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The Descent of Venus

  • Posted on September 12, 2017 at 8:50 am

By Mr. Toasty

{ This story was originally posted at the now-defunct Sisters in Love }

Are you ever under the impression that you’re always the last one to know? I was definitely one of those people. No matter what was going on, be it of global significance or private matters in my own house, I usually didn’t hear about it until the very end, when the next flavor of the month is rearing its myriad of heads. Obviously this wasn’t true all the time. I heard about a few things right before everyone started chatting about them, and sometimes I even got to play the part of the informant or the educator, and would be the one to fan the flames and start the gossip. But more often than not, I felt tragically left out of the loop. The greatest example so far was the time when I discovered my cousin and my aunt on Mom’s side were coming over to visit — about three hours before they arrived.

“Didn’t I tell you?” Mom said, looking at me with innocent confusion. “I thought I told you. Salome and Sabine are coming here today. I could’ve sworn I told you!”

“No, Mom, this is the first I’ve heard of it.” She made a face that indicated she had genuinely believed I knew, and was puzzled to discover something to the contrary.

See what I mean? The worst part is that I discovered this bit of information by accident: I heard Mom on the phone talking to her sister, arranging a meeting. Now, normally this wouldn’t be a big deal, and far be it from me to discourage family members from getting together every once in awhile. But Aunt Salome and her daughter Sabine lived in another state, and the infrequency of our encounters — the last time I saw them was when I was still in middle school — gave me good reason to feel surprised, if not offended that Mom should neglect to reveal all this. They were coming over now?

“I really thought I told you,” she said — gently but firmly, if that makes sense. “Well, all the same, could you get the house ready, please?”

“I—I guess.” I’ve got nothing against doing chores — my poor silly mother needs all the help she can get! I just wished I’d had more time to prepare.

Since, after our striking conversation, I immediately set to work ‘doing’ the house (and I have no doubt you’d rather not know all the mundane details), this might be a good time for me to go over my relationship with Aunt Salome and Sabine. Don’t get me wrong: I was thrilled they were coming over, and in spite of the shock, I was clearly excited.

Sabine had been my best friend during the years we spent growing up, and I might even (might being the key word here) have had an innocent little crush on her. She was about three years older than me, and from what I remember and from what the occasional photograph could tell, she was a very pretty young lady — a beauty with sincerity, the kind of person that can be naturally attractive all the way through. She was intelligent and kind and she treated me like an equal… and how could anybody not think a name like that was cool?

Aunt Salome — I also loved her name — had been forced to move away due to a job transfer, and Mom had fought it all the way. She just couldn’t be separated from her little sister, but who could really blame her? Aunt Salome was as pretty and honest as her daughter, and she never spoke down to me or called me a child. She was a wee bit eccentric (aren’t we all?), and she had that same lovable scatterbrained look my mom sometimes sports, but she was cool and generous and charitable and wise.

She and Mom were best friends; it only seemed fitting that their daughters be so close. My only regret is that I never heard a mention of Aunt Salome’s husband (my own father passed on some time ago). I asked, of course, but she usually pretended she didn’t hear me, or changed the subject. I have the feeling that Sabine came into this world under disreputable circumstances, but I just figured it really was none of my business.

Words are slow. My thoughts rolled through my head at a breakneck pace; I was already planning on how I’d spend these precious days with my family, vacuuming the floors in the process. I definitely wanted to hang out with both of them, but I figured Mom would rather spend time with her sister, which was cool. I’m an only child, so I wouldn’t know what having a sister is like: Sabine’s the closest I’ll ever have. We wrote each other constantly (about once a week at first, then once a month), and when our houses caught the Internet bug, we emailed each other all the time. Sabine and I grew up together even though we were separated by miles and miles; I read (and sometimes watched) as she turned into a beautiful young woman. We rarely fought and  were always able to keep things fresh and interesting. It would be a strange experience to actually speak to her in person again, but as I said, I looked forward to it like Christmas and birthday and summer vacation all at once.

When I reached the kitchen, confident that my slipshod plans would be approved by my arriving cousin, I started cleaning the refrigerator and noticed, to my great dismay, that we didn’t have enough food for the four of us, not even if Sabine and Aunt Salome stayed for a day. I figured Mom would handle the groceries, but I asked her just to be sure.

“Hey, Mom, we don’t have enough to eat. You getting groceries?” She came into the kitchen drying her hands and gave me a glowing smile.

“Actually, I was hoping that you and Sabine could handle that.”

“Uh, sure, but you know I don’t have any money.” Not for lack of trying, I promise you: most of it was spent for college-related purposes. I would be a freshman that fall, so every dollar seemed to slip right out of my fingers. I knew Mom had the money, but I didn’t dare ask her.

“Don’t worry,” she replied, smiling enigmatically, a sure signal that she was about to show her generosity. “I’ve already made a list, but feel free to get anything else you think you’ll need. I want them to have at least one home-cooked meal while they’re here.”

“Yeah.” I was the chef of the family, so it would be my responsibility to feed these girls. I suddenly realized I had no idea what Aunt Salome liked, and made sure to ask Mom before I took another breath. She told me that Salome was no longer a vegan, but I should watch the meat and cheese in case she suddenly changed her mind. I personally have no objection to eating meat, and I knew Sabine shared my enthusiasm, despite the torturous diet her mother pushed on her. I suppose being that finicky paid off, since they were both stunning, healthy, glowing women, the kind poets write about. But that doesn’t mean I’m not attractive! I just can’t survive for long without bacon and burgers, that’s all.

I was right in the middle of dusting the den when the doorbell rang, so I was the first to welcome my relatives into the house. I saw Aunt Salome first; she squealed like a kid and picked me into her arms, spinning around until we were both nearly dizzy. I coughed as she let me go and said, “It’s good to see you too, Aunt Salome, but please don’t ever do that again!”

We hugged properly and she kissed my cheek; I felt at ease now that she was being her reliably warm self again. But what can I say about Sabine that I haven’t already said? I felt like I wanted to kiss her — a real kiss, mind you, not the chaste peck of a cousin. I wanted to hold her and not let go, I wanted to undress her and feel her cool naked skin against my own, I wanted to fuck her and fall in love with her. I have no idea why I was thinking these outrageous thoughts, but I didn’t do anything to push them away. I kept them safely hidden, like treasures for me to pull out and cherish.

Our lips nearly touched as I kissed her cheek. Her face glowed with love; she was just as happy to see me as I was to see her.

“You cut your hair,” she said.

I laughed. “Is that all you can say after all this time?”

“And you got your ears pierced.”

“Ah, brilliant observation. What else has changed about me?” My eyes sparkled with hope and wonder; I didn’t think she could guess this one. You see, Mom got a tattoo for me when I turned eighteen and I never told Sabine. This wasn’t a surprise I was storing up for a special occasion, I just kept forgetting about it. She put her finger to her cheek, furrowing her brow in concentration. Finally she shrugged. “Okay, okay, I give.”

I showed her my prize and she squealed. I’ve heard tell that only a slut get a butterfly tattoo on the small of their back, but I think that’s just nonsense. Some of the chastest people I know have sexy tattoos. “Now I wish I had one,” she sighed, then inevitably directed her attention to her mother, who was chattering nonsensically with her sister. “Mom, can I get a tattoo? Something with skulls and flames and knives?”

“We’ll see,” she stated, before resuming her babbling conversation.

“Can we at least have some money to buy groceries?” I said. I love my mother, but she has a fairly short attention span, and she needs to be reminded of things. My eyes bulged out as she laid two fifty-dollar bills in my palms, and my heart jumped when she said Sabine and I could keep the change.

I really can’t tell you what happened after that because my head was off in the clouds and it didn’t come back until Sabine and I drove out of the garage and onto the street.


The one thing I genuinely didn’t see coming was Sabine’s warm silence. She barely said a word during our journey — I specifically had the radio off so we could chat — and seemed content to sit there, drinking the world in, her hands folded in her lap and her face glowing with beauty and patience. She was like the statue of Pygmalion, a perfect and faithful creation, silent and eerily lifelike. So lifelike, in fact, that I felt I could revive her with a kiss, just like Ovid’s hero.
At the first traffic light we ran into, I tested this theory and leaned over, pressing my mouth against her cheek. “Wake up,” I chirped.
She grinned, laughing softly. “I’m too happy to talk,” she replied. She took my short hair in her fingers and played with it. I really did wear it long once upon a time, but it was so irritating to keep and care for, and I really wanted a new look for college. I almost regret it now, since it makes me look smaller and “cuter” (I don’t want people to think I’m cute), but if Sabine liked it, it was fine with me. She hadn’t changed her hair at all; it was just as long and luxurious as it always had been, a shade somewhere between gold and brown, scented like the wild outdoors.

“Pretty,” she said, her eyes squinting from her broad smile. I blushed and tried not to lag behind as the light turned green again.

When I reached the parking lot, I wanted to play the chivalrous cousin and open her door for her, but she got it herself. That independence comes from Grandpa’s side and it is something I was blessed with as well. (Grandma gave us our endearing ditziness and natural beauty.) I also had Grandpa’s bravery and boldness, and reached to take Sabine’s hand as we walked up to the store. I’m a little shorter than she is, because of our age difference, so I could literally and figuratively look up to her and smile; she smiled back and even winked.

“So are we going to talk at all? We haven’t seen each other in five years.”

“I know. But you know how there are some moments that are so beautiful and pure, you don’t want to ruin them. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”

“No, I think it was just what we needed. But now that we’re talking again, does this mean you’re no longer happy?”

She smiled playfully and winked again. “I’m definitely happy, but it’s different. There’s happy and there’s happy, you know. One is more fleeting than the other, and because it’s so brief, we can’t afford to be distracted by anything else when it comes. It’s overwhelming; too much of it would hurt us. But there’s also the ordinary kind of happiness we see all the time.”

“And that’s where we are now,” I concluded. She nodded, and we walked into the store, our hands now freed. Holding her hand, being in such close intimate contact with her, had been one kind of happiness, but hanging out with her in the store was the other kind. The difference was delicate but clear; I felt my heart soaring out of love for Sabine and her wisdom. That she chose to spend her time with me was even more amazing.

“So what do we get first?” she wondered, peering over my shoulder at the list Mom gave me.

I scanned down the paper and pursed my lips anxiously: there was a lot there! It would be impossible for me to do this by myself, so I asked Sabine to take a cart and half the list with her so we could finish this quickly.

No, I want to do it with you!” she protested, caressing my arm. “You were the one who said we should talk more. Let’s do this together. Our moms can wait.”

“I guess we could,” I answered, “but you have to help me. Let’s go get everything in aisle one first.”

Sabine had not been to that grocery store in years, so I had to step up and show her where everything was. This is another long stretch of time where not too much happened, except that we did talk and catch up on things, we spent good times together and had a lot of fun and became even closer. We loaded the groceries until the cart nearly overflowed, and worked as a team to bag them all. We stuffed everything in the car and put the cart away, then looked at all our change. Sabine and I both made a face as we realized just how little we had left.

“And here I thought Mom was trying to be generous,” I grumbled. It was mostly pocket change and singles; we split it between the two of us and headed back. I prayed quite hard that all the trouble I went through cleaning the house was not in vain: Mom could get pretty messy when she was excited.


Home, I quickly came to the rescue and started cooking for my hungry troops. Mom and Aunt Salome had actually started prepping the kitchen, but were too busy interacting to get much done. I had no choice but to forgive them: Sabine and I would’ve done exactly the same thing. As punishment, they volunteered to wash the dishes while she and I were let free to do as we pleased, but that was little comfort while I was in the trenches. Sabine took care of the simple things I was too busy to handle, like organizing the groceries, finishing what our mothers started, and retrieving whatever I needed, while Mom and Aunt Salome set the table. We went through a lot of trouble, but really bonded as a family, cheesy though that may sound.

“So what colleges have you applied to?” my cousin asked me. She helped put everything on the table and served everyone, while I was given a chance to sit down and rest my feet. I couldn’t complain since Mom works hard to support the two of us, and she said I needed the experience, whatever that meant. I could already take care of myself very well and had even played the role of caretaker for my dear mother. Moving out wouldn’t be difficult; I just wasn’t really ready yet.

But I digress. I answered Sabine and she replied with that prizewinning smile of hers. “Why not move in with me? My last roommate bailed out on me and I can’t cover the rent anymore. I’ve had to live with Mom for a few months and — no offense, Mom — it’s really driving me crazy!”

I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. Her offer sent me soaring, and I barely managed to nod my head, the idea enraptured me so. I didn’t hear Aunt Salome’s tart response (something about “How could I drive you crazy?”), I was thinking how wonderful it would be to live with Sabine. I knew for a fact that Mom wouldn’t mind; it seemed only a matter of time now.

“You two can worry about that later,” Salome said to us in her peaceful, sweet matronly voice. “We haven’t eaten at the same table together in years. Rikki, tell me: have you finally decided to start dating?”

Whoops, I almost forgot to introduce my side of the family! I was so obsessed with Sabine that I forgot to make introductions! My mother’s name is Rochelle, but her sister always called her Rikki, and my own name is Cory, which is short for Corrina. I was thankful every day that no one in our family had very common names; it definitely made life nicer.

“And who says I’m not dating now?” Mom answered vaguely, wiping her mouth.

Salome snorted. “You do, in all the emails you send me. It’s nothing to be shy about, Rikki. A beautiful woman your age needs to go out and socialize.”

“Yes, but where would I find anybody who’s interested — or interesting, for that matter? I’m a single mother, remember?”

“Cory’s going off to college soon,” Salome pointed out. “If that’s all that’s holding you back, you can start once she and Sabine move in together. You two were serious about that, right?”

“Definitely,” I said, as Sabine replied, “Yes, indeed.”

“All right, there you go,” she gestured.

Mom wasn’t the type of person to let things go like that, so she turned the question right back at her little sister. “What about you, Sal? You haven’t been with anyone since high school. Don’t tell me you’ve given up.”

“I haven’t,” she insisted, sipping her drink gracefully. “I just don’t make it common knowledge. You obviously don’t know your little sister very well, Rikki. I’ve had plenty of — opportunities.”

“But no big prospects?”

“Plenty of those, too,” she answered clearly, looking her sister right in the eye.

Things had become very serious and intimate all of a sudden, and I felt I was imposing on a very personal conversation. I wanted to leave, but Sabine was still eating and had tuned out the conversation. I resolved to excuse myself and touched Sabine’s shoulder, indicating it was time for us to go. She understood and finished her meal, and our mothers said they would clean up as promised, but not yet. We left them to finish their conversation and made our way upstairs, where my sanctuary awaited.


I shivered once we reached my room. “That was weird,” I whispered.

“Yeah.” We grinned and the tension was forgotten. “But now that we’re thinking about it, what sorts of romantic prospects have you been through?”

“None,” I answered with a shameful grin. “I’ve been way too busy. I spent all of high school with the soccer team. You?”

“I don’t date,” she said, shaking that luxurious russet mane of hers. “It’s not even a question of time for me; I’m just not — well, not interested in the prospects. I don’t know. I guess I’m waiting for that special someone to sweep me off my feet. I just don’t feel inspired with anybody in the local area.”

“So what do you spend your time doing?”

My beautiful Sabine couldn’t restrain her embarrassed smile as her cheeks flushed scarlet. “Watching cartoons and playing video games. My spare time, of course.”

“You don’t exercise?”

“Mm, about once or twice a week at home. I can’t afford the local gym. I guess that’s why you’re in better shape than I am.”

“But you grew up with a vegan mother. My mom’s not like that at all.”

“But dinner was very nice.”

I smiled gently and thanked her. The peaceful silence returned and I felt this was becoming one of those especially happy moments Sabine had described to me earlier. Not wanting to ruin it, I shuffled over to my bed and motioned for her to join me. As she laid down, it felt like a summer afternoon in my room all of a sudden: the warmth of her body, the thrill in my own heart, her fierce, pleasant scent drifting across the room, her gentle touch as she rested her head on my shoulder, the smile that was just for me—

“I love you.” I couldn’t keep it in; I had to say it. Have you ever felt like your own inner dam won’t be able to hold something in anymore? That if you keep it locked in, you’ll just burst? I was overflowing with love for my precious Sabine and couldn’t bear for it to be a secret anymore. I had typed it a thousand times in our corresponding letters and emails, of course, but I’d never actually said it.

I put my moist lips to hers and inhaled quietly; summertime was never better.

I lingered, my mouth still, greedy for Sabine’s taste and the invisible aura of love glowing from her. She moved her head imperceptibly and I felt a soft tenderness touch me, my heart skipping a beat as I realized that my innermost desire had been fulfilled.

I pulled away before anything further could develop and studied her face, wondering just what she was thinking. That had certainly felt like a harmless kiss from her end, but I know I erupted inside when I tasted Sabine’s lips. I’d never kissed anyone like that before, not as a polite gesture or an intimate action, not even my own mother, so of course it was a wonderful sensation. I had prayed — hopelessly at times — that my first kiss would be with someone I loved, so lo and behold! But did she kiss me out of a reflexive action, or a friendly motion, or was it the act of a woman in love?

We grinned at each other as we realized what happened. The happiness between us was so pure and beatific that I feared anything else we did would destroy it. We didn’t even breathe. I kissed her again, pressing my lips upon hers, reaching the impossible treasure I’d wanted ever since we were reunited — and this time, there was no holding back. Sabine drew me into a loving embrace, and I could feel a gust of air push through her nose as she sighed for joy. Her fingers went for my short dark hair again — how enraptured she was by this mane of mine! — and our lips parted, closed, and opened again as we gasped breathlessly.

I felt Sabine’s soft warm moist tongue slide through my lips as I let my defenses slip, and my senses went into overload. The sensation of another woman’s tongue — my own cousin’s tongue inside my mouth, caressing and massaging with the most tender love and desire — it’s something one has to experience for herself. It was beautiful and sweet and erotic and even naughty, all at once. I knew my Sabine loved me, but I had no idea she was that interested. It made a lot of sense, though, to overflow with so many feelings like that, pouring them out for the one you love the most. I loved Sabine more than anyone else in the world, even more than my own mother; I was soon expressing this as only a headstrong young woman intoxicated with lust can.

We were forced to stop, however, to catch our breath. As I’ve said, words are slow; Sabine and I must’ve been French kissing for about ten minutes, maybe less. The time she spent with her head on my shoulder, just absorbing the peace in my room, had gone on even longer. But it felt like years since we came down from our clouds and realized we were two cousins in a room together and not goddesses in the Elysian Fields.

I didn’t want to break the moment with my clumsy words, but I really felt it was necessary. “Umm—wow! That came out of nowhere.”

“Are you sure?” Her wisdom and intimate understanding sliced through my innocence. I knew I was in love with Sabine now. I had been in love with her long before today. In that sense, my affection for her didn’t “come out of nowhere,” it had been inside me since we were children.

“I didn’t know you felt that way about me,” I answered. I swallowed down my nervousness and bared my soul. “I’ve always been in love with you, Sabine. I didn’t think you—” Her eyes glowed with very quiet love; it was tender and patient and it made me feel like a whole person. I know that nothing I’m saying makes any sense, but that’s how I felt. She didn’t even have to tell me she was in love for me to know; I just knew. I chuckled and caressed her pretty face. “I’m always the last one to figure these things out.”

Our kisses inflamed us, our passions took over, throwing away all reason and logic. This was no longer another woman, or my cousin, or even my best friend — this was Sabine, my lover, exposed for what she was, every last honest inch of her.

I undressed her with careful consideration. I exposed her skin, that sensual field of pale pink. Her breasts were revealed before my startled eyes, two cute nipples pointing towards the sky. Pervert that I was, I inhaled the rich scent of her panties as I liberated her from the last formality, and sniffed the air wafting from her maidenhood, intoxicating myself. Sabine had a timid look on her face, but her shining eyes told me she was loving this.

She undressed me, but her lips roamed everywhere. I had merely touched my love, and memorized her scent. My skin is more tanned than hers, thanks to years of playing and working outdoors, and even I have to admit that the enticing layers of plump sensuality coating her muscles were more prominent than my own. Not that Sabine is at all fat, she just has a very shapely body that I adore. I could feel her enviously worshiping my muscles and my taut limbs. She put all my toes in her mouth, nibbling playfully, and in turn I sucked at her fingers. I had no firm idea what sex or lovemaking was supposed to be like. I just did what came naturally, and although it may sound strange or even perverse, it felt very natural making love to my darling Sabine.

“Oh, Cory!” she wailed, sliding up my body. Our breasts came into contact and I squealed as the delicious friction of it stabbed through my core. I squeaked as I felt her body descend upon mine — our sexes were nearly touching now — and we kissed and held each other for what seemed like eons on end.

