The story thus far: Kimberly Harcourt-Brown is a ten-year-old lesbian who has only ever had sex with her mother Arabella. As the story begins, she is being taken on a mystery getaway by her mum. Not long before their arrival, Kimmy finally gets the details of their trip. It seems that back when Arabella was at university, she and her four roommates/lovers made a vow of sorts: they would all strive to have daughters at around the same time, then teach them the ways of lesbian love when they were still little girls. And just before the girls entered their teen years, the four mothers would bring them to Grafton Lodge, a luxurious house they owned jointly, for a weekend of sexual abandon. Kimmy hasn’t seen any of her mum’s mates since she was too young to recall them, but she is still beside herself with delight.
Upon their arrival, the girls spend time getting to know their mothers’ friends, as well as each other, before meeting at the swimming pool. As the day passes, they learn which mums are attracted to which daughters, and who will share whose bed. It works out quite nicely, and no one is left without a partner. Kimmy is smitten by Lily’s mum Fiona, while Arabella has eyes for Lottie’s little girl Emily. Much flirting takes place.
Cast of Characters:
Arabella (Bell) and daughter Kimberly (Kimmy) (10): BrunettesFiona (Fi) and daughter Lily (9): RedheadsClaire and daughter Izzy (11): BrunettesCharlotte (Lottie) and daughter Emily (10) : Blondes
by Joe Dornish
Around six o’clock, Claire announced that dinner would be served in an hour, and all of us went upstairs to get dressed, returning to our rooms.
Something I really enjoy is watching Mum prepare for a night out. Okay, technically we were staying in, but it felt like a night out because we weren’t at home. We’d both had a shower – not together, I’m sorry to say – and I was using the hair dryer and watching Mum as she sat at the vanity in her bra and knickers doing her make-up. I was wearing just my knickers, lilac-coloured bikini-style briefs with lace trimming. They were the sexiest pants I owned, and I hoped to get the chance to show them off before bedtime..
“So how did it go with Fiona today? It looked like you got on well with her,” Mum said when I turned the hair dryer off.
“Good, but… um, we were a bit naughty in the pool,” I confessed, running a brush through my hair.
“I thought you might have been. What did you get up to, my wicked girl?”
“I sucked on her nipples while she fingered my kitty.”
Mum coughed and spluttered, then turned to me with a shocked look on her face. For a second I thought I’d done something wrong.
“Blimey, Kimmy!” she finally said, “I thought you were just going to say you two kissed or something.”
“Did we go too far? Was that wrong of us?”
“What? No, baby, there’s nothing wrong, I was just surprised, that’s all.” Pausing to think, she added, “I’m proud of you, actually.”
“You are?”
“I’m always proud of you, sweetie. But especially so today. Fiona is very sweet and kind, but she’s also an adult and it’s not easy for someone as young as you to be so natural and mature the way you were today.”
“Did she tell you that?”
“Yup. Fiona also said you were very mature for your age, and you’re just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. She also told me she’s looking forward to getting to know you better this weekend.”
I couldn’t keep myself from grinning. “When she says getting to know me better, does she mean the two of us having sex?”
“I would presume so, yes. Is that something you want?”
“Yes. A lot.”
“If you’re lucky, you’ll get your chance tonight.”
“Why? What’s happening tonight?”
“My lips are sealed. I’m not saying a word.”
Again with the teasing! Honestly, sometimes my mum’s love of surprises could be downright aggravating. “Oh, Mum! Come on, tell me.”
“Nope, I’ve been sworn to secrecy.”
“Can you give me a clue, maybe?”
“Um, I suppose I can tell you that we’ve got a little game we’re going to play after dinner.” Getting up from her stool, she padded over to sit next to me on the bed. “There was something else I wanted to talk to you about. Ever since we became lovers, you’ve always had me to yourself. Do you think you’ll be okay if I have sex with someone else?”
“Yeah, of course. Why do you think I would mind?”
