the same color. The sight had a disquieting effect on Rhonda. She suddenly realized it turned her on to see her daughter in such a simple yet sexy outfit for the night. She decided to ignore her sudden lustful feelings. It wasn’t as if she could masturbate tonight if she got horny.

“Well, what do you say we call it a night?” Rhonda asked, climbing into bed beside her daughter.

“Okay, it’s a night!” Cheryl said, squealing with adolescent humor.

“Very funny, young lady. Now, under the covers.”

“Do I have to? It’s hot and I like to sleep on top of the covers. In fact, I usually don’t wear anything on a warm night like this.”

Rhonda had known that. She had entered her daughter’s room on various errands after lights out numerous times to find her little cherub naked and asleep on top of the covers. The memory of it had a rather stimulating effect on her. As the storm raged outside, she could feel one brewing inside her as well.

Then she said something she couldn’t believe she had said. “Well, I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of tradition. If you sleep in the nude, then by all means, do so now. I want you to be comfortable, sweetie.”

In any other circumstance, she would have thought nothing of this remark. But suddenly she felt embarrassed by it. For some reason, the sexual nature of it struck her with an intense inner vibration. She noticed, uncomfortably, where that vibration was centered–in her pussy. Her body was responding to her daughter in very unexpected ways. She felt her pussy grow moist.

Her daughter’s reaction was more expected, but no less intoxicating to Rhonda. She began to unbutton her pajama top, smiling at her mother before looking down to watch her own progress. She was stripping, getting naked to sleep in the same bed as her mother. She behaved as if it were the world’s most normal thing.

Perhaps it was, thought Rhonda. But her own feelings of lust were making her feel guilty. She had never felt guilt as far as her daughter was concerned, and the sensation was odd now, to say the least.

Rhonda found herself staring at her daughter’s breasts as they were revealed. She’d seen them plenty of times before, as recently as last week, but their effect on her now was somewhat different. She realized she was viewing her daughter as a sexual partner. Her own partner.

Cheryl noticed her mother’s stares. “What?” Cheryl asked, blushing slightly as she noticed her mother’s stares were much different than her usual casual glances.

Rhonda snapped out of her reverie. She realized with sudden horror that she was imagining her mouth sucking Cheryl’s nipples, first one, then the other, until they were standing at attention to meet her mouth’s fondling of them.

“Huh? Oh. Um… I was just… nothing.” Her mind reeled with the image. What was more, her pussy was positively on fire. Her breathing was ragged. Sweat popped out on her forehead.

“Are you okay, Mom? You look kinda hot.”

My god, thought Rhonda. Is it that obvious? Then she realized Cheryl was talking about the perspiration that had shown on her skin.

To cover the reason for her sudden perspiring, she just said, “Oh, well, yes, I am.”

“Why don’t you sleep on top of the covers in the nude too, then?” suggested Cheryl. “An all nude slumber party, just you and me. That would be neat!”

Rhonda realized that she was stuck now. She would have to comply or give away how much desire she was feeling for her daughter right now. She stood beside the bed and began to remove the gown she’d put on. She wore nothing underneath.

When next she looked at Cheryl, Rhonda saw something flicker in her eyes that she hadn’t seen before. It was a momentary flash of thought or mood. Then she realized she had seen that look before. She had seen it while Cheryl, at the tender age of four, had ridden Shadow, stimulating her little clit that had not even developed much beyond a small BB. And she had seen it when she had entered the bathroom that time to see her daughter with legs splayed up the wall of the tub enclosure and the water from the tub’s spigot splashing onto her puffy, hairless mound. What she had seen flicker in her daughter Cheryl’s eyes was exactly what she had already been feeling. It was lust. A desire for sex. Rhonda realized with sudden clarity that her twelve-year-old daughter was horny. And she could also see that it surprised her too.

For a moment, neither spoke nor moved. They were transfixed with the knowledge about each other. Cheryl suddenly realized that it hadn’t been the heat that had caused her mother to perspire. She recognized the reason which until that moment had escaped her. Perhaps she’d recognized it because she had suddenly felt it herself, but she knew it for what it was. And suddenly their hearts were pounding in their chests, which in turn created more heat in their pussies. They each knew. And what was more, they understood that the other knew as well. And this caused their paralysis.

Finally, Rhonda spoke, but it was a feeble attempt to break the ice. “Well… um… uh… well.” She heaved a sigh.

“Mom? What’s going on?”

Cheryl was the one to bring it up, of course. She was the more innocent of the two and needed answers. Rhonda realized they at least needed to talk about it.

“Honey, do you want to talk?”

Cheryl nodded. It brought back the memory of their conversation after the tub incident and Rhonda relaxed. Whatever happened, they would be okay.

Rhonda climbed onto the bed beside Cheryl, and they lay back together, propping themselves up with pillows. They looked into each other’s eyes.

Rhonda spoke first this time. “Honey, I don’t know what is going on, exactly. How do you feel right now?”

“Right now? Right now I feel like masturbating. And I’m not sure why. But suddenly seeing you naked did that to me. I don’t know. What about you?”

Rhonda continued to gaze into her daughter’s lovely green eyes. She could feel herself falling into them. “Right now I am so hot I could touch myself and come within seconds.”

Cheryl was still confused, but not in a panic. She seemed more curious than anything. “Mom, why are we feeling this way together? I mean, I’m scared to say what I was thinking. What I’m still thinking.”

Rhonda tried to get some perspective, attempted to understand where these feelings came from. She thought she knew, but wasn’t sure Cheryl would understand. She felt she had no other choice but to tell her what she thought and see.

“Sweetie, I think it is an extension of our immense love for one another. We have been so close all your life, and I have always been open and honest with you about your sexuality. Perhaps this is just that love and understanding coming out in a new way.”

Cheryl seemed to be taking that thought in and processing it. She looked at her mother and this time boldly allowed her eyes to wander down her body to her breasts and pussy. Her eyes lingered there on her mother’s shaved pussy as her breathing grew more unsteady. Unconsciously, Cheryl’s hand began to wander to her own breasts and squeeze her right nipple, pinching it.

“Baby, are you scared?” asked Rhonda, concerned that her daughter not be afraid of her or her own feelings, as wrong as society thought those feelings might be.

Cheryl glanced up into her mother’s soft eyes then back down to Rhonda’s pussy.  Its aroma now mingled with her own pussy’s to fill the air around the bed with the fragrance of their natural perfumes. “No,” she looked back at her mother and smiled shyly before continuing. “I’m turned on!”

It was a sound of desperation. A music of longing. In the time it takes for the heart to beat, they each knew that they would make love.

“Me, too,” Rhonda’s voice nearly squeaked, her throat had become so dry.

Then Rhonda leaned into her daughter’s frame, that lovely, tight twelve-year-old body, and they molded into each other.

Their lips sought the other’s, seeking and exploring. They kissed deeply. Their tongues intertwined, probing warmly into the other’s mouth, longing to become one. Each uttered a moan of abandonment to their feelings. Desire enveloped their bodies.

Rhonda tilted her head to her daughter’s small cleavage and her lips moved to the swelling flesh of her breast. She sought the nipple that capped the small mound, and in an instant it was in her mouth at long last. She realized the irony that she had suckled Cheryl as a baby, and now, years later, it had been her, the mother, who had next sought the nipple of the other.

Her tongue flicked the puckered flower of Cheryl’s nipple, dancing along the protruding button of raspberry-colored flesh. Next, her teeth nibbled along the sides of the tit, finally arriving back at the nipple, where more tender bites were bestowed on the ripe flesh.

All the while, Cheryl squirmed from the attentions of her mother. She felt the moisture from her pussy begin to flow from her in waves of pleasure. She longed for more as her body responded in spite of who her partner was. She didn’t care that it was her own mother. She realized that she had wanted this for so long, possibly since she had been a small child first discovering her sexuality. She was certain she’d wanted it since she’d been nine when her mother had caught her masturbating in the tub. She had found herself trying to peek at her mother since then. She wanted to see her mother’s nude body. In fact, she often masturbated to images of her mother. But it wasn’t until now that she realized where these fantasies had been leading.

She looked down at her mother’s head as it bobbed from one tit to the other, nibbling enticingly. Tears welled up in her eyes at the sheer pleasure of finally having sex with her mother. She loved her mother more than anyone in the world. Why shouldn’t her mother be her first sexual partner? She reached down and cupped one of her mother’s breasts, pinching the nipple. Her mother responded with a soft moan.

Rhonda continued her journey down Cheryl’s belly. She could already smell the girl’s horniness. As in Rhonda’s own cunt, Cheryl’s creamy juices were bubbling from her super-heated pussy. Rhonda felt an enormous need to get her mouth on her baby’s mound. She stopped for a moment at the twelve-year-old’s navel, dipping her tongue into the tiny indentation in her daughter’s perfect skin that represented what had once been a physical connection between them.  That connection had now been replaced with another, more mature, physical connection.  She hesitated for a moment, in need of final permission to make love to her daughter.