When we stopped to catch our breath and cool off, I flipped her so I was on top again and thrust my tongue into her beautiful mouth. If this were any other woman, I don’t think I could’ve gone through with it. There was no way I could possibly love anyone more than Sabine. I called her name out again and again and trailed my tongue down her body, over her gorgeous breasts, dipping it into her belly button until at last I came to the end of my journey. There would be plenty of time for me to lavish attention on her magnificent legs, but I wanted to taste my Sabine’s sacred area.

“Pretty,” I purred, echoing her earlier flattery as I caressed her pubic hair. She had a sexy womanly patch of mousy brown curls, and I begged her never to shave it all off; the sight of it drove me crazy with lust.

I was about to indulge myself, but my lover stopped me. “Corrina, wait. Hold on, sweetheart.” Sabine only calls me by my full name if something serious is going on, so I obeyed and looked up, my face still comically hovering over her entrancing vagina. “I really am in love with you, sweetie, and I want to — to be with you like this. It’s what I’ve always wanted. But I don’t want this to just be about sex. I love you and I want to be with you. I want to go through life with you and share it with you. There’s no point in going any further if we don’t do that. We’ll be happy and we’ll suffer, too. We’ll have good days and we’ll have really rotten ones as well. We may even fight. But you’re the only person I could bear to do any of that with. It’s either you or nobody. Do you understand?”

Moving to lie on top of her once more, I kissed Sabine’s lips until she understood that I felt the same way. Her tears came freely; they moistened her bare body. I kissed them all away, and she cooed softly as she felt the depths of my love. What also pleased me was that I was the first one — the only one, really, as far as I knew — to love my precious Sabine in this way. I made sure she knew for certain that I would be her soulmate forever before I resumed my ministrations.

“Time to finish what I started,” I growled sensually. Sabine squealed with delight and braced herself. My head was swimming; time and reason seemed to be ripping each other apart. I was really going to go down on Sabine! I was going to put my tongue in another woman’s vagina! For the briefest moment I hesitated.

My lover, however, was impatient. “Cory,” she whispered softly, “fuck me. Cory, please, fuck me. Fuck me, please.”

I looked up at her heavenly face, so innocent and kind, so wrought with need, and wiped the tears from my own eyes. She had whispered a vulgar word, but in this context, it seemed the most beautiful expression I’d ever heard. I was going to fuck my Sabine — so softly, so sweetly, until her essence flowed forth for me to treasure.

There’s no point describing what I did to her. What could anybody possibly gain from it? I lapped clumsily at her womanhood; I touched it and suckled it, prodding and experimenting, praying that my work would bear fruit. Sabine’s golden moans were melodic; she clasped the sheets with a vice grip and parted her legs as far apart as they could go until her feet hung over the sides of the mattress. My senses were overwhelmed; I was focusing everything on her glorious vagina, wondering if my personal experiences of self-pleasure would work here. It was an adventure to find out what drove Sabine crazy and what made her beg me for more. She whispered until she screamed, all the while whispering, “Please, please fuck me, Cory. I love you. Oh, God, I love you!”

I left Sabine’s vagina to its own devices for awhile — the poor girl actually cried out how mean I was — but her cries became stifled very suddenly as I kissed her rear end. I gently lifted my cousin’s bottom into the air and, as disturbing as this might sound, actually darted my tongue out and licked her puckered little hole. I’m sad to say there’s no civilized or romanticized way of saying that I stuck my tongue up her butt, but I was feeling uncharacteristically wicked and wanted to drive Sabine wild. She gawked and tensed up for a moment as she realized what I was doing, but calmed down and even sang out wonderfully as the sensations overpowered her.

I alternated between this opening and her vagina — still reeling from the incredible wonder of doing this to another girl — until her body twisted and shivered in ecstasy, Sabine not quite able to muffle her cries.

Finally she lay limp and dazed, a gentle smile on her lips. I made sure to clean her up, kissing and slurping as gently as I could. I knew how sensitive she must have been, and didn’t want to put her in overdrive.

I cuddled and caressed my darling cousin as she came down from her pinnacle. I’d experienced a few fairly good orgasms in my time — all by my own hands, so to speak — but I could only imagine what she was going through. The girl of her dreams had delivered her to heaven’s doorstep and her mind was just wrapping itself around that. Nothing else in the world seemed to matter, other than our love. Our shared genders and bloodline, and even our mothers, who had no doubt heard some of what we’d been doing and prudently decided to wait before confronting us… all faded away as Sabine recovered, and I kissed her breasts and jaw, awaiting the moment when she returned the favor.

“Come here, beautiful,” she begged me. Our lips touched sweetly several times and I felt her hands wandering. She had been given full access to my body earlier, but went back there again, tickling and squeezing, trying to find new ways to please me. Her hands folded over my bottom and groped — then she slapped me, quite firmly, giving me an impish smile.

“You bitch,” I giggled, blushing furiously. Mom raised me to never swear, and I followed this rule implicitly, but now I couldn’t help it. We laughed out loud and I asked her to spank me again.

It wasn’t long before I had my tongue around one of her fingers, then she slipped it inside my rear and I saw stars as I was penetrated from behind. Our eyes locked as she used her other hand to explore my maidenhood. I crumpled in her arms and groaned so deeply and hungrily that for a moment, I thought I’d turned into an animal.

“Touch my pussy,” I whispered, feeling empowered by my surprising vulgarity. “Put your fingers in my pussy. Touch me. Sabine, please—”

“I want to hear you say the f-word, lover,” she murmured. I nearly lost control right then and there.

“Fuck me!” I squealed, as she solemnly kissed my shoulders. “God, fuck me, Sabine! Sabine, please fuck me! I want to — to feel you—inside of me!”

I felt my virginity break suddenly and clung to her as tightly as I could; the pain and pleasure of it all was extraordinary. I bit down where Sabine’s neck met her shoulder and suckled it numbly. She shushed me and resumed her work, going slowly and carefully.

I hit orgasm but didn’t dare scream; instead I kissed her to stifle my cries.

“I love you, Cory,” she whispered in my ear.

I wept and hugged her tightly. “I love you too, Sabine! But you know, it’s really not nice to take things without permission!”

“Sorry,” she giggled, her cheeks rosy. I couldn’t help but love her when she made that face, and I caressed her as the brightness of my love shone out.

“It’s all right. I wanted you to have it anyway.”

“Oh? Was this before or after I came over?”

“You’re evil!” I squealed, piling on top of her. I wouldn’t let Sabine get away with being such a naughty girl — umm, yeah, I actually said that to her — and pinned her hands to the bed. I wanted to scare her a little and make her feel defenseless, but that perverted girl just smiled at me, her eyes glistening with lust and longing.

My free hand got straight down to business as my legs wrapped around one of her thighs, and I rubbed up against Sabine while penetrating her at the same time. It was harder than I thought, and it completely drained me, but it was so worth it in the end. Her virginity was mine in a matter of moments — our eyes met and she gave me leave without saying a word — and soon we were both too exhausted to move. I’d never attempted back-to-back orgasms in my life, but with Sabine in my life — well, I would have to get used to them.


It wasn’t until seven o’clock in the morning when I realized Sabine and I had fallen asleep together. I lay there in bed, naked from head to toe, the sheets covering my legs and dear Sabine cuddling me protectively, and thought about what had happened.

So, I’d made love to another woman — my own cousin, no less — and was no longer a virgin. It had all happened so quickly; the dam had burst too fast. I’d been blinded by my own passions and had lost my mind. But I didn’t regret one second of it, not even for an instant, and if I had to do it all over again, I would definitely repeat everything we’d done and more.

Well… I’d have Sabine ask before she deflowered me, but other than that…

I lightly massaged her back and shoulders as she rested against my body, still lost in slumberland and dreaming about me, I hoped. Making love to Sabine and watching as she slept were two kinds of the most sublime happiness; being with her as we shared the sorrows and joys of life would be the simpler kind.

Inevitably, I wondered how our mothers would take this. I know my mom would be okay if I came out as a lesbian, but revealing my affection for my cousin was another matter. I didn’t know how open-minded Aunt Salome would be, but I resolved that I didn’t care: come what may, Sabine and I would spend the rest of our lives together. I did hope that my aunt would be okay with it, though. I didn’t want to create a rupture in the family.

A bleary-eyed Sabine woke up and smiled. “Good morning, sexy,” she quietly said.

“Morning, pretty girl,” I replied, and we rubbed our noses and nipples together in greeting. I so badly wanted to kiss my love, but brushing my teeth came first, and I stated that Sabine wouldn’t be “getting any” until she did the same. The little sneak just laughed and slithered underneath the covers, deciding to bury her lips in my womanhood. I shrieked, I laughed, I sang for joy; I came right in her mouth. She even gave my rear end a few kisses and licked my butthole; I almost hyperventilated from the sensation. No wonder Sabine had erupted like that!

“You’re awful,” I murmured as she climbed back up. But I couldn’t pout at her for long; she was the most amazing woman in the world, and I knew she only teased me like that because she loved me so deeply.

I slapped her gorgeous rear end as she bounced out of bed and, as she moaned and squealed so cutely, I kept smacking her butt as we put some bathrobes on and marched into the bathroom. Our house only has one, which makes sense because there’s only two people in this house most of the time, but I prayed Mom or Aunt Salome hadn’t beat us there. And just how had they spent their night?

“Maybe they had sex too,” my perverted cousin suggested. I slapped her on the rear again, but soon came to realize she hardly considered this punishment. What was worse was that if they had indeed made love — which just might have explained why they didn’t hear us as we shrieked the night away — I would once again be the last one to know. But since that had nothing to do with our trek to the bathroom, we pressed on.

The lights were on, which didn’t startle me. Mom sometimes forgets and keeps them on all night, but that comes in handy in case either of us needs to make a “midnight run”. Someone had beaten us to the shower, which was not very surprising either. Despite her quirks, Mom is an early riser and makes sure I follow her example. She usually wakes me after she takes her shower, leaving me with just enough time to make breakfast, eat, and wash up. I even saw Mom’s silhouette behind the glass curtain and raised my eyebrows. I’m not afraid to admit that my mother is a gorgeous lady and I hope to look as good as her when I reach that age.

The thing that shocked me, though, was the telltale signs that Mom was not alone in there. She clearly had company and it was obvious to both of us who it was. It was also very obvious what they were doing. We heard moans of passion and the sound of wet bodies rubbing together; we saw the blurry shape of two very naked women, sharing a very passionate kiss.

“Oh, my God,” I breathed. We slipped outside, thankfully without being noticed.

Sabine’s mouth was hanging open. “I… I was just kidding!” she blurted. “I didn’t think they’d do it for real!

I, on the other hand, couldn’t help but laugh. I also couldn’t let this moment pass without making a truly tasteless joke. “Well, like mother like daughter, I guess.”

So with the arrival of my cousin and my aunt, the goddess of love came with them. Sabine and I were now lovers and would spend the rest our lives together. And apparently, Mom decided she couldn’t spend another minute without the love of her little sister, a love that Salome was all too happy to give. It dawned on me that this was quite possibly the healthiest relationship either of them could enter into, and I prayed, as Sabine and I crossed over to the kitchen, that they would be together forever.

Eventually the new couple emerged from the shower, still wearing their bathrobes and glowing as lovers are apt to do. They giggled, flirted, and teased each other; we both watched them enter the kitchen with quiet, understanding smiles. With one exception, I’d never seen anything more adorable and beautiful in all my life — that exception being my beloved Sabine — though I’m sure Mom and Aunt Salome believed we didn’t suspect a thing.

We went through the motions that morning and spent the entire day together, and eventually, the truth came out for all to hear, and there was not an unhappy face in the crowd. Well, maybe that’s exaggerating things.

“Um, care to run that by me again?” I demanded. Mom and Aunt Salome, holding hands as they snuggled close, smiled at each other, and at me.

“It’s not the first time we made love,” Mom said. “It happened once before, when we were even younger than you two. But this is the first time we’ve — considered it seriously.”

“That’s right, girls,” Salome said, pausing to kiss Mom’s cheek. “We want to be a real couple.”

“Oh, jeez.” I rubbed my face wearily, but luckily I had an angel there to unravel my stress.

“It’s okay, Cory,” Sabine whispered. “For what it’s worth, I didn’t know either.”

I had to laugh, hearing that. We shared a family hug, and I reflected on how being the last to know what’s up really isn’t that big a deal.

The End


Amber II, Chapter 1

  • Posted on September 11, 2017 at 6:33 am

By Tater Tot

{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in June 2015 }

NOTE: While editing and preparing the chapters of “Amber” for Juicy Secrets, we hit a stumbling block. Around the story’s midway point, without any hint of explanation or introduction, the viewpoint of the narrative shifts from Amber’s mother to Amber herself. Unable to figure out how to continue the original story in a way that made sense, we decided to end it right there. After further discussion, however, we made a second decision — to post Amber’s continuation of her own story as “Amber II,” which you are about to read. Enjoy!

When my mom told me she was writing about how she and I started having sex, I was really excited. But then I decided I wanted to tell part of the story myself, especially since I had some hot experiences that Mom wasn’t around to see.
It started on this one morning, when I gave Mom a kiss on the cheek on my way out. It seemed like kind of a small thing, but I could tell it really made her happy when I did it, and I felt sort of bad for not having done it before.

I was off to do a sleepover with my friend Deanna. Her mother, who I’ll call Mrs. C, was doing the driving.

“Hi, Mrs. C,” I said, as I climbed in the back with my book bag.

Deanna twisted around with a grin as Mrs. C said, “Hi, Amber, do you have everything?”

I liked Mrs. C. She wasn’t as upbeat as Mom was, but Deanna got along really well with her. I’d had other friends whose parents were total assholes, sort of like my dad at the end. I shook that thought away too, and chatted with Deanna as we drove to her house.

Having someone as a friend who was interested in getting good grades was really nice. I hadn’t spent time with Deanna until I began really putting effort into getting A grades, and had noticed we were spending the same time studying after class or at lunch. She had actually approached me first, and we had really hit it off.

Spending the night at her place was a first, but we were doing a group report together and wanted it to be perfect. I had every intention of getting all A’s because I wanted every Saturday possible to do things to Mom… better not think about it or my panties would be wet quick.

Mrs. C was a little like Mom – slimmer, I think, because of how she ate rather than exercise. Mom worked out a lot and it really showed. Her ass was so… nope, not thinking that.

Mrs. C had sandy hair and her breasts were bigger than Mom’s, but she smiled the same and seemed to really care for Deanna. I had never paid attention before, but now I noticed how my friends and their parents got along. I could see how much it mattered to Mom that I was happy.

I was a little surprised later when Deanna and I were working at the kitchen table and I had leaned over to grab something, when I realized that Mrs. C was checking out my ass. I was wearing tight shorts, the same as Deanna, so my butt looked really good. Huh, I wondered if Mrs. C liked girls? I had been totally shocked to find out Mom did, then to find out her and Aunt Jess… Well, mindblowing didn’t cover it.

I hadn’t really paid attention before, her being Deanna’s mom and all, but now it kind of gave me a kick to think she was interested in seeing me naked. I was checking her ass out later, and I think Deanna caught me doing it, so I quit.

We had pizza, which was awesome since Mom didn’t order out much. Deanna had me laughing hard enough to snort Coke up my nose, which caused her mom to laugh until she choked on her food. We were all giggling over almost laughing ourselves to death. Later, Deanna gave her mom a kiss on the cheek good night, which made me miss Mom really badly for a moment.

I pulled out a big t-shirt when we went to her room and slipped it on over my panties in the bathroom. Deanna was doing the same when I came back in, and didn’t say anything as she slipped out of her clothes before putting it on. I was a little happy to see her breasts were no bigger than mine, sad to say. It really aggravated me that total skanks at school could have great breasts, and all I had was two little pimples. Mom just smiled whenever I said that, and she really made them… uh, no.

Deanna was my height and just as skinny, making us look a lot alike most times, but her hair was much lighter. She had boy-cut panties like Mom had, something I had really developed a weird fetish for. I had looked that up, fetish, after I heard one of the girls at school saying her boyfriend had a fetish for coming on her tits. Eww.

“What caused that face?” Deanna said, as she hopped on the bed cross-legged.

I did the same. “Remembering when Kim said her boyfriend had a fetish. It was gross.”

Deanna giggled loudly, “The tits thing?” then giggled again.

I curled my nose up. “Yeah, God, that sounded disgusting.”

“Just think,” Deanna said, with another embarrassed giggle, “one day you’ll be giving your husband head every day.”

“The hell!” I said. “He’ll be giving me head every day.”

Then we both started laughing. Deanna’s mom poked her head in, then smiled at the two of us laughing and giggling on the bed before saying “What’s so funny?” that got us both almost hysterical as we stuttered and couldn’t come up with an answer.

Mrs. C got that knowing look that Mom got now when I was too embarrassed to say something, and she said, “Oh, one of those things.” She grinned then and said, “Well, no sneaking boys in the window.”

I laughed again when Deanna said, “Aw, Mom, then what are we going to do for fun?”

Mrs. C laughed as she shut the door, saying, “Sorry, Deanna, just girls tonight.”

We calmed down after a while and laid on the bed talking. Her mom had the same restrictions on her internet that my mom did, so it hardly seemed worth going online. She had a bigger bed than mine, and it was nice not having to feel squished in. I had thought about having Mom do… Uh, no, not thinking about that.

We kind of drifted to sleep with the light on about an hour later. I was lying on my back and having a half dream about spanking Mom when I woke myself up, the excitement pushing me until I came.

I was seriously embarrassed to see Deanna leaning up on her elbow watching me with a raised eyebrow. Hell, I hoped I hadn’t said anything, and I could tell my panties were wet. Mom thought it was awesome how much I came, but it was a real pain right now.

I put my hand over my eyes, “What?”

“What do you mean, ‘What?’” Deanna whispered. “Holy shit. You just had a wet dream, Amber. God, it looked hot.”

I peeked at her from under my fingers. “It’s embarrassing. Quit staring at me.”

She giggled, getting a nervous giggle back from me as she pulled on my arm until I uncovered my eyes. I knew it drove Mom crazy when I did that when I was embarrassed, but it was almost impossible to stand having someone looking at me at those times.

“No way, girl,” she said, “I’ve never had a wet dream before. You have got to tell me about it or I’ll go crazy. Hell, I thought only boys did that.”

Now I really blushed, trying to keep from hiding again as I said, “No way. God, I can’t believe that happened. I’m such a spaz.”

Deanna got a serious look. “No, really, I think it’s awesome. I’d love to be able to do that. I’ve never had an orgasm, and here you are having one in your sleep. It’s not fair.”

I giggled again at the offended tone, but then realized what she had said. “Never?”

Now she looked embarrassed, looking down as she said. “Well… no. I’ve never dated, and I know everyone watches porn on the internet, but I don’t.” Now she kind of looked a little mad as she said, “How the hell are you supposed to find anything out if your mom blocks everything?”

That got a surprised giggle again, causing her to give me an offended look, then she laughed herself at my expression.


“Nothing.” I laughed. “It’s just… my mom has the same thing. It really pisses me off sometimes.”

We laughed for a minute at the thought of how mean our moms were because they wouldn’t let their sweet daughters watch porn, when Deanna gave me a questioning look and said, “Can you… like, come when you’re awake?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Oh!” She looked down thoughtfully, before saying, “By… well, by yourself?” She blushed as she said the last part.

I gave her a questioning look. “What, you think I’m bonking some guy? Of course, by myself. Don’t try to tell me you don’t masturbate.”

She giggled, then shrugged and said, “Well, yeah, of course, but… well, I’ve never really had an orgasm. It’ll feel sort of nice, but nothing like what I just saw you do.”

I covered my face again. “God. My friend is a Peeping Tom. I can’t believe you watched that.”

That got a full-on gigglefest going, but she returned to the subject when we stopped.

“Tell me, Amber. Come on, we’re friends, right? How do you do that?”

I was tempted to put a pillow over my face, but I remembered how frustrated I was before.

“Well… well, you just, you know, have sexy thoughts about someone, then sort of, you know…” I whispered the last part, “touch yourself.”

She looked so much like me that I almost laughed, her eyes distant as she pursed her lips in thought.
“Yeah… that doesn’t work,” she said thoughtfully. “I try to think of having guys do stuff, but it doesn’t really work.”

I nodded to myself, kind of picturing what she meant. I was doing the same thing, picturing a boy because it was wrong to do anything else.

“Well…” I said, thoughtfully. “What about when you’re not trying? What gets you hot during the day?”

She blushed, almost making me nod as I realized she did look just like me when Mom asked those kinds of questions. I could see what her problem was.

When she didn’t say anything, I said, “Well, what is it? You want me to tell you, you have to tell me.”
She lay back and put her hand over her face as she mumbled. “Well… it’s the… well, you know…” She trailed off, then whispered, “gym teacher.”

