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Grace of the Lady Elgin, Part Three

  • Posted on July 5, 2022 at 3:22 pm

by Karin Halle

The following day was warm and sunny, and after an easy stroll through the woods, the two women and the young girl reached a location that Grace had discovered in the days of the war. It was a rocky clearing at the top of a gentle climb past widely strewn, sheltering boulders. Here they found a compact field of grass, where they would be invisible unless someone had followed in their footsteps and peered down at them from the boulders.

“It’s like … I don’t know,” Alice said in wonder. “And so warm.”

“The stones around us absorb heat,” Susannah lectured. “Undress, Alice.”

Alice looked from Susannah to Grace, finding that both adults were already removing their clothes. Alice had been instructed to wear britches and a blouse, since they would be hiking and climbing. The teachers were similarly clad. Such garb also made undressing easier, Alice discovered, and for a moment, she envied the boys in her class.

In only seconds, all three were naked, basking in the warming rays of the sun, and in their freedom.

Grace took the child by the hand and led her to a large rock with a flat surface, where Susannah was busy spreading a blanket she had brought along in a kitbag. Grace laid Alice on the blanket, which was already growing warm from the rock.

Taking her place at Alice’s side, Grace murmured, “I so wanted to do this yesterday, and it took all my strength to resist. But now, dear Alice, it is our turn to love each other.”

She leaned over the girl and kissed her, softly at first, but with increasing passion. A hand found one of the girl’s small breasts and pressed gently, concentrating on the pebble at its summit. The nipple responded, growing slightly as Grace squeezed.

Alice shot a glance at Susannah, who smiled at her.

She is going to watch, Alice thought. Her heart fluttered. How amazing is this freedom! How wonderful that these two women, neither of them much older than herself, can be so confident in their love for each other that they can sit and watch – not just watch, but enjoy watching – as they make love to a tender young girl!

Alice’s other nipple began to grow even before Grace turned her attention to it – and it grew more rapidly when Grace took hold of it.

Satisfied that Alice’s little breasts were adequately stimulated, Grace ran her hand down her pupils’ torso. In the middle of the most passionate kiss she had ever imagined, Alice managed to gasp. Grace’s hand brushed the red puff of her maiden-hair, which shone bright as a penny in the sunlight, and the girl’s eyes flew open

Grace’s feathery touch was almost as wonderful as Susannah’s. This is unbelievable, Alice thought, yet it is truly happening.

When at last Grace penetrated her with two fingers, Alice was transported.

Miss Grace, she quickly discovered, had a style of her own when it came to pleasuring women. While Susannah had started gently and continued thus, Grace preferred a firmer, almost manly course. Soon her thrusts grew powerful, awakening Alice to another new experience. If asked, she would have preferred Susannah’s technique, perhaps because of her deep love for the younger teacher, but the urgency of Grace’s fingers, she found, provided delights of its own.

It was rare in the days that followed that Alice made love with Grace alone. But when she did so … she could not deny the power of Grace’s touch. With those strong fingers pumping her, Alice climaxed more quickly than she did when Susannah fucked her so lovingly. Their differing styles made for variety, although Alice could never understand how Susannah, so delicate and gentle, could truly enjoy being fucked roughly.

When Alice began to climax, Susannah hurried over and gently teased the girl’s nipples, kissing her and whispering loving and naughty words into her ears.

After, Alice lay in her bliss, gazing up at the clear, bright sky. Turning her head to one side, she saw trees that were still green and lush. Turning the other way, she looked into the captivating face of her darling Susannah – and, when her eyes went lower, the equal perfection of Susannah’s naked body.

Grace finished licking the nectar from between Alice’s thighs and then lay beside her to share what she held in her mouth. So exquisitely sinful, Alice thought, to taste myself on Miss Grace’s lips. 

With their open mouths crushed together, Alice hugged Grace to her. She ran her hand down Grace’s back, but immediately broke the kiss and sat up.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Grace asked urgently.

“Your … your back!” Alice stammered. “What is that?’

Smiling in understanding, Grace rose and turned her back toward the little girl.

“Oh my sweet Lord Jesus!” Alice gasped.

Grace’s back was covered by an irregular pattern of scars – some were raised, like cords, while others were merely discolourations of the flesh. Alice reached out and placed her fingers – just the very tips – on Grace’s back. She was aghast at what she felt.

“Have you been … beaten?” she whispered.

“No, sweet child. When I arrived here, it was from a wrecked ship, and I was thrown upon the rocks, which gashed my back.”

“Oh, Grace, that’s so awful.” Alice, almost in tears, blinked her eyes.

“I think you’re wrong about that,” Grace said. “They are a reminder of my salvation, for which I constantly thank God and my beloved Susannah. She kisses them, you know, because she too gives thanks that the Almighty saw fit to bring me here, and in that way brought us together. I think of them more as birthmarks than scars.”

Grace put an arm around the girl’s shoulders. “And I’ll tell you something else – something that Susannah likes to sometimes do. I lie on my front and she straddles my back, so that her private place touches the scars. She will then rub herself against them, rolling forward and back. When her honey begins to drip onto my back, I slip my hand to my core … with a little judgment, we can time our releases to occur together.”

Alice shook her head, almost in disbelief.

“You are so … accepting.”

“They are a reminder that we need always to be thankful for the good things that happen to us, and to overlook the bad things. And I have much to be thankful for … and that includes the opportunity to make love with you, a sweet little girl!”

She kissed Alice on the tip of the nose.

Shaking her head, Alice said, “But how do you know about these things, Miss Grace? I mean, about loving women.”

“My sister taught me.”

Incredulous, all three gaped.

“You have a sister! What is her name?” Susannah asked breathlessly.

Grace opened her mouth to answer, before she realized she remembered nothing more.

“Was she aboard the vessel with you?” Alice queried.

Grace looked blank, then her eyes filled with tears.

“Oh, poor Grace!” Alice exclaimed.

“Just then, only for a moment,” Grace choked, “I saw a face, but before I could see it properly, it faded away. Just like a dream … gone.”

The tears ran from three pairs of eyes. The day of freedom in the woods was over.


When Alice’s mother died the following spring of a fever Doctor FitzHerbert could neither treat nor diagnose, the child was left an orphan, but Susannah and Grace came to her salvation. They gave her the room in Susannah’s house that had once belonged to Susannah and her brother, and then to Susannah and Grace.

Alice sold most of the few possessions from her mother’s house and moved in with the teachers. She offered them the few dollars that she had raised, along with some $22 that represented her mother’s life savings.

“I can never adequately repay you,” she told them.

“Repayment is not required,” Susannah explained. “We are content as we are, with our life together. Your presence in our home will be an addition to our contentment.”

Alice’s presence also brought more than contentment – the three often shared the large bed, although each periodically slept in the smaller bed to allow the others to enjoy time together alone.

In 1868, Alice turned sixteen and “graduated” from Port Clinton Academy, as Susannah and Grace called their little school.

Not long after that a letter arrived, addressed to “Miss Susannah Croft and Miss Grace Elgin, Port Clinton Academy, Port Clinton, Illinois.”

The letter stated that it was from the “Townsfolk of Highwood” and explained that a teacher was required by the local school to replace one who had married and left the town. Before leaving, the bride had recommended that the town contact Susannah and Grace and offer the position to one or the other.

In a joint reply, Susannah and Grace declined the invitation with great thanks, and suggested Alice Finucane as an alternative.

“Alice has recently graduated from our school and, though she is young, she has many fine qualities to commend her. She has some experience already as a teacher, having led our more junior pupils in their lessons. She is both knowledgeable and wise, both patient and demanding, and possesses the gift of inspiring children to learn.”

A mere nine days later, a letter arrived addressed to “Miss Alice Finucane, Port Clinton Academy.” The letter contained an offer of the job and a small amount of money to cover relocation costs.

Alice was thrilled, if somewhat apprehensive about assuming such responsibility at her age. But of even greater concern was the prospect of leaving Susannah and Grace.

Susannah, naked as was her habit when inside her home, sat Alice, also naked, down on her lap.

“You know, my sweet, that despite being only seven years older than you, I think of you as my daughter.”

Alice happily fondled Susannah’s breasts as she listened.

“And the fondest wish of any mother is to see her child develop to her full potential, to know what she wants from life and to set about achieving it. And to appreciate her life, whatever it might be.”

Grace, who was also naked, added, “I am content with my life, and I think I can say the same for Susannah. But you must find your own place … perhaps in time you will return here, although there is no future in Port Clinton. This town is dying.”

“Perhaps you will visit us,” Susannah said dreamily. “There will always be a bed here for you, or a place with us in our bed.”

“You might even bring a husband and children,” Grace speculated, then added with a wicked grin, “or maybe you might bring with you a wife. We could always make room in our bed for you and her.”

Reluctantly, Alice took her leave the following day. Her departure was just as sad for Susannah and Grace, and they comforted each other long into the night. Alice’s absence left a void in their little home, which became a source of sadness for both young women.

Creative and devious as always, Grace hit upon a solution after a few weeks.

“Gwendolyn Hughes,” she suggested.

“What about her?” Susannah asked. Gwendolyn was a pupil in their school, aged twelve.

“Do you know that she walks for an hour and a half each day to reach school, and obviously for another hour and a half to go home each night?”

Aware of that fact, Susannah said, “So?”

“We should suggest to her parents that Gwendolyn might live with us during the week. I’m sure that her parents would approve – they have six other children, and such an arrangement would allow young Gwen a lot of additional time for her lessons.”

“I know what lessons you have in mind for her, you scheming woman!” Susannah said.

Their invitation to Gwendolyn was issued the next day, and was accepted promptly and gratefully by both the eager young girl and her unsuspecting parents.


In time, it became obvious that Port Clinton was, as Grace had foreseen, dying.

Eventually, Susannah and Grace faced the inevitable. They closed the Port Clinton Academy and relocated to Highland Park, where they re-established their school as the Elgin Academy for Young Women.

By then their enterprise had been successful for many years. Susannah and Grace were never wealthy but they enjoyed their life together, and the satisfaction of training young women to be their best selves.

When the increasingly strict supervision of schools became too burdensome, they closed the school in 1902, at which point they vanish from the historical record. Nothing is known of their final years.

But their legacy lived on in the many young women they taught to find independence and contentment in one another’s arms, and who passed the lesson on to those who followed.

The End


The Latchmore Fairies, Chapter 3

  • Posted on June 30, 2022 at 4:13 pm

A brief recap: Single mother and secret lesbian Amanda receives wonderful news from Caroline, the dance instructor for her eleven-year-old daughter Katie. She informs Amanda that Katie is being considered as a fairy for Latchmore House, a magical kingdom of sorts for young girls.  Amanda gets more good news the following day, when Caroline asks her on a date. That evening, Amanda finally comes out to her daughter, only to be surprised (and secretly thrilled) when Katie admits that she likes girls herself. Later that night, Amanda masturbates to thoughts of Katie. The following day, mother and daughter go shopping for something sexy for Amanda to wear on her date, and encounter a cute Victoria’s Secret salesgirl named Jordan who flirts with them both. Got that? Now read on…


by C. Cat

Amanda came home from work early on Friday, leaving plenty of time to get ready for her dinner date with Caroline. Her daughter Katie was spending the night with a friend, so Amanda had the house to herself.

She took a shower and, after toweling off, paused to study her nude body in the mirror, pleased with what she saw. Caroline may be more fit, she thought, but I’ve still got what it takes to turn a woman’s head.

Turning around slowly, Amanda peered over her shoulder. Her ass was somewhat less tight as it had been in college, but weekly gym visits kept her legs toned, and so far there wasn’t a trace of cellulite. She had a nice trim waist and flat tummy that made her breasts seem larger than they were. Okay, she wasn’t as generously endowed as Jordan, the Victoria’s Secret salesgirl she’d met the day before, but Amanda was satisfied enough with what she had.

Jordan... Amanda’s thoughts drifted to the teenager from the mall, to her tight body and ample tits. Wouldn’t it be fun to invite her to a sleepover? she mused. Katie thought she was hot, too. Okay, that’s something I may have to get used to – me and my daughter wanting for the same woman… or girl. Remembering the fantasy she’d had about teaming up with her little girl to fuck Jordan, she felt a twinge of arousal.

Climbing onto her bed, Amanda stretched out, slipping a hand between her legs to spread her cunt open. Touching herself, she pictured her daughter and the salesgirl, naked and sharing sweet kisses. What if I asked Jordan to babysit one night? she thought.

Just before leaving, she could ask Jordan to give Katie a bath, to make sure her little girl was squeaky clean before putting her to bed. Jordan would want to do a very thorough job, and Katie would be sure to help.

After undressing Katie and putting her in the tub, Jordan wouldn’t want to get her top wet while washing the girl, so that would have to come off. At that point, didn’t it make sense for her to undress and get in the bath with Katie?

Soon then the two girls would be lathering each other. Jordan would take extra care to soap Katie’s budding tits before gently rinsing them clean, then working her way lower. Surely she wouldn’t want to use a rough washcloth on the girl’s delicate nether parts, so she would deploy her fingers instead.

Before very long, Katie would be close to coming, but Jordan wouldn’t let things move too fast. Instead, she’d withdraw her hand with a special smile, telling Katie, Don’t worry, love… we’re nowhere near done having a good time, then shower the sweet eleven-year-old off before carefully toweling her dry.

Back in the bedroom, Katie would jump under the covers without bothering with pyjamas, then ask Jordan for a kiss… a request the luscious teen would be only too happy to honour. The kiss would begin innocently, but both girls already knew they wanted more, much more. Soon it would become more passionate, and their tongues would meet and spar playfully as they began to caress and explore each others’ bodies.

Katie wouldn’t be able to resist the opportunity to fondle Jordan’s tits, and the teen would let the younger girl do as she liked. Maybe she would even straddle Katie and bring those full, creamy breasts to her daughter’s mouth, offering her a taut nipple. By then, Katie’s slit would surely be wet, and her excitement so intense that she’d have to caress herself, – toying with her clit, steadily getting closer and closer to an orgasm.

Of course, Jordan wouldn’t let her new lover come without being a part of it; she would lower her lips to Katie’s pussy and lick her tiny clit until the younger girl cried out, overwhelmed by ecstasy.

As her own climax approached, Amanda pictured her preteen daughter, naked, thighs spread wide, on the verge of coming in the face of an older girl… and a rush of warmth surged through her body. At first she tried to dismiss it as just part of her wicked fantasy, but couldn’t deny the truth. She wanted Katie too.

I suppose it had to happen, she reflected. I’ve lusted after young girls ever since I was old enough to feel desire. How can I resist someone as luscious as Katie, even if she is my own child?

Amanda drifted easily into the fantasy: slowly drawing closer to her daughter’s glistening slit, lips parting for an intimate mother’s kiss. She thought how soft those tender petals must feel as she slipped her tongue between them, letting the rich flavour of cunt fill her mouth. I want to look up and see the desire in Katie’s eyes, hear my baby girl whisper, “I love you, Mummy,” when my tongue grazes her clit…

With that image fixed in her mind, Amanda began to shake with the tremors of a powerful orgasm. She couldn’t help but cry out, “Ohhh… Katie!” as the wave came crashing down, then tugged her this way and that..

Dazed and exhausted, her body glowing as if she’d drunk liquid sunshine, Amanda wondered if it was possible that Katie shared these same forbidden desires. Could she want me too? Is my baby girl dreaming of sweet, sexy games with Mummy? One way or another, she had to find out.

She was still thinking of Katie as she slipped on the bra and panties her daughter and Jordan had selected on her visit to Victoria’s Secret. Admiring herself in the mirror, she had to admit that they’d made a good choice. It was provocative without being cheap or slutty, and the bikini-style panties complimented the curves of her hips and her ass perfectly. The dress was a nice choice, too. It had been a bit more expensive than what she usually bought, but hugged her body in an absolutely sinful way.

It’s kind of amazing that my own eleven-year-old could pick out something this perfect, Amanda thought, idly cupping her breasts. She didn’t just choose something cute or trendy, the way most girls her age would’ve done. This outfit makes me look downright desirable… sexy, even. That didn’t seem like an accident — Katie must have been paying closer attention to her body than she ever noticed.

That wasn’t the only hint that Katie was thinking about her mother in a sexual way. Amanda had planned on hiring a sitter for the night, but then Katie’s friend Becca suddenly invited her to spend the night. Which meant that Amanda had no need to come home early — or, indeed, come home at all — from her date with Caroline.

Katie must really be counting on me getting into some hot sex action with her teacher, Amanda decided. I wonder if that idea excites her? 

Once again, her wicked imagination flashed on a thrilling image: a nude Katie rubbing her slit, lost in a vision of Mummy and Miss Scott fucking.

Without noticing at first, Amanda pressed a hand against the rise of her vulva. Catching herself, she made a face. Save that sex energy for your date, girl. Shaking her head to clear it, she took a seat at her vanity to apply a few light touches of makeup, added a hint of scent behind each ear, then went downstairs to wait for Caroline.

At two minutes before 5:00 PM, the doorbell rang. Taking a deep breath, Amanda rose to answer.

Caroline was looking absolutely radiant, her hair loose and flowing down to her shoulders. She wore a black leather a-line skirt, ankle boots, and a low cut blue knit top that looked soft enough to be cashmere. It was also obvious from the outline of her nipples through the material that she’d decided to go braless. It was an amazingly sexy combination, a far cry from the tights Amanda was used to seeing Caroline wear.

“You look marvellous,” Caroline said as she eyed Amanda, looking her up and down.

“Thanks, but the credit goes to Katie for picking out the dress,” Amanda said before adding with a laugh, “She said I was absolutely prohibited from wearing my ‘mom clothes’ on a date.” Pausing to check out Caroline again, she added, “I like her taste, but I’ll never look as gorgeous as you do.”

“Don’t be silly – you’re beautiful,” Caroline said as she gave her a hug and a soft but sweet kiss. They exchanged shy smiles, then Amanda picked up her purse and keys before the two women made their exit, arm in arm.

Once they arrived at the restaurant, Amanda felt a sudden pang of nerves. As much as she’d accepted her identity as a lesbian, a lifetime of concealing her sexuality had lingering effects. As they advanced toward the door she almost panicked, thinking about the heads turning and the hushed whispers directed at her.

Detecting her tension, Caroline gave Amanda’s hand a firm squeeze. “Don’t worry,” she said, “Just walk in with your head held high. I’m proud to have you as my date.”

Amanda was still a bit uncomfortable as they made their way inside, but she felt increasingly excited too. By putting herself in Caroline’s hands, her submissive side experienced that sweet rush that came when she yielded her control to another. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen that evening, but trusted Caroline to take care of her.

As it so often happens, her worries were much worse than the reality. A few heads turned as they were shown to their table, but as far as Amanda could tell most of the looks were of approval, perhaps even envy.

The restaurant was every bit as appealing as she’d heard. It occupied the first floor of a Victorian mansion, the upper floors of which had been converted into a bed and breakfast. As a result, the floor plan was broken up into cosy little rooms rather than one big open space and, by arriving early, they had a room all to themselves.

When the server came to take their drink order, Amanda caught a little sparkle in the woman’s eye when she understood that the two women were more than just friends. She wasn’t sure, but thought Caroline even gave a little wink when she ordered a bottle of Chianti for her and “my date.” That intrigued the server at the very least, and the service was the most attentive she’d ever had.

Once their drinks were served, Caroline leaned in and asked, “So, I take it Katie is happy with the idea of us dating?”

“Yes, ecstatic. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. Funny, but our conversation about it was a lot harder for me than for her…”

Caroline nodded as Amanda continued. “I know Katie likes you, and she’s always been very open minded… I didn’t think she would get upset when I told her I was gay. Sure enough, it didn’t faze her at all — she had a lot of questions, though!”

“She’s such a smart girl… I’d be surprised if she didn’t ask a lot of questions.”

“Katie always was a curious child. She asked me about when I first realised I liked girls, and how I knew it wasn’t just a phase… Of course she asked about me and her dad too. It gave me the chance to open up to her about some very personal things. It felt so good to be able to share with her.”

“That’s wonderful. I’ve no doubt that it brought you two even closer.”

“Oh, it did, even more than I even expected. When I told her about always knowing I was a lesbian, but being too scared to admit it, Katie ended up coming out to me!”

Caroline’s eyes widened in apparent surprise. “Katie is gay?” I knew it! she told herself.

“Well, she admitted to ‘liking girls,’ Amanda replied with a shrug. “I don’t think she’s done anything with another girl, not yet.” She laughed. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a crush on her friend Becca – you know, the cute little redhead from your class…”

“The one with the two mums,” Caroline finished. “And you’re right – that one is adorable!” She reached out to take Amanda’s hand. “So, tell me… how do you feel about your daughter being a lesbian?”

Very, very aroused, Amanda thought, but instead she said, “Oh, I’m happy about it. Katie’s at the age where I expected to start worrying about boys. If being gay spares her from getting involved with the sort of spotty gits that I had to contend with…” She shuddered. “Frankly, I think she’s lucky.”

“I do, too,” said Caroline, “Know why? ‘Cos she’s got an incredible mum.”

Caroline’s beaming smile showed how delighted she was. As a girl, she’d struggled with the pain of her own mother refusing to accept her. Knowing Katie could come out and be loved filled her with joy.

Their conversation continued on that happy note, then flowed from topic to topic as they learned more about each other. They both felt a steadily growing sexual urge, but it wasn’t something either of them felt the need to talk about, not just yet.

Amanda didn’t know if all lesbian dates were like this, but she liked it quite a lot. The men she’d dated seemed to treat going to dinner as a box they had to check off to get her into bed. With Caroline, it felt very different… more like foreplay. They both knew they would end up making love that evening, but neither of them felt the need to rush. Instead they were spending quality time together, letting the energy between them grow — knowing that when it did happen, the sex would be all the better for it.

As they finished their desserts and drank the last of their wine, the cute young server brought the check directly to Caroline. Amanda reached for her purse, but Caroline would have none of it. “I asked you out, so this is my treat. If you want to pay for dinner, ask me out sometime.”

“How about breakfast tomorrow morning?” Amanda murmured, giving her companion a knowing smile.


Caroline lived in a townhouse on a tree-lined street in an older, gentrified part of town. It looked expensive without being flashy, filled with comfortable but high-quality furniture and an impressive collection of original art. What stood out the most was a number of framed photographs of gorgeous young ballerinas — some in performance costumes, some in tights and leotards. While it would be easy to dismiss these as innocent mementos of former students, Amanda noticed that these images were all unmistakably sexy.

She was instantly drawn to one picture in particular. An adorable young girl, maybe nine or ten, in a pink leotard without tights was sitting cross-legged in the studio. The girl was positioned so the fabric of her outfit hugged her mound, creating a visible camel toe. Thrilling as that was, what really captured Amanda’s heart was the expression on the girl’s face. She had an eager sparkle in her eyes, as if waiting for a very special treat.

“I love that photo,” Caroline said as she embraced Amanda from behind. “Beautiful, isn’t she?”

“Yes, very.” Amanda began – then paused, not sure how else to respond.

“It’s more than that, isn’t it?” Caroline whispered, “She’s incredibly sexy… and she knows it, too.”

As Caroline spoke, she allowed her hands to slip down over Amanda’s hips until they rested on her bare legs. “You know, sometimes I think about her when I’m touching myself. Wouldn’t you just love to hold her in your arms? To kiss that pretty little mouth?”

Amanda knew that she ought to deny her true feelings, but found herself unable to lie to Caroline. “Yes… she whispered. “Yes, I would.” The words slipped out, astonishing her as she spoke them. Yet somehow, it felt right to speak honestly to this woman. She’d always been terrified of what people would think if they knew of her sexual attraction to young girls, but with Caroline she felt safe.

Amanda turned around in Caroline’s arms, their mouths meeting in a kiss that quickly grew hot and hungry. She shared passionate kisses before, but never like this. It was both tender and fierce, their tongues flickering like twin flames. As they embraced, the energy between them seemed to flow back and forth like a conversation expressing their desire.

As they kissed, Amanda felt Caroline’s hands slip around to cup her ass, then pull her closer until they were grinding their cunts through layers of clothing. Amanda was desperate to be naked with her new lover, and she moaned into their kiss when she felt Caroline slowly unzipping her dress. She let the silky fabric slip from her shoulders and fall to the floor, leaving her in that lacy black bra and panties.

Caroline stood back, licking her lips as she took in the sight of Amanda’s body. “You’re absolutely delicious, It’s a shame we didn’t do this sooner.” Taking Amanda by the hand, she led her to the bedroom.

Once there, they paused to slip out of their shoes, then drifted together, their mouths meeting again. This time, Caroline deftly unhooked Amanda’s bra and let it fall to the carpet. As they continued to kiss, Amanda felt her own taut nipples rubbing against Caroline’s cashmere top, building an almost electric sensation that buzzed and throbbed through her body. Sometime during the kiss she also felt her panties sliding down. These fell to encircle Amanda’s ankles, leaving her naked.

Now it was Amanda’s turn to undress Caroline. With fingers made clumsy by desire, she found the clasp of that little skirt and unhooked it, watching the garment unwrap from Caroline’s body as it dropped to the floor. Expecting to see a pair of sexy knickers, she felt a sudden jolt of excitement at the sight of her lover’s shaved vulva.

It was too much for Amanda to take – her lust raged and snarled inside like a caged beast. All but shoving Caroline back onto the bed, she pushed the cashmere top up to reveal her partner’s breasts, licking her lips as she imagined how it would feel to suck those swollen nipples.

Caroline’s taut dancer’s body was spread out and open, her big dark eyes making it more than clear that she was ready to be taken. Amanda suddenly thought of the little ballerina in the picture. When that shot was taken, was there some woman close by, prepared to make love to that little girl, just as she intended to do with Caroline? I certainly hope so, she thought.

Amanda knelt between those parted legs, letting her hands glide up and down them before leaning in to kiss Caroline’s left thigh. Delighted by its softness, she began to nuzzle a path upwards, gradually heading for the treasure nestled in between.

As lovely as those legs were, the years of dancing had left every muscle toned and well-defined. Amanda longed to feel those legs wrapped around her, to feel them squeeze her head.

Now her lips were an inch or two from Caroline’s sex. She paused for a moment to appreciate its delicate, yet earthy scent. Her daughter’s teacher had an absolutely gorgeous cunt, a pink-hued flower that made Amanda’s mouth water.

Oh, yes, she thought, it’s been much too long. And I had no idea how badly I needed this. Not until now.

As she eased Caroline’s legs further apart, the slit opened slightly to reveal juicy pink flesh inside, dripping honey. Leaning in, she extended her tongue to taste.

Caroline shivered, letting out an explosive gasp as Amanda’s tongue slipped between her lips and gently probed her vagina – exploring the soft folds, working down to her womanly core.

“Yes!” Caroline cried. “Do it! Fuck me with your tongue!”

Amanda drew out the teasing a little while longer as she licked around the opening, then plunged her tongue inside again. As she began to thrust in and out, her thumb found Caroline’s clit, which she stroked in tiny circular motions.

By then, Caroline was writhing in ecstasy, but Amanda wasn’t done. With her free hand, she reached lower to cup her partner’s arse, then probed between the cheeks to find the taut rosebud before slowly pressing a finger inside.

“Yes! Fuck! Oh, yes!” Caroline ranted, her body arching up from the bed. She was trembling on the cusp of  release.

Amanda soon had one finger working in and out of Caroline’s ass like a piston while the other hand worked its magic on her clit. All the while, she continued to pleasure the woman’s sex with long, deep licks.

Finally, with one deep guttural moan, Caroline began to convulse as the wave of a powerful orgasm crashed over her. Even as she tossed and turned in ecstasy, Amanda kept pleasuring her, sucking Caroline’s clit between her lips and assaulting it with her tongue. Before the first orgasm had even run its course, a second one had begun.

This time Caroline didn’t even have the strength to moan and just lay there shaking helplessly as the wave continued, then finally receded. When her eyes fluttered open, Amanda was gently licking her clean.

“Now it’s your turn,” Caroline said, raising herself up on both elbows. “Sit on my face. I want to taste you.”

Saying farewell to her new lover’s pussy with a kiss, Amanda moved to straddle Caroline, then lowered herself to the dancer’s open mouth.

It felt divine. Amanda had to lean forward and grip the headboard for support as Caroline worked her tongue in and out, gulping down her honey, then she began to lick Amanda’s vaginal opening, giving her clitoris a tiny flick of the tongue with each stroke.

Finally, Caroline centred her attention on the clit, and a choked cry escaped Amanda’s throat. It felt like a band of warmth coiled around her clit that alternated between suction and pressure. Then that awesome feeling was compounded when she felt one finger slide up into her vaginal core, while another pushed past the sphincter and deep into her rectum.

Amanda could barely discern one sensation from another as Caroline’s fingers and tongue worked to make her giddy with pleasure. She sensed her orgasm in the distance, welcomed its approach.

Then suddenly, Caroline pulled away, wriggling out from beneath Amanda and onto her knees. “Let’s rub pussies!” she panted. “I want to fuck you, lover.”

Amanda was somewhat dazed, but allowed Caroline to shift her about until she was lying on the bed, her thighs forked apart. Caroline quickly arranged herself until their cunts were kissing, then reached down to grasp Amanda’s bum, drawing her in. They both shivered at how lovely it felt, then began to move against one another in a slow rhythm that soon began to speed up.

Amanda was in ecstasy, torn between wanting the feeling to last forever and desperate for relief while Caroline kept grinding harder and faster.

Soon she heard Caroline gasp, then that trailed off into a long, low moan. As Amanda was riding on the very edge, she realised that her lover was getting close herself. I just need to hold on a moment longer… just a few more seconds… oh God, oh God, I can’t–

The shuddering jolt of orgasm hit her just an instant before Caroline let out her own choked cry of release. They remained locked together, joined in ecstasy, thrashing about on the bed until Amanda’s strength gave out and she went limp, barely conscious of Caroline collapsing next to her before she passed out.


Amanda awakened in Caroline’s arms, surprised to see the light of morning through the blinds.

Rather than stir, she took a moment to savour the sensual caress of another woman’s soft skin against her own. How could I have gone so long without this? she asked herself. Recalling the pleasures they had shared the night before, she felt a familiar tingle begin in her centre. Growing increasingly aroused, but not wanting to wake her new lover, she began to fondle her slit.

Sensing motion beside her, Caroline slowly drifted into consciousness. “G’morning, love,” she said, then lightly nibbled Amanda’s earlobe. Her hands were already busy, caressing wherever she could reach.

“Mmmm…” was all Amanda could say as she continued to masturbate..

By comparison to the night before, her orgasm was almost gentle, but making herself come in Caroline’s arms make it extra special.

They drifted together in a tender kiss, then Caroline said, “Don’t know about you, but I’m dying for a hot shower. Care to join me?”

“Lead the way,” Amanda replied with a grin.

After a delightful romp in the shower and another orgasm apiece, the two lovers took turns towelling each other off. Dropping the towel and padding back to the bedroom, Caroline opened her armoire and selected a little silk romper. Handing it to Amanda, she said, “I think this should fit,” then picked out another for herself.

It was a little short and her larger breasts pressed against the thin fabric to reveal the clear outline of her nipples, but Amanda certainly didn’t mind.

Before long, the two were nestled together in a love seat, relaxed and drinking coffee. Feeling happy and content, Amanda’s thoughts drifted to other matters.

“I was wondering,” she said, “Will Katie coming out as gay be a problem with the Latchmore Fairies?”

Caroline took her by the hand. “It won’t be a problem at all. In fact, you could say it’s ideal.”

“What? Really?”

“Yes. It’s not something the outside world has ever heard about, though. You see, Anna and Charlotte Latchmore knew — from first-hand experience, actually — the challenges girls like Katie would face. You could say that the idea of the Fairies was conceived with girls like your daughter in mind.”

“So…” Amanda paused to collect her thoughts. “When you recommended my daughter for the Latchmore scholarship… you knew she was a lesbian?”

“I strongly suspected it, but didn’t know for sure.” Caroline smiled. “I’m seldom wrong, though.”

In retrospect, Amanda had seen the signs herself, but hasn’t recognised them for what they were. When her daughter’s friends mooned over boys, Katie always seemed indifferent at best. On the other hand, she’d formed attachments to other girls that were surprisingly intense… and after seeing a couple of the Harry Potter films, Katie had developed a genuine obsession with Emma Watson, plastering the walls of her bedroom with as many images of the girl as she could find.

