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Just Being With You

  • Posted on May 5, 2019 at 1:54 pm

by Christene

{ This story was originally posted at Nifty in September 2002 }

For as long as she could remember, Alexis had never seen her mother Olivia with other men. Her father had left before Alexis had been born, and he was rarely mentioned. Her mother had always been secretive about her love life. Alexis suspected that there might be a special reason behind that. She believed that she had never seen her mom involved with a man for the same reason that Alexis felt her pulse race every time she felt Olivia’s gentle hand touch her cheek. Her mother loved women, just as she did. She was certain of it.

Alexis had known of her attraction to the gentler sex ever since she had played kissing games with her best friend at age thirteen. But what Alexis had only realized a year or so ago was that her own mother was the woman that she desired most of all.

However hard she fought it, she found herself drifting again and again into hot, sexy fantasies of her and Mom — naked and entwined in a loving embrace, hands caressing one another’s warm, soft skin, kissing again and again. Finally Alexis had to admit to herself that this was simply the way she was, and that she could not wish this desire for her mother away.

Alexis watched Olivia with keen blue eyes as the gloriously tall woman strode across the room, dressed only in a lacy black bra and panties. For many years, Alexis had wondered if she would ever have such a striking figure. Now, at the age of sixteen, it was becoming quite evident that her mother’s beauty was hers as well.

She tried to memorize the sight of her scantily clad mother as Olivia stood before the mirror. Alexis lovingly took in the way that long blonde hair was gathered in a quick motion and held up from her long, leonine neck.

“What do you think, baby?” Olivia asked, regarding her appearance in the mirror. She turned her head from side to side, trying to decide which look she liked best. “Up or down?”

Alexis all but purred her response. “Mmmm, up, Momma. Wear it up. You have such a gorgeous neck. Show it off!”

Olivia’s green eyes shifted slightly to take in the reflection of the young woman behind her. “Such things you say, little one,” she said, a flirtatious smile gently touching her lips.

The smile caused an all too familiar warmth to slowly rise in Alexis. She was forced to look away, fearing that her blue eyes might reveal too much of what she felt for this beautiful woman.

“So, Mom,” she murmured, “which dress are you wearing tonight?”

Olivia finished pinning her hair up before glancing over at the dresses she had set out. A slip-like black dress, cut dramatically low in the back, and a the red spaghetti-strapped number. Either would easily make her the belle of the ball — and maybe tickle the fancies of a few of the lovely ladies who would be there, she suspected. The only problem was… which one?

Shrugging, Olivia peered over a shoulder at her daughter, who was on her bed, reclining on her side in a seductive pose that seemed to come all too naturally to the lovely teen. A small thrill surged through Olivia, even as she wondered if her daughter realized that she exuded such a sensual presence. “Which dress do you prefer, Lexie?”

Alexis knew precisely which dress she wanted to see her mother wearing, although she feigned thinking in order not to let Olivia know how eager she was. “I think the black one will look the best,” she said. When her mother began to reach for the dress, she hastily added, “You should probably take your bra off first, Mom. It won’t work with that dress.”

Frowning down at the lacy black bra, Olivia nodded. “I suppose it won’t.” She reached around behind her back and unfastened the bra with experienced ease.

A soft moan was stifled deep within her throat as Alexis drank in the vision of her mother’s bare breasts. She allowed her eyes to linger over the dusty rose nipples that were so much lighter than her own, longing to take them into her mouth.

Before Alexis even realized that she had uttered the words, she found herself voicing her lustful wishes out loud, though quietly: “God, I want your body.”

Olivia froze, looking to Alexis with softening green eyes. She immediately went to her daughter and drew her into a loving embrace. “Oh, baby, you have a beautiful body,” she whispered. “Please don’t think that you don’t.”

Wrapping her arms around her mother, Alexis breathed deeply, relieved that her careless slip had gone unnoticed. The act of breathing proved to be dangerous, however, as she inhaled the sweet scent of her mother’s skin.

She gently pulled the older woman closer to her, nuzzling her face into the soft valley between her mother’s curvaceous breasts. She heard a soft gasp come from Olivia’s mouth, which served only to embolden her courage. Her lips gently brushed over her mother’s delicate skin for a sweet moment before she spoke.

“I love the way you smell, Momma.”

Olivia was trembling. She forced herself to pull away from her daughter’s warm embrace, suddenly overcome by a nervous tingling throughout her entire body. “Do you like my lotion, baby?” she started awkwardly, trying to compose herself. Moving to her vanity, heart pounding with excitement, she took the bottle of scented lotion and offered it to her daughter. “Here, Lexie. You can have it. You know, to try… if you want — you know, to, um, see if you like it.” She was blushing now.

Alexis smiled thoughtfully. “Thanks, I think I will.”

And before Olivia could remove the lid to the lotion, her daughter had raised her shirt over her head and sat down, wearing only her white bra. Olivia felt her mouth becoming dry as Alexis unhooked her bra to reveal shapely breasts with proud dark nipples. Looking at her daughter, she was reminded once more that her little girl was no longer so little. God, she was so lovely…

“Well,” Olivia breathed, suddenly feeling a bit overwhelmed by her daughter’s beauty, “aren’t we the exhibitionist?”

Alexis smiled with an warmth that glinted inside her blue eyes. “This is how you wanted me to be. Isn’t it, Momma?” She stood up, before her mother. “You always taught me to be proud of my body.” Alexis looked to her shirt which had been cast carelessly to the ground. “I guess I could put it back on if… “

“No, Lexie. Don’t do that.” Olivia reached out for her daughter, resting her hand under her chin to guide blue eyes to meet her green eyes. “You are perfect, absolutely perfect.”

Alexis blushed. “You are a bit biased, don’t you think? I mean, you have to say that sort of thing to your daughter.”

Olivia shook her head. “I don’t work that way,” she said. She took a bit of lotion into her hands and began to gently massage her daughter’s shoulders. “You know that.”

Nodding, Alexis smiled. She closed her eyes, enjoying her mother’s touch. A soft gasp left her lips at the feel of Olivia’s warm, lotion-anointed fingers on her skin. She trembled at the sound of her mother’s sultry voice as Olivia whispered “Do you like this, baby?”

“Yes, Momma,” Alexis answered. She was overcome by the feeling that her words were so inadequate when it came to saying what she thought. She wished that her mother would caress her breasts with those soft hands.

A warm smile began to curl Olivia’s lips. “Hmmm… you seem a bit, um, worked up,” she said with a knowing gaze. “And I’ll bet I know why that is, too.”

Alexis tensed, suddenly certain that Olivia knew everything. The truth had finally come to light about her feelings for her mother. She swallowed the lump in her throat as well as the fear that threatened to choke her. “W-why, Momma?” she stammered.

“It’s okay, baby,” Olivia offered gently. “We don’t have to have any secrets from each other. After all, we are all that we have. I know how you feel.”

The arms encircling her and pulling her tightly to her mother’s soft chest caused her to softly moan. “Oh, Momma, I wanted to tell you. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long.”

Manicured fingernails lightly brushed over her daughter’s bare back. “You should have, honey.” Olivia kissed her daughter’s temple, holding her trembling body close. “You’re thinking about… someone special. Aren’t you?”

Alexis tried not to concentrate on the breasts pressed gently to hers. She felt strangely sorry that, once again, Olivia had not fully understood what she had meant… wanting to tell her mother once and for all that she, her own daughter, was madly, hopelessly in love with her.

But she didn’t know at all how to say it. “Yes,” she finally whispered.

“Is there anyone in particular that you… that you love?”

Olivia was taken aback by the blue eyes that locked upon hers so intensely when her daughter pulled away to meet her gaze. The desire blazing within Alexis was shining like the sun. The “yes,” barely whispered by Alexis, her eyes growing moist, sent a chill of excitement racing down Olivia’s spine.

The tears which always came at the thought of never being allowed to express her love for this woman, her mother, made themselves known by stinging at the young girl’s eyes. “I love this person so much, Momma… someone who doesn’t even know. I don’t know how to say it, the way I feel.”

Pulling Alexis once more into her arms, Olivia stroked comforting circles over the young girl’s back. “Shh… no tears, little one.” She waited for Alexis to relax into her embrace before she spoke again. “If you truly have feelings for this person, then you should do whatever you have to do to win their love.”

“But what if — what if this person doesn’t feel… or will never feel the way that I do?” A solitary tear rolled slowly down her cheek as Alexis considered that very real possibility. “It would hurt so much, Momma!”

Olivia sighed, then kissed Alexis’ hair, her cheeks and finally her eyelids. “Unfortunately, angel,” she said, cupping her daughter’s face after smoothing away a fresh tear from her cheek, “getting hurt is a reality that we must all face. With love, there is always the chance that will happen.”

“So why risk it?” Alexis nuzzled at her mother’s neck, resting her head against a loving shoulder.

“Oh, that one’s easy.” Olivia smiled down on her daughter. “We risk it because the reward is so great. True love, Lexie, the kind that poets write about… it does exist. And it is the most precious thing in this world.”

“Have you ever known love like that, Momma? The kind of love that you would be willing to risk anything to keep?”

“Yes, I have,” Olivia murmured, her own eyes growing moist. “I’m holding her, right now.” She kissed her daughter’s temple. “I would do anything for you, baby. I hope you know that.”

“And you love me like that?” Alexis found her heart daring to hope…

“Of course, I do. You are the real and true love of my life.”

The smile that filled her being would not be denied. Alexis was aglow with the words still echoing inside her ears. “I am?”

“Yes, my love, you are.” Olivia gently kissed her daughter’s lips. “There is no greater love than that of the love that exists between a mother and her child. Someday, perhaps, you will learn this from your children.”

Alexis wished that she could feel the softness of her mother’s lips against hers just a bit longer. “Will I have to wait that long to know that kind of love?”

“Who can say, Lexie?” Olivia caressed her child’s cheek. “Your true love might be closer than you know.”

Alexis kissed her mother’s palm, then held it close to her cheek. “I think you’re right, Momma. Thank you so much.” She held tightly to the hand resting against her skin.

“Now, about this special person of yours…” Olivia tilted her head to study her beautiful young daughter, marveling at the way that her child’s blue eyes always had a way of reaching where others could not. “Make your true feelings known, before it’s too late.”

Alexis sighed softly against her mother’s hand. “It isn’t that easy.”

Olivia laughed. “Oh, I never said anything about it being easy, but in the end, I am sure that you’ll find it worth the effort it took to be totally open and honest.”

The chiming of the grandfather clock down the hall caused Olivia’s green eyes to widen. “My God! It’s eight already!” She tore herself away from her daughter, rushing to slip into her dress. “I am going to be so late!”

“I love you, Mom.”

Slipping into her black dress, Olivia smiled. “And I love you, baby.”

“No, I mean, I really, really love you!”

Olivia chuckled softly, smiling as she glanced over her shoulder to her beautiful young daughter. “And I really, really love you, little one.”

Alexis crossed her arms, feeling naked in more ways than simply being without a shirt. “Mom, you aren’t listening to me.” She watched her mother rushing into the bathroom to apply the finishing touches to her makeup. “I am in love with you.”

The sound of glass breaking made her jump with start. “Mom?!”

The sixteen-year-old raced into the bathroom. She found her mother leaning against the bathroom counter with the shattered remnants of her perfume bottle lying in the sink. The air was thick with scent. Her mother was staring at her daughter’s reflection in the bathroom mirror with confused green eyes.

Shaking her head, Olivia waved away the thoughts running through her mind. She closed her eyes tightly. “You don’t know what you’re saying,” she whispered.

“Yes, I do, Momma,” Alexis replied softly.

“You’re just a kid! What do you know about being in love? How can you know that this is — that I am what you want…?”

“Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?” Alexis asked, quiet but defiant. Her mother had told her to fight for who she loved. She knew that her mom hadn’t realized that she was the lucky lady… but her advice was still sound.

“Y-you really mean that… that you are in love with me?” Olivia said softly. “That you want to — want to… be with me?”

“Yes, Momma,” Alexis quietly replied. “I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

“This is crazy,” Olivia whispered. “I don’t know what… what to say. We aren’t supposed to think this way.” A single tear rolled slowly down her cheek. “I — I’m not supposed to want this.”

Alexis smiled at her mother as though she had already won. She walked to Olivia with a purposefully seductive stride. Wrapping her arms around Olivia’s curvy waist, she lightly kissed her mother’s exposed shoulders. Her nipples brushed against her mom’s warm skin as she pressed herself against Olivia’s back.

“Do you love me…?” she asked softly against her mother’s silky skin, then smiled, knowing the answer already.

Olivia rested her hands along the soft arms gently embracing her. She leaned back, her daughter’s hair touching her face. “You know that I do,” she replied, her voice trembling.

Feeling brave, Alexis curled her fingertips around the straps to her mother’s dress. She slipped the dress down Olivia’s body until it puddled to the floor at their feet. She kissed over the smooth skin of her mother’s shoulders, then moved upward to the woman’s neck, where she knew that Olivia would be most sensitive. Her lips brushed teasingly at her mother’s skin before she brought her mouth to Olivia’s ear and whispered,  “Say that you love me.”

“I… I love you, Alexis,” Olivia managed to say, barely above a whisper.

Reaching around to caress her mother’s breasts, Alexis cupped them in her hands for a long, pleasurable moment, then teased her nipples between finger and thumb. “Tell me that you are mine.”

“Baby, I’m your moth–” Olivia inhaled sharply as her daughter pinched roughly at her nipples. She bit her bottom lip. “I… I’m yours, my love.”

“Forever?” Alexis asked, nuzzling her mother’s neck.

Turning around inside their embrace, Olivia cupped her daughter’s face and gazed deep into those blue eyes, astonished at the hunger she saw there. “Yes, Lexie. Always…” She paused. “But there are some things that you and I need to discuss first. I mean–“

Alexis put an end to her mom’s words by covering Olivia’s mouth with her own, kissing her passionately. She nearly swooned as she tasted her mother’s lips for the first time. The sweetness of Olivia’s mouth was intoxicating.

Her mother’s response was hesitant at first, but Olivia’s long-suppressed desire for her daughter was very real and could not be denied. Soon she was eagerly returning those hungry kisses, her tongue tangling with that of Alexis in a sweet dance of passion. Olivia’s arms entwined her daughter’s bare back and drew her closer, into a fiercely possessive embrace.

Alexis was glowing with pleasure as she and her beautiful mother kissed as lovers for the first time. She couldn’t believe it — her wildest fantasy was coming true. Feeling bolder than ever, she broke the kiss and knelt before Olivia, gazing up into her mother’s face, her eyes shining with love.

Hooking her thumbs in her mother’s lacy black panties, she lowered them over shapely hips and long legs. She leaned in close, kissing her mom’s soft thighs. Alexis let her fingers trace over the fine diamond of dark blonde hair at the apex of her mother’s legs. She savored the soft moan that her touch inspired, her body tingling with anticipation.

Alexis inched forward, her lips parted, tasting the very air, so sweetened by her mother’s excitement.

Olivia’s body was trembling as Alexis buried her nose in her mother’s soft pubes, gently kissing her cunt. The older woman moaned as her daughter’s tongue emerged to tantalizingly lick at her moistened labia.

Alexis was gentle at first, sampling the musky flavor of her mother. But her lust would not be denied… and the young girl’s face was soon burrowed between Olivia’s thighs, eagerly feasting on her mom’s dripping pussy. Then she felt her mother’s hand upon her shoulders, holding her back.

She gazed up at her mother, her blue eyes revealing an intense desire and a sudden, helpless fear that perhaps that desire was not returned. “Momma, please,” she said softly, her lip quivering.

Olivia caressed her daughter’s cheek with only the softest of touches. “Not here, my sweet.” She bent down to taste her new lover’s kiss again. “Let’s go into the bedroom.”

The relieved sigh that left her child did not go unnoticed. Olivia took Alexis by the hand, guiding her to her bed. She slowly finished undressing the young girl, kissing every bit of skin released from its mask of clothing.

When at last her daughter stood before her naked, she allowed her eyes to feast upon the young girl’s perfect body. “My God, you are beautiful,” she breathed, causing Alexis to blush hotly.

Olivia eased her daughter onto her back, marveling at the love shining in her child’s eyes. She gazed lovingly at Alexis’ ecstatic face as her hands continued to explore her lover’s body. She studied her beautiful sex, which was shaven smooth.

“When did you do this?” Olivia asked, smiling curiously.

Alexis smiled while raising herself up on her elbows. “You don’t know everything about me, Momma.”

“I guess not… but I intend to learn.” Olivia leaned forward to kiss her daughter, taking time to savor the softness of her mouth. Her tongue teasing over the girl’s eager lips.

Alexis wrapped her arms around her mother’s back and pulled the older woman’s body on top of hers. The feel of this woman, her mother — the warmth of her, the smell, the weight of her — was more wonderful than she had even dreamed. Reacting on instinct, she spread her thighs wide and pulled her knees toward her chest, causing her hot, wet pussy to rub against her mother’s tummy.

Olivia moaned and brought her mouth to her daughter’s in another hungry kiss. Her tongue slowly licked around her child’s eager mouth, then trailed its way to Alexis’ ear. “I adore you, my beautiful, sexy daughter,” Olivia whispered. “I’m going to make love to every inch of your body.”

Nuzzling her way down Alexis’ neck, then over the soft skin of the young girl’s body, Olivia stopped — first at her left breast, then her right. Olivia’s lips brushed over each nipple tenderly, then her tongue emerged to lick. Then she took her daughter’s nipple into her mouth and suckled lovingly, moving languidly from one breast to the other, granting each one the love and attention that her daughter craved.

Continuing her way downward, Olivia moved between her daughter’s thighs. Her nails lightly raked over the moistened lips of her daughter’s pussy. She smiled softly at the sight of Alexis squirming under her touch.

“Momma, please…” Alexis uttered, in a voice that made her desire clearly known.

Olivia smiled and inched forward. Her tongue flicked lightly at her daughter’s swollen clit, causing Alexis to gasp. “You like me teasing you like this,” Olivia purred. “Don’t you?”

Alexis might have liked to say, “Yes.” She might have wanted to make a verbal response of some kind, to express just how much she loved her mother’s touch — but all cognizant thought was swallowed by the moan that left her lips at the feel of Momma kissing slowly over her inner places. She clutched tightly at the sheets of the bed, feeling as though she might cry from the sheer happiness of this moment. Just as she thought she might surrender to tears, her left hand was captured by the warm and loving touch of her mother. Soon, her fingers were laced together with Olivia’s as her mom continued to pleasure her girl with her mouth.

Olivia parted the young girl’s pussy lips, silky in their moistened excitement. She let her tongue lightly caress the sweet pink folds of her daughter’s most intimate places. When her child opened her hips to grant her more access, she delved deeper into her sweet recesses. She listened to the sound of her lover’s breathing growing harder and faster as her tongue slid up to swirl around her swollen clit. Olivia nursed at her daughter’s button of sensitivity for a leisurely moment before running her fingers along Alexis’ opening to coat them in moisture.

The sensation of her mother nursing at her clit while caressing her pussy sent pleasure coursing through the young sixteen-year-old like nothing she had ever known.

Alexis whispered “Oh… Momma,” as she felt her mother enter her for the first time. She clung to her lover’s reassuring hand, feeling Olivia hasten the pace of the lovemaking, tongue flicking her clitoris, the two fingers that her mother had deep within her matching the labored pace of her breathing.

“Momma, I’m close…” Alexis moaned.

Olivia responded… and the fingers inside Alexis pushed deeper, sending the girl to new heights of pleasure, as her body suddenly tensed with the onset of her climax. She cried out to her mother, her heart swelling with love and utter devotion even as she bucked and rocked in ecstasy. Olivia’s mouth closed on her daughter’s flower, not wanting to waste a drop of the sweet nectar.

Olivia continued to pleasure Alexis, gradually slowing her pace to ease the girl down gently. She waited for the velvety inner muscles contracting around her fingers to relax her before she eased them out of her daughter’s body.

She kissed Alexis’ vagina tenderly, then rested her head against her daughter’s thigh, still wet with the girl’s juices. Her manicured nails then traced along the epicenter of her child’s cunt, caressing Alexis lovingly. A tear rolled down her cheek as she breathed, “I’ve dreamed about this for so long…”

Alexis placed her hands on her mother’s head, stroking her hair. “Again,” she said.

A soft chuckle left Olivia’s lips. “Perhaps you should rest a bit, my love.” She rose up to lie beside her daughter on the bed. Lying down on her side, she faced her child, her new lover. The kiss that welcomed her warmed her heart.

“No,” Alexis whispered, shaking her head. “Say it again.”

Olivia wrapped her arms around Alexis, pulling her close. She felt her daughter’s thigh part hers in order to weave their legs together. “I have dreamed of showing you just how much I wanted you for so long, Lexie. Making love to you has been my fantasy for years,” she murmured. “I have never loved anyone the way that I do you, my darling daughter. You are my entire world.”

Alexis nuzzled her mother’s neck, trailing soft kisses along Olivia’s sweet-smelling skin. Her lips traveled lower, making her mother gasp in pleasure. Her mouth stopped just above a waiting nipple. The warm breath curling around Olivia’s breast was an ecstatic torture. Olivia could feel her daughter’s smile against her skin. “Now who’s being a tease?” she moaned.

A feeling of fiery warmth enveloped her nipple as it was taken lovingly into Alexis’ mouth. Olivia cupped her child’s head, pulling her young lover forward, encouraging her. “Oh, Alexis,” Olivia whimpered, “you do that so well.”

Her daughter’s thigh pressed between her own, causing her to sigh in deepest pleasure. Alexis’ body had long been a source of intense arousal for Olivia, and now her forbidden desire was being realized as she bit her lip, savoring the heavenly sensation of her pussy sliding against her daughter’s leg. She rocked her hips in time with her daughter while Alexis’ mouth moved to her other breast.

Alexis guided a hand around to caress her mother’s flawless ass as she continued to brush Olivia’s burning cunt with her thigh. Meanwhile, her other hand stole between her mom’s legs to play with her clit.

Their soft, sensuous kissing continued, much to Olivia’s delight. She felt breathless and was swooning like a schoolgirl. The sensation of Lexie’s fingers teasing at her clit nearly sent her over the edge, but she resisted the urge to give in so quickly. “Oh, God, baby, that feels so good!”

Heart throbbing with excitement, Alexis slowly kissed her way down her mother’s body. Her tongue swirled in enticing circles around her mom’s belly button. From this vantage, she became aware of the bewitching scent growing stronger as she moved steadily lower. “Oh, Momma,” she sighed, “you smell heavenly.”

Just as she was about to make love to her mother with her mouth, Alexis felt her breast brush against her mother’s clit. She noticed her mother’s moaned reaction and decided to explore this sweet game further. Shifting her weight a bit, she ground a nipple into her mother’s wetness.

“Oh, Lexie, w-what are you doing to me?” Olivia gasped aloud. She felt her body react so strongly to her daughter’s every touch. She could not remember her senses being so stimulated by any of her past lovers. Then again, she told herself, she had never craved anyone as much as she had Alexis. Making love to her precious daughter was an entirely new kind of pleasure, and her body knew it.

Alexis continued to caress Olivia’s glistening pussy with her breast, anointing herself in the essence of her mother. The hips thrusting against her in a slightly faster and more desperate pace told her how close her new lover was.

Olivia parted her thighs wider, opening herself for her daughter. Panting, she angled her hips forward, expecting to feel the softness of her daughter’s silky breast against her cunt once more… but instead felt her clit taken into a warm mouth while two fingers eased into her cunt.  “Oh, GOD!” she cried.

Savoring the taste of her lover, Alexis suckled greedily at her Olivia’s clit. She plunged her fingers in and out of her mother, feeling Olivia open herself to take her daughter further inside. Her mother’s fingers, tangled in her hair, suddenly gripped her frantically, accompanied by a soulful cry which escaped from the older woman’s lips at the moment of orgasm.

Alexis drank deep of her mother’s passion, savoring her sweetness as wave after wave of pleasure battered Olivia helplessly. She continued to suck at her mother’s dripping pussy until Olivia finally collapsed against the pillows… then lightly kissed and caressed her, letting her mother down just as gently as Olivia had done to her.

Looking up at her mother, now resting contentedly, Alexis crawled up to lie with her, twining her arms lovingly around the older woman. She pressed herself close to Olivia, loving the feel of her mother’s back against her breasts. Her lips caressed a smooth shoulder. Lightly, she brushed her mother’s hair away from a soft ear.

“Momma,” she whispered. “Are you asleep?”

Olivia smiled a dreamy smile. “Almost.”

“I just wanted to tell you that…” Her voice trailed away.

The sudden end to her daughter’s words caused Olivia to turn inside their embrace. She stared at her new lover with concerned green eyes. “What, baby?”

A warm hand touching her cheek made Alexis smile. She kissed her mother’s palm, holding the hand and moving it to rest over her heart. “Just being with you, Momma–“

“I know,” Olivia breathed. She kissed her daughter in a way that sent delicious tinglings of new arousal coursing through them both. “It’s everything.”

The End


  • Posted on May 1, 2019 at 2:08 pm

by Amanda

{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in September 2005}

I was ten the first time I ever had sex with a woman. I’ve been with one man since that and it was enough for me to know that I am definitely gay. Her name was Emily. She was a seventeen year old goddess, the prettiest girl in school. I lived in a small town back then, one where everyone knew everyone, and who everyone was sleeping with. Well, Em didn’t want to be labeled a slut, so she had found a different way to satiate her desires.

I worshiped her. She and my sister were both cheerleaders. I would watch them practice for hours, bringing them sodas or fetching towels. I was really doing it for Em, but Maddy, my sister, was there so I had to play nice for her too or she’d run me off.

To this day I suspect that Maddy and Emily had some kind of sexual history, but it had to have ended when my sister started sleeping with her boyfriend. I think this is what had Em back on the prowl.

I was a dead ringer for my sister, only in a younger package. She and I both had my mother’s looks, her dark hair and blue eyes. Maddy had lovely 34 C breasts and I had just started to show the slightest puffiness around my nipples. Maybe that’s why Em liked me. She did like me, she talked to me like I was her age, and she hugged me a lot. She had started babysitting me sometimes when she was thirteen, and we were close.

Maddy was taking a shower after one of their practice sessions and I was sitting outside, listening to Em talk. I can’t remember what she was saying, only that I loved her soft voice and southern drawl. I loved to look at her. I didn’t understand my fascination with her and her beauty back then, but I know now I had a massive crush on this girl.

I noticed, as I sat fawning over her, that Em had become quiet. She was sitting in front of me smiling. “Do you like any boys in your school?” she asked me.

I just shook my head, too mesmerized by her to speak. She reached out and poked my belly and I laughed, playfully pulling away from her.

“I’m going to Greg’s place, can you watch the munchkin till I get back?” Maddy asked, interrupting my moment with Emily. She was rubbing her hair with a towel as she stood wrapped in a robe and dripping in the doorway. She didn’t wait for an answer, just turned and went back in. She knew Em liked spending time with me and wouldn’t say no.

