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The New Girl, Part One

  • Posted on October 26, 2022 at 7:16 pm


By No One

River walked through the underwear aisle, perusing the bra section, sparing an admiring glance for the fit models on the packages. With a sigh, she looked for the smallest sizes that the store had. Well, at least she had some boobs, unlike her friend Kacey.

She did find one design that she thought was rather cute. One glance at the price tag made her eyes goggle. “Bras are that expensive?” She’d never really paid attention before.

“Uh-huh. Welcome to life as a woman, sweetie,” her mom said, following behind.

River grimaced. Well, at least she wasn’t the one paying—for now. As her mom grabbed a few boxes to put in their basket, River gazed across the aisle and noticed the lingerie section, where the underwear was a lot skimpier. She had to wonder what it would be like to wear something so sexy. She smiled as she imagined the faces her friends would make if she took off her clothes to reveal that black lace bra-and-panties set.

“Those are even more expensive, don’t you even think about it,” her mom pointed out. “And anyway, you’re thirteen. That stuff is off limits until you’re thirty, at least,” she added, sounding like she thought she was being clever.

River just rolled her eyes.

“Don’t give me that, missy. What would you even do with lingerie, huh? Unless…” Mom narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Is there some boy you’re trying to impress?”

“Moooooom! No!” River hissed, glancing around to make sure no one was within earshot. “Like I’d flash my panties at some boy!”

God, parents could be so embarrassing. No, it definitely wasn’t boys she’d want to show off to. Not that her mom would know about that. It wasn’t that River thought her mom would have a problem with her liking girls, but… She’d most likely put an end to the regular sleepovers River had with her friends—or at least scrutinize what they were up to a lot more often—and that certainly couldn’t happen.

“All right, all right.” Mom flashed a little smile. Satisfied to have gotten a rise out of her daughter, or happy that she didn’t have to worry about boys just yet? Who could tell? “Anyway, while we’re here, why don’t you go find a new pair of jeans?”

“What’s wrong with my jeans?” River asked, looking down at herself.

“Most of your pairs have holes in them, honey.”

River frowned. “So? Who doesn’t have holes in their jeans?” The store was even selling new pairs that were already ripped.

“River. Just get a new pair.”

“Fine, fine.” She wasn’t really going to complain about new clothes.

River wandered over to the pants section while her mom was looking at blouses. Finding some black jeans that she thought looked pretty good, she took them to the changing room to try on. A little tight for her taste, she thought as she squeezed into the snug denim.

As she turned a critical eye to the mirror, a perfectly ordinary girl looked back at her. Long brown hair, brown eyes, average height, no remarkable features to speak of—she didn’t hate her looks, but she certainly didn’t love them either. She shrugged at her reflection. The jeans looked all right, she supposed. Spinning around for good measure, she let out an appreciative “Oooh.” The tight pants did make her ass look pretty great, she had to admit. Maybe she’d let Mom buy them after all.

When she emerged from the stall after changing back into her own clothes, she heard a voice behind her. “Hey, um… River, right?”

Turning around, River saw a cute black girl waving at her. She seemed quite familiar, with that eye-catching mass of thick, curly hair. Wait, wasn’t she the new girl at school? Sure, that was it. She was in a couple of River’s classes, having just started this week.

River was surprised but happy that the girl even remembered her name. Usually, people didn’t notice her at all. Then she realized she’d forgotten the girl’s name, which seemed totally rude. She racked her brain as she began, “Oh, hi! It’s… uh…” Thankfully, the answer came to her just in time. “Alyssa! Isn’t it?”

The girl nodded. “Yeah. We have English together, right?”

“Yep. And math, I think? But I wouldn’t blame you if you couldn’t keep your eyes open in that class long enough to see me there.”

Alyssa laughed. “Oh right. That math teacher is… um… Do we know for sure he’s not a robot?”

“I know, right? I don’t even hate math, but God, does he make it boring.”

“I’ve been thinking of recording his class and listening to it when I can’t fall asleep at night.”

River snorted. “That’d probably work!”

They made their way out of the changing room. “So… you’re shopping for clothes, too?” River asked, before realizing a second later what a stupid question that was, since Alyssa had been in the changing area, clothes in hand. “Well. I mean, yeah, obviously.” She gave a nervous laugh. Why was it so hard for her to make small talk?

Alyssa chuckled. “Yeah. I begged some money from my parents for a new outfit. What do you think of this?” she asked, holding up a light blue T-shirt with stylized angel wings on it, and a darker blue skirt that looked just a tad shorter than River’s mom would approve of.

“Yeah, that looks pretty cute,” River said. And it did, but truth be told, she was a lot more interested in what Alyssa was wearing right then. That tight crop top showcased her large breasts to impressive effect—making River feel both turned on and envious—while showing off her nice flat belly, and those snug shorts molded her hips and ass perfectly. It was a way sexier ensemble than anything she’d be allowed to wear at school, and River had to make an effort not to stare.

At that moment, River’s mom walked up from another section of the store. “River, did you find… Oh, hello,” she said when she noticed Alyssa.

“Mom, this is Alyssa. She’s new at school. Alyssa, this is, well, my mom, as you probably guessed already, ‘cause I just called her ‘Mom’.” River wasn’t very good at introductions, either.

“It’s nice to meet you, Alyssa. Are you new in town, or did you just change schools?”

“Yeah, we just moved here from Chicago.”

“Oh my. Our town must look very small by comparison. How are you adapting?”

Alyssa chuckled. “Well, kinda but… it’s not bad. I dig the small town vibe. I just don’t really know anyone yet.”

“Well, what a coincidence, River and her friends are having a sleepover tonight. You should come and get to know them! I’m sure that’d be fine, wouldn’t it, River?”

River gritted her teeth. Had her mom really blurted out an invitation, just like that? That really put her in an awkward spot. “Oh, err…” River hesitated, trying to find a polite way to decline. Alyssa seemed nice and all, but River and her friends had other plans. Private plans. And inviting Alyssa would certainly throw a spanner into the works.

“It’s okay, I don’t want to intrude,” Alyssa said, though she looked a little sad.

River’s mom gave her a patented look of motherly disapproval. River could practically hear the words in her head. River! Don’t be rude!

“No, no, it’s cool. You should join us, it’ll be fun,” River was basically forced to say, though she tried to make it sound genuine.

“Yeah? Well… okay then! It’d be nice to get to know some people around here, gotta admit.”

“Cool. Just drop by after dinner, around like, 7 or 7:30.”

River gave out her address, then they made their goodbyes, as River’s mom needed some other stuff from a different section of the store. As she watched Alyssa walk away, River frowned. She’d done her good deed of the day, but the others were not going to be happy about it.

* * *

That evening, River was finishing setting up her room for the sleepover. The floor was now almost entirely covered with inflatable mattresses and sleeping bags for her friends. She’d had to push her own bed into one corner to make enough space for three other people.

Normally, she might not even use her bed, preferring to sleep entangled with her friends after they were done with their fun—at least until morning, when she slipped into bed to pretend that was where she’d spent the night. Unfortunately, it looked as if that might not be in the cards tonight. It was really too bad, Kacey and Livi had planned a little “challenge” that would have been a lot of fun to watch…

The doorbell rang, pulling River from her thoughts. That had to be Alyssa, because Kacey or Livi would have just walked in. Making her way to the front door, River opened it to reveal her new friend. “Hey there, welcome. You’re the first one here.”

“Hi. Am I early?”

“Nah, you’re fine. This way.” River led Alyssa to her room, pleased to note that the girl was still wearing the hot top from that afternoon. “Here, I just finished setting this up,” she said, indicating the mattresses.

“Ah, nice. You’re pretty well equipped for this, huh?”

“Yeah, my mom has a big family, so sometimes when they visit during the holidays or whatever, we need a lot of space for all my uncles and aunts and cousins to sleep, y’know?”

“Oh, that’s cool. I don’t have much extended family.” Alyssa sat on the bed when River motioned that she should do so, then took a look around the room. Her gaze landed on the poster of pop star Shana Belle on the wall, and she broke into a huge grin. “Hey, you like Shana, too?”

“Yeah! She’s awesome!” That, and totally gorgeous. River had harbored a big crush on the singer for over a year now.

“Ya, I don’t usually like that kind of pop much, but she’s… I dunno, special.”

The conversation was cut short when they heard voices coming towards the room, one much louder than the other, instantly recognizable as Kacey.

“No way! River, tell Livi that—” Kacey was saying as she barged in, then stopped short when she saw that River wasn’t alone. “Uh… hi?”

For her part, Livi simply arched an eyebrow.

River’s friends didn’t look much alike—Kacey, a short, skinny white girl with reddish-brown hair; Livi, a tall Asian, growing curvier by the day; both cute in their own way—but at the moment they wore identically puzzled expressions.

“Hey, guys!” River said. “Uh, this is Alyssa. You might have seen her at school? She’s new in town, and we bumped into each other at the mall and… I thought it’d be cool for her to hang out with us.”

“Oh. Um, hey. Sure…” Kacey said slowly. “Is she into… you know, is she down for—” she began, but thankfully Livi elbowed her before she could blurt out anything else. Kacey wasn’t the most tactful person.

“Down for what?” Alyssa asked, looking confused.

“Um…” Kacey and Livi looked at each other.

“Nothing, it’s nothing,” River interrupted. “Let’s just—”

“It doesn’t sound like nothing… Look, if you guys had something else planned, I don’t want to be in the way or anything.”

“No, no. It’s just… we kinda had, uh, something private to discuss… Hey, just give us a couple minutes, okay? Be right back.” River got up and hurriedly ushered her two friends out of the room.

“Yo, what’s up?” Kacey said once they were in the hallway. “I thought we were gonna—”

“Shhh!” River hissed, nodding in the direction of the living room where her mom was. “Look, I know, but I ran into her at the mall and my mom basically invited her here, and I couldn’t really say no without looking like a major asshole,” she explained in a whisper. “And anyway, she seems cool, and she doesn’t know anyone here, so… I think we should try to be friends.”

“Well, she could be the coolest person ever, but I’m fucking horny,” Kacey said, blunt as always. At least she was keeping her voice down. “And I was supposed to do the challenge with Livi.”

“We all know you were gonna lose, anyway,” Livi said with a shrug, then quickly continued when Kacey opened her mouth to protest, “But anyway, fine with me, I guess. We’ll see what happens, huh? Who knows, maybe she’d want to join in.” She smirked.

Kacey perked up at that. “You think she’d be up for it? She’s pretty hot. That top she’s wearing? Oof!”

“Uh, I don’t know,” River said. She couldn’t claim the thought hadn’t crossed her mind once or twice, but… “I feel like we’re rushing things here. Don’t be weird or creepy to her, okay?”

“I’m never weird or creepy,” Kacey said. When River and Livi exchanged a dubious look, she added, “What?”

Anyway, let’s go back in. And be nice.” River opened the door to her room and they all filed in.

Alyssa was still sitting on River’s bed, looking very uncomfortable. “Um, maybe I should go if—” she began.

“No, no! It’s all cool now. Everything’s sorted out. Sorry about all that.” River felt like a pretty crappy host, but hopefully they could move on now.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry about it. Okay, this is Kacey,” River said, ruffling the other girl’s short hair as an introduction.

“Dammit!” Kacey swatted her away, then extended a hand to Alyssa. “Hey. S’up, New Girl.”

“And this is Olivia.”

“Hi, nice to meet you,” Livi said. “We’re in P.E. together, right?”

“I think so, yeah.” Alyssa shook both their hands. She seemed to have relaxed now that things were more friendly.

Kacey let herself drop on River’s bed to lie next to Alyssa. “Ugh. Hope you’re good at P.E. Teacher’s a real hard-ass this year.”

“Is she a hard-ass because she won’t let you sit in a corner and do nothing all period?” Livi chimed in.

Kacey lifted her head to respond. “Yeah! What’s up with that?”

Alyssa laughed. “I don’t know, she seems alright. But I like P.E. anyway.”

“Ugh. I hate P.E. Except for the showers.”

“The showers?” Alyssa asked.

River gritted her teeth. So much for not being weird.

“Yeah. Y’know, just taking a shower in the middle of the day, it’s relaxing,” Kacey explained, actually managing to sound like she meant it, though River knew that wasn’t the reason at all. They had P.E. together, and she’d seen her friend ogling the other girls under the water spray often enough—not that she could entirely blame her.

Alyssa chuckled. “Um, I guess so.”

“You were really good at basketball this week,” Livi told Alyssa. “I couldn’t do anything to stop you.”

“Oh, thanks. You didn’t seem too bad yourself. Maybe next time we’ll be on the same team.”

“That’d be cool. Hey, do you play tennis? I could use an opponent other than my mom.”

“Oh, man, I haven’t played in a while… but I’d be down to give it a shot.”

“Look at these two jocks,” Kacey interjected. “I guess it’s just you and me on Team Sports Suck, Riv.” She extended a fist for River to bump.

“Um, actually… I’ve kinda been thinking about giving tennis a try, too,” River admitted. It was true that she wasn’t usually into sports at all, but she’d watched Livi play at a competition a few months back and it had looked… kind of fun? “I’d probably suck at it, but it doesn’t look too bad, and y’know, might be good for getting some exercise and all.”

“Really?” Livi said, at the same time that Kacey exclaimed, “What? Traitor!”

River laughed. “Come on. You should try it with me. We could play, uh, doubles? That’s a thing, right?” She looked for confirmation at Livi, who nodded.

“Bah!” Kacey grabbed a pillow and put it over her head.

“What’s your favorite subject, Kacey?” Alyssa asked, laughing.

“Art,” Kacey said through the pillow.

“Oh yeah? You good at that? I’m pretty hopeless with that stuff.”

Kacey tossed the pillow aside and shrugged. “Eh… I’m all right.”

“She’s really good,” River insisted. She wasn’t going to let Kacey dismiss her own artistic skills. “You should see her drawings, they’re amazing!”

“It’s true,” Livi agreed. That counted for a lot, because Livi and Kacey just loved to needle each other about everything.

“Really? I’d like to see your stuff some time,” Alyssa said.

“Um, yeah, maybe.” Was that just a little bit of color rising to Kacey’s cheeks? She sat up suddenly and said, “Anyway! Who’s up for some Mario Kart?”

The quick change of subject was not lost on River. It was odd how Kacey would brag about the silliest things, but then got all self-conscious when it came to a skill she had that was actually praiseworthy. River could tell from the little smile Kacey was trying to hide that she appreciated the compliments, though.

“Sure, I’m down,” she said, and the other two nodded as well.

“You have your own TV in your room?” Alyssa asked as River turned on said TV. “That’s so cool.”

“Rich girl here,” Kacey muttered. “Her mom’s a dentist.”

River scowled. “Hey, you wanna use my TV or not?”

“Fine, fine. Hope you’re ready to get destroyed, though,” Kacey said, cracking her knuckles.

“We’ll see,” Alyssa said. “I have to warn you, I got years of extensive Mario Kart training playing against my brother.”

“Oh yeah? Good. Could use some real competition around here. These two aren’t much of a challenge.”

“Excuse you?” Livi interrupted. “And who won last time, huh?”

“Meh. That was a fluke.”

Livi and River exchanged a look and rolled their eyes. Though truth be told, Kacey did win most of the time.

They loaded up the game and kicked off the first race. True to her word, Kacey took the lead early on, and kept it until the last lap.

“And that’s how you do it,” she said as she took the final turn ahead of everyone else.

Just as she was about to cross the finish line, though, a green shell came out of nowhere to hit her kart, stopping it dead in its tracks.

“Is it? I think you’re supposed to avoid those,” Alyssa asked as she passed by to take the win. She smirked at Kacey, clearly proud of her aim.

Kacey gritted her teeth and hit the gas as soon as she regained control, but she had barely moved an inch before Livi’s red shell hit her again, allowing both Livi and River to finish in front of her.

“You were saying?” Livi asked.

“That. Was. Bullshit,” Kacey exclaimed, prompting River and the others to laugh their asses off. “Okay, okay, you’ll see. Start the next race.”

They ended up playing for a couple of hours, and to be fair to Kacey, she did wind up with the most wins, though Alyssa was close behind. River finished dead last, but she was used to that. Strategy and puzzle games were more her thing. Still, it was always fun playing with her friends, regardless of who won, and she was glad to see Alyssa fitting in so well.

“That was close,” Kacey was saying. “Not bad, New Girl, not bad. If you work hard, one day you could get on my level.”

Alyssa snorted. “I admit defeat for today, but I’ll have my revenge.”

“Sounds like the beginnings of an epic rivalry,” River said as she got up to stretch her legs. “So what do you guys wanna do now?”

“Let’s see what’s on Netflix,” Kacey said.

“Like a million different things,” Livi replied, and Kacey made a face at her.

Chuckling, River threw the remote to Kacey. “You guys hungry? Want some popcorn? Chips? Sodas?”

“Hell yeah, all the above,” Kacey said.

A sly smile played on Livi’s lips. “Quick, Alyssa: Pepsi or Coke?”

“Uh, Pepsi?” River and Kacey looked at each other, then turned twin disapproving stares towards Alyssa. “Um, is that a big deal?”

“Well, well, well,” Livi said smugly, “looks like it’s two against two now. Balance has been restored.”

River frowned at the two heretics. “I’ll have you know this is a Coke household. But fine, we have both anyway.”

Livi stared in disbelief. “Hold the flipping phone. Did you have both all this time?”

“No,“ River said. “Last time we were at the grocery store, I asked Mom to get some Pepsi. Just for you.”

“Aww. Now that’s true friendship.”

Livi wrapped her arms around River’s neck, and for a second River thought her friend had forgotten who was in the room and was actually going to kiss her. Her heart was racing with mixed fear and excitement. But Livi just pulled her into a big theatrical hug instead, making Alyssa laugh behind them. Just before letting go, though, Livi slid a hand down to River’s ass and gave it a squeeze, then winked before she slipped away.

River was left feeling flustered. She was pretty sure she’d have gotten that kiss if Alyssa wasn’t around, and maybe Livi’s hand would have gone to even more interesting places. Hell, at this point in the evening, they might already have made each other come, despite the risk of being caught by her mom. It wouldn’t have been the first time one of them took a turn as lookout while the other two fooled around.

Hanging out with Alyssa had been pretty fun, but damn, River really missed the other kind of fun right now. She took a deep calming breath, then said, “Okay, you guys pick something to watch while I get the snacks.”

Kacey gave her a thumbs up, and River left them to it, making her way to the kitchen. She grabbed two big bowls and filled them with popcorn and chips, then fetched four cans of soda from the fridge, sighing dramatically as she included two of the inferior brand. Laying out the feast on a tray, she brought it back to her room.

“Oh, this one is really good if you guys are into horror,” Alyssa was saying as River entered.

“Looks cool,” Kacey said, “but eh, River’s a real wimp about this stuff.”

“Hey, bite me,” River shot back as she laid the tray on the floor next to Livi and Alyssa, who were sitting on the mattresses.

“Well, aren’t you? You wanna watch it then?” Kacey asked.

River turned to the TV. The trailer that was playing did look rather scary, not her kind of thing at all. “Umm… how creepy is it?” she asked Alyssa.

“Not gonna lie, I thought the ghost was creepy as hell… but I love stuff like that.”

“Oh, ghosts. River’s favorite, right?” Livi teased.

River grimaced. She didn’t like scary movies in general, but ghosts were just the worst. There was just something about those invisible bastards that made her blood run ice cold. “Ehhh…”

“See? Told you,” Kacey said.

“Shut up, you.” River jumped on the bed and wrapped an arm around Kacey’s neck from behind, as if to choke her. The girl began flailing wildly even though River wasn’t actually putting any pressure.

Laughing, Alyssa grabbed the remote that Kacey had dropped on the bed. “Okay, okay. Um, how about this one, then?”

“Ugh, no,” Livi said. “Watched that last week. Super boring.”

“Oh, too bad. Hmm, let’s see…” Alyssa continued scrolling through the selection.

“Hey, hold up,” Kacey said after a moment. “That one looked good.” She’d stopped struggling and was now just lying back against River, which wasn’t unpleasant at all.

Alyssa scrolled back. “This?”

It was pretty obvious what had attracted Kacey’s attention: The promo image for the movie showed a woman with very large breasts in a bikini. Kacey crawled forward for a better look. “Daaaamn,” she said.

Alyssa raised an eyebrow at the reaction, but a small smile played on her lips. “She’s um, stacked, huh?”

“Jealous?” Livi baited Kacey.

“Hey, screw you,” came the expected comeback. “Not my fault I’m, uh, a late bloomer or somethin’. Maybe you’re the one who’s not normal. Aren’t Asians supposed to be tiny and flat? That’s unfair.”

“Wow. Racist much?”

“It’s not racist. Isn’t it true?”

“That’s a huge generalization—” Livi began, but Kacey cut her off.

“Y’know, I think the new girl got you beat, though,” she said, making a show of leering at Alyssa. “Is that a thing, black girls having big tits? I know black guys have big cocks, but—”

“Omigod. Stop talking,” Livi said, furiously rubbing her temples.

“What? I just—”

Livi reached out to clamp a hand over Kacey’s mouth, then turned to Alyssa. “I’m really sorry about her. She’s from out in the boonies. Probably raised by wolves.”

Kacey pulled back, and managed to say, “Been living here like half my life—” before Livi muffled her again.

“Shhh. I’m trying to give you an excuse for… being like this.”

Alyssa looked more amused than offended, but River judged it best to move on. “Anyway, guys. So uh, boobs aside, this movie kinda looks like trash. Sorry, Kace,” she said, having kept an eye on the trailer.

They all turned back to the TV. “Uh, yeah, that looks… pretty bad,” Alyssa said after a moment. Livi nodded in agreement.

“Bah, fine,” Kacey said.

And so it went for some time. Someone would suggest a movie, but someone else always had an objection. Then they’d go off on a tangent for a while. After about half an hour, they were no closer to a decision than at the beginning.

“Uh, guys, I think we ate all the snacks before deciding what to watch,” Alyssa pointed out.

“That’s um… often how it goes, gotta admit,” River said. There were sheepish nods of agreement from Kacey and Livi.

“Fuck it, let’s just do something else,” Kacey said. She was now lying across the width of the bed, her head dropping off one side, looking at the rest of them upside down.

“Like what?”

Kacey thought about it for a bit. “How about… Truth or Dare?” she asked with a sinister grin. “Good way to get to know the new girl better!”

“I always thought Truth or Dare was kinda stupid,” Livi said. “I mean, you get to choose truth or dare, but then if you pick truth and don’t want to answer, you just do a dare instead. What’s the point of even choosing? Why wouldn’t you always pick truth then decide if you want to answer the question or not?”

Kacey rolled her eyes. “Look at this nerd analyzing strategies for Truth or Dare.”

“Am I a nerd now? I thought I was a jock earlier.”

“You’re a… jocknerd. A jerd. The worst of both worlds. I don’t know how you live with yourself.”

Somehow, Livi managed to ignore that grievous insult and carry on. “Anyway, if you really want to get to know someone, sounds like the game should be that you just ask questions and she has to tell the truth.”

“So… Truth or Truth? That’s stupid.”

“Uh… You just ask anything and I have to answer?” Alyssa said, looking nervous now. “That doesn’t sound fair.”

Kacey flipped over so that she could look at Alyssa right-side up. “Oooh, New Girl has secrets. I’m in.”

“Well, we could say that everyone has to answer the question,” Livi amended. “That way, no one’s gonna ask something she’s not willing to answer herself.”

“Hmm, I guess that would be okay,” Alyssa said.

Livi made a you first gesture. “You can start, then.”

“Okay, um, let’s see…” Alyssa tapped her lips with a finger. “How long have you known each other? I mean, my answer is just ‘since today,’ so that’s not too interesting, but…”

“It’s fine,” River said. “Me and Livi since kindergarten. Then Kacey moved here in… what, second grade?”

Kacey nodded. “Yeah. Okay, my turn. Who’s your celebrity crush?”

River and Livi exchanged a look. River could guess that Livi had proposed this game to gauge Alyssa’s interest in girls with some subtle questions, but… as usual, Kacey lacked any subtlety, and now it seemed like she was fine with outing them all. River wasn’t too sure if that was a good idea.

“Wow. That’s um… pretty personal,” Alyssa said.

“Really? That’s the least personal thing I was gonna ask.” Kacey grinned. River could well believe it.

Alyssa hesitated for a moment. It seemed like a big dilemma for her. River wondered if that was a good sign or not.

“Want me to go first?” Kacey asked when the moment stretched on.


“Easy.” Kacey pointed up at the poster of Shana Belle on the wall.

River frowned. That was her poster for a reason.

“Oh! Really?” Alyssa sounded… relieved, maybe? Very intriguing. “I… yeah, I guess a lot of people think she’s pretty…” she said, remaining noncommittal.

“She’s the hottest. Back me up, River.”

River narrowed her eyes. She didn’t appreciate being suddenly dragged into this, but she supposed it had to come out sooner or later. If Alyssa turned out to be some kind of bigot, she couldn’t be their friend, anyway. That wasn’t the main source of her annoyance, though. “Me? You… you stole my answer! I liked Shana first!”

“Bah, don’t be like that. I’m, like, acknowledging your good taste in women here.”

River chuckled. “Riiiight.” It wasn’t a big deal, but still, Kacey wouldn’t even really know who Shana was if River hadn’t started talking about her. She should get her own damn crush.

“So wait, you’re… both into girls?” Alyssa asked, looking from one of them to the other.

“Yeah. That a problem?” Kacey said.

“No! Not at all. I… um… I think I am, too.”

“Oh yeah? That’s great!” Kacey flashed a wicked grin at River and Livi. The evening was taking quite an interesting turn.

Alyssa missed the exchange, though. She was looking down rather timidly, but there was a small smile on her lips. “I… never told anyone that before.”

Livi put a hand on her shoulder. “You all right?”

“Oh, yeah, fine. Kinda feels good to… let it out, you know?”

“For sure. We can all be open with each other here.” At Alyssa’s interrogative look, Livi added, “Oh, yeah, I totally like girls, too. If you wanna know, my favorite is Zendaya.”

“Oh, she’s so hot.”


Alyssa smiled, looking around at all of them. “Wow, this is cool. I didn’t expect us to be so… y’know. Like-minded.”

“All right, spill it, New Girl. Who’s your crush, then?” Kacey asked.

Alyssa laughed. “Okay, okay. Well, it’s a little silly but… total crush on Emma Watson ever since I first saw Harry Potter.”

There were nods all around.

“Very understandable,” River said.

“Yeah, been there,” Kacey added.

Alyssa looked up at the poster of Shana again and nodded towards it. “You know, I read the other day that she’s really a lesbian.”

“Whaaaat?” Kacey exchanged a wide-eyed look with River. “No way! For real?”

“There was an article about some woman who claimed she’d done it with Shana after a show. But I mean, it was in one of my mom’s stupid tabloid mags so… y’know, probably bullshit.”

“No, no, you can’t take it back. That’s my truth now,” Kacey said. “Oh, man, can you imagine? Okay, it’s now my life’s goal to go to a Shana Belle concert and meet her backstage and have lots of hot sex all night long.”

Alyssa burst into laughter, and Livi shook her head. “It’s not like she’d be into girls our age, anyway…”

Kacey made a face. “I guess. You never know, though!”

River cleared her throat loudly. “Excuse me, Kace. I need to remind you, again, that Shana is my crush. Get your own!”

Kacey turned to her and smirked. “Don’t be jealous. You know I’d share,” she said, wriggling her eyebrows.

River considered that for a moment. She’d imagined having sex with the gorgeous pop star many times, but she had to admit, the fantasy was even hotter with Kacey joining them—and maybe Livi, too! “Well. That doesn’t sound too bad,” she allowed. “Okay, deal. ‘Sharing is caring,’ after all. But I don’t think that’s what Barney had in mind!” They all laughed.

“So… do you guys ‘share’ a lot?” Alyssa asked with a sly smile.

“Is that your next question?” Kacey asked. “For the game?”

“Wait, it’s my turn!” Livi protested, and Kacey motioned for her to proceed. “That’s not a bad question, though. You ever had sex?” she asked Alyssa point-blank.

River held her breath. Even Livi was getting straight to the point. Of course, it seemed much less risky—and much more exciting!—now that they knew Alyssa was also into girls.

Alyssa laughed. “Hah, no!” When Livi didn’t laugh along, she added more uncertainly, “Have you?”


“Wait, really? Like, with a girl?”


“Huh. Wow.” Alyssa looked a little bewildered. She turned to River and Kacey. “And you…?”

“Oh yeah. Lots,” Kacey said proudly.

“Um, me too,” River said, feeling her cheeks warm up a bit. She’d never mentioned her sex life to anyone who wasn’t part of it.

Alyssa stared. “You’ve all done it?” River could almost see the gears turning in the girl’s mind as she worked out the logical conclusion. “Wait… Like, together?”

Kacey’s big grin said it all.

Alyssa’s jaw dropped. “You’re all fooling around with each other?” she exclaimed.

“Hell yeah,” Kacey said, “and—”

A sudden knock at the door made them all jump. Kacey snapped her mouth shut, swallowing whatever outrageous thing she was about to come out with. Four pairs of eyes looked at each other, wide and worried.

The door opened and River’s mom poked her head in. “Hey girls. How’s it going in here?”

“Uh… fine, Mom,” River said. She swallowed, her throat dry, but managed to continue in what she hoped was a casual tone. “Having a pretty great time, actually. What’s up?”

“I’m about to go to bed. Are you all set here? Need anything else?”

River looked around. They had the mattresses and sleeping bags and… well, they didn’t need much else, did they? “I think we’re good.”

“All right, good night then. Keep the noise down, please. And don’t stay up too late, huh?”

“Yeah. We’ll probably turn in soon.” When her mom looked doubtful, she added, “Well, soon-ish. ‘Night!”

There was a chorus of good nights, then her mom left them alone.

“Shiiiit,” Kacey whispered. “You think she heard what we were talking about?”

“Hmm, I don’t think so,” River said, though her heart was definitely beating faster. “She sounded… normal.”

