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Loving Lisa, Chapter 7

  • Posted on February 3, 2017 at 3:03 pm

By JetBoy

A single word abruptly wrenched me from my slumber.


My eyes flew open, and I saw a small silhouetted form in the doorway. Vanessa. Oh, no.

I fought to conceal my jangling nerves, to seem convincingly drowsy. “What, honey?”

“I — I can’t find Lisa. I thought maybe she was in the bathroom, but she’s not.”

Stay calm. Oh, God, this whole room must reek of sex. “C’mere, sweetie.” My daughter drew close to the bed, the gold of her hair shimmering in the moonlight. “Lisa’s here with me.”

A pause. Vanessa peered at the barely-lit shape of the girl’s head, resting on the pillow next to mine. “Um, is she okay?”

I took a calming breath. It appeared that I’d just dodged a bullet — Nessa was blissfully ignorant of what I’d been up to with her little friend. Still, I needed a good reason for Lisa being in bed with me…

I grasped at straws, managed to snatch one. “Oh, she came in a little while ago and said her bottom was still sore. I put some more lotion on it, and she just…” I glanced back over my shoulder at the dozing girl, “just fell asleep.”

“Mmm. Okay.” Another pause.

Then I understood what she really wanted, but was too embarrassed to ask for. “Nessa? You want to lie here with me for awhile?”

She gave me a pleased smile. “Can I?”

“Sure.” I lifted the covers to the side of me. “Here you go, honey — come on in.”

And Vanessa crept into bed beside me. I reached for her, and she snuggled into my arms. I felt her warm breath on my shoulder.

“You haven’t gotten in bed with me in ages, kiddo,” I said, patting her back. “Did you have a bad dream?”

“No. no… I dunno, I just kinda feel like — like bein’ close to you right now.”

I smiled. So precious. “That’s more than fine with me. I know you’re a big girl — almost a grown-up, huh?”

ALmost,” she said. “I’m gettin’ there!”

“Be that as it may, you’re still always welcome to come sleep with me if you want to — or need to. Don’t ever get so grown up that you’re too old for Mom time… okay?”

“Okay. Thanks.” She gave my shoulder a kiss.

We lay quietly for a bit, then she lifted her head. “Mom?”


“Are you naked?”

“Uh-huh,” I replied, trying to take a casual tone. “That’s how I usually sleep, at least until the nights get cold.”

“Mmmm.” She laid her head down. “You feel nice.”

Another long silence. Then her little voice against my neck: “Um, Mom?”

“What is it, honey?”

“Umm… I had gymnastics yesterday.”

“I know. Ms. Perkins tells me you’re one of her best students.”

“Uh-huh.” Pause. “Well, we did splits.”

“Mmm, those are tough.”

“Yeah, I know. And, umm… I’m still pretty sore, too.”

“Are you?” What’s she getting at? I wondered.

“Yeah,” I felt her body shift slightly. “Thing is, my… my bottom, it’s really sore.”


“Yeah. Well, I was kinda wondering — um, could you maybe rub me there, like, the same way we did for Lisa…?”

My heart went from idle to sixty in a matter of seconds. “You — you want me to give you a massage? Rub your bottom for you?”

I felt her nod. “Uh-huh. Could you, please?”

Oh, my little Nessa. Right then, I had a vision of that time I’d spied on my daughter as she danced naked. That luscious bare bottom, shaking to music I couldn’t hear. And I felt my cunt flowing all over again.

Could I do this, after the thoughts I’d been having about my daughter? After Lisa and I had become lovers for real?

I didn’t know how I could refuse. The very idea of saying no seemed impossible, even ridiculous.

“Sure, hon,” I kissed her head, then sat up. “Let’s… let’s get you ready here. Want to take off your top for me?”

She sat up and pulled the extra-large t-shirt — which Nessa preferred to girly nightgowns — over her head.

I glanced back at Lisa — she was still snoozing peacefully. “Let’s try not to wake Lisa up.”

“You don’t gotta worry ‘bout that,” Vanessa snickered. “Once Lisa’s asleep, nothin’ bugs her. You can turn on the light, play the radio, anything!”

“Really? Well, then, let’s… have a little light, okay?” I reached over and clicked the bedside lamp on to its lowest setting, which was still enough to give me what I wanted — a good view of my half-naked daughter.

There she sat, waiting patiently with a bunched-up t-shirt in her lap, gazing at me with eyes that seemed to hold some small awareness of an awakening desire — or was that all in my mind? At that moment, anything seemed possible.

Nessa’s tiny nipples stood, pink and erect. And her attention had been captured by my own breasts, the tips of them visibly swollen as well.

I glanced down. “My nipples are happy, looks like.” Our eyes met, and we exchanged amused smiles.

Tilting her head, Vanessa studied her own chest. “Mine are too… I think.”

The impulse I felt was too powerful to deny. I reached out and touched a finger to Vanessa’s nipple, trying to make it seem playful. “Yes, they are. You’ve got adorable little breasts, honey.”

She made a face. “Yeah, little is right.”

I lightly trailed the tips of my fingers over her nipples, then let my hand fall. Careful, I told myself. “Oh, Nessa, you’re growing up exactly like you should. I was built just the same when I was your age.”

“Really? ‘Cause your boobs are so big and… and beautiful now.” She blushed, kneading the bunched-up t-shirt in her lap.

I felt my own cheeks getting a little warm. “Awww, thank you, sweetie.”

She thrust her chest out a bit. “It felt really good when you touched my, um, nipples like that, Mom…”

“Mmmm, I’ll bet it did.” Reaching out, I began to caress her again.

Her eyes drifted shut for a few heartbeats. Then she opened them and looked at my breasts again, her mouth slightly open, then raised her eyes to mine and whispered, “Mom? C-can I…?”

My heart was throbbing so hard it seemed ready to explode. I could read it clear as day in Nessa’s longing gaze, and knew what she wanted from me.

“Yes, honeybunch. You can.”

Vanessa hesitantly reached out to brush a nipple, and it rose visibly. “Wow… it feels like it’s alive!”

I laughed. “It is… and I think it likes you.” Vanessa giggled, covering her mouth with her free hand. “Go ahead and squeeze it, that feels nice too.”

She did, and I felt a tremor run right through me, right down to my toes. Then Vanessa brought her other hand up to grasp the other nipple. And as I stared down at my daughter’s hands, they slowly opened like flowers, her fingers spreading out to cup my breasts.

Oh, my God. It was such a perfect, once-in-a-lifetime moment that I felt like crying when Nessa began to fondle me, her face a portrait of wide-eyed awe.

“Does this feel nice, Mom?” she whispered — cheeks flushed, her breathing quickened with excitement.

“Uh-huh, that’s… it’s so wonderful, honey…” I gazed at my diligent, loving child, and leaned in to kiss her. Nessa’s eyes drifted shut as I pressed my lips to hers, our mouths brushing together just a second or two longer than mother and daughter kisses usually did.

NO. Take a deep breath, damn it — get a grip on yourself!

The temptation was there to give into my madness, to let my tongue slip between Vanessa’s parted lips, to take my daughter right then and there. I still possessed a measure of self control, barely enough to stop me from giving in and kissing my daughter like a lover.

But I wanted to. Merciful heavens, how desperately I wanted to!

Somehow I managed to pull away, “Mmm, okay, sweetie,” I said, gently plucking her hands from my chest, “that’s enough for now.” She was obviously disappointed by my stopping her fun, but I couldn’t let myself weaken. Not yet, anyhow, my perverted mind added.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself. “So, hon — if I’m going to massage your bottom, let’s get that done. It’s late, we should both be asleep.”

She went from glum to elated in a heartbeat. “Cool!”

I patted the bed next to Lisa, who was still dead to the world. “Lay down on your tummy here.” She did so, her little panty-clad bottom flexing in anticipation.

“Actually,” and my voice shook just slightly, “p-perhaps we should take off your underpants first?”

“Okay. Umm… can you take ‘em off for me?” She twitched her butt to and fro in a most enticing way.

With my heart pounding explosively, I hooked a finger on each side of the waistband. “Lift up.”

She raised her hips, and I slid the cotton undies down her legs and off. Oh, my, such a beautifully formed, baby-smooth bottom! She had very light tan lines, and there was a tiny line along the bottom of each soft buttock where her panties had held.

I hadn’t seen my girl’s ass since witnessing her little naked bedroom dance. But honestly, I’d never seen Vanessa’s butt, really seen it, ever. Not like this — up close and intimate, through the eyes of a lesbian.

I reached over her to retrieve a tube of lotion from my bedside drawer — not as sweet-smelling as the stuff we’d used on Lisa, but it would do quite nicely. Squeezing a dollop into my palm, I briskly rubbed my hands together. “Gotta warm this up,” I murmured. “Don’t want that pretty butt of yours getting cold.”

Vanessa giggled, her pale buttocks contracting just a bit.

Trying to keep my hands from shaking, I gently placed them on my daughter’s bottom, one on each cheek. It felt exactly like I’d expected, but still, the softness thrilled me to the liquid core. “Is that okay?”

“Mmm-hmm…” came her voice, somewhat muffled by the pillow.

I began moving my fingers in long, slow circles. Outward to her hips, down her sides, then thumbs taking a path back up her crack — without slipping inside, though — and around again.

“Ohhhh, that feels sooo goooood…” the little voice murmured.

Despite my nervousness, I had to smile, pleased that Nessa liked what I was doing. “It’s supposed to, honey. You tell me if anything else hurts, so I can work on that too.”

“Sure,” she sighed happily.

We fell silent for a moment, and the only sound in the room was the soft glide of my lotioned hands on Vanessa’s skin. At least, until our reverie was interrupted by a small snore from Lisa.

Nessa chuckled. “See what I mean? She’s out cold!”

“Yeah, I suppose… Lisa pretty much fell asleep right after I massaged her bottom again.”

“So, um… was her butt still red?”

“A little.”

A pause. “I prob’ly shouldn’t have done that dare, I guess…”

“Oh, Nessa, it was only in fun. No harm done.” My thumbs were on the upward glide, and her bottom was relaxed enough that her tiny, perfect rosebud was revealed. Mmm, it looked luscious. “She’s just fine, hon. Really.”

“Okay.” A pause. “Uh, Mom?” Her bottom shifted as her legs parted slightly.

“What, honey?”

“I… I’m kinda sore in the middle, too…”

The middle. Oh, my goodness. “You are?”

“Yeah…” she murmured, and her legs opened further, revealing the sweet pink crease of her pussy. She kept her face turned from me, speaking to the pillow. “I dunno, I guess doin’ those dumb splits made me sore there, too.”

“Uh-huh…” Oh God, my daughter was opening herself to me, for me. I felt my cunt throb at the exquisite sight of her smooth slit. “So by ‘in the middle’, sweetheart, you mean… between your legs?”

“Kinda… yeah.”

I continued to stroke her bottom, a silent war going on inside me. Nessa was asking me to touch her pussy, as if it was the most natural thing for a mother to do.

No way in the world to sugarcoat that — if I gave in, I’d be masturbating my daughter.

How could I say yes? How could I say no? After all, it had been her suggestion. But it was incest, damn it, incest with a minor! Then again, Nessa seemed so… so casual about the whole thing, making the act of fondling her sex seem perfectly innocent.

Was it, though? There was certainly nothing innocent about the sex fantasies I’d been having about my little girl. And what about Vanessa — was she really “sore in the middle”? Or was she trying to trick me into touching her in a sexual way? Could my eleven-year-old actually be having those kinds of thoughts about her own mother?

This wild whirl of questions raced through my mind in a matter of seconds, leaving me beyond perplexed. Meanwhile, my daughter was waiting for me to respond.

My lips parted, and the single word fell out as if I’d been programmed to say it.

“Okay.” I paused in my stroking, resting my hand on her rump. “Tell you what, though. Let’s… let’s put a pillow under your hips. It’ll make it easier.”

“Sure!” Vanessa chirped, lifted her pelvis so I could slide my other pillow beneath her. Now her hips were elevated slightly, that beautiful bottom raised up and open.

“That’s better. Now spread your legs apart just a little bit more, hon, so I can see what I’m doing.”

My little gymnast did just that, fully revealing the treasure between her thighs. Now there was no mistaking it — Nessa’s sex was glistening with wetness. She was extremely turned on, that much was certain.

I tried not to dwell on what that meant, forcing my fears and reservations to one side to be dealt with later. Right then, I had a job to do.

“First,” I breathed, “let’s get your legs relaxed, honey.” I slid both hands down to the tops of her slender thighs and began to massage them.

“Ooh, yeah, that’s pretty sore, too…”

“I’m not surprised — you work these a lot when you do splits.” My hands pressed in, gliding along my girl’s upper thighs, easing the tense muscles.

I spent a minute or two loosening Nessa up, because she really was tight down there — her blissful sighs made that obvious. Then, once she began to relax for real, I allowed my thumb to lightly graze her slit.

“Oh!” she gasped. “Oh, that’s… that’s where I really… mmm yes, right there, Mom!”

My cunt was dripping wet, flowing like a leaky faucet. I had one hand rubbing Vanessa’s ass, while the other was cupping her pretty pussy. I ran two fingers up and down the moist, smooth flesh, feeling it grow increasingly juicy to the touch, breathing in deeply to drink in the scent of my daughter‘s excitement. “Is this where it hurts, honey?”

Vanessa’s breath was coming in ragged bursts. “A… a little, yeah. It f-feels, um, kinda weird…”

Give her a chance to end this if she wants to, I told myself. “Should I stop?”

“No, no, Mom!” she cried. “Keep…d-doing that, just like you are… it’s… um, it’s really good.”

Well, that settled that. So I continued to fondle her, my hand growing bolder as I groped Nessa’s bare butt, my fingers tickling her cunt. I’d never thought of using that word to describe her sex — but at that moment, nothing else would do.

I felt Vanessa’s wetness, the warm ooze of her excitement as I masturbated her. She’d started to moan soft and low, almost humming. And I was moaning, too.

All at once, my finger just… slipped in. Right inside my daughter.

We both froze. Vanessa’s sex had been opening up to me gradually, so with one stroke, I’d penetrated her without intending to. I was paralyzed, uncertain of what to do — and then I felt and saw my daughter push herself back against me, trying to take my finger even deeper!

Needing no further encouragement, I sank my finger deeper, more fully inside her vagina. My God, she felt incredible — so hot, so tight, so slippery!

I began to move in and out of her, and Vanessa was now openly fucking herself against me, her buttocks spreading open with each thrust. The sight of her pink star was too tempting to resist — I trailed my index finger down the smooth crack of Nessa’s pumping ass, pressing the tip against her anus. Still lubricated by lotion, it slid into my daughter’s rectum with ease.

Feeling like a goddess of all things sexual, I began a rhythmic penetration of my sweet Nessa’s holes, both fingers moving in opposition — one finger in and one out, then the other way around.

“Mmmmm, ohhh, Mom… ohhhh, it feels so good, so good, mmmMMMMMmmyes…!”

I was drunk on it all — Vanessa’s heat, her ecstatic moans, the rich, thick aroma of her pussy, the sight of my daughter as she rode my fingers like a woman possessed.

Knowing that we’d gone past the point of no return, I leaned down and began kissing Nessa’s bottom, hot open-mouthed kisses that surely made it clear to my daughter that I was no longer giving massage therapy — I was making love to her.

She wailed, “Oh, MOM!” and began thrusting her hips against my face. Overwhelmed with lust, wanting to get even dirtier with her, I pulled my finger out of Nessa’s asshole and began licking her crack.

This put my baby over the edge. She cried out, “OhhHHHHHhh Mom, I c-can’t — oh God, I love you s-so much — oohHHHHhh Mommy, Nnngggghaaahhh!”

My daughter came hard — shuddering, panting, her body seizing up again and again — finally crumpling into the sheets, her body glazed with perspiration, gasping for breath. I carefully extracted my finger from her cunt, bringing it to my lips to taste.

I felt a hand on my shoulder — and turned to see Lisa, still gloriously naked, kneeling next to me. Her eyes were wide and she was grinning with barely contained excitement at the sight of me fucking my daughter.

“Wow…” she breathed into my ear,” “That was so hot!” She reached out to caress Nessa’s bottom.

My dazed daughter raised her head and looked back, her mouth falling open, her eyes widening at the sight of me and her best friend, side by side and completely naked. Lisa winked sexily at Nessa as she began to fondle my breasts. She turned her head to lick at my ear, and I shivered deliciously.

I reached for my daughter’s hand and drew her to me. “I adore you, honey,” I say softly.

“Oh, Mom…” Nessa whispered.

I kissed her. Not like a mother, but as a lover, my tongue gently parting her lips, She was surprised, but got over it right away, her own tongue surging forth to meet mine.

We came together in a passionate clutch, our arms entwining around one another’s bare bodies. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. My darling daughter was in my arms, holding me, kissing me deeply, thrusting her tongue inside my mouth as I caressed her. Then I felt her hands palming my breasts, brushing my nipples, ohhh my goodness!

Then a shift, and I was kissing another sweet sweet mouth, my lover Lisa. Vanessa lowered her face to my breasts and took a nipple into the heat of her mouth, eagerly sucking.

I was tongue-kissing Lisa hotly, holding her close with one arm. Suddenly she pushed me onto my back and, grinning wickedly, climbed between my thighs, her eyes never leaving mine as she lowered her face to my dripping pussy and began to lick me. Oooooohhhhhh, SO wonderful!

I saw Vanessa’s face above mine, giving me a smile of love that almost brought tears to my eyes. Her lips parted as she leaned in close to kiss me passionately. As our mouths feasted hungrily, I felt my daughter’s hand fondling my breasts. Lisa’s mouth and tongue seemed to be everywhere between my legs as she ate my pussy.

Their hands ran all over my body, caressing my bottom, my belly, my legs, my pubes, my slit. Then somehow I was on my back, knees up, Lisa licking my cunt, Nessa kissing me, whispering words of love, stroking my hungry nipples. They were loving me, every inch of my body… and oh, yes, Lisa, suck my clit, it’s so wonderful, oh GOD, OHHH!!

Hold on for dear life, my sweet young lovers, as I bucked and thrashed helplessly, crying out loud as the sky came crashing down and everything went bright white for an instant, then faded to a soothing, cozy black.

I’d never come like that before. Never.

Both my adorable ones were resting in my arms. We kissed and hugged and murmured words of adoration, and I was happy to cuddle them both as we quickly drifted off to sleep.

Continue on to Chapter 8


Loving Lisa, Chapter 6

  • Posted on January 28, 2017 at 2:43 pm

By JetBoy

Night. The house was silent. I’d tucked the girls in and kissed them chastely, instructing them not to stay up all night talking. Going back downstairs, I made a half-hearted attempt to straighten up the family room, but quickly chose to leave nearly all of it for the next day.

After that I washed my face, brushed my teeth and went to bed, carefully leaving the door ajar.

I laid there in wishful anticipation, naked except for skimpy silk panties, the smooth sheets cool against my swollen nipples. No touching. Only waiting. In vain, probably, but just in case…

The whole time I’d been hanging out with the girls, I’d toyed with the notion of getting Lisa alone and inviting her to sneak out of Vanessa’s room to pay me a little after-hours visit once my daughter had dozed off — but in the end, I couldn’t. Ever since this dance of seduction had begun between the two of us, I’d been following Lisa’s lead, letting her set the pace of our relationship. That made it more comfortable for me, somehow.

Anyhow, I don’t want her to come to me because I asked her to, I told myself.

Somehow, in spite of everything, I fell asleep.

Wrenched into sudden wakefulness, I squinted at the clock. 1:22 AM. Had there just been a sound, coming from the hall?

I lay there, heart pounding crazily — then a delicious rush of warmth flowed through me from head to toe as Lisa padded into the room, wearing only her panties. She stood there for a moment, illuminated by the moonlight that spilled through my window.

“Hi there,” she said.

I grinned like a perfect fool, brimming with love for this enchanting creature. “Hi, sweetie.”

“Any room in there for me?” she murmured shyly, hands clasped demurely before her, swiveling back and forth with barely contained excitement. Believe me, I knew how she felt.

I sat up, the sheet slipping down to reveal my naked upper half. “I sure do, honey,” I sighed happily, pushing the sheet to one side, “C’mon in!”

Lisa scrambled onto the bed with me and snuggled close, propping herself up on one elbow to take a good look at my near-nakedness. “Wow,” she murmured, “your boobs… they’re be-YOO-tiful!” She laid her face against them. “So — so soft. An’ warm!”

Every atom of me was pulsing with raw, uninhibited excitement. This sweet cherub, for weeks the object of my affection and lust, was half-naked, in my bed and in my arms. And we had hours of privacy to explore pleasures innumerable…

“Thank you,” I purred. I reached for her hand, placing it on my breast. Her eyes grew wide as my nipple grew firm in the palm of her hand.

“Wow,” she said again. “That feels… so cool!” She began caressing my breasts, utterly enthralled, a child with a wonderful new toy.

As for me, I was a woman on fire, positively aching with the need to make love to this sweet girl — then that ache grew even more acute when she bent down to kiss my throbbing nipple.

I moaned, “Oh, Lisa!”

She raised her face, alarmed. “Was… was that okay?”

