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Masturbation Methods and Timing

  • Posted on November 21, 2015 at 11:20 pm

By Cheryl Taggert

I have been lucky enough to have had sex with a number of other girls in my life. One thing I’ve found is that we all seem to have a favorite way to masturbate. Some girls love plunging fingers inside themselves, or playing with their ass while rubbing or fingering their pussies. Others are water lovers. They enjoy lying down in the tub while the faucet runs, splashing their pussies into orgasms, or they enjoy standing in pools where the filter jet pushes the water along for filtration. Still others are humpers, choosing to hump a pillow or other soft item like a stuffed toy, or maybe their own hands and fingers.

My first question to you readers is this: What is your favorite method of getting yourself off?

My next question has to do with issues of time. How old were you (approximately) when you first discovered that touching yourself felt good “down there”? How old were you (approximately if you can’t recall exactly) when you had your first self-induced orgasm? What other circumstances accompanying that event might we be interested in hearing?

As the poser of these questions, I will, of course, go first. (And to my wife, Lisa, you are REQUIRED to answer this!! No, I’m not bullshitting! Everyone will LOVE your story!)

I love to masturbate in a variety of ways, including all the ones I mentioned above, depending on my mood, but to be honest there’s something special about humping things. I love to lie on my belly and rub myself against a pillow or a stuffed animal. (Yes, I still have stuffed animals. Pooh Bear LOVES my pussy, you see.) Sometimes my fingers join in to help massage my clit to orgasm; sometimes they don’t. I’ve had Lisa video me doing this to myself, and I must say she’s right when she says I have a lovely ass, especially when it’s going up and down like that and clenching as I press my pussy into Pooh’s face or my pillow while coming.

This love of humping may stem from my earliest masturbation efforts, which I had no idea had anything to do with sex at the time. Many of you know the story of my rocking horse, Shadow, that my parents got for me Christmas the year I turned four. I loved to ride Shadow, and the longer the ride was, the better it felt. My pussy, though immature, was still capable of being stimulated by constant rubbing, which is exactly what happened. All I knew was that it felt really good “down there” when I rode Shadow long enough. It may sound odd, but when I first heard the word masturbation, I did not equate it with what I’d done years before on my rocking horse. It wasn’t until later when I had time to think about what it was and what I’d done as a small child that I realized I’d been blissfully masturbating in front of my parents all during my early childhood.

I distinctly recall two things about this. First, I remember after one lovely ride going into the bathroom and pulling my shorts and panties down to look at what my mother had always called my “po-po.” I had figured out that the pleasurable feelings emanated from there. I touched myself where the good feelings seemed to be, and recall it felt very good indeed. I was puzzled as to why this one area of my body caused such nice feelings when I rode my horse or when I touched it as I had, especially since my mother had been very clear that I was NOT to touch myself there except to bathe it or wipe myself after using the bathroom. For this reason I knew better than to ask my parents anything about this mysterious feeling I got when riding Shadow for long periods of time. It got to where I would ride for the sole reason of getting those feelings. Much later, I figured out that I could use my fingers and stuffed animals to get those same feelings. I don’t know if I would be termed sexually precocious, but I definitely had a very active clitoris that grew to be easily stimulated.

Because I got started so early with masturbation, I also achieved my first orgasm at a very young age, perhaps 5, but certainly no later than 6. I may well have had small orgasms prior to the one I can recall distinctly and count as my first, but I don’t remember any of them. As I said, it just felt very good for a long time.

Then one day I was riding Shadow and it felt…different. I was pressing my little pussy against the “saddle” (the back that had a painted saddle on it) and the small plastic horn that stuck up from the “saddle,” and the urge to push harder was not to be denied. Suddenly, the area around my pussy (which I still called my po-po until I was 8 or 9), seemed to explode into this tingling sensation that spread throughout my mid-section. It was both scary and wonderful all at the same time. I wondered if I’d hurt myself in some way. Upon inspection, however, everything seemed to still be there and I wasn’t bleeding anywhere, so I decided I’d probably be okay. After some time went by, I think I decided to ride again to see if I could have the same feelings. The memories are a bit fuzzy from that long ago. Again, I was deathly afraid to approach my mother about it, and discussing anything involving my “po-po” with my father was out of the question entirely. In any case, I did continue riding and sometimes I’d come and sometimes I wouldn’t.

