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Adventure in the Bush, Chapter 4

  • Posted on July 22, 2023 at 3:02 pm

by kinkychic and kinky’s_sis

The next day we were all seated on the verandah enjoying the cool of the early morning when a messenger arrived, asking for Tiny. He passed over a letter.

Tiny called out for Agetha. “The dog basket and some blankets. We’re going to have visitors.” He asked us to come with him and Vusumuzi in the truck, since Susy’s help might be needed. “You have tranquilizer if we need?”

We drove to Susy’s base camp to fetch two baby dik-dik. Tiny explained that someone had brought them to the camp. They’d recently been orphaned when baboons killed their mother.

“A dik-dik… that’s a small deer of some kind, isn’t it?” Susy asked.

“Actually it’s a tiny pygmy antelope,” I told her. “There are quite a few around here but we hardly ever see them, they’re so shy. They won’t last long without a mother. Once we did try to save one, but it didn’t survive. We’ve got to try, though. I’m sure you’ll agree.”

The two tiny animals appeared surprisingly calm. but didn’t look to be very strong. They wouldn’t have been more than ten or twelve inches tall had they been standing.

Susy stepped straight into her vet role. “They can’t be more than a few days old, which in some ways is good,” she said. “They don’t look frightened of us, so I don’t think we’re going to need the Diazepam after all. However, they urgently need to be fed.”

Vusumuzi explained to her that dik-dik didn’t drink water. He didn’t know why, but at that age, all they would take was mother’s milk.

Susy was thinking hard. “There are a number of animals that don’t need water. They get it from the plants they eat. I doubt that cow’s milk is the same as their mother’s, but we don’t have a choice. That’s what we’ll have to give them.”

Tiny rummaged in the bag he carried. “Here, I have these.” He produced two baby milk bottles, sealed in a plastic bag. “I guessed we might need them.”

Grinning hugely, Susy gave his arm a squeeze. “Good job, Tiny!” 

Susy had some milk warmed to blood temperature and filled the two bottles. She passed one to me before kneeling beside one of the two orphans. It immediately took the rubber teat in its mouth and began to suck. I did the same to the other dik-dik and was rewarded with the same result. “Not too much at first,” Susy murmured. “Just enough to give them a little strength. Then we need to get them moved.”

Tiny told us the dog basket was the nearest thing we had to the way their mother would have kept them hidden, safe from predators. Neither animal seemed unsettled when we moved them into the basket, and they snuggled together as we carried them to the truck.

Back at the farm, a short distance from the house, there was a sturdy fenced-off area that my father had set up years ago. At one end was a small building. It only had one door, but there were several hatches for ventilation. Each opening had burglar-proof mesh over it – to keep baboons out when the place was occupied, Tiny explained. To the side was a small porch-like structure with a couple of rickety old chairs, a deal table, and a wooden bed.

Although the place hadn’t been used for some time, it was clean and tidy. Both members of our newly acquired family seemed to be asleep when we placed them in a corner.

“We have to feed them four or five times a day, I’d guess,” said Susy. “Oh, and tomorrow I want to weigh them, so that we can check their progress.”

The three of us fed them twice more that day. By the third feeding, they were used to our presence, and began to expect the bottles.

I was awakened in the middle of the night by Susy. She was getting dressed. “Wait for me,” I said. “I’ll come with you.”

We fed the dik-dik again, then fetched the chairs and sat, watching them snuggle back down. Quite soon, they were fast asleep. Susy took my hand in hers. “It’s too early to be sure, but I think they’re going to be okay. A couple of more days should tell the story.”


A week later, Susy had gone back to her unit. She did have a job to do, after all. Spotty and Stripey – our names for the baby dik-dik – were by then walking about when they weren’t sleeping.

“We should leave the door open today, see if they will come outside,” Tiny said to me. Lucy and I sat under the porch and waited. It was ages before a tiny snout poked out, then disappeared. Ten minutes later, two snouts were in the doorway. Then the babies emerged, glancing nervously about. Spotty saw us and came straight over, clearly looking for his bottle. Stripey soon followed.

After they fed, the dik-dik explored the compound. One section had a number of bushes growing there. Together they found a spot inside the largest one and settled down side by side, almost hidden from view. It was exactly what they would have done in the wild.

We knew they couldn’t be left unguarded in the open. There was too much danger from baboons, possibly even cheetahs. We decided to wait until they wanted to feed again, so we could entice them back inside.

Then a young native boy turned up. Tiny had sent him. “My job is to guard dik-dik,” he said, puffing out his chest. “I have my game,” he continued, showing me the pile of polished stones in his hand. The natives play a kind of solitaire with a series of holes dug in the ground.

I told him that we’d be back in a couple of hours. He looked puzzled. “When the sun is about there,” I said pointing to a tree. Then he nodded and grinned.

That evening, Susy returned. “Let’s weigh them again, and see how they’re doing,” she said. The first time we’d tried weighing them, they hadn’t even registered on the scales, which weren’t sensitive enough. It was two days before they did register. Now, a week on, their weight had almost doubled. 

Susy pointed to a small pile of droppings. “Have you noticed? They’re almost house-trained. They only go in two places.”

I had forgotten, but then I remembered Dad telling me about the little piles of scat. “It’s how they mark their territory,” I said. “All of the family go in the same places, sometimes making quite large piles.”

We’d already discussed how long we thought Spotty and Stripey would need milk, and when they would begin to eat from the bushes. “They don’t eat grass,” Vusumuzi had told us. “Only leaves.”

In fact, the very next day, we saw Spotty nibbling at a bush, though he still came for his milk. I knew then that we had succeeded. They were going to be fine. The next question was going to be whether we could let them go back into the wild, or would they always be domestic pets.


I checked with Mum first, then asked Agetha if we could stay on a little longer. I told her I wanted to see Spotty and Stripey progress a bit more before we left. A couple of phone calls and our return airline tickets were put on hold.

It was Saturday, and we were expecting Susy sometime after breakfast. Tiny and Lucy were off to the vineyards.

As soon as she arrived, we exchanged kisses, then went to check on our two youngsters. They came straight to us when we were inside the gate. The guard boy, Ngozi, was sitting in the shade, happily playing his game. He was delighted with the fresh supplies we had brought him.

Spotty and Stripey took very little milk. They clearly didn’t really need it anymore. Satisfied that all was fine, Susy and I walked hand in hand back to the house.

“Maddie, I’d like to go to the river today. Would you mind?”

“Brilliant, I’d love to!” 

Under our now familiar tree, we sat and watched the surroundings. I thought Susy was unusually quiet. Finally, I spoke up. “There’s something on your mind, Susy. You want to tell me?”

“Give me a kiss, Maddie, please.” It was a lovely kiss, but felt a little strained.

“Tell me,” I whispered.

She was struggling to find the right words. I could see the worry on her face. “You’ve decided, is that it?”

She took both my hands in hers. “Maddie, I love what we have and what we share together. You’re my best friend, and my lover. Well, you and Lucy. But especially you. It’s just… I can’t commit to a permanent relationship. My work is too demanding. It wouldn’t be fair to you.” She paused, struggling with what to say next.

But I spoke first. “Susy, I understand, you don’t have to say anymore. I don’t know what I expected. But I’ll still be there for you if you just want a friend… or more, sometimes.”

She pulled me to her, squeezing and then kissing me. I fought back my tears, not wanting her to see me cry, or make her feel guilty.

But I came even closer to crying when she said, “I knew you’d understand. No, I don’t want our friendship or anything else to end. It’s just that I can’t put my life aside for anyone right now… not even you. It would make me very happy if you could accept our relationship on those terms.” She sighed heavily. “Oh God, it sounds awful when I put it like that.”

“No, Susy, it’s not awful. Now, how about you stop talking and kiss me.” She didn’t see my clenched knuckles as I fought my tears.

We shared a passionate kiss, then slowly undressed one another. Laying me down in the shade of our tree, Susy began to caress my bare body. 

I gradually felt better as she made the sweetest, most beautiful love to me. It took far longer than usual before I reached a climax. But finally, I was able to forget my sadness and succumb to the rising heat.

Sometime later, when I had returned the favour, we cuddled together. I resisted the temptation to say how much I loved her. For the moment, being in her arms would have to do.

We had showered and were ready for dinner when Tiny and Lucy got home. Lucy has an uncanny way of sensing things. She didn’t push herself on Susy at all. She was surprisingly sweet and friendly. Susy had relaxed. The two glasses of wine she’d drunk no doubt helped.

I was okay, coming to terms with how things were to be. I resolved to be patient, yet clever and cunning. I’d work my way into her heart. She would be mine, or whichever way around it worked.

The weight lifted from my mind, and I smiled as I took her hand. She looked searchingly into my eyes, then nodded. She could see I was content.


After dinner we went to visit our little friends, arm in arm, the three of us. “You okay, Maddie?” Susy asked me.

“Never happier, honestly. I’m fine.” And I realised that I was. Everything was going to work out in the end.

Spotty and Stripey skipped about, seemingly content with their lot. We watched them play a while. “Tiny thinks we should open the gates tomorrow and see what they do,” I told Susy.

“Oh God, no. Surely it’s too early?”

“No, the time is right. They’ll decide whether to go or stay. If they go, we can do nothing more. If they stay, they won’t ever have a natural life.”

“Maddie, I know you’re right, but my heart doesn’t want to see them go, to never know what happens to them. I should know better, of course.”

We took the chairs outside of the enclosure and, leaving the gate open, sat and watched. As always, it was Spotty who led the way, his sister trotting behind. At first, they came to us, and I could see that they were skittish at being out in the open. They explored their new freedom for a while, then of their own accord went back inside the enclosure.

When we went to check, they were both inside the hut, snuggled together as always.

For the next two days we repeated the exercise in the early evening, but each time they still returned to the hut. On the third day, they were gone quite a while. I was about to say that I thought they’d left us when they calmly walked up and came back inside.

It was the fourth day when they failed to return. We sat for an hour but there was no sign. Finally, leaving the gate open, Susy and I went home. We both cried along the way.

It was several days later, and the three of us were on the way to the rock. I sensed something was following us but as hard as I looked, I saw nothing. To be honest, I was growing increasingly worried.

We were having a nude swim when I glanced up to the top of the rock. Spotty and Stripey were there, watching us. “Look,” I squealed, “it’s them!” Quickly, we rushed to them, and when we sat down, they sat beside us. 

After a short while, Spotty came and sniffed at each of us before he turned and nudged Stripey with his snout. Then they turned and leaped away. We never saw them again. But I knew they were fine.

That evening, Agetha said. “Is first time we ever know dik-dik survive after try and rescue. Is good, yes? You very clever girls.”


We were flying back to England the next day. I would be sad to go. In fact, I’d rather have stayed, but by then, Mum was insisting that Lucy and I come straight home.

Susy was coming to dinner that evening. I felt incredibly nervous, scared of making a fool of myself. I was sitting on the verandah, alone with my thoughts. Then Tiny came and sat down. He passed me a glass of wine. I realised that I was going to miss this wine. I’d actually grown to love it.

Tiny took my hand in his huge paws. “I’m not as stupid as Agetha thinks. I see your suffering and your love. I don’t pretend to understand, but I respect. Let me tell you, little one. Susy does love you, it is clear. Everything will be as you wish, just wait and see.”

I looked at him, astonished. “Tiny, how…”

He stopped me talking. “I see very much but say very little, and I am a good judge of people. You two have love, real love. She will see in time. Be patient. You have all become like the children we never had and we love you as such. The way you love is your choice. I say I don’t really understand but I am old-fashioned and set in my ways. Things are very different today, very strange to me. But respect is also important.”

I squeezed his hand. “Tiny, I don’t know what to say, but thank you for such kind words.”

On the surface, dinner was the usual happy affair. I tried my best to not show my sadness. Tiny stood up, glass in hand. Agetha looked at him. “Tiny, you drink too much. Now sit down, fool.”

He looked at her but didn’t sit. Instead, he raised his glass. “I invite you to drink to family. My lovely wife, Agetha.” She scowled at him but he continued. “Our new daughters, Lucy, Maddie, and Susan. You have made us happy with your presence in our home. A joy. Yes, a joy to watch. Next year you will come again,  we pay. It would make us very happy.” He raised his glass, “To family… our family.”

Agetha was staring at him as if he were a stranger. “Mijn God, first time he speak sense for years.” She looked at each of us. “He right, maybe not so stupid. You will come, you must promise. Is your other home.”

After the table had been cleared, we went to sit on the verandah. Lucy came with us, but Agetha reached to take her hand. “Come, child. Maddie and Susy, they walk now.”

As we exited the house, I turned to Susy. “I want to say goodbye to my dad.”

We stood quiet and still for a while, Susy holding my hand. Then we walked to the now-empty animal enclosure. 

“We leave very early in the morning,” I said. “Are you staying with us tonight, or would you prefer Tiny to run you back?” 

“Of course I want to stay, I have to be here when you leave. Would you stop talking and kiss me, please?”

At bedtime, Lucy climbed into her own bed. Susy and I cuddled and kissed but by some instinctive mutual agreement, neither of us tried to go any further.

Agetha called us at the crack of dawn. Breakfast was ready. It was a sombre affair, except for Lucy being her usual cheery self.

Then it was time to say goodbye. Susy gave Lucy a long hug, then took my hand and led me back to the bedroom. We fell into each other’s arms and I held her tightly as my lips sought hers.

She was kissing my tears away. “Maddie, I’ll see you soon, I promise.”

I made a huge effort to control myself. “I know, I’m just being silly. Come, we have to go.”

They were waiting for me when we emerged. I gave Susy one last hug and then ran to the truck. Tiny barely waited for me to settle myself before he was in gear and moving off.

We all heard Susy yell. “Wait!” Then she was charging towards the truck. Tiny braked as if he’d been expecting it.

She reached up and grabbed my hand. “I love you,” she whispered to me.

I leaned out until our lips met for a fleeting kiss. “I know you do, and I love you too.” We pulled apart and I gave Tiny a nod. “Thank you.”

I turned and stared at her dwindling figure, giving her a last wave as we rounded the corner. Then she was gone. Lucy held my hand – not speaking, just giving me something to cling onto.

On to Chapter Five!


Ripples, Chapter 34

  • Posted on July 18, 2023 at 1:47 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed summary of the first 33 chapters, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this story, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)

Deep breath. Here goes…

Divorced mother Jessica has found a new identity as a lesbian, becoming the lover of her friend Rachel, as well as her three daughters Alice (12), Katie (9), and Poppy (7). At the same time, Rachel has found sexual intimacy with her own girls Bella (12) and Cindy (10), and they have all elected to come together as one big incestuous family.

Not long after that, Jessica’s younger sister Laura pays an unexpected visit and catches them all in the midst of their first family orgy. Despite her shock at what she saw, Laura was seduced later that night by the three youngest daughters, and is struggling with her feelings about the whole affair.

Recently, Jess took her daughters to visit an acquaintance, Stella, for an afternoon barbecue. Stella’s twin daughters Sienna and Lacey (both fourteen) flirted shamelessly with Jessica and her girls, while Stella and Jessica’s daughter Alice immediately sensed a powerful attraction to one another.

As it transpires, Stella is a member of a secret society of local women who enjoy lesbian sex — especially with younger girls, including their daughters. Now that Jess has officially come out, Stella is looking to make her a member. She has taken a careful first step by inviting Jessica’s oldest girl Alice to a sleepover with her own daughters, which resulted in — surprise, surprise — a four-way orgy.

While this takes place, Jessica’s sister Laura drops by for a long-awaited visit, where she admits to having a crush on Jess since they were teenagers. That evening, they finally come together as lovers.

The next morning, all the girls except for Alice come home from a sleepover at Rachel’s place, where they’d gone to give Jess and Laura some privacy for their first time. Now everyone’s ready to get down and dirty, resulting in nearly two days of sexual abandon. Eventually, everyone needs to take a break and catch their collective breath.

And that, dear readers, is where this installment kicks off. Read on…

by Sapphmore and  JetBoy

Tucking into a slice of cake, Rachel listened as Jess relayed Alice’s account of the night she’d spent with Stella and her daughters. Jessica’s sister Laura was also at the table, nursing a cup of tea.

Finally, Rachel responded. “I knew Stella was into women back when I was still married… we’ve shared a few tales about our sex lives over the odd bottle of Pinot. I was always half-expecting her to come on to me; now I know why she never did.” Rachel shook her head. “Christ almighty, I can’t believe she’s been fucking her daughters for four bloody years without letting something slip. I mean, we’re doing the same exact thing with our girls. Maybe if she and I had spent much one-on-one time together in the last few months, I’d have sussed out what she was up to with the twins.” She paused. “I know she offered to step into the breach if you and I ever split up–”

“No fear of that!” said Jess, giving her lover a wink.

“Ta very much,” Rachel replied. “Still… are you certain she’s angling for sex with you and the girls?”

“I’d wager damn near anything on it. For one thing, Stella gave Alice an invitation for the whole family to pay her another afternoon visit – only this time, we’d stay the night. I’m guessing a Frozen sing-along and popcorn isn’t what she’s got in mind. Oh, and Stella’s daughters want a second sleepover with Alice, and insist she brings Bella along. They also just stopped short of asking Alice if she’d ever done the deed with her sisters.”

“You should’ve seen the way Stella’s girls were looking at us when they brought Alice home!” Laura jumped in. “They – what are their names, Jess? I’ve forgotten.”

“They’re a very distracting pair, so I can’t say I’m surprised. Lacey and Sienna.”

That’s it. Fuck me, they seemed ready to stick Jessica between two crackers and eat her in one bite! I was getting my share of attention from them, too. Jess, if you take them up on that afternoon get-together, you’d best bring me along for the ride. Wife-swapping is all the rage nowadays, but daughter-swapping? Count me in… even if I don’t have a daughter to trade!”

“Hold on, you two,” Rachel interjected. “It sounds like you’re both totally up for this… this lesbian incest convention. Are you really thinking the situation through? Taking a moment to consider the risk?”

Jess gazed at her lover, frankly astonished. “This isn’t like you at all, Rach. Between the two of us, you’ve always been the adventurous one. I figured you’d be champing at the bit to get into the twins’ knickers.”

“Jess has a point, Rachel,” Laura chimed in. “Think about it. We know Stella’s having it off with, um, Lacey and Sienna. It’s not as if she could turn us in, y’know? I bet she just wants to expand her pool of lovers. And c’mon now… you can’t tell me the thought of getting it on with Stella and those two hotties of hers doesn’t get your motor running.”

“I know, I know,” Rachel protested. “It’s just that getting someone outside the family involved is something we were bloody well determined not to do.” She paused, studying Jessica’s sister. “I’m surprised at you, Laura, I mean, it wasn’t long ago you were freaking the fuck out over what we were doing with the girls.”

Laura was already nodding. “That’s true, and I’m even more surprised than you are about that… but since I got drawn into sex with all of you, I can’t ever go back to my old life. I’ve become obsessed with young girls, to the point of undressing them in my mind when I’m walking down the street – and oh my stars, how I love incest.” She smiled at Rachel. “I don’t have to tell you this, Rach… do I? You’ve lived it. You know.”

Rachel considered how to respond, but couldn’t summon up an answer. Now that Laura had put the image in her head, she pictured the twins locked in a carnal embrace with their mum, all three of them naked. Then she imagined Stella turning to her, murmuring, Hello, Rachel… why don’t you come play with us?

Slumping in her chair, she gave a heavy sigh. “I suppose you’re right, Jess. It’s just… this is all happening so damned fast. I’m worried that if we get greedy, it could destroy what we’ve got now. Maybe even drive us apart.”

Rising to her feet, Jessica moved to kneel before her lover. She cupped Rachel’s face in her hands, placing a tender kiss on the woman’s lips before she spoke. “Darling, nothing will get in the way of what we have. I won’t let it happen.”

“These last couple of months – they’ve been the happiest of my life,” Rachel said, taking Jess into her arms. “I don’t want to do anything to put this family at risk.”

“I feel the same way,” Jessica replied. “And so do the girls. Your daughters and mine – they’re like sisters now. Sisters and lovers, how incredible is that?” Gazing over at her own sibling, she added, “And Laura and I are closer than we’ve ever been.”

“It’s true,” Laura agreed. “I love you, big sister.”

“I love you too,” Jess agreed, then turned back to Rachel. “We’ve all accepted our new life… and you know we wouldn’t take a chance on bringing outsiders into our circle who didn’t understand. But Stella and the twins do understand – they’re just like us.” She paused. “Look, you have a say in this, Rach. If you don’t want to explore the… the possibility of getting involved with them, then we won’t.”

Rachel sat up straight. “Fuck me, Jess… who the hell said I didn’t want to? I just need to make sure we’ve thought it out first. If it means the chance to get those dead sexy twins of Stella’s into bed, sign me up!”

Breaking into a grin, Jess got to her feet. “Now there’s the Rachel I know and adore!”

“Now we’ve got that out of the way,” Rachel said, “I’ve been slaving away all morning at the tea room; now I’m expecting a lovely reward for lending you my daughters.” She casually placed a hand on the front of the black dress she wore, palming her vulva. “First, though… I want to know more about what you’ve been up to with my Bella. The part I already heard was especially intriguing.” She looked at Laura, arching an eyebrow.

“Um… it’s a pretty wild story,” Laura murmured.

Rachel rose from her chair and stepped over to her lover’s sister. “You can tell me upstairs.” Nudging her way between Laura’s knees, she slipped a hand behind the younger woman’s head, then abruptly pulled her into a ferocious kiss. Laura moaned as Rachel’s tongue probed her mouth.

When she finally broke away, Rachel glanced up at Jess. “If you were expecting to get fucked, you’ll have to wait your turn, sweetie; I’ve been beaten to your little sister’s cunt by my girls, and I intend to do something about that right away.” Seizing Laura’s hand, Rachel nearly dragged her out of the kitchen.

Jess followed close behind, taking a quick peek through the lounge patio doors to make sure the girls were still playing in the garden. They look so innocent, she thought, watching Poppy and Cindy, naked but for panties in the concealed safety of the yard, taking turns doing cartwheels.

Just before mounting the stairs, Rachel stooped to pick up her bag from the hallway floor.

“What’s in the bag, Rach?” asked Jess.

“Patience, lover mine – all good things come to those who wait.” With that, Rachel marched upstairs to the bedrooms, a dazed Laura in tow.

As the women entered Jessica’s room, Rachel dropped the bag. Swiftly loosening a sash round her waist, she undid a couple of buttons, then shrugged the dress off. It slipped to the floor, revealing that she’d gone completely naked underneath. Before the others could react, she stepped forward to take Laura’s face in her hands, picking up their hungry kiss where they’d left off.

This time Laura was quick to respond. Her tongue darted into Rachel’s mouth as she reached down to fondle the woman’s shapely arse, her fingers straying into the cleft between.

Deciding to simply watch for the moment, Jess undressed yet again – for the third time today, she told herself, chuckling at the thought – then she sat back against the headboard, languidly stroking her cunt.

Rachel somehow managed to undress Laura without breaking their kiss, until she too was nude. Placing a hand on the younger woman’s chest, Rachel gave Laura a firm nudge, causing her to fall backwards onto the bed.

As Laura stared up at her newest lover, Rachel stepped back to pick up her bag, then upended it onto the bed to spill out its contents. Spread across the quilt lay an impressive array of sex toys in various designs, colours and sizes.

Spying a few devices she’d used before, Laura couldn’t help but recall some memorable experiences with various partners. That blue strap-on… I remember how Sabrina Hollis fucked me with one of those, the first time we did anal. Christ, was I really only eighteen then?

As for Jess, she recognised several items from the toy chest in Rachel’s bedroom, including a couple of her favourites. And to think that three months ago, all I had was a cheap plastic vibrator.

Both women looked up at Rachel, who stood with arms folded, wearing nothing but a bad-girl grin. “I like to come prepared,” she murmured, gesturing toward the pile. “Choose your weapon, Laura.”

Jessica’s sister perused the assortment before selecting a glass dildo with a raised ridge that encircled it like a coiled snake. She traced the toy’s length with a finger, then handed it to Rachel.

“Good choice – we’ll get to that soon, but first… I have to taste you.” Dropping to her knees, Rachel spread Laura’s knees apart and dove in, bathing the juicy flesh with long swipes of her tongue.

As she watched her sister writhing in response to Rachel’s oral assault, Jess decided her fingers simply weren’t cutting it. Sitting up straight, she bent over the scattered toys, in search of something better. She selected a silicone penis vibrator, then sat back and rubbed the tip up and down her cunt to lubricate it before slowly working it inside. Switching the device on at a low setting, she sat back to watch the show.

Rachel feasted on her lover’s sister like she hadn’t eaten for days, using every trick she had to drive Laura into a wild frenzy. Her eyes scanned the bed for the dildo Laura had chosen and reached out to grab it. She ran the smooth glass knob up and down through Laura’s labia before twisting it into her cunt. The younger woman gasped as those glass ridges passed the vaginal opening.

Truth be told, Laura was fairly exhausted by that point. It was late afternoon, and she’d been fucked by her sister and five young girls to the tune of at least six orgasms, maybe more. But Rachel’s lovemaking skills were considerable, and soon that familiar warmth was slowly growing beneath Laura’s belly. I probably won’t be able to walk tomorrow, she thought, but fuck, it’s worth it. I’ve never been satisfied like this.

As Laura gave herself over to pleasure’s embrace, Rachel withdrew the slick glass dildo, turning it round as her tongue sought out the sweet cunt juice that lingered in the crevices of the toy. Then she quickly moved in to crush her mouth to Laura’s in a bruising kiss.

They were swapping the tart flavour of cunt between them when Rachel and Laura heard a strangled cry. Turning to look, they saw Jess pumping the flesh-coloured toy in and out of her vagina, the woman’s legs twitching with each stroke.

While Laura was still on her back, Rachel crawled onto the bed and up to the headboard, where she carefully straddled Laura’s face, lowering her cunt to the younger woman’s parted lips.

Once Jess recovered from her climax, she joined the others on the bed. She knelt next to Rachel, fondling her lover’s breasts as they shared a kiss. This is heaven, she told herself. So much love in this house… it’s a wonder we can contain it all. Has there ever been a family as happy, as devoted as ours?

Out of the blue, Jessica thought of her mother Ann. She’s into women now, Laura says. Wonder what the girls would say if they knew that. Might they want Mum to join us?

Caressing Rachel’s bum, then easing a finger into her anus, Jess tried to imagine what it might be like to make love to her own mother. She felt uneasy at first, but forced herself to explore the notion. It helped that, like her mother, Rachel was a curvy, well-built woman.

Embracing her lover, Jess pretended it was Ann. Me and Mum, naked and holding one another… my finger buried in her arse. Weird, but… kind of hot, actually. How would she react if I kissed her? 

The further she immersed herself in the fantasy, the more compelling it was. In Jessica’s mind, she was holding her naked mother close, sucking on her tongue, probing the slippery heat of Ann’s rectum and wondering how her cunt would taste.

I’ve made love to my daughters, my sister… shouldn’t Mum be a part of this, too?

Jess answered her own question immediately. Of course she should. It’s the closing of a circle, a coming together, two families joined as lovers. Makes perfect sense.

Putting aside the question as to whether Ann would have anything to do with such a crazy idea, Jessica threw herself back into the present, into the arms of her beloved Rachel. I need to discuss this with Laura, she told herself. And Rachel. Not the girls, though. Not just yet.

Trailing her tongue down Rachel’s neck, Jess paused to give her lover’s earlobe a playful nip.

With a choked cry, Rachel rolled her hips as she climaxed, her honey flowing into Laura’s mouth.

Laura eagerly gulped down the thick, warm nectar, amazed by how much there was. Fuck me, she’s got the juiciest cunt I ever ate!

Once Rachel was spent, the trio of lovers lay back on the bed side by side, relishing the peace and quiet. Soon enough, the calm was shattered by a rumble up the stairs, followed by five girls bursting into the room.

Rachel raised herself on an elbow. “Hello, girls… come to join the fun?”

The younger ones were already tripping over themselves as they disrobed, the two older girls close behind.

Getting to her feet, Rachel stretched herself, then said, “I think it’s time we introduced something new to the proceedings… starting with me getting double-tagged by Alice and Bella. Saddle up, you two; I want some of what Stella got last night.”

Rachel pointed to the pile on the bed and Alice picked up a nine-inch strap-on cock, confidently buckling it around her waist before helping Bella do the same.

Jess and Laura sat up to see a pair of twelve-year-olds sporting appendages dangling disproportionately to their size. Rachel was helping her daughter lie on her back, the veined black prick jutting up obscenely. She moved to sit astride the toy, lowering herself to take its length into her cunt with a squish. She glanced over her shoulder at Alice, who didn’t need to be told what her job was to be.

“Use some lube, love,” said Rachel. “My bum hasn’t taken anything that big in a while.”

Pausing to squirt a dollop of K-Y onto her fingers, Alice carefully anointed the crack of Rachel’s arse, then smeared the rest on the tip of her cock. “I’ve never fucked anyone this way before, Auntie Rachel,” she said.

“You’ll do fine, Alice. Just don’t do it too hard – unless I tell you to, that is!” She looked over at the three younger girls. “Why don’t you young ladies pick out a few of those toys, then ask Laura and Jess to show you how they work.”

The youngsters scampered over to the small heap, where they pawed through the various toys on display. Quickly making their choices, they approached the two women, ready to play.


Around tea time they all sat in the lounge, where Alice told the three younger girls about her adventures from the previous night with Stella and the twins. While the three women relaxed, Kate, Poppy and Cindy listened, their faces radiating amazement and awe. As an amused Rachel said later, “I swear, the girls looked like they were hearing about Disneyland for the first time.”

It was Poppy who was the first to ask. “Mummy? Will Ms Stella and Lacey and Sienna get to be in our family club now?”

Jess smiled. “No, sweetheart… not just yet, anyhow. I need to speak to Stella. But if things work out like I hope… then yes, we might have fun with them one dayI.”

“Cool! I like Ms Stella. She’s dead sexy.”

Jess gazed at her youngest in astonishment, wondering what she’d unleashed on the world.


Earlier that day, Stella and the twins had arrived at the Turner estate, the gates opening for her car as she turned into the drive under the watchful eye of the CCTV camera. Stella drove up to the large Elizabethan manor house, rounding the fountain and stopping at the huge oak double doors, which slowly opened as she parked and switched off the ignition. Emerging from the car along with the girls, Stella opened the boot and took out the box containing Blanche’s latest acquisition from the gallery.

As they made their way toward the entrance, Blanche’s assistant Grace appeared. The twins raced up the steps to greet her, each planting a brief, warm kiss on her lips.

“Do you need help with that, Stella?” Grace asked as they shared a kiss, one that lingered a bit longer.

“No thanks, Grace. It’s not heavy.”

The elegant brunette escorted the guests indoors. “Blanche is waiting for you in the library,” she said.

Stella followed Grace down a long corridor to a room on the left, the twins close behind. As promised, Blanche was there, seated in a large high-backed leather chair, a coffee cup in one hand.

“Afternoon, Blanche,” Stella murmured, with a wink for her friend and occasional lover.

“Stella… wonderful to see you, as always. And bearing fine art!” she added, noticing the box. Blanche set her cup down, then cleared an area on the coffee table where the box could be placed. Noticing the twins, she gave them a delighted smile as they approached, greeting their mum’s friend with a polite, “Good morning, Mrs Turner.”

Blanche gave each girl a chaste kiss on the cheek. “My, my, girls… don’t you look all sweet and innocent in your Sunday best.”

The girls beamed, unusually demure and quiet. It never failed to surprise their mother how differently her girls acted when around Blanche… well, when they’ve got their clothes on, at least. They seemed to recognise her status, in both the society and the community, and were always well-behaved, except when it was time not to be.

Still addressing the twins, Blanche said, “All the girls are here; they’ve been looking forward to seeing you. Why don’t you pay them a little visit? We’ll join you in a little while.”

Grace spoke up. “When I last saw them, they were down by the lake.”

“Thank you, Mrs Turner,” Sienna and Lacey said, practically in unison. The three women watched as Sienna and Lacey quietly left the room, then laughed to hear them run away giggling once as they were out of sight.

Blanche gazed after them wistfully. “You know Stella, your daughters get lovelier every time I see them. They’re fast becoming beautiful, elegant young ladies.”

“They don’t always act like ladies… especially last night. I’ve got quite a bit to tell you on that subject.”

Blanche raised an eyebrow. “First, let’s have a peek at what you’ve brought – then we’ll get down to brass tacks.”

The new piece was unboxed and admired. Grace poured glasses of wine for the three of them, then she and Blanche settled in to hear Stella’s news.

First she told Blanche and Grace about Alice’s day at the gallery, then related the events of the previous night in detail – when her daughters had coaxed Jessica’s twelve-year-old into bed, then she’d joined the three younger girls for a orgy hot enough to burn the sheets. And after Stella described the discussion she’d had with Alice the next morning, Blanche was extremely pleased.

“Stella, you’ve excelled yourself. I’m amazed that you managed to approach Jessica’s family through her daughter – and one so young, too! We’ve never recruited new Society members that way.”