I almost giggled, but held it back. Ms. Teller was the gym teacher and she was hot. I had the hots for my teacher, and Deanna had the hots for the gym teacher. Ms. Teller was really tall, with big boobs, and was super fit. I could get behind wanting some of that.

“Okay,” I said matter of factly. “I can see that, she’s hot. So that’s who you think about?”

Deanna turned her head to look at me in surprise to say “But, she’s… well… a she.”

I did laugh then and said. “No! Really? Was it the big boobs that gave it away?” We both got to giggling again, and she relaxed a little.

“You don’t think that’s bad?” Deanna asked quietly.

“Nah. It’s a crush. We get them and it doesn’t mean we’re all lesbians or something.”

“Oh. You think about… well, girls?”

“Sure,” I said truthfully. “I was actually dreaming about one, but I’m not going to tell you who it was, so don’t ask.”

“Oh,” she muttered again. We laid there for a while as she thought about it, then said, “That’s good, I was afraid I was… well, gay or something.”

I leaned up on my elbow to look at her seriously. “It wouldn’t bother me if you were, Deanna, but we’re only fourteen for Christ’s sake, we haven’t even dated. It’s probably too early to decide that, at least until you’ve been on a date.”

“I guess,” she said slowly. “You don’t think… mas… masturbating while thinking about girls will make you gay?”

I giggled, “If so, I’m going to be so gay one day.”

She laughed out loud, then covered her mouth as she turned to face me, laughing hard enough to cry. I had never had this much fun with a friend before, even if it was about embarrassing stuff.

We laid there for a while, sort of chatting sleepily, when she said, “How do you… you know… do it?”

I blinked awake and looked at her hard, realizing for the first time that she might be pushing for something. It seemed silly now after talking about masturbating and lesbian crushes, but it hadn’t occurred to me that she might want to do some stuff.

“It’s hard to explain, Deanna,” I said. “It’s, like, something you get one day, then always know how to do.”

“Oh,” she said softly. “I’ve been, well trying for a long time.”

I leaned up on my elbow again and looked at her. She gave me a quizzical grin until I said, “I can show you, if you promise not to hate me or think I’m weird.”

She blinked, then said, “Well, I wouldn’t think that anyway, but how would showing me do anything?”

“I could do to you what I do to myself, then you’ll understand and be able to do it,” I said softly.

“Oh,” she said slowly. “Really? You would do that for me?”

I shrugged and said, “Yeah. I guess. If it will help.”

She didn’t say anything for a moment, then said “I’d like you to do it, and I promise I won’t hate you.”

Thinking for a moment, I finally nodded and slid over. “Lay on your side and close your eyes.”

Putting an arm over her, letting my hand rest on her stomach, I propped my head up so it was next to hers. “I’ll describe a sexy scene, then touch you as I do it. Just relax and picture what I’m saying. If you come, do it quietly, I don’t want your mom to wake up.”

She nodded eagerly, then waited with her eyes closed.

“Ms. Teller has you stay after school one day, wanting to talk with you about your grades and effort in class. She leads you to her office and shuts and locks the door when you go in. She’s wearing her gym outfit, those tight shorts and that blue t-shirt that shows her tits.”

I start rubbing Deanna’s tummy, sort of sliding the t-shirt up as I do it.

“She has you stand in front of her as she looks up at you from her chair and tells you that you need to work harder if you want better grades. You tell her, ‘Yes, ma’am’ and ask what you need to do. Ms. Teller leans forward and puts her hand on your hip and asks if you’re willing to do some extra credit work.” My hand sort of slides under the t-shirt to start stroking her skin, getting a soft sigh from her.

“When you nod, her hand runs down and strokes your ass for a moment,” I say as I do just that, letting my hand touch her ass, then slide around to rest on her belly button.

“You can see Ms. Teller’s nipples through her t-shirt as she asks if you’re willing to do anything she says. When you say ‘Yes’, her hand moves to your front and cups your pussy.” Deanna moaned harshly as my hand slid down and cupped her mound. Her panties were damp already, so I figured she would manage an orgasm tonight.

“Her hand sort of massages your pussy through your shorts as she watches you, then she asks if she can do anything to you. When you nod, she stands up and moves behind you, cupping your breasts as she kisses your neck.” I do both, sliding my hand up to squeeze her breast, and planting a soft kiss on her neck. Deanna is panting quickly, letting out another moan as my hand squeezes her.

“Ms. Teller slides her hand down, then slips it into your shorts and panties, then you feel her fingers touch your wet pussy lips.” I do the same, slipping my hand into her panties and letting a finger slide between her soaked outer lips.

Deanna came at that point, letting out a quiet, but high pitched whistling sound. Her pussy did like mine and squirted my hand as she pushed her pussy against it. I held her tight, and she groaned a little louder as she squirted again and her body sort of undulated against mine.

She was gasping when it was over, letting out little moans every now and then. I let her lie back, and began licking my fingers clean as she watched. She tasted really good, sort of like me. Mom tasted totally different, but I really loved how she tasted… uh, better not go there.

When I was done, I lay down next to Deanna, watching as she sort of panted for a while, then I must have fallen asleep.

I grimaced when I woke up and realized the room smelled like sex, but there wasn’t anything I could do about that. Deanna was smiling at me, and when I opened my eyes said, “Wow, that was great, thanks.”

I shrugged and said, “Sure. It was fun, and you sure make a mess.”

We kind of staggered out of bed and looked at the mess we had made. She shrugged like I had and said, “Mom’s already at work, so we have a couple of hours to clean up.”

“Work?” I was surprised that she worked on Saturday.

Deanna looked a little sad. “Yeah. When Dad died three years ago, Mom went back to work. It was pretty hard at first, but she says if she makes VP this year, she can spend more time with me.”

“Wow, that sucks.”

“Yeah,” she shrugged. “I feel bad for Mom, and try to help, but she’s been working sixty-hour weeks for the last year. I offered to get a job, but she just cried and hugged me.”

I nodded, picturing what she meant. Mom would have done the same thing. “You think she’ll get married again?”

Deanna got the strangest look and said, “No… no. I don’t think so.”

When I raised an eyebrow she blushed and looked down for a moment.

“Well… you know I asked about… you know, being a lesbian?” I shrugged and nodded. “Well, I saw… well, Mom and a… a woman… sort of, well, kissing one night. So wondered if I might be… well…” Then she petered out.

I shook my head. “I don’t think it works like that. Your mom might just be having sex with a woman because it’s nicer or something. She had you, so she must be okay with guys. It’s probably just that she gets horny and doesn’t want to deal with guys.”

Deanna giggled, then said, “How did you get so wise all of a sudden?”

I grinned. “My Aunt Jess is gay, and I didn’t know it until recently. My mom tried to explain how it works like that sometimes and how it might take a while to figure out.”

“Wow, really?” Deanna said. “That’s so cool that you can talk about that.”

“Yeah,” I said softly. “Mom is the best.”

When we stripped down she saw my shaved pussy and got bug-eyed. I shrugged it off, but could tell she really wanted to know why I had it like that. I told her to look around the gym showers one day, half the girls were shaved.

“Why?” she asked.

I gave her an intent look, trying to force her to think about it. She really was innocent about things because she was totally lost. I sighed and mumbled, “No hair to get in your… teeth.”

She blinked in surprise, then stared at my pussy for a moment. That got her to blush when she realized I was watching her. “Sorry… sorry,” she mumbled. “It’s just… just not something I thought you… you know… had ever done.”

I looked at her seriously, trying to decide what to say, finally pulling her down on the bed to sit as I said, “Will it bother you if I had?”

She looked at me for a moment, before she realized what I meant, and I could tell by her expression she was hurt that I even thought that, “No, of course not.”

“It’s hard to tell, and I don’t want you hating me,” I said, “but I’ve had, well, sex with… you know… a girl.”

“Oh,” Deanna breathed softly. “Oh, my God,” she muttered, then looked at me. “Here I’ve been worried you would hate me if I said I liked girls, and you were worried I would hate you.” Then she giggled.

I had to laugh too, and we did that for a little while until Deanna said, “Would you… can we… I mean…”

She was blushing fiercely, but I could see her nipples standing up and realized what she was asking. I canted my head at her, wondering if it would be wrong. “Do things together?”

She nodded quickly, then looked down again.

“I don’t really want to have a girlfriend, Deanna. I’d rather be friends.”

That got her to look up quickly as she said, “Oh, no… I don’t want to be like that. I just wanted to… well, do it with someone, you know.”

I looked at her for a moment, then leaned in and gave her a kiss. She didn’t react until I was about to pull back, then she put her hand on the back of my head and kissed me back. I don’t think she had ever kissed anyone like that, but really got into it. When my tongue moved between her lips she jerked a little, then leaned in and opened her lips. After a while she started using hers to taste me back.

When I leaned back her face was flushed and her pupils were dilated. Her lips were a little swollen from all the kissing, but she was panting with excitement.

“Shower,” I said, holding out my hand.

She nodded, taking my hand and letting me lead her to it. I stopped in front of the sink and stood behind her as I pulled her t-shirt off. She looked at us as I leaned in and let my hands reach around and begin caressing her stomach and breasts. They were just as small as mine, but really nice feeling in my hands.

We both were still covered with our own cum, so when she was moaning softly, I stopped and stripped before stepping into the tub. I waved for her to do the same, admiring the wispy blonde hair around her pussy as she did so. With the shower started I took the gel and began using my hands to wash her clean.

When I ran a finger down her ass crack, she squealed, then let out a loud groan. I lathered and rinsed her pussy clean, then turned her to face me. I gave her a kiss, then slid to my knees in front of her as she gasped, then pushed my face into her pussy. She squealed again in shock, but that very quickly turned to loud moans as my tongue moved between her lips. I wanted to do this quickly since I didn’t know what time her mom would be home and it was Saturday. Mom would be waiting. I groaned at the thought.

I did everything Mom had taught me, licking and probing, sliding my tongue along her clit, but didn’t use any fingers. Deanna lasted all of two minutes before putting one hand on the wall and the other on my head and came. She let out a long yell of “Yes” and squirted my face and mouth. I did like Mom and swallowed what I could, but kept my lips lightly on her clit. She continued like that for a surprising amount of time before sliding to a sitting position in front of me.

I kissed her, letting her taste herself, then helped her to her feet. “That’s what it’s like. I have to get home, but we can do that whenever you want.”

She was smiling in a dazed fashion, but helped wash me, paying special attention to my breasts and ass.
Mom picked me up at nine, and I was ready to go, my breasts very clean, and Deanna looking very bright-eyed. I was starting to get twitchy, trying to keep my mind off… things.

I gave Deanna a hug when I left and she whispered “Thanks,” in my ear.

Continue on to Chapter 2


Ana and Una, Chapter 2

  • Posted on September 10, 2017 at 9:15 am

By Una

Ann was folding her things into the drawers of the ancient dressing table when I came into the bedroom. She was fourteen, two years older, and the care with which she was unpacking showed she thought of herself as a sophisticated young lady now, no longer the giddy girl who was here last summer.

There was an air of unspoken excitement in the room. We had finally arrived at the beachside bungalow Father rented each July for our family holiday. Everyone was busy, anticipation was all around in the warm sun — and there were butterflies in my tummy as I thought of the month-long holiday ahead. Four weeks of bliss away from school, a month of freedom — a month when Ann and I would share a room together for the first time in ages.

I plopped my case on the little bed opposite and pulled out clothes, packing them into the small drawers in the tallboy that was allocated to me. I wondered if Ann was sharing my thoughts, or had the same sense of anticipation.

Probably not. She was too grown up now. We had drifted apart. She’d become more religious, joining a pious society, The Legion of Mary, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and purity. The various nurses-and-nurses games we’d played down the years belonged in the past.

I had tried to exorcise the memories of how Ann and I had cuddled when we last shared a bedroom; how, clinging like two spoons in a drawer, we’d been overcome by feelings we didn’t understand. Some seismic eruption had overwhelmed first me, and then Ann as I hugged her tightly, pressing hard and squirming my mound against her buttocks.

Thoughts of that incredible experience were still there — sometimes vague, sometimes vivid, but always drifting, day and night, somewhere in the spaces of my mind. When alone, thinking of nothing special, a vision of Ann would appear. I would indulge myself for a few minutes, chasing the apparition this way and that. I would see us alone, somewhere splendidly isolated, marooned on a desert island, fending for ourselves — and spending long, balmy nights, naked under a moonlit sky with my sister.

I’d smell her personal fragrance, a hint of scented soap on her neck, stroke her luxuriant hair, taste the moistness of her soft lips as our mouths met.

And then, more often than not, the daydream would disintegrate. As my thoughts wandered into the byways of passion, our naked skins touching, Catholic guilt would rise up on the road ahead and block my progress.

I knew it was wrong to peer down these forbidden paths: wrong to recall glimpses of my sister’s willowy form as I wandered into her room, seeing her turn to face me, hands clutching a snow-white bra that was about to encase her new-found, perfect breasts.

I knew it was wrong to relish these secret mind-pictures. My God-conditioned brain told me as much. And so did my body. Always, when I reached a certain point, my body temperature would rise. I’d feel my cheeks flush and smouldering heat would flood my hidden parts. Beyond that was the ache — the hunger of sin, the point of no return — the pleasure place where I knew I could find that mysterious, sweeping release of tension.

I knew it was a sin. In confession, I had told the priest a diluted version of how Ann and I had touched. In this version, we had merely hugged, both frightened as a storm thundered outside.

There was no mention of how my mound had pressed so firmly against her bum that I gushed in blissful ecstasy. No mention of the thrills which returned as I lay exhausted beside her and felt the bed move, knowing Ann’s hand, hidden by a raised knee, was between her legs, speeding to a frantic finish as I softly tugged her hardened nipple with finger and thumb.

The priest didn’t seem to understand. How could he? I thought, as he mumbled questions through the grill in the pitch-dark cubicle at the back of the church. He was a man; he could never understand the feelings which led to Ann and me cuddling. He could never have such intensity of sensation and affection as Ann and I had experienced on that one, never-to-be-forgotten night.

The priest had warned of the pain of damnation for all eternity. It was a threat that worked. Ann and I were sent to confession each Saturday morning. I wondered if she had gotten the same message. But we couldn’t talk about that. Confession was secret.

Without discussing it, my sister and I avoided situations where we would be tempted. When Ann moved into her own room after the start of her visitor nearly a year ago, I assumed that there would never be a repeat of that wonderful night. It belonged in our childish past.

My idle thoughts — as the nuns called our pensive moods looking out the window during maths lessons — were taken up with Hillary. She was a fifth year school prefect who was beyond divine. Her hair, her nails, her figure, her voice, the way she wore her uniform, how she walked and her radiant smile compensated for my loss of Ann.

But while Hillary was a distraction, thoughts of Ann were always there. Sisterly thoughts, but sometimes more lustful thoughts as well. I guessed from occasional smiles and glances that Ann shared my feelings.

But God was watching. There was nothing we could do. My lust for my sister occasionally threatened to overwhelm, but a muttered prayer would send my thoughts back to Hillary, the object of my teenage crush.

The nuns, without any obvious sense of irony, had taught us what they called ejaculations. These were short pious phrases, to be mouthed silently in moments of temptation. “Jesus and Mary help me,” was typical. Thoughts of Mary in her blue-robed purity in Heaven were enough to trigger such a wave of guilt as to drive away the memories of that night — when Ann and I spooned in bed, my palm brushing her nipple, electric currents flowing from her hard, pink nub into my soul. But they always came back.

Now, remembrances of Ann’s warm body beside mine as she convulsed in pleasure were here again. The July morning sun had already made our holiday bedroom hot. I turned away from unpacking to see Ann changing into her swimsuit: she was going into a rocky pool to cool off, she said.

I gazed, dry-mouthed, as she got naked. Lifting the one-piece bathing costume, she turned. I saw her in all her natural beauty for the first time since we’d moved to separate rooms. The fluffy tuft of her womanhood was more obvious. It seemed to draw my eyes like a magnet. Before now, it had been a bare slit like mine. Now, it was though a painter had finished the picture.

Then the enticing triangle was gone as she wriggled the one-piece suit above her widened hips, stretching the emerald fabric over those peaches-and-cream contours as she slowly lifted one strap, then the other. She smoothed out the boned bust and ran her hands lightly over the bottom, tugging the swimsuit out so the shape of her mound was hidden. I continued to stare.

The silence was palpable. We, who had chattered like magpies for most of our lives, had nothing to say. We were lost in our own worlds. Ann gave me an enigmatic smile. The room had become stifling. I held my burning cheeks, as though cool hands on my face would douse the molten fire between my legs. Oh, my God!

The door opened and Ann was gone, calling out that she’d see me on the beach, which was literally on our doorstep. I was mesmerised: unable to move. My mind and body were overwhelmed with thoughts of my sister; of how I wanted to touch her beautiful body, to feel her against me, to push my sinful parts against hers until I was overcome by pleasure.

Moving to the window, I drew the curtains, a precaution against being seen by someone walking around the back of the single-storey house.

Ann had left her underclothes on the bed. Bringing it to my face with trembling hands, I smelled the small, white cotton bra, bought for the holiday. The fragrant signature of my sister’s body flooded my nostrils. Oh God! A flood of desire met a tidal wave of guilt.

The alluring scent of talc, a hint of perspiration mixed with a familiar aroma of the virgin, unwashed cotton of a new bra. It was overwhelming. Here was a proxy version of my sister. I gasped at my audacity, at the unstoppable urge which had me in its grip. Beyond the guilt zone now, beyond any help from the Blessed Virgin in response to a frantic ejaculation, I raised Ann’s knickers to my nose.

It must have been imagination, wishful thinking perhaps, but that heady perfume that clung to my gusset after my own sinful flushes was there. Faint, amid the blend of expected scents on Ann’s undies — but it was there. What if… what if she had been having thoughts like mine as we stood earlier for that few minutes in silence?

Impossible, I thought. No one but me has ever been this sinful, has ever been tortured by such thoughts, has ever felt their temperature soar to fever level at the sight of another girl’s nakedness. No one has ever had this kind of deep-down hunger for her own sister. Surely not.

I stood in the centre of the room, skirt around my waist, daring my hand not to go where it wanted. Ann was there in front of me — a vision of perfection, the most adorable creature in the world. Her image was huge, like Elvis Presley filling a giant cinema screen. I tried to think of Elvis, to remember the words of his songs, to distract myself. But Ann’s voice was haunting. I could see that dark, perfect triangle of soft, shining hair, the pinkness of her nipples.

I pulled my underwear aside and did what we’d been warned not to do. I touched. I’d taken a large step towards Hell, to eternal damnation. I was on the slippery slope, literally sliding into sin as my finger soothed the aching need.

Oh, my God. The pleasure, the delight, the guilt. All were mixed in confusion. I’d touched myself there before, at night in bed, and in the bath, I’d used fingers to familiarise myself with hidden body parts. But I’d quickly turned away when God had sent a warning deluge that I was heading into sinful territory.

I’d learned to cope with bath-time and bedtime temptations. To avoid touching, I’d cuddle Charlie. He was the almost life-sized stuffed panda cub who had been my bed companion since my sixth birthday. I glanced to where he was lying near my suitcase. God was offering a chance to deal with my ache, without committing the sin of touching.

Charlie had been my crutch since Ann had moved out of our shared room at home. I would cuddle and snuggle him and fall asleep, our arms wrapped around each other. Over time, Charlie met my need to keep from sinning with my fingers. I’d roll on top of him in the warm darkness and allow the knee of his almost threadbare body to rest between my legs.

Innocently, slowly, like a sailing boat drifting out of harbour on a windless day, my legs as well as my arms would encompass Charlie. And slowly, the desire to put a hand between my legs, to allow my fingers to intrude there, would dissipate — as the comfort of rotating my Mound of Venus on his leg took over.

I’d drift into a world of half-sleep, luxuriating in the sensation of Charlie’s knee on my most sensitive place. I became expert at finding the precise way in which the stuffed panda doll could maximise my secret pleasure. Often, I’d think of Ann as I moved into the world of dreamy unreality. And in my moment of ecstasy, I’d hold Charlie’s knee in a manic grip and thrust it hard between my legs, imagining Ann’s hand there as my back arched sending rivulets of pleasure flowing to every part.

Now, Charlie was looking at me with the same enigmatic stare I’d seen from Ann minutes earlier. Pushing off my pants, I lifted him onto the bed. Raising my dress to my chest, I threw a leg across him.

God gave me one more chance. Despite my hazy-eyed absorption with the awful ache and the burning heat between my legs, I remembered the bedroom door. It was unlocked. I staggered to my feet and locked it. In the distance there were sounds of Mother in the kitchen.

