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Mommy’s Little Exhibitionist

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 12:14 am

By JetBoy

I stood nude before the mirror — a girl of nine, studying her body.

Caressing my flat chest, I teased my nipples with the tips of the fingers, loving how they grew tingly and stiff to the touch. I turned around, peering over a shoulder at the twin ivory globes of my bare bottom, then spun back to face the glass, drawing closer to admire the baby-smooth cleft of my pussy.

“Mommy?” I called.

“What?” she loudly replied from down the stairs. I could hear her bustling around in the foyer, collecting her keys and purse. “Aren’t you ready yet, honey?”

“Um, almost. Can I not wear panties today?” I could feel a lovely warmth down below as I fingered the line of my slit.

I was aching with excitement, just imagining it: walking through the supermarket wearing a flimsy dress with nothing underneath, girls and women watching me with lust in their eyes. I grinned at my naked reflection as I recalled last week, when Mommy and I went to the mall. I wore a really thin tank top and a skimpy pair of white shorts without panties, and got exactly the kind of response I’d hoped for — a few sexy ladies gawked at me, and one really hot teenage girl brushed up against my ass several times in the video store after she caught me checking her out.

Standing in the doorway to my bedroom, Mommy folded her arms, an exasperated but amused look on her face as she realized that I hadn’t even put on socks yet, much less anything else.

“Julie, Julie, Julie,” she sighed, coming over to where I stood to kneel behind me, her arms slipping around my waist. “What on earth am I going to do with you?” She gazing at me in the mirror with laughing eyes, her fingers gliding over my tiny, erect nipples to tweak them playfully as she held me from behind.

I turned around and hugged her, rubbing my naked body against her clothed one. “I know something I’d like you to do to me, Mommy…” I murmured.

She drew away, giving me a stern look. “Now, honey, behave… we’ve got to go to the store, or it’s old pizza crusts with ketchup for dinner tonight. You can wait until we get back home to play.”

“Fine,” I mock-pouted, then gave Mommy my sweetest smile. “But I don’t have to put on panties, right?”

She snickered. “Okay, okay, you little sex fiend. C’mere, though — let’s find you something to wear that won’t get us both arrested.” Mommy began to rummage through my clothes closet, holding up different hangers to the light, examining the dresses and tops that hung from them.

Feeling a certain wicked impulse, I crept behind her and thrust my hands under Mommy’s dress, fondling her beautiful big bottom through the silky panties she wore. She gasped as I ran my fingers up and down her butt crack, a sweet shiver surging through her body.

“Honeyyyy… you have to stop that now, or we’ll never get out of here!” she moaned, clumsily breaking away from me, clutching one of my dresses to her heaving breasts.

My mother’s face was flushed and I knew her cunt was dripping, but I decided to show her mercy. “Sorry, Mommy,” I said, giving her my best Innocent Child look. “Your bottom looked so pretty that I just had to touch it…”

“I swear, you are such a little tease,” she scowled, taking a buttery yellow sundress from its hanger and holding it up in the air for me to slip into. “It’s a good thing I love you so damn much, or I’d swap you to the gypsies for a — a space heater, or something.”

I smiled a sneaky smile, allowing her to slide the dress down my outstretched arms and over my body. She smoothed the material where it covered my stiff nipples, and I felt a twinge of pleasure that nearly made my legs buckle beneath me. It doesn’t take much to get me hot and bothered.

Pausing to calm my simmering arousal, I stepped into my sandals, put on a blue beaded necklace, then turned to present myself to Mommy with arms spread wide. “How do I look?”

“You’ll do,” she nodded. I could tell that she loved what she saw; knew that the temptation was strong for her to rip my dress off and take me, right there on the bedroom floor. “Now get that adorable little behind down to the garage and into the car, before I lose control of myself.”

“I wouldn’t mind if you did…” I began.

She interrupted me with a brisk slap to my bottom. “March!” she commanded, nudging me out into the hall and to the top of the stairs.

I pranced down the steps two at a time, then looked back up at Mommy, flipping up my dress to give her a quick peek at my bare butt. She just grinned, making a loud kissing sound as she followed me downstairs. I knew what it was that she really wanted to kiss!

It thrilled me to make my mommy all excited, to make her need me. It’s this warm, beautiful secret that we hold in our hearts, binding us together for always and always. Since she and I became lovers when I was eight, we’ve been closer that any mother and daughter I know.

We made our way into the garage. Mommy opened the car door on my side, and I jumped up into the seat, tugged the seat belt across my middle and buckled it shut. She slid into the driver’s seat and fastened hers. One of her titties was hanging over the seat belt, so I reached over to lightly pinch her nipple. I’m such a bad little girl — but Mommy loves it, even if she has to pretend sometimes that she doesn’t..

Still, we do have errands to carry out, so she gives me her Please Behave look as she starts up the car. “Baby girl, I adore you to pieces, but you best stop with the wandering hands, else I’ll push that innocent looking face between my legs and make you eat me right here in the front seat, okay?”

I giggled, darting my tongue in and out like I was licking her pussy, and she couldn’t help but laugh. With a toss of her head, she pulled out of our drive, turned into Kefauver Lane, and we were off.

A few minutes later, we pulled into the parking lot of the supermarket. I opened my door and jumped down onto the asphalt. It was a steaming hot day, and my tiny sandals didn’t protect my feet from the heat very well. Dancing about on the sticky pavement, I seized Mom’s hand and led her inside.

The supermarket was delightfully cool, and the gently moving air seemed to flow up my dress and between my legs. I held my hair up off my neck to dry the sweat that had formed there, then drew away the front of my dress. My nipples instantly began to stiffen, like they always do when I get turned on. All of a sudden, I was so horny that I could have screamed.

Mom noticed, of course. “My, aren’t we perky this morning?” She pulled me to her, slipped her hand down inside the top and brushed my nipples with her fingers. I whimpered, feeling a storm of need rising in my belly, running wild in all directions. Hardly anyone else was shopping right then, so she continued to tease me mercilessly.

“Oh my God, Mommy,” I panted, “You’re making my pussy drip down my leg. I’m g-gonna come if you don’t stop!”

With that, she backed me against the frozen food door, thrust her hand beneath the dress I wore and deftly eased one finger into my cunt, her thumb seeking out my throbbing clit.

I hugged her arm, my hips jerking almost violently as waves of pleasure enveloped my childish body. I shuddered, trying to stifle my moans as Mommy finger-fucked me right there in the supermarket, where anybody could see us if they came down the aisle.

“Fuck me, Mommy,” I blurted, caught like a wriggling fish on my mother’s busy fingers. “Ohh, oh God, I’m c-coming… unh, unh, unh, ooooohh!” My jaw was clenched, eyes squeezed tightly shut as I came. I was pressed against cold glass, but inside me it was all raw heat.

Mommy held me securely with her free arm until I calmed down. Her hand vanished from between my legs, then I felt her carefully wiping the sweat from my face with a handkerchief.

I opened my eyes just in time to see Mommy bend down to kiss my cheek. “There. Now, let’s get on with the shopping, ‘kay?” Pushing the cart along, she gave me a wink and casually sucked at her wet finger. I followed closely behind, tiny aftershocks of ecstasy making my stride a bit unsteady.

Our shopping cart eventually filled, Mommy and I made our way to the checkout counter. I was leaning against the side, watching the belt carry our groceries to the cashier. I absently pulled up the hem of my sundress to wipe my face, then suddenly realized that there was a woman standing behind me who’d gotten a good look at my bare bottom.

Stealing a quick peek at the lady, I saw that she was really attractive — the kind of older woman who totally turns me on. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was ogling my butt, so I wiped my face again like it was the most natural thing in the world, giving her an even better look.

She nervously smiled at me — then that smile disappeared as I pulled my dress up again, all the way this time; gathering it under the chin so that my nude body was completely exposed to her wide-eyed stare.

The woman gasped and turned even redder — and I watched her tremble, lower lip quivering as she drank in the sight of my pert nipples and baby-smooth slit. I twirled a bit, so she could see even more of me.

Most people would be shocked if they knew how many grown women are turned on by young girls, but not me. I recognize them nearly everywhere I go — ladies stuck in boring marriages, or dating one stupid man after another and wishing for something better. Those are the women I like to tease the most, giving them scary, exciting feelings; fantasies of making love to a little girl like me. Like this lady in the checkout line. If I followed her into the parking lot and told her that I thought she was pretty, and she could do whatever she liked to me… well, before you knew it I’d be stretched out on the back seat of her car and she’d be licking my pussy. I could see it in her eyes.

I arched my back to make my stiff nipples jut out, then parted my legs so that my pussy, now visibly moist, was in plain view. Sensing what I was up to, Mom kept the cashier distracted while I exposed myself to my new grownup friend.

The side of the counter felt cool against my bare bottom. The lady’s mouth was hanging open, and she was practically shaking as I let my dress slowly slide back down, gazing innocently up at her like I had no idea of what I’d just done. She turned her flushed face away, trying and failing to compose herself.

I heard Mommy’s voice behind me. “Time to go, honeybunch.” I turned and followed my mother to the exit, actually skipping a few times.

“Well, that was quite a show you put on in there.” Mommy said, as we loaded our grocery bags into the trunk. “God, I was as turned on as the lady that was watching you. So, baby girl… did she like what she saw?”

I beamed at her, nodding emphatically. “Uh-huh. She was kinda scared, but I know I could’ve got her into bed if I wanted.”

“I don’t doubt that,” she laughed. We climbed into the stifling heat of the car and I buckled up, pushing my dress down between my legs to absorb the moisture that lingered on my bare pussy. “You’re such a sexy, luscious little munchkin… hard to believe that there’s any woman that wouldn’t want you.” She fired up the car; pulled out of the parking lot.

“Doesn’t matter,” I shrugged, patting her leg, then leaving my hand there. “You’re the only lover for me, Mommy.”

She gave me an adoring look, the kind that turns me into a puddle inside. “Awww… what a sweet baby girl I’ve got.”

I sat back, enjoying the afternoon air as it rushed through the lowered windows, gently stroking my mother’s thigh. “Y’know something, Mommy? You made me feel really good in the store, but I’m still feeling horny for some reason…”

“Yeah, like that’s something new.” she smirked, “So what do you want me to do about it, sweetheart? We just have to be careful, that’s all. It could get me in big trouble if anyone caught us.”

“Yeah, I know, but I love to make love with you so much… and it’s even better when we do it out in the open. Why don’t we pull off the big road and go where there’s nobody around, then we can fuck. Pretty please?”

She began to speak, hesitated, then shook her head with a wry laugh. “How can I say no to an offer like that?”

Letting my seat belt out enough so I could lean in close to Mommy, I placed a kiss on her cheek. “I love you, Mommy. You’re so good to me.”

She reached for my hand, gave it a squeeze. Her eyes were already searching for an exit road; one suitable for a little private lovemaking.

Mommy had always found it hard to say no to me, even when I was practically a toddler. I never threw noisy fits, cried or pouted to get my way. I’d mastered the art of persuasion early on in life.

I realized by age eight that I was a lesbian. Young as I was, it just made sense to me to prefer girls to boys. A few months later, I decided I wanted Mommy to be my first lover. And I seduced her, made her mine.

I picked an evening when she and I watched a movie with some sex scenes in it, including one with two women making love. I could tell she was aroused, and decided to make my move on her that night. She’d had a couple of glasses of wine, and I figured that would work in my favor.

About fifteen minutes after we went to bed, I got up, took off my nightshirt and panties and tiptoed naked into Mommy’s room, pausing first at her door to peek inside. My timing was just right — she was caressing herself, but hadn’t begun to touch her pussy yet.

I crept over to the bed and crawled in, snuggling up to Mommy, thrilled to discover that she was nude, just like me. She took me in her arms, though I could tell she was disappointed about not being able to finish masturbating. I smiled to myself. Don’t worry, Mommy… I’ll take care of you.

I began to touch her all over, placing tiny kisses on her face and neck. She liked that a lot, thinking it was only her daughter being affectionate.

But my touches and kisses slowly grew bolder, more intimate — and by the time Mommy figured out that I was making love to her, she was too aroused to say no and send me back to my room.

Oh, she tried to resist at first, once she understood what I was doing, but I simply whispered, “I’m in love with you, Mommy… I want to be your girlfriend.”

That left her so overwhelmed that I was able to give Mommy a kiss, a sexy one — and when her lips parted in surprise, I slipped my tongue into her mouth, kissing her like the lesbian lovers in the movie. I guess she simply couldn’t resist kissing me back, her tongue meeting mine. Soon, she was touching me, her hands drifting down to fondle my bottom. That was when I knew that I had what I wanted.

We did everything that night. The lesbian film clips I’d searched out online had been my instruction manual, and I put what I’d learned to good use. I burrowed between Mommy’s legs and licked her dripping cunt until she came, then she had me perch on her face and brought me off with her mouth and tongue. We even took turns licking each other’s buttholes. And it seemed as if we couldn’t stop sharing eager kisses, our mouths coming together again and again.

Since then, my mother and I have enjoyed each other’s bodies lots of times. Mommy even took me on a trip to the Bahamas, calling it “our honeymoon.” One day, we went out in the ocean on a rubber raft and made love, only a few hundred feet away from the beach. Hearing the voices of people so close by while Mommy licked my pussy made me come harder than I ever had before.

Now Mommy was looking left and right as she drove, seeking a side road that would give us the privacy we needed. Suddenly, with a victorious grin, she signaled and turned onto a gravel road, one that our growing suburb had yet to expand into. She continued this way for a mile or so, the car churning up clouds of dust as we went. Finally, Mommy guided us into the shade of an enormous pine tree and shut the engine off.

Turning in her seat, she gave me gazed warmly at me. “How’s this, sweetie?”

I only smiled as I quickly unfastened my seatbelt, opened the door and jumped from the car, running around to Mommy’s side. I took her hand, urging her without words to follow me. Leading her on, I climbed onto the hood, spreading my legs wide apart. Mommy had a white car, so it wasn’t too hot to sit on in the summer’s heat.

I grasped the hem of my dress with one hand, tugging it up until my cunt was bare and glistening; knowing it was a sight that Mommy couldn’t resist.

Sure enough, she stared at me, softly murmuring, “Oh, Julie. You’re so beautiful, so perfect…”

I rolled over onto my belly, reached up and grabbed the top of the hood, hoisting my dress even further until it was hiked up under my arms. My cheeks were wide open, giving Mommy a full-on view of my butthole and pussy. I was wet, aching for the touch of her yummy mouth.

“Please, Mommy, d-don’t make me wait for it… lick me!” I begged, taking off my dress and letting it drop to the ground as I turned over and lay down, my butt pressed against the warm, smooth surface of the car.

A stray breeze kissed my body as Mommy slowly ran her hands up the insides of my legs and in between, gently teasing my cunt with her fingertips. She glanced around to make sure we were all alone, then lowered her face between my legs and began to lick my wet hole.

I was squirming on the car hood, hanging on for dear life. Sweat made my body gleam as Mommy ate me out — her tongue bathing every inch of my pussy. She kept toying with my clit, too, until I was gasping and panting for breath.

Then Mommy suddenly slid a finger deep, deep into my vagina.

That set me off. “Oh, God! Oh, that feels soooo g-good, don’t stop, oh Mommy, Unh. Unh. Unh. Unh. Oh, faster, Mom, faster! Mmmmmmyes, fuck me, fuck me, Mommy, harder, harder, oh yeah… oooh yeah, I’m coming. Oh!”

I screamed as an orgasm grabbed me, wrenched my body. They just kept coming, too — one after the other. It was awesome, the way that my sexual pleasure seemed to grow stronger and more intense every day. Was that because I was growing up?

But I’m only nine, I thought, as I slowly recovered, lying spent on the car. I’m still a little girl.

Mommy wiped me off with my sundress, then bent to coo in my ear that she loved me more than life itself. I sighed happily and grinned at her as I slid off the hood and hugged her tightly, tilting my face up to hers so we could share a messy, pussy-wet kiss. I adore my mommy so much… I always want to be like this with her.

“Can I make you come now?” I asked, reaching under her skirt.

“Not here, baby,” she laughed, playfully dancing out of reach. “I’m not quite as brave as you are. Let’s wait until we get home.”

Carelessly throwing my dress into the back, I climbed into my seat and relaxed, still completely naked, as Mommy cranked up the car and took us back on the gravel road. I was glowing inside from the loving she’d given me, so I just sat quietly, gazing out the window at the scenery until we got home.

I helped Mommy unload the groceries, carry them inside and put everything away, dressed in nothing but my sandals. Once we’d finished, I blew her a kiss and raced upstairs, headed for the bathroom. I wanted to be nice and clean for Mommy when I made love to her.

Turning on the shower, I soaped up my body, then stood in the soothing, cool water and played with myself for a while without making myself come, then climbed out and dried off. I brushed out my short blonde hair and went downstairs to find Mommy.

She was waiting for me in the master bedroom. I felt a thrill at the sight of my mother, fresh from the shower and without a stitch of clothing. Her skin was rosy, hair still wet as she fluffed it with a towel.

She smiled at me over her shoulder, and I padded over to where she stood, reaching out to run my hands all over her big, beautiful bottom. I gave Mommy’s butt a few playful kisses, and she shivered. Then I spread her cheeks wide apart and licked up and down her crack.

She moaned softly. “Oh, angel,” she whispered, “Mommy loves her baby girl so very much… Mmmm, my sweet little lover.”

While kissing and licking her butthole, I slid a hand up between her legs to touch her furry cunt. I adored Mommy’s big bush — how it looked, how soft it felt when I licked her. On the other hand, I loved my bare, smooth pussy, and had decided that I’d always keep it that way.

Mommy parted her legs to give me room, then leaned over to grip the bedpost as I began to explore her pussy with two fingers.

In the mirror I could see Mommy fondling her breasts, pulling on her nipples, eyes shut, a dreamy look on her face. I fucked her harder, adding more fingers to the action until my little fist was pushing into her cunt. She bucked her hips, panting frantically, her moans growing steadily louder as my arm went deeper into her vagina, rising to a fierce cry..

“Tell me, Mommy,” I blurted, “t-tell me how you love it when I fuck you!”

She began to rave, the words rushing out of her. “Oh God, Jan, fuck me honey, that’s it, shove it in me, fist me hard, oh God, that f-feels sooo good… fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, oh, oh, oh, unh, oh God, sweetie, I’m gonna c-come, oh God, I’m coming, honey, fuck me!”

I pumped furiously in and out, in and out. Her breasts bounced like crazy as she came, jerking violently as each glorious spasm surged through her body.

Finally she gasped, “Oh, stop, honey. I can’t take any more!” My hand emerged from her with a slurping sound as she pulled away.

Mommy more or less collapsed on the bed, staring blankly through glazed eyes. There were juices oozing from her cunt, droplets of sweat beaded on her heaving breasts. Clambering onto the bed, I knelt between Mommy’s thighs and buried my face in her bush, giving her pussy soft, soothing kisses.

As soon as she caught her breath, I climbed onto the bed and stood above her, looking down. Mommy knew what I wanted — and she reached out for me, guided my body until I was straddling her face. Moistening her lips, she drew me down to her mouth and began to nibble at my pussy. Then her tongue joined in the fun, and things got very hot and jumbled in my head.

Wanting to play, I reached out to fondle Mommy’s full, luscious breasts, shivering when she moaned into my cunt. My left hand continued its journey downward — across her soft tummy, then lower, so I could play with the hard nub of her clit. Her nose kept teasing my butthole as she licked me into a frenzy.

We were both making all kinds of happy, ecstatic noises that I couldn’t put a name to while we pleasured one another, only she was muffled by my cunt covering her mouth.

Mom and I strained against each other, then cried out in unison as we came together in one huge lunge that almost threw us off the bed. Mommy arched her back and I shrieked at the ceiling as she suckled my clit, my fingers moving wildly between her legs.

Finally, our pleasure faded and we relaxed. I crawled into Mommy’s arms, and she kissed me tenderly. I kissed her back, enjoying my taste on her lips and chin. We lay together a long time, then we got up to take another shower — only this time we did it together, lovingly washing each other, getting clean in the nicest way imaginable.

She dried me, and then I dried her, and then we went out to the kitchen to get something to drink. As she sipped iced tea and I drank a cold soda pop, we grinned at each other like cats that ate the canary.

But who was the cat and who was the bird? I thought, and giggled.


This story is based on another, extremely short tale that I saved a long time ago and have been unsuccessful in finding since then. I reworked it for my own amusement, then played around with it now and then through the years. Recently I shared my version with a friend, who strongly suggested that I make it public. So I rewrote the story one last time from start to finish, adding new parts and additional dialogue. In the end, even though the basic plot of the story was created by another, the words here are all mine. My fervent thanks to the original author, who I hope to locate one day.


Cheri Comes Home

  • Posted on April 30, 2015 at 11:40 pm

By JetBoy

I was just arriving home for my first visit since starting college nine months earlier. The road was dusty, and a thick haze of June heat hung over the Kansas landscape as I tooled my Civic through the twisting roads that led to the family house.

School had been an amazing experience, but I’d missed my mother and baby sister something awful. After a week of grueling exams, nothing in the world appealed to me more than the prospect of summer vacation in my beloved home town.

My heart swelled with joy as I made the turn into our driveway. The prodigal daughter, returned at last.

My mother came running out when my car pulled up in front of the house, and I jumped out and ran to her. We hugged tightly, and I could feel her firm breasts through my dress as our bodies pressed together. My mother seldom wore a bra when she was at home during the summer because of the heat, and her nipples brushed tantalizingly against mine. I was stunned to feel an unexpected surge of arousal.

I’d never fantasized about incest before, but my recent experiences in lovemaking with other girls at school suddenly had me thinking about my beautiful mother in a whole new way.

“Oh, Cheri, it’s so good to have you home!” Mom exclaimed happily, an arm wrapped cozily around my waist as we made our way to the side door that led into the kitchen.

“Where’s Julia?” I asked, looking around for my younger sister.

“She got cast in the school play. She’s in rehearsal, but they’ll get her home in time for supper,” my mother said. “All Julia’s been talking about lately is how excited she is to be hanging out with her big sister again!” She laughed. “I’m warning you now — she probably won’t give you a single moment to yourself.”

“I can’t wait to see her.”

“Julia’s grown up a lot in the last year, you know,” Mom said. “You might not recognize her — she’s turned into an honest-to-God woman.”

I shook my head, a little awed by the passage of time. “Seems like she was only a scrawny stick of a kid the last time I was here.”

“Come sit down, Cheri,” my mother suggested. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

Mom and I went into the living room and sat down beside each other on the sofa.

“So how is school?” she asked as she sat back.

“Fine — but let’s talk about that later, Mom. That drive just about wrecked my head, so I just want to think about home right now,” I murmured, stretching myself.

“I’m so glad to see you, hon,” she said, impulsively giving me another hug.

God, her body felt so good against mine. I had to calm down before my newfound arousal revealed itself. I’d done some wild things since starting college, but I couldn’t believe I was getting turned on by my own mom!

“Y’know what, Mom — let’s talk in my room. I want to put my clothes away so they don’t get completely wrinkled,” I said, getting to my feet and reaching for my bag.

“Sure,” Mom said, and we climbed the stairs together.

Entering the cozy, familiar space of my bedroom felt so damn good that I got a little misty-eyed. It was as if I’d never been away. Mom had even put a bunch of fresh-cut flowers in the vase I kept on my dresser.

Tossing my suitcase on the bed, I unfastened the latches and flipped the case open.

“My goodness… you have some very nice clothes, hon,” she said as she lifted a rouge-red dress out of the suitcase, holding it out at arm’s length.

“Why don’t you try it on? We’re about the same size,” I suggested, as I began hanging my things in the closet.

“Oh, I couldn’t do a dress like this justice,” she said with a dismissive laugh.

“Don’t be silly, Mom. You’re thirty-eight years old and you still have a great body. You’re incredibly sexy without a bra, y’know… and I’ll bet you still look really good naked,” I told her, feeling reckless.