I was trembling inside, trying not to let it show. “Yes, Lisa…” I sighed. “It felt wonderful…”

Lisa grinned, then took my other nipple into her warm mouth, sucking it gently.

Slowly I lay back, Lisa nestled in my arms. Had I ever known such happiness? Hard to imagine. For there was my treasure, one bare leg draped over my tummy, sucking at my right breast. The glow in me was so bright, all I could do was lie there and bask in its warmth. Mmmmmmm.

In the moonlight that spilled in through my window, Lisa was a thing of magic — a nymph, a pixie, a water sprite. I began to stroke her lustrous hair, then allowed my hand to explore, sliding down her soft, elegant neck, pausing to caress a shoulder, tracing the ridge of her spine, finally reaching the elastic waistband of her panties.

Lisa slid her right leg further upward, opening herself wide for me. I spread my fingers to cup the incredible softness of her bottom, gliding from cheek to cheek. It moved against my hand; I felt it rise, then contract to my touch. Growing bolder still, I ran a finger down her pantied crack, seeking the soft heat between her legs, then applied gentle pressure to Lisa’s mound until dampness began to seep through the thin material. There came a tiny mewling from the mouth at my breast, and a shiver ran through her slender frame.

Suddenly Lisa raised her face, whispered, “Wait a minute!” Pushing herself back into a sitting position, she clumsily tugged her panties down until they dangled from a foot, then flicked them away.

That taken care of, Lisa climbed on top of me again, now blessedly naked. Sighing blissfully, she gazed up at me with adoring eyes. “I love you, Mrs. Johnson.”

I hugged her to me. “I love you too, sweetie,” I whispered, “and you don’t have to call me ‘Mrs. Johnson,’ when we’re together like this. You can call me Roxanne.”

Lisa’s mouth popped open. “Really? Can I?”

“Of course,” I said softly, my arms twining around her. “Lovers always call each other by their first names.” I stroked her cheek with the tip of a finger. “And we, Lisa, are lovers.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Oh, yeah… we are, huh? Aw, that’s like, the best thing ever!” She was nodding her head with such vigor that it made the bed shake.

“I take it, then, that you like the idea?” I teased.

“Oh, totally! Mega-totally!” Then she went quiet, almost shy. “Um, Roxanne? Can I please play with your boobs some more…?”

I lay back, offering myself up. “Be my guest.”

With a grin and an enthused, “Yeah!” Lisa began to kiss and lick my nipples again, using her hand to fondle whichever breast happened to be unoccupied. She hummed her enjoyment all the while. Oh my, it felt sooo good…

Wanting to do my share in this game of love, I slipped a hand between Lisa’s thighs. She spread her legs wide, her dancer’s frame allowing the child to bend both knees and press herself flat onto me, the heat of her sex brushing against my tummy.

Slowly, carefully, I worked a finger into Lisa’s moist pussy — and felt her go “mmmMMMMMmmm!” around my nipple, which felt absolutely divine.

For the third time since we’d met, I was masturbating Lisa — only this time, there was no need for us to pretend we were doing something else.

Lisa had to come up for air, gaping at me, her expression almost feral in its animal passion — then a shiver ran through her body, and she buried her face in my breasts.

Feeling her orgasm approach, I decided to up the ante, and began to gently stroke her clit with the ball of my thumb. That’s when she really lost it. She bit down on my nipple, then released it, throwing her head back and panting in a frenzy. Her body was bucking and rocking atop mine, eyes squeezed shut, teeth bared and clenched until, finally, she sighed oh, so softly and slowly went limp.

Now she lay quietly, a cheek resting against my breast, her breath warming my nipple. I drank in her sweet aroma: shampoo, light sweat, the earthy scent of her sex.

My hand was caught between her soft thighs. Pulling it free, I traced her tender little slit with a finger, then brought it to my face. I smelled my finger. Licked it. Mmmm, delicious.

“I love how you taste,” I murmured.

She stirred, then her head came up surprisingly quickly. “You do?”

I smiled and nodded. “You have a yummy pussy.” I slowwwwwly licked a finger, making the gesture as sexy as I could.

Her mouth opened, eyes went wide. “Ooooh, that’s a bad word. You’re not s’posed to say it!” Then she giggled. So adorable.

I smiled at her elfin face, just inches away from my own. “No.” And I stroked her cheek. “I’m probably not supposed to be playing in bed with you like this, either.”

She grinned. “But we are, huh?”

“We sure are.”

She snuggled onto my breast again, kissed the nipple once, then lay back down. I felt her hand moving on my stomach. I barely heard Lisa’s little voice on my chest. “I don’t care if it’s a bad thing to do or not. I love playin’ in bed with you.”

Her fingers were tracing lazy circles on my belly. I stroked her hair. If this wasn’t heaven, it would certainly do for the moment.

The feathery touch of Lisa’s fingertips gradually moved wider, then lower, until they were inching along the edge of my panties. I leaned in, kissed the top of her head. “Touch me, Lisa,” I whispered. “Touch me all over, anywhere at all. I want you to.”

Her hand paused briefly, then slid down further, moving hesitantly over my panty-covered mons. I felt the quick thrum thrum thrum of Lisa’s heart as she felt my sex for the first time, knowing how new it was to her — the spongy tuft of pubic curls, the fatness of my ripe cunt. She lightly caressed me. I raised my hips to meet her fingers, the very breath in me trembling as it left my mouth.

Her head lifted, and she peeked at me. An awkward smile. “Um… I don’t know what to do next…”

“Oh, honey…” I opened my arms, “come here.” And she shimmied her naked body up to bury her face in my neck. I hugged her tightly, kissing her hair, her ear, her brow.

She popped her head up to whisper into my ear. “I’m sorry…” Then just as quickly, ducked back down.

“Oh, hush, pretty butt,” I cooed, and gave her a playful pat on her bottom. She clenched those pert little cheeks with a titter, then nuzzled my neck. “It’s okay, Lisa. With making love, you learn by doing.”

“Well, yeah… but you been doin’ it way longer than me,” she protested. “I never made love to anyone ever!”

“Want me to help you, then?” I said, and felt her nod into my neck. “Okay. First, I’m gonna teach you how to kiss.”

“I already know that, silly!” Lisa giggled. “I give my mom an’ dad kisses all the time.”

“No, not that kind of kissing… I mean, the way real lovers do it.”

She came up quickly again, her adorable face inches away, gazing deep into my eyes. “Sexy kissing, you mean?”

“Yup. Now give me one, and I’ll show you how it’s done.”

Her head tilted like a puppy’s, and she leaned in to gently touch her lips to mine, then pulled back a bit to make eye contact with me again. We smiled lovingly at one another. “That’s very nice,” I said. “Another, please.”

Lisa leaned in once more. Our lips touched, and when I moved my mouth against hers, she pressed in too. My tongue slid along her loosening lips, and I felt Lisa’s mouth open, inviting me in.

I flirted with her tongue, and it slowly came to life, bashfully toying with mine. With a little encouragement, our kiss grew increasingly passionate. Without words, I taught Lisa the hot, steamy games that the mouths of lovers can play… and she, bless her, was a most eager student. It felt so good that I think we might have spent the next twenty minutes just making out, holding each other close, kissing again and again.

Finally I pulled back and whispered, “Want to make love to me now?”

She nodded, dazed and happy.

“I was going to take off my panties,” I said, brushing Lisa’s mouth with my fingertips, “but I bet you’d like to do that for me, huh?”

Again, Lisa nodded, grinning excitedly. She scrambled down to kneel between my legs, then looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for my signal. “Hold on a second.” I leaned over and switched on the lamp on my nightstand. “So you can see what you’re doing. Go ahead, honey. Just slip them off…”

Taking hold of the waistband, Lisa pulled my panties down. As they slid past my thighs, my pubes were revealed. She paused, gaped at the sight. “Whoa!”

I smiled. “Big bush, huh?”

She giggled. “Yeah! Big bush!” She touched it lightly. “Mmmm, it’s so soft, too… like a teddy bear!”

I laughed. “A teddy bear… hmmm, I kinda like that. Go ahead — finish taking them off.”

“Oh! Um, yeah.” Lisa worked my panties down to my ankles. then carefully tugged them away from my feet. Then she just stared as I spread myself open, letting my young lover see everything.

Still holding my now forgotten undies in both hands, she breathed, “You’re so… so beautiful.”

I smiled, loving the feeling of being so exposed to this eleven-year-old girl. “It’s all for you, Lisa.” I opened my legs even further. “All yours.”

She blushed so charmingly then. “Oh, Ms. Johnson… thank you. Thank you.”

Me, I was trembling inside with the fierce need I felt for her, on the verge of bursting into tears if she didn’t fuck me right then.

“Touch me,” I said, my voice unsteady. “Please touch me, Lisa.”

Lisa, biting her lower lip, slowly extended her hand. I took it in mine and guided it to my warm, moist pussy, pressing her fingers against the juicy flesh. Oh my, that’s absolutely divine.

Her face was filled with wonder as she touched me, looking more like a child of five than the preteen she was. “Gosh… you feel so hot…”

“I’m hot for you, m-my love.” I placed my hand on hers, moving it around a bit. She got the idea, and began to feel her way around my pussy when I took my hand away, growing more confident as she went. “That’s good, Lisa, mmmm…” I loved watching her touch my cunt, her brow furrowed in concentration like she was working on a finger painting.

Oh, God. I needed to come, and soon. Lisa’s fingers felt great, but it was time to get her focused on the grand prize.

“Oh, honey, you’re doing a wonderful job,” I said.

She beamed, radiant with pride as she fondled me. “Pretty good, huh?”

“Mmmmm, very good, honey. OOOhhhh, so good…” I drew my knees up, opening myself even more. “Okay, are you ready to try something else?”

She nodded eagerly. “Yeah!”

“That’s my girl. Now take two of your fingers, and see if you can push them inside me.”

Lisa bent closer, her lower lip jutting out… and I nearly cried out loud as her lovely, magical fingers slid slowly into my vagina. My head was reeling. “Oh, Lisa!” I gasped. “That’s it! Just like that, ohhhhh…”

She wore such a wicked smile, the little imp. “What now, Mrs. John — um, Roxanne?”

Now… now start moving  — oooh! — in and out of me.” I was shaking like a leaf. “Please, honey — fuck me with your fingers, hard as you can!”

Lisa, clearly thrilled that I would use that word to describe what I wanted her to do, began to piston those wonderful digits in and out, in and out. Her hand was making these slapping sounds as it smacked against me, and that turned me on like you can’t imagine.

Within moments, I exploded in a wrenching climax, my breath leaving me in ragged bursts. Lisa froze up at first, unsure what to do… and I rasped, “Oh God, Lisa — d-DON’T STOP!!”

Her fingers immediately began to pump again, and I shuddered and shook as those sweet, amazing shocks of ecstasy pounded through me. Conscious that my daughter was still in the house, I was covering my mouth, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Finally, my head fell back, and I placed my hand atop Lisa’s, stopping her. “N-no more, honey.”

She flopped down next to me, breathing heavily like I was. I drew Lisa into my arms, enfolding her naked body in a loving embrace.

“Huh… that sounded pretty good!” she giggled. “Did you like it okay?”

“Oh, Lisa,” I whispered, losing myself in her shining eyes, “That was — that was as wonderful as anything I’ve ever felt.” I kissed her gently. “You make me so very happy, my sweet one.”

Her lips sought out mine, and before I knew it, Lisa and I were French kissing again. God, even after that incredible climax, I was still eager for more. I knew what I wanted to do next, though. It was what I’d been dreaming of for weeks — to taste her.

I gently broke our kiss. “Honey,” I said, “I want you to get up on all fours, facing the door.”

She smiled. “Whatcha gonna do…?”

I gave her a mock-stern look. “That’s for me to know and you to find out, young lady!” I said, smacking her butt playfully.

Lisa got onto her knees, then placed her hands on the bed, raising that oh-so-enticing bottom of hers and thrusting it towards me. “Like this?”

“Perfect.” I ran my fingers along the curve of Lisa’s ass, and she sighed happily. It was genuinely thrilling to see goosebumps rise on her thighs in response to my touch.

I knelt on the bed behind Lisa. She craned back to see what I intended to do, then gasped as my mouth gently grazed the back of her thigh. So soft, so sweet.

I fondled Lisa’s legs, stroking them lightly, placing kisses here and there against her pale skin. I heard her purr with delight as I kissed and caressed that adorable butt of hers. The smell and taste of my little lover’s skin had me giddy with desire as my mouth and fingers made love to her, savored her like a good wine.

By now Lisa was quivering with anticipation and need, as the slow, teasing pace of my lovemaking was driving her, well, kind of crazy. She was breathing hard and deep, her body taut in anticipation. The scent of my angel’s arousal was thickening in the air, and it had me higher than a kite.

Unable to wait a moment longer, I burrowed between Lisa’s thighs to kiss her there for the first time, my lips parting to claim her.

It was marvelous. The smell, the taste, the feel of her flower in my mouth was everything I’d dreamed of and more. My heart was swelling with love for this divine girl as I feasted on her luscious pussy.

She was trembling like a leaf as I licked and kissed her, and I knew she would explode in a few seconds. But I wasn’t ready for that — no, not yet…

Lisa moaned in frustration as I withdrew my mouth from her cunt and started to playfully kiss her ass — pausing to nip her soft skin, just hard enough to make her squeal. Then I pulled her sweet cheeks apart, leaning in close to run my tongue up her butt crack.

She gasped, “Oh!” as I began licking her anus with long, luxurious strokes. Meanwhile, my naughty fingers began to toy with the wetness between her legs, then I suddenly slid my index finger deep into Lisa with a single smooth stroke.

That did it. Lisa was panting furiously, quaking from head to toe, then cried out as she went rigid from the intensity of her climax. I redoubled my efforts, licking her asshole as my finger plunged in and out of her pussy. I felt her pelvis jerk against my face, her body bucking as she shuddered with pleasure, panting for air like a marathon runner.

Finally, she collapsed into the sheets, utterly exhausted. I carefully removed my finger from her and sucked her essence from it. Mmmm, ambrosia.

I crawled over to Lisa and placed a gentle kiss upon her flushed cheek. Her eyes slowly opened and she gave me a sweet, sleepy smile, opening her arms to me. I slid into her embrace — and we lay entwined, utterly relaxed and at peace.

But not for long. Lisa began to caress me, her hands traveling hither and yon over my body. She kissed my ear and whispered, “I want to play with you some more,” as her fingers found my pussy.

Goodness… where do young people get their energy? I was pretty tired myself, but I also knew that it might be a long, long while before we could have another night like this.

I lay back and spread my thighs for Lisa as her lips met mine — and suddenly we were once again kissing passionately, and my lust was awakened, raging hot and fierce. God, what this sexy creature did to me!

Her fingers were playing with my wet cunt, her tongue probing my mouth, and I was blissfully happy. Then a really wild idea hit me.

I broke our kiss, took her face in my hands and whispered, “Dear Lisa… would you do something special for me…?”

“Oh, yeah,” she sighed, “I’d try anything for you.” She suddenly began showering my face with quick little kisses, “I love you so much, Mrs. Johnson!”

“It’s Roxanne, remember,” I smiled. “And I love you too.” I took Lisa’s hand and placed it on my throbbing mound.

“Here’s what I want you to do, baby,” I murmured. “I want you to take that cute little hand of yours… and push it all the way into my pussy.”

She looked up, startled. “Inside? My whole hand?”

I nodded. “Uh-huh. All of it.”

She was looking doubtful. “I don’t wanna hurt — ”

“You won’t, sweetie, I promise. After all, you have to remember that Vanessa came out of there, right? And she’s lots bigger than your hand is.” Her hand was also bigger than any cock I’d ever had, but not by much.

At that point, though, I didn’t give a damn if it hurt or not — I had to have Lisa’s fist inside me!

She still seemed a little reluctant, but willing to indulge my screwy idea. “Well, if you say so.”

“It’s easy,” I said, taking her hand and guiding it where it needed to be. “Just start with two fingers, then add one more at a time. Once you’ve got your fingers and thumb inside me, just keep them tight together, and wiggle and push hard until your whole hand is in.” I settled in, bracing myself.

Lisa slipped her index and middle fingers into my pussy, sliding them in and out like before.

I shakily continued, “Once y-you’ve done that, make your hand into a fist and just, just start fucking me with it! Ohhhhh yes, Lisa…” Her fingers felt absolutely magical — but I longed to be completely filled. Then again, maybe the pure lewdness of getting fisted by a girl of eleven was what I wanted.

Her face taking on that look of determination again, Lisa got to work. It felt amazing, and looked amazing, too. Here was my underage lover girl, concentrating on working her hand into my pussy!

And with one last push, she did it. Oh, my stars. My head spun as if I’d just drained a tumbler of whiskey in a single gulp.

“Wow…” she whispered, “It’s — it’s in there.” She was fascinated, staring in awe at the sight of her whole hand, buried up to the wrist inside my body.

“Oh m-my gosh, Lisa, yes it is. You did it. Now, just… mmmmm… just start moving slowly in and out.” I could hear her hand and my cunt making sticky slurping sounds as she began to pump her arm. It was slow at first, but as her confidence grew, so did her tempo.

“Faster, honey,” I gasped.

And she did, oh mercy she was thrusting faster, then faster still, the tip of her tongue between her teeth as she watched me go completely wild, because I was really losing it now, she’d never seen that, and I was so hot, so in need of letting go, of casting aside any restraint, of becoming a fucking crazed sex animal for my young lover…

I was moaning, my body was trembling as if it was about to come apart at the seams, and then I fumbled a hand between my legs to stroke my clit, the other shaking hand reaching out to caress that industrious arm that was fucking me so hard, so deep, so good!

Oh yes, my wonderful Lisa was really giving it to me, better than any man ever had, my little lesbian angel breaking me in half with that beautiful fist, knowing somehow that the faster she went, the crazier I got.

When it hit, I saw big, bright cartoon stars. It was just… blinding, I came so hard. Then a velvety darkness came swooping down, and I blacked out.

When I came to, Lisa was nestled in my arms, her hand lightly resting on my still-tingling sex. And without meaning to, I fell asleep.

Continue on to Chapter 7


Loving Lisa, Chapter 5

  • Posted on January 16, 2017 at 3:10 pm

By JetBoy

When I peeked into the living room, Vanessa was stalking Lisa around the couch, trying to exact revenge for the bite on her bottom. “But you said I could!” she insisted.

“Changed my mi-ind…” Lisa sang.

Nessa made a feint to one side, then lunged toward the other. With a snort of mirth, Lisa easily countered my daughter’s move. She turned and wiggled her rump at Vanessa. “Can’t smack my bu-utt, can’t smack my bu-utt…” she mocked.

Vanessa turned to me, folding her arms. “Mo-om… Lisa said I could smack her butt back, but now she’s not letting me — ”

“Didn’t either! I said you could bite my butt. But you don’t get to smack me.”

“But you– ”

“Hold on, just hold on!” Mom’s Court was in session, the Honorable Roxanne Johnson presiding. Seating myself on the sofa, I looked at Vanessa. “You said it didn’t hurt.”

She frowned. “I know… but — ”

“Yeah!” Lisa leaned over the couch back by me. I sensed the warmth of her body. “If it didn’t hurt, what d’ya wanna get me back for?”

“Because… because you… bit my butt!” She huffed in indignation.

“But she said she was sorry. Didn’t you, Lisa? And did you honestly mean it?”

Lisa nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes, yes ma’am, yes! I am so, so sorry.” She stuck out her hand across the back of the couch. “For biting. Your. Butt.”

Vanessa reluctantly took Lisa’s hand. “Okay, I guess.”

“There we go.” The girls were still topless, and I could feel Lisa’s breast briefly touch my shoulder, then depart as she came back around to the front of the sofa and plopped herself down. “Now. You two want to finish playing Twister?”

“Nah,” Vanessa said, rubbing her bottom. “I’m done with that game for life! I wanna play a game where you don’t end up with tooth marks on your keister.”

Lisa nodded. “Yeah, let’s play somethin’ different. Somethin’ cool!”

“I know!” Nessa said. “Let’s play Truth or Dare!”

“Yeah!” Lisa cheered. “Good idea!”

“What, just the two of you?”

Turning to me, Vanessa seized my hand. “No, Mom — you play too!”

Truth or Dare? With two eleven-year-old objects of lust, one of them my own daughter? And I’d thought Twister was a big risk! “Ohh, no — ”

Lisa put her hands together, as if in prayer. “Oh, yes, yes, pleeeease, Mrs. Johnson? Pleeeeeease?”

“Pleeeeeease?” chimed Vanessa. “You wouldn’t play Twister with us, now you gotta play this, Mom!” Now they were both on their knees before me, like petitioners at the King’s court. I tried and failed to suppress a smile.

“But it’s not really a mom’s game, sweetheart. I mean, Truth or Dare is all about telling secrets and doing things that mothers aren’t supposed to know about, right?”

The girls pondered this, then Lisa said, “How ‘bout, just for this game, you’re not Nessa’s mom… you’re one of us instead!”

“Yeah, Mom! Then you can be our girlfriend!” Vanessa said excitedly.