Maddy was gone in a few minutes, leaving me alone with the most fabulous woman on earth. My mother wouldn’t be home for hours — she worked evenings at a textile mill, and I knew Maddy would be at Greg’s until just a few minutes before Mom got back. It meant lots of time with Em, and that was never a bad thing.

Emily took a shower and got dressed while I sat watching television. She made us some frozen pizza for dinner and we sat watching television and eating.

“I should charge your sister for this, ya know?” Em said. I looked up at her.

“You don’t like staying with me?” I asked, a note of heartbreak in my voice.

“Of course I do, sweetie.” Em leaned down and hugged me. “But I make everyone pay for babysitting.”

It hurt me a little, knowing I was just a job, but I never thought in my wildest dreams that Emily liked me the way I liked her. Not that I fully understood those feelings anyhow.

We watched television for the rest of the night. About an hour before bedtime, I changed in to my pajamas and snuggled up on the couch next to Emily. We watched Remington Steele together and when it ended, I headed for bed.

I was most of the way up the stairs when Emily came hurrying up behind me and turned me, pushing my back against the wall. She put her hands on the wall on either side of my head and leaned in close, smiling. And those green eyes, they went right through me. I still have a thing for redheads because of her.

Emily didn’t say a word, just stood there smiling at me, making me nervous. I didn’t know what was going on, I couldn’t imagine why she would be doing this until she leaned in and pressed her mouth against mine.

My eyes opened wide but I could see she had closed hers. She parted her lips slightly and pinched my bottom lip between her own. I was in shock. The most beautiful woman in the world was here with me, kissing me. I didn’t know much at ten, I’d led a sheltered life, but I knew this was the kind of kiss only boyfriends and girlfriends gave each other.

It felt like forever, standing there with Emily’s flowery scent filling my nostrils and her warm, soft lips pressed against mine, before she broke away and stood back. She pressed her finger against my lips. “Don’t tell anyone I did that… okay, Cyn?” she whispered.

Don’t tell? I wanted to scream it from the rooftop. I was in heaven, dancing on clouds, swooning. But I knew enough to understand why I couldn’t say that an older girl like her had kissed me that way.

She walked me up to my room and tucked me in, stopping to kiss me once again on the lips. It was a shorter kiss, but just as heavenly.

If I’d known about masturbation then, I’d have had some way to relieve the aching desire I was feeling. My sex was hot and swollen and it felt a little wet. I didn’t understand what the kiss had done to me, but I liked the feeling. For all its frustration, I truly liked it.

The next time I saw Em was about a week later. I had begun to feel hurt that she hadn’t come around, especially after the beautiful kiss we had shared. I was walking home from school and she was getting off the bus from high school. She saw me and called out to me, then came running up, all smiles.

She was so sweet, she took my book bag and slung it over her shoulder. “Can I walk you home?” she asked.

What was I going to say? No? Of course not, my red-haired goddess was offering to join me — not come see Maddy, not just going the same way I was. Her house was actually in the opposite direction, and she was walking me home. I just blushed and smiled bashfully. She smiled back and took my hand walking me the two blocks to my house.

“Maddy went to the dentist today… she won’t be home ‘till later,” I told Emily as we walked into the house.

“I know sweetie, we have math together. But I wanted to see you.”

She came to see me! Me, not Maddy, not for practice, she came for me! Could anything be more wonderful?

Dutifully, like the good little girl I’d been taught to be, I went into the kitchen and poured a lemonade for both Em and myself. I brought them into the living room, handing the bigger of the two glasses to my lovely Emily. “It isn’t as sweet as normal,” I told her, sipping at mine.

Emily sipped her drink and set it aside. She patted her hand on the couch, inviting me to come sit with her. “I missed you this week,” she told me as I sat down next to her, feeling giddy from being so close.

I set my lemonade down and tried to look relaxed. I didn’t want to act like a little kid, I wanted her to like me. “How come you didn’t come by?” I asked her.

Emily just smiled that beautiful smile at me. She stroked my hair so softly, I could feel her touch all the way down my back. I leaned into her palm as she touched my face and closed my eyes.

I gasped when I felt her lips on mine. It surprised me but only for a moment and then I leaned into the kiss, letting my lips part as hers had. I was wearing a short skirt that day, and I hardly reacted when she began to touch my leg. Emily’s hand felt so soft and warm as she stroked my lower thigh. I could feel she was moving her hand higher, under the hem of my denim skirt. I was scared, I’ll admit it, I was very afraid — but it was Emily and I trusted her. She’d been watching me for about four years and I felt so at home, so safe with her.

Emily’s lips were gone from mine and I opened my eyes to that lovely smile. I swallowed hard and couldn’t keep my gaze from lowering to watch her hand disappearing under my skirt.

I startled when her thumb brushed across my clit and she paused, the smile never fading. “Is that okay, sweetie?” she asked me. Mom had told me that that was my special place and no one could touch it. She had said that I shouldn’t talk about it or touch it, because I had to be a good girl.

I was afraid, but it was Emily — how could she be doing anything wrong? Slowly I turned my head from side to side, wrapped in the moment and much too nervous to speak. “Does it feel good?” she asked as she pressed her thumb against my clit once more. I nodded my head slowly, eyes locked on her arm.

It did feel good. Every time she moved her thumb it sent waves of tingles through me. I’d never felt anything like it before. She was touching me in such a wonderful way. I could feel my breath quickening, and the room seemed to be getting hotter. “Won’t we get in trouble?” I finally managed to ask.

“No one has to know, sweetie. I won’t tell.” Emily sat back. She picked up her lemonade and sipped it, then set it back down. “If you want to stop, you should tell me,” she said quietly.

Want her to stop? For all the fear, the uncertainty, I was loving this. All this wonderful, naughty attention from my goddess, I had to be the luckiest girl in the world.

“But I’m a girl,” I told her. Like I said, a sheltered life. I didn’t understand my feelings for her, and knew nothing of lesbians or pedophiles.

“I like girls,” she said, almost blushing. “Especially pretty little blue-eyed girls like you.” She pressed her finger against my nose, tracing it down to my lips. She made a kissing smack with her lips and I giggled shyly.

Emily was incredibly gentle and kind. I remember teenage sex, it was rough, clumsy, selfish. Emily was none of these things with me. She made me feel like I was the only thing in the world to her. She was a wonderful girl.

Slowly Emily coaxed me up and led me to my bedroom where she eased me down on the bed. She straddled me, walking on her knees until she hovered over my hips, staring down at me. The smile, that constant smile, it never faded or faltered as she pulled her sweater up over her head and dropped it on to the bed next to me. Her scent wafted up to me when the sweater landed next to me and I drank in its scent. She smelled so soft and sweet.

I swallowed hard when she popped the buttons on her jeans. Em shifted on the bed until she could get her pants off and then there she was — fair skinned, light freckles, hovering over me in her white lace bra and panties. I know now, though I didn’t then, that she had planned this. She had worn the underwear for me, though I couldn’t fully appreciate it at that age.

With little bumps on my chest and no hips to speak of, I suddenly felt self conscious. Emily’s curves were so perfect, so beautiful, and me, I looked like a boy. Absently my hand went to her hip and I stroked her leg. She was so soft, it was like rubbing silk.

“It’s your turn,” she cooed as she began tugging at my shirt. I didn’t want to stop, but I was ashamed of my immature body. I resisted as she pulled my shirt off, but only a little and hardly enough for her to notice. Next came my skirt. She sat back and looked down at me, her eyes growing slightly larger.

I blushed and covered my breasts, tears rushing to my eyes. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to do. “I’m ugly.” I sobbed.

Immediately Emily fell on me and hugged me. “You’re anything but ugly, sweetheart,” She said, trying to comfort me. Finally she sat back and coaxed my hands away from my breasts. I was feeling better, she had a way of just making things okay.

“But I don’t have any boobs,” I whined, trying to cover my chest. “Maybe I’ll be pretty like Maddy when I grow up.”

“You’re beautiful now.”

“But I’m not…”

Emily pressed her finger over my lips. “Shhh…” she whispered. “I like you just like this.”

“And you d-don’t wish I was older?”

Emily shook her head and leaned down, kissing me. She then whispered in to my ear, “I think little girls are sexier.”

I didn’t understand what she meant. I wasn’t even sure what sexy really was. But it made me feel better all the same. I relaxed a little and let her win the battle for control of my hands.

Emily sat back up and reached between her breasts, unclasping her bra and letting it fall away. I’d never seen bare breasts before. Not Maddy’s, not my mother’s, no one. They were wonderful. Em’s breasts were beautiful round C cups with youthful pink nipples and a slight dusting of freckles. I wanted to touch them, but I was too afraid.

I didn’t have to wait or wonder. Emily took my hands in hers and guided them to her breasts, helping me massage them, touch them. She moved my thumbs over her nipples, and closed her eyes, sighing softly.

Slowly she moved my hands down her body, letting me feel every inch of her. Finally she reached her hips, and she pushed my thumbs under the elastic of her panties. She helped me pull the lovely lace panties down her legs and off.

Emily kept herself trimmed into a perfect orange red triangle of fine soft hair. I couldn’t tear my eyes from her sex. It was amazing. Her lips protruded slightly and I could just detect her musk in the air. She took my hand again and guided it towards her vulva. She pressed my finger against the hard knot hidden in her folds. I could feel her warmth and her wonderful wetness. It sent a charge through me.

“Do you feel that?” she asked. I nodded my head. “That’s called a clit. It’s where we girls feel something really special.”

I looked up at her, into those green eyes. I was trying to comprehend everything that was happening, trying to understand how I could be so lucky as to have her attention this way.

Emily’s hands on my body brought me back, and I closed my eyes. She was gently pinching my nipples and rubbing the soft flesh that would someday be my breasts. Slowly she moved her hands down my body until they were separated from my skin by the thin cotton of my panties. Em hooked her thumbs under my panties and slid them down my legs. Again I found myself feeling embarrassed by my immaturity, but her broadening smile reassured me.

The softness of Emily’s lips on my nipple sent waves of heat through me. She kissed my breasts, rubbed them, made love to them. I could feel the sweat on my forehead, and my breath was quickening so much that I felt a little dizzy.

Emily made her way down my belly, rubbing my sides, caressing me, loving me as she went. Finally she reached my sex and paused to look up at me. Our eyes met and I swallowed hard and tried to smile.

A shock raced through my belly when her tongue touched my clit. I gasped and clenched my fists. Emily suckled my clit, coaxing moans from my lips.

I don’t know which finger she used, but she didn’t break my hymen. The sensation of her finger sliding inside me, though, caused me to arch my back and gasp, almost squealing as I did. She lapped at my clit, suckled it, pinched it between her lips. I was writhing on the bed, my head thrashing from side to side.

My eyes flew open, but my vision dimmed as I felt my very first orgasm rip through my body. I shuddered, trembled, squealed. I felt my toes clench and my hands were tearing at the covers on the bed. “Em!” I squealed as she caused another wave of pleasure to race through me.

Finally spent, I relaxed into the bed and closed my eyes, breathing deeply, contentedly. My vagina was still spasming every so often. Each pulse carried a wave of pleasure with it causing me to drift just at the edge of sleep.

“That’s called a climax,” Em said as she slid up to lay next to me and kissed my ear. I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at her. I couldn’t yet speak. I was in shock. Nothing like that had ever happened before. I didn’t even know it could happen. She stroked my face, happy to let me lay there and recover from this brand new experience.

“Is that sex?” I finally managed to ask.

“Yes,” she answered simply.

That opened a door to a new world for me. Suddenly I doubted everything my mother had ever said about sex. It wasn’t dirty or bad, it was wonderful, soft, gentle. Emily had shown me something I could never have even dreamt of. Maybe my crush on her had been one of those normal little girl crushes on an older girl — but this, it had changed me. If I wasn’t gay before, I was now. She had ruined me for anything but females.

I was starting to gain coherence. Emily coaxed me up on to my knees and helped me straddle her. She guided my hands over her breasts. I pinched her nipples like she had done for me. I realized what she wanted from me and I wanted to do my best for her. I wanted to give her what she’d given me.

She moved my hands down to her belly, but I was feeling more confident and took over, rubbing, stroking, caressing her as I built up my courage to reach down and touch her sex.

My hands moved over her pubic hair and soft mound until at last they moved through her moist folds. Emily sighed, smiling up at me, encouraging me to continue. “Did you like what I did for you?” she asked me. I nodded my head, already able to see what she was getting at. I was nervous though, I wasn’t sure I could do it. “You remember when I showed you my clit?” Again I nodded my head. “When you lick that, and suck on it, it feels very good.”

Slowly, timidly I slid down until I was between her legs, staring at her sex. It was a beautiful sight. I traced its outline with my finger, fascinated by what I was seeing.

Finally, having built up the courage, I moved forward, stretching my tongue out. I pressed my tongue against her clit and moved it slightly. Again, she sighed. She began gently stroking my hair and whispering to me, but I couldn’t understand what she was saying.

The scent of her excitement, the taste of her honey, it excited me, sending new waves of desire through me. I loved her taste. No woman I’ve ever been with has tasted as sweet as she did. Maybe it was because she was my first, or because she truly was a goddess, but Emily was wonderful in every way, so much that even today I dream of her.

Feeling more confident I did as she had instructed before and sucked her clit into my mouth. I pressed my tongue against it, trying to remember what she had done for me. It was all a blur, though — and I wasn’t sure I was doing it right.

“Put your fingers in me,” I heard her say. I shifted on the bed and penetrated her. The feeling of her walls closing around my fingers triggered a new excitement. I felt the warmth in my lower regions again. I couldn’t believe how easily they slid in, how her body seemed to welcome me.

I moved my fingers in and out while I suckled her clit. Emily began rocking her hips with me, moaning more loudly. I relaxed a little as she ran her fingers through my hair. Even something so simple as that excited me.

“Oh!” she gasped. Emily drew me into her, trying to get me to put more pressure on her clit. “Suck harder!” she whispered hoarsely. I did, trying to do my best for her, trying to make her feel as wonderful as she had made me feel.

With a single cry she pulled me forward, arching her back. She moved her hips more slowly, pulling me in, begging silently for more. I was a little afraid, I couldn’t breathe, but didn’t want to stop. I felt her walls contracting around my fingers, and I made a single muffled sound, the vibrations of which sent shudders through her.

Finally she relaxed into the bed and quieted. I crawled up to lay next to her, staring at her in amazement. I had done it, I had given her that amazing feeling! I felt powerful, older.

Emily opened her eyes and rolled onto her side, smiling at me. “You’re really good at that,” she said to me. I blushed and averted my eyes. She leaned in and kissed me softly.

“Can I be your girlfriend? I promise I won’t tell,” I assured her, knowing already that what we had done must be a secret at all costs.

“I dunno, sweetie, are you sure you’d like that?”

“I want to be your girlfriend, and you can be mine,” I begged.

Emily turned me on my back and pulled me against her naked body. She kissed my neck and shoulders. I loved the way it felt to be held in her arms that way. “Okay sweetie, we’ll be girlfriends.”

I wanted to jump up and dance and sing and run around but I didn’t move. Having her hold me like that, it was too wonderful to run from, now so more than before since she was really mine, she was my girlfriend. “Can we hold hands when we watch TV?” I asked her.

Emily rolled up and kissed my cheek. She tickled my side playfully and squeezed me. “As much as you want, sweetheart.”

I can’t even begin to tell you what Em meant to my life. She was the most memorable lover, the most precious memory I have. She made my childhood a time of wonder and beauty, and I will be eternally grateful to her.


My Daughter and I Begin

  • Posted on April 23, 2019 at 7:25 pm

Author Unknown

It was my ex-girlfriend Nora who got me started, I guess. She’s gone now, but the inspiration she gave me remains.

Our sex was the “anytime, any place” sort, lesbian style. Water sports, toys, an enormous strap-on cock and talk of young girls. I knew she had a predilection that way, and not only did it not bother me, it turned me on to talk about it.

One night, the subject of my eight-year-old daughter Jenny came up. I can’t remember how we ended up talking about it, but the conversation centered on the smell of young girls; particularly the scent of their pussies. That night as we fucked, I whispered in her ear, “Are you thinking of little Jenny’s cunt?”

She said, “Yes,” then asked with a knowing smile, “Are you?”

I didn’t have to make it up, I replied “Yes, I’m thinking of her pussy now.” I was, too. And I wasn’t ashamed.

As I said, Nora’s gone now. We’re still friends, blah blah blah, but what I’ve continued to do is, before I turn in for the night, I’ll get a pair of Jenny’s used panties from the hamper and bring them to bed with me. My little girl is eleven now, and utterly adorable. I lie in bed and smell her panties, linger over them until I give into my desire, and then I slowly lick the crotch to taste my daughter’s cunt.

And I get crude in my fantasies. I say the words as they enter my head — sometimes, even whispering them aloud.

I’ll fantasize I’m talking to her, saying, Do you like me licking your baby cunt? And in my imagination I’ve already taught her the dirty words I want her to use, so she’ll reply, Yes, Mummy, lick my cunt, get me wet, make me come in your mouth. Fuck your little girl.

I’d developed a serious obsession, and for two years I’d been wondering how to make a move on my little girl without scaring her silly. After all, she’s my daughter and I love her with all my heart. But maybe I didn’t want her to learn about sex at the hands of some young spotty adolescent, a lout who cared not a fig for my little girl as he groped her secret parts. I wanted to be her lover.

Then one night, something wonderful happened.

I’d gone to bed with a pair of Jenny’s panties, like usual. I’d chosen a particularly cute baby-blue pair — those always turned me on in a big way, especially when my daughter was running around in them.

I’d hardly started in on my fantasy when the door slowly opened and in came little Jenny. There was no reason for her to be there. Oh, it had happened before in times of stress; thunder storms, bad dreams, the usual. But tonight? All was calm, as was she. Yet there she was, crawling into bed with me in her everyday sleepwear, a Tigger t-shirt with loose-fitting shorts.

I asked if she was okay, she whispered “Yes,” and then fell asleep.

It felt as if I was in unexplored terrain. I couldn’t very well start masturbating with Jenny’s panties while she was so close to me, but damn it, I was feeling more aroused that I could ever remember being.

I whispered, “Jenny?” No response. I put my hand on her leg and gently shook it — no response.

I kept my hand on her leg, just above the knee. She had quite thin legs, just on the verge of filling out and becoming womanly. I stroked her thigh in a motherly fashion, or so I told myself, but my touches were increasing in proportion to my heart rate.

Her legs were already slightly parted; now they eased open just a bit more. Was she asleep? This was so risky.

I softly whispered her name once more. Nothing.

I was now stroking the inside of her left thigh, the one nearest to me, slowly letting my hand move higher. Where was I going? What was I doing? Then came the magical moment when my fingers slipped beneath her shorts and I felt wisps of soft down between her legs.

Why was I surprised that she had pubes? She was on the cusp of womanhood, after all. It was like stroking a peach.

By this point I’d eased her left leg over my right. I felt like I was falling down a ravine as my fingers gently touched her virgin cunt. And there was my second surprise. She was wet. She felt wet and open. I gently continued my caressing, amazed at my own temerity, at my own willingness to seduce my own daughter.


I froze. I stopped. Stock still, like a statue. The only part of me that continued to move was my thumping heart.

“That feels nice, Mummy.”

Mind you, I didn’t feel any sense of relief at her words. I think I was still in shock.

“Don’t stop Mummy, please.”

Had she been awake all this time? It didn’t really matter, she certainly was now.

“Baby,” I said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be doing this.”

But I hadn’t moved my hand. And then I felt her hand on mine.

“Don’t stop,” she said again.

So I carried on, stroking her sweet slit. Her arms came from beneath the bedclothes and she pushed them down. I helped til we were both completely uncovered. I’d moved my hand so it was inside her shorts from the top, cupping her little sex while my middle finger was caressing her clit. Jenny’s breathing deepened, as did mine.

I had to say something, we couldn’t continue this without speaking about it first. I had a feeling that if we carried on in silence, then went to sleep in silence, we’d wake up in silence.

“Are you okay, baby?” I asked.

“Yes, it feels wonderful,” Jenny said, then, “Don’t worry, Mummy,” she continued, as if reading my mind. “This is our secret.”

My finger was now inside her cunt. I was stunned by how wet my little girl was.

“I want to taste you, darling,” I whispered, “I want to lick you down there, would you like that?”

She just nodded.

“Tell me.” I said. “Tell me that you want me to taste you.”

She gave a determined nod. “I want you to taste me, Mummy, I want you to lick me.”

I eased Jenny’s t-shirt up to reveal her little tits. They were small, but as she lay now, her chest was as flat as a two-year-old’s. I licked her nipples, suckled them, then began to kiss my way down to her tummy.

“Dearest Jenny… I want you so much,” I told her as I continued my journey down her body. “Are you sure about this?”

“Surer than anything,” my child said, and I dipped my head between her legs.

I kissed her inner thighs, then moved in to lick her, shaking as I took that first taste of my beautiful daughter. She spread her legs as wide as she could, and a whole world of possibilities opened up before us.


We woke in the morning… not to silence, but to smiles and a hug. I’d gone down on my eleven-year-old daughter and made her come twice. The very thought made me wet all over again.

I pulled her to me, wrapped my arms around her little body and we held each other. Her pajamas had disappeared in the night and we lay naked in each other’s arms.

I eventually went for a shower, then downstairs to make breakfast. There were still chores to do, after all. Jenny would be off to school soon, so I decided to skip work. I would’ve been useless anyway.

It was when Jenny came into the kitchen that the reality of what we’d done really hit home. She was in her school uniform and she looked, once again, like my eleven-year-old daughter. Just a little girl.

She seemed fine, but I was fast becoming a mess. Somehow, I managed to hold it together until she’d left for the bus stop at the head of the street, but once I was alone, I cried. These weren’t tears of despair or guilt, or even happiness. I don’t know why I cried, I just did.

I got through the day, but as the time went on I became increasingly anxious. Would Jenny be okay when she got home? Would she be thinking about me? About our night together? Was she having second thoughts about what we’d done?

Eventually the door opened and closed and Jenny walked into the living room where I sat, tense as a carriage spring. And she came over and knelt in front of me. We looked at each other, just gazing into each other’s eyes.

“Is everything all right, baby?” I asked, my voice gone hoarse.

Jenny smiled. “Everything’s wonderful, Mummy.” She paused. “Isn’t it?”

Then I did what I should have done last night but, surprisingly, didn’t: I kissed her. Imagine a hot summer’s day when the heat makes everything seem silent and still, and you see a butterfly light on a flower. That’s how delicate our first kiss was.

“My heart’s beating so fast,” I whispered between kisses.

“So’s mine,” she whispered back.

So I put my hand on her chest and felt Jenny’s heart through her school blouse, and kissed her more deeply. I opened my mouth and she did the same and then we were kissing like lovers. Our tongues touched, nervously, like debutantes at the first dance. I was stroking her breasts, her small, beautifully formed breasts. I could feel the fabric of the training bra we’d only recently bought.

My mouth left hers and I began to kiss her cheek, her neck, then I was nuzzling her ear and she was literally panting. I whispered her name in her ear, kept saying it.

“Oh, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. I want you so much, baby. I’ve been thinking about this for so long.”

“How long, Mummy?” All this was in hushed tones.

“Don’t hate me for this, baby… but ever since you were eight, I’ve wanted to make love to you.”

“Oh, Mummy, I want that too. I love you so much!” While we’d been kissing, her hands had been resting on my knees, and now she began to ease the skirt I wore up my legs. Then I felt her right hand move higher and higher until she was caressing my inner thigh.

“Touch me.” I whispered, and she did. Her fingers were stroking my cunt through my panties which, by this time, were soaked.

“You’re wet, Mummy.”

“It’s how you make me feel, baby.”

She moved her head to whisper into my ear, “I’m wet too, Mummy. And that’s how you make me feel.”

We kissed again, both of us moaning and whimpering into each other’s mouths, and I slid my hand beneath her short pleated skirt and, with little ceremony, delved into her cotton panties. She was wet. The insides of her thighs were slippery with her juices.

Now she had a finger in my cunt, sliding it in and out.

“Taste me.” I said, “put your finger in your mouth and taste me.”

And she did. Then she did it again, and again.

“I like how you taste, Mummy,” she said.

We kissed again, tongues meeting, I wanted to suck her nipples, I wanted to taste her cunt, I wanted to lick her anus, I wanted everything. I wanted to devour her completely, I was so boundlessly in love with my daughter.

That afternoon on the sofa in the living room, we did taste each other. I went down on her, and, at her insistence, she went down on me. It’s a sin, I know. It’s wrong, I know that too. But looking down at my eleven-year-old daughter, head between my open legs, as she licked my cunt, it wasn’t a sin. It wasn’t wrong. It was the most right thing in the world.

I didn’t want to dominate her life, I didn’t want to abuse her. I wanted to teach her. I wanted to love her. I wanted us to love each other. And now we do, nearly every day. We feel complete.

The End


Cheryl and My Mother, Part 2

  • Posted on April 15, 2019 at 2:21 pm

Author Unknown

Previously, in Part One: Sixteen-year-old Linda is stunned to discover that her own mother Beth has become the willing sex slave of her best friend Cheryl, then finds herself interested when Cheryl offers to help Linda become the dominant of her mother, Violet. Though she agrees to her friend’s scheme, Linda finds herself even more excited about the possibility of exploring incest with her own mom.


“I’d like to be your lover, Violet.” Our noses were mere inches apart as I whispered these words in her kitchen. I had just surprised Cheryl’s mother by entering the room and wrapping my arms around her in a loving hug, nuzzling her neck… then I told her what I wanted from her.

The thirty-nine-year-old woman gasped at my bluntness… and she flushed awkwardly.

“Linda — you don’t know what you’re saying.” Violet turned away and stood before the stove as if she was too embarrassed to look at me.

I came around the counter and stood behind her, my nose in her long thick blonde hair. “I’m a virgin, Violet.” I leaned in and pressed my lips against her ear, kissing it gently. “I want… I need you to teach me how to be a woman.” One of my hands was placed gently upon Cheryl’s mother’s ass, and I was surprised at how firm it was.

She leaned over the stove so that her head pulled away from my warm lips, but this left her ass in the palm of my hand. Cheryl had told me that she guessed her mother was very anal — that her ass was her prime erogenous zone.

“I can’t, honey!” she pleaded. “If you like girls, Linda, there must be others that would… do this for you.”

Did I like girls?

A month ago I would have vehemently said ‘no’. Yet, the one person I most desired was a woman, an older sexy woman — my own mother, actually. And when I watched mother and that teenage girl fuck, it wasn’t the girl’s body that I hungered for.

“Like Cheryl, you mean…?” I said sweetly.

Violet gasped, pulled away from me and retreated backwards to the sink. Horror filled her eyes. “Cheryl likes boys.” I think she said it more for her benefit than mine.