She shrugged. “I was concerned that you might get a bit jealous.”
“I could ask you the same question, Mum. I mean, if I have sex with Fiona, would that make you jealous?”
“No sweetie, quite the opposite. It would turn me on.”
I wrapped an arm round her waist. “Same here. I’d love to see you having sex with Emily. Or any of the others, actually.”
“Likewise with you and Fiona. Hmmm… maybe that can be arranged, we’ll have to see. One step at a time, though.”
“Okay, one step at a time.”
“How did you get on with the other kids today?”
“Good. I like them, they’re lots of fun. Did you know Izzy is allowed to swear?”
“I did… but she only gets to in certain situations, like when she’s having sex with Claire.”
“When Fiona was playing with my kitty today, she said a few naughty words too.”
“Did you like that?”
“Hmm. I suppose you and I could relax the rules a bit, when it comes to situations like that.”
“Really? You mean it, I can use those words too?”
“Hold on a minute, my girl! I don’t want you turning into a potty mouth. But we’ll agree that in future, when you’re having sex, or sharing a sexy moment… then yes, you can swear.”
“Oh my GOD, thank you, Mum!” I said and threw my arms around her.
“My goodness! I had no idea this meant so much to you. I mean it, though – no needless swearing. Use those words wisely and sparingly.”
“I will, I promise. Um, Mom…?”
Her lips brushed my cheek. “What, sweetie?”
“I just wanted to tell you… I love it when we fuck.”
“Kimberly!” Mum gasped. Then she broke into laughter. “Oh, my… you are a naughty one.”
“Sorry, Mum. I couldn’t resist.”
“It’s all right, dear. To tell the truth, dear… it got me excited, hearing you say that. Why don’t you say it again before we turn in tonight? You might get a nice surprise!”
As you might imagine, I liked that idea a lot. “Okay, I will!”
“Right. Come on then, let’s get dressed and go down to dinner.”
The adults were going to take turns cooking while we were there. That evening, Claire and Lottie made lasagne with garlic bread and tossed salad. We had no plans to go out, but everyone dressed as though we were. Our mums did their hair and made themselves up beautifully, and they all wore lovely dresses with heels. There was much less make-up and no heels among us kids, but we were also looking nice in pretty dresses of our own.
We ate at the table in the kitchen near the large open doors to the garden. It was a lovely meal and everyone was chatty – even Emily and Lily, who seemed to have gotten over their shyness. Everyone was in a great mood, and I noticed a lot of flirtatious looks being exchanged. That very much included Fiona and me, a delicious shiver going through my body whenever our eyes met.
I think all that splashing about in the pool must have made us extra hungry, as we devoured our meal in next to no time. We all pitched in to help with the cleanup, then went into the main living room to relax.
Around eight o’clock Fiona stood up and clapped her hands to get our attention. “Good evening, ladies,” she began. “Firstly, thank you to Claire and Lottie for a wonderful dinner.” Everyone cheered and applauded. “Now then, who would like to play a game?”
Everyone’s hand shot up in the air, even the adults, and there were shouts of ‘Me!’ and ‘I’ll play’. Most telling of all was Claire, who seemed to know what was going to happen. She was sitting next to me and I heard her whisper to my mum, “I’m definitely playing this game.”
“We’re going to play hide and seek,” said Fiona.
“YAY, I love hide and seek!” Emily exclaimed.
“Well, I bet you’ve never played this version before,” Fiona said, then winked at her. “You see, I’ve taken the liberty of changing the rules a bit. The kids are going to be the hiders and the adults are going to be the seekers, but each of them will be looking for a specific child. Before we go any further, I want the mums to choose their target, and as this is my game I’m shamefully putting myself up first. I pick… Kimmy. Bell, you’re next.”
My heart did a little dance in my chest. For a minute there, I thought she might pick someone else. Mum looked about as if trying to decide, but I knew who she was going to choose.
“Um… I pick… Emily!” she said.