“Yeah, do that!” Lisa added. “Girlfriends forever!”

Then the twin chorus began again. “Pleeeeeease?”

“Well… okay,” I muttered.

“Yaaaaay!!” Nessa and Lisa bounced up and down, then moved to join me on the couch, one topless girl on each side.

On the surface, I was trying to seem reluctant. Inside, I was anything but. Who knew where this might lead — especially since I was now their “girlfriend”?

I remembered playing Truth or Dare with girls I knew, and some of the sexy antics that our games had led to. In fact, that was how I’d experienced my first genuine kiss with a girl, a cute tenth grader named Nora Finster — and a week later, we’d gone considerably farther than that, parked near the lake in her mother’s Toyota.

I smiled at the memory, wondering whatever happened to Nora, then noticed that the girls were waiting for me to start the game. “So then, who goes first?” I said.

“You start, Mom!” Vanessa said. Lisa eagerly nodded in agreement.

Hmmm. I wasn’t ready to begin with a dare, so… “I’ll pick Truth. Vanessa?”

“Okay,” my daughter replied, a bit breathlessly. “Tell us… tell us about your first kiss!”

“Ooooohhh, good one!” enthused a grinning Lisa.

I paused, reflected. “My first kiss… hmmm, that goes back a few years… but I know when and where, and who with. I was thirteen, at my friend Jill Rogan’s party. Bobby Meeghan kissed me in the back yard.”

Lisa swayed forward and back, eyes alight with curiosity. “How? How did he kiss you?”

“It happened when we went outside to see the fireflies. In Kentucky, they’re out in force on summer nights. You remember, Nessa, when we were at Grandma’s a few years ago, and you got to see them?”

“Oh, yeah!” Vanessa said, smiling warmly at the memory. “It’s awesome — little moving lights everywhere!”

“Anyhow, Bobby and I were in sort of a boyfriend-girlfriend thing, though all we’d really done was hold hands. But that night, he led me out to the middle of the yard, and we just stood there for a minute or two, not saying anything, watching the fireflies. Then, well, Bobby just kissed me. And it was great!”

Lisa nibbled thoughtfully at her lower lip. “Did he use his tongue?”

“Lisa!” Nessa was shocked.

I raised an eyebrow, then gave Lisa a very tiny wink that Nessa didn’t see. “Yes… yes, he did.”


“Um, Mom?” my daughter began hesitantly, a mysterious hint of pink in her cheeks. “Back when you were, uh, learning to kiss, did you ever, um…”

“Hey!” Lisa interrupted. “No fair askin’ about other stuff, goofus! She did her truth, now it’s someone else’s turn.”

Nessa’s blush deepened. “Oh, yeah. Never mind.” Funny, she seemed almost relieved. I felt a twinge of curiosity… what had she wanted to know?

“Okay, Ms. Johnson… now pick one of us!“

“Uh-huh… well. then I pick… you!” I swung my finger towards Lisa. “Truth or Dare?”

“Dare!” she cried.

I had to grin at her boldness. On the other hand, I wasn’t sure what kind of dare to give her. My dirty mind immediately began to churn out ideas that would have been perfect if my daughter hadn’t been there, each wilder than the one before.

Think, Roxanne. Think.

That was when my daughter spoke up. “Can I give her a dare, Mom? I’ve got a good one!”

I looked at Lisa. “Is that okay for this round? It’s been ages since I’ve played this — I need time to think of some good dares.”

“Sure, yeah,” Lisa shrugged.

“Okay, Vanessa… she’s all yours.”

“Cool!” she squealed. My daughter was seated with her thighs spread wide apart, giving me an excellent view of her panty-clad slit. Very nice, I told myself, trying not to let my thoughts stray any further in that direction.

“So, Lisa” Nessa murmured, “You have to…” A dramatic pause. “You have to get a spanking from my mom for biting my butt!”

Lisa’s mouth dropped. So did mine, I’m sure.

I was immediately shaking my head. “No, no, Vanessa, that’s not fair…”

“But it’s a dare!”

Oddly enough, Lisa came to Vanessa’s defence, though reluctantly. “It’s true, it is a dare…”

I could not see this happening, however enjoyable. Too, too risky. “Wait a minute, Nessa — this would be a dare for me, wouldn’t it? To spank Lisa?”

“No,” Vanessa insisted. “I’m just… I’m daring her to get spanked, is all.”


“She’s right,” Lisa said. “It’s a dare. I can’t not do it!”

“See, Mom? Even she says so.”

Oh, shit. Well, there was no graceful way out of this without playing the Uptight Mom card and spoiling the fun for everybody. It was a scenario fraught with danger… but this little party had entered the Lair of the Dare, and I had to play the game.

“Okay.” Lisa stood. “If I’m gonna do this…” She looked at Vanessa. “How do I get spanked?”

Vanessa pondered, rubbing her chin, then declared, “Lyin’ across Mom’s knees.”

“Oh, I can’t believe we’re doing this,” I said, throwing up my hands.

Lisa looked down at me, a mock-serious expression on her face. “A dare is a dare.”

“Yup. Lisa’s been bad, so she’s gotta get her butt smacked!” Vanessa giggled.

Lisa nudged her with a foot. “Farthead.”

Vanessa stuck her tongue out, then turned to me. “Ready, Mom?”

I was very confused about how I should handle this, but couldn’t deny my rising excitement. “As I’ll ever be, I suppose…”

Perverse as it was, there was something about touching Lisa’s bare bottom in front of my daughter that genuinely aroused me. Best of all, it had been Nessa’s idea in the first place! All I had to do was play it cool, keep my lust for Lisa from showing.

Lisa began to stretch out across my thighs, then paused. “Hold on,” she murmured, “I forgot something.” She quickly reached for the waistband of her panties and tugged them down to her ankles.

I was surprised, but Vanessa was flat-out stunned. “Lisa! Wh-what are you doing!?

Daintily stepping out of those pink knickers, Lisa said, “That’s how Mom always spanks me. We gotta do this the right way, or it don’t count.” Now completely naked, she laid herself down over my lap, then peered up at Nessa and I. “Okay?”

Still trying to breathe normally, I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

“Um, okay, I guess,” Vanessa said. Staring at Lisa’s nudity, she slowly seated herself on the right arm of the sofa.

I fought to keep my hands from quivering as I drank in the sight of Lisa’s flawless bottom. And I was about to touch it while my daughter watched!

Glancing up again, Lisa asked, “Hey, how many spanks do I get?”

I hadn’t even thought about that. “Er… two? Three?”

“That’s not a spanking!” protested Vanessa. “I say she should have ten of ‘em.”

“Hey, I didn’t bite your butt ten times!” Lisa fired back.

“No, and you’re lucky, too, ’cause every bite’s worth ten spanks! Right, Mom?”

I fumbled around for a response — luckily, Lisa spoke up first. “Yeah, sure. I guess that’s fair.”

That startled me, and no mistake. Did she genuinely want to be spanked? That was when it hit me: Of course she wants to. Jesus, this is probably like some kind of kinky foreplay for her!

Lisa’s voice, muffled by a sofa cushion, broke into my reverie. “Okay, I’m ready… go ahead.”

“Yeah, Mom,” Vanessa chimed in, an odd hint of anticipation in her tone.

I took a deep, calming breath to brace myself. “Here goes, then.” I brought my hand down ever-so-lightly on her smooth bare bottom — more like a firm caress, honestly.

“Mo-om… that’s not a spank!”

Lisa lifted her head. “Yeah, you have’ta really spank me. That’s the only way I can win the dare!” As if to emphasize her point, she flexed her buttocks. I heard a little gasp of surprise from Vanessa.

“Okay, but you asked for it.” I put more into the next one, a medium-sized slap that made her cheeks jiggle just a bit.

“Yeah,” I heard Vanessa breathe to herself. I glanced up at her, but she didn’t even notice — her eyes were riveted to Lisa’s bare bottom. I felt a swift rush of warmth beneath my belly as I took a more thorough look at my daughter. Nessa’s cheeks were noticeably flushed, and this time I could clearly see that her nipples were stiff and erect.

More thrilling than that, she was actually riding the arm of the couch, subtly working her panty-covered sex against the suede upholstery. My arousal soared even higher as I watched my daughter stimulate herself to the spectacle of me spanking her best friend.

Another smack to Lisa’s butt, making her squeal. This time, she wiggled her ass a bit and flexed it again, then blurted, “You can do it harder than that!”

I’d never before been turned on by things like domination, bondage or spanking, but everything about this had my juices flowing: the thrill of having a naked young girl draped across my lap, the warmth of her, the softness of her skin — even the satisfying crack of my hand as it made contact.

This time, I let her have it. Nice and hard. SMACK!

“Owww, yeah, that’s… that’s it!” The muffled voice was strained, but eager. No doubt about it, Lisa was really into this!

I gave her three more, each about five seconds apart. She gave a long shivery moan, and it was difficult to know whether it was in agony or ecstasy. Some of each, I suspected. By then, her buttocks were turning a bright pink.

With the last blow, Lisa raised her hips up from the sofa, thighs spread apart to reveal the tiny pucker of her anus.

I heard a sharp intake of breath from my daughter at the sight. Was it my imagination, or could I feel the sofa shiver from the movements she was making against the arm?

Still, my attention was centered on Lisa. “You okay, sweetie?” I asked, my hand casually resting on her warm bottom. A hell of a lot warmer than it was five minutes ago, anyhow.

“Uh-huh…” Lisa said, sounding somewhat out of breath.

I glanced up at my daughter. “Nessa, you’re keeping count, right? How many more?” I asked.

Vanessa gaped at me for a few seconds, fighting to regain her composure. “I think… ummm, three more?”

The sight of her glassy expression shook me up in a big way. My God, is she about to come?

Somehow, I sensed that I had to feign ignorance as to what my daughter was doing. Nothing to see here, folks, Clueless Mom is on duty.

Realizing that things were getting out of hand, I took it much easier with the last three spanks. It was really more of a slap-and-hold motion, then two more, ending with a gentle squeeze. And with that, I was done. Oh, mercy, was I ever done.

I sat motionless for a few seconds, getting my bearings, unable to believe that the simple act of spanking a girl of eleven could get me so incredibly hot. It had, though. Thank goodness I put my panties back on, I told myself. Otherwise, I’d have left a wet spot on this couch the size of a dinner plate.

Putting my lust to one side, I studied Lisa’s bottom, noticing that it did seem rather red and irritated. No marks or welts, but there had to be at least some soreness.

Once more, I looked up at Vanessa, watching my daughter regain her focus. She still seemed a bit dazed — surprised, perhaps, by how close she’d come to losing control? And again, I had to pretend not to have noticed. “Nessa? Honey, can you go to my bathroom and get the lotion? It’s the blue bottle next to the sink.”

A silent nod, and she was on her way — walking somewhat unsteadily, I observed.

Once my daughter was safely out of range, I pried Lisa’s buttocks open, revealing her anal cleft. Taking a moment to admire the view, I bent down and planted a warm, wet, and extremely hot French kiss directly on her rosebud, followed by a few swipes of the tongue. Yum!

She squealed, “Oooooohhh! Oh, wow, yeah…” her bottom arching to meet my wicked mouth.

I could have happily rimmed her for a good long while, but had to sit up straight when I heard my daughter’s feet coming back down the hall. Then Vanessa was at my side, the bottle of lotion in her hand.

I was just about to take it from her when a crazy impulse struck me, one I couldn’t resist.

“Thanks, hon,” I murmured, casual as you please. “Now put some of that on Lisa’s bottom.”

“ME?! B-but I don’t — ”

Time for an appearance from Stern Mom. “Now, you put that lotion on Lisa right now, young lady. Whose idea was it for her to get spanked, hmm?”

She meekly nodded. “Um, okay.” Seating herself on the edge of the coffee table, she squirted a dollop of lotion into her hand, staring at her friend’s rosy bottom. “Geez, that’s pretty red. Does it hurt?”

“Some… no thanks to you.” Lisa gave her butt a provocative wriggle.

My daughter set the bottle down beside her, then hesitated. “Uhhh…”

“Go ahead, honey. Just… put some on her, then smooth it around. Make her feel better.”

Vanessa glanced up at me, chewing nervously at her lower lip. Taking in a deep, calming breath, she hesitantly placed her lotioned hand on Lisa’s bottom, then began to smear the creamy liquid over it.

“Mmmmm,” Lisa purred. “Wow, Nessa, that feels good!”

Vanessa’s hand grew bolder, and started moving in a circle. I felt a pang inside, longing to be soothing Lisa’s butt myself — but I had to admit that watching my daughter do it instead was extremely erotic.

Down below, I could feel the warmth of Lisa’s bare sex against my thigh. She was flexing her bottom rhythmically. “That’s great, yeah. Nice an’ cool. You can do it harder, if you want!”

My daughter began to lean into her work, firmly massaging Lisa’s buttocks with both hands.

Touching Vanessa’s shoulder, I murmured, “That’s right, honey… good job.”

I began to stroke her naked back. Nothing sexual, not exactly — the kind of casual affection that any mom might give her daughter. Only at that moment, my thoughts were far from motherly.

What would Nessa do, I wondered, if I let my hand stray around to the front of her body — fondle those lovely breasts…

It might have been some kind of hallucination, but I swore that I could detect a hint of a sweet fragrance, perfuming the air as I caressed my daughter’s back. It was the aroma of sexual excitement, the girls’ and mine, mingled with that of the papaya-scented lotion…

Nessa’s breathing had deepened, as if she too sensed the raw sexuality in the air. “Is… is that okay, Lisa?”

“Uh-huh. Keep goin’, it’s great.” Lisa, too, was breathing harder.

And as Vanessa worked the lotion into Lisa’s cheeks, she gazed up at me, a look of purest adoration on her face, and snuggled her body closer to mine. My arm twined around her waist, and I bent to kiss her temple. Her head tilted back and she looked at me again, eyes shining. Unable to help myself, I leaned in close to place a tender kiss on her bee-stung lips.

We slowly drew apart, making eye contact for the third time. It was like peering into my daughter’s soul. I saw love there, and more than love. She took a deep, shaky breath, as did I.

Hands still busy massaging her friend’s bottom, Nessa leaned in close and kissed me, her lips parting oh, so slightly. Then, her face touching mine, she whispered, “I love you, Mom.”

“I — I love you too, dear heart.” Oh, God, we were close to something, I knew not what, but I was on the verge of kissing my own daughter like a lover — and might have done, too, except…

“Hey!” Lisa had caught Vanessa’s hand between her cheeks. “Are we done here?”

Nessa’s blush was delightful. “Oh! Um, yeah, I guess.” Pulling away from me, she gave Lisa’s butt a small slap. “You want me to spank you now?”

“Well… I gotta pee.”

Vanessa recoiled in mock horror. “Ewwww! Well, go, don’t pee on me!”

Lisa leapt up from the sofa, Nessa followed suit — and they scattered to the four corners of the house, the moment gone. But not forgotten.

I sat there in a daze, my head spinning like a drunken carousel. What just happened? I asked myself.

Lisa and I had been playing a risky game of flirtation and seduction, right under my daughter’s nose. And somehow, Vanessa had become a part of it. If she hadn’t become aroused — first, by seeing Lisa spanked, then by rubbing lotion into her butt — then it was the best imitation of arousal I’d ever seen.

Is my daughter a budding lesbian? Does she have a crush on Lisa?

Then there was that…that moment that my baby girl and I had shared just moments earlier.

Could it be? Could my own daughter, my Vanessa, actually be feeling lust for…

Annoyed, I gave my head a hard shake. Enough. Stop having these thoughts about Nessa, they’re idiotic! And unhealthy.

I already had one underage lover, the last damned thing I needed was two. Especially when one of them was my own flesh and blood. I’d allowed myself to get carried away with those screwy incest fantasies, and if I didn’t shut them down, there might be another one of those moments — this time, without a Lisa around to save me from making a move on my little girl.

I rose shakily from the sofa, shaking my head to banish the cobwebs, then meandered into the kitchen, suddenly very much in the mood for a soothing glass of wine. Maybe bring the whole bottle back.

Moments later, my glass of Cabernet nicely topped up, I returned to the living room and turned on the TV. The girls could be heard romping around upstairs.

A brief search through the available movies led me to an old favorite, The Pink Panther Strikes Again. I’d missed the first fifteen minutes, but what the hell.

I relaxed and settled into the couch, making sure to leave room for Nessa and Lisa on either side in case they came back down to join me.

Continue on to Chapter 6


Loving Lisa, Chapter 4

  • Posted on January 8, 2017 at 4:31 pm

By JetBoy

By the time I returned to the living room, Vanessa and Lisa had grown bored with watching TV and were playfully tussling with one another beneath the enormous quilt I kept on the couch. The air was filled with squeals and giggles. Fascinated, I drew closer.

“Whoa, whoa. What’s going on here, ladies?” I said, putting on a mock-stern face as I looked down on the action from behind the couch.

A pause in mid-wrestle, then Lisa panted, “I… I challenged Nessa to a f-foot tickle!”

And they were off again, a frantic melee of arms and bare legs.

I watched the girls struggle, feeling a wicked urge to reach out and tug the quilt away, revealing what, for me, would be a most arousing sight — two beautiful young girls in t-shirts and panties, their bodies tangled together as they feinted and lunged at each other’s feet.

Vanessa caught my eye. “Wait, okay, okay!” she panted, breaking away. “Time out! I gotta… take a break.”

Lisa smirked. “Yeah, ’cause you know you’re losing…” Both girls were flushed.

“Am not!” Nessa scowled. “I just want a drink of water.” She cast aside her half of the quilt, got to her feet and headed for the kitchen. Along the way, she gave me the briefest of head tilts, indicating I should follow. Curious, I did just that.

When we were just out of Lisa’s view, Vanessa opened the sink faucet and turned to me, her eyes flashing with excitement. In a conspiratorial whisper, she said, “Mom, you gotta help me!”

“Help you…?”

“Yeah. I haven’t got to really tickle Lisa, not even once. But if you hold her legs when I say to, I can get a hold of her feet an’ tickle her till she goes nuts!” She was practically bouncing in place, giddy with delight at her little scheme.

Grab Lisa’s legs? The idea sounded enticing, I had to admit. “So, you want me to…”

“All you gotta do it sit by her, an’ I’ll pretend I’m watching TV, then when I say ‘Now!’ you grab her! Will you, Mom? Will you, pretty please?”

Had to admit that I loved Nessa’s scenario, especially since I’d be touching Lisa beneath the quilt — but I couldn’t shake my Responsible Mother role quite that easily. At least, not without a halfhearted attempt at protest. “Um, I don’t know, hon… that seems kind of–”

“Please, Mom? Oh, pleeease!” Vanessa was tugging at my arm. “It’ll be loads of fun, really!”

Pretending reluctance, I slowly nodded. “Fine, fine! But no rough stuff, okay?”

“Just tickles. Promise!” Grinning wickedly, she raced from the kitchen.

I stood there for a moment, pondering what a strange situation I’d walked into: my own daughter, asking me to manhandle the object of my furtive desire. I slipped a hand underneath my shirt to tease a throbbing nipple, already anticipating some delightful fun and games on the couch.

Casually as I was able, I strolled back in to join the girls. Some boy singer they seemed to like was getting all emotional on the TV. Lisa, of course, noticed with an intrigued arch of her eyebrow when I sat down next to her and pulled the quilt over the two of us.

We sat quietly, watching the singer build to his big finish. Not especially interested, I allowed my attention to drift to Nessa, who was lying in front of us on the floor. Her long t-shirt had hiked up somewhat, so I had a great view of her pert little ass, snugly concealed by those lemon-yellow panties.

Meanwhile, I could feel Lisa inching closer to me, sensed her warmth against my leg. Gazing slyly down at her, I gave that bewitching young girl my best seductive smile, one I’d used many’s the time on potential bedmates. It was time to strip away any pretence of flirtation, to let Lisa know how much I wanted her for my lover.

The boy’s song was over and he was extending both arms, basking in applause. Vanessa rose from where she lay and into a sitting position, nonchalantly stretching. Her eyes met mine for an instant, and I readied myself, certain that she was about to make her move.

Sure enough, soon as the commercial break began, Vanessa whirled around and lunged for Lisa, yelling “Now!”

Every atom of me was alive with excitement as I seized Lisa’s leg with the right hand, my left arm snaking around her waist to make her my captive. She shrieked and made to pull her free leg away from Vanessa’s grasp, but was too late — my daughter had her foot in both hands. And now, Lisa’s thighs were spread wide apart…

“Ha-ha-ha-HAHH!” Vanessa cackled, her grin positively demonic. “We’ve got you in our power, little girl…”

“Hey, no fair, no fair!” Lisa protested. You got your mom helping you!” She was struggling — but only enough to seem convincing without breaking loose.

Beneath the quilt, I’d let my thigh-holding hand slide upwards to claim the prize of her sex, warm and damp through the cover of Lisa’s panties. It felt like coming home.

I was quivering inside, astonished at my boldness — and the game had just begun. How much further was I going to go with it?

Vanessa seemed to love being in control. She clutched Lisa’s squirming foot, carefully studying it, like a doctor about to make that first incision. “Hmmm, now how should I do this…?” Raising her face to gaze deep into her friend’s eyes, she carefully, gently touched a finger to Lisa’s instep.

