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My Weekend Awakening (And What it Led To), Part Three

  • Posted on March 1, 2024 at 9:08 pm

A brief recap: Seventeen-year-old Katia goes to a motorcycle rally, where she has her first-ever sexual experience with two biker women named Fire and Trace. It’s enough to convince her that she is a lesbian. Upon returning home, Katia is alarmed to find herself attracted to her little sister Beth’s best friend Rachel who, like Beth, is only twelve. She tries to resist, but it doesn’t help that Rachel clearly has feelings for her. Beth is upset about this, but gets over it quickly. In fact, she ends up joining Katia and Rachel when they have sex, and Katia ends up going down on her little sister. What next, you ask? Read on, friends…

by kinkychic, with additions from kinkys_sis and JetBoy

It was a few days after that afternoon with Beth and Rachel, the day when I’d gone completely wild – having sex with my little sister’s twelve-year-old best friend, then with my sister! I still couldn’t quite work out how it had happened, other than the three of us simply getting carried away in the heat of the moment.

It worried me that Beth and I had barely spoken since. Mind you, she didn’t seem angry with me, just… perplexed. I had to fight the impulse to approach her, telling myself she needed space to work things out.

I was lying on the bed thumbing through a book I was only half-reading when there was a knock on my door. I called out, “Come in.”

It was Beth. “Hey,” she mumbled, looking somewhat uncomfortable.

“Hi, sis… what’s up?” I asked, trying to put her at ease.

She sat beside me. “Katia, I – fuck!” she blurted. “What you and I did… I don’t know what to say.”

“It was a bit of a shock, sure. But, um… you’re okay now, right?”

“I guess.” She was playing with her fingers, not making eye contact. “I know we’re not s’posed to do sex stuff, you and me, ‘cos we’re sisters. But… it was good. Don’t you think so?”

“Yeah, it really was.” I reached out to my sister. “C’mere, you – snuggle with me.” Beth meekly crawled into my arms, and we lay quietly together. It felt lovely. But there was something on her mind, I could tell.

Finally, she spoke up. “Can I ask you something, Katia? It’s kinda personal-like, but you can always tell me to mind my own business.”

“Fair enough,” I replied. “What’s the question?”

I was expecting something to do with me being a lesbian, but Beth surprised me anyway. “Those friends of yours, Fire and Trace… You’re having sex with them when they visit, huh?”

Shit. Did we really make that much noise? No point in lying about it. “Well… yeah. Actually, they’re the first girls I ever did it with. We just like to have fun together, y’know? I’m not really girlfriends with them.”

A shiver raced through me when Beth nuzzled my neck, then she whispered, “I really liked it when you kissed me, Katia. Um, but, were you okay with it? Did you maybe wish you were, y’know, kissing some other girl instead?”

I squeezed her to me. “Of course I liked it, silly. Sure, it seemed weird at first, but once we were kissing, it was nice. Was that the first time you ever did it?”

“Yeah,” she replied. “So… would you want to kiss me again? I think I could do it better this time.”

Something about Beth’s sweet shyness affected me in a big way. I turned to face her, moving closer – and this time, she kissed me first. Letting my sister take the lead, I allowed her to explore, learning as she went.

Eventually, sensing she was ready to go further, I slipped my tongue between her lips. Beth responded right away, her tongue engaging mine in a sexy dance. As our passion grew, I rolled onto my back, guiding her on top of me, spreading my legs wide for her. I let both hands glide down my little sister’s back until I was cupping her cute bottom.

I pushed upwards, feeling Beth’s pussy press against mine through our clothes. She got what I was trying to do straight away and ground into me, our mounds fitting snugly together. Soon we were both panting and gasping as we fucked one another, the kiss forgotten.

I slid a hand into the back of my sister’s knickers, working a finger into the cleft between her buttocks. Mind you, I didn’t actually enter her arse, just tickled and lightly rubbed the tight hole.

Beth started to tighten up, her movements becoming jerky and erratic. Pressing her face into my neck, she gasped, “Katia, I’m – I’m c-coming!” She was shaking from head to toe.

I didn’t need any further stimulation. Soon as my sister got off, I was coming along with her. We clung to each other like frightened children as our orgasms peaked, then ebbed.

Now spent, Beth lay like a limp rag on top of me. As we slowly regained our breath, I kissed the top of her head, murmuring, “You okay?”

She looked up at me, “I love you, Katia.”

“I know you do, sweetheart,” I replied, patting my sister’s back. “I love you, too.”

Beth shook her head. “That’s not what I mean. Um… I’m in love with you. Is it bad of me to feel that way?”

I felt an unexpected flush of warmth. My twelve-year-old sister was in love with me? Honestly, I wasn’t quite sure whether to be concerned or delighted about that. But I didn’t want to hurt Beth’s feelings. “I don’t think it’s ever bad to love, sis.”

She thought for a moment, “I think I’m in love with Rachel, too. Can I love you both?”

I had to laugh, Tousling Beth’s hair, I told her. “Of course you can, little sister. You’ve got a lot of love to share, that’s all.”

“I do, don’t I?” she said, grinning foolishly, then threw her arms around me. “Thanks, Katia. You’re the best.”

“Hey, I’m just offering guidance, like big sisters are supposed to do. Um, I hate to say this, but I really need to get up. I promised Mum I’d do the laundry before she gets home.”

“I guess,” Beth said, pouting a bit as I got to my feet. Then suddenly, she brightened up. “Can I use your laptop to go on that website, sis? Will you sign me in? Maybe I can chat with your friend… or even meet some other hot girls!”

I considered the idea. “I suppose… but if Mum comes upstairs, you close the laptop right away, hear me? If she finds out we’ve been hooking up on a sex site, she’ll blow a bloody gasket!”

“She can’t get up here fast enough to catch us doing anything,” Beth shrugged.

That was true enough. Our staircase is a creaky one, and unless you’re in stocking feet and know just where to step, there’s no way to get from the first floor to the second without being heard.

I opened the laptop and logged on, showing Beth my password so she could do the same. As she eagerly sat down before the screen, I touched her shoulder. “Have you decided you like girls more than boys, then?”

My sister gazed up at me, blushing a bit. “I think so,” she said, then nodded. “Yeah, I am. I never think about fooling around with boys anymore. Just girls.” She laughed. “Ladies, too.”

Bending down, I gave Beth a brief but heated kiss. “Have fun,” I told her, then left.

Two hours later, she was still at it. I didn’t interrupt, but I could hear Beth moaning at one point when passing by my door, so I reckon she was having a fiddle while exploring the chat room.

It gave me a strange feeling of satisfaction, knowing that my little sister was gay. Beth and I got on well enough, but I felt certain that our shared sexuality would bring us even closer… especially if we chose to make love again. Does she want that? I wondered. Me, I loved the idea of the two of us fucking when the mood took us.

My reverie was interrupted when Beth emerged from my room, practically bouncing with excitement. “Hey, Katia, they’re offering me my own account! Can I have one? Please, please say yes!”

Her enthusiasm made me smile. “It’s your call, sis – you don’t need permission from me.”

“Cool!” she exclaimed. “I’ll sign up in just a minute.” Then she was typing again.

“Who are you talking to?” I asked.

Beth beamed at me. “Toni… you know, from the other day? She thought I was you at first, but I told her it was me. She just asked about my arse, said she’d like to fuck it. Yours too. Um, what’s that like? Getting your bum fucked?”

“Not sure,” I shrugged. “I’ve never had anything bigger than a finger in there. Tell her she can do that to us whenever she likes. It’ll be a first for us both.”

Beth and Toni carried on chatting for ages. They got into a long discussion about sex toys, the different types and so on. Of course, my sister had never used a toy, but Toni was happy to fill her in, describing her favourites in detail. Before we knew it, Mum was calling from downstairs, “Girls, dinner’s ready.”

After we’d eaten, I returned to my room, Beth following. She closed the door and asked, “Katia… have you got any sex toys?”

“Just one vibrator, but it’s not very good. But you’re welcome to try it out.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.” She thought for a moment. “Isn’t there a shop in the mall where you can get that kind of stuff? Can’t remember what it’s called.”

“It’s Ann Summers. Hold on a sec, let’s find them online.”

Soon, we were at their website, gasping at what we saw. “Oh my goodness,” Beth murmured. “Katia, we have to go there. Want to take me?”

“Sure. I’m not sure they’ll let you in that part of the shop, though.”

“Well, we gotta try, at least.” She gazed at me thoughtfully. “Um, Katia…?”

“What’s up, sis?”

“Want to mess around? I mean, I could play with your vibrator… but I’d a lot rather play with you.”

“Sure.” It was exactly what I needed right then. Mum would be plonked in front of the TV for hours, so we wouldn’t have to worry about interruptions. “Is there anything special you want to try?” I asked Beth as I shrugged out of my top, then unhooked my bra.

“Yeah, I want to lick your pussy, I keep reading about it in the chat room, and I want to see what it’s like.” Now topless, she unfastened her pants and pushed them down to her feet, along with a pair of purple knickers. “Besides, you did it for me, so now I get to pay you back!”

I finished getting naked and climbed onto the bed, where I stretched out. Beth crawled into my arms, and we shared a passionate kiss.

“I love you, Katia,” she whispered when we finally broke apart.

“I love you too, Beth,” I replied, warmed from head to toe by these new feelings I held for my sister. Could I actually be falling for her?

Beth didn’t give me much time to ponder that notion. Getting on all fours above me, she declared, “Now I’m gonna fuck you, big sister!”

And she did. Oh, my stars, yes. Beth got between my legs and licked me until I came. She was clumsy to begin with, but quickly got the idea of what to do and how to do it. As I recovered, she centred her attention on my breasts, fondling, kissing and nibbling them until my desire was smouldering all over again. Then Beth pleasured me with her fingers, brow furrowed as she probed about inside my vagina as if searching for buried treasure. She didn’t unearth any gold, but I had a second orgasm.

Once my heartbeat had returned to normal, I got my little sister up on all fours and ate her pussy from behind. Just before she came, I eased a finger into her bumhole, and she went off like a firework. Luckily, Beth had the presence of mind to bury her face in a pillow, muffling her cries of ecstasy.

Afterward, Beth and I snuggled for a long while, occasionally swapping kisses. After one especially fiery snog, she raised her head. “We’re still shopping for sex toys tomorrow, right?”

“We’ll try,” I told her. “If they don’t let us both into that part of the store, I’ll get something for you.”

Hugging me, she whispered, “Thanks for helping me figure things out, Katia. Now I know for sure that I like girls more.”

“My pleasure,” I replied, pausing to kiss Beth’s nose. “Let me know if you ever need to be reminded.”

She giggled, moving in for another kiss. “I think I’m already forgetting…”


On Saturday morning, Mum went out to meet up with some of her friends for coffee. Once she was gone, Beth and I shared a shower, then I got to work making her look as mature as I could, carefully selecting the right clothes and applying a touch of makeup.

We rode my motorcycle to the mall, then casually strolled into Ann Summers. The front of the shop was all revealing clothes and sexy underwear. We wandered towards the back where the toys were, but a pretty young sales girl came over and pointed at Beth. “Sorry, she can’t go in that section.”

Beth and I were both crestfallen, but then another, older girl came over. “I’ll take over, Diane.” She looked at me, “Were you just browsing, or did you want something in particular?”

“We came to get some things. I’ve got a list.” I answered, taking a folded paper from my pocket.

The girl took the list from me, her grin growing wider as she perused it. Glancing around, she seized my arm. “Come with me, both of you.” She led us through into the rear section. “I’m Stevie. Gotta say, this is a very impressive list you’ve got. How much did you want to spend?”

Beth spoke up. “We’ve got about a hundred and twenty quid.”

Stevie pursed her lips. “That’s not enough for all these things.” She flashed us a bad-girl smile. “But since you’re such lovely customers, I’d be happy to give you a discount.” She studied the list again. “Now, let’s see…” She proceeded to pull out boxes, explaining what the various toys were, their quality and such like.

I had a good idea of what I wanted, but Beth required a bit more guidance. Stevie had no problem with that… in fact, she seemed to be taking a great deal of interest in my little sister. She was ages showing Beth different things. At one point, I heard Beth say “My pussy is pretty small… but I wouldn’t mind using something a little bigger, if I can get used to it.” They were getting on famously, and I was having a good time just looking around.

At one point, Stevie wandered over to where I was. “Is she your girlfriend?” she quietly asked, pointing at Beth, who was perusing a rack of girl/girl DVDs.

“Sort of,” I told her. Telling the truth would be too complicated. I decided.

“I thought so,” she said. “Have you two got an exclusive thing, or are you into sharing…?”

Fuck me, she was a bold one! “We’re… flexible,” I finally said.

Grinning, Stevie produced a business card and gave it to me. “If you ever need a tutorial on how to use our toys, give me a call,” she said. With a wink, she returned to Beth.

My sister also got one of those cards, and a few minutes later I heard Stevie ask Beth for her phone number. “I better not,” my sister replied. “My mum might pick up. But I can always call you.”

A few minutes later, Stevie was describing a vibrating anal wand and how it worked. She held the toy in her right hand, but I saw the left hand steal down to touch Beth’s arse as she spoke. Her fingers pressed between my sister’s cheeks. She noticed I was watching and raised an eyebrow, as if to ask, Do you mind if I touch her?

I just shrugged. It wasn’t really up to me. I knew Beth would tell Stevie to stop if she wasn’t into it. In fact, Beth actually pushed her arse back instead, a dreamy look in her eyes that I was getting to know very well. The little minx… she’s loving this!

Still, it felt like we were on the verge of crossing a line. If Stevie took this much further, she’d be stripping my sister off right there on the sales floor. Stevie must have known that, too, because she took her hand away from Beth’s arse and stepped back, looking a bit flustered. I decided it was time for us to make our purchases and leave.

I paid for the toys we’d selected, including one for Rachel’s birthday the following week. Stevie gave us her employee discount, but we still blew through all Beth’s savings and all but a few quid of mine.

Handing me the bag, Stevie said, “You will come again, won’t you?” She rested her hand on Beth’s, giving her a look that made it crystal clear what she wanted.

My sister reddened slightly, but she was grinning. “I’ll call you. That’s a promise.”

Some time later, Beth did call Stevie, and they got together for what turned out to be an incredible afternoon. But that’s another story.


We made it back to the house about an hour before Mum was supposed to be home. Soon as I closed the door, Beth dashed off to her room, eager to experiment with her new toys. “Don’t forget the lube,” I called after her.

A few minutes later she came into my room, completely naked, and handed me a small remote control. “I put the bullet in my pussy… now I want to see how far away you can work it from.”

It was one of the more interesting gadgets we’d purchased: a vibrating metal capsule that fitted inside the vagina, It was controlled by a remote, and had three speeds. “It’s set on low right now,” Beth told me. Wait a few minutes, then turn it up.”

I waited until she was downstairs, then ramped it up a notch. I heard a gasp, then Beth groaned, “Ooh, that’s nice,” from the kitchen. Then I switched the remote off, and got a wail of, “Sis, what are you doing? For God’s sake!” This time I turned it back on, then up to full power.

When I went down to the kitchen, my sister was perched on a high stool, gripping the seat with her eyes screwed shut, mumbling, “Oh, oh, oh. Shit yeah.” Folding my arms, I watched the show, fascinated by Beth’s changing expressions and the endless stream of oohs and ahs coming from her lips. Sliding a hand between her thighs, Beth gently toyed with her clit.

She shocked me with a loud, sudden “Fuck!” then she was coming. Oh God, it was so bloody sexy watching my little sister get off.

I tiptoed away before she saw me. I don’t think she would have minded, it just seemed to me like more of a  private moment for her.

She returned to my room on shaky legs. “Well, did you enjoy that?” I asked.

“Bloody hell, yes. D’you think you can turn it off now, please?” I did, and she stumbled down the hall to her room, where she collapsed on the bed. When I passed her doorway a few minutes later, she was fast asleep.

Later, when Beth and I were sitting down for dinner, I turned to her when Mum was in the kitchen fetching napkins and whispered, “You still got your little friend in?”

“Um, yeah,” she said. “Why do you ask?”

I held up the remote, and her eyes got absolutely huge. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could get a word out, I switched it on.

Beth’s was an absolute picture when she served herself. She dropped mushrooms on the dining table and scattered chips everywhere. I was turning the vibrations up and down, depending on what she was doing.

Mum was perplexed, to say the least. “Whatever is the matter with you tonight, Beth? You’re all of a dither.”

Beth gave me a quick glare but answered, “Sorry, Mum. Guess I’m just distracted.”

I turned the remote down to low and left her to suffer while we ate our dinner. By the time we were nearly finished, Beth was close to having an orgasm.

“Can I be excused, Mum?’ I n-need the bathroom,” she stammered.

“I should think you do, the way you’ve been squirming around. Yes, off you go.”

As Beth went up the stairs, I turned it up to full. I barely heard a little squeal as she vanished from sight.

Mum was frowning. “She does seem awfully out of sorts. Katia, would you be a dear and check on her for me?”

A moment later, I tapped on the bathroom door. “Beth, you okay?”

“I b-bloody am now. Come in, it’s not locked.”

She was sitting on the loo with both hands on the seat, holding herself up. She’d just started to come. “Ooh, ooh, ooooh,” she let out through clenched teeth. She looked up, meeting my eyes. “H-h-hold me, Kat.”

She clung to me as the spasms wracked her body. I so loved watching my little sister come.


Later that night, we checked into Saphoria and went straight to the chat room. There was a new message from Toni. It asked things like, How was your day? and so on. Then she said we might hear from a friend of hers who she’d told about Beth and me.

The next day, I helped set Beth up with her own Saphoria account. Right away, she did a test post, telling everyone about herself. Oh my God, she got more messages in an hour than I’d had in weeks. It wasn’t until the admin hid her age that they slowed down. Guess there are a lot of lesbians out there who have a thing for underage girls.

At first, it was Toni that she liked chatting to the best. At this stage, I kept a check on her inbox, watching the dialogue get naughtier and naughtier between them. Beth also had some back-and-forth with one or two of the somewhat more extreme ladies, at the site, but nothing to worry about. She was having a great time!

Sure enough, Beth soon got a message from a girl named CuteLes. She wrote that Toni said we were fun, then gave a few details about herself. She even attached a pic. Fuck me, she was gorgeous! She said if we wanted to chat, she was seriously into that.

In no time at all, the connection between her and Beth had become really hot. I left them to it and went down to the dining room table to get some homework done.

When 10 PM rolled around. I went upstairs to kick Beth off my laptop so I could go to bed. My timing was perfect, because she’d just said goodnight to CuteLes.

My sister was bubbling over with excitement over her new friend, who she called Cute for short. “Guess what? she said. “Cute made me come… and she said I made her come, too. How cool is that?”

I was wondering if Beth would be able to sleep a wink that night, she was so thrilled. At any rate, I was tired myself, so I sent my sweet little sis off with a tongue kiss and a pat on the arse.

On to Part Four!


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 8

  • Posted on February 20, 2024 at 3:33 pm

by Rachael Yukey

Sunday, October 21st, 2007

The ride out to Julie’s grandparents’ farm takes about ten minutes, heading west. There’s a state highway that runs smack dab through the middle of the county and goes right past our town, and their place is on that highway. I’ve ridden past it a gazillion times but never knew who owned it. But I’ve noticed it, because as you drive through a valley you can look south and see the homestead maybe an eighth of a mile away, and I’ve always wondered how you got down there from the road.

As it turns out, you get there by taking a driveway at the top of the hill on the west side of the valley. I was always fooled because there are two houses on the property and one is just a little way up the driveway at the top of the hill. I thought that was the only place the driveway led. But you can drive right past that house, then the driveway hooks left into the valley and leads to the homestead.

It’s a pretty place. There’s an old barn that obviously hasn’t seen cows in a really long time, along with a few rundown outbuildings. I saw flower gardens that had mostly gone a late-fall brown, and the yard was full of trees. In the backyard there was a giant wooden playhouse shaped like a castle. On the opposite side of the driveway were the fields, which were nothing at the moment but cut-off soybean stalks.

I couldn’t help comparing it to the farm I live on. The houses aren’t that different; they’re both really old farmhouses that started out as two-story rectangles and have been added onto a few times. But everything else was different. When my grandpa switched from dairy to cash grain back in the ’80s, they tore down the barn and outbuildings and built a couple of big machine sheds and a storage facility for the crops. It’s all steel-sided pole buildings and aluminum grain tanks, and most of the trees were taken out to make it easy to move big machinery around. A nice, modern Minnesota farm.

But this place is like being taken back thirty years. I love how it’s so far from the highway. The gravel road that runs by our place is only twenty yards or so from our front door, and I’m always getting woke up early by the milk trucks that come roaring by first thing in the morning.

I learned on the drive over that Jason’s parents have never been farmers. His grandpa bought the place when he retired from the army in 1970 and ran a dairy there for about ten years, but he sold the cows in the early ’80s when new milk laws meant he’d have to spend a lot of money on improvements to the barn. He had army retirement so he didn’t work after that. Jason’s father Willie ended up inheriting the place, and when he retired he and Helen moved there.

The newer house close to the highway is where Jason’s youngest sister lives. They let Jason’s uncle farm the fields, but not much else is going on with the property. Lots of the old dairy farms around here are like that. There are just as many cows being milked now as there were thirty years ago, but these days they’re concentrated on a smaller number of farms that milk hundreds of cows. So most of these cool-looking old dairy barns are unused and starting to fall down, and the cropland gets rented out.

Julie’s grandpa Willie was sitting outside smoking a cigarette. He’s a huge guy; I mean he’s gotta be six foot six or something like that. He’s got a big belly and a scraggly beard. His hair is going from black to gray, but the beard is almost all gray. I think he’d look better without it. He limps when he walks, and I remembered Julie telling me that his time in the army messed up his knees pretty bad.

Julie hugged him and introduced us, then she showed me around the homestead. We’re allowed to go anywhere but the barn, which is incredibly old and could collapse at any time. The castle playhouse, on the other hand, is really cool, and we goofed around in it until Helen called us in for supper.

She’d made spaghetti, and it was delicious. While we ate, Willie told us long, kinda rambling stories about when he was in the army. The most interesting one was about his knees, and how they got messed up. Turns out it didn’t happen in combat, but when he crashed a jeep into a tree because his front tire blew out. “Never got a damn Purple Heart for it, either,” Willie said, then let loose with a big booming laugh.

After supper, he went into his little office to play games on his computer. Helen had some old fashioned board games, so Julie and I spent a while playing Sorry! with her.

While we were playing, Helen mentioned her sewing and craft room. Julie told me, “Oh, you have to see that, Mallory. It’s amazing!” I was into it, so after we finished our game, the three of us went upstairs. Right at the top of the stairs is Willie and Helen’s bedroom, and you walk through that to get to the craft room.

Julie was right – it’s pretty amazing. First, there’s an impressive collection of toys that Helen keeps for her grandchildren. Jason has lots of brothers and sisters, and most of them have kids.

Then Helen showed us her sewing projects, like making Barbie doll clothes. She also has these big compartmentalized shelves full of all different kinds of craft supplies. “I like to collect interesting materials,”  she said with a laugh “but I never seem to get around to doing anything with them.”

I spotted a big pile of large dried tree mushrooms on a bottom shelf that were probably 6-10 inches across and a smoky whitish color. My mind instantly sprang to my A.L. art project… what an awesome medium for line drawings! I bent down to look more closely.

“Do you like those?” Helen asked.

I nodded. “Where do you get them? I have an art project coming up that I think something like this would be really cool for. If I know where to look, I’ll have my mom buy me some.”

Helen laughed. “Oh, I don’t buy them. There’s a big old oak tree in the woods up across the field that they grow on, and I’ve been collecting them in the fall for a few years now. They’re like everything else on this shelf… I keep thinking I’ll use them for something and never do. If you intend to make something out of them, help yourself!”

My jaw dropped. “Really?”

“Oh, sure. I get more every fall… you’re looking at three years worth. In fact, I haven’t gathered any yet this year, so if you want we can all walk up there tomorrow morning and we’ll get fresh ones. They’ll still be a little soft, but it doesn’t take them long to dry once you get them inside.”

I felt a big goofy smile taking over my face.“That’d be awesome!” I hooted. “Thank you so much, Helen! I promise to do something pretty with them.”

“I can’t wait to see it,” she said. “Remind me tomorrow, and we’ll find a box to send them in.”

Helen had us each pick out a doll dress pattern we liked, then she sat down to her sewing machine while Julie and I went downstairs to watch a movie. We rummaged through the DVDs and found a live action Scooby Doo movie that looked promising, then changed into our nightwear in the bathroom. Julie put on pajamas, and I wore my favorite nightie. The living room fold-out had already been opened for us, and Julie went to a closet and got blankets and stuff. We made popcorn in the air popper and settled in to watch our movie.

Julie’s grandparents might live in a run-down old farmhouse, but they have a great surround sound system and a HUGE television set. The movie really wasn’t all that good, but it was still fun because it was almost like being in a movie theater. About two thirds of the way through we heard Willie’s heavy footsteps clomping up the stairs, and a minute or two later Helen came downstairs, poked her head into the living room, and informed us they were going to bed.

After the movie was over Julie and I took turns using the bathroom and brushing our teeth, then she turned out the living room light. We crawled under the covers and snuggled up close.

We lay in silence for a few minutes. All my senses were tingling. Julie’s warm body pressing against mine, her breathing, her soft hair tickling my face… it was like I had a super-intense awareness of all these things. And yet again, that familiar tingly feeling was washing over me.

That’s when I knew what Megan Frost said was right; I’m into girls. I can’t even try to convince myself it’s not a real thing anymore. And more important, I’m into Julie. Big time. I’m not sure I’m in love with her, but I do know that I don’t just see her as a friend. And at that moment, I wanted to kiss Julie all over, put my hands all over her body, see her naked…

I didn’t do any of these things, but it was close. I only held back because I didn’t know how Julie would react, and I can’t bear to even think about doing something that might make her stop liking me.

I was busy trying to focus on anything else in the world so I could go to sleep, then Julie spoke up. “I’ve been thinking a lot,” she said in a half whisper, “about the things Megan said to us yesterday. What about you?”

“Yeah, I have,” I admitted.

“I think she’s right, at least about me,” said Julie. “I’m probably gay. I tried touching myself last night and pretending I was with a guy, and it totally didn’t work. It not only didn’t work, but it was kind of yucky. Have you tried that?”

“Yeah,” I said. “It does okay for me if I think about an older guy, like in high school or a grownup. Guys our age, not so much. But…” I sighed. “I mostly think about girls.”

“So maybe you’re bisexual, like Lisa?”

“Yeah, maybe.”

“I don’t think I am,” said Julie. “It doesn’t matter who it is, guys just don’t work for me. I mean, I thought of the best-looking man I know of and I waited until I was right about to… you know, come… and started thinking about him. I didn’t come. Then I started thinking about a girl again, and it happened.”

“How do you feel about that?” I wondered.

“Not too bad, now that I’m getting used to the idea. I mean, I think people just are what they are and like Dad says, it’s not wrong if nobody gets hurt. What scares me the most…” she stopped and took a big breath. “What scares me the most is who I keep thinking about.”

I knew what she meant; we’d talked about it the day before. “You mean me.”

“Uh-huh. How do you feel about that?”

I didn’t even have to think about it. “Really good. Because it means you like me and you think I’m pretty. And also, because I think about you too. I told you that.”

“All the time, or some of the time?”

“Most of the time. I think about other people too, sometimes. But you’re my favorite.”

Julie cracked up. “Like your favorite flavor of ice cream?” she asked between giggles. I started giggling too.

“Yeah, something like that,” I managed to get out. We got quiet again.

“Are you excited about going to Megan’s house Sunday?” asked Julie.

“Yeah,” I said. “I’m not sure what she has in mind, but she knows where we’re coming from. And she’s really pretty.”

“She sure is.” Julie sighed. We were quiet for a while, then she said, “We should get some sleep. But I’m not sure I can.”

“Me either,” I told her.

Julie’s eyes fastened on mine in the dim moonlight coming through the window. “ For the same reason, huh?” she asked.

“I think so.”

So she was turned on too. Knowing that pushed my own arousal up to a whole new level! My panties were already wet, and my breathing was growing unsteady. Time to do something about this, I decided. I was feeling bold again, the way I had a couple days before in Lisa’s room. It’s not like me at all… but I was really starting to like this new version of myself.

I pressed my cheek against hers. “If you were alone right now,” I whispered, “would you touch yourself?”

“I’d have done it twenty minutes ago,” she whispered back. I could feel her lips brushing my ear as she spoke.

“I can’t stop thinking about Wednesday,” I told her. “You know, what it was like to touch you. How your pussy felt to my fingers, and how amazing it was to make you come. Especially since it was your first time ever to have an orgasm.”

“Tell me what my pussy felt like, Mallory,” she said.

“Warm, and soft. So wet. And you know what was even better? The way your body felt next to mine when you came. Shuddering, thrashing around. I loved how you lost control. It made me happy to do that for you.”

I could feel Julie trembling by my side. “Mallory…” she whispered. “You’re making me crazy. And we’re in my grandparents’ living room. They’re right upstairs!”

Whatever, I thought. These old houses are all the same, just like mine or Julie’s. Nobody can use the stairs without everybody in the house knowing about it.

“Is there any way they could get down here without us hearing them first?”

Julie thought for a moment, then smiled. “No.”