Alyssa mimed wiping sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. “Phew, that was close. Sorry to have just blurted that out, but… you uh, took me by surprise.”

“Oh, we noticed,” Livi said, smirking.

“You should have seen your face!” Kacey added.

Alyssa chuckled. “Well I didn’t expect that! You’re… really serious?”

“Yep. A hundred percent.”

Alyssa shook her head in disbelief. River wondered what was going through the girl’s mind. Was she getting some ideas about joining the fun? The thought had to have occurred to her.

River found herself smiling. She had a good feeling about the rest of their night. Still, they should at least pretend they were about to turn in. ”Guys, I think we should go brush our teeth and change and all that stuff right now, so that we’re ready for… bed.”

Livi met her gaze, and River knew she was thinking exactly the same thing. “Sure. For bed. Let’s do it.”

They took turns using the bathroom to change into their sleepwear, brush their teeth, and make use of the toilet. Kacey went in first, and River took the opportunity to take the empty snack bowls and soda cans to the kitchen. When she came back, Alyssa was taking her turn in the bathroom… and Kacey and Livi were making out, right there in the hallway.

River felt a twinge of arousal. She definitely wouldn’t mind watching her friends kiss right now, or even joining in… but making out in the open seemed like a foolish risk, with her mother still awake. She cleared her throat. “You guys are kinda getting ahead of yourselves.”

Kacey just flashed a grin and shrugged. Livi had the decency to look a little embarrassed. “Well, it’s not my fault,” she said. “Look at that slutty outfit of hers!”

Sure enough, Kacey’s sleeping garb was very sexy, consisting of a thin green tank top and white panties, showing off a hint of taut belly in between. River was tempted to kiss the girl herself. “Kinda lightly dressed, huh?” she said as she stepped closer to finger the hem of Kacey’s top.

Kacey shrugged again, completely unabashed. “It’s not like we keep our clothes on for long, anyway.”

“Mmm. True.” River bit her bottom lip, thinking back to numerous sleepovers that had quickly turned steamy. Damn, she was horny now. She wanted to push Kacey against the wall and stick her tongue in her friend’s mouth—maybe slip a hand into her panties. In the end, she kept control, but allowed herself a quick brush over the front of Kacey’s underwear with a finger.

Kacey let out a gasp and pushed her away. “Hey, hey. No cheating.”

River laughed. “What cheating?”

“Yeah, y’know, for the challenge. I can’t be too turned on before it starts.”

“Is that why you were making out just now?”

“Well, it’s okay if Livi does it too, then it’s still equal.” The two of them exchanged a look, half daring, half lustful.

River was certainly eager to watch them get it on, but there was still that one possible problem. “So you think that’s still happening? Since… you know…” She glanced towards the bathroom door.

Kacey and Livi flashed matching smiles. It seemed they were of one mind about this. “I’m pretty sure we can convince her to—” Kacey began, but trailed off when Alyssa emerged from the bathroom.

“Next!” Alyssa said, and Livi took her place.

River was disappointed to see that the T-shirt Alyssa now wore was much looser than her tight top, hiding her figure. Still, she looked cute in the pink shirt and grey leggings. River suspected that she looked cute in most anything.

River, Kacey and Alyssa chatted a bit about tamer topics while Livi did her thing. River didn’t miss the appreciative look that Alyssa gave Kacey’s outfit, though. Yeah, she might not be too hard to convince.

When Livi came out, wearing a black T-shirt and blue sleep shorts, River took her own turn in the bathroom, though not before sneaking a longing glance at Livi’s fine legs. Her friends were really turning her on. If nothing ended up happening that night, she’d have trouble falling asleep for sure, aroused as she was.

She took off her shirt and bra, eyed her small breasts in the mirror and sighed. Yet again, she wished for bigger ones like Livi had—not to mention Alyssa!—but nature couldn’t be rushed, after all. At least she had Kacey beat.

Instinctively, she brought a hand to one breast, caressing the already stiff nipple. “Mmmm.” They sure did feel nice, though. If she couldn’t get her release another way, she’d have to come back to the bathroom later and take care of it herself. River closed her eyes for a moment as she toyed with her nipple, little jolts of pleasure making their way between her legs.

She gave herself a shake and forced her hand away. Now was not the time. Hurriedly removing the rest of her clothes, she slipped into a white tank top. Cute, but not as skimpy as Kacey’s. She grabbed her black lounge shorts, then hesitated for an instant. Glancing into the mirror again, she studied her sex, pale lips sparsely covered with fine hair. She was quite tempted to give it a quick caress… but no, if she started, she probably wouldn’t stop.

She pulled on her shorts, brushed her teeth, then rejoined her friends. Not much was said, but a few significant looks were exchanged as they made their way back to River’s room.

On to Part Two!


Connecting Flight

  • Posted on October 22, 2022 at 3:44 pm

by Karin Halle

A rare silence filled the airport. It was early morning, and there were few arrivals scheduled.

Adeline’s plane had arrived at dawn from overseas, and she had several hours to wait before she could hop on a transcontinental flight and head home. After five days away, the 29-year-old attendant was eager to sleep in her own bed.

One of the perks of her job was the right to fly free in the spare seat of the cockpit on any flight she chose. Another was access to the crew lounges at major airports, where pilots and attendants could relax between trips. The lounges even had a few roomettes where crew members could have a nap.

Heading for the lounge, wheeling her flight bag behind her, she had to pass several departure gates. All were deserted, except for one, where she noticed a young girl sitting alone. It was the gate for the same transcontinental flight that Adeline herself would be taking in a few hours.

The girl had a sports bag and a backpack at her feet. She held a Barbie doll in one hand, while in her other arm she cuddled an expensive-looking teddy bear. The girl appeared to be about thirteen, and she looked miserable – too old to be clinging to toys, yet too young to be sitting alone in a deserted departure terminal.

A couple of possibilities occurred to Adeline. The kid might be a runaway, or else homeless and hanging out in the airport.

She approached the girl, wondering what she would say. She decided to play it cool. 

“Hi, I’m Adeline. Are you waiting for a flight?”

It was a surprise to Adeline when the girl said, “Yeah.” The voice was flat, confirming the unhappy mood Adeline had sensed.

“But the next flight out of this gate isn’t for hours yet,” Adeline said.

“Yeah, I know.” The same flat tone again.

Now Adeline was growing concerned. A girl – a child, really – alone in an airport is in a vulnerable situation.

“What’s your name, honey?”


“That’s a pretty name, Carolanne. Where are your parents, sweetie – are they around?” She looked about, but there were only a few airport staff in sight.

“No, they just dropped me off,” Carolanne said.

Concern turned to outright worry. “What in God’s name for?” Adeline said.

“They’re sending me to stay with my aunt for a while. They had this big fight, and they figured they might be able to sort out their problems if they didn’t have me around to worry about.”

 Adeline tried to contain her temper, without much success.

 “Shit! They can’t do that! They can’t just drop you off here and leave you!” She paused as she thought out the next step. “That’s neglect – endangerment even. It’ll be okay, sweetie. I’ll notify security and they’ll call the police.”

 For the first time, Carolanne seemed to come to life.

 “No! You can’t do that! You mustn’t. Please. I don’t mind going to Aunt Jessie’s – I really don’t.”

 Her outburst over, the girl slumped in her seat and began to sob.

 “Okay, I won’t call security – yet,” Adelaide assured her. “But you can’t stay here – it’s not safe. How old are you, anyway?”

 “Thirteen,” Carolanne muttered. “Almost fourteen.”

 A thought came to Adeline: the crew lounge. Strictly off limits for everybody but airline personnel, of course. But the place should be, like the airport itself, practically deserted at this early hour. The matter was resolved.

 “You come with me,” Adeline said. “I’ll take you somewhere safe where you can wait.”

 She grabbed the girl’s bag and backpack, awkwardly arranging them so that she could pull her own bag as well, and took the girl by the hand. Carolanne clutched her Barbie and her teddy bear.

 As expected, the crew lounge was deserted. That was good. Adeline could get written up for bringing in an unauthorised person. She asked Carolanne if she wanted anything to eat or drink, but the girl said no.

 “Come on, then,” she said and led the way to one of the roomettes. Apart from a shelf with a mirror and a light above it, the roomette contained only a bunk bed. No sooner had they sat down on it than the girl leaned against Adelaide, resting her head against the woman’s arm.

 “Are you tired, honey?”

 “Yeah. I couldn’t sleep because of the noise – you know, Mum and Dad fighting. And then we came here.”

 “Okay, baby, you lie down. I can sit on the floor.”

 “No,” Carolanne protested. “There’s plenty of room. I can squish over.” She demonstrated by turning on her side and pressing her back against the wall.

 For the first time since encountering Carolanne, Adeline smiled. She really hadn’t wanted to sit on the floor.

 And she couldn’t use a separate roomette – she didn’t dare leave Carolanne by herself, in case she was discovered. Her flight attendant’s uniform was already unkempt – she had been wearing it for thirteen hours on an airliner jam-packed with people who were constantly in need of something.

 She took off her jacket, blouse, and skirt and hung them on hooks on the wall. Her shoes joined their bags under the bunk. As she went to lie down, dressed only in her bra, slip, and pantyhose, Carolanne put a hand on her shoulder.

 “Thank you, Adeline, for looking after me,” the girl said.

 Something about the way she spoke stabbed Adeline in the heart. There was a plaintiveness in her tone, and an appreciation far deeper than conveyed by the words alone.

 Blushing slightly, Adeline said, “It’s my pleasure, sweetheart.”

 Carolanne rolled forward and placed a kiss on Adeline’s face. Whether intentionally or not, her lips touched Adeline’s. Startled by the display of affection, and disturbed by the pleasure it gave her, she looked into Carolanne’s eyes.

 “I love you,” the girl said.

 “That’s very sweet,” Adeline said, not believing for a second the girl could mean it. “Let’s try to get some sleep.” 

 “Will you touch me?”

 It took Adeline a moment to realise what Carolanne was asking.

 “Wait! What? No!” she stammered. “Why did you say that?”

 “I just need it. Please!”

 The words were a plea, reinforced by the longing in Carolanne’s eyes. She desperately needed some demonstration that she was lovable – and physical contact would be the most direct route.

 As if to prove she was serious, Carolanne took Adeline’s hand and placed it on her thigh. The hemline of her skirt, already short, had been pushed up when she wriggled around to make room on the bunk. There was no doubt where the adolescent wanted to be touched.

 Adeline wasn’t gay, and the kid was underage. What she was asking for was illegal – not to mention wrong. But her need was genuine and obvious, and Adeline couldn’t ignore the fact that she was becoming aroused as well.

 Adeline’s social life was meagre. Her busy schedule made relationships difficult to maintain, and her heavy workload was made even heavier because she volunteered for as many extra flights as the rules would allow. She loved the opportunity to travel abroad, and she certainly could use the money. The sooner she could pay off the mortgage on her home, the better.

 And after all, she told herself, it was her job to keep the passengers happy, whatever their needs were. She moved her hand to the front of the girl’s panties. They were already damp. The thin cotton clung to the girl’s vulva, and Adeline could feel every contour. She pressed the puffy flesh, particularly the top of the girl’s slit. There was the little button, and she could feel the girl tense when she bore down on it.

 She could also hear Carolanne’s breathing getting deeper. The kid was already coming!

 Adeline clamped her mouth over the teenager’s to muffle the noise that might give them away. The young body trembled against hers, and the girl’s panties grew even wetter.

 Carolanne was almost as quick to recover as she had been to climax. She looked into Adeline’s eyes, whispering “Thank you,” over and over as tears ran freely down her face. Perversely, Adeline was glad to have given the child so much pleasure. She looked furtively at her watch. By now there would be more people in the crew lounge. It was time to relocate.

 They arranged their clothes and hair, and then Adeline opened the door a crack to see if the coast was clear. There were three men at the far end of the main room, watching the early news on television, with their backs to the roomettes. None of them noticed as Adeline and Carolanne slipped across the room and out into the public corridor.

 They went to a women’s toilet to clean Carolanne up. Her panties were soaked, so she took them off, tossed them in a sanitary bin and took a fresh pair from her bag. Once again, she was ready to face the world.

 Adeline’s panties were not quite as soiled, but she was well aware that her pussy was swollen and wet. It was a matter that would just have to wait until later, she told herself.

 They returned to the departure lounge where they had first met, where passengers were now gathering for the transcontinental flight. Adeline and Carolanne sat off in a far corner to wait.

 Few words passed between them before they boarded their plane, and once through the hatch, they were separated. Off-duty crew deadheading a flight were not permitted in the passenger cabins, though a couple of times, Adeline headed back to use the toilet checking on her young friend as she passed.

 About half an hour before the plane was due to land, Adeline took the opportunity to sit down beside Carolanne. Barbie was lying on the snack tray, and Teddy was on the vacant seat.

 Adeline picked up the stuffed bear and held him as they chatted. After a few minutes, she asked Carolanne, innocently, if she was looking forward to seeing her aunt. The teenager’s reply left her, once again, stunned.

 “Oh, I’m not going,” she said casually.

 “Oh. Well, where are you going, then?” Adeline’s mind was in a spin.

 “I don’t know. I can work something out.”

 “Do you have friends you can stay with, or what?” Adeline persisted.

 “No. I really don’t have any friends. I’ve moved around too much to make friends. But I’ll work it out.”

 Scarcely able to believe what she was hearing, Adeline had to control her anger, as well as her voice.

 “No – you can’t just ‘work something out’. Don’t you understand how dangerous it is to have no place to go? Especially for a girl – and such a young girl.”

 Carolanne showed no reaction.

 “You could get into terrible trouble,” Adeline went on. “You could be assaulted, a little girl like you – you could end up raped, or dead.”

 To Adeline’s utter disbelief, Carolanne actually shrugged her shoulders. Adeline would have shaken her then, but she couldn’t risk drawing the attention of the on-duty staff.

 “You act as if you don’t care what happens to you!”

 “I don’t,” the girl said. “Not much anyway. I mean, nobody else cares. Why should I?”

 “You can’t expect other people to care about you if you don’t care about yourself,” Adeline said. “And I’m sure your parents and your aunt care about you. They wouldn’t want you to put you at risk.”

 Even as she spoke, she was aware of the irony – putting their child at risk was exactly what Carolanne’s parents had done when they carelessly and unceremoniously dumped her at the airport.

 Nor was the irony lost on Carolanne, who snorted derisively. “Shows how wrong you are,” she said. “They don’t care. That’s why they throw me around like a basketball.” She was unable to mask her bitterness. “They don’t care. Nobody does.”

 “That’s not true,” Adeline whispered harshly. “I care. Even if nobody else does – including you!” She glared fiercely at the girl, who now seemed even younger than she had before.

 “Thanks. Thanks for caring,” Carolanne mumbled. “At least that’s one person.”

 Now exasperated as well as furious, Adeline whispered as loudly as she dared, “Well, one is enough for now. You can stay with me while you ‘sort something out!’ How’s that – is that enough caring?”

 Now Carolanne showed a reaction – a big one. “You mean that?”

 It worried Adeline that the child seemed so genuinely incredulous that somebody would care enough about her to take her into her home.

  “Of course I do,” she said. “I’m your friend. And friends look out for each other, right?”

 “We’re friends?”

 “Sure. You remember the crew lounge … you can’t get much friendlier than that.”

 Carolanne considered the notion. “Friends? Really?” She wrapped her arm around Adeline and pulled her close, then planted a kiss on her cheek.

 “Best friends!” she announced.

 “Sure, sweetie. I have to get back to the cockpit now,” Adeline said. “Wait for me on the ramp outside the plane when we land, okay?”


 A tear trickled down Carolanne’s cheek. There was a light in her eyes, as well, and a glow in her face. Adeline gave her girl an uncertain smile, then hurried back to the jumpseat.


 Adeline’s home was in a rundown suburb not far from the airport. It was small, but at least it was hers. (Well, it belonged to her and the bank.) On the outside, it appeared rather shabby, but the inside was neat and comfortably furnished. Thanks mainly to an inheritance from her grandmother, she had been able to make a few modifications, expanding both the bedroom and the bathroom. To Adeline these were the most important rooms – after days away on long-haul international flights, she never felt truly clean and rested until she had showered and slept at home, luxuries that had come at the cost of the spare bedroom.

 Carolanne excitedly ran to the bathroom, taking in the large tub and the spacious shower stall.

 “Oh, wow!” she gasped in awe, before running to the bedroom. Dominating the space was a king-size bed. Carolanne dashed right to it, and, kicking off her shoes, jumped on the mattress like a trampoline. 

 “Oh wow!” she said again. “Now we can do what we did at the airport … and do it right!”

 Adeline was shaken by the words, but was even more disturbed when Carolanne pushed her skirt and panties down and kicked them off. Her jacket, shirt, bra followed in an instant.

 Naked, she stood at the centre of the bed, grinning smugly. “Well, what d’you think? Like what you see?”

 Not knowing what else to say, Adeline simply said what she thought – “My God, you’re gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous!”

 The child beamed. “Now you strip!”

 While the present situation was anything but normal, for Adeline it was a perfectly usual thing to take off her uniform when she got home – the skirt and jacket went on a hook to be taken to the dry-cleaner; the shirt and hose were headed for the laundry hamper. Her shoes went under the bed.

 Those garments attended to, Adeline stood in her bra and panties, looking at Caroline. She became aware that she had no control over the situation. In fact, she had not been in control from the moment she sat on the bed in the crew lounge.

 The girl held out her hands in a beckoning gesture. Moving as if on autopilot, Adeline stepped forward. Carolanne reached around and unclipped Adeline’s bra. Adeline pushed down her panties, then stood up straight, allowing the girl to look.

 “You shave!” she chirped. “I’ve got more hair than you.” 

 Standing dumbly, Adeline looked at the girl’s lower abdomen. Indeed, the girl did have more hair on her pussy. It was a light brown, and not too thick. The top of the slit was still visible. Adeline continued to stand, waiting for whatever the girl decided was going to happen.

 Once again, Carolanne held out her hands, and Adeline took another step forward. The teenager flung her arms around Adeline’s neck, then leapt up and wrapped both legs around the woman’s body.

 Adeline imagined she could feel the little tuft of pubic hair tickling her belly. Or was that just wishful thinking?

 She knew now what was going to happen next. She also knew she was powerless to prevent it. Hugging Carolanne to her, she carried her to the side of the bed and gently set her down. Carolanne’s smile seemed to get even bigger, and bigger still when Adeline lay down beside her.

 She leaned over and kissed the girl, simultaneously laying a hand on one budding breast, rubbing the firm young flesh. Carolanne girl sighed into Adeline’s mouth, then squirmed as Adeline began tweaking her nipple.

 Not wanting to leave the other breast unattended, Adeline reached across and pinched it lightly, making Carolanne wriggle even more. Then, as Adeline’s hand began to slide down Carolanne’s body, the youngster broke the kiss and gasped.

 Reaching the navel, Adeline paused, dipped a manicured nail into the little recess and tickled. Carolanne made a squeak and tightened her belly. Adeline went on exploring, stopping again as she approached the patch of soft brown hair. Teasingly, she trapped a tight curl between her fingers and tugged. Carolanne whined in protest at the delay.

 Realising just how urgent the teenager’s needs had become, Adeline curled her hand over the girl’s mons and down her puffy lips. 

 “Oh, God, yes!” Carolanne sighed, spreading her legs wide and pushing her pelvis upward. Adeline slipped a finger between the lips, circling for a coating of the wetness that awaited her there.

 Satisfied her finger was sufficiently lubricated, she drew it upward through the tightness between the labia, to the point where they joined – there was the little button she had felt through those wet, discarded panties. Now she could feel the button itself, not just a bump beneath the textured cotton.

 Her slippery finger traced the path back down, playing at the entrance to the hole.

 Urgently. “No! You can’t! I’m …”

 Adeline smiled. “That’s fine, baby.”

 “Later, okay? You can do it later.”

 “When you’re ready, sweetheart. Whenever you’re ready.”

 Contentedly running her finger up and down along Carolanne’s labia, tickling her clit at the top of each stroke, Adeline put her lips to one of the erect nipples and sucked. Carolanne’s belly began to ripple, her thighs trembled, and with a strangled cry, she gasped, “I’m gonna come!”

 Adeline pressed the clit with her thumb, her other fingers draped across the entrance to Carolanne’s vagina. In the same way it had saturated the girl’s panties hours earlier, her pussy poured forth its juices into Adeline’s hand.

 This time, there was no quick recovery after the climax. The girl appeared to be thoroughly spent.

 “Your turn,” Carolanne said.

 Indulgently, Adeline replied, “Not just now, sweetie. Later, okay?”

 One of her big smiles spread across Carolanne’s face, then they both drifted off to sleep.

 Hours later, Adeline opened her eyes. The naked girl lying beside her looked so beautiful, and completely at peace. Somehow, she even managed to look innocent, despite having initiated two masturbation sessions with her adult lover in the few short hours since they had met.

 Teddy and Barbie were seated on the bedside table – like Adeline, they were watching Carolanne sleep.

 As if by instinct, Carolanne’s eyes fluttered open. She gazed questioningly at Adeline.

 “Jeez! Again? Really?” Adeline exclaimed.

 “It’s your fault, Adeline. You turn me on,” Carolanne giggled.

 “No, you’re just insatiable. You’re a nymphomaniac.”

 “Am not!” Entirely unaware of the irony, she promptly lay back and spread her legs, offering herself to be masturbated.

 To Carolanne’s surprise, Adeline rolled off the bed. Only when she came around and lay down between Carolanne’s legs did her intention become apparent.

 “Oh my God! Are you really going to – oh my God!”

 Looking at the young pussy in front of her, Adeline said, “I’ve never done this before. I’ve only had it done to me a couple of times, so I’m not sure if I’m any good at it. I hope I don’t do it all wrong.”

 Carolanne was too excited to reply. Only when Adeline began to blow on her aroused clit was she able to say anything, and that was only “Oh my God!” over and over.

 When Adeline’s tongue touched her pussy lips, she lost the ability to make words at all; her only sounds were moans.

 Adenine’s lips closed on Carolanne’s clit. She sucked it, then tickled it with her tongue. Without warning, Carolanne suddenly climaxed. She squealed, and her pussy let out another spurt of juice, which went straight onto Adeline’s mouth.

 The squealing ceased, the orgasm began to subside, and Carolanne started to sob, apparently uncontrollably.

 “Baby, what’s wrong?” Adeline said. 

 “I’m just so happy, Adeline. I love you. And I want to keep doing this forever!”

 Before she could think about it, the words were out: “Me too, sweetie. I love you and I want this too – always!”

 Carolanne sat up and put her arms around the woman’s neck and buried her face in her shoulder as she went on crying.

 Adeline waited for the outburst to pass. She was acutely aware that they both smelled of sex. She had Carolanne’s wetness all over her face, and her own juice was trickling from her pussy. She also felt grimy from hours of travel. Carolanne was sweaty, and had come on her as well.

 When the tears had stopped, Adeline said, “I think it’s time we have a shower.”

 Carolanne raised her head. “We? You mean, together?”

 “Yeah,” Adeline answered breezily, as if the suggestion was the most natural thing in the world.

 “Oh, my God!”

 Adeline scooped up the teenager in her arms and carried her to the bathroom.

 To Carolanne, it seemed like the height of luxury. The spacious shower stall had a bench in it to sit down on. The bathtub was almost deep enough to float in. The light fixtures included an exhaust fan and a heater. The towel rail also had a heating element. She was still gaping when Adeline arrived with fresh towels, soft and fluffy and large enough to lose a teenage girl in.

 They stepped under the shower head and Adeline got the water running, then held up her hand in a “stop” signal. Carolanne stood still, and Adeline washed her from head to toe. She paid particular attention to the girl’s belly and thighs, and the parts in between.

 “You’re all cruddy – you got come everywhere,” she teased.

 Before Carolanne could think of a smart-arse retort, she was told, “Bend over. Touch your toes.”

 When she had followed instructions, she felt a hand between her buttocks, running the length of her crack all the way to her pussy. She spread her feet further apart. The hand glided up her crack, this time stopping at her anus. A finger probed gently at the rosebud. Carolanne sighed, but the finger went away again as Adeline reached between the girl’s legs and stroked her pussy from behind.

 The unexpected approach made Carolanne weak in the knees – only the support of Adeline’s arm under her tits kept her from falling. Finally she slumped down on the seat, with her legs spread wide and Adeline crouched in front of her, lapping at her pussy.

 The tongue on her clit, the warm water running over her body, the memory of being fingered to an orgasm just a few minutes earlier – her senses could take no more.

 Carolanne passed out. 

 Adeline turned off the water and revived the little girl with a cold wash cloth. She towelled her dry, then carried her back to the bedroom and placed her on the bed. 

The child looked at Adeline thoughtfully. “Adeline … it’s later now,” she announced. “That means it’s time. I want you to take my cherry now. I want you to make me yours.” 

“You sure?” Adeline asked. Carolanne had been in control of their physical relationship since the moment they had met, and she seemed to know precisely what she wanted at all times. Even so, Adeline felt she needed to ask.

“Yeah, the girl said. “I’ve got nothing to give you except my love. I want you to have it – to show how much I love you.”

Doubtfully, Adeline asked, “Do you want me to … get you worked up again? You always get hot so fast. ”

“No.” The refusal was firm. “I want to feel it. If it hurts a little, that’s fine. If it hurts a lot, that’s okay too – I know it won’t last long.”

“But I really don’t want to hurt you,’ Adeline said quietly.

“If it does hurt, that won’t be because of you – it’s me.”

Accepting Carolanne’s decision as unshakeable, Adeline resumed her place between the pale thighs.

Carefully, she worked a finger between Carolanne’s labia once again. There was a little moisture at the entrance, but Adeline didn’t try to coat her finger with it. As gently as possible, she worked her way into Carolanne’s cunt, until she felt a slight resistance.

“Are you alright?” Adeline asked. She remembered her first time – it hadn’t hurt too much, but the whole episode had not been as pleasant as she had always dreamed it would be. “Take a deep breath.”

“Fuck me, Adeline!”

Adeline pushed her finger past the edge of the barrier and felt it yield. Carolanne winced and yelped.

Neither of them moved, allowing the girl time to grow accustomed to the new sensation.

“That wasn’t too bad,” Carolanne reported. “And it’ll be worth it. Move your finger around.”

Adeline did, but the finger chafed against the torn edges of the ruptured hymen, causing Carolanne to suck in a breath. Immediately Adeline stopped.

“No more for now, okay?” she said. “I think we should take a break.”

“Okay” said Carolanne meekly. As Adeline slipped out of her, Carolanne winced again.

Adeline inspected her finger. There was only a thin trace of blood.

 “Adeline,” Carolanne began in a little girl voice, purposely trying to sound immature. “You’ve made me come lots of times, but I haven’t given you one yet. It’s my turn to do you now.” 

A smile crossed Adeline’s face. “You are a nympho. If you’re not getting off, you want to get somebody else off.”

“I want to get you off,” Carolanne corrected her. The sincerity in the young voice was clear.

Obediently, Adeline lay back. As Carolanne knelt between her thighs, she told the girl, “I can’t give you my cherry – it’s way too late for that. But there’s a couple of things – do you know, for instance, that you’re the only other person who’s ever been in this bed?”


“Yeah.” Further explanation was called for. “I haven’t been with anybody for a few years. Maybe I had to wait until I met you.”

Even as she spoke, the words sounded saccharine and soppy to her – but Carolanne apparently failed to notice. Her face radiated happiness.

“So you can take my gay virginity,” Adeline told her. “I guess I’m a lez-virgin or something, cause I’ve never done anything with a girl before.”

“I’m not a girl – I’m a woman now,” Carolanne stated. “And I’ve never done anything with anybody before.”

“I’m never going to do anything with anybody else again,” Adeline promised.

“And I’m never, ever going to do anything with anybody else,” Carolanne vowed solemnly. Without missing a beat, she said, “Do you really think that Barbie and Teddy should see this?”

Playing along, Adeline said, “They watched you lose your virginity. Why should they turn away now?”

Grinning hugely, Carolanne said, “So they won’t think I’m a nympho! I wouldn’t want them to think that!” 

The End 


Queen of the Pirates, Chapter 2

  • Posted on October 17, 2022 at 3:43 pm

by kinkys_sis and kinkychic


I had been a serving girl. I was lucky to have work. Many did not. That day the tavern was bursting at the seams, as several privateers and, quite possibly, a few pirate ships were anchored in the harbour. I could hardly see through the pipe smoke, and the noise was deafening.

I heard someone shouting for me over the din. “Girl – where the fuck are you? Fetch me another jug! A man could die of thirst here!”

The voice came from a nasty brute of a man I’d been trying to stay away from. The day before, he’d got his hand up my skirt and grabbed me by the pussy while I had poured his beer. I had dared not protest. It would have done me no good, and the proprietor would most likely have thrown me out on the street, something I dreaded more than putting up with the feels.

I fetched the brute his rum, and he growled at me. “Took long enough, wench.” He peered a bit closer. “How old you, girlie?”

I struggled to get my tongue working in the face of my terror. “Twelve, sir.”

He got his hand up my skirt again, grabbing hold of my arse. “Twelve? Lovely, just what I likes.” His fingers pressed in, almost forcing my knickers into my bumhole. I trembled with fear and shame. Pee trickled down my legs.

He roared at me. “Dirty little bitch, you pissed yourself!” His other hand came up and whacked me across the face, I went flying and crashed to the floor. Then I saw him walking towards me. I grabbed for my knife and held it out in front of me, though I was scared out of my wits.

His foot lifted as he roared at me. “Pull a knife on me, would you?” I waved the knife towards him but then saw the foot swinging. I curled into a ball waiting for the kick to land. But it never came. Instead, there was a sudden quiet. I uncovered my eyes and saw him standing over me, his foot still raised. Why hadn’t he kicked?

Then I saw the knife at his throat, pressed hard enough to produce a thin trickle of blood. His eyes bulged even as his fists clenched.

