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My Little Japanese Lover

  • Posted on August 17, 2018 at 3:35 am

Author Unknown

Note from JetBoy: Yet another mystery tale from my collection. Reading this, it seemed much too beautiful to keep to myself. This story will make you feel warm all over, like a hug in fictional form. And I usually don’t include photos with these stories, but THIS one was too scrumptious to leave out. Enjoy!

My two-week summer vacation found me relaxing by the side of an Olympic-sized pool. I should have been working on my lesson plan for the coming school year, but that could wait. Right then, all I was interested in was getting a tan.

A teacher’s salary doesn’t give you much money to plan a real vacation, but I’m better off than most. When my mother passed away six years ago, I inherited her uptown condo. There was even a small trust to pay for association fees and utilities. Because of this, I actually had enough saved for a nice little trip.

This year though, I came up with a novel plan. Instead of heading off to Florida or California,  I booked myself a room at the swankiest hotel in town, with all the trimmings. For two whole weeks I was living it up as Miss Rich Bitch. This had to be the best vacation I ever had. All the fun of being pampered by a fine five star hotel, without actually having to leave the city!

So there I was, stretched out on a deck chair in a tiny bathing suit. I knew I looked damn good in it, too. The guys around the pool couldn’t keep their eyes off me. Whatever. They could stare at my tits all they wanted. They could even dream about getting me out of my bikini bottoms, and slipping their greasy cocks into me. Dreams were all they would get. My dreams were just a little different.

I’ve known something about myself since high school. My few romps in the back seats of cars only taught me that guys had nothing I really wanted or needed. I’m a lesbian, one with very special tastes.

From where I sat, the view was lovely! It’s incredible, just how many pretty little girls were vacationing with their families… and there I was, feasting my eyes on them all, especially the ones approaching their teen years. I can’t think of anything more beautiful than a girl between ten and thirteen, beginning her journey towards womanhood.

One such girl had especially captured my rapt attention.

Oh God, she was pretty! A petite little Japanese doll with long gleaming black hair that fell to her waist. My fingers itched to run through that dark silk. Watching her tuck all that wonderful hair into a swim cap was a delightful torment. The bright yellow one-piece suit she wore hugged her budding figure lovingly. The gentle swell of her hips and bottom took my breath away. Her breasts were just beginning to bud. I hoped deep in my heart that she wouldn’t develop very big ones, because this lovely Lolita was perfect, utterly perfect, as she was.

Her obvious happiness and the cool breeze off of the water had left its mark. My lovely angel’s nipples were visibly erect. I could see them clearly from where I sat. My heart pounded as I imagined closing my lips around them. I placed her at about twelve years old. If she were living here, she would be just the right age to be in my classroom.

Did I mention that my Asian angel was a mermaid in the water? She dove with perfect form; hardly a splash as she cut through the water like a knife. I caught myself just in time before I yelled at the other swimmers to get out of her way. Couldn’t they see that this wasn’t just playtime for her? The child was poetry in motion as she twisted and dodged, her lithe body darting skillfully around the other swimmers. It was so exciting to see her outclass them all!

After a few laps, my mermaid pulled herself from the water with a practiced, fluid movement, glistening so enticingly as bright droplets of water cascaded from her body. I watched as the darling child tugged off her bright pink swim cap, freeing the dark waterfall of her hair with a careless toss of the head.

The very sight of her made me smile… and ache with longing inside. I was smitten, desperately in love with an underage girl I’d never met.

Oh, my — she noticed me! Then she smiled back, and my heart nearly melted. How could I ever think of such a lovely creature as only pretty? The beauty of her smiling face burned its way forever into my soul.

She turned to walk away. That was when some beastly little boy decided to run across the deck of the pool. The little shit bumped into my lovely swimmer, and down she went.

I was on my feet in an instant, shrugging into my robe, dashing to her side. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”

“I, I think so,” she said quietly. “I scrape my knee.” Her soft voice was enchanting, her English nearly perfect, flavored with a gentle accent that spoke of her homeland. “I — I am bleeding.” Staring at her knee, she began to cry.

“Oh, sweetheart, it’s okay!” A couple of small droplets colored her kneecap. There was no real damage at all, thank God. I took her arm to help her up. I felt a spark of sexual electricity, as my fingers touched her flawless skin. “Let’s go upstairs so I can clean you up.”

“I am sorry.” My little angel looked up at me, tears shining like jewels. “I do not like blood. I, uh, it makes me s-squeem.”

“Squeamish?” I asked.

“Hai! Yes!” She smiled softly. “English is hard work. I practice. No, I am practicing.”

“Your English is wonderful! I think it’s better than most American kids your age.” I took her hand as we walked towards the hotel. “What’s your name, honey?”

“Sasahara Sakura.” She gave her family name first, as the Japanese so often do. “I am very pleased to know you.”

“Sakura… what a lovely name!” I gave her hand a friendly squeeze. “My name is Sheryl, and I’m very pleased to know you, too!”

“Sheryl? Sheryl.” She said it a few times, getting used to the pronunciation. It sounded like poetry, coming from her lips. “Sheryl is a nice name too.”

We passed the lifeguard chair. The asshole didn’t even react to the kid running and knocking Sakura down. He was far too busy titty watching. I had to resist a sudden urge to flip him the finger.

Sakura guided me towards a group of empty chairs. “I have clothes here,” she murmured. “Can we get them?”

“Of course, honey.” We stopped, and my angel picked up a neatly folded tee shirt and shorts. My heart thumped. No panties!

I tried to conceal the excitement I felt. “After I clean your knee, you can get dressed. Okay, sweetheart?” We made our way through the lobby, toward the bank of elevators.

She grimaced. “Thank you, Sheryl. I am sorry to be such a bother.”

The elevator doors closed, and we began our trip up to the tenth floor. We were alone together, and I had to fight a powerful impulse to take her in my arms. “Where are your parents, Sakura?”

“Mother is at her meeting. I was going to wait by the swimming pool for her to return.” Sakura waved her suit and shorts at me. “But I forget card key and money.” She shrugged. “Hotel people know Mother, but if I tell I forgot, she will say I am careless.”

I couldn’t help grinning. She was going to hide her mistake from her mother. I did stuff like that all the time when I was her age. “When is she coming back?” I asked, making the question sound as casual as I could.

“Not soon.” She thought a bit. “Three of the clock. Maybe a little after.”

Oh my God, it was only noon! Could this possibly be happening? Was I dreaming?

“Why don’t you take a shower in my room.” I found myself asking. “You can stay with me until your mother returns.”

Sakura shook her head. “I could not do that. I would not want to bother you.”

“Oh, honey, it wouldn’t be a bother at all.” If I could just get her to stay, maybe, maybe… “I’ll order us up lunch. I don’t like eating alone. You’d be doing me a great favor just by joining me, I promise.”

She looked up at me, and I was almost lost in those soulful brown eyes. “I would like to have lunch with you, Sheryl.” Then she giggled. “I would also like to wash off smelly pool water.”

“Then it’s all settled.” My heart raced, but I kept my voice level and calm. The elevator doors opened, and we stepped out into the hall of the thirty-ninth floor. “Down this way, honey.” I fumbled in my robe pocket, and pulled out my card key. “For a second there, I thought I forgot mine too!” I ran the card through the slot in the door, and we stepped inside. “Now go get cleaned up, sweetheart, then I’ll look at your knee.”

“I can wait for you to go bathing first, Sheryl.”

Something in my mind clicked. Bathing? Sakura was Japanese! They had public baths there. Would she be accustomed to bathing with someone? I decided to take a risk.

“How about this? I’ve got one of the hotel’s best suites, and the tub is huge. Why don’t we bathe together? That way nobody has to wait!” I held my breath, waiting for her answer.

She gave a quick little nod. “Hai!” Then she winced. “I am sorry. Yes. Thank you, Sheryl.”

“Let me go get the water started, then.” I forced myself to walk slowly. My first impulse was to run for the tub! Even if nothing else happened, this day would forever be one of the best in my life if I could share a bath with this beautiful nymph.

Sakura joined me as the tub filled with warm water. “Sheryl, I, um,” she blushed prettily. “I must make water.”

“Go ahead, sweetheart. I’ll wait outside.”

I left the bathroom, then placed my ear against the closed door, listening to the sweet sound of Sakura using the toilet. I would have given anything to be able to watch! I hastily moved when I heard the sound of the flush, then tapped the door. “I’m coming in now, Sakura.”

I stepped inside, and nearly whimpered in delight. My lovely little mermaid was completely naked! Her skin looked so smooth and supple that my fingers trembled with the need to touch.

“Why don’t you get in the tub, honey?” I managed to say. “I’ll join you in a moment.” I pulled myself together best as I could, then gave Sakura a warm smile. My eyes were locked on my young guest as I slowly untied the top of my bikini.

She was so graceful as she crossed the floor to the tub, a fairy princess. My mind spun. I had visions of her dancing ballet for me. She would be nude, under the light of a full moon.

Sakura eased herself into the warm water, studying my naked body. I felt a flutter deep inside as I realized that she was staring at my breasts.

“Sheryl is big and beautiful,” she said rather wistfully. “I will never be beautiful like American girls.”

“Oh honey, that’s a silly thing to say.” I slipped off my bottoms, and hurried to the side of the tub. “You’re still growing. Even if your breasts aren’t going to be big, you’re still a very beautiful girl!” I stepped into the tub, and settled down with her. “You have a swimmer’s body. You like swimming, don’t you?”

“Oh yes!” Her face lit up joyfully. “I love to be swimming! I want to be Olympic swimmer some day.”

I grinned back at her. “Tell me though… do you think you’d swim as fast if you had these?” I put my hands under my breasts, and gave them a little shake.

She looked startled, then erupted into a fit of giggles. “No, no, no! I would slow down!”

“See then?” I dared to reach out and tap my finger against the tip of her nose. “Isn’t it better to just be you? Especially if the you that I see is a very beautiful charming girl?”

“Wakari-masita. Domo arigatou gozai-masu.” She positively beamed at me! I didn’t understand the words, but they sounded so lovely, so sincere and heartfelt. “Thank you. Sheryl. I will remember that! You are very nice.”

“So is Sakura.” I pick up the hand-held shower head. “Let me help wash that gorgeous hair of yours.”

“I like your short hair,” she said happily, as I started rinsing her tresses of dark silk. “Red is a nice color. You look like you are in anime.”

“Red hair, big boobies. Yup, that sounds like anime all right!”

“Boobies?” She was puzzled, then light dawned in her eyes and she exploded in a fit of giggles. I thought she’d slip down and drown, she was laughing so hard. “Boobies mean breasts! English is funny!”

“English can be funny, sometimes. I teach it, so I should know.” I poured a nice dollop of shampoo into my palm, and started carefully working it into her hair.

“I wish you were my sensei.” It broke my heart that I couldn’t be. “Mother and Patricia started teaching me last year,” she said with a fond smile. “I still need more words to make English better.”

“Honey, you’re doing great now!” I started to massage her scalp. Her eyes slowly closed, my little angel clearly enjoying the sensual feel of my fingers in her hair. If I only dared to do more! “Your pronunciation is wonderful, and you have the voice of an angel!”

My words brought a flush to her lovely face. She was embarrassed, but quite pleased too. “Sheryl is kind!”

I picked up the shower head again. Working carefully, I rinsed the thick suds from her hair. “There! All clean. Now let’s finish washing, okay?”

“Yes, Sheryl. That is okay.” We washed. It was innocent and fun, but I desperately longed for more. Every time I touched her warm wet skin, I had to force myself to hold back. This girl was far too precious. I didn’t want to do anything to frighten or upset her.

Brushing Sakura’s hair was a pure delight. I seated her at the vanity, and watched her every movement in the mirror. We were both still gloriously nude. I don’t think the image of her beautiful body will ever leave me. She looked concerned though. Something was bothering her.

“What are you thinking about, honey?” I hoped I hadn’t slipped up. God knows I was being careful not to.

“Sheryl… in the bath, I, I had feelings.” She spoke quietly, a look of worry on her face.

“What feelings, Sakura?’

“When, Sheryl, when you wash my hair, I had the feelings.” She took a deep breath. “Sometimes at night, I, I touch.”

The brush slipped from my fingers and landed silently on the thick carpeting. My heart was throbbing like a mad thing. I couldn’t stop myself from asking. “Touch what, sweetheart?”

“Touch between legs.” She grew quite flustered. “Washing hair made feelings, like I wanted to touch there.”

Oh my God! My hands were shaking, and my legs felt weak. “Sweetheart, w-what do you think about, when you touch yourself?”

“Meiboukoushi,” she whispered. “Pretty, smiling ladies.”

I knelt before her. “Sakura, do… do you think I’m pretty?”

“Yes!” she mumbled. “Sheryl is very pretty.” Suddenly she stood up, visibly upset. “I go now, okay? I bother you. I will go back to wait for Mother!”

‘Sweetheart, don’t!” I gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “I think about pretty ladies too. But I think about pretty girls like Sakura most of all.”

Her eyes opened wide. “You do?” she breathed.

My heart was racing. “Sakura, would you like me to kiss you?”

She looked at me for a long moment. Her beautiful brown eyes drawing me in. “Hai.” she whispered. “Yes. I would like Sheryl to kiss.” She closed her eyes, waiting for me to act.

I leaned into Sakura, moving slowly, giving her every chance to change her mind. She didn’t! Then our lips lightly touched, and I found heaven. She was so soft and delicate.

Oh, but she was a bit of a little devil, too! Sakura was first to deepen our kiss, the tip of her tongue slipping gently between my lips! I responded, and then we were kissing like lovers.

“Oh honey, that was very nice.” I sighed when we finally parted.

Her hands brushed lightly over my breasts. “Kiss too?” She blinked her eyes, then started over. “May I kiss you here, too?” My angel wanted to make sure I understood her.

“That would be lovely, Sakura.”

The warmth of her mouth against my skin was a delight. Sakura rained tiny kisses all over my breasts. I couldn’t help but moan when her soft lips closed over an engorged nipple.

She glanced up at me, with a look of joy on her face. “Sakura likes kissing Sheryl!”

I took her hand. “Please, Sakura, come with me to the bed. I want to love you, if you’ll let me.”

“I let!” she said breathlessly. “I want to know! I want Sheryl to show me how to love!”

“Oh, angel!” I gasped, “there is nothing in this whole wide world I want more!”

Hand in hand, we made our way to the bed. I helped her on, and then spent a moment just gazing at her. My angel’s beauty made me ache with desire. Her skin was the color of caramel. You could plainly see the outline of her swimsuit, where it protected her from the sun. Her shimmering black hair spilled out over the pillow. Her eyes sparkled. I could see her soul in those gorgeous brown eyes!

I reached out, daring to touch this lovely vision. She shivered as I ran my fingers slowly up her arm. Her skin was so smooth and soft, the muscles beneath toned and firm from hours of work in the pool.

“Beautiful.” I whispered, as if speaking aloud might make this wonderful vision fade from my view. “Oh, how beautiful you are!”

“Thank you, Sheryl.” She said softly. You should have seen the look of delight in her eyes. It wasn’t vanity. My lovely angel was honestly pleased that I took such pleasure in the sight of her nude body.

My hands moved again. The gentle swell of her budding breasts warmed my trembling fingertips. My darling Sakura moaned. Her nipples were firm and erect. I touched one, and she shuddered, a tiny cry escaping her throat.

“Now I will kiss you here, my love,” I breathed as I leaned over her. I took a flawless nipple between my lips, and Sakura whimpered. Her hands cradled my head as I gently suckled the brown bud.

“Good! Sheryl kisses good!”

I looked up just as her breathing began to grow ragged. “Sakura love, would you like me to teach you a very special kiss?”

Her eyes widened. “What kind of kiss, Sheryl?”

“The most beautiful and loving kiss that one woman can give to another.” I smiled, trying to encourage her. “Would you like me to show that kiss to you?”

“Oh, yes! Yes, yes, yes!”

“Okay sweetheart. Spread your legs.” I ran my fingers along her thighs as she hastened to do as I said. “Just relax, honey. I’m going to make you feel wonderful!”

I couldn’t help pausing to gaze between those lovely legs. Sakura’s pretty little pussy looked so inviting! I could detect moisture, glistening in the baby smooth slit.

“Are you ready for the special kiss?” I asked breathlessly. I sure as hell was ready to give it to her…

Sakura’s eyes were enormous, her mouth slack as she gaped at me. She knew now what was coming — knew, and welcomed it!

“Hai! I am ready, Sheryl! Please, give the special kiss!”

I bent and kissed her tummy. Sakura’s surprised giggle was like tiny silver bells to my ears. Then I flicked my tongue into her belly button. Her giggles turned into happy little gasps. The taste of her skin excited my soul. I kissed and licked my way downward. The scent of her sex enraptured me! I wanted to plunge my tongue into her juicy center, but managed to hold off a little longer. This was her time, and I wanted it to be perfect for her!

I pursed my lips, and gently blew against her. She squirmed. My lips drew close to her warmth, then I pulled back. Sakura moaned in dismay, whimpering when I began to lick the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

“Sheryl! Please? Kiss now!” Her voice was so low, I could hardly hear as she begged me for release. “I want kiss! Please? Sheryl, please kiss Sakura there?”

My heart wouldn’t let me tease her anymore. I placed both hands on her thighs and pushed her back to the bed. We both moaned when my lips touched hers. The warm, silky taste of little-girl heaven forever etched itself upon my soul. I ran my tongue over those beautiful pouting lips. She really liked that!

When my questing tongue caressed the treasure of her clitoris, my darling girl started to tremble.

“Sheryl, Sheryl! That is good! That feels so good!” Sakura cried out. I felt such impossible joy, just knowing I was pleasing this beautiful girl. Her voice rose in pitch. “Yes! Oh Sheryl! I do soon! I, I finish soon!”

I felt myself smiling into Sakura’s lovely sex as my tongue worked hard at bringing her body to the very peak of pleasure. It was getting harder to hold her still. Sakura was bucking wildly against me. When she started to make little mewling noises, I knew her time was at hand. I lashed the tip of my tongue against the jewel of her clit, and a hoarse cry exploded from her lips as she came.

I kept right on licking as her body was overcome by ecstasy. She clutched wildly at my head, pressing my face firmly against her cunt. I can honestly say I took as much pleasure from that climax as my little angel did. It filled my heart with happiness, just knowing what she felt in that infinite instant.

Finally, she lay limply, and I reluctantly moved my head from between her beautiful swimmer’s legs. The afterglow of her climax made her even lovelier, if that was possible.

I licked my lips. “Did you like that, sweetheart? I loved doing it to you!”

“Sheryl, I like so much!” she sighed, then giggled. “It was better than dreams!” She made an unmistakable wiggling motion with her index finger. “So much better then when I touch!” She paused for a moment, then frowned. “But… Sheryl didn’t finish.”

“That’s okay, honey. It was my pleasure to help you. I don’t mind.”

“Sakura minds!” she insisted, shaking her head. “I mind. You are so nice. I want to help now. I want to make good feelings for Sheryl!”

Well, who was I to go against my new lover’s wishes? “Okay, sweetheart. You can use your fingers if you like. I don’t want you to do anything you aren’t ready for.”

“No!” Goodness, my angel had a stubborn streak! “I will taste. I will give Sheryl special kiss!”

My heart thumped. “If you really want to, honey. I don’t want to force you.”

She pushed me back onto the bed, flopped down between my legs and took a good long look. This beautiful little angel glanced up at me, then smiled shyly. “Pretty!” she cooed, “pretty vagina!” She seemed proud to known the proper word for it. “I will kiss Sheryl on the pretty vagina now…”

I longed for this. I ached for this! Her long hair swept softly over my thighs and belly, as she bent closer. I wanted to see! My hand shook as I lifted the soft silk out of the way.

Sakura hesitated a moment, her lips so close that I could feel her every breath against my wetness. Then the heavenly child put her lips to my labia, and kissed me!

She didn’t stop there. Oh, she was a bit unsure of herself, and more than a little timid, but Sakura began to gently lap at me. She had no experience giving oral, but her determination to please me more than made up for that. She grew bolder. Her tongue darted into me, and I gasped at how lovely it felt.

“You’re d-doing so good, baby. Please keep going, just like that!” My body trembled and shook, my hands moving through Sakura’s silken hair, as my angel continued to use her wonderful tongue on my pussy. It was all I could do to keep from wrapping my legs around her, and grinding her face between them!

Then, oh Jesus, then… Sakura’s loving tongue trailed its way upward, seeking and finding my throbbing clit.

I went crazy. “Oh God, baby! Just exactly like that! Just like that! Oh G-god! Don’t, don’t, do not stop!” I was right at the abyss, then with one exquisite flick, the darling wonderful child pushed me over.

I was dimly aware of screaming and panting. For a moment I didn’t even know I was the one making all the noise! The power of my release was frightening, but magnificent. This barely pubescent child was giving me the biggest climax of my life!

But it didn’t end there. She kept going, and so did I! My body was wracked by wave after wave of pleasure, until I lay dazed, winded, happier than I’d ever been.

Sakura gazed up at me, eyes sparkling. She licked at her wet lips, then began to giggle. “Did Sheryl think that was good?”

I took a deep breath. “Sheryl thought that was the best!” I gasped, trying to calm my racing heart. My angel seemed quite pleased as I praised her.

“Thank you, Sheryl!” Her eyes looked sad for a moment. “I will not see you again,” she stated simply. “My mother and I fly home tomorrow.”

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry. Much as I want to, the distance will be too great.” I sighed. “I wish I could see you every day. Vacations always come to an end, though.”

She had tears in her eyes, and my heart ached for us both. “I will miss Sheryl.”

I climbed out of bed, and grabbed a sheet of hotel stationery. “Do you have a computer? Here is my email address.”

She took the paper, and looked a little happier. “I will write Sheryl every day.” She sat up proudly. “I know how to write with some English. I will get better, so I can write more emails to you!”

I started helping her to dress. “I know you will, honey. I look forward to reading them.” My stomach growled, and Sakura squealed in amusement. “Oh, goodness! I bet you’re hungry too, sweetheart. Would you like to have lunch now? We could go down to one of the restaurants while we wait for your mother.”

“That is good.” She fidgeted and looked a little unsure. “Sheryl, is no panties, right?”

“You look fine, sweetheart.” Nobody would notice my angel’s lack of undergarments, but the knowledge gave me a very special little thrill!

I packed her still damp swimsuit into a plastic bag. “Where should we go? I’ll take you to any restaurant you’d like.”


“Sheryl, thank you for lunch.” Sakura smiled at me, and ate another French fry. I would have taken her anywhere, but my adorable little angel wanted McDonald’s. “This has been a good happy day for me.”

“Sakura, this has been a very good, very happy day for me!” I wanted to kiss her, but we were in public. I settled for patting her hand. “I’m so glad I met you.”