“I’ll tell you this much,” Stella said, unable to keep herself from grinning. “I’m almost certain Jess and Alice are fucking… and I’d lay odds Alice is having it off with her younger sisters, too.” She sat forward in her chair, eyes dancing with excitement. “Wait until you hear what I’ve got planned for Jess tomorrow. I’m going to leave the twins at her shop, just before it closes, and ask her to look after them as a favour while I’m on a business call.

“Lacey and Sienna will work their magic – and with a bit of luck, I’ll literally catch Jessica with her knickers down. At that point, it’ll be safe for me to lay our cards on the table. I’ll tell her the twins and I are sexually involved… hell, I’ll probably just strip off and join in! Anyhow, at some point I’ll ask Jess if she’s doing the same with Alice and her other girls… then, I’ll sound her out about Rachel’s daughters.”

Blanche’s eyes widened. “Wait, wait, Stella – is there something you haven’t yet told us? That Rachel and her girls are – are part of this?”

“It makes sense,” Stella replied with a shrug. “You already know Jess and Rachel are lovers… but last night, Alice told us she and Rachel’s oldest daughter Bella are ‘girlfriends’. Alice also claimed that’s how she got so good at lesbian sex – which I don’t believe for a second, by the way. She uses a strap-on like a bloody porn star, and that tongue of hers…” Stella shook her head. “There’s no way she learned that from another twelve-year-old.”

“Jessica’s youngest, that’s the one I want,” Grace said. “My God, so adorable…” She slumped back in her chair, dreamy-eyed.

“Poppy?” said Stella. “Oh, absolutely. But they’re all lovely.”

“You know our Grace, though,” Blanche chuckled, gazing fondly at her secretary. “It’s always the little ones she likes best.”

“Guilty as charged,” Grace confessed, not without a hint of colour in her cheeks. “I think it’s because of my younger sister Gemma. I fell in love with her when she was six.” She made a face. “Gem’s never been into girls, sad to say. Thank goodness my Willow turned out to be so much more open-minded!”

“Speaking of sisters,” Stella said. “I’ve another bit of news that might be of interest. When I dropped Alice off earlier, Rachel’s daughters were hanging out there – she was at work, I think – but Jessica’s sister Laura was also there, and she’s been gay since she was a teen. Now I can’t help but think that if Jess really does have this hot little incest fuckfest going, Laura could be in on it.”

“Interesting,” murmured Blanche, slowly nodding. “Very interesting. Stella, you’ve come through with flying colours. If things work out as we hope, the Society will have our first double family induction. When the other members find out, they’ll be positively thrilled… especially when they see who we managed to rope in.”

Stella responded. “Well, let’s not count our chickens just yet. By tomorrow night, we’ll have a better idea of how this situation will play out. I won’t mention the Society, of course.”

Blanche sat thoughtfully for a moment as the other two women waited. “If we get to the point of offering a membership to Jess and her family, I have an idea of how she can prove her… dedication to our cause. We’ll deal with that later, though. For now, this discussion has my knickers positively sodden.” She glanced over at her secretary. “Grace, would you please invite the girls to join us in the lodge?”

Grace gave her employer and frequent bedmate a dazzling smile. “Of course!”

With that, the women rose and exited the room. Grace headed towards the rear of the house as Stella followed Blanche into a corridor that led outdoors, then on the path to a nearby building. As they entered, Stella glanced around the artwork and pictures, much of which she had acquired for Blanche, nearly all of them depicting love between women. Soon, they reached a large room with an immense custom-made bed.

Blanche turned to her friend, placing both hands on the blonde’s shoulders. “Stella, if this works out and we recruit Jess and her family, the ladies and girls of the Society will owe you a great debt. You deserve a reward for your efforts.”

Stella reached out to gently circle Blanche’s left nipple with a fingertip. “Success will be reward enough, but a little down payment now would be lovely.” They drifted together in a kiss, one that quickly grew heated.

As Stella began to undress the elegantly-styled woman, footsteps could be heard pounding down the hallway. They turned to face the door, now filled with beaming young girls.

Besides Stella’s twins, there were Blanche’s three daughters – ten-year-old Savannah, eight-year-old Annabelle – whose joint birthday party Jessica’s two youngest had attended just a few months earlier – and thirteen-year-old Lola, her oldest. Grace was bringing up the rear hand in hand with her own little girl, eight-year-old Willow.

Her dress opened enough to display her bra-clad breasts, Blanche studied the new arrivals, very much liking what she saw. “Hello, girls… we have some good news to celebrate. Why don’t you take off those clothes before they get dirty?”

The girls rushed into the room, where they quickly stripped off, then deposited their apparel on a conveniently placed sofa before joining Blanche and Stella at the huge bed. Clucking her tongue, Grace paused to fold and neatly arrange the girl’s discarded clothes before stripping off her own. She unfastened the clasp that held up her hair to let it spill over her shoulders, then climbed onto the bed to join the orgy, already in progress.

“Hi, Mummy,” her daughter Willow cooed.

“Hello, my sweet,” Grace replied, then claimed the child’s pretty mouth in a lover’s kiss.


It was mid-afternoon, and Jess was at the oven, checking the temperature of the beef tenderloin with her meat thermometer. Hmm… another fifteen minutes should do it. Closing the oven door, she returned to the mashed potatoes. Rachel and the girls were all in the family room, watching TV, recovering from what had been a very active day in the various bedrooms of the house..

Laura padded into the kitchen, stretching her limbs. After spending the previous evening and almost the entire day naked, she’d finally managed to get dressed, looking positively luscious in a thin t-shirt sans bra, and a pair of emerald-green athletic shorts.

She’s still got an amazing body, Jess thought, looking her sister up and down. Especially those legs. I simply have to fuck her at least once more before she goes home. First, though, we need to talk. 

“Smells great in here,” Laura said, breathing in the savoury fragrance. Wrapping both arms round her older sibling, she kissed Jessica’s neck. “Mmmm… you smell even better, though!”

Down, girl,” Jess chuckled. “I hate to say this, baby sister… but you seem to have turned into some kind of sex fiend.”

“Oh, it’s true,” Laura agreed. “God, I can’t believe it took me this long to discover how much I love young girls, incest, incest with young girls… oh, and fucking my beautiful big sister, can’t forget that!” Gently turning Jess around to face her, she murmured, “Kiss me.”

Their mouths met, and the two sisters shared an ardent kiss of lovers. Jess slipped both hands into Laura’s shorts, pleased to find that her sibling had also gone without knickers. “You’re terrible,” she said. “I suppose you’d love it if I bent you over the counter right now and fucked your arse off, eh?”

“Actually, I’m still tender down there – my cunt and my arse!” Laura replied. “But I’ve also got this insatiable need to kiss and touch and hug all of you. I want to snuggle naked with all the girls at once.” She shrugged. “At this point, I think it’s more about closeness than sex.” She placed a tiny peck on Jessica’s nose. “Thank you so much, big sister, for making me part of this. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.”

Jess seated herself at the dining table. “Speaking of our expanded family, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Laura straddled a chair. “Okay. What’s up?”

“It’s about Mum. She’ll be back soon from her cruise… and her new girlfriend.”

“Yeah, you’ll need to have a major discussion with the girls. About… all this. Keeping it under wraps while she’s here.”

Jess brushed her sister’s hand with the tip of a finger as she spoke. “Here’s the thing: how do you feel about Mum, well, joining us?”

Laura arched an eyebrow. “You mean… take our own mother to bed? Make love to her? All of us?”

“Well… yes, actually.” Jess paused. “I don’t know, does that seem completely mental?”

Leaning back in her chair, Laura said, “I’ve been thinking the very same thing. Jess, I really want to!” She placed both hands behind her head, revealing a tuft of light hair under each arm. “When did you first get the idea?”

“It sort of popped into my head a couple of hours ago, while you and I were having it off with Rachel. It seemed weird at first, then not so weird – then I started getting excited. I ended up pretending Rachel was Mum while I fingered her arse. What about you?”

“It started after Mum told me she’d been having sex with women. I was getting more into the idea of what I’d done with your girls, that night they tricked me into bed with them…”

“Admit it, though – they didn’t have to try very hard,” Jess teased.

“Fine, they didn’t. And at the same time, it was pretty clear you wanted me, too. Anyhow, by the time Mum let me know she’d found herself a girlfriend, I was coming round to the conclusion that yeah, I wanted in on your family sex games.” Laura hesitated, then continued. “So one night around then, I was tucked up in bed and having myself a wank, picturing Mum making love to a teenage hottie… and all of a sudden, I saw myself going down on her. Licking my mother’s cunt.” She shook her head. “I came so hard, I cried.”

“Sounds intense,” Jess muttered.

“Oh, it was. And though it sort of freaked me out, I ended up getting myself off a few more times that way. Thinking of Mum. Then you and I finally fucked, then I went through all the girls… well, after that, I was more than ready to embrace my, er, newfound love of family sex. So yeah, big sister – I’m totally into getting Mum involved in, well, whatever the hell it is we’ve got going here.”

Jess slowly nodded. “How to make it happen, though – there’s the million-quid question.”


Unbeknownst to Jessica and Laura, their conversation was being overheard. Seven-year-old Poppy had been watching Kiki’s Delivery Service in the living room with Auntie Rachel and the girls, and decided she wanted an apple juice.

Padding barefoot through the dining room and toward the kitchen, Poppy paused in mid-step when she heard Auntie Laura say “cunt.” Her curiosity instantly piqued, she drew closer to the door, which was slightly ajar.

As she listened to the conversation, the child’s eyes widened, and she clapped a hand to her mouth in utter astonishment. Omigosh – Nonna likes girls!? The thought excited her, quickening her heartbeat.

Once Poppy had been enticed into bed by her mummy and older sisters, she’d eagerly thrown herself into the lesbian life. She always enjoyed getting naked and having naughty fun with her siblings, and Auntie Rachel’s girls. But most of all, she loved sex with grownups.

Poppy never missed an opportunity to get naked and play with her mother, who she loved so much it made her feel all shivery inside. Then there was Mummy’s girlfriend Rachel, with her lovely big titties… and now she had her mum’s sister Auntie Laura to play with, too! And maybe someday, she’d get to fuck Mummy’s friend Stella Morrison, just like her big sister had done the night before.

Now Mum and Laura were discussing getting her grandmother into their family sex game, and that thrilled the seven-year-old to bits. Just thinking about it made Poppy want to jump up and down – only she didn’t, not wanting Mummy to catch her being a Nosey Parker.

“Well, we certainly can’t tell her everything just yet,” Jess was saying, “only that Rachel and I are lovers.”

“That’s enough to start with,” Laura agreed. “Remember – since you switched teams, everyone you’ve fucked besides Rachel is either a member of your family, underage or both.”

“Never thought about it that way, but yeah, I suppose you’re right. So, about this scheme of getting Mum involved… we’d best keep it a secret from the girls. For now, at least.”

Laura giggled. “Can you imagine how they’d behave around Mum if they thought she was gay? She’d know something was up!”

“She’d never guess what that something was, though. Not in a million years.” A pause. “Hmmm.. this tenderloin is almost done. Can you go tell the youngsters to wash their hands?”

Startled, Poppy readied herself to flee.

“And have them scrub that delightful aroma of pussy from their fingers?” Laura replied. “Sister dear, have you taken leave of your senses?”

“Smartarse. Go on, you – fetch the kids, make sure they get cleaned up. Supper’s on in five minutes.”

With that, Poppy raced up the stairs, hastening into her room. Quietly closing the door, she sat down at her desk, lost in thought. Wow… our Nonna is a lesbian? And Mummy wants her to have sex with us, all of us! 

Needless to say, Poppy loved the idea. She adored her grandmother; always looked forward to Nonna’s visits.

For one thing, she had this wonderful scent… a smell that made Poppy feel cosy and warm inside. And Nonna gave the nicest hugs! Now Poppy was imagining what it would be like to get a hug from her when they were both naked. And she’s got a big, beautiful bottom, too, the girl reminded herself. Maybe she’d let me kiss it! 

Effortlessly drifting into the fantasy, Poppy slipped a hand between her legs, picturing her grandmother nude and on all fours, glancing over her shoulder, smiling as she whispered, Would you like to lick my bum, Pretty Poppy?

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Poppy snatched her hand away. “Popstar? You in there?” It was Auntie Laura.

“Um, yeah!” Poppy blurted, getting to her feet. She opened the door to reveal her aunt.

“Hey, cutie – your mum sent me to round you girls up. Supper’s ready,” said Laura. Detecting an extra hint of pink in the girl’s cheeks, she smiled. “And what are you up to behind this closed door, my sweet? Having a fiddle?”

“No!” Poppy protested, then burst into giggles. “Well, maybe.”

“Naughty, naughty,” Laura said, wagging a finger, “Eat first, fiddle later. C’mon, let’s go join the others. Don’t know about you, but I’m famished.” She began to drift toward the stairs, expecting Poppy to follow, but the girl’s voice stopped her.

“Auntie Laura? Could I, um, have a kiss first?”

Turning back to face her niece, Laura was immediately enthralled by the longing she saw in Poppy’s eyes. Yet again, she marvelled at her newfound attraction to little girls, wondering why it had taken her so long to understand how beautiful, how desirable they were. This red-headed moppet of seven was one of the sexiest of them all, and she wasn’t even trying.

Despite the numerous orgasms she’d had over the last twenty-four hours, Laura felt that familiar hunger rising beneath her belly. “Of course you can,” she said. “I bet it’s a sexy kiss you want – isn’t it, you little temptress?”

Nibbling at her lower lip, the child gave a quick but emphatic nod as she came closer.

“Then come here, my love… it’s waiting for you,” Laura whispered, opening her arms.

Poppy tilted her head back as she drifted into Laura’s embrace, and their mouths met in a gentle kiss that didn’t stay gentle for long.

Laura moaned as the girl’s tongue darted between her lips. Poppy was kissing her with a lustful fervour that would put many a grown woman to shame. It comes naturally to her, Laura thought, as a pair of little hands crept down to cup her arse.

But when Poppy slipped a hand down the back of Laura’s shorts, the child’s fingers probing into the cleft of her anus, she had to break away. “No, no, baby girl… they’re waiting for us downstairs.”

“I guess,” Poppy sighed. “Can we fuck later, then?”

God, those words are so much hotter when they’re coming from a little girl. “We absolutely can,” Laura replied, taking her niece’s hand. “Come on, now… let’s go eat.”

“I love you, Auntie Laura,” Poppy murmured.

”I love you too, Popstar.”

Hand in hand, the woman and the child descended the stairs.


Rachel and her daughters left Jessica’s house after supper, intending to turn in early that night – the next day would start off the girls’ last week of school before the summer holidays. After the numerous sexual combinations both families had enjoyed during the day, Jessica, her girls and Laura were a bit shagged out themselves, and also opted to make a short night of it… though Laura did pay a visit to Poppy’s room, where they took turns licking one another to orgasm before turning in.


After getting the girls off to school, Jess went to work. As she drove, she marvelled at how her life had changed in the last three months. I never gave much thought to the idea of sex with a woman, let alone a full-time romantic relationship… look at me now! From swapping kisses with Rachel to incest with my girls, sex with Rachel’s daughters, fucking my sister… Now I’m wondering how to get my mum involved, for God’s sake! She shook her head, awed by the immensity of it all.

Once she arrived at the shop and opened it for the day, Jess busied herself with matters at hand, such as going through potential new summer stock with Caterina. After a quick lunch across the road at Rachel’s tea room, she settled back into the books, remembering what Blanche had said when she picked up the girls from the birthday party.

I wonder if Blanche was serious about helping me open another store? It wouldn’t hurt to call Serena to see if have the assets to afford it… especially if Blanche can swing a good deal on a shop space. She owns half the bloody area, after all. She resolved to speak to her accountant on the matter.

The day passed without any incidents of note, then fifteen minutes before closing, Stella rang.

“Sorry I’m running so sodding late, Jess,” she began. “I’ve been dealing with shipping issues, all to do with a set of canvases I’m supposed to be getting from Luxembourg. I’ll spare you the gory details. Would it be a dreadful bother if I dropped the girls off at your shop… and could you possibly stay a bit after closing hours to help them? There’s some formal event they’ve been invited to, and they daren’t show their faces without, and I quote Sienna, ‘something new and fabulous’. Were we that obsessed with fashion at their age?”

“Worse, as I recall,” Jessica replied. “Don’t worry, Stel, I’ll look after the girls.”

“You’re an absolute treasure, Jess. I’ll be there in ten minutes or so. Ta-ta!” With that, she rang off.

Catarina had to sign out early, so Jess closed the second till. Just as the register printed out the day’s numbers, she heard the door open and looked up to see Stella, closely followed by the twins, who were still in their school uniforms.

Wait a minute – are those really school outfits? She paused to take in the view. No bloody way. The girls’ skirts were considerably higher than regulation length, the blouses short enough to reveal their bare midriffs. The buttons were undone in front, exposing lacy bras.

Her eyes flickered down for a glimpse of those long, lovely legs. She’d admired them before, and right then, there was quite a lot on display to admire. Christ almighty, did these two go home after school and change into something straight out of a porn film before coming here? They’ve got brass, I’ll say that much.

Jess came from behind the counter to greet her guests. “Hello, Stella. Lacey, Sienna – nice to see you girls again.”

“Hi, Jessica!” the twins replied in near-unison.

“Thanks again, Jess,” said Stella, already drifting toward the door. “Sorry to dash, but I’m expecting a crucial call from Brussels in the next half hour. Once that’s dispensed with, I’ll come right back.”

“That’s no problem, Stel. Girls, I’ll give you a chance to look around for a bit. Then when I’m done, I’ll show you a few things I think you’ll like.”

“Oh, I’m sure we’ll love anything you want to show us,” Lacey cooed.

“I’ll be back in an hour or so,” said Stella. “Oh, and Jess – let’s lunch at the Trout sometime soon. My treat.”

“Sounds lovely. Now hurry back to the gallery, for God’s sake, before you miss that call! I’ll leave the door unlocked; just let yourself in.”

Stella turned to Lacey and Sienna. “See you both soon. Don’t dawdle, all right? Let Jess know what you want, so you’ll have what you need when I come back. I’m sure she’s longing to get home to her girls.” Pausing to touch Jessica’s arm, she made a brisk exit.

Jessica turned the CLOSED sign round, then switched off the front shop lights, her mind racing furiously. Okay, I’m clearly being set up here. The twins seduce me, we end up fucking on the sales floor, then Stella comes back early to ‘catch’ us. It’s obvious as a punch in the tit. So… how  should I play this?   

She turned to the twins. “So… your mum told me you two were going to a party.”

“That’s right,” Lacey answered. “It’s a very special event. We want to look our best for the guest of honour.”

Sienna added, “But we also want to be, y’know, totally hot.”

“I see. And the ‘hot’ part, that’s okay with your mother, yes?”

Both girls nodded. “Oh, of course,” Lacey added. “Mum always wants us to look our best.”

With a gesture, Jess led them into the heart of the shop. “Well, these are usually for older girls, but you’re both tall for your age and a bit more developed. Let’s have a look.”

“Thanks, Jessica… but can you give us a few minutes to look around? We’ve got a good idea of what we want.” Lacey murmured, openly appraising Jess from head to toe, then licking her lips.

Taken aback, Jess said, “Well, fair enough. I’ll do some tidying up, then check back in a few minutes.”

Jess made her way back to the tills, where she leaned against the counter, took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She began to straighten the racks, making sure the clothes were hung correctly as she pondered her next move.

Should I fuck them? Can’t say I see a downside to it, not after their little sex party with Alice. Besides, it’s time to put my cards on the table with Stella, once and for all. She adjusted a blouse on its hanger. If she’s honest with me about having sex with her daughters, I’ll be honest with her. Okay, then… let’s do this. 

With a purposeful stride, Jess returned to where she’d left the twins, but they weren’t there. She paused to listen, the hint of a smirk appearing as she heard their voices in the back of the store – the changing area. She advanced forward, resisting an impulse to rub her hands together.

Sienna had stripped off to her flimsy bra and matching panties. Lacey wore a tight, stretch Lycra mini dress done in hot pink with diamond shaped cut-out sides, and was twisting and turning before the large mirror wall, studying her image.

The twins turned to Jess as she approached. Giving them a smile, she said, “Found what you’re looking for, girls?”

Lacey spoke up, once more frowning at her reflection. “Well, we both like this one, but… I dunno, it doesn’t seem to fit right. What do you think?”

Resisting an urge to stare at Sienna’s near-nakedness, Jess moved in for a closer look. “Are you sure that’s the right size? It seems a little tight; your bra strap is showing.”

And I can see your knickers through those cut-outs,” Sienna pointed out. “Only one thing for it, Lace – you have to take off your underwear.”

Aha, Jess thought. So that’s their plan. Very smooth.

“Give me a hand, sis?” Lacey said, turning to allow Sienna to unzip the dress, which she stepped out of to reveal skimpy underthings – identical to what her twin was wearing, naturally. Laying the dress on a nearby sofa, Lacey reached behind to unclasp her bra. Jess was surprised to see Sienna go to her knees and pull her sister’s panties down.

As Sienna stood up, Lacey said, “You should take yours off as well, sis, You’re going to try it on too, right?”

“Hmm. Good point.” Sienna took off her own bra as Lacey knelt to help with the knickers, sliding them down to her sister’s ankles. Sienna stepped out, then the twins turned to Jess, neither of them reaching for the dress.

They were even lovelier than Jess had expected. She feasted her eyes on the girls’ nubile bodies, admiring their well-formed breasts, capped by perky nipples. Bet they’re extra perky right now, she told herself. Their vulvas were shaved smooth but for a tiny sculpted triangle of pubic curls.

The woman’s interest was duly noted by the twins. “Do you think we have nice bodies, Jess?” said Lacey.

Very nice,” Jess replied.

“Aw, thanks. Y’know, Alice is going to be a real stunner in a few years. But she’s beautiful now, really. I noticed that the other night, when we undressed before getting in the hot tub.”

“I bet you’ve got a lovely body, too,” Sienna said. “I mean, we haven’t seen you naked… but I can tell, even with your clothes on.”

Lacey giggled. “We think girls have much nicer bodies than boys. Don’t you think so?”

“Of course she does, Lace!” Sienna declared, nudging her sister with an elbow. “Jess and Rachel Thomas are lovers now, remember? So she already likes women better.”

“Oh, yeah… can’t believe I forgot that.” Lacey gave a wistful sigh. “Now, Rachel… there’s a woman with a great figure. Those tits of hers! Soooo big and round… I wish mine were as nice.”

“Let’s face it – you just like tits,” Sienna said with a snicker. Glancing at Jess, she continued. “It’s true, Jessica. That’s Lacey’s favourite part of a girl… or a woman.”

“Well, I like yours,” Lacey murmured. As she spoke, the girl wrapped an arm around Sienna to draw her nearer, then reached up with the free hand to touch her sibling’s bare chest. First she cupped a small but flawlessly proportioned breast, then circled the light pink nipple with a fingertip.

Jessica’s heart throbbed as the twins turned into each other for a sensuous kiss, their tongues immediately engaging. They began to share caresses, touching each other’s bodies. Sienna slipped a hand between her sister’s thighs to cup the girl’s pubis, while Lacey chose to fondle her twin’s bottom.

Jessica was enthralled by the sight, but thought it best to pretend otherwise. Putting on an expression of shock, she gasped, “Girls! What on earth are you doing?”

Breaking their kiss, they turned towards Jessica, arms still wrapped around one another.

“We’re having a little fun, Jess,” Lacey cooed. “Like we did with Alice at our sleepover. Didn’t she tell you? We found out she’s into girls, the same as me and Sienna. Then she told us how you helped her figure out she was gay.”

“That’s really cool,” Sienna continued. “Mums should teach their daughters things, like ours did. You must be a really good teacher, too. When Alice showed us what she’d learned… oh, it was fucking incredible.”

Okay, they admit it; time to press them for more. “As a matter of fact, Alice did tell me what happened at your sleepover. No one got very much actual sleep, from the sound of it. So, what’s this little scene about? Why are you touching each other that way?”

The twins didn’t even blink. “Did Alice tell you that our mum joined in?” asked Lacey. “She helped us fuck your little girl.”

Hesitating briefly before she spoke, Jess replied, “Yes, she did. My daughter tells me everything.”

“That’s good. So you’re not upset that she had sex with us and Mum?”

Jess shook her head. “No. Alice is a sensible girl. I trust her to make the right decision.”

“Mmm, I see. Does that mean you thought something might happen with us tonight?”

“Oh, I’ve been expecting something like this from you girls. In fact, I seem to recall a certain backyard soiree at your mum’s place, where one of you gave me a very explicit look up your skirt.”

Sienna laughed. “That was me! What can I say? I felt like letting you know I wasn’t wearing knickers.” She turned to her sister. “Hey, Lace… since our mum had sex with Alice, don’t you think it’s only fair that we should get to fuck Jessica?”

Lacey pondered the idea for a few heartbeats. “I suppose that does make sense, yeah.”

“Look, girls, I don’t think we should…” Jess began, affecting an air of reluctance. Of course, she didn’t mean a word of it.

Breaking away from her sister, Sienna slowly advanced toward Jess, with Lacy close behind. “We always thought you were hot, you know.”

“Yeah, you’re sexy as fuck!” Lacey chimed in. “And don’t think we haven’t noticed how you look at us.”

The girls took positions on either side of Jessica, each resting a hand on her shoulder, their bare bodies tantalisingly close. “We were sooo excited about coming here tonight,” Lacey said. “This afternoon, we fingered each other until we came, thinking about you.”

“See, we were talking about what your pussy looks like, and, well, we got kind of excited,” Sienna purred. “By the way, me and Lace have a little bet going about whether you shave or not.”

“Don’t tell us!” Lacey was quick to exclaim. “We want to find out for ourselves.” She began to toy with the buttons at the front of Jessica’s dress, casually unfastening one.

By then Jess was dripping wet, but she continued to put up a front of resistance. Grasping Lacey’s wrist, she spoke in a stern tone. “Girls, fun is fun, but we shouldn’t be doing this. I’m already in a relationship, and you’re underage.”

“So is Alice,” said Lacey, “and we know you’re doing sex with her.”

That caught Jess off guard. She fumbled for a quick comeback, but came up empty.

“Don’t worry, she didn’t tell us anything… we just figured it out,” Sienna said, her hand straying onto Jessica’s breast.  “For one thing, Alice knows much too much about how to fuck.”

“When I saw how fast she got into that strap-on harness, that’s when I knew – she’d been taught by a grownup,” Lacey declared, now stroking Jessica’s bottom. “And who better to learn from than her lesbian mummy?”

“That’s – that doesn’t prove a thing!” Jess blurted, then felt her face grow hot. Shit – these schoolgirls just outsmarted me.

“Hmmm… that’s a strange thing to say,” Lacey murmured. “Don’t you think so, Sienna? Not, ‘How dare you accuse me of having sex with my daughter’… but, ‘You can’t prove I did it’.” She drew closer, her lips grazing Jessica’s ear. “Y’know, Alice has one of the sweetest pussies I’ve ever tasted. Don’t you think so, too?”

“Oh… oh, God.” Lacey had thrust a hand between Jessica’s legs and was firmly massaging her vulva, while Sienna deftly unfastened two more buttons on the woman’s dress, exposing the top of a blue silk bra. “I d-don’t know about this… girls, we shouldn’t…”

“You know you want us,” Sienna whispered. “It’s there in your eyes, every time we meet. Let it happen, Jessica. Let us fuck you. We can give you so much pleasure, just like we did for Alice.” A pause. “Just like we do for our mother.”

Lacey abruptly withdrew her hand, and Sienna began to gather up the bottom of Jessica’s dress to expose matching blue panties. Lacey spoke. “Say you want us, Jess. Say it.”

What the hell just happened? Jess was asking herself. How did I let these two get the upper hand? The twins were now nuzzling their way down her neck, laying a trail of feather-light kisses until their mouths came together, tongues flickering back and forth.

With that, the last fragment of Jessica’s resolve gave way. “Yes, I want you!” she cried. “Fuck me, damn it!”

Sharing a smile of victory, the twins joined in to undo the last remaining buttons on the dress, working with such urgency that Jessica’s back was soon pressed against the wall mirror. Lacey tugged both bra cups down, then fastened her mouth to a nipple, taking the other one between her fingertips. Meanwhile, Sienna caressed the front of Jessica’s panties, then slipped her hand inside, curving her index finger into the woman’s juicy cunt.

Jessica whimpered, tingling from head to toe with rampant lust. Somehow, engaging in sexual activity with Stella’s twins seemed even wilder than what she’d already done with her own daughters. Then again, my girls weren’t so insistent at first, so determined to take what they wanted.

Giving herself over to the moment, Jess placed one hand on the back of Lacey’s head, cradling the teen to her breast. Then she turned to Sienna and seized a handful of hair; pulling her into a sloppy kiss.

When Lacey saw Jess and her sibling swapping tongues up above, she released the woman’s nipple, straightening to engage the others in a three-way kiss that went on for a long while.

Jess finally broke away, heart racing and eager to fuck. Placing a hand on Sienna’s shoulder, she gently guided the girl to her knees.

Without hesitation, Sienna yanked Jessica’s panties down to her ankles with a single sharp tug, baring her dark red pubes. “So pretty,” she sighed, teasing the auburn curls with the tips of her fingers. “Looks like you won the bet, Lace.” She carefully prised the woman’s cunt open before burying her mouth in the juicy flesh.

Watching her sister go down, Lacey showered affection on Jessica’s upper half, using all the tricks in her repertoire. She nibbled Jessica’s ear, gently bit her neck, pinched and tugged at her nipples, stroked her tummy, even reached down to tweak her new lover’s clit.

All Jessica’s sense of self-control and restraint had evaporated like morning mist. She pushed herself away from the wall, causing both girls to break away from her. They stared at the half-naked older woman, ready for anything.

Kicking off her shoes and the sodden knickers that ringed her ankles, Jess moved to the centre of the changing area, shrugging out of her dress in mid-step, then reached behind to unclip and peel away her bra, letting it drop where she stood. Padding over to an open space, she stretched out on the carpeted floor.

Jess looked up at Sienna, pointing at her vulva. “Get back to work, girl.” As one sister eagerly knelt between her thighs, Jess turned to the other. “And you – come feed me that pretty pussy of yours.”

Lacey quickly straddled Jessica’s head, facing her sister. Grasping the teen’s hips, Jess ran her stiffened tongue along the length of Lacey’s slit, dipping into the tart vagina along the way.

As Sienna mouth-fucked her pussy, Jess toyed with Lacey’s sex first – pulling at the labia, teasing the clit with tiny, playful licks, tracing the opening with the tip of her tongue and more. Once the girl was panting hard, desperate to come, Jess suddenly drove her tongue as far as it would go into Lacey’s cunt for a few sharp thrusts, then licked the crack of the teen’s arse, bathing the puckered rosebud. This caused Lacey to moan loudly. Sienna glanced up from Jessica’s pussy to see the look of ecstasy on her sister’s face.

The trio were so engrossed in their lewd games that they didn’t see a figure standing in the shadowed recesses of the shop.

Jess continued her assault on Lacey, now working a finger in and out of the fourteen-year-old’s rectum while licking her cunt. The teen was moaning, tiny quivers rippling through her slender frame that soon became violent jerks. Finally, with a rapturous cry, Lacey went slack, slumping forward until her cheek was resting on Jessica’s belly.

But Jess wasn’t done yet, Centering her attention on the clitoris, she soon spurred the young blonde on to a second orgasm, after which a gasping Lacey rolled away and onto her back, breathing heavily.

Seeing her sister reach climax caused Sienna to redouble her own efforts. She pleasured Jess until the woman was writhing, moaning in ecstasy, finally going limp and lying motionless. Sitting up, her mouth coated with pussy nectar, Sienna crawled over to Lacey and bent down to kiss her sister, sharing Jessica’s flavour.

When Jess opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the twins’ messy kiss. She sat up and moved behind the kneeling Sienna and, after a quick pass of her tongue over the glistening slit, pushed two fingers into the teen’s cunt. Jess moved slowly at first, then sped up, finally pistoning in and out until Sienna was bucking against her, losing contact with her sister.

When their kiss was broken, Lacey rolled over to see a dishevelled Jess fucking Sienna, their bodies moving together like a well-oiled machine. Thinking quickly, she scrambled to position herself behind Jess. She placed her own fingers at the threshold of the woman’s vagina, then plunged them deep inside with one sharp thrust – making a liquid sound that Jessica’s moan very nearly drowned out.

Lacey took a moment to savour how hot Jess was inside – like a furnace! Then she began to fuck her, hard and fast, the same way Jess was giving it to Sienna.

A couple of minutes later, the woman and both girls were all lying exhausted on the carpet, but they all looked up at the sound of a strangled cry.

There was a woman leaning against the wall, watching them. She was holding up her dress with one hand,  mauling her bare cunt with the other.

