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Susie’s Diary, Chapter 9

  • Posted on July 8, 2017 at 6:26 pm

By JetBoy

Thursday 10th February, 1966

Oh boy, Claire is back! I was so excited, I ran up to give her a hug when I got off the bus and saw her on the big stairs outside the school.

Claire said she missed me, and she had a rotten time staying home with her folks. She had to pretend it was lots of fun even though it was mostly the grown ups talking about stuff she didnt care about.

I asked her to come spend the night on Saturday, and she said yes. Then I got a idea, and told her Mommy would also like to see her again, that Mommy said she thought Claire was really sweet and pretty. I could see Claire was happy to hear that!

So I got a idea while I was at school today, about how me and Mommy maybe could get Claire into bed and all of us then do sex together. Here is how it works.

I let Mommy know when me and Claire are gonna go up to my room and make love. Then she gives us time to take off all our clothes and get in bed. So when we are doing stuff Mommy comes in and catches us. Then I tell Claire how Mommy and me are lovers too, and we want her to make love to us.

The only bad thing will be if Claire is scared, or if she gets creeped out about me and Mommy. But then she wont tell, cause she was doing sex with me too.

Mommy is staying up late tonight with Daddy to pay bills. So I didnt get a chance to tell her my idea. Maybe I can in the morning.

Now I feel all excited, so I want to touch my pussy and come after I turn the light out and go to bed. It isnt as good as making love. But I am getting better at doing it all the time so I dont mind so much. Also I can think about ANY woman or girl I want to when I masturbate.

(I looked back a bunch of pages to make sure if I spelled that word right. Yay for me! I did.)

Tonight when I do it I want to think about Mrs Cracknell, my Music Appreciation teacher. She has such a nice bottom, I would LOVE to put my face in it!

Now I dont feel like writing any more, ha ha! Time to turn out the light and have some fun.


Friday 11th February, 1966

Wow, Mommy gave me a GREAT suprise last night! I was in bed rubbing my pussy and she knocked on my door, then opened it up and said Sweetheart? really quiet. I was busy thinking about licking my music teacher and didnt hear Mommy coming down the hall, and it scared me silly at first.

Any how, she came in and said, Hey there baby girl, in that sexy voice she has that makes me shiver like its cold. But I sure didnt feel cold on the inside!

When she closed the door I found the switch on the lamp on my night stand and turned it on so I could see Mommy. She had this wanting look in her eyes. Like she was hungry, but not for any thing to eat.

She had on her robe, one that has pretty blue flowers on it, and then she opened it and was naked inside.

My heart was beating so hard, I thought it might blow up like a firecracker!

Mommy was smiling at me when she took the robe off and let it fall on the floor. Then she came over to my bed moving really slow, and sat down next to me.

Sweet Susie, she said, Let’s make love.

I didnt understand. I said, What about Daddy? Where is he?

Mommy just smiled, and said, He got tired and went to bed early. Dont worry baby girl, he is fast asleep. We can do this, long as we keep it quiet.

She reached to touch my face, then she came close and kissed me. I was a little scared of getting caught, but when I felt Mommy’s tongue in my mouth I forgot about every thing but making love to her.

I pushed down the blanket to show Mommy I was naked under it. She made a little moan into my mouth then lay me back down, and got on top of me. We were still kissing all hot and wild, but doing it quiet so we didnt wake Daddy. I was touching her titties and making the nipples grow big with my fingers. Mommy had her hand between my legs rubbing my pussy, and we were taking turn sucking each others tongues.

It was strange to make love when there was the chance me and Mommy might get caught doing it. But I kind of liked that feeling, the way we were doing some thing really really fun that was also scary. That made it lots more exciting!

I guess thinking about that made me feel sort of crazy, cause then I pushed Mommy away from me and made her roll over and lay on her back. Then I was looking at her and I said the bad words, just like I told myself I would do. I said, I want to fuck you, Mommy. Let me fuck you.

Let me tell you, her eyes got HUGE when I said that! She didnt say a thing, she just grabbed my hand and put it between her legs. Pushing it and making my fingers go so deep into her pussy.

She said, Do it, baby girl. Fuck your Mommy!

I could tell she wanted it fast and hard. So thats what I did. I was pumping my arm like I was punching someone, and my hand was making loud wet SLAP sounds every time my fingers went in her.

I was saying the swear words for her, but quiet. I dont know why but that made them sound even more dirty. Your cunt is so hot Mommy. I love to fuck you, do you like it, too? Oh Mommy, I want to taste your cunt on my fingers. Things like that.

But I didnt get to talk dirty for long, cause Mommy started to come really fast. She was screaming so hard that I bet the whole block would of heard, only she had a pillow over her face. Even then it was still pretty loud!

All of a sudden she turned away from me and my fingers came out of her pussy. I guess she had enough and the feelings were too big, like they can get some times when you come. Then she pushed the pillow away and just lay there breathing.

My hand was really wet so I licked it all clean. Tasting her cunt on my fingers, like I told her I wanted to do.

I looked at Mommy then. There was something in her eyes, it made me shiver. Like she was really hungry, and I was what was for dinner. I was a little scared too, but lots more excited. I bet lions look at gazzelles that way before they eat them up!

She reached to me and took my hand, the one I didnt make her come with, and kind of gave it a yank, so I fell down and was in her arms.

Then she was kissing me and her hands were touching all over and I was dizzy from it. My heart beating fast again, just like I ran a long way.

Mommy rolled me over so I was laying on my back and she was on top of me. I love when she does that, its like being under a big thick blanket, only its my naked mother instead. And all the time, we kept kissing.

All of a sudden Mommy pulled away. She sat up and gave me that hungry look again. And she said, Baby girl, I want to lick your cunt now. Spread your legs open for me, let me see it.

I was already feeling the excitment cause I knew Mommy would be making love to me soon, but when she said that about my cunt I felt warm all over!

I pushed my legs apart, far as they go. Showing her all of me. She smiled and said, Keep your eyes open, Susie, watch me make you come with my mouth.

So I did, I watched Mommy when she lay down in front of me, then her tongue took a long slow lick from the bottom to the top of my pussy. I felt that through my whole body, like when music plays really loud. It was so good that it was hard for me to make my eyes stay open, but I did cause Mommy wanted me to.

While her mouth was on me and her tongue poking inside I thought some thing that made my heart beat even faster, which I didnt think it even could!

It was this. I knew of course that me and Mommy are making love, doing sex stuff with each other. But I guess I never really did think about how big and important that is. Any way, when I was laying there, and she was licking me, I was feeling the bigness of it. What it means to have your very own mother making love to you and then you doing that to her, like she is my wife and I am hers.

I guess its silly that I never had that idea before, cause me and Mommy have done those things for weeks now. But when I thought the idea, I felt so in love with her, more than ever!

Her tongue moved over my pussy again. I watched her do it. And that is when I came.

I almost made a really loud noise, but I guess some how I remembered about being quiet so we didnt wake up Daddy. I grabbed some of my blanket and smooshed it over my mouth, holding it there tight so none of the sound got out.

Mommy always knows when to stop licking me, she can tell when I have had enough. This time when she did I held out my arms, I wanted her to hold me more than anything!

She came to me and we hugged. We were both hot and all sweaty, but she felt really good. I was telling her over and over, I love you Mommy. I love you so much Mommy.

I would of been so happy if she stayed with me and we got to spend the night together. But we both knew she had to go back to her bedroom so Daddy didnt catch us. So we kissed some and told each other, I love you. Then Mommy left, going very quiet down the hall.

I didnt go to sleep right away. I was wondering if I was falling in love with Mommy, like we are really girlfriends. I know she said we couldnt be lovers for real, but I think I might love her that way.

I know its bad to keep secrets from her, but I cant tell Mommy about me feeling like this. She may say we have to stop doing sex, and I dont ever EVER want that to happen!

I think the best thing is for me to be in love with Claire and be her girlfriend. I can love Mommy the way that girls are sposed to love their mothers, but I will be in secret love with her too and not tell any one.

We had TV night after supper, me and Mommy and Daddy. They let me watch Batman, then we saw F Troop, Bewitched and That Girl.

I didnt get to tell Mommy my idea about her and me both making love to Claire, how we can get her to do it with us. But I got to cuddle with Daddy some, which was nice.

Any way, I HAVE to tell Mommy my plan right away tomorrow, before Claire comes over to spend the night. Daddy is going to a Lions Club thing in Prattville, and he wont be home until Sunday. I cant wait!

Continue on to Chapter 10


Erotic Treasures Unearthed

  • Posted on June 11, 2017 at 12:40 pm

By JetBoy, Site Archivist

Like a vine in the forest primeval, Juicy Secrets continues to change and grow. We who run the joint are always seeking ways to make this site better, and our latest development has us giddy with glee. Feeling curious yet? Read on, readers…

A few months after the initial unveiling of Juicy Secrets, we made the decision to begin archiving our favorite stories from the Lesbian Lolita site (more commonly known as Leslita), compiling the best of their best. So far, we’ve assembled seventy-six of their works — some of them brief, some lengthy, each a jewel of lesbian fiction.

In the months that followed, we posted several stories that hailed from other sites: three from our erotic comrade Rachael (aka DirtyMindedMom) that originally appeared at her own blog, then an older tale from the Nifty Archive entitled “The End of August.” Not knowing where else to put these, we opted for the Guest Authors page in both cases.

However, we recently gained access to a treasure trove of lesbian fiction that was thought to be lost for good… and this little windfall has prompted us to add a brand new corner to our site, earmarked for stories we borrow from any place other than Leslita. So now there are two different pages to visit in our archive of quality erotic works. It’s even more of Juicy Secrets to love!

Now — about that “pleasure chest” of sexy stories we’ve laid hands on…

When we posted our two-year anniversary blog entry just over a month ago, reader Jean left a comment that favorably compared Juicy Secrets to the long lost Sisters in Love site.

Okay, now it’s time for a little history. Sisters in Love was founded by a Portuguese lesbian named Jan, who had long entertained sexual fantasies for a sister, despite being an only child. In what was no doubt an attempt to deal with these secret longings, she set up Sisters in Love and began posting her own stories there, as well as those of others, almost all of them based on — yep, you guessed it — the theme of lesbian love between sisters.

The site developed a modestly-sized but extremely devoted following, and built up an impressive library of stories — including fiction from both Cheryl and myself.

Then one day, fans of the site were shocked and saddened to find the entirety of Sisters in Love removed, nothing remaining but a letter from Jan announcing that she’d found religion, seen the error of her ways and repented, entreating the Blessed Virgin for forgiveness. And that, dear friends, was that.

Now we return to the comment from our reader Jean that I mentioned above, fondly remembering SiL.

Cheryl and I both replied with wistful comments of our own, mourning the loss of so many fine stories when Jan pulled her vanishing act. Then Jean claimed to have a backup of the site — a revelation that damn near knocked your humble servant out of his chair.

The next day, Jean sent that backup file our way.

I’ve been working my way through the delights of Sisters in Love for a few weeks, picking out the gems that gleam brightest. You’ll be seeing these in the months to come, posted in a steady stream on our shiny new Other Sites page… as well as a story written by Cheryl that she thought was gone for good!

2017 is turning out to be a lousy year for a lot of reasons, but it’s been nothing short of fantastic for Juicy Secrets — and the unearthing of the SiL library may be our biggest and best score to date. We hope you good people are thrilled to pieces — or at least poised to get your collective rocks off!

Finally, our most heartfelt thanks are offered to Jean for backing up the site in the first place — and for selflessly sharing its contents with us. We raise a glass of noble vintage in your direction, dear friend.


Susie’s Diary, Chapter 8

  • Posted on May 30, 2017 at 1:57 pm

By JetBoy



Wednesday 9th February, 1966

Mommy is gonna give me a ride to school today. So I have a little time to write before we leave.

I wanted to dress sexy for when Mommy and me to go see Aunt Evie after school. There’s this dress I have that’s really REALLY short that I picked out, but Mommy said its too little for me to wear to school, cause then someone might see my underpants.

But she came up with a good idea! When she comes to pick me up Mommy will bring the dress with her. Then we can stop at a filling station on the way to Aunt Edie’s place and I can change in the rest room.

Wow, I bet I wont be able to pay any atention in school! All I can think about is Mommy and Aunt Edie and me making love. Its hard to me to even sit still, and my

Mommy’s calling me! I have to go.


Oh my goodness, what a AMAZING time we had today! It was even better than I hoped. Mommy gave me permission to stay up for one hour more so I could write about all of it.

Nothing much at all happened at school. Claire didnt even show up today, so I bet her mom and dad got her to stay home for when her grandma gets there. I missed her but I was thinking so much about going over to see Aunt Evie that I couldnt be too upset. Anyhow she will probably be back tomorrow.

The only bad thing to happen was Mrs Vollmann (we call her Mrs Mole Man, cause she’s short and fat and has squinty eyes and looks like she lives under ground), she gave us extra homework cause Jenny Kyser and Gladys Nelson were passing notes while she was talking. NO FAIR! But Mommy helped me some with it later, so that was OK.

Mommy came in the car to pick me up after school so we could go right to Aunt Evie’s place. We stopped at the Esso station, and I took my dress into the rest room and got changed. I made sure to wear my pretty new panties today cause I wanted to let Aunt Evie look up my skirt and see them before I took my clothes off for her. I told Mommy that, cause she gave me the idea when she said my dress was too short to wear to school. She laughed and called me a little minx. I asked her what that means, and she told me to look it up later.

(Mommy always wants me to use the dictionary for words I dont know. I just looked up minx and it says, An alluring, cunning, or boldly flirtatious girl or young woman. THEN I had to look up alluring, cause that always happens when you use the dictionary, darn it. THAT word means, Powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive. I like that!)

All the way to Aunt Evie’s, I wanted to touch Mommy and kiss her, even if I know we cant do stuff like that when we are out where other people can see. But I still felt the wanting to inside me.

So instead I talked to Mommy and was telling her how much I love it when we make love. I could tell she liked me saying that, so I told her more. I talked about how beautiful she is with all her clothes off, and how good it is when I touch her all over. Her cheeks were getting pink and she was sqeezing her legs together when I said those things, so I knew she was getting super excited!

That made me want to be extra naughty and make Mommy feel really wet and hot in her panties, like I get when I have sexy feelings. So I started saying how much I loved her nipples, the way they get so big in my mouth when I suck them. Then I talked about licking her pussy and how yummy it tastes.

She made me quit then. She said, Baby girl, you will make me crash the car if you dont stop! I got quiet, but Mommy smiled at me and put her hand on my leg and said that I can talk dirty to her some other time cause she really likes it a lot, only not when she is driving.

I asked Mommy, But how come saying things about making love is dirty talk? I thought that was about saying bad words like crap and shit, and mean names like asshole that hurt peoples feelings.

She said I was right, but that talking about sex is dirty too, only not the same way. Its not a bad kind of dirty, cause your not doing it to be mean. She told me sexy talk can be fun to do when you make love. I wanted to know more, but then we were there at Evie’s.

(I have to remember not to write AUNT Evie in here so much, cause she just wants me to call her by her first name and I keep forgetting.)

We got out of the car, and I RAN to her door and pushed the bell.

When Evie came to the door I just stared at her. I know its rude to do that, but she looked so good I just had to! She had on this pretty blue nightgown with orange flowers all over, open enough that I could tell she didnt have anything on under it!

Mom laughed at me, standing there so silly with my mouth open like a fish. She smiled at Evie and said, Hi, baby sister. Dressed for company, I see.