As we walked back to the hotel, she slipped her hand into mine. It felt so right! “I want to say something.” She pulled my arm, so I leaned closer to her. “I love Sheryl!”

My angel kissed my cheek, and we walked together into the hotel’s busy lobby.

The End


A Helping Hand

  • Posted on August 7, 2018 at 2:57 pm

Author Unknown

Note from JetBoy: I opened my files tonight, and this story jumped out and demanded to be shared with you good people. I was almost certain that I’d first seen it at the Nifty Archive, but it’s not to be found there. It reads like I did a substantial amount of tweaking to the original — in fact, I took the liberty of polishing it up throughout just before posting it here. Hope you derive a measure of pleasure from its contents.


My name is Kate. I am divorced and have one daughter named Cassy, who is 16. Our life together has been a happy one; though the relationship we share is very unusual. We were just like any other mother and daughter, until things changed between us.

It all began with Cassy’s disastrous ski trip. She and her friends took four cars. While en route to the resort, the first car hit a patch of black ice and lost control, then the others smashed into it. Thankfully, no one was killed, but many of the kids were rather badly battered. Cassy had a broken left arm, a strained back, ligament damage in her right arm and bruises everywhere. One arm was in a cast, the other in a sling and she was pretty much bedridden, because of her back.

I took a leave of absence from work just to care for her. She wouldn’t be going back to school for a month or two, so she also needed tutoring.

The first week was a real strain. Cassy constantly needed help and I didn’t know what I was doing. I had to learn how to assist her with everything from feeding to taking a shower. It was difficult and embarrassing and exhausting. It also saddened me to see my little girl that helpless and depressed. Still, we both coped, and ended up growing even closer as a result. We shared some of the most amazing conversations about life, religion, boys, family, and more. Well into the second week, as her pain subsided and we cut back on the drugs, I could see more and more of Cassy’s spunky character returning.

One afternoon, though, she gave me a scare. I had left her snoozing while I went outside to putter around in the garden. Half an hour later, I heard a sharp cry and I dashed inside to her. I found Cassy still in bed. Her arm had somehow managed to come out of the sling and was bent up against her chest.

She did have tears on her cheeks, but she was much more upset than I would have expected. When I asked what was wrong, she cried and avoided looking at me. When I went to get her arm back in place, I finally realized what had happened. The sheets had been kicked away, uncovering Cassy from the waist down. She was naked, and I could make out every detail of her exposed sex. The signs of sexual excitement were obvious. Her vulva was swollen and flushed, and she was clearly wet as well. She must have become aroused and tried to play with herself. But her arm couldn’t reach her pussy… not yet, anyhow.

I sat down beside Cassy and wondered what I was supposed to do.

I knew she had been masturbating since she was twelve. At least, that’s when I had first heard some telltale sounds coming from her room. Not long after that, I’m sure she explored the drawer where I keep my sex toys and videos. At the time, I had decided there wasn’t anything to do about it. I had started masturbating at the same age and, though I didn’t like her snooping through my stuff, I decided to let it slide. I didn’t think it would do her any harm — an interest in sex is certainly normal for a girl her age, and the more information she had, the better. When she decided to start having sex, I made sure she was well prepared.

That had been a year ago. She’d broken up with her boyfriend at Christmas, so I was sure that masturbation was a big part of her routine. And now here she was, having to go without for weeks. I felt terrible for her. I know it would have driven me nuts.

I reached for her hand, saying, “Honey, maybe if I help a little we can loosen up your arm.” Cassy didn’t say anything, just nodded into the pillow and let me slowly move her arm down.

Her hand made it to just above her navel when I felt her tighten up, inhaling sharply with the pain. I didn’t push it and let her arm slide back up again.

“It’s no use, Mom — I can’t,” Cassy said, still not looking at me, her voice thick with unhappiness. As she started crying again I could see the frustration she felt. Even if she had passed the worst of her recovery, she still couldn’t do a thing for herself, not even steal a little private pleasure. Once again, I felt my heart breaking for my little girl.

I’m not sure exactly how I decided to do what I did. Of course, I would have gone to any length right then to comfort her, to soothe away the pain. And I must have understood that words and hugs and optimism and pampering weren’t what she needed. Not that afternoon.

There was an intuitive connection between us. Perhaps it was all the intimate contact we’d shared over the past week or two — all the baths, the massages and conversations. Maybe some loving bond had been established between us, a new intimacy that went beyond the usual between mother and daughter. Whatever my feeling was, it drew my hand away from her suffering arm and down to her waist, her hips, the tops of her thighs.

I could sense Cassy growing quiet, waiting, her whole body eager to understand what my hand was doing. Her left leg shifted a bit, lifting slightly, increasing the pressure of my palm. I gave her thigh a reassuring squeeze and she settled back down — waiting again, anxious perhaps, but knowing I was just there to help and comfort.

There wasn’t a word exchanged between us. There was just a peaceful, loving certainty when my hand moved again and my fingers found her soft curls. I toyed with them a bit, marveling how similar they felt to my own pubes. I had cleaned her down there with a washcloth so many times by then there should have been no novelty… but the directness, the richness of this was so completely different. It was a sensual experience for me, as well as for her.

Slowly, my fingers moved down, finding her lips, pouting and moist. I traced one side and the then the other. From the tuft of her pubes to the crease of her ass I reminded my girl of the shape and swell of her pussy. I could feel the silky smoothness of her skin, its growing heat and pulse. I caressed her like that for long, indulgent minutes until Cassy shifted a bit and looked at me, whispering “Please…”

A long, exhausted sigh drifted from Cassy when I finally spread her open. Her pussy was pink and fresh and gorgeous… and glistening with weeks of unspent need. I sent two fingers sliding along her slick channel, quickly finding a rhythm that brought quick, happy breaths from her. A few minutes later I could feel her pussy clutching my fingers. I slid up to find the pearl of her clit, my light touch speeding back and forth. She came with a soft whimpering cry that sounded like music to my ears.

I got a damp washcloth from the bathroom and cleaned her up, then covered her again with the sheets. When I got her arm back into her sling, Cassy finally looked me in the eye and said, “Thanks, Mom,” her cheeks still flushed, eyes sparkling. I smiled back as if all she were thanking me for was adjusting the splint, gave her a kiss on her forehead and told her to nap for a while.

The next day passed without any more excitement. Even Cassy’s shower that morning was uneventful, despite our intimacy of the day before. It was business as usual. Or so it seemed. I was having a rather awkward time of it, actually.

I didn’t regret helping out Cassy the way I had, you understand. The improvement in her disposition was dramatic, and just about any price was worth paying for that. She was happy and joking and fun to be around once more. On the other hand, I was having trouble dealing with some unexpected feelings of my own. After masturbating Cassy, my own cunt had been surprisingly hot and moist. As I tried to go about my gardening, my mind kept going back to Cassy’s youthful body and how nice it had felt to touch her.

Finally I had to admit it to myself: our little episode had turned me on. I went into my bathroom and fingered myself to a shuddering climax. Only afterwards did it hit me that I’d been thinking about my naked daughter as my fingers drove in and out of my pussy.

Oh, I had been sexually involved with another girl before, back when I was a freshman in college. I’d met Suzy through a science class. As we studied together through the weeks, we became good friends. During one late night study break we were getting tipsy on wine and talking sex. We got pretty hot and somehow, I don’t know who said it first, we both confessed to some bisexual curiosity. Moments later we were kissing and making love. We were both very confused the next morning, but it had been too good to forget. For the next two years we remained occasional lovers, despite the boyfriends we both went through.

I hadn’t thought of that relationship in years, and suddenly it was all I could think of. Sex with Suzy had been very beautiful and fun and I was realizing that… I missed it. I felt like a small part of me had been without something special for far too long.

Touching Cassy had triggered all of this. And, inevitably, images of Cassy and Suzy were mixing and blurring in my mind. That is what was unsettling me so very much: my own daughter was turning me on. That night, I dreamed of beautiful naked girls and woke up feeling damp and horny.

Cassy’s shower went fine that next morning, though it was a struggle for me not to linger on her breasts. She was a small B compared to my full C, but hers were very high and firm and capped by dainty rose-hued nipples. If I paid too much attention to Cassy’s naked body, she didn’t let on. It wasn’t till she was totally tucked in and comfy that a little blush spread across her face.

“Uh, Mom…” she murmured, smiling shyly, “I was wondering — I mean…” She didn’t get the words out, but did manage to gently kick the sheets down a bit. I glanced down and saw her bare pussy.

A small shock ran through my body. Oh, my God. I put on a brave smile and looked at her. She knew I understood, and relaxed as I slipped my hand between her thighs. I felt like it was happening without my even directing it. She felt so hot and juicy as I slid a finger deep inside her.

This time, fondling Cassy was sweet and loving and seemed inevitable, somehow. After a few minutes of touching, my baby was coming again. Clearly, I was doing something that meant a lot to her.

The smile she gave me afterwards was priceless, and I knew at that moment that we had added a new element to our morning routine. I tried not to think very much about about how the prospect of pleasuring my daughter this way made my own pussy throb with excitement.

The week passed quickly. We continued our special sessions which, I think, contributed greatly to Cassy’s sunny disposition. Her body continued to heal. The bruises were mostly gone, her back felt better and I knew she had regained much of the use of her arm — though we didn’t check to see if this meant she could take care of herself sexually again.

This both worried and excited me. I knew that I was getting to enjoy touching my daughter too much — and something told me that Cassy might not want me to stop pleasuring her, either. More than that, I was afraid, yet hoping against hope that something else might develop between us… and I didn’t know how to deal with those feelings. I didn’t want anything, anything at all, to spoil the wonderful mother/daughter relationship we had.

Then after her shower one morning, I said as I dried her glorious nude body, “Let’s both just stay undressed, honey, until after I take care of you. It’ll be more comfortable that way.”

Her eyes shone as she softly said, “Good idea, Mom.”

We padded naked into Cassy’s room and she lay down, parting her thighs, gazing at me excitedly. Neither of us said it, but we both knew that my nudity made what I was about to do to her different, somehow.

I sat on the bed next to Cassy and began caressing her beautiful pussy, just as I had done for the last several days. God, she felt so hot and inviting. My own cunt was, if anything, even wetter than it had been the last few times I had pleasured Cassy. Being there naked with my lovely daughter, fingers busy between her legs, had me in a state of arousal that was almost unbearable.

Still, my fingers never faltered as they slid back and forth, caressing her wet, slippery labia. The compulsion to taste her, to lick her the way I had done with Suzy was almost too much to bear. It made me tremble with need. I savored the wonderful, heady scent of pussy that was flooding the room. Soon, I was completely absorbed with making my baby feel good.

That was when I glanced up at her face and felt a sudden rush of excitement to see her gazing at me, lips slightly parted, her eyes glowing with love… and passion! I knew, too, that the desire I saw was mirrored in my own expression, clear as day for my daughter to read and understand.

We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Then Cassy slowly sat up, placing her hand against my cheek.

“Oh, Mom,” she breathed, “you are so good to me… God, I love you.”

I thought my heart would explode as she gently brought my face to hers and kissed me. Her soft, sweet lips brushed against mine… then her tongue slipped into my mouth and we were suddenly kissing like lovers.

I moaned into my baby’s mouth as her hands claimed my breasts. She moved her palms around slightly, teasing my throbbing nipples. Oh, God, my deepest, darkest fantasy was coming true.

I couldn’t wait another minute — I had to taste Cassy.

Breaking our kiss, I spread my daughter’s legs and slipped down her body to nestle between them, taking a moment to lick and suck at her nipples. She gasped, cradling my head to her breasts. “Oh, Mom,” Cassy moaned.

Her skin tasted and smelled heavenly — but I wanted more. Down I went, trailing my tongue over her tummy. Cassy was moaning and whimpering, knowing full well where my mouth was headed.

Lying between Cassy’s thighs, I paused to savor the sight and the intoxicating smell of my daughter’s dripping pussy before drawing in to nuzzle lovingly at her soft, moist pubes. I felt her trembling hands holding my face as my tongue emerged to give Cassy’s cunt a long, slow, luxurious lick. My precious baby sighed, “Oh, yes…”

Unable to restrain myself, I began to feast on her luscious pussy, placing sticky hands on Cassy’s thighs.

My daughter gasped and cried out, “Oh GOD, Mom. Yes. YESSSS!” I know she said more after that but I didn’t hear it. I was completely absorbed by the smell and taste and heat of her, and dazed at the knowledge that I was committing the ultimate taboo — making love to my own child. And I reveled in it.

My mouth somehow knew how to do everything to please her — suck on her cunt, probe her with my tongue, then nibble at her clit until she exploded in a howling climax. She came again and again with these tremendous cries of ecstasy, her body bucking like a wild stallion. Finally, panting for breath, she begged me to stop.

Cassy lay quietly for a long while as I rested, my head on her warm thigh… then she tugged at my shoulder, inviting me into her loving embrace. She could only hug me with one arm, but it was more than enough. My heart soared as she kissed me hungrily, her tongue licking at my lips, tasting herself.

Then my baby girl transfixed me with a wicked smile. “All right, Mom,” she breathed, “it’s your turn now.” I nearly came right then when she said that.

The memory of my daughter making love to me that afternoon will always be my most precious. Her mouth on mine, kissing me hungrily again and again… her good hand caressing every inch of me, discovering the secrets of my body… my nipples growing taut in her mouth as she teased them with her tongue… her face between my thighs as she kissed my dripping pussy for the first time; then pressed her mouth into me and ate my cunt until I screamed in delight… the delicious thrill I felt when she had me roll over onto my tummy, parted my buttocks and licked my asshole, finally sliding two fingers into my vagina and pumping them in and out until I exploded in a raging, convulsive orgasm that seemed to tear my body asunder. The world vanished in a white-hot flash of pure light, surging through every inch of me.

Cassy took me higher than I ever knew I could go, then gently brought me down to earth once more. I finally lay quietly, dizzy from pleasure, flushed from head to toe, my head resting on my baby’s breast.

We kissed sweetly, exchanging words of love. I suppose I should have been concerned about how our relationship as mother and daughter had changed, but somehow I wasn’t really worried. The beauty of the lovemaking we had shared gave me and Cassy both a real sense of confidence and faith that everything would be fine between us.

I told her about Suzy… and she told me of her own girl/girl experiences. It turned out that she and her friend Janis had learned how to kiss by practicing with each other, and their make-out sessions had progressed into full-blown sex. They had been lovers until Janis had left for college six months earlier. She considered herself bisexual, but admitted that she felt a distinct preference for females, and had hungered for another chance to explore her sexuality with an older woman.

If I had had any lingering fears, that put them to rest. Cassy had already indulged in lesbian love, and I hadn’t somehow corrupted her all on my own. She didn’t even seem least bit fazed by the incestuous nature of what we had done together. She said that our mutual pleasures had reassured her that I would always be her best friend, as well as her mother, and that exploring sex together wouldn’t change that. Her words touched me so that I cried tears of pure joy. We both did.

Five years later, Cassy and I are still occasionally intimate. We love each other deeply, and don’t expect that to ever change.

The End


My Wedding Day

  • Posted on June 30, 2018 at 10:54 am

by Stacy Simmons

{ This story was originally posted at the Nifty Archive in December 2000}

All I can say is… thank God my mother was there for me.

The time was my wedding day, over a year ago now, although it seems like yesterday. That day went from being the worst of my life to the best in an instant.

My name is Emily. Growing up I was a good looking girl, with D cup breasts, long legs and an hourglass figure. Being a natural redhead with soft skin made me even more popular. I had my share of boyfriends, but when I hit high school I met Glen. We were sweethearts, and in our last year of high school he asked me to marry him.

My mother’s name is Julia, she’s 39. She was a very busty woman with long dark reddish hair and long legs that seemed to end somewhere around her shoulders… even her ass was still shapely and firm. People often thought we were sisters. Anyhow, I asked her to give me away at the wedding because my father had left us many years before.

Mom thought Glen was a little too good to be true, and she told me that. We fought about it more than once, and I ended up feeling ashamed of things I said in anger towards her. One day when she and I were arguing about Glen, I called her an old joyless shrew — and she slapped me, hard. God knows I deserved it, but I still slapped her back in the heat of the moment.

The next thing I knew, we were tussling on the floor, striking out at one another. I felt mom’s large breasts press against mine and her breath on my neck as we fought… and to my complete surprise, I realized I was becoming aroused.

Almost without thinking, I began to rub my mound against her leg as it pressed between my own. She didn’t seem to notice, but I was becoming wetter and wetter by the second. I’d never been with a woman before, and had really wanted to try it. Not with my mom, of course — that idea never crossed my mind for an instant! — but the way our bodies were squirming together reminded me of my secret interest in exploring bisexuality. At the time, I’d fantasized more than once about Glen and I inviting another woman into our bed after we were married. Anyhow, Mom didn’t seem to notice that I was getting all hot and bothered, rolling on the floor with her like that… and we both finally began to laugh about how ridiculously we were behaving.

Later that night, though, I masturbated myself to a raging climax, indulging in steamy lesbian scenarios in my fevered imagination… though this time, Glen wasn’t a participant.

The night of my stag party was a memorable one. Mom arranged the whole thing as my maid of honor and it was pretty raunchy, even by her standards. All of our friends showed up and we opened presents. Mom gave me the wickedest looking lingerie I had ever seen — a blue merry widow outfit that made my tits look absolutely huge, thong panties and garters and topped off with a pair of spiked high heels.

Strangely enough, Mom suggested that I model the outfit for the crowd of women, but I declined. “Well, maybe you’ll give me a private showing later,” she laughed. Most of the girls were laughing so hard they drowned her out, but I heard her loud and clear. It almost felt like she was flirting with me… but I dismissed that impression as ridiculous.

Finally my wedding day had come. My mom was done up in a cream colored dress that showed off her cleavage a little too much, I thought. Everyone was in place and ready to go, except the groom. Glen was nowhere to be found, so we waited.

And waited, and waited, and waited. He never showed up. I was frantic, I thought he might have been in an accident, dead, or even worse. Finally word came. Glen’s best man Brad got a call on his cell phone.

It was Glen. He was in Rio with some woman. He was truly sorry, but he had decided that he was unable to commit to me. I’d suspected that he had been cheating but I always gave that bastard the benefit of the doubt, now it was confirmed in front of all my friends and relatives.

I stormed down off the altar and back into the rectory as the church quickly emptied out with “tsk tsk” sounds and “isn’t that a shame,” or “she’s too nice for her own good,” floating in whispers above the crowd. Soon the church was empty and I was alone in the rectory.

I heard my mother knock on the door and whisper my name. She said she was outside with the priest, if I needed to talk. I told her the only one I could talk to was her and no one else. I heard her speak to the priest for a moment, explaining the situation, and he said he would go next door to the church hall where the reception was supposed to be and let us have some privacy.

When I heard him go, I let my mother in. My face was streaked with tears and eye shadow. Mom gently shut the door and came over to me, taking me in her arms.

“Why, Mom?” I asked, “Why didn’t I listen to you?”

When she answered, her voice was gentle and comforting. “Sometimes age gives one a certain wisdom, precious. The same wisdom tells me that when you come out the other side of this, you’ll find true love.”

I rested my head on my mother’s bosom, taking all the comfort from her I could. I noticed that Mom’s breathing was getting deeper. She ran her hands through my hair and shushed me until I stopped crying, running her hands through my hair. My breath started to get shallow and come in shorter gasps. The feel of a warm body against mine was making me feel strangely excited. I needed love and I needed it now.

I raised my head up to meet hers, and she started to kiss the tears from my cheeks. Oh, my God — the feel of her lips against my face was so… so sweet. I didn’t understand — was I getting turned on by my mother? She was holding me tightly, like a lover, her hands sliding down my back to cup my ass.

I looked at her with questioning eyes and she continued to kiss my face, but more slowly, sensuously. Her hands were now openly fondling my bottom. My head was spinning. I couldn’t believe it — my mother was coming on to me!

“Don’t worry, precious,” she whispered to me, “Mommy’s here.”

She kissed my neck, then ran her tongue up to my ear. I almost melted on the spot, moaning out loud. She drew back and gazed at me for a moment, the naked desire on her face plain to see. Then our mouths met, and we kissed. Not like a mother and daughter, but as lovers, lovers who finally understood the deep need they had for one another.

Mom moaned into my mouth as I kissed her hungrily. Our tongues met and played with each other as if they were swords. I was totally hers now. She could do anything she wanted to me, and I hoped she would. We kissed with no thought of incest or the fact that we were in a church rectory, me still in my wedding dress. We were both becoming violently aroused and nothing could stop what was about to happen… what my mother and I were about to do.

I reached up and touched Mom’s ample breasts. She moaned, and I smiled for the first time since I entered the rectory.

“I’m glad you can still smile,” she said breathlessly as I licked my way down her neck towards her cleavage.

“You make me happy,” I responded. I felt Mom’s hands starting to fumble with my wedding dress, I reached around back to help her. She panted as she fumbled excitedly with my hooks and buttons.

“Get it off me,” I whispered, “I need to be naked for you.”

“Yes, precious Emily, I want you… want to make love to you. I have for a long time. I’ve been with other women since your father left… but you were the one I wanted the most.” She tugged my zipper all the way down. “And now I’m going to have you. Right here in this church.”

“Take me, Mom. Fuck me.” I breathed.

I hiked up my mother’s dress and ran my hands up her well toned legs. She shivered at my touch. My hands slid up the inside of her thighs and I found the dampness that soaked the front of her panties. Mom was indeed dripping wet… and I was excited to know that it was because of me.

Finally she managed to get my wedding dress down to my waist. I drew her into my chest and she buried her face in my breasts, her hot tongue setting me on fire. I stood before her and the wedding dress fell down to my ankles, revealing my thong panties and garters.

Mom knelt before me, tugged my panties down and began to eat my dripping pussy. I almost fainted when her tongue found my clit. Her mouth was soft and wet, and my legs trembled so that I could barely stand.

Mom rose and stood before me, her eyes burning into mine. I kissed her passionately, and she gently laid me down on the floor of the rectory. I gladly spread my legs for her, exposing my freshly shaven pussy. Mom stood before me and reached around to her back. I heard her unzip her dress and she let it fall down around her knees.

My mother was radiant, her breasts heaving with excitement. I wanted her and I wanted her now.

As if she had read my mind, Mom got down on her hands and knees and lowered her face between my quivering thighs. I felt her tongue invade me and I convulsed in pleasure.

“Ohhhhhhh… fuck!” I moaned.

“Emily, we’re in a church,” Mom joked, “cursing is for bad girls.”

“I’m your bad girl, Mom. Just take me — please!” I gasped, grabbing my thighs and spreading them wide for her.

She smiled and buried her face in my dripping pussy… and I just about fainted with the ferocity of Mom’s oral attack. Her silky wet tongue swirled all over my clit and I felt her fingers spread my cunt open to her kisses. I felt the two fingers of her other hand slide into me and I thrust back against them as hard as I possibly could. Mom invaded every inch of my cunt as I squealed in delight on the rectory floor.

