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The Museum

  • Posted on March 23, 2025 at 4:23 pm

by kinkys_sis

I was doing my usual thing, wandering aimlessly around the museum, something I’d been doing almost every Saturday for two years. My dad had got me a season ticket after he added up how much time and money I was spending there.

Now and then, I’d stop at an exhibit and get my drawing pad and pencils out. At seventeen, I was already an accomplished sketch artist. I’d done several hundred sketches, many drawn in the museum over time.

My friends thought my hobby was kind of weird. Some might even say nerdy. But I didn’t let it bother me. It’s what I like to do, and I’m not sure which gave me more pleasure, the drawing itself or the knowledge I was building up. Or maybe I just enjoyed being in my own little world.

Today, they were unveiling a new painting in the Egyptian section. I had an hour to kill beforehand, ample time to draw whatever struck me. I loved all the museum exhibits, but lately I found myself drawn to the Egyptian collection. I couldn’t give you any particular reason, but more and more, it’s where I’d end my Saturday visits. It was said some found the Egyptian rooms rather foreboding, even scary, but I never had. Besides the wonderful artwork, it was the history and the many unanswered questions about the ancient world that intrigued me.

I’d read a small piece in the Times about the treasures of this previously unknown princess. There’d been quite a stir when her tomb was discovered a couple of years ago, right about the time I’d started haunting the museum. Then political turmoil erupted in the Middle East — again — and the Egyptian authorities accepted the British Museum’s offer to bring the treasures to England for safekeeping. A team of Egyptian antiquities experts accompanied the many artefacts and worked with a British team, carrying on their research out of harm’s way. Little else had been released to the public.

For a few weeks now, I’d become aware of a woman who appeared to be watching me. I wasn’t sure whether it was my imagination or not. I mean, why would anyone want to keep their eyes on insignificant me? I’d guessed it must be some kind of coincidence. But now I saw her again. Not actually looking directly at me, but sort of hovering nearby for no reason I could see.

I’d seen her so often that I knew her face well enough for my pencil to fly over my pad from memory. I only needed an odd glance to check a feature as I drew.

She looked to be somewhere in her late thirties. Definitely not English, but exactly what her origins might have been, I hadn’t a clue. She always looked very formal in a business suit, her skirt long enough to cover her knees but tight enough to show off her beautiful figure. Her hair was usually tied in a small bun on top of her head, as it was today. She wore only light traces of makeup, except for her eyes, which were quite sharply highlighted in a very non-European way. When I next glanced back to where she’d been standing, I found she’d disappeared. But I’d gotten enough to finish the sketch. I only needed one of my softer pencils to add shading and bring the drawing to life.

I looked closely at the finished picture. It reminded me of something or someone, but what or who, I couldn’t bring to mind. It was a puzzle.


I must have dallied too long, for the hall was crowded when I got there. I wasn’t going to see much unless I forced my way through. But I doubted anyone would mind a girl my age making room for herself. So, with the occasional excuse me and the odd squeeze and push, I eventually made my way to the rope at the front.

The picture was still covered with a curtain. A fairly large group of important-looking people stood nearby, chatting amongst themselves. A number of them were clearly not English, and I was startled to see the woman from my sketch standing to one side. I thought I saw the merest trace of a smile when she saw me … but maybe not.

A hush settled over the crowd as one of the dignitaries prepared to unveil the painting. I had no idea what to expect, for little had been given away. There’d been a preview in the Times, but it offered few details. All it said was the portrait might be the most accurate depiction to date of an ancient Egyptian ruler and would serve as the centrepiece of an exhibition set to open in a few months’ time. It was all a bit vague to me, but I was intrigued.

I held my breath in anticipation as this guy took hold of the red-velvet cord. He paused, keeping us waiting as he revelled in his brief moment of glory. The curtain snagged when he finally pulled. He grimaced before giving another tug, and the curtain dropped away. There was a collective gasp when the woman, or girl, was revealed. It was a stunning picture, a lifelike image of one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen.

The guy was speaking into a microphone. I missed half of what he said, captivated as I was by the face that gazed back at me. Mixed thoughts filled my mind. Astonishment at such beauty. I marvelled at the skill of the artist, how she had breathed such life into a painting. I also imagined I saw a hint of sadness. Perhaps it was in her eyes. I felt myself drawn into them. Why was she sad? Or was I only imagining it? I also realised that she vaguely resembled the woman whose picture I’d just drawn.

I jerked back to catch the end of the guy’s remarks. He was at the point of telling us that research into the sarcophagus and other artifacts was ongoing. What sarcophagus? I’d missed that bit. It seemed there was already a growing but intense debate as to who the subject of the portrait really was. She was clearly someone of importance, whose sarcophagus had been made of solid gold. Many other wonders were still being catalogued. But it was already being claimed that, in terms of historical importance and sheer monetary value, the hoard was second only to that of Tutankhamun.

The guy then told us a little about the artist, a woman by the name of Amunet Kamal, who had been called back to Egypt suddenly and could not be with us that day. Though Miss Kamal had a free hand in using her imagination, he said, she’d also worked in close collaboration with — and here he gestured toward my mystery woman — one of the specialists involved in the research.

“Professor Lassat of the Cairo Museum will provide us with a bit of perspective.”

My sketch subject stepped forward, accepting the microphone.

“Thank you all for your interest and your attendance here today,” she began. “I have been working on this project since the tomb was discovered. It was some time ago that we established that the occupant of the sarcophagus was a previously unknown princess by the name of Harsiese. The research so far leads us to believe that her father was the Pharaoh Hor-Aha from the thirty-first century BC. There is much debate surrounding this pharaoh. Indeed, little is known about him.”

She gestured toward the painting. “You might wonder, then, how such a lifelike portrait can be produced. It was common among the Romans for the nobility or the wealthy to have death masks made of their deceased loved ones. It was not previously known in Egypt. But it is what they did with Harsiese. Beneath the golden mask we found a death mask, an exact image of her, which was used by the artist to produce this painting.”

The guy in charge of the proceedings looked at his watch somewhat pointedly. The professor noticed it and said only a few more words before handing the microphone back to him. He thanked everyone for attending and abruptly brought things to a close.

It was all over, and slowly the crowd thinned. The rope barrier was removed and a long bench put in its place. I sat for a while with a few other visitors, and I recalled the sudden chill that had made me shiver at the mention of her name. Harsiese. But why?

Over and over, my gaze was drawn back to her eyes. Gradually, I lost all awareness of anyone else. There was just me and the girl — for I’d decided she was in fact little more than a girl and not quite a grown woman. Perhaps a year or two older than myself.

I jumped in fright when a hand took hold of my shoulder. Awareness flooded back and my head snapped around, and there was Professor Lassat.

“It’s almost closing time,” she said. “You’ve been staring at her for more than two hours. You haven’t moved once. I kept watching you to make sure you were all right. But now you have to go. I expect I’ll see you next week as usual.”

I was struggling to get my brain working. Two hours! I had no idea. It seemed like only minutes since I’d sat down. Her hand was still on my shoulder as I went to stand. The room spun, my legs felt weak, and I felt myself falling. But then her hands steadied me.

“Perhaps you should sit a minute to recover. I’ll call security to tell them we’re still here. Take your time.” Then she spoke quietly into a small, phone-like device.

I wasn’t listening to her. I was staring back at the girl. What had happened? Where had I been? I felt like she’d spoken to me, but of course, that was impossible. She was a painting, not a person.

I got up from my seat and walked towards her. Her eyes seemed to lead me on. I felt myself drowning again, trembling under a wave of sadness.

Professor Lassat approached from behind. I could feel her body just brushing against mine. She raised a hand and gently touched my cheek. “You feel her, don’t you? Does she speak to you? I must know. Tell me what you feel. What do you hear?”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure,” I replied. “It’s like she’s trying to tell me something, but I can’t catch what. I know she’s not happy. No, it’s more than that. She’s deeply sad. Angry, even.”

The woman brought her lips to my ear and whispered, “Look deep into her eyes and let yourself go. Let her thoughts come through. I believe that you might be the one. Let her speak to you.”

I barely heard her last words, though I was vaguely aware of her hand dropping from my cheek and circling my body, holding me tight.

“Listen,” she repeated. I relaxed my body, feeling safe with this woman holding me.

It was an alien language when the girl spoke, yet I understood: “Is it you? Have you come? I have waited so long. And wondered. Where were you? Why were you not here when I needed you? I cannot hear or see you, but I feel your presence. Come back to me.”

My mind reeled. How could I both hear and understand her? It wasn’t possible. Yet she knew me. How could that be, with thousands of years between us?

I felt a brief flash of anger from her, then genuine anguish. “You cannot have forgotten me. You promised, and I have waited, knowing one day you would come. Now…” The voice trailed off.

It made no sense. I hadn’t spoken, yet she’d read my mind, or so it seemed. Unless I was going mad. Then I had a thought. Why had I always been drawn to this section of the museum? It hadn’t ever been a conscious decision, but there had never been a doubt I would be here for the unveiling.

“You are not mad,” the voice said. “Yes, I hear your thoughts. Not always clearly. You are far away. You doubt that I know you. Yet I feel the raised mark beneath your right breast — where it always has been.”

I felt the touch of fingers under my clothes. They softly caressed the small, raised area, grazing the bare flesh.

“You see, it is there.” The thought came from the girl, but the voice seemed to be coming from the woman behind me.

The sadness on the face in the picture seemed to change. It gave me a small smile. “I touch you now as I have so many times before. Feel me, you know it is me, your Harsiese.”

Once more, the name startled me. For the briefest moment, I didn’t think I’d ever heard it before Lassat had mentioned it, yet I knew it. “Harsiese,” I whispered, “is it you?”

The fog in my mind seemed to clear. Her face swirled before me. Her arms reached out. “Come, Iput,” she said. “Come back to me.”

Hands caressed my breasts. The nipples came to life under manipulating fingers. I felt the warmth of her love as I fell into her arms. The familiar warmth of her body beneath my searching touch. “How I’ve missed you, my love. Touch me, remind me of how you make me feel,” I beseeched her.

Then a hand pressed between my legs. Fingers curled upwards, and I surrendered to the familiar sensation. I felt only love as she brought her lips towards mine. We kissed with a mounting passion. “Harsiese, my Harsiese,” I gasped.

I pressed close to her, one hand going to her breasts, the other moving up between her legs until I found that place where I knew how to drive her mad with my probing fingers.

I heard her hiss as she jerked and writhed. First one finger… then two… now three. The slippery and creamy moisture oozing from her eased the way.

She was doing the same to me. My hips thrust down hard on the fingers that penetrated my cunt. Centuries of pent-up frustration were released as we fucked each other. It was almost violent the way we made love. In unison, we plied each other’s clits, squeezed breasts, pulled nipples, bit each other’s lips.

Release came in a headlong rush. Then I was reaching, ever higher, for that final glorious moment. I heard myself screaming out, in a language I shouldn’t have known, Fuck me harder — now!

Slowly, I came back from the dizzying heights I had reached. The woman was standing in front of me, smiling sympathetically. “Are you alright? You gave me a bit of a fright for a minute. It was like you were having a fit.”

I could only stare at her, digesting the meaning of her question. Then: “You mean… you didn’t… it wasn’t you?”

She looked puzzled. “It wasn’t me what?”

“We didn’t just … do things together. You know…”

She didn’t answer the question, but instead said, “I knew it. You are the one she’s been waiting for. You’ve spoken to her, haven’t you? And perhaps you’re suggesting more.”

I couldn’t take it in. It made no sense at all. It must have been her. Yet, she didn’t have a hair out of place, whilst I felt I’d been well and truly fucked.

“I don’t understand. Who are you?” I asked her.

“Come, let me show you something.”

She took my hand and led me to the far end of the gallery. There she pressed a series of numbers into a keypad, and a hidden door, indistinguishable from the wall to either side of it, swung inward. I followed behind. The door closed of its own accord as I gasped at the sight of the many objects resting on tables and standing on the floor. Everything seemed to be made of gold. But it was the sarcophagus, dominating the room, that drew my attention.

The ornately carved lid had been removed and placed on a large table. Lassat watched me as I slowly walked towards it. My fingers traced the carved hieroglyphics: Herein lies the Princess Harsiese. Beloved daughter of Hor-Aha. Now gone to the God Horus of her own free will. May Horus cherish her as did I. It was a shock to realise I had understood what was said.

I turned back towards the sarcophagus. Lassat spoke quietly as I approached, in the same strange language I’d heard from the portrait. Yet, again, I understood every word. “As I swore on oath, Harsiese, I have found her, and I have brought her to you.”

I looked at the golden face mask and again, the world seemed to spin. There was only a dim light, a shrouding mist, and then the scent of perfume. A perfume I knew well, though I had never encountered it in this life.

“It is you, Iput. I see you clearly now. You have come back to me.”

I saw her. Her utter beauty. The joy on her face as she climbed from the sarcophagus, stepping lightly to the floor. Her hands reaching out. “Come to me.”

This couldn’t be real. Yet I felt her arms around me, pulling me close. The warmth of her naked body, the softness of her lips on mine. The kiss I was so familiar with. I knew her legs would open even before they did, that she would thrust herself against my thigh. It was how she had often welcomed me into her arms.

Harsiese leaned her head back. Her eyes flashing as she gazed into mine. “My juices flow as they always have when you are with me. Do you feel them, Iput?”

Her hips undulated, rubbing hard against me. And indeed, I felt the warm trickle down my leg. I spoke in her tongue, though I couldn’t understand how it was possible. “Yes, my Princess, I feel them. My heart rejoices that I am here to pleasure you. Kiss me again.”

The kiss grew wilder as she humped her pussy on my thigh. I waited, knowing the moment was fast approaching. She jerked once, arching on her toes. Then her hands pressed down on my shoulders. It was time. I sank to my knees and pressed my mouth to the wetness between her thighs. Her pussy lips were demanding as they slithered over my probing tongue. I drew her enlarged clit between my lips. She wailed and shrieked and writhed. Her fingers entwined in my hair as she clasped me tightly to her cunt, stammering through clenched teeth, “N… now, my sweet Iput … love me!”

My fingers gripped the glorious globes of her arse. I sucked hard at her clit, then worked my tongue as fast as I was able. She responded as if possessed by demons, juddering hard as her wail grew louder, until it suddenly cut off. Her pussy pulsed, pouring her nectar into my mouth.

I looked up towards her face. Her expression was one of total rapture. She pulled me to my feet and back into her arms. “Iput, I love you so deeply it pains me.” Her kiss was gentle now, and loving. I brimmed with joy. I was complete again.

She broke the kiss and took half a step back, though she held my hands. “They took you away from me. That was not your fault. Yet somehow, here you are. You’ve come back.”

She drew me down to lie between the piles of cushions that littered the floor. For the first time I realised my clothes had gone, although I couldn’t remember how or when it happened. We lay naked, our bodies pressed together in each other’s arms.

“Too much time has passed,” she said. “My sadness breaks my heart. I hated them all, my father included, for taking you from me. But most of all, I hated them for not letting me say goodbye to you.”

I pressed a finger to her lips. “My Princess, my love, I am here now. We are together again.”

Harsiese smiled, but the sadness returned in a moment. “You are only here, my sweet, so that we can say goodbye. A goodbye on our own terms. You always knew the time would come when I would have to go to my resting place within my chambers deep underground, beneath the monument they built for me. It is now that time.”

Once more, I asked what I knew in my heart was a futile question. “Is there nothing that can be done? Why must they take you away? Surely there’s—”

She stilled my lips with her fingers. “There is nothing to be done, my sweet Iput. I knew it from the day my younger brother was born. I had been the rightful heir to the throne, which was something the priests, and my own father, violently opposed. A female pharaoh was not acceptable. It could not be conceived. It was made even worse when they discovered that I had taken you — a young serving girl — as my lover. It was my choice to offer myself to the gods and to die this way. Tonight, you must run. They must not find you for they will surely kill you. Go far away. I have left gold, enough for you to lead the life you want.”

Hot tears ran down my cheeks. What she said was true, but I had dreaded this day. “But cannot I come with you? I would gladly die if it were in your arms. Is it not possible?”

“No, Iput, it is not possible. The priests will not allow it. My last command was for my high priestess, Lassat, to find you, to bring you to me for this one final meeting before we say farewell. She has done as I commanded, and here you are. I would ask that you reward her for her centuries of searching. She has devoted her life to bringing us together again.

“It is almost time. You just made love to me. Now I will love you this one last time.”


I was on my hands and knees, sobbing uncontrollably. Lassat held me tightly and whispered, “Calm yourself, little one. It is done. She’s gone.”

I wailed even louder in response to those words. She held me even more firmly. Her warmth seemed to flow into my body, calming me. I stopped shaking and looked up at her.

“You are Lassat, but … are you then the same Lassat that Harsiese spoke of? How can that be?”

“Yes, I am she. Do not concern yourself with the how, only that it is so.” She helped me to my feet. “Will you come with me? Let’s say our final farewell. I will never come here again. My task is done.”

I followed her to the sarcophagus and, side by side, we looked down at her. Like most mummies, her bandages had rotted and fallen away. I was thankful that the masks hid her face. A jewelled dagger was clasped in her hands. I knew then how she had died. It struck me as strange that they had left her holding the dagger when they mummified her. Perhaps because it was the instrument that took her to her god.

Something sparkled between her fingers. Lassat reached in and carefully extracted a tiny ring. “I believe this belongs to you,” she said.

I lifted my right hand and gasped. My own ring — a ring I had worn for years — was not there. It was that same ring that Lassat now passed to me. I couldn’t understand how it had got to be in Harsiese’s grasp, only that it had. Lassat slipped it back onto my finger.

The ring had always been a mystery. No one, not even my mother, knew where it came from, but it had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, when I was a baby. “Do you know how I came to have the ring?” I asked. “Here in the present, I mean.”

“No. All I know is that Harsiese gave it to you when you became lovers.”

I took both of Harsiese’s hands in my own. “Goodbye, my dearest love,” I whispered. I swear I felt her hands tremble beneath my touch. The mask on her face seemed to glow. I knew she was content. At last, she was at rest.

I turned towards the door and Lassat came with me. “Harsiese told me that I must reward you,” she said. “But how?”

Her face took on a smile that showed off her ageless beauty. I marvelled at the splendour of it.

“My work here is over. There is much I could tell them, but I choose not to. I did not want the tomb discovered. There was nothing I could do to prevent it, and yet it has led me to you. My princess asked me to look after you. It’s all I have now — to make you happy again if you’ll let me.”

I was puzzled. I didn’t need looking after. I had a home and a family. But I saw the pleading in her eyes, the tremble of her lips. Then I knew. She had loved her princess. Now she would love me.

All my feelings of sadness drained away. I held out my hand to her.

“Shall we go now?” I asked.

We paused at the painting on our way out. She was smiling now, just as I was. I held up my sketch of Lassat and compared it to the portrait. The resemblance was now obvious, but what did it mean?

Lassat smiled. “You see it, don’t you, the likeness?”

“Yes, I do. But why?”

“I am her mother.”

My mind did a somersault. I tried to make sense of what she’d just told me. But I knew it was too much for me to comprehend. It was enough that she was here.

“And you and I?”

“Is it not obvious? In time, we will be lovers.”

I wondered how I would explain the sudden appearance of this woman to my parents. Something told me Lassat would have the answer.

For several months, my visits to the museum continued. I would sit in front of the portrait and think of Harsiese. She never spoke to me again. She was no longer there. At the same time, the pain in my heart faded, and my love for Lassat grew stronger by the day.


The portrait of Harsiese gazed down at us from our living room wall. After a few years the relics had all been returned to Egypt. The museum had put the portrait into storage. Eventually we put in an offer to buy it from them, and they accepted.

“Lassat, for almost twenty years you haven’t aged at all,” I told her. “Until maybe the last couple. Now, we’re getting older together. I won’t ask how this is possible. I doubt you really know. All I do know is it’s made our life together perfect.”

“I think perhaps I do know,” she said. “Harsiese committed herself to the god Horus. I suspect he has had a hand in this. Our family name — Hor-Aha, is derived from Horus. We were, and I still am, very close to the god. He has looked out for you and me.”

“I was about to say that the Egyptian gods, they don’t really exist. But maybe they do!”

“There is one question I know has crossed your mind, but you’ve never asked. Yes, Harsiese and I were lovers before she found you. I did not mind that she took a lover of her own age. I was happy as long as she was. That’s all that mattered to me. That you and I would then become lovers was what she wanted. You have been my reward for the years of searching, the anguish of failure, until at last success. Harsiese has found peace, and so have I. I’ve also found true love. And I know you are happy. What more could we want?”

I reached out to her and drew her into my arms. We kissed deeply until… we both froze. The clear sound of a chuckle could be heard. We turned and stared at Harsiese. Her expression had changed yet again, perhaps to one of amused innocence.

The End


Ripples, Chapter 42

  • Posted on March 18, 2025 at 3:24 pm

A (formerly) brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the story, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this saga, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)

Divorced mother Jessica has found a new identity as a lesbian, becoming the lover of her friend Rachel, as well as her three daughters Alice (12), Katie (9), and Poppy (7). At the same time, Rachel has found sexual intimacy with her own girls Bella (12) and Cindy (10), and they have all elected to come together as one big incestuous family.

Not long after that, Jessica’s younger sister Laura pays an unexpected visit and catches them all in the midst of their first family orgy. Despite her shock at what she saw, Laura was seduced later that night by the three youngest daughters, and eventually ends up joining in the family festivities.

Jess has an openly gay friend named Stella. She has twin daughters named Sienna and Lacey (both fourteen) who have flirted shamelessly with Jessica and her oldest daughter Alice. Alice suspects that the twins are sexually involved with their mother Stella, who she is very much attracted to herself.

As it transpires, Stella and her daughters are members of a secret society of local women who enjoy lesbian sex — especially with younger girls, including their daughters. Now that Jess has officially come out in her relationship with Rachel, Stella is looking to bring her, Rachel and both their families into the Society.

Stella lays her cards on the table: she suspects Jess and Rachel of having incestuous relations with one or more of their girls, and proposes bringing their combined families together for a sex party (though she has yet to tell Jess anything about the Society just yet). Jess is open to the idea, and tentative plans are made.

In the meantime, Jess and Laura’s mother Ann has just returned from a lengthy sea cruise. Laura informs her sister of a secret their mum told her: that she herself has recently explored lesbian sex with a much younger woman. This gets Jess thinking about the possibility of getting Ann to join in their incestuous relationship. She, Laura and Rachel discuss the idea, where they are overheard by Jessica’s seven-year-old daughter Poppy, who is intrigued by the possibility of sex with her grandmother.

When Ann arrives, Jess informs her mother that she is in a committed relationship with Rachel, and now considers herself gay. Ann is delighted for her daughter, especially since she already knows and likes Rachel. Later that night, Ann tells Jess about her night of passion with Gina, a woman in her twenties who she met online by accidentally visiting the Woman Seeking Woman page at on online dating site.

Later, when she is tucked up in bed, Ann masturbates while remembering her sexual encounter with Gina. But we soon learn that she later had a second sexual encounter with a woman, one she has yet to speak of to her daughters, with a French woman named Colette who she’d met on her ocean cruise.

Ann recalls one very special encounter with Colette. They were in bed and making love when Ann glanced up to see her partner’s eleven-year-old daughter Coralie standing in the entrance, watching them fuck. Colette didn’t notice the girl’s presence, but Ann was mesmerized — and turned on, in spite of herself.

The next day, Ann was approached by Coralie, who briefly exposed herself, then admitted that she was attracted to women, especially her own mother. Ann was shocked, but promised to keep the girl’s secret. Later, Ann brings herself to orgasm remembering that time with Colette – and Coralie.

The next morning, Ann is awakened by her granddaughter Poppy, who she will be looking after that day while Jess takes Alice and Katie to the dentist. After awhile, Ann notices the seven-year-old behaving in a very strange way. First, while reading, she notices that the child is naked beneath her skirt and surreptitiously rubbing her bare slit. Taken aback, she decides to take a bath, which is interrupted by Poppy, who insists on sharing the tub with her grandmother and soaping her breasts.

When Jess returns with the older girls, she has a stern chat with Poppy after Ann mentions having bathed with her. But when Poppy asks for a kiss, Jess can’t resist the chance to go down on her little girl.

Later that night, Jess phones her sister Laura, asking her to keep an eye on Poppy the next day. Laura will be looking after the girls while Jess and Rachel are on a one-night trip to London. The sisters end up having a very stimulating round of phone sex before turning in for the night.

The London trip is a rousing success for Rachel and Jess. During their stay in a posh hotel, they end up having a sex party with Dominique, an Asian friend of Rachel’s who runs a sex shop and loves to demonstrate the toys she sells, and Valentina, a Slovenian immigrant who works as a maid in the hotel. She delivers a bottle of champagne to the room and is subsequently enticed into her first lesbian experience.

Meanwhile, back home, Ann and her daughter Laura are having a frank late night discussion about lesbian sex. They both turn in, and a very aroused Ann is about to fondle herself to orgasm when Laura knocks. She doesn’t feel like being alone, and asks if they can share a bed. Ann agrees, but is surprised when Laura strips naked before getting beneath the blanket, claiming she always sleeps that way.

Ann awakens a few hours later. Laura is sleeping soundly, so Ann takes the opportunity to masturbate. But in spite of her efforts to avoid waking her daughter, she gets a shock when Laura takes over and begins to finger her. Ann is so overwhelmed by arousal and surprise that she allows herself to be seduced. Giving in to impulse, Ann lets Laura go down on her, then returns the favor.

Afterwards, Ann is more confused than ever, but can’t deny how good the sex was. In fact, they are on the verge of making love again when they are interrupted by a certain girl of seven. It’s Poppy, who is thrilled to bits to see her aunt and grandmother naked and in bed together. Quickly removing her nightie, the nude child asks permission to join them.

Now that Poppy has let the cat out of the bag, Laura is forced to confess everything to her mother — all the incestuous activities Jess and Rachel’s families have been indulging in for the last few months. Ann is appalled, yet fascinated, and can’t help but stay and watch as Poppy performs oral on her aunt. Then, before Ann knows it, Poppy is between her legs, licking her to a massive orgasm. Afterwards, Laura hints that Ann should pleasure her granddaughter the same way, but Ann can’t bring herself to go that far.

They settle down, the three of them… and though Ann is buffeted by all kinds of crazy, confused emotions, she somehow manages to fall asleep.

And that, dear readers, is where this installment kicks off. Read on…

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

As the morning light found Ann Clark’s eyelids, they fluttered open until the red 7:15 of the bedside clock came into focus. There was a narrow column of light on the wall, the sun insinuating itself through a slight opening in the curtains. Funny, she mused. I thought I left those open.

The weight and warmth of another body against hers prompted a sudden, shocking awareness that she was not alone in bed… and the memory of the previous night came back in a dizzying rush.

She turned from the clock to be greeted by the naked form of her youngest granddaughter. Poppy lay on her front, partially draped over her – one arm strewn across Ann’s midriff and a leg hooked over hers, the child’s knee resting near Ann’s vulva. Her left hand was lightly pinned lay beneath Poppy’s thin frame, and she soon became aware that the girl’s pubis was touching her knuckles. Glancing over her shoulder, Ann saw her equally naked daughter Laura, dozing soundly.

A delicious warm glow rippled through her as she recalled the pleasure these two angels had given her mere hours ago, then the reality of the situation brought on a wave of uneasiness.

My God, I had sex with my daughter… then with my granddaughter! It almost feels like a dream. But it wasn’t. How does one deal with something like this in the cold light of day?

Not wanting to risk awakening Poppy by freeing her arm, Ann used the right hand to rub her eyes, then took a moment to study her sleeping granddaughter. She recalled how the little minx had begged for a kiss — a real kiss, like you just gave Auntie Laura

Ann traced her lips with a fingertip as she remembered Poppy’s far from childish kiss. Her mouth was so soft and sweet, and the way her tongue played with mine… I’ve never had a kiss quite like it. 

And who taught her to kiss that way? she wondered. One of her sisters? Laura? Maybe… Jess? She pictured it: her eldest daughter, still fairly new to the lesbian lifestyle, cradling her little girl, both of them naked. Their mouths were playing lovely games together, tongues flickering back and forth, mother and daughter exchanging whispered words of love between kisses.

Why was she thinking like this? More to the point, why did this image of Jessica and Poppy cause a deep-banked warmth to pulse beneath her belly? Out of nowhere, Laura’s words from earlier echoed in her head: We want to make you part of this. We all do. 

It put Ann in mind of her conversation with Coralie; when the young French girl told Ann how much she wanted to have sex with her mother. The child even expressed a desire to join Colette and Ann while they were making love. Instead, Coralie had masturbated while watching them fuck, unbeknownst to her mum. Confronted by the girl’s longings, Ann was shocked, yet oddly aroused. Since then, she’d wondered more than once if she ought to have said something to dissuade Coralie from such thoughts.

After last night, the thought of Coralie and her mother entwined in an intimate embrace didn’t seem so terrible, especially after what she’d done with Laura. But the invitation for her to join this “Family Fuck Club,” as Poppy had called it… that was a step too far.

Or so she’d thought, just a few hours ago.

Now, in the light of day, Ann found herself wondering: what was it like to have sex with one’s entire family?

When Laura told her about what Jess, Rachel and their daughters had got up to, she’d mentioned catching them all in a full-on orgy. Laura was just about to describe what she saw, but Ann quickly made her stop. Now I’m curious, she admitted to herself. What could it have been like? How would I have responded, had it been me who caught them in the act?

Christ, what if I dropped by next week and found them all at it? Ann shivered at the thought. They’d want me to strip off and join in! My formal initiation into The Family Fuck Club.

She sighed. Then again, haven’t I already been initiated, in a way? First, I had sex with my daughter… oh, I fought it at first, but ended up giving in. God, she’s an incredible lover! If it was just with her, I could see myself maybe going to bed with Laura again, incest or not.

But then Poppy joined us… and my entire bloody world got turned inside out. I actually let my seven-year-old granddaughter go down on me! No point in lying to myself – I’m already halfway to joining this club, whether I intended to or not.

Turning onto her side, Ann studied the two naked bodies, now illuminated by fragments of golden sunlight: the gentle curve of Poppy’s pert little bum, then Laura’s leg, bent enough to expose her shaven mound.

A sudden rush of warmth went through Ann at the sight. The image of Poppy nestled between her legs was still vivid, enough to feel as if it had just happened. She closed her eyes to picture it. Her eyes shining with love, nose buried in my pubes, Poppy’s lovely little tongue working its magic… 

Then there was that kiss she gave me. Ann absently palmed a breast as she remembered the taste of the child’s mouth, the softness of Poppy’s lips. I wouldn’t mind kissing her like that again. 

A twinge of guilt made itself felt as Ann thought about how she’d refused to return the pleasure Poppy had given her. She didn’t perform oral on Gina, her first lesbian partner, out of uncertainty, but she’d repaid Colette’s loving in kind, going down on the woman and discovering she enjoyed it. That was someone she’d only known for days, yet she hadn’t allowed herself to bestow that love on her own granddaughter.

Of course, the fact that Poppy IS my granddaughter, not to mention only seven, is a very good reason not to perform a sexual act on her. And yet… damn it all, I did it with my own daughter! And Laura was absolutely right – I didn’t put up much resistance. 

So, honestly… would it really be that much worse if I chose to love my granddaughter in the same way? 

Glancing down at Poppy again, admiring the child’s nudity. Ann felt a stirring in her loins. It would make her happy. Isn’t that what I’ve always wanted for the girls?

Poppy’s slit was still resting against the top of Ann’s hand. She felt her pulse begin to accelerate as she pressed that hand into the mattress, rotating her wrist slowly so as not to wake the sleeping angel. Finally, Ann’s palm was facing upwards. Poppy had only stirred a bit, then settled down.

Curling her middle finger, Ann felt its tip slide easily into Poppy. She began to move that finger around a bit. Poppy shifted about, responding to her grandmother’s touches in the midst of slumber.

Ann sought out Poppy’s clitoris. It took a moment, but she soon found the tiny button of flesh and began to gently manipulate it, moving her fingertip in tiny circles. I’m doing this, she told herself, amazed by her boldness. I’m really doing it!

Still dozing, the child’s movements grew increasingly restless. Poppy’s lips parted, a whimper emerged. Ann was enthralled by the sight of the little girl in the midst of sexual pleasure. It brought back memories of Coralie and the attraction she felt for Colette’s daughter… the longing she’d never permitted herself to acknowledge. Until now.

That was when Ann knew for certain that she wanted this – to make love to Poppy.

Tucking the other hand between her own legs, Ann began to masturbate, stroking herself and Poppy at the same time. She felt the onset of that slow, intoxicating rise toward climax, but then the child stirred again, This time, she seemed on the verge of waking.

Startled, Ann quickly flattened her hand, keeping it as still as possible beneath the little girl’s body.

Poppy opened her eyes a little, then blinked as she noticed where she was. Seeing her grandmother’s face looking down at hers, she pushed herself into a sitting position, rubbing her eyes as Ann took her arm back.

Stretching herself, Poppy gave her gran an adoring smile. “Morning, Nonna!” she chirped.

Ann put a finger to her lips, pointing to the dozing Laura, and quietly said, “Hello, sweetheart.”

Poppy glanced behind to see her aunt sleeping, then shifted her attention to Ann’s nudity. The sight made her blush a bit. “Er, Nonna? You know the stuff we did last night?”

Deciding the time for reticence had passed, Ann smiled. “I remember, pumpkin.”

“Um… you’re not mad at me, are you?”

“Why would I be angry, little one?” Ann replied, placing a hand on the child’s warm thigh.

“Cause… cause maybe we did things you didn’t really want. Sex things. Mummy says that’s bad to do.”

Ann wrapped both arms around her granddaughter. “No, no – don’t fret, my sweet. You did something very lovely for me. I’m only sorry I didn’t return the favour.”

Poppy gazed up at Ann. “That’s okay, Nonna. I understand. You were scared.”

It amazed Ann that a girl of seven could be so perceptive. She sat back, taking Poppy’s hand between hers. “What about now, then? Would you like me to… to kiss you there?”

Poppy’s eyes lit up. “Really, Nonna? Does that mean you want to – to join the club?”

“Shush. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet. All I’m saying is, I was scared to do it last night, but that wasn’t fair. I should have loved you like you did me… and now I want to. Would you like that?”

“Oh, yes, Nonna – more than anything.”

“Okay, then. Why don’t we swap places? Oh, and let’s be careful not to wake Laura just yet.” Ann crept down to the foot of the bed, then Poppy stretched out where her gran had just been, spreading her legs wide apart.

Reaching out to stroke her granddaughter’s thighs, Ann ran her hands upward until they framed Poppy’s bare slit. She placed a thumb on either side of the sweet pink cleft, then gently spread it open.

The sight was breathtaking. Ann studied the rosy interior of the vagina as if it was a completely new sight to her – which it was, in a way. She had never examined a little girl’s sex this closely, or thought of it as the object of sexual desire. But now it was.

It’s so beautiful, so perfect. I’m going to love doing this.

Taking her hands away, Ann used her index finger to lightly brush the tiny button of Poppy’s clitoris, causing the child to gasp. She used a firmer touch, looking up to see her granddaughter’s body shiver. Poppy’s eyes were wide, and she seemed to be holding her breath.

Placing her finger against the entrance of the seven-year-old’s vagina, Ann slid the tip inside just a little, surprised by how easy it was. She began to move in and out, never going deeper than an inch or so, worried she might injure the girl.

Poppy raised her head. “You can go in more, Nonna,” she urged. “It won’t hurt me.”

Ann hesitated, then did as the child wanted, carefully going deeper until she’d fully penetrated her, right up to the third knuckle. Wondering who in the family had taken Poppy’s virginity, she twisted her finger, amazed at how hot and juicy she was inside. Is that normal for a girl her age? Ann wondered.

A moment later, she withdrew a glistening finger, tentatively bringing it to her mouth. At first she touched the tip of her tongue to the tip, sampling the nectar as if it was the finest wine, but her taste buds cried out for more and she popped the finger into her mouth to savour the rest.

When no more of the child’s essence remained, Ann drew closer, dipping down to apply her mouth to the bare slit, pushing her stiffened tongue between the small, almost hidden labia to enter Poppy’s vagina. Once inside, she breathed deeply of the intimate scent, letting it fill her head. Mixed with the tangy flavour of her granddaughter’s sex, it made Ann giddy, like some strange and wonderful new liquor.

Ann continued her slow and gentle probing until Poppy began to squirm about, clamping a hand over her mouth to muffle whatever sounds she was making.

Oh, my God… I think she’s coming!

It was a strange thing, seeing a girl of seven in the throes of sexual ecstasy, but all that mattered to Ann was pleasing Poppy; returning the same sweet gift the child had given to her.

When Poppy’s ecstatic thrashing made it difficult to continue licking her slit, Ann raised herself up, placing two fingers against the shivering girl’s sex, doing what she could to keep those good feelings going for her granddaughter. Poppy’s eyes were tightly closed, and a high-pitched hum came from beneath her hand as she fought to stay quiet.

Ann felt movement beside her. Glancing to the left, she saw Laura stir. Poppy’s exuberance and the movement of the bed must have roused her.

Opening her eyes, Laura had a blurred glimpse of her niece lying back against a couple of the pillows with a hand over her mouth, with her mother kneeling between Poppy’s feet.

She struggled into a sitting position. “What – what’s going on?” Glancing from one to the other, Laura tried to work out what had awakened her. Her mum’s expression was a strange one, halfway between surprise and embarrassment. As her vision cleared, she looked down at Poppy, quickly recognising the flush of orgasm. It seemed Poppy had just climaxed, but how.

Getting to her knees, Poppy threw both arms around Ann. “Thank you, Nonna,” she murmured. “That was lovely.”

For a moment, Laura was confused. Then the penny dropped. “Mum, did you just…?”

Ann smiled, cradling the nude child to her. “Yes, dear, we did… and it was beautiful.”

Suddenly wide awake, Laura looked from the older woman to the little girl. “Wait, wait. Last night you were having serious doubts about our, our new family arrangement… and now you’re having sex with Poppy? Did she…?”

