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Pages From a Diary, Chapter 12

  • Posted on April 17, 2024 at 1:56 pm

by Rachael Yukey

I stood there in the front yard, shivering in the cold as I watched the flashing light of the ambulance vanish into the distance, taking my father away. Officer Felter slipped an arm around my shoulder and guided me back into the house. I was dimly aware of the sheriff’s deputy following along behind. Officer Felter sat me down on the couch, gently wrapped the throw blanket around me, then sat down and pulled me close. I wanted to explode into sobs, but for some reason I couldn’t cry.

She seemed to understand. “It’s the adrenaline letdown,” she told me. “In scary situations, your body dumps chemicals into your bloodstream to make you faster and more alert, but when it’s over and the chemicals disappear you get the shakes. It’ll pass.”

She looked up at the deputy, who was taking pictures of the overturned iron sunflower and the ruined coffee table with a digital camera. “Brad, would you mind emailing copies of those to our office?”

“Sure, no sweat,” he replied. “Are you getting a statement from the girl?”

“Yeah, and I’ll make sure you get a copy. You can clear the scene as soon as you get your pics. I’ll get Mallory here taken care of. Thanks for coming out.”

“Perfect,” said Brad the Deputy. He tucked his camera into a pocket, and stopped to ruffle my hair as he passed. “Way to keep your cool in a hot spot, kid.” He left.

I looked up at Officer Felter. “Statement?”

“It’s not a big deal,” she said. “I don’t need a ton of detail on something like this, just your description of what you heard, saw, and did. For my report. We can do this while I’m driving you into town. Why don’t you run up to your room and pack a bag for tomorrow? It’s fine if you just stay in your pajamas. While you’re doing that, I’ll call Lisa and tell her you’re coming.”

I trudged up the stairs, feeling like a robot. I pulled out my overnight bag and threw some school clothes into it, grabbed my backpack, and headed back down.

Officer Felter was standing near the entryway. “I called Lisa,” she said. “Ready to lock and load?”

“Sure,” I said. It came out flat and dull. I got into my coat and shoes, and we were out of there.

Once we’d pulled out onto the highway, Officer Felter asked me to describe everything that happened up until the time she arrived. I told her the story and was just finishing when we pulled up in front of Julie’s house. The porch light was on. The curtain was pulled aside, and I saw Julie’s face framed in the window. My Julie. What did I ever do without her?

“Thank you, Mallory,” Officer Felter was saying. “That should be everything I need. I’ll be in touch when they find your mother. She may want to leave you here and head straight to the hospital. are you okay?”

I gave her a small smile. “I think so.”

She leaned across the center console to hug me. I hugged her back, and realized my face was practically mashed against her enormous boobs. I wondered what they would look like without a shirt to cover them up, and felt myself getting all tingly. My God, I told myself, how on earth can I be thinking about a thing like that at a time like this?

Officer Felter let go of me. “So—your mom is staying with your grandma Paulette, right?”


“Okay. I’m going to head out there right now. You did everything just right, Mallory. Try to get some sleep tonight.”

Sleep? I was about as wide awake as it gets. I glanced at the clock on the dashboard—12:43. Was it really almost one in the morning?

“Thank you,” I told her. “Thank you for everything.” I got myself and my bags out of the car and climbed the steps to the porch. The door opened, and Julie and Lisa were there. They took my bags and drew me in.

Suddenly I was crying. I hadn’t been able to before, but now it all came out in a flood. Gentle hands guided me to the couch. Arms enfolded me. I don’t know how long I sat there sobbing, but Lisa and Julie just held me and let me do it till I was done.

Finally my tears ran out, and I began to talk, first slowly and then with the words all coming out in a rush. I told them about seeing Dad stagger through the living room and realizing he’d been drinking a few nights before, and then about the whole scary mess that I’d just been through.

“I wonder if he’s even still alive,” I said finally.

“He probably is,” said Lisa. “I’m not an EMT, but I’m the person who processes all the reports and insurance paperwork for the city, so I know how these things usually go. From what Sandy Felter told me on the phone, they were breathing for him and he still had a good pulse when they got him into the ambulance, and Jason called for an intercept.”

“What’s an intercept?” Julie wanted to know.

“The volunteer service in town is just EMTs,” said Lisa. “The ambulance service in the town they’re headed for is staffed with professionals, and they have paramedics. A paramedic can do a lot more stuff than an EMT. So if someone is in big trouble, they get an intercept coming, and a paramedic will jump on with them. So If anything else goes wrong, your dad is right next to all of the equipment they need to do something about it, and with a medic to help him. The important thing is, there was an ambulance there before he stopped breathing entirely or his heart stopped. Because of you, Mallory. I think that makes you a hero.”

I didn’t feel very heroic, and suddenly I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. I laid my head against the back of the couch.

The phone rang. Lisa got up to answer it. “Mallory,” she said, “it’s Officer Felter. She wants to talk to you.”

Suddenly there was a huge knot in my stomach. Feeling like somebody else was controlling my legs, I got up and took the phone from her. Despite the positive spin Lisa put on things, I was sure Officer Felter was going to tell me my father was dead. “H… hello?” I got out.

“Hi, Mallory,” she said. “It’s Sandy. Your mom isn’t where we expected her to be. Your grandma thought she was going home tonight, and has no idea where she is. I’ve called both her brothers, and they haven’t heard from her. Can you think of anywhere else she might be?”

My jaw moved a couple of times, but no words came out. Lisa and Julie were both staring at me with concern in their eyes. I gave myself a mental kick. Get it together, you idiot.

“I… I don’t know,” I said. “She dropped me off at home this evening, got a change of clothes, and drove away. I thought she was going back to Grandma’s.”

“Okay,” Sandy said. “I’ll let you know as soon as we find her. Bye now.” I hung up the phone. Lisa and Julie were looking at me expectantly. Was this night never going to end?

“Mom’s not at Grandma’s,” I said. “They don’t know where she is.”

“She’s probably just staying someplace else,” said Lisa, trying a little too hard to sound reassuring. “They’ll find her. Hey… there’s some chocolate mousse in the fridge. Who wants some?”

“Uh—shouldn’t we be getting to bed?” said Julie. “School and all that?”

“Neither of you is getting up at seven,” said Lisa. “So you get a day off from school. Besides, Mallory probably won’t sleep a wink till we hear some news. We might as well sit up till Jason gets back.”

That seemed to settle it. We ate chocolate mousse and watched some TV. I realized it was the first time I had ever seen that TV turned on. In my house, it’s on practically all the time.

Finally we heard Jason’s pickup pull up outside, and Lisa snapped the TV off. I watched Jason anxiously as he came through the door, already unzipping his bulky coat. I couldn’t talk.

“I’m not going to lie and tell you he’s in great shape, Mallory,” he said as he hung his coat on the hook. “But I think he has a good chance. He’s been intubated, and they’re flying him to Minneapolis. You saved his life by calling 911 as quickly as you did. Another five minutes might have been too late.”

“And that’s because he drank too much?” asked Julie.

“Correct,” said Jason, plopping into the recliner. “It’s called alcohol poisoning, kiddo. Near as we can figure, he put away most of a bottle of Jack Daniels in just a few hours. That’d be rough on a seasoned alcoholic, and I get the idea that Dan Kalvornek is not a habitual drinker.”

His eyes met mine. “I take it your mom is leaving you here while she goes to the hospital?”

“Actually, that’s another little problem,” Lisa piped in. “Sandy called awhile ago. Sharon’s not with her mom. Nobody knows where she is.”

Jason’s brow furrowed. He got up and went for the phone.

“Jason,” said Lisa, “do you know something?”

“I suspect something,” he said. “Gimme a minute.” His finger traced a list of numbers on the wall, then he dialed. He waited a long time, and then spoke. “Yo, Brian,” he said. “It’s Jason Hanson, and it’s urgent. Pick up the phone, man.”

Another long minute went by, then he spoke again. “Hey, man, sorry to wake you up,” he said. “And for horning in on your business, but we have an emergency here. Is Sharon Kalvornek with you?”

Now I could hear the other man’s voice, and it didn’t sound happy. Jason cut him off. “Okay—that’s a yes. Put her on the phone. If she says no, tell her I’ll send Sandy Felter out there, then it’ll be on a police report tomorrow and by Wednesday the whole damn town will know. If she does it my way, you have my word no one will hear it from me. Now come on, man… I wasn’t kidding when I said it was an emergency.”

There was another long minute of silence. My head was spinning; I felt like I was losing my mind. What was going on?

Finally Jason spoke again. “Hello, Sharon,” he said. “Look, I just gave Dan an ambulance ride to Lake Region, and he’s on a helicopter bound for Hennepin County as we speak. Alcohol poisoning. He…” he paused as if he had been cut off.

“Well, he sure did tonight, sister. Nearly a fifth of Jack Daniels in just a few hours. He’s lucky, if you want the truth. He made enough noise going down that Mallory heard it from upstairs, and she had the brains to check it out and to call 911 right away when she couldn’t wake him up. Otherwise you’d be receiving a phone call from the county coroner, not your friendly neighborhood EMT. Now look… I don’t care who’s doing what to whom, and nobody is going to hear any of this from me. You’re going to have to square this with Mallory yourself; she knows you weren’t where you said you were going to be, and where you were tracked down to. Just FYI. She’s at my house right now. But you’re probably going to want to get in your car and haul ass for Hennepin County. Mal can stay here for as long as necessary.”

There was a long pause; Mom must have been talking.

“That’d be ridiculous, Sharon. What’s a kid going to do… twiddle her thumbs in the waiting room? And how much school would she miss? Dan’s likely to be there for at least the next few days. Mallory’s no trouble, and we’re happy to have her. Now, I would advise you to move. If I’ve noticed you slipping your vehicle around the back of Brian’s cabin a time or two you can bet I’m not the only one, and the cops are hunting you up as we speak. Sooner or later either Sandy or Jeff is gonna talk to somebody else who can point them in the right direction, and the whole town is going to know where you were found in a day or two. It’s no skin off my ass, but the last thing Mallory needs is all the kids at school finding out that her mom spent Sunday evening with the gym teacher while her dad damn near drank himself to death. So go now, and I’ll get in touch with the cops and let them know that I found you. I won’t tell them where.”

Another pause. “Okay, no problem. Keep us informed, all right? Bye.”

He hung up the phone. Lisa started to speak, but he held up his hand. He plucked the radio from his belt and changed the channel. “EMS to law enforcement,” he said.

“Go for law enforcement.” Chief Moen’s voice.

“Sandy, you copying?” said Jason.

“Copy.” Officer Felter.

“You can call off the hounds; I found our missing person. She’ll be heading out for Hennepin County directly.”

“Copy that,” said the chief’s voice. “Where was she?”

“I promised not to say,” said Jason. “Doesn’t matter. She’s been informed. Their daughter will be staying at our place for the moment. Go home and get some sleep, guys… donut shop is closed at this hour.”

“My investigation of the donut shop is very serious business, and we shouldn’t be discussing it even on the local channel.” There was a hint of laughter in the chief’s voice. “Get some rest yourself, Jason. You did good work tonight.”

“I do try. Night, Chief.” He hooked the radio back on his belt.

“Brian Belgarde?” said Lisa incredulously.

Jason settled into his chair. “Yup,” he said. “I’m surprised Jeff didn’t know about it. There’s not much around here that gets by him.”

He looked towards me. My brain was finally coming to grips with what I’d just heard, and what it meant. “Maybe I should have sent you out of the room before I made that call, Mallory. But I can’t say that I’m sorry… I think after everything that’s happened tonight, you have a right to know the truth.”

There was a long silence. “How’d Tina do?” Lisa finally asked.

“All right,” said Jason. “Crappy one to have for your first call as a full crew member. She stayed calm and did what I told her… best you could hope for under the circumstances.” He turned towards Julie and me. “You two should probably crash,” he said. “To hell with school tomorrow; just get up when you feel like it. I’ll be here all day.”

Just then his pager went off, blaring something about a 62-year-old female vomiting and requesting transport to the hospital. An address was rattled off, and as Jason got up to get his coat I saw Lisa roll her eyes. “That’s Eileen Spencer’s place,” she said.

“Yeah,” said Jason as he shrugged into his coat. “I lose the rest of my sleep tonight ‘cause the old broad ate too much spicy again. I’ll let Tina take this one… something nice and non-urgent for her first time alone in the back. Later.”

In bed Julie and I held each other close. She asked me if I was okay, and I told her I was. She told me she loved me, and then I really was okay. How could I not be if Julie loves me? Suddenly realizing how tired I was, I fell asleep in her arms.


I woke up alone in Julie’s bed. Her clock said it was just after eleven in the morning. It took me a minute to get my brain in gear and remember what I was doing there. Oh, dear God, it really happened.

As I shuffled down the stairs I could hear someone playing an electric guitar, and not very well. Couldn’t be Jason, then. The door at the foot of the stairs was hanging open, and when I reached the bottom and poked my head around the corner I could see Julie and Jason sitting on opposite ends of the couch, each holding an electric guitar. Julie, still wearing her PJs, was playing something I sort of recognized, but she was mangling it enough that I couldn’t place it. The noise had obviously muffled my footsteps on the stairs; neither of them saw me there. I had to pee but didn’t want to disturb them, so I decided to hold it in for a few more minutes and watch.

Julie finished what she was playing and looked up at Jason, a little embarrassed. “That was pretty bad, huh?”

“Somebody clearly has not been doing her homework,” Jason said with a smirk. “Or paying attention to the rules laid out by her long-suffering teacher. Watch my left hand.”

He played the same thing, but much better than Julie had. I still couldn’t put a name to it. I don’t know very much about that kind of music, but my Uncle Louie listens to nothing but old rock albums from the 60s and 70s and now I recognized it as something I had heard at his house.

“See?” said Jason. “Finger positioning has to vary a little bit here. When I want an adjacent string to sound, I keep the fingers very arched. When I want to damp a string I lay them down a little. You need to work through this very slowly until your fingers just automatically do what you want.”

Julie sighed. “I know, Daddy,” she said. “I haven’t been very good about practicing lately. I like playing, but—honestly, I think I’m having more fun with the electronics projects. I wanna do music, but maybe with something a little more… I don’t know…”

“Technical?” said Jason.


“Tell you what,” he said. “Mr. Larson and I are going to put my guitar students and his drum students into little bands and get them onstage this spring. I was going to ask if you wanted to be in one of the bands, but how would you like to be sound engineer for the event instead? You have the ear for it, and it would make the whole thing that much more of a student project.”

“Dad, that would totally rule!”

“Okay,” he said. “I’ve been meaning to get the small PA set up in the garage, and this weekend you’ll do it with me. We need to start training now if you’re going to be ready to mix by May.”

He looked up, and his eyes fell on me. “Morning, Mallory.”

Julie squealed, carefully laid the guitar on the couch, then bounced to her feet and hit me at a dead run. She squeezed me tightly.

I hugged her back, squeezing hard too. But only for a second. “Julie,” I protested, “you’re gonna squeeze the pee right out of me!”

We both started laughing like idiots, and she let me go. I ran into the bathroom. When I came out the guitars had been put away, and Jason was in his recliner. Julie was nowhere to be seen.

“Julie went to the kitchen to make you an omelet,” said Jason. “Sit down.” I sat.

“I talked to your mom on the phone this morning,” he continued. “They’re pulling the tube out of your dad’s throat later today. They think he’s going to be okay. He’ll probably be in the hospital for a few days. That much booze that fast can do stuff that isn’t immediately apparent, so they’re gonna want to keep an eye on him for awhile. Your mom is planning to stay in the Twin Cities for the duration. You’ll stay here.” His eyes flicked to the ceiling, then beach to me. “Mallory, I can’t stress enough how much ass you kicked last night. If you hadn’t acted fast your mom would be arranging a funeral, not sitting next to a hospital bed.”

“All I did was make a phone call.”

“Sure, but you did it right away, when you saw something was seriously wrong. You also stayed calm, followed instructions to the letter, and didn’t get in the way. It’s a bigger deal than you think. I’ve been on scenes that were much less critical, with grown men and women completely losing their cookies and making our job a lot harder. You were nothing but calm and helpful. I was impressed as hell, and so was everyone else who was there.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, except, “Um, thanks.”

That’s when Julie came into the room, carrying a plate with a thick, delicious-looking omelet garnished with parsley and green onions.

“Breakfast is served!” she proclaimed. “One heavenly, tasty tomato-cheese-onion-pepper omelet for table five!” She set it down on the coffee table, ran back into the kitchen, then returned with a glass of juice.

I picked up the fork and took a bite. It was delicious—I hadn’t realized how hungry I was. I dug in. After I finished Julie and I decided to take a shower together. We used the shower stall in the new bathroom, and once we were standing under the spray we collapsed into each other’s arms.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” she said into my ear.

“I think so,” I said. “It’s just a lot to deal with, you know? I watched my dad almost stop breathing right in front of me, and it turned out my mom was in bed with Mr. Belgarde when she said she was gonna be at Grandma’s. And what happens when Dad finds out about that? Will he find out? Should I tell him? God, Julie—I don’t know.” I slumped back against the shower wall.

Julie started shampooing her hair, never taking her eyes off of me. “Are you really thinking about telling him?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I feel like I should be mad at her about it, but really I’m not. They’re always being mean to each other anyway, so this is just one more thing. I mean, it’s not even as bad as the way they talk to each other sometimes. Except according to the Bible, this is the worst thing married people can do to each other, but I’ll tell you something else, Julie. Right now I really don’t give a damn what the Bible says about anything.”

I hadn’t meant to say the “D” word; it just popped out. I realized that the more I talked the madder I was getting, and I didn’t even know who I was mad at. I shut up. I squirted some shampoo into my hand and attacked my hair.

Julie’s gentle hands closed over my wrists, pulling my arms down to my sides. She let go and began massaging the shampoo into my scalp. “Let me,” she said. “You look like you’re gonna rip your hair right out.”

I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “Thanks.”

Julie’s hands running through my hair soothed me. I opened my eyes and looked into hers. She smiled at me. Reaching above my head, she pulled loose the detachable showerhead Jason had installed. She tilted my chin back, and I closed my eyes again.

As the wonderful spray of hot water massaged my scalp, I had a wicked thought. “Hey,” I said in a half whisper, “remember what Megan said about how much fun showerheads are? Do you think she meant what I think she meant?”

“Oh, I’ve been thinking about that,” Julie whispered back. My eyes were still closed, but I could hear a smile in her voice. “But I sure ain’t gonna try it with Dad on the other side of this wall!” We both burst out laughing.


Jason napped for most of the afternoon, because he didn’t get much sleep the night before. Julie and I lazed around the house, ate snacks, and chatted about this and that. We read to each other out of our fantasy books for a while. Later, we fixed dinner together. Julie is a way better cook than me, but I’m learning.

Lisa came home a few minutes after five, hugged us both, and gave Jason a juicy kiss. Dinner was ready ten minutes later, so the four of us gathered at the table and loaded our plates. Julie and I had made lasagna, and it turned out really well.

Just as we were close to finishing, the phone rang. Lisa got it, and called me into the living room. “It’s your mother,” she whispered.

I took the phone with trembling hands. “Hello?”

“Hi, sweetheart.” Mom sounded beyond tired.

“Hi, Mom. How’s Dad doing?”

“They’re going to keep him under observation for a couple of days,” she said. “We don’t know exactly how long yet. They think he’ll probably be okay. Mallory, you told the police you’d seen him drunk before. Why didn’t you say anything to me?”

“It was just a couple of days ago,” I said, “and I wasn’t completely sure. I didn’t see him drink, it was just that he looked and smelled like Uncle Louie did at Grandpa’s visitation. And I didn’t tell you because you were off hiding at Grandma’s house. Or maybe not even at Grandma’s house.”

I didn’t mean to say that last part… it just slipped out, and even to me the words sounded pretty harsh when I said them. At that moment I realized how angry I was with her. Not for whatever she’d done with Mr. Belgarde, but for acting like I didn’t exist and for running away and hiding every time things got awkward at home. Still, I’d never talked to her that way before, and after getting the last word out I snapped my mouth shut and waited for the explosion.

It didn’t come. It took her so long to say anything that I was starting to think we’d been cut off. When she finally spoke, her voice sounded very strained.

“We need to talk about all of that, Mallory,” she said softly. “and about other things… but now’s not the time. I’m going to stay in Minneapolis until your father is ready to come home. Are you okay staying with the Hansons?”

“Yeah, I’m good here.”

“Okay. Remember to be respectful and do what Mr. Hanson says. I’ll let you know how things are going. Bye, sweetie.”

I mumbled a goodbye, hung up, then trudged back into the kitchen.

“What news?” said Jason.

“Dad’s still pretty out of it, I guess.” Their eyes were all on me. There’s no door between the kitchen and living room, and I knew perfectly well they’d heard what I’d said to Mom.

“You okay?” Lisa asked gently.

“Yeah,” I said, plopping down in my chair. There were a couple of bites of food left on my plate, and I shoveled them into my mouth, one forkful after the other, just to show everyone how okay I was.

A little while after dinner the phone rang again, but this time it was for Jason. Julie and I were looking up some stuff for school on the internet so I wasn’t really paying attention, but I caught the last thing he said.

“All right, sure… I might come down for a bit. Let me see what’s going down here first. Talk to you later.”

“What was all that about?” Lisa wanted to know after Jason hung up.

“Oh, that was Sean. Some guys are going down to the fire hall to play a few hands of rummy and he invited me to come.”

“And you’re not already out the door and on your way?”

“Well, you and I were…”

“Jason,” she said with a laugh. “don’t be a knucklehead! You know how long it takes people in a place like this to warm up to the new guy. If they’re inviting you out for stuff, go! I’ll still be up when you get home, no worries.”

Jason shrugged, then crossed the room and opened a high cabinet above the mantel, then pulled out what looked a lot like a bottle of whiskey. I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach.

He must have seen something on my face, because he walked over to me and put a big, strong hand on my shoulder. “Relax, kiddo,” he said. “I like a nightcap every once in a while, but I haven’t been honest-to-Christ drunk since I was a young, dumb rookie guitar player on my first tour. Which was approximately five lifetimes ago. I’m not going to drink myself into a stupor, I promise.”

“Okay,” I said, feeling a little embarrassed. “It’s none of my business, really.”

“Not a problem,” he replied. “Only reason I’m bringing it out at all is the guys usually drink beer when they play cards. I’ve never liked beer to begin with, and the cheap stuff they have is actually bottled cat piss pretending to be a beverage. This way I can have a drink with the guys and not have every cat in the neighborhood snickering at me behind their paws.”

I tried to hold in my laughter, but it just spewed out. Julie started giggling too. Jason gave us each a squeeze, kissed Lisa, grabbed his coat, and headed out.

“What did you and Dad have planned, anyhow?” Julie asked Lisa.

Lisa grinned. “Wellll… we were going to set you girls up down here with a movie, then go up to the bedroom, stretch out on the bed, maybe watch some more adult-themed entertainment, and…”

“Okay, okay!” Julie squealed, holding up her hands. “I know where THIS is going, thank you very much!”

“Yeah, I think we get it,” I said, giggling a little.

“Oh, I’m sure you do! I don’t know the details of what happened at Megan’s house yesterday, but I have a hunch you girls did a lot more than just talk.”

Instantly my face was burning… but I was getting excited too. We’d already seen Lisa masturbate, and she’d watched as I brought Julie to her first orgasm, then had one of my own. Would she be up for more? I had a strong feeling she might.

“Maybe a teensy bit more,” I said, giving her what I hoped was a secretive smile.

“Oh, stop that, girl!” Lisa said, laughing. “I don’t want to think about sexy things right now! I was already hot and bothered, and now Jason is going to be out for a couple of hours. Poor me…” She put on a pretend pouty face, and we all laughed.

“Wellll,” I said slowly, “there are things you can do about that, you know. Or maybe… we could help you out?”

Lisa’s eyes were boring into me now, serious and intense. “What kind of help are we talking about here?”

“YOU know!” Julie piped up. “Like Mallory helped me that day in your bedroom!”

“I know what you mean, girls,” Lisa said softly. She looked from me to Julie, then back again. “And I never told you the whole truth about my sister and me. We didn’t always just watch each other masturbate. We used to… touch one another, too. A few times, we did even more. But that was different; we were both kids. What I did with you girls the other day… that was crossing a line. What you’re talking about now, well, that’s crossing another line. A bigger one. I don’t know that it would be a very good idea.”

I thought fast. That feeling was back again. I knew what I wanted, I knew Lisa wanted it too, and I knew it could happen if I played my cards right.

“Well,” I told her, “we could do what we did last time. You know, you watch us and we watch you. Don’t you want to see all the cool things we learned from Megan?”

The corners of her mouth turned up a little. “I’ll admit to a little curiosity,” she said.

I turned toward Julie. She was in Jason’s desk chair, and I’d pulled up a kitchen chair so we could both sit in front of the computer. I swiveled Julie around so she was facing me, placed my hands around her shoulders, pulled her close, and pressed my lips to hers. We kissed, and I let my tongue slip out to trace the outside of her soft, sweet mouth. Her lips parted, and our tongues met. We kissed slowly and lovingly, taking our time with it.

When we parted, Julie and I both turned towards Lisa. She was watching us with bright, hungry eyes. “That was beautiful, girls,” she breathed.

“Wanna see more?” I asked.

Julie didn’t wait for her to answer. Reaching out, she guided me out of the chair and into her lap,  then started nuzzling my neck. She moved slowly, from below my left ear and along my jawline, kissing and nibbling as she went. Within seconds I was trembling, my breath ragged and unsteady. Her mouth soon found mine, and this time when we kissed, it was furious and passionate..

Finally breaking away, I got to my feet, and pulled Julie up along with me. Tugging on her hand, I headed for the stairs. Pausing halfway across the room, I turned to look at Lisa. She was still sitting on the couch, staring at us with her mouth open.

“Coming?” I said. As if in a trance, Lisa slowly stood, then followed us up the stairs.

On to Chapter Thirteen!


A Pair of Blue Panties 

  • Posted on April 13, 2024 at 2:20 pm

A little tribute to Misty Meadow. I happen to know her favourite fantasy.  


By kinkys_sis

I lived in a small town that until recently had been a village. For whatever reason, they upgraded us. I couldn’t imagine why. I mean, we only had about twenty-five shops scattered about, most of them small and shabby. Half were take-away places – Chinese, pizza, kebab, or fish and chips – and there were five men’s barber shops. Like, do we need five? Fuck no!

Our family used only two of the shops on a regular basis – one small convenience store and the one larger supermarket.

Saturday was the beginning of a string of coincidences. You know, like when you hear a word for the first time, and suddenly you start hearing it everywhere.

Mum had sent me down to the convenience store for a newspaper and some milk. Next door was a charity shop where I loved to browse for second-hand books or DVDs. This shop had a picture window that looked out on a sort of community garden and seating area. The only people I ever seemed to see there were the local alcoholics or a few kids that gathered after school was let out or at the weekends. It’s where they came to spend their pocket money on sweets and comics.

I liked to look out the window and watch the regular girls that would sit, flashing their regulation school knickers whether they knew it or not. Today, I saw a girl ride up on a bicycle. She was about twelve. It was her hair and her legs that grabbed my attention. I waited with bated breath as she parked the bike. Sure enough, there was a brief flash of white beneath her short blue skirt. Too short for bike riding, not that I was going to complain.

I saw her glance my way, or at least at the shop. Then she went next door into the convenience store.

I waited till she returned to her bike, hopeful of another display. Sure enough, there was another quick flash as she mounted the saddle. She rode in a small circle and then stopped in front of my window. She wasn’t looking at me, only at the window display. She sat balanced on one foot, the other resting on the higher pedal. Whether she knew it or not, she was giving me a nice eyeful of crotch.

Something made me glance up, and I knew by her expression she’d seen me looking. She scowled before hastily peddling away. I left the shop and finished my errand for Mum.