It was no surprise, Amanda decided, that someone who worked with as many youngsters as Caroline would be quick to notice that Katie’s interest in other girls ran deeper than it seemed. Moreover, this revelation shed some light on her own memories of Latchmore House.

Caroline must have noticed something in Amanda’s eyes. “Maybe I should have said something to you sooner. I hope it’s okay that I didn’t…?”

Amanda shook her head. “No, I understand. I might not have been ready to accept it if you’d told me this a week ago. Anyway, it’s not that… Listen, what you just said got me thinking. You know, I had my very first sexual experience at Latchmore.”

Caroline’s eyes widened. “Really? Will you tell me about it?”

So Amanda shared the story of how the fairy named Emily masturbated for her that day in the gardens, then offered her the first taste of a girl’s ambrosia. She spoke of that same evening, of how she followed Emily’s instructions to bring herself to orgasm. However, Amanda chose to leave out the part where Aunt Eileen caught her masturbating, then made love to her. Some other time, she decided.

All the while, Caroline listened with rapt attention. “Wow,” she said, “I wish I’d been there to see that! Honestly, I mightn’t have been all that far away when it happened. If it’s the same Emily I’m thinking of, she was just a couple years ahead of me.” With a knowing grin, Caroline added, “She was an amazing lover, by the way.”

“I… I wondered if you might know her,” Amanda murmured, feeling a sharp jolt of arousal. “It also made me think about what you said about Katie… Does that sort of thing happen a lot at Latchmore, then? Um, girls being with other girls?”

Caroline paused, thinking for a moment before she spoke. “Well, you’ll get all the details before Katie joins, but I think there are some things I can share.

“Anna and Charlotte had some specific ideas about how to help girls — and the fairies in particular — so they became strong, confident, and independent women. If you think about it, almost all the rules that society has to keep women in ‘their place’ are about sex and morality. Let’s just say that the fairies are encouraged to break a lot of those rules, as long as it’s safe and consensual.”

Amanda certainly couldn’t argue with that. After all, she herself had ended up in an unhappy marriage by blindly following society’s rules, and wanted something better for Katie. Could Latchmore House hold the key to that brighter life?

Still, she had lingering concerns. “So, if Katie joins… will she have to…?”

Caroline was already shaking her head. “No, no. Your daughter won’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to — no one will pressure her there. But there’s no point being in denial, either. Katie is a curious girl who is just learning about her sexuality, and she’s surely hungering to know more. No one is going to stop her from experimenting, so all you can do is make sure she’s safe and loved. Latchmore House will give her that.”

Amanda nodded, thinking about the fairies… but also about the way her own love for Katie was growing and changing.

On to Chapter Four!


The Beekeeper’s Daughters, Chapter 10

  • Posted on June 23, 2022 at 2:40 pm

 For a brief summary of this story’s plot, please consult Chapter Links.

by BlueJean

A little human hand upon an ancient tree.

A ripple in the water.

A catalyst. A machine in motion.

I summon the child to the Midnight Garden. To take measure of her. To warn her of the darkness ahead.

She sits amongst the emerald grass and watches the bees with great delight.

Aren’t they pretty?

“Yes, but real bees aren’t blue, and they’re definitely not that big. These ones are like… as big as tennis balls!”

Why do you say they are not real?

“Because… because they’re just dream bees, aren’t they? This is a dream, isn’t it?”

This realm is no less real than the place you call home, little one.

Child… come to the tree…

“Are you a Dryad?”

I am.

“My name’s Millie. What’s yours?”

I am Astris.

“I’m seven. How old are you?”

I am… very old.

“Why are you green, Astris?”

Why are you pink?

“I’m not really pink.”

Then I am not really green.

“Is the other lady a Dryad too?”

Come to the tree… I have so much love for you…

Do not heed the shadow, Millie. Your place is with your mother and your sister.

“But it sounds quite nice, living in a tree.”

Do you feel your wolf’s heartbeat against your chest?

“You mean Bee? It makes me feel safe when she cuddles up to me in bed. Like… like before I was born.”

It is Life you feel – the rhythm of all things living. Embrace it, allow its current to take you where it will. There is nothing for you in the shadows.

“Do you know Mr. Dalliard?”

Young Raymond? I know him well.

“Do you know how old he is? ‘Cause he told me to ask you.”

I will love you forever… Come to the tree…

Do you see the white deer over there, Millie?


She is my friend. Come and greet her.

“Wooow! She’s so soft!”

Place your head against hers. Touch her mind, as she touches yours. She cares not for tomorrow. Just today. Just for the moment. Do you feel it? Do you understand?

“So soft… I love her…”

Come to me, child…

Beware the darkness, Millie Newton. I am too weak to help you further.

Come to the tree…

Is the child a wolf or a deer, I wonder? Time will tell.

Perhaps this is the way of things. A chain of events that cannot be stopped. A larger picture that has yet to reveal itself.

Come to the tree

Come to the tree

Come to the tree






The storm arrived in the early hours of the morning – Eighty mile an hour winds, thunder, lightning, torrential rain.

The treehouse was one of the first casualties, its wooden planks ripped apart and scattered across the garden. Fences came down too, and the flimsy corrugated plastic roof atop the shed hadn’t stood a chance.

But it was the bees I was mostly concerned for. The high winds buffeted me around as I did my best to secure the hives with straps and emlocks, my beekeeping suit providing little protection against the stinging rain. I wondered why I’d even bothered putting it on – the bees were unlikely to emerge in weather like this.

I hoped the colonies would be spared. The fruit trees would give them some shelter against the storm, true, but I expected at least a few casualties.

When the hives were battened down as well as could be expected, I closed the orchard gate and hastened back to the cottage.

Freya met me at the back door. “Will they be okay?”

I unzipped my veil and pulled it off. “Yeah, I think so. They’ve weathered a few storms before.” Taking my suit, I hung in on the hook behind the door.

It was getting near dinner time but I was in no mood for cooking, so I heated up some tins of soup. God, I missed the days when I could just order a takeaway, but living way out in the sticks has its downsides.

Freya cut, then buttered slices from a fresh loaf of bread for us.

“Call your sister down for something to eat,” I said to her.

Millie had been in her room with Bee most of the day. Ever since Mr. Dalliard had passed away, she had been distant and withdrawn. I’d hoped attending his funeral would help her to come to terms with her grief, but something wasn’t right.

It was my fault.

She had reacted badly to her friend’s death and what had I done? Smacked her for it. I’d never done that before; never would again. I hated myself for it. I wouldn’t blame her if she hated me for it too.

Freya came running into the kitchen in tears. “M-Mum! We have to go! NOW!”

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“Millie’s gone to the big tree!”

“The oak? Why?”

She handed me a note. It was Millie’s handwriting, written in yellow crayon.

dear mummy and freya
gone to live in the big tree with the dryads
thank you for having me
love from millie

“What’s this? Why would she go out playing in the middle of a storm?” I said.

Freya grabbed hold of my arm. “No, you don’t understand! She’s in big trouble, Mum!”

I took hold of her shoulders. “Hey, calm down. We’ll go and find her. No need to cry, okay?”

We threw on our boots and raincoats and Freya all but dragged me out the door. We ran through the fields towards the tree, the storm raging all around us. I tried to stop and catch my breath a couple of times, but Freya would have none of it. I couldn’t account for her frantic behaviour.

Until we arrived at the great oak and my sanity deserted me.

Millie thrashed and screamed as thin, spindly roots held her in place against the massive trunk of the old tree. “Mummy!” she wailed as we ran over to her.

“Millie!” Freya sobbed.

“Oh, my God!” I cried, yanking the snaking roots away from her.

Bee was snarling in fury, attacking the vines wrapped around Millie’s legs with frenzied bites. The pup’s wet fur was matted with blood, as if something had lashed out at her, but still she fought on.

Away! a voice seemed to hiss at us, the sound strange and distorted, coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once. I told myself it was just the howling wind.

I felt a sudden sharp lash against my face, the pain hot and stinging. I touched my cheek and my hand came away bloody. Ignoring it as best I could, I laboured to pull the roots away from my little girl. “It’s okay, Millie! Mummy’s here now!” I told her.

“Mummy…” Millie whimpered. “I don’t want to fall asleep. D-don’t let me fall asleep…”

Freya was venting her outrage – perhaps at the tree itself. “Leave my sister alone!”

“Freya! Help me pull these roots away!” I yelled and together we tore the vines away from Millie’s body, only to witness them grow back in mere seconds and wrap themselves around her bedraggled form again.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. “What the hell is happening?!” I shrieked, near hysterical. I redoubled my efforts, tearing at the roots; ripping them away.

Freya yelped as something whipped against her hand, drawing blood.

“Don’t stop, Freya!” I yelled. “Keep pulling!”

She is mine!

Something struck out at me again, whipping against my chest. I gritted my teeth against the pain and focused on freeing Millie. “Fucking Dryad!” I growled through gritted teeth.

“It’s not the Dryad, Mum!” Freya cried. “It’s Isabel!”

I didn’t have the energy to ask who the hell Isabel was.

Somehow we finally managed to clear the roots away faster than they could grow back. I wasted no time in snatching Millie away from the tree before they had a chance to entangle her again.

No! Give her back!

Some great force of energy barreled into me, knocking me backwards. I hit the ground with a thud, Millie clutched tightly to my chest. I wasn’t letting her go. Not ever.

Freya grabbed Bee and stumbled towards me, and together we scrabbled towards the muddy track. I found my feet and pushed myself up. “Run, Freya!” I screamed, thinking we could get away, but the invisible force that harried us slammed into me again, and I went down.

The terrible voice rattled out a command. Give her to me!

My fragile mind could deny it no longer – Something was here with us. Something not human.

“You’re – not – having – her!” I screamed back. I unzipped my long coat and pulled Millie against my breast, zipping it back up around her. Freya sat between my legs, clutching Bee. “You can’t have her,” I quietly sobbed.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Some part of me knew the thing was circling us, a sixth sense awakened by my adrenaline-panicked state. It was looking for a way to get at Millie. “D-do you know what it is, Freya?”

“It’s – it’s Isabel,” she told me in a small voice.

That name again. “Who’s Isabel?”

“She’s Sadie’s, um, what did she call it? Ancestor. Sadie’s been trying to send her away.”

I tried to process that information, but none of it made much sense. “Why does it want Millie?”

“I don’t know. Sadie didn’t tell me that bit.”

I looked down at my youngest daughter, her head poking out of the top of my coat. “Are you okay, baby? Are you hurt?”

Millie shook her head. “Mummy?”

“Yes, sweetie?”

“I’ve changed my mind. I don’t think I want to live in the big tree after all,” she told me weakly.

I kissed the top of her head. “Freya?”


“Pick Bee up. We’re gonna make a run for it again, okay?”

“Okay,” Freya said and hoisted the puppy up in her arms.

I got my feet underneath me. “On three.”

I put myself in a squat, ready to leap into action. “One.”

Gripping Millie’s bum, I lifted her up. “Two.”

“Three!” I sprung up and bolted away.

I felt something crack against my face, almost knocking me unconscious. I fell back down to the muddy ground with a grunt.

Freya scrambled towards me and pushed herself against my body, her eyes wide with fear. “Leave us alone!” she screamed.

It wasn’t going to let us go.

Would it kill us? Could it kill us? I didn’t even know what it was.

I didn’t want to try running again. I couldn’t risk it hurting the girls. Someone would come soon. A dog walker, a tractor, one of those plonkers whose sat nav took them on a little detour. Anyone.

I glared at the great oak. I didn’t know what the hell was going on with that arsehole of a tree, but I swore if we ever got through this, I was going to have the fucking thing cut down. Then I was going to petition to have a McDonald’s built over its stump. And finally, I would take great delight in eating burgers from cardboard cartons made from the big leafy bastard. Ha!

I giggled to myself and then wished I hadn’t. The sound came out shrill and hysterical.

Freya looked back at me. “Are you okay, Mum? ‘Cause I really need you to be okay right now.”

I stroked her wet hair. “I’m fine. We’re fine.”

At least, I thought I was fine until something in the tree caught my eye. The large growth in the trunk, the one that everyone said looked like a figure – suddenly it moved, undulating; writhing; convulsing beneath a skin of bark. A green hand emerged, fingers splayed out, beckoning or perhaps summoning, either way straining at the apparent effort. It disappeared back into the tree again.

I rubbed my eyes with the back of a hand and did my best not to completely lose it. “I did not just see that,” I whispered.

Freya pointed to something in the sky. “Is that smoke?”

A strange black cloud was moving towards us fast, and as it twisted and turned I almost mistook it for a flock of birds, until my ears picked up the accompanying droning sound, becoming louder and louder the closer it came.

“Bees…? Are… are those our bees?” I said, confused.

They flew over us at full speed and slammed into some invisible wall, buzzing angrily. A thin, reedy screech filled the air, the sound terrible and primal. The bees surrounded our attacker, hammering into it again and again. An angry bee was something to be respected –  a combined swarm of thirty colonies was an unstoppable apocalypse.

I could see the thing’s shape inside the attacking maelstrom as it thrashed about, its limbs crooked and wiry, movement harsh and mechanical, like some malevolent wooden puppet. It lashed out, knocking scores of the brave insects dead to the ground, only to be replaced by scores more.

Thunder cracked directly overhead, causing Freya and me to flinch. Seconds later the rain lashed down harder than ever. I knew the bees couldn’t cope in a deluge like this for long.

I stood up and pulled Freya with me. “We have to go. Now!”

But it was too late.

The bees broke off their attack and headed back the way they had come, to the safety and shelter of their hives, huge drops of rain pelting them as they went.

“Don’t go!” Freya called after them.

The creature was scuttling towards us, a terrible four limbed spider, still mostly invisible but for the dead bees hanging from its body by their spent stingers, giving me some sense of its shape and form.

I sat back down on the wet ground and pulled Freya with me. “W-we’re not going anywhere, okay?” I told the wretched thing. “Just don’t… don’t hurt my babies.”

The pounding rain began to wash away the dead bees from the creature’s body, and suddenly the thought of it becoming invisible again filled me with terror. It seemed to squat down a few metres away, appraising us perhaps, looking for a weakness, a way to get to Millie. But what was stopping it from attacking us and taking her?

A mother’s unbreakable bond…

I wasn’t sure if that was my own thought, or if something had planted it in my head.

The rain wouldn’t let up. I considered taking off my coat and using it to shelter the four of us, but I wasn’t letting Millie go, and although I could no longer see our attacker, not being able to see anything would’ve been even worse.

We sat on the muddy track with the rain pelting down on us for what seemed like an age, too terrified to move, too scared to call for help. Not that anybody would have heard us out there.

“Next year we’re going to Disney World for the summer holidays,” I said. Freya gave me a weak smile.

My eyes were starting to feel heavy. I might have drifted off. For seconds? Minutes? Hard to tell. My mind and body were doing their best to cope with the stress, trying to shut me down.

“I’m cold, Mummy,” Millie whined.

“I know, baby. I know.”

Was the thing still here? Was it still watching us? Were we going to die?

I wanted to break down and cry, but I needed to be strong for the girls’ sake.

I don’t know how long we’d been sitting there huddled together – wet, shivering and afraid – before I noticed a dark shape moving through the blanket of rain.

Something was coming up the track towards us – a black apparition, indistinct but undeniable. The creature again? Or some new terror come to torment us?

As it approached I could see it more clearly. It wore a long multi layer wax raincoat, the collar pulled up tightly round its neck. Upon its head a wide brimmed rain hat, and black boots on its feet.

The dark spectre came to a halt a few feet away. It opened its arms wide and spoke. “Oh my God! It’s absolutely pissing down!”


Sadie was here.

I burst into tears. “Sadie! It wants Millie! It’s trying to get Millie!”

My friend squatted down next to us and pushed her hat up. I was never so glad to see that beautiful face in all my life.

Billy Buckham strolled over and sat down next to his mistress, my stressed mind barely registering the fact that he was wearing a little tartan raincoat. The big black tomcat leaned forward and gave Bee a single lick on the snout. The puppy shrunk back, unsure what to make of that.

“Isabel’s here, Sadie,” Freya told her teacher.

“I know,” Sadie replied. “I’m going to send her on her way.”

Grateful as I was to see her face, I suddenly realised she couldn’t help us. She was just a school teacher. “Sadie, listen. You have to go and get help. Bring the police. Bring everyone!”

“It’s okay, Georgia. I have this under control.”

“No, no, you don’t understand! It’s a thing. It’s… a fucking poltergeist or something!”

Sadie put her hand on my shoulder. “I’m a witch,” she told me, quite seriously.

I stared at her. “I mean… you can be a bit of a cow sometimes, but ‘witch’ is a bit harsh.”

She smiled at me. “No. I’m a witch. An actual witch. Self-trained, of course.”

Freya gazed up at her teacher with a look of awe. “Are you? Really?”

“Yes. I know it’s hard to believe.”

I took in the sight of Sadie dressed all in black, a wide-brimmed hat perched on her head, black cat by her side. Did she even realise how she was dressed? A hysterical little giggle escaped my mouth.

“Keep it together, Georgia. You’re the only thing protecting Millie right now,” Sadie told me and stood up. Extending her arm, she gestured to the great oak. “Billy. Go!”

Billy Buckham sprinted towards the tree and leaped onto its trunk, clawing his way up and then bounding from branch to branch. I heard an alarmed squawking somewhere amongst the leafy bough and then suddenly it was raining down black feathers.

Our attacker hissed its outrage and adrenaline rushed through me at the sound. It was still here.

Billy jumped down from the tree and calmly strolled back to his mistress.

Sadie approached the ancient oak. “Isabel! Tá bearrán thú! Tá sheol thú! I bind thee! I send thee!” she shouted, bringing her arm downwards in a graceful arc.

I found my feet and stood there, mouth agape. “Oh, this is new. She’s gone completely mad.”

Millie looked back at me with a dopey grin on her face. “Miss Laine’s a witch. That’s so cool!”

“Tá bearrán thú! Tá sheol thú!” Sadie chanted.

“My daughter gets abducted by a demonic tree-dwelling poltergeist, our bees attempt a rescue mission, and now Sadie’s turned into Gandalf with tits. I knew I should have stayed in the city,” I mumbled.

“At least the rain’s stopped,” Millie offered.

“Yeah, every cloud…” I told her.

“Tá bearrán thú! Tá sheol thú!”

Save your words, little witch. Your magic is weak.

Sadie took a step back. “Whoa! She spoke to me.”

“I think she’s over here, Sadie!” Freya cried out.

I couldn’t see it. I could feel it, though – a dark presence all around us. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

“Forget about Millie, Isabel,” Sadie told the creature. “Focus on me. Billy’s already killed your familiar. Tá bearrán thú! Tá sheol thú! Bogadh ar aghaidh, spiorad!”

“Are you sure you’re saying it right?” Freya asked.

Sadie gave her a look that could peel paint. “No, Freya Newton. I’ve misread the manual and I’m actually saying, ‘How much is the chicken?’ Yes, I’m saying it right!”

“All right, I was only asking,” Freya grumbled under her breath.

“She’s too focussed on Millie. I can’t bind her like this,” Sadie said, pacing back and forth; chanting her weird chant – Elvish or Klingon or whatever the hell it was. At one point she pulled a small bottle of green powder from her pocket and used it to draw strange symbols upon the tree trunk.

Billy Buckham paced around us all the while, our very own feline sentry. Who on earth takes their cat out for a walk in the middle of a rain storm anyway?

I could hear a faint rumbling in the distance and assumed it was thunder until I narrowed the sound to the field next to us. It was getting louder. Something was headed our way. Something big.

“Get behind me,” I told Freya.

It could have been the Moscow State Circus or a horde of Vikings rushing towards us and I don’t think I would have been any more surprised. My sanity had just about reached its limit.

It was almost as strange.

A huge herd of deer came crashing through the hedge on the outskirts of the field.

“Oh, shit…” I mumbled and hoped to hell they would go around us instead of through us.

They did neither, slowing to a trot and surrounding us instead.

“What are they doing?” Freya said, her arms above her head as the animals brushed past her.

A familiar face approached us and sniffed at Millie: the white roe deer she had met in the forest.

Millie popped her hand out of my coat to stroke its head. “Hello.”

The herd came to a standstill and parted to reveal a large, majestic stag. It stood three or four metres away, appraising us with intelligent eyes, its huge antlers festooned with bracken and moss and fern. The proud creature hoofed the ground and snorted, steamy breath billowing from its nostrils.

“Mr. Dalliard…” Millie whispered, and any other time I might have thought to ask her what she meant by that.

“You need to go, Georgia!” Sadie hollered across the herd.

“I can’t!” I told her. “It attacks us if we try to leave.”

“The deer will protect you. Nothing has more resolute strength than the herd. It’s an impenetrable wall.”

“We can’t leave you here alone!”

“Don’t worry about me, I know what I’m doing. Probably. Now go!”

Give her back to me! 

I took a few tentative steps away from the tree, then a few more, the deer moving with us. The ones on the outskirts kicked out their hind legs at something, and I knew the creature was trying to force its way in. “You better be okay, Sadie!” I shouted to my friend as we moved down the muddy track with the herd.

“Trust me, I’m a witch!” Sadie yelled back.

“Mummy, can I ride on Mr. Dalliard’s back?” Millie asked me from inside my coat.

It was kind of cute she had thought to name the impressive looking stag after our recently departed friend, I guess.

“Let’s not push our luck, Pixie,” I told her.

The herd ushered us down the track towards the main road that ran from our cottage and all the way up to the village green. I won’t lie, they weren’t the most pleasant smelling creatures. Freya held her nose shut the whole way home. Millie surveyed our furry honour guard from the cocoon of my coat with wide eyes, making various chuckles and squeaks of approval. I welcomed her good mood – it told me she was coping with her ordeal. And that, in turn, helped me to stay strong.

I was beyond tired. It seemed as if it were more the deer driving me onwards than my own momentum. Freya looked dead on her feet too – I swear she briefly closed her eyes and fell asleep as she shuffled along with Bee in her arms.

As we moved down the road with the deer, I could see Roy Sutton walking towards us in the opposite direction.

“Oh, great,” I mumbled. It was the very last thing I needed, having to explain why we were caked from head to toe in mud, being escorted by a large herd of deer. “Act naturally, girls.”

“Yeah, he might not notice the massive herd of deer,” Freya replied sarcastically.

I put a friendly hand up and forced a smile. “Evening, Roy. Out for a stroll?”

Roy liked to come round for tea every now and then. I think he fancied himself quite the fashion designer, and often gave the girls woolly hats and cardigans that he’d knitted himself. Sadie and I found his camp humour absolutely hilarious. Understandably, he seemed rather at a loss for words right now, though. He came to a halt and pushed himself up against a hedge as the herd ushered us past. “Uh… yeah. H-how are you?” he asked me with a look of abject confusion.

“Yep. We’re good, thanks. Just… you know… stretching our legs before bedtime.” I did a little jog on the spot to emphasise the point. “You must pop round for tea sometime!”

Roy watched us go by with his mouth open. “Okay, then. That’d be… lovely…?”

“Phew,” I said under my breath. “I think we got away with that.”

We finally made it to the cottage and trudged up the garden path to the back door. One by one, the deer began to break away from the herd and make their way towards the fence that normally enclosed the poppy field but now lay collapsed in a shambles, an early casualty of the storm.

The great stag was the last to leave. As it headed after the rest of the herd, it came to a halt on the edge of the fields to look back at us, then raised its head skywards to let out a deafening bellow. There was triumph in that cry – a celebration of life. And then he was gone – galloping through the red flowers and off into the setting sun.

“Bye, Mr. Dalliard,” Millie said in a quiet voice.

We pulled off our muddy boots, leaving them under the porch, then staggered indoors, coats scattered haphazardly upon the floor. I pushed the girls upstairs and into the bathroom, then cranked on the antiquated shower that hung over the tub. The three of us stripped naked and climbed in, all of us too tired for words. The hot water felt so good I almost cried. Freya slumped down and closed her eyes as I shampooed her hair, and it wasn’t long before a bedraggled looking Millie joined her sister.

Once we were free of mud and grime and the shower had warmed us up somewhat, I dried us off, then ushered the girls into my room, pulling back the quilt so we could climb into bed. They curled up either side of me, and I enfolded them in my arms, kissing each one on the brow. “I love you both so much,” were my only words before sleep took me.


I watched Georgia and the girls disappear down the track with their deer escort and shook my head in amazement. “Well, would you look at that, Billy.”

Billy wasn’t easily impressed, though. Besides, he seemed more interested in the huge oak tree.

“Yeah, you’re right. We have a job to do, don’t we?”

I held my arms out and spoke in the Celtic tongue of my ancestors. “Isabel Laine! Tá bearrán thú! Tá sheol thú! I bind thee! I send thee!”


I could feel her near me, taut and spiky, the loss of her crow familiar preventing her from leaving the confines of the great oak.

“Tá bearrán thú! Tá sheol thú! It’s time for you to move on, Isabel.”

What was I doing wrong? True, I hadn’t attempted a sending before, but I was pretty sure this was how you invoked the incantation. The hexes I’d inscribed on the trunk should have helped draw her spirit towards the tree, too. Maybe this was out of my league. I was a self-taught witch, gleaning my knowledge from books, manuscripts and what little information I could obtain from accounts of the golden era of coven-trained professional witchcraft.


Silence. I could feel her watching.

“Don’t want to talk to me?”

Maybe it was time to try a different approach.

“Do you know who I am?”

No answer.

“I’m your descendant, Isabel. I’m one of yours.”

She didn’t trust me, I knew. But I did get some sense of her curiosity.

“Let me tell you about Eliza.”

Sorrow at the mention of her little girl’s name. And rage too, that I would dare to utter it.

“They sent her away to become a maid for a wealthy family. Those years were hard for her. But later, she married a blacksmith. He was a good man, kind and loving. They had nine children together, Isabel! Can you imagine such a big family?”

I could feel the sharp edges of her being pulsate with heartache and grief.

“She was happy, Isabel. She had a good life. She found a way to move on. Do you understand?”

I knew this to be true. I’d meticulously researched my family history, but that was only part of it. The ancestral memories of every family member that came before me were locked inside my DNA. All animals have ancestral memories, though most humans are no longer aware of theirs. My Wiccan lineage allowed me to tap into mine, though.

“One of your grandchildren went to live in America and became a great healer. She was a witch too, but I don’t think she ever realised it. Do you know what her name was? Her name was Isabel. Eliza named her after you.”

The pain poured out of her. I couldn’t hear it, but I knew she was sobbing her heart out.

The stormy weather had abated a little and the sun peeked through grey clouds. I took my coat off and used it to kneel on, then removed my rain hat.

“Then there was Aunty Joyce. She was a right tomboy! She used to ride motorbikes and fly aeroplanes. She actually flew in The First World War.”

I felt the edges of her spirit soften slightly.

“Oh, I almost forgot Muriel! She really was a witch. Fully trained and member of a Scottish coven. I loved to hear about her adventures when I was little. She came back here to try and send you on, but I guess she didn’t manage it. Do you remember her?”

She hovered close now, smelling me, tasting my energy. I could feel her touch tingling through my skin, my blood, my bone marrow. She was taking measure of my soul. I’d never felt anything like it.

“And then there’s my mum. She’s… well, she’s Mum. She doesn’t have a clue about her heritage, but I still love her to bits. She makes a mean shepherd’s pie, too!”

Blood of my blood… Bone of my bone…

“Yes, that’s right. I’m one of yours. We all came from you, Isabel. Now shall I tell you about me?”

I glanced down at Billy sitting next to me. You’re doing fine. Carry on, I’d like to think he was saying.

“When I was growing up, you were an amusing little family secret. Old Isabel the witch, hung from a tree, ooooh! Spooky! But I didn’t find it funny at all. I thought it was so sad. I could feel your pain, you see. And Eliza’s, too. And I knew something was wrong, so I came here to look for you. I took back the old family name and taught myself witchcraft. I found your old cottage in the woods, where you and little Eliza lived together. And I tried to send you on. Not to punish you, Isabel. Not to hurt you. I tried to help you move on so you could let go of that pain and sorrow – So you could be free of it.”

Eliza… my sweet child…

“You weren’t at your cottage though, were you? You were here, locked inside this tree. I’m not sure how you managed to tether yourself here, but it’s time to let go now, Isabel. Eliza moved on. She was happy in her life. And now she’s out there somewhere waiting for you. So let go, Isabel. Let go. Tá bearrán thú… Tá sheol thú… Mother, Sister, Daughter… be at peace…”

I felt her anger and grief evaporate, and suddenly I saw an image in my mind’s eye: Isabel and her little girl Eliza hanging out the washing together, laughing and chatting. Then the memory was gone.

Isabel’s spirit drifted away from me and towards the tree, binding itself to the great oak’s structure, intertwining with its atoms. Then all at once, she rose up through the great trunk, out into the branches and up again into its leafy canopy before finally dispersing into the sky, up and up to wherever it was the spirit goes.

And then she was gone. I couldn’t feel her presence anymore.

I wiped tears from my eyes. “Did we do it, grumpy boy? Did we send her on her way?”

Billy meowed at me.

“Yeah, I think we did.” Letting out a big breath, I gazed up into the sky. “I hope you find each other.”

I didn’t know what was waiting out there for Isabel. The universe was as much a mystery to witches as it was to regular folk. “Let’s go and see if Georgia and the girls got home safely,” I said to Billy, and was about to head down the path towards the Newton cottage when something stopped me in my tracks.

I regarded the ancient tree and the strange human-shaped growth in its trunk, the one that local legends told was a Dryad. Somewhere in the deepest recesses of my ancestral DNA, an elusive memory resided, just out of reach. Or if not a memory, then the echo of one. I had known of these tree nymphs once.

I cleared my throat and put on my best telephone voice. “Hello? Your Ladyship?” Quite honestly, I felt a bit daft talking to a tree.

Either I wasn’t worthy, or the Dryads were long gone from this world. If she was in there, I wondered why she hadn’t helped us. Perhaps she had in some way – something had warned me that Georgia and the girls were in trouble, after all.

“Fair enough, then,” I conceded.

Billy and I left the great oak and its elusive nymph alone and made our way towards Beekeeper Cottage.


I opened my eyes to find Sadie perched on my vanity chair. I exhaled a startled gasp and sat up in bed.

My friend put both hands up, as if surrendering. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I let myself in.”

I shook my head, trying to clear the cobwebs away. “How long have you been there?”

“Oh, all night. I didn’t want to wake you.”

“What time is it?” I asked her.

“Early morning. The sun’s not up yet.”

The girls were still tucked under my arms and fast asleep, their heads against my breasts.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” I told Sadie. “I was worried.”

“I’m fine. How’re you all doing? Anyone hurt?”

I shook my head. “Some cuts and bruises, nothing serious. Bee’s injuries looked worse than they were. I’ll need to take her to the vet to get her checked over, though.”

“That’s good to hear.”

There was more to say, of course there was. But I didn’t know where to begin, and my mind didn’t want to go there. So we just kind of stared at one another until Sadie, clearly feeling awkward, stood up. “I… I should go. Could do with some shuteye myself.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” I told her.

“I’m not?”

I pulled back the quilt, inviting her into my bed. “I want you here. We want you here.”

“My clothes are all mucky.”

“So take them off.”

She rolled her eyes at me, then shed her clothes. Letting her knickers drop to the floor, she climbed in next to Freya. “It’s a bit of a squeeze, isn’t it?”

I kissed her on the mouth. “Did you get rid of it? Is it gone?” I needed to know.

She nodded at me. “She’s gone. I’m so sorry, Georgia. I should have told you. I should have explained. If I’d known Millie was in danger—”

I touched her lips with my fingertips and shook my head. “I wouldn’t have believed you – not until I’d seen it with my own eyes.” Another thing occurred to me. “How did you know we were at the tree?”

“Something told me you were in trouble. The Dryad, maybe. I’m not sure.”

That led to more questions, and Sadie did her best to explain it all to me. How she came from an ancient line of witches who could use the memories of ancestors to keep their gifts and skills alive. About how her family had almost forgotten its heritage, until she taught herself the Wiccan arts and changed her name back to Laine – “There’s power in names,” she told me.