Looming behind him was a giant of a man. “Don’t move, friend, or you be dead. You choose.”

The brute relaxed and the man behind spoke again. “You be sittin’ down an’ drinkin’ your jug. Touch the girl agin’ an’ I kill you.” He took the knife away and stepped back a pace. My assailant turned to face him, clearly ready to fight. But when he finally beheld the man who had saved me, the sight gave him pause. My saviour was a long way over six feet, and all muscle.

The brute shrugged his shoulders. “Dirty cow anyway, not worth my trouble.” He sat back down and took up his drink.

Huge hands helped me up. I was frightened, but his smile was friendly. “You all right, miss?”

I nodded, though my face was sore. “You go get clean,” he said.

“I can’t. I’ll get thrown out if I don’t do my job.”

It was at that moment that the landlord grabbed my arm. “You’ve already lost your job! Out! Go!” He spun me around and pushed me hard towards the door, I stumbled and fell again to the floor.

I turned my head just in time to see the giant’s granite fist hit him square on the chin. His whole body lifted off the floor before crashing down on a table, which shattered under his weight. He lay still in a cloud of dust.

My giant came, took my hand and pulled me to my feet. “We go now.”

I squinted in the bright sunshine outside and gulped in fresh air, walking alongside the giant, who still held my hand.

“Where you live, miss?” he asked me. “I take you home.”

“I sleep on the street,” I told him.

“No home – how can that be? Where’s your mama and papa?”

In a quiet voice, I said, “They died in the Yellow Jack.”

“Oh, sorry. Many good souls gone to that curse. Better bein’ at sea than this ’ere hell.”

“Are you a sailor then?” I asked.

“You might say. I been at sea since I was your age. Spell in the navy afore I ran, not that I meant to. It was a sorta accident like. Now I crew on a privateer.”

“Are you the captain? You must be!”

He laughed, “Me, a cap’n? I’m too stupid to be a proper officer, but I am the bosun.”

I pulled him to a stop. “What’s your name?”

“Me? I’m called Big Davy.”

“I’m pleased to meet you, Big Davy. I’m Brenda. And I don’t think you’re stupid.”

“That’s as may be, Little Brenda, but what’re we gonna do with you? I ain’t ’appy you bein’ on the street.”

At that moment, a breathless sailor came running up. “Davy, you best get aboard. The provost been down the tavern. You killed ’im. Stone dead ’e is. They’ll be lookin’ for you.”

“Davy, you gotta go fast before they come looking.” I said, but he showed not the least concern.

“I can’t be leavin’ you ’ere all by yourself,” he said, and as he stood there, I could almost hear his brain churning over. “You got any other clobber? Can you dress like a boy?”

“Yes, I’ve got some clothes hidden, but why would I want to look like a boy?”

“You want, you kin come with me aboard. You wanna go on a ship? But girls ain’t allowed. No one kin know.”

I didn’t need to think, not for a second. It was a God-given chance to get away from the hell I was stuck in. “Yes, sir, I can be a sailor.”

He looked sternly at me. “Now you listen, an’ listen good. It ain’t no easy game, miss. They’s rough men. They find out you a girl, you be in big trouble. You gotta understand that. An’ no more games, gotta be serious like. An’ I ain’t no sir. You call me Bosun.”

“I understand, Bosun,” I said, feeling deflated. “Let me get my things.”

In a few minutes I emerged from the alley where I’d changed into a shirt, loose trousers, and a wide belt to keep everything in place. Davy looked at me and nodded. “Good. Only problem is that girlie hair. Gotta cut that.”

Reaching behind his back, he produced his evil-looking knife and started slicing without a word. The blade must have been razor-sharp the way it went through my locks. Davy stood back and surveyed his work. “Guess that’ll do it.”

He saw the knife tucked in my belt. “You know how to use that thing? If not, hide it or you invite trouble.”

“Don’t worry, I know. I learned good on the streets.”

“If you say so. Come on, let’s go. – Hold on, what we gonna call you? Best make it close to what you got already.”

“They call me Bren, so how ’bout Brendan. Will that do?”

“Hey, you quite clever, methinks. Okay, Bren. Let’s go find the jollyboat an’ get outta ’ere.”

We arrived at the quayside, where a number of small boats were tied up. Davy pointed to one in which a sailor appeared to be fast asleep. He sat up with a start when Davy threw my bundle between the thwarts.

“Have to go quick, Josh. Been a spot of trouble. I needs to get aboard.”

The sailor peered at me. “Who be this young fella, Davy?”

“This ’ere’s Brendan. Wants to sail with us an’ I said I’d ask the cap’n. Got some guts, this little un ’as.”

The boat seemed to fly across the water as Davy’s huge muscles bulged with the effort of rowing. The two-master he aimed for loomed larger by the moment. It looked majestic to me, and it appeared to be powerfully armed. Not that I knew anything about ships’ guns – not then anyway.

The captain seemed to take a liking to me, and he said I could stay. I’d replace the powder boy who had been killed in a recent fight with a French sloop.

“And that’s all, really,” I said at the end of my tale. “I like it here, even if I can’t be found out. I am treated well enough, and the captain has taken an interest in teaching me. Davy, too, of course.”

Tears glistened on Marianna’s cheeks as she held my hand firmly. Isabella looked mournful as well. “Extraordinario. Quite remarkable.”

She appeared to come to a decision. “Tell me, Bren, when will we reach Barbuda?”

“Three days if the weather holds.”

“And then your captain will seek his ransom, which will be at least another three days.”

“Yes,” I said, though I didn’t really know how these things worked.

“So, let us say five days then – or, I should say, five nights – before I have to think of facing my husband again.”

I didn’t understand her meaning, but she hadn’t finished. “Would you prepare for bed? Have your wash and then … we will be waiting for you to join us.” She rose to her feet. “Come, Marianna, let us ready ourselves for a visitor.”

The expression on my face must have been a corker. “Are you shocked?” she said. “My husband is an ogre, and my daughter and I have long since sought solace with each other. It is our greatest pleasure – our only pleasure – and we would share it with you. Please make sure the door is locked and the skylight is properly closed.”

My brief interlude with Marianna had been wonderful. But still, it had left me uneasy – not about her, but about myself. How could I be so enamoured of a girl? And yet, I now realised that I had never had such feelings for any of my crewmates. My only experience with men had been the disgusting louts at the tavern. Perhaps they had turned me away from their sex entirely.

These questions were beyond my understanding. It was pointless even trying to understand. Marianna had awakened something in me, and there was no doubt that I liked it.

I also felt like a fool, for it was plain that when Marianna told me she had never kissed anyone but her mother, I had wholly misunderstood. I’d imagined loving, maternal pecks at bedtime, of the sort my own mother used to give me. But Isabella had just revealed that she and her daughter were lovers, and she was inviting me into their bed. I found I was trembling – though not with fear.

My heart lifted. Suddenly I felt happy. I rushed to wash myself. All the while, I felt a strange tingle, like an itch, between my legs.

I didn’t own a nightshift. We sailors usually slept in our clean clothes for the next day – those that bothered to wash them, that is – and of course, I had  to remain covered in front of the men. It felt strangely unnatural, after all this time, to reveal myself as who and what I really was. My bravado deserted me, but I went through with it, leaving my shirt, my trousers, and my chest bandage – which I now hated – on the cabin floor. Isabella saw, approved, and pushed the bed covers down. She and Marianna studied my face as I gaped at their beautiful, naked bodies.

Isabella chuckled. “Our girl is shy, Marianna. What should we do?”

Marianna reached out and took my hand. She suddenly pulled hard, and I found myself falling between them.

“First, a favour. Will you tell us your real name? I promise that it is safe with us.”

“Brenda,” she repeated when I had told her. “That is so very English but I like it.”

Marianna’s hands moved to my tits as Isabella whispered to me. “I will kiss our lovely Brenda. Then we will show you how we make love.” Her lips met mine. A soft caress, then a wonderful, full kiss. It was no different than Marianna’s, and, if my eyes had been closed, I would never have known the difference.

Marianna teased my left nipple. The fingers twisting the other must have been Isabella’s. I almost squealed at the brush of hair across my tummy. I had always been ticklish there. But then I felt the warm lips touching here and there, and a tongue trailing over my tingling flesh.

Marianna’s lips descended to my sparse patch of curls. I was surprised at her boldness, so close to my pussy. Was it a coincidence that when Isabella suddenly squeezed my breast – and quite firmly – I also felt hot breath between my legs? I froze, startled by this shockingly forward behaviour. How could she stand to put her face there?

Then she kissed me, right on my pussy lips. I reflexively went to push her away, but she, just as reflexively, smacked my hand. We both had to laugh.

Something warm and soft pressed into me, opening me up. My mind reeled at the thought of her putting her tongue into me … there.

Then came the most divine sensations I had ever felt. Her tongue went deep, slithering through my insides, thrilling me with the wonder of it. Her fingers pulled me wide, her lips bore down, and her body edged between my legs, spreading them further apart.

Now, though, the shock was over. I was loving these new feelings too much. I raised my knees to let her in. Her tongue went higher and this time, I knew just where she was bound. Her fingers had been magical earlier, when she had played with my little button. Now – oh God! She aroused it with her tongue, circling and teasing. In only seconds, my body came alive to this new experience.

Even as she sucked me, her fingers pushed into me once more. She went straight to thrusting them in and out. I could even hear the sloshing noise her fingers made as they ploughed through the wetness pouring out of me.

My back arched, my muscles trembling, and yet, for all the insanity, the loss of control, my mind was strangely focussed, urging on the eruption in my pussy. Isabella knew what was coming. She took a nipple between her teeth, lingered a moment, then bit quite hard. And that’s when it happened. Something impossible for me to comprehend. Joy … lust … a cyclone of feelings, all them new to me.

I was fully aware of Marianna sucking me, and her fingers pumping, as I spasmed. Isabella was now whispering in my ear, although I couldn’t understand a word she said.

It was a night I would remember forever. Not only was I loved by these two beauties, but I learned quite a bit about myself. I learned, for example, all about my clit and the joy it could bring.

I discovered how to drive them mad as well, as I knelt between them and massaged both of their clits at the same time, and the power I exercised upon exploring the wet, warm depths of their pussies. Even as they climaxed, kissing one another the whole time, I was attentive to the difference between Marianna’s tight slit to Isabella’s full lips.

It was a night of wonder and revelation. It was also the first time in my life that I gave my heart. I loved both of these women.


I awoke to the sound of the ship’s bell, feeling happier than I could imagine. But I was also drained. I had come so many times in the night that I’d lost count. I looked fondly at Marianna and her mother as they slept and felt the now familiar tingle starting again between my legs, but, resisting it, I climbed from the cot as gently as I could.

When I had washed and dressed, I fetched the spare key, which I had left on the table, and went out on deck, locking the door behind me. The sun was just brightening the horizon. The sea looked beautiful, with small waves and gentle swells, and the breeze just strong enough to fill the full spread of sail we were carrying.

Davy came over to me. “You lookin’ tired, Matey. Not sleepin’ well?”

I laughed. “No, I didn’t sleep too much.”

He gave me a strange look. Maybe he sensed my good humour, or perhaps I’d spoken too enthusiastically.

The top lookout shouted down. “Sail away, dead astern!”

The first mate came rushing up the companionway and put a glass to his eye, sweeping the horizon.

“Can you see her, Bosun?” I asked, using his proper title, the mate being so close.

“Me? My eyes is useless.”

The mate shouted with an ear-splitting roar. “Clear for action. Bren, fetch the captain, on the double.”

I nearly knocked the captain back down the gangway as he emerged onto the deck. “What can you see, Chambers?” he called to the first mate.

“Not sure what she is, sir. Can’t see her colours. But she’s under full sail, and closin’ on us fast.”

The captain checked the sail we were carrying. “Break out the forestaysails,” he ordered. I hadn’t seen these used before, but I knew that two of them ran from the bowsprit to the foremast, adding a vast amount of sail.

The sails were soon hauled aloft. They were a sight to see, billowing out to the side and front. It was as though the Siren knew what was expected of her. She was being asked to run free, and she did.

The helmsman was ordered to turn two points away from the wind. This brought more of the breeze into the square sails than running close-hauled. We were noticeably picking up speed.

The officers watched the strange ship for what seemed ages. “She’s not gaining on us now, Chambers,” the captain said. “Looks to be a privateer to me. If this wind holds as it is, we’ll outrun her, all right.”

A brig like ours couldn’t carry full sail in too strong a wind, whereas the following ship, being much larger, with far stouter masts, probably could. If the breeze freshened too much, she’d catch us.

The captain stood us down from quarters, allowing the hands to go to breakfast. The chase continued all day. Occasionally, the ship appeared to gain on us, but then she’d drop away again. The god Aeolus was on our side, it seemed.

As darkness fell, the captain tacked the ship back to our original course. As soon as there was no longer enough light to see our pursuer, he called to “darken ship”, then tacked again. We were now on a completely different heading than we had been that morning.

The games were over, at least until daybreak, when we would find out if the captain had out-foxed the hunter.

I went below to see my ladies, whom I hadn’t visited all day, knocking three times before I unlocked the door. This was our signal. Marianna flew to me, hugging me tightly as soon as the door was closed. “What is going on?” she asked. “We saw a strange ship, and we were ordered to black out the cabin.”

I told her of our pursuers, and that we were safe for the time being.

“You must be starving,” she said. “I have prepared a meal for us. It won’t be long.”

Isabella handed me a glass of wine after I had washed. “Sit, Brenda, you look quite tired. I think you have been working too hard.” Her eyes sparkled at her jest.

They had properly covered the stern windows and lit just one candle. I studied Isabella by the flickering light. I judged her to be no more than thirty, and probably younger. She must have married at an early age. Her features were classically Mediterranean – aristocratic, yet not haughty. Her eyes, like Marianna’s, were deep pools of mystery and romance.

Above all, it was her hair that fascinated me. Never had I seen a woman with such long, thick tresses. I could not help but reach across and plunge my fingers into their dark, luxurious depths.

Marianna came back and stood at her mother’s side. It dawned on me once more that I really did love them both, but it was Marianna who had truly won my heart. If only I could escape this life and run with her someplace far away. But I knew it was quite impossible.

I was at a loss for words. All I could think to say was, “I will miss you both. I will never forget you.”

“Nor shall we forget you,” Isabella said. “You promised to keep us safe and you have. Your captain does not seem to be such a bad man, for a pirate. But you – you did more than look after us. You gave yourself to us, and we still have four more nights to enjoy together. I think perhaps, we will yet give you much more to remember us by.”

I saw little point in trying to explain the difference between pirate and privateer. Besides, many would argue that privateers were simply licensed pirates. The Siren had indeed been a pirate ship, but her black flag was now stowed away. We were permitted to attack French shipping, or any ship found to be breaking the blockade to the mainland. It was the latter point that we tended to stretch somewhat, as we had done with the Spanish merchantman.

We all knew that it wouldn’t be long before we were at war with Spain. It is, in fact, what we were hoping for. At this moment though, war was the furthest thing from my mind.

Isabella laughed, “Our Brenda appears to be in a hurry to finish her food, Marianna. Do you think, perhaps, that she’s keen to take us to bed?”

I stopped chewing as Isabella pulled Marianna to her. The girl stood between her mother’s legs, leaning in as their lips came together. The older woman’s hands caressed the bare flesh of her daughter’s shoulders.

Then the hands slipped down her back and over her rear. The fingers took hold of her dress and slowly began to pull it up. I glanced up and saw Isabella’s eyes were fixed on mine. I could see the sparkle within and knew she was having fun teasing me.

The backs of Marianna’s legs came into view. Still, the dress went higher. I was entranced by this lewd display. Her slender backside was slowly revealed, and I found myself struggling to control my breathing.

Isabella tucked the dress up, giving her hands the freedom to roam her daughter’s gorgeous cheeks. I gave an audible gasp as she pulled them apart and exposed the puckered entrance to her arse.

Quite suddenly, Isabella laughed. “I do believe our lovely pirate is getting aroused at the sight of me playing with your pompis. Time for bed. Don’t you agree, my sweet?”

On to Chapter Three!


The Latchmore Fairies, Chapter 6

  • Posted on October 13, 2022 at 4:14 pm

A brief recap: Single mother and lesbian Amanda receives wonderful news: her eleven-year-old daughter Katie (who has just come out as gay herself) is being considered as a fairy for Latchmore House, a magical kingdom of sorts for young girls. When meeting with Latchmore’s director Cindy, Amanda is thrilled to learn that the fairies are all lesbian girls. To prove the point, Cindy brings in an enchanting young thing named Rayne, who engages in hot sapphic sex with Amanda. Afterward, Cindy sends Rayne out to find Katie and bring her back.

Meanwhile, Katie is getting her own stimulating introduction to Latchmore from a couple of the fairies. Rayne finds her, and the two of them spend some delightful time together.

In this chapter, Katie and Rayne return to Cindy’s office, where Amanda is also waiting. What happens next? The answer can be found below…

by C. Cat

Rayne and Katie lay entwined in bed, basking in the mellow aftermath of their lovemaking. Katie was already fantasising about how much more she wanted to do with her fairy friend. Maybe even my girlfriend? she asked herself. Wow, that would be the best thing ever!

As if she’d been reading Katie’s mind, Rayne whispered, “I hope you join us. I really, really like you.”

“I really, really like you,” Katie said, hugging Rayne tightly.

When they finally got up, the girls agreed to share a quick shower. Katie finished undressing, and they climbed into the tiled cubicle together.

As they washed, Rayne and Katie couldn’t resist the opportunity to do a little exploring, but they didn’t have time for much more than that. The meeting with Miss Cindy and Katie’s mother was too important — this was where it would be decided if Katie would get to be a Latchmore Fairy or not.

Emerging pink and freshly scrubbed into the steamy bathroom, they towelled each other off, then dried their hair. Rayne picked up her fairy outfit from the floor and tossed it in a laundry basket at the bottom of her closet. She pulled out a school uniform to change into and, studying the blue and red plaid skirt and the white button-down top, got an idea.

“You should wear a Latchmore uniform, too!” she said, handing it to Katie, “You’ll look so cute, they’ll be dying to let you join.”

“Am I allowed to?”

“Sure. The students who aren’t fairies yet wear skirts with green instead of blue, but this will show them how much you want to be one of us. Let’s put your hair in pigtails, too… that’ll be super cute!”

As Rayne changed into a similar outfit, Katie noticed that she didn’t bother with a bra or panties. People might not notice her lack of knickers, but the way her nipples showed through the fabric of the top she wore made it pretty obvious that Rayne didn’t have anything on underneath.

Katie started to dress, but her panties were still very wet, and she didn’t want to wear them like that. So like Rayne, she decided to go without them. Feeling a wicked impulse, she slipped the sodden knickers under Rayne’s pillow when her friend wasn’t looking.

A few fairies were still in the greatroom when the two came downstairs. No one said anything, but Katie caught a few glances and smiles of approval. She wasn’t sure if that was because of the uniform she now wore, or because the girls knew what she and Rayne had been doing upstairs. Maybe a little of both, she told herself, suppressing a giggle.

Katie and Rayne were soon on their way to Cindy’s cottage, holding hands as they strolled down the oak-lined pathway. This simple contact was enough to give Katie butterflies in the tummy all over again. And they’d only just met, practically! She stole a glance at her new friend, astonished that a girl so cute would really like her that way. Rayne caught the look and smiled back, giving Katie’s hand a gentle squeeze. Yeah, she’s feeling it too. How awesome is that?

Mounting the stairs to the cottage, Rayne grasped the heavy bronze door knocker – shaped like a ram’s head, Katie noticed – and sounded it once, twice, three times. A moment later, Miss Cindy opened the door. She’d changed out of her dress and heels from earlier, and now wore a stylish flared skirt with a silky blouse that buttoned down the front.

The top three buttons were undone, and Katie immediately noticed how the woman’s heavy breasts pressed against the fabric of the blouse, as well as the enticing cleavage she’d chosen to show. As hard as she tried not to, Katie couldn’t help but stare.

“Greetings, Katie!” Cindy exclaimed with a big smile. “I’m Miss Cindy, the director here, I’ve heard so much about you. I’m glad we’re finally getting to meet.” She took a moment to look the young girl over, nodding her approval. “I have to say, that uniform looks absolutely smashing on you. I hope that’s your way of saying you’ve decided to join us here!”

“Yes, Miss Cindy,” Katie replied, losing herself in the woman’s deep blue eyes. “I – I really love this place! Everyone is so nice, ‘specially Rayne.” She gave her new friend a bashful smile.

“I knew you two would get along. Rayne is a little darling… and everyone needs a special friend, don’t they?” Katie thought she caught a little wink pass between Rayne and the director.

Just then, Katie’s mother entered the room, an apron tied around her waist. “I hope you two are hungry!” Amanda said. “You girls took a while to get here, so Miss Cindy and I decided to make something for dinner.”

“Sounds great,” Rayne said.

Rooted to the spot, Katie’s heart pounded as she stared at Mum, her heart galloping. In the midst of all this excitement and anticipation, something had completely slipped her mind; something she’d learned earlier when Rayne kissed her.

Mum did sex with Rayne, Katie thought. She took her knickers off, then Rayne licked her down there. And later, I got to taste my mother on Rayne’s lips. 

Katie almost wished she could steal away for a moment, just long enough to process the emotions that were pulsing through her… mostly the thrill she felt at the thought of sharing Rayne with Mum. But right then they were seating themselves at a large, ornately carved chestnut table, filling their plates with pasta and a savoury meat sauce.

As they ate, Miss Cindy talked about what made Latchmore superior to the kind of school Katie attended. “In most schools, you are taught to obey rules and compete with each other,” she said. “In class, the person with the highest grades is seen as ‘better,’ by the teachers… and outside the classroom, it’s about who has the best clothes and the nicest things.”

“That’s what it’s like at my school,“ Katie said. The set of her mouth made it clear how she felt about that.

“Here, we focus on what’s most important,” Miss Cindy continued. “We want our students to find a path that makes them happy… and helps others be happy along the way. Of course you’ll still need to work hard and study, but our mission at Latchmore is to always be there for one another.”

“I like that,” Katie said.

All through the meal and the conversation, Katie kept sneaking peeks at Miss Cindy’s chest. She didn’t want to be rude, but the temptation to look was too powerful to resist. The fullness of those lovely breasts and the way they moved under the woman’s shirt made Katie feel all hot and crazy inside. And when Miss Cindy leaned forward, it gave the giddy eleven-year-old a perfect view down the front.

A question drifted into Katie’s mind. If Rayne had sex with my mother, could Miss Cindy have done it with Mum, too? She began to picture the two women naked and sharing heated kisses, their breasts pressed together.

She must have stared too long, because Rayne gave her a little kick beneath the table. When Katie looked up, Rayne gave her a wink before breaking down into giggles.

“So, Katie,” Miss Cindy said, ignoring Rayne’s giddy behaviour. “Now that you know a bit more about what we do here, I’d like to officially invite you to join us at Latchmore and become one of our fairies.”

“Ooooh, I’d love that!” Katie exclaimed, then glanced over at her mother, adding, “If it’s okay with Mum.”

“It would be a wonderful opportunity, sweetheart, but you’ll have to work hard and prove you deserve it.”

“I’ll work really hard, Mommy, I promise!”

“You’ll have to follow the rules, too.”

“Oh, I will! I already know the rule about not lying. I even played the honesty game with Piper and Melissa.”

That’s a good start,” Miss Cindy said with a knowing smile. “Did they teach you anything else…?”

Katie wasn’t exactly sure what the woman meant by being taught, but she knew better than to conceal anything. “Well, we practised kissing — that was part of the game.”

“Good,” Miss Cindy replied with a nod. “Very good. What about Rayne? Did you practise with her, too?”

“Um, we did kiss…” Katie knew she could be honest, but glanced at Rayne anyway for approval and saw her nod. She felt her cheeks warm at the thought of admitting this with her mum present. “And we touched each other down there, too. We even had a come together. It was my first time with someone else.”

“It’s wonderful to share something like that,” Miss Cindy said, beaming. “We love it when our girls try new things, as long as they aren’t doing anything they don’t want to, that is. We don’t tolerate anyone pressuring girls into doing things before they’re ready. You understand that, don’t you?”

“Yes, Miss Cindy. It wasn’t like that at all. It was a lot of fun… and I want to learn more, lots more!”

“Can we help teach her?” Rayne piped up.

Seeing Rayne’s excitement and the hopeful look on Katie’s face, Cindy smiled. Oh, yes. This girl is going to fit in beautifully.

“If that’s what you two want. Hmmm, perhaps we should leave the dishes for later and go to the living room.”

“Yay!” Rayne exulted, springing out of her seat. Taking Amanda, then Katie by the hand, she led them both to the next room, Miss Cindy close behind.

Amanda didn’t know exactly how far Cindy was planning to take these lessons, but not knowing only made the game more exciting.

“Amanda, please sit there,” Miss Cindy said, gesturing to a large chair, “I just want you to watch until I say so — that means no touching that pretty pussy of yours.”

Cindy saw Katie’s eyes widen when she heard that. Yes, little one… your mother does what I tell her to. And I’m very familiar with her pussy. “Rayne, Katie… why don’t you two join me on the couch?” she continued.

The girls obediently took a seat on either side of the director.

“I’ll bet you two are adorable together,” Miss Cindy said, resting a hand on each girl’s thigh, “Why don’t you let us see you kiss?”

“Sure!” Rayne said. Katie was surprised by the request, but managed to give a quick nod. They leaned across Miss Cindy’s lap until their mouths met in a tender kiss. This time Katie was first to bring her tongue into play, slipping it between her friend’s parted lips. Rayne hummed contentedly, and then the young lovers were caught up in a passionate embrace, tongues flickering back and forth.

After a while, the girls parted, both of them looking at Miss Cindy for her appraisal. “Very good,” she said, “but Katie, you ought not to rush things. A good kiss should be a promise of what’s to come. Here, let me show you…”

Cupping Katie’s chin, she leaned in to kiss the girl. Katie closed her eyes, waiting for it, but the woman took her time. She paused at first, letting the eleven-year-old’s anticipation mount before allowing their lips to gently brush together. The slow buildup of the kiss gave the feelings inside Katie a chance to build as well, and she relaxed into her older partner’s embrace.

Cindy let her kisses trail across Katie’s cheek, then took the girl’s earlobe between her lips. She gave it a little nibble, sending a buzz of pleasure through Katie’s body.

“Mmmm,” Katie purred as Miss Cindy drew her even closer, until their bodies were nestled together. The mere thought of her mum watching this had all the nerve endings in her body tingling like mad.

It was only then that Miss Cindy returned to the young girl’s lips, giving Katie the hot, urgent kiss she so desperately craved. Katie matched the grownup’s passion, somehow knowing this was just the beginning of the delights she was going to experience.

When they finally drifted apart, Miss Cindy looked up at Katie’s mother, recognizing lust in Amanda’s eyes. Without looking away, she bent to give Katie another deep tongue kiss.

“You’re a natural at kissing,” she told Katie when she straightened up, giving her a wink. “I think it must run in the family.”

Katie couldn’t help but giggle, thinking about what Miss Cindy must’ve been doing with Mum earlier. Did they take their clothes off? she wondered. Bet they did. Wish I could’ve seen them doing that!

Miss Cindy took her hand, gave it a friendly squeeze. “Maybe you’d like to help me with a game your mum and I were playing before you got here…?”

“I’d love to, Miss Cindy!”

“Good girl,” the director responded, patting Katie’s shoulder. “Do you ever play with Barbies?”

“Um, sure!” Katie replied.

“Do you ever make them do sexy things with each other?”

Katie blushed at the suggestion, but couldn’t hide her smile. “Yes,” she said. “Sometimes.”

In fact, ever since she could remember, Katie had as much fun undressing her dolls as she did dressing them. Lately, though, she liked to have them pretend to kiss, or lie together naked.

“Well, you see…” Miss Cindy said, speaking just above a whisper, “…your mum and I were playing a game a lot like that, but in our game, she has to do whatever I say — we call that being ‘submissive’ and it gets her very excited. I can be a bit naughty sometimes, so Mummy’s never sure what I’ll make her do.”

It didn’t sound like any game Katie had ever heard of, but just imagining it made those tingly feelings even stronger. The idea of having a grownup do whatever you wanted… who wouldn’t enjoy that? “It sounds like fun,” she said.

“She can stop me any time she wants, mind you… but your mum also likes to be naughty, so I don’t think we need worry about that. Would you like to help me make her do even more naughty things?”

Katie glanced over at Amanda, curious as to how her mother felt about this. “Mum, are you–”

“No, no,” Miss Cindy interrupted. “You mustn’t ask what she wants. That’s part of the game; your mum doesn’t get to decide.” She smiled at the girl. “Ask me your question.”

Swallowing nervously, Katie peeked at Mum again, feeling a surge of warmth at the adoration she saw in her mother’s eyes, knowing everything was just fine. She turned back to Miss Cindy. “Mum’s really okay with me, um, telling her to do stuff?”

Miss Cindy shrugged. “It’s not supposed to matter if she wants to or not, sweetheart. But just to set your mind at rest, I’ll tell you this much: your mother is very okay with you giving her orders. She wants to please you, to make you happy.” She took Katie’s hand, clasping it in hers. “So… will you play the game with us?”

“Um, sure,” Katie replied with a nod, her pulse going like sixty. She’d always adored her mother, and since learning Mum was a lesbian, their relationship had become closer than ever. That was a good thing… but Katie was having other feelings, urges to be her mummy’s lover. She had brought herself off at least a dozen times to images of the two of them naked, doing the kind of sexy things that she read about on grownup websites.

Afterward, Katie had felt unnerved and frightened by what she’d done… but after tasting the delights Latchmore had to offer, those feelings seemed okay. Mummy is beautiful, I love her, she loves me… why shouldn’t I want her that way?

Miss Cindy had turned to Amanda. “What about you? Are you ready to be an obedient little girl for us? You have permission to speak.”

Amanda was trembling with a mixture of nervous excitement and the most intense arousal as she imagined all the perverted things Cindy might command her to do in front of Katie. Or do something TO Katie.