“Baby,” she said, “do you want this to continue?” She wanted to be sure Cheryl was more than willing to make love with her mother. This was more than just sex, more than just lesbian sex, more than an older woman with a younger one. This was mother-daughter incest, and she needed to be completely certain her daughter would not regret this.

“Oh, yes, Mom, please!

“Are you wanting to do… everything?”

“Very much, Mom. I think I have wanted this for years.”

Rhonda looked up at her daughter’s face. It was radiant. “Really, honey?”

Cheryl spoke with complete sincerity. “Yes. I think I first wanted this when I was nine and you caught me in the tub. I just didn’t know it then. I didn’t understand my feelings.”

Rhonda scooted up and took her daughter’s face in her cupped hands. They kissed tenderly. A lover’s kiss.

Now it was Cheryl’s turn to kiss and fondle her mother’s titties. She licked her mother’s breasts, the same breasts she had suckled milk from as a baby. She kneaded the fleshy globes and hungrily sucked the nipples, as if she were still a baby and wanted the nourishment these magnificent breasts could offer. Finally, she paused and looked up at her mother.

“I want to taste you too, Mommy.”

“Of course, sweetheart. You will. And I want to taste you. Do you know what a 69 is?” Cheryl nodded. “Do you want to do that with me?”

“Yes. Yes, I do!” Cheryl’s eyes danced with eagerness.

Rhonda moved her body around, switching her head down to the crevice of her daughter’s pussy, and offered her own pussy to her daughter. They each looked at the other’s mound of pleasure. They breathed in the heady fragrance of the other’s pussy. The aroma was intoxicating, and they were drunk with the pleasure of their actions.

Rhonda was the first to place her mouth on the slit offered for their mutual enjoyment. She began to lick her daughter’s pussy, gently at first, getting Cheryl used to the incredible sensations. She heard Cheryl moan loudly at the contact. Rhonda felt the hips buck into her mouth with a spasm as a wave of delight washed over her daughter.

“Lick me, too, Cheryl,” Rhonda told her. She couldn’t wait to feel her young daughter’s lovely mouth on her clit.

Immediately, she felt the young girl’s mouth on her slit, covering it like a warm, wet blanket. Her tongue snaked out and flicked the tip of the clit sending Rhonda into heaven. Sensations flooded her pussy. She felt as if a dam had burst. Her pussy was drenched. Her daughter’s saliva mixed with her pussy’s own secretions to make a sea of blissful wetness. She felt her little girl’s mouth being smeared with her juices, sliding easily about the opening that had presented itself to the lovely young girl.

Cheryl had a difficult time believing what had happened so suddenly. She loved the taste of her mother’s pussy. This didn’t surprise her. She loved the taste of her own come. She had sucked her fingers after masturbating for years, relishing the flavor. She discovered now that the flavor was even better when taken fresh from the vagina. It was like the difference between the taste of hot coffee and the taste of coffee after it had been allowed to cool. The flavor was there when cooled, but it tasted so much better when hot. And her mother was indeed hot right now. Very hot! But then she was rather hot herself. She could feel her mother’s mouth on her own flooded gash, her tongue rolling across the clit, making her buck involuntarily to the rhythms of the tongue bath her pussy was receiving.

Rhonda knew she would be coming soon. She recognized the intensity of the feelings her daughter’s mouth was creating. She was a molten mass of come that fairly dripped from her pussy like honey from a packed comb. She could hear the slurping noises that Cheryl was making and knew her baby was definitely enjoying the feast that her pussy was providing.

She reached into her little girl’s pussy with her tongue and fucked the pussy in and out, using her tongue like a slender cock. Cheryl responded with another bucking of the hips, fucking her face back the way her tongue was fucking her pussy. Rhonda wrapped her lips around the little clit and sucked it gently now, alternating that with tongue-fucking her vagina. Her daughter seemed on the very edge of an unbelievable orgasm.

Cheryl mimicked her mother’s movements, unsure as she was about what might feel good to Rhonda. Then she got an idea of her own. She reached with the index fingers of both hands and, separating the folds of the steaming pussy, plunged them into the gushing vagina. She finger-fucked her with abandon, plunging her fingers in and out while her mouth devoured her mother’s clit. Rhonda’s moaning told that she was getting close, especially after the fingers began pistoning into her pussy.

Cheryl could feel her own orgasm welling up from deep inside her. It was boiling from her womb into her body like lava. Her mother’s mouth was wildly licking her little clit and the slick inner folds of her pussy. She began to bounce her hips against her mom’s mouth so hard that she became afraid she might bruise her. But that thought was quickly buried deep in her psyche. Her more conscious mind was concentrating on her approaching orgasm. She could tell it would be an enormous one, perhaps better than any she had experienced to that point.

With a sudden jolt, the climax hit her, rushing over her body as if a dry heat had blasted from some desert area and enveloped her body. Her hips went wild; she screamed loudly. Tears welled up, the moment was so powerful. She could not believe the force of the orgasm. It seemed to take control of her muscles, making them quiver uncontrollably. Spasms rocked her young body as they never had before. Her pussy seemed to be on fire from the strength of the orgasm. She lay beside her mother, momentarily forgetting her obligation to bring her mother off as well.

“Keep sucking me, baby. Mommy’s about to come too.”

The words reminded her that her mother was still in need of her climax. She realized that if it was anything like the one that was still racking her body, her mother was in for a treat indeed.

With the tremors of her own orgasm still spreading in receding waves throughout her own body, Cheryl attacked her mother’s pussy again with fingers, tongue, and lips, devouring the sweet, slippery flesh of Rhonda’s larger pussy while her fingers redoubled their efforts to bring her mother to a wonderful come. Cheryl wanted Rhonda’s orgasm to be as extreme as her own. Her lips curled around the clitoris, sucking the button into her scrumptious mouth, shaking her head back and forth. Her index fingers once again speared her mother’s pussy, stroking into Rhonda’s opening like miniature pricks. Instinctively, she curled the fingers underneath the pubic bone and found her mother’s G-spot.

The reaction from Rhonda was immediate. She began screaming loudly, moaning out the approaching orgasm, pushing it into being much like the act of pushing her baby out of her vagina. It was incredible.

“Oh, GOD!” she screamed. “Suck me! Fuck me! Oh, baby-doll!” Her words were tumbling out of her mouth with no thought to meaning. She was just rambling with the orgasm’s rushing power.

Her body was slammed with wave after wave of unbelievable spasms. Rhonda grunted and moaned as the jolts caused her body to shudder rhythmically. She felt the orgasm build to a climax and her body arched into her daughter’s mouth, pushing her pussy into her sucking mouth, forcing her clit into her daughter’s teeth and her juices down her throat.

Finally, she felt the orgasm subside in gradual waves. She felt totally spent. Her muscles felt like cooked spaghetti. She felt she had to pee, but she didn’t have the strength yet to walk to her bathroom. She lay there, catching her breath and willing her muscles to find their ability to help her walk.

After a moment, she felt she could stand, and she went to the bathroom to pee. Afterward, she returned to Cheryl. They lay together for a moment before Rhonda spoke.

“Honey, are you okay with what happened?”

“Yes, Mom, I love you.”

“I love you, too, Muffin.” It was a name she often used for Cheryl, a pet name that they both loved.

Cheryl cuddled into her mother’s arms, laying her head against her mother’s breast, kissing it lightly, and closing her eyes before she said, “Now you’re a muffin, too, because you’re good enough to eat.” She giggled then, amused at her little joke.

Chuckling, Rhonda kissed her head and closed her own eyes. She was not sure what to make of what had just happened. She would think about it tomorrow. Right now, she needed sleep.

Rhonda sat by their pool remembering all this. She still wasn’t sure what to think. At that moment, Cheryl came out of the house, finally awake from the previous night. Rhonda noticed she was still nude. Her lovely firm ass was shapely and delightful. She sat in the lounge chair beside her mother.

“Honey, are you still okay with what happened last night?” asked Rhonda, not sure of the response she might get. Cheryl may have decided that what they did was totally wrong.

“Mom, I have never been happier. Are you okay with it?”

Rhonda looked at her nubile daughter. Noticing Cheryl’s small A-cup boobs with their raspberry nipples, Rhonda could feel her daughter’s firm body suddenly turning her on. She had her answer. Leaning over, she took her twelve-year-old daughter in her arms and kissed her passionately. This would be the start of a wonderful life together.


Michelle’s Tickling Game, Part One

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 7:28 am

By Cheryl Taggert

Michelle came by after school today. She came in and asked if I wanted to play ‘The Tickle Game’ because she liked it so much. “When you tickle me, it feels like my whole body turns into jelly from laughing,” is what she said.

The tickle game is something I had begun with her about a month before when babysitting her for her mom on Friday nights. Her mom had a second job that required her to work then, and I was happy to help out and earn some extra money on the side. The fact that this little Lolita was making my own pussy wet with desire didn’t hurt.