I eventually shrugged as an answer, “I want you, Violet.” She shook her head side to side silently. “If I can’t have you, then… well, Cheryl is a younger version of you, isn’t she…?”

Violet’s mouth opened as her sudden horror caused her shoulders to slump.

“I’m married,” she whispered, as if that obvious fact was enough to stop my advances.

“Cheryl says you and her father haven’t fucked for months,” I said softly.

The older woman frowned, wondering how her daughter knew this. Cheryl loved all forms of sex, even voyeurism — and she seemed to be very knowledgable about her mother’s sex life.

I sighed as if resigning my position, “If you don’t want to be my girlfriend, Violet… can’t you at least help me — teach me about love… please? I want you so very much…”

Some of her confidence seemed to return — she thought I was retreating. “I’m not a lesbian, dear, but you are like a daughter to me… and I will do what I can to help you.”

I sniffled and threw myself against her. My arms encircled her and I sobbed against her for several dramatic minutes, pressing my body tightly to hers before turning about and running out of there and back to my house.

Mother was making Cheryl lunch, naked but for black stockings and high heels. She tried to ignore me as I stood enjoying the sight of her for nearly a minute.

I found my best friend wearing mother’s bathrobe seated in our living room, obviously naked beneath. Her face lit up when she saw me.

I sat in the chair across from her, noticing that I could see straight up the bathrobe, right to the lightly downed pussy between her pale thighs. She opened her legs wider when she saw me look.

“Tell me how it went,” she murmured, and my eyes returned to hers as I did so, hiding nothing of my visit with her mother.


Violet frowned when I got in her Mercedes without her daughter… she was clearly nervous to be alone with me, I saw. “Where’s Cheryl, Linda?”

I put my school bag down at my feet and reached for the seat belt. “She went over to a friend’s house.” Mine, actually, for an afternoon of kinky sex with my mom, but it was far too early for Violet to know about her daughter’s sexual games. “I wanted to be alone with you anyway.” I slipped my hand upon her thigh, squeezing for emphasis.

Shocked, she gasped, “Don’t do that, Linda!” I stroked the bare skin of her leg lovingly, noting that she had worn an attractive skirt that day. “Please,” she begged me, “please stop this…”

I gazed deep into her eyes and breathed, “I will if you kiss me.”

Violet’s nervousness was turning into furious surprise as she batted my hand away, then put the car into first gear and sped out of the parking lot.

After a few blocks I broke the thick silence. “You said you would help me, Violet.” I could tell my use of her first name made her uneasy, which is why I continued to use it.

She seemed surprised, as if she didn’t remember telling me that the day before. “How could I possibly help you, Linda?”

“I want to know what it’s like to make love to a woman, Violet… and you are the one I want. I’d love to have you lick my pussy…”

Violet hit the brakes of her car and pulled to the side of the street. She then turned toward me on the leather seat, on the verge of tears. At first she was at a loss for words, but they finally came to her, “Linda — I told you… I’m — I’m not a lesbian… and I’m h-happily married!”

I blurted, “You never said ‘happily’… and I don’t believe that, either.”

That stunned her to silence, mouth open.

I threw my trump card into the game, “Cheryl offered to… be with me.”

Violet faced forwards again in her seat, both hands holding the steering wheel in a death grip. “My God!”

“I don’t want to ruin my friendship with Cheryl… but I really want you!” I feigned a sob of despair.

“My daughter would never do such a thing!”

“I can prove it to you.” Her disbelieving eyes returned to me, daring me.

I reached into my purse and quickly rummaged inside it, pulling out a note, handwritten by Cheryl. In truth, she and I had composed it the night before. We made it just explicit enough to make it clear that Violet’s daughter was offering to be my lover.

Violet read the note, her hands trembling.

“Is that proof enough for you?” I said in a stricken voice.

She turned to me, finally whispering, “W-why are you doing this to me…?”

“Doing what? Telling you that I find you beautiful… that I think about being with you all the time? That I want to share pleasure with you?” A lie — I still craved my mother above all, but I was also looking forward to fucking Violet, to teaching her about the pleasures of lesbian love… pleasures I myself had only just learned to enjoy. “Is that so wrong, Violet?” My voice was angry now.

She sat motionless for a long time. Finally, she turned to me. “All right… I will do it.”

“Do what?” I was pushing her, wanting her to submit to me from the very start.

“I will,” she was struggling, but I stared her down until she lowered her head. “I will… make love to you.” She was whispering, her hands trembling in her lap.

I took her face in my hands turned it to mine, and planted a soft kiss on her mouth. “I’ll get out here, Violet,” I murmured, opening the car door, “I just remembered — I need to visit the library.” I began to walk away, then turned back to smile at Cheryl’s mother through the open window. “I’ll call you.”

As I walked away, I glanced back over my shoulder, feeling a prickle of excitement to see Violet, staring at nothing, her fingers brushing her lips where I had just kissed her. She had resisted me, but something inside her — something obviously neglected by her husband — had responded to my desire. I smiled… our plan was going beautifully. Reaching into my purse for my cell phone, I quickly punched in Cheryl’s number.

She caught me on the second ring. “Hello?”

“It worked.”


I opened our front door, wearing my bathrobe, to let Violet in. Cheryl had taken Mom out somewhere, so the house would be vacant for my sexual games with her mother. Violet’s demeanor was reluctant, but the fact that she was wearing an attractive dress was not lost on me. Even if the idea of lesbian sex unnerved her, the fact that she was wanted and desired clearly had an effect on her. And I intended to make the most of that…

Without a word, I led her from the foyer to my bedroom. As she followed me, I wondered for a moment what kinky games Cheryl was playing with my mother right then.

As I entered the bedroom, I slowly turned to face Violet, then let my robe fall open. Her eyes widened as she saw that, but for the robe, I was naked.

I moved closer, my face inches from hers. My hand extended to brush her cheek. “You are a beautiful woman,” I breathed. She stood motionless, rooted to the spot. Moving closer, I brought my mouth to hers for a kiss.

The kiss was gentle, affectionate… I wanted to take things as slow as possible before our sex play got down and dirty. She didn’t really respond to the kiss, but she didn’t pull away, either.

I pulled back and gazed deep into her eyes, pressing my body slightly against hers. She was trembling slightly… and that was when I knew I could take her any way I wanted. Violet clearly thought what we were doing was wrong, and didn’t want to respond to my overtures, but she needed to be loved so badly that her resistance was already weakening. Anyhow, she had no choice but to make love with me… now all I had to do was make her need it.

I kissed her again, this time softly at first… then I was thrilled to feel her lips part slightly. Without hesitation, I slipped my tongue into Violet’s mouth and entwined her in my arms, pulling her into me. She wouldn’t let herself kiss me back, not yet anyway… but she was definitely allowing me to have my way with her.

Suddenly I pushed her against the wall and hoisted up her skirt. Before she could protest, I slid my hand into Violet’s panties, seeking her cunt. As I had suspected, her pussy was wet.

Violet tore her mouth from mine, but I quickly slipped a finger inside her slick channel… and whatever she had intended to say trailed off into a moan. I fingered her hard and fast, and by the way her legs were trembling, it was clear just how thrilled my best friend’s mother was.

“I’m fucking you, Violet,” I murmured into her ear, pausing to run my tongue around it. “Do you like me fucking you?”

She said nothing, and I hissed “Do you? Do you like it?”

A barely-there whisper. “Yes…” Her arms slowly wrapped their way around my bare back. My excitement soared. Already she was submitting to my desires…

“What do you like, Violet? Tell me!” I slid a second finger into her.

“Ohhhhh… I like… like you f-fucking me!” she gasped, clearly close to climax.

Before she could come, I quickly removed my hand from her panties. Violet stood slumped against the wall in a daze, blinking foolishly. My eyes burned into hers as I slipped my pussy-wet fingers into my mouth and sucked at them.

“It’s my turn, Violet,” I purred. Turning away from her, I padded over to my bed and sat, then looked up at her. With a wicked smile, I said softly, “Take your clothes off.”

Violet stepped from her shoes and, with shaking hands, began unfastening the buttons of her dress, sliding it from her shoulders to puddle at her feet. She reached around to unhook her bra, then let it fall to the floor. Her breasts were beautiful, full and firm with just a hint of sag. My friend’s mother pushed her panties to her feet and stepped from them, then stood motionless, presenting her naked body to me. Her honey-wheat pubes were full and lush, and I could just barely detect the glistening pinkness of her slit. Her eyes were wide, her breath excited as she waited for my instructions. I knew now how badly she needed to be taken, to be controlled.

I languidly lay back on the bed, parting my thighs to fully reveal my wet cunt to her gaze. “Pleasure me, Violet,” I whispered.

She simply came forward, climbed on the bed and knelt between my knees, her eyes now locked to my sparse red pubic hair and the moist labia beneath. It was why she was here… and what she feared most. What she wanted most.

Without any foreplay or words, Violet closed her eyes and lowered her face into my sex. Her soft mouth brushed lightly against my wet heat as she tentatively explored me. I hummed with satisfaction as her tongue emerged to slowly lick at my cunt. Encouraged by my response, she grew more confident in her oral ministrations. “Yes, Violet… that’s a good girl,” I breathed.

She was obviously inexperienced at eating pussy, but I could feel her getting into what she was doing, and it felt really good… if not as good as what my mother had given me on that wild afternoon that started me on this path of sweet depravity. Violet was now licking and sucking my cunt eagerly, working hard to please me… and I decided to push her even further.

I nudged her face away and drew my knees to my breasts, opening myself even wider. “Lick my asshole, Violet.”

She didn’t hesitate for a moment, just trailed her tongue from my cunt down to my crack. I felt her gently rim my asshole, and sighed with pleasure. After a minute of this her tongue was pressing firmly into my anal ring. It felt wonderful. Obviously Cheryl had been correct about her mother’s love of ass play.

This went on for some time, Violet rimming my asshole expertly, before I suddenly lifted her head and commanded, “Lick my clit, Violet!”

And when her lips encircled my clitoris, I began to orgasm with a wave of electric pleasure that burned through my body like a wildfire, leaving me panting with delight.

It lasted for a long while and opened my eyes to look at her staring up my body almost innocently. A stab of excitement shot through me as I realized that she was waiting for me to tell her what to do next. God, this woman was a born submissive!

I sat up, swinging my legs to the floor. “Get on all fours, Violet.”

Without a word she obeyed. I stood and walked around her. Violet was trembling slightly, her body flushed with excitement. Her cunt was so wet that it was oozing down her thighs. I could easily smell her arousal.

I placed my hand on Violet’s ass, and a shudder of pleasure ran through her. My fingers glided lightly over her cheeks. Violet was breathing heavily, her body as taut as piano wire. She desperately needed to come… but I would make her beg me for it.

My hand slipped between her thighs to brush her cunt. She cried out, throwing her head back. I teased her mercilessly with my touches; gently stroking her labia, trailing my fingers down her opening, allowing just the tip of a finger to penetrate her burning slit. Violet was now trembling from head to toe. Finally she whispered “Please…”

I leaned in close, my lips touching her ear. “Please what, Violet?”

“Please, Linda… f-finish me off.”

I withdrew my hand from between her thighs, and she moaned in frustration… then yelped as I slapped her ass. hard. I spoke softly, but with a catch in my voice. “In the first place, you will not call me ‘Linda’ when we are fucking,” I said. “Let’s get this straight, Violet… you are my sexual plaything, and I am now your mistress.” I slapped her ass again, and she cried out. “In the second place,” I continued, “what you really want is for me to fuck you… NOT ‘finish you off.'” I grabbed her chin and turned her face to mine. “So tell me what you want, Violet.”

Her eyes were frantic, mouth open. “I… I want you to, to fuck me… Mistress.”

I slapped her butt a third time. “Ask me nicely!”

Violet moaned, her body twisting. “PLEASE, Mistress,” she gasped, her eyes brimming with tears. “Please… fuck me!”

She screamed as I plunged two fingers deep into her cunt. I fucked her hard and fast — feeling the sensations rising through her body, feeling her climax approaching. And it was at that precise moment that I placed the tip of my other index finger on the pale rosebud of her anus, and pushed it into her ass with a single stroke.

Violet screamed again, an agonized howl ripping from her throat as she exploded in a convulsive orgasm, her body thrashing helplessly. It was incredible — I didn’t know a person could come so hard. But then, I’d have bet that Violet hadn’t known she could, either…

Her climax lasted for nearly two amazing minutes… then she slumped forward, her face buried in my pillow, her ass in the air. I withdrew my fingers from her cunt, then licked them. Since I had never gone down on another female, this was my first taste of pussy. A delicious tingle ran through me as I wondered how Mom tasted…

Violet lay on her side, curled into a ball, dozing lightly. I dressed and left her there, going down to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich.

Fifteen minutes later, Violet quietly came into the kitchen as I ate.

“I… have to go now,” she said in a quiet voice. Her face was pale, and she seemed shaken.

I rose, crossing the room to her. Before she could speak, my body was pressed against hers. Our noses were almost touching.

“You’ll be here the same time Thursday,” I said flatly.

Her mouth opened, and nothing came out at first. Finally she managed “Yes.” I fixed her with a glare, and she hastened to say, “Yes, Mistress.”

I allowed my face to relax into a half-smile. “Very good, Violet,” I murmured, closing the gap between us to plant a kiss on her mouth. My tongue quickly licked its way around her lips for a tantalizing moment, then I was suddenly walking away from her, back to my seat.

I sat, absently took a sip of tea, then glanced back at Violet. She just stood there, her eyes glazed with fresh desire. God… just one kiss had made her hot all over again! I was tempted to take her upstairs for another fuck… but I decided to leave her hungry for more.

“Goodbye, Violet,” I said in an even voice, “See you Thursday.” I picked up a magazine and began to read, ignoring her. After a moment, I heard the door quietly close.


“Well, are you enjoying it?”

It was a strange question, coming from Cheryl. But I was enjoying it, wasn’t I?

I was forcing a woman to do things she thought were wrong, things that answered a need inside her that she might never have known. I loved forcing Violet past what she would consider the limit of her sexuality… and making her crave it.

But I knew it was something else — I was learning to control Violet so that, if the chance presented itself, I might have the one I truly desired under my power.

It was three weeks since that first time I fucked Cheryl’s mother. Since then, I’d had my way with her on more than half a dozen occasions. I’ve had time to wonder why my mother submitted, because I doubt she’d had to be pushed into it as Violet had… Cheryl had simply seduced her. Obviously, Mom had known for some time that what she wanted was to be under the sexual control of another person, while Violet had to discover it in a single afternoon.

And that was what Cheryl wanted with me? She had made it obvious these last couple of weeks that she was available for me at any time, ready and willing to be submissive to my desires. Did she want us to have a relationship as she had with my mother? I wondered, but would not ask Cheryl about that.

I told her the truth, “I’m enjoying it very much.”

Cheryl knows every detail of what went on between her mother and I — it was her price for helping me succeed in this quest. And I knew it excited her, because afterward she would disappear with my mother.

I looked at Cheryl thoughtfully, then made a decision. “I think it’s time for a double date… don’t you?”

Cheryl looked up with surprise and pleasure, “Oh yes, I’d like that.”


It was the last drive-in theatre in our town — and it showed five movies, one after the other, each weekend night, for the price of one. My mom and Cheryl sat in the front seat while Violet and I were in the back. It was very quiet through that first movie.

As previously arranged, Cheryl was to wait for me to make the first move. But I could see the anxious, hungering look whenever she turned her head to silently plead with me to start the fun and games.

As you might guess, we were not here to watch the movie.

My mother knew the truth and she was scared — scared of submitting to her neighbor’s daughter when that woman was seated behind her. Violet was puzzled, clearly wondering if this really was just an innocent girl’s night out at the movies, like she’d told her husband.

When I was ready I simply glanced across the seat at Cheryl’s mother and said “Sit closer to me, Violet.”

My mother looked over her shoulder, sadness in her eyes. When her gaze returned to the movie, Violet slid reluctantly toward me. I had to motion her two more times until finally, our hips touched through our clothing.

Cheryl looked back to me and I nodded to her — the signal.

Without a word my best friend reached over and grabbed the back of my mother’s head and gently guided her across the bucket seats.

I turned to Violet and saw her eyes widen as my mom’s head went down into her daughter’s lap. Cheryl shuffled in her seat, and then she tossed her white cotton panties behind her. They landed in her mother’s lap.

In the front seat Cheryl sighed and lay back. My mother’s red hair was moving between those pale white thighs… and it was impossible for Violet to mistake what was happening.

I took my best friend’s panties and lifted them to my nose, savoring the scent of Cheryl’s lust. I considered letting Violet smell her daughter’s cunt, but knew that was too much too fast, so I dropped them on the seat next to me.

My hand now moved to Violet’s lap and I roughly spread her legs, pushing up her skirt. Her gaze was forced from the sight in the front seat to mine, and she stared helplessly into my eyes, silently pleading with me.

There was no escape for her, not now… she was too deep into my clutches. “Take your panties off, Violet.”

Almost as if her hands were under my command, she awkwardly raised her hips from the seat and tugged her underwear down and off.

In the front seat her daughter’s sighs were getting louder, a noticeable liquid sound was heard from between her spread legs. My mother head’s was clearly visible in Cheryl’s lap.

Violet’s face was pale with shock as I grabbed her blond ponytail. She put up no resistance at all, though, allowing herself to be forced to lie upon her stomach, her face between my thighs. It obviously no longer mattered if the two in the front seat knew of our relationship or not.

Her eyes told the tale. It was obvious to her now that it all had been a ruse — that she had been used not only by me, but by her daughter. All for our selfish pleasure. She was not far off from the truth.

I lifted my skirt and placed one leg over onto Violet’s back, leaving my cunt inches from her mouth. Unlike Violet and her daughter, I had not worn panties this evening.

Violet did not hesitate… she burrowed her face between my thighs and began to lick my pussy.

Over the last weeks Cheryl’s mother had grown quite skilled at cunnilingus, though her greatest talent was for orally pleasuring my asshole. Any kind of back door action — be it giving or receiving — seemed to get her motor running harder than anything.

With that in mind, my hand slipped beneath Violet’s gray skirt to grasp her full, firm ass. She moaned and arched her back so that her butt was within easy reach for me. My hand slipped between the cheeks of her ass, my middle finger seeking her anal cleft.

This was something new to Violet — normally, I never touched her in any way until she had completely satisfied my sexual desires. I could feel the anticipation building inside her as her eating of my pussy grew distinctly more passionate. It was incredible.

So as not to end this pleasure, I slid my finger deep into her ass… and she moaned into my cunt, aggressively using her tongue to give me the orgasm that I craved.

My heavy breathing seemed to fill the car, and I was blind to all but the sweet sensations pulsing through my body. I could feel Violet moaning as I fucked her ass, harder, deeper.

Wanting to drive her absolutely wild, I squirmed a second finger into her anus and began pounding them both in and out of her butt as hard and fast as I was able. She responded by sucking my clit between her lips, still making helpless sounds of ecstasy that pulsed through my cunt like electrical current.

And then I was coming, my head thrown back as the world collapsed into a searing flash of light and heat. I was emitting choked gasps as waves of pure orgasmic bliss crashed down, one after the next. Finally I lay back, glowing from head to toe and utterly spent.

Violet continued to gently nuzzle my pussy. My fingers were still buried motionless in her ass, though she had not yet come herself. All in good time, I mused with a smile.

I opened my eyes to see Cheryl and my mom watching us. Cheryl’s eyes could not seem to decide if they wanted to watch the back of her mother’s head between my legs, or my hand upon that generous ass, fingers probing Violet’s anal cavity. Her rapt expression reminded me of that first time I had watched her fist fuck my mom — and that amused me. Mother, on the other hand, only watched me. Surprise and passion was contained in that gaze… and perhaps a little envious lust.


I led Violet into my house, two of my fingers still submerged in her asshole. Cheryl and my mom followed after they parked the car.

When they came in they found me seated in the living room with Violet panting on hands and knees before me, pushing her ass back so that my probing fingers could give her more pleasure.

A brown paper bag in her hand, Cheryl smiled at me, knowing full well what was next for our evening. She turned to Mother and ordered her to get naked, then began to undress as well. I watched the two of them disrobe until my mom wore only white stockings, her other pair. Now each mother-daughter duo looked even more similar — the tall slender redhead girls and the shorter, more voluptuous blonde babes.

Mother gasped when Cheryl lifted two objects from the paper bag, recognizing them immediately. Violet was too far gone in her pleasure to care, she never even looked up from the carpet. They were eight inch strap-on cocks, each attached to a leather harness. Cheryl said she had to eat the pussy of the cashier at the adult store to persuade her to sell them to an underage teenager. I was sceptical about our need for such devices at the time… but seeing mother’s fear and lust in her eyes, I foresaw the pleasures soon to be had from them — no matter how they were acquired.

My mother stood shivering as she watched Cheryl strap the love toy about her waist, the thrusting cock lifelike and huge in the dim light, its intent obvious.

“Get on your knees next to my mom, Beth,” Cheryl said firmly.

My mother did not hesitate, and was soon hip and shoulder against Violet.

I pulled my fingers from Violet’s ass, much to her displeasure, and awkwardly strapped the other cock about my waist after stripping naked.

I looked up… Violet was hiding her face in her hands, unwilling to face the stark reality of what was happening to her. At some point she must have looked up at Cheryl and I and understood what we intended for them both.

“Here it comes, Beth!” Cheryl pressed the head of that fat cock into mother’s wet sex and was rewarded with a cry of pleasure that rang out in the spacious room. When she had the cock buried deep in the thin body of my mother, Cheryl grabbed Mom’s hips and began to fuck her like a man.

Returning to my seat on the couch, I watched the debauchery with pleasure. Violet had opened her eyes at the lewd sounds and was looking wide-eyed at the fat cock moving in and out of her neighbor.

I nudged her in the leg with my toe to get her attention, “Your turn, Violet.” She slowly turned to stare at the large cock fastened about my waist, pointing obscenely at the ceiling above. “Take your clothes off.”

With hesitant movements she watched the bobbing prick between my legs as she removed her remaining clothing. When she was as naked as the rest of us, I calmly ordered, “Climb on, Violet.”

Up to this day our coupling had been limited to fingers and tongues. This thing thrusting up from me was more than that… it would take her, ravish her, force her to realize what she was doing. It would invade both her body and her soul — and I knew that that she would remember the feel of that big dick inside her years after feeling it tonight.

Slowly, as if in a dream, Violet climbed up to straddle my slim thighs. Without helping or moving I said, “Put it in.”

She watched my eyes as her hand slipped past her soft stomach down to her hairy blonde cunt to grasp that cool, flesh-coloured cock. I clearly read it in her gaze when it pierced her body and began to fill her, a sweet inch at a time. It was obvious — pleasure and pain mingled as she lowered herself toward my lap, taking the length of it into her body.

“Ride me, Violet,” I breathed.

I could see that she loved it — that she needed this penetration to find her ultimate pleasure. Cheryl had told me that this cock was far bigger than her father’s was, and I never asked how she knew this information, fearful of an answer.

Violet’s hands white-knuckled the back of the couch on either side of my shoulder as our eyes locked. My hands came up to claim her breasts, and I brought my face to a taut nipple, sucking it into my mouth. She began to move upon me, upon that cock… and I wondered, not for the first time, what it must feel like. Violet certainly seemed to enjoy it. Her body slapped against my own as she pumped herself up and down, up and down on its length… but it was the liquid sounds of her wet cunt that caught my ear.

I knew her orgasm was fast approaching and was anticipating it with excitement when I saw Cheryl’s wide grin over her mother’s shoulder. Looking past Violet’s hip, I saw my mother flat upon the floor in a sweaty exhausted mess — her eyes glazed and looking into my own. God, she was beautiful.

Getting Violet to still her rapid, violent motion upon my cock was difficult, so impassioned was she, so desperate to receive her long-awaited climax. Violet looked at me open-mouthed, not understanding why I had stopped her so abruptly. Then I saw her eyes widen in surprise and shock when her daughter said softly, lips millimeters from her mother’s ear, “Don’t move, Mom.”

I knew it when I felt the strange rumblings that began to race through Violet’s body, saw the look in her eyes that suggested a wild, desperate animal. Cheryl was sliding her cock into her own mother’s ass, while my own cock filled her cunt. Violet was getting the double fucking of a lifetime… and all I could see in her eyes was bliss. The humiliation and fear were now completely gone, and only pleasure remained.

When she again started to move, in tiny tentative jerks, she began to moan helplessly from the sensations careening through her. It sounded like some primal beast, no longer the prim businesswoman and mother she normally was. Cheryl and I began to move as well, finding a slow, steady rhythm in our fucking of Violet.

I felt lips touch my cheek, and turned in surprise to find mother gazing hungrily at me. Our lips met, and I felt her tongue slip into my mouth. Her hands found my breast, and she fondled me delightfully as I returned my mother’s kiss, head spinning with my craving for her. Meanwhile, Mom’s other hand slipped down my back, her fingers working their way into the cleft of my ass to find and tease my slick anal ring.

In response, I trailed my hand down the front of her body to slip two fingers into her hot, wet vagina. This only seemed to inflame her more and she dipped her face down to take my left nipple into her mouth. I eased another finger into her, knowing that her cunt could take all that I could give.

Mother pressed her digit to the second knuckle in my rectum, and I was surprised at how good it felt — the brief pain subsiding quickly to leave a warm glow of pleasure. My anus was moist enough for her to slowly and expertly finger my ass to the movements of Violet on top of me, her cunt plunging frantically up and down on the cock protruding from my lap.

Suddenly Violet began to scream and thrash between her daughter’s body and mine as her orgasm detonated inside her. She came so hard that it was all Cheryl and I could do to keep her from taking all four of us down to the floor. She shuddered violently, her eyes squeezed shut, a low keening sound issuing from her throat. And it lasted at least another minute. Her dam had broken — taken by two teenage girls.

Finally, the exhausted woman slid off me and sank to the floor at my feet. Cheryl and I shared a look at the result of this perverted drama that we had arranged. Both of us sporting wide smiles and sparkling eyes.

I lifted mother’s face from my breast. “Lick me clean and then help me get this dick off me,” I said softly. Mom eagerly slipped her face down to my waist and engulfed half the penis in her experienced mouth — bobbing up and down a dozen times before disengaging and licking the reminder with her extended tongue. The leather harness came off soon after.

I looked over to see that Cheryl had moved her mother onto her back and spread her thighs apart, and was now moving her cock in and out of her mother’s cunt. I would have thought it impossible after the orgasm she had just experienced, but Violet had locked her ankles behind her daughter’s waist and was kissing Cheryl passionately. Their kiss broke and Violet gazed adoringly at her child… her eyes lit with a happy glow, as if there was no place or person she would rather be with.

I heard Cheryl whisper “I love you, Mom,” and their mouths met again. It was obvious that Cheryl was not playing her game of domination with Violet… she was really making love to her mother. And Violet wanted it that way.