“Why, Cheri — what a thing to say!” she gasped, blushing.

“Well, it’s true,” I assured her, while thoughts of what I’d like to do to her luscious body burned in my brain. I wasn’t even fighting my illicit feelings for Mom now. Hell, I was practically flirting with her!

“I do try and stay in shape,” she said as she twirled around for me.

“Oh, it shows. I’ll bet you still have a lot of great sex, too,” I giggled.

“Not as often as I’d like, but yeah,” she laughed, still blushing a bit. “I know a couple of fellas who are good for the occasional romp in the sack.”

You know a woman who’d like to romp with you too, I thought, amazed at just hot Mom was making me. Only one thing to say to her right then…

“Quit stalling, Mom. I want to see you in this dress. Get out of those clothes already, and try it on!” I urged my mother, holding the dress out to her.

“Oh, all right,” she said, picking up the red dress. It was a simple wrap-around style and somewhat sheer.

My mother pulled the t-shirt over her head and draped it over a chair, casually baring her breasts. I held my breath as I looked at them — full and beautiful, with only a hint of droop. I’d seen my mother nude before, but she’d never looked so good to me as she did then. The thought of sucking her nipples caused my cunt to moisten.

“I’ll have to put on some other underwear with this dress,” Mom said as she lowered her jeans, revealing black panties. “They’ll show right through.”

“Love the panties, Mom!” I said.

“I do like sexy underwear,” she admitted.

“Don’t bother with changing them, though,” I suggested, my pulse racing. “Try the dress without panties. It looks a lot better that way.”

“No underwear. Aren’t you the bold one!” my mother exclaimed as she slipped into the dress. “Here — help me balance while I take them off.”

I stepped forward to assist. Grasping her arm, I pretended to accidentally brush the nipple of her left breast. God, I could actually see it stiffen through the material of the dress.

“These are pretty snug — but I like my underwear tight,” she said as she peeled off her black panties and carelessly dropped them on the floor.

“Wow, Mom… you are so beautiful,” I said, stepping back and admiring her figure through the tight dress.

“Oh, you! Well, I was a real looker, but let’s face it — the years have taken their toll,” she sighed.

“Are you kidding? You’re a knockout. Nice tits, great ass and a pussy that looks good enough to eat,” I said, impulsively throwing all caution to the winds.

“Excuse me?” she asked with a curious smile on her face. “How much do you know about eating pussy, young lady?”

“You’d be surprised,” I countered.

“Oh,” she said, her eyes widening in astonishment as my words sank in. I had a feeling that she understood exactly what I meant.

“What about you, Mom?” I asked her softly. “Have you ever…?”

She was silent for a moment, obviously thinking, then finally spoke. “When I was in college, I had a lesbian relationship with my roommate Vicky,” she murmured, then arched an eyebrow. “Are you shocked, hon?”

“No, why should I be? Making love with women is an incredible experience,” I replied.

“So you have slept with other girls.” she asked.

“Oh yes… and loved it,” I said, my heart pounding like a triphammer. I handed her a pair of fiery red panties that matched the dress perfectly. “Here — try these on, Mom.”

She made no move to take them, just gazed at me thoughtfully. “Do you think you might be a lesbian?” she asked.

“Just because I like to fuck women doesn’t make me gay,” I said. “I do prefer them, though. It’s been months since I last fooled around with a guy.”

“Well, I thought I might be a lesbian back in those days. I was very much in love with Vicky, you know,” Mom said wistfully. “I have to admit, I’ve thought about getting involved with another woman since your father left.”

I was nearly trembling with excitement, trying not to let my mother notice. “You’re just bisexual like me, Mom. Nothing wrong with that.” Again I held the red panties out to her. “Here, put these on.”

She plucked them from my hand. “I should warn you, these will look pretty funny on me. It’s been awhile since I’ve shaved down there,” she said, stepping into the panties and tugging them up. Lifting the skirt, she displayed herself to me. “How does it look?”

She was right — her dark pubic curls were thick enough to show around the crotch. Somehow, though, I found the sight incredibly sexy.

“Oh, not too bad. Here, I’ll try to tuck most of it inside,” I quickly said, dropping to my knees in front of her, my face just inches from her cunt.

I started to work along the edge of the elastic, pushing her pubic hair beneath the front of her panties. I let my fingers slip a little deeper each time, until they were brushing my mother’s labia. In no time at all I felt her sex beginning to grow wet — and she was making definite sounds of pleasure. As for me, my heart was pounding so frantically that she must have been able to hear it.

Unable to restrain myself another second, I reached up to grasp the waistband of the red undies and slid them down Mom’s thighs to her feet, baring her cunt. The aroma of womanly heat filled my nostrils. With trembling fingers, I reached out and stroked the warm, moist flesh.

“Oh, Cheri… it’s been so long since a woman has touched me that way,” she moaned as I teased her clitoris with my fingertips. “Don’t stop!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” I said, leaning in to lick my mother’s slit. I ran my tongue along her labia as slowly and sensuously as possible, ending up with her clit between my lips.

“Oh my God, yes. I’d almost forgotten how good that feels. OH! Oh yes!” she gasped as she sat back on the bed, and I began to eat her cunt like a lover.

I took both thumbs and parted her labia. She spread her thighs wide, opening herself to me, and I eagerly took what she had to give. I licked and sucked at my mother, savoring her smell, her wetness, her heat, her taste — incredible!

Finally, seeing she was about to come, I trailed my hand down to Mom’s butt crack and slowly inserted a finger into her anus as I sucked her clit into my mouth.

Mom was thrashing about on the bed helplessly. She was coming like a wild beast might, wailing and moaning in ecstasy. Her cunt was a river, and I drank deep from my mother, loving every drop. My finger pumped in and out of her rectum as I finished her off.

Her body slowly relaxed into stillness, except for the rise and fall of her chest that accompanied each drawn breath.

I sat back on my heels and gazed lovingly at my beautiful mother, happy and glowing in the aftermath of sexual pleasure. And I had given it to her!

She finally sat up and looked down at me. Her face was flushed as she continued to draw deep breaths. “Oh, honey,” she sighed, “that was incredible… I don’t think anyone’s ever made me feel so good before.”

“I love you, Mom,” I said, still on my knees before her.

“I love you too, my darling daughter,” she whispered, extending a hand to me. “Kiss me, Cheri. I want to taste my pussy on your mouth.”

I crawled into my mother’s arms. We looked into each other’s eyes for a long time, then came together in a tender kiss that quickly grew heated and hungry. Her lips were soft and yielding, her tongue eager and sweet. As we kissed, her hands claimed my breasts, brushing my nipples through the faded Buster Keaton t-shirt I wore.

“You are so beautiful, Cheri,” she said, pulling away to smile at me, “you remind me of myself when I was your age.” She giggled. “Wow — it’s like I’m fucking a younger version of me. Kinky, huh?”

We kissed again. It was deep and sexy and her hands were all over me. Mom tugged my t-shirt up and off, then unfastened my bra as I kicked away my sneakers. Kneeling before me, she slid my shorts and thong down in one fluid motion.

Now that I was as naked as Mom, she drew me into a warm embrace, where we just necked for a long time. Then she slid between my legs and began to feast on my pussy.

She was an expert, bringing me to the brink of climax, only to pull back and then start all over again. She continued loving me this way until I could hold out no longer. “Oh, Mom — I’m coming!” I cried out.

She spread my legs, plunging her tongue deep into my cunt, and I exploded in an orgasm that felt like the Fourth of July. She literally drank from me as I lay in a puddle of languid pleasure.

Later we showered together, taking the opportunity to make each other come with soapy fingers. After toweling one another dry, we cuddled naked on the sofa, occasionally sharing long, deep kisses.

By the time Julia came home, Mom and I were dressed. When the car pulled up, the rear door opened and out stepped my fourteen-year-old sister. She gave a quick goodbye to whoever was driving, then turned to me, beaming as her friends drove away.

Wow! I recognized her face, but Julia’s body was something else again. She was now a blooming young woman, not the skinny kid I used to know. She was now tall and slim, with an impressive pair of breasts that rose and fell with each breath she took. Her tummy was flat and smooth, and she had long, sun-tanned legs.

My baby sister was gorgeous–and the sight of her was causing tingling sensations between my thighs that were all too familiar.

“Cheri!” she squealed as she ran to me and practically threw herself into my arms.

“Julia, you are so, so beautiful!” I exclaimed as I felt her breasts press against mine, causing my nipples to stiffen like they had when I’d held Mom.

“I’ve missed you so much,” she said, and I could feel deep flickerings of arousal surge through my body. Jesus — was I getting hot for my sister now?

“I’ve missed you too, sis,” I murmured as we broke our embrace. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught my mother’s knowing look. Then I realized that she’d seen my erect nipples through the thin material of my halter top.

“Let’s go inside and have supper, girls,” my mother advised, a thoughtful smile on her lips.


The next morning, we three were sitting around the table, eating breakfast, chatting about anything and everything. Mom wore a t-shirt and panties, and seeing her had me all hot and bothered again. The sexy glances she kept giving me when Julia wasn’t looking only sharpened my desire.

It was nice to have my baby sister around, but at the same time I looked forward to being alone with Mom so she and I could fuck. Then again, this newly realized attraction to my sister was working its own special magic…

“Let’s go take a dip at the swimming hole,” Julia suggested. “We can go the long way and have a nice hike through the woods, the way we used to do.”

“Sounds good, let’s go!” I said, grinning with excitement..

“Cool!” Julia giggled. “I just bought a hot new bathing suit and I’m dying to try it out.” She rose and started gathering up the breakfast dishes.

“Oh, just run along,” Mom said, “Leave the dishes to me. I’ll bet you two have a lot of catching up to do.” She turned away from the sink. “Tell you what — I’ll meet you both out there later, around noon or so. I feel like swimming, too.” She gave me a look from behind Julia’s back that had my pussy tingling.

“Okay, Mom, see you there,” Julia said, and the two of us hurried upstairs to dress.

Fifteen minutes later, my sister and I were hiking down the trail toward the quarry. She’d decided to wear short shorts and a tube top. As I marched along, watching Julia in front of me, I felt myself growing more and more aroused by my newly ripened sister.

Those shorts were riding up on her, giving me some amazing glimpses of her ass until she tugged them back down. I was only sorry that I didn’t have a better view of Julia’s front side, because I knew that her breasts had to be bouncing deliciously beneath that flimsy top.

After a while, Julia gave up the battle with her shorts which, by then, had crept quite snugly into the crack of her ass. Catching up to her when we were out in the open again, I glanced down and could practically see the outline of my baby sister’s vulva. Mmmm, she looked yummy.

“So… how’s your love life?” I asked, wanting to know her feelings about sexuality, figuring if I could keep the conversation spicy, Julia would find herself getting hot and bothered. “Are you still a virgin?”

“Cheri!” she blurted, her cheeks gone a very fetching shade of pink. Then she giggled. “God, you still know just how to get a rise out of me. No, I’ve got a boyfriend now — you remember Herman Hazel’s little brother Sam? He was my first. My only, actually.”

“Good for you!” I was thrilled to know that my sister was sexually experienced, even if it was only with a boy. “So… is the sex good? He keeping you satisfied?”

She hesitated, then spoke. “Well… I kinda have a problem with that, Cheri.”

“What do you mean?”

“Cheri, I don’t want to shock you, but… oh, I don’t know, I think there’s something totally messed up with me.”

“Why? What’s the matter?” I asked, growing intrigued.

“Well, Sam and I, um, do it as often as we can… but — oh, I don’t know, he’s good, but somehow it’s just not enough.” She sighed heavily and continued. “I can’t stop thinking about sex… and it seems as if everything turns me on. I can be sitting behind my desk, doing homework… and all of a sudden I’m tingling all over, and my panties are wet.” She paused, lost in thought for a bit, then gave me a stricken look. “God, Cheri… I’ve even been checking out girls! When we’re all taking showers after gym, I keep noticing how, um, cute some of them are.” She paused, gave me a troubled look. “I can’t even tell you the weirdest part. You’ll think I’m such a pervert!”

Okay, I couldn’t let her get away with that. “Julia, I promise that nothing you think or feel would make me think badly of you. If something’s bothering my little sister, I want to help.”

She sighed, shrugged. “Oh, okay, I’ll tell you… but if you make fun of me, I’ll rip your hair out.” Taking a deep breath, she plowed ahead. “Last week, I got turned on when Mom and I were changing clothes. I saw her naked and it made me hotter than hell.”

Oh. My. God. My heart was pounding frantically, my cunt throbbing with lust, and I had to hide it from my baby sister.

I spoke, trying to keep any trace of excitement from my voice. “Oh, Julia. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re simply a very sensual person.”

“But getting excited over Mom?” she grimaced.

“She’s a very sexy lady.” I said. “You saw a woman nude, you thought she looked hot, and it got you aroused. Simple as that.” By then, we were drawing near the swimming hole.

“I don’t know, Cheri,” she said, setting her backpack down on the ground. “I admit that I’ve been thinking about, uh, fooling around with, y’know, another girl… but c’mon, a girl shouldn’t get turned on by her own mother!”

“Listen to me, sis,” I said, taking off my t-shirt and baring my breasts, trying to make it seem completely casual. “Sex fantasies are something that all normal people have, and you can’t exactly control them. Best to just enjoy the feeling.”

She made a helpless gesture. “But I’m always getting so, so damn horny… and it drives me nuts!”

I gave her the most sultry gaze I could. “You’re feeling that way right now… aren’t you, Julia?”

“Yes,” she said lowering her head, her cheeks flushed. “Even now, just looking at you with your top off. You’re so damn sexy, sis… I can’t help getting aroused, even by you.” She gave a wail of despair. “Oh, God… what is the matter with me!?”

“I don’t mind,” I said soothingly, placing a hand on her arm, “I think you look pretty hot yourself.”

She gave me a disbelieving look. “Then it’s, like, natural for us to — to both be turned on by each other?”

“Julia,” I murmured, moving closer, “would you like to touch my breasts?”

She flushed, but then slowly nodded her head. “Yeah… yeah, I would, but you’re my sister. I shouldn’t want to. It’s wrong!”

I brought my mouth close to her ear and whispered, “Why don’t you forget that we’re sisters for now,” then flicked her earlobe with the tip of my tongue.

“I… I’ve never fooled around with another girl. I wouldn’t know how,” she mumbled, looking at the ground, awkwardly playing with her fingers.

“Just touch me the way you like to be touched,” I murmured, reaching for her hands and placing them on my breasts.

Julia began to gently fondle my tits; her fingers brushing the tips of my nipples. They stiffened instantly to her caress. My sister’s eyes were alight with mounting excitement as her touches grew bolder.

Wanting to join in the fun, I tugged Julia’s tube top down to her waist and gently cupped her bare breasts. She drew a shaky breath. I began to roll her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, and she shivered.

“Oh Cheri, that feels so good,” she breathed. I could feel her heart pounding.

“I love you, Julia,” I crooned, my hands slipping down to her hips, drawing her into my embrace. Her eyes widened as my mouth sought hers. My sister froze in shock for a few seconds, then her lips parted to accept my tongue — and she melted into my arms as our kiss grew hot and passionate.

Breaking our kiss, I gazed deep into my sister’s eyes. She was flushed, breathing hard.

“I’m going to teach you how two women make love,” I said as I slowly dropped to my knees in front of her, grasped the waistband of her tight shorts, and began to wriggle them down over her hips. I was surprised and thrilled to see that she’d gone without wearing panties.

“Damn, sis,” I said as I eased the shorts down her legs, “your pussy is beautiful…” I paused to savor the thick, musky scent of her, “…and you smell terrific!”

Julia stepped out of her shorts, then tugged off the tube top that now encircled her belly. She stood before me completely naked, her lightly-downed cunt inches from my face. “What are you going to show me?” she breathed, her fear now completely gone.

I put my hands on Julia’s ass and drew her to me. My tongue snaked out and licked gently at her slit. “Oh,” she breathed. “Oh my God.”

My mouth was soft as a feather on my sister’s sex… at first. But I soon became aggressive, lavishing hot, sucking kisses between her creamy thighs, then pushing my tongue into the liquid fire of her cunt. She was delicious.

I could feel her legs trembling, so I pulled back and smiled up at her. “Let’s spread out the blanket… I want you to sit on my face.”

She laid our old Star Wars blanket out while I kicked off my shoes, then my shorts and panties. Soon I was flat on my back, hungry for Julia’s pussy.

“C’mon, baby sister,” I crooned, idly brushing my moistened cleft with a fingertip. Gingerly she knelt above my face, then lowered her cunt to my eager mouth.

I began licking as much of my sister as I could reach, from her vagina to her clit. Her thighs gripped my face as she rode my tongue and mouth for all she was worth.

“Oh, lick me, Cheri, eat me — OHHHH!” she cried out.

I reached up and gently spread her open. Pointing my tongue, I pushed it as deep as I could into her cunt, then began thrusting in and out. She was rocking back and forth on my face and fondling her breasts, eyes closed, mouth open, quivering with pleasure.

“Oh, God, I’m ready now. G-get me off, please,” Julia gasped… and I quickly moved to take her clit between my lips.

“Yes! Oh shit, yes,” she cried as she ground her dripping slice down onto my chin. I could feel her convulse in ecstasy atop me, her wetness slowly oozing down my cheeks.

Finally, she rolled off my face and lay flat on the faded blanket beside me. I nuzzled her face and neck as she slowly recovered.

“Oh, Cheri… what have we done?” she gasped, peering up at the sky.

“Well, offhand, I would say I ate your pussy… and, by the sound of it, you loved every second,” I said, catching my breath.

“That’s not what I meant,” she said. “We’re sisters, Cheri.”

“Right now, Julia, we’re just two women who had great sex.”

“Jeez, I’m sure glad Mom didn’t catch us,” she said, making a face. “We gotta clean ourselves up before she gets here.”

“Julia, all we did was give each other pleasure. Sharing an intimate experience. Nothing wrong with that.” I paused, then decided to tell my sister everything. “For that matter, if Mom were here… well, she probably would have joined in the fun.”

“Mom join in?” she said, propping herself up on an elbow and gaping at me in complete disbelief. “What are you, crazy? She’d never do that!”

I took a deep breath. “Back when Mom was in college, she and her roommate were lovers. And yesterday, before you got home… well, she and I got naked together and fucked.”

“Are you serious?” she asked in shock. “You, you did it with our mother!?”

“Yeah, Julia.” I replied, looking her straight in the eye. “I ate her pussy… and she ate mine.”

“Wow…” my sister whispered, utterly dazed.

“She’s a very good lover, too,” I said. “Now forget this silly hangup of yours about incest, okay? Let’s just enjoy each other.” I reached for her, drawing her into a loving embrace.

We kissed gently, then Julia suddenly pulled back. “Wait, wait. You mean to say, when I was getting, you know, all sexed up over Mom… she might’ve wanted to make love to me? Right then and there?”

“Well, I wasn’t there to see, but I bet she would have if the mood was right. She was probably just as worked up as you were. More, maybe.”

“God, that’s so freaky…” Julia breathed. Then her mouth sought out mine again, and I could tell from the intensity of her kiss that my revelations about making love with our mother had that dirty imagination of hers running wild. Finally, she broke our kiss and sat up, flashing me a naughty smile. “Close your eyes, sis.”

Ready for anything, I lay back, loving the feel of the sun on my bare skin.

A few seconds later, a pair of hands gently spread my legs apart. Julia’s fingers traced a path along the inside of my thigh, moving steadily closer to her big sister’s exposed cunt. I shivered, aching for her caress.

My labia were parted by careful fingers, and I could feel Julia’s breath, warm against the moist flesh. It was obvious that she had never done this before, but I found her inexperience thrilling. She ran her finger over my clit, and I could feel my entire body pulse to her touch.

“Um… I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do,” Julia said.

“It’s easy, sis — just like I told you before. If you know how to touch yourself, then you’ll know how to touch me,” I directed her without moving.

She was gentle and her soft touch was making my head swim. Julia spread my cunt open again… and I felt her tongue lash out and flick once at my clit. A moan escaped from my throat and it seemed to encourage her. Suddenly she was licking and kissing my pussy with a fervent passion. My body began to tremble as my baby sister ate me.

I could feel her little finger creep into my ass crack, and gasped out loud as she slid that invading finger deep in my rectum. Julia then began finger fucking my ass and licking me at the same tempo. The harder I bucked my hips to meet her probing tongue, the faster she worked my asshole.

Suddenly I was coming so hard that I nearly passed out. There was a long low moan that broke the silence of the clearing, rising to a wild, feral cry… and it was a moment before I realized it had issued from my mouth. My pleasure swiftly mounted to an unimaginable peak, then slowly faded, leaving me glowing all over.

“Julia, that was… it was beautiful!” I panted, relaxing into the blanket’s softness.

“I made you come,” she announced in awe, laying her cheek on my inner thigh while slowly removing her finger from my ass.

“You did, sis… and it was fucking great,” I purred.

She crawled into my arms, and we lay quietly for a long while.

“So you had sex with Mom, huh?” she finally said. “How was it?”

“It was incredible. She’s been with women before, so she definitely knew what to do.”

“Wow,” Julia murmured. “I had no idea.” She nibbled thoughtfully at her lower lip. “Think she’d be into… well, doing it with me?”

“I don’t see how she could resist,” I laughed. “You’re pretty damn hot, sis. Speaking of which… are you ready for more?” I was lightly caressing her pussy.

“Oh, absolutely. God, I love the way you eat my pussy,” Julia moaned as my fingers found her clit, then grinned wickedly. “Can I lick you some more while you do it to me?”

“Come to me, baby,” I said as I rolled over on my back. She straddled my head with her knees, leaned down and began to lick me again. I reached up, grasped Julia by the hips, pulled her cunt down to my hungry mouth and plunged my tongue into her.

There we were, my own sister and I, feasting on each other when we heard the crunch of footsteps approach. We quickly disentangled, managing to sit up in time to see our mother arrive.

Mom was wearing a plaid shirt that was unbuttoned nearly all the way down the front, and it was obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra. The shorts she wore were cut off jeans… very cut off. Julia and I were sitting together on the blanket when she walked over to us.

“Don’t you both look cute,” she said, smiling, “I see my girls have been playing lesbian games.”

“What makes you say that?” Julia asked, making an attempt to keep a straight face.

“Besides the fact that you’re both sitting close on a blanket, completely naked? Well, I can tell by how wet your mouths and chins are. Also, this whole piece of land smells like pussy,” she noted, fanning the open front of her shirt to cool her breasts.

“You feeling hot, Mom?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, I am, honey… in more ways than one,” she smiled, unbuttoning her shirt, “so I’m going for a swim.”

She kicked off her boots, then dropped her shorts and stepped out of them, revealing that she wore no panties. The shirt was the next to go. Now gloriously naked, she stood before us for a moment, then strode over to the swimming hole and stepped in.

“Let’s go in too,” Julia urged.

“Okay,” I agreed, and the two of us raced to join Mom, plunging into the cool water.

We swam and played for a while, splashed each other and laughed like kids. It was something like a dream, cavorting nude in the water with my beautiful mother and sister.

Eventually, we climbed out and made our way to the blanket. There we sat cross-legged and engaged in woman talk.

“So, Mom,” I began, “I told Julia about what you and I did yesterday.”

“Oh, I figured you must have,” she laughed. “Was she shocked?”

“Sure, at first,” I replied, glancing at my blushing sister, “but she got pretty excited about it soon enough. Actually, just before you got here, Julia asked me if I thought you might want to fool around with her.”

“Did she, now?” Mom chuckled. “Well, I might be into that.”

“How come you didn’t make love to Cheri when she was a teenager… or ever make a move on me, for that matter?” Julia asked, “I mean, we could have handled it.”

“Oh, I wanted to, but I was afraid,” Mom answered. “You girls have no idea how many times in the last few years I wanted to take you both to bed with me.”