Lottie went next and chose Izzy, then Claire chose Lily. Each adult had chosen their target exactly in line with who us kids said we fancied earlier this afternoon. It was a hell of a coincidence, either that or excellent planning. Probably a bit of both, I figured.
“So now that we’ve picked our targets,” said Fiona, “This is how it’s going to work. The seekers will be searching for their target only. If they happen to find someone who’s not their target, they have to pay a penalty, which will be to remove an item of clothing. The person they found hiding gets to pick which item of clothing they lose. Then the seeker closes her eyes and counts to twenty so the target can go hide again.
“However, if they find the right target, it’s the seeker who gets to choose which item of clothing the target has to take off. Then they count to twenty again, and the target runs off to find another place to hide. The game ends when the target has no more clothes to take off. At this point, when our gorgeous little targets are completely naked they get whisked off to our bedrooms, where we devour them. Questions, anyone?”
Whisked off to be devoured… it didn’t take a lot of imagination to work out what that meant! My knickers were getting wet at the very thought of it.
Izzy put her hand up. “I have a question. Is there anywhere we’re not allowed to hide? And where will you guys be while we’re finding our hiding places?”
“Good questions, Izzy. I think the garden and the pool house should be out of bounds; let’s stick to the main house or we may never find you. To begin with, the seekers will wait in the garden with our backs to the house so we can’t see which way you go. We’ll give you a couple of minutes and shout out when we’re coming to find you. Any other questions?” She said, looking about. “Before we start, I should point out that you don’t have to take your clothes off… or do anything else you don’t want. Honestly, it’s fine if you’d rather just play normal hide and seek. Just let your seeker know when they catch you.”
Looking around the room, I couldn’t imagine anybody there NOT wanting to play the naughty, naked version of the game, but it was nice of Fiona to let us know we didn’t have to if we didn’t want to.
“Right, then. All seekers, out to the garden. Targets, you have two minutes, starting… NOW!”
Me and the other kids were screaming gleefully as we scrambled out of the room. The others all ran upstairs, so I raced towards the dining room. There weren’t any obvious hiding places I could see, so I kept going until I was in the games room. On the floor by the sofa, there was a huge bean bag chair. I sat on the floor, leaning back against the sofa, then covered myself with the bean bag.
The question in my mind as I waited for the seekers was this: did I want to be found or not? There were definite advantages to being found, after all. I could make the wrong seeker take off a piece of clothing, or get a step closer to having sex with Fiona if she found me. But I really hate losing at any kind of game, and my competitive side wouldn’t let me give in too easily, so I made sure I was properly tucked in under the bean bag, and my feet or arms weren’t sticking out.
When you’re playing hide and seek, a few minutes can feel like forever, but soon enough I heard the clip-clop of heels on the hard wooden floor of the games room. Whoever it was didn’t stay for long before she walked back out.
I could hear laughter and screams from upstairs. From the sound of it, someone had been caught, but of course, although I had no idea who. Someone was losing bits of their clothing, I knew that much.
I heard more footsteps coming my way, then voices. “One of them must be in here,” said Mum.
Then I heard a door creak, “No one’s in the cupboard,” said Lottie.
“They’re better at hiding than I gave them credit for. Hmmm, think I’ll go look upstairs,” said Mum. I heard her leave the room.
A moment later the bean bag was pulled aside, and there was Lottie. “Ha! Got you… oh, botherations, it’s the wrong target. I suppose I have a penalty to pay now, don’t I?”
“Yup, you certainly do,” I said, grinning from ear to ear.
“Okay then, what’ll it be?”
Lottie was a real stunner. I loved her long blonde hair and her bright blue eyes. Her figure was a touch slimmer than I like, but I still thought she was dead sexy. What I really didn’t care for was the way her body was hidden by a loose-fitting maxi dress. Not for long, though.
“That’s an easy choice. You have to take your dress off!”
“Somehow I just knew you’d say that,” she said, slipping the thin straps over her shoulders and letting the dress fall to the floor. Lottie was left wearing some strappy heels with a light beige bra and knicker set that was lacy and very skimpy.