Evie just smiled back at me and said, Special company, anyhow.

The way she said that, her voice made me feel all warm inside. She took my hand and led me in like I was a little kid. But I didnt care. I was busy thinking about her all naked and soft under that blue nightgown.

When we got to the living room, she asked if we wanted some thing to drink. Mommy wanted tea, so Evie put on some water to boil. All I cared about was going to the bedroom and making love right then! But its always important to show good manners, so I asked for a coke.

I had to sit and wait while Mommy and Evie drank their tea and talked about family stuff, like the man who lives next door to Grandma and Grandad being in the hospital cause he fell and broke his hip, and Uncle Woodrow having probelms with his car. I was getting kind of bored, and then I remembered about wanting to let Evie see my panties.

She was sitting across from me in a chair, and I was on the sofa. I had to turn a little bit, then I moved my legs apart, doing it nice and slow. Our health teacher Mrs Parslow always tells up not to slouch when we sit, but I did it now, moving my bottom close to the front of the sofa. I wanted Aunt Evie to get a good look!

When she saw, her eyes went REALLY wide, and she stopped talking right in the middle of what she was saying. Then Aunt Evie looked up at me and smiled, and licked her lips. She turned to Mommy and said, Your little girl is being naughty, Sophie.

Mommy said, Why, what on earth is she doing? But I could tell that Mommy knew!

Evie said, She is acting like a little tramp, showing off her underpants.

Mommy said, Susie! Only bad girls do things like that!

They both were frowning at me like I was in big trouble, but it was all pretend. My heart was beating hard, cause I didnt know for sure what was going to happen. I knew what I WANTED to happen!

Evie stood up and moved over to where I was sitting and said, I think we need to punish Susie for being so bad. Then when she got real close, she all of a sudden bent down and slid her hand up under my skirt!

I guess that it was MY turn to have big wide eyes. Evie had her hand right on my pussy, and I was sure that she could feel how wet my panties were. Her nightgown was all the way open, and I could see all of her. Just like I thought, she was bare naked under it.

Mommy said, Lets take her to your room. We have to show her what happens to naughty girls.

I was so excited! Evie was on one side of me and Mommy on the other side, taking me down the hall to the bedroom. When we got there they brought me to the bed and put me on it, laying in the middle. Mommy took off her shoes and then her dress, so now all she had on was a slip. Then she and Evie layed down on each side of me.

Mommy turned my face to hers and she whispered, Do you know what we do to bad little girls, Susie? All I could do was shake my head, I was shaking too much inside to say even a word. She kissed me hard, and her tongue pushed into my mouth.

Me and Mommy kissed for a long time, then she moved away and I was looking at Evie. She said, Wicked child, and kissed me the same way.

Then they were touching me, all over, and kissing my mouth and face and neck, and taking off my clothes all at the same time, but doing it really slow. I didnt care, cause every bit of it felt so good. My new panties were so wet that I bet you could have ringed them out like a wash cloth.

It was so nice that I thought, If this is what you get for being a bad little girl, then I want to be bad ALL the time. I know you are not sposed to behave like that, but Mommy makes being naughty lots of fun!

I wanted to reach inside Evie’s nightie and touch her, but she stopped me. She said, Just lay there and dont move, little girl. You have to be still and let us have our way with you. I did what she said, but I was thinking how I would be mad if Evie and Mommy didnt let me make love to them too.

It took a little while but they finaly got my dress and underwear off and I was naked. That was when they REALLY started doing sexy things to me!

Mommy and Evie were both touching between my legs. There was a finger inside me and a hand rubbing all over the outside of my pussy, I didnt know who was doing what. But they were using their other hands to touch me too, feeling my titties and my tummy and legs and everywhere! Giving me kisses too, not just on my mouth but all over.

I wanted to come so bad, more than any thing in the whole world! But every time I got close to it, Mommy and Evie would change what they were doing to me so I couldnt come after all. It was like when I was a kid on the playground, and we would try to climb up the slide instead of sliding down on it. You move up some, but then you slip down some too and it takes a lot longer than you think.

I think maybe that they were waiting for me to beg to get to come. I kind of wanted to, but also didnt want to. I felt like asking Pretty Please was what a little girl would do, and I did NOT like that idea, not at all!

Any how I never had to beg, cause just when I was almost so crazy I was about to scream, Evie or maybe Mommy gave my clit a little pull or something. And I came so hard, it was the best EVER. Mommy told me on the way back home that I was shaking all over like I got scared really bad. She said that I yelled a lot too, but I dont remember doing that.

When I was back to being me again, I was embarrased cause I was crying, like a big baby. I didnt know why something that was so good did that to me. Maybe I was too full of big feelings. But Evie and Mommy were giving me hugs and tickly kisses and whispering nice things, so soon I was smiling again.

I was really tired, but I wanted so bad to make love to them that I sat up and said, My turn, my turn!

Mommy and Evie laughed, then Mommy layed back and said, Here I am, sweet Susie. All for you. Evie said, Any thing you want us to do for you, sweety. Just tell us what it is.

That was SO exciting, my mom and my aunt letting me be in charge of us making love!

The first thing was, I told them to kiss each other with tongues while I licked their pussies. I went from one to the other to lick until I got a great idea and started rubbing Evie with my hand while I used my mouth on Mommy. Then after a while I did it the other way and licked Evie.

They both tasted different but really good. And I loved how their tastes came together and made a yummy NEW flavor in my mouth, after I licked them both a couple more times! Their pussys were juicy too. My face was getting so wet that it was dripping from my nose and my chin.

Mommy started moaning and asking me to lick her clit and make her come, so I did. I wanted for Evie to come at the same time so I played with her clit, gentle like Mommy showed me how to. Evie kind of jerked a few times so maybe I touched her too hard, but she didnt say if I did.

It was hard to see very much while I was licking, but I could tell Mommy and Evie were still kissing and feeling each others titties and maybe other parts, too. I liked to hear the wet sounds their lips and tongues made while they kissed.

Then Evie was going, Oh oh oh oh oh! She was coming!

I wanted Mommy to come at the same time so I took her clit in my mouth and sucked it. She must have been close to it, cause she was shaking all over, these loud sounds coming out of her that probably would have scared me silly if I didnt know why.

It felt so wonderful, making Mommy and Evie come together at the same time! I kept licking and touching them till Mommy pushed my face away, saying she couldnt stand any more. So I moved over to Evie fast and started sucking on HER clit, but touching her pussy too. She was being even louder than before, and that was pretty loud! But soon she made me stop too when the good feelings got too big.

My pussy was wet and hot, and I was ready to be made love to some more. I knew Mommy and Evie had to rest though, so I just crawled up the bed and layed down between them.

They took me in their arms and hugged and kissed me. Their bodies were all hot and sweaty and felt really good. After that we did all kinds of sex stuff for a while.

I found out making love with two people is very different from doing it with just one. There are more things going on at the same time and you kind of get all mixed up in your head, about who is doing what to who. I wonder what it would be like to make love with three women, or even four?

The part that was most exciting, was when Mommy was on her hands and knees, and I was fingering her pussy while she was licking Evie. I had three of my fingers inside Mommy, pushing them in and out the way she likes, fast and hard. Then she looked back and said, Put your whole hand in, baby girl.

I told her I was afraid of hurting her, but she said not to worry cause after all I was born from her vagina, and a baby is a lot bigger than my hand. I just needed to go slow at first.

So I put my fingers and thumb together so they were kind of pointy and pushed them into Mommy’s pussy, doing it slow like she said. I was still a bit afraid when she really started to stretch open, but she just said, Keep going, dont stop!

I was pushing so hard that it suprised me when my hand went all the way into Mommy, just like that! She made a loud sound that wasnt like anything I ever heard before, but some how I knew I didnt hurt her.

Evie was watching us and touching her pussy and saying stuff like, Oh God that is amazing, its so hot, so sexy.

I didnt know what to do with my hand, then Mommy told me to make it into a fist and then move it around inside her. Back and forth like a man’s thing.

When I began doing that, Mommy went completeley nuts. She was making those loud sounds again and shoving her bottom back at me, like she wanted my hand to go even deeper.

Then came the biggest suprise of all. Mommy started talking dirty. REALLY dirty.

She was saying, Fuck me Susie. Fuck your Mommy. Fuck my cunt with your hand! Oh baby girl, you feel so good in my cunt. So fucking good!

I never heard Mommy use swears before! And those are some of the worst swears of all, words you arent EVER sposed to use. Even now I feel kinda wierd inside, looking at those words where I just wrote them.

So when she was saying those things I felt my face get really hot. I guess that was dumb of me, but it was a big shock to hear Mommy talk like the really bad kids at school do!

Then I remembered what me and her talked about in the car, all about how good dirty talk can be when you make love. And then I knew Mommy was teaching me more about sex.

I started to give Mommy what she wanted, moving my hand around even more. I was still too embarrased to say those words out loud, but I was thinking, I am fucking Mommy. This is how I fuck Mommys cunt. It made me more excited than I was, which was plenty!

Then Mommy started to come, and it was so big that she was moving the whole bed and making the head board hit the wall. I think she wanted to keep talking dirty but was coming too much to say words. All she did was make noise. It sounded like she was having a good time any how. Not hurting at all.

Then Evie was also coming, she was rubbing like crazy between her legs.

Mommy’s body slowed down and she wasnt pushing back at me any more, but her pussy was squeezing my hand so hard it almost hurt. I didnt take it out though. I wanted to keep making her feel good. I looked down at where my hand was inside her and I saw something I didnt notice before, that her bottom hole was spread wide open, and it gave me a idea.

I bent down and licked Mommy there, inside her bottom. This big SHAKE went through her like she got a electric shock. That made my hand do a big move inside her pussy. And then she was coming again! So I licked her bottom even more, sliding my tongue up and down in between.

It didnt last so long this time, and when Mommy was finished coming she was pretty much wiped out! She sort of fell over on her side really slow and was laying there breathing deep. Her body was all sweaty, and I thought it would be nice to lick it off her.

Before I could do that, Evie sat down by me to give me a big juicy kiss. She showed me her fingers, which were still wet from her pussy. She rubbed them on my mouth like she was putting lipstick on me, and then kissed me again.

I love kissing Aunt Evie, so we did it for a long time. She sucks on my tongue in this way that makes my heart beat really fast. It got me excited and we started making love again.

Mommy was watching us and smiling, when Evie pushed me down on my back and got between my legs to lick my pussy. Then Mommy was kissing me and touching my nipples. Even though I was sure I could not come even one more time, some how they helped me to do it. I think that I fainted, for a little while any how.

After that we all got under the sheets and rested. I love doing sex stuff with my Mom and my Aunt, but maybe the nicest part of it was snuggling with them both all warm and soft and naked, giving soft kisses and saying how much we love each other.

I hope I get to do it with them both again REALLY soon. And next time me and Mommy make love I’m gonna use those dirty words. It makes me all warm inside to think of saying to her, Let me fuck you, Mommy.

Oops, I just looked at the clock, and I used up all of that extra hour Mommy let me stay up, and some more besides that! Time to turn the light out.

Continue on to Chapter 9


Happy 2nd Birthday AND 1000th Post, Juicy Secrets!

  • Posted on May 4, 2017 at 2:18 pm

Please join us, dear readers, in celebrating the second anniversary of the founding of our site. Have a piece of birthday cake, read the messages below from Naughty Mommy, JetBoy, and Cheryl Taggert, and also congratulate yourself on being a valuable part of something truly wonderful and unique.

Cheryl’s message:

Oh, my! What a fast two years it has been. Once again, the three of us who started this little endeavor have decided to post a blog entry to celebrate the anniversary of the Juicy Secrets site going LIVE for our readers, this one the site’s second birthday. However, this time, there’s more to celebrate!

As of today, we posted the 1,000th entry at the JS site! That is a LOT of stories, chapters, and submissions by Anonymous for your enjoyment. That number also indicates how busy we all have been here. This site takes a lot of work, and I believe that hard work shows in the quality of material we feature here. If the average number of words per entry is 2,500 words, that means there are around 2.5 MILLION words dedicated to erotic stories for your reading pleasure!

We’ve not done this on our own, either. Our accomplishment is shared by twenty-one other authors whose work now appears on the Guest Authors page, as well as the forty-six authors represented on the Best of Leslita tab of the Juicy Secrets website. A few of those Leslita authors are also contributors listed on the Guest Authors page, of course, but I’m sure you get the idea. There are MANY excellent authors represented here. And those numbers are as of today’s date as I write this, April 26, 2017. These numbers could increase by the posting date for this blog entry.

That is no small feat in itself. There are many here who would attest that there are many stories we turn down for various reasons. Some are well-written but stray too far from the lesbian themes we choose to feature. Others could be well-written if the authors chose to complete a re-write and re-submit the work, and still others are just not up to the level of quality we seek here for our erotic literature.

As many of you are painfully aware, many authors found on the Net can be, well, rather lacking in talent. Some stories out there are so bad they can make readers laugh. Others are so brief that about the only thing that happens is a character reaches an orgasm — probably about the same time the piece’s author did. I call these stories “wankers,” an apt name if you ask me.

Fortunately, the work of the vast majority of authors who submit work to us does not fall into that last category. In fact, I don’t believe we have received a “wanker” since the early months of our website’s existence. I believe people recognize the quality of the stories we feature here and choose not to submit something unless they feel it is worth our time to read. Sometimes it isn’t quite there, but lately the writing we have received is extremely good. For one thing, we keep getting submissions from many of the authors whose work we have already posted. And the first submissions we receive now are considerably better than the first submissions we were getting early in the life of Juicy Secrets.

I recently emailed my partners here and “complained” that I no longer had enough time to read every story and chapter we post here. I will read the first chapter — or at least most of it — when it is submitted for consideration; however, I am woefully behind on reading subsequent chapters. That is because there is just so much that is coming in now that we are posting, and subsequent chapters roll in regularly!

As of this writing, there are 23 drafts either being worked on by the site owners to prepare for publication on the website or simply waiting in the wings for a publication date. Furthermore, there are 7,348 comments from readers and the three owners. By the time this blog posts, those comments will be above 7,400, and the draft numbers will probably remain about the same, meaning we will have posted as many as we receive between now and then.

I am so happy my partners contacted me and asked if I wanted to go in with them on this venture. It is a labor of love for all three of us, and I am honored to be a part of it.

So, here’s to you, faithful readers! Thank you for an amazing two years. We hope you are around for many more!

JetBoy’s message:

When Naughty Mommy first reached out to me in early 2015, asking if I thought it would be a good idea to start her own story website featuring lesbian erotica, my response was immediate: Yes, you totally should, and can I be a part of it? Cheryl responded in much the same way, and we were off to the races. The starter’s pistol is fired; we’re off and running!

At the time, we had no idea how our little venture would fare. Would we be able to get the site established without getting shut down by the censors and moral arbiters of the internet? Could we negotiate the many technical ins and outs of setting up and running a website in the first place, considering that among our eager trio, only Naughty Mommy had any real computer know-how? Were there enough potential readers out there to give a damn about what we were striving to create?

Then, once Juicy Secrets was up and functioning, we were confronted by another crucial question: would there be other writers out there who would be interested in offering us quality stories of their own… or authors we loved who might be coaxed out of retirement to write once more?

Two years and a thousand site entries later, you can see for yourself how those questions were answered… and how deliriously happy we are with the results.