At first my biggest fear had to do with whether anyone saw her come in. Then it occurred to me: nobody would think a thing. I am a nineteen-year-old female college student. Michelle is an eleven-year-old girl. Nobody would suspect anything if they did see her. It was just my sense of guilt kicking in, I suspect. It is nothing for her to come to see me since we know each other so well. She is such a sweet little thing, and she has an enormous crush on me. It reminded me so much of my own past.

Anyway, I told her I would have time for some fun if she would help me get dinner started. She did. We talked and I asked her about what boys she liked. “I don’t like any boys,” she answered. Maybe it was me, but her sexual precociousness made me wonder if she knew exactly what she was doing. She had even placed emphasis on the word ‘boys’. Is it possible that, like me, she had already identified herself as preferring girls at such a tender age?

Anyway, we finished getting dinner started and in the oven (meatloaf), and cleaned up. I asked her if she still wanted to play the tickle game.

“That’s why I came over,” she grinned.

I held out my hands in a claw-like fashion. She squealed and ran — straight for the bedroom. We jumped on the bed and she giggled with delight as I began to tickle her. She would tickle me, but of course it was not as effective as far as actually tickling went. At first I kept things ‘clean’, choosing to concentrate on her underarms, feet (she had removed her shoes and socks), and legs. She did the same. Then, just as we had each time before, we stopped for a timeout and lay there panting.

“Can I ask you something?” she said.

“Sure,” I said, wondering what she might want to ask and hoping it would be about a sexual topic. It was.

“Do you ever feel kinda funny in your tummy when we tickle?”

I decided to play dumb. “In my tummy? You mean like I am sick and may throw up?”

She was hesitant. “No, not in that part of your tummy.” She hesitated. “Lower.” Her eyes said everything. She was indeed asking me if I got horny when we played our little tickle game. She was just asking in a way she knew how to ask.

“Oh, there,” I said, feigning sudden understanding. “Do you mean in my vagina area?” She nodded, still unsure if she should be discussing this with me, but determined to press on. I had once told her she could ask me anything, and she was trying out my offer. “Well, yes, I guess I do. Why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering.”

“Do you feel funny in your vagina area right now, hon?”

She looked at a distant spot on the wall with intense seriousness. “Sorta. Yeah.” She looked back at me then away again. “Is that bad? Mom says I shouldn’t touch myself there unless I am washing it. But whenever I wash it or like now when we tickle, it makes me want to . . .” She hesitated again, searching for the word she wanted, but not sure what word was best. “Scratch it.” Again her eyes darted in my direction, quickly, then they zipped back to focus elsewhere, this time on the pattern of my comforter.

I could see she was nervous, embarrassed, a bit frightened, and excited, all at the same time. How well I remembered that stew of emotions. She knew she was on the verge of discovering things about herself, but she just was not sure what those things would be, only that she would be changed forever once they were discovered. I assumed that, at eleven, she had “scratched” herself a number of times, probably without much success, given the amount of guilt her mother attached to this normal behavior of growing up. She needed to have her mind put at ease.

“Well, I don’t think it’s bad, no. Sometimes I sorta scratch mine when it feels like that.” This was getting dangerous. I began to realize that if I was going to put the brakes on this thing, I would need to do it soon. But my mind was exploding with the idea that this tender young girl wanted me to do this. If I had been a man, it would have been different, just as it had been for me. I would never have encouraged a man when I was a young girl. But Michelle was like me. I remembered my own youthful desire. Not really knowing what it was, but plunging ahead to see whatever was happening to its end. I could see this in Michelle. I remember wanting something that I couldn’t identify. Michelle was feeling those same things.

“Let’s tickle some more!” she said, and lunged at me. Her hands sought my ribcage near my breasts. Her hands came in contact with my breasts beneath my bra. She hesitated for a mere fraction of a second, then plunged ahead with her tickling, which was beginning to feel more like caresses.

I began to laugh, as did she. I knew what she wanted me to do was to get more intimate with my tickling. So I did.

I began to tickle higher on her legs, nearer that smooth little pussy. And I also began to very gently pinch her little nipples, which only recently began to get puffy on her chest. I knew they would be sore and I didn’t want to hurt her. She squealed in delight at the sudden contact with her tiny, newly-forming breasts. So of course, she had to attack my own breasts. She pinched my nipples with each hand and suddenly withdrew, only to come back for more when I pinched her little buds again. Then, I began to tickle her legs, high again, near the crotch of her pants. I, on the other hand, had changed into shorts when I got home, so she was able to attack bare leg.

“Well, that isn’t fair!” I laughed. “I’m wearing shorts and you can tickle my legs better than I can tickle yours. You’re wearing pants!”


“Well, you need to take your pants off so I can get to your legs. It’s only fair, you know.”

“But then you’ll be wearing shorts and I’ll be wearing panties. That’s not fair either.”

I pretended to think for a moment. “New rule for ‘The Tickle Game’: Everyone must be dressed in the same amount of clothing.”

“Okay!” she exclaimed, and we hurriedly removed our respective pants. Now we were both in panties and shirts. I, however, had on something she didn’t: a bra. She noticed right away. “You have a bra on and I don’t!”

“You want to borrow one of mine? I don’t think it will fit you!” I teased.

“No. You have to take yours off! It’s the rule!”

“Well, okay.” I could have easily removed the bra with my shirt still on, but what fun would that have been? So I removed my shirt and reached behind me to unhook my bra. I noticed she was watching me intently. She literally gasped when my mounds fell into view. Of course, I didn’t bother to put my shirt back on. Instead I began to tickle her. After only a few seconds, however, she demanded I stop.

“Either you need to put your shirt back on, or I need to take mine off!”

“Well all this tickling makes me too warm.” (Truer words were never spoken.) “So you take yours off.” She quickly, even happily, removed the small garment.

Now we were in nothing but panties. Mine were beginning to get wet from the juices flowing from me. We continued to tickle, with me concentrating on her legs near her beautiful pussy and her tweaking my nipples until they were quite erect.

Finally, we called another timeout. “I need to take off my panties because they are getting stuff on them,” I said, breathing hard from the excitement and exertion of our game. Of course I knew what her response would be, and she did not disappoint me.

“What stuff?” she asked, truly not understanding, but obviously happy with this turn of events. I could see that in her anxious eyes.

“Well, when an older girl gets all tingly in her privates, her vagina sends out this wet stuff for lubrication.”

“Why would it do that?”

“Well, the tingly feeling is called being turned on or horny. It is the way a girl feels when a man is going to put his penis inside her vagina.”

She wrinkled her nose. “You mean to make the babies?”

“Yes, that is one reason a man does that. Another is just because it feels good to both the man and the woman. You know, like when you feel like you want to scratch it.”

Her precious look told me she understood exactly what I was saying about it feeling good.

“So are you turned on right now? Is that why your privates are wet?”

“Well, yes, hon. The tickling does turn me on.”

She looked at me as if she was sharing something wonderful, which of course, she was. She lowered her voice as if someone else might hear her. “It turns me on, too,” she grinned.

“So then, off with the panties,” I said, and pulled mine down and off with a swoosh.

She watched me closely as I did this. Her eyes were staring at my neatly trimmed bush as she absently slipped her own panties off and onto the floor. I figured it was time to put the charade aside.

“Do you know what some people call the vagina area?”

“Of course. Some girls at school call it a pussy and others call it a cunt.”

“Have you ever seen a pussy up close?”

“No.” I think both our mouths were bone-dry.

“Would you like to see mine?” I asked, taking the plunge.

“You wouldn’t mind?” her eyes were wide. I could tell she was thinking how great this idea was.

“Of course not. I wouldn’t ask if I did.”

Tentatively, she got down between my legs and I reached down to part my lips for her inspection. I could see that she was breathing heavily.

“WOW!” was all she could say for a moment. I decided to give her a guided tour.

I pulled my lips farther apart and showed her the entrance to my vagina. She was fascinated. I then showed her my labia, my urethra (my peehole, to her), and finally my clitoris. I explained that this was the place that wanted the most attention when I masturbated. She had heard the word at school and knew what it was, but she was not ready yet to admit she had tried it. I happily demonstrated by dipping my middle finger into my sopping vagina and beginning to rub my demanding clit.

Her eyes were like saucers as I concentrated on her every move. She glanced down at her own bald little pussy. Then, watching me, she reached between her own legs and began to massage her own small clit. “I don’t have as much stuff as you to lubricate me.”

“Well, I have a solution for that, but you will have to trust me that you will like it without asking me what I am going to do before I do it.” Naturally, she agreed. I reluctantly left my achingly hot pussy and told her to lie back.

“Are you going to look at my pussy?”

“I said no questions.”

She was silent. Waiting anxiously, but silent. I had her close her eyes, lie on her back, and spread her legs. I positioned myself in front of her hairless pussy, leaned over, and gave it a long, slow, wet lick.

Her response was immediate. I heard a sharp intake of breath and her eyes flew open. “What did you do?” I was looking at her, my head near her hairless pussy.

“Did you like it?”

“Yes! What was it?”

“I licked your pussy.”

She looked at me in disbelief. “You didn’t!” she gasped, incredulous.