Next morning, I went fishing with Grandpa. He told me he needed to call in at the supermarket for a few bits on the way.

Halfway there, and there was that girl again. She had on the same top and skirt as she cycled up the road towards us. Once again, her panties were on display, especially when I leaned out of the car window. And once again, she saw me look. She obviously recognised me. I got the scowl treatment again.

Grandpa parked his car in the disabled bay near the supermarket entrance. There was only a low wall between the bay and the doors. You had to walk behind the car and pass the wall to get into the market. Kids used the wall to park their bikes.

Grandpa was an age in the supermarket. He always was. I sat and waited. Then fuck! There was that girl again. For like the third time in only two days.

She rode up, climbed off her bike and leaned it against the wall. That was when she saw me watching her. Her scowl got even deeper. I thought she’d just go into the supermarket, but instead she went around the end of the wall and came towards me. Before she’d even got to my open window, she started to speak. “What is it with you? You must be some sort of local pedo or something. Everywhere I go, you’re looking up my skirt.” And so she carried on.

In mid-sentence, she glanced down. My own skirt was well up my thighs. I knew she could see my panties. She hastily pulled her eyes away and carried on with her tirade. Eventually, she ran out of things to accuse me of. But several times, I’d seen her eyes go back to look between my legs.

Now, it was my turn.

“First, I’m not a pedo,” I said. “They’re, like, dirty old men. I’m thirteen and a girl. And second, you keep looking at me. So what’s the difference?”

“But you’re showing off, like you want people to look. With me, you’re sneaking peeks. That’s not nice,” she ended somewhat lamely.

I gave her my best smile. “I only flash pretty girls … like you. And yeah, I like looking at girls’ panties. Especially when they’ve got sexy ones on … like yours.”

She tried to find the right words to answer, but clearly failed.

I slid my bum forwards but held onto my skirt. More and more of my panties were uncovered. And I spread my legs wider. “You think mine are sexy?” I said.

That threw her. But she tried. “I don’t care. That’s disgusting. I wouldn’t know if they’re sexy or not. Anyway, I didn’t mean to look but you make it kinda hard not to.”

As she was saying that last part, I let my hand drop to the front of my panties. Naturally enough, her eyes followed. I stuck out my index finger and pressed it in as I slid it lower. She stayed quiet, watching me push the fabric into my slit. I rubbed up and down a couple of times for good measure.

“You like looking?” I said. “Or maybe you’re just so shocked that you’re sorta lost for words.”

She looked back up. But she wasn’t scowling now. There was an odd look on her face, like she wasn’t sure of her feelings. “Are you like a lesbian?”

“You got me there,” I said. “I only look at girls, especially pretty girls like you. And you … you’re delicious. I look at your panties and I can’t help thinking about what’s inside. Sorry if that upsets you, but it’s how I am.”

She didn’t say another word. Just glared at me and then turned away and went off into the supermarket.

Grandpa seemed to have got himself lost, which wasn’t unusual. We were beginning to think he had dementia. I was about ready to go looking for him when the girl reappeared. She walked back to the car window and started talking straight away.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said. I guess that I don’t mind if you have to look at my panties. It’s no big deal. If it makes you happy, fine. But I don’t understand why. I mean, like, what’s the thrill of just looking?”

“I look and I dream,” I said. “Anyway, why don’t I know you? I don’t think I ever saw you before. I thought I knew every girl in this little town.”

“We only moved here two weeks ago,” she said. “I start school on Monday.”

I realised I liked this girl, even if she was a bit too young for me. “So, what’s your name? Mine’s Bee.”

She thought a second, scrunching up her face. Then she burst out, “Are you the girl whose name is on so many of the trophies at the school, in the glass? I mean like … boxing, running, and football? I saw them yesterday when my mum and I went to meet the deputy head.”

“You into sports then, are you? And yes, I guess that’s me. You still didn’t tell me your name.”

“Bee, huh. I’ve been told that you’re some sort of local hero but then I guess you know that.” She took a glance at her watch. “Fuck! I gotta run.”

She picked up her bike and climbed on. She jerked her hips several times to simulate a fucking motion against the saddle. Then she laughed and cycled away.

As an afterthought, she shouted back, “Rose.”

Fuck. What a girl. I already wanted to get in her knickers.


Monday was the usual boring shit. I mean like who wants religion, sociology, domestic science and all that crap? Then my day brightened. I saw Rose walking towards me. She gave a cheery, “Hi, Bee.” Then she surprised me with, “You seen any sexy panties today?”

“None at all, but then, I haven’t seen yours yet.”

“I did kind of wonder. You really want to look at mine? I’ve been thinking about it, and I still think it’s weird.”

I took the time to look at her. I mean really look. “Rose, even if you don’t know it, you’re a sexy little fucker. You ever make it with anybody?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I get that. How about we just be friends for now? As long as you let me see your panties sometimes.”

“You’re impossible. But I like you.”

“That’s you wondering what I’d do if I did get in your panties. You might not know what it means, but you’re thinking about it. And … I want to get in there.” I wasn’t known for being subtle.

Somehow, she managed to look cross, but I didn’t believe one bit of it. All I wondered was, how and when?

But her answer wasn’t very promising. “Maybe I don’t want you as a friend after all. You’re gross.”

She turned away.


I didn’t see Rose again for a couple of days. I’d pretty much decided she didn’t want anything more to do with me. Then, there she was, sitting on her bike outside the school gates.

“Hi, Bee. You wanna walk with me? I heard you live up my way.”

“You been checkin’ up on me?”

“Just curious.” She was all chatter today. She said she’d found out how popular I was with the older girls. The younger ones seemed to be a bit in awe of me, which was flattering and kind of surprising. One girl in her class even said she’d have jumped at the chance to be my friend. It seems the girl had turned red in the face when Rose asked her why.

Finally, I got a word in. “So you’re not scared of what I might do?”

“No, I’m not saying any such thing. It’s just … sorta cool if we were friends, is all.”

I guess she forgot to take care when she climbed off her bike. I got a quick glimpse of pale blue panties.

“You know, you’re not supposed to wear coloured panties to school. Or is that for me?”

“I thought if you’re gonna look up my skirt, I might as well look nice.”

“Aw, that’s sweet. Not that I got to see much.”

Then she threw me. “So, what colour you got on?”

I didn’t answer her. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pair of white panties.

She came to a standstill. “No. You got another pair on,” she said.

“You wanna bet?” I reached for the hem of my uniform skirt.

“Don’t you dare!” she said. But then she looked uncertain. “You’re really not wearing any, or are you messing with me? But then, I wouldn’t put anything past you, like the other day when you rubbed your… well you know what I mean.”

“My pussy. I’m sure you know what it’s called. But okay. There’s too many people around anyway. But if you wanna come back to my house, then I’ll prove it for you  – since you’re so curious.”

“I am not!” She walked on. But then she called, quite sternly, “You coming?”

The phrase methinks the lady doth protest too much came to mind. I fell into step alongside her.

“Anyway, you said you wore the pretty blue ones just for me,” I said. “It’s not much fun if I don’t get to see them properly, now is it?”

“You wanna see more, do you?”

This was getting to be fun. “Let’s say … I’m expecting to.”

Now she actually laughed. “I suppose you are. I guess I’ve set myself up, haven’t I?”

We’d just reached my house. “This is mine,” I said. “You want an ice cream or something? I’m sure we’ve got some choc ices in the freezer.”

She hesitated. It was crunch time. She could say no and walk away. If she said yes, she knew what the consequences were likely to be.

“I think I should get home,” she said.

I took hold of her hand.

“I promise I’ll behave, if that’s what you want. Come and have an ice cream.”

“Well … okay then.”

We took our choc ices out into the back garden. Rose sat on the swing we hardly ever used. I sat opposite her on the low brick wall around a flower bed. We were quiet for a while, enjoying the ice cream.

Suddenly, Rose blurted out, “So you weren’t lying then.”

“About what?”

“You don’t have any panties on. I can see your pussy … as you call it.”

I pretended to be shocked. “What!” Then I looked down as I also spread my legs a bit. “Oh fuck. So you can.” I didn’t close them again. When I looked back up, she was staring. I wasn’t sure what to make of her expression.

Very gradually, I opened wider and she mumbled something.

“I didn’t catch that. What did you say?”

“It’s pretty,” she said. “I didn’t expect that. I mean, I know what they look like.”

“Well, now you’ve seen it and you didn’t run. So what about yours? Your panties I mean.”

She looked shy now. But slowly she reached down and lifted her skirt. The blue panties were more pretty than sexy. But this girl was very sexy to me, sitting there, holding her skirt up for me to look.

I got up from my seat. “You mind if I look close?”

“Uh uh,” she said. She pulled her skirt higher.

I knelt down in front of her with my nose only a foot or so away. “Wow. Nice.” I lifted a hand, but paused halfway, looking up at her face.

“If that’s what you want, go ahead,” she said.

I raised my hand the rest of the way until my fingers touched her front. I felt the material softly, making a few light circles. She just stared down at what I was doing and didn’t say anything.

I extended one finger and pressed more firmly. Sliding down, I felt her slit through the crotch, like I’d done to myself in the car. I rubbed it up and down a few times.

Still, she said nothing. So, I pressed harder and went on rubbing. She gave a small shudder before she let go of her skirt and grabbed the chains on the swing.

I tucked her skirt up and pressed my thumb to where her clit would be. She shook again and closed her eyes tight, and she kept them closed while I eased the crotch of her panties to one side.

Oh my. Such a beautiful little pussy. I moved my thumb back to her still-hidden clit and eased my finger between her tight lips, into her steamy tunnel. She slid forwards a little on the swing, jiggling her bum, and my thumb found her button.

She still had her eyes closed. I leaned in between her legs, pushing them wider apart. With two fingers, I eased her pussy lips open. She jumped and gasped when I kissed her clit. I sucked it a little, flicked it with my tongue. I clearly heard her say, “Oh, God.”

Alternately circling and flicking with my tongue, I began to slide my finger in and out. Now there was a proper wetness seeping from inside her cunt.

We almost fell when she lifted her legs from the ground and put them around me. Somehow, I kept us balanced and continued to fuck and suck. Her legs tightened their grip, pulling me into her. Suddenly, they clamped down hard, and I felt her shaking. My little Rose was coming.

I sucked at her clit as she slowly relaxed. Her eyes opened wide before she said, quietly, “I thought you were gonna do something, but God, I didn’t know anything could feel so good.”

I struggled to stand up. My knees were killing me.

“Honestly, all I wanted was a flash,” I said. “Let’s get something to drink, shall we?”

Holding my hand, she followed me inside. I poured us each a Coke. The whole time we were drinking, she kept staring at me over the lip of her glass. “What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“I sorta thought you might try and kiss me,” she said. “Just not there. I didn’t know anyone did that.”

“Everybody does. It’s how girls make love to each other.”

“Is that what we did?”

I touched her cheek with a finger. “So, about that kiss you mentioned. You want to?”

Without a word, she stepped into my arms and touched her lips to mine. Her hands went behind me, her embrace getting tighter as the kiss went on.

I eased a hand up between us, pulling her school blouse with it. Then my fingers found her breasts. The nipples were still aroused. She sighed as I played with them.

With my free hand, I unfastened the catch of my skirt. A little wiggle and it fell to the floor. She found her hands on my bare bum. They just rested there. I wasn’t sure she knew what to do, or if she even wanted to do anything.

I eased my lips away. “You think you might wanna have a feel? If you want to, I’d like it.” Reaching back again, I took one of her hands off my ass, brought it around to my front, turned it, and pressed the palm to my pussy. She just left it there, not moving, when I took my open hand away.

I kissed her again and squeezed one of her titties. It wasn’t big, but it was big enough for me. Her fingers on my bum dug in a little. I kissed her harder and pushed my tongue between her lips. She accepted the intrusion without complaint, and soon her tongue was mingling with mine.

The fingers on my pussy moved gingerly, curling to feel me. She explored through the wet, pressing more firmly, then slipped inside.

Slowly at first, I moved my hips back and forth, fucking myself on her fingers. She didn’t have to do anything but keep them in place.

Her other hand came up now and felt my tits. She just cupped them for a while, but when I rolled one of her nipples between two fingers, she did the same for me. And now the fingers in my pussy were actually beginning to fuck me, and she was kissing me, on her own, with ardour.

My body began to tense. I was getting close. I broke our kiss long enough to say, “I’m gonna come, Rose. Oh, fuck, now!”

I crammed my lips back onto hers as she fucked me faster. One of my hands was squeezing her arse. I didn’t even remember putting it there, not that I cared. I squeezed hard, digging my fingers into the crack between her cheeks. If it shocked her at all, she didn’t show it. She just kept finger-fucking my cunt.

I shook against her as the orgasm took hold. The muscles in my pussy clutched at her fingers, and she went on fucking me. A beautiful come washed over me. It’d been a while since I felt quite like this.

We stood there with our arms around each other, just cuddled together. After a while, I kissed her ear and whispered. “I haven’t upset you have I? I wouldn’t ever mean to do that.”

She squeezed me tighter. “No,” she said. “I guess I knew what would happen when I saw you after school. It was the way you are. It excited me. I even played with myself, thinking about you. I guess I was scared, but I wanted it.”

She pulled her head back to look at me. “What worries me is – is that all you wanted? Like, just a bit of fun in my panties. Now you’ve had your fun, is that it, you just forget about me?”

“Close your eyes,” I said. I kissed each one, then her nose and finally, her lips, “You want to be my girlfriend, serious like?”

She opened her eyes. “You mean it?”

“Rose, I never joke about these things. Besides, I love blue panties.”

She laughed. Then she reached down to tug her panties off, “Here, let’s swap.” Her cheeks turned bright red. “Oh God. Did I really just say that?”

A look at the clock reminded me Mum would be home soon. “We better just get our clothes sorted and tidy up before my mum walks in. Do you gotta go yet or you maybe wanna stay, you know, for dinner or whatever?”

She giggled. It was a big change from the girl who was always trying to be stern and cross with me. “Whatever,” she said. “I’ll give my mum a ring.”

She was just getting off the phone when Mum came in. “I’m in a bit of a rush, Bee,” she said. She saw my puzzled look. “You forgot already? I have a town council meeting tonight. I won’t be back until after nine. I told you to order pizza for yourself.”

She peered closer at Rose. “Hello. I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“This is Rose, Mum. She’s kinda like my new friend. Her mum said she can stay for dinner, so pizza sounds great.”

My mum was well aware of my sexual leanings. She didn’t much approve, especially not at my age, but she could turn a blind eye to it. What she didn’t know couldn’t get her in trouble. Now, though, she looked at Rose and then back at me.

“Don’t worry, Mum. It’s cool.” I told her. “You can go get ready for your meeting.”

As soon as Mum had left the room, Rose said, “I guess she knows about you and girls.”

“She knows. I just don’t gotta push it in her face like. Then she doesn’t give me any hassle.”

I fetched the pizza menu for us to order.

“Any kind you want,” I said. “Just no garlic.”

“Why not? Duh! Okay, I get it.”

“I thought you might wanna let me see the rest of you.”

She really needed to learn to control that blush. It could get to be a dead give-away.

“Fuck!” she said. “How did everything go so fast? Hey… does your pussy ever feel excited, I mean like tingly and get wet when you have naughty thoughts?”

“Would you believe, mine is as near as fuck, always tingly,” I said. “But, even more when I look at you.”

“You know, a week ago, that woulda made me puke,” she said. “But I like it. You should maybe order the pizza straight away, and tell your mum to go.”

I loved the twinkle in her eyes as she said that. This girl had really got under my skin, but somehow, I knew that had been the case from the second day I’d seen her.

The pizza arrived just after Mum left. We’d only had time for a quick kiss and a feel when the doorbell rang.

“Let’s take our clothes off and then eat,” I said. “Or do we gotta eat first?”

“Sorry, but I’m kinda hungry,” she said. “But if we sit at the table, you can eat with one hand and maybe let the other … What’s that?” She pointed at the two glasses I had carried in.

“I thought you might like a glass of wine.”

“I’ve never tried it. Is this how you get all your girls to strip?”

She took a sip. “Oh wow.” She took another.

“Slow down, sweetheart,”   I said. “I can’t let you go home pissed or your mum might not let you come back.”

“Sweetheart,” she whispered. “Is that what I am?” She grabbed hold of my hand and pushed it up her skirt to her still naked pussy. “Play with me,” she ordered with a laugh.

I was beginning to wonder if I’d get to finish my pizza. Her fingers were starting to drive me mad. She was getting to be good at teasing my clit. It was probably the same for her. She was wiggling more and more.

There wasn’t that much pizza left when I finally said, “Stop!”

She looked puzzled until I said, “Let’s go to my bedroom.”

I practically dragged her up the stairs. When we got to my room and I turned to face her, she looked shy again and that blush was back. She watched me unbutton my blouse. It still hid my breasts when I unfastened my skirt and let it drop to the floor. Then I paused.

She understood why. Her fingers worked upwards. I always went down. Once she’d reached the top, she imitated me and released the catch of her skirt.

I could see how nervous she was. “On the count of three,” I told her. I had only got to two when she threw her blouse open. I knew what her tits felt like but now, I saw just how beautiful they were – gorgeous buds with two proud nipples.

She gasped when I shrugged my blouse off my shoulders. My tits were very nearly double the size of hers.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” I teased her.

“Nothing,” she said. “But you’re, like, all grown up. I can’t help wondering why you like me. But you call me sweetheart. It’s just… You’ve made me happy. That’s all.” She rushed into my arms, her lips coming to mine.

We each took a grip of the other’s bum. She caressed and felt me. I pressed her to me, grinding our pussies together. It wouldn’t work this way, though, however nice it felt.

I leaned back. “Bed?”

She nodded and pushed me backwards. “What you did with your mouth,” she said. “I want to try that.”

“You sure? You don’t have to. Just let it happen when the time’s right.”

“I’m your girlfriend now. The time’s right for everything. Whatever you want to teach me, I’ve got to know, from this very minute.”

I climbed backwards onto the bed and lay down. She went to lie with me, but I told her no. “Come and kneel over my chest, sit on my tits, facing my feet.” She did as I said without question.

“Now, sweetheart, bring your bum back and lean forwards.”

I heard her laugh. She understood where this was going. Whatever she was expecting, though, it came as a surprise when I lifted my head and kissed the little star of her arsehole. She froze, still up on her knees, as my tongue tickled her rear.

“God, that is so naughty. But it’s so nice. I wouldn’t ever have… oh, God, Bee!” Then she let herself fall onto me. I felt her hot breath on my pussy, her fingers exploring, opening me up. Her face went down without the slightest hesitation. My clit felt the warmth as her lips surrounded it, and she sucked and kissed.

I struggled for a moment. My arms had got trapped at my side by her legs. Once they were free, I held her arse with one hand and went for her pussy with the other. She jerked as In traced one finger around her puckered rear, but pressed herself down when two fingers eased inside her cunt. Her whole body shook when my tongue flicked her clit. I knew just what I was doing. Rose, for her part, was learning fast.

We’d already got ourselves halfway to a climax at the dinner table, so it wasn’t long before I could feel my heart pounding. I bent my knees up and pushed down on the mattress with my feet, lifting my pussy towards her mouth and fingers.

She clenched her arse cheeks. I hadn’t realised I was pressing a finger into her arsehole, which was still just about wet enough from my tongue. I eased my finger in more. The clenching stopped, and I went all the way in.

She clearly wanted to do whatever I did. Her own finger circled in the wetness that had seeped down from my leaking pussy. Then she thrust it, easily, into my arse.

She fucked me just as good as I fucked her. My body was straining now, rising to the glorious climax I knew was coming. Her fingers, at both holes, stopped moving. Fortunately, she was still sucking on my clit. She began to jerk frantically as she came. I strived to reach my peak. It didn’t come until hers was just finishing. How she caught on, I couldn’t imagine, but somehow she did. She fucked my cunt furiously, and her tongue lapped my clit like mad. It was enough. My body spasmed, my hips jerked and I called her name.

I just lay in a collapsed state until she pulled her arse off my finger. She turned and laid her body on top of mine, her head nestled in the crook of my neck. Her hands took a tight hold of me. I could feel the soft kiss of her lips on my skin.

I swear I heard her whispering, “Now she’s mine, I knew I could make her mine with a little help from my blue panties. Bee loves me now.”

The next instant, or so it seemed, Rose woke me up with a kiss. “The time, Bee. I think we have to get dressed.”

I stared up at her, with what felt like a silly grin on my face. “Are you happy, Rose? I mean like, really?”

She smiled sweetly. “Never happier. You can’t begin to imagine.”

“I’ve got one more question. Just when, exactly, did you make your mind up? I kinda get the feeling that you turned the tables on me.”

All I got back was an impish grin. Fuck, what a girl!

The End


Stranger in the Family, Chapter 1

  • Posted on April 9, 2024 at 2:05 pm

Introduction by JetBoy: This is the first installment of a short novel that’s been in the works for nearly two years, finally completed a few weeks ago. My long-distance friend Purple Les (who created the pair of Tequila Kid sagas that I had the great fortune to edit for this site) sent me the first few chapters, asking if I thought they were any good. (She’s a modest one, our Les.) I told her YES, it was excellent; please finish it. She did, and I got down to editing.

As sometimes happens, I had quite a few suggestions and ideas to contribute to the story… most of which Les was happy to accept. Eventually, Les generously offered to share the writing credit with me. That said, I insisted that she be the deciding vote if we disagreed on anything. Almost never happened, though. 

Editing “Stranger in the Family” was a delightful experience. Working on it became one of my favorite ways to unwind after a hard day on the sales floor. 

Rest assured, this story is CRAMMED with sex, but it takes a couple of chapters to get seriously hot. Your patience will be amply rewarded, I promise.

Les, as always, was an ideal partner, one I am VERY eager to work with again, anytime she likes. Thanks for everything, my friend. 

Okay, I’ll shut up and let you readers get to it. Please enjoy, and don’t forget to leave a comment! 



Dedicated with love to the memory of Cheryl Taggart


By Purple Les and  JetBoy

It was the worst moment of Linda’s life.

April Fourth. A warm day, more than usual for that time of year in New England. Eight in the morning, and already 29 degrees Celsius. It was obvious that a storm was brewing. The sky had darkened, enough so that Linda had switched on some of the lights in the house.

Linda’s nine-year-old daughter Gabby was up in her room. Linda’s husband Walt and their daughter Kelly, who had recently turned eleven, were off on a walk around the neighborhood with Toby, the family dog.

A crack of thunder boomed, then slowly unrolled through the sky. Linda glanced nervously through the living room window. What’s taking them so long? she wondered.

For the umpteenth time, Linda opened the front door, looking down the street for the rest of her family. To her relief, she spied Walt and Kelly coming down the sidewalk, Toby scooting merrily ahead on his leash. Thank goodness, Linda thought, and waved as they approached.

“Let’s hurry, Daddy!” Linda heard Kelly exclaim. “When thunder roars, head indoors.”

Linda couldn’t help but smile. Kelly was always the practical one, at times almost a second mommy to her younger sister.

Holding the front door wide open, Linda shouted, “Come on in, you two! It’s going to pour any second.” She watched them hurrying up the front walk, Toby leading the way.

A bolt of lightning ripped the sky apart, in a flash so bright that the world looked like a photo negative for a second. The windows of the house rattled, almost loudly enough to drown out Linda’s scream of horror.

The rest was a blur. Linda running down the walk, crying, “No, no, no, no, NO!” Little Toby’s fur, burnt and smoking. Walt’s body twisted into an impossible position on the sidewalk. Kelly stretched out on the lawn, her clothing in tatters. The neighbors rushing out to witness the horrific scene. The sirens. The ambulances, their red lights strobing. The paramedics, one of whom was a tall black man who Linda heard reporting, “The man’s dead. The little girl’s still breathing, though.”


Seated at the kitchen table two months later, Linda thought back on all that had happened since that grim day. Her oldest daughter Kelly hospitalized, still in a coma after all these weeks. Walt’s funeral. The endless grief – not just hers, but that of her youngest, nine-year-old Gabby, who still cried herself to sleep most nights, sometimes even wetting the bed.

Thankfully, Linda’s older sister Jan had insisted on coming to stay with them, doing whatever she could to ease her sibling’s burden, including seeing to the funeral arrangements. Many of the neighbors had lent a hand as well – especially Cheryl Benton, a good friend who lived next door. She’d brought over hot meals for the first week or so, and looked after Gabby when Linda was too overwhelmed by grief to cope.

Jan stayed as long as she could, but was obligated to return to her psychiatric practice after two weeks. It was a tearful parting, though she promised to return as often as possible.

Linda’s new routine was a difficult one. Up at five-thirty in the morning, unable to do much of anything until she had that first cup of coffee, then an hour or so on her own to think about the day ahead. Around seven, it was time to get Gabby up and ready for school. Linda didn’t bother making breakfast for herself, just finished up whatever her little girl hadn’t eaten. It wasn’t as if she had much of an appetite, anyhow. Linda made sure Gabby showered and brushed her teeth, then picked out clothes for her daughter to wear.

After gathering up the nine-year-old’s school books and supplies to stuff into her backpack, Linda walked Gabby over to Cheryl’s house. Since she also had two daughters, Cheryl and Linda would take the four girls to school on alternating days. But after Walt’s death, Cheryl insisted on doing the driving herself for a few weeks, at least. “Go spend some time with Kelly, hon,” she said.

Linda was immensely thankful to her friend. I couldn’t get through this without her, she often thought. The affection that Cheryl lavished on Gabby was especially helpful. Her daughter Pam was Gabby’s best friend, and if anything, they had become even closer of late. Cheryl’s older daughter Alicia made a point of showing kindness to Gabby too, often hanging out with the two younger girls.

Once Linda left Gabby with her neighbor, she got in the car and drove to the hospital to visit her comatose daughter Kelly. Linda would hold Kelly’s hand and talk to her. All the nurses knew Linda, and with all the time spent at her daughter’s side, she’d got to know them too.

The doctors had repeatedly assured Linda that Kelly was not brain dead. She was breathing on her own, there was no apparent head damage, and they felt certain she would emerge from the coma at some point. Linda couldn’t quite convince herself that was true.

From the hospital, she was off to work. The boss had offered to let her take a month off, but Linda refused, insisting that the job kept her from dwelling on problems. After work, she nearly always stopped by the hospital to see Kelly.

Arriving home, Linda dropped by Cheryl’s to fetch her daughter, and Cheryl would frequently invite her to stay for supper. Sometimes she did, but lately, she was more likely to politely refuse, taking Gabby home and fixing them both an evening meal. It was important, she knew for them to try their best to get back to some sort of family routine. Gabby seemed to understand, and never complained about having to say goodnight to Pam.

On weekends, Linda took Gabby with her to the hospital. Like her mother, Gabby would also talk to her big sister. She always spoke to Kelly as if the girl was just resting her eyes.

Linda sometimes had to choke back tears as she overheard Gabby saying things like, “I know you’ll wake up soon. You’ll see. I love you, Kelly.”

Linda studied her two girls, feeling overwhelmed by mixed love and sorrow. There she was, her little Gabrielle. They called her ‘Gabby’ because she’d always been a chatterbox. Gabby had her late father’s dark hair, his piercing blue eyes and Linda’s pert upturned nose. Gabby wore her hair short with bangs and over her ears, giving her face a rounded look. She had the slender limbs and tight body one expected to see in an active child of nine.

Then there’s Kelly. Linda thought. My wounded angel.

Kelly’s long hair was a sandy blonde like Linda’s. Her face was now pale instead of its usual light tan with apple cheeks. Her lips were still full, but had lost their redness. Kelly had Walt’s nose, straight with just a little bump near the top to give it character. If her eyes were to ever open again, one would see a beguiling hazel color just like that of her mother. But they remained closed, the long dark eyelashes motionless.