Shaking her head, Ann replied, “No, Laura, it was my idea. I wanted to return the favour.”

“So… what changed since last night?”

“Let’s just say I gave some more consideration to what we discussed. You were serious… what you said about you, Jess, Rachel and the girls? And you want me to be part of it?”

“Absolutely, Mum! We were talking about getting you involved while you were still on the cruise.”

Ann sighed. “It’s just that I keep asking myself what kind of mother – or grandmother, for that matter – would get herself involved in something like this.”

“A very loving and supportive one,” Laura replied.  “We’re just taking the loving part a bit further.”

“It’s true, Nonna!” chirped Poppy, raising her head from Ann’s breast, looking up to meet her gran’s eyes. “We love each other more than ever!”

“Our family is still the same,” Laura continued, “only we’re closer than before; happier and more fulfilled. You deserve to be part of it. You are a part of it. What happened just now with Poppy… couldn’t it mean that you’ve already made the decision?”

“I…” Ann was at a loss, taken aback by her daughter’s words.

“Listen, Mum,” Laura continued, “once you’d had it off with Gina, then the woman on the cruise… what was her name?”

“Colette,” Ann murmured.

“Colette, that’s it. And it was amazing, you said so yourself. Which means it was only going to be a matter of time before you found yourself looking for another hook-up.”

Really, Laura!” Ann protested. “You make me sound like a – a fallen woman. I do have concerns other than sex, you know.”

“Of course. But answer me this. You left the cruise two weeks ago. Can you honestly say that you haven’t thought about Colette several times a day since then? How many times have you touched yourself up while picturing yourself with her – or some other attractive woman? Given any thought to ringing up Gina again, maybe taking her out on a real date?” Laura paused. “Because that’s what happens to women, Mum, once they get a taste for the lesbian life.”

Ann sat quietly, trailing her fingers through Poppy’s golden tresses. “You’re right,” she eventually said. “I’m constantly thinking about sex these days… and always, always with women.”

“But that’s good, Nonna!” Poppy declared, still hugging as much of Ann as her little arms could reach, “Sex with women is the best kind of all!”

“You’re right, dearest,” said Ann, pausing to bury a kiss in her grandchild’s hair before meeting Laura’s gaze. “For weeks I’ve been lying to myself, thinking, You’re not queer; no, not you. It’s just an experiment; you’ve tried it out, now go back to your normal life.” She shook her head. “No more. It’s time to admit it… I’m a lesbian.”

“Yay!” cheered Poppy.

“Good for you, Mum,” Laura murmured.

“But we’re talking about more than being gay, aren’t we? This is incest. Making love with members of my own family! You have to understand, Laura… this isn’t an easy line for me to cross.” Catching herself, she added, “What am I saying…? I’ve already crossed it! And now I’m being asked to cross that line again… with the rest of the family!” She centred her attention on Laura. “You’re saying that Jessica… she wants to, to fuck me.”

“Nonna! Language!” Poppy squealed, then burst into giggles. Ann playfully tousled the child’s hair.

“She does, Mum,” said Laura. “I can’t remember who had the idea first, but we both agreed on it. Rachel, too.”

“Fair enough.” Ann looked down at Poppy, still nestled in her arms. “So, little one… do your sisters feel the same way? They want to make love with me?”

Wearing a mischievous grin, the child said, “Yes, they do. And it’s okay for you to say ‘fuck’, Nonna. If that’s what we’re doing, it’s silly not to use the right word for it.”

Making a face, Ann said, “Somehow, I’m more uncomfortable hearing my seven-year-old granddaughter use that word than knowing I just went down on her.” She gave Poppy a squeeze. “You go ahead and say what you want, sweetheart. Your old gran is doing what she can to adjust her ways of thinking.” Looking up at Laura, she said, “I am trying to understand… and I admit to enjoying what we did, last night and just now. But having sex on a regular basis with everyone in the family? It’s – it’s overwhelming. I can’t take it all in at once.”

Laura slowly nodded. “Believe me, I understand. I freaked out when I stumbled in on that orgy Jess, Rachel and all the girls were having. Jess tried her best to explain, but I was too shocked to take it in… so we decided to leave off and turn in for the night. I had no idea what I was going to do the next morning.

“Then later, just around dawn, when I caught Poppy, Katie and Cindy having sex, I… I couldn’t take my eyes off them. It didn’t seem perverse or wrong at all. And before I knew it, the girls had me stripped off, we were making love, and it was so fucking good… Christ, I still don’t have the words to describe it.

“I still wasn’t ready to commit myself, though. Instead, I took some time on my own to think about it all. After a few days, I dropped by to discuss things with Jess… and when she made it clear that she wanted me too, I couldn’t help myself. I had to have her. So we fucked, and it was incredible.

“Then the next morning, when Poppy and Katie came back home from some birthday sleepover, Jess called for them to come upstairs and join us… The two of us were lying there stark naked, and the whole room reeked of pussy. The girls didn’t hesitate, just started stripping off.”

“We were excited!” Poppy told her gran. “Being with Auntie Laura was sooo good the first time. Me and Katie were always talking ‘bout how much we wanted to do sex with her again.”

“And just like that, my last piece of resistance melted away,” said Laura. “I knew then that I had to join in, to be a part of this. And deep down inside, I think you feel the same, Mum.”

Ann stared at her daughter, the realisation that Laura was right pushing aside any argument to the contrary. She knew she wanted to be a part of the family’s incestuous arrangement, but still felt as though she should seek out reasons not to.

“So you really do think I should join this ‘club,’ and have sex with you, Jess, Rachel and all the girls?”

Poppy spoke up. “It’s just like Auntie Laura said, Nonna! You’ve done it with her and me, so you already have joined!”

Ann had to smile. “Well, I suppose I can’t really argue with that logic. For now, at least, I guess I’m in.”

Both Laura and Poppy embraced her. “That’s wonderful, Mum,” Laura murmured. “Now you’ve seen the light, how do you feel about it?”

“Well… last night I held back from making love to Poppy, but I’ve just made up for that.” She smiled at granddaughter. “Wouldn’t you say so, sweetie?”

“You did, Nonna… and it was the best!”

“Thank you, dearest.” Bending down, Ann gave the child a kiss that quickly grew heated.

Laura thrilled to the sight of her mother and her seven-year-old niece swapping tongues. “Mmm, yes,” she whispered, absently cupping her breasts.

As Ann gently broke their kiss, Poppy cooed, “I love you, Nonna.”

“I love you too, baby girl,” Ann replied, then turned to Laura. “There. That’s Poppy sorted. Now, it’s your turn.” She placed a hand on her daughter’s thigh. “Laura, last night you made love to me, but all I did in return was give you an orgasm – and that’s just because I got caught up in the moment.” She drew closer. “Now I’m going to love you for real, dearest daughter… and this time, it’s because I want to.”

Before Laura could fully grasp the significance of her mother’s words, Ann had captured her mouth in a deep, hungry kiss. But the younger woman was quick to respond, meeting and matching her mum’s passion.

Ann slid a hand down Laura’s neck to clasp a breast, giving it a light squeeze before descending further,  slipping between her daughter’s thighs. Laura broke away long enough to moan, “Christ, Mum!” as Ann dipped two fingers into her cunt, then their mouths crushed together once more.

Deploying a technique she’d learned from Colette, Ann wriggled and twisted her fingers about, massaging the walls of Laura’s vagina, occasionally teasing her g-spot.

Before very long, Laura was trembling all over, clearly on the cusp of orgasm… but Ann was determined to bring her daughter off with her mouth, just as she’d done for Poppy.

Breaking their kiss, she pushed her daughter back, rolling on top of Laura for another rough kiss before nuzzling a pathway down to her pussy. The rosy cleft was positively oozing wetness, and the rich, musky smell of it… Ann breathed it in, let the scent fill her head before leaning in to take that first luscious lick.

“Ohhhh… fuck, yes,” Laura breathed, a surge of warmth sweeping through her, a swelling of love that had the dazed lesbian on the verge of tears. By then, she was frantic with the need for release, but Mum refused to be rushed, pleasuring her daughter with a tenderness that slowly cooled Laura’s ardor without diminishing it.

Taking a long, deep breath, Laura made herself relax, allowing ecstasy to approach in its own time, knowing it would be incredible. The orgasm of a lifetime, probably.

As Poppy watched her grandmother loving Auntie Laura, the child began to feel a familiar warmth spread beneath her tummy, an invitation to join the fun. And Nonna’s outthrust bum, with her naughty bits on full display, was practically begging for attention…

Kneeling behind Ann, the child placed both hands on Gran’s big, beautiful bottom, bending down to adorn it with a sprinkling of kisses before carefully spreading the twinned globes apart. Poppy gave an awed sigh at what she saw. Nonna’s cunt is so pretty – like a pink flower! 

She loved to look at pussies up close – each one different, yet somehow the same. Of course, tasting them was even nicer…

Moistening her lips, Poppy drew closer, breathing in the thick scent of arousal as she pressed her lips into the juicy flesh of her gran’s pussy, followed by a probing tongue. She swirled it around a few times, then took a long, slow lick from Nonna’s cunt to the cleft of her anus. Yummy. 

Poppy threw herself into the task, using all the experience she’d acquired over the last few months to make her grandmother feel good. Making love is the best thing ever, she told herself. Makes me feel warm in my tummy, like I just ate a bowl of soup. 

By then, Laura was squirming, her need for release growing steadily. Mum’s languid licks had laid the fire, coaxed it forth, made it smolder. Now she was ready to explode into a roaring, white-hot inferno, but Ann was still holding back, only giving her clitoris the occasional teasing flick.

Opening her eyes, Laura was thrilled to see Poppy kneeling behind Ann, clearly feasting on her gran’s holes and loving it. An instant later, Mum’s lips found her clit, briefly sucking the swollen bud.

That set Laura off. A shockwave jerked her body, a choked cry escaped her throat, then she began to shake, mumbling, “Oh Mum, that’s s-so good, don’t stop, d-don’t you stop, ohhhhh my God, oh yes, YES!”

She went iron-rigid for ten seconds or thereabouts, her body bowed, arse raised up from the bed. With one hissing gasp for breath, Laura slowly collapsed, sinking like a deflating beach ball until she lay spent, her chest rising and falling.

Poppy had not been idle while Auntie Laura was having the good feelings. Now she was rimming her gran, probing Ann’s rosebud with her tongue while working four fingers into the woman’s vagina. If I can get my thumb in there, too

Quickly arranging her hand in the duck’s bill shape Auntie Rachel had taught her, Poppy pushed a little harder until, with a liquid gulp, Nonna’s cunt swallowed it right up to the wrist.

Ann was placing feather-light kisses on her daughter’s flushed pudenda when Poppy’s hand plunged into her like a massive cock, bigger than anything she’d ever taken. She might have screamed, but the very air had been driven from her lungs. Somehow, she did manage to cover her mouth a few seconds later, just in time to muffle the sounds she made in the midst of a convulsive orgasm, perhaps the most intense Ann had ever known.

Moments later, as the three lovers rested, Ann spoke. “So, then… what happens next?”

Sporting a huge grin, Poppy jumped to her feet. “I know! It’s time to wake the others up!” The nude child raced to the bedroom door, yanked it open and disappeared into the hall, her bare feet pattering on the wooden floor.

Ann was staring at the doorway, her expression a mixture of confusion and concern. Laura stroked her mother’s arm. “Don’t worry, Mum. Just go with it. You’ll have a marvellous time, I promise.”

“I… I’ll do my best, dear,” Ann replied. The sound of Poppy’s excited voice down the corridor made her shiver. Oh, dear… what in heaven’s name have I gotten myself into?

Coming at some point, we swear: Chapter Forty-Three!


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 30

  • Posted on March 14, 2025 at 2:07 pm

A brief summary (well, it USED to be brief…) of what has transpired thus far. (To get a additional breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )

Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.

Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really starting to founder. By then, Mallory and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa gets involved. 

Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex. In the weeks to come, they will get together again every now and then for more of the same.

Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.

Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, which leave her feeling flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t go away, either.

Sharon soon gets a job at a senior center, and is making plans to go back to school. Needless to say, Mal’s father is most unhappy with this development. On the other hand, Mallory is quite pleased for her mom, and takes the opportunity to get in her lap and give her playful, but subtly flirtatious kisses. More then ever, she suspects that her mother is secretly gay.

Mal is gradually becoming more popular at school. One result is that she and Julie are invited to a sleepover with Emma and Cindy, a couple of Julie’s friends. Once the parents are asleep, the girls get into a discussion concerning masturbation, which leads to everyone getting naked and engaging in mutual touching. Emma and Cindy love it, and the four of them get together for more fun a couple of weeks later.

Mallory finds a new student project: playing keyboards in a rock band of high school students supervised by Jason, who has also been teaching his daughter Julie how to do mixing work. Mal is much younger than the other members, but her skills soon win the others over. One of the band members is a sweet hippie girl named Jamie, and Mal is immediately attracted to her.

An ugly scene occurs at the home of Mal’s grandmother, where her mother Sharon is staying until she finds her own place. When Sharon makes a disparaging comment about lesbians, Mal loses her temper in a big way. In her anger, she comes out there and then, venting until her mother breaks down and cries. Mal quickly becomes remorseful, but the damage is done.

A couple of unhappy developments occur. First, Mallory’s parents make it official: they are to divorce. Mal is utterly disgusted with them both. Second, two of Julie’s cousins have vanished without explanation, eleven-year-old twin girls named Anna and Nettie. A search is underway, but without success thus far. Mallory has never met these girls, but she prays as best she can for their safe return.

A few days later, the twins are found and their kidnapper arrested, but not before he murdered Anna. Nettie is still alive, but devastated, and the girls’ parents go completely to pieces, turning on each other in their grief. Obviously, they are unable to take care of Nettie, so after a family discussion in which Mal is asked to participate, Jason, Lisa and Julie decide to bring Nettie into their home for the time being. Mal vows to do everything she can to help Jason’s niece to recover from her emotional trauma.

Mal and Julie pay Jamie a visit. The girls admit to being lovers, then tempt Jamie into masturbating with them. This quickly leads to much more.

Mallory gets to meet Nettie soon after that, when Jason brings her home. Sure enough, she is in bad shape: unable or unwilling to do or say much, often screaming herself awake from nightmares.

Mal’s band is making serious progress, which gets her and Julie a sleepover at Jamie’s place. Needless to say, music isn’t the only item on the agenda that night.

The next day, while practicing her keyboard part on a Black Sabbath cover, Mal puts the album on, only to get a positive response from Nettie, who asks to hear more. It’s the first time she’s shown interest in anything since her twin’s sister’s death. Mal, Julie, Lisa and Jason are is thrilled. Could their tormented guest be on the mend?

In the days that follow, Nettie seems to be emerging from her torpor. In addition to her burgeoning interest in heavy metal, she becomes absorbed by Jason’s medical textbooks.

At band rehearsal, Mal’s and her fellow group members toy with a concept: focus on Eighties pop. At the same rehearsal, they also make plans to perform live, and even manage to work up a cool original song. The entire band is thrilled.

Mallory has a frank discussion with her mother Sharon about sexuality and desire. She admits to listening to her masturbate herself through the wall, then gets Sharon to confess that she has overheard Mallory touching herself as well… and it arouses her. Somehow, Mal persuades Sharon to stay in her room instead, then mother and daughter masturbate together.

The next morning, Sharon is feeling guilty and uneasy, even though she admits to wanting what she and Mallory did the night before. Mal manages to ease her mother’s conscience a bit before they both leave for school.

Mal and her friends run into trouble at school when a lout named Floyd teases Nettie about her sister’s death until she cries. An enraged Julie attacks him, then Mal, Cindy and Emma join in the brawl to keep the much larger Floyd from hurting their friend. Luckily, the principal breaks up the fight, then goes on to suspend Floyd for bullying.

Later at home, Mallory joins Sharon on the couch. They snuggle, then end up grinding their bodies together until they both climax, still in their clothes. This time, mother and daughter share their first passionate kiss.

A concept is discussed and agreed on for the band’s presentation, one that draws on the Eighties film Back to the Future. They continue to make preparations for their upcoming gig.

While visiting her new lesbian friends Katerina and Tracy, Mal’s mom Sharon is stranded there overnight due to snow flurries. Upon returning home, she tells Mallory that her friends both had their first gay sexual experiences as young girls, and thinking about that excites her. This leads to Sharon asking her daughter if she’s had sex. Mal’s reply is yes, she’s quite experienced with girls, but won’t name anyone she’s been with other than Julie. Sharon admits she’s beginning to think of herself as a lesbian, and Mallory picks that moment to come on to her mother. They share a heated kiss, but Sharon isn’t ready to have sex with her daughter just yet. Instead, they strip naked and masturbate together.

Shortly thereafter, Mal and Julie get Megan and Jamie together for a hot foursome, which is a rousing success. A couple of nights later, Sharon tells Mallory she’s decided to leave the church. They share a passionate kiss, but Sharon pulls away and tells her daughter they can’t do anything more just yet, as her period has started.

Mal waits as patiently as she can for several days. Finally, that Saturday, it happens — Mallory and Sharon make love for the first time. 

Only one melancholy note mars Mal’s otherwise wonderful weekend: Nettie nearly makes it through the birthday party Jason, Lisa and the girls have arranged, but she breaks down completely once most of the guests have departed, still mourning her sister.

The next day, Mallory gets a huge surprise when Sharon interrupts her in the midst of practicing guitar parts, intent on sex with her daughter. Every other time, Mal took the lead in their lovemaking; now Sharon is eager to seize the initiative. They engage in a heated fuck. Afterwards, Mallory lets her mom know that Julie wants in on the action between them.

The next day, Julie drops by… then she, Mal and Sharon come together in a very satisfying threesome. By then, Sharon has fully embraced her identity as a lesbian, and admits to a special attraction to young girls. The three of them make plans to hook up on the following week.

And now we rejoin our story, which concludes with this chapter. Thanks for joining us for the ride!

by Rachael Yukey

March 25th, 2007

Sunday afternoons at Home One are always Me Time, because Dad has a habit of doing work right after church, and right now he’s getting his heavy equipment ready to roll out. We’re at the end of March, and if the weather cooperates he might be in the fields within four or five weeks. Not only is there spring tillage and planting to be done, but he didn’t get all of the corn combined before the snow flew last year, so he still has crop to bring in. He’ll probably end up having to hire a couple of people to operate machinery to get it all done.

He said something funny the other day: if this was thirty or forty years ago, I’d be pretty close to getting plunked right into a tractor seat at my age! In the old days, farm kids did everything, the moment they were physically big enough. Nowadays, there’s pretty strict laws regarding those things. You have to be old enough to get a driver’s license before you can operate tractors and combines. I’m just glad my grandpa sold off the dairy herd and switched to cash grain. Otherwise I’d have been doing barn chores by the time I was five or so. No laws against that!

I don’t really have much to talk about this week. We had a little birthday party for Nettie’s dead sister Annamarie after school on Tuesday. It was just Julie’s family and me. Nettie served each of us cake and set a place for Annamarie, too. She set one of the dolls I gave her for her birthday next to the empty plate.

“It’s Anna’s doll now,” she said solemnly. “When I play Monster High, it’s going to be there for Anna.”

I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that, but I sensed that there’s some healing going on. She hasn’t really talked about her sister until now. I think it’s good that she is.

In other news, I told the band on Thursday PLEASE, let’s not add any more songs that need a second guitar until I can play the three we already have. I can do “I Need You Tonight” really well, but I’m not there yet with “Authority Song.” My chord changes are sluggish, and my rhythm strumming still sounds stiff and awkward. I’m not even going to start working on “Fallen Angel” until I feel good about “Authority Song.” Just like two weeks ago, I now have the whole afternoon ahead of me, and at least now my fingers have toughened up some. Here I go!

April 1st, 2007

I lost my hetero virginity this week, and decided I like boys better than girls. I told Julie we can’t see each other anymore. She begged me not to go, but I have to be true to who I am. I hope to have my first baby before my 16th birthday.


Okay, what REALLY happened this week? Well, for one thing, Mom and Dad signed the divorce papers. It’s officially over. I’m sad and relieved all at the same time. No kid wants their parents to get divorced, but hard cold reality: Mom and Dad are both okay when they’re apart. Together, they’re impossible!

Monday was a teacher’s workshop day at school, so I rode to Wadena with Mom and shadowed her classes. It was fun, even though I didn’t understand a word of ANYTHING anyone was saying.

Before the first class, I met Katerina. She’s not too different from how I pictured her: big and butch, with a beautiful smile, a bold laugh and a strong personality. She shook my hand like a grown-up and treated me like one, too, which I really appreciated.

After classes were over, we went to dinner with Katerina and her partner Tracy. Tracy is completely different from Katerina… what you’d call a lipstick lesbian, I guess. She wore a flowing dress, and her long, silky hair was done up in elaborate braids. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to watch them having sex.

By the way, Katerina and Tracy set Mom up on a date with one of their lesbian friends! She and a woman named Nadine are going to go out next weekend, when I’m at Dad’s. If she’s going to start dating, I don’t know how long Mom will still be free to hook up with me and Julie. We’ll have to make sure and enjoy it while we can!

At rehearsal this week, I managed to play guitar on “Authority Song” with reasonable competence. I’m now working on “Fallen Angel,” and Jamie’s right… it’s much more difficult. The left-hand shapes are simple enough, but the right hand has a lot more work to do.

We’ve completely nailed down around twenty 80s songs, with a bunch more in progress. We’ll easily have enough before we have to do a full multi-set show.

Oh, yeah – Roger’s dad finished the new backdrop, and it’s beautiful! It’ll give the stage a really nice touch. Everyone in the band is practically bouncing up and down with excitement, looking forward to our first gig.

April 22nd, 2007

Okay, I can see that this diary is starting to run down, like an old watch. This is my first entry in three weeks. I’d like to say it’s because I’ve just been too busy, but that’s not entirely the truth. When I started this I was lonely and conflicted, unsure of who or what I was. Having this diary as a sounding board for my thoughts and feelings was a big part of working through that, even if I didn’t know it at the time.

I’m a different girl now. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and infinitely more sure of myself. I feel like… I’m not sure how to say it. Like I’m growing into being Mallory, if that makes any sense. I know who and what I am, and I like that person.

So do I need this diary anymore? Maybe not. When I started, it was like I was compelled to write in it. I don’t feel that way now. All the same, there’s a part of me that really doesn’t want to let it go. If there’s something I can’t tell anyone, not even Julie, I can always write it down here.

So… to sum up the past three weeks: Mom has been on several dates with Nadine, who is a friend of Katerina’s. I don’t think they’ve had sex yet, but they seem to be having fun. Mom has hinted to me that when and if she does hook up with Nadine, she’ll have to stop fooling around with me and Julie, at least for the time being. I would have thought I’d be jealous, but I’m fine with it. Mom cheated on Dad because she was unhappy, so it’s good to see her in a better place now.

Megan has a girlfriend now. I haven’t met her; she lives in Wadena. But Megan isn’t hooking up with anyone else for the moment. Once again: good for her. We’ll always be friends.

Last weekend the band met up at a little recording studio owned by one of Jason’s friends in a suburb of the Twin Cities. We recorded the intro tape for our shows, with the little skit about using a Delorean to go back in time so we could hear good music on the radio. We also recorded excerpts from a few songs and created a radio spot. We’ll give it to whoever the owner is for whatever gigs we play, and they can use it if they want to advertise the show. The guy who books the Douglas County Fair has already said he’ll use it if we’ve got it.

It was fun, and we learned a ton about how music is recorded. I always pictured the whole band together in the studio, playing like we do in rehearsal, but what actually happened was they put Katie behind this big, beautiful drum set in an isolation booth, gave her headphones so she could hear the rest of us, and then had us play so she wouldn’t lose her place… but the only thing they actually recorded was the drums! Once they had a ‘take’ they liked, they recorded Roger’s bass, then Jamie’s guitar, then my keys. Vocals were last.

We’re only a month down to the spring concert. Most of the bands are doing four songs each, but we’re doing eight because Jason is short one band. So Jason is setting us up as the headliner, so we go on last. We’ll get to have our backdrop, and Jason is going to let us use our intro tape.

We’ve also picked a setlist. We entirely dumped some of the early songs we learned, because we want to do a mostly eighties show. At first we were planning to do only eighties plus our two originals, but Jason talked us into holding onto “Destruction Preventer.”

“It’s far and away the most technical song on your list,” he explained. “If there’s one thing you’ve learned that demonstrates the musicianship this band is capable of, it’s that one. And at an event like this, you want to show off a bit.”

This show will be well-attended because of all the people who are related to the kids that are in it, so this will give us a chance to show local folks who we are and what we can do. Then maybe they’ll want to catch us when we play the local festivals!

The setlist for the spring concert will be:

Heat of the Moment (Asia)
Authority Song (John Mellencamp)
Ear in the Wall (Us!)
Listen to Your Heart (Roxette)
Working for the Weekend (Loverboy)
The Devil’s Own (Us!)
Under Pressure (Queen)
Destruction Preventer (Sonata Arctica)

Jamie sings lead on the Roxette, Ralph on everything else. We’re jumping straight from “Heat of the Moment” to “Authority Song,” and that’s when I need to get my guitar strapped on. The idea is Jamie will finish her “Heat of the Moment” solo, and the band will sing one more chorus. During the chorus I’ll get a guitar on, and then we’ll wrap up the song with Jamie and me playing the riff together on guitar, side by side. Then we’ll launch into “Authority Song.”

I’m a little nervous about playing guitar in front of an audience for the first time, so I’m going to do some extra practice just to build up my confidence. But still, I’m so excited! This is going to be great. I also have my spring piano recital in just a couple weeks. I’m doing Chopin and Mozart, and am super-pumped for that, too. I’ve learned a couple of very advanced pieces, and am playing them well.

The only other news I can think of is that Nettie seems to be coming out of her shell a little. She’s been to Jamie’s place to listen to records a couple of times with us over the past few weeks. She’s absolutely fascinated with the vinyl, and shares Jamie’s taste in music to a T. That aside, she’s been hanging out with people more during recess at school. The hard times aren’t over for her, and maybe they never will be, but there’s hope. For now, that’s enough

May 20th, 2007

Urrgghhh… I know, it’s been almost a month since I wrote. And what with the spring concert next weekend and my big creative writing project to finish for AL (school lets out in just a few days!!!), I wasn’t sure I’d be writing tonight, except that I have to tell about what happened yesterday evening.

My piano recital was yesterday afternoon. I was one of two advanced students participating, and the other one is a senior in high school. I blazed through both of my pieces without a hitch. Julie, Nettie and Lisa were there, but Jason wasn’t able to make it. They’re doing clinicals now for paramedic school, and he spent all day riding an ambulance in Wadena with his preceptor. That’s what they call the person who does your field training.

Mom and Dad came, too – though not together, of course. In fact, Mom brought her new girlfriend Nadine, who’s really nice. Her personality reminds me a little of Julie, always bubbly and positive. Physically she’s exactly the opposite – short, and a bit chubby.

Dad was sitting a few rows away from them, looking somewhat less than cheerful. Mom finally told him she was gay, and he did NOT take it well. I have to give Dad credit, though: he isn’t trying to get full custody of me or anything crazy like that, and he hasn’t said anything mean about Mom or lectured me on the evils of homosexuality when I’m staying with him at Home One. For one thing, he probably figures I’d take Mom’s side! Still, it seems to me that the divorce has made Dad a little more open minded than he used to be, so that’s a good thing. Especially since I’ll have to come out to him myself one day.

After the recital was over, I went back to Julie’s house. It’s my week at Home One, but Dad is getting run ragged by the fieldwork he has left to do. We’ve had a rainy spring, so he’s running late on the last of the planting. When I was invited for a sleepover, he didn’t even blink.

After supper Lisa went next door to look in on a sick neighbor, and Nettie ducked into her room with one of Jason’s textbooks. Julie and I went upstairs to her room, and I guess we got careless.

Julie was flat on her back, and I was on top of her in a sixty-nine. We were really going at it, too – faces buried between thighs, mouths and tongues hard at work. There was a sudden rap on the door which, as it turns out, we hadn’t latched all the way. It swung open, and we both turned towards it in alarm. Jason was standing in the doorway, jaw slack, fist raised to knock.

I tumbled off of Julie, and we scrabbled frantically for blankets to cover ourselves. “Daddy…” Julie gasped, but seemed lost for anything more to say.

Slowly, Jason’s face settled into the look of a man putting all the pieces together. He lowered his hand and gave a single nod. “You ladies should probably come downstairs and see me. You know… when you have a moment.” He closed the door gently.

Trembling, terrified, unable to speak, Julie and I got into our clothes and made our way down the stairs. Jason was sitting back in his recliner, nursing a drink. He was still wearing his navy blue tactical pants with the ugly gray paramedic student polo.

Just as we reached the bottom of the staircase, Lisa walked in the door. She smiled at us, but the smile faded quickly when she saw our expressions. She looked at Jason, then back at us again. Julie and I halted at the foot of the stairs, unable to move any further.

“What’s going on?” Lisa wanted to know.

“Julie… Mallory… sit down,” said Jason, indicating the love seat. He seemed impossibly calm.

As we made our way across the living room, Lisa hung up her coat and took her own chair.

“The girls left Julie’s bedroom door cracked open, and I just managed to walk in on something… unexpected,” said Jason.

“I… I see,” said Lisa.

Jason nodded slowly. “You knew.”

Lisa met his eyes. “Yes. I knew.”

“Daddy, please don’t be mad,” said Julie in a tear-stricken voice. “Mallory and I are in love. We…”

Jason held up a hand. “When I was twelve, I had a girlfriend about a year younger than me. We didn’t have full-on sex, but we did pretty much everything else. So no, I’m not mad. I haven’t forgotten what it’s like to be your age.”

He took a deep breath. “Looking back, I guess I should have seen it.” He turned to Lisa. “Were you planning on telling me at any point?”

Lisa didn’t look away. “Did you need to know? There’s no harm done. If it was a boy instead of Mallory I would have told you straight away, because there’s the pregnancy concern. But in this case… it’d be like if Julie came to me because she was getting her period. Is that something you’d need or even want to know about?”

Jason nodded. “That’s fair, I suppose.”

Julie shifted. Her cheeks were tracked with tears, but she held her head high. “I’m gay, Dad. And I’m in love with Mallory. Please don’t take her away from me.”

I took her hand, lacing our fingers together. She looked at me and smiled.

“I think I’d be a fool to try,” said Jason. “I’ll be honest… I’m a bit in shock here, and it’s going to take me some time to come to terms with this. But that’s my problem, not yours.”

That’s all that was said on the matter. We had dinner, and then we all watched a movie together. Nettie even came out and watched it with us. Julie and I sat close together, snuggled up like the lovers we are. Actually, now I’m glad Jason caught us, because that’s one more place where we don’t have to hide who we are.

May 27, 2007

Wednesday was the last day of AL. Thursday was the last day of school. Last night was the spring concert. It was held in the school auditorium and holy crow, it was AWESOME!

I’d been told what to expect, but I still was a little surprised how rough around the edges most of the student bands were. From what Jason says, it’s almost impossible to get most kids to do a decent amount of practice at home, and it really does take the entire five months to get them even marginally ready to play four lousy songs. It blows my mind, honestly. I hate embarrassment worse than just about anything, and I can’t imagine showing up for a rehearsal without having learned my parts.

I sat out front for most of the show. Some of the bands were terrible, some were all right, and one was pretty good. I was really impressed by how well Julie mixed them, considering that the only band that got to soundcheck was us. (Headliner’s privilege!) I’ve learned a lot about this stuff over the past few months, and now my ear is sharp enough to know a good sound mix from a bad one. Julie had each band completely dialed in and sounding right by the time their first song was half over. I was impressed!

Just as the last band before us went on, I went backstage to get ready. I was already wearing the fancy bejeweled jeans, and just had to shrug into the purple jacket with the silver sequins and the shoulder wings. I checked my hair in the bathroom mirror, and had to laugh… I looked like a cheesy old music video! I guess that’s the point.

We had a group hug before we went on. “Let’s kick some ass, brothers and sisters,” said Jamie.

As Julie played our intro tape, Katie crept in behind her drum kit while the rest of us stood in the wings. I got behind my keyboard a few seconds after. The revving Delorean engine on the tape faded away, and Jamie walked onto the stage, playing the intro riff for “Heat of the Moment” while still in motion. At the moment where the rest of the band comes in, Jason brought up the lights, and Ralph and Roger stepped in from stage right.

Forty minutes never went by so fast in my life! I felt like we were walking back off of that stage almost as quickly as we went on. The audience seemed to love us, too. I can’t wait to do a complete show.

After the gig, Julie and I had a sleepover at Jamie’s house. We were still brimming over with energy and in the mood for fun, so our clothes were scattered everywhere and we were romping in Jamie’s bed before two minutes had passed.

It was awesome, the perfect ending to an amazing day. I ate Jamie’s pussy until she squirted all over my face, and I came four (FOUR!) times. Jamie only got off twice, but the second time was so intense that she blacked out for a couple of minutes. Julie was the big winner, coming in at five orgasms.

June 24th, 2007

Another month, another diary entry. That seems to be where I’m at these days.

We did our first full show last night, at the Dent Days festival. Dent is a town roughly the same size as ours, about forty miles away. The stage was two flatbed hay wagons placed end-to-end. Jason hooked us up with a PA system, one big enough to kick some ass at an outdoor show.

We did three sixty minute sets with half hour breaks in between, just like a bar band does. Went on at eight, wrapped up at midnight. It was exhausting, but also tons of fun! We have four original songs now, and played those along with forty tunes from the 80s. We also slipped in one of the songs we learned early on, Computer God. Even though it’s not an eighties song and it’s not something mainstream audiences will even recognize, we threw it in just because it’s fun to play. I figure if you’re doing forty popular tunes, you can afford a little self-indulgence.

People loved it. We got compliments on our sound, our performances, our costumes, and our selection of tunes. Roger was right… these are songs people know and love, but most cover bands for whatever reason don’t play them.

So… since I’ve got pen in hand, what else has happened over the last month?

First, my piano recital in May resulted in me being given a last-minute opportunity to enroll in a summer music academy. It meets once a week in St. Cloud, and my parents are taking turns driving me there. We spend a whole day doing VERY intensive music theory and ear training drills, then they give us a load of stuff to work on during the week. It’s a lot to take on during summer vacation, but I’m loving every minute of it.

Julie, Cindy, Emma and I are hanging out a lot. We spend nice days outside, riding our bikes and hanging around the park. If it’s not so nice out, we go to somebody’s house, shut ourselves up in the bedroom, take all our clothes off and get freaky with each other. Okay… sometimes that happens on nice days, too!

Lisa is getting really big around the middle… she’s due at the end of August. Somehow it makes her sexier than ever, which adds a little sizzle when Julie and I fool around with her. There’s a lot of opportunity for that, cause Jason is heavy into clinicals right now. Some take place on the ambulance, others in the hospital.

Nettie is still here. It’s sounding like her parents might not be in a position to take her back for another few months yet. I don’t know the details, but I do know it’s not good. Nettie herself is doing better now, and something that I think is kind of big happened last week.

I was hanging out at Julie’s house, like I often do. Julie and I were playing chess. (We’re finally starting to get the hang of it.) Lisa was knitting a baby blanket, and Nettie was sitting on the couch reading one of Jason’s paramedic books. While all this was going on, Jason came home from one of his clinicals, looking exhausted.

He got himself a drink and was crossing the living room to his recliner, but stopped as he passed the couch. He looked down at the book Nettie held in her hands. “AMLS, huh?”

Nettie looked up at him. “Yeah. It’s pretty cool.”

Jason chuckled. “That’s one of our recommended supplementary books, not one that was required. A lot of it goes beyond what we’re expected to know as entry-level paramedics. What are you reading about?”

“Acid-base derangements.”

Jason raised his eyebrows. “That’s definitely beyond entry-level paramedic. It’s critical care. You actually understand it?”

“Uh-huh. It’s not too hard, if you’ve got arterial blood gasses sorted out.”

This time Jason’s eyebrows disappeared beneath his hairline. “You have ABGs sorted out?”


Jason pursed his lips, then settled down next to Nettie on the couch. “Okay, then,” he said. “Walk me through it.”

Their conversation descended into medical gobbledygook that I don’t comprehend at all. I was kind of shocked, to tell the truth. Eleven-year-old Nettie had clearly read ahead of where Jason was at in school, and was now familiar with concepts he hadn’t entirely grasped yet.

Then, abruptly, she changed the subject. “Uncle Jason?”


“They took Anna to the hospital in an ambulance. She was alive when they left. But then she died at the hospital. Is that right?” Nettie sounded solemn and sad, but her voice was steady.

“As I understand it, she coded in the ambulance,” said Jason, speaking slowly. “That means her heart stopped beating. They did CPR on the way to the hospital, and it didn’t work. But the official time of death isn’t when your heart stops beating. It’s when they stop trying to save you, and the doctor pronounces you dead. Honey… are you sure you want to talk about this?”

Nettie nodded. “It was our Bronning ambulance people that picked her up. They’re not paramedics, right?”

Jason shook his head. “Bronning has a volunteer BLS service, same as we have here in Dickson. BLS means…”

“I know,” said Nettie. “I’ve read all your books. BLS means basic life support, which means it’s EMTs and not paramedics. But they’d have intercepted with a paramedic on the way to the hospital, yeah?”

“That’s how it works, yes,” said Jason. “For really serious stuff like what happened to your sister, they get an ALS intercept coming. The paramedic meets them on the way and gets in their truck. Then they have advanced interventions for the rest of the trip. I have to think that’s how it happened with Annamarie’s call.”

Nettie nodded, looking down at her hands. Then she met his gaze again. Julie and I had abandoned our chess game, and I could sense Lisa looking on as well.

“Uncle Jason… do you think if there’d been a paramedic there right away, Anna might have lived?”

Jason laid his head against the back of the couch. “Nettie… I don’t know. I know she had internal bleeding, and was in late-stage shock when they picked her up. She might have already been too far gone for anyone to save, but who knows? I’m sure the EMTs there do the best job they can, but their tools are limited. There’s been times running BLS here for Dickson when I’ve come close to losing somebody, and it would have been easy to fix with ALS interventions on board. So, to give you the short answer… it’s possible.”