“Lick my asshole, mom.” I commanded breathlessly, pulling my knees back to my chest, spreading my cheeks open.

Mom smiled wickedly. The next thing I knew I felt Mom’s tongue invading my anus. I whimpered, biting my lower lip. This was better than any man had ever given me. I was about to just about to come when suddenly… Mom stopped.

I glared at her in exasperation… but she only smiled. “Get on your hands and knees, Emily. Mommy has a treat for you.”

I did as she asked with great urgency — I needed to come or I would explode!

Mom reached into her purse and pulled out a black strap-on dildo. “I was hoping to pick up some woman here today and use this on her,” she murmured, “but I’m gonna fuck you instead.”

She quickly stepped into the harness, tightened it around her waist and was on her knees behind me in less than a minute… and I braced myself. I felt the head of it invade me and begin to slide into my cunt.

I pulled my wedding dress towards me and held it over my mouth, then screamed as Mom thrust the thing all the way into me and started to fuck me hard. I felt her reach over and grab my hair, pulling me back towards her. I immediately started humping against her beautiful body. The only sounds in the entire church were that of our bodies slapping together, my mother’s grunts of exertion and my muffled screaming into my wedding dress.

“Fuck me Emily, my precious. Mommy will make you come as hard as you need to.”

“Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me FUCK ME!” I panted over and over. Mom continued to thrust into me as hard as she possibly could and I was approaching nirvana. I had never been fucked this hard before. She was tearing me apart — and I loved it!

“Unghhhhhhhhhh! Jesus!” I remember yelling. To heighten my pleasure Mom brought her free hand down on my ass cheek, spanking me hard. I came again when she did it.

After a few minutes I stopped humping against Mom and rested a moment on the floor, I could still feel the huge plastic cock in my cunt as I marveled at how things had worked out.

I was now my mother’s love toy. I didn’t want a man, didn’t want to be married, ever… I was hers alone.

“Don’t ever leave me, Mom.” I whispered.

“I’m yours, precious, always have been, always will be.” She whispered in that soothing tone of hers again, and I knew everything was going to be all right. Mom pulled that huge latex dick out of me and I lay down on my back, gazing at her with animal lust in my eyes. It was incest, it was wrong, it was all I wanted. I needed to make love to my own mother, right there on the floor.

I jumped on her like a lioness attacking her prey. Mom could only squeal with delight. I grabbed the dildo from her hands and kissed my way down her body, leaving a trail of wetness down her belly. Mom had a nicely trimmed V-shaped triangle between her thighs. I ran my tongue through her pubes and she moaned. Her cunt was glistening with wetness, peeking out at me, and I began eating her.

“Oh God, Emily, yes! Lick my cunt!” Mom panted, clawing at my hair as I ate pussy for the first time.

Somehow I instinctively knew what to do as I licked and sucked at her. She shuddered as I inserted two fingers in her pussy and started to rapidly pump them in and out. Mom was gasping for air. I inserted a fingertip in her asshole and she immediately came harder than anyone I had ever seen.

After several minutes Mom recovered and looked up at me, smiling. I smiled back, proud to have given her such pleasure. She kissed me deeply and I could taste my cunt on her tongue. It was heavenly.

“That was the best sex I’ve ever had.” I told her.

“We’ll top it, too… every night from now on.” she said, taking my hand as she kissed me.

We dressed quickly and left a note for the priest. Together we drove to the hotel where Mom had reserved the honeymoon suite. We had paid for a whole week for Glen and I to indulge ourselves before flying to Maui. Instead, Mom and I went upstairs and locked the door, putting out the DO NOT DISTURB sign.

For the next two weeks we made love in every way we could think of, all day long. Mom and I even took turns fucking one another in the ass with the strap on, a first for both of us… but definitely not the last!

On the last day in Maui took Mom down to the beach, finding a private spot beneath a palm tree. There I got down on one knee before Mom in the warm sand and offered her the wedding ring I’d had for Glen.

“Julia… Mom — will you marry me?” I asked.

She cried, then said “yes,” of course.

We didn’t really get married… but she bought me a wedding ring of my own, and we made a secret pact that bound us together as lovers for the rest of our lives. Mom and I moved to a town in England, where we told our new friends that we were a lesbian couple, and that’s what everyone believes.

A year later, I think of my mother as my wife, friend, companion and lover. And I’ve never been happier!

The End


A Daughter’s Gift

  • Posted on June 28, 2018 at 11:10 am

Author Unknown

Note from JetBoy: Another story from my collection that I was unable to find online. This reads a lot like a JetBoy story in places, so I suspect that there is a lot of my own work in this version. A vigorous tip of the hat (and perhaps an apology) is extended to the original author, whoever she or he may be.


Gerald Connors was under arrest, and his stepdaughter Kelly was taken to the police station. DNA tests quickly confirmed what the police already knew for fact. Kelly’s mother Samantha arrived a half an hour later, frantic with concern for her daughter and rage for her husband. She hugged her daughter tightly and comforted her as much as she could, while vowing revenge against Gerald with all her heart. In the meantime, the police searched their apartment, and found Kelly’s diary. In it, Kelly had described in minute detail every sexual act her stepfather had forced her to commit.

Of course, Gerald protested that the sex had been consensual. But Kelly’s diary offered a different version, a version in which Kelly had been repeatedly molested by her stepfather, who had taken full advantage of her innocence and had threatened her if she told anyone about it. And in the end, it didn’t matter anyway, consensual or not… the girl was still just sixteen. Finally, Gerald copped a plea and was sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

The night after Gerald began his sentence, Samantha, who had steadfastly supported her daughter through it all and had been careful not to ask her what really happened, lay in her bed, thinking about the events of the past few months. It nagged at her, preventing her from sleeping. Things were not as they seemed, she felt sure.

For one thing, Kelly did not seem at all traumatized by what had happened to her — she was still the same active, vivacious and happy teen she was before, despite having endured repeated molestation by Gerald. And Samantha was finally rid of a husband she had loathed; a man who treated her terribly and refused to grant her the divorce she wanted so badly. Samantha’s lawyer had promised her that she would receive the entirety of her husband’s considerable assets, and would have no more financial worries for the rest of her life. Still, something nagged at her, and she couldn’t get it out of her mind.

She got up, wrapped a silky, transparent nightgown around her lush, curvy body, and crept quietly into Kelly’s room. Kelly was asleep in her bed, the covers thrown off, wearing her short little babydoll and gauzy panties.

“Kelly…” she began quietly, her hand on her shoulder.

Kelly awakened and stretched, her growing breasts plainly visible through the sheer material. “Yes, Mom?”

“We need to talk, sweetie. There’s something I really need to ask you, and I didn’t want to do it during the trial. Will you answer me honestly?”

“Sure, Mom. What do you want to know?” She sat up, her legs folded in front of her, facing her mother.

“Kelly, I’m your mother. I think I know you better than anyone in the world, maybe better than you know yourself. And you know I’ll always support you, always be there for you. Always.” Samantha took a deep breath, fixing her daughter with a steady, penetrating gaze. Kelly waited for her mother to continue.

“So… here’s what I think. I think you planned this whole thing, from day one. I think you did it for me. You got your stepdad to fuck you, for me. You knew that he couldn’t resist the opportunity to have sex with you. You made sure he had that opportunity. You set him up, didn’t you, Kelly. And then you wrote it all down, where you knew the police would find it.”

Kelly gazed steadily into her mother’s eyes, her own becoming moist with her tears. She should have known she could never fool Mom about what she had done. They were too close, and too much alike.

“You got rid of him for me, swept that terrible man from our lives by letting him have his way with you. Is that what happened, baby?”

Kelly sobbed, relieved that her mother knew. She threw her arms around her, hugging her and crying on her shoulder. “Yes, Mom,” she sobbed. “It was all f-for you. I hated him so much! I wanted to hurt him, make him p-pay for how he treated you, Oh, Mom, I love you!”

“I love you too, baby girl,” Samantha sobbed, holding her daughter tight and rocking the girl gently in her arms.

After awhile, they dried their tears, still holding each other. Finally, Samantha pushed her gently back, drying her eyes with her finger. “Kelly, it’s okay what you did. It’ll be our secret, forever. No one will ever know. But there’s… one more thing I’m still curious about. I can’t help it.”

“What’s that, Mom?” Kelly whispered.

“Well…” Samantha hesitated for a long moment, then held her hand to her daughter’s face. “Did you like it?”

Kelly looked into Samantha’s eyes for a long moment, carefully weighing her words. Finally, she spoke.

“No, Mom. I never enjoyed sex with him. I pretended I did, but that was a lie. I hated every minute of it. You see…” she paused, “I’m not… into men, Mom. I lost my virginity to a boy, oh, about a year ago, just to learn what it was like, but…” She shook her head. “What I’m trying to tell you is… I’m gay, Mom.” She hesitated, gazing deep into her mother’s eyes, then whispered, “Just like you.”

Samantha pressed her precocious daughter back and stared at her with a mixture of shock, fear, and awe. “How… h-how did you know…”

“I just knew, Mom. I’d noticed the way you looked at other women and girls, for one thing… and I figured out that it was the same way I checked them out.” She giggled. “I also, um, kinda found your stash of lesbian porn.” Kelly then pulled away. “Now you tell me, Mom… is that why he was so mean to you?”

“Yes,” Samantha sighed, “yes, it was. Your father caught me making love to a woman in our bedroom. He was more beastly that ever to me after that day.”

“You know, Mom,” Kelly murmured, “there’s something else I noticed about you.”

“What, honey?”

Kelly wrapped her arms around her mother’s neck, her face inches from Samantha’s. “The way you look at me when I’m naked… or not wearing much.”

The blood drained from Samantha’s face. “Kelly!” she gasped. “I didn’t… I wouldn’t.”

Kelly smiled sweetly. “It doesn’t bother me, you looking at me like that, Mom,” she cooed. “In fact, if you must know… it gets me hot.” She licked her lips. “Want to kiss me?”

Samantha was thunderstruck. “Ohhh, baby, we’re so much alike. I should have known.” She sighed. “I admit it, it’s been impossible for me to ignore just how utterly lovely you’ve become. And — and how desirable. You’re right, Kelly. I have had… thoughts about you, the kind that mothers shouldn’t have about their daughters.” She shook her head. “B-but I can’t act on those thoughts. Please don’t ask me to.”

“I am asking, Mom,” Kelly replied, a defiant tone in her voice. “We both want this… and there’s no one here to tell us we can’t have what we want. Not any more.” Slipping a hand into her mother’s nightie, she fondled a bare breast.

“Oh… oh my God,” Samantha moaned. “We shouldn’t d-do this, it’s wrong. But…”

“But what, Mom?” Kelly nuzzled the older woman’s neck.

“But I want to, damn it! For years I’ve been dreaming of you, longing for you…”

Drawing back, the teen gazed deep into her mother’s eyes. “I’m here, Mom. If you need me that much, you know what to do.”

Samantha leaned forward to claim Kelly’s lips in a tender kiss. They stayed that way as the seconds ticked past. And then, with a moan of surrender, they melted into each other’s arms and their kiss deepened, lips parting.

Samantha felt Kelly’s tongue slipping into her mouth, and met it with her own, allowing them to twine together. Kelly whimpered as her arousal soared. Releasing her mother’s breast, she slid her hand down to delve beneath the waistband of Samantha’s panties.

Samantha gasped as Kelly’s fingers found her cunt. Both of them were panting, excited, wanting each other.

Kelly parted the flimsy silk further, bent forward and took her mother’s nipple into her mouth.

“Baby girl,” Samantha cooed, cradling her child’s head to her breasts. “Oh, how I adore you. Let me have a look at your beautiful body.”

Kelly sat up and quickly shucked her nightshirt, revealing that she was completely naked underneath. “How’s this, Mom?”

“Absolutely perfect, sweetheart.” Samantha pushed her daughter gently back on the bed, and Kelly parted her legs invitingly. Her mother moved her head between them and began to gently lick Kelly’s glistening cleft, each stroke given with a mother’s tenderness.

Kelly moaned softly, forbidden pleasure surging through her. “Oh, Mom… that feels so wonderful!” she said, breathlessly. “Don’t stop!”

“Your pussy tastes like heaven, sweetie,” murmured Samantha, sliding her tongue up to gently caress her daughter’s clit, so much like her own. She licked it lightly, nibbling at with her lips, as Kelly gasped, digging her fingernails into the sheet.

Patiently, Samantha made love to her daughter, her talented tongue seeming to know just how to touch her, to caress her, to bring her gently, inexorably upward, higher and higher. After awhile, Kelly lifted her hips, allowing her mother to slide her panties down and off. Then Samantha recaptured her daughter’s pussy, reaching up and teasing a fingertip between her labia as her tongue fluttered against her clit with exquisite sureness. Her finger slid deeper inside, curling upward, pressing rhythmically as she lapped at Kelly’s clit until the teenage girl exploded in a shattering climax, trembling with joy as the waves of her orgasm swept over her again and again.

When Kelly finally came back to Earth, she smiled at her mother, pushed her gently back onto her back, and proceeded to return the favor… making love to Samantha’s womanly body, her tongue exploring every square inch, every delicious nook and cranny, as her mom shuddered through orgasm after sweet orgasm. Samantha shivered with joy as Kelly lovingly licked and sucked on her sensitive clit, finally triggering a final orgasm, her body wrenching upward as Kelly licked and sucked on her clit, gasps of ecstasy torn from her throat.

As she slowly descended from the pinnacle of her orgasm her daughter slid into her arms and they held each other tightly, rocking gently, and finally drifting off to sleep entwined.

Samantha dreamed of the things they could now do together, mother and daughter, giving free rein to their insatiable sexual needs, to their unbridled lesbian lust her daughter had inherited from her. She imagined them both with other women, giving her daughter to them to fuck, helping them fuck her. She imagined them traveling, seeking the love of women and girls wherever they went, the two new lovers embarking on a sexual odyssey of lesbian incest in which all was permitted, nothing was forbidden.

Kelly’s dreams were as powerfully erotic as her mother’s. She imagined herself bringing her classmates home — young, innocent girls, just so that her mother could introduce them to the joys of lesbian sex. She would join her mother, too, as a most willing accomplice. She imagined the two of them living a lavish lifestyle as open lovers, somewhere where no one would know that they were parent and child.

In the morning Kelly and Samantha awakened and made slow, soft, exquisite love again, licking each other’s pussies until they reached a shuddering mutual climax. So began the first day of the rest of their lives together.

The End


Catherine’s Submission

  • Posted on June 26, 2018 at 10:44 am

by Shuraz

{ This story was originally posted at the Nifty Archive in May 2000}

It was another hot, sultry night, and by this time Catherine knew the scenario by heart.

She would sit up nervously, waiting in her airless, dimly lit bedroom until close to morning when she would hear the faint noise of a key turning in the front door. Then the soft patter of feet across the living room floor until faint light would appear across the hall.

At first Catherine would resist the urge but finally she would rise and steal silently towards the door of her daughter’s bedroom to watch the spectacle she knew would take place there. Her beautiful, lazy 20-year-old daughter, back from yet another night of carousing, would work off the excesses of alcohol and casual sex by twirling around the centre of her room, giggling diabolically in the lurid, steamy night. Her short skirt would whirl as she spun, exposing the tiny white underpants she wore.

Catherine would once again look on with a combination of anger and unwanted arousal as her daughter would finally stagger to her bed, throw herself down and lift her skirt, running her hands over her velvety white panties.

First slowly and gently, then faster and more urgently as her giggles gave way to the soft moans that signaled her arousal. Catherine would see her daughter’s hand furiously tug down her panties, exposing her moist, downy vagina. She would watch her daughter’s fingers sliding into the narrow, slippery crease, frantically searching for the entrance to her womanhood. She would see the fingers disappear and reappear, faster and faster. She would hear her daughter’s moans become louder and louder until her climax. And as the last moans escaped her daughter’s lips and her lithe young body lay limp across the bed, Catherine would steal back across the hall to her own bedroom. She, too, would throw her body on the bed. And as tears once again welled up in her eyes, she sobbed herself to sleep. But as always, her sleep would be short and fitful.

By eight Catherine would already be down in the living room, cleaning up the mess her daughter had left there the night before. She’d pick up the girl’s shoes and throw away any empty bottles her daughter might have brought with her. And before placing it on the nightstand near the front door, she’d quickly take a peek inside her daughter’s purse: the perfume, the vast array of cosmetics and half-full, unmarked pill vials she refused even to discuss with her mother.

At ten the next morning, with her daughter still firmly under the covers, the doorbell rang. At the door was Marla, Catherine’s buxom next-door neighbour, herself the mother of a daughter a little younger than Catherine’s and a great deal less trouble.

With both women still in their dressing-gowns, they enjoyed coffee and sweet rolls, but after a while, as always, the topic would get around to Catherine’s troublesome daughter.

“Sandra’s still in bed, is it?” Marla commented casually as the two women sipped at their coffee. “You know, if I were you…”

“Marla, we’ve been over this a hundred times,” Catherine interrupted as politely as she could, “You’re not me, and I really don’t see much point in going into it again.”

“All I was going to say is…”

“I know what you’re going to say,” Catherine replied, trying desperately not to lose her cool. “Right now your daughter is out working hard to help feed the family. At 5 o’clock she’ll come home, help make dinner, help clean up and then spend the evening furthering her education so she can get an even better job and help the family even more, right? Well, my daughter is not your daughter, and unless you know some magic formula for changing her I’d rather talk about something else, thank you very much.” At this point Catherine was close to tears.

“All I meant was…” Marla would continue sympathetically, “that if I were you I’d follow her one night when she goes out, find out what she’s up to and try to put an end to it.”

And how on earth am I supposed to do that? Catherine thought to herself, but all she said was, “Well, thanks for your advice, really.”

“Okay. Have it your way,” Marla replied, then suddenly got up and announced that she had a lot to do. She made her way the door, Catherine right behind her, but before leaving she suddenly turned around.

“You know, I only have your best interests at heart,” she said in a low, velvety voice, and with her hand she gently stroked Catherine’s cheek. At this point their faces were almost touching and there was a pause while both women looked at one another.

As Catherine’s nervousness increased, Marla finally placed a warm, wet kiss on her cheek, turned around and made a quiet exit.

Her heart now racing, Catherine closed the door behind her just as she heard the first stirrings from her daughter’s room. Dreading the scene that was sure to follow, Catherine made sure she was good and busy by the time Sandra first poked her nose around the corner of the kitchen.

“Where’s breakfast?” she demanded as she plopped her hungover body onto a chair by the table.

“Coming up,” Catherine said without turning her head from the stove. As she prepared her daughter’s breakfast, she had to listen to the usual barrage of complaints about the food, the house, their lifestyle, in fact just about everything. Catherine counted the minutes until Sandra had finished eating and shambled back to her room for yet another day of indolence.

Towards evening, scantily dressed and heavily made up, Sandra emerged again and announced that she was going out.

“Don’t wait up for me,” she said as she walked out the door, and that was it until later that night, when the whole charade would begin again.

Catherine stared numbly at the closed door. Suddenly she remembered Marla’s words: If I were you I’d follow her one night when she goes out, find out what she’s up to and try to put an end to it.

Racing across the room for her keys, Catherine grabbed a light jacket and made her way to the door, pausing to lock it before hastening down to the sidewalk, just in time to see her daughter turn the corner. Heart racing, Catherine started off after her.

As they entered town, Sandra suddenly quickened her pace and turned another corner. By the time Catherine caught up, she saw in the distance a queue of young women about her daughter’s age at the entrance to a club. Sandra was nowhere in sight.

She must have got in already, Catherine thought to herself as she joined the queue. Once in the crowded, smoky hall she was surprised to discover that so far she could see, there were no boys there at all. Groups of women were standing around chatting and drinking; others were dancing together to the loud music that filled the hall. She stood for a moment at the entrance and strained her eyes in the dim light to see if she could catch a glimpse of her daughter.

Suddenly she heard someone speak to her from behind. “Looking for someone?” she heard a soft, sexy voice say. Catherine turned and saw a girl with long curly black hair, big brown eyes and large deep-red lips, dressed in a short black-leather skirt and a tight button-down top that accentuated a pair of large breasts. Catherine drew in a deep breath at the sight of her.

“Uh, well, no… not really,” Catherine said, preferring to keep her business to herself.

“Good, then how about a dance?” the girl asked unpretentiously.

Despite herself, Catherine found herself staring at the girl’s big eyes and sensuous body as she struggled to decide just how to deal with this new situation. “Well, uh, I don’t think so. I just…”

“Oh, come on, just one dance,” the girl interrupted. “I won’t bite you. Not unless you want me to,” she added half-jokingly.

Catherine didn’t know what to say; the sight of all these girls and the heat inside the hall were having a strange effect on her. Her heartbeat quickened and her body was tense and sweaty. Despite her hesitation, she gave no resistance as the girl wrapped her arms around Catherine’s back, pressing her full body up against her. As the girl’s large breasts touched her own, Catherine immediately felt her nipples tighten and she could feel her heart beating noisily against the girl’s soft chest. As they began to sway to the slow, sultry music, the girl rested her head on Catherine’s shoulder. “I’m Celia,” she whispered softly.

“I… I’m Catherine,” Catherine stammered as she felt the lips brush her ear. Her heart was beating wildly and her clit was throbbing between her legs. She felt the girl’s hands gently massaging her back, then drift slowly down towards her ass, pressing their sexes up against one another. It felt strangely good and Catherine made no effort to pull away.

Suddenly Catherine felt the girl’s moist, hot tongue in her ear and hands pushing up under her skirt. Catherine opened her mouth to protest, but just then she felt the girl’s fingers pull back the elastic of her panties and brush up against the crease of her ass. An electric wave spread throughout Catherine’s body as the fingers made their way between her legs, spreading her now soaked cunt lips and gently massaging her throbbing clitoris. Soon she felt a finger enter her womanhood and begin to slide up and down in her warm, slippery canal.

Catherine’s arousal was about to peak when suddenly she collected the last shreds of her resolve and pulled away. “Look, uh, Celia,” she now pleaded unconvincingly, “you’re a nice girl, really, but you don’t understand why I’m…”

But the girl cut her off and pulled Catherine’s face towards hers, pressing her lips to Catherine’s and pushing her hot, wet tongue between them.

Catherine felt Celia’s tongue winding greedily around her own. The girl’s wet finger now made its way from her pussy up the crack of her ass until it rested on her anus, making small rotations around its perimeter. As the finger shot into her rectum Catherine pressed her lips ever harder on the girl’s mouth, wrapping her arms around her back. She knew it was just a matter of seconds before she would explode. It was just then that she heard someone call her name.

“Ms. Chapman, is that you?” Catherine heard in disbelief.