Lacey was first to speak. “Hello, Mum. Glad you could join us.”

On to Chapter Thirty-Five!


Strange Brew, Chapter 17

  • Posted on July 14, 2023 at 2:09 pm

A quick recap of the Story Thus Far: Rural paramedic Nettie Hastings finds herself in the middle of a flurry of unexplained overdose calls and, with the help of her best friend and former lover, Terry Wilder, has begun putting clues together linking the source to her own hometown. Some suspect Terry’s involvement, as his ex-wife is a convicted drug trafficker. A DEA agent named Bridgette Ramscone is brought in to work the case, and she takes a special interest in Nettie who, in the meantime, has entered into a clandestine affair with Terry’s preteen daughter Halee. On this particular evening, Nettie hosts a sleepover with Halee, Halee’s ten-year-old sister Naomi, and the sisters’ good friend Chelsey. Nettie and the girls play a game Truth or Dare that gets very wild. Later, while Nettie is asleep, Halee accidentally discovers that her mother Kathryn (Terry’s ex, the drug trafficker) is in the area, and clearly connected to the recent overdoses. Furious, Halee sets off on her own to confront her mom before Nettie awakens. A horrified Nettie attempts to pursue the girl, but Halee has a good head start.

For a more detailed breakdown of this story’s chapters, please consult the Chapter Links.

by Rachael Yukey

Terry answered the phone on the first ring. “Morning, Nettie,” he said, as my Kia’s engine purred to life, “I was about to call you. Did something go down with Halee this morning?”

“Has she been there?” I asked, backing out of the driveway and onto the street.

“Yeah, about twenty minutes or so ago. She said everything was fine, you guys would be along shortly, and she was going for a bike ride. But everything wasn’t fine. She was about ready to swallow nails and shit a barbwire fence. Who pissed in her…”

“Terry, shut up,” I broke in desperately. “Listen, I’m coming to pick you up. Call my mom and ask her to come watch the kids for you. Tell her from me it’s an emergency.”

“Whoa, Nettie, what’s…”

“Just do it, Terry. I have to make another phone call, and right now.”

I killed the connection. “Hey Siri,” I said, “call Ramscone.”

“Agent Ramscone, DEA.”

“Bridgett,” I said, as I turned onto Terry’s street. “Kathryn Wilder is in the area, and she’s staying at a house on Shadow Lake Road. I can’t remember the fire number off the top of my head. Halee Wilder found out and took off on her bike; I’m pretty sure she’s heading that way now. I’m just now picking up Terry. Can you get some of your people and…”

“No, I can’t,” she said, as I pulled up to the curb. Terry was standing on the porch with an ominous expression, and less than a block away I could see my mom approaching on foot with that hoity-toity walk of hers, like she’s the fucking queen of England or something.

“We were ordered out last night,” Bridgett went on, “and I’m doing an exit debrief with the county sheriff’s department in Johnstown, with all of my agents.”

Terry got into my car, already beginning to speak. I urgently held up a finger.

“Fronse is here too,” she was saying. “Look, I’ll tell the sheriff’s department to dispatch some people, but they probably won’t be there right away. Meanwhile I’ll get moving in that direction. Nettie, listen to me: do NOT approach that property. Do you understand? Those people are dangerous. I have to hang up now and get units moving.” The line went dead.

“Goddamn it,” I growled, dropping the phone into my lap..

“Okay, Nettie, what the hell?” said Terry.

“Your fucking ex,” I said. “Remember that old blue farmhouse just off of Shadow Lake Road where Crabby Drunk Guy used to live, with all the machinery and crap all over the yard? She’s staying there. Chelsey’s mom and aunt are mixed up with her somehow. Halee found out while I was still asleep, and I think she’s heading out there now.”

Terry’s face drained of color. “I assume you were just on the phone with Ramscone?”

“Yeah, but she was ordered out, and she’s got all of her agents in Johnstown for some debrief right now. Fronse, too. She’s going to come, and get the sheriff’s department moving. She said we should stay away until they get there.”

Terry was shaking his head. “The moment Halee gets there, Kathryn will realize she’s been found out. She’ll crawl into a hole, probably never to be seen again, and she might just take Halee with her. Our only shot is to catch up with Halee before any of these things happen. If you want to stay here, that’s fine.” He reached for the door handle.

My gut clenched at the thought of Halee being taken away. “Fuck that,” I told him, shoving the gearshift into drive. I slammed the accelerator to the floor, my gimpy-ass Kia actually laying rubber as we pulled away from the curb.

“How fast do you think Halee could get there on her bike?” I asked him.

“In the mood she’s in? Halee does everything at double speed when she’s pissed, and she’s been working out on the elliptical all winter. Besides, that place is very close to town as the crow flies. She can cut through on the bike trails, assuming she knows the route, and that’ll knock five miles off. If she’s pushing it, she could be almost there by now.”

I punched the accelerator as we headed out of town, kicking it up to ninety on the heavily patched blacktop of County 225. It was mostly cropland, punctuated by old homesteads flashing by on either side. Collapsing barns and outbuildings stood incongruously within fifty yards of modern homes, mostly occupied by people commuting to jobs in town. The remnants of dairyland.

Just a few miles south, I braked hard, forcing Terry to snatch at the OS bar above his window. Tires screeched as I turned onto Shadow Lake Road, almost skating right the fuck into the ditch as asphalt suddenly gave way to macadam. Significantly, Terry didn’t tell me to take it easy, or slow down. Gravel sprayed as I laid into the gas again.

“Grab my phone,” I told Terry, “and pull up Bridgett’s number. It’s in there as Ramscone. Once we have the mailbox in sight, text her the fire number so she knows where to send people.” I felt his hand scrabbling around in my lap, plucking the phone from between my thighs. At the speed I was going, I didn’t dare take my eyes off the road.

After what felt like hours but was really only a few minutes, I was forced to dump some velocity as the road became twisty and hilly. We were almost there. I braked as the driveway came into view, the old mailbox a little worse for wear than the last time I had been here. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Terry stabbing at the screen of my phone.

The rutted driveway was almost a quarter mile long, and in appalling condition, which didn’t jibe with the theory that someone was living out here. Pine trees pressed in on either side. I dimly recalled that there was another entrance to the property from County Twelve, mostly used by the grain farmer who had been renting the cropland for years. I supposed any new residents might be using that.

“Nettie, watch it!” Terry yelled.

Even as he spoke, I was slamming on the brakes, my front bumper coming up just short of a tree that had fallen across the driveway.

“Fuck!” Terry exploded. Both of us were pushing our doors open, scrambling out of the car.

“The homestead is only maybe a hundred yards up,” Terry was saying, neatly vaulting the lower part of the trunk. “Come on.”

I got over it with somewhat less grace, but right on his heels. As he ran, Terry was texting on my phone. “I’m telling Special Agent Perfume Factory to use the County Twelve entrance,” he tossed over his shoulder.

In spite of everything, I smiled. Leave it to Terry to keep his wits about him, doing his best to take the edge off of a tense situation.

As the woods gave way, we slowed to a trot, looking around. The farmyard was the same war zone it had been ever since I’d first responded here, six years gone. Rusted hulks of farm machinery, dead lawnmowers, piles of rotted wood, scrap metal, and general debris. Bizarrely, a water tower reservoir rested on its side on the ground, brought here for some purpose long forgotten. The old hip barn was half-collapsed, as were several other outbuildings. A long, rectangular poultry barn appeared more or less intact, and a few old sheds were still standing. A house stood in the rough center of it all, it’s blue paint chipped and weathered. As we neared the house, we could hear a voice shouting. A familiar voice.

“Mom!” Halee yelled furiously as we approached, rounding the corner of the house into our view. She banged her fist on a windowframe. “Mom! Come out, goddamn it! Mom!

“Halee!” Terry called out, taking off in her direction at a dead run with me close behind. Halee’s head whipped around. She stood there waiting for us with hands on hips and feet apart. We slowed as we neared her. Halee’s face was red.

“The whole place is locked,” she spat out. “I was just about to break a fucking window.”

Terry hauled up short next to his daughter, pulling her into his arms. I piled in, hugging her from the other side. Terry pressed my phone into my hand.

“You’ll do no such thing, young lady,” he got out,breathless from running. “We’re getting the hell out of here, and right now. Law enforcement is on its way.”

“Are they?” said a female voice from behind us. “Good to know. That means we’ll need you with us to clear out an escape path.”

Disentangling ourselves from Halee, we turned around. Emerging from the open garage door of the old poultry barn was the curly-locked blonde woman, and four men with guns in their hands. Don’t ask me what kind of guns. I grew up rural and can tell you all about deer rifles and shotguns, but one handgun looks like another to me. All I can tell you is that they looked enormous.

I instantly understood how Kathryn Wilder could weave a spell over a person, even a man as bright and self-aware as Terry. From thirty yards away, she had a presence. Fashionable slacks protruded below a long, elegant coat. A scarf that was more an accessory than a neck-warmer looped around her neck. All these things enhanced her appeal, but I knew immediately that this woman would command your attention were she wearing sackcloth.

The five of them approached deliberately, the four men fanning out as they moved forward.

Terry’s face was pure venom. “You unimaginable wretched bitch,” he said.

“Nice to see you, too, Terry. It’s been, what, almost five years?”

Her head turned towards me. “Is this who you’re shacking up with lately? She’s pretty, but Jesus, she’s almost as tall as you are. That must be really strange in the sack.”

She stopped about ten yards from us, and held out her arms. “Halee. My God, I didn’t even recognize you at first. Come to Momma, sweetheart.”

Halee’s face got even redder. The veins in her neck stood out. “People are dead, Mom,” she said. Her voice was low, but vicious. “Kids have been overdosing. Nettie’s dad was killed.” The voice was trembling now, rising in both pitch and volume. “And I heard about what happened at the meat locker. Seven kids tied up in there, and they all would have died if things had gone just a little bit different. You did that!” She was yelling now, tears streaming down her cheeks. “You killed people, Mom! And you tried to kill more than you actually got. Kids I go to school with. Go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself, you bitch!

Kathryn’s arms were back at her sides, her appearance still utterly composed. “I never tried to kill anybody,” she said. “We didn’t anticipate the withdrawal symptoms until they actually started to happen, and then we did what we could to ameliorate the effects. When we realized that people were getting too close… and you have your dad’s girly-friend there to thank for that, by the way… we were bringing the kids in to give them some stuff that our chem guy said would help wean them off before we pulled out. Then a couple of them got lippy and threatened to go to the cops. The guy I left in charge panicked, doped them up, and put them in that room. If I’d been there, that wouldn’t have happened.”

“So what about the explosion?” Terry demanded to know.

“I have no idea,” she said, “and I probably never will, because we’ll never get near the place again. Now look.” She glanced one way, and then the other, as if suddenly on the lookout for something.“I don’t have time to play Twenty Questions. We need to move, and the three of you are going to be our safe passage. We have vehicles just over that hill there.” She jerked her thumb over her shoulder, indicating a rise. “Start walking in that direction, and don’t do anything cute.”

As we got moving, I found my voice for the first time. “What kind of person uses her daughter as a hostage?” I spat out.

She gave me a sour smile. “Aren’t you adorable. Ever been to prison, honey? It sucks worse than just about anything you can imagine. I’m going back there for decades if I’m caught, and I lost my kids a long time ago, anyway. Don’t worry… I intend to fuck right off the continent as soon as we’re clear of Minnesota. Once we’re there, we’ll let you go.”

As we crested the rise, I could see three Ford Explorers parked at the bottom of a ravine, in what looked for all the world like a graveyard for antique farm equipment. The four men had closed in on us, and were only about ten feet behind, Kathryn bringing up the rear.

“Why here?” Terry asked as we descended the hill. “Why the fuck did you have to bring it out here, where your goddamn kids go to school?”

“Oh, Terry,” she said in a sweet, almost singsong voice. “You gave me the idea. I still can’t figure out what possessed you to move to a nowhere place like this, but I realized it was a perfect location to develop the new product. It’s too out of the way for anyone to notice, and the only active police presence was that moron Fronse. That, and there are certain raw materials we needed that happen to be abundant in the area.”

She let out a bark of laughter. “Then there was you, Terry. You’ve been watched ever since they started investigating me. It wouldn’t be hard to shunt any suspicion your way, maybe even set you up to take the fall if things went wrong. Unfortunately it all went south before I had a chance to arrange that. Too bad, really – I’d love to see how you like being behind bars, lover boy.” That sweetness in Kathryn’s voice now dripped with venom.

We’d reached the bottom of the hill and the waiting SUVs. Kathryn seemed to consider options for a moment.

“Okay,” she said with an air of decision. “We’ll leave one truck behind. Let’s have…”

“DEA! Stay right where you are!” boomed a woman’s voice through a bullhorn. Bridgett. I looked around frantically, trying to make out where the voice was coming from. Before  I could orient myself, rough hands pulled me behind the rusty shell of a combine, a gun suddenly at my temple. We were quickly joined by Kathryn and the remaining three gunmen, two of whom were holding guns on Halee and Terry. Bridgett was still speaking into the bullhorn.

“You are directed to place your weapons on the ground and your hands on your head! You are surrounded by greatly superior numbers. I repeat, weapons on the ground, hands on heads. You have two minutes to comply before we start moving in.”

“Dammit,” muttered the man who was covering Terry. “I knew we shoulda cleared out the moment the fuckin’ locker got hit.”

“And you also understood perfectly well why we couldn’t do that,” Kathryn replied calmly, then raised her voice. “Listen up, DEA. In case you somehow didn’t notice, I’ve got hostages. I want a clear path, and safe passage out of here. We’re going to be driving out in two of these SUVs, and if you interfere in any way, there’ll be one less hostage. Any questions?”

Silence. Kathryn smiled grimly. “I guess they don’t have questions. All right, let’s go. Hostages out front.”

I felt the pistol nudge me in the back, and somehow got my feet moving. I hadn’t realized until this precise moment just how scared I was. Every step was like trudging through quicksand. Terry, Halee, and I walked roughly abreast, me in the middle, guns to our backs. Halee looked pale and afraid; Terry’s face a mask of purest hatred.

Suddenly from my left came a yelp and a curse. My head jerked around in that direction, and I saw Halee’s captor pitching forward, pinwheeling his arms. The lower third of his right leg had disappeared into a hole in the ground. As he passed the fulcrum point there was a snapping sound, he screamed, and the gun in his hand went flying. All of this happened in the barest fraction of a second.

The man hit the ground whimpering, then screaming again as he withdrew his leg from the hole. I saw Halee dive for the ground, coming up with the gun. She turned towards us, handling the weapon gingerly, fear written into every facet of her expression.

“Okay,” she said, her voice trembling with pure terror. “Okay…” she seemed at a loss as to how to proceed. She was slowly backing away, trying and mostly failing to steady the firearm.

One of Kathryn’s men, the one who wasn’t covering Terry or myself, stepped towards her. “Listen here, kid,” he said. “Quit wavin’ that thing around, okay? You’re just as likely to shoot your dad as one of us. You don’t want that, do you? Just put it on the ground, nice and easy.”

The man was still moving, having detached himself a bit from the main group. Halee swung the gun towards him. He made a flinching motion, raised his gun, and fired.

Halee dropped the gun with a hideous scream, a hand flying up to clutch the right side of her chest. Another shot, and the girl fell to her knees, still screaming. Then she pitched forward. It was all happening in a macabre sort of slow-motion before my eyes. Terry yelled “Halee! No, goddamn it!” and was rushing towards her, heedless of the weapons arrayed against him.

Stop shooting, you idiot!” Kathryn was yelling, all vestiges of her former composure lost. And then my paralysis broke.

No!” I screamed, breaking into a run. It was only maybe a dozen steps to where Halee lay, and I fell to my knees next to her, Terry at my side. “Oh no; no no no no,” I heard myself saying, but another part of my mind was clinically considering the two exit wounds in her back. One was in the upper right, the blood foamy and pink, a sure sign the bullet had gone straight through a lung. The other was through the right lower side of the abdomen and bleeding profusely.

“Let’s get her on her side,” I said. The voice seemed hardly my own, as if I was merely a spectator. Terry helped me roll her onto her left side, with another pair of hands assisting. Kathryn.

“Get away from her,” Terry spat out at her through clenched teeth.

Kathryn ignored him, her face once again the picture of utter calm. A quick glance up told me that the three of Kathryn’s men who were still functional were standing over us, weapons trained on myself and Terry. Clearly Kathryn had no intention of giving up her hostages.

I tried to move Halee’s clothing aside as best I could, inspecting the entrance wounds. The chest injury presented in almost identical fashion to its counterpart in the rear. The abdominal wound was oozing red blood, but I had some hope that it hadn’t hit anything too important. Halee’s eyes cast around frantically, coming to rest on Terry.

“Daddy,” she moaned. Her breath hitched and gasped, and I watched the foamy pink stuff being sucked into the chest wound, then expelled again.

“Don’t try to talk, Halee,” I said. “Just rest; we’re taking care of you.”

Her eyes flicked to me. She seemed to be having trouble focusing. “Nettie,” she whispered. “Love…”

“Shhh,” I said, putting a finger to her lips. I shrugged out of my jacket, reached around behind her, and pressed the fabric to the exit hole from the abdominal wound. I looked up at Kathryn. “Give Terry your scarf,” I said, “so he can hold pressure on the entrance wound.”

She pulled it free of her neck and handed it to him.

“What about the sucking chest?” Terry asked me as he pressed the scarf against his daughter’s abdomen. His voice was raw and harsh with emotion.

“Is medical attention required?” a voice called out from above. I looked up, and Bridgett was standing just uphill from us on the opposite side of the ravine, not far from the treeline.

“If we don’t get an ambulance out here, she’s going to die,” I called back.

“No ambulance!” one of the gunmen snarled at me.

“I have one of the Bronning rigs staged just over the ridge,” Bridgett called back.

“Kathryn, listen to me,” I said, putting as much urgency into my voice as I could muster. “She has a punctured lung. Hear how she’s breathing? That’s only going to get worse.”

Halee shifted a little on the ground, and suddenly she screamed, hands clutching at her wounded abdomen. The initial shock had worn off, and the pain had arrived. The scream choked off into a fit of agonized hacking. My heart was hammering in my chest. Kathryn Wilder was simply staring at her daughter, face a mask of impassivity.

“Kathryn, please,” I begged. “She needs to go to the hospital, and I need to go with her.”

That, at least, got a reaction. Kathryn flicked her eyes towards me, a sardonic grin curling her lips. “Nice try,” she said. “You’re not the only ambulance driver around here. The crew that came with that truck can take her just fine.”

“No, they can’t,” I shot back. “Without me it’s a basic life support crew, and she needs more than that. She needs a paramedic on the way to the hospital, and I’m the only one within thirty miles. The EMTs on that truck are good, but they can’t do the things that’ll keep her alive.”

“She’s telling the truth, Kathryn,” Terry put in.

I looked down at Halee. Her face was twisted in agony, her breathing increasingly labored. I was starting to get mad.

“Look,” I spat out. “I’m taking Halee to the hospital. And if you have any love left for your daughter, you’ll let us both go.”

I gathered Halee up in my arms, freezing as I heard the sound of a safety being flicked off behind my head. I very nearly lost control of my bladder.

“Just stay still, missy,” one of the men said.

I turned my eyes to Kathryn. Fear warred with determination. “Is this really what you want?” I whispered.

Bridgett’s bullhorn-assisted voice boomed forth. “EMS has been apprised of the situation and is requesting permission to extract the patient. Will you allow it?”

My mind rebelled at the idea of allowing EMS personnel in a hot zone, but I knew that Kathryn would never allow agents or cops to get near, and Halee was dying by inches. Even if I wasn’t permitted to go with her, they could get an intercept coming with an ALS rig from another agency, and there would maybe be a chance. I held eye contact with Kathryn, daring her to look away.

“Fine, send them in,” Kathryn called out suddenly.

“Can I go with her? I really am the only provider nearby that’s qualified for this.”

She threw up her hands. “All right then, go. But Terry stays.”

One of her men rounded on her. “What, are you fucking kidding…”

“Let her go!” Kathryn turned steely eyes on him. He held it for a long moment, then dropped his gaze. “Just keep your guns on Terry. One hostage will be enough. If the cops try anything cute, we shoot him in the leg to prove we mean business.” She gave Terry a thin-lipped smile. “I’ll take care of that myself.”

An ambulance crested the rise, jouncing badly on the rutted path that had been beaten into the long grass by the SUVs. As it neared, I could make out the occupants of the cab: Nate Hauss was driving, with Lori Hendersen in the shotgun seat. Both were volunteers of long standing, and knew what they were doing.

The rig pulled up alongside. Lori slid out of the cab, eyeing the armed men warily. I could see Nate getting out on the other side. Lori’s eyes shifted down to Halee, widening slightly.

“Lori, grab me the ALS bag and the first-in bag, right now,” I said. Frightened for my own life and dying with anguish over Halee though I was, years of habit kicked in, and I took command instantly. Lori spoke not a word, just popped the side door, and trundled her dumpy yet somehow graceful body up the two steps into the box. She emerged a moment later with both bags, dropped them on the ground beside me, and went back for the monitor. Nate was at the back doors, pulling out the cot.

Terry and I tore into the bags. “Occlusive dressings?” he inquired, even as he was ripping one out of its packaging.

“Both front and back on the chest wound,” I replied. I had extracted a set of trauma shears, and was slicing away the jacket and sweater. Terry mopped blood from his daughter’s chest and adhered one of the dressings to the skin, valve over the wound, and then looked in the bag again.

“Fuck,” he spat out, “there’s only one of them. We’ll have to make one.”

“Already on it,” said Nate, who was using shears to cut out a neat square of plastic from the packaging Terry had just ripped open. As the two men worked to secure it to Halee’s back, Terry holding the plastic and Nate taping it down on three sides, Lori was applying large dressings to the still-bleeding abdominal wounds. Me, I was frantically searching for an IV site. Fortunately Halee had good vasculature, and a vein was easy to find.

I fought a momentary battle with myself over the use of a clotting agent. My horseback estimate of Halee’s weight left her right on the cusp of being big enough for it. Then I looked back down at the rapidly-soaking dressings over her abdomen, eerily reminding me of Sam Jensen’s injury only a week ago, and decided to chance it. There wasn’t much hope otherwise. At least with the occlusive dressings preventing her from sucking air into the chest cavity, Halee’s breathing was starting to ease.

“Load her up,” I said. As several pairs of hands lifted Halee from ground to cot, I feverishly dug the clotting agent out of the ALS bag and drew it up. Halee screamed with pain as she was lifted, the first sound she’d uttered in several minutes. Her eyes fell on Terry.

“Daddy, help me,” she moaned. Her voice was phlegmy, and I wondered how much moisture there was in her pipes. Terry tried to move towards the cot she was being strapped to, but a gun to his temple and a muttered, “Uh-uh, buddy boy,” from one of the gunmen brought him up short.

Carrying my loaded syringe, I made for the rig as the cot was shoved into it. “Tell your hired goons to help with the bags,” I tossed over my shoulder to Kathryn.

“What about him?” Lori wanted to know, indicating the man who had broken his leg. I glanced in his direction. He was lying on the ground, clutching his deformed calf, and weeping.

“Fuck him,” I said shortly. “Let’s go.”

The last thing I saw before slamming the side door behind me was Terry. He stood staring at the rig into which his daughter had disappeared, mouth a little slack, tears coursing down his stricken face. It’s an image that’s burned itself into my brain forever.


“Just what the hell were you thinking, Nettie?”

I was in the passenger’s seat of Bridgett’s black DEA suburban, situated in the visitor’s parking lot at the Pinewood Memorial Hospital in Johnstown. Halee was at that moment undergoing emergency surgery to get the hemorrhaging under control, after which she’d be transferred to Children’s in Minneapolis. Unless the weather improved, she’d be making the journey by ground with Thormleton. I’d already been on the phone with my boss, asking if I could be allowed to personally oversee the transfer, and Greg Wahlberg had politely but firmly told me to go the fuck home.

Bridgett was eyeballing me over a steaming cup of Starbucks coffee, the question still hanging in the air between us. I took a sip of the coffee she had bought me, mulling over the crazy, fucked-up sequence of events. Kathryn Wilder and her men were currently en route to the Canadian border, Terry still their captive. They were being shadowed, but the hostage situation prevented any direct action.

“We were hoping to get to Halee before she got to Kathryn,” I said at last. “Terry was afraid that she’d disappear and take Halee with her, long before your people made it to the scene.”

Bridgett pursed her lips. “He probably wasn’t wrong about that, but nevertheless you’ve immensely complicated things. Now we have a girl in critical condition, and they still have a hostage.” Her expression softened. “To be fair, it doesn’t sound like she got shot because of anything you or Wilder did. It was just rotten luck.”

I felt a sour smile take hold of my face. “Poor Halee,” I said. “She thought really fast and got hold of the guy’s gun when he dropped it, but then once she had it she didn’t quite seem to know what to do.”

“We can hardly blame her for that,” said Bridgett. “Most adults would have done no better. Nobody is ever really prepared for the reality of having a loaded weapon pointed at them.”

Tears stung my eyelids. “I was so goddamn scared,” I admitted, focusing my gaze on the steam issuing from the drinking orifice in the lid of my coffee cup. “I almost pissed myself at one point.”

Bridgett laid a hand on my forearm. “I got shot at once, during a sting,” she said. “I shit my pants. There’s no shame.”

I sipped more coffee, fighting to keep my emotions in check. Once I was sure I wasn’t about to explode in a fury of weeping, I spoke again. “So what’s the plan now? How are they getting Terry back? Come to think of it, why aren’t you out there directing traffic?”

“Because they’re not even within my regional jurisdiction at this point. I’m still in the loop and part of the operation, but my job is the situation on the ground here. There are still a lot of unanswered questions. According to what you’ve told me, Kathryn stated that there was a reason they stuck around after the locker operation got hit. It might tie into whatever the hell Darren Sanders was doing on that ATV out on Merlin Creek Drive. And the one good thing about this whole shitty turn of events is that I’ve been given some extra time and resources to look for those answers.”

She sipped more coffee. “As for Mr. Wilder, for the moment we just hope Kathryn makes good on her promise to let him go. We don’t have the slightest clue what her exit strategy is, so all we can do is hope that once there’s no longer a hostage, there’ll be a weakness we can see and exploit to prevent her from getting away.”

“Have you questioned Judy and Lisa Milne?”

“They’re both in custody, and they both instantly lawyered up. We’ll probably have to offer them a very good plea deal to get any information. Of course, that also brings up another question. Mr. Wilder’s three younger girls and Chelsey Milne are now at Mr. Wilder’s residence, under the care of your mother. Do we bring the state in for short-term care arrangements, or is there a better option?”

“Chelsey has some other family in the area who might be able to help,” I said. “If not, I can take her for a little while. Terry’s girls, too. There’s no need to get the state involved.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” said Bridgett. “There’ll be a little bit of red tape, but nothing my people can’t handle. Look, I need to get back to Bronning and coordinate a few things. Why don’t you ride back with me?”

“I should be here when Halee comes out of surgery,” I said.

“What for? My understanding is that she’ll be kept under sedation, and transferred to Minneapolis on a vent.”

I sighed, knowing she was right. “Fine,” I said. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

On to Chapter Eighteen!


Adventure in the Bush, Chapter 3

  • Posted on July 9, 2023 at 2:52 pm

by kinkychic and kinky’s_sis

Susy and I were still holding hands when we got back to the farmhouse. Agetha was sitting outside. She waved a greeting and called for us to sit with her.

“You have nice day, yes? I can see you both happy.” She peered closer at my face and then at Susy’s, then nodded thoughtfully. “You good friends now, very good friends, no? Is good, I am happy for you. Not let Tiny see, he will not like. Anyhow, he stupid and see nothing. But I love him anyway.” Then she laughed.

I was taken aback. She’d seen right through us.

“You stay for dinner, Susy. Nice having young people.” She didn’t wait for an answer. “Is settled, good.”

I showed Susy to my room. She saw the two piles of stuff on the beds. “Sharing with someone?”

It struck me that I’d not yet mentioned Lucy to her. “Oh, yes… my little sister Lucy. She’s out with Tiny.”

We had a little snog together, then I told her, “If you want to have a shower, take one of my towels. I’d love to join you, but I guess Lucy will be here any minute.”

Sure enough, Tiny and my sister were back. They’d just come into the living room, and it appeared that Tiny was going to show Lucy how to clean his gun. I figured they’d be occupied for a while, so I went to ask if I could help Agetha, even though I knew she would shoo me out. Which of course she did.

When I saw Tiny dismantling the gun on his own, I realised that Lucy had gone upstairs. Shit!

I raced up after her. Once I’d reached the top, there was my sister in the hallway, giggling to herself. When Lucy saw me, she grabbed my arm and all but dragged me into our room. She wore a wicked grin. “I see now why you’ve been happy here on your own! Fuck me, she’s a stunner.”

I felt myself colouring, and was unable to meet my sister’s gaze. “That’s Susan – well, Susy. She’s a vet working near here. We met at Dad’s grave yesterday.”

“So, you get in her panties yet? If I know you, then you did. No wonder you’ve gone a bit cool on me.”

I turned around to shush my sister, then gasped, horrified. Susy was standing right behind Lucy with a hand to her mouth. Oh, NO.

Lucy wasn’t a bit fazed. Turning around, she offered Susy her hand. “Hi, beautiful lady. I’m Lucy. Don’t mind me, or what I say. I’m just like that, spouting off the first thing that comes into my silly head.” Going up on tiptoe, she kissed Susy’s cheek. “It’s lovely to meet you, and no wonder Maddie kept you a secret from me. I accidentally saw you in the shower, and I was just telling my big sister how totally gorgeous you are.”

Susy looked flustered, torn between embarrassment and feeling flattered. Hell’s bells, Lucy was already flirting with her!  “Lucy, will you behave yourself, please?”

Lucy glanced from me to Susy, then back again. “Me? Behave, sis? Like, when do I ever behave? Anyway, I’m going for a quick shower.” And with a huge wink, she made her exit.

Susy and I took a glass of wine each out onto the verandah, where we seated ourselves on deck chairs. “Maddie, she’s only a kid! Does she always act so grown up and flirty? My God, how old is she, anyhow?”

I rolled my eyes. “She’s supposed to be twelve, but sometimes I wonder if Lucy isn’t a very wild twenty-five-year old in disguise. And yes, she does always act like that. And yes again, she was flirting with you.”

“Oh, my. And, er, was she implying that the two of you were, er… how can I put it?” Her cheeks were bright red.

At that moment, I could have happily throttled Lucy. Once again, her utter lack of restraint had landed me in the soup, this time with someone I really, really liked. “Susy, please don’t be shocked. Yes, my sister and I have sex, but we can still have girlfriends of our own. I love Lucy, but we’re not in love, y’know?”

“Okay, but… how in the world did that happen? I’ve got a brother, and I couldn’t even imagine, um, fooling around with him.”

“Well…” It occurred to me that I’d never told anyone about Lucy and me before. “Actually, it was Lucy who got things going between us, back when she was ten.”

Susy’s eyes widened a bit, but then she nodded. “If I hadn’t just met her, I’d find that hard to believe. Your sister seems like a – a force of nature!”

“That she is. Lucy figured out she liked girls at a very early age, then she decided I was going to be her first fuck, and told me so. I resisted, but she wore me down soon enough. Anyhow, Lucy’s the one who convinced me that I liked girls, too. But really, can you blame me? You’ve seen how cute she is.”

I could see Susy was picturing Lucy, perhaps picturing her in my arms. But before she could reply, my sister appeared in the flesh. She’d changed into panties and a t-shirt.

Lucy didn’t waste any time, just went straight to Susy. “Do me a favour?” she said. “Tie my hair up at the back for me, please.” She turned herself around and seated herself between Susy’s legs.

It took a moment, but Susy soon did what Lucy wanted. But instead of getting up, my sister leaned back against Susy’s chest. “Mmm… you’re really comfy.”

Susy didn’t seem to know what to do with her hands, but Lucy took hold of them, wrapping Susy’s arms around her waist, then placing both hands on her tummy. “You don’t mind, do you, Susy? It feels nice,  having you hold me.”

We were saved from what was quickly becoming an awkward moment when Agetha called us to the table. Susy had a very dazed look as she followed me to the dining room. We took our seats at the large oaken table, Lucy and I on either side of Susy.

That evening, Tiny was in a very expansive mood. It seemed the grape harvest was up twenty percent over any previous year. And the quality of the grapes, he explained, was the best ever.

Perhaps the wine we drank was of a lesser vintage, but it flowed freely until we finished our meal. Then Tiny fetched a bottle of brandy. It wasn’t long before I felt more than a little woozy, and Susy was stumbling over her words.

I saw Lucy rest a hand on our new friend’s leg, but Susy seemed totally oblivious to it. Fascinated, I watched my sister’s hand moving, lightly stroking as it inched higher.

Susy leaned closer to me. “That’s nice, Maddie,” she whispered, “but shouldn’t you wait?”