Immediately Lisa squealed, a ribbon of laughter cascading from her lips. She tugged against Nessa’s hold on her and nearly broke free, but my daughter’s grip held fast.

“Oho,” I intoned, attempting a masculine voice, “our prisoner wants to escape! Hang onto her as tightly as you can, sir!” My hand was creeping into Lisa’s panties. I felt her hips lift, welcoming my lustful invasion. She was panting, then gave a tiny moan as I penetrated her. God, her cunt was like a sauna.

“Silly fool!” Vanessa growled, easily falling into character — something pirate-like. “There is no escape for bad girls like you. We have to teach you a lesson!” Raising her hand in a dramatic gesture, she swept her fingertips across Lisa’s toes.

The toes curled, and Lisa jerked, letting out a wail. “NnnooOOHHH!” And I had my finger buried to the hilt in her vagina. She was so warm, so wet…

Nessa giggled, but remained in her role. “So… you won’t stop fightin’ back, huh? We’ll show you!” With that, she leaned in and gave Lisa’s toe a big lick.

Lisa was instantly convulsed with panicked laughter, though I felt certain that at least some of it was only for show. Seizing the moment, I began to slide my finger in and out of her pussy. Vanessa paused to savor the havoc she’d caused, then leaned in again. This time she shocked me, taking Lisa’s toe into her mouth!

Oh my God, this was making me hotter than a furnace! The temptation was there to whip away the quilt, let Nessa get a good look at what I was doing to her friend, then tear off what little I was wearing and start a lesbian orgy on the spot. But I still had just enough self-control to keep me from scaring the life out of my daughter, so instead I found Lisa’s clitoris with my thumb and began to work it in tiny circles. My finger was still busy inside her vagina.

Lisa writhed beneath us, making something akin to wild animal sounds as my daughter and I had our way with her. The girl’s face was red, eyes squeezed tightly shut, her breath hoarse and ragged. She was having a lovely time — maybe a little too much for the present company. Try as she might to hide it, Lisa was clearly on the edge of a massive orgasm, and I didn’t want Vanessa to figure that out.

I told Vanessa, who was now sucking at Lisa’s toes, “Try tickling her and doing that at the same time!”

So she gleefully did exactly that — and Nessa’s timing couldn’t have been better. Seconds later, Lisa came like a wildcat, bucking and howling.

I think Vanessa got a little scared at that, and she eased off, placing Lisa’s bare foot in her lap. But Lisa’s ecstasy had crested by then, and she was drifting back into the here and now.

I carefully eased my hand from Lisa’s panties, making sure that my daughter didn’t notice the wetness on my fingers.

I needn’t have bothered — Nessa’s attention was centered on Lisa. “Boyyyyy…” she murmured, staring at her victim in awe, “you sure went crazy!”

“Well,” Lisa murmured, “my toesies are very sensitive…”

“I guess so…”

“I gotta go to the bathroom.” Lisa surreptitiously stroked my thigh under the quilt, then bounced to her feet.

Vanessa watched as her friend scooted out of the room, shaking her head. “Wow, I’ve never seen anyone be that ticklish…”

“Some people are just like that, sweetie,” I said, pushing the quilt to one side. My heart was still racing from the thrill of what I’d just done. “I’m going to get myself a refill,” I added, reaching for my glass.

“Okay,” Nessa absently replied, still looking at the door through which Lisa had gone.

I made my way into the kitchen, then slipped my index finger into my mouth, purring happily as I got my second-ever sample of Lisa’s honey, already anticipating what it would be like to taste it from the source.

It was going to happen, I was certain of that. Maybe not that evening, maybe not for weeks — but at some point in the future, I was going to be lying between Lisa’s thin thighs, licking her pussy.

I shook my head, marveling at the brazen woman that I’d become. How crazy is that… masturbating an underage girl in front of Vanessa? For that matter, what about indulging in sexual fantasies about my own daughter? No doubt about it, Lisa had put me through some very big changes.

I’d only just refreshed my club soda and returned to the living room when the doorbell rang. Nessa was on her feet immediately, shouting “PIZZA!”

The thumpthumpthump of Lisa’s bare feet grew louder from the hallway as she raced back to join us. Her cheeks were still a very fetching hue of pink. “PIZZA!” she echoed.

“Dinner is served,” I said, quickly slipping into a pair of sweatpants I kept handy before reaching for my purse.

The driver sent off with thanks and a generous tip, we grabbed plates, flipped open the two pizza boxes and tucked in.

After dinner, there were bowls of ice cream, then I asked, “What do you guys want to do now? Something else on TV?”

The girls glanced at one another, shook their heads and bellowed “Noooo!” as if they’d been choreographed. So cute… I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I know — let’s play Twister!” Nessa said, her eyes lighting up.

“Yeah, let’s!” Lisa chimed in.

So Vanessa raced to the closet and burrowed around inside until she emerged, triumphant, with the Twister game. We cleared a sizable space for play, then laid out the plastic sheet.

The girls pleaded with me to join in, but I elected to be the referee and wheel-spinner. Truth be told, I simply didn’t trust my very aroused self to behave in such a physical game.

So I got comfy on the sofa, the wheel in my lap, and we began to play. Needless to say, It was unbearably stimulating to watch those nubile young girls twist, turn, arch and spread themselves.

We were only three spins into the game when Lisa, with barely a glance at me, shucked her t-shirt. “It gets in my face when I bend down!” she complained, carelessly tossing it aside.

Nessa nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, it’s totally in the way,” she said, then reached down to tug her own top up and off.

And just like that, both girls were adorably topless. Their chests both had a rosy flush, and I saw Vanessa stealing the odd glance at Lisa’s prominently erect nipples. I didn’t blame her — they were fascinating. What excited me even more, though, was seeing Nessa’s smaller, lighter nipples stiffen visibly as she stared at Lisa’s.

Hmm. I was beginning to wonder if Vanessa might have a bit of a crush on her best friend. Like mother, like daughter, I thought, smiling wryly.

As for my own nipples… well, I only had to look down to see them quite clearly outlined through the faded old ZZ Top shirt I wore. My pussy was getting increasingly moist, and I knew that at some point, I’d need to hasten to the bathroom and put my panties back on.

Breathing deeply in a useless attempt to calm my raging arousal, I spun the wheel. “Vanessa… right foot, red!”

A frustrated squeal. “But… that’s all the way over there!”

“Tough,” Lisa said. “If you knock me over, I win.” She was propping herself up by one arm with her left foot extended outward, giving me a lovely view of the crotch of her panties, which were stretched tautly enough to reveal the outline of her slit. Between that and her bare chest, my eyes couldn’t decide where to look.

“Fine, fine,” Nessa grumbled. Cautiously sliding a foot across the plastic sheet, she tried to work herself into what promised to be a very inelegant position. She wobbled a bit, but somehow managed to get onto the red circle without falling.

“Ummmmm… made it!” she crowed. Now Vanessa’s yellow-pantied bottom was just inches from Lisa’s nose.

“Hey! Get your butt outta my face!” Lisa protested.

“That’s your problem, goofball,” Vanessa smugly said. “If you don’t like it, get your face away from my butt!” She looked back over her shoulder. “It’s Lisa’s turn, Mom… make her move now!”

Tearing my eyes away from the delicious sight of my half-naked girls, I bent to give the wheel a spin, but before I could call out the result…

A shriek! Vanessa popped up, then whirled around to face Lisa, both hands on her bottom, her face a mask of outrage. “You… you bit me!”

Still in position, Lisa smiled mischievously. “You had your butt in my face! I couldn’t breathe.”

“I wasn’t even touching you!” Vanessa pouted, rubbed her behind.

Lisa stood. “You almost were.” She took a step towards Vanessa. “I didn’t do it that hard, did I?” She gave me a sheepish glance.

I stood. “Do you want me to look at it, honey?”

Vanessa shook her head, blushing. “No.” She looked back at herself briefly. “It doesn’t hurt that much, I guess.” She glared again at Lisa, who stood with hands clasped in front of her. “It surprised me, though.” She couldn’t help but smile a little. “You bit my butt, you… you cow!”

Lisa grinned, shrugged. “Sorry ‘bout that.” She turned and stuck out her own pretty little butt. “Wanna bite me back?”

Vanessa’s eyes narrowed. “No… but I might smack you!” She darted toward Lisa, but before she could lay a hand on her friend’s rump, the girl shrieked and fled. Vanessa followed in hot pursuit.

God, my pussy was on fire! Well, Lisa or no, I needed to retrieve those discarded panties from the bathroom if I planned to spend any more time with the girls. There was already a hint of dampness on the back of my t-shirt, and I didn’t want it to become a huge wet spot. That would leave me with some explaining to do.

So as the girls took their chase scene thumping up the stairs, I slipped into the bathroom, got my undies from the hamper and slipped them on. Pausing in front of the full-length door mirror, I lifted my t-shirt up to the chin and studied my body, dreaming of Lisa staring at it, finding me sexy. Then I thought of Nessa, looking at me and feeling the same way.

Almost by reflex, I thrust my hips forward and placed a hand between my legs, stroking myself through the thin material.

…Mmmmohhhhyes — damn it, no! Stop this right now or you’re going to be a big, hot sticky mess! I held up my wicked hand and gave it a sharp smack.

But I’m so horny! My libido replied. Why won’t you let me have any fun…?

With a sigh, I let my shirt drop. Turning the faucet, I splashed my face with some icy water, then headed back to the living room. I could hear their voices from there… what were those girls up to now?

Continue on to Chapter 5


Loving Lisa, Chapter 3

  • Posted on December 28, 2016 at 5:15 pm

By JetBoy

A week on from that incredible night by the lake, I was still getting myself off regularly to dirty fantasies of Lisa, and my conscience wasn’t nearly as bothered by it as before. By then, the lust I felt for her seemed as familiar as a comfy pair of sneakers. Of course, the fact that she’d invited me to fondle her to orgasm didn’t hurt.

What did disturb me was the thoughts I’d been having about my daughter Vanessa after seeing her in the nude.

Despite my best efforts, she’d been elbowing her way into my sexual reveries, her face — and that lovely bare bottom of hers — turning up when it shouldn’t. Like when I was stretched out naked on my bed, giving my cunt a vigorous workout and daydreaming.

At first, it was only images of Nessa’s naked body, thoughts of how desirable it was. That, I told myself, wasn’t such a big deal — like appreciating a beautiful flower, or an exquisite piece of art. It was the best excuse I could come up with.

But then Vanessa began to assume a more active role in my perverted imagination, and that was much more difficult to explain away.

It began one afternoon while I was taking a break from chopping vegetables, fingering myself on the living room sofa. I’d allowed my thoughts to stray away from Lisa for a moment to picture my daughter as she’d been when I spied on her — stark naked, shaking her pretty butt to the stereo.

Then my fictional Nessa turned around, met my gaze, and smiled. Hey, Mom, she said, casually teasing one of her nipples with the tip of a finger, take off your clothes and come dance with me!

That was when I came — slammed by an orgasm that ripped through my body like a tornado, tossing bits and pieces of me this way and that. I rode that storm as high as the sky, then slowly drifted back to myself in a tangle of damp sheets.

“Oh, hell,” I whispered, feeling the color drain from my face. Not good, I chided myself. Not good at all.

The very sight of my daughter had begun to affect me in unsettling ways. It didn’t help that Vanessa had always been casual about what she wore around the house, especially since my divorce. She never went completely nude in my presence, but her favorite nighttime wear was a t-shirt and panties, which she often displayed to stunning effect — sprawled on the floor, stretched out on the sofa, or padding through a room with that gazelle-like stride of hers. My eyes were drawn over and over again to Nessa’s pert little ass, and down the front of her t-shirt when she bent over.

Making the situation even more difficult, Vanessa had grown more physical in her affection toward me, far freer with her hugs and kisses. She’d taken to coming up from behind and wrapping both arms around my waist, purring happily as she nestled her slender frame against mine. As a mother, I loved it; as a woman with a newly-realized craving for underage girls, it had my nerves jangling.

Then there was one night after dinner when Nessa and I were watching some silly sitcom on TV. We’d just finished dessert — slices of apple pie — and she offered to take our plates and forks back to the kitchen and put them in the sink. I gratefully handed her my plate, then shifted my attention back to the show.

Moments later she sauntered back into the living room, came over to where I sat on the sofa, and casually climbed into my lap, twining her silken arms around my neck.

At first, I was surprised and pleased at such a loving display from my child. Nessa hadn’t sat in my lap for at least three years or so.

“Hmmm… what’s this all about, hon?” I asked Vanessa, cradling her to me.

I felt her shrug. “I miss sittin’ in your lap, Mom,” she insisted. “You’re all warm and snuggly.”

It was a lovely moment between us. But we’d already changed into our nightwear, and her presence in my arms, clad in nothing more than an anime t-shirt and panties, had that unwelcome demon Lust paying me a visit again.

Lifting her face, Nessa gave me a wry smile. “Hey… I’m not too heavy for ya, am I?” She punctuated her words with a few experimental bounces.

Putting on a slight grimace and rolling my eyes heavenward, I spoke in a strained voice, “T-too heavy? Oh, no, honeybunch! You’re — ooooff! — light as a feather.”

“Mo-om!” she protested, then giggled. “Don’t be a jerk.” With a contented sigh she cuddled closer, resting her head against my breasts. “I still love you… even if you think I’m a big ol’ fat hippo.”

I had to laugh. “Oh, Nessa, you know I’m only kidding. You’re nothing like a hippopotamus. Well, you did used to play around in the mud quite a bit, as I recall…”

“Yeah, back when I was just a kid,” she retorted. She gave my chin a clumsy kiss, then relaxed once more.

We quietly watched the rest of the TV show, but my mind was on other things — mostly, how wonderful it felt to hold my little girl this way. The softness of her thigh against my wrist, the delicate thrum of Nessa’s heartbeat, the mysteriously spicy aroma of her, that lingering image of my daughter’s nakedness… these things and more had my body pulsing with a deep, urgent need to love and be loved.

It would be so easy, I thought. First, put a hand on her knee. Gradually begin to stroke those amazingly soft thighs. Slip a hand beneath that t-shirt and rub her tummy, inching my way higher with each caress. Tease her nipple with a fingertip. Bend down and place a warm, lingering kiss on her neck…

It was too much, damn it. These twisted longings were doing my head in.

The credits were starting to roll, but Vanessa showed no inclination to get up. Finally, I gently patted her leg. “Hon, I need to visit the ladies’ room.”

“Mmm. Okay,” she replied, and slowly rose from my lap.

I got up and made my way toward the hall. Glancing back over my shoulder, I said “Be right back.”

“See ya!” chirped Nessa, stretching herself out on the couch. Her t-shirt was hiked up, revealing every inch of those long, beautiful bare legs. Another prickle of sexual heat unfolded between my thighs.

Seconds later I was in the bathroom, the door locked. Reaching beneath my nightie, I tugged a sodden pair of panties down and off, then lay down on the plush bath mat. There I masturbated, hard and fast.

This time the fantasies were only of my daughter, and I didn’t even try to distract myself with thoughts of Lisa. I was whispering, “Oh, Nessa baby, Mommy loves you, you’re so beautiful. Kiss me, sweetheart. Do you like this, Nessa, like the way Mommy is touching you…?” I was ranting, immersed in images of incest with my eleven-year-old child, rubbing my cunt until I went off in a convulsive orgasm.

Exhausted, both in body and mind, I lay on the floor of the downstairs bathroom, my stomach clenched in a cold knot of fear. My God, I told myself, I’m going crazy.

Desperately needing to feel like I was still a half-decent person, I fumbled once again for ways to excuse these feelings for my daughter. The best I could come up with went something like this: it’s just a fantasy, forbidden things are what fantasies are made for, it wasn’t like I’d ever try to seduce Nessa, eventually I’d get over it.

As arguments go, it wasn’t too bad. Only one problem: these were more or less the same alibis I’d made for myself when dealing with my lust for Lisa. And look how that worked out, my conscience said.


It was about three weeks into July when I finally got to see Lisa again.

Vanessa had spent a few days with Bob — her father, my ex. I’d made plans for a barbecue with family and friends, and invited Bob to join the party when he drove Nessa back.

Our divorce, thankfully, had been an amicable one, and the two of us managed to emerge from the split as friends. Bob was a good man, but something of a straight-arrow type, and in the end, my bisexuality was simply too much for him.

I did enjoy having him visit — especially when I was hosting a cookout, because he could grill like nobody’s business. He’d designed and built the brick barbecue pit next to the patio, and his 80 Horsepower marinade was famous throughout our neighborhood. I’d already made him promise to mix up a few gallons of the stuff for the occasion.

I chatted with Vanessa the day before Bob brought her home, and she wanted to invite Lisa over to spend the night. They hadn’t seen each other for a couple of weeks, and Nessa missed her best friend.

Of course, I said yes.


I was coming out of the kitchen and onto the patio with a gallon of marinade when Lisa made her entrance. Nessa raced over to her, shrieking, “Hey, LISA!” and they did a little dancing embrace.

Oh, God, she was as cute and desirable as ever. But most of our guests had already arrived, and I was busy being hostess and playing assistant chef to Bob as he worked the barbecue pit. So I had to satisfy myself with glimpses of Lisa — splashing in the pool, cavorting on the lawn, traipsing through the kitchen — doing my best all the while to make sure the party was running smoothly.

And the little imp knew I was thinking about her. Whenever I had the luxury of taking a quick glance Lisa’s way, I’d catch her eyes on me. She was good at it, too — her looks seemed just as casual and innocent as I hoped mine did. But in those brief exchanges, it was crystal clear to us both what we wanted. Somehow, I knew that if we stole enough time together, just the two of us, we would be making love.

By then I was on fire with excitement, almost certain that something thrilling was going to happen between us. But when Lisa made her big move, it caught me completely by surprise.

Whenever there is a decent-sized gathering at our place, I always get everyone together for a group photo by the pool. Having set up my automatic camera on its tripod, I herded the pack of friends and relations in front of the sliding glass doors that lead into the living room, then got them to pose as I readied the shot.

I hadn’t noticed that Lisa was missing from the group, but it certainly captured my attention when I saw her standing behind the glass doors, facing me and no one else. She’d changed out of her bathing suit by then, and was wearing a white top with a navy blue skirt.

I was just about to call her out to join us, but the words died on my lips when Lisa hoisted up her skirt to reveal that she was completely bare underneath — no panties, no anything.

Somehow I summoned up the presence of mind to hide my astonishment, fiddling with the camera while drinking in the sight of this young girl’s nudity. Lisa just stood there, stroking her tummy, her pretty pussy on display for me.

I wanted a good long look, but had to take the picture before anyone turned around and caught her. Taking a quick breath, I called out, “Okay, that’s good. Now, don’t anyone move! Big smiles…”

And another quick glance through the glass showed me that Lisa had turned around with her skirt still lifted, treating to a full-on view of her tight little ass.

Somehow I managed to set the camera’s timer and dash over to my place in the shot, heart throbbing like a jackhammer. Whirrrr, click — and I immediately stole a glance over my shoulder and into the house, relieved to see that Lisa had left the room.

The rest of that afternoon found me in a daze, doing my best to give a convincing portrayal of The Perfect Hostess. I mostly pulled it off, though Bob did jokingly ask if I’d had a few too many glasses of Cabernet. “You’re looking kinda flushed, babe,” he murmured with a wink.

Lisa kept her distance for awhile. Perhaps she thought I was upset, that her little indecent exposure stunt was going too far. But I suspected that it was part and parcel of her game of seduction. Because she was definitely seducing me, I knew that for certain… and with a level of skill that seemed impossible in a girl of eleven.

So the million-dollar question was: What would I do when she made her big play for me?


I finally saw Lisa that evening, after the last of the guests had departed. Bob, bless him, stayed the latest, helping me clean up the party wreckage. We put the leftovers in the fridge, piled all the dishes and cutlery in the sink to soak, then exchanged a brief hug before he left, tooting a goodbye on the horn of his Lexus.

Making my way upstairs, I stripped and took a quick shower, where I thought about masturbating beneath the flowing water, finally deciding not to. If anything was to happen with Lisa that night, I wanted my desire to be razor-sharp.

I spent some time choosing my sleepwear for the night, but finally decided to go with the same t-shirt and panties combination that the girls favored. Just one of the gang, I thought, appraising myself in the mirror.

Settling myself in the living room with a tall, cool club soda, I waited for the girls to show, Sure enough, they came thumping down the stairs moments later.

“Heyyyy, Mom!” sang Vanessa as she entered the room.

“Hey, Ms. Johnson,” Lisa chimed in. She was all perfect innocence — a far cry from the bold nymphet who had flashed me not two hours earlier.

“Girls,” I replied with a nod. They’d changed into their nightwear, too. T-shirts and panties, what else? “Okay, I ordered the pizza — should be here in about an hour. You two want to watch a little TV with me?”

Their reply was overwhelmingly affirmative. Of course, they had to make a run to the kitchen for beverages first, but five minutes later, with me on the couch and the girls on the floor, we were settled in and watching an old Honeymooners episode.