My partners and I have amassed a veritable library of sapphic fiction — great stories old and new. We’ve archived many quality works from the past (and will continue to unearth more). We’ve encouraged writers who had laid down their pens to take them up again. Best of all, our humble site has attracted an impressive roster of newer authors… and 2017 has seen what once was a mere trickle of submitted stories build into a steady stream, one that sometimes feels like a flash flood. Honestly, we’re busier with Juicy Secrets than ever!

It’s a lot of work, maintaining a site like this so that it consistently meets the high standards we set from Day One… but it’s a task done out of love for lesbian erotica, pride taken in making our humble corner of the internet the very best it can be, but mostly our desire to please you — to quicken your heartbeat, get your juices flowing and, most importantly, bring you orgasms of wall-shaking intensity.

All honor to my beautiful and talented partners, Naughty Mommy and Cheryl; to the dozens of fine authors whose works grace our site; and to you, our readers. Your ideas, your suggestions, your energy, your affection and your wonderful selves are the fuel that keeps Juicy Secrets chugging along. May the Great Kahuna rain blessings upon you all.

Naughty Mommy’s message:

Well, another year has flown by — but as people of a certain age like to say, we’re not getting older, we’re getting better! I certainly hope that’s true of Juicy Secrets.

Perhaps we should look back one year and see how much things have changed since our site’s first birthday. As of May 4, 2016, we had published a total of 132 different stories from 47 separate authors. Pretty impressive, right? Well, I’m proud to say that we now have over 200 different sexy stories here — 201, to be exact — from 71 authors! That’s a huge and expanding library of kinky lesbian erotica for you to come here and enjoy reading.

What’s been most exciting to me is the growth in our roster of Guest Authors. One year ago we still had only seven of them, to go along with the three of us, your site owners. That meant you were seeing new stories and chapters from ten different writers; very good, to be sure, but nowhere near as good as it could be. Because in the past twelve months, we have welcomed another fourteen excellent writers of boundary-pushing erotica who are now publishing their stories on our site. And, of course, as Cheryl mentioned, these are not just your average hacks, churning out predictable, substandard porn. We are very careful to accept only the highest quality of writing.

I think that’s quite evident if you take a look at some of the truly remarkable multi-chapter entries we have going on right now — like “A Young Desert Rose” by Sunnybunny, “My Family, Friends, and Sex” by Purple Les, “How My Niece Juli Came To Be My Vixen” from Openmindedwoman, “A Girl Named Charlie” by Amanda Lynn, “Bo and Me” by Unfastened Belts, and the latest masterpiece from Girl Lover, “Ultimate Surrender.” All of these are stories you can really sink your teeth into, with intriguing plots, compelling characters, realistic situations, and, oh yes, extremely hot sex. Great, great stuff.

So, are people actually reading all this great great stuff? Indeed, I’m pleased to say that they are, and in increasing numbers too. As the chart below shows (from Google Analytics), we’ve been seeing a strong and steady growth of visitors to the site. You are not alone in enjoying this very special niche-brand of lesbian erotica — there are plenty of us out there!

What will the next year bring? It’s hard to say for sure, but my guess is that Juicy Secrets will publish a whole lot of terrific stories and chapters from even more wonderful authors, and that our beloved readers will enjoy many more satisfying orgasms. As we like to say, keep coming and coming back!

? ? ?   Hugs and kisses from Naughty Mommy, JetBoy, and Cheryl   ? ? ?


Susie’s Diary, Chapter 7

  • Posted on May 3, 2017 at 6:45 pm

By JetBoy

Monday 7th February, 1966

After school today I talked to Mommy about Claire. I told her that Claire really REALLY liked her, and thought she was beautiful and sexy too. Mommy didnt say anything, but I could tell it made her happy.

So then I told her, Claire thinks your titties are nice, Mommy. She told me that she wanted to touch them.

Let me tell you, Mommy’s eyes got huge when she heard that! She sat me down at the kitchen table and asked me, What did Claire mean?

I told Mommy, Claire really liked that pretty green dress you were wearing, and that when ever you bent down in front of us, Claire was looking at your titties, just the same as I was!

I guess then that Mommy knew what I was doing, cause she had a special smile, a smile she always gives me when we are about to make love.

She wagged her finger at me and said, You little sneak, you are up to something, arent you?

Mommy is too smart for me to hide stuff from her for very long. I saw that she knew what I was trying to do, and I decided it was better to tell her the truth. So, I did. I told how I wanted to see if Claire and her would like to make love.

She said, Did you ask Claire that? She looked worried.

I told Mommy no, that I knew what we do was a big big secret, and I wasn’t suposed to tell anybody, not even Claire. I could see that made her feel better.

Then I said to Mommy, I just asked her if she thought you were pretty, and if you and Claire both made love the same way she did with me, would she like that? And Claire said yes, she would.

I saw that Mommy was excited, thinking about that! So I asked her, Can we please please PLEASE let Claire come to bed with us?

She had to think about it and got quiet for a little bit. Then Mommy smiled at me and said yes, that she did want to make love with me and Claire, both of us at the same time!

I was about to jump up and down and cheer, BUT then she got serious and said, We have got to be very careful about this, Susie. We cant just tell Claire about us being lovers. What if she got scared and didnt want to? Then Claire would know our secret. Mommy told me that a secret that big, its hard not to tell to someone else, unless you have a good reason not to.

Like I said, Mommy is really smart! I never would of thought of that.

Then she said that we should talk about it later, cause she wanted us to make love. Daddy was suposed to be home at 6, and if we waited much longer, we would have to hurry. Making love is best when you can take lots of time, Mommy says. I think shes right, too!

So she took my hand and we went up to her room. Instead of taking off all our clothes right away, we did it diffrently this time. Mommy asked me to take mine off really slow and do a sexy dance for her while I did, like this lady we saw in a western movie at the drive in, who was on a stage in front of a lot of cowboys. That was fun to watch, but the lady only took off some of her clothes, not all.

Mommy undressed and layed down on the bed, all naked and lovely. She said, Give me a good show, Susie.

I kind of didnt want to, cause it felt silly. Sometimes when no one but me is home, I turn on the radio really loud and dance around my room to songs I like. No one ever sees me do it though.

But I knew it would make Mommy happy, so I guess I really did want to after all.

I thought of a really good song by Tommy James and the Shondels, called Hanky Panky. I pretended that song was playing and started to dance. At first my eyes were shut, but then I started to move around more and didn’t want to bump into anything or trip and fall down. So I opened my eyes and looked. Mommy was smiling big at me, like she liked seeing me dance, a whole lot!

She said, Thats really good, honey. Take off your clothes now.

Oops! I was thinking so much about dancing for her that I forgot that I was suposed to undress too.

I left my shoes downstairs after I got home, but still had on all the other clothes I wore to school today. So I started to unbutton my top, but Mommy told me to not get naked so fast. She said, Make me want it baby girl, make me want you. It makes me feel all hot inside when I think about that now, her saying that.

So I took off everything, only doing it nice and slow like Mommy wanted. I finished taking off my top, then my skirt, then I was in just my bra and panties. I was really glad that I wore some of my new under things to school! (I only wore them cause I was hoping me and Claire could sneak behind the bike shed and kiss during recess. We didnt get to, though.)

I danced some in my underwear for Mommy, and then took my bra off. Sometimes its hard to get the hook thing opened in the back. But this time it came open right away.

I was just about to drop my bra on the floor, but then I remembred that she wanted me to take my clothes off slow, so I held the bra over my front with both hands, not letting her see my titties. I could tell Mommy liked that!

When she asked me to dance for her, at first I felt shy and didnt want to. But then I was starting to enjoy doing it, getting Mommy excited and wanting to make love with me even more.

I was moving round the room and making my body shake, still holding my bra up. Then I jerked it away really fast and threw it into Mommy’s vanity chair. Now all I had left on was my panties. So I tried to be EXTRA sexy when I took them off, pulling down just a little, letting her see only some of me. Then I pulled them back up again!

I looked over at Mommy, and she was laying back on the bed and touching her pussy. When I saw that, all I could think about was how much I wanted to lick her. The last time before when I got to do that was back on Thursday, so I needed the taste of Mommy in my mouth REALLY bad. Its like when you see a beautiful cake, and you want a piece of it more than anything.

I turned around and bent over and pushed my panties all the way down until they were on the floor, so that Mommy could see ALL of me down there, my pussy and my bottom hole.

Then she suprised me! I was standing there bent down and looking away from Mommy, and I felt her hands on both sides of me. She gave my pussy a big, wet lick with her tongue, and I almost fell over!

Somehow Mommy got both of us into her bed, and we made love hot and crazy, I guess cause me and her were so excited after the dance I did. I should do that for her again, but practise it some so I can be even more sexy doing it.

First we kissed, while I rubbed her titties. I licked her pussy and made her come, then she licked mine. It feels so good when Mommy gives me a orgasm! So good that I cant think of words to use to say it. The best thing EVER!

I wanted to lay naked with her for a while, but we had to get up before Daddy came home.

So now I know that Mommy wants to make love with me and Claire together, but I need to think some more about how. Since I have Mommy to help me, I bet we get a good idea soon.


Tuesday 8th February, 1966

Daddy was home this morning, so me and Mommy could only have a few kisses before school. She snuck into the bathroom while I was drying off from my shower and kissed me the way I like best, where she tips my head back, her lips come down on mine and her tongue goes wild in my mouth. Gosh, I really LOVE sucking on Mommy’s tongue. Especially when it tastes like my pussy, but we didnt have time for that.

All me and Claire got to do was kiss some, too. I wanted her to come home with me after school, but she had to do chores for her mother. Her grandma is coming to town tomorrow, so Claire has to give her room a real cleaning up. And then we cant do any thing tomorrow, cause she has got to be there at home for her grandma. Claire told me again and again she was sorry, but I said it wasnt her fault. Heck, I was sorry too!

But then Mommy gave me some GREAT news while we ate supper! She and Daddy were talking about grownup stuff and I wasnt paying atention. Then she smiled at me and said, Susie, how would you like to come with me and visit Aunt Evie after school tomorrow?

I felt like yelling YES YES YES! But I bet Daddy would have thought that was strange. So all I said was OK, Mommy, that sounds like fun.

After that, every time she and I looked at each other, I felt all warm and hungry down inside. I saw it clear as anything on her face, all three of us are going to be making love tomorrow.

I feel like I should wait till then and not touch myself tonight, but I am just too excited! So I will end this for now and turn out the light, and make myself come. Just a little one so I can go to sleep.

Continue on to Chapter 8


Shopping with Mom

  • Posted on April 14, 2017 at 2:56 pm

By JetBoy

Sarah stole a glance at her watch as she turned into the entrance road to Crestwood High School, then grimaced. Ten minutes late, damn it. Pulling up to the curb outside the front entrance, she smiled sheepishly at her daughter Cathy, who was seated on the steps.

With an amused roll of her eyes, the pretty sixteen-year-old picked up her satchel, bouncing down the stairs to the car. Opening the door on the passenger side, she dropped into the seat. “What kept you?”

“Sorry, hon,” Sarah sighed. “The cat got out, and I had to coax her out from under the house before I could leave. So, how did your finals go?”

“Okay, I guess… better than I expected, anyhow.”

Sarah patted her daughter’s thigh. “Good girl. Feel like kicking off summer vacation with a trip to the mall?”

Cathy grinned eagerly. “Oh, absolutely.”

It was a twenty minute drive to the Galleria, their town’s largest mall. Sarah pulled into a parking space and turned off the engine.

“Aw-right… let’s shop till we drop!” said Cathy as she opened the car door.

“Just a second, baby,” said Sarah. “It’s so hot… I need to take this damn bra off.”

Cathy watched as Sarah quickly and expertly removed her bra, pulling it from the sleeve of her dress and throwing it into the back seat. She felt a sudden flush of arousal at the thought of her sexy mother wearing nothing beneath her top.

Cathy was secretly bisexual, and had recently surprised herself by drifting into a hot reverie about her mom while masturbating. Alarmed, she tried to thrust the very idea from her mind, but the image persisted — and in the end the teen had given in, picturing herself lying naked with Sarah, kissing and fondling her mother until she exploded in the most intense orgasm.

Since that night, Cathy’s desire to engage in lesbian incest with her mom had blossomed into an obsession. She knew nothing would ever come of it, of course, but it couldn’t stop her from dreaming.

Her tits are awesome, Cathy mused as she emerged from the car, noting the outline of her mother’s nipples through the blouse she wore. Wish I could get a really good look at them…

Suddenly she had a wicked impulse. “Hold on, Mom,” said Cathy as she copied her mom’s actions, slipping out of her own bra just like Sarah had. “Here, catch.”

She tossed it to her mother, who was standing by the open car door. Sarah just managed to snatch the bra from the air before it fell to the ground.

For some strange reason, holding Cathy’s underwear, still warm from the girl’s body, made Sarah feel deliciously wicked — like she and her daughter were doing something they shouldn’t. Quite the pair of bad girls, she thought with a smile.

Dropping the bra inside the car, she locked the door, then walked over to take her daughter’s hand.

“Shall we grab a bite first?”

“Sounds good to me.”

Over the next two hours mother and daughter wandered around the mall, drifting in and out of shops. The whole while, Cathy found herself constantly dwelling on the attraction she felt for her mother.

At one point, Sarah had tried on an elegant blue number that showcased her still-luscious legs to dazzling effect. The sight had Cathy drifting into a fantasy in which she slowly removed the dress from her mother — who happened to be completely nude underneath — then leaned in close to kiss her cunt.

Absently licking her lips, Cathy wondered how her mom’s sex was styled. Were her pubes thick and lush, neatly trimmed or completely shaved away? I don’t even know, she glumly told herself.

As they were leaving Macy’s, a thought flashed into the teen’s mind. I’d never dare to make a move on Mom, not ever… but what if I just tried to get her hot?

The idea appealed to the teen. Of course, it won’t really lead to anything, but just knowing that Mom thinks I’m sexy, that I even turn her on — that alone makes it worth the risk!

Seizing Sarah’s hand, Cathy led her mother to a chic clothing shop that specialized in a more daring line of apparel. “Let’s go here, Mom.”

Soon, Sarah was standing outside the changing room while her daughter tried on a short black dress.

“What do you think, Mom?” asked Cathy as she stepped out of the changing room.

“You look great in that, honey… you like it?”

“I love it!” the teen grinned.

“Good, but I think you’ll need some sexy underwear to match. Try the other dress on and I’ll go and pick some out for you.”

“Okay, thanks.” Cathy said, making her way back into the cubicle. Taking a moment to compose herself, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Let’s do this, she decided, unzipping the dress and letting it pool at her feet.

Meanwhile, Sarah wandered through the rails of underwear, selecting a few sheer, skimpy pairs of panties for Cathy to try, as well as a couple of intimate items for herself. Heading back to the changing room, she paused at a rack marked 50% OFF to pick out a summer dress that had caught her eye.

“How’s that other dress, sweetheart?” asked Sarah as she reached the cubicle.

Cathy’s muffled voice replied from inside. “It’s nice, Mom… but I’ve got a problem.”

“What’s wrong?”

“The — damn it! — the zipper’s stuck.”

“Do you need a hand?”


“Shall I come in? Or are you coming out?”

“Mom… get in here!”

Sarah slipped into the cubicle with her daughter. A large mirror covered one wall, and a chair stood in the corner, Cathy’s skirt and blouse resting upon it. Hanging on the wall were several dresses that Cathy had already tried on.

Sarah paused to hang up the dresses she’d selected for herself, then placed the underwear in the chair. Turning to her daughter, she saw that the material of the dress had caught in the zipper. Carefully she unhooked the fabric and slid the zipper down, then helped Cathy remove the dress.