While I listened, the sinful finger found what it had lusted for. Leaning against the door, dress still above my waist, I parted my legs and bent my knees, astonished at how slippery it was down there.

Oh, how I craved Ann. I wanted her to touch me: I wanted to discover if she was the same, if I could bring her to the state of bliss I was in. I pulled upwards, drawing back the hood which sheltered the little man in the boat. He was sailing on a full tide. I’d never experienced such floods of excitement. My mind was filled with longing for Ann, but my body needed something more immediate.

I was still leaning awkwardly against the door, one foot raised as my finger caressed my secret parts over and over. The liquid excitement was flowing so copiously that it was wetting the palm of my hand.

This was wonderful, but I needed the familiarity of Charlie as I moved towards a state of nirvana. I pushed myself away from the door and hobbled towards the bed. As I flung myself face down, and reached for Charlie. I thrust my crotch hard into his knee. My eyes were tightly shut. Tingles rushed everywhere. Like a tidal surge on a flat beach, little eddies pulsed and flowed before sliding back to the main flow as slow rivulets of pleasure.

In my mind, Ann danced naked. I needed her as desperately as she needed me. Why should we deny each other the secret, forbidden delights that only two sisters could share? Her body and mine were so much alike. Surely we were as one in our desire, our love, our special need.

I slumped on top of Charlie, exhausted more in mind than in the body. A wonderful sense of satisfaction was everywhere. Colours were different, the air was fragrant — that enchanting perfume of my ecstasy seemed to fill the room. I rolled on my back, thinking of Ann.

Continue on to Chapter 3


Webs of Passion, Part One

  • Posted on September 9, 2017 at 10:19 am

By StarSapphire

{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in April 2005 }

For Ronda S.

Judy looked down at her sleeping daughter and admired the soft outline of her pretty face. Ronda’s short dark hair framed her delicate features and set them off gently. A duvet cover hid her twelve-year-old body and cloaked her up to her pert little chin. Sighing, Judy backed out of Ronda’s bedroom and went to her own room to think awhile.

Lying on top of her bed Judy recalled the form of her daughter in her mind. Ronda was a beautiful young girl who was tall for her age, as Judy had been. She was also maturing fast and had developed some respectable breasts for her age. Judy’s own were a full `C’ cup, and Ronda looked to match her soon. She had her father’s smoldering Mediterranean features and her mother’s body, Judy thought. She wondered too if, like her mother, Ronda was gay.

Judy’s hair was sandy blonde and fell in thick waves either side of her open Nordic face. She had the full red lips, high cheekbones and bright blue eyes of the classic western ideal of beauty, that contrasted sharply with her daughter’s exotic good looks. Ronda had dark flashing eyes that signaled her every mood and clear, finely sculpted features just like her father. They both look like wild Gypsies, Judy mused.

Judy was slightly uncomfortable at the thought of Ronda’s father. Tony had been a high school boyfriend who had persuaded Judy to go ‘all the way’ when they graduated. He had done his thing, then left for college when Judy discovered she was pregnant by him. He’d offered to marry her — but Judy, in the meantime, had finally acknowledged her sexuality to herself and refused his offer.

Coming out was hard for Judy, and Tony was understandably hurt, but he faithfully provided what support money he could and made no fuss about custody or Judy’s sexuality. Over the years, he stayed in Ronda’s life and never tried to be anything but a great father, for which Judy felt endlessly grateful — and endlessly guilty. She thought Tony and Ronda deserved more. She was not aware that both were quite content with their relationship as it was and loved Judy deeply.

Judy knew she was going to masturbate again. Lately she had been plagued by sexual desires that burned into her soul and left her breathless each night. The fantasy was always horribly the same — she was having sex with Ronda. Hard as she tried to banish these thoughts from her mind the more they would intrude. She knew that wanting her daughter was dangerous, but she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about it. She would admire her lithe form around the house, the curve of her small tight backside or the swell of her budding young breasts, and be swept up in another sexual fantasy.

She imagined Ronda naked in her arms, her small breasts and nipples pressed against her own as she kissed and caressed her in her mind. As she toyed with the sight and feel of Ronda, her hand stole down to cup her own breast and the other worked its way under her slacks and panties to fondle and stroke herself. Judy rapidly brought herself to her first climax of the night. God, it’s happening again, she thought.

Quickly stripping naked, Judy had a hot, fast shower and knew that her first orgasm had released only her immediate tension. She could now take her time and try to play with a different fantasy and banish these incestuous desires for Ronda from her imagination. She lay back on her bed and began to play with her nipples, feeling them harden to her touch as they sent little charges of sexual energy down through her pussy. She was already wet, she knew that before touching herself. Her fingers swam in her own juices as she began to slowly caress her slit.

Judy luxuriated in the feel of her freshly shaved pussy, stripped of its normal growth of tangled pubic hair. Gazing down at herself, she marveled at how much she looked like a young girl down there as she traced lazy circles around her clitoris.

Judy had shaved her pubic hair for the first time just yesterday, obeying some inner urge she didn’t fully understand. She’d taken the lather and razor and carefully removed every trace of the light brown curls that normally grew there. She felt cold at first — then exposed, worried that someone, another woman, might spot her bareness and wonder about her. Then she’d relaxed and enjoyed the unfamiliar feel of cool air between her legs as she spread them wide atop her bed.

Today this wide open, exposed feeling took Judy back to one of her strongest memories, her first sexual experiences with her seventh grade teacher Suzanne G. Relieved to be rid of Ronda in her mind, at least for the moment, Judy eagerly replayed this torrid erotic encounter instead.

Suzanne was a 34 year old French woman who Judy, much to her astonishment, had found startlingly attractive. She developed a terrible crush on Ms. G. and would gaze longingly at her short dark hair, tall trim figure and large breasts in class. She was naturally confused about her feelings. Why was she so attracted to another female, and one so much older? Am I gay? Judy worried, fretted and pined in silence.

Sensing Judy’s interest in her, Ms. G. was much less befuddled by her own desires. In fact, Suzanne G. quite liked young girls.

She invited Judy home for tea one spring afternoon near elementary school graduation and wasted little time in coming to the point with the pretty schoolgirl. She had often noticed Judy staring at her body and returned the attention. Judy’s tall youthful form, her wavy blonde hair and her perpetual look of innocent wonder captivated Suzanne’s heart — and her libido.

“I notice you looking at me in class,” Suzanne said abruptly after pouring them both tea.

Judy turned a deep shade of scarlet, afraid she’d done something terribly wrong. “Oh gosh! I –I’m so sorry, Ms G…!”

“Oh no, my sweet! It’s all right that you look at me. I enjoy you watching me! It is a true compliment,” Suzanne hurriedly explained. “You are rather beautiful yourself, and I enjoy looking at you too,” she said to her warmly as her eyes traveled up and down Judy’s tight adolescent body. “You are becoming quite the young woman,” she added, gazing at Judy’s small but prominent breasts.

With relief, Judy blushed at the compliment and the frank stare. “Ms. G…” she began.

“Please, call me Suzanne. I would like us to be friends,” Judy heard Ms G. say, not quite believing her ears but noticing instantly the look of gentle lust that came over her teacher’s face. Friends? Oh gosh, she realized, she feels the same way about me! Judy felt a flush of excitement rush through her taut young body.

“Yes. Okay, S-Suzanne,” Judy began. “Um, I think you’re the most beautiful p-person I’ve ever seen!” she gushed, amazed at her own boldness. “I just didn’t, uh, don’t — know how to tell you that. I want you to know, though. I think about you a lot, especially… oh gosh!” Judy gasped, immediately regretting being so forthright. “Oh, I don’t know what I’m saying!” she cried out in frustration.

Suzanne laughed warmly and came over to put her arm around Judy, who was close to tears. “Hush, darling,” was all she said, then lifted up Judy’s face with a finger and gently kissed her on the lips. Judy sighed, hoping for more, but Suzanne pulled away and sat down again across from her.

“We could have a very special friendship, Judy my sweet,” Suzanne said. “But you understand that, as a teacher, there are people, like your parents, who would not like that.” A shudder of blissful anticipation passed through Judy as she grasped the full nature of Suzanne’s intentions. “They might even put me in jail for the things I’m thinking about doing with you!” she laughed as a wicked little glint came into her eye.

With amazing gratitude, Judy at once understood Suzanne’s message and hurried to reassure her. “I’ll never tell anyone!” she promised. Certainly not her parents who, unlike this exotic French woman, seemed so distant and uncaring, “I — I love you Ms., I mean, Suzanne,” she confessed finally, relieved that it was out there. “Please, I won’t tell anyone!” she’d begged as her excitement rose in anticipation.

What happens now? Judy wondered. She didn’t have long to wait.

“Then come, my pet, ” was all Suzanne had said. Taking Judy by the hand, she led her to the bedroom.

When they arrived beside Suzanne’s bed she turned to face Judy, who stood there in a state of nervous excitement. “You like my breasts,” she announced boldly. “I see you looking at them all the time.  I’ll show them to you if you like.” She began to unbutton her pink pastel-colored blouse. “You too, my sweet,” she ordered. “I want to see you, too.”

Judy took in Suzanne’s warm smile and the glazed look of excitement in her eyes, then slowly peeled her white polo shirt over her head, revealing her white cotton sports bra to Suzanne’s hungry stare. She could instantly feel the teacher’s eyes burning holes through the garment. Then her breath caught as Suzanne removed her blouse and allowed Judy to see her big breasts, encased in a white lacy bra. She admired their fullness and deep cleavage.

Judy clasped her hands to her face as she gazed at Suzanne’s chest. “Oh my gosh!” she whispered. She felt embarrassed that her own small, immature breasts were so inadequate in comparison.

“You like them, my pet?” Suzanne asked with a coy smile. Judy could only nod her head in dumb response. “Your breasts are exquisite too, darling Judy. You are so beautiful!” Suzanne exclaimed, relieving Judy’s fears somewhat. But she continued to wonder what Suzanne found so attractive about her. She felt awkward and shy in the presence of such a beautiful, mature woman.

“Please, let me see the rest of you,” Suzanne asked her gently. Judy complied uneasily. She removed her bra over her head then waited in agonizing anticipation for Suzanne’s response. “Oh my dear girl, your breasts are perfect! Such darling pink nipples, oh my!” she enthused. Judy let out her breath, feeling much less afraid.

It was Suzanne’s turn. She quickly undid the front clasp of her brassiere and let it drop open, revealing to Judy a pair of heavy, womanly breasts crowned by large, dark brown nipples. The girl’s throat went dry and her mouth watered at the sight.

Judy looked down at her own breasts — small, but firm and round. Her pink nipples were fully erect. She brought her fingers up to gently brush them over the hard tips. Suzanne stood looking in awe as Judy lightly stroked herself.

Standing there topless before Suzanne was strange and arousing for Judy, and she delighted in her teacher’s reaction. A look of excited wonder was on Suzanne’s face as she took in the sight of Judy’s firm young tits on full display. By then, Judy’s feelings of physical inadequacy had completely vanished. She thrilled in the sight of her mature lover’s visual feasting on her bare breasts, and displayed herself proudly and unselfconsciously.

Suzanne moved toward her and Judy melted into her arms as their lips finally met again. Their kiss lengthened and deepened. Suzanne’s heavy breasts pressed into Judy’s as she forced her tongue past Judy’s lips and into her mouth. Judy responded, feeling the first full rush of sexual excitement in her young life. She eagerly tangled her own tongue around Suzanne’s, then moved it in to explore her mouth in turn.

Judy felt Suzanne’s hand move to cup one of her small breasts, and sighed deeply as she realized where the two of them were going. She felt her nipple nestling in the palm of Suzanne’s hand and thrilled to the aching pleasure it brought to be so intimately caressed. She surrendered herself to the older woman’s embrace and willed Suzanne total access to her lithe young body, to do with as she pleased.

“Take me Suzanne. Please, take me…” Judy murmured between kisses as her hands hurriedly began removing her summer shorts and underwear.

“Oh yes, my sweet. I will,” Suzanne assured her while assisting Judy to complete her undressing. Her own black skirt and white panties quickly joined Judy’s clothing on the boudoir floor. Judy had just a wisp of blonde pubic hair at the top of her small pussy but, to Judy’s astonishment, Suzanne was shaved clean…

Judy’s fingers were working fast and deep on herself as she relived that spring afternoon twenty years ago. She could feel her orgasm approach as she recalled lying spread out on Suzanne’s bed, completely open to her teacher’s inspection. After their first passionate kiss, they had fallen together onto Suzanne’s bed. After Suzanne’s adoring inspection they had made passionate, joyful love for the rest of the afternoon.

Years later, Judy recalled Suzanne’s lips and tongue on her small hard nipples, then the fullness of Suzanne’s own breasts when she held, kissed and caressed them. She remembered the taste of her teacher’s long dark nipples, the feeling of Suzanne’s mouth working its way down her body to finally engulf her throbbing cunt between her full red lips, her tongue wetly bathing and battering Judy’s small, hard clit into her first ever orgasm. Then she recalled the taste, aroma and the slick smoothness of Suzanne’s delectable pussy as she haltingly performed her first act of oral sex on her exotic French lover…

A slow shuddering climax rolled through Judy’s body as the hot passionate memory of her first sexual experience played through her mind. Her fingers plunged deep inside her dripping pussy in hard, wet thrusts as she felt the warm tremors and aftershocks of her orgasm slowly subside. She brought her fingers up to her lips and smelled the hot musky aroma of her arousal before licking them clean. With a groan, she rolled over onto her side in final release.

They had remained lovers over the next year, but their relationship ended when Suzanne took another teaching job several hundred miles away. Judy was bereft and deeply hurt, but managed somehow to put those feelings behind her. Suzanne had left behind yet another broken heart. She moved on to break many more as her young lovers aged beyond her desire for them.

Judy tried to cope with her grief by being `straight’ and denying her sexuality for the rest of her school life, which did not add to her happiness. Coming out to Tony had been a major relief — until now.


Ronda was in a state of uncomfortable confusion. She was fully aware of her mother’s sexuality and had no problems with it. Judy’s two former lovers were good people and still friends with both Judy and Ronda. Her feelings about her own sexuality were less clear. She seemed to like boys and girls equally, which puzzled her. But what bothered her most was an awkward, surprisingly strong attraction to her own mother.

Lately, Mom wasn’t helping the situation. She would appear in the mornings clad only in a short terrycloth robe that showed off her long elegant legs and deep cleavage, making Ronda dizzy with desire. Judy’s touches would linger or her hands would sensuously stroke Ronda’s hair when she spoke to her about something personal. It was driving the poor teen crazy.

Ronda’s sexual experiences to date had consisted of kissing and a bit of petting with her best friend Cheryl when they were younger, and playing `doctor’ with a neighbor boy when much younger still. In neither case did she have an orgasm, and she didn’t really know what one was. But for all of her naivete, she had always been aware of a strong sexual need inside her. She just didn’t know exactly how to satisfy those desires, but Ronda did know who she wanted to satisfy them. It was her sexy, beautiful mother. These feelings left the girl understandably tentative and uncertain.

Unlike Judy, however, Ronda was more used to taking charge. She had her father’s strong will and determination, and preferred to take the initiative in life. She knew her mother was more passive and would never dream of instigating any sexual contact between them on her own. At the same time, Ronda could see what she thought were clear signals from Judy that suggested an intense sexual interest, but she shuddered to think of the consequences if she was wrong. She decided to be bolder around her mother and to see how far things went.

Ronda started by dressing more provocatively than her mother around the house. Wearing only a long white t-shirt, she would wander in to breakfast, sure that Judy could see her nipples through the thin cotton of her top. The hem just covered her backside and allowed Judy to see Ronda’s long slim legs in full detail. She even tried `flashing’ her mother by crossing her legs and allowing her a brief looks at her bare pussy.

Ronda caught Judy looking at her a few times and noted the blush that came to her mother’s cheeks after catching sight of her scantily-clad daughter. She was pleased by the response but wished she could do more to tantalize her.

The girl had always admired the way her mother looked, and was envious. At 32, Judy was in the prime of her life and it showed. Her figure was that of a younger woman. Her long blonde hair was always well kept and attractive, and Judy’s minimal use of makeup enhanced her natural good looks superbly. Her wardrobe was always classically stylish rather than fashionable, and showed off her figure to its best advantage. Her mom never looked less than her best, thought Ronda. Even in a terrycloth robe she was stunning.

Ronda decided to be a little more pro-active.

Continue on to Part Two


Sharon and the Blizzard

  • Posted on September 6, 2017 at 10:02 am

By Single Mom

{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in December 2007 }

My name is Virginia Henny, and I teach sixth grade in a small farm community in northwestern New York State. Sharon McKay was one of my students. I should tell you that I am twenty-eight, divorced with no kids, and was not dating at the moment, so I had no one to rush home to. Not that I couldn’t date, but because I didn’t want to. I was considered pretty, even beautiful by some, but I simply was not ready for a relationship.

Sharon McCay was tall for her age. (Eleven years old and almost 5 feet tall) She had long blonde hair, jade green eyes, and a cherub’s face with a bee-stung lower lip. Unlike most eleven-year-olds who were straight from the waist down, she had a narrow waist, flaring hips,and long tapered legs that rose up to meet a magnificent ass.

It was after school on a snowy December afternoon and I was sitting at my desk grading test when Sharon came into the classroom in tears. It seems that she had been in the girl’s lavatory and missed the school bus home. I made several attempts to call her mother, but to no avail, so I had her take a seat in the classroom until I had finished grading test, and then if her mother hadn’t returned the message that I left on her answering machine, I would drive her home.

I had no idea that it was snowing as hard as it was, or I would have left sooner and finished grading the test at home. As it was, when we arrived in the school parking lot to leave, my big Chevrolet Suburban SUV was in snow up to the running board. I had Sharon climb in the front seat while I started the engine so as to get some heat and turn the defrosters on while I swept and scraped snow from the windows.

After I got the car windows cleaned off, I climbed in the car to find her sitting in the center seat, not the right hand passenger seat. I thought that was odd, but I didn’t say anything because my immediate concern was getting us out of the parking lot and on the road.

In any case, I managed to get out of the parking lot and onto the crowned black top road in front of the school, which was plowed, but still slippery with a thin coat of snow and ice on it. fortunately, my Suburban is big and heavy, and I was able to proceed without a problem. Until I reached state road 15. The school district did a far better job of maintaining its parking lots and roads than did the city or state.

I made a right turn onto State Road 15, and knew right off that I was going to have a problem. The suburban fishtailed coming out of the turn, and Sharon almost jumped into my lap. She grabbed my thigh with both hands for support and hung on for dear life. I tried to comfort her by putting my right hand on her left thigh just below the hem of her skirt. “It’s okay, baby,” I said, gently patting her thigh. She didn’t startle or pull away when I put my hand on her thigh, so I left it there for longer than I should have, I think.

I hadn’t driven much more than about five miles when the sky opened up and it began snowing so heavily that my visibility was down to practically zero. The only good part was that there was no traffic on the road, so that I could straddle the center crown and not worry too much about where the side of the road ended. I had traveled this road enough to know that the apron was wide and covered with gravel, so I would know if I was drifting off of the blacktop.

Sharon was hanging onto my right leg for dear life, and I was gripping the steering wheel so tightly that my knuckles were white. We traveled about another five miles when I decided that I would pull off on the apron and wait for the county to send out the snowplows. Living in northwestern New York, I knew enough to keep a blanket, a pillow, a flashlight, and some road flares in the compartment in the back of the SUV. (I didn’t carry a jack since the SUV was far too large for me to even attempt to change a tire, so I had long ago replaced it with road service and a cell phone.)

The suburban holds about 40 gallons of gas and was near full, so I knew that between the blanket and running the heater occasionally, we wouldn’t freeze to death.

Sharon and I both climbed over the seats and into the back of the SUV. Once back there, I folded the second row of seats down, giving us even more room in the back. Although I’m not sure why I thought we would need more room, there was already enough space for me to stretch out full length, if it came to that. (I never thought that we would have to spend the entire night in the SUV, but figured that the worsening storm just might change all of that.)

As I removed the emergency supplies from the jack compartment, I realized that I had left my cell phone on my desk at school, so I wouldn’t be receiving any phone calls from Sharon’s mother, or anyone else. The car hadn’t yet began to cool off, so we spread the blanket out over our waist, legs, and feet and sat with our backs resting against the back of the front seat. I desperately wanted a cigarette, but thought it best not to smoke in the closed car, and I wasn’t about to open any windows because the wind was blowing in strong, loud gusts, and the snow was swirling around. I realized then that this was no ordinary snow storm, but an old fashioned Northeast blizzard. Sharon seemed a little apprehensive over our situation, so I thought that if we talked a little, it would take her mind off of the storm, so I asked about her family.

