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The Joy of Looking, Chapter 7

  • Posted on April 29, 2015 at 4:28 pm

By Naughty Mommy

What a dream it was. No, I don’t mean the dream I had that night of making love with women who looked like my mother. I mean living this dream life, of learning all about sex and being allowed to watch my mom with these girls and women that she would bring home. It was unbelievably great.

And it was kind of weird how, as all of this was taking place, we were also still pretty much like a normal family. I mean, we were a normal family, with school and housework and everything, and we were all really happy — but I don’t think very many moms have lesbian sex in front of their 12-year-old daughters. Yes, I turned 12!!

And for my birthday, my mother had all these amazing surprises for me.

First, she got a sitter to stay with Molly and Kate, saying that since it was my 12th birthday, I should get to have a very special private time with her. Then, she told me I should wear the white dress, black sweater, and stiletto heels when we went out for our celebration. I was stunned, because I never thought she would let people see me dressed all sexy in public like that, but I was also really happy. It would be like I was a grownup lady!

My mom said she’d made a reservation for the two of us at a high-class restaurant in a town about 40 minutes from ours. And she hired a Rolls Royce limousine to drive us there! The limo driver was a lady about my mom’s age or maybe a little older with straight blonde hair and a really cool English accent. She was pretty and she seemed nice.

As we started toward the restaurant, my mom used a switch to lower the window between the back of the limo and where the driver was. She said something to the English lady about the directions to get there, and then she turned to me and said — loud enough for the driver to hear — “You’re not wearing any panties, are you?”

I saw the driver immediately look up into the rear view mirror, watching me. I couldn’t believe my mother had asked me that, but I didn’t know what else to do, so I just answered honestly, “No.”

“Good,” said my mom. “Neither am I.” The driver smiled, then returned her attention to the road.

When we pulled up in front of the restaurant, a man in a tuxedo came toward the car and opened the door for us to get out. I suddenly realized I would have to be careful not to flash the guy since I didn’t have my panties on! But I managed to get out of the car okay and not stumble too clumsily in my high heels. My mom got out after me and took my hand, putting it under her arm like we were a couple. She gave the tuxedo guy — the doorman? — a tip, and then we went inside.

It was definitely the fanciest restaurant I had ever been to, with all the waiters wearing tuxedos and stuff. There was live classical music, a string quartet I think, and it was all dark inside. We got this big special table that my mother said was called a banquette, where we were sitting next to each other and kind of looking down on some of the other diners.

Again, I had never experienced any kind of a meal like this. I lost track of how many courses there were, and it was all really good, even if sometimes I wasn’t really sure what I was eating. Before dessert ever came, I was stuffed, and my mom had been drinking different kinds of wines with each course, so she was a little tipsy. But we had such a good time!

We were in the restaurant for I think about two and a half hours, and when we came out somehow the car was right there waiting for us. We got in and I felt so special, like we were really rich people or the royal family or something.

And as we settled into the comfy leather seat in the back of the Rolls Royce and started our long drive home in the dark, my mom put her arm around me and I snuggled up next to her, all warm and happy. After a few minutes of sitting that way, she said quietly, “Did you have a good time?”

“Yeah, for sure, that was the best!”

My mother put a finger under my chin and turned my face to look up at hers. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” Then she kissed me on the mouth, wetly with a lot of tongue.

I could taste the wine that she’d been drinking, and I loved the smell of her special perfume, and it always made me super excited when she would do that, and so I let her kiss me that way for a long time… yet at the same time I started thinking that it was kind of weird for a mom to be kissing her daughter like that, especially when somebody else might be watching!

And sure enough, when we finally ended the kiss, I looked at the rear view mirror, and the lady driver was watching us. She was still driving carefully, of course, but she had her mirror set so she could see everything we were doing.

“Mom,” I whispered urgently, “she can see us!”

“I know, baby,” my mother reassured me, “and it’s okay. I talked to her about this before. In fact, she’s going to play something like our game with us in a few minutes.”



So that was another one of the big surprises my mom had planned for me. What a night it was!

We drove along for several minutes more while my mother kept kissing me with her tongue. I was getting so excited — I could feel that my pussy was super wet — and I really wanted to touch myself between my legs, but then I felt the car kind of bump and slow down, like we were turning off the main road.

It was dark outside, and I had no idea where we were, but I could see a big metal gate open up in front of the car. It was electric, I guess. We drove through the gate and we were on a small road with lots of big trees, and pretty soon the driver pulled the car over to the side and stopped.

My mom lowered the window again between the back and front seats. “Thank you, Linda.” (I discovered that was the driver’s name.) “You’re sure no one will find us here?”

“Yes, ma’am, I’m quite certain,” she said in her cultured accent while looking at us in the rear view mirror. “As I told you, our company uses this location exclusively, and tonight I’m the only one with the code for that gate.”

“Excellent,” said my mother. “Then would you like to come back here and join us?”

“Indeed I would.”

I could see the smile on Linda’s face. She opened the driver’s door, got out, came to the rear door, opened it, and climbed in with us. She sat on sort of a mini-seat that folded down and faced toward the back.

“Linda, this is my daughter, Julie.”

“Hello, Julie, I’m so glad to know you. Happy birthday!” She held out her hand and I took it. Then she put her other hand over mine. Her grip was warm and strong.

“Doesn’t she look pretty for her 12th birthday?” asked my mom.

“Yes, she does, she is a very beautiful girl.”

I blushed and tried to say, “Thank you,” but I only stammered awkwardly because I was nervous and I wasn’t sure what would happen next.

My mom reached down and put her hand under my ankle, lifting my leg up. With her other hand, she slid the white dress up over my thigh, about halfway to my crotch. She caressed the inside of my leg, which tickled and also made my nipples get hard.

“Don’t you just love her little legs? So soft and smooth and young?”

“Oh, yes, ma’am, I love little girls like that.” Linda spread her own legs apart and drew her pleated skirt up between them, exposing her thighs. Her legs were bare and her skin was very white.

Putting her hand behind my head and gently stroking my hair, my mother looked into my eyes. “Now, Julie, Linda and I are going to play around a little bit and you can watch us, okay?”

“Um, okay…”

My mom took off the suit jacket she had on, and then slowly began unbuttoning her blouse. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

Linda did the same, taking off her jacket and tossing it over the front seat, then slowly opening her white shirt. The bra she was wearing was white and lacy and low cut, showing off her cleavage. Her breasts were full and lightly freckled.

My mother finished removing her blouse and hung it on a hook by the door, then turned to me and said, “Honey, would you take off your sweater and your dress, so we can see you naked?”

“Uh, okay, I guess.”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I would love to be able to look at you, and I’m sure Linda would too.” My mom patted my knee.

“Yes, I would, very much” nodded the driver, “but only if you’re comfortable with that, my dear.”

“Well, all right,” I answered nervously as I started to shrug out of my cashmere sweater.

I was feeling warm and starting to sweat a little bit. It wasn’t hot at all in the car, but this kind of close-up situation was different than anything we had done before. I mean, I had been naked in bed with my mom while we were both masturbating and even kissing, but somehow this felt way more intense than that.

I hung up my sweater on the hook above the door and then reached under my arm to pull down the zipper on the dress. Linda and my mom had stopped undressing and were staring at me.

They were both topless now. My mom’s tits were gorgeous, a little smaller than Linda’s but round and perky with stiff brown nipples. Linda’s breasts were larger and sagged a little, but they were very nice.

When I pulled the zipper down, I paused for a moment, with my arm across my chest, holding the dress there.

“Don’t be shy, honey, let us see you,” encouraged my mom.

I lowered the dress and looked down at my tiny breasts. They seemed like nothing compared to Linda’s and my mom’s.

“Oh, how beautiful!” sighed Linda.

“Yes, isn’t she perfect?” agreed my mother.

“My lord, Julie, you are so very lovely!” Linda couldn’t seem to take her eyes off my breasts.

I began to feel a little prouder of my body. Even if it wasn’t grown up and mature like theirs, if they thought that I was pretty and sexy, that made me happy.

“I could look at you all night…” Linda had a hand under her skirt now, and it was obvious that she was touching herself.

My mom was squeezing her own breasts and pinching her nipples as she looked at me. “Go ahead, now, baby, take it all the way off.”

“Okay. Um, my shoes too?”

“Your shoes too. I think we should all get completely naked.”

“Oh, yes, I like that idea,” Linda chuckled.

So, I leaned over and undid the straps on my high-heeled sandals and put the shoes to the side. Then I lifted my bottom off the seat and pulled the dress under me and down my legs. At the same time, my mom and Linda were taking off their shoes and skirts, and in a minute, we were all three naked.

My mother kept her pussy hair trimmed but not shaved. Linda had hers shaved all the way off. It was the first time I had ever seen a grown lady that way.

But as I was looking at her, Linda was really looking at me. My mom saw it, and put her hand on my bare knee, gently pulling my thighs apart.

“Open up your legs for us, sweetie. Let Linda get a good look at you.”

I took a deep breath and began to spread my legs.

And then for some reason, I don’t know what happened, but it was like a switch was flipped on inside me. Instead of feeling embarrassed and shy that night, I started feeling really good about myself, feeling strong and powerful, because I was someone special. I had something that people really wanted to see.

I leaned back and lifted my knees into the air, then put my hands between my legs and spread my pussy lips apart.

“Oh!!” Linda gasped and put her hand over mouth. Her other hand grabbed her breast and squeezed it. “Oh my god, what a — what a beautiful little girl!”

Her reaction made me smile.

My mother leaned forward, sliding her hand in between Linda’s legs as they both looked down at my open pussy. “Do you like that? Does it make you hot to look at my daughter, spreading her… her little cunt open for you?”

My mom was caressing Linda’s pussy. I could see that it was already very wet. I started rubbing myself too, dipping my fingers between my lips to bring out the slippery moisture. My mom started licking Linda’s breasts, making her nipples hard, and then sucking on them and biting them. I put one hand on my own tits as I watched this, pinching my little nipples.

Linda had a hand behind my mother’s head, holding her face against her breasts. Her other hand was over my mom’s, down between her legs. She licked her lips as she stared at me, watching me play with my tits and rub my pussy.

“Do you… do you enjoy touching yourself, Julie?” asked Linda.

“Uh-huh,” I nodded. “I do. It feels really good.”

“And, um—” she looked down at my mom and spoke quickly to her “—put your finger in me. Fuck me with your finger.”

My mother complied. I saw her slide first one, then two fingers inside Linda’s wet cunt. I watched her fingers moving in and out, again and again, pressing deeper and harder with each thrust as her thumb caressed the woman’s clit.

Linda groaned with pleasure and closed her eyes for a moment, apparently savoring the sensation. Then she looked up at me again and continued, “And, um, darling, can you, can you make yourself come?”

“Uh-huh. Do you want to watch me?” I was rubbing my clit faster and I knew I was getting close.

“Oh, yes!” She pushed my mom’s head down toward her crotch. “Lick me now, please, while I watch your little girl play with herself.”

As my mother positioned herself between Linda’s thighs, her body shifted around until her own bottom was between my legs. Where I was touching myself was only a few inches from my mom’s pussy.

And then, while I watched, I saw my mom’s hand sliding under her to find her cunt. As she licked Linda’s clit and fucked her with her fingers, my mother slid her own finger into her wet pussy, and she started fucking herself right in front of me.

For a second I had the strongest desire to put my hand down there too, on her pussy, to touch her, and to slide my own finger up inside my mother’s cunt — and when that thought passed through my mind, I suddenly started to climax.

“Unh—I’m gonna come—” I squeaked, wanting Linda to know what was happening.

And then I did come, hard. When my thighs started to clamp together, they closed on my mother’s hips. My eyes were shut tight but I could feel the warmth of her skin against the inside of my knees as I pressed my fingers into my slit and moaned in erotic ecstasy.

“OHH FUCK YES FUCK YES!!” I heard Linda shrieking as she came while I was still in the midst of my own climax. My orgasm lasted a very long time, apparently even longer than hers.

By the time I was able to open my eyes, my mother was sitting up on the seat beside me, looking at me. Her eyes were heavy-lidded, her lips still wet from Linda’s pussy juices. Her long legs were spread wide apart and she was fucking herself fast with two fingers.

When I looked at her, she said, “Kiss me, Julie! Kiss me while I come!”

I leaned toward her and put my mouth over hers. Our tongues played together and I tasted an unfamiliar tang that must have been the flavor of Linda’s sex. As I kissed my mom, I caught a glimpse of the other woman watching us and rubbing her own pussy.

“Oh yes yes yes,” she murmured, “kiss your mummy, kiss your little girl, mummy’s little girl, make mummy come, oh FUCK YES—”

My mother and Linda came at the same time. I kissed my mom and put my hand on her breast. It was warm and soft, but her nipple was very hard under my palm. I wanted to squeeze her nipple — I wanted to suck on it! — but I was afraid. I just held her breast in my hand while she climaxed.

As soon as my mother was done, Linda was all over her, kissing her mouth, her face, her neck, her chest, and then sucking on her tits.

I leaned back again, watching them and touching myself. My mom looked at me and licked her lips. “Touch your little pussy, honey. Mommy wants to see you come.”

I spread my long, slender legs as far apart as I could, even lifting one of my feet up to the back of the seat, behind her. I opened my cunt up for my mom, so she could see me as I rubbed my clit and played with the opening to my vagina.

“Uh-huh, that’s right. Mommy likes to watch you. Make yourself come for Mommy.”

Linda had left my mother’s breasts and moved down so her face was between her legs. She was holding my mother’s pussy lips apart with both hands and was licking her cunt.

“Oh goddamn that feels so good!” sighed my mom, as she held the woman’s head in her hands. “Linda, you’re — you’re gonna make me come while my daughter’s watching — watching you eat me — UMMHHH-OOOHHH!!!”

I was close, but I waited. I wanted my mom to see me come, to see the whole thing up close, without the distraction of her own climax. I slid even further down on the seat, with one leg still up high behind my mother’s head, and I laid the other leg across Linda’s back as she licked and sucked on my mom’s clit.

I was very excited. This was definitely something new. It was like I was having sex with them, and not just watching. I had to slow my movements a little so I wouldn’t come too fast.

It was a long orgasm for my mother, and she was very loud. She seemed to keep coming over and over again as Linda pumped her finger in and out of her cunt and sucked on her clit.

But finally she finished. Linda sat back, panting and wiping her mouth. Her big tits were shiny with sweat.

I suddenly had a strong desire to touch Linda’s breasts, to put my face between them, to suck on her nipples. That idea got me even more turned on, and then when I looked back over at my mom and saw her pinching her own long nipples, and then lift one of them up to her mouth so she could extend her tongue and lick it, I couldn’t hold back any more.

“Mommy, watch me!” I cried. “Watch me come!”

My mom put one hand on my thigh as I started to come. I tried to hold my pussy open for her to see as I experienced my orgasm, but then it became impossible for me to control my hands as they clenched at my young sex while I climaxed in front of them.

* * *

That turned out to be the final orgasm of our little lesbian orgy in the backseat of the Rolls Royce limousine.

After I was finished, I stretched my legs wide apart, like I was doing the splits, and I let my mom and Linda watch me dipping my fingers inside my pussy lips and taking the juices and putting them in my mouth and tasting myself.

Linda sat up next to my mother and put her arm around her and they both just stared. They obviously appreciated what I was doing, and I loved being the center of their attention.

My mom and Linda kissed a little bit more, but then both seemed to agree that it was time for us to go home.

As we were getting dressed again, Linda said, “You know, Julie, I… I have a little girl of my own, just about your age. She’s, um, she’s at home now, and I… well, I just can’t thank you enough for, for sharing this with me.”

“What does your little girl look like?” asked my mother.

“Well, she’s slender, like Julie, but her hair is, it’s red and curly and she has a lot of freckles. She’s almost 13, and I, um, you know…” She blushed and looked down at the floor as she finished buttoning her shirt.

“Have you ever talked to her about lesbian sex? Asked her if she might be curious about it?”

“No, it’s, it’s her father — we’re separated, but he doesn’t even know that I like women, and neither does Allie, my daughter. I mean, if they ever knew, there might be trouble. So, for now, it’s just a fantasy…. except for an extraordinary time like this.”

As she picked up her jacket, she leaned toward me, looking into my eyes. “Thank you so much, darling. I will never ever forget this.”

I just smiled, unsure of what to say to her. Then she got out of the car, slipped on her jacket, went up to the driver’s seat, and drove us back to our house.

After taking the babysitter home, my mom came into my room to see me before she went to bed. I was already asleep, completely spent by the incredible events of the evening. I didn’t hear the door open, and it wasn’t until I felt her soft lips on mine that I awoke and realized she was there. I turned my face to hers and she kissed me warmly.

“Happy birthday, my darling girl, and thank you for a wonderful time tonight.”

“Oh, thank you, Mommy!” I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed again. “It was the best birthday ever!!”

Continue on to Chapter 8


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 6

  • Posted on April 29, 2015 at 4:26 pm

By Naughty Mommy

On Tuesday night the following week, my mom came into my room again as I was getting ready for bed. It was about 11:00 o’clock.

It was the middle of August, and we had no school, so Molly was allowed to stay up until 9:30 and Kate until 10:30, but my mom said since I was almost 12 years old, I could stay up as late as I wanted. Usually I went to sleep around midnight, though.

I was standing in my bathroom, wearing boxer shorts and a big tank top, brushing my hair. My mom came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders, looking at me in the mirror.

“You’ll never guess what I did today,” she said.


“Are you going to bed now?”

“Um, yeah, as soon as I brush my teeth.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.” She sat down on the toilet seat. “When you get in bed, I’ll tell you all about it.”

I smiled. I knew it would be something sexy and exciting. I brushed my teeth a little faster than usual.

My mom was wearing a bathrobe, and as I opened my bed, she took the robe off. She was naked underneath. “Take your clothes off too,” she requested.

“Okay.” I turned away from her and pulled down my boxer shorts, stepping out of them, then lifted the tank top over my head. Even though my mother had seen me naked plenty of times, I was still sort of shy about my body. I wanted to be older and more developed, more like a woman.

I quickly slipped under the covers. My mother joined me.

We faced each other, on our sides, and I felt the warmth of her. She smelled wonderful too. I thought how lucky I was to have such a sexy mom who would teach me about everything.

“You remember Melissa, from Victoria’s Secret?”

“Of course.”

“Well, I called the store yesterday from work to see if she was there, but she wasn’t, because she has Mondays off. But I called again today and she was there. So, at lunch, I told my secretary I had an appointment and I would be gone for a couple of hours and then I went to the mall to see Melissa.”


“Yes — and do you know what happened?”


“We had sex! In the fitting room! The same one where she saw Kate naked!”


“Yes!!” My mother was ecstatic. She was breathing hard. I wondered if she could have an orgasm just from telling me about this.

“I, I told her I wanted her to help me try on a few things, and I just grabbed a bra and pair of panties — they weren’t even my size — and I’m sure she knew immediately what I had in mind. But when we went into the fitting room, the one all the way at the back, and after she’d closed the door and locked it, I didn’t start grabbing her right away or anything.”

“Why not?”

“Because first I wanted to find out just how far she would go, if, you know, if she was the type who might want to play our little game with us.”

“Ooh, really? And?” I felt my nipples getting hard.

“So, I took off my blouse and my bra, still pretending I was going to try on the new one. And then, while I was standing there topless in front of her, I said, ‘Melissa, I think I should apologize for the other day when I was here and when I touched you in a way that maybe wasn’t appropriate.’ And she said, ‘I didn’t mind. I liked it.’ And she reached out and put her hand on one of my breasts.”


“Uh-huh. But I said, ‘Yes, I know, but it was in front of my daughters, and they’re just little girls, and I thought it might have made you uncomfortable to have them watching while I touched your body that way.’”

“Oh, I get it,” I grinned.

“Right. And after I said that, Melissa smiled at me and she leaned in really close and she put both her hands on my breasts, squeezing my nipples, and she said, ‘No, I liked it that way. It was naughty and exciting. I like being a naughty girl.’”

“Ooh, this is good.”

“Yes, it is. We started kissing then, and while I was taking off her clothes I asked her if she liked looking at Kate’s sexy little naked body, only 10 years old, and she said she thought Kate was hot.”

“She really said that?”

“Uh-huh, and then while I had my hand inside her panties and I was feeling her smooth, wet, shaved pussy, I told her what you had done the other day.”

“What do you mean?”

“I told Melissa that when you went to the ladies room you took off your panties and you masturbated while you were fantasizing about her.”

“You told her that?

“Yeah…” My mother was masturbating again, rubbing herself as she leaned in close to me, her warm, fragrant, naked body touching mine.

“I, she, we, we kissed a lot, and, and she, she sucked on my nipples… mmm, and then she started fingering me, and then she had me sit on the bench… oh god, I’m, I’m… and, um, and she started licking me and—”

She had her first climax. Or at least her first with me that night in my bed. I’m pretty sure she had been masturbating in her room earlier in the evening, too, and maybe also in her office at work after she got back from the mall. My mom loves touching herself.

It was a short one, but intense. She quickly went back to her story.

“Then, I, I licked her too… god she tasted so good… and she came in my mouth, and I told her I wanted to see her again, and I asked her if she would let me take her to dinner on Friday night — she gets off at 6:00 — and that if she wanted to, she could come over here, and, and see you.”

“Really? What did she say?”