By the time I was around 8, I was an accomplished masturbator. My mother caught me doing it once and nearly skinned me alive. She made me swear never to do it again (yeah, right). I just made sure I would never get caught again. I’d gotten lazy about “security” and was busy humping my pillow or a soft toy when dear old mom walked in to see my naked butt riding away on that heavenly softness. She never caught me again, and it wasn’t until later that I realized she had to know I was still doing it, but she had started knocking on my door before entering after that. It’s funny how I never equated the two events — catching me and starting to knock first — until years later. I suppose she just didn’t want to have to deal with it if she caught me again.

I’ve read about childhood masturbation, and it appears I am not as rare a case as I used to think. Doctors believe they’ve witnessed children of both sexes on sonograms in the process of masturbating and perhaps even reaching a small climax while still in the womb, based on the shudder that follows such actions. Mothers have reported catching their toddlers happily masturbating away, and have even caught them in the throes of an orgasm, based on descriptions told to doctors. Most of these stories involve young girls. I’m sure boys have done this as well, but someone once told me that a little boy’s penis won’t remain hard for long. I have no experience with that, but it does seem that little girls are more capable of orgasms at such a young age.

Of course, like me, these children have zero concept of this being anything about sex. To them it just feels good. I can attest to that. When I was 4, 5, and 6, riding Shadow simply felt good “down there” where I was forbidden to touch, though the forbidding of doing so never seemed to stick in my case…and hopefully not in a lot of other cases I know must be out there still.

All I know is I would tell my daughter, “Go ahead, sweetie! Rub it to your heart’s content!”

So, how about you folks? This question is for both males and females, by the way!


Another Good Author

  • Posted on October 24, 2015 at 8:50 am

Poppabear said… 

Here’s another good author, with another great chapter!

I know that we have splendid authors here who offer us delightful tales of incestuous sisters, daughters, and mothers as well as exciting little lovers who are devoted to their adult partners.

Well, I am here to tell you of the latest chapter from another such author about two wonderful lovers.

Way way down in the bottom right corner of this page, in the list of chapters, comments, archives and other authors, just at the foot of the list you will discover The World of Letoria.

There will be many of you who’ve been there already – great place – but you need to get back there now, or for the first time (Oh, you are lucky if it’s your first time).

Letoria has just added chapter 16 to the story of Karen and Laci.

There are great sex scenes all over this site, but Letoria is as good as any one of your favourite authors. Definitely a ‘no panties’ session, girls, and a big fluffy towel would also be a good idea, and boys, this one is guaranteed to score a big one.

Enjoy, guys.


Neutral Depictions of Pedophilia

  • Posted on September 21, 2015 at 8:22 am

kraM asks…

Are there neutral depictions of pedophilia in mainstream media?

I’m wondering who has seen in the movies or on TV or in a book or magazine depictions of pedophiles that weren’t negative. Maybe not necessarily positive, but also not negative — just neutral.

I have two examples:

Game of Thrones. In its last season, there was a scene of a guy at a brothel. He’s choosing his woman and he kept asking for someone younger. Eventually it was understood that he wanted a pre-puberty girl. His colleagues with him didn’t seem to be bothered by this; it seemed like it was a common request of his. This guy does get killed later, but not because of his choice in girls. (GoT also features neutral depictions of incest.)