She told me that it was just her and her mom, that she had no father or siblings. She told me that she didn’t have a real aunt, but that her mother did have a “friend,” that she called “Aunt Joyce.” who came around a lot.

“Aunt Joyce?” Was her mother gay? I didn’t want to touch that one, and fortunately I didn’t have to because she began asking me questions.

I told her that I was alone also, and that I had no children, but that I did have a real sister who sometimes visited me.

“You don’t got a boyfriend?” she asked.

I shook my head, “Not at the present time,” I told her, “but maybe some day when I feel better about men.”

“So you could get a girlfriend,” Sharon suggested, leaving little doubt in my mind that Aunt Joyce was indeed a girlfriend.

Not wanting to disparage lesbians to the daughter of one, I simply said, “If I ever meet one that I liked, I might do that.”

“Well, don’t you ever get horny?” she asked.

When I finally recovered from the shock, I asked, “What do you mean by horny?” Not quite sure that we were talking about the same thing.

“You know. Like when you get all wet down there and stuff.”

I couldn’t believe that an eleven-year-old was talking about ‘getting wet down there.’ Was I so old that I couldn’t remember being eleven? How old was I when I started getting wet down there? Did eleven-year-olds get wet down there? I imagined so, since I remember masturbating long before I was eleven.

Sharon was obviously waiting for an answer, and I wasn’t sure how to answer. The obvious thing to do was to tell her that we shouldn’t be talking about these things, and changed the subject. “Are you cold?” I asked her.

She slid down from the back of the front seat and onto the floor of the SUV, then pulled the blanket up to her chin. “Uh-huh,” she said, then turned on her right side and pressed up against my left thigh. When she slid down, her short skirt had ridden up, and I could feel wet panties pressed against my left leg. I was being vamped by an eleven-year-old, and didn’t know what to do about it. I couldn’t believe that I was letting this continue, but I was powerless to stop it. “We really shouldn’t run the car too much, because we have to be careful of carbon monoxide leaking into the car,” I said, not wanting this to stop while I got up.

“So couldn’t we both just get under the blanket and keep warm that way?” she asked.

I didn’t answer, but simply slid down to the floor of the car and pulled the blanket up to my chin. I felt my own skirt ride up to the top of my thighs with a little help from myself I’m sure. Sharon threw her left arm over my waist and I could feel her pubic mound pressed against my naked leg, accompanied by a wetness being left by her panties as as she slowly, almost imperceptibly moved against my thigh.

“Honey?” I moaned in a mild protest.

“Huh?” she grunted.

“You really should lie still,” I said in a near whisper.

“How come? I won’t tell nobody, I promise.”

Well at least it was an admission of what she was doing, and not a flat out denial or pretense of innocent touching. The “I won’t tell.” was consent if she were old enough to consent, and the “How come.” was a child like statement of innocence. I only wished that I could be as honest with myself and my own feelings as she was being, but no adult wants to admit that she is being vamped by a mere child.

I could hear the storm blowing so hard that even the big suburban was rocking a little. I knew then that we would be spending the night here. I felt somewhat secure knowing that we had a full tank of gas and a warm blanket, and I wanted to convince Sharon of that. I reminded her that we had plenty of gas for heat, and a warm blanket, and that we were as snug as a bug in a rug. Her response was to hold me tighter and to snuggle up against me.

The question was, could I resist her obvious flirting all night long? We were both lying with our heads on the one pillow that I had in the car, and when I turned to face her, our faces were a mere inch apart. As I stared into that cherubic face, I couldn’t resist kissing her on her lips, but as an adult would kiss a child, as a mother would kiss her daughter.

She had obviously participated in, or witnessed a great deal of open mouth kissing, because before I knew what was happening, we were kissing as two lovers would kiss. Her tongue was in my mouth and I was fumbling under the blanket, trying to remove her panties. She soon became frustrated with my fumbling, broke off the kiss and brazenly tugged her own panties down and off. I wanted desperately to pull off the blanket and look at her naked body, so I leaned over the front seat, started the car and turned both front and rear heaters on full blast. When I got back under the blanket, she was totally naked.

So what now? She’s naked, and she’s waiting for me to get naked, I’m sure, but . . .  she was an eleven-year-old child. I was being led around by an eleven-year-old, a student. That would hardly go over big in court. “Your honor, she seduced me.” When the judge got done laughing, he would sentence me to twenty years in jail.

Finally, she tired of waiting for me to do something, so she ducked under the blanket, tucked her fingers under the waistband of my panties and tugged them down my legs and off of my feet. I didn’t resist or protest, but simply lay there as if frozen in place, not sure that I believed what was happening. She then climbed on top of me, pushed my skirt up over my waist, positioned herself for maximum contact of our clits, and began to thrust her hips, grinding our clits together, moaning and breathing heavily.

Suddenly, it was a case of the student teaching the teacher, and I was a willing student. She began slowly rubbing her clit against mine, staring down at me with a lost look on her face. She was right here fucking me, but with a faraway look in her eyes, as if she couldn’t believe what was happening, as I couldn’t. Slowly, her pace increased in both strength and frequency. Her eyes went wide, her jaw hung slack and a look of wild passion distorted her face. And mine.

I increased my own pace, thrusting and rubbing, catching her rhythm, digging my fingers into the soft flesh of her buttocks, pulling her pussy hard against mine as we ground together. Writhing like two warm snakes with limbs entwined, both moaning, both making the sounds of a cat with it’s motor running. I was an adult, and she was just a child, but under the covers, everyone is eighteen.

Suddenly, she stopped her snake-like writhing on my pussy, sat up, leaned forward and began to unbutton my blouse, the tip of her tongue protruding from between her lips in total concentration. I lay there, staring up at her in total submission.

When she had opened the last button, she told me, “Sit up.” I obeyed, wanting her to see my breasts, to fondle them, to suck on my hard nipples. She pushed my blouse down over my shoulders and arms, then told me to lean forward, which I did so that she could reach behind me and unsnap and remove my bra, expertly, using only one hand. I could tell that she took great pleasure in baring my breasts as she cupped them, fondled them, and kissed my stiff nipples. Once again, there was no doubt in my mind that she had been here and done this before.

After she removed my skirt and we were both totally naked, she knee-walked back up to my pubic mound and slowly, in a tempting, seductive manner, raised her hands behind her head, laced her fingers, and lowered herself to straddle my pussy, where she began to thrust and grind like a pole dancer in a strip bar, staring down wide eyed into my contorted face to check my reaction.

As I peered down between my breasts, I could see her outer labia come open and her clitoris protrude from its hood, rubbing against me with each thrust of her hips. I felt powerless to do anything but lay there and let her do to me as she wished.

Suddenly, I wanted more. I wanted to drink from her wet pussy, lick her and suck her, and tongue-fuck her tight asshole.

I grabbed her hips and tugged her up to my face. She turned to face my feet and lowered her pussy to my waiting mouth, lips, and tongue.

She was on hands and knees, straddling me, her head between my legs, her tongue working on my own pussy. She soon began to shake and tremble, and I could taste her cum as it ran out of her and into my mouth. As I drank from her, I rewarded her with a mouth full of my own cum, which she swallowed eagerly.

Before finally falling asleep, I asked her who taught her to do all of that, and if it had been her mother? She shook her head no, and said it was her Aunt Joyce, whose place she stayed at after school until her mother got home from work and picked her up.

We were awakened at daylight by the sound of snowplows on the road. A knock came on the car window, and we hurriedly got dressed, putting our underthings in the jack well to save time. I rolled down the window and saw several men shoveling the SUV out. A man asked if we were okay, and with faces covered in dried cum, we assured him that we were.

When we arrived at Sharon’s house, we were greeted by a beautiful woman who was a grownup version of Sharon. She had called the school and was told that Sharon had missed the school bus and was being driven home by her teacher. Judy, Sharon’s mother, had spent the night on the phone with the police and pacing the floor. She gave me a big hug and thanked me for taking care of her daughter, and invited me to come for dinner and cocktails some evening. Which I accepted.

The End


Ann and Una, Chapter 1

  • Posted on September 4, 2017 at 7:17 am

By Una

{ This story was originally posted at the now-defunct Sisters in Love }

I regard myself as a lesbian, but my sexuality is more wrapped up with my sister Ann, who I have been in love with for most of my life. We grew up in Ireland and now live in London.

For a long time, I really believed that Ann and I were the only two females in the world, and in the whole of time, who had the sort of feelings we had for each other, and who got up to the things that we got up to.

Ann is two years older than me, we are both Pisces. We fought like cats at times when we were young, and yet we were really close, sharing a large bedroom with two single beds until Ann got her period at age 13 and mother moved her to an adjoining room. While we still slept in the same room, a fierce storm woke us one night.

Terrified of the lightning, I went to Ann’s bed and we snuggled together, huddled close because of the small width of the single bed. Long after the storm ended, I was still awake. So was Ann. I cuddled her back, spoon fashion, my arm around her, a hand on her tummy, resting on the puckered waistband of her knickers.

I couldn’t get to sleep. The smell of her freshly-washed long hair, a delicious apple-blossom fragrance, was really distracting. All of Ann seemed to enchant me. The softness of her skin, the vague hint of perfume where she had dusted Cussons talcum powder on her body after her bedtime bath, her warmth.

I snuggled close, pressing my tummy against her back, cuddling my nether regions against the roundness of her bottom. I pulled her towards me, driven by the urge which made me hunger for the sensation of being astride the spider’s web. As I unconsciously thrust my mound against her soft buttocks, she pushed back suddenly.

The sensation of her body pressing into me like that was overwhelming. I could feel my face burning in the darkness, and some little voice cried out for just one chance to feel that wonderful sensation again.

I pressed close against her, feeling my vulva flatten on the solid part of her buttock below her hip. She pushed back again. This time she didn’t say, “Go to sleep.” She merely wriggled, re-positioning herself so we were both comfortable with what was happening. From that point on, who pressed what and when is lost in the mists of time now.

What can never be forgotten, though, is the heat which we both generated and the wonderful feeling of an out-of-body experience which overwhelmed me as I humped my young Mound of Venus against Ann.

I must have orgasmed. I don’t know. At age nine, as I was then, I had never heard of an orgasm. What we were doing was a mystery: a secret mystery; a taboo that was so sacred that we couldn’t even think we were breaking it.

My most vivid memory was of rolling away from Ann, onto my back, breathing deeply and feeling so, so satisfied. The sensations which had convulsed my body had ebbed almost to the point of disappearing. But they were being replaced with a mood of satisfaction, every part of me seemed relaxed, the world felt a perfect place. I had never known such happiness and contentment.

I lay there listening to the rain beating against the dormer window of our room, thinking that I wanted to stay here, in this bed, always — with Ann. I wanted forever to be enveloped in her blend of personal scents, her perfumed soap, her girlie perspiration and her fragrant hair. Looking back, I wonder was there another aroma there — the heady smell of her female arousal that enticed me, but which was then unfamiliar. I was to savor it when my sister and I lay together in later times, but that stormy night must have been the first occasion when Ann’s excitement wafted on the air that I was breathing.

Still unable to sleep, I delighted in the heat of the bed and the after-glow of tingles in places I’d never had tingles before. The back of my knees, the small of my back, around my chest, all were still alive in a way which was new.

Ann was sighing softly, a whispering, tell-tale sigh which was to become familiar as we grew older. There were subtle vibrations under the bed-clothes. I put my hand on her cotton nightdress, and felt her tummy moving in a pulsing beat. Her forearm indicated that her hand was between her legs: one knee was holding the bed-clothes high.

Instinctively, I ran the hand upwards, across her bust, stopping to palm her budding breasts. My finger circled their roundness beneath the nightie, brushing the unfamiliar hardness of her nipple. I stretched the tiny bud, my finger and thumb pulling gently to test the elasticity of this new discovery of my sister’s erect nipple. She moaned, not in pain but in ecstasy — a moan that had my temperature soaring again. Sighing deeply, her hand moving faster as I tugged her nipple, she slipped into a paroxysm of shivers which would have frightened me a few days earlier. But I shared the joy I knew she was having. I knew that Ann was having the same wonderful out-of-body experience I’d had a short time earlier.

As her orgasm died, she hugged me and whispered: “I love you, Una.” She kissed me on the cheek, I brushed her hair back from her moist cheek and kissed her chastely back. Then we turned back to back, as though we felt we had already gone too far. The sense of peace, contentment and satisfaction I had from feeling and hearing Ann come alongside me was as great as I’d got from my own climax. Somehow, I knew that I was in the grip of something so intense that it would be with me for life. I loved Ann, from that night onwards, in a way that I could never love any other creature.


It wasn’t my sister Ann who introduced me to the pleasures of passionate kissing, though; it was my best friend Mags.

We were both eleven years old when it happened. We were having a sleep-over at her house, sharing a double bed, as we had done many times for the four years we had known each other.

I always loved a sleepover. There was the adventure of being away from home, the sights and smells and atmosphere of a different family — and the giggling companionship which came from sharing a bed with a soul-mate.

Mags was more developed than I, she knew more of life. She was the youngest of three sisters, more street-wise. She’d been places and done things which I hadn’t yet got around to, like going to the cinema with her big sister. She’d also learned to kiss.

We huddled together chastely in the double bed, in long nighties and cotton knickers. Our talk of kissing and romance waxed and waned. The conversation roamed: there were singers we fancied — Elvis, Paul McCartney — songs we loved and some we didn’t. We talked of great films we had seen, of daring scenes when a heroine had been swept into the arms of a lover, of how he had kissed her while she lay back in surrender.

Then we were talking about kissing. Mags was bursting to tell me more, to show off her vast experience! I was curious, desperate for more information, intoxicated by the intimacy between us in the murmuring dark.

I told Mags about my first and only kiss, which had been an awful experience. Even then, I didn’t understand why anyone would want to do such things with boys. She had much to say in agreement with me, including revealing that one of her first kissing partners had put his hand under her clothes and had touched her knickers, “like this,” she said, before she pushed him away.

As we lay facing each other in the secret darkness, her hand moved under my nightdress and touched the back of my pants. I felt her fingers press into my buttock.

To say that I was thrilled would be wrong; stunned would be a better description. It was as though that soft girly hand had mesmerized me. Perhaps I felt aroused. I wasn’t aware of it. What I did feel was a vague sensation that was going down a road I wanted to explore more.

Margaret’s lips were close to my ear as she extolled the delights of real kissing which made you tingle. Her damp breath was moistening my ear lobe. I turned my face a little — and her mouth was on mine. We touched closed lips. Guilt swept through me. I’d have to tell this in confession. This awful sin would haunt me.

And then nature, and the common sense which has descended to all of us from countless generations of women, clicked in. This wasn’t a sin. I pressed my lips against Mag’s — then relaxed them, allowing her to take her turn at pressing against mine.

When she did, my temperature rose. My face flushed. Down there, some previously unknown hunger stirred. I was reminded instantly of the games my sister Ann and I played that one night when we shared a bed.

Margaret moved now, rolling on top, pushing back hair from my forehead, pressing her still-closed lips hard on mine. I opened my legs, arms around her neck. I could feel her tummy, warm and soft against mine. It gave delightful little goose-pimples around my budding bust and creeping tingles near my crotch where her thighs were holding mine open. I liked it. This was wonderful.

But there was more to come. As our heads moved from side to side, her lips slid across mine, and mine across hers. Then I felt the tip of Margaret’s tongue, teasing my lower lip. Oh my God! There was a flood of sensation within me. I was on fire.

I pressed my mouth against the wet, triangular sliver of flesh. Margaret pressed also, until the tongue forced its way in — penetrating my soul as well as my lips. We thrashed about, consumed by young, newly-found passion. Now I knew what a real kiss was.

My body heaved as our mouths devoured each other. My tongue had instinctively followed hers as it retreated. It explored every part of her mouth, as she had done with mine. Mags was pressing her tummy on mine. Of their own accord, my knees rose as my thighs opened wider to bring her nearer, before closing tight in a fierce hug on her hips.

Her hand was under my nightdress now, cupping my buttock, drawing me towards her as we clasped each other in a passionate embrace. Despite our thick undies and modest nighties, we could feel our mounds, touching, then pressing hard.

My forehead was moist with perspiration, my cheeks were on fire. But the heat and dampness of my face were as nothing compared with the warm wetness between my legs. I knew I was sinning, but I couldn’t stop. I wanted Mags to touch me everywhere — to stroke my bare skin inside my knickers. My hunger was unbelievable.

I took my arms from around her neck. Placing a hand under her nightclothes, I caressed her rounded bottom, as she was doing with mine. We must have been making sounds of some sort. I had gone beyond caring about where I was. I was not in Margaret’s bedroom a few steps away from her sleeping parents — I was in wonderland, in some magic place where only Mags and I existed.

And then our secret world suddenly turned upside down. The voice of Mags’s mother was moving across the room. The bedside light clicked on. How she had done it I didn’t know. One minute Margaret was writhing on top of me, the next she was lying alongside, innocently greeting her mother.

I knew my face was a dead giveaway. I could feel it burning with incredible heat. I knew my forehead and beetroot red neck were coated in perspiration. I hoped Margaret’s mother wouldn’t notice.

We were told it was long after midnight. We should have been asleep. Somehow, I had lowered my knees and was surreptitiously tugging the hem of my nightdress below my knee. I was terrified Margaret’s mother would pull aside the bedclothes and see our nightclothes had ridden up.

There was some scolding. We had been talking and making noise. In fact we had not been talking at all for at least five minutes, but I was conscious that one or both of us had been sighing and moaning in passion. We must have been overheard. Had she listened at the door before entering?

Mags remained uncharacteristically quiet. I wondered if this was the first time her mum had heard sounds during sleep-overs with other girls. And then, hands on hips, she was ordering Mags into her empty brother’s bedroom next door, so we both could get to sleep.

I accepted the explanation that it was to prevent us talking and keeping each other awake. Years later, I wondered if Mags’ mother was more knowledgeable than I believed then. After all, she had been a curious young girl herself.

Margaret’s instruction in the art of passionate kissing was a lesson well learned… and a step along the road to a deeper, more intense relationship with my sister Ann.

Mags soon became mad about boys as we got older, although her passion could be, and was, directed at those who attracted her, of either gender. But Ann and I, while outwardly flirting with boys, and secretly having regular crushes on other girls, had something too precious between us for words. We had long been like that, from those times when, not much older than toddlers, we had fought in catty combat — and then found intense comfort in reconciliation cuddles and kisses.

Ann was apparently growing away from me. She was older now. We no longer shared a room since her monthly visitor had arrived. But despite that, we remained secretly close — trading special smiles when no one was around, sharing the bathroom from time to time, me peeing, stealing glances while she luxuriated in the bath preparing for the disco. It was as though we could read each other’s minds.

We could no longer share a bedroom, but there were ways we could get together intimately which no one knew about. By the time I was twelve, with the benefit of Mags’ tuition in kissing, I had discovered other things about my body. Having once learned the pleasures of self-examination of my budding breasts and swelling vulva, I was becoming addicted to the habit of self-satisfaction. And Ann had found a way to express her sisterly love. But I’m getting ahead of the story…

Continue on to Chapter 2

Pursuit of Happiness, Part Two

  • Posted on September 2, 2017 at 9:30 am

By Christene

Lauren was exhausted when she staggered into the room. Too many of her friends were sitting with similar expressions of exhaustion. She sank down into a chair.

They’d all seen so many patients that day. Some of them had been their boys, but some of them had been POWs left behind.

Lauren lifted her head. She ran her fingers through her long red hair. Her hands were shaking. She was so tired. Her deep green eyes reflected how long she’d gone without sleep. She could hear the loud chaos of the hospital, but she could also hear the sounds coming from the streets outside.

She could not help but remember that she had always wanted to see Paris, but never like this.

An excited nurse burst into the room. “Mail!” she cried. “We’ve got mail!”

So many nurses scrambled to their feet, hoping that there would be even the smallest news from home to keep their spirits alive.


Lauren lifted her head in surprise. “Yes?” she stammered.

The nurse smiled softly. “There’s one for you,” she said.

The others looked at Lauren in amazement. In all the time they had been away from home, the beautiful young woman had never received a letter. They had often wondered why. Lauren was so kind, so personable. It didn’t make sense for her not to have family, or even a special someone back home.

Lauren took the letter into her hands. They shook violently as she recognized the handwriting. She carefully opened the envelope. When she pulled out the letter, tears rose inside her eyes. It had been written on paper from her diary. She recognized the paper, but more than anything, she could clearly see her own words lingering on the page.

“Paige is in the backyard reading beneath a tree,” it read. “She looks so beautiful. I wonder if she knows. I try to hide what’s in my eyes, but Paige knows me better than anyone ever has or ever will. Does she know how deeply I love her? Does she know that I am madly, passionately, head-over-heels in love with her?”