“Well, she sat on my lap, facing me. We were both naked and she spread her long legs wide apart and put her hand down between her legs so she could rub both her cunt and mine at the same time. It was really hot. I started licking her nipples — she has very small tits but nice long nipples — and she said, ‘How old is she? Your little girl?’ And I told her, ‘She’s only 11 years old but she loves touching herself.’ Melissa was rubbing her hand up and down pretty fast and she was getting ready to come again and so was I, and she said, ‘She’s only 11? And she likes to touch herself? And she watches…’ ‘That’s right,’ I told her, ‘my daughter watches while I fuck young girls like you. You can sit on my face and look at her while I eat your pussy and you can watch her masturbate while you come in her mother’s mouth’ and—”

My mom started coming again, hard, but this time she rolled half on top of me, one warm sweaty thigh falling over mine, and her free hand — the one that wasn’t fucking her pussy — clutched at my tits! She squeezed my tiny breast and pinched my nipple. It hurt, but at the same time it was super exciting. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I just put my arms around her and held her while she had her orgasm.

“Oh goddamn FUCK that’s so good. So fucking good. Oh jesus god I love to fuck myself. So fucking goddamn good… mmmmm… oh but look, sweetie, I’m so wet, I must have gushed all over you,” she laughed, “I’m sorry, honey, and — oh, did I hurt you?”

She took her hand away from my breast.

“No, no, it’s okay, I’m fine.”

She flopped onto her back. “Oh my god. Oh my god, Julie, I have never had orgasms like this before. Ever since I started sharing all this stuff with you.”

She turned her head to look at me and put a wet finger out to touch my nose. “And are you really sure you’re okay with all this?”

I nodded eagerly, smiling. “Yeah, of course, I love it!”

“Good!” She turned on her side again facing me, and kissed me on the mouth, a long warm kiss, but no tongue this time. “Okay, so, Friday I’m taking Melissa to dinner, and if it all goes well, we can play our little game with her that night. How does that sound?”

“Perfect! I can’t wait!”

“Mmm, I love you, baby.”

“I love you too, Mommy!”

This time I kissed her. I took her pretty face in my hands and put my mouth on hers and I used my tongue. We kissed for a long time that way and I started getting really excited, but finally my mom said it was enough and she got out of bed and went back to her own room.

I masturbated a lot of times that night before I fell asleep.

* * *

It seemed to take forever. The days just dragged by that week until Friday arrived. Eventually, though, it did.

Mom called me from work and said she had confirmed with Melissa; she was going to meet her at a nice restaurant after work, then they would go dancing for a little while, and I should expect them at about 10:30. She told me to make sure Kate and Molly went to bed a little early (the excuse being that school was starting again the next week), so they would hopefully be asleep when she got home. Now that I was old enough, she wasn’t getting babysitters any more, and I was responsible.

For dinner that night, I made grilled cheese sandwiches — my specialty — for us. We watched The Little Mermaid together while we ate, and then I was so excited about seeing Melissa and my mom and playing our ‘game’ that as soon as the movie was over I started nagging my sisters about going to bed. I got Molly in bed right at 9:00, and Kate went up to her room at around 9:30, and I went into my room shortly after 10:00 and waited.

I brushed my hair and put on some lip gloss and then, on impulse, I went into my mother’s bedroom and found her perfume, the kind that I especially liked, and sprayed a little of it on my neck. Back in my room, I looked at myself naked in the mirror and played with my nipples and my pussy while I waited for them to get home.

At 10:45, I heard two cars drive up. My pussy was very wet. I listened for the front door to open and then I could hear them talking quietly, though I couldn’t tell what they were saying. When I heard my mom coming up the stairs, I went and sat on my bed.

My bedroom door opened and she came in, holding a shopping bag. Her eyes went wide when she saw what I was wearing, which was nothing. I was starting to get a bit more confident about having her see me that way.

“Hello there, beautiful girl.”

“Hi, Mom,” I smiled.

She put the bag on the bed, then sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around me. She brought her lips to mine and kissed me deeply, her tongue exploring my mouth. It was clear that she was extremely aroused.

After a long kiss, she pulled away and said softly, “Are you ready to play our game?”

I nodded eagerly.

She turned to get the shopping bag and reached inside. “I want you to wear this, okay?” My mom pulled out a gorgeous white dress, strapless, with an elastic bodice.

My eyes went wide. It was by far the most ‘adult’ piece of clothing she had ever purchased for me. “Really?”

“Uh-huh. And these too.” Also in the bag was a pair of black sandals with stiletto heels! I had never been allowed to wear high heels before!

“Oh, wow…”

“Do you like them?”


“Good. Now, you won’t be able to wear them all the time, of course. Only for special occasions, like tonight, for example.”

“Okay.” I was holding the shoes, marveling at how sexy and grownup they were.

“And put this on too.” She handed me a beautiful black cardigan sweater. The fabric was super thin and soft — my mom said it was cashmere. I was sure it was expensive.

“So, Melissa already knows all about our game, but I think she’s still going to be surprised at how exciting it is. You put these things on — no panties, all right? — and I’ll go back downstairs.”

“Um, no panties?”

My mother was almost at the door, and turned back to look at me. “Nope, no panties. Melissa’s not wearing any.”

I didn’t really get the connection, but I nodded anyway.

She held up her right hand and looked at it, smiling, her two middle fingers close together. “I already fucked her once in the ladies room at the restaurant.” She sniffed her fingers. “Do you want to smell?”

She came back over to me and held her fingers in front of my nose. With the perfume both my mom and I were wearing, and with the smell of my own pussy juices still in the air, I wasn’t quite sure I could sense Melissa’s aroma, but I pretended I did.

“Nice, huh?” My mom licked the tips of her fingers. “Mmmm… okay, you get dressed now and we’ll get started down in the family room.” She leaned over and kissed me once more on the mouth, then left the room.

The dress was just my size. I stood in front of the mirror, admiring how great I looked in it. The shoes were hard to stand up in, since I had never worn high heels except when I was a little girl fooling around in my mom’s closet. But I loved the way they made my legs look so much longer and sexier.

When I went out into the hall after pulling on the sweater, my mother was sitting on the sofa next to Melissa. They were toasting each other with glasses of champagne. I discovered then why my mom wanted me to dress up in these new clothes — because they were exactly the same as Melissa was wearing!!

As I stepped to the railing, my mother looked up at me. “Hi, sweetie,” she smiled. I smiled back.

Melissa held up her glass and beamed. “Hi, Julie.”

My throat was a little tight as I considered that within a few minutes I would finally see her naked — having lesbian sex with my mom! — and so I wasn’t able to say anything. I just smiled at her and nodded.

Winking at me, my mom put down her champagne glass and took Melissa’s face in her hands, kissing her deeply and wetly. Then, after the kiss, my mom had Melissa stand up and turn slowly around in a circle for me. The girl held the sides of her dress up high and I could see her smooth white thighs.

“Look how beautiful she is. Now, Julie, you turn around too.”

I did so, a bit awkwardly. Because I was unsteady in the heels, I had to keep one hand on the railing for support. I wanted to lift my dress up with both hands so they could see that I wasn’t wearing any panties, but since I could only use one hand, I wasn’t sure they could tell.

“You are so cute!” gushed Melissa.

“Yes, isn’t she lovely?” said my mom. Then she turned to Melissa and kissed her again. “And so are you. It’s like I now have two beautiful little daughters. Sexy twins!”

I wasn’t sure why she said that, since we didn’t look very much alike, and since she already had two other daughters, but anyway it made me feel happy that she was happy.

“Now I want to see both of my little girls take off their clothes. First, the sweaters.”

Melissa giggled. She was obviously having a good time. Looking up at me, she began to slowly remove her sweater. I did the same.

With her sweater off, it was easy to see that Melissa had very small breasts, not much bigger than mine. But I could also tell that her nipples were erect, as mine were.

Our dresses zipped on the side. At the exact same time, we reached up to pull down the zippers. Then we let our dresses slip down over our bodies and fall to the floor. We were both naked except for our high-heeled sandals.

My mom was sitting on the sofa, her own dress pulled up to her waist. She had no panties on. Her legs were spread wide and she was rubbing her pussy with both hands as she watched us strip for her. I couldn’t hear her voice, but I could read her lips as she said, “My two pretty girls…”

Staring up at me, Melissa raised her hands to her breasts and squeezed her nipples. I copied her movements. She licked her lips, then slowly slid her hands down over her long lean body to her crotch. Still watching me as I followed her actions, she spread her shaved pussy lips apart and pressed the middle finger of her right hand into her cleft. We both sensuously rubbed our fingers between our wet pussy lips.

On the sofa, my mom quickly pulled her loose dress off over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra and had already removed her shoes, and she was naked now. I saw two fingers disappear deep inside her sex.

Melissa lifted her hand from her crotch and held it out toward me. I could see it glistening with her juices. I wasn’t sure that I had quite as much lubrication to show as she did, but I followed her again, and held my hand over the railing, showing her my own middle finger, shiny with wetness.

“M-Melissa,” panted my mom, “come here and… sit… on my lap.”

As Melissa walked to the sofa, I admired her amazingly long and beautiful legs. She smiled at me and blew me a kiss, then lowered herself onto my mother’s lap.

My mom kissed her first, and then, while she stared up at me, my mother licked the girl’s long nipples. That made me immediately want to touch my breasts. I put my fingers in my mouth, wetting them, and began teasing my own nipples.

After thoroughly licking and sucking the girl’s nipples, which Melissa clearly enjoyed, my mom put a cushion from the sofa on the floor in front of her. She had Melissa lie back on it, spreading her legs wide, lifting her pussy to my mother’s face.

I was leaning on the railing, one hand playing with my breasts and one moving between my legs as I watched the action below.

Before eating the girl’s cunt, my mom looked straight into my eyes. She extended her tongue toward me, making licking motions, and then she mouthed, “My little girl,” as she began lapping at Melissa’s smooth shaved pussy.

When my mother extended her wet tongue toward me, I started rubbing myself very fast, and when I saw the look on her face as she mouthed the words ‘my little girl’ and then thrust her tongue inside Melissa’s cunt, I had my first orgasm that night.

My eyes were closed as I gripped the railing with one hand, to keep from falling down, and rubbed my clit hard with the other hand, bringing myself to a second stupendous climax.

I could hear Melissa crying out in pleasure at the same time, and when I was finally able to open my eyes again, I saw that my mother was holding the girl’s small bottom in her hands and pulling her cunt hard against her face, but with her eyes fastened on my crotch. Melissa was coming again and again as my mother tongue-fucked her.

A few minutes later, they were in a ‘69’ position on the sofa, with my mom on top. Eagerly licking and fingering each other, they soon shared simultaneous orgasms. Then my mother turned around and mounted Melissa, placing her cunt directly over the girl’s, and fucked her furiously until both had climaxed again.

I was sitting down as I watched all this, my thin legs extended between the bannister posts, my naked pussy visible to below. I spread my little lips apart, rubbing myself, and loving it every time one of them would look up to see me exposing myself to them.

They finished with Melissa kneeling on the floor in front of my mother, eating her and finger-fucking her while my mom fondled her own breasts and stared up at me, watching me masturbate as she came in the girl’s mouth.

When my mom’s last orgasm was over, Melissa climbed on her lap and kissed her for a long time (my mom licked the girl’s face, tasting her own juices), and then Melissa slipped off to the side, faced toward me, spread her long legs apart, and inserted two fingers deep inside herself.

As I watched, she fucked herself hard, fulfilling my fantasy from the store restroom. I masturbated too, once more, and we climaxed at the same time.

Exhausted after all of that, the three of us caught our breath and rested for a while. Then Melissa stood up and began putting her dress back on. (She was still wearing the heels. Mine had been off for some time.)

I got up too, and headed toward my room. But I stopped to wave and call, “Goodnight.”

Melissa beamed up at me and blew me a kiss. “Goodnight, lover,” she said.

I fell into my bed, naked and spent. I was almost asleep when the door opened. My mom and Melissa came into my room. They both knelt beside my bed.

My mother kissed me first. She used her tongue — it surprised me that she would do that in front of someone else — but I liked how it felt, so I opened my mouth and kissed her that way too.

Then it was Melissa’s turn. She leaned over me and whispered, “You are a very lucky girl to have a mom like that.” I felt her hand creep under the sheets and find my small breast. She squeezed it gently. “And you are a very sexy little girl too.”

Her kiss was long and wet and open-mouthed, with a lot of tongue. Finally, giving my breast one last squeeze, she got to her feet and went to the door where my mother was waiting. I smiled at both of them. They blew me kisses and closed the door.

I fell instantly asleep and dreamed of being seduced by blonde women who looked like my mother.

Continue on to Chapter 7


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 5

  • Posted on April 29, 2015 at 4:16 pm

By Naughty Mommy

It was late when we got home from the mall that night, past Molly’s bedtime and Kate’s too. We were all tired, so we went to our rooms without complaint.

After changing into some pajamas and brushing my teeth, I stopped and looked at myself in the full-length mirror on my closet door. Then I decided to take off what I was wearing so I could imagine what it would be like to have Melissa see me naked. I wondered if she would think my body was as sexy as I thought hers was.

I was very slender, that was good I supposed, and my legs were fairly long and had a nice shape. I didn’t have to worry about shaving them yet, they were still just smooth and almost hairless. Above my slit, I had a small amount of pubic hair, sort of light brown. I wondered if maybe I should try shaving it off, the way Rayne and Karen had, and then I wondered if Melissa shaved her pussy.

That thought made me start to tingle again between my legs. I put my hands down there and stroked myself a little bit. It felt nice, and it was exciting to touch myself like that while I was watching in the mirror.

I looked at my titties. Practically nothing there. Still just little bumps, with puffy nipples. But it always felt so good when I ran my hands over my nipples and played with them. I wondered what Melissa’s breasts looked like, and what it would be like to touch them. I closed my eyes and imagined that the body I was feeling was not my own, but hers….. and then I heard my mom coming down the hall toward my room.

I scampered over to my bed and jumped inside, laying on my back. Too late I realized that the overhead light was still on, and then my mother opened the door.

“Hey, baby — Oh, I was going to ask if you’re still awake, but I guess you are, with the light still on. Why are you in bed with the light on this way? Were you going to read or something?”

“Um, yeah.”

My mom sat on the side of my bed. She was wearing a sheer black nightie, very sexy, and she smelled great. It was my favorite perfume again. “How are you feeling now? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” I nodded, with the sheet pulled up to my chin to cover my nakedness.

“That’s good. You know, you missed out on some fun in the changing room tonight. Would you like me to tell you about it?”


“Can I get in bed with you?”

“Um, okay.”

“Wait, let me turn out the light first. Maybe I’ll just leave the little lamp on.”

She switched on a small bedside table lamp, on the lowest setting, and then got up to turn off the overhead light. “There, now we’ve got the mood right,” she smiled as she came back to the bed.

When she lifted the sheet, she exclaimed, “Ooh, look what I see! Someone doesn’t have anything on at all!”

I blushed deeply, and even in the dim lighting, I’m sure she could see that.

“What a sexy little girl you are,” said my mother, “and what a beautiful body you have.” She was holding the sheet up high, admiring me.

“Mom, that’s embarrassing,” I said, covering my breasts with my hands and crossing my legs.

“Oh, sweetie, you shouldn’t be embarrassed about having a beautiful body.” She slid onto the bed next to me, leaving the sheet down below my knees.

“You should be proud of it, and show it off. Not to everyone, of course. But to, you know, to the women and the girls who come over to play our little game with us, and to me.”

I swallowed hard. I liked hearing her say that I had a nice body, but I was still sort of uncomfortable.

She gently took my hands and moved them down to my sides so my little titties were uncovered. Then she ran her fingertips over my bare shoulder and down my arm. The feeling made me shiver all over and my nipples instantly got hard. My mother stared at them, licking her lips.

“I like looking at you, sweetheart. You’re very, very pretty.”

She took my hand and raised it to her mouth. She kissed the back of my fingers, one by one, then put a warm kiss in the middle of my palm. As she looked into my eyes, she extended her tongue, licking the skin right between my fingers.

Something about the way she did that made me go all liquid inside. I was trembling.

Holding my hand in hers, she pressed my arm to her breasts. Then she asked, “Do you like having me look at you when you’re naked?”

I could hardly speak, but I managed to whisper, “Yeah, I… I do.”

Still clutching my hand against her breasts, my mother ran the fingertips of her other hand over my belly, very lightly. It made me feel all fluttery and I moaned. For a second I thought she might put her hand down there, between my legs, and I wasn’t sure what I would do if that happened. But she didn’t.

Instead she sat up and pulled her nightie off over her head. Now she was naked too. “There, that’s better,” she grinned.

My mom pulled the sheet up to our waists as she nestled in next to me. She was laying on her back. She took a deep breath, then let it out, and turned her face toward mine, smiling. “Did you think Melissa was pretty?”

“Um, yeah…”

“I did too. And did you notice how she was looking at Kate, and at you, and at me?”

“No. I, I guess not.”

“Of course, most of the fun was after you went to the bathroom and while we were in the fitting room.” My mother started playing with her breasts, fondling and squeezing her nipples while she talked.

“She came in with us, to help Kate try stuff on. We were all in there, me and Melissa and Kate and Molly.”


“The first thing we decided to try was the pink panties and bra. You know the ones I mean?”

“The pink and white ones? Yeah, I like those.”

“Well, while I was helping Kate take off her shorts and her shirt and her panties, then she—”

“She took off her panties??” I interrupted.

“Yeah, Kate got naked. Melissa didn’t seem to mind at all. I guess she must see girls like that all the time in the changing rooms. Great job, huh?”

I nodded.

“Anyway, Melissa told us she was going to bring in something else, and she went out for a minute and came back with a really hot-looking red thong. The fabric was so sheer it was almost transparent. She said she thought Kate might like it.”

“A thong? Really?”

“Yeah, and I was tempted by it. I’m sure Kate would look amazing in something like that, and you would too, sweetie, but the kid is still only 10 years old, so I started to say no. But then guess what happened?”


My mom snuggled closer to me in bed as she continued massaging her breasts. “Melissa said she’d thought about suggesting the red thong because it was something she often wore herself. And then she pulled up her dress to show us that she was wearing one just like it.”

“No way.”

“Oh my god, what amazing legs she has. She pulled the dress all the way up past her waist, and you could clearly see that she was completely shaved, and then she turned around and showed us her bottom.”


“Yes! Now don’t you wish you’d been there?”

I didn’t answer, thinking about what I had been doing at that exact same time.

“After Melissa let her dress down, I said to her, ‘Wait, let me see again. Turn around and pull up your dress for me, would you?’ She smiled, then turned around and this time very slowly drew the dress up over her thighs until we could see her perfect bottom. And I touched her.”


“Yes!” My mother had one hand down between her legs now, while the other played with her breasts.

“I reached out and put my hand on her bottom. I said to her, ‘Oh my, you are so beautiful.’ And Kate said, ‘Mom!’ And then Melissa laughed and dropped her dress back down and turned around and said, ‘It’s okay, really, I don’t mind. I think your mom is a beautiful lady too.’ She looked into my eyes as she said that, Julie, and oh god, if your sisters hadn’t been there, I would have fucked… ooh, I’m gonna come…”

Her body quivered and she gasped and her hand squeezed her breast tight while the other one moved rapidly between her legs. I could tell by the sound that she was fucking herself with her fingers. As I watched her climax, I started touching my own nipples. I had never done that before with my mother in my bed.

It seemed that she was almost finished when she said, “If you had been there too, Julie, just you and me and Melissa, you could’ve watched her suck on my nipples, and watched me rub her little pussy and fuck her with my fingers, and— AHHHHH!!” She came again, harder and louder this time. I was afraid to touch my own pussy as I watched her, but I did start stroking my bare thigh with one hand while the other stayed on my nipples.

She suddenly kicked the sheets all the way off and threw open her thighs, putting both hands between her legs. I could see that she was spreading her pussy lips apart with her left hand and pushing the two middle fingers of her right hand deep inside herself. My mother fucked herself hard and fast.

When she started to come again, for the third time, I couldn’t resist any longer. I put my hand over my pussy and clenched my thighs together. It wasn’t enough to make me come right away, but it felt incredibly good.

Eventually my mom was exhausted. She lay there next to me, panting and sweating. She lifted her hand to her mouth and sucked and licked her fingers.

Then, still on her back, she turned her head to look at me. I was touching my nipples and clamping my thighs together. If she noticed what I was doing, she didn’t say anything. But she did ask, “Honey, what were you really doing in the bathroom tonight at Victoria’s Secret?”

I didn’t want to lie to her. Not after the way she was so open about sharing herself and everything with me. “I… I was masturbating.”

“I thought so,” she smiled. “Were you, did you come?”

“Uh-huh, yeah,” I smiled back.

She turned on her side, facing me. “And, do you want to tell me about, you know, was there anything or anyone in particular you were thinking about?”

“Melissa…” I whispered.

“Mm-hmm, nice.” She gave me a soft kiss on the lips. “Tell me what you were thinking about.”

“Well, I, um, when you guys were just looking at stuff in the store, I was kind of standing back and looking at her legs and thinking about what she would look like naked.”

“Uh-huh, and…”

“And that’s when I decided to tell you I had to go to the bathroom.”

“And then you went in and started touching yourself?”


“Did you take off all your clothes?”

“No, um, just my panties.”

“Just your panties. Ooh, that’s sexy.” My mother started caressing her own breasts again. “Honey, when I came to to the door to check on you, did you have your panties on then?”

“No, I, I was still, you know, touching myself.”

“Uh-huh, but did you put them back on?”

“Yeah, I did. And then I washed my hands.”


“Well, because they, you know, I could smell, um, you know…”

She leaned in very close and kissed me again on the mouth. I felt her tongue teasing my lips. She whispered, “Baby, if we are ever out shopping like that again, and if you go in somewhere and masturbate, promise me that when you come out you will not put your panties back on.”


“Yes! I love the idea of my sexy, naughty little 11-year-old girl walking around not wearing any panties. Especially if she’s just been touching herself and her pussy is still wet…”

She slid one hand back down between her legs again. “Do you want to masturbate with me now?”