I was hardly able to take in anything on the screen, as I was too wrapped up in the sight of those two perky little bottoms, barely hidden beneath cute underpants. Nessa’s were yellow, Lisa’s pink.

Before long I was so filled with sexual tension that I went to the bathroom, closed the door, pulled down my panties and leaned back against the counter top. I was so hot and bothered that I was able to bring myself to a pleasantly shuddering orgasm within seconds.

After cleaning myself up, I decided, on the spur of the moment, to leave off my panties. The t-shirt went down to mid-thigh, so what the hell. Besides, the very idea of going commando in Lisa’s presence thrilled me to pieces.

It turned out to be an excellent idea on my part… for as I emerged from the bathroom, who should be in the kitchen but Lisa. She was reaching up to a cabinet on tiptoe, her pink knickers peeking out from underneath. Be still, my beating heart.

I drew closer, trying to sound completely relaxed. “What’re you looking for, hon?”

Lisa grinned back at me, eyes dancing. She knew exactly where my eyes had been. “I wanted a 7-Up.”

“Oh, I’ve got cold ones in the fridge.” I opened the refrigerator, and then a very wicked idea hit me.

Turning my head, I called to my daughter in the other room. “Nessa? Do you want anything else from the kitchen?”

A disinterested, “No, thanks,” drifted in from the other room. Good. She wouldn’t be coming in for the next few seconds, at least. Time enough to show Lisa that I could tease, too.

Hunkering down in front of the open refrigerator, I sensed Lisa backing away a step as I hiked my t-shirt up to my hips, fully exposing my bare ass to her. She gave an almost inaudible gasp.

The show didn’t end there, though. Reaching to the back of the bottom shelf where the chilled cans of soda were, I shamelessly thrust my butt up and out, knees planted far enough apart that Lisa was getting an excellent view of my cunt as well.

So there I was, brazenly flaunting my naughty bits to a girl of eleven, letting my sweet Lisa see it all. I felt the cool air caress my skin as I squatted there for a long moment, then slowly, casually stood. My shirt fell back down to mid-thigh, and I turned to Lisa, offering her the 7-Up she’d asked for with a knowing smile.

Lisa’s mouth was slack, her pretty flushed a rosy pink as she stared up at me.

I reached out, touched her cheek with my hand. “Gotcha back.”

She swallowed and her head moved slightly, turning my touch into a caress. A slow grin, teeth catching her lower lip, her eyes burning into mine, the passion in her gaze obvious as an apple. She nodded, whispering, “Yeah. You got me…” Then she turned and padded back into the living room as if she was sleepwalking.

My knees were literally trembling, I was so shaken by our little kitchen one-act. Had I really just done that, deliberately exposed myself to an underage girl?

I was frantically nervous, yet aroused. What am I becoming? Why am I doing these perverse things? Will I take this even further tonight? God, I so want to. I want to!

Instead of rejoining the girls, I lingered in the kitchen, struggling to decompress. My cunt was on fire, aching to be touched… and I’d just masturbated not ten minutes ago!

Okay, Roxanne, time to calm yourself. Think about something, anything else. Think…

Well, okay, there’s the heliotrope that I need to pick up for the garden, Laura said that it really flourishes in August. I need to decide which wallpaper pattern I want for redoing the study, too. Let’s see, what else — oh, hell, I forgot to reserve tickets for the theatre next week! And once that’s taken care of, I’ve still got to get an evening dress to wear for it. I’ll go to Errol’s at the mall to look for something. Maybe the girls would like to come along. Wonder if I could buy something cute for Lisa? I’d slip into the changing room, help her try some things, help her undress, kiss her delicious little bottom —


I sighed. This was stupid… and pointless! All the mental distractions in the world weren’t going to keep me from thinking about what I wanted. What I needed.

I’d had a taste of sex with a girl, and now I was hopelessly addicted. No twelve-step programs out there for the likes of you, I told my reflection in the kettle. Might as well indulge yourself.

I took a deep, deep breath and walked back into the living room, back to the girls.

Continue on to Chapter 4


Merry Christmas, Girls

  • Posted on December 25, 2016 at 10:30 am

By JetBoy

A humble Christmas card in erotic story form, offered with affection from me to you.
May your holiday be a delightful and satisfying one. – JetBoy

“Wake up, kiddo,” Amber said to her younger sister, giving the fifteen-year-old a good shake. “It’s Christmas morning. Time to get up.”

“What time is it?” Becky yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“It’s almost nine,” Amber said as her sister threw the covers back. “Mom must’ve let us sleep in.”

Becky quickly leapt to her feet, the excitement of the day finally sinking in. “Whooo-hooo! Merry Christmas!”

Although they weren’t dirt poor, a lavish, expensive holiday was beyond their modest means. But their mother Debra had always tried to make Christmas special for the family. She was a single mother who had always worked hard to provide for her girls, doing her best to make them happy. Becky and Amber adored their mother, and tried to help her out as much as they could.

“I love Christmas,” Becky sighed, slipping on a robe for warmth. Both girls usually slept in long t-shirts and not much else.

Scampering into the living room, the girls found it dominated by a large cardboard box.

“What the heck is that?” exclaimed Amber. “God, it’s huge!”

“Look!” replied Becky, pointing at the side, where a small envelope was taped.

Amber pulled the white square off with a quick tug, studied it. “Hmmm… it’s for both of us,” she murmured. Tearing the envelope open, she fished out a piece of paper, then unfolded it.

“What’s it say, what’s it say?” Becky squealed, craning her neck for a peek at the words.

“Gimme a chance!” scowled Amber. Becky quieted herself, and the older girl read the message out loud.

I’m away, but will be with you very soon. Don’t wait for me. Go ahead and open this big box, it’s a special Christmas gift for the two of you. I hope you like it, because I think it’s what you both really want.
Love, Mom

“Do you think we should?” Becky asked, running a fingertip over the edge of the box. “Seems like we oughta wait for her.”

“Mom’s note says it’s okay,” Amber said, wondering what could be inside a package so big. “Hmm… it’s not even all the way shut.”

Exchanging a quick glance, the two girls grasped the flaps on the top of the box and pulled together.

“Merry Christmas!” their mother shouted, jumping up from inside.

Both girls staggered backwards in surprise — not only from their mother’s sudden appearance, but because, except for a red stick-on bow covering each nipple, and another placed over her neatly trimmed vulva, she was completely naked.

Amber was the first one to speak. “Wh-what on earth is this, Mom?”

“I’m sorry if I startled you girls,” Debra said, climbing out of the box as gracefully as she could, but still giving her daughters a very good view of her bare body. “But I just couldn’t resist.”

“Mom!” Becky gasped, unable to tear her eyes away from Debra’s nakedness. She figured her mother had to be cold, because her nipples were visibly erect. “You’re not, um, wearing any clothes.”

“How nice of you to notice, dear,” the woman replied, reaching out to stroke her younger daughter’s face.

“W-what gives?” Amber stammered, struggling not to stare.

“I’ve been trying to figure out what to get you two for Christmas,” Debra said, reaching out to take the girls’ hands. “I know that you both tried to only put things on your list that we could afford, but I really wanted to make this holiday extra special. Well… over the last year I sort of accidentally found both of your diaries, while I was cleaning… and, I’m sorry, girls, but I read them.”

Both girls gasped.

“At first I was shocked, and then I was flattered,” Debra continued, pulling her girls closer. “It seems that both of you are… well, I found out that you both are into girls, instead of boys, and then I discovered that you also want to have sex with me.” She paused, letting the words sink in. “So… after a lot of soul-searching, I decided to give you girls — both of you — what you said you wanted.” She gazed at her daughters in turn, then extended her arms. “A gift of love, from your mother.”

The girls glanced at each other, eyes wide in total shock. Their mother had discovered, then revealed their deepest, darkest secrets. Each had no idea that the other was gay — much less that they both lusted after their thirty-six-year-old mother!

Now both girls were being hugged by the nude object of their desires, who was offering them the chance to live out their forbidden fantasies.

“So what do you think?” Debra asked, her eyes going from one girl to the other, praying her instincts had been correct.

“Um, ah…” Becky stammered, blushing furiously, not at all sure how to respond to her mother’s bold offer.

Amber, on the other hand, knew exactly what to say — nothing. Instead, she leaned in to plant a none too subtle kiss on her mother’s full, pouting lips. She made the kiss a passionate one, thrusting her tongue into Debra’s mouth.

As she kissed her mother, the older girl remembered the comment she’d made in her diary, written months ago when she was feeling lonely. I don’t know why guys aren’t flocking around Mom. She is so hot. I know if I ever got her naked, I’d rock her world. God, just the thought of it makes my pussy wet.

Now she’d been given the opportunity of a lifetime, and wasn’t about to pass it up.

As Amber’s tongue tangled with hers, Debra wondered what her other daughter was thinking. She suddenly got her answer when she felt a bow being removed from her nipple and replaced by a warm, wet mouth.

Debra moaned into Amber’s kiss as Becky nursed at her breast, just the way she had as an infant. Now, though, the touch of her daughter’s mouth against her nipple meant something new and wonderful. She felt Becky’s hand slip between her legs — and spread them slightly, allowing the girl easy access to her pussy. She purred with pleasure as her youngest child gently probed her sex with an exploring finger — then with two.

As Becky suckled her mother’s breast and fondled her cunt, she recalled what she’d written in her diary a few weeks back. I saw Mom naked when she was getting out of the shower today. Damn, is she hot. I don’t know why she doesn’t have a boyfriend… or even a girlfriend. Hmmm… I wonder if she’s ever been with a woman before. I know she’s my own mother and all that, but I have to admit that she’s really sexy. Wonder what it would be like if I ever had the chance to fuck her… wow, what a hot idea!

While she’d been unsure at first how to respond to her mother’s incredible gift, the sight of Amber kissing Mom’s mouth like a lover was enough to make up Becky’s mind for her. Yeah, totally — let’s do this!

Amber continued to French kiss her mother, loving the softness of her mouth. Wanting more, she began to caress the breast that wasn’t being suckled by her sister, knocking the bow off in the process. She sighed into their kiss as Debra’s nipple grew even firmer to her touch. Now frantic with desire, she then trailed her other hand down her mother’s back to her well-rounded bottom, then delved between her cheeks, slowly sliding her fingers into the dark cleft.

Debra gasped when she felt Amber caress her puckered rosebud. “Oh yes, baby,” she gasped, breaking away from her daughter’s lip lock. “That f-feels lovely.”

Smiling wickedly, Amber wriggled a finger into her mother’s anus. This caused Debra to slump forward, driving Becky’s fingers even deeper into her cunt.

“Oh, God, girls…” Debra moaned, only to be silenced by her younger daughter’s mouth covering hers.

It was Becky’s turn to kiss her mother, and her style was a bit different from her older sister’s — softer and more sensual, the teen’s tongue flickering in Debra’s mouth like a flame.

Amber continued to probe her mom’s rectum, carefully adding a second finger. She grinned with delight as the tight channel grew hot, moist and slippery.

“My God!” Debra gasped, when Becky gently broke their kiss, bending down to suckle her breast again. “You girls are going to drive me crazy. I don’t think my legs can support me for much longer.”

“Oh, we’ll keep you up, Mom. Won’t we, Becks?” Amber said, pushing her two fingers even further into her mother’s clutching rectum. She immediately dipped her head to lick Debra’s breast, then sucked the erect tip into her mouth, her head next to Becky’s.

“Oh, yeah,” Becky murmured around the nipple she was working on, pumping two fingers in and out of her mother’s dripping cunt. “I don’t think you could fall down even if you wanted to.”

Debra moaned as her hips rocked to and fro, impaling her even more deeply on the girls’ fingers. The anal probing she was getting from Amber was making her tummy feel warm, a heat that was spreading, joining with the throbbing of her cunt to push her toward the heights of rapture.

“I wish I had a cock right now,” Amber gasped, letting her mother’s nipple drop from her mouth. “I want to bend you over and fuck you wild, Mom…”

“Look — look in t-the box!” Debra stammered.

With a giggle of excited anticipation, Amber yanked her fingers out of her mother’s bottom — causing the woman to whimper at their sudden absence — and raced over to the box. She rummaged through the paper that was inside, and came up with a pair of strap-on dildos and a tube of K-Y jelly.

“Looks like we hit the jackpot, sis,” Amber said, holding up the loot. “C’mon… let’s both fuck her!”

Debra gasped, almost collapsing to the floor when Becky withdrew from her pussy to take one of the latex cocks from her sister. The panting mother could feel both her orifices pulsating, moist and ready for more. Lying down on the spot, she stretched herself out on the carpet, eagerly awaiting what was to come.

She watched as her daughters quickly shed their robes, then t-shirts and panties, amazed at the beautiful young women her girls had ripened into. She was the curviest of the three, Amber and Becky weren’t far behind.

Debra did not suffer from false modesty. She knew she still had a body that enticed men, but had chosen to put her emotional needs behind those of her daughters, giving them first place in her life. After reading her girls’ diaries, she realized that she was attractive to them as well. She’d been bisexual ever since her teenage years, but there had been few chances to share pleasure with a woman since then.

Once recovered from the shock she felt at the discovery of her daughters’ incestuous longings, she began to reflect on what a sweet and loving thing it could be if she gave Becky and Amber what they claimed to want — how it might bring them together in a new and beautiful way.

Now they were making love for real, and it was the best sex she’d ever had. Who cared what society said, what they deemed a sin? This felt good, felt right.

As they fastened the latex cocks around their waists, Debra stared at the girls — amazed and delighted at the transformation taking place before her eyes. Her sweet, affectionate kids had just been transformed into her wanton lesbian lovers, ready to ravish their own mother in every opening. Her cunt was dripping.

“How are we going to do this?” Becky asked Amber, playfully stroking the eight inches of her cock.

“Wanna fuck her from the top… or the bottom?” Amber asked, with a wicked smile.

“Let Mom get on top of me,” Becky giggled. “I wanna play with her tits.”

“Okay, then — I get her ass,” Amber murmured, taking Debra’s hand and pulling her to the side, pausing to kick the empty box out of their way. “Get down on the floor, Becks.”

Becky took a couple of throw pillows from the couch and did as her older sister had instructed. Amber then positioned their mother on her knees, straddling Becky’s hips.

Debra moaned as she slowly impaled herself on her daughter’s prick.

Amber gently pushed her mother forward, until Debra was lying on top of her younger daughter. This gave Becky easy access to her mother’s generous breasts, and she immediately began to fondle the soft orbs.

Amber grabbed the tube of lubricant and used her hand to apply a generous amount to the length of her cock, making it as slippery as she could, then dabbed some between Debra’s buttocks.

“Okay, Mom,” Amber said, positioning herself behind her mother’s well-rounded ass. “Don’t worry, I’ve done this before… and it’ll feel a whole lot better if you relax.”

“I’ll try, dear,” Debra mumbled, as she felt her daughter pressing the bulbous head against her anus. God, it had been so long since she’d had her ass fucked…

Soon Amber had her latex cock buried to the hilt in her mother’s rectum. By this time, Debra was panting like a racehorse in the final stretch, trembling from head to toe. Amber gave her mother a few seconds to adjust before she slowly withdrew halfway, then pushed back in. Back and forth she moved, picking up speed until her hips were moving in a steady tempo.

“Oh. My. God…!” Debra gasped as her oldest daughter plowed her ass.

Underneath, Becky was working her own cock around inside Debra’s vagina as best she could. Pinned to the floor, her movements were somewhat limited, so she let her mother do most of the work. The girl groped the woman’s breasts, rolling and pinching her hard nipples as she rocked her hips up and down in time with her older sister, falling easily into Amber’s rhythm.

“Ohhhh!” Debra screamed. Her body began to shudder as an orgasm of biblical proportions shook her to the core. “I’m coming!”

Amber and Becky continued to work her holes, keeping Debra’s pleasure going and going. It was the first time she’d ever had multiple orgasms. When they finally stopped, Debra slumped down on top of Becky, teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.

Debra groaned when Amber drew away, slowly extracting that slippery prick from her anus. The girl moved back and sat down heavily, winded from the hard fucking she’d just given her mom.

On the floor, Becky soothingly stroked her mother’s back as the woman recovered from her mind-numbing climax. Becky’s dildo was still buried deep in Debra’s pussy. She could feel thick, warm fluids running out of Mom’s cunt and down the length of the latex cock to drip on her own skin.

“I think it’s time for Mom to do some work now,” Amber said, giving her mother’s generous ass a light slap.

“What’d you have in mind?” Becky asked from underneath Debra, lazily rolling her mother’s nipple between thumb and index finger.

“Well,” Amber said, perching on the arm of the couch. “She came, but what about you and me? I mean, she is a gift to us, right?”

“Good point,” Becky said, letting go of one of her mother’s nipples so she could give her mother’s ass a slap as well. “What about us, Mom?”

“Wh-what would you like me to do, girls?” Debra murmured, lifting her head from Becky’s shoulder, a well-satisfied smile on her flushed face.

“Why don’t you come over here, Mommy dearest,” Amber said, beckoning the woman with her finger, “and show me what you can do with that pretty mouth of yours.”

“Yes, honey,” Debra replied, still smiling.

Raising up onto her knees, she slowly lifted herself from the impaling dildo with a wet sound and a happy sigh. She crawled over to where her older daughter sat waiting, drawn in by the sight of Amber’s shaved vulva.

Once she was between the teen’s thighs, she gazed in awe at her daughter’s pussy. While her own sex had a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair that pointed like an arrow to her hidden treasures, Amber’s was completely bare.

Licking her lips, Debra leaned forward, savoring the moment. It had been a long time since she had gone down on a woman. With two fingers of her right hand, she spread Amber’s delicate labia, taking her first taste of the girl’s pussy. She loved it.

“Oh, shit!” Amber exclaimed as her mother’s tongue began to probe her moist center. “You… you’ve done this before, huh, Mom?”

“Mmm-hmm,” Debra mumbled, without taking her mouth from her daughter’s delicious cunt.

“Oh, God, yes,” Amber wailed, reaching down, grasping her mother’s head with both hands. “Yeah, right there, Mom. Right there! Eat me!”

Amber’s body began to convulse as she came on her mother’s tongue, her body bucking furiously. After a while, it became more than she could stand, so she lurched upright, grabbed her mother’s face and pulled her close, passionately kissing Debra’s pussy-coated lips.

“That was… amazing!” Amber panted when their mouths broke apart.

“Thank you, dear,” Debra sighed, nibbling at her daughter’s lips. “I love you, baby.”

“Now me, Mom!” Becky piped up from the floor behind Debra. The girl was spread out and waiting, eyes wide, eagerly anticipating the touch of her mother’s mouth.

Debra smiled as she crawled between her younger daughter’s legs. She discovered that Becky was not completely shaved like her big sister was. And instead of a neatly trimmed bush like she had, the girl’s pubes were done in a closely cropped quarter-inch wide strip that ran up her belly about two inches above her labia.

Like she’d done with Amber, Debra gently opened Becky’s cunt, using the tip of a finger from her other hand to stroke the teen’s clit. The effect was immediate and positive. Becky moaned, arching her back as Mom’s fingernail grazed the tiny nubbin, warm shocks of pleasure surging through her body.

Dipping her face between Becky’s legs, Debra flicked at the teenager’s clit with the tip of her tongue, then sucked it into her mouth.

The effect was electric. The girl cried out, clutching at the carpet with her fingers. “Oh, Mom,” Becky cried, “GOD that feels so fucking good! OHHHH!”

As Debra went down on her youngest daughter, Amber sat on the couch stroking her pussy, drinking in the amazingly sexy scene before her. While she’d long known that she was gay, the fact that her sister was inclined in that direction as well had come as a complete surprise. If I’d known, she reflected, I’d probably have tried to seduce the little minx myself a long time ago.

“I’m coming, yeah. OH! Oh yes, FUCK!” Becky screamed, throwing her head back. Her body went rigid, trembling helplessly as she climaxed, finally coming down with a loud exhalation.

“Damn, that was hot,” Amber said, coming down to join her mother and baby sister on the floor.

“I love you, Mom,” Becky whispered as she snuggled up to the older woman, burying her face in the hollow of Debra’s neck, her lips brushing the soft skin.

Debra wrapped her arms around her two daughters, basking in an inner warmth that she’d never known before. She and the girls had always been close, but there was no doubt that they were even closer now. My children… now my lovers. “Oh, my sweet girls. I adore you both,” she sighed contentedly.

“So… what happens next?” Becky asked, after several minutes of snuggling. “Where do we go from here?”

“That’s easy,” Amber replied, lazily trailing a finger up and down her mother’s belly, occasionally dipping it into her navel. “We move this into Mom’s bed and have some more fun.”

“Sounds good,” Debra sighed happily. She glanced at her younger daughter. “As I recall from your diary, there’s something else you’d like to try, Becky.”

“Oh, yeah?” Amber piped, one eyebrow raised. “What’s that, Becks?”

Blushing slightly, Becky sat up, reaching for her sister’s hand. “Well… I want to make love to you too, Amber. I’ve been thinking about it, oh, almost as long as I’ve wanted to be with Mom.”

“Wow,” Amber breathed, slowly rising to her feet. “Well, yeah. Sure you can. Wow, I’ve been thinking for a long time about what a little sexpot you are.” She giggled. “I guess we’ve become a hot little lesbian family, huh?”