As she knelt beside her nearly naked daughter, Sarah was amazed — and not a little shocked! — to realize that she was becoming aroused. She gazed at the lovely young girl, naked except for a small pair of purple panties that seemed to mold themselves to her vulva.

Then Sarah spied a streak of wetness on the front of Cathy’s panties… and a sharp surge of something unexpected raced through her.

It had been a long time since Sarah had last made love to a woman — a cute teenager about her daughter’s age that she’d picked up in a bar after work. She’d never summoned up the nerve to discuss her sexuality with Cathy, to confess her attraction to other women.

Now Sarah’s daughter was all but nude and standing before her, looking incredibly desirable.

Jesus Christ, Sarah thought, suddenly uneasy. What the hell am I thinking?

This was bad, really bad. She couldn’t let herself feel arousal at the sight of her own daughter — as if Cathy was some young hottie she’d just met at the bar!

Cathy’s pulse raced as she studied her mother’s face, stunned by what she’d briefly glimpsed there. Holy shit, she told herself, it worked, it really did! Mom’s turned on!

It seemed ridiculous, as if she was hallucinating. But Cathy knew sexual heat when she encountered it, no matter how subtly that feeling made itself known. My mother is looking at me while I’m practically naked — and it’s getting her excited. So what happens now? Have I got the nerve to make the first move…?

Shaking herself, trying to clear the lustful thoughts that were filling her mind, Sarah slowly rose to her feet, noticing that Cathy was watching her with deep penetrating eyes.

“I — I brought some underwear for you t-to look at,” Sarah stammered.

“Thanks, Mom. What about you — are you going to try on those dresses?” asked Cathy, pointing at the garments that Sarah had brought along with her.

“I thought I would,” Sarah murmured, suddenly unsure of what to do with her hands.

“Here, let me help.” Cathy’s cunt was throbbing at the possibility of seeing her mother nude. “Turn around — I’ll unzip you.” She swallowed, tried to calm her pounding heart.

Sarah shivered as Cathy unzipped her dress, the teen’s fingers gliding down her spine. God, was Cathy actually undressing her? She was giddy, feeling a sudden an impulse to lose control, make something dangerous happen.

As the dress fell to the floor, Cathy gaped at her mom’s buttocks, left all but completely bare by the tiny thong Sarah wore.

It was too much for her to resist. Feeling as though she was waltzing in space, Cathy stepped closer, slipping both arms around the older woman’s waist. “I love you, Mom,” she breathed, kissing her mother’s bare shoulder.

“I love you too, honey,” Sarah whispered, thrilled beyond belief by the touch of her daughter’s skin. She watched the moment unfold in the mirror – her naked body, Cathy’s arms enfolding it, hands sliding upward to cup Sarah’s breasts.

She stared at the teenage girl’s reflected image, saw a question in her eyes. Without intending to, without words, she answered yes.

Sarah turned to face her daughter, stifling a moan as Cathy’s nipples brushed against hers. Slowly, as if time itself had ceased to exist, their mouths drifted together.

Sarah shivered as she felt the teen’s tongue glide across her lips. Then one of her daughter’s legs slid between her own, a thigh pressing tightly into her sex.

She whimpered, lips parting — and Cathy’s tongue darted into her mouth.

Never had Sarah considered anything so perverse as making love to her own daughter, not before today. Now, as their bodies molded together, she knew only raw desire. She drew the teen’s body closer to hers, eagerly returning Cathy’s kiss.

Suddenly breaking away, the teen gently steered her mother backwards until Sarah sat down heavily in the dressing cubicle’s single chair. Dropping to her knees, Cathy quickly stripped away the tiny thong. Gazing hungrily at the glistening pussy before her, she burrowed between Sarah’s thighs.

With a skill learned through hours of sexual games with her friend and occasional lover Jade, she began to kiss her mother’s cunt.

Sarah gasped as at the touch of her daughter’s nuzzling mouth, then pressed white knuckles against her teeth to stifle the noises of passion that seethed inside as Cathy’s tongue emerged to lick.

It seemed only moments before Sarah was panting in ecstasy, quivering helplessly as Cathy carried her through the impossible heights of her orgasm.

Once Sarah managed to regain her breath she stood, drew the girl to her feet and kissed her roughly. For the first time in a long while, she tasted herself on another woman’s mouth, their tongues meeting, entwining.

Sarah nudged Cathy towards the chair, tugging her daughter’s panties down and off and throwing them onto the floor. Now, for the first time since Cathy had been an infant, she found herself closely examining her daughter’s sex. Her neatly trimmed pubes seemed to point the way to the teen’s womanhood, and the smell of her arousal was divine.

Licking her lips, Sarah moved in for the kill. Her tongue bathed Cathy’s cunt, sampling and savoring the girl’s sweetness.

Sarah couldn’t believe what she was doing — kneeling in the changing cubicle of a clothing store, eating her daughter’s pussy, where at any minute a store assistant might appear to ask if everything was okay. But the risk of being caught only seemed to increase the thrill Sarah felt as she pressed her face deeper between the girl’s thighs.

Cathy cradled her mom’s head, fingers entwined in Sarah’s long hair, guiding the hot mouth that worked so lovingly on her cunt and clitoris, trying to restrain her own moans of pleasure. She suddenly threw back her head with a loud gasp, eyes tightly closed and teeth gritted as she came, coating her mom’s lips and chin with her juices.

As she recovered, Cathy pulled her mother up and into her arms. “Fuck, Mom!” she whispered, “that was — amazing!”

“For me too, baby,” sighed Sarah, embracing her daughter. Their mouths met again in a heated kiss, bodies pressed tightly together, arousing them both all over again.

Mother and daughter quickly dressed, minus panties, and left the changing room — abandoning the store’s merchandise where it lay, all thoughts of shopping forgotten. Without a word, they exited the store and headed back to the car, walking briskly.

As Sarah drove out of the parking lot, she was very aware of Cathy’s eyes on her. She turned to her daughter. “Honey… do you feel bad about what just happened?”

The teen shook her head emphatically. “No, Mom, of course not! I loved it. I hope we can do it again, lots of times. If you want to, that is.” She carefully studied her mother. “How about you?”

“God, Cathy, I know we shouldn’t have done what we did, but I’m not sorry… I want it to happen again, too. I think — I think I could fall in love with you.”

Cathy’s eyes misted at her mother’s words. “I love you too, Mom,” she whispered, placing a hand on Sarah’s thigh.

Sarah glanced at the adoring face of her child. “I’ve got an idea — let’s make a little detour before we go home.” Flicking on the turn indicator, she guided the car into a side road.

“But… where? What for?” asked a puzzled Cathy.

“Shhh, sweetheart. You’ll see.”

Sarah turned onto a quiet lane that she followed for about a mile before pulling into an unpaved turnout on the edge of the woods. She stopped the car and, switching off the ignition, turned to her daughter. “Let’s go for a walk, honey.”

Climbing from the car, Sarah opened the trunk and pulled out an old blanket she kept in there, draped it over an arm and strolled into a trail leading into the woods, Cathy close behind.

Cathy gazed about her. “Where are we, Mom?”

Sarah laughed. “Believe it or not, we’re heading to my old make-out spot. It’s where I used to go with boys sometimes, when I was on a really hot date.”

“Oh,” Cathy replied. She paused, then grinned. “Ever come here with another girl, Mom?”

“No, dear. Oh, I’ve had sex with more than a few women, but you’re the first one I’ve ever brought here.”

With that mother and daughter walked contentedly along the peaceful trail, hands linked.

A few minutes later, Sarah led her daughter from the main path onto a barely visible one that wound between the trees. Following this path, they made their way into a little clearing beside a gently burbling creek.

“Oh my gosh, Mom,” Cathy breathed, gazing at the beauty surrounding her, “this place is perfect.”

Sarah sighed contentedly as she looked about. “Goodness… it hasn’t changed a bit.” She spread her blanket beside the stream and settled down, then patted the space beside her with a smile. “Come sit with me, baby.”

As she seated herself next to her mother, Cathy allowed her dress to ride up, revealing her cunt to Sarah’s lust-filled gaze. Reaching out, she lifted her mother’s skirt to expose her treasures, leaning close to brush the glistening labia with her fingertips.

Sarah moaned, “I love you, sweetie…”

“I love you too,” Cathy said just before she kissed her mother — tenderly at first, then with an ardor that made Sarah’s head spin.

Mother and daughter lay down together, mouths hungry as they pulled and tugged at each other’s clothing. Soon they were naked, tongues and limbs lovingly entangled as they continued to share deep kisses.

Rearranging themselves under Sarah’s direction, they entwined their legs, pressing their dripping pussies together. They began to slowly grind into each other, quickly picking up their pace until mother and daughter were fucking like wild animals.

Their bodies glistened in the sweat of shared passion as they both rose towards release, staring at one another, astounded by the intensity of this newfound lust. They came simultaneously, the tranquility of the clearing shattered by the sounds of lovemaking as they cried out together. A few startled birds took to the sky from a nearby tree.

Spent, the two women lay on their sides, their bodies cooling in a gentle breeze. Content to lie together for a long while, their sexual heat finally rose once more to claim them both.

Sarah mounted Cathy in the sixty-nine position, the new lovers burying their faces between one another’s thighs to enjoy the thick, sweet juices that flowed there. Once more, the clearing echoed with muffled moans and the sounds of mouth and tongue on wet flesh — a mother and her daughter, sharing love in a wonderful new way.

As they recovered from their pleasure Sarah held Cathy close, stroking her hair and cradling the girl’s face to her breasts. A feeling of utter serenity filled her soul.


Loving Lisa, Chapter 11

  • Posted on March 31, 2017 at 11:56 am

By JetBoy

I’d just made love to my daughter, gently fucking her to a shuddering orgasm. Out of breath, our bodies damp from exertion, we lay side by side, holding hands. Lisa knelt next to us, an even bigger bundle of restless energy than usual.

“Okayyyyy…” she demanded, her bouncy demeanor making the bed shake, “it’s time to do me now!”

Vanessa rolled her eyes. “Damn — cool your jets, will ya? Me an’ Mom are kinda wiped out here! Give us a couple minutes to rest, then we’ll make you feel awesome.” Her voice dwindled to a mumble. “I promise…”

Lisa had that impish grin on her lips again. “Fine, fine, fine, fine… you lazy-butts take it easy. Me, I’m gonna get some of this!”

And just like that, she bent down to lick at the glistening cock that was still fastened around my waist, then took it into her mouth, purring happily as she tasted my daughter.

“Yum yum yum!” she declared after a moment, raising her face, licking her lips. “Look at me… I’m eatin’ a Nessa Pop!”

“God, you are such a dingbat,” Vanessa groaned, but with a smile for her friend.

“Mmm, Nessa… definitely one of my favorite flavors,” I chuckled. My heart was still thumping from our workout, but Lisa’s lewd antics were definitely rousing the lesbian animal in me.

Two dingbats!” my daughter said with a snort. “Geez, I’m surrounded by craaaazy people!”

I caught Lisa with a lust-filled gaze. “Okay, little girl,” I said, propping myself up on both elbows. “Ready for your first fuck?”

“Yeah,” she cooed, nodding vigorously. “Boy oh boy, am I ever ready!” Reaching over, she gave Nessa a poke in the side. “Hey, farthead — scooch over some!”

“Hey! Hands off, bee-otch!” my daughter laughingly protested.

She shifted herself to the side, and Lisa plunked her naked self where Vanessa had been. “Okay, let’s do this,” she said, spreading herself wide open, both hands on her inner thighs.

I was about to reach for the Astroglide again, but got a better idea. “Say, Nessa — want to help me get Lisa ready? Why don’t you make her all nice and wet down there.”

My daughter furrowed her brow for an instant, then broke into a huge grin as my words hit home. “You bet!” she cried, and turned to Lisa. “Hey, cutie,” she said, then kissed her.

They briefly swapped tongues, then Vanessa began to nuzzle her way down Lisa’s body. “Oooohhhh,” Lisa sighed contentedly. “Mmmm, I love that…”

Nessa paused to lick at each of her friend’s nipples in turn, then resumed her downward trek. Burying her face in Lisa’s tummy, she extended her tongue to delve into the girl’s belly button.

“Hey, that tickles!” Lisa squealed, her body jerking — but Vanessa had already moved on, her mouth trailing a path to her little lover’s sex.

Staring in awe at Lisa’s slightly open cunt, Nessa moistened her lips. “You got such a pretty pussy,” she breathed, then her lips parted to claim the pink-hued slit in an open-mouthed kiss.

With that first touch of my daughter’s mouth, Lisa seemed to melt into a puddle of liquid girlhood. “Oh, my gaaawwwd,” she moaned. “Holy shit, girl… oooohhh you got so gooood at doin’ this…!”

Vanessa’s face popped up. “Mom’s been givin’ me tons of practice!” Then she dove back into Lisa’s pussy, resuming her lustful feast.

Still kneeling above the girls, I savored my view of the underage sex show, fighting off a growing need to masturbate. Nessa was a sight to behold, going down on Lisa as messily as possible. I made a mental note to kiss her before our second round of fucking got underway, and get myself a taste of that luscious nymphet.

Then I noticed Lisa’s breath growing ragged, her hands balled into fists, the clenched knuckles whitening.

“Honey — honey,” I said, tapping Nessa’s shoulder. “Don’t finish her off, okay?”

Vanessa halted herself in mid-lick, then raised a sheepish face from between Lisa’s quivering thighs. “Oops! Uh, sorry, Mom. Got kinda carried away.”

Clutching her arm, I growled, “C’mere, you,” pulling Nessa to me, crushing my mouth to hers. We shared a long French kiss that tasted every bit as heavenly as I’d hoped. Breaking away from my dreamy-eyed daughter, I added, “You’re forgiven.”

Then I turned to Lisa, pausing to take in the amazingly erotic sight of her — sprawled out, knees wide apart, face flushed, her eyes wild with arousal. She was moving a hand to and fro on her chest, stimulating those tiny nipples to stiffness. Then there was the sweet cleft of her sex, dripping with nectar like a spring flower. Oh, she was ready and then some!

I drew closer, grasping the cock by its base, ready to penetrate my little lover, but Nessa stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. “Mom? I got a cool idea!”

Intrigued, I murmured, “What’s that, hon?”

“Why don’t you fuck her from behind? That way, I can get under Lisa, then me and her can make out while you guys do it!” She hugged herself gleefully. “Pretty hot, huh?”

My Nessa. What a dirty, lovely imagination she has!

“Yeah — let’s do that!” squealed Lisa, beside herself with delight.

I nodded my approval. “Okay then, you girls get ready…”

“Whoo-hoo!” cheered Nessa, thrusting a fist skyward. “C’mon, Lise!”

She slid in next to her friend, and the girls quickly squirmed into position, Lisa atop Vanessa.

My daughter grinned at me, her chin on Lisa’s shoulder. “We’re rea-dy, Mom,” she sang. Lisa gave her hips a little wriggle, as if to agree.

I stared, enthralled by their bare pink slits, stacked one on the other in a sort of fleshy figure-eight, then the darker, rose-hued cleft of Lisa’s anus. Shaking my head in awe, I wondered how it could have taken me so long to experience the pleasure of sex with young girls… and to know the joy of being my daughter’s lover.

The girls had fallen silent, gazing into each other’s eyes. Then Nessa’s mouth found Lisa’s, and my two naked angels gently kissed… then deeply, as their passion visibly mounted.

Lisa’s legs drifted a bit further apart, spurring me to action. Reaching out, I placed the tip of my index finger against the opening to her cunt, then pressed it into her with a single fluid motion.