“Yes, I did. Watch.” I leaned forward and clamped my mouth onto her little cunny. It was heavenly. Her taste wasn’t strong at all, and I could taste a hint of pee as well. I felt transported!

I felt her watching me; then she lay back on the bed and simply experienced the sensations that were introducing themselves to her youthful body. I knew I could give her what I assumed would be her first orgasm, but I waited. I needed to make sure she was willing to try to eat me as well.

When she was at the height of her young ecstasy, I pulled back. “What happened? Where’d you go?” She looked at me, blurry-eyed with new lust.

“I want you to try doing that to me.”

I think I could have told her to go crawl in the oven with the meatloaf and she would have done it. In a flash, she was between my legs, peering once again into my pussy. She had only one question. “Does it taste good?”

“You’ll love it,” I assured her, and taking a bit of fresh honey from my steaming gash onto my index finger, I held it up for her to taste. Her tongue snaked out and tentatively licked the moisture that coated my finger.

“It’s kinda salty-tangy,” she said. I told her it tasted better from the source. With that, she dived in, licking me as I instructed her on what to do and where to go. Finally, I could take it no more and had her turn to me in the classic 69 position. My hands played over her little ass as my mouth devoured her succulent pussy. Finally, I told her to carefully put two or three fingers into my vagina and pump them in and out. She quickly obliged and had me literally lifting her off the bed with the pumping of my hips. I came in a torrent of heat, fluids, and spasms. She wanted to know what had just happened to me, but I told her I would show her, and that that would be better than anything I could tell her. I then concentrated on her little clitty. The tiny organ peeked out from the folds of her scrumptious little pussy.

When she said, “Oh, gosh, Cheryl, I think I’m going to pee!” I knew she was about to come. I flicked my tongue across her little clit a few more times and she began to come. It was small by my standards, but it was one powerful orgasm for her.

We lay there afterwards. I asked her if she liked what I did to her and what she did to me. She said yes, of course. I then asked if she came over hoping something like this would happen. All of my guilt would center on her answer.

“Well, I didn’t know what we would do, but I know I did want to do some sex stuff with you. I didn’t know it would happen today, but I have had dreams and stuff and I think of you all the time. I love you, Cheryl.”

My baby. I called her mom to let her know where she was, and Michelle had dinner with me. Her mom didn’t suspect a thing. I made sure she got cleaned up before sending her home. It wouldn’t do to send her home smelling of pussy.

We are planning to have more fun on Friday night. At least this time we won’t have to worry about how much time it would take me to seduce her and if we would have enough time after that. On Friday we are going to have a wonderful time. Simply wonderful.

Continue on to Part Two


Michelle’s Tickling Game, Part Two

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 7:27 am

By Cheryl Taggert

The next Friday, Michelle’s mother Jen did not go to work. She had asked for a Friday night off to spend with her eleven-year-old daughter. Michelle was actually half-disappointed, though she didn’t let her mom know that. She had looked forward to seeing her babysitter, Cheryl. She was hoping they would play the tickle game again. In fact she knew they would have since Cheryl had promised they could play it any time she wanted. And that Friday, Michelle definitely wanted to play it.

She had begun to experiment with touching herself since that Tuesday a few days before, when Cheryl had not only explained what was happening, but had shown her the wonderful feelings that could be experienced if she kept it up long enough. She had achieved an orgasm, but it just wasn’t the same as when Cheryl put her lips on her pussy and licked her on what Cheryl had called her clit. Yes, she was disappointed, but she thought she might be able to visit Cheryl in mid-week again.

Jen had called Cheryl to tell her that Michelle wouldn’t be there tonight. Michelle hoped she had been able to hide her disappointment enough not to make her mother jealous. If Mom found out, both she and Cheryl would be in a lot of trouble.


Jen watched her lovely daughter eating her spaghetti as they sat in near silence. Jen was finishing her glass of wine, a delicious Merlot she had discovered when she had gone for a long lunch with her boss Karen. Jen’s thoughts returned to that lunch. She had gone with Karen to Largo’s, an upscale restaurant at the local Hilton. They had finished two bottles of this wonderful elixir before Karen had asked if she wanted to see what it was like to visit a room in the nice hotel.

Oddly, Jen had not really understood what she meant. Visit a room? Could they do that? It wasn’t until Karen had taken out the electronic room key and lifted an eyebrow to make the seduction clear to her that Jen understood where this was heading. She had experimented with girls in high school and college. She had even attended one drunken frat party where she and her roommate ended up being the party’s entertainment. She had lived life to the fullest back then.

She looked at Michelle and sighed inwardly. Back then. She realized that “back then” was not that long ago. She was only 32 now. She had gotten pregnant by a guy her junior year of college, and her parents had stopped paying for her education. “You can get pregnant; you can pay for your college” had been her father’s angry edict. They were Catholics, so an abortion was out of the question. Her parents had wanted her to give the baby up for adoption, but she had refused. The boy had refused to help at all, and rather than force him to pay, she had decided it would be better just to raise her child on her own. She had been delighted that her baby was a girl since she knew next to nothing about boys and felt raising a girl would be easier since she could rely on her own experiences to help with parental decisions.

Again, her thoughts returned to Tuesday afternoon and her tryst with Karen. It had reawakened that part of her. Her love of girl-girl love had been rekindled, and she had thought of all the girls in her office she would love to take to bed. That was where she worked from nine to five each weekday. The Friday night work was as a cocktail waitress at a local strip club. Michelle had no idea that’s what she did. She thought Jen was working a phone solicitor job for some extra money. She wanted to quit the Friday night job, but she needed the extra money it gave her. Soon, though, she would figure a way out of that job.

She finished her wine and poured another glass. She could feel the warmth spread through her body as each sip of wine brought on a fresh glow. She looked again at Michelle. She was turning into such a beauty. Her hips were just beginning to hint that they would be spreading out some soon, giving her a very cute figure, Jen was sure. Her nipples were starting to crown, getting that puffiness that would lead to what Jen hoped was a very attractive pair of breasts that would be the envy of Michelle’s friends. She wished these things for her daughter and suddenly ached to be eleven again to be able to take note of each emotion and each desire.

Eleven. Yes, that was the age when her desires started to stand up and more or less take over her body. It was the year she had discovered masturbation and orgasms. She had noticed good feelings down there of course, but when her best friend, who was a year older, told her about how great things could feel, she had attempted what Lisa had suggested. “Be sure to keep going, even if your hand feels so tired it wants to fall off,” Lisa had said. The joy that hand brought had changed her forever. From age 11 to 15 she had been in love with that hand. She had humped pillows and other things, but her hand had always been her favorite. It was more intimate being skin to skin contact.

She looked again at Michelle. She was eleven. She wondered if she had started experimenting in earnest or if she was still in the “certain touches and pressures feel nice down there” phase.

Jen suddenly realized she was horny. She’d felt the glow earlier, but now she realized she was very wet. Sodden in fact. She could feel the slipperiness in her panties. She looked again at Michelle. The image that presented itself jolted her back to reality. Uh-uh. No way. She simply wouldn’t go there. The image, though, was now permanently imbedded in her memory, like a photograph — images of focused light — imbeds itself on the negative of a film camera. Still she pushed away the image of herself between her daughter’s legs, her mouth glued to the hairless pussy.

But she couldn’t ignore the pang of pleasure it had afforded her.


Michelle finished eating her dinner. Spaghetti was one of her favorites, and she knew her mom had made it for that reason. She looked at her mom. She was very pretty. Since her time with Cheryl, she had noticed that more and more. She and her mom thought nothing of being naked in front of each other, but lately the sight of her mom naked had aroused her unexpectedly. She wasn’t seeing her mom as a mom, but as a woman. A very sexy woman. She wondered if her mom had orgasms. She had never been married, but now she realized that really made no difference. She had a sudden image of her mom lying in her bed with her fingers in her pussy. Michelle liked the image. It made her own pussy tingle.

Then Michelle had an idea. An awful, wonderful idea. A naughty idea. A sexy idea.

What if she challenged her mother to a tickle game? It was obvious mom wanted to spend some “quality” time with her. Weekdays were days of homework and the daily household chores. Weekends were times for the bigger chores, like mopping and vacuuming, laundry, and things like that. They were usually too tired to play any games.

She wondered how far she could take it.


“Mom, you wanna play a game tonight?”

“What kind of game? Clue? Life?”

“No, not that kind of game. It’s a special game I made up.”

Jen smiled to herself. Always resourceful, that was her Michelle. “How do you play?”

“Well, it’s called the Tickle Game.”

Jen grinned. The idea was obvious, and it would give them some silly play time together. She thought of deciding on a different game, given her current state of sexual readiness, but then realized that Michelle would be far too old for such games all too soon. Another year, and the idea of a tickling game would sound childish to Michelle.

“Well, how do you play?”

Michelle realized this was the tricky part. She knew they wouldn’t play the game until after she had her bath, so she would be wearing panties and a t-shirt. She had to get her mom to agree to the BIG rule.

“Well, it’s a little different from the usual tickle games because it makes sure both players are on a level playing field.”