She was on her side facing me, and I nudged her shoulder till she was lying on her back. Under the covers, I placed a hand on her knee, then slowly ran my fingers up her thigh. Even through the thick material of her pajamas it had an immediate effect. Julie drew a shuddering breath as I barely grazed her mound, making my way to the softness of her belly. I slipped my hand beneath her shirt and caressed the smooth skin.

Julie shivered – then she reached down to take my hand away.

I froze. Had I gone too far?

“Not yet, Mallory,” she whispered in my ear. “You already took care of me the other night. So now, you get to be first. I want to touch you the way you touched me. Because I love you… and I want to make you feel amazing. Can I?”

Could she? I was on fire with arousal, my body tingling from head to toe. I laid down flat on my back, spreading my legs wide apart. Then I took her hand under the blanket, guiding it down towards my lower half while pulling my nightgown up past my knees. I placed Julie’s hand on the inside of my thigh, mere inches below my throbbing pussy. She inched her hand upward, then traced her finger along the crease between my thigh and my vulva. Without meaning to, I raised my hips in response to her touch.

Her fingers then spread themselves out over the top of my center, teasing me through my underwear. I thrust my hips again.

Julie giggled. “Your panties are wet.”

Well, no kidding. But I didn’t know they had soaked all the way through!

“Bet yours are, too,” I whispered back.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” she taunted.

Now, there’s no way I could back down from that challenge. I returned my hand to her belly and slipped it under the waistband of her pajama bottoms. My fingers snaked across her panties until I was touching her slit through the thin fabric. Definitely damp!

“Juicy,” I smugly informed her.

“Not as juicy as you’ll be when I’m done with you,” she shot back. She applied some pressure and began to move her fingers in a circle.

A powerful wave hit me, and I pushed hard against her fingers. I laid my hand flat over the front of her panties so I was sort of cupping her, my fingertips curled over her vagina. Another wave hit, and this time I whimpered. It was an effort to keep from moaning out loud.

Now her fingers teased their way underneath the waistband of my panties. It was a tight fit, so I lifted my butt and reached down to push my underwear past my knees, using my free hand. Her fingers teased my throbbing outer lips, then slipped between them. She traced around the edge of my vagina where I was the wettest, up the inside of one of my lips, then down the other. I inhaled sharply at the sensation of Julie’s fingertips brushing past my clit.

Finally her fingers crept up the middle until they were resting on my clit, then she moved them in a slow circle.

Another wave of pleasure washed over me, and I gasped, pressing myself against her hand.

She smiled at me and picked up the pace, still using a butterfly-like touch. It was totally working, too. My breath hitched and tore at the sensations that flowed through my body. It was an effort to keep myself from crying out.

When her fingers would start to go dry she’d dip them down to where moisture flowed freely from my opening, then bring them back slippery wet. I could feel those juices running down the crack of my butt, soaking the back of my nightgown.

I began moving my fingers, which were still cupping Julie’s pussy through her panties. Just clenching and unclenching them. She responded quickly, her breath starting to catch as she began moving her hips against my hand in a jittery rhythm.

I was getting close, the waves coming close together and getting more and more intense.

Julie applied a little more pressure to my clit, and that was all it took to push me over the edge.

As my orgasm ripped through me, my knees came together like they usually do when I come,my body arched up from the bed, and I clamped a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming.

When my ecstasy began to fade, I gently took Julie’s hand away from my vulva. Her fingers were gooey, and I laced my fingers with hers and gave them a squeeze.

Julie squeezed back. She was moving her hips almost frantically against my hand now, and I was loosening and tightening my fingers in time with her thrusts. Her breath was short, sharp, and ragged as she turned her head to the side and laid it on my shoulder. Her panties were drenched now, making my fingers sticky with her juices.

It didn’t take much longer for Julie to come. She clamped her thighs around my hand, hips pumping like crazy and she buried her face in the hollow of my neck. A muffled, “MMMmmmmmm!” sound escaped from behind her tightly sealed lips. She suddenly froze for a few seconds, then collapsed against me.

We lay there for a long moment. Julie gave a long, shivery sigh. Her head still rested on my shoulder, and our fingers were still laced together. It was a moment I wanted to last forever.

I realized I was drifting off. I shook myself awake, then kissed Julie on the forehead. She turned her face to meet mine. Our noses were touching.

“Did I do a good job?” she whispered.

“It was amazing,” I replied.

My hand was still inside her pajama bottoms. I took it out,  brought my fingers to my nose and sniffed. Her aroma was strong and musky.

“I like the way it smells, too,” said Julie. “My pussy, I mean. Do you think that makes us weird?”

“I like the taste of it, too,” I admitted.

“I’ve never thought about tasting it,” said Julie.

I slid my sticky fingers into my mouth and sucked on them. The flavor was getting me worked up all over again, but I knew it wouldn’t be a good idea to get started again at this hour.

Julie unlaced her fingers from mine, then slipped her hand between my legs, touching me where I was still really juicy. She brought it out and took a deep sniff, closing her eyes as she savored it. Then she slipped the finger into her mouth. She sucked on it for a really long time, and finally smiled at me.

“I better watch out,” she said. “That’s kinda getting me going again…”

We both kind of cracked up, but kept it quiet.

I rooted around under the covers until I found my underwear and slipped them back on. They were pretty damp, but whatever. I pulled my nightgown down, noticing it was also damp in the back from when Julie was fingering me. Julie adjusted her pajama bottoms, and we pulled the covers up to our chins. She was lying on her back, so I rolled onto my side and put an arm around her. She pulled me close.

Julie passed right out, but I lay awake for a little while, thinking over what had just happened.

We crossed a line last night. Julie and I weren’t just helping each other. Heck, we can’t even pretend that’s what it was. Maybe it wasn’t quite lesbian sex, but it was something pretty close to it. We were enjoying each other’s bodies and giving each other pleasure, and I think that’s what making love is.

I have to face it: I’m gay, or at least bisexual, and I’m already doing sex stuff with another girl at age eleven. Can I stop? I don’t think so. I know I don’t want to.

God, if you’re out there, you’ve hit me with a temptation I can’t fight, and it’s your fault, not mine. So deal with it.

On to Chapter Nine!


My Weekend Awakening (And What it Led To), Part Two

  • Posted on February 16, 2024 at 3:47 pm


A brief recap: In Chapter One, our heroine Katia goes to a motorcycle rally, where she has her first-ever sexual experience with two young women named Fire and Trace. It’s enough to convince her that she is a lesbian. In this next chapter, Katia has returned home to ordinary life. It sure won’t stay ordinary for long, though…


by kinkychic, with additions from kinkys_sis and JetBoy

A few months later, I was at the living room table doing some revision on a piece I’d written about housing issues, part of the journalism course I was taking. Beth, my younger sister, went tearing through the room with her best friend Rachel in hot pursuit. “Little fucker, wait till I catch you!” Rachel shouted.

“Hey – language, Rachel,” I called after her.

She came to an abrupt halt, then shambled back over to where I sat, wearing a sheepish grin. “Sorry, Katia. It sorta slipped out.”

I glanced up. Wow, she sure looks cute today, I thought. “That’s okay. And maybe don’t run around like that, okay? You guys might break something.”

Rachel did a little curtsy, gave me an impish wink and declared, “Anything you say, Miss.” She blew me a kiss, then disappeared up the stairs.

Cheeky little bugger, I said to myself, then carried on with my work.

The next day, I was still chipping away at my article, compiling a list of my sources. Rachel was there again, and she was sitting on the sofa with Beth. They started playfully poking at one another, and that snowballed into a tickling match that had both girls thrashing about, squealing with laughter.

I turned to ask them to either keep the noise down or take it upstairs, but the words died on my lips. Rachel had both legs up in the air, and her panties were in plain view. I found myself staring, then suddenly realised she was watching me. She grinned as I hastily turned away, my face getting hot.

What’s going on here? I asked myself, now totally embarrassed. Why am I checking out my kid sister’s friend, for fuck’s sake?

Later, I was in the kitchen making myself a coffee when Rachel sauntered in. “Beth said to grab a couple of ice lollies,” she said, “is that okay?”

“Sure. They’re in the freezer,” I said, then watched her open the door. Our refrigerator has its freezer down at the bottom, so she had to crouch down to rummage around. Her thighs were parted, and she was bent over far enough to give me an excellent view of her panties. I barely managed to avert my eyes before she stood, a frozen treat in each hand.

“Thanks, Katia,” she said, a hint of amusement in her eyes. Oh, fuck – did she catch me peeking again?

“No problem,” I answered, trying to seem less than completely unnerved. Then I realised she was looking at my tits, not my face. I was wearing a thin t-shirt and a skimpy bra, and the shape of my nipples could easily be seen through the thin fabric. My heart was racing.

Casually peeling the wrapper from one of the ice lollies, Rachel gave it a long, slow lick, “Mmm, nice,” she purred. She scrunched up the wrapper and dropped it in the waste bin, then turned and exited the room, giving her bum a little side-to-side shimmy on the way.

She’s bloody well flirting with me, I thought. No, that can’t be it. But what if it is? Christ, she’s only twelve.


That weekend, Rachel turned up again, this time wearing a tight-fitting top and cut-down shorts. With a shock, I noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra. God, she might as well have gone topless.

Giving me a strange look, Beth turned to Rachel. “Go on up, Rach… I’ll be there in a mo.”

I watched Rachel as she went up the stairs – well, to be honest, I was really watching her arse. Those shorts were so tiny that I could see the bottoms of her bum cheeks.

When I turned away Beth was standing there, hands on her hips, glaring at me. “Are you perving on my friend?” she demanded.

A hit too hastily, I said, “Don’t be stupid.” But I felt my face colouring.

“Well, I think you are, and I don’t like it one bit!” Then she flounced off, clearly upset.

Fuck! Okay, I was perving on Rachel, and now Beth knew it. Rachel probably knew it as well. Once again, I asked myself the question that had lurked at the back of my mind all week: was my sister’s friend really flirting with me, or was I just imagining it? How could I find out for sure?

Which only led to another question: why was I getting so fucking aroused by a twelve-year-old girl? My time at the bike rally had been more than enough to convince me I liked girls a whole lot more than boys, and I was perfectly fine with that, but I certainly hadn’t bargained on anything like what I was feeling for Rachel. I’d already rubbed myself off three times that week thinking about her. The first time, I just pictured Rachel naked; after that, I fantasised about the two of us having sex.

By then, I was too restless for schoolwork, so I went upstairs and called out, “I’m taking a shower; anyone need to use the bathroom first?”

From behind her bedroom door, Beth called out, “Nope, go ahead.”

Taking my shower, I felt the temptation to masturbate, all the while imagining what it would be like to make out with Rachel beneath the flowing water. But then I decided not to.

Back in my room and feeling fresher, I got dressed. I picked a top with long underarm cuts, then checked myself in the mirror. Yep, there was a nice view of my sexy blue bra. Then I thought, Oh, what the fuck, and off came the bra. Then I slipped into a pair of snug shorts that really showed off my legs.

I had no idea why I was doing this. It’s not like I was planning to do anything with Rachel… but at the same time, I wanted her to see me as sexy, someone worth crushing on.

Back downstairs, I was standing at the table arranging my papers when Rachel entered. She stopped dead in her tracks. I pretended not to notice, and carried on with what I was doing. Bending forward, I reached for a document at the far end of the table, knowing it would make my boobs sway beneath the skimpy top, and that she’d have a good look at them through the large side cuts. Did I hear her stifle a tiny gasp?

A wicked impulse hit me, one I couldn’t resist acting on. I didn’t turn to face her, just said, “You like my tits, Rachel? You’re certainly having a good look.” Then I raised my head, meeting her eyes.

She didn’t look at all like someone who’d just been caught out. Instead, she smiled and said, “They’re beautiful. I’ve been wanting to see them, y’know.”

I replied, “Yeah, I sort of noticed. That’s why I decided to give you a better view.”

She parted her lips to speak, but before she could, Beth called down the stairs, “Come on, Rach… what are you doing down there?”

Rachel gave me another smile before she went, one that turned me to jelly inside.


Half an hour later, the sound of angry voices came from upstairs. Strange, I’d never known Beth and Rachel to fight. Before long, Rachel came tearing down the stairs, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Rachel?” I called out, but it was too late. She stalked out, slamming the front door behind her.

Going upstairs. I could hear Beth crying, too. Standing before her door, I gently knocked.

“What do you want?” she shouted from the other side. Before I could answer, my sister yanked the door open, glaring at me through her tears. “It’s all your bloody fault anyway, s-so leave me alone!” she wailed, then began to sob again.

I knelt before Beth, placing a hand on her shoulder. At least she didn’t shake it off. “For God’s sake, Beth, it’s me, your sister. You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. Now what’s the matter?”

Beth’s lower lip was trembling, but her eyes still shone with anger. “You, trying to steal my best friend! Rachel told me. She says she likes you. Won’t stop g-going on about how pretty and sexy you are.”

“Oh, Beth. I’d never take your best friend away. You two are great together; I wouldn’t mess that up.”

She folded her arms, still staring down at me. “So why do you keep looking at her?”

Fucking hell. No getting out of it now – I had to be truthful with my sister. I got to my feet, then sat at the foot of her bed. “You were right, Beth. I was perving on your friend. I’m a lesbian… and God knows why, but I fancy Rachel. I’m pretty sure she feels the same.”

Beth’s eyes widened. “You… you’re gay?”

I slowly nodded. “I met these women at the bike rally, and I, um, did things with them. We had an amazing time, and after that… well, I knew I liked girls.”

“And you like Rachel? But she’s – I mean, she’s practically still a kid! Don’t you want a girlfriend who’s more, y’know, close to your age?”

“I know it’s weird, but…” I fell silent. How could I explain, when I didn’t understand it myself! “I… I think there are times when you don’t get to decide who you like, it just happens. I didn’t mean to start crushing on Rachel, but I did. You’ve got to understand, though – I’m not trying to steal her from you! It’s a completely different feeling. There’s no reason you two should stop being friends.”

Beth furrowed her brow as she pondered my words. Finally she said, “So you aren’t trying to make Rachel like you more than she does me.”

“No, no. It’s not the same kind of liking.”

She thought for a moment more, then shrugged. “I s’pose that’s okay, then.”

I stared at my sister in disbelief. “Omigod, Beth, d’you really mean that? You and Rachel will still be friends, even if she and I are… well, having it off? Not that I’m actually going to do anything with her!” I quickly added. “But if I did, you wouldn’t mind?”

“Nope,” she said, now grinning. “Now that I think about it, you and Rach being girlfriends sounds kinda cool, long as me and her are still besties.” She shook her head. “I don’t know why I got so mad at Rachel… it just seems silly now. In fact, I’m gonna call her and apologise!”

Before I could say a word, Beth raced out of my room and was barreling down the stairs.

Half an hour later, my sister was sprawled out on the couch with her phone, chatting avidly with Rachel. They were laughing again, sharing school gossip and discussing pop singers they liked, so things were obviously sorted. As for what might happen between Rachel and me, I had no idea.


That Saturday afternoon, I was stretched out on my bed idly thumbing through a magazine when my sister stuck her head in. “Hi, sis,” Beth said. “Me and Rach are going to the beach. Wanna come with us?”

I wasn’t about to say no, that’s for sure. In fact, I changed out of my jeans and worn flannel shirt into a snug pair of yoga pants, topped by my favourite Elvis Presley t-shirt, which I chose to wear without a bra.

It was overcast that day, so there weren’t many others headed to the beach. When we boarded the bus, it was almost empty. Beth got on first, then led us straight to the bench-seat at the very back. She sort of nudged me into the corner, Rachel sat next to me, then Beth took the spot next to her before the bus pulled into traffic.

As we rumbled down the road, I noticed Rachel and my sister holding hands, just like young friends do. Then Beth reached over to take my hand, which she casually placed on Rachel’s knee before getting up and moving to the seat in front of us.

I was absolutely stunned. What was Beth up to? How was I supposed to respond? I had no idea.

Leaning in close, Rachel whispered, “You can touch me if you want.” Shocked, I turned to look at her. I saw the hunger in her eyes, the need she felt for my caress.

This was the moment of truth. I could back away, or I could realise my soul’s desire. For the last few days I’d been trying to kid myself, thinking I was just crushing on Rachel with no intention of doing anything about it. You just think she’s hot, I repeatedly decided, but you don’t actually want to fuck her. Deep down inside, I must’ve always known I was lying. Now that little fib had blown up in my face.

I saw my hand touch Rachel’s knee, then watched it slide up her leg as if under someone else’s control. But it wasn’t. I was doing this, touching the softness of her inner thigh. Good sense told me, No, it’s wrong, you can’t do this. But those eyes of hers wouldn’t leave me alone. So much love, so much wanting… I was lost.

Rachel had a surprise waiting for me. I was expecting to touch the front of her panties, but found only the barely downed cleft of a twelve-year-old’s vagina. I felt hot and cold at the same time, my heart galloping wildly. Fuck me, I thought. She’s gone without knickers!

Using the tip of my middle finger, I began to stroke Rachel’s slit. She settled back into the bus seat, parting her legs for me. I heard her moan and utter, “Fuck, yes.” As she grew increasingly wet, I let my fingers carefully separate the labia, opening her enough to ease one inside. Her eyes widened when I moved that finger around in tiny circles, massaging the walls of Rachel’s vagina.

Not wanting to chance breaking her hymen, I sought out and found the girl’s tiny clit, then gently rubbed it. Her mouth hung slack, hands tightly clasped by her sides, but she began to rock her hips in time with my feather-light strokes. I heard her say, “Oh, Katia, please do me. Make me feel good.”

I stole a quick glance at the bus driver’s mirror, enough to assure myself that the double seat in front of us was enough to block his view. No one else was close to the back of the bus, so we were safe. I pushed a fingertip inside Rachel again, while using my thumb to stroke her clit. She clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a sudden moan.

From one row up, Beth had her chin resting on the back of her seat, watching intently as I made love to her best friend. Her cheeks were flushed, her breathing unsteady… Wait, is my sister masturbating? I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but at least she was looking around every now and then to make sure no one else could see us.

I felt Rachel tense up, so I rubbed her clit even faster. I desperately wanted to kiss her, but didn’t dare.

A violent jerk shook her body, and she hastily covered her mouth again. Just in time, too, because seconds later, Rachel was coming. I felt her thighs quiver, then close to trap my hand between them. By then, her pussy was dripping wet, and so were my fingers.

She rode her orgasm all the way, then seized my wrist. “Th-that’s lovely, Katia, but please – please stop.”

I withdrew my hand, and Rachel relaxed, giving me a sleepy smile. “I’ve been dreaming about this, y’know. You touching me, making me feel good, So, so good. I love you, Katia.”

“I… I love you too, Rachel.”

“Fucking hell!” I heard Beth quietly exclaim. I looked up to see a huge grin on her face. “I never saw anything like that before. You guys were amazing together; It was way cool.”

“See, I told you how great it is to be with girls,” said Rachel. “You ought to try it, Beth!”

My sister gave a thoughtful nod. “Yeah… maybe I should. I sure can’t imagine any boy making me feel that good!”

“Boys are all wankers,” said Rachel, her lip curling slightly. “You’re better off without ‘em.”

The rest of the day passed like a dream for me, even though there were no further opportunities to touch or kiss Rachel, or for her to return the favour. Even the bus home was crowded. But she promised that we two would get together soon. Her idea was for Beth to have her over to spend the night, then she’d sneak into my bedroom when my parents were asleep.

“Why can’t Katia come to my bedroom?” Beth protested. “I want to see you guys fuck for real. Clothes off and everything!”

A day earlier, I would’ve told Beth to stop being a Nosey Parker and go find her own bloody girlfriend… but something about having my little sister watch while I fingered her best friend really turned me on. Am I one of those girls who likes doing sexual things while other people watch? I wondered. Well, other girls, anyhow. I couldn’t imagine letting a bloke see something like that.

“What, you only want to watch us?” Rachel shot back. “Bo-ring! Why not strip off and join the party?” She gave my sister’s thigh a squeeze. “I’d totally do you both at the same time.”

“Rachel!” my sister gasped, shocked in spite of herself. “God, you’re soooo bad.” I noticed she didn’t say no, though.

When we arrived at our bus stop, Beth and I exchanged goodbyes with Rachel, who hugged my sister, then gave me a quick kiss, “See you soon,” she whispered, then she set off for home. Beth and I silently watched her stroll around the corner, then we left too.

My sister and I didn’t talk much the rest of the way home. Too much to think about, I guess. Finally I said, “That girl’s really something.”

Beth broke into a huge grin. “Isn’t she? But she’s amazing, too, huh? I’m not sure why I got fluff up my nose about Rachel crushing on you. Now, I like the idea of you two being girlfriends.” Just then, we rounded the corner and our house came into view. My sister squealed, “See ya!” and raced ahead, leaving me somewhat confused. What was going on in that busy little head of hers?


The next day I was filled with conflicting emotions. I’d never had a boyfriend, nor much wanted one. At the same time, I’d never given much thought to messing about with girls. Bikes had been my life until I went to that rally, where Fire and Trace awakened something in me, something big. Now I was a lesbian, on the verge of starting my first real romantic relationship… with a girl of twelve, for fuck’s sake!

I wanted Rachel, that much I knew for certain. But she was just a kid. And what did that make me? Some kind of queer pervert. It wasn’t just a sex thing, I knew that much – I genuinely cared for her. But let’s face it, normal teenage girls don’t have it off with twelve-year-olds.

Just after lunchtime, I heard Rachel’s voice. She was out in the backyard, chatting with Beth. A mixture of panic and a frantic need to see her swept through me. Mum was still busy in the kitchen, and she hadn’t made up her mind whether she was going golfing or not. So the last thing I wanted was to run into Rachel if she came inside, for fear of Mum seeing us together. My mother is very perceptive, and I could totally see her noticing the feelings I had for my little sister’s best friend.

Instead, I went up to my room, where I logged into Saphoria, my favourite all-girl chat and pics website. I needed something to take my mind off Rachel. I had only recently found the site through a link I stumbled on at Juicy Secrets, this lesbian sex story site I’d also been exploring.

Investigating Saphoria for the first time, I was shocked. All those nude photos of young girls! But the deeper I dug into the site, the more I got into that kind of thing. Juicy Secrets was much the same, only with words instead of images. Nearly every story there featured at least one underage character. Between the two sites, I was developing a serious taste for young stuff.

I logged into Saphoria, noticing there were no new messages for me, then began to look for hot pictures. It wasn’t long before I was in the teen section. So many preteen cuties, showing off their bodies and having a lovely time doing it. I was transfixed by the beauty of some of the girls I saw. Fuck me, I was getting seriously horny.

Half an hour later, I felt much better. I’d made myself come really, really hard while scrolling through the beauties I’d copied and saved. I made a final check of my inbox. Still nothing new, so I looked up the last conversation I’d had the previous day with this lesbian lady from Budapest named Toni.

I couldn’t believe some of the things I’d said! Sure, I had too much to drink, but even so, what I read really knocked me for a loop. She and I had worked up a joint fantasy, one where we explored sexual pleasures that I haven’t even experienced!

Fuck, I’m getting all hot and bothered again. Best go and have a shower.

When I got back to my room, freshly showered and in my bathrobe, I got a huge shock. Oh, God, Beth and Rachel were seated in front of my laptop!

They both looked up, wearing guilty expressions. Finally Beth mumbled, “Um, sorry, sis. We came to find you and heard you in the shower, so we decided to wait for you to finish up, so we could hang out.” She pointed at my laptop. “I saw this open, and I know we shouldn’t have looked at your personal stuff… but well, we sorta did anyway. Don’t be cross with us, okay?”

I crossed to the laptop. Shit! My conversation with the lesbian was still up. “How much of this did you read?” I asked them.

Beth looked down at the floor, “Well, all of it. Sorry, sis.” She looked back up, giving me a sheepish grin. “It is pretty hot.”

I couldn’t really be angry at the girls. It was my stupid mistake, leaving the site open. Had it been me looking, I’d have done exactly the same.

I glanced at Rachel, who was staring at me in awe. “Have you really done all those things?” she asked.

“Um, not all,” I admitted. “But I will someday.” What the hell, she already knew I was gay.

I went to the laptop, intending to shut it down before things got even weirder. “You’re not going to show us any more?” Beth pouted. “We were really getting into it!”

“I think you two have seen quite enough,” I said, rolling my eyes. “And why are you so interested, Beth? Do you even like girls that way?” My little sister seemed mostly obsessed with boy pop stars, getting huge crushes on one after another.

Beth actually blushed. “Well… I’m starting to think I do like girls. I’m not totally sure, but maybe, yeah.”

While I digested that bit of info, a new message popped up on my laptop. “Go sit over there while I look at this,” I told Beth and Rachel. They looked disappointed, but did what I said.

I opened the message, thrilled to discover it was Toni, my fantasy lover from the day before! I remember thinking I ought to ask her to get in touch with me later, when I was on my own, but I was too excited to wait. We exchanged a few words, getting flirty, then she started getting into the dirty stuff.

I quickly messaged her back. Maybe we should do this later. My little sister and her best friend are hanging out  with me.

I thought Toni would agree and log off. Instead, my friend did the exact opposite. Give them kisses for me, proper kisses!

Suddenly Rachel and Beth were standing behind me, looking over my shoulder and giggling.

Annoyed, I looked up at Rachel, but got caught up in the lustful look she gave me. “You haven’t actually kissed me yet,” she murmured.

Oh, fuck, I told myself. This is a REALLY bad idea. But I wanted to, so much it made me ache inside.

Rachel didn’t wait, just rushed into my arms. Just like that, we were kissing – hot, juicy kisses that made my head spin. She was inexperienced, of course, but learned what she needed to right away. We were getting hot and heavy, making out in my chair while Beth watched. Finally we drew apart, sharing bashful smiles.

Then Rachel shocked me in a big way. “You need to kiss Beth now!” she said.

“What?” I gasped. “I can’t do that, she’s my sister!”

“Why not? Your friend,” she pointed at the laptop, “she wants you to. So do I. Beth does too, I bet!”

I turned to look at my sister. Her cheeks were flushed, her pants undone – had she been fingering herself while I was kissing Rachel?

“How about it, Beth?” Rachel continued. “You told me just a little while ago how beautiful your sister is. Don’t you want her to kiss you?”

“I don’t know,” Beth mumbled, staring at her feet, the walls, anywhere but at me. “Um… maybe?”

I was treading on dangerous ground, that much I knew, but something about my sister’s shyness made me want to do this thing for her. Even if Beth could be a pest, I still loved her to bits.

Moving closer, I offered her my hand, but she made no move to take it. I think she was scared. “If you want, I’ll give you a kiss, Beth,” I told her. “Would you like that?”

She frowned, but after a moment, gave a quick nod, whispering, “Yes.”

Wrapping both arms around Beth’s tense body, I gently pressed my mouth to hers. She didn’t respond at first, just let me kiss her. I held the kiss for longer than I should have, until she began to relax a bit. When I pulled away, she had a puzzled look on her face.

The Inbox flagged up again with a new message from Toni. You will play with the girls some more? Thats what I MOST want to hear about! 

Then I saw there was an attachment. I clicked on it and – oh my God, it’s a video of two naked women, one licking the other’s pussy. The Inbox again: It’s me with a friend, you like this?

The video was long and intense, and I could feel myself getting wet. Toni’s next message said, Touching your cunt, yes?

It was too much for me. Right there, with my twelve-year-old sister and her friend looking on, I pulled up my skirt, pushed down my panties and kicked them to one side, then started fingering my pussy.

Within seconds, Rachel was doing the same, a pair of cute baby blue knickers shoved down to ring her knees. Beth stood open-mouthed, staring at us as we masturbated.

Another message popped up, and this time Beth moved to open it. It was a second video, carrying on where the other left off – only this time Toni and her lover were grinding their cunts together. Beth stared at the screen for a moment, then began to type. Was she telling Toni what we were doing?

Toni’s reply quickly popped up. You just let that pretty girl rub herself off? Or will you lick her?

That was enough to give me an orgasm, right then and there. My body jerked as those lovely, familiar feelings raged through me – and having Rachel and Beth watching the show made it even better.

Okay, so I’d come, but the words of the computer screen were taunting me, telling me to do something I knew I shouldn’t – which only made me more determined to do it anyway. So I got down on my knees in front of Rachel, watching the girl’s fingers as she toyed with her pussy.

Slowly, as if I had all the time in the world, I moved Rachel’s hands away and extended my tongue, getting my first taste of her. “Oh, yeah,” she moaned. Using two fingers, I spread her open, then licked the pink interior, so tart and juicy.

I tongue-fucked Rachel for a minute or so before licking a path up to the button of her clit. She cried, “Oh… oh God, Katie, I – I love you!“

Wondering what Beth was up to, I stole a glance at her, oddly thrilled to see my baby sister with a hand down the front of her jeans, frantically rubbing away. She watched as I went down on Rachel, then turned to stare at the video, then back to us again.

My hands were cupping Rachel’s arse, and when I felt her tense there I knew she was about to come. Taking her clit between my lips, I teased it with a tiny nibble. Almost immediately, she exploded, a squirt of her liquid essence splashing my face, then dripping from my chin. Her body was jerking, and with each jerk, another splash. I caught most of it in my mouth. Mmm, she tasted divine.

Finally Rachel went limp, and I carefully guided her to the bed, where we flopped down together. She was breathing hard, but managed to give me a juicy kiss, moaning as she tasted herself on my lips and tongue.

I looked at my sister, whose eyes were screwed tightly shut as she masturbated, still leaning against my desk. Turning to Rachel, who was up on one elbow watching Beth, I whispered, “What do you think? Should we help her out?”

“Yes!” she squeaked, her eyes dancing with excitement.