Breaking their kiss, Lisa gasped, throwing her head back. Twisting around to peer at me, she haltingly said, “Oh… oh, YEAH, Ms. Johnson. That feels really g-great!”

“Hold still, babe,” I murmured, patting her ass with my free hand, then reaching for that sticky cock resting between my thighs, “I’m gonna fuck you now.”

Lisa said, “Yeah. Bring it on!” giving that perky butt a playful come-hither twitch. My wicked little lover…

Moving between the girls’ spread legs, I placed the tip of my strap-on against the opening of Lisa’s sweet slit, then slooooowly eased an inch of it inside her. She moaned softly, her head resting on my daughter’s shoulder. Vanessa was stroking Lisa’s face, nuzzling her hair.

I began to move the tip in and out of her pussy, slipping in a little deeper at each stroke. God, Lisa was so incredibly wet — and the smell of her was making my head swim.

With one last careful motion, I was buried up to the hilt inside in Lisa. She was trembling all over, her breath coming in quick gasps.

I leaned forward and whispered, “Do you like it, sweetheart…?” I knew it did, but wanted to hear my little lover say the words.

“Oooooohhhh yes!” she suddenly cried, her voice shattering the room’s quietness. “It feels g-good. Oh! Ohhhh!”

I began to move back and forth, fucking my adorable Lisa in slow, short thrusts that grew longer, deeper as she opened up to me. Her breath hissed through her teeth as the toy slipped in and out, in and out…

Vanessa was fondling Lisa’s breasts, eyes shining with excitement as she watched the whole lewd scene. Her eyes met mine, and I told her, “Touch Lisa’s pussy, hon… let’s make her feel really nice.”

Nessa giggled, biting her lip — and her hand stole its way between Lisa’s legs.

She must have known exactly where to touch, because Lisa suddenly went into hyperdrive. Her thin frame began to shake, her head jerking with each penetration as she panted, “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! OH! OHHHH!”

Still plunging in and out of her wet, squishy pussy, I placed the tip of my index finger on the cute pink hole nestled between her frantically flexing buttocks. Her breath rasped even louder as I wriggled the tip of that finger into her moistened anus — then, without a pause, I slid it into her rectum, right up to the third knuckle.

Lisa shrieked, her thin frame convulsing in an orgasm so violent it rattled the bed frame.

Her helpless spasms of rapture continued for several relentless minutes while my daughter and I continued to pleasure her. Vanessa was kissing her face, neck, shoulders, anywhere her lips could touch Lisa’s skin, fingers still busy between the girl’s thighs.

Finally Lisa froze stock-still for a brief eternity, cried out once more and slowly sank into Nessa — sweaty, glowing and utterly exhausted.

My daughter carefully extracted her wet hand from her friend’s crotch, then took Lisa’s face in both hands and kissed her lovingly. “Now you’re a woman, too,” she said.

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Lisa sighed, then turned to give me a dreamy smile, a tear rolling down her cheek. “Thank you so much, Ms. Johnson,” she whispered. “Love you…”

Lovely, wonderful girl… the sight of her had me glowing inside. “I love you too, Lisa,” I said, then shifted my gaze to my beautiful child. “You too, sweet one.” Vanessa didn’t speak, but the gleam in her eyes said everything.

Lisa swung her face down to Vanessa’s, nuzzled her softly and breathed, “An’ I love you, Nessa.” My daughter answered by drawing Lisa into a kiss.

I eased the toy out of Lisa’s vagina, then unstrapped it from around my waist. Mmmmm… it smelled divine. I brought the gleaming cock to my mouth and tasted my little angel’s essence. Ambrosia!

Lisa rolled off Vanessa and onto her back, exhaling noisily as she hit the bed. “Good golly, Miss Molly… I don’t think I can even walk now!”

“Miss Molly? Who’s that?” asked a puzzled Nessa.

“I dunno,” Lisa said, pausing to yawn and stretch. “It’s somethin’ my dad says all the time.”

Nessa rolled her eyes. “Whatever, goofball,” poking Lisa with her foot. She turned to me. “What about you, Mom? It’s your turn to… get to come!” She reached out to place a hand on my thigh, then suddenly sat up, pointing excitedly at the strap-on in my hands. “Hey, wait! Will that thing fit on me?”

I looked down at the harness, then shook my head. “No, hon… you’re too slender. It wouldn’t fasten.”

“Crap,” she pouted, crestfallen. “I wanted to use it on you.”

I patted her arm. “Tell you what, Nessie… I’ll shop around online and see if I can find a strap-on that’s more your size, okay?”

“I guess,” she shrugged. “But how are me an’ Lisa gonna make love to you right now?”

“Oh, I’ll leave that up to you, little lady,” I said, stretching out along the foot of the bed. “Do with me as you will… for the rest of the afternoon, my body is your property.” Glancing at an amused Lisa, I added, “And yours.”

“Too cool,” sighed Lisa. Reaching for Nessa’s foot, she gave it a tug. “C’mon, buttbrain! We gotta think up somethin’ hot n’ sexy to do to your mom!”

“Calm down, goofus,” Nessa fired back, studying me. Shifting over to where Lisa sat, she gave me a stern look over her shoulder. “No listenin’ in!”

“Scout’s honor,” I replied, trying not to laugh.

The girls fell into a brief whispered conversation, then turned back to me. “We’re ready, Mom,” Vanessa said, and I sat up, prepared for anything. “Now, we need you to get on your hands and knees, facin’ this way!” She pointed toward the door.

“Leave the rest to us!” Lisa chimed in.

How could I quibble with that? Without a word, I assumed the position they wanted.

“Close your eyes,” Nessa said, a gentleness in her voice that made me tingle. I obeyed, my anticipation steadily rising.

Soft hands began to tenderly stroke my body — nothing explicitly sexual, not yet, but it was more than enough to stoke the arousal I felt.

I inhaled sharply when the tip of a tongue traced the edge of my left ear, then a voice spoke: Vanessa.

She murmured, “You’re the best mommy in the whole world… and I’m so much in love with you, it makes me feel all — all hot and drippy inside! You’re sweet an’ sexy an’ give me the best feelings, Mom. I hope we can be lovers for ever and ever.” Her tongue emerged again, this time licking a path down to my neck. I couldn’t help but moan.

Before I could pledge eternal devotion to my daughter, Lisa’s lips caressed my right ear.

“I think Nessa is so lucky, havin’ you as her mom.” A pause. “When we met that first time, I knew I liked you, Ms. Johnson, really liked you… but then, when I saw you in that teeny-tiny bathing suit, I wanted you to — to be my girlfriend!” I could hear a tremor of emotion in her voice. “Now that you are my girlfriend, and so’s Nessa… wow, it’s like my dream come true!” Her hand cupped my breast. “I… I love you, Ms. Johnson.”

Oh, my precious girls. I was pursing my lips, trying not to cry.

“So do I, Mom,” Nessa’s voice chimed in, “and now, we’re gonna make love to you.”

I felt them shifting around on the bed. The temptation was strong to open my eyes, to find out what these little vixens had in store for me. Somehow, I managed to resist.

A pair of hands gently spread my knees a few inches further apart — then soft hair brushed along my inner thighs as a girl’s head slid between them, I knew not whose. But I damn sure knew what it was there for…

I slowly lowered my hips to the unseen face below, offering my cunt to her. As I got closer, I heard a happy sigh: Lisa. I bit my lip as she nuzzled my pussy, then moaned soft and low as she began to lick me.

So that left my darling Nessa behind me, probably straddling her friend. She was more or less making love to my bottom — showering my cheeks with open-mouthed kisses, fondling them with both hands. Then I felt her slowly pry my buttocks apart, and a delicious tremor raced through me as my daughter’s warm, wet tongue trailed through the crack of my ass.

Vanessa had surprised me many times over, in her transition from animated little girl to passionate lesbian lover — but nothing, I think, astonished me more than her love of rimming. You’d expect an eleven-year-old to be utterly grossed out by the very idea, but not my Nessa. “I love ladies’ butts,” she’d told me. “They’re the beautifullest thing ever!” Well, she was certainly showering my ass with affection.

Down below, Lisa’s tongue rolled around in my vagina, her mouth occasionally making slurping sounds as she greedily drank of my womanly essence. Her hands rested on my hips as she ate me, but then she slid a hand over the top of my thigh and down, her fingers finding their way into my matted pubes.

Oh GOD, is she going to–?

She was. She did.

Now Lisa was lightly scissoring my clit between two fingers while she fucked me with her mouth, Nessa was pressing the tip of her tongue against my anus, seeking entry — and my heart was throbbing like an electric bass cranked up to eleven.

I began to tremble helplessly, breathing in frantic gasps as the pleasure mounted higher, higher, ohmyfuckinggodinheaven higher!

Then, as if she knew just when to, Lisa gave my clit a tiny pinch — and then I screamed as the sky caved in.

My body rocked and bucked crazily, battered by the most soul-wrenching orgasm imaginable. It seemed as if I climaxed for at least five minutes straight… until I simply gave out, flopping over in a near faint.

I lay in a daze for I know not how long, my darling girls nestled close to me. We slept — damp, exhausted, and completely at peace.


Ten years have passed since then. Vanessa is now studying pre-med at our local university — with excellent grades, I might add — and Lisa is the co-director and lead performer in an acclaimed modern dance company. They live together as married lovers, having tied the knot as soon as they were legally able.

In public, my daughter is very much the serious student, while Lisa is the elegant bohemian in black tights and colorful scarves. But behind closed doors, they are their playful girlish selves again, still tweaking each other with mischievous insults like “lamebrain,” and “goofus,” getting into tickle fights, and playing children’s board games.

Me, I finally embraced my identity as a lesbian and came out of the closet to my friends and family. It went down so smoothly that I kicked myself for not having done it ages ago. I have no plans to settle down with any one woman, though, preferring to play the field… at least for now.

That’s because of my secret love life, the one no one knows about except the parties involved. It’s what happens when Nessa and Lisa’s drop by for an evening visit. Which they do, regularly.

The three of us enjoy a superb meal, cooked by Lisa — did I forget to mention that in addition to being an incredible dancer, she’s also quite the artist in the kitchen? — and a drink or two. Then as I relax with the girls on the sofa, always seated between them, the looks we exchange take on a certain… warmth. Our casual touches linger, the conversation dwindles to a mellow silence.

Perhaps my Nessa will make the first move, leaning in to place a soft kiss on my neck. Or Lisa might rest a hand on my thigh, her fingers inching beneath my skirt, slowly making their wicked way to my uncovered pussy. I never wear panties when the girls pay me a visit.

Without a word, we rise and drift into the bedroom, where we slowly undress one another. Or perhaps we tear off our things in a lustful frenzy and fuck right there on the living room floor. Sometimes we adjourn to the hot tub I had installed a few years ago, letting our passions run wild in the bubbling water.

However it happens, we three will come together once more, renewing the hidden romance that the girls and I have shared for over a decade. Nothing is forbidden to us, no hunger is denied. We have sampled and enjoyed virtually every pleasure lesbians can experience, and our appetite has yet to diminish.

My beloved daughter and her beautiful wife complete me — and my love for them knows no bounds.

The End


Loving Lisa, Chapter 10

  • Posted on March 24, 2017 at 6:43 pm

By JetBoy

The doorbell chimed. 3:32 in the afternoon.

Now who on earth could that be…? I wondered, peering up from the kitchen counter in irritation.

I’d broken this exquisite piece of costume jewelry — a glass brooch of a tropical fish I’d found years ago in a secondhand store — and was about to put the three fragments back together with Krazy Glue. Not a good time to be interrupted.

Nessa was upstairs, music turned up loud… no sense in calling her down to answer the door. Leaving my work on a paper towel, I made my way to the foyer, prepared to rebuff unwanted visitors. The Jehovah’s Witnesses had been working our neighborhood, I’d been told.

Half expecting to find a smiling matron bearing copies of The Watchtower, I opened the door to discover a far more welcome guest on the top step — Lisa!

A leap across the threshold, and she was in my arms. Dazed and delighted, I spun the two of us around and around, her legs wrapped around me. Somehow, on one of our revolutions, I managed to shut the door with a nudge of the foot.

The sweet scent of her hair tickled my nose. “Mmmmmmm… oh, Lisa, I’ve missed you!”

Holding me tightly, her face buried in my neck, she whispered, “I missed you too, Ms. Johnson.”

I clucked my tongue. “It’s Roxanne, Lisa. Remember?”

She frowned, wrinkling her nose. “Y’know… I don’t really like callin’ you that. Can I still say ‘Ms. Johnson?’ It’s what I always say in my head when I think about you. That’s okay, huh?”

I had to laugh. “Of course, angel. Whatever makes you happy.” I paused to kiss the tip of that nose. “When did you get back?”

“Just,” Lisa murmured against my chin, making me throb down below. Then she raised her head, her big green eyes peering into mine. “Let’s… play!”

A whoop of delight from the top of the stairs, then… “LISA!” My daughter’s feet came thundering down to where we stood.

“NESSA!” shrieked my bundle of joy, nearly deafening me in one ear. “Sorry,” she added when I grimaced.

Vanessa darted behind her friend and hugged her tightly, making a yummy Lisa sandwich between the two of us. Suddenly she grinned and hunkered down. I couldn’t see — what was Nessa doing?

“Hey, what’re you — Owww!” Lisa twisted around to glare at my daughter. “You bit me!”

And there Vanessa was, grinning behind Lisa. “Gotcha ba-ack!”

Lisa rolled her eyes heavenward. “God, are you still freakin’ out about that? Anyhow, you already got me back, ‘member?” Lisa reached around to explore her backside as I set her down. “Jeez Louise… right on my butthole, too.”

Now, that gave me a very interesting idea. “Oh, dear,” I said, trying to look concerned. “How about we go up to my bedroom and… examine the damage? Make sure everything’s okay.”

The girls actually jumped up and down, blurting exclamations like “Yeah!” “Whoo!” and “Cool!” Then up the stairs they flew as if they’d been launched from twin cannons. Me, I took up the rear, ascending at a much more ladylike pace.

When I entered my room, Lisa and Nessa were bouncing excitedly on my bed, huge grins on their faces. I used to chide my daughter when she used my mattress as a trampoline, but right then, I felt giddy enough to jump right along with them. Instead, I stepped out of my shoes.

“Hey, no room for me?” I laughingly protested, unbuttoning my pants.

The bouncing came to a standstill as the girls watched me starting to undress. Then with a gleeful squeal, my Nessa began to shimmy out of her top.

I stepped out of my jeans and panties, then tugged off the old flannel shirt I liked to wear around the house. Vanessa wasn’t wearing much to start with, so she got naked right away — but why was Lisa just watching us undress?

Taking notice of her still-clothed friend, Nessa frowned. “What’cha just standin’ there for? C’mon, girl, get naked!” She giggled. “We gotta ex-amine your butthole!”

Lisa gave us a bashful smile. “I wanna do a show for you guys, where I take off all my clothes and dance sexy!” She blushed a bit. “Um… it’s just an idea I had…”

“You mean a striptease?” I said, shrugging out of my bra. Now I was nude, too.

She nodded gratefully, stepping down from the bed. “Yeah! That.”

“Cool!” exclaimed Vanessa approvingly. She seated herself at the foot of the bed, gazing expectantly at her friend. “Okay — show us what’cha got, honeybuns!”

Lisa smirked at my daughter. “Doofus.”

“Want some music?” I asked, padding over to my dresser, where I kept a boombox.