And about Isabel and her daughter Eliza, her ancestors from the 17th century. How they fell foul of the witch hunts of the time. How they took Isabel away from her little girl and hung her from the old oak tree.

She told me about Millie’s gifts, too. Of her natural affinity with nature and her ability to communicate with animals on some level. And how she could tap into places of spiritual energy and see things others couldn’t. Sadie told me my daughter needed help to control those powers.

I stroked my little girl’s hair as she slept. “Oh, Millie. Why couldn’t you just have head lice like all the other kids?”

It was all so much for me to take in. But I knew one thing: I needed Sadie. I felt safe with her around. And she had gone and made me fall in love with her, the cow. Dirty trick. Never saw that coming.

Even with all that to think about, somehow I drifted back to sleep again. When next I awoke, I found Millie sucking on my nipple like a baby.

She gave me an abashed glance. “I was going to ask… but you were asleep.”

Sadie was propped up on an elbow behind Freya, watching us. I could see her hips moving against my older daughter’s bum.

“Mum, look,” Freya said and craned her neck back to share a very grown-up kiss with her teacher.

I spat on the palm of my hand and reached down to spread the saliva over my mons, then Millie’s. Pulling her on top of me, I cupped her bottom and let my pussy glide against hers while she suckled on my breast.

Sadie reached round to explore Freya’s folds with her fingers. “Well, someone seems to be getting excited,” she murmured, and nuzzled my daughter’s neck.

Freya succumbed to a fit of the giggles, squirming against her teacher’s touch but then surrendering herself back into Sadie’s embrace.

I wasn’t sure if this was a good time to be doing this with the girls, so soon after the trauma we had experienced the night before. Somehow it felt right, though – a sexual healing, a reaffirming of bonds.

“Put a finger inside her,” I told Sadie. She opened her mouth in mock surprise, then slipped her middle finger into my daughter’s cunt. Freya raised one knee, giving her teacher full access and me a better view.

As I watched Sadie having fun with my eldest, I began grinding myself against Millie, her puffy mound exquisite against my hot cunt. Licking a finger, I pushed it between her arse cheeks and discovered a moist little pucker. I gently teased my way in, probing tentatively to see how she would react.

Millie pulled her mouth away from my nipple with a pop and gazed up at me, a surprised look on her face. “That’s my bum.”

“I know it is. Shall I stop?”

Millie shook her head.

“Can I put it in a little bit more?”

A little grin and a nod of the head gave me my answer. I eased my finger further inside, up to the first knuckle. That was enough for such a little girl, I decided, and began sliding it in and out.

“So nasty,” Sadie groaned as she spooned Freya, her fingers gliding through my older daughter’s slit.

“Let me taste her,” I told my lover.

Sadie  withdrew her hand from between Freya’s legs and brought it to my mouth. I could detect the faint aroma of my little girl on her fingers as I sucked them clean.

I kissed Millie, my tongue parting her mouth gently, and when finally I broke away, my seven-year-old declared, “You’re getting quite good at that, Mummy!”

Sadie brushed her lips across my daughter’s ear. “Freya…”

“Hmm?” Freya replied, still pushing her bum back against her teacher’s groin.

“Feed me your pussy,” Sadie growled, lying back as Freya climbed over her. “No – the other way, honey.”

Freya twisted herself round and slung a leg over Sadie’s head, then both of them were mouth to pussy. Sadie prised my daughter’s bum cheeks apart and held them open, her eyes hungry for the hot pink treasures on display.

“Goodness me,” my friend gushed. “Such sweet little confections.”

“Are you gonna lick me?” a grinning Freya asked her teacher.

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do, Freya Newton. And you can lick my pussy while I lick yours.”

My cunt throbbed to hear my friend speaking so lewdly to my little girl. I pulled Millie against me, grinding myself on her with increased urgency. “Look what Miss Laine’s doing,” I murmured as Sadie snaked her tongue through Freya’s slit and up further through her anus, where she lingered, flickering over the taut rosebud. “They’re being very naughty, aren’t they?”

“Don’t do a fart on Miss Laine!” Millie squealed.

I gave her bum a light swat. “Shhh. Don’t spoil the moment.”

Freya feasted on her teacher’s cunt, pausing once to thrust a finger inside. She seemed to take great pleasure in the sight of it sliding in and out.

“Gosh, your daughter smells incredible, Georgia,” Sadie told me as she supped from my daughter’s holes.

“Hey, Pixie,” I said to Millie, “why don’t you lie on top of me like Freya’s doing with Sadie, but the other way round?”

“On my back?”

“Yeah, that’s it.” I had her recline against my body, pulling her up far enough so her pussy was in my face. Holding her legs apart, I licked up and down her bare slit, the taste deliciously sweet and sour against my tongue.

Millie sucked her thumb as she watched me eat her out, seemingly unaware of how that innocent gesture added fuel to the fire.

“Give your sister a nice kiss,” I told her.

She broke into a grin. “Freya? Mummy wants us to do a kiss, okay?”

Freya looked up from between Sadie’s legs. “Huh? Oh, okay,” she said and leaned over towards her sister.

They both giggled, then poked their tongues out comically. But as they gazed into each other’s eyes, their smiles evaporated and I observed some emotion pass between them, until Freya wrapped her arms around her little sister and declared, “I love you so much, Millie! I’m really glad the tree didn’t eat you, okay?!”

“Th-thanks?” a surprised Millie replied, then the two of them met in a passionate exchange of kisses.

Sadie and I kissed too. I thought I could detect the subtle mushroomy notes of my little girl’s arsehole on her tongue.

“I can taste Miss Laine’s kitty,” Millie told her sister, mirroring my own thoughts.

I needed to taste Millie’s arse for myself. Lifting her legs up, I spread the cheeks of her bum apart. Her little rosebud winked at me, inviting me to play. I bathed it with my tongue, exploring my seven-year-old’s most private of places, then drew the coppery taste back into my mouth.

“Dirty mummy,” Sadie hissed at me as I rimmed my little girl.

“Let’s make them come,” I said to my friend and lover. We lashed our tongues against the girls’ hairless pussies, spreading them open, nuzzling on their clits until the both of them, writhing against us, burst into spasms of ecstasy.

Freya cried out as she rode her climax to its inevitable conclusion.

Millie squirmed against me as I teased out her orgasm. “Mmm… I just luuurve wriggly little pink cuties for my breakfast!” I cooed at her, rubbing her tummy.

“I think it’s the big girls’ turn to come now,” Sadie declared.

We got the girls on all fours while we rubbed ourselves against their bums, me with Freya and Sadie with Millie.

Sadie humped my youngest, slapping against her backside. “Yeah, gonna fuck you, little girl. Gonna rub my cunt on your sweet little arse.”

The aroma of our lovemaking hung heavy in the room – a potent, heady musk that seeped into my very being, fuelling my arousal. I breathed it in, grinding my sopping bush up and down Freya’s bum, eyes glued to Sadie as she fucked my seven-year-old.

“Say it, Millie. Say ‘Fuck me, Miss Laine’,” Sadie told my daughter.

Millie looked to me for approval. “Am I allowed to, Mummy?” she asked, her voice a comical warble as Sadie rode her.

“Yeah, say it, baby. I bet you’ll make Sadie come nice and hard if you do,” I told her.

Millie looked back at Sadie and grinned. “Fuck me, Miss Laine!” she shouted and then poked her tongue out at her teacher.

“What a naughty little girl,” Sadie whimpered. “I – I should give you detention. But I think I’m going to come all over your cute bottom instead. Ah! Fuck!” She ground out her orgasm, leaving a portion of Millie’s bum glistening with a milky glaze. Drawing my youngest close, Sadie planted tender kisses upon her neck. “Oh, Millie Newton… you’re such a little sexpot.”

Raising myself from Freya’s bum, I shoved two fingers into my cunt and hammered them in and out, using the other hand to strum my engorged clit. “Mummy’s gonna come on you!” I cried, then exploded into a shuddering climax, spraying fluids over my older daughter’s arse and lower back.

Dazed and out of breath, I offered my wet fingers to Freya, who took them into her mouth. “Taste Mummy’s pussy,” I murmured. “Good girl.”

As the four of us collapsed in a tangle of sweaty limbs, I turned to Sadie and kissed her passionately. “Thank you,” I told her.

“What for?” she asked, her breathing laboured.



We all dressed and headed downstairs to find Billy Buckham sitting in Bee’s bed in the kitchen. The puppy sat a safe distance away and whined as she regarded the big tomcat mournfully. Billy stared back with hard eyes that clearly conveyed, This is my bed now. Deal with it.

Sadie touched me on the shoulder. “I need to make one last visit. Will you and the girls come with me?”

“To the tree?” I slowly shook my head. “I can’t go back there, Sadie.”

“Not the tree… though you will need to face it one day. I meant Isabel’s house in the woods.”

“I really don’t want to,” I told her. “I won’t put the girls in any more danger.” All the awful memories of the night before came rushing back to me.

Sadie held my hand. “She’s gone, Georgia. I promise you she has. I need you to see who she was. And you need to face your fears while they’re still fresh, otherwise they’ll fester inside you.”

I looked into her eyes. She was right. If I didn’t venture out now while the trauma was still raw, I might be stuck in this house forever, a frightened recluse.

Steeling myself, I gave Sadie a single nod before my courage could fail me.

She nodded back. “Good. Wellies on, girls! We’re going for a nice walk.”

We headed out and strolled through the poppy field. The storm had done a fair amount of damage, and what the storm started the herd of deer had finished, flattening many of the red flowers when they stampeded through. It suddenly occurred to me – I didn’t have a clue who actually owned the field. Was it part of our land, or one of the neighbouring farmers? I couldn’t recall anyone planting them. Presumably someone would come to harvest what remained of the poppies at some point.

It was a beautiful day. Last night’s storm had blown over and the sun blazed overhead, evaporating puddles and infusing the surrounding countryside with its life-affirming glow. If it wasn’t for the broken tree limbs and occasional toppled fence, I never would’ve believed there had been a storm at all.

I was glad I’d decided to come out. I could feel my spirits lift. The girls ran ahead as we strolled through the forest, wood pigeons and cuckoos filling the air with their sweet summer songs.

We found our way to the remains of the old hut. I hung back and put my arms round the girls, my protective instinct kicking in.

Sadie inspected the brown mushy remains of the toadstools that, not long ago, had festooned this place. “This is good. The mushrooms dying means there’s no magic left here to sustain them.”

“Scarlet elf cups aren’t supposed to grow in the summer,” I told her.

Sadie grinned at me. “Exactly. It was Isabel’s power keeping them alive. Some small part of her still inhabited this place. It was home, after all.”

“She lived here with her daughter?” I asked, recalling what Sadie had told me earlier about her ancestor.

“Yep. Just a mother and her little girl. Cooking and cleaning, tending to their vegetables, making herbal remedies,” Sadie told me. She smiled, but I saw sadness there. “Hanging out the washing together…”

I let the girls go, and they went to inspect the old fireplace with Bee and Billy.

“She was just a normal mum, Georgia. She didn’t deserve what happened to her. It wasn’t her fault.”

I nodded. I had no sympathy for the thing that had tried to hurt my little girl, but I could empathise with Isabel the mother, trying her best to etch out a life for herself and her little girl in a harsh, less forgiving time.

Sadie gave Millie and Freya each a single poppy. “Place them inside the fireplace, girls,” she told them and they made an offering of the crimson flowers, carefully laying them down. “Who can tell me another name for ‘fireplace’?”

“Radiator?” Millie offered.

“Good try, but no. Freya?”

“Um… stove?”

“Another good effort, but not quite. ‘Hearth’ is another word we can use. And I bet you can guess where the word ‘hearth’ comes from.”

“Heart,” both girls chimed together.

“That’s right. And we call it that because the fireplace is the heart of the home. That’s why we place the flowers here, as an offering to the heart.”

“Are you really a witch, Miss Laine?” Millie asked her teacher.

“I really am, Millie Newton, although ‘Witch’ seems a bit old-fashioned. I was thinking of something a little more up to date. How about ‘Special Earth Magic and Mystic Arts Operative’?”

“I like ‘witch’ better,” Freya decided.

“Me too,” agreed Millie.

“Uh… yeah, I’d stick with the old favourite, I think,” I concurred.

“Can I be your apprentice, please?” Millie inquired politely.

“Hmm.” Sadie put a hand to her chin to ponder that little bombshell. “I’m quite a new witch, you know. Not sure I’m ready to train anyone just yet.” She looked Millie up and down, appraising her. “Someone needs to give you some guidance, though. Those powers of yours are going to get you into trouble otherwise.” Hands on her hips, Sadie gave Millie a single nod. “Very well, Millie Newton. You can be my witch’s apprentice. Just don’t tell anyone.”

“Oh, yay!” Millie squealed, jumping up and down.

Freya looked a little crestfallen. I put my arm around her. “Do you want to be Sadie’s apprentice, too?” I asked her.

She shrugged and gazed forlornly down at her feet. “I’d like to, but I’m not really good at anything, am I?”

“Freya Newton!” Sadie boomed.

“Yes, miss!” Freya responded, standing to attention.

“Parsley. Tell me what it’s good for.”

“Er… it’s good for bones and eyesight and… it’s also antibacterial. It can help prevent cancer as well, I think.”

“Correct. Herbs are a vital tool in the witch’s arsenal, and you’re becoming quite the expert. I think I’ll take you as my apprentice, too.”

“Oh. Thanks,” Freya said, trying to play it cool, as if somehow we couldn’t all see the huge delighted grin on her face. I swept my daughter’s hair back and smiled at her.

As the girls chattered away excitedly, we left the remains of the old hut behind and made our way back home.

“School starts again Monday morning, girls,” Sadie told them. “I’ll expect you there bright and early.”

“Yes, Miss Laine,” the girls chanted.

The summer holidays were almost over. What a strange few weeks it had been. Tree nymphs and dark spirits, ancient oaks and mysterious ruins in the woods.

And sexy games. Wonderful erotic sexy games with my kooky, witchy friend and my two beautiful little girls.

As we strolled down the track towards home, I glanced back at the forest. Isabel had moved on. I think it was about time I did too. No more guilt. No more mourning the past.

I touched the back of Sadie’s neck, stroking her there. “Hey.”


One final leap. Do it. No regrets. “Um… D’ya wanna be my girlfriend?”

Sadie came to a halt with a look of comical surprise etched upon her face. “Oh. Well. I’ve never had a beekeeper girlfriend before.”

I shrugged. “That’s okay, I’ve never had a witch girlfriend.”

She kissed me on the lips. “Yes, Georgia Newton. I think I’d like to be your girlfriend very much.”

I put my arms around her, and together we shared a deep, affectionate kiss, and in that kiss I knew we were bound as lovers.

“Ooooooooh!” the girls cooed at us, and Millie cried, “Mummy and Miss Laine, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”

“Come here!” Sadie cackled, chasing after them. “I’m gonna turn you both into newts!”

We ran after the giggling girls. Down the dirt track and through the field of poppies. Back to the wildflower meadow where the bees and the butterflies toiled away. Back to the orchard and my beloved apiary. Back to our little beekeeper’s cottage.

Back where the honey flows.

The End


Millie and Freya Newton opened the garden gate and strolled up to their cottage after a busy day at school. It was their first day back after the summer holidays, and the first day was always tiring.

Their mother Georgia opened the door for them, as she did every school day. “Yes? Can I help you?” she asked them.

Freya sighed. “Not this again.”

Millie giggled. “We actually live here.”

Georgia frowned and put a hand on her chin. “I think you must have the wrong house. I don’t remember sharing my cottage with two little girls.”

“I’m Millie and that’s Freya,” Millie explained.

“Nope, it’s not ringing any bells,” Georgia insisted.

“Well, can we come in for a bit and have some dinner?” Freya asked.

Georgia thought about that. “Hmm… I suppose you can stay for an hour or two.”

“That’s very kind of you, madam! Fank yoo!” Millie said, prancing indoors.

The girls put their school bags down, took their shoes off, and then made their way into the kitchen for a pre-dinner snack.

Millie picked something up from the dining table. “Mummy, what’s this?”

Georgia inspected the object. “It’s an acorn. A very large acorn. Good find, Pixie.”

“I didn’t find it. It was on the table.”

“Well, I didn’t put it there. Freya?”

“It wasn’t me,” Freya replied. “Is it supposed to be that big?”

“I’ve never seen an acorn that big, I have to say. It’s such a deep green, too,” their mum told them.

Wearing frowns, Georgia and the girls regarded the impressive-looking acorn and then each other. Soon enough, smiles slowly crept onto their faces.

The Dryad was finally free of the dark power that had infested the great oak tree for nearly four hundred years. Surely, this was her gift to the Newton family and the young witch, Sadie Laine: this jewel of an acorn. New life, new beginnings – a seed of possibilities.

“Oh…!” the three of them chorused together in amazement.


A Bordello in New Orleans, Chapter 2

  • Posted on June 18, 2022 at 2:56 pm

by Kinkychic

I did tell Mother that Chantelle had called and no, she had not told me what she wanted, and yes, I had looked after her properly. That almost made me smile too much, but I managed to keep my naughty secret.

I never did learn what Chantelle had wanted to see my mother about – not that it mattered to me. All I could think about was seeing her again, though “seeing” was too weak a word for my intentions. Thoughts of her and what we had done filled my every waking moment.

I quickly realised that I was most likely only one of her many lovers, but that did not concern me in the slightest. I knew only that I wanted to hold those lovely breasts again.

Then one day Mother came home in a foul mood. I could hear her banging and swearing – words I had never heard from her before. I covered myself in my bedclothes and pretended I was fast asleep.

The next day, I could not help but notice the strange looks she gave me. I waited for her to say something, but she just seemed to build up to a bad mood again.

Finally, I could no longer stand it. “Mother,” I said, “what have I done wrong? I can’t imagine what I’ve done, but it must be something bad. Please tell me.”

That seemed to calm her down. She said for me to sit. “The lady who called – her name is Chantelle – she has been talking about you, quite a lot actually.”

I felt myself colour, but she did not notice, as her eyes were fixed on her hands squeezed together in her lap.

“Why would she talk about me? I don’t understand.”

Now, she looked up at me, “Do you know what work I do? Have you figured it out?”

I found that I could not look directly at her when I answered. “Yes, I know, Mother. Is that all you’ve been worrying about? You shouldn’t, you know, because I don’t mind. I know you’ve done what you had to do, and that it must be hard for you. But I know that I’ve been fortunate. I have a good mother, so much better than some I know about.”

She took my hand before she spoke again. “You can’t know how relieved I am to hear that, but no, it’s not really what’s been upsetting me. I’ve had a huge row with Chantelle. I even told her that I was leaving, but she asked me not to be too hasty, and to go away and have a think. Well, I have, and I’ve decided to tell you what she has had to say.”

She looked to me for any reaction, but I kept a straight face, even though I did not know what to think.

Very hesitantly, she asked, “I want to ask you, have you had any… Oh God, I’m sorry, I don’t know how to word this really. Have you had sex relations with anybody? Do you even know what I’m talking about?” She had now watched me closely. “It’s all right, you don’t need to answer if you don’t want to. I can see that you have. I can see by the way you’ve coloured.”

I watched the turmoil on her face. She was thinking furiously. Then there was a look of realisation. “She’s talked about you so much – it’s Chantelle, isn’t it? I can see now. What did she do? Did she force you? That’s it, it must be.”

I felt like crying, but I took a deep breath. “No, she didn’t force me, not into anything,” I said. “She was lovely, and I was willing, so very willing. I could love her, but I know that’s silly. But I would do anything she asked me if it meant that I could be with her again.”

Mother was crying softly, and she looked very sad. “I’ve not been a good mother, so how can I be cross with you? I just worried that you’d been hurt.”

“Oh, Mother, you’ve been so wonderful. I already said that I don’t care what you do. Have I been hurt? No, I haven’t. I’ve never been happier. Will you tell me what Chantelle has said?”

She still looked uncertain, but she appeared to be looking at me in a different way now. She had clearly come to a decision. “Did Chantelle ask you to call on her? Be honest. I won’t be cross with you.”

“Yes, she did,” I confessed, “and I’ve been wanting to, but it hasn’t been possible – not yet.”

“We argued because it’s not just that she wants to see you,” Mother continued. “She wants you to come and work for her as well. It shocked me badly, but then she told me that you weren’t as naïve as I thought. Can that be true?”

I was stunned. Yes, I wanted to see her – to touch her and kiss her and lick her endlessly – but to work for her? No, I did not want that. I despised the drunken men that constantly tried to grope me in the streets, and I had no wish to service such beasts.

Mother must have seen my look of disgust. “I didn’t make that very clear, did I? She doesn’t want you to go with the men customers. She wants you for just a few special ladies. She thought that you might be happy with that, and of course, the money would be very good.”

I know I smiled then. This was different, and the mere thought excited me. I could like that, and I would even be paid to indulge my newly awakened desires. I would be rich.

“I think that I’m old enough to know what I want now, don’t you think so?” I said. “Men disgust me – but the ladies, I think I might like that. Would you be cross with me? I want to be with Chantelle, but I wouldn’t do any more, unless you give me your blessing.”

She held out her hands to me. “Come here my sweet. You’ve grown up, and I didn’t see.” We cuddled with each other. “It’s for you to decide, not I, and I shall try and be happy with whatever you do.”

It was then that I first felt myself to be a woman – young, perhaps, but empowered to make my own choices. I held my mother to me. “Thank you,” I said. “Thank you for letting me grow up.”


I wore the most sumptuous new gown, one that Mother had bought me. She had restyled my hair, which was piled high for the first time. I stood before the mirror, astounded at the sight. I actually looked and felt grown up. The dress exposed the very top of my modest bosom. I was not yet endowed to the degree of my mother and Chantelle, but still, I looked so very alluring. Not quite a woman, but certainly quite a tempting young girl.

Mother stood behind me, looking almost as if she were going to cry. “My God, Frances, you look so beautiful, so very grown-up. Hug me for a minute while I say goodbye to my baby.”

I gave her a little kiss. “Mother, I’m Francine now. Frances is gone. Please don’t be sad. I’m not.”


I knocked twice, just as Chantelle had instructed me, and the door opened almost at once. The giant of a man was there, glaring at me. Involuntarily, I took a step back. His face was a mess of scars, with a horribly bent nose and one eye half-shut.

I recovered myself and handed him the card Chantelle had given me. It vanished in his massive hand, but then he smiled at me. The smile completely changed his face, and I saw the kindness he kept hidden beneath his disfigurement. “I guess you be Francine?” he asked in a deep American drawl I barely understood.

He cocked his head as the sound of an argument between two drunken Frenchmen reached us from the front porch. “Dang varmints, always arguing about going back to France. Whyn’t they just git? Should know better’n to be here, makes the boss mad.” The next thing I saw, the giant was half-carrying, half dragging them both by the scruff of the neck. When he was far enough away, he gave them each a mighty kick which sent them sprawling into the street. “Now don’t you be lettin’ me see you ag’in!” he called after them.

He walked back, shaking his head, but he was laughing merrily. He opened the door before beckoning me inside. “This way, Missy. Mah name is Will’em, by the way. Folks call me Bill.” He led me to the most gorgeous garden I had ever seen. A mass of flowering shrubs and small trees provided shade, a fountain tinkled merrily in the sunlight, and golden fish darted about in the pool.

Here I saw Chantelle again for the first time since our initial meeting. My heart leaped. She was so much more beautiful than I remembered. “Will she still like me?” was all I could think.

I stopped in front of her as she regarded me. Then she slowly clapped her hands. “Magnifique!” she exclaimed. “Tout à fait magnifique!” Though my French was poor, I knew what she meant. I never felt more pleased with myself than I did at that moment.

She gestured for me to come and sit by her side. “So, Marianna – I mean your mother – has spoken to you, and here you are and you are not upset with me, at what I plan for you?”

How could I tell her how excited I was with the whole idea? And so I did not try. Instead, I merely answered, “Just so long as I get to spend some time with you. That’s all I want.” I thought for a moment. “And if you promise you won’t ask me to go with any men, not for any price.”

She laughed – the first time I’d heard her laugh out loud, and it was music to my ears. “Oh, my little Francine. You’re far too precious to waste on the men. Don’t you worry your little head. That will never happen. Certainly not until you are much older, and only then if you say so.”

She rang a bell that had been standing on the small table next to her. A pretty young Negress came rushing over so fast that she must have been waiting, ready to be called. “Daphné, will you fetch some champagne, my sweet? A good one for my special guest.”

I’d heard of champagne, but I had never seen it, let alone tasted it. I knew that like anything French, it must cost a fortune due to the interdiction of trade by the British navy. There was only what was brought in from France by those sea captains brave or foolhardy enough to run the blockade.

I almost jumped out of my skin when the girl popped the cork, and I watched in amazement at the bubbles that sparkled in the golden wine.

Chantelle passed me a glass, but she did not drink. “So, Francine, do you come and work for me?” she said. “Not too often, just enough for a few certain ladies. Tell me what you think.”

I tried hard to be an adult. “Yes, Madame, just so long as you are also my Chantelle sometimes.”

Très bon. So now we drink a toast, to my beautiful Francine, and a very rewarding future for both of us.”

I almost sneezed when the bubbles skittered up my nose, but I also knew that from this moment on, I would forever love champagne. Never could I have imagined such a glorious thing to drink. I saw the amusement in Chantelle’s eyes as she watched me. She wasn’t being cruel. She merely enjoyed watching me experience a newfound, worldly pleasure.

“I think that maybe we have a little bit of teaching to do before you are ready. I will enjoy that.” She got to her feet. “Bring your wine with you. I think perhaps we should go to my bedroom and begin our lessons, yes?”

The room to which she led me made me gasp – not only for its lush femininity, but also for the most glorious and colourful drapes that hung at the windows and around the most capacious bed I had ever seen. But it was the paintings on the walls that captured my attention most intensely. All were of women, most without any clothes. Some embraced one another in the most suggestive poses. Others were engaged in behaviours that I would have, only a few weeks ago, regarded as quite rude. I could have learned my lessons merely by studying what these paintings portrayed.

Chantelle brought my wandering mind back to the matter at hand. “Come, my love, you will have plenty of time to study those later. Now I want to see you undress for me. This is your first lesson. I want you to imagine a lady sitting here. Your aim is to excite her, arouse her. You have to be teasing and erotic in the way you undress. It is not easy at first, but don’t be shy. Be proud of yourself and your body. Show me what you can do.”

Perhaps it was the champagne, but more likely, it was that I desired to please her. I wanted her to find me worthy, and at that moment I truly did feel beautiful. I was already aroused from my proximity to her, and from inspecting her unusual art collection.

I believed that I managed to give her an erotic and exciting tease in the way I slowly removed my clothes. She certainly smiled all the time. When I was naked, I stood in what I thought was an inviting pose. She clapped, and then laughed. I was uncertain whether I should be proud or embarrassed.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t making fun of you,” she said. “It was actually a much better first time than most of the girls who come here. But now you sit and I will show you. You must study and learn.”

I wasn’t at all prepared for the demonstration she gave me. Slowly, I began to understand what an erotic tease really was, with glimpses of things to come that yet remained obscured. She built my expectations, and my arousal. I felt the tingle in my cunt, along with the growing moisture. My nipples grew hard, jutting from my breasts without even being touched.

When she had dropped the last item, her back was toward me, but she had turned her head to look over her shoulder. I tore my eyes away from her beautifully rounded backside, and, looking up, the side of a breast just showing, and the provocative look on her face.

She turned full about and pointed at my privates. “You see, mon cherie, how you are aroused. I can see your pussy is wet, even from here.”

My pussy? For just a moment I thought, “I didn’t bring a cat with me,” but then I knew she meant my slit. I had never heard it called that before. Such a nice name, I thought as I looked down. She was right, though. I was quite damp, almost dripping.

She had walked toward me as she spoke before pushing me back onto the bed. She lifted my legs, and placed them over her shoulders, her head between my legs, her eyes fixed on mine.

“Now I taste my little Francine to see how sweet you are.”

I could only stare as her lips embraced my slit. No not my slit –  my pussy. First, she kissed me, but then I felt, although I could not see, the probing of her tongue. The last time, I had loved her fingers, but this was altogether something more. A small shriek escaped my mouth. My body was on fire.

For a moment she raised her head. “Oh yes, you will be a clit girl, I can see that,” she said. Then she went back to sucking me there, while her fingers roamed about, causing the most extraordinary sensations. I was ecstatic, wondering where she would touch me next.

Without warning, I was fast approaching the explosive moment. I did not want to finish, not yet, but I could not stop it. I had lost control over my body as I writhed and thrashed about.

My body, my mind, my entire being was in thrall to her expert touch. I was barely aware of what I felt, as it was beyond my experience. My mind exploded, and I felt my body striving, reaching – but for what? I could not know. Then came the glory, the most concentrated feeling of joy I could imagine. I was coming wildly, far in excess of what I had experienced our first time.

Chantelle spoke to me, and I struggled to follow her words. “… most forceful orgasm for such a young thing. You must learn to make it last, to have some control, though I do see that my ladies are going to love you.”

When I had recovered myself, we drank some more champagne. We kissed. We touched each other. Chantelle poured the sparkling wine on my bosom and my pussy, then licked and sucked it from me. Little things I needed to learn, she told me. Finally, we made real love. No lesson, but only our need.

I visited the Palacio three afternoons a week. I was introduced to a few of the girls, all much older than myself. I was the only real child. One other, who had been thirteen, had run off with a sea captain. But I did notice one of the girls, who was perhaps fifteen. She seemed to take a special interest in me. Was it because we were closer in age? Or did she want something more? Her smile seemed to convey such thoughts, but I averted my eyes from her.

The girls were of many differing nationalities and shades of color, but beautiful without exception, and all quite aware of their sexual power. Much to my delight, I was propositioned several times. I knew I was going to love it here at the Palacio.

I was disappointed with the salon, however, when I had a chance to look around. It was much rougher than I’d expected, considering how posh the Palacio was reputed to be. The furniture was of poor quality, the decoration almost nonexistent. It was like any other drinking bar, not that I’d ever been inside very many. It was just that I had expected something much more comfortable.

Chantelle saw that I was unimpressed. When the introductions were over, she beckoned me to follow her upstairs. “You don’t seem to think much of what you have seen,” she began. “Let me explain.”

She told me that since the Palacio was built on a hill, the ground floor was split into two levels. When she had first taken over as madame, her clientele had been different than it was today.

The lower salon in those days was for the common soldier or citizen, and as such, it was quite basic in both decor and furnishings. Fights were a regular occurrence, and there was little point in anything more expensive. Like most bars, the Palacio’s was just large enough to be cleared quickly whenever a brawl broke out. Bill had intervened in many such fights, hurling the combatants a short, convenient distance to the street.

We approached two ornate doors of frosted glass. “Now you will see, my angel,” Chantelle said.

I stopped in my tracks and stared in awe. This was what I had expected. The upper salon could not have been more different than the dive below. A separate entrance led to these plush surroundings from the street. Everything was decorated in the French manner. Thick, richly brocaded drapes hung everywhere. Paintings adorned the walls, and some looked to be quite expensive. The lighting was subdued, enhancing the intimate atmosphere. The sofas were plush and overstuffed – some arranged in such a manner to create discreetly private nooks, others standing in the open, allowing the girls to display themselves to prospective clients.

Oh, yes. Now I was impressed.

My sessions with Chantelle continued to be wonderful as she tutored me in the art of seducing and giving pleasure to other women.

I saw the older girl again, smiling at me in the same way she had when we first met. I felt she wished to speak with me, but we did not have the opportunity. I found myself wanting to meet her, perhaps to grow fully acquainted.

Bill, I discovered, was a wonderfully kind-hearted person, big and ugly as he was. One day, as he was walking me home, I plucked up the courage to ask him how he had come to be so badly scarred.

He told me he had been a riverboat captain and then a prizefighter. One day another giant of a man, also a riverboat captain, although not from this area, said to him, “I’ve been looking for you, Bill Tucker. I heard you’re good, but I don’t see nothin’ so special about you.” Bill slowly lowered his stein of beer and looked up at the stranger. He gave the man a shrug, then turned away.

The stranger persisted. “We fight, you and me, boats put up as prize,” he said.

The fight lasted an hour and a half. Both men were a battered and bloody mess, each barely able to raise his fist. Only then, finally, when both were on their knees, still exchanging blows, did Chantelle put an end to the contest. “Enough, it is a draw,” she said. Bill guessed that someone had earned a fortune that day, as no one had bet on a stalemate.