Getting to our feet, Rachel and I advanced toward my little sister, who we grabbed and more or less tossed on the bed.

Beth was staring at us in mixed confusion and disbelief. Perhaps she was thinking of running away, but we were too fast for her. I reached for her jeans, pulling them down and off. Then Rachel seized the waistband of her panties and tugged. She held them to her face, breathing in the scent, then let them drop to the carpet.

Beth went back to fingering herself while we watched. Taking a moment to study my little sister’s masturbation technique, I realised she was clumsily rubbing her pussy lips. That’s no good, I told myself. She’ll never get off, doing it like that.

Honestly, I don’t know what got into me, other than the need to help my little sister. Nudging her hand aside, lay down between Beth’s thighs and licked the length of her slit. She was goggling at me, utterly shocked. But the die was cast, my tongue was inside her, and I had no intention of stopping.

I licked as deep as I could go, probing my sister’s cunt. Beth seemed as nervous as she was thrilled, but couldn’t run away – Rachel was hugging her close, kissing her neck, then she moved down to take a nipple into her mouth.

Beth soon began to respond, especially when I began paying special attention to her clit. It was barely protruding from beneath its fleshy hood; so tiny, but obviously aroused. I gently kissed it, then gave it a lick.

Her hands were twitching next to my face, clutched into two tight little fists. I licked faster, carefully easing the tip of a finger into her pussy. Now her hips were pressing into my face. I saw Rachel get up and move over to the laptop and begin to type as Beth started shaking.

My little sis was coming. It wasn’t a massive climax, but the look of wonder on her face was unmistakable.

Crawling up the bed to lie next to Beth, I took her in my arms, and we shared a gentle kiss. “Was that your first time?” I asked her.

She nodded, suddenly shy. “I – I get the feelings sometimes, but I don’t know how to finish.”

I gave Beth’s hand a squeeze. “Well, now you do. Love you, little sister.”

“Love you too,” she replied, then glanced over at her friend. “What’s Rachel doing?”

“Let’s see.” Beth and I got up and joined Rachel at my desk. “What are you writing?” I asked.

“Take a look,” she said, giving me her seat.

I scrolled back up and read, This is Rachel. Oh my god, its incredible! Katia is licking her little sister Beth. I think she likes it a whole lot. I sure did!

Then a picture came in, a very naughty one of a woman’s arse. This is me as well, it said.

I said, “Fuck, that’s gorgeous.” Rachel just gave a happy sigh.

But Beth asked, “Can I answer that, please?” I nodded, and she typed, I watched the words appear. I think your bum is SOOOO beautiful. Love, Beth xxx.

The answer came straight back, Hi Beth. Would you like to touch my bum? Put your finger inside? If you wish to, I will let it happen.

Beth hesitated for a few seconds and then typed again. I never used to look at girls that way before. but now, yes please, I’d like to touch you there. She thought again, then added, I’ve never really touched a bum hole, not even mine, now I totally want to. xxx.

Again, a quick answer. I’d touch your bum and kiss it, even lick inside. You like?

Beth whimpered, then I saw she was touching her pussy again. “Tell her what you’re doing,” I said.

She looked up at me. “Huh?”

“Tell her you’re fingering your pussy while looking at her pic. Believe me, she’ll like that.”

Now wearing a little grin, Beth began to type with one hand. It was a bit of a mess, but her meaning came through loud and clear. i got yyour pic in front of me. got my fingers in mypussy. now i’m gonna touch my bumhole and pretend its you whos doing t, sexy lady.

Back came the answer. Wet your finger in your pussy, then you can fuck your arse with it. Do it for me, make me come from thinking about what you do, thinking about you fucking yourself, pretty girl.

Rachel and I were standing behind my sister. We watched as she hiked her heels up onto the chair, her knees almost at her head. She dipped another finger into her pussy until it was coated with wetness, then awkwardly reached under herself.

“Ahhh… there we go,” Beth said, then she started fingering her anus. As for her left hand, she placed it between her legs and began to masturbate again.

Reaching over to the keyboard, I typed for Beth. My sister is fingering both her holes for you.

I felt Rachel’s hand touching my arse, so I stayed bent over. Is she going into my bum? I wondered. Sure enough, she pressed a fingertip against my rosebud, but failed to gain entry. “You have to get it wet first,” I told her.

Oh, yeah. Okay,” she said, and slipped the finger into her mouth. I bent over, waiting for it, and soon felt Rachel penetrate my rectum.

When Fire and Trace introduced me to lesbian sex, I quickly got a taste for all things anal. Fire especially loved to lick and finger my bumhole. Rachel was new to this kind of thing, but it still felt lovely. And the way I was bent over gave me a glorious view of Beth as she fucked herself. God, that was so hot. I started stroking my clit as Rachel’s finger moved in and out of my arse. I didn’t take long, I never do, and soon found myself panting my way through a shivery orgasm.

Moments later, I listened to Beth moaning as she approached her own climax. Then I watched a message from Toni unfold on the laptop. Fuck Im coming

Beth jerked in the chair, “Oh, fuck… oh, FUCK! Ohhhhhhhhh…”

We’d barely had time to recover when I heard the front door open and close downstairs. Shit! Mum was home. I blurted, “Quick, Beth – your room!” My sister and Rachel snatched up their things and beat a hasty retreat.

Seizing the laptop, I quickly typed, Mum’s home, got to go. Bye lover, then logged off.

“Katia?” I heard Mum call.

“Hi, Mum. Be down in a sec!” I called from the doorway, then hurried to get dressed.

On to Part Three!


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 7

  • Posted on February 6, 2024 at 3:52 pm

by Rachael Yukey

Thursday, October 19th, 2006 (evening)

By the time I got on the bus this morning, I was totally freaking out. I was so sure that Julie was wishing yesterday hadn’t happened, and never wanted to even look at me again. The very thought scared me silly, and I couldn’t get it out of my head.

But as it turned out, things were fine. The weather was really nice this morning… still chilly, but that nasty wind finally stopped blowing, and it did get a few degrees warmer. Julie was sitting on one of the benches next to the bike racks, chatting with Cindy Moen. When they saw my bus pull in they both got up and walked over. Julie hugged me tight, and Cindy said “Hi.” I said, “Hi” back, and the three of us headed for the cafeteria. I was able to breathe again.

Cindy’s the police chief’s niece. She’s been hanging with Julie off and on ever since Julie moved to town last year, and joined us for lunch a few times in the past couple of weeks. I thought at first she was just putting up with me because I was with Julie, but now I actually think we might become friends. I always thought I must be really unlikable because nobody talked to me much, but maybe that’s because I tend to hang back and keep to myself. Maybe if I give them a chance to get to know what I’m like, more people will like me. It’s something to think about!

Cindy is pretty but in a different way than Julie. Julie is tall and thin and has that lovely dark hair, but Cindy is shorter and chunkier. I don’t mean fat because she isn’t, but she’s from one of those Norwegian families that were the first settlers up here and have only ever married people from other Norwegian families.

According to my thesaurus, the word I’m looking for is stocky. A lot of people seem to think girls like that aren’t pretty, but I’m not one of them. I love Cindy’s round cheeks and chin, and that silky yellow hair. I’m blonde, but I’m not as blonde as she is. I caught my mind wandering, imagining Cindy and I doing some of the same stuff I did with Julie and Lisa the night before, and had to force my thoughts back to where I was.

School is the most boring place in the world. I know… duh! But seriously, this morning just dragged on forever. I like A.L. a lot more, because they give us interesting stuff to do and also because it’s challenging. The stuff they give us in regular school is either dull as dirt or just plain too easy. It only takes a couple of seconds to figure out the math they give us, then we keep basically doing the same problems over and over! And the books me and Julie read for fun are three or four levels above our reading assignments… but I guess maybe that’s why we’re in A.L., huh? Then there’s stuff like history and civics. I read somewhere that the average adult remembers less than 1% of the history they learn through twelve years of school. So what’s the point? You memorize the stuff, you pass the tests, and you probably don’t remember any of it after a week, because who cares?

The morning seemed to drag on forever and I thought lunch was never going to come, but it did. Cindy and a couple of other girls had lunch with us, so it wasn’t till we went outside for free time that Julie and I were able to be alone. We got away from the playground and walked down by the football field. We’re not really supposed to do that, but nobody pays much attention except when the really little kids are wandering around. They’re trying to get money in the city budget to put a big fence around the playground. It’s to keep us safe, they say. Safe from what? Are they scared one of Joe Christiansen’s donkeys is going to get loose and kick us to death? It’s not like big cities, where they say there’s a ton of scary people running around.

But right now there’s no fence, so we were able to slip away without being seen. I thought Julie would be dying to talk about what we did yesterday, but she had something else on her mind.

“What are you doing this weekend?” she wanted to know.

I thought about that for a moment. “I don’t think anything is happening… except church,” I added, rolling my eyes. “Why? Are we running off to the city to become movie stars or something?”

Julie made a face like she was seriously thinking about it. “Nah,” she finally said, “I’m saving that for my twelfth birthday.”

We both got giggling.

“Here’s the deal,” said Julie. “We have a big family vegetable garden out at my grandma and grandpa’s place. Everything’s been picked except the winter squash, but we’re supposed to get a hard frost sometime next week so that has to come in now too. We’re doing that this Saturday, since the weather’s gonna be nice. But Friday night I’m going out there to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. I asked Grandma if I can invite a friend and she said sure! Wanna come? It’s a really cool place with lots of stuff to do. We’ll be pretty busy Saturday afternoon but nobody will make you work; you can just hang out if you want. Think your parents will let you?”

“Probably,” I said slowly. “I’m starting to think they don’t care what I do, so long as I stay out of their hair and don’t embarrass them. I’ll ask! I’d love to come.”

“Great!” Julie said. “It’ll be tons of fun. But we’re going right after school tomorrow, so as soon as you get an answer call me, okay?”

I nodded, grinning. I didn’t know what Julie’s grandparents were like, but this sounded like a way better Friday and Saturday than anything happening at home!

There was a long moment of silence. We weren’t really walking at that point; just kinda hanging around by the announcer’s tower. Julie looked like she was thinking about something, and I just kept quiet while she worked it out.

Finally, she said, “I had another one last night after I went to bed.”

“You mean an…”

“Yeah, an orgasm.” She leaned back against the tower wall and looked up at the sky. “It took a long time,” she said finally, “and it wasn’t going well at first. I had to find the right thing to think about, like Lisa said.”

“But you found it,” I said. “Julie, that’s great!”

“Aren’t you going to ask what made it work for me?”

“If you want. I didn’t think it mattered that much.”

She closed her eyes, and her voice sounded like it was coming from far away.“I imagined that it was you touching me,” she said. “That’s what worked. I thought about you doing what you did yesterday for me, and then… us doing more.”


“Yeah, more.” She looked down at her feet. “Almost like we were ladies from those sexy books. And instead of just helping me you were… you know…”

I put my arm around her waist and snuggled close. “It’s okay,” I told her. “I’ve had thoughts like that too. And you know…” I stopped. Did I want to go there? Julie was looking at me with those big, beautiful eyes. I had to tell her the truth.

“Yesterday, Julie—I felt like maybe I was doing more than just helping you. I wanted to make you feel good because I… because I love you. I’m feeling… ”

I didn’t have the words. I still don’t. But Julie got the point. She turned to face me, put both arms around me, and we just stood there holding each other.

“I just don’t want it to be weird,” she said. “Because you’re my best friend, and I love you too.” She gave a nervous laugh. Wow, this is all a little scary. Are you still, um, worried about sin?”

“Not like before,” I said. “To tell the truth, I’m getting tired of the whole thing. If I was made by God, why would he give me these, these feelings he says I shouldn’t have… and then expect me to keep them all bottled up? It’s starting to make me mad, just thinking about it. And I don’t even know what the Bible says about masturbating. I’m almost ready to do what Lisa said and ask your dad.”

We both started giggling at that. Breaking off our hug, Julie and I leaned back against the wall. “Lisa’s right about him knowing the Bible really good,” she said. “He used to read a lot when he was on tour because the bus rides were boring, and religion is one of the things he got interested in for awhile. He can tell you about all kinds of religious stuff, not just Christian. If you come with me tomorrow we’ll be going to my house and my grandma will pick us up there. Dad might be off on an ambulance call, but if he’s still there you can ask him anything you want.” Breaking off, she glanced around. “Hey, we’d better start heading back.”

I led the way around the side of the concession stand, then stopped in my tracks. There was a girl leaning against the wall with her legs crossed and her arms folded, right around the corner from where we’d been talking! A girl I know.

Her name is Megan Frost. She’s fifteen, and her mom goes to my church. Megan always used to come with her, but these days she’s only there once in awhile. She’s also in A.L. and rides the bus with us on Wednesdays, but we don’t see much of her because she always goes to the back with the rest of the older kids.

Her real hair color is light brown but she dyes it black and cuts it off a little above her shoulders. She wears a lot of black or dark-colored clothes and a bunch of jewelry that’s got a lot of metal instead of stones. I think it’s what the high school kids call goth. She was always a thin girl, but now it’s hard to tell what she looks like, what with the loose clothes she wears. She has really high cheekbones and dark brown eyes. I don’t think Megan has a lot of friends; mostly I see her by herself.

She was grinning at us. “Interesting conversations you guys have.”

Julie and I looked at each other, then back at her. All I could think was how much trouble we could be in if Megan told anyone what she’d just heard.

“Walk with me,” she said, tilting her head in the direction of the school. “I’m on study hall for the next hour, but if you guys don’t get back soon someone’s gonna notice.”

So we walked. Neither Julie or I could find anything to say. But that was okay, because Megan was doing all the talking.“Yeah, I was listening,” she said. “I’ve been catching this vibe from the two of you for the past few weeks. So when I saw you heading out of the playground today, I figured I’d tag along.”

My mind raced through the conversation we’d just had. Did we say anything about Lisa’s part in what happened yesterday? I was pretty sure we didn’t. We’d mentioned talking to her about masturbating being a sin, but that was different. I knew that Lisa would be in a pickle if anyone found out the whole story.

Finally Julie spoke up. “Are you going to get us in trouble?”

“Why would I want to do that?” Megan said, looking shocked. “I get you guys, you know? I mean, I’m gay. I didn’t figure it out till I was a little older than you, but I’m totally into girls.”

“Who says we’re gay?” I asked, trying to act indignant but probably just sounding scared.

Megan snorted. “Oh, please. So you ‘helped’ her get off yesterday? And you both are having fantasies about doing more than just helping? Maybe you’re into guys too, but don’t tell me you’re completely straight. And not only that, you two are totally into each other… whether you realize it yet or not.”

Julie and I looked at each other guiltily, then back at her. My mouth opened, then closed again. A couple of times. Every word Megan had said was true, and I knew it.

As we carefully slipped around the corner of the school building and back onto the playground, Megan slid in between us and put an arm around each of our shoulders. She’s way taller than me, but not that much more than Julie.

“So you’re busy tomorrow and Saturday,” she said. “Would you two wanna hang out Sunday after church? I have a deal with my mom that I don’t have to go to church all the time, but I’ll come and then we’ll ask your parents if you can come back to my place for a while, Mallory. We’ll tell ‘em it’s something for A.L. My mom works after church so it’ll just be us. Can you get away, Julie?”

Julie just stared at her, but I managed to find my voice. “What is it you want to do?” My mouth was dry.

“Oh, just hang out. Talk. It’s cool to have people around who understand some of the things you feel, and I don’t get much of that around here. And maybe I can help you guys sort out some of the things you’re feeling. I sure didn’t get any help when I figured out that I liked girls. What do you say? Julie?”

“I’m in,” said Julie. “Um, if Mallory can come, I mean. I know my dad will be fine with it.”

They both looked at me. “Okay,” I said. I knew Megan was right; my folks wouldn’t even blink. Megan was from the church, and we’d tell them it was a school thing.

Y’know, I just realized something: fibbing to my folks doesn’t bother me anymore, not even a little bit. I feel like it’s just survival!

That was when the recess monitor blew her whistle. Time to go in.

“See you Sunday!” Megan said.

School seemed to drag even worse after that, which I didn’t think was possible. All I wanted was to go straight home and ask my mom about Julie’s invitation to stay at her grandparents’ place.

As it turned out, Mom didn’t even stop to think about it when I asked; just said, “Yes,” and went back to watching her program. Awesome!

I went into the kitchen, dialed Julie’s house, and got her dad. “Hi, Jason,” I said.

“Hey, Mallory!” he replied. “Did you ask your folks about this weekend yet?”

“I sure did! Mom said it was fine. I’m calling to let Julie know.”

“She’s taking a bath,” he said, “but I’ll tell her. Just come with her to our place after school tomorrow. I’ll be on call for the ambulance, but hopefully I’ll see you before you leave. Bring a change of clothes and whatever else you think you need, and make sure you have stuff you can get dirty in. My mom will come pick you ladies up around four. You’ll stay the night at her place, then Lisa and I will come out Saturday morning. You’ll ride back with us at the end of the day and I’ll drop you off at home. Sound like a plan?”

“Sounds great!” I said. “Thanks, Jason!”

“No sweat,” he assured me, then his voice took a more serious tone. “Hey… you doing okay, kiddo?”

“I’m fine,” I told him. “It’s been pretty quiet here.”

“Good to hear. You know where we are if you need anything, got it?”

I thanked him again before hanging up. Then I ran upstairs and got everything packed for the sleepover before dinner.

After we ate, Mom drove to the church to help set up for something that’s happening there tomorrow morning, which meant I got some time to practice piano. My practicing has been really off and on lately, and I miss it. But Mom watches TV almost all the time now, and the piano is in the living room. Maybe I should ask for a keyboard for Christmas. It’d probably be too much money, though.

Never mind. This weekend is going to be AMAZING!


Friday, October 19th, 2006

Today was another super-long day in school. You know how when you’re really excited about something, it takes forever to happen? The whole day was like that. I was hoping to spend some alone time with Julie during free period but it was drizzling outside, so they sent us to the gym instead. But Cindy and a few other girls hung out with us, so that was fun, too.

Later on I passed Megan in the hall, and she winked at me. It gave me that tingly sensation, the one I seem to be getting a heck of a lot these days. I always thought she was pretty, but knowing she’s a lesbian AND that she knows about the things me and Julie have been doing makes her exciting, too. And Sunday we’re gonna be alone with her at her house… wow, just thinking about that makes me feel all hot and crazy inside

After school, Julie and I walked to her house. The sun was out by then and the wind wasn’t blowing, so it was pretty nice. It’s not going to be warm again till spring, but it was the kind of late fall afternoon that is just cool enough to be crisp and refreshing.

Lisa was still at work when we arrived, but Jason was there, doing some kind of work in the new bathroom with the door closed. He called out “Afternoon, ladies,” as we came indoors, which made us giggle. We said “Hi,” and went into the kitchen to get a snack, which we brought into the living room. After a moment I heard water running, then Jason came out.

“That’s it,” he said, rubbing his hands together. “This facility is officially open for business. I still need to add a few final touches, but it’s usable.”

I got up to take a look inside. The walls were teal, the ceiling cream. Since I’d last seen it, Jason had put ceramic tiles on the floor, got all the trim up, and installed a toilet and sink. He’d also added a soap dispenser, toothbrush holder, and towel racks. Whatever work he thought was left to do, I sure couldn’t see it.

“It looks great!” I told him. He ruffled my hair, disappeared into the kitchen, and came back out with a bowl of peanuts and a cup of coffee. He was wearing his blue EMS sweatshirt and his pager.

“Hey Dad,” said Julie, trying maybe a little too hard to sound casual, “Mal and I were wondering about something. Some Bible stuff we thought you might know.”

Jason looked surprised. “You mean there’s something I can tell you girls that Mallory’s parents can’t? Or the pastor, for that matter?”

“Welllll… it’s kind of something that we’d rather not ask them. You know?”

“No, I really don’t,” said Jason with a puzzled shrug.

Julie hesitated a long moment. Oh, Lord, I realized, she’s actually gonna ask. “Do you know anything about what the Bible has to say about sex?” she finally blurted.

Jason snorted. “It says a hell of a lot. I swear, that book has more to say about who gets to sleep with who than it does about every form of murder and assault combined. I hope you have something more specific in mind.”

I was surprised how easygoing he was with Julie asking questions about sex. My dad would have a cow if I did that! But now Julie was starting to look uncomfortable, so I got brave and bailed her out.

“We were trying to find out if it says masturbation is a sin,” I said. The words came out in a rush. My face felt hot, and I knew I must be beet red.

Jason blinked once, shook his head, and then chuckled. “We’d better hope it’s not a sin,” he said. “If it is, pretty much every single human on the planet above the age of thirteen or fourteen is going to hell for sure.” He thought for a moment.

“As near as I was ever able to figure,” he said, “the Christian Bible says nothing directly about masturbation. Some people point to this fellow named Onan… there was a Jewish law that required him to get his brother’s wife pregnant, because his brother died childless. The Bible says that Onan spilled his seed… you know, his semen… on the ground, rather than impregnate her. So God killed him.”

“Wow,” said Julie. “Harsh!”

“And you thought I was an ogre,” Jason said with a laugh. “But that’s how it was during Old Testament times. You did NOT want to get on God’s bad side! But anyway, most Biblical scholars will tell you that it’s really a stretch to interpret that as punishment for masturbation. For one thing, it probably wasn’t even masturbation; it reads more like he pulled out of her right before he ejaculated. Besides, Onan’s real crime was disobeying God’s law and not impregnating his brother’s wife. That is, if you believe that any of it happened at all.” He shot me a quick glance. “Sorry, Mallory… I’m not trying to impugn your beliefs.”

“It’s okay,” I assured him. “I kind of wonder about it myself sometimes. So you don’t think it says masturbation is bad?”

“It depends on who you ask. The Catholics will tell you that masturbation is exactly what God slew Onan over; they call it onanism. Others will tell you the Bible says nothing at all about it so it’s fine. But those people are ignoring the elephant in the room, which is lust.”

“What do you mean?” asked Julie.

“Well, to lust after someone is to desire them sexually. Kinda like Lisa lusts after me, even though I’m just with her for her cooking.” We all laughed.

“Obviously we can’t entirely control who we want to have sex with,” Jason went on, “but according to Christian theology to dwell on it and let those thoughts linger… well, that’s lust, and it’s definitely sin. The only place it’s permitted is within the confines of marriage. And what goes along with masturbation? Fantasy. Fantasy that usually involves another person. That would definitely fall under the category of lust. So the argument there is that masturbation is a sin on that basis. From a Biblical standpoint, it’s a damn hard argument to refute.”

I spent a minute piecing all of that together, and my throat tightened a little as I realized it didn’t add up to something I wanted to hear.

“Do you think it’s bad, then?” I asked.

“Masturbation or lust or both?”


“If either is bad I was hopelessly damned once I hit puberty, kiddo. Most people would be. Lust is the human condition. Why do you think there are so many unwanted babies in the world? The human sex drive is insanely powerful. And at the end of the day lust is just something that exists in your head. Thoughts don’t hurt anybody. They’re harmless. So no, I don’t think lust is bad. I dn’t think any thoughts are bad. It’s whether you act on them or not.”

“But masturbating is an action,” said Julie.

“An action that hurts nobody,” he replied. “It feels good and does zero harm – a hell of a lot less harm than sex does, sometimes. I don’t think there’s anything wrong at all with masturbation. Hell, I don’t see anything wrong with any kind of sex between consenting partners. But understand this.” He looked at Julie, then me.

“The thing you have to understand here is that I’m not a Christian,” he said. “What I think might not be as important to you as what the Bible says. And on the subject of sex, the Bible is fairly rigid. Lisa and I are in a relationship that runs directly contrary to Biblical teachings, although it’s a teaching more and more Christians seem to be ignoring these days.”

Even at my age, I knew he had a point there. Lots of people in my church have been divorced, and the Bible says that’s wrong. Lots of people who aren’t married are living together, too.

“Do you think lots of Christians masturbate?” I asked.

“I think almost everybody does. Like I said, the human sex drive is one hell of a powerful thing, and most people can’t resist the urge to do something about it. So what’s somebody who’s waiting for marriage before they have sex likely to do? I’d guess most Christians probably take care of themselves, then feel guilty in private. It’s a rule that’s all but impossible to follow. We…”

Julie suddenly sat up straight. “Grandma’s here!” she announced, putting an end to the conversation.

I looked out the front window, and sure enough, a blue Suburban had pulled up in front of the house. A woman was getting out of the driver’s seat. Julie’s dog Benjie jumped up and put his paws on the window, his tongue hanging out.

“Down, boy,” said Jason in a mild tone. Benjie got down, trotted over to Jason, and sat down at his feet. Julie went to the door and opened it as her grandmother reached the porch.

“Hi, Grandma!” she cried, and raced into the woman’s arms.

Julie’s grandma isn’t much taller than Julie. She’s mostly slender but with wide hips, and I guess is in her fifties. Her hair has heavy streaks of gray, but there’s still some dark brown there. She was wearing jeans and a heavy coat.

“Hi, honey,” she said, hugging Julie tight. Jason was crossing the room. I got up and followed.

The woman let go of Julie, and Jason put an arm around her. “Hey there, Mom,” he said. She squeezed him back, then turned to look at me.

“Grandma, this is Mallory,” declared Julie.

“Hi, Mallory,” said Julie’s grandma. “You can call me Helen. How are you?”

“Very well, how are you?” I said. Church manners come automatically to me whenever I meet grownups.

“You’re too polite to be hanging around this house, young lady!” Helen said with a laugh. “Are you two ready to go? I don’t want to stick around too long; I left Grandpa to watch the food.”

Julie put on a fake-terrified look.“Get your stuff fast, Mal,” she said, “or there won’t be anything edible on the table tonight!”

We got our coats on and grabbed our bags. Jason hugged and kissed us both. “Have fun, ladies,” he said.

Piling into the Suburban, we settled in for the ride. Jason waved from the porch as Helen backed out of the drive, then we were on our way.

Okay, I stayed up longer than I meant to because there was so much to tell, and I still didn’t finish! Julie’s asleep, and I’m writing this in the bathroom at her grandparents house. I’ll have to do the rest later.

On to Chapter Eight!


My Weekend Awakening (And What it Led To), Part One

  • Posted on February 1, 2024 at 4:56 pm

Introduction from JetBoy: Over the last couple of years, our site has been graced by an amazing bunch of stories from a delightful pair of sibling authors I like to call The Sisters Kinky, who write under the names kinkychic and kinkys_sis. They’re both quite prolific, but kinkys_sis has shifted into warp speed of late, knocking out stories like John Henry hammering steel. At present, I have in my possession over twenty of her works of erotic fiction, awaiting the proofreader’s touch. But kinkychic can still turn out a real cracker of a yarn, as the story below proves conclusively.

In the case of the story you are about to read, the end result turned out a bit differently than usual. As I began to edit, I kept catching myself wanting to expand on the original text, fleshing out kinkychic’s ideas and adding a few of my own. Both sisters have always given me free reign as an editor, so I went with my instincts, then nervously sent her the finished first chapter. Lucky for me, she was satisfied with the result, and I worked my way through the rest. Nonetheless, the original plot, characters and story belong to kinkychic, so the lion’s share of credit should go to her as well. 

On the other hand, if you don’t like it, I take full responsibility. Thanks for reading.


Originally written about four years ago, but now re-edited, expanded, and brought up to date with an additional chapter.

Parts of this story are based on actual events, but it is still a fantasy. Naturally, all the names have been changed. There is a minor character named Toni’s whose first language is not English… thus, expect a few stilted remarks from her.


by kinkychic, with additions from kinkys_sis and JetBoy


All the salesmen were busy, so I wandered around the bike shop, nothing much grabbing my attention. I idly picked up a leaflet to peruse while I waited.

Some guy’s voice broke into my reverie. “You thinking of going?”

“Going? Where?” I asked.

He pointed to the leaflet. “The bike rally. Ever been before?”

I studied the flyer more closely. “Oh, er… no, I haven’t. Is it any good?”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh, man, it’s so much more than good. Great bikes, great music…. You should give it a try, I never miss it.” He gave me a smile, sidling a little closer. “You could keep me company if you’d like. We’d have an amazing time.”

Shit, this guy was hitting on me. Quickly returning the leaflet to the stack, I said, “No, that’s okay, thanks. I doubt if I could make it anyhow.”

The guy shrugged. “Whatever. Your loss.” He turned and wandered away, acting as if he was the one giving me the brush-off.

Fuck you, too, I thought.

With him gone, I took back the leaflet, folded it up and slipped it into my pocket. A bike rally, eh? Sounds interesting.

Back home, I looked up the bike show on Google. It actually did look like something I’d be into. Maybe I’ll give it a go, I decided.


Come the day of the bike rally, I got dressed, then realised I had no idea what to take along. Fucking hell, I thought, making a face. It was a two-day event, but I didn’t own anything suitable for sleeping rough – not a tent, not even a sleeping bag. Sod it, I told myself. I’ll just go for the day.

Bikes were pouring into the field when I arrived, more than I’d ever seen in one place. Every model imaginable, all kinds of shapes and sizes. I even spied a Vincent Black Shadow! Wow, I thought, this is so awesome!

I parked up, removed my helmet and gave my long hair a shake-out.

The first priority was to polish the road dust off of my bike. I was buffing away when this long-haired bearded guy came up. “Heyyyy… nice bike, doll. Triumph 900cc T100, am I right?”

Now, if there’s one thing I hate, it’s being called doll, chick, girlie and such like. “I’m not a doll,” I replied, trying to keep my voice low and even. The temptation was there to tell him Fuck off, twat face, but I didn’t want to walk into an ugly situation after I’d only just got there.