Kelly had been a very active, vivacious girl. Now she lay still and quiet, tubes going in and out of her body.

Linda looked from one daughter to the other. So similar yet so different, but it was easy enough to tell they were sisters.

The weekends were a little easier for Linda, if no less busy. Saturday was shopping and house cleaning, laundry, and paying bills. Sunday she would spend time with Gabby. But each and every day included a visit to Kelly. Linda forced herself to stay occupied, using whatever means available to avoid dwelling on what had happened. On what she’d lost.

There was one bright spot in the midst of it all. Walt’s life insurance had paid off handsomely. Though far from rich, Linda wouldn’t be living hand to mouth.


It was on a Friday near the end of May when it happened. Linda was dressed in jeans and a sweater for Casual Day at work. That’s when she noticed that her clothes seemed to fit rather loosely. Stepping onto the bathroom scale, Linda was startled to notice that she’d lost thirty pounds over the last two months. She gave a wistful smile at having achieved the weight she had before giving birth to two girls. Only now, I’ve got no one to look good for.

Linda’s reverie was cut short by the phone ringing. Gabby reached it first. A shiver went up Linda’s spine as Gabby shouted, “Mommy, it’s the hospital for you!”

“Yes, of course, I’ll be there right away.” Linda said to the nurse on the phone.

After hastily dropping Gabby off at Cheryl’s, Linda ran to the car and sped to the hospital. All the way there the words repeated in her head. “Hi, Mrs Luna. There’s been a change in Kelly’s condition. Can you please come by?”

Minutes later, a dazed, breathless Linda stood in the doorway to Kelly’s room, staring at her daughter in utter disbelief. Kelly was sitting up in bed. All the tubes had been removed.

Linda took a step closer, then hesitated.

A nurse was chatting with Kelly. The nurse was speaking Spanish. Kelly was also speaking Spanish. She briefly glanced at her mother, but didn’t react in any way.

Noticing Linda in the doorway, Nurse Cruz hastened over to her.

“I’m so happy for you, Linda.” Nurse Cruz said. “Kelly is doing so good. Alert and talking to me. I didn’t know she could speak Spanish. Do you speak it, too?”

Linda shook her head in bewilderment, saying, “No, I don’t. Kelly didn’t either…” She trailed off as the doctor approached.

“Good morning, Mrs Luna,” Doctor Phelps said. “Er, before you go in to see Kelly, we need to talk.” He led Linda a few steps down the hall. “As you see, your daughter has come out of the coma. She seems fine; healthy.”

“But?” Linda finally said. Something was wrong – she sensed that right away. What was it?

“But… she has no memory of who she is.”

Linda’s head swam. She’d finally got her little girl back… only to discover that Kelly, the real Kelly, was still missing. My poor child, she thought, overwhelmed by a surge of despair.

“This kind of thing can happen,” the doctor continued. “It isn’t usually a permanent condition, though. We think it may be best if we introduce you to her now. Then, if that doesn’t jog her memory we’d like you to return tomorrow. Bring her sister. Maybe bring a photo album, perhaps a favorite toy or book… or any object you can think of that has a special significance to her.”

“You – you said it might not be p-permanent,“ Linda stammered. “How long do you think…?”

Dr Phelps was already shaking his head. “There’s no way to know, Mrs Luna. Things may come to her all of a sudden when she sees you. Or she may recall little by little. There’s at least a chance that Kelly’s memory may not come back at all. Or take years. All we can do is wait and see.” He paused, studying the distraught mother. “Are you able to see her now?”

Taking a deep breath, Linda braced herself. “Yes… yes, I am.”

With a slight tilt of the head, Dr Phelps led the woman back to Kelly’s room.

Linda struggled to maintain a cheerful demeanor as she approached her daughter. Kelly studied her mother’s face. Linda recognized that expression. It was the look Kelly had whenever she was introduced to someone new, or encountered a stranger. A polite, friendly, yet impersonal look.

“Kelly… this is your mother,” Dr Phelps said.

Carefully seating herself on the edge of the bed, Linda reached for Kelly’s hand. But the girl drew back, a touch of uncertainty in her eyes.

“Kelly, honey,” Linda said. “It’s Mom. Don’t you remember me…?”

The bewildered look on Kelly’s face softened, but she slowly shook her head. “You seem like a nice lady, but I don’t know you.”


Linda decided to keep Kelly’s condition a secret, at least for the moment. She did tell her friend Cheryl, as well as her boss, who gave her flexible work hours for as long as she needed them. “Your daughter comes first,” he’d told her.

Linda also called her sister Jan. She’d managed to keep herself together in Kelly’s presence and for the rest of that day, but upon hearing Jan’s voice, Linda began to cry. She sobbed for nearly eight minutes, with Jan crooning, “It’s okay, sis… let it all out.”

Once she managed to calm herself, Linda blew her nose, then said, “Thanks, Jan. I… I just feel so damn helpless. My own daughter doesn’t know me, for Christ’s sake! She’s become a stranger.”

“I’ve seen all sorts of case histories concerning this sort of thing,” Jan said, trying to comfort her younger sister. “People speaking foreign languages they didn’t know before. Personality changes. Memories of events that never really happened. All sorts of things. Just be glad she’s out of the coma and alive and well. I know it hurts to have your daughter back, but not… all the way back. Give her time. I’ll come down for a visit as soon as I can.”

“That would be great. Okay, I’ve got to go tuck Gabby in. Goodnight, Jan.”

“Bye, Linda. Love you.”


The next morning, Linda took Gabby with her to the hospital. They brought along a family photo album and Kelly’s beloved teddy bear.

When they emerged from the elevator, Gabby raced into Kelly’s room and jumped on the bed. Hugging her big sister tightly, she exclaimed, “I’m sooooo glad you’re awake again, Kelly!”

Still feeling somewhat unsettled, Kelly patted the little girl’s back and said, “Uh, okay. Thanks.”

She listened as her supposed mother and sister made conversation. Nothing they said or anything about them seemed familiar to her. They seem nice enough people, she mused. Could they really be my family?

Kelly pointed to a girl in a photo with Gabby and Linda. “Who’s that?” she asked.

“That’s you, sweetheart.” Linda said gently.

Finding a hand mirror, Gabby handed it to her sister. “Here… see for yourself.”

Kelly looked in the mirror, then at the picture. “It does look like me.” she admitted. “But I don’t… I can’t remember you, or… or anything, really.”

Gabby hugged Kelly again, “I’m your little sister.”

“I guess,” Kelly sighed. “Maybe it will come back to me.”

“I know you can’t remember me yet,” Gabby murmured, “but I still love you.” She planted a kiss on her big sister’s cheek.

“I guess that’s enough for one day. We’d better get going. You should rest,” Linda said.

As she picked up her purse, Linda stole a glance at Kelly, who was frowning as she thumbed through the rest of the photo album. It was clear to see that none of the pictures meant anything to her.

“Goodnight, sweetie,” Linda said.

“Bye, Kelly!” Gabby cheerfully exclaimed. “See you later.”

“Okay,” Kelly replied, watching the woman and girl as they exited her room.

I kind of like them, she thought. The little girl’s way cute. That Linda is sexy, but she wears boring clothes. I can tell that they love me, but I still don’t know who they are, really. ‘Kelly’ doesn’t even feel like my real name. Then again, what else does?

Kelly began to pore through the photos again, pausing when she came across a photo of Linda, Gabby, this Jan lady who was supposed to be an aunt, and herself, all in bathing suits. Hmm… too bad they don’t have any nude pics in here. Yeah, right – like there even would be anything like that in a family photo album. She traced Linda’s body with the tip of a finger. Nice… really nice. And this Aunt Jan looks a lot like her, only even more sexy. Hope I get to meet her really soon.


A few days later, Kelly was released from the hospital. Her memory was still gone, and a few bruises still lingered, but otherwise she was in perfect health.

When Linda pulled into the driveway of their home and parked, Kelly emerged from the car and made her way indoors, then wandered on her own about the house for a while. It seemed like a nice place to live, but remained unfamiliar.

Later, Linda and Gabby showed Kelly around. Took her to her bedroom, the basement, the backyard, the bathroom she shared with her sister. Nothing came back to her.


After a few days, Linda phoned Jan. She told her sister that, though Kelly’s memory had yet to return, she was holding up well and had adjusted nicely to what was for her, a new life. Nonetheless, Jan quickly detected a note of tension in her younger sibling’s voice. Finally, she asked what was wrong.

“Oh, it’s Kelly. She’s so… so different,” Linda began.

“Like how?” Jan asked.

“Well, she used to sleep late all the time. Now I’m not sure if she sleeps at all. She’s always up and dressed before I am. She won’t eat meat anymore. Kelly used to love bacon, and when I served it for breakfast she was disgusted. She started calling me ‘Linda.’ I asked her to please use ‘Mom’ instead, and now she addresses me as ‘Mother’. And my God, the whole thing with her speaking Spanish! Would you believe, her new favorite TV station is Telamundo?”

“It’s different, sure,” Jan replied, “But that’s not too bad. Is that all that’s bothering you?”

“No… no, it’s not. Maybe you can help me understand what’s happening with Kelly, because I sure don’t. So last night, the three of us were watching the Frozen DVD.”

“Oh, that’s awful, you poor thing.” Jan teased.

“Not helping, Jan,” Linda fired back, tightening her jaw.

“Sorry, sorry,” Jan quickly said. “Wow, this really is serious, huh? Go on, sis – tell me everything. No more jokes, I promise.”

Linda was silent for a moment, then continued. “Gabby was lying on the floor on her tummy watching the movie. Totally caught up in the story, even though she’s seen it at least a dozen times. I had a magazine, so I was mainly focused on that. At some point I looked up at Kelly, and she… she had a hand in her pants. It was pretty obvious what she was up to.”

“She was masturbating?” Jan gasped.

“And how. I mean, it was unmistakable. The hand movements, the look on her face…” Linda answered.

“So… did you say anything to her?”

“I took Kelly aside and told her it’s okay to do that, but only in private, in her room. Then… I don’t know why, but I asked if it was something about Frozen that, y’know, got her excited.”

“What did she say?” Jan inquired after a long pause from Linda.

“Kelly told me it wasn’t just the movie… though she did find herself wondering if the two sisters were really lovers.”

That doesn’t sound like Kelly,” Jan said.

“Oh, there’s more. She told me that what really got her worked up was looking at Gabby’s bottom.”

On the other end of the phone line, Linda heard Jan gasp in astonishment. “She didn’t.”

“She did. And when she saw the look on my face, Kelly said, ‘Don’t worry, Mother. I wouldn’t do anything with Gabby. She’s too young. Besides, I think women are way sexier.’ You should’ve seen the look she gave me right then… I felt as if I’d been stripped naked on the spot! Then she said, ‘I guess I’m gonna go up to my room for a little while.’ Jan, she winked at me when she said that.”

“Damn,” Jan muttered. “I see what you mean, sis. That’s odd behavior for an eleven-year-old… not to mention totally out of character for Kelly.”

“Right? I mean… am I crazy, or does that sound as if my own child is flirting with me?”

“Tell you what. Linda: I’ll come by this weekend. We’ll talk, and I’ll spend some time with Kelly. I’ll try to get some idea of where her head’s at.”

“Thanks, Jan. Seriously, I’m at my wits end. I mean she’s still a good girl, but this stuff she’s saying. I don’t know what to do. See you Saturday, then?”

“I’ll be there early in the afternoon. Okay?”

“Fine with me. Bye, Jan. Love you.”

“Bye, love you too.” Jan said, then laid her phone down. What the fuck? she thought, her heart throbbing. Damn, I need to take out the box. I’ve been a good girl; haven’t gone there in a while. But this news about Kelly… Jesus, it’s got me worked up.

Jan descended into the basement of her suburban home, picking her way through the clutter to a large box marked FOR SALVATION ARMY. Opening it up, she reached down into various discarded items and pulled out a shoe box. Jan flipped the lid open and withdrew a scuffed pair of pumps, then carefully removed the false bottom of the box.

Inside there was a sheaf of five homemade DVDs in white paper sleeves, held together with a rubber band. Next to these was a plastic baggie holding a dozen or so neatly-rolled marijuana cigarettes. Jan unzipped the baggie, took out a joint and placed it behind her ear.

Removing the rubber band, she spread the DVD’s out on a nearby table. Sometimes she would close her eyes and just pick one at random. Right then, though, Jan knew exactly which disc she wanted. Reaching for the one marked F f f, she hurried back upstairs.

In her bedroom, Jan grinned in anticipation as she loaded the DVD player, then turned on the large flat screen TV. She took a cheap plastic lighter from her nightstand, fired up the joint, took a deep pull and held it in for ten seconds before exhaling. Seating herself on the bed, she leaned back against the thickly upholstered headboard. She took a few more hits, then gently stubbed the half-smoked joint out in a nearby ashtray.

Now feeling a nice buzz, Jan glanced up at the disc menu on her TV screen. Show time. She used the remote to kick off the clip entitled, Two Moms, Four Kids, then hastily wriggled out of all her clothes.

The scene began with a large bed on which four young girls were gathered. All of them were completely naked and adorable, their ages ranging from somewhere around seven or eight to preteen. The older two were going down on the littler ones, who were sharing a very passionate kiss.

“Mmmm yes,” Jan said out loud. Slipping a hand between her thighs, she began to masturbate.

As the girls continued to make love, two clothed women entered the scene – a blonde and a redhead. “Girls! What on earth are you doing?” the blonde exclaimed.

“Mommy!” cried one of the youngest girls. Scrambling to her feet, she seized the blonde’s hand. “Come and play with us!”

Jan took a small vibrator out of the nightstand. Taking the tip into her mouth to moisten it, she brought the toy to her cunt and penetrated herself with a single stroke. On the screen she watched the redhead kissing one of the older girls, while the other three youngsters stripped the blonde woman bare.

Jan switched on the vibe and, as the scene built into a full-on sapphic orgy, worked it in and out of her vagina until she had a furious orgasm that left her wide-eyed and panting.

The next scene featured a short-haired teen making love with two twin girls who couldn’t have been a day over six. They were shy, but the older girl gently persuaded her little friends to undress, then join her in bed. Before very long, the children were eagerly immersing themselves in the delights of lesbian sex. One of them even licked the teen girl’s anus before they were done.

Bringing herself to a second climax just as the film clip was drawing to a close, Jan paused the DVD, taking a moment to rest and smoke the rest of her joint before watching another couple of scenes. Finally she rose, stretched, then padded back down the basement to return the DVD to its hiding place. After a detour through the kitchen for a bowlful of ice cream, Jan went back upstairs, brushed her teeth, then crawled into bed.

Just before she dozed off Jan thought, There, got that out of my system. Now I can focus on Linda and the girls and not obsess about sex… and I’ll be able to have a quiet chat with Kelly without thinking about how utterly desirable she is. 

I’ve got to give them the right kind of help. That means forgetting about my own sexual appetite, at least for the time being.

Moments later, she drifted into a peaceful slumber.

On to Chapter Two!


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 11

  • Posted on April 3, 2024 at 12:03 pm


By Rachael Yukey

It took me a few moments to come to my senses. Julie was lightly kissing my upper thighs, and Megan was caressing my cheek. My eyes met hers. When she spoke, her voice was low and strained.

“I must be some kind of perv,” she said, “because watching you two get each other off is maybe the hottest thing I ever saw.”

I realized Megan hadn’t had an orgasm yet, and it didn’t seem fair to leave her like that. So I pulled her to me and began kissing her neck. She still had her bra on, and I reached behind her and started fumbling with it. How the heck do these things come off?

Julie must have noticed that I was having problems, because she gently pushed my hand away. It took her a few seconds, then the bra suddenly came loose. Still kissing Megan, I slipped it off and let it fall on the bed.

Having Megan’s boobs just inches from my face was one of the most exciting things yet. They weren’t big, but they sure were beautiful. I covered them with both hands, amazed by their softness. I caressed her nipples with my thumbs, then took one into my mouth and sucked it. Julie slid in beside me and latched onto the other nipple.

Megan was moaning soft and low, clutching us to her chest with her fingers buried in our hair. I turned my face up to hers and she kissed me, hard. I slipped my tongue into her mouth. Then I broke away and shoved her onto her back. Julie went down with us, still kissing and sucking Megan’s breasts. Me, I had something else in mind.

I felt my way around Megan’s black church skirt and undid the little clasp on the side. She lifted her hips so I could slip it off. She had a pair of black panties with lacy trim on them… very sexy! I ran my hand along her thighs as I bent down to nuzzle her belly. Julie was kissing Megan on the mouth while playing with her boobs.

I began stroking the front of Megan’s panties. They were soaked! She raised her hips, pressing herself against my hand. I applied a little pressure, and she gasped.

It was time for her to be naked, I decided. I hooked my fingers into the waistband of Megan’s panties, and she lifted up again so I could pull them down and off.

Now that Megan’s pussy was on display, I settled in close to admire it. She’s an innie like me and Julie, but she has light brown hair framing her labia. It was incredibly soft, like flower petals. I just stroked it, loving the texture.

“Come and see,” I said to Julie, scooting over a little to make room. Julie got down beside me and moved in close, then reached out to caress the damp curls. She was stroking one side, I was stroking the other, and our heads were touching. I turned towards her, and the next thing I knew we were kissing.

“God,” Megan gasped. “You two are so fucking hot together.”

I broke off the kiss and leaned close to Julie’s ear. “Go kiss her now,” I said.

Julie settled in next to Megan, giving her a big, messy kiss, then taking an ear in her mouth to nibble. I kept caressing Megan’s puffy lips, kissing and nuzzling her upper thighs. Working my way between her legs, I kissed her pussy once, then a few more times, getting the taste of her on my mouth. Her scent filled my nostrils, and I felt myself getting drippy wet all over again.

I nibbled a little on her labia, then let my tongue slide up the outside of her slit, not quite going inside. Suddenly Megan had a hand on the side of my face, turning it up so she could meet my eyes. “Girl,” she breathed, “you are a fucking tease. Did you know that?”

I gave her an evil grin, then turned my attention back to her sweet pussy. I slowly spread her lips apart with my thumb and finger, looking inside for the first time. It was pink and juicy, like some rare tropical fruit. I let a finger slip into her folds and teased around the outside edge of her vagina. Megan shuddered.

“Put it in,” she whispered.

“Huh?” I said, looking up.

“Put your finger inside me,” she said.

Whoa… this was new. It seems weird now, but I was kinda nervous about doing that. I gently pushed, and it slid right in. Megan shuddered again. It was warm and wet in there and I slid my finger in and out experimentally. Her breathing was short and sharp.

I noticed that Julie had stopped kissing Megan to watch what I was doing, her eyes wide. She was using one hand to tease Megan’s nipples, the other to absentmindedly stroke her own pussy.

By then, I had my finger buried in Megan and was feeling my way around. “Rub me here…on the inside, over the opening,” she instructed, pointing to an area just above her slit. “Feel around for a kind of rough patch, and press against it.”

I found what she was talking about right away, and pushed. Megan arched her back and gave a loud moan. “Oh, God, yes,” she said in a shaky voice.

I heard Julie gasp. Looking up, I saw she had a finger between her own labia and was moving it slowly. Megan noticed too. “Keep going, Julie,” she gasped. “Let me see you play with yourself.”

Julie grinned, then spread her legs wide, giving us a great view as she picked up the pace.

“Put another finger in,” Megan told me. Another finger easily joined the first, and I began to work them in and out, pressing upwards like she wanted.

“That’s it,” Megan gasped. “Yeah, like that. Now eat my pussy while you finger-fuck me.”

Finger-fucking! Was that what I was doing? It just sounded SO dirty. The old me would’ve been bothered when someone spoke like that, but now I found myself loving it. Fingering her faster, I lowered my head. When I wrapped my lips around her hood, stuck my tongue out and began to lick, she moaned.

I was in it now. This was the wickedest, most exciting thing I’d ever done! My fingers pumped in and out of her, my tongue working furiously. Megan was moaning over and over, pumping her hips against my mouth so hard it was like she was having sex with my face. No, wrong term. She was FUCKING my face, and it was the hottest thing EVER! I squeezed my legs together in a steady rhythm, making waves of pleasure flow through me.

I heard Julie wail. I looked up to see her body arch up from the bed as she came. She had both legs mashed together as her hips pumped furiously. Then she just collapsed in a heap.

Suddenly Megan had my head tightly clamped between her hands, and her whole body went rigid. Her butt pressed down hard into the bed and she wailed. Then she screamed. I could feel her vagina pulsing against my fingers, squeezing them so hard it almost hurt. One more loud cry, then she went still.

I gently licked all around her pussy, still moving my fingers in and out, but slowly. Megan was breathing hard, trembling ever so slightly. I was still pressing my thighs together, desperate to come again.

Megan must have sensed what I needed. She slipped her hands below my arms and pulled me up so I was lying on her. Our mouths came together, our tongues met, and as we kissed, her hand slid over my backside and down until she was easing a finger between my swollen, aching pussy lips. She found my clit, and it was all over in just a few seconds. I came hard, screaming into her mouth, then went limp on top of her.

The next thing I knew, Julie had piled in beside us, her arm thrown over us both. I put my arm around her and pulled her in even closer. But then I felt really hot and sticky. It wasn’t gross or anything, just uncomfortable. I gently moved Julie’s arm away, rolled off Megan and sprawled out on the bed.

Julie’s head popped up. “Hey… you okay, Mal?”

“Fine,” I said, giving her a smile so she’d know it was true. “I just needed to cool down.”

“Just in case you were wondering,” said Megan, “you guys totally crossed that line we were talking about. That was sex!” She was acting all serious, but couldn’t hide a grin.

I grinned right back, trying to match that wicked glint in her eye. “Damn right it was.” I felt absurdly proud of myself for saying the “D” word.

Suddenly all three of us collapsed into a fit of laughter. Megan pulled me close, and we laughed ourselves silly in a big complicated three-way hug.

Once we were done having hysterics, Julie glanced over at the clock on Megan’s nightstand. I followed her eyes, and holy macaroni! It was almost half past three.

“What time does your dad expect you back?” I asked her.

“I told him I’d be home by 4:30,” she replied.

“Why don’t we grab a shower?” Megan suggested.

I gave her a sideways look. “And show up at the church with wet hair?” I said. “Cause that wouldn’t make my mom suspicious or anything.”

She rolled her eyes. “I have a blow dryer, dummy.”

That settled it. The basement bathroom turned out to have a ridiculously large walk-in shower, with four spray nozzles that all detached. We have one of those in our shower.

“The detachable nozzles are all kinds of fun,” Megan informed us with a smirk. “I’ll show you what they can do, next time you’re here.”

I had a pretty good idea what she meant, and made a mental note to try it out as soon as possible!

We had almost an hour so we took our time, washing each other and chatting about this and that. We didn’t talk about what we’d just done. I don’t think anybody was avoiding the subject, it was just that nobody felt the need.

After we were all washed, Megan used her hair dryer on first me and then Julie, and finally we put our clothes back on.

As Julie and I got into our coats, we all went quiet. We’d been totally comfortable naked together in the shower, but once we were dressed and getting ready to leave, things got awkward.

It was Megan who broke the silence. “I wasn’t planning for this to happen,” she said at last. “I hope you guys are… you know… okay with everything?”

I felt a little bad for her. I was the one who pushed things, I’d done it on purpose, and now Megan was feeling guilty. I guess it seemed to her like she’d corrupted a couple of underage girls.

I hugged her, then looked up into her eyes. “I wanted it to happen,” I told her. “Thank you for being here for my first time. You made it extra special.”

“That’s from both of us,” said Julie, joining us in the hug. We held onto each other, then Megan leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. She did the same to Julie, then let us go.

“See you at school tomorrow,” she said. “And hey… that was amazing. You two are really something.”

I didn’t quite know what to say to that, so I opened the door and Julie and I slipped out into the cold. We trudged down the front walk in silence, and as we hit the sidewalk I realized Julie was looking at me sidelong. I met her eyes with mine.

“Did you plan all that?” she wanted to know.

“Uh-uh,” I said. “I just—I don’t know—went for it. I wanted it, so I went for it.” My stomach suddenly clenched up a bit, and I took her mittened hand in mine. “Do you think I was wrong to do that?”

Julie didn’t answer right away. “No,” she finally said. “I wanted it too, and so did Megan. Besides, once I saw what you were up to I kind of helped, didn’t I? But here’s the thing… there’s something different about you when sex stuff is happening. I saw it that day in Lisa’s room too. It’s like there’s this whole other side of Mallory that comes out when you get—you know—”

“Horny?” We both broke out in giggles.

“Yeah! Horny. You turn into a different person. I’m not saying it’s bad. I like it! It’s just weird, y’know?”

We walked in silence for a few minutes. I was getting this trembly feeling in my stomach. I felt like she was working up to something, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear what it was..

“I’m glad you were my first,” she finally said. “That you kissed me first, and you did, you know, the other stuff to me first. It’s cool that Megan was there, but I wanted it to be you. You’re… special, Mallory. To me you are, anyhow. The way I feel about you… it’s different from how I feel about other people.” She was staring at her feet, her cheeks flushed bright pink.

I squeezed Julie’s hand. I wanted to kiss her, but I didn’t dare go there in public. “You’re special to me, too,” I told her. “The most special person in the whole world. So special that if you want, things like what we did today can be just between you and me from now on. Is that what you’re asking for?”

Julie turned her eyes to the heavens for a moment, then giggled. “Megan would be disappointed,” she said. “Did you catch that thing she said about ‘next time’?”

I snickered. “I sure did. And I’d love to go see her again. But not if you don’t want me to.”

“I want to go see her again too,” said Julie. “I don’t think we have to promise to only do things with each other—but like I said, I have different feelings for you. How about this? We promise only to do things with other girls if it’s the two of us together?”

“Going back to Megan’s house together sounds like a GREAT plan!” I told her. “And I promise. Only when we’re together.”

“I promise, too,” she said.

By then, we were approaching Julie’s house, and I could see Jason peering at us through the living room window. Time to shut up, but that was okay – we’d said everything we needed to say.

We hugged each other fiercely. Jason poked his head out the door and offered me a lift which I turned down; I couldn’t think of any possible way to explain to my mom why I was showing up at the church in Jason Hanson’s pickup. Julie skipped up the walk and into the house, looking back to wave at me..

I got myself back to the church at a trot. It was really getting cold! I found Mom in the basement, and when she finished what she was doing, we got in the car and went home.

Mom didn’t stay… just grabbed a change of clothes from her bedroom and drove off. Dad didn’t say a word to either of us, just trudged into his office and slammed the door.


Okay, it’s now four hours later. Whew! That’s the longest I’ve EVER spent working on this diary. Once Mom was gone I went straight to the kitchen, fixed myself a sandwich, then skedaddled upstairs and got started writing. I wanted to get everything set down while it was fresh in my mind. Boy, is my hand sore!

I can hear Dad stomping around downstairs; I’ve never known him to be this noisy on his own. Is he drinking again? Oh, who cares? All I can really think of is this afternoon, the things we did with Megan, and the things Julie and I said to each other on the walk to her house.

I feel like my whole world has been turned upside down. I mean seriously, everything is different. I’m not the same girl I was when I got myself out of bed and onto the bus Friday morning with my school stuff in my backpack and an overnight bag in my hand. This weekend changes everything, and I’m not sure how to deal with it all. I feel really happy and a little scared, all at the same time. And even though I had two orgasms this afternoon, thinking about all the stuff we did is making me super horny!

I guess I should do something about that, but first I’d better run downstairs and make sure Dad didn’t break something just now. That was a really loud crash.


October 30th, 2006

So last night I got my diary caught up. I was lying in bed thinking about the things I’d done with Megan and Julie that day and getting really turned on. Dad was clunking around downstairs making a huge ruckus, and I wondered if he’d been drinking again. I was mostly trying to ignore it and thinking that if I didn’t masturbate I’d never get to sleep, but then I heard a really loud crash and a thud. Then it got quiet. I figured I’d better check it out, and if Dad got grumpy about it I’d just tell him I was going to the bathroom.