Lauren blanched more by the moment. Paige must have read this and decided to send it to her as a means of telling her that she knew everything and could never forgive her.

Determined to see it through to the end, Lauren continued reading silently.

“I should tell her. I want to tell her. And yet… how do you tell your best friend that what you feel is more than friendship? For that matter, how do you tell your best friend that when she’s your sister?”

The handwriting suddenly changed as a few elegant lines were fluidly scrolled along the bottom of the page.

How do you say what cannot be said? You say it with the love inside your eyes, with the emotion inside your kiss and the beating of your heart when it lives for another.

Come home to me safely, my Love. Please.

The sudden sound of Lauren’s cries frightened the others. They flocked to her in a supportive guild. Their arms embraced her with a fierce protectiveness. They rocked her gently and smoothed her back as Lauren, their strong Lauren, cried with utter abandon.

* * *

August 1945

Cries rose up amongst the masses.

Strangers embraced one another for the sheer happiness of the moment. People wept. Sailors raced through the streets, kissing every woman within sight. Confetti rained from the sky that seemed all but suspended by joyous singing and boisterous cheers. The cheers grew thunderous, as if to announce to the very heavens that it was over. It was finally over.

* * *

Her heart was racing. Paige had dressed herself in an airy red dress, which brought out the excited flush of her cheeks. Among the many other women looking expectantly to the train station, she was a brilliant flash of color amidst a bevy of autumn colors.

Her flowing mahogany hair hung with satiny glory between her shoulder blades. Her eyes flashed as shimmering honey pools. Her body grew tense.

She and every other soul crowding the platform looked to the train coming proudly into the station. Cheers flooded the air. A band began to play loudly, welcoming their men and women home.

Her trembling hands clasped together. Paige held them close to her chest. The beautiful woman felt dizzy with happiness. Her sister was home. She was home!

Paige was lost inside an eerie sort of haze. She had seen the people beginning to disembark. Their colors blurred together in a vibrant smearing of colors. But all of that changed when one person, one solitary figure, took on the clarity of the sun rising as the dawn. Even among the others dressed in uniform, Lauren was unique in all the world.

Her long red hair was parted to the side. It was sleek with smoothly styled waves. Atop its glistening satin, a garrison cap sat at a slight angle. Her pale skin was glowing inside the olive green uniform housing her hour-glass body. The warm color brought out the intensity of her catlike eyes.

Lauren had never been so happy to see the hometown she had been so eager to escape. She turned. Her eyes scoured her surroundings, doing their best to memorize how things had changed and how exactly they had stayed the same. It was during that awe-filled gaze that her eyes fell on a woman in scarlet.

Her breath caught inside her throat. “Paige,” she exhaled. She wanted to launch forward, to rush into her embrace, but she could not trust herself while she was that close to Paige. Not after having dreamt being inside her arms for all this time.

Then somehow, they were standing directly before one another. They were so close that they could each feel the other’s breath against their tingling skin.

Paige extended her hands. Her movements were painfully slow. She’d never been timid while showing affection toward her sister before. Then again, she’d never been in love before, never ached to touch another person the way that she did now.

With feathery touches her fingertips grazed Lauren’s until they stood face to face, holding each other’s hands. Their eyes met for the first time. For a brief instant, Paige remembered all the times her sister had looked away. Would she now?

Lauren tightened her hold of the hands in hers. Her green eyes danced with tears. “Take me home,” she mouthed.

Around them, the chaos had yet to subside, but within each sister, an odd sort of serenity was sweeping throughout their beings.

Paige refused to release the hand in hers as she sauntered with a slow eroticism through the masses. She felt the eyes staring after her with love, but the thing which sent her core trembling was the heat of arousal warming her back.

They walked along the sidewalk, hand in hand. The lights from the street-lamps fell over them in sporadic pools of warm yellow. Their fingers wove together tightly, connecting them.

* * *

When they entered the front door of their home, it was quiet.

Lauren lifted her eyes as she removed her cap. They were soft as she stared around her childhood home. “Where’s Dad?” she asked absently. In truth, she had hoped he would be sleeping or locked inside his study.

“He was called away,” Paige answered as she took Lauren’s things. “You know how much he lives for invitations to speak at prestigious colleges.”

Lauren laughed quietly despite herself. Her laughter fell away as she thought of what her father’s absence would mean at the practice. “That must mean that Jeffery is—”

“I wouldn’t know,” Paige interrupted quietly. She waited for her sister at the top of the stairs.

The red-haired nurse moved to the foot of the stairs. Her hand rested elegantly against the dark wood railing. She stared up at the vision of her beautiful sister. The hall light at her back warmed the woman’s silhouette in an enchanting halo.

“He and I haven’t spoken since I called off the engagement,” Paige spoke softly.

Lauren felt herself slip into a state of shock. Her head lowered while she stared heavily at the imported rug centered along the stairs. She had not even realized that Paige was no longer at the head of the stairs. So many thoughts were whirling through her mind, but she pushed them back. All that mattered was the question raging throughout her mind. What does this mean? she wondered.

Lauren hurried up the stairs. She moved toward her room on the right. She stopped. A warm light flooded lovingly into the hall. It was coming from her sister’s room. She felt butterflies dancing manically inside her stomach. Her heels kissed the hardwood floors with each slow step she took toward her sister’s bedroom.

Lauren extended her hand. With her fingertips resting against the cool door’s surface, she pushed the door open.

The room was warm with candles. Paige lit the last candle before delicately blowing out the match within her hand. She turned her head as she caught sight of her sister standing inside the doorway. Slowly, she smiled.

“Did you know that the women working the assembly would spend hours talking about what they would do the moment their men came home?” Paige asked nonchalantly.

She strode across the room. Her fingers lightly clasped Lauren’s hands. She pulled her invitingly into the room while she backed further into it. Her honey eyes reflected the flames inside the candles. She turned Lauren gracefully, as if they were dancing to the subtle sound of the wind rustling through the trees.

Lauren felt the backs of her legs touch against the edge of the bed. She swallowed hard at the lump in her throat. Her breath trembled as it slipped past full lips. She held the eyes of the woman she loved, the woman she’d always loved. Her eyes never once looked away, even as Paige’s nimble fingers began unbuttoning the golden buttons of her jacket.

“The one thing that each woman seemed to have in common,” Paige continued in a throaty voice, “was a desperate need to touch, a need to pamper their lover. As if to say ‘thank you’, to say ‘I love you’, to say ‘I missed you’ and ‘I need you.’”

Lauren tried not to tremble. She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of Paige moving closer.

Paige tenderly pushed the jacket from Lauren’s shoulders. She allowed it to fall to the floor. Her fingers loosened the khaki tie around her sister’s neck. When Lauren took her face warmly inside her hands, her hand fell limply to her side. She could feel the tie slipping out of her grasp.

“Paige,” Lauren whispered. Her eyes said so much, even before her lips could utter a word. “Do you realize what you’re saying?” She gave a vulnerable frown. “I was so sure I’d lost you forever when you read my diary. I—”

Lauren’s words were brought to a dramatic end by the lips seizing hers with unending love and passion. The lips moving against hers were the softest she’d ever felt. They were sweet and supple. She parted her lips against them. She felt them part in response to hers. Tender flesh traced along the line of her top lip. She closed her lips around it, suckling lovingly at Paige’s tongue.

Paige tilted her head. She deepened their kiss with a moaned purr that reverberated deep within her throat. Her arms wrapped around Lauren’s body. She crushed her sister to her, feeling proud, shapely breasts crush against hers. Between impassioned kisses, she spoke:

“You’ll never lose me,” Paige promised. “I love you so much, Lauren. I always have.” Her body shivered with excitement as Lauren’s hand slid down from her jaw. They traveled over her shoulders, roaming down her arms until they found a home at her sides.

The slow sound of her dress being unzipped echoed in the air. It joined the sound of their heated breaths rasping in the night, their gentle purrs inspiring dull throbs.

The air came to rush against Paige’s exposed skin. She felt it caress her with each pair of teeth opening. Soon her dress released its hold. It fell to the ground, haloing her body in a lustful ring. She stood inside Lauren’s arms. Her breasts were housed inside a black lace bra. Her panties were of matching grace. Along the smooth length of her beautiful legs, her stockings shimmered. A delicate seam ran along the back of her as if pointing the way toward bliss.

Paige unbuttoned the khaki button-down shirt her army nurse wore. She released an appreciative groan as she glimpsed her sister’s sensuous breasts for the first time. They were full, restrained inside their ivory bra with a seductive pout.

Paige lowered her head. Her lips kissed over the tops of sweet-smelling orbs. She closed her eyes, feeling her sister’s fingers get lost in her dark hair. Her tongue dipped into the valley of her sister’s breasts. She grazed with a slow sweep across the flesh. Her fingers reached down, unbuttoning and unzipping the skirt that separated them. With a slight whoosh, it plummeted to the ground.

Lauren shrugged out of her shirt. She took Paige into her arms, then laid her sister upon the bed. The moment her body crushed to hers, she felt her pulse quicken.

Wrapping both arms around her sister’s neck, Paige claimed her lover’s mouth again. She kissed her deeply, growing lost in the emotions pouring from Lauren directly into her. All the love they had ever shared was heightened in the realization of attraction.

Lauren ran her hand along her sister’s body. She guided her sibling’s leg to wrap around her waist. With it close, she pushed off her sister’s heel, then tossed it to the floor. Her fingers traced the top of Paige’s stocking. She pushed it down slowly, feeling a gift unwrapped beneath her touch. As they kissed, she repeated the act once more on her sister’s other leg. The feel of smooth bare skin wrapping around her waist made her dizzy.

Holding herself up with her arms, Lauren looked down at the woman with mussed mahogany hair. Her red hair hung around her face. She was flushed with wanton desires, but she wanted to savor this night. She’d dreamt of it for so long.

Lauren sat up on her knees. She tossed her long hair over her shoulder absently, unaware that it sent a jolt through her lover watching below. Her arms reached behind her body. She unclasped her bra then removed it with slow eroticism.

Paige gripped tightly at the sheets. She strangled the moan inside her throat as enthralling orbs were revealed to her hungry eyes. She ravaged their flesh with her eyes. The peaks straining to new heights beneath her gaze caused her own nubs to arch painfully. She sat up on her elbows, never taking her eyes away from the woman moving to stand at the side of the bed. She followed the seductive air with which Lauren presented her leg. Then she watched as Lauren slowly removed her stockings.

The little striptease that her sister performed was somehow voyeuristic. Paige felt as though she were somehow glimpsing her sister as she readied for bed. The way Lauren confidently held her foot against the edge of the bed, the way her hands slid over her own leg. It was easy for Paige to imagine the sexy redhead smoothing lotion over her skin.

Lauren’s olive eyes suddenly lifted from her own thigh. She held her lover’s eyes while her thumbs hooked themselves inside her panties. She worked the fabric down, one hip at a time. At first she gave teasing glimpses of her smooth skin. The lower her panties were pushed, the slower their descent became.

Paige rolled onto her side, then commanded her body to rise. Her honey eyes never left the erotic show being put on for her eyes alone. She leaned forward. Her lips sensually covered her sister’s trembling abdomen with lingering kisses.

“Paige,” Lauren moaned as her head fell back. Her lashes fluttered closed.

The eldest sibling breathed deeply of the musky perfume rising in the air. Her lips trailed lower.

Lauren reached down. She grasped desperately to her sister’s shoulder. She stepped out of her panties, but was sure that she would fall if Paige’s lips moved even a breadth lower.

As if reading her sister’s mind, Paige took possession of the hips she craved. She held Lauren upright the instant her lips touched themselves to hers in their first intimate kiss.

Lauren’s chest rose and fell with the passion welling inside her. She moaned aloud as a soft tongue slipped between her lips. It explored her with unhurried ease, memorizing every silken inch of her. She began to shake uncontrollably. Her lips were covered in copious dew. She felt its hot nature turn cool with each moment her lover’s breath rushed to meet it.

“I love you,” Lauren panted.

Paige encircled Lauren’s waist in her strong embrace. She guided her baby sister to rest comfortably against the plush bed. Her hand slid to move the graceful length of Lauren’s leg over her shoulder. She lowered her head. Her lips captured a swollen lip between them, suckling with a hungered need. Her fingers parted the blooming petals until she exposed the bright heart of her sister. She explored its silken depths with the tip of her tongue. Then she pushed her tongue slowly and deeply inside of her sister.

Together, both women moaned lustfully into the night.

Lauren’s back bowed as her body raised off the bed. She parted her legs, offering up herself all the more to her sister’s famished mouth.

Paige reached a hand beneath Lauren. She cupped the sensual swell of her lover’s bottom, using her grasp to pull her lover closer. She fit her mouth to Lauren with greedy need. Her voice was muffled slightly, but Lauren felt her words tickle the throbbing parts of her.

“I love you, Lauren.”

Lauren felt tears stream soundlessly down her cheeks. Her breath grew more ragged. Her abdomen clutched violently. She closed her eyes tightly as a cry of unabashed pleasure burst from her.

Paige moaned into Lauren. She drank heartily from the fount offering itself up to her. As it flooded her, dribbling down the corners of her mouth to run hotly down her chin, she felt her own juices quicken.

A sweat had broken out over Lauren’s entire body. Her chest heaved mightily, but she felt alive. She reached out with shaking hands. She cupped her sister’s face. Insistently, she pulled her lover upward.

Lauren slid her tongue over anointed skin. She tasted herself so clearly against her sister’s face. Turning her head, she captured a pair of moistly fragrant lips. She kissed her sister deeply, caressing her tongue against the tongue that had brought such pleasure to her body.

Paige was trembling. She had never wanted anyone so much. She had never ached as much as she did in this moment. Her back arched with arousal. She relished the feel of Lauren’s hands moving over her. When the erotic redhead released her from the restraints of her bra, she shivered. When Lauren began kneading skillfully at her breasts, she moaned.

Lauren sucked with a quiet purr at the chin stained by her juices. Her hands moved down to the panties she both envied and resented for being so close to Paige. She peeled them away. The perfume their absence released was driving her mad with passion.

Her hand worked between their bodies. Lauren felt her palm purposely grind an erotic slope. She worked the heel of her hand against a hardened clit. She felt her sister’s heartbeat throbbing inside it. She massaged the hardened nub more diligently, spurred onward by the vocal encouragements flooding the air. She had never seen her sister so free. Paige was beautiful and untamed.

Paige rolled her hips, working to meet the hand grinding against her. When her sister’s middle finger dipped into her vagina, then delved deeper at its next attempt, her head fell back with a moan.

Together, they found a rhythm. It was growing more passionate with every wet-laced smack to toll their pace.

“I love you,” Paige said. There was a sudden urgency to her voice.

Unable to take her eyes off of the vision above her, Lauren responded in a raspy voice. “I love you,” she said.

Paige’s juices flooded out of her in time with climax’s cry. Breathless and shaking, she collapsed against her sister’s body.

Lauren wrapped an arm around Paige, holding her close. She remained deeply inside the woman. Her finger felt the persistent kiss of her lover’s inner walls as they involuntarily tightened and relaxed around it.

Weakly, Paige lifted her head. Her arms moved to rest on either side of Lauren’s head. Tenderly, she brushed back the woman’s long hair. She smoothed it gently. Its red roots were dark with sweat, making it appear more like the color of her own hair. She wanted to promise that she would never leave her. She wanted Lauren to promise that she would never leave her again, but none of that truly mattered. All that mattered was that they were together, finally truly together, as they had always secretly longed to be, but never had the courage to admit.

The olive green eyes gazing devotedly into hers would never turn away again. They would never hide what was inside them.

Paige leaned forward. She kissed Lauren with all the love she possessed in her heart. Complete and utter contentment came as the body molding itself to hers offered up that same love without hesitation.

The End


Amber, Chapter 9

  • Posted on August 30, 2017 at 8:56 am

By Tater Tot

Tuesday night came and Amber was really wound up. I was afraid she was going to jump me the way she was staring at my ass, although it sure made me feel good about my body. Nothing like having a teenager lusting after you to perk up the old ego.

She was in bed waiting when I came out of the bathroom, getting a giggle from me and a blush from her.

“God, Mom,” she said, “come on!”

She was fairly panting, her hands twitching restlessly as I slid in behind her. I pulled her close and pushed my pussy against her ass, getting a soft sigh from her. Putting my arms around her and snuggling close, I said, “What should it be tonight?”

“Can you… would you… you know, you and… well,” she mumbled.

That got a chuckle from me, and I said, “You mean Jess?”

“Yeah,” she whispered.

Putting a hand on her tummy, I rubbed it softly as I said, “Okay, I’ll tell you about the last time she stayed here.”

The poor girl was panting hard as I said, “Well, she’d been copping feels all night. Pretty much every time you weren’t in the room she had a hand on my ass or on my breasts. When you went up to bed, we were still watching TV. She waited to hear your door shut and then she pretty much attacked me.”

Amber had her eyes closed and let out a long moan at that.

Grinning, I continued, “She knelt in front of me and flipped my t-shirt up and started licking my panties. She wrapped her arms around my legs and lifted me up a little, so excited she was nibbling and biting me. She was so turned on it made me extremely horny, and it was only a couple of minutes before I came in my panties, muffling a scream in a pillow.” My bottom hand cupped Amber’s breast while the top slid down between her very wet lips.

Amber was grunting softly, her body clenched tight as she held back an orgasm. Kissing her cheek, I said, “I was still panting when she pulled me up and dragged me to the bedroom. Now you have to understand that Jess likes me to take charge most of the time, so when we got to the bedroom I pushed her face down on the end of the bed and snatched her panties off. Her ass was on the edge, fully exposed, when I knelt down and started tongue-fucking her asshole.”

Poor Amber came with a harsh scream, crying ‘No!’ in a piercing voice as her body spasmed and her hands grabbed the sheets.

When it continued, I was really surprised, her body relaxing, then arching back up again as her pussy squirted cum like a man, quick jets of it against my fingers. She was making deep grunting noises as she slowly calmed down, her pussy spasming against my hands for a couple more seconds. When her ass touched the sheets, she started sobbing, but it only lasted another few seconds before she fell asleep.

I was staring down at her, dumbfounded at how intense that had been. God, to be able to do that. Sighing, I slid down and began licking her clean as I fingered myself to an intense orgasm, picturing her going wild in my ass on Friday.

When she woke up, we were facing each other, and I watched her sleepy eyes realize where she was. The disappointment came quickly as she said, “Oh man, I never heard how it ends.”

I pulled her to me as I giggled uncontrollably, holding tight as she eventually started giggling with me. I gave her a quick kiss as I slid back and said, “Sorry, kiddo, but I would seriously pay big money to come like that.”

She looked interested at that and said, “Really? I was trying so hard not to.”

I shook my head and said, “God, baby, what you did last night would be the envy of every woman I’ve ever known.”

That got a gleam in her eye as she said, “Cool. But I would still like to make it all the way through once.”

Laughing again, I gave her a kiss and slid out of bed to start the day.


When Thursday came around, Amber came home and did school work until dinner, then started to get twitchy. It made me wonder what she did on the nights between, did she lie in bed and masturbate all night?

She actually waited for me to get in bed before coming in, but then threw her clothes off prior to sliding in with me.

We snuggled close as I asked what it would be tonight.

“I wanna know what happened next with you and Jess,” she said quickly.

I chuckled and thought for a moment, then said, “Would you like to have me use my finger on your ass while I tell you?”

She groaned softly and said, “Uh… yes.”

Rolling over, I reached in the drawer of a bedside table and pulled out a small tube of lube before rolling back to her. I adjusted her so she was facing me, sort of lying face down on my body so my hands were stroking her sweet little ass cheeks.

I put a bit of lube on my finger before starting, then said, “Jess was bent over the end of the bed, her ass sticking out as I held her down. She’s so small that her knees didn’t hit the floor, just sort of draped over the end. Her tiny little ass was sticking up, begging to get fucked.”

There was a long, breathy moan from Amber as I paused. Then I said, “I knelt behind my sister, leaned forward, and stuck my tongue in her ass.”

My finger touched Amber’s asshole and started a gentle push. Amber grunted when the tip slipped in.

“I tongue-fucked her for a minute. Then I told her, ‘Lay there like a good little girl while mommy gets ready to fuck your little ass.’ While she laid there on the bed and moaned, I put on my strap-on dildo and got the lube.”

My finger was sliding past the first knuckle as Amber buried her face in my neck, grunting continuously. Her hips were grinding her pussy into my thigh as I spoke.

“When I came back, I said to Jess, ‘What does my little girl want me to do?’ She said, ‘Fuck me, mommy, fuck me hard.’ I knelt down and pushed my lubed finger hard into her asshole, making her bury her face in the sheets so her yells of pain and pleasure wouldn’t wake you up.”