The possibility made her head swim. And if Miss Cindy gave the order, she would be making love to her daughter. I won’t refuse her. She knows me, understands what I need. And right now, there’s nothing I need more than my little girl.

“Of course, Miss Cindy,” Amanda replied, bowing her head. “Anything you ask. Anything.”

The director snapped her fingers. “Take that dress off.”

Amanda did as she was told. Slipping the straps off her shoulders, she let the dress fall to the floor,  revealing her bare body.

Katie had seen Mum in the nude before, but never like this – openly displayed, letting her daughter see everything. Her breasts were generous and comforting, capped by taut nipples.

Down below, Mum’s vulva was shaved smooth, with nary a trace of hair. Katie was thrilled to see a hint of wetness adorning the rosy cleft. She’d already had a taste of that when Rayne kissed her. Naughty as the thought was, Katie knew she wanted more.

“You’re so pretty down there, Mum,” Katie murmured, slowly rising to her feet. “C-can I touch it?”

Miss Cindy rested a hand on the eleven-year-old’s hip, “You can use grownup words, Katie… no need to say ‘down there’. She turned to Rayne, who had a hand under her skirt and was fondling herself. “What do we call that part of a woman, Rayne?”

“Her cunt,” the redhead panted.

“That’s right, love. Now, Katie… tell your mother how pretty she is again, but do it the right way. And when we’re playing the game, that makes her our slut-girl, and you don’t have to ask her permission. Take what you want.”

Katie felt her face get hot as she thought about what Miss Cindy was asking her to do. She’d never been one to use rude words, especially around her mother. Still, she didn’t want to back down now, not when the fun was just getting started…

Drawing a deep breath, Katie said, “You have a pretty cunt, Mummy.” She took one step, then another, advancing to where Amanda stood, gazing into her mother’s eyes as she reached out, seeking and finding the moist opening. Katie traced it, her face a portrait of wonder. “It’s warm,” she said, almost to herself.

As Katie explored, Cindy hiked her dress up, exposing her own smooth sex. Looking back and forth between the two women, Katie noted that Miss Cindy’s pussy was a little smaller but had more prominent lips. It almost looks like a flower.

“Come here, Amanda,” Miss Cindy commanded. “Show your little girl how to fuck a woman.”

Without saying a word, Amanda padded over to the director, where she dropped to her knees and leaned forward, pausing to shift her hair to one side of her neck so Katie would have a good view. She used two fingers to spread Miss Cindy’s labia apart and very gently began to stroke her up and down.

After a minute or so of teasing, Amanda placed her fingers right at the vaginal opening and, after pausing to make sure Katie was watching, drove them deep inside with one smooth thrust. Cindy gasped at the sweet intrusion, then a moan of pleasure escaped her lips when Amanda began to piston those fingers in and out.

“Mmmmm yes,” Miss Cindy exclaimed. “Soooo good, my lovely fuck-toy. Now use your tongue. Katie needs to learn how to lick a cunt.”

Still making eye contact with her daughter, Amanda leaned forward and trailed the tip of her tongue between Cindy’s pussy lips.

As a wide-eyed Katie watched, her mother took several long, slow licks – but she became distracted when Miss Cindy unbuttoned her top, tugged it open and began to caress her bare breasts. They looked so soft and inviting that Katie couldn’t resist – she had to touch them, too.

Extending a hand, she was astonished by her own boldness. Shouldn’t I ask permission first? By then, it was too late – she was cupping the large, soft globe, and Miss Cindy wasn’t doing a thing to stop her. Instead, she gave Katie a dreamy smile, whispering, “Sweet child.”

Katie loved the softness and the heft of the woman’s breasts, but she wanted to feel Miss Cindy’s swollen nipples, too. So she did, rolling each one in turn between finger and thumb.

While she felt up Miss Cindy, Katie kept a close watch on what her mother was doing – feasting on pussy, licking and sucking at the pink flesh as if it was a luscious piece of fruit, the whole lower half of her face dripping with the juices.

It looks so yummy, Katie told herself, desperately hoping that she would get to taste someone’s kitty – cunt, she reminded herself – before the day was done.

Rayne was slouched back against the right arm of the sofa, watching Miss Cindy and Amanda fuck. The young redhead was mauling her own sex, her wrist pumping like a piston. Katie watched her friend for a few heartbeats, then returned her full attention to what Mum was up to.

The curious eleven-year-old was well familiar with the magical properties of the clitoris, the way it always seemed to unlock the best feelings. Now she watched, enthralled, as her mother teased Miss Cindy’s clit with tiny playful licks. Finally, Amanda pressed her tongue flat against it.

A choked gasp exploded from Cindy, who grabbed Amanda by the back of her head with both hands and pulled her in, grinding the younger woman’s face into her mons.

“Your little girl is watching me fuck your mouth, slut,” Miss Cindy growled. “Now show Katie how you make a lover come.”

Amanda responded by licking even faster, slashing her tongue back and forth across Cindy’s clitoris.

Meanwhile, Katie was still toying with Miss Cindy’s breasts, caught up in the incredible sex show her mum was putting on, when the older woman opened her eyes and panted, “Squeeze my nipples, Katie… p-pull them!”

Katie was quick to obey, taking a plump nipple between finger and thumb, giving it a cautious pinch.

“Ahh!” Miss Cindy cried. Her eyes flickered open. “Harder,” she said.

This time Katie took hold of the tips of both breasts. Bracing herself, she gave them a sharp squeeze.

The response was immediate and intense. Miss Cindy screamed, a violent shudder rocking her body, then began to tremble, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. Finally, with a hoarse moan, she went limp, slumping back into the sofa.

As the director’s thighs loosened, Amanda raised her head to look up at Miss Cindy, clearly awaiting instructions. Katie shivered deliciously when she saw that her mum’s mouth and chin were coated with the essence of her lover’s sex.

“Mmmm… very nicely done, my pet,” Miss Cindy mumbled. Her eyes still closed, she felt for Amanda’s shoulder, then gripped it. “Now… clean me up.”

Katie’s mum bent down again to carefully lick all the wetness she could from Miss Cindy’s vulva and inner thighs. Her daughter watched closely, breathing in the thick, musky aroma of cunt. She ached to taste it for herself, especially from her mother’s lips, but when Amanda sat back again, Rayne was there first, giving her a big messy kiss.

Feeling a bit left out, Katie watched her new friend make out with Mum – but then Rayne abruptly ended the kiss and reached out to seize Katie’s hand. “C’mere, you,” she said, pulling the eleven-year-old into her arms until their mouths met again.

Katie melted into Rayne’s embrace, her tongue immediately entering the dance. For the second time, she tasted pussy on the fairy’s lips, quickly deciding she liked the strong, tart flavour.

This time when Rayne broke away, she gazed lustfully at Amanda, then Katie. “Y’know,” she said, “I think it’s time for someone to kiss her little girl.” She nudged the parent and the child toward one another.

Katie trembled as she stood before her naked mother… the most beautiful woman who had ever lived. “I love you, Mum,” she whispered.

Amanda’s eyes brimmed with tears. “And I love you, my precious little girl. You are everything to me.” She opened her arms, and Katie flowed into them.

They were nose to nose, lost in each other’s eyes. The scent of Miss Cindy lingered on Mum’s lips, and Katie was in the mood for another taste of pussy. Going up on tiptoe, she kissed her mother.

It caught Amanda by surprise. She gasped, her lips parting – and Katie seized the moment, licking around the woman’s mouth.

The effect on Amanda’s libido was electric. She responded instantly, kissing her child. Running her hands up and down Katie’s body, she realised the child was completely nude beneath the Latchmore school uniform she wore.

That revelation was accompanied by a sudden touch of fear. She wanted this desperately, to truly love her daughter in a new, special way… but might that be a terrible mistake?

Gently parting from Katie, Amanda studied the girl’s face, trying to read her thoughts as best she could. “Sweetheart,” she said, “are you sure this is what you want? Really and truly?”

Katie was nodding as soon as her mother had begun to speak. “Yes, Mum. It is. I want to do everything with you. Besides,” she added with a naughty-girl smile, “we’re still playing the game, aren’t we? You have to do what I say.”

Very good, Katie!” Miss Cindy called, clapping her hands.

Amanda and Katie both glanced in the direction of the sofa, where Miss Cindy sat, Rayne nestled in her lap. They were both naked, their clothes in a heap on the floor, and Cindy was fingering the girl’s slit.

“Go on, then,” Miss Cindy instructed Katie. “Tell her what you want.”

Turning back to her mother, a determined gleam in her eye, Katie said, “Kiss me.”

Amanda stared at her daughter, her lust soaring. Submitting to a strong mistress like Miss Cindy was an incredible turn-on, but the idea of giving herself over to Katie, letting her little girl take charge…

My beautiful daughter, using me for her sexual pleasure. Oh, God, my cunt’s a fucking volcano. 

Cupping Katie’s face in both hands, Amanda brought their mouths together. This time, her tongue was first to press the advantage, darting between her child’s lips.

Mother and daughter shared a long, deep lover’s kiss, a sensual tango of lips and tongues. Amanda let her hands glide down Katie’s body, intending to slip them beneath that cute skirt and see for herself whether the girl had really left off her knickers.

But just before she reached her goal. Miss Cindy spoke up. “That’s enough, ladies.”

Almost by reflex, Amanda quickly broke away, taking a step back. Katie pouted briefly, but Miss Cindy paid that no mind. “Come sit here, Katie,” she said, patting the now vacant spot between her bare thighs. Rayne was standing at the director’s side, wearing a saucy grin.

Katie approached the woman, seating herself in the spot she’d indicated. Miss Cindy wrapped both arms around the girl’s tummy and held her close.

She hadn’t wanted to stop kissing Mum, but Katie did enjoy resting against Miss Cindy, especially since she wasn’t wearing any clothes. Her bare titties felt like warm, soft pillows.

Miss Cindy whispered, “Do you want your mummy to make love to you, Katie? The same way she did to me?”

Katie did. Ever since she could remember, she got a special warm feeling inside at the sight of her mother, a feeling that got even stronger when Mum was in her underwear, a bathing suit, or just not wearing very much. When she finally understood what those feelings meant, Katie had no idea how to deal with them… at least, not right away. But before long, sexy thoughts of her mother became a regular occurrence. Alone in bed at night, she often touched herself between the legs, pretending Mum was doing it for her.

Now Katie had the chance to make that secret desire come true… and the hunger in Mummy’s eyes made it clear that she wanted this every bit as much as Katie.

There was one thing she hadn’t thought about, though — Rayne. It hadn’t been discussed, but Katie felt as if they’d already decided to be girlfriends. If she did sex with her mother, would it make Rayne jealous?

It only took one glance at her new friend to reassure Katie. The girl’s excitement was impossible to miss. Rayne wants to see Mum fuck me.

Just thinking those words made Katie quiver inside. It was a big, scary idea – but she wanted to take it in her arms, hug it close, make it a part of her.

Miss Cindy was still speaking, her voice soft as a rose petal. “Do you want your mother to love you, Katie?”

Katie’s shyness was still there, but she somehow managed to say,  “Uh-huh.”

“Very well.” With that, Miss Cindy spread her thighs wide apart, opening Katie’s legs at the same time. Now, all that concealed the girl’s sex was her skirt, and that was too short to cover very much.

Amanda’s head swam as she took in the view of her daughter’s bare legs, exposed up to Katie’s inner thighs. These were still the thin, coltish legs of a youngster, but strengthened by accumulated muscle tone from years of dance practice. She wanted to go down on her knees and caress, even kiss them, but knew to wait for permission from Miss Cindy… or her little girl.

Bending down, Rayne nuzzled Katie’s face. “You’re gonna love this,” she murmured, slowly raising the hem of the girl’s skirt.

On to Chapter Seven!


Sweet Poppy, Chapter 21

  • Posted on October 7, 2022 at 3:08 pm

Go here for a guide to the women and girls who populate “Sweet Poppy.” To get a thumbnail summary of the plot, please check out the Chapter Links.

by Joe Dornish

The sex party was still in full swing when I came to. Mia, bless her, was still cradling my head in her lap.

“How long was I out?” I asked her, giving my body a good stretch.

“Not long. Ten minutes maybe. How do you feel?”

“Mmmm, I’m good, really good. My pussy is still tingling!”

Mia laughed at that. “I’m not surprised… your mum fucked the arse off you. What was it like?”

“Tremendous, just great. Honestly, I think I could feel her hitting my cervix, and with Lilly licking my clit as well… oh, Mia, it was the absolute best!”

“Not today, but, um… could we maybe try that?”

That knocked me for a loop. “You want me to fuck you with the strap-on?”

“Yeah, you made it look like fun. You’ll have to take it easy, though – I’m not used to big things inside me. I’d like to try using it on you, too.”

Sitting up, I kissed my beautiful lover on the mouth – a nice, slow, lingering kiss.

When we parted, I told her, “There’s lots and lots of things we can try, you know. Stuff we’ve never even heard of. We can learn together, Mia. Mmmm, I love you so much. I feel so lucky to have you.”

“I love you, too. I can’t remember what life was like before we got to be girlfriends. What on earth did I do all day? Study? Play kids’ games?”

“Gosh, I know what you mean. This time last year, it was all dolls and the Disney channel. Now it’s all sex and seduction.”

Just then Mum approached us, kneeling by the sofa where we both sat. “Hey girls… how we doing?”

“Good, thank you,” said Mia, politely as ever.

Mum gave Mia a certain look that I was very familiar with. “Have I told you how sexy you look, Mia? Good enough to eat.”

Mia squealed with delight, clapping her hands. “You can eat me any time if you like!”

I thought that’s what Mum was getting at, so I started to get up – but she put a hand on my leg to stop me.

“Oh don’t worry, Mia,” Mum said. “You’re next on my list, but right now we need both you girls to help us with something special. Poppy, remember how I told you we were going to give Henri a little treat?”

“Oooh, yeah, I’d forgotten about that. Do you need us to keep an eye on the girls, then?”

“Yes please, sweetie. Celeste will stay out here, too. Mia, why don’t you round up the girls. Maybe you can think of a sexy little game to play while we grownups are with Henri.” Mum turned to me. “Poppy, Henri told me you were interested in what we’re about to do. She said you could watch if you like.”

So this was really going to happen. Henri and most of the grownups were going to play a pretending game where she was a wicked child who had to be punished, so someone would be spanking her. Maybe all the women did – I wasn’t sure about that bit.

I was curious about the whole thing, couldn’t help it. I knew Mum didn’t want me directly involved, though, and I trusted her on that point. It didn’t sound like anything I’d be into. I mean, who likes being hurt? No one, I’d always thought, but Kiki told Mum that when Henri got spanked, she sometimes came so hard that she passed out.

“Okay, Mum – I’ll come along and watch,” I said. When all’s said and done, I was eager to learn all there was to know about lesbian sex, even if some of it made me uncomfortable.

Mia went over to talk to Celeste and I followed Mum through the house until we arrived at one of the spare bedrooms. We entered, and Mum quietly said, “Stay here by the door, sweetie. When you’ve seen as much as you want to, leave quietly and shut the door behind you. Okay?” I nodded. “Good girl. Remember: first, it’s just make-believe. Second: Henri loves every minute of it.”

“Okay, Mum.”

My mother went over to join Kiki, Lottie and Christina, who were all naked and lined up along the wall. Henri was dressed in her school uniform – white shirt, short black pleated skirt and white ankle socks. No shoes, and her blonde hair was in a ponytail. She stood at the end of the bed facing the others, her head bowed, looking down at the floor.

It was an odd setup, I thought: Henri done up like a schoolgirl, all the women naked and no one speaking.

Then the missing piece of the puzzle emerged from the bathroom. Nicole and Emma came out wearing very official-looking outfits with short skirts. Emma had glasses, and Nicole was carrying a thin cane. Then it struck me – they were supposed to be teachers, and had dressed for the part.

Emma’s expression was stern as she spoke. “Well, Henrietta… what have you got to say for yourself?”

Henri was looking at her feet as she said in a meek, tiny voice, “I’ve been a naughty girl, Miss.”

“What is it this time?” said Nicole, tapping the cane upon her palm menacingly.

“I was touching my vagina in class, Miss.”

“Well, that won’t do. It simply won’t do,” said Nicole.

“Can’t help it, Miss,” Henri protested, a hint of pink in her cheeks. “So many pretty girls at this school… it makes me all fluttery inside.”

“Disgusting,” Nicole replied, pursing her lips. “No self-control whatsoever.” Reaching out, she abruptly tilted Henri’s chin upward, forcing the girl to make eye contact. “You know, we have to look at desirable young girls all day long! Seeing their bare legs, watching their bodies blooming, taking shape. Picturing them naked. But you see, Emma and I are able to restrain our appetites.”

“Know how we treat dirty little sluts like you in this school?” said Emma.

I’d always thought of Emma as sweet, but right then she looked fierce and really scary. So did Nicole, even more so. I was glad not to be in Henri’s place right then.

Henri was shivering, and I suspected it wasn’t because she was scared. “No, Miss, I d-don’t.”

“They get punished and fucked. First, the punishment… then these lovely ladies will give you a fucking you’ll not soon forget,” Emma said, gesturing at the line of nude women.

“Now, girl… turn around and bend over,” said Nicole.

Henri turned around and bent over the bed, then Emma lifted her skirt up and over her back. I was expecting Henri to be wearing some sort of sexy knickers, but these were just plain white panties. Like what she’d really be wearing at school, I realised.

Emma pulled those knickers down around Henri’s knees. “You will count each stroke and say ‘thank you’,” Nicole murmured. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Miss Nicole.”

Nicole brought her hand down on Henri’s bum so hard it made a loud noise.

Henri yelped, “One! Thank you, Miss.”

Another stroke. “Two! Th-thank you, Miss.”

They continued – Nicole walloping Henri’s bum, Henri counting the strokes. She had to be hurting, but I could also see how wet her cunt was… practically dripping!

The whole thing still made me uncomfortable, though. Deciding I’d seen enough, I slipped out of the room and carefully shut the door behind me.

When I got back to the living room all the others – Mia, Celeste, the twins Lola and Lexi, Lilly, Evie and Beth – were seated all around on the various sofas, chairs, cushions and bean bags, enjoying a nice chat. By then, we were all naked.

Beth had her legs open and everyone was looking at her pussy. “Yeah, so I just thought I’d let it grow a bit,” she was saying. I’d noticed earlier that her bright orange bush looked a little fuller.

“Ah, here she is,” said Celeste in a smokey French accent when she saw me approach.

“I was just saying that I decided to let my pubes grow out,” Beth said.

“I love your bush!” I told her. “Seriously, you and your mum have made me totally hot for redheads.”

Beth actually blushed. “Aw, thanks. D’you think you’ll let yours grow?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve waited so long for it to grow, it seems a shame to shave it all off.”

“Well, I think having hair down there is dead sexy,” Mia said. “So if you shave, don’t do it to make me happy!”

I wrapped my arms around Mia, gave her a juicy kiss. “I’ll do my pussy any way you like, lover.”

She shivered. “God, I love it when you call me that!”

“Hey – what are the grownups doing in there?” Lilly asked.

Now that put me in an awkward position. It didn’t seem fair for me to discuss Henri’s unusual tastes without her okay. Also, hearing about the kinky game she was playing might be a bit much for the younger girls. Spanking for fun? How on earth could I explain that?

“Oh, it’s just some adult thing,” I replied, trying to seem as disinterested as possible. “Honestly, it didn’t look like much fun to me.” Well, it was the truth.

As the girls digested that, I tried to think of some way for all of us to enjoy ourselves. At first I was going to suggest we play Monsters. Then I realised that wouldn’t work – we were already nude, and let’s face it, getting undressed was half the fun of the game. Besides, if we ran about trying to hide, somebody was bound to burst into the bedroom where Henri and the others were. No, we needed to have fun without actually going anywhere.

Then I had an idea. “Um, why don’t we see if we can all come at the same time?”

The little ones seemed to like that idea. Mia was grinning eagerly as she said, “That sounds fun… how do we do it?”

“Um, we could all sit in a circle and touch our pussies together,” I suggested.

“This seems fun… but perhaps there is another way?” Celeste spoke, pronouncing it ‘annuzzer way’. I thought that sounded so fucking sexy.

“What way is that?” said Mia.

“We could have a, erm… you call it a daisy chain.”

“YES! A daisy chain!” I exclaimed, clapping my hands.

“What’s a daisy chain?” asked Lilly.

“We all lie in a circle… on your side is best. Each person has their head between the legs of the next person, and we all lick each other at the same time.”

Lilly frowned. “I… I’m not sure I get it.”

I reached out, gave her nipple a little tweak, “I’ll show you.”

We arranged ourselves in a circle, I had my head between Mia’s legs, then in front of Mia was Lola, then Beth, Lexi, Celeste and Lilly. Evie completed the circle with her cute little face resting on my inner thigh.

When we were all in place, Lilly giggled and announced, “Okay, I get it now!”

“Good,” I said. “Remember, now, we’re trying to come at the same time!”

Mia said, “How about this: if you’re about to come, say, ‘close’, but try to hold off until we’re all ready.”

“Sounds good,” I said. “Okay, let’s start. Nice and slow to begin with.”

With that, we were off and running. Evie ignored the slow start completely, going straight for my clit. By then, we’d had loads of sex, and she knew the tricks it took to drive me wild. Shit, I’m in trouble, I thought. Evie’s gonna have me coming right away.

Rather than try to stifle my own orgasm, I decided to hurry Mia’s along. I certainly knew how to pleasure her, after all. I was rewarded with a moan, and Mia began to shiver. That jolt of excitement seemed to spread around the circle like a wave, accompanied by soft sounds of pleasure that soon grew louder.

“Close!” Lilly gasped. I wasn’t surprised; she had Celeste licking her. I knew from earlier that she was good at giving oral. Maybe that’s why it’s called French kissing, because they’re so talented with their mouths.

“I n-need more time,” said Beth.

“It’s okay, I go slower with Lilly,” Celeste replied, amused by our little game.

Good luck with that, I thought. I know my sister; once you take Lilly to a certain point, her clit is on a hair-trigger. Sure enough, a minute later I heard her going, “Oh, oh, oh, oh!” like Lilly always does just before she comes.

Then Beth, who needed more time just a moment ago, blurted, “Coming!” and off she went. Bugger, it wasn’t working out like I’d hoped. Well, nothing else for it but to get into that headlong sprint for the finish line.

“Right, go for it, everyone!” I exclaimed.

It was fucking hilarious, those liquid sucking and slurping noises suddenly getting louder as we ate pussy as if our lives depended on it. And soon enough, the sounds of ecstasy were added to the mix.

I was the last to come. Lilly brought Evie off in a big way, and the child’s orgasm left her all but helpless, unable to give me the mouth action I needed. In the end, I reached down and brought myself off. I didn’t blame her at all, the poor little thing was wiped out.

Anyhow, by the time I came, most of the others were finished. Undeterred, we decided to switch direction and try again. What fun we had, trying to time it right. Someone would shout “Close!” then all hell broke loose as the rest of us played catch-up. I think that’s the first time I had a laughing fit while climaxing. It was a head rush, like being on a rollercoaster. Once again, we failed to come at the same time, but it was a lot of fun trying.

Afterwards, hunger drove us to the kitchen, where Kiki had left out a nice spread of finger food, cold cuts and sweet treats we could snack on as we liked. I was munching on seasoned chicken wings while sitting at the kitchen island with Beth and Evie. The others were wandering around or relaxing in the living room. For the moment, at least, we were all pretty well fucked out.

Some of the adults rejoined the party shortly thereafter, heading straight for the kitchen where they all tucked into the buffet. Lottie told me, “Henri’s still in the bedroom, Poppy… she wants to talk to you.”

The bedroom door was closed, so I knocked. “Come in,” Kiki said.

Henri was laying on the bed in between Mum and Kiki. They were all naked.

“Hey, Pops,” Henri said in a sleepy voice. “How are you?” Her eyes were puffy and her makeup was a mess,

“I’m good. Um… have you been crying?”

“Yeah. Happy tears, though. Here, don’t be shocked. I’m so proud… I took everything they had to give.”

I gasped and closed my eyes as soon as Henri turned her bum to me, then peeked through my fingers. Her bum looked so sore! Eventually, I was able to take my hands away and look more closely. Mum had some sweet-smelling lotion on her hands that she was rubbing into Henri’s cheeks.

“Does it hurt?”

Henri smiled. “Yeah, but It’s good pain, not bad pain.”

“It’s okay, sweetie, come and sit with us.” Mum’s smile was sweet and calming.

I climbed up on the bed, still feeling a bit confused. “Good pain?”

Kiki spoke. “Have you ever done a lot of exercise, then felt kind of sore afterwards?”

“Sure,” I nodded.

“You hurt, but it sort of felt… satisfying, right? You pushed yourself past what your body was capable of.”

“I guess so.”

“Well, that’s a sort of pain that you might think of as good. A bad pain… well that’s like injuring yourself when you don’t mean to – stepping on a nail, let’s say.”

I looked at Henri again. She was smiling and clearly very happy. I knew her post-orgasm face well and that was it. Her bum cheeks were bright red all over, and in the middle they were a darker red. From the back of her knees all the way up her bum in neat parallel lines, I could see the marks of the cane. Mum’s hands gently worked the soothing lotion into Henri’s skin.

“Pops, it’s not often I get a chance like this,” Henri said. “It’s a fantasy come true, and I milked it for all I could. Thank you for helping make this happen… it meant the world to me.”

Leaning in, I gave her a tender kiss. “You’re welcome. I’m always happy to help, you’ve done so much for me. I am sort of wondering what the little ones would think about all this. They were asking me about what was going on in here, but I wasn’t sure what to say.”

“The other kids’ mums are speaking to them now. When you go out, they’ll bring the girls in to show them Henri is okay,” Mummy said.

I had to laugh. “Cool! After that, just lick their cunts, then give them some cake…  That’ll get everyone in a party mood!”


Later on, after the younger kids had spoken to Henri, we were all gathered on and around the sofas, basking in the warmth of the fireplace. Most of us had eaten, everyone had rested, and the time was right for more sexy fun.

One of the twins whispered in her mother’s ear, then Chrissie said, “Kiki, it’s the twins’ turn to draw a name from the bag. Can they do it now?”

“What a lovely way to get the festivities underway again,” Kiki purred. “Henrietta, my love… have you got the bag?”

Henri produced the bag, then held it open, and the two naked little angels each drew a name. Lola picked out Kiki, and Lexi came up with Evie. They scampered over to the sofa where I was sitting and perched themselves next to me, the two of them side by side, then Kiki and Evie came over and knelt between their legs.

It was like someone flipped a switch – everyone started getting sexy with whoever was close at hand. Well, everyone but me. The twins were swapping deep tongue kisses while Evie and Kiki went down on them, and I didn’t think it was appropriate for me to butt in.

Emma was sitting opposite me with Beth sat next to her. They were kissing and cuddling, but not getting too heated just yet. Catching my eye, Emma beckoned me over. I carefully stepped over the cushions and bean bags on the floor in front of me, where Mia was just starting to have sex with Lilly and Lottie.

“You looked a little lonely over there, Poppy,” Emma said. “Care to have some fun with Beth and me?”

“I’d love to!” I answered.

I have a little crush on Emma, so a little mum-and-daughter threesome with these two stunning redheads felt like just the thing for me. I straddled Emma, facing her, and we kissed. Beth’s hands went straight between my legs – one fondling my bum, the other fingering my pussy.

Meanwhile, sex was going on all around us. Nicole and Chrissie were kissing nearby, each masturbating the other. Mum was half hanging off the sofa with Celeste licking her pussy, while Henri had climbed onto the sofa and was squatting over my mother’s face. What a show!

After we’d swapped a few juicy kisses, Emma and Beth had me down on my back. Emma was kneeling just above my mouth. I raised my head to lick her, but she pinned my shoulder to the carpet.

“No, not yet,” Emma said. “First, I want you to look at my cunt. Smell it. Feel the warmth of it, think about how much you want to lick me. Do that first, then I’ll give you a taste.”

Okay, that was different. But I figured, Why not? Think of it as a new experience. Anyhow, Emma did have a beautiful cunt, and it smelled divine. So I relaxed and enjoyed the view, just like I was studying a work of art.

In the meantime, I could feel Beth between my legs, preparing me for what seemed to be a tribbing session. She raised my leg up high, giving it to her mum to hold. I couldn’t see what Beth was doing, but knew tribbing was even better when you spread your pussy lips open to expose the clit. So I reached down and did just that before I felt Beth’s hairy cunt push into mine.

It’s funny – tribbing was really hard for me to do when I first tried it. There’s a certain knack to rubbing pussies. Getting the angle right and working out a mutual rhythm, to name two. For me, it was far easier licking pussy to achieve the same result. But as I got more and more used to doing it, my love for tribbing increased. It’s a very intimate way of having sex with a woman, especially useful when you want to climax at the same time as your lover. Mia and I had it down to a fine art.

Now Beth was grinding up a storm between my legs. By then, Emma had taken mercy on me and lowered her cunt to my mouth, so I was eating her like nobody’s business. There wasn’t a lot I could do for Beth, just lie there while she fucked me. I had a lovely orgasm while gulping down Emma’s strong, savoury juices. We enjoyed a few cunt-flavoured kisses, then went our separate ways to seek out more fun.

As you can imagine, the twins were a huge hit. We weren’t sure when or even if they would come back to spend more time with the Mad Eleven, so everyone wanted to make sure they got some quality time with those adorable little redheads. Chrissie kept a close eye on them, but Lola and Lexi were in their element, having sex just like the rest of us were.

At one point there was a big pile of naked bodies entangled on the floor and sofas, tongues and fingers busy everywhere. I loved it when someone I couldn’t see was licking or fingering me. Occasionally I could work out who it was, especially if it was Mum, Lilly or Mia.