The light was on in the living room, and when I got to the foot of the stairs I could see right away what had made the noise. Mom has this big weird cast iron sunflower sculpture, the kind most people use as lawn decorations. She keeps it in the living room at the end of the couch. It had tipped over and broken the glass top on the coffee table. It’s too heavy to fall on its own, so Dad must have knocked it down. But where was he? Then I saw a booted foot sticking out from behind the couch.

I ran down the last couple of stairs and behind the sofa. There was my father stretched out on the thick brown shag carpet, his eyes closed, his breathing shallow and fast. His face was so, so pale.

“Daddy!” I screamed. I dropped to my knees at his side and shook him, but he didn’t stir. There was an overpowering smell on his breath. I yelled into his ear and shook him again, really hard this time… nothing.

Panic flooded through my chest. Please God, oh please, just make him be all right. In Jesus’ name, make him wake up! I might have actually said it out loud; I don’t know. But then a calm, clear voice spoke up in the back of my mind. No one is listening, it said. It’s up to you now.

Suddenly I was calm. Still scared but not panicky. I knew what I had to do. I ran to the kitchen, grabbed the cordless phone, and sprinted back to the living room, dialing 911 as I ran.

A woman answered. “Nine-one-one; please state your emergency.”

“I need help,” I told her as I fell to my knees at Dad’s side. “My father fell down in the living room and knocked some stuff over and now he won’t wake up! I…”

“Stay calm, honey,” the woman replied. “Can you tell if he’s breathing?”

“Yeah, he’s breathing—but it doesn’t sound right.”

“Are there any injuries you can see? Bleeding, bruises, or swelling?”


“Do you know if he took any medications or ingested anything other than food?”

“I think he’s been drinking alcohol.”

“Okay, sweetheart, you’re doing a great job. Can you give me the address you’re at?”

I told her our address.

“Good, and how old is your dad?”


“Okay, hon, give me one second. Stay on the line.”

Dad’s breath was slowing down, getting all fluttery sounding, and his chest heaved a little. I waited for what seemed like forever, doing my best to stay calm. Finally, the lady on the phone spoke again. “What’s your name, sweetheart? And I’ll need your father’s, too.”

“I’m Mallory Kalvornek,” I told her. “My dad’s name is Daniel.”

“Okay, Mallory—help is on the way. Is your dad lying on his side, his stomach, or his back?”

“Um, on his back.”

“Are you alone in the house with him?”


“Do you think you can roll him onto his side?”

“I… I’ll try.”

I put the phone down and tugged on Dad’s shoulder, but I could only move him a little bit. I tried a few different ways, but I wasn’t strong enough. I picked the phone back up. “I can’t,” I told her. “He’s too heavy for me.”

“Okay, Mallory, don’t worry about it. Are there lights outside your house you can turn on? The ambulance and the police should be there soon, and it’ll be easier for them if they can see.”

“Sure,” I said. Taking the phone with me, I ran out to the entryway. There are big floodlights out front for when Dad is moving machinery around late at night during the planting and harvest seasons. I switched them on, and the whole front yard lit up from the head of the driveway to the big machine shed.

“The lights are on,” I informed the woman on the phone.

“Okay, honey, good job. Now go back to your father. Tell me if his breathing changes or if you think he’s going to vomit.”

I was already entering the living room as she said it. I knelt beside him. “He looks about the same,” I told her.

“Can you describe his skin? Is it pale, flushed red, or normal?”


“Sweaty or dry?”


Suddenly there was the sound of a siren. “I think I hear the ambulance,” I told her.

“Probably the police, hon. But they’ll be able to help you till the ambulance gets there. Let them in when they knock. You can hang up now. You did a great job, sweetheart.”

I hung up the phone. The siren got really loud, then it cut off. A few seconds later there was a knock at the door, and I ran to answer it. It was Officer Felter.

“Hi, Mallory,” she said. “Where’s your dad?”

As I led her into the living room, I heard another siren in the distance. Officer Felter went down on one knee next to Dad.

“The lady on the phone wanted me to put him on his side, but I couldn’t,” I told her.

“That’s so he doesn’t choke if he throws up,” she said. “Now that I’m here, we can both keep a close eye on him and turn him over if we have to. The ambulance crew might want to do some stuff that’ll be easier if he’s on his back.”

It sounded like two sirens mixed together out there, and they were getting close. “Go let them in,” said Officer Felter.

The ambulance was just pulling into the driveway as I opened the door. The siren cut off, but the lights kept flashing. Another police vehicle was right behind them, this one a county sheriff deputy’s car. The ambulance pulled around by the porch steps, and the passenger side door opened. Jason Hanson dropped to the ground, wearing a heavy reflective coat with EMS across the back. The driver was a woman I couldn’t quite recognize through the window, and she looked like she was writing something down.

Jason opened the side door of the ambulance and pulled out a big red bag. “Lead the way,” he told me. As he climbed the steps the woman got out, wearing a coat just like Jason’s. I recognized her then; her name is Tina Spisak and she just graduated high school last spring. She’s thin and medium height with pale skin and blonde hair. She was just in the newspaper last week because she passed her license test and became the town’s newest volunteer EMT. A policeman got out of the sheriff deputy’s car and followed us into the house.

As we entered the living room, Officer Felter moved out of the way to make room for the EMTs. “His breathing is pretty shallow, Jason,” she said.

Jason knelt down on the carpet. It was like watching a stranger. This wasn’t the carefree, relaxed Jason Hanson I knew, always smiling and telling jokes. This Jason was all business. He laid his fingers on the side of my dad’s neck. “Tina,” he said, “I need an NPA. Side pouch of the bag. Then dig in the big compartment and get me the O2 bottle and a BVM.”

While the young woman reached into the big red bag, Jason leaned in close to my dad’s ear. Digging his knuckles into Dad’s chest, he rubbed vigorously and shouted “DAN!” Dad groaned and shifted a little, but didn’t open his eyes. Tina handed him a little pouch filled with rubber tubes of different sizes, then started rummaging in the bag again. Jason selected one of the objects, laid it on the side of dad’s face for a second, and nodded. He tore open a squeeze packet from the pouch, smeared a clear, jelly-like goop on the tube, then slid it into Dad’s right nostril. Dad groaned again, but he still didn’t wake up. Jason pushed the tube in as far as it would go.

“What’s that?” I wanted to know. I was getting scared again.

“It’s a nasal airway,” said Jason. Tina was giving him a big bulb-shaped thing with a mask attached, and messing with the valves on an oxygen tank. Jason’s hands never stopped moving as he spoke. “It’ll keep his tongue off the back of his throat so we can breathe for him.”

He placed the mask over Dad’s mouth and nose, then squeezed the big bulb. I could see Dad’s chest rise when he did it. Tina leaned over and attached a plastic hose to the bag, then turned a valve on the oxygen tank. Jason squeezed the bulb again, and with his other hand he pulled the radio from his belt. He pressed the button and spoke into it, but got no answer. “Too far from the tower,” he muttered.

“Sandy,” he said, glancing over his shoulder at Officer Felter, “would you go help Tina get the cot? And Tina, while you’re out there, use the rig radio to get dispatch on the horn and tell them we need an ALS intercept started from the closest facility – probably Lake Region, from where we’re sitting. I’m pretty sure he’ll have to be intubated, so we need a paramedic. Make sure you bring the soft cot when you come in; we’re gonna have to lift him.” The two women left the room.

“Mallory,” Jason said to me, “do you know what your dad was drinking?” I shook my head.

“Do you know where we might be able to find it?”

“I think his office.” I pointed at the hallway. “Down there, first door on the right.”

The sheriff’s deputy scooted down the hall and disappeared into the office.

“Does he drink a lot?” asked Jason.

“I don’t think so,” I told him. “I’m pretty sure he was a few nights ago, but I’ve never seen it before then.”

Tina and Officer Felter were rolling the ambulance cot into the living room, and Chief Moen was with them in his street clothes. At the same time, the deputy came out of Dad’s office carrying a bottle of what I think was whiskey. It was maybe three quarters of the way empty. In his other hand he had a crumpled brown paper bag and a receipt.

“He bought it today, up in Perham,” the deputy said.

“And he drank that much of it already?” said the chief, shaking his head.

“Mallory, did he seem drunk when you got home this evening?” asked Jason.

“I don’t think so,” I said. “He was walking normal and I couldn’t smell anything.”

“Then he drank all that in the past few hours. Tina, what direction is our intercept coming from?”

The young woman spoke for the first time. “Lake Region.”

“You got that soft cot for me?”

She reached down onto a shelf below the headrest on the big cot and pulled out what looked like a canvas sheet with handles. The EMTs and the police officers rolled Dad onto his side, stuffed it under him, then rolled him back onto it. They all gathered around and grabbed the handles, Jason counted to three, and together, they lifted him onto the big cot. Jason had Tina keep squeezing the bulb while he and the cops buckled Dad in. Jason switched the oxygen hose from the tank they’d brought in with the bag to one that was under the headrest of the cot, and turned the knob. He put the first tank and the loose stuff back into the red bag, zipped it, and slung it over his shoulder.

He looked over at Chief Moen. “I need a driver, Jeff,” he said. “I’m gonna want an extra set of hands in the back until we intercept with the medic.”

“I figured; that’s why I came out,” said Chief Moen.

“Okay, let’s go. Mallory, follow along behind me here.” He turned his eyes to me as we headed for the door with the cot. “By the way, where’s your mom?”

“At Grandma’s. They won’t answer the phone at this hour, though. Grandma turns off the ringer.”

“Well, I’m sure Officer Felter will try to track her down,” he said as we stepped out into the cold night air. “Meanwhile, call Lisa. Tell her to come get you, and get a bag of whatever you’ll need for school tomorrow. You can stay at our place overnight or till your mom comes for you; whichever.”

“Better yet, I’ll call Lisa, and drive Mallory to your place,” said Officer Felter. “Then I’ll go out after her mom.”

“Works for me. Thanks, Sandy,” said Jason. He and Chief Moen held up the end of the cot as the legs retracted, then pushed it into the ambulance. I heard it click into place. Jason climbed in, beckoning Tina to follow.

“We’re going to Lake Region, Jeff,” he said. “Get ahold of the intercept right away and tell them it’s probable alcohol poisoning, patient responsive to pain only, good pulse but inadequate respirations and we’re bagging to compensate. Let’s roll.”

Chief Moen slammed the back doors shut, trotted around to the driver’s side, and a moment later the ambulance pulled away. As it turned onto the highway, the siren started.

Suddenly I was shaking all over. I put my arms around myself and squeezed tight. That afternoon at Megan’s house I’d felt so grown up, but now I felt like a little kid again – small, scared, and alone.

On to Chapter Twelve!


My Weekend Awakening (And What it Led To), Part Five

  • Posted on March 28, 2024 at 2:16 pm

A brief recap: Seventeen-year-old Katia goes to a motorcycle rally, where she has her first-ever sexual experience with two biker women named Fire and Trace. It’s enough to convince her that she is a lesbian. Upon returning home, Katia is alarmed to find herself attracted to her little sister Beth’s best friend Rachel who, like Beth, is only twelve. She tries to resist, but it doesn’t help that Rachel clearly has feelings for her. Beth is upset about this, but gets over it quickly. In fact, she ends up joining Katia and Rachel when they have sex, and Katia ends up going down on her little sister. In the following weeks, Beth gets into queer sex in a big way, eagerly seeking out new experiences. To that end, she finds herself very interested in getting close and intimate with Katia’s first lovers, Fire and Trace, when they drop by for a visit and Katia is out. What happens next? Read on and see…

by kinkychic, with additions from kinkys_sis and JetBoy

When my friends and occasional lovers Fire and Trace came by to visit and I couldn’t be there because my footy team was having practice, my little sister Beth offered to look after them.

She didn’t fool me a bit – I knew she had every intention of throwing herself at my mates, but I was sure they’d just blow her off. Beth was only twelve, after all.

Let’s just say that events didn’t play out like I expected. Eventually, I pieced the whole story together with help from Beth, Fire, and Trace after the fact. Here’s how it went down.


A vision of youthful beauty greeted Fire and Trace when the front door opened. They hadn’t seen Beth for six months, and she’d matured a bit in that time.

The cute twelve-year-old had clearly dressed to impress her big sister’s friends. She wore a flannel shirt, rolled up and tied across her midriff, none of the buttons fastened to reveal Beth’s budding chest. A short – very short – denim skirt barely covered her panties. The girl had well-toned thighs, a result of the sports she participated in.

Trace whistled and Fire said, “Fuck! You’re really growing up, kiddo.”

Beth was glowing inside. It was exactly the response she’d hoped for. Without too much exaggeration, she gave her arse a wriggle as Fire and Trace followed her into the kitchen.

“I made roast beef sandwiches,” Beth told her guests, pointing to a couple of plates, each holding a sandwich and a handful of crisps. “Want anything to drink with that?”

“A cold beer would be great,” Trace said.

“Yeah, we’re fuckin’ parched,” Fire added.

Beth knew her knickers would be exposed when she bent into the fridge to get their beers. To that end, she’d chosen to wear the skimpiest pair she owned. Katia had bought them for her as a Christmas gift, though she was obliged to keep them hidden from Mum. She felt sure Fire and Trace could see her slit if they were looking… and right then, Beth would have bet anything that they were.

When she turned back around, a bottle in each hand, the slack-jawed look on Fire’s face and the grin Trace wore told Beth everything she needed to know.

She set the two bottles on the table, but just as she reached into a drawer for the opener, Fire took hold of Beth’s arm, turning her to face them. “Look here, girl. Are you just a cunt tease, or are you really askin’ to be fucked?”

Beth was a bit startled by such a direct question, but she recovered right away. “I’m not asking, I’m telling. You’ve fucked my sister, why not me?” With that, she loosened the knot that held her shirt in place. “You just got a peek at my pussy… want a look at my tits?”

What tits?” Fire scoffed, giving Beth a shove hard enough to make the girl stagger backward. “Fuck off, you. I ain’t into kids.”

Hands on her hips, Beth glared at Fire. “No? The hell you’re not. I see how you’re lookin’ at me. I’m no bloody kid, either. I’m a sexy bitch, I’m queer as fuck and I’ll own your ass in bed.”

Fire stared incredulously at the defiant preteen. It’s all bullshit. Nothing but a lot of attitude from a brat with a big mouth. And yet… she recognized the deep-banked lust in Beth’s eyes; had gotten similar looks many times when out clubbing, only those came from seasoned dykes twice this girl’s age. Not to mention she’s damn sexy for a little girl. Could this kid be the real deal? Nah, she’s bluffing, must be. “Do you… do you even know how women fuck? Ever eaten pussy; fingered a cunt?”

Beth’s gaze never wavered. “Yeah. Those things and more, lots more.”

Trace had been watching the exchange between Beth and her lover. She knew Fire well enough to recognise that this girl was getting to her, no matter her claims to the contrary.

“Babe,” she murmured, touching her partner’s shoulder. “She may be young, but this girl wants to rock our world… what the fuck, let’s give her a chance to show us what she’s got.” She casually unfastened the top button of her leather pants. “She’s a sex bomb about to go off!”

Slowly shaking her head, Fire said, “I don’t know, Trace. She’s hot as hellfire, but this is… it’s crossin’ a real line for me.”

Beth glared at Fire. “Fuckin’ look at me, will you? I mean, really look. Think I’m just a dumb kid who don’t know what she’s about?

“I’ve watched you both fuck my sister, y’know. Well, me and my sister fuck too – we’ve been at it for ages. Now it’s time for you to do me.” Beth hoisted her shirt to expose her cunt, clearly visible through the see-through knickers she wore.

Fire was in a daze, lost in the vision of youthful beauty standing before her. “Christ almighty,” she whispered. She was tottering on the brink of giving in, and Beth and Trace both saw it.

Trace grinned at the twelve-year-old. “C’mon, Beth. If she’s not got the bottle to make a move, me an’ you will fuck her.”

“Let’s do it!” Beth cried, lunging for Fire.

They hit the kitchen floor with a dull thud. Beth and Trace were holding Fire down, although, in truth, the well-built lesbian could have easily thrown them both off. Beth’s lips found Fire’s, but when the woman froze, the girl pulled back.

“Kiss me!” Beth hissed. “You know you want it, so stop fuckin’ about!”

For a heartbeat, Fire glared up at Beth… then with a growl of, “Little cunt,” she pulled the girl into a bruising kiss. Beth almost panicked but, realising that she’d won the game, was quick to respond. She ground down hard between Fire’s legs. Their vulvas pressing together, they moaned into their kiss.

In the meantime, Trace was struggling to get the others undressed. Finally, she protested, “For fuck’s sake, you lot! Hold up for a sec, so we can get naked.”

Beth and Fire paused to exchange a look, then they both grinned as if to say, Yeah, let’s do her, too!

Fire lunged out to seize Trace, who squealed as she was unceremoniously pulled into the clinch. Now their duo was a threesome.

In the midst of groping, fondling and kissing one another, the trio lovers eventually managed to get out of their clothing, which was scattered all over the kitchen. Now naked, Beth leapt to her feet. “Come on, let’s go upstairs!”

“Suits me,” said Fire, getting to her feet. “I’m too sodding old to fuck on a tiled floor.”

Beth marched up the staircase with Trace and Fire behind, who were both enthralled by the sight of the preteen’s jiggling bum. Entering Katia’s room, Beth threw herself on her big sister’s bed, bouncing a few times before she came to a rest on her knees. The others quickly joined her.

Stretching out, Trace said, “I wanna lick you, Beth. Give me your pretty pussy.”

Fire laughed, patting Beth’s arse. “Go on, girl – fuck her face.”

Quickly straddling Trace’s head, Beth covered the lesbian’s mouth with her cunt, sighing blissfully as the cute biker girl got to work. Meanwhile, Fire flopped down between Trace’s thighs, pressing a messy tongue kiss into her lover’s shaved vulva.

Beth pumped her hips, grinding against Trace’s hot, sucking mouth, humming her approval, beside herself with joy. She’d fantasised for weeks about getting down and dirty with the tough, sexy dykes who got her big sister into lesbian sex. Now, at long last, the twelve-year-old had exactly what she wanted.

Beth had worked herself into a state of lustful anticipation long before Fire and Trace arrived, so it was no surprise that she was soon surging towards what promised to be a real screamer of an orgasm. She felt Trace lift her just long enough to grab a quick breath, then attack her clit once more.

All of a sudden Fire got to her feet, straddling either side of Trace’s body. She grabbed a fistful of Beth’s hair and pulled hard, thrusting her hips forward as she brought the young girl’s face to within an inch of her thick, unshaved bush.  “You want a piece of me, little girl? Here it is. Still up for this?”

Beth stared in awe at the woman’s pussy. In contrast with Fire’s violet and black hair, her pubes were a dark brown. The labia were dark pink, framing the brighter pink of the juicy opening. The scent was strong and enticing, and Beth inhaled deeply, letting it fill her nose.

Fire growled, “Eat my cunt, girl.”

Beth didn’t pause to think; just went straight for Fire’s clit, briefly sucking the engorged nubbin before giving it a nip with her front teeth – not too hard, but it was enough to make the woman shriek.

Oh, shit, Beth thought, I went too far there. She tensed, waiting for a hard slap. Instead, Fire ran a hand through her hair, moaning, “Fuck, yes.” The expression on her face spoke of danger and ravenous need. Somehow, it put Beth in mind of a drawing of a hungry wolf, an image she recalled from her old book of Grimm Brothers fables. Such a look would have frightened most, but Beth felt only joy, knowing she had this big, amazing woman under her control.

Beth’s grasping hands explored the big woman’s thighs, the muscles tensing like coiled springs. God, she’s incredible, Beth told herself. So strong, knows just what she wants. I hope she plans to fuck me. Her cunt was practically dripping at the thought of being taken by this rough lover.

Fire was dripping too. She had the juiciest pussy Beth had ever licked, its essence coating the whole lower half of her face. And she tasted amazing, the sharp, tangy flavour warming Beth’s tongue like wine. As she burrowed deeper, trying not to lose a drop, a hand appeared just above Fire’s pubes, two fingers descending to toy with the older lesbian’s clit. It wasn’t Fire’s hand, so Beth knew Tracy was helping.

As she continued to lick and suck, Beth was observing Fire’s face. The snarl had gone, leaving only pleasure – perhaps a hint of astonishment as well.

If Beth wasn’t occupied with going down on the woman, she’d have gone into a victory dance. Fire thought I was just a silly kid pretending to be gay, and didn’t know nothin’ about how to fuck a woman. Guess I showed her!

It was a good thing Fire had been clutching Beth so tightly, else she most likely would have been thrown off the bed when the woman thrust her hips out, a hoarse scream breaking from her lips as she came. Fire began to shake violently, grinding her sex into the young girl’s face. As for Beth, she continued to eat her new lover’s pussy as vigorously as she could. She’d never seen an orgasm quite so intense.

Finally Fire gasped, “Enough!” pushing Beth’s head away.

Glowing with pride, Beth backed off, but continued to nuzzle Fire’s generous thighs as the woman lay panting, her breasts rising and falling. Trace leaned back against the upholstered headboard, absently tasting Fire’s juices from her fingers.

Beth was resting her head in Fire’s lap, breathing in the thick aroma of cunt when a coarse hand seized her arm, pulling the girl up. Fire was now in a seated position, her eyes boring into Beth’s, then their mouths were crushed together in a bruising kiss.

Oh, yeah, it’s my turn now, Beth thought, her pulse galloping.

Fire’s hands were rough on Beth’s body – pawing her arse, groping her legs, her nipples tweaked and tugged. Then the biker babe’s fingers were busy working her clit, and Beth gasped, “Ohhh… oh, fuck!”

“Yeh, that’s gonna happen,” Fire growled, toppling Beth onto her back with a single nudge.

Beth spread her legs wide open seconds before her bare slit was covered by Fire’s hot, eager mouth, a tongue immediately drilling into the twelve-year-old’s vagina.

Keyed up as she was, it only took a minute or so before Beth was squealing through her own orgasm, one so intense that she was pounding the bed with her fists. It was a glorious release, heightened by a genuine sense of achievement.

Once the two lovers caught their breath, they teamed up on Trace, getting her up on all fours. Still thirsting for the taste of cunt, Beth slid underneath the cute lesbian to feast on her slit, while Fire eased two fingers into her partner’s anus, steadily working them in and out until Trace went off. It was a far more gentle release than Fire’s orgasm had been, but Trace was satisfied and then some, sighing, “Fuckin hell, that was lovely.”

Fire had brought her beer into the bedroom, and now she sat back against the headboard, taking a long pull from the bottle. Now her tattoo could be seen properly: a grinning devil thrusting a long spear that disappeared between the lips of her pussy.

Fire laughed when she noticed Beth’s stare. “You like my tat? Well, you’re a bit of a devil yourself, kid. Hey, you done a bloody good job. Who the fuck would’ve guessed?” She took another swig, emptying her bottle. “Hey, can I have another beer? And get yourself one, too. You fuck us, you drink with us!”

Giggling, Beth padded down to the kitchen, where she took three beers from the fridge, which she soon brought up to the bedroom and passed around. Popping the tops, they all drank.

Beth was gleefully happy, now that these thrilling, sexy dykes had fully accepted her. Wonder if they’re in the mood to have some more fun? she asked herself. Only one way to know for sure

“So, Fire… d’ya still think I’m just a kid? Or maybe you’d like me to fetch one of my toys and give your arse a good shagging?” Beth asked.

Both women stared, taken aback. Finally Fire asked, “You sayin’ you got a strappy, Beth?”

“Actually, I’ve got a couple of ‘em.”

Fire broke into a grin. “Well fuck me, girl, you’re full of surprises. Listen, I’m sorry for treatin’ you like a brat. Reckon I underestimated you in a big way. Now, about that strappy… you gonna fetch it, or what?”

Beth fetched back two, along with a tube of lubricant. One of the strap-ons had just a single modestly-sized cock attached. The other had three: a larger and a smaller one, both jutting outwards, and a medium-sized dildo pointing inwards to penetrate the wearer.

Fire and Trace watched as Beth lubricated the trio of cocks. Carefully working the inner one into her vagina, she then fastened the harness around her waist.

She passed the other strap-on to Trace, along with the lube. “You can fuck my arse while I fuck Fire. Check it out – with this strappy, I can do her back and front at the same time!”

Fire wore an expression of purest amazement as she stared at Beth. “Fuck girl, you really are a sex freak.” Glancing at Trace, she added, “C’mon lover – put that thing on, and let’s get down to it!” Getting on her knees, she presented her cunt and arse to the twelve-year-old. “Make it hard, girl… rough as you like.”

As she penetrated Fire, Beth felt Trace nudging the dildo at her nether hole. “Go slow, Trace. I’ve not been fucked in the bum that many times.”

Fire just grunted as the two dildos filled both her cunt and rectum. She pushed back, enough to make sure the third one was buried in Beth’s pussy. Meanwhile, Trace was slowly pressing her cock into the young girl’s rectum.

Beth was in heaven. She’d never been done in both holes before, and the sensation was so wonderful that she felt like crying. Not that Beth had the slightest intention of shedding tears in Fire’s presence.

She began to move, working those twinned cocks in and out of Fire. The rough biker girl could often seem frightening, but she sure didn’t seem like that now.

Oh, God, this is so good, so good! Those latex pricks were now slowly churning around inside Beth’s body, and she saw sparks behind her eyes with every movement. She gave herself over to the pleasure, allowing it to consume her whole.

And through it all, Beth continued to work her hips, rogering Fire as best she could.


The whole time I was out, I couldn’t stop worrying about what my little sister was up to. I’m no fool; I knew she had a serious case of the hots for Fire and Trace. Ever since deciding she was gay, Beth was like a kid in a sweet shop, wanting every girl and woman she saw.

Just a week earlier, after a lively workout in bed, she’d asked me, “Katia? Do you ever think about… having sex with Mum?”

I admit it – that shocked me. “Beth! Fucking hell, what are you on about?”

“Oh, come on,” she fired back. “Me and you are doing it. You’re totally fine with that, right? If I can fuck my sister, why can’t I fuck my mother?”

I found myself fumbling for an answer. “It just seems weird,” I finally muttered.

“Not to me,” Beth cooed, slipping a hand between my legs. “You gotta admit, she still looks good, right?” Her lips brushed my ear as she whispered, “I saw Mum getting undressed last night. She was stripped off to her knickers…” Beth gave a long, low whistle. “Fuck me, she looked good. I had to shut myself up in the loo and rub my pussy ‘til I came.”

“You’re bloody mental,” I told my sister. “She’d never go for it. Mum’s not into women… and you can’t seriously think she’d ever have sex with us!”

Her lips drifted close to mine. “You never know…”

And just like that, we were kissing, which soon became fucking. It was awesome, too – a real wall-shaker.

Afterward, I told Beth. “Look, don’t try making a move on Mum. I’m serious. You could end up ruining everything!”

“You’re no fun,” she pouted. “Fine, whatever.”

So that was that… or so I thought. But then I noticed that my little sister was dressing a lot more casually around the house, spending most of her time in a t-shirt and panties. Mum made a comment about it, but Beth just shrugged and said she felt more comfortable that way.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, Beth’s observations had me checking out Mum myself! I began to have unwanted thoughts about what great shape she was in, picturing her naked, wondering if she’s really never done anything sexual with a woman. Or maybe another girl, back when she was our age.

I didn’t want my relationship with Mum to change, and had no intention of attempting to entice her into bed. Which isn’t to say the thought never occurred to me, or that it didn’t keep me from occasionally getting aroused by the sight of my mother. All thanks to my little sister.

Damn you, Beth, I sometimes thought. You’ve opened bloody Pandora’s box!