Covering her eyes, she said, “Okay, I’m going to count to twenty, you’d better get hiding. ONE… TWO…”
Half of me wanted to stay there and let Lottie find me again so I could get those knickers off her, but the impulse to run and hide was too strong. I dashed from the games room to the kitchen, where I bumped into Mum. She was wearing her bra and nothing else.
She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders when she saw me. “I’m not very good at this game.”
I giggled. “How many times did you find the wrong person?”
“Just twice. That’ll teach me for going without knickers.”
I laughed again, then ran upstairs. On the landing I saw Lily darting out of a bedroom minus her dress, so I figured Claire had just caught her. We giggled when we saw each other, then she went flying downstairs, while I went into the nearest bedroom and hid under the bed. I was there for less than a minute when the door opened and a pair of feet that looked like Claire’s came in.
The first place she looked was under the bed. “Oh, hello, Kimmy.” She shook her head. “I should have known Lily wouldn’t hide under a bed twice in a row.”
Squirming out from under the bed, I saw that Claire had already lost her dress and was wearing sexy black undies.
“Please child, have pity. Let me take these bloody shoes off,” she said, both hands clasped in a gesture of helplessness. “They’re doing my feet in.”
I laughed, “Nope. Lose those knickers.”
“Oh well, those are the rules, I suppose,” she said with a sigh. Claire slipped the black knickers off and kicked them across the room, then stood still and let me have a good long look at her. She had a nice patch of dark pubic hair, shaped in a thin triangle – a bit like my mum’s landing strip, but slightly larger. I thought it looked very sexy.
Placing both hands on her thighs, she presented her kitty to me. “Like what you see?”
I nodded, “Yes, very much.” Glancing up at Claire. I gave her a shy smile. ”Actually, I’d like to see even more of it.”
Claire smiled back. “If I have anything to say about it, you definitely will.”
Then she leaned in and kissed me, I wasn’t expecting that, but it was nice so I kissed her back. We used our tongues; it was very hot.
When she finally broke away. her cheeks were flushed. “My, that was lovely. Maybe we’ll be able to finish this another time, but right now I’ve got a little girl to find. Okay, go hide. ONE…”
This time I didn’t hang about. I flew out of the room and straight into the next bedroom, where I got in the wardrobe. A moment later, I heard the bedroom door open and quickly close, but there were no other sounds. A minute or so later I heard the door again, but this time there were footsteps, then a voice said, “Gotcha!… Oh, heck, wrong target.”
It was Fiona’s voice, and then I heard Izzy declare, “Ha! You have to lose something else.”
“There’s not much left for me to lose. Shoes or bra?”
“Duh… bra, of course.”
“Of course.”
There was a moment of silence, then Izzy said. “Wow… you’ve got a smashin’ pair of bristols. Wouldn’t mind gettin’ my hands on those.”
I felt a twinge of jealousy. Silly, I know, but I was already thinking of Fiona as mine.
But Fiona replied, “Maybe you’ll get the chance later, love… but right now, I’ve got a certain young girl to find. And you need to get yourself hidden.”
“Yeh, guess you’re right.”
“Right, go on then, go hide. ONE…TWO…” Izzy’s feet thudded on the floor as she beat a hasty exit.
I decided it was high time I let myself be caught. Just as Fiona was about to say ‘twenty,’ I bumped the door of the wardrobe so she would know someone was in there.
The door opened and a naked Fiona stood there smiling at me. “Ahh… I’ve found you at last.”
My gaze drifted from her eyes to her boobs, then down to her kitty, which was adorned with a thick tuft of bright orange hair. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I said, ‘you have to take your dress off’.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.”
It was just a simple cotton summer dress that easily slipped over my head. I hadn’t been wearing any shoes or a vest, so I was just standing there in my knickers.