Jen thought that was an odd response. Level playing field? “What do you mean?”

“Well, each player can’t be wearing more than the other player. Like if I’m in my panties and t-shirt like I wear after my bath, you have to be in your panties and a t-shirt too.”

“Oh,” Jen said. She realized this could get dangerous. Still, she could see Michelle wanted to play it. Wanted it badly in fact. “Well, okay. You go get your bath and I’ll get in my panties and a t-shirt.”

Michelle giggled. “You’re already wearing panties!”

“Yes, I am,” Jen answered, but she knew she would have to wear different panties for this game. The ones she was wearing were soaked with her juices brought on by her recent reverie.

Michelle got up and rinsed her dishes before putting them in the dishwasher and headed for the bathroom. When she got there, she started making her plans to get her mom naked. The shirt would be easy enough. She could say she was hot (and boy, was she!) and wanted to take off her shirt. The panties would be trickier. Well, maybe she could say she was hot and remove those too. It made sense to her.

Jen finished putting the remaining dishes in the dishwasher and went to her bedroom. She stripped and went to her dresser to get a new pair of panties. The only kind she wore were thongs — she hated panty lines — and she chose a pair. They were white and had a bit of lace in the front. Pulling them on, she realized they might get soaked too. For some reason, the horniness wouldn’t leave her, and that unwanted image of her and Michelle wasn’t helping a bit. She decided to wait to put them on and shrugged into her bathrobe while she waited for Michelle to finish her bath. She would get into her t-shirt and panties when she arrived ready for play.

She looked down at her pussy and wondered if she could get herself off before Michelle got in there. She reached down and began to play with it. Looking at the open door, she realized that wasn’t a good idea so she went over and closed it. Stepping to her bed, she sat down and started in on herself. She wanted to take the edge off. The tub had finished filling some time before, and she kept her ears tuned to the sounds of Michelle as she bathed. She was getting close… so close….

Then the phone rang. Shit! she thought. According to caller ID, it was Karen. She didn’t want to answer but she knew Michelle could hear the phone ringing and would wonder why she didn’t answer it.


“Jen, hi. I was wondering about something. Would you be able to attend the conference in Las Vegas with me next month from the 20th to the 23rd?”

Jen knew what that meant. A lot of fun and a lot of sex. Karen was a stunning woman. Pretty enough to be a model. The fact she preferred women would have made every man she met shake their heads in disbelief and regret if they knew. She went to her purse and took out her calendar. It would be a Tuesday through Thursday, meaning she could still get her Friday night work in. Perhaps she could get Cheryl to keep Michelle.

“I’ll say yes for right now, but I have to make sure Michelle’s sitter can keep her for a few days. I don’t think it will be a problem.”

“Great. You won’t regret it.” Her voice was so seductive Jen trembled. She looked down at her open robe and saw her pink nipples pucker at the thought. Her pussy, which had been wet, was now threatening to drip down onto the bedspread.

They hung up after discussing a few more things about business and the trip, and Jen strained her ears to hear Michelle in the bathroom. The tub was draining, but there was no other sound.

Suddenly, her bedroom door opened, and Michelle was standing there in her panties and t-shirt, ready for their tickling game, a smile seemingly painted permanently on her beautiful face. Then the smile turned into a wide, open-mouthed grin of surprise.

“Wow! Cool! Sure, we can do it naked!” she said. Michelle was happy her mom had solved the problem of getting naked, but she wondered why she had thought of it.

Jen sat transfixed and unable now to change the situation. Her attempt at masturbation and the phone call had delayed her from getting dressed. And, LORD was she horny! She watched as Michelle nearly tore her clothes off and leapt onto her bed. Jen, still a bit stunned and wondering if she could get through this without coming, sat there in her open robe.

“You gotta take the robe off, Mom. Otherwise, you have an advantage.”

Jen stood on wobbly legs and dropped the robe. It certainly wasn’t the first time her daughter had seen her naked, but it was the first time she’d seen her naked when she was on the verge of a massive orgasm brought on by a sexy phone call from her boss. And that wasn’t all, Jen thought to herself. She was also horny because of this game and the image of herself between her daughter’s spread legs, licking and loving her bare pubes while her daughter lay in an ecstasy that was beyond her eleven years. Jen looked down at the naked girl lying in her bed. Her little nipples were puckered and seeming to scream for attention. It occurred to her that maybe her daughter was mature beyond her years and the ecstasy might not be so far beyond her as she thought.

After all, she was that age the first time, she thought to herself for the second time that night.

She lay beside Michelle and her daughter attacked immediately. She was tickling Jen everywhere she could reach, and she got into the game herself. She wasn’t sure when the tickling had grown bold. Suddenly, she was aware that her daughter’s small hands had taken to pinching her nipples and tweaking her pussy. Michelle would laugh with obvious glee when she managed to touch one of her mother’s intimate areas. Just as suddenly, she was sure this was not the first time Michelle had played this particular brand of the tickling game. She’d done this before, and it had involved intimate touching. She wondered which of her little friends had been her playmate for this.

When Michelle reached down and squeezed her pussy with a panting giggle, Jen put her arms out and held her by the shoulders. Michelle stopped, her breath coming in gasps of excitement. Jen looked Michelle in the eyes. She could see that Michelle was turned on. Very turned on. She noticed the child’s legs were in turmoil, squeezing together at the juncture where pleasure was king. Either she was trying not to pee, or she was masturbating by squeezing her thighs together. The motions seemed involuntary, as if her body had simply taken over her brain and was doing what it needed to do.

Michelle could stand it no more. Her pussy seemed to be on fire. She had managed to touch her mom’s pussy a few times, but her mom wasn’t touching hers. Finally, she grabbed her mom’s pussy and squeezed it gently before releasing it. She had felt the wetness there. Her mom’s pussy was a flood of juices, even wetter than Cheryl’s had been. Then her mom had stopped the game and was looking at her. Her pussy was still on fire, and her legs seemed to have a life of their own. They were squeezing together in such a way that transmitted great pleasure to her own pussy. She was near an orgasm, she knew, and she wanted her mom to touch her there. One touch and she would be there. Just one.

Suddenly, Jen was near the edge of the most powerful orgasm of her life. She could feel it building. The entire evening had been steaming to this one moment, and she realized she was a goner before she moved in and kissed Michelle. It wasn’t a mother’s kiss. It was a lover’s kiss, complete with her tongue finding Michelle’s. She realized that this type of kiss was not unusual to Michelle. She had french kissed before. Once again, she wondered which of her friends had been there before. Which one had touched her angel until she had screamed out an orgasm, or gotten so close Michelle had wondered what was next? As they kissed, she felt Michelle’s hand moving to her mound, and she did the same. Her hand snaked down her tummy to the soft, hairless mound of her daughter. As she put her finger into the slit and separated the folds of delicious skin, she was amazed at the wetness there. Michelle was horny, maybe as horny as she was.

Michelle began to buck against the intruding fingers. Three of her mother’s fingers now lay inside the outer lips of her pussy, pressing against the clit and all the wetness there. The orgasm had built for over an hour, from the time she had first thought of getting her mom to play the tickling game. It washed over the dam that was the mental barrier between feeling wonderful and the orgasm. It flooded her being, sending shock waves out from the center — her little clit — to every cell in her body. She hunched against the hand that had brought her such pleasure in spasms that wracked her tiny body.

At that moment, her mom began to do the same thing against her own hand, which was awash in the flood that had bathed her mother’s pussy. They were both moaning now, welcoming the rapturous waves that broke over them like thunder in a silent cave, taking all their senses to heights never imagined, or at least if imagined, never as good as they thought it could possibly be. Their orgasms had crested and were now moving along like a tide that had come in roaring with power but was now settling into a rhythm of small waves. A trembling that was barely noticed except in the deepest parts of their bodies.

Jen looked at Michelle. This was not her first orgasm. She wanted to know who had taught her these things. She prayed it wasn’t a man.

“Honey,” she asked breathlessly, “who taught you about this?”

“You won’t be mad?”

“No, sweetie. I won’t be mad…” (Unless it was a man, she thought…) “I just want to know.”

“Promise? She said you’d be mad if you knew.”

Jen breathed a sigh of relief. “She.” It was a girl, at least.

“Who, honey? I promise.”

Michelle looked down. “Are you mad at me because I wanted to play this with you? You liked it didn’t you?”

Jen knew she was avoiding the question, but answered her anyway because she needed her to know. “No, honey, I’m not mad at you, not at all. And yes, I did like it.” Stating it made it more real somehow. She had liked it. And in her heart she knew she didn’t want this to be the last time they played like this. The image of herself between Michelle’s legs and licking her was not so repulsive now. In fact it was beautiful. “I loved it, in fact. I loved it very much and I’m happy you got me to play. Next time it will be even better. I promise. It will be better because I will want to from the start and not hesitate. I can…do things I want to do without worrying that you don’t want me to do them.”

Michelle smiled. “Good. Can I sleep with you tonight?”

“Not until you answer my question.”