This time she broke off the kiss and turned her head in the direction of the voice. There she saw Carrie, a good friend of her daughter’s, and immediately broke away from Celia, feeling the girl’s finger slide out of her as she did.

“Ms. Chapman,” Carrie continued in a friendly tone, “what are you doing here?”

Now Catherine’s humiliation was complete. First following her daughter to this place, now being caught making a spectacle of herself with a strange girl her daughter’s age. As she struggled to straighten her blouse and skirt she noticed the barely concealed grins on the faces of Carrie and the girls she was with.

She sought furiously for something appropriate to say, but finally settled for a half-truth. “Oh… uh–hi Carrie,” she stammered, feeling her cheeks growing ever redder and warmer. “I, uh, was looking for Sandra.” Did she see everything? she wondered.

“Well, you won’t find her here,” Carrie responded, repressing a giggle. “She never comes inside, she’s strictly an outsider.”

That’s a relief, Catherine thought to herself, small as it might be.

“You might check the park down the road, though,” Carrie added. “That’s where she usually works out.”

Works out? Catherine wondered to herself, but dared not ask. All she said was thanks as she quickly turned for the exit.

As she headed for the door she passed Celia standing to the side, sucking on her finger lasciviously. “Thanks for the dance, babe,” she said, a smirk on her lips. But Catherine took no notice and headed straight for the exit.

She knew the time had come to go home, to put an end to this frightful adventure, but somehow her curiosity was getting the better of her. She turned left and headed for the park. As she walked down the one lighted path she realised her mission was hopeless. Except for the few trees lining the lane, it was too dark to see anything. She was just about to give up all together when she suddenly heard a low moan coming from her right, just off the path.

She braced herself against a tree nearest the noise and strained her eyes in the pitch darkness. As her eyes adjusted she could just make out the figure of a woman standing with her back up against a tree. Her skirt was jacked up above her waist and her panties hung loosely around her ankles above her high-heeled shoes. Between her legs she held what appeared to be the head of a young girl who was on her knees in front of her. The girl’s head bobbed up and down between the woman’s legs and with each movement the woman let out another moan.

When Catherine finally realized that the girl was eating the woman’s pussy, she couldn’t take her eyes away, and as the woman’s arousal increased, so did Catherine’s. Her hand was now under her skirt and inside her panties and as the woman’s moans grew louder and louder, Catherine’s finger began to stroke her warm, wet cunt. As the girl moved her head faster and faster so did Catherine… and by the time the woman let out the cry that heralded her orgasm Catherine was almost there herself. Just watching the woman gently lifting the girl up from her knees, cupping the girl’s face in her hands and kissing her hungrily was enough to drive Catherine to climax.

As she recovered, she saw the woman raise her panties and pick up a handbag lying next to the tree. She removed a purse, pulled out some cash and handed it to the girl. As the girl was stuffing the cash into her own purse, Catherine strained her eyes now even more to get a glimpse of the girl. As she did she brushed against a small tree, and the rustle it made drew the attention of the two women. They turned in Catherine’s direction and in the dim light she clearly saw the face of her daughter Celia.

The woman was peering in Catherine’s direction. “Do you see anyone?” Catherine heard the woman ask.

“No,” her daughter replied, “but we’d better get out of here anyway.”

Catherine stood motionless, numb with shock at the spectacle she had just witnessed, utterly ashamed of herself for masturbating to it. But as her daughter and the older woman walked further into the park, She suddenly realised that she had to get home before her daughter did. She quickly began to run in the direction of her house.

The house was dark when Catherine entered… and without turning on a light she slipped out of her shoes and walked slowly towards her daughter’s bedroom. Once inside, she felt her way in the dark and saw the bed was empty. Relieved, she sat down for a moment, but just as she got up again, the light suddenly went on and Catherine looked quickly towards the door. There stood Sandra, bare-footed, her clothes still ruffled, makeup smeared from her night’s adventure.

Catherine was so startled she nearly fell over, but Sandra came over, took her hand and helped her regain her balance. “When I got home and you weren’t here, I got so worried,” Sandra said quietly. Catherine felt her daughter’s soft fingers stroking her hand and a tingling sensation began to spread throughout her body. Slowly Sandra moved her hand up along her mother’s arm and shoulder and began to stroke her cheek, and the tingling sensation grew, concentrating in her nipples and between her legs. Sensing her mother’s arousal, Sandra’s tone of voice quickly changed.

“But then Carrie called me,” she said coyly. “She told me you were at the club looking for me. She also told me about the girl you were ‘dancing’ with. So naughty…”

“Well, I–” Catherine began but Sandra interrupted her, placing her hand over her mother’s mouth.

“It’s all right, I understand.” she said, moving her free hand up under her mother’s skirt and resting it on her moist panties. “I understand everything.”

As her daughter gently stroked her cunt through the dampness of her panties, Catherine’s nipples tightened and she felt a fiery warmth between her legs.

Sandra brought a wet finger up to her mother’s mouth and gently pushed it between her lips. Helpless, Catherine began to roll her tongue over her daughter’s finger and suck on it gently.

“That’s a good girl,” her daughter said seductively. “That’s a very good girl.”

Still gazing deep into her mother’s eyes, Sandra now placed her free hand on her mother’s neck and began to open the top buttons of her blouse. Catherine felt the hand slide down under the cups of her bra until her daughter’s fingers had reached her now erect nipples. Catherine’s heart raced and her clit began to throb as her daughter began to fondle her breasts. She gave out a muffled yelp when Sandra pinched a nipple.

“Oh God, Mom,” Sandra purred, “I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long… wanting it, wanting you so bad…” With that Sandra gave a fierce tug at her mother’s bra, snapping it open, releasing the two large fleshy orbs into her hand.

“These look good enough to eat,” she sighed as she lowered her head and took one of her mother’s nipples in her warm mouth. In moments Catherine’s breasts were glistening as her daughter’s mouth moved back and forth from one to the other. Catherine was now almost biting on Sandra’s finger, her cunt on fire.

Sandra began to run her tongue up her mother’s chest and neck, licking her chin and removing her finger before kissing her. Catherine felt her daughter’s tongue slide into her mouth and immediately she began to suck on it hungrily.

“Greedy, aren’t we?” Sandra smiled wickedly as she broke their kiss. “Well, we mustn’t keep you waiting, I suppose.”

Without saying another word, Sandra unzipped her mother’s skirt and pushed it to the floor. She then got down on her knees and slowly lowered her mother’s panties until they were down around her ankles. Catherine swooned as she felt the first touch of Sandra’s warm, wet lips on her thigh, licking their way up until they had reached her now dripping pussy. She trembled as her daughter’s tongue entered her moist, hot crease and began to lick at her clitoris.

Now slumped against the wall, she pressed her hot cunt into her daughter’s experienced mouth and felt the pleasure so many women before her must have felt. Her daughter’s tongue was now deep inside her hole, her fingers clutching at her mother’s ass, spreading her cheeks. Suddenly Catherine felt one of her daughter’s wet fingers slither its way up her rectum.

In and out, her tongue in front and her finger from behind, Catherine knew it was just a matter of moments until her daughter’s expert treatment would have its desired effect.

“Oh GOD,” she screamed as her overwhelming orgasm finally crashed down upon her.

Slowly Sandra rose to her feet… and with her fingertips rubbed the juices of Catherine’s most intimate places on her mother’s breasts. She then lifted the breasts up, offering them to her mother… and Catherine extended her tongue to lick her own nipples, tasting herself as she had never done before.

Sandra took her mother’s arm and pulled her over to the bed. She unbuttoned her own skirt, let it fall to the floor and laid herself down on the bed. “Now we’ll see what Mommy can do,” she purred as she pulled her mother down to lie between her legs. She wore no panties, and her auburn cunt shone with wetness.

Finally realising a fantasy she had secretly nurtured for so long, Catherine gently stroked Sandra’s pussy, savoring the rich, musky smell of her, then plunged her head between her daughter’s legs. Firmly grasping Sandra’s naked thighs, she began to lick the sweet tender flesh of her daughter’s cunt, jabbing at her swollen clitoris and sucking it into her mouth.

“That’s it Mummy — OH! Oooohhhh….” she vaguely heard Sandra say. “Oh, God, Mom — I’ve wanted this for so long…”

But as her daughter’s words faded into groans Catherine concentrated on the work at hand and soon her tongue was deep inside her daughter’s vagina and Sandra was rocking up and down, pressing her cunt hard up to her mother’s mouth. Catherine licked and sucked at that beautiful pussy until her daughter’s final scream heralded her orgasm.

When Sandra’s body had finally come to rest, Catherine rose from her daughter’s cunt, savoring the sweet taste that coated her lips, drunk from Sandra’s essence. She began to move up her daughter’s half-naked body, placing wet kisses where the skin was exposed, nuzzling her nose underneath the girl’s open blouse and nibbling at her breasts. Once past her daughter’s chin, she relished the warm, deep embrace Sandra’s arms drew her into as their tongues intertwined in a sex-soaked kiss.

“I love you, Mummy,” sighed Sandra as their lips parted. “I always have…”

They undressed one another, and the kisses and embraces between the two women that followed became long and sensuous, as the soft and now sweaty bodies slid together and the two women continued to explore one another’s most intimate places. They’d just had sex… now, mother and daughter were making love.

They shared kisses and caresses for a long, wonderful while, giggling and cooing, learning what the other liked best. Finally, they came together in a frenzied sixty-nine, feasting from one another’s bodies, sharing the sweet, thick wine that flowed freely from between their thighs. They came simultaneously, bucking and rocking in rhythm, lesbian lovers moaning into each other’s wet cunts.

Afterwards, Catherine felt so exhausted she fell asleep in her daughter’s arms. Now, finally, she was content. Sandra had finally come home… and for Catherine, there would be no more sleepless nights.

The End


My Forbidden Fantasy

  • Posted on May 29, 2018 at 10:44 am

Author Unknown

Note from JetBoy: Another lost prize from my story files, offered here for your dining and dancing pleasure. I contributed considerably to this version, and will explain how and why after the story’s end. May it bring you true erotic satisfaction.


“Ohhh… oh BABY, oh sweetie, yessss… Oh, lick Mommy, eat Mommy’s pussy…” She grabbed my face and ground it hard into her thick pubes. My heart swelled with love for this magnificent woman, twenty years my senior. Her pussy was hot and juicy, coating my face as I fucked her with an erect tongue, brushing her clit with my fingers. She answered with staccato gasps timed to each stroke.

I cupped my hands under her ass and pressed my face into her opening. She urged me on, panting out words of love for me, her adoring daughter. I flicked her clitoris with my tongue, her body shuddering with each flick. I was possessed. The act of going down on my own mother made me positively feral.

She finally let herself go — and her orgasm came crashing down without mercy. She yelped and gasped and kept urging me on. “Oh God. Oh GOD! Ohhhh yes! Oh my sweet angel, Mommy’s c-coming…” I ate her without pause until she finally stopped me with a squeeze of my shoulder.

As I raised my face from her cunt I saw my mother caressing her breasts, a dreamy look on her face. I crawled into her arms and kissed her mouth hungrily, my tongue darting between her lips. She returned my kiss with a passion that had my head spinning.

Then suddenly, she rolled me over onto my back, the length of her naked body pressed to mine. I squealed in delight as she ground her hips against me, and I began to thrust back against her. Her mouth claimed mine, and I simply submitted, letting Mom take me.

“Mmmm… I love the taste of my pussy on your face…” she cooed sweetly as our lips slid together, and she paused to lick around my gasping mouth. I sighed, every millimeter of me on fire. She moved down to my breast and sucked the throbbing tip into her mouth, her tongue raking my nipple and sending electric shocks through me, right down to my toes. Mom’s hand had found my pussy, and her fingers were teasing my clit.

She slid downward, tonguing my belly, then spread my legs forcibly, opening my sex to her hungry gaze. I could feel the warmth of her breath stirring my pubes as she moved closer, savoring the scent of my excitement. “Oh, honey,” she whispered, “you smell simply divine… I can’t wait to taste you.”

“Please, Momma,” I whimpered. “Please… lick my pussy.”

She pressed a loving kiss into my wetness, making me cry out loud… and when her tongue emerged to slide from my anus to the tip of my clit in one slow lick; well, I almost fainted on the spot. I was consumed, simply possessed by the idea of my own mother going down on me. Her golden-wheat hair brushed my inner thighs, and I entwined my fingers in it, sighing, “oh, Mom…”

She licked me harder, the tip of her tongue worming its way into my cunt. Soon she was fucking me with her mouth, and I heard a wailing sound fill the room that took me a few seconds to recognize as my own voice.

Then she was sucking my clit, two fingers replacing her tongue in my vagina… and I simply exploded, right then, my entire body seizing up as the mother of all orgasms hit like a ton of bricks. Waves of convulsive pleasure buffeted me, each more powerful than the one before. Finally, my climax began to recede; and she brought me down gently, nuzzling my pussy with soft kisses. With a long sigh, I relaxed into the tangled sheets.

After I’d caught my breath again, I rose with effort into a sitting position, and she drew me into her arms and held me lovingly. I smiled contentedly, at peace with the world.

“You’re an incredible lover, sweetheart,” she murmured.

“That was… amazing,” I breathed. It was, too — as if a quart of plasma had just been fucked out of me.

My goddess rose from the bed, then padded naked into the bathroom to clean up. “Have you always gone by the name Rebecca?” she asked over the running faucet.

I said “Yes,” suddenly feeling slightly deflated.


I’d better explain. In a move that was totally out of character for me, I’d answered an ad in a local sex weekly from a woman — an awesome, vivacious 40-year-old bundle of sex, as it turned out — offering to help other women realize their wildest lesbian fantasies. As soon as that ad came into my line of vision, I knew I had to contact her and live out the forbidden desire I had been living with ever since I figured out I was gay.

With trembling fingers, I typed out an email to this woman, letting her know what I wanted from her — to make love to me while pretending to be my mother.

Ever since my first awkward but wonderful night of sex with my friend Jill at sixteen, I’d been in love with Mom. Actually, I’d been in love with her much longer than that… it just took my introduction to lesbian sex to help me see the obvious.

I’d always craved physical closeness with my mother, even as a little girl. Mom used to joke about how much I loved her kisses and hugs, and I crept into her bed to sleep next to her warm, sweet-smelling body as often as I could get away with it.

Once I was aware of my sexual attraction to Mom, I was paralyzed with guilt. Ultimately, time helped me adjust to my desires, and I more or less resigned myself to the cold, hard fact that the love of my life would never know my true feelings, settling instead for my mother taking on the starring role in more than a few of my hottest masturbation fantasies.

So when I stumbled on Toni’s advertisement in the local gay weekly, I immediately saw it as a chance to act out my fantasy without fear — something I’d never had the nerve to try with one of my lovers.

We’d met at Starbucks and had then driven back to the apartment in my car, just so I could be treated to the most amazing roleplay ever. Toni’s face and hair were not at all like Mom’s, but her luscious, full-figured body was very similar to hers. And she quizzed me as we drove about how Mom spoke, the kind of things she might say, the inflection of her voice. Toni had worked as an actress, and took her role seriously.

She’d stepped into the Mom part as we got back to my place. I wasn’t ready to pretend that my mother and I were making love for the first time, so she played it like we were already lovers, and she was coming over for an afternoon of hot incestuous fucking. As soon as the door of my apartment closed behind us, Toni was kissing me, whispering “Oh, Rebecca… I’ve been thinking about this all day.”

So we made love, my “mother,” and me… and it had been wonderful. Now the game was over, Toni washing herself at the sink, with me feeling a bit wistful as she asked about my name. I guess that I hadn’t been quite ready to let go of the fantasy just yet.

Then she asked, “Is your last name Banks?”

My brow furrowed. She must have seen something with my name on it somewhere in the apartment. “That’s right.”

She said “Hmmm,” in that way people do when they think something is interesting.

I went into the bathroom with her as she washed her face. “Why do you ask?”

She turned to me with a gentle smile and said, “Honey, you might be shocked to hear this, but… I know your mother.”

I’m sure that my eyes were wide as saucers. I just stared at Toni, unable to think of a single coherent word.

My make-believe mom explained that she’d known my real mother Ellen for more than twenty-five years… pretty much ever since we moved to the area. I wondered aloud why I’d never met her before, and she told me that we had, but it was when I was a little girl. Turns out that she’d babysat for me a few times when Mom had doctor’s appointments or other errands. I didn’t remember, though, even with that to prompt me. When I was seven, we moved into a bigger house a few miles away… and she and my mom had fallen out of touch.

I didn’t really know what to make of any of this — was it sexy or disturbing that I’d just had wild lesbian sex with my old babysitter?

I didn’t have time to dwell on that, though, because the next thing Toni said was, “So, Rebecca… have you ever tried to make love to your mother? I mean, for real?”

I know I probably turned beet red, and I was thinking that, no more that ten minutes ago, I’d been in the throes of an orgasm the likes of which I’d never even thought possible… and now the lover who’d made it happen was going to ruin it by getting all real life on me.

She could see I was upset, and knelt beside me, reaching out to stroke my face. In spite of myself, I looked longingly at her now bra-clad breasts.

“Rebecca, baby, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” she assured me. “Let’s just say that the ad you responded to wasn’t the first I’d placed. I’ve done this before.” She rose, and continued dressing. “You’d be amazed at how many women have the kind of fantasies you do.”

I took a moment to digest that as she continued. “I’ve helped out several young women who wanted to make love to their mothers, just like you. I’ve been with an older woman whose fantasy was to fuck her daughter. And I’ve even had a couple of clients who wanted to have sex with their sisters.” She fastened her skirt around her waist — one I asked her to wear, because it was like one my mother would have worn. Now dressed, she sat down next to me, placing a hand on my thigh. “The wildest fantasy I ever participated in was for a young woman who wanted me to be her mother. She had me smack her around, then put on a strap-on cock and rape her.”

“Jesus,” I breathed, “that sounds kinda… sick.”

“Maybe so,” she replied, rising and reaching for her coat. “But I’ve seldom seen a woman come like she did.” She smiled, fastening the buttons. “I love doing this,” she murmured, checking her hair in the bathroom mirror. “I’m 40 years old. Everything you’ve heard about how hard it is for older women to get lucky is true.” She flashed a wicked smile. “But tell women half your age you’re willing to play Mommy for them…” She paused, nibbling her lip thoughtfully, then said, “I suspect that lesbian incest is much more common among women than most people believe.”

“Do you actually know a mother and daughter who’ve made love?” I ask her quietly.

Toni stared at me for a moment. “Yes… I do,” she finally murmured.

Oh, God. The very thought of it set off a ripple of desire that snaked through me. “Um… who is it?” I asked.

She smiled. “I have a daughter of my own, you know,” she said, a mysterious gleam in her eyes. “She’s older than you by about five years. I don’t think you ever met her.” I shook my head. Of course, I didn’t remember meeting Toni either…

“Ever do anything with her?” I asked, bluntly.

She looked me in the eye, considered my question. “As a matter of fact,” she said softly, “Paige was married for a few months, and after it ended she decided she liked women. It was a little more involved than that, of course. To this day I don’t know if her marriage ended because she decided she was gay… or if she decided she was gay because her marriage didn’t work out. The problem was that my Paige was very shy, and couldn’t bring herself to come on to another woman. She was having a terrible time. We had a long talk about it, and finally, I offered to… help her explore her new feelings in a safe way.”

I’m sure that my mouth was hanging open, but she plowed ahead. “It started out sort of… clinical. This is how you should caress a woman. This is how you should kiss. This is what you should and shouldn’t do to her breasts. After a few hours, though, we realized we weren’t having a how-to talk anymore — we were really making love.” She winked at me.

I was tingling from head to toe. Having sex with Toni was unbelievably hot, because I was imagining the whole time she was my mother. I had never quite gotten around to imagining that she was having sex with her daughter. Now I was shifting around on the bed, my body on fire all over again.

“Do you still…” I’m not sure I could have finished the thought using the English language, so I was grateful she replied right away.

“Yes… we are still lovers,” she explained. “In fact, sometimes she works with me… doing what I do for other women.”

Really?” I gasped.

“Mmm-hmm,” she replied. “But not just for anyone. Paige only joins me for my special clients.”

My throat was dry, my heart racing. “Am… I a s-special client?” I managed to get out.

Toni padded over to me, bent down and kissed my mouth, her tongue darting between my lips for an instant. “You are special, babe,” she whispered, “and I’ll be in touch.”

Well, if possible I was leaving a sizzling hot lovemaking session with this gorgeous creature even hornier than when I started, but it was time for both of us to get back to work. At the door we kissed tenderly; then, cupping my face in her hands, Toni eyed me reassuringly.

“I would never do anything that would damage a family,” she insisted. “But your dad’s not around anymore and… I think there’s a lot more to your mother than you know.” She paused, measuring her words carefully, then softly said, “Ellen is a wonderful woman… and she’s incredibly lucky to have a daughter like you.” She gave me a quick kiss, and was gone.


Toni had given me a lot to think about. For a week I masturbated myself morning, night and sometimes noon… thinking about her thrashing beneath me and urging me to, “make Mommy come.” Or remembering her eating me out. Or imagining Toni fucking her daughter Paige.

I found myself wondering what Paige looked like. I pictured… me, I guess, only a bit older. I imagined her gasping in ecstasy, clutching the sheets, consumed by thoughts of how wrong it was to have her mother lapping at her cunt, but growling with newfound, forbidden lust, in love with the incest she was enjoying. Then I imagined myself in her place, only with my own mother going down on me… and then I’d be fingering my pussy yet again.

I saw my mother once during that week, the following Wednesday… and fortunately at a time when I was preoccupied with thoughts other than my roleplay mom. When she told me excitedly that she had a date on Friday with some old flame she hadn’t seen in years, I told her that was great and made her promise to have a good time. When I asked her who the lucky guy was, she got all coy… telling me she didn’t want to “jinx” the evening by talking about it ahead of time. Then I hugged her briefly (taking a moment to savor the sweet scent of her skin) and left, trembling inside.

I had done it: I had faced my mom without giving away my desire for her. Despite Toni’s suggestion as she left my apartment, I was nowhere near having the courage to tell Mom how I felt. The very idea terrified me. What if she freaked out? She might never be able to feel comfortable around me ever again! There was no way I could take a chance on that.

It was Saturday night when I heard from Toni again, wondering if I could come right over to see her. I immediately agreed, desperate to make love to her again. I quickly fixed myself up, hopped in the car, and parked outside her apartment building around 8:30.

Before I could ring Toni’s apartment to have her open the door for me I heard her voice on the intercom, whispering, “come on up!” And she buzzed me in, and I made my way to her fourth floor apartment. How sweet — she’d been looking out the window, waiting for me.