So I knew she would all but throw herself at Fire and Trace, probably wearing those see-through panties I got her for Christmas. I’d toyed with the notion of having a word with her before I left, but it wouldn’t have done a bit of good with my headstrong sister. Instead, I was relying on my friends to give her the brushoff.  Try as I may, I couldn’t imagine those two having it off with a girl of twelve. Turning onto my street, I told myself, Hope Beth’s not too disappointed. Maybe I’ll slip into her room tonight – that ought to cheer her up.

Fire’s bike was still parked out front, so when I entered the house, I was expecting to see her, Trace and Beth hanging out in the living room. But no one was there. Then I heard a long, low moan coming from upstairs, a moan I knew all too well.

I don’t believe this, I told myself, hastening up the stairs. I don’t fucking believe it!

I knew sex was going on, but I didn’t expect to find it happening in my bedroom… and what I saw there shook me up in a big way. Fire was on her knees, arse up, her upper half spread out on the bed. Beth was fucking Fire from behind, all the while getting shagged herself by Trace.

All I could do was shake my head. Little sister was clearly having the time of her life. How the fuck did she manage to get two grown women into this incredibly hot threesome?

Beth was banging Fire for all she was worth, a determined set to her jaw. Trace wasn’t moving much, letting my sister’s movements do the work. Wait a minute… is Beth taking Trace in her arse? Jesus. The girl’s got nerve, I’ll say that.

Fire was growling, “Harder, bitch, harder! Make me feel it.”

Beth was muttering, “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” in time with her strokes.

Only Trace was quiet, focussed on pleasuring my little sister without doing her an injury. Approaching from behind, I slipped a hand between Trace’s thighs and slid two fingers into her cunt.

Startled, she looked back at me, then flashed a grin. “Hey, Kat. Come join the party!” I let my fingers reply for me.

Beth glanced over her shoulder, our eyes meeting – and that was when she came. It was something to see, too. I thought she might shut down completely. Of course, she’d never used a strappy with anyone but me… and now she was getting it in both holes at once.

Fire came an instant later, bellowing like a bear. She and Beth seemed to collapse together, leaving my sister draped across Fire’s back like a cape.

I was still finger-fucking Trace, and a hard jerk shook her body when I rubbed her clit with my thumb. I did it once more, and it was enough to push her over the edge. She arched her back, giving a long, drawn-out cry that mounted into a squeak before going limp. She went sideways, and the others went with her.

There they lay, bare bodies pressed together, dildos still buried inside their various openings.

When Fire’s eyes opened, she saw me sitting there. “Damn, Katia, why didn’t you tell us about this kid sister of yours? She fuckin’ tore me apart… and I loved it!”

I had to laugh. “You wouldn’t have believed it if I had told you, Fire.”

Her eyes drifted shut. “Yeh, guess you’re right. But she sure showed us… didn’t she, Trace?”

Trace slowly rolled onto her back, her latex cock slipping out of my little sister’s bum. “Fuck, yes.”

Even if I’d come late to the party, I had to get in on this. Tugging my t-shirt up and off, I let it drop to the carpet, followed by my bra. Then I unfastened my jeans.

I saw the smirk on Beth’s face, and told her, “Shut up, you.”


Not long after that, CoVid came along, and with it, visiting restrictions. I wasn’t able to meet up with Tabitha, and online sex left her dissatisfied. Ours had never been an especially romantic relationship, so I guess it was inevitable that we began to drift apart.

Then a friend rang to pass the word along that Tabitha was cheating on me. Under the circumstances, it seemed best to make a clean break with her. I gave Tabitha a call to make it official, and let her know we were still mates.

Being cut off from the world was a crap situation, so thank fuck I had Beth around. My sister and I were having it off nearly every day, and the sex was bloody incredible. Because Mum was stuck at home along with us, the only safe time for Beth and me to get down and dirty was at night. Lucky for us, our mother is a sound sleeper – once she’s under for the night, nothing wakes her up.

A few weeks into the pandemic, I noticed Beth was spending a lot of time using the word processor. Naturally, I couldn’t help wondering what that was all about, but she wasn’t volunteering any information.

Finally, I came right out with it. “What’s with all this work you’re doing on the laptop, sis?”

She looked over her shoulder at me with a cute little smile. “Well… I’m writing a sex story.”

That surprised me. “No fooling! Is it a long one? You’ve been working on it for days.”

“Oh, this is just my latest story,” she replied. “I’ve already finished… let’s see… five more.”

She’d written five dirty stories? My curiosity now fully aroused, I asked her, “Are you going to let me read them? If they’re private, that’s fine, but I’d love to see what you’ve done.”

Beth actually blushed a bit. “Well… I guess, But you gotta promise not to laugh if it’s no good, okay?“

I solemnly swore to be kind. She opened up a folder on the desktop that I’d never noticed, then got up. “Go ahead,” she murmured, offering me her chair. “Call me when you’re done,” she added, leaving the room.

So I read one of Beth’s stories, and oh, my God! Hot or what? It was about a teenage girl who gets visited by a mysterious female spirit, which leads her to becoming lovers with her best friend. My knickers were pretty damp by the time I finished. I couldn’t help myself – I had to read the rest.

As it turned out, I loved every one of Beth’s stories. They were intensely sexy, but the characters were well-drawn as well, and she had quite a knack for inventing scenarios. Every one depicted lesbian sex… and it was transparently clear that she’d put our own lovemaking to good use. I’d dabbled in writing erotica myself and had posted the occasional sex story, but Beth had taken it to a whole new level.

The whole time I was reading, I could sense Beth out there, prowling the house like a restless cat while she awaited my verdict. Finally taking pity on my sister, I called for her, and she raced back into the room.

I said, “Oh Beth, they’re amazing stories, every one of them. Well done, you dirty little sod.”

She couldn’t stop grinning. “You liked ‘em, then?”

Reaching out to take Beth’s hand, I pulled her into my lap. “Let me put it this way, baby sister… once Mum goes to bed tonight, I’m gonna fuck you silly.” Licking a pathway up her neck, I gave Beth’s earlobe a playful nip, and she squealed with delight.

Sure enough, we did have sex that evening, and it was great as always. Afterwards, while we snuggled together, I said, “You ought to post those stories at an erotic website, Beth.”

She liked the idea, so I got out of bed, turned on my laptop, and cruised the internet for good story sites. Before long I found one that was all lesbian fiction. After checking out a couple of the stories, I told Beth, “I think this is the one. Take a look.”

My sister trawled about for a bit, then nodded. “Yeah, this is good.”

A week later, her first story was up, and it made quite a splash. I thought it was beautiful, and so did everyone who left a comment. She gave them a few more of her stories, and the site ran then all. My Beth had become a real writer!

You might be wondering why I just called her ‘my Beth.’ Here’s why.

One day, I got the surprise of my life when Beth presented me with an engagement ring, getting down on her knees to say, “Katia, I’ll always love you, ‘cos you’re my amazing, beautiful big sister… but I’m in love with you, too. Will you marry me? I have no idea when or even if we can make it happen, but d’ya want to?”

I’d love to tell you that I said something memorable, but instead I started to cry.

Beth took me in her arms without a word, holding me close. Thankfully, I quickly managed to recover, and told my sister, “Of course I’ll marry you.”

We have been engaged for over two years now and are crazy about each other. Honestly, I’ve never been happier. We still have online friends, just not ‘special’ ones… and we’re allowed to have sex with other girls and women, but only when Beth and I are both there to share. That includes Fire and Trace, who ended up getting married. They settled down just a few miles away, and are now our best friends.

Beth still insists she wants to get our mother into bed with us. I’m still uncertain how I feel about that, but I’m open to persuasion. Who knows? One day, you might see a sequel to this story. As of now, though, Mum doesn’t even know her daughters are lovers, so I suspect Beth’s fantasy is destined to remain just that.

My sister and I are still composing and posting erotic stories. We often offered ideas, input and assistance to one another, and eventually, it struck us that Beth and I work better as a team. These days, we post more stories than ever, and they always seem to go down a treat with our readers.

It would be lovely to take our stories to a bigger audience, but we know that will never happen. Doesn’t bother us, though. When it comes to fans, my sister and I will gladly settle for quality over quantity.

So that’s how things stand with us. Life goes on, and you know what? It’s just great.


I leave my readers with a question. How much of what you’ve just read is true, and how much is just a wild fantasy? Don’t ask, I won’t answer.

Now, about our latest story…

“Hey, sis, c’mere.”

Beth enters, leaning against the door frame, wearing nothing but gauzy blue knickers, cute tiger-feet socks and a smile. “What’s up, Kat?”

“There’s a scene I want to practise before I put it into words,” I explain. “See, I’m sitting at my desk, writing. You come creeping in on your hands and knees, and crawl underneath the desk. Once you’re down there, you notice right away that the seat of my chair is wet.”

“Which, I’m sure, has nothing whatsoever to do with the sizzling hot story you’re working on,” she purrs, coming closer.

“Maybe it does,” I reply. “Anyway, you nudge your head between my knees, getting close enough to smell how aroused I am.”

Very aroused,” Beth says, now working her way beneath my desk.

“Your hair is tickling my thighs as your head gets closer.” I feel her breath caress my vulva, and then… “Oh, Beth, fuck that f-feels good.”

My fingers are hovering just over the keyboard. Turns out, it’s not at all easy to type with a warm, wet tongue bathing your pussy. Hmmm… maybe I’ll take a little break.

The End


Ripples, Chapter 37

  • Posted on March 23, 2024 at 3:03 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this story, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)

Divorced mother Jessica has found a new identity as a lesbian, becoming the lover of her friend Rachel, as well as her three daughters Alice (12), Katie (9), and Poppy (7). At the same time, Rachel has found sexual intimacy with her own girls Bella (12) and Cindy (10), and they have all elected to come together as one big incestuous family.

Not long after that, Jessica’s younger sister Laura pays an unexpected visit and catches them all in the midst of their first family orgy. Despite her shock at what she saw, Laura was seduced later that night by the three youngest daughters, and eventually ends up joining in the family festivities.

Jess has an openly gay friend named Stella. She has twin daughters named Sienna and Lacey (both fourteen) who have flirted shamelessly with Jessica and her oldest daughter Alice. Alice suspects that the twins are sexually involved with their mother Stella, who she is very much attracted to herself.

As it transpires, Stella and her daughters are members of a secret society of local women who enjoy lesbian sex — especially with younger girls, including their daughters. Now that Jess has officially come out in her relationship with Rachel, Stella is looking to bring her, Rachel and both their families into the Society.

Stella lays her cards on the table: she suspects Jess and Rachel of having incestuous relations with one or more of their girls, and proposes bringing their combined families together for a sex party (though she has yet to tell Jess anything about the Society just yet). Jess is open to the idea, and tentative plans are made.

In the meantime, Jess and Laura’s mother Ann has just returned from a lengthy sea cruise. Laura informs her sister of a secret their mum told her: that she herself has recently explored lesbian sex with a much younger woman. This gets Jess thinking about the possibility of getting Ann to join in their incestuous relationship. She, Laura and Rachel discuss the idea, where they are overheard by Jessica’s seven-year-old daughter Poppy.

When Ann arrives, Jess informs her mother that she is in a committed relationship with Rachel, and now considers herself gay. Ann is delighted for her daughter, especially since she already knows and likes Rachel. Later that night, Ann tells Jess about her night of passion with Gina, a woman in her twenties who she met online by accidentally visiting the Woman Seeking Woman page at on online dating site.

After their conversation, Ann goes back to her place for the night, and Jess goes upstairs, in the mood for some special fun with her girls.

And that, dear readers, is where this installment kicks off. Read on…

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Now that Jessica’s mother Ann was back from her luxury sea cruise, the plan was for her to visit for a few days, so as to spend some time with her family. Before that could happen, though, Jess had a serious discussion with her daughters about being careful what they did and said in front of their grandmother.

“We can’t let her know the family secret,” Jess said, which is how they often referred to the incestuous lesbian antics they were currently engaged in with Rachel and her own girls.

“But Grandma is part of the family too,” Katie protested. “Why can’t we tell her? What if she wants to do sex stuff with us?”

“Yeah, what if she does, Mummy?” Poppy chimed in. “Now that Grandad is gone, she doesn’t have anybody.”

“We’ve discussed this, girls,” said Jess. “To most people, what we’re doing is very, very wrong… and if the wrong people find out, it would destroy our family. If Grandma found out, I don’t think she’d tell on us, but she might be upset. So much that she’d never speak to us again.”

“Never ever?” replied an astonished Katie.

Jess shook her head. “You have to understand, girls… we’re committing incest, and all three of you are underage. That would be enough to land us grownups in prison if we were found out. You would be taken away from me, and I’d never see you again. I don’t know if Grandma would agree with that, but she might. We can’t be sure how she’d feel about what we’re doing, so we can’t tell her about it. Any of it.”

“That’s not fair,” Poppy pouted.

Acting on impulse, Jess decided to be completely honest with her daughters. “Look… to tell the truth, I think it would be great if we could get Mum involved. So would Aunt Laura. We both want to make love to her, just like you do. How about this: Laura and I will sound her out; try to get an idea of how she’d feel about sex with one of us. Not you girls, though. That’s too big a step for her… at first, anyway. If we can somehow persuade her to join us in bed, we will. All I need from the three of you is to keep the family secret. Nothing more than that. Fair enough?”

Alice spoke up. “Do you think it could happen – that she’d want to make love to you? Or Aunt Laura?”

Jess shook her head. “Probably not. It’s worth looking into, though.” Rising to her feet, she added. “Oh, there’s one other thing. Alice, if you’re okay with it, I’d like to tell Grandma about you and Bella being girlfriends.”

““Um, yeah, sure,” Alice replied. “That’s a good idea… letting her know that I’m gay, too. Actually, why don’t you let me tell her?”

“Hmm. I don’t see why not.”

“Cool!” Katie exclaimed. “Can I do that too, Mum? Say that me an’ Cindy are lovers?”

“Better not,” said Jess. “But you and Poppy can tell Grandma how much you like the idea of your sister having a girlfriend.”

“We can do that,” Poppy solemnly announced.

“Wait, Mum,” Alice said. “If Grandma knows about me and Bel, it’s also okay for her to know we fool around with each other, right? I mean, we won’t talk about it, or, y’know, fuck in front of her… but I don’t want to pretend we’re just kids with a crush on each other, holding hands.”

Intrigued, Jess mulled that over. “I guess that’s okay… just don’t be too obvious about it. Best not to shock your grandmother too much. Be subtle.”

“Oh, I can do subtle…” said Alice, slowly hoisting her skirt up to reveal bright red knickers.

“Smartarse,” Jess fired back, trying and failing to restrain a grin. “Now scoot upstairs and get changed out of those school clothes!”


Ann arrived on Wednesday afternoon, just before the girls came home from the last day of term. Once everyone had gathered together in the family room, Alice linked Grandma’s phone to her laptop, then they went through many of the hundreds of photos she’d taken during her vacation. Jess had invited Laura, but she’d been obliged to attend some society function with her boss.

As for Rachel, Bella and Cindy, they arrived just after five-thirty. Ann greeted them warmly, then gave Rachel a big hug, expressing her joy that Jess had finally found a love partner who made her happy.

Before dinner was served, Alice took Bella to one side. “I want to tell Grandma about us being girlfriends, Bel,” she murmured. “Is that okay with you?”

“Sure,” Bella replied. “It’s not like we’re keeping it a secret.” By then, both girls had already come out to their friends at school.

“Good. I think she’ll like the idea. I hope so, anyway!” She gave Bella’s hand a squeeze, and they rejoined the others.

A few minutes later, they all sat down to a meal of courgette risotto, followed by Banoffee Roulade for dessert. Conversation was lively during the meal. Ann answered questions about some of the places she’d visited, and the girls told Ann how much they liked being one big family.

“It’s the best. Now I’ve got two extra sisters!” Katie exclaimed.

“Times certainly have changed… and for the better,” Ann said. “I knew a girl who was gay when I was at school, but she had to keep it a secret. The other girls would have made her life a misery if they’d known.”

“Good thing it’s not like that any more!” Alice exclaimed. “I wouldn’t ever want to have to hide how I feel about Bel.” She kissed Bella’s cheek, then turned to a very astonished Ann. “We’re girlfriends now, Grandma.”

“Oh… oh, my,” Ann said. She looked over at Jess.

“It’s true, Mum,” said Jess. “I thought it should be their decision as to whether to tell you or not.”

“Well… congratulations!” Ann finally replied, breaking into a big smile. “I’m sorry, girls. You just caught me by surprise. I’m very happy for you both.”

Katie spoke up. “Yeah, aren’t they cute?” After a moment’s pause, she added, “Maybe I’ll be a lesbian, too. I sure can’t imagine falling in love with some stupid boy.”

“Girls are way nicer,” Poppy declared, nodding her head.

Ann laughed, wrapping both arms around Poppy. “You might change your mind about that in a few years. Or maybe not. What’s important is to find someone you love, and who loves you. That’s where true happiness is found.” She rolled her eyes. “Listen to me… I sound like a greeting card!”

“Well, I love Bel,” Alice said, giving the girl’s hand a squeeze.

“And I love you, Alice,” Bella replied.

The girls drifted together in a kiss that didn’t quite become passionate, but it certainly lingered. Finally they parted, gazing into each other’s eyes.

Jess chose to break the silence. “All right, girls, it looks like everyone’s finished with dessert, so why don’t you go watch TV or something while the grownups wash up.”

That suited the youngsters, who migrated from the room… though it didn’t escape Jessica’s attention that a couple of them could be heard climbing the stairs. Guess Alice and Bella are in the mood for something a bit more stimulating than the telly, she told herself, gathering up the dessert plates.

Ann rose from her seat, but before joining the cleaning-up effort, she drew a surprised Rachel into a warm hug, murmuring, “Rachel, I’m so pleased that you and my daughter are an item. You seem perfect for each other.” Gently breaking away, she added, “Are you two going to tie the knot anytime soon? I need an excuse to buy myself a new hat.”

Feeling definite stirrings of desire for her lover’s mum, Rachel took Ann’s hand, giving it a squeeze. I see why Jess wants her so much.

“To be honest, Ann, we’ve not given it much thought. At the moment, Jessica and I are still getting settled into being lovers. That said, don’t be surprised if we do get married at some point.” Rachel looked over at Jess. “I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather share my life with.”

In response, Jess dropped the towel she was using and walked over to wrap both arms around her lover, drawing Rachel into a tender kiss. It quickly grew heated, then Jess abruptly broke away.

“Sorry, Mum,” she mumbled, looking somewhat abashed. “I got carried away.” In fact, she’d staged that kiss for Ann’s benefit, and was thrilled to see that her mother wasn’t at all offended.

“Don’t be silly, Jessica,” Ann replied. “I’m delighted to see you both so happy, and enjoying one another. It’s easy to see the two of you are in love.”

“And so we are,” Rachel said, her arm wrapped around Jessica’s waist.

“Now that you’re merging families, are you thinking of sharing a home at some point? It would be lovely to have the lot of you in one house.”

Jess shrugged. “We’d love that, but neither of ours are big enough… and finding a house in the right size won’t be easy.”

“That’s true, I suppose.” Ann said with a thoughtful nod, then added, “You know, I’d be happy to help you buy a new home. You and Laura will get everything eventually, so why shouldn’t I be there for you now?”

“Don’t talk like that, Mum! Unless there’s something you’re not telling us.”

Ann laughed. “Oh, there’s nothing wrong with me. In fact, I feel better than I have in years. Still, if you need a helping hand, I intend to provide it. But enough of this talk; let’s join the girls.”

As they made their way into the family room, Jess noticed that, sure enough, Alice and Bella had slipped away, no doubt for a quick romp in Alice’s bed. I hope they closed the door, at least.

Ann clearly noticed the girls’ absence, but said nothing. Instead, she gave her mobile phone to Katie, who hooked it up to the TV so Grandma could show the rest of her vacation photos.

About ten minutes later, Alice and Bella rejoined the gathering. It wasn’t immediately obvious what they’d been up to, but Bella’s hair was slightly mussed… and Jess was certain that she could catch the aroma of cunt coming from at least one of the girls.

Once again, there was no reaction from Ann, though Jess suspected her mum had sussed out what was going on. She’s got to assume they’re having sex, she thought. At least they weren’t too obvious about it. This was Alice’s idea, I’ll wager. 

Ann had an excellent eye for compelling sights, so viewing her pictures was an enjoyable way to pass the time. The girls were especially enchanted by dozens of photos of masked dancers Ann had captured at a Haitian street festival.

At one point, a photo appeared of an attractive middle-aged woman in a two piece bathing suit, both her arms wrapped around a cute preteen girl. They both wore big smiles.

Poppy spoke up right away. “Who’s that, Nonna?”

Ann seemed briefly distracted by the image. “Hmm? Oh, that’s Collette and her little girl Coralie. I made friends with them on the cruise. They’re French.”

With that, she advanced to the next picture, but Jess couldn’t help but notice that there were at least half a dozen more photos of Collette, some with her daughter, some without… and one especially cute shot of Coralie, posing on the edge of a diving board in a surprisingly skimpy bikini. Ann passed through these with little or no commentary.

Interesting, Jess mused. There had been very occasional photos of other passengers and crew members, but only Collette and her child appeared in more than one. Wonder if Mum was attracted to this woman?

When the last photo had been viewed, the adults and children drifted easily into casual conversation, with Ann regaling the others with stories of when Jessica and Laura were girls, while Jess shared a few choice anecdotes of her own.

It was nearing ten o’clock when Cindy gave a big yawn. “Oops, ‘scuse me,” she said.

Rachel laughed. “I know one little girl who’s up past her bedtime!” She got to her feet. “Jess, Ann, it’s been lovely, but I think we’ll have to call it a night.”

They gathered at the front door, both families exchanging hugs and occasional kisses. Cindy and Bella  surprised Ann, embracing her with just as much warmth as if she was their real grandmother.

Rachel hugged her next, and Ann wrapped both arms around her daughter’s lover, murmuring, “Rachel, you’re the best thing to happen to Jessica in a long while, and your girls are adorable.”

Backing away slightly, Rachel gazed at the older woman’s smiling face. “Thanks, Ann. You’re pretty amazing yourself… and I look forward to getting to know you better.” Seized by a crazy impulse, she leaned in to place a brief but warm kiss on Ann’s mouth before breaking their embrace.

Caught by surprise, Ann felt her cheeks grow warm. She fumbled with her purse, draping the strap over her shoulder – then noticed Alice and Bella off in the corner, caught up in a deep, passionate kiss of their own. The sight transfixed Ann, made her pulse throb.

Goodness, those two,” Jess murmured, resting a hand on her mother’s shoulder. “Like kids in a candy store, I swear. Sorry if they’re a bit much, Mum.”

“Don’t you dare apologize,” Ann quickly said. “They – they’re beautiful together.” She and Jess watched as Alice slid both hands Bella’s back down to fondle her arse.

“Um, girls…” Rachel called, now standing near the door with Cindy, “I hate to break this up, but it really is time to say goodbye.”

Breaking their kiss, the preteens shared a wistful look, then Bella said, “Hey, Mum? Can Alice and me have a sleepover tonight?”

“Oooh, yeah!” Alice squealed. “That’s right – no school tomorrow!” She looked from Rachel to Jessica. “Can we, can we? Please?”

Jess laughed. “I don’t see why not. What do you think, Rach?”

“I’m fine with it,” Rachel replied. “Need to fetch anything before we go, Alice?”

“Nope! I’ve already got extra clothes and a toothbrush at your place.” Taking Bella’s hand, she joined the others by the front entrance. “Goodnight, Mum. Love you,” Alice said, giving Jess a quick hug.

“Love you too. Listen, be sure to get home before breakfast… you and Kate have that appointment with the dentist tomorrow.”

Alice made a face. “Ugh, don’t remind me.” She reached out to her grandmother, and they embraced. “It’s so good to have you here, Gran. Hope you can stay for a long time.”

“Oh, I’ll do my best,” Ann said with a wink. “Goodnight… all of you.”

More hugs, more farewells, then Rachel and the girls were gone. Katie and Poppy went upstairs to prepare for bed. A few minutes later, Jess and Ann came upstairs to tuck them in, then returned to the kitchen, where Jess poured wine for them both.

“So, Mum… what do you think of Rachel?” Jess said, handing her mother a glass.

“She’s good for you,” Ann replied. “Exactly what you needed after that bastard Mark slung his hook. I’ve never seen you so… so satisfied.”

“Oh, Rachel definitely knows how to satisfy. What about you, Mum? Are you thinking of finding a steady girlfriend?”

Ann frowned slightly. “Jessica… I had sex with another woman. That doesn’t make me a lesbian, even if I did enjoy it. Right now, all I want is to spend time with my family. There’s no need to make any major decisions about my sexual preference.”

Jessica folded her arms. “You’re not seeing the big picture, Mum. What if Gina gets in touch with you? Would you go on another date with her? You’re still a beautiful woman, and it’s been five years since we lost Dad. You need to dip your toes in the water again!”

“With another woman, you mean.”

“Well, you did enjoy it the first time. It could be even better if you really got to know a woman before making love with her.”

“I got to know Gina perfectly well, thank you.”

“Then call her. Go out with her again.”

Ann sighed. “I… I’m not sure I’m ready.”

“Oh, Mum… What’s holding you back? Worried about what people might say?”

“Well, that is something that concerns me. I don’t want to be the subject of local gossip, with the locals  staring and muttering, ‘Here comes the old dyke’, when I pass them in the street. No offense.”

“None taken… but who even thinks like that any more? No one you’d want to be friends with, I’ll wager.”

Ann thought about that. “I suppose that’s true.”

“Mum, you should at least try it again. Once more. Otherwise, you could be missing out on something beautiful. Something lasting.”

“You may be right,” Ann said, nodding thoughtfully. “I don’t want to close myself off, that’s true.” Stifling a sudden yawn, she stood. “Oh, my. Time to turn in, I think.”

Jessica also got to her feet. “Fine… but this discussion isn’t over, Mum. I will talk you into having sex with a woman again, be it Gina, some hottie Laura knows from the gay bar circuit, or – who knows? – a friend of yours who wants to get her horizons expanded.” They made their way into the family room, headed for the stairs.

“I’ll expand your bloody horizons, young lady!” Ann fired back, then gave a snort of laughter. “At least let your poor old mum off the hook for tonight… I’m positively knackered. You can finish selling me on the lesbian life at breakfast.” Briefly hugging her daughter at the foot of the staircase, she said, “Thanks, dear, for caring so much.”

“You deserve it, Mum,” Jessica murmured, holding the woman close. “Now fuck off to bed.”

Ann laughed again, patting her daughter’s back. “You too, love… you too.”


A short while later, once Ann had unpacked her bag in the guest room, she seated herself at the dresser mirror, contemplating her daughter’s words as she brushed her lustrous red hair.

She paused in mid-brushstroke to study her reflection. Not bad for fifty-eight… but I think Jess is pushing it when she says I’m beautiful. Still, I suppose most daughters feel that way about their mums.

Unfastening the buttons of her blouse, Ann slipped it off, leaving her in a plain white bra that she reached behind to unclip, pleased to note that her breasts had fared well against the test of time. Cupping them, she tested their heft, then tweaked the plump nipples between her thumbs and index fingers, sighing at the prickle of arousal it gave her.

She stood to unzip her knee-length skirt, letting it drop to the floor before bending to pick it up to drape over the back of the vanity chair. Her practical and comfortable knickers only served to remind her that she was sorely in need of some provocative lingerie. If I’m putting myself out there, it’s time to get used to dressing for a lover again. I’ll drop by Jessica’s shop… she’ll help me pick out something especially sexy.

In her imagination, Ann stood before Gina, slowly undressing to reveal a saucy bra-and-knicker set. The look in her eyes as she drinks in the sight of her older lover dressed in skimpy black lace… oh, she likes what she sees.