“Now? Um, both of us?”

“Yes, together, at the same time.”

“I, I can try…”

“That’s a good girl. Turn on your side now and look at me. Look at me and kiss me while you touch yourself.”

I could tell it would not take her very long to come again. It seemed like once she got started, she was almost constantly on the verge of an orgasm. But I wasn’t sure if I could make myself come that fast.

I tried, though. I rubbed myself and I looked at her and we kissed a few times, but I couldn’t really get very close. She could see that I was having trouble and so she stopped before she had another climax.

“It’s okay, baby, we’ve had plenty of fun tonight. Thank you for letting me get in your bed and talk to you. I love you, darling.”

I wrapped my arms around her neck. “I love you too, Mommy, so much!!”

We kissed again, and this time I opened my mouth, letting her put her tongue inside. That felt funny, but I liked it.

Then my mother got out of bed, picked up her nightie from the floor, blew me a kiss, and left the room. I heard her checking in on Kate, and then on Molly, and a few seconds later I thought I could hear Molly’s voice out in the hall. I wasn’t sure why she would be awake, but it sounded like she was. But then my mother’s bedroom door closed and everything was quiet.

For a long time I laid there and thought about what an amazing day it had been.

As I recalled the beauty of Melissa’s long legs, and as I imagined what it would have been like to be with them in the fitting room while my mom was touching the girl’s bottom — right in front of Kate and even in front of 7-year-old Molly! — I touched myself and fantasized that Melissa was taking off all her clothes and that my sisters and I were watching while our mother put her hands all over Melissa’s body, and soon I was coming.

It was a long, slow, extended, warm, wet orgasm. When it was done, I turned on my side and lifted my hands to my face so I could smell my wetness. I tasted myself, and soon fell fast asleep.

I didn’t hear my mother’s bedroom door open again later as she returned little Molly to her room.

Continue on to Chapter 6


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 4

  • Posted on April 29, 2015 at 4:03 pm

By Naughty Mommy

I didn’t have to wait very long to find out what the next adventure would be, and it wasn’t at all what I expected.

The very next weekend, Mom went out again, leaving us as usual with a babysitter. This time the girl’s name was Holly. She was 17, and she was the fourth new sitter in a row that our mother got for us. I couldn’t help but think that maybe she kept trying new girls in the hopes that one of them would turn out to be like Karen, someone Mom could have sex with while I watched.

But that didn’t happen this week. Holly was nice enough, and she was sort of pretty although kind of chubby. When my mother came home, at around 1:00 AM, I woke up and heard her talking briefly to the sitter downstairs, heard them drive away, and then about twenty minutes later, heard her car come back.

I was about to go so sleep again, thinking that nothing special would happen on this Saturday night, when my mom came into my room.

“Julie, sweetie, are you awake?”

I was, and after waiting a moment for my eyes to focus when I opened them in the semi-darkness, I saw that my mother was standing in my doorway completely naked. This was definitely something new, and it made me come fully awake right away.

“Yes, Mommy…”

She came toward my bed, and I got a strong whiff of perfume, the one she wore that I liked best. It was sweet and sexy and always made me think happy thoughts when she used it, which she often did. Tonight she must have just put some more on, because her delicious scent filled the room.

She sat down on my bed for a moment and put her hand on my cheek. The she said, “Brr, it’s cold out here. Scoot over so I can get in.”

Without waiting for me to move, my mother lifted the covers and slid into the bed next to me.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hi.” She took my face in her hands and kissed me quickly on the lips. “I’m sorry to wake you.”

“It’s okay, I was awake.”

“And I — well, I, I wanted to play our game tonight, and I actually met someone, and I was getting all excited about it. But then she decided she didn’t want to come over here so we went to her place instead and it was nice, I mean, you know, we fooled around and everything, and that was great, but the whole time I kept thinking about you and wishing you were there and that you were watching me while I was kissing her and stuff and while she was putting her fingers in me and— ”

I suddenly realized that my mom was masturbating, right next to me in my bed!!

“—and even though it felt really good and everything, it still wasn’t the same as when we play our game, and I just wished she would have come over here because I love it so much when you watch us. You know?”

“Yeah. Um, me too. I mean, I like it.”

“I know you do.”

“What, um, what was her name?”

“Who? Oh, the woman? Her name was Candice.”

“Was she pretty?”

“Yeah. Yeah, she was. She was tall, with really long beautiful legs. She had a nice tan all over and she was wearing a really short skirt and had pretty blonde hair and a great smile. I — I liked licking her, and she made me come with her fingers, which was great, but still, I just kept thinking about you…”

As she said this, she scooted closer to me and kissed me warmly on the neck. Her hand was moving fast between her legs. “And you know what?”


“On the way home, in the car, after I left her place, I kept thinking about you and about the special game we play sometimes, and it got me so excited that I started touching myself while I was driving. I spread my legs apart — I wasn’t wearing any panties — and I was rubbing my pussy, and I was so wet, just like I am now. And I started wishing you were there, with me in the car, so you could watch me play with myself. And, well, then I just couldn’t wait to get home to you.”

I was finding it hard to know how to react. It had been one thing to watch my mother from a distance, and while it had been very exciting to see her having sex with the other women, or girls, this was different. Now she was right here in my bed next to me, naked, smelling really nice, and she was masturbating!

“Honey? Julie?” She was breathing hard and I could tell she was close. She kissed me on the lips, twice. “You — do you want to watch me, baby? Now?”

“Watch you?”

“Yes.” My mother pushed back the covers and got up on her knees. She climbed on top of me, straddling my chest. I was wearing just a t-shirt and panties. My mom used one hand to pull back on her pussy lips, opening them for me to see her better, then she slid two fingers of her other hand inside herself.

“Watch me, sweetie. Watch me come!”

I was watching her fuck herself. Her wet pussy was very close to my face. I could smell her perfume, and something else, a strong smell, good and exciting, that I guessed was the smell of her sex.

“Look at Mommy’s pussy, Julie. Look at Mommy. Do you like it? Want to see me come for you?”

She was fucking herself really fast and hard.

“Watch me — OHH!!!!!!!!!!”

She made herself come very quickly and for a moment she seemed to freeze in front of me, both hands clenched over her dripping cunt as she gasped and her body trembled. Then she collapsed on the bed next to me, her hands still working between her legs as she brought herself to a second strong climax.

Finally she was finished. “Oh fucking god that was good. Goddamn I needed that so much.” She raised a hand to her mouth and sucked and licked her wet fingers, apparently tasting herself.

After a minute or so of panting and licking her fingers, she turned to me and whispered, “Thank you, baby, that was so nice. But now you go to sleep and I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”

She leaned in to kiss me on the lips and I tasted… something… in my mouth. Was it the flavor of my mother’s pussy?

She got up out of bed, kissed me once more on the forehead, and then left my room. I heard her check in on my sisters before she went to her own bedroom.

I lay there for a long time thinking about what had happened. Eventually I turned on my side, intending to fall asleep. But I couldn’t get that vision out of my head: my mom’s hot, wet pussy, just inches from my face, as she fucked herself with her fingers.

I put my own hand down between my legs, inside my panties. My little pussy was very wet. I began rubbing myself and in just a few minutes I had two strong orgasms. Then, before I fell asleep, I tried something for the first time.

After my second climax had subsided, I dipped a finger inside the opening to my vagina, where my pussy was the wettest and warmest, and then I lifted the finger to my lips and tasted myself. It was good. I licked my finger, then did it again and again and again, savoring the taste of my own girlish sex, until finally I drifted off to sleep.

* * *

For several weeks after that, nothing special happened, that is until my little sister Kate had her 10th birthday.

It seemed like she was growing up really fast. Kate had just finished fourth grade — it was summer vacation now — and she was getting ready for fifth, but she was almost as tall as me and she was getting her boobs way sooner than I had. I was about two years older than her and two grades ahead in school, so I was going to be in seventh grade and yet we looked like we were practically the same age.

This made me feel kind of envious of her sometimes, because I really, really wanted to be a pretty, grownup woman — while my body seemed like it was planning to stay a little girl forever. But anyway Kate was so cute and funny I could never really mind that she was more popular than me. Everybody liked her a lot, including me.

For Kate’s birthday, Mom took us all out to dinner at our favorite pizza place, then she took us to get ice cream sundaes, then we went to the mall where we each got to choose three new music CDs — plus Mom got Kate this awesome new CD player for her room — and then we went to Victoria’s Secret, where Mom said she was going to let Kate pick out her first set of sexy underwear.

While we were looking at some of the little panties and bras at the Victoria’s Secret store, this really nice-looking girl came over to help us. She told us her name was Melissa. She was tall, a couple inches taller even than my mom, who is 5’8”. She had long, slender legs, and she was was wearing a very short dress made of some kind of thin fabric. She looked really sexy, and she had a great smile. I liked her right away.

Melissa asked us what we were looking for, and my mom told her that it was Kate’s 10th birthday and so she was going to let her choose some fancy new underwear. Melissa said that was a good idea, because every girl likes to feel sexy, even young ones. It made me sort of start to tingle the way she said that.

My mom and Melissa began looking through the things to find something for Kate, and Kate was looking too, of course, but I just stood back for a minute so I could get a better view of Melissa. I started wondering what she would look like naked — and then suddenly I had this almost uncontrollable desire to masturbate!

By this point I’d been masturbating just about every day — often several times a day — for almost a year, but up until then it had always been at home, usually at night in my bed (except for when my mom and I were playing our game). I’d never had an urge like this where I wanted to masturbate in public.

But as I stood there in the store looking at Melissa’s beautiful legs and wishing I could watch her take off her dress and be able to see the rest of her body, I started feeling as if I couldn’t stand it unless I touched myself.

I made sure that my little sister Molly was okay (she was looking at the undies on a sale table), and then I tugged on my mom’s sweater. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

“What, honey? Oh, um, Melissa, do you have a ladies room here?”

“Sure, it’s right over there” She pointed. “Uh, you have to go around those black nighties on the rack and it’s just behind them. Okay?”

I nodded and hurried away.

Once inside the restroom, I locked the door, then lifted up my short skirt. When I looked down at my pink cotton panties, I could see a big wet spot. God, I was so turned on! I put my hand inside my panties and slid a finger between my pussy lips. I was so wet, just dripping, and so hot inside.

I quickly pulled off my panties and set them on the edge of the sink, then sat on the toilet with the lid still down, and spread my legs apart.

I closed my eyes and thought about Melissa’s long legs while I teased my little pussy with my hands. I imagined I was watching Melissa touch herself and that she was watching me, and that made me even more excited. After rubbing myself for only a couple of minutes I had my first orgasm. I came once, and then as I pictured her putting her fingers inside herself, I started coming again and again.

I really don’t know how long I was in there. I’d meant to stay for only like five minutes, but it must have been a lot longer, because my mother had to come looking for me.

The loud knocking on the door startled me. “Julie, honey, are you all right?”

I jumped up and grabbed my panties, pulling them frantically up my legs. I could still feel the cold wet spot in the middle. “Y-yes, um, yes, I’m fine…”

“Are you sick?”

“No, uh-uh, I’m fine. Just a minute.” I smelled my hands. They smelled like girl sex. I washed them quickly then smelled them again. Looking at myself in the mirror I could see that my face was flushed and shiny with sweat. Maybe I should pretend I wasn’t feeling well. It was worth a try.

I unlocked the door and opened it.

“Sweetie, are you sure you’re all right?”

“Yeah, I’m… I just have a little headache is all. Did you find some nice stuff for Kate’s birthday?”

“Yes, honey, we did. Melissa helped us and we got some really cute things. Maybe tonight when we get home Kate will do a fashion show for us.” She giggled, and that made me smile. “That is, if you’re feeling all right.”

I nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I just, um, I needed to sit down I guess for a few minutes or something.”

My mother took my hand and looked into my eyes. She brushed a few damp strands of hair from my forehead. Even though I’d scrubbed my hands with soap, I wondered if she would be able to smell the sexy wetness in my panties. But if she could, she didn’t say anything about it then.

We gathered up Kate and Molly — Kate was all excited about her new little bras and panties — and started to leave.

Melissa was near the front of the store, working to straighten up a table of silk pajamas on display. When my mom thanked her for helping us, Melissa beamed and said, “Oh, it was my pleasure! Come back soon!” Then she blew a kiss to Kate, “Happy birthday, sweetie!”

On the way home in the car, Molly sat in front with Mom, and Kate and I sat in the back seat so she could show me all her new stuff. I liked everything a lot, especially this adorable pink and white bra and panty set. But all of it was really nice.

I remember thinking how happy we three girls were to have a mom who loved us so much and who treated us so well. And Kate was so sweet, she told me that whenever I wanted to wear any of her new things, it was just fine.

When she offered that, I immediately thought I would really like to try on the pink and white panties and bra, but I didn’t say anything just then.

However, as I pictured myself putting them on, and then as I started to fantasize about Melissa being with me in my bedroom, watching me and touching herself, I started feeling hot and wet again between my legs. But I knew, of course, there was no way I could masturbate right then, so I just looked out the car window and tried to think about other things.

Continue on to Chapter 5


Tempting Her Mommy

  • Posted on April 29, 2015 at 12:15 pm

By JetBoy

Evelyn stepped from her shower into the cool air of the bathroom, still yawning as she fumbled for a towel.

The banging of the shower door woke her daughter Cyndi. She struggled sleepily out of bed and slipped into the bathroom. “Morning, Mommy.”

“Morning, honey.” Evelyn smiled wearily at her daughter as she dried herself. Replacing the towel on the rack, she padded into her room.

Cyndi followed her naked mother into the bedroom, where Evelyn selected a pair of panties from her dresser drawer, then stepped into them. The thirteen-year-old studied her mother, admiring the woman’s shapely form. “You’re so beautiful, Mommy…”

“Thanks, darling… Here, fasten my bra, will you?”

“Oh, before I forget, I need to use your computer to do some research… I want to get a head start on my English assignment for next week,” Cyndi murmured, furrowing her brow slightly as she carefully hooked her mother’s bra.

“Good girl!” Evelyn held up two hangers for her daughter’s appraisal. “So, honey… skirt or pants?”

“Go with the skirt, Mommy. It shows off your legs!”

And freezes my buns off when I go outside… but I think you’re right, it does look better.” She hung the pants back in the closet, then laid the skirt on the bed. “Go on, honey… take your shower now.”

“Okay.” Cyndi crossed her arms and hitched her nightie up over her head, where it got caught because she’d neglected to undo the buttons at the front. “Oh… damn!” she swore, stamping her foot impatiently as she struggled to pull her arms out of the long sleeves and free her head.

Evelyn stopped in mid-motion as she slipped a foot into her pantyhose, watching her daughter struggling with the nightie. She was naked underneath, and Evelyn took the opportunity to admire her child’s bare body without having to pretend she wasn’t looking.

Beautiful, Evelyn thought. God, she’s growing into a lovely woman. Just… beautiful!

“Mommyyyy… help! If you’re laughing at me…!”

“Hold still, for God’s sake,” Evelyn grumbled as she grabbed hold of the garment. She reached for the top button on the neckline and undid it with a flick of her thumb. “There!” She grasped the hem of the girl’s nightie, pulling it up and off. Cyndi growled in frustration, shaking her hair to take out some of the tangles.

Evelyn gave her daughter a playful slap on her bare bottom. “Get out of here, you, or you’ll make me late!”

“Hey, watch it with the hand,” Cyndi protested, but with a smile. She rubbed her bottom, then stuck her tongue out at her mother.

“Another one’s on the way, too… if you don’t beat it and let me finish dressing.”

Cyndi grinned and scampered for the shower cubicle.

Nice butt, too, thought Evelyn… then shook her head, as if to dispel such an unmotherly thought. With a sigh she picked up the discarded pantyhose and, once again, began to wriggle into them.


With an empty house, homework finished and time on her hands, Cyndi headed for her mother’s computer after a quick snack.

Once logged on, she began to search through her mother’s files. Hmmm… any sexy stuff here? she wondered as she clicked in and out of various folders.

Right away, she found her mother’s collection of erotic fiction, stashed in a folder named “Stories.” Reeeeal smart, Mommy, she thought, rolling her eyes. Then she eagerly rubbed her hands together, opened up the first story and began to read.

Minutes later, Cyndi was staring at the monitor in shock. Every story in her mother’s file seemed to be about lesbian sex — and the lion’s share of them were tales of older women with teenage, even preteen girls.

Cyndi sat motionless, stunned by her discovery. Not only was her mother interested in lesbianism, it looked as if she was into young girls as well!

Next to the “Stories” folder was another one marked “Pictures.” Hmmm… I wonder, she pondered, then moved the mouse to click on it.

Her eyes widened as a gallery of photos filled the screen, every one depicting female nudity… and nearly all of them featuring two or more women having sex. There were a few solo shots, but the overwhelming majority of these pictures were of lesbian lovers.

Cyndi’s pulse throbbed as she slowly scrolled through them, catching glimpses of women engaging in all kinds of love play together. She paused, breathing “Oh, wow,” at a photo of a teenage girl, her mouth fastened to an older woman’s pussy.

Cyndi had never given much thought to lesbian love before — at least, not in any way that impacted her personally. She had to admit, though, that these photos were really hot. Come to think of it, some of the stories had made her feel uncomfortably tingly too.

So… her mother was interested in lesbian sex. It didn’t mean she was gay, though — did it? She had been married, after all, they’d had a child together, and Cyndi was certain that her mom had loved her father.

Dad had died of a sudden heart attack three years earlier, and her mother hadn’t so much as gone on a date even since. She’d always assumed that her mom missed her father too much to begin a new relationship with a man just yet… but this enormous collection of lesbian erotica told a very different story.

Cyndi nibbled thoughtfully at her lower lip, intrigued yet puzzled by the mystery she had uncovered. Finally, she shrugged. Oh well, let’s get this stuff copied… I can check it out later.

Taking out a blank disc, she inserted it into her mother’s computer and began copying files.


Cyndi paraded across the family room and headed for the kitchen, dressed in brief bikini panties and a t-shirt that was old, too tight, and too short. Evelyn watched her with interest, admiring her daughter’s youthful skin and slim limbs.

Lovely child, she mused. The girl was becoming more attractive every day — sexy, even. Her legs were lithe and lovely, and her breasts were just beginning to ripen deliciously. What a desirable creature she was…

Tightening her jaw, Evelyn forced herself back to her magazine, acutely conscious of a tingling between her thighs. A flash of desperation shot through her. Desirable. Why had that word popped into her head? Why couldn’t she stop having these thoughts about her own daughter?


For the third time that evening, Cyndi started a slide show of pictures on her laptop. They seemed to get more exciting every time she looked. There was something so soft and sweet about women making love. At the same time, there was a wildness, a raw heat to many of these photos that made them especially sexy.

A click of the mouse, and she started to read a story from her mother’s collection. This one was about a girl named Allie, her best friend Vicki, and a hot night of sex they shared.

Wow, that sounds like fun. I wonder if I should try that with one of my friends?

As she read through another story, Cyndi found herself thinking, once again, about her mother’s sex life.

Mommy was married to Daddy, but she also likes these stories. That must mean she’s bisexual. She nodded thoughtfully. Yeah, that must be it. Guess she’s really into younger women, too. 

Cyndi tried to picture her mother naked, making love to a cute teenage girl. It was a strange thing to imagine, but something about it made her tummy feel all warm inside.

Suddenly she heard her mother coming, and quickly killed the screen.

Evelyn appeared at the door. “That’s enough studying for one night, hon. Time to turn in, okay?” She disappeared.

“Okay. Hey, wait up a second.” She quickly shut down the computer and scrambled off her bed. Evelyn had paused just outside Cyndi’s room, and the young girl approached her with a sweet smile on her lips.

“I love you, Mommy,” she said, giving her mom a hug. She reached up to place a kiss on Evelyn’s cheek, then, on some odd impulse she didn’t understand herself, kissed her once more — this time on the mouth.

Cyndi’s lips brushed, then lingered against Evelyn’s… and her mother seemed to respond for a heartbeat until, somewhat flustered, she pulled away.

“What was that about, honey?” Evelyn asked, a strange expression on her face.

Why had she done that? Cyndi wasn’t even sure. Thinking quickly, she replied with a shy smile, “Um… well, I just thought I’d give you a, a grownup kiss, Mommy… like on TV.”

“Oh!” Evelyn stood there for a moment. “Why, thank you, dear, that… that was sweet of you.” She bent slightly to give her daughter a gentle peck before pulling away, her heart racing. “Let’s wash up and get to bed now,” she murmured, then continued down the hall on trembling legs.

Cyndi’s own heart thrummed frantically as she turned away and, in a daze, headed for her bathroom. “That was beautiful,” she whispered to herself.

She touched her lips in awe. Wow… I like kissing Mommy like that… wonder if she’d let me do it again? 


That kiss lingered in Evelyn’s mind, tantalizing her as she tried to sleep. Dear Cyndi. So innocent, kissing me like that. If only… 

“No,” she whispered to the dark room. “Don’t even think it. Don’t!”

But it was so lovely, so sweet. I’m still wet from remembering it.

“Go to sleep, damn it,” she muttered, turning onto her side.

Slumber finally came… she dreamed of Cyndi, naked in her arms. And she was happy.


Three nights later… four-fifteen in the morning. Evelyn leaned against the door frame of her daughter’s bedroom, watching her sleep. Cyndi was sprawled across the tangled sheet, completely nude.

That’s the second time this week she’s done that. Sure, the weather’s warm enough, but my guess is that there’s more to it… 

Heart throbbing, she slipped a hand under her own top to lightly brush an erect nipple with her fingertips.