I knew how she felt — I think we all did.

They fornicated with abandon, their neighbors forgotten as they gazed into each other’s eyes between deep kisses.

Seeing mother and daughter fuck like lovers drove my desire for Mom even higher, and I turned to her. She was watching me silently, waiting submissively for my command. I could see the hunger in her gaze, and knew she was mine now. I had earned the right to possess her.

I lay down on the carpet, and with a simple nod she crawled over between my thighs and into my arms, pressing her auburn bush against my own, her mouth eagerly seeking mine. We fit together perfectly like adjoining pieces of a jigsaw puzzle — kissing passionately like we had been lovers for years.

For a long while, I was thrilled just to be holding my mother, tasting her sweet mouth. We kissed for a small, wonderful eternity, our hands exploring the soft contours of one another’s bodies. I cupped her ass as she nibbled at my lower lip.

Wanting more, I rolled Mom over on her back and kissed her once more, then began to nuzzle at her slender neck. My lips and tongue journeyed down, savoring the warmth and scent of my mother’s skin, leaving soft kisses in the hollow of her throat.

Her breasts delighted me. I buried my face in them, then raised my head to flick at an erect nipple with my tongue. Mom whimpered… and I took the pink nubbin into my mouth, sucking it gently.

Heart pounding, my mother cradled me to her breasts as I pleasured her right nipple, then the left. “Oh,” she whispered, her lips brushing my hair. When I playfully nibbled at the now firm tip, Mom sighed ecstatically.

I was making love to my own mother, sharing pleasure with her as an equal. I knew she would obey me without hesitation if I simply ordered her to get me off, but I wanted more from my mother than simple obedience. I wanted her love… and I wanted her to know just how much I loved her.

Down her body I went, leaving a trail of kisses, licks and love bites. Mom was quivering with excitement as I explored the softness of her tummy with my mouth. Her belly button was too, too adorable, and I made her shiver with delight when my tongue probed inside. I continued downward…

And there I was, lying between my mother’s thighs, my face inches away from her pussy.

Mom’s cunt was so beautiful that it stole my breath away. Framed by deep red pubes, the folds and lines of her vagina, now glistening with her arousal, reminded me of nothing so much as a dew-moistened pink flower. I know that seems a cliche, but that was really what I thought right then. I inhaled deeply, luxuriating in the rich aroma of my mother… the scent was intoxicating.

I heard a low, muffled moan, and glanced over at Cheryl and Violet, locked in a shuddering 69 position. Cheryl’s still-wet strap-on lay to one side as mother and daughter pleasured one another with their mouths. Mmmm, that looked yummy.

A crazy thought entered my mind that, even after I had indulged in lesbian games for over a month with all three of the women in this room, I had yet to eat pussy. I turned my face back to my mother’s nakedness, thrilled that my first oral sex would be with Mom. I put my hands on her thighs, opening her wider…

Then I felt my mother’s fingers brush my cheek, and lifted my eyes to meet hers. “Please,” she whispered, her eyes glazed with need. “Please.”

Dizzy with arousal, my gaze never leaving hers, I slowly lowered my face to my mother’s cunt and placed a soft kiss on her opening. She cried out, a spasm of helpless ecstasy flickering through her body.

My tongue emerged to lick… lightly at first, still teasing her, sampling Mom’s delights. Her pussy was delicious. I licked harder, pressing my tongue into her folds. She moaned happily, her quivering hands resting on my head. Unable to restrain myself any longer, I took Mom’s cunt into my mouth and began to suck and kiss at her. I was high on incest and drunk on the sweet essence of wet pussy, now dripping from my chin as I feasted on my own mother’s vagina.

Mom began to shiver and shake as I pleasured her, panting frantically as she approached what promised to be an explosive climax, then cried out in protest when I lifted my mouth from her cunt. I knew she desperately needed to come, but I had other plans for her.

I pushed my mother’s knees up and apart, opening her even further. She grabbed the backs of her thighs and held her knees to her breasts, biting her lip as she waited for me to resume my oral attentions.

Parting her ass cheeks with one hand, I slipped my tongue into the pink cleft in between and began to lick hungrily at my mother’s anus. Within seconds Mom was breathing like a marathon runner. As I ate her ass, my fingers stole between her legs, seeking her clit. When she realized what I was doing, her body froze for a moment, trembling as I found the erect nubbin and stroked it between two fingers.

And my mother came.

Her body bucked so furiously that it was all I could do to keep licking her. I could hear my mother’s voice gasping “Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh,” her hands twitching helplessly in her hair. I plastered my mouth to her pussy once more, eating my mother out as my fingers worked at her clit. Mom’s cunt was a river, and I drank deep of her… and she continued to climax for at least another two minutes.

Though I had never before gone down on a woman, somehow I knew instinctively how to make my mother feel wonderful. I guided her through her orgasm until it peaked and crested, then nuzzled her wet pubes lovingly as she slowly drifted back to the here and now. Finally I rested my cheek on her warm thigh, licking her honey from my lips. Mmmmm, luscious.

I felt my mother’s hand take mine and tug gently. I raised my face from her and crawled into my lover’s embrace. Her eyes shone with adoration. “Oh, my sweet angel,” she breathed. My mother kissed me, her tongue emerging to lick at my mouth and chin, tasting herself. Our bare bodies slid and moved together, sending my lust soaring.

We kissed passionately for a long while, occasionally glancing over at Cheryl and her mom, who were locked in a loving embrace. Violet was on top of her daughter, holding Cheryl’s face in her hands, kissing her hotly again and again. I could see Cheryl’s fingers pumping in and out of her mother’s ass.

Finally, I could wait no longer… I needed to be pleasured by Mother.

Rolling over onto my back, I spread my thighs wide apart. I gazed deep into her eyes. “Please, Mother,” I whispered. “Make love to me.”

We both knew that I could have simply ordered her to lick my pussy… and she would have done so without a moment’s hesitation. But for now, I wanted her as my lover, not my submissive.

She knelt next to me and lowered her face to my breast, her tongue emerging to toy with my nipple. I moaned, shaking with need. My mother must have known how badly I craved release, because she licked a pathway down my body until her face was between my thighs. Her adoring eyes met mine… then they closed as she dipped her head to lick my cunt.

The touch of her tongue was gossamer-soft, delightful, maddening. My nails dug into my palms as Mom’s mouth gently explored me.

Then an idea flashed in my mind, and I stopped my mother with a hand on her shoulder. Sitting up, I reached for the strap-on dildo and cradled it in my hands.

“Mom,” I said softly, “I’m still a virgin, you know.” I offered the latex cock to her. “I want you to be my first fuck.”

Her eyes grew wide, and she suddenly seemed to be on the verge of tears. But instead of crying, she whispered “Thank you, Linda,” and kissed me lovingly.

Rising to her feet, she took the strap-on from me and fastened it about her waist, then knelt before me. Heart pounding, I lay back and parted my legs, ready to be penetrated for the very first time. The latex cock that jutted proudly from my mother’s body might have been too large for me… but I wanted, needed to be fucked more than anything right then.

I inhaled sharply as Mom slipped a finger into my dripping pussy, then sighed contentedly as she moved it around inside me, opening my cunt up for her. It felt divine, but I craved more.

“I’m ready, Mom,” I breathed, spreading my thighs even wider. “Please… take me now.”

My mother glanced down between my legs for a moment, positioned herself above me, and then — oh, yes! — I felt the tip of it slide into my body.

Her eyes never left mine as she slowly, slowly pushed that big cock into me… pausing when it reached my hymen. I was trembling from head to toe, but ready for her. “Do it, Mom,” I whispered.

A searing surge of pain burst through my pelvis as my mother broke me. I cried out loud, but quickly grabbed her ass before she could withdraw. “Wait,” I panted, my eyes filling with unbidden tears. “Wait…”

Mom remained motionless atop me, her comforting lips brushing my forehead as the sharp agony inside me slowly faded to a dull ache… but the incredible sensation of being completely filled grew greater. Finally I opened my eyes to meet her concerned gaze. “Okay, Mom,” I whimpered, “now go… go slow.”

At first I couldn’t feel her move at all… then I did. She pulled up ever so slightly, easing that incredible cock out of me by what felt like half an inch. Then back in again. Then out. She was moving as little as possible, fucking me with a feather-light delicacy… and the twinges of pain were gradually becoming shocks of pleasure. I slowly wrapped my legs around Mom’s back, encouraging her to lengthen her strokes. My head spun as my body completely opened up to my mother.

“Oh, yes, Mom, yes,” I moaned. She was really fucking me now, and I loved every sweet thrust of her hips against mine. My cunt was hot and slippery, the wetness oozing down the crack of my ass. A mewling sound seemed to fill the room, growing steadily louder… and I suddenly realized that it was coming from me — rising as the sensations rose in my body.

My mother’s face hovered above mine, flushed and beautiful. She was breathing hard, but smiled at me as she continued to pump in and out of my hungry cunt. Suddenly her hand stole between my legs… and I gasped as her fingers tweaked my clitoris.

The universe seemed to collapse into itself as I seized up in a climax that felt like a million tongues of fire feasting on my body. I screamed, I shook, I died. Finally, I blacked out.

But only for a few seconds, because Mom was still inside me when I came to. My flushed, sweaty body was tingling delightfully.

“I love you, Mom,” I whispered, kissing her lightly. Her eyes glistened with happy tears.

“I love you too, baby,” she replied. She kissed me back, then I gasped with a fresh spasm of pleasure as she began to withdraw that lovely cock from me. The dildo exited my cunt with a pop, and she rolled off me and onto her side, her head on my shoulder, fingers brushing my tummy.

I saw now that Cheryl and her mother had been watching us fuck, their arms wrapped around one another.

“God, that was hot,” Cheryl murmured. She extricated herself from Violet’s embrace and quickly crawled over to us. “I want a taste,” she grinned, rolling my mother onto her back and bending to take the latex cock jutting between Mom’s legs into her mouth. She sucked at its length happily, then raised her face to mine. “Mmmm, Linda… you taste good.” She kissed me hotly, sharing the flavor of my pussy with me, then crawled back to Violet and sought her mother’s mouth, giving her a taste. Their kiss quickly became passionate, and Cheryl and Violet slumped to the carpet together, resuming their lovemaking.

The sight of mother and daughter locked in a carnal embrace sharpened my own arousal, and I turned to reach for Mom, already eager for more.

Our mutual pleasures lasted for hours, until the four of us finally stumbled upstairs for the night. Violet and Cheryl slept in my bed, while I led Mom into her room, where we slipped between cool white sheets and cuddled one another until we fell asleep. Later that night I awakened to find my mother nuzzling my breasts… and we made love once more, then drifted again into sweet slumber.


The sun woke me up before Mother. I slipped from our bed, her thin naked body looking delicious in the bright light. The wetness and evidence of the pleasures we had shared hours before was gone, but for the lingering scent.

I slipped silently to the bathroom and a long hot bath. The water was very hot and seemed to comfort and ease my achy limbs. Mom would have bathed with me, I’m sure, had I asked her to do so… washing me lovingly, perhaps pleasuring me if I wished. This morning, though, I needed my thoughts. With a soft smile, I pondered how things had changed last night between the four of us.

Mother was mine now, though Cheryl and I never spoke of it. Violet was now her daughter’s lover, and they were both blissfully happy. Of course, so were my mother and I.


Life as my mother’s lover was different, better. I never found the need to push her to submit to my desires — she happily allowed me the dominant role in our sexual games. Though when Cheryl and her mother came over, I still found pleasure in pushing Violet past her comfort level.

The four of us fucked in every possible combination when we were all together — and I was the master of ceremonies for the occasion, deciding who did what to whom. Mom, Cheryl and Violet willingly submitted to my wishes without question. However, by an unspoken agreement between Mom and myself, neither she nor I ever made love to another woman on our own… our sex partners, be it Violet and Cheryl or other willing women, were always to be shared by the two of us.

For me, my relationship with my mother had changed forever when I first saw her silently spread the cheeks of her ass upon my best friend’s command. I discovered that what I desired most of all was the taboo relationship with my own parent — not only to have sex with her, but to have her act for me as she had done Cheryl that first time. It was the dominant lifestyle that I continue to learn more about daily that was the means to achieve what I desired. Violet was only a stepping stone to my mother.

For Mom, her first lesbian lover, Cheryl, had drawn out her submissive passion — much to her surprise, at first. But she soon came to crave those intimate moments when she was powerless, at the mercy of the whim of her mistress. So much so that she found herself able and willing to submit to any suggestion or command by her ‘top’ — that was how she ended up being fist-fucked before her own daughter.

She learned, however, that I was more patient and trusting than Cheryl, willing to be her lover as well as her mistress… and the pleasure she received in our relationship was far more satisfying than any she had ever known with another. She tells me so, often.

I’ve known my share of lovers since discovering my true sexuality, but no one will ever please me like my mother does. She is the light of my life, and I adore her.

The End


Cheryl and My Mother, Part 1

  • Posted on April 3, 2019 at 12:23 pm

Author Unknown

Note from JetBoy: I’m fairly certain that I first encountered this story ages ago at, though a search for the original proved unsuccessful. I made a lot of changes to it through the years — in fact, about half of the final sex scene is my own creation. Humble apologies to the unknown author.


I knew it when I saw the look in my mother’s eyes. Everything that Cheryl had just told me was true.

At Cheryl’s command, Mother strode over to our dining room table and leaned over it with her hands and elbows pressed flat against its hardwood surface, then stood motionless.

Cheryl has been my best friend for nearly ten of our sixteen years. And in those years I have learned plenty about her, especially her in-your-face attitude that seemed to work on nearly everyone we knew. It seemed like I was the only person who wouldn’t automatically jump when she said jump. It was why we were such good friends, I believed, because she couldn’t intimidate me as she was able to do with most others.

My best friend walked confidently up to my mother, directly behind her, and leaned down to grasp the hem of her calf-length skirt.

My jaw hung open as Cheryl lifted my mother’s skirt, carelessly flipping it up and onto her back, revealing plain white panties. All the while my mother’s head was bowed, staring at the table.

Cheryl turned to me with a knowing smile. “She loves it, Linda!”

I was seated in the living room, stunned by what I saw.

Minutes earlier, Cheryl and I had been idly chatting when she, from out of nowhere, told me that my mother was her “sex slave.” In fact, they were lovers, and Cheryl was the dominant in their relationship.

All I could do was stare at her incredulously. It was impossible, had to be. My mother and my best friend, lovers? Mother wasn’t even into women — she was dating some lawyer from across town.

Cheryl insisted she was telling the truth, though… and I’d finally gotten irked with my friend and told her to shut up — that I didn’t believe her for a second.

Well, Cheryl got that look in her eye that I know all too well… and when Mother got home a few minutes later from work, my friend simply said, “Come here, slut.”

To my amazement, Mother came over to stand silently before her… face red, her demeanor one of utter submission. And now Cheryl had my mother bent over the dining room table, skirt up, her panty-clad ass exposed.

And now Cheryl hooked both thumbs into the waistband of my mother’s panties. “Your mom will do anything I tell her, Linda… anything!” She roughly tugged Mother’s underwear down to her knees. My friend wasn’t even paying attention to the silent still body that she dominated, she was looking at me in triumph.

I stared at the naked flesh of my mother’s ass as it was revealed to me for the first time. Cheryl had won, I now believed her incredible claim… did she really need to push this further?

Hard to believe, is it, that a daughter had never seen her mother’s bare bottom before? Well, my mother had always been incredibly prim and proper — a very conservative and strict parent. Not only that, she was a strong woman who never seemed to let anyone get the best of her. That was why this was all so astonishing to me. What on earth had Cheryl done to make my mother over so completely?

I’d never had a lesbian bone in my body. Oh sure, Cheryl, who had been bisexual for as long as I’d known her, had made blatant overtures to me before — but I had always turned her down. And yet, and yet… when the pale white flesh of my mother’s ass was revealed, I felt a warm tingling between my thighs.

Perhaps I was as twisted as Cheryl. I mean, honestly — finding pleasure and excitement in my own mother’s half-naked body?

“Pull your ass cheeks open, Beth!” Cheryl ordered.

My mother paused for only a second before pressing her sweater covered chest down upon the table and reaching back to pry her ass cheeks apart. Cheryl gazed hungrily at what was revealed, while waiting for a reaction from me.

My response was simply to swing my head back and forth, mouth open, in shock. This could not be happening… but it was!

My panties were becoming noticeably damp.

“Face it, baby… your mother is a submissive slut!” Cheryl said it loudly like it was some kind of joke — but this had gone way past joking.

My friend gestured me to come closer… and I stood on shaky legs and strode over to the two of them.

“Touch her, Linda.” She placed her own hand on mother’s smooth white buttocks, the tip of one finger lightly touching her rectum. It clenched at the touch. My cunt twitched in response.

Unable to comprehend my compulsion to do so, I extended my trembling hand forward and laid it, palm open, on the back of mother’s thigh. Her skin was very warm to the touch, and smooth as well.

Mother tensed when I touched her. My strict and conservative parent was bent over, bottom bared before her daughter and daughter’s friend, and our hands were touching her backside.

Cheryl was watching me closely, “Can you smell her?” She inhaled deeply for effect — so I followed suit. “The bitch gets so fucking hot when I treat her like the cunt she is!”

I smelled it clearly. The scent was strong, indescribable, but I knew immediately what it was — my mother’s sexual musk. It had a certain quality that reminded me of my own.

At first it was seeing my mother’s naked flesh, then touching her warm skin… and now this, savoring her private sexual scent. I didn’t know why, but my cunt was a river.

“Didn’t I tell you months ago that your mom was hot, Linda? You thought I was being weird, but that was when I started making my move on her.” While she talked, Cheryl’s hand had slipped down and into the groove of mother’s spread ass.

Mother suddenly moaned softly, and I watched as two of Cheryl’s fingers disappeared into mother’s vagina. God, I could actually hear how wet Mom was.

“It wasn’t long till she was licking my pussy… it was right here on this table, the first time.” Cheryl’s fingers started to move in and out. “She was like a virgin back then — wanting so badly to please me but having no idea what to do till I told her. I taught her everything I knew about how to make love to a woman… and she’s become quite the expert!”

Two more of Cheryl’s fingers slipped into Mother’s body as I felt her moving slightly beneath my hand, still resting on her thigh. I looked up and saw my mother’s face as it contorted with pleasure, resting against the hardwood table top — all the while moaning and sighing at the attentions my best friend was giving her. Her hands still spread the cheeks of her ass apart –because Cheryl had not instructed her to stop holding herself open, I guessed..

“Look…” Cheryl murmured, gesturing with her chin, and I looked down to where four of my friend’s fingers were inside Mother… then I gasped as I saw Cheryl fold her thumb into her palm and push the whole of her hand into my mother’s body. I watched in amazement as she began to fist fuck Mother… who was now hissing and gasping with pleasure!

Cheryl’s free hand reached out for my own, and before I knew it, my friend had thrust it beneath her long t-shirt. My hand came into contact with soft down between her naked thighs, then her hot cunt, now incredibly wet. When had she pushed her jeans and panties down to her knees?

Cheryl softly said, “Touch me, Linda… please.” She was almost whimpering, her eyes hungry.

My hand absentmindedly began to move up and down, my exploring fingers brushing the hard nub at the top her slit. I had never touched Cheryl in a sexual way before, but just then it seemed like the right thing to do. She seemed to love it, sighing with pleasure even as she continued to fist my mother, her hand pumping in and out, in and out.

Mother was becoming loud with her pleasure – her sex making obscene wet noises with every motion of my friend’s hand, gasps and moans issuing from her mouth. Several degrees quieter, Cheryl was panting with pleasure from the movements of my hand between her legs. Her breath was hot against my ear, and then I heard her whisper, “Put your finger in her ass!”

It wasn’t a request, and at any other time I would have rebelled. Yet, I was a hot, seething volcano inside — my body burning with an arousal I couldn’t even begin to understand.

My hand slipped up my mother’s thigh, over the softness of her bottom — and I placed one finger against the pink cleft of her anus.

For the first time in several minutes, Cheryl opened her eyes… to see my hand, as I gently pressed my finger into my mother’s body. Mother seemed to be holding her breath, while the invading hand that Cheryl had buried inside her cunt was now still.

“Go on, finger her asshole… she wants it!”

I pressed harder and my finger seemed to suddenly slip deep into her anus. I looked it going inside, amazed and stunned. I swear that I could feel the knuckles of Cheryl’s hand in mother’s vagina between the thin barrier separating us.

Mother pushed her ass back against my invading digit, a wild keening sound issuing from her throat — and it seemed to trigger something inside of me, too. My mom was getting off on this, there was no doubt of that.

Cheryl’s response was more aggressive — she began to drive her hand in and out of mom with such a passion that it was roughly bouncing my mother’s body against the edge of the hard wood table.

I began to fuck my mother, my finger moving in and out of her asshole, excitement growing as I feel her open up to me, her anus becoming increasingly hot, wet and slippery.

My other hand also became more active, and I felt two of my fingers slip into Cheryl’s body, exploring her very wet sex. When I did this, she inhaled sharply, her body trembling. Suddenly she cried out, a squeal of delight that rang through the room. I was making her come!

Mother suddenly did the same, exploding in a frenzied orgasm that had her clenching every muscle in her body. Suddenly I felt the walls of her anus ripple and clench with such pressure that I could no longer feel the tip of my invading finger.

My mother and Cheryl gasped and moaned, bodies shuddering as their orgasms overtook them. I watched it all, amazed and aroused.

Things finally slowed down — their cries quieted, the temperature in the room seemed to return to normal, their wild movements ceased.

I pulled my fingers from my mother’s ass and my friend’s cunt, suddenly embarrassed by my proximity to their illicit pleasures. What I had just done was wrong — wasn’t it? I’ve always been able to say no to Cheryl in the past… why had I suddenly found myself so willing to do these things she asked of me, things that never interested me before today?

Because I had wanted to.

Cheryl removed her sticky hand from my mother’s body, gazing at me as she did, her eyes flashing with excitement. “God, that was so fucking wild. Crazy wild!” She leaned forwards to kiss me, and I was surprised again to find myself accepting her, my lips parting for her tongue.

Mother had not moved this whole time — she was still holding the cheeks of her ass apart, her face still resting sideways on the table, her chest rising and falling deeply.

Cheryl broke our kiss, her face inches from my own, gazing deep into my eyes. “Do you believe me now?”

I simply nodded at her silly question. Mother was clearly my best friend’s lover… though “slave” would be a more accurate description. Without a doubt.

I sensed that the relationship between my mother and myself would never be the same again. How could it be, after I fingered her asshole as my best friend fist fucked her to climax? It was a side of Mother that I’d never thought possible. I knew her, how tough she could be. Mother was no unwilling victim here. If she had not wanted to submit to Cheryl, she wouldn’t have done so.

Mother needed this. She wanted to be dominated, controlled — used as a sexual plaything. Was that really all there was to this relationship between the two most important women in my life? I pondered that — but my thoughts were scattered when Cheryl pulled my mother up from the table.

What followed happened so quickly that I barely had time to react. Cheryl suddenly tripped me, knocking my leg just enough out of balance that I fell back onto the floor, landing on my elbows and ass.

Before I could react, she was kneeling next to me, tugging my khaki shorts and French-cut panties down and off. I simply watched in amazement, my voice barely able to protest, “No, Cheryl… stop!”

Then she spread my thighs open and, pausing for a quick, hungry glance at my now fully exposed auburn pussy, moved to one side. She pressed on the back of Mom’s head — not very hard, I noticed — and my mother’s face descended between my thighs.

Mother had her eyes closed the whole time, as if she did not want to face the lewd reality of what she was about to do. Cheryl watched my face expectantly when my mother took that first lick along the crack of my vagina.

It was like lightning — the skies opened and the downpour began.

I had never felt a tongue between my legs before… and it was the most incredible thing I’d ever experienced. Mother licked me gently for a minute before pulling apart my labia so that she could suck and nibble at my nether lips. Rendered helpless with pleasure, I let my head bump against the carpeted floor as I felt that wonderful tongue slip sweetly into my virgin cunt — rolling around inside until my head spun.

Then there was a mouth on my own and I felt a tongue engage mine. It tasted delicious, and I cared not where it came from.

The tongue between my legs now trailed lower, to the crack of my ass — then it bathed my anus. I was in heaven, surprised at my response to that other never-explored part of me. The hot, wet tongue then trailed back to my slit, first making me gasp with a long, slow lick… then plunging deep into my vagina, tongue-fucking me for what seemed like forever.

My hands were fondling my breasts through my top, nipples aching to be touched. I ripped my shirt open, buttons flying, then clawed at the front clasp of my bra… then sighed with happiness as it popped free, baring my breasts. I opened my eyes just in time to see Cheryl lower her face to my chest and take my left nipple into her hot mouth.

Suddenly my mother raised her face slightly and suddenly began to flick her tongue against my throbbing clitoris. I began to twist and writhe upon the carpet.

I’d only achieved orgasm by my own hand before this day, but the delights I was now receiving from the two people I loved the most triggered a climax within me that was easily the most intense explosion of pure pleasure I’d ever felt in my sixteen years. I screamed into Cheryl’s mouth as it slid so lovingly against mine. This ecstasy seemed to go on for a sweet eternity, finally cresting and lowering me to earth.

I could not say how long I lay like a dead thing — but when I cracked open my eyes I saw my mother’s face as she watched me. When she saw my look she turned away, knowing the enormity of what she had done.

When Cheryl saw that I was back to reality, at least this form of it, she knelt next to me and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her gently back. We shared a long look as my mother hung back in the shadows, clearly uncertain what to say or do.

I had to ask Cheryl, “What now?”

Cheryl purred, “I’m going to take your mother up to her room and enjoy myself with her for the next couple of hours.” I felt a sudden pang of jealousy that I bottled up. “And then, sweet Linda,” she whispered, her lips brushing my ear, “I’m going to help you turn my mom into your slave!”

She laughed excitedly as I digested her words, then I watched the two of them depart, my mother watching me wistfully over her shoulder as they disappeared through the doorway.


“That skirt looks great on you, Violet.”

Cheryl was upstairs, collecting her books for school — and giving me time alone with her mom before we had to run to grab the bus, as we had planned.

Cheryl’s mother Violet was thirty-six, one year younger than my mother. And where my mom was tall and thin, Violet was more voluptuous, a shapely full figure of a woman who still turned men’s heads everywhere she went. She had a gorgeous curvy ass that I envied.

Violet turned to me with a smile of pleased surprise. I’ve known her and her daughter for ten years, and in that time I doubt I had ever given her a compliment before. I’ll bet she never got them from her husband, either.

“Why, thank you Linda,” she replied.

The skirt did look good on her, too — it was cut two inches above the knee and showed off her strong, shapely legs beautifully. My best friend’s mom always dressed professionally, and today was no different.

I leaned closer, my eyes locking onto hers. “In fact, you look wonderful in general, Violet — have you been working out?”