Then she saw my hands resting on the table. Peering beneath, she blushed at the sight of Lucy’s hand, but said nothing, just reached for her brandy and took a swig. By then, Tiny had gone outside to smoke his pipe and Agetha was busy in the kitchen.

Clutching my arm, Susy leaned in close to me, until her lips were touching my ear. “Maddie, your little sister is touching my pussy,” she said. “What should I do?”

“Tell her to stop,” I replied. “She’ll do it if you say so. Or let her keep doing it. The choice is yours.”

With her free hand, Susy reached down to take hold of Lucy’s wrist. I thought she was going to pull it away, but I was wrong. Instead, she pressed it firmly against her vulva. “Oh fuck! I c-can’t help it,” she whimpered. “Don’t stop, Lucy!”

Her grip on my arm tightened, and I could feel her body tremble. She was coming. And she finished just as Agetha returned to the room.

“Miss Susy, I think you stay here with your friends,” Agetha insisted. “Too much drink to go back your camp.” As usual, she didn’t wait for an answer – which was just as well, because I’m not sure Susy was able to speak. “Good. Is settled.”

I suggested that we needed a bit of fresh air and told Agetha we were going to sit out back.

Susy was unsteady on her feet, and I don’t suppose that I was much better. I guided her to the high-backed bench seat, where we sat side by side. Lucy was following close behind. Approaching the bench, she quickly straddled Susy’s thighs, facing her.

Yet again, Susy looked completely bewildered. Lucy spoke up. “I made you come,” she said. “Don’t you think I deserve a kiss at least?”

Susy didn’t move, just stared – so Lucy leaned in and brought their mouths together. Of course, my sister was an expert kisser. She was gentle at first, then grew increasingly fervent as Susy gradually began to respond. Soon, they were kissing like passionate lovers.

Taking Susy’s hand, Lucy slipped it under her top, right up to her budding breasts. I half-expected Susy to pull away, but she left her hand there when Lucy withdrew hers. Then I saw movement beneath that thin t-shirt, and knew that Susy was fondling my sister. Lucy wanted more, though. Taking Susy’s other hand, she shoved it into her knickers.

I saw the exact moment when Susy penetrated my sister. Lucy threw her head back, a choked scream escaping her throat before she managed to clap a hand over her mouth. Susy began to work her finger – or was it fingers? – in and out.

I was gobsmacked. Just a few hours ago, Susy was very nearly too shy to undress in my presence. Now she was finger-fucking my underage sister, and groping her mostly flat chest.

They also were trying to kiss, but Lucy was panting too hard. Then her body was shaking frantically as she came, moaning, “Oh my God, oh m-my God!”

Fuck, I was turned on. I’d just seen my sister and my new best friend get each other off in the most erotic circumstances. And me? Not a sniff.

Finally spent, Lucy squirmed about until she was nestled like a child in Susy’s lap. It’s funny – my little sister is anything but innocent, but somehow she always looks like a perfect angel after sex.

Her eyes closed, a smile lingering on her lips, Lucy whispered, “I love you, Susy.”

Susy cradled my sister close, emotions flooding over her face. Finally, she spoke. “You two have really turned me around today. I give in. I – I love you, Maddie.” Bending down, she kissed Lucy’s forehead. “And you,” she added

It was time I had my say. “Huh, it’s all right for you two… but poor me, I’m feeling hot and frustrated.”

Lucy looked up at Susy. “You think we should take her to bed, lover?”

Susy laughed. “I do believe we should. Let’s you and me take Maddie upstairs and fuck her silly, shall we?”

So up the stairs we went. Giddy as I was, I still recall Lucy spreading several of my towels on the bed before we got started.

Susy was puzzled. “What’s that for?”

“Because Maddie’s had so much to drink, she’ll probably let fly when she comes.”

“What? You mean she’s gonna pee on us?” Susy seemed a bit shaken.

Lucy looked at her, astonished. “You mean, you never squirt when you come?”

“No, never. I wouldn’t let myself,” Susy replied.

Lucy took her hand. “Well, it’s time you did. We love it, and I really want to taste you.”

Susy stared from one of us to the other. “Are you fucking serious?”

Lucy looked at me. “You need a pee, sis?” I shook my head. Then to Susy, she said, “You sit on her face, toward me, so you can watch me eat Maddie’s pussy while she licks you.”

So Susy positioned herself over my face, Lucy and me giggling when she nearly lost her balance. I thought it was a good job that Agetha and Tiny’s room was at the far end of the house.

Lucy dove into my pussy. God, I was already hot and wet, in desperate need to feel my sister’s tongue. Of course I couldn’t see, but later Lucy told me how Susy had stared open-mouthed as my little sister sucked my clit, then how Susy squirmed when she felt my tongue between her lips. How she grabbed her own tits to squeeze and massage them while never, not even for a second, taking her eyes away from Lucy’s mouth on my pussy.

Lucy worked her usual magic, and it wasn’t long before I felt my blood racing. My eyes were glued to the sight of Susy’s arsehole right in front of me. For the briefest moment I hesitated, but I knew she was just as drunk as me, and more open to trying something new.

First I dipped a finger into her pussy, getting it nice and wet. Then I touched her puckered hole, and Susy instantly went rigid. I thought she might try to move away, so my other hand firmly was gripping her thigh, holding her in place. I twisted my finger as I pressed forward, and then I was in. “Maddie, no!” she called.

But I only went deeper into Susy’s anus. As a distraction, I took her clit between my lips to suck. “Oh, God,” she moaned. I slowly began to withdraw my finger, and her bumhole relaxed, so I pressed forward again – and this time, it went all the way in.

Susy heaved at my tongue, and I knew she was close to coming, so I started fucking her arse with my finger. Her rhythm changed, and now she was meeting my thrusts. Lucy told me it was then that Susy reached out for her hand, clutching it tightly.

Suddenly my back arched, my pussy spasmed, and I was there, coming hard. Lucy pulled back a bit, though her fingers were still toying with me. I felt the surge roll through me like an earthquake as juice flowed from my cunt. Lucy opened her mouth wide, taking it in.

Susy gave a huge shudder, her pussy grinding at my lips. “Go on Susy, let it go!” Lucy cried. Susy groaned, and then she flooded me in a seemingly endless stream of her nectar. Then she simply collapsed on top of me. I withdrew my finger from her arse but continued to lick her dripping pussy.

After a long rest, Lucy and I rose and cleaned ourselves up. Susy was fast asleep, so we let her doze in peace. She never stirred once as we got into bed on either side of her. We snuggled close and soon went to sleep ourselves.


At breakfast the next morning, Tiny told us there was a group going out that day to try and find a sick elephant that had been reported. It had attacked a kraal, injuring two natives and causing a lot of damage.

Normally, elephants never attack a human habitation. It usually happens only when one goes rogue and is cast off from the family, usually when the animal is driven mad by poachers’ poisoned arrows. If this was the case, it couldn’t be saved. The poor beast needed to be put out of its misery before it killed someone.

I got up from the table and rushed outside. I was weeping uncontrollably when Susy put her arms around me. “Maddie, what is it – the elephant?”

“It’s… it’s how Dad died,” I blurted between sobs. “He went out after one, exactly the same, but he ran into the poachers. He was wounded by an arrow and died from sepsis.”

Agetha came up beside us. “Told you Tiny stupid, forgets everything. He very upset now, feel bad.”

Tiny stood in front of me, holding out his arms, I went to him and he hugged me tightly. “I’m sorry,” he said. “Forgive me for not thinking.”

“No, Tiny, it’s me. I shouldn’t react like that. I’m okay, honestly. When are we leaving?”

“We?” he said. “You can’t go.”

“Why ever not? Susy’s a vet, and it’s what my dad did. I want to be there, to see its suffering end.”

He took a while to consider, then Vusumuzi walked over. “I look after ladies,” he said. At that, Tiny gave a nod.

A convoy of five assorted vehicles set off. Lucy elected to stay behind with Agetha. She didn’t want to see an elephant killed, even if it was for a good reason.

We were now in open country punctuated by occasional scrub. Between us, Vusumuzi and I pointed out and named the many animals we saw for Susy’s benefit. Her favourites were the huge kudu with their majestic horns. I told her the ones with the long straight horns were the males, while the females’ tended to be slightly curved and swept-back. Vusumuzi said that even the lions were wary of those horns. They were as long, sharply pointed, and as deadly as spears.

We saw a pair of rhinos, two pride of lions and any number of the many species of antelope. And then the ugliest of all the wild animals, the warthog.

We stopped at several small villages, inquiring after the elephant. The villagers knew it was about, but no one knew where. Some just pointed vaguely toward the north, others more westerly. They did, however, warn that we should take care, as poachers had also been seen. The men decided to divide the convoy into two, and once more we set off.

Several hours later, a lone native told us the elephant was not far away. He said we would most likely hear it before we actually saw it. It was in terrible pain and had gone quite mad.

A short distance farther, we parked beside some fairly dense scrub. As soon as the noise of the engine died, we heard the elephant. Vusumuzi said it was about two or three hundred yards away on the far side of the scrub.

Vusumuzi, Tiny and one other member of the crew disappeared into the bushes. The other four remained with us, rifles at the ready as they kept a lookout for any sign of the poachers.

I expected to hear only one shot but when we heard several, fired in quick succession, we knew there was trouble. The men told us to get back in the truck and keep our heads down.

No sooner had we done so than we heard a vehicle start, followed by the sound of crashing and breaking undergrowth. A battered jeep rocketed out of the bush only fifty yards away. The driver swung the vehicle away when he saw us, and the man beside him raised a rifle and fired in our direction. The four men of our crewl fired at the fleeing jeep. I saw the rifleman drop, but whether he had been hit or was just ducking, I had no idea.

Two of the men decided to go and check that Tiny, Vusumuzi and the other man who had joined them were okay. Just as they were setting off, there was one more shot and the wailing stopped. The two men came back, and everyone climbed back in the trucks.

On the far side of the scrub, we saw Tiny and Vusumuzi standing by the huge elephant lying on the ground.

I grabbed Susy’s arm as she went to climb down. “No – stay here, Susy, you don’t need to see this.”

She gazed at me through her tears. “I do. I have to see what those bastards do to these beautiful animals.”

The missing men came out of the bush, one of the group shoving a stumbling native along. Tiny asked him, “Just the one, Jake?”

“Another one in there, dead,” he answered.

They collected the dead poacher. His body, together with the prisoner and the elephant’s extracted tusks, was loaded into one of the trucks. Susy was horrified at the removal of the tusks, until Tiny pointed out that they had to be taken to the police. Besides, if they were left behind, the poachers would only return for them.

On the drive back, Tiny told us that the elephant had indeed been shot with poisoned arrows, probably several months ago. He said that these poachers weren’t the ones who had done it. These guys had rifles, not bows.

It was already dark when we arrived back at the farmstead. We were all tired, filthy with dust and ravenously hungry. Tiny offered to drive Susy back to the research base camp, but Agetha told him, “She stay here.”

Susy looked chuffed for a moment, then her face dropped. “I’ve got to go back,” she sighed. “I don’t even have a change of clothes.”

Agetha, as ever, took charge. “Tiny take you and you fetch back, dinner nearly ready then. Is settled.”

I had finished showering and put on fresh clothes by the time Tiny and Susy returned. She headed straight for the shower with Lucy following.

I noticed that Susy seemed a bit jumpy when they returned to the dining room. Something was off about her, and I couldn’t figure out what it was. “Are you okay?” I said.

“Uh, yes, fine. But, um, I could do with a drink.” I saw her twitch, then frown. Then she abruptly raised her eyebrows, her mouth falling open.

Oho! I thought. I bet my little bugger of a sister is up to her favourite game. Oh well, this should be fun.

Susy almost spilled her wine just before she took a gulp. Yep, there was no doubt. Lucy had somehow got Susy to wear her vibrating bullet in her pussy, and Lucy had control of the remote. I gave my sister a look but she smiled sweetly at me.

As I walked past her, I said very quietly, “Only on low until after dinner, and I mean it!”

How on earth Susy kept a straight face through dinner, God only knows. She did clutch my leg several times, but other than that, she did fine. I did notice she smiled a lot, though. She was clearly happy – or perhaps just relieved to have got past the horrid events of the past twelve hours.

After dinner, I suggested we take the wine out to our new favourite back-garden bench. It was just light enough for me to see Susy rubbing her front as we walked. “Got an itch?” I asked her.

Yes, I bloody have.” Then she almost jumped two feet, so I knew Lucy had turned the remote up. Susy flopped down on the seat, both hands pressed between her legs. “Oh God, that’s soooo nice.” Then she grabbed my hand as she twitched again. I knew she was on the highest setting now.

“You want some help?” I asked, pushing her skirt up. When I touched the front of her panties, I found them drenched. “These aren’t much use,” I said. “Let’s get them off.” I soon had Susy’s knickers out from under her arse and down her legs. Spreading my lover’s thighs apart, I sidled in closer and went down on her, my tongue going straight for her clit.

I could hear the buzzing of the toy inside her shaking body. She was almost there. It would take just a few licks to send her over the top. Her low moans were suddenly stifled, and when I took a quick peek up, I saw Lucy bending over the back of the seat, kissing Susy passionately.

Susy had one arm wrapped around Lucy and the other hand tangled in my hair as my sister and I made love to her. Within seconds she was shaking violently through a massive orgasm that seemed to last for ages. The long slow build-up through dinner must have pitched her need at a higher level.

Finally, Susy calmed down, relaxing her grip on my hair. She looked at Lucy, then at me. “Shit!” she said, and I couldn’t tell if that meant she was delighted, exhausted, or ticked off at my sister.

An hour later Susy and I lay on the bed while Lucy was washing up in the bathroom. She turned to face me. “Maddie… am I a lesbian now?”

I smiled at her. “Susy, you’re what you want to be. Just because you’re our lover, that doesn’t make you gay. That’s for you to decide. Not now, not in a hurry. Take time to think about what’s happened between us and where you want to go from here.” I gave her a little kiss. “If you want to carry this on when you’re back in England, I’m offering myself to you. I think I love you. The question is whether or not you want my love.”

She touched my cheek. “It’s a lot for me to take in. It happened so fast, but I do know I’m happy being with you… and with Lucy. I’ll be out here for another four, maybe five weeks after you go back. Hopefully, I’ll know then what my feelings are. Can we leave it at that for now?”

We were startled by Lucy clapping. “Ah, that’s so sweet. You want my opinion, you two are made for each other. You’ll see.”

It had been a long and tiring day, and we were knackered. We lay together and cuddled for a while. I was almost asleep when Susy kissed us both goodnight.

On to Chapter Four!


A Mother’s Plea, Chapter 5

  • Posted on July 4, 2023 at 3:01 pm

Note from JetBoy: Before this chapter kicks off, a bit of history. This story began running at Juicy Secrets over three years ago, and the previous, fourth installment ran a few months later. After that, author 3 Fingers Neat got hit by a serious case of writer’s block — starting the fifth chapter repeatedly, but never ending up satisfied with the result. He offered to hand the story over to me to complete, but as usual, I had too many stories in progress as it was. (These were the dark days after Cheryl’s and Naughty Mommy’s departure, and before Jacqueline Jillinghoff and BlueJean took up residence here as associate editors. So instead, I encouraged 3 Fingers to keep plugging away at this concluding chapter… and bless him, he did just that. A few weeks ago, I found the first draft of what you are about to read in my inbox. Please join me in thanking the author for his dogged perseverance.

Lord knows, I’ve made this request of you readers many times before, and will no doubt make it again… but I do strongly suggest reading the first four chapters before delving into this one. Your appreciation of the whole will be made much greater, I promise.

by 3 Fingers Neat

Turning off the shower, I wrapped my towel around Chelsea and pulled her to me, the soft terry cloth enveloping us both. She peered up at me with a soft smile of contentment. As I held her close, I was once again marveling at the good fortune of having this sweet young girl as my lover.

“Kim,” she asked as I began to dry her glistening body, “What time will Mom be here?”

“She’ll be here at four this afternoon. She has to drop your dad off at Seatac for his flight to Chicago, then plans to drive straight here.”

“Yeah! Oh, Kim, I can’t wait to see her.”

“That gives us four hours to get ready. Your mother won’t be stopping, not even for lunch, so she’s going to be really hungry when she gets here. Do you want to help me fix dinner? I’ve got some steaks, potatoes to bake and everything we need for a nice salad. There’s plenty for the three of us.”

“That’s perfect!” she exclaimed, gleefully clapping her hands.

After we dressed, which included a cute turn on Chelsea’s part when she teased me by dancing in nothing but panties, I saw her expression suddenly turn sober, like something was weighing on her mind.

Finally, she spoke up. “Kim? I’m sort of not feeling so sure about this…”

I thought I knew what was wrong, but thought it best to let her explain. So I merely asked, “About what, Chels?”

“About Mom. About me and Mom. I’m… kinda nervous.”

Kneeling before Chelsea, I took her in my arms, looking into those warm brown eyes. “What exactly are you nervous about, sweetie?”

“I’m worried if we make love, she and I won’t be the same after that. I mean… I don’t want things to change between us. Mom always tells me to make my own decisions, and not worry so much about what people say is good or bad… but this is a big, big step.” She paused, weighing her words. “I want us to be lovers… but I need her to be my mom even more. Um, does that make sense?”

I gave her a squeeze. “It totally does… and the fact that you’re concerned about it only proves how mature you are.”

“Okay, but what can I do so I won’t be so worried?”

“Tell her what you just told me. I think it’s exactly what your mother needs to hear from you. She’s nervous, too, you know.”

“Will you help me with what to say? I don’t know the right words.”

“If it were me, and you were my daughter, I’d want to be absolutely sure you wanted something to happen between us before I made a move. Actually, I’ve been thinking about this, and it seems to me that you should be the one to take the first step.” I bent down to kiss Chelsea on the forehead, hugging her close. “You know, one of the things I love most about you is your confidence. Well, tonight you’re going to show your mom that same confidence when you let her know that you want to be her lover. I promise you, that will be the icebreaker she needs.”

Gazing up at me, Chelsea nodded. “Thanks, Kim. That really helps.”

I patted her shoulder. “Good. Now c’mon – we need to take a quick trip to the grocery store if this dinner is going to amount to anything.”

Once Chelsea and I returned, laden with shopping bags, we got down to some serious prepping for our evening. As I arranged flowers, Chelsea got started on the salad. While working, we discussed how the evening should play out. After a while, I could see her confidence had returned, and knew my little lover was ready to entice her mother into bed.

Just as the daylight was starting to fade, candles were lit on the table and around the living room. We were ready.

The bell rang at 4 PM, right on the nose. Chelsea raced to the door and opened it. Karen reached down to embrace her daughter with a big hug, then playfully swung her around in a circle. Setting Chelsea back down, she reached out to take my arm and pulled me into their hug.

“Kim, thank you so much for inviting me. Are you sure I’m not intruding? This was supposed to be your time with Chelsea,” she said, pausing to kiss my cheek.

“We’re both excited you’re here,” I told her. Looking up, Chelsea nodded in agreement. “Now, are you ready to eat?”

“Please! I’m famished.”

We got Karen settled in the living room with a glass of red wine, which Chelsea insisted on pouring, then my young lover and I adjourned to the kitchen to put the final touches on our evening meal.

Soon, we were sitting at the table, ready to tuck in. I raised my glass. “Here’s to love,” I said, looking at Chelsea, then her mother.

“To love,” they responded as our glasses clinked.

Our dinner conversation was surprisingly normal, given that we all had a heightened sense of excitement over what was to come. When dinner was done we cleared the table, then moved to the living room to continue the discussion. Karen told us that Jim’s trip would likely be extended, as his company was counting on him to take over management of the Chicago office.

Suddenly Chelsea was wearing a troubled expression. “Um, Mom…?”.

“What’s wrong, Chels?” asked Karen.

“Are we gonna have to move to Chicago? If Dad’s working there, won’t we have to?”

“Chelsea, your father and I have talked about that and, for the time being, he’ll be spending Monday through Friday in Chicago and coming home on the weekends. Nothing will change with my schedule, so I’ll be home every day after school. As for the long-term picture… well, we’ll just have to wait to see how things play out. Are you okay with that?”

“I guess. I sure don’t want to move. That would mean leaving all my friends,” Chelsea said, as she looked directly at me.

“Sweetie, we won’t have to think about that for at least nine months. That’s how long your father’s company said it would take them to decide on the future of the Chicago office.”

I thought this would be a good time to change the topic. “Chelsea, let’s worry about that later. Didn’t you have something you wanted to tell your mom? Something we discussed earlier?”

Chelsea was visibly nervous, but when she looked at me for support, I nodded and said, “It’s time.”

Taking a deep breath and squaring her shoulders, Chelsea rose from the couch and walked across the room  to stand before her mother. “Mom,” she said, “I’m really glad you’re here.”

“I am, too, Chels. Thank you for inviting me, Kim,” Karen said with a quick glance my way.

“Mom, I think you know what Miss Johnson… um… Kim and I have been doing together this weekend. And I think it’s something you wanted to happen. Am I right about that? Did you set this up?”

“Yes, you’re right. I wanted to give you and Kim the chance to – to be together…”

“It’s cool, Mom,” Chelsea said, breaking into a big smile. “It really is. It’s exactly what I hoped might happen. I love Kim so much. I’ve wanted this for a long time.” She hesitated, then carried on. “A couple months ago, when Emily slept over after the pool party, she told me how she’d walked into her sister Madison’s room and caught her, um touching herself… down there. Madison wasn’t mad or anything. She even showed Emily what she was doing, then taught her how to do it. Well, that night Emily slept over, she showed me how. I got to watch her pull her panties down and rub herself, until she came, then she watched me while I did it.”

“Oh, my,” murmured Karen, a hint of red in her cheeks. “So… did you enjoy touching yourself that way?”

“I did, Mom. A lot. Ever since that night, I’ve been doing it; what Emily showed me. She said her sister likes to think of sexy things when she touches down there, so I’ve been doing that too. That makes it even better.”

Placing both hands on her daughter’s waist, Karen drew Chelsea close for a brief but loving kiss, then asked, “What sort of sexy things do you think of, dearest?”

Chelsea gazed into her mother’s eyes as she answered.  “I think of Kim… and you.”

The sigh that escaped Karen’s lips was one of purest happiness. “Thank you for telling me that. Now, can I tell you a secret?” Chelsea nodded. “I touch myself, too. Nearly every night. Do you want to know who I think of when I do that?” Her arms were still twined around her child’s waist as she answered her own question “More than anything else, Chelsea, I think of you. Lately I’ve been thinking about you walking around the house in nothing but your panties and t-shirt. You’ve been doing that on purpose, haven’t you? To get your mommy all hot and bothered, am I right? Oh, my lovely, wicked little girl.”

“Yeah, you caught me,” Chelsea answered, blushing a bit. “Mom, you’re so pretty. Everyone says so. All my friends think you’re the best looking mom at our school. I’ve been letting you see me in my underpants ‘cause I wanted to know if you thought I was pretty, too.”

“Silly girl, of course I think you’re pretty. You know that. I think you’re the loveliest creature in the world.”

“Of course you do. You’re my mom!” Chelsea giggled. Then she looked away, suddenly bashful. “It isn’t just that, though. Um… do you think I’m sexy? That’s what I really wanted to know.”

“Oh, I do, sweetie,” Karen answered. “You’re incredibly sexy.”

“Sometimes, Mom, I – I imagine what it would be like to kiss you. Really kiss you, not like mothers and  daughters are supposed to… but I’m scared if I do, it’ll mess things up between us.”

Karen arched an eyebrow. “Mess things up?”

“Yeah, ‘cause moms and daughters aren’t supposed to kiss like that. But I… I can’t stop thinking about doing that with you. And there’s other stuff I want to do, like, um, take off all your clothes, then my clothes, and snuggle with you with both of us bare naked. Is that… is it bad?”

“Well, some people might think it’s wrong,” Karen began, “but like I’ve always told you, it’s your life and you have to choose what’s right for you. By making our own decisions and not focusing on what others say is good or bad, that’s how we learn what works for us, makes us happy.” Karen paused, giving her daughter a shy smile. “Besides… I like to think about being naked with you, too. And when I have thoughts like those, you and I are doing a lot more than snuggling.”

Chelsea slowly nodded. “So it’s okay if we kiss, huh?” Her eyes were shining with anticipation.

“More than okay, sweetie.”

I felt a bit self-conscious, watching this mother/daughter exchange, but wasn’t about to look away. I was fully aware of their mutual desire, and eager to see what happened next.

It didn’t take long. Cupping Chelsea’s face in both hands, Karen drew her daughter in for a kiss.

For a good two minutes there was no break between them. The kiss was bashful at first, but gradually just got deeper and deeper until Chelsea’s lips parted. Karen was quick to seize the initiative, slipping her tongue into the girl’s mouth. Chelsea responded right away, meeting and matching her mother’s passion.

Finally breaking away, Karen gave Chelsea a brief kiss on each cheek, then bent to nuzzle her daughter’s neck below the ear. “Oh, wow,” the girl whispered.

When Karen sat back, a dreamy cast to her eyes, Chelsea grinned. “Mom, you kiss really good!”

“So do you, my love. Where did you learn to kiss like that? As if I didn’t know,” she added, glancing over at me.

“Oh, I had a very good teacher,” Chelsea replied, giving me a wink.

As mother and daughter came together in a loving hug, Karen gazed at me over Chelsea’s shoulder. “Kim, it looks like we’re all going to get what we hoped for. Would you like to join us?”

“Not just yet,” I answered. “You and Chelsea need some time together first. For right now, I’m happy just to watch.” My panties were already soaked all the way through, though.

Karen returned her attention back to Chelsea, who simply said, “She’s right, Mom. Me and Kim have this all planned out. Everything we’re gonna do tonight. You just sit back and enjoy.”

What followed was probably the sexiest scene I’ve ever witnessed.

Chelsea was wearing a yellow floral patterned sundress she’d worn, wanting to look cute and girly for her mother. Reaching back to unfasten the clasp at the neck, she shrugged it off her shoulders. The look on Karen’s face as the dress dropped to the floor was one of unbridled desire. Underneath, Chelsea wore a baby blue panty and bra set that she knew her mother would love.

As if on automatic pilot, Karen reached out to her daughter, but Chelsea and I had worked out this part in detail. Seizing her mother’s arms, she pushed them back against the cushions of the couch. “Mom, I have things I want to do for you right now. Just sit back and relax, okay? You’ll get to play with me soon, I promise.”

Karen glanced at me, wide-eyed and thrilled to bits. I told her, “Trust me, you’re gonna love this.”

Chelsea’s mother was wearing those Levi 501’s that fit her ass so beautifully, the same ones I’d followed through her house just a few weeks ago, the night we fucked when her husband was out. Her top was an untucked white long sleeve camp shirt with the sleeves rolled up. She hadn’t bothered with a bra, and her nipples were clearly outlined through the fabric.

Reaching out, Chelsea allowed her fingers to lightly brush the tips of her mother’s breasts. They strained against the thin material, and Karen gave a quick intake of breath.

“You like that, Mom?” Chelsea murmured as she continued to tease the stiffened buds with feather-light touches.

“Yes, sweetie. I like that a lot,” Karen responded in a husky tone, her eyes glazed over with pleasure.

Chelsea began to unbutton her mom’s blouse with fingers made clumsy by her own excitement. Working her way down, she kept glancing up at Karen, who could only stare in wonder as she was undressed by her eleven-year-old daughter. The hunger I saw on their faces was so intense I thought I might come just from watching them.

When the buttons were all unfastened, Chelsea took a deep breath, then slowly spread the blouse open to expose her mother’s breasts. By then, my hand had found its way between my legs and I was rubbing my clit through my jeans.

I’ll never forget the image of Chelsea reaching out to take her mother’s nipples between index fingers and thumbs, then giving them an experimental pinch. Karen’s head lolled back and she moaned as her daughter, my fifth grade student, rolled her nipples, then tugged at them.

“Oh, my God,” Karen whimpered. “So nice, soooo nice.”

I could see Chelsea feeding off her mom’s reaction to what she was doing. The more Karen moaned and squirmed, the more attention Chelsea lavished on her nipples. Karen’s face was lit up with purest rapture, while her daughter’s expression was serious, a girl of eleven focused on making her mother feel good. I don’t think either of them believed they’d ever fulfill their fantasy of being lovers, but now it was happening for real, and they were losing themselves in one another.

I unbuttoned my jeans, shoving a hand in my panties to play with my pussy. As I plunged a finger in and out of the juicy opening, I noticed Chelsea straddling her mother’s thigh, rocking forward and back, grinding her clit against the rough texture of Karen’s jeans.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Chelsea,” I reminded her. “Remember what we talked about; how we’re doing this.”

“Oh, yeah… sorry,” Chelsea responded. Giving her head a little shake as if to clear it, she slid back on her mother’s leg, then bent to kiss Karen’s nipple.

I’d taught Chelsea to take this step very slowly, to tease the tip of the breast with her lips and tongue before she began to suckle. I watched her lick around each nipple in turn, taking care to only touch the areola. It only made Karen desperate for more; at one point, she twisted her upper half in an attempt to push more of her breast into the girl’s mouth. But Chelsea responded by pulling away and moving to the other breast, which elicited a mournful cry from her increasingly frustrated mother..

“Sweetheart, please,” Karen begged. “Please!”

Chelsea finally gave in, taking the right nipple into her mouth. I knew she was circling the tip with her tongue while lightly sucking, a technique I’ve used for years on my female lovers. I’d taught her to be gentle at first, let the sensations build slowly. I could also tell Chelsea was carefully using her teeth to exert the slightest pressure on the nipple, just enough to stimulate without hurting. The rapturous look on Karen’s face and her sharp intakes of breath told me the technique was having its desired effect.

After giving ample attention to each of her mother’s breasts, Chelsea pulled back and teased the moistened nipples with her fingers while gazing deep into Karen’s eyes. A dazed Karen stared back, her expression a mixture of awe, adoration and helpless lust.

Reaching down, Chelsea grabbed her mother behind the knees. When Karen felt the girl’s tug, she lifted her hips, allowing herself to be positioned on the edge of the couch.

“Mom, I’m gonna take off your jeans and panties now. Is that okay?”

Karen could only whisper, “Yes, sweetie…”

Chelsea bent over to unbutton her mom’s jeans, then slowly wriggled them down, taking a pair of sexy lavender panties along with them. Pausing to yank Karen’s white Converse sneakers off and toss them over by the fireplace, Chelsea finished removing the pair of snug jeans, which then she draped over the arm of the couch.

Now Karen was naked from the waist down, and her eleven-year-old daughter paused in the midst of her work to take a long, lingering look, gently easing the woman’s knees apart until only inches remained between her face and her mother’s cunt.

Chelsea took a moment to study her mother’s private parts, drawing closer to breathe in the tantalizing scent. I saw her react with a little smile that aroused my curiosity. Getting to my feet, I quickly stripped out of my own clothes.

Looking up at her mother, Chelsea said, “Mom… you asked me what I think about when I touch myself. Well, kissing you – that’s the first thing I imagine. The second? That’s this,” she said, leaning forward to lick the length of her mother’s pussy. A whimper escaped Karen’s lips. “You’ve always taught me to go after what I want. Well, Mom, I want you. I want this.”

The look on Karen’s face was one of utter disbelief as she watched Chelsea licking her, over and over, from anus to clit. Then the girl settled in to explore, first sucking on her mother’s labia, then probing the vagina with hard thrusts of her tongue.

“Oh, God,” groaned Karen, bringing her left hand up to caress her breasts and nipples while the right hand stroked, then gripped the long blonde hair of her daughter. The sound of Chelsea’s exertions grew slightly muffled, telling me that Karen was pressing the eleven-year-old’s face against her vulva. Not that Chelsea seemed to mind. She was gripping her mother’s hips as if hanging on to the woman for dear life.

Karen was lost in sexual rapture. Her head lolled back, eyes closed and mouth open, moaning soft and low. Chelsea briefly raised her head to draw a deep breath before re-engaging with her mom’s cunt, snaking her tongue into the juicy hole. I could see how wet Karen was and hear the liquid sounds of Chelsea’s mouth as she went down on the woman who had birthed her, had raised her to the verge of womanhood.

By then, my pussy was dripping with arousal, and I fingered myself hard and fast to the sight of this lewd mother-daughter sex show. I brought my fingers to my mouth, dripping with nectar, and sucked them clean.

Karen was panting like a marathon runner as she arched her back, forcing her pussy against Chelsea’s face. She was clutching her daughter’s head so tightly that for a moment, I wondered if the girl was able to breathe.

Chelsea wasn’t letting up for a second, I could see that much. In fact, mother and daughter were moving together in a shared rhythm, each lick of Chelsea’s met with a matching thrust of the hips from Karen. Neither seemed to show any signs of tiring. Short, sharp cries escaped Karen’s trembling lips with every lick, kiss and tongue thrust from her little girl.

It was a sight that filled me with pride. Chelsea had always been a top-notch student school, especially in my class, but the sheer dedication she’d brought to learning the ways of lesbian sex was downright awe-inspiring. An honor graduate from my school of love, I thought with a smile.