She does it because it makes her feel sexy, I’ll bet.

And where did she discover that sexiness? One minute she’s young and girlish, the next she’s wise beyond her years.

Evelyn ran her eyes lovingly across Cyndi’s body. Her legs were long and lithe, her frame elegant… and her budding breasts were flawless, topped with rosy nipples. She had never known a more beautiful girl.

That bottom of hers! The boys are taken with it, I’m sure. Well, angel, your mommy likes it, too. She gazed at its enticing roundness, wishing for a peek between her pert buttocks, at the cleft of Cyndi’s anus.

I’d love to get my lips on those soft cheeks — kiss them, spread them apart and lick her there, bury my tongue in her crack… 

She sighed. At least she had finally admitted to herself that, despite her attempts to resist these feelings, she was sexually attracted to Cyndi. Her own daughter. And she was so damned young, too. Nothing got Evelyn hotter than the sight of a sexy young woman, she knew that… but how could she be feeling lustful impulses for a thirteen year old girl?

The real barrier for Evelyn, though, was that of incest. The ultimate taboo.

She sighed. I can think it all through, and admit my feelings for my own little girl without having a complete meltdown. But I still can’t have her, not the way I want…

She went to bed lonely, cruelly taunted by fantasies of undressing her child. Of caressing her flowering body, exploring every inch of her with loving hands. Of kissing her, gently at first, then passionately, the way that real lovers do. Of tasting her soft, sweet skin. Of lying between Cyndi’s trembling thighs, nuzzling the girl’s sex. Of her daughter’s eyes, filled with wonder, gazing down at her mother as Evelyn took that first loving lick…

And then she was masturbating, palming her throbbing cunt to visions of her body tangled with Cyndi’s, mother and child sharing love in a wonderful new way. Evelyn panted as she probed herself with two fingers, pressing the heel of her hand against an inflamed clitoris.

When Evelyn came, it was positively cataclysmic. She bucked frantically on the bed as bolts of pleasure flashed and sizzled through every inch of her frame.

Finally she lay exhausted, hands trembling as she wept, rolling over and burying her face in the pillow to muffle her sobs.


Three nights later, Cyndi listened attentively as her mother made final preparations for bed. She was so warm all over, desperate for sexual relief. It was a feeling that would have been foreign to her a couple of weeks earlier. Now that she knew the delights she could achieve with her body, she had developed an voracious appetite for masturbation. It was a hunger that was hard to ignore for very long…

She traced a pattern across her chest and tummy with her fingers while she waited for the click of her mother’s light. When it came, she waited a while longer for Evelyn to fall asleep. A gentle brushing of her nipples and a caress between her legs every now and then helped to keep her arousal sharp.

She loved it. The softness of her skin, the sound of her own breath, the tightening of her nipples and how sensitive they became, the wetness of her pussy, the way it squished moistly as she fingered herself — it was all part of the journey. She’d decided by now that the anticipation and buildup were almost as good as the final destination of climax.

Cyndi rolled over and stuffed a pillow between her legs, rubbing her vulva along its seam. She loved being naked, loved feeling the cool caress of the bedsheets against her skin. So many of the things Cyndi did these days took on a sexual aspect. And after days of perusing the lesbian stories her mother enjoyed, she was more or less sold on the idea of making love to another girl before giving up her virginity to a boy.

And she couldn’t stop thinking about her mother, the way that she was so into young girls! One of Cyndi’s favorite new masturbation fantasies was imagining her mom making love to different girls from her school. Right now she visualized Evelyn with her friend Pam, a cute redhead.

They were both naked, French kissing each other, and her mother was cupping Pam’s bottom…

Cyndi fondled her moist slit, quickly coating her fingers with the sticky evidence of her arousal. Bringing her hand to her lips, she eagerly sucked at her fingertips, moaning softly as she tasted herself. In her mind, she pictured Pam leaning close to lick at her mother’s nipple, then take it into her mouth…

A tiny sound, the hint of a sob wafted down the hallway, causing her to pause her fingering and listen intently. There was nothing for a few seconds, and then it came again, the barely audible sound, slightly louder this time.

Oh… Mommy’s crying.

Erotic fantasies forgotten, she eased off the bed, still naked, and crept down the hall to her mother’s door. The room was bathed in the soft yellow glow from a bedside touch-lamp at its lowest setting. Her mother was curled up, face buried in a pillow, wearing only skimpy panties and a t-shirt.

From the darkened hallway, Cyndi watched Evelyn stretch out on her back, a pillow clutched to her chest. The dim light illuminated parts of her body and hid other parts in shadow, enhancing her beauty and creating a most erotic effect.

There was another sigh from underneath the pillow, and Evelyn pulled it away. Her eyes and cheeks shone with moisture from tears smeared across her face. She tucked the pillow behind her and lay quietly, staring at the ceiling, trying to compose herself.

Another lonely night, she thought. She rolled onto her side, pressing a hand to her lips as another tear slowly trailed down her cheek. Why? Why does it have to be this way? 

“Mommy, don’t cry.”

Evelyn gasped in surprise, her eyes snapping open. But before she could speak, Cyndi was in her arms and kissing her. It was a gentle, loving kiss, lips barely touching at first — but as their bodies pressed together, the girl’s mouth lingered against hers for a few extra seconds before breaking away.

“Oh, honey,” Evelyn whispered. She held her daughter closer, head spinning. “T-thank you, dear. I’m okay. Just feeling a little bit lonely tonight, I guess.” She stroked her child’s hair lovingly, allowing her fingers to travel down the smoothness of her bare back, almost to Cyndi’s adorable bottom.

Suddenly, Evelyn froze in shock. Oh, my GOD… she’s naked!   

Meanwhile, Cyndi’s heart throbbed as she lay in her mother’s embrace, lips still tingling from their kiss, her mind reeling with a sudden revelation.

Now… now at last she understood the true meaning of all the fantasies about her mother she’d enjoyed over the last two weeks.

Cyndi now realized what she really wanted… had wanted, without even knowing it.

Then and there, she made a decision.

She lifted her head and gazed deep into her mother’s eyes, then leaned down to kiss her again.

For a moment, their mouths brushed together lovingly. Slowly, Cyndi made the kiss more active, more intense. Dizzy with excitement, the young girl parted her lips and pushed her tongue into her mother’s mouth.

It was her first French kiss… and it was wonderful.

“No!” Evelyn gasped, breaking away. “Cyndi, you can’t...”

Cyndi stopped the protest with a finger to her mother’s lips. “I want to, Mommy,” she whispered, her eyes alight with love. She closed the gap and kissed Evelyn again. “I want to…”

There was no hesitation. It began gently, a tender kiss that gradually became a passionate one. Cyndi swung a leg across Evelyn’s thigh to get a better position, cradling her mother’s face as she kissed her like a lover.

Evelyn tried her best to resist, to say no — but this helpless desire for her daughter could no longer be denied.

She found herself returning Cyndi’s affection measure for measure, her own tongue emerging to join the loveplay. Their mouths parted further, and their kiss grew increasingly hot and hungry.

They parted slowly, tiny pecks interspersed with tongues teasing, flicking.

“We shouldn’t be doing this… I shouldn’t be…” Evelyn murmured helplessly as she rolled her naked child back onto the sheet and hovered over her on all fours, kissing the nape of the girl’s neck.

“But you like it.” Cyndi smiled, her eyes dancing. “And I love it!” She reached up and pulled her mother down into her arms. “Let’s make out, Mommy.”

Evelyn hugged her tightly. Their hands traced patterns across smooth skin as they nuzzled one another like lovebirds. Within minutes the kissing began again, this time with even more urgency as they rolled back and forth across the bed.

“Touch me,” Cyndi whispered. She nibbled at her mother’s ear, pressing her sex against the older woman’s leg. “Touch me down there, Mommy!”

The invitation burned in Evelyn’s brain, igniting a fire of love and passion that overwhelmed any feeble cries of protest that still lingered in her mind.

“Like this?” she asked as she ran a finger delicately between Cyndi’s legs, through the girl’s barely downed slit.

“Yesss…!“ Cyndi gasped.

Evelyn bent down to trail kisses over her daughter’s chest, stopping at each breast in turn… continuing up to her neck and shoulders, then down again to the hard, erect nipples that were so inviting. While her mouth enveloped a budding young breast, she slipped the tip of a finger between Cyndi’s moist labia, awed by how wet her daughter’s pussy had become.

She teased Cyndi’s clitoris with her thumb, brushing it delicately at first. Then her caresses grew firmer, more demanding; she grazed the girl’s nipple with her teeth, and…

Cyndi came with a choked cry.

Evelyn watched in wonder as the little girl she birthed thirteen years ago tensed and cried out, her body shuddering frantically in orgasm, finally slowing, relaxing.

Smiling weakly, Cyndi turned her head to focus for a moment on her mother. Her eyes took on a deep, dreamy look as she smiled lovingly at Evelyn.

“My sweet Cyndi… I love you so much.” Evelyn covered her daughter’s face with kisses.

Cyndi wrapped her thin arms around her mother, hugging the older woman tightly as her pounding heart slowed to its normal rhythm. Then she lay back, her warm hands on Evelyn’s face, gazing at her mother with adoring eyes.

“I love you too,” Cyndi sighed happily, drawing Evelyn’s face down to hers for a kiss. Her tongue plunged into her mother’s mouth, and Evelyn moaned. They kissed hotly for a long time, then Cyndi rolled the older woman over onto her back. “Mommy…” she breathed, “I want to make you feel good now.”

Evelyn knew that she should stop this before it went any further, but she was on fire, her cunt throbbing with need. She had never wanted to be loved so desperately in her life.

Cyndi didn’t give her a chance to back out, either — just grabbed at the bottom of her t-shirt and tugged. Evelyn raised herself up enough for her daughter to help her out of the thin top, baring her breasts.

“Now your panties, Mommy,” Cyndi cooed, reaching for the waistband of Evelyn’s cotton underwear.

Helpless in the face of her sexual hunger, the older woman lifted her hips, and Cyndi quickly slid her mother’s panties down and off. Head spinning with anticipation, Evelyn lay back on the bed, legs parted for her daughter.

Without hesitation, Cyndi dipped her head and took one of Evelyn’s nipples into her soft, sweet mouth. Evelyn gasped… Oh that’s so good…   

Cyndi began to caress her mother’s firm thighs, her hips, her tummy… fanning Evelyn’s lust like a flame. The young girl’s fingers danced and lightly brushed all around her mom’s lower half, without touching her where she was desperate to be touched. A tortured moan issued from Evelyn’s lips. Only thirteen, and she knows how to tease.    

Cyndi licked and sucked at her breasts, switching from one to the other. The heat of her daughter’s mouth enveloping her nipples had Evelyn panting furiously. She needed to be touched between her thighs, ached to feel the girl’s fingers in her dripping cunt — but Cyndi tantalizingly held back. Finally, Evelyn could stand no more. Seizing her child’s wrist, she drew Cyndi’s hand into her crotch, pressing it to her aching pussy…

…and when her loving daughter immediately plunged two fingers into her, Evelyn cried out loud, clutching the sheets with white-knuckled hands as an orgasm more powerful than any she had ever known before came crashing down. Her breath hissed through clenched teeth, body shuddering, out of control.

Cyndi fingered her hard and fast, rubbing her face against her mother’s heaving breasts, licking and biting them as her mother sobbed with pleasure. Finally, Evelyn grabbed her daughter’s pumping wrist. “S-s-stop, baby,” she gasped.

Cyndi’s soft mouth drifted from Evelyn’s breasts up to her lips, and they kissed lovingly. Finally breaking their kiss, the young girl buried her face in her mother’s neck.

Mother and daughter held each other close for a long time, shifting only to become more comfortable, each lost in thought.

What have I done? Evelyn asked herself. I always wanted to do the best I could for my daughter… instead, I make love to her!


“Yes, dear.”

“Have you ever, um, done this before? Gone to bed with other women, I mean. Or girls.”

Evelyn hesitated, then spoke. “Yes, baby… I have.” She sighed. “I… well, I knew that I liked girls when I was about your age, even more than boys. But I didn’t actually get to make love to another girl until I was in college.”

Cyndi propped herself on an elbow. “Didn’t you meet Daddy in college, too?”

“I did, yes. I was… bisexual in those days, honey. I fooled around with girls, but I also had sex with your father — and that’s how I got pregnant with you.”

“So you and Daddy got married. Was it hard for you, just making love to him? Did you miss doing it with women?”

“Yes, honey… I loved your dad, but I often did feel the need for the touch of a woman.”

“What about now, Mom? Are you still bisexual?”

Evelyn buried her face in Cyndi’s hair, savoring the delicate scent. “To be honest, honey… I haven’t felt any interest in being with a man since he died. I… I guess that means I’m a lesbian now.” She suddenly drew away from her daughter, gazing thoughtfully at the dreamy-eyed girl. “And what about you, little lady… coming in here and making a move on me like that? Have you done this kind of thing before?”

Cyndi shook her head. “No, Mommy,” she murmured shyly. “But I’ve been thinking about it, a whole lot.”

Evelyn gazed deep into her child’s eyes, brushing Cyndi’s hair from her face with trembling fingers. “You’ve been… thinking about me that way?”

“N-not exactly,” Cyndi replied. “I’ve been, um, having these fantasies about making out with other girls.” Suddenly timid, she stared down at the bed, nervously tracing along the pattern with her index finger. “Sometimes I t-touch myself, thinking about it.”

“So… how did this happen, baby?” Evelyn asked, gesturing at her daughter and herself, the two of them still naked and snuggled together on the bed.

Cyndi furrowed her brow. “I… I don’t know, Mommy… I heard you crying, and I just decided to, to come hug you and hold you and make you feel all better.” She looked up into her mother’s eyes, encouraged by the love she read in them. “But when I got in bed with you, and we kissed…” She smiled bashfully. “All of a sudden I just — had this big idea. I wanted to make love to you, Mommy. I don’t know why, I just did.” The girl paused, searching for the right words. “It was like… like I’d wanted to be with you that way for a long time — but I didn’t know it, not ‘til right then.”

“My goodness,” a dazed Evelyn said quietly.

“And then, when I kissed you… I just didn’t stop. I wanted to do more things with you than kiss, so I… I kept going. That’s it, I guess.” She glanced at her mother. “You aren’t mad at me, are you, Mommy?”

Evelyn smiled. “Of course not, sweet angel,” she whispered, resting her forehead against Cyndi’s, their noses nearly touching. “I’m not sure how this happened — but it truly was a beautiful thing. You made me… happier than I can say, sweetheart.”

“Mommy? D-do you have a girlfriend? Or… ?”

“No, honey,” Evelyn said. “I’m not seeing anyone at the moment.”

“Can… can I be your lover, then?”

“No!” The answer was out before Evelyn had a chance to think, and she saw a hurt look flash across her daughter’s face. “That wouldn’t be right, dear,” she added gently. “I’m your mother. It’s one thing for us to, to share pleasure, but I don’t think we should think of this as… a romance.”

“But, Mommy,” Cyndi whispered, nuzzling her mother’s neck. “This is like a romance. I’m in love with you… and I want to do this with you again… lots of times!”

Evelyn’s resolve was fading fast. “Oh, honey…”

Cyndi pulled her back for another sweet kiss. “Can we sleep together tonight? Really close, in each other’s arms?”

Evelyn thought for a moment, then smiled weakly. “Yes, angel,” she answered.

They snuggled together, sharing gentle kisses and caresses until mother and daughter drifted into a blissful slumber.


I love my baby girl. She’s so tiny and so perfect. I love feeding her. Her little mouth feels so good when she nurses…

Evelyn drifted awake and looked down. Cyndi was licking at her nipple, lightly brushing at the entrance of her pussy with the tip of a finger.

Are you going put an end to this? It’s incest, isn’t it? Why don’t you stop her?   

Perhaps in a moment, she thought. She pulled Cyndi’s head closer to her breast.

Seeing her awaken, Cyndi slowly eased a finger into Evelyn’s vagina, mouth still fastened to her mother’s suddenly stiffening nipple.

Combined with the dreams of the past few weeks — not to mention the chance to live out her forbidden desires only a few hours ago — this was more than enough to send Evelyn into a gentle orgasm that left her tingling deliciously. As it tapered off, she pulled her daughter’s face to hers and they shared a tender kiss.

“That was unfair,” Evelyn whispered. “You caught me off guard. That wasn’t supposed to happen.”

“Don’t you want us to be lovers, Mommy?” Cyndi asked wistfully.

“I don’t know, honey,” Evelyn shook her head. “You… oh, you’ve given me much too much to think about, young lady!”

“Okay, Mommy,” Cyndi shrugged… then, her eyes lowered, she softly asked, “Can we at least cuddle, then?”

“Sure, honey,” Evelyn replied.

They settled into the pillows, snuggling together. Evelyn stared at the ceiling, too many thoughts crowding her mind for her to relax completely.

Incest, lesbian sex — and she’s only thirteen. What sort of mother are you to allow this to happen?

But she’s happy…

She began to touch Cyndi, fingertips lightly brushing across the girl’s pale skin. It was what she’d wanted to do for so long… to marvel at her child’s bare beauty without fretting about questions of right or wrong. To Evelyn, her daughter was a remarkably beautiful child. Lithe, fit, creamy skin and so gloriously young. She deserved to be loved.

Tummy, hips, thighs, breasts, bottom, all so beautiful, so beautiful… She traced her hand across Cyndi’s hips, luxuriating in the satiny texture of her skin.

Cyndi’s eyes slowly opened. “Mmmm… that’s nice, Mom. Keep doing that.”

Evelyn’s doubts resurfaced. “Cyndi, are you sure this is what you want? Do you really want to… to be with me?”

“I’m sure,” the blonde nymph whispered as she wriggled into Evelyn’s arms. “Making love to you was” — and she searched for a word — “was spectacular!”

“Oh, honey,” Evelyn sighed, “I loved it too.”

“A-and there’s still more we haven’t even tried yet… can we do it again, Mom?”

“What?” Evelyn laughed, cradling her daughter to her. “More? She wants more?”

“Yeah, well, it was so good last night, and doing it to you this morning was really nice, too.” Cyndi drew away, gazing longingly at her mother. “I love loving you, Mommy. I’ve been wanting to do these things with you for awhile, I know that now… and I don’t want to stop. I like boys okay, but it’s you that I really need. I… I want to be your girlfriend, Mommy. I’d love for us to — to be together,” she finished as a pink flush spread across her face.

Evelyn sighed happily, on the verge of joyous tears. “Oh, baby… I’ve wanted you for so very long, you know… I never believed this would ever happen, but I’m happy it did. It’s supposed to be wrong, us making love. But I can’t give you up, Cyndi. I just can’t. My angel,” she breathed, leaning into her daughter, “if you really, really want us to be lovers, then I want that too. More than I’ve ever wanted anything.”

Cyndi melted into her mother’s embrace. “Oh, Mommy… I adore you!”

“I love you too, baby.”

They lay together for a while, then Cyndi raised her face. “What are you thinking about, Mommy?”

“That I need to ring your school and my office, and tell them we won’t be in today.”

“We won’t? Why, Mommy…?”

Evelyn gave her a sly glance. “Because, silly… I want to spend the day in bed with my new lover.”

“Ohhh!” Cyndi’s mouth was round again, her eyes dancing.

“A little more kissing?” Her hand drifted down to cup Cyndi’s pert buttocks. “A few small touches?” She smiled innocently. “Who knows what it might lead to?”

The young girl began to giggle.

“Cyndi,” Evelyn murmured.


“I love your bottom, honey…”

Cyndi wiggled it and laughed. “Why, thank you, Mommy.”

“In fact,” continued Evelyn with a wry smile, “I love your butt so much that I’d like to give it some, um, special attention. Think you could spare me a moment for that?”

“Oh,” replied Cyndi, screwing up her face in mock-concentration, then sighing, “I suppose… if it doesn’t take too long.” Then she threw her arms round her mother’s neck. “You’re so silly, Mommy,” she giggled. “You can do… anything you want to me. ‘Specially in bed.”

Evelyn leaned in close to kiss her daughter, flicking her tongue into the young girl’s mouth. Cyndi responded in kind, and the two kissed hotly for awhile. Gently breaking away, Evelyn murmured, “Get on your hands and knees, baby, facing the door… Mommy wants to play.”

Eyes flashing with excitement, Cyndi slipped from her mother’s arms and positioned her lithe body on all fours, glancing expectantly back over her shoulder at Evelyn. “What are you gonna do to me, Mommy?” she cooed.

“You’ll see, honey,” said Evelyn, rising to kneel behind her daughter, savoring the sight of Cyndi’s adorable ass. She had fantasized of touching, tasting her child’s bottom for weeks. Now she and Cyndi were lovers, and that cute little butt was hers to explore as she wished.

Evelyn cupped her daughter’s ass in both hands, then began to caress her.

“Mmm, Mommy… that feels good,” Cyndi sighed.

Rather than reply, Evelyn leaned closer and pressed her face against the girl’s bottom, placing a warm kiss here and there. Cyndi purred with pleasure.

The scent of her daughter’s skin, the softness… Evelyn felt lightheaded. Her kisses grew hotter and hungrier, her lips parting, the tip of her tongue emerging to join the fun as she made love to Cyndi’s ass. Wanting more, she parted her child’s buttocks with her hands, then slowly ran her tongue through the girl’s anal cleft in one long, luxurious lick.

“Oh, Mommy!” gasped Cyndi. “Oh, that feels so… so…” and she moaned as her mother burrowed her face between her cheeks, exploring the young girl’s asshole with her tongue. “Oh,” Cyndi whimpered.