Michelle looked down at her mother’s breasts, her mouth a firm line. She had hoped her mom would forget that question, but she could see now it wouldn’t go away.

“So you promise you won’t be mad…”

“I promise. I just need to know.”

Michelle heaved a deep sigh of defeat. “Cheryl.”

Cheryl? Her babysitter? Cheryl had touched her daughter there? Had taught her these things? Had brought her to orgasm? Cheryl, who was about the sexiest nineteen-year-old in town? She had finally admitted it to herself. She had been hot for Cheryl since they’d first met at the apartment’s pool.

“Cheryl?” she asked in disbelief. Michelle nodded.

“Please don’t fire her, Mommy! Please!” Michelle begged. “She’s really nice to me! We love each other!”

“I won’t fire her, baby. But she and I have to have a talk.”

“So, can I sleep with you tonight?”


They cuddled together and sometime in the night, Jen awoke to the feeling of someone between her legs. Michelle had awakened and was now between her legs. She was licking her clit, and her body was already responding with a flow of juices to lubricate her for more sex. They hadn’t really had much sex, actually, since they had both cum so quickly.

“Spin around, sweetie, and let me get at your pussy too.”

Michelle complied without a word. The clock said 5:00 AM. She had an hour before she had to get up. Yes, that should be enough time.


Mommy’s Plaything

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 1:33 am

By JetBoy

My lover Sera and I are relaxing together after a very satisfying fuck in the dormitory room we share. Her strap-on cock rests on the end table, still glistening from a very intense workout inside my body.

She smiles winsomely and murmurs, “Hey, Kris… tell me about your mother again.”

“What about her?” I play it coy, lifting an eyebrow.

Sera scowls. “You know. Tell me about — about how it was. Between you and her.”

“Jesus,” I laugh. “You never get tired of hearing that, do you?” I glance at her breasts, still showing signs of the playful love bites I’d left on them.

Sera flashes me a bad-girl grin. “It gets me hot.” She slowly runs a hand up my thigh in a way that was clearly intended to stoke my passion all over again. It’s working, too.

I place a hand upon Sera’s, halting her in mid-stroke. “Sure, babe… I’ll tell the story, but please — stop doing that, or I’ll never make it to the end.”

She holds up both hands in surrender, smiling wryly. “Ho-kay… I’ll be good, promise.”

I lean in to kiss her luscious mouth, then whisper, “You can fuck me again when I’m done.”

Sera’s eyes seem to penetrate my soul. “Mmmm… bet I’ll totally want to fuck you by then, too.” She lies back, cupping her breasts.

I study her thoughtfully. “Remember when I first told you… about me and Mom?”

“Do I ever!” she grins. “I also remember how nervous you were.”

I nod. “That’s true. I’ve never told anyone about her, you know. I was scared that you might, well, freak out. Maybe even get pissed off at me.”

Sera laughs. “Not even close. Hell, I was so fucking turned on that I couldn’t get you naked fast enough.”

I gaze deep into her eyes. “So, after that night… did you ever imagine yourself making love to me, back when I was that young?”

She mulls her words for a long moment, then finally says, “Yeah… I kinda did. I don’t know, it’s not like I’m into little girls. But the thought of being with you, the same way your mom got to be… well, yeah, I admit it, that gets me excited.” She peers at me. “Does that seem creepy?”

“No,” I smile, placing a hand upon her thigh. “I love you for it.”

Sera’s face is dreamy with desire. She slips into my arms, and we kiss hungrily. Lost in my passion for her, I reach down to cup my lover’s ass, pressing my thigh between hers. She is already wet, ready for me.

But then she pushes me away, a determined look on her pixie-like face. “No, not yet. You have to tell me the story… then we fuck.”

I wince. “God, you are brutal.” Rolling onto my back, I sigh, “But I always do what you want, don’t I? Hell, I might as well be back at home with Mom.”

Sera licks her lips. “You love it, though.” She reaches out to take the tip of my breast between two fingers. “And you should know better than to talk back to me like that…”

Her fingers pinch my nipple hard, and I gasp, seeing stars. Jesus, I felt that right down to my clit. In fact, it had nearly been enough to make me come. That’s why I was so smitten by Sera — she could play my body like a virtuoso.

I stare at her, unable to speak, hoping that she would give my other nipple the same treatment.

Instead, she rolls onto her back, placing both hands behind her head. “Enough fun and games, baby… it’s story time.” Her voice is low and seductive, but something in Sera’s tone makes it clear — this time, she means to be obeyed. “C’mon, honeypie, tell me about your mother. How it was.”

So I tell her.


I’m sprawled across my bed, doing addition problems for school tomorrow. A seemingly typical third-grade girl, a few weeks away from her tenth birthday. I concentrate, then write a few numbers in my workbook. Eight and five makes thirteen, carry the one…

That’s when you walk into my room, wearing a white see-through nightgown. My homework is suddenly forgotten as I see the look in your eyes… that special look, the one that says Mommy’s in the mood for loving.

Slowly I rise to stand before you, heart hammering in my chest, the math book and my pencil falling to the floor.

Your eyes burn into mine as you take my hand, holding it for a moment, your thumbnail lightly scratching against my palm… then the breath is wrenched from me when, with a sudden hard tug, you pull me against your body, taking my gasping mouth in a kiss that quickly becomes hot, urgent.

I wrap trembling arms around your waist as you thrust a probing tongue between my lips, your stiffened nipples pressing against me through the gauzy material of the nightie… then you break away. Your lips, now moist from kissing, curl into a knowing smile.

“Hello, my sexy little angel… how are you?” you say softly, a fire banked deep in your eyes.

“Better… now that you’re here, Mommy,” I answer shyly.

You draw me to you for another probing kiss, all the while rubbing your full, round breasts against my flat chest. Your tongue explores my mouth as you reach down for the hem of my Strawberry Shortcake top, then pull it up and off, carelessly letting it drop. I feel your fingers brush my nipples, making them tingle. This magic you perform upon my little-girl body never fails to excite me, and I moan into our kiss.

You abruptly pull away, leaving me tottering on quivering legs as you stand before me… my strong, beautiful mother. Oh, Mommy, I adore you.

“Undress me, child,” you demand.

With shaking fingers I slip the straps of the nightie down over your shoulders, baring the creamy orbs of your breasts. You shrug the garment to the floor and step from it, leaving you nude but for a pair of black panties that are tied together at your right hip.

I reach for the string to undo the knot, but you stop me with a firm hand on my arm.

“Not yet,” you say. “Kiss my nipples first… lick them.” As you speak, you clutch the back of my head and pull me into you, drawing my face into the jasmine-scented warmth of your breasts.

There is no need for you to force me to pleasure you, as my mouth is already watering to taste your rosy nipples, yearning for the thrill of feeling them respond as I suckle them… but somehow your roughness always makes it better, makes me need you all the more.

I kiss wildly at the soft flesh of your breasts… then your grip relaxes, and I can now suck a taut nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue in circles around the pink bud before I switch to the other, repeating the process. Then I run my tongue over the pert tips of your breasts one at a time, licking them with all the love in my heart.

Suddenly you push me roughly onto the bed. I lie there trembling, wanting you so badly I can taste the very need within me, tart and sharp.

With a knowing smile, you slide my shorts down and off to reveal tiny pink underpants, the ones you love to see me wear. Then stepping back, you undo the tie that fastens your panties and toss the skimpy garment to one side, leaving your body completely bare. A whimper escapes my lips at the sight of your naked beauty… and the lush thatch between your thighs that I worship.

Kneeling next to me, you slide your hand inside my panties, seeking my wetness… and finding it. Though I am still a little girl, you are always able to make me moist and sticky down there.

The tip of your finger slowly slides along the length of my babyish slit. I gasp from your touch, clutching my little hands into fists … and you slip that finger into my vagina as you climb on top of me, taking my lips in a crushing kiss. The weight of you upon me is exquisite. I suck at your tongue as it explores my mouth, my body rocking in time to that probing finger, now making little circles inside me.

I desperately wish you would go deeper into me, crave that with every atom of my being. But you are always careful to only penetrate me so far and no further, not wanting to break my hymen — something I didn’t even know I possessed until you described it to me. When I timidly asked you why it had to be that way, you only smiled and said, I’m saving that for your twelfth birthday, sweetheart.

As your finger wriggles about in my body, I imagine that longed-for day, a little more then two years from now. I know what fucking is, and how a man’s penis fits inside a woman… but for me it will be different, better. I have you, my wonderful, sexy mommy, to fuck me. You even have a penis of your own to wear, that I will take deep, deep inside my body. I shiver deliciously at the thought of it… my hips now moving in tempo with your finger as you work it in and out, in and out.

Then I whimper in sweet agony as you withdraw from me, delaying my pleasure. You bring the moist finger to my lips.

“Suck it,” you order… and I do so, loving the taste of me on you.

Rising to your feet, you murmur, “Good girl,” then reach for the waistband of my pretty pink panties, sliding them down my quivering legs… leaving me naked but for my socks.