Grasping the waistband of her panties, Ann shoved them to her ankles with a single swift motion, then cast them away with a contemptuous flick of the foot.

She studied her bare body, recalling the extra pounds she’d added on the first month of the cruise, what with the rich food and fine wines on offer. Thankfully, Ann soon decided to balance the constant pampering and luxury of life on an ocean liner with regular exercise.

Thinking again about that amazing evening with Gina, Ann reached down to cup her vulva, letting the neatly trimmed pubes tickle her palm. Jess is right – you really should ring her up.

When she’d gone back to the attractive young lesbian’s flat, Ann knew something was going to happen, but didn’t allow herself to think beyond that. It  was enough to know that she was attracted to Gina, distinctively aroused, and curious about sex with a woman.

Gina had shyly asked for permission to kiss Ann… an invitation the older woman found herself unable, even unwilling to refuse. She tensed briefly when their mouths met, then relaxed into the experience. And what a marvellous kiss it had been! – tender and sensuous, soft as a whisper, yet amazingly intense. Before she knew it, Ann was responding, her tongue joining in the dance.

Somehow, Gina had undone Ann’s top and was cupping her breasts, whispering, “You can touch me if you like.”

Hesitantly reaching out, Ann placed both hands on her new friend’s chest, gasping as she realised Gina wore nothing beneath her blouse. The young woman’s breasts were small, but felt very nice to the touch. Ann found herself wanting to see them. Reaching for a button, she whispered, “May I?”

“Please do,” Gina replied, her eyes shining with affection.

Ann’s fingers were clumsy, but she managed to get four buttons undone, enough to reveal Gina’s bare upper half. The creamy globes were flawless, capped with visibly erect nipples. She began to reach for one, then faltered, suddenly unsure of herself.

But Gina quickly seized Ann’s hand, pressing it to her breast. “It’s okay,” she said.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Ann explored the body of another woman for the first time. Gina’s skin was wondrously soft, like that of a child, and the thought of lying naked with her gave Ann a delicious shiver. Can I really do this? she wondered.

The next thing she knew, Ann was allowing herself to be led into an adjoining bedroom. Gina had kissed her once more, then gestured at the foot of the bed, whispering, “Take a seat.”

Ann meekly obeyed, then sat mesmerised as Gina slowly and seductively began to remove her clothes. She stepped out of her shoes, nudging them to one side, then stripped off and discarded her unbuttoned top. The skirt followed, falling down to puddle at Gina’s feet.

Ann could only stare, a storm of emotions raging inside at the sight of the now nude young woman. She’d gone without knickers, too! “Surprised?” Gina asked, wearing nothing but a mischievous grin.

Taking time for a really good look, Ann has to admit it – she liked what she saw. Gina’s pubes were thick and lush, but trimmed into a fairly neat triangle. Ann now saw that the young woman’s underarms were unshaven, and was surprised to find that attractive.

Moving close, Gina reached out to take Ann’s hands, which she placed on her luscious breasts. “Touch me,” she whispered.

As Ann obligingly began to fondle the small but flawless globes, she felt Gina undo the clasp of her skirt – and another surge of nervousness raced through her. What am I doing here? Am I really about to have sex with a woman who’s younger than my own daughter, for Christ’s sake? Yes, she was excited, but it didn’t feel right.

Backing away, she said, “Gina, you’re very sweet, but I… I’m not sure I’m ready to do this.”

“You are ready, Ann,” the young woman murmured, drawing close. “But you’re on the verge of something new, and it’s frightening.” Gina took both her hands. “Don’t be afraid. Let me show you how wonderful it is, being loved by a woman.” Pausing to give the older woman a tender kiss, Gina added. “I like you so much, Ann. Please… please give me this chance to make you happy.”

As Ann struggled for the words to express her uncertainty, she found herself distracted by the warmth of Gina’s hazel eyes. The longing she saw in them…

This is silly, she thought. When did I become so damned cautious?

Gina was deftly undoing the front catch of Ann’s bra, peeling it away to bare her breasts. Resisting an impulse to cover herself, Ann managed to remain still as the young woman began to tease her nipples, gently squeezing, then tugging them. She let her eyes drift shut, summoning up memories of how much she loved to be fondled this way.

It’s been too long, she told herself. I deserve this. And I don’t want to hurt Gina’s feelings.

Then and there, she made her decision. Looks as if I’ll be learning about sex with a woman tonight. She smiled, thinking of her gay daughter. Wonder what Laura will say?

As Ann opened her eyes, Gina was unfastening the remaining buttons on her blouse, then easing it over her shoulders. Ann shrugged the beige top away, letting it drop to the carpet.

“My God, you’re lovely,” Gina breathed, cupping the woman’s generous breasts, savouring their heft. Suddenly dipping down, she captured Ann’s right nipple between her lips.

“Oh,” Ann moaned, “oh.” Without a second thought, she cradled Gina’s face to her chest, thinking, Oh, my goodness… she’s really good at this. She shivered, then inhaled sharply when Gina licked the tip of her breast, then gave the engorged nipple a playful bite. Switching to the other breast, Gina took it between her lips to suck.

In the meantime, the young lesbian was also tugging at the zipper of Ann’s skirt. As the garment slid to the floor, Gina slipped a hand down the back of Ann’s cotton knickers to pull the woman in for another kiss. As they moulded together, the sensation of moving against the soft, supple body of another woman had Ann tingling deliciously.

The next few minutes became a jumble for Ann as she allowed Gina to remove every remaining stitch of her clothing, then lay her back on the bed. There she was, a woman of fifty-eight, a grandmother and a widow, stark naked and spread out for the sexual pleasure of a lesbian woman nearly half her age. Putting it in those terms made the whole situation seem ridiculous, perhaps, but that didn’t matter to Ann. Not any more. She ached to be taken by this strong, confident woman who loved women… and Gina knew it.

Now Gina was kneeling above her, a fire in her eyes that took Ann’s breath away. “I’m going to fuck you now,” she said.

“Yes,” Ann moaned. “Do it to me, please…”

Gina shook her head. “Say the words, Ann. Tell me what you want.”

“Fuck me. Fuck me, Gina!” She might have said more, but just then the young woman’s mouth covered hers. Ann gladly surrendered – accepting Gina’s tongue, responding with her own.

The lovemaking that followed was unlike any sexual experience she had ever known. After a few minutes of deep French kisses, Gina spent a long, lovely while pleasuring Ann’s breasts and belly before nuzzling a pathway way down to her vulva. Pressing her mouth into the juicy flesh, she began to lick.

When Ann was still having regular sex with her husband Richard, he’d obligingly attempted oral on his wife a few times, and it did feel nice. But now Gina was going down on her, and it was a revelation. She took Ann to the brink of orgasm again and again, but refused her that final release.

Finally, when Ann was on the verge of howling in frustration, the young lesbian centred her attention on her older lover’s clitoris, taking it between her lips and rapidly flicking the swollen nubbin with the tip of the tongue.

Ann exploded in a convulsive orgasm that had her clamping a hand to her mouth to muffle the screams. She  bucked and thrashed about as Gina’s hot, sucking mouth paid lustful tribute to her cunt. And those surges of ecstasy kept coming, more of them even when Ann was certain there could be no more.

After God only knew how many orgasms, Ann lay spent and dazed, gradually coming to her senses at the sound of her partner’s cries. Gina was lying alongside, frantically masturbating. She was frantically plunging two fingers into her vagina, liquid sounds echoing in the room with every thrust. A choked cry escaped her throat, a violent jerk shook her body, then she lay silent.

Startled, yet stimulated by the young lesbian’s brazen display, Ann stared at Gina, resisting the growing heat she felt mounting inside. Christ, I already want more.

Once she’d regained her breath, Gina hoisted herself into a sitting position, stretched her incredible body, then bent to place a gentle kiss on Ann’s lips. “That was amazing,” she said. “Will you be staying the night? I’d love it if you did.”

“Um, well,” Ann mumbled, “I really ought to go. I’ve got to feed the cat.” A lie – she hadn’t owned a cat in years. But those uneasy feelings were making themselves known again, and she needed time to think.

Getting to her feet, Ann began to fumble about for her clothes. She was relieved that Gina didn’t protest, just sat back against the headboard and watched her dress. Once she’d done up the last button of her top, Gina rose from the bed, padding over to give her a hug.

“I had a wonderful time,” Ann said, already feeling guilty about her rudeness. “Thank you, Gina.”

“I’d love to see you again,” Gina murmured. “Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to go steady… but we could maybe get together some time…?”

“It can’t be anytime soon, I’m afraid.” Ann replied. “That ocean cruise I mentioned… Remember? My ship sails in a few days. But, um, I’ll ring you when I get back.”

Gina smiled – a bit wistfully, Ann thought. “I’ll hold you to that,” she said. “Have a wonderful time, Ann.”

The younger woman, still nude, escorted Ann to the front door, where they embraced once more. “Good night, dear,” Ann said.

“Good night,” said Gina.

As Ann left, walking along the hallway of the apartment block, she turned to see Gina in her doorway, waving. She waved back, then hurried outside to the street, fumbling in her purse for her phone to call a taxi.

You behaved abominably, she chided herself. After that, I can’t see why Gina would give you the time of day.

Later that night, Ann had masturbated properly for the first time in years. She was still troubled, still uneasy with the possibility she might be gay. It shouldn’t bother me – and yet, it does. But the memory of sex with Gina kept unscrolling inside her head like a dirty movie. Finally, she gave in.


Months later, studying at her reflection in the mirror, she shook her head. I really do need to phone Gina, she thought. Even if we never have sex again, it would be nice to have her as a friend.

She gave a brief laugh. Who am I trying to fool? Even if we just met for coffee, I’d end up at her place or mine, naked and flat on my back.

Still nude, Ann seated herself on the edge of the bed, wondering why she had yet to tell her daughters everything. Especially Laura, who would have understood without judgement. And now Jess is gay too… so what reason do I have for being so bloody secretive? At this point, it’s just silly.

Then and there, Ann decided to tell her daughters everything. The fantasies she’d indulged in, her occasional attraction to beautiful women she saw, the lesbian websites she’d just begun to investigate and enjoy – but most of all, she needed to tell Jessica and Laura about her second dalliance with another woman.

It had been an incredible experience, enough to convince Ann that, even if she still felt uncertain about being openly gay, her heart’s desire was for a female lover.

Getting to her feet, Ann padded around to the side of the bed and slid beneath the covers. She rarely slept naked, but that evening, it felt right. She took a sip of water before switching off the bedside lamp, then lay back, the blankets pulled up to just below her breasts.

She stared up at the moonlit ceiling. Placing a hand on her vulva, she let it rest there while she concentrated on one special moment of her holiday – the dinner at the Captain’s table when she first encountered Collette.

Ann felt a pleasant tingle make itself known beneath her belly as she pictured the lovely face and beautiful body of her French sex partner. I’ll have to relieve myself tonight, she decided. Otherwise, I won’t get to sleep anytime soon.

Gently moving her hand, Ann fed that warmth, allowing herself to drift into the memory of that incredible evening.

On to Chapter Thirty-Eight!


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 10

  • Posted on March 18, 2024 at 1:48 pm


by Rachael Yukey

Sunday, October 22th, 2006

Just got home from the church, where I went after me and Julie had our afternoon at Megan’s place. Holy crow, there’s SO MUCH to tell, and I don’t want to miss anything important. I’d better start with this morning.

So I was dressed for church and munching a bowl of cereal when I heard Dad’s bedroom door open, his feet shuffling down the hallway. The bathroom door slammed shut.

He was in the bathroom a long time, and he finally found his way into the kitchen wearing a pair of old blue sweat pants and a gray t-shirt. He looked tired and a little bit sick.

I knew what this was. One of the characters in the novel I borrowed from Lisa had been really sick after a long night of drinking, and they called it a hangover. It’d be better, I thought, to  pretend not to notice.

“Morning, Dad,” I said, trying to sound casual.

“Mmm-hmm,” he mumbled, fumbling in the cupboard where Mom keeps the coffee and filters. He got his coffee going and shuffled back down the hallway towards the bedroom. I went out to the living room and found some cartoons on TV. I could hear Dad moving around in the back, first in the bedroom and then the bathroom. Finally he came out, dressed in slacks and a sweater. He still looked pale and sick, but he’d combed his hair and seemed a little less dead than before.

“Let’s get moving,” he said. “We’re running behind.” It was actually a little early, but I knew better than to argue. I got into my coat and we headed out the door. Mom had the Explorer, so we took the pickup.

Mom pulled into the church parking lot just ahead of us. She waited for us to get out of the truck, walked stiffly over to Dad, and they headed across the parking lot together. They didn’t look at each other or say a word. I trailed along behind.

We exchanged the usual greetings as we climbed the stairs, and found Megan waiting just inside the door. She was more dressed up than usual in a long black skirt and a black shawl over a white blouse, but still had her goth jewelry on.

She pulled me to the side. “Hey, Mal,” she said as we wandered down the side hallway. “I just talked to your friend Julie on the phone. You still on to hang out this afternoon?”

“Sure,” I replied. “Mom and Dad won’t care.”

“Great! I told her we’d call from here when we’re ready to blow. She knows where I live, so we’ll meet her there. Let’s go find your parents so we can get their permission.”

We returned to the foyer. Mom and Dad were making small talk with anyone but each other.

I was waiting for a break in Mom’s conversation with Louise Christianson, and when it came Megan jumped in before I could. “Mrs. Kalvornek,” she said, “would it be all right if Mallory came over to my house after school? I’m going to help her get started on this project for A.L.”

Mom shrugged. “If it’s for school, I don’t see why not,” she said. “I’ll be here till five, and she’ll need to be back by then. Better let your father know, Mallory.”

“Let me know what?” said Dad, coming up behind me.

“That I’m going to Megan’s house after church,” I told him. “She’s gonna help me with some A.L. stuff.”

“That’s nice of you, Megan,” he said. “Are you going to need me to come and pick you up, Mallory?”

“I’ll get her home,” said Mom. She and Dad were avoiding looking at each other like crazy.

“Fine,” said Dad, then turned and walked away.

It was time for everyone to split off for Sunday school, which can be fun if there’s a cool activity or really boring if there isn’t. Today it was boring, and I was relieved when it was time to go to the sanctuary for the service. I went upstairs and found Mom and Dad sitting in our usual pew. They were side by side, but far enough apart that they weren’t touching. I sat next to Mom. Megan walked past with her mom, tossing me a sympathetic look.

The song service got started. We’re Evangelicals, so we do a long song service before the sermon. Praise and worship, they call it. I thought it was fun when I was younger, but now it seems kind of dumb. Something occurred to me today while we were doing it: does the all-powerful God really enjoy listening to us spend 30 minutes every Sunday singing about how awesome he is?

When the service was over I said goodbye to my parents, got my coat, hat, and gloves, and waited in the lobby for Megan to come out. She emerged from one of the small side rooms, kissed her mom on the cheek, and grabbed her stuff off the coat rack.

“Let’s bail,” she said. “I just called Julie.” It was cold outside, and I was glad I’d brought my heavy stuff.

“What a shitshow,” Megan said once we were out of earshot of the church. “Your parents, I mean. They looked like they wanted to eat each other’s livers for lunch.”

“They usually do,” I said. “I don’t know what happened this time because I wasn’t home, but Mom’s staying with Grandma. That means it was a bad fight. They always tell me Grandma is sick when that happens, but I know they’re full of it.”

“I heard about your parents fighting in the parking lot,” she said. “I’m sorry… that must really suck.”

“Can I ask you something?” I said.

“Anything you want.”

“How come your dad doesn’t live with you?”

“Because he’s an asshole,” she said flatly. “When my mom got pregnant he left her. Paid child support for awhile, then just disappeared. I didn’t know all that when I was little, but then he just turned up out of nowhere when I was twelve and wanted to get to know me. That’s when I got the whole story. Mom called the cops, ‘cause he had an outstanding warrant for non-payment of child support. They arrested him, and I haven’t seen him since. Mom probably knows what happened to him, but I don’t want to.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said.

“It doesn’t bother me,” said Megan. “Some people take stuff like that personally, but I think he’s just an asshole. World’s full of ‘em.”

We were in the newer part of town by this time, and Megan turned up the walk of a modern, well-kept ranch-style house.

“Home, sweet home,” she said.

We took off our coats in the entryway, which led directly into a large open space with the living room, kitchen, and dining area. It was tastefully decorated, and the furniture looked really nice and relatively new.

“Might as well wait out here for Julie,” said Megan. “Want something to drink? There’s pop in the fridge. We’ll make some sandwiches or something once Julie gets here.”

I followed her into the kitchen area, and Megan opened the fridge. There were four or five different kinds of pop, and I picked a Sprite. Megan grabbed a root beer, and we went back into the living room. But we hadn’t even sat down when the doorbell rang.

Megan changed direction, and I followed her to the entryway. She opened the door and there stood Julie, looking like an Eskimo in her bulky winter coat. My heart fluttered. These days, it always does when I see her.

We got her inside, hugs were exchanged, and we made cold meat and cheese sandwiches. We ate in the living room, chatting at first mostly about A.L. Megan’s been in it for years, and told us about some of the stuff we’ll be doing as we go along. No one seemed to be in a big hurry to get into the stuff we were really there to talk about… maybe we were all kind of avoiding it.

After the sandwiches disappeared we went all quiet in an awkward  kind of way. Megan finally broke the silence. “Come on,” she said. “I’ll show you my room.”

Megan has most of the basement to herself. There’s a second kitchen down there, and a little den with a TV, a stereo, and some game consoles. There are two bedrooms, one of which is used to store stuff. The biggest one is Megan’s room. She has a queen-sized bed… I’ve never met a kid with one of those before. We ended up sitting together on the wraparound sofa in the den.

“Sooo…” Megan said slowly after we’d gotten comfortable. “I guess we know what we came to talk about. I thought I was ready for it, but now I don’t know how to start.” She sighed, and looked down at the floor for a long moment.

When she spoke again, it was slow with lots of pauses. “Look… I wasn’t much older than you two when I started having funny feelings about girls. Except, I didn’t know what that meant about me. I think I was twelve before I realized that girls were exciting to me in a way that guys are supposed to be. And that guys weren’t exciting that way at all. It took even longer to accept that it’s who I am. And it… sucked, you know? I didn’t have anybody I could talk to about it. I thought maybe… fuck, I don’t know. I thought maybe I could save you guys some of that crap I had to go through. And now I don’t know what the hell to say.”

“Can we ask you stuff?” said Julie.

“Sure,” replied Megan.

“Have you ever like… you know… done stuff with another girl?”

“A few,” said Megan. “It’s not like there’s a big gay community around here, you know? But I messed around a lot with a girl who just graduated last spring. And I had a girlfriend at A.L. for awhile. Our moms would drive us back and forth to sleep over at each other’s houses once a month or so. THAT was a lot of fun!” She smiled, remembering.

“Did either of your moms know?” I asked.

“Holy shit, NO! My mom would have died. After she locked me in the basement for the rest of my life, that is. Jodie’s mom might have been okay with it, but we never told her.”

“So…” I wasn’t sure how to ask this next question. “Do you think there’s a line?” I said finally. “I mean, where does it stop being just messing around and start being… you know…”


“Well, I wasn’t going to put it quite that way!”

“Having sex, then,” she said, laughing. “I think what you’re really asking me is when you stop calling it an experiment and start calling it lesbian sex.”

I shrugged, my cheeks burning.

“Relax,” she said. Scooting closer to me, she laid a hand on my arm. She didn’t seem nervous anymore; she was wearing a wicked grin. “Are you asking that because something new happened… and you’re wondering if you crossed the line?”

Julie and I looked at each other. She looked as nervous as I felt.

Somehow it made me mad. To heck with this, I thought. No, that’s not quite right. To HELL with this. I’m done acting like a squirmy kindergartener.

I made myself stop fidgeting and looked Megan in the eye. “We did more,” I told her. “This time she touched me and I touched her. We made each other come, and it was amazing. It was more than just helping each other.” My eyes met Julie’s. “At least for me it was.”

Julie held my gaze. “Me too.” It was almost a whisper.

“Wow,” said Megan. “This got real in a hurry!” She was grinning. “Maybe you guys don’t need my help. It looks like you’re getting things figured out way faster than I did!”

“Maybe…” I said slowly. “But there’s still a lot of stuff we don’t know about.”

It came out differently than I intended. My voice was lower than usual, and there was a question mark in it. That same feeling I’d had in Lisa’s bedroom was taking hold again… a feeling of power. Like I could steer things my way, and make them come out however I wanted them to.

Megan seemed to sense the change. Her eyes locked with mine, and her grin slowly faded to something more serious. “What is it you’re thinking of, exactly?” she asked.

“Well, like… what’s the next thing? We’ve touched each other and made each other orgasm… what do you think we ought to try now?”

Megan was starting to look a little fluttery. I sure was feeling that way! I kept my eyes locked with hers. She opened her mouth, closed it again, then finally spoke up. “Have you two kissed yet?” she asked. “You know… a sexy kiss?”

Julie and I shared a glance, and then I looked back at Megan. “You mean a tongue kiss?” I said. “Uh-uh.”

“Well…” she hesitated, then plunged ahead. “That’s the next thing then. It’ll probably be a little awkward the first few times, but you’ll…”

“You could teach us,” I interrupted.

“I… I mean…” Megan looked helpless. “Do you want me to?”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because the best way to teach somebody how to kiss is to… to kiss them!”

“And you don’t want to.” I was crushed.

“I – I didn’t SAY that!” she protested, her face going red. “But we shouldn’t. You… you’re so much younger than me. It wouldn’t be right. Jesus.” She looked down at her hands.

“So…” I said, picking my words carefully, “if that wasn’t in the way, you’d want to kiss us?”

“Well… yeah! You two are so sweet and sexy…” she stopped talking and dropped her gaze. “I shouldn’t have said that,” she muttered.

I gripped Megan’s forearm, my eyes narrowing. “You think we’re sexy?”

“Of course! You’re both gorgeous. I…” She seemed to run out of words.

I got up and settled myself right into Megan’s lap. She was warm and soft and oh my God, I knew right then that I wanted so much more than to just be kissed by her. I looked up into her eyes. “I want to learn how to kiss,” I said. “What about you, Julie? Do you want to learn?”

“God, yes,” Julie said in a fluttery voice.

“If somebody is going to teach me to kiss,” I whispered, “I want it to be somebody smart and nice and really, really sexy. Someone like Megan.” I looked up into her eyes. We just sat like that for a minute. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Julie staring at us with her lips parted.

Megan finally broke the silence. “Okay,” she said. Her voice was low and breathy. “Go sit by Julie, Mallory. I’ll tell you what to do.”

It wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind, but I didn’t argue. I slid off of Megan’s lap and snuggled up next to Julie. We looked into each other’s eyes, and suddenly I was glad it was happening this way. This is right, I thought. My first kiss should be with Julie. Maybe Megan is smart enough to know that.

“Okay,” said Megan. Now that I was out of her lap she sounded a bit more in control. “Start simple. Lips closed. Just lean in and go for it.”

I reached up, put a hand behind Julie’s head, and pulled her down and close. Leaning in, I touched my lips to hers. I just held them there for a second or two, then drew back. Julie giggled, and somehow that got me giggling too.

I looked back over my shoulder at Megan, and she was smiling. “All right… not bad,” she said. “Next step. Try it again, but with your mouths a little open. No tongue yet, just feel each other’s lips.”

I turned back towards Julie, and she bent down until our mouths met again. I sucked on her bottom lip, and that made her shiver as she wrapped both arms around me. I was already turned on, but as she began teasing my upper lip with both of hers I felt my panties dampening.

We kept it up for maybe a minute, just exploring each other’s lips, then Megan spoke up. “Now use your tongues on each other’s lips,” she said. “If they touch, that’s fine, but don’t go full on yet. Too much tongue too fast is a sure sign that you don’t know how to kiss.”

Carefully bringing my tongue forward, I teased Julie’s bottom lip with it. Her tongue touched mine, and she made a soft whimpering noise into my mouth. Her whole body shivered. Our tongues played deliciously across each other’s lips, then came together with just the tips touching.

I don’t know who went there first, but suddenly our tongues were deep in each other’s mouths, swirling and probing, and we were grinding our bodies together. I wanted it to last forever, and at the same time I wanted it to end right then so I could take Julie’s clothes off and kiss, touch, and love her all over.

Finally we broke apart, just staring into each other’s eyes, then Julie rested her forehead against mine. Her breath was ragged, and I realized mine was too.

I twisted around to glance at Megan. She was leaning forward on the couch, her face flushed. This was the moment… I knew it. I let go of Julie and slid over until I was pressed against Megan. I looked back over at Julie, and then reached across Megan’s lap to pat the couch cushion on the other side of her. Julie blinked, then got up, walked around us, and snuggled up on Megan’s other side.

I looked up at Megan. “Okay, Teacher,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “We did our homework. Now you need to test us, see if we passed.”

“Wait… what?” said Megan.

Julie got the idea right away. “Well, I really liked what we just did,” she said, “but how do we know we’re doing it right?”

“We need to make sure,” I added.

Megan thought about it for a moment, then nodded. “I guess. Okay, who wants to be first?”

I kind of did, but I had something else in mind. “I’ll wait,” I said. “Julie can go.”

“Yeah,” said Julie. “I’m ready.”

Megan turned to meet Julie, and their lips touched. I shifted forward to get a closer view. Their mouths were slightly open, and they were nibbling each other’s lips. I saw Megan’s tongue dart out to graze Julie’s bottom lip, and Julie’s tongue came out to greet it. Then their mouths suddenly came together, and I couldn’t see everything, but it sure looked like they were getting into kissing in a big way.

Time to put my plan to work. With my left hand I started tracing my fingertips up and down Megan’s back, while I used the other to caress her thigh through her skirt.

I only got to touch Megan for a few seconds before she pulled away from Julie. She was breathing harder now, like she’d just run around the block. “Wow… yeah,” she managed to get out. “I think you’re going to be just fine, Julie.”

I was stroking the inside of Megan’s thigh now… and she didn’t stop me.

“My turn!” I said. I was trying to get my hand even further up her leg, but the fold of her skirt was getting in my way.

Turning towards me, Megan leaned in until our lips met. Hers were closed, while mine were slightly parted, and instead of pressing in I let my lips slide against hers, like I was caressing her face. This time her mouth opened, and I totally went for the kiss, slipping my tongue in and running it around the inside of her lips. Then Megan’s tongue came forward to meet mine, and all at once she was kissing me with… oh, what’s the word I’m looking for? Ferocity. It was fierce and passionate and wild. I slid my hand up her leg and under her blouse, my fingers gliding across the warm, smooth skin of her belly.

She broke the kiss off and sat upright, staring at me. I wasn’t about to let her stop, though! Before she could say anything, I got up on my knees and started kissing all over her face. The next thing I knew, Julie was on the other side, running her lips down Megan’s cheek until their mouths met. Then they were sharing hot, sexy kisses, and I began nuzzling Megan’s neck. The ladies in Lisa’s lesbian novels were always getting turned on by kissing each other’s necks, and I thought this was a great time to see how it worked!

Megan pulled away from Julie, and gently pushed me back. “Hey… whoa,” she said. “What exactly are we doing here? This was supposed to be a kissing lesson, not… well… whatever this is turning into!”

“The kissing was great,” I told her, “but it made us want more. And you want more too—I know it. We know how to kiss now, but we want to learn the rest of it. We want you to show us… everything.”

“I—but—this is crazy! You guys are in elementary school, for God’s sake!”

“I thought you said we were sexy!” I protested, feeling hurt. How could she suddenly start treating us like little girls?

“Yeah, but… it’s not okay, Mallory! It’s like I’m the older person taking advantage of kids! I mean, I don’t really think of you guys as kids, but that’s how everybody else would see it… you know?”

Settling into Megan’s lap, I laid a hand on her cheek. “So we won’t tell them,” I said. “Besides, we’re the ones taking advantage of you now… right?”