Evelyn’s head spun from the sheer emotional overload of it all. The forbidden fantasy of rimming her own thirteen-year-old child had come to pass — and it was even better than she’d imagined. She circled the pucker of Cyndi’s anus with the tip of her tongue, then pressed a deep, soulful kiss between her daughter’s buttocks.

“Oooooohhh,” the girl responded, her head lolling back, mouth slack. “That… oh, Mommy, what you’re d-doing to me — it’s lovely!”

Evelyn continued to lovingly kiss Cyndi’s asshole, as if it were her daughter’s pretty mouth. Then she began to lick again… slowly, sensually dragging her tongue up through the thirteen-year-old’s crack, over and over again.

Cyndi was trembling now, her body taut as an archer’s bow. “I love you, Mommy,” the girl was whispering. “I love you. I love you.”

Her desire now whipped into a raging firestorm, Evelyn quickly reversed position to slide beneath Cyndi’s outthrust pelvis. She gazed up, enthralled at her daughter’s sugary slit, the child’s sparse pubes the color of winter wheat. Reaching around to grasp Cyndi’s ass, Evelyn pulled the girl’s beautiful pussy down to her already open mouth, tongue poised to explore her most intimate places.

Cyndi threw her head back with a soft cry of surprise at the sensation of her mother’s hot mouth, now covering her pussy. It was everything she had anticipated — and more! She gasped, head spinning wildly as a warm, wet tongue pushed its way into her opening. “Oh, God,” she breathed, her hands clutching the sheets.

Evelyn was feasting at the threshold of her daughter’s womanhood, intoxicated by the taste, the smell, the heat and wetness of Cyndi. Her heart swelled with love for her child as she did her best to pleasure the thirteen-year-old nymph. She probed the girl’s slit with a wriggling tongue, teasingly lapped at her sticky labia, drank deep of her essence.

Cyndi’s body bucked and rocked atop her mother’s face, Evelyn’s mouth plastered to her divine juncture, the girl moaning and panting as her pleasure rose steadily higher. She felt her climax approach; welcomed its nearness.

Then Cyndi gasped as she felt her mother’s finger pressing gently against her anus — first the tip entering the toast-warm cleft between her cheeks, then the entire finger. Her moaning grew louder.

Suddenly Evelyn’s lips fastened themselves to the little girl’s clitoris to suck at the tiny nubbin… and Cyndi’s world exploded in a searing flash of white light.

Her daughter’s thighs squeezing her face, Evelyn continued to lick and suck at the girl’s sweetness as she came, the room ringing with Cyndi’s cries of ecstasy. She took her child to the peaks of pleasure, then gently brought her down to earth… her lips barely touching the glistening slit as her daughter rested, still on her knees, her face buried in a pillow.

Evelyn scooted from beneath her now quiet daughter and sat up, then carefully rolled the flushed and trembling child onto her back. Eyes shining with love, Evelyn lay down next to Cyndi, taking the girl’s slender form into her arms, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

“Oh, Mommy,” Cyndi sighed contentedly, snuggling into her mother’s embrace, “that was the nicest feeling I’ve ever had.” She raised her face to Evelyn’s, and they shared a gentle but passionate kiss. Cyndi’s tongue emerged to lick around her mother’s mouth, her eyes lighting up as she sampled her own flavor.

“Mmm, yummy,” she cooed. “I love how my pussy tastes!”

“Mmm-hmm. You’re luscious, sweetheart,” Evelyn smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her daughter’s face.

“So, Mommy,” Cyndi whispered, grinning shyly, “Now I wanna know what you taste like!”

Evelyn smiled. “Oh, my precious… that would make me very happy.”

Grinning, Cyndi leaned in to plant a quick kiss on her mother’s lips — but Evelyn’s tongue darted into her daughter’s mouth, and what was an affectionate peck quickly grew hot and hungry, parent and child kissing like the lovers they had become.

Cyndi climbed atop her mother’s naked body and took Evelyn’s face in her hands as their hungry mouths mashed together, tongues entwined in a ballet of passion. Evelyn was breathless with excitement when her daughter broke their kiss. “Cyndi… darling!” she gasped.

But by then her loving child was nuzzling her way down Evelyn’s quivering body, pressing her lips into the hollow of her mother’s throat, hands sliding up to claim the woman’s breasts. Cyndi playfully bit her mother’s neck, and Evelyn inhaled sharply, a sharp buzz of pleasure surging through her. Sliding down further, the young girl flicked at Evelyn’s nipple with an eager tongue.

“Oh, my,” Evelyn moaned, reaching down to cup her daughter’s bottom.

Cyndi responded by taking her mother’s right nipple into her mouth, sucking at the soft tip of her beautiful breast, then switching to the left. She flexed her ass lewdly as her mother’s fingers trailed lightly through the crack of her butt, brushing the taut rosebud.

Evelyn’s breasts delighted Cyndi. They were so soft and nice, and the sensation of her mother’s nipples growing firm in her mouth was thrilling. And Mommy’s fingers feel so good playing with my bottom like that, she thought.

She was impatient to taste her mother’s pussy, though, so with a goodbye kiss for each of Evelyn’s nipples, the young girl squirmed further downward. Pausing to place a few pecks on her mother’s tummy, Cyndi soon found herself lying between Evelyn’s thighs, eyes wide at her first up-close glimpse of a woman’s pussy. Even better, she told herself, it’s my sweet, sexy mommy’s pussy. Her heart throbbed as she lowered her face to the glistening slit before her, placing a loving kiss on its pink folds.

“Mmmm…” Evelyn moaned, “my angel…”

Cyndi’s tongue emerged to lick at her mother’s labia — then she paused, sampling her first taste of another woman’s cunt. Liking what she found, the girl buried her face between Evelyn’s legs, eager to bring pleasure to the woman who had given her life.

It’s just like kissing a mouth, she decided, and made the kiss a passionate one, sliding her tongue deep into her mother’s moist opening. The moan that burst from Evelyn’s lips just then was sweet music to the teen’s ears.

Evelyn’s fingers tangled in her daughter’s hair as the child feasted on her pussy. It was impossible, couldn’t really be happening. But it was. Her forbidden fantasy had come to life; she and Cyndi were making love. Guilt or shame seemed pointless in the face of how completely, utterly right their new relationship felt.

She gasped again as her daughter’s wicked tongue slid down her slit and further, slipping between Evelyn’s buttocks to tease her asshole. “Oh,” she whimpered, a tear of joy slowly rolling down her cheek, “oh, yes.”

Cyndi raised her wet mouth from her mother, taking a deep breath before dipping back down to take that little pink tip at the top of her mother’s pussy between her lips, that special place that always felt so good when she touched herself.

Evelyn panted like a marathon runner, whorls of ever-growing pleasure winding through her body as Cyndi sucked at her clit. Her daughter’s hot mouth was like a flame caressing her cunt, driving her to new heights of ecstasy with every kiss, each flick of the tongue.

Then Cyndi slid a finger deep into her mother’s pussy, with a single stroke — and Evelyn cried out as a frenzied orgasm gripped and shook her like a rag doll. She shuddered in a helpless frenzy, teeth clenched as the sweet child continued to pleasure her cunt. Finally, after coming at least three times, Evelyn placed a hand on Cyndi’s shoulder to stop her, gasping for breath so hard she could not speak.

Cyndi raised her head from her mother’s pussy, then crawled into Evelyn’s embrace. She gave her mom some time to recover, then kissed her mouth softly, lovingly.

“Mmmm…” Evelyn hummed, her heartbeat kicking up a notch as she tasted her own cunt on Cyndi’s lips. She made the kiss a heated one, her tongue emerging to lick around her daughter’s mouth just like Cyndi had done earlier.

Finally they lay entwined, Cyndi’s head resting on her mother’s breast, sharing soft, languid caresses.

“That was beautiful, Mommy,” the young girl sighed. “I’m so happy that we’re lovers.” Then she giggled. “It feels so good… just saying it!” Lifting her face to gaze at Evelyn with adoring eyes, she softly sang, “Mommy is my lover, Mommy is my lover, Mommy is my loverrrr…” She buried her face into her mother’s breasts, squeezing her tightly.

Evelyn cuddled her child close, heart buoyant with joy. “Yes, I am, honey,” she murmured. “I am. And you… you’re the most wonderful daughter in the world.”

Resting peacefully against her mother’s breast, Cyndi enjoyed a contented yawn. “Can we take a nap now, Mommy? I’m all sleepy…”

Evelyn stroked her daughter’s back. “Of course, honey. Just relax… I’ll hold you while you get some rest.”

“Thanks, Mommy,” Cyndi mumbled. “Love you.”

“I love you too, baby,” Evelyn whispered… but the girl was already drifting off.

Evelyn held her daughter, her eyes growing moist as she marveled at this miracle that had fallen into her arms, this bewitching creature that had come from her body thirteen years ago. Now they had discovered a new intimacy, a different way to share love. We’re not just mother and daughter now, Evelyn mused. We’ve become something more.

But can I still really be a mother to Cyndi after this? she suddenly thought, a cold tendril of worry touching her heart. Being here with her like this is heavenly, but I don’t want to lose what she and I had before. The helping with schoolwork, teaching her to drive, baking her cookies, watching sappy movies together… can we keep those things and still make love?

Evelyn sighed. Then she smiled, placing a soft kiss upon her daughter’s head. There was no need to fret. It might not be easy — setting boundaries, determining where being a parent left off and being a lover began… but they would make it work. Cyndi and I want it to work, she told herself, and that’s enough.

A pleasant haze of drowsiness was gradually seeping into Evelyn’s thoughts, and her jaws suddenly gaped wide in a long, satisfying yawn. Guess I’ll nap too, she decided. With an arm draped protectively over her daughter’’s nude body, Evelyn settled into the marshmallowy softness of her pillow.

And as she slowly, slowly floated into tranquil slumber, one final thought appeared. This is paradise that we’ve found… a sweet, loving haven for my baby and me. Just a little corner of paradise…

Mother and daughter slept quietly, peacefully.

The End


Mom Comes Calling

  • Posted on April 29, 2015 at 9:51 am

By JetBoy

My name is Marilyn. I’m twenty-four now, and the story I’m going to tell you happened when I was eighteen. Basically, it’s all about how I came to find the true love of my life — only it happens to be with a lover who practically no one knows about. That’s the way we both want it.

It was my first year of college. By that time I’d had a few boyfriends, and gone all the way with one of them. Still, I felt inexperienced compared to my friends, and really looked forward to exploring my sexuality when I left home for the university.

Well, I got my wish and then some, though not in the way I’d expected.

I’d never given much thought to getting sexually involved with another girl before, not even in my fantasies — but once I moved into a cramped dormitory space with my new roommate Jenny, that changed. To make a long story short, Jenny and her best friend and fuck buddy Carla not only seduced me, took me to bed and introduced me to lesbian love, they turned me into their submissive sex toy as well. I’d never known until then how much it thrilled me to give myself over to the will of another.

Jenny and Carla controlled me completely. I could only wear the clothes they selected for me — and they delighted in making me dress like a total slut, usually without panties or a bra. When I was in our room, the house rule was that I had to be naked the whole time, ready to fuck whenever my lovers wanted. And we fucked a lot. Luckily, Jenny and Carla made certain that I got the required schoolwork done. They were both honor students themselves, and didn’t want their plaything to get kicked out of school for bad grades.

It was one freaky ride — yet at the same time my life was simpler than it had ever been, reduced to a diet of studying, classes, and lesbian sex. I loved it.

That’s not the story I’m sharing now, though — what I want to tell you about is the day things really got out of control. The day my mom came to visit.

It was Saturday, and I’d spent the entire morning playing with Carla and Jenny. As usual, I was naked, and Carla was corkscrewing her vibrator in and out of my ass when my cell phone went off. I glanced at Jenny, waiting for permission to answer. She nodded, so I reached over to pluck the chiming device from my nightstand.

The vibrator was on low and buzzed tantalizingly in my rectum as I flipped the phone open and brought it to my ear.

“Hello?” I said breathlessly.

“Hi, honey!” a cheerful voice replied. Oh, God… it was my mother!

“Um, h-hi, Mom!” I stammered.

“Guess what? I’m on the way up to pay you a little visit! I should be there in about twenty minutes.”

I was too stunned to reply, at first, but finally I managed, “Wow, Mom… that sounds great!” desperately trying to keep control of my voice. Carla still had her hand on the vibrator and, a wicked smile on her lips, turned it up a notch. She and Jenny giggled when the buzzing of the toy grew louder and higher pitched. I moaned without meaning to as it throbbed crazily in my anus.

“Are you all right, Marilyn?” my mom asked.

“Sure, Mom — um, my b-back’s kind of sore.” I said, trying my damnedest not to let myself come.

“Yeah, I remember how hard dormitory beds are,” Mom laughed. “So, I’ll call you when I get to the school, okay? Maybe you can take me to lunch.”

Carla slowly eased the eight-inch vibrator even deeper into my ass. It was all I could do not to cry out loud.

“Yeah that’ll work just great Mom see you then,” I said in one burst, desperately trying to end the conversation before I went off.

“What’s that buzzing sound?” My mother asked.

“I don’t know it’s coming from the room next door, but I gotta grab a shower so I’ll see you when you get here,” I said, all but panting. Carla was working the vibrator in and out of me now.

“Okay then, honey… see you soon!”

My head was spinning. “Bye!” I gasped, and clicked the phone shut, dropping it to the floor.

“Is Mommy coming to visit her little girl?” Jenny asked as Carla slowly pumped the vibrator in and out.

“Yeah,” I moaned. “She’s gonna b-be here in about twenty minutes.” I got up on all fours, arching my back and parting my legs to take Carla’s toy even deeper.

But instead of giving me the fuck I ached for, she withdrew her vibrator. “You’d better go shower, then,” she smirked.

I knelt there for a few seconds, shivering with frustration. Damn it. Carla had a thing for bringing me to the boil without finishing me off. She always did make me come, eventually — but until then, she loved to leave me hungry, desperately craving release. Sometimes for hours. And I wasn’t allowed to masturbate, ever — not unless Jenny or Carla instructed me to.

Slowly regaining my breath, I rose from the bed, grabbed a towel, threw on my bathrobe and hustled out of the dorm room with my shower bag. I washed as quickly as I could, then hurried back.

The girls were lounging on my bed. Jenny was fingering Carla, the Irish girl’s pale skin and soft red pubic hair starkly contrasted by the shiny black of Jenny’s fingernails as they slid in and out of her pussy. My face had been buried in those auburn pubes many times, happily licking Carla to orgasm.

I shrugged out of my bathrobe, longingly watching my friends make love, then padded over to open the underwear drawer with a sigh.

“Jenny?” I hesitantly asked as I pulled a tiny thong, the only kind of panties my lovers ever let me wear, over my hips.

“Yes, Marilyn?” Jenny said as she glanced up at me.

“Since I’m meeting my mom… do you, um, think I could maybe wear a bra?” I asked.

“No… I don’t think so,” Jenny said. With a parting kiss to Carla’s cunt, she stood and padded over to me, then bent down to flick at my nipples with her tongue. I moaned. God, I love having my breasts licked. “What’s the matter, Marilyn?” she purred, raising her mocking face to mine. “Afraid of Mommy seeing your nipples?” Pulling me to her, Jenny crushed her mouth to mine. I closed my eyes, returning her kiss.

Jenny was nibbling my ear while Carla browsed through our closet, choosing the clothes I was to wear that day. When my cell phone rang again, she bent down to deftly scoop it up from the carpet. I thought Carla was going to hand it to me — instead, she answered it herself.

“Hello?” she chirped, then paused. “No, this is Carla, I’m Marilyn’s friend.” She listened for a moment. “Okay, I’ll let her know… she’s doing her hair now.”

Carla grinned as she closed the phone with a flourish. “Mommy’s heeeeerrrre,” she sang.

She tossed me my white tank top, and I pulled it on. It was pretty snug, and my nipples were clearly visible through the thin material.

Then Carla handed me a skirt, and I stepped into it, fastening it around my waist. It was black and came to just above my knees. The tank top came down to just above my navel, showing off my belly button.

I studied myself in the mirror. It could have been worse, though I still looked pretty trashy.

“You’re absolutely scrumptious,” Jenny said. “Off you go, now — mustn’t keep Mommy waiting.” She reached under my skirt to give my ass a quick squeeze as I stepped into a pair of sandals, handing me my shoulder bag as Carla opened the door.

“We’re gonna grab a shower and get dressed… maybe we’ll see you two later,” Jenny cooed as I walked out the door.

I apprehensively trudged down the stairs towards the lobby, bracing myself to meet Mom. Would she make a big deal about how I looked? Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to the stairwell and stepped out. There she was, all smiles as she waited for me.

“Honey!” Mom cried, as she jumped up from the bench to give me a hug.

Maybe it was due to my lack of a bra, maybe it was because Carla hadn’t finished me off with the vibrator, maybe it was because of all the girl/girl sex I’d enjoyed in the past few months — but I distinctly felt my mother’s breasts as they pressed against mine, and the warmth and softness of them made me all tingly. I hugged her back, suddenly conscious how good she smelled.

“So good to see you, hon,” Mom said. “Ready for lunch?”

“That sounds great,” I said. “I’m starved.” We started walking toward the campus cafe.

Given that I’d been looking at girls and women a lot more lately, I couldn’t help but notice, as if for the first time, how beautiful my mother still was. She was in her late thirties and worked out daily, and her body showed it. I’d always envied her honey-brown hair, much preferring it to my own darker hue.

I caught myself imagining what Mom looked like naked when she glanced at me — and it was then that she noticed that I’d gone without a bra. For a split second a look of disapproval flashed in her eyes, but she said nothing and walked through the door as I held it open.

We ordered deli sandwiches and coffee at the counter, then seated ourselves a booth and ate together. My mind wandered as I recalled how Jenny had once slipped her hand under my skirt in the booth next to this one and masturbated me to a frenzied climax, while I nearly bit through my lower lip trying not to scream. Despite being in the presence of my mother, I found myself getting a little excited at the memory.

We talked about classes and a bunch of other things related to college life. Mom asked if I was spending my spare time with any cute boys, and I said no. Then she brought me up to speed on all the news from home.

As we made small talk, I noticed that Mom was occasionally glancing downward — and realized with a start that she was sneaking little peeks at my breasts, clearly outlined beneath that flimsy top. I was shocked and a little appalled to realize that I was kind of turned on, knowing that my mother was checking me out.

Jesus, I thought. I’m turning into a fucking pervert.

“I’d love to see your dorm room,” Mom said as we were finishing our coffee.

My heart almost stopped beating. I’d been so concerned with my appearance that the possibility of Mom visiting our room hadn’t even crossed my mind. Idiot, I cursed myself. Fucking idiot!

A tendril of fear curled and uncurled in my belly as I thought about Jenny and Carla. It had been about a half hour, maybe more — they were probably done showering, but they might still be in the room getting dressed. What would they do if I just popped in with Mom? Those two were capable of anything!

What reason could I use to keep her away, though? Think. Think.

“Um… it’s pretty messy,” I mumbled. It was the best I could do. “Are you sure you want to see it?”

Mom just laughed. “I’d be worried if it wasn’t messy. Come on, honey — give me the tour.”

Shit. “Okay, then. But I… I just have to make sure my roommate is decent before you come in.”

“Was she the one I talked to on the phone?” Mom asked. “She seemed very nice.”

“N-no, that was Carla, she’s always around,” I stammered. “Sometimes I think she must rent her dorm out to another student or something. She’s a friend of ours.”

“Well, shall we?” Mom said happily as she pushed her tray to one side and stood.

“Sure!” I said, trying to add a note of confidence to my voice. It sounded cheesy and fake, at least it did to me.

A few nervous moments later we were on my floor. I scanned about for Jenny or Carla — no sign of either one. So far, so good.

When I got to the room I knocked on the door. There was no answer, so I got my key out and we went in. They weren’t there! I nearly sighed with relief.

“So… this is it,” I said as I walked in, quickly throwing a magazine on top of the vibrator, which Carla had left on the desk. There were clothes and underwear strewn about, not to mention empty take-out containers, CDs, coffee cups, books and homework in various stages of completion — pretty messy, like I’d said. I was relieved to see that the lid of the toy chest was closed, imagining Mom’s response if she caught a glimpse of our collection of sex gear.

My mother only said, “Definitely not a guy’s room,” as she noticed Carla’s tiny see-through panties on the floor.

“So, um, maybe we should go somewhere or do something…?” I suggested, hoping to be out of the room before Jenny and Carla got back.

But then the doorknob began to turn. Too late, I thought as my eyes shut, dreading whatever was going to happen.

Jenny and Carla walked in, both wearing only towels. Carla’s towel was so short that it barely covered her ass. As Jenny let the door close behind her, I could see her looking my mother up and down, then smiling.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Mom said, then glanced at me. “We should really get going now, honey.”

I was about to agree and hustle us both out of there, but Jenny spoke up first. “Oh, don’t go,” she said, all sweetness and light. “You must stay — for a few minutes, at least.” She extended her hand to my mother. “I’m Jenny, Marilyn’s roommate… and this is Carla, our best friend in the whole world.”

“I’m Donna,” my mother said, and shook Jenny’s hand, a bit nervous around this half-naked girl. I could tell Jenny was enjoying it, too, and that really scared me. Worse, she was looking at Mom like she wanted to put her between two crackers and gobble her up.

“Hi, Donna,” said Carla, waving to Mom, her towel looking as if it was about to fall off completely. My mother murmured a soft hello. She had gone a bit pale, I noticed.

“Just excuse us… we’ll go throw some clothes on, and then we can all have a nice chat,” Jenny said. She stepped toward the door of her wardrobe, reached for the handle — then paused, gazing at me with a slight frown.

“Marilyn,” she said, “You’re breaking our rule.”