Nettie nodded. “Uncle Jason, when I grow up, I’m going to be a paramedic. Then maybe I’ll be able to save people like Anna, who are really hurt or sick and need help before they get to the hospital. I’ll bet I can do it.”

Jason smiled and took her hand. “Nettie,” he said, “I know you can. You already know more than I do about some of this. “Now, about bicarbonate, I still don’t get how it…”

Once again, gobbledygook. But as the two of them buried their noses in the book again, Julie and I were grinning ear-to-ear. Lisa was smiling from across the room, wiping a few tears away. Nettie had found a path. We knew she still had a difficult road ahead, but now she had a reason to move forward, a purpose that might help her claw her way back to the land of the living.

August 23rd, 2007

Lisa had her baby! It’s a little girl, and they’re naming her Victoria Rose. It happened three days ago, and they’re coming home from the hospital tomorrow. I’ve been there twice. The baby looks like a plucked chicken, but somehow still manages to be adorable.

Jason and Lisa have decided to get married in the middle of December. Jason will have a few weeks off of school, and Lisa should be fully recovered from her labor. Julie and I are both going to be a part of the wedding. Then, just a couple of months after that, Jason will be ready to test for his paramedic certification.

Mom and Nadine broke up. I think they’re still on good terms, but they’re not a thing anymore. So she’s having regular sex with Julie and I again, which is awesome. In fact, I’ve had a few sleepovers with Julie where we end up spending the night in Mom’s bed.

Mom says now that coming out is one of the best decisions she ever made. She’s dating around a little, still discovering herself as a lesbian. She isn’t ready for a full-time relationship just yet, but open to the idea if she meets Ms. Right. I’m fine with her playing the field for awhile longer, if it means she’s still willing to hook up with me and Julie. When the three of us get together, it’s downright magical.

As for Dad, he actually seems to have got himself a girlfriend! He’s been seeing Agatha Kershaw, the Sunday school teacher at our church. Her husband died a few years ago when his car got t-boned by a drunk driver. She’s a few years older than Dad, but still attractive. I don’t know if they’ve done the deed or not. I sure can’t see myself asking my father about that! Anyway, I’m happy for him. Ms. Kershaw seems like a way better match for Dad than Mom ever was.

I can’t believe school is about to start. I’m going to be busier than ever! I’m enrolled in a music program where I’ll spend the next six years getting ready for post-secondary music education at a real conservatory… maybe even some place like Julliard. Some people think I’m awfully young to be making that kind of long-term commitment, but honestly, that’s what it takes. In order to get into a place like that, you need to already be an exceptional musician.

That aside, 80 Proof is going to be working regularly. We’re booking college gigs, and working towards recording an album. We now have seven original songs, and we haven’t even been working all that hard at writing. We’re talking about taking a couple of weekends over the next month, holing ourselves up in Jamie’s attic bedroom, and just going on an intensive writing binge. That’s where the college gigs will be a big help. When you’re a local band who plays school events, fairgrounds and stuff like that, your audience mostly wants to hear songs they already know. College audiences tend to be more forgiving of original material.

Don’t get me wrong… we had fun doing the eighties pop thing for the festivals and fairs, and plan to do it again next summer. But we want to be more than just a cover band.

I think with all this going on, it might be time to put the diary away for awhile. Maybe even for always. As it is, I’m only managing an entry every month or so, and I’m about to get a lot busier. This entry probably wouldn’t exist, if it wasn’t for yesterday afternoon.

Nettie, Julie, and I were alone at Julie’s house. Jason was at the hospital with Lisa and the baby. Nettie wanted to watch some Disney movie, one Julie and I weren’t interested in seeing. So the two of us adjourned to Julie’s room… and I’ll bet you can’t guess what we did!

Early this summer Lisa bought some new living room furniture, and the old love seat got moved to Julie’s room. We undressed and made incredibly hot love on it (that’s why they call it a love seat, right?), then sat together naked, arms around each other, talking about this and that, occasionally kissing.

After awhile we got to making out again, and pretty soon our hands were roaming to forbidden places. I had just let out a sharp moan of pleasure when there came a rapping on the door. We froze.

“Julie? Mallory?” Nettie’s voice. “Are you guys okay?”

We shared a look, and got giggling. Julie shrugged. “She knows about us anyway.” I nodded in agreement.

“Come in,” said Julie.

Nettie opened the door, then stood there, staring at us. “Oh… wow,” she got out. “Are you guys… you know… doing it?”

Julie smiled. “We sure are!” Turning to me, her mouth found mine, and we shared a hot, hungry kiss.  Nettie’s lips were parted slightly, her eyes wide. I knew that expression well. I imagine a few people have seen that same longing on my face over the past year!

Julie beckoned her closer. “You can come sit with us if you want, Nettie. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Licking her bottom lip nervously, Nettie took a step forward. Then another.


What happened then?

This time, I think I’ll leave it to the imagination. I learned in Creative Writing class that it’s good to conclude your story with a hint of mystery… and in a way, I’m ending a story right now, aren’t I? Sure, there will be a lot more chapters to come. I’m only twelve! But I’ll be busy living them, experiencing life without the need to put all the details down in print.

Like I said when I first started, I don’t think anyone keeps a diary just for themselves. I think at least in the back of your mind, you’re writing with the expectation that someday, it’s going to be read by someone else. So here’s where I leave you, future reader, at least for now.

Sincerely, Mallory Kalvornek

The End


This story has been a hell of a long time in the telling. Begun years ago, abandoned due to extenuating circumstances, left behind while I wrote “Strange Brew”… and now finally, brought to a conclusion.

First of all, I must thank JetBoy. It was he who encouraged me to return to the story and give it another go, despite my feeling that I’d lost the plot and couldn’t think how to continue. Thanks to him, I looked at it again and figured out how to continue. His exemplary editing, great suggestions, and even some writing contributions, strengthened the work immensely. 

Thanks must also be apportioned to the others who keep Juicy Secrets up and running. We owe it all to you.

And finally, of course, my wonderfully amazing readers! Your comments and encouragement have been an immense joy to read, and provided impetus when the motivation threatened to wane. Even those of you who don’t comment but love the stories anyway. Thank you thank you thank you! We love you all.

Mallory’s story is not over. Some of you may recall the appearance that Mallory, Julie, and the Hanson family made at Nettie’s father’s memorial in “Strange Brew.” The cast of both stories will come together in the “Strange Brew” sequel, which is currently in progress. It’s basically written, but with some significant revisions underway. Once it’s ready, it’ll be unveiled. It’s a trip down memory lane for our beloved Nettie as she’s forced to face her traumatic past, including a completion of the scene I left off on in the final chapter you just read! Stay tuned…


Bad Girls Club: The Beginning, Chapter 1

  • Posted on March 10, 2025 at 2:14 pm

by Mystery Mouse

CHAPTER 1 – A New Start

“Oh, and whatever you do, make sure to stay away from her!”

The girl’s vehemence took Katherine by surprise. All through the tour of the school, Anne-Marie had been pleasant and polite. A little snobbish and stuck-up, maybe, but Katherine was used to that. Especially from a prefect.

But as they entered the lunch hall and Anne-Marie started to wrap things up, she’d spotted something, and her mood had changed for the worse.

“Er … who?” Katherine asked, scanning the assorted students. She had no idea who, or even what, she was looking for.

Her,” Anne-Marie repeated with a growl. “The Ice Queen sitting over there with her pack of delinquent lesbian friends. A regular bad girls club, if you ask me.”

“Bad girls club?” Katherine echoed. She looked where the prefect was pointing. Outside the hall, visible through a window, four girls sat at a round table. They looked to be around sixteen or so, the same age she was. As far as she could tell, three of them were chatting while the fourth seemed to be writing something down. Nothing unusual at all. Nothing strange. Nothing “bad.”

As for the other thing Anne-Marie called them …

“Why did you …?” Katherine began. She didn’t get any further as Anne-Marie tore her gaze away from the group, wished Katherine well in her academic life, and made such an abrupt departure that Katherine was left gawping after her, unsure what to do next.

Then the reality of the situation hit home. She was standing on her own in a hall full of strangers. They were bound to notice her any second now. And then they’d start pointing, then whispering and laughing. If she was lucky, that’s all they would do.

She felt her pulse quicken as panic threatened to set in. Worse, she felt the Blush start to rise.

The Blush deserved its capitalisation. When embarrassed, her face took on the hue of a ripe tomato. In Katherine’s previous school, it was a point of pride for her tormentors if they could get the shy, insecure redhead’s cheeks glowing. And she’d had so many tormentors.

The teasing started with her fiery red hair, and how persistently unruly it was. Some of the popular girls started making fun of it, her cheeks would flush, and the whole thing snowballed from there. Katherine began avoiding the other kids, which made her the quiet outsider, which made her a target for bullies, which made her even more of a recluse. Once a bully knows how to hurt you, they won’t stop. In the end, Katherine had nobody left she could consider a friend.

But this was a new town. A new school with new people. It was Katherine’s chance to make a better life for herself. Nobody here was going to call her Crybaby Kathy. She wouldn’t give them the opportunity.

So she needed to move. Sit at a free table, go for a walk, hide in the toilets – anything that made her less of a target. She took one step, then another.

“Hi. Sorry. Do you mind if I sit here?” she asked a few moments later.

Nearly all the girls at the table looked up in surprise at the interruption. Even this close, Katherine couldn’t work out which one was supposed to be the “Ice Queen” Anne-Marie had mentioned.

There was a black girl whose uniform somehow seemed to be smarter and better tailored than everyone else’s. Was she the Queen? There was an air of superiority about her, although that might just have been a figment of Katherine’s overstressed imagination.

Next to her was a girl whose bespectacled face was almost hidden under a mass of chestnut-brown curls. Despite her smile, there was a sense that this was someone who was always ready for a fight. Somebody who needed no excuse to defend herself with words – or fists. An Ice Queen? Surely not.

At first, Katherine assumed the next girl was from another year, maybe someone’s younger sister. But, as she approached the table, she realised just how small the little brunette was. Not that there was anything wrong with being a different height, she hurriedly admonished herself, but still … this girl was tiny! Surely she was far too short, far too petite, to be called a Queen of anything.

Finally, she looked at the fourth girl and knew instantly – this must be the one. Tall, unsmiling, with ice-cold blue eyes and long hair so blonde it was nearly white … she had to be the Ice Queen Anne-Marie had spoken of so spitefully. She didn’t even look like she belonged in a school. She looked like she should have been plotting the downfall of humanity in a castle on a glacier somewhere. Katherine knew instinctively that this was one girl you wouldn’t want to mess with.

“Absolutely,” said the black girl in response to Katherine’s request and waved her to one of the two free chairs.

The girls resumed their conversation as Katherine tried to relax, holding her bag on her lap like some kind of shield. This was bad. This was very bad. What the hell was she doing here? She’d barely been at the school for half a day and already she’d walked right into the lions’ den!

Or maybe the lionesses’ den. Is that even a thing?

“So me stepdad reckons he can get tickets, but only for one of th’ shite matches. Everything else is just way too pricey.”

This was the girl with the brown curls and glasses. She had a thick Irish accent, although Katherine was at a loss as to where in Ireland it was from. Her geographical knowledge wasn’t the best and there was absolutely no way she was going to ask. That’d just be begging trouble.

“You still going anyway?” asked the Ice Queen.

“Well, y’gotta. Otherwise y’ain’t a real fan at all.”

“Is that why you support someone at the bottom of the league? Because you’re a ‘real’ fan?”

“Hey! What’cha ’tryin’ t’say?!”

As Katherine tried her best not to look like she was eavesdropping, she began to sense somebody was watching her. She looked up and saw the black girl, the one with the smart uniform, staring at her as though trying to work something out.

Here we go. thought Katherine. What’s it going to be first? The hair? The bag? Clothes? Shoes? What? What are you going to start picking on me about?

“You’re new, aren’t you?” the girl asked.

Careful, Katherine, careful. You don’t know what they do to new kids here. Don’t lie, you’ll only get caught out … but be ready to run.

“Er, yeah. How did you …” she replied.

The other girl smiled.

“Easy. You’ve got that whole deer-in-headlights look. Like you don’t know what to do next.”

“I… I guess. There’s a lot to take in.”

“Well, welcome to the school. It’s not that bad once you get used to it. Just don’t eat the shepherd’s pie!” the girl said, winking conspiratorially.

“You had that last week. You liked it,” interjected the blonde, her argument with the Irish girl having failed to go anywhere.

The black girl rolled her eyes. “I was making a joke. You know? A joke? Something to break the ice? Make our new friend feel a bit more welcome? Can’t you just give me that? Huh?”

Our new friend. It didn’t sound sarcastic to Katherine’s ears, but who actually says that?

“Anyway,” the black girl continued, regaining her composure, “welcome to the school, like I said, and welcome to our lunch table. It’s a pleasure to have you join us …”

I doubt that, thought Katherine.

“… so let me introduce everyone. My name’s Yolanda. Next to me is Fiona.”

The Irish girl with the wild curls had started to eat an apple and was taken by surprise. She waved with her free fingers and wiggled her eyebrows in what was probably meant to be a friendly manner.

Katherine’s first impression of Yolanda seemed to be accurate. The girl had an attitude of somebody used to being in charge. And also clearly used to public speaking. This felt less like an introduction and more like a presentation.

“The one cheating on her homework is Terri.”

This had to be the short girl who, Katherine now realised, had been feverishly copying text from one sheet of paper to another.

“I ain’t cheatin’!” came the indignant response. “How was I supposed to know there was questions on the back?! Who the hell does that to a person?”

“Just as well some of us pay attention, huh?” the blonde commented.

Terri stuck out her tongue in response without looking up from her work.

“And finally,” Yolanda interjected firmly, “we have Claire. Who’s having a mood today.”

“I’m not having a mood. I’m just saying, that’s all.”

“It’s not what you’re saying, girl. It’s how you’re saying it.”

“Well, I’m just saying the truth.”

So, thought Katherine as the two bickered, the Ice Queen’s name was Claire. Claire the Ice Queen.

It doesn’t fit somehow. Maybe a Helga? Or a Thora? Or … Okay, so I don’t know many Nordic names. But she looks like she’s some kind of Viking or something.

Something with a Z in it, maybe? Zena? Zora? Hmm … Why do they always end with an “a”?

“An’ what’s yer name, then?”

Katherine started with shock. She’d let her mind drift and hadn’t been paying attention. This was the Irish girl, Fiona, pointing a ravaged apple core in Katherine’s direction.

“Me? Oh, I’m … er … I mean … my name’s Katherine. Katherine Pearson,” she stammered, feeling the Blush threaten to rise again.

“Pleased t’meet ya, Kat. Got any food?”


She’s not about to try to take my lunch, is she? That’s so childish! Nobody still does that, do they?

“It’s half-past already. If y’don’t eat soon, you’ll run outta time,” Fiona explained.

“Oh. Right. Of course.”

Katherine carefully removed a sandwich from her bag and tried to eat it as innocuously as possible.

So far so good, she thought. Nobody has really done or said anything nasty towards me at all. Sure, they could be saving it up for later, but normally I’d have had at least something by now.

As time passed and the end of the lunch hour drew near, Katherine found herself beginning to relax. The other girls around the table had been given many opportunities but hadn’t bothered to be mean or unpleasant to her at all. Each other, yes, but that just seemed to be the standard, background-level way they behaved. There were frequent arguments, but they never came to anything and were over as quickly as they started. In fact, the girls didn’t argue or fight, Katherine realised. They squabbled. They bickered. There was no real heat behind it.

After a few moments, Terri finished her work. She looked up, saw Katherine for the first time and, without hesitation, said what must have been the first thing that came to her mind.

“Whoa. Your hair’s amazin’. It’s so red! Do you have to use a special conditioner for that or somethin’?”

At first Katherine thought this was some subtle insult she didn’t understand. But it turned out to be a serious question and kickstarted a group conversation about hair products that even she was able to join. It wasn’t much, but she started to feel that this might be a group of people she could cope with after all.

But then Claire, who had spent a few minutes silently thinking, turned to Katherine and asked, “So, why’d you ask to sit with us?” 

Bitch, Katherine thought.

“Somebody told me not to. They said you were trouble,” she said. “So I did. I don’t like being told what I shouldn’t do.”

That wasn’t entirely true, but it sounded good.

“Let me guess. Anne-Marie,” Yolanda said, making a face. Then, without waiting for a reply, she added, “She still has it out for you, doesn’t she, Claire?”

“Not my fault,” came the terse response.

Katherine saw all four girls start to focus on her and felt the Blush once again threaten to rise. Oh no, she thought. Not now!

“In what way did she say we were trouble, hmmm?” Yolanda asked with a strange smile.

“I’m not … I don’t think I really remember.”

“Sure y’do,” Fiona chimed in “Tell us. We wanna know.”

Shit shit shit shit! Katherine screamed inside her head. Never pick sides, never repeat what people say about each other, and never EVER get between two groups who are fighting. Especially not other girls. You know this! 

Then, suddenly, she changed her mind. As she felt her cheeks burn from embarrassment and fear, it was as though a switch flipped in her brain. Screw it, she thought, I’m not doing this all over again. If it’s a fight you want, then let’s fight.

“Well, she said you were all gay,” she said.

The other girls looked stunned. As though they were expecting anything but that.

The only one who reacted was Terri. She instantly broke into a massive grin. “Oh, is that all? Huh. ’Cos she ain’t right … but she ain’t exactly wrong, neither.”

“Terri …” Yolanda warned.

“I mean, Fi’s the actual gay one. Me an’ Claire, we’re more bi, you know? An’ Yolanda here, she’s … ‘

“Terri!” Yolanda snapped. “That’s enough! Try to engage your brain before you engage your mouth!”

“I’m happy t’admit it. It’s th’ twenty-first century. Not gonna lie about bein’ who I am,” Fiona said with a shrug.

“I’m not saying that, but there’s a time and a place.” They glowered at one another.

“So why did Anne-Marie tell you that, precisely?” Claire asked.

Katherine suspected she knew the answer to that one. She’d been thinking about it and believed she’d worked it out. Why would somebody tell a complete stranger that a group of girls were all “delinquent lesbians”? Either they were a homophobe or …

“I think she thinks you’re all sleeping with each other.”

There was silence. The sort of silence that only comes when people are deliberately not saying anything.

Oops, she thought. Wrong answer. Now I really am in trouble. I wonder if I can change to a different school again?

But then:

“Yeah … I exactly wouldn’t call it sleepin’. More like fuckin’. Fuckin’ an’ shaggin’ with a lil’ bit of screwin’ mixed in.”


“Jaysus, T. Way t’drop that one.”

“What? It’s true, ain’t it?”

Only Claire didn’t say anything. She merely smirked.

Katherine was in shock. This wasn’t what she’d been expecting. At most she thought the girls might have become friends as some sort of LGBTQ support group. There was something similar at her old school although, being a social outcast, she hadn’t known much about it.

And she knew people her age weren’t all virgins. She’d heard the rumours that people in her year were actually having sex. There’d even been talk that some of her classmates had started doing it when they were even younger.

But it was Terri’s blunt, upfront, admission that surprised her. And not a single member of the group had denied it either.

Katherine caught Yolanda’s eye in mute enquiry. The other girl threw her hands up in the air with exasperation.

“Alright, fine,” she growled. “It’s true. We do, sometimes, occasionally …”

“Frequently,” said Terri under her breath.

“… have intimate moments with each other …” Yolanda continued.

“Fuck like rabbits,” Terri said. “Horny rabbits.”

“… but that’s not all we do. And it’s not all that often, despite what some people would have you believe. It’s just for fun, that’s all. Nothing to make a big deal about.”

Yolanda’s composure was gone. The calm, collected, and firmly-in-control young woman Katherine had met earlier had vanished. All because of one, surprising but relatively small revelation. It was alarming to see. But even more alarming was the speed with which Yolanda recovered. Two deep breaths and she was back to normal.

“Of course, if this means you don’t want to sit with us, I completely understand,” she continued, sitting up as straight as a ruler, “but I would ask that you keep this private. It’s not something the rest of the school needs to know.”

So you’re hiding who you truly are. Katherine thought. I’ve been there.

“Yeah, no. I get it. I think. But I’ll stay, if that’s okay.” After all, I have to know if this is some sort of prank or something.

“Of course,” Terri continued quietly, “we ain’t actually done anythin’ since I got rid of the bunk bed the other day, an’ you made me come buckets all over the new one.”

“Hang on. Wait,” interrupted Claire, who clearly had something else on her mind. “Did Anne-Marie have anything else to say about us? Or me specifically?”

Katherine knew exactly what she was asking about, but she also knew that there was no way she was going to tell her.

Especially now. If Claire was the horrible person Anne-Marie had implied, if she was so nasty, then how could the other girls possibly be doing anything like that with her?

There must be something that Katherine wasn’t getting.

“Er … she did call you a ‘bad girls club’ but I don’t know …”

That was all Katherine managed to say before Terri burst out laughing.

“Yes! I love it! That’s brilliant!” she cried. “The Bad Girls Club! Yeah! We can make up some badges, have our own newsletter …”

“Get us jackets with the club name on the back, like in old fifties movies?” Fiona offered.

“Yeah? Yeah! Hell, why not? We could have Bad Girls Club-branded anythin’ and everythin’.”

“We’re not a club. That’s just silly,” Claire grumbled.

But this time, she was ignored. Terri and Fiona had taken the idea to heart and were busy throwing merchandise ideas at each other, paying no heed to Claire’s sardonic comments.

Thankfully, by the time they’d started discussing matching tattoos, the bell rang and lunch hour was over. The girls rose from the table and, after giving Katherine directions to her next class, went their separate ways.

For the rest of the day Katherine did her best to focus on her schoolwork. She had new classmates, new teachers, and new buildings to get used to. Even new friends, it seemed. But every so often, her mind would drift back to one particular question.

Did those girls she met earlier really do what they said they did? Have sex with each other? Were they just making it up? But why would they admit to something like that if it wasn’t true?

If they weren’t making it up, then what was it like? What did they do? How did they do it?

And, more importantly, could she herself have sex with another girl if the situation ever came up?

For an inexperienced, shy virgin like Katherine, these were questions she couldn’t even begin to answer. And yet they circled her head, making her lose concentration and set her heart to pounding, her mind racing, and her body wanting.

Finally, once school was over for the day and she was safely home in her bedroom where nobody could see, she decided to do something about it.

Soon to come: Chapter Two!


The Grafton Lodge Girls, Chapter 5

  • Posted on March 5, 2025 at 3:17 pm

The story thus far: Kimberly Harcourt-Brown is a ten-year-old lesbian who has only ever had sex with her mother Arabella. As the story begins, she is being taken on a mystery getaway by her mum. Not long before their arrival, Kimmy finally gets the details of their trip. It seems that back when Arabella was at university, she and her four roommates/lovers made a vow of sorts: they would all strive to have daughters at around the same time, then teach them the ways of lesbian love when they were still little girls. And just before the girls entered their teen years, the four mothers would bring them to Grafton Lodge, a luxurious house they owned jointly, for a weekend of sexual abandon. Kimmy hasn’t seen any of her mum’s mates since she was too young to recall them, but she is still beside herself with delight.

Arabella has one more bit of information to share with Kimmy: after returning home from university, Arabella became lovers with her sister Beth.  Kimmy then wonders why Aunt Beth didn’t join them for this trip, and Arabella tells her daughter that Beth’s plan for the weekend is to attempt to entice Kimmy’s little sister Hanna bed. If she succeeds, it’s possible that the entire family will become lovers. Needless to say, Kimmy is thrilled by the idea… but of course, that will have to wait until the trip home from Grafton Lodge.

Upon their arrival, the girls spend time getting to know their mothers’ friends, as well as each other, before meeting at the swimming pool. As the day passes, they learn which mums are attracted to which daughters, and who will share whose bed. It works out quite nicely, and no one is left without a partner. Kimmy is smitten by Lily’s mum Fiona, while Arabella has eyes for Lottie’s little girl Emily. Much flirting takes place.

That evening, after supper, a wicked game of hide and seek is proposed, one in which the ultimate objective is to pair each woman and girl with the bed partner they want most. The game results in tons of fun, the kind that churns up a lot of teasing, arousal and outright lust. Eventually, everyone is paired off, but did Kimmy get the lover she hoped for?

Later, Kimmy awakens in Fiona’s arms after a delightful bout of lovemaking. Everyone comes down for hot chocolate before turning in, and the next day’s activities are planned: the eight of them will visit a delightful shopping district in the nearby village of Stowington. Their plans made, everyone goes to bed, all the girls sleeping with their mums.

The next morning, it is determined that another sexy game will be played whilst in the village… and the first rule is that everyone has to wear dresses, but without knickers. This will be a game of tag, one involving either flashing their naughty bits at each other, or engaging in  beneath their skirts. Once more, a lovely time is had by all, and Fiona gives Kimmy a beautiful necklace before they return to Grafton. The story resumes…

Cast of Characters:

Arabella (Bell) and daughter Kimberly (Kimmy) (10): Brunettes
Fiona (Fi) and daughter Lily (9): Redheads
Claire and daughter Izzy (11): Brunettes
Charlotte (Lottie) and daughter Emily (10) : Blondes

by Joe Dornish

I must have been blind not to notice it. I blame that dreamy state I was in, brought on by spending so much time with Fiona.

As Mum had predicted, the others had got back to Grafton Lodge before us. When we arrived home and got out of the car, she started to say something to me, but I was desperate for a pee so I brushed her off and ran inside. When I came out of the loo I followed the sound of voices to the living room. Everyone was there but me.

I looked for Fiona and saw her on the sofa with Lily. It was a three-seater with a space next to her, so I took a step in her direction, but then Mum said, “Kimmy, come and sit with me please.”

The first inkling I had that something special was about to happen was when I noticed that each child was sitting with their mother and everyone had gone quiet.

“Okay, now we’re all here, can we begin?” said Claire, opening a laptop.

I frowned and looked at Mum, “Begin what? Are we playing another game?”

Mum spoke in a hushed tone. “That’s what I meant to speak to you about. I was going to tell you in the car, but then Fiona gave you the bracelet and I wanted to let you enjoy the moment. Then I tried to tell you just now, but you ran off.”

“Sorry, I needed to pee. So what’s happening then? Um, is something the matter?”

“Not at all, sweetie. We’re just going to watch a film.”

This was NOT what I wanted to hear. I was hoping we could all get naked and go swimming. I knew better than to show my disappointment, though.

“Oh, okay. What’s the film?”

“It’s a lesbian sex film, one with a bit of a surprise.”

My jaw nearly hit the floor. Did I hear her right?

“Did you say…”

“Things are likely to get a bit steamy here soon. Kimmy, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, remember that, okay?”

I knew why Mum felt obliged to keep saying the words, but I was getting a bit tired of constantly being told I didn’t have to do sex stuff if I didn’t want to. “Yeah, of course, but, did you say… a lesbian porn film…?”

So many questions were flying about in my head and fighting to get heard, but none of them managed to actually get spoken. It was like some silly cartoon where the characters all try to get through the door at once and get stuck. Given a minute, I’d have managed to ask one – but Claire, who was playing with the laptop, spoke again. “Ah, here we are. Okay, now I’ve managed to sort the tech out, we can begin.”

“Well done for digitising this, Claire. Was it difficult?” asked Fiona.

Claire laughed. “Oh, it was quite traumatic, likely to cost me a bloody fortune in therapy. Anyway, ladies, girls… we are about to see the first-ever public screening of a very special film. I hope you enjoy it.”

She pressed a button on her laptop, then placed it on the floor by her feet as the television burst into life. Looking around the room the kids were all like me, a bit perplexed, but there was a definite air of excitement amongst the adults. I settled in to watch.

The opening shot was of a living room. There were two big sofas, some bean bags and cushions and a large glass coffee table, as well as a TV in the corner, along with bookshelves and stuff. The picture was a bit grainy but not too bad. I noticed there were no opening credits. In fact, it looked like a home movie.

As I studied the screen I could see some stuff on the coffee table… okay, it was a collection of sex toys. I’d never used any myself, as Mum said I was too young, but she told me about them one time and said when I get a bit older we could try some together.

A woman’s voice came blaring out, someone speaking off-camera.

‘Welcome to the first-ever filming of the Cambridge Lesbian Quartet, featuring…’

Then people off-camera started clapping and cheering. I was just thinking that the voice speaking sounded a bit familiar when someone burst onto the screen, whirling around with her arms flying about wildly.

‘…featuring… Luscious Lottie!’

She looked younger than she did now, but there was no mistaking it, it was Lottie. Besides the shock of seeing her on the TV, I was speechless at the fact she was wearing nothing but a pair of white stockings. I looked across at her on the sofa with Emily. She was hiding her face behind her hands and giggling.

“Mummy, is that you?” Said Emily with a mix of excitement and confusion.

“Yes, darling, that’s me.”

The voice behind the camera then said, ‘…aaaannnnd Foxy Fiona!”

Then Fiona came into view, wearing red stockings but otherwise naked. Like Lottie, she arrived with a little dance, then turned to face the camera.

“Oh my god, Fi… you look scrumptious,” said Mum.

“We all did back then. Look how young and slim we were.”

‘…And the Commando Queen herself… Arabella!”

“Mum, oh my… Mum, that’s you!” I exclaimed.

“Yup, that’s me, baby.”

A very young-looking Mum came sashaying gracefully onto the screen with a twirl and stood facing the camera with Lottie and Fiona. She was wearing black fishnet stockings, but was otherwise naked. I was beginning to see the theme here and guessed Claire could be next, probably wearing stockings.

‘…and last, but not least… Kinky Claire!’

“Kinky Claire!” yelled Izzy, laughing and clapping while her mum hid her face, not enough to conceal her blushing cheeks.

The younger version of Claire danced onto the screen to join the others, wearing black stockings, but they were shiny, like plastic or something. She looked amazing.

“What’s she wearing?” I whispered to Mum.

“Latex stockings. She used to love those things.”

“Have you still got those stockings?” asked Lottie.

“Not those, but I’ve got a couple of pairs tucked away at home somewhere.”

“Pity, you should have brought them with you,” said Fiona.

“Next time, darling, next time,” said Claire.

“I haven’t seen this since we filmed it,” said Lottie, “I can’t quite remember exactly what we did.”

“It’s a bit hazy, but some of it’s coming back to me,” said Fiona.

“Do you remember this?” I asked Mum.

“Bits of it, but not much. You’re going to see me doing things that might surprise you.”

“Like what?”

“Wait and see.”

Other than a few whispers here and there between mums and their daughters the room largely fell silent. I’m not sure about the other kids, but I’ve never seen a porn movie before. Actually, that’s not true. A girl in the year above me had one on her phone once in the playground. A man and a woman were having sex and everyone was crowded around her trying to see the film. I caught a brief glimpse, but didn’t want to look at a naked man, so I walked away. Which was smart of me, cause a moment later a teacher caught them, and those girls got in loads of trouble.

“Are you all going to have sex, Mummy?” I heard Lily ask her mum.

“Shhh, watch and you’ll find out,” Fiona replied.

I was pretty sure I knew the answer to THAT question! My eyes were glued to the TV as the four younger versions of our mums started kissing. It got very hot, very quickly. There was none of the slow teasing foreplay that Mum and I usually do. Almost straight away Claire pushed Mum onto the sofa and started licking her pussy while Fiona stayed standing in front of the camera as Lottie knelt between her legs.

“Wow, COOL,” said Izzy.

I couldn’t agree more. I watched as my on-screen mum spread her stocking-clad legs wide apart, then Claire began finger fucking her while licking her pussy.

“Are there any close-ups?” asked Izzy.

“No, baby,” said Claire, “Nobody was operating the camera, it was on a tripod.”

“Pity,” said Izzy.

She was right, it was a pity, I’d have loved a close-up view of what Claire was doing to my mum. On the screen, Claire pushed my mum flat on the sofa and grabbed something from the coffee table, then swung around and planted her pussy on Mum’s face so they were in a sixty-nine.

“What’s Claire got in her hand?” I asked Mum.

“A vibrator.”

I watched as the long purple thing made a buzzing noise and then Claire pushed it inside my mum. Meanwhile, Fiona had turned around and bent over and Lottie was licking her pussy and bumhole from behind. It was a crazy thing to see, all four of our mums having sex like this. I was getting massively turned on. And by the look of it, I wasn’t the only one.

Movement on the other side of the room caught my eye, and I looked over to see that Izzy had lifted her skirt above her waist and was masturbating. Like, right there, on the sofa next to her mum, completely out in the open. Then I glanced around the room and saw that Emily was sitting on Lottie’s lap. I had been so engrossed in the film that I hadn’t even noticed her move. Lottie had her hand under Emily’s skirt, and there was movement between the girl’s legs. If that wasn’t enough of a hint at what Lottie was doing to her daughter, the glazed look in Emily’s eyes told me all I needed to know.

I didn’t know where to look. I didn’t want to miss the action on the screen, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from what was happening in the room. Then Fiona pulled her denim mini up around her waist, spread her legs and began masturbating in full view of all of us. I nearly came on the spot.

My head was moving from the TV to Fiona to Izzy to Emily and back again, like I was watching three tennis games at once.

As if she could read my mind, Mum said, “It’s okay, you can play with your kitty if you want. I will too in a little bit, but I’m waiting for a particular part of the film.”

“Are you sure?”

“Uh-huh. Or you can sit on my lap and I’ll do it for you. How about that?”

I didn’t need to be asked twice! I climbed into Mum’s lap, throwing my legs on either side of hers and leaning back on her. I thought she was just going to slip her hand under my dress but instead, she lifted it right up so everyone could see me. I went bright red and felt a bit too exposed but as some of the others were doing the same thing I felt it was okay and let Mum carry on. This caught Fiona’s attention, she looked across and blew me a kiss with one hand while masturbating with the other. I blew her a kiss back as Mum’s fingers slipped between my legs.

I turned my attention to the screen when I heard Lottie say, “Fuck me, we didn’t waste any time in those days, did we?”

Things had changed on the TV while my attention had been elsewhere. Claire and Mum were still doing their sixty-nine on the sofa but now Lottie was messing with some sort of leather belt thingy with a dildo on the front. She stepped into it and pulled it up around her waist, then Fiona was helping with some sort of fastening on the side.

“What’s that?” I asked Mum.

“Didn’t I tell you about those? Guess not. It’s called a strap-on harness. Watch, you’ll see what it’s for.”

It soon became very obvious what it was for. Fiona bent over the coffee table with her back to the camera, but Lottie said something that I couldn’t make out and pointed at the camera, then Fiona turned sideways so we could see her. Lottie got behind her and pushed the dildo into Fiona and started to fuck her like a man would.

This was totally confusing to me. I’m a lesbian, after all, and this was very much like the sex straight people have. So why was it turning me on so much? Then I remembered Mum’s words to me yesterday when we were talking about boys. ‘Embrace who you are, don’t try to fit yourself into a box’.

So I just went with it, embracing this new way for women to have sex… new to me, at least. And Mum’s fingers were having a lovely effect on my kitty, so much that I was dripping wet. She wasn’t trying to make me come though, she was just lightly massaging me. It felt wonderful.

“Oh fuck, yeah,” said Claire.

I hadn’t noticed that she was masturbating under her dress, and now she was having an orgasm. Then Emily started whimpering and wriggling about on her mummy’s lap while Lottie touched her, and soon she was coming, too. Fiona wasn’t far behind, and I saw her smile at Lily when she hitched her own dress up and started playing with her kitty. Then Izzy started coming. It was a crazy sight, all these women and girls masturbating and random orgasms breaking out as we watched our mums on the TV having really naughty sex.

My eyes were then drawn to Mum and Claire on the screen. I think they’d both had an orgasm, because Claire had got to her feet and was fiddling with something on the coffee table. I couldn’t see what, though, because Lottie was blocking the view of the camera while she fucked Fiona. Then Claire stepped back into view, another strap-on in her hands.

A surge of excitement raced through me. “Is she going to…?”

“Yes, baby, she is.”

“Oh, wow.”

Once Claire had the harness on, she got on the sofa with Mum, who was on her back. She lifted Mum’s ankles high and wide, pushed the dildo in and started fucking her really hard.

I didn’t question what I was watching, I couldn’t, I was coming. It hit me out of nowhere. One second I’m enjoying a bit of light pussy rubbing from Mum, and the next I’m shivering and moaning as she worked my clit while I watched her getting fucked by her friend who, in real life, was sitting just a few feet away having an orgasm of her own.

My climax was as short-lived as it was intense. A moment later I was properly with it again and ready for more.

Things had continued to heat up in the living room. Izzy was now naked, as was her mother, both of them seated on the sofa frigging themselves silly. Fiona had finished her own orgasm and was now using her fingers to bring her daughter off while they both watched the movie. It was little Emily that surprised me the most, though. She was naked and kneeling on the floor between her mother’s legs, licking her pussy.

“Wow,” I whispered to Mum, “Look at Emily and Lottie!”

She smiled. “I know. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”


“Um, baby girl? Do you fancy doing that to me?”

“Sure, I’d love to,” I said, then looked over at the TV, where Claire was still pounding Mum with her strap-on. “Is the right bit of the film for you, then?”

“Yes, it is.”

“What’s going to happen?”

“Watch,” was all she said.

I got out of Mum’s lap, and as I did she lifted her bum off the sofa and pulled her dress over her head, leaving her sitting there in just her bra. I scanned the room and looked at everyone else going totally naked, then thought Oh, the heck with it! and whipped my own dress off.

Mum smiled. “Good girl, Kimmy,” she said.

I knelt between her legs and quickly glanced up at the TV. All four of the younger versions of our mums had stood up and were moving about. It took me a while to realise what was happening. Lottie lay down on the sofa and Mum had got on top of her with the strap-on thingy in her pussy. Fiona was sitting on the arm of the sofa just above Lottie’s head with her legs open, so Mum was in a perfect position to lick her when she leaned forward.

Then Claire positioned herself behind Mum. I couldn’t think what she was going to do at first, then it struck me: she was going to put her strap-on in Mum’s bum! Oh my GOD, Mum’s got one toy in her pussy and one in her bum, both at the same time!

“Kimmy…” whispered Mum, bringing my attention back to her.