The hunger I saw in Fiona’s eyes made me lightheaded. “My word, you’re so beautiful,” she whispered. Meeting my eyes, she said, “Now run and hide so I can get those sexy knickers off you.”
YES! She thought my knickers were sexy. I was dead chuffed.
I left Fiona counting and was about to go downstairs when I saw my mum and Emily. They were both naked, and Mum was holding Emily’s hand, leading her down the landing towards our bedroom. Meanwhile, I could hear laughter and giggles from the bedroom opposite of where I stood. It sounded like Claire and Lily, but I couldn’t be sure.
That tore it. To heck with this hiding stuff! I told myself. Moving into the next room, I wriggled under the bed, only this time I let my foot stick out just enough to be seen. I could still hear Fiona counting. When she went silent, I thought for a moment that she’d gone downstairs, then I saw her feet and heard the door close. Here we go, I thought, my heart beating like crazy.
Fiona knelt down and looked under the bed, smiling when she saw me. “Come on, out you come,” she said, her eyes dancing as I emerged into the light. “That’s not the best hiding spot, you know. And I could see your foot! Honestly, one might think you wanted to be caught.”
Putting on an expression of perfect innocence, I said, “Oh no, I was hiding as best I could. Really and truly!”
She laughed. “I don’t believe a word. Not that I’m complaining, mind you.”
Fiona was still on her knees, and I was standing before her. “I believe these need to be taken off now. May I?” she said, slipping her fingers into the waistband of my knickers.
I nodded. “Uh-huh.”
She slowly pulled them down my legs and then gathered them up when I stepped out. “Mmm, there’s a little wet patch here!” she exclaimed. Bringing my still-warm panties to her face, she took a deep breath and purred with pleasure before glancing around. “And isn’t this lucky? We’re already in my bedroom. I guess I get to… devour you now.” Then she hesitated. “If you want me to, that is.”
I wanted to say something cool and seductive, but I’d gone all awkward. This would be the first time I would make love to someone besides my mum, and knowing that made me feel shy. I gave Fiona a quick nod.
She climbed onto the bed, lying on her side, then she patted the covers. “Come on sweetie, join me.”
I’d been longing for this all day, and now I was frozen stiff. Crawling over to where Fiona lay, I stretched out next to her, feeling like a complete idiot.
She touched my arm. “Ooh, sweetie, you’re all tense. Sure you’re okay with this?”
“Sorry, yes, I’m fine, honest. Just a bit nervous.”
“That’s understandable. After all, you’ve only ever been with your mother, so this must feel a bit weird. Just relax. I’ll be gentle.”
That really got to me, and not in a good way. I didn’t want Fiona treating me like a little kid! “No, please. I want this, I really, really want this. Don’t be gentle. Well, be gentle if you want, what I mean is, um, I’m okay with…”
“Shhhhh,” she said, turning my face to hers.
She kissed me, a beautiful, long, lingering smooch that made my shyness melt away, enough that I was able to return Fiona’s kiss, pushing my tongue into her mouth.
As our kiss got deeper, my body relaxed, and I spread my legs far apart, inviting Fiona to touch me where I wanted it most. Instead, she caressed my thigh, then trailed her hand upward until her fingers were lightly brushing my nipples, teasing them to aching stiffness. Her breasts were within easy reach, and I couldn’t resist an impulse to feel her up. “Sweet child,” she whispered, and her lips found mine again. This time I was ready, kissing Fiona with every ounce of passion I had.
Now that we’d broken the ice, everything we did felt completely natural. Our hands wandered wherever we liked, our kisses grew increasingly heated, and our bodies began to move together like we were doing a dirty dance. Fiona broke our kiss, and I was unhappy about that until her lips found their way down my neck. Oh, wow, that felt good!
As she slid a hand down my tummy and between my legs, Fiona gazed into my eyes, watching for my reaction when her fingers slid through my tender folds. Looking right back at her, I took one of her nipples into my mouth to suck, then gave it a playful little bite.