My heart froze, my stomach knotted itself, and my knees began to quiver. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words would come. Oh God oh God oh GOD… why is she DOING this…?

“What rule?” My mother innocently asked, right on cue.

“Well, you see, Donna,” Jenny said, walking over to me, “we made a deal with Marilyn, at the start of the semester, that any time she was in the dorm, she would take all her clothes off as soon as she came in the door.”

Mom’s startled eyes swung to me for verification. I was numb with horror, completely unable to move or talk.

As if she had all the time in the world, Jenny reached down to unzip my skirt. I stood dumbstruck as it fell from my body to lie at my feet. Then she grasped the bottom of my tank top, gazing expectantly at me. I slowly raised my arms, and Jenny pulled it up and off, baring my breasts. Finally, she took hold of my thong, which didn’t really cover anything anyway, and slowly tugged it down to my ankles. She straightened and folded her arms, eyes penetrating mine as she waited for me to finish the job. I stepped out of my skirt, thong and sandals, which left me completely naked in front of my mother.

“Marilyn…?” Mom said in a small voice.

“Well, as long as Marilyn’s undressed, we might as well just get comfy too,” Jenny said, slipping out of her towel. Mom’s eyes gaped at my roommate’s nakedness in disbelief as Jenny idly patted herself dry, then glanced over at Carla just in time to see our friend casually shed her towel, hanging it on the closet door.

Propping a foot on her bed to dry her leg, Jenny suddenly paused, staring at me, Letting the towel slip to the floor, she drew close, gazing deep into my eyes. “God, Marilyn… you are so sexy,” she whispered, placing her hands on my breasts.

She kissed me, her tongue darting past my lips to play. My head spun at what Jenny was doing — making out with me in front of Mom!

Carla was leaning against the wall cupping her breasts, watching eagerly as Jenny caressed my nipples to throbbing hardness. Then Jenny dipped her head and gave each one a long, slow lick, making me shiver with pleasure in spite of my fear. I stood rooted to the spot, wondering what she would do to me next.

She reached out to stroke my cheek. “So lovely,” Jenny whispered.

Then she turned away from me… to face my mother.

“Hi, Donna…” Jenny murmured, calmly making her way to where Mom stood.

“W-what are you doing?” Mom whispered, clearly unnerved by this naked young woman who stood so nonchalantly before her.

Jenny gave her an angelic smile — then began to unbutton my mother’s blouse!

I could only watch in utter shock as Mom reached up to hold her top shut. Ignoring her feeble efforts, Jenny unfastened the remaining buttons calmly, as though she was undressing a child. I waited for Mom to move back, even shove her away — but she only stared, her expression one of disbelief as Jenny slid the light yellow top from her shoulders. Mom was now standing before us in slacks and a plain white bra. My heart pounded as I awaited Jenny’s next move.

She reached behind my mother to unhook and remove her bra, dropping it carelessly to the floor. Her eyes never left Mom’s as she bent down to take a nipple into her mouth.

“I… I d-don’t…” Mom stammered, then her eyes seemed to glaze over, a soft whimper escaping her throat as her lips parted.

I couldn’t believe this. Mom wasn’t putting up any sort of a fight — she was actually allowing Jenny to seduce her. In fact, she was getting excited!

As Jenny’s tongue played over my mother’s nipples, her hands deftly unfastened Mom’s pants and slid them down her shapely legs, exposing sheer white panties. They were conservatively cut, but I could see the dark triangle of her pubes through them.

That icy knot of fear at the base of my spine was fading fast, while a very familiar warmth was making itself felt in my cunt as I stared at my mother’s nearly nude body. God, she was hot.

As if she was reading my mind, Jenny swiveled her head toward me and said “Marilyn, come here.”

Carla nudged me forward and my feet hesitantly carried me to Jenny, who was now openly fondling my half-naked mother. I stood before them. Mom’s head was tilted back, her eyes closed.

Jenny moved to one side, transfixing me with a look. “Go on,” she purred. “Kiss Mommy’s nipples.”

I felt every sensation imaginable at that moment. This was incredibly wrong, but I couldn’t take my eyes from my mother’s breasts. Damn it, what was Jenny trying to do to me?

“I — I can’t…” I said, but it was barely audible.

“Marilyn…” Jenny said sternly, a catch in her voice I knew all too well.

It was incest, it was utterly forbidden, this was my mother… yet I dared not disobey.

My gaze flickered to Mom’s bare breasts, and I shivered at the sudden realization that I wanted to taste her nipples — wanted to feel them stiffen in my mouth.

My mother and I stared at one another for a small eternity, our faces burning, then her eyes drifted shut. I understood. Maybe she didn’t want me to do this thing, maybe she did — but like me, she was unable to stop it from happening.

I slowly leaned forward, my lips grazing her nipple. Then my tongue trailed slowly over her skin, caressing the soft bare flesh of my mother’s breast.

“Oh, God,” Mom moaned, although I wasn’t sure whether it was from pleasure or humiliation. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jenny’s hand slip into Mom’s panties, then heard her fingers moving in my mother’s wet pussy. With her free hand, Jenny guided my head to Mom’s other breast, and I took that nipple into my mouth, sucking it gently.

A moment later my mother’s arms gently drew my head close, cradling me to her breasts as if I were an infant again, and she was encouraging me to nurse from her.

Jenny knelt to slide Mom’s panties down to her feet. I glanced downward to steal a glimpse of my mother’s full thatch of chestnut pubes. The sight of her pussy sent my arousal soaring even higher. I couldn’t believe I was having sexual thoughts about my own mom, that I was actually pleasuring her breasts with my mouth. I guess Jenny and Carla really had molded me into a lesbian slut.

I sensed Carla standing close behind me, then moaned around Mom’s nipple as my lover caressed my ass, her fingers slipping between my legs to graze the moist flesh there.

Suddenly Carla grasped a handful of my hair and pulled me away from Mom’s breasts, turning me around to face her.

I gasped. She was wearing her black strap-on cock, attached around her waist with a leather harness. Oh, God… was she really going to use that on me in front of my mother?

One hand on my shoulder, Carla shoved me into a kneeling position at her feet. Behind me Mom moaned as Jenny did something to her, I didn’t know what.

Carla’s cock was now inches from my face. “Suck it.” she said, guiding me by the back of the head until the head grazed my lips. I parted them, and felt it slide into my mouth.

It felt so fucking weird to be doing this while my mother watched, yet I realized that I was getting more and more into the sheer kinkiness of the moment, to the point of wanting to push things even further. My hands slid around Carla’s back to fondle her ass as I bathed her cock with my tongue, licking it lewdly up and down, kissing the tip. She purred with delight as my fingers teased her butt crack.

After a minute or so Carla placed a finger under my chin. “Stand up.” she commanded, and I released the cock and rose to my feet. My eyes were level with hers, our breasts lightly touching. My mouth tasted of latex.

Carla kissed me hotly, her hand stealing between my legs to slide a finger deep into my pussy. My mind was reeling, body pulsing with excitement. Leading me by the cunt, she walked us both over to the bed and shoved me onto it, climbing on to kneel between my thighs.

I spread myself wide open for her, knowing what she wanted, not caring anymore that Mom was watching. Hell, that only made me hotter.

That beautiful cock clenched in her fist, Carla slid the tip of it along the opening to my cunt, then began to slide the length of it into me. As she entered my body, I moaned as the air rushed out of my lungs. She kept going, penetrating me an inch at a time until her tummy brushed mine — then she reached around to grasp my ass and started fucking me for real.

Parting my thighs to take Carla deeper, I turned my head to see Mom staring at us as my lover began to ride me like an animal — hard and fast, just the way I liked it. My mother’s arms were entwined around Jenny, who was fingering her cunt.

Then Jenny kissed her. I saw Mom hesitate for a few seconds, then respond. She was timid at first, but my roommate’s passion was contagious, drawing out my mother’s lust. Within seconds, I thrilled to the sight of her tongue plunging into my lover’s mouth as their kiss grew hot and hungry.

I’d never even suspected that my mother was into women, but Jenny and Carla must have sensed right away that she was as open to lesbian love as I’d been when they first seduced me — and that Mommy was every inch the submissive slut that I had become.

Suddenly Jenny broke their embrace, leading my mother over to where Carla and I lay fucking. “Get on the bed,” my roommate said, forcing her to kneel next to my head. Carla raised herself to make room for Mom, barely missing a stroke.

“What– what–” my mother stammered as one of her knees came to rest by my ear. Her bare breasts dangled before my face for an instant, then she was straddling my head. Her pussy was inches from my mouth, glistening from the pleasure Jenny’s fingers had given her.

“Sit on her face,” Jenny purred, “and you’ll see how well we taught your little girl.”

My mother was frozen, unable to move of her own free will, but Jenny pushed her down until my mouth was buried between Mom’s thighs. She smelled incredible.

So I began to lick her, pressing my tongue into the wet flesh. I could feel where her clit lurked, a hard nub just above her opening, and sucked on it, flicking it with my tongue. She moaned, her voice torn between pleasure and shock. Carla’s slippery cock was still pumping in and out, in and out of my dripping hole.

“Touch Marilyn’s clit, Donna,” Jenny said. “Here — like this.”

I couldn’t see Mom’s face then, but someone was guiding a hand between my legs, then I felt fingers hesitantly stroking my clitoris. Carla’s prick spread my cunt wide open as she took me without mercy.

“Now, touch her pussy… feel the way Carla fucks her,” Jenny said.

Mom’s delicate fingers traced my lips where they surrounded the plunging cock. The sensation was dizzying, and I suddenly felt the nearness of release.

Carla took one especially deep thrust, pinning my mother’s hand between us. My body tensed, then spasmed as an orgasm crashed into me like a ton of bricks.

I came like a wildcat, still eating Mom’s pussy as best I could. I guess I was getting the job done, because she began to come herself, grinding her cunt into my face. Finally I heard her cry out loud — then she slumped to one side.

I felt Carla withdraw, and lay there in a daze, the air suddenly cool against my wet face as Mom slowly climbed off me and sank onto her side, facing the wall. Her shoulders quivered, and I suddenly heard her sob.

“Oh, God… what have we done?” she whispered. She was trembling with emotion, on the verge of tears.

I pressed myself against her naked back, nuzzling her neck, trying to reassure her. “Don’t cry, Mom,” I whispered, kissing her ear. “I love you.”

“Let me,” I heard Jenny say. She tilted her head away from the bed, indicating that I was to get up. I shakily rose to my feet, and she slipped into bed to take my place next to Mom, wrapping her arms around her and kissing my mother’s back and shoulders. Carla was sitting on my desk with her legs open, holding the cock up against her belly with one hand and fingering her cunt with the other.

My mother sighed as she began to respond to Jenny’s gentle lovemaking. I knew from experience just how persuasive my roommate’s skills of seduction could be. Finally Mom hesitantly turned around to face Jenny, smiling shyly, and they kissed.

Then Jenny rose to a kneeling position next to Mom and mounted her, a wicked smile on her lips as she positioned herself just above my mother’s wide-eyed face.

“I… I don’t…” my mother stammered as she stared at Jenny’s cunt, nervously licking her lips.

“Don’t be silly, Donna,” Jenny cooed, “you know you want to…” And she slowly lowered herself onto Mom’s mouth.

I couldn’t see my mother’s face, but Jenny soon sighed, happily hugging herself — so I knew that she was getting her cunt serviced the way she wanted. Soon, I could hear Mom’s mouth making wet sounds between my roommate’s thighs.

Carla was still seated on my desk, two fingers deep in her pussy. I took her in my arms and kissed her hotly, stroking her breasts with one hand, pausing to scissor a taut nipple between my fingers. She moaned into my mouth when I did that.

As our tongues played, I heard Jenny croon, “Ohhh, Donna… that feels so nice… oh, yes. Damn, Marilyn — your mother is really good at eating pussy.” I twisted around to watch her ride Mom’s face, my hands fondling Carla all the while.

Carla’s tongue trailed its way up to my ear, and she whispered, “I want to watch you finger your mom. Come on.” She seized my hand and led me over to the foot of the bed.

The view was unforgettable. A flushed Jenny was facing me, and my mother’s mouth was eagerly licking and sucking at her cunt. It was pretty obvious that Mom had done this kind of thing before.

I hadn’t really seen my mother naked since I was a little girl, and took this opportunity to drink in the sight of her bare body, feeling my desire growing sharp once more. She was soft and sweet and curvy in all the right places, with a truly succulent pair of breasts and shapely legs. Her pussy looked yummy and very wet — I could smell her from where I was standing.

Unable and unwilling to stop myself, I slipped my hand between Mom’s thighs to caress her sex — working a probing finger into her creamy canal, then another.

Mom’s upper face was hidden, but I saw her mouth glued to my lover’s cunt. I heard her make sounds of pleasure as she ate the pussy of a young woman, watched her hips rock to the tempo of my fingers as I fucked her harder.

Jenny’s head was thrown back, and she was panting like a dog. Suddenly a strangled cry burst from her lips as she exploded in a raging orgasm. Mom was nibbling her clit, her hands grasping Jenny’s hips, holding her as steady as she could while my roommate came in her face.

Finally Jenny gasped, “Th-that’s enough.” She climbed off my mom’s face and staggered over to collapse in a nearby chair, exhaling deeply as she sat.

Mom’s eyes met mine as I massaged her vaginal wall with my fingers. A look of purest adoration was on her face. “Honey,” she whispered.

Withdrawing my hand from between her thighs, I licked at my wet fingertips as Mom and I stared at one another, the lust we both felt openly revealed in our eyes. I knelt beside my mother, lowered my face to hers and claimed her mouth with mine. Her lips parted for me and we kissed like lovers, tongues entwining in a ballet of naked desire.

I broke our kiss, then climbed onto the bed to straddle Mom’s face just as Jenny had, my pussy directly above her parted lips. No words were needed — we both wanted this.

She began to lick me, tenderly at first — and before I knew it she was deep between my thighs, loving me with her mouth.

I had to pleasure her, too. My breasts were mashed against my mother’s tummy, the aroma of pussy rising to bewitch me yet again. Burying my face in her matted pubes, I kissed Mom’s clitoris as her tongue darted in and out of me.

Then I felt someone squeeze into the space between me and the bed’s headboard. A hand parted my buttocks, and two fingers anointed the crack of my ass with cool lubricant.

“Yeah, Carla. Do it!” Jenny growled, standing nearby.

I moaned into Mom’s pussy as the tip of the latex cock began to press against my anus, then popped inside. Carla fed it into me an inch or so at a time, gradually easing her way into my rectum.

I saw stars, moaning into Mom’s pussy as Carla slid her cock out — and back in. Then again. Again.

Carla didn’t have much room to work, and she was pressing against my back as she ass-fucked me, so I was sandwiched between the sweaty bodies of my mother and my lover.

The entire universe was reduced to my mother’s tongue, her pussy, Carla’s dick and my asshole. Nothing else existed… or mattered.

On the tenth stroke or so I raised my face from Mom’s sex and hissed through clenched teeth, “Harder… Jesus, harder! FUCK ME!”

So she shoved that cock into my hole with one hard thrust, her belly smacking against my ass. And with that, I fucking exploded.

My orgasm hit, fast and furious, roaring through me like a fireball. I was panting for breath, barely able to keep my mouth on Mom’s pussy. So I blindly worked her cunt with my fingers, tweaking the nub of her clit with my other hand.

Then in the midst of the ass pounding Carla was giving me, the fire in my belly swelled up and spilled over and I was coming again — the biggest one yet. I screamed, and that’s when my mom climaxed herself. I felt the first convulsion rock her body, and mine.

Somehow Mom and I managed to keep pleasuring each other as we both shook and shuddered in the sweetest of ecstasies. All the while Carla’s hard cock continued to plunge in and out of my rectum, until I finally regained enough of my voice to beg her to stop. She eased her latex toy out of me, and I crumpled onto my side, exhausted.

The smell of sex, thick and spicy, filled the room. I looked over at my mother to see her lying peacefully, a blissful smile on her lips. I crawled into her arms, and we shared a lover’s kiss. The last thing I remember before I dozed off was seeing Jenny stepping into the harness of the strap-on as Carla bent over the sofa, her ass high, waiting…

I woke a short while later to find Mom studying my face, her hand lightly stroking my hair. “Jenny and Carla stepped out for a little while,” she murmured. “They wanted to give us some time together.”

I snuggled against my mother, breathing in the sweetness of her skin. “I love you, Mom… God, I love you.”

“I love you too, baby,” she replied, her hand sliding down to cup my vulva, “and as a woman, not just my daughter.”

My mouth sought out hers and we kissed once more, our tongues meeting, mingling. Then we simply held each other, talking about what had happened.

I asked Mom what had made her give in so easily to Jenny’s advances, and she smiled, telling me that she had been bisexual for many years — and since she’d divorced my father, back when I was fourteen, all her relationships had been with other women. In fact, I knew some of her lovers — acquaintances of hers who were actually much more. She even confessed to having gone to bed with one of my old school friends, a cute blonde named Tiffany, just a couple of months ago.

“Still, I wonder how Jenny knew to come on to you,” I wondered, entwining her fingers with my own.

“I guess she saw it in my eyes somehow, that she could have her way with me,” Mom shrugged. “I’ve got a thing for strong women who take control… maybe she saw that in me, too. But I don’t know how she figured out that I was willing to make love to you, honey. I didn’t know that myself — not until you and I were fucking, that is!” She giggled, giving my hand a squeeze.

I bent my head to place a soft kiss upon her nipple. “I was surprised by how I felt, too. God, I had no idea that I wanted you that way. But I’m glad we got to — to be together.” I touched her lips with my fingers, and she kissed them. “Mom… will we make love again?”

Her warm eyes shone. “We will if have anything to say about it. If you really want me, honey… I’m yours. Anytime you like.”

I slowly nodded, on the verge of joyful tears. “Oh, Momma.” Wow — I hadn’t called her that since I was a little girl.

I wrapped my arms around my mother, hugging her tightly. That was when the door opened and Jenny and Carla entered with a bottle of wine, ready for more fun and games.

Mom ended up staying with us for the whole weekend, and the four of us fucked and made love in every way imaginable. My favorite moment was when I put on that strap-on cock and took my mother’s ass for the first time, plowing her to a convulsive climax. She had never experienced anal sex before, and quickly came to adore it.

It was strange how Mom’s presence changed the dynamic that existed between Jenny, Carla and me. The themes of dominance and submission were still there, but my mother brought a warmth, a sweetness to the sex we shared that affected us all. She completed us, somehow — and by the end of the weekend, Carla and Jenny were utterly smitten by her. Mom felt the same, and she made a point of telling the girls that she loved them before climbing into her car to head home. I couldn’t recall ever seeing Jenny blush before, yet she did when she held my mother’s hand, whispering “I love you, too.”

After that little holiday, we were a foursome — at least, we were as often as Mom could get together with us. She drove up to visit nearly every weekend, and sometimes the three of us took the train home to see her instead, throwing full-on lesbian orgies that spilled into every room of the house. Mom and I even had Jenny and Carla stay with us over the Christmas holidays one year, when the four of us indulged ourselves in every way imaginable for ten sex-filled days.

It’s been six years since that incredible afternoon when I discovered my mother’s hidden passion. Jenny and Carla each went their own way after graduation, though they both stay in touch. As for Mom and I, we are still secret lovers, and I couldn’t be happier. My mother is my best friend, partner, wife and bedmate — and I’ll always be her little girl.


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 3

  • Posted on April 28, 2015 at 11:55 am

By Naughty Mommy

The next time didn’t happen until about six weeks later.

After getting in around 12:30 in the morning and then driving the babysitter home, my mother came to my room as usual. But instead of kissing me goodnight, she stood just inside my door and said, “Julie, baby, I’ve got someone downstairs. Do you want to come and play?”

I sat up in my bed. “What?”

“I have someone downstairs. She doesn’t know about our game, but I’m pretty sure she will like it anyway. Her name is Rayne.”


“R-A-Y-N-E. But listen, I want to try something. You can watch us but don’t let her see you until I signal to you, okay? After I look up and give you a little wave, then you can come out to the railing and show yourself to her. It would be really cool if you were naked. Does that sound good?”

“Sure, I guess.”

“Good.” She moved quickly over to the bed and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I’m very excited about this. It’s been way too long since we played our game. You sure you’re ready for it?”

I nodded eagerly. It had been a while since Bonnie, and I hadn’t been expecting this, so I was caught by surprise. But I was also excited. “Sure, Mommy, I’m ready.”

“Okay, sugar, get naked and watch for my signal.”

She left the room and I climbed out of bed. This was different than before. She had always called it a ‘game’ but now it seemed like there actually were some rules to it or something. I wasn’t quite sure I understood, but I trusted my mom, and so I took off my nightie and my panties and went to the door. I opened it carefully and stepped quietly into the hall. By standing back in the shadows I was sure no one could see me.

The girl standing downstairs with my mother looked very young. She was tiny, only about five feet, and had spiky streaked hair. She was wearing torn black tights and black army boots with black denim shorts and a tight red tank top. She was flat-chested but her nipples stood out through the thin fabric of her top. She wore heavy eye shadow and pink lipstick.

“I like it that way,” I heard the girl say.

“You like being bad, Rayne? Have you ever been really bad?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Have you ever had sex with a woman who has three children?”

“Um, no.”

“Ever had sex with her while her daughters were sleeping in their bedrooms?”

While she was saying these things, my mom, whose back was to me, was slowly stripping off her clothes.

Rayne giggled. “No. I mean, that really would be bad.”

“Well, honey, I’ve got three daughters in this house right now and I want you to have sex with me right here in this room.”

By this time my mom was almost naked.