“Yeah,” said Lisa. “Somethin’ hot!”

“Leave it to me.” Rifling through the stack of CDs, I took out my James Brown best-of disc and slipped it in the player, pausing it at the start of the track I wanted. “Here, do it in front of the mirror.”

Lisa cheerfully padded over to the spot I indicated. “Okay,” she nodded, limbering up her arms and legs.

“And heeeeere we go…” I placed my finger on the PLAY button, then pushed it.

A tough funk groove kicked off the song, driven along by a choppy guitar lick and punctuated by horns. Lisa listened, moving very slightly, letting her body find the beat before she began to move. She was good, too — maybe not Soul Train material, but bold and enthusiastic, unconcerned about looking silly.

“Whoo!” cheered Vanessa. “You go, girl!”

James Brown’s voice elbowed its way in, tightly backed by another voice in a tough call-and-response:

Know we need it — SOUL POWER!
We got to have it — SOUL POWER!
Know we want it — SOUL POWER!
Huh! Got-ta have it — SOUL POWER!

Great merciful heavens, what a sight she was. Believe me, Lisa’s promise to “dance sexy,” had not been made idly. She was strutting her stuff with a vengeance, working that cute little butt.

She kicked off her sandals — firing one to the left, the other to the right — then got back into her dance.

I want to get under your skin
If I get there, I got to win
You need some soul, c’mon and get some
And then you’ll know, where I’m comin’ from

Now and then, her eyes met mine — and each time it sent a surge of white-hot lust through my very core. A glance at my daughter made it clear that Lisa’s movements were affecting her in the same way. Nessa was staring slack-mouthed at her friend, occasionally moistening her lips. I noticed that her nipples were visibly erect.

I couldn’t look away from Lisa for more than an instant, though, not while she continued to move. James Brown continued to narrate the action:

I may lay in the cut and go along
I’m still on the case, and my rap is strong
Go jump on my train, when I’m outta sight
Just check yourself, huh! and say, yeah you’re right

Lisa’s elbows swung forward and back in time as she began to unfasten the buttons of the pale orange shirt she wore. One at a time, she undid them, then slowly slid the shirt down to expose her shoulders, carefully giving us quick glimpses of her bare chest.

Suddenly Lisa all but tore the top off, like a magician sweeping away his cape. Now nude from the waist up, she threw herself back into the dance.

Lisa barely had anything in the way of breasts, but they still managed to jiggle ever so slightly. And her nipples were definitely stiff, all but begging to be sucked.

Love me tender, and love me slow
If that don’t get it, jump back for more
Love me tender, love me slow
If that don’t get it, jump back for more

Reaching down to the front of her cut-off denim shorts, she popped the top button open with the flick of a thumb, then tugged the zipper down far enough to us to see the color of her panties — buttery yellow.

Spinning around to face the mirror, her bottom thrust toward Nessa and me, Lisa shifted her hips from side to side as she shimmied out of the tight shorts, working them down to her ankles. Those yellow underpants were so tautly stretched across her bottom that I could see nearly everything she had through them.

She stepped out of her cut-offs with her right foot, then cast them aside with a flick of the left. Now down to panties, Lisa’s movements grew more explicitly sexual. This was a dance of seduction, and all three of us knew it.

We gotta get in the bracket
You know I like it!

To my left, I heard Nessa gasp. I turned to look, gasping myself when I saw my daughter lying back, legs spread wide, masturbating at the sight of her dancing friend. Hmmm… now there’s a good idea.

Back to Lisa. She was staring lustfully at Vanessa, touching her body all over, still moving in time to the Godfather’s funky beat. Then her eyes burned into mine, and it felt like someone had set off a flare in my cunt, starting a blaze that simply had to be dealt with.

Slipping a hand between my thighs, I curled two fingers inside myself, thrusting them hard and deep.

Don’t fall on the ground!
You got to get down, down, down, down, down
Don’t fall on the ground!
You got to get down, down, down, down, down

Lisa was sliding out of her panties, turning around as she did, giving us the full-on view of her nakedness. Then she was completely bare, those butter-hued underpants clutched in one hand. She tossed them to me, and I immediately pressed them to my face, breathing deeply, drinking in the heady aroma of my underage lover.

I passed them over to Nessa — and she plastered the sodden material to her nose and mouth, purring with pleasure as she sampled Lisa’s scent.

Huh! Good God!
I’ve gotta ask you, what we NEED! — SOUL POWER!
What we want — SOUL POWER!

Excited as I already was, I nearly swooned when Lisa presented her bottom, hips still churning to the hard beat. She dipped down to peer at us between spread legs, pulling her buttocks apart to display her holes to us. Her slit was glistening with wetness. Oh, God, I wanted to throw myself on my knees behind the child and bury my face in her rosy flesh.

Seconds later, Lisa was up and dancing again. Damn it, she was driving me crazy!

But before I knew it, the song was fading. Lisa’s motions slowed, then halted.

She took a deep bow while her dazed audience cheered and clapped — with very moist fingers, needless to say. Then she jumped in between my daughter and me on the bed, exhaling noisily as she lay back.

“Wow,” said Vanessa, “that was… wicked good!”

The little imp was grinning hugely, feeling quite proud of herself. “Ya think so?”

“Oh, yes,” I said. “That might have been the single sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Cooooool,” Lisa sighed, gazing at me, then Vanessa. “So… what do we do now?”

“Well, I don’t know about you young ladies,” I murmured, “but I’m in the mood for some kissing.”

“Yeah!” Lisa cheered, and Nessa eagerly nodded her assent.

“Me first,” I announced, then drew close to Lisa. “Here’s your reward for that wonderful dance,” and I took her mouth in a tender kiss that grew hot and hungry in something like two seconds. We swapped tongues for a long, delicious while, then I turned to Vanessa. “And this is your reward for being the best daughter in the whole world.” I kissed my child with every ounce of passion I had in me, feasting on her sweet mouth, finally breaking away. “And now, I want to see you two kiss!”

Eyes shining, Lisa reached up to touch my daughter’s face. “I love you, Nessa,” she whispered.

“Aw… I love you, Lisa,” Vanessa responded, and the girls came together in a ardent embrace, their mouths crushed together, tongues flashing to and fro. Then they turned back to me, both smiling.

We shared kisses and caresses for a long while, taking our time, keeping the lovemaking going at a slow, languid pace, allowing the sexual fire to mount gradually — until we seemed to move, all three of us, to the tempo of a single racing pulse. Never before had I been so perfectly in tune with a lover.

Eventually, of course, our need for release grew too intense to bear, so we made each other come with our fingers. I masturbated my daughter while Nessa rubbed Lisa, who tweaked my clit until I saw stars.

Afterwards, we lay together in a tangle of heated flesh, occasionally exchanging deep French kisses — at least until Lisa raised her head, looking from me to Nessa. “We’re not done yet, are we?” she demanded.

I nearly rolled my eyes. Kids. Don’t they ever get enough of a good thing? Then I felt my daughter’s fingers lightly teasing my slit, and thought, Hmmm… guess I’m not quite done yet.

“Mom…?” said Vanessa, her head resting on my shoulder.

“What, hon?”

“Can you, um, put on the thing now? Pleeease?”

Lisa furrowed her brow. “The thing?”

I looked at Vanessa, arching an eyebrow. “The thing…?”

Vanessa blushed. “You know…”

I just looked at her blankly, wanting her to say the word.

Lisa looked from Vanessa to me and back, frowning. “What are you guys talkin’ about?!”

Vanessa, her cheeks flushed pink, mumbled, “The… the cock,” then put both hands over her face. Which caused her to poke Lisa with an extremely pointy elbow.

Lisa’s scowl deepened. “Hey, watch your arms, dingus!” Then to me, still puzzled, “The cock?”

“I think there’s an echo in here,” I chuckled, tousling her hair. “Hold on, Lisa — I’ll show you.” Getting to my feet, pausing for a moment for the wooziness to disperse, I padded into the closet, plucking my sex toy from a nearby shelf, still fitted with the smallest attachment. I figured it would be at least a year or two before either of the girls would be ready for the eight-incher.

As I strapped the latex prick on and fastened it about my waist, the room was eerily silent. No giggles or whispers, no creaking from the bed. I gave my borrowed appendage a tug to make certain it was secure, then emerged.

Lisa’s eyes grew wide as she saw the toy jutting from my groin. “Holy cow!” she gasped, cupping her face in both hands like a cartoon character.

Vanessa smiled gleefully, amused by her friend’s astonishment. “It’s kinda like a real man’s thing… right, Mom? Works the exact same way!”

I nodded. “More or less.”

Lisa gaped at Vanessa. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! You mean — you already used it?”

Shyly nibbling her lower lip, Vanessa murmured, “Well, yeah.” She was blushing again.

“Oh, yes, Vanessa took the whole thing inside her…” I winked at my little girl, and she giggled, suddenly unable to meet my gaze.

Lisa’s mouth was open. “You really… really did it…” She looked down at Nessa’s pussy — which, I noticed, still showed a slightly irritated pinkness around the edges of her slit.

Her face alight with wonder, Lisa reached out, extending a finger to lightly touch my daughter’s sex. “Wow,” she breathed, then looked up at Vanessa. “So, how did you…?”

“Mom, put some, um, slippery stuff on it first, to help it go inside… and she went really slow, so it wouldn’t hurt a lot.”

Did it hurt?” Lisa asked, tilting her head slightly.

“Just a little,” Nessa replied. “But it felt really great, too!” She took Lisa’s hand, gave it a squeeze. “I asked her to, Lise. It was important to me. I wanted Mom to be the one to do it.”

Lisa slowly lit up like a Christmas tree, a gleam of excitement appearing in her eyes. “Me too!” Turning to me, she clasped her hands together in supplication, begging, “I want you to be the one to… do that to me!” She jumped up from the bed and raced over to where I stood, clutching at my arm. “Please, Ms. Johnson?” She nuzzled her face into my breasts. “Pretty please?”

I glanced at Nessa, who smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Fuck her, Mom!”

Enveloping Lisa in my arms, I whispered into her hair, “Okay, sweetie.”

She hugged me hard, blurted, “Thank you!” then broke away. “But first, I wanna watch you guys doin’ it. So I get to see, y’know, what it’s like. Okay?”

Nessa grinned. “Oh, I’m good with that!” She immediately lay down on the bed and raised her legs up and out. Grabbing her ankles, she spread herself, opening her sweet cunt for me. “C’mon, Mom — I’m so ready!”

My brave little soldier. I reached for the lubricant, still resting on the nightstand where I’d left it, then knelt on the bed before Nessa, pausing to admire the loveliness of her bare slit… pink, glistening with wetness and ready to be loved.

I smeared a dollop of Astroglide on the end of the shaft, then leaned in to transfer a dab of the slippery stuff onto Nessa’s waiting slit. She spread her legs even wider, if that was possible.

Climbing onto the bed, Lisa approached me from behind and pressed herself against my back, resting her chin on my shoulder to get a good view of the proceedings. I felt her swollen nipples brushing against my skin as she nuzzled my neck.

It was arousing, but something of a distraction. “That feels good, Lisa… but you’ve got to move back just a little. I need room to do this.”

“Oops. Sorry ‘bout that.”

As Lisa dutifully stationed herself a bit further away, I glanced back at her, a knowing smile on my lips. “You want to see it… going in, huh?”

Her eyes were dancing. “Yeah,” she sighed happily.

“Sit right here, Lisa!” Vanessa said, patting the bed next to her. “You can watch Mom put her thing in… and while she fucks me, we can make out!”

“Great idea,” Lisa giggles as she parks her cute little bottom at Nessa’s side. She bends down, peering between my daughter’s spread thighs. “Wow, Nessa, I can see all of you!”

“Mmmmm, yeah, I guess so.” Nessa’s eyes widened as I gently stroked her opening with the tip of the dildo, occasionally brushing her clit.

“You ready, hon?”

Nessa nodded. “Fuck me now, Mom.”

I moved slowly, carefully, watching the head slip about two inches deep into my daughter’s pussy.

“Ow. Ow. Ooohh… ouch!” winced Vanessa. Lisa winced right along with her.

I halted myself. “You sure you want to do this, hon?”

“Yeah, I… do, I want to. Just… I’m still kinda sore.”

“Okay. I’ll stay still for right now. You tell me when you’re ready.”

Lisa took my daughter’s hand, pressed it to her lips, then cradled it in her lap. “You look so pretty like that, Nessa.”

Vanessa gave her friend a shaky smile. “Thanks.” Drawing in, then releasing a deep breath, she looked up at me. “Okay, you c-can go in a little more now.”

I eased the cock a bit deeper, a quarter-inch at a time.

“Oooh… oh, oh, geez, Mom!”

Pausing again, “Does it still hurt?”

“A little… but, but not that much… oh, man, I’m feelin’ so full.” She lifted her hips a bit, taking me in even more. “Mmmm yeah! It’s gettin’ better, Mom, just like last time.”

“Good job, sweetie.” By then, the shaft was almost completely inside my precious child.

“Ohhhh, yeah, that’s it, oh yeah…!”

Lisa stared at my daughter in awe. “You’re really doin’ it, Nessa! You really are!”

My daughter turned to her friend, tugging at her arm. “Kiss me, Lisa…”

And Lisa fell into Vanessa’s embrace — their mouths meeting, tongues emerging to dance. Lisa’s hand was on my little girl’s chest, gliding over her nipples.

Now I was fucking her for real — pulling out, pushing back, my movements smooth and steady. Nessa was humming as she and Lisa kissed, a tuneless moan to accompany her rising pleasure.

Vanessa broke away from Lisa to whisper something in her ear — and Lisa peered up at me, a positively devilish expression on her face. She got to her feet, then disappeared. What is that girl up to now?

Then I felt her behind me — her hands, her breath, then her soft lips caressing my ass.

Down below, my daughter was speedily approaching meltdown. She clutched at fistfuls of the blanket, her head twisting from side to side, eyes squeezed tightly shut. At one point, Nessa reached down to touch the slippery latex cock, perhaps marveling at how wonderful it made her feel. All the while, she exhorted me on. “Ohhhhh Mom, s-so good, mmm yes, ohhh, don’t stop, keep fuckin’ me, oooooohhh yeah, f-feels so… so…”

Lisa was feasting on my backside. I felt her lips, her tongue, her eager mouth on my bottom, my anus, my cunt. She licked me, adorned me with kisses and nibbled my clit as Nessa writhed beneath me, lost in her mounting rapture.

I wanted to lie skin to skin with my little girl, so I carefully lowered myself onto her. She seized me in her arms, hugging me tightly, burying her face in my shoulder, her voice reduced to ragged whimpers and the occasional gasp of, “Ohhhhh, Mom!”

I continued to fuck her — in the meantime, Lisa was probing my vagina with what felt like all four fingers. I longed for her to get her thumb into the act and work her entire hand inside me, but my hips were probably moving too briskly for that.

Suddenly my daughter threw her head back against the pillow, a joyful cry of ecstasy breaking free as she began to come. Her nails bit painfully into my back — but I kept going, carrying Vanessa through the crazy carnival ride of her orgasm, her cries and moans music to my soul.

Seconds later, Lisa’s fingers touched something inside me, and I froze in mid-stroke as my own climax hit like a thunderclap. I was rocked to my foundation, quivering all over and trying not to jerk around while still inside Nessa.

Finally, we both lay spent, my sweaty frame atop hers. Somehow I managed to heave myself up and draw my slippery cock out of her body, sitting back on my heels in a post-orgasmic daze.