He held a hand up. “Hey man, sorry. No offence intended. So… what do I call you?”

“Bluntly? You don’t, and I’m busy.”

Okay, he clearly didn’t appreciate that. The wanker was about to speak up yet again, then a female voice came from behind me. “What’s the bother, babe?”

Now, I don’t much like getting called babe, either, but when I turned to face this woman, the retort died in my mouth. This tall, impressive Amazon of a woman was looking at the guy with a scowl on her face.

I was struck speechless for a moment, but managed to recover in time to reply, “No bother, really. I was about to tell this tosser to beat it.”

She turned back to the guy, fixing him with a glare intense enough to strip paint. “You heard the lady, fuckface. Get lost.”

He clearly wanted to say something especially nasty, but when my defender casually flexed her muscles, he thought better of it. “Okay, okay, I get the message.” He turned and stalked away, but I heard his parting shot. “Fucking dykes.”

Amazon took a step after him, but a pretty girl standing alongside grabbed her arm. “Leave him, Fire. The arsehole ain’t worth it.”

“Yeh, I reckon you’re right,” the woman replied, but then she called out, “Pencil dick!” to the guy, then let loose with a loud cackle of laughter.

They turned back to me, and the pretty one spoke. “Hi, I’m Trace. My mate here is called Fire. You might guess why.”

I could. The woman packed an obvious attitude, and had the looks to go with it. One side of her head was shaved clean, whilst the other sported long purple and black hair. She was wearing a sleeveless leather jacket which showed her muscles off to some effect. Her arms and neck were covered in tattoos. I remember thinking she’d be a real stunner if she wasn’t quite so butch.

Suddenly it struck me that I was staring. “Um, sorry, I’m being rude. I’m Katia. Oh, and thanks for stepping in there.”

“No problem,” Fire murmured. She and Trace were studying my bike, which came in a gorgeous sapphire blue. “Nice colour… yeah, I like that colour,” Fire continued, stepping back to get a better look. You cleanin’ it for your fella?”

I was taken aback. Did she think I was some biker boy’s piece? “No, I’m not here with a fella, the bike’s mine. It’s the 2004 limited edition, the only year it came in this colour. Just so happens that it matches my eyes.”

Fire and Trace both leaned forward to check my eyes. Trace said, “Nice. And no offence meant. It’s great to see more women bikers at these rallies.”

Fire studied me for a moment. “So, you’re alone here, then. Not good.” She glanced at Trace, “Yeh? What d’ya think?”

Trace nodded. “You wanna stick with us, Katia? You shouldn’t be on your own. Too many rough blokes about.”

I didn’t need time to think. They were right – this was no place for a young girl to fly solo. Anyhow, I already felt an enormous liking for these two. “Oh, sure, if you don’t mind, I’d love the company.”

“Then bring your machine and come with us!” Fire said, grinning hugely.

At their campsite, Fire and Trace had a tie-up separate tent they used to stow their bike. I was struggling a bit manoeuvring my Triumph on the grass. It’s an awesome bike, but heavier than it looks. Taking pity on me, Fire took over and, as if it were weightless, she soon had it stowed.

“So, it’s early yet. Music starts in an hour or so. We usually grab ourselves beers and have a look round,” Fire said.

“You want to come too, right?” Trace asked me. I hesitated, then gave her a shy nod. She laughed and exclaimed “Great!“ She grabbed my hand, gave it a squeeze. “Oh, Kat, we’re gonna have a great time!”

That’s another nickname I don’t like, but I thought, Hey, so what? It sounds good the way she says it.

A couple of beers later, we’d checked out hundreds of bikes and the music was just getting started. The leaflet had said there would mostly be heavy rock bands and rockabilly groups. I’ve never been that much into heavy rock, but I love rockabilly. I got that from my dad who’d been an old fashioned rocker before he had died.

I was having a great time, enjoying the company of my new friends as the day flew by. I had more beers than I usually allowed myself and was feeling a bit lightheaded, and the music was deafening, but I was in a marvellous mood.


Eventually, it began getting dark. “So, where’s your gear?” Fire asked me. “You did bring a tent, right?”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t own a tent, so I wasn’t gonna stay the night.”

“No, no, girl. You’ve drunk way too much to ride home tonight. You don’t wanna end up wiped out in a ditch, do ya?”

She was right, but what else could I do? It had got too damp and cold for me to sleep in the open.

Fire glanced at Trace, who gave a little nod. “Kat, the best thing is for you to stay with us in our tent. We got plenty of room. Then you can catch the rest of the rockabilly bands tomorrow. The Lonely Blue Boys are playin’, and they’re absolutely ace.”

I didn’t need time to think. It was the ideal solution. “If you’re sure it’s okay… then yeah, count me in! I think it’s a great idea.”

“In that case, we can down a few more beers. We’ve also got a jug of wine back at the tent,” said Fire.

“I brought something, too.” Going back to my bike, I fetched out a family-size bag of crisps and some cheesy biscuits.

Trace broke into a huge grin when I returned. “Fuckin’ hell, that’ll hit the spot. There y’go, Fire. I told you she weren’t a free-loader.”

An hour or so and a few more beers later, I knew it was time to stop drinking. I was feeling kinda fuzzy. It was a bit of a tighter fit in the tent than I’d imagined, but still warm and comfy. Trace was lying shoulder to shoulder on one side of me. Fire, the other side but her head was by my feet.

“Y’know, Kat, you got nice legs.” I felt Fire’s fingers on my leg, lazily tracing their way up and down. It felt quite nice, I decided, so I let her touch me.

Trace propped herself up on an elbow and took a handful of my hair. “And your hair is totally gorgeous.” She leaned closer and buried her face in it. “Smells nice, too.” Then I felt her lips touch my ear.

Fuck! Did she just kiss me? Then her tongue traced the edge of my ear. I wanted to protest but again, it felt quite nice really. At the same time, I realised Fire’s hand was moving upward, now just above my knee, and her touch seemed a lot more like a caress.

I felt a surge of panic. God, they were seducing me! I tried to sit up, but Trace’s arm held me in place. “It’s okay, baby… relax,” she murmured.

My mind was in turmoil. I’d never had sex with anyone before… in fact, I hadn’t even been kissed! And I wasn’t into other girls, right? But at the same time, there was a mysterious warmth building inside me, and my pussy was tingling.

Trace nuzzled my cheek. Wow… it felt really nice, but my nerves were still jangling, and I felt uneasy about doing lesbian stuff. I tried to turn away, but something I saw in Trace’s eyes stopped me. For the first time, I saw how utterly beautiful she was, especially her smile. She smelled incredible, too – sort of like cinnamon.

As I stared at her, not knowing whether I was coming or going, Trace whispered, “I know you want me to kiss you, sweet Kat.”

Did I want that? Right then, I wasn’t sure. She kissed me again, on the corner of my mouth. I liked how soft her lips were. Still, this was moving a little too fast for me. I began to speak, but then I found Trace’s lips brushing mine. Oh God, I did like it!

What the hell, I decided. I’ve got to find out what kissing is like some time. Why not with someone I like?

I made myself relax, she moved in and, just like that, I had my first kiss – and it was amazing. Suddenly, the fact that I was doing this with another girl didn’t matter one bit!. In fact, it felt totally right. Before I knew it, I was kissing her back.

I hadn’t been paying as much attention to what Fire was up to… but suddenly I noticed her hand slipping up into the leg of my shorts, the woman’s fingers dancing over my skin until she was only a couple of inches from my pussy.

By then my lips were parted, and Trace’s tongue was slipping between them. I hadn’t realised that my arms had encircled her, pulling her closer to me as I began to return the kiss, my tongue shyly greeting hers.

Someone’s hand was at my waist, sliding under the top I wore, making its way to my boobs. I could feel Fire caress the front of my knickers, touching my slit through the material. I realised Trace was the one touching under my t-shirt when she softly said, “Let’s get this out of the way,” and unhooked my bra. Then she was pinching and tugging at my nipples, switching from one to the other.

At that point, I was lost. The sensations my new friends were giving me were so intense, so lovely. I wanted more. So I didn’t put up any kind of resistance when Trace and Fire began to undress me. My shorts and panties were sliding down, while my top was being pulled up to my shoulders. I raised my arms so Trace could slip it off of me.

I was naked between the two women, and how about that – I wasn’t embarrassed, not at all! In fact, I felt a surge of mixed excitement and pride when Trace said, “Fuck, baby, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous.” Then she took one of my nipples into the warmth of her mouth.

Fire countered with, “You should see her down here, Trace. This one’s got one of the prettiest pussies I’ve ever seen. Hmm… wonder if she tastes as good as she looks.” As Fire spoke, she was raising my knees, then spreading my legs wide apart. Oh, my God, I thought. Is she really about to…

Her mouth was on my pussy. She kissed me there several times; then, for the first time in my life, I felt a tongue dip into my slit. Oh fuck, it felt divine. I actually lifted my hips for her, pressing my pussy into Fire’s face. She licked me even deeper.

Turning to Trace, I begged, “Kiss me some more… please?”

“Happy to,” she purred, then got to it. She didn’t just kiss me, she feasted on my mouth, all the while plucking at my nipples.

Fire had opened me up with her fingers while her tongue teased my clit. One moment she flicked, the next she sucked. At the same time, she had two fingers carefully sliding into my vagina.

When Trace broke our kiss, I opened my eyes, startled. She was smiling at me. “I knew you’d enjoy this, babe,” she said. “I can always tell when a girl likes other girls.”

I wanted to ask how she knew before I did, but that was when my climax kicked in. I’d been touching  myself since turning twelve, but these feelings of pleasure were so much more intense than anything I’d ever experienced.

I screwed my eyes shut as my body went iron-rigid. “That’s it, lover… come for us,” said Trace.

Fire was still fingering me, her tongue teasing at my clit… and Trace picked that moment to lightly bite my ear. That was it – the dam burst and I nearly screamed as my orgasm took hold. I was riding a wave that seemed to go on forever. I’ve no idea how many times I came.

Slowly, I drifted down from the stratosphere and back to reality. Trace was kissing my neck, Fire was licking my nipples. I reached down and pulled her up until I could gaze into her eyes. I was thinking about when we met, how I’d found Fire more striking than beautiful. But now, I saw a wild loveliness in her that stole my heart away.

Suddenly feeling shy, I asked her, “Would you kiss me? I’d really like that.”

I tasted my pussy on her lips. When we kissed, Fire wasn’t at all gentle like Trace had been. She crushed her lips to mine, her tongue plunging into my mouth. It was a bruising, wild kiss that shocked me but at that moment, I loved her. So I did my best to give as good as I got.

When we broke apart, she stared at me. “Fuck, girl… you’re good at this!”

Trace laughed, “See why she’s called Fire? It’s not just her temper.”

“Could you tell that was my first time?” I asked them both. “Um… so, did I do okay?”

Fire gave a snort of laughter. “Shit! I owe you a fiver, Trace.” She turned back to me, “She said it would be your first time. Me? I said ‘bollocks.’ So we made the bet. It’s still hard to believe you’ve not fucked one of your friends, at least.” She took my hand; gave it a squeeze. “You’re some hot bitch, Kat.”

I didn’t know whether I ought to be cross at the fact that they’d more or less set out to have their way with me from the start. Then again, why bother? I’d enjoyed it, after all.

“Well, in that case, thank you both. So, do I get to see you two naked?”

“Way to go, baby! Sure you can… but let’s have a drink first,” said Fire. Then she produced the red wine.

It must have been well into the early hours before we slept. I have vague memories of being in a jumble of arms and legs, pussies and arseholes. They taught me how to trib, and what they told me was called a sixty-nine. Then for the grand finale, we got into a pussy circle. Oh my God, we all ended up well and truly fucked to a standstill.

I was awakened by Trace giving me a nudge with her foot. Once I could focus my eyes, I saw she was holding a tray of coffees and slices of toast. That was the best, most needed coffee of my life.

“So, Kat, how old are you?” asked Fire.

“Seventeen,” I replied.

She frowned. “There’s a problem with that, y’know. How come you’re ridin’ a 900? Ain’t legal till you’re twenty-one.”

I broke into a grin. “Oh, that’s easy! See, the bike’s in my mum’s name but it’s mine. I’ve also got a small, way crappier bike that’s in my name. That way I get the time needed to qualify for the higher licence.”

“Cool. Yeah, I like that. See, Trace, we got a clever ‘un here!” Fire responded.

We didn’t drink that day – not alcohol, anyway, just loads of coffee. The rockabilly band Fire liked was really good. I even bought their CD, though it didn’t sound quite so good at home as they were live.

Before I hit the road for home, we swapped numbers, hugs and kisses, and promised to keep in touch. I held their hands one last time and said, “Thanks, guys. Y’know what? I fuckin’ enjoyed that.”

On to Part Two!


Ashley’s Love, Book One: Chapter 7

  • Posted on January 27, 2024 at 3:05 pm

by Rosey M

July 10, 2006 – Rhonda

It’d been such a hectic week. Ashley may have told me about her talk with Mom, but judging from the bruising on Mom’s hand, I had the feeling a few details were left out. Plus, she’d been avoiding Ashley like the plague ever since, and had barely said two words to me.

I felt a little guilty by how happy I was that Mom was ignoring me. Some part of me loved her, but I sort of hated her, too. And after what happened that day, I didn’t want to be around her if I could help it.

It was a little weird when Ashley used her laptop’s webcam to take pictures of the marks Mom had left me with, but she told me it was “just in case.” My bruises had turned a yellowish-green, and most of the soreness had faded. They only hurt now if I pressed on them or bumped into something.

Ashley had thrown herself into the hunt for an apartment and didn’t have much time to spare between that and her job. I was pretty upset that I wouldn’t get to live with her for real, but she assured me that it would be just like I was.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the way she’d touched me between the legs, and how good it felt, but I was mortified at the immature way I’d behaved when she wouldn’t let me touch her the same way. I just wanted to make her feel as good as she made me, but she seemed almost ashamed at the thought of me doing that.

Maybe she thought I wasn’t experienced enough to make it happen for her, or maybe she just wasn’t in the mood, but she swore up and down that it had nothing to do with either of those things when I asked her.

I was still a little embarrassed to go outside, the way Mom had banged up my face, so I begged off when Ashley invited me to view a few apartments with her. She didn’t really like any of the places she looked at, or they wanted too much money.

Eventually she talked me into tagging along on Friday, saying it would be good for me to get out of the house for a bit. I quickly came to regret it after I saw the look of pity on the landlord’s face when she saw my bruises. She introduced herself as Donna and began chatting with Ashley.

She was really pretty, with long blonde hair and a bubbly personality. If I didn’t know any better, I’d have said she was acting kind of flirty with Ashley. I tried to hide my irritation, but some of it must have shown on my face, because Ashley shot me a questioning look when Donna turned to unlock the door of the apartment.

The viewing went well after that; it was a small apartment not too far from my school, and comfortably within Ashley’s price range. It was only a studio, but Ashley didn’t need a separate room when I’d be sharing her bed, anyway.

Donna scribbled on her clipboard as she showed us around, a charming smile on her face whenever she spoke. I could tell from the set of Ashley’s shoulders that she had picked up on the fakeness of it, too.

Then Donna discreetly slipped me a note while Ashley was pulling the stove away from the wall to check behind it. Curious, I opened it up. The note urged me to let her know if I needed help.

I felt sick. This lady must have thought Ashley was the one who hurt me.

When I looked back at her, she inclined her head toward the note, and kept eye contact with me. I slowly shook my head and smiled as I pointed at Ashley, then placed my hand over my heart. Donna let out a low sigh of relief, and I hastily crumpled the note, shoving it in my pocket before Ashley could see.

Donna’s cheeriness seemed much more genuine from then on, and eventually we all said our goodbyes, with Donna telling Ashley that she hoped she’d consider putting in an application for the unit.

I told Ashley about the note when we were back in her car, and she said that it was good of Donna to try and look out for me like that. But I could tell Ashley was annoyed at someone thinking she’d hurt me. I had a heck of a time convincing her to actually apply for the apartment, but she finally relented and dropped an application off.


I was starfished across Ashley’s bed, waiting for her to come home from her day shift. There was nothing good on TV, and I’d already finished my book, so there was nothing much to occupy my time. Mom wouldn’t be home for several hours, and I had the house to myself until Ashley returned.

I lay there spacing out until the sound of the phone ringing in Mom’s room brought me out of my reverie. I jumped from the bed and padded over to answer it, sort of hoping the answering machine would kick in before I got there.

I picked it up on one of the last rings. “Hello?”

“Hi there! May I please speak with Ashley Duff?”

“Sorry, Ashley’s at work right now. She should be home soon, though. Can I take a message?”

“Oh, is this Rhonda?”


“Hi, Rhonda! It’s Donna from Aster Properties. We met last week? I just wanted to let Ashley know that she was approved for the unit she applied for and I need her to call me back when she has some time to set things up. Can you jot down my number to pass along when she gets home?”

My heart skipped a beat. I was ecstatic that Ashley had caught a break after all the stress she’d been under for the past week. “That’s awesome! Thanks so much!” I glanced around for something to write with. “Um, just give me a sec!”

I found a pen on Mom’s nightstand but nothing to write on, so I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of junk mail from the pile I brought in earlier. Donna gave me the number, I scribbled it down, and after thanking her again, hung up.

Hugging the envelope to my chest, I squealed in delight. Ashley and I would finally have our own place! Well, technically I’d still be living at Mom’s, but I’d be spending most of my time with my sister. It all seemed so unreal! I couldn’t wait to let Ashley know.

Practically skipping all the way to the living room, I turned on the TV, splayed myself across the couch and waited for Ashley to come home. I flicked over to the TV guide channel to see if anything good was coming up but there was nothing I wanted to watch.

I figured it wouldn’t be long until Ashley got back, anyway, so I put on a cartoon I didn’t care much about, mentally tuning it out while I thought about how quickly things were changing in my life. It wasn’t that long ago when I told Ashley I hoped there’d be a day where we could live without Mom bothering us, and she’d already made it happen.

I don’t know if that fit into the Amazing Sister or the Amazing Girlfriend category, but I decided to chalk it up as both. In the past couple of weeks alone, she’d protected me, shown me love and given me the most intense pleasure I’d ever known. Now she was giving me a place of refuge from my increasingly unhinged mother.

I really wanted to do something nice for her, to give her the same incredible feelings she’d given me. I’d seen her naked, and touched her chest a little bit, but she hadn’t let me explore the rest of her body yet. I thought maybe she’d be so happy about the apartment that she’d let me do more to her later.

The jangle of keys in the front door pulled me out of my head, and then Ashley was entering the lounge. She kicked off her shoes and made her way over to where I was lying, leaning over to give me a quick peck on the cheek. I lifted my head to meet her lips head on, and did my best to pour all the appreciation I felt for her into our kiss.

When she pulled away to smile at me, I took the opportunity to appreciate how amazing she looked. Her legs were encased in a slim pair of dress pants, and she was wearing one of her black button-up shirts with the sleeves rolled up past her elbows.

Her hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, highlighting the contours of her face. To me she looked perfect without makeup, but that day she was wearing just enough to enhance her sharp features and conceal the dark circles beneath her eyes. Those deep pools twinkled down at me when she noticed how I was looking her over.

Flushing, I quickly asked, “Hey, Ashley. How was work?”

“Hey yourself, cutie. It was fine. Sorry I’m late, my boss held me back for a little bit to ask if I was interested in going full-time, now that I’m not in school anymore. They’ve been scheduling me for more day shifts this past month, so I guess he’s seen me around more and, I dunno, maybe he’s impressed with my work ethic.”

“That’s great! Are you gonna do it?”

“Eh, I guess so. I kinda feel like I’m committing to sticking around for longer than I planned to if I accept it, but the extra money would be nice now that we’re getting a place. I’m pretty sure I can weasel a raise out of my boss if I say yes, so I suppose it wouldn’t be the worst situation until I find something else.”

She looked over at the coffee table where I’d left the piece of mail with the phone number written on it, then picked it up. “What’s this?”

I jumped up and smacked my forehead. “Shoot! Donna called about that rental property. She said you were approved and she wants you to call her.”

Ashley looked stunned. “Are you serious?”

At my emphatic nod, she broke out into a huge grin that lit up her entire face. She lifted me in the air and spun us around until I was shrieking with laughter. Kissing me soundly, she deposited me back on the couch with a bounce.

She headed out into the hall, still clutching the note. “I’ll be back in a minute. I’m just gonna see if I can catch Donna before she’s done for the day.”

I was still giggling as I reached up to brush my bangs to one side. Turning the TV off, I hopped up from the couch and made my way back toward Ashley’s room, pausing for a moment in the hall. She was on the phone in Mom’s room, speaking to Donna.

In Ashley’s room, I sat on the edge of the bed and looked around me. Pretty soon this room was going to be packed up, the posters and artwork I’d become so familiar with taken down forever. I would never see it like this again. Despite all the bad stuff that had happened in this house, I felt a deep sadness that this part of my life was coming to an end.

Things had been rough here, but it was still where we grew up. Very soon we’d be making a new life somewhere else, but there was one last memory I wanted to make in this room before it disappeared from my life forever. I just hoped Ashley would be willing.

Wanting to surprise her, I shucked my shorts and shirt. After thinking about it for a moment, I slid my panties down as well. I still felt some shame over the fading bruises on my body, but I knew Ashley wouldn’t be bothered by that. Stretching out on the bed, I waited for my sister.

I could hear Ashley leaving Mom’s room, her voice carrying across the hall. “I got the place, Rhonda! I need to give a security deposit and the first month’s rent, then I’ll be good to go! Wow, I’m starving. What are you in the mood for? We could order pizza—“

Noticing that her door was open, she peered inside, doing a double take at my state of undress. She stared at my bare body, then licked her lips in a way that made me weak inside.

She shut the door behind her, then her voice dropped to a low husk. “Well, I was gonna suggest we celebrate, but I see you’ve beaten me to it. Is this for me, sweetie?”

I shimmied further toward the center of the mattress as Ashley seemed to slink across the room like a panther. She climbed onto the bed and crawled closer until she was hovering over me. She put her hands on either side of my shoulders, effectively boxing me in.

“Is it, Rhonda? Did you get naked just for me? Hmm?”

She cupped my face for a moment, then began playing with my hair. Between the way Ashley loomed over me with that fire in her eyes and the anticipation of what might happen next, my heart was pounding like a bass drum. I needed to be touched so badly.

Finally, I cried out, “Y-yes, Ashley! You can have me!”

“What a nice gift,” Ashley murmured. “So… am I allowed to do this?” Smiling wickedly, she ducked her head to kiss me on the mouth.

I nodded shyly, then her lips were trailing downward. “What about this?” Ashley teased my neck with her tongue.

Pleasant sensations were coursing through my body, and I could only moan a reply. “Mmm-hmm.”

She began to caress my torso, her fingers snaking down my sides, then settling on my hips. Every inch of my body was tingling. She peppered kisses down my throat, pausing when she reached my chest. “And this…?”

I nodded again, this time without hesitation.

She licked at a nipple, sending a jolt of electricity through my body, then briefly took it between her lips to suck. I let myself sink into this awesome feeling, but before it got the chance to build, Ashley pulled away and murmured, “Is this okay, Rhonda? I need you to tell me you want this.”

I rolled my eyes. Why does Ashley keep doing this? Can’t she just relax and make love to me? I didn’t want to upset my sister, though. Choking back my annoyance, I whispered, “It’s nice. Keep doing that, please.”

She lavished my titties with more attention, the tip of her tongue tracing gentle circles around my nipples, flickering back and forth between each one. I gripped handfuls of her hair to hold her in place, and she redoubled her efforts, making me gasp in delight. “That’s it, yeah,” I moaned. “Don’t stop, okay?”

With Ashley’s focus entirely on my chest, my lower half was aching for relief. I decided to use my free hand to take the edge off, my fingers sliding through the wet folds of my slit. I didn’t think it was possible to feel better than I did at that moment.

My hand fell away from Ashley’s head to clutch her shirt instead. Raising herself, she glanced down between my legs. “Naughty girl…”

I had to bite my lip to stifle a moan. “I’m sorry, Ashley. I j-just had to!”

Her throaty chuckle sent shivers down my spine. “Don’t be sorry. I love naughty girls. Especially when it’s my baby sister who’s being naughty.”

Ashley’s hand trailed across my hip and onto my leg. Her fingers ghosted along my thigh, edging closer and closer to my busy hand. When she finally reached the epicenter of my arousal, she gently took hold of my wrist. I thought she was about to pull my hand away, but instead she entwined her fingers with mine and guided them back and forth so we were rubbing my pussy together.

I thought touching myself was good, but having someone else leading my movements was on a whole different level. Ashley moved expertly, showing me the best ways to masturbate.

With my pleasure building, and on the verge of orgasm, Ashley increased her speed and pressure, driving me nearer to the edge. My cry was muffled as she locked her lips to mine, my body shuddering beneath hers.

And still she ground our entwined fingers into my pussy as I climaxed, eking out every last ounce of pleasure until I was entirely spent. Only then did she slow to a halt. As I lay there panting for breath, Ashley guided our fingers up to her mouth where she gently sucked each one clean of my juices. I giggled when her tongue began dancing between each finger.

Ashley looked thoroughly satisfied as I gazed lovingly up at her. Her voice had lost its throatiness, but it was no less sexy for the confident lilt it now had. “Wow, raring to go, huh? You came so fast… but I hope you’ve got room for more.”

When I nodded, she guided me the rest of the way up the bed until my head was on her pillow. “Good. I’m going to give you something even better.”

Strands of hair had fallen free of her ponytail. She brushed them behind her ear, then traveled down my body until she was back to licking my chest. She didn’t spend very long tasting my nipples this time, moving down to my tummy instead.

I shrieked with laughter when her tongue darted into my belly button. I didn’t realize I was so ticklish there. I wriggled frantically, but Ashley held me in place so I couldn’t shift away. Finally, I was able to put both hands on my sister’s head and hold her at bay. “Knock it off, Ashley!” I giggled.

“Sorry, sorry,” she chuckled. “Couldn’t resist.”

I felt her hands on my inner thighs, slowly opening my legs until I was fully exposed. She said nothing for a long moment, just stared at my bare pussy.

Feeling a sudden twinge of shyness, I tried to close my legs. Ashley gently caressed my thighs to ease away some of my tension. “It’s okay, Rhonda,” she cooed. “I’m just admiring how beautiful you are. I can’t fucking believe this is finally about to happen. It all feels like a dream. Having you spread out for me like this, waiting for me to taste you.”

Ashley drew closer to my exposed slit, but stopped just shy of her target to suck gently on the surrounding skin. I whimpered, and she locked eyes with me, her hungry gaze sending a surge of warmth to my groin. “You have no Idea how much I’ve wanted this, Rhonda. And now I get to show you.”

The first lash of her tongue made me squeak with surprise, and I knew I had to say something while I still had the chance. “W-wait, Ashley!”

Ashley let go of my thighs and quickly backed away, a panicked expression on her face. “Fuck! I’m sorry, Rhonda. Did you not want that?”

“No! I mean, yes! I definitely want this. I just need to ask you something first.”

Ashley let out a relieved breath. “Oh, thank God. I didn’t want to rush you into anything. I thought maybe I’d pushed you too far.”

I shook my head. “No, no, that’s not it. I just… I want to actually touch you today, too. I know you said you like to be the one doing all the touching, but I don’t want it to be just me feeling good. I mean, you haven’t even taken your shirt off!”

Ashley peered down at her fully clothed body. When she looked at me again, I saw her reluctance. “I don’t know, Rhonda…”

I was just a kid, but even I could tell that this whole deal wasn’t fair to her. “Please? You do so much for me, and I don’t just mean, like, sex stuff. You’ve been protecting me my whole life, and I don’t get to do anything in return. I may not even be any good at making love, but can’t you at least let me try?”

“You think you don’t do anything for me? Y-you’re the only reason I have to get up in the morning, Rhonda! You make me smile and laugh, and…”  Ashley’s voice tightened with emotion. “T-there’s something wrong with me, Rhonda. I get so angry, and I have these thoughts… It’s like I can hear whispers, and when something gets me mad I just want to smash everything in sight… I dunno, I’m afraid I might be crazy as Kate.

“Sometimes things seem so dark and hopeless. I feel like I’m losing my mind. But when I’m with you, I remember that I have one good thing in this world. I know I don’t deserve you, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give you up.” She pushed my hair back behind my ears, then gave me a smile that nearly broke my heart.  “I-I know I’ve said it before, but I really do mean it – You’re everything to me, Rhonda. I love you.”

My eyes brimmed with tears as I reached up to pull Ashley back to me, my face pressed against her chest. “I love you, too, Ashley. I’ll be here for you, no matter what. If you ever feel bad again, just tell me how I can help, okay? I don’t ever want you to feel alone.”

“You help just by being you, Rhonda. That’s all I need.” Ashley let out a wry chuckle. “Damn, I really know how to kill the mood, huh? Things were going so well, too.”

I used the fabric of her shirt to wipe the moisture from my eyes, then smiled back at her. “Well, it’s not your fault. I was the one who stopped you. We should, uh, keep going, probably.”

Ashley studied me intently. “Yeah?”

I gently nodded. “Mmm-hmm. But like I said, it’s my turn after you do me. I need to make you feel good, too.”

My sister took a deep breath, then slowly released it. “Are you sure?”

Yes, I’m sure!”