“I want you to lick my pussy and make me come in your mouth and then I’m gonna fuck your little pussy with my fingers and make you come again and again until you scream to make me stop. And I don’t care if it wakes up my daughters and they watch us because I love to have sex and I love to fuck young girls.”

Rayne, who was still fully dressed, tried to laugh, but I could see that she was also kind of nervous, while at the same time becoming aroused. “God, you are bad.”

“That’s right, baby, I am very bad. I’m so bad you can’t believe it. So bad I will make you come like you’ve never come before.”

I could hardly believe that was my mother talking. It was exciting and also kind of frightening how powerful and domineering she could be. And talking so dirty!

“I’m gonna fuck your little cunt with my fingers and then sit on your face and grind my pussy into your mouth and come all over you.”

Mom was standing in front of Rayne, with her back to me, and I could tell by the way her body was moving now and by the way Rayne was watching her that she was fucking herself with her fingers as she talked.

Rayne just stared at her and licked her lips. I think she was beyond words.

“Isn’t that why you came over here? Because you wanted to fuck a nice lady in her nice house while her nice kids were asleep in their rooms? Because you wanted to be a bad girl, Rayne? So, just how bad can you be?”

Rayne reached up and pulled down one of the straps on her tank top, revealing her small breast with a dark nipple. She took the nipple between her fingers and pinched it hard.

“That’s right. Now take off the rest of those clothes while I watch you. Come on, Rayne, strip for me and show me your sexy little body.”

The girl sat down on the sofa and hurriedly unlaced her boots and took them off. Then she opened her shorts, stood up and pushed them to the floor. Now we could see that she was wearing a red leotard that snapped at the crotch and had a thong in the back. On top of her black tights it looked really great.

“Ooh, that is nice. Very sexy. Rayne, did you used to be a dancer?”

“Well, um, a gymnast.”

“Oh, yeah, I see. You definitely have the tight little body of a gymnast. And I’ll bet you’ve got the flexibility too, right? So you can get into all sorts of crazy sex positions?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Okay, take the rest of it off too. I want to see you naked.”

She unsnapped the leotard and pulled it over her head, then pealed off the tights and stood in front of my mother. Her pussy was shaved bare, like Karen’s had been when I last saw her. Without her clunky boots and dark clothes, Rayne looked even younger. Her skin was very white. I later found out that she was 18, but she easily could have passed for 13 or 14.

Between my mother’s dirty talk and seeing Rayne’s nude body, I was really needing to touch myself. I stayed back in the shadows and tried not to move too quickly but I couldn’t resist putting my hand between my legs. My pussy was already very wet.

“Yes, you do look amazing,” said my mom. “Okay, now sit on the couch. But not on the seat, sit on the back.”

Rayne frowned, but then she did as my mother asked.

“Spread your legs wide wide apart for me.”

The girl lifted her slender legs up until they were each stretched out on the back of the sofa, in a splits position.

“Very nice. Now open your little pussy lips for me. I want to make sure if my kids come out they’ll be able to have a good look at the sexy young thing their mommy is fucking.”

Rayne’s eyes went wide.

“You’re unbelievable,” she said. “Crazy, I think. But really hot too.” The girl held herself steady on the sofa with one hand and with the other began to vigorously stroke her clit. “You make me want to come.”

“That’s right. I want you to come. I want to watch you come. After that I want to make you come in my mouth and then I want to sit on your face and fuck you hard with my wet cunt.”

I was rubbing myself rapidly now and getting pretty close. I knew I had to follow instructions and not be seen until the right time — and certainly not have an orgasm — but god it was so exciting!

My mom was kneeling on the couch now, in front of Rayne. They were both masturbating. “Are you going to come for me?” she said to the girl.

“Do you want to watch me come?” Rayne was rubbing her clit very fast. “Huh? You want me to come for you, in your nice house while your daughters are asleep? You want to watch me put my fingers in my cunt and come for you?”

“Yes, I want to watch you!”

Mom turned and quickly waved up at me.

I stepped forward to the railing, into the light. I was naked and rubbing my pussy.

At 11 years old, my legs were longer, my breasts were slightly more developed, and my pubic hair had just started to grow, although you couldn’t really see it unless you looked close.

I still had a young girl’s body. But I knew what sex was, and I knew I loved it.

Rayne hadn’t seen me yet. She was fucking herself fast with two fingers, and obviously was close to an orgasm.

My mother told her, “Fuck your cunt, you bad girl, while my 11-year-old daughter watches you!!”

“What?! Unh??!!” She looked up and saw me just as she reached climax. She started coming, her body shaking, but she was still able to squeeze out the words… “watch me — come — little girl — ”

Then, so she wouldn’t fall over backwards, Rayne slid down onto the seat of the couch, still fucking herself.

She kept coming, over and over again. Her eyes were closed, but when she finally finished, she looked up at me, staring, as if to convince herself of what she was really seeing — a naked 11-year-old girl playing with her pussy — and then she looked down at my mother, who was now at the other end of the sofa, her legs spread wide, her fingers gently stroking her cunt.

“Now, come and eat me, little Rayne. Eat my pussy and make me come in your mouth while my daughter watches us. Okay? Is that bad enough for you?”

“Omigod,” Rayne muttered as she slipped her fingers out of her pussy and licked them clean. “You people are fucking crazy…”

But she duly put her face down between my mother’s legs and started licking her. She licked her clit, she put her tongue inside and fucked my mother with it, she sucked on her labia, she finger-fucked her, and all the time she kept looking up at me every minute or two, each time seeming surprised at what she saw.

I was definitely ready to come, but this was such a new and different experience that I didn’t want to miss any of it. And I also remembered then how Bonnie had teased my mom, had brought her close and then slid away, time after time, until it seemed to make my mom even more intensely excited, and so I decided to try that on myself.

Rayne was fingering my mother and sucking on her clit and it looked like my mom was about to come, but then the girl asked, “Is that really your daughter?”

“Uh-huh,” panted my mom. “Yes, it is.”

“And is she really just 11 years old?”

“That’s — keep fucking me — that’s right. Her, her name is Julie.”

“Julie. So 11-year-old Julie is going to watch her mommy come in my mouth?”

“Yes, she sure is.”

“That’s fucking awesome.”

My mom turned her head and looked up at me. Rayne also had her eyes on me as she put her mouth back over my mother’s clit and started fucking her even harder with her fingers.

She made her come quickly then, and when I saw my mom’s orgasm starting, I couldn’t hold back any longer. My attempt at prolonging would have to wait for another time. I gripped the railing hard with one hand as I climaxed and tried to keep my eyes open so I could watch what was happening.

Rayne kept trying to watch me too, but my mom clamped her legs around her head when she came and so Rayne missed most of my orgasm.

After my mom released the girl from the grip of her thighs, Rayne sat up and looked at me. Wiping her mouth, she spoke to me. “Did you come?”

I wasn’t sure if I should answer, but since my mother didn’t immediately object, I said, “Yeah.”

“That’s fucking awesome.”

Then she looked back down at my mother’s wet vagina. Rayne started touching herself while she stared at my mom, and then she looked back up at me. “Do you want to watch me fuck your mother?”

I nodded as I rubbed my pussy. “Yeah, I do.”

So Rayne climbed on top of my mother, sort of the way Bonnie had, only instead of leaning over her she was sitting straight up.

She began moving her mound against my mom’s slowly at first, then faster and harder. As she did, she kept looking back and forth between my mother’s face and mine, and occasionally looking at where my fingers were sliding between the slippery folds of my labia.

And Rayne was talking the whole time, though it seemed more to herself than to either me or my mother:

“I’m gonna fuck you bitch and make you come make you come while your little girl is watching us while your sweet little 11-year-old girl is rubbing her cunt and watching us and I’m fucking your pussy and I’m gonna make you come you cunt you whore you’re so fucking hot I want you to come and I’m gonna come on you…”

And my mother was talking to herself at the same time:

“Fuck me Rayne fuck my pussy fuck my cunt make me come while Julie’s watching fuck me now fuck me hard make me come and then come on my face OH GOD I’M GONNA COME JULIE WATCH ME!!!”

They came together, simultaneously, and I came too. But this time I was unable to keep watching. I had to close my eyes and lie on the floor because the feeling was so intense. I rubbed myself harder and harder and came again and again as I whispered to myself, “Mommy, I’m watching! Mommy, Mommy, I’m watching!”

When I was finally done, I sat up and looked down into the family room below. Rayne was sitting on my mother’s face now. My mom was holding the girl’s small ass in her hands and Rayne was rocking her pussy back and forth against my mother’s mouth. She came again. It seemed like Rayne could come as many times as she wanted.

It went on that way for at least another hour. They kept changing positions and licking and sucking and fucking each other. My mom had several more orgasms and Rayne had two or three for every one that my mom had. I came a couple more times myself as I watched them, but when the mantel clock struck 2:30, my mom said it was time for Rayne to go home. They had just finished a ‘69’, with my mom on top, fingering Rayne while she looked up and watched me masturbate. We had all enjoyed one last climax, but now the incredible night was finally over.

As Rayne slowly started getting dressed, I got up and went to my room and slid into bed. I was exhausted, as tired out as I had ever been, but my head was so full of all these exciting things I’d just seen and heard that I was nowhere near falling asleep.

I didn’t hear Rayne leave, and so I was surprised when my bedroom door opened. I thought my mom would wait until she was gone before coming in to kiss me goodnight. But there was one more surprise for me.

My mom came into my room, and then Rayne came in after her. They stood beside my bed and I looked up at them. My mom touched my cheek. “Hey, little girl. You okay?”

I nodded. “Uh-huh.”

“That’s my girl. Rayne wanted to say goodnight.”

“Um, goodnight,” I said.

She crouched beside me. “You’re an amazing little girl. Totally fucking hot. And you’re really lucky to have a mom like that. Goodnight, sweetie, and thanks for an awesome night.” She kissed me softly on the cheek. I smelled strawberry lip gloss. Then they left the room.

I heard Rayne go out the front door and heard her car start up and drive away. Then my mom came upstairs and back into my room. She knelt beside me as Rayne had and kissed my cheek. “Goodnight, little girl. That was a fun night but it’s very late and we both need to get some sleep. Okay?”

“Okay, Mommy.”

“I love you, darling.”

“I love you too.”

She leaned in and kissed me once more, this time on the lips. Then she left the room, checked on my sisters, and went to bed.

It took me a long time to fall asleep as I kept wondering what exciting direction our ‘game’ would take the next time…… but finally I drifted off.

Continue on to Chapter 4


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 2

  • Posted on April 28, 2015 at 11:51 am

By Naughty Mommy

That was just the beginning of the amazing sexual adventures for me and my mom. And for my sisters too, but that comes later.

It was another two weeks until my mother got a babysitter and went out again. It was a new girl this time, someone we hadn’t had before, but this time when my mom came home, nothing happened. She got back around midnight and then just took the girl home.

The same thing took place the following week and the week after that. She continued to go out most Saturday nights and we had babysitters stay with us each time, usually different girls, but none of them Karen.

During this time, I turned 11 years old, and my wonderful mother made sure I had the most awesome birthday ever — with a four-day family vacation to Disney World! We had such an amazing time. She also got me my first bikini bathing suit, a cute pink one, and she let me wear it when we went swimming in the pool at our hotel. I felt so grown up.

Then, about three months after the last time with Karen, my mom came home at around 11:00 o’clock on a Saturday night, but before she took the sitter home, she came up to my room to talk to me.

“Julie, honey, are you awake?”

“Yes, Mommy.”

She sat down on the bed next to me. “I’m going to take the babysitter home now, and while I’m gone a friend that I met tonight is going to wait here, and then when I come back I’ll have a drink with her, and… well, maybe more. Her name is Bonnie. So, I’ll be back in just a few minutes. All right?”


I wasn’t sure, but I guessed that my mother was telling me that Bonnie knew all about our ‘game’ and that it was going to happen again. I was both excited and scared at the same time.

I was scared that I might be guessing wrong, and that I would get in trouble if I started to watch and Bonnie got mad or something. But then I remembered how my mom had said she would make sure nothing like that ever happened again. So then I decided that if they did have sex, it would definitely be okay for me to watch them, and that got me really excited.

I started to wonder what Bonnie looked like. I hoped she wasn’t ugly, but then I told myself that my great-looking mom would never choose an ugly woman to be with, so that shouldn’t be a problem. I was tempted to sneak out of my room and try to get a look at Bonnie before my mom got home, but while I was still trying to decide if I should, I heard the garage door open.

I listened carefully to the sounds of my mother coming in and some muffled conversation, and I thought I could hear her fixing drinks for them, and finally I couldn’t wait any longer and got out of bed. I was wearing regular pajamas and I thought that didn’t seem right, but I didn’t want to take the time to change so I just took off the pajama bottoms and went out into the hall wearing my pajama tops and panties.

Bonnie was a redhead. She was tall, like my mom, and had pale skin with lots of freckles. They were dancing to some music, holding each other close.

Bonnie was wearing black high heels, black satin pants, and a flowered top. My mom had on a very skimpy green dress with a halter top, low cut in the front, showing lots of cleavage.

My mother noticed me come out to the railing and smiled at me. Bonnie saw where she was looking and looked up at me too. For a second I was afraid something might go wrong — but Bonnie smiled at me as well, then turned to my mom and kissed her softly on the lips.

They danced for a few more minutes, gently stroking each other’s bodies, then Bonnie led my mother over to the sofa. She untied the green dress in the back and let it fall to the floor. My mom wasn’t wearing a bra, just a thong. She looked amazing.

Bonnie had my mother sit down on the couch and pulled off her thong — leaving her naked — then started doing a little striptease. Moving to the music, she reached behind her back, opened the buttons on her top, and pulled it off. Her bra was pale pink and transparent. She caressed her breasts for a moment before removing the bra. Then she slowly unzipped her slacks, kicked off her shoes, and slid her satin pants down her legs.

As my mom watched the show, she spread her legs apart, and started playing with herself. She looked up at me to make sure I saw what she was doing, and when I slipped my hand inside my panties and began rubbing my pussy, my mom grinned and blew me a kiss.

The only thing Bonnie was wearing now was a pair of black lace panties. She had a round bottom, and although her legs were not as nicely shaped as my mother’s, I liked the whiteness of her skin and all the freckles.

After slipping off her panties, and revealing a full bush of curly red pubic hair, Bonnie told my mom to lie on the sofa, face down. She then reached inside her purse and took out a brown glass bottle, poured something from it into her hands — apparently it was oil — and straddled my mother’s legs and started rubbing her back with the oil.

She massaged my mom’s back that way for a long time, and I actually started wondering if they were ever going to have sex at all or if she was just like an exotic masseuse or something. It was obvious that my mom was really enjoying it, though, and I was glad for that.

Eventually, Bonnie turned around the other way and started massaging my mother’s legs. Actually she started with her feet, and my mom really seemed to like that. I could hear her moaning in pleasure. Then she moved up to my mother’s calves and then to her thighs, and when she finally started dipping her hands down between my mother’s legs to massage her pussy, I knew we were going to have some fun.

That’s when I put my hand inside my panties for the first time that night. Well, not the first time, because I had masturbated when I went to bed as I always did, but this was the first time since I’d been watching them. Before I had just been gently rubbing myself over the top of my cotton panties.

As I watched them now, I felt myself getting wetter and wetter.

It was amazing how Bonnie did it. She kept rubbing my mom’s pussy lips with her fingers until I was sure she was almost ready to come, but then she would stop and move to a slightly different place and make her wait a little longer. She kept doing this and my mom was getting all sweaty and squirming around and practically begging Bonnie to make her come.

Then Bonnie looked up at me. It was the first time since they had been dancing, which must have been a half hour earlier, that she had made eye contact with me. She smiled when she saw that I had my hand in my panties.

All this time Bonnie had been sitting astride my mom, but now she stood up for a second, lifted my mother’s legs and sat down on the sofa, laying my mom’s legs across her lap. Bonnie spread her own legs apart and moved my mom’s legs apart, so that from where I was standing I was looking straight down at two naked wet pussies.

Bonnie looked up at me again to make sure that I was watching, and then she slowly slipped the middle finger of her right hand deep inside my mother’s vagina. I heard my mother groan. Bonnie began gently fucking her and then she put her left hand down between her own legs, parted her thick pussy lips and shoved two fingers into her own cunt. She looked up at me again and smiled at me.

I quickly slipped out of my panties and then pulled my pajama top over my head and off. I wanted to be naked too. Bonnie nodded at me and smiled even more as she admired the slender body of a barely pubescent 11-year-old girl.

I spread my pussy lips apart as much as I could so that she could see me and I rubbed myself. I wanted to put my finger inside and fuck myself like she was doing, but I had never tried that and I was afraid it would hurt so I didn’t.

But Bonnie seemed to like what she was looking at. She fucked herself faster and harder and she moved her finger in and out of my mother faster too, her hands working in rhythm.

Very soon my mom was coming and then Bonnie was coming, but I wasn’t quite there yet. As I watched them each climax, I rubbed my wet pussy and played with my little nipples and thought what a lucky girl I was.

After they both finished coming and had rested for a moment, Bonnie had my mom sit up on the sofa, facing me, and then she knelt on the floor, put her mouth between my mother’s legs, and started eating her pussy.

Not long after she started doing this, though, the redhead turned around to look up at me, her face already gleaming wet with my mom’s pussy juices, and she smiled at me and licked her lips. This got me almost ready to come.

And then when I saw that my mom was looking up at me while she held her breasts in her hands, kneading them, and lifting them one at a time so she could lick the tips of her nipples, that put me over the top. As my climax approached, I heard myself saying, “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy—” and then I came.

I didn’t see what was happening for a little while because my orgasm was so intense that my eyes were closed. I had one hand gripping the railing so I wouldn’t fall down and the other hand was pressed hard between my pussy lips.

I guess I might have come more than once, because it went on for a long time, and I’m pretty sure I kept saying “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy” out loud, but maybe I was just thinking it.

Eventually I opened my eyes again. My vision was kind of blurry at first since my eyes had been shut so tight. But after it cleared up, I saw that Bonnie was on top of my mom in a strange position.

My mother was on her back on the sofa and she had her left leg up in the air. Bonnie had her right arm around my mom’s left leg and she was kind of straddling my mom’s right leg. It was a position that meant Bonnie’s pussy was rubbing right up against my mother’s pussy. I realized — all of a sudden — that she was fucking her!!

Bonnie was fucking my mom!! She was moving against her, steadily back and forth, and my mother was holding Bonnie’s breasts in her hands, playing with her nipples. My mom’s eyes were closed and she was licking her lips and breathing hard.

As Bonnie started moving a little faster, and then a little faster, my mother got more and more excited. She started moving underneath Bonnie, lifting herself up to meet Bonnie’s thrusts. Suddenly she opened her eyes and looked at Bonnie. Then she looked up at me. Then she grabbed Bonnie’s face in her hands and kissed her hard on the mouth. Then she said, “Fuck me! Fuck me and make me come!”

I had already had one really intense orgasm and I didn’t really know if I could come again that soon, but I started rubbing myself again anyway. It felt so nice. I sat down this time, though, on my knees, and watched them through the railing while I played with myself.

Bonnie was riding my mother hard and in just a moment the two of them were coming at the same time. They were so loud I was afraid it would wake my sisters up but somehow it didn’t. And even though I didn’t climax with them, I was sort of glad because it was amazing for me to witness something I had never even known was possible — one woman literally fucking another woman. It was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.

After they both finished climaxing, Bonnie lay on top of my mother for a long time while they kissed and gently fondled each other. Then, following a short whispered conversation, they moved around until they were sitting side by side on the sofa, facing toward me, and they each started rubbing themselves as they looked up at me.

They were going to masturbate while I watched them! And while they watched me! Once again I had another new erotic surprise, something amazing that I had never contemplated.

Inspired, I shifted off my knees and stuck my feet out between the bannister posts, leaving an opening in the middle. My thighs were still pretty thin, so I was able to scoot forward on my bottom and put my crotch almost up against the railing. This was the naughtiest and most exciting way I had yet displayed myself.

The two women below, my mother and her friend Bonnie, watched me as I slipped my fingers between my wet pussy lips. They looked at my almost-flat chest and watched as I played with my nipples.

And I watched them as they each caressed their pussies, spreading open their womanly cunts for me, showing me their wet centers. My mother lifted one of her legs over Bonnie’s so they could both spread their legs wider apart. They were licking their lips, looking back and forth at each other and down at their own naked bodies, but mostly they were looking up at me and my naked body.

I wanted to give myself to them, to share myself with them. I pushed myself as far forward as I could and tried to stretch my little pussy wide open for them. I rubbed myself harder and harder, faster and faster.

My mother and Bonnie were both fucking themselves now. Bonnie had her left arm underneath her leg so she could stick her fingers in her pussy while her right hand was rubbing her clit. My mom was fucking herself hard with two fingers while she caressed her tits with her other hand.

I knew I was getting close and it looked like my mom was getting close too. But then Bonnie started to come before either of us. When she did, my mother glanced over and watched her climax for a few seconds, and then she started fucking herself even harder and faster as she looked back up at me. When her eyes met mine, that made me start to come, and then my mom came too.

My climax was again so strong that I almost passed out. As it was, I laid down on my back on the hall carpet while I pressed my fingers deep inside my hot wet pussy lips. I kept spasming, over and over and over again. My fingers got wetter and wetter, and as I realized that I was having an orgasm while my mother and this other woman I had never met were watching me, that made me come even harder and longer.

When I finally calmed down enough to sit up and see what was going on, Bonnie was getting dressed and my mother had put on a thin silk robe that she liked. She walked Bonnie to the door and they kissed goodnight. Before she left, Bonnie looked up at me and blew me a kiss. I never saw her again.