They became good friends after that, but Bill decided he’d had enough of fighting. He had almost lost an eye in that fight. “It were Madame, said she got a job for me, bein’ a bodyguard for the girls an’ her, an’ throwin’ the bums out,” he said. “Seemed better’n gettin’ bust up.”

Bill took a genuine and fatherly sort of interest in me. He insisted that I was never to walk to or from the Palacio without him. There had been much unrest in the province of late, and the streets were often quite unsafe. In short, he became my best friend, one in whom I could readily confide. He made it clear to any man who presumed to make unwanted advances toward me that they were ill-advised, and the brute was quickly dissuaded. Between him and Chantelle, men learned that I was off limits, no matter what price they offered.

I had begun to wonder when I might get my first paying customer, not that I minded the way things were. But I did want to start earning my keep, and I was ready to put my newfound skills to good use.

On to Chapter 3!


Sweet Poppy, Chapter 18

  • Posted on June 14, 2022 at 1:41 pm

Go here for a guide to the women and girls who populate “Sweet Poppy.” To get a thumbnail summary of the plot, please check out the Chapter Links.

by Joe Dornish

My birthday party was set for Saturday, the eighth of November. Technically it wasn’t my birthday, which fell on Tuesday. But Mum said more people would come if we had the party at the weekend. It was fine by me – I didn’t really care what day we had the party, so long as enough of my new friends showed up for everyone to have lots and lots of sex. Mum seemed to think it was a big deal, though. “There’s no other option, really,” she said and kept apologising. It took me a while to calm her down about it.

By the time I woke up on the morning of my birthday party, my excitement was so intense that I was close to going off like a bomb. The first one whose lips so much as grazed my pussy was going to get soaked. Restraining myself from masturbating in the shower wasn’t easy, but I wasn’t going to waste three days of nil by pussy with my fingers.

I went down to breakfast naked, and Lilly and Mum greeted me with hugs and kisses and sang “Happy Birthday.” There’s a weird tradition in our house that we eat chocolate cake for breakfast on our birthdays;  Mum even does it on hers. I blew the candles out on the long chocolate caterpillar cake I’d had every birthday for as long as I could remember. We tucked in and ate, then it was time to open my presents.

Like everything else, we have a tradition for handing out birthday gifts. I seated myself on the living room floor, then Mum and Lilly brought in a couple of large carrier bags full of presents, which they took out and lined up in front of me as I opened the cards. Mum says it’s polite to open the cards first, so we always start with them. I slit into one with our letter opener, and a ten-pound note fell out.

“Nan and Grandad?” asked Lilly.

I looked at the card. “Yep, Nan and Grandad.” I told her, and she made a note on a pad. At Christmas and birthdays, either Lilly or I will keep a list of who gave us what. In the next few days I’ll use the list to write thank-you cards to everyone. That’s something else Mum taught us to do.

“Open mine first!” Lilly exclaimed once I’d gone through all my cards.

Tearing the wrapping off, I quickly recognised the name of the shop on the box. It was where Kiki had bought my heels for me. Inside was a pair of shiny patent leather heels at least an inch higher than my other pair. They were black on the toe, then faded into bright red at the back.

“Oh, Lilly… I love them!” I threw my arms around my baby sister and kissed her until she squealed to be released.

“Henri helped me pick them out,” she told me.

They were stunning shoes and I considered wearing them that very night. But I’d spent a long time breaking in my current heels, and didn’t want to wear a new pair for the first time on such a big occasion.

Slipping them on, I paraded naked around the living room. “They feel good… and they fit perfectly,” I said.

Mum nodded approvingly. “They’re lovely, sweetie. They suit you.”

And they make you look grown up,” Lilly added.

“She’s right, they do make you look more mature.” There was a tinge of sadness in Mum’s voice. She often says that my sister and I are in too much of a hurry to grow up.

I gave Lilly another kiss and cuddle, then carefully put them back in the box.

“Now open Mummy’s presents!” Lilly seemed almost as excited as I was. She clearly knew what was in them.

“I think you know what this is,” said Mum, handing me a box similar in size to the shoe box.

I did, too. Every year the first present Lilly and I open from Mum is a big box of our favourite sweets and treats. She puts little toys, knick-knacks and tiny puzzles in there, too. It’s a sort of Christmas stocking, but for your birthday.

The next gift was fairly small and flat. I opened it, and inside were twelve pairs of hold-up stockings. Four tan pairs, four sheer black pairs and four black fishnets. There was also a packet of sixteen triple-A batteries, the same size my vibrator took.

“There now, that should tide you over for a bit!” Mum said with a laugh.

“Thanks Mum!” I was thrilled – this lot should last me ages.

Then I opened up a present that confused me. It was a skirt, one that looked exactly like part of my school uniform. As a birthday present?

Mum could see me trying to figure it out. She chuckled and said, “It’s longer than your normal skirts, so if you don’t turn the waist over it’ll come down just above your knee.”

“Thanks but er… a school uniform for my birthday?”

“Well, it’s just a silly idea, but I thought if your skirt was a bit longer you could wear your hold-ups to school…?”

“Oh my God, Mum, you’re a genius!” It made me wet, the thought going to school in sheer stockings with no knickers. I’d be able to flash my pussy to Mia, or Kiki, or any girl that I liked!

Three gifts remained. Mum handed me a package about the size of a small plate that felt like clothes of some kind. I tore the wrapping off and inside were six pairs of what mum called ‘naughty knickers.’ Some were thong style and others see-through, two apiece in three colours, black, red or white.

“Wow! They’re so sexy! Thanks, Mum,” I said, hugging her yet again.

I was about to try a pair on, but Mum said, “No, no, sweetie – you’ve not got time for that. Go ahead and open this.” She pushed another gift towards me, the biggest of the lot. I tore the wrapping off to reveal a small suitcase – the sort with wheels and a pull-out handle. It was a lovely, girly purple and pink colour. I recognised it from a shopping trip we’d been on ages ago.

“When you said you liked this, I made a note to buy it for your birthday,” Mum said. “I thought that since you will be having sleepovers with the other MAD Eleven girls, it would be handy to take all your things in.”

I was delighted. “Mum, what a great idea! I won’t have to squeeze everything into that little sports bag any more!”

“Exactly. Right, better open this last one, we’re short on time,” she said, handing me the last present.

Beneath a layer of tissue, I was surprised to find yet another pair of knickers. These were more like a tiny pair of shorts, but made of the same lace material as the suspenders and G-string. What made them different was the crotch. They had no gusset between the legs; instead, there was a beautiful string of pearls held on a gold chain that ran from the bottom of the mons and went right between the bum cheeks.

I held them up, staring in awe. “Oh, my goodness.”

“Wow, those are brilliant,” said Lilly, her eyes wide..

I put them to one side as my attention was caught by one last thing in the box: a black lace choker made from the same lacy material as the other pieces, but with two long gold chains attached. I couldn’t tell what it was for.

Lilly seemed equally confused. “What is it?” she asked, pursing her lips.

“It’s a type of harness. I’ll show you,” said Mum.

She unclasped the choker and put my arms through the chains, then did it up around my neck. When I stood up, the chains came down the centre of my chest to my belly button then around sides and behind me then up my spine where it attached to the back of the choker.

I never dreamed such a thing even existed. Sexy didn’t begin to describe it. I was looking at myself in the mirror in amazement when Mum said, “Oh, one last thing,” and handed me a packet of stockings.

“These aren’t hold-ups, they’re proper stockings for your suspender belt. I ordered them online, but they didn’t arrive until yesterday afternoon, after I’d already wrapped everything else up.”

“Wolford? I’ve heard of these, Kiki wears them.”

“The very same. I had all these things handmade to your size from a place Kiki told me about.” Her tone turned serious, “Girls, you cannot tell anyone outside of the Mad Eleven about this underwear,         or your toys. Okay?”

We both nodded. “Okay.”

“Now last, but by no means least…” Mum took a small gift-wrapped box out of her handbag and gave it to Lilly. “That’s for being such a great help getting everything ready for the party.” That was something nice that Mum always did for us. When we have our birthdays, she always buys a little present for the one who’s isn’t having hers, so she doesn’t feel left out.

Lilly tore the wrapping off and screamed so loud my ears hurt, “A BULLET! I GOT A BULLET!” She danced around the living room for a full two minutes before remembering to thank Mum and give her a big kiss.

I was so pleased for Lilly. She deserved something special for lending Mum a hand, but also, I just like seeing her happy and smiling. It’s funny – I used to think of my little sister as something of an annoying pest, but since we all became lovers I’ve come to adore her to bits.

My mind began to wander, and I thought about stripping Lilly down and taking her right there on the floor. After several days without an orgasm, I was so horny I reckoned I could come before Mum could pull me off her! Then again, maybe Mum will get naked and join in the fun…

No fear of that happening, anyhow. Mum clapped her hands briskly. “Right you, no time to dawdle – go and get dressed.” She was gathering up my new things, probably intending to put them away in my room, but the special set with the pearls went back into the box with the fancy stockings. “This is for you to wear tonight,” she said.

“Which knickers, the pearl ones or the g-string?”

“Whichever you prefer, sweetie.”

“Okay, I’ll try them on later, then decide. Mum, where are we going now?”

“Where are you going, you mean.”

“You’re not coming with me?”

“Nope. Your lift will be here soon, so hurry up and get dressed.”

“Ah, heck, I thought we were going shopping or something. What have you got planned? What do I wear?”

Mum gave me a smile that was positively devious. “You’ll find out soon enough what I’ve got planned. You can wear what you like. I’ll tell you this much – you’re going to someone’s house.”

“A house?” I had no idea what Mum was up to, but knew it had to be something good.

“Wear something easy to take off!” Lilly giggled.

“Good advice, Lilly!” said Mum, “Go, Poppy, get ready – quick, now!”

I hastened upstairs, my tummy doing somersaults with nervous anticipation. Someone’s house? Wearing clothes that were easy to take off? That sounded like I was going somewhere to have sex. Cool!

I slipped on a pair of my new naughty knickers, a black thong with lace on the front. Then I chose a simple but warm thick knit dress that came down to my knees, with a thin belt around the waist and a high, fluffy neck that came right up to my chin. Completing the ensemble with my black ankle boots, I went downstairs

I didn’t hear the doorbell go, so I was surprised to see Emma standing in the hallway. Instantly I’m thinking Okay, so I’m off to fuck Emma. I know her daughter Beth is at Kiki’s, though, I’d seen a photo of them both that Henri had uploaded to Facebook that morning. It seemed strange that I’d be going off for a one-on-one with Emma – not that I was complaining, mind.

“Hi, Poppy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” she shouted, then hugged me, “You look beautiful.”

“Aw, thanks, so do you.” She was only wearing a simple pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, but Emma would look stunning in a bin bag.

She handed me a card. “This is just a little something. You’ll get your real present tonight.”

A twenty-pound note fell out of the card and Lilly ran to get the notepad to put it on the list. “Ah Emma, that’s so nice of you, thank you so much.” Then I went up on tiptoe and gave her a hot tongue kiss, I almost got carried away. I really need to have sex soon or I might explode, I thought.

Emma grinned when we finally broke apart. “Well if that’s how you show your gratitude, I can’t wait for tonight.”

“Ha ha, me neither. And don’t worry, I’ll definitely be showing everyone my gratitude.”

“Good girl, that’s the spirit.” She laid a hand on my shoulder. “Ready, then?”

“I’ve no idea what for, but yeah, I’m ready.”

I hugged Mum and Lilly, then Emma led me out to her car. She drives an Audi TT, which is a really fast little sports car. I want one when I’m finally old enough to drive.

It was a short journey to the other side of the village to Emma’s house, so I wouldn’t have long to wait. Now that my big birthday surprise was about to be revealed, I was practically bouncing in my seat with the anticipation of it.

Emma glanced over at me. “Poppy darling, I don’t want to spoil the surprise… but I need to ask you something.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“I don’t think I’m giving the game away when I tell you that you’re about to have an opportunity to have sex. That’s just what it is, an opportunity. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Nobody will be upset or judge you if you say no.”

I felt like rolling my eyes, but managed not to. It was good to have so many grownups looking out for me, but honestly, I was bored silly by how they went on and on about consent, telling me that I didn’t have to have sex if I didn’t want it. Okay, I was still just a kid, but I’d also fucked at least eight women and girls by then… so it should have been crystal clear that I knew what I wanted. Maybe when I get to be a teenager, Mum and the others will cut me some slack, I thought.

“It’s okay,” I answered. “Mum’s taught me all about consent. If I don’t want to do anything, then I won’t. I promise.”

“Good girl, Poppy,” she replied, patting my leg just before she turned into her driveway. “Aaaaand here we are – home sweet home.”

We went inside Emma’s house and took our coats off. It’s very impressive, one of the few modern homes in the village. If anything, it was even nicer on the inside

She turned to me. “Poppy, honey… normally I’d give you time to settle in, but we’ve got some special guests waiting for you upstairs. Shall we go and see who they are?”

“Oh, gosh… yes, please.”

I followed her upstairs to her bedroom door. I could hear the giggles of a child inside… Evie, perhaps?

Emma paused, her hand on the knob. “Now, I’m going to introduce you, and if you’re happy, then I’ll leave you to it. If you say ‘can I use the loo, please,’ I’ll know you’re not in the mood to be intimate. Is that okay?”

I wouldn’t be asking to be taken to the loo, not unless there was a bloke behind that door… but I knew that Mum had told Emma to say that, so I had to play along. “Sounds perfect,” I said. “Thank you for taking care of me so nicely.”

She kissed my forehead, “Oh, Poppy, you’re my Mad Eleven sister… we look after each other,” Taking my hands in hers, she gazed into my eyes. “Sisters always,” she said.

“Sisters always,” I replied. She opened the door and we stepped into her large bedroom suite.

I’d assumed whoever was inside was from the Mad Eleven, so I was flat-out gobsmacked to see three complete strangers on the bed – a woman and two little girls, all of them naked.

“Poppy, this is my sister Christina.”

Feeling a sudden twinge of shyness, I waved hello to the sexy redhead stretched out on the bed. It was easy to see that she was Emma’s sibling, though younger by a few years. She had deep blue eyes, generous breasts, and a neatly trimmed patch of dark orange pubes. She was a stunner, no question.

“And these two angels, reading from left to right, are Lola and Lexi.”

The two girls bookending Christina were twins, mini versions of their mum with the same flaming red hair. I figured them to be something like four or five years old. They looked so much alike that I couldn’t tell them apart; in fact, I wondered if their own mum could.

I gave them my biggest, sunniest smile. “Hi, I’m Poppy. It’s nice to meet you!”

Their mother gave each of the girls a gentle nudge, and they both shouted in stereo: “Happy birthday, Poppy!”

Oh my God, they were SO ADORABLE. These cute little imps and their mum were melting my heart and creaming my knickers at the same time.

“Aw, thank you. You two are so beautiful. I love your hair. How old are you?”

Lexi spoke up. “We’re five.”

They looked small for five, with deliciously thin, pale bodies with pert, rosy nipples and sweet pink pussies that made my mouth water. I couldn’t stop staring… or smiling. And there were two of them… twins! This was going to be the best birthday ever, and it had only just begun!

“How old are you?” Lola asked.

“I’m eleven today.”

Christina gave me a smile that told me quite clearly what she wanted. “Would you like to sit on the bed with us, Poppy?”

“Yes, please.” I turned to Emma, grinning like a complete idiot. “I’m happy. Very happy. Thank you, you’re amazing.”

“You’re welcome, honey.” She kissed me on the cheek, blew kisses to the others, then made her exit.

I climbed onto the bed, seating myself so I was facing the twins and Christina, who said, “I’m twenty-eight, by the way. Um, just checking… was ‘very happy’ giving your consent?”

It never stopped. I didn’t complain, though – just smiled and nodded. “Yes, it was. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know if anything bothers me.” Leaning in, I whispered, “It won’t, though.”

“Wonderful!” She began to tickle the little ones, who squirmed and giggled with delight. While they were distracted, Christina caught my eye and mouthed the words, ‘Follow my lead’, then winked. I winked back.

Suddenly she stopped poking the twins, putting on a regretful face. “We must have got our times wrong, Poppy. I’m so sorry, we thought you were visiting us later. We were just about to have special cuddles… weren’t we, girls?”

The two shy girls arranged themselves against the headboard, one on either side of their mum. They nodded in silent agreement, blushing slightly.

I reached out to the nearest twin – I’d lost track of which was which during their tussle with Christina – and playfully pinched her big toe. She giggled and pulled her leg away then slid it back within range, daring me to do it again. I grabbed at her foot, but deliberately missed.

I did that a few more times, then said, “Oooh, you’re too quick for me! Listen, I’m sorry I interrupted your special cuddles. Erm, would you like me to leave so you guys can finish?”

“I’ve got an idea,” said Christina. Drawing the twins close to her, she whispered, “Shall we ask Poppy if she wants to have special cuddles with us?” She obviously knew I could hear every word, but I’m sure the twins didn’t know that.

“Yes! Yes! Oh, Mummy, ask her! Ask her!” The girls exclaimed, practically bouncing where they sat.

Christina winked at me. “Would you like to have special cuddles with us, Poppy?”

Mind you, I didn’t know whether ‘special cuddles’ involved gentle hugs, a tickle fight or getting fucked silly, but I was more than happy to join in their game. I decided it would be best to go at the pace of the little ones, let them take the lead. That’s what Mum did with me, after all.

Acting bashful, I said, “I’d love to, but erm… actually, I’m not sure what special cuddles are. Can you show me, please?”

“Oh, we’d be delighted to show you – wouldn’t we, girls?”

“Yes! Yes!”

“You have to be naked first, though,” offered one of the twins.

Christina looked from one little girl to the other. “Lola, Lexi, why don’t you help Poppy get undressed?”

“Okay!” they said in unison, then jumped off the bed. They were eager and bubbly, their enthusiasm downright infectious.

I stood up and kicked my boots off as the twins came over to me. “If you undo the belt, then you can both help pull this dress up and over my head, okay?”

They both nodded, then one of them began to fumble with my buckle. When it was loose, I had them stand on either side of me and lift my dress up, I bent over so they could tug it over my head. I pretended to get caught up and struggled for a bit with fake cries for help. That got the twins giggling, and they started tickling me, which sent me into my own fits of laughter.

When the dress was finally off I stood there in nothing but my black thong and let my new little friends study me. Christina was watching carefully, a hand tucked between her legs.

“Wow, you’ve got grownup knickers!” exclaimed one of the twins.

The girls were blocking Christina’s view, so she said, “Come here, Poppy, let me have a good look at you.”

I walked over to her, trying to make it look as sexy as I could, keeping eye contact with her and casually running my hands over my nipples. I stood next to the bed and she drew closer, her face so close to my pussy that I could feel her warmth. The twins followed me and one of them stroked my bum.

Christina frowned. “Lexi, remember what I told you?”

“Sorry, Mummy. Um… Poppy?”

“Yes, sweetie?”

“Is it okay if we touch you?”

I wanted to roll my eyes, but held back. Bloody hell, now I’ve got five-year-olds asking for my consent. No point in getting annoyed – it was how my sex life was going to be for at least few more years. So there wasn’t much I could do but smile, kiss this beautiful little one on the forehead and say, “Of course it’s okay. Both of you should feel free to touch me anywhere you like, okay?”

The twins nodded and four hands started to travel over my body, mainly caressing my legs and bum. Then I glanced up at Christina, “You too.”

She slowly trailed a bright red fingernail across my belly, following the waistline of my knickers, then down the front of the thong. I whimpered as she traced along the line of my slit, so clearly outlined through the taut fabric.

“Could you turn around for me, Poppy?” Christina said, her voice thickened by lust.

I knew what she wanted to see. When I presented my backside to her, she said, “My, my. You are a saucy little thing. Cute as hell and sexy too. Emma was right – you are irresistible.” Then she kissed my bum cheeks.

I turned back to face her and said, “Um, Christine… since the twins took my dress off, would you like to do the knickers?”

“You can call me Chris or Chrissie, darling… and yes, I’d love to.”

Hooking her fingers in the piece of string that passed for a waistband, she slowly pulled them down. Leaning forward to get the thong over my knees, she gave my mons a tender kiss. I moaned, wanting her to know how much I liked that.

Chrissie glanced over at her daughters. “Doesn’t Poppy have a nice cookie, girls?”

“Cookie?” I asked her.

She laughed. “It’s what we call the vagina… but when we’re having special cuddles like this, you can use whatever language you like. If you prefer to say, ‘cunt,’ instead, that’s fine.” The twins giggled to hear that.

“Oh, okay. We do something similar to that, actually.”

“You have special cuddles too?” asked Lola. I think it was Lola, anyway.

Squatting down so I was face to face with the girl, I said, “Uh-huh… my mummy, my little sister and me, we have lots of fun. See, we love each other just like you and your mummy do.”

“Isn’t that nice, girls? Poppy’s family have fun like us.”

“Do you kiss each others’ cookies?” asked Lexi.

I couldn’t stop grinning. My birthday surprise was turning out even better than I’d hoped! “Oh yeah… we love doing that.”

“We do it lots. Mummy gets wet and has organasms,” said Lola.

Lexi added, “We get wet too, but not like Mummy does. She said we’ll have orgasms…” she nudged her sister on that last word, “when we’re older. Do you have orgasms?”

“Yes… they’re wonderful, too. I’m sure it won’t be long until you girls have them, too.”

One of the twins – Lexi, I think, had been staring at my pussy while touching hers. I gave her a big smile. “Would you like to kiss my cookie?”

“Yes!” she squealed.

I was still standing next to the bed, a sodden pair of knickers ringing my ankles. One twin moved in front of me, the other behind. Before I knew what was what, they were fondling both my holes.

“Girls! Give her time to get on the bed, for goodness’ sake. Sorry, Poppy, they’re a bit keen to play with you.”

The twins pouted a bit, but moved back, enough for me to join their mum on the bed. She took me in her arms and we kissed like lovers. Our bodies were pressed together, my thigh between hers, so I could feel the sticky heat of her sex. I was already wondering if Chrissie tasted like her sister.

The twins climbed on board and proceeded to have their way with me while I made out with their mum. After a few seconds, Chrissie and I laughed at their prodding and poking and broke off our kissing. “We’d better let these scamps have their fun,” she said.

Lying back, I spread my legs, offering myself up to the girls. I wanted them to explore every part of me with their hands and mouths. I felt a delicious shiver, imagining what it would be like to have Lola and Lexi pleasure me together – one twin licking my pussy, the other rimming my bumhole. As it was, they were kissing their way around my tummy and thighs, gradually getting closer to where they wanted to be. For all their eagerness, I could see that the twins were a little shy, each waiting for her sister to go further, to make the big move.

Chrissie spoke up. “Know something, Poppy? You’re the first ever person we’ve had special cuddles with. Other than each other, of course.”

That surprised me. “Wow! No, I didn’t know that. I just assumed that Emma had…”

“Been their first, other than me?”

“Yeah.” I couldn’t figure that out. How could Emma have resisted these two lovelies?

“My sister and I have been fucking…” the twins giggled at the swear word, ”…for as long as I can remember. Honestly, some of my earliest memories are of us playing with our pussies together. By the time we reached puberty, Emma and I were lovers.” Chrissie gave a blissful sigh. “I was so, so happy to see my girls begin to show those same kinds of feelings for each other.”

“Wait – they started having sex without you showing them how?”

Chrissie nodded. “That’s right. I never taught them a thing. Lexi and Lola developed an intimate, sexual relationship, completely on their own, then invited me to join in with them a few months ago. They made up the name ‘special cuddles,’ and that’s what we’ve always called it.”

“Wow,” I said, awed. “Did they… were they having actual lesbian sex when you became part of it?”

“Everything but–”

“Kissing cookies!” one of the girls exclaimed – Lola, I thought. “Mummy taught us to do that.”

“Licking them, too,” her twin chimed in.

Playfully mussing her daughters’ hair, Chrissie continued. “Soon, the girls and I were making love nearly every night. That’s when I asked Emma if she wanted to join us. It seemed like a natural progression to me.”

“Did she say no?” It was getting hard to hold up my end of the conversation. The twins were playing with my pussy – those four busy little hands felt wonderful, but they were awfully distracting.

“Oh, she loved the idea… but Emma has always been the sensible one. She thought that the girls ought to explore sex with someone closer to their own age before having it off with another adult. I wasn’t so sure… it seemed to me that being with their Auntie Em would be perfect for my little angels, but she insisted I at least think about letting them be with, er… another child.” She struggled with that last word.

I kissed her gently, hoping she knew that far as I was concerned, there was nothing wrong with sharing love with young girls if they were truly willing. “And you picked me?”

Chrissie blushed. “Emma said you were utterly scrumptious… she was right, too.”

I gave one of her nipples a playful bite. “Have you ever been with someone else my age?”

“Other than my sister when I was young, and now the twins… no, you’re my first, um…”

“Child? You can say it… I don’t mind.”


By then, one of the twins had burrowed between my legs, humming contentedly as she licked my cunt. My cookie, that is. “Gosh, that feels good,” I moaned.

Chrissie chuckled. “Believe me, they’re just getting started.” She nodded toward the daughter who was going down on me. “That’s Lexi, by the way.”

No doubt eager to get into the action, little Lola scooted closer and started kissing my tummy. I noticed that she’d positioned herself in a way that presented her adorable bottom to me.

Is there anything lovelier than a little girl’s bum? I asked myself. If so, I had yet to encounter it in this life. Allowing my left hand to glide up Lola’s leg, I caressed her smooth slit.

Realising that I hadn’t yet gotten permission to touch the girls, I looked over at Chrissie, who was openly mastubating. “Is this okay?” I asked her.

She nodded. “Of course, darling! You can do whatever you like. No fingers inside, though.”

“Oh, sure, yeah. I understand.”

“Have you taken anything inside yet, Poppy?”

I couldn’t help but grin with pride. “I have done, yeah. I can have vaginal and clitoral orgasms.”

“You’re like the gift that just keeps on giving,” Chrissie told me. “Speaking of which, off you go, girls – show Poppy how good you can make her feel!”

By then, Lola’s head was positioned right over my pussy, and my excitement only grew more acute when I figured out what these delicious little girls were about to do. I lay back  bracing myself, and the twins got to work.

As Lola licked at my clit, Lexi’s tongue was gliding up and down the opening of my pussy and probing about inside. I was blown away. These five-year-old twins were doing a fantastic job; their mummy had taught them well.

Chrissie started licking, sucking and lightly biting my nipples. “Oh yeah, that feels divine,” I moaned.

“It does, doesn’t it? The girls and I make love nearly every day since they first came to my bed.”

“It’s been ages since I came… Oooooh… oh God, I’m not going to last m-much longer.”

“Let it go, Poppy,” Chrissie whispered, “come for my little girls, let them love you…”

“I’m so close, about to come…” Suddenly I found myself hungering for the taste of a girl – or a woman. “Chrissie,” I cried, “I want your pussy, g-give me your pussy…!”

Quickly straddling me, she lowered her cunt to my mouth just a few seconds before my orgasm hit. I’m not sure how good it was for her, because I wasn’t able to do much while coming so hard… but it turned me on something fierce. Chrissie’s pussy had a strong taste that made my head swim.

Since becoming a lesbian for real, I’d come to love all sorts of pussies – from sweet little girl slits like Lilly’s or juicy grownup cunts like Kiki’s or Mum’s with labia I can suck on. Chrissie’s sex was a pretty pink, adorned with bright orange pubes that I absolutely adored.

As my climax subsided, I concentrated on bringing Chrissie off. It didn’t take long, and soon she was moaning and shivering, her juices flowing down my throat. I didn’t stop, though – just kept licking her until she came a second time.

When their mother collapsed on the bed in a sweaty heap, one of the twins exclaimed, “Wow, Poppy… you get just as wet as Mummy does!”

I reached out to playfully muss her hair. “Well, I haven’t had an orgasm for three whole days now. That’s a lonnnng time for me, so I was feeling super horny.”

The other twin – once more, I couldn’t tell which was which – tilted her head to one side. “What’s horny?”

“Um… it means you want special cuddles really bad, like you’re starving for it.”

The girls glanced at each other, then burst into titters. “We’re always horny, then!” said the one on the left.

Chrissie and I laughed right along. “That you are, girls,” she said. “That you are.”

The twins didn’t give their mum or me much time to recover. A moment later Lexi and Lola had us both on our backs, riding our faces like bucking stallions. They burbled and squealed with delight like the happy little children they were as Chrissie and I savoured the fresh, sweet young taste of their bare slits.

I got the feeling the twins were making the most of having a new lover… they certainly weren’t shy! The natural curiosity of a five-year-old is a wonderful thing, especially when it involves sex. They quite happily turned me this way and that so they could have a good look or better angle to pleasure my pussy. They got me up on all fours and played with me from behind, then Lexi (so her mum said) wriggled underneath to eat me while Lola licked my bumhole. Chrissie, in the meantime, busied herself with the girls, going down on one and fingering the other.

Chrissie and I were soon worn out, so we relaxed in each other’s arms and let the twins have fun on their own. They showed off for us, demonstrating their recently acquired tribbing skills, which brought them both as close to an orgasm as I think was possible. While the twins frolicked with each other, Chrissie and I chatted.

By then, it felt like Chrissie and I were two old friends sitting on a park bench, watching the kids play in the sun while we had a good natter. She asked me about when I first started having sex, so I told her about Mum and how she and I became lovers, which began with our made-up game of Monsters. Lola and Lexi loved that idea, and I promised them that one day, I’d play Monsters with them.

When the twins left for a quick toilet break, Chrissie said to me, “I need your help with something.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“I have to be careful I don’t spill the beans here, but you do know you’re having a party this evening, right?”

I shrugged. “Yeah, but that’s all I know.”

“That’s what I thought. Well, the Mad Eleven have kindly invited us to the festivities, but I haven’t told Lola or Lexi yet. Thing is, they need to have a nap this afternoon if they’re to stay awake, but they’re far too hyped up right now.”

“How can I help?”

“They are completely taken with you, they’ll follow your lead. When they come back, I’d like for you to invite them to the party. I’ll act surprised and accept, of course. Then, tell them you need to go home for a nap beforehand, and suggest they do the same. Trust me, that’ll be enough to get them to at least lie down for a bit. Then Emma can run you home. Would that be okay? I know it’s a bit of a palaver, but I know my girls – they’ll have far more fun this evening if they have a few hours sleep this afternoon.”

I didn’t know what palaver meant, but guessed it was a big fuss. Anyhow, I was happy to help. “Not a problem, Chrissie. I may even take your advice and have a nap myself.”

“You’re wonderful,” she said and kissed me. “The plan, then, is for Emma to join us for the first time when she gets back from taking you home. Hopefully the girls will nod off when we cuddle up afterwards.”

“Aw, the girls will be so happy.”

“Emma will, too!” Chrissie said, a sparkle in her eyes. I could tell that she was thrilled about finally being able to have sex with her sister and her little girls at the same time.

Just then, the twins came back in and jumped onto the bed.

“Welcome back, girls. Now, I’ve got something I’d like to ask the three of you,” I said.

“Ooh, what’s that, then?” asked Chrissie.

“You know it’s my birthday today? There’s a party tonight, would you like to come, all of you? I’d love it if you could make it. I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun…”

Springing up like jack-in-the-boxes, Lola and Lexi erupted into pleading mode, “OH PLEASE MUMMY PLEASE CAN WE GO SAY WE CAN GO PLEASE MUMMY PRETTY PLEASE…”

Chrissie held her hands up and shushed them. “Calm down, girls. Poppy, that’s very kind of you, we’d be delighted to come to your party. I’ll call your mum later and get the details from her.” She winked at me.

The twins were beside themselves with excitement. I could see exactly what Chrissie meant, though – if they kept up like this for the rest of the day, they’d never get to sleep. Then at the party, they’d be worn out just as the fun was getting started.

“Wonderful! Oh, we’ll have such a great time,” I said.

Both the twins hugged me, I gave each one a big messy tongue kiss, then broke away to say, “I don’t know about you, but all these special cuddles made me a little sleepy. You two wore me out! I think I’ll go home and have a nice nap. Then I know I’ll be able to enjoy the party all night with the grown-ups.”