“Oooh!” Fiona squealed, then she pulled away, placing a hand on my chest and pushing me flat onto my back. “Not that I don’t love what you’re doing to me, child… but I want to focus on what I’m doing to you. I’ve been waiting years for this. You can have me any way you like in a few minutes, I promise.”
With a nod I relaxed into the soft covers, letting my new lover take control – sighing when she kissed my nipples, shivering as she teased my kitty with the softest of touches.
“Such an exquisite little girl… such a beautiful little body,” she whispered, nuzzling my tummy.
Her kisses were lovely, but Fiona was moving so, so slowly! I wanted her tongue between my legs, so much it made me ache inside. As if to placate me, her touches grew more focused and deliberate, finally seeking out my clit. As she stroked me there, her eyes met mine, studying my reaction.
Taking in a deep breath, I whimpered as Fiona’s fingers worked in circles, taking me from dreamy bliss to electric ecstasy as if by the flick of a switch. She began kissing me again, this time just below my belly button, then lower. But her fingers didn’t stop. In fact, they moved faster and faster, in stark contrast with the soft, slow caress of her lips.
I was teetering on the edge and ready to burst when she quite abruptly stopped. Raising my head, I gawped at Fiona. “What?”
“It’s okay. I’m just moving into a more comfortable spot,” she said.
Kneeling on the bed, Fiona positioned herself between my legs, taking a scrunchie from her wrist and tying her hair back before she spread my thighs further apart. Then she laid flat on her belly with her mouth just where I needed it.
I felt her warm breath, then a tender kiss on my clit. The touch of her lips in the right spot worked its magic, and I moaned, “Mmmm, more…”
Fiona’s reply was to give me what I asked for, more feather-light kisses. At the same time, I felt her finger exploring my delicate folds. Soon she was nudging at my entrance, but far too cautiously. I figured she was worried about hurting me, but honestly, there was no need. Mum had put her fingers all the way inside me months earlier. It’s the only thing I wanted for Christmas that year.
Now here with Fiona, I wanted more, much more. I couldn’t take another minute of this teasing. I decided to drive the point home, using my newly acquired permission to swear.
“Please make me come, Fiona. Fuck me. I need you to fuck me.” It felt absolutely delicious, speaking those words.
She smiled. “As you wish.” She slid her finger inside me, then bent to take my clit between her lips.
I went from painful longing to a blissful mess in an instant. Her tongue massaged my clit as her finger wriggled in and out of my kitty. Mum does it to me just like that, and it always gives me a huge orgasm… which is exactly what happened.
I kind of lose control when I come hard. I don’t go insane or anything, just tense up and squeeze my eyes shut and sort of whimper and moan while my body shivers. Fiona expertly pushed me along the wave, keeping me at the pinnacle until she knew I’d had enough.
My chest was heaving up and down as I fought for breath, but I still wasn’t quite conscious enough to understand what she was doing, not at first. Fiona had placed her hands under my knees and lifted me up enough to expose my bum hole. I was startled to realise she was licking me there, her tongue trailing up and down the crack of my arse. Mum had never done that to me before, and it felt lovely. By then her red hair had come a bit loose, spilling over my legs and tummy.
What Fiona was doing to my bum with her tongue was quite pleasant, but the position I held was uncomfortable. Really, I just wanted to lie flat. But she was clearly enjoying herself, and I didn’t want to spoil that. Then I got an idea.
“One sec,” I said, then quickly spun onto my front and laid my head on the big soft pillows. Giving my bottom a wiggle, I said, “Okay, it’s all yours.”
I heard Fiona give a blissful sigh. “There is a god… and she must love me very much, giving me such a beautiful bum to play with,” she said.
I’d noticed during the course of the day that while I was sneaking peeks at everyone’s boobs, Fiona seemed to focus on their arses. I had no idea just how into girls’ bottoms she actually was, but soon found out. She feasted on my bum hole like it was the yummiest snack in the world, spreading my cheeks open with both hands so she could get her tongue even deeper. After a while she slipped a finger inside which, as it turned out, I liked a lot.