I got up and went to my room, taking my pajama top and my panties with me but not putting them on again. I slipped into my bed naked and waited for my mother. She came in a moment later, still wearing her silky robe, and sat down beside me. I could smell a tangy aroma, which I figured must have been the scent of Bonnie’s pussy juice, or my mom’s, or both.

“Hey, little girl, how are you doing? Did you have a good time?”

“Yeah,” I giggled, “very good.”

She chuckled. “Me too. That was fun. I’m glad we go to play our game again. Would you like to do it again sometime, if we get another chance?”


“Okay. I don’t know how often we’ll be able to, but it’s something that I really enjoy, and it looks like you’re having a good time too, so we’ll see if we can’t make it happen again. All right?”

I nodded. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, then nuzzled me lightly and licked my earlobe. It felt funny but also really sexy. I shivered slightly in pleasure.

“Goodnight, sweet girl.”

“G’night, Mommy. And, um, thank you for playing that game with me. I really really like it.”

“That’s good. So do I. Now go to sleep, little baby.”

Continue on to Chapter 3


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 1

  • Posted on April 28, 2015 at 10:10 am

By Naughty Mommy

I woke up, as I usually did, as soon as my mother came home. It was just past midnight. When she would go out on Saturday nights, leaving me and my little sisters, Kate and Molly, with a babysitter, I never slept very soundly.

Several years earlier, my father had deserted our family, which to be honest didn’t bother me much. He was mean and he used to hit my mom and we all seemed a lot happier with him not around. Luckily, my mother had a good job, which meant we didn’t have to worry too much about money.

A few months after my dad left, my mom decided to start going out in the evening every week or two so she could have some fun for herself. I’d only be about half asleep during the time she was gone, and even though I really wanted her to have a good time, I always felt better when she came home.

That night, as usual, I woke up when I heard the garage door open. Normally she would take the sitter home and come back in fifteen minutes or so, and then she’d come in and kiss me goodnight and then I could sleep. But that night was different.

I didn’t hear the car drive away again, and I thought I could still hear my mother talking to the babysitter downstairs. I waited a while, thinking that soon she would take the girl home, but for some reason she didn’t. And then I got curious.

I got up out of bed and went quietly to the railing that looked down from the second floor into the family room of our house. The sitter, Karen, was a 14-year-old who had just completed her first year of high school. She’d taken care of us several times before this, and my two sisters and I liked her a lot.

Karen was really cute, with long dark hair that she wore with bangs, and pretty brown eyes. She was small, only 5’2” or so, and very slender.

They were sitting together on the sofa. My mom had her arm around Karen’s shoulders and was touching her face. She was whispering something to the teenager but I couldn’t hear what it was.

Karen was acting shy and I think she was blushing, but she was smiling too. My mom seemed to be teasing her a little. She kept caressing Karen’s cheeks and touching her fingers to Karen’s lips. And then she kissed her.

The first kiss (or at least the first one I saw), didn’t last very long. They talked a little more and then my mom kissed her again. And again. And pretty soon Karen put her arms around my mother and then they were kissing really hard.

I suppose Karen must have been a lesbian, or maybe bisexual, although I never would have guessed that before. I was 10 years old at the time, and even though I knew what it meant to be lesbian, and I’d seen some suggestive things in music videos, etc., I certainly had never seen anything like this in real life.

While my mom was kissing Karen, she took the girl’s hand and pressed it to her chest. Then she opened up her blouse, leaned back on the sofa, and pulled Karen’s head down to her bare breasts (she wasn’t wearing a bra). And as Karen was kissing and licking her tits, that’s when my mother looked up and saw me watching them.

I froze, petrified that I would be in big trouble. I wanted to run away, back to my room, but I couldn’t move. I remember how hard my heart was pounding.

Then I got an even bigger surprise. Instead of yelling at me or getting mad or anything when she discovered I was watching, my mom didn’t react like that at all. She just smiled up at me as she petted Karen’s hair.

I couldn’t believe it. Why wasn’t I in trouble? Why wasn’t my mother upset that I had seen them? Was she glad that I was watching her?

Apparently she was, because she sure didn’t change what she was doing. After she let Karen suck on her nipples for a while as I continued watching, she began pulling up the girl’s t-shirt until Karen sat up and my mom lifted the shirt off over her head. She unhooked the teen’s little white bra and took it off. And then she pushed Karen back on the sofa and started licking and sucking her erect nipples.

My head was swimming. I knew I should stop watching but I couldn’t. I was still afraid I would get in trouble, but I was fascinated by what I was seeing. And then, as my mom unzipped the young girl’s jeans and started pulling them down over her legs, I felt a warm stirring in my crotch.

At this point in my life I had never masturbated. Well, I had rubbed myself down there with my soapy hands in the bathtub and it felt good, but I had never brought myself to orgasm or even tried. In fact, at that age I don’t think I really understood what an orgasm was. And this was the first time I had ever felt such a strong sexual arousal.

The powerful feeling made me clench my thighs together, which only increased the exciting sensation. And then, as I saw my mother slip Karen’s panties off and spread her slender white thighs apart, and when the girl closed her eyes and my mom glanced up at me again for just a second before she lowered her mouth to the teenager’s sex, I had an irresistible urge to touch myself.

I was wearing a thin knee-length nightie and a pair of cotton panties. At first I just pressed my hand into my crotch on the outside of my nightie. That felt good, but it wasn’t enough. As I watched my mother licking the young girl’s pussy, and as Karen writhed and moaned on the sofa in obvious sexual pleasure, I pulled the nightie up to my waist and slipped my hand inside my panties.

I had never touched myself that way before. But it felt natural and easy. In the previous few months I’d noticed that the outside area around my private parts — my labia, that is, though I didn’t know the word at the time — had started to change, getting thicker and definitely more sensitive. When I put my hand inside my panties that night, the whole area felt swollen and warm to the touch. I was still completely smooth down there, too, since I didn’t have any pubic hair yet.

As I rubbed myself, just on the outside of my pussy lips at first, I started to feel some wetness on my fingers. It made them slippery, and the more I rubbed myself that way, the better it felt.

My mom had a finger inside Karen’s pussy now, and she had shifted around so she could suck on the girl’s nipples at the same time. She looked up at me again and saw what I was doing, and she smiled and nodded to me.

I was amazed.

Then Karen had what I now know was an orgasm, although at the time I wasn’t sure. But she squealed and squirmed a lot before she finally started to calm down. I was rubbing myself pretty hard and feeling really good as I watched them. My crotch was getting very wet.

After Karen had finished coming, my mother slipped her hand out of her pussy and lifted it to the girl’s face. She put her fingers in Karen’s mouth and it looked like Karen was sucking on my mom’s fingers. I wasn’t sure what what meant at the time, but it seemed pretty sexy.

After that, my mom stood up, reached under her skirt, and pulled down her panties. Then she squatted on the sofa over Karen’s face, held the girl’s head in her hands, and pressed her pussy against her mouth.

This made me more excited than ever. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My own mother was having lesbian sex with our babysitter, a girl who was only a few years older than me!!! And as I rubbed myself harder and harder, my hand gradually slid in between my pussy lips until I could actually feel the hot wet opening to my vagina. This was an entirely new experience. It felt like I was doing something naughty and grown up and it was so sexy and wonderful.

From where I was standing, I couldn’t see everything that was happening below, but my mom kind of wriggled around for a while on Karen’s face while the girl apparently was licking her, and pretty soon my mom had an orgasm too.

After she was finished, they kissed some more and then they started to get dressed. I went back to my room and got in bed. I pulled off my panties so it would be easier to touch myself.

Closing my eyes, I thought about what I had just seen — how my mother had kissed the teenage babysitter, had opened her blouse so the girl could suck her nipples, how she had stripped off Karen’s clothes and kissed her and licked her all over, and how she had straddled the girl’s face and pressed her pussy into her mouth — and how my mom had known I was watching them the whole time!!

I kept rubbing myself as I heard them go out to the garage. I heard the car drive away, and a few minutes later the car came back, and after that I heard my mother coming up the stairs.

I turned on my side then and pretended to be asleep, because I knew she would probably come into my room to kiss me goodnight as she always did. I was still afraid that I might get in trouble, and I also felt ashamed somehow for watching them.

My mom opened my bedroom door and came over to my bed. She sat down on the side of it and gently stroked my hair. Then she leaned down and softly kissed me on the cheek. As she did, I remembered that her mouth had been kissing and licking Karen’s vagina about a half hour earlier.

“Did you have a good time tonight, sweetheart?” she whispered to me. “I hope you did. I love you, Julie.” Then she kissed me again, got up, and left the room. I heard her go into each of my sisters’ rooms for a minute and then to her own room.

I stayed still, pretending to be asleep until I was sure she wasn’t coming back. Then I turned onto my back, spread my legs, and reached down to my crotch. I was still very wet down there. It felt all hot and slippery. I rubbed myself for a long time that night but I never reached orgasm. Finally I fell asleep.

When I awoke late the next morning, Sunday, I still had a worried feeling I might be in trouble with my mother for watching her with the babysitter. I delayed getting dressed and going downstairs until almost noon. But when I finally did, my mom was cheerful and happy.

She was sitting on the sofa (the same one) with my two little sisters and watching cartoons with them. She got up and gave me a big hug and announced that she was taking us to the zoo that afternoon. We were super happy about that.

* * *

The next week, Karen was back again on Saturday night. She came over at about 8:00 and played board games with us until our bedtime, which was 9:30 (my youngest sister, Molly, who was only 6 years old then, went to bed at 8:30).

All that evening I studied Karen, wondering what she was thinking about. I noticed that she was wearing a denim skirt and a crop top this week, instead of her usual jeans and t-shirt. I also noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and that she seemed to have a little more makeup on.

I kept wondering what it would be like to see her naked. Well, I had seen her naked, of course, but I mean up close. I wondered if she would like to kiss me the way she had kissed our mom — and it was that night when I started to realize that I must be a lesbian myself.

I had never really had much interest in boys, anyway, although for that matter I had never had many sexual thoughts at all until just one week earlier when I saw my mother with Karen. But every night since then I had recalled those wonderful images as I lay in bed and touched myself.

This time my mom did not stay out as late as she had the last time, and when she came home at about 11:15, I was wide awake. I waited for a while, wondering if I would hear the car drive away soon, taking Karen home, and when I didn’t, I got very excited. I was so hoping there might be a repeat of the week before. After another few minutes I got up out of bed. Before I left my room, I took off my panties and put them in the drawer. Then I went out to the hall.

They were already kissing and rubbing their hands all over each other’s bodies. My mom was sitting on the sofa with Karen on her lap, straddling her and pressing her slender young body against my mother’s. Karen’s skirt was up around her waist and my mom was squeezing the girl’s tight little ass.

This was exactly what I’d been waiting for. All week long, I’d been thinking about what I’d seen the time before and hoping it would happen again. I pulled up my nightie and put my hand between my legs and started gently rubbing myself.

Soon my mother’s blouse was open and Karen was kissing her breasts, and then as I watched, the girl pulled down my mother’s panties and buried her face in my mother’s crotch.

As she held the teenage girl’s head in her hands and pulled it hard against her pussy, my mom looked up to see me. She smiled at me and licked her lips lasciviously.

For some reason, this made me want to show off, so I moved along the second-floor railing to a place where my mother would have a better view and spread my legs wide apart so that she could see how I was touching myself. It was so exciting to show my naked pussy to my mom while I was masturbating, and while she was having sex with our babysitter!!

It didn’t take long at all before my mother had an orgasm. Shortly after that she took off Karen’s clothes until the lovely girl was completely naked, and then Mom lay on the carpeted floor and had Karen sit on her face. And while Mom was eating Karen’s pussy, she put one hand down to her own crotch and started fucking herself. I think she did this mainly for me, because she lifted her bottom off the floor and spread her thighs wide apart and pointed her pussy right at me so I could watch her fingers going in and out.

By this time I was very excited, of course, and as I watched my mom fucking herself while she was eating the teenage girl’s pussy, I slipped my fingers in between my hot wet folds and started tickling the opening to my vagina.

Karen had an orgasm soon, but that didn’t finish it. My mom put Karen on her back and lay on top of her in what I now know is a ‘69’ position. They licked each other like that for a while, until my mom, who was facing toward me, gently slipped the middle finger of one hand into Karen’s pussy, and then looked straight up at me.

I was thrilled to be part of this sexual experience with my mother. I tried to open my legs even wider so she could see my wet pussy as I rubbed myself. My mom smiled at me and licked her lips. She began fucking the teenage girl with her finger, slowly at first, and then faster and faster, as she stared up at me, watching me masturbate.

When Karen started to come, my mother did too. They climaxed together, powerfully, and it was then that I had the first orgasm of my life. It was so strong that it buckled my knees and almost made me faint. I wasn’t even sure what had happened, but in a daze I groped my way along the wall back to my room and fell into my bed where I rubbed myself again until it happened one more time.

I was asleep when my mother returned from taking Karen home. She came into my room and gently awakened me.

“Baby?” she said softly. “I’m sorry to wake you up, but I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

“Yeah, Mom,” I rubbed my eyes. “I’m fine. Um, thank you for… um, for not getting mad at me.”

She kissed my cheek. “No, honey, of course I’m not mad at you. We’re just having some fun together, kind of a little game. Did you enjoy yourself tonight?”

“Yeah, a lot. I like, um, I like doing that. I mean, watching you, and, you know.”

“Did you come?”


“Did you have an orgasm? Make yourself come?”

“Um, yeah, I think so,” I smiled. “Twice.”

“Ooh, that’s nice. I’m glad. We’ll have to play that game some more. But right now, you go to sleep, okay? I love you, sweetheart.”

“I love you, too, Mom. G’night.”

She kissed me tenderly on the lips, and again I thought about the fact that my mother’s mouth had been licking Karen’s pussy not much earlier. She left the room then and I fell asleep right away, feeling very happy.

* * *

The following Saturday night, Karen wasn’t available and so we had a different babysitter. This time nothing special happened.

But the week after that, Karen was back. This time she was wearing a little blue sundress, very short, with a halter top. It was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra.

We played our usual board games, but Karen seemed distracted and I noticed that she kept looking at the clock, checking the time. She made sure to put us to bed right on the dot at 9:30, instead of giving us ten or fifteen minutes extra like she sometimes would.

That night my mom came home even earlier, at about 10:30. As soon as I heard the garage door open, I got out of bed and went to my door. I wasn’t wearing any panties, just a short white blouse that buttoned in the front and didn’t even come down to my belly button.

I silently opened the door and peaked out. Moving closer to the railing, I looked down into the family room and saw that Karen was laying on her back on the sofa, wearing her sundress.

As soon as my mom came into the room, Karen smiled at her and lifted one of her legs up over the back of the sofa, and I could see — and my mother could see — that she had taken off her underwear. But that wasn’t all we could see. Karen had also shaved away all her pubic hair! Before it had been neatly trimmed, but now she was completely bare, like a little girl.

“Oh, how beautiful!” exclaimed my mom. “That looks good enough to eat!”

“That’s what I’ve been waiting for,” grinned Karen, as she used her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart. My mother walked slowly toward her, unzipping her own dress along the way and stepping out of it. She was wearing a matching red lace bra and panties.

My mom, I have to say, is absolutely gorgeous. Even though she’s given birth to three kids, she works out a lot and has kept herself in great shape. She’s tall and blonde, with long legs, nice tits, and a trim waist. The night I’m describing now was eight years ago, when she was only 30 years old, but still today she looks amazing. She is the sexiest woman I have ever seen.

Instead of walking straight up to Karen, she went behind the couch. She bent over and lifted the girl’s mouth to hers and they kissed for a long time. Then my mom unhooked her bra and fed her tits to Karen, one at a time. As the teenage lesbian eagerly sucked on her nipples, my mother looked up to see me watching. She smiled broadly and licked her lips as she saw what I was doing.

I had opened my blouse so my chest was bare. At age 10, I had almost nothing there, I was still practically flat, but it gave me a thrill anyway. This was the first time I had displayed myself to my mom like that. I was also rubbing my crotch, of course, and I was standing in what I thought was the best place for her to see me.

She smiled up at me and nodded, and then, without taking her eyes off me, put a hand under her breast, the one Karen was not sucking, and lifted it up toward her mouth, extending her tongue to lick her erect brown nipple. This was very exciting to me and I responded involuntarily by licking my own lips and raising one hand to my chest. I caressed my little nipples and it felt so nice.

My mother moved around the sofa and knelt between Karen’s legs. She licked the girl’s shaved pussy and fucked her with her fingers and made her come twice. I had been masturbating every night for two weeks now and I was getting pretty good at it, so I knew that I was close to an orgasm myself. But I wanted to see my mother come. I wanted to watch her being eaten by Karen and have her look up at me as I fingered myself to a climax.

However, after Karen’s second orgasm, right after the girl sat up and pulled her dress off over head, leaving her naked, she happened to glance up — and she saw me. Her eyes went wide and she just stared for a moment. Then she blushed and grabbed her clothes and ran toward the bathroom.

I went quickly back into my room and closed the door, afraid that this time I was in serious trouble, that I had done something terribly wrong. I was crying and trembling as I got into bed and pulled the covers over my head.

About five minutes later, my mother came into my room. She sat down on my bed and gently patted my shoulder. “There, there, it’s okay, baby, you don’t have to cry. Come on, sit up now and talk to Mommy.”

I pulled down the covers just slightly so I could look at her. I was still sobbing and trembling. “Aren’t you mad at me?”

“No, of course not, baby. You didn’t do anything wrong. Everything is just fine. Now I’m going to take Karen home and then I’ll come back and talk to you some more. But I don’t want you to cry or be upset. Everything is fine, really. I’m not mad at you at all. I love you, sweetie.”

She leaned over and kissed me several times on the cheeks and on the lips. She used the sheets to gently dry my tears. “That’s my pretty girl. That’s my darling girl. You’re Mommy’s wonderful, beautiful, sexy little girl and she loves you very much. Okay?”


“Now I’ll be right back and then I’ll cuddle with you until you go to sleep. But you don’t need to cry any more because everything is just fine.” She kissed me once more on the mouth, patted my thigh, and then left the room.

I heard the car drive away and about twenty minutes later I heard it come back. When my mother came up to my room I wasn’t crying any more. I’d put on some regular pajamas and I was in my bed but not asleep.

Before she came to my room, my mom had changed from her dress into a pretty nightgown. It was lacy, white, and sheer.

“Scoot over,” she said as she lifted the sheet and slid into my bed next to me. “Now, are you okay? No more tears?”


My mother put her arms around me and pulled me close. We cuddled as she comforted me. “I talked to Karen and explained everything. I told her that what you were doing was natural. You were curious, sexually, and you got aroused by what you saw, and you started touching yourself. That’s perfectly normal, right?”

“I guess so.”

“I got her to admit that she started masturbating when she was about your age and she agreed that there’s nothing wrong with it at all. So I’m not mad at you, and she’s not mad at you. But — I’m not sure Karen will be coming back to babysit for us again. Which is probably for the best.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I liked her.”

“I know, honey. I liked her too, obviously.” She smiled at me and kissed my forehead. “But you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. You and I were playing that little game we talked about before, and it just caught Karen by surprise, that’s all. The next time, if there is a next time, we’ll try to make sure that there aren’t any sudden surprises.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, what I mean is, if there is another time when I have someone I’m getting intimate with and you come out to watch us — and I hope you will, because I really love that part of the game,” she gave me a wet kiss on the cheek as she said that, “then I will make sure, in advance, that the person won’t be surprised. That she’ll know what to expect.”

“You mean with the next babysitter?”

“No,” she chuckled, “it’s probably not such a good idea for Mommy to be boinking the teenage babysitters, even though I love it. It could cause a big mess if anyone found out. No, I’ll try to pick someone a little older, maybe more experienced, someone who will be okay playing our game along with us. Because I do want to play it again. That is, if you do. Do you, honey?”

“Yeah, I think.”

“You think?”

“Well, I like it, I mean, I really like it. I hope we can do it some more but I don’t want to get you into any trouble.” I started to sob again.

My mother hugged me close. “Oh, honey, don’t you worry, nothing bad is going to happen. You and I will play our little game, and I’ll make sure it’s perfectly safe for both of us. Okay?”

She held my face and looked into my eyes. I nodded. “Okay.”

“And any time you want to talk with me about anything — whether it’s about sex, or masturbation, or anything else, no matter what — you just come to me and we’ll talk, all right?”

I smiled at her and nodded again.

“Okay, good girl. Now, you know what I’m going to do?”

I shook my head.

“Well, as you know, Karen got scared and went home before she had a chance to get me off. So, right now I’m going to go get in bed and play with myself and make sure I have at least three or four orgasms before I go to sleep.”

I’m sure my eyes were very wide as my mother told me this.

“I’ll be thinking about our game while I touch myself,” she continued, in a whisper. “I’ll remember what it was like to make love with Karen while you were watching us and while you were rubbing your little pussy. That’s what I’m going to do.”

She got up out of my bed, then leaned down and kissed me on the mouth. “Good night, my darling little girl.”

I had a lot to think about that night after my mother went to bed.

I imagined her in her room, touching herself, making herself come, over and over again. I thought about what might happen the next time, if there was a next time, that we played our little game. I wondered who she might bring home for me to watch while they made love. She had specifically said she when she was talking about the next person, so I was sure it would be a woman and not a man, and I was glad for that.

I found myself thinking that it would be totally creepy to watch my mom with some guy, but that it would be really exciting to see her again with a woman or a girl. I knew for sure that I was a lesbian, and I figured that my mom must be one too. I wondered how she could have been married for so long and had three kids if she was a lesbian, but I couldn’t figure that out. I thought about all these things and I didn’t masturbate that night, but I did the following night and almost every night after, until the next time.

Continue on to Chapter 2