“Mmmm…” Debra purred. “I do like the sound of that.”

“This is the best Christmas ever!” cried Becky, wrapping an arm around her mother’s waist as they marched toward the bedroom.

The End


Loving Lisa, Chapter 2

  • Posted on December 20, 2016 at 4:52 pm

By JetBoy

A month or so passed. Lisa came to visit regularly — sometimes alone, usually with more of Vanessa’s friends. I found myself masturbating more than I had in years, with Lisa the star of my fantasies more often than not.

I liked it best in the morning, all cozy beneath the sheets, replaying Lisa’s sex show before the mirror in my head. Sometimes if I was feeling especially daring, I’d imagine it was me making her come.

I’d be sitting behind the girl, both of us naked. I was kissing her neck, my fingers toying with her smooth slit while she leaned back against my breasts. She’d gasp and shiver and cry out and go limp in my arms, then I’d kiss her quivering mouth.

It was a fantasy that never failed to make me come like gangbusters. And afterwards, lying quietly on my damp bed, I felt contented… but also troubled. I was a grown woman, damn it, lusting for a girl of eleven — the same age as my own daughter!

It was unnerving, yes. But not enough, not nearly enough to make those feelings go away.

I kept telling myself, Okay, I’ve got this… thing, this lust for a preteen girl. Yeah, it’s kind of sick, but that’s how I feel… so I might as well just ride it out. It’ll just fade away, I’ll get to know her better, and she’ll just be like another one of my daughter’s friends. And I’ll be over my desires, all cured, and no one will ever be the wiser.

Sounds good in theory, anyhow. Problem was, Lisa had other ideas.


Fourth of July. It had always been a big deal in our household. Since we were the ones with the swimming pool, our home had evolved into the place for any and all summertime family get-togethers. (For Christmas and Thanksgiving, the go-to place was my brother Ernie’s suburban palace in Florida.)

I’d had to get the house ready for the inflow of relatives that came down for the occasion, which gave me a lot less time for scary fantasies about a certain underage girl. Lisa herself had been out of town for a couple of weeks with her family event of her own, and her absence seemed to ease the frantic lust I’d been feeling for her. I found myself thinking, Good, I’m getting over this whole crazy obsession with my daughter’s best friend. Soon, I’ll be my old, slightly boring, motherly self again.

One of our family rituals for the Fourth was to put together a huge picnic feast and take it to Bishop Lake, where our town always gathered for a day of fun and relaxation, capped by a spectacular fireworks show that took place after nightfall.

The day beforehand, Vanessa had asked me if Lisa could come along with us. I said “Sure,” confident that I could handle being around her without acting the lust-struck fool. Anyhow, I had my brothers, my sister and all their kids to distract me… and what with the crowds, commotion and non-stop fun and games, I doubted I’d even see much of Lisa.

Our picnic baskets packed to bursting, we all piled into our various minivans and SUVs and set out for the lake. My vivacious sister-in-law Carla rode with us, and she commanded so much of my attention with her hilarious family stories that I didn’t get the chance to do much more than exchange a quick hello with Lisa, who spent the ride doing giggly girl stuff in the back with Nessa.

Soon we arrived at the lake, where everyone spread out their blankets on the shore, then we laid out our feast and tucked in. Like I’d predicted, I was so busy moving around — socializing with family, friends and neighbors, sampling fried chicken, barbecued ribs, potato salad, cole slaw and every kind of cake and pie imaginable — that I’d barely gotten more than a glance at Lisa.

By sunset, things had calmed down somewhat. It had grown cool enough to be a little nippy, so I sat on our blanket with one of Great-Aunt Claudie’s quilts draped over my legs. I was enjoying a moment of calm before the fireworks show, watching the horizon slowly devour the sun while being serenaded by the whooping and romping of nearby kids.

Then, just before the night fully descended, who should appear at my side but a slightly out-of-breath Lisa.

For the first time that day, I took a good, long look at her. She was barefoot, wearing a very cute white and blue striped knit dress that came to about mid-thigh. Her hair was enchantingly tousled, eyes bright.

Oh, my stars… I could feel my body throb from head to toe, my self-control out the window and over the fence in an instant.

“Hi, Ms. Johnson!” she chirped.

“Um, hi, yourself,” I replied, fighting to sound much calmer than I was. “Where’s Vanessa?”

Lisa pointed towards the lake. “She’s down by the water, playin’ freeze tag. I was gonna play, too… but I wanted to be with you instead!” She glanced down at the quilt that was draped over my lower half. “That looks nice. Uh… can I sit under there, too? My legs are gettin’ cold!” She broke into a brisk shivery-dance for a few seconds.

I knew it was a very bad idea… but right then, nothing in the world could have stopped me from responding as I did. “Sure, no problem,” I smiled, lifting the edge of the blanket. “Come on, get under with me.”

And before I knew it, Lisa had positioned herself between my legs and sat. I’d really meant for her to sit next to me, but well, there we were.

Fighting to calm my galloping pulse, I settled the quilt over us so that only our heads could be seen. Lisa leaned back against me, all but purring with contentment. She looked back and up at me, her smile making me light-headed. “I like this,” she said.

She smelled like baked apples. I felt her settle herself against me, felt her bottom wiggling between my thighs. My hands under the quilt hung over my spread legs, just above hers. Suddenly her warm calves were against my palms. She’d raised them, and my hands seemed to naturally rest on her legs. Unable to stop myself, I began to gently stroke them.

Lisa looked up at me again, lips parted slightly. “Mmmmmm, that feels really good.”

“You like that?”

“Mmm-hmm…” I couldn’t resist. My hands began to inch their way higher, ever so slowly sliding up Lisa’s legs.

A loud crack, a flare in the sky above. A spray of color and light. The fireworks had begun. Everyone oohed and ahhed.

I began to stroke her thighs. Both hands, both legs, my soul drinking in the moment. The unimaginable softness of Lisa’s skin. The spicy scent of her. The warmth of her slim body against mine. I was smitten, completely in love.

I barely heard but felt her happy sigh — and then her legs began to slowly move apart for me. Welcoming my touch. Nestled against my sex, Lisa’s bottom seemed to pulse with pleasure at each soft downstroke of my fingers.

I realized that the angle of Lisa’s legs had to be high enough to fully expose her panties, if one was able to peek beneath the blanket we shared. I wondered what color they were — knowing that was a place my dirty imagination had best avoid, going there anyhow.

Lisa enjoyed my feather-light caresses for a couple of minutes while we watched the fireworks, the show now fully underway. The sky seemed ablaze in vivid reds, greens and blues, underscored by the whistling of ascending rockets and the sharp report of their colorful detonations.

Detecting movement, I glanced down to see Lisa, tilting her head back to look at me. Her eyes were alight with mischief.

“Wanna know a secret?” she murmured. I nodded. She leaned up to whisper directly into my ear, and even then softly: “Sometimes I touch my legs the way you’re touchin’ ‘em…”

“You do?” I said softly, my head spinning with desire for this bewitching creature.

“Uh-huh,” she whispered, her warm breath caressing my ear. “but y’know what I really like, the best of all? It’s to do that in the middle of my legs!”

A pause, one in which my heart seemed to have ceased beating. “In between,” she added, giving me a most significant look. As if I’d somehow failed to understand exactly what she meant.

My heart pounded in my ears. “You — you do?”

“Uh-huh… and it feels really, really, really nice!” We stared at one another for a few heartbeats while the fireworks whizzed and popped above us. Then she put her lips to my ear again. “You do that to me, okay?” then back to gaze at me, her eyes warm with hope.

I stared at Lisa with my mouth open, still absently fondling her thighs.

Then I decided, and leaned down to whisper, “You can never, ever tell anyone about this. All right?”

She pulled away again to look up at me, a big smile on her face, and nodded.

“I mean it. Not anyone.”

Her lips brushed my ear again. “I know. Never. Cross my heart an’ hope to die.” She leaned back even further into me. I felt her legs open even wider, if that was possible.

Summoning up my courage, I allowed my hands to slide slowly, lightly up Lisa’s legs. I felt the wondrous softness of her inner thighs, converging toward her sweet center.

Then, before I was even prepared for it to happen, my fingers touched cloth. I had come to a dangerous place: Lisa’s panties.

This was it. I was on the verge of committing an act that had the potential to wreck my life for good. But somehow, my life didn’t seem to matter so much, right then. All that counted was this instant. Me and this heartbreakingly beautiful little girl, nestled together beneath a blanket.

I let my right hand take the lead, the index finger toying with the leg band of Lisa’s underpants, all the while steeling myself to take that first big step, the one that would take this from innocent snuggling to actual sex with a girl of eleven. Lisa took a shaky breath, her bottom shifting restlessly against my crotch.

I casually looked around, making certain that everyone in the vicinity was enthralled by the firework display, then slid my hand the rest of the way between Lisa’s legs, cupping the front of her panties.

And even though I was fully aware of how excited Lisa was, the warmth of her sex startled me. She was hot and moist through the soft cotton, ready for me. I trailed a finger down the crease of her slit.

“Oh, yesss!” Lisa hissed, her eyes briefly rolling upward, a visible shiver racing through her frame..

Alarmed, I leaned in and murmured, “You have got to look like you’re watching the fireworks, honey!”

So she gasped and said, “Oh, wow,” to the sky.

Reassured, I continued to explore my little preteen treasure. My heart pounded like a mad thing as I slipped a hand into her panties, my fingers searching for the delights hidden inside.

A tiny, choked cry escaped her parted lips when I touched her bare pussy for the first time. Lisa was wide open for me, dripping with excitement. And oh, my God, I was so hot, my body glazed in sweat in spite of the night’s coolness. Lisa was hot too, her cunt like a juicy furnace.

She was greedy, eager for more, much more of what I was giving her. That much was obvious when she seized my wrist, gripping it as if she was afraid of me taking my hand away. Fat chance.

I glanced down at her, and a dizzying surge of lust pounded through me when I fell into those deep green eyes and saw the fierce, pure need in them, begging me to make her come. And at that point, I didn’t need much in the way of persuasion.

I began to masturbate her, exploring every inch of Lisa’s vulva. And she was just loving the fireworks! She oohed and aahed and gasped and squealed and cried out with each new burst of color as it exploded in the sky above. If anyone had looked our way — thankfully, no one did — they’d have thought that this particular girl liked fireworks a bit too much.

Unable to resist, I stole another glance at Lisa. And what a vision of young sexuality she was! Her eyes were glazed with pleasure, her mouth slack, lips wet, cheeks flushed. Her gaze shifted to meet mine, and she spoke in a strained whisper, stammering, “M-Ms. Johnson?”

“What, honey?” That was when I eased a finger into Lisa’s tight, slippery vagina, surprised to find myself penetrating her right up to the third knuckle. She had no hymen, apparently she’d already seen to that.

A soft moan escaped Lisa’s lips, her eyes rolling back and drifting shut. Then they flickered open again, and she drew a long, deep breath before whispering, “I love you…”

I wanted so desperately to kiss her right then — to slide my tongue inside her pretty, willing mouth, to taste those soft lips. Of course, I couldn’t do any such thing. Instead, I murmured, “I love you too, Lisa.”

I was teasing her pussy, just the way I liked to when masturbating myself, or fingering a female partner — taking her to the very edge of release, then easing up enough to keep her from coming, then approaching the precipice once more. Lather, rinse, repeat. It was a very effective technique for driving a lover wild.

But it quickly struck me that I might have gotten carried away in the heat of the moment. Lisa was starting to lose control of herself, reacting to even the gentlest touch. Every colorful burst in the sky elicited a moan from her. And having seen Lisa come once before, I quickly calculated that we would need the grand finale to drown out the sounds of her sexual rapture. Anything less might draw the attention of onlookers to the two us, fireworks or no fireworks.

Just as this notion occurred to me, the finale began — so I centered my attention on the firm nubbin of my little lover’s clitoris, manipulating it between two fingers. And as the biggest and loudest of the fireworks went off, so did Lisa.

It was spectacular, with rocket after rocket whistling into the night sky, coming apart with great thunderous bangs and dazzling flashes of light in all the hues of the rainbow. Everyone clapped and cheered and made such a lively ruckus that Lisa’s long awaited orgasm passed unnoticed. A good thing, too… because when she came, it was a grand finale in itself.

When that blessed release first hit, she let out a wail of relief at first, then a long drawn-out cry that started softly, then began to rise in volume and pitch. I felt her body moving frantically against mine, hips thrusting against my busy fingers, her left hand gripping my leg so tightly that it left a bruise I had to hide for days.

It was so thrilling to hear Lisa try to maintain her pretence of watching the fireworks as she came, babbling crazily while I masturbated her. “Ohhh, look, ohhhhh wow, yeah… mmMMMMMMMmm ohhh, it’s… that’s so — OoooOOOOOOHhhh it’s so b-beautiful! OH! Mmmm, oh yes, Ms J-Johnson, I… AAAHhh! Oh no, no, I can’t… I c-c-can’t…!”

And with those final deep, thundering booms from above that we felt as much as heard, Lisa reached the apex of her pleasure — legs quivering, buttocks clenched tightly, eyes squeezed shut and her mouth hanging open. I had her pulsing cunt cupped in my right hand while the left was underneath, supporting her bottom — one finger inside the crack and lightly resting against her rosebud.

Finally, with a huge release of breath, Lisa went limp in my arms. Her cheeks were flushed pink, and a patina of sweat glazed her forehead.

Peering about to make sure no one was paying attention to us, I carefully removed my hand from Lisa’s panties and tugged that short skirt down. Then I tenderly eased her back until she was lying beside we, wrapping her up in the quilt.

When Vanessa came around a few minutes later to look for her friend, I said, “Lisa watched the fireworks with me, sweetheart… then she fell asleep.” And it was the truth. Part of the truth, anyhow.


Before that incredible evening by the lake I’d had a serious crush on Lisa, a secret longing that would never be anything more than that. After that night, my feelings for that amazing girl had become an obsession — a crazy, forbidden lust that had me in a grip of steel. By then, I was bringing myself off at least three times a day, sometimes more.

Those moments of guilt had grown fewer and farther between, too — especially now that I knew Lisa was at least open to the idea of exploring sex with me. Eleven years old or not, I dreamed of having this girl in my bed, outdoors, in my car, a bathtub — anywhere!

I’d honestly believed that I had this little crush of mine under control until that Fourth of July night. I found myself assailed with memories of it in the days that followed — her hungry little twisting body against mine, those passionate moans, the smell, the taste of her! Seconds after I’d brought Lisa to orgasm, I removed my hand from her panties and licked my fingers, savoring the rich, sharp flavor of her cunt.

After that, it was all I could do to restrain myself from inviting Lisa to sleep over that very night. I imagined myself spiriting her out of Vanessa’s room in the middle of the night and into my bed, where I would make love to every inch of her body and to hell with the consequences.

Needless to say, it didn’t play out that way. Instead, Vanessa sat down and snuggled with me while we let Lisa snooze. Soon her parents came looking for her. We chatted for a moment, then I gently awakened the girl and turned her over to them with a pat on the back.

As they wandered away into the night, Lisa turned to give me a sleepy smile that only added fuel to the fire that seethed and snarled beneath my belly.

Packing up our stuff, I got Vanessa, my various family members and myself back to the house as hastily as I could without arousing anyone’s suspicions. Excusing myself for the night on grounds of unexpected sleepiness, I made my way upstairs to the guest bedroom (my brother Jim, his wife and their two-year-old were installed in my room that evening), stripped, brushed my teeth and crawled into bed, where I fingered myself to orgasm at least four times.


My whole world had been turned upside down. Where before I’d mostly been attracted to beautiful women and the occasional male, now I was endlessly distracted by the sexuality of young girls. Wherever I went, whenever I turned on the television or picked up a magazine, my attention was captured and held by the sight of undeveloped female bodies.

My fingers still held the memory of Lisa’s bare slit — its warmth and smoothness, how juicy it grew to the touch. I wondered what it might be like to explore more of her. She barely had breasts to speak of — would it be difficult to suck her nipples, or would I have to content myself with teasing those tiny buds erect with my tongue? If I went down on Lisa, would it be like kissing a mouth? What might it feel like to have those angel-soft thighs against my face as I licked her? How would she react if I parted the cheeks of her flawless buttocks and explored her rosebud with my tongue?

And once I’d had these thoughts about Lisa, it was all too easy for me to transfer them to other young girls. She still held the leading role in my sex fantasies, but no longer held exclusive rights.

In my day-to-day routine, enticing little nymphets regularly crossed my path. The two cuties in school uniforms who passed by me in the mall… a tomboy in flannel shirt and cut-off denim shorts, sailing down the sidewalk on her skateboard… even a bare-legged blonde girl I saw at a neighborhood pizzeria who couldn’t have been more than nine. And when I took Vanessa to see the latest Harry Potter movie, I was blindsided by a wave of helpless lust for Emma Watson that left me with restless hands and damp panties.

I was coming to the realization that I might be a lesbian pedophile. These feelings should have left me appalled, even horrified … but somehow, they didn’t, not exactly.

That said, I experienced a hell of a shock one afternoon when a glance at my own daughter Vanessa had me seeing her in a very different, very unexpected way.

It happened so suddenly. I’d walked upstairs to ask Nessa if she wanted to go shopping with me, not realizing that she’d just come from the pool and was getting changed.

There was my daughter, completely naked. The stereo was on, so she didn’t hear me approach her open door. She’d just taken off her suit and had her back to me, moving to the music as she rummaged through her underwear drawer.

I was somewhat astonished at the first thought to pop into my mind, which was, well, how absolutely scrumptious she was.

To which my common sense primly replied: Oh please… she’s your daughter! You’ve seen her naked a million times!

Well, okay, sure — but not for at least three years or so. And daughter or not, she was stunning, even lovelier than Lisa. Good grief, what a perfect bottom she had!

I knew if she saw me there she’d play the Daughter Intruded Upon, but for the moment I just couldn’t turn away. Shaking that flawless bare butt to Katy Perry, she was, I blush to admit it, getting me hot.

Drawing a deep, steadying breath, I turned away and moved slowly down the hall on autopilot, all thoughts of shopping gone. Instead I went to my room, closed and locked the door, and took off all my clothes.

My body was tingling all over as I stood before the big mirror in front of the bed, the same one I’d watched Lisa masturbate in a few weeks ago. I caressed my breasts, teasing the nipples, loving how they swelled to the touch. They were erect, throbbing, hungry to be loved, and won’t someone suck them for me, pretty please…?

I fell back on the bed, spreading my legs wide apart and slipping a hand down, down to palm my vulva, groping it roughly for a few exquisite seconds before my fingers got to work. No need for a subtle buildup here, just zero in on my eager clit with the right hand, while driving two fingers hard and deep into my dripping cunt with the left. I was wide open, fucking myself like a woman possessed.

I see Vanessa, that yummy bottom of hers — ohhh, no, I can’t, I can’t. Lisa, oh my sweet Lisa, kiss me, little girl, my precious little lover. Let me touch you, caress you, show you how good it is to be loved by a woman. Oh yes, Lisa, you’re coming now — come for me honey, oh YESSS, what a good girl, Oooohhh now I’m coming, my God oh my God…!

That was when the queen mother of all orgasms hit, enveloping me in its crushing embrace. I nearly bit through my lower lip in my struggle not to scream. God only knows what Vanessa would have thought if she’d seen me… or if she knew that my glimpse of her in the nude was what drove me to maul my body like this in the first place.

I lay quietly, the staccato thudding of my heart ringing in my ears. Good grief… what the hell happened just then?

Just when I was resigning myself to this screwy infatuation with underage girls, my own daughter had managed to complicate things even more.

Continue on to Chapter 3


Loving Lisa, Chapter 1

  • Posted on December 13, 2016 at 4:22 pm

By JetBoy

Introduction: This is adapted from / inspired by “Loli,” a story by Louisa May. It is the fourth of my reworkings of her lesbian erotica.

More than any other author, it was Louisa May who made me want to write sex fiction. I posted my first story nearly ten years ago and never looked back. Along the way, I used to unwind from long bouts of writing by tinkering with the stories of other writers, interpreting their work in my own way — like a jazz musician taking a familiar tune and turning it into something new. I especially enjoyed this exercise with the stories of Louisa May.

These were done for my own pleasure, never intended to be made public — at least not until I sent a copy of one of them to fellow author Androgyne as a thank-you for her nice remarks about one of my stories. She wrote back to insist that I post it at Leslita. After I replied with my reservations about doing so, she suggested that I present the story as a loving tribute to Louisa May.

I ended up doing several more variations on her stories; thankfully, one day Louisa May appeared again at Leslita with a new offering, and gave me her blessing when I wrote to call her attention to my humble efforts.

It should be mentioned that I’ve really only retained the plot of “Loli” here. The story itself has been thoroughly rewritten in my own style, with considerable details added that weren’t in the original. So if you don’t like what you read, it’s not Louisa May’s fault.

Thank you, Louisa May, for your wonderful stories and your kindness. Wherever you are, may your joys be many, your tribulations few.