Mum and I sometimes touched each other’s bums when we had sex; no more than that, really. But Fiona was so into it, licking my arse so passionately that I couldn’t help but get caught up in it. When she slipped her free hand beneath me to massage my clit, I had an orgasm almost immediately, as unexpected as it was enjoyable.
Still, all good things must come to an end, and when grew too sensitive for any more of Fiona’s touches, she stretched out next to me and we had a lovely cuddle.
We lay in silence, swapping kisses for a while. My hand rested on her breast, hers on my bum.
I spoke first. “So, um, you like my bottom, then?”
“God, yes, SO much.”
“I could tell.”
“Oh no, I didn’t go too far with you, did I? Did I hurt you?”
“Of course not! I’d have said something if it hurt. No, it felt nice. I came, didn’t I?”
Fiona broke into a grin. “Yes, you did. Several times, in fact.”
“Okay, then. You can play with my bum as much as you like. Do you like when that gets done to you?”
“Oh, absolutely. So, was everything else okay? Were you… satisfied?”
It was so sweet, the way Fiona wanted to be certain she’d made me happy. “I enjoyed every minute of it. Honestly, it was perfect. I even swore, for the first time ever!”
“Oh, yes, that’s right, you did. Well, that’ll be our little secret, and I won’t tell your mum.”
“It’s okay. We talked about it earlier, and she said I can swear. At least, I can when I’m doing sex.”
“Can you, now? Well, she never told me that.”
“Wait – what did Mum tell you?”
“Oh… I might have quizzed her about what you like and don’t like.”
I gave her a pretend scowl. “That’s not fair, you had a cheat sheet!”
“Busted. I suppose you’ll just have to have fun working out for yourself what gets me going.”
“Hmm,” I said, untangling myself from her, “Let me think about this for a second.”
As I said that I knelt up on the bed and turned my back so my bum was by her face. She reached up to touch it, but I batted her hand away. “No touching, you’ll distract me.”
“Ooh, you little tease.”
I giggled. “Guilty as charged.”
I bent forward and rested on my elbows, giving her an even better view of my bum… and placing me within touching distance of her kitty. No, I thought. I’ve got a kitty. Fiona is a grownup, she has a pussy. I ran my fingers through her bright orange pubes and wiggled my bum a bit, just to get her even more worked up.
I could see Fiona’s hand move towards me once more but stop short of actually touching . “No, not yet,” I said, stifling a laugh.
“Humph,” she replied in a comical grunt of displeasure.
I copied what Fiona had done to me earlier and kissed her tummy, slowly moving south. But I didn’t have her patience and found myself touching her pussy right away. She was dripping wet, her pinkish-red lips glistening in the dim light. As much as I enjoyed teasing her with the close-up view of my bum, I needed to be in a better position, so I swivelled round and got down on my belly between her legs.
The feeling was both familiar and strange at the same time. I was well used to seeing my mother like this, stretched out before her, licking my lips at the sight of her pussy. Now, for the first time, I was looking at another woman in the same way.
I found myself enjoying the subtle differences between Mum’s and Fiona’s naughty bits. Fiona’s skin tone was paler and her scent was different, though still very nice. Mum’s pussy had light brown inner labia that I adored nibbling on, while Fiona had plump outer lips with thin pink folds nestled between them, framed by her bright orange curls. And as I found out when I took my first lick, she tasted different, but just as good as Mum.
“Mmmm, that’s lovely, Kimmy,” Fiona said as I put my tongue inside her, swirling it around a bit. I was blissfully happy, enjoying this new and exciting experience.
I took my time with it, exploring her pussy every which way. Sometimes I teased her clit, but mainly I just licked and kissed Fiona’s opening. It was heaven. She was getting wetter and wetter and her body was starting to shiver.
I finally slipped a finger inside her and she cried out, “Yes!” so I allowed another finger to join in.