“So you’ve had those feelings all that time?” I asked. “God, that must have been hard to deal with. I only realized how much I wanted you yesterday.”

“Yeah, well, I survived,” she shot back, smiling wryly.

“Oh, Mom,” I murmured, dipping my head to nuzzle her neck, my hand covering her right breast, “you don’t have to hide your feelings any longer. We both want to make love to you.”

“That’s right,” Julia said, leaning in close to kiss her.

We made out with our mother until she was trembling with desire. Julia kissed her way down to Mom’s nipples, licking and sucking at each one in turn. I gently lay her back on the blanket and positioned myself between her thighs. Her pussy shone with wetness, and the smell of her made my mouth water. Licking my lips, I spread her cunt open, revealing her juicy pinkness. Using two fingers I slowly began to penetrate her while I flicked at her clit with my tongue.

With Julia pleasuring her breasts and me eating her pussy, Mom was soon bucking and moaning with pleasure. Then Julia finally moved down from Mom’s tits to join me at her cunt. I withdrew, allowing my sister to taste our mother for the first time. She buried her face between Mom’s legs, licking her with relish.

Mom and Julia were really getting into making love, so I sat back to watch for a bit. Julia moved her body around without ever leaving Mom’s pussy, positioning herself so her cunt was directly over Mom’s waiting mouth. As they settled into the sixty-nine position and went at each other, I marveled at the tenderness and passion I saw in their lovemaking, how much each one wanted to please the other.

My desire grown sharp once more, I crawled behind Julia, parted her cheeks and began licking her asshole. I love anal play and, from the sound of my sister’s ecstatic squeal, she enjoyed it more than a little herself.

I could tell that Julia and our mother were both reaching the pinnacle of orgasm at a high rate of speed… and sure enough, within a few seconds both women were crying out their muffled pleasure into each other’s cunts in a blinding dual climax. When it was over they both rolled aside, panting in the heat of lust and the warmth of the sun.

My cunt was already wet again just from watching my mother and sister make love, so I began to gently finger myself as they recovered from their workout. Julia opened her eyes to see me masturbating, and she slowly rose to her knees, crawled over to me and brushed my hand away from between my legs. She dipped her face down and licked me lovingly, her eyes never leaving mine.

Mom lay down next to me and began planting sugary kisses on my face, down my neck, around my ears… and finally, on my breasts, flicking my nipples with her tongue, then lightly biting them. Wanting her mouth on mine, I grabbed Mom and gave her a long, deep French kiss. Her tongue flashed to life to duel with mine, and she began to fondle my breasts, her hand gliding over my throbbing nipples.

As we kissed like lovers, I felt Julia pushing my knees up to my chest, tilting my hips back. I felt Julia’s warm tongue trail its way down to my anus, and I gasped into my mother’s mouth as my sister pleasured my ass like I had hers.

Mom’s hand stole its way between my legs and caressed my dripping pussy, gently at first… but within sixty seconds she was fucking me hard with two fingers and rubbing my clit with her thumb. Her pace increased in speed and the frantic pumping of her hand was driving me absolutely wild. Julia was really giving it to my asshole, and it seemed as though she enjoyed anal play as much as I did.

Deep down inside, I could feel my pleasure building in intensity. I knew it would only be a matter of time until I exploded. It built inside of me like a deep-banked warmth, then hit me with a searing flash of concentrated heat. Mom purred happily as I writhed and rocked to her touch, wetness oozing down the insides of my thighs. Julia was still licking the crease of my ass with slow, even strokes.

I came for what seemed an eternity, nearly screaming in ecstasy, finally begging Mom and Julia to stop before my heart gave out.

Utterly sated, I lay back on the blanket, basking in the sunshine. My mother and sister stroked and caressed me as we nestled lovingly in one another’s arms.


My Vacation with Cherry

  • Posted on April 30, 2015 at 10:47 pm

By JetBoy


I’d been working for weeks on a crucial assignment for the corporation. Once the project was done, I jumped at the chance to escape the business world for a well-earned holiday.

I booked an apartment in Spain for myself and my daughter Cherry. She was in need of a break as much as I was and eager to spend some quality time with me. Cherry was almost sixteen and gorgeous.

Our holiday apartment was in Cadiz, part of a small complex with its own private beach. It was a beautiful place, and we had high expectations of having an amazing two weeks there. As it turned out, that holiday would change our lives forever.

We arrived late, so the only thing we were fit for was a good night’s rest. The following morning, we took quick showers, then went into the village to buy some groceries. After returning to the flat and pitching in to make an excellent breakfast, we decided to get started on our suntans. I had my bikini on and had been sunbathing for some time when Cherry came out. I was surprised to see that she was still wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

“Why aren’t you wearing your bathing suit?” I asked.

She shrugged, “Oh, I forgot to pack it… gotta buy a new one, I guess.”

Later that evening, we went shopping for swimwear and managed to find a shop that sold some. They were much too modern for me — the tops were very brief and the bottoms were like G-strings — and nearly non-existent ones at that. I’d seen some girls wearing them and they looked almost naked. Cherry managed to persuade me, so I bought her one. I suspected that she’d had left her old, far more modest bathing suit at home on purpose, but I let it slide.

When we got back, Cherry immediately went to her room to try her new suit on. A few minutes later she reappeared, looking very sheepish. “I can’t wear this, Mom.” she said.

I studied her in that tiny bikini. My daughter had grown up quite a lot recently — she was no longer a girl but a young woman, and her body had matured accordingly. The bikini top barely covered her breasts and enhanced their size and shape. The bottoms were cut away to almost nothing, just a thin piece of material coming from between her buttocks to join the one around her waist. Her ass was very shapely and attractive.

It was obvious, though, why she couldn’t wear the bikini. Her briefs were so tiny that pubic hair was showing all around the triangle of cloth covering her mound.

“Oh, honey,” I hastened to reassure her, “you can wear that! You just need to trim yourself.”

Almost in tears, she said, “B-but Mom, I don’t know how to. I’ve never done anything like that before.”

Poor girl… it was my fault, really, I should have realized what might happen with such a small suit. Then again, how could have I known that Cherry had never shaved or trimmed her pubes before?

I calmed her down, telling her soothingly that she really should wear the bikini. It did look great on her, I had to admit — Cherry had ripened into a stunning young woman, and the new bathing suit showed her body off beautifully.

I was on the point of offering to lend her my own razor when, without even intending to, I said something else instead: “I’ll do it for you if you like.”

I could hardly believe my own ears, and my daughter couldn’t either — she just gaped at me. I could feel my heart beating faster as I staggered on, trying to sound much more offhand than I felt. “It’s easy, really, and once you know what to do you’ll be able to do it yourself. I’ve shaved and trimmed myself for years, after all. You’ve got to learn sometime, so it might as well be now, right?”

Cherry hesitantly nodded, so I took her hand and led her to my bedroom.

Once there, I instructed her, “Take the bottoms off… I’ll be right back.”

She was too surprised to protest, and I left to get my shaving things and a bowl of hot water. When I returned, I put a towel on the bed and said, “Sit down here.” Despite trying not to let myself think of this in a sexual way, the thought of what I was about to do had me strangely excited.

Cherry looked uncertain as she sat down. She hadn’t taken her suit off yet, so I folded my arms and asked, “Are you sure you want me to do this? You can say no if you want to.”

She nervously moistened her lips. “It’s okay, Mom… you can shave me, I d-don’t mind.”

She made no move to remove the bottom half of her suit, though. I wondered if she needed for me to undress her — and soon as that thought crossed my mind, I wanted to do just that. Grasping the waistband, I slowly pulled her bikini bottom off, then slowly parted her thighs until they were wide open.

Cherry’s pubic hair was lush, though not enough to completely conceal her slit. I made sure she was comfortable and told her to hold her legs so I could get to work.

I sat in front of my daughter, gazing at her open pussy. It had been a long time since I had seen her naked, and now I was about to begin a most intimate task.

I’d decided that it would be easier to shave her if her pubes were moistened, so I soaked a small towel in warm water first. I looked at her and thought, here goes, then started to wash between her milky white thighs — first with the towel, then with my fingers.

At first I felt nervous when I touched her there, but soon got over it. In fact, the feel of her vulva was strangely pleasing to me. I hadn’t realized it myself yet, but I was becoming sexually aroused.

I rinsed her and dried her with a soft towel, then sprayed on some foam and started to shave her. I started below her vagina, working upwards until her pink labia gradually came into view. Too late, I realized that I had shaved away more than I intended.

Oh well, I thought, might as well finish it properly.

I stopped when I reached the top of her labia and then did the sides to leave a strip of hair about four centimeters wide. I did the top then, so that it wouldn’t show above her suit. Finally, I trimmed the hair quite short and the job was done. I cleaned her up and looked at my handiwork. Not bad, I decided.

For the first time, I looked at my daughter as I would another woman… a woman who was sexually attractive. I had been bisexual for years, and had been far too long without making love to a female. My heart was pounding as I stared at my baby’s gorgeous pussy. Her labia were parted and her vagina was opened slightly.

I looked up at her face, and was surprised to see that she was lying back, looking dreamily at the ceiling, both hands covering her bare breasts. I hadn’t noticed her removing her top, and the realization that my daughter was now completely naked had me tingling all over, especially between my own legs. Was she feeling as aroused as I was? “All done,” I said.

Cherry gave a little start and sat up slowly. Smiling at her, I went to the dressing table to get a hand mirror. Offering it to her I said, “Have a look at yourself — I hope you like it.”

She put the mirror between her legs and her hand shot to her mouth. She looked at me and then back at her reflection, then reached down with her fingers and touched herself, tracing the outline of her labia, obviously pleased with her new look. Her mouth was slightly open, and the expression on her face clearly told me that Cherry was turned on.

As she gently toyed with her moist pussy, I felt a lump in my chest, my sudden need growing strong. I knew that I shouldn’t be feeling like this — after all, she is my daughter.

I watched as her fingers moved between her legs, Cherry’s eyes slowly drifting shut.

I was helpless with desire, and couldn’t stop myself for anything. Heart pounding frantically, I reached out to gently touch her pussy. She gasped softly and drew her hand away as my fingers came into contact with her most intimate place.

This is so fucking wrong, I told myself — feeling only elation as I ran my fingertips up and down the warm, moist vaginal cleft. I knew I was treading on dangerous ground, but my arousal could not be denied. Her chest was heaving as I grew more confident in touching her. She was wide open and so obviously willing — before I could stop myself, I’d worked my finger up to the hilt in Cherry’s vagina.

I pumped it in and out, then added a second finger, making my daughter cry out loud. Her clitoris now commanded my attention — I rubbed at it with my other hand, and Cherry began to writhe beneath me. In seconds she exploded in a frenzied climax, groaning in rapture as waves of pleasure swept through her body.

She flopped back as if exhausted and I reluctantly withdrew my hands from her body. Cherry slowly recovered as I lay down next to her, not knowing what to do or say. I was stunned speechless over what I’d just done.

She started to speak, then rolled onto her side to face me, briefly kissed my cheek and got to her feet, leaving the room without a word.

My arousal still far stronger than any guilt, I pulled off my shorts and panties, then threw them across the room. Legs spread wide, I masturbated in a frenzy until I erupted in orgasm, tasting Cherry’s pussy from the fingers of my other hand all the while.

When we met later we hardly spoke — though Cherry didn’t seem upset or angry, much to my relief. It was only later that night when we were washing up that my daughter and I managed to break the silence.

The dishes done, Cherry and I went into the lounge and sat together on the sofa. As we spoke, our conversation slowly became more intimate, until we finally talked about what had happened between us earlier in the day.

I admitted that I didn’t know what had come over me, but that I had enjoyed what I’d done, and that after she left the room I’d had to touch myself. I spoke of how much she had grown up, how beautiful she was — and how tempting. Finally, I told her about my sexual experiences with other women.

I took her hand and said, “I’m sorry if I went too far over the line with you today, honey. I love you more than anyone in the world, and I don’t want to damage our relationship.” My eyes were beginning to tear up. “If you want, baby… w-we can pretend that this afternoon didn’t happen.”

Cherry squeezed my hand and smiled. “Don’t cry, Mom,” she murmured. “I really liked what you did to me. I don’t want to forget that it happened.” She leaned in close to hug me. “I mean… you were just showing how much you love me, really. I thought it was sweet.” Her eyes were shining.

My arms wound their way around my daughter. “Oh, honey,” I sighed.

Gradually we sat back on the sofa and just gazed thoughtfully at each other. In spite of myself, I felt myself becoming aroused by Cherry once again. I reached out to touch her cheek. Her eyes locked with mine, and she slowly moistened her lips.

The urge I felt then was far too powerful to deny — I moved closer and kissed her mouth.

Cherry didn’t react right away… but then her lips parted for me, and suddenly we were kissing like lovers. My tongue darted into her mouth, and she matched my passion — her own tongue flashing to life, dancing with mine.

She threw her arms around me and pulled me closer to her. Intoxicated with desire, I slipped my hand beneath Cherry’s t-shirt and fondled her breasts, feeling her nipples stiffen as I brushed them with my fingertips.

A minute or so later, she pulled away. I was afraid that my daughter was having second thoughts, but then she quickly unfastened my shirt and pushed it from my shoulders. I leaned forward so that she could wrestle it off, leaving me naked to the waist.

I closed my eyes, surrendering to the moment. Cherry’s hands were warm on my skin as they wandered over my heaving breasts, then I felt her breath as her mouth closed over my right nipple. I gasped out loud, cradling Cherry to me.

First one, then the other, then back again, my daughter pleasured my breasts with her mouth. By now I didn’t give a damn about the consequences of our actions, and neither did she — Cherry and I wanted each other and we both knew it. She sat up, took my face in her hands, and kissed me passionately.

With a bad-girl grin, she unfastened my shorts and tugged them down and off, along with my panties. This was an aggressive side to my daughter that I had never seen before, and it turned me on so much that I was nearly shaking.

She pushed me down on the sofa — and with no hesitation, Cherry knelt between my thighs, planting her mouth right on my juicy cunt.

I whimpered “Oh… my baby girl,” as she licked and sucked frantically at my pussy. My clitoris was on fire as she nibbled at it, then she plunged her tongue deep into me, then licked her way back to my clit again.

Every atom of me was on fire, my body aching for release — and suddenly, with barely time to take a quick breath, it came.

I exploded in a frenzied climax, my body shuddering with one convulsion of pleasure after the next. With a strangled cry I jerked and thrashed until I finally lay exhausted, Cherry gently nuzzling my throbbing sex.

As I recovered, I felt my daughter crawl into my arms, nuzzling my face and neck. I could have lay there forever enjoying my sweet child’s attention, but I wanted to pleasure her now.

Raising myself, I knelt in front of Cherry and pulled her shorts off. She raised her hips to help me as she stripped off her shirt. When she was naked, my daughter lay back on the sofa, opened her legs and displayed her pussy for me the second time that day.

I didn’t need any invitation. Leaning forward, I trailed my tongue up and down her juicy crack, than began to eat her in earnest. My baby’s cunt was scrumptious — I couldn’t get enough of her.

Before long she was wriggling in delight… and then she grabbed the back of my head and held my face between her legs, crying out “Oh Mom, oh Mom, oh Mom…” as she climaxed.

By now we were both exhausted… so I took my daughter’s hand and led her to my bed. We slipped beneath the sheets, still naked, and held each close as we kissed goodnight.

She fell asleep quickly, but I lay awake for a long time with my child’s nude body in my arms. I’d made love to women before, but it was nothing like tonight.

Finally I drifted into slumber, where my dreams were of nothing but Cherry.

I was making breakfast the following morning when my daughter walked into the kitchen, wearing her t-shirt and shorts. She looked at me a bit nervously, unsure what to say.

I opened my arms and she broke into a smile, then raced across the kitchen and into my embrace.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you too,” she replied very quietly.

My lips sought out hers — and when they met, her tongue slipped into my mouth. Kissing hungrily, we began to touch one another. My hand slid down the back of my daughter’s shorts to cup her buttocks. Mmmm… Cherry hadn’t bothered with panties.

My fingers probed her butt crack, stroking her anus. Her eyes widened as I pushed my finger into her rectum and fingered her hole. God, I could already smell her pussy.

I nibbled at her ear, then whispered, “Honey… take your shorts off, then lean over the dining room table.”

Her eyes shining with excitement, she slowly stripped naked — taking her time just to tease me, even though I knew she wanted to make love as much as I did. Finally she placed both hands on the tabletop, lowering her face to the table until her cheek rested against the olive-green surface.

Kneeling behind Cherry, I took a moment to admire her shapely ass, then leaned in close to softly kiss it. She inhaled sharply as I nipped lightly at one buttock — then I slowly parted her cheeks, licking my lips at the sight of her rosebud. The ass is one of my favorite parts of a woman, and I was determined to enjoy the delights of Cherry’s adorable bottom right then and there.

I placed a soft kiss on her anus, then my tongue emerged to lightly lick at her crack. “Oh… Mom!” she gasped, suddenly trembling with excitement. I burrowed my face between her cheeks, licking her asshole harder now. She was moaning happily, loving the way my wicked tongue probed her most private place.

As I rimmed Cherry, my hand slid up her leg and along the inner thigh to nestle in my daughter’s now dripping pussy. I caressed her labia for a minute of so, thrilled by the sound of her growing pleasure.

“Oh, M-Mom… fuck! Please, don’t tease me,” she panted, “make me come!”

So I slid two fingers into her cunt with one slow, steady stroke. As she cried out loud, I firmly brushed her clit with my thumb.

That did it. Cherry nearly screamed, her body shaking and shuddering in a convulsive climax. I continued to pleasure my daughter, licking and fingering her until she gasped, “Okay, Mom, y-you can stop… I’m — I’m good.”

Rising to my feet, I led a panting Cherry over to the sofa to cuddle with me. Her face was flushed, her hair askew, her body glowing from lovemaking… God, she was more beautiful than I’d ever seen her.

I thought Cherry would need to rest awhile, but once we sat down together, she was ready for action. Her mouth sought out mine in a passionate French kiss, and her hands were beneath my robe, exploring my nude body. She wrenched the terrycloth garment from my shoulders and tossed it aside. “Mom,” she breathed, her fingers brushing my wet pussy, “you are so beautiful… so desirable.” She kissed me again, her tongue flashing quickly in my mouth for an instant, then lay back on the sofa, eyes shining with love.

“I want to lick your pussy, Mom,” she purred, palming her breasts, licking her lips sexily to underscore her request, “come sit on my face.”

I was only too happy to oblige my sexy daughter. Straddling her face, I could clearly see how excited Cherry was, and how much she wanted to taste me. Her mouth opened in expectation as I lowered myself to her face, offering my cunt to my new lover.

Her lips lightly brushed my labia… and I whimpered. She trailed soft kisses all over my mound, teasing me mercilessly. I bit my lip, body trembling with need. I wanted to scream as she continued to nuzzle my now dripping cunt.

Finally, Cherry took pity on me. Covering my slit with her mouth, she began to eat me out in a frenzy. She had me so worked up that I was coming in my daughter’s face within seconds. I let her take me through at least three orgasms before making her stop.

I lay next to Cherry, squeezing myself alongside her on the couch, and kissed her wet mouth, loving the taste of my cunt on her lips. We lay cuddled together a long time, whispering words of love and sharing sweet caresses, kissing again and again.


It turned out that Cherry had made love with girls before, and considered herself bisexual like I was. She’d never fantasized about becoming sexually intimate with me before, but I guess the circumstances of that day were enough to bring us together in a new loving relationship — one that went far beyond than that of mother and daughter.

We spoke of the future, and decided that we had to hold on to this beautiful thing she and I had stumbled into. I think we both knew, on that beautiful morning in Cadiz, that we were in love.

That was two years ago, and Cherry and I now share a bed. We are still sexually intimate, and plan to stay that way.


The Lost Girl Game, Chapter 5

  • Posted on April 30, 2015 at 8:06 pm

By Naughty Mommy

What an incredible day this was! All of my deepest, darkest sexual fantasies were being fulfilled at once. Although I didn’t believe in any sort of deity, I felt a strong urge to be thankful to someone, and it occurred to me that I should probably be most thankful to Angela — and also to Bambi, for choosing us in the first place!

I was certain by now that the little girl had not really been ‘lost’, that the whole thing had merely been a ruse, an act to lure Kelly and me to their hotel room so they could seduce us. And I was so glad they had!

“Will you let me do that with you, Mommy?” Kelly persisted.

“Of course, my love, of course.” I put my hand on her cheek and gently kissed her mouth. “Do you want to be on top, or do you want me on top?”

“Um, I guess I want to try it first with me on top. Is that okay?”

“Yes, baby, anything you want.”

I maneuvered around until I was in what felt like a comfortable position, and then my daughter mounted me. She looked down, making sure that her vulva was directly over mine, and lowered herself onto me.

Bambi and Angela were kneeling on the bed, facing each other. The little girl was holding her mother’s large breasts, licking and occasionally sucking her nipples, while Angela was rubbing her own pussy, but I saw that they were also watching us closely.

“Does this feel okay?” asked Kelly as she settled onto me.

“Yes, it feels nice,” I told her.

“Um, I don’t know exactly how to start,” she said in a soft voice.

“You have to go slow at first.” That was Bambi. “Go real slow for a while, until you feel it getting kinda wet and squishy between you, and then you can go faster. Try it!”

I smiled at Bambi and then at Kelly. My daughter smiled back and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “Okay, here goes,” she said.

My legs were open wide. Her slender 12-year-old body was on top of mine, her small breasts pressing into my larger ones. Her elbows were resting on the bed next to my side, and she had her hands on my shoulders. My hands were gently stroking her back.

Kelly looked into my eyes as she started moving against me. I felt a thrill as I realized what we were doing, a barely pubescent girl fucking her mother! I loved my daughter so much, and I wanted her equally as much.

I slid my hands down to her bottom, gently squeezing, encouraging her. She kept looking into my eyes, not saying anything, shifting her motions slightly, a little to one side, then the other, a little faster then a little slower, a little harder then a little softer. She sometimes made little mewling sounds when it seemed that we’d found an especially nice point of contact.

Then, almost in an instant, we arrived at the place Bambi had told us about. It was suddenly feeling very wet and squishy between us, as she’d said. I suppose what happened is that my daughter’s labia slipped between mine or something, but it was wonderfully, deliciously warm and intimate.

Kelly felt it too. Her eyes went wide and she breathed, “Oh, Mommy…”

“See, they’re doing it,” commented Bambi.

“Hush now, darling,” said her mother. “Let’s you and I be quiet and let them focus only on each other.”

For just a moment, when we reached that special point of closeness, Kelly stopped moving. Her breath caught and she trembled with excitement. Then she started sliding up and down on me again, faster now, her eyes still wide.

“Oh, Mommy,” she said, louder than before, and then she put her lips over mine, kissing me deeply, her tongue thrusting into my mouth.

I clutched my little girl’s bottom, holding her tightly, pulling her against me. I tried to lift my hips off the bed, opening my sex to her. I wanted her in me. I wanted her to come inside me somehow.

Kelly broke the kiss and pushed herself up on her hands, looking down at me. Her lips were wet, her pretty face flushed with passion. She moved faster and harder against me. “Mommy, Mommy… I…”

“Yes, baby, yes, baby, come for me!” I urged. “Come for Mommy! Fuck your mommy hard, little girl, fuck Mommy hard and make me come!!”

She stared into my eyes, her face pinched with all the sensations she was feeling. She moved harder and harder, faster and faster between my legs.

I could hear the squishy sounds of our pussies melding, could feel the hot slickness of my daughter’s cunt sliding into mine, could smell our juicy sex. I started coming.

“Kelly! Kelly! Fuck me, baby! Fuck me, I ——” and that was all I could say.

My body went rigid beneath hers. I wanted to scream, my orgasm was so intense. It pounded inside me like a hammer. I wanted to scream but I had no breath.