I had my clit licked over and over and was finger fucked like crazy, especially by the adults, I got kissed dozens of times, and at one point, Evie was eating my pussy while Lilly rimmed me. Of all the girls there, I was the youngest one in the room who liked being penetrated, and nearly everyone took advantage of that.

My bum got a lot of action, too. Emma loved slipping a finger in my arse whenever she had the chance to, but while we were all entangled in our massive orgy, it happened a few times, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t always her. It was a bit naughty of me, but I slid a finger in Lilly’s bum, and she definitely liked it.

Kiki and Henri left the party at one point, then came back with a vast array of sex toys. Even the little ones were allowed to use them, long as they didn’t involve putting anything into their vaginas. Lilly and Evie were in another world as they used bullet vibrators on themselves.

For Lola and Lexi, though, it was a new and thrilling experience. The two five-year-olds squealed and giggled as they dared each other to touch this strange new plaything to their clits. It was lovely to watch them having fun learning about their beautiful little bodies and how they worked.

I was gently easing a small dildo into Mia – just for my own amusement, because she’d climaxed moments earlier. Nicole was working a vibrator inside me and stroking my bumhole. On the sofa, Lottie and Henri were tribbing and Kiki was licking each of the twins in turn. Mum and Lilly were on the carpet near the fireplace, fucking Celeste. I came hard while all this was going on and passed out for a minute or two. I didn’t know what kind of vibrator Nicole was using on me, but I definitely wanted one!

Around one in the morning, the little ones started to wind down. Bless them, all four had been very active that night, receiving as many orgasms as they’d given, so it was no surprise they were all knackered. The grownups picked the girls up and carried them to Kiki’s room, which had the most spacious bed. It was the cutest thing in the world to see all four of them tucked in together, happily dozing.

We chatted and fucked, ate more food, then fucked some more. By three o’clock, my eyes were getting heavy, my pussy was sore, my jaw ached and I was utterly drained. Being the birthday girl, I wasn’t left idle for more than a moment or two.

Finally, I crawled over to Mia and collapsed into her lap.

“Are you tired?” she asked.

“I’m wiped out,” I mumbled back.

She gave a huge yawn. “Mmmm. Me too.”

We snuggled up next to the fire. Henri draped a blanket over us, and seconds later my little lover and I were snoozing away.

It was the most wonderful birthday a young lesbian could ever have. The presents and meal were lovely, but the good company was what made such an incredible night. My Mad Eleven sisters and the rest of our friends went all out to make sure it was special, and they certainly succeeded.

That was what made our little club so amazing. It was about giving, not receiving. Not just sex, but kindness and friendship as well. The bonds we forged ran deep and would never be broken.

We were there for each other, no matter what.

The End

Authors Note:

We’ve come to the end of Sweet Poppy. It’s been an absolute joy to write, and even more so to see the wonderful reactions and lovely comments. Above all else, that is why I write – for you, our fantastic readers. So, from the bottom of my heart… Thank you for all your support.

I can’t remember exactly when I first reached out to Jetboy with a story idea, but it was probably over two (maybe three?) years ago. During that time I’ve learned a lot about who I am as an author, I’ve grown and developed skills that were lacking. This is in no small measure down to JetBoy and his patient and tireless efforts to make my story the best it can be (as he does with every story he works on). That’s the best praise I can heap upon him, to attribute some small measure of my improvement as a writer to his helping hand. Thank you, my friend, for all you’ve done.

Will there be a Part Two? Originally yes, there was one, but the process of writing and publishing Part One was so exhausting that I decided to leave it here. Having said that, I love these characters so much, and have come so far with them that I’ve begun to write Part Two after all, although it’s a long way from complete. Watch this space… I’m sure we’ll see more of our darling Sweet Poppy soon.

Thanks, everyone, you’re amazing!


Queen of the Pirates, Chapter 1

  • Posted on October 2, 2022 at 4:06 pm

Note from JetBoy: Juicy Secrets has been enlivened considerably over the last year by the contributions of two authors I like to refer to as The Sisters Kinky (being siblings in real life): namely, kinkychic and kinkys_sis. Between them, they have added six excellent works to our erotic library, including kinkychic’s recently concluded historical saga, “A Bordello in New Orleans.”

So it gives me enormous pleasure to unleash another sexy tale from our beloved sisters, this time writing as a team. It’s a tale of hard living on the high seas, filled with swashbuckling and sexual antics aplenty, and we hope it thrills you to bits. Read on, me hearties, read on…


by kinkys_sis and kinkychic


“Stupid boy!” Davy shouted at me. “Don’t spill no powder – ’less you be lookin’ to blow us all to ’ell!”

I smiled to myself. The captain was close by and Davy had to be seen to be doing his duty even though we were the best of mates. His bluster was a sham. “Yes, Bosun. Sorry, Bosun. I’ll be more careful.”

I ran on to the nearest cannon, which was ready and primed to fire, although the gun ports were still closed. The gun captain grinned at me. “Ready for a fight then, Bren?”

“Yes, sir. Do we fire on them now?”

He laughed. “Keen, is it? No, we don’t waste shot ’til we ’as to. They might strike their flag afore we needs to pound ’em.”

I looked over the gunwale and gulped when I saw the size of the ship we were attempting to take – a huge, three-masted merchantman, and well armed by the look of her. She flew Spanish colours, which meant she could be a gold ship. That would explain the risk our captain was taking.

“She’s got a lot of guns, Mr Oates.”

“We got more, but some of ’ers likely be bigger’n ours, so best keep yer ’ead down, boy.”

A look around told me that none of the crew were at all apprehensive, even faced with such a formidable foe. They were all itching for a fight.

The ships were converging, and it wouldn’t be long before broadsides could be exchanged. I estimated that she was about half a mile away.

“I want the sail handlers ready but kept hidden so the officers over yonder can’t see my intention,” the captain said. “As soon as the guns have fired, we will wear ship to come across her stern. The smoke’ll hide what we’re about. Pass the word – I want the fastest reload possible, and tell the gun captains to fire on her stern as soon as they bear.”

Half an hour later, the merchantman fired her big guns almost simultaneously with ours. He helped our ruse by doubling the amount of smoke.

I ducked low when I heard the whistle of balls flying overhead. I felt the wind on my cheek when a severed rope flew past my head. It would have killed anyone it hit, but we were all crouched low. Lucky for us, there was little other damage.

We had fired a few of the guns many times in practice, besides the occasional shot across the bows of another ship. I was used to the smoke and noise. But a broadside was something else again. The ship seemed to almost jump out of the water. My ears rang so much I was partly deafened. Far worse was the smoke and the stench of burnt gunpowder. My eyes stung and watered. I hurriedly rubbed them for fear someone might see, although I noticed others that were busy doing the same.

The captain had already given the order to wear ship. Like many brigs, the Siren was handy in a tight spot. In no time at all, or so it seemed, she was on the new heading and the first gun had fired – then the second and the third.

“Cease fire!” the captain roared.

We swept past with no further retaliation from our opponent. I’d seen that she had a stern chaser, but it remained silent. Perhaps we had hit it with one of our shots.

“She’s in irons, Captain,” someone shouted.

It was true. For some reason, she’d turned into the wind. Her sails were out of control and flapped wildly in the stiff breeze. The gun captain grinned at me. “We must have disabled her rudder. She’s got to strike now.”

Even as he spoke, I saw her flag coming down. “Reef all sails!” the captain ordered, “Grappling hooks ready!”

We were almost alongside. Now was the moment she could have fired her guns, despite having struck, but she didn’t. Her captain was apparently an honourable man. The hulls crashed together, hooks caught hold, and the boarding party were either swinging or climbing aboard our prize. With my heart in my mouth, I clambered over with the rest of them, sword in hand, though I dreaded the idea of actually using it.

The victors yelled furiously as they charged through the smoke. I would have thought that alone would have been enough to make the defenders lay down their arms. And indeed it was so. The token resistance was over in moments, though the captain made one last show of defiance.

“I must protest at being attacked and boarded,” he snapped. “Are we not allies?”

“You aren’t my ally. You’re just another fat Spanish pig,” our captain replied, prodding him in the chest with his sword. “And don’t you be getting uppity with me, or I’ll have my men string you high.”

The Spaniard looked like he might burst a vein, but he must have realised how grave his situation was, for he suddenly bowed and swept his hat low.

“My apologies, Captain, I am yours to command.”

Our captain laughed and very quickly we all followed. “Command, he says, lads. What shall I command him?” I was really quite surprised. I hadn’t seen this side of our captain before. Perhaps he was drunk with the prospect of gold.

We laughed even harder as the suggestions came – “Walk the plank!” “Give us a dance!” And quite a few more, some most unsavoury.

“Enough!” the captain said. “You, señor, may tell me where the gold is. I shall take it, and you may sail away. If I am obliged to search for it, you go down with your ship.” I knew our captain would never do such a thing, but the Spaniard did not.

For a few moments, he wrung his hands together, but then he saw sense. He had no choice. “The gold is in the centre hold, hidden in the brandy barrels.”

The captain turned to the first mate. “Take a party and check the hold. And if any of the barrels happen to have brandy in them, don’t let the men get at it.” He beckoned Davy. “Go check the captain’s cabin. I want his logbook and manifest and see if there’s a chest, maybe his own stash.”

Davy motioned for me to follow him below. The scream as he pushed open the door to the captain’s quarters made me jump. Davy waved his hands in what I suppose he thought was a placatory manner. But the woman screamed even louder.

“Put your hands down, Davy,” I said, pushing past him. “They’re enough to scare anyone.”

I approached the lady and gave her a small bow. As I straightened, I saw a small frightened face peer around her shoulder and guessed it belonged to her daughter. Now I would find out if my Spanish was any good. “Señora, we are not here to harm you. We only seek the captain’s books.”

She immediately calmed and pointed to a desk. A quick search and I had the log in hand. Upon opening it, I found the ship was bound from Cadiz. Two passengers were listed – Doña Isabella De Toledo and Marianna De Toledo. I knew that name. The woman’s husband was the governor of one of the Spanish territories. I couldn’t remember which, though I did recall his reputation as a cruel and ruthless man.

I glanced back at the pair of them. So, one was an important lady, that much was clear. I passed the log and other documents to Davy. “Take them to the captain, and tell him of the passengers. I’ll keep an eye on them.”

The doña was gazing at me intently, a puzzled look on her face. As soon as Davy closed the door, she spoke. “You are not what you seem. Only a woman could tell. You are a chica, no?”

I was terrified, but I could not allow her to think I was in any way in her power. “Señora, I must insist you keep that to yourself.”

She tossed her head. “And why should I? You are nothing to me.”

I’d already guessed what the captain would do. These two would be taken aboard the Siren and held for ransom. How they would be treated in the meantime was not difficult to imagine.

“Because, señora, I and the big man who just left will keep you safe from being … maltreated … by any of our crew.” I looked at her daughter, who had now stepped fully into view. Oh, she was pretty. “Especially Marianna there.” The girl blushed furiously at my words.

The doña considered. Then: “Very well. We shall do as you ask – for now, at least.”

At that moment, the captain entered. His eyes swept over our captives, and he gave a mock bow. “So, an important lady,” he said in English. “Captain LaFarge at your service, madam. However, I must trouble you to gather your things. You will be coming with us. You have one hour.”

The doña nodded slightly. She clearly understood.

He turned to me, “You will stay here. Lock the door behind me and allow no one in without my instruction. Oh, and search for any gold.” He turned and left.

It felt like a promotion – from deckhand to guard and prize hunter.

The doña walked over to me. “Can we trust you?”

“My captain trusts me and I’ve said I and Davy will look out for your safety. You have no choice but to trust me.”

She pulled out and opened a small valise, revealing a handful of gold coins. “It is all we have. May I keep it?”

“Hide it well among your clothes. I will not speak of it to anyone. Now you must select what you need to take with you.”

For the first time, she smiled – weakly, to be sure, but at least she no longer looked frightened. “What is your name, may I ask?”

“Bren, señora.”

She took my hand. “Then thank you, Bren. And yes, I do trust you.” She turned to her daughter,

Ven Marianna. Decidamos lo que tomará.” I busied myself searching the cabin while they packed their few possessions.

The chest was behind a curtain, and so heavy I found it impossible to move. Naturally, it was locked, but a short search of the captain’s desk soon produced a likely looking key. As soon as I had raised the lid, I realised why I had failed to move it. The treasure was covered under a pile of books, some quite massive, and I had to cast many aside before I found the bag, which held more gold coin than I had ever seen – fifty guineas at least.

All the gold and silver from the Spaniard, including the cache I had found, were loaded onto our little brig. I had no idea of how much bullion was recovered from the barrels, but I knew, from the excited chatter among the crew, it must have been a fortune. Most likely, we were richer than we had ever dreamed of.

We also took a substantial amount of powder for the guns. We even slung over one of the Spaniard’s two twelve-pounders, together with the balls for it. Once the carpenter had it fitted, it would be a great boost to our firepower. Their captain had protested – Were we not satisfied with the gold? Would we also leave him defenceless? – but he was wasting his breath.

We cast off the merchantman, the crew raising a hearty cheer as it dropped astern, and set sail for Barbuda. The crew were no trouble to our hostages. They were too busy reckoning how rich they’d become, drinking their celebratory ration of rum, and speculating how they would spend the small fortune that each now possessed. A side issue for the captain would be how many of the crew he would lose. A good portion were sure to choose a different life now that they had money, although those that did leave could soon be replaced by eager volunteers. A successful marauder always attracted men without difficulty.

The captain moved into the first mate’s cabin while the carpenter erected a light wooden partition to divide his quarters. I was to stay there with the ladies, the reasoning being that, given my youth and apparent innocence, I would not be tempted to abuse them.

I ate my meals together with the mother and daughter. At first, I felt awkward. My ways were rough and ill-mannered compared with these two cultured ladies. Isabella sensed my discomfort and made a small effort to put me at my ease.

“Bren, we are not going to judge you for your lack of etiquette,” she said. “You seem to be a very kind and caring person – for a pirate. That is what matters to us.”

It was a pleasant time. The company of these two ladies soon proved to be far more congenial than toiling on deck, and we came to know one another well over the next few days. They told me that they came from an aristocratic family near Cadiz and were travelling to join Marianna’s father, whom they both despised. As for Marianna, she’d led a sheltered life, with a private tutor who gave her lessons at home. She was pampered, but lonely.

She was thirteen years of age, as was I, but while I was thin, boyish-looking, and calloused, she was the embodiment of youthful femininity, with an emerging shapeliness, thick black hair and dark, fathomless eyes that seemed to bore into me. Several times I wondered what she was trying to see in me. Why that intense gaze?

I suppose I had been on my way to being pretty, though certainly not beautiful, before Davy had hacked off my hair. But whereas life at sea had made me hard and sinewy, Marianna, who had been nurtured like a hothouse flower, was blossoming into a full-figured woman. I continually found myself staring at her.

She had been dressed quite modestly when they had first come aboard. But now, with no men allowed in, other than the captain’s cook, she was content to appear more deshabille, in loose, low-slung bodices that revealed the slopes of her young breasts. Of course, I stole glances at them whenever her face was turned. But I was not quite sure why. Was I jealous of their size? Was I fascinated by their shape, their firmness, the shadowy rift between them? Or was it something more? Perhaps living with men for a year and listening to their bawdy stories had got me thinking like them. It was all so very odd.

One evening, as we sat and chatted about our lives, and drank more wine than we ought to have done, the conversation turned towards more intimate, womanly topics. All that did was confuse me. I had lived as a boy for so long that I had no idea of how to respond. Yet there was something strange in my attitude toward Marianna. I was beginning to think how wonderful she was.

Isabella trundled off to her cot, and when we heard her snoring softly, sedated by the wine, Marianna got up, came around the table and sat beside me. I tensed when she put her hand over mine. We looked at one another in silence before she said, thoughtfully, “I see you looking at me. It pleases me. I’ve never been kissed by anyone other than my mother. She says you’re a girl, but you’re not like any girl I’ve known. You’re much more like a handsome boy, but I think you would be more gentle than a boy. Would you like to kiss me?”

My mouth turned to ashes. I could do nothing but clear my throat and reach for my glass of wine.  How could this well-bred girl be asking another girl to kiss her? It was unheard of.

Certainly, I liked her, and the look in her eyes seemed sincere enough, but how could I judge? I was as inexperienced as she. I had once kissed a boy on the streets of Charles Town, but that was all. I didn’t count the pox-ridden sailors who had groped me in the tavern where I used to work.

But if it makes her happy, I told myself, what harm could there be? Then, too, it might make her a more cooperative prisoner. But such thoughts were merely a cover. Suddenly, the truth hit me: I wanted to kiss her.

Marianna leaned closer, inviting me to bring my lips to hers. Her small fingers touched my cheek. “Por favor,” she said.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it certainly was not what happened when our lips met. I had never felt such softness, and yet such pressing need. Then her arms came around me, pulling me closer.

I wondered how well I could kiss her back, but I quickly found there was nothing to it. I drew her tighter as the kiss grew more insistent. My pulse raced and my breathing grew ragged. She took my hand and placed it on her breast – the first I’d ever touched, other than my own, which of course, withstood no comparison.

Uncertainly, I dipped my hand inside her bodice, cupping a firm half-globe. Her nipple was hard beneath my palm. I squeezed it between my fingers and was rewarded by her sigh. It was something of a shock to realise that I liked touching her. This new experience was undeniably eliciting some unfamiliar feelings in me.

She began to unfasten my shirt, and that alarmed me. No one aboard ship had ever seen my breasts, which in any case were small, even before they had been bound beneath the cloth that pressed them flat to my chest. She pushed my hand away when I tried to stop her, and her hand went inside. She found the cloth and pulled it down, exposing my little nubs to her touch.

Marianna knew exactly what she was about. She must have done this before, I thought. How could it be that she’d never been kissed? She teased my jiggling tits, stoking my growing need. I nearly jumped when she squeezed a nipple. She pulled her head back and smiled at me. “Do I please you?”

She didn’t wait for an answer, but merely ducked her head and took the nipple between her lips. I was lost to her, and to the strange new feelings that were surging through me. Pleasure, yes, but also a desperate sort of ache. I didn’t know what was happening. All I knew was that the sucking lips and the flicking tongue felt wonderful.

She unfastened my belt and shoved her hand down my breeches. I’d hated being groped there in my life as a girl, but now I held my breath, wondering what it would feel like. Her fingers traced the fleshy keel between my legs. She seemed to be examining me.

“So you are a girl,” she said, smiling wickedly. “And you are ready for me, so slippery and warm.” She didn’t take her eyes away from mine as she pushed a finger into me. It was divine. She saw the pleasure that must have shown on my face. “Yes, my Bren, let yourself go. Surrender to me, my pirate boy.”

A huge jolt hit me. My eyes bulged, and I was about to cry out when her hand hastily covered my mouth. Her smile grew even broader. “You have never been loved before. I can tell. I am your first, no?”

I nodded. I couldn’t talk anyway, as her hand still covered my mouth. “Then I will make you happy,” she said. “I want to give you pleasure.”

Her fingers went on rubbing my pussy. Something strange was happening to my body. My hips were jerking of their own accord. I felt the rising pressure, and I clutched her breast as my body tightened.

“Now, my boy who is a handsome girl, it is time.”

Her lips came back to mine and she kissed me hard, her fingers went faster in my breeches, and the spasms spread from the core between my legs. I started to shake, there was a small, warm gush from my insides, and I clung to her, soaring up to heaven.

She was kissing me all over my face, her fingers caressing my cheeks, and I smelled the pungent scent that I knew was me. She pressed a finger to my lips. “Taste, my love. That is the taste of a new you.”

It was then that we heard a rustle. Hastily Marianna drew back and took a glass in her hand. I rearranged my clothes just as the screen was moved.

“Sorry, Mama. Did we wake you?” Marianna asked her.

“No, I don’t think so. A noise on deck, I think.”

Her nostrils twitched, and was that a little smile I saw?

“Marianna, will you pour me some wine, please?”

Her eyes, however, were on me. “You seem to have grown breasts,” she said. “Or perhaps your bandage has slipped.”

With a shock, I realised that she knew. I clutched at my shirt, reflexively trying to hide my identity.

“Don’t bother,” Isabella said. “But it’s strange, isn’t it – a girl in a man’s world? Tell us, Bren, how did you become a pirate? And a boy?”

Slowly, the memory came back of where it had all begun – Port Royal, Jamaica. It was barely a year ago, yet it seemed an eternity. My life now was so utterly different.

I told them my story.

On to Chapter Two!


Sisters Do What Sisters Do

  • Posted on September 28, 2022 at 4:01 pm


by Allison Collier

Julie Tyler, twenty-two years old, sat propped up in her bed with one leg hanging off the side, idly smoking a cigarette and reading a book on her phone. Julie was a stocky, fit young woman with a round, all-knowing face, a sharp-angled bob of jet-black hair with dark blue highlights, thick athletic thighs and big, fleshy tits. She sat on top of the covers in a tight white tank top and navy-blue lace panties. The window was open. It was a cool summer evening for a change, and already getting dark.

Someone knocked on her bedroom door – two soft knocks spaced far apart.

Julie placed her cigarette in the ashtray clip and let the hand with the phone fall gently onto the bed.


The door, already slightly ajar, received a meek poke and drifted open into the room. Standing in the doorway was Julie’s nine-year-old sister Emily, a tallish kid with lanky arms and legs and long brown hair, dressed in Minecraft pajamas. She inched into the room a few timid, silly steps.

“What’s up, buttercup?” Julie said.


“Back for more?” Julie said. She and Emily had spent some time earlier playing a video game in the den.

“Um, Mom is staying at Rick’s tonight…”

Julie shifted and crossed her legs on the bed. She raised her eyebrows and blinked, then picked up the cigarette from the ashtray and took a drag. Emily stuck out a barefoot and tapped the carpet in a few places with her toes. Her toenails were painted robin’s-egg blue.

“Uh-huh?” Julie said, exhaling a stream of smoke.

Emily tossed her hair back and cocked her head to one side, trying to balance on one foot with both arms out. “What’re you doin’?” she said.

Julie gave Emily a quizzical look, then took a deep breath. She loved this part. “Reading. Just, like, hangin’ out, buddy.”

“Are you busy and stuff?” Emily said. She put her foot down and allowed it to slide across the floor until her legs were spread far apart. Her hands went behind her back.

“Nah, why?” Julie narrowed her eyes. “Whatcha got goin’ on in that noggin, Em?”

Emily bit her lip, weighing a decision, then made up her mind.

“Can you, um, ya know, do the thing tonight?”

Julie looked her kid sister up and down. She took a last drag from her cigarette, then crushed it out in the ashtray. “Ohhh I don’t know-ww,” she said in a sing-song voice.

“Oh, no, that’s okay,” Emily said. She looked a little crestfallen.

Sooo sweet, Julie thought. She raised a hand to one side of her mouth and whispered, “I didn’t hear the magic word.”

Emily came right back to life, her face and limbs bristling with renewed energy. She clasped her hands as if in prayer, holding them to her chin, and her eyes became humongous pools of brown. “Please!?”

Julie waited a beat while she stared into her sister’s begging face, then smacked the tops of her own pale thighs, ready to get to work. “Sure,” she said. ”Dry or slippery?”

“Slippery,” Emily said, hopping up and down in place.

“Get the stuff. It’s back in the closet.”

Emily ripped open the closet door and fell down hard on her bony knees, gathering up what she needed in her noodle-thin arms. Julie stood up and stretched.

The nine-year-old stood up and closed the closet door with her pint-sized butt, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. In her arms, she held ‘the stuff:’ a massive towel that fit almost completely over the bed, a squat jar filled with clear liquid, and a few other items they likely wouldn’t get to that night.

She dropped it all at the foot of Julie’s bed, then began to spread the towel methodically over the mattress. Julie watched her do it with the hint of a smirk, then went around the room to close the bedroom door and shut the window, bringing the shades down and drawing them. When Emily had finished arranging the towel, she stood still and locked eyes with her sister across the bed. Julie addressed her matter-of-factly.

“Okay. So.”

Emily’s face was bright and alert. Excited. Waiting. Julie continued.

“Why… don’t we tell anyone about this?”

“’Cause sisters have secrets, and if you break the secrets you can’t be sisters anymore.”

“Right. And why do we do it?” Julie raised her head high and looked down at Emily, waiting to approve of her answer.

“Because relaxing is better when you do it together, and we need to relax.”


“And ‘cause it feels really, really good, and — ”

They both finished the sentence together: “ — there’s nothing wrong with that.”

They shook their heads in agreement with that statement. Julie crossed her arms in thought. Emily did the same.

“Is there a single, solitary bad part on a girl’s body?” Julie asked.

Emily shook her head furiously before the question was even finished. “Absolutely not.”

“A dirty part? A part you should feel bad about?”


Julie nodded, holding Emily’s stare. She let the moment linger a bit too long, making Emily wait like a dog expecting a treat. Suddenly, she flicked a thumb toward the ceiling and made a loud wshhht sound.

That was the signal. Emily’s head dropped as she hurriedly unbuttoned her pajama top and let it slide off her arms. Then she dropped the bottoms to the floor and playfully kicked them away. She wasn’t wearing panties.

Horny little twerp, Julie thought with a chuckle.

Julie circled around the bed, beholding the nine-year-old’s petite, naked body. It was the indescribable thrill of a lifetime, every single time.

Emily had been the tallest girl in her third-grade class that past year, but she showed no other signs of becoming a young woman. Not even close. She was still a string bean with skin just a shade darker than her older sister’s. Her chest was flat, her arms had no muscle, her hips were sharp and her legs were long and lean. Her prepubescent pussy was hardly anything at all, like a half-forgotten anatomical detail on an oversize doll. Julie had noticed that its lips were becoming slightly thicker, which caused her to sigh with nostalgia for the old days of just under a year ago.

“Can I turn on our lights?” Emily said.

“Hold on. Lemme get a good look ‘atcha.”

Julie whirled an index finger in a spiral. Emily obediently tippy-toed around in a slow spin. Her butt had gained an ounce or two of plumpness that summer, but it was still a child’s pert, scrumptious ass. When she came all the way back around, Julie kept her eyes fixed on Emily’s mesmerizing lower half while she pulled off her own clothes. Just like clockwork, when her milky tits flopped down out of her shirt — not without a dash of dramatic embellishment — Emily’s eyes went wide in a hazy dream.

Julie stepped daintily out of her panties and inspected herself. Her pubic hair was trimmed to a thin black line, hardly anything at all. She sashayed a little as she took a few steps, putting her curvy feminine wonders on display for the slender little girl who gazed at her in open-mouthed, hypnotized awe.

As Julie approached, Emily hooked her hair back behind her elfin ears and smiled warmly at her big sister, her role model, her idol. Reaching out to clasp hands, they looked into each other’s eyes.

Ready?” Julie whispered.

“Yep,” Emily said in a small voice.

What happened next was a kind of rehearsed call and response that Julie had made up. Emily spoke first and Julie spoke second. It went like this:

Emily   /   Julie

“I love you”   /   “And I love you”

“Sisters do”   /   “What sisters do”

“You do my thing”   /   “Every time”

“And if I want to”   /   “You do mine”

When it finished, they hugged tightly, rocking from side to side. Julie kissed the top of her kid sister’s head while they embraced, her bare tits mashed against Emily’s upper chest and neck. She closed her eyes and caressed her sister’s impossibly soft back, letting the intoxicating girly scent of Emily’s shampooed hair fill her head.

After a few moments they pulled away and held hands again, staring deep into each other’s souls.

“I love you so much,” Julie said. “Sooo much.”

“I love you, too,” Emily said. She closed her eyes and imitated Julie. “Sooo much.”

Emily’s brilliant eyes reappeared. Her face was an ear-to-ear smile. The kid was going to pop if they didn’t get started soon.

“Go ahead,” Julie said, and she nodded toward the lamp.

Emily dashed around to the other side of the bed and crouched down on one knee. On the floor was a power strip. She flicked its switch, and strands of off-white Christmas lights blinked on around the room. Then, shooting up from the floor, she turned off the lamp on the nightstand, and Julie’s bedroom became an enchanting, magical fairyland aglow in all the pinpoints of light, like their own private fort.

It was darker now, but cozy — and very comforting.

“C’mere,” Julie said.

She opened the jar and placed it on the desk that stood along one side of the room. Emily came back around to stand before her and raised her arms. Julie dunked both hands into the full jar, one after the other, and brought them out dripping with coconut oil. Then she plunked them on Emily’s chest and slid them around, getting her sister’s body good and oily.

Cherishing the moment, Julie made sure to take her time. She moved her hands over Emily’s shoulders and arms and down her long, slender back. When that was finished, she crouched down and coated Emily’s lower half, rubbing the oil into her stomach and hips, then up and down each wiry leg. When she stood up to get more oil, Emily let her hands slide casually down over Julie’s tits.

Can’t wait, huh? Julie thought. My naughty little sister. Gonna be a slut just like your big sis.

“Do you think I’ll have big boobies?” Emily asked.

Julie got more oil from the jar and knelt down to finish Emily’s legs.

“I think so,” Julie said, almost done with Emily’s thighs. “Me and mom have ‘em. Ready?”

“Mm-hmm,” Emily said.

Julie looked up at her, then slathered coconut oil all over Emily’s pussy and butt. Just routine stuff. Emily lurched to the side at the sudden sensory overload, then righted herself.

“You okay?” Julie said. She stood up and wiped both hands on her sides.

Emily nodded.

“Too much?”

Emily shook her head.

“Okay, now me. Help or watch? You watched last time.”

“Help,” Emily said, nodding enthusiastically.

They took turns dipping their hands into the jar and began oiling Julie’s body together. Emily got down on her knees and did Julie’s lower legs, and Julie got to work coating most of her upper body. She left her tits alone, and when Emily stood up, having completed her task down below, Julie jiggled them a bit for effect. “Keep goin’,” she said.

Emily licked her lips and got more oil. She raised her hands like a cat about to pounce, then cupped them over Julie’s breasts. Emily was in heaven. She squeezed and massaged her sister’s tits for much longer than it took to properly oil them. Julie watched for a moment, then shut her eyes, enjoying the sensation of the child’s silky fingers.