My finger was past the second knuckle when I started thrusting into Amber, her tiny little ass making it so tight and hot. Her hands were holding my shoulders as she ground her pussy hard into my thigh and made continuous ‘no’ sounds.

“I added a second finger in Jess’s ass, making her moan in excitement, getting louder as I started thrusting my fingers hard into her ass, fucking her with my hand.”

I began making quicker, harder thrusts with my finger into Amber’s ass, making her sob loudly as she rode my thigh, fucking me now. Her excitement was incredible as I felt her juices smear my leg and she made louder and louder moans into my neck.

“When Jess was nice and open, I took my fingers out and grabbed her hip and her hair, pulling her head back, and I said, ‘Mommy’s going to rape her little girl’s tight little asshole,’ then I shoved the cock in deep.”

My finger was pushed all the way in when Amber let go. Her hips ground into me hard and her body bucked wildly as her head arched back with an extremely loud scream. I actually worried a neighbor might hear and I flinched a little since she was so close to my ear.

Her pussy sprayed my thigh as she pushed against me, making the oddest sensation as it squeezed between us. She was frozen in that pose, her pussy spasming and squirting, so I pulled my finger out a bit then shoved it in again. She convulsed at that, her head pushing hard into my neck as she groaned through clenched teeth and her ass clenched around my finger.

She made a continuous series of ‘uh-uh’ sounds on my neck until she finally relaxed against me, totally out of it. I pulled my finger out and stroked her ass for a while, kissing her shoulder lightly as she sprawled across me. I eventually slid her down beside me. Amber was as limp as a rag doll. I looked down at the juices coating my leg. I definitely needed to be giving her more fluids.

I spent a little while molesting her while she slept, sucking her tits, licking her pussy, and playing with myself. I came hard while licking the juices off her body.


I woke up first and watched my girl sleep for a while. It was Friday, her birthday, big things happening today.

I got up and had a good shower while she slept, cleaning really well inside and out. I woke her up when I was done and told her she was running late. I giggled a little as she stumbled dazedly to her bedroom to take a shower. Then I got dressed.

I was in the kitchen when she finally got ready. I had heard her running around upstairs, then the sound of her scrounging up her book bag. I made sure to be posed when she came in.

Amber stopped in the door when she saw me, her eyes getting big. She dropped her book bag and said, “What… I mean…”

I was standing by the counter, white knee high socks on, lacy white boy cut panties, and a half t-shirt that showed the bottom of my breasts.

“Happy birthday, baby,” I whispered.

“Oh god,” she mumbled, “oh god, Mom, that’s not fair. I have to go to school. Oh god.”

“I think you should stay home today,” I told her softly. “In fact, I think you should take your sweet mom to the bedroom and shove a cock deep in her ass.”

She grunted like I had punched her in the stomach.

Amber’s eyes were wide with shock as she stared at me, then tears welled in her eyes as she stumbled over to me, dropping to her knees in front of me. Her hands were shaking as she wrapped them around me, grabbing my ass cheeks and shoving her face in my crotch.

She was sobbing as she rubbed her face in me, mumbling words I could only half make out, “Yes… mine… Mom… oh god… oh god…”

Her hands started to get a little frantic on my ass so I reached down to pull her up. Her eyes were absolutely wild as I hugged her to me and whispered in her ear, “Shh, baby, calm down. I’m yours all day today and tomorrow. Shh, it’s all right.”

Her shaking slowed down a little, so I said “Let’s go to the bedroom, okay?”

She nodded a little jerkily, then took my hand to lead me to the bedroom.

I stopped her at the foot of the bed, then lay down on it, displaying myself to her. She stood above me in her school uniform, staring at me with hot eyes, looking from my breasts to my pussy.

“Take your clothes off, baby,” I said.

When she began doing it too quickly, I said, “Slowly…”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again to start slowly unbuttoning her shirt. She watched my eyes as she pulled it back and let it drop, exposing her small breasts and no bra.

“Play with your breasts, Amber,” I whispered.

Her breath caught for a second, then she reached up with both hands and palmed her small breasts. They were too small to cup, but had large aureola and her nipples stood out.

“Pinch your nipples,” I said seductively.

She tilted her head back and her eyes half closed as she took both nipples in her fingers and pulled outward a little on them. She groaned a little as she watched me through her half-closed eyes.

“Slide one hand down and slip it under your skirt,” I said, then watched as her right hand moved down her stomach and slipped slowly under the waistband of her skirt.

“Good baby, that’s good,” I said softly. “Now run a finger through your pussy. Get it nice and wet.”

Her eyes closed for a second, then I could see her arm move down and up a couple of times.

“Take it out and suck your pussy juice off your finger,” I said.

She moaned loudly and closed her eyes, her knees bending a little as her hand came out, finger glistening. Her finger slipped between her lips and she moaned really loudly, her hips thrusting a little forward.

I watched her for a second, then said, “Take your skirt off.”

When she opened her eyes and moved her hands down, I let mine slide down and let my finger start tracing along my own pussy lips.

Amber was staring again as her hands unsnapped the skirt and let it drop. Her white panties had a large wet spot in the front and her hand slipped down to rub them the same way I was. I don’t think she was even aware she was doing it.

Sliding to the end of the bed, I moved off to kneel in front of her, looking up at her face. She was breathing frantically, her hands shaking and fluttering beside her as I placed my hands on her ass and leaned my face closer. Our eyes were locked as I stopped an inch from her panty-covered pussy lips. “What do you want?”

Her hips were twitching toward me as she grunted out, “Tongue… uh, now, Mom.”

Maintaining eye contact I leaned in and pushed my tongue hard against her wet panties. She threw her head back and grabbed me, grinding my face in her pussy as she gushed into her panties. She was making a long series of grunting sounds as she did it, then just sort of melted to the floor. Her body lay back with her legs bent under her, displaying her completely.

I reached up and slid her panties off, then lay face down and wrapped my hands around her thighs before starting to lick her outer lips. She grunted in a relaxed way as I started. I took my time and enjoyed myself, sucking her tight outer lips for a while, tugging with my lips and bathing them with my tongue.

Eventually I moved inward, licking and probing her inner lips with my tongue, amazed at how wet she was. She was oozing cum as she moaned above me, keeping my tongue busy lapping it up. I had been at it about five minutes when she started winding up again, her hand resting on my head.

I slid a finger forward and gently pushed in, not deep, just planning to stop when I hit her hymen. I didn’t, it was gone. I almost panicked, but got it together and kept enjoying her, figuring it was too late to worry about now. Sort of shrugging to myself, I let my finger move deeper, taking advantage of the opportunity. She was so tight I didn’t think someone had fucked her, so she’d probably done it herself accidentally. I let my finger slide in and out gently for a while, having to really control it since she was clamping down so hard. I had been holding her down with my other arm for a while as she thrashed and mumbled.

When my finger was moving a little more freely in her drenched channel, I started curling it upward slightly, trying to find her g-spot. As my finger searched, I let my tongue move through her pussy lips, probing for and finding her small, mostly hidden clit. It was serendipity that I hit her clit and g-spot at the same time.

Amber yelled and yanked my hair a little as she tried to arch up. Her body was incredibly tense as she tried to fight off the orgasm. I let my finger start stroking over her spot as I gently let my tongue press against her clit.

She twitched and made short screeching protests, yanked my hair a couple of more times as she strained to control it, but eventually let it overtake her. She wrapped her legs around my head and tried to force me up as her shoulders lifted her body and her head arched back. Her mouth was wide open but no sound came out as she began gushing cum across my face. She held that tense pose through three squirts, then drew a deep breath and screamed. Her hands were on the carpet now as she arched back again.

The scream made me jump slightly it sounded so animalistic, but I was distracted as she sprayed me down again. I was pretty sure she’d peed on me a little this time, but accepted it as what it was. I stayed with her, but took my finger and lips off her tender spots.

When she relaxed, I scooted up to pull her onto my lap as she started sobbing. I rocked her and kissed her cheek and lips until her eyes came back into focus.

“God,” she mumbled, “God, Mom, that was so good.”

I grinned a little at the drugged tone of voice, the sound reminding me of when I was recovering from an operation and the pain meds had given me a nice buzz.

As she came around a little more, I guided her up and left her standing there, and went to get the smaller dildo and oil. She was round-eyed when I came back and sat on the bed in front of her. I was grinning as I strapped the tool on my daughter.

Slipping the t-shirt off, and my panties down, I turned around and crawled slowly onto the bed, my head turned, giving her a come-hither look. I put two pillows under my hips, then spread myself out, ass in the air, arms and legs in an X shape.

Looking over my shoulder at her, I said, “Sodomize me.”

She got that glazed look to her eyes as she slowly climbed up behind me and knelt between my legs. I put my head down and relaxed as I felt her hand rub softly over my ass.

Soon she leaned down and kissed my ass cheeks gently, making a soft moaning noise as she held her lips there. Her mouth stayed on my butt for a time, kissing and licking my cheeks, before hesitantly slipping between them. She was skittish about tonguing my asshole, but eventually let it swirl around, getting a deep groan from me.

Amber was breathing very heavily, her breath blowing across my ass in hot waves. My pussy was dripping by now, the anticipation pushing me hard. When the oil dripped onto my ass I really moaned, then tightened up as her finger began running up and down, spreading the oil. She eventually stopped over my asshole and began slowly probing.

When her finger slipped in she gasped and muttered, “Oh god… uhh… ooh,” in a wispy breath. Her hand stayed there for a moment, then began pulling out and pushing back in. I was grunting as she finger-fucked my ass, and she was groaning loudly in excitement.

“Two,” I said.

Her mouth came down and bit gently on my ass cheek as the second finger went in, staying there with her mouth on me as her fingers resumed fucking me.

“Fuck me, baby,” I grunted softly. Through my moans, I quietly instructed, “Rub oil on the cock, then put it against my asshole. Let me push back onto it.”

Amber gave a soft sobbing sound as she crawled over me, then stopped as I felt the cock touch my butt cheeks. She slowly guided it to my asshole, shaking and sobbing as she said, “N-now, Mom.”

When I pushed up enough for the head to slip in, her hand came down so she was propped above me in a push-up position. I began pushing steadily upwards, the smaller dildo making this much easier. I had planned to use the regular one, but was afraid she would get so excited it might hurt me.

Her hips touched mine as I fisted the sheets and said, “Fuck me, baby, rape my ass.”

She made a deep growling noise and started pulling out just a bit and pushing back in, gradually getting a feel for it.

“That’s it, sodomize your mother. Fuck me hard. Shove that cock in my ass,” I grunted into the sheets where I had my face buried.

Her hair was swishing over my back making me think she was looking down at us as she panted and moaned above me. The cock would push in, forcing my ass open, driving deep inside me until her pussy hit my ass. I could feel her cunt dripping on me as she fucked me. I was so freaking excited I could hardly breathe, the thought of Amber above me, sodomizing me on my bed forcing tears from my eyes as I mumbled and yelled below her.

I came hard, driving my knees in and hunching my back to force my face into the mattress. I let out a muffled scream and pushed my hips hard into the mattress. Amber froze above me, not making a sound, and it wasn’t until I felt her juices running down my ass that I realized she was coming above me. She just locked up and froze with the cock in my ass as I slowly relaxed below her.

She eased down on top of me, still buried deep in my ass as she licked my shoulders for a while. I was surprised when her hips began making shallow thrusts, and even more surprised when she pushed up on her hands again and began driving into me. Her loud grunts and growls were in time with her hips slapping my ass. Her juices had run into my asshole and were making loud squelching noises as the cock plundered my ass.

Amber soon was making short screaming noises, yelling words that I couldn’t understand. I lay there, trying to adjust to the aggressive pounding she was giving me, then shocked myself by coming with a scream. It was different when she came this time, dropping on top of me, clutching her hands to my shoulders as she sort of humped my ass and her head rested against my neck. It went on for quite a while as she flooded my ass with her fluids.

She eventually relaxed and just lay there, until I realized she was out like a light. Groaning a little, I managed to roll her to the side, wincing when the cock pulled free. My ass was pretty tender, though that was to be expected. I had told her to rape my ass, so I couldn’t complain when she did.

Hell of a start to the day.

I took the strap-on off her, then staggered into the bathroom, my ass sore from the pounding. After cleaning up, I went back to the bedroom.

Amber was sprawled out where I had left her, mouth partly open, arms and legs splayed out, her whole lower body glistening with fluids.

When I sat down on the bed, her eyes blinked open. I pulled her into a hug, then patted her butt.

“Well, honey,” I told my daughter, “that was probably the most incredible sex I’ve ever had.”

She looked up, blushing, but with a proud look in her eye as she said, “Really?”

I nodded and said, “Uh-huh. I take it you liked it too?”

Amber said, “Oh my God, yes. It was… it was… God, I don’t know.”


Dear Readers: This ending no doubt seems a bit abrupt, and indeed, it isn’t actually where Tater Tot chose to conclude the story. What happens is that the narrative perspective suddenly shifts, without any warning or explanation, from the mother to the daughter. Needless to say, this decision by the author is somewhat befuddling. After talking it over, however, we decided to continue with the story (our edited version), but publish it as “Amber II“.


A Beautiful Day

  • Posted on August 28, 2017 at 1:57 pm

By Cassandra Blue

{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in May 2009 }

It was a hot morning in the middle of September, and I was standing there alone in the kitchen, waiting by the door in my bathrobe. It was still summer but vacation was over. My mom felt funny about leaving me alone at my age, but because I was almost twelve, she thought it would be okay. Besides, she didn’t have much personal time left at work.

I had told my mom I had a stomach ache and she let me stay home from school, even though my big sister Rhonda kept saying I was a little faker. I guess Mom believed me, because every time I told her I felt sick before that, I really was sick.

I honestly don’t know if I felt bad about lying about it for the first time. There were too many other things going on in my head. I was nervous and I was shaking and I felt like I was going crazy, and it was all because I was in love.

Yes, that’s what I said. I know you’re probably laughing at me right now and saying that a girl of eleven can’t be in love. I am no expert. I’m simply a young girl looking out the window on a rainy day and remembering, and I can tell you how I felt. And it was no quick fall, like with some girls. I know some idiots in school now, fifteen or sixteen years old, who start going out with a guy yesterday and suddenly today they are in love.

No, it was no quick fall, but there was a quick “something,” I can tell you that. Maybe part of it was because of growing pains, trying to get people to stop treating me like a little girl, and all the emotions running through me. Another part was that my best friend Heather had just moved away, leaving me just plain lonely and sad. But there was definitely a part of the quick something I wasn’t prepared for…


It was one beautiful June morning, not long after my best friend had moved away, that I stepped out in the backyard in my t-shirt and shorts. I was wearing a pair of big, dark sunglasses and listening to music through headphones from my MP3 player. It had rained during the night and the grass felt wonderful between my toes. I swept the excess water off one of the lawn chairs and lay down, closing my eyes.

I don’t remember how long I lay there, but the headphones were suddenly yanked from my ears.

“Hey, Mouse-Fart!” Rhonda yelled at me. That’s my sister and one of her many cute pet names for me. “God, can’t you fucking hear?”

“I was listening to my music, do you mind?”

She was in her red bikini — no doubt wanting to sunbathe, but there were two chairs, so why bug me? She was a beautiful girl, my sister, with blond hair and blue eyes like me, and a great body, but she’s always had issues of territory and of trust, and has always been combative in one way or another.

“What kind of music? Is it Sesame Street, or Hannah-fucking-Montana?”

I was used to her being mean to me. It sometimes felt like I wanted to hit her, but she was bigger than me, and I knew it wouldn’t end up very well, so I just let it go.

“Go somewhere else so we can lay out,” Rhonda said.

“Who’s ‘we’?”

Rhonda stepped off to the side, I saw the girl who had been standing behind her and something happened to me. I didn’t know what it was. There was a warm feeling in my tummy and then tingles that ran all over me.

I took off my sunglasses and stood up from the lawn chair, nearly stumbling, glad that my sister didn’t take the opportunity to make a joke about it.

“Jasmine, this is my little sister Allison,” Rhonda said. “Allison, this is Jasmine. Her family moved into Heather’s house. My sister and Heather were best friends for a long time.”

“I’m sorry your friend moved away,” Jasmine said to me, “but it’s nice to meet you, Allison.”

Her voice was gentle like the breeze. She was about five feet, three inches tall and her skin was dark, golden-brown colored. Her hair was long and black and filled with wavy curls. She wore a yellow bikini and her body was absolute perfection with firm round breasts, a flat tummy and shapely legs, but none of that mattered at the time as much as her face. It was her face that captured me from the start, and the way she looked at me with her beautiful dark, sparkling eyes, and the way her full red lips spread into such a gentle smile.

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” I said.

“I don’t really want to kick you out of your own back yard,” she said.

“Oh,” Rhonda said, “she doesn’t mind, do you, Ally?”

“No, I’ll be fine,” I said, and quickly ran into the house and climbed the stairs, going to my room, closing the door. I was breathing very heavily. I threw my MP3 on my pillow and fell back across the bed. All I could think about was her face and her voice and yes, her body did creep in there too, and what the hell was that all about? It was total confusion.


Three months later I stood by the kitchen door, looking up at the clock, not knowing if I wanted it to slow down or to speed up. This day had been planned, and I’d followed the plan so far, and it had worked, right down to my mother being short on personal time. Of course, my tummy really did seem to have a knot in it as the time approached, even a hint of nausea.

I saw someone through the window. It was Jasmine, wearing a yellow t-shirt and red athletic shorts. My heart began pounding as I stepped to the kitchen door and pulled it open.

“Hello, Ally,” she said to me, stepping in and hugging me. “I’ve missed you. How are you, sweetheart?”

Jasmine’s embrace was warm and secure, but I was still trembling when she let me go. I closed the kitchen door and turned around. She must have sensed my nervousness because she reached out and touched my face, caressing it softly.

“Oh, Ally, are you all right with this?”

“Yes,” I said.

She put one arms around my neck and leaned over me, looking into my eyes. She kissed me. She had kissed me several times over the latter part of the summer, and although they’d been sweet kisses, each more passionate than the last, they had been given under much more covert circumstances. When you are fifteen, you don’t want to get caught making out with your best friend’s little sister. The kiss calmed me.

“Ally, I have to tell you something,” Jasmine said to me, looking down into my eyes and holding me. “I’ve only been with one girl before and we didn’t do much of anything, so don’t feel nervous with me, okay?

“If you don’t feel like doing anything more than talking and kissing, maybe a little touching, that’s fine. I just don’t want you to be scared. You’re still a very young girl and you have plenty of… time.”

With the last sentence, dared by the words very young girl, I quickly backed away and untied my robe, allowing it to dangle open. It exposed enough to show that I was naked underneath, completely naked, and I looked to Jasmine’s eyes for her reaction.

“Well,” she said, “it looks like you’re serious.”

“I love you,” I said, “and I want to be with you.”

I didn’t know how I managed to get that out. I think it was pure guts. I knew I did desire her in that way, to touch her and be touched by her. After all, how many nights had I lay in my bed in the dark thinking about her and masturbating? Too many to count.

I took Jasmine’s hand and told her to slip her shoes off at the door. She smiled at me and took them off and then, hand-in-hand, I walked her to the stairs and we climbed them. We wound up in my mother’s bedroom, where I told her to sit on edge of the bed. I took a deep breath and removed my robe completely. I moved close to her and watched her dark eyes move over my body.

I had very small breasts that rose in little points from my chest, and a very small tuft of golden pubic hair at the tip of my crack. I had a slender waist and my hips had begun to widen a bit in the past few months. My legs were not very long, but they were tanned and athletic.

“You have a beautiful body, Allison,” she said. “I want to kiss you all over.”

I let her pull me close and hold me and I leaned down and this time I kissed her. After the kiss ended, I wanted to hear her say the words, so I asked her.

“Are you in love with me, Jasmine?”

“Allison, you are very special to me, but… give me some time.”

I kissed her again. I kissed her passionately. I wasn’t disappointed. For me, Jasmine was a dream come true, everything about her — seeing her for the first time, understanding through Jasmine what I felt about her in the beginning… and realizing she felt the same way about me.


I was sitting in the backyard one night by myself, crying quietly. Jasmine came out the back door to grab her bike and go home when she heard me there in the dark. She found me sitting in the grass and sat down next to me, then asked me what was wrong.

I tried to tell her it was nothing, but she said, “When a girl is sitting in her back yard crying, something is definitely wrong.”

“Okay,” I said, “but I can’t tell anybody about it.”

“Well, maybe not your mom or your sister, but I’m impartial and non-judgmental. You can tell me anything. And I won’t rat on you, either.”