After a moment’s pause, Ashley finally nodded. “Okay, then. I’m gonna eat you out, then I’ll let you decide what you want to do to me. Deal?”

I was ecstatic at finally getting a chance to return the favor. “Deal! Um… what’s eating out?”

My sister laughed out loud at that. “That’s what I was about to do earlier. It’s when you lick a girl’s pussy to make her feel good. Don’t know who decided it should be called ‘eating out’, but it sorta works, I guess.”

My cheeks were high with color as Ashley repositioned herself between my thighs. She went back to massaging my legs, and I slowly relaxed under her touch. I felt her soft kisses around my pussy, then she licked me, her tongue slowly tracing my slit.

I softly gasped, then let out a low moan as her tongue began snaking through my folds, alternating between long and short licks.

As Ashley’s mouth continued to work its magic, my body quivered with pleasure. I’d never felt anything that good before. Her tongue flicked across my clit, and I whimpered in delight as she focused her attention on that tiny sliver of flesh. She gently sucked on it, making me cry out. It’s a good thing Mom’s not home, I told myself.

Ashley slowly raised her head to look at me, and I was about to ask why she had stopped when she placed a hand on my mound to rub me there. “Feeling good, Rhonda?”

I nodded my head emphatically. “It feels amazing! Don’t stop, Ashley!”

My enthusiasm made her smile. “Oh, I don’t intend to. You taste delicious, and I’m not done just yet. But I told you I’d teach you how to do this, and I intend to do just that. You want to learn, right? Now of all the things I was doing when I licked your pussy, what felt best for you?”

Her fingers continued to run through my wet folds, and I was having trouble thinking clearly. “Um… Uh… When you licked my… what’s it called? The little lump.”

“The button at the top? Your clitoris?”

“Yeah, yeah, that! It’s called a… clit-tor-ris?”

Ashley’s fingers began gently tracing circles around the sensitive nub. “Yup, that’s the clit. Most girls like having it touched, but every girl’s different. You have to find out what feels best by paying attention to what your body’s telling you. Get it?”

As I nodded in understanding, she continued, “You can lick, suck, or rub anything down there, and it’ll probably feel good. But don’t be afraid to try things you haven’t done before. Maybe you’ll find something you like even better.”

The tip of her finger dipped inside my entrance, and my eyes widened in surprise at this new sensation. “Most girls eventually start putting fingers and other things inside themselves, ’cause that feels good, too. I think you should hold off on anything like that until you’re a little older. You still have your hymen, and the first time you put something all the way inside, it’ll hurt a little.”

I had no complaints. I didn’t want to be hurt if it wasn’t necessary, although I wondered if that meant I could put my fingers all the way inside Ashley. I didn’t much like the idea of someone else doing that to her for her first time. Maybe she’d done it to herself.

Ashley lowered her head back down until I could feel her breath caress my pussy. “Now pay attention and decide what feels best for you. If there’s anything you want me to do or not do, tell me. I want you to feel as good as possible, okay?”

She began to gently rub my clit while her mouth attacked my pussy with renewed vigor. When her tongue slipped through my entrance and swirled around inside me, I cried out, “D-do that again, Ashley!”

Ashley didn’t let up. She used one hand to spread my labia, the fingers on her other hand strumming my clit while she licked and sucked my folds. My body bucked, and I thrust myself against my big sister’s tongue, grabbing fistfuls of her hair as I came all over her mouth. Entirely spent, I sobbed with relief.

It was several moments before I could even speak. Ashley’s tongue briefly settled into a more gentle caress of my pussy while I gradually floated down from my peak. “M-more, Ashley,” I was able to moan.

Ashley drew away, and I saw something wild flash in her eyes. Her hands settled on my hips and held me firmly in place.

If she’d eaten me out with a hungry passion before, now she was positively voracious, her tongue ceasing its gentle tease to become a force of nature. She pulled away for the briefest of moments to hiss through gritted teeth, You’re mine, Rhonda! You’ll always be mine, nobody else’s! I won’t ever let them take you from me, you hear?”

I writhed in pleasure as Ashley ravished me with her tongue. “Y-yes, Ashley!” I cried. ” I’m all yours! I won’t leave you, I p-promise!”

Ashley latched her mouth to my clit, furiously flicking her tongue across the little nub. When I squealed in ecstasy, she grunted her approval, and I gave myself fully to the pleasure of being utterly conquered by my sister.

I’d come to love it when Ashley lost control. It always gave me a boost of confidence to know I could drive her so wild.

Her tongue made its way from my clit and began to flutter down until once again, she was nestled snugly in the sheath of my pussy. Her hold on my hips tightened, and she began pushing and pulling me against her mouth. I caught on to what she wanted and thrust myself onto her waiting tongue, grinding back and forth. Once I’d developed a steady rhythm, Ashley kept one hand on my hip to help guide me, using the other to stimulate my clit.

The rapture I felt soon became almost too much to bear, and I was practically riding my sister’s tongue as I humped myself to another orgasm, this one even more intense than the last. But even as I was trying to cope with the aftershocks of coming so hard, Ashley continued to lick me.

With a tremendous effort, I was able to pull away enough to clamp a hand over my crotch, blocking Ashley from further access. She let out a frustrated growl, and I giggled breathlessly.

“S-stop! Stop, Ashley! I c-can’t take anymore! Anyway, it’s supposed to be my turn now!”

“Right, right, sorry,” Ashley murmured. “Just, uh, gimme a sec?”

I watched as she closed her eyes and bunched her hands into the sheets. She let out an unsteady breath. After several more deep inhalations she was able to look at me with something resembling calm. “Okay. Right. Your turn. What do you want to do?”

I licked my dry lips, then sat up to look my sister over. The lower half of her face was slick with my juices, and I tried to ignore the pang of embarrassment I felt for making such a mess. Strands of hair had slipped from her ponytail, and it wouldn’t take much before it spilled out entirely. Her eyes were still a little unfocused, but she was looking expectantly at me.

“Um, could you go and get us some water first?” I said. “I’m really thirsty.”


While Ashley made her way to the kitchen, I used the time to plan my attack. I was pretty sure I knew how to start things off, at least.

When she returned with the water, I drained most of mine in one gulp while Ashley took several slow sips before putting both our glasses down on her nightstand.

Mustering my nerve, I said, “Right. Can you get onto the bed with me?”

Ashley sat next to me, and I decided to start things off by grabbing the front of her shirt and forcibly kissing her. Her eyes widened in surprise at my aggressive approach, and when my tongue entered her mouth she let out a low moan and scooped me into her arms, her lips working to match my movements.

I could taste myself on her tongue, and remembering how she’d been buried between my thighs mere minutes before had me squeezing them together, giving myself a renewed twinge of pleasure. Ashley was dipping me backwards, taking the lead again, and I knew I had to wrest control back from her before I lost my momentum.

With a burst of strength, I pushed my startled sister forward until she was lying flat on the bed, then straddled her hips, my knees on either side. I got back to kissing her, burying my hands into her hair until I found her Scrunchie and pulled it loose. Tossing it carelessly to one side, my fingers set to unbuttoning Ashley’s shirt, then spread it open to expose her upper half.

My sister’s pale skin was a sharp contrast to the dark of her clothes. Her breasts were encased in a black bra, and I was drawn to how sharply her chest was rising and falling. Shifting my attention to Ashley’s face, I was surprised to notice that she seemed almost… frightened.

That worried me. “Are you okay, Ashley? Sh-should I stop?”

She closed her eyes for several long seconds; opened them again. Her voice was shaky when she said, “Sorry. I don’t normally let people touch me like this. I’m fine, though. You can keep going.”

I got her to lift her arms so I could pull her shirt the rest of the way off. I thought my aggressive approach could be the problem, so I began to take things a little more slowly.

I gently cupped Ashley’s cheeks before pressing my lips to hers. The tension slowly drained from her body, and I knew I’d chosen correctly this time.

It took me several awkward moments of fumbling with the hook on her bra before I was able to get it loose and ease it off. My fingers gently traced the indents the bra had left behind, admiring how smooth the skin was there.

“Very nice,” Ashley murmured. “My little sister’s a quick learner. Take your time when you’re playing with someone’s body. It’s not much fun when you jump right to the finish line.”

I felt my cheeks flush with warmth at her praise. “I learned from the best. And I don’t care about anybody else’s body, Ashley. Just yours. Now, be quiet and let me concentrate!”

Ashley chuckled softly. “Okay, okay! Sorry. Carry on.”

That little exchange helped ease some of my tension, and I followed my sister’s advice by letting my hands wander across her torso, caressing every curve with wandering fingers. She’d closed her eyes again, but instead of the apprehension from earlier, she seemed at peace.

Ashley released a gentle sigh when I finally cupped her breasts, and moaned when I grazed her nipples with my fingers. Deciding to take a page out of my sister’s book, I kissed her neck, then peppered my way down until I could take the swollen tip of her breast into my mouth.

“Oh, fuck. That’s nice, Rhonda.”

Emboldened, I sucked her hardened nipple, gently pinching and rolling the other between my fingers. Ashley sighed, raising an arm to cradle my head close.

“I love how pretty your nipples are, Ashley!” I told her. “Your boobs are amazing. Do you think mine will look like yours when I’m older?”

“Th-thanks, hon, but they’re not that impressive. Yours will probably be bigger.”

“Well, I think they’re great!”

To illustrate my point, I alternated between licking and sucking on my sister’s breasts, paying careful attention to each nipple in turn. When I was sure they’d gotten what they deserved, I turned to Ashley’s still-clothed lower half. That situation needed to be remedied.

Undoing the button of her pants and tugging the zipper down was the easy part. Next, I got Ashley to lift her butt up from the bed so I could take off her pants and underwear.

Now all Ashley had on was a pair of knee length socks, and I needed a moment to take in how sexy they made her look. I lifted one of her feet to feel the soft fabric. I didn’t get why she was wearing them when they were concealed by her pants. “Er, what’s with the socks? They’re so long.”

Ashley blushed and withdrew her foot from my grasp. “I-I need to do laundry, okay? This was the only pair I had left.”

I turned to look at her laundry hamper, and saw it was almost full. Shrugging, I turned back to Ashley. Suddenly, a memory popped into my head. “Hey, Ashley? I found one of my unwashed shirts in your drawer one time. What’s that about?”

To my delight, Ashley went an even brighter shade of crimson. “Ugh, you found that? Well, I… I like your scent, okay? I used to smell it and think about you while I got myself off. There, happy?”

This time I was the one who turned beet red. “Ohhhh… you like how I smell? That’s… a little weird, but I sorta get it; I like the lavender soap you always use. Not that you need to anymore, but you’re welcome to take more of my clothes if you want.”

Ashley gave an awkward cough. “Uh, thanks. I’ll keep that in mind. Now let me get these damn socks off.”

She reached out to pull them down, but I put a hand over hers to stop her. “Um, actually. C-can you leave them on?” I asked, suddenly shy.

Ashley raised her eyebrows. “You want me to leave them on? Well, that’s kinky. And you say I’m the weird one.”

“Shut up!” I gave her a playful shove. “Big jerk.”

Ashley started giggling, and just like that, we were both laughing. When we finally got hold of ourselves, Ashley wiped tears from her eyes. “God, I love you, Rhonda. And sure, leave ‘em on. Far be it from me to stifle my little sister’s sock fetish.” She snickered again.

I didn’t bother dignifying that with a response, just scooted my body closer so I could get a better view of her exposed sex. Curious, I reached out and let my fingers glide across her folds and contours. Ashley started a little, but didn’t push me away or attempt to stop me. I tried to remember what I did to make myself feel good, and slowly began stroking her vagina up and down.

Ashley’s breath turned ragged, and I looked up to see her propped up on both elbows to watch what I was doing, biting gently on her lower lip. When I began to rub her clit, she exhaled a soft “fuck” of approval, then let her head drop down onto the pillow. I knew she was nervous about being touched, and it pleased me that I could help her relax a little.

I tried out all the things she’d shown me earlier, from varying my strokes and tracing circles across her labia to tweaking and teasing her clit. Ashley responded positively to what I was doing, but after several minutes of exploring her pussy, it didn’t seem like she was any closer to an orgasm.

“Um, am I doing this right, Ashley?”

Ashley let out a low sigh. “You’re doing great, Rhonda. Everything feels nice. But like I said earlier, I’ve never been able to get off with someone else. Did you want to stop for now?”

“No, I want to keep going!” I insisted. “I’m gonna figure out how to get you there.”

Remembering what my sister said earlier about putting things inside, I slowly spread her lips apart to get a better look at the interior of her pussy. It was a deep pink color, and I was eager to know how warm and wet she would be. I brought one of my fingers to her entrance, and Ashley let out a little whimper as I began to push it inside.

I peered up at her face and saw she was staring at the ceiling. “How about this, Ashley?”

Clenching her jaw, my sister mumbled, “Yeah, it’s fine. I just need to get out of my head a little. Go slow, okay?”

I twirled my finger around inside her, pushing a little deeper with each turn. When I reached the third knuckle, Ashley let out a breathy laugh and said, “F-fuck, that’s good.”

Encouraged, I began to move in and out. I was rewarded with a throaty moan as Ashley clutched handfuls of the sheets, her vagina contracting around my finger.

I gradually began picking up speed when Ashley flinched and stiffened briefly. “Ow, fuck!”

I quickly withdrew my finger. “Are you okay? What did I do?”

Ashley quickly shook her head. “Sorry, it’s my fault for not mentioning it. You need to keep your nails short if you’re gonna be sticking your fingers in people.”

I was mortified. “I’ll be right back!” I said, leaping off the bed in my rush to the bathroom.

“Hey, it’s fine, Rhonda! You don’t need to give yourself a fricken manicure!”

I quickly clipped and filed a couple of nails on my right hand, then hurried back to my sister’s room. Ashley looked at me in amusement as I closed the door and returned to her bed.

“You know, we could have just saved fingering for another time.”

I shook my head. “No, I could tell I was making you feel good. Let me keep going.” I proffered my hand. “Do these look okay?”

Ashley smiled as she studied my nails, shaking her head at my stubbornness. “They look fine. I guess I was enjoying it, after all… so go ahead and do your thing.”

This time around, I wanted to try going down on her. Before she got the chance to stop me, I settled my hands on Ashley’s thighs and moved in to plant a kiss on her vagina, then began gliding my tongue through her folds. I’d often wondered what it would be like to put my mouth down there, and was pleased to discover that I liked how she tasted.

I was even more thrilled when Ashley’s hands settled on my head to keep me pressed against her sex while she groaned, “Oh, fuck! Your tongue f-feels amazing on my pussy, Rhonda. Don’t stop!”

Perhaps my tongue wasn’t quite as adept as hers, but she seemed to enjoy what I was doing. I decided there and then that I was going to practice as much as possible until I was an expert at eating pussy. The fact that I’d get to practice on Ashley was the icing on the cake.

I sucked on her clit, and she let out a hoarse, “Oh, shit!

I kept lashing her nub with slow, then faster tongue flicks, occasionally stopping to suck and nibble on it. Looking up for a moment, I could see that Ashley had begun using both hands to toy with her breasts, tugging and squeezing her nipples in concert with my licking.

Figuring now was a good time to put my fingers to use again, I lined them back up with her entrance and slowly pushed two of them inside. Ashley shrieked with pleasure as I began to piston in and out, while continuing to lavish her clit with lightning-quick swipes of my tongue.

“I-I can’t believe this,” she sobbed. “I-I’m getting close, Rhonda! I’m actually getting… close.”

I wanted to kiss her tears away, but had no intention of stopping until I made my sister come. Ashley needed this. I needed this. My jaw was starting to ache, but I would see this through to the end.

Ashley had told me to try different things, so I began moving my fingers around inside her vagina to see what she liked best. When I curled my fingers and tickled the inner wall of her pussy, she let out a low gasp of surprise. Her hands abandoned her breasts and settled upon my head, fingers twining into my hair.

“I think I’m going to… Oh, God, you’re about to make me…“

My tongue gave out before I could reach the finish line, so I clamped my mouth on Ashley’s clit and started sucking while I curled my fingers back and forth inside her.

“O-oh fuck! Keep doing that, Rhonda! Keep d-doing it! Almost… there!”

Ashley let out a guttural moan as her pussy clenched around my fingers in a vice-like grip. A spray of liquid suddenly drenched my face. Startled, I tried to pull away but Ashley’s hands kept me locked in place while she ground her sex against my face. Finally spent, she let me go, and I sat up straight to stretch my neck, trying to alleviate some of the stiffness I’d worked up.

We stared at one another in shock. Then Ashley exclaimed, “Holy shit! I never knew I could squirt!”


July 15, 2006 – Rhonda

I stood alone in Ashley’s room as she carried the last of her things out to the car. It’d taken several trips back and forth to move everything to the new place. I wasn’t taking much of my own, but Ashley intended to use the things in her room to furnish the apartment a little better.

Thankfully the apartment wasn’t too long a drive, but we did get stopped by a cop after we’d strapped Ashley’s mattress to the roof of the car with bungee cords. Thankfully he just gave us a warning to drive slowly, and we were all clear after that.

Mom had given me an awkward goodbye, saying I could always come back if there were any problems at the new place. I’d have been more convinced by her offer if she’d made it while actually looking me in the eye.

When Ashley was done loading the rest of her things, she joined me in her room.

“It looks so empty,” I told her.

“Yeah,” Ashley murmured.

“Do you think you’ll ever come back?”

Ashley shook her head. “Not unless you need me to pick something up. I’d sooner never see this place again, to be honest.”

I hummed in acknowledgement, trying to gather my thoughts. “We had some nice memories here, though, right?”

“Yeah,” Ashley conceded, “but they were nice because we were together, not because we were together here. I’d rather make some new memories in a new place. Wouldn’t you?”

I stood on tiptoe and kissed Ashley on the mouth. She encircled my waist and drew me into a warm embrace. When we finally parted, I took her hand in mine.

Together, my sister and I left what had been home for so many years, the first step of the journey to our new life. We didn’t look back.

Book One: The End


Pages From a Diary, Chapter 6

  • Posted on January 23, 2024 at 3:21 pm

by Rachael Yukey

Thursday, October 19th, 2006 (morning)

I got my alarm clock! I just KNEW my mother couldn’t resist the chance to get out of waking me up for school every day. And guess what… no Mom this morning. I got myself up, got ready, and now I have some time to kill before the bus. So I’m gonna try and get this thing caught up.

So. I was writing last night about what happened yesterday at Julie’s house, and I left off where I was sitting on Lisa’s lap and she was telling me my feelings were nothing to be ashamed of.

After a little while we went into the kitchen and dished up bowls of chili. Jason wasn’t there yet, but Julie told me he teaches late Wednesdays and always eats when he gets home.

We talked about this and that at the table, but I couldn’t get my mind off how good Julie and Lisa looked. No, not just good, I realized. Sexy. They were both sexy, and the sight of them had me feeling really… I fastened on a word I’d seen used in Lisa’a novel. Horny. I couldn’t stop being horny, no matter what else I tried to put my mind on. Lisa kept giving me these sweet sideways smiles, and I had the feeling she knew exactly how I felt.

There was a lull in the conversation. Lisa was looking back and forth between Julie and I, not quite meeting our eyes. “You know,” she said at last, “when we were talking before about making yourself come, I didn’t tell you girls the whole story about how I learned to do it. Can you keep a secret?”

“Sure,” said Julie. I nodded.

“The thing is… I didn’t have my first orgasm until I got a little help.”

“Help?” Julie said.

“Yeah, help.” She looked up at the ceiling for a moment, then back at us. “My big sister caught me at it, and we ended up doing it together. I learned how to please myself by watching her.”

I knew she must mean her sister Peggy, who’s a few years older. The only thing I know about Peggy is that she had a baby girl while she was a senior in high school, but didn’t marry the father. She works at one of the two gas stations in town, and her daughter Becky is two grades behind Julie and me. They live in the old apartments behind the fire station.

“So—that wasn’t weird?” said Julie.

“No! It was actually kind of hot. We shared a room for a long time, so we touched ourselves together after that. It was nice to not have to hide it from each other.”

I was pretty bowled over by this, not to mention turned on!

“Um, do you think I might need help?” Julie’s eyes were wide. As for me, I instantly felt my panties getting wet. I was struggling to keep my breathing steady.

Lisa shrugged. “If the things we talked about today don’t help… I don’t know. I’m hesitant to even suggest this, but maybe Mallory could show you what she does. Something to think about, maybe.”

My pulse quickened at the thought. This was way too close to the things that were already going through my mind!

But then something else occurred to me, something REALLY wild! I almost didn’t say it, but my mouth started moving almost on its own. “Wouldn’t you be the best person to teach someone that stuff?” I asked. “I mean, I’m still new at this. I’ll bet both of us could learn a lot from you.”

Lisa’s eyes widened, and her face flushed. I got the strangest notion that the idea got her hot. That seemed totally crazy. Why would a sexy grown woman be turned on by kids like us? I have to admit that the idea got me excited, though! Meanwhile, Julie was staring at me with her mouth hanging open.

“I… I’m not sure that would be appropriate,” Lisa stammered. “Or a good idea.”

“It’s not like you’d be doing anything to us,” I said. “Just showing us things. How bad could that be?”

Lisa was staring at the wall, her cheeks bright pink. She opened her mouth, then closed it again. It seemed like forever before she spoke. “I don’t really think it would be bad,” she said. “But I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that most people would say it is.”

“Would you get in trouble?” I asked.

“If anyone found out, I might. Listen… I’m not saying no, necessarily. I want to help, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with an adult showing a kid how to masturbate. But it would have to stay strictly between us. You couldn’t tell anyone else, not ever.”

I kept my face still. “I wouldn’t say anything, but if you’re worried, then maybe we shouldn’t do it.” It was tough to say that, when inside I was screaming PLEASE SHOW US!.

“Well, I wouldn’t tell anyone,” Julie piped in. It was the first time she’d spoken, which isn’t like her at all.

Lisa cocked her head. “I’m not that worried. I trust you both. Do you really want me to show you how I touch myself?”

That was easy. “I do!” I blurted out.

“Yeah, me too,” said Julie.

Lisa closed her eyes for a long moment, tilting her face towards the ceiling. I had to remind myself to keep breathing.  “Okay, then,” she said at last.  “Mallory, what time do you have to be at the church?”

I was caught somewhere between insanely turned on and utterly terrified. I hadn’t expected her to say yes, at least not right away! But I managed to get my mouth working. “7:30,” I said.

“Which is when Jason gets done teaching,” Lisa said. Her voice sounded far away and dreamy. She glanced at her watch, then stood up.“It’s only a quarter to six. We have lots of time. Who wants to come hang out in my room?”

I didn’t decide to get up… it just happened! I was on my feet so fast the chair almost fell over. I didn’t exactly know what was about to happen, but I knew I wanted in on it. God might not like it, but I wasn’t so crazy about some of the stuff he’s stuck me with, so fair’s fair. Julie got up more slowly, looking a little dazed. Her cheeks were red and her breathing was funny, so I knew she was just as turned on as I was.

Lisa stepped away from the table and led the way out of the room. I was right behind her going up the stairs, and Julie was close on my heels. I glanced back at her as she came through the stairway door, and she reached forward to take my hand. We climbed the stairs that way, with my hand trailing a little behind and Julie gripping it tightly. She’s usually the confident one, but right then I think she was more scared than me. She didn’t let go until we passed through Lisa’s bedroom door.

Lisa pulled the comforter all the way off the bed, leaving just the sheets on top, then turned around to face us.“I think this will be easier if none of us are wearing any clothes. Are you both comfortable with that?”

I was completely over being scared, even starting to feel a little bit brave. I wanted this, and for once I didn’t care what anybody thought. Without saying a word I pulled my sweater over my head and dropped it to the floor.

Lisa clapped and smiled, but there was something funny in her eyes as she stared at my naked chest. After a long moment, she pulled her own shirt up over her head. Her belly was flat, her skin still a bit dark from a fading summer tan. A plain white bra covered her boobs.

She turned to Julie, who was standing very still and trembling a little. “What about you, sweetheart?” she asked in a gentle voice. “We can stop if you want to.”

“I don’t want to stop,” Julie almost whispered. “I just…”

Suddenly I knew what to do. We were standing side by side so I turned towards her, took her arm, and gently turned her until we were face to face. I looked up at her, my beautiful Julie. For just a moment I forgot about being horny, almost overcome by a feeling of simple love. We’d been friends for almost no time at all, but I felt closer to her right then than anybody else I’ve ever known. I reached up with both hands, took her glasses off and set them on the dresser. My right hand found the side of her face, and I caressed her cheek, then ran my left hand through her long, thick black hair.

Reaching down to Julie’s waist, I took hold of the bottom of her t-shirt on either side. I didn’t lift yet, just looked into her eyes. Slowly, very slowly, she raised both arms above her head. I pulled the shirt up, but didn’t quite get it off her before I started running out of reach; she’s so tall! Lisa took a step forward and helped me take it the rest of the way off.

Julie’s arms fell to her sides, and we stood facing each other, both naked from the waist up. I pulled her into a hug, and we stood there for a minute just holding each other.

Finally I let go and turned back to Lisa. “You’re wearing more clothes than we are,” I told her.

Where was this coming from? It’s not like me to take charge, especially with an adult! But Lisa said nothing, just reached behind herself with both hands. Her bra came loose, and she let it fall.

I caught my breath. I’ve never seen a grown-up lady’s breasts before! They were beautiful, full and round and with reddish-brown nipples. I realized I was staring and tore my eyes away.

“It’s okay to look, honey,” said Lisa in a low, thick voice.

I looked back at her and saw that her breathing had quickened. Was she getting turned on, too? I didn’t get why a couple of little girls like us would turn a sexy grown woman like Lisa on, but that seemed to be what was happening.

It was too much for me to think about right then. I unbuttoned my jeans, and pushed them down along with my underwear. I stepped out of them, now completely naked, then turned to Julie again. She was wearing leggings, and I hooked my thumbs inside the elastic, found the waistband of her panties and grabbed it too, then pushed the whole works down until I was squatting at her feet. I tugged at her right leg, and she lifted it while I worked the pants and underwear off her foot. I got her sock, then did the same on the other side. I took my own socks off, stood up, and turned to face Lisa.

“Turn around,” I said. Lisa took a deep breath… a very shuddery one! She looked back and forth between Julie and me, standing naked in front of her. She did as I asked, and I unfastened the button on the back of her skirt, which then slid to the floor. I started to reach out for her panties, then lost a little bit of my nerve. But not all of it.

“Now, why don’t you finish undressing,” I said.

It sure was getting hard to keep my voice steady! Everybody was following my lead all of a sudden, so it seemed important to not have a shaky voice. I took a step back as Lisa turned around. She pushed her panties down, stepped out of them, and took her socks off. When she straightened up, I didn’t even pretend to not look at her bottom half.

Her legs are smooth, long, and curvy. I hope mine look like that when I’m grown up! Right now, they’re more like a couple of twigs. But my eyes were mostly drawn to where her legs came together. I glanced over at Julie and saw that she was staring too. Lisa saw us looking and shifted one foot so her legs were further apart.

It was an amazing sight. Lisa had hair down there, but it was trimmed into a sort of rectangle shape just above her vagina, and it looked like she kept it shaved below. I remembered that when Julie and I were poking around online, we saw pictures of ladies who did stuff like that, or just shaved it all off. Maybe I’ll do that when I start getting hair down there. You could see just a little bit of Lisa’s inside lips poking out… what the websites called the labia minora. I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen in my life, like the petals of a pink flower.

Lisa was staring, too. She was looking back and forth between the two of us, her eyes roving up and down our bodies. She looked like she wanted to gobble me and Julie up in one big bite. She thinks we’re hot, I realized. Seeing us with all our clothes off turns her on.

My confidence took a huge leap. Most of the time I’m unsure of myself and let other people take the lead in almost everything, but somehow I felt like this was my world. I could own it.

I climbed up onto the bed, sat down with my legs crossed, and gave Lisa what I thought was a questioning look.“You were going to give us a lesson, right?”

She gave her head a little shake and followed me onto the bed. Julie seated herself next to me, crossing her legs like mine so our knees were touching. I reached over and took her hand.

Lisa propped a couple of pillows against the headboard and leaned back, stretching her legs out and spreading them open. Her labia looked like they were about to separate. I totally wanted them to, so I could see inside! I took in a deep breath through my nose, and there was a smell in the air. I knew that scent from when I’d put my finger under my nose after touching myself. Now it was filling the room, maybe coming from all three of us! That turned me on even more… honestly, it was all I could do to keep from putting a hand between my legs right then. But I waited.

Finally Lisa spoke. “It’s important to have a fantasy. That’s what my books are for. I know they’re not very well written, but they have great sex scenes. Usually I can get a fantasy going in my head, but the books come in handy when I need a little help.”

She was tracing her belly with her fingers, up and down.

“Sometimes I like to warm myself up by touching different parts of my body,” she went on. “Everything is an erogenous zone, but some spots are extra sensitive. Like here.”Tilting her head to one side, she gently caressed her neck.

“Or my breasts,” she said, her hands moving lower. She cupped and massaged them, then pinched her nipples, which she rolled  around a little between her thumbs and fingers. Her breath was getting very ragged, and I heard a hint of strain in her voice.

“Down here, too.” She began running her fingers up and down the insides of her thighs, pulling her feet back to bring her knees up. I scooted closer, tugging on Julie’s hand so she would follow.

Lisa ran her fingertips across the outside of her labia and shivered. “I’m going to show you girls all the parts down here,” she said. “You might already know this, but let’s make sure. Do either of you know a word for the whole area?”