A small spark of ecstasy surged through me, and I knew my own orgasm was fast approaching. I seemed to hover in that giddy moment between anticipation and release when I saw Karen freeze in place, letting out an impassioned moan as Chelsea attacked her clit. Then that moan rose into a scream, and Karen gripped the couch with white knuckles as a wall-shaker of a climax shook her body.

Chelsea didn’t stop, though, just kept sucking her mother’s clit until Karen blurted, “Enough! I c-can’t take any more!”

My own orgasm followed quickly. I was plunging two fingers into my cunt while I mercilessly assaulted my breasts with the other hand, giving each nipple a few hard pinches to accentuate the pleasure I felt.

Finally I collapsed, utterly spent, into the chair and basked in the sweet aftermath… that is, until I felt kisses on my inner thigh and a young girl’s lips nuzzling my cheek. My lips parted to accept Chelsea’s tongue, then I moaned into our kiss as the feather-light caress of Karen’s tongue began to soothe my throbbing. She was so gentle and tender, using her mouth and fingers to lovingly relax me.

I was soon surprised to feel another orgasm approaching. Somehow Karen was coaxing it out of me with her lovemaking skills. Damn, she’s good, I told myself.

Momentarily breaking our kiss, Chelsea whispered, “We love you, Kim. Come for us.”

My young lover’s words were like a trigger, setting me off in a climax unlike any I’ve ever felt before. It was light. It was love. And it made me feel as if I was floating on a sunlit cloud, wrapped in the arms of angels. I felt warm tears of joy on my cheeks as I drifted off.

My blackout was a brief one. When I opened my eyes, Chelsea and Karen were snuggled against me. “Look who’s come back to earth,” Karen cooed. I sighed, wrapping an arm apiece around my eleven-year-old lover and her mother.

I gave my head a gentle shake. “My God, that was amazing. That was everything I could have hoped for, more than I could imagine. I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

“Which part?” Karen asked.

I raised my hands, palms up, and said, “I don’t know. All of it, I think.”

We shared a laugh, and I managed to prop myself up on both elbows. Looking at Chelsea, I asked, “Just before you smelled your mother’s pussy I saw you smile, like it made you think of something. What was that?”

Chelsea’s cheeks took on an extra hint of pint. “Oh, that,” she said, clearly a bit embarrassed. “Well, as soon as I got Mom’s panties off, I remembered how much I love that smell.” Glancing at her mother, she added, “Um, Mom… I’ve kinda been sneaking panties out of your laundry basket and, er, taking them to bed with me.” She looked away. “I like smelling them when I touch myself.”

Karen took her daughter’s hand. “It’s okay, sweetie… to tell the truth, I’m not at all surprised to hear that. I noticed my panties have gone missing from the hamper, and I’ve found them stashed in your pillow case more than once. I imagine you’re already very familiar with the smell of my pussy. Maybe the taste, too.”

“It tastes even better when it’s fresh, though,” Chelsea murmured, reaching out to caress her mother’s cunt. You knew I was sneaking off with your panties? And I thought I was being careful!”

Karen laughed at that. “Well, I have favorite pairs,” she said, ”and I noticed they weren’t in the laundry. It only took me a couple of minutes to guess where they probably were. Sure enough, I found them in the first place I checked.”

“Chelsea, you are so busted,” I chuckled.

Me, busted? I’m not the only one with a thing for used undies.” She gave Karen a penetrating look. “Mom, I know you’ve been sneaking panties out of my room, too. Whenever Dad’s out of town, a pair or two always seem to go missing from the floor of my room. I didn’t find them in a pillow case, but when I looked in your nightstand… well, there they were.”

I gave Karen a look of mock astonishment. “You’ve been stealing Chelsea’s used underwear? Aren’t you the naughty mommy!”

“You’re not off the hook, either, Kim,” Chelsea continued, turning to me. “I know you and Mom got into my dirty laundry the night you visited. When I went to bed, there was a huge damp spot on the bed, and I could smell your perfume on my sheets. Then the next morning, I noticed all my dirty panties were piled on top of the laundry on the hamper.” She wagged a finger at her Mom and me. “Naughty mommy and naughty teacher, I’d say.”

After a stunned pause, the three of us burst into laughter, carrying on so hard we ended up falling together in a heap. Karen was first to pull herself together and she grabbed Chelsea, taking her down to the carpet so the girl was lying beneath her. “You little tease, you’re quite right. Kim and I had your panties in a pile in the middle of your bed and we sniffed them while we fucked. We really enjoyed that… in fact, I’d like to do it again.”

With that, Karen pushed Chelsea’s legs apart, burying her face in the dampness of her daughter’s panties. Taking a deep breath, she made a real scene of savoring the scent of a young girl’s arousal.

“Oh, wow,” Chelsea whispered, staring at her mother.

Karen looked up. “How was that, sweetheart? Do you like me smelling you this way? Don’t answer. From the look on your face, I can tell you do. Maybe being a naughty mommy is a good thing, eh?” She turned to me, her eyes alight with renewed desire. “Join me, Kim. Help me make love to my little girl.”

As I moved closer, Karen arranged herself in a sixty-nine position with Chelsea on top, the girl’s cute little bottom jutting out, inviting me to explore. Karen was looking up at me, lightly teasing the gusset of Chelsea’s panties with swipes of her tongue.

I joined the game, burying my face between the buttocks of my eleven-year-old lover, then taking a deep, audible sniff of her ass through soft cotton panties. She wriggled with delight, and I raised my face to say, “Being a naughty teacher is pretty fucking hot, too… don’t you think so, Chelsea?”

“Oh God, yes,” she moaned, “but it would be soooo much hotter if you guys would take these stupid panties off and lick me for real. Okay?”

We shared a laugh, a brief one. Hooking two fingers in the waistband of Chelsea’s panties, I gave it a gentle tug, giving Karen a knowing smile. She got the idea right away, grasping her daughter’s underpants from the other side, and we pulled them down together. With a blissful sigh, Chelsea lifted her knees so we could finish stripping her naked.

I pressed the sodden panties to my face for one last sample of that luscious scent, then placed them on the end table. Meanwhile, Karen was staring at her daughter’s pussy, the gentle cleft framed by rosy pink labia. Chelsea’s sex glistened with wetness; I watched as a single droplet slowly trickled down to her mother’s waiting mouth. Karen’s lips parted as she extended her tongue to capture it.

It was a mesmerizing sight, guaranteed to warm the heart of a girl-loving lesbian like me: a beautiful naked woman, tasting her equally lovely underage daughter for the first time. I’d had a knee-trembler of an orgasm mere moments earlier, but I was already frantic for more. Christ, my cunt was throbbing like a V-8 engine.

The smell of arousal filled the air, which only served to spur my lust higher. Bending down, I buried my nose between Chelsea’s cheeks, allowing myself to bask in her most intimate aroma. A hot shiver coursed through my body. I’d been patient all day, holding back from getting naked with my young lover and having her yet again, putting our bedroom festivities on hold until Karen arrived. Now I was ready to play.

Eager as I’d been to see Chelsea seduce her mother, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy while I watched. She was my girl first, I kept thinking, and much as I adored Karen, a small part of me didn’t want to share. Selfish and stupid, I know, but the heart of a lover is anything but rational.

Putting these damaging thoughts aside, I sat up for a moment to gaze at the scene below me. Karen had carefully spread Chelsea’s nether lips apart and was exploring the interior of her daughter’s vagina with quick, flashing licks. Chelsea was so turned on that her mother’s mouth and chin were already generously coated with her fluids. I was already making plans to give Karen a big, messy kiss afterwards.

Returning my attention to my young lover’s tiny, upturned ass, I noticed Karen’s licking seemed to be causing Chelsea’s rosebud to relax. I placed both hands on those wondrously soft buttocks, then bent down to press the tip of my tongue against the girl’s anus.

Chelsea’s delighted squeak and her subsequent moans told me how much she loved being rimmed. I continued to work my tongue in as she gradually opened up to receive me. Soon enough I was able to push my tongue in about an inch, and I could feel Chelsea pushing her ass up to meet my downward thrusts. Karen was still below me, tongue-fucking her little girl’s cunt.

Little whimpers from Chelsea’s lips told us she was on the verge of orgasm. A small shudder ran through her body and didn’t stop, just got bigger and bigger until her entire body was bucking up and down. Karen and I held on for dear life, trying to keep Chelsea steady as she came. I could hear the liquid sounds of Karen’s mouth and tongue as she feasted on her daughter’s nectar. Having gone down on Chelsea several times by then, I could eagerly attest to the sweetness of her pussy.

Chelsea’s orgasm was frantic, intense and loud. The girl’s moans of pleasure became short little screams as her ecstasy reached its unimaginable peak. Finally her body gave out, and she collapsed onto her mother.

Gently rolling the limp girl onto her side, Karen kissed the top of her daughter’s head, burying her lips in the tousled hair. Chelsea turned to face Karen, wrapping both arms around her smiling mother, and the two new lovers came together in a passionate kiss.

“That was amazing,” Chelsea barely got out when they broke apart. “I’ve never felt anything so nice.” She immediately went into a huge yawn, making it clear that she wouldn’t be awake for much longer. Settling down with a contented purr, she buried her face in her mother’s neck.

Karen looked up at me, her eyes misted over with happy tears. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Oh, God, thank you, Kim. I’m so, so happy!” I scooted up to kiss her, and we shared the taste of Chelsea between us.

“Would you like to help me put her to bed?” Karen asked, cradling the girl to her breasts. “I think she’s down for the count!”

“Happy to,” I said, my heart warmed by the blissful expression on the dozing child’s face.

Karen scooped Chelsea up in her arms, and we headed back to the master bedroom. I turned down the covers so Karen could place her sleeping beauty in the center of the bed. We each gave Chelsea a tender kiss on the cheek.

Standing behind Karen, I reached around to hug her, pressing our nude bodies together. “How about we finish that bottle of wine?”

Karen clutched my arms to her. “Well, I wouldn’t say no.”

I plucked the wine bottle and a couple of glasses from the kitchen counter and took them out to the family room, where Karen was spreading a couple of blankets out by the fireplace. After switching on the gas fire, I sat down with her and filled our glasses, handing her one.

Taking a sip, she shook her head in wonder. “Kim, I can’t believe how beautifully this worked out. It’s a dream come true.”

“Isn’t it?” I replied. “God, it happened so fast.” I reached out; took her hand. “Karen, I… I love your daughter so much. More than I ought to, honestly. I know that the two of you might have to move one day… but Christ, the thought of giving her up – it just kills me inside.”

Karen nodded thoughtfully. “Well, there’s something you need to know, something I haven’t told Chelsea yet. Jim and I have decided to get a divorce, and he’ll be moving to Chicago for good. We thought it best to make our split more of a gradual process for Chelsea’s sake. Jim’s a good man and a fine father, but we’ve grown apart. I told him that I needed to be with other women, and he admitted to having found someone new in Chicago. He’s already set up a place with her, actually.”

“My goodness,” I said. “It feels like I should say how sorry I am, but it seems to be for the best… except  that Chelsea will be losing her dad. I imagine she won’t be happy about that.”

“Oh, Jim will definitely stay involved in Chelsea’s life,” Karen said. “And he’ll be providing financial support, of course. But I’ve got resources of my own. My business is doing very well, I’ll be only two years away from owning our home outright, and we already have the money set aside to cover the cost of college for Chelsea. Here’s the thing, though: my work is pretty demanding… and as the business grows, I’m going to need someone to help me run it.” She paused. “Kim, I want to hire you.”

I could only gape in disbelief. “Me? I don’t know anything about marketing. How could I be of any help to you? Besides, I have a job already.”

“Kim, you’re smart, personable and you’re a great teacher. I know you’ve got what it takes to communicate with the kind of customers I want to attract. I know I’m asking a lot, but this could be a very lucrative move for you. This job would give you real financial security.”

“I… I’m flattered you think this is something I can succeed at. Can I have some time to think it through?”

Karen smiled. “Of course. Take all the time you need. Now, enough about business matters. I want to show you how much I appreciate what you’ve done for Chelsea and me.”

Placing our wine glasses on the hearth, Karen shoved me onto my back. She gave me a brief but fierce kiss, then nuzzled her way down to my nipples. The tenderness of our earlier lovemaking was gone… this time, my partner intended to take me hard and fast. She squeezed my breasts, then gave each nipple a sharp love bite.

My cunt was on fire, and a wet spot was already spreading beneath me.

Peering deep into my eyes, Karen murmured, “I know you and Chelsea like to keep it sweet and romantic when you’re in bed. But I also know you like it a little rough sometimes. So buckle up, lover, ‘cause we’re about to take a wild ride…”

With that, Karen thrust two fingers deep into my cunt and began to pound me mercilessly. I couldn’t recall the last time I’d been to thoroughly fucked. Not since my bar days, right after I’d come out and was making like the proverbial kid in the candy store.

Thankfully, Chelsea slept through the next two hours of her mom and me, spread out in front of the fireplace,  getting into the kind of sex that a girl of eleven wouldn’t be ready for any time soon.


Three years after that first weekend Karen, Chelsea and I are living together as a family. Sure enough, I left my teaching gig to work for Karen and it turned out even better than she hoped. Last month, Karen and I became partners in a new venture, KK&C Marketing Consultants. The following week, we expanded our partnership even further by getting married.

Jim did take over the Chicago office for his company, and is also married and expecting a child in three months. He visits occasionally, and Chelsea always spends at least a day or two with him. She jokes that she probably sees him more now than when he and Karen were together.

My home life with Karen and Chelsea is actually fairly typical, given its unusual origin. We co-parent just like any couple does. Of course, there is one very crucial, very secret difference. At least twice a week, the three of us end up in the master bedroom for what Chelsea calls, “play time,” where we get naked and come together as lovers.

Honestly, though, that isn’t what defines our relationship. What does define us is love itself. I am madly, desperately in love with Karen and Chelsea, and they adore me and each other with the same fierce passion.

I have to run now. Chelsea is having a sleepover tonight with Emily and two of her other friends, and I promised to fire up the grill and cook hamburgers.

The End


Strange Brew, Chapter 16

  • Posted on June 30, 2023 at 2:54 pm

A quick recap of the Story Thus Far: Rural paramedic Nettie Hastings finds herself in the middle of a flurry of unexplained overdose calls and, with the help of her best friend and former lover, Terry Wilder, has begun putting clues together linking the source to her own hometown. Some suspect Terry’s involvement, as his ex-wife is a convicted drug trafficker. A DEA agent named Bridgette Ramscone is brought in to work the case, and she takes a special interest in Nettie who, in the meantime, has entered into a clandestine affair with Terry’s preteen daughter Halee. On this particular evening, Nettie hosts a sleepover with Halee, Halee’s ten-year-old sister Naomi, and the sisters’ good friend Chelsey, who recently sustained injuries in a car crash. Nettie and the girls play Truth or Dare, which takes the sleepover in a very interesting direction. (You might want to revisit the previous chapter to get your motor humming for this one.)

For a more detailed breakdown of this story’s chapters, please consult the Chapter Links.

by Rachael Yukey

Three girls. My twelve-year-old lover, her almost-eleven sister, and said sister’s best friend. In my new living room. About to get naked. Holy shit. Halee was going to make love to Chelsey, and she wanted us to watch. 

I rose wordlessly and crossed to the sofa, where no one was sitting at the moment. It’s a fold-out, a pretty comfortable one. Tossing the cushions to one side, I pulled out the bed. It had sheets on it, and they appeared to be clean. Good enough.

“How’s this?” I said.

“Perfect,” said Halee.

We helped Chelsey get to the fold-out and laid her down, placing one of the throw pillows from the loveseat behind her head.

“I can make myself scarce, if you girls would rather have some privacy,” I said, thinking maybe a removal of the grownup in the room would put the two younger ones more at ease.

That idea got shot down right away.“No way,” Chelsey insisted.

“Fuck that,” said Halee.

“I was hoping you’d sit with me while they do stuff,” said Naomi.

So Naomi and I wound up side by side on the loveseat. Halee sat on the edge of the bed next to Chelsey, gently caressing the girl’s face with her fingertips, then stroking her hair. Chelsey wore a beatific smile, her eyes closed. Finally, Halee leaned down, and their mouths met in a hungry kiss.

They made out for what seemed like ages, then Halee’s mouth was raining delicate kisses all over the younger girl’s face. Chelsey took control, placing her good hand behind Halee’s head, moving in close to nuzzle her friend’s neck. Halee, recognizing Chelsey’s reduced mobility, allowed herself to be guided, enabling Chelsey to kiss and lick both sides of her neck, then down to the collarbone.

Taking hold of the hem of Chelsey’s t-shirt, Halee tugged it up, then began to caress the bare belly beneath. Naomi moved a little closer to me, a delicious shiver racing through her thin frame. I wrapped an arm around her.

Now the two older girls were kissing again, giving us exciting glimpses of sparring tongues. Halee pulled away, and helped Chelsey to sit up. She pulled the t-shirt up and off to bare her friend’s upper half, carefully extracting the arm that was still in a brace. Letting Chelsey tumble back to the bed, she turned her attention to the girl’s belly and chest, kissing, biting, loving. Chelsey had no boobs to speak of, so Halee was paying special attention to her nipples.

Chelsey’s breath was growing ragged and strained. So, for that matter, was Halee’s. Come to think of it, the ten-year-old seated next to me sounded a little breathy as well. I gave Naomi a reassuring squeeze, then kissed the top of her head.

Sitting up, Halee tugged her t-shirt off, then threw it across the room. Chelsey reached up to brush her thumb across a tiny nipple, and was rewarded with a moan. I grinned, knowing all too well how sensitive Halee’s chest is.

“Let me kiss them,” Chelsey said in an almost-whisper.

Straddling Chelsey’s waist, Halee bent down until her nipples were within easy reach of the younger girl’s mouth. This partially blocked our view from the loveseat, but in moments Halee was moaning intermittently, even humping against her friend’s belly.

After a moment, Halee sat up and moved to the side to unclasp the long skirt that Chelsey wore over her brace. Chelsey raised her hips as best she could, and between the two of them they got it off.

Halee sat back and blinked in surprise; Naomi’s jaw dropped, and I’m pretty sure I did something similar. Chelsey wasn’t wearing panties.

She saw us all staring, and blushed a little. “It’s just easier with the brace,” she explained.

Halee lay down beside Chelsey and kissed her. As they kissed, Halee’s hands were moving delicately across the insides of the girl’s thighs. When she got close to Chelsey’s center, her hips rose, a little lopsidedly thanks to the brace. Halee began delicately caressing her younger friend’s labia, then let a finger trail the inside of the slit. “Oh, my God!,” Chelsey blurted, rasing her head from the pillow.

Halee glanced over at her sister and me. “She’s really wet.” She looked back down at Chelsey. “Can they come over and feel how wet you are?”

Chelsey nodded. “Okay,” she whispered, her eyes rolling up into her head as Halee’s finger continued to slide up and down, gliding back and forth over her clit.

Halee beckoned us with the other hand. “Well… come on!” she said, a bit impatiently.

As if in a trance, I got up. Naomi stood as well, taking my hand in a tight grip. It was only a couple of steps to the fold-out. I sat, reached out, placed my hand on Chelsey’s knee, then traced a slow path up the inside of her thigh to just below where Halee was working the girl’s clit with a steady circular motion. Chelsey’s breath was patchy and harsh. I placed my index finger just below Halee’s and swirled it around, glorying in the juicy nectar oozing from Chelsey’s hole.

Naomi’s hand was still clutching mine. She was kneeling next to me on the bed. “Do you want to feel?” I asked her. Naomi just nodded. I guided her hand in, touching her fingers to the lower part of Chelsey’s cunt in place of mine.

“It’s really slippery,” Naomi whispered. “And – and warm!”

I nodded, then looked up at Chelsey. Her eyes were scrunched closed, her face tight with passion.

“Have you ever put a finger inside yourself, Chelsey?” I asked.

She nodded. “Uh-huh.”

Gently moving Naomi’s hand aside, I slipped a finger inside of Chelsey’s dripping cunt. It was tight, yet open and receptive.

“Oh, jeez!” Chelsey wailed.

“Okay,” said Halee, pushing on my shoulder. “Move over. I’m hungry, and this pussy is on the menu.”

Withdrawing my finger, I sidled out of her way.

Naomi’s eyes were bulging. “Does that mean she’s going to put her mouth down there?” she gasped.

“Just watch,” I said.

Halee got down between Chelsey’s legs, covering the entirety of the girl’s bare slit with her mouth. I couldn’t see what was happening, but the movement of her cheeks told me her tongue was in motion, and Chelsey’s gasps of pleasure assured me that whatever Halee was doing was working. Then Halee extended her tongue, swiping the swollen little clit. Bringing her hand into play, she slipped a finger inside her friend’s vagina. Chesley yelped.

I began to caress Chelsey’s face with one hand, her belly, and chest with the other, pausing to beckon Naomi closer.

“Would you like to kiss her?” I breathed into the child’s ear.

Naomi nodded, and bent down to speak to Chelsey.“Can I kiss you?” she whispered in an unsteady voice.

Please kiss me, Naomi!” Chelsey exclaimed. “Oh, gosh… Ohhhh!” For a moment, I thought she was coming, but apparently not yet.

Naomi kissed Chelsey, tentatively at first, then fiercely as Chelsey parted her lips and almost seemed to suck her friend’s tongue in. Halee was working furiously down below, her entire head whipping up and down, tongue extended, finger thrusting in and out.

Suddenly Chelsey threw her head back, breaking the kiss. She pulled Naomi to her with her good arm, pressing their cheeks together.“Oh. Oh, gosh. F-frick…”

“Fuck,” I whispered in her ear.

“Oh, fuck!” she wailed as her body seized up. Then she was crying out repeatedly, clinging to Naomi for dear life as purest ecstasy claimed her.

Halee came up grinning, her lips and cheeks glistening with moisture. I backed away, taking Naomi with me so Halee could slide up the length of Chelsey’s body and into her friend’s arms.

“Oh, Halee,” Chelsey whispered, “that was amazing.”

“Ever tasted yourself?” Halee asked.

Chelsey smiled. “Sure have.”

Halee kissed her hungrily, a contented hum escaping her mouth as Chelsey kissed and licked her vaginal juices from the older girl’s face.

“I want to do that to you,” Chelsey said, “but I’m not sure how to make it work with these braces on.”

Halee looked thoughtful. “I’ll bet we can work something out,” she said. “Maybe if we just…”

“Try sitting on her face,” I blurted.

All three girls stared at me for a moment, then Halee pursed her lips. “I think I get what you mean,” she said. Rising to her feet, she shoved her black jeans to the floor, along with her panties. Unable to resist, I pulled her down into my lap, kissing her passionately, my free hand roaming that exquisite body. She kissed me back, then pulled away and gazed into my eyes.

“Thanks for being okay with this, Nettie,” she said.

Then she turned to her sister. “You should get naked while you watch this, sis,” she said. “I haven’t seen you out of your clothes in a long time, and I’d kinda like to.” Her eyes flicked upwards to me. “You should, too. Then Naomi can try touching herself and see what happens.”

As she and Chelsey settled into a slow, languorous, and oh-so-goddamn-sexy kiss, I rapidly shucked my clothes, tossing them to the floor. Naomi gazed at me for a moment, shrugged, and got rid of hers as well. For a moment I couldn’t take my eyes off of her adorable little body, its Scandinavian bone structure lending Naomi a curviness that her older sister had yet to achieve.

Nevertheless, my attention was quickly drawn back to the main event. Halee positioned herself on her knees, lowering her cunt to Chelsey’s open mouth.

With her working hand, Chelsey Halee down further. Suddenly Halee let out a loud, guttural cry, clutching the sofa back with both hands. She bowed her head low, hair hanging down to obscure her face, her breath descending into shuddering gasps of pleasure, punctuated by little grunts and moans. She rocked back and forth, grinding her pussy into Chelsey’s face.

I heard a gasp next to me, and saw Naomi gingerly fondling her own pussy, her eyes glued to the sex scene unfolding before us on the couch. Though tempted to lend a hand, I left her to it for the moment and got to my knees, straddled Chelsey, and wrapped my arms around Halee from behind. I reached around to play with her nipples, all the while kissing her neck. Now she was moaning with every breath.

“Oh, God,” she yelped. “Oh, fuck. OHHHH!”

Then her body was spasming. She thrust herself backwards and sideways, until the two of us fell over onto the bed. I cradled her from behind as she continued to shiver, squeezing her tightly. Gradually her breathing slowed to something approaching normal. Under 20 breaths per minute, the ever-present paramedic in me noted clinically.

Chelsey was watching us sidelong, a grin on her face. “Was it good?” she inquired.

“Oh, yeah,” said Halee, letting go of me and rolling towards Chelsey, pulling her friend close.

The two girls clung to one another. “I can smell myself on you,” said Halee, moving in for a kiss.

Chelsey pulled away. “Uh-uh, girl. That’s not for you,” she said, then glanced over at the loveseat. “Hey, Naomi… wanna know what pussy tastes like?”

“I… I think so,” Naomi’s voice trembled.

“If you do, get over here and kiss me. Your sister is all over my face. If you don’t want to, that’s okay.”

Halee backed off, falling into my arms. I cradled her to me. Naomi hesitantly moved forward until she and Chelsey were face to face, then gave the girl a delicate peck on the lips.

Sitting back, she giggled. “I can smell it,” she said. “It’s… different. I thought it would be gross, but it’s not.”

“Lick my chin,” Chelsey advised. “Get yourself a real taste.”

Naomi let her tongue snake out, swiping along Chelsey’s chin. At first it was tentative, and the next thing I knew she was greedily lapping at her friend’s lips. Finally they were kissing like lovers, their tongues dancing.

Naomi pulled away and sat up, breathing hard. “I need… something,” she said. “I feel like I’m gonna explode if something doesn’t happen.”

“Hang on,” I said.

I got up and headed for the bathroom. I vaguely remembered seeing something when I was going through the drawers the previous day, and hoped it hadn’t been a figment of my imagination. On the third drawer down I found it, an elegant carved-wood hand mirror, no doubt a leftover from my dad’s second wife. Snatching it up, I returned to the living room.

The setup awaiting me could not have been more perfect. Halee was sitting against the back of the fold-out, legs stretched out before her. Naomi was resting between those legs, and Halee was kissing the back of her sister’s neck, hands restlessly roaming the ten-year-old’s chest, belly, and thighs. Naomi’s color was high, her breathing harsh and irregular. Chelsey was lying on her side, propped up on the uninjured elbow, watching the whole thing with a look of unadulterated lust.

I sat down, handing the mirror to Naomi. “Hold it so you can see your pussy,” I told her. She positioned the mirror between her legs.

“Is it okay if I touch you down there?” I said.

Naomi spoke not a word, but nodded emphatically. I reached in and carefully parted her lips. Despite being only a few months younger than Chelsey, by comparison Naomi had zero hair to speak of; still completely smooth. She was also delightfully wet.

I held her labia open with one hand, using my other to point.“These big lips,” I told her, “are your outer labia. Labia majora, if we’re getting technical.” I ran my fingers inside, tracing the inner lips, which were a bit more prominent than those of her sister. “This is the inner labia,” I went on. “Labia minora. They vary a lot. Yours are bigger than Halee’s, but smaller than mine. Mine stick out a little.”

My fingers moved inward, circling the entrance to her tunnel. Naomi shivered. “This is your vagina,” I said. Fingers now slick with moisture, I moved upward. Naomi thrust her hips out, a moan escaping.

“And that,” I said, “is your clitoris. It’s your pleasure center. Touching it is how you make yourself feel especially great.”

“Let me show you, sis,” Halee whispered. Her hand gently nudged mine aside, then went to work on her sister’s clit.

“Oh, wow,” Naomi gasped. “Oh… holy cow…”She pressed her head backwards into her sister’s chest.

Glancing over at Chelsey, I saw she was openly masturbating, her eyes glued to the two entwined sisters. Unable to resist, I reached across to slip a hand between her legs, easing a finger inside her.

We moved together, her hand cupped inside mine, my arousal skyrocketing as I felt her body respond. Neither of us could tear our attention from the incredible sight of two underage sisters making love. Naomi’s eyes were wide, her head jerking forward with every wave of pleasure.

Suddenly Chelsey’s body went rigid, her vaginal muscles clamping down on my finger. I rode out the crazy up-and-down of her orgasm, then withdrew my hand, still watching Naomi as she received her first taste of sexual pleasure.

“Oh, my gosh,” Naomi wailed. “Oh, my… Ohhhh! Oh, Halee, oh God, something’s happening…”

Halee gripped her sister’s hand, her fingers moving even faster as she strummed Naomi’s clitoris, the liquid sounds of masturbation and the scent of cunt filling the room.

Then Naomi’s entire body looked like it was trying to fly away. She didn’t cry out; she positively screamed as the first orgasm of her young life took hold. Her pelvis jerked furiously; her eyes bulged. Then she collapsed into her sister’s arms.

Halee held Naomi close, cradling her as if she was made of crystal. Finally, Naomi stirred, turned her face towards Halee, giving her big sister a sleepy smile. The two of them shared a slow, tender kiss.

Suddenly Halee fixed her gaze on me. She lifted her arm and pointed. “Her turn,” she said.

The next thing I knew, Halee and Naomi were all over me, kissing and touching me everywhere. I stretched out on the bed, and felt the somewhat less mobile Chelsey adding her own caresses to the mix. I was so far gone at this point I’d be hard-pressed to say who did what, but it was Halee who settled between my legs, slipping two fingers into my body and her tongue between my pussy lips.

“Suck her boobies, Naomi,” Chelsey suggested, turning her head to the side to capture my mouth in a kiss.

Naomi licked my breasts and sucked on my nipples, while Chelsey and I remained liplocked as the heightening sensations rent my body asunder. And then I came, screaming into the mouth of an eleven-year-old girl. Finally, we all lay still, a sweaty, sticky mess of bodies all nestled together.


We didn’t bother to put clothes on after that. We helped Chelsey get propped into a sitting position on the foldout, and I managed to dig out drinks and chips in the kitchen. Dad didn’t have much in the way of snacks, and I made a mental note to get this kitchen stocked as quickly as possible. Chelsey’s phone chimed while we were munching; Halee retrieved it for her.

She looked it over, typed briefly, then tossed it onto the bed beside her. “Just my mom. She says she’ll be coming home soon, but I can stay where I’m at if I want. I told her I’m fine here.”

“Did they get their errands done, then?” I asked.

“I don’t think it even was errands,” Chelsey replied with a roll of her eyes. “Mom’s got this new friend she likes to go drink and hang out with. I’ve been out there a few times, but she doesn’t really like bringing me. So she and Aunt Judy make up dumb excuses why I should stay home.”

“A new friend? Here in town?” I said, wondering who on earth it could be. Few people in Bronning voluntarily associated with Lisa Milne.

“Naw, there’s this old blue house back in the woods towards the end of Shadow Lake Road.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Half-collapsed barn, old rusty farm machinery all over?”

“Yeah! That’s the place. When have you been there?”

I shook my head. “We had a frequent flier who used to live there.”

“Frequent flier?” Chelsey inquired, her head cocked.

“Oh, that just means someone who calls the ambulance a lot. There was this middle-aged alcoholic who used to live out there. He died over a year ago. The house was disgusting; smelled of piss and rotten food. I figured whoever bought the property would just level the buildings. I’m kind of surprised someone is living there.”


Sleeping arrangements worked out to be Halee and I in Dad’s former bedroom, Chelsey and Naomi on the foldout. The girls had packed pajamas in overnight bags, and I found a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt in Dad’s dresser. Halee and I lay in each other’s arms, not talking much, listening to giggling and chatter from the living room, followed shortly thereafter by rapid, ragged breathing. We looked at each other, chuckled, and then lay back again. We heard a moan that could only have come from Chelsey’s lips, then another. Then a quiet cry from Naomi.

I felt motion, looked to my right, and watched the blanket ripple and twist as Halee’s hand worked furiously between her legs..

Placing a hand on her thigh and gliding upwards beneath her nightgown, I murmured, “Allow me,” She smiled, allowing me to replace her hand with mine. As my finger found its way into her slippery folds, I felt her hand glide down my belly, then slip beneath the waistband of my Dad’s old sweats.

We just lay there together, fingering each other, trying to be quiet so we could hear the rising crescendo of sexual need fulfilled in the living room. Finally, there was a keening wail as Naomi reached her pinnacle, followed by a series of short, sharp cries from Chelsey. Then silence. A moment later I felt Halee convulse under my hand, and the added jolt of excitement was enough to tip me over the edge.

Silence descended upon the house. I thought Halee might have fallen asleep, then suddenly she spoke.

“Nettie, what are we? I mean… I like you. I maybe even love you. But I don’t think we’re really girlfriends, do you?”

“No, not really,” I said, after giving it a moment’s thought. “You’re really special to me, though. Whatever it is we have, I hope it’s something we can keep for a long time.”