“Music?” Julie said.

“’Kay,” Emily said in a croak.

Emily begrudgingly took her hands away, then Julie spun around to retrieve her phone. As she connected it to the Bluetooth speaker on the desk, she felt two small hands clutch her ass, massaging and bouncing the cheeks. “Hold on, hold on,” Julie said, laughing.

She selected one of the Spotify playlists she liked to use for their special times together, then pressed play.

Low, dulcet beats of calming electronic music pulsed through the speakers, the kind you might hear at an upscale spa or massage parlor. She turned the volume down a notch, then set her phone on the desk and turned back around.

Emily stood still, waiting. Glistening. Ready to play.

They drifted together in a loving embrace as the low ambient music surrounded them. At full height, Emily came almost up to Julie’s collarbone. Their lower bodies pressed together, slipping and sliding over the slick coats of oil, and they let their hands and arms glide over each other’s wet skin.

“I love you more than anything in the world,” Julie said, her voice soothing and low. She reached up and smoothed some hair away from Emily’s angelic face, then slid a hand down her bare back. “I would do anything for you. I would die for you. There is nothing as close as sisters.”

“Nothing,” Emily said. Another rehearsed part of their private ritual.

Emily’s chin grazed one of Julie’s nipples. They swayed leisurely from side to side, in unison with the music.

“We’re gonna be naughty,” Julie said.


“What kind of naughty?”

“Sister-naughty,” Emily said, and she smiled a dazzling, mischievous smile.


Good-naughty,” Emily said, correcting herself but unable to suppress a giggle.

“And what does good-naughty mean?”

“It means you’re… kinda being bad, but you like it. You really like it.”

Julie smiled approvingly and nodded. She waited a moment, then continued.

“What does bad-naughty mean?”

“It means you’re scared and you want to escape.”

“Good,” Julie said.

A long, comfortable silence passed as they looked into each other’s sparkling eyes.

“Cannn I kiss you?” Julie said. It sounded less like a question and more like Heeere we go.

“Yeh,” Emily said with a puff of breath, just a ghost of a whisper if it was even a word.

Emily turned her face up, her eyes jammed shut and her lips open expectantly. Julie smiled wide, then closed her own eyes and bent down. Their lips met.

From Julie’s diary entry, dated May 12th (about three months prior): 

Dear Diary,

Making out with a little girl is like nothing else ever. Emily doesn’t know what to do with any part of her body while we’re kissing, and we’ve been kissing since before Valentine’s Day. It takes my breath away. Her body sort of tenses up, her hands lose their grip, and her tongue just kind of goes all over the place. Her teeth and tongue are so small, and her breath is hot and sweet. She’s getting better at responding to my lips with hers, but I think that takes all of her puny brain to do and everything else gets kind of forgotten. She makes these faint animal-ish yummy noises and she tries to stand up on her toes if we’re standing. My heart.

They stood there kissing for a while, their bodies pressed together. Growing impatient for more, Emily began to instinctively hump Julie’s leg. Julie stroked Emily’s back and butt while they kissed, and as they began to rock again, she cupped her hands beneath Emily’s haunches and raised her up. Emily wrapped both legs around her sister’s waist as Julie sat back onto the bed.

The girls continued to squish their oiled bodies together as Emily straddled Julie’s lap. Julie’s hands roamed over her sister’s back, shoulders and arms as Emily wiggled around, pressing herself against Julie’s slippery tits.

Julie gently broke away from their kiss. Her eyes still closed, Emily placed her hands on Julie’s chest.

“I’m gonna put a finger on your butthole, okay?” Julie said. “Just on the outside.”

“Uh-huh,” Emily said.

“And… why am I gonna do that?” Julie said.

“Cause it’s… my favorite.”

Julie was unable to contain a devious smirk. “Stick out your tongue, Em.”

Julie slid her fingers into Emily’s buttcrack. Emily stuck her tongue way out, and Julie began swirling her own tongue around with it. One of her fingers found Emily’s tiny oiled asshole and began circling the tight, velvety rim. It flexed with a squishy wink.

Emily’s nine-year-old asshole was, in fact, how they’d gotten started down this particular road in the first place, though that had actually been when Emily was almost nine. Playing with it and hearing the sounds Emily made when it was stimulated had become Julie’s obsession.

The little girl whimpered into her big sister’s mouth. If Julie wasn’t as wet as a lake already, she was now.

“Oopth,” Emily said. She retracted her tongue and swallowed. “I drooled on accident. Sorry.”

“Well we’re wet anyway, ya goof.”

“Heh, yeah.”

They hugged tightly, their heads resting on each other’s shoulders. Emily let her hands drift down Julie’s sides, stroking them tenderly but absentmindedly. Julie brought that very special finger up to her nose and sniffed. All she could smell was coconut oil.

Good fucking girl, she thought. She’s cleaning up before she even asks now.

“Can I play with your you-know-whats?” Emily said.

Julie broke out of their hug and held Emily before her at arm’s length like a kid who’d just landed herself in trouble.

“My whatty-whats?

No response.

“What are they called, dude?” Julie said.

Emily gave a shit-eating half-grin and nodded towards Julie’s chest. “Those right there, those things.”

Julie yanked her close and, trying not to giggle, attempted to speak fake-tough through clenched teeth.

What. Are. They. Called?

Emily was about to burst out laughing, but instead she did something else. Suddenly, she lunged out and licked Julie’s lips and nose.

“You little shrimp!” Julie cried.

She tossed Emily off of her and onto the bed. Emily erupted into uncontrollable hysterics. Julie got on all fours above her sister and began to lick her slender, oiled body in random places. Emily wiggled and jerked around, laughing and almost unable to breathe.

From whatever unintentional Pavlovian conditioning they had put themselves through, Emily’s wondrous child laughter drove Julie into a primal sexual frenzy. They rolled around for a few minutes, but Julie couldn’t hold back any longer. It was time.

“All right,” Julie said, trying to catch her breath. “Are you still feeling good-naughty?”

“Yeah,” Emily said, still laughing. It rapidly died off as Julie held still and Emily realized what was coming. They had kissed and hugged, so now it was time to move on.

“Your turn, Em,” Julie said. “You say it.”

Emily sucked her lips into her mouth, smoothed her hands on her sides and bounced a little, hyping herself up to say the words. She popped her lips back out and swallowed.

“We’re gonna have sex now,” she said.

Wet warmth bloomed in Julie’s pussy. Her mouth went dry. She couldn’t decide which was hotter: getting her to say it, or getting her to do it.

“Right,” Julie said. “And soon I’ll do the thing.”

Julie was now propped on her elbow next to Emily, her tits hanging down to one side. Emily cupped them and squeezed them, massaging them and playing with their heft as Julie ran her free hand over Emily’s oiled skin. She had decided to start slowly.

Emily played with Julie’s tits for a minute or two, then slowly stretched her arms over her head. She very much looked forward to this part, especially when she was covered in oil.

The adult took control. Julie rolled Emily onto her side so they were spooning, and she began to run her hands and legs more fervently all over the girl’s dainty body, grinding her pubic mound against Emily’s ass. She licked her sister’s neck, only this time neither girl laughed. Emily calmly closed her eyes, allowing herself to be bathed in nice, perverse affection.

Julie, a full-figured twenty-two-year-old woman with a college degree, made love to her nine-year-old sister. She had sex with a child. It was taboo. It was forbidden. It was wrong. It was obscene.

It was divine.

The music thrummed along and the Christmas lights twinkled in the inviting glow. Julie kissed her little sister everywhere, from her face to her toes and almost every place in between. She turned Emily’s body over and around to get what she wanted. She licked. She sucked. She groped. She savored every luscious inch. She slid her oiled hands down Emily’s skinny arms and legs, listening to the secret child-sounds she made that no one else on Earth would ever know.

Julie had worked very hard for very long to be able to do what she was doing. After so many months of biding her time, after so many nights taking baby steps in the right direction, Julie had gotten Emily comfortable enough to allow her to gorge, and she absolutely could not get enough.

A gluttonous mania briefly engulfed her. She sloppily indulged her senses in the sumptuous girl, giving entirely new meaning to the phrase adults often say to young children: I could eat you all up.

For Emily, it was all part of some magnificent show starring her own body, where every part of her got showered with attention. She hadn’t felt ‘bad-naughty’ about what she and her sister were doing for a long time. She knew Julie truly loved her and wanted to give her this thing that no one else possibly could. Emily gave something like it to herself sometimes, but that wasn’t nearly as good.

Julie rolled the little girl on top of her so they were face to face, and Emily began to mindlessly hump Julie’s left thigh. Their mouths came together for a tender moment, then Emily sat up as if in some kind of sleepy trance. Her eyes were half shut and her mouth hung open. Her hands played lazily with Julie’s tits while Julie held her up by her armpits and watched, trying to etch the image into her memory so she would never, ever forget.

Emily drooled again, a thick goopy line coasting down and landing on her own tight stomach. Julie caught some with her hand and brought it to her mouth. Emily didn’t notice — what was left of her attention was focused on Julie’s chest. Her brown hair hung all around her face as her head tilted forward. She looked like a preteen sexual automaton, gyrating and rocking back and forth.

Julie jammed one hand down to her own pussy to masturbate, then stopped herself.

It was nearly time to do the thing.

“Okay, Em, come on,” Julie said, trying to catch her breath. She shifted Emily off her leg so the automaton was on her hands and knees on the bed, then crawled around behind her. “Em-girl. Em. You still with me?”

“Yup,” Emily said. She shook her head like a dog shaking off water, then looked back at Julie, who was positioned behind her butt.

“I’m gonna try something I haven’t done before, okay?” Julie said, attempting to make it sound as safe and normal as possible.

“Okay,” Emily said.

“You know how… when I do the thing with my tongue on your puss?”


“I’m gonna do that on your butthole. I think you’ll totally like it. Wanna try?”

Emily looked down at her hands and pondered. She seemed confused. Julie let her deal with it for a moment. Then Emily glanced back toward Julie, but didn’t make eye contact.

“Isn’t that, like…“ she said, trailing off. “But, um…”

“I promise it’s really, really great.”

Emily thought some more. “Are you sure that’s… okay?”

Totes sure,” Julie said. She spoke with infinite patience and caring.

“What if it’s… um… bad-naughty, though?”

“Then I’ll stop.”

From Julie’s vantage point behind Emily’s upright ass, she could see everything. Emily squeezed her asshole shut, then relaxed it.

“Do you like it?” Emily said.

“You mean when I do it, or when someone does it to me?”

“Um, when someone else does it.”

“I love love love it!”

That did it. Emily seemed to instantly recharge. She braced herself and waited for Julie to engage.

“And can we do the upside down thing after that?” Emily said. She meant sixty-nining.

“Is that how you wanna do the thing tonight?”

“Yeah, it’s so super fun.”

“Well okay then.”

Julie had waited a long time to try this on her little sister. She had learned a lot about Emily in the past nine months. She had learned that of all the boundaries she’d carefully attempted to push past, playing with Emily’s asshole was the trickiest, even though that had been where it all started. She was determined to gain more access to it. For Julie, it was the final treasure. Emily’s hymen could wait.

Well, here you go, Jay-girl, Julie told herself. Congratulations! You get to eat a little kid’s ass.

Emily glanced back. Her big sister knelt behind her with her head bent down below Emily’s waist and butt. Emily’s eyes grew wide, then she turned away.

Julie dove in. She held Emily’s bony waist and gave her perfect pink asshole one quick lick. Then, she listened.

Emily was silent. Motionless.

Julie licked again, then swirled her tongue around the soft rim. Emily’s asshole was wet and clean. Julie wanted a few more magical seconds with it before checking to see if her sister wanted to stop. She pushed inside with the tip of her tongue, but Emily’s puckered sphincter was closed for business.

Juilie pulled back, keeping her hands planted on Emily’s waist. “What do you think?” she said.

Emily’s eyes were closed, and her brow was furrowed. “Um, I think it’s nice,” she said, almost whispering. “Like when you do it to the other place – err, I mean, to my puss.”

To Julie, it sounded like there was a ‘but’ coming.

“Yeah? Want me to do it some more?”

“How do I… ya know… tell if it feels bad-naughty again?”

Julie swallowed. This was a delicate moment, and she really, really wanted to keep going. She crept up and knelt next to her beloved sister. Emily responded by pushing her knees back and lying on her stomach with her feet in the air. She turned to look up, and Julie spoke reassuring words.

“If you want me to stop, if you’re scared, if you feel really bad like a bad guy, any reason at all,” Julie said. “If you don’t like it, I don’t do it. That’s forever.”

Emily propped herself up on her elbows and looked around the room, deliberating. Julie stroked her beautiful slender back with a few fingers and let her think.

“Do you remember the first time I licked your puss?” Julie said.

“I know. I thought it was gonna be bad-naughty.”

“Yup, and now you know it’s totes not.”

The music continued to pulse gracefully. Julie shifted slightly and lengthened her strokes on Emily’s back.

“Nowadays,” Julie said, “you know — like you told me one time — you even get excited when you think about it at school. When you’re in the bathroom.”

Suddenly, Emily’s expression brightened. “Oh, can I tell you about a TikTok thing from today?” she said.

“Yeah! What happened?”

Julie settled in, eager to hear the story. She knew from experience that this was good news. Emily was probably just trying to get the courage to say she wanted Julie to go on eating her asshole, but it felt weird at the moment and she had to distract herself with something unrelated before she came back to it. It had happened most recently a few weeks before, when Julie had gotten her to try on some mini-fishnet stockings she’d ordered online. Emily had ended up loving how it felt to wear them, but did the same thing before she came out and said so: started talking about something else.

Emily rolled onto her back and burst into an animated story that involved some of her friends from school. It was altogether adorable and childish, and it made Julie soaking wet.

When Emily was done, she climbed back onto her hands and knees on the bed and stretched like a cat.

“Okay,” she said.

“Okay what?” Julie said.

“I’m ready for… ya know, what you… said, err, I mean… what you were, uh, doing.”

Julie didn’t risk asking any more questions. The moment had come for her to eat nine-year-old ass, and she had brought a ravenous appetite. She promptly guided Emily’s ass back to her mouth and began to feed like a hungry animal: wet and smacky.

Emily moaned a real, honest-to-goodness moan of pleasure. It gave Julie goosebumps. Her sister had only ever moaned like that a few times in their nine months of doing what they’d been doing. Julie kept her tongue square on Emily’s clenched, satiny hole and tried to wriggle it inside. Emily pressed back against it, and then, for just a split second, her asshole instinctively relaxed.

The very tip of Julie’s tongue slipped into the nine-year-old’s tight anal cavity, finding a paradise of soft, warm flesh. She tried to push harder. It took all of her tongue’s reserve energy.

Then Emily began to gently bounce.

Jesus Christ, Julie thought. She wants more!

By this point in their relationship, Julie had successfully inserted her index finger into Emily’s asshole up to the first knuckle, but she’d done it only once, stopping immediately when she sensed that Emily did not want it. And yet she knew for a fact — had known since November 18th of the previous year — that her angelic sister, Emily Susan Tyler, had been secretly exploring her own butt big time.

It certainly seemed to be Emily’s most private body place. Until now. Another sacred boundary was melting away. It was finally happening.

Julie’s tongue pushed and prodded, and Emily’s supple wet butt cheeks danced on her face. It was one of those times when Julie wished she could break the promise she’d made to herself: that she would never, ever film what they did together. She wished she could see what this looked like from another point of view.

Emily began to grunt with each bounce, and the bounces got heavier and harder. She was essentially fucking Julie’s fat tongue with her ass. The grunts came huffing deeply out of her throat, and it didn’t seem she was even aware of doing it.

Julie pressed her tongue into her kid sister’s asshole with all the energy she could summon, but she was gradually losing strength. She could just imagine what Emily looked like up there: eyes jammed shut, mouth wide open, hair swinging back and forth with each thrust.

After what felt to Julie like a very long time, her tongue just died like a slug at the end of its sluggy life. Her neck hurt and her arms were giving out. She often sacrificed body and soul for these sisterly sessions. She had to — she just didn’t know when they might abruptly cease for good.

Julie drew back from Emily’s ass, and she took in the view: Emily hadn’t caught up yet. She was still rocking on an imaginary tongue, looking just as Julie had imagined her. A dollop of drool spilled from Emily’s slack mouth onto the towel. Julie sat up and enjoyed the show for five or six glorious seconds.

This was something that Dr. Julie, Amateur Child Psychologist, had discovered about kids in the midst of her new relationship with Emily. It seemed that when children got involved in something sexual with a highly trusted other person that felt very, very good, they mentally disappeared into a kind of foggy animal state. On one occasion, Emily had peed a little while Julie had been playing with her microscopic candy clit, and it hadn’t seemed like Emily had even noticed. It was like some variation on sleepwalking. Julie guessed that the broad field of child psychology knew nothing about this state, probably because no child psychologist in history had ever taken the time to very gradually, comfortably, lovingly sexualize a nine-year-old child the way she had.

She thought of herself as a pioneer, the explorer of a frontier that just might have never been crossed before in human history. Through sheer luck, meticulous consideration, tireless patience, and a dash of creativity, she had come into possession of knowledge she could never share with anyone, except perhaps under a pen name on some little-known child erotica site on the Web, disguised as a work of fiction. What she had in her sacred possession, however fleeting it might turn out to be, was the rarest, most decadent, most unattainable delicacy known to all human existence: sublime sexual access to a willing, innocent, beautiful and charming child.

An exhausted Emily flopped down on the bed, and Julie stretched her jaw a few times. The music still played, pulsing soothingly in hushed tones. Julie moved into position upside down next to Emily, tipped the little girl over to face her, lifted one of Emily’s legs, and began to lick her smooth, nondescript preteen slit.

Julie preferred to have sex with her sister without oil. She liked to taste and smell the delicious little girl, especially if she had just come flying into the house, dirty and sweaty from playing outside. Emily loved the feeling of the oil on her skin, though, and they hardly ever did anything sexual without it.

Emily’s body tensed as it always did when Julie ate her pussy. Then Julie felt a weak hand try to lift one of her own legs. She cocked that leg up, and Emily moved in to lick, her pointy, tiny tongue flicking haphazardly across Julie’s labia. Julie had tried to teach Emily to focus on certain parts, but they weren’t quite there yet.

She brought Emily’s long, slender upright leg down until it rested against Julie’s ear, framing her face between the younger girl’s soft inner thighs. She found Emily’s hidden clit and tenderly moved it up and down with the tip of her tongue, then began lapping at her entire pussy. It didn’t last long. Julie just couldn’t get her tongue and jaw to stop screaming with soreness.

“Em, I gotta take a rest, kid,” she said.

“Okay,” Emily said from down between her legs.

Julie took a deep breath and rolled onto her back. “I’m still gonna do the thing, don’t worry.”

“I know,” Emily said. “I’m already getting really twirly.”

Uhhh I’m sorry, Julie thought. What was that little chestnut?

“Sorry, Em, what’s up? You’re really what?”

“Um, like, just how it feels,” she said.

Julie sat up and rearranged herself so she was on her side. Emily, still on her back, rested both hands on her stomach like an otter and looked up at her sister, whose head now loomed over hers.

“But… what did you call it?”

“Twirly…” she said, suspicious of Julie’s curiosity.

“Did you get that from somewhere? That word.”


“Oh,” Julie said. This was a special thing. A special, precious gift. “Well, what does it mean, dude?”

“Like, cause the thing almost happened. It… me and my puss and stuff… got all twirly, like I was gonna… come, and stuff.”

Oh my fucking God, little girl,” Julie whispered. She said it to herself, under her breath, but Emily heard it anyway.

It appeared that Emily had coined her own little word for being close to orgasm. In the aftermath of this discovery, Julie felt compelled to bring her to climax immediately. She scooped her gorgeous young sister into her arms from behind and lifted her up so their legs were sprawled over the towel and their shoulders rested on the pillows, spooning.

Emily knew the time had come. She let herself get picked up. Her big sister was strong.

Julie slipped her right arm under Emily’s, bringing her closer, then with her left reached down past the little girl’s tummy. Two fingers found Emily’s pubic mound and sank into the soft slit. Emily looked down and watched her do it, then pressed her back against Julie’s tits and reached around Julie’s neck to grip the pillow in anticipation of the approaching ride.

Emily lifted her head slightly, gazing into Julie’s eyes. Their lips brushed together, and Emily was helpless. Julie played her body with the singular devoted fire of a virtuoso. Her woman’s curves moved in sultry rhythm against Emily’s scrawny frame. Her full lips devoured Emily’s small child lips. Her thick tongue snaked inside Emily’s small child mouth. Her experienced hands did things to Emily a child’s hands never could.

Everything intensified. Emily’s body grew rigid as a washboard, and her thin legs bowed out and stiffened. Their lips separated. Julie carefully rolled onto her back so Emily was mostly on top, her butt resting on Julie’s pussy. She masturbated her little sister with care and skill — gently at first, but with increasing ferocity, faster and harder than she had ever done it before. A fleshy, percussive sound rose into the hum of the soft music. The girl in her arms was her object, her toy, and she used the toy to her liking.

It didn’t take long for Julie to finally do the thing.

The rigid, trembling little girl reached the border of her orgasm and bucked her hips into the air towards the dim ceiling of their cozy sister sex chamber. Julie held Emily up by her clenched ass, grasping her tightly as she went on vigorously fingering her clitty.

The lustrous shine of the Christmas lights on Emily’s glossy skin cascaded down her lithe, thin torso and appendages as she strained outward as if being electrocuted. Her back arched and her hands tightened into white-knuckled fists. Her right eye squinted closed and her left eye rolled back into her head. Her pretty mouth contorted into a twisted shape she had no control over.

Julie applied the final touch. With Emily’s raised arm still gripping the pillow, Julie lifted her a little more so she had full access to her hairless armpit. As she fingered her sister’s quivering pussy, she placed her tongue on Emily’s underarm and began giving it great big licks. The reaction was instantaneous and explosive.

Emily came.

She yelped once, twice, then began to convulse. Her delicate frame was not built to withstand the superheated orgasm Julie had taught it to have. This wasn’t some kind of nice-feeling joyride a little girl would take all by her lonesome, humping her pillows and plush toys in the middle of the secret night. This was an overwhelming eruption of numbing, rattling ecstasy.

Emily breathed hard and loud over the music — huhhh, huhhh, huhhh. She fought to keep her flailing legs and feet from slipping on the mattress as her taut body was wracked with wave after wave of devastating pleasure. Julie refused to relent, keeping the pressure on and the speed up. Her wrist felt like it would break from the frantic effort.

The orgasming toy began to collapse from exhaustion, her stomach shuddering and her chest heaving violently, and Julie knew it was time to let go. This was her greatest performance yet, and she didn’t want it to end, but she also didn’t want to do any lasting damage.

She knew from experience that the second she stopped and let Emily slide down onto the bed, her sister would have already passed out, her sexually shorted-out nervous system awash in fuzzy, sleepy bliss.

Julie kissed her sweet sister on her sweaty cheek, then released her fingers and shifted the spent girl’s body onto the mattress.

Emily was gone.

Cords of muscle along Emily’s legs flexed and relaxed, then her body simply quit. She slumped on the bed like a sack of sand and slept.

Julie knew she had maybe eight minutes. It was her turn.

She reached over to the nightstand and grabbed her gear with one hand. She deftly pushed the pink plug into her asshole with a hushed grunt — it didn’t need any lube, not with Julie’s trained hole fully oiled. With her other hand, she activated the small oval-shaped vibrator, one she had found in online reviews to be particularly quiet.

Julie crept on her knees down to Emily’s open legs, pushed one of them out farther, then scooted up between them. She bent over with her plump ass in the air, pressed the vibrator into her swollen clit, grabbed one of her tits with the other hand and pressed her chin down onto the bed, just inches away from Emily’s immaculate child goodies.

She mashed the sex toy into her pussy, taking in the sight of her little sister’s succulent miniature parts. With a desperate sigh, she gently pressed her lips and nose and chin into Emily’s cunny as she brought herself to a searing, blinding climax. It took all of her remaining willpower not to cry out at the whole-body surge. She flicked the vibrator away onto the floor and diddled her clit quickly and expertly with her slippery fingers, riding it as long as she could. After several toe-curling spasms, a few remaining jolts of hot orgasm flashed through her thick legs and strong arms, and she was done.

She plopped down flat on the bed, her nose mere centimeters from Emily’s creamy slit. A merciful blackness enshrouded her mind, and for a brief moment, she napped. Heaven.


As always, Emily woke up just minutes after her orgasm coma set in, and she sprang up, swinging her legs off the bed. She stood up with her hands on her hips, ready to jump around. Ready to run a marathon. Ready to climb onto the roof of the house and do a few dance numbers. It was another unique phenomenon of the frontier.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m comin’,” Julie said.

Emily bounded from the room, bursting with newfound vibrancy. Julie slunk off the comfy, enticing bed and fumbled around getting dressed. She was still covered in a semi-absorbed layer of oil, but felt too tired to clean it off.

When she’d tugged some jean shorts halfway up her legs, Emily came pounding back into the room dressed in sweatpants, a hooded sweatshirt and sneakers.

“Ready yet?” Emily said.

Julie, her disheveled hair hanging down as she attempted the impossible — getting her feet into a pair of Vans slip-ons — looked up into her crazy kid sister’s bright face and smiled.

“Gettin’ there,” she said.

The big sister and the little sister did what they normally did after one of their special times together, especially when they were home alone. They shot out of the house with the moon and the stars above them and walked three short blocks to the playground in a nearby park. It was hard for Julie to get moving, but she always found the strength to make the trip. She knew that Emily had a lot of energy to burn after orgasms.

While they walked, they held hands, swinging them and talking. Emily chattered about some YouTube channel, and Julie checked her phone — there were no new text messages.

This was pretty normal — Julie didn’t have much of a social life anymore. Her whole existence revolved around working, then hanging around in case Emily came looking for sex. She kept herself busy in the meantime, but didn’t mind the isolation at all.

Julie understood that you only have so much time with kids. Before you knew it, they were all grown up.

When they got to the playground it was deserted, as it usually was at that time of night. The only light came from the surrounding streetlamps, which sent an ethereal yellow radiance through the big, bushy trees.

Emily gazed off into the distance. The breeze lifted a few strands of hair from her ear.

“Jule, can, um…”

“Yeah? What’s up, buttercup?” She put her phone into her pocket and looked longingly at her sister.

“Can you, like, be my… girlfriend?”

It was the first time Emily had ever asked anything like it, but Julie didn’t flinch. She had the answer in a nanosecond.

“Em, I’m your sister. I’ll always be your girlfriend. No matter what.”

Emily hugged her briefly with a tight little squeeze, gave her a cute little kiss on the chin, then skipped off in long strides, searching for something to climb.

“I’m in love with you,” Julie whispered out into the world for no one else to hear.

The End


Allison Collier is a quaint queer living in a quaint town doing quaint things. Currently, she is (supposed to be) hard at work on a longer story in our niche genre called ‘The Little Girls of Lakeside.’ You can find what she’s written so far by visiting her page at Archive of Our Own.


A Bordello in New Orleans, Chapter 7

  • Posted on September 20, 2022 at 2:30 pm

by Kinkychic

Chantelle had been looking under the weather of late. Not enough so most would notice, but I did.

“I’m fine, Francine,” she said, waving her hand dismissively. “Perhaps a little tired, but there is no need for concern.”

“Chantelle, you needn’t spare me,” I persisted. “Something is troubling you, I can see. Have you seen the physician?”

“I don’t need the pox doctor, if that’s what you mean. I told you, I’m all right.” I was surprised at the terse way she spoke. It was quite unlike her.

“Oh, you know that’s not what I mean,” I said. “I have every right to worry over you, and I am worried.”

I watched her closely over the next few days, and I saw little things I had not noticed before – the way she would clutch the bannister whenever she ascended the stairs, the occasional grimace of discomfort with no apparent cause.

At last, I had had enough. “Chantelle, I don’t care what you say, I’m going to fetch the physician. If, as you say, there is nothing wrong, then there’s no harm done. But I want to know.”

I saw the resigned look on her face. She almost looked defeated. “Very well,” she whispered.

The physician lived quite close by. I went to see him myself. Although I was worried for Chantelle, as I walked I still had the time to marvel at the difference in the streets compared to a while ago. The Americans had brought law and order. It was now possible to walk, at least in the daytime, in reasonable safety.

The physician wasn’t very long with Chantelle. He came straight to see me. “I do believe it is a good thing you called me. It is not too serious at the moment, but it very soon might have been. It would appear that Madame has a partially blocked intestine. At least I hope that’s what it is. One can never be sure with these things. I will prescribe a physic for her, and we shall see. In the meantime, she must rest. Can you see to that?”

I assured him that I could, and that I would collect the medication later that day.

Not without some difficulty, I finally persuaded Chantelle to go home. “You will stay there,” I added. “Antoinette will come to take care of you.”

The next few days were a worry. She seemed to get worse. The pain she suffered was plain to see. Then there was a turning point, and things began to improve. It appeared as though the physician had been correct in his diagnosis.

But I was shocked at her appearance. Her beautiful features were quite drawn, and she seemed badly debilitated. Antoinette told me that her weakness most likely arose from her lack of appetite and her inability to consume anything but the thinnest of soups. Our only comfort was that, despite her suffering, she seemed happier, somehow, within herself.

“I will be in to see how things are tomorrow, Francine,” Chantelle told me.

“You most certainly will not,” I said. “Things are fine. You will stay and rest. Antoinette will remain with you, I will pay her a wage to make up for what she is losing by not being at work. There is nothing for you to worry about. Our business is as it should be.”

It seemed as though she was going to argue with me, but Antoinette took her hand. “My love, please let Francine look after things, She’s doing very well in your absence.”

I was startled at Antoinette’s endearment, but then I saw the look they exchanged, and all became clear. Why had I not seen it before? It should have been obvious.

“Very well, just as long as you’re managing, Francine,” Chantelle said. “But promise you will tell me if there are any problems.”