The door was slightly ajar as I approached, and before I could knock she slipped out and whispered “Hi,” giving me a quick but very intense kiss, reaching down to fondle my ass. I must have looked pretty confused, because she grinned, then softly said, “Come on in. But be very quiet…”

“Do you have a roommate?” I whispered, trying to work out to myself what we needed to be so quiet about. She gestured for me to take my shoes off… I did, and we padded together down the hall. Now I could hear moaning. A woman’s voice. No, two women. What the hell was happening here?

Turning her head to me, she raised her eyebrow conspiratorially and glanced through the open bedroom door, then gestured for me to come and look. I craned my head around the entrance, and…

Two women were in the dimly lit room, naked on the bed, fondling each other’s pussies, kissing hungrily and moaning in between kisses. The older one, with her back to me, drew the younger one’s hand up from her slit to her mouth and sucked her fingers with a guttural moan. The younger woman’s eyes narrowed and she cooed happily — then she saw us, and I swear, she smiled.

I was shocked, but didn’t move. The younger woman began caressing the older woman’s back and shoulders and the older woman kissed and nibbled at the young woman’s neck. This was weird, but an incredible turn-on. I felt safe; if the younger woman knew we were here watching, I figured we weren’t invading anybody’s privacy.

The younger woman maneuvered the older one on top of her, their mouths locked together, and they began to grind their mounds together, just like they were fucking. The younger woman kneaded the older woman’s ass and she, eyes shut and mouth agape, threw her head back and cried out softly… and THAT was when I recognized my mom.

If Toni hadn’t gripped me just then, I might have gasped out loud.

The younger woman wriggled beneath my mother and guided her toward the headboard of the bed, sliding her face toward my mom’s pussy, which was lush and untrimmed. I watched in disbelief as the girl extended her tongue to take that first long lick at Mom’s cunt, then pressed her face between my mother’s thighs. I could hear soft, liquid sounds as the young woman began to pleasure Mom for real. Mom gripped the headboard, thrusting her hips into the younger woman’s face, her breasts jiggling.

“OH–” my mom cried. “Oh… Rebecca, baby…”

My heart was in my throat. I felt hot and cold at the same time. I briefly thought that maybe I should foreclose any other possibilities and ask Toni whether the younger woman, who by now I realized must be her daughter Paige, was named Rebecca too, but from the wry smile on Toni’s face, I knew that she wasn’t.

My mom was roleplaying, living a fantasy of sex with her daughter. Me.

My body seethed with hunger. My nipples throbbed, my cunt was a river.

Mom rode Paige’s face to a torrential orgasm, gasping my name, calling Paige — me? –her “baby doll.” I was trembling from head to toe, torn between wanting to flee and a desire to run over to the shaking bed, grab my mother and thrust my tongue into her mouth.

Toni laid a hand on my shoulder and tried to draw me away from the lovemaking. I looked at her desperately, but I relented and padded with her down the hall in a daze, all the while looking back and hearing my mother cry my name in the throes of her orgasm.

Toni took both my shoulders and looked me square in the face. “Don’t be angry because I’m springing this on you all of a sudden,” she said quietly.

I blinked. Did she think I was upset about something?

She continued. “When I realized who you were the other day and what you wanted from your mom… well, I wanted to help you make your fantasy come true.” She squeezed my hand. “You see, your mother and I were more than just friends, back when you were a little girl… we were also lovers.”

I could only stare, my head in a whirl as Toni continued. “Your mother had never been with a woman until she met me. We were both married, but I knew I was bisexual… and Ellen and I ended up becoming intimate. We had an affair that lasted about five years. Then I got divorced and moved to Chicago.” She shrugged. “I realized that I was really a lesbian, and I wanted to leave my life behind and start over. So… I asked her to leave your father, and come live with me.”

“W-what did she say?” I whispered.

Toni smiled sadly. “She wouldn’t do it,” she murmured. “She still cared for him… and even if she’d wanted a divorce, your father would never have let you go with her.” She sighed. “Jim was a good man, and I guess he didn’t deserve to get screwed like that by Ellen and me anyhow. I just wanted her for myself.” She shook her head thoughtfully. “We kept in touch, anyhow… for a few years. Then when Paige and I moved back a year ago, I called your mother, and we went out for coffee a time or two.”

“Did you two…” I began.

She shook her head. “No… Jim was still alive, and I was involved pretty intensely with my daughter at that time. We decided to just be friends. Then your dad had his car accident.” She sighed. “I don’t know if you know this, but Ellen has only been with other women since he died.”

I gasped. I’d not had an inkling of any of this! “Was one of them you?” I asked.

“Not quite,” Toni answered. “I wasn’t really looking for a romantic relationship outside my, um, fantasy work, and what I had with Paige.” She smiled. “No… what changed everything was you, honey.”

“Me?” I asked, puzzled.

Toni nodded. “Maybe it was, well, meddlesome of me… but I really liked you a lot, Rebecca. And what your mom and I once had was very special.” She smiled. “I wanted to see if it was possible, somehow, to make your fantasy about Ellen come true.”

She paused, listening for a bit to the sounds of lesbian sex, still drifting from down the hall. “So I called your mother a few nights ago and asked her out to dinner… with the possibility of, well, ‘anything goes’ for afterward.” She paused. “That was last night.”

My hand flew to my mouth. So that was the hot date Mom had been so thrilled about!

“We had a wonderful time at dinner, Ellen and I,” continued Toni, “and yes, before you ask, we did go to bed together.” She smiled. “Your mother is still an incredibly hot fuck.”

I needed answers. “So what about… them?” I shot back, pointing down the hall to where my mother and Toni’s daughter were still getting each other off.

“I’m getting to that,” the older woman replied. “You see, after she and I made love, I told your mother everything about my daughter… and I asked her if she would like to have us both together.” Toni paused, then grinned wickedly. “Ellen loved the idea.”

“Wow,” I breathed. God, Mom was every bit as big a lesbian slut as I was…

“So the three of us met for dinner tonight,” Toni went on, “and your mother got acquainted with my Paige.” She glanced down the hallway toward the bedroom, where the action was still going strong. “My daughter told Ellen all about how she and I had become lovers, and how much she enjoyed sex with me. So… we were about to leave the restaurant for here, when Paige told your mother about something she had always wanted to try… a fantasy she wanted to play at with a sexy older woman.” She paused, a wicked glint in her eyes. “My daughter and I worked all this out before we met your mother last night.”

“So… what was it?” I demanded, my entire body on edge. “W-what was the… fantasy?”

Toni smiled, like the cat that had got the cream. “Paige told your mother that she had wanted for a long time to make love to an older woman, and pretend to be the woman’s own daughter… then she asked your mom if she was willing to indulge her little game.” She arched an eyebrow. “She wanted Ellen to pretend, too… and call her by your name while they fucked.”

“What did Mom say?” I whispered in disbelief.

“Let me put it this way, Rebecca,” Toni murmured, drawing me close to her, “I’ve never seen a lover get so turned on so quickly.” She nodded smugly. “Your mom was totally into the idea. So I gave them some privacy… so they could make love, one-on-one, just a  mother and her daughter — and I called you.”

I shivered, suddenly more aroused than I could ever remember being. I heard panting and a gentle creaking of bed springs from the other room that suggested there had been a break in the action.

Toni heard it too, and said, “When I found out last week how you felt about her, Rebecca… I had to try to arrange for you both to be together. I hope you don’t think I was being too manipulative. I just want to make you and Ellen happy.”

She seemed concerned that I was going to flip out… but I smiled reassuringly and kissed her. I didn’t allow the kiss to linger, though. I had somewhere else to be.

Lacking an etiquette book for something like this, Toni chose to improvise; going into the guest bedroom alone to talk to Paige and my mother.

There was conversation I couldn’t make out, awkward silences I knew were filled by my mom, blushing furiously, trying to come to grips with what Toni and Paige were telling her. After a few minutes, Toni called me in. My heart nearly pounding its way out of my chest, I entered the bedroom.

My mother did look a little frightened, her arms folded over her breasts, her pussy concealed by a bed sheet. But oh, God in heaven, she was lovely. I drank the sight of her in, my naked, beautiful mother, the woman I loved better than any other. Her eyes widened as she saw the look of wanton lust on my face.

Paige had longer, darker hair, a rounder face… but with the lights off, I bet my mother could easily have imagined it was me. I shivered at the thought.

It was Toni who began to undress me, slowly removing one article of clothing at a time, unveiling my body for Mom to see. I was completely relaxed, letting her remove everything till I was standing naked in front of my mother. The whole room smelled of cunt; my mother’s cunt. My heart continued to pound.

Then my mother rose, showing herself to me naked for the first time, her pubic hair thick and lush… her succulent breasts, nipples stiff with anticipation, and a look of wonder and love mixed with the tiniest bit of fear. I thought I knew what she felt at that moment — as if this were a beautiful dream that could evaporate into thin air.

She stood before me, breathing deeply. I reached up and stroked her cheek, then brought my face in to hers… and we kissed, my mother and I, gently at first, our lust just starting to smolder. Our kiss quickly became hot and passionate, and I melted into her arms.

I don’t remember positioning myself on my back on the bed. But as my thoughts dissolved as my mother, naked, sweaty, smelling of sex and primal desire, hovered over me. I pulled her down, her bare body fitting perfectly into mine, and our mouths met again.

We were kissing like lovers, frantically grinding our bodies together, and I felt a… completeness I never had before. As if I’d finally found the other half of myself.

My hands touched her everywhere they could reach, finally clutching the cheeks of her ass, and she ground into me, rubbing her thigh against my cunt. I did the same for Mom, feeling her wetness against my leg as I churned my hips against hers.

“Rebecca,” she whispered, almost blissfully.

“Mom,” I replied, breathless. “Oooohhh, MOM….”

I heard Toni undress as I stared dreamily at my mother, who whispered her love and lust for me, her babydoll, and I moaned words of adoration to my mommy, to Mom… I was drunk with pleasure, high on fucking, and intoxicated by the sweet, sweet joy of incest.

Paige sat on the bed next to us, her feet on the floor, and I saw Toni lower her head between her daughter’s thighs… and though I couldn’t see it, I knew she was lapping at her own daughter’s pussy. Paige’s head flew back and she cried out, clutching Toni’s face to her sex.

Then my mother was sliding down me, moving toward my dripping cunt, She knelt before me, and I closed my eyes, my whole body as taut as an archer’s bow as I awaited the touch of her lips… the fantasy I had carried with me for years, finally coming true.

When I felt my mother’s mouth cover my sex, I cried out so loudly that Paige, still holding her own mom’s face between her legs, glanced over at me… then she gave me a sweet smile just before her eyes rolled back in her head and my mother’s tongue was sliding up and down my throbbing cunt. Then suddenly her lips were sucking at my clitoris, and a scream exploded from me and I came and came and came but I never came down.

Except I did, of course… panting, bathed in sweat, and my mother crawled back up toward me and I pulled her body on top of mine and we kissed again, her mouth wet and sticky from my cunt. I licked all around her lips, savoring my own juices, my lust for Mom still snarling and uncoiling inside me.

I wanted to ravage her, devour her, take her for my own. I told her so, and she only smiled.

“Do it,” she breathed. “Take me… make me your bitch.”

Toni was on her back now, and she and Paige were tangled in their own mother-daughter embrace. Crowded as it was, I managed to roll us both over, pinning my mother onto her back beneath me.

“Rebecca,” she whimpered. “Oh, darling Rebecca…” I pressed my face into her breasts, breathing deeply of the scent of Mom’s naked body just before I took a fat nipple between my lips to suckle. She moaned, cradling my face to her, as if she were nursing me. I was no longer her baby, though… I was her lover.

I could have pleasured my mother’s breasts forever… but I couldn’t, actually, because Mom’s pussy was hot and juicy and I needed to be down there, between her thighs.

Paige and I seemed to move almost as mirror images down our mothers’ bodies, and they both shuddered and writhed in unison. I saw my desire reflected perfectly in Paige’s face, and I broke briefly from my mother to kiss her, thrusting my tongue into her mouth. I tasted like my pussy and she tasted like hers, then we parted and our mouths found their way to our mother’s cunts.

I went down on Mom with everything I had… feasting on her, fucking her with my tongue, drinking of her womanly essence. As I ate her, I looked up and I saw my mother kissing Toni hungrily.

Then my mother’s hands were on the back of my head urging me deeper, deeper… and she started to come for me, crying out my name as I pleasured her. I ground my mouth into her cunt and lavished love on her and she orgasmed a second time, her body bucking so hard she nearly threw me from the bed. I could hear Toni pant, rocking the bed with her own pleasure.

I was spent, briefly, and crawled into my mother’s arms. As she and I cuddled, we watched Toni, her own climax close, urging her daughter on while Paige skillfully, lovingly ate her mother out. It was quite a sight. Mom and I kissed, then lay in each other’s arms and watched as Toni came in her daughter’s face.

My mother and Toni decided to love one another for a while, and I watched in rapt attention as they kissed and cooed and touched each other skillfully, knowingly. The two participants in my incest fantasies coming together — it was a beautiful dream come to life.

Finally I turned my attention to Paige, who’d been waiting patiently for me, and we embraced, falling to the bed together. She and I made love, right next to our mothers while they fucked, and it was wonderful — like sharing my sex, my body, my soul with a sister I’d never had. Afterward, she said she loved me, and I told her that I loved her, too.

So much of the rest of the night is a blur to me now. I recall that Toni had a strap on and Paige took her with it. My mom and I watched and fondled one another and kissed, and I whispered in her ear that I wanted to fuck her like that — and she came! Just from me saying that!

Then I did fuck her… putting on Toni’s strap-on, laying my mother down and sliding my cock deep into her, fucking her with long, slow strokes, our lips and breasts crushing together while I made her mine. While I fucked Mom, Toni parted my buttocks and began licking my asshole… God, what a kinky experience that was!

Then it was Toni’s turn to put on the cock. She chose to fuck her daughter in the ass while Paige ate out my mother, and I just sat down in a nearby chair and watched them, lightly fingering my cunt to keep my lust burning steadily.

At one point my mother and I were in a languid 69, licking each other’s dripping cunts, with Toni and her daughter entwined and kissing beside us… than later I was urgently eating Toni out while my mother pumped two fingers in and out of my ass. And when Toni came I whirled around to violently kiss my mother, our mouths crushing together as Paige and Toni joined in our incestuous lesbian embrace.

Then the four of us made love in a hot, sweaty tangle; touching, fondling, licking, biting, kissing, loving. I suckled on a stiffening nipple, not knowing whose it was, while someone’s mouth nuzzled my cunt and my fingers stroked a moist anus. It was the most incredible group fuck imaginable… I lost track of how many times I came.

Hours later, it was time to leave Toni and Paige and we thanked them with passionate kisses and words of love. I cried in Toni’s arms, blessing her every way imaginable for bringing my mother and I together.

I drove Mom home, and she very sweetly invited me to spend the night in her bed. So we made love once more, everything slow and gentle this time, then fell asleep, our bodies entwined.

Mom and I have been lovers ever since… and Toni and Paige ended up leaving their apartment and moving in with us. We share our bodies in every imaginable combination, the four of us living in a dizzy, delightful whirl of lesbian sex and incest.

Ladies, if you can even imagine yourself making love to your mother, my advice is to go for it. Life with my mother has brought me more happiness than I imagined possible, and Paige and Toni are blissfully content as well.

It’s like they say — no one loves you like Mom does!

The End

Coda from JetBoy: The original version of this story was great, but I had one serious cavil — when Rebecca is confronted by the sight of her mother in the arms of Toni’s daughter, no explanation was given of how Toni set up the whole scenario in the first place. This omission bothered me so much that I ended up writing that part myself, along with some of Ellen and Toni’s history as lovers. If I did it correctly, you won’t have noticed any difference between that scene and the rest of the story. Thanks for reading.


A Daughter’s Journey

  • Posted on May 27, 2018 at 9:48 am

Author Unknown

Note from JetBoy: Another tantalizing treat from my “lost stories” file. This one was, I suspect, meant to be the first of a series, but no second chapter ever appeared. Nonetheless, it works beautifully as a stand-alone tale. As always, I did some fiddling around with the text back in the day — but as I recall, it didn’t need much.


Emily sat glumly in an overstuffed chair, feeling perfectly foolish. The youngest of the three Blake sisters, she was supposed to be enjoying the first days of her eligibility for courtship with the suitors who had been gathering at the Blake family home, much like the ones who had appeared in previous years to seek out the attentions of her very beautiful elder siblings.

Since her seventeenth birthday two months earlier, the friends of her parents had routinely brought their sons by in order to present them to the Blake’s youngest, most radiant daughter. These young men came bearing gifts, offering compliments to her and gestures of respect to Emily’s parents, Samuel and Catherine.

Emily knew that such moments had been the basis of her upbringing thus far. The manners, the dress, the lessons, the lectures, all strategies used by her father to make her into a wife desirable to the society beaus who had now finally arrived to meet her and woo her. Her sisters, Rachel and Charlotte, had both endured this rite of passage.

However, Emily’s father was beginning to become impatient with his youngest who, nearing seventeen years of age, was running out of worthy suitors and had yet to settle upon a husband.

It all seemed so… wrong to Emily, somehow. The pressure from her father and her dislike of the husbands her sisters had chosen made the young woman incredibly nervous when her time came to sit in the parlour and meet potential husbands. Suddenly she was questioning herself, her every move, as well as the motives and actions of the gentlemen who sat and conversed beside her. Even the rationale of her father became suspect in Emily’s mind. And finally, she didn’t like any of these men. Not in that way.

Her sisters had been interested in young men ever since they became women, but poor Emily had always preferred the company of her female friends, her sisters, even her mother. It was all so damnably unfair. Why must she marry, anyway?

Emily’s nerves forced her to concentrate, just to keep the tea cup from rattling in her hands. The most she could ever manage was a quick and infrequent glance at the gentleman in her company. Many times she could not even remember what she’d spoken of with these men. They never touched her and she never touched them, that much she remembered. She tried to remember to smile, to listen to what they had to say, to come up with witty conversation, but all of that seemed to disappear in a haze of unhappiness and fear. All she could think of was how easy it had seemed for her sisters.

On this particular day, William Broughton had come to pay Emily a visit. It was his first meeting with Emily in such a setting, although the pair had met on occasions throughout their youths in town, at church, and in other public settings. At these times, they had both been accompanied by their parents.

William was nineteen, reasonably handsome, educated, the son of a landowner whose territories included the farm touching the south border of the Blake’s property. He spoke to Emily of the many travels he had already embarked upon as a business representative for his father: France, Wales, Denmark, even once to New York in America. She could only smile and utter mindless things like, “Oh” and “Quite.”

While her father took the elder Broughton on a tour of the mansion’s many rooms, Emily’s mother Catherine remained in the parlour, speaking with William’s mother. She spent much of the visit watching Emily nervously struggle in her seat.

Emily, afraid to even peek at her suitor, stared back at her mother, whose beauty and inner calm gave Emily her only peace during the hours of these visits.

Catherine always seemed to have a knowing, empathetic look in her eyes at those moments… from which Emily sensed that Mother knew how awkward these meetings felt to her. Something in her eyes gave Emily comfort that she was not disappointing her mother, that things would work out for the best. There seemed to be some kind of secret that Catherine knew and Emily was supposed to discover — something that would end this discomfort and misery she felt.

Around the middle of the afternoon, young Broughton had visibly worn himself down trying to make some sort of impression on the Blake girl. All of the parents realized this, and polite gestures were made to insinuate that the visit was over. With a kiss on Emily’s white gloved hand, William took his leave and his parents left behind him, the entire family stepping into their coach. Emily did not come to the door with her parents to watch the carriage depart.

Samuel Blake re-entered the parlour. Embarrassed, Emily could only glance up at her father, then look ashamedly down at the floor. He stood before her, his body very still, the knuckles of his trembling fists whiter than her gloves and his breathing like that of a stallion after a sprint across the estate grounds. He did nothing, only stand there for thirty seconds, then stomp off into the vastness of his house.

As his footsteps grew fainter down the corridor, Emily felt as though something had broken inside of her. Suddenly everything was reeling — her lungs refused to open, knees shivered, her fingertips went numb. Then the entire room seemed to tremble and vibrate. For a moment she saw her mother rush into view just before everything went black.


Emily emerged from her sleep. Peace had replaced her anxiety, and the trembling numbness had diminished to a calming warmth. She opened her eyes to realize, through the faint flicker of a candle at her bedside, that she was in her bedroom. It was now night, and a window was open in the room to let in the soothing breeze of the spring evening.

Emily lay flat on her back, atop the blankets draping her bed. The slight whisper of refreshing wind along the length of her body told her, without looking, that she was naked. This surprised Emily as she never slept in the nude, always wearing her nightgown to bed since she was a very small girl. Aside from when she was bathing, she always wore at least some form of clothing at every point in the day or night. But the night breeze felt good against her bare skin.

After a few seconds, her nudity made her uncomfortable… so Emily sat up in bed, intending to rise and retrieve her nightgown. Upon sitting up, Emily immediately recognized the silhouette of her mother sitting in the old chair against the adjacent wall, next to the vanity mirror. It was from that chair that Catherine Blake had spent so many of her evenings reading to her three daughters. Tonight she had no books and no light to read by. She sat silently, looking straight ahead at her surprised daughter, who covered her nakedness as best she could with the cover on her bed.

Mrs. Blake sat upright in the chair, the blue glow of moonlight tracing the womanly curves of her frame. Catherine’s hair was long, straight, a deep rich brown, pulled back into a bun behind her head.

Her face exuded a silent warmth all her own, yet glowed with a youthful pride. Only among company did she wear make-up, extravagant clothing, or elaborate hairstyles. Emily had always adored her.

As her eyes adjusted to the lighting, she could see a calm but knowing smile on her mother’s face, the same sort of look Catherine always gave Emily during the young girl’s meetings with her suitors.

Still, at this moment, entirely nude in front of her mother but for the blanket she clutched to her body, Emily did feel some kind of embarrassment. She felt more aware of her nakedness than any time since her childhood.

Unlike her older siblings, Emily had not developed the full, fleshy breasts that Rachel and Charlotte inherited from their mother. Nor did she have the overall shapeliness of the other three, their perfectly round hips and firm thighs, their round, curving bottoms. Instead, Emily had always been a lithe, slender girl. The onset of puberty not many years ago had done nothing to give her the womanly body so characteristic of the Blake women. Only her long, plain brown hair bore any resemblance to the physical presence of Catherine.

Seldom had Emily Blake felt so vulnerable as right then. Her mother’s eyes seemed to penetrate through her skin, beneath the bones, into the young girl’s heart. Emily felt as though her mother had discovered a scandalous secret about her, a indiscretion in the past which Emily could not specifically recall but seemed to have always been unconsciously in the back of her mind.

Struggling for words to break the awkward silence, Emily looked toward the open window and muttered ashamedly, “I’ve angered Father again.”

Her mother remained silent.

“It’s not that I am trying to offend him or even those gentlemen, Mother. It’s just… I feel not myself around them, I know not why. That I have so much to live up to in father’s eyes that I am destined to fail.”