She smiled nervously, took a sip of her tea and didn’t say anything. I let my gaze trail down to her very generous breasts, her silk blouse transparent enough to see the lace patterned bra beneath. “Wonderful,” I breathed.

She seemed confused by my behavior, just as Cheryl had anticipated, so she changed the subject, “Are you girls going to be on time after school today?”

My eyes returned to hers and I saw her puzzlement. Violet could clearly read my flirtatious behavior, and it unnerved her just a little — all according to plan.

“Can I ask you a… personal question, Violet?” I said softly, lowering my voice as if I were trying to keep Cheryl from hearing me. “It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, and I can’t go to Mom about it.”

“Um, sure, honey,” she replied, looking a bit puzzled. “What is it?”

“Have you ever, um, been in a relationship with another woman?”

Violet’s jaw dropped open in amazement at my question, and stood speechless as Cheryl came quickly into the room. “We’ll be late, Linda — c’mon, let’s get going!” she said, just as we had arranged.

I followed my best friend from her house, my gaze lingering pointedly on Violet’s amazed and embarrassed face until the door cut us off.

Cheryl laughed suddenly, her face alight with excitement. “I was just outside the door and heard it all… you were perfect!”

I smiled but was picturing the sight of Violet’s amazement at my stark question. Could Cheryl’s scheme to help mold her mother to willingly submit to my desires become a reality? For the first time since Cheryl had suggested such a thing, I really wanted it to happen. I longed to see where those shapely thighs led — ached to know what her breasts looked like, wanted to know how well Violet kissed.

I reflected on how my mother’s tongue had brought me to a tremendous orgasm just over a week ago… and God help me, I wanted more from her. Cheryl didn’t know it, but this newfound desire I felt for Violet was a pale reflection of my hunger for Mother.


For days now, I’ve sat in my house, listening while Cheryl played her loud sex games with my mother in her room. I never asked to join them, and it was not offered. Secretly I wanted to be a trio as we had a few days before, but would never admit it. Now I realized that my boiling erotic nature could be vented toward Violet, rather than allowing me to be a third wheel to my own mother.

Would it be enough?


I sat outside on the hill in our backyard, next to Cheryl. She hissed at me to be quiet as we sat watching into the lighted bedroom room of my mother. It was all planned, Cheryl explained, another example how my mother was fully under her control.

Cheryl giggled into her hand when the door to the bedroom finally opened and in strode a young girl of about fifteen, Mother following behind. It was a black night and there was no fear of being seen by the occupants in the lighted house. I recognized the girl as a local teen who delivered papers in the neighborhood — surely no more than fifteen years old.

“Her name’s Millie,” Cheryl whispered. “She’s the cutest little baby dyke. I fucked her in the bathroom at the movie theater once.” She giggled. “She has this thing for older women.”

My best friend had arranged this for our pleasure, inviting me to witness her control over my mother — and promsing me the same for Violet.

I watched as my mother took the girl into her arms and kissed her mouth. Millie’s arms entwined Mom’s body, and their kiss grew hot and lustful.

Finally they gently broke apart, and Mother began to undress as Millie watched her, an excited smile on her lips.

Though my previous encounter with Mom had revealed her intimate parts, I had never seen her fully naked before. Like me, she was tall and slender, with thin hips and a tiny waist, flat belly and small but beautiful breasts. She had bright red hair on her head and between her thighs — part of our Scottish heritage, she liked to say.

I felt Cheryl’s warm hand slip beneath my skirt, onto my thigh. I didn’t stop her, though I was more interested in watching the erotic drama unfolding before me than to explore my newfound lesbian desires.

When Mom was naked, she stood before the young girl, posing for her viewing pleasure. I also looked upon her with pleasure — she was an attractive woman, and I felt my desire radiate through my body. My sex tingled and my satin panties could not contain my wetness.

Cheryl must have noticed my appraisal of my naked mother. “Looks good, doesn’t she?” Her hand was hot against the skin of my thigh. I simply nodded.

Mother moved closer to Millie, then began to undress the girl — removing her shirt, her bra, then unbuttoning her faded jeans and sliding them down with Millie’s panties. There was a light tuft of hair between the girl’s thighs.

Once Millie was naked, she turned to the bed, laid down and gazed expectantly at Mom. My mother knelt on the foot of the bed, then leaned in to lick at the young girl’s pussy.

Cheryl purred with excitement, and her hand suddenly moved to cup my sex through my clothing. Unlike myself, Cheryl was not a virgin — and though she has been with a few boys in the last couple of years, she claimed sex with a woman was much better.

Millie’s shaking hands held my mother’s head as Mom pleasured the girl with her mouth. I doubt it was a full minute before she tensed up and began to shudder in ecstasy, her hands clutching helplessly at the bedspread. Millie’s eyes were closed tightly, and she was clearly panting for breath. It was an incredible sight, but my gaze kept shifting to my mother’s bare ass. Memories of fingering her anus sent my arousal even higher.

Soft lips brushed the nape of my neck and Cheryl whispered, “She’ll do anything I tell her to… anything.” Her hand was stroking expertly at the crotch of my panties. It felt wonderful, and a contented sigh escaped my lips.

Mother stood up and smiled softly at the flushed and happy Millie, then moved to straddle the young girl’s face. I caught a quick glimpse of Millie’s eager mouth, opening for my mother’s cunt.

My mother’s mouth fell open as the young girl began to pleasure her. Then, she turned her face toward Cheryl and me… and my mother was looking out the window, right at us. I had little doubt this had all been scripted by my best friend. Of course, she knew we were out here.

“I’m doing this for you, Linda,” Cheryl whispered into my ear, as if on cue. I could see the girl’s tongue licking at my mother’s pussy.

Without taking my eyes from them, “What do you mean?”

Rather than explain Cheryl breathed, “I want to be like Beth for you, Linda…”

That surprised me, and I wasn’t sure I understood. I turned my face to look into the glowing eyes of my best friend, “My… slave?”

Cheryl had gotten bolder since my first introduction to mother’s submission, and Mom was now known as my best friend’s ‘slave’ between the three of us. Since that first moment when my friend had proved her mastery over my parent, she had continually flaunted her power over Mom.

Cheryl seemed to be embarrassed, but she nodded affirmatively.

I turned back to watch my mother’s body moving in rhythm with Millie’s oral attentions. “What about your mom… our plan to get her to be my slave?” I murmured, wondering if this was another selfish attempt on Cheryl’s part to change our friendship to something more. Yet, hadn’t she done that already?

“I wanted to make you happy… to show you how much fun it can be to control another woman, so you would want me that way,” she said, hesitantly.

When I didn’t reply, Cheryl returned to kissing my neck, her free hand coming up to grasp my breast to tweak the nipple expertly. I ignored it and returned to the show.

Cheryl had just given me power by admitting her desire to be my slave. Yet I knew that she was right — I needed to understand how to seduce a woman, to make her as completely mine as my own mother was to Cheryl. To achieve that end, Violet was the perfect choice.

A month before I would have easily rejected any such suggestion from my friend. Now I wanted to learn to dominate a woman, an older woman that I cared less for, so that I might then master the one person that I truly desired.

I turned my head toward my best friend and our lips met. I drove my tongue roughly past her lips as we kissed passionately.

Cheryl must have believed then that it was her that I desired, not that submissive middle-aged slut who I now watched trembling in orgasm as a 15-year-old lesbian girl ate her cunt… watched her come even as I kissed another girl like a lover. But then Cheryl must have seen the hunger in my eyes as I studied my parent’s pleasure — and a sadness overcame her.

It was understood, but not spoken… I wanted my mother more than I did Cheryl.

Read more in the exciting conclusion – Part Two!


Pictures of Mom

  • Posted on March 24, 2019 at 2:04 pm

Author Unknown

From my mom, I get my interest in yoga, and my love of photography comes from my dad. He’s passed away now, and I’m twenty-two years old.

It’s hard to believe that it was ten years ago that Dad last helped me take pictures with my 35-mm SLR. He had an amazing eye and could find just the right view to make an ordinary scene come alive. Mom has been a widow now for a decade. Thanks to yoga, meditation, and a healthy lifestyle, at 48 she has the slim, flexible body of a woman in her twenties. When we go out together, people assume that we’re friends, not that we’re mother and daughter. Mom has long brown hair, brown eyes, small breasts and a slim figure, while I take after the women in Dad’s family — blond, green-eyed, with large breasts and behind.

People are sometimes surprised that I don’t live on my own, but I could never find a better roommate than Mom, or a nicer place than the house that my father built with his own hands.

Though I still live with Mom, I run my business, “Marina’s Studio,” from a space in an old factory that’s been cut up into smaller rental spaces — used for storage, car repair, a gym, and what have you. It’s typical of the repurposed buildings here in Southside Virginia. When I first started, I specialized in children’s photos and in weddings, and those lines are still my main activities; but a couple of years ago I got into glamour photography and then video.

They’re often women I meet at weddings, many of them bridesmaids and even some brides, who are happy to pose for pictorial sets that I can sell to internet sites. Since 2008 a lot of women have struggled with mortgages and other urgent money needs, and posing nude for a friendly female photographer is an unthreatening experience.

My studio is well decorated, full of plants and sunlight. I let my models choose the music they like, and often I light incense. Almost everyone who models for me says that it was one of their pleasantest moments. They come back again and tell their friends, and I’m now having to say “no” reluctantly to some women who want to pose.

There really are a lot of pretty women in this town, women who may not even feel sexy or seem that way when they are ringing up groceries at the supermarket or delivering mail or teaching school, but who can reveal their glamorous and sensual nature when they strip out of their flower-print dresses or their jeans. Most boyfriends and husbands are amazingly supportive. As one, a preacher, told me, “It’s an act of reverence to show the beauty that only God could create.” Amen.

As I said, women find it easier to pose for a woman photographer, but what is not easy for me is to resist temptation. When I got into this line of work, I considered myself entirely straight, but I have to admit that several times I ended up naked and gasping for breath in the arms of one of my models. It’s usually the first time for them twice over: their first nude shoot and their first woman lover.

I didn’t expect to become sexually intimate with any of my models, but in retrospect it’s not hard to understand — how can I watch a woman unbutton her shirt, shyly slip off her bra cups so that her stiff nipples emerge, pull down her jeans and then her panties — revealing a pussy that is sometimes bare, sometimes furry, but nearly always glistening with the evidence of their excitement — and not become aroused? How can I kneel on the carpet next to her, encouraging her to spread her legs and then her lips and to finger herself while I look through the camera lens at the pale-pink, moist clitoris that, at that moment, has started to swell — how can I do this, without feeling a wet warmth between my own legs?

I never make the first move. Never. I am a professional, and I think it would be wrong to take advantage of the vulnerability of a woman who has undressed for me with the idea that we will only make pictures. But when a woman, after a shoot, stands beside me while we look at the unedited results of the session on my computer screen and she leans her naked body on my clothed one and then puts her arm around my waist as her hair brushes my face, and then she kisses me on the back of my neck — well, I don’t push her away. And we do what comes naturally.

My mother always encouraged me in my vocation as a photographer, which started as a child and persisted through college, where I majored in art and design. When I started doing glamour photos, I was careful at first to show Mom only the most classic of my sessions: beautiful clean-cut women without tattoos or piercings and without any sexual action. I avoided showing her photos of my models masturbating, even though I encouraged them to do that, since it is so popular at the websites where I place my work. Eventually, though, I let my mother see the more explicit stuff, though I never let her know about my sexual involvement with any of the models.

Mom was slightly shocked, but not really disapproving. She was just amazed that I could find so many women willing to pose in our community, women she often recognized from the store, from church, or from the yoga studio.

She continues to do yoga; in fact she teaches classes in the evenings and on weekends. During the day, until a year ago, she worked as an accountant in the local parks and recreation department. The survivor benefits from dad’s pension are really not adequate to live on, but with her job, mom lived comfortably. Then the state cut funding to localities and there was a big debate about tax rates, with the result that lots of city and county jobs were cut, including Mom’s. She is smart and hard-working, but the jobs just aren’t there.

This was the situation that indirectly led to Mom accepting an offer that I had repeated many times before, the offer to do a photo session with me. At first she treated it as a joke. She said that she was too old, that in her generation “nice” women just didn’t pose nude, and that “people will talk.” None of her arguments made sense, of course, especially the last one. Who would see the pictures except people who wanted to? I could always do the photos just for her and never publish them anywhere if she didn’t like the results. But if I did sell them to a site, it would definitely help her budget.

What finally changed her mind was Connie’s baby. Connie is Mom’s favorite niece, and when her first child was born after years of trying, Mom wanted to buy a really nice present for the occasion. She needed money, and that was when my mother finally agreed to pose nude for me.

It was an early spring morning when Mom and I drove to the studio. She wore a pretty blue, white, and yellow cotton dress. Not new but very nice. Her shining chestnut hair fell over her shoulders, and she wore a pearl necklace that was her favorite piece of jewelry, with matching teardrop earrings. As usual, she wore little makeup; just a little eyeliner and eye shadow. Mom had her black pumps on, the ones she favored for church and dress-up occasions, in place of her usual flats.

I could feel my mother’s nervousness, and was a little on edge myself. I’d taken hundreds of pictures of Mom in my lifetime, but it seemed incredible that I would soon be photographing her naked.

Before we even got inside, I snapped a few pictures of her outside the building. There was a pleasing contrast between the soft prettiness of mom and her dress against the hard, old, distressed brick of the factory. As I clicked away I thought to myself that these would be the last pictures of my mom in the old way, mom before she became a nude model.

I lit some incense and put on some new-age music that mom liked. The background for the shoot was just a neutral off-white sheet with a black sofa in front. I guided mom as she stood and slowly unbuttoned her dress. Her fingers trembled and her smile was nervous. As I had asked her, she did not wear a bra, so gradually we began to have a glimpse of her breasts and finally her right nipple emerged. The close-up of her face, her eyes glancing down at her erect nipple just peeking out of the flower print is priceless.

Her dress finally came off her shoulders, and then slid down so that her white panties came into view. They already had a small damp patch in the crotch. I loved this — my models are almost always first-timers, and the simple act of undressing in front of a camera arouses them beyond anything that I could do or say. It makes for wonderful photos, and in Mom’s case the many years of covering up carefully made this day of first exposure seem all the more powerfully forbidden and exciting.

I told her to let her dress fall to the floor. There she stood, trembling, wearing only her damp panties and her black pumps, her hair framing her blushing face, nipples stiff, slim girlish body in all its awkward glory. She didn’t know what to do with her hands. She had her left hand — she’s a lefty — with its wedding band, on her right hip as if, in a small symbolic way, to cover up.

I told her to slip her hand into her panties. She hesitated, said “I don’t think I can do that…” and then nonetheless complied. Her left fingers slid out of view behind the cotton.

I came in close and got several shots as her fingers moved between her lips — this was spontaneous, instinctive, and didn’t come from me. The wetness made the cotton a bit translucent in the center, and thanks to the high resolution from my camera you can see the golden gleam of the wedding band through the fabric as she works her pussy. Except for mom’s breathing and some moans there was no sound except the clicks of my camera.

I asked her to pull the panties down with her other hand without stopping what she was doing so that I could get a better view. She looked at me right in the eyes with a serious almost trance-like look. She said, “Do you really want this, Marina?”

I said yes, and she pulled the panties out of the way to reveal her fingers rubbing against a very swollen clitoris. At my direction she squeezed it between her ring and middle fingers, making it stand out still more. Since she had seen other models in photos, mom had thoughtfully shaved completely to prepare for our session. Her mound was bare and beautiful.

At this point I realized that she was becoming unsteady on her feet with excitement, so I asked her to lie down on the sofa. She gratefully lay down and spread her legs, nude except for her pearls and pumps. She has just the most amazing body! Her legs, which I now saw for the first time full length unencumbered with clothing, were so long, toned, and graceful. Without prompting, she continued to finger herself, sometimes closing her eyes, and sometimes opening them to stare at me.

All of a sudden her hips started to buck and her whole body began to jerk in spasms. Then she fell back on the sofa with her eyes closed and put two fingers of her right hand into her vagina while she continued to rub her button with her left hand. She fucked herself like this with her fingers for a minute or two and then had such a powerful orgasm that it scared me. She lifted her body, her feet on the floor and her shoulders against the back cushions of the sofa, propelling her crotch into the air as she fucked with both hands, her fluids dripping along her thighs, and then, as if possessed, her body sprang forward off the sofa and she was on the carpet on her knees. Her right hand came away from her pussy and onto the floor to steady herself while her left hand continued its work and her hips bucked several more times with decreasing force. Finally she let herself down onto the floor and lay still, bathed in sweat.

Although I had shot some pretty intense sessions in which a woman pleasured herself, I had never seen anything like this. Add the fact that this was my beautiful, mature, reserved mother and you will have an idea of the state I was in. I was upset, shocked, shaken, disoriented — and aroused. I felt guilt at having put my mother into this situation and even guiltier at the warm wet feeling between my legs — in fact, I felt suddenly so warm and flushed that I needed to take off my top.

My mother gazed at me as I cast my blouse to one side. “Honey,” she whispered, “I — I love you…”

Bare-breasted and in my jeans, I knelt down next to my naked, panting mother and took her in my arms.

I meant merely to comfort her, but she eagerly turned her face to mine and before I knew what was happening, my mother and I were kissing passionately.

As her tongue pushed its way into my mouth, my right hand began to caress her left breast and to feel her hard erect nipple against my palm. A shock of desire surged through my body. Almost without thinking, my left hand moved down over Mom’s firm tummy towards her pussy.

Despite our passionate kisses, I didn’t know if this was what she wanted. Yet I couldn’t help exploring. My hand moved ever so slowly downwards, feeling the soft warmth of her body, encountering no resistance. She wanted this as much as I did.

Finally my middle finger reached her pussy and slipped between her lips. Her swollen clit pushed hard against my finger! She was now rocking her pelvis against my hand, seeking pleasure from me! A wonderful feeling of love and acceptance coursed through me. I needed to taste the pussy that I had just photographed in all its glistening pink glory.

Mom almost didn’t let me pull my mouth away from hers, but when she felt me kiss my way down her throat, down her chest, and take a few moments to suck on her nipples before continuing on my way, she said, “Marina, my baby, yes, please, kiss me down there!” Now my tongue was parting her lips, exploring them on the inside, then thrusting deep into her vagina.

She tasted incredible. I could feel her wet thighs against my cheeks and my ears as I thrust and licked, and then I started sucking on her clit. It did not take long before she quaked with another powerful orgasm, which was followed shortly by my own. Without thinking much, I had thrust my right hand into my jeans and had been rocking against it while I ate out mom.

After we came, we kissed some more, and Mom said, “Why are you still wearing those pants?”

Trembling with lust, I stood to peel off my jeans and sopping panties. It was hard to do, because I was so excited at the thought that my mother would soon be tasting my cunt. I found myself wondering if I was her first lesbian lover.

Mom pushed me back onto the sofa and knelt before me, between my legs. She slid her hands under my thighs so that she could cup my cheeks while she looked at my crotch. “I’ve never seen a woman’s pussy up close,” she breathed. “How could I have spent all these years without trying this?” So it was her first time. That only excited me more…

I was eager to feel her mouth against my mound but she first licked the juices off my thighs, going back and forth, from left to right, for what seemed to me to be an eternity of aroused suspense. It was beautiful to watch her, her dark hair — usually so neatly combed — all tousled and wet, her face — usually so serene and meditative — so possessed with the hunger for another woman.

Finally, I felt her tongue licking on either side of my pussy, outside the outer lips. But as her tongue explored my crotch, her face brushed against my clit and made my body jerk with excitement. Then she moved her tongue inside! My God in heaven, what a moment! The woman I loved most in the world was now penetrating me with her tongue, exploring every intimate fold, and then sucking on my clit, pulling it in between her lips, then letting go and licking…

After that, it was all a huge, glorious blur of repeated orgasms. I remember that I later spread her on the floor on her stomach and tongued her asshole while she humped against her fingers, and then still later we were lying on the sofa bathed in sweat and kissing.

Several hours must have passed. It was afternoon when we woke up, holding each other, naked, on the sofa.

The next day I wondered whether to send the edited photos to the usual web site. Now I felt the caution of a daughter and the jealousy of a lover. Mom insisted, though. She said that she wanted to get something really nice for Connie’s baby.

My mother and I still make love every now and then. We’re both in relationships with other women — after we fucked that first time, it was enough to convince Mom that she was gay — but we still get together occasionally for a hot romp in the sheets. She’s my beloved parent, my best friend, my roommate and my fuck-buddy, all wrapped up in one wonderful, desirable hunk of woman, and I adore her to bits.

The End


Mom’s Madness

  • Posted on March 20, 2019 at 2:12 pm

Author Unknown

Everyone knew that my mother was cut from a different cloth. To be honest, she was simply odd, floating through life with a dreamy, childlike look in her eyes, often losing track of conversations, then breaking in with a non sequitur that left other people puzzled. She was a true old-fashioned blond beauty who looked as if she’d just walked in off the set of a vintage Technicolor movie.

My mother exuded a warmth that often confused strangers, as she’d start talking to them as if they were old friends. There was a kind of sweet madness to her, a craving for affection and attention that could be trying to me sometimes, even when I was a little girl. I learned at an early age to indulge her, enjoying the attention she lavished on me even if she sometimes acted more like a needful child than a proper mother. She was infinitely lovable, though, which made her eccentricities easy to tolerate.

Mother often walked around the house nude, or in a thin wrap. She and I lived in a grand two-story house in a wealthy suburb, with a large yard and high fences and shrubbery that provided our privacy from the prying eyes of neighbors. Mother would often stroll in the garden naked and encourage me to skinny dip with her in our pool. We didn’t socialize much with the country-club types that lived near us and mainly kept to ourselves. Mother thought they were uptight… and they found her dreamy exuberance to be, well, unseemly.

Mother had few notions of personal boundaries or privacy and seemed to crave my attention. Sometimes I’d be in my room, reading or doing my homework, and she’d call me down to join her as she sat before the fire.

I really didn’t mind. I can remember the warmth of her body as she draped an arm around my shoulders. It was so natural; we didn’t think anything of it. The two of us would just be cuddled close together on the couch, watching an old movie until we fell asleep.

As a little girl, she bathed with me regularly. My mother would soap me up, lovingly washing my body. I can remember watching her kneel in front of me, a blissful expression on her face as her soapy hands moved over every inch of my skin.

I slept in my mother’s bed often. Not every night, of course, but often. I can remember, as a child, how warm and safe I felt with my warm, soft mother cuddling me close, crooning songs into my ear to lull me asleep.

As I grew into puberty, Mom became even more of a free spirit. She hardly ever dressed when at home, and even then it was only in flimsy robes or a long t-shirt. She insisted that I share her bed now and then, the two of us snuggling together beneath a cozy quilt. Though she was always physically affectionate, her hugs, kisses, and caresses became more frequent, warm and prolonged. I didn’t really think anything of it — but then one day, when I was fifteen, the love my mother and I shared became something more.

That day, when I came home from school, my mother greeted me at the front door in her short silk kimono. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close as we stood in the foyer. I felt her large, soft breasts press against my cheeks as she squeezed me tight. It was as if she hadn’t seen me in weeks.

“Wow, Mom, what’s this for… did something happen?” I asked.

She laughed, kissed my cheek, and then planted a firm kiss on my lips. I smelled her sweet jasmine perfume, and she looked into my eyes, holding my face in her hands. “I just needed to touch someone,” she laughed, a bit abashed. “I was filled to the brim with love, and it felt like I was going to explode if I didn’t let that love out!”

We laughed at that, and she pulled me inside. “Come on, honey,” she murmured, “Let’s take a bath together. It’s been ages since we’ve done that.”

“Um… I was going to read, Mom,” I said. “Maybe later…?”

But she brushed this aside. “C’mon, spend some time with your mother,” she cooed. “I’ve been lonely in the house all day without you around.” She had a playful, pouting expression that made me laugh. It was like I was the parent and she was the kid demanding attention. So, like all that felt the force of her desire, I relented with a smile.

She led me to her grand bathroom, with its whirlpool tub in which she and I had so often shared baths. She quickly dropped her robe, revealing her nude body without hesitation. Her breasts seemed so full and round to me as they swayed slightly. She was giggling and practically dancing with excitement.

Mom began to undress me. We laughed as we talked about my day. I didn’t think anything of it, at the time, but now I realize that something did seem different as she pulled my sweater over my head and unbuttoned my blouse. She let her hands spread across my bare chest, over the bra, caressing me lovingly.

“Mmm, darling, your skin is so soft,” she purred. She unhooked and removed my bra, then pulled my skirt down, and, just as quickly, my panties. She studied my naked body, letting her hands glide up and down my legs. “And your legs are absolutely flawless,” she said approvingly, stroking my thighs. “You’ve grown into such a lovely, lovely young woman.”

She stood and faced me, both of us naked now. She gazed at me for a moment with adoring eyes, then drew me close for another hug. This time our naked bodies pressed hotly against each other, making me tingle deliciously. I felt her hands slip down my back to cup my ass. I giggled, since it tickled. I reached around to playfully pinch her bottom and she laughed, slapping my hand away.

Hand in hand, we climbed into the hot water of the tub and relaxed as she asked me about my day. As we made small talk, she moved next to me and took the bar of soap in her hands, beginning to wash my body. Since she’d done that since I was a baby, I thought nothing of it at first. But today she seemed to take more time as she washed me, allowing her hands to linger on my wet flesh, often brushing her cheek or lips across my skin after rinsing it clean.

After awhile, I could tell she was no longer paying attention to what I was talking about, so I just relaxed and let her wash me. I felt safe and warm, basking in the glow of my mother’s love… but as her touches and kisses gradually grew more and more sensual, I realized that I was turned on, too.

Then my mother guided me onto my feet, having me stand so she could properly wash my lower half. She moved to my front first and knelt before me, looking up at me with her wide, dewy blue eyes. She smiled so warmly, so tenderly. It felt good to know that washing me this way made her feel so happy, and I didn’t want to do anything to take away from her mood. So, I let her guide the soap and sponge along my shoulders, down over my small, pointed breasts — her fingers lightly brushing my nipples — and across my flat belly. I looked down as the soap suds slid down my firm, young body, watching her fondle my thighs as she washed down each one.

The expression on her face as she bathed me was blissful, but there was a hunger in Mom’s eyes that I’d not seen before. My pulse began to quicken as I observed her. She seemed almost intoxicated, but somehow I knew that she was not. Or perhaps she was drunk on something other than liquor… desire, perhaps?

Mom dipped the sponge in the bath and squeezed it, letting rivulets of water travel down my body, taking the soap residue with them. By then, my nipples were rock hard, which she surely felt as her hands lightly brushed the soapy water from my breasts. I felt lightheaded from my mother’s loving caresses.