Kneeling once more beside her friend, Lisa shook her head, open-mouthed. “Nessa, gosh… that was so awesome!” she breathed. She tenderly brushed Nessa’s damp bangs to one side. “You are like… I can’t believe it. You’re like… a woman, and everything!”

Smiling weakly, Nessa patted Lisa’s hand, then gazed up at me. “Love you, Mom,” she mumbled. Her legs lay open, her pussy oozing warm honey into the sheets.

I murmured, “I love you too, angel,” and laid down next to her. Nessa turned her face to mine, and our lips met in a tender kiss.

Continue on to Chapter 11


Loving Lisa, Chapter 9

  • Posted on March 1, 2017 at 2:07 pm

By JetBoy

Next morning. The birds were out in force, their cheerful melodies heralding the start of another perfect day. I stood silently at the foot of Vanessa’s bed and watched her sleep. So beautiful. And the hint of pinkness that bloomed in my daughter’s cheeks — a reminder of the loving we two had enjoyed just hours before — only enhanced that beauty.

I shook my head, lost in wonder at how my life had been utterly transformed in the space of a few weeks… really, just in this one wild hurricane of a weekend. First, I’d finally made love to Lisa, the preteen imp I’d been lusting after since the start of the summer. Then, that same blessed evening, I’d made the sexual acquaintance of my eleven-year-old daughter Vanessa.

And last night, Nessa and I had taken this crazy, forbidden passion to a whole new realm. We’d shared our bodies, our hearts, our souls. Now, my own child and I were in love.

Her words still echoed in my head: I wish you and me could get married, Mom. If you wanted, I’d totally be your wife.

God, it tied me in knots, imagining the two of us, side by side in gossamer bridal gowns, being joined as girl and woman, wife and wife. I saw us running from the chapel, giggling with glee as we raced to an idling car, waiting to take us to our new life together.

Lost in my fantasy, I carry Nessa across the threshold of our home and to the haven of our wedding bed, where I undress my lady love, piece by silken piece. Then she lies naked before me, watching with eager eyes as I disrobe before her, then crawl into her outstretched arms…

Crazy dream, I told myself with a smile. Meanwhile, here she is, larger than life and very much in love with me. Her mom. Crazy dream, indeed.

I smelled my fingers, savoring the hint of last night’s pleasures that lingered on them… ohhh, how the scent of Nessa’s pussy roused me! Gazing down at her, I cupped the rise of my vulva, tracing the opening with a languid finger. My eyes slowly drifted shut.

Then came a small, sleepy voice from the bed. “Mom?”

I looked, only to see my sleepy-faced angel smiling at me. The sheet had slipped down just far enough to expose her rosy nipples, and I found myself longing to lick them.

Seating myself next to her, I smoothed her golden hair. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry I woke you up. Go back to sleep, it’s still early.”

She lifted her head, eyes glowing with mischief. “Don’t wanna sleep anymore, Mom. Take off your robe and come play with me.”

So I let my robe drop to the floor, lifted the sheet and slipped into bed, reaching for my equally unclothed daughter. “Ohhh, Mom…” she whispered, wrapping her arms around me. Then I felt her hand find mine and drag it down, tucking it between her legs.

I felt warmth, wetness. “Nice,” I said.

“Thanks, Mom,” Vanessa murmured. “Thank you for — for being with me like this. Makin’ love to me.” Her lips brushed my neck, soft as a butterfly’s wings, then she added, “I been wanting you to, Mom — really, I have!”

That got me thinking, made me curious. “When did you start thinking about me that way, hon?”

She settled into my arms. “Oh… first, I kinda figured out how I, um, liked girls more than boys. I guess it was about a year ago. Uh, I sorta got a crush on one of my teachers. Ms. Sutter, ‘member her? Teaches history.”

I did remember Veronica Sutter — met her during Open House Night at the middle school, where I’d felt a definite prickle of attraction of my own for the shapely brunette. “You liked her, eh?” I teasingly said. “Gotta give you credit, kiddo — you’ve got great taste in women for an eleven-year-old.”

She snickered. “Course I have good taste! I love you, don’t I?”

“Flattery will get you everywhere, daughter mine… so, did you ever give her an idea of how you felt?”

“No!” Nessa exclaimed. “I woulda been way too scared to do anything like that. Anyway, I was startin’ to notice other sexy ladies who I wanted to kiss. Like, um…” She hesitated, then came out with it. “Well, one of ‘em was Aunt Erica.”

Oh, my God! Erica wasn’t really a relative — just one of my best friends, close enough to our family that Vanessa always referred to her as “Aunt Erica.” She was a voluptuous bottle-blonde with a sunny smile, a Florida drawl and a generous rack that had men bumping into walls. And my little girl had lusted after her!

Oblivious of my surprise, Nessa continued. “And there’s Mrs. Howland down the street… she looks really hot when she goes jogging in shorts. Oh, and the lady who was in that English Patient movie, um, Julia Binotch…?”

“Juliette Binoche,” I told her. “You liked her, too?” Very impressive, I thought.

“Yeah!” she exclaimed, nodding eagerly. “She was, umm… well, she was the first person I ever thought about when I touched myself, y’know, down there…”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s okay to say ‘masturbated’, hon.” Blushing hotly, Nessa buried her face in my breasts. “You aren’t attracted to girls your own age, then?”

“Oh, they’re okay, I guess… but not nearly as much as, uh, more grown-up ladies. That’s who I like!”

I pressed a kiss into the fragrant softness of my daughter’s hair. “Okay, but… when did you start feeling that way about me?”

Nessa’s little hand, resting idly on my ribcage, moved up to cup my breast. I felt the nipple stiffen against her palm. “You know when it was? That first time Lisa came over. When you wore that new bathing suit.”

My heart seemed to skip a beat. “So… you saw me in that suit and it — it turned you on?”

“Yeah, Mom,” Vanessa softly said, the warmth of her words caressing my skin. “It sure did.”

I mused on the irony of it all. That incredibly sexy bikini, the one “Aunt” Erica bought for me to attract a new boyfriend, not knowing that I’d more or less given up on men. The bathing suit I’d finally put on for the first time to impress Lisa, just before I’d come to understand my true feelings for her. That very same suit had caused my own daughter to feel sexual desire for me.

Such a tangled web we weave, I marveled.

Nessa continued. “Seeing you, it was like, wow, my mom is way sexy! And then, I dunno, I just thought about you the same as I did those other ladies I wanted to do stuff with.” Nessa paused, mulled her words. “I knew it was weird to feel that way, but I still did.” She lifted her head, looking at me. “Y’know how I went inside not much long after that, so it was just you and Lisa still in the pool…?”


“Well, I went up to my room, lay down and… I played with my p-pussy, thinkin’ about you.”

It was an image that seared itself into my consciousness. Imagine — just minutes before I spied on Lisa as she fondled herself in front of my mirror, Vanessa had been doing the same thing, lost all the while in fantasies of me.

By then, I was caressing my daughter all over, touching as much of her body as I could reach.

“After that… well, I was kinda in love with you, Mom. I couldn’t stop wanting us to — to be girlfriends!”

“I — I felt the same way, Nessa,” I confessed.

“You did, huh?” she sighed blissfully, rolling my nipple between her fingers.

“Yeah. It took me awhile to figure that out, though. That was a real struggle for me — moms aren’t supposed to feel that way about their daughters, after all.”

I felt her shrug against me. “Guess not… but I sure don’t think it’s bad, us bein’ in love.”

“Me neither, hon… but at the time, it was a lot for me to handle. Plus, I was dealing with… well, crushing on Lisa. I really wanted her, quite a lot. But then I started noticing you, and it got me mixed up inside.”

Nessa lifted her head to look at me, her eyes dancing with excitement. “Now it’s your turn, Mom. Tell me ‘bout you and Lisa — everything! How’d you know you liked her? When did you guys kiss first? Did she–”

“Slow down, girl!” I said, raising a hand in mock protest. “I’ll tell you all of it, promise.”

“Good,” she murmured. “I been wondering what happened with you and her.” With that, Vanessa rested her cheek on my breast, settling in for what promised to be a good story.

Oh, my, was it ever.

I left nothing out, starting with that first visit from Lisa… and the fascination that she awakened in me, the interest that quickly built into full-blown arousal, then from there into raw lust.

I described how I’d spied on Lisa as she masturbated in my room, then that beautiful Fourth of July when I fondled her to orgasm, accompanied by the soundtrack of exploding fireworks. That brought me to just two days before, where Lisa had exposed herself to me at the barbecue… and I’d flashed her myself later that night while Nessa was in the next room.

My daughter’s eyes widened in amazement as I described what had been going on under her nose at their sleepover, like the way I’d fingered Lisa’s pussy beneath the blanket while Vanessa had been tickling her feet. “I thought she was acting way too crazy. Nobody’s that ticklish!” Nessa declared triumphantly.

I even told her about how I’d licked Lisa’s anus while Vanessa was out of the room, off getting the lotion for me after I’d spanked her little friend. She shook her head in disbelief, mumbling, “That’s so awesome.”

Finally, there was the lovemaking that Lisa and I had enjoyed when she crept into my bed later that night. I regaled Nessa with every detail. By then, she and I were getting restless, our bodies pulsing with arousal.

Once my story had arrived to the point where my daughter came to my room, looking for a missing Lisa, Nessa raised herself into a sitting position, straddling my pelvis, her sex wet and hot against my skin.

“Let’s m-make love, Mom,” she said. “I need it so bad — oooohh, my pussy’s on fire!”

Lowering herself on top of me, she crushed her mouth to mine in an ardent kiss that made me dizzy with lust. I twined both arms around my daughter, hugging her tightly, then reached down to cup that pert little ass. Our tongues mingled deliciously, darting from mouth to mouth.

Nessa’s hands found my breasts, then she began to feel me up like the horny preteen she was. As for me, I slipped a finger between her buttocks and teased my child’s rosebud, then delved down deeper, seeking the treasure of her bare slit. I stroked the moist opening a time or two, then hooked my index finger inside her in a single smooth thrust.

“Oh!” she gasped. “Oh, Mom…”

“You like that, hon?”

“Mmmmm yeah, totally.”

I worked my finger around a bit, massaging the walls of my daughter’s vagina. She was making these cute little contented sounds as I explored the inner world of Vanessa, thinking about how I wanted to make her come this time. But before I got very far, she raised her head. “Mom?”

My probing finger paused in mid-twirl.


“Is this what it feels like when a man’s… um, thing is inside you?”

“His cock, honey. You can say it.”

“His… cock. Does it feel like this?” She gave my submerged finger a squeeze.

I patted her back. “Mmm, not exactly. Cocks are wider than a finger, and they go in deeper. It’s a… fuller feeling, I guess I’d say. Also, your bodies are lined up differently when you fuck.”

”I guess… does it feel good?”

“It feels wonderful, sweetie. Just… I don’t know, it’s like I’m just taking the whole of my lover inside me, if that makes sense.”

“But you don’t do sex with men anymore. Right?”

I pondered the notion, then shook my head. “Not really, hon. The cocks are okay — it’s the rest of men that I don’t have much use for these days. I like them fine as friends, just not as lovers. Besides,” I gave her butt a playful squeeze with my free hand, “what on earth do I need a boyfriend for when I have you — and Lisa?” My lips grazed Vanessa’s ear as I whispered, “You’re a better lover than any man I’ve ever had.”

With that, Nessa hugged me tightly, so hard it almost hurt. She whispered fiercely, “Ohhh, Mom…” and kissed my bare breast. Then she looked up at me. There were tears in her eyes.

“What?” I took her face in my hands and leaned in to kiss her pouting mouth. “What’s the matter?”

She shook her head. “Nothing, Mom. I’m just…” she kissed my hand, and leaned her cheek into it, “I just love you so so much, I want to…” she looked at me again, then down. “Ohh, never mind, it’s silly.”

“Oh hon, I’m sure–”

“Really. It’s way dumb.”

“Vanessa.” Placing two fingers beneath her chin, I tilted my daughter’s face up so I could meet her eyes. “Whatever’s on your mind, hon — if it means something to you, it can’t be silly. Tell me.”

She made a face. “Well… I just wish that I could feel you inside me like that, and, and… I’d love for you to fill me up, and make me be all yours for ever an’ ever…”

I felt myself borne up on a warm wave of purest love. Had any mother ever known devotion like this from her child? After all the lovemaking Nessa and I had shared, she longed to give me even more of herself.

I had to at least give my daughter a chance at the experience she craved.

Enfolding her in my arms, I gave my dear daughter a brief but passionate kiss. “Wait here, my love. I’ve got something to show you.” Gently extricating myself from her embrace, I rose from our bed and padded to the walk-in closet, where I knelt before a small wicker chest next to my shoe rack and dug around inside, soon finding what I wanted.

When I emerged, I switched on the light so Vanessa could see what I had. I placed the object on the bed before her, smiling as she studied it in wide-eyed wonder: my strap-on cock, a toy I sometimes used with my female lovers.

It came with attachments of various sizes… in this case, I’d fitted it with the smallest one, a thin six-inch beauty that was mainly intended for anal penetration. In my case, however, it ought to do very nicely for a young girl’s first fuck.

As she handled the sex toy, Vanessa’s face lit up with a delightful mixture of joy and resolve as its purpose became clearer. “So, Mom, you… you wear this? And you use it to…”

“That’s right, hon. It’s a cock that women can use on another woman… or a girl,” I added with the arch of an eyebrow. “So… what do you say? Is this what you had in mind? Do you want me to fuck you, sweetie?”

My daughter slowly nodded. “Geez, I was just kinda… y’know, thinkin’ about how I wanted to be with you like that, but — wow!” I could see my aroused little girl come to understand exactly what I was offering her. She nodded again, more vigorously this time. “Yeah…” she looked up at me, her face flushed. “Yeah, Mom, I do. I wanna do it.”

Transfixing her with a look, I said, “What do you want to do, Nessa? You have to say it.”

She moistened her lips, then whispered, “I want you to… f-fuck me.”

I knelt before her, placed a hand on her shoulder. “Are you sure about this, honey? I promise to be gentle, but you might still be pretty sore afterwards.”

“Don’t care,” my daughter replied, a determined set to her jaw that I knew all too well. “I want you to, Mom. Really and truly.”

“Okay, then.” I bent to kiss that precious little mouth, then picked up the strap-on and began to buckle it around my waist.

“Wait, wait,” Nessa protested. I paused, looked at her. She grinned at me, her eyes bright. “I wanna make you feel good first!”

I gave her my most coquettish look. “And what, pray tell, did you have in mind, sweet one?”

She blushed so delightfully then! “I want to… to lick you,” she said, then giggled, covering her face.

Mmmm, yes. “Oh, I think I can allow that,” I replied, lying down on the bed and parting my legs. As Nessa knelt between them, I grabbed the backs of my thighs and pulled them up to my chest, leaving myself as open as I could be for my sweet daughter.

I watched, enthralled, at the sight of Vanessa lowering her face to my throbbing cunt, then moaned as she began teasing me with her mouth, barely brushing my pussy with tender kisses. Her loving attentions were divine, yet utterly maddening at the same time. Could she have already learned how to tease a lover?

Then I felt the very tip of her tongue flicking at my labia… God almighty, I was dripping! Nessa kept up this heavenly torture until I thought I might scream — then she plunged her face into my bush and began licking me with everything she had.

I cried out loud, gripping my legs harder as my darling child loved me with her mouth. Jolts of pleasure spat and sizzled through my body, a fire that couldn’t be contained. I quivered helplessly as my much-needed release approached.