“Mommy… Mommy…” I heard Kelly whimpering, and then she was coming too. She fell against me, shuddering and moaning, her hands on my breasts, her panting, sweaty face hot against my neck, her young body convulsing.

I wrapped my legs around her legs, my arms around her back.

“Oh my baby,” I said, my breath finally returning, “oh my sweet girl, my precious girl, oh I love you so much.”

I rubbed my hands on her, feeling the warm slipperiness of her skin, loving how our bodies were so close now, meshed so perfectly. At my center, there was still a faint throbbing, and I could feel the heat from my little girl’s sex as it nestled inside mine.

After a long time, I opened my eyes. I looked over at Angela. She was on her knees between her 9-year-old daughter’s open legs, licking her. She noticed me watching them and gave me a wink. I smiled.

Kelly finally stirred and gently lifted herself, rolling off of me. I turned to face her, caressing her body and kissing her mouth. “Thank you, darling,” I whispered.

She held my face and smiled into my eyes. “Oh, Mommy, that was so awesome.”

“Yes, it sure was,” I chuckled.

She pushed herself up on an elbow to check on the others. When she saw Angela licking her little girl, her eyes went wide again. “Wow, those two are unbelievable.”

“Aren’t they?”

Then Kelly’s hands were on my breasts, fondling them. She pinched my nipples and leaned down, taking the hard tips into her mouth, one at a time, biting and licking and sucking them. I groaned in pleasure, stroking her hair.

My daughter played with my nipples for several minutes, making me ecstatic with joy. Then she slid down between my legs, pushing my thighs apart. I lifted my head to look at her. She smiled and said, “I want to try licking you.”

I closed my eyes and laid back, holding my breasts in my hands, squeezing the nipples. I felt my little girl’s hot breath between my thighs, her fingers tenderly opening my labia, her lips kissing me there.

I felt her tongue bathing my sex, tasting me, licking me, searching until she found my clit, and then sucking it. I felt a finger go inside me. My pussy was so wet and so open, she easily slid another finger into me. She licked my clit and fucked me with her fingers and I was getting very close.

Then her tongue moved down. Her lips covered my sex, her tongue slid deep inside me, into my vagina — my own precious daughter was fucking my cunt with her tongue!

I came hard, my thighs clamping around her head. I shivered and shook, unaware of anything in the world except the white-hot orgasm my little girl was giving me.

For at least several seconds, I don’t know for how long, we stayed that way, my body in the throes of a long climax, one spasm after another surging through me. I held my breasts in my hands, my eyes were tightly closed… and then, at last, when I was finally able to regain control of myself, I looked down and realized that I had Kelly’s head firmly trapped between my legs. Could she even breathe?

I quickly opened my thighs, and my daughter raised her face to look up at me. She was smiling, her eyes hooded, her lips and chin covered in my orgasmic juices — literally dripping from her.

“That was fun,” I giggled. “But are you okay, honey? I didn’t squeeze you too hard between my legs, did I?”

“I’m fine,” she said with a grin, rubbing the back of her neck. “I almost suffocated, but it was a good kind of suffocation.”

We laughed together. Then we heard Bambi squealing, and we both turned to look.

Angela was sitting on her haunches. She held her little girl in her arms, upside down, facing away from her, her arms wrapped tightly around the child’s waist. Bambi’s head was on the bed, her thin legs were slung over her mother’s shoulders, and Angela had her lips planted on her daughter’s pussy, her tongue sliding up and down through the girl’s slit.

Bambi was coming in her mother’s mouth.

When Bambi finished climaxing, Angela set her gently down on the bed, leaned over and kissed her child on the lips. They cuddled together for a few moments, smiling and kissing and tenderly caressing.

As Kelly and I watched them, I marveled at what an amazing turn our lives had taken in one short afternoon. She and I were now lesbian lovers, thanks to the eager encouragement of Angela and her precocious little daughter.

Would we stay that way forever? Or would it only be a passing thing? I had no way of knowing, of course, and I contented myself by recognizing that what we had experienced today was a wonderful gift, and whatever more there was to come, and however long it lasted, I would treasure this special time in our lives.

Angela sat up on the bed, stretching. I admired her long, golden, perfectly shaped body. “Well, I’m getting hungry,” she said. “Is anyone ready for dinner?”

“I am!” answered Bambi, kicking her little legs in the air.

I didn’t know what time it was, but I was hungry too. I hadn’t eaten anything since coffee and toast at breakfast.

“Okay, let’s get dressed, and then I’ll take us all out to that restaurant on the second floor of the hotel, Jameson’s. It’s supposed to be very good.”

“But that place is expensive,” I began, feeling like a rube as soon as I’d said it. “And besides, we’ve already overstayed our welcome with you.”

“Oh, nonsense,” Angela said with a wave of her hand, “we love having you here with us.”

“Well, if we do go out to eat, I insist on paying for at least half the check.”

“No, you will not. You are our guests. This is our special treat, mine and Bambi’s for you and your precious daughter.” Angela winked at Kelly, who hunched her shoulders and grinned shyly at her.

“But —” I tried to protest.

“I’ll not hear another word about it. This is our treat, and that’s final.” The woman crawled to me on the bed, took my chin firmly in her hand and said, “Don’t make me discipline you, young lady.”

Bambi laughed and clapped, and I had to giggle too.

“All right,” I said, “I can see there’s no arguing with you.”

“That’s right,” agreed Angela, as she got up from the bed, again stretching her long, shapely limbs.

“We’ll have to get washed up,” I started to say, and then I realized something. “But, wait, I don’t think I have, or Kelly has, the right kind of clothes with us for such a nice restaurant.”

“Well let’s see,” said Angela, thinking. “You were wearing that sexy swishy skirt with a silk top. Those are just fine, although you would do me a great favor, Sharon, if you did not wear panties or a bra under your clothes when we go down to dinner.”

“Ooh, yeah,” said Bambi.

“And if you want,” continued Angela, “you can wear a pair of my high heels with your outfit. They’d do wonders for your pretty legs.”

I blushed, happy to receive the compliment. I was mostly thinking, though, about how naughty it would be to go out in public, to a fancy restaurant, not wearing a bra or even any panties. I had never done that before!

“Kelly, if you want to, you can wear your jeans and your little top. That wouldn’t present any problem at all, I’m sure. But on the other hand, you’re also more than welcome to go look through Bambi’s dresses and pick out one you’d like to wear tonight. You girls are almost the same size, except Bambi’s a little thinner. So, depending on the dress you choose, it might fit you a little tightly. I certainly would not complain about that, though.” She winked again at my daughter, who giggled and blushed.

“Come on, let’s go see which ones you like!” Bambi jumped off the bed, grabbed Kelly’s hand and the two little girls ran naked from the room.

“Kelly, make sure you wash up first before you get dressed,” I called after them.

“Okay, Mom!”

“That’s a good idea,” agreed Angela. “Before we start putting clothes on, why don’t you and I freshen up too?”

She took my hands in hers, helped me down off the bed, kissed me warmly on the mouth, and then led me into the adjoining bathroom.

It was huge. Definitely more of a bathroom suite than just a bathroom.

There was that gigantic whirlpool tub, easily big enough to fit all four of us, I thought lasciviously. There was a stall shower with two seats and two nozzles, a double vanity, a separate room with a toilet and a bidet, and a large walk-in closet or dressing room, where I could see two open trunks along with several dresses on hangers.

We washed our hands and faces at the double sink. She opened her makeup case between us and offered to let me use any of her cosmetics that I wanted. I had my own makeup in my purse in the other room, but I couldn’t resist trying some of hers. I was sure they must be expensive, the very top of the line.

We made up our faces, sitting naked next to each other on little padded stools. When we were finished, Angela turned to me, studied me closely, then took my face in her hands and softly kissed my lips, letting her tongue just tease the opening to my mouth.

She pulled away, smiling. “You are a delicious young woman.”

“Oh, um, thank you.” I blushed again, but then I took her hands in mine. “And, Angela, I just want to thank you for, for everything. You’ve been so kind to me and Kelly, and I, I just can’t tell you how much I appreciate the things you’ve helped us discover today.”

She smiled and kissed me once again, just brushing our lips together so as not to disturb our makeup. “I’m so glad that my little girl chose you, and your precious Kelly too. It has been our pleasure. We are the ones who are very grateful that you have trusted us and let us get so close to you.”

I put my hands on the woman’s astonishing breasts.

“Now I’m starting to think,” I told her, “that I’m not so hungry after all. Not for food anyway. I’d really like to lick your pussy right now.”

“Ooh, darling,” said Angela, “you’re making me wet again. I’ll be dripping down my legs when we walk into the restaurant.”

I grinned at her and squeezed her tits.

“But seriously,” she said, “there will be time for that later, I promise. And yes, I would truly love to have your tongue inside my hole.”

She extended her tongue and we kissed that way for another moment or two, just our two tongues caressing, and then she pulled away.

“Now, you go put your clothes on — but remember, no undies! — and then come back here and we’ll pick out some shoes for you.”

“Okay.” On impulse, though, I leaned down and gave one of her breasts a lick, teasing the hard nipple with my tongue and taking it briefly between my teeth.

“Mmm,” she sighed, “what a naughty girl you are. Your daughter is very lucky.”

“As is yours,” I grinned, then walked naked from the room in search of my top and skirt.

I found them where I had left them and pulled them on. I also went back to Angela’s bedroom and retrieved my panties and bra, tucking them into my purse.

I went to look at myself in the large mirror over the antique dresser in her room. I shifted slowly back and forth, watching my breasts move under the clingy silk top. My nipples showed clearly through as if I was wearing nothing at all. And beneath the three gauzy layers of my skirt, each layer mostly sheer, I had no panties on. I knew that if someone looked at me in that skirt, in just the right light, they would be able to see everything I had. That was such a racy idea it made me start getting wet again. I’ll be like Angela, I thought, with my pussy dripping down my leg as we walk into the high-class restaurant.

“Oh, there you are,” said the tall blonde, now even taller in a pair of black pumps with four-inch heels. The woman towered over me. She was wearing a black leather miniskirt that came to mid-thigh. Her legs were bare, and I knew that under the short skirt there were no panties. Above the skirt, she had on a tight blue cashmere sweater with a deeply cut V-neck. Of course, she wore no bra.

She took my hand and led me to the dressing room. I couldn’t believe what I saw. In a large trunk, specially designed to hold shoes, were at least three dozen pairs — just for a weekend trip! We browsed through them together, and finally I picked a pair of strappy heels that fit quite well and that made me look extremely alluring.

I kept turning this way and that in the dressing room, admiring my reflection in the full-length mirror. I had never owned, or worn, such a sexy pair of shoes.

“A perfect choice,” said Angela, patting me on the bottom. Then we went to fetch the girls.

We found them in Bambi’s room. Kelly was dressed and was trying on a couple of different pairs of shoes. Bambi was still naked, bless her little heart.

“Okay, daughter,” said Angela with mock anger, “is that how you’re going to go to the restaurant?”

The little girl giggled. “No, Mommy. Should I wear this dress, or this dress?”

The first one she held up was satin, dark red, with crown sleeves and a simple scoop neckline. It was quite elegant. The second dress was yellow with a floral pattern. It had spaghetti straps and looked to be very short.

“I like that one,” I said.

“So do I,” said her mother.

“Me too,” agreed Bambi. “But can I wear my boots with it?”

She held up the little black boots she’d been wearing when Kelly and I first spotted her in the mall, supposedly lost.

“Didn’t I just get you some white boots?” asked Angela. “Try those instead.”

“Oh, yeah! Good idea!” she enthused. She dug into her other trunk — she had two just for a weekend trip! — and found the boots. Sitting naked on the floor, she tugged them on and zipped them up. They came to about mid-calf, were shiny white, and the heels were a bit taller than the other pair.

“I like these!” Bambi said. Getting to her feet, looking spectacularly seductive in nothing but the boots, she picked up the yellow dress and handed it to me. “Will you help me put this on?”

“Sure, sweetie.” I held the little dress up for her to put her arms through. It had a stretchy puckered top that fit tightly over the girl’s narrow chest, and as I pulled it down I could see that it was indeed very short. It barely covered her bottom.

I would never have allowed Kelly to go out in a dress that short, at least not after she was older than about 6, and certainly not without wearing any panties! But I also had to admit it was very exciting to think about walking through the hotel with Bambi wearing that outfit, knowing that if she bent over slightly or if there was even a gust of wind… and I imagined that it must give her mother the same lecherous thrill as it gave me.

Angela had been helping Kelly select some shoes, and now they were ready. Kelly stood up to show me. She looked so lovely it took my breath away.

My daughter wore an exquisite light pink silk dress in a shimmering pattern. It was sleeveless with a scooped neckline, quite low cut, and had an empire waist.

No longer wearing her Victoria’s Secret push-up bra, Kelly appeared younger and slimmer than she had before. The way the gown showed so much of her chest, with her lovely strawberries-and-cream skin coloring and pale freckles, and the way the neckline revealed the gentle swellings of her small breasts but stopped just short of her nipples, I was entranced by it and by her.

The dress came to about six inches above her knees, showing off her slender legs. She and Angela had chosen a pair of rose-colored low-heeled shoes with open toes that perfectly complimented the rest of the outfit.

“Oh, sweetheart,” I exclaimed, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you looking so beautiful!”

“Like a little princess,” added Angela.

Kelly smiled shyly. “Thank you.”

“How about me?” blurted Bambi, twirling around in her little dress. “Do I look nice?”

“Oh, yes, you do, my sweet!” said Angela, and then with a laugh, “But I think you’d better not spin around that way in the hotel lobby, or everyone will see your little pee-pee.”

“Oops,” said the child, clapping her hands to her cheeks in pretend shame, and we all laughed with her.

Continue on to Chapter 6


The Lost Girl Game, Chapter 6

  • Posted on April 30, 2015 at 8:02 pm

By Naughty Mommy

We left the elevator and strolled through the lobby, two mothers holding their daughters by the hand. I glanced over to look at Angela, her head held high, her shoulders back, chest thrust out, large breasts swaying, those long nipples proudly protruding through her sweater. What a woman, I thought.

I couldn’t tell for sure, but I think she must have tipped the maitre d’ at the restaurant. In any case, he was quite solicitous, welcoming us profusely, then immediately ushering us through the establishment, around the tables, and back to a semi-private room, mostly closed off from the other diners. Along our route, I noticed that the way we were dressed, and perhaps the attractiveness of Angela in particular, definitely garnered the attention of many of the patrons and some of the restaurant staff as well. It made me feel special.

We were seated at a sumptuous banquette with a large arrangement of glorious fresh flowers in the center of the table. I was at one end of the curved leather seat, with Kelly beside me, then Angela, and then Bambi at the other end.

True to her form, Angela spoiled the girls, allowing them to choose whatever appetizers they wanted, never mind the cost. She also ordered cocktails for me and for her, treated us all to delicious dinners, including a very expensive and wonderfully good bottle of wine that she and I shared, and then let the girls pick any dessert on the menu.

As we were waiting for our desserts to arrive, Angela turned to Kelly and said, “I just love the way that dress looks on you, honey. It’s like it was made for you.”

Kelly smiled at her, and then I watched as Angela draped her arm around my daughter’s shoulder and casually slipped her hand down inside the low-cut front of the silk dress to fondle her breasts.

“Your little nipples get hard so fast,” purred Angela. “It makes me want to suck them.”

Kelly gulped and reddened. I took her hand, squeezing it to let her know everything was all right.

After a few more seconds, Angela removed her hand and took her arm from around Kelly’s shoulders. But then she hiked up her leather skirt, which didn’t have far to go, spread her thighs apart, and looked down at her shaved pussy.

“Ooh, see?” she said “You’re making me wet, Kelly.”

We all stared as she parted her labia with one hand, then slid two fingers of her other hand inside herself.

“Wow,” breathed Kelly.

Bambi laid one of her bare legs over her mother’s thigh, saying, “Mommy, do me too!”

Angela glanced at the curtain separating us from the rest of the diners, then lifted the long tablecloth and placed it over their laps. We couldn’t see what happened next, but apparently she reached between her daughter’s legs to tickle her naked pussy.

A moment later, the waiter came in with our desserts.

Without removing her hands from beneath the tablecloth — it looked to me as though she still had one hand between her own legs and one fondling Bambi — Angela said, “Oh, yes, there’s one more thing. I would also like two servings of your hundred-year-old cognac for myself and my girlfriend,” nodding toward me, “if you will bring them right away, please.”

“Yes, of course, madame,” replied the waiter.

The cognac was heavenly, but the bill for this dinner, I was sure, would have to be at least $500. To Angela, apparently that was nothing. When we were ready to leave, she asked the waiter to charge everything to our room.

I offered to pay the tip, but again she said, “Nonsense, you are our guests,” and left a $100 bill on the table.

After a strong cocktail, half a bottle of wine, and then the cognac, I found myself weaving a bit as we walked out of the restaurant. I knew I was in no condition to drive.

So, in the elevator on the way up to the room, I said to Angela, “After we, um, I mean, after Kelly puts her other clothes back on, and we’ll take off these shoes, of course, then maybe you can ask the hotel to call a taxi for us, because I don’t think I should try to drive a car now.”

“Well of course not,” the woman replied, “you’re not driving, and you’re not going anywhere. You’ll spend the night with us. No arguments. Remember, you said there was something else you wanted to do with me tonight. And besides, we still have to let the girls try the jacuzzi tub.”

That idea got the children all excited, although it didn’t really take much for that. When the elevator doors opened, they romped down the hall together, Bambi’s little dress flying up to show her bare bottom, and waited eagerly for us at the door.

Once inside, the girls ran giggling toward Bambi’s room, already starting to pull off their little dresses. Angela kicked off her heels, then walked through to the bathroom and started the water in the tub, sprinkling in some bath salts.

I came up behind her, put my hands on her waist, and kissed her neck. “Thank you for a wonderful dinner, and for everything else. I’m having such an amazing time.”

She turned around and kissed my mouth, this time not worrying about our makeup.

“Hush,” she said, “no more thanks are necessary. We’re enjoying ourselves just as much as you are.”

“Okay.” I started to pull off my top, and then hesitated.

“Are you getting in the tub, too?” I asked.

She patted my cheek and kissed my lips. “Of course I am.”

Just then a bell rang. I realized it must be the front door of the suite. “Who could that be?” I asked.

“That’s the champagne,” replied Angela, as she went to answer the door. I frowned, but then sat down to take off my shoes.

A moment later, Angela returned, followed by an attractive young woman pushing a cart covered with a white tablecloth. The cart contained a bucket of ice, a bottle of champagne, four fluted glasses, several folded linen napkins, and a small assortment of chocolates.

The woman parked the cart next to the jacuzzi tub. (I was glad to still have my top on.) She expertly opened the champagne, then asked, “Would you like me to pour?”

“No, dear,” answered Angela. “I’ll do that.”

I saw her reach into a pocket of her leather skirt and remove a $20 bill, which she slipped into the woman’s hand as they walked out of the bathroom. A moment later, I heard a shriek and then loud giggling from the girls, followed by a door slamming. I chuckled, thinking that they must have started to come out of Bambi’s room, nude, and then discovered there was someone else in the suite.

Soon after that, apparently, the coast was clear, because they came to the bathroom in a rush: two completely naked girls, a 9-year-old blonde with no pussy hair at all and only bumps on her chest, and a 12-year-old redhead with half-grown boobs and a few little curls on her pubis. How precious they are, I thought to myself.

Angela came in behind them, pulling her sweater off, then unzipping her skirt and stepping out of it. She set the clothes down in the dressing room, then came back to the tub to check the temperature and the level of the water. Although there were two large faucets, it was taking a long time to fill. The girls were both leaning over the edge, eager to get in. I looked at their little bottoms, so different, but both so tempting in their own ways.

Finally the tub was ready. The girls quickly clambered in, giggling as usual. I took off my top and my skirt and laid them over the chair in front of the vanity, then climbed into the tub myself. The water was very warm and felt oh so relaxing.

Angela was pouring the champagne. She poured two full glasses and two half glasses. Before passing them out, she took the plate that held the half-dozen chocolates and set it on a counter next to the tub. Then she handed me one of the full glasses, gave half glasses to each of the girls, and got in herself holding the other glass.

“A toast,” she said, raising her glass, “to feminine sexuality.”

“I’ll drink to that!” I replied.

Kelly looked at me. “Is it okay?” she asked, holding up her glass.

“Yes,” I told her, “tonight is a very special night, so it’s perfectly okay if you have half a glass of champagne.”

We all clinked our glasses together and took sips of the delicious bubbly wine.

Angela had not yet turned on the jets in the tub, and I was a little concerned that when she did, they would be annoyingly loud. That was what I had experienced with other whirlpool tubs. But when she pressed the button and the water started swirling around us, I was surprised at how quiet it was.

I settled down into the warm, fizzing water, closed my eyes, drank more champagne, and let myself float away on the dream of a lifetime, a dream that was coming true for me, right then and right there. It was everything anyone could want. Wonderful food, plenty to drink, a beautiful woman who would do anything for me sexually that I asked, and two adorable young girls who were also our carnal playthings.

Speaking of carnal playthings, I felt a small figure moving at my side. I opened my eyes and there was Bambi, her face shining, hot with sweat and champagne and excitement. She gazed at me with her lovely blue eyes, those eyes that had first seduced me in the mall, eyes I’d said to myself I could get lost in forever.

Without saying anything, I used my free hand to pull her to me. I put my hand behind her head and brought her face to mine. I kissed her aggressively, thrusting my tongue into her mouth. She opened herself to me, and we kissed deeply.

After a moment, Bambi broke the kiss so she could put down her glass. Then she reached under the water to play with my breasts, fondling my nipples and making them hard. Her legs were straddling me. I took a big swallow of champagne, then set my glass aside too, and reached down to cup her buttocks in my hands.

We resumed kissing as we touched each other. She held my breasts, toying with the nipples, and I squeezed her bottom. Then I decided to be bolder. I slipped my hands under her, reaching between her legs to find her pussy lips. I parted them with my fingers and probed inside.

She squealed into my mouth, then pulled away gasping.

“Are you okay?” I asked, without stopping what I was doing.

“Yes,” she wiped her mouth. “It’s just, it feels so good!”

I smiled at her and kissed her quickly on the lips, as I continued groping the virgin pussy of this 9-year-old sex kitten. Then I glanced over at Angela and my daughter.

They were sitting close to us, with Kelly straddling Angela the way Bambi was straddling me. Kelly’s back was arched, and she was looking down at Angela’s face as the woman took my daughter’s erect nipple into her mouth and began sucking on it. Kelly groaned in pleasure.

I turned back to Bambi and we started kissing again. The child was just amazing, her tongue and lips working ever so skillfully, bringing my womanly desires to a peak. I knew very well, of course, that she had learned all this from her mother, and that knowledge made it even more exciting for me. Closing my eyes, I pulled her tightly to me, savoring the forbidden but tantalizing sensation of having a naked, sex-hungry little girl in my arms.

A moment later, I heard a small, stifled cry. Pulling my lips away from Bambi’s, I looked toward my daughter.

Kelly had her arms around Angela’s neck, her hands linked at the back. She was staring deeply into the older woman’s eyes, her face a reflection of her obvious arousal. Her eyes were hooded, her lips parted, and she was breathing deeply. She was also moving slightly up and down, in a steady rhythm.

I couldn’t see under the water, but I thought that maybe Angela was fucking my little girl with her finger. Could it be that she had broken her hymen, right there in the tub beside me?

I hoped it was true. If Kelly was going to lose her virginity at age 12, and it wasn’t going to be with me, then I couldn’t think of anyone else I would rather have her do it with more than Angela.

I watched them, waiting to see if Kelly was going to come, waiting to see if I could find out for sure if Angela had her finger, or her fingers, inside my little girl’s vagina.