Slowly, you kneel between my thighs and lightly kiss what you know is yours, fully aware of how excited I get when, without warning, you become gentle… and I wait for the hard, forceful loving that, sure as night follows day, is soon to come.

A tiny cry escapes me as your lips tenderly brush against my throbbing vulva… and then you suddenly claim my pussy with your mouth as if you wish to consume me whole, licking, nibbling and sucking at my bare slit. I buck my hips crazily in response, my breath hissing through clenched teeth, helpless from the pleasure you give me. I moan and squirm beneath you, my fists beating the bed as the sensations flickering through me grow in intensity.

In the midst of ecstasy my lips silently form the single syllable: cunt. You taught that word to me; it can’t be found in the Golden Books or Easy Readers that line my bookshelf… but the hard sound that names the warm, secret place between my thighs is a note of sweet music to my ears. I mouth the word again: cunt.

Your mouth glides up to the very top of my slit to take the tiny clitoris between your lips… that most mysterious part of me, the fleshy key that unlocks the magical place inside my body where all the nicest feelings are. I freeze, head thrown back, all but forgetting to inhale… then you nibble gently at the pink pearl.

An incandescent flash of white fire roars through my slight frame, and I can feel my back arch in response as an orgasm consumes me whole. “Oh Mommy yes! I’m c-coming!” I scream.

I am lost to you. My body is yours to command, and you take me over a rollercoaster of ecstasy that seems to wrench me this way and that. Every time the pleasure seems to diminish, a kiss or lick from your loving mouth has me gasping in renewed delight. Finally you raise your head from my sticky sex, licking your red, red lips. Through a blissful haze, I hear you laugh lightly at your conquest.

Lying down beside me, you pull me to you and kiss me roughly, letting me taste myself on your lips. My tongue emerges to circle your mouth. Finally you pull away, smiling at me in a significant way.

I know that look, know what it means… and I shiver in anticipation.

“My, my, what a little firecracker my daughter is,” you purr. Then your tone shifts, becoming hard. “But I didn’t give you permission to come, did I?”

I blush and look away. You grab my chin, forcing my face up to yours.

“Don’t look away from me,” you say, with that quiet, dangerous tone that makes me feel all trembly inside. “You know you’re my little plaything. My love toy, to do with as I see fit.” My heart races as I shakily nod my head. “Say it!” you snap.

“Yes, Mommy,” I say, voice thick with excitement, “I am your toy…”

“Good girl,” you say, reaching down to pinch my left nipple. I let out a moan of pain… or pleasure, it’s hard for me to say which.

“Turn over, my sweet, and lie over Mommy’s lap… she has to punish you now,” you murmur. I’m tingling from head to toe, thinking of what is to come.

I squirm around to assume my position, stretched across your naked thighs, burying my face in the cool haven of the sheets. I lie there submissively, sex tingling as I ready myself.

“Now, baby… Mommy’s going to spank your cute little ass,” you tell me. “You’ll get five smacks for coming without my permission… and five more because it pleases me to see your beautiful bottom turn red.”

“Oh no, Mommy! Please… that’s too much!” I sob, not meaning it for a second.

“Silence, child,” you hiss. “You know that your cunt will be dripping when I’m done.”

Then you begin.

The feeling of your hand against my bare bottom is incredible, each slap an explosion of pure pleasure. I wail out loud with each stroke, as if I really were in agony. You continue to spank me, taking your time, making every blow count. My nipples are so hard they ache, and I feel my buttocks jiggle with every smack of your hand. I’m clutching the blankets tightly, biting my lip until the spanking is over, trying not to let myself come again.

Finally the last delicious blow is struck… and I lie there, spread across your lap, sobbing with delight and trying to make it sound more like pain.

“Shhhh, baby,” I hear you say, and feel you tenderly caress my sore bottom. “What a good girl you are,” you croon as your hand slips between my slightly parted thighs. You were right, of course… my cunt is dripping. “Mmm… that’s Mommy’s little love.” I moan and move against your fingers as they explore the folds of my pussy, finding clear evidence of wantonness.

My need for orgasmic release has renewed itself, as if you hadn’t just brought me off minutes ago… but I know my duty, precious Mommy. I can sense what you need, what you want. You’re now ready for me to bring you off, your sex aching for the touch of my mouth.

First, though, I must ask permission to please you…

“Please, Mommy,” I meekly implore, “please, may I have a treat?” God, I so desperately want to show you my love. The rich scent of your sex thickens the air… it tantalizes me, drives me wild.

You turn me over on my back and crawl up to kneel above my face. You straddle my head and lower your pussy to within inches of my mouth… but you stop just out of reach of my lips. I cry out in frustration, my mouth watering for you.

“Beg me,” you simply say. And I do.

“Oh please,” I gasp. “Please let me taste your pussy, Mommy. I’ll be such a good girl, I’ll do anything you say! Please, Mommy, I adore you… I want to love you so much.”

Satisfied, you lower your cunt to my already open mouth… and I press a kiss into your wet heat, thick pubes tickling my nose as my lips part and my tongue emerges to slip inside you.

“That’s it, lick Mommy’s pussy. Oh, yes. Just — ooh — like a good little girl,” you gasp.

I make love to your flower, rolling my tongue around inside. Then I trail my way up to the clitoris, teasing it with a few light licks, then back down to lap at your cunt… which now flows freely, the creamy fluids coating my lips and chin.

I eat you for a long while, slaking a thirst of mine for your pussy that seems to have no limit. The taste of you is ambrosia, the warmth of your sex against my mouth a lover’s caress. I wish I had the strength to pleasure you for days on end.

After a few minutes of my oral loving you are about to come, I can feel it. But before that can happen you stop me, then turn around and face the other way… positioning yourself so that your apple-round ass is right above my mouth. Your hands reach down to part your cheeks, revealing the cleft of your anus. “Now my asshole, child,” you breathe.

Without hesitation I dive in, licking and kissing at your crack, my tongue gliding up and down between your buttocks. I know that you are enjoying my attentions when you start to moan loudly, pressing your bottom into my face.

“Ooohhh… p-put your fingers inside me!” you demand.

I reach around your body, my hand blindly seeking, then finding your cunt… and I wriggle two digits into you, deep as I can get them to go.

“Fuck me, little one!” you moan, your hips already starting to pump against my thrusting hand. I happily oblige.

My tongue presses into the sweet star of your anus in a hopeless attempt to enter your rectum. I can never fully penetrate you — your asshole is too tightly clenched for that — but you love the way it feels when I try.

I recall how shocked I was the first time you ordered me to lick you there, even though I had already tasted your pussy before and loved it. Of course, my hesitation only made you all the more determined to have your way… so you pushed me onto my back, then pressed your ass into my face, parting your buttocks to reveal the dark pink jewel, awaiting the caress of my tongue.

Needless to say, I quickly came to love rimming you. Something about it seemed so wild, so downright nasty, that it thrilled me more than any of the naughty games we played. I remember the next day at school, when I sat surrounded by other girls in their plaid skirts and Mary Janes, filling in our coloring books with stubs of crayon… wondering how they would react if I suddenly told them, I put my tongue in Mommy’s bottom last night.

My fingers pump in and out of your pussy, my tongue circles your rosebud, and your body trembles atop mine while I pleasure your two holes until, once more, you are very near to orgasm… but again you withdraw from me, climbing off to kneel by my side.

I can only imagine how I look at this instant… your nine-year-old daughter lying dazed, lips parted, the whole lower half of my face wet with your vaginal fluids. I can only hope that the sight pleases you.

Then you bend down to whisper to me, your lips brushing my ear. “I want to fuck your sweet little ass now, child… get up and on your knees.”

I quickly assume a kneeling position, presenting my bottom to you. My buttocks are still warm from spanking, and I shiver as you gently stroke them with your long, elegant fingers. They slip in between to tease my anal cleft, and I sigh blissfully as how nice that feels.

But you have other plans for my ass… and I hold myself stock-still as you carefully mount me, draping one leg over me to rest your cunt against my bottom. I can feel your pubic fur grazing my cheeks, tickling my anus… and I wait with bated breath for you to fuck me, like you promised.

My face is pressed into the pillow as you begin to move, working your wet sex into my butt with small strokes that gradually grow larger as you find your rhythm. I love the weight of you upon me… love the feeling of your hot flesh crushing into my outthrust ass… love the warmth of your thick juices, oozing into my crack, then slowly trickling down my quivering thighs… love the sound of your breath hissing through clenched teeth as you take me.

“I’m fucking you, little girl,” you pant, slipping a hand around my body to stroke my nipples to aching stiffness. “Do you like being fucked by Mommy?”

“Yes,” I gasp, “yes, Mommy. I love it — love when you fuck me.” Another word I never knew until I learned it from you… and now that little word is what I live for. I savor the taste of it on my lips, stammering, “Fuck me, M-mommy… fuck me more!”

Instead, your body comes to a rest, and the moist fire of your sex is taken from me. I might be disappointed, if I wasn’t aware that you had yet to climax… instead, my excitement only continues to simmer as I wonder: what game does Mommy want to play now?