Summer had just begun, the weather was glorious, and my eleven-year-old daughter Vanessa had a new friend who was dropping by for a dip in our swimming pool.

Lisa’s parents had recently moved to our area, just in time for their daughter to catch the last two months of fifth grade at my daughter’s school — a transition that couldn’t have been at all easy for a girl on the cusp of teenhood. Luckily, my Vanessa met Lisa a few weeks before school let out, and had taken a liking to her right away. That was when I began to hear about “…this new girl from St. Louis. She’s the coolest, Mom!”

I’d just spent a week getting our swimming pool ready for summer — started up the filtration system, topped up the water level, chlorinated it, vacuumed it, skimmed it, burned incense and intoned a prayer to the gods over it. Now my labors were complete, and Vanessa wanted to show it off, so Lisa was invited to our home for the first time.

I remember thinking even then, as I stood at the living room window, watching the girls frolic in the water, that there was something truly fascinating about Lisa. For one thing, she had incredibly bright red hair that shone like copper in the midday sun. Then there was her pretty freckled face, which had a tendency toward very cartoonish expressions when she was excited. Which was often.

She had a walk that I’d have to describe as cat-like. Or perhaps it was more like a dancer’s interpretation of a cat prowling its space, somehow restless and relaxed at the same time. There was a slight hunch to her shoulders that angled her head forward just a bit — as if she was on the alert, ready to pounce at some unseen prey.

I didn’t notice myself getting turned on right away, or that I was deriving genuine pleasure from watching little Lisa so closely. What I remember is studying the girls as they nimbly capered in and around the pool, comparing one to the other. I recall being impressed with how much Vanessa had grown over the winter, especially her cute rounded bottom, so different from Lisa’s slimmer one.

Nessa’s breasts were coming in nicely — I’d gotten her fitted for that first training bra only a few months earlier — while Lisa’s were only just beginning to bud. On the other hand, her nipples were rather prominent. I could see them, clearly defined as anything through her one-piece bathing suit. Are they erect, I found myself wondering, or just big for her age?

Then, after a particularly animated leap into the water, Lisa scrambled from the pool, only to reveal that her suit had crept up into the cleft between her legs in a most revealing way. Casually tugging it back down, she darted back to the diving board, flinging herself back into the deep end with a Tarzan yell.

I stared, uncertain of why my heart was racing so. Goodness me…

I’d been leading a bisexual life ever since splitting with my husband two years earlier — in fact, my love for women was what finally put the kibosh on an already shaky marriage — and as time passed, my craving for lesbian sex only grew more intense. I still liked men, but they seemed increasingly less interesting to me.

That said, the idea of being aroused by a girl of eleven was a bit too much to wrap my head around, so my mind simply refused to acknowledge it. Denying the obvious, I blamed the glow I felt inside on the mellow warmth of the day, as well as the great mood I was in.

In fact, I felt an abrupt urge to put on a bathing suit, go onto the patio and join the fun. Usually when Nessa had friends over to swim, I let them have the pool to themselves, figuring that nobody needed Mom getting in the mix. Too much like having a supervisor around, putting a damper on everyone’s fun. But that day, my need to be a part of things was simply too strong to resist.

I made my way upstairs and dug through the bottom drawer of my lingerie chest, digging out my old reliable beer bottle-green one-piece bathing suit, the one I always swam in — then suddenly, I paused.

I’m bored to tears with this old thing, I thought, studying it critically, then stuffing it back in the drawer under everything else. The gesture felt liberating, like burying a part of myself that I was well rid of.

Taking a deep breath, I padded over to the walk-in closet and switched on the light. Inside, sitting next to my shoe rack, was a certain neon-blue shopping bag I’d placed there last July.

I seated myself on the bed, reached inside and pulled it out — the skimpiest, most daring bikini I’d ever owned, black as sin and just as enticing, its price tag still attached.

I’d seen it in a hip little boutique one day, when my friend Erica and I hit the mall together a year or so after my divorce. The instant I laid an idle finger on it, her eyes had lit up like a pinball machine. “Honey pie, you have got to have this,” she announced in her transplanted Georgia drawl. “Wear that li’l old thing to the beach, and you’ll be beatin’ the men off with a pool cue!”

I wasn’t quite ready to tell Erica that my tastes were leaning more toward the ladies…. so I made some lewd crack of the order of How exactly do you beat a man off with a pool cue — and what happens if he likes it? We shared a good laugh, then moved on to another store. But Erica insisted on buying me that black bikini before we left. “An early birthday present, dear heart,” she laughed, shoving the bag into my hands.

Now nearly a year later, I was slipping into it for the first time. While half my brain asked, Who on earth are you wearing this for? the other half insisted that I ought to look as good as possible around Vanessa’s cool new friend.

The moment of truth. I steeled myself for that first glimpse in the mirror, then slowly turned to face it.

Yes. Oh, my, yes. Pivoting from side to side, turning around to check myself from the back, I studied the effect and approved. Pretty damn fine for a thirtysomething mom, yes indeed. That gym membership I’d signed up for after my divorce had been money well spent.

The new bikini was a daring choice, revealing much more skin than I was accustomed to — in fact, my ass was all but completely bare. But right then, it was exactly the image I felt like projecting to the world. I may look more like Florence Henderson than a supermodel, but a mom can still be sexy, can’t she?

Preparing myself to make a grand entrance, I sauntered toward the bedroom door, made my way down the stairs, then boldly strode out onto the pool patio as if I was mounting a catwalk.

It got the reaction I wanted and then some. From the middle of the pool, Vanessa ceased her splashing and turned to look — then her eyes got somewhat enormous.

Mom!” she squealed. “Holy cow, what are you wearing?”

From her seated perch on the edge of the diving board, Lisa gave a wolf whistle, those lovely bare legs of hers swinging back and forth. “She’s wearin’ a hot bathing suit, dumbhead!”

Nessa gave her friend a mock-scowl. “I can see that, ya goofball!” She swiveled back to me. “Where’s your green suit, Mom?”

Trying to look perfectly innocent, I replied, “Well… I just felt like trying something different today.” I looked down at myself. “I don’t know, hon — do you think it doesn’t work for me?”

My daughter studied me, pursing her lips. “No, it looks really good, I guess. But it’s so, so…”

“Sexy!” cried Lisa, now standing on the diving board. There was an eager glint in her eyes, a look I’d almost describe as hungry — like this girl of eleven wanted to put me on a cracker and devour it in a single gulp.

Then she astonished me even further by doing a leggy little bump-and-grind dance, chanting “S! E! X! Y! SEXY!” I could only stare as Lisa worked it, her slim hips churning to and fro.

Suddenly she bounded forward, did a big bounce on the edge of the diving board and leapt into the pool. Her head broke the surface about two feet from where Vanessa stood, and she shrieked, “SEXYYYY!”

Vanessa snickered. “God, you are such a nut.”

Lisa reached out and grabbed her new friend’s arms, “No, no, c’mon — do it with me!”

So Vanessa, suddenly caught up in Lisa’s giddy mood, joined her in shouting “S! E! X! Y! SEXYYYY!” even throwing in some improvised cheerleader moves before collapsing in a fit of splashes and giggles.

The thing was, I did feel sexy. Hot and bothered, even. Something about strutting my stuff in front of two cute young girls really seemed to get my motor purring, I still didn’t quite understand why. But as long as it felt good, why stop showing off?

As I walked to the ladder, I added a sensuous sway to my gait, very conscious of two pairs of eyes taking in the sight. I turned to descend and, with a little hitch and a dip, lowered myself into the water, then did a couple of laps from one end of the pool to the other to warm up, pausing to sweep my wet hair back.

“I’m gettin’ all wrinkly,” Nessa said, frowning at her hands. “Hey, Lisa, wanna go watch TV? We got a big old box set of Bugs Bunny DVDs.”

“Sure, but in a minute,” Lisa answered. “I wanna swim just a little bit more, okay?”

Vanessa shrugged. “Well, I’m gonna get out before I shrivel up.” She clambered out of the pool, dripping all over, and grabbed a towel from one of the deck chairs. “C’mon into the family room when you’re done!” she added, vigorously drying her hair as she padded into the house.

For the first time that afternoon, the patio was quiet. Then a bashful Lisa came paddling over to me. She treaded water for a moment, clearly wanting to speak. Finally, she said, “Hi, Ms. Johnson.”

“Hello, Lisa,” I replied, giving her a welcoming smile.

I stood against the side of the pool, my arms stretched out along the edge, face tilted upward to catch the sun’s warmth, Lisa gazing at me the whole time. I glanced over at her every once in awhile to find her big eyes on me. They were greener than I thought it possible for eyes to be, especially against her freckled skin. They gave her face a very pretty, very elfin quality.

“That’s a really cool bathing suit,” Lisa said, the words coming out in a rush.

So adorable. I had to smile. “Thank you, Lisa. I’m glad you like it.” I was, too.

She nodded, then her expression turned wistful. “I wish my mom would let me get a new bathing suit.”

“Well, maybe she will soon,” I murmured. “It’s certainly the time of year for it.”

She gave a disdainful huff. “Naah. She says this one,” and she peered down forlornly, “this stupid thing has to do me for the whole summer! It hardly fits, even! Can you believe it?” She was scowling very cutely, her nose scrunched up like a Lisa cartoon.

That was when fate handed me a flash of inspiration, and I seized it with both hands.

“You know what, Lisa? We might have something you could use. Vanessa has swimsuits galore, and I doubt she needs all of them, so why don’t I pick out a couple–”

“Omigosh! How cool!” Lisa squealed, She fell back and did a somersault in the water. As she did, I could see that yes, she was in dire need of a new swimsuit — the crotch had slipped to one side, giving me a brief glimpse of pinkness between her legs.

Before I could fully digest what I’d seen, Lisa burst from beneath the water snorting, grinning, and glowing with happiness. “Thank you, Ms. Johnson! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She swiftly paddled over to me and placed a clumsy kiss on my cheek, then just as swiftly swam to the ladder and hoisted herself out of the water.

I couldn’t help but stare. That one-piece suit didn’t fit her very well — I don’t know what her mother could have been thinking — and revealed a glistening, pale-skinned, and absolutely flawless bottom.

As she bent to pick up her own towel, Lisa quite casually reached around to pluck the suit out of her rear once again. Quickly towelling off, she strutted into the house, turning to call out, “See you inside!” accompanied by a little wave.

I stood there in the water like an idiot, trying not to let my mind dwell on that peek I’d just gotten of Lisa’s sex. Deep down inside, my conscious self was beginning to realize where these feelings of arousal were coming from — but I stubbornly thrust those thoughts away.

She’s a nice girl, I told myself. I’m so glad Vanessa made friends with her. Then my mind turned to the prospect of finding Lisa a suit among the ones my daughter never wore any more, of helping her try a few of them on, adjusting them on her…

Suddenly I found myself wanting to go back to my room for a moment and… unwind.

Was that how I justified it to myself? All I knew was that there was a stubborn tingling between my thighs that simply had to be dealt with. So I got out of the pool, dried myself, then wandered up to the bedroom.

The door was half ajar, and I was startled by the sight of Lisa, stripping off her bathing suit in front of my large mirror. I’d heard Vanessa downstairs, and had assumed that they were together.

She paused, intently studying her reflection in the glass. The mirror didn’t catch the door, or me.

The one-piece suit had been pulled down to her waist, leaving Lisa topless. She peered at herself, then suddenly thrust her chest out — a gesture I remembered from my own younger, less developed days. She caressed her breasts, then brought both index fingers to her nipples and lightly teased them. I watched, utterly enthralled, as the dark buds stiffened visibly to her touch.

Then she tugged her suit down even further, just enough to reveal her slit. She studied that too for awhile, then abruptly turned to check out her bottom. She arched it out, then pulled the suit down to her knees to see it bare.

My sex was pulsing like a bass drum, and that sensation only grew more acute when Lisa pulled the suit all the way down and stepped out of it. Looking over her shoulder, she reached back to spread her cheeks apart with both hands, exposing herself completely.

Oh, my. I grew warm all over as the realization hit me that I wanted to be there, down on my knees behind this exquisite young girl, kissing that beautiful bottom.

I was stunned — ashamed of myself, of these feelings. But not enough to stop watching.

A good thing too, because she abruptly turned to face the mirror and sat on the bed, thighs wide apart, her vagina wide open to the glass. And she began to touch herself.

This is what, I think, sent me over the edge of arousal into obsession — watching this eleven-year-old girl masturbate so freely in front of the mirror, the same one that I’d used many times for the same purpose.

Lisa continued to fondle her bare sex… and though I couldn’t see well enough to know for sure, I pictured her fingers glistening with moisture, sweet honey oozing from her slit as she grew more and more excited.

As for me, I was more turned on than I’d ever been in my life.

All of a sudden Lisa threw her head back, gasping as she began to come. She shook and whimpered, her body rocking back and forth, fingers digging between her thighs. Finally a cute little squeak came from her open mouth as she froze for a long moment, then sighed happily and slowly lay back on my bed.

I moved back slowly, tiptoed through the hallway and almost ran down the stairs. I stopped in the kitchen and absently opened the refrigerator door, my mind in a whirl.

What in God’s name was happening to me? I was lightheaded with desire and scared silly. All my life I’d seen myself as a normal, well-adjusted woman. Now I was lusting after a girl of eleven! Images of Lisa’s nude body assailed me, made my cunt throb. I pictured myself lying between her spread legs, licking at that sweet, smooth slit — No, damn it, don’t go there.

I stood gaping at the refrigerator’s contents, looking without seeing anything.

“Mom?” I started, then turned to see Vanessa looking at me, hands on her hips. She was wearing a long t-shirt over her damp bathing suit.

I did my best to appear calm, despite the storm raging inside. “Hmm?”

My daughter rolled her eyes. “What’s up? You’ve been standing there lookin’ in the fridge for, like, ten minutes. Can I get in there now?”

I stepped aside. “Sorry, hon, I’m just… thinking about stuff. Guess I went away for awhile there.” I glanced around the room. “Where’s Lisa?”

Vanessa reached to the back of the top shelf for a can of 7-Up. “She went upstairs to change. Don’t know why it’s takin’ her so long.”

I did some mental calculation, and decided that Lisa ought to have gotten herself cleaned up and dressed by then. “Go up and see… and while you’re at it, you get changed too, kiddo. You’ll catch cold in that wet swimsuit.”

“Mm. Yeah, guess I better.” Vanessa popped the can open, took a deep swig, then left the room, headed for the hallway stairs.

“Don’t leave that empty can in your room,” I said, but she was already gone.

There I was, alone with my very dirty, very forbidden thoughts. God, I need a stiff drink.

Opening the refrigerator again, I extracted a fifth of Stolichnaya from the freezer, unscrewed the top and poured a generous slug into a plastic Little Mermaid tumbler, the first thing my hand encountered in the cabinet. I threw back the drink and paused for breath as the icy heat of the vodka hit me.

I’d just put the bottle back and rinsed out the tumbler when Lisa came into the kitchen, fully dressed and with a freshly fucked look on that cute face of hers. Sounds crude, I know — but I knew that look, and Lisa had it. Eleven years old or not, she had it. The slightly tousled hair, the dreamy cast to her eyes and, more than anything else, that rosy afterglow of a good orgasm.

Her eyes met mine, and an adorable hint of pink appeared on her cheeks.

“Want a 7-Up?” I asked her.

“No, thanks,” she replied, shaking her head. She did look a bit guilty, unconsciously avoiding my gaze.


She turned to me, those enchanting eyes of hers widening slightly. “Hm?”

I gave her a look of concern, all the while trying to still my racing heart. “Are you feeling okay? You look a bit, um, out of breath.”

Another blush. “I’m okay.” She seemed to want to say something. Finally, she did. “Ms. Johnson?”

“Yes, Lisa?”

She hesitated. “Oh, nothing…” I waited. She looked back at me again. I played along.

Lisa remained silent, so I placed a hand on her shoulder. Big reassuring smile. “What is it, dear?”

“Do you…?” Lisa’s hands were clasped tightly before her.

“Do I…?”

When she spoke, it all came out in a torrent. “DoyouthinkI’mpretty?” The words finally out, Lisa quickly covered her flushed face with both hands, peeking at me between the spread fingers.

I just stood there, the next thing to being naked in my black bikini, trying to conceal the passion that was raging inside me. Taking a deep breath, I knelt down in front of Lisa, uncovering her face by taking one of her hands and cradling it in mine.

“Oh, Lisa… of course you’re pretty.” I suppose I should have left it at that, but the sight of those emerald eyes made me add, “In fact, you’re just about the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” Now I was blushing.

She just stared at me, her mouth slightly open. “Really? Really and truly?”

All I could do was nod, lost in the awakening joy I saw on Lisa’s face.

She suddenly opened her arms and wrapped herself around me. I felt her lips briefly nuzzle my neck, and came perilously close to moaning out loud. Unable to help myself, I drew her slender body even closer to mine in a warm, affectionate hug.

My head swam as I breathed in Lisa’s scent, drinking it in like fine wine, feeling an almost violent rush of lust when I recognized the telltale bouquet of sex. I longed to take her index finger into my mouth, see if I could taste the sharp tang of her pussy.

Before I was ready to break our embrace, her arms released me, and we slowly moved apart. She smiled sweetly, whispered, “Thank you,” then left the room without a backward glance. My eyes were drawn to that cute bottom of hers, and I was already thinking about a few things I wanted to do to it.

I rose to my feet, then stood motionless for a moment, my body humming like a struck bell. With one hand, I touched the place on my neck where her lips had been, while the other found its way between my thighs, pressing in tightly, feeling the heat of lust through my bikini bottoms.

All right, now I would go to my room and lock the door behind me. It was time to get out of this bathing suit and into some serious self-exploration.

Continue on to Chapter 2


The Hooker, Part Two

  • Posted on November 19, 2016 at 5:06 pm

By JetBoy

Joan followed Nina meekly, her daughter leading her to the king-sized bed. She allowed herself to be guided into a reclining position atop the bedspread, her legs gently eased apart by Nina’s hands. So she can lick me, Joan told herself. So she can go down on her mother. 

She felt the bed shift as a warm, still damp body lay down alongside hers… then a tiny cry escaped Joan’s lips as she felt Nina nuzzle her neck.

How long had her daughter said that she had felt this way before leaving home? Four years. Good grief, Joan marveled, she was barely a teenager! 

Suddenly she imagined herself together with Nina as her daughter had been when the girl had first known of her incestuous desire – the awkward fourteen-year-old who always seemed uncomfortable around boys.

What if we had made love back then – when Nina first knew she wanted me? Joan wondered, her head lolling back as Nina’s tongue licked a path down to her right nipple, drawing it into the heat of her mouth. A tiny whimper escaped Joan’s throat. She wouldn’t have left home. I wouldn’t have lost my baby girl.

Her eyes drifted closed as she pictured it — the grown woman and the young girl of fourteen. And as the adult Nina suckled her breast, Joan allowed herself to imagine what it would have been like to undress, to kiss, fondle and enjoy the blooming body of her shy, lovely child.

But that was a fantasy for another day, another time. In the here and now, Nina was a grown woman lying naked in Joan’s arms, pleasuring her breasts. While Nina’s mouth showered affection on one — kissing, sucking and playfully biting her mother’s throbbing nipple — her hand was busy fondling the other.

Joan’s cunt was a raging holocaust, and the orgasm she’d enjoyed just minutes earlier seemed like a distant memory. This was lust as she’d never known it, the kind of passion promised by the romantic novels she’d devoured as a teenager. But no paperback bodice-ripper had ever ended like this!

How could such a thing be happening? After years of secret fantasies about sex with another woman, that dream was finally coming true — with her own daughter! — and it was even lovelier than she’d hoped. Why does this turn me on so much? Joan asked herself, cradling Nina’s face to her heaving breasts.

Joan knew that she should have been horrified, even repulsed by what she was doing with Nina. Instead, she wanted to surrender completely to the moment, to lose herself in love.

“K-kiss me, sweetheart — please!” she blurted, longing to taste her daughter’s mouth again.

Raising her face from a creamy breast, Nina took her mother in a fierce lover’s kiss, thrusting her probing tongue between Joan’s parted lips.

Her heart singing with adoration, Joan matched and even surpassed her daughter’s passion, humming with pleasure as she fucked the young blonde’s mouth.

I don’t give a good goddamn if this is wrong, she thought. Maybe I’ll feel guilty tomorrow, perhaps even in an hour — but right now, I want to make love to every sweet inch of my baby girl’s body. And I want her to have all of me, too.

As if she was reading her mother’s mind, Nina suddenly broke away, staring at the older woman with the  hungry eyes of a predator. “I gotta taste you, Mom,” she said, her voice hoarse with lust. “Can I do that to you, Mommy? Can I love your pussy with my mouth?”

If anything, her daughter’s words sent Joan’s desire soaring even higher. “Yes, Nina,” she whispered, lost in the young blonde’s gaze. “Anything you want from me. I’m yours.”

Quickly pushing herself up, Nina moved between Joan’s outstretched legs. “Raise your knees, Mom.”