“Ah… God, yes, Kimmy. Such a good girl. Fuck me, please.”
It was easy to see she’d had enough teasing, so I got down to business and started working my fingers in and out, sucking her clit like it was a tiny nipple. To say this had the desired effect would be a huge understatement. Fiona was huffing and puffing like she’d just run a four-minute mile, thrusting her pussy into my face, twisting her head from side to side and moaning so loudly that whoever was in the bedroom next door must have been able to hear her.
I was having the time of my life. Making my mother come excited me like nothing else, and this was no different. In fact, in some ways, it was even better. A good mum always thinks her kids are wonderful, and she’s always proud of them, no matter what. That’s a big part of what a mother’s love is. But when someone else tells you how beautiful you are or how proud they are of you, it helps you to believe what your mum has been saying all along.
Mum had always said I was a good lover, but part of me wondered if she was just saying that because I was her daughter. Now I was giving genuine pleasure to Fiona, and it validated all of Mum’s praise for me. Wow, I reflected, I really am good at this!
That made me want to go totally wild on Fiona, to show her what I was capable of. While licking her clit, I withdrew from her vagina, then penetrated her with the middle finger of my left hand. I searched for and quickly found that little patch of rough skin inside her, gently tickling it. At the same time, I eased the index finger of my right hand inside her bum.
A hard jolt shook her body. “Oh Jesus Christ, yes, fuck yes… oh m-my God…” Her voice rose to a hoarse cry, and she began to thrash about. For a moment there, I thought she might throw me off the bed!
I loved how Fiona responded when she came. Mum is always very cautious to be as quiet as possible when we have sex, although she was a little more vocal when my sister Hanna was out of the house. On the other hand, Fiona was wild and free and completely unrestrained. It turned me on like you wouldn’t believe, leaving me with a powerful need for another orgasm of my own.
As I released Fiona from my grasp, she gave a high-pitched sigh of relief. “Oh thank God,” she said, gasping for breath as I got up on my knees, “I think m-my heart was about to give out.”
“Well, I need to come again,” I said, lifting her leg onto my shoulder and inching closer to her.
“What are you – oh, please, have mercy on me, child.” Fiona touched the back of her hand to the forehead, pretending to swoon.
Snickering at her comic overacting, I shook my head. “Nope, not yet.”
“I’ve learned a lesson today, missy,” she said. “Be careful what you wish for.”
It might’ve seemed like Fiona wanted me to stop, but her body was telling a very different story. She knew what I wanted, moving down the bed towards me, tilting her bum upwards. I swung my leg over, then let hers slip off my shoulder and scooched down on my side. We slowly drew close together until her pussy was pressing against mine. We were both very juicy and our warm folds met in a deliciously slippery mess. I started moving up and down, trying to find a rhythm as Fiona did the same. But we had a hard time getting the angle right.
“Stay still, okay? Let me do the moving,” I said, the words coming out a little more bossy than I intended.
Luckily, she wasn’t bothered. “Yes, Miss,” she said with a bad-girl grin.
Doing all the work made it a lot better, our pussies mingling in a long, heated kiss. Fiona hadn’t quite come down from her last orgasm, so she quickly worked herself back into a state, moaning and clutching at the sheets with both hands as her climax returned for a second go-round. My gosh, her pussy was so wet when she came! We more or less wrecked the bedding.
I held off as long as I could, but my orgasm soon hit me like a freight train. I clung fast to Fiona’s leg as it howled and roared through me. My hips churned hard and fast, our pussies generating a delicious friction, milking every last drop of that wonderful feeling until I was completely spent.
I used what energy I had left to crawl up the bed and flop down next to Fiona, then snuggle into her, my head on her shoulder and our legs lovingly tangled. I reached for her breast, the one closest to me, and held it to me like some sort of comfort blanket.
Fiona’s lips brushed my cheek. “Rest, sweetheart,” she whispered. The last thing I remember was her throwing the covers over us, then I drifted off to sleep.
On to Chapter Four!