Chrissie spoke up. “That’s a very good idea… isn’t it, girls?”

They nodded along. “Yeah, we should totally do that!” one of them exclaimed.

I got dressed while Chrissie went down to update Emma. It didn’t take me long and I was ready to go when she came back upstairs. I hugged and kissed them all, thanked them for a wonderful morning and made Lola and Lexi promise to take that nap.

If my birthday had ended right then I’d have been happy, honestly. I mean, what I’d done with Chrissie and her little girls was mind-blowing enough. And they would all be at the party that night, so I’d be probably get to have sex with them all over again.

By then, those butterflies in my tummy had returned with a vengeance. If this was just the start of my birthday, what on earth would the evening be like? I wasn’t sure, but couldn’t wait to find out!

On to Chapter 19!


Ripples, Chapter 30

  • Posted on June 9, 2022 at 2:05 pm

To get a detailed summary of the first 29 chapters, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this story, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)


by Sapphmore and  JetBoy

As Stella was pulling into the driveway of her home with Alice in the passenger’s seat, Jessica was at home making preparations for dinner with her sister Laura. She’d whipped up a quick tomato, olive and caper sauce to accompany the gnocchi, which she’d bought fresh from Nico’s deli rather than make it herself, preferring to spend that time taking a leisurely bath.

Laura had phoned her up mid-afternoon, while Jessica was still pottering about in her bathrobe. “Hello, Jess… I just stopped for petrol, and thought I’d call to let you know that I’m about halfway there. Should be arriving around six.”

“Right on schedule, then,” Jessica replied, glancing at her watch. “Don’t eat anything on the way, little sister. I’m fixing dinner.”

“Oooh, and I had my heart set on a microwaved hot dog.”

“Ha bloody ha. See you at six.”

A moment’s silence, then: “Jess? I… I’m really looking forward to this evening. Just wanted you to know that.”

Feeling that familiar thrum of desire, Jessica smiled. “Me too, Laur. Ever since your last visit, I’ve been thinking about you.”

About your mouth, she silently added. Your hands, your fingers. About your breasts, that yummy arse. Your legs. Your cunt. Every inch of that ripe, lovely body. I saw you naked on your last visit, after we found you in bed with the girls… and the memory of it still lingers. I want you, Laura. I want to fuck my sister.

“Well, I guess I ought to, er, get going,” Laura said, a slight tremor in her voice.”Don’t want to hit traffic, after all. See you soon. Love you.”

“Love you, too. Bye.”

Placing her phone on the coffee table, Jess seated herself. Good thing I’ve not got dressed yet… I’d have needed to swap out my knickers for a dry pair. She felt a strong urge to masturbate, but had no intention of doing so, preferring to save her appetite for Laura’s arrival.

At some point, Alice phoned to let her mum know she was at Stella’s, taking a moment to gush about what a lovely day she’d spent at the art gallery. She’d also dropped a hint or two that her hopes of having sex that evening with Stella’s twin daughters – perhaps even with Stella! – were very likely to be realised. Wishing her twelve-year-old the best of luck, Jessica bid Alice goodnight.

Moments after that call, it was Rachel’s turn to ring Jess up. “I’m home, lover,” she said. “You can bring Katie and Poppy over any time.”

Jessica’s two youngest were disappointed to be missing out on an opportunity to see Aunt Laura – and, perhaps even share her bed again. However, the chance to spend a night with their mum’s lover Rachel and her daughters quickly smoothed over any wounded feelings. These days, the two families had more or less merged into a single one, differing from most in that the women and girls of this particular family were all sexually intimate. Poppy and Katie had both been with Rachel, but neither had ever spent the night with her… and they liked the idea of having sexy fun with their second mum and new sisters at a sleepover. It made them feel like grown-ups.

Jess walked the girls across the road to Rachel’s, telling them to have a good time, to which they responded with a giggle and Katie saying, “Oh, we will,” accompanied by a twitch of that pert little bum of hers, the kind that made Jess want to tug her nine-year-old’s shorts and knickers down, then bury her face between those petal-soft cheeks.

Rachel’s daughters Bella and Cindy greeted the girls with hugs, then scampered away with them into the kitchen, “We’re making pizza!” Cindy announced just before they disappeared.

“Don’t leave a mess!” Rachel called as she watched the girls rush off, then turned to Jess, shaking her head. “It’ll look like a sodding hurricane went through by the time they’re done.” Reaching for her lover’s hand, she gave it a squeeze. “How are you doing, then? Ready for a hot, sweaty romp with your sister?”

“Gasping for it,” Jess replied. “And after speaking with Laura a few minutes ago, I’m fairly certain she wants it as much as I do.”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “‘Fairly certain’, she says. Listen, I saw how she looked at you when we caught her with the girls. I’d bet Laura’s been crushing on you since she first realised she was gay.”

“If she felt that way back then, I certainly never knew,” Jess replied with a shrug. “Wonder what I’d have done if she’d made a play for me when I was, oh, sixteen or so? Anyhow, what matters is how she feels now.”

Slipping an arm round Jessica’s waist, Rachel murmured, “Pay close attention when you fuck her… I’ll want all the details.” Exchanging smiles, they drifted together in a long, heated kiss.

A ripple of laughter was heard from the kitchen, and the two lovers broke apart to glance in that direction. “It’s going to be a hell of a night,” said Rachel. “In bed with four little girls at once! I’ll be one well-fucked lesbian when the sun comes up.”

“You don’t know what you’re letting yourself in for,” Jess said with a wry grin. “By the time that lot is done with you, you probably won’t be able to walk.”

“Then I’ll go round on all fours… it’ll be worth it, believe me,” Rachel replied. “I’ve got some fun and games planned that should really get the girls hot and juicy.”

Jess parted her lips to speak, then shook her head instead. “I’m not even going to ask.”

“I’ll tell you this much: the last time I was with Poppy, she got four fingers into my bumhole… Tonight, I hope to take her whole hand.”

“Dirty cow,” said Jessica with a snort of laughter. “I’d best get back home before you corrupt my delicate sensibilities.”

“Ha – that ship’s long sailed!” They kissed briefly and said their goodbyes, then Jess returned home to finish getting ready.

Trawling through her lingerie drawers, she looked through gauzy panties, silken bras, sexy stockings and more, all top-line items from her shop. Funny thing, she thought. I bought most of these things to impress men – Mark, or the handful of guys I went out with after the divorce – and none of them were worth the bother. Now I’m making myself look hot and fuckable for my own sister. 

Jess felt a delicious shiver of anticipation when she found the pieces that always got a strong reaction from her ex. Before he moved onto pastures new, she told herself, stripping off her t-shirt and sweatpants. His bloody loss.

Now nude, she slipped into a lime-green quarter-cup bra that maximised her firm breasts, but did nothing to conceal her already aroused nipples, followed by micro-thin panties, a garter belt and ultra-sheer stockings. Fastening the garter clips, she turned to the wardrobe where her best dresses were kept, the ones reserved for special occasions.

She searched through the rack before settling on a short body-hugging dress with a zip front from top to bottom that she only ever wore when her objective was a romp in the sack. She finished off the look with high heels – not very practical for moving around a kitchen with pots of hot water and pasta sauce, but tonight, practicality was going out the window in favour of out-and-out seduction.

Appraising the image in the mirror, she nodded in approval, then made her way downstairs.

As she checked the kitchen wall clock, the doorbell rang. She quickly checked the sauce and turned the water on for the pasta, keen to get dinner out of the way quickly. Hastening to the front door, she opened it to greet her sister – who was almost unrecognisable from the Lara Croft lookalike of her last visit, the night she accidentally interrupted the family orgy.

Jessica’s heart jumped as she took in Laura’s emerald green satin blouse and how it set off her copper hair, now loose instead of constrained in a ponytail. Her eyes travelled down to take in the short burgundy leather miniskirt that set her sister’s legs off beautifully – then widened when she noticed that Laura had even worn high heels for the occasion.

In turn, Laura was enthralled by Jessica’s elegant, yet sexy ensemble, but she was first to recover. With a wry smile, she murmured, “Well, Jess… are you just going to stare at me all night or invite me in?”

Standing aside, Jess gestured her sister indoors. “Sorry, sis. I guess it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you in anything but baggy shirts, jeans and trainers.”

“Well, as my big sister owns a fashion store, I thought I’d make an effort.”

“And you’ve scrubbed up very nicely.”

Looking Jessica up and down, admiring her womanly curves, Laura looked into her big sister’s eyes before responding, “And you look amazing… as always.”

Moving towards Laura, Jess planted kisses on both her cheeks, followed by a warm embrace, the kind they’d shared many times before. For a moment as they parted, they looked into each other’s eyes, then Jess reached out to cup her little sister’s face and placed a gentle but more than sisterly kiss on her lips, letting it linger.

Laura flushed a little as they drifted apart, then held up a bottle of wine. “Um, I brought this.”

“Ah, so that’s why you only hugged me with one arm.” Jess accepted the bottle and, out of habit, checked the label. “My, my… a 1985 Montepulciano!”

“Is that okay? My boss gave it to me. Knowing how much you love Italian wine, I figured we could share it.”

“Well, she must be very satisfied with your work. From what I remember in those classes I took, this is an excellent vintage, and should go nicely with the pasta sauce I’ve made. Come into the kitchen, it’s nearly ready.”

“Feels like I haven’t been to dinner here for ages,” said Laura. “Unless someone takes me out while I’m on assignment, I tend to get takeaways. Which is why I have to spend so much time at the bloody gym!”

As Jess went to the stove to check the sauce, Laura leaned back against the island glancing round to note the dinner table, set formally for two with candles flickering. “Aren’t the girls joining us?”

“No, Alice spent the day on work experience at Stella’s gallery, and is having a sleepover with her twins. Katie and Poppy are staying over at Rachel’s.” She turned round to face her sister. “I wanted it to be just us, so we could have a nice quiet dinner together and catch up.”

Laura felt an unexpected twinge of disappointment when she realised that another round of sex with her nieces wasn’t on the cards. That, however, was quickly replaced by excited anticipation as she imagined what her big sister had planned for their evening. “Oh, okay… I suppose we do have stuff to talk about.”

“But not just yet,” Jessica insisted. “First, let’s enjoy our dinner and get caught up on what we’ve each been doing for the last three months.” Turning to Laura, she hugged her again. “I’ve missed you, sis; so have the girls. And when Mum gets back from her cruise next week, we’ll all be together again.”

Laura was about to ask Jess what she was going to tell their mother about her new relationship with Rachel, then completely forgot to – because as Jessica returned to the stove, Laura took in sight of the woman rather than her sister.

She’d already noticed Jessica’s prominent nipples, clearly outlined through that tight dress. Then as her big sister turned back to the stove, Laura’s eyes were drawn to the curve of her bum, barely constrained by the clingy material. She glanced down further, taking in those long, lovely legs.

As she admired the view, Jess bent to open a cupboard and pull out a colander, exposing the dark band of stocking tops that prompted a sharp drawing of breath from Laura.

Straightening up, Jessica lifted the large pot from the stove, carrying it to the sink to drain the gnocchi. As she turned back to dish up the first serving, she noticed where Laura’s eyes were centred.

Jess arched an eyebrow. “Now who’s staring?”

Flustered at being caught, Laura’s cheeks reddened. “Sorry Jess, I was just thinking… how fucking great you look for a mother of three kids. Christ – you’re more beautiful than ever!”

Jess just smiled.

They ate dinner and chatted like any other sisters who haven’t seen each other for a while. Jess wanted to hold off any discussion where sex might rear its head until later, when they were sitting comfortably over the wine, so she appreciated it when Laura asked about how her business was doing. Jess talked about how she was considering expanding into another store, then they chatted for a bit about the local council meetings and their debates over planning decisions.

As Laura had been away while their mother was on her cruise, she’d only managed the odd phone call, so Jess gave her an update of their mum’s trip and all the lovely places she’d visited, while they enjoyed a Limoncello cheesecake dessert – also purchased at Nico’s. Afterwards, they cleared the table and put everything in the dishwasher, then went into the lounge to relax, grabbing wine glasses and the bottle along the way.

As Laura took a seat on the sofa, Jess positioned herself at the opposite end. Slipping off her shoes, she turned to Laura and drew her legs up and onto the seat, hoping that her sister’s eyes would be drawn to the enticing shadows beneath her dress.

Settling in, Jess asked Laura about her latest assignment, the one where she’d written a lengthy article about the recent phenomenon of large, invitation-only parties for lesbians. Having read and enjoyed the piece, Jess had begun to wonder if she might like to take part in such an event, now she was comfortable with her identity as an out lesbian.

“Do they ever hold those sorts of parties in England?” she casually asked.

Laura shrugged. “Sure. You just need the right contacts to get an invite. The membership fees are insane, though.”

“Tell me this, little sister: while you were covering this story, did you ever happen to… take part in the proceedings?”

Briefly hesitating, Laura chose to be frank. “Well, I am an outsider, and have to keep things professional. But there was one party in Paris…”

At Jessica’s urging, Laura told her about the threesome she’d participated in with the businesswoman and the party hostess. She didn’t go into much detail at first but, as her sister pressed for more, she ended up divulging the story in explicit detail, which only fed the fire in Jessica’s eyes.

Then it was Jessica’s turn to share her story, about how she turned from a model wife to a lesbian who has sex with her own daughters. She told it all, too – starting with the night when she and Rachel watched an all-woman porn film and masturbated together, not knowing that her oldest daughter Alice was spying on them. Jess went on to describe how Alice, despite a near-complete lack of experience, had somehow managed to seduce her, then how she’d gone on to bring her younger sisters into the sexual games.

“Now, while that was going on, Rachel and I were having it off, too… and she was enticing her daughters into bed.”

“Did you know about that at the time?” Laura asked, conscious of a rising heat between her legs.

“Oh, yes. There were no secrets between us. We encouraged each other, you see. That’s when Rachel and I decided to make a go of it as a real couple.”

“With all your daughters joining in.”

“That came a bit later, after all the girls became involved,” said Jess, “but yes, that was what we wanted. The night you caught us was the first time we came together as a… a family of lovers.” She decided not to tell her sister just yet about their activities outside the extended family, including what Alice was up to right then at Stella’s place. Don’t want to give her too much to think about, Jess told herself.

Laura stared at her sister as though she’d become a complete stranger. “Wow. I mean… even weeks later, I don’t know what to think about this. It’s one thing to switch sides later in life, or when a marriage fails, but to go from what you had with Mark to a – an entire family of lesbian lovers, little girls included? In three bloody months?”

Sensing the conversation was steering the mood in the wrong direction, Jess brought it back to the morning after the family orgy. “Believe me, Laura, I’m as shocked as you in how far I’ve come… we’ve come, in such a short time. I fought with the idea of making love to Alice, and it took a long time before I was comfortable with letting Katie and Poppy get involved.

“But it made our family bond even stronger… and the girls are happier and more confident than I’ve ever seen them. You got to see that first hand, the last time you were here – remember?”

Laura did remember – and a shiver ran through her at the mention of how she’d been seduced by her two youngest nieces and Rachel’s daughter Cindy, each of them less than ten years old. She had given herself over completely, too, revelling in their heated lovemaking. The idea of sex with a little girl had never crossed her mind before, but being with these three young lovelies had Laura drunk with passion. Weeks later, the memory of going down on seven-year-old Poppy was crisp and clear, as if the taste still lingered on her lips.

Since then, Laura had been on an emotional see-saw, veering from the guilt she felt at having molested underage girls – only made worse by her blood relation to Katie and Poppy – to a wild, heedless appetite for more of the same. And as the days passed, Laura’s desire was beginning to win out over her shame. She masturbated constantly to memories of that incredible night of forbidden love… and found herself responding to the sight of other underage girls.

Like at the gym pool last week – that little blonde, not a day over eleven, wearing what had to be her very first bikini… She remembered getting out of the pool herself when the girl did, hoping to get a glimpse of her naked in the open changing area.

Thrusting the memory away, Laura said, “I know Jess, I know. I can’t claim any moral high ground, not after what I did with the girls… but it’s still a lot for me to take in. Since… what happened with the girls, I can’t stop thinking about it. Christ, it might well the best sex I ever had, but that doesn’t make it right. Half of me wants more – probably more than half, if truth be told, but I can’t stop worrying about the consequences. I mean, do you have any idea what would happen if someone found out and grassed on you? You’d lose the girls for certain, maybe go to prison.”

Jess slowly nodded. “I know all that, but it’s not as if we’re snogging our daughters at the school gates. We told the girls right at the start that they mustn’t do or say anything about what we do behind closed doors, and they understand completely.”

Reaching out, she took Laura’s hand. “What we have is something special… and we all want you to be a part of it, especially the girls. Look, Laura, we’re not pushing you into anything you’re not comfortable with. I saw something in your eyes when Rachel and I burst in on you.”

To add weight to her words, Jess casually stretched one leg, watching her sister’s eyes flicker down as she caught sight of the pale thighs just above those sexy stockings.

“We both noticed how you looked at me when I was standing naked in front of you. Rachel said afterwards that you clearly wanted to make love to me, right there and then.”

Suddenly unable to meet her big sister’s eyes, Laura stared down at her hand, which Jess was cradling in her lap. Taking a deep breath, she spoke. “I don’t know what came over me, Jess, but seeing you standing there in all your glory… it brought back memories of when we were younger, and when I realised I might be gay. You were the perfect girl, and I was a tomboy. I used to steal glimpses of you, and it gave me feelings that I didn’t understand… feelings that frightened me.”

Laura told Jess about how she’d started experimenting with girls at university, when that kind of thing was becoming more commonly accepted. She did sleep with a man now and then, but then one of the older female lecturers came onto her, they started a secret relationship, and that was when Laura decided she was a lesbian. She soon found herself gravitating towards older women, but still harboured a secret longing for her big sister.

“I suppose I’d wanted you for a long time, before I even recognised my sexuality,” she continued, “but it wasn’t until this one night that I understood my true feelings.” She paused, sighed. “I was taking a break from studying, looking through my photo album… and found a snap of you in that dark blue swimsuit you used to have. Remember?”

Jess smiled. “I certainly do.”

“Something about that picture… well, it really hit me where I live. Before I knew it, I was flat on my back with a hand buried in my knickers, caught up in this crazy fantasy of fucking you.” She slumped back into the sofa. “I came so hard that… that I cried afterwards.” She looked up at Jess, giving her sister a sad smile. “I’ve wanted you ever since.”

Jessica had listened intently, then after a moment’s silence, reached out to place her wine glass on the coffee table. Swinging her legs off the sofa, she stood up and looked down at Laura, reaching out to her. Laura allowed Jess to pull her up until they stood facing each other. As she’d done when her sister first arrived, Jess put a hand under Laura’s chin and placed a gentle but sensuous kiss on her lips.

Laura’s hands hung limply by her side as she let herself be kissed, and after a few seconds, Jess broke away to see her little sister swaying ever so slightly where she stood, eyes still closed as if in a trance. With a satisfied smile, she moved in to nuzzle Laura’s ear, then whispered, “Well, I think it’s time we made your crazy fantasy come true.”

Taking Laura’s hand, Jess led her sister out of the room and up the stairs. Meekly allowing herself to be led, Laura was brought into the bedroom, to the foot of Jessica’s bed. Without breaking eye contact, Jess reached for Laura’s blouse and slowly unfastened each button, then slipped both hands inside to slip it off her sister’s shoulders, letting it fall down her arms and to the floor, revealing a pretty dark green lace bra.

“Very nice,” Jess purred. She ran both thumbs over the hardened nipples and felt Laura shiver.

Still holding her sister’s gaze, Jess moved closer until their breasts were touching. She reached behind to grasp the zip of Laura’s leather mini, tugging it down until the sexy skirt dropped to the floor. Taking a couple of steps back, Jessica appraised her little sister as a lover for the first time.

Laura stood nervously, as though auditioning for a movie role. She congratulated herself for choosing decent lingerie for her date with Jess. Much of her nicest underwear had been gifts from lovers, but since spending so much time among glamorous lesbians on her last couple of assignments, Laura had begun to build her own collection of intimate apparel.

Jess slid her fingers beneath the straps of the green bra, slipping them over Laura’s shoulders, then reached back to undo the clasp, pulling the flimsy garment forward to uncover small but shapely breasts that Laura always wished had been bigger. Finally breaking eye contact, Jess looked down at Laura’s body. She dipped her head but, instead of kissing Laura’s mouth, bent lower to nuzzle her sister’s neck, tracing a line with lips and tongue over the collarbone, then trailing petal-light kisses downward until she reached the younger woman’s breasts. As Jess flicked lightly at an engorged nipple with the tip of her tongue, Laura’s head fell back and her breathing became ragged, her chest heaving, nerves jangling like a first-timer.

Jessica continued her slow journey down the terrace of Laura’s ribs until she reached the flat, toned tummy. Dropping to one knee, she grasped the waistband of the matching green panties, her tongue following their descent as she eased them down.

As those already damp knickers slid past Laura’s knees and fell to the floor, Jess helped her sister to step out of them, leaving Laura naked, legs parted. Running her hands back up her sister’s toned thighs, Jessica used both thumbs to spread her labia apart, exposing the hooded clitoris. Jess glanced up to see Laura staring down at her, then moved in to flick her tongue against the pink morsel.

Despite it being the lightest, most fleeting contact imaginable, Laura jerked and inhaled sharply, clutching at Jessica’s head with both hands. Intent on prolonging her sister’s frantic need for release, Jess held back, resisting the pressure of the hands that now urged her in. Instead, she pulled away, rising to her feet.

Laura felt a jolt of panic, suddenly afraid that Jess had changed her mind. She relaxed somewhat at the sight of her sister’s smile, but still found Jessica’s behaviour puzzling.

Is she teasing me? Laura wondered. Anticipation of this long-desired reunion with Jess had only sharpened her appetite, leaving her desperate for the sweet oblivion of orgasm.

Jess leaned in for another kiss, but rather than the gentle caress of the previous kisses, she now crushed her mouth against Laura’s, forcing a probing tongue between her sibling’s parted lips. Now Laura responded, using the years of experience gained from the many women she’d been with – throwing both arms around Jessica’s neck as if to make sure she couldn’t get away.

After a couple of minutes of feverish kissing, they broke for air. By then, Laura was almost panting for breath, more from her excitement than any physical reaction. As Jess moved back, Laura reached for the zip on her sister’s dress with hands made clumsy by lust. “Now you,” she said.

But Jess seized her wrists. “Uh-uh. Patience, lover.” She took a few steps back, amused at the dismay on Laura’s face. Taking hold of the zip herself, she drew it down as slowly as possible while her sister watched.

As the dress parted, Laura could see the bright green of the barely-there bra, followed what seemed like minutes later by the matching panties and garter belt. Eventually Jess shrugged her shoulders and the dress slid off. As it fell to the carpet, Laura drank in the vision of mature beauty that stood before her. She made a move forward, but Jess raised a hand to halt her in mid-step.

Reaching down to the waistband of her panties, Jessica pushed them down a couple of inches to expose a perfectly manicured triangle of close-cut pubes, then further, displaying the cleft of her sex. She gently tugged at her labia with one hand while she dipped a finger into the crevice below, sliding it down, curving the tip inside before withdrawing. Laura could only stare as Jess raised the hand to her mouth, extending her tongue to trail it along the length of the glistening finger, then closed her lips around it to suck like a peppermint stick.

Almost without thinking, Laura slid a hand down to her own shaved cunt, but started as Jess exclaimed, “No! No touching yet… just watch.”

The younger sister narrowed her eyes. “What the actual fuck, Jess? I’m not some stranger you picked up in a pub. We both want this… what’s with all the bloody teasing?”

Jess smiled. “Well, sis, you’ve waited all these years to get me between the sheets, so another couple of minutes won’t kill you. I’ve learned a few things since Rachel and I fucked for the first time. Now behave yourself, and you’ll get your treat soon enough.”

“Oh… fine,” Laura muttered, then nodded. She was used to being the passive partner in relationships with her older lovers, so doing the same with her older sister didn’t feel especially strange. Taking a deep breath to still her restless energy, she let both hands fall to her sides awaiting Jessica’s next move.

Pleased to see Laura accept the situation, Jess smiled. Oh, she felt a hint of some guilt for tormenting her sister this way, but the chance to reprise the role she and Rachel had played with Sally and Millie the week before was too delicious to pass up. She could see the fire and yearning in Laura’s eyes, and it turned her on something fierce. Still, I shouldn’t torment her any more, poor thing.

She dipped her hand again, this time sliding two fingers into her sodden cunt, then began to fuck herself, plunging in and out to coat them in warm, thick nectar. But before her pleasure could reach the point of no return, Jess withdrew her hand, then extended it to her sister.

Laura immediately seized her sister’s wrist, determined that Jessica would not deny her this time. She took the wet, gleaming fingers into her hungry mouth, purring contentedly as she sucked them clean.

Jess slowly moved backwards, leading Laura along until she felt her legs touch the accent chair. Taking her hand back, she claimed her sister’s mouth in a hard, probing kiss. Abruptly breaking away, she fell back into the seat, sliding her bum to the chair’s edge. When their eyes met, Jess pushed her panties down a few inches further in open invitation.

Needing no further instruction, Laura dropped to her knees and wrenched the bottle-green knickers away with a hard tug, not caring a fig if she damaged them.

Her legs now free, Jess quickly hooked them over the arms of the chair, proffering her open cunt to Laura. Her sister didn’t hesitate, immediately burying her mouth in the juicy pink flesh to feast. The moist, messy sounds of cunnilingus filled the room.

Jess gasped as Laura’s tongue plunged in and out of her like a fat, slippery finger… then her sister was sucking at the dripping hole. Drinking from the holy grail, she thought, and the thought made her smile.

Caught up in a frenzy of lust, Laura went down on Jess with everything she had. She hadn’t expected to be teased, much less that her sister would be so goddamned good at it, and now she had something to prove. Years of repressed hunger for Jess had been held at bay by an assortment of relationships, some lasting, most fleeting. Now she was free to love her sister the way she’d longed to, ever since she began to struggle with her feelings for other girls. And she was first, Laura reminded herself. Jess helped me understand myself, who I really was. And now, after all this time, I’m making her mine.

Laura brought all her best oral tricks into play as she made love to Jessica – swirling her tongue around inside the vagina, nibbling at the erect clitoris, bathing the vulva in long trailing licks, darting down to tease the rosebud and more. Then she brought her fingers into the action – stimulating one spot while her mouth and tongue serviced another, then shifting tactics yet again.

All she wanted was to satisfy the object of her youthful dreams, the amazing woman who was now laid bare and open before her. My sister.

Jessica’s head was spinning from what felt like a myriad of mini-orgasms as Laura did unimaginable things with her mouth, lips, even teeth, probing both holes with fingers and tongue. She clutched Laura’s head, fingers wound into her younger sister’s coppery mane. If she stops now, Jess told herself, I’ll bloody well strangle her.

After what seemed like an age of relentless stimulation, Jess could no longer hold back – and with a loud, hoarse cry, she came. Her body jerked violently, then she trembled as if in the grip of a seizure.

Unable to keep pleasuring Jess with her mouth, Laura sat back on her haunches, catching her breath as she used two fingers to stimulate her lover’s clit, observing the throes of her sister’s ecstasy with a satisfied smirk. Then she licked her lips, savouring the traces of pussy that coated them.

As Jessica’s climax subsided, she opened her eyes to see Laura sitting at her feet. With a sleepy smile, she mumbled. “My goodness… you really have been bottling that up for a while, baby sister.”

“More than fifteen years,” Laura said. “It was worth the wait.”

Jess felt for her sister’s hand, squeezed it. “I love you, Laura.”

“I love you too,” Laura whispered, bending down to Jessica’s knee, brushing it with her lips. Enticed all over again by the thick, rich scent of her sister’s pussy, Laura began to slowly kiss a pathway up the sheer nylon until she reached the silky-smooth thigh. Continuing upwards, she paused briefly to adorn that lovely cunt with a tongue kiss, getting another taste of Jess before moving on to nuzzle her soft tummy. From there, Laura made her way up to those shapely breasts, the ones she’d envied since puberty, and buried her face in their softness.

When she finally looked up and met her big sister’s gaze, Jess cupped Laura’s chin, drawing her into a loving kiss that lasted a long, lovely while.

Finally, Jess broke away, “Does this mean you want to join us? To be a part of our… special family?”

Laura shrugged. “How can I not? I’ve wanted this for years. Well, you, I mean, but everything else is just icing on the cake, far as I’m concerned. I want to make love with the girls again – only this time, with Alice included. I’d definitely be into fucking Rachel as well. But Christ almighty, how am I going to find time to do any sodding work in the midst of this non-stop sexfest?” She laughed, her cheeks slightly flushed. “God only knows what other kinky stuff you’ll have me trying – but yeah, I’m in.”

“I know Rachel can’t wait to fuck you… and Alice is still peeved that she never got the chance when you were here last. But before any of that happens, it’s my turn.”

Pushing herself up from the chair, Jess reached behind to unhook her bra, then bent down to remove the suspenders and belt, carelessly tossing these fine things to one side. Kneeling before her sister, Laura rolled the sexy stockings down, and Jess lifted each foot in turn so they could be slipped off.

Taking Laura’s hand, Jess helped her to rise, then sent the younger woman falling back onto the bed with a nudge. Laura propped herself up on both elbows, her thighs wide apart, ready for anything.

Now Jess was the one kneeling, moistening her lips at the sight of her sister’s open slit, watching a trickle of nectar oozing down and into the crack of Laura’s arse. ”God, little sister… you have a beautiful cunt,” she breathed.

Jessica took hold of Laura’s calves and raised them, draping a leg over each shoulder, then slowly drew closer. She inhaled deeply, drinking in the rich scent of her sister. Glancing up, she saw Laura watching.

“I haven’t been at this as long as you,” Jess said, “but I’ve learned a few things.” With that, she dipped her head down, taking the first taste of her little sister.

Her lovemaking was nothing like the lustful frenzy Laura had been caught up in. Jess wanted to fully savour the experience of going down on another family member for the first time. There was plenty to enjoy, too – the tart, intoxicating flavour of Laura’s pussy, its tart honey, flowing so thickly that Jess couldn’t capture it all, the liquid sounds of her mouth as she sucked and slurped at the juicy flesh.

She couldn’t resist the impulse to tease Laura just a bit more, taking her to the edge and easing back a few times until her sister was on the verge of a complete meltdown. Finally, Jess took Laura’s clit between her lips to suckle,  its rosy tip with a few rapid swipes of the tongue.

A hard shudder shook Laura’s body, then she screamed as her orgasm came down like a flash flood – smashing into the helpless lesbian, tossing her hither and yon, then carrying her away, finally depositing her wracked frame on a quiet shore.

Left winded and spent, Laura began to cry.

Jess stretched out alongside her sister, kissing the tears away. After a while she rose, went to the door to turn off the main light, then returned to the bed, leaving the room illuminated by the light of a single lamp. The two lovers lay on their sides sharing a gaze of pure adoration, then came together in a tender kiss.

Their passion roused once more, the sisters made love again, this time slowly, gently. Afterwards, physical and emotional exhaustion overtook them and they fell asleep, Jess cuddling Laura to her like a child.

On to Chapter Thirty-One!


A Bordello in New Orleans, Chapter 1

  • Posted on June 4, 2022 at 3:01 pm

One of the best scores we made at Juicy Secrets over the last year is access to the beautiful stories of Kinkychic (along with the work of her equally talented sister Kinkys_sis). Here’s a brand new Kinkychic story, one we got first crack at. Needless to say, we’re thrilled no end to present it to you now. Do enjoy.  — JetBoy


By Kinkychic


Chantelle looked across the city from her vantage point high above the street. She was leaning on the balcony of El Palacio, where she liked to enjoy her morning coffee, reflecting on her life and her future. Up here, there were few of the smells that pervaded the neighbourhood below, and at any rate, the air around her home was nowhere near as foul as it was nearer the suburbs.

New Orleans was a dirty, smelly, muddy, and often fever-ridden place. Yet it seemed that everyone wanted to live there. Chantelle, who put it about that she was French, although no one really knew for sure, was no exception. She ran a successful business—she was the “madame” of a bordello. By most people’s standards, she was quite rich. She enjoyed a good life and had no inclination to leave.