Her fingers were working her clit. I remembered why I was kneeling down there. “Oh, yeah, sorry,” I said and leaned in to taste her.

“We can watch this again at home, I’ve got a copy and we can… oh, shit… yes, Kimmy, that’s it, right there, baby.”

Mum was soaking wet and already very close to coming, so I went straight for her clit. At the same time, I slipped two fingers inside and felt around for her G-spot.

“God, we were such a bunch of sluts,” said Fiona. “Not for boys, though,” she added, as if her words  needed an explanation.

But nobody answered. Everyone was too busy getting off while watching the film. Well, I assumed they were. I couldn’t see the others, I was occupied licking Mum. In less than a minute she was holding my head in place and raising her knees up as she came bucket loads. I lapped up most of it, but some dribbled off my face and onto the floor. If I’d looked up I would’ve seen Mum biting her lower lip, like she always did when getting off. Wish I had a picture of her doing that; I’d never get tired of looking at it.

Mum reached the peak of her climax and was coming down, so I started giving her pussy soft kisses instead. She released my head from her grip and relaxed her legs, sinking back into the sofa with a happy sigh.

Suddenly I was aware of movement close behind me. I turned to see Fiona and Lily, both naked, kneeling close by.

“Hi, Kimmy,” said Fiona, “you guys having fun there?”

“Yeah, loads. How about you two?” I said.

Lily nodded and Fiona said, “Uh-huh, we’re having a great time. So… would you mind if we gatecrashed your little party?”

“There’s always room for more,” said Mum with a smile.

Fiona got up and sat next to Mum on the sofa, while Lily budged up next to me. “Can I kiss you?” she asked. She was shy, unable to meet my eyes for very long.

She looked so sweet and so beautiful I couldn’t help but say, “Sure!”

We came together in a gentle kiss, but within a minute or so we were snogging away like crazy. From the corner of my eye, I could see Mum and Fiona kissing and touching each other.

I’d never had sex with a young girl before – just my Mum, and now Fiona. But kissing Lily and running my hands over her smooth skin got me hot as a poker. I wanted to do a LOT more with her.

I was about to test the water and reach between Lily’s legs, but she beat me to it and I felt her slim fingers slide along my kitty. I wasn’t far behind, though. As I put my hand between her legs I glanced at our Mums, and they were doing much the same, kissing and touching each other’s pussies.

Then they broke off and looked at us, smiling in that adoring way mummies do.

“Aw, look at our two girls, don’t they look great together Fi?”

“Uh-huh, like a couple of mini-versions of us. Only a lot cuter and sexier.”

I looked at Lily, whose eyes were fixed between Mum’s legs.

“Would you like to taste my mum?” I asked her.

“Yes, please,” she replied.

I put my hand on her leg. “Would it be okay if I tasted you too? Like, at the same time?”

“Yeah, that would be great!” Then Lily looked a little confused. “How would that work, then?”

I already knew how. I moved Lily in front of Mum, then lay down on the floor and slid underneath her, so she was kneeling over my face as she went down on Mum.

“Oh, my,” I heard Fiona say, resting her hand on my leg. “Look at this sweet child’s pussy, just waiting to be licked.”

I got my first taste of a little girl’s kitty as Fiona spread my legs, then I felt her hair brush my tummy. Lily’s kitty was delicious, small and tight with plump outer lips and just a hint of bright pink peeking through. Much like mine, which Fiona was now teasing with her tongue.

The whole thing felt really, really wicked, which turned me on even more. I mean, there I was, licking a nine-year-old girl who was licking my mum, while her mother was going down on me, all at the same time!

I lost track of what was happening on the TV, I could hear the noise of people coming, some from the TV, some from around the room. One of them was Mum; I’d always recognise the sounds she made when having an orgasm. Lily was obviously hitting the right buttons.

Guess I was too, because pretty soon Lily was grinding down on my face hard as I ate her smooth slit until she began to climax. As for me, I was close to having my own orgasm when I heard Claire say, “Hey, mind if I have a taste?”

Fiona raised her head from my pussy. “Sure,” she said.

A moment later, there was a different mouth between my legs again, which I presumed belonged to Claire. Then Lily got off my face and I was able to make eye contact with Claire, who smiled and said, “Mmmm, you taste great… just like a little girl should.”

Before I could form a reply, Fiona looked down at me and said, “Um, mind if I take the spot my daughter just vacated?”

As if I’d pass up the chance to taste Fiona again! I grinned and said, “I’d love that.”

It was then I noticed that my mother wasn’t up on the sofa anymore. She must have moved, but where to, I had no idea. Anyhow, Izzy quickly jumped into the seat Mum had been in as Fiona straddled my face with that beautiful orange-haired pussy I loved so much. I couldn’t see it, but I knew that she’d be licking Izzy while riding my face.

It turns out that Claire is very good with her tongue, not that I was surprised. She brought me to a climax with her mouth and fingers while I had Fiona’s delicious pussy in my face. I’d have liked to do more to Fiona, maybe put a finger in her bum or work her clit a bit better, but it was hard to concentrate with Claire bringing me off. Still, I made a pretty good job of it, giving her an orgasm.

By the time Fiona got off me, I was a complete mess. I’d lost count of how many times I’d come, and my face was covered with juices from my mum, Fiona and Lily. Looking around the room, it looked like  everyone was taking a breather. I stayed where I was, stretched out on the floor, gently stroking Izzy’s leg while she slouched on the sofa. Mum was on the sofa opposite me with Emily on top of her. Bet they just fucked, I thought.

“Did the film end?” Lottie asked.

“Yeah, a few minutes ago,” said Claire, “I think we all missed quite a bit of it.”

“Good job you sent us all a copy, then,” said Mum.

“Oh, bother. I wanted to see the ending. I have wet dreams about that daisy chain to this day,” said Fiona.

“What’s a daisy chain?” asked Lily.

Fiona smiled at her daughter, “It’s where…”

“Er, Fi? Instead of telling her, why don’t we show them?” said Mum.

“Ooh, yeah! But let the kids experience it themselves. That would be a lovely sight!” said Lottie.

I was confused. Wasn’t a daisy chain a bunch of flowers woven into a necklace or bracelet? “Um, how do you ‘experience’ a daisy chain?” I said with a frown.

“We’ll show you,” said Mum. “Right, all you girls come into the middle of the room.”

As we all made our way to the centre of the living room, the adults sat around us on the sofas.

“Okay, so a daisy chain is where you all lie in a circle, licking each other. Here, Kimmy, sweetie, lie on the floor on your side.”

I did as Mum asked and then she said, “Good, now, um, Kimmy, is there a girl you haven’t licked yet?”

“Yeah, Emily and Izzy.”

“Okay, so Emily, you lie here…” she said, placing Emily on her side by my head. “Good. Now Izzy, we’ll put you here.” Now Izzy was down by my feet. “Perfect. Lily, sweetie, you lie between Izzy and Emily.” Once Lily was in place, Mum continued, “Now everyone budge up so you’re facing the pussy of the girl in front of you.”

“Oh, I get it now!” exclaimed Lily with a giggle.

“Me, too. This is a great idea,” I said.

I’d never even imagined such a thing, four of us in one big circle licking each other. Not only did I get to taste Emily’s yummy kitty, but I got to have Izzy lick mine too, and she was almost as good at it as her mum. Having come so many times already, I was able to just enjoy the feeling of a warm, wet mouth on my pussy and concentrate on what I was doing with Emily.

With the angle I was in I had easy access to both her kitty and her bum, and I made good use of both. It was lovely licking her kitty then being naughty and slipping my tongue inside her bottom. I even fingered her a bit too, which she seemed to like. That was when she came. In the other direction, Izzy was coming too, her action on me had slowed to a trickle and she was moaning loudly. The adults were not idle either, they were all sitting around us on the sofas and masturbating while they watched the show.

After I don’t know how long, Mum clapped her hands and said, “Okay, now let’s switch! Everyone change direction, turn around so you’re facing the girl who just licked you.”

Oh, cool, now I could taste Izzy, the only girl I’d not had yet, and Emily could go down on me. Izzy was soaking wet, so I used my fingers on her while I licked her clit, slipping in and out of her pussy with no trouble. Then I got very naughty and slipped a finger into her bum as well.

“Oh Christ, yes, fuck YES!” Fiona cried.

I was just thinking that this daisy chain was about the best thing in the world and couldn’t possibly be any more fun, when Mum said, “Okay ladies, that’s enough voyeurism. Shall we join in?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” said Claire.

As you might imagine, we girls were way into that idea. We broke the chain apart, then arranged it so the order went girl, adult, girl, adult and so on. I had my head between Lottie’s legs, with Claire between mine.

Okay, this was now officially the best thing ever. Before long, orgasms were breaking out everywhere, with yelling and swearing and moans and whimpers. Claire worked her magic and brought me off yet again. I was glad when Mum called out, “Now switch!” and we changed direction again, mainly because it gave me a minute to recover. But soon enough Lottie was licking away at me like mad and I was brought straight back to the edge.

Part of me wished I could have been out of the circle for a moment, watching four mums and four young girls in one big incestuous lesbian chain. I suppose if I wanted to sit it out and just watch I could have done, but there was no way I’d miss out on being a part of this. It would have been really cool if we could have filmed it, then we could watch it back whenever we wanted. But I think I know what Mum would say to that idea.

I’m not sure how it happened, but at some point the chain broke down and turned into a kind of massive pile-on. We became a writhing mass of naked bodies in the middle of the room, all clambering to get at each other. I was licking Izzy’s pussy, I’m not sure who she was licking and I had no idea who was between my legs, but there were at least two people, I think. I had tongues exploring my kitty and bum that would be replaced by fingers and then tongues again. At one point I had both my hands playing with two different pussies – one was Mum, I’m not sure who the other one was. I came yet again in that frantic melee.

It wasn’t possible to keep going at that pace for very long though, it was far too intense and soon people began peeling off and slouching on the sofas until it was just Izzy and Claire left on the floor. In our slightly heady, dazed state the rest of us watched as mother and daughter went from frantically pawing at each other to relaxed lovemaking. It was a beautiful sight. Eventually, even they settled down into cuddle mode like the rest of us.

The last person I had sex with was Fiona. The two of us fucked on the sofa, and when we’d finished we just stayed where we were, our bodies nestled together. She was lying flat with her head on the armrest, and I was between her legs with my head on her tummy, just a few inches from the pussy I’d just showered with affection. I was running my fingers through her lovely orange pubic hair and twiddling it about as our group casually chatted. After a while I crawled into Fiona’s arms to cuddle.

The others were in much the same sort of state as Fiona and I were, nestled into whoever they were with after making love. The conversation had ebbed and flowed, but I hadn’t been paying much attention – too busy daydreaming again.

I was jolted back to reality when the conversation turned to going home. “What time is everyone leaving tomorrow?” Lottie asked.

“We’ll be going straight after breakfast,” said Claire.

Leaving Grafton Lodge was a depressing thought. I tried to banish it from my mind, but with little success.

“Can we come back soon?” Asked Emily, who was lying on my mum.

“Oh, I’m sure we’ll be back here as soon as we can all manage it,” said Lottie. “It’s our place, after all.”

“Can we bring James next time?” asked Izzy.

“We can,” said Claire, “but we’ll have to be mindful that not everyone is comfortable doing this sort of thing around boys. Maybe we’ll have our own special little weekend, just you, your brother and me.”

“I’d like that,” said Izzy.

“Speaking of bringing others to Grafton, I know someone who I suspect would fit in very nicely here,,” said Lottie.

“Oh, who is that?” asked Fiona.

“Her name is Kiki, and she’s the chair of the board of governors at Emily’s school. She has a daughter called Henri, she’s around twenty-nine or thirty I think, and Henri has a gorgeous little girl named Antoinette who is nine. She’s in the year below Emily.”

Emily spoke up. “Everyone calls her Toni, though. She’s very pretty, she’s got blonde hair like me.”

“When they’re together, you’d think they were sisters,” said Lottie.

“And you think they might be interested in the same things we are?” said Mum, being her usual cautious self. I totally get why we have to think that way, though.

“I’m not a hundred percent certain, mind you… but yes, I think they are. Kiki is very forward when she wants to be. The other day we were watching the girls play hockey, and I remarked on how beautiful they looked on the field. ‘You should see them in the showers’ was her reply.”

“That’s not much to go on,” said Mum.

“True, but it’s only one of the hints she’s dropped. Her interest in the girls is sexual, I’d bet my life on it. But there’s more. Last week we invited Toni over to our house for a play date with Emily, they spent most of their time in her room making out. Toni told Emily that her mother taught her to kiss, and I quote, ‘a lot more’. They’ve got another sleepover arranged next weekend.”

“Okay, that does sound like we’re on the same page,” said Claire, “if all goes well at that sleepover, then maybe they can join us the next time we come down here.”

“I’ll keep you posted,” said Lottie, then she did a big yawn. “Gosh, I’m tired, I think it’s bedtime for me.”

Lily and Izzy, who were cuddling, whispered something back and forth to each other, then Lily said, “Mum, can I sleep in with Izzy and Claire tonight please?”

Fiona looked at Claire, who nodded, so she said, “Yes sweetie, you can.”

“You can stay in with me and Mum if you want,” I said to Fiona.

Mum was about to agree when Lottie said, “Actually, Bell, why don’t you stay in with me and Emily. I know she’d like that… and then the two lovebirds over there can be alone.”

I was grinning like mad and hugging Fiona tightly, thrilled to be called “lovebirds.”

“That’s a wonderful idea,” said Mum, “if that’s okay with you, Fi?”

Fiona placed a tender kiss on my cheek, then said, “I’d love that.”

With the sleeping arrangements decided, we all said goodnight and went up to bed. After I’d brushed my teeth and given Mum a big hug goodnight I went to Fiona’s room. I was still naked; the nightie I’d packed for the trip hadn’t even been unpacked.

“Ah, there you are,” Fiona said when I entered. “How would you like to share a bath with me?”

“That would be lovely, thank you.”

Soon we were both soaking in a hot bath with this lovely citrus scent Fiona added. We were both at the same end, and I was lying back against Fiona with my head nestled between her breasts. She wrapped both arms around me and we cuddled like that for ages in the dim moody lighting.

“Did you have a nice time this weekend?” she asked me.

“Yeah, the best time ever,” I sighed. “I don’t want it to end.”

“Me neither, but we can come back soon.”

“I know, and that will be nice, but I meant… oh, it doesn’t matter.”

“It’s okay, Kimmy, you can tell me.”

I was suddenly very bashful, which was completely stupid. “Can you wash my hair for me, please?” I said, changing the subject.

“Of course, sweetie.”

We washed each other and cuddled some more then got out and dried off and got into bed – still naked, of course. I cuddled up to Fiona under the covers, it was lovely and snuggly and just what I wanted, it felt so nice. But I couldn’t shake that hint of sadness, knowing it would all end the next morning.

“I’m going to miss you like crazy,” she said.

“Do you mean that?”

“Of course I do, I’d never lie about such a thing.”

“I’m going to miss you too, lots and lots. I don’t mind leaving here, because I know we’ll come back. It’s you I don’t want to leave, though.”

“But I’ll be here when we come back and we can see each other again then.”

“I know but… but…”

“Are you worried it’ll be different?”


“Hmmm, I wasn’t going to say anything to you until I’d spoken to your mum, but to hell with it, I’m going to ask you anyway. How would you like it if we saw a lot more of each other?”

“I’d love that, you know I would… but how?”

“I’m not sure yet, but we’ll find a way to make it happen, you don’t live that far, it’s a couple of hours at most. Maybe you could come and stay with Lily and me, or we could come and visit you.”

“Oooh, I’d love that so much.”

“Me too. Okay, I’ll speak to your mum tomorrow.”

I yawned then, which made Fiona yawn too.

“Time for some sleep I think,” she said and turned the light out.

We cuddled in spoons. I was the little spoon of course. She had her arms around me, holding me tight against her naked body. It was sexy, obviously, but that’s not really what I was feeling. It was more like…


“Yes, sweetie.”

“I love you, Fiona. I mean, I’m in love with you. Um, I wanted to tell you that in the bath.”

I heard a quiver in her voice when she spoke. “That’s so sweet, Kimmy.” Kissing my cheek, she said, “I love you too, dearest. With all my heart. And we will be together, as often as we can.”

With a blissful sigh, I drifted off to sleep in the arms of my new lover.


“Are you okay, sweetie?” said Mum.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

I blew my nose on the tissue and wiped a tear from my eye as I watched the world pass by the car window. The goodbyes were hard for all of us, but especially so for me and Fiona. Of course, Mum had agreed we could see more of each other, but that still didn’t ease the pain of leaving her.

I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to hold back my tears until we’d got in the car. Then the floodgates opened. For at least half an hour I sobbed, going through a pile of tissues that now littered the footwell in the front seat.

Finally I spoke. “When do you think I’ll be able to see her again?”

“I need to check my diary when we get home… but soon, sweetie, I promise.”


“Hmmmm,” she muttered a minute later.


“You’ve been so distracted with Fiona, I think there’s something you might have forgotten.”

“What have I forgotten?”

“Fancy playing the courtroom game?”

“Not really. Please, just tell me.”

“I think you’ve done a lot of growing up this weekend. Okay, I’ll just tell you then. We’ve only been away for three days.”

“Yes, I know. Oh, hang on…you said we’d be having sex for four days!”

“Spot on.”

“Mum, just tell me, I’m not in the mood for – oh my God, Hanna! Hanna and Aunt Beth. How could I have forgotten them?”

“Love will do that to you.”

“Are they, I mean, did they… make love?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? Haven’t you spoken to them?”


“What, not at all? Not even a message?”

“Nope, not a word.”

“So you don’t know if they had sex or not.”

“No, but I’m hoping no news is good news. If events played out as they should have done, your aunt and your younger sister spent most of the last couple of days naked and in bed.”

“So that’s what the fourth day is for?”

“Just so. We’ll know in a couple of hours if it’s going to happen. The plan is for you, me, Hanna and Aunt Beth to fuck each other silly.”

Hearing my mother use that word gave me a delicious shiver. “Mum?”

“Yes, sweetie.”

“Does this car go any faster?”

The End


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 29

  • Posted on February 28, 2025 at 6:05 pm

A brief summary (well, it USED to be brief…) of what has transpired thus far. (To get a additional breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )

Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.

Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really starting to founder. By then, Mallory and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa gets involved. 

Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex. In the weeks to come, they will get together again every now and then for more of the same.

Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.

Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, which leave her feeling flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t go away, either.

Sharon soon gets a job at a senior center, and is making plans to go back to school. Needless to say, Mal’s father is most unhappy with this development. On the other hand, Mallory is quite pleased for her mom, and takes the opportunity to get in her lap and give her playful, but subtly flirtatious kisses. More then ever, she suspects that her mother is secretly gay.

Mal is gradually becoming more popular at school. One result is that she and Julie are invited to a sleepover with Emma and Cindy, a couple of Julie’s friends. Once the parents are asleep, the girls get into a discussion concerning masturbation, which leads to everyone getting naked and engaging in mutual touching. Emma and Cindy love it, and the four of them get together for more fun a couple of weeks later.

Mallory finds a new student project: playing keyboards in a rock band of high school students supervised by Jason, who has also been teaching his daughter Julie how to do mixing work. Mal is much younger than the other members, but her skills soon win the others over. One of the band members is a sweet hippie girl named Jamie, and Mal is immediately attracted to her.

An ugly scene occurs at the home of Mal’s grandmother, where her mother Sharon is staying until she finds her own place. When Sharon makes a disparaging comment about lesbians, Mal loses her temper in a big way. In her anger, she comes out there and then, venting until her mother breaks down and cries. Mal quickly becomes remorseful, but the damage is done.

A couple of unhappy developments occur. First, Mallory’s parents make it official: they are to divorce. Mal is utterly disgusted with them both. Second, two of Julie’s cousins have vanished without explanation, eleven-year-old twin girls named Anna and Nettie. A search is underway, but without success thus far. Mallory has never met these girls, but she prays as best she can for their safe return.

A few days later, the twins are found and their kidnapper arrested, but not before he murdered Anna. Nettie is still alive, but devastated, and the girls’ parents go completely to pieces, turning on each other in their grief. Obviously, they are unable to take care of Nettie, so after a family discussion in which Mal is asked to participate, Jason, Lisa and Julie decide to bring Nettie into their home for the time being. Mal vows to do everything she can to help Jason’s niece to recover from her emotional trauma.

Mal and Julie pay Jamie a visit. The girls admit to being lovers, then tempt Jamie into masturbating with them. This quickly leads to much more.

Mallory gets to meet Nettie soon after that, when Jason brings her home. Sure enough, she is in bad shape: unable or unwilling to do or say much, often screaming herself awake from nightmares.

Mal’s band is making serious progress, which gets her and Julie a sleepover at Jamie’s place. Needless to say, music isn’t the only item on the agenda that night.

The next day, while practicing her keyboard part on a Black Sabbath cover, Mal puts the album on, only to get a positive response from Nettie, who asks to hear more. It’s the first time she’s shown interest in anything since her twin’s sister’s death. Mal, Julie, Lisa and Jason are is thrilled. Could their tormented guest be on the mend?

In the days that follow, Nettie seems to be emerging from her torpor. In addition to her burgeoning interest in heavy metal, she becomes absorbed by Jason’s medical textbooks.

At band rehearsal, Mal’s and her fellow group members toy with a concept: focus on Eighties pop. At the same rehearsal, they also make plans to perform live, and even manage to work up a cool original song. The entire band is thrilled.

Mallory has a frank discussion with her mother Sharon about sexuality and desire. She admits to listening to her masturbate herself through the wall, then gets Sharon to confess that she has overheard Mallory touching herself as well… and it arouses her. Somehow, Mal persuades Sharon to stay in her room instead, then mother and daughter masturbate together.

The next morning, Sharon is feeling guilty and uneasy, even though she admits to wanting what she and Mallory did the night before. Mal manages to ease her mother’s conscience a bit before they both leave for school.

Mal and her friends run into trouble at school when a lout named Floyd teases Nettie about her sister’s death until she cries. An enraged Julie attacks him, then Mal, Cindy and Emma join in the brawl to keep the much larger Floyd from hurting their friend. Luckily, the principal breaks up the fight, then goes on to suspend Floyd for bullying.

Later at home, Mallory joins Sharon on the couch. They snuggle, then end up grinding their bodies together until they both climax, still in their clothes. This time, mother and daughter share their first passionate kiss.

A concept is discussed and agreed on for the band’s presentation, one that draws on the Eighties film Back to the Future. They continue to make preparations for their upcoming gig.

While visiting her new lesbian friends Katerina and Tracy, Mal’s mom Sharon is stranded there overnight due to snow flurries. Upon returning home, she tells Mallory that her friends both had their first gay sexual experiences as young girls, and thinking about that excites her. This leads to Sharon asking her daughter if she’s had sex. Mal’s reply is yes, she’s quite experienced with girls, but won’t name anyone she’s been with other than Julie. Sharon admits she’s beginning to think of herself as a lesbian, and Mallory picks that moment to come on to her mother. They share a heated kiss, but Sharon isn’t ready to have sex with her daughter just yet. Instead, they strip naked and masturbate together.

Shortly thereafter, Mal and Julie get Megan and Jamie together for a hot foursome, which is a rousing success. A couple of nights later, Sharon tells Mallory she’s decided to leave the church. They share a passionate kiss, but Sharon pulls away and tells her daughter they can’t do anything more just yet, as her period has started.

Mal waits as patiently as she can for several days. Finally, that Saturday, it happens — Mallory and Sharon make love for the first time. 

Only one melancholy note mars Mal’s otherwise wonderful weekend: Nettie nearly makes it through the birthday party Jason, Lisa and the girls have arranged, but she breaks down completely once most of the guests have departed, still mourning her sister.

And now we rejoin our story, which is currently in progress. Do enjoy!

by Rachael Yukey

Mom had supper ready after I got home from the party. She asked how the party went, and I told her it had gone well, which was true. I didn’t mention Nettie’s breakdown afterwards, though.

We ate, then Mom took a shower. Me, I wandered into my room, took Jamie’s guitar from its case, and sat down to work on “Authority Song.” The left-hand chord changes are getting easier, but my strumming still doesn’t feel as smooth and relaxed as I’d like.

After a few minutes, I heard Mom enter. “How’s the practice going, sweetheart?”

“Ohhhh… I’m still having trouble with the right hand,” I said, holding up the guitar pick still clenched between thumb and index. ”Too much tension, I guess.”

“Hmm. Maybe you need to unwind a bit,” she murmured. My heart skipped a beat when Mom’s soft, warm lips touched my neck.

Oh. My. GOD. I didn’t drop Jamie’s guitar, but it was a close thing. Turning around in my chair, I gaped at Mom, who stood before me in a terrycloth robe, her legs and feet bare. Holy crow, was she going to…

She was! My mother slowly undid the tie around her waist, opened the robe, then shrugged it to the floor, standing before me completely naked.

I could only stare, my heart beating loud as thunder. It was such a magical sight that I came close to crying. My wonderful mom was taking the initiative, offering herself, waiting for me to love her.

I’ve got no memory of putting the guitar aside, or getting out of the chair. All I remember is being on my knees before Mom, burying my face in the softness of her belly. The scent of pussy was making my mouth water. I started to kiss my way down my mother’s body, desperately needing to taste her.

She stopped me before I could, though. Taking hold of my arm, Mom pulled me to my feet. We gazed at each other for a moment, then came together in a kiss that heated up within seconds. She took the lead this time, her tongue teasing mine.

When we broke apart, Mom whispered. “I’ve been thinking about this all day long, Mallory. Wanting this… wanting you. I know it’s something we shouldn’t be doing, but I – I don’t care about that any more.” She brought my hand to her lips and kissed it, her eyes never leaving mine. “Will you let me make love to you?”

Her words made me want to be bold. I reached out to touch her cunt, and she let out a tiny whimper. “You don’t have to ask, Mom,” I said. “Do what you want with me.”

With that, I reached for the hem of my t-shirt, but Mom said, “Let me, sweetie.” She began to undress me.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. From the moment I started working on getting Mom into bed, it was obvious that I’d be taking the lead. That’s how it had been with everything we’d done so far. Now Mom wanted to be the one in charge, and that got me even more excited than I already was!

I’ve had a lot of sexual experiences for a girl of twelve, and they’ve all been amazing, but getting stripped bare naked by my own mother was the most thrilling of all. She took her time with it too, slowly tugging my t-shirt up and off, then pausing to look at me, standing there topless. I saw the desire in Mom’s eyes plain as day as she reached out to stroke my nipples, then she bent down to give each one a lick.

“Oh… oh, Mom!” I gasped, struggling to keep myself from trembling. “I love you…”

“I love you too, Mallory,” she said, going down on one knee, grasping the waistband of my sweatpants. “So much that… well, it’s hard for me to put it into words. But I’m going to show you how much you mean to me. Right now.” With that, she slowly pulled my sweats down, then helped me step out of them.

Her eyes went straight to the front of my panties, the only thing I was still wearing. I didn’t have to look to know they were flat-out SOAKED. “Wow,” she said, testing their wetness with the tip of her finger. “Is this for me?”

By then, I’d mostly gotten past most of my surprise, feeling just relaxed enough to join in the game. “It is for you, Mom,” I told her, “and there’s a lot more where that came from.”

“I can’t wait to find out,” she said, helping me out of my drenched undies. Now we were both naked, facing each other, ready for anything.

Mom brought my panties to her face, pressing them to her nose and mouth. “Mmmm… you smell divine.”

By then, my legs were quivering like crazy, barely able to support me. I guess Mom could tell how dazed I was, because after pausing to put my panties down on the desk, she guided me over to the bed, helping me to lie down.

Kneeling before me, Mom carefully opened my legs so I was totally exposed, then got down on her belly. She looked at my pussy for a moment, then slid a finger through the opening without going inside, like she was tracing a line.

I shivered. “Oh… oh, Mom, yes.”

“You’re so beautiful, Mallory,” she murmured. “I always thought so, but now… now, I see you in a different way. I know a mother shouldn’t have sexual feelings for her own daughter, but I do. I’m not going to lie to myself about that, not any more.”

Gazing into her eyes, I said, “Do you want to fuck me, Mom?”

She was startled, but recovered right away. She knew exactly what I wanted to hear from her. “Yes,” she replied. “Yes, sweetheart. I do want to fuck you.”

DAMN, that turned me on. But I didn’t say a thing, just spread my thighs even wider. Without taking her eyes from mine, Mom slowly bent down and gave my pussy a slow, gentle lick. Then another.

“Oh,” I moaned as those sweet, familiar feelings washed over me. “Oh.”

She kept licking, only not as lightly as before… then she brought her mouth into it, giving me deep tongue kisses. Her tongue was flashing in and out of my cunt like lightning. And the whole time, Mom watched me.

I didn’t want to come right away, but my excitement was just too intense. Mom’s nose brushed my clit in the midst of her licking, and I went off like a shotgun, bouncing on the bed as my orgasm knocked me this way and that. She kept eating me, though, until I made her stop.

There I was, sprawled out on the bed, a sweaty wreck gasping for air. Mom was kneeling upright between my legs, smiling at me. My wetness coated her lips.

A hard wave of lust surged through me. Just like that, I forgot about being tired and out of breath. There was a sweet, sexy woman before me, and I needed to fuck her more than anything in the world.

Pushing myself into a sitting position, I wrapped both arms around my mother’s waist, tilting my face up to hers, and she kissed me. The taste of my pussy on her mouth drove me even crazier, if that was possible. I sucked her tongue, then licked my flavor from Mom’s lips and chin.

I broke away. Moving to one side, I patted the bed. “Lie down, Mom… it’s your turn.”

“How can I say no?” she replied, stretching out next to me with a happy sigh.

I was totally hot for my mother, but I also wanted to take it slow and really explore her body. The other times we did it, there was always the chance that she would start feeling guilty or ashamed and make me stop. But not this time. I had Mom where I wanted her… and she was ready for whatever I had to give.

I was hungry for more of her kisses, so I got on top of Mom and covered her mouth with mine. She was quick to respond, and we spent a long time making out. One thing I’ve learned from the different girls and women I’ve had sex with is that there are LOTS of ways to kiss, and I tried them all with my mother.

After that I wandered around Mom’s body, getting to know it. I played with her breasts for awhile, fondling and kissing them, sucking and lightly biting her nipples. Then I left a trail of kisses that led down to her tummy, pausing there to bury my face in its softness and breathe in the scent of her skin.

Of course, I could also detect the aroma of Mom’s cunt, which was dripping wet by then. She was trembling with excitement, expecting me to start licking her out. But I wanted to spend some time on her legs, so I bypassed Mom’s pussy in favor of her thighs.

“Mallory…” she protested. While I was having my way with her, my mother kept whispering her approval, flavored with words of love. But by then, I guess she was REALLY worked up and aching to come.

“Soon, Mom,” I told her. “Just let me play a little longer, and I’ll lick you until you scream your head off.”

Mom sighed and rolled her eyes. “I didn’t raise you to be a tease, young lady.”

I could tell she was kidding… mostly kidding, anyhow. Rather than reply, I started kissing and nuzzling her legs, going down Mom’s thighs to her knees and lower. Once I reached her ankles, I was about to start working my way back up, then I decided to pay a little attention to her feet. Why not? Bringing her left foot to my mouth, I began to kiss it.

Mom’s eyes widened, and she began to squirm. “Oh! Oh, m-my God….”

Whoa… she was really enjoying this! I’d read somewhere that a lot of people were into that kind of thing, but hadn’t given it a lot of thought. Still, if that’s what Mom wanted, I was ready, willing and able to satisfy.

So I started really making out with her foot; kissing it all over, caressing it, rubbing it against my bare chest. Mom was moaning and groping her tits, pinching her nipples. “Yes, Mallory, YES,” she gasped.

I needed to give her other foot some love, so I grabbed it and went to work. Then I had a sudden urge to get really freaky, so I took Mom’s big toe into my mouth and sucked it.

“Oh, GOD!” she cried, her body giving this massive jerk.

Then she pulled her foot away and sat up, staring at me. “Mallory, I c-can’t take any more. Please, you have to, to help me… finish. I need it, I really do. PLEASE, sweetie!”

As if I’d have told her no! “Okay, Mom,” I said with a smile, patting her shoulder. “Lie back down.”

She arranged herself, her legs wide open… and her cunt was, too. It hypnotized me, drew me to her like a gesturing hand, inviting me to taste. Stretching out between those soft, silky thighs, I covered her pussy with my mouth, kissing it with all the love in my heart. All the lust, too!

She was so juicy! I mean, the whole lower part of my face was dripping after just a few kisses, like I’d been feasting on a ripe peach. Wanting more, I pushed my tongue into her, then licked around and around the opening to Mom’s vagina.

What I really wanted was to spend something like an hour or two making love to my mother in every way I knew, but her need to come was so intense, I was afraid she might have a stroke or something if I made her wait any longer. So I took a few more big, sloppy licks, then traveled up to her clit and started sucking it.

That was when Mom went off. WOW! She was thrashing around, her hands opening and closing, whipping her head from side to side. I just hung on for dear life, trying to stay with her until she was done. She didn’t scream or anything like that. It was more like a humming sound, not even very loud.

My plan was to make Mom come a second time. Oh, yeah, it was totally me showing off. Wanting to impress her, you know? But after a minute or so, she gave my shoulder a little squeeze. “That’s enough, sweetheart,” she said. “Come cuddle with me.”

I crawled into Mom’s arms. We hugged, then I gazed into her eyes. “Thanks, Mom. I love you.”

“I love you too, sweetheart,” she replied, “and that was amazing. Your father never made me feel like that. To tell the truth, I don’t think he cares much for sex.” She sighed. “I swear, you’re the only worthwhile thing I got out of marriage.” With a smile, she added, “Worth it.”

“Thanks,” I replied, smiling back. “Um, Mom? You don’t have to get back to studying right away, do you?”

“No, I’m pretty much caught up,” she replied. “Is there something special you want to do?”

Touching my lips to Mom’s shoulder, I hugged her close. “Just this.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” she said. “I’d be delighted. Your bed is kind of small, though. What say we move this cuddle party to my queen-size?”

So we went to Mom’s room and got cozy in her bed.

“Mom,” I said after awhile, “can I talk to you about something?”

“Sure, sweetie.”

“It’s about me and Julie,” I said. “Remember I told you how we have an agreement not to have sex with someone else, unless we’re both there? And you get to be an exception to that for now.”


“Well… I love making love to you, but I think we both have to agree that it’s not forever. I have a girlfriend, and you’ll be dating again sooner or later. Know what I mean?”

“Yes, sweetheart, I do know. I’ve thought about it some already. If you feel like you can’t keep doing this without being unfaithful to Julie, I’ll understand. I’ll always be glad, because it’s set me free. I know what I am now, and I can be myself without feeling ashamed.”

I hugged her hard. “That’s great, Mom. I don’t think we have to stop just yet. But let me ask you something else. It’s kind of important. Do you think Julie’s hot?”

“Oh, of course she is. I can totally see why you’d want her for a girlfriend…” Mom’s voice trailed off, her eyes suddenly huge as the true meaning of my words sank in. She stared at me for a moment, then said, “You’re kidding.”

I placed my hand between Mom’s legs, gently cupping her pussy. “Absolutely not.”


We went to church this morning, the last time Mom plans to attend. Church always feels awkward to me these days, because when I’m at Home One I go with Dad, and Mom sits by herself in a different row of pews. Then when I’m at Home Two, I go with Mom, and Dad sits by himself in a different row of pews. Well, after today I’ll only be doing church half the time. That is, until I break the news to Dad that I don’t believe anymore. Not looking forward to that conversation AT ALL… but if I don’t say anything, he’ll expect me to attend every week with him.

By the way, Mom and Dad are close to finalizing the divorce. I’m not sure what kind of settlement agreement they’ve come to or anything like that, but I’m pretty sure they’re almost ready to sign papers.

After church we returned to the apartment, and thirty minutes later, the entryway buzzer sounded. We buzzed Julie in, and after the apartment door was safely closed behind her, I took my girlfriend into my arms and passionately kissed her in front of my mother for the first time.

Our tongues met as we held each other tightly. Then I lowered my hands, cupping Julie’s ass cheeks, giving them a playful squeeze. While my mouth was engaged with Julie’s, I glanced over at Mom.  She had both hands folded in front of her, fingers interlaced and working restlessly, her cheeks flushed.

Breaking off our kiss, Julie turned towards Mom. “Hi, Mrs. Kalvornek,” she said, a hint of hesitation in her voice.

“I…” Mom seemed at a loss for words. She gave her head a hard little shake, then said, “Um, at this point, I think it’s okay for you to call me Sharon.”

Disengaging myself from Julie’s embrace, I took her hand and guided her over by the sofa, where Mom was standing. I reached out for Mom’s hand and brought it to Julie’s, linking them together. Mom seemed unsure what to do next, but Julie had things under control. Twisting her hand around, she interlaced her fingers with Mom’s, then stepped forward, tilting her chin upwards.

That snapped Mom out of her daze. She leaned in, letting her lips brush Julie’s. My heart was racing like crazy as Julie wrapped her free arm around Mom’s waist, trailing open-mouthed kisses across Mom’s cheek, then along her jawline. When Julie’s questing mouth reached her chin, Mom dipped down to capture her in a heated kiss.

This sudden boldness seemed to drive Julie wild with lust. She seized Mom’s ass with both hands, pulling their bodies tightly together as she the kiss deepened, their tongues flickering in and out of each other’s mouths. Julie’s restless, grasping hands went lower, kneading the back of Mom’s thighs, then gathering the blue fabric of her church dress and hoisting it up to waist level.

Then Julie slid her hands right into Mom’s panties, caressing her luscious ass. Mom, getting into the spirit of things, returned the favor, thrusting her hands right down the back of Julie’s pants! They were pretty tight, but I could see Mom’s fingers kneading and groping Julie’s butt as best she could.