Once my upper half had been rinsed clean, Mom gently kissed my belly, just inches above my pussy, making me shiver. She glanced up, graced me with the most affectionate smile, then turned me around to face away from her, reaching once more for the soap. I was feeling all quivery and light-headed… what was Mom doing?

As with my front, Mom began at my shoulders and soaped my body downwards, lathering me all over. She let her fingers creep down my spine, between my cheeks, caressing the soft globes of my bottom. I felt my breath grow shallow, even as she was crooning loving words to me. My heart was throbbing. Her fingers glided down the crack of my ass, over my rosebud. My head lolled back, a whimper escaping my lips. Almost without thinking, I brought a hand up to fondle my breasts.

I felt my mother press her face against my ass, her hands resting on my hips as she kissed inside. I was nervous and excited, trembling from head to toe. My pussy was throbbing as her fingers crept between my thighs to touch me there. I panted as she began to slide her fingers back and forth, stroking my cunt. I felt my knees shake.

“Oh darling, my lovely baby, sweet, sweet Nora,” my mother breathed. “Let me make you feel good.”

Oh… oh, Mom,” I whispered, unable to comprehend what was happening. My mother, my own mother, was making love to me! I was still a virgin, had never gone very far with any boy, now Mom was pleasuring me as if she were my lover!

She was rubbing my clit in rapid circles now, any pretense of washing me now gone. I was nearly out of breath, leaning against the wall for support. Mom’s face was pressed against my ass, her breath hot on my skin as the soap and hot water sluiced down my thighs. I felt myself losing control as she continued to fondle my pussy, sliding a free finger along my labia. Then I felt her other hand parting my buttocks.

My body tensed slightly in the midst of my pleasure… then — oh my God — I moaned in disbelief as Mom pressed her face between my cheeks, her tongue emerging to lick at the crack of my ass.

I had never conceived of such a thing, never knew that lovers shared such pleasures with one another. A hoarse cry issued from my throat that echoed off the bathroom walls as my body seized up in a wondrous climax far beyond anything my childish fumblings with masturbation had ever produced.

I came convulsively, succumbing to my mother’s dexterous fingers… and, ultimately, to her madness.

I slowly slid down the tiled wall, finally sitting in the lovely hot water of my bath, feeling my mother’s soft arms entwine my body. I was dazed, flushed, at peace with the world.

My mother and I lounged in the tub, relaxing in the afterglow of my pleasure. We sat next to each other, cuddling. We hadn’t spoken since my orgasm, not wanting to break the spell that had ensnared us both. I felt both awkward and, oddly, at ease. She lightly caressed me, and I shyly reciprocated.

I nestled in my mother’s arms for awhile, lulled almost to sleep by the warmth of the tub and my mother’s soothing caresses on my hair and face…and then I felt her stiff nipple brushing my cheek. I opened my eyes to see the firm pink tip of my mother’s breast, now inches from my face.

A reckless impulse seized me, one that I was powerless to resist. My lips parted, and I leaned in closer to take Mom’s nipple into my mouth. She moaned gently, and I began to softly suckle her breast.

“Ah, yes, there, baby, let Mommy feed you again,” she said dreamily. I shifted myself so that I straddled my mother’s left thigh, with one hand against the side of the tub to support myself. My mother put her head back and cooed with pleasure as I tasted her hard nipple, my free hand savoring the creamy softness of her breast. I pressed my cunt against Mom’s leg, loving the feeling of her skin against my clitoris.

It was there, in warm water of the bathtub, in the dimly lit coziness of the room, that I fully gave in to my mother’s madness. As a child, I hadn’t understood it. I had even been frightened by it at times, or just endured it with affection. But as I suckled her breasts in the tub, I embraced her strangeness, worshiping at the altar of her beautiful body.

I felt Mom’s hands reach around to my ass, pulling me closer to her. My arousal growing sharp, I let my hand trail down her body and into the water to touch the cleft between her spread legs. Her eyes fluttered as my hand grew bolder, my fingers exploring the contours and folds of my mother’s cunt.

I gave in completely to this wild new desire… this lust I’d never felt before for any woman or girl. I began to grind my pussy against my mother’s firm thigh, which she raised to me, giving me what I needed to get off.

I wanted more. Slowly, carefully, I let two fingers slip into the heat of her pussy. Heart throbbing relentlessly, I played with her, fucked her, loved her; my fingers frolicking in her tangled pubes. She moaned with delight, holding me close.

She raised my face from her breasts to meet her gaze, her eyes warm with adoration. “Oh. baby,” she whispered, “I love you so much…”

I licked my lips, slowly leaning closer — then my mouth was on hers, and Mother and I were kissing like lovers. Her tongue pushed its way into my mouth, and I sucked at it eagerly.

Mom’s hand slid down my back to caress my ass as I worked my cunt against her thigh. I kept fingering her pussy, finding her clit with my thumb and lightly teasing it, as I’d done so many times to myself. Pressed close together, our mouths locked in a passionate kiss, we paid no heed to the water sloshing out of the tub as we moved rhythmically against each other.

I felt Mom’s fingers creep into the crevice of my ass, stroking my anal cleft, which gradually opened to her gentle probing. With a single smooth, she slid a finger into my rectum with a single steady stroke.

I cried out, breaking our kiss — and Mother squealed in delight at my response to her touch. Upping the ante, I pushed a third finger into her juicy cunt and felt her body jerk violently in response.

“Yes! Yes! Oh yes!” she cried, throwing her head back. I too began to shake uncontrollably as my mother’s finger continued to probe my anus. Mother continued to heave and pant as I fucked her. I was coming nonstop now, almost breaking into sobs, grinding my pussy hard against Mom’s thigh until I collapsed against her breasts.

Mother slowly came down from her own orgasm and we both withdrew our fingers from each other’s bodies. The two of us slowly relaxed, just panting, snuggling close in the cooling bathwater.

“Oh,  my sweet baby,” Mom cooed, stroking my hair, kissing my cheek and lips. “Mommy loves you so!”

I collapsed into my mother’s wet warmth, our moist skins pressed together, our breathing heavy.  “I love you too, Mom,” I whispered. “Oh, God, how I love you!”

We relaxed together, at peace in our mutual madness. I let her stroke my skin and whisper sweet words of love into my ear, the two of us occasionally sharing passionate kisses.

Then Mom pulled away to gaze at me with loving eyes. “Let’s go to bed, honey,” she cooed. “There are so many things I want to show you… so many pleasures for us to share.”

I smiled at her. “I’d love to, Mom.”

We rose from the bath and stepped out onto the mat. Mom seized a large towel, and we took turns drying one another, pausing often for long, loving kisses.

Mom sighed happily. “I’ve dreamed about this for a long time, honey… about us becoming more than just mother and daughter.” She caressed my ass with gentle fingers. “There’s nothing like the love between women, Nora. I want to show you how beautiful it is.”

I was kissing her soft neck. “Teach me, Mom,” I whispered in between kisses.

Dropping the towel carelessly to the bathroom tiles, Mom took my hand and led me down the hallway and into her bedroom, both of us still gloriously naked. I admired the loveliness of her bare body, seeing my mother in a way I never had before… as my lover.

The End


Two Sisters, One Second

  • Posted on March 16, 2019 at 2:39 pm

by Cartman94

{ This story was originally posted at Literotica in August 2013 }

Hi, my name is Lana and I’m here to tell you a story. A story about how one second can change your life. This is the story of how my sister and I fell in love.

It was a hot day. A really hot day. Sun shining, beautiful weather, but being the silent, indoors girl I am, I stayed inside. I was 18 years old and had just finished high school. Window open, sitting on the bed, controller in my hand, Xbox 360 on, playing a first person shooter. That’s what I liked to do.

You probably wouldn’t tell by my looks, but inside I’m a bit of a geek. Games, books, movies, computers, comic books, you name it. The closet against the farthest wall in my room was half filled with comic books and half filled with normal books, mostly sci-fi and fantasy and I had another small cabinet filled with games. This got me the attention of 90% of the boys in class. I could understand why. Either most girls didn’t play video games, or they just didn’t talk about it.

But even with all the attention, I never dated a guy. I guess I just wasn’t interested in them. Because of that I began to think that I may have been a lesbian, but it was the same with the girls. No one seemed interesting. I came to the conclusion that I just hadn’t found anyone fun yet.

“Still loving those video games, huh?”

I jumped at the sudden noise. I looked over my shoulder. “Brianna!” I jumped off the bed and hugged my sister. “It’s been way too long.”

Brianna was three years older than me. She just finished college without any problems, and now was back home looking for a job. Her college was far away from home, so she stayed there. I would only see her on school breaks, or special occasions like Christmas or New Year’s. Last time I saw her was in April for my birthday. She came all that way to surprise me.

My loud reaction may not suggest that I’m a quiet person, but that’s because it was my sister. We were always close. I mean, we did have some fights like normal siblings, but those things were quickly forgotten. If I ever had any problems in school or whatever, she was the person to go to. When we were little, we were inseparable.

“Congratulations on passing your finals, sis,” I said.

She hugged me back. “Thanks, Lana. You too.”

I let her go. “So, tell me about your last months in college.”

She chuckled. “Tonight, Lana. Mom and Dad will be gone, I’ll make your favorite spaghetti, and then we’ll talk.”

I grinned. “Thanks.” I made a motion towards the TV. “You wanna play something?”

She walked over to my Xbox, took the second controller and let herself fall on the bed. “Sure you can handle the disappointment?” she joked. I threw my pillow at her, and we both laughed.


Six o’clock downstairs in the living room. Our parents were packed and ready to leave. They were going on a trip through parts of Europe, and would be gone for a month. They had a flight around 9 o’clock and it was a long drive to the airport. They hugged us both.

“Okay, there’s food in the fridge, if you need something, just…”

“Mom, Mom,” my sister cut her off and smiled, “we’re adults, we can take care of ourselves. There’s no need to worry.”

She nodded. “Yes, I know, I’m sorry. I’m just going to miss you.”

“We’re going to miss you too, Mom,” I said.

She hugged us again and they took off. “Bye.”


They loaded their stuff in our dad’s car and left Mom’s car behind so we… well, so Brianna could drive if one of us needed to be somewhere. We waved again and they were gone.

I wasn’t as close with my parents as I was with my sister. Don’t get me wrong, I loved them, I couldn’t have wished for better parents, and I had some serious talks with my mom from time to time, but it wasn’t the same like with Brianna. She always seemed to understand me more. Maybe because she was younger.

“Well then,” my sister said as they faded out of view, “I guess I’ll start on that spaghetti.”

I laid the table and after about forty minutes, dinner was served. My mouth watered at the aroma of spaghetti Bolognese. I rolled a bunch of spaghetti onto my fork and put it in my mouth. Delicious.

“So Brianna, tell me about your last months in college.” I mumbled with a mouth full of food.

She giggled. “What?”

Oh. I bit on the spaghetti and swallowed it. “Sorry,” I grinned, “tell me about college.”

“Well, not much to tell since the last time I saw you, really. Just that I passed my finals. The last few weeks were a lot of studying, so there wasn’t much room for other activities.” I nodded. “But what about you? You finished high school. How did it go?”

“It was pretty easy for the most part. I had a little trouble with math, but nothing serious.”

“And now what? Are you gonna go to college?”

“I don’t know, it seems like fun and it’s probably the smart thing to do, but I’m not sure yet.” I really didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life.

She took my hand and squeezed it. “Well, whatever you do, I’m here for you.”

I smiled. “Thanks, sis.”

She grinned. “And how are things in the love department? Any romances?”

I shrugged. “Same old same old, still single.”

“How is that possible? You’re a beautiful girl and you’re a geek. Any boy would kill to be with you.”

I shrugged again. “I don’t know, I just don’t go out much, and the boys in my class just didn’t seem interesting to me.”

“Well don’t worry, you’ll find someone,” Brianna said, smiling.

I chuckled. “I’m not worrying, sis, I’m happy with what I have now. And what about you? Didn’t you have a boyfriend?”

“No, that’s over.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. What happened?”

“I found out he was cheating on me, so I broke up with him.”

“What a jerk.” She nodded in agreement. “I hope you find someone better, sis — you deserve a lot more.”

She leaned over and kissed my forehead. “Thanks, Lana, that means a lot to me.”

The discussion about our love interests ended and took other turns. We talked about our parents. Just like with me, she hadn’t seen them in a long time. Then we talked about whatever we could come up with. Well, Brianna did most of the talking. She’s not as quiet and shy as I am — in fact, she’s way more open and outgoing. She’s always so sweet and playful, but when it’s necessary, she can be very serious.

When dinner was finished, we did the dishes, watched a movie and went to bed.


I woke up the next morning, took some clothes out of my closet and made my way to the bathroom. I put my hand on the doorknob, twisted it and when I pushed the door open I had to close my eyes to let out a big yawn.

“Um, good morning.”

My eyes shot open immediately. My sister was sitting on a chair, naked, one leg on the side of the bathtub and a razor in one of her hands.

I was startled and couldn’t move. My eyes flashed over her body. She had what looked like from here about B-sized breasts, a flat tummy and a trimmed patch of pubic hair. Her vagina was covered by her other leg. My eyes were glued to her body and then realizing I had been staring too long, I covered my eyes. My face had never been so red before and I became very nervous.

“Oh… sorry sis. I… I…” and practically ran out of the bathroom.

Shit. I had forgotten she was here. Her body flashed before my eyes. Wow, I thought to myself, she has a stunning body. I hit myself on the head. NO, don’t think that, she’s your sister, stop.

How long did I stare at her? It couldn’t have been longer than a second, could it? No, no maybe she didn’t even notice me staring. No she didn’t, I’m sure of it.

Suddenly, she came out of the bathroom. How long had I been standing here?

“Like what you saw?” she grinned.

I let out a nervous chuckle. “I… erm… I forgot you had to use the bathroom too. Sorry.”

She laughed and waved my apology away. “Don’t sweat it.” Then she came closer to me and pinched my butt. “I’ll see you naked one day too, and then we’ll be even.” She smiled and walked away.

Brianna was playing with me, I knew it. As we were growing up and hit puberty, she began making sexual jokes from time to time. She would joke around like that sometimes. It didn’t mean anything… did it? Did she notice me staring?

I tried to shake it off and entered the bathroom. Moments later, I was in the shower and washing myself, when her naked body flashed before me again, but now I felt this tingling in my stomach and my vagina tingled. What was going on?

Then when I was out of the shower and toweling off, I saw them. The pink panties she wore yesterday. They were lying there, on top of the dirty laundry.

My body moved on its own. What was going on? I grabbed her panties. The silk fabric felt so soft in my hands. I had the same panties but in a different color, why did hers feel so good?

The next thing I knew, I was sniffing them. The aroma was amazing. I couldn’t even begin to describe what it smelled like. I rubbed it against my cheek.

What was I doing? I threw them back on the laundry. Why was I doing this? Why did I have this feeling in my stomach, why did my pussy throb? Was it because I saw Brianna naked? That’s not possible, and besides, she’s my sister, it’s wrong. There’s rules, there’s… My hand was already reaching for her panties again. No! I filled the sink with ice cold water and splashed it on my face.

After I got myself together and put on my clothes I made my way down, a bit reluctantly. Brianna was sitting on the couch, and when I entered she smiled at me like nothing happened. My eyes scanned her body again and automatically, my mind was stripping her naked. A pretty face, breasts, a flat tummy, slender legs, but her vagina was covered by her leg again.

My stomach felt tingly again and I felt myself getting a little wet. I couldn’t react so I quickly made my way to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. Wow, I thought to myself, this is gonna be one hell of a month.

The rest of the day — and the rest of the week, for that matter — was kind of a blur. I spent most of the week in my room. That’s what I usually did when I she wasn’t home, but when she was home, normally I’d be downstairs hanging out with her. But I couldn’t. Every time I saw her I felt the same tingle in my stomach. Whenever we’d go out shopping or something like that, I would get nervous for some reason and wouldn’t talk that much. It wasn’t my typical behavior around her, and I’m sure she must have noticed something was wrong, but even if she did, she didn’t say anything.


“Do you have any plans for today?” Brianna asked as we ate breakfast the next week.

“No, why?”

“Well, since it’s beautiful weather, how about we go to the beach? We could lay back and relax in the sun a bit. And the water will feel good.”

“I don’t know, sis, you know I’m not a fan of crowded places.”

She took my hand. “Please,” she widened her brown eyes to form these puppy eyes I could never resist. “as a favor to me. We’ll go lay somewhere a bit quiet and if you want, you can bring a book.”

“Fine.” She seemed happy with my answer. “but only because you asked me to.”

It wasn’t because the beach would be crowded that I didn’t want to go. I always liked the beach when I was younger, and if that meant more people around me than I was comfortable with, I didn’t mind. I didn’t want to go because I would see my sister in her bathing suit. Her naked body kept flashing before my eyes, and even though she would be wearing her bathing suit, it would be enough for me to stare at her again. To feel a bit uncomfortable and to feel guilty for looking at my sister, my own flesh and blood.

“Thanks, sis,” she said and stood up, “I guess we’ll better go put our bathing suits on.”

“We’re leaving the house in our bathing suits?”

She laughed. “No, silly, put your clothes on top of them. That way we won’t have to get changed on the beach, and there won’t be any creeps staring at us.”

I chuckled. “Okay, now I understand.” She smiled and ran upstairs. But there will be one creep staring at you, sis, I thought, and that’s me.

I ate the rest of my breakfast, put on my blue two-piece bikini in my room, covered it with my regular clothes, packed whatever I needed and went back downstairs. Brianna was practically jumping up and down, very excited. We put our stuff in the trunk of the car and drove off.

The beach wasn’t crowded like I thought it would be, and that made me happier, but it still took us a while before we found a place that was relatively quiet. Sweat was already pouring down our skin when we set foot on the sand. Brianna laid out her towel on the sand, while I folded out my beach chair. I had a towel myself, but I brought a book and it was easier for me to read in the chair.

I was busy setting up the beach umbrella when my attention was drawn to Brianna. She was taking off her clothes. She pulled up her tank top to reveal her flat tummy. It looked so smooth. Then, a pink bikini top came into view. It matched perfectly with her brown eyes and bright blonde hair. And as if she was teasing me… no, more like torturing me, she turned a bit, her back towards me and started pulling off her short skirt, bending forward as she does it. She slowly revealed her pink bikini panties. It didn’t cover her whole butt, most of her cheeks were completely exposed.

I practically came right there and then. When she turned around to get some sun block, I quickly turned to the umbrella, pretending I was busy… hoping she didn’t see me stare.

God damn it, Lana, I thought to myself as Brianna put on sun block. Stop staring! She’s your sister, for crying out loud.

I put on sun block myself and sat down in the chair. By now my sister was lying back, relaxing in the sun. She had her dark sunglasses on, and her eyes were impossible to see. I was already staring over her body, I couldn’t stop myself. Long, slender legs, perfect hips, a smooth tummy, hills on her chest that formed her breasts and a perfect face. Another tingling in my tummy and vagina.

People said we looked somewhat alike, but I disagreed. While she had bright blonde hair, mine was a bit darker. That was the only thing I found to be somewhat similar. Where she had brown eyes, I had bright blue. I had a bit of a small nose which I didn’t really like, but most people thought it was cute. I also had thinner lips than my sister. And where she had a natural athletic body, I didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, most people said I had a stunning figure and some of the girls in class were jealous, but I always thought that Brianna had a better body. And she had around what looked like B-sized breasts perhaps even C and I had A-sized ones. Overall, I couldn’t really complain about myself.

I lay down in the chair and took out my book, a fantasy novel about dragons and stuff. I didn’t put on my sunglasses, because then it would be almost impossible to read. I constrained myself from looking at Brianna. I kept thinking that she was my sister, and I wasn’t allowed to think that way about her. It was really hard, but I managed for the most part… at least until she spoke up.

“Hey sis,” she began as she turned around on her front, her breasts swinging sideways, “do you mind putting some sun block on my back?”

No, no, no. Don’t ask me that, Brianna. I managed to smile. “Sure, sis,” I said with a quiver in my voice.

I got up, straddled her legs and squirted some sun block on my hands. My arms moved towards her lower back. Her skin felt so soft and so delicate under my fingers. Again, the tingling in my belly. Her body was hot from the sun and my fingers just melted into her skin. I rubbed her lower back for way too long before moving on to her upper back. Even her shoulders felt both fragile and strong. So soft, so smooth. My hands were glued to her body.

“Sis?” she suddenly said.


“Would you mind putting some on my legs and butt?”

I froze. Come on, say something. “Um…”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

But that was the problem. I wanted to do it, but for the wrong reasons. I tried to speak but my throat was blocked. I swallowed and tried to hide my nervousness. “Sure, no problem… I mean, what are sisters for, right?”

She smiled. “Thanks, Lana.”

Shaking inside, I spread Lana’s legs and got on my knees between them. With nervous hands I squeezed some sun block into my palms and moved towards one of her calves. So far so good, I said to myself, these are just your sister’s legs, there’s nothing erotic about that.

Done with both her calves, I moved upwards towards her thighs. This was getting harder. So soft and smooth, just like the rest of her body. Then came both the best and worst part. Her butt.

I squeezed some more sun block into my trembling hands and moved them towards her tush. My heart was pounding and sweat was dripping down my forehead. I almost gasped at the softness of her cheeks. My sister definitely didn’t have a big butt, in fact it looked firm, but I had never been so wrong before. They were like jelly, my fingers sank down into her flesh.

I caught myself just holding her butt in my hands, not moving them and spreading the sun block. I took a deep breath and moved. My fingers dug even deeper. I had to keep myself from pinching it. One of my fingers accidentally slipped under the fabric and brushed her hole. I swear I heard a small moan.

I literally got lost in her tush. My hands kept moving on their own, not wanting to stop, not wanting to let go. She felt so perfect.

“Okay, sis,” she smiled and pulled me out of my trance I’d fallen into while touching her behind, “I think I have enough sun block there now.”

I blushed again, harder than ever before. “Oh yeah,” I said, quickly taking my hands off her butt and making my way back to my chair while trying to talk to her, falling over my words. “Sorry.”

She didn’t say anything and just grinned before putting her head back down, facing me, and relaxing again. I took my book, but I had trouble reading. I constantly lost attention and kept glancing at Brianna, especially her butt. I knew I sat there a long time, but I hadn’t even read a single page yet before she said something. I heard a distant voice, but my mind and gaze were fixed on her body.

“Sis.” she said with a louder voice.

I almost jumped out of my chair. Oh God, I was staring again, wasn’t I? She saw me, she definitely saw me. Oh God, I’m screwed. No, no she probably didn’t see me. “Yeah?” I said, dreading her answer.

“I asked if you wanted to go swimming.”

“Oh, sorry, I was… I was a bit focused on my book,” I lied, “but sure, sounds like fun.” And maybe it would get her out of my head.

“Great,” she said and jumped up. Her breasts bounced up and down and swung sideways. “Race ya there.” She took off in a run. The flesh of her butt bouncing up and down as she ran. I followed it until she was in the water. I closed my eyes and rubbed the side of my head. God, Lana, I said to myself, stop thinking about her.

I stood up and made my way to the sea. I was positive that being in the water would help me. And I was correct. It felt good in the warm summer sun and it helped me get my mind off Brianna a bit.

That was until we got out of the water. It was as if she was a goddess rising from beneath the sea. A queen I read about in one of my books. The sunlight shone on the water gliding down her body and made her skin sparkle. She was already drying herself off before I got out of the water.

“Wanna go home?” she asked when I arrived.

Thank God, I thought to myself, if we stay longer I will go crazy. “Okay.”

Once home, watching TV after we both took a shower, I just had to ask her. I had to know what this feeling meant.

“Brianna, you’ve had a few boyfriends, right?”

She looked away from the TV. “What are you implying by that?”

“Oh no, no, I didn’t mean… I wasn’t trying to…”

She laughed. “I’m just kidding, Lana. What do you want to know?”

I tried to smile back, but I couldn’t. “How do you know when you like someone?”

The corners of her mouth rose and formed a smile. “Anyone caught your interest?”

“No, no, no,” I quickly answered before I slipped something out, “I mean, maybe someone did and I just didn’t know or something.”

She stared at me for a few seconds and then shook her head. “No, if you really like someone, you’d know. If you like someone, you’ll feel something inside you, you know like when they say you get butterflies in your stomach, you’ll get tingly and warm. And when you look at that person, you’ll automatically smile and feel happy. And if you really like someone, you wouldn’t be able to keep your eyes off of that person. Wherever you are, everything around you will lose meaning and all your attention will be focused on that one human being.”

I knew that, but I was too afraid to admit it. I just nodded.

My reaction must have looked sad because she took my hand in hers. “Look, sis, you’ll find someone like that. And when the time comes, whoever it may be, that person will not be able to resist you.”

Yeah, I thought to myself, I think she will.


The days crawled by. By the end of the week I had come to terms with the fact that I was falling in love with my sister. Now I was not only angry and disgusted with myself for doing so, but I was also sad. Sad because I could never be with her. You can’t date family. Siblings aren’t supposed to be together, to sleep together. But I kept torturing myself… I kept hoping.


A new day. I found myself in the bathroom and was staring at my sister’s panties in the laundry again. There were new panties every day, and every day I took them in my hands. Soft black silk, my sister’s scent. Time and time again I took in the aroma. The scent found its way deep into my nose… delicious.

I started to put them back, but something deep inside made me hesitate. Instead, I put them on. The fabric felt incredible as it slid against my thighs. I was going too far and I knew it. Wearing my sister’s panties was too much, but it was the only way to feel her against me the way I wanted.

Even though my bra didn’t match her panties at all, I put on the rest of my clothes and went downstairs. There was a note on the table.

Out for groceries. Home around 11.

I sighed and had to smile. “Well, that means a little less staring today,” I said to myself. But I was wrong.

Brianna arrived a bit later than 11 o’clock. “Sorry,” she said while carrying some bags, “I went shopping, too.”

“What did you buy?” I asked, looking up from my book.

“I’ll show you this afternoon,” she said while putting the bags down and getting the food from the car, “but I got us pizza. You want some?”

“Sure, sounds great.”

It was somewhere in the afternoon before my sister showed off what she’d bought. Neither one of us are big fashion divas, but that didn’t mean we never let each other see our new clothes. She hadn’t gotten that much, just a few tops and skirts. Of course, she was beautiful in every single piece.

Then she yelled something from the kitchen, where she was changing. “This next thing is a bit different, but I want your honest opinion, okay?”


I nearly fainted when she appeared. The only thing she was wearing was lingerie. She had black panties with red ruffles and a matching black and red bra. My eyes almost fell out of my head just by looking at her. “Wow.”

“So you like it?”

I nodded heavily without talking, afraid I would say too much. I could already feel myself getting wet.

“I also brought something for you.”

“You bought me lingerie?”

“Just a bra. When I saw it I immediately thought of you,” she said while walking back into the kitchen. “Just close your eyes.”

I didn’t know what she meant when she said that she thought of me, but I did as she said and closed my eyes. After a few seconds, I felt her placing something in my hands.