Naturally, I assured her I would, even though I had no intention of troubling her. Not that there were any problems. Things were running smoothly.

It seemed that Chantelle and Antoinette were enjoying their time together. Clearly, they were happy. Then Antoinette came to see me. She was nervous, that was plain. I sought to calm her. “Antoinette, I know you so very well. You needn’t worry. Simply tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I want to ask something, but I don’t want to let you down. I want to leave the Palacio. I want to live with Chantelle, and I am not happy with the work anymore. She told me she didn’t mind if I kept on here, but it was plain she didn’t mean it. We want to be together. ”

I took her hands in mine. “I’m happy for you, both of you, and there’s no need to worry. I’ll find another girl.” I laughed. “Perhaps prettier than you?”

She seemed hurt, but then she saw my look and heard my laughter. “You are quite wicked I’m sure, Francine, but thank you for understanding.”

“In any case, I planned to see Chantelle this afternoon,” I said. “There are some changes I want to make, and I need her approval. Perhaps I should walk back with you now.”

I felt that the lower salon needed renovation. Perhaps it would not be so elegant as the upper salon, but it should certainly be more comfortable. The drunken brawling had come to an end – Americans preferred duelling to fistfights – and there was no need for furniture that could be replaced cheaply. I also wanted a small stage for various sorts of entertainment.

Chantelle listened to all I said. She looked over the drawings I’d made with Veronica’s help as I awaited her verdict.

“I think it’s marvellous,” she said at last. “And I have to agree, it’s overdue. But has it been costed?”

I passed her the sheet of estimates. They were quite dear, but I was confident that they would soon show a benefit and shouldn’t take too long to recoup the expense.

She pursed her lips, and I felt my heart drop. But then she smiled. “Francine,” she said, “I believe you have it just right. Yes, we shall do it. You will be in charge. Just be careful though. These rogues will try and cut corners, and then they’ll tell you the costs have gone up.”

“Not with me they won’t,” I said. “And not with Bill standing behind me.”


I sat in the garden, sipping my wine, marvelling at this new luxury called ice and waiting to see the girl Veronica had found to succeed Antionette. “She will surprise you, that I promise,” Veronica had said.

Old man Bill brought the girl to me. So young, so pretty. Oh my God – she was delicious. Perfect, even, at least in appearance. I experienced an old, familiar feeling, thinking of the day I had first walked into this garden for my interview with Chantelle. It now seemed so long ago.

“Come, child, sit and talk with me.” I couldn’t help it, but I had to laugh at myself. Here I was, just seventeen, and I’d called her “child”. “Now, tell me all about yourself.”

She wasn’t apprehensive in the least. Indeed, she quite over bubbled with enthusiasm. “My name is Josephine,” she said. “I’m twelve years old, which I heard is what you wanted. My sister is a friend of one of the girls who works here, and she thought I would be right for the job. I want to work for you because it’s what I want to do. And I heard the money is good.”

I held up a hand. “Wait. Why exactly is it what you want to do?”

Her grin was broad and delightful. “I love sex,” she said simply.  “And I’ve been told that this is the best place to work, especially for you. I know all about you, Madame. How you taught Antoinette. Would you teach me as well?”

“But, if, as you say, you love sex, how much is there for you to learn?” I said. “In my day, we were much more innocent.”

“Well,” she said, “I’m sure there is room for improvement.”

I had to laugh again. What could I say? She looked to be so right for what I needed. Even her name met Chantelle’s standards. If anything, she was even lovelier than either Antoinette or I had been – though of course, I would have to make a more thorough inspection. But first, I asked her about her family and said I would want to meet them, to be reassured they would accept her working here.

She told me she had expected that, and I could come around whenever I pleased.

Chantelle’s old room was now mine. I let Josephine study the paintings, and I noted her expression as she stood before the most explicit of them. Her pleasure in the details was evident. When she turned to face me she looked quite flushed.

“Will you undress, Madame?” she said. “Then lie on the bed, and I will show you what I can do.”

Her flush deepened when she saw my body. She appreciated me for a moment, and then waved me to the bed. I wasn’t at all used to such a young girl telling me what to do, but I played along, intrigued by her initiative.

Her method of disrobing was almost exactly as I would have taught her. Certainly, it was more provocative than I had cause to expect. When she stood naked and posed for me, I applauded. “Who showed you that – someone, surely?”

“Oh yes. It was Emmanuele, my sister’s friend.”

I made a mental note to give Emmanuele a bonus.

“So, Josephine. Will you show me what else you have learned?”

She was exquisite. I would find it difficult to explain exactly how she was different. Perhaps it was the way she touched, or how she teased. Several times, she brought me close to my peak, but then she backed off, plying me with a few light touches as I calmed down. Sex with a woman was nothing new to this girl, that much was plain. I wondered who had been fortunate enough to enjoy her first.

I also noticed that she had played with her own pussy throughout our session. And so, when she sat on me, and her treasure came down on my mouth, she was as ready for release as I was. She had timed it to perfection.

My tongue went straight for her clitty, and my fingers ploughed up into her vagina. I felt her lips and tongue on me. Her delightful aroma filled my senses as her juices flowed over my face.

Then, suddenly, she pressed down hard, forcing herself against me. My hips rose, and we both began to shake. The orgasm wracked my body, wonderfully intense, and it seemed to last forever.

When she turned about and lay next to me, I could only smile. “Don’t even ask. You start tomorrow,” I said. “I may have the perfect lady for you. She likes a firm hand, and I think you might be just the one to give it to her.”

“I’ll try, Madame.”

“You won’t try. You’ll succeed. Can you handle a whip?”

“Oh!” she said. “Shall we be going riding?”

“I see I do have some things to teach you after all.”


Chantelle made her first visit for several months, chatting with Bill and several of the girls before following me to the office. She riffled through the account books, not really seeming to absorb them in any detail. All she looked at was the bottom line.

She seemed to be her old self again, and if her vitality was not yet what it was, it soon would be. She looked better, but moreover, she looked content.

“Well, Francine, I must say that I’ve enjoyed my forced holiday. And you’ve done well on your own. The upward trend in our profits has continued. Your new salon is a success. I can see that my faith in you was well placed.” She took my hand in hers. “I’m proud of you.”

She looked at me, perhaps seeking a reaction. I suppose that I must have looked both pleased and relieved.

“I have decided to retire properly,” she said. “Would you like to take over the Palacio, become the Madame, working partly for me and partly for yourself? I would like to offer you an equal share of the business, perhaps fifty-one percent in your favour, so you may do as you please.”

She had astonished me once again, just as she had done the year before. “I would love to, Chantelle, but I don’t have the money to buy half of the Palacio.”

“Oh, but you do, at the price I’m offering it to you for. I already have more money than I will ever need, and I will still get a share of the profits.”

It was true. I could easily afford the figure she put forward. “But Chantelle, why? It’s a fraction of what the business is worth.”

“You have been the daughter I never had, or ever will have. I want to see your future secured and to know the Palacio is in good hands. It is my bequest to you.”


I took my coffee to the upper balcony, just as Chantelle had always done. I felt like a queen surveying her domain.

I thought of Veronica and how happy we were together, how we loved each other. I would ask her whether she would like to stop work. Her mother had remarried and was content with her life. The man ran a small business supplying ships with produce. He was by no means wealthy, though he did own his own house. I had already insisted that my mother leave as well. She had also met a man, a kind and thoughtful sort who knew her past and did not judge it. He treated her well, and I liked him. I hoped they would marry.

Over the next year, I would introduce a cabaret style of entertainment and add gaming tables. Although the bordello would continue, I wanted it to occupy a less prominent position. The time was coming – it might be soon or it might not be for years – when a more respectable façade would be needed, and I wanted to be ahead of the game.

My only concern was that Bill was getting too old to continue in what could at times be a dangerous job. I didn’t want to lose him. Perhaps I could find him a tough assistant. Most likely, he would know someone himself. Yes, I would ask him.

Down in the street, I saw Veronica walking toward the Palacio. She looked up and waved to me. I waved back and beckoned for her to come up. I’d suddenly thought of having a stable built. We would have horses, and go for long jaunts together. I was eager to tell her, for I knew how she loved horses.

Life was good, so very good.

The End


Street Story

  • Posted on September 15, 2022 at 5:02 pm

by Karin Halle

It was a part of the city that was best avoided, but that’s where I found myself early one morning. An old friend from college had been in town overnight, in between flights from who-knows-where to someplace else. We’d spent the night catching up – in fact, we caught up three or four times. Her hotel was in this cruddy precinct that just happened to be near the airport. And it met all our requirements – namely, low rates, four walls and a bed that wasn’t too uncomfortable. Now, looking forward to getting some sleep, I was heading to where my car was parked. And I was hurrying – like I said, it was a sketchy neighbourhood, no place for a woman of thirty-one to be after hours.

Turning a corner, I was confronted by a very disturbing scene — a grown man was shoving and berating a young girl. While he was nicely dressed, the girl was utterly dishevelled. Her clothes — skimpy shorts and a tube-top — were shabby, her hair was unkempt and she wore tarty make-up.

Although I didn’t know what was going on, there was no way I was going to let this guy bully a mere kid.

They were near the kerb, so I walked close to the wall, as far away as I could get. The guy turned and glared at me, but seeing that I was pressing myself against the wall as I passed behind, he turned back to the girl. He was a tough guy who didn’t see me as a threat.

That was when I moved. When I was directly behind him, I spun on one foot in a pirouette and drove the edge of my hand into his throat…hard.

He spluttered and clutched at his throat, his eyes bugging out.

Using the remaining momentum from my spin, I drove my shoulder into his belly and, marshalling all the strength in my legs, pushed forward. The impact shoved him backwards, and he staggered back and crashed into the wall, my shoulder still in his abdomen. His impact against the wall drove the breath from him, and he sank to the footpath, gasping and choking.

Turning to face the girl, I found her staring at the scene with a bewildered expression, as if she was trying to figure out what she’d just seen.

Seizing her hand, I began to tow the girl along the street. She neither yielded nor resisted, just let herself be led along.

When we reached my car, I bundled her inside, then asked, “Where to?”

She looked blankly at me, and I wondered for a second if perhaps she didn’t speak English. However, she repeated my words – she understood the language, but seemed to be having trouble parsing what I meant.

I hastened to get behind the wheel. Not that I was concerned about the bully, mind you – he wouldn’t be breathing steadily yet, let alone be able to rise to his feet. Nevertheless, I was anxious to be gone.

Hoping for a more useful answer, I asked, “Where do you live?”

“Um… at Benny’s.” Her reply made me wonder if she had a learning disability.

Although I felt certain I knew the answer already, I asked anyway – “Benny? That’s the creep back there?”

“Yeah.” I waited for more, but she was silent.

My next attempt to get something helpful from my dull passenger was spoken clearly and slowly – “Where’s home? Where does your family live?”

“On the west coast.” She paused. “I can’t go home. Things are bad there.”

With a sigh, I started the car, put it in gear and drove off.

Finally, after we’d been on the road for about five minutes, I asked her name.

At least this question received a meaningful reply. “I’m Macy.” She extended a hand.

Of course, I couldn’t shake the hand she offered – I was on the highway. So I simply replied, “I’m Helen.”

“Thank you, Helen. For the help – and for caring.”

Before then, I didn’t even know that I had maternal instincts. At thirty-one, I was currently unattached, and gay. The notion of caring for a kid was alien to me. And yet, I did care. Looking back on it now, I admit that I may also have felt some illicit attraction to Macy, due to her age, but honestly, that wasn’t important to me. Leaving this kid to fend for herself simply wasn’t an option.

“So who’s Benny? Is he your boyfriend, or something?”

An emphatic shake of the head. “No. He looks after me.”

“Yeah, I saw how well he looks after you,” I observed. She didn’t pick up on my sarcasm. “What was all that fuss about, then?”

“He thought I was holding out on him.”

At long last I was getting the picture.  “That’s no excuse to hit you,” I muttered.

The girl fumbled inside the rolled material of her top, carefully extracting two fifty-dollar bills. “Well, actually, I did keep this.”

“That’s still no excuse!” I fell silent for a bit, then asked, “How much does he take from what you earn?”

“Oh, it’s his money. I work for him. He pays me wages.”

It was a good thing that I had my hands on the steering wheel, or I might have been tempted to throttle her. “And how much does he pay you as ‘wages’?”

“Well, after I pay for my room and meals and stuff, he gives me twenty-five dollars a week.”

I grasped the steering wheel tightly, still feeling the urge to grab this ridiculous girl round the neck and give her a good hard shake. However, an idea was beginning to form. “When was the last time you slept in a bed, Macy – I mean, a real bed?”

For the first time, her face showed sadness. “At home,” she whispered.

“I’ve got a spare room,” I announced, “and the day off.”

A hint of light appeared in her eyes, and I got a glimpse of the real girl beneath that numb exterior. “Really?”


A short while later I was showing Macy my spare room. I had to move some clutter, but at last she had a bed to sleep in. I shoved stuff into the closet, shut the closet door and turned around.

She was standing in the doorway to my spare bedroom – her room – stark naked.

“That – that’s not why I brought you here,” I stammered.

Her face showed the same look of incomprehension as it had before, when I took her away from Benny.

Before I could say any more, I saw something that took the whole of my attention. I stepped closer, to get a better look.

What I saw shocked me. Just above Macy’s left breast was a bruise – large and ugly. And recent. It had a twin, below the breast and further around, more toward her side.

“Oh, no,” I gasped. “No, no, no!” She was too young to be treated like that. And being so petite, she was virtually defenceless. The paleness of her skin made the injuries look even worse than they were. Then I noticed, on her right arm, marks that could only be made by the tight grip of a strong hand.

“Are there any more?” I asked, praying that there weren’t.

Without a word, Macy turned to show me her back.

Another massive and hideous bruise was visible, right on the shoulder blade.

But there was something else – something even more appalling. The poor kid’s buttocks were criss-crossed by a series of barely healed welts, obvious signs that she’d been struck with a cane or whip or something similar. And they were nearly healed by now… those marks would have been literally running with blood when they were made. God, how it must have hurt!

“Oh Christ, you poor little thing!” Tears ran freely, and I repeated, “You poor little thing!” hugging her thin body to mine. She didn’t say a word, just stood there and let me hold her.

After a moment, I’d regained control of myself. “Come on,” I said. Giving her no opportunity to reply, I simply scooped the girl up in my arms and carried her into the bathroom.

While the tub was filling with water, I checked some bottles in the cabinet over the vanity, selecting one containing crystals. Most of the crystals went into the water, along with Macy.

As she sat down in the water, Macy tried to stir up the water, with no result. “Is this supposed to be bubble bath?” she said, frowning. “It’s not very good.”

“That’s because it isn’t bubble bath. Those are crystals that dissolve in the water and help to repair muscles. Do you feel the water tingling?”

Macy was thoughtful for a split second, then giggled and sank down in the tub. She squirmed about and chirped, “Yeah! It does! Wow!”

Kneeling next to the tub, I turned off the water, then sprinkled some of the crystals onto a wet washcloth, which I applied the cloth directly to the fierce bruise on her back, rubbing very gently in a circular motion. After a while, I repeated the treatment with the bruises on her side and chest.

Macy submerged herself in the water – an easy achievement for such a small girl in a large tub. Raising her legs from the water, she rested her heels on the edge of the tub.

In that position, I had a clear view directly between her legs. I wasn’t trying to look, but I couldn’t fail to see her pussy. Macy had no pubes that I could see, so I assumed that she shaved herself bare. She looked so lovely displaying herself that way, and I felt a twitch of arousal that immediately made me feel ashamed. I didn’t know whether she’d noticed me looking, but I quickly turned away and fetched fresh towels. I let Macy soak for a while, to absorb more of the healing waters into her abused flesh.

I finally helped her step out of the tub, then gently patted her down with the towel. While drying her, I checked the bruises, telling myself that they seemed a little less ugly than they had been.

Once Macy was dry, I dusted her body with a mixture of powdered herbs, also intended to assist with the body’s healing processes. Finally, I adorned her with a fine mist of citrus spray.

Macy waved her hand to indicate the various treatments I had applied to her. “What is all this stuff? Where’d you get it?”

“I’m a naturopath,” I replied. “Sort of a doctor. These are the kinds of medicines I work with.”

Looking around the room as I put my things away, she finally asked, “Why are you doing this? Being so nice to me?” Her big brown eyes seemed to peer into my soul.

“I – I’m not sure,” I confessed. Macy didn’t reply, just gazed at me. “Okay, look, I’m gay… but I’m not into little girls!”

She remained silent – I hadn’t exactly answered her question, after all. When I spoke again, it was as much for my benefit as it was for hers.

“I just can’t bear to think of you being used like that. Not at your age.” I paused. “The world’s a shitty enough place.”

Macy nodded, thinking over what I’d said. I was looking elsewhere and didn’t see her face when she asked, “So… you’re not gonna jump me?” There was a lightness in her voice, but I still had to look back at the girl to figure out whether she was being serious or not.

A big grin on her face gave me my answer, so I knew I didn’t have to be too serious myself. “Oh, not right away,” I assured her. “But in the future, well, um… who knows?” I gave a nervous laugh, and we both smiled.

I hung up the damp towel I’d used to dry Macy and wrapped the other one around her. Then, picking the girl up, I carried her to the second bedroom – her room, now.

I put Macy down on the bed, and she wriggled about like a caterpillar emerging from a cocoon, then stretched out on the bed, casting the towel away.

As she had done in the bath, she spread her legs. This time Macy made it obvious that she wanted me to look… and I didn’t bother pretending I wasn’t.

She was making me feel all hot and crazy inside. Once again I was captured by her bare beauty. So young, so lovely…

That led to another thought. Almost afraid to ask, I said, “Macy… how old are you?”

She opened her mouth to answer, but she must have breathed out first, because she seemed to physically shrink and her voice was barely there when she said, “Thirteen.”

To judge from how slightly built she was, I wouldn’t have been at all surprised if she had been even younger.

Folding my arms, I asked, “How long have you been on the game?”

That hit a nerve, one that was even more sensitive. She avoided looking at me as she mumbled, “Too long.”

For a minute or so we were silent, but there was one thing I wanted to tell her. Eventually I said, “I don’t want to hear about it. At least not now. Okay? You’re out of it, so let’s leave that part of the story behind for the time being. Is that okay?”

The hurt lingered in her eyes, but she gave me a sad smile and nodded. “That’s fine by me.”

“Good,” I told her.

“Thanks,” Macy said. “I do appreciate this, really. S’pose I’m not used to people being so nice.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I kept silent.

Then she gave me a shy smile. “Now are you going to jump me?” Concern must have been written on my face, because she added, “I’d like you to, really… long as you’re gentle.”

Oh, God, the urge to strip off and join Macy on the bed was like an ache inside. Just the sight of her sweet pink slit… and she had such a pretty mouth. I couldn’t help wondering what they both tasted like.

Still, it seemed wrong to have sex with such a young girl, even if she did claim to want it. “Maybe you should just rest. I’ll bet you’re tired. And I’m sure you’re still sore.”

A smirk on her face, Macy’s jumped up from the bed and padded, naked, into the living room. There she stood on one leg and stretched the other out in front of her horizontally, before doing a forward flip into a standing position without even touching the floor with her hands.

It was an amazing exhibition – at least it was to me. “What are you… a dancer?”

A wide smile appeared on her face, broad but obviously part of the show. She raised both arms over her head in a kind of salute, then leapt into the air and spread her legs in a full split before landing on her feet. Without touching the floor for more than a second, she was in the air again, this time kicking one leg straight out in front, the other straight out behind. On landing, her knees hardly bent at all.

I could hardly believe my eyes. “You’re… you’re amazing!” I exclaimed.

“Gymnastics,” she informed me. She wasn’t even breathing heavily!

“You’re very good. You must’ve been some kind of champion.”

She shrugged. “I was good, and could have been really great… but then I hurt my shoulder. I can’t put any weight on it now, which means I can’t do any of the inverted positions – no vault, no bars, no beam. Even most of the floor work. Which meant the end of gymnastics.” Macy drew nearer, once more wearing that bashful smile. “So unless you want me to stand on my hands, I think I would really like to make love to you. I need someone to hold me… to kiss me.” She paused. “Please?”

My ability to show restraint was never strong, and Macy was doing everything she could to tempt me. Racing back to the bedroom, she did a kind of roll onto the bed, twisting in the air so that she landed on her back, legs spread wide apart. I stood trembling in the entranceway. Her eyes met mine.

It was as if she was presenting her sex to me, saying You can have this.

With that, my resistance completely gave way. It would have taken a far, far stronger woman than I was to refuse this bewitching creature. I had to have her.

As quickly as I could, I stripped off my clothes and climbed onto the bed. Prostrating myself between Macy’s thighs, I placed a delicate kiss on her labia, then licked it a few times. She tasted wonderful.

“Oh, yeah… I love that,” she moaned.

I could’ve gone down on Macy for hours, but felt the need to kiss her mouth, to show her that I wanted more than her pussy. Nuzzling my way up her thin body, I paused just enough to lick each nipple, then we were face to face.

My kiss wasn’t hungry or heated, but gentle; affectionate. There was no need to hurry things – we could get wild later. Her lips were cool, soft and moist, utterly delicious. When my tongue ran over her lips, she parted her lips so that our tongues lightly touched. But that touch was electric.

Feeling Macy’s growing passion, I opened my mouth to accept her tongue. She gave me a French kiss that made my head spin, then those luscious lips were caressing my neck.

“Oh, Macy… you’re so sweet,” I whispered.

Suddenly she stopped and looked at me – stared, actually.

“Macy’s gone,” she finally declared. “She doesn’t exist anymore. Maybe she did once, but not now. From now on, I’m…. Elspeth!”

I grinned. “That’s pretty. Why Elspeth?”

“She’s a teacher,” she said wistfully. “I had her a few years ago. I loved her…” the memory faded instantly, and she gave me a nervous glance. “Not the way I love you, though! We didn’t do sex or anything.” She gave a sigh. “I wanted to kiss her… but I was too scared.”

“It’s okay, honey,” I replied, patting her shoulder. “You can love lots of people, but be in love with only one.”

Her smile returned, and in a quiet voice, she said, “Y’know something, Helen? Elspeth’s never made love before. She’s still a virgin. Will you please be her first – my first, I mean?”

“Oh, darling… that’s the loveliest thing I’ve ever heard. I’d be happy to do that for you.”

“She’s not, um, intact, though,” Elspeth added. “Maybe she tore it sometime. One day long ago.”

“In a previous life, perhaps,” I suggested, making my young lover beam with joy.

Our lovemaking was slow and gentle. I’d asked her what she liked to do in bed, if there was anything in particular that she especially enjoyed. Her only condition was entirely reasonable. “No rough stuff, okay? I’ve had way too much of that.”

She didn’t need to tell me. Elspeth looked so fragile that I couldn’t help but worry that I might break her. In addition to being very slight in build, she was waif-thin as well. It was easy to guess that Benny hadn’t been feeding her well.

Or his other girls, for that matter. I felt sure he ran other girls apart from Elspeth / Macy. I found myself wishing I’d hit him even harder… with a few swift kicks added for good measure.

Pushing thoughts of that wanker to one side, I continued to pleasure Elspeth – kissing her all over, sucking her tongue, licking her nipples, fondling her bum. I ran my tongue from her ankles to her inner thighs, until she was squirming with the need for release.

Her labia were engorged, but still pressed together like those of a little girl. Nothing of her inner lips was visible, nor was her clitoris.

I tenderly kissed her vulva, then delicately spread it open with my fingers. The pink interior of her vagina was open and glistening with her wetness, so I put my mouth there and sucked. My reward was a trickle of her nectar, which I savoured as if it was the finest wine.

I was reluctant to enter her with my fingers too soon. She had, in my opinion, already been penetrated far too often – and every time had been rape, even if she had been a willing party. Instead I kissed and licked Elspeth’s slit, and toyed with her labia.

Her head was rocking from side to side on the pillow, her breath ragged. Suddenly she shivered, a choked gasp escaping her throat. Knowing what was about to happen, I slipped a finger into her vagina and curled it back, seeking her g-spot.

I found it, too. No sooner had I pressed my fingertip against the tissue than her belly trembled and she began to come. A long, drawn out “aah” came from her mouth that quickly built into a squeal, and her sweet essence flowed once more. I drank down every drop.

I eased off until her climax began to abate, then massaged that special place again. In no time, she was coming once more.

When I withdrew from her, she whispered “Sooo nice…” then almost immediately drifted into slumber. I took a moment to study the peaceful expression she wore. For the first time, Elspeth really looked like the little girl she once was.

I’d yet to get off myself, but right then, it didn’t seem so very important. Reaching to switch off the lamp on my night table, I drew the dozing child into my arms, cuddling her as I fell asleep.


By the time we woke up, it was the middle of the afternoon. We’d been asleep for over ten hours. I guess she and I had really needed the rest. After all, Macy had worked the streets the previous night, and my occasional girlfriend and I had been working each other.

I ran another bath for Macy – Elspeth, that is – and she was delighted to be pampered once more. Another healing treatment with the crystals and the bruises showed considerable improvement. I was pleased with her progress.

Less satisfactory were the weals on her poor backside. I wanted to count the ugly marks, yet I didn’t want to know how many there were. I had no real treatment for those — kissing them better, with tears dripping from my face, was no help whatsoever. I did it anyway. Only time could help those to heal – I didn’t mention it to Elspeth, but I feared that there would be permanent marks on those pale buttocks.

I tried rubbing them with an aloe vera cream from my collection – even if it didn’t help to actually heal the welts, it might at least soothe them. She knelt on the bed, bent forward so as to rest her head on her arms, her arse raised for me to apply the ointment. As I rubbed her cheeks, they spread to reveal the cleft and the little pink star hidden there. Her slit was also displayed, the entrance to Elspeth’s vagina slightly open.

It was such an appealing sight… in fact, it was irresistible.

Pausing in my rubbing of her bum, I slipped my hand between the girl’s legs to finger her from behind.

Elspeth sighed, already wet. I reached around with my free hand so I could touch her clit while I explored her cunt. As her wetness coated my fingers, I felt an impulse too powerful to refuse.

I coated my thumb in her slick fluids and, when it was sufficiently moist, pressed it against the star between her buttocks. She squeaked in surprise, then pushed back against my hand. I could feel the strong ring of muscle begin to yield, and as my thumb started to slip into her rectum, I eased two fingers into her vagina, gripping her as if she was a bowling ball.

Slowly working my digits in and out, I fell into a steady rhythm – my thumb pressing deep into her anus, then retreating as I slid my fingers into her cunt. Then the fingers withdrew while the thumb entered. At the same time, I was playing with her clit.

Elspeth didn’t have to wait long for her climax to hit. With a growl, she pushed back against my loving invasion, driving my thumb even deeper into her anus. As ecstasy gripped the girl, her body jerked hard, then trembled like she was freezing cold. I kept my thumb still, concentrating on stimulating her pussy.

She moaned loudly as she shuddered though several peaks, finally slumping forward, exhausted.

Elspeth lay still for so long that I figured she had fallen asleep, but I was happy just to get another glimpse at her when she was relaxed and peaceful. I sat contentedly on the floor at the foot of the bed, gazing at my new lover.

However, I’d been mistaken. Elspeth hadn’t fallen asleep, she was catching her breath. Rolling onto her back, she said, “That’s twice you’re got me off, and I haven’t done a thing for you yet. I owe you.”

I shook my head. “You’re wrong, darling. You owe me nothing. Nothing at all. I’ve taken so much pleasure from loving you, and treating your hurts. And from watching you come. You had such a happy look on your face, just now… it made me feel good.”

She pouted a bit. “You have to let me. I can make you feel even better than that. Please?” She actually rose to her knees on the bed, both hands clasped before her.

That excitement was returning, dragging my lust along for the ride. This thirteen-year-old girl was begging to fuck me!

Please, Helen. It isn’t fair if you don’t let me. I want to fuck you, honest I do! Please let me. Pretty please?”

Won over by her sincerity, I reached out to Elspeth. With a gleeful squeal, she wrapped her thin arms around my neck, then hoisted herself up to wrap both legs round my waist. I fell back onto the bed with her on top. She kissed me before I could speak, sucking my tongue into her mouth.

As we kissed, I could feel the heat of her sex, pressed into my tummy. It was warm and wet, proof of my young lover’s excitement. Grasping Elspeth’s buttocks, I raised her just a bit, shifting her body so that juicy slit was sliding against me. I lowered her, then lifted again.

“Oh, my God… that feels lovely,” she whimpered.

My belly was teasing Elspeth’s clit as I gently worked her body into mine. She sighed into my mouth, then moved her hips forward to increase the pressure.

Suddenly she pulled away, breaking that lovely contact, giving her head a defiant shake. “No! That’s not what I want now. It’s my turn. I’m s’posed to be fucking you!”

As much as I was looking forward to being taken by this eager nymphet, I wasn’t yet finished with her.

In order to stifle any further protests she might make, I shifted her weight in my hand – an easy task – and repositioned one hand. Satisfied that it was correctly aligned, I extended my index finger and slid it into Elspeth’s arsehole.

She squirmed, and I went back to what I’d been doing – working her tiny body against mine.

“Oh, fuck… you bitch. You’re gonna make me come again!” she protested.

“I hope so!” I told her. Pushing upward with my finger, I penetrated her rectum even further. “Do it. Come for me again, Elspeth. One more time. I want you to.”

She only needed that much encouragement. I was giving her plenty of stimulation, and she was still on fire from everything we’d already done.

“Arghh,” she growled, bucking against me. I ground into the girl, wanting to feel her dew on my bare skin when she exploded for the third or fourth time. Seconds later, a fervent, “Oh, fuck!” exploded from Elspeth’s lips as she came.

While she was caught up in ecstasy, I quickly extracted my finger from Elspeth’s bum and rolled her onto her back, scrambling between the girl’s thighs. I pressed my mouth into the fiery pink flesh and sucked, slaking my thirst for the fine, sweet wine that flowed from my new lover.