My hands were shaking with excitement as  I undid the buttons on the back of my dress, pulled it over my head, and threw it over my shoulder. I shoved my panties down and off, kicking them away, then let myself fall back into the recliner. My body was hot and throbbing, ready for action, but something amazing and special was happening, and for the moment I just wanted to sit and take it all in. My eyes were glued to the mind-blowing scene in front of me as I lightly massaged my labia with the tip of a finger, creating a very light friction on my clit. Little jolts of pleasure surged through me with every stroke.

Now Julie was nuzzling and kissing my mother’s neck. Mom’s head was thrown back, little whimpers escaping her lips. Julie had pushed Mom’s panties down, exposing her glorious ass. I could see Julie’s fingers glide along the edge of Mom’s butt crack.

I was so caught up in the action that I didn’t notice when Julie turned her head towards me. “Enjoying the show?” she teased. Her fingertips never ceased their roving.

I grinned. “You have NO idea.”

Mom flicked her eyes in my direction. “You know you can come join us, sweetheart.”

“I know, but I’m having fun just watching,” I said. “Maybe we should take this into your bedroom, though.”

“Yeah, let’s,” said Julie. “I need to lie down… my legs are getting shaky.”

“Works for me,” Mom said. Withdrawing her hands from Julie’s pants, she tried to take a step, and almost toppled over. “Whoops!” she said, giggling like a schoolgirl. No wonder – Mom’s panties were still halfway down her thighs.

“I got this,” Julie proclaimed, dropping to her knees. Her head disappeared under Mom’s dress, and I had to stifle a chuckle at the memory of her doing the exact same thing with Megan Frost’s skirt not that long ago. I could see the shape of her head moving up and down, the dress riding with it. I couldn’t hear any kissing sounds, so I figured she must be doing some licking.

Whichever it was, Mom sure seemed to be getting high on it! She was swaying back and forth, her breath shallow and uneven. Meanwhile, Julie had taken hold of the waistband of Mom’s panties and was sliding them down until they fell to ring her ankles.

Julie’s head reappeared from beneath the dress, and she grinned up at Mom. “It’s kinda dark under there,” she said, “but I can see good enough to know you have a beautiful pussy!” She paused. “Er… is it okay for me to say that?”

Mom let out a shaky laugh. “Honey, you can say anything you want.” She extended both hands to Julie. “If we’re gonna fuck, let’s call it what it is.”

Her eyes widening in surprise, Julie took Mom’s hands in her smaller ones, letting Mom help her to stand. “Um, okay.” Suddenly grinning, she added, “C’mon, then – let’s go fuck!”

Carefully stepping out of her panties and high heels, Mom led Julie towards the bedroom, tossing a glance over her shoulder towards me. “Coming, sweetheart?” Whatever nervousness she’d felt earlier seemed to have vanished completely.

Launching myself from the chair, I followed the others to Mom’s room, closing the door behind me. Mom had an arm around Julie, the other reaching in my direction, drawing me into a three-way embrace. Julie turned to engage me in a frenzied kiss.

Mom was taking down Julie’s pants, then stuffed a hand into her leggings, using the other to fondle my bare ass. I gave a happy sigh as she moved in to nibble my earlobe, then Julie’s.

Fed up with being the only one naked, I began tugging on the bottom of Julie’s shirt. She broke away from Mom and stepped back, arms raised high as I tugged it over her head. As I flung the shirt off into parts unknown, Mom settled to her knees, tucking her thumbs beneath the waistband of Julie’s rainbow leggings. She turned her face up to meet my girlfriend’s eyes. “May I take these off?”

Julie nodded so hard I thought she might dislocate her neck. “Oh God… yes, please!”

Mom tugged the multi-hued garment down, taking the panties along with it. I immediately noticed something different: the light coating of hair on Julie’s mound was gone.

“Whoa! Did you shave?” I blurted.

She grinned at me. “I figured since this was a special occasion, I’d give it a try. You like?”

Coming closer, I slid my fingers down to Julie’s belly, then ran them across her smooth-shaven mound, caressing the silky lips. The heat in my body went up a notch when I found moisture along the edge of her slit. “I do like,” I said. It came out husky and low.

Mom was still kneeling at my side, her eyes at the level of Julie’s belly. She brought one hand to caress Julie’s left hip, then trailed it around the back, giving her ass cheek a playful squeeze. Her other hand covered mine while I was still teasing Julie’s slit.

Mom’s fingers slid past mine, making contact with my girlfriend’s cunt. She went in further than I had , two fingers slipping between the folds to explore. “Oh, honey, you’re so wet,” she breathed.

“Bet I am,” a dazed Julie mumbled. I was still teasing her outer lips with a finger, stroking just above the hidden clitoris. Switching to a circular motion, I applied a hint of pressure. Julie went up onto her toes, sucking her breath in between her teeth.

“Fuck her, Mom,” I said as my fingers finally slipped between the gooey labia, directly engaging Julie’s clit. I buried my face in her neck, planting little kisses and love bites.

Mom’s hand moved, and I could tell she’d slipped at least one finger inside, because Julie was gasping for breath, little whimpers occasionally escaping, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. I stroked Julie’s clitoris in that medium-fast rhythm she tends to favor, still giving her neck tender kisses and the occasional playful bite. Mom matched my pace, her hand brushing against mine with every thrust.

Wanting more, I kissed my way down to Julie’s chest licking and sucking her nipples. My girlfriend’s whimpers were turning into moans.

Suddenly Mom moved my hand to one side. Gazing up at Julie, she said, “I want to taste you.” Julie could only nod, her face flushed with passion. Mom tried to go for it from her kneeling position, but the difference in height made the angle too awkward. She rose to her feet and swept Julie up, taking two steps forward to deposit her on the edge of the bed. Julie spread her knees wide apart, feet touching the carpet..

I’d seen my girlfriend naked more than a few times, but I never tire of seeing her opened wide like this, the interior of her pussy on full display. Julie knew exactly what she was up to, wearing a bad-girl smile on her face that said it all. God, I was wet, so much I felt it oozing down my inner thighs.

As for Mom, she was practically hypnotized by the sight of Julie’s cunt. Getting back down on her knees, she traced the smoothly shaven slit with the tip of her index finger. “Beautiful,” she whispered. “My God… I can’t believe how beautiful girls are.” Once more, Mom eased two fingers into Julie’s vagina, then dipped down to take the inflamed clit between her lips.

“Oh! Oh, Sharon, th-that’s SO good… don’t stop!” Julie cried, moving her hips in time with Mom’s steady strokes. As for me, I got onto the bed and went right back to what I’d been doing, teasing Julie’s nipples with my teeth and tongue.

“Kiss me, Mallory,” she pleaded.

I brought my face to hers and lips engaged, Julie’s tongue darting into my mouth. Her arms encircled my shoulders, holding as if she was afraid I was about to flee the room. No fear of that!

The kiss didn’t last long. Julie abruptly broke away, mumbling, “Oh fuck… oh, fuck… oh, FUCK…” She brought a hand to my head, pressing my cheek tightly against hers. Then she nearly deafened me with a scream, her body jerking wildly.

After about a minute, she lay still. Her grip on my head loosened, and I looked up to see Mom resting her head on Julie’s belly, dreamy-eyed, a huge smile on her juicy lips. I beckoned to her, and she clambered onto the bed on the opposite side of Julie. I slid my hand around the back of Mom’s head and pulled her to me in a lust-filled kiss, reveling in the taste of pussy on her lips.

Breaking apart we both looked down at Julie, who was smiling up at us. “Mallory must have taught you good,” she said, “cause you’re great at that, Sharon!”

“Um, thanks, Julie,” Mom replied with a shaky laugh. “It’s true – Mallory really knows what she’s doing!”

“Well, now it’s time for me to show MY stuff,” Julie said. “I wanna taste you, Sharon.”

Mom got off the bed without a word, the blue dress coming over her head and off, followed by her bra. Now naked, she made as if to get back on the bed, but Julie held up a hand. “Stay right where you are!” She scooted off the bed and knelt at Mom’s feet.

With their positions reversed, the proportions worked out better. Julie was exploring my mother’s lower half – licking the creases of her legs, placing a few feather-light kisses on her mound, then back down again before Mom could get too excited.

Mom’s eyes were glazed with desire, and she was getting unsteady on her feet as Julie caressed her thighs. “Young lady,” she got out, putting on a stern expression. “you’re as bad a tease as your girlfriend here.”

Julie grinned up at her, looking anything but apologetic. But I guess she decided to show some pity, cause then she buried her tongue between Mom’s pussy lips, working it up and down.

“Ohhhh!” Mom wailed. Julie brought a hand into play, deftly sliding two fingers into Mom’s cunt, making her cry out even louder.

Mom looked as if she might keel over at any moment, so I got up from the bed and wrapped both arms around her from behind. I cupped her breasts, then fondled them lovingly, occasionally  pinching her nipples. Acting on impulse, I began nibbling my way along her shoulder blades, up one and down the other. I’m not sure why it occurred to me to do that, but it seemed to kick Mom’s pleasure up a notch. She was mumbling, “Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes,” over and over, rising up onto the balls of her feet and then going back down again. I just kept doing what I was doing.

Then Mom was on tiptoe, crying out with every breath. “Oh! Oh, oh oh, OH OH OHHHH fuck oh fucking GOD!” She doubled over, hands clasping Julie’s head, tearing herself out of my arms. I wasn’t done with Mom yet, though. Going down on my knees, I nuzzled and kissed her ass, burying my face in those lovely soft cheeks as she bucked in the throes of what must have been one amazing orgasm.

Suddenly Mom staggered past a still-kneeling Julie and collapsed prone on the bed, gasping for breath as if she’d just run a marathon.

By then I was a throbbing, tangled-up ball of lust, and the sight of my naked mother stretched out on the bed, flushed a rosy pink, legs spread enough to display her cunt… well, it made me kinda crazy. Climbing onto the bed, I straddled the back of Mom’s thigh and began to grind my pussy into her with furious abandon. God, did it ever feel good!

Then Julie was at my side, pulling me towards her, toppling me off Mom and onto the bed. Apparently one pussy wasn’t enough to satisfy her hunger, because she shoved her face between my legs and started licking me with everything she had.

“Oh, fuck, Julie!” I blurted.

Mom rolled onto her side, face propped on her elbow, taking in the show with a sleepy little smile on her lips. It occurred to me that this had to be the first time she’d ever watched someone else have sex.

That was my last coherent thought. Powerful sensations overtook me, crashing down from above like the wrath of God. My hips pumped furiously, my breath hissing through gritted teeth. And when Julie slipped a finger into me, I came a second time, hot on the heels of the first. My thighs came together, locking Julie’s head between them as I thrashed and howled, beating the bed with my fists. Finally, it subsided, and I went completely limp.

Floating back down to Earth, I became aware of a choked cry on my left. I let my eyes drift open, and there was Mom lying back, frantically masturbating, her hand a blur between her legs. Her breasts were heaving, sweat shone on her face, and her moans were getting louder.

Julie came up from between my legs and moved in to take Mom’s left nipple into her mouth. I reached over to take the other one between finger and thumb, giving it a squeeze. Mom exploded in her second orgasm of the afternoon, a single long wail ricocheting off the walls.

We were pretty much wiped out after that, so the three of us settled down in bed… Mom in the middle, me and Julie framing her like bookends.

“My God, that was incredible,” Mom said. “This last week… honestly, I don’t even have any words. I can’t see myself going back to men ever again.” She sighed. “I’ll tell you what I didn’t see coming, though: this… this attraction I have for young girls. You two, of course. But also, um, others. It worries me.”

I sat up. “Don’t you feel that way about women, too?”

“Well, sure… but it’s different. I’m not sure I can put it into words, how it’s different. But I notice girls more than women right now, I think. My God, this sweet young thing I saw at the mall the other day! About thirteen or so, with bright red hair, wearing this pretty green dress that really showed off her legs…” She fell silent for a moment, then continued. “I’ve always liked looking at pretty girls, but it never felt like a sexual thing. Guess it was, though.” She glanced at me, then Julie. “That’s messed up, huh?”

“Well, I don’t think so,” Julie said, going up on an elbow. “You can’t help who you like.”

“Yeah, Mom,” I chimed in. “If you followed that girl at the mall into the bathroom and tried to – to have sex with her, that would be bad, but there’s no way you’d EVER do something like that.”

“Tell you what, Sharon,” Julie added, her eyes dancing with mischief, “the next time you’re out shopping and some underage girl gets you all hot and bothered, come home and get Mal to give me a call. I’ll rush right over, then the two of us will make you forget all about those mall brats.”

“Oh, absolutely,” I said. “We’re probably better than they are at eating pussy, anyway.”

“Yeah, we know what we’re doing!” Julie announced, then we exchanged a high-five.

By then, Mom was giggling like crazy. “God, you two are awful.” Reaching out for us, she added, “But I love you both.”

We settled back into her embrace, and Julie nuzzled Mom’s cheek. “Aw, that’s sweet. I love you too, Sharon.” She winked at me. “AND you, by the way.”

“Cool,” I murmured, taking her hand. “Looks like everyone’s in love.”

We didn’t talk very much after that, just cuddled together for a long time, happy as can be. I could have spent the rest of the day lying there, but Julie had to get home, and Mom needed to study for a test on Monday. So we took turns cleaning up in the tiny shower, got dressed and shared some very steamy goodbye kisses.

“Same time next week?” Julie said just before opening the front door.

“Oh, absolutely,” Mom replied, giving her a pat on the butt.

After that, Mom got into her textbooks, while I took out this diary and wrote about what happened today. It took awhile, but I finally finished an hour after dinner. Think I’ll put in some more practice on the guitar, then turn in. Bet I sleep like a baby tonight…


Note from JetBoy: As Rachael and I were about halfway through reworking this story, I had an idea for an additional scene that I thought might work quite nicely, or so it seemed to me. She liked the idea, then asked if I would write the scene myself. I enjoy a challenge as much as anyone… and by this point I knew the characters almost as well as Rachael, so why not? 

It took a couple of weeks to write, laying it down line by line, trying to make it fit seamlessly with Rachael’s prose (and Mallory’s very distinctive voice). Once complete, I sent the scene her way with held breath and crossed fingers. Thankfully, Rachael thought the result worthwhile (after some judicious editing and polishing, thereby reversing our respective roles), and it became the first part of this very chapter. If I did the job right, you shouldn’t have noticed anything different.

Thanks for trusting me to build on your work, Rachael. It was an honor… and a truly enriching experience.

On to Chapter Thirty!


Jewels of Africa, Chapter 4

  • Posted on February 24, 2025 at 6:45 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far: Holly, an experienced lesbian at age thirteen, is vacationing with her mum on an ocean liner, the Jade Princess. The trip is boring at first, but quickly livens up when Holly gets acquainted with two gay crew members – Anna, a barmaid, and Julie, a cashier in one of the ship’s gift shops — as well as a girl her own age: shy, geeky Jessica. Holly flirts with or fucks all three at various points, with the promise of more to come. Suddenly, what promised to be a dull vacation has become a most enjoyable experience.

The next day, Holly leaves the ship with Jessica to visit a quiet beach with a few other tourists. There, the two girls slip away to couple for the first time, but soon afterward, the area is invaded by Somalian pirates. Jessica makes her way back to the jeep, but cannot persuade the driver to wait for Holly, who is left behind. 

Holly manages to get hold of a gun and defends herself as best she can, but to no avail — she is taken, transported to the pirates’ camp, and thrown into a cage. One other prisoner is already there, a beautiful young black woman named Makeda who, as it transpires,  is the direct descendant of the Queen of Sheba and successor to the throne. They are immediately attracted to one another, and make love on the spot before falling asleep.

The next day, Makeda’s people raid the pirate camp to free their queen. Naturally, Makeda insists on Holly being brought along. After a trek of several days, they reach Makeda’s village. There is some resistance to the queen taking a white, female lover, especially from a tribe elder, but Makeda is adamant that her wishes be honored.

Holly and Makeda love each other very much, but Holly knows she must return to her family, who have no idea where she is. Makeda is devastated, but agrees to let her lover go. Shortly thereafter, a helicopter takes a heartbroken Holly away.

The story resumes here. Do enjoy.

by kinkys_sis

Chapter Four: Band-Maid

The journey to the coast was long and hard. The truck lurched and jolted continuously, mile after mile, but I hardly felt it. My heart was desolate.

We arrived at an airport, where I was told a plane was standing by to take me to South Africa. I felt somewhat conspicuous – a white girl in native clothing – but nobody seemed to pay me any mind. The cruise ship was now berthed at Cape Town, awaiting my return.

But first, I had questions to answer. I spent hours with the police while they pieced my story together. At first, they doubted my account of how the pirates had died at the beach. They didn’t believe a young white girl was capable of defending herself against armed thugs. The barman, though, had seen our security guard die, so I was the only one left to fight. There were no other witnesses, so in the end they shrugged and accepted my story.

The native clothing I wore was harder to explain. I think the police suspected that I was holding back details about my rescuers, but in the end, they stopped pressing me for information. I’d committed no crime, and they had no legal justification to detain me any further.


It was early evening when we landed. My mother, along with some of the ship’s officers, was waiting for me at the airport. Her happiness at my return wasn’t enough to compensate for the strain she’d endured. We both cried as we hugged. When we pulled apart, she was taken aback by my strange attire, but her only comment was that I looked different. Beautiful, yet … more grown up, somehow.

We had to fight our way through the gaggle of reporters clamouring for a story. The non-stop flashing of their cameras nearly blinded me. A wedge of policemen cleared the way until we were safely pressed into a stretch limo that seemed to be half a mile long.

When we drew up alongside the gangway, I couldn’t believe what I saw. Hundreds of cheering and waving passengers pressed against the ship’s railings.

The captain stood waiting to greet me. “We applaud your safe return, Miss, but I’m afraid the story of your adventures and your heroism preceded you,” he said. “If you’re tired and would prefer to be alone with your mother, I’m sure everyone will understand. Otherwise, should you choose to honour us with your presence, there will be a reception in the main lounge in about half an hour.”

I hadn’t expected anything like this. Nor could I understand why the captain was bending over backwards to be so nice to a young girl.

“I’m fine with that, sir,” I said, “but if the reception could be in an hour instead, that would be even better. I need a shower and a few words with my mum.”

“Yes, quite. An hour it is, then.”

While I’d been away, it turned out that Mum had met my friends Jessica, Anna and Julie. They’d been worried about me. It was Julie who explained that the cruise line was afraid of being sued for having failed to take better care of its passengers and almost getting a young girl killed. That’s why they were trying so hard to be nice to me.

“Mum, it wasn’t the fault of anyone on the ship. The driver panicked, and he worked for some tour company, not the cruise line. The security guard was very brave. He died trying to help me. I can’t blame the captain for anything.”

The reception was a rather boring affair. I decided to wear my native dress, which I’d become quite attached to… though by the time I returned to the ship, it very much needed to be washed.

Everyone wanted to hear about my ordeal, and I quickly grew tired of answering the same questions over and over. The captain suggested I might give a brief speech describing my adventure. I was happy to do that, though I obviously made no mention of Makeda or my relationship with her.

Anna handed me a glass of what looked like lemonade, but a sip told me it was some sort of bubbly white wine. I had no idea what it was, only that it was delicious.

Jessica told me there was a surprise coming up. She blushed furiously when I replied, “What – you, Anna, Julie and me are gonna get naked together?”  No doubt about it, I was back in my own world again!

She rolled her eyes. “Is that all you ever think of? No, you told me before about the kind of music you like. I passed that along to Julie, she told the entertainments officer, and he found a band appearing in Capetown. They’re here just for you. I think you’re gonna like them.”

The entertainments officer looked a little apprehensive from where he stood in front of the stage curtains. “I realise the band we have for our special guest might not be everyone’s cup of tea,” he said, “but it is Miss Holly’s evening, so I trust you will permit the break from our regular entertainment.” He raised an arm. “We have a band that I understand our guest of honor is familiar with. Please welcome, all the way from Japan–” he glanced at an index card held in his left hand – ”um, Band-Maid.”

Band-Maid!? I was quivering with excitement as an usher hustled me towards the stage. The curtains opened, and I squealed in astonishment. Oh, fuck! I’d downloaded every note of their music, so seeing them live on this side of the world was the thrill of a lifetime.

Saiki, the lead singer, pointed down at me. “For Holly!” she screamed out. “What favourite song?”

“‘Freedom’,” I yelled, “or ‘From Now On’. Shit! Anything you feel like playing, I’m down with it.”

“‘From Now On’ very noisy, but for you we play little bit. You like Kitana?” she asked, pointing at the lead guitarist.

Did I like Kitana? God, she was only one of the most awesome rock guitarists in the world, and one of the sexiest. Many’s the time I’d fingered myself to hot, sweaty fantasies where the two of us fucked each other silly. It was rumoured that she was into girls, which only made me lust after her even more.

My heart pounded as Kitana strutted across the stage towards me. Bending to look closer, she covered her mic and exclaimed, “Fuck, you hot, girl!”

She pointed her guitar at me and yelled out, “Yeah! For Holly!” Then she began to play.

She was incredible, even better than I remembered. Her fingers were a blur, and her eyes never left me. She loomed just above, moving her body to the music, giving me the occasional peek at her knickers. Kitana’s sudden grin told me she knew I was looking up her flying skirt.

They only played about a third of the song’s instrumental passage before ending it with a mighty crescendo. I wondered how many in the audience noticed the way Kitana sucked her finger and pointed it at me. By then, I knew those lesbian rumours had to be true.

I wasn’t sure whether Kitana was really attracted to me, or if she was just being a tease. I mean, was that actually something she did – hit on girls in the audience? Then, Saiki broke into “Freedom,” and Kitana backed away.

A couple of numbers later, Miku ran over, leaned down and spoke to me. “I see you singing the words. You know ‘Choose Me’? I gave a quick nod, and she reached down, grabbed my hand, and pulled me up onto the stage. “You sing with Kitana. She like you!”

The girls often sang in a tight huddle – I’d seen it in their videos. Now they did just that, with me wedged in the middle. What no one could see, at least I hoped not, was what Kitana was doing – pressing her body into mine as I sang. I pushed my bum back in response. There was amusement in her voice when she spoke in my ear, “When I see you before, you look more at my knickers than at my guitar. You like look at my knickers, I think.” Then she grabbed my arse cheek and gave it a playful squeeze.

The whole band moved in one fluid motion as we rocked to the rhythm, and I did my best to move with them. I was facing Kitana as I sang. Her eyes bored into mine, watching me closely as she pressed her hand against my pussy. She grinned when I thrust my hips forwards, grinding into her fingers.

What a fucking turn-on! I was getting my pussy rubbed in front of more than a few hundred people, and they weren’t aware of it.

The song was nearing its climax, though I hadn’t quite got there myself. But Kitana suddenly pulled me low, giving me a brief but very hot tongue kiss. “You want we play after show?” she asked.

I didn’t get the chance to answer. Saiki grabbed my hand and pushed me to the front of the band. “You sing now!” she shouted at me.

Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was Kitana feeling me up. I didn’t care. I gave the song everything I had, singing for all I was worth. So, okay, the guitars probably disguised my unskilled voice, but I thought I pulled it off well enough.

Back on the lounge floor, Mum and the girls hugged me. “We’ve got a rock star here, guys,” Julie said. “Our sexy little friend’s been holding out on us.”

It must have been her tone of voice when she said sexy, but Mum glanced at Julie with a puzzled look on her face. Then she seemed to dismiss whatever thought she’d had with a shrug.

To my surprise, Band-Maid actually went down quite well, considering how many older people were in the audience. They certainly received a hearty round of applause when they finished.

As the curtain began to close, I saw Kitana point at the side entrance of the stage. I got the signal.

Turning to the others, I said, “I’ve been invited backstage, Mum, guys. I’ll see you all in a while.”

I paused when I got to the doorway. It suddenly felt wrong. It would be like cheating on Makeda. But no, she’d told me to lead a normal life. Well, for me there was no better way of getting back to that than accepting what Kitana was offering.

All the Band-Maid members cheered when I entered their small dressing room. Each one of them hugged me in turn. Kitana made sure she was last. They had to know she liked girls. And they’d most likely seen the way I’d responded to her on stage.

Sure enough, everyone was smiling when I stepped into Kitana’s waiting arms. She wasn’t shy in front of the rest of the band, either, pulling me into a hard kiss.

The rest of the girls whistled, and Kitana gave them the finger. She broke the kiss. “We rock on stage. You like if we rock some more?” she asked as she reached up to squeeze my tits.

She laughed as I began to unfasten my buttons. The rest of the girls went off to the shower room, giggling.

“You ever fuck any of them?” I asked her, watching them go.

“Some. But I never before get to with pretty young girl like you. I was told you very brave girl, fight hard. I like hard. Now we fuck.”

The African covering that I had chosen to keep on for the evening dropped to the floor, leaving me nude. Her eyes took in my bare body, then darted up to my face. “Nothing under pretty dress, just sexy body. You bad girl… I like.”

She shrugged out of her dress to reveal a sheer black bra and matching panties. It was barely a moment before they were gone, too. I didn’t know it then, but I would learn with time that almost all Japanese girls have masses of black hair adorning their pussies. Kitana was no exception. She waited patiently while I ran my fingers through her soft curls.

She laughed. “You do this to other girls before, I think.” Then she pushed me backwards onto the sofa. She didn’t get on top as I expected she would, but went down on her knees, burying her face between my legs. “Lovely pussy for Kitana to lick,” she murmured, using her fingers to open my cunt before thrusting her tongue deep inside. It searched and caressed, savouring me. Finally she pulled away, but just a little. Her fingers opened me even wider, and I could feel her warm breath on my clit. “Is beautiful,” she said. Then she was sucking me there.

Kitana went crazy. She played my cunt like she played her guitar – fast and furious. It was a wild, exhilarating ride that quickly had me reaching orgasm. She read me well, lapping at my clit even faster as I came. My body rose and tightened, then went rigid as waves of pleasure crashed down, one after the other. She raised her face, but kept pumping her fingers. I was only vaguely aware that she was looking up at me, but I did hear her say, “Yes girl, you come for Kitana. You come good!”

She crawled up my body until our mouths met. Her kisses were hot and sticky on my lips, and she kept whispering, telling me how sexy I was, how good my pussy tasted. I hugged her tightly for a few minutes until my heartbeat slowed to a steady pace.

Kitana gave a delighted squeal when I suddenly rolled her over. I looked down into her smiling face just as I pushed myself between her legs. She spread them wide, so our pussies were grinding together. “Now it’s your turn,” I told her.

Suddenly I thought of Makeda and hesitated, unable to stop the tears that came to my eyes. Thankfully, Kitana didn’t notice.

I hugged her tighter, squeezing her tits between us, then cupped one. “Harder,” she said when I twisted a nipple between my fingers.

Our hips were pressed together, her slit touching mine, but Kitana wanted more. “I can’t feel your pussy hard enough,” she said, shaking her head. “We need cross legs.”

I knew just what she meant, despite her shaky English. It was one of the sex positions my sister and I liked best. I swung myself around, our legs criss-crossed, and our pussies met. Kitana sort of glared at me. “Fuck hard, baby girl,” she said. “Show me you tough like they say. I like hard fuck.”

So I started rubbing against her with everything I had. My pussy would be sore the next day, but at that moment, I didn’t care. I had a broken heart to fuck away. Life went on.

We ground our pussies hard and fast. Kitana shouted at me in Japanese. God only knows what she said. Who even cared? Her hips pumped like crazy, legs lifting her higher, taking me along for the ride. She shrieked louder than she ever did onstage, and we shuddered as we came.

Lying there in a sweaty daze, we were treated to a round of applause. I opened my eyes to find the other four band members gathered round, all smiling. Yukio, the bass player, bent and kissed me, then spoke in my ear, “You fuck Kitana good. Not many do that with her. She like you, Holly.” Nuzzling my cheek, she added, “Maybe we meet again, and you hang with me. Sometime I like girls, too.”

After a couple of minutes, Kitana and I got up. I would’ve liked to spend more time with her and the band, but they had to leave soon. There was a gig waiting for them in Johannesburg the next day, and a couple of helicopters were standing by, ready to take Band-Maid and their crew north. So Kitana and I exchanged one last kiss, She hastened off to the shower, and I returned to my cabin. I was tired, and it had been a long day, capped by my encounter with Kitana.


I stood in the shower a long time, the tingling blast of the water slowly reviving my aching body. Then I wrapped myself in a towel and padded back into the cabin. The travel bag Makeda’s people had given me still sat where I’d left it on the bed.

I couldn’t be bothered to unpack sensibly. I simply upended the bag and dumped it out. Not that there was very much in it. Just my bikini, the old shirt I’d made my escape in and – wait, what was this? A small pouch-like bag I’d never seen before.

I teased the tight knot apart and opened the neck of the bag. The overhead light instantly sparkled on the contents. Slowly, I tipped them into my hand. There were too many to hold, spilling onto the bed. At least a hundred diamonds, bright red rubies, deep blue sapphires and other assorted jewels gleamed at me. I sat there, just staring down at what I knew had to be a fortune in precious stones. How much, I had no idea. Then I saw the little note.

Quickly unfolding it, I read the contents, tears welling in my eyes. It said:

Wealth cannot alone bring happiness, but it can help if used wisely… and I know you are wise.

You captured the heart of a queen. A queen who will never forget you. I hope you will never forget her.

But, my white angel, you live in a different world than mine. Do not let the love you feel for me ruin your life. Cherish the memory of our union, but tuck it away in a closed space in your heart. Something to think of from time to time, but not to dwell on too deeply.

I am told you will come again. I believe that and cherish the thought of the joy we may share again. It will, perhaps once again be brief. It matters not. I wait until that day.

Makeda, your Queen.

My fingers trailed through the pile of jewels. Among them was a small paper package tied with a tiny white ribbon. I gasped at the sapphire it contained. The stone was as big as the ball of my thumb, expertly faceted, and – appropriately, I thought – shaped like a teardrop. The little note it was wrapped in said, This one is for you to keep. Let it be a reminder of the one who will always love you.

I hung the DO NOT DISTURB sign on my door. I needed to be alone. Just me with the memory of my queen, thinking about everything we had shared.  


The years rolled by. Now I was twenty-one. I’d completed my studies, passing out of Oxford with an honours degree in economics. At my instruction and while I continued my studies, my mother and sister, supported by the gradual sale of my jewels, had established a charitable organisation dedicated to economic development in the poor countries of the world. I abhorred anything to do with political manoeuvring, and did my level best to avoid it. My sole aim was to help those countries that made a genuine attempt to improve the lives of their people. I’d considered joining one of the larger international charities, but the wages they paid themselves were obscene. I soon decided it wasn’t for me.

My mother, my sister and my sister’s partner Steff worked tirelessly in many different areas that needed our assistance. We became one of the largest wholly private aid organisations in the world.

But I was tired. Tired of the turmoil in a world that seemed to shun any offers of genuine help and sick to death of the many factions that made life a misery for ordinary people. ISIS, jihadists, Hamas, Hezbollah, the many warring factions in Africa and so many more. How could they not see the suffering they brought to so many?

“Holly, you need to take a break,” my sister often told me. “You can’t take the problems of the world on your shoulders. Give yourself a vacation, for . We’ll look after things.”

I knew she was right. But how could I take a break? It wasn’t my way. There were always new situations that needed to be dealt with.

“Sis, seriously. You can’t solve everything on your own. Our organisation is running nicely, and we don’t need you here twenty-four-seven. If you burn yourself out, you’ll be no use to anyone.”

She was right, of course. I really had been letting things get to me, and now there was the problem in Israel and Lebanon to deal with. I was also concerned about the situation in Sudan, and how it had spilled over into Somalia and the surrounding areas.

It was now almost nine years since I’d left Makeda, my Ethiopian queen, but she’d never been far from my thoughts. As had become my habit, I unconsciously rubbed her sapphire, which I wore on a white-gold chain around my neck.

My sister’s words had struck a chord. I would go to Makeda. It was time. I wanted to be away. Would my queen still want me, or would I be an embarrassment to her now? I had to know.

Even my mother had somehow known this day would come.


I sent a message, not really expecting a reply. Yet there it was: Madinga will be there to meet you. Your queen awaits. 

Madinga looked many years older than I remembered. He greeted me as he would any royal subject. Yet, I swear I saw a tear in the corner of his eye. “My queen waits for you after so many years,” he said. “You have grown from a beautiful girl into a majestic woman. My queen will be…” He stumbled over whatever he wanted to say.

“Madinga, I am here. It’s enough, is it not?”

“Yes,” he replied with a nod. “For our Makeda, it is more than enough.”

We set off. Many heavily armed soldiers escorted our convoy of trucks. “These are dangerous times,” Madinga told me. “Only safe place is in our mountains.”

The countryside became more familiar as we ascended. My heart beat faster with each mile. Would she still love me? She could have a husband and children by now. I might have asked Madinga, but thought it better to wait and see for myself.

We entered a clearing where hundreds of warriors lined the way. They began to chant as we passed. It became quite deafening. Finally we drove into the centre of the crowd. The lorry stopped and I waited for the dust to settle.

And there she was, standing high above me, her loyal lion Nasi at her side. He sat rather than stood as he always used to. Nasi was getting quite old for a lion.

Makeda raised her hands to the heavens, and all went quiet. She shouted down at them. The many hundreds of voices roared in response. A long line of ostrich feathers had been laid out, forming a pathway to the queen. “You have returned home,” she said. “Come to me.”

I walked the line of feathers. Makeda held her hands out to me as I approached the steps before her. I carried the spear I’d been given to take home. It was now housed in a beautiful walnut case.

Just as I reached the stairs, the old priest stepped forward, miraculously still alive and no longer hidden away in his mountain church. He grasped my hand, holding me back. “You see,” he cackled, “I said you would come, just as long as you left first.” He let go of my hand, laughing to himself as he disappeared into the crowd, which parted to make way for him.

Makeda didn’t seem to have aged a day. She was as beautiful as ever. Reaching out to me, she smiled at the pendant on my breast. “My Holly. How I have waited.” She pulled me tightly into an embrace. We cried together, a release of emotions long suppressed.

It was the chanting that eventually caused us to turn to face the crowd of warriors. Holl-ee, they shouted, over and over. They had not forgotten me.

A small boy, holding Makeda’s skirt, stared up at me. “My son, the future king,” Makeda said. “The father is dead, there is no one else … only my dream.” Her words trailed away.

I had always been good at making quick decisions, but the one I made now surprised even me. “Makeda, I have come to ask this question: do you still want me to stay?”

She threw herself at me. “Do you really mean it? Are you to stay here with me… you and I, together at last?” I felt Nasi’s rough tongue lick my hand. He remembered me, too.

I smiled at Makeda through my tears. “Yes, my queen.”

We retired to her rather grand hut. She held me at arm’s length, and again she asked, “Do you still want me … just as I want you?”

“Makeda, there hasn’t been another, not for several years now. I am starved for love. I need to be fucked … fucked by the only one I ever truly loved.”

The Queen of Sheba gave me a long, searching look. “It is true. I see it in your eyes, you have truly come back to me. Are you to stay this time, or is this but a short visit?”

“I will stay! Now, will we make love again, yes? Just as we used to.”

And so we did. Frantically at first, caught up in the joy of being together once more. Then tenderly, an expression of the love we shared but had been denied for so long.

We gloried in each other’s bare bodies, fucking until we could fuck no more, then clinging together. Finally we slept.


Madinga led the small party of warriors, with Makeda and I travelling in the centre of the group. The steps carved into the sandstone were well trodden but clearly defined, leading us from one level to another. They curved many times as we descended into the heart of the mountain.

As we progressed, it grew darker. Madinga offered me an arm, quietly urging caution. We proceeded more slowly. After more torches were lit, I saw why. We had emerged into an enormous cavern, large as the nave of any cathedral.

Along the way, the geology had changed. No longer were we surrounded by walls of sandstone. This was solid rock, ancient as time itself. Pools of water appeared.  They looked shallow but in reality were many feet deep, a fact disguised by the clarity of the water.

Giant stalagmites and stalactites were on all sides, gleaming with dampness on their surfaces. I was puzzled. “If it’s only dry sandstone above us, where does the water all come from?”

“Many underground rivers and lakes in this area. They drain from the mountains to the north. It is possible to travel many miles down here, but we go only a short way,” Makeda answered.

“Go careful, this rock very easy to slip on. Many deep water holes and tunnels,” Madinga warned. He pointed to the far side of the cavern. “We go there.”

Soon we stood facing a mighty cliff, where an enormous crack had rent the stone face, wide enough for us to climb into, making our way deeper into the mountain. Again, the type of rock was changing.

“We now are in diamond, sapphire and ruby place. Gold is in different mine, but not far away,” Madinga said, pointing to an area of compacted but softer soil. “Look there, you find.”

I picked up several stones. “These look just like any other rocks to me,” I said. “I can see some crystal, but surely not diamond.”

One of the natives took several stones from me. After a quick check, he threw most of them aside, but two he held out to me. “Diamond,” he said.

I had no idea how he could see the difference. Madinga examined them. “Not so good, these. Is most likely yellow, but is diamond.”

I guess I’d been expecting to see easily discovered piles of glittering stones, but it didn’t take long for me to realise it was hard work, with only the occasional gemstone found.

Then a native shouted out excitedly. A line had appeared where he had used a bar to split away a harder section of stone. I could clearly see the red and blue tinges to the chips he collected from the resulting rubble.

Makeda grinned at me. “Sapphire. Good sapphire, maybe a few thousand dollars American after it is cleaned and cut.”

So it went. After a few more hours, we returned to the settlement, carrying a few hundred kilos of the mountain’s hidden treasures. For me, it was enough that I’d seen the famous mines, though I’d been impressed more by the sheer enormity of the caverns than in the actual search for precious stones.


Makeda and I quietly ran our business empire from the mountains of Ethiopia. We strove to do good, to work on behalf of peace. It was a futile exercise. Man did not want peace. I was beginning to understand that he never would.

But one hidden mountain retreat did know love. A retreat where one who knew where to look could find a black queen, a foreign white woman, strange and ancient Christian churches – and King Solomon’s mines.


 Afterword: If my readers find some elements of this story (particularly Chapter Two) a bit far-fetched, here’s a couple of short but quite true anecdotes.

Our grandpa grew up in East Africa, where his father worked. The family lived in Uganda, but Grandpa went to boarding school in Kenya. This was at the time of the Mau Mau uprising. Two incidents occurred when he was only ten or eleven years old.