“You are,” were the first words from Catherine’s lips.

Emily was taken aback by this. She gazed open-mouthed into her mother’s eyes and still could not get a clear estimation of her meaning. Emily said nothing until Catherine, recognizing her daughter’s uncertainty, spoke once more.

“Your father, like his father before him and his father before him, expects certain things from a young woman such as yourself. You are of the age when he judges that marriage to a worthy suitor should be your primary concern. He expects you, like your sisters, to join in these archaic traditions and become a woman who is acceptable to society. His society.”

“I know, Mother,” Emily murmured. “It is important to become a good wife, a woman a man can be proud to have on his arm. Wives, like Father says, are the base of our society.” Emily recited these words as she had heard them a dozen times from Samuel Blake’s lips.

This is what she felt her parents wanted. Thus Emily was surprised to see an unfamiliar look of disapproval on her mother’s face.

“Samuel’s society is not our society,” Catherine said. She rose from her chair and took one step toward the foot of Emily’s bed, the bottom of the ruffled blue dress brushing softly on the floor.

Puzzled, Emily felt that her mother was testing her with a kind of riddle, for which she could be expected to have no answer.

Her mother’s answer was to turn around, facing the chair, with her back to her daughter. “Emily, could you please help me out of my dress?”

Emily had never done such a thing for her mother before… yet she did not hesitate to crawl up onto her knees, scoot to the edge of the bed, and begin to undo the thin blue strings that tied together the back of her mother’s dress, all the while trying to keep her own nudity covered.

Emily moved her hands to her mother’s shoulders, sliding the dress down the older woman’s arms and torso. With the dress bunched up above her hips, Catherine took it upon herself to remove the rest of the garment. She rolled it down her hips, revealing her shapely buttocks, then let the material fall to her ankles.

Emily wondered why her mother was not wearing the usual undergarments that any woman was expected to wear beneath her clothing; she had never known her mother to do such a thing. From head to feet, Catherine was now bare, with the exception of her shoes, still strapped to her feet.

When she bent over to remove her shoes, Emily observed her mother’s naked body with curious eyes. She wondered why Catherine was undressing, but somewhere in the back of her mind there was the thought, maybe even the desire, that her mother would reveal more about what she meant by “our society.”

Catherine turned around to face her daughter, stepping out of the blue dress which lay vacant on the floor. Now completely nude herself, Catherine’s reached out to pull away the blanket that Emily held over her bare body. This done, she reached out again to draw her unsuspecting 17-year-old daughter into a warm embrace.

Emily was entirely enveloped by her mother’s arms, as if wrapped in a blanket of love. She felt her mother’s breath sweep naturally over her shoulders, like the ocean tide caressing an undiscovered beach. She noticed the amazing heat of her mother’s bosom pressed against her own, flesh against flesh. As Catherine’s hands swept gently up and down Emily’s bare back, the young girl felt an unfamiliar, fluid heat surge through her limbs, her belly, her face and, even stranger, between her legs. Her own arms slowly wrapped themselves around her mother’s naked body, returning her affections. What were these strange feelings coursing through her?

As they embraced, Catherine began to kiss her daughter’s shoulders and run her fingers through Emily’s soft hair. This had never happened before, and Emily froze for a brief moment, not knowing how to respond. But after a few seconds, the girl relaxed amid her mother’s caresses.

While she closed her eyes to savour her mother’s love, Emily heard her whisper, “I can teach you all about who you really are, child. I can show you all the love in the world, and teach you to be a proud woman.”

Emily, drowning in an unfamiliar ecstasy, could only nod her head and breathe a wordless reply of yearning. She wanted… what did she want?

“I can teach you all these things,” continued Catherine. “But,” and she pulled away from Emily now, looking her straight in the eye, a look of seriousness on her face, “you must be mine. You must do as I say and obey my wishes. You must listen to my words and let them guide you, as they did when you were a little girl.” She stroked her daughter’s cheek. “If you will do these things for me, Emily, I will show you love such as you have never imagined.”

It seemed to Emily that she had somehow been longing to hear these words for years. She smiled back at her mother, then brought her hand to her lips and kissed it. “Yes, Mother,” she whispered.

Catherine placed her hands upon Emily’s cheeks and drew her daughter’s face to hers. Their lips touched in a soft kiss, then lingered. Emily suddenly pulled away out of reflex, as if her mouth had touched fire.

And yet those lips returned to the flame of her mother’s love and the two women fell into a long, heartfelt kiss. To Emily, sharing her first romantic kiss with the woman who had raised her, nurtured her, and guided her for so many years, the woman she adored, felt more than appropriate… it felt like destiny.

Emily’s lips parted, and she felt her mother’s tongue pass between them. She did not expect it, but it felt more wonderful than she had ever imagined a kiss could be. Her hips suddenly pressed against her mother’s as a warm wave of passion overwhelmed the young girl.

Emily had never known such excitement. She felt an expanding heat in the pit of her stomach that slowly traveled downward into her vagina, a tingling surge of an arousal she had never before experienced. Without a thought, she returned her mother’s loving kisses with her own tongue… and the pair fell into a heated embrace.

Removing her hands from Emily’s hair, while still kissing her deeply and lovingly, Catherine took hold of her daughter’s wrists and guided the girl’s hands to her own full breasts. Both women moaned into their passionate kiss, their first uttered sounds.

Emily was delighted at the feel of her mother’s breasts, now cupped in her hands. She ran her fingers around them, exploring their natural curves and fullness, her eyes widening as she felt Catherine’s nipples stiffen to her touch.

When Catherine broke off their kissing and lowered her face to Emily’s breasts, the young girl gasped in surprise… then, as she felt her mother take her left nipple into her mouth, she could only whimper “Oh… oh, Mother.”

Catherine teased the pert tip of her daughter’s breast with an eager tongue, licking around the hardening nipple — then took it between her lips to suck.

Emily’s head lolled back, her mouth open as wonderful feelings she had never known possible surged through her body. This was love as she had dreamed it might be… not the hardness she associated with men, not that… but a love that was soft, nurturing. And Emily could think of none better to teach her of this way of loving than her mother. She cradled Catherine’s head to her chest as her mother pleasured her nipples, switching from one to the other.

Finally, Catherine raised her face to Emily’s, her eyes burning with passion… and the young woman threw her arms around her mother, seeking her mouth in a hungry kiss, plunging her tongue between the older woman’s lips.

They kissed for a long, wondrous while… and then Catherine gently broke away from Emily, once again gazing deeply and invitingly into her daughter’s eyes, her breasts heaving with passion. Emily’s blue eyes held a silent question… and then the young girl smiled, knowing she had the permission she desired.

Without a word, still kneeling on the bed, Emily leaned down and pressed her lips against her mother’s right breast. She felt her mother, still standing at the foot of the bed, tremble, a drawn out, heavy breath escaping her mouth.

It was if she had always known how to do this. Fondling Catherine’s naked body everywhere her hands could reach, Emily’s mouth journeyed over to the left breast, this time brushing soft young lips against her mother’s nipple. It became a deep kiss, accompanied by a flick of the tongue. Catherine sighed with pleasure while Emily savoured her first intimacy with a woman.

The taste, the warmth, the texture of her mother’s nipples in her hungry mouth… these were wonders that intoxicated Emily. She pressed her face into Catherine’s breasts, licking them, loving the softness of the woman’s body. Emily became aware of every nerve and sense being stimulated into a new awareness; a hot craving deep inside her that left the young girl lightheaded. Then she felt her mother’s hand on her shoulder.

“Lie down, Emily,” she heard Catherine say.

Emily reluctantly drew away, sliding backward to recline back on the bed, her legs extended out while her arms stretched luxuriously across the mattress. “Oh, Mother,” she sighed happily, “I love you.”

With a knowing smile, Catherine climbed onto the bed, holding herself above her daughter for a moment to study the young girl’s beautiful naked form, and then slowly lowering herself down upon Emily’s body, between her daughter’s thighs. Catherine’s hips began to grind in rhythmic circles against the pelvis of her daughter, who felt the sticky moisture from between Catherine’s legs against her own mound. Mother and daughter kissed for several minutes and held each other close, sighing and breathing heavily in the thrall of their mutual lust.

Then Catherine raised herself slightly and began to nuzzle her way down Emily’s body. She pressed gentle kisses into the softness of her daughter’s neck, and the young girl purred with pleasure. Catherine continued downward, her tongue trailing a wet path to Emily’s girlish breasts and between them. She paused to lavish attention on her daughter’s nipples, licking and lightly biting at each one.

“Oh… oh, Mother,” Emily moaned.

Catherine was now showering kisses on the girl’s warm tummy, pressing her face into the softness of her daughter. She playfully flicked her tongue into Emily’s belly button, making her child gasp in surprise. Then she continued downward, her lips brushing along her daughter’s skin.

And now Emily stared in awe as her mother lay between her thin thighs, her face inches from the young girl’s lightly downed sex, her eyes dancing with excitement. The desire was written on Catherine’s face clearly, for the young girl to see… and the very thought of her beloved mother needing her so very much had Emily on the verge of swooning.

The 36-year-old woman licked her lips as she leaned in close to place a moist kiss upon her daughter’s cunt…

…and Emily whimpered at the unbearably sweet sensation of a warm, loving mouth between her legs. It was impossible, yet so very wonderful… her own mother was kissing her down there. She trembled helplessly at the very thought of it… then she cried out loud, clutching a handful of the bed sheets as Mother’s tongue slid deep into her vagina.

Emily’s legs began to shake, her heartbeat thudding through every inch of her body. This could not be happening, yet it was. Sensations the likes of which she had never known raced through her… and that sweet tingling she had felt between her thighs mere moments ago was fast becoming a fire, a raging inferno.

Her mother was licking her there, a hot tongue sliding up and down her slit, then probing inside. Emily could feel the wetness oozing down into the crack of her arse, felt Catherine’s warm hands on her thighs. Eyes wide, she raised herself onto her shaking elbows, gazing in wonderment at the sight of her own mother, loving her as if the young girl were her wife.

It was then that Catherine’s fiery tongue trailed its way up to the top of Emily’s slit, licking the young girl in a place that had her seeing stars, throwing her head back as a helpless cry escaped her throat… and before she knew it, her mother’s mouth was pressed to that special place, sucking at it gently.

And the world exploded in an incandescent flash of white light. Emily shook and shuddered, out of control as bolts of pleasure sizzled through every inch of her body. A keening sound filled the room… and in this heat of ecstasy, somehow Emily realized that the sound was coming from her own throat.

Eventually, the waves of pure sensation slackened, grew more gentle… her mother continued to kiss and lick between her legs, but more languidly. It was as if Emily was being slowly lowered to the ground from some enormous height. Finally she lay still, heart throbbing, every inch of her body tingling from the aftermath of… what was it? The words didn’t exist in Emily’s world for the gift her mother had just given her. She felt Catherine’s face, resting on her thigh, placing gentle kisses there.

“Mother,” Emily whispered, her heart so full it felt as if she might cry.

Catherine slowly slid up the bed to lie next to her daughter. With a loving smile, she drew the girl into her arms. “Precious child,” she breathed, cradling her daughter close. Emily relaxed into her mother’s warm embrace… then suddenly, Catherine kissed the girl hotly, her tongue plunging into Emily’s mouth.

The kiss tasted different, Emily thought… then her head swam as she realized that her mother was sharing the wetness that coated her lips… the womanly essence that still moistened Emily’s slit. The flavour of it was strange, but wonderful.

Emily responded with a passion that surprised her, wrapping her arms around her mother’s body and hugging her fiercely as she returned Catherine’s kiss, her tongue flashing to life. She licked her mother’s lips, purring as she tasted her own sex.

Catherine gently broke their embrace, then rolled onto her back. Gazing deep into her daughter’s eyes, she spoke. “Now, Emily… I want you to show me what you have just learned.” And she slowly parted her thighs.

The seventeen-year-old girl raised herself up from the bed, kneeling beside her mother, her body already eager for more loving. This time, though, she would be the giver of pleasure…

“Kiss me,” Catherine breathed, and Emily leaned down toward her mother’s inviting mouth, her lips parting eagerly.

She kissed the older woman gently, but with passion, her lips brushing Catherine’s mouth, her tongue shyly exploring. Her mother fell into Emily’s rhythm, and the pace of their lovemaking became soft and slow, while still crackling with intensity. The young girl’s hands began to fondle and caress her mother’s breasts, and she cooed with delight to feel Catherine’s nipples responding to her touch.

It was as if she was born for this, created to make love to women. Emily nibbled lightly at her mother’s lower lip, teasing with the tip of her tongue. She placed a kiss on Catherine’s chin, then trailed her way down her soft neck. Her head swam with excitement, her desire growing stronger by the minute. She hungered for her mother’s soft skin, burned to touch her, to taste her… in all of her seventeen years, Emily had never known herself capable of such passion.

She pressed her face into her mother’s breasts, loving their warmth, their softness. Her tongue emerged to flick lightly at a nipple, and Catherine hummed her approval.

Emily licked, sucked and kissed the full breasts of her mother, light-headed at the scent and sweetness of Catherine’s skin. The older woman was trembling with need as her daughter travelled downward, her girlish mouth leaving a trail of tender kisses along the way. Emily paused to nuzzle her mother’s belly… then she was suddenly transfixed by the sharp, musky aroma of Catherine’s sex. Her heart raced with excitement, knowing that she was the one who filled her mother with such desire. The womanly scent was intoxicating… and Emily realized just how much she wanted, needed to taste the wetness between her mother’s thighs.

She wriggled down yet further, until she lay with Catherine’s knees to either side of her, staring enthralled at the glistening cleft of the woman’s vagina, framed by a generous tuft of curly pubes. It was like a mouth, she decided… an enticing, desirable mouth.

Emily licked her lips, closed her eyes, and leaned in close to take her first lick. She sampled it, relishing the strange but wonderful taste of another woman.

A soft cry burst from Catherine’s mouth as her daughter’s tongue brushed her labia. She had opened her cunt with her fingers to offer Emily everything she had, and the first touch of the girl’s mouth sent a jolt through her legs that shook the mattress.

Emily licked her lips, savouring her mother’s essence. Then she closed her eyes, lowering her face between Catherine’s thighs once more. Slowly her tongue returned to the pink flesh, touching gently at first, as if testing the waters… then Emily pressed her face into the wet pussy before her and licked fervently at her mother’s heat, her tongue lashing at Catherine’s soft, glistening opening. Soon the once unfamiliar taste had become a pleasure, and the girl could feel renewed sensations of sexual hunger pulsing within her own vagina.

But Emily’s own pleasure had to wait — at that moment, her mother came first. She licked and sucked lustily at the beautiful cleft, so open and available for her to explore. Catherine’s cunt was a river, and Emily was thrilled to have her mother’s warm love juices coating her lips, dripping from her chin. A modest and innocent girl in all things, Emily had never even masturbated before… yet somehow, she instinctively knew what to do to bring pleasure to a woman. Her heart throbbed with love for the woman who had given her life, even as she worshiped at the aperture from which she had been born. It seemed so right, somehow.

The pleasures of sexuality and the body had always been off limits to young girls of her upbringing, and she knew little of the erogenous zones of women. But through the gasps and heaving movements of her mother, Emily found a tiny, swelled button of flesh not far above Catherine’s tasty opening.

The first time she let her tongue stray there, Emily felt her mother’s hips shiver rapidly. Briefly returning to lick at Catherine’s sticky labia, Emily decided to try once more at the pink nub above. Again her mother quaked, this time gasping for breath with an audible sigh. Emily stayed there, then, circling Catherine’s swollen clitoris with her tongue in a swirling rhythm that had her mother gasping, shifting her hips, and trembling like a leaf.

Most erotic for Emily was the sound of her mother’s voice panting, rapidly taking in and releasing her breath in the thralls of ecstasy. She felt as if she and her mother had become one being, as the motion of Emily’s lips and tongue, the pulsating of Catherine’s pelvis, and her mother’s frantic exhalations all seemed to move along the same heartbeat-like rhythm toward a magnificent crescendo. Emily held her mother’s hips, her face rolling with them as the two nude women rocked and shook atop the bed sheets.

Suddenly Emily felt Catherine’s body seize up as her pleasure reached an unbearable peak, and the young girl was quick to recognize the same unnamed ecstatic apex she herself had just experienced at the hands of her mother. The older woman’s hips rose from the bed as Catherine’s back bowed, and Emily rose with it, continuing to press her tongue against her mother’s clitoris.

As Catherine cried out loud, shuddering through a long, ecstatic orgasm, her pelvis vibrated with unconscious tremors against her daughter’s face. Emily continued to lick her mother in the same pattern, until a beast-like squeal suddenly escaped from somewhere deep inside of Catherine and burst from her open mouth, a sound Emily had never heard before, but instinctively understood.

Catherine’s hips fell abruptly back onto the bedsheets, her body pulsing with little tremors of pleasure. Still Emily licked lovingly at her mother’s beautiful vagina. Catherine, her body still shivering with the effects of her orgasm, stopped her daughter with a hand on her shoulder.

Emily raised her face to gaze at the flushed, yet still beautiful face of her mother. Catherine ran her trembling fingers through Emily’s hair and, after a pause, drew her daughter into her arms, claiming her mouth in a long, passionate kiss.

As they kissed, Catherine rolled so that she was now on top of her daughter. They writhed and twisted and hugged and entwined for a long, lovely while in each other’s arms. The feel of her mother’s naked body against hers body made Emily tremble with a newly awakened excitement, her legs hooking around her mother’s thighs as if she would draw the woman inside her skin.

Suddenly Catherine lifted her head up to look down at her daughter. Emily’s eyes were half-closed, inebriated with a narcotic sexuality. Her forehead glistened with sweat and her hair spilled across the entirety of her pillow. Her mouth opened and closed with slow, drawn out, wordless breaths that Catherine understood all too well. So it was left to her to speak.

“Do you understand, now, what your true nature really is?” the mother asked, running her left hand gently along the top of Emily’s hair.

“I am your daughter,” replied Emily, “completely and utterly, forever.” She paused and then, looking into her mother’s eyes with a confidence she had not been able to muster since childhood, said, “I love you.”

Emily had said such words to her mother countless time before. Yet this time there was a fuller meaning, a deeper understanding that made them more valuable, like a seed grown into the fully bloomed rose.

Catherine smiled contentedly back. “I love you, too,” she said, and let both her hands slide down the sides of her daughter’s slim, milk-white torso. She could feel the gentle inward curve at the waist and, further down, the gradual expansion of the young girl’s pelvis. She held onto Emily’s hips and, looking into her daughter’s peace-filled eyes, shifted her body to one side and gently turned the girl over, onto her stomach.

Emily allowed her mother to move her body as she pleased, happy to submit to the desires of her parent. At the suggestion of her mother’s hands, the young woman lifted her hips into the air so that her knees were tucked up under her belly… her buttocks raised and spread slightly apart before her mother’s gaze. Emily wrested her elbows and forearms on the pillow beneath her. She had no idea what her mother intended to teach her next, but knew that she never before felt so much trust and love for another person in her young life.

Catherine knelt on the bed, her knees on either side of Emily’s feet. Reaching forward, she ran both hands down the plane of her daughter’s back. The girl’s skin was as smooth as it was pale, unblemished by hardship and glowing with moonlit innocence. Catherine’s hands rounded slowly over the curve of her daughter’s bottom and paused there, then sliding inward to trace the soft, untouched skin between her buttocks.

Emily felt two fingers begin at the base of her spine and slide slowly, sensually down… over the cleft of her anus, then down further to her moist pussy lips. The young woman whimpered as the fingers began to caress; gently at first, then with a steady, purposeful pressure.

As her mother’s fingers parted her outer labia, Emily let her head slump down into the pillow. She had never dared to touch herself in such a way before… and the thrill of sexual awakening echoed through every inch of her skin.

Without a thought, she pushed back with her hips, opened herself wider to her mother’s fondling. Her head buried in the pillow, Emily could not see her mother, but she could feel the moment that Catherine’s finger began to press its way inside her vagina.

A virgin, Emily had never experienced penetration, but she had studied dance and gymnastics from her governess and, as a result, no longer had her maidenhead. Catherine’s fingers, finding no barrier, probed deeper. Emily, long fearful of her first sex with a man, was surprised to feel only increasing pleasure as her vagina was opened by the first intrusion of her mother’s finger.

Having inserted the middle digit of her right hand, Catherine began rotating it in half-circle twists inside the teenager’s vagina, causing her daughter’s body to shudder and arch with each circling of the hand. Emily was quiet, barely breathing, her eyes wide… but Catherine knew this was only a signal of the pleasure the girl was feeling at that moment.

As she slipped a second finger into Emily, Catherine began a pumping in-and-out motion, gradually increasing her speed as she fucked her daughter. With her left hand, Catherine massaged her own pussy, still sticky from the moisture of her daughter’s kisses and her own arousal.

Emily could not believe the dizzying sensations that rushed through her. So much of her body was alive with pleasure that she could feel every erotic detail of the movements and sensations along the interior of her vagina, her mother’s steady strokes continued to in and out of the girl’s petite body.

Catherine wondered if Emily even noticed that she was involuntarily rocking herself back and forth, fucking her mother’s fingers. She thrilled to the signs of impending orgasm in her daughter, watching with satisfaction as she saw the first tremors along Emily’s spine, heard the girl’s instinctive gasps for breath.

Emily’s hips rotated now in a rapid circle, pushing against Catherine’s fingers until they probed her vagina to the hilt. Suddenly the young woman’s legs begin to shake uncontrollably.

And then Emily was climaxing once more, this time with even more intensity than her first. As waves of pure pleasure consumed her, battering her body, she knew only that time had somehow ceased to exist, leaving only these white-hot sensations that she wished might continue forever. She bit into the pillow like an animal, as if natural pleasure had brought out some primal truth, some awakening of a beast inside of herself.

Listening to the pillow-muffled cries of her daughter, Catherine continued to stimulate the inner walls of Emily’s pussy with two fingers as the girl’s orgasm subsided. Her other hand rested between her own legs, massaging her own wet pussy. As Emily’s body relaxed into a peaceful afterglow, Catherine leaned forward, removing her hand from her own pussy… and gently laid her fingers, sticky with her essence, on Emily’s lips.

Emily willingly opened her mouth and eagerly accepted her mother’s fingers, running her tongue up and down them to sample once more the rich flavour of Catherine’s pussy.

Emily rolled over and looked up at the older woman longingly, then reached for Catherine’s hand, drawing her mother into a passionate embrace on top of her body. She wrapped her legs around her mother’s hips, resting her feet against the flesh of her mother’s buttocks.

Catherine gazed deep into her daughter’s eyes, licking her lips. Emily could feel her mother’s hardened nipples brushing her stomach, reawakening her sexual passions. The pair engaged in a long kiss, sighing with each flicker of the tongue and moist sliding of the lips.