Today, however, she was thinking more about how the city she loved was changing and the constant flow of rumours of what the British, the Spanish, the French – and now the Americans – might do next. Times were uncertain, but she knew she’d been lucky so far; nothing seemed to impede the smooth operation of the Palacio.

France was at war with Britain. The Spanish were on the verge of joining the French. The northern American states, recently independent, were eager for more territory to add to the Union, especially in the South. The American army wanted to use force, but President Washington said he was weary of conflict and wanted only a peaceful settlement.

The city and its surroundings attracted four types of Americans. First came the stream of settlers in the more northerly areas, who had been sold land – illegally, some would argue – only to find Indians in residence when they arrived.

Then there were those working toward some political agenda, aiming to rid the place of the Spanish and bring the region into the American fold. Others were there to make money by whatever means possible – pirates, privateers, gamblers and fraudsters. A few were hard-bitten riverboat men working the delta. Bill Tucker was one such man. A riverboat captain, he had worked up and down the Mississippi most of his life. Some said he had been a pirate and a thief, but never to his face. That would have been very foolish.

The Spanish maintained a large fort overlooking the harbour. It was well designed and boasted huge guns to protect their interests, and the garrison of soldiers and sailors from the king’s small naval force was the main source of income for most of the smaller traders in the city.

Whorehouses outnumbered any other type of business. They ranged from dirty flea pits in the suburbs to posh establishments in the few smarter areas. These latter catered to officers, gentlemen, and a very few rich people who were neither.

These better-class bordellos were usually owned by a senior military man or politico who was seldom actually seen on the premises, and who would engage a madame to front his business. Chantelle prided herself that the Palacio was quite probably both the best and most popular among the city’s more discerning residents.

By far the busiest professionals were the prostitutes, whether the beautiful whores found in the best places, or the scrawny, toothless hags who worked the filthy streets.

This was New Orleans in the late eighteenth century, a lowly deckhand’s paradise or an officer’s nightmare. It was not a place to be penniless – especially a penniless woman.


Chapter One

My father was killed when I was seven. His platoon had been ambushed by persons unknown somewhere up the Mississippi. He had been a Corporal in the Spanish army escorting a small naval convoy that was transporting gold coin into the interior for the Governor. This gold was a payment to some American General. I think his name was Wilkinson. Some years later I learned that he had been a double agent, working for both the Americans and the Spanish. He never received his gold. Nor was any trace of it ever discovered.

I loved my father, the kindest man I ever knew, and I still missed him. The sound of his voice – “Frances, viene la cena está lista” – when he called me for dinner, or when he played his guitar and sang us a love song. He had never earned a great deal. Army pay was steady, but not enough for him to save, and he had always been too honest to involve himself in any of the shady rackets that were rife in the dockyard.

My mother did receive a token bereavement payment from the army, but it lasted us only so long. The sisters of the convent helped us for a while, and then they, too, ran out of money. There was a terrible shortage of actual coin, the Governor having lost 200,000 guineas in his ill-advised venture with Wilkinson.

My mother tried everything she could to find work, but to no avail. For a time, it seemed, either we would have to live on the streets, or Mother would be forced to accept some drunken soldier as her husband. Good men were hard to find. It was a common enough situation, and our own was becoming more desperate every day. We were but two of the thousands of penniless females scratching for a living in New Orleans.

I remember the day Mother came home with so much fresh food I could not believe it, but I, being half-starved, did not question how she had acquired it. All I cared about was filling my empty belly. I think I was eight at the time.

She was fourteen years of age when I was born, and so still quite young. She was also a quadroon. One of her grandmothers had been a slave in the British West Indies – although we never knew which of the islands exactly – and her grandfather was the enslaver. Like many women of mixed blood, she was beautiful, with European features but slightly darker-coloured skin. As an octoroon, I am even more fair-complected than she.

Mother worked in the evenings. She would not tell me where. She would say only, “It’s better you don’t know, but you needn’t worry. There’s nothing for you to be concerned about.”

Over time, I saw her fortunes increase until eventually, my curiosity got the better of me. I could not understand what situation could pay so much. I tried to ask her about it on several occasions. At first, she told me not to fret, but as I got older, I did fret. I began to worry what she might be doing.

Finally, I asked her outright. “Mother, I want to know what you do,” I said. “It worries me, not knowing. I can’t believe the money you bring home can be earned from any honest work, and it frightens me.”

She seldom grew cross with me, but now she did. “How dare you question me like this!” she said. “Just be grateful that I provide. What I do is my business, and no concern of yours.” She stopped. I think her own words had shocked her. They certainly shocked me.

I took a step back, hurt and stung and fighting back tears. “I only worry for you, Mother,” I mumbled.

She saw my distress, and reached out to me. “I know you do, Frances. I’m sorry for my harsh words. Now let’s not mention it again.”


I followed at a safe distance so that she never saw me. Mother carried her good shoes in her bag, as they would have been ruined in the filth she was forced to walk through to reach the better-kept streets. Several times I had to be quick to escape the grasping hands of some inebriate who clearly thought I was fair game – a young and not wholly white girl out on the streets at this time of evening.

I had always felt frightened of Indians, although I had no real cause to be. My fear stemmed only from stories I had heard. Nevertheless, I would try to avoid contact with any I encountered, and so it was now. Most stood about the docks, but some loitered in small groups that I did not much like the look of, and I steered well clear of them.

At one point, I was caught up by a more persistent soldier who took hold of my arm. He even offered me more money than I’d ever seen if I went into the alleyway with him. The smell of his breath from his rotten teeth and whatever he had been drinking invaded my senses. He cursed me for a stuck-up negra bitch as I twisted away from him. I shouted at him that he was a disgrace to the Spanish uniform he wore. Could he not see that I was a respectable girl, and not one of his whores?

He just laughed at me, pressing a hand between his legs. “I’ll teach you respectable, little miss. Your little hands would fit right nice around this.” But by then, I was running to catch up to my mother.

She had disappeared. I had no idea where she’d gone. How could she have vanished so quickly? I looked about, puzzled. I was standing outside the doors of a quite notorious, but high-toned bordello. It slowly dawned upon me that it was the only place she could have gone.

I knew little about these places, although I did know what they were for. Perhaps Mother worked as a hatcheck, or waitress, or something similar. It did not once cross my mind that she could be one of the girls who catered to the unspeakable needs of men. I did suspect, though, that anyone who worked in such a posh establishment, in whatever capacity, would be well paid.

I could not bring myself to enter, and since there was nothing else I could discern by standing in the street, I returned home – though more slowly and carefully than I had come. For I loved it here, amid the city’s few clean streets. One or two of the lanes boasted gas lights, as did the houses and businesses along them. I stopped and admired the steady blue flames. How did they work? I had no answer. And only here were the carriageways paved. One could walk without being covered in mud or dust. I skipped happily along the road, something I could never do in my own quarter.

As I approached my home, I grew more and more despondent – the stink, the grit, the dirty inhabitants. The drunks who lay about, most likely considering whom they could rob to pay for their next bottle. It was high summer, and the oppressive heat trapped and amplified the stench. The only relief was the absence of mud, as we were far enough away from the swamps, and the sun had dried the ground.

I hated this place, but at least we had a roof over our heads. Our house was clean and tidy inside, and we had plenty of food. But still, I swore that somehow, someday, I would leave it behind me.


Time moved on. For Mother and me, nothing changed much, although I was now taking lessons in English, Spanish, and arithmetic at the convent. I discovered I was a quick and diligent learner, and I enjoyed the time spent in my studies.

It was a Sunday afternoon when the lady called. For a moment I was tongue-tied at the sight of her. Her clothing, so clearly expensive, was quite beautiful, almost as beautiful as she was. What on earth could such a lady want here? She gave a faint smile, though my silence must have struck her as rude.

She wanted to see Mother on some matter of business, she said. Recovering my wits, I invited her inside, out of the stifling summer heat. The aroma of her perfume as she passed me was like nothing I had ever encountered. Mother often wore a pleasant scent, but this was altogether different. I could not begin to imagine how much it must have cost.

I explained that Mother was not at home and I could not be certain when she would return. The lady seemed quite put out by this, though her friendly demeanour remained unclouded. I decided she was a most good-natured lady, and not at all haughty in any way.

Then I apologised for my lack of manners and asked whether she would care for some lemonade. I almost laughed at the way she grimaced, so I quickly added, “Or perhaps some wine?”

Now she smiled again. I was instantly struck by the beauty of the smile, which seemed to light up her face. I fetched her a glass, and she took a sip, then smiled again. “Very nice. Are you not having any?”

I gave a nervous laugh. “I am permitted only a watered portion with dinner,” I told her. “I’m not allowed to drink any during the daytime.”

She was now taking a closer look at me. I felt shy under her gaze, but I held myself up straighter, trying to look more mature than my eleven years.

“Not allowed? But you must be twelve or more, certainly old enough to have a drink of wine, I should have thought.”

I did not know what to answer, and she spoke again. “I’m sorry, it is not my place to be saying that, not here.” But she continued to look me over. “You really are a very pretty girl – a younger version of your mother, and lighter, though she is certainly pretty. She’s one of my most popular girls, you know.”

She must have seen the puzzled look on my face. “Oh dear. I’ve done it again, haven’t I? I think I ought to go before I get myself in trouble with your mother.”

“Please don’t rush,” I said. “You haven’t finished your wine, and I like talking to you. You’re from the Palacio, aren’t you, and that’s where Mother works. You said she works for you, so you must be the owner then?” My forwardness shocked me, and I blushed furiously, but somehow she had that effect on me, and she did not seem to mind.

She seemed to hesitate, but then said. “Goodness no, I’m not the owner. I am the madame. So you know your mother works there?”

“Yes, well, in a way. What I mean is, I know she goes there, but I don’t know what she does. You say she’s one of your most popular girls, so I guess I know now.”

She was studying me again. “You don’t seem very shocked to find out.”

I realised with some surprise that, indeed, I was not, even though I thought perhaps I should have been. I suppose I’d grown used to seeing so much of life in New Orleans. Several of the girls at the convent said their mothers worked as whores.

She broke into my thoughts. “So tell me, how old are you?” Her eyebrows arched at my answer. “Eleven? I would never have believed you were quite that young. You’re a beautiful young lady. Here, come a little closer, will you? Let me see you.”

She put a hand to my breast, and now I was shocked. I felt I should have moved away, but for a reason I could not fathom, I stood still as she felt the modest swelling beneath my shift.

“Mm, just enough to be enticing,” she said. “Yes I like that.”

It was only recently that I had discovered how my nipples hardened when I touched them. My face grew hot, and I knew I was blushing as I saw them now, showing through my shift. So big, so solid.

A smile came to her face as she watched me. Her eyes never left mine as she pinched a nipple between her fingers. “You appear to quite like that, and neither do you seem to mind my touching you.”

I had no idea what to answer. It was certainly pleasurable, but a lady touching me? Had it been a man, I would have understood, but not a lady. Why, I wondered? Whether I was too taken aback to object, or I was sincerely enjoying it, I could not have said, but in any case, I stood and let her play.

Now she had both hands on my chest, rubbing and squeezing and watching my face for any sign of pleasure. It was not long before she saw what she was after, for I could not disguise it, and she said quietly, “Come nearer, little one,”

I inched toward her until my legs touched her knees, and still I did not object as her fondling continued. It was then that I realised that I did not want her to stop. The feelings she was causing were of a strange and overpowering kind. My mouth had gone dry. I licked my lips, and that made her smile more, but it was a different sort of smile. There was a look there I had not seen before. I also noticed that she had started to breathe more audibly. Her bosom rose, and there was plenty of it showing.

She saw me glancing down at her. “Do you want to touch mine?” she asked. “You may, you know. You needn’t be shy.”

My first thought was, “Why would I want to do that?” But I watched absently as my small hand reached for her, almost of its own volition. Tremblingly, I skimmed the top of her ample breasts. So soft, so silky. I felt a strange thrill as my fingertips moved timidly along her décolletage.

She seemed to shrug her shoulders, and then the dress was slipping down her arms. The whole of her breasts came into view, her nipples nesting in two brown circles. She gave a kind of purr as my fingers closed on them. I watched in fascination as they grew beneath my touch.

I had not noticed her hand extending toward my throat, but now she was undoing my buttons, one by one. Once more, I thought I should pull away, but I could not take my fingers from her beautiful breasts.

Still, I felt it my duty to protest in some way. “M… Madame, this is not … proper,” I managed to stammer, but she slid her hand inside my shift and took hold of one small breast. I gave an involuntary shiver as she massaged me. It felt so very wonderful. My breathing had become ragged, and I was quite sure the pounding I heard was my own heart.

She answered quietly, yet breathlessly. “Oh yes, it is entirely proper, little one.”

I also had not noticed when her knee first pressed between my legs, but I certainly did when it came up against the front of my undergarments. A sudden panic seized me. This was altogether beyond my understanding. My mind was in turmoil. It wasn’t right. I had to stop it.. “M… Madame, sh-should you be d-doing that?” I asked.

Yet the intense tingle between my legs excited me. Especially when I realised that I had pushed myself forward to meet the solid curvature of her knee. Her free hand had gone behind me and gripped my backside, pulling me to her.

I heard her chuckle. “Yes, my sweet, I do believe I should. Just let yourself relax and enjoy what you feel.” My eyes closed, I felt I might swoon. My God, the pleasure!

I felt my shift falling down my arms. Then I opened my eyes wide in shock. Her hand had left my breast, only to be replaced by her lips. She was kissing the bare flesh around the nipple. I could only watch her as she explored. Then she suddenly took the nipple into her mouth and sucked. I let out a whimper, at which she glanced up at my face. She gave me a knowing look, then a smile.

She pulled down my shift, and I lowered my arms, letting it fall to my ankles. Aware that a stranger was sitting in front of me as I stood there almost naked, I should have felt ashamed, or embarrassed. But instead, I felt only excitement. I had no idea why, but I was relishing my predicament.

Her knee dropped away but was quickly replaced by her hand, which she pressed between my legs, cupping me for a moment in front. Then her hand began to move, backwards and forwards, against my pee place.

My legs shook as I pressed myself into her touch. She continued thus for several minutes, until I felt her free hand behind me tugging at the tops of my drawers, pulling them down.

I made no attempt to stop her. All I knew was I craved more of her touch. Something was growing inside me, something I had never experienced, but that I did not wish to stop.

My drawers fell, joining my shift, and the madame sat back and looked at me. I watched her face as her eyes roved over my naked form. Her look mirrored the way I felt – wanting, needing, but in her case, the need was for me.

She reached for me again, drawing a finger along my tender slit, pressing more firmly as she ascended. I almost cried out at the sudden sensation that shot through me. I had occasionally touched that same place. I knew it was special, but never like this.

Her fingers concentrated on that one place, rubbing, caressing, and sometimes pulling, as my body grew ever more tense. I wondered at what I was feeling. This, I thought, was surely what heaven must be like.

My legs went weak, and then they trembled. I could barely keep myself from falling. I balanced myself on Madame’s shoulders and held on. And then it happened. There was a moment of sudden terror, barely the length of a breath, and then a wave of joy at the glorious feelings that swept through me. I jerked my hips furiously against her hand as my body strived for release.

I fell against her as the spasms shook me. With one hand she held me to her, while the other remained engaged between my legs.

Slowly, my breathing calmed, and I clung to her, lifting my face to hers, and her lips came toward me. Somehow, her kiss, though gentle and loving, shocked me more than the touch of her hand between my legs. My body went rigid at the feel of her lips on mine. Not only was it the first time that I’d ever been kissed, but I was being kissed by a woman. I knew, vaguely, this was wrong, and somehow unnatural, but then my lips responded to hers, pressing forward, moving in clumsy circles, until I reached out and pulled her hard to me.

I had no conception of how to kiss, and I did not think about it. It merely happened. I could feel her passion in the feverish way she devoured my mouth. I felt, more than heard, the gasp when my hand went back to her breast.

I felt her struggle under me and heard the rustle of her skirts. Drawing back, I saw that she was pulling them up to her waist. I got up from her lap and immediately, somehow, I knew what she wanted. She had given me so much pleasure, and I was witnessing her own arousal. She needed release, just as I had.

I felt awkward and shy, but I realised that I was more than a mere child to her. I saw her desperation, and a feeling of equality – even of dominance – possessed me. She so obviously wanted me to love her just as she had loved me, that any notion that it was wrong, or even strange, was now gone. I wanted to show this beautiful woman I was capable of giving her pleasure.

I knelt before her and pushed up her skirts. The beauty of her undergarments gave me pause. Her stockings were held up by some sort of contraption, the likes of which I had never seen. Her soft silk drawers were colourful and gorgeous.

She stopped moving and looked at me with a beseeching expression, waiting without uttering a sound.

I was dreadfully nervous as I moved between her legs, but still, I reached out and touched the upper part of her thighs. The skin was soft and warm beneath my fingers. She raised herself from the sofa, and I realised what she wanted me to do. With a trembling hand, I unfastened the small catches that held her stockings to the lacy band at her waist, then took hold of her most intimate garment and pulled it from under her.

It seemed a long time ago now, but I had once, upon spying my mother stepping into the bathtub, beheld her curly thatch. I expected to confront the same vision now, but there was none. Clear, soft skin was all I saw, with not a trace of hair. And where my slit was tight and small, she possessed the expansive wings of a butterfly that glistened in the light. I was frozen in place, marvelling at the display.

Even as I reached out my hand, her hips were rising to meet it. My fingers grazed her wet, slippery folds. Slowly, I eased them apart, stunned by the beauty within. Never could I have imagined how it would make me feel, how I would long to please this lady, to show her how clever I was.

Yet, I did not know what to do. I looked up at her, and she saw my dilemma. “You really are new to this, aren’t you, my little angel?” she said. “Well, don’t worry, just touch me and learn. Something tells me you will be quite heavenly.”

I was rapt with curiosity about the texture of those folds. I eased my fingers through her wetness, sliding deep within. Her insides gripped me, and she lay back, clutching her own breasts.

Her hips withdrew, and my fingers almost popped right out, but then she thrust back, and once more I was buried deep. She repeated the movement, and I realised what she was doing. I began to move my hand in counterpoint, until she no longer had to make the effort. And the look of pleasure on her face gave me every encouragement.

Then I remembered how I had felt when she had touched my special place. My other hand spread the top of her lips. At first, I could see nothing, but when I pushed aside a sort of hood, there it was – a little nob-like thing. My fingers grazed the tip, only the softest touch, but her reaction was strong and unmistakable.

She babbled in French, which I did not understand well, but the little I could follow, along with her violent jerking, told me that I had found the source of her pleasure. It flipped from side to side beneath my fingers, growing larger as I teased. To this day, if you asked me, I would have no idea what possessed me, but I felt the sudden urge to kiss her there.

No sooner had my lips touched her, than her hand came down and clutched my head, pulling me more tightly to her. The button was forced between my lips, and she trembled just as I had done. I went beyond mere kissing and sucked the pearl into my mouth.

I knew exactly when she had reached the same peak as I had. I moved my fingers more rapidly, sucked harder on the swollen pip. She began to shout, still in French, but I understood at least one word, and it meant “fuck”. She moaned as her whole body quivered.

Then she called for me to stop. “No more, my little lover. Come here and kiss me.”

Now I loved the pillowy feeling of her lips, of her arms around me, and the warmth of her sweating breasts against mine.

She eased me up. “I don’t even know your name. Tell me, angel, what do I call you?”

“Frances,” I told her.

She considered it for a moment. “That is a nice name, but I think to me you will be Francine. What do you think? Do you like that?”

I had no idea why I would want another name. I quite liked Frances, but there was something about Francine. Yes, I liked that. She could call me Francine if she wished.

She pushed me up gently. “I think that perhaps we should get decent again, don’t you?”

After she had straightened her clothing, she opened a small purse and took out a card. She passed it to me and said, “Promise you will come and see me, Francine. Perhaps sometime I will tell you more about your mother.” Then she pressed a gold guinea into my hand. “Just a little present for you, my sweet one.”

I stared at the coin. Never had I held so much money in my hand. I was wealthy. I looked at the card. It looked expensive, with “El Palacio” and, underneath, the name “Chantelle Du Maurier,” both in gold leaf.

I looked back at her and simply nodded. I had been struck dumb. I was in love with this woman, and my tongue no longer functioned.

“You may come any afternoon,” she said. “Just come to the side door and knock twice – only twice. A large man will answer. Don’t be frightened of him even though he looks quite menacing. Give him this card and he will let you in. Then he will check whether I am free. Will you do that?”

Dumbly, I nodded once again. I did not want her to leave, though I knew she must. I followed her to the door, where she turned to face me. “Would you tell your mother that I called, but say that it can wait until this evening. But you, my angel, are quite delectable. Just one quick kiss before I go.”

She stepped into the street, but turned and took hold of my hand. “Thank you for what you have given me today, Francine. I am honoured to be your first lover. Am I not? And you will come and see me, I hope?”

I only just managed a faint, “Yes, I shall.” Then I watched her walk away. A huge man awaited her in the street. He turned on his heel as she passed and followed at a respectful distance. I knew he must have been the man she had mentioned, and it was his duty to protect her.

She must be important indeed.

On to Chapter Two!


Grace of the Lady Elgin, Part Two

  • Posted on May 31, 2022 at 1:31 pm

by Karin Halle

By Sunday, Grace was sufficiently recovered to walk into Port Clifton. She left early, eager to look at the listing that had been posted in the general store that showed the names, as far as could be determined, of the dead from the Lady Elgin, and of the survivors, and of the missing. Perhaps one of the names would spark her memories.

In her absence, Harriet and Susannah were alone for the first time in a week. The opportunity was precious to them.

“Have you really found love with Grace, my darling?” Harriet asked after they had eaten breakfast. Neither was dressed yet, and Harriet wore her nightdress. Susannah would have been naked, as had become her custom, but Grace had dressed in Susannah’s good clothes to go to Port Clinton, leaving the girl in the nightdress that she hadn’t worn for a week.

Susannah did not hesitate to reply, but she took care to sound mature.

“Oh, yes, mother. I am sure of it. Even now I miss her, though I know she will be back in only a few hours. Still, I am afraid that she might learn something to bring back her memory, and that thing from her past might come between us. Oh, mother, I know it is wrong to be so selfish, but I cannot help feeling that way. Is it so very wicked?’

“No, my sweet. Love – true love – is too precious to deny, no matter where it is found. That is the reason I can accept the … the passion you two have for each other. I know that feeling, child. I felt that way about your father. I still miss him, my darling.”

“I do also, Mother.”

Harriet smiled softly. “Oh, child, I mean I miss other things – his nearness, his touch, his loving.”

“You could always marry again,” Susannah offered, but her mother only turned a smile upon her.

“Ah, my sweet. I really have no wish to find another man. And besides, I could never find another to equal your dear father, and I will most assuredly not settle for a lesser one.”

She sighed and lowered her voice. “And other than to give me a little loving sometimes, I have no great need of a man. Certainly I need no man to provide for me. And I am content with my life – I have work, and I have you … who could ask for more?”

Susannah tried to choose her words with care.

“Mother, I too feel no need for a man.” She paused to take a deep breath of courage. “Grace and I have shared love with each other, and I am certain that I do not wish ever to feel the touch of a man.”

She had expected her mother to be shocked, but that was not the reaction she received.

“Such a love as that shared by you and Grace is not very common, but nor is it too rare.” After allowing Susannah time for thought, she added, “Of course, you understand that love of that kind can never provide you with children.”

“Mother, women can also give birth to ideas and skills and other things – must all women only ever create offspring?”

Harriet looked admiringly at her daughter. “And wherever did you get these notions? From Grace, I suppose.”

“It is a fact that Grace is very modern,” Susannah confessed.

“And progressive, and unconventional,” her mother said. “Attitudes such as these are most controversial, particularly in such a little place as Port Clinton.”

“There are issues in this nation that are far more controversial than simply modern ideas.”

“So says Grace, I presume.”

“Mother, I am intelligent, even if uneducated. I can learn, and Grace can teach me. Then I can teach others, especially girls. Females have so much to offer, if allowed the opportunity.” Looking intently at her mother, Susannah added, “You must surely share these views, mother. You are strong, and when dear Papa died, you sought employment and now you rely on no one. While doing that, you have also raised me. You too are smart, though uneducated – imagine what your life could be now if you had been educated when you were my age.”

Harriet laughed gently. “Had I been educated, sweet child, I might have never even met your dear papa.”

Susannah leaned close and placed a kiss on her mother’s lips. “We no longer have Papa, but at least we have each other.” She kissed Harriet again, more forcefully. “I can make you feel good, mother. Maybe not in quite the same way as Papa did, but still good …”

They kissed again, before Harriet said, “And what about Grace? Will she not become jealous?”

“Oh Mother, you don’t understand at all. Grace says that everybody needs to be pleasured by a lover.”

Unable to hide her amazement, Harriet gaped.

“She said that you too deserve to be pleasured,” Susannah went on, “with the same pleasure that she and I give to each other. And indeed, she was fearful that you might grow jealous of us.” She took hold of her mother’s hands. “Mama, the walls of this house are thin. And I could hear you and Papa when you were with each other, just as you can hear Grace and me when we are together.”

Susannah put a hand to her mother’s breast. “Grace said that there is no need for jealousy in this house, as we all have love enough to share.”

As she unfastened the buttons on the front of her mother’s nightshirt, she said. “We have love enough in this house for all of us.”

Never would Harriet have admitted it, but Susannah was right about everything. The sounds of her daughter and Grace together had indeed made her pine for her late husband, and even to feel a little jealous of the children. Until recently, she had never given serious thought to the possibility that two females might do such things with each other, but she had begun to think about it quite often of late – particularly in the night when she could hear…

And when she heard, Harriet thought not only about what they were doing, but of her own desires.

Ever since Susannah’s father had died, Harriet had felt the occasional need to pleasure herself. She had never felt any guilt about it, regarding it as nothing more than relieving a physical urge. But lately, when she entertained such feelings, they were far more than merely physical.

She yearned for the pleasure that her child and their guest were sharing, and the intimacy that accompanied it. And lately, after she had attended to her needs, she did feel shame. But now her daughter was suggesting that she too could participate in their unusual arrangement. Susannah’s comment about the issues confronting the nation was true.

Attitudes, and even society itself, were changing – and would continue to change. The issue of slavery had troubled the nation for years, and was approaching a crisis point. The coming election would be of unimaginable significance – some people even predicted that the Union would break apart.

As a woman, she had no entitlement to vote, but she fiercely expressed her opinions.

She had been fortunate in having a good man as her husband – she knew of other wives who were not so lucky. Never once had her husband beaten her, or forced himself upon her against her will, but she had seen other women who had been treated in those ways. Yet, legally, a man behaving so brutishly was well within his rights. Under the law, whether explicitly or implied, as well as in public sentiment, a woman was merely the property of a man, either her husband, her father, or even her brother.

That principle was repugnant to her, as it was to many women. She had heard that some people even considered the situation of a woman to be akin to that of the enslaved Negroes.

She had also heard of people who advocated new ideas about relationships – particularly the “free love” movement, which stressed women’s rights since most laws governing relations between the sexes discriminated against women. Under the notion of free love, men and women alike would have the right to choose their partner, regardless of gender.

Harriet made her choice. She shrugged the unbuttoned nightshirt off her shoulders and stood naked before her daughter.

Her nakedness was not unusual, but her attitude was. She reached out, taking Susannah’s hand and raising it to her bare breast. Then she pulled the girl close and kissed her with more than motherly tenderness.

They lingered only briefly before Susannah pulled away. “I have learned so many things from Grace. And I so much want to share those things with you,” she told her mother.

Peeling off her nightdress, Susannah led the way to her mother’s room. Her own bed was smaller, made to accommodate two children, whereas Harriet’s bed had been intended for use by two adults. It was both wider and stronger.

As she lay down, Harriet said in a soft voice, “You will have to guide me; you have loved a woman. I have not.”

Taking her place beside her mother, Susannah replied, “I’m sure it isn’t too different, as long as both find pleasure in it.”

Bending close, she kissed Harriet tenderly, and then placed her hand on her mother’s breast.

Harriet drew a deep breath and released it slowly. As her daughter began to tweak the nipple, Harriet’s needs grew apace. She placed her hand over Susannah’s and moved it downward over her belly. Her intent was unmistakable.

Susannah moved her hand into the matted hair on her mother’s mound. She pulled gently, untangling a few curls and making her mother gasp with delight.

Then she ran her hand along her mother’s nether lips and found that they were already wet and plump. She teased her mother’s tiny bulb, but Harriet needed more.

“Oh Lord. Please, baby, do me. Do me like Papa! Be rough with me!”

“But Mama–”

“I said, be rough!”


Susannah thrust two fingers into her mother’s body, more abruptly than she ever had with Grace.

“God yes!” Harriet cried. “So good! Finish me, my sweet. I am already so close!”


When the war came, almost all of the young men of Port Clinton and the surrounding area volunteered to serve in the Union army. Many, alas, never returned. In their absence, women and younger boys stepped up to take the place of the men. Girls took on domestic chores, and so were no longer able to attend school in nearby towns as they had done previously. The town never recovered from the loss of manpower, and it began to die.

Seemingly abandoned by the other towns nearby, a demand took hold for Port Clinton to provide a school of its own, and in late 1864 it was decided that the town’s little church could be used as a schoolhouse Mondays to Fridays. The town also resolved to engage two teachers, one to provide basic lessons and the other to teach at a more advanced level.

Susannah was by that time literate and numerate, having easily mastered those subjects, and she and Grace filled the roles of teachers more than capably.

Harriet was proud of her daughter’s accomplishments, and lived long enough to see the school become a success, thanks mainly to its teachers, before she succumbed to consumption in the summer of ’65.

A few months later, Grace approached Susannah in their schoolhouse, which was by then known more for that role than as a church. They were packing things away after classes had ended for the week.

“Do you know what day it is?” she asked.

“Friday,” Susannah replied.

“And the date?”

“September the eighth. Why?”

“My birthday,” Grace said firmly.

“You’ve remembered something?” Susannah gasped.

“No, silly. It’s the anniversary of the Lady Elgin, and the day you found me on the beach. You saved me, dearest Susannah. Five years ago on this date, you gave me life as surely as if you had given birth to me. So today is my birthday, and I have brought a gift to give to you.”

With a little grin, Susannah pointed out, “If it’s your birthday, you should be receiving the present, not I. Why should I have that honor?”

“Because I can never thank you enough. I owe you so much – my very life, indeed – so I have a gift for you.”

“That is very kind of you,” Susannah said. “But I have all I want, all I could ever want. You, and our little school.”

“Oh hush!” Grace said, and then called out, “Alice!”

Responding to the summons, young Alice Finucane came into the room. She was one of the more senior pupils – not only because of her age, but also because of her academic abilities, which placed her in Grace’s “class.”

In such a small school, both teachers knew all the students, whether they were among Grace’s “advanced” learners or Susannah’s elementary group. Alice was the prettiest of the girls, as well, with red-gold curls and a pale complexion proclaiming her Irish heritage – a trait that appealed to Susannah. And the child had a crush on her, according to what Grace had said, although Susannah was wary of believing Grace when she said such things.

“Hello Alice,” Susannah said to the girl. “Why are you still here?”

“She’s your present,” Grace informed her.

Susannah scoffed. “I beg your pardon? You can’t give me Alice. Slavery has been outlawed. Or have you been sleeping these past five years?”

“I’m not giving her to you to keep, only to borrow.”

“I don’t understand, Grace. What are you talking about?”

“Alice wants to spend some time with you. Alone with you. Don’t you, Alice?”

“That’s right, Miss Susannah,” the child confirmed, her green eyes aglow.

Her mouth gaping, Susannah managed to say, “What do you mean? Are you saying … what I think you’re saying?” She looked from Alice to Grace, then back again.

“Yes, Miss Susannah. I’m in love with you! You’re beautiful and you’re kind, and you make me feel … oh, all funny inside. And funny in one particular place.”

“But we can’t!” Susannah looked to Grace for support, but found none.

“She told me once how she feels about you,” Grace said quietly. “I told her that she should tell you, not me.”

“But we can’t!” Susannah repeated. “It wouldn’t be right. If anybody found out … and she’s too young.”

“She is thirteen,” Grace noted. “It’s still common enough for girls to marry at that age. And you were not much older when we first … well.”