I giggled a little at that, and after a moment Julie and Megan joined in.

“You guys are crazy, you know that?” she said. “My God, you’re fucking adorable.”

I tilted my head up to kiss the base of her chin. Then I traced my lips down to the nape of her neck, and kissed again. She drew in a shuddering breath. I kissed the side of her neck, this time with my lips open.

“You don’t really want to stop now,” I said between kisses. “Do you?”

Megan sighed. “You know I don’t.”

Julie clapped her hands. “Good!” she proclaimed. “So what’s our next lesson, teacher?”

Breaking away from me, Megan was suddenly on her feet. “Come on,” she said.

Julie and I followed Megan to her bedroom. She opened the door, beckoned us in, then closed it behind us. We turned around to look at her. She leaned back against the door and drew in a long, shaky breath.

“Can I see you two kiss again?” she said at last.

My eyes met Julie’s, and we just flowed together. Our arms went around each other, our mouths met, then our tongues. It was an incredible kiss, one that went on for the longest time. Then Julie was raining little kisses all over my face, and I was letting my hands wander over her bottom.

“Oh, my God,” Megan said. It was almost a moan. “That is SO fucking hot.”

I stood on my tiptoes, kissed Julie’s lips again, then wandered over to Megan. Tugging on her hand, I led her over to the bed, where she plopped down, looking kinda dazed. I beckoned Julie over. “Now you two kiss,” I said.

I was taking charge again, and like before I wondered what had gotten into me. But hey, they did what I said! Megan drew Julie down into her lap, and their lips teased each other for a minute before coming together. I saw Megan’s tongue slip into Julie’s mouth… then with a happy sigh, Julie completely relaxed into our new friend’s arms.

I began running my hands through Julie’s hair and kissing the back of her neck. She and Megan were sure getting into making out! I lifted Julie’s t-shirt way up so I could leave little kisses all over her bare back. Suddenly Megan’s hands were working with mine, and together we tugged Julie’s shirt over her head and off. Their mouths came together again, and I was kissing Julie’s bare shoulders and the back of her neck. I caught her left earlobe between my teeth the way the ladies in Lisa’s books did and gave it a tiny bite. Julie shivered when I did that, so I went with it and started nibbling my way up the back of her ear.

Meanwhile Megan was kissing her way across Julie’s cheek and down onto her neck, and suddenly her mouth found mine. I caught her lower lip between my teeth, then caressed it with my tongue before pulling away to nibble her chin a little. By then Megan was really worked up, so I let her capture my mouth with hers. Her tongue found mine and mine met hers in a sexy little dance. Hey, I thought, I’m really getting the hang of this! Then I got lost in the kiss, and couldn’t think about much of anything for a couple of minutes.

I felt Julie kissing my neck, her mouth just a little bit open. Oh wow, was that ever great! It was turning me on like nobody’s business. I wrapped both arms around her and ran my fingers over the smooth, soft skin of her belly, then up to stroke her nipples. They’re still tiny like mine, but hers were totally stiff! Are mine like that? I wondered.

Then Megan’s hands were under my dress and sliding up the back of my legs. She cupped my butt cheeks, squeezing and caressing them. Julie must have been feeling a little squished between us, because she nudged Megan’s arm aside and slid off her lap to sprawl on the bed.

Megan tried to pull my dress over my head, but it wouldn’t go. Julie moved behind me and tugged down the zipper. Megan tried again, I lifted my arms, and the next thing I knew I was down to my panties with one knee on either side of Megan’s lap, leaving kisses all over her neck. She raised her chin high to give me room to work. Her breath was ragged and harsh.

Meanwhile, Julie was doing the same stuff to me I’d been doing to her, her lips moving all over my back and neck while her hands played across my belly and chest. Her fingers found my nipples and gently squeezed them, I moaned, my face mashed against Megan’s neck.

Megan tumbled backwards, pulling me along. Now I was lying on top of her and we were kissing again. I could feel Julie caressing the insides of my thighs, and when the back of her hand brushed the front of my panties, I thought for a second I was going to come right then!

I rolled off Megan, reaching up to pull Julie back onto the bed. She tumbled down beside me, and I shoved her onto her back, leaned in and snaked my tongue out to tease one of her nipples. She gasped and arched her back, so I did the same thing to the other one.I was vaguely aware of Megan off to the side, just watching.

Getting up on my knees, I traced my hands down Julie’s belly, unbuttoned her jeans, then pulled down the zipper. As I tugged at the thick denim she lifted her butt for me, and I yanked her panties and jeans off in one motion. As I got her pants to her knees, Megan met me there and pulled them the rest of the way off.

I sat back for a moment and looked Julie up and down. I almost felt like I could stare at her like that all day; her eyes half closed, chest rising and falling, legs parted just enough to reveal her smooth pussy. I wanted her SO MUCH right then!

“God, she’s beautiful,” Megan breathed.

“She sure is,” I agreed.

“Do you want to make love to her?”

I nodded, and Julie smiled at me. I bent down to gently kiss my way across her belly, loving her taste, her smell, her warmth. I slid my hand up the inside of Julie’s thigh, making it very clear what I was about to do to her.

Megan’s hand closed over mine, stopping its motion. “Do you think,” she whispered into my ear, “you’re ready to do her with your mouth?”

It wasn’t like it hadn’t occurred to me, or like I hadn’t thought about it while I was touching myself. The women in Lisa’s dirty stories did it to each other like that all the time. I already knew I liked the taste of a girl’s juices. What was I waiting for, anyhow?

I think Megan’s question chased itself around my head for like less than a second before I started kissing my way down Julie’s belly. I felt her shiver.

Megan’s lips fluttered near my ear. “Not too fast,” she whispered. “Tease her pussy before you eat it.”

I had to stifle a fit of giggles at the idea of eating a pussy. I don’t know, something about the phrase just struck me as funny. But my urge to laugh went away fast as I kissed and licked my way down between Julie’s legs. I could smell her now, and it was like a rich, musky perfume. I kissed my way down one leg, not quite letting my mouth touch her pussy.

Settling down on my belly, I kissed my way down the top of Julie’s thigh to her knee. Then I went back up the inside of her legs, licking in little zigzag patterns. I wasn’t sure quite what I was doing but Julie was panting like she was running uphill, and her hips were moving up and down as I got close. I let my tongue slide just barely past her center and she moaned, “Oh, my God…”

I came back down again, this time nuzzling my way right down the middle. I let my lips tease her puffy, swollen labia, then ran my tongue up the outside of her slit. The rich, slightly metallic taste of her almost overpowered my senses, and an intense wave of pleasure washed through me as I squeezed my legs together. I felt like if someone put a hand down there it would take me all of two seconds to come!

I let my tongue slip between her folds, into her opening. She was really warm inside, and the taste of her was extra strong. I pushed deeper, seeing how far my tongue would go. Julie whimpered, pressing her hips into my face. I withdrew my tongue from her pussy, then trailed it upwards until I was teasing her clit.

I just played at first, flicking it with the tip of my tongue and taking it between my lips. Julie was letting out little gasps and moans, and when I pulled away to run my tongue along her outer lips again she whispered, “Mal… please.”

I couldn’t say no to her. My tongue found her clit again, and this time I didn’t pull away. She cried out, a hard shudder running through her body. I glanced up to see Julie staring at me, lips parted, her forehead glistening with sweat. When our eyes met, she reached out with both hands to stroke my hair.

Now I licked faster, and she threw her head back and moaned again, this time louder. Her fingers twisted into my hair. It hurt a little, but I didn’t mind. I slid my hands up the backs of her thighs, and when she thrust her hips into my face again, I gripped her butt cheeks and squeezed.

Now Megan was there, kissing and licking Julie’s chest, concentrating on her nipples. At some point she’d gotten rid of her shawl, and her blouse was almost completely unbuttoned. Julie was making a huge racket, not even trying to hold it in. Suddenly she was screaming, her hands squeezing my head tightly, her hips pumping furiously. Then she went still, breathing heavily and letting out little purring sounds.

I didn’t stop all at once, just slowed down, gently licking every inch of her beautiful, delicious pussy. The whole bottom half of my face was all sticky and wet, but I didn’t care.

After a few seconds of this, Julie gently pushed my face away, whispering, “No more… I’m good.”

I flopped down alongside Julie and squeezed her tightly. Megan was still  massaging her chest and shoulders.

“Your face is gooey,” Megan said. She was wearing that wicked grin again. “Did you like how she tasted?”. I nodded. “Can I have a sample?”

She bent down over me, and I raised my head to meet hers. Our mouths came together, the tips of our tongues meeting in a delicate dance. Megan sucked my lower lip, then brushed it with her tongue.

“Mmmm…” she breathed. “Delicious.” She looked down at Julie. “Do you want to taste yourself on her?”

Julie’s eyes met mine, and we slowly came together. First we shared a slow, sweet, tender kiss. Then she was kissing around the edge of my mouth, her tongue flicking out to take in the wetness she’d left on my face. I was already way beyond horny, and this just drove me wild! I pulled Julie to me and kissed her hard, my tongue diving into her mouth. She met my passion and raised it. I completely lost control, grinding my body into hers.

Suddenly I felt fingers slip under the waistband of my panties, and glanced around to see Megan kneeling behind me. She’d taken her blouse all the way off, her boobs still concealed by a plain white bra. She winked at me, then slid my panties down and off, pausing a moment to hold them to her face. “You smell incredible,” she murmured, her eyes dreamy.

Springing into action, Julie pushed me onto my back and began raining kisses on my face, over my chin, down my neck and lower. She paused to lick my nipples, moving from one to the other and back again.

I felt her hand slide down my belly, and when it inched past my aching pussy and onto my thigh, I grabbed her wrist and guided Julie’s fingers where they needed to go. “I can’t wait anymore,” I gasped.

Julie got the point. Her hand slipped between my legs, and she buried a finger in my folds, moving straight to my hard little bud, and the pleasure was immediate and intense. I pressed my head back into the pillow and cried out.

I could hear wet, juicy sounds as Julie’s finger began moving quickly, my hips moving in time with her as I rode these intense waves of pleasure. She kissed her way down my chest and belly, hesitated just before she reached my center… then her finger disappeared and was quickly replaced by her tongue.

Holy crow, was that ever different from a finger! The soft warmth of it was a whole new sensation, and I could instantly feel my orgasm building. Then Megan was there, her lips meeting mine, her tongue slipping between them. And as I came, I screamed into her mouth.

On to Chapter Eleven!


My Weekend Awakening (And What it Led To), Part Four

  • Posted on March 14, 2024 at 1:59 pm

A brief recap: Seventeen-year-old Katia goes to a motorcycle rally, where she has her first-ever sexual experience with two biker women named Fire and Trace. It’s enough to convince her that she is a lesbian. Upon returning home, Katia is alarmed to find herself attracted to her little sister Beth’s best friend Rachel who, like Beth, is only twelve. She tries to resist, but it doesn’t help that Rachel clearly has feelings for her. Beth is upset about this, but gets over it quickly. In fact, she ends up joining Katia and Rachel when they have sex, and Katia ends up going down on her little sister. In the following weeks, Beth gets into queer sex in a big way, eagerly seeking out new experiences. To that end, she and Katia go shopping for a particular sex toy…

by kinkychic, with additions from kinkys_sis and JetBoy

It was Saturday, and Mum was off playing golf, so we naturally invited Rachel over. She arrived at lunchtime, gave Beth a quick hello, then came to find me.

Rachel was dressed in a t-shirt without a bra and yellow shorts so tight, they might as well have been painted on her arse. God, she looked stunning.

Reaching out to snatch her hand, I tugged that sexy little twelve-year-old onto the bed with me, my mouth finding hers in a kiss that got hot right away. Her kissing showed more confidence than before, and I wondered if she’d been practising with Beth. Somehow we managed to get ourselves undressed while we made out, leaving scattered clothes everywhere.

Rachel and I ground our naked bodies together, kissing again and again. Suddenly she broke away. “Will you lick me, Katia? I – I’ve been dreaming of you doing that.”

I saw the need in her eyes, and it turned me on in a big way. “I’d love to,” I told her, rolling onto my back. “Come kneel over my face, and I’ll lick you that way.”

Straddling me, Rachel carefully lowered herself to my mouth. I heard her sigh when I buried my lips in the warmth of her pussy, savouring the tart flavour as I explored her with my tongue.

I felt a gentle caress between my legs, and moaned, “Oh yes, Rachel,” before it struck me that she was gripping my head with both hands.

“It’s not Rachel, it’s me.” I heard Beth say. “Don’t see why I should get left out of the fun.” Working her fingers into my pussy, she began to slide them in and out – gently at first, then harder and faster.

I wasn’t sure if I approved of my little sister butting in while I fucked someone else, but after a few strokes, any resistance I had was gone. I was pumping my hips in time with Beth’s thrusts, trying to take her even deeper.

Meanwhile, I began to tease Rachel’s clit – swiping it with little flicks of the tongue, then taking it between my lips to suck as she rocked her hips, grinding that juicy cunt into my face.

Then I felt a tongue tickling my own clit. Oh God, my little sister was going down on me. Fuck, she was good for a beginner.

I knew I could come at any second, but chose to hold myself back while I worked to bring Rachel to her peak. It didn’t take long. Her arse lifted from my chest, a sharp scream escaping her lips as she let go and came into my mouth, her juices splashing my face and chest. She had a habit of doing that. Not that I was complaining, mind you.

Seconds later, my own pent up orgasm hit like a thunderbolt. I could hardly breathe, and my body had gone rigid. I began to shiver, then shake as a second orgasm rocked me to the core. Rachel was kissing me, her tongue in my panting mouth as I had another, smaller and final climax.

The last thing I remember was both girls resting their heads on my tits, swapping tongue kisses. I heard Rachel say, “She tastes nice, don’t you think?” Then I drifted off.

When I came to, the bed was rocking a bit. I opened my eyes and saw both girls, stretched out alongside me in a classic 69 position. They were sucking and slurping at each other. Beth was on top, pumping her thighs so her pussy rocked back and forth on Rachel’s tongue.

For a while I lay there quietly, taking in the incredible sight of two twelve-year-olds eating pussy. Soon, I needed to do more than just watch.

I tapped Beth on the arse. When her eyes opened, she knew right away what I wanted. She and Rachel made room for me, and I turned their sixty-nine into a daisy chain. I licked my little sister while Rachel went down on me, then we switched it round. What a morning!


That Wednesday was Rachel’s birthday. She was over the moon at finally being a teenager. While Mum was out working in the garden, I gave my twelve-year-old girlfriend her present, then watched as she opened the little parcel. Her eyes went wide when she saw the gold necklace and heart shaped pendant. The heart was inset with beautiful white stones.

Tears came to her eyes. “Oh Katia, it’s gorgeous. God, I love it so much.” She leaned in and kissed me until I pulled away, which caused her to pout a bit… at least, until I withdrew the second parcel from beneath my pillow and handed it to her. “Here’s one from Beth and me.”

“I picked this out,” Beth said, rubbing her hands together. “Just wait… you’re gonna love it.”

Again, Rachel hastened to unwrap it. This time, her jaw dropped and she cried, “Yes! God, yes!” It was a rabbit vibrator exactly like the one Beth owned, but in a different colour.

“It’s already got batteries in it, so you two take it up to Beth’s room and have some fun.”

“But, Katia,” she protested, looking from me to my sister, “we should all be together!”

I patted her leg. “I know… but we can’t, not when Mum’s at home.”

“She’s right, Rach,” Beth said. “If Katia hangs out with us for that long, Mum’ll think something weird’s going on.”

“So off you two go and play. I do expect a full report, though.”


As the weeks passed, life for the three of us seemed to get better and better. I completely embraced my lesbian identity – even coming out to Mum, who couldn’t have been more supportive. “I had it off with a few girls when I was your age,” she told me. “Your father never knew about that.”

“Maybe you ought to try it again, Mum,” I said. “Folks aren’t as weird about that kind of thing as they used to be.”

She gave a thoughtful nod. “Maybe I should.”

Beth wanted to come out too, but decided not to say anything to Mum until she was fifteen. “She’d only tell me I was too young to have a girlfriend,” she said. At any rate, Beth still had Rachel as a sex partner… and me. I hadn’t planned to fuck my sister on a regular basis, but it was far too easy for us to fall into bed together when we were both in a lustful mood. Finally, I had to accept that Beth and I were lovers, and it was practically the same as what I had going with Rachel.

My sister and I also visited Saphoria regularly to chat with our hot online friends and girlfriends. Rachel often joined us, because she didn’t dare visit the site from her home. She had very religious parents who constantly checked up on her internet activity. So whenever Rachel dropped by, she always took a few minutes to get caught up with the girls she liked to chat with. Sometimes my sister and I got to watch her masturbate. Sometimes we’d join in.


One afternoon, Fire and Trace dropped by while Mum was off on a visit to my Aunt Gemma. The way it usually went, Beth would disappear to do something on her own when my friends were there, like go to the mall or the library, or simply adjourn to her room. Things had changed, though, now that my sister and I were having frequent sex. This time, Beth chose to stick around. I had a sneaking suspicion of what she was up to… and what happened next proved me right.

When Fire shrugged out of her leather jacket, her unrestrained tits were all but visible through the skimpy vest thing she wore. That’s when I saw Beth staring. Fuck, her tongue was practically hanging out! She soon became aware that I was watching her. A deep flush appeared on her cheeks, she hastened off to her bedroom… and that’s the last I saw of her until Mum got home and we came down for supper. I’d spent the whole afternoon getting down and dirty with Trace and Fire, and it wouldn’t have surprised me one bit to find out Beth had her ear pressed to the wall, a hand buried in her knickers while she listened to us fuck.

Later that same night, Beth came into my room to ask me, “Hey, Kat – don’t you think it’s time you got yourself a strappy?”

Okay, that caught me by surprise. “And why do I need a strap-on cock?”

Beth rolled her eyes. “To fuck other girls, you eejit!”

“Oh, I see. And might you be one of these ’other girls’?”

Give my sister credit – she managed to look slightly embarrassed. “Well… yeah. I mean, it seems like all the girls on Saphoria want to fuck me. I want to know what it’s like!” Drawing closer, she nuzzled my ear, whispering, “C’mon, wouldn’t you like to shag your little sis?” She giggled. “I totally wanna do it to you, Katia… front and back!”

I stared at her. “You’re serious.”

Another eye-roll. “Of course I am; wouldn’t ask otherwise. We’ve done everything else, right? It’s time we fucked each other for real. Rachel, too. Bet she totally wants to!”

I had to admit it – the idea of fucking Rachel really appealed to me. And to be honest, I wanted to do the same to my sister.

But Beth hadn’t quite finished. “See, when I tell my friend at Saphoria what I want her to do to me, I need to know what I’m talking about, really know. She’s clever and experienced, and I’m still learning this stuff. I don’t want her to think I’m just a dumb kid, y’know?” She gave me a big smile. “If you fuck me for real, then I can be real.”

Wow… that’s some genuine insight from my little sis, I told myself. When did she get so mature for her age?

I was convinced… and that meant another visit to Ann Summers to shop for sex gear. Beth was right, though – it was the next logical step for us.


On our previous trip to Ann Summers, Beth and I had been assisted most ably by a sexy young lesbian named Stevie. We were pleased to see her again, but she was flat-out delighted, looking at my sister in a way that convinced me she had a major thing for little girls.

Stevie’s face was a picture when I told her Beth and I were shopping for a strap-on. She took a quick glance around to make sure there was no one anywhere near us, then asked, “So, you two gonna use it to fuck each other? Maybe someone else?”

For very obvious reasons, we’d never told anyone about what Beth, Rachel and I got up to behind closed doors. Stevie seemed like a co-conspirator of sorts, having sold us our collection of sex toys… still, I was hesitant to share my intimate details. After all, I was having it off with two underage girls, one of whom was my  own sister.

Stevie saw my apprehensive look. “Don’t worry, girls,” she murmured, touching my arm. “I treat all my customers with the utmost discretion. Wouldn’t have a job here for long if I went about blabbing secrets!”

Beth, of course, didn’t hesitate. Pointing at me, she said, “My big sister and I fuck each other… and we also fuck my best friend. The strappy is for all three of us.”

To her credit, Stevie didn’t look at all shocked – in fact, she broke into a huge grin. “I knew it. You two look sooo much alike! Some people think it’s weird, sisters doing each other… but not me. I’ve got an epic case of the hots for my big sissy, but she only likes blokes.” Reaching out, she took a box from the shelf, which she handed it to me. “This is the strap-on set I’d recommend, if you’re new to it.”

I studied the package… yeah, it looked just like what we wanted. Two bright red latex cocks in different sizes, plus a leather harness.

“Use the small one to start with,” Stevie told us, “then once you’re comfy with it, you can try the big boy.” Turning to Beth, she added, “You and your friend should probably stick to the small one for a couple of years. Believe me, you do not want a sex toy injury at your age.”

“Yeah, I think we’ll take this,” I said. “Look good to you, sis?”

“Looks great!” Beth exclaimed, eagerly nodding.

Stevie led us to the register, where I took out our carefully hoarded cash. Like last time, she rang it up with her employee discount. Putting our purchase in a bag, she handed it to my sister.

“Can I be a bit forward here, Beth?” she said, suddenly shy. “I don’t normally act this way with customers, but, um… I’m very attracted to you, and I’d love to show you my collection of toys. Maybe if you’re into it, we could even…” She left the sentence unfinished, her cheeks now flushed pink.

It was Beth’s turn to make sure we were unobserved. She stepped close to Stevie, went up on tiptoe and gave her a gentle kiss. “If you wanna fuck me, say so, okay? I’m no dumb little kid.”

What she did next made even my jaw drop: Beth placed a hand on the crotch of Stevie’s tight leather pants, cupping her pubis. “Ask my sister, she’ll tell you. I’m an amazing lover.”

Stevie looked at me, eyes wide in astonishment. “Is she serious?”

Beth didn’t wait for me to answer. Instead, she began to rub Stevie’s cunt through her trousers, staring into the woman’s eyes. “You want sex with me, right?” she said. “I mean, you’re inviting me over to check out your sex gear, for fuck’s sake. Or are you just playing a game with me? Well, I’m not playing now, I’m calling you out. Are we getting together to do this thing, or what?”

Stevie was struggling to pull herself together… which wasn’t easy, because Beth’s hand was still busy between her legs. Finally she pulled away from my sister, panting for breath. Grasping Beth’s shoulder, Stevie said, “Come with me, you two.”

She led us through a door at the back, which led into a small room crammed with boxes of all shapes and sizes. A counter ran along one wall with a computer terminal at one end. Shutting the door with a kick, Stevie drew Beth into her arms, and they came together in a passionate kiss.

When Stevie broke away, she unbuttoned her pants with a violent tug, pulled the zipper down to reveal black knickers, then leaned back against the long counter. “Okay,” she growled, eager for Beth’s caress, “okay. Do what you want to me.”

With an angelic smile, my sister pushed her denim shorts down to the floor, along with her underpants. “You touch me too,” she said. Reaching for Stevie’s hand, she placed it on the rise of her bare vulva.

Stevie looked as if she might keel over in a dead faint. I guess she’d been dreaming of fondling a little girl for a long time, and her fantasy was finally coming true. “Oh God, oh my fucking God,” she whispered, her fingers trailing through my sister’s cunt.

“Yeah,” Beth cooed, flashing that naughty-girl grin that never failed to get my motor humming. She shoved a hand into Stevie’s knickers and got to work.

By then, they were both so keyed up that there was no way this could last for long. Stevie was first to get off, hissing, “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Beth hit her peak seconds later, mewling wordlessly as she came.

Stevie and my sister came together in a breathless embrace, holding one another while they recovered. Beth was first to pull away. She licked at her wet fingers, then took them into her mouth. Mmmmm, lovely,” she said. “Your cunt tastes yummy… like a ripe pear.”

Stevie stared at Beth for a moment, as if she couldn’t believe what had just happened. “I think you and me are gonna fuck again really soon, girl. A hot, wet, nasty fuck.” She glanced at me, “Is that okay with you? Don’t worry, I’ll treat her right.”

“I don’t tell my sister what to do,” I said. “If Beth trusts you, that’s good enough for me.”

I’m into it,” Beth announced. “Here, let me see your phone.” Stevie handed it over, and my sister entered her number into it. “There you go. If my mum answers, tell her you’re a friend of mine from school.”

“I will,” Stevie said. “Hey, Beth, how about one last kiss before I kick you guys out?”

Without a word, Beth drifted into the older girl’s arms, and they kissed passionately. I picked up our bag, and we exchanged goodbyes with Stevie before setting off for home.

As we got on my motorcycle, Beth with our bag tucked under her arm, she said, “I bet you’re pretty wet right now, huh?”

“Spot on, Sherlock,” I replied. “You guys put on one amazing show.”

I felt her lips graze my ear. “Tell you what. Mum won’t be home for another couple of hours… how ‘bout I put this new strappy on and shag the arse off you?”

Oh, my God, what a wonderful idea. “I could go for that,” I admitted, trying to seem calm about it.

She kissed the back of my neck. “Then get this machine moving, big sister!”

An hour or so later, Beth and I were nestled together in my bed, completely naked and very satisfied. Our new sex toy had worked beautifully. We tried it doggie style at first, but my sister was a little too short to make that work. So I lay on my back with my legs spread, then Beth got on top and went into me.

It was perfect, absolutely perfect! I really liked being able to kiss Beth while we fucked. She and I held each other like we couldn’t get close enough, our tongues playing lovely games as she pumped that slippery cock in and out, in and out.

When I came, it was the best orgasm ever. Afterward, Beth told me that I nearly threw her off the bed! She wanted me to fuck her with the smaller cock right away, but I talked her into waiting until we had more time to do it right. Instead, she sat on my face and I licked her until she came.

Beth did end up getting together several times with Stevie, but it was tricky – her work routine didn’t fit well with Beth’s school hours. Besides, it was a nine mile bus ride into the city.

Once they tried to fuck in the Ann Summers stock room, but came very close to getting caught by Stevie’s boss. They didn’t try that again.

It was some time later that Beth told me Stevie was a bit too kinky for her taste. She had all kinds of bondage stuff and wanted to tie my sister up. She also really liked to be peed on, and talked Beth into doing that to her once. “It’s not for me,” was all Beth had to say about that.


A few months drifted by. Rachel found a new girlfriend, one her own age, and decided to commit to a full-time relationship. She remained friends with Beth and me, but we were no longer lovers.

Not long after that, I was asked out on a date by a girl on my soccer team named Tabitha who had flirted with me a few times. I accepted, not expecting much.

I was wrong. That evening was the beginning of a short but intense affair. Tabitha was two years older, with a reputation for making conquests that never became serious relationships. She told me it was different this time, that she’d wanted me ever since we first met. That’s why she persisted until I gave in.

I soon realised that although we got on well together and I enjoyed her company, I didn’t have true romantic feelings for Tabitha. But I was perfectly happy to drift along with her in a casual way. I’ll say this, too: she was a marvellous lover.

Tabitha wanted to know how I came to prefer girls to boys, and I told her all about my first time at the bike rally, when Fire and Trace had first befriended me, then taught me all about lesbian sex. She loved the story, and insisted on hearing every detail, often right before the two of us had sex

Speaking of Fire and Trace, they still dropped by from time to time. We had become firm friends as well as occasional sex partners. Even Mum, who had been unnerved by Fire at first, had come to like them both, though had no idea that the three of us were fucking. My mother was okay with me being gay, but indulging in threesomes would have been too wild a notion for her liking.

Beth, on the other hand, very much wanted to get in on what we had, though she never said as much to me. She was determined to seduce Fire and Trace without any help at all from her big sister… and on one particular visit from my older friends, Beth made her move.

I was idly doing homework when my phone buzzed, walking itself across the bedside table toward the edge. Snatching it up just in time, I thumbed the screen, thrilled to see Trace’s name.