In between kisses, Emily moaned, “I love you, Mother… and I want to stay like this forever.” She paused to plunge her tongue into Catherine’s mouth, licking her way around her mother’s lips, then gazed up at the older woman with renewed longing.  “I am yours,” she continued. “You have taught me both true pleasure — and my place in life.”

Catherine kissed Emily again and then, gently pulling away, said, “Tell me more, angel… tell me that you are mine.” The woman’s eyes positively smoldered with hunger; with lust.

“Mother,” whispered Emily, her eyes shining with love, “I am yours completely. Now, nothing can break us apart. My love for you is absolute, and I will never serve another in the way that I serve you. I will do anything you ask of me. Anything.”

“You still have much to learn, Emily,” Catherine replied. “Things which you cannot yet begin to fathom. Do you truly mean that I can ask anything of you?”

Emily’s only response was to hug her mother even tighter, pressing their nude bodies together. “I want to learn more, Mother. I will do whatever you wish, anything to please you, to worship you. Anything.”

At this Catherine rose once more, supporting herself with her arms and letting the ends of her long, brown hair fall fluttering over Emily’s shoulders, gazing very thoughtfully at her daughter. Finally she told the young girl to kneel on the bed. Emily obeyed and watched as her mother positioned herself on all fours, facing away, her arse facing the young woman.

Catherine moved her hands to her bottom and spread her buttocks open, revealing the pink pucker of her anus to her daughter’s view. Emily immediately blushed, looking away. But then, overcome with a mixture of curiosity and desire, the young woman looked again. Between the lovely globes of her mother’s arse, the mysterious cleft looked soft to Emily, almost inviting.

Suddenly Emily became aware, without being told, of what it was her mother desired.

She moved closer, her knees now between Catherine’s feet. Slowly and hesitantly, Emily brought her hand up to her mother’s bottom and pressed her fingers between the shapely buttocks. It was not wet, like the vagina, but still had an appealing warmth. Emily brought her head close and pressed her face between her mother’s cheeks, taking her first lick.

She did not know what to expect and tasted very little… it was how the toast-warm crevice gave under the pressure of her tongue, coupled with the thrill of performing such a perverse act to pleasure her mother, that soon had Emily’s pussy wet again. She licked again and again, with longer strokes each time. Soon she was rolling her tongue in circles around the rim of her mother’s arsehole, noticing that it contracted with each of her mother’s gasps of pleasure.

Catherine pulled her buttocks even further apart, allowing her daughter’s hot mouth to slip even deeper in between… and Emily happily obliged, pressing slightly with her fingers to allow her tongue a brief entry into the pink interior of Catherine’s arse. Her mother moaned, tempting Emily to continue. She pried her mother’s cheeks open even wider, hearing Catherine gasp at the stretching sensation. Emily then pressed her tongue deeper inside, tickling the walls of the rectum with the tip of her tongue. She felt a sudden joy at learning this thrilling new way to serve her mother.

A hand now between her thighs, Catherine was masturbating as her daughter ate her arsehole. Within minutes she had had her first orgasm… and a second buffeted her a mere thirty seconds later. When a third orgasm was completed a few minutes later, Catherine rose onto her knees. She was surprised and pleased to see that Emily did not stop licking, but rather continued to tongue her anus, lost in the thrill of lesbian lovemaking. Finally, she had to turn around to signal Emily to stop.

The daughter remained on all fours, looking up at her mother with a new smile… not one of innocent love, but one of experienced knowledge, someone a step closer to realizing her true worth and desires.

Catherine reached down and drew Emily into her arms. Mother and daughter knelt face to face, their naked bodies pressed closely together. Catherine gave her daughter a loving kiss, tasting her own arsehole on Emily’s lips. “You’re a good girl… and a wonderful lover,” Catherine murmured. “But your lessons are not yet over. It is late, and I must return to my bed chamber before the servants discover me missing and disturb your father.”

Her expression grew serious as she said in a tone of caution, “You must never tell anyone of the pleasures we two share — tonight, or any other. Their society does not accept who we are, and does not allow us to live as we do. In time, my love, you will become a full woman, more of a woman than your sisters could ever be.”

Emily looked confused, not understanding why she must hide the reasons for her happiness from those who care for her. “This is important,” Catherine continued. “Our love depends on this.”

Still confused, but feeling sure of her devotion, Emily replied that she would obey without condition. They shared one last heated kiss before Catherine tucked her daughter into bed.

Emily Blake rose the next morning a deliriously happy woman, passionate and hungry to learn the pleasures of life from the guidance and tutelage of her loving mother — and eager as well to lie naked with her again, exploring the delights of the flesh.

The End



Way Better

  • Posted on May 21, 2018 at 10:10 am

by Your Ghost

{ This story was originally posted at The Kristen Archives in 2006 }

 Twelve year old Melissa Hunt studied the TV schedule while her mom flipped through the channels. There didn’t appear to be anything on, though. Lizzie McGuire, Melissa’s favorite show, had just ended, and now there was just dumb cop shows and doctor shows and reality shows. There were movies, too, on cable, but none of them sounded interesting.

She was just about ready to throw the schedule down and go into her room to play on the computer when her mother Gwen said, “Let’s watch this.”

Melissa looked up and saw a strange and unexpected image on the TV screen: a girl in a bunny costume, singing in a nightclub.”What is it?” she asked, wrinkling her nose.

“It’s called Better Than Chocolate,” Gwen replied, holding the remote out in front of her like a divining rod. “It’s a love story.”


Melissa loved love stories. But as she snuggled up to her mom and watched the movie, she realized that this wasn’t like any love story she’d ever seen. For one thing, there weren’t any cute guys in it except for the one girl’s brother, and for another thing, it was the two main girls who were in love. They’re lesbians, Melissa realized.

They kept kissing and hugging each other over and over again, and flirting with each other… they even took a shower together, and painted each other’s bodies while they were naked. Puzzled, Melissa furrowed her brow. Why would her mother want to watch something like this? Or let her watch it, for that matter?

Not that Melissa thought it was bad or anything. In fact, it was kinda cool. The girls were really pretty, and they sure seemed to be in love. She thought it unfair that people would hate them just because they were both girls.

By the time the movie was over and love had triumphed, Melissa had decided that there wasn’t anything at all wrong with girls who wanted to be together that way.”How about some ice cream?” Gwen asked, stretching her arms.

“Sure!” Melissa replied with a big grin. She loved ice cream, even more than love stories.

“Come on, then.”

Melissa followed her mom into the kitchen. She fetched the bowls, the spoons and the ice cream scoop while Mom got the ice cream from the fridge. Chocolate, her favorite.

They sat across from each other at the table and Mom started scooping big globs of double fudge into the bowls.

“So, tell me, hon,” Gwen said as she worked, “what did you think of the movie?”

“Well,” Melissa replied, “the title of the movie was wrong.”

“Wrong? Why?”

“Because there’s nothing better than chocolate.”

Mom laughed a little and said, “Oh, I don’t know about that. There are a lot of very yummy things in this world.”

“Nothing as yummy as this,” Melissa said, then put a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

“For one thing,” Gwen said with a smile, “I think that you’re pretty yummy, my sweet little girl.” She placed her hand on Melissa’s knee. “So… other than the title,” Gwen went on, “what did you think of the movie? Did you like it?”

Melissa shrugged, swallowed her ice cream, and said, “Yeah… it was cool.” She wanted to say more, but wasn’t exactly sure what.

“I thought it was very romantic,” Gwen offered. “And I like love stories with happy endings, too… don’t you?”

“Yeah. Sad endings suck.”

Gwen chuckled, then asked, “So… what did you think of the girls? Did you think they were pretty?”

“The girl with the red curly hair sure was. The other girl was too, but she wasn’t nearly as pretty as the red-haired girl. She was beautiful.”

“I think so, too,” Gwen said. She spooned some of her ice cream, swallowed, then asked, “What about the fact that they were both girls? Did that bother you at all?”

Melissa shrugged again and said, “No, it was cool.” She was telling the truth, but at the same time she felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed kinda weird to be talking with her mom about lesbians.

“It didn’t bother me, either,” Gwen said. “I think if two people love each other, it shouldn’t matter whether they’re a boy and a girl, or whether they’re two girls, or whatever. If they love each other, then it should be okay for them to be together.”

“Yeah, it should,” Melissa said. “But a lot of people don’t like gay people. They think they’re sick, or whatever. This girl I know at school, Ronda Gabaldon, she says gay people are evil and will burn in hell when they die.”

“That’s bullshit,” Gwen said, which surprised Melissa; her mom didn’t usually talk like that. Plus, she seemed madder than she should have been.

Melissa swallowed another glob of ice cream, then said, “Yeah, well, Ronda Gabaldon’s pretty stupid.”


At ten o’clock Melissa went in to take her nightly shower. She got the water going, made sure it wasn’t too hot, then quickly stripped off her clothes and got in. She grabbed the soap and began soaping herself down, starting with her shoulders and her arms, then her chest and stomach, then her butt, legs and feet. She made sure she got everything clean, then worked some shampoo into her long blonde hair. She kneaded it into a huge lather, scrubbed and massaged, until she was confident that her hair too was clean, then took the shower head down and rinsed all the shampoo out.

Once she was done with that, Melissa turned the heat down a little bit, so that it was more warm than hot, then adjusted the shower head from spray to pulsate. She leaned against the shower wall and began directing the water over her budding breasts, closing her eyes and smiling slightly at the immediate pleasure that coursed through her. She used her free hand to caress her chest as the water gently beat on her skin, fingertips gliding, squeezing and pulling, tapering over her hardening nipples.

As she touched herself, Melissa thought about Jason Miller. He was a ninth grader, two years ahead of her, the cutest boy in Melissa’s whole middle school. She imagined Jason touching her the same way she was touching herself.

It was her favorite sex fantasy for when she was in the shower or in bed, but for some reason she was finding it sort of difficult to focus. And then he just kind of drifted away altogether, replaced by an image of those two girls from the lesbian movie.

They were in the shower too, like they’d been in the movie — naked, wet and kissing each other passionately, their glistening bodies pressed together as they embraced. The red-haired girl began caressing the blonde girl’s boobs and playing with her nipples, then she dipped her head and started kissing and sucking them.

Melissa was a little startled by this vision, but only because she’d never really thought about girls like that before. She kinda liked the idea of the girls together, though, in love and doing loving sexy things to each other.

She decided to keep thinking about it as she sprayed warm pulsating water over her boobs — only now, instead of the blonde girl from the movie, she was the one in the shower with the red-haired girl. Melissa liked that even better. She imagined herself running her fingers through the girl’s curly hair as the redhead kissed and sucked her nipples and touched her between her legs. Melissa mimicked those touches with her own hand, alternating between her breasts and her pussy.

Then she imagined the red-haired girl getting down on her knees and kissing her down there, and as she imagined that she moved the pulsating shower head so that the water hit directly on her pussy.

Within seconds she felt an orgasm pour through her, causing her to gasp and shudder with the force of it. Then another one came, and another. Melissa was surprised, almost shocked; she’d never had that many orgasms all at once before, nor were they ever so intense, even when she was thinking about Jason. It was almost like the idea of making out with a girl was better than imagining it with a boy.

But of course, it can’t be, Melissa told herself as she put the shower head back and shut off the water. It’s just a leftover thing from watching that movie. There is no way I could be turning gay. Right…?

“I’m not a lesbian,” she muttered to no one as she toweled her body dry.


Melissa and her mom went to bed at midnight. They only had one bedroom, and one bed, because Gwen had to work at a job that didn’t pay her much money. It had always been this way, but Melissa didn’t mind. In fact, she had always enjoyed sharing a bed with her mom; it made her feel safe, and she was comforted by the presence of another person sleeping next to her. Plus, if she wasn’t too tired, Mom liked to stay awake and talk for a little while. Melissa liked talking in bed at night.

Mom didn’t want to talk about the stuff she normally talked about, like Melissa’s schoolwork or the shopping they had to do the next day. Instead, she wanted to talk some more about the movie they’d watched. Actually, about the girls in the movie.

“So, you thought the red-haired girl was prettier?” Mom asked.

“Yeah,” Melissa replied cautiously.

They were lying side by side, Melissa on her back and Mom facing her, really close, an arm draped over Melissa’s stomach.

“Did you like watching them together? Kissing and touching each other? Making love?”

“Yeah,” Melissa said again, suddenly feeling embarrassed because of what she’d thought about in the shower. Feeling a little excited too, which also embarrassed her. “They didn’t show that much, though. I mean, they were naked and kissing and all that, but you didn’t get to see any real sex stuff.”

“Yeah, I know,” Gwen said, sounding a little disappointed. “It’s too bad. I would have liked seeing them have sex.” She slipped her hand under Melissa’s pajama top and began to lightly rub her tummy. “Would you have liked it if they’d shown that kind of thing?”

“I dunno. I guess I wouldn’t have minded it.” Melissa was very aware of how her mom was touching her. She knew that it wasn’t exactly what a mother was supposed to do with her daughter, but Mom had always given her nice caresses like this — and besides, it felt good, so she didn’t say anything.

“I would have liked it,” Mom went on. “The two of them kissing each other’s breasts. Sucking each other’s nipples. Licking each other’s pussies. Making love the way only two women can.”

Melissa was startled by her mom’s language; she’d never heard her talk like that before. The words didn’t really sound right, coming out of her mouth, but at the same time Melissa had the sense that they belonged there. That Mom had said those words, probably to other people, and that she was comfortable with them. Maybe even turned on by them.

Melissa had to admit to herself that they turned her on too. She thought again about the fantasy she’d had in the shower, where the red-haired girl had kissed her and touched her… except now, she replaced the red-haired girl with her mother. She pictured Mom behind her closed eyes, wet and soapy as she cupped Melissa’s small breasts with both hands — then, just as she was thinking this, as if her mind was being read, Melissa felt her mom’s hand move from her belly up to her chest.

Gwen’s palm slid almost casually over Melissa’s right breast, then began to lightly squeeze and fondle it. At the same time Mom leaned in close and kissed her gently on the cheek. Melissa turned her head and looked at her and Mom kissed her again, this time on the mouth.

Mom’s lips were cool and soft, and Melissa spontaneously returned her kiss. They kissed again, then a third time, and Melissa realized that they weren’t just doing something impulsive and momentary; they were making out. Like lesbians.

A small voice inside Melissa’s head said, You shouldn’t be doing this, she’s your mom, but another part of her, a silent and yet very strong part, seemed to take control of her. Her body acted on its own, her mouth returning Gwen’s kisses, lips parting eagerly to take her mom’s tongue inside, her hands roaming over her mother’s back and shoulders, then down to her breasts. Melissa caressed Mom the same way she was being caressed, lovingly sliding her hands over Mom’s much larger breasts, gently squeezing and pulling on them. She felt Mom’s nipples in her palms, and found herself wishing she could kiss and suck on them.

Suddenly Gwen pulled her mouth away from Melissa’s and, in a husky voice, said, “God, you are so beautiful.”

Melissa didn’t know whether she should say Thank you, or You’re beautiful too, or But Mom, I’m not gay. A second later it didn’t matter, because Gwen was kissing her daughter’s face and her neck, unbuttoning Melissa’s pajama top.

Then in another few seconds she was kissing Melissa’s babyish breasts, then licking them, swirling her tongue in little circles around Melissa’s nipples — and the girl found herself unable to speak anyway. She felt her nipples getting hard, and a warm fuzzy cloud was growing in her belly.

As Gwen licked and nibbled on Melissa’s nipples, her hand moved down into her child’s pajama bottoms, then into her panties, exploring there as she continued to lavish affection on her daughter’s breasts.

Melissa responded with gasps and moans, moving her hips and arching her back, wanting more even as she told herself that she shouldn’t be liking this so much. But she did. She loved it.

After another minute or so, Gwen kissed a path down to Melissa’s stomach, licking her bellybutton and making her giggle. Then suddenly she sat up, taking hold of the waistband of Melissa’s pajama bottoms. Melissa watched as her mom pulled them down her thin legs, over her ankles and feet, then did the same thing with her panties. Melissa was naked now except for her pajama top, which was open anyhow and showing everything. She knew she should be embarrassed, but all she could really feel right then was sort of nervous, but also very excited.

Slipping her hands under the backs of Melissa’s knees, Gwen moved the girl’s legs apart, then held them there as she gazed down at Melissa’s fully exposed pussy.

“Oh, so gorgeous,” she said. She dropped her head down between Melissa’s legs and pressed her lips against her pussy. She kissed her there, then began to slowly lick, tracing a line with her tongue along the soft folds.

Raising herself up on both elbows, Melissa watched as Mom pushed her nose into her sparse tuft of pubic hair, her tongue slithering all over her pussy and even poking inside.

She couldn’t believe this was actually happening — her own mom was having lesbian sex with her! — but what Melissa found even more difficult to believe was that she was loving it. Yeah, it felt strange, and tickled a little, but it felt nice too; the fuzzy cloud in her stomach was getting bigger and warmer, and soon it became so hot inside that she couldn’t help but cry out.

Gwen continued to make love to Melissa, slipping her tongue into her pussy, then sliding it up and down her lips, and around and around her clit — until finally Melissa began to come, waves of pleasure shooting out in all directions from her pussy into her chest and arms and legs.

Melissa’s body was still trembling and tingling, and she was still trying to catch her breath when Mom sat up on the bed. She smiled down at Melissa as she slowly pulled her nightgown up over her head, then tossed it onto the floor.

Melissa’s eyes automatically traveled over her mom’s body, and she thought, Wow, she’s so pretty.

Gwen dropped back down and began kissing and licking her way up Melissa’s body; her pussy and her tummy, her boobs, her neck and face, and then finally a long French kiss on the mouth. Melissa’s legs were still spread wide and Gwen was lying between them, and as she moved up even farther, Melissa could feel her mom’s pubic hair and pussy lips sliding over her own much less hairy sex.

Now Mom’s big breasts were hovering above Melissa’s face as she said, “Go ahead, darling. Suck Mommy’s tits.” And then she lowered herself so that her boobs were right on Melissa’s face, one of them even touching her lips.

Melissa still felt like she couldn’t control what she was doing as she opened her mouth and started to lick little circles around Mom’s nipple. Then she took it in her mouth and began to gently suck it. At the same time Gwen took hold of one of Melissa’s hands and pulled it down between them until she was touching her mother’s pussy.

Melissa’s fingers moved through her mom’s pubic hair and over the lips, which were surprisingly warm and moist. She rubbed up and down, slowly at first, then more and more quickly as she continued to suck on her mom’s nipples, one after the other.

Gwen sighed and moaned and kissed the top of Melissa’s head as she began to move her hips, pushing her pussy against Melissa’s fingertips. “Oh yes!” she said in a low sensuous voice. “Oh yeah, that’s good. My good little baby. Suck Mommy’s nipples, my sweet little baby. Yes, yes…”

Melissa did her best to suck her mom’s bouncing boobs while at the same time rubbing her pussy. Gwen moaned and sighed some more as she thrust against her daughter’s fingers faster and faster, until finally she cried out and her body shuddered in orgasm.

Afterward, she collapsed on top of Melissa for a few minutes, just holding her close and breathing heavily. Eventually, Gwen moved off of Melissa and lay next to her on her back. She pulled her daughter close again, hugged her and kissed her forehead, and said, “You were wonderful, sweetheart.”

Melissa was finally able to find her voice and said, “Mom? Did we… did we just have sex?”

Gwen laughed lightly and said, “Well, we’re two women, and we just made love. That doesn’t necessarily mean we’re lesbians, though. It’s something you’ll have to decide for yourself, darling. But I’ll tell you, I really liked it. And I hope you did, too.”

“Yeah,” Melissa replied. “I did.”


Melissa fell asleep in her mom’s arms, but when she woke up the next morning she was lying near the edge of the bed and Mom was on her own side. Melissa, feeling strangely refreshed, sat up in bed and looked down at her mother, who was dozing peacefully on her back.

She studied her beautiful face, her lovely golden hair, so much like Melissa’s own. Then she carefully pulled the blankets down and looked at her mom’s naked body, her large boobs and her flat belly, her slim hips and the dark golden bush of pubic hair on her pussy.

She recalled everything that had happened the night before, the movie, the ice cream… then the kissing and lovemaking with her mother, and the questions and reservations she’d had as well. Then, without really thinking about it, she reached down and began to caress Mom’s breasts, first one then the other. Then she leaned over and kissed them.

Melissa took one large pink nipple into her young mouth and began to suck on it, thinking to herself that there wasn’t anything wrong with lesbians after all. And that making love with another girl, especially her mom, really was better than chocolate. Way better.

 The End


My Wild Honey Daughter

  • Posted on May 17, 2018 at 8:39 am

by Author Unknown

Note from JetBoy: So — another mystery tale from the JetBoy files. Like the others, I don’t know who wrote it or from whence it comes… like the others, I tweaked it somewhat, after turning it up years ago… like the others, I felt it was too good to keep to myself. I encourage anyone who knows the original (or even better, wrote the original in the first place) to contact us.


My daughter Honey was a beautiful girl… a lovely face, dark hair in a cute pixie cut, big dimples and a laugh that made everyone who heard it smile. She was a quiet child, one who never really fit in with kids her own age. My mom always said that Honey had an “old spirit,” which might have been true. She’d always seemed more content to spend time in the barn or the garden than playing with other children, and was far more interested in nature than toys.

Truthfully, my daughter was a terrific asset to the household, especially after her father walked out on us for a girl of sixteen who bagged groceries at the neighborhood Winn-Dixie. Honey had learned everything she needed to know about gardening from her grandfather, and every summer she grew fresh vegetables for our larder. Her tomatoes are, to this day, the best I’ve ever tasted.

She also kept honeybees, another thing she picked up from my father. I was leery of letting her keep bees, as it seemed kind of dangerous, but finally I decided I’d let her try one hive to start.

If anyone ever had a knack for anything, it was Honey for her bees. It was as if Providence had dictated the name we gave her. By the time she was sixteen, she had a half dozen hives and had quite a bit of money saved for college from the honey she sold.

I was proud of my daughter, and loved her so much it hurt, but I worried about her at the same time. Honey was pretty, but she was bashful to the point of it being an actual handicap. I had raised her to be herself, though, and tried not to do much more than encourage her to be a bit more outgoing.

Our lives progressed as slowly and pleasantly as the warm afternoons Honey and I shared in the garden, or on the front porch sipping lemonade. By then, my husband had been gone for three years. I had dated a bit, but quickly became bored with the men in my town. That’s when I began to fantasize about finding sexual pleasure with another woman. I didn’t have the nerve to come on to another female, however — not in a rural community like mine. Instead I settled for lesbian erotica, a few sex toys purchased through the mail and my own fingers.