“No,” I said, “I can’t tell you…”

“Well, there are some things I can’t tell other people and I know how that is, Allison. It’s terrible to have secrets. You know the worst one? Not being able to tell someone what you feel about them because you’re afraid of what they might think. That’s a tough one. It would be funny, you know, if both of us had that little secret… wouldn’t it?”

Jasmine put her arm around me there in the grass and kissed me lingeringly on the cheek, then once again further back, closer to my ear, and I didn’t shrink away.

“That’s my secret, Allison. I like girls… and I really like you. Can you keep my secret?”

I wiped my eyes and looked up at her, smiling. “Yes,” I sighed, “I can.”

That night was the first night I masturbated to thoughts of Jasmine without guilt or hesitation, and it was to be followed by many more.


I felt her lips begin to kiss me about the neck and her fingers move up and down my body. She touched my small breasts and flicked at my nipples. It caused a tickle at my throat and sent tingles straight down below.

“Why don’t you come lie down?” she asked me.

I climbed on the bed. I was still shaking, mind you, still uncertain — though this beautiful girl, almost the age that I am now, was doing everything to make me feel good. Before very long, I was completely hers.

I loved her kisses on my mouth, the neck and shoulders, and then lower down, finally kissing my little breasts. I could feel her fingers on my thighs, caressing them, and I reached up to run my fingers through those tresses of black hair. She began sucking on my nipples, getting them hard, and I realized her breathing was heavy and her crotch was half-riding my thigh. God, that excited me!

I reached out and grabbed her hips, encouraging her to grind against my thigh. She sat up and grinned at me, all red-faced.

“I want to see your breasts,” I said, and watched Jasmine pull her t-shirt off over her head, then unhook her bra and take it off, showing her beautiful breasts to me. The nipples were dark, and they were already stiff.

“Can I touch them?” The question felt foolish as soon as I asked it, but she didn’t treat it that way.

“Please,” Jasmine said. “Please touch them. And play with my nipples.”

I reached up and took them in my hands, feeling her nipples between my fingers. All the while, she continued to grind against my thigh, her movements growing more and more tense. Then she straddled me and began rubbing herself against the base of my belly. I continued to gently pinch her nipples as she ground faster and faster, finally seizing up and crying out into the quiet of the house, then falling forward against me, moaning quietly and breathing heavily against my neck.

“Oh, Allison,” Jasmine sighed.

“Yeah,” I said.

“That was beautiful. Have you ever had one of those? You know what I mean, right?”

“Yes,” I told her, “I’ve had them by myself.”

“Oh, I know. That was my first one with another person,” she smiled, kissing me. “You know what it’s called? It’s called an ‘orgasm,’ sweetheart, and when you have one you call it ‘coming.’”

She looked down into my eyes and then lowered her mouth to mine, her lips caressing my lips. She did this for a long time, then slipped her tongue into my mouth and began kissing me passionately. As she did so, she lifted herself off my belly for a moment and gently pushed my legs apart, coming to rest between them. My body was tingling everywhere as she pressed herself against me, grinding her hips. Her mouth broke away from mine and she gazed down at me with a look in her dark eyes I’d never seen before.

“I’m going to make love to you, baby,” Jasmine said. “I’m going to make you come.”

“Yes,” I said.

“I’m going to do something I’ve never done to a girl before, so if I do something wrong — if it hurts… if you want me to stop…”

“Yes, Jasmine,” I told her.

“Close your eyes, my sweet Allison.”

I closed my eyes and felt her warm breath on my face, her soft kisses on my cheek and then my neck, down along my throat, around to the other side of my neck. Her fingers caressed along my arms and her mouth began to move over my shoulder, causing sensations of pleasure I couldn’t contain, and I gave off a little moan.

Instinctively, I took my fingers from Jasmine’s hair and threw my arms around her neck as she kissed her way across my collar bone and to my other shoulder, and I moaned again, feeling her lips and tongue move along my tender flesh.

I was in heaven.

My mother had left her window just slightly open, and I could hear the birds chirping outside, feel a light breeze come in across my legs. It was getting to be the middle of the morning and the sunlight was shining in through the curtains, and I could see it on the inside of my eyelids as my teenage lover began to slowly kiss her way further down my pubescent body. It was a beautiful day outside, but it was a beautiful day inside because I was with my girl. Had I not dreamed of this day? But what had I dreamed? Kisses and embraces and yes, perhaps to be naked with her and touch her, but there was so much that was unknown to me.

Of course, now it was happening, and I didn’t have to worry about the unknown. Jasmine was beginning to kiss my nipples, sending that tickle to my throat and those sweet shocks down to my little button, and all I could do was hold on and go with what was happening. I wasn’t afraid.

I can’t remember exactly how old I was when I had my first orgasm, but I was probably eight or nine. I’d been touching myself innocently in my bed at night for months, probably over a year, just as a means of feeling good. One night the feeling grew stronger than before and went over the top. It came quickly and went just as fast, but the pleasure was intense, and I remember the muscles twitching in the bottoms of my feet.

Over time, as I got older, my orgasms became different, grew longer, and I learned better how to touch myself, to draw out the pleasure.

That’s just what Jasmine was doing to me, drawing it out. My clitoris was already swollen. I could feel it down there. She was sucking at my tiny red nipples, gently grazing them with her teeth. They were hard, sticking out from my little cone-shaped breasts. I opened my eyes long enough to look down at them and see Jasmine look up at me, then I rested my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes again as she placed her hands on my little breasts, pinching my nipples, and began kissing her way down my abdomen.

I knew then what she was going to do. I had heard of it. I wanted her to do it. I was wriggling, trembling there on the bed, arching my hips against her breasts.

“Excited, aren’t you?” she asked me softly.

“Oh… yes…” I said breathlessly.

“You are beautiful,” she said, “so beautiful and precious…”

She continued to kiss her way down. She kissed my tummy and came to my “private place,” but she didn’t go for that right away.

“Oh, Allison, what a lovely little pussy,” she said, “but I’ve got to kiss those wonderful legs first.”

She began to kiss and nibble my thigh and I had to take my fingers from her hair as she moved further down, along my leg and down to my foot, sucking my toes. It tickled at first, but then it felt very good, and when she moved to the other foot and did the same thing, it didn’t tickle at all.

Jasmine kissed her way along my leg and up the inside of my thigh, causing me to tingle all over in anticipation. I could feel her fingers spreading my pussy lips. It was then that I first felt her tongue touch my clitoris. She began to lick it very gently and I could feel it right down in my toes. I had nothing to compare it to, for no one had ever done it to me before, but as she continued it only felt better. I was tensing my legs and ankles and flexing my toes, holding my breath and releasing it and moaning softly as the sensations grew within me.

I still wasn’t sure if I would be able to have an orgasm with her or not. That all changed when she flattened her tongue against me and began to wiggle it from side to side. The sensations in my little clitoris doubled and I reached down, locking my fingers in her hair, grinding my hips, pressing my entire pussy against her mouth. I could hear her breathing hard and she grabbed my butt, cupping both cheeks. I could feel it coming. I was reaching for it. At the same time I was tensing up, trying to draw it out from force of habit. I was finally defeated. Jasmine’s tongue flicking quickly from side to side over my clit was simply too much for me and I let go of her hair, threw my arms back over my head, arched my back and held my breath one last time. That was when I felt it, and I couldn’t help but close my legs and lock Jasmine’s head in a vice grip.

The cry that filled the house was my own, a wild animal-like cry that I couldn’t have held in had I wanted to. The pleasure, the intensity of the orgasm was just too great. My butt was off the bed and I was frozen there, my clitoris pulsating against Jasmine’s mouth. I was moaning and shaking and breathing hard. It was the most intense orgasm I ever had in my life, and it wasn’t ending quickly.

When it finally did fade, my Jasmine, freed from the grip of my thighs, moved up and smiled at me, her mouth and chin moist with my juices. I was still catching my breath.

“Oh, Allison,” Jasmine said to me, “that was so hot.”

“No kidding,” I said. “I never… came like that before!”

We lay there for a moment, snuggling quietly while I recovered, and then I rolled over on top of her and, without asking, proceeded to return the favor. I didn’t really know how to go about it except to imitate what she’d done, and go with what I was feeling. I kissed her on the mouth, those beautiful lips, and then on her cheek, her neck…

I didn’t take as much time as she had. I definitely spent awhile fondling her breasts and sucking on her hard nipples. There was something so natural and beautiful about that. She moaned and ground her hips up against me.

I reached down and tugged at her shorts. She lifted her butt off the bed and I stripped her completely naked. I expected to see a lot of hair, but there was just a small black strip at the top. Because she had kissed my legs all over, and because her legs were so tanned and beautiful, I decided to do the same.

It was not long before I was gazing at her pussy, spreading it open with my fingers. I had looked at mine in the mirror before, and Jasmine’s was very different. God, it was beautiful! It looked like some exotic flower. The lips were dark and perfectly shaped, and when I spread them apart, the inside was a bright pink. Jasmine was already breathing hard with anticipation when I lowered my tongue to her pussy. Her body immediately reacted to the touch.

I found the hard spot high within the lips and I began to swirl my tongue against it.

“Oh, Allison, my sweet girl,” she whimpered at me, “that feels so good.”

It thrilled me to hear those words. It excited me to excite her. As she began to tremble, I grasped her body with my hands, wanting to feel every bit of her pleasure. I was riding high. I tried all different ways of licking her and found the best one. It drove her wild.

“Oh, yes, lick it, baby,” Jasmine cried, clutching at my hair, grinding her hips against my face, and then she grabbed the back of my head with both hands as her legs stiffened. She whimpered and gasped, “I’m coming, Allison!”

I held on as she bucked against my face and moaned, reaching down between my own legs to rub my clitoris. It was almost instantaneous. Just as her orgasm subsided, I went off quietly. Moments later, I climbed up and lay down beside her.

Her dark eyes looked into mine with surprise. “That was something,” she said. “You’re quite a girl.”

“So are you,” I told her.

“I do love you…” Jasmine whispered as we rested in one another’s arms. I looked at her, and tears filled my eyes as we kissed.

We made love again that day, then we took a bath together and washed each other, and we talked about our lives. I spoke of not having a father, and not being able to remember him. I talked about how my mom treated me like her little girl, and how Rhonda liked to call me names and push me around.

Jasmine talked about having a black father and a white mother and how some people looked at them, and how some people treated her because she was mixed. She talked about how hard it was being different, no matter what it was that was different about you. As for Rhonda, she didn’t think I should take her treatment of me to heart. After all, we were sisters and we would be for life.

After we’d aired out my mother’s bedroom, clearing it of the female scents we created there, and cleaned up, I put on my nightgown and bathrobe — my stay-home-sick costume — and we spent our few last moments together in the kitchen, kissing and embracing by the door.

“I love you, Jasmine,” I told her.

“I love you, Allison,” she said. “I’ll see you soon, okay? Very soon.” And she left. I closed the door and leaned against it, smiling with a warm feeling deep inside. Whether it was two days or two weeks before I could be alone with her again, this day I had been in heaven. It had been a dream come true, even if part of the dream had at first made me a little hesitant or uncertain.

I know, I know, there are some of you who will say I was only eleven, and what did I know of love? And who was she, this fifteen-year-old girl, to get sexually involved with a girl of eleven, a child?

She was disturbed, you say, this Jasmine girl, and no matter what pleasure she gave me, she took my innocence. That is a lie. The taking of innocence is a slow process. It is teaching someone how to hate, how to lie, to cheat, to steal, to kill. I was a child, and you cannot take the innocence of a child.


When Rhonda got home that afternoon, about twenty minutes later, she came in to see me eating a bowl of soup at the kitchen table. She set her books down and she reached over and petted my messy hair.

“Sorry about being such a bitch this morning, Ally,” she said. “So, did you puke?”

“Yeah,” I said, “but only once. It was this morning.”

“You know, Jasmine was absent today. She must have been sick, too.”

“Well,” I said, “I hope she’s okay.”

I turned my head and grinned, innocence intact…

The End


Sam Was Her Name

  • Posted on August 26, 2017 at 5:01 pm

By Young Flower

{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in January 2005 }

The airs of autumn are now dancing from the subtly lit trees. Leaves change to the color of auburn, her color, as they come swift to the ground. I walked to school in a way that most kids never would, and I walked alone.

The trees bent high, shading the grass, and frosting it in the slightest. I had my friends to wait for me at school. They waited and waited, only to fling rocks at me, or shove garbage down my shirt. My friends would then laugh at me, and call me ugly. And then to nail the lid of my coffin shut, they would tell me they weren’t my friends.

I know why they hated me, and I will never forgive them for it. It was my chubby face. It was my bad tennis shoes that I wore all summer. It was the fact that my hair resembled a dead badger. Even though it is wrong of me to blame them, I cannot forgive them for these things.

My mother and father were deeply religious. I envied them for it, and wished that I could see the beauty in God and earth that they did. I did not believe, sadly, and was confused throughout the age of ten. I did not see it the way they did, and for that I felt somehow condemned to a life destined for hell eternal.

Gabriela is my name. I shall sign the devil’s book Gabriela C. Driftwood, and then shall stare envious as my parents relish in the supreme lifestyle of the high and mighty, who will look down with pretentious eyes and pity this soul, who could not understand Leviticus.

I crossed the schoolyard, and was tackled by two boys. One had in his hands a seed pod from a tree, which when broken open would produce the itchiest most painful welts possible. It was shoved down my back and instantly began itching. I started to scream at them, but they laughed and ran off into the building. I dropped my bag and began scratching my back. My eyes were watering from the pain, and when I went to rub them off, had rubbed the seeds into my eyes. I began sneezing, and fell to the ground out of pain. Nobody came for a solid hour.

I simply lay there crying my guts out, when finally the custodian came and rescued me, bless his bald head.

I sat in the nurse’s office, with my shirt off and my small breasts fully exposed to the empty room. The nurse had given me a wet cloth to wipe the seeds off. I felt so embarrassed by my exposure that I had locked the door, against the nurse’s wishes. I was to come out after the wiping was finished and then return to my class, after revealing who my bullies were.

I did not want to tell them. I never did, and was ridiculed even by the teachers that if I did not say, that I would be marked absent from my first class. It was no care for me, because at that moment I had decided to stab myself with the sharp knife in my parents’ kitchen drawer.

I was going to end it all that day, and there was nothing anybody could do about it. My parents would be at work until five. I would write my suicide letter, and leave it on the edge of the bed. I would kneel on the bed with the blade facing into my guts, and I would jab it deeply in. There would be pain for a moment, but then there would be silence, and then… who knows.

I walked into my class and saw someone sitting in my seat. This added to my anger. The teacher noticed this, and told the girl, “No, no, Sam. It’s the seat next to you that’s empty.”

She gasped, and stood up, then moved to the seat next to mine. I sat down with a downhearted look on my face, and paid no attention to the studies, whatever they were. I looked over at my seat partner every once in a while. She was so pretty. Her clothes were mismatched, and her hair was in even worse tatters than mine. But it was the color of her hair that got me. It was a wonderful red, like bright apples, and she had sweet dimples, and even glasses. It was an absolute shock to me when she looked over at me.

I pretended I hadn’t noticed, but inside my heart raced madly. I did not look up again for the next half hour till the recess bell rang. I wandered around the schoolyard, and soon found my hiding spot where nobody could find me. It was perfectly hidden with a thick wall, and here I could think.

It was at this wall where I learned the true art of philosophy. I would begin asking myself questions, but sadly had no one to answer them. The philosophy they teach in college is fake. This I know, because years later I would walk out of such a class. Ah! but you ask, “What of my death that day?”

There would ultimately be no death that day. For at the exact moment my mind was prepared to make it final, Sam burst around the corner, grinning at me through her glasses.

“Hi!” she chirped, “I’m Sam.” She sat down next to me, laying her backpack on its side. “What’s your name?”

“Gabriela,” I choked on the first syllable.

“I saw you walking to school this morning. My dad drove me in his truck,” she said.


“I have to walk home today, though. Dad’s working late again. He has to keep working, he says. Otherwise we lose our home.”

“I’m sorry. Doesn’t your mom work?”

“My mom died when I was little. Actually I don’t remember her. Dad said it was something like cervic cancer or something like that.” She looked at my face. “Hey, you’ve been crying. You okay, Gabriela?”

“Yeah, I’m alright.”

“It wasn’t cause I sat in your seat, was it?” She seemed worried.

“No,” I laughed.

If any irony fits, it would be the delight I had in finding her in my seat. Any other soul would have been thrown to the fire of hatred. “I was crying cause some jerks shoved itching seeds down my back.”

“Oh, those things are horrible.” She laughed a little. “Hey, can I walk home with you today? My dad’s working late, and I hate being alone for so long.”

“Oh. Um, my mom says I can’t bring any friends over to my house. I’m not s’pose to.”

“Well, let’s tell her you’re coming over to mine, then.”

“Okay.” I assumed Mom wouldn’t care much about that.

“Meet you here after school,” she smiled.

In class I began to fantasize what a friend would be like. I loved her already, but couldn’t bring myself to see it immediately. I jotted things down, as if taking notes. What I was really doing was drawing little hearts.

I found her again after school ended, standing right at the spot, as if unmoved from it since we parted. “Hi Gabby,” she said.

It was an affectionate nickname that, before this moment, I did not possess. I felt my spirit lifting upwards. We walked down the street talking. The feeling I had was powerful, and I could not figure exactly what it was. It was love. There was little doubt there. But there was a whole other emotion I had never felt.

Her house came into view. It was trailer house just on the edge of the park. She fumbled with the keys for a minute, trying to unlock the door. Once inside it occurred to me in an instant that her dad was a true sportsman. He had a beautiful painting of a horse bearing a weary hunter, or soldier, on its back, drifting off to a sunset somewhere.

Sam dropped her backpack. “Okay, so what do you wanna do?” she asked.

“Do you have any movies?” I asked.

“A few of them, but I don’t wanna watch a movie right now.”

She looked around the room. “Hey, you wanna see my dad’s magazines?”

“Magazines?” I asked.

I really did come from a sheltered life. I was under the impression that her father collected National Geographic. We went into his room, and she pulled up the mattress to reveal about seven different magazines, each with nude women on the covers. She opened one of them (one that she must have looked at hundreds of times over.)

“This one’s weird. See, it’s got two girls having sex.”

She showed it to me. Sure enough, they were having sex. Their tongues dripped all over each other in such grotesque fashion as what I never imagined. It was exciting, though, as I imagined the two of us in that sort of pose together.

“Hey, you wanna try something like that?” Sam grinned. We were obviously on the same track.

My mind was blurry, and at first I wasn’t sure how I was going to answer her. I nodded at first, and then said, “Okay, but we hafta leave our clothes on.”

“Okay,” she smiled.

She took my hand and led me to her bedroom. Once inside she closed the door and stared into my face. I was lost in her warm brown eyes. She moved in close to me and gave me a soft kiss on the mouth. “Have you ever done this before?”

“No,” I told her. “Why, what’s it like?”

“I dunno… this is my first time, too. Do you love me?” she asked seriously.

“Yeah,” I said feeling the cool breath of her mouth on mine.

We moved in a little closer, and began kissing softly at first, but soon we grew braver, and began using our tongues to part our lips. Her glasses steamed up after a minute, and she giggled, taking them off.

“Let’s sit on the bed.” She set her glasses on the nightstand, and helped me down on the bed.

We began kissing again, deeper each time, and wrapping our bodies together. Finally she reached under my shirt, rubbing my bare back softly, still kissing deeply and kinda slobbery. My hands pushed her lower back against my crotch. After nearly five minutes of this she suggested, “Do you wanna take off your clothes now?”

I was still so scared to do this in front of anybody. It was wrong! It was going to send me to hell! But I was so caught up in the moment that I nodded, and immediately took my shirt off. I got brave and started playing with the seam of her pants. My fingers worked their way in, and soon found the button to undo them.

I tugged her zipper down, and watched as her pants fell straight down, and were kicked to the floor. Her panties were pink and had Strawberry Shortcake imprinted on them. I started playing with them, and soon found my hand inside touching Sam’s little nub.

“Mmm,” I said, bringing my face forward for another deep kiss.

Her hands made their way into my pants and touched me. I’ve never felt anything so amazing since that afternoon. It was as though everything in the world was perfect. I felt a cool wave of sweat, and we completely removed each other’s clothes.

It didn’t take long from this point, because almost instantly I felt myself moving to something intense. It was indescribable when, for the first time, I had an orgasm. Every part of me went stiff for a minute as I came in waves. Sam was coming too, and I could feel the dampness turn to wetness between her legs.

We sat there living the moment of our first love session.

“Oh my god,” Sam said, panting, wiping her hair back. She smiled at me, and leaned in for another sweet kiss. “I love you, Gabby.”

I heard her words in a trance. No one, not my parents, nor my teachers, nor any boy had ever said words to me like that.

“I love you too, Sam.”