When Joan complied, Nina spread the woman’s thighs wide apart, eagerly moistening her lips at the view of her mother’s open sex. “Jesus,” she breathed, reaching out to lightly brush the glistening labia with her fingers. “Your cunt… it’s so beautiful, Mom. Like a blossom. Ooooohh!” she suddenly exclaimed, slipping the tip of a finger inside. “It’s juicy, too…”

Joan had always disliked the word cunt, but in her daughter’s mouth it seemed like poetry. “You made me like that, sweetheart,” she replied — angling her hips up from the bed, as if presenting herself to Nina.

“Yeah?” Nina purred, idly toying with her left nipple. “Well, I guess I shouldn’t keep my mother waiting.”

With that, she slowly lay down between Joan’s parted legs, grasping her mother’s hips with both hands. Nina took in a long, deep breath, drinking in the musky scent of pussy. “Nice,” she murmured, then her tongue emerged to take a light lick.

“Oh!” Joan gasped. It felt absolutely divine — like being touched by a flame, but one that caressed rather than burned.

Before she was able to catch her breath, Nina licked again. Then again. Once more, this time slipping briefly into her opening before her daughter’s mouth covered Joan’s sex in a deep, lustful kiss.

It was too much to withstand. Joan’s body was piano-wire taut with arousal, and when Nina’s probing tongue entered her vagina, it caused that tautness to snap.

She cried out, coming hard, an earthquake of pure rapture shattering her soul into tiny fragments. Nina was eagerly going down on her, the young woman’s mouth doing unimaginable things to her as Joan mauled her own breasts, scissoring the tips of them between shaking fingers.

Then, as Joan’s climax began to wane, Nina’s wicked index finger muscled its way into her asshole — and just like that, she was coming again.

Joan wanted to scream but couldn’t, ached for a long, deep breath but wasn’t able to draw in more than tiny gasps of air through gritted teeth. Nina was nursing at her clitoris, sucking at the erect nubbin while teasing the tip with exquisite flicks of the tongue. Meanwhile, the girl’s finger was buried up to the third knuckle and twisting around in Joan’s rectum, sending exquisite surges of warmth through her quaking belly.

Everything seemed to converge into a dazzling, white-hot, diamond-hard point of light, then immediately blacked out into nothingness.

Returning to consciousness was like swimming upward through murky water, the world glimpsed only in quick snatches until Joan’s eyes fluttered open.

There she was, back in the oddly familiar coziness of the motel room, cradled in the arms of her naked daughter. The sweat that glazed Joan’s body reassured her that only a few seconds had passed.

“Wow, Mom,” Nina murmured, her lips almost touching Joan’s ear, “that was… seriously intense. It’s been awhile since you really got off, huh?”

“It — it has, yeah,” Joan replied, her heart suddenly pounding, her mind racing frantically as reality kicked in. Had she really done this forbidden thing — made love with Nina?

And yet… despite everything, she felt no guilt. Plenty of other emotions, God knows, but remorse wasn’t one of them. Instead, Joan was experiencing what could only be described as genuine fulfillment. She’d finally satisfied her hunger for sex with another woman, and it had beaten her wildest fantasies hollow.

One thing’s for certain, she told herself. I’m a lesbian, just like Nina. I can’t even imagine having sex with a man ever again after that — especially not Artie!

It even made a crazy kind of sense, that first time being with her own daughter. She’s given me a gift, Joan realized. My baby girl has given me a break from my mundane life, from my lousy marriage. For the first time in I don’t know how long, I see new horizons, new possibilities.

Somehow, though, in the midst of Joan’s happiness, an unsatisfied need still lurked within her. After such incredible sex, what could that be?

She twisted around to face her daughter. “Oh, my darling girl. This probably shouldn’t have happened… but I loved it. You made me feel more like a real woman than anyone ever has.”

Nina’s eyes seemed to mist over. “God, Mom… I am so in love with you.” Drawing close, she placed a soft kiss upon her mother’s mouth.

At that instant, Joan knew exactly what that mysterious something was that she wanted from Nina.

Breaking their kiss, she drank in the vision of her daughter’s nude body, seeing Nina through the eyes of a lover, awed by how wonderful the idea seemed. “It’s my turn, honey,” she said. “I want to give you those feelings, too.”

Leaning in to kiss her daughter, she playfully dipped her tongue into Nina’s open mouth. Nina responded instantly, her own tongue joining in the dance.

They shared a long, passionate kiss, then Joan guided the young woman onto her back. Raising herself up into a sitting position, she began to caress her daughter’s breasts.

“Beautiful,” she breathed, almost inaudibly. Feeling an impulse that was impossible to deny, Joan bent to adorn Nina’s left breast with a kiss, then extended her tongue to lick at the rosy tip.

“Omigod, Mom… you have no idea how incredible that feels,” Nina moaned. “Don’t stop!”

Joan had no intention of stopping. Taking the desire-swollen nipple into her mouth, she began to suck it, marveling at how the roles of mother and daughter had been reversed. Now I’m the one nursing from my child.

Her hand rested on the softness of Nina’s belly — and even as Joan became aware of it, that hand seemed to take on a life of its own, gliding silkily down her daughter’s body until it covered Nina’s vulva.

“G-go into me, Mom,” the young woman pleaded. “Fuck me, fuck your dirty little girl!”

Joan began to lightly stroke Nina’s slit with her index finger, easing the tip, then the length of it inside as she went. Finding her daughter’s vagina remarkably juicy, she worked in a second digit, probing deeper.

“Yeah, yeah — hard and fast, Mom, that’s how I like it… oooOOOHHHmigod…”

She was fucking her daughter like a well-primed machine, her hand making wet smacking sounds as it thrust forward and back, driving both fingers in and out Nina’s cunt in a brisk staccato rhythm.

Craving her first taste of another woman’s pussy, Joan got down between her daughter’s legs and glued her mouth to Nina’s clitoris, eagerly suckling the inflamed pink bud. All the while, her fingers continued in their dirty business, frantically sawing in and out, in and out of the juicy hole.

“Oh… oh SHIT!” Nina howled, the pitch of her voice rising to a squeal as she came, a convulsive shudder tearing through her body.

Hanging on for dear life, Joan somehow managed to keep her lips glued to Nina’s clit as the young woman bucked and thrashed like a wild mare, babbling all the while. “Oh m-my fuckin’ God, oh yeah, oh shit yeah d-don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop! Ohhhhhhhhh!”

Nina was moving around too much for Joan to probe her without risk of injury, so she simply left two fingers buried in her daughter’s cunt, letting Nina’s movement do the work as she continued to suckle the inflamed clitoris, stimulating the tip with lightning-fast flicks of the tongue.

Finally, a panting Nina clumsily pushed her mother’s head away, blurting, “Okay okay okay… s-stop, Mom. Lemme catch my, my breath!”

Raising her mouth from Nina’s sex, Joan calmly rested her cheek upon the young woman’s still-quivering thigh. She felt a drop of sweat roll down from neck to shoulder, but felt too relaxed to wipe it away.

After a long silence, Nina softly spoke. “Um… you okay, Mom?”

Could that be a nervous edge Joan heard in her daughter’s voice? She probably thinks I’m feeling buyer’s remorse, she told herself.

“Better than okay, honey,” Joan replied, making her way up Nina’s body, pausing to adorn her tummy with a playful peck. “Marvelously, spectacularly, incredibly okay — how about that?” she added, crawling into her daughter’s open arms.

“Mom,” Nina whispered, hugging her mother tightly, “I’ve wanted that to happen for so, so long… you’re so sweet and beautiful, the woman of my dreams — God, I adore you!”

“I’ve missed you, Nina,” Joan said, returning her daughter’s embrace. “It feels so good to have my baby girl back.”

“There have been times when I’d have given anything to hear you call me ‘baby girl’, again, Mom,” Nina murmured.

Joan smiled. “My sweet, beautiful, sexy baby girl…”

They lay together quietly for a moment, then Nina softly spoke. “So… what happens now?”

Joan buried a kiss in her daughter’s damp hair. “Come back home, honey. I need you in my life again.”

Drawing away, Nina gazed evenly at her mother. “I want to, Mom, you don’t know how badly I do… but not the way it was before. Now that I’ve finally had you, I can’t let go. Say you and I can still be lovers, and I’ll pack my bag first thing tomorrow. Otherwise, I…” Her voice faltered.

Joan stared at her daughter, overwhelmed by the passion and sadness she read in Nina’s eyes. Could she do this — add to the taboo she’d already broken? Her mind was a wild, confused whirl.

“Honey, is it so hard for us to — to just be mother and daughter again?” she asked, not even certain if that was she wanted herself.

“I c-can’t do it, Mom,” Nina mumbled, on the verge of tears. “If you leave me now… yeah, it’ll break my heart, but I’ll muddle through it somehow. But if I went back home and we… we couldn’t be together any more…” Her voice was quivering, fighting for control. “It would be like g-getting my heart busted again every single day. Just the sight of you would make me — oh, Mom, I’d hurt so damn bad inside!” Despite her best efforts, Nina began to sob.

Look what you’ve done now, Joan angrily told herself. You caused this whole thing with Nina to happen in the first place! Are you really going to leave your own daughter a miserable wreck, just because you’re too much a coward to take what you really want?

With that, she knew what had to happen. For better or worse — just like a wedding vow, she thought — her decision was made.

“Shhhh, baby girl,” Joan soothed, taking the weeping girl into her arms. “I wouldn’t put you through that for anything… or myself, either.” She kissed her daughter’s wet cheek. “Don’t cry, Nina. Come home with me. We’ll be lovers, I promise. Do you honestly think I could give this up?” she added, her hand sliding down to fondle the young woman’s ass.

Nina raised her tear-stained face, now glowing with hope. “Really, Mom? You mean it?”

Joan nodded, entranced by the sight of her child’s awakening joy. “Yes, honey. Now and always, yes.” She gently caressed Nina’s mouth with trembling fingers. “It’s a huge step for me to take, and I probably ought to have my head examined… but, damn it, I want this just as much as you do.”

With a blissful sigh, Nina kissed her mother’s fingertips, then caressed them with a flick of the tongue. “I love you, Mom. So, so, so much.” She paused, reflected. “It won’t be easy, will it?“

“You and me, baby girl?” Joan shook her head. “No. The best things in life are usually anything but easy.”

“Yeah. Um, speaking of which, what about Dad?” Her eyes widened in alarm. “He doesn’t… know about this, does he? You being here?”

“Good Lord, no!” Joan quickly replied, then made a face. “Your father — well, he and I were already starting to drift apart when you moved out. Since then…” She shrugged. “These days, we’re more like housemates who hardly know each other. We haven’t had sex in years. We don’t share meals anymore. In fact, we’re in separate beds now… he moved into the spare room about a year ago. Turned it into what he calls a ‘man cave.’ No, there’s nothing there to keep you and I apart for very long, hon.”

“Okay,” Nina said. “So we’ll be able to get down and dirty sometimes, at least. Is Dad still working for that linen supply company? I forget their name.”

“Gruber Textiles. Yeah, but with a bigger territory. Your father’s on the road most of the time, and when he’s home, I don’t see that much of him. We’ll have to exercise a little caution, sure — but there ought to be lots of opportunities for us to make love.”

Nina looked up her mother, a sultry cast to her face. “Speaking of opportunities to make love…” she purred, cupping Joan’s breast.

“Honey, first we really need to talk about…” Joan protested, then her voice trailed off into a gasp as Nina’s mouth grazed her neck, nuzzling the soft skin.

“Talk is for later, Mom,” said Nina, between kisses.

Joan’s desire roared to life once more, like a fanned flame. Nina’s right, she thought, cradling her daughter close. Enough words for now. It’s time to fuck!

They came together in a hard, bruising kiss, their tongues battling for dominance. Nina rolled onto her back, carrying her mother along until Joan was on top, resting between the younger woman’s parted thighs.

“I wanna scissor with you, Mom!” Nina panted. “You and me, rubbing our cunts together. That’s the way a woman fucks another woman. How ‘bout it, Mommy — feel like getting really wild with your baby girl?”

Joan’s head swam, her body pulsing like heavy machinery. She was utterly smitten by this new, bolder side of the daughter she’d always known as a sweet, bashful girl. No, the sweetness is still there, it never went away — but now there’s a fire to her, a crazy passion and oh merciful God it turns me on.

“Yeah,” she answered breathlessly. “I do, honey. Teach me how lesbians fuck.”

“Cool!” Disentangling herself from her mother, Nina swiveled around on the bed so that she was sprawled out before Joan, her thighs lewdly spread apart.

Glancing at her daughter’s cunt, now very slightly open, Joan felt a delicious shiver race through her. “Oh, my…” she whispered.

Quite aware of where her mom’s eyes were and loving it, Nina raised one leg. “Okay, Mom… just scoot up to me until our pussies are touching. Then I’ll kinda get on top of you, and we just grind against each other.” She flashed a wolfish grin. “It’s tricky, but when you get the angle just right, it’s like the Fourth of July.”

“Oh, okay,” Joan nodded, already shifting herself nearer. “I’ve seen that a couple of times on DVD. I never knew it had a name!” With a nervous giggle she reached out to grasp Nina’s extended hand, then wriggled close to her, slowly bringing their vulvas into intimate contact.

“For shame, Mommy dear,” said Nina, her eyes dancing with wicked glee. “Watching girl-on-girl porno, are we? I just might have to give you a spanking!” On that last word, the young woman gave her hips a sudden thrust, crushing their sexes together.

Joan gasped, unable to speak — indeed, to even move. The warmth and wetness of Nina’s sex, pressed snugly to hers, was exquisite, as was the jolt of pleasure that surged, hard and fast, through every inch of Joan’s frame. She could only stare in disbelief as Nina got herself into position, straddling her mother.

The young woman’s hips began to move, gently at first. “Oooohh, yeah… that feels pretty amazing, huh? C’mon, Mom, get into it — fuck me back!”

Stirring herself, Joan cautiously responded. Starting slowly, she began to push against her daughter, eyes widening with surprised delight at the realization of how good it felt. “Oh… oh, gracious!”

“That’s it, Mom! Oooohhhhhhyessss…”

The two lovers were off and running, the liquid fire of their cunts mingling in a rapturous friction, wet flesh sliding against wet flesh.

It took a few thrusts to get their movements in alignment. Then suddenly, like a switch being thrown, it all fell into place, mother and daughter pumping in an increasingly frenzied tempo, bodies churning together — a machine lubricated by sweat, saliva and the thick, rich essence of pussy.

Joan clutched Nina’s leg to her breasts, almost using it as a lever as she rocked back and forth, forcing her sex up into the dripping heat of her daughter. She could feel their mixed juices flow down into the crack of her ass, then onto the sheets.

I’m lying in a puddle, Joan thought. Jesus, the maid is really gonna earn her pay tomorrow! She fought a crazy impulse to snicker, then gasped as one of Nina’s thrusts made full-on contact with her clitoris.

Suddenly she was coming again. Joan threw her head back, emitting a choked cry, letting everything go as waves of ecstasy washed over her quaking frame.

Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut, but Joan could hear her daughter’s voice rise as Nina exploded in her own orgasm. “Oh, yes! Oooooooh God I love you so much Mommy yes, yes, FUCK ME! Ohhhhhh!”

Somehow Joan managed to keep her grip on Nina’s leg, swaying forward and back as mother and daughter continued to work their cunts together as best they could, trying to wring every ounce of pleasure from their forbidden coupling.

Finally the two lovers lay quietly — legs entangled, bathed in sweat, their chests rising and falling. The only sound heard was the rasp of breath, and the dull hiss of plumbing from next door.

After a while, Joan felt Nina’s legs withdraw, then she found herself in her daughter’s arms.

“Let’s rest, Mom,” Nina said, her lips brushing Joan’s ear. “We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?”

“Oh, Nina… my baby girl, my angel,” Joan whispered, her eyes filling with tears. “I… I’m in love with you, I honestly am. Right now, I can’t think of anything I want more than for us — for you and me to b-be together, always.”

She was enveloped in the warm, soft body of her daughter. It felt divine, like being surrounded by love.

“We’re gonna be together,” Nina replied, a tremor in her voice. “Now that I’ve got you, I’ll never let you go. Now shush, Mom — don’t you start crying, or I’ll start too. Sleep now.”

“Okay, sweetheart.” Pausing to reflect, Joan realized that, in fact, she was extremely tired. With one last sniffle, she obediently settled into Nina’s embrace. “G’night. Love you.”

“Love you too, Mom. Forever.”

Before she knew it, Joan had drifted off into a deep, dreamless slumber.


Upon waking the next morning, Joan felt disoriented at first, finding herself in an unfamiliar bed.

Then she turned to see Nina lying asleep next to her, the sheet pulled down to expose her daughter’s bare breasts — and suddenly the events of the previous evening came back to her in a dizzying rush.

In the space of a single night, Joan’s life had changed forever. For the first time, she’d enjoyed sex with a woman. And after four lonely years, Nina was returning home — as her lesbian lover.

Joan could barely wrap her head around the enormity of this new life she’d committed herself to. I’ve lost my fucking mind, that’s what, she told herself as she drew closer to her daughter, nestling into the young woman’s warm, naked form. But if loving my baby girl this way is crazy, I don’t want to be sane.

Nina stirred, then her eyes drifted open. “Hey, Mom,” she said with a sleepy smile. “Wow, I thought I was having the best dream ever… but now I’m awake, and it really happened to me!” She gazed adoringly at Joan, her face aglow with happiness.

“It did, sweetheart,” Joan said, teasing her daughter’s nipple with a finger, watching it stiffen to the touch. “I am yours, you are mine… and I adore you, baby girl.”

“Aw, Mom…” Nina grinned hugely, her cheeks flushing a rosy pink. “I love you so much, it makes me feel all… all hot and squishy inside!”

“I don’t know, babe,” Joan chuckled. “That sounds more like the flu to me.” She gave Nina’s nipple a playful pinch.

“Ooooohhh…” Nina moaned, then she suddenly sat up. Transfixing Joan with a lust-filled stare, the young woman crawled on top of her mother. “Hey, Mommy dearest — wanna have breakfast in bed?”

Joan’s head swam as she read and registered the fierce hunger in her daughter’s eyes. Their nude bodies were pressed tightly together, Nina’s pubes mingling with hers. She’d always loved sex in the morning, and the idea of enjoying Nina that way was positively delicious — but then something occurred to Joan…

“Honey,” she said, “I’d love to make love with you, but, well… it’s getting close to checkout time. I only took this room for the night. Let’s get back home, you and I — we’ll drop our suitcases, go straight to bed and pick up where we left off. Okay?”

Nina sighed, then smiled. “Fine.” She gave her mother a brief but intense kiss, then rolled away, clumsily rising to her feet. “I don’t know if I can wait that long, though,” she added. “Hey, maybe we can find some cool make-out spot on the way home and, y’know, fuck in the back seat of the car, like sex-crazed high school students!” She yawned, patting her belly. “Guess I’ll hit the showers.”

Sitting up in the bed, Joan pushed the sheet aside. She reached for her watch, peered at it. “Make it a fast one, hon… it’s later than I thought.”

“We could take one together and save time,” Nina called from the bathroom, a suggestive lilt in her voice..

Joan gave a brief snort of laughter. “Something tells me that it wouldn’t be quite that simple.” She stood, stretched, then began to gather up their clothes. Hers were loosely piled on a chair — while Nina’s things, clearly removed in haste, lay scattered by the foot of the bed.

From these, Joan picked up an old, faded Felix the Cat t-shirt and studied it, realizing that ever since Nina waltzed back into her life, she had yet to see her daughter wearing a stitch of clothing.

On impulse, she pressed her face into the shirt and inhaled deeply, breathing in the faint scent of the young woman’s body. Feeling overwhelmed by emotion, she sat down heavily on the bed.

It’s been so long since I’ve been genuinely happy, she thought. And now I am. My daughter’s come back to me, and we love each other more than ever. Better than ever.

Joan could hear Nina singing above the hiss of the shower, some song she didn’t know. At that instant, it was the loveliest music imaginable.

The End


Sexy Gems from Our Little Lesbian Library

  • Posted on November 18, 2016 at 3:09 pm

By JetBoy

Starting as of immediately,Image result for sexy librarian my lovely partners and I are introducing a new feature to Juicy Secrets in our continual quest for excellence: a Featured Story of the Week, to be posted on the site’s front page every Friday. With each selection, we’ll be highlighting a story from our library of lesbian fiction that is, in our humble opinion, worthy of your notice.

Our objective here is to shine the spotlight on older, lesser known works, many of which simply never got much attention. Before opening Juicy Secrets to the public, we loaded the site with most of our older material. Since none of these got the splashy front-page announcement that newly posted stories receive, we suspect that some of them simply slipped beneath the radar of our readers.

This is the inevitable way of things at erotic fiction sites, actually — the lion’s share of attention will always (and should always) go to the newest posts. With the Featured Story of the Week, our objective is to turn you on, literally and figuratively, to some oldies but goodies you may have missed in your travels.

If you’re one of our regular crowd, you shouldn’t have to be told how much we appreciate it when you leave comments with these or any of our stories, and how wonderful your words and thoughts make us feel… so I won’t even address that topic!

We do hope that the Featured Story of the Week will bring you considerable reading joy — as well as the occasional knee-trembler of an orgasm.

Many thanks to all of you who are part of our little community.