Some of his fellow students lived locally, and he used to spend some weekends at the farm of his best friend’s family. One weekend he was on punishment and could not go, and on Monday came the news that the whole family had been massacred. Grandpa would have been there but for a twist of fate, the result of his own naughtiness.

The second incident occurred when the train taking him back to Uganda for the summer holiday was attacked by the Mau Mau as it was slowly making its way up a steep gradient. There were African Askaris (police) in each carriage, and the Askari next to my young grandpa was shot. Grandpa took up his gun and fired wildly at the attackers. He never knew for certain whether he actually hit or killed anyone, but the likelihood is he did. His father had taught him to shoot when they went hunting – for food, not for sport.

He told his parents it seemed like the natural reaction after they’d killed his best friend. He still says he felt better for it.

So, given the circumstances, youngsters can take up arms. They do, in many countries of the world.

I hope our descriptions of life aboard a cruise ship are reasonably accurate. Neither of us has ever been on one.

As for Band-Maid. Kitana (not her real name, which I changed to suit the JS rules) is a brilliant guitarist, even if she does look silly in her outfits. Is she gay? We have no idea, but what we do know is, there are a number of pics where she is clearly interfering with another band member’s clothes, and several in which she has her head underneath another’s skirt. She obviously likes lifting skirts … we can only come to one conclusion!


The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, Chapter 15

  • Posted on February 19, 2025 at 4:19 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Orphaned at the age of eight, sixteen-year-old Doris Sloane has spent half her life in a Catholic orphanage, where she was trained to care for young children. Our story begins when she is taken into service at the home of Victoria Shaw, a widow with three daughters: Melinda (ten), Sophia (eleven) and Becky (fourteen). Doris is thoroughly satisfied with this new life, but her orderly world takes an odd turn one night when she is seduced by Mrs. Shaw. Surprising herself, Doris responds eagerly, fully returning the pleasure she has been given.

In the days that follow, Doris and Victoria couple frequently, and Doris becomes skilled in the art of lesbian lovemaking under the tutelage of her mistress. She is deliriously happy, but her joy is tainted by the fact that she is only engaged to serve in the Shaw household until Melinda, the youngest, turns twelve. To complicate things even further, Doris has fallen madly, passionately in love with Victoria, and lacks the courage to tell her so.

One of Doris’ duties as nanny is to give Melinda and Sophia a bath every other day. The girls often invite Doris to join them in the large Japanese-style tub, but she always refuses, believing it isn’t proper. When she mentions this to Mrs. Shaw after a bout of lovemaking, Victoria suggests that Doris do what her youngest daughters want: get naked and bathe with them. Furthermore, she encourages Doris to pay closer attention to the girls’ nudity, to notice how beautiful they are in the altogether.

Doris finds this a bit strange… but that evening, while giving Sophia and Melinda their bath, she takes the time to study them more closely, and is startled to find herself feeling somewhat aroused.  The girls notice her interest, and on subsequent evenings, eleven-year-old Sophia begins to tease Doris by flaunting her nakedness. This only fuels this budding desire Doris feels… and very soon, she is masturbating to lewd fantasies of Victoria’s daughters.

One afternoon around this time, while the girls are at school, Doris in asked to join Victoria for a light luncheon in the back yard. There, Victoria offers the girl a permanent home as a member of the family, then tells her, “I love you.”

Doris is overwhelmed by emotion at first… but she joyfully accepts, and they celebrate by undressing and making love. 

Then next day, Victoria tells Doris how she first became attracted to women. It began at the age of sixteen, when she was given the service of a personal maid, a lively Irish girl named Nora, who would quickly become young Victoria’s faithful friend and companion. They would become lovers, but it ended disastrously when they were caught in the act. Nora was sent away, and Victoria was left devastated. More than twenty years later, she still mourns the loss of her friend. Doris does what she can to console Victoria.

The next day, Victoria tells of what happened after losing Nora. She was quickly married off to a man named William Shaw, who proved to be a bully and a drunkard. She managed to endure her marriage, gave birth to her three daughters, and ended up taking over her husband’s business as his drinking spiraled out of control. He died a couple of years later, and Victoria was free.

Back in the here and now, Victoria presents Doris with a startling proposition. Wanting her daughters to experience the delights of Sapphic love before they develop romantic attachments to boys, she gets Doris to admit her attraction to the girls, then asks her to pleasure Melinda and Sophia in the bath. Doris is shocked, but also quite eager to do as Victoria wants.

The following night, Doris undresses and joins the two youngest in the tub for the first time, where she caresses both Sophia and Melinda to orgasm, then allows Sophia to fondle her in the same way. Later that night, Doris visits Melinda’s room, where she licks the ten-year-old to another climax. When Victoria is informed the next day, she is well pleased. But her eldest daughter Becky, who isn’t yet privy to her mum’s seductive scheme, is growing suspicious.

Two nights later, Doris and the girls bathe again. This time, though, they agree to postpone their pleasurable games until later, meeting in Sophia’s room for a sleepover. There, Doris teaches her charges the ways of lesbian love. Melinda and Sophia are thrilled with all of it… and in the days after, seem to be spending quite a lot of private time together.

Soon thereafter, the situation with Becky comes to a head, when Victoria’s eldest explodes in anger at the dinner table, accusing Doris of getting up to “vile, wicked things” with her younger sisters in the bath. Victoria and Doris manage to calm her down, finally suggesting Becky join Melinda and Sophia in the tub that very night. Becky hesitantly agrees and, once naked with the others, proves quite willing to let herself be seduced. First Doris pleasures the two youngest, then brings Becky to orgasm in the bath while they watch Sophia and Melinda make love.

Later, when Doris turns in, Becky slips into the room, quickly undresses and gets into bed with her. She confesses her love for Doris, then they frantically bring each other off. While relaxing together in the afterglow, Victoria peeks in and, with an approving nod, wishes Becky and Doris a good night.

After that evening, Becky is at peace with the new family arrangement. It enables her to make love often with Doris, who is now enjoying sexual intimacy with the entire family. But Victoria wants more. She intends to accompany Doris the following night, the two of them paying nocturnal visits to the girls so Victoria can see for herself, “what you get up to with my daughters.”

Sure enough, the following evening finds Doris and Victoria visiting twelve-year-old Sophia, then nine-year-old Melinda in their respective bedrooms. Both girls are startled at first by the appearance of Victoria, but are quickly reassured, enough to allow Doris to make love to them while their mother watches. Victoria doesn’t join in the sexual activity, but she gives a deep tongue kiss to each girl before departing.

The youngest daughters tucked in for the night, Victoria and Doris pay a visit to Becky who is waiting in Doris’ room, completely naked and ready to play. Like her sisters, she is shocked to see her mother there, and even less certain how to react. But Victoria’s seductive skills carry the day, and soon all three are making passionate love. 

The next day, the entire family sets off on a seaside excursion. A lovely time is had, but on their return to Shadowglen, all are taken aback to see a large, unfamiliar automobile waiting outside. Only Victoria has an idea of who the car belongs to, and she isn’t pleased. Sure enough, the family enters to find Victoria’s parents, the Shacklefords, waiting in the parlor to see them.

The story resumes here. Do enjoy.

by JetBoy and BlueJean


“Hello, Mother. Hello, Father.”

It was the first time I’d ever laid eyes on the Shacklefords, Victoria’s parents. Apart from a few grey strands, Mrs. Shackleford had the same fair hair as her daughter, and a similar cast to her features. It wasn’t hard to imagine she’d been just as beautiful in her day, although there was little of Victoria’s warmth in her demeanour.

Mr. Shackleford had an even sterner disposition. His brow was knitted into an uncompromising scowl, giving the impression the man was constantly on the verge of outrage.

“Who’ve we got here, then?” he said, peering behind Victoria. “Are those my granddaughters hiding back there? Come closer so I can see you.” He tried on a winning smile, and I was struck by how insincerely his face took to it.

“Say hello to your grandma and grandpa, girls,” Victoria said, ushering them into the lounge.

“Hello, Grandpa. Hello, Grandma,” the girls dutifully chanted, one after the other.

It didn’t seem like the warmest of reunions. The girls stood there awkwardly, unsure how to proceed. I had to wonder if they’d even met their grandparents before.

“Look how you’ve all grown,” Victoria’s mother said, surveying her granddaughters as if they were prize livestock. “You’re almost a woman, Rebecca! You look so much like Victoria when she was young. How old are you now, my dear?”

“Fourteen, Grandma. I’ll be fifteen soon.”

“Almost of an age to marry,” Mr. Shackleford said. I saw Victoria stiffen, but he either failed to notice or pretended not to. He gestured to Melinda with his cane. “And which one are you?”

Melinda looked bemused. “Pardon?”

“Your name, girl, your name.”

“Uh… I’m Melinda, Grandpa.”

“Yes, of course. I knew it was something like that. Belinda or Durinda or some such. Good old fashioned names like Mary or Susan seem to be falling out of favour these days. Still, that’s where we are, I suppose.”

Melinda seemed unsure how to respond to that, or even if she was meant to. She offered a timid smile instead.

“Is that little Sophia I see?” Mrs. Shackleford said. “Come, sit with me, child. Let me have a good look at you.”

Sophia approached, but not willingly. She’d reached an age where it made her bristle to be referred to by grownups as ‘little’, or ‘child’. She perched awkwardly on the couch next to her grandmother, wearing a tight smile that seemed more like a grimace.

Mrs. Shackleford gave her a quick pat on the knee. “Aren’t you a pretty thing. Why is your hair in such a state, though? Has it been neglected?”

“We’ve just come from the beach, actually,” Victoria said, the merest hint of frost in her voice. “We’re all a little dishevelled from our swim, aren’t we, girls?”

Thus far I’d maintained a respectable distance near the door, but now Victoria was coaxing me into the room. “Mother. Father. This is Doris. She’s the girls’ nanny, and my good friend.”

“It’s lovely to meet you both,” I said, resisting a sudden impulse to curtsey. Victoria’s parents seemed like the kind of people who might expect it.

Mrs. Shackleford looked me up and down, and I had the brief sense that I was a fly trapped in a web. “Goodness, Victoria. If you’d needed a nanny, I could have recommended one with a little more experience.”

“It won’t do to be over familiar with the staff, either,” Mr. Shackleford muttered disapprovingly. “Never ends well.”

Victoria offered a thin smile, clearly working to maintain some semblance of calm. “I’d prefer you didn’t talk about Doris as if she weren’t here.”

“No, it’s fine—” I began, but Victoria put a reassuring hand on my arm.

Clearly appalled, her father opened his mouth to speak, then opted to close it again.

Mrs. Shackleford cleared her throat. “Oh, I’m sure she’s very good at what she does.”

“She is,” Victoria said. “And the girls adore her. Will you be staying for supper?”

“We were on our way back from London,” Mr. Shackleford said. “We’d only planned to put our heads round the door, but we’ll stay for a bite to eat while we’re here, I suppose…”

“After all, we haven’t seen the girls in so long—” his wife began.

“I’m still talking, woman,” the man growled, giving his wife a look that could peel paint. He turned back to Victoria. “We’ll stay the night, too, if it’s all the same to you.”

I got the distinct impression it very much wasn’t all the same to Victoria. But there was nothing to be done about it now.


Given the lateness of the day, and the Shacklefords’ unannounced visit, there was no time to prepare a lavish evening meal, not that Victoria seemed in the mood for hosting an extravagant dinner party. If anything, she seemed intent on carrying on as if it were any other day at Shadowglen, and I had to wonder if that air of nonchalance was intended as some kind of slight towards her parents.


She decided we’d have the haggis I’d picked up from the butchers the previous day, and while that was boiling away, the five of us took the opportunity to shower and change into something more appropriate. Despite Victoria’s lack of enthusiasm for her parents’ visit, even she accepted it wouldn’t do to sit up to the dining table in beachwear, sand encrusted in our hair.

While Victoria and I finished supper in the kitchen – me peeling spuds and swedes for mash while she steamed a batch of greens – the girls kept their grandparents company in the lounge. They didn’t seem overly thrilled by the prospect, but to their credit, made no complaint. Through the kitchen door, we could hear the indistinct sounds of conversation.

Victoria seemed subdued, even strained. I didn’t know how often she saw her parents, but I knew it must have been difficult for her, given everything she’d told me.

“I can finish dinner off, if you want to join the girls,” I told my love, stroking her hip.

She shook her head. “Christ, no. I’d rather be in here.”

“You’d prefer your parents hadn’t come?”

“I’d hoped to never see them again after my husband’s funeral. They’ve only turned up once since then, more than four years ago.” Her mouth tightened. “I don’t want them here.”

“Because of what happened with Nora? And your marriage?”

Her face was like thunder. “My parents have never expressed the slightest remorse for how badly they used me. They wrecked poor Nora’s life; saddled me with a husband I despised. And for what? Their precious family name. I’ve yet to have it out with them, after all these years.” She gave her head a curt shake. “That’s how we deal with things in our family, you see. It all gets brushed under the rug and we simply carry on with our lives as if nothing happened. I don’t remember us ever talking about my brother after he died. It’s as if he never existed.

“When they married me off, I was still a child, too timid to protest… and after William’s death, I thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie. No more. No more!”

I’d never seen Victoria like this, her sudden fury a stark contrast to the calm, stoic woman I knew. “How can your parents not realise the damage they’ve caused?” I said. “Perhaps they do feel guilty, but don’t know how to tell you.”

“I doubt it,” Victoria replied bitterly. “Compassion is a sign of weakness to Father, and I’m not sure Mother even has a mind of her own. She does as she’s told, like any good English wife should. God, it’s all just so… bloody awful! They’ll not get what they came for, though.”

“Do you know why they’re here, then? I assumed it was just a spur-of-the-moment visit.”

Victoria turned to me. “Perhaps. Father is still without a male heir to the estate, and he realises he’ll never get one from me. He has my cousin Henry as a last resort… but if I know my father, he sees another possibility.”

An icy shiver ran through me as I took her meaning. “The girls…” I breathed. “My God.”

“That’s my best guess. You just heard him say Becky was of an age to wed. It wouldn’t surprise me if he already has a suitor picked out.”

I let the information sink in for a moment. “Surely he wouldn’t have the audacity to try that again.”

“I wouldn’t put anything past Father. I could be completely wrong, of course. Regardless, I have no intention of allowing any such thing. Woe betide anyone who attempts to get between this lioness and her cubs! He’ll learn soon enough that his daughter has claws.”

I kissed her softly on the cheek. “I wish I could help you in some way, my love. Really, I do.”

Victoria put on a brave face. “Oh, it’s all right. Who knows, it may be the random visit they claim it to be. Let’s just get this evening over with, then we can carry on with our lives.” She nodded toward the pot bubbling away on the stove. “My father hates haggis, by the way.” She furrowed her brow, then lowered her voice a few octaves. “Offal’s only fit for peasants! Neither arsehole nor eyelid shall ever pass these lips!”

I suspect Victoria’s father had never said anything of the sort, but it eased the moment’s tension and had us both hooting with laughter.


While Victoria dished up supper, I took pity on the Shacklefords’ chauffeur and prepared him a small meal, letting him into the kitchen to eat it. I offered to set up a cot where he could lay his head for the night, but he assured me the backseat of the Rolls and the loan of a blanket would suffice.

The dining room table wasn’t exactly large, but there were enough chairs to seat everyone, and we all managed to squeeze round. I was unfamiliar with the intricacies of upper class etiquette, but I suspected Victoria’s father would have normally been given the seat at the head of the table. Victoria took that place for herself, and it was surely meant to convey a less than subtle message to the Shacklefords.

Mr. Shackleford pushed the haggis round his plate, his face waxen with distaste. I couldn’t help notice the almost imperceptible trace of a smile playing at the corners of Victoria’s mouth.

“What happened to old what’s-her-name? Mrs. Blodgett, was it?” the man asked.

“Mrs. Broomfield,” Victoria corrected him. “I’m afraid she suffered a heart attack a while back and was forced to retire early.”

Her father gave the haggis a wide berth, opting for the mash instead. “She was a dab hand in the kitchen, that one. A shame you don’t still have her.”

“Well, you don’t have to eat the food, Father. And Mrs. Broomfield’s fine now, thank you for asking.”

“No need to be snippy, Victoria,” Mrs. Shackleford chided.

“I hear you have a big estate in Hampshire,” I ventured, making an effort to keep things civil.

Victoria’s mother offered me a stiff but polite smile. “Indeed. It’s been my husband’s ancestral home for many centuries.”

“Do you have lots of land?” Becky asked.

“We certainly do,” Mrs. Shackleford told her. “There’s a lovely bluebell wood, and a lake with a little boat.”

Melinda piped up at that. “Oh, we’d love to have a go on a boat, wouldn’t we, Sophie?”

Sophia nodded enthusiastically. “Mmm-hmm.”

“Well, you shall all have to come visit us there,” their grandmother said, then with a hint of reproach: “I can’t imagine why your mother hasn’t brought you to see us.”

“There won’t be much left to see if we have to keep selling off bits of land,” Mr. Shackleford groused.

“Oh? Why’s that?” I asked.

As soon as the words left my lips, I knew I’d stepped in it. I don’t think Mr. Shackleford was accustomed to such casual familiarity from his lessers, surely seeing such behaviour as rank impertinence. He gave me a frosty glare, and might have chosen to snap at me. Instead, he gave a dismissive wave of the hand and growled, “You wouldn’t understand, girl.”

Victoria narrowed her eyes at him, then turned to me. “Times are changing, Doris. The aristocracy isn’t what it once was. Wealth gained from the slave trade is a thing of the past, taxation has increased considerably, and many people now question the privilege of the ruling classes.”

Mr. Shackleford scowled at his daughter, either because she’d laid bare the plight of the gentry so starkly, or because she was a woman who had the audacity to voice such lofty concepts in the first place. Perhaps both.

“A wretched state of affairs,” he mumbled before taking a mouthful of the red wine Victoria had uncorked. He grimaced as if he’d just swallowed a bug. “Good God…” Needless to say, Victoria hadn’t bothered to grace the table with one of our superior vintages.

Mrs. Shackleford laid a hand atop Becky’s. “You know, Rebecca dear, when you bless us with great-grandchildren, one of them might be a son who’s suitable to inherit the estate.”

“The Davenports have a son who’s of an age with you, if I’m not mistaken,” Mr. Shackleford informed his granddaughter. “Pleasant lad, by all accounts, from a distinguished house. Could be a perfect match.”

Becky suddenly seemed small and vulnerable, sitting there between her grandparents. She had no words; no way to respond to such a proposal, but it seemed to me that Mr and Mrs. Shackleford did not care a fig whether she consented or not.

I could feel my protective instinct rouse itself, and anger with it, but when I turned to Victoria, my own outrage paled in comparison to the fury I saw broiling there. I braced myself for the inevitable.

“You just can’t help yourselves, can you?” Victoria said, throwing her napkin down. “It’s not enough that you tried to ruin my life, now you want to sink your claws into my children too.”

Mr. Shackleford glared at his daughter. “That’s a poor way to address your mother and father. Mind your manners.”

Victoria wouldn’t be cowed. “If you think you’re playing matchmaker with any of my daughters, you’re sorely mistaken. I’ll never let you do to them what you did to me. Never.”

“What’s got into you, Victoria?” Mrs. Shackleford sniffed. “It was merely a notion, nothing more. It certainly doesn’t warrant such melodrama.”

“No, it won’t do to get emotional, will it?” Victoria shot back. “That’s not the Shackleford way. Stiff upper lip and all that rot.”

“It’s all right, Mother,” Becky quietly pleaded, her face gone pale. “I’m sure Grandma and Grandpa d-didn’t mean anything by it.”

A worried looking Melinda reached out with shaky hands to pour herself a glass of water from the pitcher on the table. It slipped from her grasp and upended, the contents flooding towards her grandfather and into his lap.

He lurched from his chair, roaring his outrage. “You imbecilic child! Now look what you’ve done!”

Melinda stared open-mouthed for several fleeting seconds, then burst into tears.

Victoria leapt to her feet, swung her arm back and slapped her father full force across the cheek.

He stood there frozen for a long moment, his mouth slack with disbelief. “How dare you…” he seethed. “How dare you!”

“Becky, take your sisters upstairs,” Victoria said, her voice tremulous and strained, but still considerably calmer than I would’ve expected. She bent to kiss a still-sobbing Melinda on the brow.

As the three girls crept from the dining room, I made to follow, certain this would be a confrontation I had no business observing.

Victoria stopped me. “Stay please, Doris,” she said. “I’d like a witness to this.”

If her parents thought that was a strange request to make of the children’s nanny, they chose not to question it openly. I reluctantly found my chair again, torn between wanting no part of this family donnybrook and the desire to stay and support my beloved.

“Have you any idea of the pain you’ve caused, I wonder?” Victoria asked her parents. “Is there even a shred of remorse?”

“What on earth are you talking about?” Mrs. Shackleford hissed. “In what possible way have we wronged you that would justify raising a hand to your own father?”

“You took my dearest friend away from me!”

Victoria’s parents looked at her blankly.

Nora! You don’t even remember her name?”

A veneer of sudden recognition settled over Mrs. Shackleford’s face, and her lip curled up into something resembling a sneer. “That girl. No, indeed. How could we forget her?” she muttered with unconcealed distaste.

“What did you do to her? Where did you send her?”

“For pity’s sake, it was over fifteen years ago,” Mr. Shackleford groused, still nursing his cheek. “That wretched girl broke the rules of the house and was dismissed accordingly. I have no idea where she went, nor do I care.”

“She didn’t deserve to be treated like that. If anyone was to be punished it should’ve been me. You both used her as a whipping girl.”

Mrs. Shackeford’s mouth tightened. “The maid was a member of staff, not your friend,” she said, her tone purest ice. “Now, Victoria, are you quite finished?”

“No, I’m bloody not! There’s also the matter of that… monster you made me marry. You knew the torment I suffered; how he battered and belittled me. I told you, Mother. I reached out to you so many times, and all you could say was, ‘You must endure, Victoria.’ As if it was my duty to be a punching bag for king and country.”

“It was your duty to be a wife and a mother, you spoilt brat!” Mr. Shackleford roared. “You think we approved of the way William treated you? Of course we didn’t! I told him it was unacceptable, more than once. He was a troubled man, and if we’d known the full extent of it, we never would’ve chosen him as a match. But if you’d played your part and refrained from provoking his ire, things would’ve gone far easier for you. You always were willful.”

Victoria stared at her father incredulously. “I was sixteen! I was a pretty little bird stuffed inside a cage, with no hope of escape. I wanted to die. Do you understand that? I wanted to take my own life. If it wasn’t for Rebecca being born I actually might have. Later, I learnt how to play him at his own game, but those early years were awful. I didn’t think I had the strength to make it through.”

“I’m sorry, Victoria,” Mrs. Shackleford said, and for a moment I thought she might have actually meant it. “None of us chose the life we were born into. The men went to war, we women stayed behind to look after the children and run the estates. We all had our duty, one way or another. Believe me, you were more fortunate than some. Many’s the family that would have disowned you, cut you off without a penny for that… disgusting episode with the maid.”

Mrs. Shackleford gave me a cursory glance. Did she wonder if she’d said too much in front of a stranger? Or had she looked at me and considered the possibility of history repeating itself?

Victoria barked out a bitter laugh. “Unbelievable. I have to wonder if the pair of you have ever felt an ounce of empathy in your life. I could never treat my daughters the way you’ve treated me.”

“Life is a struggle, Victoria,” Mrs. Shackleford said with a sad smile. “Do you imagine you were the only woman in the world to have expectations placed on her? Such is our lot.”

Mr. Shackleford had already sat himself back down. He knitted his fingers together upon the table in a visible effort to control his anger. “It was a burden that was never meant for you, Victoria,” he murmured grimly. “If your brother hadn’t perished in that wretched war… But you weren’t left wanting. You have your children, and William’s money. Surely it was worth it all in the end. You’ve no right to be ungrateful.”

Victoria said nothing, though I saw her jaw tighten at the word ungrateful. She must have known there was a perverse kind of truth to her father’s words. The money and the house were poor compensation for what she had endured at the hands of her husband, but the girls – I’m certain she would’ve chosen to live the same life all over again rather than be denied her children, even if that choice had never been hers in the first place. What a terrible paradox that was.

Throughout this altercation I could do nothing but sit there with my hands in my lap, listening to Victoria pour her heart out. I wanted nothing more than to reach out to her and hold her tightly, but I could not.

Then Mr. Shackleford was speaking again. “Perhaps we should all retire for the evening. There’ll be more time to talk tomorrow.”

“No,” Victoria said, quite calmly. “I want you out of my house.”

“Be reasonable, Victoria,” her mother said. “It’s getting late, and it’s a two-hour drive back to Hampshire.”

Victoria loomed over the two of them, her face cold and hard. “You’re both leaving. But first I need you to understand what I’m about to tell you, because I’ve thought long and hard about it over the years, and it hasn’t been an easy decision.”

She held her head high, and I could see steel in her eyes. “I’m cutting you both out of my life. Permanently. I don’t ever want to see you again. I have three beautiful daughters. I’ve successfully managed my husband’s business, after he nearly drank it away. I own this house. And I deserve it all, for the years I was shackled to that disgusting man. I need nothing from you. I want nothing from you. As far as I’m concerned, we’re no longer family. Do you understand?”

“You ungrateful little harpy…” Mr. Shackleford muttered incredulously. Getting to his feet, he snatched up his cane. “I’ll not pass another minute under this roof. Come, Constance.”

Victoria’s mother, for all her unbending declarations of duty and stoicism, seemed utterly crestfallen. She gazed sorrowfully at her daughter. “What about our grandchildren?”

“If the girls decide to seek you out when they’re older, that will be their choice,” Victoria replied. “But I wouldn’t hold my breath, if I were you.” She gestured towards the door. “Go.”

Ramrod-straight, Mr. Shackleford marched fiercely toward the front entrance, the butt of his cane thudding against the floor with each step. His wife scuttled after him as if the hounds of hell were in hot pursuit.

Wrenching the door open, Victoria’s parents hastened down the steps, bound for the car. The chauffeur watched his master approach, looking mildly surprised. “Change of plan, Mr. Shackleford, sir?”

Mr. Shackleford rounded on the man. “Shut up, you inbred buffoon, and drive us home!”

Victoria and I watched the Shacklefords’ Rolls Royce disappear up the thoroughfare and out of sight. I turned towards my beloved, pressing myself into her. “Victoria…”

She wrapped both arms around my waist, and I could feel her body trembling against mine. “By God, I could do with a strong drink right now.”

“You deserve one,” I told her. Suddenly I understood how heartbreaking it must have been for Victoria to disown her parents like that, no matter how awful they were.

Releasing me, she managed a sad smile. “First let’s see if the girls are all right; let them know the ogres have departed.”


We found the three of them in Victoria’s bedroom, all looking rather morose. Becky was using Victoria’s soft hairbrush on her sisters’ tresses, switching back and forth between the two girls.

Melinda seemed particularly ill at ease, her eyes puffy from tears. “Mummy, I don’t much like Grandpa,” she pouted as Victoria and I joined them on the bed.

“Neither do I, sweetheart,” Victoria agreed, stroking her hair. “But he’s gone now, him and your grandmother. They won’t be returning.”

“I’m not expected to give them a son for their estate, am I, Mother?” Becky said, making a face. “Or marry some boy they picked out for me.”

Sophia was rubbing her chin ponderously, the way she did when thinking hard about something. “There’s no ancient law or something saying Becky has to do that. Is there?”

Victoria had to smile at that. “No, no, darling. There’s no law like that in England. If your grandfather had his way, I’m sure there would be, though.”

“I’m glad they’re gone,” Becky declared. “It’s not right, him telling us what to do. They don’t even live here.”

“Still, a lake with a boat…” Melinda said after a moment of quiet, making us all laugh. And just like that, our little world seemed right again.

I leaned back against the headboard with my knees tucked beneath me, then took the hairbrush from Becky. She gave a contented sigh when I began running it through her blonde locks.

Victoria looked from Sophia to Melinda, then wrapped an arm around each. “Seeing as we’re all together, I think it might be a good time to talk about the… the special games we’ve been playing of late. Does anyone have any thoughts to share?”

Melinda nodded. “I was wondering if there are any rules. Who’s allowed to do things with who, that sort of thing. It’s all a bit confusing.”

“Let’s say there are no rules within Shadowglen,” Victoria declared. “If it feels right, we should follow our hearts, so long as no one gets pressured into doing anything they’d rather not. And I’m sure you’re all aware that what we do here must always stay a secret between the five of us. That’s very important.”

“Because there are laws against that kind of thing, aren’t there?” said Becky.

“I’m afraid so,” I told her, kissing her softly on the cheek. “The world isn’t ready for a family like ours. Perhaps one day it will be.”

“Me and Melinda are sweethearts now,” Sophia proudly declared. “Aren’t we, Melly?”

Melinda bobbed her head up and down. “We’ve decided we’d like to get married when we’re older. In secret, of course.”

“We don’t mind having fun with the rest of you, though!” Sophia was keen to point out. She scratched the tip of her nose self-consciously, eyes alight with mischief. “Shall we all, you know, have some fun right now? I’ve been thinking of naughty things all day.”

“Have you indeed?” Victoria crooned, peppering the twelve-year-old’s face with playful kisses.

I found myself twining an arm around Becky’s slender waist, my fingers brushing back and forth across her belly through the soft lamb’s wool cardigan she wore. She smiled back at me, then pulled my hand away. At first I thought she wasn’t comfortable having me touch her that way in front of her mother and sisters, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Instead, she guided my hand beneath her skirt, placing it on the rise of her vulva. I could feel its warmth through the gusset of her knickers.

Victoria afforded us a familiar sultry regard, and I’d seen that look enough times to know exactly what it meant. My lady slipped her shoes off, settled back against the headboard and opened her arms, looking from Melinda to Sophia. “Come to me, my darlings.”

The girls settled easily into their mother’s embrace, stretching out on either side. An arm around each of their waists, Victoria kissed them both atop their heads. Simple maternal affection, you might have thought. But what happened next was anything but motherly.

Victoria reached beneath the girls’ dresses to settle her hands between their thighs, then flashed her eyes at me. “I can play that game too, Doris,” she said. “But aren’t I the lucky one – I have two pretty young girls to enjoy.”

I’d seen Victoria make love to Becky only the night before, but she hadn’t allowed herself to fully cross that line with her younger daughters, even though I was certain she’d wanted to. Now, though, whatever internal dilemma she’d struggled with must have been resolved. Or perhaps it was simply the spontaneity of lust that had driven her to action. I wondered how far she would allow things to progress with her two youngest, suspecting that, in the heat of the moment, there were no boundaries my mistress was not willing to cross.

Becky reached back to fumble beneath my skirt until her fingers were pressed against the damp cotton of my knickers.

“Let’s take everything off,” I murmured, eager to feel her bare skin upon mine.

We stripped out of our clothes, then knelt facing each other on the bed. Becky pressed our breasts together, her hand slipping between my thighs. I worked a finger back and forth through her hot, damp slit, cupping her arse with my free hand. We drifted together in a kiss, tongues meeting and mingling.

I turned to find the girls and their mother watching us intently. Victoria had hiked their dresses up around their waists and was now rubbing them through their knickers. She paused briefly to draw her own skirt up. “Touch me, girls. Touch me like I’m touching you.”

Sophia and Melinda stared wide-eyed at one another for a moment, then let their hands wander between their mother’s legs in a series of tentative dares, moving higher and higher, egging each other on. When their fingers settled on Victoria’s silky underthings, she breathed out a sigh of pleasure and opened her legs to accommodate the girls.

Becky and I played with each other as we watched them. I slipped a hand between her arse cheeks and found the warm, snug hole of her anus, penetrating it with a finger. Two fingers from my other hand filled her cunt, and I began to pump them back and forth.

Without much ado, Victoria climbed across Melinda and stepped off the bed. The girls gave each other confused looks.

“Aww, Mummy…” Melinda pouted.

“Come back!” beseeched Sophia.

“I simply must get rid of these damned clothes,” Victoria said, letting her skirt fall to the floor. “If you both intend to get naked like the rest of us, now’s the time.”

Melinda and Sophia offered one another wry looks, then scrambled out of their clothes with all due haste, tossing garments this way and that. Victoria unbuttoned her blouse at a more languid pace, pushing it away, then unhooking her brassiere to let her breasts spill free. Finally she slipped a pair of visibly wet knickers down her legs, casting them aside before settling back between the girls.

Liberated from their clothes, Sophia and Melinda were quick to nestle into their equally nude mother. Their hands wandered back to Victoria’s cunt, now free to explore the complex folds of a mature woman’s sex.

As for Victoria, she snaked her hands beneath the girls’ bums, seeking out their bare slits. “Give me a nice kiss, Melinda,” she murmured, pursing her lips.

Melinda reached up to plant her lips on Victoria’s, lingering there for a moment.

“Oh, I know you can do better than that. A proper kiss, if you please.”

“Like the kisses we do, Melly!” added Sophia with a hint of impatience.

This time Melinda put more passion into the exchange, slipping her tongue into her mummy’s mouth. Victoria kissed her little girl back with equal fervour, lovingly cupping Melinda’s bare bum.

When they finally drifted apart, Victoria turned her attention to Sophia. “Now I’d like a kiss from you, sweetheart.”

“Watch and learn, little sister,” said Sophia boldly, then melted into her mother. Their tongues engaged in a sort of wild choreography, darting in and out of each other’s mouths.

Though enthralled by this scene of maternal passion, my attention was soon snapping back to Becky as she let out a desperate groan. I realised she was coming against my fingers, so I pumped them in and out of her cunt, enjoying the way it gripped me tightly with each spasm of pleasure. My other finger was still nestled in Becky’s arse – it always seemed to make her orgasms that much more intense.

Resting her brow on my shoulder, Becky let the orgasm wash over her, little tics and jerks possessing her body. Finally spent, she twined both arms around me and gazed across at her mother and sisters. Absently moistening her lips, she studied Melinda and Sophie with great interest.

“They’re lovely, aren’t they?” she murmured. “I never really looked at my sisters like this. Not until now.” She glanced at me. “Do you think they’d like it if I…”

“Go on,” I told her, giving her a gentle nudge. “Show Melly and Sophie how much you love them.”

Detaching herself from me, Becky approached her sisters, who were kissing twin pathways down their mum’s body, hands busy between her thighs. First she stroked the girls’ calves, brushing her fingers across the smooth skin. Then she nuzzled the backs of their legs, working her way up to their buttocks, moving back and forth between the two of them. I saw Melinda raise her bum, legs parting to invite her older sibling’s kisses.

“That’s it, Rebecca,” Victoria purred. “Taste them. Lick your sisters.”

Becky spread Sophia’s buttocks open with both hands, then pressed a kiss into her sister’s vagina. Sophia arched her hips, an ecstatic whimper escaping her lips.

I watched in awe as Becky made love to her little sister, her tongue tracing a path through Sophia’s slit, then circling the pucker of her anus. “Oh, my g-goodness,” the child mewled, a delicious shiver coursing through her slender frame. Then Melinda’s mouth covered hers, and the two little girls shared a hungry kiss, fingering their mother’s cunt all the while.

Finally breaking away from one sister, Becky applied her mouth and tongue to the other, offering the smooth slit feather-light licks, then feasting voraciously on Melinda’s cunt and arse, as if keen to discover which method conjured the most pleasure, both for herself and her sisters.

“Oh, what an exquisite sight,” Victoria groaned, sweeping Becky’s hair back so it wouldn’t obscure her view. Then she allowed pleasure to claim her at last, writhing beneath her daughters as a mighty orgasm rattled out of her. Once sated, she grasped Sophia and Melinda’s wrists and held them fast, their fingers pressing into her sex as warm liquid oozed over them.

Sitting back on her haunches, Becky watched her mother come. I came up behind, wrapping an arm around her waist. “All right, my love?” I asked.

She peered back at me with lusty eyes. “It’s all so… so overwhelming,” she admitted. “But I like it very much.” She placed a warm hand on my thigh. ”I need to spend again. Will you help me, Doris?”

“Let me do it, Rebecca,” Victoria cooed. “Come feed me your sweet cunt. I haven’t tasted you yet.”

Becky rolled her eyes, colour flushing her cheeks. “I’m sure there’s no need for such crude language, Mother,” she said, then stood up on the bed. She navigated her way deftly through the tangle of bodies until she’d reached the headboard.

Victoria peered up at her fourteen-year-old’s tangle of soft curls; the neat crease of her sex. “Turn around with your back to the headboard,” she told the girl. “Then kneel down just above my face.”

Face flushed with desire, Becky carefully lowered herself down to her mother’s waiting mouth. Victoria prised her open, then ran her tongue through the entire length of her oldest daughter’s cunt, lapping at the juicy treat.

“Mmmm, yes,” Becky moaned, stretching both arms out to grasp the headboard behind, her long hair tumbling down past her shoulders and across her breasts. Sophia and Melinda held hands while they stared spellbound at their older sister, now brushing Victoria’s mouth with her pussy.

“We should definitely try that some time, Sophie,” proposed Melinda.

“Mmm,” Sophia agreed with a quick nod, unable to take her eyes away from the lewd sight.

Moments later, Becky came in her mother’s mouth, barely managing to swing a leg clear of Victoria’s head before collapsing onto the bed. Sophia and Melinda were quick to seize upon their dazed older sister, peppering her with kisses as their hands roamed over her body. Delighted to be the focus of her younger sisters’ attention, Becky cupped their bottoms and drew them close, the three girls now a tangle of writhing limbs and breathless giggles.

I settled next to Victoria. Sharing a torrid kiss, we quickly sought out each other’s cunts, engaging in a round of vigorous fingering while we watched the girls at play.

“What a beautiful sight,” Victoria marvelled.

“They love each other,” I said. “They’ll always love each other. That’s how sisters should be.”

Kissing a pathway down between Becky’s legs, Sophia briefly paused to take in the sight of her older sister’s lightly-downed vulva before flicking her tongue up and down the delicate slit. “You taste so nice, Becky,” she told her sister sincerely, then went to work.