I quickly answered. “Hiya, sexy. How’s everything?”

“Never better, sweetheart. Hey look, we’re gonna be swingin’ by your way in a couple of hours. Thought we might drop by for a bite… and more, if you’ve got the time, cookie. What d’ya reckon?”

“Oh, shit! I have to leave in half an hour for footy practice,” I told her. “But listen, my little sister will be here. She can knock together a couple of sandwiches for you guys.”

I heard her chuckle, “That’s cool, babe. I like your sister, she’s a sexy little bitch and she fuckin’ knows it. Way too young for us, but I reckon she’ll be a stunner in five years or so.”

“Okay, then. Shit, I’m totally in the mood to wreck the bed with you and Fire. If you could maybe stick around until two-ish, I’ll make it home…”

“Yeh, maybe we can do that. See you then, girl!”

I let Beth know they were coming before I left. I saw a sly grin briefly touch her face. It was obvious what she was thinking. Not a chance, I thought, but didn’t say anything.

As it turned out, I underestimated my little sister in a big way.

On to Chapter Five!


Suck Them Forever

  • Posted on March 9, 2024 at 2:47 pm

For kinkychic and kinkys_sis

by Jacqueline Jillinghoff

My sister Stacy has big tits. She’s proud of them, I think, but she only wears extra-extra-baggy sweatshirts at school because the girls tease her and the boys try to grab her in the halls.

At home with me it’s different. She can show off all she wants, because I’m smaller than she is, and I’m kind of in awe.

It’s not like she suddenly decided to walk around topless in front of me. Actually, it was kind of my idea, or at least I’m responsible. It happened one Friday after school. I was up in our room, and I dug one of her bras out of the dresser. I was wondering what it would be like to have breasts like hers, so I took off my T-shirt, and I was holding the bra across my chest, looking at myself in the mirror, when she walked in on me. I didn’t even know she was home.

Stacy was nice about it, though. She didn’t laugh or yell at me for going through her stuff. She even came over and fastened the hooks in back and tightened the shoulder straps.

“There. You feel grown up now?” she said.

“Not really.” The bra didn’t fit. It was too big, even with the straps tightened all the way, and worse, the cups were empty. Stacy got some socks out of her drawer, and we stuffed those in.

“Better?” she asked.

Actually, it was pathetic.

“I’m never gonna be like you,” I said.

“You’re still a kid,” she said.

“You already had them by now.”

It’s true. Stacy’s thirteen, and she started developing when she was like nine. I’m almost eleven, and I still look like a boy without a wiener.

“You’re prob’ly gonna look like Aunt Cathy,” Stacy said. That’s my dad’s sister I was named after. Everybody in his family is skinny. Stacy’s built more like my mom.

“Aunt Cathy is like a double-A,” I said.

“She’s lucky, and so are you,” Stacy said. “Big tits are a pain in the ass.”

“So how do I take this off?”

“Just reach back and undo the hooks.”

I tried that, but I couldn’t get a grip on the straps, and after a bit it felt like somebody was twisting my arms.

“Or you could turn it around and do the hooks from the front,” Stacy said. “A lot of girls do that.”

“How do you do it?”

“From the back,” she said. “But I’ve had a lot of practice.”

“Could you show me?”

“What – show you how I take off my bra?”


“What for?”

“You’re my big sister. You’re supposed to teach me stuff.”

“Yeah, right,” she said. But she thought about it for a second and took off her sweatshirt. She was wearing the same kind of bra I tried on, but it looked a lot different on her. She filled it out totally, like she was about to break through it. The cups only covered her breasts underneath, and the tops were bare and puffed up. I thought it was a shame she covered them up all the time.

“Now, watch, dummy,” she said. She turned her back to me, reached behind her with one hand and popped the hooks just by snapping her fingers. It was like a magic trick, it happened so fast. The straps sprang open. She had to catch the bra before it dropped off her chest.

That should have been it. The demonstration was over. She could have redone the hooks and put her sweatshirt back on. But she didn’t. Instead, she took the bra all the way off. She held it a little above her head, so I could see it, and said, really snarky, “Now, you fold it carefully, one cup inside the other, like this, and wrap the straps around them. And ta da! ” She turned around, holding the bra out.

I couldn’t talk. Seriously. They were too perfect. At least I thought so. My arm came up like it had a mind of its own. I stopped myself when I realized what I was doing, but just as I was pulling back, Stacy took my hand and laid it on top of her right tit.

“Is that what you wanted?” she said, like it was some kind of accusation. “That’s what everybody wants.”

Well, I could understand why the boys at school were always grabbing them. Right then, I was on their side. And it pissed me off because she was putting it all on me, like I was the one who wanted a feel, and she was just putting up with it. Like, oh, my tits are no big deal and everybody else is a pig. Which was bull. She wanted it as much as I did, because she slid my hand down, over the nipple and around to the outside. It was funny, the way it wobbled, like jello. I took hold of the other one, too, and jiggled it the same way.

“Okay,” she said. “That’s enough.”

Not yet, it wasn’t. I flicked the nips with my thumbs.

“Oh!” she said. She didn’t sound at all annoyed that time. So I did it more, like I was playing one of those thumb pianos in music class.

The nips were longer and stiffer now than when she took off her bra, and a darker shade of pink, like they were blushing. Her face was red, too. Something was happening to her. She had to put her hands on my shoulders to stay standing.

“You okay?” I said.

“Yeah, fine.”

I pinched one nip between my thumb and forefinger and pulled it out as far as I could. It was really solid, and her tit seemed to pull back on it. I was afraid maybe it would hurt, but she didn’t mind at all.

“Do the other one,” she said.

This was like playing in a sandbox, my own little playground. Stacy let me do whatever I felt like – squeeze them and press them flat and move them around in circles. We could have gone for an hour if we hadn’t heard the front door open.

“You girls home?” Mom called.

“Yeah!” Stacy yelled, and she jumped back.

I heard Mom’s keys jingling, and the door closing, and then Mom’s footsteps on the stairs, and for the first time, I noticed we’d left the bedroom door open.

“What naughty things are you two up to?” Mom called. She didn’t sound suspicious or anything. She was just kidding around, but I was in a panic. I mean, shit! What would she think if she caught me in Stacy’s bra, stuffed with socks, and Stacy with her tits bare?

I managed to pull the thing off over my head and throw it behind the dresser, but I was still topless, fooling with my T-shirt, when Mom walked in. She hardly noticed. I guess she thought I was just changing. Besides, there’s nothing to see when I’m only naked from the waist up.

Stacy got her sweatshirt back on in time, but she left her bra on her bed. Mom didn’t seem to notice that, either. She kissed us and asked what we wanted for dinner and went to her own room to change.

Stacy and I looked at each other, bug-eyed, like we’d just missed being in a car wreck. Then we went downstairs.

Friday nights we’re allowed to stay up late. Usually, it’s fun to hang out with Mom, but tonight dragged on and on. All I could think about was Stacy in that sweatshirt and no bra. Her tits jiggled every time she moved, and the sides made round bulges under the flannel, and sometimes the nipples poked up. I could still feel them in my hands.

Then, around nine, Stacy suddenly announced she wanted to go to bed, which was way early. Mom was surprised, since Stacy didn’t seem all that tired, but she wasn’t going to argue if it meant the house would be quiet for one night.

I felt let down. I was planning to stay up with Mom when Stacy caught my eye and jerked her head toward the stairs.

“Y’know, I think I’m kind of tired, too,” I said.

“Rough week at school?” Mom asked.

“Tell me about it,” I said.

“You’re like old women,” Mom said. “I thought I was the only one.” Me and Stacy lined up for our goodnight kiss, and Mom wished us sweet dreams.

We went upstairs single-file, Stace leading the way. She didn’t seem to be in any hurry, but I was getting more antsy with every step.

“What’s goin’ on?” I said.

“Shh,” she said.

We got to our room. As soon as I closed the door, Stacy stripped down to her panties, flopped back on her bed, and slapped her thighs, like “hop on.” “Take your jeans off first,” she said.

So I did. I got on top of her in just my panties and T-shirt. Her boobs were kind of hanging away from each other, bulging at the sides. I pushed them together, then let go and watched them slide apart. I did that a few times.

“Do that thing with your thumbs,” Stacy said.

I played the music-class game again – Plink! Plink! Plink! – and when her nipples got rubbery, I twirled them in my fingers and pulled on them, like before, to see how far I could stretch them.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” I asked.

“No, it’s cool.”

“I thought big tits were a pain in the ass.”

“Sometimes,” she said.

I had an idea. Before I thought to stop myself, I bent down and kissed her nipple. She was like all shocked, but not really.

“You’re bad,” she said.

I kissed it again, but this time I stayed there, feeling the tiny bumps against my lips. Stacy made a noise, like ahh, which I took to mean she liked it. I gave it a little lick.

“Oh, do that more,” she said. She stuck her fingers through my hair and pulled my face in. The skin smelled nice. There was a trace of the lavender soap we have in the shower. It was making me dizzy. And I thought, okay, I’m here, she likes it, I might as well. So I opened wide and sucked.

Stacy started squirming underneath me. “Ooh,” she said, all out of breath. It was sweet, and in a weird way, it made me feel like I was the big sister. I sucked harder. Stacy got stiff all over. She froze for a long time, pushing up with her heels. Then she crashed and laid still, panting.

“Are you okay?” I said. “Stace?”

I’ll never forget what she said next.

“I am so fucking horny.”

Those were her exact words. Then she jumped on me. She pushed me over on my back, pulled my shirt up, and licked all over my chest. She was so into it, it was scary, though it didn’t feel like much. I mean, it tickled, which was fun, but I didn’t see what the big deal was. Maybe my nipples aren’t as sensitive as hers are yet. And I’m laying there thinking, Does everybody get this crazy when they’re thirteen?

What I really liked – and I really liked it – was when she pulled my panties down and played with my pussy. Yeah, I know the word. I’ve been touching myself down there since I was little, but it never felt so good before. Stacy pressed hard at the top, over that tiny bump, and jerked her hand around. Then she stuck her middle finger up my hole. I was so slippery by then, it was all the way in before I knew what was going on.

My panties were down around my knees. I kicked at them and got one leg out, so they were hanging off my other ankle. I spread my legs more, and Stacy pumped me faster. Her hand kept slapping my magic bump.

“You like it when I fuck your cunt?” she said.

I went Huh! out loud and Stacy kissed me hard. All these feelings were piling on – her finger in my pussy, her tongue in my mouth, her tits in my hands. It kept getting more intense, building and building.

It couldn’t keep going. Something had to happen, and it did. I never felt anything even close to it before, but I knew what it was. It had to be. My first Big O. It was a total out-of-body thing. I mean, I heard they were supposed to be nice, but shit! Nothing you read in a book, or any kind of heart-to-heart with your mom, can prepare you for the mind-blowing awesomeness of it.

And speaking of Mom, that was the moment she decided to knock on the door.

“You girls all right in there?”

“YEAH WE’RE FINE!” Stacy yelled. She yanked her finger out of my pussy, but my orgasm didn’t stop. The fear just made it bigger. I had one more giant wave to get through. I curled up, hugging my knees, and rode it out, praying Mom would not open that door.

“What was that noise?” Mom went on, like a nosy bitch. “It sounded like one of you was hurt.”

“Cat stubbed her toe,” Stacy said.

“Okay then. As long as you’re all right. Sleep tight, both of you. I love you.”

“Love you, Mom,” Stacy said.

“How ’bout you, Cat? You sure you’re all right?”

“I’m okay, Mom.” Finally, I could talk. “Really! I love you! Good night!” Go away already! The hall got quiet again.

“Oh my God!” Stacy mouthed.

“Whew!” I said, laughing in spite of myself. Stacy reached back and turned out the light on the nightstand. We laid there in the dark, holding each other until we stopped shaking.

“You almost got us killed,” Stacy whispered.

“Me? It was your fault,” I said. I mimicked her in my squeakiest voice: “‘I am so fucking horny!’”

“Bitch, shut up!” she said. She smacked my ass. Not hard, because she didn’t want Mom to hear, but it still stung.

We couldn’t stop giggling. Not till we kissed. That got us serious again, fast. I should have felt like a total perv, kissing my own sister the way I’d kiss a boy, but I was so relieved after the thing with Mom, I wanted that affection. Anyway, it was no pervier than Stacy sticking her finger up my pussy.

We made out a long time, like real lesbian girlfriends, with our lips kind of chewing and our tongues rolling back and forth, sliding and tangling. I loved that. I felt Stacy’s tits while we did it. She held my ass. Finally I worked up my courage and put my hand down her panties. She was an oozy mess down there, which I kind of expected, but she’s also got hair, which I don’t yet. It felt like a wet sponge.

“I’m soaked,” she said. And she wriggled out of her panties while I kicked my own off my foot and took my shirt off all the way. It was the best feeling to hug her tight, completely naked. (Well, second best, maybe.) Stacy’s skin was warm and smooth and her tits mashed against my chest. Our legs locked together, and pretty soon we nailed down the rhythm of rubbing each other’s pussies with our thighs.

I felt another O coming on, but it was different from my first one. It was slower and deeper and – I don’t know – cozier. I was learning there are different kinds. They can be wild, or they can be sweet. I like them either way.


“Don’t stop. What?”

“Why’d you do that before?”

“Do what?”

“When you like jumped on me.”

“I don’t know. You were there.”

“Because I sucked your tits?”

“It turned me on.”

“Will that happen every time?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “Try it again and see.”

She arched her back, pushing her tits up. They looked pale and blurry in the dark, like ghosts, and the circles at the ends looked black. I took one in my mouth, and then the other one after a while. Stacy didn’t go crazy this time, even though I sucked and sucked, but I wasn’t disappointed. I’m sure she wasn’t, either. Not from the way she kept moaning.

Like I said, that’s how we started. We do shit all the time now, whenever Mom’s not around. Like we eat each other out, taking turns, or both at the same time. Stacy sticks her tongue up my ass, or between my toes. I swear to God, there’s not an inch of my body she hasn’t kissed, licked, or sucked.

I kiss her all over, too, but her tits are still my fave. Stace hardly ever wears a bra at home anymore, and anytime I feel like it, I can pull her sweatshirt up and have a snack. Or I’ll do raspberries on them, or just lay naked in bed with her and rest my head between them. They make nice fluffy pillows.

I was afraid Stace’d get pissed with me, ’cause I’m being so obsessive, or at least complain about her nipples getting chapped, but I remember what she said one time when I told her I could suck them forever.

“So shut up and do it.”

The End


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 9

  • Posted on March 5, 2024 at 4:14 pm

To get a breakdown of the earlier chapters, please consult the Pages From a Diary Chapter Links.

by Rachael Yukey

I woke up to sunlight streaming through the living room windows. I had shifted during the night and was sprawled across Julie, my head resting on her chest. She had both arms wrapped around me. I squinted in the bright light, but then my eyes cleared and fixed on Julie’s grandma, who was sitting across the room in a recliner, reading a paperback. My head jerked up in surprise. Helen caught the motion, lowered her book, and smiled at me.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she said. “You two look cozy.”

I don’t know if it was my moving around or Helen’s voice, but Julie began to stir. I turned to look at her, and she was blinking. When her eyes were fully open, she saw her grandmother in the chair and quickly pushed me away.

“Oof, Mal…” she said with a grunt. “You’re squishing me, you lumpus!”

We both giggled, and I rolled onto my back. It was warm in the room, and I pushed the covers off before realizing my nightgown had pulled up past my waist while I was sleeping. I quickly pushed it down to conceal my panties. I knew I was blushing a little.

“It’s okay,” said Helen. “No one but us girls in here, you know.”

“Willie might come in,” I reasoned.

“No, he won’t. He’s having coffee with my dad… Julie’s great grandpa. We usually go over there together on Saturday mornings, but I stuck around today since you girls are here.” She got up, came over to the bed and took a long, deep sniff.

“You girls need to take a shower before Willie gets back,” she advised. Julie and I gave each other a guilty look.

“It sure can get sweaty under the covers!” said Julie, a little too quickly.

Helen smiled sweetly. “Yes, it can,” she said, “and sometimes girls at sleepovers have secret, special fun together after bedtime. I was a girl once, and had some very… um… pleasant sleepovers with my friends, too. So! Why don’t you two go hop in the shower, and I’ll throw these sheets into the washing machine. Deal?”

We got ourselves out of bed, grabbed our overnight bags, and beat a hasty retreat into the bathroom. Once we were together under the hot spray, Julie leaned close and hissed, “I cannot believe that just happened!”

“Me, either,” I said. “Your grandma is the coolest ever, though. Mine would have locked me up and thrown away the key. My mom, too. I don’t even want to think about what my dad would do.”

“Do you really think she could smell it?”

“We both got pretty juicy down there… and we didn’t wash up after.”


We helped each other wash our hair and backs. It was a little arousing, but I pushed those feelings aside. Even without that, it felt good to touch Julie, care for her, and to be touched and cared for. Finally we got out, toweled dry, and got into our clothes.

When we left the bathroom we could smell bacon frying. Helen made us heaping plates of eggs, bacon, and hash browns. I ate every bite… I was starving.

After breakfast, we got our coats and boots on and hiked up across the field, dry soybean stubble crunching under our feet. The fields on their farm are very hilly, and even I can tell it’s not very good soil. Instead of a rich, dark black, it’s golden and sandy. But it doesn’t matter these days, I guess. My dad likes to say the soil is just there to hold the plants up, and fertilizer is what makes it grow.

We crested a largish hill with a long slope, and then I could see the woods they’d been talking about. Downhill a little ways, and we were in them. It dropped off pretty sharply once you got in there; a really steep downhill slope. I wasn’t really surprised. About the only place you see woods in farm country is places where it’s too hilly or too wet to drive tractors. This was both. In fact, there was a lake at the bottom of the hill.

The woods were brambly and full of prickly pear, so we picked our way along some deer trails. There’s a lot of deer sign out there, so the hunting must be pretty good. These trails were wide and easy to follow. The whole way Helen pointed out wild plants that are edible or can be used for medicine. Most of them had dried up for the year, but she could still tell you what each one was.

It’s funny. Most of the people who grew up on farms don’t know this stuff anymore, but Helen lived in the city until she and Willie retired, and she can identify almost anything in the woods. I wonder where she learned it.

About two thirds of the way down the hill we found the tree where the mushrooms grew. There were seven of them growing in a stack on the trunk. The biggest was maybe ten inches across, and the smallest probably half that. The top one was already starting to separate from the tree.

Helen knelt down and gently pried on it, with her fingers very close to the trunk. It broke off cleanly, and she handed it to me. It was still a little squishy, but I could tell it was mostly dry. I put it into a bag we’d brought along for them.

“The ones below are bigger,” she told me. “It’ll be easier to pull them off without breaking them if I have help.”

I handed the bag to Julie and knelt down alongside Helen. Using all four hands, we were able to work the mushroom back and forth without flexing it too much, and it came off of the tree in one piece. I passed it to Julie, and she stashed it in the bag.

We worked our way down to the bottom mushroom, which was the biggest, and managed to break them all off without damaging any. I took the bag back from Julie and slung it over my shoulder. Then Julie and Helen took me on a tour around the outside edge of the farm. The Hansons own 200 acres, which isn’t much these days. Their land is on both sides of the highway. A lot of it is swampy and hilly.

Willie was home and in his office by the time we got back. Except he doesn’t like people calling it an office! I guess it’s a “man cave”. He usually sits in there with the door open. It’s a small room full of workbenches and tools, but mostly what he does in there is play games on his computer. They looked like violent ones.

Lisa and Jason showed up just before lunch. We ate grilled ham and cheese sandwiches, and then went out to harvest the squash. The vegetable garden is high up on the hill towards the highway, right up by the house where Jason’s sister Theresa lives. She came out to help us pick the squash.

Theresa works nights at a hospital about thirty miles away. She’s married, but her husband is in the Navy and nobody sees much of him. She’s about twenty years old, and is the only person I’ve seen in Julie’s family who’s a little chubby. She has a round face with big dimples, and the same dark brown hair and eyes as Jason.

When we rolled up to the garden with me and Julie riding in the bed of Jason’s pickup, Theresa stepped out of her house, crossed her lawn to the garden area, and was standing behind the truck as Julie and I hopped down from the tailgate. She swept Julie into a quick hug, then turned to me with a bright smile.

“You must be Mallory!” she said. “Julie has told me so much about you. Would you like a hug?”

I was immediately taken with her. I opened my arms and stepped into Theresa’s embrace. She’s short enough that my face was pressed right up against her sizable boobs, and it made me tingle a little.

Then she stepped back, rubbed her hands together and said, “Okay, let’s go pick squash!” We marched into the field and got to work.

Being a farm girl you’d think I’d have done this a thousand times, but nope. My mom hasn’t grown a vegetable garden since I was little. I wasn’t even sure I knew what winter squashes taste like; Mom doesn’t buy them at the store. There sure are a lot of different kinds! The Hansons grow a lot of squash, and in all different shapes and sizes. There were little cute stripey ones the size of a big man’s fist, and huge gray or green ones that Jason said would weigh in at thirty or forty pounds.

It was actually pretty fun. Kind of like a treasure hunt! When the leaves and vines dried down it covered up a lot of the squash, and we’d just pull on the vines and dig under leaves until we found them. Some of the vines stretched over twenty feet! We’d find a squash, cut the stem off the vine with a little set of shears, and put it in one of the pickups. We had both Jason’s pickup and Willie’s, and filled up both of them. Willie was there, but mostly sat in his truck. His knees are too messed up for him to do work that takes a lot of walking.

Everyone hung close together while we picked, we all laughed and chatted. Theresa turned out to be one of the most cheerful and bubbly people I’ve ever met and was super-fun to be around. She knew lots of jokes, and was really good at telling them.

After the pickups were loaded we drove back down the hill, with Julie and me perched on top of the squash in the back of Jason’s pickup. Regular princesses of the squash truck, we were. We unloaded Willie’s pickup into the basement, then went into the living room and hung out there. The adults drank coffee, and Julie and I had pop. My parents hardly ever let me drink pop, and Julie doesn’t often get to either.

I liked spending time with Julie’s folks. When my family gets together the kids are either expected to disappear somewhere or sit super-quiet and not make a sound. Here, Julie and I were allowed to be a part of the conversation. Neither of us said all that much, but it was fun and made me feel really grown up.

We got packed up to leave around four. Jason and Lisa had dinner in the crockpot, and wanted to get the truckload of squash into the house before we ate. Before we took off, Helen took Julie and I upstairs. She’d found a cardboard box and we put all of the tree mushrooms into it, including the ones we picked that morning. I was going to leave those for Helen, but she insisted I take them. Then Helen showed us the sewing she’d done the night before by giving us each a Barbie doll! They were dressed in clothes made from the patterns Julie and I had picked out.

“Helen, you don’t have to…” I started to say.

“Hush,” she told me. “This is what I do. I pick up used Barbies at farm auctions or at junk shops. Sometimes I get whole boxes of them for almost nothing. Then I make clothes for them and give them to girls. So please, take it. I want you to.”

“Thank you Helen,” I said, and hugged her. She hugged me back.

“One other thing,” she said. “Obviously you two are big enough that the living room isn’t the best place for your, um… sleepover activities.”

I felt my face get hot, and Julie was suddenly very interested in her feet.

“Willie and I are in the middle of sealing and fixing up the basement,” she went on. “I’m thinking a foldout couch down there would be a good idea. Then next time you two come here overnight, you’ll have a little more privacy. Sound good?”

We both mumbled agreement, unable to meet Helen’s eyes. She seemed amused.

Downstairs we said our goodbyes and gave out hugs, then Julie and I piled into the backseat of Jason’s club cab Ford. We were disappointed that we couldn’t ride home in the back with the squash, but Jason pointed out that it’s been illegal to ride in the bed of a pickup on the highway for a long time now. Maybe that’s for the best.

When we pulled up to Julie’s house, Jason backed the pickup into the garage, really close to the basement stairway.

Loading the squash into the basement didn’t take long. It’s the first time I’ve been down there. There’s two parts. The original part of the house has an old, crumbly looking poured concrete basement. There’s no basement under the west addition where the kitchen is, but the newest part of the house on the east side has a more modern looking concrete block basement. None of it is finished. Jason told me there were bedrooms in the newer part when they moved in, but everything was water damaged so he ripped it all out. He says sealing and finishing the basement is at the bottom of his list of things to do, and that list is already pretty long. There’s a root cellar in the older half of the basement, and it was already full of potatoes, carrots, and garlic. We added the squash to that.

Dinner was a roast with potatoes and carrots, and after we finished eating Jason said he needed to run down to the basement for a few minutes. Once he’d disappeared down the stairs, Lisa beckoned us to follow her into the living room.

We sat on the couch together and she spoke in a low voice. “Julie told me you two are going to visit with Megan Frost tomorrow, and what it’s really all about.”

“I’m not even sure what it’s really all about,” I admitted.

“It doesn’t matter,” she replied. “I think it’s great that you girls have found someone close to your own age to talk with about this stuff. So have fun, and keep an open mind about having new experiences. Okay?”

We both murmured agreement.

Not long after that, Jason drove me home, with Julie along for the ride. It’s the first time they’ve been to our farm, and I had to tell him where to go.

They helped me carry my stuff into the house, and Dad met us in the entryway. He and Jason shook hands, Jason asked him a question about the corn harvest, and while they talked farm stuff, Julie and I went up to my room. I had the box of mushrooms, and Julie carried my backpack and overnight bag. We dropped everything onto my bed, then Julie gathered me into a hug. I put my arms around her and laid my head against her chest, and she  buried her face in my hair. Hugging is the wrong word for what we were doing. We were holding each other… and it was the best feeling in the whole wide world.

“I wish you could stay with me tonight,” she whispered into my hair.

“I wish we were always together,” I said.

We parted, even though we didn’t want to, then went back downstairs and said our goodbyes. I almost told Julie that I’d see her tomorrow at Megan’s place, but then remembered that Dad was standing right behind me. I stood on the porch and waved as Jason’s pickup rolled away, and they waved back.

As I entered the house I realized I hadn’t seen Mom. I asked Dad if she was at the church, and he looked away.

“Your grandma is under the weather again,” he said, his eyes never meeting mine. “Your mother is spending the night there to take care of her.”

Baloney, I thought. Grandma is the healthiest person I know. Mom and Dad must have had another blowout while I was gone.

Dad disappeared into his office, and I wandered over to the piano. Since Mom wasn’t parked in front of the TV for a change, this was a good chance to practice. I kind of got lost in it, and kept playing until I heard the office door open. I realized with a start that it was after nine. I turned to look at my dad, and he looked funny. His cheeks were red, and he was kind of unsteady on his feet.

“Daddy?” I said, a little alarmed. I haven’t called him that in what feels like forever. “Are you all right?”

“Sure, fine,” he said. His words sounded blurry. As he walked past the piano I caught a whiff of something… something familiar. It took me a minute to place it. Dad looked and smelled like Uncle Louie did when he brought a bottle of whiskey to Grandpa’s funeral visitation. I hadn’t understood what was happening, except that everyone was really mad at Uncle Louie. Aunt Tammy had stuffed him into her car and gotten him out of there in a hurry. Later that evening, my father explained to me about drunkenness and told me it was a sin and I should avoid alcohol entirely. But here he was, drunk. I was sure of it!

“Night, Mallory,” he said in that same blurry voice, and kind of stumbled off towards his bedroom. I closed the lid on the piano and got myself out of there.

By the time I took a shower and brushed my teeth it was late and I was super-tired, but so much had happened that I wanted to get it down in my diary. Now it’s almost midnight, but it’s okay because I don’t really need to start getting ready for church till 8:30 or so tomorrow morning. I’m also feeling worked up thinking about going to Megan’s house tomorrow, so I guess I have one more thing to do before I sleep.

On to Chapter Ten!