“That’s how I feel, too,” she said. “I don’t think I’m ready for forever, you know? But I really like you, and doing stuff with Naomi or Chelsey just isn’t the same as doing stuff with you. Does that make sense?”

“All the sense in the world,” I told her. “I think we’re in a good place at the moment.”


The dream was even more vivid than usual, and I woke up screaming. I mean a full-on, deep-throated scream that could have awakened the dead. Fortunately, the two girls in the living room slept even more soundly than the dead, and weren’t roused by it. But Halee was. She was at my side in a second as I huddled in a ball, shivering, sweat popping out all over my body. I fought tears, knowing that I would lose.

I pushed Halee back, trying to be gentle. “Go b-back to sleep.” It came out as a sob.

“What… no way.” She wrapped her arms around me. “This is the same as that night at my house. Nettie, what is it?”

I pushed myself out of her arms and off the bed, shaking so violently my legs very nearly failed to support me. I stumbled through the door and stumbled down the hall, ducking into Dad’s game room. There was a pool table, foosball, a dartboard, and a few old arcade games against the wall. I huddled up on the love seat, hugging my knees.The tears were falling; no force on earth would make them stop. But now I was far enough from the living room that when I inevitably started sobbing, the younger girls wouldn’t hear.

Halee slipped through the door, crossed the room, sat down beside me on the love seat and pulled me close. “Nettie, tell me, damn it. What’s wrong?”

“I can’t talk about it.” I hated the choked, hitchy voice that emerged from my throat. Hated being this weak. “You should go back to bed, Halee. There’s nothing you can do, and I don’t want anybody to see me like this.” My voice was rising in pitch, making me sound like a whiny adolescent.

“That’s stupid,” she said bluntly. “You’re hurting, and you need help.”

“This is s-so pathetic.” I got out. The sobs were taking me now, wracking my body in spasms.

“No, it’s not. What’s pathetic is running away from people who care about you.” She guided my head to her chest, and I had no more strength to resist. I wept as though I would die, my face mashed against her barely-there breasts.

I don’t know how long we sat there like that, but finally I got myself under control, and let her lead me back to bed like a little child. She wrapped herself around me and fell asleep almost instantly. Me, I lay awake for a long time, letting the demons walk and talk inside my head. Finally, they shut up, and I drifted off.


I woke up to Naomi shaking my arm.

I quickly sat up. “God, what time is it?”

“Almost nine-thirty. I just got up. Halee’s not here, and Chelsey wanted me to come get you right away.”

Alarm bells went off in my head. Ignoring the need to pee, I followed Naomi to the kitchen, where Chelsey sat at the table, her injured leg propped up on one of the chairs. The girls had made breakfast with instant oatmeal packets they’d found in the cupboards.

“What’s going on?” I wanted to know.

“Well,” said Chelsey, “me and Halee were up, and I was showing her some pictures I have on my phone. Then she just suddenly got really quiet and kind of weird. She told me she wasn’t feeling good, and was gonna walk home.”

Icy fingers gripped my gut. It was only a week earlier that Halee had pleaded illness to inform Terry and I of the missing teenagers at school. “What was in the pictures?”

“Lots of stuff. But I have one that I took when I first got the phone and was playing around with it. You know, trying to figure out how the camera worked. That was right before I got hurt. We were at my mom’s new friend’s house, you know, the one we were talking about last night?”

She drew in a deep breath. “Anyway, Halee saw this picture and that’s when it got weird. She took off just a couple of minutes after that.”

“Show me.”

Chelsey picked up her phone, swiped at it a few times, then held it up for me to see. It was a picture of three women sitting on a sofa. I recognized the room at once; it was the living room of that old farmhouse on Shadow Lake Road. Someone had cleaned things up and put in a nicer couch, but the view of farmyard detritus through the window hadn’t changed.

Two of the women I knew: Lisa and Judy Milne, Chelsey’s mother and aunt. To one side of the sofa was an elegant-looking blonde woman with curly hair and designer clothing. She was clearly of Scandinavian ancestry. I felt like it was someone I’d seen before, perhaps in a picture or something. The women were engaged in conversation, and didn’t appear to notice they were being photographed.

I took the phone from her, trying to think where I’d seen the blonde lady before. Naomi came up behind me, and I heard a sharp intake of breath. I turned my head towards her. She was staring at the phone wide-eyed, all the color drained from her face.

“Naomi, what’s wrong?” I said, alarmed.

“Her,” she said, stabbing a finger at the blonde woman on the screen.

“Yeah, I feel like I know her from somewhere,” I said.

“From pictures at my house,” Naomi said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Nettie, that’s my mom.

Seconds later, I was dashing into the living room where my clothes had been dumped, scrabbling around in the pocket of yesterday’s jeans for my keys. I thought about getting out of Dad’s sweatpants, but decided to not waste the time.

“I have to go out for a bit,” I told them. “You two are old enough to be okay on your own for awhile.”

“Nettie, what’s going on?” Naomi was almost in tears.

“I don’t know,” I said, “but try not to worry. It’s probably nothing. Dad had every streaming account in existence; why don’t you two watch a movie or something?”

Keys and phone in hand, I got to the entryway, shoved my bare feet into my sneakers, grabbed my jacket and fled. Running to the car, I pulled up Terry’s number with trembling hands.

On to Chapter Seventeen!


Adventure in the Bush, Chapter 2

  • Posted on June 26, 2023 at 1:55 pm

by kinkychic and kinky’s_sis

The place was huge, so it was ages before we got our suitcases. But finally, we were queueing at passport control. Things went quicker here, and soon we were waved through to arrivals.

I wasn’t at all sure that I would recognise Tinus and Agetha Claydermans, the couple who were supposed to meet us. I’d only met them once. Turns out I didn’t need to worry – the bush hat was the giveaway on the tall, leathery-skinned guy, and I recognised the short but tough-looking lady straight away. How could I forget her smile? And of course, standing just behind them was Vusumuzi, the old Zulu who’d worked for Dad.

Lucy let go of her case and ran. “Vusumuzi!” she cried as she charged at the bent old African. Taking my sister in his arms, he rocked her gently, greeting her in his own language. Lucy spoke his tongue better than I did, because I’d always been at boarding school whilst she had studied at home.

He bowed his head towards me, “UMaddie, ingane yami” (Maddie, hello my child), he said.

The drive upcountry took almost as long as the flight had, but I was happy to see all the familiar places from my childhood. The people, the animals, and the scenery. It felt like coming home.

Lucy and I were tired and jet-lagged, though, and it wasn’t long before we both fell asleep in the car.

I awoke with a jump. We were fording the river, and then I knew we were only a couple of miles from the farmhouse. It had already gone dark, but I could still make out the places where I used to explore.

I reached out and touched Mr Clandermans’ shoulder. “Could we stop here for a minute, please?”

He understood. Pulling to the side of the road, he switched off the engine. I took hold of Lucy’s hand. “Come.”

Emerging from the car, we walked to the small clearing. It had been lovingly kept, clean and tidy. There were fresh flowers in front of the gravestone. Vusumuzi had silently followed us. Feeling his presence behind me, I turned and looked searchingly at his face. He nodded. “I look after.”

I am not a religious person, so I didn’t pray, but at that moment, I knew how deeply I missed my father. I read the inscription under his name: The Protector of Animals. I’d forgotten those words. Suddenly, I was sobbing, my hands resting on the stone marker.

Lucy held me as I cried. Vusumuzi murmured softly, reciting a prayer to his own gods.

They helped me to my feet as I calmed down. My long pent-up emotions had finally been released. I pulled them both to me, but spoke to Vusumuzi. “Thank you, dear friend.”


The farmhouse hadn’t changed. Oh, little touches here and there, but the furniture and fittings were still the same. Lucy and I stood still, looking and remembering. The Clandermanses waited. Tears were once more rolling down my cheeks.

“Home,” I whispered and Lucy gave my hand a squeeze.

Mrs. Clandermans finally broke the silence. “I think maybe you would like to wash, then we eat. Or do you need to sleep?”

“Thank you for allowing us into your home, Mrs. Clandermans,” I said. “It’s very kind of you. We’re tired, yes, but we’re also very hungry.”

“My child, it is your home as well. Make it such. Please, both of you, call me Agetha, and my husband is Tinus, but we call him Tiny.”

I smiled at her as I wiped the tears away. I loved her stilted English and the strong Afrikaans twang to it. “And yes, a wash would be fantastic,” I said.

“You know the way,” she replied.

The meal was wonderful. Hungry? I was ravenous. The wine Tiny served was different from anything I’d ever had. A white wine, crisp and very dry, with a strong earthy, even flinty taste.

Tiny explained that several farmers had formed a cooperative and planted vines up on the hillside. The soil was volcanic, which gave the wine its distinctive flavour. He owned a one-ninth share in the business.

Lucy was drinking fresh orange juice. She didn’t like the wine. It pleased me to see how happy my sister looked, tired as she was.

Once the meal was finished, I got up and began to clear the table. “Maddie, you two are our guests,” Agetha said. “You do not work. Please, you will take your sister to bed? I think she is ready, yes?”

Her tone was quite firm, so I didn’t argue. And I realised I was so tired I might have dropped a few of the dishes on the way to the sink.

“You have two rooms or one,” Agetha said. “What you are used to you can do.” We said our goodnights and went to my old room. We could barely keep our eyes open as we cleaned our teeth.

I would’ve liked to share a bed with my sister, but we decided it was best to sleep apart. It wouldn’t do for us to get carried away with each other and get caught making love by Agetha or Tiny.


I could smell the coffee when I dragged myself awake. For a moment I was lost, then leaped out of bed and crossed the room to where Lucy lay. I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Come on, sleepy, time to move,” I said.

She opened her eyes. “Kiss,” she said. “A proper morning kiss for your favourite sister.”

Listening for the sound of approaching feet, I gave Lucy a deep, passionate kiss. It had been days since we’d had sex, and I was already thinking about how to get an hour or so of privacy for the two of us.

Soon we were showered and in clean clothes. The table was already laid for breakfast when we walked in. “Morning, little ones,” Agetha said. “You like tea or coffee?”

“Oh, coffee for me, please,” I answered, “and juice for Lucy, if that’s okay.”

After breakfast, Tiny said he was going up to the vineyards and asked if we’d like to go along. Lucy said she’d love to, but I declined. After the long trip, I wanted to take it easy today, visiting my old haunts.

An hour later, I was kneeling at Dad’s grave again. This time, I didn’t cry. Instead, I sat and remembered. Remembered the man who had been my father. So kind and loving to both people and animals.

A voice interrupted my thoughts. “Sorry to be a bother, but I haven’t seen you round here before. Are you a Clandermans?”

It was a woman, somewhere in her early thirties, I reckoned. She had a pretty face, almost hidden under a huge floppy bush hat. The rest of her was concealed by a loose-fitting shirt and trousers.

“No, but I used to live here before we went back to England.” I pointed at the grave. “That’s my father.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have intruded.” She took a few steps away.

“No, it’s fine. Please don’t go. I cried yesterday. Today I’m reminiscing, is all.” I stood and held out my hand. “I’m Maddie.”

She shook my hand firmly, something I always like in another woman. “I’m Susan, but you can call me Susy… and in case you wondered, I’m not trespassing, I have Mr Clandermans’ permission to come and go as I please.”

“Doing what?”

“I’m seconded to an animal medical research group. We’re investigating some problems in this area. I’m a vet – not normally with wild animals, but the opportunity came up, so I jumped at it. To see Africa and the wildlife in its natural environment, not locked up in a zoo. And the chance to learn.”

“Goodness, that sounds wonderful. It’s kind of what my dad did.”

“Oh, I know. The people I’m working with speak highly of him.”

A tear rose in my eye, and I quickly brushed it away. Susy took my hand. “I’m sorry. That was thoughtless of me.”

“Don’t worry about it. We only got here yesterday and I’m still coming to terms with my memories.” I instinctively liked this woman. “So tell me, do you know the area well yet? Have you been here long?”

“No, only a couple of days, I don’t really start until next week. I was just having a wander about, finding my way around. I seemed to have got a bit lost in the bush, but I knew where I was when I saw the road over there.”

“Me, I was just revisiting my old secret places. Would you like to come along?”

She agreed, and we set off along a faint trail. Most anyone would have found it hard to see, but my forest skills were returning to me like it was yesterday. “There’s this one place you’ve got to see. It’s about two miles from here, but I promise it’ll be worth it.”

I was carrying a fairly long, stout piece of marula wood that I’d broken off from a fallen tree. She raised a questioning eyebrow. “What’s the stick for?”

“To push through the thorn bushes when we get near to where we’re going,” I explained. “Besides, it’s always sensible to carry in the bush just in case you meet anything unfriendly. Probably useless, but it makes me feel safer.”

The ground started to rise quite steeply until there was nothing but bare black rock underfoot. The last few hundred feet was a hard slog, but I finally reached the top and held out my hand to help Susy up the last bit. She looked around and let out a gasp. “Heavens, what a beautiful place!”

I nodded. “My dad said that thousands of years ago, when the river formed, it hit these rocks dead centre. The river split in two and went around both sides, so this was once an island. Then one side silted over, and the river just went around the other side, so it ended up with these rocks at the centre of a large loop before it flowed straight on. Nobody ever comes here. It’s quite hard to get to, and anyway, who would want to? There was only ever me. Well, now I’ve shown you my secret hiding place.”

“My God, Maddi, thank you so much, it’s… well, it’s magical.”

We sat in the shade of the lone acacia tree, talking about the work my dad had done, his fight against the poachers, and the sick or injured animals that he tried to nurse back to health.

The trek through the bush had been hot work, but now, with a gentle breeze wafting up from the river, we had cooled down. Susy removed her hat and shook out her hair. My first thought was of how beautiful she was, but then I was startled by her age – so much younger than I had expected.

She caught my stare. “What is it?” She asked.

“Oh, sorry. Somehow I thought you were much older. Now, I see, you’re not so far from my age.”

She gave a small laugh. “I’m twenty-three.”

Susy went on to tell me she’d not been qualified for long and only got the most basic jobs – medicating flocks of sheep and such. It had all got a bit boring, but she hoped that would change with this new job.

Occasionally, I would point to a beautiful bird swooping after dragonflies, or the deer and antelope coming down for a drink at the water’s edge.

It was mid-afternoon when I said that we ought to be getting back, I didn’t want the Clandermans worrying about me. We walked in file until the trail widened a little. Then we were side by side.

Suddenly I whispered, “Quiet, stay still.” I gently took her hand.

“What is it? I don’t see anything.”

“Move your head slowly and look up in the branches of that tree right ahead. Can you see? It’s a cheetah.”

“Yes! I see it… my God, it’s beautiful.” She watched for a while. “Er, we are safe, right? It won’t attack us?”

“No, it knows we’re here but it’s not interested in us. As long as we just watch for a little while, he won’t be bothered.”

Just like any cat, it lay stretched out with legs dangling either side of the branch, lazily licking a paw. Then it stood and gave its whole body a huge rolling stretch before it jumped from the tree and disappeared through the undergrowth.

Susy turned to me and pulled me into a hug. “Maddie, thank you. It’s been such a marvellous day.”

I felt her breasts press into me through her shirt. Oh God, my nipples were stiffening. Please don’t let her notice. God, that would be embarrassing. 

I quickly turned from her. “Come on, this way. We’re almost there.”

I knew that I wanted to see her again. “You’re still free tomorrow, right? Why don’t you hang out with me again? I’ll have a picnic made up. Bring a bathing costume, so we can have a swim. Please say you will.”

“I’d love to come with you again. Swim – is it safe to swim in the river? Besides, I don’t have a costume.”

“The river’s perfectly safe – no crocodiles around here. If you haven’t got a costume, well, just swim in your underwear. There’s no one to see us, so we’ll be fine.”

I swear Susy blushed, but she agreed. We fixed a time, and I told her not to bring anything except a towel. After a peck on my cheek, she was gone.


Lucy had also enjoyed her day, and had already arranged to go out with Tiny again. Of course, this suited me just fine. He was going to take one of his lower-bore rifles out and give her a few shooting lessons. She’d complained over lunch that I was a capable shot with a rifle or pistol, but she’d never been allowed to handle a gun. Of course, Agetha frowned, but as Tiny pointed out, it was always good to at least know which end of a gun was which when you lived in the wild.

I asked Agetha about putting a picnic together and told her about Susy. She said yes, she’d met Susy and thought she was very nice. She was pleased that I had made a friend so quickly. And of course, she would be happy to prepare a picnic lunch for us.

Tiny asked where we were going. After I explained, he insisted I take a shotgun with me. Not to kill anything, but to scare something off if I needed to. Very occasionally, lions were seen around that area. He also suggested that his old battery-powered radio would come in handy. A burst of static was usually enough to keep anything away.


From my seat on the verandah, I saw Susy a few hundred yards away, walking down the road. Again, she wore a bush shirt and trousers, but they were a better fit than those she’d worn the day before. I realised that I was studying her figure. 

Shit! I thought, I fancy her. I resolved to be careful not to flirt with Susy. I liked her and I wanted her as a friend. If she knew I liked girls, it might frighten her away.

She waved when she saw me, then broke into a trot. Right away, I forgot my resolve. “Hey, you’re running,” I said. “What – couldn’t wait to see me again?”

Oh God, I thought. I’m supposed to be behaving.

I saw a hint of pink appear on Susy’s cheek, but she laughed. “No, I just want to see the river again.”

Noticing the shotgun, she frowned. “Is that really necessary?”

I explained what Tiny had said and she understood the sense of it. We said goodbye to Agetha, then set off the same way as the previous day. It was clear just how easily we got along together, almost as if we’d been friends for years.

I cautioned Susy to step quietly as we approached the cheetah’s tree, but that day there was no sign of it.

At the river, we spread our towels out under the same acacia. I thought of Tiny’s suggestion of the radio but decided to ignore it. We wanted to see the animals, not frighten them away.

There were numerous birds to be seen, but no animals. Then I whispered to Susy, “Look, right over where the river comes into view.” There was a small sandy strip where, first one, then a few more appeared. Soon there were more than a dozen animals.

“Impala,” I said quietly.

They drank for ages, always nervously looking about. Then as quickly as they’d appeared, they shot away in graceful leaps and bounds. “Something scared them, but I can’t see anything,” Susy said.

“Hungry yet?” I asked, opening the large bag. “Oh, my, two bottles of wine. Is Agetha trying to get us drunk? Have you tasted the wine they make here yet? It’s a bit of an acquired taste, but I like it.”

Susy pulled a bit of a face when she tasted the wine, “It’s okay, but wouldn’t be my first choice,” she said. “I’m not complaining, mind.”

We lay side by side after we’d eaten, chatting for ages. Nothing significant, but I found it pleasant. It was quite easy to talk to her.

Feeling impulsive, I jumped to my feet. “I’m for a swim,” I said. “You coming?” and began to undress. I’d never been shy, so I didn’t give it a thought as my top, jeans and bra came off. A glance told me that Susy was nervous about being in her underwear in front of me.

I saw her hesitate. “Don’t be shy,” I said, giving her a playful nudge. ”It’s only me here.” Susy shrugged, then began to undress.

God, her figure was gorgeous. I couldn’t help myself, I just stared. Then I realised I should have kept my bra on, because my nipples were already responding to the sight. I snatched up my towel and draped it around my shoulders. Susy didn’t appear to have noticed.

“Let’s go this way,” I told her. “It’s not as steep around the side.” As we got nearer to the water, I added, “You can dive off the rock, it’s just deep enough… or you can wade in over there.”

I dumped my towel and dived straight in. I had forgotten just how cold the water was. Well, at least there was a reason for my nipples standing out now. Susy did the same, but quickly came up, “Fuck!” she said. “Oops! Sorry, but that’s bloody cold. You might have warned me.”

We laughed and splashed about for a while, but it really was too cold for us to stay in for long. “Come on, I’m freezing,” I said and climbed out. I reached a hand and pulled Susy up.

Two things hit me right away. One, her nipples were clearly erect under her bra, and two, her underthings were all but transparent. I quickly averted my eyes before she caught me looking, then tossed the towel to her.

Back at our spot, the rock was nice and warm, so we soon felt better. I poured us each a glass of wine, which we gulped down, then had another. “It does get better, the more you drink,” Susy said.

She lay on her back and I stretched out next to her on my stomach, our arms nearly touching. By then, the promise I’d made to refrain from seducing her was all but forgotten. Feeling especially bold, I reached down and pulled my panties off, then spread them out on the warm stone. “Too wet and uncomfortable,” I said, pretending not to notice Susy’s surprised expression. “I’m laying them out to dry. You should do the same.”

She surprised me by doing exactly that – this time without hesitation. That’s what several glasses of wine will do to you, I reckoned. Our nipples were back to normal now that we’d warmed up a bit, but the heat that hissed and raged beneath my belly couldn’t be ignored..

I saw she had a small tattoo at the top of her arm, just below the shoulder – a tiny cherub blowing a small circle of clouds. I reached my fingers to touch it. “That’s nice, I like that.” I didn’t consciously realise it, but my fingers lingered there, slowly tracing circles around the tat.

And I was staring at her boobs again. Oh, shit! I could see her nipples slowly getting larger again. It’s my fingers on her shoulder, I thought. It must be. I let them softly trace down her arm a little, then back up to the tattoo. She didn’t protest, so I did it again.

But then she said in a very soft voice, “Maddie, you’re touching me.”

“Your skin, it’s so lovely and soft. I just wanted to feel it… do you mind?”

Susy didn’t answer, but she turned her head a little to peer at me, a puzzled expression on her face. I kept my finger moving but this time when I reached her shoulder, I continued to her neck, lightly grazing Susy’s skin, finally tracing her mouth.

My eyes still locked on hers, I leaned forward until my lips brushed her arm. That was when she finally spoke. “Maddie, you – you shouldn’t.”

My fingers drifted from Susy’s lips to the hollow of her neck, where I paused. “Why?” I said. “Tell me to stop, and I will. You only have to say the words.” My fingers moved again, this time to the swell of her breasts. Again I paused, all the while gazing into her wide-open eyes. She didn’t answer.

I let the palm of my hand slide down until I was cupping Susy’s breast, feeling her nipple harden against my palm. My lips were still touching her arm. Extending my tongue, I licked her skin. She just stared.

Pushing myself up onto an elbow, I drew closer to my new friend’s chest. I was ready to stop if she told me to, but she never did.

My lips closed around a nipple, and I gently sucked it. I saw Susy’s eyes close. Yes! She had surrendered to me. She was mine.

I licked the stiffened nipple with a hard flick of my tongue. She gasped, covering her mouth with one hand as the other slowly came to rest over mine, the one cupping her other breast.

I kissed Susy all over, each kiss bolder than the last. Between kisses, I licked her skin. Her belly tensed and she inhaled sharply as my lips explored, moving from side to side, pausing only long enough for my tongue to dip briefly into her navel. A little further down and I found – not hair, just a lovely, smooth, shaven vulva.

For a moment she resisted when I parted her thighs, but then she let them fall open, allowing my tongue to slip down to where her inner thigh met her groin. I could see the glistening of her sex, and knew she was aroused and wet. I kissed all around her pussy, never quite touching it. Her hands were gripping and bunching the towel.

I heard Susy moan, and I knew it was time to make my new lover come. I moved between her legs, my lips just grazing the moist labia. With fingers on either side, I gently separated them and pressed my face to her inviting treasure, tasting her at last.

Oh, my God, her glorious taste… it had me glowing like the sun. I knew now that this had been my aim since I first saw her. I’d hidden it with thoughts of friendship, but had only been lying to myself.

Gripping Susy’s thighs, I pulled her hard to my mouth, moving my head from side to side, revelling in her freely flowing wetness.

I brought one hand back to her pussy, parting Susy’s folds until her clit rose into view, inviting my tongue. I heard an, “Ooooh!” as I licked it, then sucked the inflamed bud into my mouth, forming a tight O around it.

Maddie! Oh God, Maddie, love me.”

Placing three fingers at her opening, I penetrated deep into Susy’s vagina. As I began to work them back and forth, her hips flexed and lifted to meet my pumping arm. The muscles inside bore down on my fingers with every thrust, and I knew she was close to climaxing.

She clutched at my hair, howling, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” over and over. Then suddenly she cried, “Oh, fuck!” and jerked violently, coming for me. I kept licking her clit, though my hand could hardly move anymore – she was gripping my fingers so tightly inside.

Her body shuddered again. “Fuck, yes. Shit! Shit! Sh… sh… i… t!” Her hold on my hand relaxed and I began to pull out. “No, don’t!” she pleaded. “Stay there for a little longer, please.” I continued to kiss her clit, but very gently. Finally, she said, “Okay… I’ve had enough.”

I withdrew my hand and sat up to look at her. She stared back in disbelief. “My God… you just fucked me, and we haven’t even kissed yet!”

I climbed on top of her and brought my lips to hers. “Taste yourself,” I told her, and we shared the longest, most wonderful kiss of my life.

I finally pulled away, and Susy’s eyes popped open. “Did you plan this all along?” she asked,

“Honestly, I didn’t. I wanted to, but I told myself to behave and not risk our friendship. I guess I fucked up.”

“Maddie, I’ve never been with a woman before. I was getting a feeling about you, and it frightened me. I nearly sent a note to tell you I couldn’t make it today. Then I told myself I was imagining things. But I wasn’t, was I?”

“Susy, I really did try to be good. But you got me so excited… and in the end, I couldn’t resist you any longer. I’m sorry. Please don’t be cross with me.”

She laughed. “Do I look cross, you little fool? You were magic. I never imagined I could feel that good!”

I brushed the trace of a tear from the corner of her eye… though to tell the truth, I was feeling a little tearful myself. “Susy, you’ve made me so happy,” I whispered. Then we were kissing again.

Suddenly she broke away, pushing at my shoulder. “Can I – can I try? I’d like to give you those feelings.” she said, nudging me over until I was on my back.

Susy tentatively placed a hand on my breast, giving it a little squeeze, feeling it as if she’d never touched one before. Her fingers came to a nipple, and she lovingly toyed with it, marvelling at the stiff, proud little soldier. I watched as her mouth came nearer, and my nipple disappeared between her lips. I felt her tongue twirling around and around as she teased it.

She emulated exactly what I’d done, kissing me everywhere as she travelled down my body. My excitement mounted in anticipation of what I knew was to come. Susy moved between my legs, gazing at my lower lips. I raised my knees and spread myself wide, then reached down and opened my cunt, giving her a view deep inside.

Still she stared, not moving, just looking. I pulled my hood back, took hold of my clit between finger and thumb and I slowly massaged it, feeling it grow. I reached around the outside of my thigh, searching for her hand. When I had it, I bunched two of her fingers and brought them to my pussy, drawing them slowly inside.

Susy glanced up at me and smiled. Then her head came down, she pushed my fingers away, and her lips settled on me. She lapped at my juices, then pulled back, mulling over their taste. Then she smiled again and went to work, sucking and fingering me. She no longer needed my guidance.

I’d built up such anticipation, so much need, that I wasn’t going to last very long. No sooner had the thought occurred to me than my orgasm began. I had only one last thought: Oh God, please don’t let me squirt in her face. She’s not ready for that!

My head went back, my body arched and tightened. I clutched her fingers. Then I lost all control. I’m not usually noisy during sex, but this time I heard myself scream as my body was convulsed by sensations of pure ecstasy.

When I eventually opened my eyes, Susy was gazing at me with a look of awe. I gave her a weary smile, then began to tell her how wonderful that was, but she spoke first. “My God, Maddie… do you always come that hard?”

I drew Susy up to me, wrapping both arms around her. “My love, that was all because of you,” I whispered.

“It was?” she said. “Oh, my.”

On to Chapter Three!


Strange Brew, Chapter 15

  • Posted on June 16, 2023 at 2:17 pm

A quick recap of the Story Thus Far: Rural paramedic Nettie Hastings finds herself in the middle of a flurry of unexplained overdose calls and, with the help of her best friend and former lover, Terry Wilder, has begun putting clues together linking the source to her own hometown. Some suspect Terry’s involvement, including police chief George Fronse, as Terry’s ex-wife is a convicted drug trafficker. A DEA agent named Bridgette Ramscone is brought in to work the case, and she takes a special interest in Nettie who, in the meantime, has entered into a clandestine affair with Terry’s preteen daughter. As Chapter 14 ends, Nettie and Terry rescue a car crash victim who Terry somehow seems to know.

For a more detailed breakdown of this story’s chapters, please consult the Chapter Links.

by Rachael Yukey

There’s nothing like twilight to throw decay into sharp relief. As Terry and I cruised back into Bronning, the ambulance decelerating smoothly as county highway transitioned into the main drag, I was struck by how old most of downtown was… and how poorly maintained.

The red brick of Tion’s drugstore was cracked and weathered; the rock-wall facade of the pub missing large chunks. As Terry turned the corner onto Marshall Avenue towards the ambulance garage, my eyes roamed the rust and ruin of Thomas’s service station, long since shuttered. They stopped pumping gas and changing oil before I was even born, and no one has bothered to repurpose the building.

By the time we’d dropped Darren Sanders off at the Melville hospital, he was hanging on by a thread. His level of consciousness had deteriorated markedly after that one moment of semi-lucidity, to the point at which he was no longer able to protect his airway. I’d ended up intubating him less than ten minutes out from the hospital.

Brian Severson, who had driven the ambulance during transport, didn’t come back to Bronning with us. His wife was a nurse in Melville, and he decided to hang around town until she got off shift. I had only Terry for company on the thirty-minute drive home, and he’d been stonily uncommunicative, responding to my attempts to draw him out with one or two word sentences. Eventually I gave up and set about finishing my report.

“Oh, look,” Terry said suddenly. “Special Agent Perky Tits wants to talk to us.”

I looked ahead and sure enough… the black DEA Suburban was nosed up to the sidewalk in front of the station, and I could make out Bridgett in the driver’s seat. Terry swung the rig onto the concrete apron, thumbing the garage door opener clipped to the visor as he did so. The driver’s door of the Suburban popped open, and Bridgett gracefully swung her legs onto the pavement.

She was standing in the garage next to the conference room door as I exited the ambulance, the face sheet, ECG printout, and laptop tucked under my arm. “Let’s talk,” she said simply.

As the garage door trundled down, I punched in the key code to access the conference room. Terry brushed past me and flung himself into a chair, his expression hard as flint. Bridgett and I followed at a more sedate pace. I eased into the chair to Terry’s left, placing my hand on his forearm and squeezing. Bridgett sat on the opposite side of the table, facing us.

“I just got off the phone with the hospital,” she said, “so I already know what the medical situation is. Did he say anything before you intubated him?”

“He was lucid for a couple of minutes when we were maybe halfway there,” I replied. “Not really oriented, but alert, if you understand the distinction. Kept asking us to tell Kathy, whatever that means. When I asked him what we should tell her, he couldn’t answer. We did get a name… Darren Sanders.”

“You don’t have to cover for me, Nettie,” Terry broke in, his voice savage. “I remembered his name, and he confirmed it.”

Bridgett looked down at the table, lacing her hands in front of her. It was only a moment before she looked up again. “Then I’m sure you’re already aware of his association with your ex-wife. Mr. Sanders was a point of contact between buyers and sellers in some very high-profile narcotics smuggling operations, and was arrested at the same time as Ms. Wilder. Like her, he was able to have his sentence reduced to mandatory minimum by pointing some fingers. They were very highly placed in a very large organization, but there were even bigger fish to be caught. If not for that, they’d still be rotting in prison.”

“Any idea what he might have been doing out there?” Terry wanted to know. “Or are you not telling?”

“I probably wouldn’t be able to tell you if I did know, but the honest truth is, I don’t,” she said flatly. “The tire tracks indicate he was entering Merlin Creek Drive, not exiting, and they weren’t fresh. My expert estimates he’d probably been lying there for eight to ten hours.”

“It’s lucky he got found when he did,” I said. “Another hour at most, he’d have been dead. Partly exposure, partly acidosis. The ph they got at the hospital was 6.8; that’s the lowest I’ve ever seen in a living person. Who found him, anyway?”

“A twelve-year-old kid walking out to Merlin Creek with a fishing pole and a tacklebox,” she replied.

Terry was nodding slowly. “I never got close enough to the meat locker itself to see much,” he said, “but according to the fuzz, there was an ATV trail going back into the woods behind the building. If the geography in my mental map is right, Merlin Creek Drive would skirt the edge of the valley on that side. Is that perhaps the route they’ve been using to get in and out?”

“There’s a passable trail through private land that connects to Merlin Creek Drive on the back end,” said Bridgett. “The owners of the property live out of state, and use it as fall hunting ground. That’s how the perps were passing back and forth unnoticed. We’ve got it completely cordoned off right now, but we can’t do that with Merlin Creek Drive proper, because there are residences on it.”

Terry inhaled deeply, then blew his breath out through pursed lips. His shoulders were rigid with tension, and he seemed on the verge of flipping the table over. I’d never seen him like this before.

“Something, Mr. Wilder?” Bridgett asked.

“Kathy,” he said. “I remembered his name when he said that. Because Sanders is the only person I ever met who referred to Kathryn as Kathy.”