It was the second week of August, on a Wednesday night. I’d put on a dress and walked down to our local church for prayer meeting. Honey had never been much of a churchgoer, so I always attended the service on my own. Truth be told, I wasn’t much of a believer myself anymore, but still found pleasure in the ritual of community worship.

When I got there, a few of the other church women were standing outside chatting. As it turned out, Pastor Griggs had been unable to lead the service that day — evidently, he’d eaten too much watermelon with his noontime meal and was laid up with a stomach ache. Since it was so hot anyhow, they’d chosen to cancel the meeting. So I leisurely strolled the half mile back home, thinking the whole way how good a glass of ice-cold lemonade would taste once I got there.

I walked into the house and to the kitchen, where I put on my apron and made that pitcher of lemonade. I was just about to call to Honey to see if she wanted a glass, when I noticed that the coat hooks where she always hung her beekeeping hat with the veil and her bucket were empty. Figuring she was out tending her hives, I glanced out the back door and saw something lying on the ground about ten feet out from the steps. I walked out and saw it was one of Honey’s shoes. A few feet further, I found the other shoe. I walked about ten paces more and found her bibbed overalls lying in a heap on the ground.

I was instantly startled, afraid something awful had happened. I rushed down the path towards the edge of the field where my daughter’s beehives were, finding the rest of her clothes as I went.

Once I got within sight of the hives, I was in shock! There, tending them as usual was Honey, but now she was stark naked! I nearly shouted at her, but then stopped myself — I didn’t want to do anything that would stir up those bees.

So I stood and watched, torn between terror and fascination, as Honey opened the top of a hive and began taking out a frame, then retrieving the honeycomb. The bees just seemed to take it in stride as they buzzed freely around her, crawling all over her naked body.

I stood mesmerized as Honey scraped the honeycomb into her bucket, replaced the frame and top to the hive, and started back the path to the house, just as casual as can be.

A few yards past the hives, she broke off a piece of honeycomb. As she walked along she held it aloft and licked the honey from it, dripping golden drizzles of sweetness down between her breasts and onto her belly.

I hadn’t noticed until then how wonderfully Honey had blossomed into womanhood. She always wore baggy overalls and one of my ex-husband’s old shirts, concealing the contours of her body. Her breasts were slight, her stomach flat and her hips hadn’t filled out as much as mine, but she had become quite womanly… and utterly beautiful. Now I stared at my little girl, awed by her loveliness.

Once she started back up the path, I stepped out of sight, partly because I didn’t want to startle her… partly because I didn’t want to seem like I was spying on my own child. But I was. Moments earlier, my heart had been pounding frantically, my breath held out of fear for her safety. Now, my heart seemed to be pulsing with something other than fear.

I couldn’t take my eyes away from my daughter as she licked at the honeycomb, excess running down over her silky white skin. Her nipples were visibly erect as the honey slowly flowed over them like amber lava. It was easily the most sensual thing I’d ever witnessed. I could feel my own nipples beginning to throb under the church dress I still wore. My palms began to sweat as my hands trembled and I smoothed them down my thighs.

My God… could I be sexually attracted to my own daughter?

As she drew nearer I became aware of the dampness growing in my panties. My head was swimming with emotions. I wanted to run away, I wanted to touch myself, I wanted to kiss her — but all I could do was gape at Honey, lost in the sight of my naked child.

I hadn’t been this aroused in ages. My mouth had gone dry and I could feel sweat trickle down the small of my back. I stood motionless in the humid August evening, my senses so alive that I seemed to glow like the sun. I know this sounds blasphemous, but it felt as if I’d been touched by the hand of God.

Suddenly my naked daughter was but a few feet from me. “Honey,” I tried to say, but it came out as nothing more than a whisper.

She started, dropping the piece of honeycomb. For an instant she looked wide-eyed and surprised, but then a euphoric smile spread across her face as she looked deep into my eyes. I suppose, even to someone as innocent as Honey, the look of sexual desire is pretty easy to recognize.

My child slowly walked over to where I stood. Still smiling, her lips parted as if she was going to speak, but she never uttered a word. Instead she raised her fingers to my trembling lips.

“Baby… no…” I whimpered as my daughter slowly traced my lower lip, leaving a trail of honey.

“I love you, Momma,” she said — then her mouth claimed mine in a gentle kiss.

Unable to push her away, I relished the exquisite sweetness of my daughter’s mouth. Pulling away with a giggle, Honey touched her fingertips to my lips again. This time they parted, allowing her middle and index fingers to enter my mouth.

Closing my eyes, I slowly and methodically sucked her sticky fingers clean. Honey gave out a little moan and brought her face to mine once more, licking the honey from the corners of my mouth, her tongue briefly engaging mine. Throwing all restraint to the winds, I sucked at it.

Honey dropped her bucket, which hit the ground with a thunk, then I could feel her frantically unfastening the buttons of my dress. We kissed deeply and passionately as she pushed the garment off my shoulders, letting it fall to the ground.

Our tongues mingled, fell back, then mingled again. They swirled together, probing, teasing, our lips still sticky and sweet. Heart pounding, I dipped my face down to kiss one of her honeyed nipples. I knew this was wrong — she was my daughter, for God’s sake! — but the desire I felt was too powerful to refuse.

Honey gasped as I suckled her stiff nipple. My tongue explored her soft skin, lapping up the sweetness that she had drizzled on herself. Honey moaned, clutching my shoulders with both hands. I could feel her shiver as I caressed her beautiful bottom.

All at once Honey was pulling my slip off over my head and casting it away, Before I knew what was happening we were on the ground, panting and moaning, grinding our bodies together. I was on my back and Honey on top of me, fucking my mouth with her hot tongue.

I moaned when she slid a hand into my panties, parting my swollen, sticky labia with her fingers. She tickled and teased my clit until I was seeing fireworks. Whatever reluctance I’d felt before about making love to my own daughter had dissolved like mist.

Honey turned around and lay down beside me, coaxing me over until our positions were reversed and I was on top of her. My body throbbed like a tractor engine as I realized what my daughter wanted. I eagerly  straddled Honey’s face, then lowered my face between her parted thighs and tasted another woman for the first time.

We ate each other’s cunts in such a lustful frenzy that in no time, we were both moaning in ecstasy. I had no idea where Honey learned to do what she did to my pussy with her tongue, but it was incredible. She circled around my clit, only brushing it, never actually touching it until she was ready to get me off, and when she finally did… well, I‘ve never experienced such earth-shattering rapture, before or since.

It was a sinful act I was committing, making love to my own daughter — but at the same time, it felt so right and so natural that the notion of right and wrong got completely lost. I licked and sucked Honey’s pussy like I’d been a lesbian all my life. I went down on her the way I loved having my cunt eaten, the few times my late husband had done it to me… and my instincts must have run true, for my daughter was trembling helplessly and mewling with delight as I loved her. Soon Honey was nearly screaming as I brought her to a wrenching climax.

Spent, we lay side by side, bathed with sweat in the cool grass, trying to catch our breath and collect our thoughts, holding hands as the sun set off in the distance, causing shadows from the nearby pine trees to paint our naked bodies. We turned to one another, cuddled close and shared tender kisses as we whispered words of devotion.

After that afternoon, Honey shared my bed. We fucked morning, noon and night, whenever we had the time and desire to get naked together. Two years later, my daughter are still passionately in love.

Oh, and Honey ended up teaching me how to tend to her bees. I often collect the honey naked, as she still does… and several times I have masturbated a few yards away from the hives, remembering the day that my child and I became lovers.

The End


Her Mother’s Revelation

  • Posted on May 10, 2018 at 8:38 am

Author Unknown

Note from JetBoy: Another gem from my files, its origin and the original author uncertain — but surely this is much too good to languish unread. As before, I left my own fingerprints all over this story, but too long ago for me to remember where.


“Ohhh, Mom. Oh GOD.” Edie threw her head back, gasping ecstatically as she clutched her mother’s face to her chest.

Jackie lovingly suckled her daughter’s left nipple, all the while fondling her other breast. She inhaled sharply as Edie’s fingernails bit into her bare back. Bet that leaves a mark, she told herself.

Edie was frantically riding her mother’s thigh, the wet heat of the teen’s cunt a lover’s kiss against the older woman’s skin.

Raising her face from Edie’s breast, Jackie nuzzled a path up the girl’s neck until their eyes met, giving her daughter a look that smoldered with long-hidden lust. “Let’s take this into the bedroom, sweetheart,” she whispered, then punctuated her words with a hard, sloppy tongue kiss.

Edie’s mind reeled. She returned Jackie’s kiss, her arms entwining around her mother’s back… then she rose from the sofa, taking Jackie’s hand to lead her upstairs. Their make-out session clumsily continued as they stepped over discarded clothes and made their way upstairs to Jackie’s bedroom. The two women bumped against the walls of the stairway as they walked up, their mouths glued together, hands freely exploring one another’s naked bodies.

In the bedroom, grabbing her mother’s shoulders, Edie fell backwards onto the bed, pulling Jackie down on top of her. Bare breasts pressed together, the women kissed hungrily. “Mom,” Edie breathed as she pulled away, panting for a breath, “This is all so… unbelievable.” She sighed contentedly.

Jackie cupped her daughter’s face in her hands, looking her in the eyes. “Believe it, honey,” she said. “I’m going to show you everything.” Her hand slipped down her daughter’s naked body to cup her vulva, and Edie cooed in response.


It had started innocently enough, with Jackie initiating a discussion about sex with her teenage daughter.

“Mom, I’m eighteen, you know,” Edie said dismissively.

“Oh, believe me, I know,” Jackie had said… which was strange, Edie had thought.

Jackie then took a deep breath and told her daughter what she was finally old enough to know: that her mother was a lesbian.

This revelation suddenly made a lot of strange things very comprehensible to Edie.


“My GOD,” she exclaimed, writhing below her naked mother on the bed. Jackie had run a finger up her girl’s dripping wet slit as she kissed and nuzzled at her neck. Sliding down Edie’s body, Jackie gave her breasts more loving attention as she teased her daughter’s clit with a fingertip.

Edie was wracked by spasms of pleasure. She spread her legs wider beneath her mother, arching her wet pussy toward Jackie’s face, which was now making its way down her body. Her fingers tangled in her mother’s hair.

As her mother slid between Edie’s thighs, she whispered, barely audibly, “Beautiful… so beautiful.”

This both excited Edie and made her happy. She anticipated that incredible tongue exploring her pussy, and her breath hissed from her throat as she felt her mother’s breath tickling her skin. To her frustration, though somehow mixed with delight, her mother instead planted soft kisses on the inside of her daughter’s thighs… and her finger, slick with the teenage girl’s wetness, pressed slowly into Edie’s sphincter.

Sparks flew in Edie’s head. She thought she might pass out. Her mother had worked a digit all the way into her ass, up to the second knuckle, and began pumping it in and out as she continued to nuzzle her daughter’s thighs. Edie realized she might come without so much as her pussy being touched. “Mom… Mommy, ohhh, yes…” she whimpered.

Then, as if activated by those words, her mother’s mouth suddenly claimed her daughter’s throbbing cunt, her hot tongue plunging within to probe Edie’s vagina, her finger still fucking the girl’s ass.

Oh, God, my own mother, Edie thought, and that more than the physical sensations tumbled her over the edge. She shrieked and screamed her orgasm, her mother’s mouth never leaving Edie’s cunt despite the girl’s bucking and writhing. Soon Edie was out of breath and could hardly make a sound, but her orgasm just wouldn’t stop. “Mom. Mom!” she tried to cry.

Jackie took her daughter to the heights of pleasure… then gently brought her down, soothing Edie’s vagina with gentle kisses, caressing her thighs.

Edie and her mother cuddled naked, exchanging soft kisses. Her mind still reeled at the extent of this… the knowledge that she’d had sex with another woman — her own mom!

“This is a lot to take in for you, I know,” Jackie said, stroking her daughter’s hair, as though reading her mind — even though it wouldn’t have been difficult to tell what she must have been thinking about, Edie mused.

“Yeah, Mom… I guess it is,” Edie agreed softly, blushing a bit. What on earth could she possibly be embarrassed about now? she wondered.

“I don’t know if this is your first time or not,” Jackie said, caressing her belly, “but I hope you enjoyed it. You certainly seemed to!” she said, smiling playfully. “The erotic bond between mother and daughter… there’s nothing like it.”

“It’s my first time… you know, with a woman,” Edie replied. Almost unbidden, her finger went up and began to play with her mom’s nipple. Edie’s eyes shut, she lay back and sighed, before she raised up slightly, having just registered the last thing her mother had said. “Mom,” she asked, wide-eyed, “do you mean that you and Grandma… did you ever do this with… well, with her?”

Jackie smiled. “It’s funny you should ask that,” she cooed, gazing deep into her new lover’s eyes. “Yes, honey,” she said, indicating their tangled, naked bodies, “my mother and I made love, just like you and I just did.” She giggled. “And… I seduced her.”

Edie’s eyes were big as saucers. “Tell me about it,” the teenage girl said, feeling a thrill deep inside.

So Jackie did.


It happened one night when she was 19, a college student, but still living at home. She had planned to move out and live in the university dorms, but decided instead to stay home and commute.

That spring — this was July — Jackie had met a girl at college, someone she was instantly drawn to sexually. While neither considered themselves gay, they had discovered they each shared a liberal view of sex after a night of heated lovemaking. They had been together as lovers for the rest of the school year.

Anyway, having discovered the pleasures of lesbian sex, the next logical step in Jackie’s mind involved sharing these newfound pleasures with her mother Brenda. Why shouldn’t they be intimate? Her mother was divorced, unattached and still incredibly beautiful… and Jackie knew that her mom had been involved with other women before, having read as much in college diary without her knowledge. She didn’t know if her mother could be persuaded to go to bed with her, but was determined to do her level best to make it happen.

At first her mother didn’t want to hear a word of any such thing.

“Mom,” Jackie had said, “that’s ridiculous. What are you afraid of, breaking a taboo? That’s stupid.”

Her 37-year-old mother wouldn’t take the bait. “That has nothing to do with it,” she said. “You are my daughter. That’s all.”

Jackie put on a pouty face. “You don’t think I’m pretty?”

Brenda did take that bait. “Jackie, honey, no,” she hastily said, sitting on the edge of the bed. “That’s not it. It’s just… not the kind of thing mothers are supposed to do with their children.”

Jackie shook her head. “I love you, Mom. And you love me. We’re not like most mothers or daughters. We’re friends, too. We’ve shared our lives, our secrets, our dreams.” She placed a hand on her mother’s thigh. “And all I want is to be closer to you, Mom. How can this be wrong if we both love one another?” She leaned closer to her mother, allowing her lips to brush the older woman’s ear. “Besides, Mom,” she breathed, “you are an incredibly sexy woman… and I just know that you’d be a hot fuck.”

“Jacqueline!” her mother gasped. But not with a lot of conviction.

“Mom, I’ve discovered sex between two women who trust each other and feel affection for one another is something truly beautiful and enjoyable. And that’s what I want to share with you, Mom.” She moved her face to her mother’s ear, blew in it softly, then kissed it gently. “More than anything else in the world…”

Shaking, her mother turned to her and they kissed… tentatively at first, then more frantically, their tongues coming into play.

And soon they were both undressed, and mother and daughter lay entwined in bed, kissing like the lovers they now were. Jackie made love to her mother, making her come over and over… all with an earnestness born of devotion. And, she realized, something of an adventurous spirit. They were bravely trying something new together… and both wanted to make sure it was a beautiful experience.

Soon, Brenda was eagerly returning her daughter’s affections, dipping her face between the girl’s thighs to taste Jackie’s cunt for the first time. Then she grew bolder, licking and sucking at the glistening sex before her like a woman possessed… until with a wild cry, Brenda’s daughter came in her face.

They made love for hours that night.


By the time Jackie was finished with her story, Edie was squirming and nearly panting. Cupping her mother’s face in her hands, she kissed her warmly and wetly. Their tongues emerged to join in a loving duet, mouths sliding together sensuously. Jackie’s hands found her daughter’s ass cheeks again and she fondled Edie’s bottom, sending new bolts of sensation through the young woman.

“Mom,” Edie gasped, arching her back. “Oh, Mom!”

Jackie rolled over on top of Edie to pleasure the girl’s breasts, one after the other. She strummed her child’s nipple with her tongue, causing the young woman to moan helplessly.

Edie rolled them both over so she was on top as her mother continued to kiss and caress her. Jackie’s legs wrapped around Edie’s ass to pull her daughter down until their sexes met. Then she began to grind back and forth, pressing their dripping pussies together. Each woman’s tingling slit sent jolts of pleasurable friction through the other.

Wickedly stirred by these new sensations, Edie rocked forward and slid back, panting, “Oh, fuck… fuck… fuck!” under her breath.

Suddenly Edie’s eyes rolled back in her head. “Oh god… oh my god… ohmygodohmygodohmyggggg–!” and she came explosively from the wet, hot sensation of cunt against cunt, coupled with the mindblowing idea of her own mother actually fucking her. Panting and flushed, she collapsed on top of Jackie, who cradled her daughter’s head to her breast.

Jackie smiled. “I don’t want to wear you out your first time,” she said, her eyes shining with love for her daughter.

Edie raised an eyebrow and smiled wryly. She gently extricated herself from Jackie’s embrace, then slid down her mother’s body, pausing to place a butterfly kiss on Jackie’s nipple that made her gasp. Slowly she traced her tongue down her mother’s belly, making her way between her thighs.

Edie glanced up at her mother, who was now trembling in anticipation. “I’m going to lick your pussy now, Mom,” she cooed.

Jackie’s eyes rolled upward as Edie pressed her face into her throbbing sex. The girl began to lick her tentatively, exploring the heat and wetness of another woman’s cunt for the first time. “Oh!” Jackie exclaimed… “Oh, my darling,” her hands clutching at the sheets as her daughter began to eat her pussy for real.

Edie had no real idea what she was doing, just what she thought she would like and what her mom had done to her. It was more than enough. She was surprised to discover how much she loved the smell and taste of her mother’s vagina. Her mother bucked and shook and cried out as Edie feasted on her pussy.

Edie’s chin brushed the folds of her mother’s labia as she licked at Jackie’s clit. As she did, her mom’s legs closed over her daughter’s head and she began to writhe even harder, nearly screaming as she exploded in a convulsive climax that had her seeing stars. “Oh, my darling little girl,” she cried, her eyes shut tightly. “I love you!”

Edie pleasured her mother in a wild frenzy of incestuous lust, clawing at her legs, sliding her face up and down between the older woman’s thighs, her mouth loving every part of Jackie’s cunt.

Jackie screamed as the most intense orgasm of her entire life came crashing down upon her. “OH… MY BABY. MY DARLING LITTLE GIRL… OOHHH!” Every inch of her body seemed to be bathed in a sweet fire.


When Jackie had had this little talk with her daughter about her lesbianism, a moment that seemed so long ago but wasn’t, she didn’t know what to expect from Edie. Her daughter might become angry and storm away. She might be confused and ask a lot of questions. She might be embarrassed to speak.

Instead, Edie just nodded her head, as if everything now made sense to her. Fleetingly, Jackie figured she was a smart girl, and she must have sensed something about her mother’s sexuality, even if she didn’t know about it outright.

All she knew was that Edie stood up and held out a hand to her. She stood up, too, and they hugged warmly. All Jackie’s anxieties about coming out to her daughter were melting away, and her heart glowed with happiness. Edie understood… or at least accepted.

Then Edie gently pulled away and studied her mother.

“What do you do?”

This was one question Jackie hadn’t prepared for. “Um… well, nothing out of the ordinary, if that’s what you mean.”

“How does it start?”

Jackie was puzzled. “How does it–”

Edie leaned in and pecked her mother on the lips. “Maybe… with a kiss?”

Jackie was alert, now. “I do like kissing,” she said softly.

Her daughter kissed her again, no tongue, just soft, careful lips. Then again, harder.

Jackie’s heart was pounding. “Edie, honey, I–”

Then again, Edie’s mouth parting slightly. And before she could think, Jackie’s tongue had slipped into Edie’s mouth, and she was kissing her own daughter like a lover.

Now Edie grabbed her mother’s shirt and began to tug it up over her head as their kisses grew frantic, desperate. They staggered about the room, the two of them, banging into the furniture, kissing frantically, “mmph”ing and trying to remove Jackie’s pastel top.

They finally got the shirt off, Jackie tossing it to the floor. Her daughter’s hands came up immediately to touch her breasts, caressing them. Jackie, still off balance and a little unsure, moaned and whimpered, “Edie… are you sure that you want this?”

The beautiful teenaged girl smiled lovingly at her mother… then moved in to kiss her gently, her tongue emerging to lick at her mother’s lower lip. Then she whispered “Teach me, Mom. Teach me about how women make love. I want to know everything… and there’s no one I’d rather learn from than you.” She closed her eyes, leaning close to kiss her again, then pulled away. “C’mon, Mom — let’s get naked.”

Edie grabbed her own shirt and practically tore it off. Her bra, too. Then she roughly embraced her mother, their breasts crushing together. Jackie sighed deliriously as her sweet child ran her hands and fingers through her mother’s hair. She slowly wrapped her arms around Edie, relaxing into their embrace as her daughter made love to her.

Before long Edie, her hands visibly shaking, were slipping off her jeans. Jackie took hers off, too. Both women’s panties were wet.

They embraced again, Edie grinding her pussy into her mother’s through their underwear. Jackie moaned and caressed her daughter, seeking out the teenage girl’s mouth with her own.

Finally Edie tugged her mother’s panties down, and Jackie returned the favor. Now naked, the new lovers pressed their bodies firmly together as they kissed, more passionately than ever. Jackie lowered her face to her daughter’s breasts, her mouth taking in a taut nipple. Edie inhaled sharply.

Jackie teased Edie’s nipples with her flicking tongue, suddenly remembering all the times she’d called her mother “Mommy” during their lovemaking. The incest she and her mother had indulged in had only made their love for one another stronger. She found herself desperately hoping Edie would call her “Mommy,” too…


That was how it had started. Now, mother and daughter lay cuddled together in a warm afterglow.

Jackie kissed Edie tenderly, tasting her own pussy. She ran a finger along her daughter’s chin. “Sore?”

Edie smiled. “Yeah. But so worth it.” She kissed her mother back. “Way worth it.”

Jackie smiled brightly. Now they were softly, tenderly making out again. None of the hunger or urgency of before… just two women in love, tasting one another, luxuriating in a relaxed embrace. Being together.

After awhile Edie smiled up at her mother, and sank down to nuzzle at Jackie’s nipple. She lovingly engulfed it in her mouth and began suckling, like a baby. Jackie shivered and sighed contentedly. She stroked Edie’s hair. “My dearest love,” she whispered. “I hope you know now that sex isn’t just something you do, it’s a way to love. What you and I have, right now… it’s the greatest gift of our lives.”

“I think… I understand that now, Mom,” Edie murmured, raising herself up to kiss her mother’s sweet mouth.

The End