Then I felt Bambi licking my neck. She was squeezing my breasts harder, trying to get my attention. I still had my fingers between her little pussy lips, but in my fascination with Kelly possibly being fucked by Bambi’s mother, I had stopped stimulating the little girl as much.

I heard her voice. “I want you to fuck me. Please, I need you to fuck me. Fuck me with your tongue and make me come in your mouth.”

I couldn’t believe a little girl, a child, was saying that to me. But she was.

I turned my full attention to her. “You want me to fuck your little pussy with my tongue, Bambi? Is that what you want?”

She licked my neck again. “Uh-huh.”

I moved around, lifting her small body out of the water, helping her sit on the shelf that was near the rim of the tub, just at the water level. I looked at Angela, saw that she was watching us, and then turned back to Bambi.

“Open your legs for me, sweetheart,” I said, loud enough for her mother to hear. “Show me where you want me to lick you.”

The little girl raised her knees, spread her thighs apart, opened her puffy pussy lips with her fingers, and pointed to her sex. “Right here,” she said. “I want you to make me come.”

I didn’t need any more encouragement than that. But just as I was leaning in to begin kissing and licking Bambi’s pussy, I heard my daughter climaxing.

Kelly cried out, “Yes! Yes!” She arched her back, bringing her breasts above the water level, her erect nipples dripping. Angela pulled her close, kissing my daughter’s chest, still moving her hand between her legs, and Kelly’s orgasm continued.

I smiled, glad that my little girl could experience so much pleasure and excitement in one day, and then I returned my focus to the other little girl in the tub, the even younger one.

I began by kissing her labia, again and again. I held her slender thighs far apart with my hands and kissed her puffy lips, moving my mouth up and down, kissing the top, the bottom, and the middle. I kept kissing her over and over until she was begging me for more.

“Please lick me,” she demanded. “Please lick me now!”

Only at that point did I part her pussy lips with my fingers, looking inside to see her childish pinkness, the perfect innocence of her virgin sex.

But this was a child who knew much more about sex than most 9-year-olds, who had already experienced her own orgasms, and who must have given them to I don’t know how many women and girls.

I wanted to taste her. I wanted to lick her sex, to make her come in my mouth, just as I had been wanting to do ever since I’d first seen her in the mall.

I remembered when we’d first arrived at their hotel room earlier that afternoon, when Bambi had been sitting on my lap, kissing me so seductively, and I’d thought to myself, I want to see her naked, look at her hairless pubis, part her puffy lips with my fingers, put my tongue down there and lick her virgin vagina, suck her little clit, make this dewy child come in my mouth!

And now I actually, truly had that opportunity. Here was this glorious child, naked in front of me, begging for me to lick her sex. I smiled to myself, happy to know that sometimes, once in a while, dreams really do come true.

So I used my fingers to hold her beautiful pussy lips open, and I leaned my face in close to her, and I licked her.

Bambi groaned as she felt my hot tongue make contact with her. I licked her, paying special attention to her pink hole, her vagina. I licked all around the rim, teasing her, making her writhe under me. I licked upwards too, toward her clit. I pulled her labia back, finding her tiny bud, and I licked it and sucked it until she was panting and sighing and trembling, just on the edge.

Then I lowered my face again to her center. And this time, instead of licking around the rim, I shoved my tongue into her, as far as it would go. It wouldn’t go in very far, but as I grabbed her bottom and pulled her little body tightly against my face, as I pressed my lips to her pussy lips and thrust my tongue into her vagina again and again, I knew I had her.

She squeaked. She clutched my wet hair with her hands, pulling my face hard against her. She squeaked again and I could feel her vagina contracting around my tongue.

Bambi was coming. She was coming in my mouth. It was her first orgasm with someone besides her own mother, and I felt privileged to give it to her.

The little blonde sylph kept squeaking and writhing. Her climax continued for a long time, longer than I expected it would or could. I could taste her sweet liquids on my tongue.

Finally, her spasms ended, and she was gasping for air. She relaxed her firm grip on my head, and I drew slightly back. I tenderly kissed the insides of her thighs, adoring this darling girl, this child, for giving herself to me so openly and so completely.

I looked at her lovely young face. Her eyes were still closed, her mouth open, her body gently quaking. It was evident that at some place deep inside herself, Bambi was still feeling — or at least sensing an echo of — the orgasm I had just given her.

I looked over at Kelly and Angela. They were holding each other, deeply kissing, my daughter pressing her body urgently against Angela’s. A few seconds later, they ended the kiss, and then Angela said something to Kelly that I couldn’t hear. But soon my daughter was climbing up over the tall blonde, who laid back her head on a towel, and I saw my little girl position herself over Angela’s face, holding her pussy over the woman’s mouth, and then she lowered it to her waiting lips and tongue.

I wanted to move closer to them, to Kelly and Angela, to watch them as they made love. I was already quite close to them, they were right next to us, but I wanted to be even closer.

Except I also didn’t want to leave Bambi. As I turned back to the girl, I saw that her eyes were open now, but they had a dreamy, faraway look.

“Are you all right, honey?” I asked her softly.

“Huh?” she whispered, barely audible. “Oh, yeah, I just… I just love that… that you fucked me with your tongue… that was so cool.”

I kissed both her knees. “I’m glad, darling. I loved doing it for you.”

Again I turned to look at Angela and my daughter.

“Look,” I said to Bambi, “your mommy is licking my little girl’s pussy.”

“Yeah,” Bambi smiled. “She loves doing that. She loves little girls.”

If there was part of me that was somewhat alarmed by that honest admission and what I was pretty sure it meant, there was another, stronger part of me that was in full sympathy with Angela. I loved little girls too.

“Let’s watch them,” I said, starting to move toward the pair having oral sex.

“You can,” responded Bambi, “but I need to rest a minute.”

“Okay, honey.”

I had meant to get in very close to them, to watch and see, as well as I could, the woman’s tongue as she licked my daughter’s sex.

But as I moved toward them through the warm water, my gaze went to Angela’s naked body, and I saw her big breasts with their long brown nipples standing erect, and I remembered how proudly she had strutted through the hotel lobby, showing her stuff, and I recalled how I had teased her just before we went to dinner, licking and biting her stiff nipple.

And I was overcome with desire for her.

I placed my hands over her breasts. They were much firmer than mine. I ran my fingers over her hard nipples, and I felt Angela’s body respond to my touch.

I looked up and I could see her tongue licking my daughter’s sex, my 12-year-old daughter’s pussy. Angela’s fingers held Kelly’s labia wide open. She ran her tongue up and down through her pink center.

Kelly was rocking herself against Angela’s face. She was moaning and panting. I could tell she was getting close to an orgasm.

I returned my gaze to Angela’s gorgeous tits, which I held in my hands. I lowered my face to one of her nipples and took it into my mouth. Angela groaned as I began sucking. She lowered a hand and put it behind my head, pulling my face against her breast.

A moment later, Angela took her hand away from my head. Without removing my mouth from her nipple, I looked up and watched her slowly insert the index finger of that hand into my little girl’s pussy. Her finger was sliding into Kelly’s wet vagina, up to the first knuckle, then the second, and then all the way in.

“OHH!!! OHHH!!!! GOD!!!!!!!” My baby was climaxing.

While the blonde woman was finger-fucking my daughter, making her come in her mouth, I dropped one of my hands into the water, reaching between her long legs.

I found her pussy, slid my fingers inside her lips, felt for the opening to her vagina, and then, as I shifted to the other nipple and started sucking it, I pressed two fingers into Angela’s cunt, fucking her deeply.

Kelly was shrieking, almost sobbing, her slender body shaking uncontrollably. It must have been the strongest orgasm of her young life. But Angela was not satisfied in giving her only one climax. With an arm wrapped tightly around Kelly’s thigh, holding her in place, she continued licking and sucking her clit, and she slid her finger in and out of my daughter’s previously virgin cunt with increased urgency.

I bit Angela’s nipple, and felt her react. Then I added a third finger inside her vagina, shoving them in as far as they would go.

Bambi had crawled along the edge of the tub toward us and was laying on her side, watching what was happening. One little hand was between her legs, gently rubbing her hairless pussy.

I fucked Angela, Angela fucked Kelly, I sucked and licked and bit Angela’s nipples, she sucked and licked my little girl’s clit — and the 9-year-old child, the one who had started it all, masturbated as she watched her mother having lesbian sex with another mother and daughter.

Continue on to Chapter 7


The Lost Girl Game, Chapter 4

  • Posted on April 30, 2015 at 8:00 pm

By Naughty Mommy

Kelly sucked on my nipple for a few seconds, then started to pull away.

“The other one, the other one,” I insisted, holding it up for her.

My daughter took my hard nipple in her mouth and sucked, more urgently this time. It was unbelievably thrilling, the most intense erotic pleasure I’d ever felt in my whole life. I swooned, thinking I might climax just from having her suck on my nipple.

I clasped her head in my hands, drawing her closer to my bosom. “Yes, baby, yes, baby…”

When she started to pull away again, I begged her, “No, honey, please don’t stop!”

“But I want to see…um, I want to see down there.”

“Oh, yes, of course, of course.” My head was spinning. “Yes, darling girl, please go ahead. Take off Mommy’s undies so you can see me down there.”

I trembled as my 12-year-old daughter knelt in front of me and gripped the waistband of my black panties. She pulled them slowly down, revealing my closely trimmed pubic hair. I shave the edges daily, but there is a still a triangle of short curly dark hair, now dampened by my arousal, with droplets of moisture clearly visible.

Kelly pulled my panties all the way down and I stepped out of them.

She sat for a moment, her hands on her knees, staring at my vulva.

I shifted my feet, parting my thighs, trying to open myself to her gaze. Did I actually want my little girl to kiss me there, to lick me, to put her fingers inside me? Yes! Yes, I did!

Finally she looked up at me and smiled. “I love you, Mommy.”

“I love you too, darling, so much.”

Kelly leaned forward and kissed me, not quite on the pussy lips, but just above. She kissed my pubic patch and breathed in, seeming to inhale the fragrance of my sex. She held the kiss for a long moment as I held my breath, then turned her head and laid her cheek against my mound. She wrapped her arms around me, holding me tightly.

“My mommy, my beautiful mommy,” I heard her whisper as I petted her curly red hair.

When Kelly got to her feet, Angela announced, “Okay, everybody in bed now.”

Bambi was the first to respond, bouncing eagerly up onto the huge bed.

Angela crawled to the middle, near the massive headboard, where half a dozen pillows were arrayed.

Kelly and I got up on the big high bed too, and just knelt there, not certain where to go or what to do. The sheets were pink satin, wonderfully smooth, silky, and sexy. An enormous white comforter was folded at the foot of the bed, a bed now occupied by four naked, aroused females, two grown women and two young girls.

Angela reclined on the pillows, slightly spreading her long legs. “Let’s just cuddle for a minute,” she said, opening her arms. “Little girls, come here, one on each side.”

Bambi hopped over to the far side of her mother, and snuggled in under one arm. Kelly moved in more slowly, but seemed happy to nestle at the tall woman’s side.

Angela hugged the two girls, and kissed their heads.

“Sharon, how about you take the middle.” She spread her legs farther apart.

“Um, the middle?” I ask.

“Come here, sweetie, just lay on top of me. Put your head right here.” She patted her chest, between her large breasts.

As I began to lay on her, she opened her legs even further, so that when I lowered my body onto hers, my stomach came into contact with her open crotch, and I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy lips.

I wasn’t sure at first where to put my hands, but then I decided to reach for the girls, stroking their warm backs and sliding my hands down to caress their bottoms.

I was turned toward Kelly and smiled at her, blowing her a little kiss. She smiled back and mouthed, “I love you.”

It was amazing to compare the girl’s bottoms. Kelly’s was already much fuller, more like a woman’s, but still incredibly soft and smooth. Bambi’s little bottom was thinner and tighter, still lean.

I wanted so badly to slide my fingers between Bambi’s legs to see if she was getting wet there yet — I didn’t know if she was even capable of that at her age! — and at the same time, I was equally tempted to reach for my own daughter’s sex, but I restrained myself for the moment. There will be plenty of time for everything, I told myself.

By this point, I had completely forgotten my worries about trying to leave their hotel room, of not wanting to intrude, of not drinking too much wine. If anything, I wished I had drunk more, so I might feel even less inhibited.

On the other hand, I asked myself, what could possibly show less inhibition than laying naked on top of a woman you met not much more than an hour ago, with your hands on the bottoms of two underage girls??!!

I chuckled quietly and turned my head to kiss Angela’s chest. Her skin was warm, golden, and lightly perfumed. I was feeling perfectly happy in that moment.

We lay their content for several minutes, Angela gently caressing both me and the girls, while my hands petted and fondled the two little girl’s bottoms.

Angela broke the spell with a request.

“Kelly…” she began.


“Would you like to suck my nipple?”

“Um, okay, sure.”

Propping herself up on an elbow, my daughter looked at the woman’s large breast for a moment, then took it gently in her hands. She licked the brown nipple, watching as it grew longer each time her tongue lapped over the tip. Then she took the breast more firmly in her hands and closed her lips over Angela’s nipple, sucking on it. The woman sighed with pleasure.

Turning to her own daughter, Angela said, “Bambi, will you do the other one?”

“Sure, Mommy!”

It was a breathtakingly erotic sight to see the two children eagerly, hungrily sucking this beautiful blonde woman’s full round breasts.

I had a strong urge to touch myself as I watched them, and I started to reach down between my legs. But along the way, my fingers brushed Angela’s warm, moist pussy lips.

I stopped, because I wanted to feel her, to discover her, to penetrate her.

“Yes, oh, yes,” Angela purred, whether to me, to the girls, or to all of us, I wasn’t sure. But I decided to go ahead and explore her with my hand.

I gently parted her labia and caressed her, sliding my fingers into her juicy slit, teasing the opening to her vagina, bringing my moistened fingers to her clit and playing with her, raising her arousal level.

Her reaction was strong and obvious. She was breathing faster, and she spread her thighs further apart, arching her pelvis to bring her sex closer to my touch. I continued teasing her with my hand, wanting to make her beg for me to give her more, until finally I could restrain myself no longer, and I eased one finger inside her.

The woman’s cunt was hot and wet, dripping with moisture. I put in two fingers and fucked her for a few minutes, sliding my fingers in and out, faster and faster. When I inserted a third finger, Angela writhed and moaned, “God, yes, fuck me hard, fuck my pussy hard!”

Kelly lifted her face from Angela’s breast and looked down to see what I was doing. Her mouth fell open as she saw her mother eagerly fucking another woman with her fingers.

Within seconds, Angela was coming. She squirmed on the bed, gasping, grabbed at her daughter’s head and at Kelly’s head, pulling the little girl’s faces tight against her breasts.

Angela cried out loudly, almost screaming, as she reached the peak of her climax.

It was extremely rewarding for me to see that I could bring someone so much sexual satisfaction using only my hand. I’d made love with more than a handful of women in my life, and about the same number of men, but no one had ever responded to me with as much lustful passion as this woman. It made me feel proud and happy, and also extremely aroused.

As Angela’s orgasm finally subsided, and her body began to relax, she petted the girl’s heads while she panted, her golden skin glowing with perspiration, and she apologized in case she had been too rough with them in the heat of her excitement.

When I slid my dripping fingers out of her, I licked them, then held my wet hand up to Angela’s mouth.

She tasted herself, and little Bambi cried out, “I want some!”

Bambi licked my fingers too, a 9-year-old girl happily enjoying the flavor of her mother’s cunt juice.

“Do you want to try?” I asked Kelly.

“What is it?” she wondered timidly.

“It’s from my mommy’s pussy,” said Bambi. “It tastes really good.”

“Okay, I guess so,” said Kelly. She began by licking one finger, tentatively at first. Then, apparently enjoying the taste, she took my hand in hers and and sucked on my fingers.

“If you want some more,” Bambi offered, with a mischievous grin, “I know where we can get it.”

The girls giggled together, then Bambi scooted down to settle in between her mother’s outstretched legs. I moved out of the way, giving her room, and Kelly joined her there.

“See?” said Bambi, pointing at her mother’s wet pussy, the lips open, the dark center glistening with moisture. “There’s lot of it, and it tastes great, and the more you lick her, the more you can get!”

The way she spoke it was obvious that Bambi licked her mother’s pussy with some frequency. I wondered how long they had been sexual that way. When did it start, and who initiated it?

Kelly didn’t seem concerned at all with those kinds of details. She just watched, fascinated, as Bambi gave her a lesson in cunnilingus.

The little girl showed my daughter how to find the clitoris under its hood, how to gently lick and suck it, how to suck the labia, how you can run your tongue around the rim of the vagina, greatly stimulating your partner, and how, finally, besides inserting your fingers, you can also press your mouth firmly against the vulva, and thrust your tongue deeply inside the woman. Bambi said that was what always made her mother come the fastest, when she fucked her with her tongue.

“Wow…” sighed Kelly, and she watched closely as Bambi demonstrated all the things she had described, soon bringing Angela to a powerful orgasm by wrapping her thin arms around her mother’s thighs, clamping her mouth over the woman’s sex, and fucking her with her tongue.

After Angela finished coming, Bambi pulled her wet little face away from the dripping pussy and said to Kelly, “Look, can you see how it comes out? And it tastes so good! Here, have some more. Go ahead, lick her yourself.”

Kelly, who had been rubbing her pussy as she watched the child bringing her mother to orgasm, now leaned down and studied Angela’s cunt. She could see, as I could, the copious thick fluids oozing out of the woman’s vagina. She put her face down closer, sniffed, then extended her tongue and lapped up a bit of the milky wetness.

Angela jumped a bit as she felt a different tongue licking at her cunt. Then she reached out to me and took my hand. I’d been watching everything Bambi did closely, just as my daughter had, and I’d also been rubbing myself. I was getting close to a climax already.

“Sharon, come here.” The woman pulled me toward her. “I’d like to return the favor. You gave me an amazing orgasm earlier. Now it’s my turn. Come up here and sit on my face and let me eat your pretty pussy.”

I did as I was told, positioning myself over Angela’s face, leaning against the headboard, letting her take command of my sex. It didn’t take long. Her tongue did wonders, and then her fingers entered me and found exactly the right spots to provide maximum pleasure.

I’d had my pussy licked by both men and women, but never as wonderfully as this. Within minutes, I was coming, not just once, but several times in a row, as Angela kept a firm hold on me and wouldn’t let me pull away from her mouth and fingers until she was satisfied that she’d given me everything I deserved.

When at last she let me collapse on the bed beside her, I was almost completely spent. The only thing that roused me was the sight of my daughter, my 12-year-old little girl, finger-fucking a woman as she licked and sucked her clit. It was certainly something I had never in my life expected to witness.

Though physically exhausted, I was still able to feel a new stirring of excitement as I watched Kelly, under Bambi’s expert guidance, eating Angela’s pussy. I moved in closer and encouraged my daughter, urging her on, telling her to keep licking her, keep fingering her, until a few minutes later she brought Angela to an orgasm.

Kelly was clearly thrilled by what she had done. She kept smiling as the sexy blonde came in her mouth, and Kelly kept her lips and tongue busy between Angela’s legs, making sure to lick up every drop of her juices.

When Angela finished recovering from her latest powerful climax, she sat up and looked at my daughter. “Whew! That was nice, sweetie. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” grinned Kelly, wiping her chin.

“Now, honey,” Angela continued, “do you think you would like someone to lick you the same way, so you can see how fantastic it feels?”

“Yeah, um, sure, I guess.”

“Are you really sure? Because if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”

“No, I’m sorry, I mean I definitely really do want to.”

“Okay, good. Well, then, I think the best person to give you your first oral orgasm would be…… your mother.”

“Really?” asked Kelly.

It was my turn for my eyes to go wide. This was certainly a day of surprises! But I looked at my daughter and shrugged, as if to say, if you want to, then, sure, it’s fine with me.

Kelly swallowed. “Um, okay, yeah. That, uh, I mean, that sounds good.”

“Yay!” clapped Bambi.

So Angela moved over a bit on the bed, making room for Kelly to lay down in the center of it.

I started by reclining beside her, kissing her mouth for a minute or two and gently fondling her immature breasts. Then I slid down between her legs, and looked at my little girl’s naked pussy.

At 12 years old, she had some pubic hair, but not much, just a few auburn curls above her slit. Her labia were pink and puffy and smooth, her strawberries and cream skin seeming to glow in the soft afternoon light.

“You are such a beautiful girl,” I said to her.

“Thank you, Mommy.”

I put my hands on her slim thighs, gently spreading them apart. As I opened her legs, Kelly’s labia parted, and I could see strands of her sticky pussy juices inside.

“Such a beautiful girl,” I repeated quietly as I brought my face closer to her sex. I tenderly kissed her smooth inner thighs, feeling her body tremble beneath my lips. I could feel the heat radiating from her center, and I could smell her arousal. Then I kissed my daughter’s labia, very softly, and I heard her moan.

Bambi had gone around to lay next to her mother as they watched us. They were spooning, with Angela casually petting her child’s hairless pussy.

After kissing Kelly’s labia again, I began using my tongue. I licked her vulva, taking my time, letting her open herself fully to me. She sighed and spread her legs wider apart. I could see her pink vagina now, could even see her intact hymen.

I licked her center and she moaned again, moving beneath me, lifting herself to my mouth. I tongued all around the opening to her sex, as Bambi had done with her mother, and then I licked her clitoris.

Kelly jumped when she felt my tongue on her clit. I licked her some more there and she began that kittenish mewling sound. I kept licking her clit, and used my fingers to gently probe at her vagina, not pressing in, just tickling her.

She was breathing fast. Her eyes were closed and her hands were clutching her small breasts. I sucked at her clit, applying more pressure, tonguing her, wanting to give my daughter all the pleasure she could have.

All at once, she let out a loud cry, reached down to grab my head in her hands, and her whole body went rigid. After a few seconds, she gasped, experienced a tremendous shuddering spasm, gasped again and again, then fell completely limp. I tried to keep licking her, to perhaps give her another orgasm, but she pushed my head away.

I realized that she had already had as much stimulation as she could take for the moment, so I slid up next to her and kissed her gently on the lips, putting a hand on her breast and hugging her.

“Oh, that was nice, wasn’t it, Bambi?” said Angela.

“Yeah, it was hot,” agreed the little girl.

But apparently Kelly hadn’t yet had enough. After only half a minute’s recovery, she turned on her side, facing me, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me deeply. It was the wettest kiss she and I had yet shared, both using lots of tongue.

When the first kiss ended, Kelly continued raining kisses on my face, my neck, and my chest. I held her close, guiding her mouth to my breasts. She took a nipple in her mouth and sucked.

I reached between her legs, feeling the warm wet places where I had just finished licking her. She in turn reached down to my pussy, sliding her fingers between my lips and probing around until she found the opening to my vagina. As she continued sucking my tits, my daughter slowly inserted a slender finger deep inside me.

I groaned and rubbed her little pussy faster, she sucked and licked my nipples, she finger-fucked me, I teased her clit, and soon we were coming together, our bodies sweating and straining as we experienced a simultaneous climax.

When we finished, I rolled onto my back, and Kelly came with me, laying on top of me. We just held each other close for a time, breathing softly together, quietly enjoying the warmth of our post-orgasmic bliss.

“Did you know that two girls can fuck each other?” It was Bambi. “Did you know that?”

I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at her. She was kneeling at our side, a naked little girl talking to us about lesbian sex.

“My mommy and I do it all the time,” she continued. “I get on top of her and I fuck her pussy with my pussy and I make her come. We’ve been doing it since I was 7.”

She had Kelly’s attention. My daughter had rolled partway off me, and was sitting up, leaning on one arm while listening closely to Bambi’s story.

“Do you want me to show you how we do it?”

“Uh-huh,” nodded Kelly eagerly.

“Okay! Come on, Mommy!”

I sat up too, next to Kelly, and we watched as Angela laid on her back, spreading her legs and opening her arms to her daughter.