Terry’s hands were trembling. “If I find out that she has anything whatsoever to do with this,” he said in the darkest tones I’d ever heard from him, “I swear to fucking Dionysus, I will personally strangle her with my bare hands.”

Bridgette’s eyes narrowed, “That would be a very bad idea, Mr. Wilder. If you learn anything at all, the way to approach it is to call me.”

“Sure,” he said bitterly. “call you. I remind you that you represent the system under which Kathryn was able to plead her sentence to practically nothing by fingering a few extra crooks. I further remind you that you represent the organization that I know damn well is still keeping tabs on me, because you believe me to have some level of culpability in my ex-wife’s former business activities. I want you to catch whomever is behind this, but you’ll have to forgive me for not having a whole lot of faith in the agency that has already as much as found me guilty by association.”

Bridgett was gazing back at him, her eyes never wavering. “We do the best we can with what we have,” she told him. “And I remind you that you lived with the de facto leader of an international drug cartel for ten years, and you either never picked up on it, ignored it, or were involved. Which one was it?”

Terry let out a short bark of laughter, then visibly relaxed. “So I’m an idiot, an accessory, or an accomplice. Pick your poison.” He leaned back, lacing both hands behind his head. “I think I’d almost prefer one of the latter, but I’m forced to confess here to the crime of idiocy. As I was telling Nettie earlier, looking back on my years with Kathryn, I understand your suspicions. I really do. Because the warning signs were numerous, and I utterly failed to see them for what they were. I could blame my career, the kids, or a thousand other factors, but honestly I don’t think any of them were the reason. I was just blindly smitten with her. I was like the dumb jackass who knows deep down his wife is fucking his best friend, but can’t admit it – even to himself.” He dropped his hands back into his lap. “I assume Kathryn’s still on probation. Where is she living at the moment?”

Bridgett looked down at her own hands, seeming to consider. Then she met his eyes. “Actually, no,” she said. “Her probation’s been over for almost a year. And… I’m skating on thin ice by telling you this, Mr. Wilder, but we don’t know where she is now. We were keeping an eye on her, but she left California about six months ago, and we don’t know where she ended up. We have a flag out, and we’ll find her the moment she uses her social security number, or her California driver’s license. So far, she hasn’t.”

Terry rolled his eyes. “Jesus Christ. And I don’t suppose you have much hope of interviewing Sanders anytime soon.”

Bridgett opened her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it. “No chance,” I said. “They’re going to keep him under for days, at least. This kind of acidosis fucks up everything, and they’re not going to bring him out of it until they feel like they have some control. That’s if he ever wakes up… he might not. He’s a sick man.”

“That’s what the hospital told me,” said Bridgett. “At best, I won’t get any answers from that quarter for awhile, and by the time they let me near him he’ll probably be lucid enough to lawyer up.”

She studied Terry’s face intently. “It’s my gut feeling, sitting here talking to you, that you’re telling the truth,” she said to him. “But you understand that you’re still of interest.”

Terry spread his hands. “From the moment the investigation into Kathryn’s activities began, I’ve been of interest. Don’t think I’m unaware.”

Bridgett nodded to him and stood. “Then we’re done here. If either of you thinks of anything that might help us, please come to me.”

The three of us parted ways outside the station, Terry and I turning towards his Equinox, and Bridgett sliding behind the wheel of the black Suburban. Before she closed the door, Terry turned suddenly towards her.

“Agent Ramscone.” She turned to meet his eyes.

“I know you probably can’t answer this,” he said, “but I have to ask. Aside from the very circumstantial things we’ve already covered, do you have any reason to suspect Kathryn’s involvement?”

I turned towards him, startled at his tone. There was a note of pleading there. It was, by a long shot, the most vulnerable I’d ever seen him.

“No,” said Bridgett, her gaze never wavering. “Just the fact that two of her former henchmen are in the area, and the name Kathy. Nothing else. And you’re right, I shouldn’t be answering that question. Good night, Mr. Wilder. Ms. Hastings.” She closed the car door and started the engine.

I placed a hand on Terry’s arm, and he turned his head towards me. Sorrow was etched into every line of his face, and I died a little at the sight of it.

“Come on,” I said gently. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”


Halee and Naomi were just clearing the dinner table when we returned. There was still plenty of chili in the crock pot, so Terry and I helped ourselves to steaming bowls. Chelsey was still there, not having heard back yet from her mother or aunt.

“Doesn’t your mom want you home for school tomorrow?” I inquired.

Chelsey rolled her eyes. “Like she cares,” she said bitterly, then brightened. “Anyway, it’s a five-day weekend. No school until Thursday.”

Halee padded back into the living room. “Do you need company tonight, Nettie? I can stay up as late as I want.”

“So can I, actually,” said Naomi. “Maybe we could have a girl’s night right here in the living room!”

I had to suppress a groan.

“In my living room?” Terry said in mock horror. He was back to his usual impenetrable self, and I was glad to see it.

I thought fast. Maybe we could salvage something of the evening after all. “My place would be better,” I said. “We don’t have to be quiet.”

“Nettie,” said Terry in long-suffering tones. “Perhaps this has escaped your attention, but you live in an apartment building.”

“I mean my new place,” I said. “I’ve decided; I’m moving into Dad’s house. We could try it out for size tonight.”

Terry cocked an eyebrow. “I figured that’s what you’d end up doing. Why you’d want to let this pair of heathen barbarians into your house is beyond me, but you can take ‘em along if you want.”

“What about me?” Dawn piped up.

“And me!” chorused Maya.

I opened my mouth and closed it without speaking, trying to decide how I was supposed to handle this one, when Terry came to my rescue.

“Maya,” he said, “your friend Gina is being dropped off first thing in the morning, so you need to be here. Dawn, I forbade you to go to anyone’s house until you cleaned your room, a task I know without looking that you have utterly failed to accomplish. Besides, neither one of you is cleared yet to stay up as late as they’re likely to. It’s a big girl party. Your day will come.”

Maya just shrugged and resumed building with her mega-bloks. Dawn took the admonition with somewhat less grace, flinging herself down upon the couch. Chelsey sighed.

“I guess I should probably give my mom a call,” she said, sounding a little woebegone. She pulled out her phone, selected a number from her contacts, and brought it to her ear.

“Hi, Mom,” she said. There was a moment’s pause. “Yeah,” she said, “it’s about time for me to go home.” Another hesitation. “I could ask them, I guess.” She took the phone away from her face. “Mom was wondering if one of you would drop me off at home. They’re not going to be back till late. I’ll manage all right on my own until they show up.”

“You’re welcome to stay here,” said Terry. He turned towards his elder daughters, who were standing together by the couch. “Under the circumstances, ladies, perhaps I could prevail upon you to keep the party at our house for your friend’s sake.”

“Or,” I put in quickly, “if her mother doesn’t mind, she’s welcome to join us at my place.”

Chelsey’s face split wide into a grin.

“Mom,” she said excitedly, bringing the phone back to her face, “Halee and Naomi are having a girl’s night at Nettie Hastings’ house, and I just got invited. Can I go, Mom? Please?


It was Halee who suggested the game of Truth or Dare. It surprised me; I don’t remember playing it until I was well into my teens, and always thought of it as an adult game of sorts. Later, I wondered if Halee and Chelsey had put their heads together and planned the whole thing at some point between her mom saying yes and the four of us sprawling out on my dad’s luxurious living room furniture.

Before we’d left Terry’s house, I’d gotten him aside and asked if he needed me to stay. His earlier consternation hadn’t been lost on me, and I wanted to be there for him if I could. He’d just flashed me that disarming grin, informed me that he had a little company lined up for after Dawn was in bed, and thanked me for asking.

“Truth,” said Naomi.

“Have you ever been kissed?” Chelsey asked without hesitation. “I mean a real kiss; not like from your parents.”

“No!” Naomi replied with giggling vehemence.

“How sad for you,” Halee said.

“Well, have you?” Naomi demanded to know.

Halee smiled sweetly. “I’m not the one under scrutiny here, now am I?” I couldn’t help but reflect on how much her speech patterns were starting to resemble those of her father.

Naomi rolled her eyes at her sister and turned towards me. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” I said.

Naomi hesitated. “What I want to ask is, um, kinda personal,” she said.

“It’s supposed to be personal,” I replied. “Go ahead and ask.”

“Well, remember what you told us about yourself at dinner last week?” She cast a nervous glance towards Chelsey, as if just then remembering that she hadn’t been there.

“You mean that I’m bisexual?”

Naomi looked relieved. “Yeah, that. I was just wondering: have you ever had an actual girlfriend?”

“Several,” I replied. I turned towards Halee. “Truth or dare.”


I got bold. “Do you like to French kiss?”

“Love it.”

Naomi’s eyes popped. “And just who have you been kissing?!”

Again, that sardonically sweet smile. “That wasn’t the question, now was it?”

Halee directed her attention towards Chelsey, with whom she was sharing the love seat. Chelsey’s bum leg was stretched out before her on a plush footrest.

“What’ll it be?” she said.

In retrospect, I think it must have been premeditated on their part. The seating, the order of play… it was just too perfect.

“Dare,” said Chelsey.

“Kiss me,” said Halee.

My heart caught in my throat. Chelsey leaned towards Halee. Halee placed a hand on the girl’s cheek, and their mouths met, open. They kissed tenderly but firmly, a kiss that was clearly not their first. I was thoroughly surprised… and equally aroused.

The kiss lasted a good fifteen seconds or so, and then they parted. Naomi was leaning forward, elbows on her knees, her jaw slack. I realized my own mouth was hanging open, and closed it with a snap.

The two girls on the love seat were looking at us now. Halee’s expression was one of triumph. Chelsey looked nervous. Naomi found her voice first.

“What the heck?!

“That’s hell, sis,” Halee said, her familiar sarcasm firmly in place. “Heck is nowhere near scary enough.”

Over my initial shock, I was smiling now. “Okay, spill,” I said. “What’s going on with you two?”

Seeing it was okay, Chelsey smiled back. “Halee taught me to kiss last night.”

Naomi goggled at them. “When?

“When you were snoring like an overworked chainsaw,” Halee put in. Naomi stuck her tongue out at her sister.

“She did say that kissing girls sounded like fun,” Halee went on with a shrug. “I just thought she should have a chance to find out. Now, are we playing a game, or what?”

Chelsey turned towards Naomi, who was seated in the very recliner in which I’d eaten out Bridgett Ramscone the day before.

“Truth or dare.”

Naomi gave her head a little shake. “Truth.”

“Did watching us kiss make you feel tingly inside?”

“Ummm… a little.” Naomi was studying her hands; avoiding everyone’s gaze.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I told her in a gentle voice.

Naomi looked at me, her lip twisted. “But she’s my sister. Besides, I don’t like girls that way!”

“Maybe you do and you didn’t know it,” I said. “I was just a little older than you when I realized I did. I wouldn’t worry about it. Let’s play.”

Naomi nodded, her cheeks still flushed. “Truth or dare,” she said to me.


“Did it make you feel tingly?”

My mind churned. The smart play here was of course to ignore the rules of the game and lie. Halee would know, but she’d also understand. But then I decided To hell with that.

“You girls do remember the rules,” I said. “Anything said in Truth or Dare stays in this room.”

“Yeah,” said Naomi.

“Of course,” said Chelsey.

“I’m more than tingly,” I said. “I’m very sexually aroused right now.”

“I know what that means,” said Chelsey. “It’s how I feel after Halee and I kiss, and other times too. You get this tingly feeling, and you get all achy and warm in your…” she gestured downward towards the fork of her thighs.

“Your pussy,” Halee suggested.

Halee!” Naomi blurted.

“That’s what I usually call it,” I said. “Or sometimes my twat, or my cunt. If I’m at work I use medical terms like vulva… but that’s not very sexy, y’know?”

“Vulva sounds like a Korean car,” said Chelsey.

Halee laughed. “I get great mileage from my vulva!” she proclaimed.

Chelsey and Naomi broke out in a fit of giggles, and I found myself smiling. Despite the sensitive topic, the atmosphere in the room was comfortable.

“Truth or dare, Halee.” I said.

“Truth,” she said.

“What do you think about Naomi feeling tingly when she watched you and Chelsey kiss?”

“I think it’s hot,” she said, looking directly across the room and into her sister’s eyes. “I think you’re really sexy, sis. I think all the rules about who is supposed to feel what about whom are dumb. I think all the rules about who can do what with whom are dumb. If it wasn’t for those stupid rules, I’d kiss you right now.”

I stared across the room at my little lover, practically glowing with pride – and lust. Then I glanced at Naomi, who was staring at her sister, mouth agape.

Halee turned towards Chelsey with eyebrows raised. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” said Chelsey.

“Do you want to kiss Naomi?”

“Oh, yes,” said Chelsey, a dreamy expression on her face. “Truth or dare?” she said to Naomi.

“D-dare,” said Naomi, her voice tremulous yet hopeful. She was gazing directly at Chelsey.

“Come over here and kiss me on the mouth,” said Chelsey.

Naomi stood, very slowly. She crossed the room on trembling legs, and leaned down to Chelsey, just out of reach. Halee reached up and tenderly brushed the bangs from her sister’s face. That simple gesture is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever witnessed, and also one of the hottest. I squeezed my thighs together, and the wave of pleasure was so intense I thought for a moment I might come on the spot. The three girls seemed frozen in time.

“If you want to pass,” Chelsey said in a voice that was almost a whisper, “I won’t be mad.”

Naomi leaned in a little further, pressing her lips to Chelsey’s. Chelsey wrapped a hand around the back of her friend’s head, but made no other move. Naomi let the kiss linger for a couple of seconds, then pulled away and straightened, looking a little dazed.

She turned towards me. “You – you’re okay with this?”

“I think it’s beautiful,” I said. Naomi nodded once and returned to her chair, then looked back at Chelsey. “That was nice,” she said. Chelsey beamed.

Naomi turned to me. “Truth or dare.” Naomi said to me.

“Truth.” By then, I was sorely tempted to ask for a dare. But as the sole adult in the room, it seemed best to restrain myself, let the girls take the lead.

“Have you ever done sex stuff with other women?”

I smiled. “Yes. Many times. Truth or dare, Halee.”


“Have you ever gone further than kissing?” It really wasn’t a fair question because I knew the answer, but I trusted Halee to know what I was up to.

Halee squared her shoulders. “I’ve had lesbian sex,” she said proudly. Naomi gaped.

“Whoa,” said Chelsey. “I know you’ve done some stuff, but I didn’t know you’d gone all the way!” Halee just smiled, then leaned in and kissed Chelsey again. This time this kiss was deep and passionate. The girls seemed a bit breathless when they parted, and I was feeling a little breathless myself.

“You don’t seem surprised, Nettie,” Naomi said suddenly, eyeing me intently.

“Oh, I’m not.”

Naomi’s eyes widened; the look of someone slowly putting all the pieces together. But she said nothing.

“Truth or dare,” Halee said to Chelsey.


“Have you ever masturbated?”

Chelsey blushed furiously. “Um, well…”

“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” I put in quickly. “Everyone does it.”

“I do it,” Halee added.

Chelsey visibly relaxed. “Yes, I have,” she said. “Truth or dare, Naomi.”


“What about you? Have you masturbated?”

Naomi shook her head. “Uh-uh,” she said. “I wouldn’t even know how.” She looked in my direction. “Truth or dare.”


“You said you were… um… sexually aroused. Does that mean girls our age make you feel that way?”

I leaned back in my chair. I’d suspected the question would come, but hadn’t given much thought to how I should navigate those dangerous waters.

“Yes,” I said at last. “It’s something I used to be ashamed of… in fact, I used to hate myself for it. I don’t any more though. You don’t choose who you’re attracted to. You don’t choose who you love. Halee’s right; the rules are dumb.”

Chelsey was eyeing me speculatively. “So you think it would be okay if someone your age, y’know, did sex stuff with someone our age?”

“I don’t think it would be morally wrong,” I said carefully. “You’re old enough to know what you want. The problem is, it’s illegal. The adult in that situation could go to jail if anyone found out.”

“That stinks,” said Chelsey, with an air of decision.

Totally stinks,” Naomi agreed. I simply smiled.

“Truth or dare,” I said to Halee.


“Do you have a regular sex partner?”

“Funny you should ask,” she said, “because it kind of goes with what we’re talking about. I do, but it’s someone I have to sneak around with because of the stupid fucking rules.”

The two younger girls stared at her. I’m not sure what surprised them more; the admission, or her use of the f-word.

“Truth or dare,” she said to Chelsey, a new intensity in her voice.


“When we were kissing last night, did you want to do more than just kiss?”

Chelsey seemed emboldened by Halee’s honesty. “Yep,” she said. “Truth or dare, Naomi.”


“Do you think your sister is sexy? She thinks you are.”

Naomi looked Halee up and down. “She is,” she said softly. Then she looked up at me, a sudden challenge in her eyes. “Truth or dare.”

I couldn’t tear myself away from that penetrating gaze. “Truth.”

“Is something going on with you and my sister?”

The room went deathly silent as every eye turned towards me. I cast frantically around for the best course of action, finally electing to tread cautiously.

“There’s a pretty deep attraction between us, for sure,” I said.

“Wait a minute, then,” said Naomi. “If you’re all into her, how come you’re okay with her kissing Chelsey?”

I chuckled. The question drew the tension down a notch, at least for me. “I know what you mean,” I said. “I remember how at your age everything I knew about romance came from the movies, and it was all ‘I only have eyes for you’ and everybody had to be exclusive forever. But real life isn’t always like that. Some of the women I hook up with have husbands, Naomi. Sometimes…”

“Some of the women Dad hooks up with have husbands,” Halee broke in with a snort of laughter.

“That’s true,” I said. “The point is, it’s possible to be interested in somebody, or even in love with somebody, and still be sexually attracted to other people. And let’s be honest. Do you think it’s possible for me and Halee to be in an exclusive sexual relationship right now?”

“Is it possible for you to be in one at all?” Chelsey wanted to know.

“Oh, it’s possible,” I replied. “Just illegal.”

“You’ve done stuff, though,” said Naomi. It wasn’t a question.

I looked at Halee. She gave me the barest hint of a nod.

“Yes, we have,” I said, “but if it ever comes to light, we’ll both deny it.”

“Well, I’m not gonna tell anyone,” Naomi declared.

“Me, either,” said Chelsey. “I think it’s great.”

“So what happens now?” said Halee.

“I think we should teach Naomi to French kiss,” said Chelsey. “If you want to, I mean,” she said, turning her head towards Naomi’s recliner.

“That was so hot, watching her kiss you,” said Halee. She turned to her sister. “If you thought that kiss was nice, you should try it again, only with your mouth open. It’ll blow your mind.”

You could teach her, Halee,” said Chelsey. “Like you taught me.”

Halee regarded her sister from across the room. “I’m game if you are, Naomi,” she said.

Naomi seemed to be frozen to the spot at first, then she slowly nodded, whispering, “Okay.”

Crossing the room, Halee squeezed herself into the recliner next to Naomi. The adult-sized chair took both girls comfortably. Halee took her sister gently by the chin, turning her head until they were gazing into each other’s eyes. Then she moved in, pressing her mouth to Naomi’s. They held the kiss for a moment, then Halee’s lips parted ever so slightly. Naomi, after a moment’s hesitation, parted hers.

Halee pressed her advantage at once, taking the ten-year-old’s bottom lip between hers, gently sucking it, then tracing it with the tip of her tongue. She teased Naomi’s lips, giving her sister time, letting her experience kissing in small steps.

Slowly, tentatively, Naomi began to imitate her sister’s movements. I was puffed up with pride watching Halee, who was fairly new to kissing herself, proving to be such a patient teacher.

Halee parted her lips even more, and Naomi followed suit. And although we couldn’t see it clearly, there was obviously some slow, careful tongue action beginning to happen. Then it became a lot less slow and careful, and the girls were kissing like lovers.

It struck me that despite the ill-founded judgment of society, nothing on earth seemed so right. Who better to teach you something as intimate as kissing than your big sister?

My pussy was positively throbbing at this point. Trying to be as surreptitious as possible, I crossed my legs, tightly squeezing my thighs together. The surge of pleasure was powerful and intense, the next contraction of my thighs almost involuntary. I sucked in a shuddering breath. Another squeeze, and I had to stifle a moan.

Then all at once I was coming, doubled over in my chair, a death grip on the armrests, my breath a sharp series of explosive gasps. As it subsided, I looked up. Three sets of eyes were staring at me, Chelsey and Naomi’s mouths hanging open. Halee, on the other hand, wore a grin that put me in mind of a hungry shark. She still had an arm draped around her sister’s shoulders.

“Did what I think just happened, happen?” she said. Still fighting for breath, I nodded.

“What did happen?” Naomi wanted to know.

“Nettie just had an orgasm.”

“Nettie sure did,” I said, my voice still unsteady.

“Whoa,” said Chelsey, “you mean without even touching your… uh…”

“I was squeezing my thighs together,” I explained. “If I’m really turned on, sometimes it’s enough. I wasn’t expecting it to hit like that, though.”


“That looked like it felt really good,” said Naomi thoughtfully.

“Oh, it does. Orgasms are the best!” Chelsey assured her.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek for a moment, wondering how far I dared to push this. But Halee was one step ahead of me.

“We could help you have one,” she said, caressing her sister’s cheek. “Do you want that?”

“Yeah. I want something. I’ve been getting funny feelings like this a lot lately, and I don’t know what to do about them. Um, how do we start?”

Halee thought about it for a moment. She turned towards the love seat. “Chelsey,” she said, “You’ve made yourself come, but nobody else ever has, right?”

“Right,” said Chelsey.

“I want to be the first to do that for you. Would you like that?”

“Yeah,” Chelsey replied, her voice a little breathy now. Her color was high.

“So here’s what we do, if everyone is cool with it,” said Halee. “I’m going to make love to Chelsey. Naomi can watch, and see what we do. Then we’ll help her get off.”

“If she hasn’t already,” Chelsey said, giggling.

“Where’s a good place for us to do this, Nettie?” Halee inquired.

Holy crap, I told myself, this is really happening.

On to Chapter Sixteen!


Adventure in the Bush, Chapter 1

  • Posted on June 12, 2023 at 2:41 pm

by kinkychic and kinky’s_sis

I’d been saving for a new motorbike for over a year. The odd part-time job I’d taken when my studies allowed had boosted my bank balance considerably. I’d also done well buying and selling on eBay. I even had a cabinet in an antique centre where I charged ridiculous prices for all kinds of junk.

Today, though, we were having a lazy Sunday afternoon. My younger sister Lucy had got the photo albums out and was looking back at pictures from when we lived in Africa. She kept talking about our dad, who had died out there some four years ago.

It got me thinking how I’d love to go back, not just to visit his grave but to see how much our old place had changed. Mum still occasionally kept in touch with the people who’d bought our old farm. I knew I would be welcome to stay there if I wanted.

Did I really want a new bike? I still loved the one I had. So why buy another? The plan began to take shape. I even got to wondering whether or not Mum would let me take Lucy along.

A few days later I’d convinced myself that it was what I wanted to do. I waited until Saturday evening, when  Mum usually had wine with dinner. Just to make sure, I opened a bottle myself.

We were well into the second bottle, and Mum was in a particularly good mood. She even let Lucy have a glass, and that didn’t happen often.

“Mum, I’ve been thinking. What would you say to my taking a holiday to South Africa? I want to visit the old place and dad. I’ve got plenty of time holiday-wise, and I’ve saved more than enough to cover the cost.”

I expected an argument from her, but to my surprise, she said she thought it was a really good idea. But then she seemed to have second thoughts. “Are you sure, though? I mean, it’s an awfully long way… and except for your trip to France, you’ve never travelled on your own before.”

“Mum, I am twenty now… I think I’m able to look after myself. Besides, except for the actual flying time, what’s the difference between flying to South Africa and France? I’ll be fine.”

Mum gave a thoughtful nod. “Of course you are, sweetie. I forget you’re all grown up now.”

I decided to push my luck a bit. “It might be a good thing if Lucy came along. It would give her the chance to really see Africa… you know,  since she was so young when we left.”

“Oh, my God!” Lucy exclaimed. “Yes, please!”

All I got from Mum in reply was a question. “When were you thinking of going?”

“Well, now that I’ve decided, any time during the school holidays.”

“That would rather solve a problem I’ve been worrying over,” Mum said. “You know your Aunt Rose isn’t well. It turns out it’s worse than we thought and I want to go stay with her. My concern was leaving you two alone for that long. It’s not what you would get up to, I just thought you might have trouble looking after yourselves.”

“In that case, Mum, it’s a no-brainer. As long as you’re sure, though?” Quite a cunning question, I thought.

“Of course I’m sure. I think it would be lovely for you both.”

It took a lot of organising, but I had plenty of free time. So, there we were less than two weeks later, all packed and ready to go. Lucy, just like any youngster, was almost wetting herself with excitement.

The day before our flight, I’d checked her suitcase. It was mostly fine, except for one thing. Well, two really. Her vibrator and her anal wand. “Lucy, you can’t take those. They’ll see them when they scan your suitcase. I’m not sure it’s legal for a twelve-year-old to have sex gear in her luggage.”

Being the wise one, she immediately said, “Yeah, but you can, so we’ll put them in your case. You really don’t expect me to go two and a half weeks without my toys, do you?”

“I suppose I could do that. Mind you, they’ll think I’m a sex maniac with four of them in my case.”

“And they’d be right, so what’s the big deal?”


The flight was uneventful at first, almost boring. There was only one stewardess who showed any reaction to my inexperienced attempts at letting her know I was interested. But I didn’t expect anything to come of it.

It was the middle of the night when I thought she’d tapped my shoulder whilst she was passing by. I waited until she disappeared behind a screen, then nervously followed her to the back. It was the first time I’d ever approached a grown woman and it looked as if I was in luck, but I was an absolute bundle of nerves.

“I wasn’t wrong then?” she asked when I pushed through the screen.

“No, you weren’t,” I managed before she pulled me into her arms. I immediately knew this was nothing new to her. The kiss was amazing, so much better than anything I had experienced before.

With no further ado, her hands were raising my top, her fingers on my bare flesh and working their way straight to my breasts. “Help me with this skirt – I need to feel you in my pussy,” she said.

I struggled to do as she wanted, but her skirt was too tight. “Undo the zip, then,” she said. I fumbled at the one button before lowering the zipper. Now I could push the skirt down just enough to slip my hand down the front. I was shocked when my fingers immediately found – nothing.

“All ready for you, my sweet. I took them off already. I was hoping you’d follow me back here,” she said.

Her pussy lips were the largest I’d ever felt. But, of course, I was only used to young girls. Then I was sliding into her, her cunt clutching at my fingers. God, she was wet! She must have been thinking about this for ages.

My own skirt had an elasticated waist. She pushed it down easily with one hand. Her other hand wasn’t about to let go of my boobs, I guess. She struggled with my panties, though, clumsily tugging at one side, so I took hold of the other and between us, they slipped right off.

None too gently, she popped her fingers into me. A quick feel around inside, then up to my clit. Her hand rubbed me up and down, stroking on either side of my button. She gasped, “What’s your name, gorgeous? Mine’s Chloe.”

“I’m Maddie. Nice to meet you, Chloe.” I pressed my lips against hers, and we shared a heated kiss.

The hand on my breast went away, then it rested on my shoulder, guiding me down to my knees. “Lick me, Maddie,” I heard her say.

With some effort, I managed to get Chloe’s skirt past her hips. For a moment, I stared at the delight in front of me. At last, a real woman’s pussy! My mouth moved in on her as I grabbed her arse with both hands and pulled her closer. My tongue separated the lips, delving into her and savouring the taste. Then I moved up to her clit. Damn! Just like her lips, it was big. My mouth wrapped around it, such a thrill to hold between my lips. My tongue flicked it as fast as I could as I sucked her in.

I paused in my fucking to crook two fingers upwards, rubbing the upper interior of her vagina. Suddenly, she began to shake. “Oh fuck, yes, there!”

She actually did have a slightly raised area, what they call a G-spot. I was fascinated, never having touched one before. It was something I’d read about it in one of Mum’s ladies’ magazines. Within seconds, Chloe’s hips were jerking at my fingers and mouth, and I knew she was coming.

I managed a glance up and saw she had one hand clamped over her mouth, the other tightly gripping a cupboard handle.

Her shaking finally subsided. Chloe let her hands drop, then lifted me to my feet and into her arms. Again we kissed. She broke away, moving back a little to look at me. “Wow,” she sighed. Then she bent down to my chest, kissing and sucking each nipple in turn.

Then she was on her knees before me, opening my pussy with her fingers. I saw her peering between my lips, a big smile on her face. I watched her tongue emerge, and even though I was standing there waiting for it to happen, I still jumped when she licked my clit.

Slowly, she eased two fingers into me. By then, there was no need for her to be careful – I was dripping wet, ready for anything. She withdrew her hand and smeared the juices around my pussy. Again she went into me, collecting more wetness, then reached between my legs to find my arse. I knew what she wanted, and spread my feet wider, granting her access.

She sucked my clit, sending familiar and wonderful sensations coursing through me. For a second, my bum cheeks were tightly clenched as her finger rubbed my arsehole. Then I relaxed, and she knew I was ready. Chloe pressed harder, and suddenly she was inside.

It was one of those times I wished I didn’t come so quickly, because I was enjoying this a lot. But my body had other ideas, and I couldn’t hold back. The dam burst as my orgasm swept over me, wonderful in its intensity. Chloe continued to suck my clit and finger my arse.

She got back to her feet. “My goodness, I think you needed that. It must have been ages since the last one!”

“Yeah, like maybe five hours.” We both laughed. “Chloe, thank you, that was… incredible. Oh, does this mean I’m in the Mile High Club now?”

Once more we kissed and savoured each other’s taste before I broke away. “I ought to be getting back to my sister. She’s probably wondering where I’ve got to.”

Chloe smiled. “I shouldn’t worry. I think you’ll find Jenny has been keeping an eye on her.”

I stared at her. “You mean, she knows we’re here?”

“Of course, Jenny and I always work together. We tossed a coin, I won and I chose you. I hope you’re not too shocked…?”

I shook my head. “But… what about Lucy?”

Chloe put a finger to my lips. “Shush. Honestly, do you think we can’t recognise a pair of lovers when we see them? You and your sister, you are lovers, aren’t you?”

I nodded. “Yeah, we are. Believe it or not, she got me into bed with her when she was ten years old. Our Lucy is a real firework.”

“Oh, my… isn’t that something? Well, your little sister’s been in good hands, so to speak, the whole time you’ve been with me. Jenny’s an amazing lover.”

I had to laugh. “Well, once Lucy gets into her knickers, Jenny won’t know what hit her.”


When Chloe returned me to my seat, Jenny was standing nearby, holding Lucy’s hand, “There you two are. I was just thinking about coming to fetch you. You’ve been rather a long while.” She turned her attention to me. “Have a nice time? We certainly did… didn’t we, Luce?”

Lucy had a huge grin on her face. “Oh my goodness… yes, we did, Jenny.”

With that, the stewardesses said their goodbyes and went off to do whatever it is they do while the plane is in flight.

I turned to Lucy, bursting with curiosity. “So, little sis, spill the beans,” I said. “What happened?”

This is what she told me.


When you went off with the other stewardess, Jenny came to my seat and asked if I was okay. I told her yes and asked her if she was busy, and if not would she like to sit with me for a while. She looked around the cabin and sat down. We chatted for a bit. She told me her name and Chloe’s.

I could tell she wasn’t sure whether she should make a move, so I said, “Jenny, you wanna kiss me? I’d like that a lot.” I took hold of her hand and pressed my lips to it. I knew she was hesitating because of my age.

She frowned at me but then said, “Oh, what the fuck,” and just like that, we were kissing. Ooh, for ages and ages. She didn’t try to touch me, though, so I knew nothing else was gonna happen unless I made it.

I took her hand and moved it to my leg, pushing it under my skirt. I saw her hesitating again, then she said, “Wait.” She got up and opened the overhead locker and pulled out a blanket and spread it over our legs, “Are you sure about this?” she whispered.

I leaned close. “Jenny, if you were my sister, sitting right where you are, you’d have your fingers in my pussy right now.”

Her eyes opened wide. “Oh my God, you really do want this, don’t you?”

I reached under the blanket, did a little wriggling about, then my hand emerged with my panties. I held them out to her. “Look, all nice and wet.”

Jenny pushed my hand down, gave a quick glance around, then she reached under the blanket herself. I could tell she was trying to raise her skirt. I put a hand between her legs, found her panties and dipped my fingers into them. I felt the heat of her and how wet she was. I knew she was nervous, but she was also desperate for me.

That’s almost it, I guess. We slid our arses down in our seats and finger fucked each other. I did think about getting down on my knees to lick her, but there wasn’t enough room.

When we both came, we kissed some more. I asked her if she’d ever touched a little girl before, and she shook her head.

I took her hand and pushed it up under my top, and I said, “Feel my titties for me. They’re just starting to show properly, and I like them being touched.”