Julie spoke up for the first time in a while. “The vulva,” she said.

“That’s right,” said Lisa. “But I don’t much like that word.”

“Me neither,” I piped up.

Lisa chuckled. “The words I like to use for it are considered impolite by most people. Crude, even. Maybe that’s why using them seems so sexy. Words like pussy, twat, or cunt.”

I silently rolled the words around on my tongue. Yeah, I liked them much better than vulva!

Lisa was still gently stroking herself. “So the outside part of my pussy,” she was saying, “is called the labia. Or,” she added with a wink, “some of us more dirty-minded people might call them pussy lips.”

I giggled, and Julie joined in.

“These big outer lips are the labia majora, and inside you have the labia minora. My inner lips are pretty big, too… see how they stick out a little bit? Some people call that an outie, and what you girls have is an innie. But that might change; I was an innie until I was twelve or thirteen.” She glanced up at us, her eyes dancing with excitement. “Like to see what’s inside?”

“Show us,” I said. It was practically an order. I’m still not sure what I was thinking, speaking to an adult like that. Maybe doing sex stuff brings out this bossy side of me?

Using her thumb and a finger, Lisa slowly opened her labia—no, her pussy lips—for us to see. The inner lips were big and puffy and looked a little swollen, and her vagina was juicy and bright pink. It was incredibly beautiful.

“It’s wet,” I said. “Are you turned on?”

She smiled. “Aren’t you?” I nodded, because I really was. Lisa went through the stuff inside, pointing out the vagina and her clitoris, which she called a clit. I mostly knew all this already, and so did Julie, but we hung onto every word.

“When I masturbate,” she told us, “I work a finger around the opening for a while to get myself worked up, then I mostly focus on my clit. Like this.”

She began to move her hand in slow circles, then picked up speed. Her breath was coming in gasps and shudders, and her hips began to move rhythmically up and down. After a minute or two of this, she let out a low moan, her motion slowing just a little.

“Sometimes,” she said in an unsteady voice, “I’ll put a finger or two inside myself. I – I didn’t do that until I was a little older, though.”

Using her free hand, Lisa slipped her pointer and middle finger into her dripping hole. It made a wet squishy noise, and she arched her back. She began to pump her fingers in and out, moving in time with the fingering of her clit. She moaned again, louder this time. Then again. She would bring in a few hitching, shuddering breaths, then moan. Soon the moans were almost cries.

“Oh, God, girls,” she gasped. “I’m g-going to come. Do you want to, to see me… OHHH!… see me come?”

“Do it. Come for us,” I told her, though I’m not sure she even heard me. Julie was squeezing my hand so hard it almost hurt. Lisa let out a series of short, sharp grunts, then her butt came off the bed and she thrust her hips repeatedly.

Then she screamed. Actually SCREAMED. Three loud howls came out, and her backside came down hard on the bed. She was huffing and puffing for breath.

I let go of Julie’s hand, crawled up on Lisa’s left side, and draped my arm just under her boobs in a sort of hug. I don’t know where the idea to do that came from; it just felt right. After a second Julie did the same thing on the other side, her arm just below mine.

We held Lisa as she caught her breath. Finally she lifted her head and gave us a sleepy smile. “Thanks, girls,” she said. “I wasn’t planning on taking that so far, but I guess I needed it. We still have almost an hour; what would you like to do?”

She was looking at me when she said that. I was still a little dazed at the way I’d turned into the one calling the shots, but at the same time I felt like I knew exactly what needed doing.

Sitting up, I laid a hand on Julie’s arm. “Do you want to try it now?” I asked her. Her eyes met mine, and she nodded her head.

Lisa sat up too, put the pillows that had fallen back against the headboard and patted them, looking at Julie. Moving slowly, Julie took the same position Lisa had, except that she pulled her feet in so they were almost touching her butt, leaving her knees up. She slid a hand down to her belly, but hesitated just before touching her pussy. I could tell Julie was very turned on, but she also seemed a little afraid.

Lisa saw it too. “You don’t have to,” she told Julie.

Julie opened her mouth, closed it again, and then finally spoke. “I want to. It’s just—I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

My friend needed help, and I figured it was up to me to give it. I crawled over to sit beside Julie and took her in my arms. She laid her head on my shoulder.

“It’s okay,” I told her. “I’m here, and I love you.”  Putting a hand on her belly, I inched my fingers downward.

“Let me help,” I whispered in her ear. “You don’t have to do anything… I got this.”

Julie looked at me with wide eyes, then nodded. Moving slowly, I slipped my fingers down until they rested on the outside of her pussy. Pussy. Wow, I really do like that word! And I liked the way Julie’s smooth, silky pussy lips felt to my fingers. She was SO turned on, all slippery and moist down there. Very gently, I spread her outer lips open. Julie sucked her breath in with a hissing sound, and moved her hips just a little.

She’s very different from me. Her inner lips are bigger, and it wouldn’t take much more for them to be poking out. I wonder if she’ll be an outie when she grows up, like Lisa. My twat (I like that word, too!) is the same shade of pink everywhere, but Julie’s pussy shades from bright pink down around her vagina and along the inside of her lips to an almost purplish color right around her clit.

I held her lips open with one hand and gently explored with the other. She was so wet! My fingertips were already dripping with her juices. I took my hand away for a moment to hold it under my nose, breathing in Julie’s scent. It was kind of like how I smell, but different in some way I couldn’t figure out. But I definitely liked it!

Julie was getting that wide-eyed look again, so I offered her my fingers to smell. She sniffed, carefully at first, then more deeply. She gave me a shy smile.

Reaching down again, I traced the outside of her hole. She gasped again. The juices were practically flowing out of her now. She seemed ready for more, so I used my slippery fingers to lightly brush her clit.

I watched Julie’s face the whole time. If I’d seen even a teenie-weenie sign that I might be going too far, I’d have stopped right then. Instead, she grasped my wrist and whispered, “D-don’t stop.” So I began to move my fingers in slow circles, just the way I liked to do to myself. Julie thrust her hips forward a bit and let out a contented sigh.

“That feels good?” I asked.

“Mmm-hmm,” was her only reply, but it was enough. I pressed down a little more firmly, and moved my hand a bit faster.

“How about that?” I said.

Julie just nodded. Her breath began to come in hitches and starts. She slipped an arm around me and pulled me closer. A big wave must have hit her right then, because she stretched her legs straight out, lifted her hips, and moaned out loud.

It was all I could do to keep from touching myself with my free hand, but Julie was the one who hadn’t come yet, and her needs had to come first. So instead I crossed my legs and squeezed them together. I don’t know how I thought to do that, but I was so turned on that it worked, little ripples of pleasure flowing through my body. I wondered if I could have an orgasm that way.

Julie was really starting to get into it, moaning and lifting her hips every few seconds. I slid my finger lower, resting it flat so I could still put pressure on her clit while teasing her entrance at the same time. Somehow I just knew it would be the right thing to try.

Turns out I was right about that, cause Julie gave a loud cry and her butt came all the way up off the bed. I looked up at Lisa. She was staring at us, her mouth hanging open.

I kept it up like that, rubbing Julie’s clit and teasing her vagina with the same finger, moving pretty fast. Her hips started to buck, and her breath was hard and ragged with little moans in between. I was still squeezing my thighs together, and the waves were getting stronger.

“Something’s happening!” Julie wailed, sounding excited and terrified all at the same time. “Oh, God, Mallory, something’s gonna happen, I don’t…”

“It’s okay,” I whispered in her ear, still moving my hand. “It’s okay, just let it happen.”

“Okay, Mallory, okay it’s j-just… OHHHHHHH!”

Her back arched, her thighs came together to squeeze my hand, and her butt ground down hard into the mattress. I could feel her vagina muscles gripping my finger! Julie was pressing her head hard against the headboard, her eyes squeezed shut. Then she gave a loud wail, thrust her hips a couple of times, and went limp.

I rolled onto my side, wrapped an arm and a leg around Julie and held her. She hugged me even closer so I was almost lying on top of her, my beautiful, precious Julie.

I’d really done it; I’d helped her have her first orgasm! I needed to come myself, needed it so bad my whole body was screaming for relief, but it could wait one more minute.

“Thank you,” she whispered in my ear. “That was… wow… thank you so much, Mal…” She squeezed me tightly.

After a moment I looked up at Lisa. She gave me a big smile. “I know somebody who looks like she needs to get off in a big way,” she said.

I hadn’t heard the term “get off” before, but it didn’t take a brain surgeon to know what she meant. I rolled back over onto my back, reaching between my legs. No fooling around, no teasing. I was way past ready! The moment my finger found my clit a powerful wave hit me, and I gasped. This was only going to take a a minute or two.

“Hold me,” I told Julie. She put her arms around me and held me tight. Within seconds I was thrusting against my hand, moaning with every breath. I realized I’d gotten myself closer than I thought by squeezing my legs together, and just as that was flashing through my head an orgasm hit me that was like being tilted off the edge of the world.

I thrashed and screamed. My pussy got super juicy and I could feel it dripping down the crack of my butt. Then everything just seemed to go dark for a second, and my mind got fuzzy and gray.

The next thing I remember was Julie shaking my shoulder, looking a little scared. “Mallory?” she pleaded. “Mal?”

I gave my head a hard little shake. Everything around me had been all fogged up for a moment. I wasn’t sure what my voice would sound like if I tried to speak, so I just gave Julie a big smile.

“She’s okay, Julie,” Lisa said, placing a warm hand on my thigh. Her other hand rested on Julie’s shoulder. “The French call that the little death… where you come so hard that you kind of gray out for a second. It’s only happened to me a couple of times, and not till I was quite a bit older than you. Believe me, there are plenty of women out there who’ve never had an orgasm like that… Mallory’s one lucky girl!”

She glanced over at the clock. “We have a little time left,” she said. You got to see Julie and me, Mallory; can we have a look at you?”

I knew what she meant. I spread my legs wide, then used my right hand to open myself up for them. Julie left my side and came around front of me for a better view.

“It’s a lot different from mine,” she said after a moment or two.

“It’s amazing how different each woman’s pussy is,” said Lisa. “They’re like flowers – no two are exactly the same. And look how wet she is! Pussy juice everywhere.” I liked that. “Pussy juice” sounds like the perfect name for it.

Looking at the clock, Lisa suddenly sat up straight. “We’d better get you up and dressed, Mallory,” she said, sounding a little sad about it. “You have to be at the church in about twenty minutes. I’ll drive you there; the weather is terrible and it’s getting dark.”

I went down to the bathroom stark naked carrying my clothes, where I washed myself up. I’d gotten juicier than ever, and I didn’t want Mom or anyone else at the church to get a whiff.

While I was doing that, Julie and Lisa also got dressed, and they drove me up to the church. Instead of sitting in the front next to Lisa, Julie got into the back seat and snuggled up to me. We didn’t talk on the way over, and once we arrived, I didn’t get out right away. Right then, going to church was the last thing in the world I wanted to do.

Julie put both arms around me and squeezed hard.

“Thanks for helping me, y’know, finish,” she said. “It was the most amazing feeling ever!”

I kissed her, but this time I did it really close to her mouth. Then I looked  at Lisa, who was wearing a huge grin.

“Thanks for the lesson,” I told her. For some reason that struck me funny, and I started to giggle. Julie and Lisa joined in.“And tell Jason his chili was delicious. I better go. Bye!”

I hugged Julie one more time, and she hugged me back. Then I got out of the car. Ouch, that wind almost stung! I waved to them and got myself inside the church. Perfect timing, Mom was just coming up the stairs from the basement. She said “Hi,” gave me a quick hug, and got her coat.

When we got home, she rummaged around in a Target shopping bag and pulled out a small cardboard box with a picture of a clock on it… the old-fashioned kind with bells on top.

I’d been hoping for a clock radio, but I knew better than to complain. Anyway, it didn’t matter; the whole point of this was so Mom won’t be poking her head in my room to get me up in the morning.

I thanked her, took the clock upstairs, got it out of the box, and used the owner’s manual to figure out how to set the time and the alarm. I ran back downstairs and found Mom in the kitchen putting groceries away.

“I got the clock working,” I told her. “I can get myself up for school now if you’re tired and want to sleep in.”

“Okay, sweetheart,” she said, stacking some canned stuff in the pantry. I said goodnight, went upstairs, took out my diary and started writing.

I’m thinking a lot about my feelings, and how they’ve changed. I ought to feel guilty about what happened yesterday with Julie and Lisa, but I don’t. It felt right, you know? I just hope Julie’s still okay with it. Actually, I’m kinda freaking a little about that.

But that’s not the only thing I’m worried about, is it? What exactly did we do? What did it mean? Lying close to Julie and making her feel good was one of the most amazing things that ever happened to me, and it was a lot more than just helping her out. I’m not sure what I should call what I’m feeling, so I’m going to stop thinking about it for now.

I keep thinking back to everything we did, wondering why I don’t feel ashamed. Instead, I find myself wanting to tell God to mind his own beeswax. If he really thinks he can make me feel this way and then tell me I have to hold it all in, then he can just go and stuff it.

That’s maybe the biggest thing on my mind. I just realized while I was writing that I’m not only getting mad at God, I’m starting to doubt he’s even real. I think it’s been happening for a while, but I’ve been pushing it away because it’s not okay to think about. But now I’m spending time with people who say it’s TOTALLY okay to think about, so I’m starting to let myself do just that.

But I can’t deal with that now. It’s time to go back downstairs and wait for the school bus. Gosh, I hope Julie is still okay with everything that happened yesterday.

On to Chapter Seven!


A Girl in the Night

  • Posted on January 18, 2024 at 3:47 pm

This is not my usual kind of story. Something on the news about a lost refugee girl piqued my interest. The more I thought about the trauma that many suffer, the more I wanted to write something.

There is no in-depth story, just a coming together of a lost soul and a caring person.


By kinkys_sis

The nights were drawing in, now that November was here. The darkness came early, making my preferred running routes a bit dangerous. I’m referring to the terrain, not any lurking unpleasant characters. The last thing I needed was a twisted ankle, or worse. I didn’t want to miss any soccer matches because of a self-inflicted injury.

The past few nights, I’d tried the local park. It had a fairly long and winding paved pathway. and it was never that busy after dark. Three or four circuits, two or three nights a week, were enough to meet my quota.

Tonight, I was on my second lap when I passed a girl sitting on a park bench. If it weren’t for the feeling that I’d seen her somewhere before, I likely wouldn’t have noticed her. She had an air of sadness about her. But these days, the world’s full of unhappy people, or so it seemed to me. I ran on.

On my next lap, I was vaguely aware that she’d gone. I didn’t give it much thought.

I arrived at the main gate, a good spot to pause and take a swig from my water bottle. Then I saw her again. She was outside the park by the main road. What was she doing? Fuck! She was trying to look sexy for the passing cars. But … it was a kind of half-hearted and very amateurish attempt.

I watched as a car drew to a stop. I saw the window wind down and a guy lean his head out and speak, though I couldn’t hear what he was saying. The girl took a couple of steps towards the car, then stopped. Suddenly, she turned and ran back into the park. I saw the tears glistening on her face as she passed me and disappeared into the darkness. The noise of the car speeding away drew my attention for a second before I turned to look for the girl again. She was nowhere to be seen.

I thought of searching for her, but why? It wasn’t wise to get mixed up with the goings-on of prostitutes, for that was what I decided the girl must be. I tucked my water bottle away and took up another lap.

I heard her before I saw her. She was back on the same bench as before. But now, she was sobbing pitifully.

I dithered, slowing my pace. It was a shock to see how young she was. I’m thirteen, and she was just about my age – a year or two older at most.

I came to a stop, barely a few yards away from her, uncertain whether I should poke my nose into someone else’s problems. She turned her head and lifted her face towards me.

For a moment she stared, then she said, “Fuck off. Leave me alone.” Her English was good enough, but she had a heavy accent. Eastern European, I guessed.

“Okay, then, if you’re sure,” I said. “I was only checking to see if you’re all right.”

“Sorry, that was rude. Shit!”

She bent forward on her seat, crying into her hands. I couldn’t just run away and leave her like that. She didn’t look up when I sat next to her. Now, I was sort of lost. What do I do, or say, for that matter? I sat quietly. I’d let her speak if she wanted to.

Eventually, her sobbing subsided. She gave me a quick glance, then turned away again. Her voice quivered when she repeated the “sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said. “If you want to talk, you can. If you don’t, that’s fine, too. Maybe I’ll sit with you for a while. Or you can tell me to fuck off again.”

That brought a momentary smile to her face. “I won’t. It was kind of you to stop, though I’m not sure why you would. I mean, you don’t know me.”

I thought she was about to burst into tears again. Cautiously, I placed a hand over hers. She began to pull away from the touch, then seemed to change her mind. Her hand turned and her fingers clutched at mine.

I saw the streaks on her face from the tears that had mingled with her mascara. Yet I could still see how pretty she was underneath the mess.

I searched for something to say, then settled for introducing myself. “My name’s Sonya. You want to tell me yours?”

In little more than a whisper, she answered, “Evhenyia.” She realised that I may not have heard her. “Evhenyia,” she repeated in a stronger voice, “but here I go by Erica. It’s easier.”

“Where are you from?”

This time, she spoke firmly and with no hesitation. “Ukraine. I’m a refugee from the war, I suppose is what you would say.”

Okay, so maybe I now understood a little. But what on earth had she been doing outside the park? It didn’t make sense. “But, that man in the car –?”

I saw she obviously didn’t want to answer, so I let it ride. “Okay you don’t want to say. So the next question is, what are you doing here?”

“I have nowhere else to go. I have no money left. I’m thirsty and I’m hungry. I thought…” There she stopped.

“So you thought you could get some money… from men? But you couldn’t do it, that’s why you ran from the guy that stopped.”


I remembered my water and dug out the bottle and the one banana I always carried for energy. I never saw anyone eat and drink so fast.

“Erica, how long is it since you last ate anything?”

“I don’t know. Maybe like three days I guess.”

This whole thing defied my imagination. I thought the Ukrainian refugees were all housed and looked after. Why was this girl alone and starving?

Bit by bit, she told me her story. I saw how difficult it was for her, but at least she wasn’t crying anymore.

Her father was fighting with the army. She had no idea where he was, nor even if he was alive. She had got separated from her mother during an air raid. She had searched for her for days but without success. The Russians had been advancing towards Kyiv when a charity had bundled her onto a train heading west. She had no say in the matter, however much she pleaded. That was at the beginning of the war. She’d spent some time in a camp in Poland before she got sent on to England.

She was kept with some other kids until an English family had taken her in. At first it seemed fine. They even found a place in school for her. She had lived just waiting for news of her mother and father. None had come.

Then one night, when the wife was out for the evening with friends, the man came home drunk. He went after Erica, grabbing her breasts and putting his hand up her skirt. He’d just managed to rip her panties off when she got hold of a lamp and hit him over the head. He went down, bleeding badly but still moving. Erica knew where they kept a little money in a drawer. It was only about fifty pounds, but she stuffed that and a few of her things in a bag and ran. The man had managed to get up, and he almost caught her again, but she got away. That was maybe over a week ago. She wasn’t sure exactly how long. The money had paid for a train ticket to the city, some food and things, but now it was all gone.

“Why didn’t you go to the police?” I asked her. “They would have helped you.”

“I thought they might believe him and not me if he claimed I attacked him to steal their money,” Erica said. “I didn’t want to end up in prison or whatever. I didn’t know what to do.”

“And tonight you needed money and you thought you could get it by offering sex on the street. Which isn’t that much different than what you ran away from.”

She just nodded, and I saw the saddest, loneliest girl.

“How old are you?” I asked.


I was almost certain my mum would agree with me that there was only one thing I could do. “Where’s your things? You wanna grab them? You’re coming with me.”

“But where to? I told you, I’m not going to the police.”

“No police. You’re coming home with me. Oh, and I don’t have a father that you need worry about.”

She led me towards some bushes where she pulled out a small bag. She dug inside the bag and found a small packet of tissue wipes. She handed one to me. “Will you clean my face for me please? I must look like shit.”

It was quite dark, but I was again struck by how pretty she was. I finished cleaning her up as best as I could. “That’ll do until we get you in the shower. I guess you’d like that.”

She put her fingers to my face. “I was right. You are kind, Sonya. Thank you.” She leaned and kissed my cheek.

“Come on, it’s not far,” I told her.


Mum was busy in the kitchen when I shut the front door behind us. “Good run, love?” she called out. “You’ve been a long time tonight.” Then she came out of the kitchen to find us still taking our shoes off in the hallway. “Oh, you’ve got a friend with you. I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“Mum, this is Erica. It’s a bit of a story. Is it okay if I show her the bathroom and I’ll tell you all about her?”

“Of course it is, love. Dinner will be an hour yet.”

I showed Erica my bedroom and where my jeans and jumpers were. “After your shower, you can come back in here and find something to wear, whatever you need. Then we can have some dinner.”

I thought for a moment she was about to begin crying again. Her lips trembled, but she managed a smile. “Sonya, can I have a hug for a minute? I’ve been so frightened and alone. I can’t believe you’re real.”

The hug lasted an age. Then she leaned back. “Thank you. Now you can show me the shower.” I got another quick peck. The only difference was, this time it was on my lips. I remembered it’s what these foreigners did. They always seemed to be kissing each other when they said hello or goodbye. But still, it was the first time I’d ever been kissed on the lips, even if I did barely feel it.

I found her a towel and showed her how the shower worked. I got myself a bit wet in the process, and it was the first time that I’d heard her laugh. It was a nice laugh. I liked this girl.

Mum was very nearly in tears herself as I told her Erica’s story. “She must stay here until we decide what to do,” she said. “The poor girl must be terrified out of her wits. And starving, never mind needing a good night’s sleep in a proper bed.”

I was relieved. I’d felt sure Mum would see it the same way I had. But you never knew with grownups, not for sure anyway.

“Now, you go up and see how she’s getting on,” Mum said. “She might be too shy to come downstairs.”

The bathroom light was off, so I knew she’d be in my room. I knocked first and waited before I heard her say to come in. She was sitting on my bed with a towel still wrapped around her, looking lost.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“I don’t have clean underwear, and I didn’t like to take things without asking. So I waited for you.”

“Hey, I told you, help yourself. Whatever you need, it’s fine, honestly.”

She went to my panties drawer and put a hand inside to feel around. “So many and so nice,” she said, before she picked out a pair of what I think of as my pretty but naughty ones – open white lace you can see straight through. I wasn’t even sure why I had bought them. I never wore stuff like that. I wouldn’t dare. I guess it was just the thrill of buying something I thought of as sexy.

Then I got my first big shock. She untucked the towel and let it drop to the floor. She didn’t do it for my benefit. It just seemed to be her way. I’ve seen plenty of girls in the soccer room showers but never a naked girl in my bedroom. It was different, somehow.

The panties were about a size too small for her. They fit very snuggly. Unself-consciously, she turned to face me. “Bit tight maybe? What do you think?”

She only meant for me to check the fit, but I found my eyes fixed on the patch of hair behind the lace.

Erica laughed for the second time. “What’s the matter? You’ve gone a bit red in the face. You never saw a girl in panties before?” She bent down to look at them as she spoke. “Oh, I see. They make my bits stand out. Maybe we find a better fit.”

With that, she wiggled her hips and pushed the panties down. Now my eyes were fixed on her pussy lips. I was looking to see what had caused the panties to take on the shape they had. Her slit had much puffier lips than mine.

She turned away to rummage in the drawer. Now I was staring at her arse. I shook my head. What the fuck was the matter with me? I mean, I don’t look at girls. I don’t even look at boys. That’s when the thought hit me. I don’t look, period! Now, I was. But why?

Erica soon had the second pair pulled up. They were more modest, and they fit her better. I heard Mum calling, “Dinner in five.”

Erica found a jumper and a pair of track-suit bottoms that fit her just fine. I quickly teased her hair out with a dryer and brush. She looked in the mirror. “Hello you, welcome back,” she said and laughed.

I noticed Mum had cut our portions down. I guess she thought that Erica shouldn’t eat too much just yet. But she did the same for all of us so as not to make it look too obvious. I saw Erica’s surprise when we each got a glass of wine.

“We’re sort of part Italian. We always have wine,” Mum said. “Is it okay for you? We’ve got others if you don’t like it.”

I thought Erica was going to burst into tears again. But instead, she smiled. “It’s wonderful. Everything is wonderful. And you, Sonya, and your mum. I don’t know what to say.”

Mum beat me to it. “There’s no need to say anything at all. Sonya did the right thing in bringing you here. You’re welcome here, as long as is needed. Now, I’ll hear no more about it.”


After dinner we sat and watched TV for a while, but I soon noticed Erica nodding off. I gave her a nudge. “What?” she asked.

“I think it’s time you were in bed,” I said. “And I’ve got soccer in the morning, so an early night won’t hurt me either.”

“You play in a soccer team? I saw the trophies and thought they were someone else’s. Are they yours?”

“Some are my dad’s. Some are my sister’s – she’s away at the moment – but some are mine. You can come and watch tomorrow. Or you can stay in bed to catch up on your sleep. Whatever you want.”

I took Erica to sis’s room. “You’re sleeping in my sister’s bed for tonight. We’ll get things sorted better tomorrow.”

She showed no shyness as she shrugged out of her clothes, but I thought she watched for my reaction as I couldn’t help glancing at her boobs. Then she climbed into bed.

“No, no, no,” she said as I turned away. “Come and say goodnight with a hug please, Sonya.”

I felt strangely nervous as I bent down to her. She reached up and pulled me down, right down, until I more or less lay on top of her. She hugged me tight for a minute or more. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable when she pushed me up just a little way.

“Thank you again,” she said. “I know I am very lucky today. You stop for a stranger and then … all of this. I think you’re a very special person.”

Then she kissed me. I mean like, a proper kiss. I almost panicked. This was something new to me. But then, she broke the kiss and just smiled up at me. “Sorry, but I wanted to do that to say thank you. I hope you don’t mind too much?”

I must have looked puzzled when she let go of me and I sat up. “Don’t look so shocked, please. I won’t do it again if you don’t want me to.”

I mumbled a goodnight. She switched off the bedside light as I left the room. Her words hung in my mind. I won’t do it again if you don’t want me to. To me, that seemed to say that she would do it again if I wanted. All I knew was I felt odd. I don’t know how else to describe it.

The last thing I remembered, as I drifted off to sleep, was how beautiful her boobs and pussy were.


Erica was still asleep when I left for soccer. I was surprised at how disappointed I felt. I’d really wanted her along to watch me play.

The match hadn’t long got underway when I saw her give me a wave from the touchline. From a distance, it almost looked like me standing there. My jumper, my jeans, my coat. My heart kind of flipped. “She’s here.”

The match was something of a walkover for us. Our opponents were half a mile down the table from us and we hammered the poor sods. I got a hat-trick, two headers and a rocket from my boot into the top corner. It ended up seven to nil. I felt so much more elated than normal, though, because I’d seen Erica jumping and clapping when I scored.

In the dressing room, Jane asked, “Who’s the new girlfriend then, Sonya? Haven’t seen you with a girl before.”

“I don’t have a girlfriend. It’s someone staying with us, that’s all.”

Jane laughed. “Yeah, okay, whatever you say. But go tell her, coz she thinks you’re her girlfriend. Believe me, I know these things.” She looked me up and down. “I forget you’re one of the youngest on the team. Just how old are you now?”

The team was for sixteen and under. Jane was one of the older ones. “Thirteen, but so what?”

She laughed again. “You’re so tough out there on the field, it’s easy to forget you’re still a kid. Maybe you haven’t got to thinking about these things yet, but let me tell you, that girl wants to get in your pants.” She pointedly looked at my body. “Come to think of it, I wouldn’t mind myself.” But she said that with another laugh.

I did know Jane was only into girls, but what the fuck did she mean about Erica? I was deep in thought as I dressed. The showers were bust so it would have to wait until I got home. But still, that kiss last night. And what she’d said after. Did she like me – I mean, that way? Shit! Was she a lesbian?

This was way out of my experience. Yet … it didn’t make me nearly as uncomfortable as I thought it would.

She saw me coming and ran to meet me. She actually lifted me off my feet and swung me around as she held me tightly. “Wow, Sonya, you’re a star! I never much liked football, but now. Well, I could watch you play all day.” Then she forgot what she had said the day before, because she kissed me again. Only a brief kiss, but a kiss. “Oh, sorry, I forgot,” she said. “But I had to kiss my hero.”

Holding hands was fairly common among my school friends. I mean like, buddies held hands. It didn’t make you girlfriends. But I was acutely aware of the way my hand felt in hers. This whole thing was baffling.

Mum was at work until late afternoon. I dumped my gear in the laundry room. “Help yourself if you want anything. I gotta go get a shower. I won’t be long.”

But then she followed me up the stairs. She answered my questioning look with a smile. “I keep you company. Don’t mind me.”

Well, I did mind. I wasn’t used to someone watching me get undressed or showering at home. But then I thought, yeah, I did get some weird pleasure myself watching her get undressed the day before. Besides, it seemed sorta crass to tell her no.

I couldn’t help thinking about what Jane had said, and it worried me. Erica sat herself on the loo, watching me. Her eyes glanced from one place to another as I undressed. I ditched my panties and dived into the shower. I knew she could still see me through the glass door, but I felt better with some partition between us. Or did I? I suddenly had the awful thought that I wanted her to see me and what I was doing. It was the strangest thought I could have had, and it shook me.

I’d never before had any thoughts in that direction. So why now all of a sudden?