I opened my eyes and burst out laughing. She gave me a bra with on the left cup the left side of a Xbox 360 controller and on the right cup, the right side of the controller. It took a few seconds before I had control over my laugh. “It’s beautiful, thanks sis.”

“Why don’t you try it on?”

My eyes shot up. “What, now? Here?”

“Lana, I’m standing here in my underwear…”


“Just think of it as a preview for when I see you naked one day,” she said with a grin. “You still owe me.”

I stood up quickly and turned my back to her to cover my red face. I removed my top and bra and put on the new one. “It fits perfectly, Brianna,” I said while turning back to her.

Now she had to laugh herself. “It’s the perfect bra for you.”

I looked down, still feeling awkward. “I guess.”

She smiled. “So, Lana, what do you want to do today?”


We were watching television that evening. It was already dark outside, but it was still incredibly warm… so Brianna walked around all day in just her underthings. She made it very hard for me to concentrate on anything else. My eyes kept straying to her body and I kept wondering how it would feel pressed against mine. I wanted to plant kisses all over my sister, from her little toe to her earlobe, from her mouth to her vagina. I wondered what she would say if she could read my mind.

Suddenly, everything went dark. The lights and the TV flicked off and there was total silence.

Brianna stood up, walked to the window and pulled aside one of the curtains. “The whole neighborhood’s dark. Looks like a power outage.” She took a step back, “I’ll go look for a flashlight.”

She came back after a while — not with a flashlight, but with candles. “I didn’t find one, so we’re going to have to do like in the old days,” she chuckled, then put the candles on the table. She went to the kitchen to get matches, then lit them. The flames of the candles made for a dim glow, but it was enough to see by. “Now what?”

An hour later after we already finished one board game, and were busy playing Monopoly. We sat on the floor close together to see the board in the dim glow, me still in my skirt and bra, and my sister still in her lingerie. Her bare leg kept sliding against mine when she moved her game piece, as if she was doing it on purpose. Our conversation started out with random stuff, but turned to more romantic and sexual things later on.

“How does your first kiss feel?” I asked while moving my pawn.

“You never kissed anyone?” she asked a bit bewildered. I shook my head. “But what about that boy, what was his name again… Adam?”

I rolled my eyes. “That was in like primary school…. and if I remember right, it was a dare in Truth or Dare or something like that. Doesn’t count.”

She stared for a while, making me a bit uncomfortable. “So you’ve never been kissed?”

I shook my head again, cheeks red from embarrassment. “No.”

She took my hand in hers. “That’s good, Lana… you shouldn’t throw something like that away, it’s much better if it’s with someone you like.”

I shrugged. “But still, how does it feel?”

“That’s something I can’t describe, baby sis, you’ll have to experience it for yourself.”

I sighed, a bit disappointed that I still didn’t know. “Okay then, what do you do when you want someone to kiss you?”

She chuckled a bit. “I usually take the first step.”


“Yeah, most guys don’t know when to take a hint, so I figure I’ll help,” she smiled.


She turned to me with a look in her eyes that I’d never seen before, and after a few seconds she said, “Turn to me.”

A bit startled by the sudden change in her voice and eyes, I did what she said, then stretched my legs towards her. She stood up only to straddle my legs. I didn’t know what was going on, but my breathing had already become heavier. “Well,” she continued, “there are a few different kisses. There is, for example, a kiss that’s just pure lust. That’s the sort of kiss-and-tear-each-other’s-clothes-off kind of thing.”

She put her hands on mine, slid them up my arms and stopped at my shoulders. Her touch gave me goose bumps over my entire body. “Then there are these quick little kisses, so you can tease the other person a bit.”

Her hands slid upwards, combed my hair and then rested on my cheeks. “And then,” she said while moving her head forward, “there is a passionate kiss.” She held her lips an inch from mine. My entire body was rigid. I was breathing hard, my heart beating in my chest like it was possessed and my lips quivered when I felt her hot breath on them. I looked into her eyes and saw the fire in them. “A kiss for someone you love. Nothing can surpass that.”

She closed the gap. I went limp when her lips touched mine. My heart was beating even faster and I felt hot all over, like my body was burning.

It took a couple of seconds before I could react and kiss her back. She was right, this feeling is indescribable. My lips melted into hers, her warmth pulled me into a trance. I’d waited far too long for this moment. Her touch had me feeling total euphoria.

But then she broke away. The cooler air touching my lips brought me back to reality. This beautiful girl was on top of me, the dim glow coming from the candles accentuating the gleam in her eyes.

Then it hit me. My older sister and I just kissed, like girlfriends! I felt terrible and miserable and started looking around nervously and mumbling to myself.

“Lana?” my sister asked, clearly very worried.

“S-sorry,” I said to no one in particular and crawled from under her and ran upstairs in the dark. I locked my door and fell down on the bed. I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t.

“Lana.” A soft knock and a troubled voice came from the direction of the door. I ignored it. I couldn’t face her now, it was too embarrassing. I wanted this for so long, but when it happened it was just too much.

After a few more knocks I heard her leave, and a single tear fell down my face and onto the bed.

I don’t know how long I lay there, staring at nothing in the pitch black. But then, as if my body had a mind of its own, I stood up and went to Brianna’s room. I knocked on the door.


Without a reply I entered, then crawled next to her under the sheets. She took one of the candles from downstairs and, just like downstairs, her room was lit just enough to see each other. She turned to me and began combing my hair with her fingers.

“Why did you kiss me?” I asked, averting my eyes. It was a stupid question, but it was the only thing I could say.

She moved a bit closer and pressed her body against mine. “Because that’s what you wanted, right?”

“How did you know?”

She shrugged for as far as possible laying sideways. “Ever since you saw me naked, you began acting weird, then you stayed in your room far more than you normally do when I’m home. You kind of avoided me and always blushed when I talked to you. Then I took you to the beach… and when you kept looking at me, I figured out what was going on.”

I blushed again. I never knew that she’d noticed how much I stared at her that day! “I just thought it was because I’m still a virgin, and when I saw you that it was just stupid lust,” I said. “But that feeling didn’t go away and when I asked you how you knew if someone liked you, that’s when I knew. But that was also the worst part because I knew that it could never work out, b-because you’re my sister and I’m just an awful p-person.” I was struggling not to cry.

Brianna moved her hand form my hair to my chin and made look her in the eyes. “Lana, if I didn’t want anything to happen between us, why did I let you massage my ass for so long… and why would I pose in lingerie for you?”

A sparkle of hope burned deep in me. “You mean… you want to be something more than just sisters too?”

She slowly nodded. “I don’t know why, but ever since that day on the beach, you were the only thing I could think about. I had some problems with it too, to be honest. Being in love with your baby sister isn’t really normal, but after a few days I decided that that didn’t matter, I just wanted to be with you. I thought long and hard about how I could get things to the point where you’d let me kiss you, and decided to just let you see me in my underwear.”

“I’m glad you did.”

She rolled on top of me. The same fire burned in her eyes as before, but this time I kissed her. All my worries I’d had about us were gone. My big sister was as much in love with me as I was with her. She pressed her tongue softly against my mouth, then when I opened my lips I felt her tongue engaging mine for the first time. I wrapped my arms around her lower back and pressed her closer against my body. I never wanted to let her go.

After a while she broke the kiss and gazed into my eyes again. The only thing we could do was laugh.

She caressed my cheek with her thumb and even though she knew how much I wanted it, she teased me by asking, “Do you want to see me naked again?”

“Yes, please,” was the only thing I could say.

She straightened herself and straddled my hips. With a sly grin she began unhooking her bra. My jaw fell down when she threw her bra on the floor. “Wow, you truly have the body of a goddess.” She gave me a strange look. “S-sorry, one of my characters in my books had a beautiful body, too,” I stammered.

Brianna laughed, pulled me up and kissed me again. My hands were already fumbling with her breasts. They were so soft and perfect. I took her nipples between my fingers and pinched them softly which resulted in a soft moan. I left her lips and made my way south. I kissed her cheek, her neck, her collarbone and her breasts. She dug her fingernails in my flesh when I closed my mouth around one of her nipples. I glided my tongue over and around the already hard, little pink areola, then savored the taste of my sister’s skin as she kept moaning.

As I licked away at her nipples, I felt Brianna’s hands gliding down my back and opening my new bra. It quickly fell to the floor, then I was on my back, moaning as my sister’s mouth closed around my nipple. I moaned her name when she softly bit it.

She massaged, then licked my breasts for a while before moving downstairs, pausing at my belly button to give it a kiss. Then she began undoing my skirt. She slid it down my legs, threw it on the ground next to my bra, then her eyes widened.

“Are those my panties?”

Shit. I blushed again, my cheeks red as a tomato, not knowing what to say. “Uhm… I…”

She moved in to kiss me, then whispered in my ear, “You’re a naughty little girl, aren’t you?”

I had no time to react, because she was already taking off my panties. Then she had them in her hands, and I was completely naked in front of my sister. She lay back down next to me and held her panties inches from my face. “Look at what you’ve done,” she teased, “they’re totally wet.” She was right, her panties were drenched with my juices.

Then she did something I wasn’t expecting. She put the crotch panel in her mouth and moaned, “Delicious.” I had no idea that she was so dirty.

“And I’m the naughty one?” I playfully asked.

She laughed. “I like a little preview.” She took the panties between two fingers and let them dangle in my face. I took in my own aroma — wow, I didn’t know I smelled that good. “Try it yourself,” she said, “you taste delightful.” My juices oozed out of my vagina when she said that and without any hesitation I took the crotch of those sodden into my mouth… she was right, I tasted amazing. She grinned again, then whispered in my ear, “Yeah… you’re as naughty as I am.”

I giggled as she crawled back to my feet. I felt her hands gliding over my legs and thighs, then I felt her hot breath on my shaved vulva. She kissed it softly and, just to tease me, avoided my clitoris. I moaned in expectation as she kept teasing me with kisses around my vagina. I was just about to beg her to stop teasing, then she licked my clit. My whole body shivered and I moaned louder. Again her tongue flickered against my clit, again shivers. I bit into her panties to control my moaning, but the taste and aroma of my pussy only drove me wilder.

Brianna spent a lot of time on my clit until I thought I would have an orgasm, then she spread my lips with her finger and drilled her tongue deep inside me. I arched my back and moaned her name. She pushed her tongue as deep as possible, then started to work it in and out. I felt her glide against the walls of my insides, felt my juices flow into her mouth. Instinctively I grabbed my breasts, kneading them to intensify the pleasure.

My eyes rolled back into my head and I surrendered my body to pleasure, moaning and quivering while she filled me up, still inhaling deeply through those damp panties. Then I felt her tongue and hand leaving me only to be immediately replaced by two fingers.

I clutched the sheets and screamed, “Brianna… oh, Brianna!”

Her fingers went even deeper, and when she moved inside me, I shook harder than before. She spread her fingers and felt around, just as if she was looking for something… and then she found it. I felt some kind of pressure inside, then I went crazy. Sensations and feelings rushed through my body. My mind was blank, focused only on pleasure.

Brianna was lying next to me, cradling me to her, one hand still busy between my legs. She was massaging my clit with her thumb, I screamed again. “Baby sis,” she whispered, “you’re so beautiful. Come for me.”

She kissed me, her fingers pressing against what I found out later was called my g-spot, her thumb on my clit, her tongue entwining mine and the thought of sex with my beautiful big sister pushed me over the edge.

I broke the kiss, a scream ripping through my body. My back arched, I shook uncontrollably and my heart was beating faster than ever before when my orgasm reached its peak. I felt my pussy contract around my sister’s fingers.

I collapsed on the bed, and my sister fell down on top of me. After pressing my g-spot once more, she slowly withdrew her fingers from my pussy, brought them to her mouth and licked them. Without thinking I took Brianna’s hand and copied her, tasting myself, moaning as I did it.

Laughing with delight, Brianna kissed me. She took her panties from me, held them to her face to breathe in the scent, then let them fall to the floor. “My quiet sister, always so shy,” she playfully began, “drenched her sister’s panties in her juices and then rubbed them all over her face without a moment’s hesitation.”

I had to laugh myself. “That’s why I love you, sis. You always manage to bring out a side of me I never knew I had.”

She stared back into my eyes. “I love you, baby sister.”

I don’t know where the next thing came from, but I said it anyway. “It’s not over yet, sis. Take off your panties and come sit on my face. I’m going to eat you like no one has ever done before.”

She looked at me, startled, not used to me taking such a direct approach — but then grinned and did as I said. She held her panties just above my head, just as she did with the other pair, but when I tried to nip at them, she pulled the drenched undies away and playfully laughed. She licked them herself just to tease me, then tossed them aside and straddled my head. Her aroma filled my nose, and she was literally dripping on my face.

Without any hesitation and teasing, I began to please Brianna, pushing my tongue into her pussy. Her fluids oozed into my mouth. She tasted divine. And being the loud girl she was, she immediately began moaning my name. “Ah, Lana, yes… go deeper.”

I did as she said, my tongue probing her sweet depths. I lapped at her and her body shook above my head and I saw she was groping her own breasts.

Then I began licking her clit. With every touch I heard a deep sigh and a long moan. I licked it, I nibbled it, I did whatever I could think of, and everything resulted in loud moans and cries. She took hold of the headboard to keep herself straight as my tongue lapped at her clit.

After a while, I began switching back and forth between licking Brianna’s clit and shoving my tongue deep inside her vagina.

She began to masturbate while I drilled inside her over and over again. She breathed heavily and her juices kept flowing from her and I knew she was about to come.

“Ahhh, baby sis,” she gasped, “don’t stop I’m gonna come, I’m gonna…” Clutching her thighs, I was bathing my sister’s opening with long swipes of the tongue, and she loved it.

Suddenly her body went stiff. “Oh, sis!” Brianna shrieked as she came. I’d never heard her scream as loud as that. Her juices filled my mouth and bathed my face, her body shaking above me as she reached her climax.

After a long time she fell back down next to me, panting, trying to breathe. Finally she managed to say, “Wow, Lana, that was incredible.”

I gave her a long kiss and then thought of something. “Can I try something?”


“Um, obviously I don’t know if you’ve ever done this before, but ever since that day on the beach I kept thinking about it.”

She frowned, puzzled. “About what?”

“I want to surprise you. Get up on your hands and knees, okay?”

She did as I said, presenting her perfect butt to me. I put my hands on her soft cheeks to spread them a bit, then moved closer, pressing my tongue into her anus.

“Lana!” she squealed.

Ever since that day that I massaged Brianna’s butt and I accidentally touched her rosebud, I’d had this wild impulse to please her there. I licked up and down my sister’s crack, getting it wet. Her anus tasted good, a hint of pussy in the flavor.

After a few swipes of the tongue, I took it up a notch and clumsily shoved two fingers in her pussy. She moaned even louder. My own vagina was throbbing like crazy, so I started fingering myself as well. My last orgasm hadn’t fully subsided yet, but I was already hungry for more.

It didn’t take long before Brianna came again. “Baby sis… oh, God, again — I’m…” And before she could finish her sentence, everything contracted, her body seizing up. She clutched the sheets and screamed out loud, slumping forward and burying her face in the pillow.

Finally, unable to take any more, my sister pulled away. I didn’t pause for an instant, rolling onto my back and bringing my right hand down to replace the other one in between my legs. I was mauling my pussy, panting for breath as my orgasm grew closer.

Brianna took my other fingers, the one that had just been inside me, sucked them clean, then kissed me passionately, her tongue probing my mouth. “Yeah baby sister, you’re so fuckin’ dirty,” she began, breaking away, her eyes burning into mine. “Rub your cunt, make yourself come for me. I love you, my sexy little lesbian slut.”

Her dirty talk was too much and I exploded, screaming her name one last time.

She stretched out next to me. We looked at each other and laughed. I can’t remember ever feeling happier.

Brianna caressed my face. “I never thought of licking someone’s butthole before, Lana… but that was amazing. I can’t wait to try that on you.”

I kissed her again, then we relaxed in each other’s arms. After a long silence, I suddenly said, “I think we’re even, now that you’ve seen me naked too.”

She giggled, but shook her head. “No, I don’t want it to be even. When I said that I meant, like, seeing you get out of the shower or something like that.” Her fingers traced my tummy. “But now… I don’t want to lose this, sis. I don’t want to lose you.”

Sitting up, I blew out the candle on the nightstand, then slid back into her embrace. “You won’t lose me, sis.”


The next morning, after we had some sexy fun in the shower, we were sitting naked on the couch, sharing kisses. I never thought I could be this happy, but now there was something bugging me.

“Now what?” I asked, breaking our kiss.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you want us to go on doing this, right? Being lovers.”

She grinned. “Oh, I absolutely do. No more boys for me, baby sis. I’m totally gay, gay for you.”

I took her hand and squeezed it. “How can we be, though? Unless we keep it hidden. Mom and Dad, they’ll never let us be together. And the people we know, they’ll be grossed out. They’ll despise us.”

She was silent for a long time, lost in thought. Then she suddenly jumped up and pulled me up. “Come.” she said.

“Where are we going?”

“We’re running away. We’ll leave town and live somewhere else.”


She turned to me and held me close. “You’re right. Mom and Dad and our friends will never approve of this, and they’ll never let us be together, but I don’t want that. I want your lips, I want your body, I want to live with you and spend the rest of my life with you. We can take Mom’s car and drive far away, somewhere where no one knows us. I can get a job with my degree and you can find a part-time job or something until we have enough money to send you to college. We could live together and love each other without anyone knowing that we’re sisters.”

“But running away…”

“It’s a crazy idea, I know. But if it means being with you, it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

I was silent now for a while. My head was filled with all these kinds of emotions. Doubt, questions. But when I looked into her eyes, they all disappeared. I nodded. “Yes, let’s run away.”

We ran upstairs, packed everything we could think of. Clothes, toothbrush, towels, toilet paper. Luckily both me and my sister had some money in the bank, enough to keep us for a while. We wrote a letter saying that we were sorry, but we had to leave. We wrote that we had our reasons but that we couldn’t tell them. We also wrote that there was no need to worry, that we would be okay and that everything would be perfect. We taped the note on the table and went to the car.

“You sure you want to do this, baby sis?” she asked, the car filled with all kinds of stuff.

I leaned towards her and gave her a long, deep kiss. “Drive.”

She turned on the ignition, the motor roared and we took off.

The End

Amanda and Her Mom

  • Posted on March 12, 2019 at 2:23 pm

by Chrissy Larkin

{ This story was originally posted at Nifty in February 2009 }

Amanda walked quickly from the living room without looking back. She didn’t want her stepfather to see the tears streaming down her face as she headed to her bedroom and quickly shut the door. Her butt stung badly from the spanking. But what hurt the worst was having to pull her pants and panties down in front of her mom as her stepfather applied his punishment.

It was so embarrassing. And yet… There was something else going on this time. She had been spanked before, but this time it was different. Her bare bottom. In front of the parents. The spanks. Yes, they hurt, but… But what? Yes, it was different this time. She felt different, even though her anger at her stepfather was stronger.

Amanda lay face down on her bed and felt confused. The intense pain of the smacks hurt, so why did she feel so horny? It didn’t make sense. Thinking about it only made her more confused. All she wanted to do was touch herself. So what if it didn’t make sense? For some reason the spanking, her mom watching, her bare bottom exposed, really aroused her.

Just as Amanda began to slide her hands underneath and was about to loosen her pants, she heard a soft knock and her mom enter the room quietly closing the door behind her.

“Hi, hon,” she said softly. “I’ve got some cream to soothe the stinging.”

Amanda’s mom had done this before, but it had been a while since the last spanking. She had forgotten this part of the ritual. Amanda’s hands under her tummy froze as her mom sat on the side of the bed.

“Come on, Amanda, let me help you take off your pants so I can put this on.”

Amanda went back to unbuttoning her pants, and raised her hips as her mom slowly pulled down her jeans and panties, slipping them off her legs. Amanda kept her head buried in her pillow as she listened to her mother take the top off of the jar and started to rub the cool ointment on her irritated buttocks.

It did make the stinging less severe, it felt quite good actually. But why was she still so aroused?

“Does that feel better, baby?” asked her mom in a hopeful tone. Amanda knew her mom was trying to soothe her anger at her stepfather as much as lessen the stinging pain on her butt.

“Yeah, I guess so,” she mumbled, as she felt her young pussy tingle. The urge to touch herself was even stronger now, despite her mother’s presence.

Many times before, her mom had rubbed that lotion on her aching bottom, but this time it felt sensual. All her senses were alive and they all seemed to be sending signals of arousal. Never before had she felt so tingly and moist. First it was the spanking, the smacking of her bare ass in front of her mom and stepdad. Now it was the soft caressing hand of her mother, rubbing her bottom.

Maybe Mom won’t notice. Amanda slipped her hand down towards her clit. Her finger touched her inflamed button and softly stroked. Oh, it feels good. The flickering flames of arousal flared up as Amanda gently massaged her clit. Yes…

At the same time, Amanda became aware of her mother’s hand, which had just been softly caressing her bottom, cooling down the stinging sensation. But now her hand was beginning to slide down, curving towards her inner thigh and then sliding ever so slowly towards the inward slope of her cheeks.

It was as if her mother knew Amanda was aroused and she was only doing what was natural. Or did her Mom notice Amanda’s fingers splayed between her legs, quietly rubbing herself?

Amanda sighed and rolled her hips slightly, which only seemed to encourage her mother.

“Just relax Amanda, the hurting will go away,” cooed her mom, whose hand was now rubbing the cream up and down the crack of her daughter’s ass.

Amanda managed a grunt of acknowledgment while her head whirled from the dizzying effect of her mother’s more sensual touches. Mom was stroking her anus. It felt so lovely.

Unable to hold back, Amanda opened her legs so that her mother could easily manage to caress her. And she did, sliding her fingers up and down her crack and then it was just one finger touching her rosebud, a silky, creamy touch that sent Amanda’s heartbeat racing.

Amanda quickened her own rubbing, unable to resist, unable to cover up what was happening. She let out a soft moan and opened her legs wider, making it unmistakable to both mother and daughter as to what was going on.

“It’s okay, honey; I know it must feel good,” her mom whispered. Amanda could feel the growing glow of the fire within. Her hips humped up and down gently as her fingers moved rapidly, sliding from her clit into her sopping pussy. At the same time, her mother’s experienced fingers caressed and rubbed Amanda’s creamy bottom, with one finger in particular swirling around her rosebud.

Things happened so quickly. Amanda’s breathing quickened and soft moans could be heard coming from the pillow as she reached the point of no return. As she did, her mother sensed it, and with a small thrust, pushed her cream-covered finger into Amanda’s anus.

Her daughter gasped and now it was too late. Her body took over and wave after wave of intense orgasmic pleasure washed over her. Her hips shook and quivered as she slammed her fingers in and out of her virginal pussy, while her dear mother quickly pumped her finger in and out of her butt, slipping another in, which made Amanda cry out with both pain and pleasure…

As her body slowed down, and the spasms washed over her body one last time, Amanda let out long satisfied sigh. Her mom slipped her fingers from her rear and caressed her thighs and body with love and affection.

The memory of the spanking faded quickly as Amanda’s mother leaned over and gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek and then pulled the covers over her naked body. Amanda turned and smiled. “Thanks, Mom. I love you…”

“I love you too,” she replied.

As Amanda swooned on her bed, her body floating from the thrill of the sexual high she had been on, and as her mind tried to make sense of what had just happened between her and her mother, she heard in the distant background the now familiar arguing between her mother and father about the spanking, followed by a long silence.

She knew what was happening. Her stepfather would retreat to the bedroom while her mom would stay downstairs, drinking and watching TV. At some point Amanda drifted off to sleep, only to wake with the urge to go to the bathroom.

She slipped out of her bed and didn’t bother to cover up her body, now bare save for the shirt she was wearing. Coming out of the bathroom, she heard the TV on downstairs and decided to check. In the living room she found her mother sound asleep, lying on the couch. On the table was an empty bottle of wine. Amanda walked over to the TV and turned down the sound, but left it on, its image casting light on her slumbering older woman.

Amanda looked at her mother with a sense of pity and longing. What had happened in her bedroom just a few hours earlier was still fresh in her mind. She thought of all the good her mom had done for her. The longing increased, as well as the passion as she gazed at her sleeping mother.

She had on a bathrobe, but it was soon clear to Amanda that her mother was naked underneath. The cool glow of the TV lit up her mother’s legs to the tops of her thighs, where the robe had slipped open. Amanda walked over quietly and knelt by her mom. With trembling hands she gently untied the knot and let the robe fall open.

Somewhere upstairs, she heard her stepfather snoring. Amanda gazed at her mother’s naked body, made more beautiful by the soft glow of the TV. Her breasts were soft pillows with small nipples. Amanda thought of her own budding breasts, small pears now. She wondered if she would ever have such sensuous looking breasts like those. Now she gazed at her mother’s tummy, so smooth except for the belly button’s dimple, as it rose and fell gently as she slept. But it was Mom’s thick pubic hair that mesmerized Amanda.

Slowly, she lay a shaking hand on her mother’s mons, running her fingertips through her curly hair. It felt so silky. Amanda compared the thicket of her mom’s pubic triangle with her own downy tuft of pubic growth. Amanda drew closer. She sniffed and could smell the faint musk of her mother’s scent. She ran her finger lightly across the labial lips. They were soft and yet puffy, thicker than hers. She wondered what her mom’s clit looked like.

Amanda started to shiver uncontrollably as she considered what to do next. She had read about oral sex, where a man puts his tongue on a woman’s pussy. What if…

Amanda leaned over and lightly ran her tongue over her mother’s hairy pubes and then again, with slightly more force so that her tongue touched her mother’s slit. She did it again. And again. Her mother tasted wonderful, an odd yet pleasingly tart flavor.

This time, she felt something. A quiver. A moistening. She heard her mother sigh, but it sounded so distant. Amanda was shaking like a leaf, but she had to continue. Softly but repeatedly, she ran her tongue up and down until her mother’s lips opened like a wet flower and Amanda was able to see and feel her stiffening clit.

Again her mother moaned softly as she opened her legs naturally. Amanda realized she had to continue. Her own body was once again alive with the electricity of desire. She gently lay her hands on top of her mother’s pelvis and rhythmically licked her pussy, which was wet now and open. God, it feels so soft and velvety, thought Amanda.

Her lips found her mother’s clit and she gently sucked on it. Her mom sighed, then moaned in her sleep, followed by a small push as she thrust her hips forward, urging Amanda to quicken her licking.

Her mother began breathing harder, her moans became more audible, her hips kept rolling and thrusting, urging Amanda on as the pleasure continued to build. She could tell her mom was close now. Her lips and chin was dripping with pussy juices, and it was becoming harder to keep her mouth on that special spot — her mother kept thrusting and arching her back.

Suddenly Amanda felt her mother’s hands on her head, pulling her deep between her legs as she thrust her hips off the couch and then clenched her thighs around Amanda’s head.