She felt my buds and squeezed them a bit before finding a nipple. “Oh, nice and hard.” She pulled and twisted. I know I gasped, but not too loud. Then I said to her, “Be nice if you sucked it. No one can see anyhow.”

Her lips were magic. I even thought I might come again with her just doing that, but then we heard a buzzer, and Jenny pulled her skirt down and stood up. A moment later, you came back with Chloe.


Done with her story, Lucy picked up my hand and brought it to her nose. “Mmm – seems like you had fun, too.” She licked my fingers.

Just before preparations for landing in Johannesburg, Chloe slipped two envelopes into my hand. One had my name on the front, the other was for Lucy.

I quickly opened mine. It read:

My gorgeous Maddie, 

   Thanks for a wonderful time, I loved it.

   I do so hope we might be on the same flight when you return.

   I’d really like to hear from you some time if that’s something you want.

All my love, Chloe xxxx.

She’d added a phone number and a Jo’burg hotel name.

I glanced at Lucy. She was smiling broadly as she handed me her letter.


   You wonderful little angel. I wouldn’t be telling the truth if I didn’t admit I was shocked. Both with myself and with your sexy forwardness. Oh my, so amazing.

   Then, I ask myself. What was I doing? What had I been thinking? For hours it worried me.

   It was Chloe who told me I was being stupid. I said to her, But a twelve-year-old! She laughed at me. Twelve, yeah right, like going on at least eighteen.

   Then I thought about you leading me, how every move was instigated by you. You knew what you wanted.

Now, I’m so glad you did. 

   I’ve added my phone number if you want to chat with me, but please be careful if you do. If you don’t want to chat, okay, I understand.

   Thank you for our little time together.




 ps. Chloe said if we’re on the same return flight, it’s our turn to go to the back. Would you like that? We can do a lot more there than just touch each other.

 pps. Oh, God! I can’t help it, please, please, call me. Even if it’s not until you’re back in England.

I grinned at Lucy. “Looks like we both made new friends. Now fasten your belt.”

On to Chapter Two!


When Fourteen is Eight, Part Three

  • Posted on June 8, 2023 at 2:41 pm

by Karin Halle

For the first time since they’d become intimate, Dana had serious misgivings about her sexual relationship with Jolie.

It was one thing to explore sex with her daughter; after Jolie’s injury, she’d come to accept that as a positive thing for them both.

Jolie initiating a sexual relationship with a girl her own age was also a positive development, as long as the girl in question was willing – and Monica was definitely that.

But Jolie had just complicated things further, asking her mum if all three of them could have sex together – or “play loving games,” as Jolie liked to call it. Needless to say, Dana saw potential problems in her daughter’s scheme.

First, there was the risk element. If they did engage in a threesome, could Monica keep it secret? Dana couldn’t say for certain.

Second, was Monica even interested in sex with her lover’s mother? If the girl had already reached the limit of her willingness to experiment, she might react badly to Jolie’s scheme, even flee in disgust.

Third, Dana had concluded she was gay, but she’d never seen herself as a paedophile. To her, lesbian sex was a sweet, loving activity to share with her daughter – granted, not an explanation that many would find acceptable, but Dana didn’t care what others thought when it came to her life with Jolie.

This kind of reasoning wouldn’t apply if Monica joined them in bed. That would be intimate activity with an underage girl, no more, no less. Am I ready to take that step? Dana wondered. For that matter, do I feel any kind of attraction to my child’s lover?

She took a moment to study Monica. While Jolie looked to be several years older than her true age, with the height and curves of a girl of at least seventeen, Monica looked like a typical fourteen year old. She was shorter than Jolie, her breasts were still developing, and she was quite slender, with long, dark hair that spilled over her bare shoulders.

The sight of the pretty naked teen caused Dana’s cunt to throb. Making her decision, she thought, Yes, I do find Monica desirable. Yes, I want to make love to her.

But knowing her own feelings didn’t resolve the most important question: what did Monica want?

Although the girl seemed unsettled by Jolie’s proposal, she remained standing in the doorway, nude and unashamed.

Nothing to do but ask, Dana told herself, gazing at Monica over Jolie’s bare shoulder. “What is it that you want, Monica?” she murmured. Whatever the answer, she knew complications would ensue. But I’m ready to face them. 

“Anything that Jolie wants, I want too,” Monica said, then quickly added, “Not just to go along because Jolie wants it, though! Sure, I really want to do everything with her, and if that means you and I should be together to make her happy… Ohhh, I’m not saying this the right way!” She paused for a moment with her eyes closed, then added, “What I mean is… I think Jolie doesn’t even know how to be bad – she’s the best person I know, and she’d never ask us to do something that was wrong. So if Jolie wants us to be … y’know, lovers, then we ought to listen to her.” She blushed slightly, glancing down at the floor. “And, um, anyhow, I think you’re really beautiful.”

“So are you, sweetheart,” Dana said.

“You’re both beautiful!” Jolie exclaimed, springing up from her mother’s lap. Padding over to Monica, she took the girl’s hand. “You wanna play loving games with Mummy, don’t you?”

Looking into Dana’s eyes, Monica slowly moved toward her lover’s mother.

“I love Jolie,” she said. “So I love you, too, ‘cause you made her. She came from y-your body.” Taking a deep breath, Monica soldiered on, trying to get the words out before her courage failed. “I’d like to – to do sexy things with you, Ms. Blackstone. Um, if you want to, that is…” Not knowing what else to say, she placed a quivering hand on Dana’s breast.

Standing in the doorway, Jolie eagerly drank in the scene, thrilled beyond measure to see Mummy and Monica grow closer.

Covering Monica’s hand with hers, Dana firmly pressed it to her chest. “I want to, sweetheart, very much. But you’ve got to stop calling me ‘Ms. Blackstone,’ for Christ’s sake. It’s Dana, remember?”

“Dana,” whispered Monica. Going up on tiptoe, she kissed Jolie’s mother, breaking away after a few seconds.

“Very nice,” Dana crooned, her voice gone husky. “Kiss me again.”

What Monica saw in the woman’s eyes left her breathless. Dana’s gaze seemed to strip the teen even more naked than she already was, leaving her very soul bare. Without a second thought, she twined both arms round Dana’s neck, pulling her closer until their mouths met again.

Jolie was bouncing up and down with glee as Dana and Monica began to kiss with genuine passion, their tongues engaging in a spirited dance of lust. Finally, unable to remain silent, she cried, “Yay, yay, YAY!” Can we go back to my room now? Please, please, pretty please?”

“Let’s use my room instead,” Dana said, reaching down to fondle Monica’s bum. “The bed’s bigger.”

“COOL!” Jolie squealed, clapping her hands.

Monica smiled. She was still a little nervous about having sex with a grownup, but felt certain she’d made the right decision. In addition to being very attractive, Jolie’s mum was sweet, kind and lovely… and Monica suspected that she would be a skilled lover as well.

Taking each naked fourteen-year-old by the hand, Dana led them down the hallway to her room.

Jolie flung herself down on the bed. “We’re gonna play loving games! Yay!”

Dana grinned at her daughter’s enthusiasm, then turned to Monica. “You’re sure this is what you want, right?”

“Yes, it is,” the teen replied. “I’m ready. I want to know it all.”

A need to clarify was in order, Dana realised. “Oh, sweetheart,” she began, “I don’t know much, not really. Until Jolie, I’d never been with a girl in my life.”

“We’ll learn together,” Jolie chortled. “But we got a head start on you, Monica!”

“Oh, Jolie… you’ll help me catch up,” Monica replied, joining her friend on the bed.

When Dana began to unbutton her top, Jolie quickly rose to her knees, putting a hand out to make her mother stop. “Me!” she said loudly. “I wanna take your clothes off, Mummy!” Then, suddenly remembering Monica’s presence, she seized the girl’s arm, adding, “I – I mean, we want to!”

“All right,” Dana agreed. She stood motionless, arms at her side, waiting to be undressed.

“Can I, then?” Monica shyly asked Dana as she and Jolie drew near.

“You’d better,” the grinning woman replied. “I’m tired of being the only one here wearing clothes!”

With Jolie removing her mother’s top and bra, and Monica stripping off the bottom half, Dana was naked in no time.

Crawling onto her mother’s bed. Jolie stretched out, legs spread wide apart, ready to play.

“Go ahead, Monica,” said Dana, gesturing toward her daughter. “I want to watch you girls make love.”

“C’mere!” Jolie squealed, urging Monica into her arms. They came together in a heated kiss, their bare bodies fitting together perfectly, vulvas touching. Jolie wrapped both legs around her young lover’s waist, and the two girls began to rock together, forward and back.

Dana lightly traced the cleft of her cunt as she took in the underage sex show. It was an amazing sight, the movements they made looking very much like fucking.

It soon grew too difficult for Dana to remain a passive witness. Make room for Mummy, she thought, moving closer to the panting girls. Kneeling next to them, she slipped a hand between Monica’s thighs to stroke their mingled slits.

“Ohhhh!” Monica cried, while Jolie hummed her approval, a sound Dana often heard when her daughter was caught up in the throes of pleasure.

Pressing their sexes together felt lovely, though it wasn’t enough to bring the girls to orgasm. Dana might have brought them both off with her fingers, but didn’t want to end things so quickly. Instead, she continued to lightly stimulate their cunts.

Before very long, Monica collapsed atop Jolie, who immediately went limp herself. They lay nestled together, gasping for breath, their youthful bodies glazed with sweat.

“Wow, wow, WOW!” Jolie exclaimed, once she could draw a decent breath. “That felt good… but we got too tired to get the special feeling.” She shrugged, then kissed Monica’s nose. “Oh well, we can try again – maybe then, huh?”

Dana was thinking about how best to make a three-way work. “Girls,” she announced. “How about this? We can all lie down in a circle and lick each other’s pussy.” Jolie was already beginning to nod. “I’ll lick you, Monica, you can lick Jolie, then she licks me. How does that sound?”

“Good! Goody!” Jolie replied, chortling with glee.

They quickly arranged themselves on the bed, then set to work. Dana was still somewhat uncertain about the consequences of involving Monica in their lovemaking, but the die was cast – nothing to do but immerse herself in the moment and hope for the best. She concentrated on eating the teen’s pussy.

Jolie was ecstatic. She loved going down on her beautiful, yummy mother, letting the warm, thick fluid coat her lips and chin, breathing in the rich scent. And this time it’s even better, ‘cos my sweet Monica is doing it to me, too!

It felt strange to Monica, engaging in sex with a girl and her mum at the same time, but also incredibly exciting. And Dana’s mouth was doing wonderful things to her pussy. Meanwhile, she was probing Jolie with her tongue, moving it around in circles. She always likes it when I do that. And then, when I do this…

Reaching between Jolie’s legs, Monica took her girlfriend’s clitoris between finger and thumb, then gave it a gentle tweak.

Jolie wailed as a massive orgasm snatched her up in its grasp.

Her daughter’s ecstasy spurred Dana on. Clamping her lips onto Monica’s clit, she sucked at the inflamed nubbin. A hard jerk ran through the teen’s frame, then Monica was shaking, overwhelmed by her climax.

Out of breath, unable to lick Mummy’s cunt the way she wanted, Jolie slipped three fingers deep into Dana’s vagina and began to fuck her with abandon.

It was clumsy and rough, but utterly glorious. Dana’s peak closely followed those of the girls.

As they lay panting and dazed, there was another issue that Monica wanted to address. Sitting up, she said, “Tell me, Jolie… did it hurt very much, that first time? When your mum took your cherry?”

It took Jolie a second to remember what that had been like, then she answered, “No. It didn’t hurt – did it, Mummy? I didn’t cry or anything.”

“No, pumpkin, you didn’t. You were very brave and mature.”

Convinced, Monica said, “Jolie, I want you to be my first. Will you do that to me?”

Jolie’s confidence evaporated. More than anything, she dreaded the idea of hurting Monica. Her lower lip began to tremble, and she cried, “But it might hurt you. It might! I d-don’t want that!”

“I won’t mind. Honestly. Not if you did it. And after all, it might not even hurt.”

But Jolie remained unconvinced. “But it might.” Upset at the prospect of injuring her friend, she began to weep.

Anxious that their afternoon wouldn’t be spoiled, Dana shushed both girls, then took Jolie in her arms. “It’ll be fine, pumpkin. You and I will make sure that Monica doesn’t feel anything too bad. She wants to be a woman too, like us, and she needs to lose her virginity for that to happen.”

Monica kissed Jolie’s cheek. “It’s what I want, Jolie. Honest. And it won’t hurt, ‘cause you’ll be doing it. All I’ll be thinking about when it happens is how much we love each other.”

“I do love you, Monica. More than anything!” She wrapped her arms around the slender teen.

“And I love you. So… will you go into me all the way?”

“Um, I guess.”

Dana spoke up. “Here’s what we’ll do. You make love to Monica, pumpkin. Then, just as she comes, push your finger all the way into her vagina. I’ll be kissing and touching her at the same time.”

“Okay, Mummy. I can do that!”

So Monica settled back, thighs parted, and Jolie got to work, her brow furrowed in concentration.

Giving her girlfriend good feelings always gave Jolie an enormous sense of pride. She showered affection on Monica’s kitty, licking, kissing, tonguing, sucking, probing – gradually bringing Monica to yet another crest.

In the meantime, Dana was far from idle. She fondled Monica’s small breasts, paying special attention to the girl’s nipples, rolling them between her fingers and thumbs. All the while, she and Monica exchanged deep, sensual kisses.

What a soft, sweet mouth she has, Dana mused. As lovely as Jolie’s, yet different. Who knew kissing young girls could be this wonderful?

Breaking away, Monica blurted, “Oh, God… it’s h-happening…!”

It’s time, it’s time! Jolie thought. She placed a finger at the entrance to Monica’s kitty, sliding it in until the tip rested against her lover’s hymen. Bracing herself, pushed through.

Monica winced when the thin membrane tore, but it barely interrupted her orgasm. Her slight whimper of pain was muffled by Dana’s kiss. Jolie nearly withdrew her finger there and then, but managed to overcome her fear until Monica’s ecstasy had peaked and waned.

Finally, as the girl relaxed, Jolie pulled out, desperate to make sure her friend hadn’t suffered. “Was that okay, Mon? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Traces of blood on her finger only increased her anxiety.

A dreamy-eyed Monica found Jolie’s hand, gave it a squeeze. “It’s all right, Jolie. I hardly felt it at all. You were so gentle…  you made it beautiful for me.”

Now beside herself with glee, Jolie showered Monica’s face with kisses. Then she noticed her mum, who was smiling down at them. Reaching up, she pulled Dana down to join their embrace. The three lovers swapped a few heated kisses, then stretched out to rest.

They lay together side by side, Jolie in the middle. Being nestled between Mum and her best friend was a beautiful experience, Jolie decided.

After a while, Monica propped herself up on an elbow, gazing thoughtfully at Dana. “It’s funny, but Mum always did think you were gay.”

Dana was surprised. “What would make Abby think that? I never said anything to her about feeling that way. In fact, until Jolie and I started to… do things, I could never have imagined myself…”

Her voice trailed off as Dana realised she had no idea how she’d arrived at this situation: in bed with two naked girls – both minors, one of them her own daughter, both of whom she’d just brought to orgasm.

“Oh, Mum said it was just gaydar,” Monica explained.

“Your mum’s a lesbian?” Dana gasped.

It was Monica’s turn to be surprised. “Of course,” she said, somewhat taken aback. “Didn’t you know? How did you miss that?” She chuckled. “I guess your gaydar doesn’t work too well.”

“I don’t think I even have gaydar,” Dana muttered, shaking her head. “I don’t know how you can tell if a woman likes other women. I’m clearly out of my depth here.”

Now Monica was amused. “Yeah. Mum and I noticed how you never picked up on her signals. She was starting to think she had it wrong about you.” She laughed. “Bet Mum would be jealous if she knew I went to bed with you before she got to. Of course, I didn’t even think I was gay… not until I fell in love with Jolie.” The two girls exchanged a tender kiss.

“Wait – Abby knows about you and Jolie!?”

“Well, yeah,” Monica replied, looking surprised again. “I wouldn’t keep that a secret.”

Dana was too stunned to speak.

Jolie had been listening to the exchange, and had been drawing conclusions of her own. “So… your mummy plays loving games too?” she asked.

“She and my father got divorced when I was three,” Monica answered. “Ever since, she’s only been with other women. Oh, she’s never done anything with me, though!” she hastened to clarify.

“Do you think she’d like to play with us too?” To Jolie, the question was entirely reasonable.

As Dana made squawking sounds of protest, Monica weighed the idea, then said, “I think she might. I know for sure that Mum is totally hot for you, Dana… and I think she’s sort of got a crush on you, Jolie. When I told her you and I were girlfriends, she said you were dead sexy… and when you were at our place last week in those cute blue shorts, I swear I saw her checking out your bum!”

“Can you ask her, Mon? Please, please? Wow, it would be the best. We could all do sexy games!”

“Oh, no! No, no, no!” Dana spluttered.

“It’d be good, Mummy. That way nobody would miss out, or have to wait – we could all swap around, too. And your mum is so pretty, Monica. I’d love to see her with no clothes on. Will you ask her? Will you?”

“Sure, I’ll ask. And I’m pretty sure she’ll say yes, Jolie.”

“Oh boy! I can’t wait!” Jolie exclaimed.

Dana slumped back on the bed, her mind a jumble. But finally, she mustered up the ability to sit up and say, “Monica, you can’t tell Abby I’ve made love to my daughter. Or to you, for that matter. I could get in huge trouble. I could be arrested!”

“Mum would never tell on you, Dana,” Monica replied with an emphatic shake of the head. “She loves you. And she loves Jolie, too. Maybe she won’t want to join us in bed. Maybe she’ll say I shouldn’t be making love with my girlfriend’s mum. But she wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, I promise.”

With a deep sigh, Dana sank back into the pillows. “All right, I suppose. I’m trusting you, Monica. Don’t ruin this for us.” She thought for a moment, then added, “And don’t bring this up while your mother’s here, for God’s sake.”

“No problem. I’ll talk to Mum after school tomorrow. Maybe we can all get together on Friday.”

“YAY!” Jolie cried, hugging each of her lovers in turn.


When Abby arrived an hour later to take her daughter home, Monica was true to her word, and said nothing about how she had spent the afternoon.

Before mother and daughter left, Dana noticed something interesting that calmed her jangled nerves a bit. Jolie had changed into a pair of skimpy knickers and a t-shirt, sans bra. Dana suspected that she’d dressed that way to tease Abby, now that she knew Monica’s mum was gay.

Sure enough, Abby stole more than a few glances at Jolie, who was sprawling on the sofa in a very casual way, showing a considerable amount of leg.

Once Monica and her mother were gone, Dana reflected on what she’d just seen. Well, she clearly thinks Jolie is attractive… but that doesn’t mean she’d go as far as to make love to her. 

Despite Monica’s promise, Dana was still fearful that things would go wrong and disaster would follow. She would lose custody of her beloved daughter, be disgraced in the eyes of the world and almost certainly go to prison. Why did I let her talk me into this? she asked herself, over and over.

Those fears were seldom out of her thoughts the next day. When she answered the telephone that evening, her heart seemed to cease beating.

“Hi, Dana – it’s Abby,” said the caller.

The response Dana made wasn’t in words; but a nervous gulp. Quickly recovering, she blurted, “Oh, hi there Abby!” God, I sound like a dead set nong, she thought, wincing.

Apparently oblivious to Dana’s reaction, Abby said, “Monica told me that you and Jolie invited me to drop by on Sunday arvo.”

In fact, no formal invitation had been made at all, but Dee wasn’t about to argue the point. “That’s right,” she managed to get out.

“That’s very kind,” Abby went on. “I’d love to, but I thought maybe we could do this on Saturday instead. That way the girls could, you know, have a sleepover. If you’re okay with it, that is.”

A rising sense of excitement was competing with Dana’s nervous tension. “Sounds good,” she said.

“Great,” Abby said. “See you on Saturday then. About one, or would two be better?”

“Um, one,” Dana replied.

“One o’clock Saturday, it is. I’m already looking forward to it. See you then, love.”

“Bye, Abby.” The call ended, and Dana wiped a sudden patina of sweat from her forehead. Marching to the fridge, she took out a bottle of wine and poured herself a large glass. After draining half the contents in a single gulp, she went to the living room where Jolie was watching TV.

“That was Monica’s mum on the phone, pumpkin. We arranged for her to come over on Saturday, so you guys can have a sleepover.”

Jolie jumped up and hugged Dana, then eagerly asked, “Mummy, is Abby going to sleep over, too?”

“I… I think so.”

Jolie squealed with delight, then began jumping up and down.

Dana watched her daughter cavort about the room, wishing the girl’s enthusiasm could somehow rub off on her.


By the time Abby and Monica arrived on Saturday afternoon, Dana’s nerves had been tearing at her for the entire day. When she opened the door to the visitors, her hand trembled on the handle, and she flinched when Abby kissed her in greeting. At least she doesn’t seem angry, Dana told herself. Maybe she’s okay with all of this.

“Thank you so much for having us,” Abby said. Placing a hang on her daughter’s shoulder, she added, “For having both of us.”  She paused, realising Dana was visibly agitated. “We can sit and talk for a while… but I think that most of all, you need to relax.” Turning to Monica, she said, “Honey, go get Jolie, will you?”

“I – I just…” Dana began, feeling it was necessary for her to speak – but the words wouldn’t come.

“Look, I know you’re nervous,” Abby continued. “I really should have told you earlier how attracted I am to you, and I’m sorry for not having done that. But believe me, Dana, you and I both want the same thing. We want to fuck.”

Dana’s eyes widened; her jaw dropped. She did NOT just say that. She can’t have done.

As Jolie and Monica returned, hand in hand, Abby said, “Girls, would you like it if the four of us went upstairs to fuck?”

“YES!” Jolie shouted.

“I would like that, Mum,” Monica replied, her eyes dancing with excitement.

“As would I,” Abby said. They all looked at Dana, who could only stare, caught up in a mixture of relief, arousal and confusion.

She finally managed to say, “My God, I was so, so worried… now, I don’t know what to think.” She gazed at Abby. “So, you – you’re okay with this?”

“Of course I am,” Abby murmured, touching the woman’s arm. “Dana, you enjoy making love to your daughter, don’t you?”

Looking away, Dana nodded, whispering, “Yes.”

Abby continued. “And you liked having sex with my daughter, did you not?”

Still unable to make eye contact with Monica’s mum, Dana nodded once more.

“Good. Well, I want to be a part of this.” Abby said, then chuckled. “It’s a dream come true for me.” She gave Dana’s shoulder a squeeze. “Come on, sexy lady. Let’s go upstairs.”

Dana meekly allowed herself to be led to the staircase, Jolie and Monica following close behind.

“I’d barely become a teenager by the time I realised I was turned on by young girls,” Abby said as they mounted the stairs. “Preteens were my favourites, really.”

“You knew you were a lesbian at that age? Goodness, I didn’t figure it out until last year! Why did you get married, then?”

“Oh, I wanted a family,” Abby sighed. “And I suppose I hoped Arthur could help break this, this lust I had for girls.” She shook her head. “It didn’t work. He was a good man, but honestly, the whole thing was a huge mistake on my part. Well, except that it gave me Monica. She was still practically a toddler when we split.” By then, they were in the upstairs hallway. “After that, it was only women for me, but I never outgrew my love of girls. In fact, I’ve wanted to make love to my daughter, oh, at least since she was eight.”

“Can you believe that?” asked a giggling Monica. “And she never told me, either – not until last night.”

Abby glanced from one end of the corridor to the other. “Er… which way is your bedroom, Dana?”

“This way!” exclaimed Jolie. Still clutching Monica’s hand, she led them to the correct door.

Once they were all inside, Abby announced, “Now we’re all going to make love. That’s what you wanted – right, girls?” The teenagers nodded in unison. “Good. How about this for starters: we get naked, pile onto the bed and have at it?”

Jolie grabbed Monica and danced her around in a circle, then the girls quickly removed their clothes, leaving them in a heap on the floor.

“Now it’s your turn,” Abby told Dana, and began to undress her. Strangely relieved that the decision seemed to have been taken out of her hands, Dana remained still and allowed herself to be stripped.

When she was naked, Abby looked the woman over closely, whistled her approval, then murmured, “Now lie down, Dana, and watch the girls take my clothes off. Bet it gets you hot.”

Stretching out on the bed, Dana watched the teenagers undress Abby. In fact, they practically tore her clothes off. Soon, she was completely bare.

Abby took a moment to study Jolie and her daughter, very much liking what she saw. “Jolie,” she began, “you are absolutely gorgeous. I see now why my little girl and your mum both love to fuck you.”

While Jolie blushed, Abby looked Monica over. “Jesus, baby,” she marvelled, caressing her daughter’s face. “You’re even sexier than I imagined. I’m going to make love to every inch of you. But first, we need to make Dana feel good. Jolie, dear, will you finger-fuck your mother? And Monica, sweetie… you suck Dana’s clit.”

Monica was grinning. “What are you gonna do, Mum?”

“Oh, I’m going to take care of her above the waist.” Abby climbed onto the bed, lying down alongside Dana. The girls quickly followed, and the lesbian mother-daughter orgy began.

With three lovers servicing her at once, Dana quickly forgot her jitters… and moments later, she was shivering in rapidly mounting ecstasy, moaning into Abby’s mouth as the woman kissed her. Jolie’s fingers plunged into her cunt again and again with the hard thrusts her mum loved. And though Monica was still a novice at cunnilingus, she managed to give Dana’s clitoris what it needed.

Dana wanted to writhe, to thrash about, but she fought to hold herself relatively still, not wanting to dislodge the hands, fingers, mouths and tongues that were taking her to the brink of rapture.

It’s happening… oh merciful God here it COMES!

A hoarse cry issued from Dana’s throat, rising to a shriek as she exploded in orgasm. It hit hard and rose to an urgent peak, then slowly, leaving her drifting back down to the bed.

When Dana came, her honey flowed even more than usual, almost gushing out to bathe the lower half of Jolie’s face. She finally pushed her daughter away, gasping, “Th-that’s enough, pumpkin.”

Beside herself with glee, Jolie savoured the taste of Mummy’s cunt, licking her lips until Monica moved in for a kiss, eager to sample Dana’s flavour from her daughter’s mouth. Their kiss quickly grew deep and heated, the girls’ tongues flickering back and forth.

Abby took an exhausted Dana into her arms. “Aren’t they beautiful together?” she said, watching their daughters make love.

Dana slowly nodded. “They are.” She began to fondle Abby’s generous breasts.

“You’ll have to tell me some time about how things got started between you and Jolie,” Abby murmured. “I’m sure it’s an incredible story.”

“I’m not quite sure how it happened, honestly.”

Overhearing the adults, Jolie gave Monica a quick peck on the nose, then sat up. “I know how!” she declared. “My kitty was feeling funny, so Mummy touched it all better. Then, she put her mouth on me. That was the bestest thing of all!”

Abby was lightly stroking her vulva. “Then what, sweetheart?”

“Um… then she showed me how to lick her kitty. I liked it, too! After that, Me and Mummy were lovers.”

“Mmm… that is a wonderful story,” Abby agreed, then her eyes met Monica’s. “Exactly the kind of story I want to share with my own little girl…” Gently withdrawing from Dana’s embrace, she extended a hand to her daughter.

Monica’s eyes widened, her lower lip quivering slightly. “Oh, Mum.” She slowly crawled to her mother, taking Abby’s proffered hand. Jolie watched raptly, hugging herself.

Bringing the girl’s fingers to her lips, Abby nuzzled them, then took one into her mouth to suck. “Oooooh,” Monica sighed, her eyes drifting shut. “I love you, Mum.”

“I love you too, baby,” Abby said, “and I’ve wanted to be with you this way for… oh, years. Since you were eight, at least.”

Eight?” Monica gasped, opening her eyes. “Wow! That long?”

“Cool!” Jolie exclaimed.

“Yes, dearest. That long.”

“Huh,” said Monica, mulling it over, finally breaking into a sunny smile. “Well, in that case, I guess you’d better go ahead and kiss me.”

Tilting her head slightly, Abby kissed her daughter. Monica responded immediately. They swapped tongues for a couple of minutes, then slowly stretched out on the bed – still embraced, still kissing passionately,

Jolie crawled over to Dana and into her mummy’s arms. They lay on their sides, nestled together as they watched Abby make love to her child. She nuzzled a pathway down to Monica’s chest, then sucked a swollen nipple between her lips.

“Isn’t this good, Mummy?” cooed Jolie. “Now Monica and Abby get to be lovers, too!”

Enthralled by the wondrous sight, Dana nodded, remembering that incredible first time with her own daughter. “You’re right, pumpkin… it is good.”

Now Abby was lying between Monica’s thighs, her mouth covering the fourteen-year-old’s slit.

Jolie’s attention was focused on the face of her girlfriend. It always made her happy to see Monica enjoy those nice feelings you got from doing sex. She saw the girl’s eyes open and meet hers.

“Jolie?” said the fourteen-year-old. “Come kiss me while Mum licks m-my kitty.”

“Sure!” Jolie answered, scooting over to where her friend lay. She flopped down on her belly, then kissed the tip of Monica’s nose.”It’s nice to play loving games with your mummy, huh?”

“Ohhhhh yesss,” Monica groaned. “But it’s even b-better with you here, Jolie. God, I’m – I’m so in love with you… and y-your mum, and my mum…”

“Yay! All of us in love!” Jolie exclaimed. She kissed Monica fiercely, fucking the girl’s mouth with her tongue. Monica responded in kind, wrapping both arms around her lover as their kiss deepened.

Now seated at the lower left-hand corner of the bed, Dana lightly fingered her slit as she took in the view of her daughter and their guests engaging in hot lesbian sex. But it didn’t take long until the urge to join in became too acute to resist… and Abby’s luscious bum presented itself as a most appealing target.

Dana positioned herself between Abby’s outstretched legs, nudging them further apart as she drew close enough to bask in the thick, musky aroma of the woman’s holes. It made her mouth water. Closing the distance, she pressed a lover’s kiss into the dripping cunt, coating the lower part of her face with Abby’s fluids.

Abby gave an ecstatic moan, muffled by her daughter’s sex. Dana swirled her tongue around the vaginal opening several times, then licked a pathway upward to explore her new lover’s anus. Pleased to hear Abby moan again, louder this time, Dana slipped two fingers into her pussy.

Just then, Monica cried out, caught up in an explosive orgasm. She was out of breath and no longer able to kiss, so Jolie had switched to sucking her nipples, moving from breast to breast.

Seconds later, Abby was coming too, eyes wide in astonishment as Dana stimulated her g-spot.

Left breathless by their shared ecstasy, Monica and Abby found their way into each other’s arms. “Oh, Mum,” she whispered, “thank you for making me feel so good. Can I… can I lick your pussy now?”

Abby gave a shaky laugh. “Not just yet, sweetie. Your mother’s pretty knackered at the moment…”

“You can lick me if you want,” Jolie said, beaming with delight. “I haven’tt had the good feeling yet!”

“Oh, sure,” Monica replied with a grin, rolling onto her back. Jolie carefully mounted her face, and they were off and running.

Abby turned to face Dana. “Kiss me,” she murmured. “I want to taste myself on your lips.”


As the afternoon progressed, the four lovers lost track of the number of orgasms they enjoyed, and it grew less and less certain who was pleasuring who.

Eventually they were all completely spent, lying entwined on Dana’s bed, their bodies glazed with the proof of their sexual labours.

Abby managed to roll off the bed and stand upright, though she did totter a bit. As she made her way to the door, Monica called after her. “Where are you going, Mum?”

“Oh, I’ll be back in a minute,” Abby replied. The others assumed she was going to the toilet.

They were wrong – when Abby returned, she held an expensive camera.

“Smile!” she said with a grin, aiming the device. A whir and a click were heard..

Rolling her eyes, Monica sighed, “Oh, Mum!”

Dana spluttered, unsure how she felt about documenting their incestuous activities.

As for Jolie, she giggled and lay back, spreading her legs wide apart. “Peekaboo!” she squealed.

Abby’s camera recorded the display, then she noticed Dana’s look of concern. “Don’t worry, love,” she hastened to say. “These will be for our eyes only, I promise.” Then she handed the camera to Dana. “I’ve adjusted the settings; can you take one of me with Monica?”

A few minutes later, Dana had relaxed enough to get into their impromptu photo session as she took shot after shot of Abby with her daughter.

Soon Jolie got into the action, presenting her bottom to “Aunt Abby.” The woman promptly began to rim her bumhole, while Monica scooted underneath Abby, eager to go down on her mum.

Image after rude image was preserved – women cavorting with underage girls, teenage girls sharing pleasure with one another, mothers exploring new and thrilling possibilities with their daughters. For the rest of the afternoon, they revelled in their newfound love.

Dana was blissfully content, no longer worried about her daughter’s future. It was no longer just the two of them facing the world. Jolie now had good people who loved her, both emotionally and physically.

The End