“On your back, girl,” is all you say. I quickly comply.

You tower above me, a vision of strength and beauty. As ever, I’m smitten with adoration by the sight of you… desperately eager to give you anything, everything you want.

You caress my cheek, and a surge of pleasure wafts through me at this token of affection. “I want to try something new, little one,” you murmur, transfixing me with your gaze. “All you have to do is lie there.”

You move up to the head of the bed and slowly straddle my head. I raise myself from the pillow, lips parting as I move in to place an open-mouthed kiss upon your cunt… but you stop me, firmly grasping my shoulder.

“No,” I hear you say. “Don’t move… stay completely still — that’s what I want.” I lie back again, detecting the fierce need in your voice. “I’m going to fuck your face, child… If you behave, and let Mommy have her way with you, perhaps she will give you a special treat.”

I lie quietly, heart thudding in my thin chest. I wasn’t sure exactly what you were about to do to me, only that you didn’t want me to move. But oh, sweet Mommy… if you only knew how hard it was to lie beneath you, gazing up at the glistening pinkness of your cunt, nestled within the tuft of brown curls, breathing deeply of your luscious scent and needing to take you in my mouth, but not permitted to do so…

Then your hot, wet flesh descends onto my face, pressing against my closed lips. I hear you gasp as your hips shift, and you rub yourself languidly along the line of my jaw. Your essence coats my mouth and chin, moistening my cheeks as you wield your pussy like a paintbrush.

A shudder of pleasure runs through your body, sparking a similar reaction in me. I open my eyes to gaze up the magnificent height of you, head thrown back, frantically clutching your breasts. Now you are grinding your cunt into my face, fucking me just like you said you would — there really is no other word for it.

Your vagina is so wet that it squishes as you rock against my mouth, and my nostrils fill with the rich aroma of your sex. The scent intoxicates me, makes my head reel.

As you ride me, I can hear you speak. “Oh, yes, little girl… let Mommy fuck your precious little mouth… my little fuck toy… feel h- how wet my cunt is for you… oh, God yes, my baby lets m-me fuck her so — so good… oh, yes. Oh. Oh — my — f-f-f-fucking GOD–“

And suddenly you start to convulse and buck atop me, coming all over my face. I’m soaked from you, lips dripping with the warm wine from your vagina. I can barely breathe… but I don’t care. I want you here, sitting on my face, using me as an instrument of pleasure, blessing me with your climax.

Your pleasure hits an unimaginable peak, and a choked scream escapes your lips… then you slowly relax on top of me, slumping to one side but still perched upon my face. “Kiss me,” you whisper, “kiss my pussy, angel.”

I understand what you need from me now — gentle loving, nothing too intense — so I nestle between your thighs, tenderly kissing your sex. Soft, little-girl kisses.

Then my face is suddenly bathed in coolness as you raise yourself from me, then bend down to kiss my mouth, humming with delight as you lick the wetness from my lips. You sit up to gaze down upon me… and my heart soars as I take in the pleased expression on your face.

“Well done, little lover,” you purr, crawling between my spread legs. “You were a good girl, so here is the treat Mommy promised.”

You lower your face to me and take my cunt into your mouth, pressing your tongue inside. I’d been so occupied in pleasuring you that I had almost forgotten how desperately my own body was crying out for release… but you knew, didn’t you, Mommy?

With your wonderful mouth you honor me, give your child the sweet, sweet gift of a mother’s love… and suddenly I am coming so hard that I actually black out for a few seconds.

When I come to, I’m cradled in your arms. The fever of your violent lust is now broken, and now all is warmth and tenderness between us. My mother, my lover. My goddess.

“I love you, Mommy,” I whisper.

You roll over, drawing me into your embrace. “I love you too, my beautiful little girl,” you sigh, caressing me all over. Your mouth seeks out mine, and we gently kiss.

We spend the rest of the night cuddled together… and in the morning, I awaken to the sight of your adoring eyes, gazing into mine. You reach out to touch the tip of my nose, then we hug one another tightly. No words are needed.

We share a bath, lovingly washing away the evidence of last night’s loving from each other’s bodies… then pad hand in hand into the kitchen to make breakfast, the two of us still naked.

Ninety minutes later, you drive me to my third grade class. We exchange adoring glances and whispered endearments the whole way to school… but I know that you are also dreaming of the hot, sexy games of passion that we will play this evening.


“Jesus,” gasps Sera, her head hitting the pillow next to mine, “you nearly suffocated me, babe!”

“Sorry, c-couldn’t help it,” I pant. “That… that thing you do to my clit, where you pinch it with your lips… Jesus, it sets me off like a, a fucking volcano!”

Sera rests her chin just above my breasts, hitting me where it counts with those bedroom eyes. “Oh… that just shows how much I get into hearing you talk about your mother, sugarbuns. Brings out the nasty little girl in me.” She licks her lips, now sticky with my essence.

I lazily stretch my limbs. “Mmmmmm… good, ’cause I do loooove that nasty little girl.”

She studies me thoughtfully for a moment, then softly says, “And you two still fuck one another — you and your mom.”

“Yeah,” I reply. “Well… sort of. I’m still Mommy’s plaything, after all — she fucks me.”

Lying back, Sera places both hands behind her head, staring dreamily at the ceiling. “God, I don’t know why thinking about that gets me so damn hot.” She snickers. “I wouldn’t fuck my mother with a dog’s cock. ‘Course, she’s a hoity-toity society cunt.”

“Is she good looking, at least?” I query, rolling over to nuzzle the soft hair that grows under Sera’s arms, now somewhat moist from her workout between my legs. God, she smells great.

She shrugs. “After about half a million bucks of cosmetic surgery, she looks like a voodoo doll to me. Hey, stop tickling!” She shoves me away from her armpit, then nods toward the snapshot of Mom propped on my desk. “Your mother is way sexier than mine could ever be… I’d let her do me any old day.”

I grin. Time to spring the surprise I’ve been saving up since this morning…

“You really mean that?” I murmur.

Sera sits up, lifting an eyebrow as she studies me intently. “Well… yeah. Sure. Why d’ya ask?”

I lie back, languidly placing a hand over my cunt. “I called Mom this morning, just after class. Told her about you and me.”

“Um… so, what did she say?” Sera is trying her best to keep her voice cool and casual, but I’m not fooled — I can sense her rising interest.

Oh, she wants to meet you,” I purr, teasing my slit with a fingertip. “She said, and I quote, ‘I want to get to know this little friend of yours. Bring her home with you this weekend’.”

Her mouth drops slightly open as she digests this little tidbit of information, then she hesitantly asks, “Um, when you say she wants to ‘get to know’ me — you mean…?”

“Come on, Sera.” I fire back. “You know exactly what I mean. My mother wants to fuck you.”

I wish I had a camera at that moment, to capture the thunderstruck expression on my lover’s face. “Ho-lee shit,” she whispers. “So… well, what does that involve, exactly?” She sees the exasperated expression on my face. “Look, Kris. You can’t just — just drop that in my lap with no explanation. I mean…” Sera pauses, fumbling for the right words… not something she has to do often, believe me. “Okay, let me put it this way. What do I need to know before going home to do the nasty with you and your mother?”

“Well, you’ll have to leave that take-charge personality of yours behind,” I murmur. “In my home, there’s only room for one top bitch, and that’s Mom. She calls the shots.”

Sera mused, then nodded. “Okay… sure. Hell, it sounds kinda interesting, being a bottom for a change.” She gazes evenly at me. “I might have to be a little… hard on you, after we get back. Can’t have you forgetting who’s top bitch in our relationship.”

I’m feeling a low throbbing, deep down in my cunt. “Seems fair,” I meekly reply.

Sera lies back, staring thoughtfully at the ceiling. “Anything else I should know?”

I edge closer to my lover, already thinking about going down on her again. “Yeah. Whatever clothes you have that make you look the youngest… pack those. Mom’s way into the little-girl look. And, um, speaking of which… you need to shave your pussy.”

She sighs. “Yeah, I s’pose that makes sense.” Twisting her neck to peer at me, she points at the tuft of hair in her left armpit. “Do I have to lose this, too?”

“Dunno,” I shrug. “Guess you can leave it for now… Mom might order you to shave it off, though. And don’t even think of telling her no if she does.”

“Damn… your mother is one serious dom, huh?”

“Serious as a heart attack, babe.”

Sera props herself up on an elbow, facing me. “There’s one thing I want to know. How sure were you that — well, that I’d go along with this little lesbian orgy?”

“Pretty sure,” I answer.

She nibbles her lower lip thoughtfully. “Well… what if I’d said no? Told you that your mother could go pound sand up her ass?”

I laugh. “Oh, I’d get you to come along somehow… I have to bring you home, she said so!”

Her eyes narrow. “You have to?”

“Yeah.” With that, I reach for Sera and roll onto my back… pulling her on top of me, where she belongs. Gazing deep into my lover’s eyes, I slowly lick my lips. “Mommy’s orders.”