Bambi placed herself directly on top of her mother, their pussies aligned. It was quite a sight: Angela, tall and bronzed, with an hourglass figure, and her child, a tiny slender thing with a nearly flat chest, thin bottom, and peach-colored skin, embracing in the traditional missionary position. Would you ever expect to see a 9-year-old girl mounting her mother, with the intention of fucking her and making her come? But that was what we were about to witness.

For a moment, Bambi scooted up so she could kiss Angela on the mouth a few times, then she slid back down until her pussy was resting against her mother’s again, and she started to move. She gently rocked her little body, taking a slow pace at first, seeming to let their two pussies gradually open and merge.

“We do this a lot, don’t we, Mommy?”

“We sure do. At least once a day, I’d say.”

Still moving slowly but deliberately, Bambi turned her head to look at us. “I love fucking my mommy,” she announced.

“My god…” breathed Kelly.

The little girl began picking up speed. Angela had her hands on her daughter’s narrow hips, holding her and guiding her movements. The woman’s long, beautiful legs were spread wide apart, and her eyes were closed as she concentrated on the sensations she was feeling.

Bambi was working hard. I could see her muscles tensing and relaxing as she kept up the rhythmic motion. Small though she was, she appeared strong, and obviously had plenty of experience with this particular sex act.

Angela was starting to groan and grunt beneath her. She raised her pelvis, accepting her daughter’s thrusts and meeting them.

“I’m gonna make my mommy come,” Bambi murmured, more to herself it seemed than to us. “Make my mommy come…”

They were moving very quickly now, in perfect synch, their bodies meshing, grinding together.

“Fuck me, baby, fuck me hard. Fuck Mommy hard!” cried Angela.

Bambi moved faster and faster, a sheen of sweat shining on her bottom and the backs of her legs.

Angela lifted herself from the bed, opening her thighs as wide as she could, taking her daughter’s pussy into hers. Then suddenly she reddened, her face contorted into a grimace, and she held her breath as her little girl pounded away, pounding her tiny pussy into her mother’s hot wet cunt.

“OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Angela groaned. “FUCK YEAH FUCK YEAH!!!”

She flung her arms around Bambi, pulling the child against her. She wrapped her long legs around the little girl’s bottom, squeezing her tightly as she came.

Angela shuddered several times as her climax tore through her body. “OHH FUCK OHH FUCK OHH FUCK…” she kept repeating.

And then, as her spasms began to ease, the woman raised her daughter up and kissed her deeply, shoving her tongue into the child’s mouth.

“Wow…” said Kelly.

“Wow is right,” I concurred. “That’s pretty amazing.”

When they broke the long, wet kiss, Bambi said in a small voice, “Now, Mommy, now. I need you to do me now.”

It turned out that even though she was just 9 years old, Bambi was able to have an orgasm, but the only way she could reach one was to have her mother perform oral sex on her.

Angela slid down on the bed, giving her daughter room to climb up on her face. And then Kelly and I watched as Angela lovingly licked the girl’s hairless pussy. That was another incredible sight to see. This little girl, this child, with her thin smooth body, sitting naked on her mother’s face, rocking her sex against her mommy’s lips and tongue.

Angela held her daughter’s tiny bottom in her hands and pulled her sex into her mouth. She licked and kissed and sucked, and soon made Bambi come.

As the little girl was climaxing, Kelly took my hand in hers. She squeezed it tightly as we watched them, a mother and child engaging in the most intimate sex acts possible. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

Bambi finally finished her last spasm and then slipped down by Angela’s side, panting. Her mother held her and caressed her, stroking her blonde hair, gently kissing her.

Kelly was holding my arm, running her hand slowly up and down. I heard her say, “Mommy?”

I turned to her. “Yes, baby?”

“Could we try that?”

“Try what, honey?”

“You know, um, fucking, like Bambi did to her mom. Could we try that?”

My heart beat faster and there was renewed stirring in my loins.

Continue on to Chapter 5


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 10

  • Posted on April 30, 2015 at 7:32 pm

By Naughty Mommy

Tracy started kissing me. I really liked the way she did it because she moved her lips and her tongue a lot, which was exciting. She kept kissing me, again and again, and then a minute later I heard my mom gasp and groan and I realized that she was coming.

When Tracy pulled away, I opened my eyes and saw that Melissa was standing behind Tracy and was pulling the girl’s dress up over her head and off.

Now Tracy was wearing only a black thong. She was already barefoot, like me, and she wasn’t very tall, only 5’3” or so. I stared at her tits. They were perfect. I wanted to touch them or kiss them, but my mother had said that Tracy couldn’t touch me, so I figured that meant I shouldn’t touch her either.

I was beginning to feel annoyed by that rule of my mom’s, but then it occurred to me that maybe there was some sort of legal reason for it. My mother was an attorney, and a good one, so she knew all about that kind of stuff. Perhaps she was trying to protect Tracy and the other girls from getting in trouble or something — although it also seemed that what they were already doing with me was pretty extreme! But I was willing to assume that my brilliant, loving mother knew what was best for me and for all of us. I smiled happily.

Melissa reached around from behind, putting her hands over Tracy’s breasts and squeezing them. Tracy turned partway and took Melissa’s face in her hands and started kissing her, using a lot of tongue. Even though my mother had climaxed once, she was continuing to rub her pussy on the couch as she watched them kiss.

Then I heard my mom saying, “The…the last outfit…the garter…put that on her.”

Breaking away from Tracy’s kiss, Melissa replied, “Oh, okay.”

Tracy picked up the catalog from the desk, flipped the pages, and showed me another picture. The outfit looked really racy, more grown-up than anything I’d ever worn.

Melissa reached into the bag and took out a pair of sheer black nylons, and a black thing that had garter straps on it, maybe something like they call a ‘teddy’.

“Let me put the stockings on her,” said Tracy, taking them from Melissa.

“Okay, but we have to take this off first.” Melissa untied the pink leotard behind my neck and I pulled it down and off, leaving me naked.

“Sit down here, Julie, and I’ll put these on for you.” Tracy patted the seat of the chair.

I sat and held out my foot to her. She slipped the first stocking over my toes and slowly pulled it up. I had never worn sheer nylons before, just little girl tights, and I loved how they made my legs look, like I was a sexy adult lady.

Tracy finished pulling the second stocking up to the top of my thigh. She kept her hands there for a moment longer, sort of massaging my leg as she stared at my naked crotch. What she was doing felt really nice, but my mom had already said she wasn’t supposed to touch me. Tracy seemed to remember that too, all of a sudden, and quickly pulled her hands away.

Melissa said, “Okay, honey, now stand up and put your arms through here, then I’ll fasten it in the back for you.”

She helped me get the teddy on. I knew it might have looked better, again, if I’d actually had some boobs, but still I felt it was definitely the sexiest thing I had ever worn.

Tracy hooked the garter straps to my stockings while Melissa did the clasps in the back. Then Tracy said, “I’m gonna get some shoes.” She jumped up and ran out the office door.

A moment later she was back with a pair of shiny black pumps with very high pointy heels. I wondered for a second if anyone out in the mall had seen the sexy young blonde bouncing topless through the store, and that made me smile.

Tracy slipped the shoes on my feet and helped me stand up. I looked in the mirror. It was amazing to see myself dressed up that way.

“Am I supposed to wear panties with this?” I asked.

“No!” my mom instantly responded. “No panties. Just like that.”

The model in the catalog was wearing black panties, but apparently my mother had a different idea in mind. Anyway, I loved how I looked, although it was awfully hard for me to stand up in those heels.

I was just about to sit down when my mom, who had not stopped masturbating this whole time, said, “Julie, baby, take Melissa’s clothes off, and then I want to watch while you kiss her.”

“Oh, yeah, that would be hot,” agreed Tracy. She slipped out of her thong and sat down naked on the couch next to my mother.

Melissa held her hands out to me and I took them. “Do you want to take off my clothes, sweetie?” she asked with a smile.

“Yeah,” I nodded.

Tracy gave my mom a kiss and then spread her legs apart and began rubbing her pussy as she watched us.

Melissa led me over to the love seat, kicked off her flat shoes and sat down. She was wearing maroon leggings and a sleeveless pullover top in the same maroon color, with black trim on the sleeves. She also had a braided headband in her hair and looked really cute. She sat smiling at me.

I smiled back at her and then, before I began undressing her, I leaned over, took her face in my hands, and kissed her. She had kissed me once before, in my bed, and I’d been wanting to kiss her again ever since.

She was so soft and pretty and she smelled really sweet. I wondered if I was falling in love with her.

“Take off…take off her top, Julie.” That was my mother.

I stood up straight, trying to keep my balance in the heels, and Melissa scooted closer to make it easier for me to reach her. I lifted up her shirt, she held her arms up high, and I pulled it off. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

I stood back and looked at her. She was so beautiful. Her skin was glowing, kind of a pearly pink color. Her breasts were so small she looked like she was just a girl, even younger than me.

“You’re flatter than I am,” I told her.

“Julie!” scolded my mom. “That’s not nice.”

“It’s okay,” laughed Melissa. “I don’t mind. She’s right.”

“I love it,” said Tracy. “It’s like seeing two little school girls together.”

“Now take off… the rest of her clothes,” said my mother.

Melissa lifted her bottom off the love seat so I could reach behind her and pull her leggings down. I peeled them over her thighs and all the way off. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and now she was naked.

I’d seen her naked before, but never this close. She was perfect. I wanted to start licking her all over her whole body.

“Kiss her some more,” encouraged my mom. “You can, uh, sit on her lap and kiss her, baby.”

Melissa held out her arms to me and I sat on her lap. She pulled me close and smiled at me. After touching the tip of her finger to the end of my nose, she kissed me there first. I sighed dreamily, and she kissed me very gently on the lips, then we each opened our mouths and kissed deeply for a long time.

We pressed our bodies together as we kissed. I loved the feel of her warm skin next to mine, and her tongue in my mouth.

I could hear my mother and Tracy both climaxing as they watched me kissing Melissa. When my mom’s orgasm ended, she panted, “Julie, do you… do you want to kiss her nipples too?”

“Oh, yes, please, I want to!” I said.

I shifted down a little bit and then I was staring at Melissa’s nipple. As I leaned in to kiss it, I put my tongue out first and just licked the tip of her pretty nipple, then kissed it warmly.

I wanted to start sucking on it, the way I had seen my mother suck on girls’ nipples — including Melissa’s — but I was afraid that might be going too far, so instead I just moved over a little and licked and then kissed the other nipple.

“Ooh, that feels so nice,” whispered Melissa as she stroked my hair. And as she said that, I heard Tracy coming again.

I looked over and saw that Tracy had the two middle fingers of her right hand pushed deep inside her shaved pussy. With her left hand she was pinching her nipples, and she just kept coming, again and again.

My mom was watching Tracy, too, smiling while she gently stroked her own pussy. When the girl finally seemed to be finished with her last climax, my mother stood up and came over toward Melissa and me. She sat down naked beside us.

My beautiful mother smiled at me, put her hand on my cheek, and then pulled me to her for a soft kiss. Then she kissed Melissa the same way.

I was still sitting on Melissa’s lap. After kissing both me and Melissa a second time, my mom stood and helped me to stand up too. She led me over to the empty chair and I sat down there. She stood in front of me, naked, and took both of my hands in hers.

“Okay, darling,” she said. “Since we’re celebrating your birthday here tonight, I have another little surprise for you. I’m going to have sex now with Tracy and Melissa, and you can watch us and masturbate, of course, if you want. But the surprise is that you have to tell us everything you want us to do. Okay? Whatever you want us to do with each other, you are in charge. You’re giving the directions and we’re following. How does that sound?”

“Um, good, I guess.”

Somehow the way I said that made my mother very happy. She gave me a big smile, kissed me on the lips, and said, “I love you so much!”

“I love you too, Mommy.”

“So, how do you want us to start?” She waved to Melissa and Tracy, and they both came over and joined her. Tracy looked a little shaky since she had just enjoyed a series of powerful orgasms. The three of them stood in front of me holding hands.

My mother was only 31 at the time, still incredibly fit and sexy. On one side of her was Tracy, a few inches shorter than my mom, with a nice tan, slim legs, a smooth shaved pussy, and perfect round breasts. On the other side was Melissa, tall and slender with legs that went on forever, and beautiful white skin.

“Go ahead, honey,” urged my mom, “tell us what you want us to do.”

“Um, can I… can I take this off first?” I indicated the teddy, which was not very comfortable to wear.

“Of course you can, sweetie,” replied my mother. “And you can either leave the shoes and stockings on, if you want, or take them off too.”

“I’ll take off the shoes, but I like how these look on me,” I said, rubbing my hands over the sensual black stockings. Melissa went behind me and helped undo the teddy so I could remove it.

“Does that feel better?” asked my mom when we were done.


“I like it because now I can see her little boobies again,” said Tracy.

My mother smiled at her, then looked back at me. “Okay, so, how would you like us to start?”

“Um, well, maybe… how about if, um, Mommy, you suck on Tracy’s nipples while, um, while Melissa sucks on yours?”

My mother thought for a moment. “Hmm… okay, let’s see… I’ll sit down…” She sat on the couch. “You come over here…” She took Tracy’s hand and had her kneel on the sofa beside her. “And you sit here…” Melissa sat on her other side.

“Now you can suck my nipples,” my mom said to Melissa, putting her hand behind her head and pulling her face toward her chest. Turning to Tracy, she said, “And I’ll suck yours.”

Tracy grinned and gave kind of a little purring sound, then leaned in, bringing her erect nipple to my mother’s mouth. The three of them started right in following my directions.

I felt myself getting wet as I sat and watched them. My mother really seemed to like what she was doing, and I could see Tracy’s hand moving between her own legs as she masturbated while my mother sucked her tits. Melissa was going from one of my mother’s breasts to the other, licking and sucking her nipples, and I saw that Melissa was also sliding her hand up my mother’s thigh, toward her pussy. That gave me my next idea.

For a while, though, I just kept watching. I love to see a woman’s lips — or a girl’s lips — kissing and sucking another girl’s nipples. That gets me very excited. I lifted one of my feet up to the chair, put my arm around my thigh, and reached between my legs to open my pussy lips. With my other hand I touched the opening to my vagina. It was hot and slippery. I wanted to make myself come, but I wanted to see them do a lot more too.

“Okay, good,” I said after another few minutes of watching, “that’s really good, but now I want to see Melissa, um, can you get between my mom’s legs and, you know, lick her? And Mommy can you, um, lie down and have Tracy, like, sit on top of you so you can lick her?”

“Ooh, yeah, I like that,” said Tracy.

She stood back as my mother turned and laid full-length on the couch, then she climbed up and lowered her taut teenage body down to my mother’s waiting mouth. Tracy used her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart and I saw my mom’s tongue begin to lick the wet pink inside of her. Tracy closed her eyes and pinched her nipples.

Melissa watched them getting arranged, then she looked over at me and gave me a smile and a wink before bending down between my mom’s legs. She began by softly kissing the inner part of her thighs, moving a little closer each time to her sex. Finally she started kissing my mother’s pussy lips, then gently opened them with her fingers so she could kiss and lick and suck on her clit.

Tracy was the first to reach a climax. She gasped and moaned and her body shook as she came in my mother’s mouth. My mom had her arms wrapped around Tracy’s thighs and she held her tight, not letting go, still licking the girl’s pussy as Tracy had one orgasm after another.

They went on like that for several minutes, with Tracy’s climaxes getting louder and stronger each time. Finally, it seemed she could take no more, and she slid off my mom, practically collapsing to the floor.

Tracy surprised me, though, by almost immediately leaning over to start kissing my mother’s face, licking her mouth, tasting her own juices. I also noticed her hand sliding between her legs. As I watched, she slipped a finger deep inside her wet pussy and kind of jiggled it around for a second. Then she had yet another orgasm as she kissed my mother and fucked herself with her finger.

Next it was my mom’s turn. Melissa was still licking her, but now she also slid her long middle finger up inside my mother’s cunt and started moving it in and out, very fast. My mom clutched at her own breasts, pinching her nipples, and I knew she was almost ready to come.

I scooted up to the edge of the chair so I could see everything and began moving my fingers faster between my legs, hoping I could climax at the same time as my mom.

I saw my mother lift her hips off the couch, raising her pussy to meet Melissa’s thrusts, and as soon as I heard her groan and then cry out with the start of her orgasm, I came too.

When Tracy heard me squealing, she pulled her face away from kissing my mom’s and turned around to see what I was doing. She crawled quickly over and put her hands on my knees, holding them apart and staring at my wet pussy as I continued rubbing it and climaxing. Then she seemed to remember the no-touching rule and dropped her hands to the floor. But she moved her face in even closer.

“Oh my fucking god,” I heard her say, as she watched me come. Then Tracy flipped over on the floor to lie on her back, with her mouth directly beneath my crotch, hoping, I guessed, to catch any drips that might fall from my pussy.

That thought made me even more excited than I already was, and I started coming again. Tracy fucked herself with her fingers as she stared up at my naked 12-year-old vagina.

I’m not sure if I actually dripped anything in Tracy’s mouth or not — but the idea was pretty hot! — because I came so strongly the second time that I had to close my eyes. It seemed like I practically passed out.

* * *

When I finally recovered, I was leaning back in the chair, almost laying down, panting and sweating. My hands were soaking wet with my pussy juices. I began licking my fingers, tasting myself, and then I recalled that Tracy had been on the floor, between my legs, and I sat up straighter to look down at her.

She was still there, still staring up at me. I spread my legs as wide apart as I could, and held my pussy lips open for her, letting her see into me.

“Omigod, you are so hot,” she whispered.

Then I dipped two fingers of my right hand into my opening, scooping up some of my sticky wetness, and lowered the fingers down to Tracy’s mouth. I let her suck on my fingers, tasting me.

I wasn’t sure if this would be okay by my mom’s rules, but it just seemed like such a naughty, sexy thing to do that I simply couldn’t resist it.

When I looked up at my mom, I saw that she was watching us and smiling. She was still on her back on the couch. Melissa was laying on top of her, gently kissing and licking my mother’s breasts.

My mom breathed a big sigh, and said, “Well, we’ve each had at least one orgasm, except for Melissa, I think.”

Melissa just smiled and licked my mom’s hard nipples some more.

“So, honey, what would you like to see next,” asked my mother. “Anything special?”

I took my hand from Tracy’s mouth. She sat up on the floor and turned toward me, awaiting instructions.

As I shifted back in the chair, I noticed that the black nylons I was wearing had slipped down a bit during all the excitement. I pulled them back up, admiring again the way they made my legs look.

Then I said, “Well, I think what I’d really like to see next is Tracy, um, kind of get on top of Melissa and, like, you know, sort of, um, fuck her with her pussy and make her come.”

“Ooh, yeah,” said Tracy.

“Okay, that would be nice,” agreed my mom, as she started sitting up on the couch. “Do you think you girls can do it?”

Melissa nodded eagerly, and Tracy hopped to her feet. “Hell, yeah, we can sure try!” she exclaimed.

My mom got up and went to the love seat. She sat down and patted the spot next to her. “Come sit next to me, baby, and we’ll watch them together.”

The love seat was set at an angle to the couch and was closer to it than was the chair where I’d been sitting. I would have a better view from there.

Melissa turned and laid on her back, spreading her long legs apart. Tracy climbed on the couch and looked down at the girl’s smooth shaved pussy, gently touching it.

“Is it okay if I lick her first?” asked Tracy, turning to me.

“Um, sure.”

“I just want a taste of her.”

“But you’ve tasted me lots of times,” giggled Melissa.

“I know, but I can never get enough,” Tracy smiled. (That makes her ‘insatiable!’ I thought to myself.)

The sexy blonde settled in to start licking. She tenderly spread Melissa’s labia and began by kissing and licking her vagina, then moved up to lick and suck her erect clit.

My mom and I were sitting side by side on the love seat, our thighs touching. My mom’s skin felt warm against mine. We watched closely, and were both rubbing our pussies.

When Tracy started to insert a finger inside Melissa’s cunt and the girl moaned in pleasure, I stopped them. “No, wait, don’t make her come that way. Do it with your pussy.”

“Oh, right, I almost forgot.” Tracy giggled and glanced over at me, and then looked at her friend’s wet vagina. With a wicked grin crossing her face, she said, “This should be fun…”

Tracy took Melissa’s legs in her hands and raised them high, pressing them way back toward her shoulders. It was a good thing, I thought, that Melissa was so flexible!

Then she carefully positioned herself, lowering her pussy directly onto Melissa’s, and started moving on top of her, thrusting her hips forward to grind their cunts together.

It was amazing to watch them that way, moaning and groaning as they fucked on the couch. I hooked a leg over my mother’s, giving us both more room to open our thighs and masturbate as we watched the show.

After a few minutes of intense, sweaty thrusting, Tracy shifted positions. She turned Melissa slightly on her side and then mounted her, putting one leg beneath her and the other over the top, like two pairs of scissors. I could see that now their vaginas would be in even more direct contact.

Tracy used her fingers to open Melissa’s pussy lips, and then did the same with her own, before bringing her cunt to meet her friend’s. My mom and I watched closely as the pussies came together into something like a kiss, and then Tracy began moving again. This time she moved more slowly, though, more tenderly, seeming to savor the sensation of one hot vagina kissing another.

Melissa sighed and moaned, pinching her own nipples, then reached up to caress Tracy’s breasts.

My mom said, “Baby, here, sit on me this way.”

She took me by the waist and directed me to straddle her thigh. I was facing away from her, both of us looking toward the two girls on the couch. My mom scooted me back until my body was right against hers, one leg pressing into her crotch.

“Now, start moving on me.” My mother gripped my hips and began sliding me slowly back and forth. My wet pussy was slipping back and forth on her thigh and it felt so exciting! It was almost like I was doing what Tracy was doing.

On the couch, Tracy was moving faster now. Her eyes were closed and she was dripping with sweat. The way she trembled, I thought she must be getting close to an orgasm. I looked down at Melissa, who was pinching her nipples with one hand and had the other hand in her mouth, sucking her fingers. Her face was flushed and she was whimpering softly. I hoped I would get to see them climax together that way.

I held my mother’s leg in my hands and tried to spread my thighs farther apart, gaining maximum contact with my pussy against her skin. I moved more quickly, my wetness lubricating a spot on her warm thigh where I slid back and forth, faster and faster. My nylons were falling down again, but by then I didn’t care at all.

My mom held me by the waist, pulling me harder against her each time. I could feel the back of my leg slapping against her pussy. “Come on, baby, give me more, more!” she urged.

I was getting close — and when I heard Melissa start to squeal as she grabbed Tracy’s ass and pulled her hard against her pussy, and then Tracy cried, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” as she started coming, and my mom was saying, “Oh, fuck me, little girl, fuck me!” as she pulled me harder and harder into her crotch — I felt a surge of warm wetness between my legs and I climaxed on my mother’s thigh.

After the initial few spasms and spurts, I fell back against my mother. She wrapped her arms tightly around me, our sweaty bodies hot and slick. I felt her breasts pressing into me. She kissed my neck and held my tiny breasts, squeezing my nipples.

I just lay against her, eyes closed, glowing in the warmth of post-orgasmic bliss, feeling the loving touch of my mother’s hands on my breasts, her sweet, wet kisses on my neck and shoulders. She caressed me all over, kissing and sucking at my neck, cooing, “My hot sexy little girl…”

When I opened my eyes again, Tracy and Melissa were just finishing their mutual climax. Their bodies shuddered and they held each other close. As they finally relaxed, Tracy slid up a little higher until she could kiss Melissa’s lips. I watched them tenderly kissing for a few minutes, and then Tracy turned to look at my mother and me.

She smiled at what she saw: my young body sprawled atop my mother’s, her hands on my breasts, our legs spread wide and our pussies still dripping wet.

“My god, look at that,” Tracy sighed, “mother and daughter…”

“Aren’t they beautiful together?” asked Melissa, admiringly.