I still tried to make a show of modesty when I washed my private parts. It was the sponge that made me aware that my pussy was tingling. Fuck! What was the matter with me? It was the first time in my life I actually thought about being turned on.

I switched off the water, realising that in my haste to get into the shower, I’d forgotten the towel. When I opened the screen, Erica was holding it out, spread wide. Naturally, I thought she’d just drape it over me and then let go. But she didn’t. Instead, she wrapped it around me and began to rub me down.

I was too startled to object or even know how to object. I just stood there dumb as she rubbed the towel over me. She did my back, then my neck and arms. She turned me to face her and without a pause, she rubbed at my boobs. The towel had opened in the process and that’s when I saw how stiff my nipples were.

She had seen my glance. She smiled at me. “They like me drying them for you,” she said “I bet it feels nice.”

I could feel the flush that came to my cheeks. Her words, as well as the reaction of my tits, had me confused. But she’d already moved on, rubbing the towel over my tummy before kneeling and drying my feet.

Her face was right in front of my pussy but she wasn’t looking there. Maybe I was wrong after all. Maybe she was just being nice.

Her hands worked their way up my legs. First one, then the other. My apprehension built. What would she do next? Surely, she wouldn’t touch me there … but she did. She slipped the towel between my legs and she pressed up. I felt myself jump and my panic welling up as I squeezed my hands into tight fists.

But then she pulled away, turned me around and went to work on my bum. She gave my back a little push as her knees pressed my legs a little wider. Oh, God, she was sliding the towel between my cheeks until it pressed to my arsehole. The tingle in my pussy had gone mad. I desperately wanted to touch myself like I would have done had I been alone. Instead, I clenched my hands even tighter.

“There, you relax now. All done,” she said. Then she lightly smacked one cheek of my arse and… fuck! She kissed the other.

The reflection in the shower glass showed her getting to her feet behind me. She lifted the towel and wrapped it around my hair. I felt her move closer before her arms came around and hugged me. She seemed to like doing it, but it was embarrassing, being naked with her pressed against me like that.

Or was it? I found myself leaning back into her. Her grip tightened. Her head rested on my shoulder and her warm breath caressed my neck. I wondered if she realised just where her hands were as they pressed beneath my boobs.

I got the answer when her fingers spread wide and slowly moved up until they cupped me. It hit me then: I liked the feel of it, and how she was making me feel. But still, I kept telling myself this shouldn’t be happening.

I reached up, intending to pull her hands away, but at that moment, her lips nuzzled my neck. My hands reached hers, but they didn’t do anything else. Her lips pressed harder.

I couldn’t suppress the groan that escaped my lips. Then I was holding her hands over my tits. They moved, feeling and squeezing. My hands just held hers and followed. The kisses on my neck moved upward. When her lips touched my ear, she whispered, “Sonya.”

Almost in a trance, I began to turn. Then I stopped. What the fuck was I doing? Her hands moved to my shoulders, one pushing, the other pulling, gently.

“Sonya, you know you feel it. Don’t fight. Please.”

I didn’t let her turn me around. Nothing made sense. Something inside was urging me to turn, and yet I rebelled against it.

Her hands went back to holding me. They weren’t forcing me. I could have pulled away from her if I really wanted, but I couldn’t seem to move.

Her fingers caressed my tummy. “So strong,” she whispered in my ear. “Your muscles are beautiful, Sonya darling.” Her other hand was back over my breast, but this time her fingers twirled the nipple. It was hard beneath her touch. So busy was I thinking about that nipple, I barely noticed the other hand dropping lower. Until a finger pressed softly and slowly into the front of my pussy.

My clit felt the light caress, the little circle her finger made as it teased me. I found myself pushing back against her once more. The finger became more insistent. My legs trembled and I knew I should push her away. I reached down to… oh shit, it felt so good. My hand covered hers and then pressed her to me. Now there were two fingers, one on either side of my clit, pinching it.

I wondered what she was up to when the hand left my tit and pushed instead behind my back. She seemed to fumble for a moment, then she took hold of the hand I had dangling at my side, drawing it back between us. I knew then what she wanted. I wasn’t sure it was what I wanted, but with her fingers squeezing my clit, I wasn’t thinking too clearly. I found my hand being pushed down the front of her open jeans.

All I could think of was how wet she was. Her panties, her pussy lips – she was soaking. So much more than I had ever been when I played with myself.

My body shook, jerking on her fingers. I had lost the ability to reason. I just wanted to come. And fuck! I wanted to feel her pussy.

My fingers curled between the hot, dripping lips and found her clit. It was the first time I had felt one other than my own. Erica rubbed me faster in response.

“Oh God, Sonya. Fuck me, yes? Please.”

I knew I was ready to come. My shaking became more violent. My body went out of control as I felt the most wonderful climax wash over me. I hunched forwards. Only her hands kept me from falling as her fingers pushed into my cunt. I had never frigged myself as fast as she did. I jerked on her hand as I came.

She turned me around and held me in her arms. My eyes were still screwed shut when her lips touched mine. This time, I didn’t want to fight it. Her lips were full and sensuous. Her tongue forced my lips apart. I found it strange, but it was the most intimate thing I’d ever experienced.

Her hips moved against mine as she humped the hand that I had forgotten was still down her – my – panties. I pushed my fingers into her and let her fuck herself on them as I lost myself in our kiss.

Her hands gripped my arse, urging me against her writhing body, then suddenly dropped to her sides as she began to tremble. For the strangest reason I wanted to see. I fell to my knees and watched my pumping fingers and the dribbles that ran down my wrist. She shouted, “Fuck!” And then she was coming.

I pulled her close and rested my face against her tummy. I could smell the giddy aroma of sex as I held her tight. Tremors still shook her as her fingers entwined in my hair.

I was overcome with an urge to take my head lower, I wanted to kiss her pussy. The jeans and panties easily slipped down until my lips could reach. Just a quick thank-you for what we’d shared. That’s all I intended. But she grabbed my hair and held me fast, grinding her pussy lips over my mouth.

Memories of odd conversations amongst the girls at school filled my mind and I knew what she was expecting from me. She must have felt my resistance, because she lifted me to my feet. “Just kiss me,” she said. “That’s all I need.”

Finally, we broke the kiss and cuddled together for a while. “I didn’t upset you? Please tell me no,” she said. “I wanted you so badly and I was frightened you’d say no if I asked. So I guess, I need to say I’m sorry. I’d hate it if I’ve spoiled things between us.”

I leaned over and gave her another quick kiss. “You’re right, I would have said no. But now… well now I’m glad you didn’t ask.”

I saw the relief on her face. I wasn’t finished, though, not yet. “I think you’ve felt every single inch of me. But me, I only got to feel your pussy. You think we might go to my room… coz I… I wanna rip your clothes off. Well, my clothes, actually.”

“Yes? You want it?” She grabbed my hand. “What are we waiting for?”


Mum was way overexcited when she got home. She thrust a newspaper at us. “Front page and then on page three. Read it.”

The search was on for a missing girl. A man had been arrested on unspecified but serious charges related to her disappearance. The police feared for her safety and asked the public to report any sighting of her. Erica’s photo was a bit dated, but it was definitely her. There was a whole load more, but it was clear that Erica wasn’t in any trouble.

The next morning Mum answered a knock at the door. The guy said he was from the Daily Express and asked if he could have a word with Erica. It seemed they had received a tip from an anonymous source as to Erica’s whereabouts. He assured Mum that nothing would be revealed or printed without Erica’s say-so.

The upshot was that the newspaper would pay Erica two thousand pounds for an exclusive story. Perhaps more at a later stage if they were able to follow up with a story about locating her mother and father.

“You could find my mum and dad?” she asked him.

He told her that would likely be quite easy. He also gave her some advice. She needed to get her status with us official before we got into trouble with social services. She should go to the police right away. He also told us that taking in a Ukrainian refugee was straightforward and there shouldn’t be any problems with Erica staying with us. The Daily Express would help in any way they could.


 A short while later, Erica had official residency status with us. Her stuff had been fetched. Of course, my sister needed her room back, but we were able to squeeze another bed into my room. It was a tight fit – which suited us just fine.

The man’s wife told her she had known the dangers from her husband and she was sorry for ever having let him get near her.

The newspaper kept its promise. Erica’s father was tracked down to a hospital where he was recovering from wounds he suffered on the front line. Her mother had only been able to make a short visit to England for a tearful reunion with Erica before she had to return to work.

“For the government, but I can’t say more,” she had said. “Although it’s not dangerous.”


Jane had the final word.

“You see, I did tell you? It’s plain a mile away that you two are fuckin’. Am I right?”

“Oh, yes,” I answered with the broadest grin. “We weren’t then, but we are now.”

“Way to go, girlie,” she shot back. “You’ve joined the sisterhood.”

“Oh, by the way, Jane, did you get any money from the Express? You were the one who called them, am I right?”

“How’d you guess?”

“Who else? Actually, you did us a big favour in the end!”

The End


Ripples, Chapter 36

  • Posted on January 13, 2024 at 3:25 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the first 34 chapters, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this story, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)

Divorced mother Jessica has found a new identity as a lesbian, becoming the lover of her friend Rachel, as well as her three daughters Alice (12), Katie (9), and Poppy (7). At the same time, Rachel has found sexual intimacy with her own girls Bella (12) and Cindy (10), and they have all elected to come together as one big incestuous family.

Not long after that, Jessica’s younger sister Laura pays an unexpected visit and catches them all in the midst of their first family orgy. Despite her shock at what she saw, Laura was seduced later that night by the three youngest daughters, and eventually ends up joining in the family festivities.

Jess has an openly gay friend named Stella. She has twin daughters named Sienna and Lacey (both fourteen) who have flirted shamelessly with Jessica and her oldest daughter Alice. Alice suspects that the twins are sexually involved with their mother Stella, who she is very much attracted to herself.

As it transpires, Stella and her daughters are members of a secret society of local women who enjoy lesbian sex — especially with younger girls, including their daughters. Now that Jess has officially come out in her relationship with Rachel, Stella is looking to bring her, Rachel and both their families into the Society. She has taken a careful first step by inviting Alice to a sleepover with her own daughters, which resulted in — surprise, surprise — a four-way orgy.

As another test to determine whether Jess and her families are truly suitable candidates for the Society, Sienna and Lacey drop by Jessica’s clothing store at closing time. She lets them in to shop anyhow, the twins seduce her, and their mother Stella conveniently “catches” the three of them at it. Jess is hardly surprised, as she had already figured out Stella’s little scheme.

In the subsequent confrontation, Stella lays her cards on the table: she suspects Jess and Rachel of having incestuous relations with one or more of their girls, and proposes bringing their combined families together for a sex party. Jess admits that Stella’s suspicions are true, and she is open to the idea of the family get-together. Tentative plans are made.

A side note: Jess, her sister Laura and her lover Rachel have been toying with the idea of inviting another family member to join in their incestuous relationship: Jessica’s and Laura’s mother Ann, who has herself recently explored lesbian sex with a much younger woman. The three women discuss the idea, and are overheard by Jessica’s seven-year-old daughter Poppy.

And that, dear readers, is where this installment kicks off. Read on…

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

The next day passed with no new revelations, at least until that night. As Jess assembled the ingredients for that evening’s meal, the doorbell rang. Assuming Rachel had forgotten her key, Jess left the kitchen, making her way to the foyer.

Opening the door, her mouth dropped, and she struggled to speak for an instant, finally gasping, “Mum?”

“In person!” Ann Clark announced, spreading her arms as if putting herself on display.

Ann Clark was unmistakably an older version of Jess, but few would have believed her to be only fifty-seven. She married at nineteen and gave birth to Jessica later that same year, with Laura following three years later. In her youth, she’d been blessed with the looks of a Hollywood starlet and the temperament and feisty nature so common in redheads, with a keen intellect to match. Despite having achieved a promising internship with a London brokerage – the very first woman to do so at this particular firm – she put aside her potential career to raise Jess and Laura.

Once the girls were mature enough to require less hands-on attention, Ann took a position as counsellor to her husband Richard, providing a sounding board and guiding hand as he parlayed his engineering company into the big leagues. By the time her daughters had matured into their teens, she’d become the company trouble-shooter. Richard trusted Ann’s judgement above all others, and the eventual high value of the firm was testament to her financial acumen.

When Richard died, control passed over to Ann. For the next five years she built on his legacy, finally appointing a successor to take over the day-to-day running of the business. Ann still involved herself with securing big contracts and such, but mostly devoted herself to enjoying life and family.

Over the last few months, she’d given serious thought to retiring completely. Her social life had recently taken an unexpected turn, and her thoughts were increasingly centred around what else she was missing out on.

Now she was on her daughter’s doorstep, wondering why Jess seemed to be more startled than delighted to see her.

Quickly recovering, Jess exclaimed, “Mum, why didn’t you tell me you’d arrived? I’d have picked you up. Come in, come in!”

“Oh, I wanted it to be a surprise,” Ann said as she entered.

Jessica’s first thought was of the disastrous confrontation that might have occurred if Ann had arrived two nights earlier – or for that matter, during the weekend sex party they’d planned with Stella and the twins. Shit – I’ve got to give Stella a quick jingle, let her know we’ll have to postpone.

Fully recovered from her shock, Jess embraced Ann, hugging her tightly. “It’s so wonderful to have you here, Mum.” Needless to say, after the lustful thoughts she’d been having about her mother, the woman’s shapely body felt especially good against hers, and that familiar scent she remembered from childhood was affecting Jess in a whole new way.

Releasing her mother, Jess stood back to take in the full view, very much liking what she saw. “You look incredible, Mum! At least five years younger, I swear.”

It was true. Ann had clearly shed a few pounds, and there was a liveliness to her that Jess hadn’t seen for a while. Of course, her mother had always been beautiful, but now she seemed downright vivacious.

Stepping away from the company has done wonders for Mum, she told herself. Not to mention getting regular sex. She knew her mother hadn’t dated for years after Richard’s death… and that her most recent sexual experience had been with a woman, according to Laura.

So now Mum’s playing for our team, Jess thought, already imagining how Ann looked naked.

“Thanks, sweetie. With all that rich food on the ship and the amazing restaurants I visited, I got in the habit of visiting the gym almost every day. And I took long walks whenever I could.”

Jess looked her mother up and down, already feeling a prickle of desire. “Well, it paid off and then some, I’d say. You’ve got to get back on the dating circuit again, Mum – show that body off!”

With a mysterious smile, Ann replied, “Actually, I’ve got some news on that front… but that’ll keep until later.” Taking her daughter’s hand, she gave it a squeeze. “Oh, my, it’s wonderful to be home. I did have a lovely time, but four months away from my family is more than enough. I think I’ve seen enough of the world to keep me for a few years.”

“Have you been home yet?”

“Oh, long enough to drop my luggage off, then I came straight here. I called Laura from the port to let her know I’d arrived. She promised to come by the house later.”

“Why don’t you stay here tonight, Mum? We’ll have Laura drop by and make it a family get-together.”

Ann shook her head. “It sounds tempting, but I really need to unpack and get the house back in order. Tell you what – I’ll come back here tomorrow afternoon and stay for a few days, if that’s all right with you.”

“You’re always welcome here, Mum,” said Jess. “The girls will be thrilled to bits.”

“Speaking of the girls…  where are they? I was hoping for the full welcome committee!”

“Um, they’re hanging out upstairs,” Jess replied, suddenly wondering what her daughters were up to at that moment. Could they be having sex? Do they even have their clothes on? “Wait a tick, I’ll fetch them.”

Hastening to the foot of the stairs, she called out, “Girls?”

A moment later, she saw Katie, peering over the railing. Sure enough, her nine-year-old was stark naked. “What’s up, Mum?” The girl’s tone suddenly turned coquettish. “Wanna come up and play with us?”

Fucking hell, Jess thought, tightening her jaw. Before Katie could say anything incriminating, she quickly said, “Go get your sisters and come downstairs – your gran is here!”

Kate froze for an instant, then loudly replied, “Coming, Mum!” before darting back into one of the bedrooms, her bare feet thumping on the floor.

Listening closely, Jess could hear the muted buzzing of the girls’ excited voices, then the sounds of hasty movement. Sure enough, they’re getting dressed. She imagined it, the entire scenario.

Alice up on all fours, Poppy licking her from behind the way she likes to do it, both of them naked. Suddenly Katie hastens into the room, also nude. “Quick, put some clothes on!” she blurts. “Gran’s here!” Poppy and Alice leap to their feet, then the three girls are scrambling into whatever they can snatch up from the floor.

It was an enticing vision, probably not the best thing to be thinking about at that particular moment. At this rate, I’ll need to change my knickers, Jess told herself. They’re already damp.

Then Poppy was racing down the stairs, shrieking “Nonna!” with Alice and Katie hot at her heels, each spinning round the bannister in turn as they raced to hug their grandmother, almost bowling her over in the process.

Drawing the eager trio into her arms, Ann gave a blissful sigh. “Hello, my darlings. Oh my, how I’ve missed this. Here, let me have a proper look at you.”

Once the girls stepped back, Ann took Alice by the shoulders and looked her up and down, nodding her approval. “Alice, I swear you’ve grown six inches since I left… why, you’re nearly as tall as me!  And look at you two,” she continued, turning to Katie and Poppy. “Goodness me, I feel like I’ve been away a year.”

Then she frowned slightly. “Poppy, you’ve got your top on the wrong way round.”

Sure enough, the child’s Totoro t-shirt was inside out. Jess also suspected that her seven-year-old was completely bare beneath the bright pink shorts she wore.

Glancing down, Poppy exclaimed, “Oops! I did, huh?” And just like that, she tugged the shirt up and off, revealing her flat chest. She quickly reversed it, then wriggled back inside, moving her hips from side to side in a cute dance. When her head popped through, she wrapped both arms around Ann’s waist. “Thanks, Nomma!”

Ann buried her lips in Poppy’s hair, murmuring “Precious child.”

“We want to hear all about the places you’ve been, Gran!” Katie declared, tugging at Ann’s hand. “Come sit with us.”

“Now, Gran can’t stay for very long,” Jess cautioned. “She has to get home and unpack. But she’ll be coming back tomorrow to stay with us through the weekend! What d’you think of that?”

The girls all cheered, Katie eagerly clapping her hands.

“Hurray!” Poppy exclaimed, hugging Ann’s waist, resting her cheek against the woman’s tummy. “Oh, Nomma, we’ll have loads of fun.”

Something in Poppy’s tone caught Jessica’s attention. She studied her youngest, slightly alarmed. Is she flirting with her grandmother? That business with the t-shirt… And sure, Poppy loves to give hugs, but she’s barely let go of Mum since coming down the stairs. Hmm, maybe I should have a little chat with her later.

Beaming at her granddaughters, Ann said, “Who wants to see what I brought back with me? I’ve got gifts for everyone.” She bent to pick up her bag as the girls whooped with delight.

“Let’s get comfortable first,” Jess said, wandering into the living room, Ann and the girls close behind. Everyone piled onto the large sofa – Ann, Alice and Poppy took the three seats, while Jess perched on the left arm and Katie draped herself over the right. It didn’t escape Jessica’s notice that Poppy was snuggling very closely with her gran.

Ann unfastened the silver clasps that held her bag closed. “I wanted to get each of you something special, not just pick up something at the airport. I had a marvellous time shopping for the right gifts, by the way.” Reaching into the bag, she took out several beautiful wrapped packages. “Each one is from a different country.” She passed a package the size of a small book to Poppy.

“Ooohh, this paper is so nice!” Poppy squealed, examining the parcel from all angles. “I’m gonna save it.” She carefully peeled the wrapping away, which left her holding a green velvet box. This she opened to find a beautiful gold necklace with a pearl drop emerald. “Wow…” she breathed, completely awed.

“That’s from Italy,” said Ann. “Emeralds always do look lovely on redheads, and when I saw this one it made me think of you, Poppy. I found it on a visit to Lake Como, in this little town called Bellagio with the most wonderful little shops. Your grandfather and I went there several times.”

Next was Katie’s gift, a gold filigree ball pendant with a ruby inside. “Now that’s from Croatia, a truly beautiful country with lovely people, just like Italy.”

Alice’s gift was a Spanish gold heart pendant that opened so a picture or lock of hair could be kept inside.

Needless to say, the girls were all beside themselves with delight, and swarmed Ann with hugs and kisses.

Lastly, Ann had two gifts for Jess, handing her the larger of the two first. “We had a tour of Parfumerie Fragonard in Eze in the south of France to see how they create perfumes. I had this fragrance made especially for you; there’s a little note in the box with the list of ingredients.”

Jess sprayed a little on her wrist and brought it to her nose. “This smells lovely, Mum. Here, girls, what do you think?”

Alice, Katie and Poppy took turns sniffing at her wrist, and each announced their approval. Ann continued. “They had thousands of little bottles on shelves in this huge laboratory with just about every scent you could think of. The people who work there can tell you everything that’s in a perfume just by smelling it.”

She handed her daughter a smaller box. “Now, open this one.” Inside, Jess found an ornate gold ring. Rather than a solid band, it was a delicate filigree pattern interspersed with tiny embedded gems.

“Mum, it’s gorgeous. Are these diamonds?”

“Yes. It’s handmade from Montenegro. I got matching rings for you and Laura.”

“My God, Mum, this… all these gifts – they must have cost you a fortune.”

“Jess, Jess… what better way is there to spend my money than on my family? I like beautiful things, I like to spoil my granddaughters… and my daughters, of course. I’ve more money than I know what to do with, and if I… Well, never mind, we’ll talk about this later.” Noticing Jessica’s curious look, Ann added, “Oh, don’t worry, darling, it’s just an idea I had.”

“Colour me intrigued, Mum.” She turned to the girls. “All right, young ladies… take your gifts upstairs and put them away somewhere safe, then get on with your homework. I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”

With one last flurry of thanks, hugs and kisses for their gran, Alice, Katie and Poppy raced up the staircase. Ann watched them disappear with a happy sigh. “Goodness, I’ve missed them.” Kissing Jessica’s cheek, she added, “You too, my dear.”

“Are you staying for dinner, Mum?”

“It’s a tempting offer… but no, I’d best be off soon. They had a laundry on the ship, but I still need to do a couple of loads. Oh, and open up the house to get some air in… it was dreadfully stuffy when I dropped my bags off. Then there’s Mr. Routledge next door – he’s been taking in my mail, and I need to pick it up. There might be something important that can’t wait.”

“Sometimes it amazes me that we ever managed to get you to retire, Mum. “Well, at least come and have a cuppa before I start dinner. We can get caught up.”

They adjourned to the kitchen, where Jess made a pot of tea.

Ann settled into a chair. “So, I’ll tell you all about the places I visited tomorrow, but first I want to know all the news from the home front. How’s your business doing?”

“Very well, actually. I’ve been thinking of expanding, even opening another shop. You know Blanche Turner, don’t you?”

“Somewhat; enough to say hello to. We’ve spoken at business gatherings, and a couple of those social and charity events she organises. What about her?”

“She and I had a chat about my business. Nothing detailed, but she was interested in lending a hand if I was looking to expand, especially into the high-end market. I think she might have some premises available.”

“Well, that sounds promising.”

“Maybe. We’ll see,” Jess said. “The girls are all doing really well at school. Tomorrow, they’re let out for the summer.” She seated herself across from Ann. “But I do have some big news for you. I’m seeing someone.”

“Well, it’s about time,” said Ann, breaking into a huge smile. “That is big news. I was worried you’d never find someone after that rotter Mark made himself scarce. How long have you been dating?”

“Since just after you left on your cruise.”

“And is it serious?”

“Very. Actually, it’s more than serious. We want to spend the rest of our lives together.”

“And all this has happened in the four months I’ve been away? Goodness me! Do I know him?”

Taking a deep breath, Jess took the plunge. “You do… but it’s not a ‘he’, Mum, It’s Rachel.”

Ann’s eyes widened “Rachel?”

“Rachel Thomas, from across the road; my best friend. Well, now we’re a couple.”

“You mean…”

“That’s right, Mum, I’m gay. Took me years to figure it out, but now I know who I really am. What do you think?”

Gazing into Jessica’s eyes, Ann said, “Just one question. Does she make you happy?”

“More than I’ve been since the girls were born.”

“How do they feel about it?”

“They love having two mums, actually. Not to mention an extra pair of sisters!”

Ann took Jessica’s hand between hers, “If that’s how you feel, then I’m delighted for you both.”

Jess leaned over and hugged her mother. “So… you’re okay with both your daughters being lesbians?”

“Well, I might feel differently if you hadn’t already given me three lovely granddaughters. Seriously, though, I think it’s wonderful. I just wish your sister would find someone special and settle down. She’s been playing the field for much too long, wandering the globe like the Flying Dutchman.”

“I spoke to Laura about how best to come out to you. She was very sure you’d be okay with it.” For a moment, Jess toyed with the notion of telling Mum about Alice and Bella being girlfriends, but decided to keep that new under wraps for the moment. On the other hand… “She also mentioned something else.”

“Oh, what was that, love?”

“I think you have something to tell me, Mother,” Jess said, giving her mother a questioning look.

Slowly nodding, Ann said, “Laura must have told you about my, umm, date. With a woman.”

“Yes, she did.”

“How much did she tell you?”

“Just that you visited a dating site and ended up going out with a woman; and things went considerably farther than a simple good night kiss.”

“Oh, it’s true,” Ann said, looking a little sheepish. “Since your father died, I haven’t looked for anyone else. I mean, I didn’t want a long term relationship, but I have a couple of male friends I can always call on when I need a plus-one, no sex involved.

“What happened was… I just started to think about life after your father and the business, and realised I wanted something more. The plan was to spend as much time as I could with you, Laura and the girls, but I also found myself thinking about… well, exploring a physical relationship again. Having sex.

“Anyway, I was curious about online dating, so I thought I’d just take a look; see what type of people used it. I was looking at men, of course, but I must’ve clicked on the wrong link… and suddenly all these profiles of women were on my screen. I was curious, and read a few of them. Before I knew it, I was messaging someone named Gina who was looking to connect with an older woman – just to chat at first, then, perhaps, to meet.

“It wasn’t my intention to actually date a woman, but… well, honestly, I liked her. So I accepted Gina’s offer to meet for a coffee and a chat. Oh, I knew she was probably looking for sex, but thought perhaps we could just be friends and leave it at that.”

“Mum… you do know those websites are all about hooking up, right? Did you actually tell this woman about just wanting to be friends with her? You couldn’t have done!”

Now Ann was blushing. “Well, no. You have to understand, Jess – I was acting completely on impulse. To be honest, I didn’t let myself think too much about getting together with Gina. Maybe in the back of my mind, I was interested in trying it out with a woman… or open to the possibility, at least.” She paused, took a sip of tea. “What it boils down to is that I wanted to meet this woman, so I did. Simple as that.”

“Fair enough. So – how did the meeting go?”

“Soon as I entered the cafe, I got a surprise. Maybe I didn’t check Gina’s details properly, but it turned out she was quite a bit younger.”

“Hmmm. Yeah, Laura told me she was in her mid-thirties or thereabouts.”

Jess caught the expression on her mother’s face as Ann quickly focused on her tea cup. “Mum? I saw that look. You’re holding something back.”

Briefly closing her eyes, Ann murmured, “Look, Jess, I didn’t want to tell Laura the truth because of her… well, I know she often gets involved with older women, and I was a bit embarrassed for her to find out that I was exploring sex with someone so young, especially a woman.”

Jess repressed a smile. If only you knew what Laura’s into now, mother dear... “She told me you were a bit cagey when she started asking about Gina’s age. What is it, exactly?”

“I – I hope you won’t think badly of me.”

“Oh, Mum, of course not. I wouldn’t begrudge you seeing someone; no matter who. Laura would feel the same. You deserve to be happy.” She gave her mother a wry smile. “This Gina… she’s not a teenager, is she?”

Jess!” Ann gasped, a flush of pink appearing in her cheeks. “Where on earth do you get these ideas? No, that’s not it. Here’s what happened. When I saw Gina on the computer screen she looked older, but when I met her in the cafe, she admitted to being only twenty-five.

“I’m embarrassed to admit that I panicked a bit. I told her perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to meet, and maybe I should go… but she pleaded with me to stay and talk. I couldn’t bring myself to say no.

“Gina told me she’d always been attracted to older women, but was too timid to approach anyone. It took her weeks just to work up the courage to post an ad on the dating site! Anyway, we began to chat, then ended up talking for two hours. Once Gina got past her shyness, she was sweet and charming, and we had a perfectly lovely time.

“After a while, the cafe was growing crowded and they needed the table, so I was about to tell Gina goodbye and head for home, But she lived nearby, and asked if I’d like to come back to her flat for a slice of apple crumble – she’d just made it the night before. And so… I did.”

“But, Mum… didn’t you assume that she was going to make a move on you?”

“I wasn’t sure,” Ann replied, gesturing helplessly. “It seemed so… so bloody odd that a young woman as lovely as Gina would be attracted to me in the first place. I think half the reason I accepted her invitation was to – to find out if she really did want me that way.”

“What was the other half?” asked Jess, touching Ann’s hand.

Suddenly unable to meet her daughter’s probing gaze, Ann looked away, her cheeks now flushed a bright pink. “I… I didn’t even tell your sister this,” she mumbled, “I’m not sure why not. Still struggling with these feelings about, well, what I really want, I suppose.” She turned back to Jess. “I was interested in – in taking things further with Gina.”

“I understand, Mum. That’s how I felt about Rachel.” And my girls, she thought.