“I really am a woman, Miss Susannah,” Alice said. “I’ve had my bleed for almost a year now.” She stepped close and kissed the young instructor on the corner of the mouth. “I really want to … to love you, Miss Susannah. And for you to love me. Miss Grace told me I should ask you.”

“Grace …”

Susannah looked at Grace, only to see Grace smile at her.

“Alice dear,” Grace said without taking her eyes off Susannah. “What did I say, do you recall?”

“Yes Miss Grace,” the girl said. She took Susannah’s hand and held it against her small left breast. “Can you feel my heart, Miss Susannah? It’s beating for you. Perhaps you can’t feel it through my clothing.”

As she spoke, Grace began to unbutton the child’s dress in the back. Alice slipped her arms from the sleeves, letting the bodice fall to her waist. Under the dress she wore a thin singlet-vest.

“Can you feel it now, Miss? Can you feel my heart?”

Susannah put her hand to the girl’s breast again. She was feeling many things, although the girl’s heartbeat wasn’t one of them.

“I’ve locked the door, Susannah,” Grace said quietly.

By the time Susannah looked at Grace, and then at the front door, and then back to Alice, the youngster was pulling her vest up and over her head.

Susannah stared at the bare-bosomed young girl. The teats were small, but shapely, despite the pupil’s youth. And the white flesh was almost translucent, etched with faint blue veins. To Susannah, they were irresistible. She cupped one pale bulb, gently fondled it, and lightly squeezed the nipple.

The girl sighed dreamily, and Grace murmured, “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

Susannah’s hand ceased caressing the girl’s breast.

“Have you two …?” she gasped.

“No,” Grace said with a chuckle. “I told you – it’s you she wants.”

Alice nodded enthusiastically.

“Perhaps a little later, though,” Grace speculated. As she spoke, she moved behind Susannah and commenced unfastening Susannah’s shirtwaist.

“Grace!” Susannah protested, but the garment was already loose, and Alice had reached out without hesitation to pull it off. Its removal revealed an unadorned chemise, sleeveless and loose-fitting. Grace was already pulling it down off Susannah’s shoulders as Alice removed the shirtwaist entirely.

In seconds, Susannah was bare to the waist, like Alice, who was transfixed by the sight of her teacher’s naked breasts.

“Oh Miss Susannah,” the girl sighed. “You are so beautiful. I’ve dreamed about seeing your fronts, but I never imagined they would be so perfect. And I never believed my dream could ever come true.”

Before she could recover her wits sufficiently to speak, Susannah heard Grace say to Alice, “You may touch them, if you want. She loves having them touched.”

Susannah forgot not only what she was about to say, but even her intention to speak.

What Grace told Alice was true, and Susannah found that she wanted the little girl’s hands on her so much that propriety was of no concern. She almost melted when the small, warm, soft hands covered her breasts – a touch was so light that it was almost no touch at all.

“Oh sweet heaven,” Susannah sighed.

Alice leaned forward a little – she was precisely the right height for her lips and Susannah’s breasts to align. A first gentle kiss was followed by a suck, both of which thrilled Susannah to her core.

To her surprise, Susannah felt her skirt and petticoat drop away from her waist. She hadn’t even noticed that Grace had untied the ribbons that held them in place. Alice loosened her own skirt and underskirt, and they too fell to the floor.

All three watched absorbed as Susannah and Alice untied their drawers, then stood to drink in the sight of the two naked forms.

“Touch her,” Grace said. “You know you want to.”

Simultaneously, Susannah and Alice obeyed. The instruction had been directed at each of them. Susannah’s hand reached for the coppery hair on Alice’s mound, as fine as strands of cornsilk. Alice found herself unable to move, for fear of breaking the spell. Guiding her, Grace pushed Susannah back toward a bench that was usually cluttered with teaching materials. At this moment though, it was utterly vacant.

Grace! You think of everything, Susannah thought.

As Susannah sat upon the bench and drew Alice toward her, she peeked over the child’s shoulder at Grace, who had brought a chair from the main room and placed it in the doorway, where she was now seated.

“Miss Grace, will you be watching?” Alice asked nervously.

“Yes, I am,” Grace told her. “Could there be anything more wonderful than seeing two beautiful women in pleasure … women whom I love very much?”

Alice’s nerves vanished as Susannah drew her down and kissed her.

The action caused Alice’s buttocks to rise, offering Grace an unobstructed view between the child’s legs. She licked her lips at the sight of the young girl’s naked sex – tinged with a pink that blushed against paleness of her thighs and bottom, which were so wantonly displayed.

Grace’s other lips grew moist as well, and as Susannah and the little girl kissed, she stood up and took a single step that put her beside them. Reaching out, she took hold of the girl’s buttocks and spread them apart, so she could clearly see Alice’s tiny anus, as well as all of her maturing womanhood, which glistened with the evidence of how aroused she had become.

Fighting the urge to join them, or to at least fondle the secret places that were right before her, Grace sat down again. This day was for Susannah, a demonstration of the love Grace felt for her. And it was for young Alice as well, who had confided her innermost thoughts, and was now being rewarded for her trust.

But Grace could not deny herself entirely. Raising her skirt to her hips, she opened the crotch of her drawers. Even as she put a finger to her own wetness, Susannah’s fingers appeared at Alice’s sex, as if acting in tandem with hers.

Alice fell forward across Susannah, wanting nothing more than to relish being fingered by the beloved teacher.

“Do you touch yourself, Alice … here?” Susannah asked, running her finger over the youngster’s vulva.

Alice could only answer between gasps. “Yes, Miss Susannah. Only when I think of you. When I do think of you, I feel … warm tingles deep inside me, and I make wet, and I touch myself. And I dream that it is you touching me …”

“Alice, have you taken your maidenhead?”

“Oh yes, Miss, but I pretended that it was you taking it.”

“I’m here now,” Susannah murmured, and she slipped a finger into Alice’s depths.

Still gasping, Alice said, “There’s a word Miss – a naughty word, and I don’t like to say it – but it’s what I want … right now … I want you to fuck me, Miss Susannah.”

As Susannah pushed her finger further into Alice’s hole, the child raised her voice and said confidently, “Fuck me, Miss Susannah. Please fuck me!”

A long moan of wonder declared Alice’s satisfaction as Susannah drove her finger home. The moan turned into a series of pants as the finger withdrew, just a little, before plunging in again. The finger set a pattern of partial withdrawal followed by a thrust, and the pattern was matched by the rhythm of Alice’s panting.

“Oh, heavenly Father, yes! Fuck me, Miss Susannah! Fuck me hard!”

Alice was about to say “Fuck me” once again, but instead made a strangled sound and began to quake.

“That’s the way, my precious Alice. Come for me! Come for Miss Susannah!”

Instantly obeying her teacher’s instruction, Alice wailed and shuddered, and a fine mist of juice burst from nether lips.

Watching, Grace thought of the spray made by the squeezing of half an orange – the droplets flew randomly, spreading their sweetness. And when Susannah buried her face between Alice’s legs to lap up the spray of Alice’s dew, release claimed Grace as well. Her juice ran down her thighs, and she collected some on her fingers for her own delectation.

When Alice had recovered sufficiently to speak, she couldn’t contain her words.

“Oh Miss Susannah – that was … amazing. I don’t know what to say. I want to thank – may I thank you?”

As she spoke, she reached for Susannah and slid her hand between the teacher’s legs, and it almost made her swoon to discover Miss Susannah was wet for her.

She finger-fucked Susannah rapidly – Susannah would have much preferred Alice to take her time, but the child was impulsive and inexperienced, and Susannah found, unexpectedly, that she was reacting just as quickly as the girl herself had done.

She was about to come – so soon!

She groaned and submitted as one climax rolled into the next, and the next. After that she told Alice that she’d had enough. It wasn’t entirely true, but she thought it best to stop.

“Thank you, Miss Susannah. Thank you. Thank you so much! Thank you too, Miss Grace.”

She looked at Grace, who was sprawled on her chair in an obscene pose. The opening in the crotch of Grace’s drawers was wide open, enabling Alice to see everything. She looked away, though she realized how silly discretion was at such a moment. She had seen and done so much, yet suddenly she felt a twinge of modesty.

She picked up her calico dress and coyly held it up in front of her nude body, and at the same time asked, “Will we be able to do this again, Miss Susannah?”

“Yes, my pet, of course.”

“Oh, Mi … Susannah. It’s all right to call you that, is it not? Not in class though, but … is it all right?”

It was Grace who answered. “Of course we want you to call us by our Christian names, Alice. And as for doing this again – I thought perhaps tomorrow.”

“But tomorrow is Saturday,” Alice observed, puzzled. “There’s no school tomorrow.”

Although she was equally baffled, Susannah knew her lover well enough to anticipate that Grace had already formulated a plan, and asked, “What precisely do you have in mind, Grace?”

“Today was for you two, you sweet things. But tomorrow we shall take a walk in the woods, and go to that little clearing – you know the one I mean. And there all three of us shall be together.”

Alice didn’t know the place that Grace was referring to, although Susannah obviously did. The mere mention of the location was enough to bring a reaction from the girl.

“Do you mean outdoors, where anybody could see?” she gasped.

“Where only Nature can see,” Grace corrected. “You are free tomorrow, are you not? You’ll be permitted to go for a walk in the woods with your teachers?”

“A nature walk,” Susannah added.

“Oh yes!” the girl squealed. “Yes, yes, yes!”

On to Part Three!


The Beekeeper’s Daughters, Chapter 9

  • Posted on May 27, 2022 at 2:33 pm

 For a brief summary of this story’s plot, please consult the Chapter Links.

by BlueJean

The old man had not visited the Midnight Garden for a long time. Not since he was a boy. Back when the seemingly endless years lay sprawled out before him, and the arrogance of youth fooled him into believing those years couldn’t touch him. He got more than his fair share, as it turned out. But the end comes for us all, sooner or later. For humans, at least.


She ghosted through the trees, keeping pace with him but never fully revealing herself, pale eyes peering through the dark, her slender celadon fingers brushing against bark and leaf – a whisper in the woods. Her power waned… even in this place, where her magic was at its most potent.

“Aye, Lady?”

Why have you come here?

The old man thought about that. Had he ventured here of his own accord? Or was he drawn here in his final hours? “T’ settle an old score, s’pose,” he decided.

Through the giant ferns he marched, walking stick in hand, the moon casting its cool light upon his tired frame.

You are no match for her, the Lady told him. You must turn back.

“Don’t matter much no more, do it? Might as well go out with a bang.” Step by step, he advanced through the forest.

I did not mean to bring you sorrow, Raymond. Forgive me.

She had saved his life back then, but it had come at a cost. The dark thing in the tree had seduced him with promises of eternal love and life unending, and young Raymond had learnt the truth of it too late – The tree was not for humans. The tree was a desolate prison, a limbo between realms. So the Lady had healed him, joined his spirit back with his body. But the earth magic had forced upon him a greater lifespan, and those surplus years were a curse, not a blessing.

“Ain’t you I blame, Lady. Saved me life, ya did. It’s that other thing I’s angry with.”

She was not always this way. She is confused; brokenhearted.

“Aye. ‘Member you sayin’ that when I was a nipper, too. But ‘ow many littluns has she ‘urt, Lady? ‘Ow many o’er the years? And now she’s gone after young Millie. And I can’t ‘ave that, see? I won’t bloody stand for it.”

I’m trying to help the child, Raymond. But I’m tired… so tired…

Stubborn resolve drove him onwards, through the trees and the tall ferns, fireflies lighting his way with their bright curiosity. To the heart of the Midnight Garden, where the Great Oak dwelled.

The ancient tree stood like a vast fortress, its great canopy blotting out the moonlit sky, mighty limbs stretching out for what seemed like miles.

Have you come to reside in this tree with me, old man? something whispered, mocking him. You are too late. I smell the taint of manhood upon you. Such a sweet boy you once were, too…

The old man tapped the gigantic trunk with his walking stick. “In ‘ere? Sounds bloody awful. Who’d wanna live in a bloomin’ tree?”

The creature circled him. And yet, as your life force ebbs, here you stand. Desperate and afraid, as all men are.

Reminds me of a suffragette I once knew. Nice enough girl – not big on humour, though.”

The thing struck out, whipping him across the face with tendrils of dark energy. You had your chance, boy! You could have lived forever!

The old man grunted and fell to his knees, surprised that things still hurt in dreams. He tried to push himself back up with his walking stick but failed. “I ‘ad me a taste ‘o forever. Didn’t like it much.” He pointed an accusing finger at the tree. “I’m ‘ere about Millie. You leave ‘er alone, you ‘ear? She already got a mother.”

It closed in on him, like a spider bearing down on some tiny insect trapped in its web. You would take her from me? Wrench us apart as those God-fearing fools once did?

It poised to strike again, then hissed, No.

A simple word, but so full of bitterness and hatred.

The old man closed his eyes, accepting his fate.

But the blow never came.

He opened his eyes, and the Old Oak was gone. He found himself in a forest clearing full of colourful wildflowers. Bird sized butterflies of black and gold supped from them, and fat blue bumblebees busied themselves harvesting silver nectar.

And in the middle of the flowers were two beds. And in those beds – two little girls tucked up fast asleep.

He pushed himself up onto his feet, groaning at the effort. “Soddin’ ‘ell…”

You are not a fighter, Raymond, the Lady told him, not unkindly.

“I fought in three wars, I’ll ‘ave you know.”

You are a defender. That is where your strength lies. I will grant you one more gift – a fleeting one – with what little power remains to me.

He could smell the forest. Like he’d never smelled it before. It was his forest. The trees and the ferns, the rivers and the streams, the earth beneath his… hooves?

He felt alive. More alive than he had ever felt. His body pulsed with strength.

And it was time to rut. Time to live. Because rutting was life. How silly, not to realise that before.

“Sleep tight, littluns,” he told the two dozing children, then forgot how to use human words.


I pulled the car into Sadie’s driveway and switched the engine off.

The girls were in the back playing rock-paper-scissors. I’d asked them to dress up in something nice, so Millie had picked her yellow party frock, while Freya had opted for her particular favourite: a little black dress with white flowers.

We’d left Bee at home in the kitchen with a tasty bone to gnaw. Sadie’s grumpy cat Billy Buckham, wasn’t a huge fan of inquisitive puppies and probably would have scratched her eyes out by the end of the evening. Besides, it wouldn’t hurt her to get used to being left alone every now and then.

I inspected myself in the rearview mirror and wondered who the stranger was gazing back at me. I’d dug out my old lacy black cocktail dress, feeling very smug when I found I could still actually fit into it after all this time. I decided to go to town on the makeup, too. Applying my warpaint had been a daily routine once, back when I was a career-driven young woman fresh out of law school. Now it was an indulgence; a luxury. Something for special occasions.

Special occasions like tonight.

I spoke to my daughters’ reflections in the mirror. “Girls?”

Pausing the game, Freya and Millie gave me their attention.

“Whatever happens tonight, it has to be our secret, okay?” I told them.

“What do you mean?” Freya asked.

“Well. You know how we’ve been doing rude things together lately?” I assumed they had both told each other about the naughty fun we’d been having. Sisters shared secrets. It’s what they did. I’d asked Freya not to tell her sister about our sexual escapades, but since Millie and I had been having some fun of our own, that agreement was probably null and void.

“I don’t think it’s fair that you licked Millie’s kitty but not mine,” Freya protested. “And you let her lick yours, too!”

“But you rubbed your kitty on Mummy’s kitty and I didn’t get to do that… so it is fair, actually,” Millie argued.

“No, ’cause licking is, like, one level higher than rubbing.”

“It isn’t.”

“It is.”

“It isn’t!”

“It bloody is!”

“Oi! Watch your language,” I scolded Freya. Were my two little girls really arguing about who got to do what to their Mummy’s pussy? Yes. Yes, that was actually happening right now in the backseat of my car. Awesome.

“Oops, sorry,” Freya said, smirking at me in the mirror.

“Anyway… er, what was I saying?”

“Something about keeping secrets,” Millie reminded me.

“Yes. You mustn’t say a word to anyone about things that might happen tonight.”

“Are we gonna do rude stuff?” Freya asked me.

Were we? That was the plan, right? Or was I taking it too far? Considering everything I’d already done with my daughters, drawing a line now seemed a bit silly.

“I mean, we don’t have to. But… we could. If we all wanted to. If you’re both okay with that, I mean. It’s up to you. It might be fun, though. So we could. If you like.” Stop talking. You should stop talking now.

“What if Miss Laine sees us?” Millie pointed out.

“It’s Miss Laine’s house, divvy,” Freya said, rolling her eyes. “Obviously she’s going to join in.”

You’re a divvy,” Millie countered.

“Yeah. So. Good talk,” I said and high-fived them both.

Sadie appeared at her front porch, looking stunningly beautiful in a crimson semi-formal dress. I opened the driver’s door and gave her a smile.

“Are you coming in, then? Or are we having dinner in your car?” Sadie said, folding her arms.

“We’re coming,” I replied. Climbing out of the Beetle, we headed into the little round cottage.

We ate outside under Sadie’s gazebo, sitting on big cushions round a swanky looking Japanese table. It was a novelty for the girls, but personally, I’d always thought that chairs were a great invention. My legs were starting to go to sleep underneath me.

The food was great, though. Sadie had baked a delicious spinach and feta pie for us, and once we’d demolished that she brought out a passionfruit and clementine cheesecake for dessert. She was a much more ambitious cook than me, without a doubt, as her expansive collection of cookbooks attested to.

I opened another bottle of wine while Freya and Millie tucked into second helpings of cheesecake.

Stroking my leg under the table, Sadie smiled at me. “You look beautiful tonight.”

“Do I?”

“Yeah. Quite the hottie!”

“Well, thank you.” I glanced at the girls, then whispered in Sadie’s ear, “And what about those two? Do they look nice, too?”

Sadie regarded the girls with hungry eyes. “They look… delicious.”

“What’re you whispering about?” Freya asked us.

“Big girl stuff,” I told her, and wiped a stray bit of cheesecake from the corner of her mouth. I licked my finger clean.

“Are we gonna watch a movie?” Millie asked.

“We can, if you like,” Sadie told her. “Why don’t you both go and have a look at my DVDs and pick one out?”

Millie jumped on her sister’s back and Freya piggybacked her indoors, the two of them giggling as they went.

I pulled Sadie towards me and gave her a deep, hungry kiss, followed by a wicked look and some wicked words. “I licked Millie’s pretty little pussy yesterday, by the way,” I casually told her, then got up to follow the girls.

Freya and Millie browsed through Sadie’s DVD collection before finally settling on Kiki’s Delivery Service, a Japanese animated movie about a young witch who leaves home to explore the world. Anime wasn’t really my thing and Sadie had seen it several times, so she and I sat on the couch and quietly chatted while the girls made themselves comfortable amongst cushions on the floor.

Sadie was quietly observing Millie, who was lying on her front, legs up in the air swinging back and forth. My friend turned to me with a look of disbelief and delight. “Really?” she mouthed.

I nodded. “She had a taste of Mummy’s too,” I told her as I stroked her thigh. I brought my lips to her ear. “Have you ever had a little girl’s tongue in your pussy?”

Sadie closed her eyes momentarily and sighed. Nibbling her bottom lip, she shook her head.

“Oh, you poor thing,” I teased.

She narrowed her eyes at me, then glanced over at Millie.”That’s a very pretty frock, Millie.”

Millie rolled on to her back. “Thanks. It’s my best dress. I actually have a matching cardigan to go with it and also matching socks and knickers, but it’s too hot to wear cardigans and socks so I just have the knickers on.”

“Why don’t you show Sadie your knickers?” I suggested.

That caught Freya’s attention. She turned onto her side, propping her head up with an elbow.

Millie, not yet aware of the sexually charged atmosphere in the room, casually lifted her dress up, revealing matching yellow panties. “See? They’re the same colour,” she told us, then went to push her dress back down.

“Leave it pulled up, baby,” I said to her.

“Why?” Millie asked.

“So we can look at your pretty panties a bit longer.”

“Does that mean you have matching black panties, Freya?” Sadie said.

Freya gave us a shy smirk. She clearly knew what was going on. “No, just normal white ones,” she told us.

“You gonna show us, then?” I asked.

“I might… if you and Sadie show us yours,” my daughter boldly replied.

Sadie and I shared a look, then I was pulling my tight fitting dress up round my waist. My knickers were black and satin, a tantalising sheen of material nestled against my hungry pussy. “Your turn,” I said to my friend.

Sadie slowly tugged her crimson dress up stockinged legs, making a show of it, inching upward until her red lacy panties were revealed to all.

Freya sat up and shuffled a little closer to us, the movie now forgotten.

“Let’s say goodbye to Kiki, girls,” Sadie murmured, pointing at the TV. “I really don’t think this is something our little witch needs to see.” Millie switched the set off.

I raised an eyebrow at Freya. “It’s just you left now, sweetie.”

My oldest sat back and hiked her dress up, then spread her legs for us. I could see the contours of her pussy lips through the plain white knickers she wore.

“Well, aren’t we a bunch of naughty girls?” I said.

I could feel the sexual tension in the room. Even Millie had picked up on it. She looked from her sister to us, grinning impishly.

My hand found its way between Sadie’s legs, slowly rubbing her through the lacy material of her panties. Her pussy was hot, damp and steamy against my fingertips. “Touch me,” I told her, my voice husky with lust.

She slid two fingers across my knickers and pushed them through my cleft, all the way down to my arsehole, then up to my swollen clit, pausing there to stimulate it before making her way back down again, my cunt throbbing beneath her touch.

“Oh, my God. Look what they’re doing!” Freya gasped, a mixture of shock and delight on her face.

“Do you mind us touching each other like this, girls?” I asked my daughters.

“I definitely don’t mind,” Freya told us, her eyes sparkling.

“Are you two actual lesbanisms now?” Millie asked, which made the rest of us laugh.

Lesbians, you muppet,” a giggling Freya fired back.

“Why don’t you both try what we’re doing?” Sadie said to the girls.

Freya grinned at her sister. “Shall we?”

Millie nodded and slipped a hand between her sister’s legs. Freya reciprocated, fondling Millie’s cameltoe through her yellow panties.

“God, this is so hot,” Sadie whispered to me.

“You like watching my little girls touch each other?” I growled at her.

“I really do,” she moaned.

“Mummy? Miss Laine?” Millie piped. “You might not know this, but touching each other’s kitties feels lots better when you take your panties off first.”

“Goodness me,” I replied, humouring her. “Is that so?”

“Yeah, it is, actually. Me and Freya did it loads of times. Shall we show them, Freya?”

Freya looked a bit self-conscious, but seeing Millie shuck off her knickers and spread her legs with nary a care in the world, seemed to embolden her big sister, who whipped hers off, too. Little hands found little pussies, and as the girls toiled away between each other’s legs, Millie grinned at us, pleased as punch for having devised such a clever idea.

I turned to my friend. “Well, that looks like fun… doesn’t it, Miss Laine?”

Sadie’s eyes were heavy with desire as she drank in the sight of my two girls fondling one another. “It certainly does. I never would’ve imagined one could do such a thing,” she said, playing along. “Shall we take ours off, too?”

“You’ll definitely like it,” Millie assured us.

We slipped our panties down and off, then found each other’s pussies again. I pushed my fingers through her silky folds, the musky notes of her arousal reaching my nose, fuelling the fire of my own burning lust.

Sadie teased my opening with the tip of her finger, then addressed the girls. “I’m going to put my finger into your mummy’s pussy now. Would you like to see that?”

“Yes, please!” Millie replied.

“You should spread your legs really wide, Mum,” Freya suggested and, obliging her, I swung my legs back until I was on full display to my two daughters. I felt so incredibly dirty doing it. And a little silly too, if I was honest.

“In goes the fin-ger,” Sadie cooed, as if she were speaking to two much younger children, and slowly pushed a digit into my dripping cunt. She smiled at the girls, and they – having abandoned their mutual fondling for the moment – sat up in rapt attention.

Sadie began slowly fucking me, her efforts producing delightfully crude liquid sounds as she pumped her fingers back and forth. “Oh, my gosh… such a wet pussy,” she told my daughters.

I pulled my dress over my head. “Come and get a closer look,” I told the giggling girls.

Freya and Millie stood up and clung to each other, clearly thrilled but reluctant to come any nearer.

I beckoned them with a smile. “Don’t be shy. Come and see what we’re doing.”

Freya pushed her sister towards us and Millie squealed in mock outrage. She tugged at Freya and they both shuffled over to the couch, laughing nervously.

“Shhh, calm down,” I told them softly. “There’s nothing to be scared of.”

“You look funny, sitting like that!” Millie told me.

Freya stood near hypnotised as Sadie finger fucked me. Colour had reached her cheeks, but she wasn’t giggling anymore.

“Does it look nice, Freya?” Sadie asked her.

My little girl simply nodded.

“I wonder if we should put another finger inside now,” Sadie suggested. “Would you like that, Mummy?”

“Ooh, yes. Fuck me with two fingers.”

“Why do you say swear words when you do sex?” Millie asked me.

“It’s okay to use naughty words on special occasions,” I explained to my seven-year-old as Sadie eased another finger inside me. “But… oh fuck, that feels nice… especially when we’re having sexy fun.”

“Look at my fingers going in and out, girls,” Sadie purred. “In… out… in… out…”

“I like the way you smell,” Freya said absent-mindedly, but I couldn’t be sure if it was me she was speaking to or my cunt.

“Take your dresses off,” I told my daughters.

Millie pulled her party dress over her head, leaving her standing there in nothing but summer sandals.

Freya pulled hers down instead, as if she was unwilling to obscure her view of us for even a second. She stepped out of the dress and kicked it away.

“You’re both so beautiful,” I told them, strumming my clit as Sadie fucked me with her fingers.

Freya rubbed her pussy as she gawped at us, and I found myself wondering if I should remind her to blink every now and then.

Millie stood pigeon-toed and made funny noises, imitating the sound of Sadie’s fingers as they pistoned in and out of my wet cunt.

That was enough to make me come.

I thrust my hips up, exploding into orgasm. “Fuck!” I cried and felt myself squirt a little. I grabbed hold of my friend’s wrist and held her fingers inside me as I convulsed and writhed, legs swung back ridiculously, as if I’d attempted an advanced yoga technique that had gone badly wrong.

“Ooh… look what your sexy mummy did all over my fingers,” Sadie cooed, and held her sticky digits up for the girls to inspect. She popped them into her mouth and sucked them clean, smiling wickedly.

“You’re dirty, Miss Laine!” Millie gleefully informed her teacher.

“Can we see your kitty now, please?” Freya asked Sadie, a hand still buried between her legs.

Sadie opened her mouth and planted her hands on her hips, pretending to be shocked at such a rude suggestion. “Well, I’m not sure it’s proper for a teacher to show her pupils her naughty bits,” she play-acted. “But I suppose I could. Just this once.”

She stood up and unzipped herself, dress seeming to cascade down her body in slow motion. She stepped out of it, revealing herself as a new, sensual creature, tattooed in sheer red stockings and lacy bra, crimson heels stark upon her feet, the straps wrapped around her ankles like fiery tendrils. Long chestnut hair spilled down her back – a hint of flame upon soft, creamy white skin. Undoing the catch of the bra with a flick of her finger, she let her firm breasts spill free, peering down at her two dumbstruck pupils like something hungry and wild.

Freya and Millie gazed at their teacher in awe and adoration, and suddenly I imagined little cartoon hearts streaming from their eyes, floating up and away. I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh, not wanting to spoil the moment.

“It’s rude to stare,” Sadie sang, waggling a finger at the girls. She turned around, showing us her firm, bare arse, then knelt on the couch with her back to us, knees spread wide, cunt glistening with dew.. Her eyes met mine, and she demanded, “Do something dirty to me.”

Moving closer, I stroked her arse, the tips of my fingers slipping into the tops of her sheer stockings, then back out and gliding up across her bum again. “Hasn’t she got a lovely bottom, girls?” I asked my mesmerised daughters. “Come closer, have a good look.”

Drawing closer, they stared as I pushed my fingers down into the crack of their teacher’s arse, across her rosebud and through her beautiful pussy lips, let them glide down to her swollen clitoris, which I gently pinched, then back up to her arsehole to repeat the process. Enticed by the thick, sweet aroma, I brought my fingers up to my nose to smell them, then sucked them clean of my friend’s juices.

“Does it taste good?” Freya asked me. But I knew what she was really asking.

I scissored two fingers into Sadie’s cunt and fucked her with them – three slow deep thrusts – before pulling them back out and offering them to my older daughter. “You tell me.”

Freya took my fingers into her mouth, savouring the taste of her teacher.

“Nice?” I asked, and she responded with a nod.

When Freya was finished, I sank my fingers back inside Sadie. She moaned as I fucked her, spreading her knees wider apart and sticking her arse up.

Smiling sweetly at my youngest daughter, I asked her, “Would you like a taste too, Pixie?”

“Ya!” she replied, her eyes sparkling.

I withdrew my fingers from Sadie’s pussy and brought them to my little girl’s mouth. “There you go.”

Millie teased my fingers with her hummingbird tongue, supping upon her teacher’s nectar.

Sadie peered lusty-eyed over her shoulder at us. “Oh, that’s so dirty, Georgia. Making your little girls taste my pussy from your fingers like that.”

I gave her a dirty smirk. “I know. I’m such a wicked mother.” I turned back to my daughters. “Did you enjoy that, girls?”

They both hummed their approval, sharing a look that seemed to say, Oh my God, did Mummy really just let us do that?!

“Would you like some more?” I asked them.

“Yes, please,” they both chimed together.

I spread Sadie’s arse cheeks apart. “Come and get it, then.”

It didn’t take long for the meaning of my words to dawn on them. Freya’s eyes went wide. I think she’d been waiting for this moment for a long time. Kneeling down on the floor, she feasted her eyes on her teacher’s cunt, then trailed her tongue between Sadie’s pussy lips, enjoying the moment for all it was worth.

I let go of Sadie’s bum and Freya took over, spreading her teacher open, taking as much delight in the looking as the tasting.

Squatting down, I wrapped both arms round Millie’s naked body. “Can you see what Freya’s doing?” I asked her softly.

Millie nodded and grinned at me. “Yeah, I can.”

“Do you think you might like to have a little lick of Miss Laine, too?”

Millie thought about that. “Well. I wouldn’t mind. But isn’t it a bad thing to do that to your teacher?”

I slid a hand down between my little girl’s legs and stroked her hairless slit. “It is kind of bucking the trend, I admit. But Sadie’s a very special teacher… and I bet she’d love to have you lick her kitty.”

“I really would, Millie. Come taste my pussy like a big girl,” Sadie groaned as Freya continued to feast between her legs.

“Do you think I should?” Millie asked me.

“Yeah, it’ll be fun,” I told her, stimulating her tiny clit. “Freya seems to be enjoying herself, doesn’t she?”

Millie regarded her sister, then, her mind made up, told me, “Okay, I will!”

I gently ushered my youngest between Sadie’s open legs. She didn’t need to kneel on the floor like Freya, being small enough to simply crane her neck down and lick her teacher’s cunt.

I let my fingers slide through the cleft of Millie’s sweet little bum, travelling downward until I was touching her slit. My other hand found its way between Freya’s legs. “Good girls,” I purred. “Eat that tasty pussy.”

As Freya and Millie went down on their teacher, I spread Sadie’s bum cheeks apart to get at her rosebud. I’d only dabbled in rimming once in my life – back at college, when sexual experimentation was all the rage. I’d enjoyed the perverse nature of it, but I wasn’t sure how Sadie would feel about having my tongue in her arse. I teased her hole with little licks, the taste earthy and delightfully kinky. She looked back at me with a surprised expression.

“Is this okay?” I asked her.

“I… I didn’t know you could be so dirty,” Sadie whimpered. “Yes, it’s… it’s… Oh, God, make me come, Georgia!”

With three tongues between her legs, it wasn’t long before we gave Sadie exactly what she wanted. Burying her face in a cushion, she gave a muffled cry as we brought her to orgasm, musky nectar oozing from her pussy.

I turned Millie’s face towards mine and kissed her on the mouth, then did the same to Freya. Tasting Sadie’s sweet juices from my daughters’ lips was a delicious perversion to be savoured.

With a naked little girl nestled in each arm, I went back and forth between them – skin against skin, mouth against mouth.