We all held that tableau a few minutes longer, my mother gently caressing my naked body, Tracy and Melissa looking at us and occasionally kissing each other. Then, with obvious reluctance, my mom began struggling to sit up straighter on the love seat. I slid off her lap to sit beside her. She glanced at her watch, which was still on her wrist.

“It’s late, almost midnight,” she said. “We need to get home to Danni.”

My mother stood and stretched. I admired her long, slender body. She was almost 20 years older than me and maybe around 12 years older than either Tracy or Melissa, but she still looked amazing.

“Why don’t you girls come with us?” my mom asked. “If Danni’s up for it, maybe we can have another little party at home.”

“Who’s Danni?” asked Tracy.

“She’s our babysitter,” I told her, “and she’s really hot.”

“Sounds good to me,” Tracy said, getting to her feet and picking up her dress from the floor. “Melissa, you want to do it?”

In reply, Melissa just smiled and nodded eagerly as she sat up naked on the couch.

Continue on to Chapter 11


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 9

  • Posted on April 30, 2015 at 7:25 pm

By Naughty Mommy

Holding my hand, my mother led me into a place called Miami Palms Grill and Bar. I’d never been there before. We sat in a booth near the front.

“Why don’t we just have something to drink and cool off for a few minutes, okay?” she suggested. I nodded in agreement.

“Do you need to go to the ladies room, or anything? Um, to clean yourself up, maybe?”

“No, I… I think I’m okay.”

My mom took my hand across the table and patted it. She couldn’t stop smiling. I guess it made her happy that I’d reacted the way I did to what we were doing.

A young waitress came over and brought us menus. She was a pretty brunette with long hair and a great smile. I liked her immediately, but I tried not to start thinking sexy stuff about her, so I wouldn’t get all worked up again.

“Hi, can I get you something to drink?” she asked brightly.

My mother asked for a glass of white wine and I ordered a Coke. The girl said she would be right back with our drinks.

“Do you want anything to eat, honey?” asked my mom. “Some dessert, maybe?”

“No, that’s okay. I’m not hungry right now.” But then I glanced over at the waitress, who was reaching for a wine glass on a high shelf, her skirt rising, showing plenty of thigh, and I added, “Not for food, anyway.”

“Ooh, my precious darling girl.” My mother took both of my hands in hers and held them tight. “You are turning into an insatiable little lesbian, aren’t you!”

“What does insay-sha-something mean?”

She chuckled, and said it more slowly. “Insatiable… it means you can never get enough.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s true.” I was still watching the waitress, but when she finished preparing our order and started over to where we were sitting, I turned back to my mom. “Is it… I mean, is it okay? Like, I think about that stuff a lot, and, you know, I — ”

Just then the girl arrived and served our drinks. “Would you like anything else?” she asked.

My mouth went dry as I looked at her. I couldn’t believe how close I came to saying something like, ‘Yes, I would like to see you naked.’

“No, I think this will be all for now,” answered my mother, smiling at the pretty waitress as she handed her our menus. She watched the girl walk away, admiring her legs as I had. “You were saying something about…”

“Um, well, like I said, I just, you know, I think about…stuff…all the time. And I, well…” I lowered my voice. “I mean, I play with myself a lot. Like, every day. So, is that okay? I mean, if I’m… whatever you said I was?”

She smiled and took a sip of her wine before replying. “Yes, baby, it’s fine. There is nothing wrong at all with having a strong sex drive, even at your age. It’s, well, it may not be quite normal, or typical anyway — that is, I think you might be somewhat more advanced than other girls — but that’s okay. I’m glad you’re able to feel things the way you are. It’s wonderful.”

She took another drink of wine, then continued. “Did you know there are some women, grown women, who’ve never experienced the kind of pleasure that you already have? Some women have never had an orgasm. Ever. And that’s sad. I’m happy that we’ve got you started so quickly. And I’m really glad, sweetheart, that you seem to be enjoying it so much.”

As she was finishing up her wine, the waitress came back. “Would you like another?”

My mother looked at her watch, then winked at the girl, “No, I’m afraid not. We have to get going. Just the check, please.”

I drank the rest of my Coke while my mom got out some cash and placed it on the table.

As we walked back out into the mall, we both noticed a woman across the way from us. She was a tall blonde, probably in her early twenties, wearing a very short skirt. She had great legs and a terrific figure. I knew right away that she was the kind of woman my mother would be attracted to.

“Ah, now that’s nice,” said my mom, as she stopped and stared, getting a good look. “What do you think, Julie? Would you be happy if I came home with her one night?”

“Yeah, definitely,” I answered honestly. “She’s hot.”

“Yes, she is,” agreed my mother. “I like blondes.”

Suddenly she laughed out loud and squeezed my hand. “I like blondes, redheads, and brunettes! Who am I to be calling someone else insatiable, right, honey?”

We kept watching until the woman rounded a corner and disappeared. Then my mother looked at her watch again. “Okay, good timing,” she said to herself.

I wasn’t sure what she meant by that.

We took the escalator down and finally started walking in the direction I’d been hoping all along that we might take — toward the sexy lingerie store where Melissa worked!

“Are we going to Victoria’s Secret now, Mommy?”

“We’ll see,” she answered coyly.

That wasn’t where we went, however.

Instead, my mother stopped in at a place called Heavenly Jade Noodle Shop. There were no customers at any of the tables, and it looked as if the waiters were cleaning up and getting ready to close. A lovely young woman stepped out from behind a beaded curtain and came toward us.

“Oh good, she’s here…” I heard my mother say to herself.

“Sorry, miss, we close now,” called the woman as she approached.

As she came nearer, I could see that the woman was not very old at all, maybe more like a girl, around 19 or so. She was Asian, with a beautiful round face, gorgeous dark eyes, and pure white skin.

“Sorry, we close —”

“Yes, I know,” interrupted my mom, “and I’m very sorry to bother you. I just need to ask a quick question. It’s about arranging a business luncheon…”

As they conversed, I studied the girl. She was tall, about as tall as my mother, who is 5’8”, and she had a slender body. She wore a kind of fitted top that left her soft shoulders bare, and a short ruffled skirt that accentuated her incredible long legs. I wondered if maybe my mom had seen her before, and was using the ‘business luncheon’ as an excuse to let me get a good look at her.

Just then, we heard an announcement saying that the mall would be closing in two minutes. My mother quickly wrapped up their discussion, thanked the girl, took a business card from her, and we left.

As we walked out, my mom took my hand and squeezed it. “What did you think, honey, did you like her?”

“Yeah, she was beautiful. I liked her legs. And her skin. It looks so soft.”

“I know. I would love to touch her all over.”

My mother’s hand felt warm in mind. As we walked, I imagined seeing her with the Asian girl, slowly taking off her clothes, rubbing her hands all over body and kissing her. I could feel myself starting to get wet again.

A minute later we came into the corridor where the Victoria’s Secret store was located. Many of the shops were already closed or were in the process of being locked up. As we approached what I hoped was our destination, we saw Melissa standing just inside the door, looking through the glass into the mall. When she recognized us, she smiled and waved, then turned a key in the door and opened it for us.

As we stepped inside, my mother and Melissa smiled at each other, then shared a short kiss. After locking the door, Melissa took my mother’s hand, my mother held mine, and the three of us walked together toward the back of the store.

Near the fitting rooms, another girl was waiting. She was a blonde who looked like she was around 18 or so. She was thin but had nice tits, and she was smiling at us like she knew something exciting was about to happen.

“Tracy, this is Suzanne and Julie.”

“Hello, Tracy,” said my mother, as her eyes went up and down the girl’s body. “Melissa has told me a lot about you.”

Tracy raised her eyebrows, then gave us kind of a sexy pose, lifting up her short dress and revealing her legs. “I hope what you see is as hot as she told you.”

My mom laughed. “Very hot!”

Melissa turned to me. “Julie, you look so cute tonight. I love that dress! And those shoes too — you look like you stepped right out of a catalog!”

“You really are adorable, sweetie,” added Tracy.

I beamed, and I’m sure I was blushing, but it made me very happy to hear these beautiful girls telling me I looked nice.

“And we’ve had a lot of fun tonight, haven’t we, honey? Tell Tracy and Melissa what we’ve been doing.”

I gave my mother a questioning look, not wanting to repeat ‘Really?’ one more time, but she just nodded at me encouragingly, so I took a deep breath and said, “Um, we’ve been walking around the mall looking for pretty girls.”

“Ooh…” Melissa and Tracy sighed in unison.

“That’s right,” confirmed my mother. “And Julie’s been telling me about the girls that she thought were the sexiest. Which ones did you like best, baby?”

“Well, the waitress, I guess, and um, the lady in the furniture store.”

“You mean Carla, at Grayson’s? Yeah, she’s totally hot,” commented Tracy.

My mother smiled at Tracy, gave her a wink, and then turned back to me. “What about the girl on the escalator? Tell them about her.”

“Oh, she, I mean, my mom got us on the escalator right behind this high school girl in a really short skirt, and then when we got to the top the girl smiled at me.”

“She not only smiled, I think she was checking you out,” said my mother. “Tell Tracy and Melissa what we talked about.”

“You mean…”

My mother nodded at me, smiling, and blew me a little air kiss.

I laughed a little before I began, feeling happy that I could talk about these things with others who would understand and accept me.

“Um, well, after the girl went out of the mall, my mom said that maybe she was, like, not only looking at me, but that maybe she was thinking I looked sexy in my new dress, and then, you know, she went out and got in her mom’s car and she told her mother about seeing me, and then they went home and, um…” I swallowed hard “…and they masturbated together while they were talking about me.”

“Nice!” laughed Melissa, clapping loudly.

“All right!” Tracy exclaimed. “High five!”

“Then what happened?” asked my mother, after Tracy and I slapped hands..

“Well, it’s funny, ‘cuz I got so excited when I started thinking about that, especially after everything that’s happened already with, like, Melissa,” I looked at her and she gave me a big smile, “and, um, the others, and then I was imagining that really cute girl we saw, and her mom, you know, being together and talking about me and touching themselves and I started getting so hot and, like, getting wet, and I was afraid, because…um…”

“Because why…?” prompted my mother.

“I thought that, that, my, um… that maybe my pussy would, like, drip down my leg because,” I began lifting up my dress, “I’m not wearing any panties.”

Tracy gasped, “Oh my god!!”

Melissa had seen me nude before, but Tracy hadn’t. She put her hand over her mouth as she stared at me. Then she said, “That is so hot! Did you really get wet?”

I nodded, grinning at her. “Really, really wet!”

Melissa put her arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. “Like I told you the last time I saw you, you are a very sexy little girl. And in those clothes, you don’t even look like a little girl any more. You look like a teenager.”

“A fucking hot teenager,” agreed Tracy.

Melissa went on. “So, Julie, I called your mom the other day, and we were talking, and she told me all about your birthday and how you celebrated it, and then I was telling Tracy about you, and she and I decided to give you a special birthday present from us. We asked your mom if it would be okay if you came in and we’d help you pick out some sexy grownup clothes, I mean like undies and stuff to wear, and we’ll give them to you for your birthday. Okay?”

“Yeah? Really? I’d love that!”

“Tracy and I already picked out a few things for you to try on. But you can look at them and if you don’t like them or if you want to look for other stuff, that’s fine. You can pick anything you want in the whole store!”

“Omigod,” I gushed, “I don’t believe it!!”

“What do you want to start with, honey?” asked my mom.

“Um, I don’t know. Did you, I mean, what did you pick out, Melissa?”

“Well,” she said, “a couple of things. Let’s go into the office and I’ll show you.”

Tracy opened a door behind her and led us in. The windowless room was large and nicely decorated. It had a desk, some filing cabinets, a padded armchair with a matching love seat, a big soft couch, and a furry rug on the floor.

Melissa closed the office door and locked it. She reached into a shopping bag on the desk and took out something white and delicate. “I really love this one,” she said, “and I bet you would look great in it.”

“Here’s what it looks like in the catalog,” added Tracy, turning a page and showing me.

“Wow, it’s like see-through,” I said, giggling.

Melissa held the garment out to me, and I took it from her. It was the tiniest little nightgown, lacy, sheer white, and very short, with spaghetti straps. Melissa also handed me a pair of white panties, actually a thong.

I had never ever in my life worn anything like this, or even imagined that I would. But I loved it, of course, and couldn’t wait to try it on. With a big excited smile on my face, I turned to my mom, and asked, “Um, so should I go put these on?”

She laughed, “Baby, no, you can change right here in front of us. You know you don’t have to be shy.”

“Yeah, we want to see your hot little body,” said Tracy, adding with a wink, “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine!”

“Okay,” I shrugged. Of course, I already wasn’t wearing any panties, so there wasn’t much to take off. I handed the thong and the nightie back to Melissa, stepped out of my shoes, and then pulled the yellow sundress up and over my head.

Tracy clapped when she saw me naked. For just a second I covered up my breasts, but then I realized that was silly — since I was hoping to see the other girls naked too, why shouldn’t I be first? I held my hands out and did a little turn-around to let Melissa and Tracy get a good look at me.

“Goddamn,” breathed Tracy, as she stared at me.

“What a pretty little girl you are,” sighed my mother, sliding a hand inside the top of her dress to fondle her breast.

“You really got to see her masturbating?” Tracy asked Melissa.

Melissa confirmed with a nod.

“That is so fucking hot.”

I stepped into the thong first and pulled it up, then Melissa helped me get the nightie over my head. I admired my reflection in the big three-panel mirror on the wall. I did look incredibly sexy in that outfit, even with my boobs being so tiny.

“How do you like it?” asked Melissa.

“I like it a lot.” I turned to my mom to see what she thought, and I guess she must have agreed that I looked hot in it too, because she’d pulled her dress up to her waist and was rubbing her naked pussy as she stared at me.

“Nice, very nice,” agreed Tracy. When I looked at her, I saw that she was massaging her breasts through her dress while she admired my body.

I loved being the center of their attention. I liked knowing that they all thought I was sexy, so sexy it made them want to touch themselves. That made me very happy.

“Try the pink one next,” urged Tracy. “Here, it looks like this.” She held out the catalog for me, turned to a different page.

“But,” I protested, “I don’t have a figure like, I mean, like that model does.”

“It doesn’t matter, cutie. With your little shape, just the way you are, you’d look great in anything,” Tracy assured me.

“Um, okay.” I smiled, pleased that someone as sexy as her would have such a high opinion of my skinny seventh-grader’s body.

Melissa helped me get the white nightie over my head, and I pulled down the undies, then took the hot pink thing she was handing me. It was like a leotard and kind of lacy and really stretchy.

“Put your legs through first, like a swimsuit,” advised Melissa.

“Okay.” I stepped into it and pulled it up to my waist.

“The top part ties. Here, let me do it.” Melissa took the two thin pieces that laid over my front, sort of covering my little breasts, and tied them together behind my neck. In the back, the leotard was just a thong.

After Melissa finished tying it, I looked at myself in the mirror, and when I turned around, from the back it was almost like I was naked. Really hot!

“Jesus…” I heard Tracy sigh.

I asked Melissa, “Do you like this on me?”

“Yeah, I do. It’s super sexy. Especially the back. Um, but the front might be better for someone who’s got, you know, more of a bust. Unlike you or me.” She giggled, and it made me glad to know that she thought of the two of us as being the same.

“I think it’s perfect,” Tracy said in a husky voice. She stepped closer and touched my shoulder, sliding her hand down my arm. “You’re so soft. So young. Turn around for me.”

I did, and I felt Tracy’s hands on my bare back, moving slowly down until they cupped my bottom. She stopped then, and turned to my mother, who was sitting on the couch, her dress all the way off now, masturbating as she watched us.

“Is it all right if I kiss her?” Tracy asked.

“Yes,” answered my mom, “it’s all right if she says she wants you to. But no touching, okay?”

Tracy took her hands off my bottom. She rested her chin on my shoulder and said, “Julie, will you let me kiss you?”

“Yeah, um, okay.” I turned around to face her and closed my eyes. When I felt her lips on mine, I opened my mouth a little so she could kiss me with her tongue the way my mother did.

Continue on to Chapter 10


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 8

  • Posted on April 30, 2015 at 7:14 pm

By Naughty Mommy

And somehow, every time I thought that nothing more exciting could possibly happen, my mother would come up with yet another unbelievable thing for me to experience.

A few weeks after my amazing birthday surprise, my mom told me she’d made plans for the two of us on a Saturday night. She got a sitter for my sisters — a cute 18-year-old brunette named Danni, who came over to our house after dinner that night.

Danni was wearing tiny little denim short-shorts and a tight pink top. She looked super sexy, and it made me wonder if Mom had something in mind for her later that night. I sure hoped so, because I really wanted to see Danni naked.

It was kind of embarrassing what happened next.

While my mom went up to say goodbye to Molly and Kate, who were playing in Molly’s bedroom, I just stood there looking at Danni. I was trying to imagine what she would look like with her clothes off — and when my mother came back I didn’t realize it because I was so much into my fantasy, staring at Danni’s legs and wishing I could see her pussy.

And then, right behind me, someone said, “See anything you like, honey?”

I jumped, and I’m sure I started blushing like mad, but Danni just giggled, and Mom gave me a quick hug and kissed me on top of the head, saying, “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to startle you. But, hey, come here a minute, I’ve got something to show you.”

She took me by the hand and led me upstairs to my bedroom. Hanging on a hook in front of the closet was an adorable little yellow sundress.

“How do you like it?” my mother asked.

“Is it… for me?”

“It sure is. Sort of a delayed birthday present, you could say.”

“Ooh, I love it! Thank you!” I turned around and jumped into her arms, giving her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“You’re welcome, darling girl,” she laughed. As I went over to look more closely at the dress, she picked up a Gucci shoebox that was laying on the bed. “And these are for you, too.”

I took the box and opened it. Inside were the cutest little beige low-heel shoes. “Oh my god!” I squealed. I couldn’t believe it — my first pair of designer shoes! And they were Gucci!

“Mother! Really? For me?”

“Yes, of course for you, baby,” she beamed at me. “My little girl is turning into a lovely young woman, and I think you should be able to dress like one.”

“Oh my god!” I hugged and kissed her again.

“I’m so glad you like them, sweetie. Why don’t you try them on?”


“Yes, now,” she chuckled. “This is what I want you to wear tonight when we go out.”

“Really?” I was acting sort of like a dope, I guess, because I was ecstatic about getting these new clothes that were so grownup, and so beautiful!

“Yes, really. Come on now, take off your jeans and try on that dress.”

“Um, okay.” I sat on the floor and pulled off my sneakers and my socks, then got up and tugged my jeans down. I wasn’t wearing a bra, so after I took off my t-shirt, all I was wearing was a pair of pink cotton undies with elephants on them.

“Such a precious little body…” I thought I heard my mother saying something like that to herself, under her breath.


“Nothing. Go ahead, put on the dress.”

I took the little dress off the hanger and slipped it over my head. Then I took the shoes out of the box and tried them on. They fit perfectly.

I looked at myself in the mirror and loved what I saw. The new clothes made me look like a pretty teenager instead of just a little 12-year-old.

“Perfect. You look amazing,” said my mom, kissing me on the cheek. “Okay, let’s get going. We don’t want to be late.”

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

We trotted downstairs together, holding hands. I felt like I was floating. I was so happy.

We stopped in front of the babysitter, who was on the sofa in the family room looking at a Cosmo. “What do you think of Julie’s new dress?”

“You look fabulous!” exclaimed Danni. “Turn around.”

I blushed again as I slowly turned in a circle, letting them admire me.

“And you know what else you should see?” said my mother. “She has on the cutest little panties, don’t you, honey. Pull your dress up now and show Danni.”

I was really surprised that she said that. I stood there, not knowing quite what to do.

“Go on, pull up your dress, baby. I want Danni to see your elephant undies.”

I gulped, feeling my cheeks burn as I slowly lifted the hem of my sundress. It was exciting in way, but I also felt nervous and a little foolish.

As the bottom of the dress reached my waist, Danni reacted. “Ooh, I love it! Those are so cute! Like a tiny little girl.”

My mother must have understood then how I was feeling, because she came to me and took my hand and kissed my cheek. “It’s okay, darling. We just like looking at you because you’re so pretty and so sexy, that’s all. Don’t be embarrassed.”

“No way,” added Danni. “My god, you’re so hot, you should be glad to show off your body.”

I smiled and tried my best to be brave. “Okay.”

“But, will you do one little favor for mother before we go?”

“I guess…”

“Will you let Danni take off your panties?”


“Uh-huh. See, I want you to go out with me tonight not wearing panties at all, just like I’m not.” And as she said that, my mother hiked up the short dress she had on, letting both me and Danni see her exposed mound.

“Wow…” exhaled the teenager, staring at my mom’s crotch.

“So, you want to be like me, don’t you? Now be a big girl and let Danni take off your panties.”

“Well, um, okay…” I lifted my dress up a little higher and took a step toward her.

Danni knelt on the floor in front of me, licking her lips. Her face was eye-level with my pussy. I suddenly realized that I was getting wet, and I wondered if she’d be able to see it, or smell it.

For several moments, she seemed to be studying my undies, then finally she hooked two fingers under the waistband and slowly peeled them all the way down. I stepped out of them, and Danni remained on her knees, gazing at my slit. In a soft voice, she said, “What a beautiful girl you are.”

“Thank you,” I replied. “Um, I… I think you have really nice legs.”

“Oh, thanks!” She stood up then, smiling broadly at me.

My mom took my hand again, giving me a hug. “Yes, I do have a very beautiful, very sexy little girl. I’m so proud of her.” She squeezed me once more and kissed my cheek.

“Okay, come on, let’s get going. We’ll see more of Danni later.” She gave the girl a wink, took me by the hand, and we went out to the car.

As we were driving, my mom put her hand on my knee, and said, “You know, honey, I’ve been thinking a lot about this. Up until now, when we’ve played our game, you and me, it’s always been that I’ve brought someone home, or found someone that, well, that I wanted to have sex with, and then, of course, I’ve invited you to watch us…”

…in my mind I was picturing Karen, and Bonnie, and Rayne, and Melissa, and now maybe even Danni? That thought made my nipples get hard…

“…so if you see someone, or should I say when you see someone who gets you kind of excited, tell me so I’ll have a better idea of what you like. Okay?”

“What? Oh, sorry, Mom, I got thinking thinking about, like, all the stuff we’ve done and — what did you say again?”

“Silly.” She patted my knee.

I realized then that we were in the parking garage at the mall. She pulled into a spot and shut off the engine, then turned to me. “What I said was, let’s go in and you can point out to me the types of women, or girls, that you’d like to play our game with. Okay?”


“Yes, really,” she smiled. “Why do you keep asking that tonight?”

I giggled. “I dunno. Sorry, I’ll try to stop.”

My mother looked at her watch. “It’s almost 9:00 and the stores close at 10:00, so that gives us about an hour to do some looking around.”

A few minutes later we were walking through the mall doors. Just inside was a nice restaurant, with a bar area at the front. Mom took my arm and said, “Okay, stay with me, and try not to be too obvious about staring, but take a look at some of these women and tell me what you think.”


“How about her, for example…” She indicated a sexy blonde, probably in her early twenties, sitting by herself, looking at her cell phone. She had long legs and was wearing a very short dress that showed them off.

“Yeah, I mean, she’s really nice looking.”

“Did you notice that you can see her panties?”

“You can? Oh — oops, you can!” I started giggling.

“You and I will have to be careful not to sit that way tonight, won’t we?”

That made me laugh harder. I turned away, hoping the woman wouldn’t see me.

Then I saw a pretty brunette walking toward us. She was leaving the restaurant, following a couple of other people. As she looked up, her eyes met mine and she smiled at me.

“Ooh, Mommy, I really like that one right there.” I tugged on her arm.

The girl was maybe around 20, with beautiful blue eyes and a soft smile. I loved the short dress she was wearing. It was white and kind of fluffy looking. She had on black tights and flat shoes that made her look kind of like a schoolgirl.