“It surprised me. Oh, I’d felt curiosity about that sort of thing when Laura came out, but never entertained the notion of trying it for myself. Even after meeting Gina at the dating site, I didn’t take the idea seriously. But after spending time with this charming, lovely young woman… I found myself imagining what it would be like. With her. And I wanted to find out.”

Jess sat quietly, her hand still resting on Ann’s. Nonetheless, she was smouldering inside, her arousal at fever pitch as she took in the story of her mum’s lesbian experience.

Ann continued. “Gina was showing me round her flat, taking her time with it while we talked. We were looking at this amazing collection of glass figurines she has, then she asked if she could kiss me, right out of the blue. I was caught off guard and didn’t answer… but if I had, my answer would have been yes. Then, before I knew it, her mouth was on mine.

“I tensed up, but not for long… then I was kissing her back. It was lovely; truly lovely. Next thing I knew we were getting a bit intimate, and Gina had undone my top.”

“Were you excited?” asked Jess, her own excitement still steadily mounting. She ached to touch her cunt, but had to settle for pressing her thighs together.

“SO excited, darling. I hadn’t had those feelings since… well, you know, and now I was having them with a young woman! She encouraged me to touch her… and it took a moment to get my courage up, but then I found myself fondling Gina’s breasts through her top. She’d gone without a bra, by the way.

“When she offered to make love to me, I found myself at a loss for words yet again… but I didn’t need to say a thing – instead, I just looked into Gina’s eyes and nodded. Then she was leading me to the bedroom.”

“So… how was it?”

“Good. Very good, in fact. I actually cried after she made me… finish.” Ann rolled her eyes. “I was embarrassed beyond belief, but she seemed to understand, thank Christ.”

Jess nodded. “I did that once with Rachel. Um… so what did you two get up to in bed? Are you comfortable sharing that kind of information?”

“Not exactly,” Ann replied, frowning slightly.

“Oh, Mum… I’m not going to judge you, or treat you like a fallen woman.” Pausing, she broke into a wicked grin. “Tell you what – you can ask me anything about what Rachel and I do when we fuck. To my beloved bi-curious mum, my sex life is now an open book!”

“You’re trying to shock me, daughter dearest, and it won’t work.” Ann replied, then laughed. “She went down on me, I’ll tell you that much. And it was bloody spectacular.”

By then, Jess had soaked through her knickers. “Did you return the favour?”

“I’m not sure if I was ready to do that anyway, but Gina didn’t give me the chance. She kept saying that this time was all about me… but she promised that if I went on a real date with her, she’d let me do anything I wanted. That was only two days before my cruise. I promised to – to give her a call when I got back.”

Jess waited for more… and when none came, asked, “Um… have you phoned her, then?”

“Oh… I’m not sure what to do, Jessica. I had a lovely time with Gina, but what kind of relationship can I have with a woman thirty years younger? The whole situation makes me feel awkward.”

“Mum! You can’t give her the brush-off like that! Look, Gina really liked you, and she deserves a phone call, at least – especially since you promised you’d get in touch.”

“You’re right, you’re right,” Ann mumbled. “I’ll ring her up. But she’ll try to persuade me to see her again.”

Listen to me, Mother. There’s nothing wrong with seeing her, for God’s sake. There’s nothing wrong with making love to her! Stop worrying about what society thinks, and do what you want!”

“I don’t know, Jessica…”

Leaning back in her chair, Jess thought for a moment, then said, “Mum, it’s perfectly okay for you to take a younger female lover, as long as the woman in question is willing – and your friend Gina clearly is.” She paused once more, then came out with it. “You know, I’ve been with a younger woman myself. A teenager, actually.”

Ann sat up straight, her eyes wide. “Y-you have? How old was she?”

“Sixteen. Sally’s her name; she works in my shop.” Ann gasped, so Jess hastened to add, “And before you get your dander up, I didn’t seduce her – she made the first move. Oh, and Rachel knows about her. It happened before she and I became lovers.”

“How on earth did you end up in a situation like that?”

“Sally came by one day to borrow some of my fashion-oriented literature. We had a little chat, and out of the blue, she kissed me. I’m afraid that I did respond, though that’s as far as things went. Then she paid me another visit… and that time, I gave in. By then, I was definitely interested, so she didn’t have to work very hard to persuade me. It was the first lesbian experience for us both, and we had a marvellous time. Sally’s a lovely girl.”

Ann nodded thoughtfully. “I see. Did you ever, um, make love to her again?”

“Oh, Sally now has a girlfriend of her own.” Jess didn’t mention that she and Rachel had not only hooked Sally up with her new partner, but engaged in a torrid foursome with both girls. “Anyway, my point is that you shouldn’t dismiss the idea of being with Gina again. If anyone’s earned the right to an evening or two of casual sex, it’s you.”

“My goodness… that’s quite a lot for me to digest,” Ann murmured, then broke into a shaky laugh. “And I was thinking you’d be the one who was shocked.” She rose from her seat. “Anyway, you and I have more catching up to do, and I want to spend more time with the girls, of course. For now, I need to get home and get the house in some kind of order. I’ve got a meeting tomorrow at lunchtime, then I’ll be back in the late afternoon like I promised.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll invite Rachel and her girls to join us for dinner.”

“A capital idea! I want to get to know the woman who stole my little girl’s heart… and meet my two new granddaughters.”

“They’ll adore you, I promise. Oh, and Mum? I need to take Alice and Katie to the dentist this Thursday… while I’m doing that, could you look after Poppy? Also, Rachel wants to spend a day in London where we do a bit of shopping, take in a show and make a ladies’ night of it, so you can have the girls all to yourself for the evening.”

“I’d love that. See me out?”

“Oh, of course.” Jess stood, then accompanied Ann to the front door. “I’ll call Rachel later, let her know.” She drew the older woman into a cosy embrace. “Love you, Mum.”

“Love you too, dearest. See you tomorrow.” Mother and daughter exchanged a brief kiss, then Ann made her exit.

Moving to the window, Jess watched her mum climb into her car and drive away. A good start, she told herself. Even if I can’t get her in bed with Rachel and me, I can talk her into giving Gina another go. If the sex is really as good as Mum says, that should be enough to convert her to our side.

She glanced at the clock. Hmmm… wonder what the girls are up to? Behaving themselves, I suppose. Did they hear Mum leaving? If not, I ought to let them know the coast is clear. Better yet, let’s give them a lovely surprise… 

Jessica mounted the stairs. She undressed as she went, carelessly discarding her clothes along the way.

On to Chapter Thirty-Seven!


Ashley’s Love, Book One: Chapter 6

  • Posted on January 8, 2024 at 3:56 pm

by Rosey M

July 2, 2006 – Ashley

Sometime during the night, Rhonda had rolled over and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my face down toward her chest. I took a few moments to peer appreciatively at her tiny buds before carefully extracting myself from her embrace.

Getting to my feet, I stood over her sleeping form, admiring how my little angel looked lying in bed. The last month had been the best of my life. Rhonda wanted me of all people? It was something straight out of my least likely fantasies.

Rhonda made it sound as if I was at the heart of everything she’d ever wanted. I shivered at the thought of my baby sister touching herself to thoughts of me. I wanted to watch her do it, stare into her eyes as she rubbed that sweet little pussy of hers.

There was nothing I wouldn’t do for Rhonda. I’d make a deal with the devil if I had to, as long as I could be with her forever.

I gently brushed Rhonda’s hair back from her beautiful face. The mark on her cheek had darkened, and I leaned forward to brush my lips against the bruised skin. I had a feeling she’d fallen asleep long after me, and I didn’t want to wake her.

My alarm clock told me it was just after seven in the morning as I crept around my room, grabbing some clothes out of the closet, then making a quiet exit, closing the bedroom door behind me.

The house was silent as I crossed the hall to the bathroom. Once inside, I slipped my panties off, had a quick pee, then hopped into the shower. This day had the potential to be spectacularly bad, depending on how my talk with Kate went, so I turned the cold tap up all the way to fully wake myself. It did the job, but boy, it sucked.

I kept it cold for as long as I could stand, then turned it back to warm. As I washed my body, I thought about everything that happened last night. I didn’t get the full story from Rhonda, but it wasn’t hard to connect the dots.

That drunk bitch. Where the hell did she get off, anyway? Listening at doors when my sister and I were alone, then bullying Rhonda because that was easier than actually trying to understand her? Kate barely noticed Rhonda the rest of the time, but now she’d decided her youngest was old enough to start hitting, like she did to me when I was that age?

There wasn’t anyone to stop Kate when I was little, but I’d be damned if I was going to let her hurt Rhonda again. Not ever.

She’s doing it already, though. All those warnings and she didn’t listen. You messed up. 

I gritted my teeth as that stupid voice echoed inside my head. I knew the voice wasn’t real – just my conscience reminding me what I already knew – but that didn’t make it any easier to ignore. The hard, cold fact remained that I’d royally fucked up the promise I’d made to protect the one person in this world who truly mattered.

I told Kate we’d be speaking in the morning, after she sobered up, and I intended to keep my word on that at least. I knew I couldn’t trust her around Rhonda, but I hadn’t fully worked out the details on how I’d go about keeping them away from each other.

The idea of moving out had been on my mind more and more, and I definitely wanted Rhonda with me when I left. But with Kate having custody, I wasn’t sure how to do it legally without her calling the cops and having Rhonda returned to her. I didn’t have the smarts to fight that kind of thing.

Images of Rhonda’s crumpled form haunted me. Her sobbing, terrified face, the bruises I discovered on her body later on. I could feel the rage building in me even as I tried to tamp it down. Getting angry and losing control wouldn’t help, I knew that much. I needed a clear mind for this.

Groaning in frustration, I rested my head against the tiled wall and closed my eyes. The water continued to stream down my body, and I wasn’t sure how long I stood there before shaking myself from my stupor. I’d figure something out. I had to.

Shutting off the water, I stepped out of the shower and quickly toweled myself off. I brushed my teeth, then threw some clothes on. Even as I told myself I would try to keep my temper, I knew there was always a chance things would turn violent, and I needed to be prepared for that. I couldn’t trust Kate not to make things worse.

My original plan was to head directly to Kate’s room, but I figured a quick stop at the scene of the crime was in order first.

Light was already poking through the curtains when I got to the living room. My eyes homed in on the broken bottle by the couch. The whole room smelled like it was drenched in beer. There was a cluster of empty bottles on the coffee table, but the case itself had vanished. No one could say our mother didn’t have her priorities.

Moving into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee, I spotted the phone receiver still lying on the floor where Kate had thrown it. I placed it on the counter, idly playing with the damaged wire. There’d be time to try and fix it later.

I took a broom and dustpan back into the lounge to sweep up the broken glass, then dumped it in the garbage. I thought about mopping as well, so the beer didn’t completely soak into the wooden floor, but decided to leave that until after my little chat with Kate. That conversation had been put off long enough.

I made my way to the master bedroom. I didn’t bother to knock, but the door didn’t budge when I turned the handle, and I realized Kate had put her latch on. I rolled my eyes. Did she think I was going to throttle her while she slept? Not that the idea wasn’t tempting…

I went back to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of mail from the pile on the counter. Back at Kate’s door, I slid the envelope into the crack right below where the hook sat. I pulled the door tight to get a bit of slack on the latch, then swiped upward, lifting the hook from the bolt. With the door unlocked, I entered and closed it behind me.

Kate was lying in bed, half-covered by a blanket, still clad in yesterday’s clothes. Just as I’d figured, there were more empty beer bottles on her nightstand.

I threw the envelope next to her phone and then kicked her mattress. “Wake up. We need to talk.”

She grunted in reply and shifted away from the sound of my voice. I hoofed her bed even harder. “I know you can hear me. I said, get up.”

Kate let out an irritated groan, then slowly came to life. As the blanket fell away from her body, I saw bruising across her throat where my hands had been. Good. She had it coming. I closed my eyes for a moment in an attempt to will that malevolent thought away.

Her voice was raspy when she finally spoke. “A-Ashley? What the fuck? How did you get in here?”

“Magic,” I deadpanned. “Now get up and do… whatever the hell it is you have to do to get your shit together.”

“Fuck you.”

I laughed bitterly. “Just get up already. I said we were gonna talk, and I meant it.”

She clambered out of bed and stepped toward me until we were inches apart. “So what, you’re calling the shots now? This is my house, and I’m your mother.”

I felt an odd sense of déjà vu. We’d been here before, hadn’t we? More than once. “You are? Could have fooled me, Kate. Seems to me like you’re less of an adult than your ten-year-old daughter.”

Kate sneered at that. “Oh, you mean the ten-year-old you’re fucking?”

“We’re not fucking, as you so crudely put it. I’m not going to bother denying that Rhonda and I have a special relationship, but you’re not gonna talk about me like I’m some rapist. We love each other. I guess that’s a foreign concept to you.”

Kate advanced even closer into my space, glowering at me. I could smell her rancid breath. “You make me sick, Ashley. Bad enough you choose to mess up your own life with this lesbian shit; now you’re dragging your sister into it, too? Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t call the police right now.”

I glanced at the phone on her nightstand. It was the only functioning phone in the house, now that the one in the kitchen was busted. She’d had all the time in the world to call the police, if that’s what she intended to do. Honestly, who was she trying to fool?

She knew as well as I did that she’d catch some shit of her own for the things she’d done. Not to mention how it’d look if the neighbors saw a cruiser outside the house.

Do it, then,” I told her defiantly. “Let them come. You think Rhonda will back your story? Oh, and while they’re here, the cops can take a look at all the bruises you gave her. Maybe even check her system for the alcohol you made her drink last night. Face it, Kate, you talk big, but you’re too scared to get the law involved.” My voice dropped to a low, icy murmur. “Now get the fuck out of my face before you get yourself hurt. We still have lots to talk about.”

We continued to glare at one another for a long moment. Kate made no move to back down. I had a feeling it was all about to go off again… but then she finally looked away.

“And go take a shower, for Christ’s sake,” I added. “You smell like cheap beer and flop sweat.”

Kate didn’t reply, and several seconds passed before she finally moved, trudging toward the door, flashing me a look of purest hate as she left the room.

I let out a steadying breath when I heard the bathroom door shut, allowing some of the tension to drain from my body. I’d been prepared for an ugly confrontation, but hadn’t exactly planned to murder her before eight in the morning. I suppose as long as things hadn’t degenerated into a fistfight, I’d chalk it as a win.

I fixed myself a cup of coffee and sat at the table to wait for Kate. She took her sweet time in the bathroom, the sound of the shower still audible by the time I’d drained my cup. But it was fine. I had all the time in the world. I poured myself another coffee.

The sound of running water eventually ceased, and I could hear the sound of footsteps shambling across the floor. When Kate finally graced me with her presence, she was wearing a tattered old bathrobe. Avoiding eye contact, she took a cup from the drying rack and poured coffee for herself.

I sipped loudly from my cup to annoy her, and she wheeled around to face me. The force of her usual snappish voice was weakened by its current scratchy quality. “All right, what the hell do you want, Ashley? I know I screwed up last night; I didn’t mean to hurt Rhonda.”

I scoffed. “No? You beat the shit out of her, not to mention pouring beer down her throat. And let’s not even get into that scene at the mall yesterday. Seriously, you can’t just give some half-assed apology and expect everything to go back to normal. It doesn’t work like that. You need to take responsibility for once.”

Kate threw up her hands. “Well, what then? What is it you want me to say? Let’s not forget what you did to me.” She gestured angrily at the imprint of my hands on her throat. “Far as I’m concerned, that’s the last time you ever lay your hands on me. You’re not welcome in my house anymore, Ashley.”

Some deep buried thing inside me felt a sting of hurt at her words, but I still smirked in reply. “Yeah, that’s sort of the plan. I’m going to start looking for my own place, and Rhonda’s coming with me.”

Kate’s fist thudded on the table. “The hell she is! You can do whatever the fuck you want, girl, but Rhonda’s my kid, not yours. You don’t get to take her with you. Like you could even afford to! You barely graduated, and you’re working at a grocery store, for fuck’s sake. You think your little ‘art’ hobby is gonna pay the bills for two?”

Her words struck a few sore spots, but I’d figure something out. For my sister, I’d do whatever it took. I doubted Kate could say the same. “Let’s be real here,” I said. “You and I both know you don’t give a shit about Rhonda. Why the sudden concern for where she lives?”

“Ronnie’s still my daughter. I’m trying to save her from you, damn it. She’s not moving in with some pervert who’s gonna spend the next few years molesting her. Once she doesn’t get you hot ‘cause she isn’t a little girl anymore, you’ll just kick her out. Then I’ll be left to pick up the pieces.”

God, I wanted to punch her bloated, sneering face. “Oh, that’s the angle you’re going for, is it? Yeah, it’s not gonna happen and you know it. Rhonda’s the most important thing in the world to me. Even if she decides she doesn’t want a relationship with me anymore, she’s still my sister. I’d never abandon her, not in a million years.”

I took a breath before I continued. This was the part that mattered. It was a high-risk move, and I knew it could backfire on me badly. “After the shit you’ve pulled in the last few days, I clearly can’t trust you with Rhonda’s safety. I’ll involve CPS and fight you for her if I have to. I’ve documented years of the shit you’ve done to both of us, so it’ll be an open-and-shut case.”

Of course, I would do no such thing. If I went to the authorities, I knew Kate would do her damnedest to take me down with her. Sure, Rhonda and I would deny anything she accused us of, and the law would surely favor us over our train wreck of a mom, but I refused to put my ten-year-old sister in a scary position like that in the first place.

I’d called Kate’s bluff over her police threat. Would she call mine now?

To my immense relief, she wilted before my eyes. Hell, she even looked scared at the possibility of me involving the law in our little dust-up. I couldn’t help but feel a little satisfied by how she cringed before me.

Kate nervously wrung her hands. “L-look, Ashley. We don’t have to do it like this. Just listen for a moment.”

I raised an eyebrow. “So talk.”

She bit her lip. “It’s just… Okay, fine. You want to move out, I get it. But Rhonda doesn’t have to go with you. It’d be a lot for you to find a place for yourself, let alone a ten-year-old kid. I mean, you’re not even eighteen until next month. I’m gonna get help, I promise. Last night will never happen again.”

It was such bullshit. I couldn’t believe she was able to say it with a straight face. “All right, we both know you’re lying through your teeth, pretending to be concerned about my life. What’s the real reason you don’t want Rhonda to leave with me?”

Propping her elbows on the table, Kate rested her head in both hands. “Okay, look. I didn’t want to say this, but I won’t be able to afford this house if you take Rhonda with you. I mean, you’ve been helping me with the bills these last few years, and I appreciate it, I really do.” She peered up to gauge my reaction. I was unimpressed.

She continued anyway. “When you move out, I won’t have that financial help anymore. And with you turning eighteen next month, I won’t be getting your child tax or family allowance either. It’ll be tight without all that, but I could make do. If I also lose Rhonda’s benefits, though…”

Unable to help myself, I began to laugh. “So wait, this is about money? No concern about Rhonda leaving home? None of that ‘what will other people think’ spiel you like to go off on? Why do you care so much about keeping this shitty house, anyway? You’d probably be better off renting an apartment than living here. It’s a dump, for Christ’s sake!”

Kate groaned in frustration, tugging at her hair. “You’ll understand when you’re older. I got this place with your dad when you were a baby. Since he walked out on us, it’s all I have left.”

I stared in disbelief. “You’re serious? God, you really mean that. Never mind that you had two daughters with that asshole; the house is all you’ve got left?”

She winced. “I didn’t mean it like that…”

I couldn’t believe her. I mean, I could, but it was still pretty low. I was worried I’d have a fight on my hands because there might have been some remnant of maternal instinct still bubbling away in that stony old heart of hers, and she was just bad at showing it or something. But Kate really was as selfish as I always suspected.

She had a point, though. It would be tough to support both myself and Rhonda, at least until I could find a job that paid well enough. And despite Kate’s shitty track record as a parent, if a custody battle ensued, I would be unlikely to win. I wasn’t even eighteen yet, for God’s sake. Worse still, if both Kate and I were deemed unfit to look after Rhonda, she could end up getting taken into care. I really had no choice but to make some sort of compromise.

“Okay, fine. You want Rhonda to keep living here? I’ll agree to that. You can have whatever money the government throws your way. But the time she spends here will be next to none. You and I both know she’ll be with me most days, anyway.”

Kate didn’t say anything to that, just stared glumly back at me.

“So are we agreed then? I move out, Rhonda comes with me, you keep whatever benefits you get for her and leave us both the fuck alone.”

Finally admitting defeat, Kate raised her hands in the air. “Fine, go. It’ll be less stressful on all of us if Rhonda’s with you most of the time, anyway. I could use the extra money from the food budget if you’re gonna be taking care of her.”

I smirked at her. “More money for beer, am I right?”

“N-no. Like I said, I’m gonna get help for that.”

I stood from the table. “Yeah, you’ve said that before.” Then I extended my hand toward her. “The rest of it, though? Guess I can’t get it in writing, so we’ll have to shake on it.”

Rising on unsteady legs, she accepted my hand. I decided to give her a little reminder of my promise. Rather than let go, I tightened my grip and pulled her toward me. Kate looked at me questioningly, then threw her other hand against my shoulder to stop me from getting any closer.

My voice was low and threatening as I leaned forward in spite of her attempts to ward me off. “I meant what I said. You ever lay a hand on Rhonda again, I’ll fucking kill you. I backed off last night because she begged me to – you have her to thank for that. But never again. That was your absolute last chance. Understand?”

When she didn’t reply, I squeezed her hand until she cried out in pain. Her other hand dropped from my shoulder to tug uselessly at my arm. “I said, understand?”

Her voice broke as she cried out. “I understand! I get it! I’ll never do it again! I wasn’t going to anyway! Let go, Ashley, you’re hurting me!”

I released her hand and she yanked it away to cradle against her body, looking as if she was about to burst into tears. It made me question the way I was behaving. God knows, it was hard to muster any sympathy for Kate, and she certainly deserved some sort of payback after what she’d done to Rhonda, but the way I seemed to take pleasure in giving my mother a taste of her own medicine left me wondering if I was destined to turn into a carbon copy of her some day. The thought horrified me, and I quickly dismissed it.

“Doesn’t feel good to be on the other side of it for once, does it?” I told Kate. “Remember what I said.”

Ignoring the sorrowful muttering coming from behind me, I returned to my room. Despite our ugly confrontation, I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Things were finally going right for once. Rhonda and I were together, I was free to leave this damned house, and Kate wouldn’t butt into our business anymore if she knew what was good for her.

Rhonda was still sleeping when I entered my bedroom. I settled down to lie beside her, then passed the time by gently stroking her hair. She made the most adorable expression when she finally began to stir, sleep falling away from her features. Finally, her eyes opened and locked with mine.

I gently stroked her bruised cheek, my thumb brushing the corner of her mouth. “Good morning, beautiful.”

She blushed at my words, then shyly turned her head. It was so cute. Her drowsy voice washed all of my stress away. “Morning, Ashley.”

I reached over and pulled her to me, enjoying the feel of her warm body against mine. “So… I talked with Kate this morning, and well, there’s gonna be some changes.”

“Um, okay. What happened?”

“Here’s the thing: I’m gonna be moving out soon—”

Rhonda suddenly pulled away, a panicked expression on her face. “Y-you’re leaving? I’m going with you, right? Right?”

“Hush, Rhonda,” I murmured soothingly, then leaned forward to brush my lips against hers, still amazed that kissing was now something we could do whenever we liked. I hoped it gave Rhonda the same feeling of peace and pleasure it gave me. To my relief she settled down a little, and I reached up to stroke her face.

“You’re coming with me,” I told her, “but it’s a little more complicated than that. For legal reasons, you’ll still technically be living with Kate, but for all intents and purposes you’ll be with me. Does that make sense?”

“But why can’t I just live with you officially? That’s dumb.”

I had to chuckle at her honest assessment of the situation. “I want you to be with me, sure, but because I’m so young, and Kate’s still legally your mom, the law would probably pick her to be your guardian. We could fight it in court, but it would be messy and expensive. It’s easier just to have you pretend to live with her, but really, you’ll stay with me. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you beforehand; it was sort of a spur-of-the-moment thing. Is that okay?”

A variety of emotions flitted across Rhonda’s face before finally settling into something that resembled hope. “But we’ll be together, right? All I want is to stay with you, and for Mom to not hurt me again. Or you!”

“Yeah, Rhonda, we’ll be together. And Kate won’t bother us anymore.”

A tentative smile appeared on Rhonda’s face. “Okay, Ashley. As long as you think everything’ll work out. I trust you.”

She’d never know how much those words mean to me. There and then, I vowed that I would never let her down. But I wanted to lighten the mood a little, and knew just the way to do it. Slipping my fingers into Rhonda’s armpits, I began to tickle her senseless.

She shrieked with laughter, scrambling across the bed to get away. I pulled her back and continued my assault, but eventually she wriggled free and lunged for me. We playfully wrestled each other, taking turns playing attacker or defender.

She really seemed to enjoy when I’d pin her down, her struggles becoming half-hearted whenever I was on top of her. I could tell she was getting excited, and in more ways than one. We eventually wore ourselves down until we were both breathing hard from the exertion, our giggles setting each other off.

Soon we were lying together spooning. I began to explore her body, my fingers mapping their way across her bare torso. All I wanted was to make my sister feel good, and I figured she was due some genuine pleasure after the events of the last twenty-four hours.

I placed a hand on Rhonda’s chest, idly toying with her stiffening nipples. Her soft moans encouraged me to continue, so I allowed my other hand to slowly snake its way down until it dipped inside her underwear. She twitched as my fingers settled into the moist heat of her pussy.

“Is this okay?” I asked.

Rhonda’s head bobbed up and down enthusiastically. “Sure is! I thought about touching myself, but we were having so much fun I didn’t wanna spoil it.”

I dipped my head and softly nipped her earlobe. “Don’t hold back if you ever feel like that. I’ll take care of you.”

Briefly pulling my hand from Rhonda’s panties, I used my mouth to moisten two fingers, then returned them to where they belonged. The tension drained from my sister’s body as I began to stroke her bare slit. I didn’t remember getting as wet as that when I was her age, but then, I didn’t have a big sister to make me feel good.

Rhonda’s breathing began to grow heavier as we fell into a rhythm, my hand alternating between rubbing her vulva and teasing her clit. She was sensitive to whatever I did, but responded best to a firmer touch, so I kept my fingers pressed into the folds of her pussy, using circular movements of my hand to drive her wild.

Her moans were steadily getting louder, enough to be overheard. “Not that I don’t love hearing how good this makes you feel,” I told her, “but don’t forget Kate’s still in the house. She knows about us now, but let’s not rock the boat any more than we have to, okay?”

Rhonda’s voice was little more than a whimper. “Sorry, Ashley. I’m trying to b-be quiet. I’m just… just…“

“You gonna come, Rhonda? Say it for me. Tell me you’re gonna come.”

Rhonda’s reluctance to say bad words always amused me, but while I didn’t want to make her do anything she was uncomfortable with, I can’t deny there was a certain thrill hearing her say something naughty.

I held her tightly against me as she ground her mons against my hand, my fingers picking up speed as they strummed her clit. “Say it, Rhonda.”

“I-I’m coming, Ashley!” Rhonda squeaked.

We rode the waves of Rhonda’s orgasm together as she trembled in my grasp. When her muscles finally slackened, I released her, and she slumped against me. “Good girl,” I said, stroking her hair. “Thank you for letting me do that.”

Rhonda’s voice was shaky when she replied. “T-thank me? You’re the one who made me feel good, not the other way around. Can I touch you now? Please?”

As much as I could have used some relief, I knew in my heart I’d leave Rhonda disappointed when I was unable to come for her. She’d think it was her fault when she tried and failed to get me off, and I already knew from experience that other people I’d slept with in the past just weren’t able to bring me to climax.

I screwed around with several different girls when I turned seventeen, in a doomed attempt to ease the desire I felt for my baby sister. The first time was with a girl named Francine who I met online, and it was more or less a disaster. She had tried to return the favor after I fucked her, and I’d panicked, lashing out at her when she reached out to fondle me. The memory still makes me wince; I always meant to apologize if we ever crossed paths again.

But it was the same with every woman after that, even when I let them try. The mere thought of having someone’s hands on me made my skin crawl, and I couldn’t bear it when they tried to touch my pussy. Thankfully, most of them understood when I explained that I preferred to give pleasure than receive it.

And that’s always been the truth for me, anyway. I love how it feels to be the one steering things during sex. I think maybe it’s a way of having some control over my life. When a lover tries to take charge it just leaves me feeling helpless and vulnerable, and I’ve spent too much of my childhood feeling like that to ever want it for my adult self.

There was none of the same acute discomfort when I let Rhonda touch my breasts, but I didn’t want to risk flipping out on her when she tried to go further. Neither of us needed that sort of negativity after the day we’d just had.

I smiled and slowly shook my head. “Sorry, sweetie. Maybe next time?”

Her hopeful smile immediately vanished. “But you said that yesterday! Why can’t I make you c-come, too?”

“I just don’t think it’s time yet. Soon, Rhonda, I promise.”

She rolled over to look me in the eyes. “That’s not fair! I want to make you feel as good as you did me.”

Rhonda looked so cute when she pouted; I couldn’t help but laugh a little. I kissed her playfully on the nose, and she pulled away while swatting half-heartedly at me. It was adorable. You’d think I just told her it was time to leave the playground or something.

I was just happy I could take her mind off everything else for a while. Better to let her worry about making her beloved sister come than all the other garbage she’d had to deal with lately.

She’d been through so much over the last few days, we both had. But I had to believe things were going to get better. God knows, we deserved that much.

On to Chapter Seven!