Sadie groaned, her chest rising and falling rhythmically as she caught her breath. “Oh, my word…”

“Look what you did to your teacher,” I said to the girls, sweeping their hair back. “She’s a total mess.”

“I’ve wanted to do that for ages,” Freya told us. One to tick off the bucket list, I suppose.

“Me too,” Millie chipped in.

“You’re just saying that ’cause I said it,” Freya snorted, twirling a lock of her little sister’s hair round her finger.

“I’m not, actually.”

I sat on the couch next to Sadie and snaked my fingers down her back. She raised her head and smiled at me, then we were drifting together in a tender kiss.

“How do you feel about licking a little girl’s pussy?” I asked her when we broke apart.

“It’d be a dream come true…” Sadie replied, her eyes all agleam.

“Girls?” I said. “Come sit on the couch.”

Sadie and I stood up and let the girls take our places on the sofa.

“Do you mind if Sadie and I have a little lick of your kitties?” I asked my two grinning imps.

I don’t mind!” Freya declared enthusiastically.

“Mummy, you already licked my kitty… so you can lick Freya’s and Miss Laine can lick mine, okay?” Millie suggested.

“Okay, bossy boots!” I replied and gave her toes a quick nibble, causing her to squeal with delight. “Now spread your legs nice and wide.” They did as I asked, revealing two puffy little peaches, ripe and ready for eating.

“Oh, Millie. You’ve got such a pretty baby pussy,” Sadie told my youngest, then bent down to take her first luscious taste of my youngest. She drew her tongue up the length of Millie’s slit, pausing at the top to nuzzle on my seven-year-old’s clit before licking her way back down.

I could have watched her give pleasure to my daughter all day long, but I had my own delicious treat to tuck into. I took Freya’s entire vulva into my mouth and suckled on it greedily, then stabbed my tongue into her cunt, fucking her with it. She lifted her bum up from the couch, offering herself to me. I licked long wet trails up and down my little girl’s cleft, her pussy glistening with my saliva and her own juices.

Fuck, you taste so good,” Sadie hissed, immersed in her own perverted endeavours. She spread Millie’s delicate pussy open with two fingers, sucking and licking at the sensitive pink flesh within.

As we dined on my daughters, a faint voice echoed in my mind – the voice that used to be louder and more insistent. This is wrong, it would say. And: Don’t do this, and: This isn’t normal. But I didn’t care much for ‘normal’ anymore. I was consumed by desire – for my best friend; for my two beautiful girls. All boundaries had been broken, all lines crossed. This love I felt transcended any notion of morals or laws. I wanted this. Needed it.  And so the protesting voice was all but drowned out – still there, though small and insignificant.

I could hear a purring noise and glanced to the right of me where Billy Buckham sat on the arm of Sadie’s couch and regarded us all with cool interest. He blinked his eyes at me. Cats only did that when they liked you, didn’t they? Do you approve of this, Billy? Do you?

“Can we… can we swap round, please?” asked a dreamy eyed Freya.

“Yes, baby. Of course we can.” I swatted Sadie lightly on the bum. “My elder daughter wants to give you a taste of her pussy,” I told her, and we switched places.

Freya gazed down at her beloved Miss Laine with a dopey grin, clearly delighted to have her teacher’s face between her legs. “Best. Summer. Holidays. Ever…” she murmured.

Sadie slipped a finger inside my daughter and nuzzled her clit, and it wasn’t long before Freya arched her back and hissed out a prolonged sigh that culminated in a shrill moan of ecstasy.

I flicked my tongue over Millie’s baby-smooth pussy while gently stimulating her arsehole with my finger. I wouldn’t have known she’d climaxed if it weren’t for the subtle taste of her cum as it caressed my taste buds. My child’s mouth hung open in a silent groan, her hands opening and closing.

Finally, her eyes fluttered open. “Nice?” I asked.

Millie, ever the soul of politeness, replied, “Yeah. Thanks very much,” which made me laugh. I planted a final couple of kisses on her inner thighs.

“I’m really thirsty,” Freya said.

“I think we all need to hydrate,” Sadie said. Rising to her feet, she padded into the kitchen.

Seating myself on the couch between the girls, I wrapped an arm around each one. “Did you both have fun tonight?”

“It was amazing!” Freya exclaimed. Millie nodded, humming her approval.

“But don’t forget what I said. You can’t ever tell anyone what we just did.”

“I won’t, I promise,” Freya assured me.

“I won’t either… but is it wrong, what we did?” Millie asked me.

“No, it isn’t wrong,” I tried to explain, stroking her hair. “Because we all love each other, and it’s what we want. But the people who make the rules say it’s wrong, that mums and daughters and teachers shouldn’t do that kind of thing. So we have to enjoy it in secret, okay?”

Millie looked worried. “Will they hang us from the big tree if they find out?”

I wasn’t sure where she had got that from. I studied her closely for a bit, concerned she might be having another one of her odd episodes. Finally, I kissed her brow. “They don’t hang people from trees anymore, sweetie, but it still wouldn’t be good if anyone found out.”

“Refreshments!” Sadie cheerfully announced as she returned from the kitchen holding a large glass pitcher filled with water. Her tits were magnified and distorted into an odd shape through the thick glass. We all laughed, and she gave us a puzzled grin. “What?”


When we got back home from Miss Laine’s, Millie let Bee out in the garden for a wee while I went to our room and got changed into some leggings. As I came back downstairs I could hear Mum talking to someone on her phone.

“No, that’s fine, Mrs. Henshaw. It’s not that late. Is something wrong?” Mum was saying. There was a long pause. “Oh. Oh no… When? I see. Yes. Yes. I… I don’t know what to say. I just can’t believe it. We thought he’d go on forever, didn’t we? Mmm-hmm. Yes, of course. It must have been a shock for you.”

Mum sat down on the couch. “No. No, you don’t need to do that on your own. Sadie and I will help in any way we can. Yes. Yes, it is. Thank you for letting me know. Yes. Take care, Mrs. Henshaw. Bye now. Bye.”

“What happened?” I asked as Mum put her phone down on the coffee table.

With a heavy sigh, Mum rubbed her eyes. “Girls. Come and sit down a moment. There’s something I need to tell you.”

Me and Millie joined Mum on the couch. I could tell something was wrong.

“That was Mrs. Henshaw, Mr. Dalliard’s house cleaner,” Mum told us.

“Is Mr. Dalliard alright?” Millie asked.

Mum put her arm round my sister. “Mr. Dalliard passed away in his sleep last night.”

“He… he died?” I said.

Mum nodded. “I’m afraid so.”

“No…” Millie said in a soft voice.

“I know it’s sad. But Mrs. Henshaw said he looked very peaceful when she found him.”

“No!” Millie shouted and brushed Mum’s arm off.

Mum kissed my sister’s cheek and tried to hug her again. “Millie. Millie, he was very old. It was his time to go. He—”

“No! No! No!” shrieked my sister and knocked the lamp off the table with a violent swing of her arm. “All my friends keep dying!”

I had never seen my sister like this… the hairs on my arms stood on end. I got up and moved towards the doorway while Mum tried to calm Millie down. Bee slunk away into the kitchen, tail between her legs.

“Millie, stop. Stop!” Mum was saying as she clutched my sister tightly. Millie thrashed about, trying to free herself. “It’s okay to be sad, baby. It is. But you mustn’t be angry.”

Millie suddenly grabbed Mum round the throat, her eyes wild and terrifying. “Your god will not help you against a mother scorned!” she snarled.

I didn’t know what to do. That wasn’t my sister. It looked like Millie, but everything else about her was just… wrong.

Then Mum did something that shocked me. Something I’d never seen her do before. She smacked Millie hard on the bottom.

She had never hit us before. Not ever.

“Enough! Do you hear me, Millie? Enough!” Mum shouted.

Millie screamed and then burst into tears. Mum picked her up and carried her back to the couch, holding her and stroking her hair.

“It’s okay, Pixie. It’s okay to cry,” Mum said in a shaky voice. “Let it all out. Mummy’s here.”

My heart was beating so fast. The shock of Mr. Dalliard dying, my sister’s violent outburst, and seeing Mum smack Millie had left me badly shaken. I ran up the stairs to our bedroom and closed the door behind me, breathing hard.

I didn’t like what was happening here at all – Millie acting all weird and trying to hurt Mum like that. I just knew this dead Isabel woman had to be involved somehow. Miss Laine was going to have to do something about her ancestor, and fast.

I wish we’d never set eyes on that bloody oak tree.

I put my face in my hands and tears trickled down my cheeks. “Mr. Dalliard… why did you have to go and die? We need you…”


Mr. Dalliard’s funeral was a few days later.

Quite a few people from the village were there: Mr and Mrs. Jeffries from the post office, some of the local farmers and their families, Mr. Dalliard’s house cleaner, Mrs. Henshaw. Sadie came, too.

But there was nobody there I didn’t know. Mrs. Henshaw told us that Mr. Dalliard didn’t have any relatives who were still alive. That made me sad.

After the vicar had said his bit, most of the people left to go home. Sadie stayed behind with Mum, Millie and me to say one last goodbye to Mr. Dalliard.

Mum squatted down and put her arms around Millie, who was standing before the headstone. “Look, Millie. Can you see what it says?”

Millie did her best to read out the inscription. “At Rest. Ray… Raymond Dalliard. One… thousand eight hundred and—”

“No, that’s a date. How do we say that number if it’s a date?” Mum said.

“Oh. Eighteen Ninety-Three to Twenty Twenty-One.”

“So. That’s the date he was born, then the date when he passed away. Can you figure out how old he was from that?”

Millie thought hard about that for a moment. Finally she said, “More than a hundred?”

Mum smiled. “One hundred and twenty-seven years old. That’s how old Mr. Dalliard was.”

“Woooow!” Millie whispered, knowing it was rude to shout at funerals. “That’s really old!”

Mum pointed to the final bit of the inscription. “And what does that last part say?”

Millie studied the headstone and then turned to Mum, a little smile on her face. “It says: I Told You So.”

So it was true. Mr. Dalliard really was the oldest person in the world. At least, I couldn’t imagine anyone being older than that. He might have been having one last joke with us, but I decided to believe it was true. And it wouldn’t have been the strangest thing I’d discovered lately.

Miss Laine put a hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay, Freya?”

I spoke quietly so Mum and Millie couldn’t hear me. “Whatever you’re going to do about Isabel, do it now, please.”

“Did something happen?” Miss Laine asked in a hushed voice.

“Millie attacked Mum. I’m getting really scared. You have to help us.”

“Sending a spirit from an ancient oak is no easy task, Freya. There’s great power in old trees. I’m almost prepared. I just need—”

“I don’t care about any of that! Something bad’s gonna happen soon. Just help us, okay?”

Miss Laine knelt down and took my face in her hands. “I won’t let anything happen to Millie. I promise you.”

A crow cackled at us from up in a nearby tree. I picked a stone up and threw it at the creepy bird, missing it by a mile. “Piss off!” I shouted at it.

“Language!” Mum said in her strict voice.


I stood by the French doors and looked out across the fields as the last light of the day faded from the sky. The crops had been harvested and the soil was barren, ready for next year’s seeds. The nights were drawing in. Autumn would be here soon.

And our old friend was gone. The usual regrets: how we took him for granted, how we should have noticed him struggling during those last few days, that we should have spent more time with him, gotten to know him better. All the questions we wanted to ask, but didn’t.

You tell yourself the end will never come. Your heart reels against it. Until finally, the end does come, and your heart can no longer deny the truth. He was old; it was his time. I knew that. But still, it does nothing to ease the pain of losing someone. I knew that pain too. Intimately.

Something felt wrong.

I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Too quiet; too still – nerves on edge. The shock of losing Mr. Dalliard, of Millie’s violent outburst and my reaction to it… these things had taken their toll. But somehow there was more to it than that.

Dark ominous clouds amassed on the horizon, roiling and churning. The first rumbles of thunder sounded somewhere in the distance. I shut the doors up and pulled the curtains across.

A storm was coming.

A big one, by the look of it…

On to Chapter Ten! The Beekeeper’s Daughters, Chapter 10


The Latchmore Fairies, Chapter 2

  • Posted on May 18, 2022 at 3:02 pm


A brief recap: Single mother and secret lesbian Amanda receives some wonderful news from Caroline, the dance instructor for her eleven-year-old daughter Katie. She informs Amanda that Katie is being considered as a fairy for Latchmore House, a magical kingdom of sorts for young girls.  Upon arriving home, Amanda reminisces over her own first visit to Latchmore, where she engaged in some very heavy flirtation with a pretty fairy named Emily. That night, young Amanda masturbated while thinking of Emily — only to be caught in the act by her Aunt Eileen, who offers to teach her niece more about lovely things girls can do in bed together.

This new chapter takes us back to the present.


by C. Cat

It was the day after Amanda got the good news about the possibility of her little girl Katie becoming one of the Latchmore Fairies. She’d just arrived home from work when the ringtone sounded on her cell phone, and when the name Caroline Scott appeared on the caller ID, she felt a rush of giddy anticipation.

“Caroline!” she answered, trying to get the butterflies in her tummy under control as she took a nearby chair. “So lovely to hear from you. I was just thinking about the chat we had yesterday.”

“Ah, so was I. Listen, I mentioned getting coffee with you sometime… now, I’m calling to see if we could make it a dinner date instead — say Lucia’s, this Friday?”

A dinner date? Yes, yes, yes! Amanda gazed heavenward, giving silent thanks. She suspected Caroline was interested in more than food, so this promised to be an exciting new experience. Her few lesbian encounters had all been spur-of-the-moment hookups — she’d never actually been on a date with a woman before.

“Dinner sounds wonderful. And actually, I’ve always wanted to try Lucia’s.” She felt giddy as a schoolgirl being asked to the prom.

“Oh, you’ll love it. The food is to die for… and it’s got a very romantic atmosphere. How about I pick you up at five o’clock?”

“Sounds perfect. I can’t wait.”

Amanda was beaming as they said their goodbyes, the itch of desire already building inside her. She hadn’t even noticed that, at some point during the call, Katie had entered the room and picked up on the gist of her conversation.

“You have a date?” the eleven-year-old said with a delighted grin, clearly hungry for the details. Mum hadn’t ever dated, not for as long as Katie could remember.

“Yes, I do. Is that okay?”

“Are you kidding? Yes, of course! That’s so cool! Um, is he anyone I know?”

“I’ll tell you all about it,” Amanda said, “but it might take a while. Why don’t I call out for pizza, then we can change out of these clothes and have the rest of the night to chat?”

“Yay – pizza!” Katie cheered.

After dinner, mother and daughter were in their pyjamas and seated together on the couch. Amanda wore a red satin pair that felt very soft against her skin and a matching robe. Katie was wearing her favourite pink flannel pyjamas that were beginning to thin with wear, but she refused to throw them away.

“Is this talk going to be about sex?” Katie said with a precocious smile. “’Cause Meghan told me she just had that talk with her mum.”

“I think this might be a bit different from what you expect… but yes, part of it is going to be about sex. If you’re uncomfortable, or if you have questions you need to ask, let me know, okay?”

“Sure, Mummy.” Katie said, sitting up straight with her legs folded. “Anything you want to talk about, I’m ready.”

Earlier that day, Amanda had looked online for advice on how best to come out to your children. While it did encourage her to read that most children were accepting when it came to having gay parents, nothing else she found there was especially helpful. Finally, she decided to simply tell Katie the truth and hope for the best.

Taking a deep breath, she began. “You asked if you knew the person I’m going out with, Katie. Well, you do, and actually, it’s a ‘she’. I have a date with your dance instructor, Caroline.”

That caught Katie by surprise, as Amanda knew it would. The girl sat quietly, processing what she’d been told. Amanda waited for the girl’s reaction. She doesn’t seem upset or disgusted — that’s a good sign.

Finally, Katie looked up at her mother. “It’s like a real date? Like with, y’know, kissing and – and stuff?”

Amanda slowly nodded. “Yes, a real date. We haven’t kissed yet, but I want to.”

“That means you, er… you like girls?”

“That’s one of the things I wanted to talk about, dearest. It’s true, I only like girls… well, women. I don’t know if there is a better way to say it, but I’m a lesbian.”

Katie frowned. “But… you and Daddy… Did you change your mind and decide you like girls more?”

“No, I always liked girls. I guess I was just afraid of what people would think so I tried to fit in and hide my feelings. I suppose it sounds dumb now, but I thought if I pretended long enough, I might be able to prefer men. That never happened, of course. I did care for your father, and I’m so, so thankful we had you… but my relationship with him was never really what you’d call romantic.”

Katie understood that. Even though she was very young when her parents divorced, she’d always had a sense that their marriage was never a very happy one. “Does this mean you aren’t afraid now?”

Amanda gave her daughter a wistful smile. “Oh, I’m still afraid… Mostly I was scared you’d be upset, but you’re growing up and deserve to know the truth. I don’t want to keep secrets from you anymore.”

Drawing closer, Katie gave her mother a very tight hug. “I’m not upset, Mummy. I love you, and I want you to be happy.”

“I love you too, baby girl.”

Katie did have other questions, though; she was just uncertain how to put them into words. Finally, she looked up at her mother and hesitantly spoke. “So, um, you want to have girl sex with Ms. Scott, right?”

Amanda took a deep breath. She wasn’t used to discussing such things like this and was a little surprised that her daughter wanted to know such things. Still, she was determined to be honest, come what may. “Oh  Caroline and I would need to decide together what we did with one another… but yes, having sex is certainly something I would want in a relationship with Caroline.”

“That’s what I don’t understand. See, Becca from my class has two mommies. I saw them kiss once, but Becca says they sleep together and even do sex things. I guess I’ve been wondering about that. I mean, like… I kinda know how a boy puts his thing in a girl to make babies — they showed us a video about that in school — but how do you do girl sex?”

Folding her arms, Amanda pondered her daughter’s question for a moment before she answered. “The thing to keep in mind is that sex isn’t just for making babies — at least it ought not to be. It’s more about sharing yourself with a lover, giving her something special that brings you closer together.

“But to answer your question, there’s quite a lot two girls can do when they make love – kissing, touching and… well, some other really special things.”

“Okay, I think I understand,” Katie said before drifting off in thought again. She felt like asking more about those ‘special things’, but sensed that her mum might not want to answer.

“I guess I do have another question,” she said a moment later. “You say you always liked girls, but how did you know you really liked them?”

Rubbing her chin thoughtfully, Amanda finally shrugged. “I don’t know if there is one way to be sure, to be honest. I know that beautiful women make me all tingly inside, and I’ve never felt that way with a man. Back when I was your age, every time I ever fell in love, it was always with a girl.” She gave a shaky laugh. “I had an awful lot of helpless crushes in those days.”

Katie was staring down at her hands as if avoiding her mother’s gaze. “Er… can I ask one more thing?”

“You don’t need permission to ask me questions, baby girl. Fire away.”

“Is it okay if… if I’m a lesbian? ‘Cause I kinda feel the same way. Um, about girls.”

This possibility had never occurred to Amanda, and it caught her by surprise. Guess I’m not the only one who’s been keeping a secret.

Taking the girl’s hands, she said, “Oh, dearest… it’s perfectly okay for you to like girls. I know it can be confusing while you’re figuring things out for yourself, but know that you’ll always, always have my love and support. No matter what.”

“Oh, Mum!” Katie threw both arms around her mother, hugging her tightly as she began to tear up.

“Now, now,” Amanda murmured, gently patting her sniffling daughter’s back. “What’s this about? There’s no need to cry, love.” She nuzzled Katie’s sweet-smelling hair, rocking the girl from side to side. “So tell me… when did you first start having these feelings?”

“I’ve known for… oh, a long time. I just didn’t know how to tell you.” Raising her head, Katie gave Amanda a bashful smile. “Guess I could’ve said something a whole lot sooner, huh?”

“Well, I shouldn’t have waited as long as I did to tell you I was gay,” Amanda replied. She gave her daughter a squeeze. “Let’s make a promise – right here, right now. No more secrets between us, okay?”

Katie pondered the idea. “So… if I kissed a girl, or, y’know, did stuff with her… I could tell you about it? And you wouldn’t get mad, or tell me I wasn’t old enough?”

“No, I wouldn’t.”

“And when you do sex things with Ms. Scott… can I ask you about that? The stuff you guys do together?”

Amanda raised her hands. “Hold on, hold on. I haven’t even kissed her yet!”

“Yeah, but if you do…” Katie was sporting a wicked grin.

“Hmmm… well, I’ll have to think about that. She’s your instructor, after all, so I’m not sure that would be fair to her.” Noticing her daughter’s pout, she added, “Tell you what – if we do have sex, I’ll tell you that, but I’m not sure it would be right to get into the intimate details.”

“I guess that’s okay,” said Katie. “But no more secrets, right? Can we pinky swear on it?”

“Fair enough.” Amanda extended her little finger and linked it with Katie’s. They both tugged.


Later that night, after tucking Katie in, Amanda went back to her room and undressed, then ran herself a hot bath. While relaxing in the steamy water, she thought about their talk.

She’d spent many nights fantasizing about young girls, thinking about how special it would be to give a cute preteen her first lesbian experiences. Now, she couldn’t help but imagine what her daughter’s first time would be like. Would she find a friend to practice kissing with, then allow things to develop naturally from there? Or might she have a special unexpected encounter, like Amanda’s first time with her sweet fairy Emily?

Maybe Katie’s first time will be at Latchmore, too, Amanda told herself. The idea thrilled her, made her cunt throb.

She pictured a little auburn-haired fairy with deep, dark eyes, just like Emily’s had been… but this enticing creature is holding hands with her daughter, who is now a fairy herself. The two of them slip away, off to a  private place in the garden. There, the girls turn to face each other, and Emily leans in to steal a kiss.

Amanda pressed two fingers to her lips, trying to imagine what Katie would feel as that little girl’s soft mouth touches hers.

Letting her fingers slowly trace a pathway down her body, Amanda pictured the fairies gently touching each other. Soon her fingers slipped between her parted thighs while the fantasy drifted to a vision of Katie, tucked up in her bed.

Maybe this new Emily would sneak into Katie’s room at night – slipping into bed, caressing her body, then moving in to kiss her. At first it will just be touching and kissing. Katie’s body is tingling from head to toe, and she is already eager for more. But Emily won’t rush her, not for their first time. Nor will she allow Katie to touch herself, either. Emily wants to be the one to make my little girl come.

Emily’s long, lingering strokes come closer and closer to Katie’s knickers, but much as Katie arches her back and squirms, she doesn’t get that special contact she longs for. Soon she is begging Emily, Touch me there, please please touch me there.

Slowly and methodically, the teasing and seduction continues. Emily straddles the whimpering girl’s chest, until her pussy nearly t Katie’s mouth. She spreads her lips apart, fully exposing everything she has to her new lover.

Look how wet you’re making me, Emily says as she trails a finger up and down through her honey-glazed slit. Would you like me to make your pussy nice and juicy like this?

Yes! Yes, please! Katie begs.

Emily reaches back to touch Katie, but she’s not yet done with her teasing. Slipping her hand inside the eleven-year-old’s panties, she allows her fingers to graze Katie’s still-smooth slit.

Katie moans as the tip of Emily’s finger barely eases its way into her vagina. She thrusts her hips forward to take more of it inside, but Emily draws back, refusing to be rushed. Feeling the little girl grow moist, she carefully fondles Katie’s pudenda until her fingers are coated with the thick, warm nectar.

Withdrawing her hand, Emily holds it up to breathe in Katie’s scent. You smell lovely, she says, then takes a finger into her mouth to taste.

She samples the flavour, then smiles. Mmmm… Katie, I’m going to love licking your pussy, Emily says with a smile. Would you like to taste mine now?

Katie is practically bouncing on the bed, beside herself with excitement. Yes, I would!

Spreading her own cunt with her free hand, Emily reaches down with her wet fingers to stir Katie’s juices together with her own. You know, we’re going to rub our pussies together, she says, and all our juices will get mixed together, just like I’m doing now.

Emily returns the index finger to her mouth, tastes it again. It’s even yummier now! she declares, then reaches for more of Katie’s honey. Once again she presses it between her legs, sighing blissfully at how lovely that feels, then gazes into Katie’s eager eyes. Ready for your first taste of pussy?.

Yes… please let me lick you! the little girl gasps, now frantic in the face of her desperate need.

Emily pauses, pretending to consider it, then shifts her hips forward towards Katie’s waiting mouth.

Use your tongue on me, Katie, she says. Make me come in your face.

Amanda felt her orgasm rising inside as she pumped two fingers deep inside with one hand, furiously rubbing her clit with the other.

She pictured her little girl with her almost flat chest, tiny waist, and strong slender legs, going down on a Latchmore Fairy, her own little lesbian lover. It was so naughty and wrong, masturbating to thoughts of her daughter, but the fantasy was far too compelling to deny.

She wanted to be there to see it happen, to watch Katie enjoy her first lesbian fuck. More than that, she wanted to join them. She pictured her child with legs spread wide, whispering, It’s okay, Mummy… you can taste me. I want you to.

I would do it, yes! Amanda thought. I would lick Katie’s pretty pussy. Just as Aunt Eileen used to lick mine.

With that vision exploding in her mind, she was battered by a convulsive orgasm, the most intense she’d had in years. Her body jerked and shuddered, each breath hissing through clenched teeth. Finally, with a choked gasp, she went limp.

For several minutes afterward, Amanda lay trembling, thinking about what she’d done – and what it meant.

Little did she know that at the very same time, Katie was thinking about her.


For nearly a week after that evening Amanda and Katie went without discussing sex. Even so, the topic was never far from their minds. This became apparent when the two of them went clothes shopping in preparation for Amanda’s date with her daughter’s teacher.

It took them a while to settle on the right outfit. They agreed that it had to be something sexy, “and sort of naughty, but not too naughty,” Katie insisted. They ended up choosing a simple black dress with a spaghetti strap top, empire waist, and a skirt that came to just above her knees. The look was a bit more youthful than Amanda would normally wear, but Katie insisted it was perfect. The right shoes were harder to find — Amanda wanted something that looked nice but would also be comfortable enough if they went somewhere to dance. In the end, they found a pair of three-inch strappy heels that fit the bill.

Amanda had a notion to go without a bra or panties, but didn’t have the nerve to make such a brazen move on a first date. It didn’t matter anyway, because Katie all but dragged her into Victoria’s Secret.

The salesgirl looked to be about seventeen, and was as pretty as could be with very large breasts that were snugly contained by a tight yellow sweater. She introduced herself as Jordan.

Amanda liked her cheerful smile and the cute little bounce she had when she talked that made those firm breasts jiggle. She instantly felt tongue-tied. Not only was she worried that Jordan would notice her obvious attraction, there was also the nervousness she felt about shopping for sexy underwear with her preteen daughter — what on earth would this girl think?

Noticing her mother hesitate, Katie quickly spoke up. “My mum is going out on a first date on Friday. She hasn’t dated in a while, so we want to get her something really special.” Feeling an elfin impulse, she added, “You know – in case she gets to take her dress off.”

Katie,” Amanda protested, “I’m sure Jordan isn’t interested in my social life.”

“Oh, it’s okay,” the salesgirl replied, a knowing twinkle in her eye. “For what it’s worth, I hope you get lucky on Friday,” Her eyes travelled up and down Amanda’s body. “Though from what I see, I’d say that your date is the lucky one.”

“She is,” said Katie, nodding her head, “but Mum’s lucky too, ‘cos they’re both really hot!”

Amanda was on the verge of scolding her daughter, but then noticed that Jordan wasn’t at all thrown by the revelation that her customer was preparing for a date with another woman. In fact, her smile only deepened.

“Well, in that case,” Jordan cooed, “I suppose we should get started.” She reached out to Katie. “Want to help me find something for your mum?”

Katie seized the outstretched hand, and they were off. From that moment on, Amanda was just along for the ride while Katie and Jordan searched the store.

As her daughter and the salesgirl pored through the lingerie, Amanda noticed that Jordan was paying quite a bit of attention to Katie… almost as if she was attracted to her. Sure enough, the older girl was stealing glances at Katie’s bare legs, which were nicely displayed in a pair of cute blue shorts. Meanwhile, it didn’t escape Amanda’s notice that her daughter seemed equally smitten by Jordan, taking a very obvious interest in the teen’s breasts.

This only heightened Amanda’s own arousal. She found herself drifting into a fantasy in which she and Katie undressed this sexy shopgirl and took her together, right there on the floor.

In the midst of their flirtation, Jordan and Katie finally picked out what they agreed was an ideal choice. “Believe me,” said Jordan, “you can not go wrong with a lacy black bra and matching panties on a first date. If this doesn’t get your lady hot, she’s only pretending to be into women!”

Once Amanda agreed with the purchase, Jordan studied Katie thoughtfully. “By the way, as long as you’re here… has Katie been fitted for a bra yet?”

That caught Amanda off guard. Christ almighty, she’s a bold one. Still, she couldn’t deny that the thought of this older girl examining a half-naked Katie excited her in a big way. Her panties were positively sodden.

“No, she never has,” Amanda slowly said, trying to make it sound casual in the face of her mounting heat. “That seems like an excellent idea to me. What do you say, Katie?”

Katie nodded eagerly. “Yeah… I’d love to!”

Quickly producing her pink measuring tape, Jordan escorted Katie to the changing room, turning to give Amanda a saucy wink just before she disappeared behind the curtain.

After a few trips in and out to select items for Katie to try on, she and Jordan had assembled a very nice collection of bralettes and other assorted pieces Amanda’s daughter. In the end, it turned out to be an expensive trip, but Katie was all smiles when they left the store.

“Oh, my goodness!” the eleven-year-old gushed as they walked through the mall, fanning herself with one hand. “That girl was so hot!”

“I thought so, too,” Amanda said. “It looked like she was flirting with you, too.”

“I know, right? Anyway, that’s what it felt like. When we were in the changing room and I took my shirt off, I told her I was a little embarrassed, ‘cause I hardly have anything at all up top — not like her. She said not to worry, that hers were about the same at my age… and even if they don’t get big, lots of people prefer smaller ones anyhow. She even touched me there — it could have been an accident, but I don’t think so.”

“That sounds less like flirting…” Amanda said, “and more like she was hitting on you.”

Katie halted in her tracks. “No way! Maybe we should go back!”

She said it like a joke, but Amanda was now certain that Katie wanted to experience lesbian sex with her new friend. “We’ll go shopping there again soon, dearest. It’ll give you a chance to get to know her better.”

In the meantime, she intended to hold on to the business card Jordan had slipped into the bag with their purchases. I wouldn’t mind having a piece of that teen dream myself.

Neither of them said very much until later, on the drive back home. Katie was deep in thought, looking as if she wanted to ask something.

Eventually, Amanda spoke. “What’s up, dearest?”

“Oh, I was just thinking about another question I had… you know, about, sex stuff?”

“I told you, love – you can always ask me anything. Even about sex. Especially about sex!”

Katie giggled. “Well, okay. Um, I wanted to know more about touching yourself. Down there, y’know?”

“It’s called masturbation. It’s healthy and normal, and there’s nothing bad about it.”

“Really? That’s what I wanted to ask about. See, Leah’s mum caught her doing that, and she told her it was dirty and wrong — she even made Leah tell her dad what she did, and then she got grounded. But Becca said both her mums told her it was totally natural, and everybody does it.”

“I think Becca’s mothers are right, and no one should feel guilty about masturbating… but unfortunately, there are a lot of people who think like Leah’s mom. Still, it’s not just what I think that counts here — how do you feel about it?”

“Umm… well, sometimes when I see a pretty girl – y’know, like Jordan – I get this feeling down there, and it kinda makes me want to do it… touch myself. So, it’s okay if I do that… as long as it’s, um, in private?”

Amanda gave her child a big smile. “Of course it is. That’s a special part about growing up, one you should enjoy.”

Leaning in close, Katie wrapped both arms around Amanda. “You’re the best mom ever.”

“Easy there, youngster!” Amanda laughed. “I’m driving here!”

As soon as they arrived home, Katie parked the bag with her new underthings on the sofa, then rushed upstairs to her room. It wasn’t hard to imagine what she was up to, and Amanda wanted nothing more than to take a peek, even though she knew better than to violate the girl’s privacy. Even so, she knew the image of her daughter masturbating to thoughts of Jordan would be part of her own fantasies that night.

On to Chapter Three!