Boardwalk Empire is another, even better example. One of the main characters is the son of a woman who gave birth to him when she was 13. The father was a much older man. The last season presents flashbacks to this time. The soon-to-be father is the mayor of the town. He is seen unambiguously enjoying the company of young girls (we also see a colleague who is well aware of his activities and doesn’t interfere). The man is shown to select a young 12-year-old girl during some contest among other girls her age. The show never makes what he does a negative thing, nor into something he suffered for later in life, though it does show the girl as a grown woman pretty much losing her mind. But this isn’t necessarily correlated to her early sexual experiences. (Oh, and this show also depicts incest in a neutral way — what’s the deal with HBO?)

So, are there any other examples you can think of?


Coming of Age Films

  • Posted on August 21, 2015 at 7:28 am

babykeiko asks…

Does anyone have a recommended list of foreign coming of age films?

I seem to recall a post somewhere (on the Story Friends Board?) about foreign coming of age films like those from the makers of Kids or Bilitis or Beau Pere, all of which I have watched online with red cheeks. Can anyone point me in the direction of such a list or source? I hope someone remembers!


A Moment for ‘C’

  • Posted on July 15, 2015 at 1:37 pm

Kelly Ann says…

After reading JetBoy’s announcement about the LL archive, I think that we as readers and fans of Lesbian Lolita should take a moment or two to wish ‘C’ a healthful recovery and reflect on what that site has meant to us.

I discovered Leslita about four years ago. I can’t remember how I stumbled upon it, but I did. I had been reading erotica for a few months and seemed to be seeking more and more in the lesbian genre. I particularly liked stories where a more experienced woman would seduce a curious younger girl. When I read the first few paragraphs of whatever the first story was, I closed the computer and locked the doors and waited for the the authorities to come and arrest me. Of course I exaggerate just a bit. I went back many, many times over the years. It not only opened my imagination but liberated me in knowing that these stories weren’t just being written for me, but for so many others who enjoy such erotica.

This blog reflects life. We recently celebrated a wedding joyously, and now an important member of our community has health issues that are serious enough to have her stop doing a labor of her love. Let’s let her know how much we love her for what she gave us.


Common Interests

  • Posted on July 4, 2015 at 10:00 am

Kelly Ann asks…

How would you approach a friend or family member if you thought they might share such interests as ours?

In reading comments made by other fans of this site, I’m struck at how often we seem relieved that there is a place to go to explore our fantasies. I know that until I found Nifty and Lesbian Lolita, I felt a bit of an outsider with some of my feelings and fantasies. But now that so many have responded, it is a relief to know I’m not!

I’m wondering how many of us would love to have someone in our life to share our common interests with… and how would you approach a friend or family member if you thought they might share such interests as ours?

For those lucky enough to have someone to share these feelings, how did you approach them? Has anyone ever thought they could share such interests only to find that the person they thought they could confide in really was not interested in such things? How did that turn out?


Pushing the Envelope

  • Posted on July 1, 2015 at 9:57 am

JetBoy asks…

When did you cross a line, sexually, and how did you feel about it?

In the strange, uncharted territory of our sex lives, we share some pretty memorable experiences — some magic, some tragic, some delightfully nasty — just as the characters in sex stories do.

What I find most interesting as an erotic author is that dramatic instant where a character steps out of her comfort zone, allowing herself to explore something new, unfamiliar, and perhaps a little scary. In erotic fiction, these moments are often what gives a story its most intense excitement… and in real life, such incidents can affect you in a big way, whether for good or for ill.

Thus my first question, for the ladies only (this being a female-themed site, after all): when, if at all, did you cross a line sexually, trying something for the first time that you felt nervous, uncertain or simply curious about? Did the experience leave you ecstatic, satisfied, indifferent, regretful… or unsure, really, of how you felt?

My second question is for those of you who write erotic stories, including my two beloved comrades at Juicy Secrets: when, if ever, did you tackle a sexual theme or practice in your writing that you hadn’t explored before; something that took you outside the realm of the comfortable? Were you happy with the results?

This topic may require some reflection, but I do hope that you take the time to indulge. There are some fascinating ideas to delve into here.