“Oh my god, Oh yes, Oh. Oh. Oh…” Amanda heard her mother try to muffle her cries of ecstasy, finally turning her head towards the side of the couch and pressing her face into a cushion. Amanda, head locked between her mother’s legs, felt every climatic spasm and convulsion. Her own body was quivering with uncontrollable excitement.

As the excitement died down, Amanda’s mother raised her head and looked at her daughter as if she was dreaming. The alcoholic haze blurring the reality of what had just happened.


“Mom, I’m sorry. But. I, I wanted you so badly,” said Amanda, her voice somewhat filled with fear over what she had done.

“Oh, baby. Oh my God. I thought I was dreaming.”

She reached down and drew her daughter into her arms. Amanda felt a rush of love and desire as she cuddled close to her mother’s naked warmth. They kissed passionately. Amanda could taste the wine on her mother’s tongue, but she didn’t care. The feeling of her mother’s lips and tongue on hers was just heavenly.

They lay in each other’s arms quietly for several minutes, kissing and caressing. Her mother’s hands rubbing Amanda’s still sore bottom, pushing their pelvises together, so close Amanda could feel her own vulva pressed against the wetness of her mom’s.

“Oh Amanda, I do love you so,” slurred her mother who was still tipsy, yet happy. “Do me a favor, darling. Suck on my nipple like you did when you were my baby.”

Amanda felt her heart skip a beat as she cupped her mother’s warm breast in her hand and began to suckle. She heard her mother sigh softly as she held Amanda’s body tight to hers. And then she reached down and put her hand between Amanda’s legs and gently began rubbing her daughter’s clit.

Amanda opened her legs while continuing to suckle on her mother’s tit. Her body was on fire and her mother’s touches were the last piece of kindling needed to set the bonfire. It came quickly. Amanda rocked hard, back and forth, thrusting her small thighs hard against her mom’s fingers, now buried in her pussy. She tried to keep sucking on the nipple, but the need to moan was too great.

“Quiet, honey. You don’t want to wake up your father,” whispered her mom. Amanda put her mouth back on her mother’s breast to stifle her cries as she climaxed in the woman’s arms, her body convulsing and shaking, just as it did several hours earlier in her bedroom while Mom had fingered her ass.

Amanda’s body was covered in sweat as the orgasm retreated, yet she still clung to her mother. She lifted her head, found Mom’s lips and kissed her deeply.

The End


Closing the Deal

  • Posted on March 8, 2019 at 3:13 pm

Author Unknown

“So, how are things at work?” Stacy asked her mother.

Cheryl sighed.”Stressful right now, honey. I’m putting together a proposal for a big client. It would be the biggest deal I’ve ever pulled off.”

The forty-one-year-old marketing executive rarely divulged specifics about her job to her daughter. But Cheryl had confidence that at nineteen, her daughter was old enough to handle the facts of an adult working life. And Stacy had reason to believe that Cheryl wasn’t above using her model-like body to ‘seal’ certain deals. She wondered if this was one of those occasions.

“Who is it?” Stacy asked before taking another bite of her bagel.

Cheryl’s eyes lit up.”Gina Adams. You wouldn’t know her, but she’s the publisher of a whole bunch of magazines. If we can get preferred advertising space in those magazines, and a few positive stories, it would make my company the clear leader in the industry. We absolutely have to close this deal.”

Stacy could see her mother’s excitement clear across the kitchen. She understood how important it was to her mom, but wondered why people put themselves through such stress. Anyway, she wanted to be supportive.

“Wow. I hope you get it. What’s your plan?” Stacy asked.

“Actually, hon, that was something I wanted to talk to you about.”

Stacy looked surprised. “Really?”

Cheryl walked over to the table and sat down. “Yeah. But if you don’t want to do this, I completely understand.”

When it was clear Cheryl wasn’t going to go on, Stacy asked, “Do what?”

Cheryl played with a fork on the table. “Well, I thought… if you agreed to do it… that maybe you could go with me on Monday night when I meet with Gina again.”

Stacy thought about what her Mom had said. “Go with you? And do what?”

Cheryl twirled the fork one time.” Just be there. Gina… well, she happens to be a lesbian. And she enjoys — she likes being around young, attractive women.”

Stacy stared at her Mom. “You want me to have sex with her?”

The sound of the fork dropping onto the table echoed throughout the kitchen. “No! Just go with me. Wear something nice. Look pretty.”

Stacy wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed. But she was intrigued by the offer. “And what will you do?”

“Wear something nice. Look pretty. Get her to sign a contract,” Cheryl said with a nervous grin. She could see her daughter contemplating the idea, and decided to sweeten the deal. “I’ll make it worth your time. I’ll buy you anything you want.”

Stacy smiled. “You couldn’t afford it.”

Cheryl laughed and said, “Within reason.”

“All I have to do is be there?” Stacy asked again.

“Smile and be yourself. I’ll do the rest and reward you later.”

“What’s this woman look like?” Stacy said with a mouth full of bagel.

“Mid-thirties, maybe a little younger. Actually, she’s very good looking. You won’t be disappointed,” Cheryl said.

“Sounds interesting,” Stacy said, an image of lesbian sex flashing vividly in her mind.

“Good. You’ll do it?”



Stacy didn’t have to spend much time deciding what to wear on Monday. She had one, and only one, formal dress. It was black, sleek, and short. Stacy’s blonde hair and fair skin contrasted beautifully with it. Her curvaceous body transformed the otherwise simple dress into a symphony of flowing curls and bends that ended abruptly midway down her luscious thighs.

Stacy was lucky. She’d inherited near-perfect breasts, a slim waistline and tight ass. She was a nineteen-year-old version of her mother.

Cheryl, for her part, went with a slightly longer dress that highlighted her breasts with a receding neckline. She would not have to lean much in any direction to give her potential client a substantial view. She’d worn the dress on many occasions for other clients… with great success.

“You look great,” Stacy said as the two women got into Cheryl’s car for the short drive to the hotel.

“Thanks,” Cheryl replied. “But she’ll never look at me with you there.” Her eyes were aimed directly at the bottom of Stacy’s dress, which barely covered her pussy as she sat.

“It’s all I’ve got,” Stacy said in her own defense.

“If I get this deal, I’ll buy you another one,” Cheryl offered.

“If you get this deal, you won’t want me in anything else next time,” Stacy said.

“I don’t expect there to be a next time.”

Cheryl stared down the road, her nervousness rising in intensity the closer they got. By the time they pulled into the valet parking area, her palms were damp. She grabbed her briefcase and she and Stacy got out of the car.

Both of the valet assistants who opened the car doors stared shamelessly at the gorgeous women. Cheryl handed over the keys, got her receipt and tipped the guy she was dealing with. As the women walked into the hotel, several pairs of eyes followed them until they were out of sight.

Once outside Gina Adams’ room, Cheryl smiled at Stacy, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

Stacy stood off to the side so that, when the door finally opened, Cheryl and Gina could properly greet each other. she invited them in and Cheryl introduced her daughter once Gina had closed the door.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Gina said, unable to keep her eyes from scanning the young woman’s body.

Stacy might have been offended at any other time, but Gina Adams was a very, very attractive woman who appeared younger than her mother had guessed her age to be. She was dressed in a plain white shirt, open at the collar, and a dark blue skirt. Gina was incredibly sexy, and Stacy was immediately captivated by her.

“You, too. I’m a big fan of some of your magazines. When Mom asked if I wanted to meet you, of course I said yes,” Stacy said, only half lying.

Gina led them into the sitting area of her suite. “That’s kind of you to say. I’m glad Cheryl invited you. Please sit down.”

Stacy and Cheryl sat on opposite ends of a couch, Stacy in particular crossing her legs out of sheer necessity.

“What can I get you to drink?” Gina asked.”Wine? Beer? Soda?”

“Wine for me,” Cheryl said.

“Nothing, thank you,” Stacy added.

“Are you sure?” Gina asked her.

“Yep. I’m fine.”

She continued to chat while pouring drinks. Stacy allowed Cheryl to carry most of the conversation, but Gina made sure she was included as well.

It struck Stacy that this sexy woman was used to being in charge. She was confident and assertive. Not that Stacy had been around that many executives before, male or female… but she was growing to like Gina Adams more and more.

During the middle of a discussion about her magazines and how they would help Cheryl’s company, Gina unexpectedly turned to Stacy and said, “We’re always looking for new models. Stacy, have you ever modeled?”

Stacy’s eyes widened at the unforeseen question. “Me? Are you kidding? I think Mom is a more likely candidate than me.”

Gina smiled. “You’re certainly both likely candidates. But I’m serious, Stacy. I’ve seen far less beautiful women in our magazines than you.”

“Thank you,” Stacy said shyly, fidgeting with the hem of her dress.

“Stand up, please,” Gina said.

Stacy knew better than to make a fuss over it, so she obeyed. The look on her face was one of serious attention as she unconsciously pulled down on the hem of her dress once she was standing.

“Take off your shoes, so I can see how tall you are without heels,” Gina said.

Stacy didn’t even attempt to lift her leg up so she could reach her foot. Instead, she used one foot behind the other to remove the shoes. As Gina expected, she was still slightly taller than average in bare feet.

“Turn around for me, Stacy.”

As she began to turn, Stacy glanced over at her mother. Cheryl had a slender grin of approval, suspecting more and more that it was a good idea to bring her daughter along. When Stacy’s back was facing Gina, she delayed for just a few seconds, and then continued around until they were looking at each other again.

“Yes. I think you have a future if you ever wanted to pursue it,” the publisher said.

Stacy may have only been nineteen, but she wasn’t stupid. She saw an opening and was going to take advantage of it. Whether she or her mother would ultimately benefit the most would be determined later.

Stacy walked straight towards Gina, attempting to move as erotically as she could in bare feet. She stopped when she reached her knees and said, “Ms. Adams, I’d be grateful to you for the rest of my life if you could make that happen.”

Gina’s legs were separated just enough for Stacy to be able to step between them. As she did, she pulled them apart another few inches. Stacy turned and softly sat on the top of her right leg.

“So it looks like maybe we can help each other,” Stacy said. “If you sign Mom’s contract and let me try modeling, I’d do anything for you.”

The comment didn’t need explanation and Gina’s smirk indicated her recognition of the possibilities.

“I do have a question, though.” Stacy said.

“What’s that?”

“Is it hard?” Stacy asked.

This time it was Gina with the surprised look on her face. “Is what hard?”

“Modeling,” Stacy answered, but her eyes were squarely on Gina’s crotch.

“Very hard,” she said. “But I’m sure you can handle it.”

“I’d love to try. I’d love to model bikinis, or lingerie. I think that would be sexy, don’t you? Getting almost naked in front of the photographer and her assistants. Do you ever watch the photo shoots, Gina?”

“Yes. I especially like it when we have two women posing at the same time,” she said, finally putting her hand on Stacy’s leg.

“Really?” Stacy asked sincerely. “Does that turn you on?”

“Absolutely. Maybe you and your mother could pose together.”

Stacy thought she might have heard a sound coming from the couch, but she was afraid to look. Besides, Gina’s hand was working its way up her thigh and she didn’t want to move.

“I think that would be cool,” Stacy said. “I’m sure we could talk her into it if you were a client.”

Gina hesitated when her fingers began to slide under Stacy’s dress, just inches from her pussy. “Maybe an audition is in order.”

At last, Stacy had the nerve to look at her Mom. By now, Cheryl could taste Gina’s signature on her contract. It was time to go in for the kill. She nodded faintly at Stacy.

Stacy looked back at Gina. “Lingerie?”

Gina acknowledged with a bob of her head.

Stacy stood up and moved slowly over to the couch. She reached out her hand and pulled her mother to her feet. Cheryl removed her shoes and followed Stacy into the middle of the room, just a few feet in front of Gina.

Stacy moved behind her mom and timidly put her hand at the top of the zipper in the back of Cheryl’s dress. With her heart pounding a thousand beats a minute, Stacy tugged the zipper down. Then she began to pull the shoulder straps down Cheryl’s arms.

Gina stared directly at Cheryl’s ample breasts as they came into full view. she had come in contact with many women over the years who paid lots of money to have “perfect” breasts. Yes, they ended up with huge, unshapely breasts. Cheryl, she decided, had perfect, natural breasts.

Stacy halted for a second, then lowered the dress beyond her mother’s waist and, finally, down her long legs. She allowed Cheryl to step out, and then Stacy laid the dress on the couch. Cheryl stood is just a pair of simple panties that were barely larger than a thong.

“Very nice,” Gina said with all honesty.

Stacy stepped around her mom and stood in front of her, the intent clear to everyone in the room. Cheryl chose to lift Stacy’s dress over her daughter’s head. The effect was the same as Stacy undressing Cheryl, only this time Stacy was left standing in a bra and panties. Without much indecision, Cheryl unhooked the bra and pulled it off.

“Cover material, both of you,” Gina said, her eyes wandering all over both women.

Stacy walked back over to Gina and she once again spread her legs. This time, however, Stacy pushed them together and straddled them, sitting on top of both legs, facing her.

“That wasn’t hard at all,” Stacy said, a hand resting on her mound. Even through the pants the woman wore, she could tell that Gina was very wet.

“It’s as if you’ve had experience,” Gina said.

“Not really. But I’m willing to learn… from an expert.” Stacy was stroking the length of Gina’s slit. She was prepared for, and even craving, the older woman’s mouth on her breasts.

“The girls that model for my magazines do some amazing things,” Gina said.

“I’m sure Mom and I would love to amaze you.”

Gina smiled at her. “I’m glad you said that. Because what I would like, in order to finalize this contract, involves both of you.”

Both women alternated between pure lust and apprehension. Threesomes were not in either of their sexual histories, but the thought of it with Gina Adams was rather inviting.

Stacy said, “Which of us would you like first?”

“Oh, I don’t think you understand,” Gina said, squirming in her seat. “I’m more into being the voyeur. What I love most of all is to watch my models have sex… with each other.”

Stacy was so stunned by her statement that she stopped with the zipper half open.

“Each other?! You want me and Mom to…”

“Have sex,” Gina finished for her.

“Here? Now? While you watch?” The astonishment in Stacy’s voice was unmistakable.

“Simple as that,” Gina said nonchalantly.

Cheryl took a long drink of wine. She’d done many things to close a deal. This was a first. Stacy had enjoyed playing the game with Gina and was ready for anything… except this.

For once, Cheryl was the first to speak. “Do we have a deal… if we do this?”

Gina nodded. “My only stipulation is that at least one of you has to come, and I have to come.”

The women looked at each other, waited a second or two, and then mutually acknowledged their agreement.

Stacy rose from her lap and moved towards her mother. Cheryl met her halfway. Gina had seen this act played out before and she was always fascinated by the awkwardness shown by two females who most likely had never made love to another woman before.

Neither woman asked for directions. They would have to wing it and let things happen naturally. Uncomfortably, but naturally.

They slowly brought their bodies together, the sensation causing them to pause the moment their breasts touched. Cheryl put her arms around her daughter and this seemed to relax Stacy a bit. They came closer together.

It was Cheryl who made the first move to begin a soft kiss. She touched Stacy’s lips with hers. Stacy instinctively wanted to intensify the kiss, seemingly forgetting it was a woman — her mother, no less — that she was holding. Their lips separated and the kiss became more passionate.

Gina smiled to herself, gently stroking her clit as the women stood in front of her. she watched their heads move into position, slightly tilted to allow their tongues to interact. When she saw their hands begin to explore each other’s body, Gina knew she was in for one amazing show.

Stacy moved her hands down Cheryl’s back until reaching the top of her panties, then brought them back up to her waist. Still embraced in a tight kiss, Stacy managed to move her hands between them and begin to seek out her mother’s breasts. The first contact caused the kiss to end, but Stacy looked down and calmly moved her palms over Cheryl’s nipples.

Cheryl also looked down, somewhat afraid to make eye contact with her daughter as Stacy played with her tits. But the slow, steady hardening of Cheryl’s nipples told the story. She was aroused, just as if it was Gina herself fondling her breasts.

The more Stacy played with the nipples and the harder she squeezed them, the more difficult Cheryl found it to breathe normally. Her little gasps were plainly heard by Stacy, if not Gina. That only encouraged Stacy to continue massaging and kneading her mother’s tender skin.

Cheryl’s hands gradually disappeared inside the back of Stacy’s panties. As small as the panties were, that meant Cheryl was gripping Stacy by the ass. She squeezed the smooth skin and pulled Stacy closer. They kissed again.

A moment later, Cheryl took the inevitable next step and began pulling down Stacy’s panties. Gina watched intently as Stacy’s luscious ass came into view as Cheryl knelt to remove the tiny garment, then stood back up. Seconds later, Cheryl too was naked… and now, mother and daughter faced one another, hearts pounding.

With two fingers now probing her throbbing vagina, Gina could have easily come just then. Two of the most beautiful women she knew were naked and standing before her, facing each other… prepared to make love for her. The fact they were mother and daughter only added to her excitement.

But she knew the best was yet to come.

Cheryl sensed a growing anxiety in Stacy now that they were both naked. She decided to take control by leaning her head next to Stacy’s ear and saying, “It’s alright, hon. Let me take over. Just relax.”

Cheryl leaned down until her mouth was just in front of Stacy’s breasts. She kissed all around one breast before finally closing in on the nipple. Stacy closed her eyes at the same time her mother wrapped her lips around it.

The sudden feeling of the tight lips and wet tongue hitting the nipple caused Stacy’s entire body to stiffen. Deep inside she felt a tingling that she thought only a man could produce. But, as Cheryl began to take more of Stacy’s breast into her mouth, the tingling grew stronger.

Cheryl held both tits with her hands while she switched from one to the other. Soon, the moisture from Cheryl’s mouth glistened on the hardened nipples of Stacy’s breasts. Gina was masturbating, coming closer and closer to an orgasm as she watched the mother suck her daughter.

Cheryl pulled away from Stacy for a second and said, “Lie down, hon. On this table.”

They were standing next to a long, wooden coffee table that was almost the same length as the couch. Stacy cautiously sat on the edge of the table, then swung her legs over and stretched out. it was clear she was going to be able to get to Stacy’s pussy and give Gina a good look.

Cheryl got on her knees at Stacy’s feet, then pulled her daughter’s body closer to her, leaned between her daughter’s legs, and approached Stacy’s pussy with her face. Stacy clung to the sides of the table and spread her legs, filled with emotions she couldn’t describe. She was horny and wanted to please Gina, but it was her mother about to make her come. She had never wanted anything this indecent in her life.

Gina had her choice of marvelous sights: Stacy’s breasts rising from her chest; the young woman’s athletic body and long legs; Cheryl’s beautiful tits hanging down as she rested on her knees; Cheryl’s ass sticking out as she moved ever-closer to Stacy’s pussy.

Cheryl kissed the inside of Stacy’s thigh, mainly to warn her daughter that she was close. Stacy closed her eyes, clung a little tighter to the table, and awaited the unavoidable contact between her pussy and Cheryl’s mouth.
Cheryl placed her hands lightly along the outside of Stacy’s ass. She kissed all around the neatly shaven pussy in front of her, then barely touched her lips onto the pink spear Stacy’s clit. Cheryl extended her tongue just far enough to taste the sweet fluid beginning to accumulate in her daughter’s pussy, then trailed the tip up to Stacy’s clit.

“Ohhhhh,” Stacy sighed audibly. “Oh, God.”

Cheryl felt her daughter’s body wiggle each time her tongue swept across the clit. The constant moans it elicited from Stacy convinced Cheryl that this is where she would concentrate in order to make her come. But the stimulation Cheryl was receiving from feeling and hearing her daughter’s reaction caused her to want to prolong it a little.

Soon Cheryl was inserting her tongue deep inside Stacy’s cunt for the first time, and Stacy was squirming even more than before. Stacy arched her back and lifted her ass off the table, allowing Cheryl to put her hands squarely on the tight cheeks.

A moment later when Cheryl returned to Stacy’s clit, the end was near.

“Ohhh, Mom. Yes! Right there!”

Cheryl covered Stacy’s clit with her mouth and pressed harder with her tongue. She began to suck and lick the clit with more passion than she thought possible. This was no longer a case of doing something to close a deal. Cheryl was making love to her daughter and was desperate to make her come hard.

“Oh fuck. Fuck! Yesss!” Stacy cried out.

Cheryl was pretty good at telling when a man was about to come. But she did not have a long history of getting women off. In fact, she had no history. So, Stacy’s build-up to a climax was something new to her. All Cheryl knew to do was keep licking and sucking on Stacy’s clit. It seemed to be working.

Stacy put her hands on the back of her mom’s head and held her in place in the seconds leading up to the orgasm. One last massage of her clit by Cheryl’s tongue was all it took to put Stacy over the edge.

Stacy groaned loudly and felt her body begin a series of uncontrollable eruptions. She pressed her pussy against her mother’s face. Cheryl licked harder. Stacy raised and lowered her hips, overwhelmed by the touch of Cheryl’s mouth.

Gina could not hold out any longer… she began to finger her clit, moaning at the delicious sight of lesbian incest… a lewd pageant that unwound before her eyes,

Stacy was finishing her last orgasm — but before Cheryl could pull back, Gina cried out loud, a rapturous orgasm battering her body. Each new groan was accompanied by a new stream of come. Soon, a pool was building in the depression just above Cheryl’s ass.

When she was done, Gina allowed her eyes to slowly drift open.

“Where do I sign?” she gasped.


The ride home was a quiet one. Cheryl repeatedly thanked Stacy for helping get the contract signed and apologized for what had happened. But neither of them discussed it in detail. Their private thoughts would remain just that, for now.

But after getting home and spending an hour or so alone, Stacy decided to seek out her mother again. Cheryl was sitting by herself in the kitchen, dressed in a short robe and drinking coffee. Stacy sat down beside her.

“You don’t have to apologize for what we did tonight, Mom,” Stacy said.

“But it was wrong. No contract is worth that much.”

“Was it really wrong?” Stacy asked.

Cheryl looked at her with surprise.”Yes!”

“Did you think of it as just sex, then?”

“Well, kind of,” Cheryl said, adjusting the front of her robe. “I mean, I love you, Stacy, but what we did was… it was…”

Stacy shook her head. “It was wonderful. You were so gentle and sweet, Mom. You were really making love to me.”

Cheryl shivered at her daughter’s words. She was about to answer when Stacy stood up and moved behind her. She felt the girl’s hands on her shoulders first, then they slid inside the front of her robe.

“The way you touched me was so nice,” Stacy said, her hands resting on top of her mother’s breasts. “Everything you did made me so hot. I was on fire.”

Stacy was pulling gently on Cheryl’s nipples. Then she massaged the full breasts in her hands and squeezed them against Cheryl’s chest. Cheryl leaned her head back on Stacy’s body and allowed herself to relax for just a second. But only for a second.

“Stacy, don’t. Your father might see us.”

“I’m not worried about him. I’m worried about you,” Stacy replied. “I feel bad that you didn’t get to come tonight. I want you to feel how good it is.”

“I don’t think…” Cheryl started to say.

“Let’s go somewhere,” Stacy said anxiously. “C’mon. We can use the extra bedroom.”

Stacy yanked her hands out of her mother’s robe and started to walk out of the kitchen, looking back to make sure Cheryl was getting up to follow. She was.

The women walked quickly, but quietly, into the guest bedroom and silently closed the door. Cheryl flashed way back to when she used to steal away with her boyfriends and make out. The circumstances were remarkably different, but the feeling was similar — excitement.

Stacy walked up to her mom and untied the belt that loosely held Cheryl’s robe together. When it fell open Stacy was surprised, but pleased, to see her mother naked underneath. Stacy smiled and slipped the robe off Cheryl’s shoulders and arms.

“Kiss me again, Mom… just like you did for Gina,” Stacy said.

The women embraced and their kiss far exceeded the fervor reached in the hotel room. Stacy’s hands were all over her mother’s body, searching out all the same places Cheryl had found on Stacy a few hours earlier. Cheryl clutched at Stacy’s clothes, seemingly intent on ripping them off.

But this was all about Cheryl, Stacy decided. She leaned on her Mom and half pushed her down onto the bed. They fell together and giggled, eventually continuing their kiss with Stacy slightly on top. One of Stacy’s hands moved to Cheryl’s breast, where it worked on the nipple. Cheryl moaned even while kissing her daughter when Stacy pinched the nipple roughly.

Then Stacy moved her hand between Cheryl’s legs, which quickly parted at the touch of Stacy’s fingers. At the same time that Stacy was probing the dampness of her mother’s pussy, she moved her head down until it rested on Cheryl’s breast. She kissed the soft skin before putting the sensitive nipple between her teeth. At the same time, Stacy’s middle finger dove inside Cheryl’s cunt.

“Ohhhh, Stacy,” Cheryl moaned.

Stacy only sucked harder on the tit and fucked Cheryl harder with her finger. When the moans increased, so did her actions. Soon, Stacy’s head was pushing down on nearly the entirety of her mother’s breast while two fingers prodded her wet hole.

Cheryl’s body reacted with involuntary movements that simulated ‘normal’ sex… with a man. But what was happening to her was far from normal and involved her gorgeous daughter. The impact of that fact was lost amid the pleasure flowing through her body. Stacy was bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm.

Stacy lifted her head from the tit she was sucking and said, “Now it’s time for you to feel what I felt. Enjoy it, Mom.”

Cheryl watched her daughter’s head sink between her legs. Behind Stacy’s blonde hair she saw the young woman’s eyes focus in on her pussy. She saw Stacy’s tongue slide slowly across her lips in preparation for what was about to happen. Then Stacy’s eyes were all Cheryl could see—right before the tongue hit her clit.

Cheryl’s head thumped down onto the pillow when Stacy’s mouth first engulfed her clit. When the tongue began rubbing her harder, Cheryl closed her eyes and she grabbed hold of the covers with her fists. Stacy was pulling her closer, applying more and more pressure. Then the tongue was diving inside Cheryl’s cunt to seemingly impossible depths.

Cheryl’s ass rose from the bed as her orgasm approached.

“Oh God, Stacy. Yes! There!”

Stacy returned her mouth to Cheryl’s clit and felt her mother climax. Cheryl tried desperately to stifle her loud moans, but the tongue on her throbbing clit made her cry out. Wave after wave of orgasm released the sexual tension Cheryl had felt all evening. Her mind was filled with visions of Gina’s rock hard cock and Stacy’s incredible body. She thought of the feeling of Gina’s warm come landing on her back. She came some more.

Then Cheryl had to push Stacy’s head away. She couldn’t come any more and Stacy seemed determined never to stop. Finally, Stacy crawled on top of her mother and kissed her, letting Cheryl taste her own sweet juices.

“God, Stacy. That was incredible,” Cheryl managed to say.

“I thought you’d like it. So, if your next client is another beautiful woman, can I come along?” Stacy said, playing with a nipple.

“Only if you share.”

Cheryl and Stacy entered into a kiss that was destined to lead them to new discoveries.

The End