“Ah, you’re right, honey,” my mother said into my ear. “I really like her too. Good choice.”

The brunette went slowly past us and out of the mall, following her companions. We started looking around again to see who else we could find.

“Hm, well, what about that one?” my mom said.

“Which one?”

“Over there, sitting at the table with that guy with a ponytail.”


“Yeah, I know. That ponytail is ridiculous. But the woman is pretty, don’t you think?”

“Um, yeah, I guess.” She certainly was attractive. A blonde, probably around 40, nicely dressed and wearing a lot of makeup. “I mean, you’re right, she’s very pretty, but if you, I mean…”

“Go ahead, Julie, I really want to know what you think.”

“Um, I don’t know, I guess she just looks kind of fake to me or something. I can’t really describe it.”

“Okay, well…” My mother turned slowly around, scanning the restaurant. “Hello, now that’s nice.”

She gave me a nudge. “Check this one out.”

I followed her gaze to a really cute young woman, maybe around 25, wearing a tight-fitting tank top that showed she had a great figure. She was seated at a table across from an older woman, who I guessed might be her mother, and she was looking our way.

“I wonder if she has an idea of what we’re really up to.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, we certainly seem to have her attention for some reason. She keeps looking at us. I don’t know, maybe she’s checking us out, probably thinking how hot you look in that little dress —”

“No, I bet she’s looking at you. At your legs.”

My mom was wearing a very short little black dress that night, and she looked just beautiful, like a model or something.

“I hope so. I sure would like to have that pretty tongue of hers licking my pussy.”

“Mom! Not so loud…”

“Oops, sorry. I did get a bit carried away there, didn’t I? Another minute or two and I’d have walked right over and started kissing her.”

She took a deep breath and sighed. “Okay, we’d probably better move to another location before I get us arrested.”

My mother took my hand and we left the restaurant.

A few doors further down was an upscale furniture store, the kind of place where even a mirror is $500. My mom had a really good job and we could afford nice things, but I didn’t think she’d ever buy that sort of stuff. We went into the store anyway, though, and once we got inside I could see why.

Apparently my mother had spotted this gorgeous 20-something brunette through the window. The place was really quiet, just an old bald guy working on something at a desk in the back, and then this beautiful woman in a green dress. There weren’t any other customers that I could see.

“Good evening, can I help you?” She was just incredibly pretty, with perfect skin and exotic-looking brown eyes. If I could have chosen any woman we’d seen so far that night for my mom to have sex with, it definitely would have been her.

“Hi,” said my mother, adding a little laugh, “you know, it’s funny, I’m not really looking for anything in particular. The only reason I came in is because I saw you through the window.”

The woman frowned slightly. “Oh?”

“What I mean is, I saw your dress. I have one at home almost exactly like it, don’t I, Julie.”

“Um, yeah.” I reached for my mother’s hand behind her back and squeezed it tightly, trying to communicate what I was feeling.

“Now that I see it a little closer, though, they’re not identical. But you look fabulous in that one.”

“Oh, thank you,” smiled the woman.

My mother went on, “Mine is a halter that ties in the back. But, is yours…” She peered at the woman’s neck.

“Yeah, it’s a halter,” she said, lifting her hair to show us, “but it doesn’t tie. See, there’s a zipper down here.” She turned and pointed to the small of her back. As I stared at the woman’s smooth, pale skin, I had to restrain myself from reaching out and touching her.

“Oh, right, I see that,” said my mom. “Well, you look just fantastic in it, almost like the dress was made for you.”

“Oh, thanks, thanks again, you’re too kind.”

“Anyway, I’m sorry we took up your time. Maybe we’ll come back in next time we’re in the market for some furniture.”

“I hope you will — or just stop by any time for a chat. As you can see, it’s not like I’m inundated most of the time.” She held out her hand, and I saw her eyes go down for a second to look at my mother’s legs. “My name is Carla.”

“I’m Suzanne. And this is my daughter, Julie.”

“Well, you sure are a pretty girl, Julie. I love that dress.”

“Oh, thank you.” I did a little curtsy, and I noticed that my mom was still holding the woman’s hand.

“We’ll try to come back soon then,” said my mother with a big smile, putting her other hand over Carla’s.

“Good. I’ll look forward to it.”

They finally ended the handshake and we left the store. As soon as we were out the door, I grabbed her arm, saying, “Mommy, she was perfect!”

“Yes, she was lovely, wasn’t she?”

“So, um, do you think you could, maybe…”

“Possibly. She offered an invitation for just a ‘chat’, so maybe I’ll stop in one day next week and I’ll see if I can take her to lunch. And then, who knows?”

We were approaching the center of the mall where there was an escalator to the second level. Suddenly my mom took my hand and started walking faster.

Just getting on the escalator was a cute girl with long blonde ponytail, wearing tennis shoes and an extremely short denim miniskirt. We got there quickly enough to be just behind her and ride the escalator up with her. That meant we had a great view of her slender legs.

I thought my mother was really smart to notice that and take advantage of the opportunity!

As the girl, who was 14 or so, stepped off at the top, she hesitated and looked around, apparently trying to figure out where she was. She turned and, for a moment, looked straight at me, giving me a nice smile — which made my heart skip a beat — but then she headed for the exit door that led to the parking lot on the other side of the mall from where we’d come in.

My mother, who was still holding my hand, asked, “Did you like her?”

“Yeah…” I noticed then that my palms were sweaty. I was getting very excited by this new game of looking at pretty girls with my mother and talking about them.

“I guess maybe her mom is coming to pick her up or something,” I said.

My mother squeezed my hand. “Yes, and maybe on the way home, she’ll tell her mother about a sexy young girl she just saw at the mall wearing a yellow sundress, and when they get home, they’ll masturbate together.”

That naughty idea made me feel all warm and kind of liquid-y inside. I realized then that my pussy was getting very wet, so wet I was suddenly afraid — since I wasn’t wearing any panties — that it might start dripping down my leg!

“Mommy…” I pulled her into a corner, behind a big potted plant.

“What, honey? What is it?” She held my face, frowning, obviously concerned.

I knew I was flushed, and I had tears in my eyes. I was scared that I might do something bad to embarrass myself, or her, and that we might even get into trouble.

“What’s the matter, baby? Don’t you feel well?”

“No, I — I feel fine. It’s just, um, that I’m…” I was standing with my legs crossed, my thighs pressed together.

“Do you have to go to the bathroom?”

That made me giggle a little. “No… I mean, not, not for that reason anyway.”

She shook her head. “I don’t understand. What do you mean?”

I looked around to make sure no one was watching us. Then I cupped my hand and whispered in her ear. “When you were telling me about that girl and her mom, like, maybe saying stuff about me and then, um, masturbating… I, sort of, like, got really hot and now I’m, I don’t know, so wet I might start dripping on the floor.”

My mother began to laugh. I knew she wasn’t laughing at me but was just relieved that I wasn’t sick or anything. “Oh, you poor dear,” she said, giving me a big kiss on the lips.

I wanted her to kiss me some more. A lot. I was so aroused at that point that I would have kissed almost any good-looking woman or girl — even my mom! But of course we were in a mall, so I couldn’t.

My mother smiled warmly at me and gave me another quick kiss, then looked around. “Let’s go in there,” she said.

Continue on to Chapter 9


Nanna Comes to Help, Chapter 2

  • Posted on April 30, 2015 at 7:01 pm

By Naughty Mommy

“We all need to be touched, Stacie,” my mom said. “That’s what I discovered when Jordan was playing with my tits last Sunday night in bed. I liked it. I wanted it. I needed it.”

She gently squeezed my braless breast through my shirt, ever so slowly bringing her fingers together until they were pinching my hard nipple. Oh my god, it felt so good. But why did it feel so good?!

I could feel my pussy getting wet. Why was this so arousing to me? Did I want my mother to touch me sexually, in front of my little girl? Apparently I did!!!

“We need to be touched,” she breathed, “and who better to touch us than someone who knows us, who loves us, who cares for us, someone who has always loved us and always will, someone we can count on forever?”

Now she was not only fondling and caressing my breast, but her face was right next to mine. Her breath was hot on my neck. My mom was nuzzling and kissing my neck!

“Mother, what — what are you doing? We can’t — not in front of Jordan!”

“Jordan won’t mind,” she whispered as she nibbled on my earlobe. “She knows all about this.”

My mother’s hand was sliding down from my chest, across my belly, down to my crotch.

This was too much. I had to object. “Mother, please, stop! What are you doing?”

She sat up straighter, taking her mouth from where she had been licking my neck. She smiled at me, her eyes glazed and hooded.

“Don’t try to fight it,” she purred. “It’s what you need, it’s what we all need. Jordan taught me that. And you know it yourself, Stacie. Why else would you ask your 7-year-old daughter to suck on your nipples?”

My face was burning. The secret was out. My mother knew the kinds of intimate things that Jordan and I did in bed.

But she wasn’t objecting to it. She wasn’t condemning me for it. Exactly the opposite. She was excited by it, and now she was trying to seduce me, her own daughter!!

“You… she…” I was tongue-tied.

“I know what you do with her. She told me. She showed me. She did it with me. That and more. So much more.”

So much more?! What could that mean??

I began to stand up, but my mother’s arm on my shoulder held me down. “Come on, honey, don’t fight it,” she said. “This is what you want. This is what you need.”

“But, I…” I was afraid I was going to cry. I didn’t know what to do or what to think. I was caught up in a dizzying combination of lust and desire and shame and fear.

My mom put her hand on my cheek. Her touch was gentle now, comforting, not as insistently sexual.

“Let’s talk about this, sweetie. Don’t run away. Don’t be afraid. We love you. I love you, and you know how much Jordan loves you. We want you to be happy. We want you to feel good, and we want to make you feel good too.”

She grinned at the double meaning of her words, and I couldn’t help grinning too.

Jordan hugged me on the other side. “It’s okay, Mommy. Don’t worry.”

“But, I…” I began again, helplessly. “I just don’t know.”

“It’s all right,” my mother said. “Everything’s all right. We’re here for you. The three of us now. We can love each other and take care of each other.”

I had no siblings. I had no husband, no boyfriend, and for that matter no girlfriend. My father had died two years earlier. All I had was my mother and my daughter.

All we had was each other. I began to look at the situation differently.

“Are you… are you saying,” I asked, “that we can, can love each other? I mean, that we can, all three of us, we can… be lovers?”

“Yes, honey, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” She scooted even closer to me, her warm body right up against mine. She put her hand on my chin, and turned my face to hers. I thought she was going to try to kiss me, but then she stopped.

She held out her hand. “Jordan, come here, baby. Sit on Nanna’s lap.”

My daughter got up obediently and sat on her grandmother’s lap, facing me.

“Now, Stacie,” my mother began, “don’t be afraid. We’re here to to take care of you. There’s nothing to be frightened of or ashamed of. But you have to face the truth.”

She took my chin again and turned my head to face her. She did kiss me then, but it was a quick kiss. Yes, it was on the lips, but it was more motherly and reassuring than seductive. After the kiss, she smiled at me and I smiled back.

But then she looked at Jordan and kissed her too. Only this kiss was longer, and definitely held the suggestion of an erotic bond between them.

When they finished, my mother looked at me and smiled again. Her lips were moist and shining. She spoke in a low voice. “When you and your daughter are cuddling in bed at night, and when she touches your breasts and plays with your nipples, and when you ask her to suck on your nipples, and after that, when you masturbate while she touches you sexually, and when you actually have an orgasm, assisted by your little girl, doesn’t that sound to you like you’re making love?”

She waited for a response.

“I… I guess… when you put it that way.”

“There’s no other way to put it. You already have been making love with your daughter.”

Everything she said was true.

I had let my daughter touch my breasts in bed at night, and I’d even encouraged her to do so. I had suggested that she could suck on my nipples if she wanted to, which she seemed to enjoy very much. We’d been doing those things for more than a year, and in the last several months, I had also started to play with my pussy as she sucked on my tits.

At first, I was cautious about it, wanting only to feel the gentle touch of my fingers on my clit. I tried not to let myself get too excited, preferring to wait until she’d fallen asleep before I quietly masturbated to a climax, as I did most nights. But just recently, during the previous few weeks before I went away for my training, I had made myself come while she was still awake, still touching me. That was a line I had crossed with her, giving myself an orgasm as she sucked my nipples. We had been doing that almost every night before I left.

But did it mean I was making love with her? That I was actually having lesbian sex with my own daughter? The way my mother described it, it certainly seemed that way.

Except I wasn’t a lesbian, was I? And could it really be true that I was committing incest with my little girl? All the evidence would seem to say that I was.

Equally as shocking was that my mother was apparently proposing not that I should stop what I was doing, but that I should continue it — and that I should extend it even further, to include having sex with her! Double lesbian incest!!

Again I shook my head. “I, I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything,” she whispered as her mouth came close to mine.

Then she was kissing me. My mother was kissing me. And this time it was not a motherly kiss. It was a sexual kiss, clearly intended to convey carnal desire. Her lips were parted, and her tongue licked at my lips.

In spite of all my misgivings, I responded to her. I opened my mouth and let her tongue inside. I returned her kiss — and as I did, I felt a powerful craving from somewhere deep down inside me rising toward the surface. It seemed that this was the very thing I’d been waiting for all those years. This is why I had never accepted any of the dozens of offers to go out with anyone. Because no one else could possibly kiss me like this and make me feel this way.

When she finally pulled away, I was breathless, almost literally. My mouth hung open. My head was spinning.

Then I looked at Jordan, at my daughter. She was smiling at me. I saw that she had a hand on her Nanna’s breast and was casually massaging it. I wondered, what could a little girl be thinking when she sees her mother kissing another woman like that? And not just any woman, but the little girl’s grandmother!

It seemed that my mother knew my thoughts. “Jordan’s okay. She knows about kissing. We talked about it a lot. We practiced together too. She’s getting pretty good at it.”

“You mean, at kissing?” I mumbled.

My daughter nodded. “Uh-huh, I like kissing that way, with my mouth open and my tongue. Nanna showed me how.”

“Kiss me again, Stacie,” purred my mother.

I did. But this time instead of her leaning in toward me, I immediately leaned toward her. I wanted to feel the way I’d felt a moment before, to be nearly overcome with lust and passion as her tongue and her lips played with mine. And that’s exactly how I felt. It was intoxicating.

I loved my mother deeply. But we had been apart so much during the previous few years that I’d almost forgotten how much she meant to me. As a child, I had worshipped her. We’d been practically inseparable, as Jordan and I were now. My father had often traveled on business, and when he was away, my wonderful mother would let me sleep in bed with her, cuddling close at night, hugging and kissing.

And as she kissed me now, all those sweet shining memories came flooding back. Laughing with her, playing with her, running and dancing with her — my beautiful young mommy, the true love of my life.

We continued kissing for what seemed like a very long time, our mouths wet and open, my mother’s warm strong hands roaming all over my body. I was trembling with excitement, panting and sweating. My eyes were closed so I could fully savor every sensation.

When she finally pulled away and I opened my eyes, I was surprised to find two faces close to mine.

My darling little girl was cheek to cheek with her Nanna. She was breathing hard now too, apparently as aroused as I was by what was happening. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were hooded.

Before I could say anything, my mother turned and began kissing my daughter the same way she had just kissed me.

It was one of the most erotic sights I have ever seen: a mature grown woman, still beautiful and sexy at 44 years old, kissing a darling 7-year-old little girl, their lips parted and tongues exploring. What would have seemed unthinkable to me just a short time earlier was now irresistibly exciting. It made me want to touch myself, so I did.

I put my hand between my legs and began rubbing my pussy through the thin fabric of my shorts and my panties as I watched my mom and my daughter passionately kissing.

After a few seconds, they ended the kiss and smiled at each other. Jordan giggled. Her Nanna nuzzled her nose. Then my mother noticed what I was doing with my hand. She gave me a wink and nodded approvingly.

“Jordan, baby,” she said, “do you want to do a sexy strip tease for your Mommy and me now?”

“Okay,” Jordan eagerly agreed. My daughter stood up and moved the kitchen chair aside, giving herself a little room.

I was about to take my hand away from my crotch, but my mother prevented me. She held my wrist and guided my fingers back to where they’d been.

“Don’t stop,” she instructed. “She wants to see you doing that.”

Jordan was in a little yellow sun dress that came to about six inches above her knees. She was wearing white knee socks, with no shoes.

She smiled at us as she began to sway her body back and forth in a sensual rhythm, just like an exotic dancer. It looked as though she’d been practicing a lot.

My mother spread her long legs apart, lifting my thigh and placing it over hers. She opened a few more snaps on her dress so she could touch herself through her red panties. It was apparent that both she and I were expected to begin masturbating while we watched my little girl perform for us.

And Jordan was quite a performer. As she turned in a slow circle, my daughter gradually raised the hem of her dress, letting us see more and more of her pretty legs. By the time she’d completed the circle and was facing us again, the dress was pulled all the way up above her waist. She was wearing white cotton panties.

Still swaying, she stepped closer to us and continued raising the dress. When it was nearly up to the level of her nonexistent breasts (at only 7 years old, she was still completely flat-chested), she stopped and gave us a leering grin. She licked her lips, then turned her back to us and lifted the dress over her head and off. She tossed it onto the chair.

My mouth was literally watering at the sight of her. Even though she was my own daughter, and even though she was only in the 2nd grade, I still found this lovely child to be incredibly alluring and seductive. Her legs were unusually long and perfectly shaped. Her smooth pink skin almost begged to be touched.

I was masturbating now without hesitation. I’d slipped my hand inside my shorts and into my panties so I could touch myself directly. My pussy was very wet.

My mother had her hand under her panties too. She was moving her fingers fast and breathing hard. Her other hand was clutching her breasts through her dress.

Jordan turned to face us again. She had her arms crossed over her chest, her hands covering her nipples. As we watched her, she massaged herself and then pinched her little nipples between her fingers. She wasn’t smiling any more. Now she had a look of intense erotic arousal.

Stepping in front of me and looking straight into my eyes, my daughter hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and began slowly pulling them down as her body swayed suggestively. More pink skin was gradually revealed.

I knew very well that Jordan had no pussy hair yet. She was years away from puberty. But it was a tremendous thrill to see her vulva come into view. Her little slit, her puffy labia — she was getting naked, just for me, to get me excited!

And she was making me very excited. I was getting close to an orgasm as I rubbed myself while I stared at my little girl’s body. She slid the panties all the way down her legs and stepped out of them.

“Oh, you’re so beautiful…” I whispered to her.

In a gentle voice, my mother asked, “Jordan, do you want to watch your Mommy come?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded.

“I think you should kiss your Mommy while she comes.”

She shifted over to give Jordan room between us, and my daughter knelt on the sofa, facing me. The only thing she was wearing now was her white knee socks.

As she leaned in to kiss my mouth, she put her hand on my breast, over my shirt. I closed my eyes, parted my lips, and for the first time, my hot little girl and I shared a truly sexual kiss. I felt her tongue in my mouth. I felt her lips on mine. I felt her fingers squeezing my breast and pinching my nipple.

In the weeks leading up to our separation, I had climaxed with my daughter many times in bed at night as she fondled my breasts and sucked on my nipples. But that had been an unspoken arrangement, an undeclared passion. What we did then, we did without discussing it and without openly acknowledging it.

This was different. Now we were having lesbian sex and there was nothing secretive or undeclared about it. What we’d had before was wonderful and exciting, and my orgasms were certainly enjoyable, but this was at an entirely different level.

Knowing that my daughter wanted me to masturbate and make myself come for her, knowing that she had just stripped for me, and that she was kissing me right now and touching me, and that we soon would do even more than this, possibly much more — all of that combined to push me over the top, to make me climax as powerfully as I ever had.

While I was still in the middle of my first orgasm, with my eyes closed and my hand clamped between my thighs, I felt Jordan putting her hand under my shirt to grab my breast, and then I felt her lifting my shirt, and then I felt her little mouth closing over my erect nipple and sucking on it, and that made me start to come again.

And when that second strong orgasm began to subside and I was able to open my eyes, I saw something I will never forget. My daughter was no longer sucking my nipple. Now she was kissing her Nanna. But the unforgettable thing I saw was that my mother had her hand between my little girl’s legs and she was touching her pussy! She was reaching in from behind, her long fingers caressing my daughter’s puffy lips. And as I watched, my mother slid a finger between Jordan’s labia!!

I heard my daughter groan in pleasure. That made me want to come again. I grabbed my tit in my hand and squeezed it hard. The nipple was still wet from Jordan sucking on it. I pushed two fingers inside my vagina and fucked myself as I stared at the unbelievable sight of my mother fingering my little girl’s pussy.

Within seconds I came for the third time, and this one was even longer and more intense than the others.

“OHHH GOD!!!! FUCK — OHHH!!!!!” I heard myself screaming. That was something I had never done before, certainly not in front of Jordan. But I couldn’t help it.

And with that last tremendous orgasm, I was spent. I slumped down on the sofa, panting heavily, trying to catch my breath. With my eyes still closed, I removed my fingers from my dripping cunt and raised them to my mouth, licking and sucking them to taste myself. Still breathing hard, I placed both hands over my breasts and held them, trying to calm down.

I don’t know how long it was, but eventually I opened my eyes and looked up at Jordan and my mom. They were still kissing, but now my daughter was astride my mother’s leg, humping her little pussy against her Nanna’s bare thigh.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe this is happening,” I said to myself. Except I must have said it loud enough for them to hear. Because they ended their kiss and looked at me.

“Do you like it, Mommy?” Jordan was smiling at me.

“Of course she does,” my mother answered for me. Then she said, “Jordan, I think we ought to get your Mommy naked, don’t you?”

My little girl grinned and nodded her head.

“Why don’t you take off her clothes while I watch, okay?” suggested my mother.

“Okay!” Jordan quickly agreed.

“Take off her shirt first.” My mother sat up a little straighter but kept her hand inside her panties, caressing herself.

Jordan came to me and put her hands on the hem of my shirt. I had to sit up so she could get it off. She lifted the top over my head and laid it over the arm of the sofa. She stood back, and they both looked at my breasts.

“You’re a very beautiful girl, Stacie,” said my mother in a soft voice.

I have small breasts, but I’m generally thin, anyway, like my mom and my daughter. My tits are nicely shaped, though, and perky. My nipples are brown, and when they’re erect, as they were now, they get very long.

“Thank you,” I mumbled in response.

“Such gorgeous soft white skin,” my mother added.

Unlike her, I stay out of the sun. My skin is pale, much fairer than than my mother’s, more like my Irish father’s was, so I have to be very careful about not getting burned.

“Stand up,” she said, “so Jordan can take off your shorts.”

I obeyed. My daughter pulled down my dark blue shorts, and they both looked at my bikini undies, which were black and lacy, a nice contrast with my skin.

“Take off your Mommy’s panties, honey,” ordered my mother. My little girl slid them over my hips and down my legs, and then I was naked.

Although her dress was open up to the waist, my mother was still completely clothed, and Jordan was still wearing her socks, but I was naked. Totally naked in front of them.

My mother was staring at my pussy. During the previous few months I’d begun shaving it completely. I like the way it looks that way, and I love the way it feels when I masturbate, so smooth and slippery. I shave my pussy every evening in the bath with my daughter.

“God, you’re such a beautiful woman,” breathed my mother. “Look at her, Jordan. Look at your Mommy. Don’t you think she’s pretty?”

“Uh-huh,” my daughter nodded. Then she turned to her Nanna. “But we’re naked and you’re not.”

“That’s right,” laughed my mother. “And that’s not fair, is it? Tell you what, why don’t we go to your Mommy’s bedroom… we’ll be more comfortable on the bed, I think. And then you can take my clothes off too, okay?”

“Okay,” chirped Jordan. “Come on, Mommy.” She took my hand and we all went into my bedroom.

Continue on to Chapter 3