But Nessa must have sensed that I was just about to come, because she abruptly stopped licking me. I groaned — so close, so fucking close! — and stared at her piteously. She flashed me an angelic smile, her hands on my buttocks, then spread them apart, dipping down to lick at the crack of my ass.

Oh, my, how I love having my asshole licked — and Vanessa was doing a marvelous job of it. Then I felt her fingers touching my clit. Oh God oh God OH GOD…

The room spun as I screamed out loud, flashes of ecstasy exploding through me like roman candles gone insane. My head was pounding, my fingernails digging into the backs of my thighs, every breath I drew a tongue of fire.

Nessa didn’t let up for a second, either — licking my rosebud, her fingers toying with my clit until I let go of my legs and pushed her away, crying, “No — n-no more… please!”

I lay there trembling for a long moment, Vanessa’s face resting on my thigh. I gave her a clumsy pat on the shoulder, and she seized my hand, bringing it to her lips to kiss.

Once I’d caught my breath, I reached down for her, pulling that wicked imp up and into my arms. I kissed her, savoring the taste of my pussy and ass on my daughter’s lips. We lay together quietly for a bit.

Then Nessa’s nose was touching mine, and she demanded, “So — ya wanna fuck me now, Mom…?”

“Of course, hon.” I sat up, shaking my head to clear the fog away, then shakily got to my feet, pausing to pick up the strap-on cock from the carpet where it had fallen. Stepping into the harness, I quickly fastened the straps, then studied myself in the mirror. Pretty fucking hot, I decided.

Opening the nightstand drawer, I fished out my trusty tube of Astroglide, squirted some into my palm and lubricated the cock from stem to stern. “What’s that for, Mom?” asked Nessa.

I turned towards the bed. “Making this slippery, so it goes in nice and smooth. You aren’t an adult yet, so you’re still pretty tight down there.” Wiping both hands on my thighs, I knelt on the bed. “Get ready, lover.”

Giggling with delight, Nessa lay back and opened her legs. Her pussy glistened like a freshly-cut peach. Not a whole lot of foreplay needed here, it seemed. Still, I bent down and licked her slit one time, just for fun — and to fill my mouth with the tart, luscious taste of her.

I gazed lovingly at my open, submissive daughter, ready and eager for her first fuck. “I’m going to go into you now. You’re sure you want this, right?”

She smiled. “Yeah, I do. Put it all the way in, Mom.”

Something about the way she said that made me tingle all over… okay, I was definitely ready for this.

I brushed the tip of the cock against my daughter’s moist opening, gradually working an inch or two of it into her. Then I went a little deeper.

“OhhhHHH…!” she moaned, as if the wind had been forced out of her.

“Hon? Are you okay?”

“Wait just… a second.” she panted, bracing herself, hands balled into fists. Finally she nodded. “Okay. K-keep going!”

I pushed again, going so, so slowly, gradually sliding the length of the thing into Vanessa’s vagina. And then I was all the way in, up to the hilt. Her eyes were like saucers, her breath escaping in tiny gasps as she stared at the ceiling. “OooohhhhYEAH,” she groaned. “Feel sssso full, j-just like you said…”

Nessa’s voice rose into a choked cry as I shifted into reverse, withdrawing from her cunt until only the tip remained inside. Then I placed my hands on her hips and carefully eased myself back into her.

“Oh!” she cried, wincing as our bellies touched again. “Oh, oh God, Mom!”

I stopped, uncertain of whether to continue. “Does it hurt, baby?”

“Uhhhh… a little, b-but it feels good, too. Don’t — don’t stop, just keep goin’ real slow!”

Back and forth I moved, sliding the latex prick into and out of my daughter’s juicy channel at a positively glacial tempo, feeling her gradually open up to me.

“Yeah,” she breathed, “oh wow, Mom, it’s g-getting even better — yeah, it totally is. I… I think you maybe c-can go a little faster…?”

I began to pick up the pace — going in and out a little more briskly, pushing myself a little deeper. By this time, Vanessa’s body was starting to pump along with mine.

Soon we were fucking for real, my daughter and me, moving together in a mutual rhythm as if we’d planned it that way. Mind you, I was still exercising caution, working hard to keep my strokes steady and even. The last thing I wanted was to hurt my little girl in the act of making love.

Nessa was anything but hurting right then. In fact, she was delirious with pleasure, words spilling from her mouth with each pump of our bodies. “Mmm, ohhHHhh, Mom, you, you’re in me so deep, oh, I f-feel sooo full up, mmmm yeah fuck me s-so nice, so good Mom, I love you, oohHHHHHhhh…!”

Then Vanessa began to come.

She was a sight, too — her face a variety show of expressions shifting from hunger, to joy, to befuddlement, to unalloyed rapture. I moved in as she shuddered and shook against me, and claimed her open mouth in a deep probing kiss as I probed her juicy depths. She responded with a passion that rocked me to the core, sucking almost desperately at my tongue. Nessa’s legs were wrapped around my waist, her hips tilted back to take me inside, her little hands clutching my back.

Finally, finally… my daughter and I lie together, bathed in sweat, the room filled with the heat and aroma of our love.

After a long, contented silence, Vanessa cupped my face in her hands and solemnly said, “I wanna be with you like this for always, Mom. Always.” And she kissed me.

Continue on to Chapter 10


Loving Lisa, Chapter 8

  • Posted on February 9, 2017 at 3:02 pm

By JetBoy

I awoke to the sound of birds twittering and two little sleepyheads nestled against me; a red-haired one on my shoulder, a golden-haired one against my breast. Lisa’s arm lay across my tummy, while my darling Nessa’s hand rested between my legs. I could feel her pulse against the rise of my vulva.

So it hadn’t been a dream…

“Girls,” I whispered gently, stroking their bare backs as Lisa stirred, her hand brushing my belly, “it’s time to get up.”

A blinking Lisa lifted her head, took a bleary-eyed look around, smiled, then lay back on my shoulder, her eyes drifting shut. I felt her yawn against me as her hand slid up the blanket to lazily cup my right breast. Ohhh, no, not now, little one… well, perhaps I could be tempted.

Taking her hand, I pressed it to my lips. “Oh, Lisa…” Her eyes flickered open again, and she gazed at me in perfect adoration. I felt myself melt inside as I guided her face to mine, our mouths coming together in a kiss.

It was sweet and tender at first, but soon her tongue emerged, seeking mine. Letting my passion seize the moment, I kissed my young lover ferociously, sliding a hand down Lisa’s back to grope her pert little butt. Finally we broke apart, and I placed a tender peck on the tip of her adorable nose.

I felt Vanessa’s hand stir in my lap, uncurling like a waking kitten. Realizing where it was, that hand slipped between my thighs, and I felt fingers brushing my warm, sticky sex. I moaned, then my daughter lifted her head, turning to smile at me.

I smiled back, raising my hips to her touch. “Well, good morning, precious.”

She smiled sheepishly, her cheeks flushing a rosy pink. “G’mornin’, Mom.”

I leaned in and kissed her, pausing to lick at her lower lip, then glanced back at Lisa.

“Girls…” I began, spreading my arms out to them both. They shuffled themselves into my embrace, one on each side. I saw Lisa take Vanessa’s hand in hers, their fingers intertwining.

“My beautiful, beautiful girls, last night was… a dream come true for me. It was…” and I felt tears welling up, “just like heaven. A little piece of heaven, fallen from the sky and into my hands.”

As if on cue, both my darlings raised their heads to kiss my neck — warm, tender kisses.

“I know we aren’t supposed to be doing these things,” I continued, “but I don’t care — and I can’t give this up. Because I… I’ve fallen in love with both of you.”

And my new lovers whispered sweet endearments to me. We shared gentle kisses and cuddles, content, for the moment, just to lie in each other’s arms.

But of course, our passions flared up soon enough — and before long we three were making love all over again.

Vanessa nuzzled her way down until she lay between my legs, her adoring eyes gazing into mine as she lowered her face to my cunt — pressing her lips into the juicy flesh, then licking at it.

Lisa watched along with me, thrilled by the sight of Nessa going down on her own mother. “So, so sexy!” she exclaimed, then turned to me. Our mouths came together, and I eagerly sucked at her tongue as our kiss quickly grew heated.

Breaking away, I gasped, “I — I want your pussy, Lisa. Climb on my face… let me lick you.”

With a saucy grin, Lisa got up on her knees and mounted my face, feeding me her cunt while my daughter sucked my clitoris like a tiny nipple — a little too roughly, but she was doing quite nicely for her first try at giving oral.

I’ll make an expert out of her, I told myself — and the idea of teaching Nessa how to be a skilled lesbian lover was enough to make me come right then.

Somehow I managed to get Lisa off in the whirlwind of my own orgasm, and she came hard in my face, her luscious nectar coating my mouth and chin. Then the three of us drew together in a shared kiss, swapping our flavors around.

We rested briefly, then I got to see Nessa and Lisa fuck. It was an incredible experience, watching my daughter and her best friend shyly explore one another’s bodies with gentle kisses and caresses, then grow wild and passionate, moving into a sixty-nine position and licking each other to a frenzied mutual climax. My, what a wonderful way to spend the morning!

Alas, all good things come to an end. I had to get Lisa home before 1 PM, as her parents were taking her to visit her grandmother. We climbed out of bed, padded down to the master bathroom and showered together. Needless to say, that was a delightful experience for all — soaping and washing every inch of each other’s bodies, pausing now and then for long, loving kisses.

Finally, once we’d managed to get dressed, I drove Lisa to her home, Nessa riding along. As her mother was waving at us from the porch, we could hardly kiss Lisa goodbye, but I squeezed her thigh before she opened the car door and whispered, “Goodbye, lover. See you again, very soon.”

Nessa exclaimed, “Yeah!” giving Lisa’s ass a playful pat. As our little angel stepped indoors, she turned to blow us a kiss before the door swung shut.

The car idling, I turned to my daughter. “Where to now, hon? Back home?”

She shook her head. “I wanna go somewhere special, Mom, and spend time together… just you and me.” Taking my hand, she brought it to her lips, then whispered, “I love you.”

I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss that lovely mouth so badly that it made me hurt inside. Instead, I gave her hand a tender squeeze. “I love you too, Nessie.”

We gazed at one another for a long, sweet moment, enormous smiles on our faces. Then Nessa started to giggle — and suddenly I was laughing, too.

“Wow, Mom,” she said, still grinning hugely, “bein’ in love… it’s different from how I thought it was gonna be. I mean, it’s awesome, yeah — but it feels kinda silly, too!”

“Love is a lot of things, hon,” I replied, patting her thigh, “and that’s just one of them.” Shaking my head to clear away the pixie dust, I put the car into gear. “Now come on, daughter mine — let’s go have fun!”

“Whoo-hoo!” she cheered.

Vanessa and I spent the day together at the zoo, the botanical garden, the museum — you know, the kind of special things mothers and daughters do together, all the while sharing special smiles and loving glances that underlined how our relationship had changed forever, and in such a beautiful way. Vanessa and I were now lovers, and I’d never been happier in my life.

When dusk fell, we picked up a sumptuous Chinese dinner to take home.

We dined that evening by candlelight. Few words were necessary; I could read volumes in my daughter’s eyes. Finally, we both pushed our plates away.

Vanessa rose, moved closer, took my face in her warm hands and kissed me.

My arms slipped around my delightful daughter, guiding her into my lap as my mouth opened to her kiss. Mmmm, so loving and tender.

Nessa slipped out of my embrace and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the stairs. Laughing gleefully, we stumbled upstairs and into my bedroom.

Slowly, tantalizingly, we undressed each other, a piece of clothing at a time. Finally naked, we stood face to face, holding hands. I marvelled at the radiant beauty of Nessa’s bare body as she gazed adoringly at me, her face shining like the sun.

“You’re so beautiful, Mom,” she said softly, “and I’m so in love with you.”

I squeezed Nessa’s hands. “Oh, my precious…” I pulled her to me for a warm, loving kiss, then we slipped into bed. I propped myself against the headboard and had Nessa sit between my legs, resting back against me, my arms wrapped tightly around her.

Vanessa sat snuggled in my lap, her cheek resting against my breast while I caressed her arms, trailing my fingers up and down, down and up.


“What is it, honey?”

“Oh, I’m just…” and she shivered from my touch, “I’m so, so, so happy!” she whispered fiercely, twisting about to scatter small, fleeting kisses over my breasts. “I wanna be like this with you always, always!” She lifted her face to mine. “I wish you and me could… could get married, Mom. If you wanted, I’d totally be your wife.”

Such a wonderful idea, one that touched me deep inside. “Sweet Nessa…” I kissed her forehead, then took my child’s face in my hands and held it gently, looking deep into her eyes. “I love you so much, my sweet, sweet girl.” I shook my head in disbelief, feeling positively intoxicated with love. “Oh my God, you are so adorable, so perfect. What a wonderful wife you would be…”

I kissed her impossibly soft mouth. Vanessa’s lips parted, welcoming my kiss. Our tongues met, entwined, and began to play. She sighed, her thighs opening wider, pressing herself into me.

My hands roamed all over her body, coming to rest on the soft globes of Vanessa’s bottom. I fondled and stroked her luscious ass, my daughter excitedly squirming against me.

Nessa moaned into my mouth as my hand slid between her lewdly spread legs, exploring her wet slit with a finger, giving it long, gentle strokes.

She leaned back against me, her head on my shoulder, nuzzling my ear.

“Put it inside me, Mom…” she breathed. Her lips sought out mine.

I matched her passion, thrusting my tongue deep into Nessa’s mouth as I slipped a finger into her pussy, feeling the juicy heat inside.

As we kissed, Vanessa began to hum tunelessly, a catlike purr of contentment as my probing finger sank deeper into her, right up to the third knuckle. Our kiss grew in urgency, Vanessa’s hums built into helpless moans, and she began to thrust herself against my hand as I worked my finger ever deeper, penetrating the womanly core of my daughter.

Tearing her mouth from mine, Vanessa threw her head back and cried out, lost in the moment’s pleasure. I crooned reassuringly and kissed her neck, shoulder, wherever my lips could reach — all the while plunging my finger in and out, in and out of her slippery channel, my girl squirming and wriggling against me.

I felt Nessa’s movements become more active, more in rhythm with the fucking I was giving her. My hand was dripping with her essence — and my daughter, panting, was trembling from head to toe.

Her lips parted, and she began to speak. “Mmmom? I’m… ohhHHHhh, oh my God, I think I’m… oh, Mom, I’m g-gonna… ohhHHHHHH! Oh, yes, oh Mommy!!”

I held Vanessa to me with one arm, fingering her hard and deep, mesmerized by my baby’s face as she came. She cried and screamed and wept against me, still driving herself onto my pumping hand.

Her cry rose to a brief shriek, her body went rigid — then she went limp and slumped sideways, completely overcome.

I lay Nessa down next to me, gently blotting the tears from her face with a corner of the sheet, bending to place a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Peering up at me with sleepy eyes, she mumbled, “Llllove you, Mom…” They drifted shut.

“I love you too, honey,” I whispered, but my little angel was already fast asleep, her breathing steady and even.

I sat quietly, still resting against the headboard, content just to drink in the sight of the naked, sweat-damp body of my daughter.

The need for release still smoldered deep inside me, though… so as Nessa lay in her peaceful slumber, I fingered my throbbing cunt until I’d come twice, watching her the whole time.

Finally spent, I licked my wet fingers, then pulled the sheet over our bodies, switched off the light and cuddled close to my child, loving her with all my heart.

Continue on to Chapter 9