Melinda slung a leg over Becky’s head and spread her pussy open with two fingers. “Will you lick it please, Becky? I’ll give you next week’s pocket money if you do.”

Becky smiled up at her youngest sister. “You don’t need to bribe me, silly girl. I want to lick you.”

“Oh, good,” Melinda said with a grin. “Off you go, then.”

Becky drew her tongue up through Melinda’s bare slit, eliciting a delighted mewl of pleasure from the ten-year-old. Sophia was watching them as she licked Becky, pausing to suck on her older sister’s clit every now and then.

Victoria and I fingered each other to a quick orgasm as we watched her daughters make love. Then, having had their wicked way with Becky, Melinda and Sophia crawled between their mother’s legs with breathless enthusiasm and applied their mouths to her sex. Victoria’s eyes shone with adoration as she stroked their hair, whispering sweet words to them. “My beautiful girls. Taste Mummy. My beautiful, beautiful girls.”

Like her mother, Becky was ready for more. She pulled me away from the others and climbed over me, the two of us now mouth to cunt. By then, Victoria’s bedroom was thick with the smell of female arousal. I breathed it in, the heady aroma making my stomach flutter with excitement. Parting Becky’s buttocks with my fingers, I sought out the dusky promise of her anus, bathing it with my tongue. Becky groaned out loud, her breath warm against my mons.

I think we must have lost track of time. Truth be told, I don’t think time meant much that evening. At one point, Victoria had the younger girls perched on the edge of the bed with their legs slung wide open while she knelt on the floor and made love to them with her mouth and fingers. Sophia and Melinda settled into a long, deep kiss as their mother went at them.

Later on, as Victoria and I made love to Becky, we were drawn from our own pleasure by the sight of the two younger sisters entwined in Victoria’s vanity chair, their pussies pressed snugly together. “Let’s never be apart, Melly,” Sophia was murmuring as she ground against her sister. “Together always.”

Grasping Sophia’s bum cheeks, Melinda pumped her own hips back and forth in unison with her sister. “T-together always!” she moaned, and the pact was sealed with yet another kiss. Oh, how those sweet little girls loved to kiss one another.

I suppose there must have come a point when we were all too spent to continue, but my recollections are hazy in that regard. I do recall how we lay tangled together on Victoria’s bed, drifting in and out of light sleep until we were roused to wakefulness once more, and our lovemaking continued anew. At times, the room rang with laughter and cries of ecstasy. At others, we shared soft words of devotion, accompanied by a few tears of joy.

For now, you see, we were truly together, all of us. A family bound by the most intimate love. A love without limits.

Finally, we dimmed the lights and allowed exhaustion to take us.


It must have been the chill against my bare skin that woke me. I tried to cover myself with the quilt, but with the dozing girls strewn out across the bed, it was all but impossible. There was just enough light in the room for me to note Victoria’s absence.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I noticed the curtains had been drawn back a little ways, the French doors leading out onto the balcony slightly ajar. Victoria and I sometimes spent time out there after one of our passionate liaisons, naked beneath the moonlight, entwined in one another’s arms.

I fumbled around on the floor and found Victoria’s blouse, slipping it on, then padded out onto the balcony to join her. She stood with both arms resting on the railing, her silvery gown undulating gently in the breeze. The morning was still nothing more than a thin orange band on the horizon, the birds beginning to stir in the trees.

I crept up behind my beloved and twined my arms around her waist. She peered back at me with a smile. “Are you all right?” I asked.

After a moment of pause, Victoria turned back towards the rising sun. “Yes. Yes, I am. I have my children. I have you. I’ve lost my parents, and a good number of years to an unhappy marriage, but I’ve gained enough to make up the difference. I finally feel able to put the past aside.” She placed a cool palm against my cheek, giving me her full regard. “And what about you, my love? How do you fare?”

I took her hand and kissed it, my lips lingering there for a long moment.

What would I have told her, I wonder, if I’d had sufficient words? That I’d been remade, perhaps. That the fretful, downtrodden girl I’d once been had transformed into a confident, contented young woman. I had a place in the world now, a place where I mattered, where I was loved and needed. Having lived in the dark for so long, I used to wonder if I’d ever manage to find my way back into the light. But against all the odds, I’d done just that. We both had, Victoria and I.

And as much as I loved Shadowglen, I was beginning to see that the old house which had ushered in my changing fortunes would not contain me for long. After the orphanage, there were no walls sturdy enough to do that. It was home for now, but I had every intention of seeing what else the world had to offer. Only this time, I would not be alone.

Of course, when I replied, my words were far simpler. “I’m very happy,” I told her earnestly. “I love you, Victoria.”

“And I you, my darling.”

Together, hand in hand, we watched the rising sun usher in a brand new day.


Is this the end of my story, you ask? No. No, of course not. Life goes on, as does its narrative.

My time at Shadowglen was merely a prologue to a larger tale, but this is the part of my life I have set out to recount, the part that moulded me into the woman I am. And now it is told. There is more to the story, but as I said at the beginning, I am old now, and lack the time or inclination to relate the rest of it in any great detail.

But throughout my life, Victoria and her daughters were a constant presence, so I would be remiss, dear reader, not to tell you what became of them.

In 1939 war broke out, and Shadowglen’s close proximity to London meant we had to evacuate to the country. Unlike many parents in the capital who made the heart-wrenching decision to ship their children off to stay with families miles away, Victoria had the means to acquire a second property in Somerset, a picturesque cottage where we could live out the conflict. Along with Victoria, Sophia, Melinda and myself, we took in two young evacuees.

Becky, eighteen by then, did her bit for the war effort, joining the Wrens as an air mechanic. We had a hard time picturing our Becky in grease-stained overalls and wielding a spanner, but she excelled at the job, receiving a commendation once the fighting was done. Thankfully, the air base where she worked was close enough that she found time to visit us frequently. It was also where she met her husband, a kind and soft-spoken Royal Air Force pilot. It saddened us that we no longer had Becky for a lover, but it couldn’t be denied that she and Henry were a splendid match.

During those years of conflict, Victoria permitted the use of Shadowglen as a military hospital, but when the war finally came to an end, none of us ever returned to that old house.

With Sophia and Melinda away at university, Victoria and I fulfilled a promise we’d made to each other and spent the next couple of decades travelling the world together, though returning frequently to England to see her daughters.

In the intervening years, Becky gave birth to two beautiful boys, and Victoria was delighted to finally have grandchildren of her own. And true to their word, Melinda and Sophia had settled into a long term relationship with one another, albeit in secrecy. Mind you, they were always happy to share their bed with their mother and me whenever we paid a visit.

Victoria and I were able to be more open about our own relationship – the 1960s ushered in a more liberal age, allowing us to tentatively reveal ourselves to the world. We were never able to marry, but at least we could finally let ourselves be known to a discreet few as a lesbian couple.

Then, inevitably, those years arrived when we all began to say our goodbyes – to the world, to each other.

In 1981 Victoria was diagnosed with cancer and passed away peacefully in our home later that same year, surrounded by myself and her daughters. I can’t begin to tell you how hard that was for me, but even at the end, she looked so very beautiful, a smile playing on her lips when she closed her eyes for the very last time. I would never love another as I had loved my dear Victoria.

Sophia died naturally in 2011, and two weeks after that Melinda followed her. For most of their adult lives, they were known as ‘the spinster sisters’, with most believing the two of them had never known true love. How wrong they were. Theirs was a passion that endured their whole lives, even if they could never speak of it to the outside world. They had never spent a day apart, and when Sophia passed, I believe Melinda was unable to live without her sister, best friend and lover.

Becky and I are the only two left now. After Henry died, she and I chose to throw in our lot together, and now we live as companions on the South Coast. We speak often of our time at Shadowglen, always without sadness or melancholy. Time heals, if we allow it to. The pain fades, and for the most part, it’s the happy memories that remain. In that way, we’re able to carry on.

And so, dear reader, I believe my tale is told. Make of it what you will. It’s been a good life. I’ve loved and laboured in equal measure, but when all is said and done, I have few regrets to speak of. How many of us can say as much?

I’m certain one day I’ll see Victoria, Sophia and Melinda again, but until then, there are things that keep me tied to this world. It’s my turn to make tea, apparently. I’m sure I made it yesterday, but Becky insists it was her. I think she’s having me on. She’s a tricky one, our Becky.

The End

Note from JetBoy: My sincerest gratitude to BlueJean, who proved to be an infinitely resourceful writing partner. My expectations were high, and he exceeded them at every step. Thanks, mate.


The Grafton Lodge Girls, Chapter 4

  • Posted on February 15, 2025 at 4:55 pm

The story thus far: Kimberly Harcourt-Brown is a ten-year-old lesbian who has only ever had sex with her mother Arabella. As the story begins, she is being taken on a mystery getaway by her mum. Not long before their arrival, Kimmy finally gets the details of their trip. It seems that back when Arabella was at university, she and her four roommates/lovers made a vow of sorts: they would all strive to have daughters at around the same time, then teach them the ways of lesbian love when they were still little girls. And just before the girls entered their teen years, the four mothers would bring them to Grafton Lodge, a luxurious house they owned jointly, for a weekend of sexual abandon. Kimmy hasn’t seen any of her mum’s mates since she was too young to recall them, but she is still beside herself with delight.

Upon their arrival, the girls spend time getting to know their mothers’ friends, as well as each other, before meeting at the swimming pool. As the day passes, they learn which mums are attracted to which daughters, and who will share whose bed. It works out quite nicely, and no one is left without a partner. Kimmy is smitten by Lily’s mum Fiona, while Arabella has eyes for Lottie’s little girl Emily. Much flirting takes place.

That evening, after supper, a wicked game of hide and seek is proposed, one in which the ultimate objective is to pair each woman and girl with the bed partner they want most. The game results in tons of fun, the kind that churns up a lot of teasing, arousal and outright lust. Eventually, everyone is paired off, but did Kimmy get the lover she hoped for?

Cast of Characters:

Arabella (Bell) and daughter Kimberly (Kimmy) (10): Brunettes
Fiona (Fi) and daughter Lily (9): Redheads
Claire and daughter Izzy (11): Brunettes
Charlotte (Lottie) and daughter Emily (10) : Blondes

by Joe Dornish

A loud crashing noise rudely wrenched me out of my slumber.

I immediately sat up. “What, where…!”

A pair of soft arms twined around me. “Shhhh…it’s okay, my sweet. You’re in bed with me, remember?”

Fiona’s soft words and tender kisses quickly eased the shock. I nestled back into her bare body, once more blissfully content. “What was that noise?”

“A door banging, I think. Some of the others have gone downstairs.”

I gave a long, satisfying yawn. “Mmm. What time is it?”

“Half past ten. You slept for about half an hour.”

“Is that all? It felt like longer. Did you sleep?”

“No, sweetie, I was watching you sleep. It’s a lovely sight.”

“I need to wee,” I said. Fiona let me go, then I got up and padded into the bathroom.

While washing my hands, I heard Mum’s voice. I came out to find her standing in the doorway, wearing a fluffy white robe, probably naked underneath. She was chatting to Fiona who was still in bed.

When Mum saw me, she smiled. “Hey, honey… did you have a nice time?”

I went over and hugged her, “Yeah, it was brilliant.”

“Fiona told me you wore her out,” she said, tucking an errant strand of hair behind my ear.

“She did the same to me. My legs feel like jelly,” I said, then yawned again.

Mum laughed. “Oh, I’m tired too, believe me. Emily had so much energy I could hardly keep up with her.”

“Oh, gosh, I forgot about you and Emily. How was it?”

“Marvelous fun. She’s adorable… and a very good lover. I was just telling Fiona that we’re going to make hot chocolate before we go to bed. You can join us or stay here, whichever you’d prefer.”

I looked across at Fiona, “Shall we have some?”

“Who could possibly say no to hot chocolate?” she said with a broad grin.

“Not me! Okay, Mum, we’ll be down in a sec.”

Mum kissed me on the forehead, then left, making her way downstairs. I plonked myself in Fiona’s lap and wrapped both arms around her. “I really, really enjoyed myself,” I said.

Fiona hugged me and stroked my hair, “Me too, Kimmy, me too.”

“Do you think when this weekend is over, we could see each other again? Maybe you could come down to our house and visit?”

“I’d love to… and you are welcome to come and visit me and Lily anytime you wish.”

“Ooooh, yes! I’d like that a lot.”

“Right, then. Shall we go get some hot chocolate before it’s all gone?”

“Yes, definitely.”

In the bathroom there were two robes, one adult-sized and one child-sized. We put them on and went downstairs. The chattering of voices drew us to the kitchen, where we were the last to arrive.

Lily came running up to her mother and gave her a big hug. “I had sex with Claire, Mum! It was totally awesome, too,” she declared with a big grin.

Fiona kissed her and said, “When we go to bed you can tell me all about it. Maybe even show me some of the things you did.”

Like everyone else, Lily was in one of those fluffy white robes. Mum and Claire were at the island in the kitchen pouring out the hot chocolate, while everyone else stood around and waited patiently. They all seemed to have an after-sex glow about them, with messy hair, pink cheeks, silly grins and the occasional yawn. We were each handed a cup of lovely hot chocolate and went through to the lounge to drink it, although we were given stern warnings not to spill any.

I sat on a two-seater sofa and Izzy, who hadn’t bothered to tie her robe shut, plonked down next to me.  Of course, she wasn’t wearing a stitch underneath. I was beginning to wonder if she just liked to have people see her naked.

“So how was it with Fiona?” she asked, quite matter-of-factly.

“Soooo good… It was brilliant! I didn’t manage to see what happened with anyone else. Did you get to be with Lottie?”

“Yeah, we had loads of fun. She’s bloody amazing.”

There was an awkward silence for a minute and then I said, “Can I ask you something?”


“Have you, er, started your period yet?”

“No, not yet. You?”

“No. There’s a girl in my class called Ashanta, she’s got hers already.”

“I can’t wait to get mine,” said Izzy.

“Really? I’m dreading mine. Ashanta says she always feels total crap. Why are you so keen to get yours?”

“Because Mum says that a year after I get my period, I can go on the pill.”

“The pill?”

“You know, the birth control pill.”

“Why would you need the birth control pill?”

“So I can have proper sex with my brother James. Like mum does.”

There was so much to unpack with that statement. I didn’t know where to begin.

“Wait, your mum has sex with James?”

“Uh-huh, she’s bisexual, and so am I. Right now Mum will only let me and James have oral sex, which is fun and stuff… but I really want to do a proper fuck with him.”

I was stunned; didn’t know what to say. Maybe it’s because I don’t fancy boys in that way, but I never imagined that a mum might have sex with her son.

Izzy studied me thoughtfully. “Does that shock you?”

“Yeah, a bit. But not in a bad way. I mean, it’s fine, you’re having fun and stuff.”

She giggled. “Yeah, we have lots of fun. He’s always horny, though.”

“What, is he, like, hard all the time?”

Izzy laughed, “No, not all the time. But a lot.”

“Oh, I see, sorry. I haven’t got a brother, I wouldn’t know.”

“Do you like boys?”

“Not that way. What’s it like?”

“What’s what like?”

“Being with a boy.”

“I’ve not had proper sex with him yet, we just do oral. But it’s fun, he comes loads.”

“Ooughh, it sounds icky.”

“It is a bit messy, but I like it. And Mum loves it when he comes inside her, she says it feels–”

“Kimmy? Izzy?” said Claire from across the room, “What do you two think?”

We hadn’t a clue what she was talking about, Izzy and I were too engrossed in our own conversation.

“Sorry, I didn’t hear… what was the question?” I asked.

Mum answered. “We’re talking about what to do tomorrow, sweetie. There are a few nice little villages near here, and one of them has a market on this weekend. We could spend the day looking around them and doing a bit of shopping, or we could hang around here and just laze by the pool.”

“Shopping sounds good to me,” I said.

“Me too,” said Izzy.

“Then it’s unanimous… we’re going shopping!” said Claire.

I wanted to carry on talking to Izzy about her brother, but instead we got pulled into a conversation with Emily and Lily about Taylor Swift. Apparently Emily and her mum Lottie were both huge fans, and were going to America to see her in concert.

As we finished our hot chocolate there were lots of yawns and stretches around the room, so it was agreed that we should turn in for the night. Hugs and kisses were exchanged all round, then we made our way upstairs.

Back in our room, I told Mum about the conversation I’d had with Izzy. “Did you know that Izzy and her mum have sex with her brother James?”

“I did know that, yes.”

“Izzy told me about it tonight. She can’t wait to have proper sex with him. Her mum only lets them do oral, she said.”

“They need to be very careful. Claire is right to make them wait, you know. It would be a catastrophe if she fell pregnant.”

“Yeah, that would be bad. But Izzy says the stuff they can do right now is fun.”

“Is that something you’d like to do?”

“What, with a boy? Urghh, no thanks!”

“Kimmy, it’s okay if you do, it’s perfectly natural.”

“Mum, seriously. NO. THANK. YOU.”

“Okay, you’ve made your point. But remember, you’re still very young, you may change your mind as you grow older. Take Fiona, for instance. She’s pretty much a lesbian, but not completely, because every now and then she sees a man she really fancies. She doesn’t fight against it or try to hide it, she just accepts that’s who she is. As you go through puberty, you may find yourself open to new and different things. Embrace who you are, don’t try to fit yourself into a box. Boxes are for products, not people.”

“Okay, I promise to keep an open mind, but honestly, I can’t see myself liking boys anytime soon. Not that way, at least.”

“Knowing exactly who you are and what you want can be a good thing, too. But whoever you grow up to be, I’ll always love you.”

“I love you too, Mum,” I said and we hugged, then I did a big yawn. “Can we go to sleep now? I’m really tired.”

“Yes, sweetie. I’m tired too.”

I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.


The sound of running water woke me up, I rubbed my eyes and yawned, then I heard the toilet flush in the en-suite bathroom. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was ten to nine, which for me was a lay-in. My alarm normally went off at seven.

Mum came out of the bathroom in all her glory. Okay, glory might not be the right word, she had messy bed hair and sleepy eyes. She looked glorious to me, though.

“Morning sweetie, did you sleep well?”

“Morning, yeah, I slept very well. Are the others awake yet?” I said, sitting up in bed.

“I heard noises downstairs, so somebody’s up,” she said, climbing back into bed next to me.

I stretched again, then noticed a certain warmth in Mum’s gaze. It was a look I recognised right away. Deciding to tease her a bit, I began to get to my feet. “Think I’ll just go downstairs,” I said, knowing full well what Mum wanted.

Before I got two steps, Mum seized my arm. “Oh, no you don’t, young lady! You and I have unfinished business.”

“Why, whatever do you mean, Mother?” I could barely hold back my giggles.

“You know exactly what I mean, girl.”

“Hmmm,” I said, frowning, “Unfinished business? Nope, I can’t think of anything at all.”

“Then let me lay it out for you, darling daughter. You are not getting out of this bed until you’ve given your mum a screaming orgasm.”

“A screamer, eh? I’m not sure I’m up to that. Would a soft whimper do?”

“Oh, you little minx!” she said and went straight for my ticklish spot.

I was instantly reduced to a shrieking wreck, incapable of doing anything other than curl up and beg for mercy as we thrashed about on the bed.

“OKAY! I give in!”

The duvet cover had fallen off the bed, and now Mum was straddling me, her pussy enticingly close to mine. She moved down an inch or so, rubbing her body against mine as she moved in for a kiss. And just like that, we’d gone from a playful tussle to a carnal embrace.

As our hips ground together, I could feel her wetness on my mons as our tongues engaged in a sexy dance, then she broke away, gasping, “I need to come, baby, make Mummy come.”

It made me crazy hot when Mum talked to me like I was still a very little girl, the age I was when we first became lovers. I was on fire with lust, ready to fuck her until she screamed. I was about to wriggle out from under Mum so I could roll her over, get between her legs and put my tongue to her pussy, but Mum had other ideas. She got onto her knees, then inched up the bed until she was straddling my face. Okay, I could work with that.

Mum didn’t waste any time. She lowered herself to my mouth, and I began to lick her wet folds, sliding both hands around to fondle her bum. But she tilted her hips slightly, presenting her clit to me. Like me, it seemed she wasn’t in the mood for a teasing build-up.

When Mum spoke, I could hear her fierce need for release. Her voice quivered with it. “Oh yes, baby, that’s it, j-just there. Fuck me, baby girl, fuck your mummy…!”

Wow, okay, Mum was swearing. That was new. Not that I minded… quite the opposite, actually; it turned me on even more than I already was. I couldn’t easily reach between my legs, though, so my own orgasm would have to wait.

The shock of my quite proper mum using such rude words threw me off my stride for a moment, but I quickly got back to the job in hand, taking her clit between my lips to suck as I groped her arse. She was moving her hips back and forth, making it difficult for me to stay on target, but I managed it well enough. Her juices were flowing into my mouth and coating my lips and chin, which I love. Mum’s pussy always tastes SO good!

I hadn’t been making love to Mum for more than a minute or two when her orgasm came crashing down. “Oh, fuck yeah, ohhh Kimmy, yes…ah…ah…AHH…!”

At one point I thought I was going to drown, or suffocate, or both. But I managed to draw enough breath to carry on pleasuring Mum as her juices made a mess of my face. She was gripping the headboard for support and bellowing so loudly that I was sure anyone in the other bedrooms could hear her. I was picturing the others listening to us fuck, and it thrilled me to bits.

As Mum’s moaning died down, so did the urgency of her grinding. Finally she went limp and rolled off me, collapsing on the bed in a panting, sweaty mess.

I immediately sat up. “My turn!” I announced.

“Just give me a minute to…”

Before she could get another word out, I’d swung up and over and was straddling her face, just as she’d done to me. Pressing my kitty to Mum’s mouth stifled any more of her protests.

Then I had a thought that made me grin. Copying her words, I said, “I need to come, Mummy, make me come,” in my best little-girl voice, Feeling brave, I added, “Fuck me, Mummy… fuck me!”

“Mmmmmm,” was her only reply. Granted, she did have a mouthful of my pussy right then…

Mum’s arms are longer than mine, of course, which means she can reach around me easily. Her hands were clutching at my arse, holding me in place as she flicked and circled my clit with her tongue. Like always, it felt glorious. But I wanted more… and on the previous night, Fiona had opened my eyes to a new pleasure.

Grabbing the headboard for support, I said, “Put your finger in my bottom, Mummy,”

At first I didn’t think Mum heard me properly. She reached right around between my legs and started playing with my kitty from behind, slipping a finger inside me. I was about to tell her what I wanted again, but then I felt her withdraw, then that finger found its way to my rosebud. Then I understood – Mum was just getting it  wet first. My eyes drifted shut, and I did my best to keep still as Mum’s tongue danced on my clit and her finger gently probed at my bum hole, then slipped inside. God, it felt wonderful.

At that point, an image of Fiona popped into my head. I drifted into a fantasy where she was behind me with her finger in my bum while I rode Mum’s face, both of them making love to me at the same time. It was such a deliciously hot idea that it took me racing over the edge.

I lost control, letting my weight fall on Mum’s face as my body shook and I whimpered in ecstasy. The wave tore through me, pushed on by my mother’s merciless tongue and probing finger. The feeling was so intense it went beyond bliss to something approaching pain, but I was still loving every second. Soon, though, I couldn’t take any more and with a final whimper, I went limp as a wet flannel on top of Mum.

I was in a perfect daze, but I could feel her cuddle me while my face was buried in the pillow next to her head. It took me a moment to realise that Mum’s other hand was still on my bum, her finger still buried inside me. As she slowly eased it I out, had the very unexpected sensation of a little mini climax, like an aftershock following an earthquake.

“You okay there?” she asked.

“Yes, j-just so – so intense… I… I…”

“Shhh, sweetie, don’t talk, just relax.”

It took a few minutes but I recovered quickly. Mum and I cuddled and kissed for a few more minutes, which was lovely as always. I could have stayed there with her for hours. but my tummy was rumbling. So we got up, exchanged a few more passionate kisses, got into our fluffy white robes and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Breakfast was really nice, we had toast and cereal and yoghurt and fruit, and as it was already very warm we ate out in the garden. Claire and Izzy were the only ones dressed.

“This is so nice,” said Lottie, “Imagine eating breakfast al fresco every day.”

“That would be lovely,” said Mum.

“Eating with Al Fresco?” asked Lilly. “Who’s that?” I was glad she asked, as I didn’t know either.

I think her mum was about to answer, but it was little Emily who spoke up first. She brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face and said, “It means to eat outdoors. Fresco is Italian for fresh, so it’s something like, um, eating in the fresh air.”

“Well I’ve learned something today,” said Claire, “I knew it meant to eat outdoors, but I never knew that fresco meant fresh.”

“So if fresco means fresh, I wonder how that relates to a fresco painting?” asked Mum.

To everyone’s astonishment, Emily answered again. “Frescos are wall paintings. They always get painted on fresh plaster that’s just been put up, and they call that ‘fresco plaster’.”

“Very clever, Emily,” said Mum. “Where did you learn so much about frescos? At school?”

“No, in Italy.”

Stroking Emily’s hair, Lottie said, “We go to Italy every year on holiday. This friend of mine has a villa in Tuscany. We do quite a bit of sightseeing, but I try to make it educational too. Emily has picked up quite a bit of Italian along the way.”

“Oh, that’s right, I remember seeing the photos on Facebook,” said Fiona.

“Right then, ladies. If everyone’s finished eating, shall we get ourselves ready to leave?” said Mum.

Everyone nodded their agreement and began to get up but Claire said, “Before you all disappear, I’ve got a small request. Could everyone please wear a dress or skirt today? I’ll explain why later.”

I couldn’t think why she would want us to do that, but I was planning on wearing a dress anyway so it was no big deal. I had a shower and put on a lightweight summer dress, it was quite short and had a blue and yellow flowery pattern. I wore it with sandals and left my hair down to protect my neck from the sun but Mum insisted on applying sun cream there anyway.

We gathered in the kitchen when we were ready to go. Everyone had complied with Claire’s request. I thought Fiona looked especially good in a denim mini with a white vest top that was quite tight, so it showed off her boobs nicely.

“Okay, ladies,” said Claire, clapping her hands to get everyone’s attention. “I thought we could have a little bit of fun while we’re out today. Now, you kids might not know this, but back in our university days, our beloved Arabella had a nickname.”

Mum went bright red and said, “Oh, heck. I think I know where this is going.”

Claire winked at Mum and carried on speaking, “We used to call her the Commando Queen. In case you don’t know, going commando means not wearing any underwear, which Bell was particularly fond of doing. Bell, my darling, I’m willing to bet you’ve gone commando today. Am I right?”

“Here we go,” said Mum, her face now a bright crimson colour, “Yes, I have.”

“I’d like to believe you, but I’m afraid we’re going to need proof. Come on, then, give us a flash.”

Mum lifted her dress and sure enough, she’d not worn any knickers, her pussy on full display for all of us to see.

“Bravo, Bell. I knew you wouldn’t let us down!” exclaimed Claire, “I thought that in honour of our Commando Queen, we should all go commando today. So come on, everyone… knickers off, please!”

Oh my God, were we going to go out not wearing anything under our skirts? I found myself wishing I’d worn a longer dress. I hesitated, but everyone else was reaching under their dresses and skirts and taking their knickers off, so I did too. It was very funny though, we were laughing and giggling as underwear began flying all over the room.

Fiona said, “My skirt is a bit too short for this sort of thing. I’ll be amazed if I get through the day without flashing anyone.”

“This is brilliant!” said Lily excitedly, her face a picture of joy. No doubt she was hoping for the opportunity to see everyone’s pussy that day. It’s definitely what I wanted!

I’d never gone commando before and, like Fiona, I was a bit worried that I might flash someone without meaning to. But I also have to admit that possibility was exciting and sexy. What if some beautiful woman got a good look up my dress, and it turned her on? I pictured my imaginary lady tucked up in bed later that night, touching herself to the remembered glimpse of my naughty bits. I had to make myself stop thinking about that, putting it aside for the next time I masturbated.

Everyone was strutting around and giggling, getting used to being starkers under their skirts, except for Mum, who was having a great time watching us be silly. Once the hilarity died down, we gathered our things and headed out to the cars on the drive.

We’d barely stepped foot outside the house when a gust of wind blew through and lifted Lottie’s dress up so we all saw her bare bum! She yelped as the rest of us burst into fits of laughter.

“This is all your fault!” Lottie yelled at my mum in mock anger.

“Dear Lord, what have I done?” said Mum, pretending to be remorseful.

Mum and Claire had elected to drive. When we piled into the cars, Fiona and Lily wanted to come with us and Lily wanted to sit in the front, so I was very happy to be in the back with Fiona. And she was right about her very short denim mini. As she got in the car it rode up and I got a quick flash of the bright orange bush between her legs.

“I just saw your pussy!” I said, giggling.

“Oh, heck, really? Well, I suppose it won’t be the last time today.”

“I hope not!” I said.

It was a half-hour drive to the village of Stowington, and Fiona and I held hands all the way there. Holding hands doesn’t sound like much, but it put me in a very dreamy mood. I imagined that Fiona and I were a real couple, walking around a town hand in hand and stopping for a romantic kiss under the shade of a tree that was bursting with pink blossoms. We could do stuff couples do, like go shopping together and bump into some friends and introduce each other as my girlfriend.

Of course I knew it could never actually happen. There’s no way a grownup could ever be the real-life girlfriend of a little girl like me. But dreams and fantasies aren’t confined by the realities of life, so for a short time in that car, Fiona and I were an honest-to-goodness couple. I was so wrapped up in my fantasy that I wasn’t expecting it when we arrived at the village.

“Are you okay, Kimmy?” Fiona asked me as we got out of the car.

“Yeah, fine, just daydreaming.”

“Anything nice?”

“Yeah, it was very nice. Um, would it be okay if I held your hand for a bit longer?”

“Of course, I’d like that very much. And you can help me by making sure I don’t flash anyone.”

“Okay, I can do that,” I chirped, caught up in a great mood.

Mum smiled at the sight of me holding hands with Fiona. I often see her doing that, staring at me and smiling when I’m doing normal stuff like brushing my hair or reading a book in the garden when the weather is nice. It must be a mummy thing, because the day before, I saw Lottie looking at Emily in much the same way.

We’d got out in the car park at the end of the village, and as we walked down the road I could see why we’d come there. Stowington was a beautiful place. All the buildings were small, tightly packed and very old-looking, their ancient wooden beams on display. They were built from the local yellow sandstone that everything around there seemed to be made of. It reminded me of Diagon Alley, that place in Harry Potter where the wizards go to do their shopping.

We strolled down a street that was busy with other tourists and looked at the shops. I held Fiona’s hand as long as I could, but with all the people bustling about it was quite difficult, especially as the pavements were so narrow. And then Izzy got very excited when she found a toy shop. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, yelling, ‘Come on!’  It was a nice shop with lots of old-fashioned toys made from wood. They weren’t really my thing, but I did see a very nice diary that had a dark red leather cover and a little lock and key. I persuaded Mum to buy it for me.

We carried on walking about and I noticed that even though there was no wind Lottie was still walking with her hands by her side so she could keep her dress from blowing up again. More’s the pity. She has a lovely bum, and I was picturing it when Claire came sidling up behind me.

Putting an arm around my shoulder, she said, “Ooh, Kimmy, look at this dress, isn’t it lovely?” guiding me towards a shop window.

There was something odd about the way she was acting, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. The dress was horrible, like something a religious education teacher might wear. As we got close to the window, she was standing right behind me, sort of bending over my shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt her hand go under my dress and start feeling up my bum. Okay, now I know what she really wanted!

Holding myself completely still, I said, “Oooh, yes… that is very nice.”

“I thought you might like that,” she said, then slipped a finger between my legs and stroked my bare slit.

If you’d have told me a few days ago that I’d be standing in the street with no knickers on while a woman I hardly knew was touching my kitty, I’d have assumed you were stark raving mad. But here I was, doing just that and loving it.

With her hand still fondling me she said, “Tag, you’re it.”

I frowned. “We’re playing tag?”

I’d not played tag for ages, or it as some kids call it. It’s the game where you run about and the person who is it touches someone and shouts ‘you’re it’ and runs off before they can get tagged back. It seemed like a strange place to play this game. Especially while she was touching me up.

“Yes, we are playing tag, but it’s a very naughty version. You can only pass on the tag by either flashing someone or having a feel of them like I am with you right now. Your mum started the game… she flashed Lottie,” she said and took her hand from under my skirt.

I turned to face Claire, “Wait, this was Mum’s idea?”

“Uh-huh. She’s quite the exhibitionist you know. I think she must have been a stripper in a previous life.”

“Huh, well… you think you know someone and then, bosh! They go and invent a game like this,” I said in a faux posh accent.

Claire started laughing. “Oh, you are funny.” she said. “Anyway, your mum flashed Lottie, Lottie had a feel of Izzy, and Izzy got me just now. So it’s your turn. You can tag anyone you like, even those that have been tagged before. But if it’s someone new, then be sure to tell them the rules. Okay?”

“Okay, I got it.”

“Oh, and be very careful, don’t let anyone not in our group see you doing any of this.”

“I’ll be careful, I promise.”

So this whole thing was Mum’s idea? I’ll admit it, hearing that shocked me. She’s normally very sensible and careful about doing anything even close to sexy or daring in public. I wasn’t complaining though, far from it, I was already looking for who I could tag.

Of course, Fiona was the first person I thought of tagging, but almost straight away a different opportunity presented itself. While Claire and I had been looking through the window of the clothes shop, a few of the others had gone inside, so I followed them and saw Emily at the back of the shop looking at kids’ shoes. I went over to her as she was admiring a pair of white sandals.

“What do you think of these?” she asked.

I looked about to make sure nobody could see us, then said, “They’re nice… but um, what do you think of this?”

Then I lifted up my skirt, showing her my bare kitty. I went bright red in the face as Emily’s eyes went wide and she began giggling.

“Kimmy! Someone might see you!”

I dropped my dress back down then said, “Tag, you’re it!”

She was as confused as I’d been until I told her the rules, exactly as Claire had told them to me. She completely forgot all about the sandals, and dashed off to find someone to tag.

Mum was waiting outside the shop as I left. She grinned and said, “Having a nice time, then?”

I took her arm and snuggled close. “Yeah, especially with that dirty game you started.”

“Ooh, you’ve been tagged, eh? Who got you?”

“Claire,” I looked about to make sure nobody could hear us, then said, “She put her hand under my skirt while we were looking at that dress,” I said, pointing to the horrible frock in the window.

“I thought the way you two were standing there like that was a bit suspect. The way she did it was very good, though – I was looking straight at you and I didn’t see anything amiss.”

“I just got Emily. I flashed her in the shop, so she’s it now.”

“Oh, well done, Kimmy, nice work.”

“Thanks, Mum!”

Okay, this was weird, but good weird. My mum was pleased that I’d just flashed my kitty to another girl in public, having just been touched up by another adult right there in the street. I reckoned that all eight of us would be on fire with lust and dying to fuck by the time we got home.

With the busy hustle and bustle of all the people in the village, and with our group breaking off into smaller groups here and there, I lost track of Emily and who she tagged. I found myself walking behind Lottie and Fiona as we passed a shop that sold ‘smellies,’ as Mum calls them. You know, bath salts and body lotions and the like. Fiona whispered something to Lottie that I couldn’t hear, then turned to me.

“Shall we look in here, Kimmy?” she said.

I was happy to poke around in the shop, but something about the way Fiona asked gave me a feeling that she might be looking to tag someone, and if I was lucky it might be me. So I played along. “Sure, let’s have a look,” I said.

We browsed about, picked up different things and said stuff like, ‘Ooh, that’s nice’ and handed it to each other to have a whiff, the way you do in these types of shops. After a few minutes, we were in a quiet corner and Fiona very unsubtly winked at Lottie, who stood and blocked the aisle from the view of the rest of the shop. I guessed she was probably acting as a lookout.

Then, Fiona bent over as if to grab something from the bottom shelf. Her denim mini rode right up her bum, giving me a glorious view of her pussy which, if I wasn’t mistaken, was glistening slightly. Not content with just a quick flash, she reached between her legs, slid two fingers through her folds and parted them.

Oh my God, what a sight it was. I got so wet I was worried I’d start dribbling down my legs. I was desperate to touch myself, but didn’t dare for fear I might have an orgasm there and then.

In any case, the decision was taken out of my hands when Fiona stood up and quickly pulled her skirt back down. She leaned in and gave me a quick kiss, then whispered, “Tag, you’re it.”

“Thanks for that. I enjoyed the view,” I said.

As I turned around, Lottie looked over her shoulder and said, “Are you two finished back there?”

Seizing the moment, I said, “No. Don’t move.”

“Why, what are you…” Lottie said, then shivered when she felt my hand slide up her leg. “Kimmy, I… erm… oh, my goodness.”

Fiona put a hand to her mouth to muffle her laughter as I fondled Lottie, who could only gawp at me. She was completely helpless and knew it. If she moved or made a fuss, the nearby shoppers would know something was up. Lottie had to stand there and try to look as normal as possible – not an easy task, given what I was doing to her.

First I let my hand run over her bottom and gave it a good squeeze, then slipped my fingers between her legs to sample her wetness. I would have loved to tickle her clit, but couldn’t quite reach it from that angle. On the other hand, I was able to trace the entrance to her vagina. To my utter amazement, Lottie parted her legs and pushed her bum out, all but inviting me to enter. Unable to resist, I slipped my finger inside.

Oh my goodness, what a thrill that was. I was beaming with delight as I thrust my finger in and out of Lottie’s pussy. I’m fucking her, I told myself.

“I think that’s enough for now, Kimmy,” said Fiona.

She was right, of course. Taking my hand away, I said, “Tag, you’re it,” to Lottie.

Lottie scowled. “Fiona, you’re such a bloody spoilsport. I was enjoying that.” Bending down, she gave me a tender kiss, her tongue briefly flickering between my lips.

When she straightened, I sucked on my fingers and purred, “Mmmm, nice.”

With a wink, Lottie said, “Plenty more where that came from, love,” and made a quick exit from the shop, no doubt looking for someone to tag.

We kept our game going until lunchtime, when the village began to get more crowded. The adults then decided we should stop playing tag in case we got caught. How would you explain something like that to the police?