I felt Elspeth’s hands snatch at my leg, and instinctively understood what she wanted. Quickly shifting my body round, I swung a leg over the girl’s face and lowered my cunt to her parted lips.

I already knew that Elspeth had experienced lesbian sex at some point, but found myself astonished by how  skilled she was at pleasing a woman. Her tongue was a hot, slippery snake, gliding up and down through the folds of my labia. Just as I was beginning to tremble with the approach of my release, she found my hard clit, taking it between her lips to lick and suck and flick with quick swipes of her tongue tip… oh, my God

Seconds later, I began to come.

I was knocked off my fundament by the strength of that orgasm. In fact, I’m not sure I ever climaxed that hard in my life. It’s not for me to make a lot of noise when I get off – but that time, I screamed.

A little later, as we snuggled lovingly into each other, I told her just how right she’d been about her talents as a sex partner.

Without missing a beat, she boasted, “I told you so. Next time I tell you it’s my turn to fuck you, you’re not gonna stop me, are you?”

“No way,” I assured her. “I know you’re new at fucking but believe me, you’re a natural at making love.”

She nodded thoughtfully. “It’s something I learned about in a past life… before I was Elspeth.” A wistful sigh escaped her lips.

I reached up to cup her face in my hands. “Listen, sweetheart, I can’t make those bad times go away… but if you really want a new life, there’s one right here, waiting for you to step into it.”

“Wh-what are you saying…?” she asked me in a small voice, suddenly looking as if she was ten years old instead of thirteen. The bold nymphet was now a vulnerable young girl.

“Stay with me,” I said. “This can be your home… and we can be lovers, if you want. I’ll take care of you. Just think – it’s a chance for you to be, well, a girl again.”

Elspeth stared at me, her brow furrowed slightly. Then a tear ran down her cheek, and she began to cry.

“Oh, sweetie…” I began, but she buried her face in my chest, sobbing helplessly.

I held her closely, patting her back, whispering, “It’s okay, my love… let it out.” We gently rocked from side to side as she wept.

After a while, Elspeth was quiet. Raising a tear-stained face to mine, she spoke. “Does that m-mean that, from now on, you’re g-gonna be, like, my mum?”

I felt myself fall into those yearning eyes. “Is that what you want, angel?”

She thought for a moment, then slowly nodded. “I – I think so. See, I’ve not had a real mum for… oh, gosh, for ages.” She sniffled, then hesitantly added, “Um… is that okay?”

I pondered the idea. Was it okay? And I immediately decided that yes, it was.

Placing a tiny kiss on her pert little nose, I said, “It feels right to me, too… but I’d be more than just your mother, right? We’d still be lovers.”

A bashful smile, a hint of crimson in her cheeks. Elspeth responded, “I’d like that.”

Her lips found mine, and we came together in a kiss that positively glowed with affection. She rolled onto her back, pulling me on top of her, and once again, this young girl and I were caught up in a helpless rush of shared desire.

And when Elspeth knelt before me and pressed her mouth into my womanly centre, I gave myself over without hesitation to the pure, shining rapture of love.

A daughter’s love.

The End


The Latchmore Fairies, Chapter 5

  • Posted on September 9, 2022 at 3:14 pm

A brief recap: Single mother and lesbian Amanda receives wonderful news: her eleven-year-old daughter Katie (who has just come out as gay herself) is being considered as a fairy for Latchmore House, a magical kingdom of sorts for young girls.  When meeting with Latchmore’s director Cindy, Amanda is thrilled to learn that the fairies are all lesbian girls. To prove the point, Cindy brings in an enchanting young thing named Rayne, who engages in hot sapphic sex with Amanda. 

This chapter begins in the Latchmore garden where the fairies gather, just like the previous installment, and takes place simultaneously. This part features Katie getting the grand tour with a pair of new fairy friends… while her mum is busy in Cindy’s office. What next? Read on…

by C. Cat

Sitting next to her mum in the clearing, eleven-year-old Katie kept stealing furtive glances up the dress of the red headed fairy. That tight little body and those long, slender legs were dead sexy, but it was the view Katie had of the girl’s pretty pink slit that stole her breath away. It was also a certain look in her eyes. Katie could tell that this particular fairy was interested in her – and unafraid to let that interest show.

It was driving Katie mental. Squeezing her thighs together wasn’t enough; she just needed to touch herself for a few seconds. If she could apply just a bit more pressure to the throbbing warmth between her thighs, it would afford her the relief she so desperately needed. Carefully slipping a hand beneath the skirt, Katie let it drift toward her centre, an inch at a time.

She didn’t notice that two other fairies had drifted up behind her, so Katie nearly jumped out of her skin when one of them bent down to whisper in her ear, “Would you like to come play with us?”

Her heart pounding frantically, Katie spun round to see two lovely young girls. The one with long blonde hair that spilled to her shoulders had the long coltish legs and figure of a runway model. The brunette was a little shorter, with more of an athletic build and more prominent breasts.

Katie was always nervous around pretty girls… and with beauties like these, she found herself unable to reply. Luckily, Mum was there to accept the fairies’ invitation. “Go ahead, sweetheart,” she said, “I’m sure they have a lot to show you.”

With that, each of the girls took one of Katie’s hands and led her away through the soft grass.

“You must be Katie, right?” the girl with the long blonde hair said.

Still feeling bashful, Katie nodded.

“I’m Piper, and this is Melissa. Our director, Miss Cindy, asked us to show you around.”

Somehow finding her voice, Katie spoke. “Is this like, um, a tour or something?”

Melissa spoke up. “Kind of like that, but it’s more of a surprise. She’s hoping you might join us.”


“You know, go to our school and be one of the fairies. Your dance teacher, Miss Caroline, used to be a fairy here and she told Miss Cindy about you.”

Katie came to an abrupt halt, shocked to within an inch of her life. Me… a Latchmore Fairy? Her head swam as she digested the idea, trying to make sense of it.

It didn’t make sense, thrilling though the notion was. Even though Katie now knew that they weren’t genuine fairies, she still had it in her mind that some girls were born for the privilege, and some weren’t. It never occurred to her that she could become one.

“But you’re all, like, so pretty. There’s nothing special about me.”

“Don’t say that.” Melissa piped up, “you’re super cute.”

Katie didn’t believe Melissa, but she couldn’t help feeling a little rush inside when a girl that beautiful said something like that. A shy smile crept across her face, and she felt her cheeks getting warm.

“She’s right, you are cute,” Piper said. “Besides, just wait ’till you see Melissa without her hair and makeup done. It’s almost scary.”

“Hey!” Melissa yelled, swatting at her friend. “Look who’s talking, Miss Split Ends!” She tried to scowl, but couldn’t keep from breaking into giggles.

“Seriously,” Piper said, “You’ll love it here, Katie. I’m sure you’re going to fit right in.”

“Me too,” Melissa added, “It’s a lot better than regular school. There are some different rules, but there’s much more fun.”

“Rules?” Katie said. “Like what?”

“Nothing too hard. The big one is that we never, ever, lie to our sisters.”

“Seems easy enough,” Katie said.

“Oh, it’s harder than it sounds,” Melissa said. “See, it’s all about trust. Would you like to play our honesty game?”

“Sure!” Now that the possibility was at hand, Katie would do anything to prove she had what it took to be a Latchmore Fairy.

Just then, they came to an alcove in a secluded part of the garden with a statue of a Greek goddess and a polished granite bench. “Let’s sit here,” Piper said, and they settled down, the fairies flanking Katie on each side..

“Okay, this game is kinda like Truth or Dare, except without the dare part,” Piper began. “First we say our pledge. Now, repeat after me. “The bond of sisterhood unites all fairies. We love, honour, and trust each other. I promise to never break that bond.” Katie obligingly spoke each phrase after Piper.

“Now we ask each other questions. You can’t lie; that breaks the bond. You’re supposed to ask hard questions, but you can’t ask something that will hurt the other person, or use anything they say against them — that breaks the bond, too.”

“I think I get it,” Katie said with a nod.

“Okay, I’ll go first.” Piper took both of Katie’s hands. “Before we met, you were sneaking peeks at Rayne — she was the girl with the bright red hair. My question is: what were you thinking about when you looked at her?”

Oh God, Katie thought. Her first instinct was to lie. She’d admitted to her mother that she was gay, but had never admitted to anyone the kinds of thoughts she had about pretty girls like Rayne. As her heart raced, she tried to think of how to answer.

Suddenly it became clear to her: the game wasn’t about her secret — they’d probably figured that bit out anyway — it was about trust. She needed to tell them the truth, even if it was embarrassing.

Katie took a deep breath. If I’m wrong and they freak out, at least I’ll never have to face them again, she told herself.

“Well… she was really pretty… that’s why I was looking at her at first. Then she moved and, um, I could see up her skirt, and she wasn’t wearing knickers. See, I like girls, so that made me feel all excited, and I wanted to, y’know… touch myself. Down there.”

She braced herself for whatever reaction Piper and Melissa would have, relieved when they both smiled and gave her hugs.

“Good answer!” Piper exclaimed, “That wasn’t too hard, was it?”

“A little,” Katie replied. She was still embarrassed, but it also felt good not having to hide her secret.

“Now,” Melissa added, “to seal the bond, you have to kiss the one who asked the question.” She glanced expectantly from Katie to Piper.

“Really?” Katie said. That part of the rule didn’t bother her a bit.

“Really,” Piper confirmed, then with an exaggerated eye roll added, “Like, we just got done saying we don’t lie, so…” At that, the three girls broke into giggles.

“Okay,” Katie said, trying not to seem too eager as Piper came near.

She closed her eyes, expecting a gentle peck. Instead, Piper took Katie into her arms, bringing their lips together in a passionate, open-mouth kiss. Katie was shocked at first, but the warmth and tenderness of the fairy’s kiss felt absolutely wonderful. Without a second thought, she parted her own lips, and soon their tongues were engaged in a lustful dance.

As they hugged, Katie felt the girl’s lithe body through the thin dress, quickly noticing that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She found herself wondering if Piper had gone without knickers, too. The temptation was there to fondle the teen’s bum and find out for herself, but Katie didn’t want to behave too aggressively, not until she knew it was okay.

Their kiss seemed to last a long, lovely while until Katie gently broke away. Still holding each other, she and Piper shared friendly smiles.

“Nice, huh?” Piper said.

“Yeah, really nice,” Katie caught her breath, “I… I never had a kiss like that before. I guess maybe you’re not freaked out about me liking girls, then?”

“No fear of that!” Piper exclaimed.

“Besides, it wouldn’t matter what you said,” Melissa added. “We’re s’posed to trust that we’ll be sisters, no matter what.”

Piper laughed. “It’s not like we haven’t all seen Rayne’s cunny before — she hates wearing knickers.”

“Now it’s your turn,” Melissa said. “You can ask either of us anything.”

Katie turned to Melissa. Taking the brunette’s hands, she quickly came up with a question. “Okay… are you, like, a lesbian?”

Melissa smiled back, “Yeah… but that’s too easy. Ask me something harder.”

As nervous as Katie was about people finding out she was gay, it was a shock to hear Melissa admit the same thing so casually. “Have you, er, ever had sex with a girl?”

“Come on,” Melissa said, making a face. “Think of something that’s not a yes or no question. Yes I have, plenty of times… but go on, try again.”

Katie blurted out the first thing that popped into her mind. “What’s the wildest sex thing you’ve done?”

Now you’re getting it!” Melissa said. “Hmmm, now let me think…”

Katie noticed Melissa had an adorable way of scrunching her nose as she concentrated. I wonder if she kisses as nice as Piper?

“I don’t know if this is the ‘wildest’ or not,” Melissa began, “but when I was thirteen I used to babysit for this girl named Kit. She was only like nine, but really cute. Whenever I watched her, she insisted on me giving her a bubble bath. I’d undress her, wash her hair, and give her a good scrubbing all over. I wasn’t planning on doing anything more, but this one time I told her she had to clean ‘down there’, and she wanted me to do it. I tried not to make it sexy, but that didn’t seem to make any difference, ‘cos I barely touched her pussy and she came! After that, Kit wanted a ‘special’ bath every time I came over.

“So one night, her mum came back in time to give Kit a bath herself… but Kit made a big fuss, saying she still wanted me to do it. I could kinda tell her mum liked me, and I had a major crush on her, so I said we could pretend Kit and I were sisters, then she could give us a bath together! Kit loved that idea. Her mum – her name was Nicole, by the way – acted like she wasn’t so sure about that, but I could see she really wanted to. So it didn’t take a lot to get her to say yes.

“Anyway, we ran the bath, and I took Kit’s clothes off like I always did. Then, since I was pretending to be Nicole’s daughter, I asked her to undress me, and she did. She was trying not to let it show how much she liked seeing me naked.” Melissa giggled, “but I could tell. I was calling her ‘Mummy’… wow, that really got her going! I got in the bath first, then Kit sat down between my legs. Her bum was pressing right up against my cunny… oh, that felt lovely. I was washing Kit, touching her body all over.

“Nicole started washing my hair, then she started scrubbing the rest of me. It got me so hot that I took one of her hands and put it right between my legs. I thought she might yank it away, maybe even get mad… but instead, she started rubbing my pussy! And while she was doing that, Kit was pushing her bottom back against her mum’s hand. She was getting pretty excited, so I reached round and touched her clit.” Melissa shook her head, still awed by the memory. “It was amazing. Me and Kit ended up coming together, right there in front of her mum!”

Katie’s eyes were huge as she drank in the older girl’s story. “What happened then?”

Melissa smirked. “That’s another question, and you’ve already had three,” she said, “Now we get to kiss!” With a deft sideways motion, Melissa straddled Katie’s lap and, taking the younger girl’s face in both hands, brought their mouths together.

Katie was prepared for the kiss to be passionate, but this was even better than she expected. Melissa’s mouth was soft and sweet, and she was grinding her body into Katie’s as their tongues mingled. And Piper was right there too, caressing them both. She began to nibble at Katie’s ear, then travelled down her neck, finally nuzzling her way in to make it a three-way kiss.

It was marvellous, a little taste of heaven. Katie loved being sandwiched between these two enchanting girls, their bodies pressed snugly together. Her panties had been damp earlier; now they were positively sodden. If Melissa wasn’t straddling her, she would have a hand buried in her knickers.

Katie was beginning to wonder if this might be her first time having sex. That was exciting, but also a little scary. She wasn’t really sure how to make love with another girl. At the same time, Katie didn’t want to back down and risk having her new friends think she wasn’t grown up enough.

Suddenly Melissa broke away and gazed deep into her eyes, a warm smile on her lips. “Katie, I really like you… and I want us to do more, a lot more.” Wrapping an arm around Piper, she added, “We both do.”

“Yeah, you’re awesome, Katie!” Piper exclaimed. “I can’t wait ‘till you’re one of us.”

“And we can’t wait to do all kinds of sexy stuff with you,” Melissa continued, “but let’s not rush things. We want you to be sure you’re ready. Is that okay?”

Katie was disappointed, but also a little relieved. She didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of Piper and Melissa with her lack of experience. She wanted her first experience to be special and, as cute as they both were, she knew this was not the right time.

“I think I get it,” Katie said, “I can wait.”

“Well then, we should probably meet some of the other girls,” Piper said, “I know they’re going to love you. Miss Cindy is probably talking with your mum right now about being one of us. When they accept you, we set up the initiation.”

“Initiation?” Katie said, a little worried.

“Yeah, You’re gonna love that part,” Melissa said before giving her one last kiss.

“This is a shortcut to the school,” Piper said as she and Melissa led Katie through a small iron gate and down a trail through a wooded section of the garden.

The path took them to a large Victorian looking building. “This is Fairy House. It’s where we hang out… and where the younger girls live. The older girls live in Belle House, just down the way.”

They entered through a side door, where Piper and Melissa both took off their wings, carefully hanging them on a rack beside about a dozen or so other sets.

“We have a guest, girls!” Melissa announced as she walked into a spacious lounge.

There were seven other fairies present, all of whom had changed out of their costumes. Three were seated at a large table who appeared to be doing homework, Melissa introduced them as Willow, Maggie, and Claire.

Two more girls were seated in big overstuffed chairs with ear-buds in, listening to music. These were Emma and Ella. Finally, a pair of girls sitting very close to each other on the couch were identified as Naomi and Sophia. They all looked up and smiled at Katie, calling out friendly hellos.

“Is she here?” came a voice from the stairs. Katie looked up to see a young brunette coming down to greet her, with a much younger Asian girl close behind.

“And this is Rachel and Aiko,” Melissa said with a knowing smirk, “I’m glad you two managed to join us.”

Katie noticed that these last two had flushed cheeks, and their hair was a bit mussed. It wasn’t hard to guess what they’d been doing.

The introductions came so quickly that Katie knew she wouldn’t be able to remember all their names, but promised herself to learn them quickly. After all, they’re going to be my new sisters, I hope. Oh, God, I hope!

All the girls were friendly, though a couple of them had to beg off and finish their schoolwork. The others asked Katie about where she went to school, what she liked to do for fun, what music she liked and more. They were pretty much like the questions any new girl would be asked at her own school, but Katie noticed one glaring exception: none of the fairies asked her anything about boys. She wondered how many of them were gay.

As shy as Katie was around pretty girls, especially girls that seemed to take an interest in her, something about being in the company of the fairies felt so pleasant and cosy that she found it surprisingly easy to relax and be herself.

When Melissa first referred to the girls at Latchmore as sisters, Katie assumed it was just something they said. After spending an hour or so in their company, she realised that this really was something of a family. Like genuine sisters, they seemed protective, caring and affectionate toward each other. It was a far cry from the cliques she knew from school, with their social games that so often turned vicious.

At one point, Melissa hooked an arm through Katie’s and took the girl aside. “It might be a few days before I get to see you again,” she murmured, “so I figured I better finish that story – you know, about me, Kit, and Nicole…”

“Oh, yeah, I really wanted to know what happened,” said Katie. “So, um, Kit’s mum gave you good feelings with her fingers, and you did the same thing for Kit. Then what?”

Melissa was grinning hugely, barely able to restrain her glee. “Well, soon as I caught my breath, I stood up in the tub, put my arms around Nicole and kissed her. And she kissed me back!”

“Wow. Tongues and everything?”

“Yeah,” Melissa replied. “That’s when I knew she wanted to do sex stuff with me, right? So I started unbuttoning her top. She stopped me and said, ‘Let’s get you two dried off, then we’ll go to my bedroom’. Well, that’s what we did.”

By then, Katie’s panties were so wet she could have wrung them out. “And then…?”

“Then Nicole took off her clothes, all of them! Bloody hell, she looked good naked. I wanted to fuck her sooooo bad.”

“Um… d-did you?” Katie asked, her voice a whisper.

“I did,” Melissa replied with a nod. “She lay down on the bed, and I got between her legs and licked her pussy ‘til she came in my face. Kit was there the whole time, watching us. But then things really got crazy. You’ll never guess what happened next.”

Unable to speak, Katie shook her head.

“Nicole did sex with her little girl!”

The revelation hit Katie like a gust of hot wind. “She didn’t.”

“She totally did,” Melissa responded. “Turned out she’d been thinking ‘bout Kit like that for ages, since she was, like, six or so. They sexy kissed for a while, then Nicole got on her back and told Kit to climb on her face, so she could lick her pussy. Which she did.”

“My gosh. Her own mum…!”

Now that she knew such a thing was possible, Katie’s thoughts inevitably drifted to her own mother. She’d been thinking a lot about her of late, especially since their little chat about them both being gay. Some of those thoughts had thrilled Katie, but also made her feel uncomfortable, knowing it was wrong to dream of kissing your mum, of seeing her naked… of touching her body. Now, she wasn’t so sure about that.

Could Mum ever love me like that? the eleven-year-old asked herself. Would she like to?

“Katie!” a new voice came from the back hallway, breaking into her reverie. She turned to look, and saw the little redhead coming to greet her.

“See you later,” Melissa whispered, giving Katie’s shoulder a quick squeeze before moving away to join the others.

“I’m Rayne,” the redhead said as she padded over to Katie, giving her a big hug. “I wanted to be here sooner to meet you, but I was with Miss Cindy, getting to know your mum. She’s really cool – I like her a lot!”

The moment Katie saw Rayne, she felt those butterflies in her tummy. Now they were embracing, and the warmth and softness of the girl’s body against hers only made that feeling stronger. She’d had crushes on girls before, but this was more than a momentary infatuation. In fact, it felt an awful lot like love.

She closed her eyes, made a wish. Please, please, PLEASE let her like girls too! 

Returning the pretty redhead’s hug, Katie did her best to make it seem relaxed and casual, but inside she was bursting with joy.

“I’ll be taking you over to see Miss Cindy and your mom pretty soon,” Rayne said when they finally broke apart, “but I need to change first. Come with me so we can chat?”

It wasn’t really a question, so Rayne took her by the hand and they climbed the stairs together. On the way, Katie detected knowing smiles from some of the other girls. Maybe she wasn’t being that casual after all…

“Are you going to be a Fairy?” Rayne said as soon as they got to her room.

“I totally want to. It’s up to my mum, really.”

Rayne burst into an enormous grin. “You’ve nothing to worry about, then. She’s already said yes!”

Covering her mouth with both hands, Katie squeaked, “She has?”

“Why on earth wouldn’t she? Your mum loves Latchmore! I bet she wants this as much as you do.”

“Yeah, I love it here. I wasn’t sure at first if I’d fit in, but…”

“Oh, you’ll be fine. This place was made for girls like us.”

Gazing into Rayne’s bright green eyes, Katie saw something in them that had her feeling warm all over. “You mean…?”

Rayne nodded before leaning in and putting an arm around her. “That’s right,” she said, “All us fairies are lesbians.”

“Really?” Katie had suspected that Piper and Melissa couldn’t be the only ones who liked girls, but it was a surprise to learn that they all did.

“Yeah, it’s always been like that,” Rayne said, doing a few carefree dance steps around the room. “Our founder, Mommy Charlotte, wanted a family. She didn’t want to get married to have one, though, ‘cos she was gay. But she figured there were lots of girls like her out there, so she made a family of her own, just for them. That’s what the fairies are.”

“But some of the girls are, um, girlfriends, right?”

“Oh, sure. You were hanging out with Melissa and Piper, right?” Katie nodded. “Well, they’re a couple. Crazy in love, those two.”

That caught Katie by surprise. “But… they both kissed me!”

“That’s how things are at Latchmore,” Rayne said. “You can be in love, but it’s still important to share with your sisters. You’re not s’posed to have any girl all to yourself. See, that’s being possessive, and you can get in big trouble for that. Some girls even have to leave the Fairies, ‘cos they can’t handle it when a girl they like makes love with anyone but them.” She slowly shook her head. “That’s not the Latchmore way.”

“Do you, like, have a girlfriend?” Katie asked, not realising until the words left her mouth that she was being totally obvious about her attraction to Rayne. That made her blush.

Thankfully, her new friend didn’t seem to notice. “Not yet,” Rayne replied. “Everyone says sex is even better when you’re really in love.” She giggled. “I can’t wait to find out!”

“I wouldn’t know about that, either,” Katie said with a shy glance. “I mean, I know I like girls, but all I’ve done so far is kissing.”

“Kissing girls is the best. I mean, other girl games are really good too, but kissing is special.”

“I think about sex a lot… but I kinda worry that I won’t do it right.”

“Aw, don’t worry. Figuring stuff out is the fun part – like an adventure. You don’t have to stress out about it, just let things happen.”

“I can do that,” Katie said with a growing confidence.

Rayne nodded and smiled. “I’ve got to take you to Miss Cindy’s office, so she can meet with you and your mum… but we’ve still got some time.” Turning around, she presented her back to Katie, “Can you unzip me?” she said, gesturing to the back of her fairy dress.

Katie’s hand trembled a little as she slowly tugged the zipper down, revealing the smooth skin of Rayne’s back.

Slipping her arms out of the sleeves, Rayne pushed the dress down, taking her time so Katie could see the stretchy fabric slip over her narrow hips, revealing a tight little bum. Katie felt lightheaded, her heart pumping like mad… then she let out a gasp as her new friend bent forward, sliding the colourful material down until the dress ringed her ankles. She stepped out, now completely naked.

“Do you like looking at me?” Rayne said as she turned around to face Katie, biting her lower lip.

“Uh-huh,” was all Katie could say, transfixed by the wondrous sight.

“I like how you look… makes me feel all tingly inside.”

“M-me too.”

A shy smile. “Can I kiss you?”

Katie nodded. “Sure…”

Drawing closer, Rayne extended her arms, and Katie floated into them, fully embracing the nude girl.

When their lips met, it felt like fireworks going off. Katie immersed herself in the warmth of Rayne’s body, the sweet smell of her, the silky soft skin.

Her intoxication only grew as their kiss became more passionate. As lovely as it felt kissing Piper and Melissa, this was even better. Rayne’s tongue was a ribbon of sweetness, beckoning Katie into a dream world where love was everything and everything was love.

As they kissed, she noticed something familiar: a rich, heady fragrance that was somehow different from the floral notes of Rayne’s scent, filling her with a strange hunger. It was a smell she knew, too. Some part of her mind recognised it, despite being out of place. But what is it? she wondered.

A memory from the previous week abruptly flashed into her consciousness. Katie was tucked up in bed and touching herself between the legs, holding a pair of Mum’s dirty knickers she’d filched from the laundry hamper. She was pressing them to her face, giddy with excitement as she breathed in the strong aroma of a woman’s pussy

Now she was confronted by that very same scent on the lips of a young girl. A girl who was kissing her.

It took a moment for Katie to grasp the full significance of what this meant… but once she had, it shocked her to the core.

“You… you and my mum?” Katie gasped between kisses.

“Uh-huh.” Rayne answered.

Of the many surprises Katie had experienced that day, this one shook her hardest. She was confused, not knowing how to respond.

Should I be jealous? Katie asked herself. But Rayne’s words from earlier echoed in her head: That’s not the Latchmore way. 

In fact, the more she thought about Rayne and her mum doing sex, the more excited she felt. After all, you’re supposed to share with your sisters… why not with Mum, too?

“I love your mummy’s pussy,” Rayne whispered, her lips brushing Katie’s ear. “It’s so juicy and sweet. I licked her ‘til she came in my face… and I didn’t wipe my mouth after, ‘cos I wanted you to taste her when we kissed.”

Katie’s knees were weak as Rayne made love to her, tracing kisses over her cheeks and down to her neck. Then she felt the girl’s hands slide down and cup her bottom through the thin cotton of her sundress. She wanted to do the same. Soon she was cupping Rayne’s tight bum as their bodies pressed together.

All the while, Katie was imagining this sexy, adorable girl playing lovely lesbian games with Mum. Now she was in love with the idea. And it had her thinking even more about her mother as a sexual being, wondering, Would she let me do that to her? Put my mouth on her pussy?

She didn’t know. But Katie was certain of one thing: she wanted to. Sex with Mummy. Yeah, I’d like that.

Still, those thoughts were for another time. She had Rayne in her arms, already suspecting they were going to do more than just hug and kiss.

Without a word, Rayne brought one of Katie’s hands to her face, then took two fingers into the moist heat of her mouth. Katie didn’t want to miss a moment, but she had to close her eyes and enjoy the odd but amazing sensation of Rayne’s lips and tongue caressing her fingers. She imagined the girl doing that all over her body, and it made her shiver.

But Rayne was just getting started. Quickly guiding Katie’s hand between her legs, she deftly slipped those moistened fingers into her vagina. Katie was so startled that she nearly jumped away; luckily, she managed to keep still, then felt herself melt as the reality of it sank in. 

I’m… I’m fucking a girl! she marvelled. It’s really happening!

Rayne began to work her hips, falling into a clumsy rhythm. Quickly catching on, Katie began to move her arm in time with Rayne’s pelvic thrusts. She was cautious at first, not wanting to hurt the girl, but it soon became apparent that Rayne had done this kind of thing before.

Katie loved it. She loved the warmth and wetness of Rayne’s mound, especially with her finger sheathed in the older girl’s secret place. The best part, though, was the little gasps that escaped Rayne’s lips with each shuddering pump of their bodies.

Thrilled as she was, Katie felt her excitement soar to new heights when Rayne touched her inner thigh… then that hand began to move upward, beneath the skirt she wore. Katie knew a twinge of fear, but wasn’t about to back down now. Instead, she spread her legs, inviting Rayne to go higher still.

Waiting as those fingers moved closer and closer was a blissful agony. She wanted, needed, ached to be touched between the legs by her new lover.

“Please, Rayne,” she managed to say as the sweet redhead nuzzled her neck. “Oh, p-please!”

She felt the fingers slide across the front of her panties and whimpered. It was lovely, but Katie hungered for more, more!

Suddenly Rayne’s hand slipped into Katie’s knickers, pressing against her vulva. “Ohhhh…” she moaned.

This was it. For the first time, a girl was touching her down there. Her body seemed to buzz with electricity as Rayne explored and caressed her lightly-downed slit.

“Let’s… let’s come together,” Rayne whispered. “God, I’m s-so close!”

“Uh-huh, yeah,” Katie panted. It wouldn’t take much, she was certain. Powerful currents of pleasure crashed and churned inside her, getting steadily wilder until… until…

It came down fast and hard, an orgasm so powerful that Katie had to cling to Rayne to hold herself erect. Was she screaming? No way to tell; there was a roaring in her ears that drowned out everything. She was shaking, all but helpless in the face of such intense ecstasy.

Then, just as those amazing sensations were reaching a peak, she felt Rayne go tense, and knew that  her partner was coming too. Katie clutched the squealing girl, and they rode their shared release together.

Finally, the two exhausted girls fumbled their way over to Rayne’s bed and collapsed on it, still clinging to one another as they caught their breath.

Snuggling with the nude redhead, Katie found herself wishing that she’d also undressed, so they could be naked together. Oh, well, she thought, I’ll take all my clothes off next time.

And there would be a next time. She knew that for certain, and Rayne felt it just as strongly as she did. They had shared something truly special… and to Katie, it felt a lot like love.

On to Chapter Six!