We had lunch in a pub, sitting in the beer garden under a large umbrella. I had chicken and chips; it was very good. After lunch, we drove to a town called Chippingford, which had a market we could wander through. Without the tag game, Chippingford wasn’t as exciting as Stowington. The market was fun, though. It was huge and had everything from antiques to farmer’s produce.

The best thing about the whole afternoon was that I got to hold hands with Fiona as we browsed around the market. Like before, I pretended we were a couple, strolling around and being in love on our day off.

We sought out things that caught our eye and showed them to each other. There was one stall that sold nothing but postcards, where Fiona and I spent some time laughing at the naughty ones. We spent a few minutes in a place that dealt in imported rugs, something Fiona knew quite a lot about… and she taught me a few things about fine rugs and how entire villages in India, Iran and Pakistan make them. My favourites were the Kazaks, each rug a symphony of beautiful colours.

On one antique jewellery stall, I saw a beautiful silver bracelet that looked like it was Victorian or something from that era. It was very delicate, with a small heart-shaped charm. I wanted to buy it, but couldn’t see Mum anywhere. Besides, it was seventy-five pounds… way too expensive. I spent so long admiring it that I briefly lost Fiona in the crowd, I found some of the others, though, and a few minutes later she caught up, so we continued to stroll around hand in hand.

Compared to the excitement of the morning, our group had a calm but lovely afternoon. Around six o’clock the adults decided that it would be nice if we had fish and chips for dinner. We got them to take away from a chipper stall and ate on these benches by a river that meandered slowly through the town. It was a beautiful end to a wonderful day in the Cotswolds.

On the way home, we rode in the same cars we used to get there, which meant I could share the back seat with Fiona again. We got in the cars, but before we set off for Grafton Lodge, Fiona reached into her handbag and got out a small paper parcel.

“Here,” she said with a broad smile, “this is for you.”

Mum and Emily, who were in the front seat, looked back to see what Fioba had given me. I wondered for a moment if she’d bought a gift for Emily as well.

As if reading my mind, Fiona said, “I got something for Emily, too… this adorable little necklace. She’s wearing it now.”

Glancing up at Emily, I saw a thin gold chain around her neck. I said, “Oh Emily, that’s gorgeous.”

Fiona smiled at me and said, “Go on now, open yours.”

I opened the little package, which contained a small black velvet pouch with a drawstring. I opened it up and poured the contents into my hand.

I couldn’t help myself when I saw what Fiona had given me – I burst into tears and started sobbing.

“What is it?” asked Mum.

I couldn’t speak, so Fiona said, “A bracelet with a heart charm that she liked. I crept back to the stall and bought it for her,” She turned to me. “Shall I put it on for you?”

I nodded, quickly wiping away my tears, fighting to regain my composure as I extended my wrist. It wasn’t easy; she’d caught me quite off guard.

“Oh Fiona, it’s beautiful. Thank you so much,” I exclaimed when she’d put it on me. Then I flung my arms around her and held her tightly.

“You’re very welcome, my little lover.”

My little lover! She actually called me that! The thrill that gave me was almost as good as getting the bracelet. I was so happy that I could have floated home on a cloud.

Glancing at her watch, Mum said, “We’d better get going. The others have already left, and we don’t want them starting without us.”

Mum’s hint at what the evening held in store was entirely lost on me. I was too busy staring at my new bracelet and daydreaming.

On to Chapter Five!


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 28

  • Posted on February 11, 2025 at 4:41 pm

A brief summary (well, it USED to be brief…) of what has transpired thus far. (To get a additional breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )

Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.

Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really starting to founder. By then, Mallory and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa gets involved. 

Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex. In the weeks to come, they will get together again every now and then for more of the same.

Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.

Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, which leave her feeling flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t go away, either.

Sharon soon gets a job at a senior center, and is making plans to go back to school. Needless to say, Mal’s father is most unhappy with this development. On the other hand, Mallory is quite pleased for her mom, and takes the opportunity to get in her lap and give her playful, but subtly flirtatious kisses. More then ever, she suspects that her mother is secretly gay.

Mal is gradually becoming more popular at school. One result is that she and Julie are invited to a sleepover with Emma and Cindy, a couple of Julie’s friends. Once the parents are asleep, the girls get into a discussion concerning masturbation, which leads to everyone getting naked and engaging in mutual touching. Emma and Cindy love it, and the four of them get together for more fun a couple of weeks later.

Mallory finds a new student project: playing keyboards in a rock band of high school students supervised by Jason, who has also been teaching his daughter Julie how to do mixing work. Mal is much younger than the other members, but her skills soon win the others over. One of the band members is a sweet hippie girl named Jamie, and Mal is immediately attracted to her.

An ugly scene occurs at the home of Mal’s grandmother, where her mother Sharon is staying until she finds her own place. When Sharon makes a disparaging comment about lesbians, Mal loses her temper in a big way. In her anger, she comes out there and then, venting until her mother breaks down and cries. Mal quickly becomes remorseful, but the damage is done.

A couple of unhappy developments occur. First, Mallory’s parents make it official: they are to divorce. Mal is utterly disgusted with them both. Second, two of Julie’s cousins have vanished without explanation, eleven-year-old twin girls named Anna and Nettie. A search is underway, but without success thus far. Mallory has never met these girls, but she prays as best she can for their safe return.

A few days later, the twins are found and their kidnapper arrested, but not before he murdered Anna. Nettie is still alive, but devastated, and the girls’ parents go completely to pieces, turning on each other in their grief. Obviously, they are unable to take care of Nettie, so after a family discussion in which Mal is asked to participate, Jason, Lisa and Julie decide to bring Nettie into their home for the time being. Mal vows to do everything she can to help Jason’s niece to recover from her emotional trauma.

Mal and Julie pay Jamie a visit. The girls admit to being lovers, then tempt Jamie into masturbating with them. This quickly leads to much more.

Mallory gets to meet Nettie soon after that, when Jason brings her home. Sure enough, she is in bad shape: unable or unwilling to do or say much, often screaming herself awake from nightmares.

Mal’s band is making serious progress, which gets her and Julie a sleepover at Jamie’s place. Needless to say, music isn’t the only item on the agenda that night.

The next day, while practicing her keyboard part on a Black Sabbath cover, Mal puts the album on, only to get a positive response from Nettie, who asks to hear more. It’s the first time she’s shown interest in anything since her twin’s sister’s death. Mal, Julie, Lisa and Jason are is thrilled. Could their tormented guest be on the mend?

In the days that follow, Nettie seems to be emerging from her torpor. In addition to her burgeoning interest in heavy metal, she becomes absorbed by Jason’s medical textbooks.

At band rehearsal, Mal’s and her fellow group members toy with a concept: focus on Eighties pop. At the same rehearsal, they also make plans to perform live, and even manage to work up a cool original song. The entire band is thrilled.

Mallory has a frank discussion with her mother Sharon about sexuality and desire. She admits to listening to her masturbate herself through the wall, then gets Sharon to confess that she has overheard Mallory touching herself as well… and it arouses her. Somehow, Mal persuades Sharon to stay in her room instead, then mother and daughter masturbate together.

The next morning, Sharon is feeling guilty and uneasy, even though she admits to wanting what she and Mallory did the night before. Mal manages to ease her mother’s conscience a bit before they both leave for school.

Mal and her friends run into trouble at school when a lout named Floyd teases Nettie about her sister’s death until she cries. An enraged Julie attacks him, then Mal, Cindy and Emma join in the brawl to keep the much larger Floyd from hurting their friend. Luckily, the principal breaks up the fight, then goes on to suspend Floyd for bullying.

Later at home, Mallory joins Sharon on the couch. They snuggle, then end up grinding their bodies together until they both climax, still in their clothes. This time, mother and daughter share their first passionate kiss.

A concept is discussed and agreed on for the band’s presentation, one that draws on the Eighties film Back to the Future. They continue to make preparations for their upcoming gig.

While visiting her new lesbian friends Katerina and Tracy, Mal’s mom Sharon is stranded there overnight due to snow flurries. Upon returning home, she tells Mallory that her friends both had their first gay sexual experiences as young girls, and thinking about that excites her. This leads to Sharon asking her daughter if she’s had sex. Mal’s reply is yes, she’s quite experienced with girls, but won’t name anyone she’s been with other than Julie. Sharon admits she’s beginning to think of herself as a lesbian, and Mallory picks that moment to come on to her mother. They share a heated kiss, but Sharon isn’t ready to have sex with her daughter just yet. Instead, they strip naked and masturbate together.

And now we rejoin our story, which is currently in progress. Do enjoy!

by Rachael Yukey

March 11th, 2007 (continued)

Saturday morning I got Dad to drive me into town… wait, let me back up here. I should mention that Dad and I are spending more time together now, mostly in the evenings. Just talking, or playing cards. I’m starting to realize that Mom and Dad are better people apart than they are together.

Anyway, Dad dropped me off at Jamie’s place. Julie met us there about half an hour later, and we got a look at the old turntable Jamie had told us about. She’d already cleaned it up and taken the bottom cover off. Julie fooled around inside of it with a multimeter, and seemed satisfied with what she found.

We plugged it in, and it seemed to spin okay. So Jamie installed the new cartridge she had for it, then got out some tools for measuring angles and weights and a bunch of other stuff to make it play records properly. Finally she set it on a bench next to her stereo, wired it up, and then used a level to make sure it was sitting right.

“If your cartridge is dragging left or right because your turntable isn’t level, it can really screw up your records,” she said.

Even after all that careful testing, she started out with an old, scratched up record from her grandpa’s collection, this guy named Johnny Burnette. Jamie lowered the tonearm to the vinyl, we all waited with anticipation… and we only got sound from one speaker.

“Shit,” said Jamie.

It took Julie all of ten minutes to find the problem. “The wire that feeds your left-channel signal from the cartridge is bad,” she declared.

Jamie flopped backwards onto her bed, exasperated. “This is going to be such a pain in the ass,” she groaned.

She wasn’t wrong about that! We had to take the cartridge back off, remove the tonearm, pull out the offending wire… and none of that was even the worst part. What drove us crazy was feeding a new wire up through the arm. It took us almost half an hour, all of us taking turns trying different ways of shoving the wire up in there, with lots of profanity flying back and forth in the process. Much too late, Julie realized that what we should have done was use the old wire to pull the new one through. Duh!

Once we had it all put back together, Jamie had to repeat the entire setup procedure. Finally, thoroughly annoyed and pissed off, we plugged it all back in, leveled it again, and tried the same record. Success! The vinyl was scratchy and tired, but we had clear sound from both channels. We were now free to turn our attention to other things.

Mind you, when we planned this get-together, I had a lot more in mind than just getting a turntable working for Nettie’s party! After bolting down some grilled cheese sandwiches Jamie’s mom made for us, I called up Megan Frost. “We’re ready for you,” I told her.

Megan has her own fairly lavish mini-apartment in her mom’s basement, but she still thought Jamie’s attic sanctuary was pretty damn cool. All the same… well, Megan is Megan, and she didn’t waste a whole lot of time admiring the scenery.

She took Jamie’s hand, led her to the love seat, and they sat. “So,” she said, “are we all on the same page about why we’re here?”

Less than thirty seconds later, she and Jamie were locked in a passionate embrace, their mouths crushed together in a hungry kiss. Julie and I sat on the edge of the bed, watching and sharing excited grins as we waited for our cue to join the fun. Megan slipped a hand under Jamie’s shirt while trailing kisses down to her chin and lower.

Watching the action on the love seat was setting my body on fire! I fought the urge to launch myself onto Julie, tear her clothes off and ravage her right there. Our plan had been to let Megan get Jamie started, then join in, so I took a deep breath, squeezed my legs together and stayed as still as I could. As Megan nuzzled her way across Jamie’s neck, nibbling and kissing, we could see her hand under the back of Jamie’s shirt, deftly unclasping her bra. Lifting her head, she looked across the room to Julie and me. She flashed a wicked grin, then beckoned us to her with a finger.

Still holding hands, we rose and crossed the room together. I settled into Jamie’s lap, and Julie nestled into Megan’s. I began kissing Jamie’s collarbone and neck. Her Hendrix t-shirt was getting in the way of places I wanted to go, so I tugged on the hem. Jamie leaned forward, allowing me to get rid of the offending garment. Her bra, already unfastened by Megan, fell into her lap.

Julie, to my left, was divesting Megan of her sweater, followed almost immediately by the bra. Moments later we were both showering affection on the breasts of the older girls, who had gone back to swapping tongues. Jamie’s whole body was trembling beneath mine. I dropped to the floor between her legs, and undid her jeans with clumsy fingers. Jamie raised her hips, feverishly working to help me get them off, her panties coming along for the ride.

She dropped back to the couch, legs wide. God, she has such a beautiful pussy… I had to take a moment to admire it. Julie was reaching up under Megan’s skirt, pulling her panties down and off, then her head disappeared underneath.

“Ohhhh, shit!” Megan exclaimed, arching her back.

Jamie stared down at me, eyes glazed. “Come on, Mal… PLEASE.”

She didn’t have to ask me twice! Starting at the knee, I ran my tongue up the inside of her thigh. “Oh, my God,” she moaned. Just before I reached Jamie’s glistening slit, I saw Megan bend down to kiss her again.

I thrust my tongue between her labia, licked my way up to her clit, and began to apply the feather-light circular motions that always seem to drive her wild. Sure enough, Jamie responded immediately, grinding herself into my face.

I slid a finger into her dripping cunt, then a second, and started moving them in and out. I fucked Jamie hard and fast but eased up on her clit, not wanting her to come right away. It wouldn’t take much longer, though. She was writhing and shuddering, riding my jaw with such force that it was hard to keep licking.

I was as deep into Jamie’s cunt as I could go with two fingers, so I decided to try a third. I wriggled it in with the others, then heard a scream of pleasure from above. Casting my eyes upward, I saw Jamie and Megan making out like crazy, kissing each other everywhere their lips could land.

Megan came first, screaming and arching her back like a cat, finally blurting, “No more, no more, for fuck’s sake!” Julie emerged from under Megan’s skirt, a big grin plastered on her gooey lips.

Though out of breath, Megan was quick to recover, peppering Jamie’s neck with kisses and love bites. Moments later, Jamie was coming, her cunt pulsing rhythmically, bathing my face in warm, thick fluids.

Julie and I exchanged a look, then we both stripped naked in record time before climbing into the older girls’ laps. We pressed our mouths to theirs, letting Jamie and Megan taste their own pussies. I was sort of rubbing myself against Jamie’s belly, needing to come so bad that my cunt actually ached.

She reached between my legs, but I stopped her hand before it reached its destination. “Want me to show you something really fun?” I said.

Moments later Jamie and I were on her bed, heads at opposite ends, our pussies mashed together. I was half-crazed by this time, grinding against her for all I was worth, crying out with every surge of pleasure. Jamie was going “huh, huh, huh, huh,” her hips thrusting in almost perfect time with mine. Julie was still in Megan’s lap, squirming as the older girl’s finger circled furiously on her clit. Her mouth was working soundlessly, her body bathed in sweat.

My orgasm hit me like a freight train, but I kept up the pace, hoping Jamie would come a second time if I kept going. Suddenly she was howling, ramming her cunt into mine, and that tipped me over the edge once more. I screamed, I thrashed, I think I actually cried a little bit. Then I blacked out.

When I came to, I was stretched out on the love seat, cradled in Julie’s arms. Sounds of pleasure were coming from somewhere close by. My eyes focused, and across the room I could see Jamie and Megan on the bed, licking each other’s sweet pussies. I had to sit up and watch them, though I was still holding onto Julie.

Jamie’s ass was facing us, so we got this AMAZING view of Megan putting her tongue to work. It was like seeing a master painter with her brush! Jamie is still kind of new to sex with girls, but I guess her instincts were good, cause Megan seemed to be totally getting off on what she was doing.

They managed to come together, and THAT was an amazing thing to watch. Megan and Jamie were squirming around, shaking the bed, their voices muffled as they moaned into each other’s cunts. Jamie went limp first, then Megan did the same. They lay together quietly for a moment, then Jamie spun around, falling into Megan’s arms, and they met in a juicy kiss, swapping the flavor of their pussies and loving it.

Julie squeezed me tightly. “God, that’s so fucking hot.” Turning my face to hers, she kissed me, her tongue darting between my lips.

I was all turned on again and ready for more, but a glance at the clock on Jamie’s nightstand told me it was time to go home. Julie also needed to get going, but Megan wanted to hang out with Jamie, so they didn’t bother getting dressed. Me and Julie used the bathroom to get ourselves cleaned up some before I phoned Dad to come pick us up.

Not much more to tell. This morning Dad and I went to church, and now here I sit. It’s okay being here at Home One, but I miss Mom something fierce. I can’t stop thinking about our last time together, when we got naked and shared that sexy kiss. I must have made myself come half a dozen times since that night, remembering how her mouth felt against mine.

It’s a good thing I got to have sex with my friends yesterday, cause that helped take the edge off. Still, I keep wishing I was with Mom at Home Two right now.

Time to think about something else. Okay, I still have most of the afternoon to kill, and the guitar I borrowed from Jamie is sitting next to me on the bed.

I wonder: if I spend the rest of the day practicing that lick from the INXS song, will I be able to master it before bedtime? There’s only one way to find out!


March 13, 2007

Ouch. That’ll teach me to spend seven straight hours practicing guitar before my calluses form. I did indeed nail that INXS lick on Sunday… but oh my God, the price tag! I haven’t even touched the guitar for two days, and my fingertips are still raw as hell. Still, I’m proud of myself for getting that part down, what with being a complete guitar noob. It’s not that much, just three notes, but it’s a bit of a stretch for the left hand, and my timing has to be super tight and precise. I’m hoping my fingers will heal up enough that I can practice tomorrow. I haven’t even STARTED on the Poison song yet!

I showed up at Home Two yesterday after a week at Home One with Dad, excited to see Mom again, but also feeling kinda anxious. Of course, I was eager to pick things up where we left off, but a little worried about her having a whole week to dwell on what we’d already done. What if her conscience got the better of her, and she decided to put the brakes on taking things any further? I didn’t even want to think about it.

I always get home well ahead of Mom on Mondays, so I had a nice dinner ready when she arrived. As usual, we got each other caught up on our week as we ate, but didn’t say anything at all about You Know What. As usual, Mom looked really good in a pretty dress that showed off her legs, and I kept picturing myself helping her take it off.

By the time we were done with dinner, I was shaking inside with these hot, crazy feelings. There was only one thing  to do: take the bull by the horns and go for what I wanted. So as soon as Mom settled into her big easy chair in the living room, I made my play. Plopping right into her lap, I twisted myself around and went straight for a kiss.

This time, there was no hesitation on her part. Our mouths came together, our tongues engaged. Her hand came to rest lightly on the back of my head. I cupped her face in both hands, deepening the kiss.

Mom suddenly pulled away, cheeks flushed and out of breath .“Hold on, Mallory… I can’t do anything tonight.”

Cold disappointment washed over me, but I did notice that she specified “tonight”. Did that mean another night was an option?

I was way disappointed, but tried not to let it show. “How come?”

She made a face. “I have my period.”

“Oh.” I thought for a moment. “For how long?”

“It just started today, I’m afraid. If we’re lucky, it’ll be gone by Friday night.”

I grinned, noting well that she’d said if we’re lucky. “And then, maybe…?”

“And then we’ll see. Fair enough?”

“Fair enough.”

She kissed my cheek. “Wanna help me with the dishes?”

“Sure,” I replied.

Mom washed, I dried. We worked in silence for a moment, then she said. “There’s something I need to tell you, Mallory.” She paused for a moment, then said, “I’m leaving the church.”

My mouth dropped. I did NOT see that coming.

Mom continued. “I — I tried to keep my faith going after splitting with your father, but the feeling just… well, it isn’t there anymore.” She sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, I do still believe in God, but not the version of God they’re selling at that church.” Handing me the last dish, she turned off the faucet. “I’d like for us to attend one more service, and that’ll be my last.”

“Okay,” I replied, then made a face. “Guess I still have to go when I’m staying with Dad, huh?”

Mom nodded. “Maybe it’s time for you to tell him your beliefs have changed. He’ll have to find out at some point. Probably best to get it over with.”

Putting that last dish away, I went to Mom and gave her a hug. “Thanks for telling me,” I said. “It isn’t easy, losing your faith like that.”

She held me close. “You know what really did it for me? Getting to know Katerina. She’s not a Christian, and she’s one of the best people I know. But I tried to keep my distance from her at first, just because she’s gay.” I heard a tremor in her voice. “I d-don’t want to be like that.”

I pulled away before she could break into tears. “You aren’t like that, Mom. You’re trying to be the best version of yourself that you can. Heck, lots of grownups don’t even bother.” Hugging her even closer, I added, “It’s probably not something I should say, Mom… but I think you’ve come a long way over the last few months. I feel like we’re friends now.” And maybe more than friends, I thought.

“Thanks, sweetie. That means a lot to me,” she said. We held each other for another minute or so, then Mom broke away. “I’d better get started on my homework.”

She spread her school stuff out on the dining table and started reading while I practiced on my keyboard. Even hitting the keys with my raw left-hand fingers hurt, but I was able to get through it. I didn’t even try the guitar. And here I sit twenty-four hours later, in pretty much the same boat.


March 17th, 2007

Saturday morning, early. It’s going to be a busy day, what with Nettie’s birthday party. Not that I’m overwhelmed, mind you. Today, I feel like I could grab the world by the tail and swing it over my shoulder.

I’ll get to that part later. First, the other stuff that’s happened. Saving the best for last…

I played guitar at rehearsal for the first time Thursday night. The worst of the soreness in my fingers was gone by then, and I’d spent a little time Wednesday evening practicing the motif I have to play throughout the INXS song. Thursday in rehearsal, I nailed it. Great!

But we ended up adding yet ANOTHER song with Ralph vocals that we need two guitars for, and I haven’t even started on “Fallen Angel” yet! The new one is called “Authority Song.” But Jamie says it’s easier than “Fallen Angel,” and it uses some of the same chord shapes. So we’re going to work on “Authority Song” first, which seems like the easiest way to learn them both.

The guitar is SO different from a piano. It takes both hands working together precisely to play a single satisfactory note. On the piano it just takes one finger, and while I can play a wrong note on the piano, it’s pretty hard to play a bad one. I mean, every time you hit a key, you get the same thing. On the other hand, there’s a million ways to make a note sound bad on the guitar, and by now I think I’ve been guilty of all of them. You can bend it out of tune, or muffle it by not pressing down hard enough, and that’s just for starters.  Let’s just say that I have a LOT more respect now for people like Jamie or Jason who can play guitar at a virtuoso level.

Okay, that’s the other stuff that happened. Here’s my huge, massive, ENORMOUS news. I’m still excited, so much that I can barely sit still to set the words down.

For the first half of this week I was waiting for Mom’s period to end, wanting to get back to the sexy things we’ve been doing… but I’m still not sure how far she’s willing to go. The last time we discussed it, she said “we’ll see.” Coming from a parent, that could mean anything.

So a few days ago, I’d decided to back off and let Mom have some breathing space. I was really hoping that next time, she’d make the first move. Problem was, we’d made it to Friday night, NOTHING had happened, and I was wondering if giving her time to think had been a mistake. I managed to hold up my end of the conversation at dinner, even though Mom was wearing a tight sweater that had to be a size too small.

Once we’d washed, dried and put away the dishes, Mom bent to kiss the top of my head. “I’m going to take a shower, sweetheart. Be right back,” she said.

By then I was so frustrated I wanted to scream. It didn’t help that my head was instantly filled with images of Mom naked beneath the steaming water, rubbing soap all over her body. Seriously, I was on the verge of taking everything off, slipping into the bathroom and getting in that tiny shower cubicle with her… but I couldn’t work up the nerve. If I pushed her too hard, it could ruin everything.

Wandering over to the sofa, I plunked myself down with a heavy sigh. The situation wasn’t hopeless, though it now seemed pretty obvious that I’d have to make that first move myself. But what if she was having second thoughts, and didn’t want to have sex with me anymore? This was how Mom dealt with a lot of her problems back when she and Dad were still together – she simply pretended the problem didn’t exist. I hated the idea of her falling back into these old evasions, especially considering she’d been so honest with me since the divorce.

My train of thought was interrupted by footsteps behind me. Twisting my head around, I saw Mom padding toward me wearing a bathrobe. A short one. Jesus.

“Mallory,” she said, “Did you have anything you wanted to do together before bedtime? Play a game or something? Otherwise I’m just going to lie down and read for awhile or something.”

Okay, I decided, enough is enough. It was time to find out where this was going… if anywhere. “Can I come snuggle with you while you read?” I asked her.

She hesitated for the briefest instant, then said, “Sure, if you want,” and left the room. Thinking back on it now, I think she knew exactly where this was going.

As I entered her bedroom, Mom was settling in, propped against the headboard with some pillows for padding. I nestled in by her side, getting cozy. She was still warm from the shower. I reached out to touch her cheek, then caressed it.

She closed her eyes, wearing a sleepy smile. “You know,” she murmured, “I’m not going to get much reading done if you keep doing that.”

“Works for me,” I whispered into her ear.

Her eyes popped open, and she turned to me. “Mallory… what did you really have in mind when you said you wanted to cuddle?”

Instead of a reply, I brushed a thumb across her lips, and they parted slightly. Then she pulled away, frowning. “We – we’re in dangerous territory here,” she said. “I’m almost to a point where I don’t even care if this is right or wrong.”

I reached out to touch Mom’s face again, caressing her chin. “Do you want me to stop?” Like before, I trailed my thumb across her lip.

Mom shivered. “No,” she whispered. “No, damn it. I don’t want you to stop.” Then she took the tip of my thumb into her mouth, lightly nibbling it.

This was insanely erotic. I was on fire, my body tingling with the wanting of it, but I knew better than to rush things. I trailed my fingers down over her chin and onto her neck, to the top of her robe and further. Down, down I went, moving ever so slowly between her heaving breasts, then to her belly. Finally, my hand rested on the slipknot holding her robe shut. I tugged at one end, gradually easing the knot loose.

As my hand slipped inside, I brought my lips to within millimeters of her ear. Extending my tongue, I delicately flicked her earlobe. Mom shivered.

I was caressing her tummy with my fingertips, causing the robe to fall open. I wanted to take a good look, but first I moved in a little closer, catching her earlobe between my teeth, giving it a playful nip. Mom inhaled sharply, then whispered, “Oh… oh, Mallory…”

Wrapping an arm around her, I let my fingertips flicker up and down Mom’s side, trailing my lips across her cheek. Mom turned to me, meeting my mouth with hers.

As we kissed, slowly and tenderly at first but with a rising intensity, I let that roving hand of mine come up to cup her breast. Gently running my finger across the stiffening nipple, I finally bought my thumb and index finger up to give it a tweak. Mom gasped into my mouth and began kissing me wildly and without restraint, thrusting her tongue between my parted lips. I was quick to match her passion.

She tore her mouth away, then kissed her way down to my neck, nuzzling and biting. I was gasping for air, excitement leaving me breathless.

Mom’s arm was around me now, her hand fumbling for the bottom of my shirt. I got to my knees, yanking the shirt over my head and hurling it across the room. Mom pulled me down so my chest was positioned over her face, then found a nipple. She delicately flicked it back and forth with her tongue, then took it into the warmth of her mouth. “Oh… fuck!” I moaned. She didn’t pause to scold me, either.

Freeing myself from Mom’s grasp, I wriggled my way downward, tearing her bathrobe open with a sweep of the hand to reveal her tits.

I buried my face in her chest, planting open-mouthed kisses across every square inch of one boob while stroking the other one. Then I switched sides. Mom’s breath came in ragged hitches and tears, her hips pumping up and down. Finally I sucked her right nipple into my mouth, teasing the left with my finger and thumb. After a minute or so, I switched sides again.

She cradled my face to her breasts, whispering, “Oh, m-my baby girl… that, that feels so good.”

Then I was going lower, kissing and loving every inch of Mom’s body until I was nuzzling her belly, my  tongue swirling in her navel. Mom’s hands entwined themselves in my hair. “Mallory… oh God, Mallory,” she groaned.

I kissed lower, down to the top of her left thigh, shifted to the right, then moved in between. I trailed my tongue along the softness of her inner thigh, eliciting another moan. The scent of Mom’s cunt was thick and strong, and I took a moment to breathe it in.

Just as I was a bare inch or two from licking her, Mom’s hand was on my head, halting my progress. “M-M- Mallory… what’re you doing?”

She knew perfectly well what was about to happen, but I guess she needed to hear me say the words. So I lifted my head, gazed straight into her eyes and murmured, “I’m gonna eat your pussy, Mom. Just lay back and relax.”

I could see a rapid play of emotions on her face; fear battling it out with desire. Then her head fell back to the pillow, and she relaxed her grip, her fingers gently ruffling my hair. That’s when I knew for absolute certain that she was mine.

I was about to bury my tongue in her, but paused, wanting to take a good long look at my mother’s cunt, so close that I could feel its warmth on my face. The heavenly aroma of arousal tickled my nostrils. Mom has innie lips, just like me, and all I could see were her smooth labia, pressed tightly together despite the spread of her legs. I could see a trace of moisture where they met.

I had to see inside. With a trembling hand, I let my fingers trail across those sweet pussy lips for the first time. Mom gasped, pressing her hips forward. I ended my caress by gently prying her open.

It was a glorious sight. I took it all in; her distended clitoral hood, her dark pubes, now matted with juice, her dripping hole. I ran my thumb through the opening, coating it with her fluids. Mom shivered. I came out of that vagina, I thought, and that was enough to hike my arousal up another couple of notches.

Taking a slow, deep breath, I moved in the last few millimeters to bury my face in the pussy that gave me birth. Mom gasped and shivered.

First I took a moment to explore, licking the inside of her lips, slipping my tongue into her hole, then thrusting it in and out. Little whimpers and mewls of desire were floating down from above, so finally I took pity on her and flicked my tongue across her clit.

I licked gently, then faster and with greater force, feeling her out, learning what she responded to. Soon I settled into a rhythm, my tongue darting back and forth, rapidly but with a feather-light touch. Mom was moving slowly and rhythmically, raising her hips high, then grinding her ass deep into the mattress. I could hear her breath, hissing through gritted teeth.

Wanting to drive her completely crazy, I began to tease Mom’s hole with my fingers, then slipped two of them inside. I worked them in and out, in time with her movements, while my tongue continued its light, fast assault. With the hand that wasn’t fucking her cunt, I grabbed an ass cheek and squeezed, fingers extended deep into the crack and rubbing her there.

My legs were clamped tightly together, causing tiny jolts of pleasure to dance through my midsection. I began squeezing and flexing my thighs, feeding that fire between my legs, making it rage.

Suddenly Mom started howling, the motion of her hips going from slow and steady to fast, wild and totally uncontrolled. I went with her, my fingers flying in and out, slamming them home with every thrust.

“Oh God, Mallory,” Mom wailed. “Oh God, oh heavens, you’re making me come, Mommy’s g-going to… Aaaaahhhhh!”

Her orgasm was a brute force, her pussy clenching my fingers, Mom pummeling my face with her violent hip movements. Suddenly she froze, went completely silent and motionless for about ten seconds, then finally collapsed.

Me, I was still frantically squeezing my legs together, gasping with each flex of my thigh muscles. I raised my face from Mom’s dripping pussy. Our eyes met, and she knew right away what was happening.

I guess Mom forgot about being out of breath, cause she sat right up and raised me from between her legs and flipped me over on my back, depositing my head on the pillow. She scrambled to her knees, pulled off my leggings, then let her trembling fingers do a slow glide down my belly. “Oh, yes…” I breathed.

Mom hesitated for a moment when she got to my panties. Then instead of taking them off, she lightly brushed the front. When she drew her fingers across the saturated fabric concealing my pussy, I almost lost it.

“Please, Mom,” I moaned.

“You’re so wet,” she whispered. “I can feel it right through your panties.” Her fingers were moving back and forth across my pussy lips, but too gently to give me the release I craved.

“Mom!” I couldn’t believe this. Was she actually teasing me?

She let out a shaky laugh, then tugged my underwear down and off. She carefully spread my legs, then paused to take a good long look at my pussy. I bet she hadn’t seen it up close since I was a toddler.

“So beautiful,” she whispered. I was trying to keep still, but it wasn’t easy. Finally, she looked up, her eyes meeting mine. “Do you want me to…”

“Just do something, Mom!” I shrieked.

Her indecision seemed to evaporate in an instant. She dropped to her belly, parted her lips, and began teasing my thighs with her tongue. I was moaning and thrashing, half mad with desire, so close to coming but still not quite there. I thought I might actually burst into tears.

She hesitated just before she reached my cleft. She looked up, a hint of that old uncertainty back in her eyes. “You know I’ve never…”

“You don’t have to,” I gasped. “You could use your hand, or I can, just please, I really need…” Okay, that’s what I said at the time, but if Mom really had decided not to lick me, I might have strangled her.

Lucky her, it never came to that. Her tongue found my thigh again, and she slowly traced that last inch or so up to my dripping, aching, needy cunt.

She licked the outside of my pussy lips, delicately tracing, trying it out. Yeah, she was totally teasing me… but I made myself remember the first time I ate pussy and held onto my patience with both hands. It wasn’t easy, though.

Finally she split me open with her fingers, much as I had done to her. “Oh, my,” she breathed. “You’re incredibly sexy, sweetheart. Why did it take me so long to notice?” Shaking her head, Mom let her fingers trace my hole, then slipped one inside.

“Ohhhh God, yes!” I blurted. “P-put another one in, Mom, please…”

“Are you sure?” she said, furrowing her brow. “I don’t want to hurt you…”

“You won’t! I can take it, Mom, I swear I can…” By then I was practically raving, saying anything I could think of to get my mother to fuck me the way I wanted.

A tiny moan escaped my throat as I felt that second finger enter me, and yet again, I almost came. Once she had both fingers inside, she began to slide them in and out, moving slowly at first. I bucked against her hand, trying to bump my clit against it.

Finally… finally! Mom pressed her tongue against my clit, flicking it as she plunged her fingers as far into me as they could go. That was it for good ol’ Mallory. I came howling, my pussy clenching her hand until I passed out from the sheer bliss of it.

The next thing I remember was Mom shaking me frantically. “Mallory? Mallory! Oh, my God, …”

Opening my eyes, I gave her a weary smile, and she went limp with relief. “Oh, Lord, I’m not sure what happened! You… you fainted, I suppose.”

I giggled. “Yeah, that happens sometimes when I come really hard. There’s even an expression for it… the little death. I’m fine, Mom.”

“Oh… okay. I’ve heard of it, but never really thought it was real.”

We lay there snuggled together, talking about this and that. It’s funny; we didn’t say anything about what had just happened. Not sure why… just didn’t feel the need, I guess. After a little while the silences grew longer and longer. And soon after that, Mom was asleep. I wasn’t too far behind.


March 18th, 2007

At least Nettie’s party went well while it lasted. She had two people from her class over, and Emma, Cindy, Megan, and Jamie were also in attendance. Jamie came a little early and got the turntable hooked up and level, then put on a record by a band called Mercyful Fate. Not really my thing, but Nettie perked right up.

We did all the usual birthday stuff… cake, presents, and some games. Mom and I had gone shopping a couple of days before, and got Nettie a couple of Monster High dolls, which seem to be her current favorite toy. She appeared to have fun.

It wasn’t until all the guests had left but me that things went south. Nettie settled onto the couch, sat quietly for a moment, then burst into tears accompanied by long, loud, heartbreaking sobs.

“Oh, sweetie,” said Lisa, crossing the room quickly and taking the weeping girl into her arms, “what is it?”

“It’s Anna’s birthday, too!” Nettie wailed. “She doesn’t get any more… any more b-birthd…” She covered her face with her hands, dissolving into even bigger sobs. Julie and I looked on in dismay. Jason sat on the edge of his recliner, his brow furrowed. Finally Nettie’s sobs dried up, but not because she was done crying. She’d fallen asleep.

Lisa carried her to her bedroom, then returned. There were tears on her cheeks.

“We should have seen that coming,” said Jason.

Lisa collapsed into her chair, sniffled, then ripped a tissue from the box and blew her nose. “Yes, we should have.”

“Maybe we should have asked if she wanted to celebrate Annamarie’s birthday, too,” said Jason, “and I did think of it. But she hasn’t said a single word about her sister since she came here, not to my knowledge, anyway. I wasn’t sure it would be wise to bring it up.”

“I had the same thought.” Lisa’s voice was firmer now. “Maybe if we’d discussed it, we’d have come to a different conclusion.”

“I dunno,” said Jason. “The therapists told me we should let her bring Anna up when and if she’s ready… to not force the issue. But they didn’t warn me we might get a sneak-attack like that one.”

“I think we should talk to her about it tomorrow,” said Lisa, “now that she has brought it up. Ask her if she’d like to have a cake or something for her sister. To celebrate her life.”

Jason was stroking his chin thoughtfully. “That’s not the worst idea. We just have to be prepared for her to dissolve like that again.”

Lisa nodded. “Not every decision we make will be the right one,” she said. “I think there’s going to be times where the only way to know will be to try it and see. Poor girl.”

Julie and I went upstairs not long after that. We talked about Nettie for a little while, but eventually the conversation turned to less depressing topics, so I was ready to wow her with my big surprise. I hadn’t had a single opportunity all day to tell her what happened with Mom.

When I gave her the lowdown, Julie raised her clenched fists above her head and exclaimed “YES!”

I grinned. “I was hoping you’d feel that way. Now I have a question for you.” Julie simply raised her eyebrows.“You’re my girlfriend,” I said, “and we have an agreement about other people. You said my mom could be an exception. But for how long? Now that I’ve done it…”

“I get you,” Julie replied, “and I have a question for you. Can you get me in on it? I’d LOVE to hook up with your mom. She’s way hot!”

“I think it’s very possible,” I replied.

“Tell you what,” said Julie. “I’m okay with the two of you hooking up until you either get me into the picture, or figure out that it’s not gonna happen. Then we talk again.”

I kissed her passionately. “I love you so much, Julie.” A plan was already forming in my mind.

On to Chapter Twenty-Nine!